Darkly Familiar

by Tyler-the-Brony

First published

Twilight falls through the Mirror Pool, and a Darker Twilight takes her place, with dire consequences for the other Mane 6 and Spike.

In an attempt to more permanently seal off and stop the Mirror Pool, Twilight falls victim to a darker side of its powers. As the new voice within her starts to grow stronger, Twilight must fight to retake control of her own body, to save her closest friends from a dire fate. They won't know it's not her until it's too late. As she is, she's just too Familiar.

My first attempt at a GrimDark. Hope you enjoy it as best as a GrimDark of this scenario can be enjoyed. This story takes place in a universe where the scenario that ended with Twilight becoming Princess Twilight never happened. It follows the canon til about Season 3 Episode 12 if you want to be specific with details.

Part 1: Darkening Waters

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Dear Diary,

Recently, I’ve been thinking about that incident where Pinkie duplicated herself with the Mirror Pool a lot. I’m worried that what we did to seal it off isn’t enough. A rock over the entrance is hardly foalproof. And if anypony else ever does manage to duplicate themselves, I think it’ll be a lot more difficult to figure out which is the original than it was to figure out which was the original Pinkie among all the copies.

I’ve been reading more about the Mirror Pool in that book Spike found for me about it. From what I read, it sounds like the water can’t be drained from it permanently and you can’t remove the magical properties of the water. However, I did read that the water can be turned to ice to prevent anything and anypony from entering or exiting it while the Pool is frozen.

After I read that part, I went and asked Zecora about an ice spell that could freeze a large amount of water for a long time. She warned me the only way to make sure the spell was successful would be to walk out to the center of the water and cast my spell there. She told me my training with her had prepared me for this, but she had still looked worried when I left.

I’ll get AJ and Rose to help me make her a nice “Thank You” basket for her when I get back. Maybe Pinkie and Spike could help with that too. Or maybe Aloe and Lotus could.

I’ll talk to you again after I stop driving myself crazy over the Mirror Pool.

-Twilight Sparkle


Twilight easily lifted the rock that hid the entrance to the Mirror Pool with her magic. Even though she hated to get full of herself, Twilight still felt immensely happy about how much stronger her magic had gotten since she had left Canterlot back before the return of Nightmare Moon.

As she continued smiling to herself, Twilight hefted the boulder and turned it on its side so it couldn’t just roll back into place while she was dealing with the actual Pool itself. Twilight casually trotted down the path to the Mirror Pool, still amazed caves like this were all over Equestria. Not as big of a shock after Chrysalis had imprisoned her in one, but still marvelous.

Twilight approached the Pool, and casually looked into it. The surface looked exactly like glass would, except more opaque and shimmery. For a moment, Twilight thought she saw her reflection laugh at her, but she quickly shook her head and readied herself. Twilight let her magic surround her horn and hooves, making sure she had the spell exactly right for walking on water. Twilight did not want to find out what happened if you went through the Mirror Pool without chanting the rhyme Pinkie had beforehoof.

As Twilight placed a hoof on the surface of the Mirror Pool, the entire surface turned severely opaque, causing Twilight a minor start of her heart. She lightly took another step, and the Pool changed no more, but the sudden change from her first step on it still worried Twilight. As Twilight trotted towards the center of the Mirror Pool, she also noticed she had stopped being able to see any sort of reflection in the Pool.

Once Twilight reached the center of the Mirror Pool though, her reflections appeared again. They were very different this time though. They reflected Twilight in any form she had both ever and never taken. There was one reflection of her in her Best Mare dress, and another of her in her Gala dress. There was a reflection of her when she had thought she would go back to Magic Kindergarten, and one of her as the actual filly who had gone to Magic Kindergarten. The two that troubled Twilight the most were the reflections that stood immediately in front of her, and immediately behind her.

The reflection in front of Twilight showed her with the Element of Magic, though she looked different for another reason to. This Twilight also had wings tucked in at her side. This Twilight smiled at the real Twilight and gestured her forward with one hoof. Twilight had no idea why any reflection of her would be an Alicorn and tried to ignore this particular reflection, but she knew the reflection behind her too well to do the same to it.

The reflection behind her showed her when she had wielded the dark magic of King Sombra’s design to find where Sombra had hidden the Crystal Heart. Twilight had never felt good about using dark magic, but she had known it was necessary to protect the Crystal Empire. This reflection held a dark smirk on its face and nudged its head at Twilight, trying to convince her to come to it. Twilight shivered and closed her eyes to focus.

Twilight imagined and silently chanted the spell Zecora had taught her to turn the Mirror Pool to ice. As Twilight felt the spell activate, she opened her eyes to see the results. The Mirror Pool had remained entirely unaffected by Twilight’s ice spell though. Confused, Twilight closed her eyes again and chanted the spell more slowly and carefully, this time making sure she felt it activate. Opening her eyes again, Twilight saw the Mirror Pool was still only water.

Getting mildly irritated again, Twilight chanted the spell while keeping her eyes open this time. When the spell activated this time, Twilight saw it cast a light layer of frost across the Pool. The Pool immediately melted it into its depths though. Twilight was getting angry now. She chanted the spell again and again, slowly putting more and more magic behind the spell each time. The frost eventually became thin ice, but this too quickly dispelled itself into the Mirror Pool. Twilight was furious now.

Twilight yelled and screamed the spell at the pool, throwing enormous amounts of her magic behind it, each time the ice appeared and shattered, unbeknownst to the real Twilight, the reflection behind her laughed and the reflection in front of her let tears fall. When Twilight at last managed a layer of ice more than half the thickness of the pool, she heaved a sigh of fatigue, after which the ice immediately splintered and began to melt.

Twilight screamed a primal noise, and for a moment, she ignited her horn in dark magic, during which time she lost focus of the spell that kept her on the water’s surface. Twilight tripped off a piece of ice she mildly stood on, her lapse in focus making her hooves gain the traction they would have normally had in this situation. Twilight fell backwards towards the recently thawed area behind her, where her dark reflection stood, her horn still mildly encased in dark magic. The dark reflection laughed maniacally without noise as it spread its hooves wide appearing to try and catch Twilight as she fell.

Twilight disappeared into the waters of the Mirror Pool for a moment, which turned dark as night once Twilight was entirely immersed in them. Twilight quickly shut her mouth to hold her breath, but she still felt herself swallow some of the water and thought she heard an odd sounding gurgle in the water. A moment later however, Twilight fell upwards from below the Mirror Pool, her mane and coat dry, and her breath still clenched. Twilight quickly refocused her magic to let her stand on the water’s surface again.

Once Twilight’s hooves touched the surface of the Mirror Pool this time, her horn flared bright without her command and the entire Pool froze solid. Twilight steadied herself and looked around the Pool, amazed she had finally frozen the entire thing after so much effort and so many confusing moments. The ice had even mildly snaked itself off of the water and onto the shores around it. Twilight huffed for a moment, then smiled and trotted off of the Mirror Pool’s surface the other way she had come, not seeing her Alicorn reflection cry and scream at her as she did.

As Twilight touched the solid ground, she felt an immense pain spread through her temples, which temporarily dropped her to the ground off of her hooves. She strangely thought she heard a laugh, but she dismissed the silly thought, and decided now Zecora really deserved that “Thank You” basket as she exited the cave and moved the boulder back in place over the exit.


Dear Diary,

Zecora was really surprised when I came by her hut yesterday and gave her the “Thank You” basket. I had just bought a few supplies from the Spa, a couple Apple Specialties from Applejack, a few sweets from Pinkie, and filled the remaining space with flowers from Rose, but you would have thought it was a priceless artifact the way Zecora loved it. We had visited for a few hours afterwards. Zecora’s tea always tastes great.

Zecora complimented me about the new black streak in my mane, which I hadn’t even noticed until she pointed it out. I guess the Mirror Pool’s water can do more than just duplicate ponies. Apparently, it can also give me a mane dye! I really like the new streak of colour though.

I got another headache on my way back home, almost right after I had said “Hi” to a passing Apple Bloom on her way to a Cutie Mark Crusaders Meet, but I’m sure they’ll go away eventually. No reason bothering anypony with them when they don’t have any side effects or patterns to them. Nurse Redheart would probably scold me if I went to see her about the anyway.

Spike says I’ve been rolling around and talking in my sleep a lot more often lately. I’ve had a couple of odd dreams too. Nothing I didn’t deal with after Chrysalis though. All there is around me is darkness, and all I can hear is what sounds like my own laugh off in the distance. I’m probably just tired from too many late nights reading. Maybe I’ll ask Rarity how she deals with staying up so late so often.

I know I worry about everything, but somehow, I feel like fixing the Mirror Pool problem will let things quiet down around Ponyville and Canterlot for a while now.

