> Ponies are friends, not food. > by Zeyon The Green > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tastes like Sonic Rainboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a peaceful day in the city of Ponyville, with everypony doing their daily routines. Big Mac was delivering apples as per usual, Cheerilee was taking all the school aged ponies on a field trip, and Derpy was flying through the city with a trail of letters in her wake. Little did they know what terror was coming their way, a loud rumble came over Ponyville causing everyone to turn and look at the coming disaster. There was a massive purple and green tinged dragon in all his terrifying glory, the Golden Oaks Library at his feet. The tree was split down the middle, and the resident librarian was panicking as she normally would when books were in great jeopardy. “Spike what have you done?” Twilight shouted at the dragon that was clearly ignoring her. “You destroyed our home, and all of my precious books.” “Uh Twi, Ah think Ponyville should be our first priority,” Applejack took her Stetson off to scratch her head. “Um Fluttershy, I don’t think this is a good place to do that…” “I’m sorry. Um could someone carry me away from this? If it’s not too much trouble” Fluttershy had collapsed in her standard goat panic reaction, and locked up her legs and wings. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. It’s just Spike, he won’t harm us. Oh and Rarity is already here so we can solve this easy peasy this time. Are you okie dokie lokie Rarity?” Pinkie patted the white unicorn on the back. “Um well… I don’t have my ruby necklace with me but hopefully I can manage.” “Yeah Rarity, you need to fix this I wanted to play hoof ball but no we had to play Monopony.” Rainbow crossed her forehooves. “I mean you were the one who let Spike play, and then he got all greeded out.” Rarity glared at the Pegasus. “What? It’s your fault…” “Oh Spikey Wikey, do you mind not being greedy anymore? I mean it is just a silly game right?” Rarity yelled and Spike looked down. “Yes Spikey. It’s Rarity can you hear me?” The massive dragon looked down at his friends, and started to drool. His eyes looked like Pinkie when she walked into a room full of desserts. The look that there would be not one survivor left uneaten in the coming frenzy. “Um Twi? Did Spike have breakfast this morning or lunch?” Applejack slung Fluttershy over her back in a matter of seconds. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, and then she slumped over. “No, why? Why would you want to know… OH BUCK. Spike we aren’t food. Girls scatter!” Three of the six friends ran away as a giant claw came down causing the ground to shake. Applejack ran with Fluttershy unconcious on her back. Pinkie ran towards sugar cu and Rarity ran towards the school. Twilight had teleported to the roof of a nearby building but one pony remained. “Rainbow Dash, what in Celestia’s name are you doing?” Twilight yelled. "Run away!" “I’m going to smack him with a Sonic Rainboom. That should make him come to his senses.” Rainbow flew up as fast as she could. Spike swung a claw to try and catch the rainbow speedster, but he only swung at air. A deafening roar came from his maw, and a green fireball was quick to follow nipping Rainbow’s tail. “No, Rainbow we need to regroup and evacuate ponyville,” Twilight shouted, but Rainbow soared higher and higher to get the space she needed. Twilight’s horn started glowing as an aura surrounded spike’s form. “Well, at least I can make a stationary target for her…” Spike struggled to break the magical grip, but it held firm. Twilight’s forehead started to sweat heavily, and a vein or two popped into view. Rainbow started her colorful dive bomb picking up speed. The air currents wrapped around her body like a bullet in midflight. Spike got closer, and as she was about to pull it off. Rainbow noticed she was aiming for an open mouth. There was no time for Rainbow to maneuver out of the way. Twilight saw Rainbow’s lips mouth two words, and felt the strain as the mare went straight down Spike’s gullet. The aura shattered as Spike hit the ground taking out several houses. “No! No! Rainbow, you idiot!” The ground was dampened by unicorn tears. “Jumping in without thinking again, and now… and now…” Twilight’s eyes went pure white. Spike started to stand again, and let out a green fiery belch. He had to cover his eyes with a claw as a white light grew in intensity. Debris from the wreckage started to float as the air got heavy. A ball of pure magic energy surrounded the purple unicorn, every pony that saw that light froze. Even those who ran could see the light as Twilight rose in the air right up to the massive dragon’s head. The ball surrounding Twilight condensed and moved to the tip of her horn. Spike swung his claw to swat the purple gnat out of the sky, and as his eyes saw the light he hesitated. “Twilight? Why are you…” The dragon recoiled backward as a beam hit him square in the face. His neck was a cauterized smoking stump, and the body came down in a heavy thump. The unicorn barely was conscious and began to fall. If anypony could hear her final whisper, they would have heard “Spike, why?” Twilight dropped to the ground unmoving as the citizens of Ponyville surrounded their fallen heroine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “NOOOOOOO!” Spike fell out of his basket, a solid thud echoed through the tree. The frightened baby dragon was struggling with his sheets coiled around his