> Dashaloo Days: Angry Flight Training > by RGLloyd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Aaachi! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly Scootaloo gingerly stretched up, kissed Dash on the nose, and nuzzled her cheek. "The pain's gone now," she soothed groggily. Dash nuzzled her back, and sighed out through a sniffle, "yeah, mine too, little sis." Dash hugged Scootaloo for a while longer. Then the little filly blinked a few times, and yawned, the night bearing down on her. "Hey Dash? I'm getting kinda t..." Her ears fell to the sides, and her eyes narrowed in instant frustration as Dash suddenly snored. "Really?" Scootaloo's world began to teeter as Dash wavered back and forth. "Dash! Wake up!" The little filly panicked as they pitched forward, and scrambled to escape the blue vice grips around her waist. "Dash! Wa...Squeeee!!" Dash chuckled in her sleep, her eyes glued shut as an unconscious grin played out on her lips. Scootaloo wriggled for dear life, bucking and scrabbling to escape out from under her. With a final strained grunt she popped her flank out to safety, only to faceplant into the ground, tail in the air. She sat up after regaining her bearings, turned towards Dash, and "Aaachi." Her head darted around frantically, Aww, I hope nobody heard that girly sneeze! Her eyes narrowed as she shot Dash a deadpan glare. The mare giggled in her sleep again. "DASH!" No response... Scootaloo's eye twitched, heat welling up inside flushed into her cheeks as her heart sped up relentlessly abusing her chest. "Oh, no. I'm not taking care of your sorry flank again!" She trotted behind Dash. Meticulously, with the discerning eye of a scooter engineer she lined up the base of her tail with Dash's, and estimated the distance. She balanced on her forehooves, curled her hind legs nearly to her ears, "WAKE," and with finality she bucked her frustrations right into Dash's hindquarters, "U-chi!" Dash opened her eyes unable to sleep that early morning and gingerly rubbed a hoof on her aching flank. She glared over the side of the bed, and down at Scootaloo who was subsequently glaring back while rubbing a welt on the top of her head. They sat in hazey mute silence, the stars twinkling their little dances around the descending moon outside. "Aaachi," Scootaloo's squeaky high pitched sneeze broke the silence. Dash's jaw dropped. Scootaloo glared at her menacingly, daring her to make fun, but rolled her eyes and gave up as Dash went into a fit mirthful laughter which died down momentarily. The uncomfortable silence permeated once again. Scootaloo, staring out the window at the stars, alternated between rubbing her aching noggin and running little circles with her hoof on the floor. Suddenly, her eyes widened as the tickle spread through her snout again. She held it back, fought it hard, but it mercilessly overpowered her. "Aaachi!" Dash busted up laughing, guffawing, and slamming her hoof against her pillow riotously. "Most adorable teensy filly sneeze ever!" "Dash, sometimes you're a real plot." Scootaloo rolled over, turning away from Dash. "Hey! What would your Dad say if he heard you talk like..." -Aaachi- Dash was interrupted by another sneeze, followed by more thrashing about on the bed as she laughed uncontrollably. "Oh, really? You think he'd say that?" Scootaloo jumped onto her hooves and glared at Dash, her name vehemently on her lips, "D'aachi." Dash clutched at her stomach, trying to breath through the mirth wracking her body. "Stop! You're killing me!" Scootaloo, mortified, turned to storm out of the room, but was caught by a blue hoof attached to a mare who was finding it increasingly difficult to breath. "Wait!" She sucked in air, and said squeakily, through silent but mirthful little shakes. "Sorry!" She let the air out in a blast and took another in. "Please stay!" She looked at Scootaloo's deadpan gaze trying with monumental effort to force her lips not to smile. "Please," she strainedly squeaked with flushed cheeks and wavering eyes. The little filly let out a long drawn out sigh. "Yeah fine, but promise you won't make fun of me." "Promise," she forced out in a squeal, and grabbed Scootaloo, hauling her up onto the bed. Scootaloo lay there in silence next to Dash who was still struggling to control herself. Finally, she huffed, "would you just go and say whatev..." "Sure thing Squee-chi!" Dash followed with more riotous laughter. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and let out a deep groaning sigh. "You aren't going to let me live this down ar-aaachi!" Dash stopped laughing suddenly and frowned. "Wait, this really is a problem isn't it?" Scootaloo face hoofed. "Aaachi!" "Ok, so I'm not going to lie to ya Squee-chi. This is a tad bit weird." Dash peered into a mortified Scootaloo's snout. "It'd be easier if we had something brighter than moonlight you know." Scootaloo stated blandly. "Aaachi!" Dash dodged the filly's adorable sneeze with a chuckle. "Don't think I'll ever get tired of that. It's just so...cute!" Dash snickered relentlessly. "Oh, laugh it up, but I will get you..." Dash pinched Scootaloos nose between her hooves, making her voice sound nazaly. "...It won't be tonight, or probably tomorrow, but you will get yours..." Scootaloo tried to look nazaly menacing as Dash continued her task of peering into her nose. "Did that help at all?" Dash played off the prank as an attempted fix while forcing down her chuckles. "Aaa..." Dash swiftly sandwiched Scoots muzzle, clamping her mouth shut. -SNOT- Scootaloo opened her eyes, a little dizzy from the monumental sneeze, and sniffed in a long breath of air. "Wow! I think you..." She halted in mirthful yet mortified shock as she noticed the look of sick horror on Dash's face with her mouth and eyes squeezed shut. "Rainbow Dash I'm so sorry..." She whispered, followed by a hoof to her mouth to control the little filly giggles that were clamoring up her throat, demanding release. Dash wordlessly shoved her little sister gently aside, stood, and moved swiftly for the door. It was only moments before Scootaloo heard the sound of the shower. Once safely out of earshot she let the mirth overtake her and laughed whole heartedly, letting the nights frustrations ebb off until much needed sleep overtook her. Dash, once thoroughly clean, let the water roll over her coat, enjoying the heat as it seeped through her, and the feel of the steam as it traveled down her snout, throat, and into her lungs. She smiled in thought, Squee-chi, and giggled. She's such a pain in the flank, she rubbed the welts her little sister had left, letting the water sooth them. But this isn't so hard. I've taken harder hits than that, and I'm having fun. I can't wait for tomorrow! Dash was already forming ideas on how to train the flightless filly, Oh, not so flightless filly, hmmmm. Dash thought back to earlier how Scootaloo had nearly reached the cloudhome through sheer will, determination, and GUTS! She smiled at her plan, which would get the little filly into the air immediately. The stress of the day slowly ebbed off, replaced with the soothing warmth of accomplishment, and then the burning ego of, AWESOMENESS! "Yeah, I'm going to be the best big sis ever!" Dash did a little dance, her hooves slapping the water. This is gonna be amazing! Finishing up she shut the shower down, briskly toweled off, plodded over to the bedroom, and passed out before hitting the pillow. Scootaloo snuggled into her arms, and the sisters softly snored the night away with sweet dreams. Rays of sun crawled across the bed slowly, centimeter by centimeter, it hunted its prey. Patiently it crept in silent inevitability. Closer and closer with all the patience of its years behind it, savoring the anticipation. Creeping, closer and closer, it touched a blue snout, closer and closer, it meticulously passed each little hair, closer and closer, to alight upon the cheeks, closer and closer. Until the exact moment when it would reach...SEERING BLINDNESS. Dash woke with a start, opening her eyes, she quickly shut them and thrust her head up to avoid the suns piercing rays, but was forced back under the barrage of light by a violent sun induced sneeze. Blinded a second time, her eyes stinging and watering, she thrust the sheets over her head with an exasperated groan. Elsewhere... A derisive cackle, which could not be heard by any mortal pony, sounded loud and riotous from afar to echo across the land and fell upon the ears of two sisters who were sipping afternoon tea out in the royal gardens. Celestia snorted, suddenly grabbing her nose and squinting her eyes shut. Luna looked at her inquisitively as her sister went into a fit of intermittent coughing chuckles. "Tia' is thou possessed of an imp?" Luna ribbed her sister, deliberately falling back into the old dialects. "No, dear sister, I seem to have inhaled some tea." Celestia sniffed daintily, trying to clear her assaulted airway, and curb her sudden mirth. "And you find that funny?" Luna chortled, bouncing back to the more common linguistics of the time. An eyebrow raised in concern. "I know you've been bored Tia', but masochism is more my thing isn't it? I always felt you more on the sadistic side..." She trailed off and shot her sister a wink. "Oh, haha," Celestia shot back her retort with an eyeroll. "I believe Starswirl is up to his old tricks again. He sounds happy. I bet he got a sneeze this time." Celestia continued in answer to the inquisitive look in her sister's eyes. "You never met him unfortunately, but he was an old protege' and a dear friend. He gained immense power but fell just shy of becoming an Alicorn." Luna nodded. "Yes, so thats who laughed. I take it he has achieved an ethereal existence of half life then?" "Yes, he chose to stay behind and guard over the stalwart minds of future generations. Secretly, and thanklessly, he helps the determined and promising ones reach new heights of magic." She paused to take a sip of tea. "However," she grinned impishly, "his favorite prank is to guide my suns rays into the eyes of the lazy who would sleep the day away." She giggled, Luna joining her, and continued. "Of course his favorite reaction is when it elicits a sneeze." "He sounds fun, and I feel I'd enjoy meeting him. Perhaps I will call out to him tonight." Luna savored her tea, basking in the shadows of a large umbrella meant to save her from the harsh burning light of the sun. "I hope he answers." She added wistfully. "Ethereal guardians, as such, can be quite fickle." "Oh you would get along well. I bid you two well met this eve." Celestia stopped, brow furrowed suddenly deep in thought. "Oh, I know he would want to meet her. I wonder why he hasn't already..." Dash, sheets over her head, stared muzzle to muzzle at Scootaloo. I thought it was hard to breath! She took in the scene before her, filing it under adorably creepy and certain she would never forget it. Scootaloo lay stretched out across Dash's stomach, her head laying on her chest with her ear to Dash's heart snoring softly. Foals sleep deeper to the sound of a heartbeat. Mrs. Cake said that a few weeks ago when Applejack asked about her twins. She said they always crawled up next to her or she would wake up with them on her chest. "Dang, Squee-chi, that's one heck of a deep sleep." She whisper mumbled to herself. Scootaloo's wings were fully extended down tickling Dash's sides with her primaries. Her head cocked sideways, a puddle of drool matting Dash's chest, and half open eyelids fixed in a blank distant gaze. Despite being a little grossed out and the creepy chill tingling her spine, Dash's cheeks turned rosy as she smiled. A warmth spread through her as she reached up to hold Scootaloo closer as she stared, transfixed by those adorable light purple rings. Scootaloo's pupils expanded of their own accord and then retracted as Dash accidentally lifted the sheet, letting a trickle of light in. Dash dropped the sheet, the pupils expanded again. She paused for a moment, taking in the whole scene, an impish smile spreading on her lips as her exhausted little sister continued to sleep soundly. The sheet went up and down again, the pupils following their pattern of shrink and expand. She giggled a little. Scootaloo's soft snores stopped. Dash froze, still muzzle to muzzle with her little sister, eyes wide and holding her breath. Scootaloo's pupils traveled slowly upwards, back down, and back up like tiny slow motion balls they bounced. Her lips moved, mouthing around silent whispers. Dash's ears perked forward straining as little filly lips, in little filly breaths that tickled along her nose, uttered the wondrous of words heard by one, unbeknownst to the other. Dash, only daring to chance a breath as the gentle rise and fall of the filly patterned out softly, eyes once again fixed on distant nothings. Dash's heart thundered, her ears burning, her forelegs wrapped around the little filly pulling her gently tight. She rolled to the side, and gingerly enwrapped Scootaloo with her wings, nuzzling the sleeping filly's mane she uttered words heard by one, unbeknownst to the other. "I love you too..." > Let's Do This! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo awoke wrapped in wonderfully soft blue warmth. She blinked away the sleep, trying to pick out where she could possibly be. For a moment she wondered briefly if her and Dash had ever come inside, and blushed in embarrassment as she also remembered that... Reflexively she looked up to make sure Dash's face was clean, and found her big sister staring at her. "Morning." Dash nuzzled Scootaloo's nose. Scootaloo froze, not sure if she was still dreaming as she stared in wide eyed shock, blushing furiously. Best morning ever? NO...awesomest moment of my life? I...I think I need a dictionary... Her mind raced chaotically jumping from one thing to say to another, all the while transfixed by Dash's adoring stare. So she said the most articulate thing she could muster. "Uuuhh..." Dash giggled and rolled back and forth on the bed, Scootaloo flopping helplessly in her forelegs. "Most adorable filly EVER!" "Uuhh..." Scootaloo's second attempt was about as articulate as the first sending Dash into further giggling fits. "Okay...this is a little weird." "Wh-what?" Dash froze, and stared at Scootaloo in shock. "No! I didn't mean that!" Scootaloo reached out as Dash let go, and rolled off the bed, pain in her eyes. "Well then, what did you mean?" Dash took a deep breath, trying to control the blood rushing to her ears and wings from flushed embarrassment. "It's just you are acting really weird." Scootaloo struggled to explain something beyond her understanding. "It's not like I don't like it." She held her breath, waiting for Dash's response. Dash chewed her cheek for a moment in thought, using the pain to fight her emotions into a corner. "Yeah, I guess I feel a little different." "You feel different? What happened?" Scootaloo innocently closed in on the mark. "I just have a lot on my mind Squee-chi..." Dash dodged the subject as she turned, taking a deep cleansing breath, rebuilding her emotional walls and doubling the guard. She spun around wearing a massive winning grin. "Okay, kiddo! Here's how its gonna be. Today we train! I'ma make a flyer out of ya!" Scootaloo almost fell on her face trying to crawl out of bed, her train of thought being derailed, and refocused into training mode. "Yeah! Let's do this!" Dash breathed a deep sigh of relief. Dash and Scootaloo stood on the ground below the cloudhome. The weather was clear, and Dash had asked for another sick day. Nopony complained, wing cramps being no laughing matter. "Here we go kiddo! Now listen up!" Scootaloo stood at attention, her chest puffed out, her wings subconsciously raised slightly to make her look bigger. "Yes Mam!" "Now, first things first, we need to measure your primaries." Dash pulled out a ruler. "What?" She trotted over and snagged one of Scootaloo's wings, eliciting a slight 'eep' out of the startled filly. "If they are too small you can't fly. Period. End of story. Bye, bye...see ya later." A horrified Scootaloo held her breath, "I already knew that! But..." It hurts to hear it out loud. "Hmmm..." Dash's brow furrowed in thought. These have been flight length for at least a year... The implications irritated Dash, planting a seed of anger in her gut. "What!? Is it bad? They are too short aren't they?" She facehoofed. "I knew it!" "Relaaax, Squee-chi..." Dash soothed. "Shhh! Don't call me that out here!" Scootaloo hissed, searching for passers by who may of heard one of her most embarrassing secrets. Dash snickered. "Look, you're fine, the problem isn't with how long they are. You have some good primaries in, but the ones you have are badly damaged. Probably from crashing all the time." "What? I just..." Scootaloo's ears fell back as she lowered her voice, averted her eyes, and blushed profusely. She hesitated for a moment, but relaxed a little as Dash bent down so the filly could whisper in her ear. "I uh...j-just molted a couple weeks ago." Dash giggled despite her best efforts to keep up a tough appearance. A piece of her within danced for joy that Scootaloo would share something so horribly embarrassing with her. She jumped quickly to assuage the filly's ego as Scootaloo recoiled indignantly. "No, I'm not laughing at you," Dash whispered into her ear. "You just made me happy...is all." "Why would that make you happy?" Scootaloo raised an inquisitive brow giving Dash a 'mare you crazy' glare. "No not that you...never mind. Look, you can't take off with those. You would end up face planting half the time, and it's hard enough taking off for the first time." Dash took a deep breath, rethinking a better plan of action. Scootaloo head butted Dash in the chest. "I really want to fly Dash! I'll do anything!" Dash vigorously ruffled Scootaloo's mane with a hoof as she smiled. "Good, because I have an idea, and don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're my little sister." Dash produced a rope and a small body harness, "Put your hooves and wings