-Twilight Sparkle


………I wouldn’t say that now…….Hehehe…………

Part 2: A Spiked Spike

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Dear Journal,

Twilight’s sure been acting weird lately. She always sleeps weird and talks in her sleep when she’s got something to worry about, but I swear to Celestia she’s never looked happier or less stressed when she’s awake than she has recently. I don’t get what could be causing her to have such bad night’s sleeps then. It’s just weird…

On the bright side, she started giving me gems for doing any chore yesterday! She used to only give me small ones if I did a really good job on tough chores, but now she gives me decent sized ones just for doing as little as making her breakfast! They taste really good too!

Peewee tried to take a few gems away from the pile she gave me for dusting the Library today, but I stopped that pesky little phoenix. I deserve a reward every once in a while! I don’t get what he was squawking about either, but he looked really nervous.

He probably just wants to fly. I’ll let him out later. Anyway, off to get more gems! I mean off to organize the West Wing!



“Hey Twilight? Sweet Belle invited me to go Crusading with her, Scoots, and Apple Bloom. Is it okay if I go?” Spike called across the study, where Twilight had situated herself with numerous odd books for the past 3 days.

Twilight tilted head minutely to detach herself only as much as was necessary from her book to answer Spike. Spike thought he saw a dark green flash through her one visible eye for a moment, but he blinked and it was gone.

“Of course Spike! Make sure you don’t forget to eat though. In fact, take these!” Twilight levitated a small pouch over to Spike, and then levitated a tray of gems over to the pouch, pouring more than 3/4 of the tray into the pouch.

“I don’t want one single gem left in that pouch when you get back okay?” Twilight smiled at Spike as he eagerly grabbed the pouch, and took 3 small gems out almost immediately.

“You got it! Bye Twilight!” Spike waved as eagerly charged out of the Library, munching gems eagerly along the way.

Twilight smiled motherly for a moment as she fully redirected herself back to her book after the Library’s door closed, grimacing for a moment as she got yet another headache and the smile was wiped from her face.

Twilight continued reading as she had done for the past 3 days for more than 4 hours with no form of break at all in between books. When she at last got up from her seat, it was as she put the last book from her “To Read” pile onto her “Finished” pile. The last book was entitled “Farming Across Equestria: Unicorn Spells vs. Earth Ponies”.

Twilight smiled darkly as she walked down to her basement, to the enormous pile of gems she had created for Spike the other day. Twilight sat down firmly at the chair she had set in front of the pile and slowly raised up each jewel one at a time with her magic. Whenever the gem looked unrealistic, Twilight threw it behind her, quickly dividing the pile in two.

When the last gem was sorted, Twilight moved the ones that had passed inspection into the far right corner of the basement, and dropped all the others into a bubbling cauldron nearby. While the gems slowly bubbled into a rainbow hued liquid, Twilight went over to her broom closet and removed a scale set along with a burlap sack full of large jewels.

Twilight carefully measured the weight of each gem from the sack against each of the gems she had placed in the corner of the basement. When she was satisfied with what she gleamed, proving that these gems were as close to actual gems as possible, she crushed 4 of the largest gems into a fine dust with a press she had magically enhanced to handle gems the other day.

Twilight shovelled all the dust from the actual gems into the cauldron where the melted gems were still boiling, and slowly extracted globs of the liquid and shaped it into a gem while freezing it with her ice spell to solidify the shape. Once all the melted gems had been reformed into solid shapes, Twilight examined them yet again.

This time, only a dozen gems seemed unrealistic. Twilight simply dunked these back into the cauldron and formed them into 3 immense jewels instead. When she had set the last gem in place within the now immense pile, Twilight returned the scale and remaining true gems to the original place within the basement. She left the cauldron and press as they were, since their new purpose was impossible to know without all the other things Twilight had just hidden away and secured. Twilight then teleported half of the pile upstairs into the pantry, and then left the basement for the time being, making sure to both magically and solidly lock the door that lead to it.

Twilight made Spike a gemstone salad, a gemstone cake, and several gemstone sandwiches with the gems she had just created. She left each part of the meal out in the open for when Spike would return, and left the kitchen to retire to bed for the day.

When Spike came back home late that night, making sure to fortify himself with many of the gems Twilight had left out for him as was now his habit, and he finally went to sleep, he saw that Twilight was having yet another nightmare.


Dear Journal,

Ugh. I’m sick.

Twilight says I probably caught something when I went rock climbing with the Crusaders the other day, but I don’t know. None of them are sick. Twilight says that it might just be delayed for them, or that it could be a dragon exclusive illness. I’ll have to trust her on that one.

Twilight’s been extra nice to me since I got sick. She even made me gem soup. And it’s hard to make good gem soup. It’s so nice and warm…

Peewee won’t leave me alone since I got sick, and he freaks out whenever Twilight comes by now. Maybe I should take him to the Vet.

Got to go. Twilight’s back and she says I need my rest. She has more soup. It smells so good…



Spike fell flat on his face as he struggled to walk towards the door. He tried to claw his way up, but he didn’t have enough strength left in his body anymore after making it downstairs. Suddenly though, he was up shakily on his feet and purple clouded his vision. Spike felt his eyes widen with fear.

“What are you doing up Spike? You need your rest. You’re sick. Oh so sick…” Twilight darkly cooed from behind Spike, teleporting directly in front of him and entirely blocking his view of the door.

“I…I should exercise. If I go for a walk, that should kick this…” Spike spoke quietly as he shook from his spines to his tail.

“Oh no Spike. You’re talking silly. You forgot to eat your soup didn’t you? Maybe you finally need the medicine I got for you then.” Twilight darkly taunted Spike as he froze in place.

Twilight suddenly levitated a vial full of bubbling dark purple liquid into Spike’s vision. Spike felt himself break into a cold sweat as he saw it.

“Drink up Spike. I even made it your favourite colour; Purple.” Twilight smiled maniacally as she rushed the vial forward and poured it down Spike’s throat before he could begin to fight her.

Spike immediately knew something was wrong. He doubled over in pain, and burped out a huge burst of black fire, which burned his own mouth. He felt blood drip down between his fangs. Spike immediately began to cry afterwards, and he placed his forehead against the cold wood floor of the Library.

“Why would you do this to me Twilight?! I thought you loved me!” Spike wailed, tears flowing and mixing with his blood as he burped the black flames again.

“I….do love you Spike. I’m so sorry….I’m so sorry…I tried to make your last days restful….I tried to give you plenty of gems…..But I couldn’t stop it…..I’m sorry…” Twilight cried as much as she could, though her hooves did not move an inch from where she stood.

Suddenly, Twilight froze, and she shivered for a moment, with her face pointed down at the floor. When she raised her head up again, Twilight’s eyes were now a vile green colour surrounded by black.

“Goodbye Spike. Your pain and suffering end now.” Twilight flared her horn black for a moment, and Spike screamed.

Spike was entirely engulfed in the black flames, which burned him quickly to nothing but ash. All he had time to do was look at Twilight with his heartbroken eyes one last time. Twilight surveyed the scene, then levitated Spike’s ashes off the ground and secured them all in an ornate jar she teleported from the basement.

As Twilight teleported the jar back to its original place, she heard a faint hoot behind her. Pivoting her head, she saw Owlowiscious stare at her, strange understanding in his eyes. Twilight smiled darkly at her pet.

“Congratulations Owlowiscious. You’re the new Spike. Your first job as my new Number One Assisstant is this; Dispose of that annoying phoenix upstairs.” Twilight smiled at Owlowiscious as she again flared her horn black with magic and Owlowiscious hooted one more time.

Part 3: Pinkamena Encouraged

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Dear Super Duper Diary,

I’m so happy today! I get to teach Twilight how to make the bestest treats in all of Equestria! She’s been coming by every day recently, and Mrs. Cake told me I can teach her some of our recipes so she can help out! I was sad Spike didn’t come too, so I asked her where he is. She told me he’s off with Peewee having a visit with Princess Celestia and Philomena. Sounds fun!

Twilight sure wants to learn how to bake our sweets her way. She always makes super-duper sure she knows what ingredients do what in which recipe. That’s my favourite Librarian for you!

Tomorrow me and Twilight get to have a Free Sample Day, just like I got to do with Applejack way back when. I sure hope it goes better than that, but I’m not worried!

Talk to you soon. Okie Dokie Lokie?

-Pinkie Pie


Twilight silently appeared in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner in the dead of night. She quietly trotted over to where she and Pinkie had placed their pre-prepared baked goods earlier in the day for tomorrow’s Free Sample Day. Twilight smiled at how simple it had been to convince Pinkie that Spike was safe and sound with Princess Celestia in Canterlot.

As Twilight examined each and every dish, from the fritters to the pies, she slowly slipped various ingredients into each. Twilight had originally of course simply planned to minutely poison everything, but with Pinkie help in teaching how certain ingredients react with one another, Twilight could slowly drive Pinkie insane much easier, and quite possibly faster.

