//------------------------------// // Walk On The Beach // Story: Jaws - Equestria Girls // by GunsRGreat //------------------------------// The birds chirped as the morning sun rose across the sky. Everyone in the neighborhood were ready to continue their summer break until school comes along and ruin it for them. The suburban area was hit with the light of day, waking everyone up from their night slumber in their houses, one of which were full of girls. Rarity's house. She and her friends have decided to have a slumber party at her house. The party itself was like any other of their slumber parties. Rarity painted everyone's nails, including Rainbow's who persisted not to get her nails painted, she and Applejack played video games, while Sunset and Fluttershy talked, and Pinkie drowning herself in sweets. Sunset awoke from her slumber and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She turned to see everyone in the room gone, except for one figure. A person with light pink hair. Said person turned around to reveal it was Fluttershy. "Good morning Sunset." she said. Sunset stood up and stretched, while yawning. "Morning Fluttershy. Where are the others?" asked Sunset. "They're downstairs, Pinkie's making chocolate chip pancakes for all of us." "Sounds delicious. I'll be down in a second." Fluttershy nodded as she walked out the room and went downstairs. Sunset however stayed in the room, looking all around, noticing what a mess she and her friends made last night. She looked out the window and saw a beautiful sight of the daylight shining over the suburban area. Satisfied at the sight, she turned around and made her way downstairs to get some breakfast. Sunset walked down the stairs and turned to the corner to the kitchen to see all the girls at a long table, with Rarity sitting at one end, and all the girls sitting at the sides. "Morning darling." said Rarity. "Morning Rarity." said Sunset as she took a seat across from Rarity. "How did everyone sleep?" asked Sunset. "I slept like a horse who's just done buckin'." said Applejack. "I guess we all slept well dear." said Rarity. "Pancakes done!" yelled Pinkie as she set a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes right smack in the middle. All the girls "ooh" and "aah" at the sight and smell of the pancakes. Pinkie served everyone 3 stacks, well 5 for her. "I better not eat that much. I have to be at work at 10." said Sunset. This raised several questions from the group, and questionable looks. "You have a job? Where?" asked Rainbow. "At the beach. I'm part of a team where people rescue swimmers from drowning or if they get carried off too far." answered Sunset. "So you're a lifeguard?" asked Rainbow with a smirk that said, 'you didn't have to explain the obvious' look. "Well yes... and no. The team is called the Canterlot Carriers. I'm actually vice-president of it, the leader being Tidal Wave. We're sort of like the lifeguard, except instead of one guy on a tower, there's a team of 4 at checkpoints at the beach. So if we see a kid drowning, we quickly get on our jet-skis and rescue the kid. We're basically advanced lifeguards." "What about shark attacks?" asked Fluttershy, who sounded a little scared. "Oh don't be silly. There hasn't been a shark attack at that beach ever before, at least that's what I was told." "Do you have a procedure for it?" asked Applejack. "Who needs a procedure. All you do is punch the nose of the shark and it'll let you go... right?" asked Rainbow. Sunset shrugged her shoulders. "Wouldn't know. I'm not a shark expert." answered Sunset. "What time do you have to be there again darling?" asked Rarity. "At around 10. Speaking of which, what time is it?" asked Sunset as she looked at the nearby clock, which currently read 9:45. "Holy smokes! I need to go!" Sunset then ran back upstairs to gather her belongings. "Holy smokes?" asked Rainbow. "Well when yer in a hurry, you'd say a lot of weird stuff, 'specially when yah have to cross the busy city to get to the beach." said Applejack. "Ooh, how I would enjoy a day at the beach. The sun shining over you skin, the nice cool, relaxing water." said Rarity. "Hey, why don't we go to the beach?" asked Rainbow. Everyone looked at her with a quizzical look. "It's summer! We should be at the beach and having fun! Why not go?" "Well shoot, now you got me all riled up on the beach. What the heck, I'm goin'." said Applejack. "A day at the beach would be nice." said Fluttershy. "And fun!" shouted Pinkie. "Then it's official! We're all going to the beach today!" exclaimed Rarity. At that moment, the house phone rang. Rarity got up to go answer it. "Hello?... Flash! What are you calling me for?... Uh-huh... Oh I see... Yeah, she's getting changed." "Hey Sunset! Flash is calling for you!" shouted Rarity. "Tell him I'll be there in a second!" yelled Sunset in the room. "She'll be down in a second. So tell me, what do you need her for?...Yes I know her, why?... Yes she's apart of it... Are you sure they can do that darling?...Well okay, I hope you find her... Alright darling, keep a look out for Daisy alright? Alright talk to you soon." said Rarity as she hung up. "What did Flash want?" asked Rainbow. Rarity turned towards her friends. "Well last night he was at a part with some of his friends at the beach, and he and Daisy went.. er... skinny dipping." she sounded a little nervous at the last part. "I love skinny dipping!" shouted Pinkie. "The feeling of no clothes on when the water flows through your legs and arms." The girls gave her a combination of disgust and confusion. "Yes well anyway, Flash didn't even make it to the water and passed out on shore, while Daisy swam. The next morning