small form. “No no no no no… “Spike, are you ok?” Twilight began rubbing her eyes as reached her hoof out to her bedside table. The light from the lamp illuminated the bedroom. “You must have had a nightmare.” “Twilight!” Her young charge ran straight to the sleepy mare arms wide. “Are you okay? I mean of course you are alright, you weren’t horribly maimed or anything. Do you think Rainbow dash is okay? I mean of course she’s okay it was all a dream.” “Spike. Do. You. Think. You. Can. Let. Me. Breathe.” The unicorn was starting to change colors. As he let go Twilight, she crumpled onto the bed. Breathing hard for a few minutes, she seemed to recover as spike jabbered on like a possessed Pinkie Pie. “What do you mean is Rainbow Dash okay? What was your dream about?” Spike stopped blathering and stood there with a dumb look on his face. He quickly shook his head back and forth. His mind was racing to figure out what to say. Surely he couldn’t tell her that he ate one of their friends, Twilight blew his head off with her magic, and fell to her doom. He ran through as many ideas as possible, and found one that clicked. “Oh um, it was just a silly nightmare,” Spike smiled and chuckled. “You and Rainbow got in a fight over Daring Do’s next book. It was something about Aliens ruining everything. You, of course, said that it ruined the book; Rainbow said you should stop being such an egghead and just go with the awesomeness of Daring Do. Then she did something and you two started fighting. That’s about the time you fell over the cliff, and Rainbow had broken both wings in the struggle.” “Really you’d think I’d fight over a book with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight’s right eyebrow raised. “Come on, Rainbow could never get me mad over a book.” “Oh yeah that’s what she did she threw the book at you. Then you went crazy and attacked her in your words, for Librarian Vengeance.” “What? She threw a book? That is so cruel, what did that poor defenseless book do to her? That really was a horrible dream. I’m going to have to give her a talk about respecting library property.” “Um Twilight you know that it was a dream, right?” Spike asked, trying to keep his disbelief that his lie worked off his face. “Oh yeah a dream, right.” Twilight reddened a bit. “I can’t take her actions as reality. Thanks, I don’t think she would like me to wake her in the middle of the night either.” “That would screw up her nap schedule for sure,” Spike laughed. “I think we better get back to sleep. We do have a busy day tomorrow…” “Oh yeah the Picnic,” Twilight fluffed her pillow. “Are you Okay spike? Think you can get back to sleep?” “Yeah I think I can, sorry about waking you up.” “No problem, can’t let my #1 assistant be too scared to sleep.” “Yeah thanks.” Spike rolled his eyes. The lights went out, and the dragon returned to his woven roost. He threw the blankets over himself, and closed his eyes. He tried to clear his thoughts of the last dream, but he couldn’t seem to get over the fact that he ate one of his friends. He knew that he was a predator after all. Sure he loved all the sweets and gems that he could eat, but does that mean that he would never crave meat? I just need to get this out of my head. Think about something else. Spike focused on the one thing he knew would get him to sleep, and that was Rarity cuddling with him on her "worst. possible. thing." couch. It took him all of 5 minutes and he was gone. > Awakening the beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning light shined into library’s living quarters. Twilight grumbled as she turned away from the annoying beams. A pillow soon covered her head and her blankets were pulled tighter around her sleeping form. “Princess, just 5 more minutes. I studied extra hard for that test…” Twilight grunted. “Just put the sun back for a bit, just this one time…” Luckily for Spike his basket was far from the light’s path. He was snoring comfortably, blissfully ignorant of the incoming nuisance. The bedroom doorknob twisted, and owl silently flew through the opened door. The Owl’s mistress did not stir from the little flyer, but then again she wasn’t his target. It was their little ritual after Owlowiscious had moved in; it was how they always swapped shifts of being Twilight’s assistants “Hoo,” the library owl pecked the little sleeping dragon in the head. Owlowiscious knew this wouldn’t hurt the hard headed dragon. Spike writhed in bed, as he tried to shoo Owlowiscious away. The owl dodged the sleepy claw easily, and nipped Spike’s light green ear frill. “Rarity dearest, could you stop biting me please. I don’t feel like being kinky tonight. Let’s go back to cuddling,” A smile curled on his lips as he grasped his pillow and rubbing his hand through the pillow’s “mane.” After a quick hoot, Owlowiscious impatiently bit him again as hard as he could, Spike dropped the pillow. “Twilight, I don’t wanna go home Rarity wants me here. You never let me do anything fun. The books aren’t going anywhere. That’s it you aren’t going to be allowed to the wedding.” “HOOOOO!” Finally having enough of this foolishness, Owlowiscious hooted right in the dragon’s ear frill. Spike awoke screaming with eyes wide, he flipped out of his woven nest and face planted on the hard wood floor. After rubbing his face with a claw Spike scrambled to his feet and grabbed the first book he could get his claws on. He threw the book missing the avian attacker by a mile. After blinking several times, he noticed