Twilight could feel the itch in her eye that meant the “Other” was trying to stop her. How simple it was to overpower the “Other” now. Originally, this Twilight had been nothing more than a whisper in the “Other’s” dreams. And now she commanded the body for all but the briefest of instances. Twilight smiled maniacally as the itch slowly subsided and the “Other” lost strength once more.

As Twilight finished tampering with the last dish, she instantly returned them to their original places with her magic, and left as silently as she had appeared, only a whisper of a laugh in the wind indicating she had been there at all.


Dear Diary,

Am I unlucky whenever I try to do a Free Sample Day? I wanna know because today didn’t go so well. It wasn’t as bad as my time with AJ, but my baked goods still made ponies upset.

I don’t know how it happened, but more than half of our samples were ruined when I tried to bake them, and almost none of the ones that did turn out tasted even remotely yummy. I got a tummy ache, and it wasn’t even from my sweets…

I guess I can’t judge an event by what happened just once or twice right? Maybe I just need to do something that will make everypony forget this. I got it! I’ll throw a party! That’ll make everypony smile and be happy again! A “Pinkie-and-Twilight-Made-Some-Baking-Mistakes-but-We’re-Really-Sorry-So-We-Did-This” Party!

And Twilight can help me again! Poor filly. She looked way more crushed than I did when the customers complained. She even cried twice! I would’ve asked her what was wrong, but I never had the time. Maybe I’ll ask her at the party.

Time to get planning. Later alligator. Speaking of, I need to floss Gummy…

-Pinkie Pie

“At least the “Other” is finally good for something. She has a trustworthy face, and now I do too.” Twilight thought to herself as she watched the various ponies storm out of Sugarcube Corner and mad sad and apologetic faces to all of them. Twilight looked over at Pinkie Pie once the last pony left, and smiled darkly as she saw the pink pony staring into the nearly corner and rocking back and forth.

To say this party had been a disaster was a light statement by some. The balloons had exploded in balls of fire in many ponies faces. The streamers had easily caught on fire from that, and they had then spread it to the other decorations. All the food had been laced with ingredients many ponies were allergic to. The music had “accidentally” shattered all the glass in the surrounding area. The entertainment had cancelled at the last minute, and the backup was heaving upstairs from a bad reaction to the punch.

These acts of chaos were all merely a prologue for Twilight, but watching chaos build was still a great source of joy for her. Twilight had finally crossed the room and given Pinkie Pie a hug, a wicked sneer on her face whenever Pinkie couldn’t see it.

After Twilight too had left Sugarcube Corner after helping Pinkie clean as much as they could that night, Pinkie simply went upstairs to bed and refused to come down for several days.


Dear Diary,

Isn’t making ponies happy my special talent? That’s what my Cutie Mark always told me anyway. Why can’t I do it anymore then? First I mess up my baking, now I mess up my parties.

At least Twilight still likes me. She was the only one who stayed to help me after all that. She’s a true friend. I just wish I could pay her and everypony else back.

Maybe I’ll try baking one more time.

Okie Dokie Lokie.



Pinkie let the tears stream openly down her face and into her now deflated mane as Mr. and Mrs. Cake screamed at her. Pinkie knew she deserved it. Nopony deserving of being a baker ever messes up as severely and frequently as she had.

Pinkie had originally tried to fight the accusations. Some cleaning chemicals truly can look like baking supplies at times. And nopony had gotten worse than just really terrible food poisoning at that time. Then the accusations just kept coming. She just gave up fighting back. Eventually, she didn’t even touch anything in the kitchen, and it was still her fault just for being there.

Today, Pinkie had snuck in and made just 1 tray of cupcakes, then set them out along with the others. Those cupcakes landed 3 ponies in the Emergency Room at Ponyville General. The Cakes lost it on Pinkie. They had stood by her through all the rest, just as Twilight had, but when Pumpkin had almost eaten one of the cupcakes, they gave up on her like the rest of the town.

Pinkie trudged upstairs once the Cakes ordered her out of the house. Pinkie gathered up everything she could carry and that she really cared about, deciding to leave her diary behind as she finished its last entry.


Dear Diary,

I’m fired…

I’m homeless…

Even the Cakes want me gone from Ponyville now. I don’t know where Twilight went either…

I don’t blame them or anypony else. I’m the common element in all these problems. I need to leave to make them go away.

I wonder where I’ll go. Maybe I’ll go see Mom and Dad again at the farm.

I just don’t know what went wrong in me…

-Pinkamena Diane Pie


Pinkie trotted slowly out of town, keeping her head and eyes low to the ground as everypony got in their last few words to her or threw the last of her baked bads at her. She knew they’d be happy when she was gone, and all she ever wanted was to make ponies happy.

As Pinkie reached a point in the road a distance from the edge of town, she spied a shadow directly ahead of her. Daring to look up, she saw Twilight there with a caring smile on her face, and tears in her eyes. Pinkie felt herself start to cry too. Pinkie galloped forward and just let herself cry as Twilight hugged her, tears still flowing from Twilight’s eyes too.

“Twilight…Thank you for coming.” Pinkie continued to cry as she told Twilight this, feeling Twilight’s hoof come up and stroke her mane in response.

“Pinkie…I’m sorry…I could’ve helped…But I’m not strong enough.” Twilight spoke with real emotion, knowing she didn’t have much time left.

As Pinkie Pie leaned back from the hug to ask Twilight what she meant, she suddenly felt something thump her back, and then a warm feeling through her stomach. Looking down, Pinkie was shocked to see a sharpened rock poking out of her stomach. The rock was also still encased in Twilight’s magic.

As one of Twilight’s front hooves came down around Pinkie’s wound, she looked back up at her friend, shock and hurt in her features as a new wave of tears started.

“W-W-Why?...” Pinkie asked, blood gurgling up her throat and slurring her speech.

Twilight had the dark smile on her face again now, and her eyes had shifted to vile green again, but one eye continued to stream tears as she looked at Pinkie. Twilight lifted up the hoof she had placed at Pinkie’s wound, which now held a large amount of Pinkie’s blood on it. Twilight took a very long and slow lick of the blood stained hoof, her smile now fully shifting to maniacal as she tasted her friends blood.

“Because you’re so sweet Pinkie Pie.” Twilight ignited her horn in its black aura again and slid the rock slowly back out of Pinkie’s back.

As the rock fully left Pinkie’s body, she attempted to slide back and away from Twilight, but she merely collapsed on her back instead. As the last of Pinkie’s life left her and her blood continued to overflow, she stared with wonder at Twilight, wondering with her last moments what had happened to her friend, and why she had done this.

Twilight stood over Pinkie until she moved no more, the fear on her face still there, even in death. Twilight lifted Pinkie’s body with her magic, and teleported both of them to the river farthest away from Ponyville, where she simply dropped the body in and watched it float away, the blood dying the water crimson shortly after.

Part 4: Destroyed Designs

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Dear Diary,

Since my little Spikey Wikey is still off in Canterlot, I’ve lost a great deal of much needed assistance for the time being. Fortunately, Twilight herself offered to come by and fill in for Spike while he’s gone. How very kind of her.

She’s at least more organized than Sweetie Belle. I love my little sister, but sometimes she really can’t be much more than a silly filly. And she’ll be a better live model than Pinkie Pie with all her unceasing bouncing.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Pinkie at all recently. Not since I had to regrettably decline her last party invitation do to a rush order from Sapphire Shores. I wonder what’s keeping her so busy. Maybe Twilight knows. I’ll ask her when next I can dwell on it.

Stay fabulous darling.



“Thank you ever so much for helping me today Twilight. And you even brought gems with you!” Rarity smiled at Twilight, who currently had a small cart strapped to her, in which there was a significant amount of gems. Twilight smiled right back at Rarity, but it seemed as though there might have been an infinitesimal twitch in one of her eyes when she did.

“I wrote Spike a letter yesterday asking if he would mind if you had a few of his excess gems to work on some dresses. He didn’t object one little bit.” Twilight giggled, though she laughed at Spike’s true fate and not the fake answer she assumed he would have given if she hadn’t already disposed of him.

Rarity smiled again at Twilight, then helped her move all the gems inside and to the various chests Rarity would use to house them. Twilight smiled and mockingly wiped sweat off her brow, hiding her dark smile behind her hoof as she did, when the last gem was in place.

“Now, allow me show you around. I obviously know you’ve been by before now, but you were never this involved in my process before now.” Rarity gestured upstairs to her workshop, and Twilight happily nodded and trotted after Rarity.

It took just under two hours for Rarity to explain and demonstrate every piece of equipment that was involved in her dress making process, from the actual sewing machine she controlled with her magic, to the clotheslines she had set in specific areas outside Carousel Boutique. The entire time, Twilight paid careful attention and took detailed notes, which both amused and impressed Rarity.

