Kamen Rider Drake

by RedStar76

First published

When Equestria is faced with a new threat there's only one thing to do... HENSHIN!

(This was my first ever story on Fimfic. I'm continuing it, but its also currently going under heavy editing. For those new, please keep that in mind. Thank you to those who've supported me since the beginning!)
仮面ライダードレイク!Kamen Rider Drake!
Unlock the door to Power!
電源への扉のロックを解除 !
Spike, the purple scaled, green spiked, #1 assistant drake to Princess Twilight Sparkle, now finds himself facing a new challenge. A small, metal dragon no larger than Spike's own claw suddenly shows up and tells Spike of an
incoming threat that he will have to face. But not as an ordinary baby dragon, no...
As the Kamen Rider Drake!
What dangers will he face?! What allies will he gain?! What enemies will be made?! Only one way to find out!
(Taking place shortly after the end of Season 3)

Prologue: Prelude to Action! The Nightmare has only begun! (Edited)

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Hey! The name is Spike, but I guess whoever reads this journal one day would have probably guessed that already since it already says "Spike's Journal" on the inside front cover. I usually don't do these type of things but this, this I have write down.

Because today, I was slingshotted head first into a crazy new um... "adventure" as Dragon likes to call it. Well I am a dragon, but Dragon isn't really a dragon, in fact I don't know what he is exactly. But I guess it would be easier to start from the beginning, and by that, I mean really early this morning...


It was about three o'clock at night or four or midnight even. You tend to lose track of time when you're running for your life through a forest in the middle of nowhere, being chased by a monster that looks like it should belong in Tartarus, and beside you flying is a dragon that has the body of grown up dragon but is about the size of your hand and made of red, black, and silver metal. Yep, I guarantee that you could very likely lose track of time.
"We're almost at the clearing Spike! It's just up ahead!"

"What are we gonna do?! Because if you hadn't noticed, THERE IS A GIANT EVIL MONSTER CURRENTLY TRYING TO CHOP US INTO BITS RIGHT NOW!"

"Just remember what I said!"

"I still don't believe you on that you know!"

"Do you really have a choice at the moment?!"

"Ugh! Fine let's do it!"

"There jump through into the clearing! I'll do the rest!"

"Alright!" Spike jumped through to into the small field located next to a raging waterfall.

"Please let this work! HENSHI-" Spike was then immediately shocked awake. It looked like Celestia had just risen the sun and it just became morning. He left his basket, he saw that Twilight was still clearly sound asleep. Sighing, he didn't feel like going back to sleep after the weird dream/nightmare he just had. Was there a reason Princess Luna didn't show up? Maybe it was just an odd dream and that was it, nothing to be concerned with.

"Yeah, that's it." Spike reassured himself. It had been what, three weeks since Twilight's princess coronation. They were still living in Ponyville and of course there was a whole lot more papers to organize and sort out than before. However, as Twilight's number one assistant, he could not and would not let her down. Spike went downstairs and the library was still the same.

All the books were neatly organized. Everything was dusted and polished. And that strange metal thingy was still on top of
one of the books, yep everything was... wait, what?
The strange object in question was shaped like a pentagon. was shiny. and was red. Spike went over and picked it up.

"Weird looking ruby," Spike said to himself.

"Well I'm flattered that you would think me to be such a good snack even though we only just met."

Spike immediately dropped the ruby thinking he was having another nightmare. The shiny red pentagon then transformed into what appeared to be the body shape of full grown dragon, but was tiny. Spike wasn't sure whether to laugh or to cower in fear as he recognized the strange metal creature from his nightmare.

"First of all, OW! Second of all, no this isn't a nightmare. Third, the reason I know is because my flank hurts like crazy because of you." said the small, dragon shaped, metal creature.

"Oh, um... sorry," said Spike a nervously.

"Ah well, it was an accident, don't worry about it, i'll live." said the creature. Spike was sort of relieved that, whatever it was, said that.

"W-what are you? Why are you here? What do you want with me? Why were you in my nightmare? Why-" Spike was cut off by the mini metal dragon flying up to his face.

"As much as I'd love to play twenty questions with you right now Spike, we have a job to do-" then the creature was cut off
hearing hoof steps coming down the stairs.
"We'll finish this conversation later, gotta go!" the creature said as it flew back and then flew directly towards Spike's chest. Spike tried to grab it, but when he did, he felt nothing but one of his hands touching the other and sure enough they were
empty. Twilight walked over to her number one assistant and put a hoof on his shoulder.
"Spike is something wrong?" Spike turned his head and saw the clearly visible dark circles under his eyes.
"Spike, you worked super hard yesterday and you have the day off today, so there's no reason to be up this early, you need sleep," Twilight said putting the baby dragon on her back using her magic. As much as Spike originally did not agree to Twilight's idea of a day off, just as he did last time, a day long nap didn't sound so bad right now.
"C'mon let's go back to bed." she said softly.
Spike realized maybe what he saw wasn't real at all. Just maybe a delusion from lack of sleep. Twilight laid him down and
tucked him in his basket and he drifted off back to sleep.
"A delusion, really, that's what you're going with?" said a voice in the back of Spike's mind that sounded differently but he decided to completely ignore it and go to sleep.
Well Spike was in for quite the rude awakening when he wakes up because he was in for the ride of his life.

About a eight hours later...

"*Yawn* hmm... that was one strange dream..." Spike said to himself.
"Dream, no, me inside your body telling you to get up already, yes," the voice inside Spike's head said.
"Oh no..." Spike said to himself.

Episode 1 pt.1: Call to Action! Henshin: Ryu Form! Part 1!

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"Well c'mon! Up, up, up!" said the voice in Spike's head. Suddenly Spike felt as if something was tugging his arms and
then he flew out of his basket and half way across the room.

"Whatever you are, could you keep it down, if wake up Twilight were both goners," said Spike doing his best to reason with the mysterious creature that had somehow entered his body.

"Okay, okay relax Spike jeez," said the voice.

"Hey, you're the one who's inside my body!" Spike said as he silently walked out of the bedroom. Then in a flash of red light the mini metal dragon flew out of the center of Spike's chest.

"Better?" said the creature with an obvious sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Better, so um..." Spike was wondering what to ask because at the moment there was a million questions going through his head.

"Who am I? Is what I'm assuming you're asking." said the creature. Spike eyes now went wide.

"Uh...well...yeah..." Spike said cautiously.

"Well... you can call me, Dragon."


"Okay so this is what you're telling me... you're telling me that I'm a supposed to be something called kamen rider."

"It translates into masked rider if that make it any better." added the creature who was supposedly named "Dragon".

"The reason you came to me is because I'm a dragon."


"So why not find some other dragon? I'm not into... whatever a kamen rider is," Spike said as he was starting to make breakfast.

"Well to inform you, a kamen rider is a warrior who fights to protect what matters except a kamen rider is ten times more epic while doing it."

"Not really a clear description there Dragon," Spike said starting to get annoyed with the mini metal dragon's presence.

"The reason it has to be you," Dragon said completely ignoring Spike's previous comment. "Is because that one, you're literally the only trustworthy dragon pretty much in all of Equestria, two, dragons, and only dragons, can withstand the force of the henshin," Dragon said a matter-of-factly.

"Well I am pretty strong," Spike said slightly chuckling, "But what's a hen-shin?" Spike asked.

"It translates into transform." Dragon said.

"From what language exactly?"

"That's not the point Master Spike! The point is that we have to get moving!"

"Did you just call me master?" Spike asked surprised.

"What do you think?! Now, LET"S-GET-MOVING!" Dragon said flying into Spike's chest again. Suddenly Spike felt a tugging on his arms again.

"Oh no," Spike said as he flew out the door. Twilight yawned and woke up and began to walk downstairs.

"Good morning Spike!...Spike?" She saw breakfast on the table and the door wide open.

"Where did he go?" Twilight said to herself with concern present in her voice.


"C'mon little friends, we're almost there," said Fluttershy in a very sweet voice. An innocent baby duckling hurt it's wing a was now on Fluttershy's back. She was leading the rest of the duck family back to her cottage. Unfortunately, it was from a pond located in southern edge of the Everfree Forest, but she had mapped out a path to lead the ducks safety. But in the
Everfree forest, safety is basically thrown out the window.


"Where *huff* are we going?!" said Spike who was basically being dragged on the ground by his own arms at this point.

" I sense someone in danger! It's our job to help them!" Dragon said inside Spike's mind.

"Wait, who's in danger?!" Spike said shouting. "Why are we heading towards the Everfree Forest?! Are you nuts?!"

"So you just noticed! I can sense the emergency signal coming from there!"

"EMERGENCY WHAT?!" Just then, a high pitched scream rang out through the air.

"Wait... FLUTTERSHY?!" shouted Spike who immediately picked himself of the ground and started running by himself.

"Don't worry Fluttershy I'm coming!"

"Full speed ahead Spike!" In the meantime an entire family of ducks was cowering behind Fluttershy, while Fluttershy herself was frozen, literally paralyzed by fear. Her mouth agape, pupils narrowing to the point of being dots.

The monster was unlike anything ever seen in the Everfree Forest, it's head was a white skull and it was slightly larger than a tree, had grey fur, had clawed feet resembled a diamond dog's foot shape, oh, and instead of having a regular right arm, in it's place was from the elbow down was a giant curved blade that ran the length of it's own body.

"We're almost there! Hide in that bush!" shouted Dragon in Spike's mind. Spike dove down into the bush and saw the horrific scene before his eyes. That monster unfortunately he also recognized from his nightmare the previous night.

"What do we do?!" Spike said whispering. Dragon flew out of Spike's chest.

"Remember what I said about the Kamen Rider and the henshin!" Spike nodded.

"If say or rather shout henshin and at the same time I shout ryu then we'll i'll be able to lend you my powers!"

"What's a ryu?"

"It means dragon."

"Again, in what language?"

"Not the point! Let's do it and hurry!" Spike then saw the creature raise it's right arm... or blade, and he... or whatever it was was about to swing down at Fluttershy.


"EEEEPPPPP!!!!!!!" screamed Fluttershy. Spike jumped out of the bush and hoped for the best.



"FORM!" they both shouted in unison. Dragon flew into Spike's chest again and a bright red aura overtook Spike's small body until it was engulfed in a flash. When the light dissipated, Spike was changed entirely. Fluttershy then
proceeded to faint. Spike entire body structure was different, he remembered the first stage of his greed spurt during his last birthday, he was taller than that now, the height of Princess Celestia even. his entire body was covered in a black under armor. He wore a red and silver outline chest plate, red and silver outline gauntlets, red armor on his lower right leg and silver on his lower left. His feet now had three claws in the front and one on his heel and were also in red armor with a silver outline. The spikes that protruded his armor from the top of his back all the way to the tip of his tail were red. The helmet he was wearing was red with two silver rhombuses in the placement of his ears with the point of the rhombus facing his back extended slightly off the helmet. There was a silver piece covering the area of his mouth and shaped like an upside down triangle. Last but not least, the onyx black visor covering the area of his eyes was in a slight v-shape. After quickly analyzing his new body he had a split second reaction when the monster's right arm,erm, blade was a inch away from his face.

Spike clapped his hand around the blade and held it back, now noticing he had five fingers instead of four.

"What do I do?!" Spike shouted in his mind.

"Make him back off!!!" Dragon shouted. At that, Spike pushed the monster about fifteen feet away from him. Spike's fists ignited on fire.

"RYU!" Dragon shouted in Spike's mind.

"FIAME!" Spike shouted. The fire from Spike's fists ejected into one large ball of fire that made a direct hit on the monster's chest, sending it flying.

"Get the mare and let's get the hay out of here!" Dragon shouted. Spike ran over to Fluttershy and picked her up along
with the ducks and ran super fast speeds towards the direction of her cottage.

Episode 1 pt.2:Call to Action! Henshin: Ryu Form! Part 2!

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Fluttershy awoke in her cottage. Safe and sound. The family of ducks laying on a small blanket resting. She looked around and everything was fine. All was normal and peaceful as it should be.

"What an odd dream..." Fluttershy quietly said to herself.

15 minutes earlier...

"Crap,crap,crap!" Dragon said over and over again

"Why are you saying crab so many times?!" Spike asked.

"I'm not saying crab! I... screw it, nevermind, just get her into a bed or something!" Dragon pretty much shouted. Spike came through Fluttershy's cottage, set the baby ducks down on a small blanket he found. He then proceeded to take Fluttershy upstairs and laid her down on her bed.

"Is she injured?!" Dragon asked.

" No she just passed out and can you stop shouting in my head, you're starting to give me a headache." Spike complained.

"Quit being such a nancy and let's get out of here already," said Dragon.

20 minutes later...

Fluttershy was beginning to feed all of the animals breakfast when she noticed a very visible large hole in her cottage door.

"Oh, my..." She said to herself.


"Was is it really that necessary to punch Fluttershy's door to open it, I think it was unlocked," said Spike.

"Like I said; a kamen rider fights to protect what matters BUT is ten times cooler while doing it."

"This is going to be a long day," Spike said to himself.


"Let me warn you... I start on a climax!"

Spike and Dragon demorphed before exiting the Everfree Forest. They started walking, well Dragon was using his mini metal wings to fly, and they finally started having a normal, well as normal as it could get anyway, conversation.

"Now do you understand? If we didn't come in when we did, your yellow friend would have been toast!" said Dragon.

"Fine, fine, i'll let you stay around," said Spike followed by a defeated sigh. "But don't pull on my arms anymore."

"Fine," said Dragon. He then proceeded to fly into Spike's body once again and Spike felt a tugging on his legs until he was being dragged by his legs with his back on the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Spike yelled.

"You were going slow and you did say not to pull on your arms anymore," said Dragon, and even though he was inside his body he could pretty much envision the smug look on his face.


There was a slight knocking at the door of Carousel Boutique.

"Come in!" shouted Rarity, the white unicorn fashionista, in an elegant voice. She was slightly surprised it was her friend Twilight Sparkle who came walking through the door.

"Oh, good morning Twilight! How are you doing today?" Rarity happily asked.

"Good morning Rarity, where's Spike?" she asked.

"Whatever do you mean dahling? Is little Spikey-Wikey not with you?"

"Well, he's been helping me out and working super hard lately so I gave him the day off today. But when I got up this morning he was already out the door without so much as leaving a note, or even waiting to have breakfast, or even say good morning!" Twilight said beginning to rant.

"Calm down dear, I'm sure Spike will come home soon and you can ask him yourself then," said Rarity trying to reassure her friend.

"Yeah... yeah, you're right Rarity, i'm sure he'll come back soon. Thank you Rarity, i'll see you later!" Twilight said walking out the door waking her hoof.

"Anytime dear!" Rarity said also waving a hoof goodbye.

"I just hope she's right, it's really unusual for Spike to do something like this," Twilight thought to herself.


"Alright girls, ya'll ready?" said AppleBloom, the younger sister of AppleJack.


"Why didn't we think of this before! We always get covered in tree sap! Doing this will be EASY!" proclaimed Scootaloo.

Meanwhile, a short distance away...

After dragging Spike on his legs for about five minutes, Dragon said that they were going to patrol around incase that monster tried to cause havoc again to anypony stupid enough to just waltz in the Everfree Forest. Well to say anypony stupid would be an understatement, because five minutes later Spike and Dragon hear, "YEAH! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SAP COLLECTORS!" and Spike, for the first time all day, was not surprised when Dragon said there was an emergency signal coming from the direction of the shout. But it wasn't just them who heard the shout, looks like a certain monstrosity's "meal signal" just went of in the direction of the same shout.

"C'mon hurry up you guys!" shouted Scootaloo.

"Hey don't rush ahead!" said SweetieBelle.

"Yeah Scoots! Wait fer, fer..." both fillies stopped dead in their tracks. Scootaloo turned around.

"What is it you guys c'mon let's get movi..." when Scootaloo turned back around she saw the giant monstrosity standing in front of her and looking down at her. Well, looking down until it raised it's right...blade and sent it down.

"HENSHIN-RYU-FORM!" Spike's right gauntlet blocked the swing and shockwave knocked the monster back a few feet.

"WOAH! THAT-WAS-AWESOME!" shouted Scootaloo.

"You three get out of here i'll take care of it!" shouted Spike who now noticed that when he spoke his voice was deeper and more assertive.

"KEY BELT ACTIVATED. KEY SYSTEM ONLINE." said a mechanical voice.

"Um, what?" said Spike.

"Don't look at me, I didn't say it!" said Dragon in Spike's mind. Suddenly a golden colored belt appeared around Spike's waist. The belt buckle was in the shape of a classic key lock and in the middle was a key hole. On the right side of the buckle was two keys with a red pentagon on the end where one holds it. The monster started to get back on it's feet and made a mad dash for Spike. But Spike had a new trick up his gauntlets.


Episode 2: Key system online! Go Kamen Rider Drake!

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"KEY BELT ACTIVATED. KEY SYSTEM ONLINE," said a mechanical voice.

"Um, what?" said Spike.

"Don't look at me, I didn't say it!" said Dragon in Spike's mind. Suddenly, a golden colored belt appeared around the waist of Spike's armor.The belt buckle was in the shape of a classic key lock and in the middle was a key hole. On the right side of the buckle was two keys with a red pentagon on the end where one holds it. Spike looked down at the now mysterious but surprisingly cool looking belt.

"Woah, what is this supposed to be?" asked Spike.

"Well, considering we're wearing armor, it's not to hold up any pants. However, I do think I have an idea," said Dragon.

"What do you mean?" suddenly Spike felt a familiar tugging on his arms. Dragon used Spike's right claw to take one of the keys and put it into the keyhole on the belt buckle.

"Well,go on, twist it!" shouted Dragon. Spike wondered where all of this was going, but when he saw the monster starting to get back on it's feet, he instantly scrambled to turn the key. As soon as he did, he heard...

"WEAPON KEY: SWORD" said the mechanical voice that at this point he could only assume was coming from the belt buckle or the belt itself. When Spike proceeded to take out the key, it flashed in his right claw. When the sudden burst of light faded, what was left in Spike's hand was a single edged blade that judging by it's mere size was the same length of his transformed arm. The hilt was black with red ribbon wrapped around it.

"Hm, was hoping for something more explosive but it will do I guess," said Dragon in Spike's mind. The monster started to get back on it's feet and made a mad dash for Spike. But Spike had a new trick up his gauntlets.


"Let me say this to start. I'm pretty strong"

The monster took a huge slash at Spike from the right, cutting through one of the trees in doing so. Spike had easily blocked the incoming attack with his apparent new sword...that was transformed from a key...via suddenly appearing golden belt. Thinking lightly about it so far, Spike sighed in his mind and said,

"Yep, this is definitely gonna be a long day," Spike said in his mind.

"Focus!" shouted Dragon also in Spike's mind. The monster continued to wildly slash away several more times, in which Spike blocked each shot with his sword, when Spike saw an opening. Spike took the opportunity to slash at the torso of the beast, making a direct hit. Shouting in pain, the monster stumbled backward, and then began to retreat.

"We can't let it get away this time! Run after it!" Dragon shouted. Spike agreed and made chase to the monster now rapidly dashing through the forest, leaving behind three mouth agape fillies in shock from what they just witnessed...whatever the hay that was.

Meanwhile a few hours later...

To say that Twilight Sparkle was worried was a complete mountain of an understatement. Spike hadn't come back. No one in Ponyville that she asked has seen him all day. On top of it, it was starting to get late, it was going to be night time soon. Twilight started to suspect and fear the worst, beginning to let paranoia sink in. She had enlisted the help of Rainbow Dash to fly around and see if she could spot Spike anywhere. The others were also worried for Spike and what could have possibly caused him to run off in the early morning without so much as a word. Did something happen? Was Spike upset with something? Was he okay? Is he in some sort of danger? The questions wildly danced around in Twilight's head, raging like a powerful storm. Rarity, AppleJack, and PinkiePie were also searching frantically for Spike wherever they could. Fluttershy would have helped, but the mysterious hole in her door made an unsettling feeling for her and she had to fix it.

"Oh Spike, where are you?" Twilight said nearing the point of tears.

Meanwhile, nighttime in the Everfree Forest...

Spike had since transformed back into his original body, feeling kind of weird bouncing between two totally different bodies along with it's armor and unique abilities. Dragon said he would get used to it.

"Dragon, we've been searching for a while, wanna call it a night?" asked Spike starting to get tired.

"Usually I would, but considering there are more idiots in this place who just so happen to prance right into this Tatarus of a forest, we should probably find it and stop it before something else happens," said Dragon matter-of-factly. Spike sighed, unfortunately Dragon had a pretty strong point, they had to stop that thing before it did any more damage. That's when, the monster lying in wait to have it's revenge, dawning a new scare on it's torso, leaped out from it's hiding place making Spike and Dragon jump back. Dragon quickly came up with a plan and started to fly in the opposite direction.

"Spike follow me!" Dragon shouted.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Spike shouted now running alongside Dragon as fast as his legs could go. The monster was now running after Spike and Dragon swinging down every tree in its way. It was about three o'clock at night or four or midnight even. You tend to lose track of time when you're running for your life through a forest in the middle of nowhere, being chased by a monster that looks like it should belong in Tartarus, and beside you flying is a dragon that has the body of grown up dragon but is about the size of your hand and made of red, black, and silver metal. Yep, I guarantee that you could very likely lose track of time.

Dragon told Spike that they were going trap the monster by leading it into a clearing. When asked how, Dragon said they were going to defeat it in the clearing and then let his power do the rest. Spike would have sarcastically said it wasn't a very clear description, but he was too busy running for his life at the moment.

"We're almost at the clearing Spike! It's just up ahead!"

"What are we gonna do?! Because if you hadn't noticed, THERE IS A GIANT EVIL MONSTER CURRENTLY TRYING TO CHOP US INTO BITS RIGHT NOW!"

"Just remember what I said!"

"I still don't believe you on that you know!"

"Do you really have a choice at the moment?!"

"Grr! Fine let's do it!"

"There jump through into the clearing! I'll do the rest!"

"Alright!" Spike jumped through to into the small field located next to a raging waterfall.

"Please let this work! HENSHIN-RYU-FORM!" Spike had transformed yet again into the Kamen Rider while jumping followed by barrel rolling, into the small clearing. The monster had also followed suit and rampaged into the small clearing. Now was the time to bring this thing down.

"Spike! The sword key!" said Dragon in Spike's mind. Spike proceeded to take one of the two keys on the right side of his belt and proceeding to insert it into the keyhole on the belt buckle, turning it, and pulling it out.

"WEAPON KEY: SWORD," said the mechanical voice. The key then once again transformed into the single edged blade.

"Now Spike! The second one!" shouted Dragon. Spike then realized he didn't know what the second key on his belt realized and came to the conclusion that whatever it was must be the way Dragon said to trap the monster... right? Spike then quickly proceeded to activate the second key while at the same time blocking the monster's first attack with his sword.

"ITEM KEY: PYRO STONE," said the mechanical voice. The key then turned into a pentagon shaped stone with a strange symbol on it.

"A ROCK?!" shouted Spike blocking another blow from the monster.

"The sword Spike! Drag it across the sword!" shouted Dragon. Spike blew of the monster's arm blade and did what Dragon said to do. After doing so, the sword ignited on fire. Two words going through Spike and Dragon's minds,

"RYU-GIRI!" they both shouted. Spike slashed in the air and the fire flew of the blade into a crescent shaped lash of energy. Direct hit! FATALITY! A bright light then engulfed the monster. When it disappeared, Spike's mouth was agape inside his helmet. There was a little bunny on the ground and floating in the air were a ball of orange energy and a ball of black energy. The black ball of energy exploded in a white flash while making a sound that sounded similar to glass shattering. The orange ball of energy then flew directly at Spike, stopping right in front of him, shrinking then landing in his right claw.

"ENERGY ACQUIRED-CONSTRUCTING KEY-CONSTRUCTING COMPLETE-NEW KEY ACQUIRED," said the mechanical voice. Now in Spike's right claw was a brand new key. He proceeded to put the new key on the right side of his belt followed by transforming back to himself and Dragon once again flying out of his chest.

"Well... that escalated quickly," said Dragon.

"At least that one was more explosive," said Spike. They both shared a chuckle. Looking in the direction of where the bunny was, it came up to Spike and started nuzzling him on the leg. It or rather surprisingly a she, was thanking him.

"Let's keep her," said Spike.

"But it just tried to-" Dragon was then cut off by Spike.

"It wasn't her fault, whatever happened to her, we're keeping her."

"Fine, but the little fluff ball better not rampage on us again," said Dragon. Spike picked up the little bunny.

"How about just Fluff," said Spike proudly naming the new addition to their team.

"Fine, the more the merrier I guess on our little adventure, but why not Watage?" said Dragon.


"It means fluff."


"Does.Not.Matter,"said Dragon repeating Spike's tone.