up." She tied the rope around Scootaloo's mid. "This rope is stretchy so it will have enough give and not tear you in half." "Dash?" Scootaloo sounded her mentors name with a nervous edge. "Hmm?" "You can't fly still right?" Scootaloo eyed the harness and rope inquisitively as Dash finished off the last knot. "Right, and I'm not going to." Dash flapped up to her cloudhome, stopped, and looked down. "Well, you get what I mean. I'm not going to fly any further than this." She tied the other end of the rope to a pillar. Then she turned, hauled her, "dope-on-a-rope," up as she called down. "That's what we call this when we are luring rocs away from the weather teams around the Everfree. Two good flyers drop a pegasis tied to a rope, and fish for the roc. The dope has to focus on looking injured and spinning out of control since the stupid roc's will go after anything that looks like an easy kill first. The other two then haul the dope to safety until she regains her bearings, letting the workers who are in real danger escape." I love giving this class to new weather recruits! She grinned, and winked at Scootaloo. "We will go into details later, but for now, my little dope, welcome to suicide training class!" Scootaloo rotated slowly around as Dash dangled her at eye level. Her head jerked side to side to keep eye contact as she stared dubiously at her mentor. "What are you going to do to me? I don't like that look in your eyiieeee!!" Dash tossed Scootaloo off the ledge, the filly's wings flapping furiously to slow her descent. The ground came up menacingly fast, and the wind was slammed out of her as she came to a sudden jerking halt at the end of the rope two feet from the ground, and shot back up. She bounced a couple times, and leveled out into a flat spin, the world dizzyingly mocking the sudden queasy sick in her stomach. Then, she bounced in little jerks as Dash hauled her back up. Scootaloo growled dangerously, a vicious tongue lashing forming on her lips. Dash hauled her up a little too swiftly, flailing wildly the filly arched upwards above Dash's head and arced down into her outstretched forelegs. She grasped at her little sister, and hugged her tight. The anger in Scootaloo boiled, but held in check, giving way to shocked confusion as Dash hid her eyes in the orange fur of her stomach. "Dash?" Scootaloo ventured forth, perplexed by sudden soft sobbing, and the wetness spreading around her coat. "Hmm?" Dash followed the question with a sniffle, struggling to hold back tears. Scootaloo ran a hesitant hoof through Dash's mane. "What's wrong? I don't...why are you...did I do something?" Dash gritted her teeth, straining to get her emotions under control. I can't do this! "Squee-chi, I'm so sorry. I just...I don't know why. Something's wrong with me." She burst into a round of sobs and sniffles intermittent with frustrated growls and silent moments where Dash held her breath so hard, Scootaloo was sure she'd pass out. Scootaloo lay wrapped in a shivering blue cradle, running a soothing hoof through Dash's mane, and hugging her with the other. "Dash, you're scaring me..." Dash burst out into lamenting wails. Below the cloudhome... Fluttershy's eyes dilated impossibly wide in wavering glistening pain as she listened to her oldest, and dearest friend breaking down above. She bit her lip as she stared up at the cloudhome, willing herself to fly up, but her jittery outstretched wings empathically forbid it. Now's the wrong time. Two little tears ran down her cheeks as she closed her eyes, and bit into the wicker of the basket she had so gingerly weaved with purpose. Her tears fell upon the herbs, and lotions she had lovingly prepared to sooth Dash's wings. She can't know I was here! She turned, and sped off adding a few flapping leaps to ensure her departure was swift, and her presence kept secret. I have to be patient. Oh, Dashie, please come visit soon. I hate it when you hide your feelings...then this happens... Meanwhile...at the library, Applejack was having issues of her own... Applejack's ears fell flat to the sides, and folded back as she backpedaled towards the door. Her hooves shakily inched away from the scene before her. A scene she couldn't tear her eyes away from. Twilight danced giddily around, staring fixedly at, and circling a central point. Black waves of magic roiled around her horn and spilled out, sucking the light from the air around her disheveled mane. Her eyes wide with madness as she giggled maniacally through a clenched grin. Little bits of foam dripped down her quivering jaw, her teeth chattering in deranged excitement. Applejack attempted to understand the words coming out of Twilight's mouth, but the color from her face drained as the sounds fell upon her. Multiple voices, whispers dark and forbidding, emanated from Twilight's lips, and reverberated in menacing poetic pros throughout the library. Wisps of airy white streaked through the room, some encircling the purple mage in a twisting dance of glittery flashes not meant for the uninitiated pony's eyes, emitting childish ethereal giggles not meant for simple pony ears. Ghosts! Twilight's surrounded by the dead! Applejack's mind whirled. Shivers ran up and down Applejack's spine as her knees quaked, refusing her commands. Through sheer luck her flank skirted the wall to find the open door. She backed out, reared up, turned on her hind legs, and bolted in a random direction. She dashed through the streets dodging pony's going about their business. "I'm gonna need help with this one!" Blinded by terror, she ran feverishly, striking through entire crowds unlucky enough to stand in her path. She turned instinctively to dodge a building, slamming into the wall, cracking the siding, and thundered past Sugarcube Corner eliciting the concern of a certain pink pony. Pinkie ducked under a rock, and popped out of a cart two blocks away, "Apple..." Applejack flew past. "...jack?" Pinkie ducked back into the cart and popped out of a hole in a tree three blocks down deciding to give it a bit more effort. "Applejack!!" She waved at the thundering crazed pony, whose mind was too full of the whispers of the dead to hear her friend as she charged by. Pinkie ducked back in, concern on her brow. "She can't ignore this!" Pinkie focused, naturally conjuring images of the inside of Applejack's hat. She projected the picture in her mind, her genius centered on photographic memory and imagination. Then, projecting the image into the darkness around her she simply accepted it as reality. So it was no surprise to Pinkie when the smell of old hat, and sweat permeated the air, and the feel of Applejack's hard jouncing noggin came into being under her hooves. Pinkie, prepared with a jaunty 'hello, what's got you spooked,' went to pop out of Applejack's hat. However, the word that left her mouth was more along the lines of 'hyuurrk!' Rarity eyed her newest creation with disdain. "Uhf, I can't believe they rejected my designs! Somepony's just have no fashion sense what-so-ever! Not, modern enough they said! Too backwater, hick town, redneck they said. OOOHH, one even called me a, what was that again Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle winced, taking in her sisters tirade as best she could. The recent fashion expo in Canterlot had been a disaster, bringing the two sisters home early. "Uhm...a cornfed bumpkin yokel?" She grinned nervously. "UUHHH!" Rarity's hoof shot dramatically to her brow as she reared up just so she could faint backwards. Sweetie Bell sighed, and produced a paper fan she kept just for such occasions. "I love your designs! Sis." "You are so...Sweetie, but you are my sister, it's your job to love my designs." Rarity batted her eyes at Sweetie Belle's deadpan gaze, and basked in the flow of air from the fan. "Honey, I need to be adored by everypony else, but I can bounce back from any criticism no matter how uneducated and misplaced it may be. However, you are the one pony whose opinion does actually matter. If you didn't like my art I would simply just die! Life would lose all meaning, and my world would end!" Sweetie Belle giggled, dropping the fan as Rarity pulled her into a hug, and nuzzled her cheek. "Alright Sweetie Belle. We have a long night ahead of us. I need to rethink some of these design's, or else I fear I shall never get to sleep tonight. I am going to need your help." Sweetie belle bounced around excitedly, "YAY!" SLAM! A wild Applejack appeared! Rarity's door exploded in a shower of splinters, and dangerously sharp pieces that bounced across the room. She used Pinkie Splash Attack! Applejack's hat flew across the room to land at Rarity's hooves while Pinkie spilled over the brim, dropped on the deck, and flopped like a fish. But nothing happened! Rarity took it all in stride used to things exploding around her, and handling incredibly awkward friend moments as she enjoyed the distraction. "Well at least there is one pony bursting through my doors just dying to try on my fashions! Applejack, darling, I admire your spirit but..." Half of Pinkies body was inexplicably still stuck in the hat as she twitched in dizzy shock on the floor. "Oh my...you really shouldn't wear your friends as hats. That's just not the kind of impression you want to make, and I fear you may never, as they say, live it down." > Twilight's Revelation! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash sat back against a pillar, dodging Scootaloo's impatient worried glare. "I just don't know what went wrong!" Dash mimicked her friend Derpy, trying to defuse the tension as she waggled her eyes. Scootaloo fought down a giggle. "No, you're not getting out of this one with some silly joke! And you leave Ms. Doo alone! When I'm over to play with Dinky. Ms. Doo will paint cutie marks on us of whatever we want. Dinky's always running around with new cutie marks." "Wow, that's soo cool. I never thought of that when I was a kid. What kind of cutie marks does she paint on?" Dash wasn't just happy that Scootaloo had a short attention span, but suddenly found herself transfixed, why is this interesting to me? It's just silly kid stuff...I don't care about this...but... Dash sat down, crossing her forelegs. Scootaloo's eyes lit up. "Oh, all kinds! I once got an alligator wrestling one," Dash cringed, "and a dragon taming one," Dash looked away with a shiver, old memories stirred of how frightening dragons could be. "Spike played with us that day too. He played a vicious fire breathing dragon, with real fire too!" Dash shot Scootaloo an angry glare. "That's dangerous! You should never play with fire! I'll have to talk to Twilight because that's not happening again!" Dash sat, her jaw open in shock induced by her own words. "Wow...now you really do sound just like my mom..." Scootaloo raised a worried eyebrow, her original train of thought being re-railed. "What's gotten into you?" Dash cringed, whipping her mane side to side to shake off Scootaloo's statement. "Sorry I just, I don't know. I think I'm losing it. You shouldn't play with fire, but yeah, I uhm..." "Ok I get that. What about the rope. You were the one who pushed me off in the first place. Then you freaked out about it." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Come on Dash, that's a little weird." Dash felt a squeezing pang in her chest. Ow! Cut me some slack would ya? "I've done that training myself, and taught more than a few pegasi. I didn't do anything different this time. I even gave you the same intro speech. Pushing the trainee off the ledge without warning is just a way to say 'welcome to the herd.' Everypony goes through it..." She stumbled over her words, pausing, biding time. "I won't give up asking until you tell me. Somethings wrong Dash, even I can tell that. You have to tell me!" Scootaloo sat firmly in place, she leaned forward inches from Dash as she tried to make direct eye contact. "I'm your sister!" Dash winced at the word 'sister'. "I don't know kiddo. I don't understand it either. You were falling, and I just...panicked. I measured the rope already. I knew it was safe, but when I saw you falling..." She choked on her words, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't do this. I've seen so many pegasi hurt in the field at the end of those ropes. It just felt...it felt like you were right there as bait for a roc!" She grabbed Scootaloo. "It's so stupid! But I can't seem to shake this..." "Is there another kind of training?" Scootaloo muffled through Dash's embrace. Dash cleared her throat, gathering her nerves together. "Yeah, we can do this. I just have to focus." Scootaloo wiggled out of Dash's forelegs, much to Dash's dismay. "I'm going inside to make some food while you clear your head, and stop worrying about me. That little fall didn't even phase me." Dash reached out, her hoof as shaky as her nerves, pleading to Scootaloo as she trotted obliviously into the house. "I know...It's just...I need..." Dash felt a slight lonely melancholy set in as her little sister disappeared. How could she understand? I don't even understand it myself...I think I could really use a hug right now. She bit her lip, and punched her frustration into the cloud. Dash approached the library. Having been sent out by Scootaloo to pick up some ingredients for lunch, she decided to use the opportunity to talk to Twilight to clear her head, I'll visit Fluttershy later, since she's in the opposite direction. It's not like I could get any kind of advice on this from Twilight. She'd totally mess things up worse. So yeah, I'm just going there to talk about nothing, not to get advice, and definitely not for sappy things like hugs. Dash chuckled inwardly, phhtt, Twi being sappy. There's no way she could help me. Her brainiacness would just mess everything up worse. She looked up, surprised out of her thoughts, to see Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie huddled together outside the library door, concern and worry etched onto their features. "Hey girls!" Dash trotted up, feeling lucky to have found three new distractions from her problems. "DASH!" The three yelled in unison, and quickly surrounded their startled friend. Applejack took the lead. "We were just about to come n' get you!" Pinkie threw her forelegs around Dash. "Dashie! It's soo scary in there. Twilight's gone nuts, and I am fluent in cuckoo, but there's just no de-crazifying that mess! Even if she only spoke like one word before we all ran. I know my transcrazilating skills won't work! Believe me..." she backed up and shot Dash some serious pony drama, "...I tried!" "Transcraziwahh? Wait, what's going on?" "Trans-craz-il-ating," Pinkie elaborated. "The act of translating crazy talk into boring." "Into boring?" Dash threw a 'mare you crazy' look at Pinkie. "Oh, Dashie, now you're just being difficult!" Pinkie looked away, crossed her forelegs, and tapped an irritated hoof as she leaned against the library tree. "Can you at least try to take this serious?" Applejack facehoofed, and shook her head, but was cut off by Rarity before she could continue. "You have to help her Rainbow Dash! Twilight really is in serious trouble," Rarity covered her eyes, "oh it's just horrid. She's forever tainted the 'Twidorable Reading Pose,' permanently marring its elegant perfection in my mind." Rarity shot a hoof upward reaching towards the sky, staring at the clouds as if begging them to wipe away horrors that cannot be unseen, and swooned over with finality driving her point home. "WE...NEED...A...HERahaho!" Dash rolled her eyes, and puffed up. "Hey, you all know who you're talkin' to right? So Twi's in one of her moods? No sweat, I got this." Dash strutted forward as Pinkie, and Rarity grinned and nodded in encouragement. "Whoa there, Nelly!" Applejack threw a foreleg in front of Dash. "I think you need a bit more preparin' than that." Dash listened increasingly more intently as Applejack recounted her tale of slightly played down terror. "Wow! That's...uhm...wow!" She looked at the library door apprehensively, a shiver bolted down her spine, but she stood, and moved forward with her head lowered in challenge. Suddenly, my problems don't look so big. She thought, Wait! This is my problem now. Aww, horsefeathers! She looked back trying not to look apprehensive. "So, uh, why aren't we going in together again?" "Because when you fail here, we're getting Celestia. Just wanna make sure we're all on the same page so you aren't boasting about how you could have handled it later, and how we should have just called you to begin with." Applejack shot Dash her 'Apple fresh' grin. Dash's jaw dropped, and her brow furrowed. "Hey! Really?" "No, not really Dash. We're all scared out'a our wits here. I was just tryin' to take the edge off." Applejack re-flashed her grin, but it was slightly wilted. "Hah, you had me goin!" Dash snickered. "Don't worry about me Applejack. There's nothing about Twi that scares me. We're friends. I can handle creepy magic." Applejack stepped forward, and placed a hoof on Dash's shoulder. "Don't look into her eyes." Pinkie, and Rarity averted their eyes when Dash shot them an inquisitive glance. "Trust me," Dash met Applejack's gaze straight on as it stared right through her, "don't look into her eyes." Dash opened, stepped through, and determinedly shut the library door behind her. Deciding to just jump in, and commit, she braced for what lay ahead. Twilight sat calmly in the middle of the room. Her body balled up with legs tucked under. Her head held still, and tail arched up and back like a rainbow. It's what Dash and her friends had come to call the 'Twidorable Reading Pose.' Dash smirked, and shook her head, letting her guard down. Sure Twilight's mane was a little disheveled, but what else was new? Phhtt, Rarity and her stupid hair fetish. She's just as adorable in that pose as she is any other day. She couldn't see any ghosts, or white wisps flying around. It's just Twi being Twi. Sitting there, as always, reading a... Dash froze and did a double take, book? The floor in front of Twi, where a book should be, was suspiciously vacant of anything slightly bookish. "Twilight?" Dash moved closer. No answer. "Hey, wake up, you got everypony scared out there!" Twilight's ear twitched in irritation. Dash's blood percolated, "HELLO! Drop the reading act for a moment, this is serious!" Twilight's head spun around, her brow furrowed angrily as she frowned in irritation. Dash could handle that, what she couldn't handle was Twilight's eyes. Pools of inky black swirled with feathery wisps of faint white dancing lights glared at Dash, through Dash, and she was sure, straight into her soul. Dash recoiled, backpedaling as her mind somersaulted around the situation. An overwhelming feeling of nakedness coursed through her, every mental wall shattered before that piercing gaze, she could feel Twilight's magic crawling through her mind. "Stop!" Dash commanded shakily. Twilight stepped closer, those depth-less pools of dark radiance stripping Dash apart. Twilight's voice sounded in her head, loud, ethereal, booming, overwhelmingly powerful. The meaning of Twilight's words were lost as they drove Dash's mind into submission. "Please..." Dash begged desperately, too terrified to speak further as Twilight backed her into a corner. Ten minutes earlier... Twilight poured over the ancient text in front of her, temporarily losing focus as she hit the end of a chapter, and took a second to recount what was shaping up to be one of the greatest days of her life. Princess Celestia had sent to her via firemail an ancient text with a cryptic message stating that hidden within the pages was the secret to summoning the spirit of Star Swirl the Bearded. The chills still coursed down her spine. Hidden on the note in secret lettering that took her an eternity of fifteen minutes to decode was an ancient spell needed to read the book of spirit texts. Twilight pondered on how far in the summoning spell was, and savored the anticipation. The texts were immune to all magical influence including her speed reading spell. The tactile feeling of turning the pages by hoof sent happy little shivers through her. She marveled at the thickness, and weight of each page. She closed the book momentarily, and ran a hoof over the hoof weaved wooden cover for the hundredth time. Tens of thousands of tiny strands of delicate wood weaved into an intricate relief of the moon surrounded by stars that each twinkled with a faint light all its own. She briefly wondered if the moon on the cover even matched the phases of the real moon, again, just as awe struck as the first time she thought it. Mentally she checked the date, and noted the moon phase was exactly as depicted. Highly unlikely that's a coincidence, but we shall see. It was a little experiment completely out of her control, forcing her to wait in patient anticipation, as oddly exhilarating as hoof turning the pages. She giggled excitedly. A far off voice irritatingly demanded her attention. Go away! She growled mentally, can't you see I'm the busiest pony in Equestria right now! The voice persisted, even louder. She spun around, "WHAT!?" And then a warning on the note came to mind too late. 'Read alone!' Not again! When Dash opened her eyes, Twilight was sitting before her, trying to look as meek as possible. Her eyes had returned to normal, and the words she spoke were words Dash understood in a familiar voice that Dash was immensely relieved to hear. "Twilight, what the hay was that?" "Sorry, Rainbow Dash, I was busy reading. I guess I got a little carried away with some new spells Princess Celestia sent me." She rubbed a hoof nervously on the back of her mane, sadness thick in her tone. "Well you got everypony scared half outa their coats! You nearly killed Applejack with fright, Pinkies trying to psychoanamize you or something nuts..." "Psychoanalyze?" Twilight corrected, then winced, That is part of my problem. I have to stop doing that. "I don't know, it's just Pinkie, and Rarity's been freaking out." "Rarity freaks out about everything, and Pinkies not qualified... to..." Twilight trailed off as Pinkie's head popped up into a window. She hoofed at her manically wide eyes, then to Twilight, back to her eyes, back to Twilight, and her head slowly sunk down out of sight. "Wow..." Dash raised a concerned eyebrow. "Yeah, see what I mean? You're in for it now." Twilight sighed. "Forget about all that. None of it matters. What about you?" "What do you mean what about me?" Dash fought against the jitter in her voice. Twilight moved closer. "Dash I saw everything. I...uhm...felt your pain." I want to help so bad. I need to help. I have to fix this. I can do this. I felt her pain, so I should at least be able to understand how to help a little better. Dash picked herself up off the floor quickly, meeting Twilight head on. "Hey! I can handle some pain, got it?! And I don't appreciate you going, and messing around in my head like that!" Twilight backpedaled. "Dash I didn't mean too! I swear, it was just a side effect of the spell. It allows me to see into the ethers, into ethereal books, and..." She paused, diverting her eyes. "...into souls." Dash gritted her teeth, and pawed uncomfortably at the ground. Her hackles rose to her discomfort, as she glared in warning at Twilight. "What, exactly did you see then?" "Dash relax, you could tell me anything. You were on your way here to discuss it with me anyway weren't you? What better way for me to understand than to actually experience it alongside you." Twilight shot Dash her trademark 'I know it all' grin. "So its okay, I won't tell anypony, and perhaps I can help." Please let me help! "NO! It's not okay Twilight! I needed..." Dash trailed off, fighting down the anger pulsing through her. "I get it Dash! I know you don't believe I can understand emotions. I know you don't trust me!" Twilight dodged Dash's shocked expression. "You know I still want to help though right? Because, you are my friend, and I care." Tears welled up in Twilight's eyes. "I know I'm an egghead! You tell me every chance you get! But you aren't perfect either you know! I really care, and even if I don't have the answers to your emotional problems, or any emotional problems for that matter because I can't even fix my own. I guess I'm just a cold encyclopedia!" Tears streamed down Twilight's cheeks as she backed a shrinking Dash down, speaking haltingly. "I still understand enough! I would have freaked out too, Dash. She called you..." Dash clamped a hoof over Twilight's mouth before she could finish. "Enough! I don't need to hear it, and you don't need to say it. got it?!" Dash bucked at the wall sending a reverberating thud through the tree. "I don't ever need to hear that again! It was a mistake..." Dash's breath gained weight as her own words stung, dragging through her airways forcing her chest into working twice as hard to draw in the thickening air. "I'm sorry Twilight, I'm so sorry. It's not you okay? It's me. I can't trust anypony with my problems. It's not just you. It's everypony!" "Well you sure seem to trust Fluttershy!" Twilight shot back. "Everypony trusts Fluttershy! She's the princess of emotional trauma therapy." Dash glared vehemently. "Right, and I'm just the emotionally ignorant Twilight, Princess Celestia's pet! The princess everypony snickers at because I'm an obsessive compulsive nerd prone to stress breakdowns, magical disasters, and the complete incapability to empathize!" Twilight spun around walking back to her book. "Twilight, what?! I never thought any of that! I can't even pronounce half of that!" "Just get out! Leave me alone!" Dash exited the library. Her cheeks flushed, beads of sweat dripping down her temples joined in little streams that ran down her neck. Eye's narrow, dark, forbidding, sheltered by a twitching angry brow. Her snout wrinkled, teeth bared, nostrils flared, and a growl rumbling up her throat. Head lowered on an arched neck she clopped forward dangerously. Wings hovering inches above sweat matted sides, feathers jittering with her thundering agitation. Her friends lowered their ears, and backed off. Stepping aside in silence, nopony dared make eye contact, each of them knowing full well they had overheard something forbidden. Each of them thinking furiously on how to help as Dash leaped into the air, ignoring her aching wings, and spiraled towards home to face off with the root of the problem. > Soo Many Problems... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight turned, pangs of guilt searing at her chest, as she demanded her mouth to move, but the emotions coursing through her were too overwhelming. Her legs shook violently, demanding rest, and her head bobbed down slightly as she struggled to stay upright. Her wings sagged, twitching convulsively, the happy arch gone from her tail as it drug along the floor. Silently, choking on a plethora of emotions that were both her own and absorbed from Dash's, she reluctantly watched her friend storm out. Why would I say that!? After Dash took off, three pony heads popped in. Concern etched deeply into their features as they assessed any level of danger before slowly venturing forth to rescue their princess. Dash flapped furiously towards her cloudhome. Stupid Twi! I didn't think any of that! Dash beat the air harder, savoring the pain that rippled through her wings. I hate this! I have enough to deal with! I knew going to see Twilight would jack everything up! Dash's house quickly came into view. Scootaloo caught her eye at the edge of the walkway next to an outer pillar. What is she doing? She jumped!? Dash frantically dove on instinct. I won't make it! Scootaloo nervously watched the the hill leading to Ponyville. Good! Not back yet! Her hoof left the ledge, legs splayed out as she fell. The air whipped through her mane, and smelled crisper and cooler as she picked up speed. Her wings blurred behind her as she fearlessly plummeted with a smile on her lips. The ground came up swiftly at first, but then slowed its advance, and halted altogether for a brief moment before steadily continuing closer. Scootaloo watched, fascinated at how she could almost control how swiftly the ground came up. I'm not falling to the ground. It's coming to me! She giggled ecstatically. Soon, I will be able to make the ground go away, and flip, and twist! She mused in innocent excitement, but for now Dash made the ground disappear for her. Dash slammed into Scootaloo, unable to fully control her descent with cramping wings as she hit the ground in her trademark roll. Scootaloo, suddenly wrapped in a blue sister comet, screamed in panic, and struggled to get loose. The rope attached to her drew taught, ripped her out of Dash's grasp, and slung shot her up, screaming passed the base of the cloud home. Scootaloo's screams blinded Dash into further panic as she force skidded to a stop, and looked up just in time to see Scootaloo draw taught at the ropes summit, and snap back to plummet towards the ground. I'm such an idiot! Of course she has the rope on! Her heart skipped a beat, hooves scrambled against the dirt as she clamored forward. She's actually going to hit the ground at that speed! With monumental effort Scootaloo flipped over midair, her wings buzzing furiously, the ground angry at her earlier defiance, raced towards her. Dash leapt forward, dived for the impact point, and braced herself. Forelegs outstretched she reached for Scootaloo, and waited anxiously. Scootaloo fell towards Dash very slowly, and something in Dash's mind refused to click. Is it adrenaline? Maybe I'm so tired I'm seeing things. She's moving so slow, like she's just floating on air. Scootaloo haltingly dropped lower, and Dash was hit by a sudden consistent blast of wind. Finally, the sounds of humming registered through Dash's addled brain. Scootaloo unhitched the rope from her harness, and touched down -oomph- on Dash's chest. Her wings blurred too fast to be seen against the bright sky and a goofy smile played out on her lips as she stared down in adoration for her mentor. "Scootaloo, how did you? I've only been gone for an hour!" Dash stared up in dumbfounded wonder. "You taught me." "No I didn't, I just kicked you off a ledge! If it were that easy we wouldn't need flight training schools." "No...It's not that. I kinda already knew I could fly a little, but I couldn't practice flying because of all the pain in my stomach. You got rid of my pain, so you taught me to fly. I still can't take off though, or move forward, or..." Dash pressed a hushing hoof to Scootaloo's lips. "I'm sorry." Despite her anger with Twilight, and the awkward pain of her next words. Dash steeled herself, feeling almost calm and detached from her emotions. She let her head rest back, and stared at the cloudy sky. Briefly she mused at how the slacking of her weather team was not lost on her years of experience. "I'm so sorry." "What? Why? Oh, the whole panicking thing again? Yeah, I kinda figured you would," Scootaloo laid down on Dash's chest, her chin resting on the curve of her sister's neck. "I was trying to watch for you, but I never saw you coming. So you wouldn't have to worry, but I guess I screwed that up." "There you go again. Worrying about everypony else." Dash took a long deep breath, Scootaloo flapped a few blurry times to keep her balance on Dash's chest. Then she let it out in one big blast, steeled her resolve further, and just said it. "I can't train you." Scootaloo recoiled with a deadpan, "what?" As she swiftly removed the harness to toss it aside. Dash met Scootaloo's painful gaze straight on, refusing the urge to look away, and steadily continued. "I've taught hundreds of pegasi how to fly, improve their skills, and how to do tricks even. I just..." Dash reflexively looked away, and forced her eyes back to Scootaloo's, pain and uncertainty etched on her muzzle. "I never cared about them...well of course I cared...but they didn't mean anything...well kinda...but not the way you do...you mean way more to me...and..." Dash stumbled awkwardly over her words, feeling the intensity of Scootaloo's gaze seer through her. "I don't understand." All that was perky in Scootaloo drooped. "What do you mean? You can't train me because I mean something to you? What do I mean to you then? Can we fix that? I can be more annoying!" Dash chuckled despite her agitation. "No Squee-chi, you couldn't possibly be more annoying." Dash wrapped her forelegs around Scootaloo's neck, and pulled the filly into a squishy hug. Scootaloo broke down. Her little filly wings shaking with the sorrow of her sobs as she cried into Dash's chest. With another sigh Dash settled for an uncertain half truth, the full truth being too painful to say out loud. "I want to be your sister, and I want to be your mentor, but I don't know how to be both. I'm sorry Scootaloo." "So you are just giving up on me?!" "NO!" Dash held Scootaloo's head, forcing her to lock eyes. "I will never give up on you! I will always be your sister. I will hire a personal flight trainer just for you. I will be with you every step..." Scootaloo cut her off. "I don't want a personal flight trainer! I want you! I've always dreamed of being trained by you. I thought my dreams were all coming true! I thought that dream meant something to you! If I don't learn to fly from you then it doesn't mean anything, and I can never be the best! You have to train me so I can fly by your side in the Wonderbolts!" Scootaloo broke down completely, forcing her way out of Dash's embrace. "Scootaloo, okay! I get it, I understand." Dash closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Your dreams mean a lot to me. I want to fly by your side too. Trust me. I know about dreams. We will find a way." "No!" Scootaloo shook her head vehemently. Dash recoiled, confusion etched across every feature. "I don't want you too! Not if you don't want to! It doesn't feel right anymore. I always wanted you to train me, but I want you to want to do it to! Do you even want to not because I want you to?!" "Uh-whaa?" Dash wasn't sure how to answer exactly, or if she understood the question. Wait, was that even a question? Scootaloo stomped on Dash's stomach -hyurrk-, hopped down, spun around, and bolted for town. Dash called after her, "Wait Scoot! I want to! I..." Dash turned to get up, and follow, but suddenly her limbs felt thick and heavy. Why am I such an idiot! "I do want to..." She said meekly to herself as she flopped back to the ground, stared up at the sky, and tried to rub away the increasing pressure behind her eyes and the tender spot in her gut. I can't even cry anymore... She threw an avenging hoof to smash at the abandoned harness. Twilight paced in circles, wearing a groove in the floor of the library. Rarity, and Applejack sat on the stairs leaning on each other sleeping from exhaustion. Spike sat and watched Twilight, yawning, and munching on a few crystals before bed. "You know Twilight, you could just go, and talk to Rainbow Dash." He glanced over to Rarity who had suggested that exact same thing some fifty times. "Spike that's the worst thing I could do! I will just screw it up." She looked around at the mess the library had become. As per her usual panic stricken frenzied knowledge search, haphazardly discarded piles of books littered the floor. "I found all kinds of communication, self help, and emotional coping books. However, I'm too emotionally distraught, and can't focus enough to read any of them. How could I possibly go over there completely unprepared like this?" "Well first of all," Spike conjectured, "you already screwed things up pretty bad. I doubt you could make them any worse." Twilight let out a growling exasperated sigh, her head lowering in frustration. "Second of all, I really doubt you could find the answers in any book anyway, and since you can't focus on reading it's kind of pointless for you to keep trying. Third and finally, your friends," Spike waggled a claw at Applejack and Rarity, "are completely exhausted, and who knows where Pinkie went." Pinkie busted through the door, sending Rarity and Applejack tumbling in surprise off the stairs, and