Owlowiscious glaring at him. His gaze returned the implied anger back to his hooting alarm clock. “Owlowiscious, how many times have I told you? DON’T! DO! THAT!” His hollering reverberated through the room. The Owl flew up to the rafters and settled down to rest. “That’s it run away again; I’ll settle this with you some day. One day when I am big I’ll be able to reach up there and then…” “And, you’ll what Spike?” The dragon gulped loudly, as he turned to see his frowning unicorn sister. Her eyes were closed but Spike knew that if she could look at him it would be akin to Fluttershy’s stare. A voice in his head was yelling tread carefully, or she’ll give you chores until you drop. “Um heh, I’d thank him for waking me up in time to get your coffee started.” He was down the stairs in a sprint that was quite impressive for someone who usually waddles along. “That’s what I thought.” Twilight yawned and rubbed her head. “Good morning Owlowiscious, sleep tight.” When he reached the coffee pot, Spike gave a sigh and started the coffee grinder. He started thinking of the most fun ways to retaliate to the bird. “That owl is going to get it sometime.” As he finished filling the coffee maker, he turned it on listening to the loud percolation. The next task was to walk into the library to get Twilight’s to-do list scrolls. The 5 of them were stacked on Twilight’s desk; he opened the one labeled morning routine. He wondered why she needed so many schedules, when they already set the schedule up since arriving in Ponyville years ago. Spike returned to the kitchen as he read the first entry. “Oh. It’s bran muffin day. Yeech!” Spike grimaced at the thought of another bran muffin. “These ought to be banned by Celestia.” After putting down the schedule, he grabbed two bran muffins, and opened the window. He threw his bran muffin away as hard as his little muscles could throw. “What Twilight doesn’t know can’t hurt me.” “Yay! I didn’t know it would rain muffins today. Thank Celestia,” a bubbly voice said in the street below the window. A few seconds later the pony spit the muffin out beginning to tear up. “Yuck! That’s a horrible muffin, what did I do to offend you Princess? Why have you forsaken me?” “Huh, Derpy hates them too.” From the open window, Spike was laughed to himself. He was about to look for an alternate breakfast source, but before Spike had a chance to look he heard Twilight’s hooves hit the floor above loudly. That always meant trouble, grumpy wizard big sister trouble. “Spike! Why haven’t you got me my scroll yet, you know I can’t think in the morning without my coffee. ” Spike grabbed the scroll and dashed for the stairs. “Don’t worry Twilight, here I come. It’s bran muffin day, your favorite practical meal.” As Spike started his ascent, Twilight stood at the top of the stairs rubbing her eyes with her right forehoof. She placed her left forehoof at edge of top stair, it slipped to the next level. The sleep dazed Twilight didn’t have a second to react before she started falling flank over teakettle. Thinking quickly of his safety, Spike jumped off the staircase, landing on one of Twilight’s reading pillows. Twilight fell down the stairs and landed in a heap of books, Spike flinched at the impact. It was painful sight for Spike to see. Her head was parallel with the ground, and her back was against the bookshelf. An avalanche of the library’s heaviest books had fallen on her head and one was even impaled by her horn. “Ow. Twilight are you ok? Should I move you? Are you conscious?” Spike looked at his caretaker with concern. She didn’t answer. Spike carefully reached his claw over to her body. When he was about to touch her, Twilight fell belly first on a pile of books at spines at odd angles. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” Twilight screamed. “Ouch, well I’m awake now. Ugh. Spike could you move these books and then maybe go get Applejack and a wagon. I think I may need to have a chiropractic session with Fluttershy.” “Wow Twilight, I thought you would be crying for sure from a fall like that.” Spike started moving the books carefully, and setting them aside. As he placed her down on the library floor he assessed the damage. Twilight’s eyes were closed and it was obvious that she was holding back tears. “Would a pillow help, Twilight? Oh and here is your muffin.” “Um sure, Spike that would be lovely,” Twilight said through grit teeth. Spike set the muffin next to Twilight’s mouth. As Spike walked away Twilight opened her eyes, and started to cry. “No no no, this can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. How will I live without it?” “Twilight? What’s wrong? Are you bleeding?” Spike’s eyes were wide as he stood over his sister. “Answer me!” “Oh Spike it’s horrible, I impaled my first edition of Daring Do’s fifth book.” Twilight’s tears were starting to form a small puddle, and moistening her muffin. “Really Twilight?” Spike face palmed, “I thought it was something important! Don’t scare me like that. I’ll be back with AppleJack.” Thinking to himself, well if she cares about books over her own pain, then she is fine. Physically, any way. At the library entrance Spike took a look back at the injured unicorn to make sure she was well for the time being. Suddenly, a strange feeling over whelmed his consciousness. His eyes became reptilian slits, his tongue fell from his open mouth as saliva began to drip on the floor, and he bared his teeth as if ready to bite something. This feeling lasted for about 30 seconds before Spike shook his head, and returned to normal. “Huh blacked out for a second. Well, Bye Twilight.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was a beautiful Sunday morning and every pony seemed to be about. Spike was surprised that everyone wasn’t sleeping in that morning. Of course being cold blooded, Spike did not know how hard it was to sleep in the summer heat. The road to Sweet Apple Acres had a surprising amount of hoof traffic; it looked like every single mare in Ponyville was walking that way. Soon Spike was alone on the road as the mares made it down the path. “That’s good for the Apple family, must be here for apples.” Spike smiled knowing how hard his friend worked for that farm. A growl made him stop in his tracks. “Oh yeah I forgot to get something to eat.” Spike saw the first of apple trees coming onto Apple family property. He was sure that if he paid Applejack for it she wouldn’t mind. Jumping over the fence Spike started to climb the tree. As he was climbing he heard a stampede coming down the road. A herd of mares ran down the path, and he heard a familiar yell coming from behind the herd. “Run ya varmints, watching my brother working in the mud. Ah don’t care if he is the most handsome stallion in all of Equestria, he’s self conscious around mares and ah can’t get a lick of work out of him with you gawking at him through the trees.” Applejack was livid. At her hooves was a barking Winona and beside her a giggling Apple Bloom with saddlebag. The mares had all disappeared after hopping the fence. “Golly Sis, ya think that Big Mac is that shy?” Apple Bloom asked through a mile wide smile. “Big Bro is awfully friendly with that Miss Hooves and they seem to be quite fine even though he is shy around mares.” “Never you mind, Applebloom these jezebels are just looking at him like he’s a piece of meat. That and they think they’d be a better match for him than Derpy. They are just going to try to get him into the hay. Ah’ve seen how she treats Dinky and ah think that he sees her mother as something special. You might be going down the aisle again as a flower filly.” AppleJack seemed to be almost teary eyed, but it was short lived. Applejack stomped her hoof. “Also we can’t have so many trespassers on our land, who knows if they would do something to hurt our trees.” “Hey AJ! I was looking for you.” Spike waved from a tree with an apple in hand. He raised the apple to his mouth. “SPIKE!” The sudden outburst from the farmer caused Spike to fall out the tree he climbed into “Put that apple down right now, these apples are for an order.” “Jeez AppleJack, you didn’t have to yell that loud.” Spike brushed off a layer of dirt off his scales. “I just skipped breakfast cause it was bran muffin day.” “Well the picnic is in 3 hours, Ah think yah can wait until then. Ah’m bringing the rest of the fritters that Pinkie didn’t eat.” Applejack blushed. “Ah went over board at the reunion; we had so many Ah don’t know what we would have done without her. Ah got the family to make thousands of them.” “Really how many are left? Knowing Pinkie not a lot, I bet. ” Spike grinned, just thinking of the Pink dynamo. “Yeah, ah only snagged like 2 for everyone but her. Ah almost lost them before they went into her mouth too. Don’t know how she can stomach all that, Ah would have had to apple buck the whole property to run those off.” Applejack laughed while wiping her brow. “Oh well, it’s Pinkie right?” “Yeah what can you do?” Spike remembered why he came, and looked alarmed. “Oh no I forgot Twilight needs your cart to pick her up.” “What’s wrong Sugarcube? What does she need it for she isn’t bringing study books for some test or something? She’s not flipping out like that one time right?” AppleJack looked spooked and Apple Bloom dashed under a bush. “Twilight ain’t tryin’ to get me to play with that doll again? Is she?” A pair of eyes asked from the nearby bush. ”Oh no I wonder if Sweetie and Scoot are okay.” “No, no, not another mental break down,” Spike waved his claw. “She kind of fell down the stairs and needs to be taken to the park to get a chiropractic session with Fluttershy before the picnic. So it’s nothing to worry about. Well, mentally anyway.” “Ouch well, Ah’ll swing around in a little bit. Come on Winona, we Need to go back and get the wagon.” Applejack turned to Apple bloom’s hiding place. “Can you patrol for more love sick mares, AB?” A pair of eyes looking out of the bush shook up and down.” “Ah Sure can. Maybe Ah can get a bodyguard Cutie Mark.” Apple bloom walked out of the bush to pick up a stick with her mouth and waved it about like a sword. “Yeh cun count oun be.” “Just be careful, and don’t hit anyone. Just yell like a timberwolf protecting his den, and scare them off.” Applejack started to walk off but turned around and looked. “Ah’ll be back by after sunset and ya best get your homework done ya have school tomorrow.”As AJ turned around and started off, Apple bloom stuck her tongue out at her elder sister. “Ah know ya don’t like homework, but theres more to life than trying to get a cutie mark. And don’t let me catch you doing that again to yer elder young lady.” “Yeah sis, see you.” Apple bloom rolled her eyes as Applejack left. “Well Spike, whatcha up to now?” “Well I don’t know getting ready for the party I guess. I dunno what else to do…” Then Spikes stomach started to growl. “Um excuse me AB, but do you have something I can eat? It was bran muffin day today, and I can’t stand that stuff.” “Bleh, Ah