For the next 6 hours after that, Twilight helped Rarity draw and redo the basic designs of several distinct dresses, modelling herself a couple of times as well, eventually only stopping when even their magic wasn’t bright enough to illuminate the room anymore. As Twilight and Rarity carefully set aside what could disturb their designs until tomorrow, Rarity made a proposition to Twilight.

“Why don’t you stay here for the time being Twilight? It would cut down on your commute time greatly, and it must be lonely with only Owlowiscious in that big Library.” Rarity put on a light pout as she asked Twilight, trying to appear jokingly helpless without her nearby.

Twilight smiled to herself as she levitated her last quill into place, then made it appear more genuine as she turned around to answer Rarity.

“That’s so nice of you Rarity. I’d love to stay over if it’s no great inconvenience. The Library is really lonely lately, and even emptier since Owlowiscious is out hunting right now.” Twilight smiled as she imagined her Owl out and about, probably still enjoying the meal of phoenix meat that he’d had recently.

After a last cup of tea, Twilight and Rarity both headed off to bed. After about two hours in Rarity’s guest room, Twilight quietly left its confines and set about starting her next plan. As Twilight trotted up to the lone sewing machine, she smiled maniacally yet again as her dark magic appeared around her horn.


Dear Diary,

I feel as though I might need to make another appointment with our local Optometrist. These glasses I have now are definitely not strong enough anymore if I let so many minor mistakes slip by me un-noticed.

I should thank Celestia that the mistakes weren’t more severe. Fortunately, Hoity is still in love with my work, so he still accepted the slightly off work and ordered another half dozen dresses from me. He did warn me that it was his customers and not him who might disapprove if the mistakes continue though.

Twilight seemed quite emotional over the whole situation. That mare needs to get spa treatments a lot more often than she does. I assured her none of it was her fault. How could it have been anyway? No matter how much I trust her, she still only does sketches and modelling for the time being.

If mistakes are making it past my eyes though, maybe I ought to employ Twilight more into the overall process. She checks everything more keenly than every other pony I know, even myself apparently.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to teach Twilight about stitching gems on so she can help me finish my Baltimare order.



Twilight carefully threaded each and every stitch she did with a gem, focusing so intensely she was nearly likely to make the dresses spontaneously combust if she focused any harder. Rarity smiled as she realized just how truly dedicated Twilight was to helping her with her work this week.

Rarity returned to focusing solely on her own stitch work, giving Twilight an opportunity to plaster a smirk on her face as she lifted and attached yet another one of her special gems after she had just finished attaching 2 real gems to the dress, making sure to change her pattern often enough to avoid detection when the final product appeared.

An hour later, both Twilight and rarity had finished their share of the gem stitching. After carefully gathering what remained of the loose gems and their other supplies, the two moved to hang the dresses carefully on the clothesline Rarity had said would let the gems colour blend most easily with the dresses natural colours.

The rest of the day passed with simply more sketching and light modelling, ending earlier than usual when the sun began to set that night. Rarity instructed Twilight they had to take these kinds of dresses down from the line now, or their colours would blend too darkly for the type of event they had been ordered for.

As Twilight levitated the last dress down, she minutely turned it to admire it in proper lighting. Seeing small dark blotches were she had expected them made her smile wide. Rarity saw this, but merely took it as being an expression of Twilight’s pride over her first gem stitched dress.


Dear Diary,

What’s happening to the quality of my work lately? Today alone I had 3 dresses returned for ‘discolouration’. I had never seen those dark blotches beneath some of the gems up to and including the moment they left my line of sight.

Is it the gems I chose? Were they impure or fake perhaps? The pattern is never the same for the blotches on the returned dresses, so I can’t put it together. Maybe it’s a prank by those dastardly Diamond Dogs.

I just hope I can repair this blow to my reputation too. It hurts even more when it’s one of the dresses Twilight worked on that’s returned. They’re no worse or better overall than ones I worked on alone, but I know she doesn’t have the same sort of nerves about criticism that I have now. She also looks like she’s not sleeping well.

I’ll make it up to her. From today on, I’ll let her dye some of my fabric. That should help pick her spirits up. Maybe it’ll help pick mine up too.



Twilight slowly lifted up and soaked the various pieces of fabric beside her into the different vats of dye Rarity had left her in charge of with her magic. The work was slow and calculated. Rarity had plenty of replacements in case of a mistake, but Twilight was determined to not waste a single piece of fabric.

As Twilight removed yet another article from a vat that currently contained sky blue dye, she flared her magic around it, scrunching it to an invasive shade of orange for less than a split instant. Twilight then laid it over the nearby clothes line to let any excess drip off into the tub below, as Rarity had taught her to.

Twilight slowly manipulated each colour until no fabric she dyed followed any sort of colour co-ordination underneath its current false shade. After finishing her own work, Twilight went and watched Rarity work on her own dyeing. Twilight simply watched as Rarity flowed seamlessly between each piece of fabric.

Within 3 hours, Rarity had finished dyeing almost three times the amount of fabric that Twilight had in 5 hours. Once Rarity too had put her last piece on the clothesline, she got up from her current place, stretched for a moment, and then urged Twilight inside for dinner.

Hours later, the typical pattern of tea and bed occurred again, with Twilight sneaking out of her room yet again. This time, Twilight had work to do outside though. As she looked at all the dyes in the dark of night, she felt yet another maniacal smile plaster her face.


Dear Diary,

I’ve lost it. I’ve lost my Special Talent.

Not a single dress I’ve made recently can be called anything short of a disaster. Photo Finish and Hoity Toity both refuse to have anything to do with me, and Sapphire Shores publicly berated my current dresses, urging no one to trust my work, past, present, or future.

Even Sweetie Belle is suffering from my work. She’s come home crying 3 times this week alone. I talked to Cheerilee about it, but I doubt it’ll make a difference. Nopony in town trusts me anymore after what Sapphire said.

I even sent Twilight home. There’s no need to drag her name down with mine in all this. And the way things are still going, I’ll never be able to climb my way out of this.

I’m thinking of selling the shop and sending Sweetie home to Mom and Dad. I’m a pariah, and it’s starting to get too dangerous to keep a filly around me. I even needed stitches on my right front hoof the other day. My sewing machine took off on me and drove itself halfway through my hoof.

I guess none of the girls will trust me either. None of them have come by through all this. Even Pinkie and Twi-


Rarity stopped writing as she felt an immense pain in her chest. Looking down, she saw a unicorn’s horn impaled through her heart. Her eyes widened and her breathing became panicked as she saw the aura around the horn fade, and some of her dye came running off the horn and onto her fur. The dye changed colours from purple to black after a few seconds on Rarity’s fur.

Rarity’s eyes widened even further as she saw this. She knew now. Her failed projects were the result of somepony else and not her own loss of skill. But who would do this to her? Rarity had to know.

Using what strength she could muster, Rarity slowly began to turn her head to the side. Once she had turned it as far as she could, she was finally able to see the flank of the one who had done this to her. Rarity’s breath stopped as she spied the Cutie Mark of her tormentor. It was a star with six points on a purple flank.

“Twilight…..Why?” Rarity weakly asked Twilight as her breathing became more strained, her vision beginning to blur towards the end.

Twilight smiled darkly, and quickly removed her horn entirely from Rarity’s chest. Rarity gasped and flailed about, trying to steady herself as her strength fully left her. Rarity stumbled off her hooves and landed on her injured right front hoof, gasping in pain as her stiches re-opened. Twilight trotted forward to stand over Rarity.

“You were generous Rarity. The most generous pony I’ve ever known. I love that about you, but….it also led to this. I couldn’t stop it again….I hope you can forgive me….It isn’t the Twilight you know that does these things…” Twilight cried as she explained herself to Rarity, knowing her friend had no reason to forgive or believe her.

Rarity tried to lift a hoof up to Twilight, but her vision suddenly went dark, and her hoof collapsed loosely against her side. A second later, her breathing stopped, and Rarity’s eyes lost their light.

Twilight cried openly for a few more seconds, before she stifled it and teleported herself and Rarity’s body to the highest peak of the nearby mountain. Storing Rarity’s body within what remained of the abandoned treasure of the dragon she had helped to send away, Twilight let an expression of melancholy adorn her face instead of her usual dark smile. Turning around from Rarity’s new resting place, she trotted forward a few steps, before teleporting herself home to begin anew her plans for her remaining friends.

Part 5: Charged

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Dear Diary,

I got a nice shock today. Not a “I Finally Joined the Wonderbolts” shock or anything, but still a pretty good one. Wanna guess what it was? Twilight wants to help me go faster. Can you believe it? I still sort of don’t to be honest.

I really can’t believe just how big of an egghead she was before she met me and the rest of the girls. I bet Pinkie Pie would say that about her too. Weirdly, I actually haven’t seen Pinks recently. I wonder where she went…

Anyway, back to the main point of all this. Twilight says she can start using spells on me tomorrow. She said she already had the perfect ones in mind. She looked really pumped when she said that too. I can’t wait! Since I’m the best Pegasus in all of Equestria, and she’s the best Unicorn in all of Equestria, we obviously can’t fail when we work together!

Stay Awesome.



Rainbow zoomed over near immediately as Twilight entered the into the field where she and Rainbow would find out which spells would help increase Rainbow’s already astounding flying speed, a beaming smile on her face. Rainbow thought she saw Twilight grimace for no apparent reason as she got closer to her, but less than second later, the grimace was gone and Rainbow convinced herself that it must have just been a trick of the light.

“Hey Twi! I’m glad you came. No books though? That’s a little different for you.” Rainbow giggled as she saw Twilight smile at her comment about the lack of books, strangely appearing to grimace again.

“I stayed up all night memorizing a half dozen spells just for today. If I try to mess with your abilities too much too fast, it could prove detrimental to both of us.” Twilight explained as she situated herself into a comfortable area to cast spell on Rainbow as well as observe their effects.

“That’s a lot closer to the normal Twilight I know. You know I still find it a little weird you volunteered to help me in the first place. You never seemed as fully interested in my dreams as I am. But then again, I doubt anypony can be as into my dreams as I am!” Rainbow smiled and snickered as she teased Twilight, while Twilight donned and then hid a scowl.

“You won’t be able to fool them all! They’ll stop you even if I can’t!” A raspy whisper echoed through Twilight’s ears.

Twilight shook her head rapidly back and forth for a moment to hide the dark green flare of her eyes.

“I’d save your strength Other. Otherwise, you won’t be able to save Rainbow either.” Twilight mentally taunted the ever smaller portion of her consciousness that still contained the Original Twilight.

“You okay Twilight? Parasprite in your ear or something?” Rainbow quizzically asked Twilight as she returned her stopped her shaking and returned her head to its normal resting place and her eyes to their ‘normal’ colour.

“Just shaking off some old fatigue Rainbow. Let’s get started shall we?” Twilight twisted the subject towards something that would take Rainbow’s entire focus.

Rainbow nodded and then squeed at the prospect of finally started and took off to the center of the field. Twilight fully settled herself into place and set about mentally reciting the first of the 6 spells she had prepared for today. Twilight’s horn ignited as she finally focused her magic towards Rainbow Dash.

Each spell was indeed designed to help Rainbow Dash fly faster, but each spell had negative consequences so dangerous attached to them that Celestia had hidden them all away in a single spell book and trusted only Twilight to keep them safe at Golden Oaks. The more energy Twilight put behind each spell, the larger the effects of each spell grew, both positive and negative. Plus, if Twilight stealthily left a portion of the chosen spell attached to Rainbow after their sessions ended, the effects would multiply even faster and unnoticeably.

Twilight first tried a spell that would lower the overall weight of Rainbow’s bones and muscles, which had the adverse effect of making bones far more brittle and easy to break. As it turned out though, Rainbow already possessed too light a form to be affected enough by the spell, even if it were cast at maximum strength daily.

Twilight then tried a spell that would lighten the feeling of gravity for Rainbow, which could also lead to a pony having a false sense of security when taking off or landing. Rainbow had long ago learned to skim above the ground for a bit before landing though, so another spell was deemed useless to Twilight.

The third spell involved redirecting energy in Rainbow’s body more towards flying, which could lead to torn muscles or a heart attack if left unchecked. Rainbow produced so much extra and unnecessary energy though. This meant Twilight could never direct enough energy away from where she wanted for as long as she needed.

As Rainbow became more invigorated by the spells being unable to make her better than she already was, Twilight became equally irritated by their lack of ‘help’. Once Twilight readied and used her fourth spell though, her irritation immediately vanished.

The fourth spell allowed Twilight to charge Rainbow with electricity to allow her to move more easily through the air, with the adverse effect of having no limit to how much electricity could be added to the Pegasus in question. For the moment, Rainbow had no more electricity flowing through her than the average sock. As Twilight gently increased the amount of energy behind the spell though, Rainbow’s fur and mane began to move and react to the increase in electricity.

As Rainbow took to the air and demonstrated the positive effects of the spell, Twilight equally observed the negative. Twilight saw that Rainbow’s body reacted to the spell as though there was far less electricity in and around her than there actually was. Rainbow said that she could even feel the sensation of a Sonic Rainboom easier like this.

As Rainbow returned to the ground and Twilight asked more about how she felt after using the spell, Twilight became nearly ecstatic. Rainbow told Twilight that the mild aura of electricity around her, and the feeling of it within her became unnoticeable as she flew faster and more involved. Twilight gave Rainbow a celebratory hug after hearing this, hiding her first genuine smile of the day.


Dear Diary,

Twilight really did it! She clocked me in yesterday at over twice as fast as my previous record, which was already pretty impressive! My wing power’s gone up to 23.8 too! That spell of hers really did the trick. Plus, I always feel so awake and charged now. Maybe Twilight’s been giving me an adrenaline boosting spell too. Ha!

It sure has been odd around town lately though. AJ’s getting ready for Cider Season, so I don’t get to see her much right now. I haven’t seen Pinkie in forever either, and it sounds like nopony else has either. The Cakes don’t say anything about her anymore, which is really weird.

From the look of things, it seems like Rarity’s been oddly absent too. There’s a closed sign up at the Boutique, but nopony knows why or where the mare in charge went. I wanted to ask Sweetie Bell about it, but I guess she’s been off on extra Crusades with AB and Scoots or something. Whatever.

In other news, Tank’s been avoiding me lately. I don’t know why. I haven’t been forgetting to feed him or anything. He just doesn’t wanna come near me anymore. Maybe I’ll go ask Fluttershy for help tomorrow.

For now, off to another flying session with Twi. If I can just get my wings open that is. They’ve been sticking to me occasionally. Twi says it’s because I’ve been flying so hard, but I dunno. It never happened before. Ah well.

Stay awesome.



“Keep it up Rainbow!” Twilight shouted up at her friend as Rainbow heaved herself through the air, the clouds seemingly intentionally moving out of her way.

Rainbow’s movements were still strong, but they were heavy with some invisible force. Since Rainbow focused entirely in front of her for the moment, she didn’t notice the odd blue arcs that occasionally flew off of her wings as she beat them through the air.

Down below, Twilight beamed. One of her eyes appeared to have a minor tick to it, but otherwise she was the perfect ideal of happy. As Rainbow landed out of breath a distance away, Twilight charged her horn with magic and trotted forward, the electricity Rainbow exuded now only a danger to herself and not to Twilight.

“I’m slowing down Twi… Maybe I’ve been pushing myself a bit too much… Think you can give me an extra jolt?” Rainbow quietly asked Twilight, hard heavy breaths between her words.

Twilight put on a consoling face and charged Rainbow with more than twice the amount of electricity she currently had. Rainbow immediately perked up and took off into the air again. Twilight smiled up after her, knowing she had only mere moments to wait now.

Today was a scheduled storm for Ponyville, and the sky reflected that. Dark clouds hung above everything, even Rainbow as she flew about. As Twilight watched Rainbow accelerate within their chosen practice space above the Everfree Forrest, which also appeared to be in the mood for a storm, and sensed that Rainbow was about to attempt a Sonic Rainboom, she snickered as she flared her horn black.

As Twilight intensified the spell with her dark magic, what could only be described as a lightning bolt burst out across both of Rainbow’s wings, instantly crippling her. Rainbow plummeted straight down into the Everfree. As Twilight heard the immense thump of Rainbow slamming into solid earth, she slowly trotted towards the crash site, as the rain at last began to fall down.

Rainbow had lost consciousness immediately upon hitting the ground, and as she came back to her senses moments later, she felt an immense pain and stinging coming from her wings. Turning her head as much as she dared, she saw the charred remains of her wings and let tears join the raindrops that also ran down her face.

“Guess your dreams end here eh Rainbow Dash?” Twilight called down to the now crippled Pegasus from directly above her current position in the crater, a maniacal smile plastered across her face.

“Twi… Please… My wings are gone… I think lightning hit me… I can’t feel 3 of my legs… You gotta take me to the Hospital…” Rainbow heaved, lifting her one still usable hoof lightly towards Twilight, doubling over in pain a moment later as she tweaked her wings and her back legs again.

“Sorry Rainbow, but I can’t do that. If I took you there, the Doctors might find out what really happened. And I’ve come too far for that now.” Twilight smiled jokingly consolingly down at Rainbow, as realization spread over the mare’s face.

“You…. You did this…” Rainbow felt fear boil up inside her as she finally understood why Twilight had wanted to help her with a spell.

“Goodybe Rainbow. You really were loyal to me, right to the end. Loyalty is important in a friendship like ours.” Twilight stepped back and began to trot away from Rainbow’s broken form, her horn flaring black as she did.

Rainbow tried to pull herself up and out of the crater to warn the town and the other girls, but as she tried to climb out, the edge of the crater raised itself higher and out of her hooves reach. As Rainbow continued to try and free herself from the crater, Twilight continued to deepen it by mixing her magic into each drop of rain that fell on and around Rainbow.

A few seconds of struggling later, Rainbow’s last unbroken leg gave out and she collapsed flat on her back as her grave continued to dig itself around her. As the sky turned completely black above her, Rainbow screamed before she was completely buried alive, Twilight’s aura finally fading as she crushed Rainbow underneath all the mud and dirt that surrounded her.

Twilight galloped out of the Everfree in the complete opposite direction, tears flowing off of her face along with the raindrops.

Part 6: Cider Season

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Dear Diary,

Now I know why Pa was always so dangerously close to collapsin’ when he did Cider Season by himself. It’s more than a might tirin’ when ya can’t find any extra hooves ta help.

This year’s tha first time nopony else is around to help. Granny is off on her way ta help Braeburn and Appleloosa with their own Cider Season, Big Mac is off in Trottingham getting some new seeds, Apple Bloom is off visiting Sweetie Belle in Manehattan, and Caramel broke 2 legs yesterday, so he’s out for the rest o’ the season like the rest.

I’m sure Rainbow’d have energy to spare for helping me, but I’ve had no luck in finding her. Weather Team said she ain’t reported in once this week. Pinkie and Rarity both went through a lot o’ trouble recently, so I’d guess they’re off on some joint voyage to let things cool down. Fluttershy’s got her own “Season” of trouble, so I left her be.

I’m a little worried about the mares I can’t find, but I don’t have enough free time to invest a ton o’ thought into tha matter. Fortunately Twi did come by and offer ta help me though, and I greatly appreciate it, even though she’s the last pony I’d have expected farm help from under tha circumstances.

Probably won’t have time to write to ya for a few days. It’ll be worth it when the bits start to roll in from my first basically solo Cider Season though.



Applejack shook in an attempt to clear some of the sweat that gathered all too quickly on her now. After a quick breather, Applejack leapt off of the Cider Press and over to the still un-bucked trees nearby. Only sparing a few moments to inspect the trees for bad spots, AJ set about bucking and successfully filled enough buckets for 4 more barrels of cider, though she was shaking from head to hoof at that point.

As AJ steadied herself, she felt a certain sensation about her. Galloping quickly forward and heaving behind the nearest tree, Applejack realized she could hear another pair of galloping hooves a moment later. Wiping her mouth on her front hooves, she righted herself and looked about for the other pony that was quickly approaching.

Twilight galloped over the hills that lead to the South Orchard, her horn flared bright. A moment later, what appeared to be a gigantic cloud of apples appeared behind her, encased in her magic. Applejack smiled genuinely as she saw how much her friend was able to help her through this season. Applejack slowly trotted over towards Twilight as she got ever closer.

Twilight halted her running and thrashed her head forward, directing the apples towards the giant buckets Applejack had set aside for her earlier when Twilight had indicated she fully intended to use ALL her magic to help AJ. Twilight closed her eyes and focused for a moment, evenly dividing the apples among the containers.

“Ah must say Twi, you’re really making me wish Ah was a unicorn too. This is phenomenal work, and ya don’t even look tired! Your magic must’ve gotten stronger eh?” Applejack laughed as she approached Twilight, instantly plastering a strained smile on the purple unicorn’s face.

“Yeah. All to…HELP my friends through their troubles.” Twilight closed her eyes and shivered for a moment before she smiled, having had to fight down the Other’s voice only a few seconds ago. Even as her powers grew stronger, the Other’s voice grew with each new death she caused.

Applejack surveyed her friend somewhat sceptically for a moment after her odd answer and reactions, and Twilight mentally prepared a spell that would smite her where she stood. A moment later though, Applejack laughed and jokingly bumped Twilight’s right front shoulder.

“No need to fool me Twi. Ah’m tired after all this work too. Normally it takes tha whole family an entire season ta make this much cider. Ah’ve had ta do it by mahself for 2 weeks, and I’m surprised Ah can even have a cider season this year! No need ta act almighty and invulnerable around me sugarcube.” Applejack smiled as she shifted her hat off of her head and onto her back to let her mane breathe some.

Twilight sighed genuinely, glad her ruse could continue. The final result was not nearly as satisfying if there was no trickery and specified planning involved. Twilight felt the emotion that the Other would have expressed through crying in the back of her mind again. Brushing it aside, she put a gentle smile on as she re-opened her eyes.

“I guess I am a little tired. I’ve been going non-stop for the past while. Why don’t I go get us each a glass of water while you do a quick inspection of the apples I just brought in?” Twilight offered, eliciting a smile from Applejack in return.

“That’d be mighty appreciated Twi.” Applejack added as Twilight went off towards the house where she was temporarily staying for convenience with helping AJ all day.

Applejack looked into each container, shifting the largest clumps of apples around until she was certain there wasn’t a rotten one among them. The process took just shy of 20 minutes for Applejack, and in all that time she only happened across 6 unripe apples, 2 rotten ones, and 4 bruised ones. As Applejack heaved herself outside of the last container, Twilight trotted over with a glass of water for each of them.

Applejack drained her glass nearly instantly, the taste far more refreshing than she remembered. Blinking a couple times at the odd burst of energy, Applejack surveyed Twilight for an answer.

“Shining gave me a recipe for a really strong energy drink a while back when I was reading through nights nonstop. If you mix a couple drops of it into water, it will really help you get your energy back fast. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty.” Twilight explained, looking worried for a moment at her friend as she gauged her reaction.

“It’s fine. More than fine Ah’d reckon. Maybe try mixing more inta mine next time. We still got a lot of work left to do before Cider Season opens.” Applejack encouraged Twilight, slowly making her way back towards the house now that the day’s work was done when she finished speaking.

Twilight followed suite, her eyes shifting once more to vile green and her smile taking on a maniacal gleam to it as she awaited the end of Cider Season.


Dear Diary,

That energy drink o’ Twi’s has really sped up the Cider Makin’ process. I used ta just get it as a Pick-me-Up at the end o’ tha day, but now I must drink at least 8 glasses o’ the stuff a day.

Twi told me there’s no limit to the amount ya can drink in a day, so I’m taking my liberties. Twi ain’t drinking as much as I am, but she’s been bursting with Pinkie level energy and happiness lately. Maybe Spike’s finally coming home soon or somethin.

I know why I’m happy at least. As of tomorrow, Cider Season is officially open and all I’ll have ta worry about for the next while is selling the stuff and not making it. The days are still gonna be long though.

Good thing I got Twi for all this though. Maybe I oughta set aside a cask for her if there’s any left at the end as a Thank You. I’m already thinking o’ asking her ta come by for Zap Apple Season too, so maybe that’d seal the deal.

Night for now. Strange that I still go ta bed so early even with all these energy drinks. Twi said when she had em that they let her stay up right through a few nights in a row. Ah well. I’ll…ask Twi…tomorrow



Applejack adjusted the piles of bits before her into a straight line as she finished counting the sales for today which, as it was the final day of sales for this year, signalled the official end of another Cider Season for the Apple Family. Applejack had handled all the bits and customer service for this season, while Twilight had actually served the cider and restocked the barrels with her magic as the need arose.

Going over the bits both from today and as a whole for the season confirmed a suspicion Applejack had thought about since she saw that Pinkie Pie wasn’t the first in line for Cider Season this year. This year, none of Applejack’s friends except for Twilight had been on Sweet Apple Acres at all during any part of Cider Season. This fact worried AJ greatly.

A letter from Apple Bloom had shown up the other day indicating she’d be staying longer with Sweetie Belle as she wasn’t doing any better without any news from Rarity whatsoever. No matter how sad Rarity might’ve been over her business, Applejack knew she’d never leave Sweetie Belle without any form of contact for this long. Sweetie Belle wasn’t the only filly worrying about one of her friends either.

Scootaloo had come by just today at the Cider Stand in an attempt to find Rainbow Dash. The cyan Pegasus hadn’t checked in with the Weather Team in well over a month, and Scootaloo hadn’t seen her in over 2 months now. Applejack had never seen the filly look more worried, even when she had chronic nightmares. It looked like Scootaloo had been crying herself to sleep recently. After much encouragement from Twilight and Applejack though, she agreed to take the train out to Manehattan to stay with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle until some kind of news came in.

The Cakes hadn’t looked so well when they stopped by either. They also bought an inordinate amount of cider while they were here. They openly admitted to missing Pinkie. They agreed that having her back soon would still be rough for her new reputation, but that they’d give also anything to just know where she even was right now. When Applejack asked about whether they might be able to reach her by finding Rarity or Rainbow Dash as they all appeared to be off on the same sort of journey or whatnot, they said that Pinkie had assuredly left alone and nopony had seen hide nor hair of her since.

Adding in the new true lack of information on Pinkie and Rainbow, this meant that 3 of Applejacks’ P.F.F.’s were missing with no clues whatsoever to where they were now. Even Spike hadn’t been seen in over 4 months now. Applejack realized that this was all too large and complex to be a just series of coincidences. What was the connection though? Yes, they all knew her, but that couldn’t be the only link.

As Applejack mulled over all this in her mind as she bagged up the bits, she suddenly got a tap on her shoulders. Looking around, Twilight had levitated another glass of liquid energy over to AJ. Applejack smiled as she took the glass in her grip and Twilight released her aura around it. As Applejack guzzled the drink, her eyes suddenly flew open and showed immense fear as she realized at last what the true link was.

Applejack quickly spit out what she hadn’t swallowed of the drink yet and heaved the glass itself a good distance away. Once she had rid herself of the drink, she suddenly began to gallop away from Sweet Apple Acres, knowing this was her only chance. A short distance into the run though, Applejack’s legs weakly gave out and she collapsed. Suddenly heaving even though she felt full of energy, Applejack shivered as she heard a slow trot behind her.

“I might’ve been smarter to get rid of you first AJ. You’re far too observant and involved in Ponyville’s community.” Twilight smugly whispered as she inched ever closer to Applejack.

Applejack tried to scramble away as Twilight got ever closer, but again she felt herself become exhausted after little to no work. As Applejack came to the realization that there was no way out of her situation, she also realized she had best confront her former friend about this while there was still time to understand.

“That….wasn’t no energy drink was it?” Applejack accused Twilight, eliciting a light tinkling laugh from her first.

“Well, the answer is both Yes AND No Applejack. I did make it SEEM like an energy drink to your taste buds and brain, but it’s actually a special preserving agent primarily used in Celestia’s Statue Garden.” Twilight loosely explained, revelling in the fact that she could reveal her true self only now at the end.

“So….Spike…Pinkie…Rarity….an’ Rainbow too? You…did this to all of em?” Applejack heaved, even speech becoming a huge effort for her now.

“Not exactly this scenario with each of them, but the short answer is I did. I’ve been at it for months now. And now there’s only one more left.” Twilight toothily grinned as Applejack’s eyes began to slowly close.

“Flutter…..shy……” Applejack choked out as her eyes slid shut and her body went limp. Her hat slid off of her head but a moment later.

“You should be happy Applejack. With that much preserving agent in you, your body will be able to nourish the orchard here for decades. Even in death, your place is here at Sweet Apple Acres.” Twilight spoke over Applejack’s body as she hefted in her magic, carrying it out to the West Orchard.

Twilight’s path went unimpeded, and Twilight smiled as a dark shadow flew over her and landed in the nearest tree. Owlowiscious hooted down at Twilight, and Twilight smiled up at him with great pride in her eyes.

“Good job Owlowiscious! I knew you’d be able to get rid of those meddlesome Fruit Bats for me. You were nearly late though because you were still chasing Tank. Still, he was a better hunt for you than Opal was. As a reward for all your help, you can go hunt Winona now. Angel can be yours tomorrow.” Twilight cooed up at Owlowiscious, who took to the air again mere moments later.

“He sure is getting big lately with all this hunting. Good thing Fluttershy won’t have to see him like this.” Twilight spoke aloud to herself, shaking her head as she realized she had felt genuine sadness over mentioning Fluttershy’s love of animals aloud. The “Other” had grown a bit stronger these past weeks it seemed.

Twilight carefully peeled back the earth and roots before her once she reached the largest tree in the West Orchard, placing Applejack’s body beneath them all. Once she had carefully rearranged the earth to hide her handiwork, she hung Applejack’s hat from the highest empty branch, and set off back towards Golden Oaks.

Part 7: Forgiven

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Dear Diary,

Mating Season sure is hectic this year. All my animals are really scared to go outside at certain times of night too. I’m worried it might be something like a Cocatrice or an angry Manticore, although it’s probably just the weather lately. I guess Rainbow Dash must be on vacation with all the odd weather lately.

I really wish I could visit the girls. I haven’t seen any of them recently. I haven’t even been able to see Rarity for our weekly Spa visits. The animals get too restless if I leave for too long this time of year though, so I can’t go anywhere for now.

Maybe Rarity and I should invite them with us next week to the Spa so we can make it up to each other for not being able to visit lately. If that’s okay with them that is…

Angel’s really acting up right now. Maybe he misses our Pony Pet Playdates. Or maybe’s he’s hungry again. Or maybe…

Oh! I just heard somepony knock on my door. I have to go see who it is. It’d be rude not to, right? Okay then.




Fluttershy slowly opened the door to her cottage, looking around for who had knocked as she did. Noticing Twilight bent over in pain and shivering just above her Welcome mat, Fluttershy suddenly felt immense worry in her gut.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Fluttershy quietly asked as she bent down to try and look at her friends face.

Twilight’s face was scrunched up in pain while she held her front hooves to her temples. Once she heard Fluttershy’s voice, her eyes flew open instantly, shining vile green for a half second before fully reverting to violet for the moment.

“Fluttershy! RUN!” Twilight screamed up at her friend, being unable to do more than that at the moment.

Before Fluttershy could even ask what Twilight meant, she was slammed flat against the farthest back wall of her cottage and encased in a black aura of magic. Fluttershy tried to look about for her attacker, but she couldn’t see in front of her for a couple of moments afterwards as all the animals she kept in her cottage, from the squirrels to the bear, charged towards the door, clear intent to kill on their features.

A moment later though, each and every animal was suddenly shoved aside and slashed violently across nearly every part of their body, causing them to collapse lifeless against the other walls of Fluttershy’s cottage, coating the entire floor in a thick layer of blood. Only Angel remained relatively unharmed as he landed next to Fluttershy on the far back wall, a look of immense anger on his face still, bruised as it was.

“You’re quite lucky I already promised you to Owlowiscious Angel, or else you’d be like all the rest of your animal friends. I had quite enough trouble with Peewee already. I’d like Owlowiscious not to have to work too terribly hard for this meal.” Twilight angrily called across the room, now raised up on her hooves, but with her head still hung low.

“T-T-Twilight?” Fluttershy shakily called out to her friend, hoping everything she saw was somehow part of some terrible nightmare and not reality.

Twilight’s ears twitched as she heard Fluttershy call out to her. She jutted her head up, revealing violet eyes once again and a look of horror on her face. Tears quickly beaded and began to run down Twilight’s face near instantly afterwards.

“Oh Celestia… Fluttershy! Please listen to me! I don’t have long! She’s too strong to stop. I won’t be able to save you, just like the others…” Twilight wailed as she explained, galloping forward over the blood on the floor, walking over it with the same spell Zecora had taught her that she used on the Mirror Pool.

Fluttershy merely nodded at her friend, tears streaming down her face as well. Fluttershy knew the real Twilight would never do this, and that made it easier to take. Fluttershy knew she would die from the hoof somepony that was never really Twilight instead of the hoof of one of her best friends, and that was all she needed to know to accept death easier.

“I don’t know how far she wants to go with all this. Spike, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack are already…. Oh Luna. I can’t stop her, so I can only hope somepony else can. I’m sorry Fluttershy. I’m sorry to you, and I’m sorry to all the others. I can’t undo this. I can’t make it go away. I can’t make up for it. It’s still my body and my hooves and my magic that’s doing all this. All I ask is you tell this to the other girls…. When you meet them…” Twilight screamed as she cried, trying her best to make this easier on the last of her best friends.

“I will Twilight. Thank you for being who you really are, even if it’s only for short bits like this. That’s the Twilight me and all the other girls really know and love. If we know that, and I’m certain we all did, then we know it wasn’t really you who killed us, so we won’t hate you.” Fluttershy answered Twilight closing her eyes and letting the tears flow uninterrupted as she waited.

Twilight’s own cries were silenced a moment later. Twilight raised her head fully to look right at Fluttershy’s face, a dark sneer plastered across it now. Twilight’s tears evaporated off of her face as her eyes burned brightly vile green, at last fully encasing the tiny bit of light that had always been beneath them before now.

Twilight twisted her head to the side, and a long slash spread across Fluttershy’s neck, quickly allowing all the blood in her body to flow out and onto the floor with the rest. Fluttershy’s smile did not fade from her face, even in death. Angel screamed and struggled as he saw all this until Twilight saw fit and bucked him full in the face right across the cottage. He slumped loosely against the rest of the bodies afterwards.

Twilight slowly made her way out of the cottage, her eyes focused solely in front of her, the deed of killing all her closest friends that she had set out to do so long ago was now at last entirely complete. As Twilight stepped over the threshold of the front door, Owlowiscious swooped through above her, screeching as he surveyed the feast before him.


