
Viewing 2581 - 2600 of 2,625 results

What is a "hangdowner"? Brown Sugar explains. · 6:18pm Apr 6th, 2018

More working on Brown Sugar's fic happened today and I'm close to be finished with the second act! And what I worked on today allows for another preview!
In this preview, we have Brown Sugar explaining a confusing word, yet one that holds a significant meaning to her. Just, what is a "hangdowner"?
Brown Sugar explains it to you below!

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Upcoming Story: Final Fantasy: Aleph Null · 4:00am Sep 7th, 2021

Question: "Can you synthesize the plots and lore of all the mainline Final Fantasy games into one large story?"

Answer: "Apparently, you can. The result is something I call Final Fantasy: Aleph Null. And I'm going to need some more help making it."

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July Monthly Schedule / Hoodwinked Update / Journey to Hearth's Warming update / New Long Running Series / New Chapter for Stuck In Place · 7:42pm Jul 3rd, 2023

Hey everypony. Are you enjoying my birth month. This month is going to be so packed for a lot of people, especially me. Becuase not only do I can to watch the return of Sonic Prime and WWDITS on my very birthday, but also Fate is getting a new series this month as well. But that's on the public side. What's happening with my fanfictions? Well, Hoodwinked was going to return this month, but I pushed it as a new one shot back to September. Both have finished chapters but if I post them this

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January's Monthly Schedule / Month of One Shots / Three New Ones / Continuing the SWWC Side Stories · 8:18pm January 3rd

This month is nothing that big, though it never is with me. I will be posting a few one shots and the latest part of the SWWC side stories. No Hoodwinked, or Journey, just this stuff. However, I can guarantee Hoodwink's return in Feb. Nothing much else, so I get right to the posts.


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Wrapping up The Prince’s New Sweater on Picarto.TV Livecast Tomorrow · 9:11pm Dec 31st, 2016

As I just blabbed to my DeviantArt followers, The Prince’s New Sweater is up to a whopping 5,896 words and 7 ½ hours worth of work. I have only two more chapters to go until it’s done and hope to tie them up tomorrow with your encouragement and help as you cheer me on from the chatroom.

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Introducing..... The Leadership Filly: Titania! · 2:50am Mar 20th, 2018


BroNYCon::Free Commissions · 12:12am Jul 22nd, 2019

I'm going to Bronycon
If anyone else here is going and wants to meet up let me know
Leave a comment
I'd love to meet some of you

Also, if you do manage to find me in person
I'm planning on doing a couple of Free Commissions
For anyone who wants to hang out at the con
So if you're interested in that also let me know
it's for a project I'm working on

If you're not going to Bronycon and just waiting for me to post another story
My bad on taking a long time

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Introducing..... Plum Star! · 6:36am Mar 24th, 2018

Welcome back to my character introduction series for my fanfiction about Brown Sugar! I'm sorry there wasn't a new part on Wednesday. I felt a little drained the last two days, so I couldn't write it up.
But today, we continue with Part 4! I introduce to you.....

Plum Star

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Sequel to Benefits and The Fire Is So Delightful (Friends With Benefits) · 1:27am Mar 24th, 2019

Hey, so once again there was no New Chapter this week...
But It's almost here!
The next installment in the Friends With Benefits continuity will be called:: Pull Me Closer
And I'll be releasing the first Two chapters Both! This Friday
So get hype, there's fun content on the way

And one last reminder, if the last story you read was Benefits, then you're not caught up

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New fic is out! Rejoice, ye mortals! · 5:20pm Feb 24th, 2020

New fic out, everypony! Won first place in a speedwriting contest! I haven't won first place in a writing thing since the first grade.

EThe Time Killer
Pinkie's trying to solve a murder, but other things keep distracting her. Like Rarity. And the missing corpse. And Rarity.
Silent Whisper · 2.1k words  ·  104  4 · 1.4k views

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My Hand Slipped (or, Two New Stories) · 2:00am May 30th, 2020

EHorrible Words
The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them. The second worst thing is that they will leave you.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  153  8 · 3.3k views

I tried doing a thing for a prompt collab. Here's the full version, because I had enough brain worms to type out random nonsense when I should be doing other things. Please enjoy it, and remember that one like means one child will be eaten, as per my bio.

ELittle Candle
Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
LackLustre · 1.2k words  ·  94  2 · 2.3k views

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More Snow Angst, plus updates /0/! · 11:47pm Jul 19th, 2020

You like hurt/comfort? Harsh realities? Snow's writing?
Welp, I might or might not have published a lil' story :duck:

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Response to the My Little Pony inspired story · 1:15pm Jul 1st, 2021

Wow. I did not expect such a warm reception. And so quickly, I might add. I’m very happy to hear your enthusiasm for the story and many of you asked to learn more about it. So, I am here to deliver.

Several of you may already be familiar with the name, if you follow me on DeviantArt.

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Happy Hearth's Warming Eve with "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory"! · 3:47am Dec 24th, 2020

Okay, technically, your calendar does not say "Hearth's Warming Eve" yet if you are in the EST timezone. But two hours is close enough, right?
Like it's tradition for me since 2016, I have written a Hearth's Warming Eve story again this year. And like last year, it's a ponification of a movie!

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September Monthly Schedule / New Chapters / New Original Stuff / New Story · 7:31pm Sep 1st, 2021

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying this month. I have plenty of stuff happening this month. While I will be taking a short break from Hoodwinked, it's pure because I've multiple other stuff going up this month. From additional chapters for both my original stories to a new chapter for Journey To Hearth's Warming and a stand-alone comedy one shot. Either way, let's get onto this month's schedule.


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Stalk Me While I Write About King Sombra RIGHT NOW · 8:58pm Jan 1st, 2017


Stalk Me While I Write Sunday Heads Up · 11:06pm Jan 7th, 2017

*sigh* The best laid plans of ponies and TimeWitches don’t mean squat in this ponyverse sometimes. Knowing 75% of my most loyal stalker fanbase is 8 hours ahead of me, I fully intended to get this stupid heads-up notice out way earlier today…right BEFORE the hour and a half phone meeting with my website client.

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Wavelengths Dreamers Arc Book 1: A Study in Chaos Theory live NOW! · 6:10pm Feb 5th, 2018

Months in development, A Study in Chaos Theory is the first major book in the Wavelength Timeline's third act, the Dreamers Arc. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Things are finally in motion!

EA Study on Chaos Theory
Harmonic bonds aren't the most predictable of spells. Sunset learned this the hard way with Twilight. Involving Moon Dancer will make things either extremely complicated, or extremely simple. And that has nothing to do with harmonic bonds.
Amber Spark · 57k words  ·  324  14 · 4.6k views

Sequence Initiation, the first chapter, is now available!

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Introducing..... Brown Sugar! · 3:19am Mar 18th, 2018

Today, it's time to get a new fic project rolling. As you (hopefully) still remember, I announced last year to write a fic for Brown Sugar, a background filly who had her debut in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and then a few more appearances in "Inspiration Manifestation", "Slice of Life" and "Party Pooped".

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More New Shit :: More Rarity x Twilight :: But Like Not FwB Though · 2:50pm Oct 7th, 2019

I've got a new story coming out This Friday
It's a RariTwi OneShot Commissioned by a fan
Title:: Getting Back On Top
It's full of Romance and Drama and wild Barley-style lesbian clop
It may involve a little #Face-Sitting, or perhaps a little #Dom/Sub
So Get Hype!! or else...

Also, anyone who possibly missed You Show Me Yours
Go check it the fuck out. Give it a read.

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Viewing 2581 - 2600 of 2,625 results