can understand that. Here let me get an apple out of my saddle bag.” AppleBloom looked to her side and laughed. “Oh yeah, the saddle bag got stuck in bush Ah ran into, pretty silly freaking out over Twilight right?” Apple Bloom turned back to the bush as she reached into the bush for her bag. She had to bend down to get the stubborn straps unstuck from the bush. Spike got a pointblank view of filly flank, and it was wiggling showing off the filly’s chubby cheeks. Spike was overcome with the feeling he had earlier. This time it was stronger than before because his prey was unwary. His eyes became slits and he began to drool. The nice juicy flank of a filly was so tempting to him. In his head a voice was saying bite it, she defenseless eat her. There wouldn’t even be struggle. “Ah almost got it Spike.” She crouched lower to pull the bag out. Spike’s claws came to rest on her flank. “Uh spike what are you doing? I don’t need you to pull just be patient.” Spike pulled her towards him slowly and flipped her on her back showing her soft underbelly. He was drooling all over Apple bloom’s leg and growling. His fangs bared and claws ready to rend soft pony flesh. A face of pure terror looked him in the eye, and Apple Bloom began to scream bloody murder. Spike paused for a moment as his eyes returned to normal. “Apple Bloom what are you doing on the ground what happened to the apples?” She was too far gone in primal fear to notice his return to normalcy. Her legs wildly kicked him smacking spike right in the shins. Spike fell over and grabbed his shins. “Ow. What was that for?” “I am not a piece of meat. Stay the buck away from me, or I’ll do worse.” At that Apple bloom, ran away from spike as fast as she could. Tears were falling down her cheeks as she ran for the safety of anywhere that wasn’t there. Spike Lay dumbfounded at this scene, as he rubbed his aching shins. “What the hay just happened?” > Too Friendly a Picnic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was sitting on a knobby apple tree root, trying to remember what happened. His shin still hurt where Apple Bloom had kicked him, and he had long since pulled the saddlebag out from the bush were she had hidden. Applebloom must have forgotten that she ate them all because the bag was fruitless. One thought was running through his head over and over again, he had no idea what it had to do with eating a few apples. “Why did she say she was not a piece of meat? I mean I know Applejack was saying that Big Mac was a piece of meat. Do I have feelings for Apple bloom?” Spike shook his head. “Nah, I like older mares, but what else could I have done to upset her. I blacked out for a second, and… hmm.” Spike got up and began to make the walk back to Ponyville. It was a pretty uneventful stroll, he didn’t seem to get any answers and no pony stopped to ask him what he was thinking about. If they had to make a guess it was thoughts of Rarity. Spikes arms were crossed and he was looking on the ground as he walked. His deep thoughts came to a screeching halt as his stomach grumbled. “Oh yeah, I didn’t get an apple. I wonder if Rarity has any gems for me to munch on, the boutique is just over there.” Spike scampered as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. As he approached he saw the front door move. “RARITY, ARE YOU AWAKE MY LADY LOVE?” Sweetie Belle poked her head out the door and stepped out, she seemed to be smiling extra wide for some reason. Spike felt a little frightened of that troublesome smile, especially when it was one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Hey Spike, could you do me a favor?” Sweetie Belle practically sung the words to him. Here it comes thought Spike. “I am really late for a Cutie Mark Crusader meeting could you help me do some chores?” “What type of chores?” Spike was wearing his best poker face. Sweetie Belle smiled wider as she ran up and grabbed him. Spike didn’t get a second to think as they charged through the door to see a pile of picnic gear. He saw several fans, a generator, umbrellas, a blanket, a big basket of tanning lotion and a red Fainting couch. “Huh what is all of this…” Spike barely spoke. “RARITY, SPIKEISGOINGTOCARRYYOURSTUFFFORMESOIAMGOINGTOMYCMCMEETINGLOVEYOUBYEBIGSIS.” Sweetie Belle ran out the door as fast as she could. Spike was bewildered as Rarity came down the stairs in a red bikini with a sun hat on. “What did you say Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle? SWEETIE BELLE, you did not run out on me so I have to carry all this…” Rarity trailed off as she saw the baby dragon in front of her. Her anger dissipated as quickly as it came. “Oh Spikey wikey, you are here, sorry a lady such as myself should not shout so loud in the presence of a gentledrake such as yourself. It’s just I asked Sweetie to help me pull the cart with all of my picnic things.” “Oh it’s okay Rarity, you know that I know that you have a hard time with Sweetie Belle.” This is why she wanted to leave so quickly. I’ll have to thank her later. Spike was now smiling wider than Sweetie Belle was before she ran out. “So you need all this to go to the lake?” “Oh yes but I couldn’t ask you Spike Wikey to carry all of this for me, I just could not impose. It would be uncouth of me to ask. I shall just leave it all here.” Rarity closed her eyes as she said this, and after a second sneaked a peek at Spike. He was already beginning to pick up all of her picnic gear, with a day dreamy drooling expression on his face. ”Works everytime. I really should think about dating him in a few years when he’s a muscular stud…” “What was that Rarity?” Spike looked over at her like he missed something, the tanning lotion basket in his claws. “Nothing Spike, just figuring if I have everything I need.” Rarity sighed as Spike walked out the door. Rarity, sometimes you talk too much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was hard work pulling the gem cart with the bulk of the fainting couch; it was even harder climbing a hill. The little dragon was not about to look weak in front of his mare, not that she was actually looking at him. Damn, I really need to start working out. As they crested the hill they saw a pair of pegasi by the lake, one was skyward and the other grounded. Rainbow was doing all kinds of flips and spins, as Fluttershy was offering her usually quiet “yay.” Rainbow quickly stopped and saw the dragon and unicorn arriving. “HEY FLUTTERSHY, RARITY AND SPIKE ARE HERE!” Rainbow came down for a landing by the pair, and Fluttershy trotted over. Spike stopped at the top of the hill, panting like a diamond dog, as he collapsed. Rarity stopped her strides to wave at her approaching friends. Spike started to crawl towards them. “Good afternoon girls,” Rarity did a catwalk turn to show off her bikini. “What do you think about my newest idea? I call it a bikini.” “Rarity, are we supposed to be impressed with your underwear?” Rainbow giggled. Fluttershy looked away blushing at the statement. “I mean aren’t those supposed to be under clothes? “Uncouth as always I see Rainbow,” Rarity dead panned. “I’ll have you know that Canterlot is all about swimwear this summer. I was trying something a bit risqué this time, something to turn heads of every stallion.” “I’d say you accomplished it, I mean how often do you see Rarity in her underwear…” Rainbow fell over laughing. “You look very pretty Rarity… I mean if that’s okay… coming from a fellow mare…” Fluttershy said through her hair as he cheeks became red. “Well Darling, I was hoping to look smoking hot, but I guess pretty will have to do.” Rarity turned around seeing that Spike had finally made it over to them. “What do you think Spike?” “Ugh aha go ta.” Spike smacked his blushing scales, and quickly stood up. “It looks good on you Rarity, I mean I’m not exactly a stalli…” “See, Rainbow. Spike and Fluttershy think that I make it work.” “Whatever, I still think you look ridiculous Rare,” Rainbow tucked her front hooves behind her head and put her hind hoof on her other leg lying on her back. “Well now we just got to wait for Pinks, the egghead and AJ.” “CANNONBALL.” “What the F…” Rainbow said as a familiar voice was heard from over head. Just then a huge pink meteor hit the lake’s surface. A giant wave of water soaked the three ponies and dragon. A pink head popped out of the water. “Hey girls, I thought I’d drop in,” Pinkie giggled as she slowly pony paddled over to them. “Cannon travel is the way of the future.” “Thank you Pinkie, my mane is ruined.” Rarity pouted. She had running mascara and her hair was drenched. “Luckily Spike brought my hair dryer, generator, makeup and gel. Be a dear and go get me those…” Spike was already long gone running like a timber wolf was behind him to the pile he had dropped. Rarity turned around and saw the others drying themselves off wringing manes and flapping their wings. In Rainbow’s case, she was shaking like a dog, which splashed off on Rarity. “Jeez… Rarity those must really be underwear, cause you don’t want to get wet.” Rainbow plopped back down on her back laughing. “Hey Pinks, are you really using a cannon to get around?” “Yeah I just got a new model of cannon that is way too big to be a party cannon. I mean it doesn’t have enough accuracy, and I kind of blew a hole in the wall at Sugarcube Corner too good thing that new unicorn Stonewall was there to already fix the oven chimney it might have stayed that way longer I mean you don’t want burgler ponies to break in and foalnap the twins…” “Pinkie, do you think that’s safe?” Fluttershy interrupted the free thought fountain. “I mean you don’t have wings, you must have been scared.” “Aw Flutters, I knew I would hit the lake. Even with the added weight I was able to calculate it,” Pinkie emerged from the water with her stomach touching the ground every other step. “You know cannons need a lot of trigonometry; I think Twilight would be proud of my equations.” “Pinkie Pie, what happened to your body?” Rarity said after she and Fluttershy gasped. Rainbow started laughing. “I think I’m going to have to measure you again with a barrel that size…” “Nopey Dopey, I just haven’t finished digesting most of Applejack’s apple fritters.” Pinkie laid on her belly. “I’ll be sad when this goes away. It’s like a bean bag chair. Oh well, metabolisms are a funny thing.” “I wish I had your metabolism Pinkie.” Rarity said poking Pinkie in the gut causing Pinkie to giggle. “If I ate that much I’d be the size of a cow. Not that there is anything wrong with being a cow mind you, but a lady mustn’t let her figure go too much.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they had settled down and with all the blankets, umbrellas, couch, salon-style hairdryer, and generator up, Rarity got her hair and makeup on right. Fluttershy offered Spike some water as he laid down in a sweating pool trying to recover from situating everything to the white mares’ satisfaction. Applejack came into view down the path with a tarp covered wagon. “Whoo-wee, Pinkie you haven’t digested all the fritters yet?” Applejack pulled up her wagon, and groaning could be heard. “That’s sad sugarcube; looks like you won’t have any room for anymore fritters.” “That’s okay. I have a second stomach for cake and ice cream. Of course in this case it would be for pastries. Isn’t that a funny word, pastries? Well it’s not as funny as kumquat, but…” Pinkie kept going but no pony was listening. Apple Jack took off her harness, and removed the tarp to reveal a groaning Twilight. “Oh yeah, hey gals could ya lend me a hand with my special cargo? Twi’s a bit sore and needing a good back cracking from Fluttershy.” “Oh my, what happened…” Fluttershy said as she rushed over, with Rarity and Rainbow behind her. “She fell down the library stairs, crashed into a shelf and damaged some books.” Spike said standing. “Careful girls don’t drop me, I’d lift myself but I can’t concentrate my magic.” “Twilight began gritting her teeth to prepare for the transfer. The others surrounded her as Pinkie set up a picnic blanket for Twilight. “Every pony ready? On a count of three. One, two three…”Apple jack gently pushed Twilight into Rainbow’s hooves. Rainbow wrapped her hooves around Twilight’s shoulders, Fluttershy grabbed Twilight’s back holding it steady, and Rarity grabbed Twilight’s flank. They moved her over to the blanket that Pinkie had lain down. “No no this won’t do, we can’t have Twilight be on the ground it is too dirty. My fainting couch will be easier on her.” Rarity said. They moved Twilight to the fainting couch, and with a grunt from Twilight as she was laid on her stomach they were done. “Okay Twilight, tell me when you want to begin” Fluttershy said. Twilight gave a nod and Fluttershy pressed her hooves into the small of Twilight’s back. “AHHHHHH!” Twilight winced and relaxed. “Aaahhhh…” “Well with the egghead situated, let’s eat.” Rainbow said as the group started to set up for the picnic. As they worked no pony noticed that Spike was staring at Twilight as she would holler in pain, drool dripping down his face. His eyes had once again become reptilian slits. His brain was working on a primal level as he figured out his target. He saw a wounded purple sausage shaped pony crying out in pain, possibly the weakest herd member and far away from the others. Next, he saw a yellow and pink fishy-looking pony tending to the wounded one, guard down but still too far away. A big orange chicken nugget was closer, but the muscles on it made him think it was the herd leader. To his left a blue turkey was walking around and sticking her beak into a basket. She looked lean and agile, not ideal prey. A rabbit wrapped in bacon was lounging on the ground. It looked as lean as the last one, and he felt like he hadn’t had meat in forever. The final piggish shaped target was closest; it looked like the herd alpha female carrying the herds young in her massive belly. Bingo. “Hey girls you know it’s kind of nice to have a belly like this, I feel like I am on a weird water bed.” Pinkie giggled. “Pinkie, I think a cloud is a better be…” Rainbow looked over Pinkie’s body and stopped. “Hey Spike is everything okay over there?” Spike growled, and everypony’s head turned save one. Before anypony could speak, Spike pounced on the pink creampuff. His claws sank into pink flesh, and his maw closed on Pinkie’s cutie mark. All the other ponies could see was a hot reddish pink face, as Pinkie bucked her legs right into Spike’s ribcage knocking him a good 10 feet away. Every pony was shocked with mouths open. “Spike, I never knew you liked me so much.” Pinkie was blushing as she turned around to look at Spike. “But I mean slobbering all over my flank? That’s a no-no. At least, until our second date, and only if I am covered in frosting.” “Spike, that is no way to treat a lady’s flank.” Rarity said recovering first from the shock. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both started laughing. Fluttershy looked worried. Twilight stood up and walked over to Pinkie. Spike was shaking his head and breathing heavily. “SPIKE THE DRAGON.” Twilight said in her most stern voice. “You say you are sorry to Pinkie Pie right this instant mister.” “Um Twilight…” Fluttershy muttered. “I mean it. You were not raised to be a pervert.” “Um Twilight… I don’t think.” Fluttershy began to shake a little as Spike stood up on all fours. “WHAT IS IT, Fluttershy?” Twilight glared at the mare as Spike growled and hissed. “Um… I think… he was trying…” Fluttershy hid behind her mane. “Yes?” “To eat her.” “What…” As the words escaped Twilight’s lips, Spike pounced the unicorn with his fangs bared. Twilight turned to see a baby dragon come flying at her. However before she could blink a flash of blue appeared. Rainbow smashed her hoof straight into Spike’s face, knocking the feral baby dragon unconscious. > Well that could have gone better... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow sent Spike flying into the lake, and in his dazed state he hit the water like a flailing dragon cannonball. Four of her friends were in a state of shock staring at Rainbow, while Pinkie was . Rainbow began to shake her hoof in pain. “Oh Crap! I didn’t mean to hit him that hard. I just wanted to knock him out.” Rainbow smiled sheepishly as she noticed the stares. “What? Loyalty came to the rescue. No need to thank me.” “But Spike can’t swim…” Twilight turned to the lake, and fell face first as she began to move. Her legs locked in terror. “Move damn it.” “Smooth Dash,” Applejack tossed her hat onto Fluttershy’s head and ran full tilt towards the water. “WATCH THAT FOR ME, SUGARCUBE.” “Twilight it will be okay.” Fluttershy said in her most motherly tone. Twilight said nothing as her tears fell. Fluttershy and Rarity embraced Twilight. “What has gotten into Spike?” Rarity thought aloud. Applejack hit the water and dived under the surface. “Well… Um… he is a top of the food chain predator,” Fluttershy replied causing Twilight to bawl loudly. “Sorry Twilight.” “He wasn’t like this in the morning; he was a helpful little gentledrake as usual at the boutique.” Rarity rubbed Twilight’s back. “Was he different this morning?" “I… don’t know, I… wasn’t around… him for very long.” Twilight choked out between sobs. “… thought that Spike had his eyes on somepony else, but sweet sarsaparilla he must have had a crush on me since…” Pinkie was going on in the background while bouncing up and down on her dessert filled gut. “She really is out of it isn’t she?” Dash said waving her hoof in front of her pink friends face. She turned to face the other three. “Anyway what do we do with a rabid dragon? Spike’s our friend, but I don’t think taking a bite out of us will make him awesome to hang out with.” Twilight bawled louder at that. Applejack resurfaced with the dazed drake and swam for the shore. The others said nothing as she pulled Spike to land and began CPR. Eventually, Spike sputtered out water, but was still unconscious. “Whew, he is getting heavy. Spike must have had a growth spurt.” Apple jack landed on her back and breathed deeply. “Is everypony okay?” “Well Twilight has been better,” Dash pointed. “Pinkie’s hasn’t stopped talking, and the rest of us are wondering what in Tartarus to do with Spike.” “Welp, he’s out for right now.” “Darling, I for one hope there is something that we can do for poor Spikey Wikey.” Rarity let go of Twilight. “What could be the matter with him? “I’m sure there is a reason that Spike is acting this way, girls.” Fluttershy said, holding Twilight tightly. “I mean changes don’t happen overnight for Dragons. Um… Isn’t that right Twilight? “I don’t know.” Twilight struggled to gain composure. “Dragon physiological records are very limited, and to find anything about a growing baby dragon is exceedingly rare.” The mares went silent, except for Pinkie. Applejack was standing over Spike listening to his heartbeat, and missed Spike’s eyes open slightly. She was satisfied that spike was okay, picked him up, and put him on her back. “Well, we aren’t going to learn anything standing here. I am going to carry Spike back to his basket at the Library, Twilight and Rarity you come with me.” Rarity nodded. “I suggest somepony go to the Everfree forest for Zecora, sound good Dash?” “Great idea, maybe she’ll know something. Be back in a flash.” Dash flew away at top speed. “What should Pinkie Pie and I do for Spike, Applejack?” “I suggest that you two get some foods that he likes. Fluttershy you are an animal expert, and Pinkie knows pretty much anything about anyone. Maybe if we calm him down with some food we can see if he can tell us what’s wrong with him. You’ll probably have to roll Pinkie Pie there, but…” Applejack turned to look at Pinkie and was met with two blue eyes less than an inch away. ”Ahhhh…” “Silly Applejack, I just digested all those fritters.” A noticeably thinner Pinkie Pie ran over, and grabbed Fluttershy, “Yoink.” “Wha-” Fluttershy barely had a second to register. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhh Piiiiinnnnnkkkkkiiiiiiiieeee, tooooooo ffffaassstt.” “Well, at least she’s motivated to figure out what’s wrong.” Applejack muttered and looked toward Spike. “Well girls let’s get the little guy somewhere where he won’t try to eat us.” “I tried to eat who?” Spike said as he stood up. The three remaining mares stared blankly at the dragon. “What, did I miss something?” “Umm…” Applejack hesitated. “Spike…” Twilight started to tear up. “Well, Spikey-wikey,” Rarity stepped forward. “You’re hungry right now right?” “Famished actually.” Spike stared at his stomach. I probably should have eaten that bran muffin this morning, or eaten an apple when talking to Apple Bloom.” “Darling, I don’t want to alarm you, but you where not quite acting like yourself a minute ago.” “Yeah, but not hungry enough to eat somepony right?” Spike asked with rising concern. “I mean you’re just joking about that right? It’s not funny if you are…” “Fraid not, Sugarcube.” Applejack shook her head. “You bit Pinkie, but as Rarity said you weren’t yourself.” “I bit Pinkie? Oh no, where is she?” Spike put his claws to his mouth. “PINKIE, I’m sorry!” “Spike she’s not here, she left us a little while ago.” Twilight said quietly. Spike stood there with a disgusted look on his face. “I killed Pinkie Pie?” “What? No…” Twilight fumbled her words. “I KILLED PINKIE PIE!” Absolute terror was etched on his face. Spike turned and ran in a circle with his hands flailing wildly. “I’M A MONSTER! Aaaahhhh…” Rarity, Twilight and Applejack all moved closer to console the wailing baby dragon. Spike saw this and backed away. The mares pressed forward, and Spike recoiled from their approach. He started to run. “STAY AWAY! I’M DANGEROUS!” “Spike, Pinkie’s fi….” Twilight flinched as Spike blew a green flame blocking their approach. “GO AWAY, It’s not safe.” Spike began to cry as he ran full tilt away from his friends, heading for Everfree forest. The three mares could only watch him go as the flames burned in front of them.