onto the floor. On her back she carried a tray of muffins. "I'm baaack! And I brought my power energy muffins!" "Oh thank Celestia! I pegged you fer passin' out in an apple barrel by now." Applejack sauntered over and snatched a muffin off the tray. Pinkie giggled, "I gave one of these to Derpy once, and her eyes straightened out for a whole hour!" Pinkie cross waggled her eyes in demonstration making everyone present giggle despite the permeating sombre mood. "Sorry girls, it takes some special ingredients to make these. I had to stop by the Everfree to pick some specialties up since the stores are all closed." Rarity startled dramatically, a hoof shooting up to her mouth in shock. "Pinkie! How could you go into the Everfree at night alone. Whatever would we do if you got hurt? You could have been ravaged by vicious wild animals!" "No doubt she laughed them into their places." Applejack said dryly. "Applejack, don't encourage her! This is serious Pinkie darling, you could have really been hurt. At least take a friend next time." Rarity placed a concerned hoof on Pinkies shoulder. Applejack snickered. "Bet the poor vicious beasts never knew what hit em." Rarity shot her a serious pony glare, but Pinkie intersected it. "Oh, would you two relax? Of course I took a buddy, silly filly gumdrops! Fluttershy came with me!" Twilight dropped her books, and stared at Pinkie in disbelief. "You, alone, got Fluttershy to enter the Everfree forest in the dark?" "Yeah, it was easy. I just told her you, and Dashie were having a fight, and I needed some herbs for some muffins so we could all stay up long enough to read to you the books that you can't read anymore because you are an emotional wreck right now, and she totally helped because she was super duper worried, and wanted to do whatever it took to make things better because she felt guilty for not talking to Dashie earlier when she saw the signs Dashie needed a good talking to!" Pinkie panted in exhaustion. Rarity lifted a brow. "Well that was nice of her." She made a play of looking around Pinkie. "Not to be nosy, dear, but where did she go? We could have really used a fresh opinion on this problem and this is kind of her area of expertise." "Oh she said she was going to go over to see Dashie, and set her straight for hurting Twilight's feelings." Pinkies hair was blasted back as everypony in the room yelled at once, "WHAT!?" A purple blur dashed out the door, leaving the rest to stare in shock. Pinkie stared back at the tray. "Well at least she took a muffin. So, we are going to follow her right?" Nods were given, energy muffins were woofed, and three concerned ponies and a suddenly wired jittery dragon bolted out the door. I want to solve this problem! Back off Fluttershy! Twilight gasped at her own thoughts. "I don't really think that! I mean I want to solve this problem, and help my friend but I can't possibly be jealous of Fluttershy." She mumbled around the muffin as it worked it's energy giving magic into clearing up her sleep deprived thoughts. Twilight munched on Pinkies muffin for as much reason to quell the queasy sick in her stomach as to sate the ravenous hunger tearing at her for not eating all day. Her wings buffeted the air around her and propelled her towards Dash's cloudhome. A little too swiftly. I need more time to think! I couldn't read anything today, and the others tried so hard but they read so slowly. I need to think. Okay, I don't have any good book knowledge on the subject. So what about... Twilight went over every single memory of the past two days that she had gleaned from Dash, trying her best to skim over the hurtful thought's Dash had before visiting that afternoon. Uhg, I have covered every sickeningly sweet moment she, and Scootaloo shared. It all comes back to what Scootaloo called Dash this morning. I even feel like taking Scootaloo home, snuggling with her, and calling her Squee-chi! What am I supposed to do? I can't even figure out how I would fix this if I were in Dash's place. Twilight growled, Gah...I don't want to be emotionally useless! I'm such a bad friend! Fluttershy is going to make everything better, and I will stand there useless because she's so much better than me. "Wait!" Twilight stopped in mid air, falling slightly as she forgot to flap, and quickly recovered with renewed determination. "I get it now, Dash's thoughts earlier were as random, and pointless as my own are about fluttershy right now! Dash didn't mean any of that any more than I think bad about Fluttershy." Then why do we think them? Twilight shook her musings off. "I have more important things to think about!" She reworked through Dash's memories one last time trying to pick out anything at all that would help. This time she focused on memories that didn't have to do with Scootaloo. Dash and Fluttershy's conversation came to mind. That's it! I have been looking at it as if I were Dash! I can't solve her problems myself I just have to fix the problem between us so she can focus on her issues. Wow. Fluttershy really is the princess of emotional trauma therapy! Twilight flapped hard and fast, nearly running into Dash's door before she could stop. Hold on Rainbow Dash! I can be your sister too you know! Her hoof went to knock, but the door creaked open, falling off a hinge as it swung inwards. Twilight peered in hesitantly "Rainbow Dash?" > FlutterDash Complications > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier that day... Scootaloo burst through the door of her home, huffed across the living room, stamped up the stairs, slammed her bedroom door, buried her face in a pillow, and screamed out her frustrations. Grinder glanced over at his wife, Donnybrook, who had just gotten home for some leave from the field. "Yup, not much's changed Donny." "She's gotten to be more of a drama queen from the looks of it." Donny shot Grinder a suspicious glare, "you aren't spoilin' her are ya!" "Whoa, hold up!" Grinder waggled his hooves back, and forth. "N' slow down there, she hasn't been home enough for me to spoil her. Our filly's been sleeping over at friends houses for the past two weeks. Lately she's been stayin' over at Rainbow Dash's place." Donny's eyes narrowed. "Yes, the Wonderbolt cadet and captain of the weather team if I remember right." She brushed a yellow hoof through her orange mane thoughtfully. "I know her, but only met her a few times in passing. My sister wont shut up about her exemplary field skills. I need to pay her a visit. I wanna size this Harmony Hero up myself." Grinder nodded. "Just try to keep it civil. I hear she's teaching Scootabee how to fly." "Would you use her real name? It's bad enough she stubbornly holds onto that ridiculous nickname she doesn't need you encouraging her by mushy'n it up." Donny rubbed a hoof against the bridge of her nose. "I came home for R and R," she stood and headed for the stairs, "not to deal with filly fits." "You could just let her work it out herself..." Grinder's logic fell upon deaf ears. Donnybrook clopped up the stairs, announcing well ahead of time her agitation before she came to Scootaloo's door.  Scootaloo, face down in her pillow, breathed heavily to fight off the pain that was spreading in her gut. Not again...stupid Dash! Why did you have to say that! She sniffled, "I just want you to train me. Why is that so hard?" Her ears perked. The sound of clops coming closer sent shivers through her spine. Horsefeathers! Mom's home! How did I miss that! Quickly she wiped the tears off onto her pillow, and smoothed out her coat. She hissed in a despairing breath as she noted the shoddy state of her primaries, and swiftly threw a sheet over her shoulders. Mom's going to kill me for not keeping up my preening! The door handle jiggled, and Scootaloo shivered in nervous anticipation. The door creaked open, Scootaloo's stomach churned, and Donnybrook stepped in with a look of irritation. Yep, she's already mad, Scootaloo forlornly wished she hadn't come home. "Cheeriloo? What's it this time?" Donnybrook raised an interrogating eyebrow in response to Scootaloo's play at confused and innocent pantomimes. "Don't give me that, it's always something. Your scooter broke, you can't fly, Dad isn't doing what he's supposed to be doing, I'm not home enough, you're too afraid to ask Rainbow Dash for flying lessons, Cheerilee is ignoring you again. It's always something. Just come out with it, and get it over with." Scootaloo recoiled, not sure if it was safe to say what was on her mind. "I don't know. It's not important mom. I can deal with it. I don't need help." Donnybrook took a deep calming breath, and counted to ten in her head as she fought down her irritation. "So, what you are telling me is that there is a problem, and that you can't tell me about that problem because I will make it worse for you." Scootaloo winced, Mom always knows what I'm not saying. This is bad. I can't tell her about Dash! "I am having some trouble with one of my friends. I just have to talk it over with them." Scootaloo was proud of the response. It was full of truth, but vague enough that it wouldn't connect to Dash. "I see. So you had a fight with Rainbow Dash then?" Donnybrook stated flatly. Scootaloo froze, "I uhh...how?!" Donnybrook smiled, bingo! She loved tearing hidden truths out of half truths. It was her favorite past time to rend iron clad secrets out of her squad. "I just know. Don't worry about it. So what did she say that sent you into a tizzy?" "I uhm...she," Scootaloo's voice quivered from shock, sadness, anger, and terror under those eyes that saw through everything. I can't lie. It will only make things worse! Mom knows all! "She said she can't train me..." "What!? Why? If she said you weren't good enough I will break her wings!" Donnybrook glared daggers through Scootaloo, who shrank back nervously fearing not for her safety, but for Dash's. "No Mom! It's ok, I got this. Please, don't do anything crazy!" Oh no...wrong thing to say! Stupid! "What!" Donnybrook bristled. "Why is protecting my filly crazy?!" "Mom! Mommy! Mother!" Mom, hold your temper! But I can't say that, she'll freak out! "Mom, it's ok. She said I mean too much to her. I don't know what that means yet. I'm still trying to figure it out, but she freaks out every time I try to train." "It means she's a panzy!" Donnybrook spun around, and galloped out the door. Scootaloo shot off the bed, and bolted after her. "It means I need to go knock some sense into her that you aren't made of glass!" "DAD! Help!" Scootaloo stumbled down the stairs after her Mom. Grinder stood bravely in the front doorway. "Hon, you aren't pickin' fights again are you?" "Shut up! I got a mare to slap some sense into." Donnybrook growled when her husband stood fast, refusing to move. "My job is to protect Equestria from rogue dragons, are you really going to stand a chance?" "Wouldn't be the first time I had to hog tie you till you simmered down." Grinder stepped forward looming ominously over his wife, a skeptical glare in his eyes. "Just brief me on the plan real quick would you?" Donnybrook took a long deep steadying breath as she glared up at Grinder. "Right. Got it. Dash is a Wonderbolt Cadet right?" "Eeyup." "We recruit the best out of the Wonderbolts, so I am already halfway her superior. She's having some self confidence issues. I got an obligation. Get it?" "Got it. Let her have it. Just don't hit her will you?" "Only if it looks like she'll strike back." Donnybrook grinned, her eyes narrowing wickedly. "Else, it's not fun, right?" "Hooneeyy..." Grinder growled in warning, but stepped aside. "DAD! Don't let her go, she'll hurt Dash!" Scootaloo's wings flapped furiously in a frantic blurr to emphasize her concern. "Or, Dash will hurt her!" Her breathing began to pick up. "DAD! This isn't going to end well! They will kill each other!" Grinder thundered out a chuckle. "Scootabee, don't sweat it. Mom's just gonna go show your Dash a little military love. It's something only a soldier can do for another soldier." Donnybrook huffed. "I doubt I'll get much back. She's just a wet cadet. I'll be lucky if I get a glare out of her in between her groveling." "Mom! You don't know Dash at all! She never backs down from a fight! She once punched a dragon in the nose!" Scootaloo, and Grinder simultaneously face hoofed. "Oh really?!" Donnybrook trotted enthusiastically out the door with an enormous grin. "My lucky day!" Grinder shook his head. "Oh, Cheeriloo, why would you say that?" "I know Daddy. I screwed up bad." Scootaloo bolted after her mom, hopped on her scooter, and sped down the road. The silhouette of her mother in flight faded in the distance, and Scootaloo once again found herself cursing her wings as they blurred into the night. Fluttershy approached Dash's door. Oh, I shouldn't be angry with myself. I didn't know it would become a problem, and I don't want to take out my anger on poor Dashie. I caused so much trouble though. I should have just helped earlier. Dashie must be in so much pain right now, and it's all my fault. Her hoof wavered nervously in front of the door. Knock, knock... She waited. Okay this time I'll knock for real. Knock, knock... She waited. Oooh, did I actually knock that time? She waited. I'm sure that I knocked. Maybe, she doesn't want to talk to me? Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably, rubbing a hoof up and down her leg, the cooling breeze that played down her mane brought no comfort from the heat building under her coat. Well she did go to Twilight instead of me...her oldest friend. A toothy frown accompanied by a dark darting of her eyes briefly marred Fluttershy's natural beauty, but was gone instantly. I'm sure she was on her way to see me, but just got side tracked. She is soo busy and all. Her tail swished. Her hoof reached for the door. Shes taking such an awful long time to answer the door. Knock, knock... During her inner monolog Fluttershy missed the door with her hoof, the sounds of knocking existing in her head alone. Knock, knock... Fluttershy shifted again, shaking her mane in agitation. Of course she's probably really depressed, and won't answer the door. I probably should let her know it's me. I wouldn't answer the door for just anypony at night. Knock, knock... Her hoof whiffed distractedly at the air. "Ra...Rainbow Dash?" She whispered. "It's me, Flu...Fluttershy!" She squeaked out her name, and recoiled from her own rudeness at piercing the quiet as she looked around to make sure no one was bothered. No answer. Maybe she's upstairs. That has to be it. Dash wouldn't ignore me. Dashie loves me, and I love her. She's one of my closest dearest friends. Knock, knock... Her hoof made contact this time producing a muffled thud on the door. Then why isn't she answering!? I have been waiting, and knocking, and... Fluttershy took a calming breath, forcing down her agitated wings. Patience. I need to be patient. She is in pain. A shadow fell over her eyes. Of course she's in pain! Judging Twilight like that! It's not Twilight's fault she isn't good with emotions. Not everyone can be me of course! Fluttershy shivered, her eyes calming. That's not right. Twilight is an amazing friend, and she has proven she cares deeply for all of her friends. I love Twilight, and she loves me. She's one of my closest dearest friends... A jolt ran up her spine, and her wings flared out again. Her head lowered in challenge. ...and Rainbow Dash hurt her! Her head twitched to the side, fluttering out her mane. And Twilight hurt Rainbow Dash... She twitched again...flutter. So I need to have a talk with both of my friends. Flutter. If she'll ever... "...open the door!!" Fluttershy's spun around, and bucked the door off it's top hinge as it flung in, and slammed -fluff- against the wall. Fluttershy bolted into the living room, which was devoid of any Dash's. Twitch...Fluttershy sighed in relief. I knew it, Dashie wouldn't ignore ME! She must be upstairs. Oh dear, this old door is falling apart. I couldn't have hit it that hard. She replaced the door gently into its frame, and tipyhoofed up the stairs. Maybe she's asleep. I hope I didn't wake her. I'm sure she's emotionally exhausted. She must really need me. I should hurry. Scootaloo buzzed through the streets unbidden. Everypony was already shacked up for the night, and she wasn't anywhere near the bars so it was clear scootering all the way to the other side of town. Her wings began to itch furiously. I have to hurry! Mom will screw up everything! I have to protect Dash! She hit a rock, and sailed through the air. Her wings blurred faster as she used the airborne opportunity to increase her speed which also settled some of the itch. Dash! Faster! Dash laid in bed. It felt as if the last of her energy had been spent ascending the distance to her cloudhome and dragging herself up the stairs. Her chest ached as her hoof traced an outline of Scootaloo into the bed sheets. This isn't healthy... She pulled the sheets over her head to hide from the world only to throw them down again. She sobbed, but the tears wouldn't flow. The sheets smell like her. I can't do this... Her gut roiled, and churned. I can't do this...There's no way out...there's no finish line. There's only pain. I'm such an idiot. "Uhm...hello?" Fluttershy? Fluttershy nudged the bedroom door open, her hackles were flared up, but otherwise still in full control of the situation. "Uhm...hello?" No answer. Dash was huddled under the blankets on the bed. Maybe she's asleep. Fluttershy moved closer to the bed. "Dash?" Movement. Eep! She's awake! Okay, I just need to say it. Get it all out. "I...I...am really concerned about you, and Twilight..." No answer. Fluttershy's wings ached, picking up on Dash's misery. Her gut began churning, but she ignored it. I'm here for a reason! Stand strong! Ascert! She placed a concerned hoof where she imagined Dash's shoulder to be. She's shivering? Dash's condition brought out Fluttershy's confidence. She's emotional, I can do this. I can read her. "Dash I need you to talk to me. I need to know you are ok." She rubbed along Dash's shoulder. "Don't!" Dash flipped over, away from Fluttershy's hoof. "Just, don't touch me right now." Fluttershy recoiled with a wince, and a pang hitting home in her chest. Oh, dear, this is worse than I thought. "What's wrong? You can tell me, it's okay Dashie. You know I won't judge you." "I don't know what's wrong with me. Alright? So, do me a favor, and go away. I just need...sleep or something." Dash mumbled into the pillow. Pang! Fluttershy exhaled with the pain, gritting her teeth, she took a deep breath. She's emotional. She needs me. Oh, but it hurts Dashie why must you push me away? "Is it, about earlier? When you were afraid Scootaloo might get hurt?" How did she...? Aw, horsefeathers, like I care... "Yes, now go away. I'll tell you everything later." Dash held onto her gut, dizziness swept through her, and resonated out her legs like a million pricking needles. Pang! Fluttershy, grimaced and bit her lip. Her breathing picked up. It's depression. That's why. It's just depression. I can break through this shell. Hold on Dashie, I'm coming. I will help you. I love you. You are my oldest, dearest friend, and I will always be there for you. Fluttershy wanted to reach out and hug Dash, but thought better of it. "I can't just go away Dashie, not when you are in so much pain. I..." "I have to deal with this on my own!" Dash cut her off. "No one can help me right now. Got it?" She sniffled, and fought back a dry sob. "Please." Pang! Fluttershy recoiled as she fought against the heat building up in her core. Dash is in turmoil, I have to forgive her. She still loves me. I will always love her no matter what. "This isn't you Dashie." Fluttershy laid down next to her, failing to keep the irritation out of her voice. "So I am going to wait here for you to come back to me." And I need to calm down. Dash raged at the queasy sick in her stomach. She raged at the urge to turn, and bury her face in Fluttershy's chest and scream. She raged at the dizziness that weighed down her limbs and clouded her vision. She raged at the tormenting itch that was spreading through her wings. She raged at her status as a sister that could never become anything more. But mostly she just raged, silently, she raged at her weakness. I'm so weak! Scootaloo! You broke me with one word! Then, you run off when I needed you! You are so selfish... ...Twilight flapped hard and fast, nearly running into Dash's door before she could stop. Hold on Rainbow Dash! I can be your sister too you know! Her hoof went to knock, but the door creaked open, falling off a hinge as it swung inwards. Twilight peered in hesitantly "R-Rainbow Dash?" She could hear muffled voices coming from up the stairs. She tippy hoofed to Dash's bedroom door, stood on her hind legs, and pressed up against the wall. Twilight had no intention of eavesdropping unannounced, but something in Fluttershy's voice froze her hooves to the cloud. Easy, Fluttershy, easy! Dash turned on the bed, and met Fluttershy's gaze straight on. She noticed the telltale signs. A twitchy eye, an ear hanging low, her lip curled ever so slightly on one side. Fluttershy's close to an episode. Dash half grinned at her friend. I need that right now. Fluttershy stared hopefully at Dash. She's going to open up! She needs me! I can see it in her eyes! "Whatever you need to say, just say it Dashie." She cooed, her wing reflexively stretched out craving contact of any kind as it alighted soothingly on Dash's shoulder. "Fluttershy," tear into me! Dash batted the wing away. "I'm dealing with this. I don't need Twilight's help, or your help, or anyones!" Forgive me! "So just go away, and leave me alone!" Dash squeezed her eyes shut, steeling her resolve to make it through the oncoming onslaught. I already hate myself for saying that! I'm so sorry Flutters... Twilight's hackles rose, her ears tingled, and her wings ached. Dash! Have you gone insane?! We are all here just for moments like these! From the pain in your voice, you need us more now than ever! And, that's without already knowing what the problem is. She held her breath, and bit down on a hoof. I may need to calm Fluttershy down. Oh, this is bad, she's going to lose it. Donnybrook approached Dash's cloudhome swiftly and flopped down onto the porch. She looked around with a smirk. "Frilly bit of digs. Rainbows everywhere...phhhttt...can't be that tou..." She came up short, noticing the front door swinging inwards from the wind, hanging on one hinge. Hmm...not safe to go in the front. Something's up, and I don't like the looks of it. She flitted back swiftly, and darted around to the windows. She sliced across at high angles to get the full view of each room while staying at a safe distance. It's darker out here, so no one can see me, but no sense in taking chances. I'll keep to high angles which will be more awkward for anypony standing to catch my movements. Having cleared the bottom floor, she hovered higher to work on the top floor. She focused on one room that was lit, and immediately caught a glimpse of Dash, and a yellow pegasus laying in bed together. Aww...she's got herself an adorable lookin' marefriend there. Lucky girl. Donnybrook shook her head vigorously, Focus Donny! This isn't the time for romantic storybook fantasies! She quickly shifted over to another window, a smaller one with a clear shot of the hallway. Bathe me in dragon fire! They got trouble! Donnybrook's expert eye caught a figure pressed up against the wall outside Dash's bedroom. Pegasus. Blends in well with the shadows. Obviously must be wearing tactical camo or is naturally coloured to fade into the night. "Tch..." I'm beginning to like this Rainbow Dash. She leads an exciting life, and here I thought Princess Celestia must be losin' her mind handing over ancient relics of power to a bunch of green filly's. Donnybrook's eyes narrowed as she prepared to charge in. Just in case. I'll wait, we'll see how this goes. Show me what yer made of there Rainbow Dash! All of Donnybrook's actions were not lost on a trio of ponies, and one jittery dragon, hidden below. Dash gritted her teeth, and waited for an eternity of seconds. When she could no longer hold her breath she let it out hesitantly in controlled little bursts. Taking in another nervous breath she timidly opened her eyes. Fluttershy's eyes were hidden beneath her mane, but she could barely pick them out through the pink strands as they shimmered back at her. Her muzzle betrayed no emotion. Dash could feel her heart beating furiously in anticipation as Fluttershy's wing pressed into her, slipped down behind her back, and with surprising strength, pulled her across the bed to close the gap between them. Chills ran down Dash's spine as she broke out into a cold sweat. Fluttershy slipped her hooves around Dash's neck, and pulled her head into her chest. Gingerly she whispered directly into Dash's ear. "Before I punish you. You are going to tell me exactly what happened." She passed a soothing hoof through Dash's mane as her words slowly increased in intensity. "Then. You are going to tell me why you want me mad at you." She kissed Dash gently on the head. "Then! You are going to think of a good apology for Twilight Sparkle." Her voice raised to a shout, sending Dash's ears to fold protectively against her head as she shivered. "AND! Twilight is going to stop cowering in the hall, and march in here RIGHT! NOW!" Twilight jumped with an, "eep!" And quickly rounded the corner, a nervous apologetic grin played out under darting eyes. Dash's head popped up, "Twi..." "Lay down!" Fluttershy growled as she smashed Dash's head into the pillow. "Shut it, and snuggle!" > Drama Drama Drama! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash breathed. I'm not sure what else I can do. Her chest heaved taking in the calming, soothing scents of foal powder, and flowers. She breathed. Her muscles tensed under Fluttershy's unwavering glare. The stare. It pierced through her, tore her heart in two, grabbed onto her shame, and ripped it out of her chest, then shoved it down her throat. She breathed. Fluttershy's soft hoof soothed the tension wherever it touched, like a dredge cutting a swath through the sands of her nerves, only for the sand to fill in the wake after its passing. No, this isn't what I needed. I bucked up! This is bad. So very bad! Fluttershy, I was looking for some motivational chewing, not...this... She shivered, choking on her own breath. Fluttershy, you're terrifying! The body heat drained from Dash, leaving a permeating cold that seared through her as she snuggled closer to Fluttershy for warmth, and huddled further under her wing. Aww, I love you too Dashie. I knew you needed me. "Twilight!" Twilight jumped, startled out of her awe at the scene before her, and froze while Dash shrank even more underneath Fluttershy's wing. "Lay on the other side of the bed would you? I can't see you behind me, and I think we all need to talk." "Oh, uhm...I'm not sure I, or Dash is comfortable doing that. But..." Twilight glanced at the window, briefly considering a quick escape. "Quick! Just do it! I'm totally fine with it!" Twilight! You're gonna piss her off...uhm...more! Dash squeaked from somewhere within her silently raging Fluttercovers. "Oh, Dashie, you are such a mess right now. It's ok, you don't have to talk just yet if you don't want to." Fluttershy nuzzled Dash's mane, and whispered, "You just snuggle down, and let me take care of everything." She kissed her on the head, an action which sent oddly soothing waves of euphoria through Dash. Yay, she's not mad at me anymore! Dash almost cried for joy. "But I still want you to answer all my questions later, so don't think you are off the hook." Fluttershy giggled and bit the tip of Dash's ear -Squeak- in reprimand, a very motherly scolding. Dash's euphoria quickly died down, oh, Celestia, I'm soo going to get it. Twilight had made her way around the bed, and was staring down at the lack of space left. It would be a really tight fit. She looked up at Fluttershy, and met 'The Stare' head on, which quickly made the decision for her. Donnybrook's jaw hung open. She dipped down for a second, having temporarily forgotten to flap. An unseen object whizzed by her head. She batted at the air in irritation. What is going on in there!? That's Princess Twilight Sparkle! Donnybrook's eyes nearly popped out of her head. She's...Dash must be cheating on her! A hoof shot to her chest. Oh, wow. A princess and a natural beauty, this mare is a real player. Oh, but you've been caught! I bet the princess is pissed. You're gonna get it now! She let out a little fangirl squeal, and twisted in the air. Another unseen object whizzed by her head. Oh, this is gonna be good! She gasped, Hah! it begins! She's approaching the bed. Oh, I hope the princess beats the haylovin' plot outa her! Donnybrook nearly fell out of the sky in a tumble, two more unseen objects whizzing past her as she regained flight balance. She shook her head in shock. I don't believe it, did the princess just crawl into bed with both of them! She bit down on a hoof. That's it! I'm buying Rainbow Dash a round of drinks. I have got to weedle this story out of her! -SHPLOTCH- Donnybrook flailed frantically as an unforeseen pie slammed into her face and sent her spinning head over hooves. Applejack smacked Pinkie on the flank sending the pink mare rearing up on her hind legs with an ecstatic giggle. "Yeehaw! Got'er that time!" Pinkie eye'd the pie she still held in her hoof. "This is my last one. I'll save it and make it count just in case she puts up a fight!" Rarity quelled her magic, letting go of the giant rubber band Pinkie had produced from a tree hollow. "Honestly Pinkie, I haven't the slightest clue how you can produce nearly any item upon request. Nor why you would have giant rubber bands stashed in tree trunks 'just in case there's a giant rubber band emergency.' But I must admit, your talents do come in handy in the oddest of situations." Applejack tied a loop in some rope as the stunned peeper slammed into the ground. "Say, Pinkie, where'n did you pull those pies from anyhow? You reached behind you, an' suddenly they just appeared." Pinkie trotted up to Applejack, and looked at the rope. "Oh you mean like how you just pulled that rope out of nowhere from behind you?" Pinkie lifted Applejack's tail, eliciting an indignant slap on her hoof. "Why yes, thats exact..." Applejack stopped, and looked back. "Now how in tarnation...where did this rope come from?" "Ehem!" Rarity eyed the two ponies in exasperation. "Hello girls, I do believe we have some unfinished business?" She nodded towards the groaning mare that was starting to stir. "Right! Git'er!" Applejack led the charge. Meanwhile...an unsupervised Spike was nomming down energy muffins at an alarming rate... Twilight laid down, wrapping a foreleg around Dash to keep from falling off the bed. Dash, we are going to have a talk later! "See Twilight? It's not so bad. Snuggles make everything better! Snuggles, and chocolate, but we haven't got any chocolate. So let's settle for talking out our problems." Fluttershy smiled warmly, but her eyes were intense and as commanding as her voice. "Dashie, turn over and face Twilight, please." Dash winced at please, for as sweet as Fluttershy's words rolled off her tongue in waves of honey, there was no doubt she wasn't asking nicely. Dash rolled over awkwardly. Twilight flapped, and scrambled to keep her purchase on the bed until she slipped and nearly fell off. On instinct Dash grabbed her friend in both hooves, eliciting a squeak out of the startled princess, and hugged her close. Before they could separate a powder yellow wing reached across and locked the two of them together. "There we go! Hugs, even better than snuggles!" Before either Twilight or Dash could react, Fluttershy lifted herself over both of them in one swift fluid motion. Fluttershy stood, Dash and Twilight beneath her staring at each other muzzle to muzzle, her wings outstretched in challenge with a look of sadistic dominance emblazoned in her eyes. Oh, my little filly's, you do love me, and you will never ever...fight...again. "Let's commence the therapy shall we?" Scootaloo caught a glimpse of Dash's cloudhome through the gaps in the buildings. Excitement of the final stretch flooded through her as she rounded the last curve. It was dark, and Scootaloo was looking up. Two advantages that fell wickedly into the potholes plans as it snagged Scootaloo's scooter out from under her. She flew through the air too stunned, and awkward to regain her bearings or level out. When she hit it became painfully obvious that she'd forgotten her helmet. She skidded to a stop as gravel tore mercilessly at her wings. Scootaloo lay there stunned, staring up at the stars. Her vision blurred ever so slightly, the moon sprouting a twin, and in a fit of excitement, the two danced circles around each other. Whisps of clouds floated past slowly to join in the moon twins party. Reality tugged at Scootaloo's mind as she wondered briefly what she was doing. I fell. Where is my pain? The shock wore off at her inquiry. There it is...pain hurts... Scootaloo gasped as her eyes filled with tears, but she stubbornly held in the wails clamoring up her throat. She sniffled in defiance, and rolled to her hooves. Slowly, awkwardly, Scootaloo made her way towards Dash and her mother. I'm not gonna cry! She sniffled. Not in front of Mom and Dash! Scootaloo troopered along, wings sagging, and her head hanging low. I'm really tired... She stumbled... Did I leave my scooter at home? Walking's so...slow... Twilight smiled awkwardly, her nose a mere inch from Dash's. "Apology accepted Rainbow Dash, and please, forgive me for being so careless with my spells. I am sorry that I looked into your mind and read your thoughts. It was only the last two days at most. So, please don't worry about anything beyond that and I swear I won't tell anyone about your problems." "Except me," Fluttershy smiled, happy with how things were going as she stared down at her two captives. Dash looked into Twilight's eyes from across their tiny Fluttercell, and smiled awkwardly back. "Hey, yeah, no sweat Twi. We're cool right?" Twilight nodded. "Yes, right, we are uhm...cool." She grinned. Oh please, oh please, please let this be enough for Fluttershy! "Yay!" Fluttershy's wings fluttered back in a happy yellow blur. "Okay, now..." She sat back at the foot of the bed releasing her prisoners, "...let's talk about you Dashie. Tell us about your problems." She proffered a hoof to Twilight to help her sit up. "Please Twilight, keep her honest and fill in any gaps." Dash briefly felt a pang of jealousy as Twilight accepted the help up from Fluttershy, a gesture that wasn't extended to herself. Twilight nodded, "as long as it is okay with Rainbow Dash. I have no problems recounting the exact issues she is suffering from." Dash shot Twilight a warning glare. No, not at the moment. It's really not alright. Fluttershy intercepted Dash's glare. "Ehem?" Her gaze intensified again as she locked onto Dash. "Weren't you going to tell me all about it anyway Dashie?" "Yes, Fluttershy, I was. I was going to tell you everything in my own time. I just needed to...prepare." Dash sat up, leaning on a foreleg while avoiding direct eye contact with Fluttershy. "I need time to figure it out in my head." "So you can suffer alone in silence? When you are suffering we all suffer with you." Dash facehoofed. Can we drop the drama yet? I could really use some sleep over here! "No Fluttershy, I know you care about me. I know all my friends care about me. All I am saying is that now wasn't the right time to stare me down and force feed me cuddles." I really didn't mean to sound that irritated. Fluttershy bristled as she spoke her mind. "Excuse me? Who was the one who wanted me angry at them?" "I'm really sorry about that Fluttershy." Dash, still refusing to look her friend in the eye, glanced over at Twilight. Twilight shrugged. "Don't look at me. I came here to help. You are the one who provoked her into feeling rejected." "Hey! It's not like I'm some touchy, needy, and insecure little filly who needs constant attention!" Fluttershy bristled. Dash held her breath. Twilight bit her lip and dodged Fluttershy's glare. Fluttershy growled. "Say it! I know you're thinking something, just say it. I'm a big girl, I can take it!" Twilight hesitated, fighting down her obsessive compulsive desire to add to Fluttershy's list. Oh, this is bad. Think up a lie! "Say it!" "All right! Fine! Yes you are a little touchy, needy, and insecure. However, you already know that, and that's why you denied those traits specifically. But you forgot bipolar! Whenever somepony trips over your insecurities you lapse into a state of extreme terror or rage where you throw up extreme boundaries or drop them altogether, and your repressed emotions surface." Twilight had more to say, but Fluttershy's glare froze her solid. And that proves both my points. I should have kept my mouth shut, and you really do have some issues. "And then you do things like that!" Dash sat up on her haunches, emboldened by her rising anger as her wings shifted in agitation. "You just used 'the stare' on Twilight. Have you ever stared at yourself in a mirror. That look is painful! If you cared so much maybe you shouldn't use it on your friends!" Dash met 'the stare' head on. Fluttershy glared at her harder. Dash glared back. "Give it up Fluttershy. I reached my limit already. Suddenly, I can't care anymore what you think right now. I need sleep, and I'm tired of your over needy crap. Get out!" Fluttershy deflated, her face turning soft and sullen. Her eyes filling with tears as her pupils doubled in size. She mouthed a response but only shrilly squeaks came out as she hid behind her hair. I messed up! Now she hates me! Oh, I was so mean to her. I'm such a bad friend! And that doubly demonstrates my point. Twilight turned and backhoofed Dash across the shoulder. "Now you're being mean! If Scootaloo turns you into this then maybe you shouldn't be around her! You are lashing out at your friends Dash..." Twilight moved over to Fluttershy and pulled her into a hug. "She's really angry. Maybe the best thing right now is to leave Fluttershy." "But she's in so much pain." Fluttershy sobbed through little sniffles and squeaks as she buried her head into Twilight's chest. "We can't force help on her. She has to accept it willingly, and wan't to change or solve the problem. Else, she will suffer a relapse." Fluttershy giggled between sobs. "Twilight, you have been reading really hard to find ways to help Dash haven't you? I can hear it in your answers." "Well yeah, I really care about Dash. I came here to help her..." -SMASH!