> Of Strawberries and Lemonade > by Sam Cole > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 72 hours to Find True Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Strawberries and Lemonade: By Sam Cole Chapter 1: 72 hours To Find True Love Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat, Rarity anguished, tools flying around her, jewels being strung into the hair of a rather important pony, who was probably very late thanks to Rarity now. “Rarity?” The pony in question asked, sensing the distress the white mare was feeling. “Yes, your majesty?” Rarity hesitantly asked, afraid something else was going horribly wrong now. “Please, calm down. And none of this majesty business. Right now, I’m just Cadence,” The princess of love chuckled, doing her part to calm her impromptu hair dresser. “Oh of course darling. I’m just a tad high strung I guess,” Rarity mused. “It’s not everyday that I get to work on the hair of royalty after all.” “Well, if you would like, you can do it much more often,” Cadence said. “You’re doing a great job. But there is one thing...” “Yes Cadence?” Rarity panicked. This was it, she was sure. “You don’t have to alienate me here. I would love a bit of conversation.” “Oh my,” Rarity began to laugh. “Do not let me stop you then. Please, by all means, talk away.” “Well, I don’t get to do this often, so...” Cadence blushed, and motioned Rarity closer to whisper to her. “Do you have any gossip?” “Oh my dear, we are going to get along just swimmingly,” Rarity giggled, and began to dive into the matter with renewed fervor, relishing the Princess’s urge to swap gossip so freely. This freed up the fashionista’s nerves, and soon the royal hair was looking marvelous. That was till Cadence turned the gossip tables on her. “So Rarity, do you have a special somepony these days?” With a pause not lost on the regal mare, Rarity set down the hair dryer. “No, I don’t Cadence.” “I’m sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean too-” “No no my dear, it’s quite alright. You were just curious. Though might I ask why you are so?” Rarity inquired. “Well, I have a new spell to try out if you want, that should help your love life,” Cadence smiled. She would never say she was happy that Rarity had nopony, but she was. “I would ask the crystal ponies here for help, but they are a bit weary of magic, after the whole Sombra thing.” “Oh of course,” Rarity nodded, “And I would be more than happy to help you... Actually, would you mind if I asked Twilight to help as well? I know she would love the chance to play with a new spell.” “Oh you’re good,” Cadence laughed. “Of course I’d love to have Twilight along. How about tomorrow night in Ponyville? The three of us will have a girls night out.” “Oh that sounds marvelous darling,” Rarity laughed, and put the last finishing touch to the royal hair. “Now, you are ready to greet the games commissioner!” The next night saw Cadence sitting in her sister’s library, explaining the plan of the night to her and Rarity. Something she was having a little too much fun planning, in all actuality. “The spell is called Destiny Kiss. When you kiss the pony you are meant to love for the rest of your life, both parties will taste strawberries. If it’s not the one, lemonade,” Cadence explained with a smug smile. Twilight readily soaked up her every word, while Rarity had a bit more of a laugh at Cadence’s demeanor. “Does it matter the kind of kiss?” Twilight asked, her hoof raised in the air as if in class. “What do you mean darling?” Rarity laughed. This was all too much for her, but she was enjoying it nonetheless. “Well, what if I just manage to get kissed on the check or hoof because the colt is really old fashioned?” Twilight argued. “Oh. My, that is a good point, isn’t it?” Rarity suppressed her laugh, thinking the outdated thought, while romantic, was absurd. “All of those scenarios have been dealt with, and yes, any kiss anywhere on your body will tell you the truth,” Cadence smiled. Oh, she really thought of everything, Rarity recoiled mentally. “Does food or drink affect the spell?” Twilight pushed on, glaring at Rarity. “They shouldn’t. The spell will overwrite any signals from outside sources. You could be eating pure lemons, and still taste only the strawberries of your true love’s kiss.” “Excellent. How long does the spell last?” Twilight asked, and for once Rarity was wondering the same. “I’ll give you two the max time limit of seventy two hours. Three days, that’s it, to find your special somepony. After that, it’s back to the old fashioned way,” Cadence nodded, and with that, she began charging the spell. “Just to be safe, you might want to bite down on something. This might sting a bit...” The trio had no reservations at the club, but the very gracious hosts of Luna’s Din knew to make an exception for a princess. Rarity and Twilight had wasted no time in ordering a few drinks, and having a few too many more. Rarity had flirted with a two colts at the bar, Dark Storm the co weather captain, and Little Feather, the silversmith, and got them to both kiss her cheek, along with the bartender. And Rarity, being the sly mare she was, thoroughly enjoyed her game. But eventually, the two mares retired to their table, where Rarity was now attempting to show Twilight how to properly shoot tequila. Though both were far too drunk already to do really anything. “No! Bad Twilight. Here,” Rarity laughed heartily. If she had the slightest clue how unladylike she was acting tonight, the mare would be appalled. “I got this,” Twilight slurred back. “Lick salt, drink... drink, suck lime!” “But ya- you!” Rarity corrected slapping her hoof on her thigh. “You need to grab the lime out of somepony else’s mouth though. That’s the fun part,” Rarity snorted drunkenly. Cadence was beside herself with laughter, wishing she had a camera. “Any luck you two?” Cadence asked, reminding them they did have homework of sorts here. “Lemonade, all night,” Rarity slurred with a pout, making a drunken Twilight reach over and pat her back. “At least you’re getting the kissy... kiss... that part done,” Twilight complained. “I must be ugly, no pony wants to kiss me.” “You’re not ugly at all Twilight,” Rarity hushed her with a hoof. “You’re just not doing it right.” “What? What does that mean? What am I doing wrong?” “You need to make them want it more than you my dear,” Rarity dutifully informed. “Here, I call this one the pout. Always works. First, you take their hooves like I have yours. Then, you look down at the floor, and pout just a little.” Twilight was absorbed in this right now, she just wanted to reach out and hug Rarity, the poor girl looked so sad. “You then look up at them slowly, sigh, and look back down. They will grab- yes the chin, good job Twilight,” Rarity muttered as Twilight took over. The pout was sold as Rarity’s fail safe kiss getter, and a sober Rarity would have thought of that before this happened. But alas, tequila is a tricky drink to put it mildly. Twilight puckered up, and pulled the white mare into a rather sloppy kiss right then and there. It was over in a split second, both mare’s slipping almost to the floor in a state of pure inebriation. Cadence though looked ready to pop, as she literally bounced. “Well? What’s the verdict?” “Lemonade,” Rarity muttered, wide eyed at her friends actions. “It’s really tasty lemonade though,” Twilight snorted and began to laugh, then abruptly stopped. “I don’t feel so good...” “Twilight, are you okay?” Cadence asked, more than a little worried at the sudden change. “I’m drunk,” Twilight said to the floor. “Twilight, do you know what you just did?” Cadence asked, looking very concerned. With a pause to think, slowly Twilight turned to her friend, realizing what had just happened. “Rarity, did we just-” “No. You kissed me Twilight. It was not mutual,” Rarity shot back at her lavender friend. “Come on, you need to go home now.” “What? No, I’m having fun,” Twilight pouted. “Go home Twilight, you’re drunk,” Rarity slurred, playfully pushing the mare next to her. “I’m so sorry Twilight. You’re not drunk. You’re amazing! I love you Twilight. And you Cadence!” “Okay, you two are gone,” Cadence laughed hard, “Let’s go home.” “No!” Twilight pouted again. “I like it here!” “Twilight, you have books at home,” Cadence informed the bookish mare. “... Home. Now. I want my books!” Twilight demanded, and continued to do until she was tucked into bed by the Crystal Princess that night, stopping only to kiss a certain dragon on the forehead as she wished him good night. They say a hangover is penance for the fun of the night before. If this was true, Twilight had a very good night of it, and though she was up and about as she took Cadence to the train station, her mind never left one topic. “So I’ll see you again soon, okay,” Cadence asked, trying to meet Twilight’s bloodshot eyes, but the bookish mare kept her head down. “Yeah, of course Cadence,” Twilight smiled. “Thank you for the fun night. And the comics for Spike.” “It’s not a problem Sis,” Cadence laughed. “Do you remember what happened last night?” “Not in the slightest,” Twilight lied with a very convincing smile. “And I would rather keep it that way. If you’re asking that question, it means I was being unbearable.” “Just a bit,” Cadence laughed. “Well, I have to get home. Let me know how the spell works out for you two, okay?” “Will do,” Twilight smiled, waving goodbye as Cadence boarded the train and rolled out of the station, leaving the lavender mare to her thoughts once more as she went home. I can’t believe I did that last night. Me, the smartest pony in Ponyville, getting so drunk that I kissed my best friend! What the hay was that?! And the taste! Cadence never said it would last that damned long! I hope Rarity was too drunk to remember what happened... Upon reaching her home though, the lavender mare quickly found out she was not the only pony with thoughts of last night keeping her about right now. “Hello darling,” Rarity smiled nervously, holding a small box in her magic. “Would you mind if I come in for a bit?” “Not at all,” Twilight nodded, opening the door for her and her friend. Her heart raced, and her head swam. Was this what Twilight thought it was? “How’s your head today?” Rarity asked politely. “Been better. Yours?” “About the same. But what’s bothering me is what happened last night,” Rarity sighed, setting down the box. “W-What’s up? And what’s with the box?” “I brought over some fresh strawberries,” Rarity forced herself to say, “Seeing as that we both need to be reminded what they taste like.” “You noticed that too, huh?” Twilight said, crestfallen. It was that after all. “Yes darling, I noticed.” “So what does this mean for us now,” Twilight managed, though she found the words much heavier than she would have thought. “I have no idea,” Rarity sighed, letting her self drop to the floor. “I don’t know how to say this Twilight, but I don’t love you.” “Yeah,” Twilight nodded. “I’m not really into mares...” “How convenient.” Rarity muttered. “If only you had thought of that last night, we wouldn’t be in this mess.” “Hey, don’t get snarky with me,” Twilight barked back. “I don’t want to love you either!” “What is that supposed to mean?” Rarity asked hotly. “Well,” Twilight recoiled, realizing she was treading on thin ice, “I mean, you tend to be a bit...” “Of a bitch?” Rarity supplied, flopping back down. She would not admit it, but it stung to know Twilight thought that of her. “I was going to say guarded. You don’t let anypony get too close to you,” Twilight said walking over to sit next to Rarity. “I get that though. You’re on edge because so many ponies just abuse your generosity...” “I know, and I have been trying to work on it. But it’s just been a big part of who I am for so long now...” “I know,” Twilight cooed, rubbing Rarity’s back. “We can get through this.” “How?” Rarity asked, looking to her friend. “Well, we have 58 hours left now before the spell wears off. So let’s just keep trying. Maybe it was a fluke between us last night.” “But does it still work?” Rarity asked, sitting up. “Yes. I kissed Spike on the head last night and all I could taste was lemonade,” Twilight informed. “Hey, try giving Spike a kiss. Spike! Come here please.” “What?!” Rarity demanded. “I can’t love Spike! I think of the poor boy as a little brother.” “Spike has a huge crush on you though,” Twilight smiled. “I know,” Rarity pouted. “I’ve tried to talk him down, but he’s so adamant in his love. I don’t want to hurt the little guy...” “Well, maybe this is why. The universe loves stories like this. True love conquers all, yadda yadda.” “Twilight, I...” “Just try it,” Twilight pleaded. “Well, Spike is brave and kind. And I’m sure one day he will grow into a brilliant and wonderful col- er, dragon,” Rarity reasoned. “Alright, I will try, for Spike.” “Thank you,” Twilight whispered as Spike stepped into the room. “What’s up Twi? Hey Rarity.” “Spike, we have a quick test for you,” Twilight said, preferring the truth right now. “Cadence cast a spell on us that makes you taste different things if the pony you are too love for the rest of your life kisses you.” “Really?” Spike asked, looking excited and more than able to see where this was going. “Yes. I kissed your forehead last night when I got home, and got a negative. So now I want Rarity to try.” “Yes! Hang on!” Spike said, trying to run to get some gum. “That won’t be needed Spike,” Twilight assured, to Rarity’s relief and Spike’s disappointment. “All she needs to do is kiss your forehead like I did.” “Thank you darling,” Rarity whispered as she slipped past and kissed Spike gently on the forehead. “Lemonade!” They both cried together, and instantly Rarity felt bad for the outcome she now had to explain. “Lemonade is good, right?!” Spike asked excitedly. “...” “Right?” “I’m so sorry Spike,” Rarity sobbed, about to cry because of the look that came to Spike now. “Lemonade is a negative.” “No. No, please no!” Spike cried, hugging Rarity tightly as Twilight painfully watched. “I don’t want it to be true!” “I’m so sorry,” Rarity managed, hugging the poor dragon tight as well. “I wanted you to be happy, but this is for the best.” “How?” Spike managed. “You now know fate has other things in store for you. Better things maybe. Now you can go forward without the thought of what if holding you back.” “But...” “It’s not fair, and I am so so sorry about that my friend.” Rarity cried, and hugged Spike till he calmed down, never leaving him, and telling him he would always be important to her. Twilight was so proud of them both, so proud and yet so sad. “How could you say that to him?” Twilight asked Rarity later that afternoon, as they sat around trying to think. “Say what darling? The truth?” “That he had to take his fate. You’re challenging yours right now. It’s a bit hypocritical is all.” Twilight huffed. “I’m fighting mine because neither of us wants it,” Rarity hissed back. “...” “I am correct, no?” Rarity asked, perplexed by her friends behavior. “No, you’re right,” Twilight dismissed. “I just hadn’t actually thought about it. Us, together I mean.” “Oh. Well, of course. It would never work between us,” Rarity nodded, though her voice lacked the same fire it had moments ago. I never actually thought about it either... “So I think our best bet is to date anypony that asks us out right now,” Twilight filled in, a little scared about where the conversation was heading. “Yes, of course,” Rarity hastily agreed. “Where should we start?” As if in answer to her question, a knock rang out through the library, shortly followed by a happy, if not slightly nervous looking Applejack. “Howdy y’all. Ah was hoping to get to talk with Rarity,” Applejack smiled, and she was not alone as the white mare smiled for her friend. “Of course-” Rarity began. “She’d be happy to!” Twilight blurted out. “Excuse me?” Both other mares asked. “Twilight, can I talk to you really fast?” Rarity asked, and nearly dragged the lavender mare into the kitchen. “What the hay are you doing?” “Applejack asked you out!” Twilight squealed in a whisper. “What? Me and Applejack? That’s absurd,” Rarity argued, and hoped it would stay at that. “Why? You two would make a cute couple,” Twilight smiled. “No.” “Just give it a try,” Twilight began to beg. “No. I don’t have any feelings for Applejack. Well, like that,” Rarity corrected herself. “I’m the alternative,” Twilight growled with a smile. When Rarity didn’t instantly reply, it gave Twilight a start. “Rarity?” “I’m thinking,” The white mare said honestly. “I don’t like mares, but if I did...” Twilight felt a sudden catch in her chest. What was her friend doing? “It’s nothing dear,” Rarity dismissed, looking a little distant. “But it just feels wrong. Like there is something not quite right with loving Applejack that way.” “Oh. Well, just hear her out then. Who knows,” Twilight reasoned. “Yes, of course,” Rarity nodded, and trotted out to Applejack again. “What did you have in mind Applejack?” “Could we talk, back at my place? Ah got sumthing to show ya.” “Of course,” