//------------------------------// // Chapter 18: Events most unexpected // Story: Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall // by LucidReverie //------------------------------// Calm. “Spring Mist, I would apologize for your rejection from the Royal Guard, but it seems to have worked out in your favor,” Princess Celestia said gently. “Thank you, Your Majesty, it did work out quite well in the end,” Spring Mist replied. “Oh, I think the end is still far off, my little pony.” Mist cocked his head, “What do you mean, Your Majesty?” “I mean that you are just beginning this chapter of your life. And I feel you need a push in the right direction.” “The right direction, Your Majesty?” “Indeed. I must admit to you that I remember you from years ago. I was a little disappointed to learn that you could no longer attend my school. You really were gifted. And there is a part of me that wishes I could have helped you along, but royal expectations prevented me from doing so. But now, since you are a part of a royally-endorsed occupation, I can be more involved. But this is only if you accept it, of course.” Mist was standing stock-still, barely processing what the Princess had just said. When he finally came to his senses, he had just one question, “Why?” “Why? I cannot explain it in any understandable way, to be honest. I merely feel that I should, that it is the right thing to do. If you seek a better answer, I’m afraid I do not have one.” “So, what would you do? I have most of what I need or even want right now. I’m just not sure how much more I could have. Or even why I deserve it. I’m nopony special.” “Don’t discount yourself, Spring Mist. But I do have an idea. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to be the liaison between the astronomy tower and the desks of the Princesses. Particularly Princess Luna’s, given her connection to the night.” Mist had reached a nearly catatonic state. His limbs had frozen, his heart stopped, his mind barely able to function. P-Princess Luna? Oh no, no, no, no, I can’t. Not her. I… she – “doesn’t even like me.” Mist had no time to stop himself before his thoughts became his voice. Mist’s eyes widened, his pupils shrank. “Oh no.” What have I done? Princess Celestia looked at Mist with concern. “Could you say that again?” Mist shook his head rapidly, both unable and unwilling to share his thoughts. But the look that Princess Celestia gave him was one he had seen before: that look of compassion, of a parent wanting only the best for their child. Mist was beginning to resent that look. Resent the pattern that came with it. Always, Princess Celestia would come to save the day. Mist didn’t want help, didn’t want her involvement. Much as he loved the Princess, he also felt the need to make his own way. He did not like ponies meddling uninvited in his affairs. “Spring Mist?” “Sorry, Your Majesty. I just, I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that.” “Of course, I can understand your trepidation. But I sense that there is more that you are not telling me.” Mist shook his head, “It’s nothing, Your Majesty.” “Come now, Mist. Please.” Ugh, why? Just leave it. But it was no use, Mist felt compelled to answer. How does she do that? “I don’t know if Princess Luna told you, but she paid me a visit a few nights ago. The same night of the meteor shower and the discovery of Sta- Umbra… And I think I may have offended her…” Mist had his eyes squeezed shut, terrified of whatever vengeance would be brought down upon him. When he opened his eyes, all he saw was Princess Celestia’s gentle face looking down at him. “My little pony, please trust me. Princess Luna is going through a fairly troubled time. And I will be honest with you: I cannot do anything for her. I do not believe that anything I say or do can help her. She needs other ponies, ponies she can trust. And you are such a pony, especially given your… passionate… interest in the stars, the moon, and the night.” Mist, despite his trepidations, could not see it in himself to stand by when there was something he could do to serve the Princesses. “I- I suppose I will help you then.” “Don’t help me. Help her” Princess Celestia said, walking off to find a different pony to converse with, “Enjoy the rest of the party. And Princess Celestia will do.” Mist stood in the corner for several minutes, thinking about what just happened. Everything is happening so quickly. Why is it happening? What am I going to do? I just don’t understand it. What did I do to deserve any of this? And what do I do now? Oh, you know what’s next, Mist. What is that then? Well, you’ll do what you do in every situation. Adapt. You are thrown into a situation that is nothing like what you expect it to be, and then you change and fit in as snug as a glove. I don’t know. This seems to be far more than I can handle. I can live with slightly disappointing outcomes for my dreams, but actually reaching a dream then having expectations placed on me? I still have no idea if I can do any of it. Of course you can. You always do what needs to be done. You always have. And if you don’t believe the clear evidence, look at Celestia over there- Princess Celestia. Remember that. Alright! Princess Celestia. Sorry. But regardless, look: She just asked you to help with a fairly sensitive matter. Do you think that she would just trust just anypony with that task? She is possibly the most powerful being in Equestria, she is immortal, and she is your leader, near infallible. Why would she ask for help unless she thought you could actually do something? Mist sighed and hung his head, defeated. Fine. You win. No more arguing. I’ll do it. Haha! That’s a good pony! Now you get there are start working. First, I have to speak to Caramel Tart, she’ll know what to do. Mist walked away from his corner and into the larger space of the room. He found Caramel Tart talking with another pony, and she did not seem too happy to be in his company. He quickly made his way to her and interrupted their conversation, “Apologies, but could I borrow Caramel Tart for a moment? Something urgent has come up.” The snobbish-looking pony snorted. “Very well, do as you must,” his thick accent rang through, layered in a haughty and self-absorbed attitude that added to his general unpleasantness. Mist offered a quick bow and dragged Caramel Tart off to the side. “Thank you for removing me from that conversation, but I sense you didn’t do it for me. What is it, Mist?” Caramel Tart asked. “Caramel, Princess Celestia asked me to be the liaison between the tower and the Princesses, and she’s asked me to personally spend time with Princess Luna in order to help her through some difficulties,” Mist said, almost frantic, his breathing rapid. Caramel Tart smiled softly, “Well then Ser Mist, it seems as if you have your work cut out for you. Let me know if you need any help.” “But what do I do? I don’t know if I can do it in any case.” “Relax, son. Breathe. The Princess obviously asked you for a reason. You still think you are nothing special?” “I’m not! I have no idea why this is happening. Why any of this is happening.” “Mist, look at me. You can do anything. And you will succeed. Of that I have little doubt. Now go. Princess Luna is just sitting there. It couldn’t be any easier. Talk.” Mist looked at the table where Princess Luna was indeed sitting, still looking so sad, so alone. Mist looked back to find that Caramel Tart had returned to her conversation with the snobbish pony. Left with no other avenue, Mist steeled himself, took a breath, and walked over to the Princesses’ table. When he reached it, Princess Luna looked up. She regarded him with caution and confusion, and remained silent. Mist took one last breath before speaking, “Good evening, Your Majesty. I’m Spring Mist…” Well, you’re in it now, Spring Mist…