Fallout Equestria: Half-Derped Consequences

by Calbeck

First published

Twilit Speckle was one day a library, writing on a scroal.

This is what happens when alicorns stop flinging megaspells, and start getting real.

The Attack Beggins

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Twilit Speckle who was Shiny Armbergs sister was one day a library writing on a scroal. She got a scroal from her big brother (best freind forevar) that said that zebras and missiles were attacking his place and axed her for help so she went. Twilit Speckle got her scroal rolled up and wet on the stairs to go up to the balcony of the library where she left her pet dragon and normal pony close because she was in her eghead lab coat. Twilit Speckle got on her dragin and said "its time for me to live up to my alicorn fame and face half derped consequences" so she had to go.

Twilit Speckle ramped her dragon Spike off the building and did a backflip and flew. She kept riding her dragon and made sure there was no zebras around because she ddint have wepon. The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and Celestes sun was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for Twilit Speckles quest to help her brother where he was.

Twilit Speckle looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys". Twilit Speckle was late so she had to fly really fast. A guard was hiden near by so when Twilit Speckle went by the guard came and wanted to give her a ticket. Here Twilit Speckle saw the first enemys because the guard was a zebra spy and had crabs. "I cant give you my lisense officer" Twilit Speckle said "Why not?" said the crab zebra spy back to Twilit Speckle. "Because you are enemy crab zebra!" so Twilit Speckle shot the gard in the head and flew off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster.

Twilit Speckle had to go faster like sonic rainboom and got there fast because Shiny needed her where he was. Twilit Speckle looked at cloud signs and saw "Canterloft" with somponys writing under it saying "u liek bananas?" so Twilit Speckle almost turned around but heard screaming like Shiny so she went faster again.

Twilit Speckle flew in and did another flip n jumped off her dragon Spike and the dragon Spike took out some crab zebras infront of Twilit Speckle. Twilit Speckle smiled and walked fast.

Twilit Speckle then looked on the ground and found wepon so she levatatord it up and fired fast at zebra goats in front of a house. Twilit Speckle said "Zebra goats leave this place!" and the zebra goats said "naa naaa na naa naaaaa" and Twilit Speckle felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zebra goats so she blew up the house and killed the zebra goats so they were at piece.

Then Twilit Speckle herd another scream from her brother so she kept walking really faster to get where he was. Canterloft was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the Princessess were dead and teh castle was full of pinkie clouds and enemy zebra crab missiles.

When Twilit Speckle got to where the screaming was started from she found her brother Shiny Armberg keepin the shield up and Shiny said "Twilit Speckle! Over here!" so Twilit Speckle went there to where Shiny Armberg was shielding. Twilit Speckle fired her magic from her horn really fast and the magic went and shot the missiles in the eyes and the missiles couldnt see.

Shiny Armberg said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final missile with a hoof and the final missile fell. Twilit Speckle said "Thanks i could help, bro." and Shiny Armberg said "You should come here earlier next time." and they laughed.

The laughed overed quickly though because Twilit Speckle yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Shiny Armberg looked up and said "NOO! Twilit Speckle run out of here fast as you can!" and Twilit Speckle walked real fast out.

Twilit Speckle looked back and saw Shiny get balefired by the next missile and she was mad and angry. "I'll get you back evil zebras!" Twilit Speckle yelled at the top of lung.

to be continued..?

What Has Lorna Doone

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Twilit Speckle walked like speed of light back to her draggin and left behind the bad place behind her. Twilit Speckle had to ride her dragon really fast back to the library but Twilit Speckles dragon gas ran out. Twilit Speckle jumped fast off the dragon and landed on dead ponys hoofs.

"Shiny Armberg is now these hoofs... i must kill the zebra boss and live up to half-derped consequences!" Twilit Speckle said out loud.

Twilit Speckle levated up a laser gun and aimed it at trees to see if she could. Twilit Speckle shot and Flutershy fell down in front of her. Twilit Speckle seen eggs fall out of the tree and she put them back home safe because Fluttershy was dead.

"These birds dont have to see Fluttertree yet. its not time." Twilit Speckle said to him.

Twilit Speckle had to walked faster and was back at her library and writing a letter to dead princess Celestia. She looked on her books and found the Zebra Legate.

"I know his weakness now" Twilit Speckle said. And after that she got scroals from Spike. Twilit Speckle opened up the scroals and read them.

"Dear Twilit Speckle, how are you? There are missiles everywhere and pink air is killing us. Come home soon with Shiny Armberg for hearthswarming dinner. Love Celestia." Twilit Speckle looked at it and got sad and yelled "I WILL KILL THE ZEBRALEGAT AND SHINY ARMBERG WILL BE HAPPY SOUL!" then she turned off her books and wet on the platform again down to her other more faster dragons that had gas from Sweetie Bells cooking.

Twilit Speckle put the laser gun on her dragon and her machine gun and her rocket gun that she found on the side of the dragon. She went through clouds and went fast like litning to back to Canterlot and back to the bad place where Shiny Armberg was. Twilit Speckle went through Zebratown and did backflips and landed teh dragon but kept going too.

Twilit Speckle went really fast again like before and was soon back again at Canterlot but saw more zebra goats. Twilit Speckle said to them "Zebra goats i have killed your friends at the old house and i dont want to shoot your heads. move near the countrysides and you will be friends of Twilit Speckle." The zebra goats said "na na naaa naaa naa" and walked fast to Twilit Speckles dragons. Twilit Speckle waited until they were in front of her dragon and backflipped off his head and shot heads below and landed and walked fast to where the Zebra Legate was.

"naa naaa na naa na na!" yelled the dead zebra goats. Twilit Speckle laughed and shot a rocket at them.

Twilit Speckle saw the Zeber Leggit far down the road and walked slow this time. She walked really slow like a turtle or a tortoise and sat down on a rock and watched the Zebra Legat near the explodid missile and where the place that Shiny Armberg was. The Zebra Legate was laughing at Twilit Speckle so Twilit Speckle said "YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT ME!" and shot a rocket at him since that was his weakness.

The Zebur Legate died and Twilit Speckle was happy. She walked over to the dead boss and put him under the crater and planted pants on him so instead of pink cloud and evil there was pretty things there now to make Rarity happy.

Twilit Speckle walked to where Shiny Armberg was lying dead and crushed from the bailfire missile and looked down. A tear droped out of Twilit Speckles eye and landed on Shiny Armberg.

"You are dead bro and i killed the evil boss." Twilit Speckle told Shiny Armberg

Then Twilit Speckle saw something bad. Alicorn wings was on Shiny Armberg! Shiny Armberg standed up and said "Twilit Speckle... you got here slow and now i am zebra alicorn. you will pay..."

to be continued...?

Pegasuses Suck

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Two hundred years later the world was dark and scarry. One day Gran Pulse Enclave came and nopony knew why. Enclaves were robot things that werent robots with ugly faces and sometimes glowing eyes and slaved people in Manehattan and made them angry and sad. Hommage who was living in the city and with her Pip said "Pip why are Envclaves here" and she said "Hommage Enclaves are from science and pegasuses and hate dirtponies".

Hommage realy hated Enclaves because they beat up every pony and Hommage hated it. "Litlepip why are they beating up that girl!" Hommage said to Pip. "Because she is earth pony Hommage, and they are evil Enclaves" Hommages Pip said back.

"Hey you Enclaves stop beating her up you evil guys!" Hommage yelled loud at them. "Shut up foal or you will pay!" the Enclaves said and aimed there lazer guns at Hommages head. "Enclaves dont aim your lazers!" yelled Pip then the Enclaves shot her and laughed Ha ha stupid unicron girl with no head they said with smiles.

Hommage grabed Pips hoof and said "Pip you were beautiful soul and Enclaves will pay". "Hommage no get out of here fast as you can..." Pip said and died. Then Hommage grabbed a wepon and shot the Enclaves in the heart and said "this is not over".

The people around Hommage cheerd and smiled and said "good job Hommage we hate those Enclaves!" Enclaves made ponys fraid and when Hommage killed them it gave them hop.

"Enclaves we are not scarred no more!" said Hommage and every pony around Hommage said "YEAH!" and grabbed lazer guns and rocks. Hommage and the ponys walked fast like waves and went towards to the Enclave tower that was big like the sky.

"Where do you ponys think you are going?" a big Enclave army with lots of Raptors said.

"To send you back to science and pegesis space!" Hommage yelled with mad "ATTACK THE ENCLAVES!" Hommage yelled again.

The war was going and blowing things up when Hommage saw Blackjacks folly gun on the ground. "Enclaves it is time to do what has to be done and live up to my DJ Pon3 name" Hommage wispered with head down.

The Enclaves were shoting ponys and landing on them with Rapters and ponys were shooting lazer guns back and killing them sometimes. Explosions like 10 times of the sun went around Hommage but Hommage didnt care.

"Pony kind is losing and I need to help" Hommage said. Then a big rocket came down and blew a guys tail off and legs and head and killed other ponys too.

Hommage saw the dead going on all around. The Enclave were to strong and big but Hommage didnt care neither. Hommage levitorted the Foley gun and started to put holes in Raptors and buildings. The bildings fell and made dust and smoke and blinded Enclaves so Hommage culd use the Foley gun to blow holes like the sky in them and make them squish.

The ponys were wining but then glowing things went in the sky and Enclaves came out. "Hommage we have to go out of here!" a colt said to Hommage. "No they are all every where!" another colt said.

"You are surounded prepair to die" the dark mare said.

Hommage lookd around. Enclaves with lazer guns were there. Hommage knew if ponys lost now it would be sad FOR EVER.

"FIGHT" Hommage yelled.

Ponies runned toward the Enclaves to kill them and the Enclaves were going to shoot all the ponys in a second when a brite light came in teh sky. A shiny thing like the Enclaves came from opend in the sky and a pony came out.

"Enclaves leave my grandauter alone!" Twilit Speckle said.

to be continued...?

Free Mane

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Twilit Speckle backfliped out of the sky and landed besides Henry Freeman Hommage. Hommage looked at Twilit Speckle in the eyes and cry falled out and said “Twilit Lilepip has dead”. Twilit Speckle went sad at the ground then moved head real fast up.

“ENCLAVES YOU KILLD DAUTERS WAIFU?” Twilit Speckle said with growls.

“Yes Twilit Speckle” the dark mare said after “Hommages Pip is shot in head” the dark mare said again.

“Dauter loved waifyu like sun raise... DARK MARE YOU WILL SUFFAR!” Twilit Speckle ponted and yelled.

Twilit Speckle jumpd in to sky with kicks and hit dark mare and the dark mares mask ript off and Twilit Speckle seed ugly Enclave face but it looked like pony tooo. the dark mare scrumbled back to Enclaves and Enclaves went to shoot Twilit Speckle but Hommage throwed granaid for Twilit Speckle to lazar them in faces.

“Filly take ponys and leave the city its time I have to kill the enemys and make evil go away from here forrest of time!” Twilit Speckle said to Hommage and ponys.

“Twilit Speckle we fight!” ponys said and didnt go no where.

“Twilit ponis have to fight for freedome!” Hommage said and didnt go no where neither.

Twilit Speckle was fraid for first time. She didnt want nothing to happen to Hommage because Hommage was Twilit Speckle saw Enclaves start to run like monsters to ponis and Hommage and saw Hommage and ponis run like brave to Enclaves. Twilit Speckle got quiet then dropped wepon and said “I have to kill fast and lazers too slow” and started killing Enclaves with bear hands.

Twilit Speckle was killing Enclaves and barking necks and ponis and Hommage was behind shooting at Enclaves at front. Now Enclaves got scarred and ranned back to the dark mare who was at the door to the big tower that was big onto the sun and went around the dark mare and got redy to fight again. then the dark mare pressed the button that made the big tower glow and smoke.

“Twilit Speckle you let zebar leggat made me zebra alicorn. Enclaves came and put science in me and made me live and strong and big now I make you and Hommage zebra alicorns. Prepair to die” Shiny Armberg said.

“Shiny Armberg you are my bro and I killed zebra legit. Enclaves science is bad and made you tricked bro stop the button and glowing.” Twilit Speckle said.

“NO!” Shiny Armberg angered back.

Shiny Armberg teleportaled to Twilit Speckle and hit her with crow bar and Twilit Speckle tried to grabe it but couldnt so she punched Shiny Armberg instead. Twilit Speckle and Shiny Armberg was fighting for life and death when the Enclaves and ponis started shoting each other again. Hommage got in front of ponis and saw the tower smoke and glow more and more like litning clouds.

Hommage shout “It will explod!” so Hommage and the ponys shot bullets and bombs at Enclaves so pony kind could press the botton and make it stop. Then Hommage went to a Enclaves skywagon and shoot all the Enclaves in it and went to the top and used the torret gun. Hommage made the torret gun shoot Enclaves and bullets cut them in two and half.

Hommage kept shooting Enclaves and the rest of ponis got closer and closer to button to stop it. The Enclaves shot at the ponis and made some die but no one cared becaus they had to do it. Then Enclaves started coming out of the hug tower to stop the ponis. There was too much Enclaves and ponis couldnt go to the button no more and the tower was all smoke and glow now expect for a little bit.

Twilit Speckle knew it was too late and ponis couldnt stop button. Twilit Speckle had barley time but was still fighting Shiny Armberg.

“Bro it is time Im sorry” Twilit Speckle said to Shiny Armberg.

“time for you to die Twilit Speckle!” Shiny Armberg said back.

“No bro” Twilit Speckle said then kicked Shiny Armberg in teh part of the face that was like Enclaves.

The science flew off Shiny Armbergs face and landed and blowed up in a boom and Shiny Armberg stood and fall. “Twily..” Shiny Armberg said so Twilit Speckle got closer to the ground like Shiny Armberg.

“Enclaves made me tricked sis Im sorry” Shiny Armberg said.

“I know bro but you are hero” Twilit Speckle said back to comfart Shiny.

“Save ponis and Hommage” Shiny Armberg said quiet like pain and breathed slower and slower

Twilit Speckle had Shiny Armberg and saw eyes shut and the breath stoped but Shiny Armberg had smiles on face.

Twilit Speckle let go Shiny Armberg and went up back on her feet and loked her head around and saw trees and aminals and ponis then looked at glowy tower and knew what has to be done. “Filly and ponys get back!” Twilit Speckle said out real loud so Hommage frontflipped off torret and went with ponys back to Twilit Speckle and ducked bullets and rackets.

“Filly take ponys on dragon and leave city. Make ponys safe filly and nothing happen to them.” Twilit Speckle said to Hommage.

“But Twilit I fight!” Hommage said. “No filly go with ponys” Twilit Speckle said so Hommage and ponis went on dragon Spike.

Hommage started on drago and started to go but slow becaus she didnt want to. the Enclaves saw and said “STOP THE PONIS!” and went charge at dragon Spike.

Twilit Speckle walked to wards Enclaves and made fists with hooves like Lyra. Twilit Speckle punchd and hit Enclaves in front but all Enclaves in back shot rockets and masheen guns. a Rocket hit Twilit Speckle but she got up and killed more Enclaves then a Enclave went at Twilit Speckles back and stabed her but Twilit Speckle got nife out and stabbed Enclave in brane. Enclaves got close and hit Twilit Speckle body with bullets but Twilit Speckle kicked Enclaves back.

Twilit Speckle kept fighting Enclaves and put head up to tower and saw it go brite and break then turned around in last second and saw dragon Spike in far off safe place and was happy. Hommage and the ponys in the dragon saw the tower go like millon stars and fire and loud noises then the ponys went down but Hommage kept going and didnt say nothing.

After the world was nice and ponis had new city and happy because the Enclaves was gone and nobody was slave or sad. President Hommage and ponys and animals and Eqestra had peace and in the middle of new city was a statue that said “Alicorn Princes Twilit Speckle Saver of Ponis”