- Twilight and Fluttershy looked up in startled shock. Dash's foreleg was held quivering straight out to the side. Her hoof hovering where a lamp had sat on her nightstand, which now lay scattered in various pieces around the room. Dash's eyes were hidden by her bangs as she stared straight down. Her muzzle krinkled in anger over bared teeth as she growled. "Who's being mean now?" Silently she slid off the bed and clopped to the window. "I don't need your guilt trips!" Twilight and Fluttershy shared a forlorn sigh as they watched Dash jump out the window. They separated, their eyes met briefly, and then slid in opposite directions as it became too difficult to share their guilt. They leaned into each other, resting their heads on one another's shoulders. Twilight whispered. "Now what? How do we fix this?" Fluttershy sighed. "I don't think we can..." > Fight! Flawless Victory! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At some point it clicked in Applejacks mind that she knew this peeping pony. However, she also knew that once you picked a fight with Donnybrook, there was no going back. The only option is to wear her out, and hogtie her until she cools off! "Pink-legs! Rare-wings!" Pinkie dove in for Donnybrooks legs as the mare reared up, and prepared to launch. Donnybrook pitched backwards as Rarity caught her wing in a blue aura in an attempt to pin her to the ground. Applejack leapt into the air arching down straight for Donnybrooks chest to bowl her over, the rope gripped in her teeth. Donnybrooks mind whirled, her years of combat experience culminating to this one point in cold calculation. She flapped her free wing backwards to kick off a spinning momentum, simultaneously she shifted her opposite hind leg forward offering it to Pinkie who grabbed at it in triumph. However, the party pony's inexperience in battle was all too evident as Donnybrook used her momentum to spin around, and catch Applejack across the face with her other hind hoof in a vicious spin kick, simultaneously ripping her wing out of Rarity's magical grasp, she continued the spin kicks momentum to whip Pinkie around and sent her rocketing towards the unsuspecting Rarity. Applejack's lasso twirled harmlessly through the air signaling the end of the fight before it ever started. "And that, my little pony's, is how you brawl!" Donnybrook laughed derisively. This is going to be fun! Was her last thought before the shock kicked in. The wind knocked out of her as she hit the ground with a thud. She recovered quickly only to realise her legs had been hog tied, and her wings were rubber banded to her sides. She glanced over in disbelief and scanned her opponents. Applejack had gained magic-cat powers, twisted in midair, and landed perfectly on her hooves. Impossible! Rarity had instantly recovered from her shock, and held Pinkie safely in midair. What the HAY!? Are they ninjas!? Ten seconds earlier... Spike's brain had reached near critical caffeine levels. Spike watched the fight unfold in front of him. Through the starlit black of night he marveled at how the four ponies flowed in slow motion. His brain buzzed and hummed inside his skull as he took in every minute detail with an eternity to study every muscle twitch. Wow... His eyes dilated in wonder as Applejack flew at him. Cool... He sidestepped calmly, marveling at every detailed strand of her hair as it wavered in the moonlight, and on a whim counted the freckles on her cheeks, twice, before he flipped her over to ensure she would land on her hooves. He then turned to analyze Pinkies trajectory as she floated towards Rarity. Grabbing her tail he shifted her slightly to the right, sighting down her mane to ensure Rarity wasn't in harms way, and sauntered past her humming as he worked. Rarity stood frozen with her eyes closed in panic, and braced for impact. Spike gently pried her eyes open, turned her head towards Pinkies new trajectory, and flicked the tip of her horn with a claw to coax an instant magical reaction. He whispered into her ear, "I know you will catch Pinkie, I believe in you." After taking the opportunity to steal a kiss from Rarity's cheek, Spike turned to face off with his old nemesis, one final bite of energy muffin hanging in his claw. He took note. Donnybrook, right. I know you. You're the captain of the Rogue Dragon Suppression Squad. A secret branch of the military of classified black ops personnel. Spike recounted having had brief, and tense, discussions with this mare back when he lived at the castle. She held onto a nagging insistence that no dragon could be trusted, and she let Princess Celestia know every chance she got. More than once she had argued with the Princess to have him shipped off over the mountains, and returned to his 'own kind' as she put it. So we meet again...and I just happen to owe you one... Spike held out a claw, catching Applejack's lost lasso as he kicked the discarded rubber band up, and slung it around his shoulder, signaling the end of the fight before it ever started. He slowly approached, grinning and giggling maniacally, watching her every move intently as he popped the final bite of muffin into his mouth, and the world stood still. Donnybrook laid on the ground, failing completely to comprehend how she could have been defeated when a familiar face entered her vision. Spike! "What is your scaly hide doing here!?" "I'm the one who just handed your plot to you on a silver platter." Spike grinned cockilly, cleaning the dirt out from under his claws. "How does it feel to be completely humiliated by a baby dragon?" Donnybrook looked away, shame coursing through her. "I'll get you for this!" "Why because I can beat you at your own talent?" Spike glared down at her cutie mark. A navy blue shield emblazoned with a red eyed silhouette of a fierce dragon head. The contrast in colors gave the eyes the appearance of darting around, as if her cutie mark were searching for prey. Donnybrook stared long, and hard at Spike, before letting out a sigh. "I don't know what trick you pulled to take me down, but you beat me." Her eyes narrowed as Spike took on a satisfied smug grin. "Oh, don't let it go to yer head you little rug lizard. I'll get you yet!" "Oh? The sadistic berserker wants a rematch huh?" "That's right! Anyplace, anytime, you choose the battleground." Spike grinned wickedly. "Challenge accepted!" They bumped heads, glaring daggers at each other over low guttural growls. Spikes friends all glanced at each other, not quite sure what happened, but just glad Spike had somehow saved their plots. They watched in rapt fascination at the unlikely rivalry before them. And then to everypony's complete surprise it rained a Rainbow. Enough is enough! Dash leapt out the second story window of her bedroom, and launched herself forward. In that moment Dash learned the very sudden, and painful lesson of why a pony should never push themselves to repeatedly fly with wing cramps. Dash's wing cramped viciously having failed to heal after the past weeks repeated abuses. Dash was used to the cramping by now, however this one was particularly cruel and accompanied by a new pain. AHH! It tore! Horsefeathers! My Everfree-lovin' wing muscle just bucking shredded! Dash flapped haphazardly trying in vain to crash into her cloudhome, but in her crippled state, couldn't hit the side of a barn! She chuckled ironically as she plummeted towards the ground. I gotta tell that one to AJ later. Phhtt...she'll totally get a kick out of it. Huh, I think I'm losing it. Being a crash expert, she flapped her good wing to get a good spin going, and landed into a roll, succeeding in absorbing a good portion of the impact. Applejack was the first to recover from the initial shock as she ran to help her friend. "RD, what in tarnation just happened!?" "I just totally shredded my wing." Dash giggled maniacally. "AJ! I couldn't hit the side of a barn!" She burst out in uncontrollable laughter, and Applejack raised a concerned eyebrow. "The muscle's so jacked!" Dash continued laughing, rolling over holding her stomach as her wing slid limply on the ground. "I can't move it!" Her laughter turned silent as she ran out of air. Her face flushed, "I can't breath..." She squeaked out the words with the last breath she had. Applejack backpedaled looking between each of her friends for support, but only got concerned shrugs in return. "Uhm...sugarcube? Are you feelin' okay? We should get you to a hospital..." Applejack's ears went limp, as she bit down on her lip, trying to figure Dash out. Pinkie glanced at Rarity, an uncomfortable grin marring her usual happy wrinkles. "Uhm, I know that laugh...she's definitely cracked. Doesn't look too bad though." Dash's vision blacked out around the edges, her limbs suddenly losing all strength as they fell limply to the sides. "Oh, there it is. She just went through vasovagal syncope!" Rarity and Applejack looked back at Pinkie with a simultaneous, "what?" "She half fainted! See now she can breath again. I think it's over! Okay everypony, it's now safe to approach the Dashie!" Pinkie bounced over, and nudged Dash's shoulder in encouragement. "Pinkie to Dash! Come in Dash! It's safe to come back to reality, or at least let us in with your crazy! It sounds fun in there!" Fluttershy and Twilight flitted down from the cloudhome in time to hear Dash go into another round of maniacal laughter as she grabbed Pinkie, and noogied her mane. "Good one Pinkster!" The other ponies gathered all exchanged concerned looks. Twilight spoke first. "Applejack? What is going on? What exactly did we miss?" Applejack relayed the events between them and Donnybrook. Twilight's mind reeled with questions, but Donnybrook cut her off. "So you are the famous Rainbow Dash everypony won't shut up about! I been lookin' forward to meetin' you..." Dash rolled her eyes through the dizzy haze her laughter had built up, and let a very twitchy dizzy Pinkie free to stumble away. "Oh a fan huh? Well this really isn't the night for autographs and all." "Phhhttt..." Donnybrook laughed riotously. "Well yer a bit full of yourself! Can't say that's all that bad though, nothing I can't handle. I've almost made up my mind about you...just a few tests left." Donnybrook grinned wickedly as Dash's brow raised in confusion. Twilight broke in. "Donnybrook, are you planning on recruiting her?" "Uhg, Twilight you just can't leave anything to suspense can you?" Donnybrook shot her a deadpan glare. "Sorry, Princess, I would greet you properly but I'm a bit tied up at the moment." Twilight moved to undo her bonds, her magic making quick handiwork of the rope and band. Donnybrook stood, and snapped a dutiful salute. Twilight nodded, blushing in appreciation. "Aww, you're still in the awkward adorable princess stage." She chuckled as Twilight looked away, and blushed deeper. Dash stood weakly to her hooves. "What do you mean by recruit?" Donnybrook waved a hoof. "Princess, you mind? Patient explanation is more your expertise, not mine." Donnybrook walked away, throwing a hoof at Applejack who bumped it halfway. "Nice try back there. I like how you took command." She grinned. "Too bad you had to have a baby save your plot." Applejack threw a retort back at Donnybrook as the two neighbors caught up on the last few weeks she'd been gone. Dash tuned them out, and turned on Twilight. "Alright, this is going to bug me all night. Spill it Twi." Twilight cleared her throat, and Dash rubbed her temples in preparation. "I will try to keep it short. Donnybrook is captain of a secret armed forces unit that handles dragon incurs...attacks all over Equestria. They are a black ops team code named the 'Rogue Dragon Suppression Squad.'" Dash looked over with a huge grin. "That sounds awesome! Wait, she want's to recruit me?!" Donnybrook flipped a hoof nonchalantly over her shoulder. "We'll see kiddo. I still haven't tested your metal yet. Tell her about our recruiting habits Princess." The way in which Donnybrook used the honorific 'Princess' so familiarly slightly irritated Twilight but she let it go, writing it off as part of her O.C.D as she turned back to Dash. "They recruit the elite out of the Wonderbolts..." "What!? So you are a Wonderbolt too?" Dash looked over at Donnybrook in shock. Donnybrook smiled, and winked at Applejack, signalling she'd be back in a second. She cantered over to Dash. "Yeah, I was in charge of new recruits for a few years until I got recruited by Celestia to form the R.D.S. Squad. When I left, my sister took over. Perhaps you know Spitfire, since she won't shut up about you every bucking time I see her." Dash nearly fell over in shock. "Really?! I mean, hehe..." She puffed out her chest, ignoring the pang of pain that shot through her injured wing. "Well you are looking at the fastest flyer in Equestria! I own the rainboom you know." Donnybrook's grin widened. "You know I just remembered the key reason I came over here." Her features hardened as her smile disappeared. Dash held her ground as the mare approached her menacingly. "I hear you have some issues that are tarnishing that 'can do' attitude of yours." "Well you heard wrong." Dash matched Donnybrooks sudden change in attitude. The other mares gathered all shifted uneasily, glancing back and forth for answers that weren't forthcoming. "Did I? Cadet?" Dash's wince was almost unperceivable...almost. Donnybrook smiled inwardly, good, good, good...that means rank still pulls weight for her outside the academy. "Maybe you should dig a little deeper, and stop feeding me crap!" Donnybrook darted in, bringing her muzzle within an inch of Dash's ear. "If there's nothin' wrong with ya, then perhaps you just enjoy making little filly's cry. Huh? Cadet..." Dash's eyes darted to the side to meet Donnybrooks. "OH! I see I got yer attention! That's gooood, good, good...because you are going to listen to every word I grind into you. Got it?!" Dash could feel beads of sweat building up on her brow. Yeah! YEAH! This is what I needed! Chills ran up her spine and down her legs. It was all she could do to keep the smile off her lips. "Yes, Ma'am!" "Outstanding!" Donnybrook flashed a grin, which made Dash feel good inside. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to make sure her superior kept smiling, because the alternative...well cadets don't talk about that... "I think you've gone pansy on me! I came here expecting a champion, and I get..." She waggled a derisive hoof and Dash. "...this." She spat the word out. "You're broken cadet! You're worthless to me now! I can't use you!" She got right in Dash face. Every muscle in Dash's body tensed to near cramping as she poured monumental effort into holding her ground. "All I see is an over emotional basket case who can't even train a little helpless filly how to fly! You're so pathetic she couldn't even bring herself back here to bother chewing you out personally. You don't have half the spine that little filly has..." Dash's muzzle wrinkled in anger as she cut in. "What do you know about Sco..." "Ohoho! Are you interrupting me Cadet?" Donnybrook grinned evilly. "Oh, I hope you are, but I know you aren't that stupid!" She paused and glared at Dash. "Are you?" Donnybrook asked hopefully. Dash held her tongue and stared straight ahead. "I didn't think so!" Donnybrook blasted the words right into Dash's ear. Not a twitch...nice Cadet, but you won't hold out much longer. She has some good dirt on me. It's a fight to the death! Dash steeled herself, determined to keep her composure at all costs. I'll show her. Nerves of steel! No one can break me! Scootaloo...well...no one else... Donnybrook cantered in a circle around Dash slowly. She stated matter of factly. "So you chickened out. You gave up. You broke her heart and crushed her dreams, because that's the kind of mare you are. Isn't it!" "No Ma'am!" "What!? The proper answer is YES Ma'am! Yes Ma'am I'm a chicken, I like crushing little filly dreams! You do! Don't you!" Donnybrook growled in Dash's ear. "Yes Ma'am!" "Exactly! I knew you were scum! You don't give a plot about anypony but yourself so you left her to wander off thinking that her hero abandoned her..." Dash's eye twitched. Got'cha! Donnybrook grinned, while taunting Dash she kept her face easily within hoofshot. Come on kid, do it. You want to so bad...hehehe...just a little bit more. Donnybrook whispered into Dash's ear. "Just as well. You looked too busy getting a piece of that flank over there anyway. The yellow one with the long flowing pink hair, with soft manicured hooves, and perfectly preened wings. She's a real beauty isn't she, but that wasn't good enough for you was it?" She threw a foreleg around Dash's neck, and redoubled her efforts. And now the coup de grace. "No, not for the amazing Rainbow Dash. You just had to have that perfect little purple princess plot on the side didn't you?" Dash grinned inwardly. She could feel her cheeks burning, and her hackles rose as Twilight and Fluttershy buckled nervously under Donnybrooks lascivious glare. But it's all part of the game isn't it Donnybrook? I know how to play the game. Dash broke form and turned on Donnybrook. She flashed her best 'I'm the mare' grin, and shouted brashly. "Yayess MA'AM!" Donnybrook squeezed Dash's neck as her grounded foreleg gave out from underneath her. She laughed loud and heartily as she backpedaled, and stamped the ground. "You're alright Dash!" Pinkie and Spike rolled around in the grass laughing hysterically. Rarity giggled behind a hoof, her eyes bright with mirth. Twilight shot Dash a deadpan glare, her tail swishing back and forth as Fluttershy had a blushing breakdown next to her. Applejack threw her forelegs around their necks and pulled them into a rough comforting hug as she failed to hold in her chuckles. Donnybrook grinned over at Dash. "You feel better now?" "Yeah, a lot better. I think you beat it out of me." Dash grinned back. "You up to trainin' my daughter then?" Donnybrook snickered. "Or am I gonna have to hurt you?" "Well I am a bit busy, with Scootaloo." Dash scratched a hoof on the back of her head. "Who's your daughter." Silence overfell the clearing. Donnybrook stared at Dash expecting a punch line. When none was forthcoming. "You're a little thick aren't you?" "What the hay is that supposed to mean?" Dash puffed up indignantly, her injured wing still hanging limp at her side. Donnybrook sighed. "Chee..." she hesitated. Let's not make this any more complicated than it needs to be. "Scootaloo is my daughter." Dash was silent for a moment. Her head tilted down with her mane falling to hide her eyes. Her muzzle crinkled up into an enraged snarl. You! Everything Dash wanted to be for Scootaloo flooded through her in a searing wave of intense hatred for the one mare who squandered that gift. Red hues crept into the edges of her vision. Donnybrook looked on in confusion. "You got some kind of problem with that?" "Yeah..." Dash trailed off, her mind abuzz with a million battling thoughts being battered by the wave of overpowering emotions. Thoughts of her future, her potential, possible friendships, or what Scootaloo might think of her actions were all slaughtered under the rage that coursed through her. Dash's injured wing rose steadily to match her good one. She stood in full challenge posture, her feathers agitating to the thunderous beat of her heart. Dash's voice fell to a low guttural growl. "Donnybrook was it? Fair warning. I'm gonna rip your wings off." > Nuclear Strike Detected!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh? What brought about this change? Donnybrook's eyes narrowed as she sized up Dash in the dawning light of early morning. Her left wing's wounded. From the looks of her shes been through multiple crashes in the past couple days. Feathers are jacked up, won't have good arial balance. If she can even still fly that is. Dash slowly looked up, locking on to Donnybrook. Trails of red creeped into the whites of her eyes as tiny blood vessels popped. Her hackles rose, her wings poised for... A charge, what an unimaginative opening. Donnybrook calmly calculated the distance. I'll drive her face first into the ground. Her momentum will do all the work for me. Fool! Dash's legs twitched in time with her wings. Only Donnybrook's trained and experienced eyes could catch the movements that left everypony else stunned and bewildered. Dash propelled forward in a burst of color, water particles in the air condensed and fanned out from her muzzle in a dazzling display of rainbows sheathed in a white shimmering haze. FAST! Donnybrooks hoof began its movement to protect her face, lifting an inch off the ground. Dash blurred from Donny's vision splitting into three ghosted copies. Focus, middle. MOVE! Donny's hoof left a blurred streak as it made it's way half past her chest. Too slow! Buck me! Donny dropped her head a split second before Dash slammed into her. Their skulls met with a crack. Donny's hoof caught Dash in the neck, throwing her trajectory offside, but her momentum bowled Donny over as their shoulders clipped. Donny's shoulder buckled in, her spine curved picking her hind legs up off the ground. Reflexively she flapped to control her tumble, but found herself inverted and helplessly sliding across Dash's back. She slid off Dash, and twin sharp pains shot up her flank. She bucked me! At that speed she bucking kicked me! The move sent Donny slamming mercilessly into a rough tumble. Dash bowled over, somersaulted, and came to a skidding halt on her chin. Both mares recovered quickly, and turned to face off once more. Blood trickled down their muzzles and multiple scrapes were already showing through their coats. Donny's head pounded, she quickly mixed and packed some dirt into blood on a cut above her eyebrow before it could bleed into her eye. Donny pitched forward, and bolted into a raging charge. Her wings flapped back in a power sweep midway to offset her opponents timing. A mistake, because Dash didn't give a buck about timing right then. Dash bolted forward in a dazzling flash. Donny's eyes widened in shock She'll break both our necks if we collide at this speed! Donny shifted to the side. Their muzzles past each other, the air pressure began to build between them. Dash faced straight forward, but her eyes never left Donny's until the last possible moment. Their necks passed, the air pressure between them building to a solid wall of tornado force wind. Their shoulders passed. Donny's wing timed upwards in a perfect dance with Dash's, their feathers brushed high at the tips as they reached their apex. Donny slammed her wing down, smacking Dash on the flank as the move twisted her body in mid air. Her hind hooves came up in alignment with Dash's flank and she tapped her lightly. Just enough to throw her off balance as the gale force winds took hold of Dash, whipped her into a sideways spin, and sent her slamming uncontrollably into the ground. Dash recovered off the final bounce, landing square on her hooves, her head lowered in challenge. Donnybrook realigned with her opponent and skidded to a halt. Nice kid! Guts, skill, and I'm starting to think I'd really hate to piss you off again. Donny's legs wobbled slightly. Tch...time to take it to the next level. Donny bolted straight up with a mighty flap and an explosion of dirt. Dash burst upwards in a flash of sparkling color trails, dirt and rock sucked up in her wake. Dash overtook Donny almost instantly. Not gonna make this easy are you kid! A shiver ran down Donny's spine as she realized how much damage Dash had taken. I wouldn't be surprised if she's got something broken. Her wings torn and she can fly circles around me! Impressive! "I really pissed you off somehow didn't I kid?" Dash bared her teeth in a growl as she shifted towards Donnybrook in an attempt to collide. Donny dodged to the side, and avoided a vicious hoof that flew at her eye. The two combatants twirled around each other in the air, building up distance from the ground, as they tested each others speed with well placed hoof shots and blocks. Donny caught Dash's hoof, flicked her wings upwards, and reversed her momentum. Dash's momentum carried her flank upwards, completely inverting her over Donny. Donny then slammed her wings downwards, reversing her momentum again, and thrust her neck upwards as she yanked down on Dash's foreleg and slammed her head into Dash's face. Dash screamed. "Hah! Felt that one didn't you!" Dash crumpled into a ball as she held her eye. Donny slammed her wings down again, bringing up her hind hoof she kicked Dash viciously in the stomach, sending her careening off at an angle with a sickening gurgle. Dash came out of her red haze. Why'd I attack her? She's a seasoned combat vet. The image of an orange filly with tears in her eyes trying to hide her pain from the world flitted unbidden into her mind. Dash felt nauseous. I could have told her that her filly needed her, but a mare like that wouldn't have listened to reason. The wind rushed past her in buffeting gusts. Her wings flapped uselessly in her wake as she plummeted. What a stupid reason to get my plot kicked. Dash winced, Scootaloo... She gritted her teeth. Oh finally the tears will flow again! Of course now of all times! Her tail and mane whipped around as a tingling wave of sadness rippled through her. She's so sad, and in pain. It hurts everytime I look at her. She didn't need a sister! She needed her mother! That was her true wish! Dash growled. Another image of Scootaloo flitted into her mind. This one from the previous morning. The innocent sleeping filly stared up at Dash through half lidded eyes with 'mommy' and 'I love you' on her lips. She was smiling in her sleep, calling out for her mommy in her dreams. A mom who cared! I'm such an idiot. To think I let myself believe she meant me! Dash clenched her teeth, and sucked in a hissing breath. The wind whipped ever faster, her feathers, mane, tale, and coat all felt as if they would be ripped from her. It was all one big daydream. A fantasy I wanted so badly to hold onto... But all I am is a patch for the pain caused by her mother who never shows her she cares! Maybe she doesn't? Maybe she doesn't really give a buck about her filly... The thought hit Dash just as hard as it had hit her every moment for the past Day. Scootaloo...if only I was your mother. You'd never feel that pain again! She bit down on her lip, a small trickle of blood spread out on her tongue. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she glared up at the object of her hate in defiance. Scootaloo...I'm going to get answers! Big sis is getting answers, now! And if that mare isn't fit to be your mother... Dash's wings shot out to the sides, stopping her descent cold. Her glare turned deadly, a new kind of madness in her eyes. Then I will tear her from your life, and take her place! Scootaloo picked herself off the ground. When did I fall? Why am I on the ground... Her mind reeled and wandered aimlessly looking for answers it couldn't comprehend. She glanced around, early morning sun rays were peeking over the hills. Her eyes scanned instinctively for Dash's cloudhome. She wasn't far, only a few yards. Her eyes slid across the sky out of habit trying to pick out the telltale rainbow trails of her idol. She found them. Dash was shooting straight up, vapor trails streaming off to the sides to halo her rainbow streak. So...pretty... Dash's wings pumped with thunderous claps as they beat the air into submission. The winds whistle turned into a roar in her ears, and then a high pitched whine that radiated outwards. Faster! The vapor trails thickened and narrowed to a focussed pinpoint in front of her outstretched hoof, and veered off to the sides in a dazzling vee. She sucked in the crisp freezing air, forcing it's icy chill into her lungs, and it's life giving oxygen nipped at her brain in hazy defiance. Faster! Donny grinned in taunting mockery. An upwards charge? At that ridiculous distance I have all the time in the world...I'll just dodge it! Dash read the cocky smirk on Donny's lips easily. She pumped her wings, propelled herself ever faster with both the up and down strokes. Pain seared through her torn muscles, and bruised limbs, but Dash accepted it. She accepted the pain as a part of her, and she pushed past her limits. She shattered through her threshold with single minded rage; The ever increasing pain becoming a rewarding goal. Dodge this!! Light flashed as it flowed through Dash, sticking and crawling from her outstretched hoof down her coat to the tip of her tail where it collided, buffeted by tumultuous sounds, whipped, and refracted in a violent explosion of radiant color. Donny had heard tales of the sonic rainboom, but never imagined it's awesome combat potential. Dash skipped through the visible light spectrum, her form blurring, and completely disappearing only to reappear far closer than Donny could comprehend. Too fast! She's moving too fast to see! Donny panicked, her wings flapped frantically as she twisted in the air as swiftly as she could to dodge. Donny's vain attempts to dodge were almost comical. Her movements were slow and clumsy as Dash easily readjusted her trajectory. The impact came swiftly as she slammed her hoof into Donny's gut. Donny doubled over, her hooves grabbing frantically at Dash's foreleg, completely helpless against the overwhelming power that dug into her core. Her muzzle came within inches of Dash's and she met her assailant's intense gaze head on as they careened upwards. The image of tears pouring out of those emblazoned rose eyes on the background of vibrant rainbow light burned itself into Donny's awestruck mind. An overwhelming calm flooded through Dash. Scootaloo, I will dedicate everything that I am to you. Luna damn my dreams, when did I kick your puppy?! Dash caught the look of confusion in Donny's eyes. "Do you love your daughter?" Dash shouted bluntly over the wind. Donny couldn't keep the confusion out of her voice. "What the hay kind of question is that? Of course I love my daughter!" "Well she doesn't feel it!" "I'm a busy mare! I don't always have time to satisfy every silly filly wish and dream she cooks up!" "Do you know or even care that you are hurting her?!" "What? I'm not hurting her, I've never hit my children!" Dash growled, her patience non-existent. "You being away all the time. Not paying attention to her when you are around. Always leaving Grinder in her care. Not being there to ease her stress and pain!" "Hay! Lifes tough, got it!? I won't always be around to coddle her! She has to grow up, and learn to deal with her own problems! In fact, I'm here now dealing with one of her problems!" Donny glared back in warning, her heart pounding in her ears over the constant whoosh of wind. Don't you think I would if I could? "Coddle her? Has she ever been coddled a day in her life? I measured her primaries earlier! She thinks they just reached full flight length. They must have been at full length for over a year now! Where were you then? Why weren't you teaching your daughter how to fly? What's worse is she already knew she could fly! She taught herself! She was just in too much pain, and suffering from too much stress! Where were you then? Huh? Mother?" Dash spat out the word with venom as she twisted her hoof into Donny's gut, and arched around through the air. The two mares plummeted at mach speeds straight towards the ground. Buck me! When did I miss her first primary flight day?! Of course I wanted to teach her to fly, and I'm all the more proud she showed the initiative to teach herself! Donny growled back at Dash and slammed a hind hoof into her jaw. Dash continued flying unperturbed as Donny voiced her reasons. "I was protecting Equestria from burning in dragon fire! I was walking through the ashes of outlying settlements we had failed to save! I was enduring the hate of the loved ones left behind to suffer the aftermath and carnage! I was burying the charred remains of comrades I personally raised from cadets, and apologizing to their families for my failures as a leader! I was following orders to a higher calling! I was saving lives!" "Is the cost worth it! Everyday she clings to me! Everytime I look into her eyes and her pain cracks my heart a little more!" Dash's tears thickened. "Is the sacrifice of your filly worth it! Are you that cold and dead inside!" Dash's words cut Donny deep, adding to the pain in her gut. Buck you! I regret every day I can't spend with my family! "Don't judge me! You have no right to judge me! You haven't earned the privilege to judge me!" Donny's eyes wavered as tears squeezed from the corners. Memories she had forced down clawed their way back into her mind. Memories of being a new mother, of being called to duty, of the pain of choosing country over family while holding a screaming needy infant. "She's my daughter, and she's tough. Eventually she'll get over it!" Scootaloo watched in rapt fascination as Dash performed a sonic rainboom flying straight up. Elation flooded through her, and briefly drowned out her pain as the circular color display crawled across the sky. "Wow...one day that will be me..." She followed Dash on her path as she arched around and picked up even more speed heading straight down. She's heading straight for me! She waved a hoof at her sister, "Rainbow Da-" She cut off abruptly as she saw her mother. "DASH! NO!" "So you really don't give a plot! It's her problem now not yours! You've already given up on her!" Dash screamed at the top of her lungs. Donny kicked her jaw, struggling to escape her grasp as the ground flew up at them dangerously fast. "What the hay business is it of yours! She's my filly and I'll raise her how I see fit!" Dash pulled Donny in, muzzle to muzzle, head to head, and eye to eye she raged out her words through a torrent of tears as loud as she could scream them. "It is my business!! I love Scootaloo!!" Donny, awestruck, suddenly had nothing to say. "I want to take away her pain, soothe her fears, hold her, and protect her from nightmares!" Dashes voice rose in intensity with every word, hammering her feelings through Donny who winced with every verbal blow. "I want to be there when she wakes up, when she goes to bed, when she leaves for school, when she gets bullied, when she cry's, when she's happy, when she flys her first tricks, when she performs her first rainboom! I want to be everything that you won't be! I want to be her mother!" Tears streamed down Donny's muzzle, mingling with Dash's as the two stared each other down, but the vehemency was gone from their eyes. When did I forget? Visions of past horrors filled Donny's head. Visions of combat, and blood. I used to feel like that...used to... She winced at the thought. A searing need to hold her filly coursed through her chest. She settled, as she wrapped her forelegs around a stunned Dash and pulled her into a hug. "Thanks kiddo. I needed that." Light exploded across Ponyville and blinded watchers as far as Canterlot. A concussive rainbow blast expanded outward, as an equally colorful column shot up through the sky vaporizing the cloud layers as it passed, and sucked surrounding cloud layers into it's whirling vortex. Trees bent violently under the onslaught, debris blasted chaotically outwards, all accompanied by the deafening roar of raging winds. The ground quaked and shuddered furiously as the vacuum created in the center halted the massive walls advance and sucked it back in where it collided on itself and shot up in a vibrant rainbow mushroom cloud. Some time after... Dash and Donny looked up and took in the chaos of their surroundings. They lay in a crater twice the size of a hoofball field. Dirt floated on the air, adding to the difficulties each mare was already having with blurred vision. Eventually, their eyes met, but no words were forthcoming. It was enough just to keep breathing as every fiber of their bodies screamed in agony. A sound at the edge of the crater caught the mares attention, and painfully they shifted their necks to see. Scootaloo stood at the lip of the crater, eyes wide and wild with terror. Her mouth hung open as a halting wailing cry blasted from her lungs to pierce the air. Little filly hooves plodded one in front of the other, slowly, painfully she moved forward feeling the pulverized dust squish through her clefts as it kicked up in clouds. Scootaloo's head twitched to the racking of her sobs as her sides contracted in response to the pain agonizing through her gut. Blood matted her fur from multiple scrapes, cuts, and welts. Wings hung limply to her sides, primaries completely destroyed, torn, and bent at odd angles. Muzzle drawn and crinkled with all the horror her imagination could conjure from the reality of her surroundings. Her mind insisted that her mother and sister had to be dead. Even as she saw movement, her heart denied any comfort for fear of shattering a second time. However, bravely, little filly hooves plodded forward. Dash and Donny stared up at Scootaloo, unable to move their heads or speak. They twitched with every painstaking hoof-fall as Scootaloo inched closer. Their hearts ached and recoiled with every lamenting wail that pierced through their bodies, demanding they go to protect her, encase her in love and warmth, and soothe her pain and fears. Alas, their muscles refused to move. Scootaloo came within yards of the two most important mares in her life, and she hesitated. Scootaloo stood there, breaking down, her instincts drawing her in two directions at once, confusing her already muddled brain as her hooves refused to move. Donny and Dash looked on in agony, they gritted their teeth as their thoughts mirrored one another. Their eyes met and an unspoken agreement passed between them. With monumental effort the two mares summoned every last ounce of strength they could dredge from the depths of their hearts; they inched towards one another. Slowly, painstakingly, they inched. Every minor movement, push, and pull sent searing pain through their battered muscles. Every, inch they scraped along the dirt and gravel sent their nerves screaming, and their heads reeling. Both were near blacking out as they finally came together. With the last drop of their strength they reached out to Scootaloo, together. Ponies poured over the lip of the crater. A medical team teleported in courtesy of Twilight's talents. Applejack and Pinkie set up a hasty perimeter in the chaos and panic as they barked out orders and reassurances to the rapidly growing crowd. Rarity held the hysterical Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle back with her magic as she tried to calm them down with hugs and soothing reassuring words. Fluttershy took command of a passing group of birds and guided them in an attempt to clear the growing cloud of dust out of the bowl. Amidst the chaos at it's epicenter lay Scootaloo, passed out in the loving forelegs of the two most important mares of her life, an innocent and happy smile on her lips. > Tender Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo blinked through the fuzzy haze in her brain. Lights... Her eyes slid around incomprehensive of the chaos around her. So many lights... "She's coming around!" "Knock her out! Nurse! Morphine!" Lights...moving... Scootaloo's stomach soured and churned. I'm going to throw up...stupid lights! "Move the other two to room 'B'! Get this one to the foaliatrics wing! Tell them she has a concussion! Scan her spine, watch for the leg twitching!" "Doctor! We can't stop the bleeding over here!" "Press harder, get the packs outa the fridge! We need I.V.'s over here." Scootaloo turned her head to the side. Did I? I think I threw up...not sure. "Watch the floor! Its slippery!" Feels better...stupid lights... Another voice. "Doctor! Somepony tourniquet the leg on this one!" "Stupid! Amateuristic! Don't touch it, you'll split the artery if you take it off too quick! If we end up amputating, Luna damn my dreams, it won't be my balls on the line!" Who's bleeding? Scootaloo looked up, craning her neck. "Balls? Line? Is it recess? I gotta line up..." A face appeared in her vision, a red cross on her nurse hat. "Nonono, sweetheart, just lay back. You'll be fine. We will take care of your mommy and Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo's head fell back. A stinging sensation pierced her foreleg, followed by a mild burning through her veins. "Trust us...it's okay...everything will be fine..." The voice trailed off. Soo...bright...lights... Scootaloo's world faded mercifully dark. Beeping... Scootaloo lay in a hospital bed gradually awaking from a long slumber. Eyelids slid open slowly as she took in a vaguely familiar ceiling. The room was quiet; Scootaloo's breathing sounded loud and hollow in her ears. Why is there beeps? Her focus slid from the ceiling to the window. Dark... She breathed for a moment, focusing on the sound of her breath to break the haze that clung thickly to her reality. Why am I here? The beeping brought me here...I need to find the beeping... The lights in the room were dim. An eerie green glow from the heart monitor illuminated the bed. It emitted a constant -grrnn- as it regulated a feed of saline and painkillers through a long I.V. tube attached to Scootaloo's foreleg. Beeper...I found the beeper... Scootaloo giggled. "I s'ound you..." She slurred. Then it dawned on Scootaloo, I don't know this beeper! She looked sideways at the device -babeep-beep, grrrnnn, babeep-beep-. Her muzzle wrinkled into a jittery toothy frown. -babeep-beep- Her breathing increased. A clock on the wall ticked the time by. -Tic, tic, tic- Her eyes slid down to the I.V. in her foreleg and she froze. It's touching me... -Grrrrnnn- She held her breath, beads of sweat building up on her concerned brow. -Babeep-beep, tic, tic, babeep-beep, grrrrnnnn- She swallowed, her dry throat sticking together and slowly peeling apart adding to the discomfort. -Grrrrnnnnn- She let out a staccato burst of breath, and quickly sucked it back in as tears built up in the corner of her eyes. -Babeep-beep, grrrrnnnn- Go away! She screamed in her mind as shivers ran up and down her limbs. -Grrrrnnnn- Tears streamed down her cheeks Why won't you leave me alone! -Tic, tic, tic, babeep, Grrrrnnnn- Scootaloo mouthed out a silent scream... Dasshh! Mommyy!! Nurse Redheart made her rounds through the foaliatrics wing. She yawned, not quite yet used to the nightshift. Just one more room. Then I can catch a nap before the next round... Her thoughts trailed off as she opened the door to Scootaloo's room. Upon entering she looked up lazily, and stopped dead in her tracks. Scootaloo stared at Nurse Redheart through a drug induced terror as she reached a hoof out begging for salvation. The mare bolted to the side of the bed and wrapped her forelegs around the little filly. "Shhh...sweetheart it's alright...shhh..." She rocked Scootaloo back and forth, trying in vain to calm the poor filly down as she quivered uncontrollably in the nurse's embrace. Finally, released from her tension, sounds burst from Scootaloo's lungs in halting chaotic breaths. "Aiiunngg...Dash...e...nng!" She struggled against hyperventilation to force breath into her lungs. "Nng...nngg...Mmm...aaii...ungg...Mo...ung...mom...e...ee!" After a long stint of fruitless minutes trying to calm the hysterical filly, Nurse Redheart reluctantly reached over and pressed a button on the heart monitor. A heavy dose of painkiller flooded through Scootaloo, and the world once again went mercifully dark. Gritting her teeth, the nurse held the poor filly long after the death-grip around her neck went limp. With a heavy sigh she gingerly placed Scootaloo's head on the pillow, wiped away both their tears, and tucked in the blankets. "Hopefully you won't remember that sweetie." She grabbed the chart at the bottom of the bed and flipped through the pages. This is her second week here. Coma for nine days already!? Wow, time fly's. Concussed swelling around the brain...should be good to go by now. She thought back to the in-patient records. Rainbow Dash and Donnybrook are out of I.C.U. Transferred yesterday. Dash is still in a drug induced coma, but I can move her out, and put Scootaloo with her mother instead. She glanced over at the filly, who was sleeping peacefully. That's best, wouldn't want another episode like that. She yawned and clopped towards the door. Poor thing, she's been through enough... Scootaloo's eyes fluttered as she fought the urge to shut out the blinding daylight and view who was holding her hoof. She settled for squinting, slowly opening her eyes letting the blurriness re-adjust as shapes gradually took form. She could make out a pony who vaguely looked like her mother, focused for a moment, and then, suddenly, the pony looked a lot like her mother. "Mom?" "Good morning Cheeriloo." Donnybrook grated in a deep whisper. She was still feeling hung over, and her body ached even through the pain killers. "Have any good dreams?" "No, just this one," Scootaloo smiled. Her mother chuckled gently as she winced from the movement. "Sorry, looloo, but you're very awake." Scootaloo blushed, nopony had called her that since she was four. Donny took notice and grinned. "Thought that'd get you..." "Moommm..." Scootaloo wined and stuck her tongue out. "Grrr... Im'a bite it off!" Donny chuckled lightly as Scootaloo giggled. "If you could move!" She stuck it out further and waggled it around. Donny winced from the pain of her laughter. Scootaloo decided to calm down. "What happened out there?" Donny smiled sadly. "Dash and I had a friendly conversation, and she taught your mother a little lesson. That's all." Scootaloo glared at her dubiously. "Little? Friendly?" Her mind reeled with the possibilities. "So, then what happens if you two get into a real fight?" Donny's features grew grim. "Well if I actually had my gear, and if Rainbow Dash was fully trained." She paused, frowning. "We would have leveled Ponyville, burned down the Everfree, and possibly damaged Canterlot..." She smiled soothingly at Scootaloo's nervous glare. "Don't worry about it. Iv'e already made up my mind..." She looked past her daughter to Dash laying in the bed behind her. "...I don't think I could bring myself to ever hit her again...well..." She averted her eyes sheepishly. "...unless she was up to have some fun...or maybe if we were both drunk and in a good mood..." Scootaloo wondered at the look in her mother's eyes, too early in her years to place it, but found it calming and reassuring. She turned to look at Dash. "Dash?" No movement. "She sleeps so light, sometimes it's hard not to wake her up." She mumbled wistfully. "Dash!" Weird... "She will wake up soon. Let her sleep for awhile longer." Donnybrook smiled as she recalled the nurses coming in to roll Dash out, and how she had nearly chewed their heads off. "Don't worry Looloo, I made sure she'll be right next to you when she wakes up." She gingerly ran her hoof through Scootaloo's mane. "You'll be the first pony she sees." She smiled, "She'll like that." Her hoof fell to the bed as her voice trailed off. Scootaloo grinned, "Thanks mom..." She turned, but cut her words off. Her mother lay peacefully, with her eyes closed. "Looloo, I'm so sorry..." She whispered weakly. "For what?" Scootaloo whispered back, finding her Moms hoof with her own. "For never saying how much I love you..." Exhausted from the conversation, Donnybrook drifted off, snoring softly, missing the little filly breakdown happening at the end of her hoof. Scootaloo glanced over as Dash stirred with a groan. She positioned herself at the edge of the bed excitedly waiting for Dash's eyes to open for the first time. She reached over and sandwiched Dash's hoof between hers. Dash blinked in the dim lighting of the room. Night, having fallen hours ago, cast it's shadows in defiance of the meager ceiling lights and dim green glows of the heart monitors. She struggled to make out the shapes surrounding her, and decided to focus on the one holding her hoof. "Scootaloo?" Dash murmured. "Hay Dash! Good..." "SSHH..." Dash winced. "Tone down the crazy..." Dash rubbed a tender hoof on her temple. "Sorry..." Scootaloo whispered gently, the excitement squeaking through. "How do you feel?" "Like somepony back-hoofed me with a planet." She groaned. "That bad huh?" "Nah, it's cool." Dash threw out a weak snicker. "You should see the planet." Scootaloo giggled. "I did. I hear they are still filling in the crater you smashed into its face." They shared a fit of painful snickers and muted giggles. Donny shifted, wincing in her sleep, as she worked around the bed to find the least painful position. Scootaloo and Dash held their breath, just two sisters trying not to get caught giggling it up too late after bedtime. Donny's shifting eventually ended with her facing away towards the door as she snored softly into her pillow. Scootaloo sighed in relief and turned back to Dash. She startled, Dash was staring intently at her. "W-what?" Dash reached for the filly, but her muscles nipped and complained painfully. "I can't move Squee-chi." Dash grinned as Scootaloo blushed at the nickname without complaint, and slowly beckoned the filly to her. "Yeah, well..." Her eyes dodged to the side. "...it kinda happens when you pick fights with planets." Dash noticed how easily Scootaloo was moving around. "Squee-chi." Dash's eyes wavered as she redoubled her efforts and reached for Scootaloo who was just out of hoof shot. "I need to tell you something..." Scootaloo picked up on the sincerity in Dash's voice. "I'm listening." Dash's eyes flitted between Donny and the closed door. She patted the bed in front of her. Scootaloo readjusted her I.V.'s and pulled herself over onto the bed next to Dash. "Whats up?!" "Shhh," Dash scolded as her eyes flicked up to Donny, and reassured the door wasn't about to burst open. Her eyes slid down to meet Scootaloo's straight on. The little filly froze, her heart sped up, pounding in her ears, as Dash inched slowly, painstakingly closer. Dash's breath played along the finer fur of Scoots muzzle, but the filly resisted giggling at the tickles, and failed to find her own breath. Dash leaned in, closed her eyes, and gingerly pressed her lips against Scootaloo's, rolling the kiss into a long loving nuzzle. Scootaloo's heart exploded, an intense dizziness settling over her mind as she lost focus behind a wall of tears. Dash pulled her closer into a shaky, but gentle hug as the filly's happy fluttering sobs matted her fur. With the tip of her muzzle to the hairs around Scoot's ear she whispered ever so lightly. "I love you, most precious pony of my heart. More than my adventures, and the wings that carry me to them." The floodgates of Scoot's pain and stress shattered, her muffled wailing shaking Dash to her core. A Daring Doo quote...Donny's grin was ear to ear, but curved down painfully at the corners. Show off... She closed her eyes, blocking out the scene reflecting back at her from the mirror on the wall as tears streamed onto her pillow. Scootaloo's muffled cry's stabbed through her heart painfully. How did you hide so much pain. When were you so desperate for love? Donny choked back sobs of her own as her heart threatened to explode out of her lungs. No...I was just blind and callous. How could I do this to you? She bit down hard on her tongue, her eyes squeezed shut, trying in vain to overpower the emotions tearing through her. I'll say it to you properly next time...mommy promises. To be continued... HERE!