I was able to sneak out of sleep. It’s the only time I’ve been able to take control since Fluttershy. I can feel that “She” is definetly asleep, so I think I’m not found out yet.

She hasn’t gone after anypony else yet. I’d know. I don’t know what she intends to do now. I doubt I’ll have long before she sets her sights on somepony else though.

There’s only one thing left that I can do. My strength is fading, so I doubt I have more than a few minutes left before I’ll be gone again. I’ll have to do this fast.

Starswirl bless me and let this please work. She’s my only hope now.


Dear Diary,

I’ve received a most curious letter. Few can send me letters this directly, so that only raises my suspicions. The letter is short, badly scrawled, and reeking of blood and lavender.

All that is inscribed on it is this;

Ponyville is in danger…. Equestria after that…

Only you are strong enough…to help now…

Please… There’s no other way…

Do whatever you need to…

Luna, myself, my advisors, and Shining Armor have all reviewed the letter. As far as we can tell, it is legitimate, right down to the stench of blood. Shining Armor has returned to the Crystal Empire to protect Cadence in case of a widespread attack. Luna has reluctantly agreed to remain in Canterlot to guard it on my behalf. Discord is off examining the rest of Equestria for similar threats.

I will go alone to Ponyville. If this letter is true, then it means even the Elements of Harmony can’t stop it. And if I too can’t stop it… well, then Luna will be able to. The only thing that remains to do is ponder the final element of this letter as I take flight now.

The scent of lavender… I have a dark feeling that Twilight is involved in this. I desperately hope I am wrong about that though.

-Princess Celestia


In the basement of Golden Oaks Library, Twilight laid down on the floor, observing the effigies she had erected earlier that day. She had built them on a whim, both as a pleasant reminder of what she had already done, and perhaps a clue towards what she would do next.

There were 6 enormous crystal vials and a seventh smaller one before Twilight. Each was filled just below the brim with blood and certain potions Twilight had mixed with it, some more so than others. Carved in front of the cylindrical shape of each vial was a visual representation of those Twilight had already killed. From left to right, it was Spike, then Pinkie, followed by Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and lastly, Fluttershy. Each of the ponies wore their Element of Harmony, while Spike appeared to be dictating a letter.

The carving was far from crude, but nor could it ever be called beautiful. The blood continuously swirled down, out, and around the carvings, sometimes temporarily igniting in a different colour. This occasionally gave the illusion that the original living pony and dragon stood before Twilight, instead of these cruel mockeries of their recent deaths.

Twilight smiled as she lifted a glass of Sweet Apple Acres Cider to her lips and took a good long sip, finishing it off with a bite from one of the few batches of Pinkie’s cupcakes that remained. Twilight wore her Grand Galloping Gala Dress, aside from the earring. Instead, Twilight wore a cyan feather tied with a piece of rainbow mane to a butterfly broche in its place.

As Twilight prepared to take another sip of the cider, her front door was blown immensely free of its latches by an enormous burst of golden magic. Covering her eyes to block the light, Twilight at last felt genuine fear as a form appeared within the light. Taller than any other pony, with both wings flared and a horn covered in a golden magic aura, Princess Celestia appeared, with her eyes shining white with anger.

Twilight stared at Celestia as she glared upon her. As Celestia opened her lips to speak, Twilight felt jubilation and acceptance come from the “Other” within her. Another burst of magic swelled forth from Celestia and encased Twilight this time as at last the Princesses word’s reached her ears;

“You are not the Twilight Sparkle I know any more, nor will you ever truly be her again.”

Part 8: Epilogue

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A small ray of moonlight peered through the clouds outside and shone down through the bars of the tower to Twilight’s cell. Twilight was perpetually kneeling on her back hooves, with her front hooves spread wide apart and shackled high above, while her back hooves were chained tightly to the back corners of the cell as well. Twilight perpetually hung her head now.

Her horn had not been shattered as many ponies had called for. Instead, it was bound by seals of Zebrikan design that would let only infinitesimal amounts of magic be used by her, which Zecora had applied personally to Twilight. Twilight had apologized to Zecora as she had any others who had approached or visited her, but the zebra seemed to refuse that Twilight was before her, much the same as many of the other ponies did.

The “Other” had vanished a short time after Twilight’s imprisonment, simply fading from her body and mind entirely. Nopony believed the “Other” had ever really been there, and the only ones who knew it to be true were already dead.

Twilight reflected upon all that the “Other” had committed in her name and likeness all hours of the day. She could not forget, nor could she forgive herself. She also could not atone for it, even though many ponies called for her execution under that exact pretence.

Twilight heard the slow metallic creek of the door, and since it was not at a time Twilight typically received her bare minimum of nourishment, she knew that somepony else had come to see her.

Raising her head up to view her visitor, Twilight viewed the Princess of the Night. Luna had changed much in the past 14 months since Twilight had been apprehended. She now stood at least a foot taller, and her mane was more than twice as long. Her eyes appeared darker than they once were too, but perhaps that was merely the lack of proper lighting tricking Twilight.

“Princess Luna. To what do I owe the honour?” Twilight asked genuinely, though she doubted what she said mattered much to Luna.

“I have come to administer a punishment to you, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna explained, her voice richer than it was before too.

“Is this not enough for my crimes? I must live with what I did every day of my life until somepony concedes to give me an execution.” Twilight begged the Princess, wondering exactly what punishment was so terrible she deemed to do it herself.

Luna did not respond. Instead, she used her magic to power a mechanism that turned Twilight’s cell 180 degrees around. Looking up, Twilight could now properly gaze upon the sky again through the barred window in front of her.

“Your punishment is this Twilight Sparkle; View the faces of those you killed every night for the remainder of your days.” Luna told Twilight, flaring her horn again as she did.

In the sky above, Luna shifted numerous stars and enhanced their shimmer. It took less than 20 minutes, but her work would last for eternity. In the sky above, there were now 7 new constellations. One depicted Applejack bucking a tree. Another showed Rainbow Dash attempting a Sonic Rainbow. The third was Rarity at work on her sewing machine. The fourth showed Pinkie bouncing about. The fifth was Fluttershy smiling. The sixth was Spike, burping flames. The last was Princess Celestia, watching over all the others.

Twilight broke down and screamed as she viewed her friends and mentor emblazoned forever upon the night sky. Tears flowed without cease from her eyes, eventually turning to blood as she exhausted all her tears. When she at last fell silent again, Luna’s voice spoke up from behind her.

“You are responsible for 7 deaths, not counting the numerous animals and wildlife you also snuffed out. You will never be allowed to forget this. Your friends were pure. Your Assistant was young. My sister was… My sister believed in you. When you spoke of your deeds, it destroyed her. Her suicide is also your responsibility. As her sister and heir, I will make sure you can never forget this, just as I can never forget her.” Luna fiercely stated, turning to leave as she did, hiding a fresh wave of tears at the same time.

For more than 6 months, Twilight screamed and cried every night when she was forced to see the life’s she had snuffed out. Eventually though, she grew silent at their faces, physical motions and words no longer able to help her express her grief.


Twilight heard the door slam shut as Cadence ran out of her cell, crying as hard as she could. She and Shining Armor had come by to try to verify or condemn what they had heard or guessed about Twilight in the past 2 years since she had been imprisoned. The truth had been more than Cadence could handle, and so she had just left, in an attempt to try to erase this Twilight from her memories, and instead keep the pure ones there for stories for her foals.

“We now have a 2 year old filly, and Cadence is currently pregnant with our first colt. You are not my sister any more though. You are not their aunt. You’re…. not Twily anymore. Cadence can tell our foals about the old you if she wants. As far as I care though, I have no sister.” Shining Armor huffed, trotting slowly away towards the door as he did.

Stopping just before the door, Shining Armor raised his right front hoof to push it open, but then bit his lip and lit his horn up in magic.

“You forgot one part of your Gala Dress the last time you wore it. Here.” Shining Armor blurted out, throwing Twilight’s star shaped earring into the cell with his magic.

Immediately after doing this, Shining Armor forced his way through the door and down the stairs outside it to catch up with Cadence. Shining Armor paused for a moment in his step as he heard a single whisper from the cell just before the door closed;

“Thank you.”


Twilight gently pushed out small amounts of magic that she had saved over the past 2 years until she was able to manage a light levitation spell. In just shy of an hour and a half, the star earring hovered precisely at Twilight’s throat, with the points only an infinitesimal distance away from her skin.

Twilight looked up at the night sky one last time, and saw that the constellations of her friends had changed. All of them had one hoof or claw extended towards her, and a gentle smile on their face. Twilight smiled as she saw this, and one final tear slid down her cheek.

Twilight pushed her magic beyond what her seal should have allowed as she jammed the earring right through her neck, feeling no pain as she did so. Twilight felt a smile spread on her lips for the first time in years and embraced it as she faded away from her cell, and into the waiting hooves of her friends.