he hasn't seen her, and he's worried something happened to her. He said he filed a missing person's report at the police station, but rejected it as it has to be over 24 hours to file it. Oh I sure hope Daisy's alright." explained Rarity. Sunset then came walking down the stairs in a red and orange one piece bathing suit with red sandals on, and glasses on her forehead. "Flash called right?" asked Sunset. "Yes he did darling. He said he'll meet you at the beach when you get there. Speaking of which, we're all going to the beach today, maybe at noon." "That's cool, I can show you how the Canterlot Carriers work." "We would love that." said Fluttershy. "Well I gotta run. The vice-president can't be late for her job, can she?" "Well vice-principal Luna was late once. Remember in winter?" "Yes I remember. Listen I gotta go. I'll talk to you girls when you go the beach, alright?" asked Sunset as she walked out the front door. "Daisy huh?" asked Sunset as she and Flash walked on the beach, not romantic or anything, that morning, discussing what happened last night. "So after you broke up with me, you go after Daisy? I thought you had a crush on Twilight?" Flash lightly blushed at the sound of her name. "I do... not!" he quickly added. "It's just that I haven't seen her in a long time." "Okay, but why Daisy? I could think of girls who are more attractive, like Roseluck, or Lyra." "Well it all sort of happened at the spot. We caught each other's eyes and decided to get to know each other." "By skinny dipping?" "W-well when you put it like that I uh-" He didn't get to finish his sentence however as they were interrupted by a whistle. They turned to see a guy wearing swim wear waving his hands and jumping up and down. Sunset started to run to him, and so did Flash. The guy had light blue skin, and had short blue spiky hair. He had green trunks that had pink flowers on it and a shirt that said 'Canterlot Carriers', meaning he was part of the team. He kept jumping until he fell over, to which he saw the sight of why he was calling. He took the whistle out of his mouth and soon gained a sad look. Sunset and Flash arrived to see the guy sitting on the sand dune, playing with the sand, in a mopey, crestfallen motion. "What is Blue Tide?" asked Sunset. Blue pointed behind him, as he kept playing with the sand. Sunset and Flash walked up the dune to see what he was pointing at. Upon seeing what was up there, Sunset put her hands over her mouth, as Flash started gagging and walked away. They saw the remains of a chewed up body, with crabs all around it. "What happened?" asked Sunset as Flash was throwing up behind her. "I don't know. I just saw this now. Nearly lost my stomach." said Blue Tide in a sorrow tone. "I already lost mine." said Flash as he continue to throw up. Sunset examined the body, looking for any ways of possible if she knows who this was. Finally, she found a ring on the ring finger, and noticed a little daisy on it. "That's Daisy." she said. "Who?" asked Blue. "Daisy." "What, you mean from Mario?" "No, Daisy that went to my high school." Flash, who was still holding his knees and bending over, looked at Sunset with a horrified look. "It's Daisy?" he asked. Sunset turned to her ex and nodded. Flash started breathing heavily, losing all control of his body, and fainted on the beach shore. "Call the mayor and authorities... and wake him up... Canterlot Beach just had it's first shark attack." "We did not have our first shark attack!" exclaimed the Mayor as she and Sunset were discussing over the fact that Daisy's corpse, which was being examined by the authorities and forensic teams, was ripped to shreds by a possible shark. "What are you talking about Mayor? Have you seen the body! There was barely any body on it! I've seen shark attacks before, in books, and I can say safely, that THAT is, a shark attack victim!" yelled Sunset. "Listen, Sunset, I don't think you get the point here. Canterlot Beach has never had a shark attack before, what makes you think this now?" "Uh, maybe because that body ISN'T a body, but parts of it that looked like it was ripped with sharp teeth?" "This beach makes a lot of money from tourists, and right now we're in tourist season. Sunset, you yell barracuda, everyone says, 'huh, what?' You yell shark... and we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July." Sunset couldn't believe what she was hearing. Here, she thought the Mayor was smart enough to close the beaches, until she realized she was DUMB enough to keep them open. "Mrs. Mayor, I don't think YOU get the point here. There was a shark attack right now, and you're only concern is the money? You're the mayor, you should be more concern over the safety of your people." "I appreciate the lecture Sunset, but have you stopped to think that maybe it wasn't a shark attack, but maybe a boat accident?" "A boat accident? I ask again, have you seen the body?! That was no boat accident, that was a shark attack!" "And how would you know? Huh? Have you seen a shark attack before?" The Mayor did have a point there. Sunset has never seen a shark attack in her life, so who is she to say that body was a shark attack victim. "No I haven't seen one." The Mayor chuckled. "Then we have no reason to close the beaches. Just promise me, you won't go blabbing out that there's been a shark attack, or else we're not gonna make that much money this summer." With that said, the Mayor got in her car, and drove off. Sunset took in a large amount of air, before exhaling. She turned to the crime scene and saw the body already taken, with a few scientists picking up matter from the ground. Maybe the Mayor was right. Maybe that was a boating accident.