"I think that Fluff is fine. Now let's call it a night," said Spike. Dragon flew into Spike's body and Spike walked home with a now sleeping bunny in his arms. Spike had returned home right around midnight. Twilight was still wide awake, eyes bloodshot at this point from stress and slight crying. When Spike walked through the door she gasped.

"Spike! You're okay!" she galloped up to him.

"Shh!" Spike said, "She's sleeping," looking down with a warm smile at the sleeping bunny in his arms. "I, um, rescued this bunny from the forest, I'm keeping her and naming her Fluff and I will be taking full responsibility for her." Twilight was slightly taken aback by Spike words for multiple reasons. One, was he out trying to rescue a bunny all day? Two, the level of high responsibility and seriousness in his words. Twilight put a her hoof around and with a single tear dripping from her right eye she calmly a quietly said,

"I'm just...glad that you're okay. I'll get a blanket for her to rest on." After the little bunny on a nice,soft blanket, and making Owlicious promise to be nice to their new guest, Twilight and Spike proceeded to go to bed. Once he was certain Twilight was sleeping soundly, Spike snuck downstairs and got a brand new blank journal from the stock and began to write.

And that's where I am now, just hoping that this, whatever this is, will turn out well. But I have a feeling in my gut that this will on hay of a "little adventure".

Episode 3: The Race Is On! Full Charge, Cycle UP! (Active Decisions Completed)

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Well, it's been a couple of days so I guess I have to get this whole journal thing up to speed. Fluff, the former rampaging evil monster that after I defeated it turned or rather reverted back to a small cute bunny,has been doing really well. Whatever caused her to turn into that thing is long gone. Speaking of which, Dragon and I still haven't tested out that key we got from that strange ball of light. According to Dragon, a large sum of mystic energy is what that orange ball of light that ended up turning into a new key actually was. However, he still doesn't know what that weird black energy thingie was that vanished. Dragon has actually been a big help, whenever Twilight's not around he really helps me out with the chores. I also took Fluff yesterday to be checked by Fluttershy, I didn't want to take her to the vet yet because without Dragon or I around, she dashes for the nearest hiding place. She was okay, but I felt guilt slap me on the face when I the hole in Fluttershy's door covered up by a plank nailed to it. Twilight was relieved to have me back and she bought the story of me saving Fluff and the reason it took me so long was because I had to find my way out of the Everfree Forest. Dragon said it was for the best that we don't tell anyone about me being a Kamen Rider yet, though I really want to know what language is he always talking about.Luckily, Dragon's "emergency signal" thing hasn't been set off in the past couple of days since we got Fluff. Hopefully I didn't just jinx that by writing in-

"EMERGENCY SIGNAL!" Dragon shouted in Spike's mind. Spike sighed and looked down at his journal.

"Yep, I jinxed it."


"Will the next station be in the past? The future?"

Luckily for Spike, he decided to get up early this morning and he was already finished with his chores for the day with some help from Dragon. Also very lucky for him was the fact that Twilight was still sleeping, so he wouldn't have to worry about her having another freak out and worry that he went missing or worse. Dragon was guiding Spike through the alleyways of Ponyville so that they wouldn't be seen. Even though it was early in the morning, Dragon nor Spike wanted to risk it. Even Fluff decided to tag along. Looks like the next stop was Sweet Apple Acres. They had arrived to see quite the weird looking creature, it was skinny, blue, wore a rag from the waist down, and wore a blank mask with three holes that were for eyes. Considering what happened last time with Fluff, they were assuming that it would have already chopped down some apple trees or something. But instead it was dancing...dancing...

"Um Dragon... are you sure that 'emergency signal' thing of yours isn't broken?" said Spike still dumbfounded by what he was currently witnessing.

"Nope, this guy's definitely the cause of it," said Dragon.

"Well, I guess I could see how it could get annoying, but is there really any real, well, danger?" asked Spike. Fluff was standing on Spike's shoulder nodding in agreement with Spike's statement. Well, Spike's words were thrown right back at him in irony when he saw the creature touch an apple tree and it disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"Now can we take this guy down or am I just going to float here all day?" said Dragon in his sarcastic voice.

"Le da le da le! You have to catch me!" said the odd creature before running in a comedic style further into the orchard.

"HENSHIN-RYU-FORM!" Spike and Dragon transformed into their Kamen Rider form while Fluff was still hanging on to the now armored shoulder. Tree after tree after tree the creature leaped, and each tree it leaped off of disappeared. Spike was doing his best on foot but the creature was too fast leaping from tree to tree.

"OH COME ON!" shouted Dragon, "This is ridiculous! Let's just hit it already!"

"Well what do you suppose we do?!" shouted Spike.

"Well we could try to hit it with our sword OR we could use that weird third key, I guess now would be a good of a time as any to see what it does," said Dragon.

ACTIVE DECISION: 1: Use the sword key OR 2: Use the mysterious third key

DECISION MADE: 2: Use the mysterious third key

"I guess Dragon has a point," Spike thought to himself, "Now would be a really good time to see what it does, especially if it's something useful and can take this... whatever that blue thing is down." Spike took the third key from the right side of his belt and hoped for the best. He inserted it into the keyhole on the belt buckle, twisted it, and pulled it out.
For a brief moment there was silence, even the creature stopped to take a nap while loudly snoring.

"Well... that didn't wo-" Dragon was cut off by the belt suddenly saying,

"VEHICLE KEY: RYU-CYCLE" the mechanical voice stated. Suddenly a sound could be heard, a rumbling sound. It was getting closer and closer until suddenly, a motorcycle came leaping out from one of the trees and landed in front of Spike. The motorcycle in question was red in the front half of it and silver in the back half. There was keyhole on side of the left handle as well as on the side of the right handle.

"What the hay is that thing?" said Spike curiously staring at it. Nothing like it was ever seen in equestria before.

"Well don't just stand there! Get on it!" shouted Dragon. Spike proceed to get onto the 'ryu-cycle' as the belt called it. The sound of the throttle woke up the creature and it was once again off at the trees.

"Le da le da le! You idiots still have to catch m-" before it could finish that sentence, it saw that with the ryu-cycle they were quickly catching up to it and before it could do anything Spike jumped off the motorcycle, into the air, and proceeded to mid-air roundhouse kick it off the tree, sending it crashing on the ground.

Meanwhile a short distance away...

"Ugh! Well it's official, using that summon scroll in order to beat him was a stupid idea. Oh well, might as well make the most out of it while it's still active. Now let's see here... a time spell sounds good, but what the hay! Why only chose one?! Haha!"

Meanwhile back with Spike,Dragon, and Fluff...

Spike, Dragon, and Fluff had the mysterious creature cornered. Pinned up against a tree with nowhere else to run and/or leap. Spike had activated his Sword key and was ready to finish this guy off. That is,until three blue portals suddenly appeared behind the creature.

"Well, well, well, I'd love to stay and chat but it looks like it's time for me to scat!" said the creature who was assumingly grinning behind the mask. "But before I go, I have one last trick for the show!" okay, now he was just ripping off Zecora's speech pattern. That is when the creature multiplied and there were now two others exactly like it. Each proceeded to jump into one of the three portals.

"We have to go after it!" said Spike getting back on his ryu-cycle.

"Yeah, but which it?!" shouted Dragon.

ACTIVE DECISION: 1: Portal on left: Everfree forest, 1 day prior to present

2: Portal in center: Sweet Apple Acres, 3 days prior to present

3: Portal on right: Unknown location, 6 days prior to present

DECISION MADE: 2: Portal in center: Sweet Apple Acres, 3 days prior to present

"He's already done enough damage to this place, plus it's most likely where the real one went," Spike thought to himself, "It would be better to finish him off there." With that, Spike sent the motorcycle into full throttle and went through the middle portal. However, there was something else other than the mysterious creature that was also on the other side. In a flash of blinding light, Spike was now on the other side of the portal. Dragon used his 'special senses' or so he called it, to see where the creature was hiding but that's when he discovered something even more shocking.

"Um...Spike," said Dragon nervously.

"Did you find it?" asked Spike.

"Um, well, don't panic when I say this Spike but... we're three days back in time," said Dragon. Once Spike had recovered from his initial five second shock he finally managed to say something.

"A-are we stuck here?" Spike asked.

"I don't think so, if we find that creature than we can probably-" Dragon was suddenly cut off by a new ominous voice.

"Okay, it's official, this has been a waste of time, the dragging out stops here," said the voice. Spike hopped off the ryu-cycle and turned around, while Fluff was now hiding behind his neck. Standing a few feet away from him was the creature and along side him was a pony, but the pony's body was concealed in a blue robe and his face concealed by a blue hood.
"I am really getting peeved with you at the moment so let's just make things simple here," the pony stomped his hoof on the ground and in a puff of white smoke, the blue creature turned into a scroll in which proceeded to drop to the ground.
"Just hand me the little mechanical dragon and no pony is getting hurt," and that is when Dragon proceeded to flip out.

"You want some then come get some you m-"

"You know he can't hear you right?" said Spike.

"*Sigh*, very well... if you will not hand him over willingly then I shall just take him by force," said the hooded pony.Spike undid the motorcycle key and activated his sword key.

"I'd like to see you try!" shouted Spike.

"Oh do you know, well very well then," said the hooded pony. He stomped his hoof on the ground once more. A glowing blue circle appeared around Spike.

"We can't move!" shouted Dragon in Spike's mind.

"I guess I should apologize for dragging this out for so long, my original plan was just have the one who you're currently possessing erased and have the creature capture you. But unfortunately I didn't take into account the creature's intelligence level, this method of using an extraction spell is much easier!" he said. At the moment, Fluff was in a full blown panic, her friend was now immobile so he had to figure out something to do to help him. That's when Fluff spotted the belt buckle. It was a long shot for sure but considering the belt buckle had the power to turn weird looking keys into other objects entirely, it had to be able to help, right? Fluff took her chance and went down to the belt buckle. There was a button on the side of the belt buckle, with any luck, it would help so he pressed it.

"SHIELD: ON," said the mechanical voice. A red energy field suddenly pulsed out of Spike's armor, getting rid of the blue circle and breaking it's hold on Spike.

"Uh, that stupid rabbit, I remember you..." the pony said coldly as he remembered it was the same rabbit he had transformed into that monstrosity in order to terrorize other creatures in the plan of first luring out the mechanical mini dragon. "Well I believe it's time to make my leave, I'll be seeing you around, kamen rider!" and with that the pony disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"INITIATING REPAIR AND REWIND SEQUENCE," said the mechanical voice.


The mysterious pony was looking at the back of the scroll he had used to summon that buffon of a creature with. That is when he read the fine print.

"Warning: Intelligence level of creature reflects intelligence level of summoner." That is when he proceeded to burn the scroll.

Episode 4 pt.1: Ultimate Show Stopper! Futago-zo Go! Part 1!

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Necromancer's log 0217: So far the timeline itself seems to still be intact, although my plans to correct it so far have failed. The mechanical dragon is still with it's host. My first plan, in which I took an ordinary hare and used a necro-mask to transform it in order to lure out the metal dragon ended up backfiring when he found his host. On the other hoof, it actually backfired twice during my most recent plan. Then of course, my most recent plan didn't blow over quite well either. The creature I summoned with the summoning scroll didn't do what it needed to do, so what ended up happening was something that I wished I could have avoided. I unlocked one of his belt's powers on purpose during the extraction spell I made seem like I was attempting. Luckily, my hunch was correct when I thought that the belt had a fail safe power and it reversed all the damage caused to the time stream from the past three days. But unfortunately, I need to make sure that the fail safe does not end up backfiring on itself and end up causing a permanent space time loop. I wish I could just tell them the dangers and have this over with, but in doing so would cause even greater damage to the timeline. If all of this isn't bad enough, another mecha has entered the time plain and the last thing I, or more importantly, the timeline needs is another Kamen Rider running around, or even worse... another joining the same host as the first.



So, another day, another entry in this journal I guess. In one word to describe what happened last time, it would be, confusing. The update on the current situation, after that weird pony in the hood disappeared, the belt said something along the lines of; "INITIATING REPAIR AND REWIND SEQUENCE," so what ended up happening after it said that? Well, we somehow ended up back at the library. After having a quick panic attack where Dragon and Fluff eventually calmed me down from, Dragon went upstairs to check and see if Twilight was okay, that's when I noticed something odd in it's own right. The time was the exact same as when Dragon, Fluff, and I left. Luckily I was able to stop myself from having another panic attack. But I nearly had a heart attack let alone a panic attack, when Dragon flew back down and told me flew into Twilight's body. I was about to yell at him for doing that before he told me that for some reason, Twilight had no memory of Fluff or my day long disappearance a couple of days ago. Whatever that belt did had reversed time. To make sure of that, we visited Sweet Apple Acres a little later and all of the trees were accounted for. After that, we took a small trip to the Everfree forest because when Fluff was on a rampage as that weird, monster thing, she cut down a few trees. Dragon remembered the spots where we fought for the first time, and just like Sweet Apple Acres, it was like nothing had ever happened. To really, really make sure that whatever the belt did really did reverse time, we went over to Fluttershy's cottage. Like a slap to the face, I saw that Fluttershy's cottage door was perfectly normal. So, the outcome now is that we had to make Dragon's hiding spot larger so that Fluff could hide there with him. I would be lying if I said I didn't think this was really weird, but then again it was weird to begin with. But I guess I don't really have time to worry about that now, tomorrow I'm going gem hunting with Rarity again which is going to be awesome!

The next morning...

Spike shifted and tossed in his basket until he eventually woke up. Yawning, he got up. Twilight was still sleeping and by the looks of things, he still had a couple of hours before he had to go over to carousel boutique. He went downstairs to make breakfast where Dragon and Fluff greeted him in the kitchen.

"Morning Spike," said Dragon, Fluff made little bunny squeaks which was probably her way of saying good morning.

"Morning guys," replied Spike with a small smile.

"Good morning Mr.Spike," said the small,blue, mechanical unicorn... wait, what?


"Darn it! I'm too late!" said Necromancer. "The timeline is still stable and everything is on track, for now, but who knows who long that will last," he said to himself. "There has to be a way around this, perhaps... yes, that could work, but time is running out so i'll have to make this spell strong."

Meanwhile, back with Spike who is currently having a mini panic attack...

"Dragon... who the hay is this?" asked Spike.

"Don't look at me. I don't have a clue, speaking of which, who are you anyway?" Dragon asked the dark blue mechanical unicorn.

"Ah yes, how rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is..." suddenly, there was a 'bzzt' noise coming from the mechanical unicorn. Just like that, the mechanical unicorn that was once dark blue had now become completely cyan. "Yo, the name be Gemini-and I ain't gonna lie-be good to meet ya a'ight!"
Now, it was starting to get really confusing.

"Um... you alright there?" asked Dragon.

"Course I be a'ight! This place ya got here be tight!" Once again another buzz noise came from the cyan mechanical unicorn now known as Gemini. Just like before, Gemini had now turned from cyan back to dark blue.

"Um, yes, I do apologize about that in advance, it sometimes happens...a lot"

"As if one wasn't bad enough," Spike thought to himself.

Spike's Journal: Well, things just got even more interesting around here. That is, if you count another mini mechanical talking thing that looks like a unicorn and has a semi split personality showing up. If so, then yes, things just got more interesting. His name is Gemini and Dragon is um, in a word, or two words I guess, gone crazy. The two of them have been butting heads with each other for the past hour and Fluff fell asleep on my head a couple of minutes ago. Luckily for us, Twilight pulled an allnighter yesterday and still is out like a light. At least the upside to all this craziness is that I still have my awesome date to go gem finding with Rarity in about an hour. Hopefully there won't be anymore emergency signals,, and now I probably jinxed it again, great.

Episode 4 pt.2: Ultimate Show Stopper! Futago-zo Go! Part 2! (Active Decisions Completed)

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Last time on: Kamen Rider Drake!
A wild mini mecha dragon has appeared!; "You can call me... Dragon," and gives Spike a shocking bit of information, "Remember, a Kamen Rider fights for what is right, but is ten times cooler while doing it."
You were challenged by Mysterious Necromancer! Mysterious Necromancer used Nightmare Creature! Dragon used Henshin-Ryu-Form! It's super effective! Nightmare creature fainted/reverted to a bunny!

Mysterious Necromancer sent out Scroll Creature Summon! Scroll Creature used Dance... it's not very effective. A wild mecha unicorn has appeared!


RedStar was typing away at his keyboard with his eyes bloodshot and mind seemingly run on pokemon auto pilot. The door to his bedroom opens. "Red! Were you up playing that stupid pokemon game ALL night! Did you even sleep?!" said BlueStar, RedStar's assistant, entering the room. "What makes you say that?" asked RedStar. "You woke me up in the middle of the night when you shouted, I AM THE POKEMON CHAMMMPPPIIIOOOONNNN!" said BlueStar. "Oh, uh..." Red was either at a loss for words or his brain failing to process anything that came through it at the moment. "Why are you doing a recap?" asked his assistant. Snapping himself out of derp mode, RedStar answered, "We've been gone for a week, I thought I should." BlueStar then pointed over to RedStar's bed. "Okay, well just to let you know, you also broke the fifth wall in the middle of the night and Kabuto, Ryuki, Fourze, and Os are still trying to wrap up the pokemon hoard outside. Oh, and you have a Pikachu jumping on your bed." RedStar looked over as the Pikachu waved at him and thought to himself, "No more chocolate chip cookies before bed."


Spike was shocked awake from just having the absolute, all time, WEIRDEST dream of all time. Dragon, Fluff, and even the recently discovered Gemini, looked at him with looks of curiosity. Spike looked down and saw that his journal was right in front of him. He must of dozed off and taken a nap while he was writing. He looked over at the clock. Fifteen minutes until he had to meet Rarity at the Carousel Boutique.

"Might as well finish the entry," said Spike to himself. "Although, that was some strange dream."


"We're the two in one Kamen Rider!"

Spike's Journal: Twilight woke up a couple of minutes ago and I already made breakfast. On to the more important stuff though, Dragon AND Gemini flew into my body and the two of them seriously won't stop arguing. Well at least I'm about to head over Rarity's for gem hunting.

"You really think you can out beat me? Please, at least I don't have horn for a brain!" shouted Dragon in Spike's mind.

"You wanna go bro?! *Bzzt* I find your behavior very undesirable good sir. Thou are a loose root in a hollow tree,"

"I have no idea what the hay that means, but we're ALREADY inside a hollow tree you idiot!" shouted Dragon.

"Will you two stop arguing already?!" shouted Spike.

"Um...Spike, are you alright?" asked a concerned Twilight Sparkle. Spike looked over and saw Twilight. "Oh,what are you writing?" asked Twilight peaking over to look at what the contents of journal may hold. Spike immediately slammed the journal shut.

"Oh um, nothing," Spike was dripping a nervous sweat. "Just, um, some personal, um, stuff, uh, dragon stuff, yeah! Y-you wouldn't understand."

"Dragon stuff?" Twilight asked curiously, wondering as to what exactly Spike actually meant by that, and to further deepen the point, what exactly wouldn't she understand about it? Did Spike discover something that she didn't know about? Was it some sort of secret about dragons that only dragons knew about? What was so important? That's when she realized Spike was right in front of her and she could just ask him, or better yet, see the book for herself! "Do you mind if I take a look at that book Spike?" she asked.

"I-it's nothing really, it's just a journal, um, my journal..." said Spike. Dragon sighed in Spike's mind.

"At this rate, we're gonna be stuck here all day! Spike! Don't you have a date with your girlfriend or something like that?!" said Dragon in Spike's mind.

"What she's not... I mean..." Spike was stumbling his words in his own mind while in reality, a blush was starting to form on his face, and thought's of his most recent Rarity in ice cream land dreams started to come into mind. However, when Spike did this, it caused a miniature world made out of the memories of those dreams to form, with Dragon and Gemini being dragged straight into it.

"WHAT. THE. HAY!" shouted Dragon now standing up on a giant scoop of strawberry icecream.

"Yo dude! This place is sweet to the max! Literally!" said Gemini who was standing on mountain of sherbert. Meanwhile in reality,Spike in the meantime was staring off at the ceiling. Twilight was now looking at her number one assistant with a mixture of curiosity and worry, considering he hasn't moved in the past two minutes..

"Um, Spike?" Twilight asked, snapping Spike out of his trance and causing the current ice cream world Dragon and Gemini were in to disappear in an instant with an audible *pop* in Spike's mind.

"Huh, uh yeah Twilight?" said Spike.

"Spike, don't you have to go over to Rarity's today for gem hunting?" she said. Spike's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, right!" Spike grabbed his journal and headed out the door,"I'll see you later Twilight!"

"Bye Spike, have fun!" said Twilight. When Spike left, Twilight said to herself, "What was all that about?" she wondered.

"So what exactly do WE do while we are in here?" Gemini asked Dragon in Spike's mind.

"Well, with any luck, Spike actually did jinx it and I'll be seeing some action soon. As for this 'we' business, I barely know you, you just flew up outta know where. Where the hay did you come from anyway?" said Dragon.

"I don't know bro. Same place as you I'ma guessing but I can't really remember anything." said Gemini.

"Shows how useful you are," Dragon said in a mumble followed by a groan.


Necromancer was working on his latest plan to stop Kamen Rider Drake. At the moment, everything about the timeline was intact and nothing was wrong. But... that feeling... he just couldn't shake it off. The memories... those memories...

In the past, through the unmarked paths of a forest, walked a young, confused, sad colt who felt nothing but emptiness. Everything he had ever known, were nothing but slaps to the face now. His grandmother, the only one who cared for him and sister as if they were her own children... gone. He stopped at a large tree and sat there, tears welling up in his eyes. Why? Why did it happen? But little did he know that that day, everything would change. A stallion dawning a rustic orange coat, and a red mane and tail with their tips as white as snow. He extended a hoof to the child. The young Necromancer looked up.

"I am Leo. Please, come with me young one."

In the present, Necromancer shook his violently. Getting those memories off his mind. They weren't his, not anymore. There was only one thing that mattered. Only one thing. Looking at the chemical mixture in front of him that was now completed, he looked up.

"Only one thing," he repeated to himself, "Only one thing."

Meanwhile with Spike and Rarity...

As soon as Spike made it to Carousel Boutique, the two (but secretly four) set out on the gem excavation. Rarity had taken the liberty to mark a location where she had found a very small and uninhabited cave that could possibly have many hidden treasures in the form rubies, sapphires, emeralds, oh my! Upon arrival, Necromancer now had an unforeseen trip in his plan. One, as civilian was with the Kamen Rider. Two, said civilian according to his bio-book (an enchanted book with the ability to create a complete detailed bio of a creature that it magically scanned even from a far away distance) was Rarity, the owner of the Carousel Boutique and who's actions could have up to a class level eight to nine effect on timeline. Three, to make matters worse, with Necromancer's natural ability to sense energy caused him to sense a different wavelength of energy than usual emitting from the Kamen Rider. Was it truly him? Or was it some type of decoy? His original plan was to lure the Kamen Rider into the cave by means of a deception spell and creating a fake pathway that appeared to be in Ponyville with said spell. Followed by springing a mystic extraction trap he had prepared inside the uninhabited cave. He would have to come up with another plan quickly. He flipped through the pages in a tome he had handy and began to cast the incantation: Neru.

Rarity found the first batch of gems with her horn, "Ah, over here Spikey- Wikeeeyyy..." Rarity was barely able to make the sentence before she collapsed to the ground.

"Rarity!" Spike shouted. He ran to her side, only to find that the mare of his dreams was slightly snoring. "Uh, Rarity are you okay?" he asked to what he considered to be a sleeping beauty.

"She shall be fine, but you on the other hoof, are currently not," said Necromancer coming out from the shadows. Spike first had an initial look of shock before turning into a look of anger.

"What did you do to her?!" shouted Spike.

"Oh relax. It was just a simple sleep incantation," said Necromancer in response. "You do not realize the dangers of creature you have in your position. Give Dragon to me, and you and the marshmallow mare here can go home safe and sound." Dragon and Gemini were watching the scene through Spike's eyes.

"Dang it, it was a trap all along," said Dragon. "We need a plan," said Dragon turning to Gemini.

"Yo, no problem bro. I got a plan to beat down all the rest," said Gemini. He then proceeded to whisper his plan into Dragon's ear. When he finished, Dragon turned to him again.

"I take back what I said, you may be more useful than I thought," he said Gemini. Meanwhile in reality,

"Not a chance! Wake up Rarity right now you jerk!" Spike shouted. Necromancer just shook his head.

"Spike, turn me over," said Dragon.

"What! Why?!" asked Spike.

"Don't worry, me and the nut case up here have got a plan, now listen to this," said Dragon who now told Spike what the new plan was. Necromancer took note of how Spike's angered expression quickly softened.

"What is he thinking? Is he handing him over?" Necromancer thought to himself. "If he is, then that will be one major problem knocked off the list, I still have to find the second mecha that entered the time plain."

"Are you sure this will work?" Spike asked Dragon in his mind.

"I'm known for doing the impossible Spike," said Dragon proudly.

"You are really crazy, you know that?" said Spike.

"Eeyup, now let's put this plan into motion!" Dragon then flew out of Spike's body.

"I am glad you understand the gravity of the situation," said Necromancer. "Now come here Dragon and we shall be off." Dragon then flew in the direction of Necromancer, but midway he turned back and shouted;

"NOW!" shouted Dragon at Spike.

"Let's go br- *Bzzt* let us put the kibosh on him!" shouted Gemini in Spike's mind.

"Alright! HENSHIN!"



Spike and Gemini had fused into a brand new form. He was the same height as when he transformed with Dragon, but now looked far different. His lower legs and upper legs had dark blue armor and his knees had white silver armor. The three front talons on his feet were also armored dark blue while his heel talons were armored in silver. The bottom half of the chest plate was silver while the top half was dark blue and more broad, along with broad dark blue shoulder plates in the shape of rhombuses. His arms were outfitted with the same armor style as his legs, with upper arms and gauntlets dark blue while his claws are in silver armor. His helmet was like with Dragon's form, except now dark blue and the silver part of his helmet that was in the place of his mouth, was now shaped like a sideways rhombus. Dragon then bolted over to Rarity, turning into his red pentagon form, and adding a temporary chain to his form and put himself around Rarity's neck. Two seconds later, Rarity stood up, except her eye color had changed from blue to crimson red, signaling that Dragon had successfully gained control of the body. Spike was honest with himself, it was kind of creepy that Dragon possesed Rarity yet he still found her stunning.

"Dang it!" Necromancer thought to himself. "They tricked me, should have known it wouldn't have been that simple. Not only that but he is also gained possession of the second mecha, I wasn't able to prevent it!"

"We'll be taking our leave now Mr.stalker, have a bad day," said Dragon through Rarity. However, Necromancer wasn't about to let them get away that easily. He knew that the extraction spell trap he had previously prepared wasn't strong enough to extract two mechs at once. Plan B: swap the extraction spell with a more powerful short distance teleportation spell. By doing that, he had teleported himself, Spike, and Dragon (who was controlling Rarity's body) to the outside of the cave. Now he had the space he required to cast a certain spell.

"Summon:Ippin Shougun!" at the end of the incantation he large gem warrior rose from the ground, easily the size of two trees stacked on top of each other. "That should keep him busy, I am too low on mana for long distance teleportation, I have to hoof it!" Necromancer thought to himself. At that moment Necromancer ran in the direction of Ponyville. Spike had a choice to make and he had to make it fast.

ACTIVE DECISION: 1: Who knows what damage this gem guy could cause? Take him down!


2: Necromancer is visibly weakened and he's headed straight for Ponyville! Catch him!

DECISION MADE: 1: Who knows what damage this gem guy could cause? Take him down!

Spike knew that they couldn't just leave this gem monster alone, he might cause serious damage. With any luck, he'll get another chance to confront Necromancer, for now it was butt kickin' time. The monster grabbed one of the large gems off it's body and transformed it's shape into an axe.

"Sword key time," Spike thought to himself. He grabbed one of the keys from his belt. The two most important things he took note of is that, there are now only two keys on the belt and the keys themselves looked different Instead of having a red pentagon at the holding end, it now in it's place had a dark blue diamond. Oh right, giant menacing gem monster about to attack, better activate that key. Spike inserted the key into the belt buckle and twisted it.

"WEAPON KEY: DUAL BLADE STAFF," now that was unexpected. While pulling the key out, Spike at the same time had to dodge the first swing made by the monster. The key then turned into a long dark blue staff with a silver handle in the middle and single edged blades at the both ends of the staff with the edges facing opposite from each other. Dragon, in the meantime, didn't want to miss out on the action.

"Good thing this marshmallow has a horn," Dragon said to himself. He was able to concentrate enough energy into the horn in order fire off a basic Ryu Flame which hit the monster square in the back of the head causing him to turn his attention away from Spike.

"Spike now's your chance!" shouted Dragon through Rarity. Spike took the opportunity and used the second key on his belt and hoped in would be something useful.

"SPECIAL KEY: STYLE SWITCH," suddenly, Spike's dark blue armor changed to cyan and became much lighter, as the upper leg and arm armor were now gone. Not only that but dual blade staff had now transformed into... a guitar?

"Yo! Time for the ultimate show stopper bro!" said Gemini in Spike's mind.


Vinyl Scratch, otherwise known as DJ PON3, was about to start her morning DJ practice in Ponyville.

"Alright, time to rock this!" said Vinyl. As she turned on her speakers, a sudden, extremely loud, what sounded like an electric guitar, noise came blowing throughout the entire town. The force was so strong that it literally blew the roof off of Vinyl's house. She turned back and looked at the speakers.

"Huh... maybe I should have turned these wubs down a couple notches," she said to herself.


Necromancer's Log:023 I've been writing a lot in this journal lately. Grandma said that Momma wanted me to have it. I'm turning nine soon and I'm so super excited! My big sister, said that we were going to have vanilla cake, my all time favorite flavor of everything! On a less awesome note, school. I get good grades, but kids don't really want to talk to me that much. That does not really bother me though, I still can't wait to get my cutie mark. There is not a whole lot to do here in Manehattan for a kid like me. I usually just stay inside and play with my big sister.

In the present, Necromancer was reading through the log, his log, those memories. It had been a long time since then. Necromancer was dressed in his all black cloak that hid a charcoal grey coat, black hooves, and white mane and tail with black and purple tips. He was on his way to the Manehatten hospital, to visit a person he hadn't seen in a long time. The memories he possessed struck him in the head to no end.

Intermission #1: One light dims...

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インターミッション一番 - Intermission number one

Young Necromancer and the stallion named Leo sit by a calming pond in the forest about five miles away from young Necromancer's home in Manehatten. At first, the two sat quietly together. The young Necromancer's sobs had stopped some time ago and he was now just staring at the reflecting light off of the pond. The stallion named Leo then turned to the small child. He extended his hoof. Now looking at him, Necromancer could now see that in that hoof was a daisy sandwich and that the stallion himself was also eating one.

"Eating nothing is not good for one's health young one," said the stallion. He set the sandwich down beside the young colt. "You may eat it whenever you feel like it young one," and with that, Necromancer's hoof slowly started leaning towards the sandwich. Until eventually, the young Necromancer picked up the sandwich and began taking small bites.

"Ne-Necromancer..." said the young Necromancer shyly. Leo turned to look at the young shy colt.

"What was that young one?" asked Leo.

"My n-name sir. I-it's Necromancer..." Leo then turned to look up at the sky.

"Ah yes, I do believe I haven't properly introduced myself," said Leo.

"Y-your name is Leo, sir?" Necromancer said shyly. Leo smiled down at the colt.

"Indeed you are observant young one. There is no need to be shy, I would like to know what troubles you so." Necromancer looked down at the ground at Leo's words.

"W-well my... my grandma she..." Necromancer was starting to tear up. "She...she left. S-she left just like momma did and..." he was now full on crying. "I-I wasn't even there! What type of grandson am I?! I-I wasn't even there! When I got there it was too late! I was too late! I-" Necromancer went silent when he realized he was being hugged by the stallion beside him. Necromancer wiped his tears and looked up at Leo. Leo smiled.

"Young one, there is hate in your heart. Hate for yourself, and it does not belong there," Leo said calmly. "Tell me, did your grandmother love you with all her heart?" At those words, Necromancer looked up.

"Y-yes, she did," said Necromancer.

"And your mother?" said Leo smoothly.

"W-well I don't remember her completely. I was still really young w-when she went. But my big sister told me a lot about her. She really loved us both," said Necromancer starting to calm down. Leo smiled once again.

"Do you see now, Necromancer?" said Leo. Necromancer looked up. "There is no reason to hate yourself, for you are not responsible. Because if you turn to the skies young one..." Leo pointed a hoof at the sky. Necromancer looked up at the sky. Suddenly, the sky was set ablaze with a barrage of colors. At first, Necromancer wasn't sure what it was, but then he realized it was a rainbow. But it wasn't an ordinary rainbow, no wait it was but... Necromancer felt something. He felt different, he could... sense something.

"You can sense it, can't you?" Leo said looking down at the colt. Necromancer looked up at him in surprise. "You possess a gift young Necromancer. You sensed the energy just as I did." said Leo smiling.

"B-but what does it mean?" asked the young Necromancer.

"You see young one, you begin to realize," said Leo looking up at the sky.

"When one light dims, a new one begins to shine."

Episode 5: Wish Upon The Stars, New threats on the Infinite Horizon

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"Yo! Gemini here!" "And Dragon! and here's what happened-"

"Last time on-"

"Kamen Rider Drake!"

"First, while I, Spike, and the fluffball were trying to piece together what that guy in the black cloak's deal was G-"

"I! The wonderful, fabulous, and bodacious, Gemini appeared!"

"Bodacious is one way to put it..."

"What was that?"

"N-nothing, just um, neither of us can seem to remember where we came from-yeah! That's what I said."

"Alas, a sad truth my friend, neither of us do."

"Yeah, um, well anyways after that Spike had a date with his girlfriend so we had to tag along-"

Dragon then got hit in the head with a ruby.

"I heard that Dragon!" shouted Spike, "Just hurry up with the recap already!"

"Jeez lighten up will ya?! That actually hurt ya know!" Dragon shouted back.

"Hey you're made of metal! But I guess that does automatically make you thick headed." and with that, the two stated going back and forth at each other.

"Okay, while those two are busy, I'll just finish up- *Bzzt* dis recap. Well, as it turned out yo, the whole thing was a set up by that shay-dy lookin' guy himself, so he just strait up knocks out Ms.Marshmallow and tries to take my bro, Dragon. But I joined forces with Spike and we whooped his butt with an epic guitar solo!"
"*Huff-huff* Okay- we gotta wrap this up quick because Spike is seriously not appreciating being locked in the closet right now."

"Whoa bro, how did ya do dat?" Gemini asked. Dragon sighed.

"Well at least it went WAY better than what RedStar tried to do in the last episode."
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" said a very angry red stallion with a shooting star pencil for a cutie mark marching through the door.

"Oh snap."


Meanwhile, in what appeared to be the outer reaches of reality and space-time itself...

"Ah, so the time stream has warped once again," said a voice. "A new rider... I can sense him. Most of the gates are still closed... and I haven't gained enough time leverage to start creating...but perhaps, yes...that will do in the meantime," the voice then changed to a much deeper tone. "He shall do, SUMMON: LIBRA" in the middle of an aura colored void now stood the powerful Zodiart, Libra,

"How may I serve you, master?"



Zodiarts: The main enemies of Kamen Rider Fourze and Kamen Rider Meteor. The chairman of Amanogawa High School in Japan, Mituaki Gamou, and his inner circle of elite Zodiarts known as the 'Horoscopes' wished to unite all twelve of the of the elite Zodiarts's switches to complete their plans. To do this, they use the desires of certain students in the student body of Amanogawa High School to offer them what they believe to be super human power to fulfil their desires. Each basic Zodiart is based of a regular constellation and their method of transformation is through the basic Zodiart switches (Basic Zodiart switch in upper left hand corner of picture.) which Mituaki can create at will.
Last One is the final stage of evolution for a basic Zodiart before gaining the potential to become one of the twelve powerful Horoscopes. (Last One Zodiart switch in upper right hand corner of picture. Horoscope Zodiart switch in bottom of picture.) In the Last One phase, the user's consciousness is ejected from their original body and put into a complete Zodiart body of what their constellation was. When Last One is surpassed, the 'star of rebirth' shines on a certain part of their constellation. Unlike the Last One Zodiarts, the Horoscopes keep their original bodies, can transform back and forth at will, and are much more powerful. (Picture is courtesy of Google Images.)

"The rider shall be crushed..." said the voice. "Libra?" said the voice to Libra.

"Yes...Master Gamou?" said Libra.

"So the summons has indeed worked..." said the voice to itself. Suddenly, before Libra appeared who he believed to be his master, Mituaki Gamou. "Go, find a new candidate at... the town of Ponyville." It was easy to manipulate a summon's memories. Especially considering it wasn't the true Libra from the alternate world, it had not gained enough leverage over time and space to do that yet.

"Of course, I shall not disappoint you, chairman sir."

"See to it that you don't..."

Meanwhile at Necromancer's home/base...

Necromancer had been shocked awake and was now dripping a cold sweat. He quickly shifted out of bed and quickly made his way to his tools. He saw in disbelief as the he saw mystic time wave length string turning red and waving uncontrollably. Something dangerous had entered the timeline... something like... no it couldn't be. Necromancer quickly went back upstairs. Hidden under a false bottom of his top drawer, was the mystic bio book, a book that could give information on any creature so long as you knew it existed. He opened the book while he was concentrating on the current disturbance of the time line. He was shocked to find that the book had turned to a bio of one of the most dangerous creatures to ever be created.

"No..." Necromancer said to himself. "This can't be happening... the rift couldn't have been strong enough to break the seal... could it? No, no, it must have been a temporal disturbance causing a part of the consciousness to slip threw the cracks. But even so, that's bad enough as it stands. Even worse... something has entered the timeline on purpose, not on accident... this could only mean one thing..." Necromancer quickly devised a plan, he realized that there had to be no holding back now, and that it was now or never. Using all his magic power, Necromancer used a powerful spell. Two seconds later, Necromancer was at Canterlot Castle, but this wasn't the true Canterlot Castle, this was a copy of a snip of time from the future, a snap shot of what the future would be.

"So this is where the third one will enter the time stream?" said Necromancer to himself.


"Your fate is mine to decide"

Morning dawned upon the Equestrian skies. As the warm light of the sun dawned through the windows of the Ponyville Library, Princess Twilight Sparkle softly shifted in her bed until finally softly yawning as her eyes fluttered open. She began to sit upright in her bed until she noticed something very different. Spike wasn't there. Now, something like this wasn't abnormal but still-

"He must of just gotten up earlier," said Twilight to herself. Yeah, that was it. Spike must've woken up earlier and already went downstairs to make breakfast. She carefully climbed out of her bed and levitated her crown off the bedside table and onto her head. She began to trot downstairs and noticed that; one, Spike was nowhere to be seen, two, the checklist of things she had to do was completely checked off and laying in the middle of the library floor, three, accompanying the said list on library floor was a note that read-

Twilight, had to some stuff today, i'll be back a little later, Spike.

She finished the note and read through the checklist seeing that it was completed. Twilight put the note and checklist aside, and sat on her haunches now wondering what do today. Three, two, one, READING TIME!

Meanwhile oblivious to Twilight was a scribbled draft of the very note she just read sitting in the trash.

The draft of the note was a little something like this-

Fifteen minutes earlier...


Had to do some stuff today, already took care of everything on the todays checklist,

Don't worry i- who does this purple plufing pony think she is? Making us do all her dang wor-

Ignore that, anyway I'll be back a little lat- I dare say Dragon, I do not believe that plufing is a word

Ignore that to, anyways I'll be back a little later I'll see you later Spi Well what else was I supposed to say?

"Blame RedStar, he's the one who selected the story rating so-"

"Will you guys stop it already?! You're making me lose my concentration!"

"Um Spike, you know that you just wrote that down to," Spike looked down at the note he was writing and Dragon was correct. Now that Spike thought about, he most of the time hated when Dragon was right. He blames the fact on that ever since he's been writing letters to Princess Celestia for Twilight he was accustomed to writing down whatever he heard. As the saying goes, old habits die hard.

"Y'know what?" said Spike to himself before bundling the note draft and throwing it in the garbage. He pulled out another piece of paper and wrote,

Twilight, had some stuff to do today, i'll be back a little later, Spike.

"Why didn't you just write that in the first place?" said Dragon. Spike ignored him, Fluff hopped on top of his head, and the four of them set out into Ponyville.

Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle in a snapshot of a possible future...

"Your highness!" said one of the royal guard. Celestia quickly turned to face the guard who was clearly out of breath. She could from his flushed face that there was something of great importance that he needed to say.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" asked Celestia with worry.

"An odd object fell out of the sky and were retrieved in the garden and are emitting some type of powerful force. We are not sure what to do with the objects, your majesty." Celestia could see the clear look of worry on the guard's face, it must be serious.

"Do not worry. Bring the object here, and I shall examine it," said Celestia. The guard saluted and galloped off to get the mysterious objects in question. However, just outside the castle walls was where Necromancer was stationed. He knew what the object really was.

"Celestia? No,no that cause way too much damage to the timeline then there already is if she were to get involved." They were bringing them in from the royal garden, meaning that Necromancer had ten to fifteen minutes to infiltrate and get into position if he wanted to go down that route. However, the goal was to retrieve the object while not causing massive damage, or even minimal damage for that matter, to the timeline in the process Necromancer was carefully mapping out what route he would take. The snip in time spell was a spell that he created. Created with the help of...

"Focus Necromancer," said Necromancer to himself. "You have job to do. Rewind," at his command, the entire scene rewound itself and now Necromancer found himself in the royal garden. He saw the object in question begin it's decent from the sky. "Stop," Necromancer commanded and all the time around him stopped. He used his levitation spell and flew up to closely examine where the object's existence would first be acknowledged. Looking around, he saw a pegasus guard made eye contact with it exactly fifteen point twenty seven seconds with it entering the timeline. Just as he feared, he wouldn't be able to intercept it before it would be acknowledged, it's entering speed was just too fast.

"Then it looks like i'll just have to do what I do best," said Necromancer to himself. Necromancer cancelled the snip of time spell and was now back where he stood when he cast the spell, followed by collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. After a few minutes of rest, Necromancer stood back onto his hooves and began to do what he does best, devising a plan in order to collect the object so that the timestream would not be further affected...

Meanwhile in the markets of the town of Ponyville...

Libra had arrived and had morphed himself to pony form. Since he was only a summons not the actual Libra, he could be given memories of anything that could help him complete his mission for his master. Not even the actual Libra was that blindly obedient. He had been given orders to find and destroy the Kamen Rider of this so called, town of Ponyville. However, it looks like the Kamen Rider was about to find him first.

To be continued...

Intermission #2: The Hospital Visit

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インターミッション2番 - Intermission number two

(Result of the active decision in Episode 4:Part 2)

Necromancer walked along the crowded sidewalks of the busy city of Manehatten.He could have just teleported there, he was a master when it came to something such as long distance teleportation. He knew this. But decided that walking was the best way to get there, he knew that's what his friend would say. That same friend was still in a hospital room, unconscious. Every time he visited, he would ask the doctors of his current condition. Always they answered, "his condition is still stable as always, he is only unconscious." That, he would like to believe more than anything else in the world. But unfortunately, Necromancer knew better.

Flashing back to those days,Master Leo had found him heartbroken at the pond. That day and those words, Necromancer would remember for the rest of his life. After he had returned to his home after his first talk with Leo, he can remember his older sister being so worried about him. We could have just been sent to the orphanage after grandmother passed away, but he adopted us both. While he was teaching me magic, he actually had another apprentice. He never knew where he came from, and was an orphan pretty much all his life up to that point. The two of us became best friends the first day we met.

"Jeez, I remember the first day we actually met each other," Necromancer said to himself. As he was approaching the hospital, the memories kept flooding back to him one by one. Each and every step for him in that city was nostalgic. He entered the clinic and went up to the desk. The nurse instantly recognized him.

"Oh, hello again Necromancer," she said while Necromancer kept a straight face. "Room 205 as always Necromancer," just as about Necromancer was going to walk away the desk manager, by the name of Lillyheart, asked him something. "Necromancer, I was just wondering, would you like to go out to dinner sometime?" that question featured enough shock to snap Necromancer out of his gloomy like trance.

"W-what? Oh, Lilly um... sure," he said.

"Oh, and Necro," she said. Necromancer looked at her. "I miss him to. We're doing the absolute best we can for him, I promise you that." she said. Necromancer smiled.

"Thank you Lilly," he said and went to the elevator. Upon arrival on the third floor, Necromancer made his way through the halls until he had arrived at room 205. As he entered, he saw his best friend, a stallion a yellow coat and blood red mane and tail, laying there. Six months he's been here. He came up to the side of the bed. "Hey there friend," he said. Necromancer put the red roses to the side. He knew that they were his favorites, "Y'know Octavia misses you, Lilly misses you, and... I miss you." Necromancer said laying the red roses besides his best friends violin. "I just hope you wake up soon," he said. Necromancer looked out the window in the room and saw a bright teal light in the distance. He sighed. "Looks like I gotta go, I'll be back soon," he said. As Necromancer was leaving he though to himself, "I will make this right Kiva, just hang on for a little longer." Necromancer left the hospital with his goal further engraved in his mind. Only one thing mattered to Necromancer. Only one thing.

Episode 6: Rider vs. Libra! Collision Times Two! (Active Decisions Completed)

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Last time on: KAMEN RIDER DRAKE!

After deciding that they needed to gather more information, Spike, Dragon, Gemini, and Fluff set out onto the streets of Ponyville. Meanwhile, Necromancer is trying to solve a time troubling mystery while at the same time trying to intercept a 'mysterious object' so that no one else can get their hooves on it. In the midsts of all of this, a new threat teeters on the edge of reality itself as it continues to gain power. What will this mean for Kamen Rider Drake?

Only one way to find out!

RedStar turned to Dragon with a smug look on his face. "Told you I could do a good recap," Dragon just rolled his eyes.

"Just roll the episode already," he replied.

"I see... so, she has rider particles now located in her body?" the stallion sitting at his desk asked the holographic pony in front of him.

"Yes sir, all of the data gathered from the analysis points to this conclusion," the holographic pony replied. At this, the stallion pulled a box from underneath his desk and slid it across to the holographic pony.

"Then see to it that she receives this package, along with the basic details, did you get all that, HoloPony?" the holographic pony then transformed into a stallion himself and took the package off the desk.

"Mission: deliver package of model HXB with details to new host," he replied.

Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique...

Rarity was hard at work on her latest dress design. She didn't know why, but lately she had been found of the color combination of red and silver. as she was working on her dress, there was an evident knocking on her door.

"Come in!" she said. A stallion with stallion with a teal coat and dark blue mane and tail walked through the door. "Ah, welcome to Carousel Boutique where-" she was cut off by the stallion.

"You are Miss Rarity correct? I am HelixPixel. I have a proposition for you courtesy of Mister President."

Meanwhile at the real Canterlot Castle...

A normal pegasus was doing his daily morning patrol while looking up at the sky. He took a deep breath in. "What a wonderful day to be outside. There's not even a cloud in the sky this morn-" the pegasus guard was cut off noticing something zooming down from the sky and towards the royal garden. Snapping out of his initial shock, he quickly flew to where he believed the object had landed. However, upon landing in the royal gardens, he found nothing. The guard decided to search around to make sure. Unfortunately for him, Necromancer had already planned for that.


"Time to break through."

"Uh, Dragon? Where exactly are we going?" Spike asked while his right arm was in control of Dragon who was pulling him. As much as Spike protested about Dragon doing that in the past, Spike had gotten used to the fact that as much as he protested about Dragon tugging his body, he would do it anyway. On the bright side, at least Gemini was being quiet, at least, when he was dark blue. As if on cue, Spike heard a 'bzzt' sound in the back of his mind. "Great..." Spike thought to himself sarcastically.

"Oooo! Look at all those houses! Are those flowers?! I LOVE FLOWERS!" Spike would have facepalmed but his right arm was still being pulled by Dragon and he didn't want to alert Dragon to the fact that there was another arm that he wasn't pulling, and he wanted it to stay that way. Oh, and to top it off, there was a bunny sleeping on his head.

"How is she even sleeping? Let alone hanging onto my head," Spike asked himself. Then again, trying to answer that question would be the equivalent of trying to ask Dragon what language he was speaking all the time. He wasn't going to get an answer anytime soon. That's when Spike noticed that they were headed straight for the market place. "Dragon! Stop!" Spike shouted in his mind.

"Spike! Shut up!" Dragon replied sarcastically.

"We're headed straight into the market! We need to stop!" Spike pleaded.

"But that's exactly it Spike!" Now Spike's anger/annoyance at Dragon turned into confusion. Spike knew that he was going to regret asking, but he asked anyway.

"What exactly is 'it'? An emergency signal thingie?"

"No. It's even bigger," As they continued their approach to the market, Spike was now steadily starting to get more worried by Dragon's words.

"How much 'bigger' are we talking?"

"I don't know. It's like an emergency signal, but it's being semi cloaked, and it's texture is so much sterner." Dragon replied. Now Spike was starting to get really worried as they appro- wait, emergency signals have textures? Spike shook that immediate thought out of his head, seeing as they were now in the market. Zooming and dodging past ponies as he stormed through, Dragon was relentless. "Almost there!" Dragon shouted in Spike's mind. Spike would have said he was hanging on for dear life, except for the thing he was trying to hang onto was the body part that he's supposed to hang onto something with. "There!" Dragon said as he pulled straight towards an odd looking stallion.

"Oh no no no no!" was all Spike managed to say before he rammed straight into the stallion. While Spike was knocked over to ground, and Fluff rolling over onto Spike's chest, the stallion didn't even move let alone flinch... or blink. The stallion had a dark yellow coat, a brown tail and mane, and crimson eyes.

"Kamen...Rider..." the stallion mumbled.

Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique...

"I deeply apologize that Mister President himself could not be here," HelixPixel spoke to Rarity.

"Oh that is quite alright darling," Rarity said to Helix. "Now, this proposition you spoke of-"

"Yes," Helix began, "Tomorrow in Canterlot-" Helix was cut off as Rarity jumped in the air with excitement.

"Canterlot! Oh, why didn't you say so darling!" Rarity beamed.

"Yes, as I was saying, tomorrow in Canterlot Mister President will be holding a formal gathering and he requests your services as well as your attendance," Helix then gave the package he was carrying to Rarity, "Arrive with the contents of this package at the gathering, any other questions you may have will be explained within the contents of this package."

"Why, of course! I shall be right on time!" Rarity beamed once again.

"Excellent, thank you," and with that, HelixPixel left the boutique. Leaving Rarity to realize three very important things. One, she had just been invited to an apparent social gathering in Canterlot. Two, said party was being held tomorrow. Three, what was she going to wear?! The door to the Carousel Boutique then opened once again.

"Rarity! I'm back from school!" SweetieBelle beamed at her older sister.

Okay, make that four things. Four, what was she going to do about SweetieBelle?

Meanwhile back at the Ponyville market place...

"Kamen...Rider..." the stallion mumbled under his breath but was not audible enough to be heard. After rubbing his head, Spike sat up after being forced to run into the stallion by Dragon. Spike now looked up at the stallion he just ran into.

"Great, what do I say now?" Spike thought to himself.


1.Let Spike apologize 2.Let Dragon handle this 3.Let Gemini take over and see what happens

DECISION MADE: 3. Let Gemini take over and see what happens (Oh boy...)

"Forget that! We're not 'saying' anything here! This guy is the source of that weird energy!" Dragon stated. "We need to take him dow-" before Dragon could continue to rant on, Spike felt a pain in the back of his head. But this time, it wasn't Dragon who caused it.

"Yo, I got this bro!," Gemini stated as Spike's eyes now turned from emerald green to cyan.

"Kamen...Rider?" The stallion was now confused.

"Time to start up this party!" Gemini stated through Spike.

"Defeat...Kamen Rider..." the stallion now said audibly.

"That is not a good sign," said Dragon. Right before their eyes, the normal enough looking stallion had transformed into a nightmarish looking monster.It was bipedal and wore a thick black cloak with golden patterns on it while it's singel eye glowed bright red.

Everypony in the market began running for their lives.

"Oh, so we be playin it big guy style, eh?" Gemini said through Spike.

"What are you DOING?!" Spike shouted.

"Chillax Spike bro, the coast be clear... time to party!"

Meanwhile some distance away at Sugarcube Corner...

PinkiePie couldn't help but feel strange. It was almost like her Pinkie sense was acting up, but not entirely. "It's probably nothing... or maybe- *DING* Oh, cupcakes are done!" and with that, Pinkie went back to he ever so bubbly attitude.

Meanwhile at the edge of the Everfree Forest...

"HENSHIN- FUTAGOZO-FORM!" Spike and the monster were going at it it full swing. However, to say that Spike was a bit displeased that Gemini was still controlling his body, would be an understatement.

"Okay, now this is getting ridiculous!" Dragon barked. "Let me take down this chump!"

"Sorry bro! Can't hear ya!" said Gemini clearly ignoring Dragon's ranting while blocking attacks with his dual blade staff. As much as Spike was hating this right now, he was also enjoying Dragon at the same time being one upped. After a few more clashes, it was clear that whatever this monster was, he had a lot of stamina on him.

"Dang dude, this guy be packin' some serious heat,"

"On the bright side, at least Fluff didn't lose his lunch yet," Spike said to himself.

"Destroy...Kamen Rider..." it's red eye glowed even brighter.

"Then how about picking on a REAL rider," a female voice said.

Next Time on: Kamen Rider Drake

"Woah, woah, woah, wait. We're doing an outro now?" said BlueStar.

"Yes, now be quiet I'm announcing,"

A female Kamen Rider? Kamen Rider Harp?!

"Oh whatever will I do about tomorrow? I have nothing to wear!"

"Rarity! I'm trying to do an outro here!"

"Well,I am trying to make it so that I look bedazzling for my evening tomorrow in Canterlot!"

"Can I just say, next time: Kamen Rider Drake Episode 7, and we'll be done this?"

"NO!" Rarity and RedStar shouted in unison.

Episode 7: The Mysterious and the... Kamen Rider Harp?!

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Last time on: KAMEN RIDER DRAKE!

After agreeing that they would head out to gather more information, Spike, Dragon, Gemini, and Fluff the bunny went off into the Ponyville. However, two steps out the door, and Dragon had sensed a very odd type of emergency signal.

"I don't know. It's like an emergency signal, but it's being semi cloaked, and it's texture is so much sterner." However, it resulted into Spike crashing into quite the suspicious looking stallion. Those suspicions were confirmed as stallion turned out to be a monster (ya don't say?!). Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity is visited by a stallion by the name of HelixPixel who delivers her a package, along with an invitation to a gathering taking place in Canterlot the next day.

"Yes, as I was saying, tomorrow in Canterlot Mister President will be holding a formal gathering and he requests your services as well as your attendance," Helix then gave the package he was carrying to Rarity, "Arrive with the contents of this package at the gathering, any other questions you may have will be explained within the contents of this package."

All the while, Gemini taking temporary possession of Spike's body and fighting off the monster at the edge of the Everfree Forest itself! That is, until a new figure appears to the rescue. Who is this new figure? Who is this 'Mr.President and what does he want with Rarity? When will Gemini stop being a complete idiot and let him take ov- wait, what?

RedStar looked down to see Dragon on his keyboard.

"Ehehe... I suppose it would be useless to say this isn't what it looks like?"

"Eeyup," RedStar using his magic to fling Dragon off the keyboard and halfway across the room.

"Since when the hay were you a unicorn?!" Dragon shouted.

"Since I just typed it. Now where was I? Ah yes,"

You know the drill. Only one way to find out!


"I didn't hear about this!"

Morning dawned upon the Equestrian skies. As the warm light of the sun dawned through the windows of the Ponyville Library, Princess Twilight Sparkle softly shifted in her bed until finally softly yawning as her eyes fluttered open. She began to sit upright in her bed until she noticed something very different. Spike wasn't there. Now, something like this wasn't abnormal but still-

"He must of just gotten up earlier," said Twilight to herself. Yeah, that was it. Spike must've woken up earlier and already went downstairs to make breakfast. She carefully climbed out of her bed and levitated her crown off the bedside table and onto her head. She began to trot downstairs and noticed that; one, Spike was nowhere to be seen, two, the checklist of things she had to do was completely checked off and laying in the middle of the library floor, three, accompanying the said list on library floor was a note that read-

Twilight, had to some stuff today, i'll be back a little later, Spike.

She finished the note and read through the checklist seeing that it was completed. Twilight put the note and checklist aside, and sat on her haunches now wondering what do today. Three, two, one, READING TIME!

Well... at least it was supposed to be until she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Twilight said. That's when an odd looking stallion with a white fedora hat and matching white trench coat stepped through the door.

"Are you Twilight Sparkle?" he asked.

"Why yes I am," she responded cheerfully. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, there is. Do you mind if we sit down while we talk?" he asked politely.

"Of course," she was about to call out for Spike to make her and their guest some tea due to force of habit, but stopped herself in time remembering that Spike wasn't there.

10 minutes later...

Twilight and the stallion were sitting on the porch of the Golden Oaks library, drinking some fresh tea.

"Oh yes, I don't believe I've introduced myself," the stallion said clearing his throat. "My name is SkullCap, Detective SkullCap, but all friends just call me Chief." SkullEye said taking a sip of his tea.

"A detective?" Twilight thought to herself. "What could a detective like him be doing here in Ponyville?"

"Um," Twilight began, "If you don't mind me asking, what would a detective like yourself be doing in Ponyville? Did something bad happen?" she asked.

"Not yet," he responded after taking another sip of his tea. "But something is going down in Canterlot, tomorrow."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, is it serious?! I could contact Princess Cel-"

"No," the stallion replied cutting her off. "If you were to do that, it would blow my cover."

"Y-your cover?" Twilight replied hesitantly.

Meanwhile at the edge of the Everfree Forest...

"Dang dude, this guy be packin' some serious heat,"

"On the bright side, at least Fluff didn't lose his lunch yet," Spike said to himself.

"Destroy...Kamen Rider..." it's red eye glowed even brighter.

"Then how about picking on a REAL rider," a female voice said. Out of nowhere, shots were fired at the monster. Gemini looked only to see that very female figure leaping over and landing in front of him.

"Honestly, you men have no idea how to properly fight at times," she said. Spike and Dragon looked at each other inside Spike's mind.

"Did she just dis us?" Dragon asked.

"I think she did," Spike replied.

"Two riders... Fourze... Meteor... kill riders!" the monster spat angrily with evident signs that it was beginning to lose control of it's own instinct.

"Oh please, spare me the 'revenge' speech. You boys really are all the same." the apparent female kamen rider said. She had an anthropomorphic pony appearance to her body, standing on two hooves but clearly possessing some sort of variation of a claws with five talons. Her armor was mostly magenta in color, with the exception of her black gloves and boots. Along with her black belt and the purple spade with a small quarter note engraved in it as her belt buckle.

"Hmp, looks like someone doesn't know how treat a lady properly. Allow me to help you with that!" she ran up to the monster and began her assault. Her first sideways right jab was blocked by his staff as well as her direct left punch. The creature was about to down strike her with his staff, however, she quickly blocked it with her left wrist and made a direct hit on his chest sending him back two or three feet.

"Dang, she got skills *Bzzt* her combat prowess is rather impressive, exemplary ev- *Bzzt* awesome..."

"Pft," Dragon huffed, "That's nothing."

"Looks like some dragon's jealous," Spike snickered. Dragon just huffed again and turned his head away.

Meanwhile at the Golden Oaks library...

The silence in the Golden Oaks library of Ponyville had now been quickly accompanied by a tension clouding air far thicker than smoke would.

"W-what do you mean by your cover?" Twilight asked hesitantly to SkullCap. He took another sip of his tea before pulling out a yellow file out of the white trench coat he was wearing.

"Take a look for yourself," the file was slid over by his hoof. Twilight lifted it to her face with her magic, and opened it.

"What exactly is all this?" what she saw inside were pictures of what appeared to be a stallion with a blue tail and mane, another stallion wearing a black cloak, and a picture of some sort of device that bears resemblance to a whistle.

"As I was saying earlier, there's something going down in Canterlot, tomorrow." SkullCap said. "An organization are making these devices, known as drivers."

"Is that this whistle looking thing?"

"Yes, it's 'that whistle looking thing', but it's far more dangerous than it looks."

"Dangerous? How?"

"This so called organization are using these drivers to collect and gather information by means of... combat."

Meanwhile at the Royal Garden in Canterlot...

"Well, I'm glad you saw things my way," Necromancer said to the knocked out pegasus guard.

"Y'know, I like your style." an almost seductive female voice said. Necromancer's eyes widened, in surprise but quickly snapped out of his initial shock and readied himself for anything that might come at him. "Aw, look who's gettin' all tence. Y'know you really need to change that muggy attitude of yours."

"Whoever you are, get out here and face me! Otherwise, I'll come and face you!" Necromancer venously spat.

"Aw, c'mon the party's only gettin' started!" Necromancer now clearly heard the voice directly behind him. He quickly turned around. Before him was a mare with white fur, a blue and teal mane and tail, and... purple sunglasses?

"Who are you, and how did you know I was here?" None of this made sense to Necromancer. The time snip spell he used earlier that allowed him to see into the future was preformed flawlessly. How could this mare possibly be here?!

"Aw, look who looks cute, all confused, now... what is it that you got in those saddlebags of yours?"

Necromancer gritted his teeth, "Whoever you are, you best be leaving and forget whatever you saw."

"Well..." the mare said reaching for her the latch of her saddlebag. "Where would be the fun in that?"

Back at the edge of the Everfree Forest...

"Well, this has been pretty fun," the female Kamen Rider said to Libra. "But I've got places to be so, I'm afraid I'll have to be seeing you off now." she tapped her belt buckle.




Hissatsu Attack: A Kamen Rider's ultimate form of attack in a specific form. Many other terms have been used in the same way, such as; Final Vent, Final Attack Ride, Maximum Drive, Scanning Charge, and Limit Break.

Suddenly, a spade shaped lyre appeared in the female Kamen Rider's right... whatever it's called. She turned her head to Gemini. "You may want to cover your ears," she said.

"Do we even have ears if we're inside your mind?" Dragon asked Spike.

"Beats me."

"Now..." the female rider began, "Hissatsu: rider-note barrage!" she shouted as she quickly strummed all the strings on the lyre at once. The sound itself was so loud that it blew all the leaves off of the surrounding trees. Unfortunately for Spike and Dragon, Gemini was too infatuated with the current level of awesome music to cover Spike's ears. Even Fluff had come down from his shoulder and stuck his head in the ground. Luckily, Spike was able to regain control due to Gemini's current daze, and quickly switched him out with Dragon, of course followed by covering his ears.

If any of them were paying any attention, they would've noticed that an entire barrage of multi-colored note shaped projectiles were falling from out of the sky.

Next Time on: Kamen Rider Drake

"Woah, woah, woah, hold up." said BlueStar.

"What?" RedStar replied annoyed.

"Are you seriously going to leave the episode off on that type of cliffhanger?!"


"What about what happened to Necromancer?!"

"Next episode."

"What about at the library with SkullCap and Twilight?!"

"Next episode."

"What about that female Kamen Rider?!"

"Next episode."

"What about the gathering in Canterlot and what about the fact that-"

"Next. Episode."

Next Time: Kamen Rider Drake: Episode 8!

Episode 8: Countdown to Canterlot (Active Decisions Completed)

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Last Time On: Kamen Rider Drake!

These three things happened last time on Kamen Rider Drake!

One, a new stallion, SkullCap, arrives at the library claiming to be a detective and consults Twilight on an important matter on a possible criminal organization!

Two, after obtaining the 'mysterious object' from the royal gardens in canterlot, Necromancer is confronted by none other than a certain DJ pony!

Three, after almost being down for the count Drake is saved by none other than... a female Kamen Rider?!

Only one way to find out!


Spike walked along the cobble stone ground on his way back to the library with his cheek burning red, not from embarrassment. For once Dragon and Gemini had stayed silent for pretty much the entire trip.

Back when they were in front of the everfree forest not moments ago, and after all the dust had finally settled. Spike had uncovered his ears, happy with the fact that they weren't bleeding, only to see that the monster was no more.

"Ey... Spike I'm-"

"But a sock in it Gemini, I don't want to hear it from you." Spike venomously said has he continued to walk in anger. How did this happen? As soon as Spike was done checking his ears, Gemini had taken over. To say the least, things hadn't gone over so well with what Gemini calls "sweet talking" thus, here Spike is, with a red cheek from being slapped. How it penetrated the armor? They may never know. But one thing is for sure,

Hopefully Twilight won't notice.

Meanwhile, at the Carousel Boutique

"Oh come now Sweetie Belle, you must not be so difficult," Rarity said tightening the lace around the dress.

"But Ra- AH! Rarity that hurts!" Sweetie Belle said with a huff.

"Well sorry, but it wouldn't if you didn't wiggle so much," Rarity replied to Sweetie Belle's constant complaining.

"Well sorry, but you're pulling way too tight!" This only added to the now piling list of things Rarity had to do before she left for Canterlot tomorrow. While she did find it a bit uncouth that an invitation was extended to her at the very last minute. Never the less, such an opportunity in itself was something she couldn't possibly pass up. At first, Rarity was slightly concerned with the fact that all the stallion, HelixPixel if she recalled correctly, said no further details, at least not in person. Rarity recalled what the stallion said before he had departed.

"Arrive with the contents of this package at the gathering, any other questions you may have will be explained within the contents of this package." she remembered every word.

Meanwhile at the Golden Oaks Library...

"A-are you sure?" Twilight hesitantly spoke. SkullCap had relaid the details with her about everything that was going on in Canterlot, or at least, what he knew. This... corporation or organization, whatever he calls it, is apparently trying to do indirect pony experimentation. At least, that's how he explained it.

"Yes, I'm sure. Can you please do the spell Ms.Sparkle?" Yes, what SkullCap was asking her to do was to preform some sort of odd spell. Apparently, it was like seeing into the future, yet, you could openly interact with it in a closed magical space. Needless to say, Twilight was quite impressed, and frightened, at this idea.

SkullCap could see the perplexed look in Twilight's eyes. She was probably wondering were he even acquired such a spell. It was that pony, yes, the one he had been tracking for awhile now. Necromancer, he believed the case file said. Most records of him even existing were long gone by the time SkullCap took up the case. The furthest leads to the Necromancer fellow that he got was the spell itself, contained in a classified file, and an unconscious pony in a Manehatten hospital by the name of Kiva. Perhaps if he looked into it more, there would be off chance that this case and that case would be connected. But right now wasn't the time for focusing on that.

"O-okay i'll do it, but I'm not sure if it will work, or how long I can hold it," Twilight stated.

"As long as you can, Ms.Sparkle," SkullCap replied. Focusing her magic into her horn, a purple aura surrounded herself and SkullCap, growing until it engulfed the entire room. Twilight kept her eyes closed, as she continued to concentrate he magic. However, this allowed SkullCap to roam freely inside the closed space.

They were in some sort of regal hallway...

Um...quite," Rarity said as she trotted down the hall with HelixPixel at her side. SkullCap immediately took notice of the two strangers walking down the hall. They were ponies that he had never seen nor heard of before. Were they members of the organization?

As Rarity and Helix continued further down the hall, Rarity noticed the abundance of paintings on every wall. However, the paintings themselves were quite odd, there was one painting that appeared to have a large spade on it like what a pony would find on a playing card. Another had a painting that looked like three slanted interlocking rings.

"We are here," HelixPixel said while Rarity stared in awe at the large pair of blue doors in front of her. Slightly gulping as her nervousness intensified she carefully opened the door and stepped through. It looked like a large dining room with an immensely long table. "Please have a seat," Helix calmly said and Rarity obliged.

"Ah Ms.Rarity you have arrived," she heard a voice call out of nowhere which almost made her jump out the seat. "Relax, let us talk...business."


1. Listen in on the conversation, 2. Twilight! Open your eyes!, 3. SkullCap investigates the surrounding area


2. Twilight! Open your eyes!

"R-rarity?" Twilight thought. Why would she be here? Was she in the library with herself and SkullCap? What was going on?! Tired of the guessing game she was being forced to play while concentrating on keeping the spell active, Twilight opened her eyes.

"Ms.Twilight don't! You'll-"

Odds of favor: Drake: 9, SkullCap:9, The 'Corporation': 9,Necromancer: 9

Next time on: Kamen Rider Drake!
Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Spike, Gemini, Dragon, and Fluff. Twilight and SkullCap. Three teams, one goal, Canterlot. Next time, the beginning of the Canterlot Showdown Arc!

"Wait, wait, what does that make the arc we just passed?" Blue Star asked.

"I dunno, First Strike Arc sounds like a good title, now shut up and let me do my japanese announcer voice!"
Next Time: Kamen Rider Drake: Episode 9!

Intermission#3: Arc Introduction, The Rider Program

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インターミッション3番 - Intermission number three

"Sir, shall we deploy the Rider program?" Helix Pixel said in his usual indiscreet tone. Ah, and what music those very words were to the ears of Mr.President. It wasn't his real name, of course, but Helix Pixel, or rather Holo Pony, was programmed to call him that to keep his main identity a secret from any potential 'clients'. He thought about programming him to call him Kougami, but he decided to go with a general title rather than a fake name.

"With one word. With one, sweet, word," Mr.President thought to himself, "Yes."

"I shall prepare the letters immediately sir," and like that, he was zapped away off to begin preparations. That was a wonderful day for The Corporation. After countless years of analyzing and decrypting the research left behind by none other than Mr.Leo himself, they had finally accomplished it.

The first module, HxB. Hibiki cross Blade.

Truth be told, an even grander goal was behind it all. This was not for fame nor fortune. This was not for power nor greed.

This was for science, for research, and most importantly, for data.


"Hm, yes?" Mr.President was snapped out of his day dream like state.

"Ms.Rarity is to arrive tomorrow, shall I order the chefs to prepare the dining hall?"

"Of course! Excellent! Let it be so!"

"As you wish," Holo Pony once again disappeared. How glorious. Tomorrow would be yet another glorious day for The Corporation. However, it was not yet time to celebrate. There was still so much data to collect.

"Drake... what data will you have for me?"

Meanwhile, below the estate....

"Geez, this guy put up one heck of a fight, but I still got it."

"Thank you, Ms. Scratch. There are currently no new missions available at this time. However, I do suggest you prepare for the guest's arrival tomorrow," Helix Pixel said, taking the yellow, triangular object that had been acquired by Vinyl.

"Yeah, well, alright. But what about him?"

"Do not worry, Ms. Scratch. He is in no harm, we only wish to extend our 'services' towards him."

"Whatever," Vinyl walked out of the room. Upon her departure, Helix began examining the subject, as per the president's orders to collect even more data about him. This first piece of information that was collected was what the subject mumbled.

"K-Kiva, I'm sorry..."

[KAMEN RIDER DRAKE] 仮面ライダードレイク


Episode 9: Ballad of Skull! A Prologue to battle! (Active Decisions)

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Something was wrong.

Something was really wrong.

There hadn't been ANY monster attacks since the female rider showed up. Granted it had only been a couple of hours, but even so, who did she think she was?! Just rushing in and beating up that creature like that? We haven't even seen that hot shot in the black cloak to show up and take a shot at her like he did us. With that stupid hi-tech-

"Dragon, what are you writing?"

"Nothing!" he slammed the journal shut with his wing. Spike very well knew what Dragon was writing in the journal. Mostly because Dragon had a pretty big, and pretty annoying, habit of thinking out loud. But as annoying as Dragon's rants could become, Spike had to admit that he was feeling pretty sore about some things too. Even Gemini wasn't into his usual afternoon rapping. But what really bewildered Spike at the moment was that strange stallion wearing the white fedora.

"Who was that guy anyway?" Spike said out loud, with Dragon and Gemini too preoccupied with their own thoughts.


"Spike, I'm going to be away for a little while." Twilight said as she packed her saddle bags. Dragon and Gemini were barely able to his under Owlicious' wings before she made it down stairs.

"Uh, sure Twilight. Wait, where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it Spike. I'll be back soon, I promise," with that, Twilight trotted out of the library. However, frightful thoughts about what that stallion had showed her followed close behind. It wasn't long before Twilight reached the train station. She looked down at the address the stallion had given her. "Manehatten."


The weather outside was indeed sweltering. One could say it was pretty much always like that in Manehatten, except for the winter time. At least, that's what Skull Cap presumed. True, it was probably just the mugginess of the office that made him feel that way, but he was so used to it by now that he really didn't care.

"Ey. Chief."

"Well, if it isn't the half-boiled detective himself."


"Heh, just messing with ya kid." Skull Cap hopped off his chair and ruffled the younger stallion's hair with his hoof. The name of said stallion, or as Skull Cap liked to call him: the half-boiled detective, was Shot Fedora. Ironic, as he used to complain about that name to. In the end, he ended up just calling him Sho for short since he didn't like Shot.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Chief. I got those files you wanted from the police department."

"Thanks Sho, just leave them on my desk."

Sho nodded and went to go put the files on his desk, followed by sitting down in the chair himself and taking a nap. Usually at this point, he would have just told Sho to get the hay out of his chair, but he was too tired today. On top of that, he had to save his energy for the guest who was coming over today. Hopefully, the newly crowned princess would co-operate so that he wouldn't get a headache. This case, following the appearances of the new riders, was actually putting quite the strain on his brain.

"*Snore*" Skull Cap cringed a bit at the sudden sound. Only to realize it was just Sho's usual brand of obnoxious snoring. Again, another thing he had gotten used to, but didn't mean he was happy about it. It was worth it though to have the kid's company. He was also pretty helpful in the office, well, at least now that he was more grown up he was.

"You really have grown a lot, haven't you kid?" Skull Cap said to himself, with Sho just replying with another snore. Looking at the clock, it appeared as if Skull Cap had a bit of time before Twilight would arrive. Resisting again to wake up Sho and tell him to get out of his chair, he just sat down on the couch. Thinking back, he remember how he came across him. It was actually one one of his first cases...

Active Decisions-

1. Remise about how he met Sho. 2. To hay with it, wake up up Sho and tell him to get out of the chair.

3. Check over the case-files that Sho brought.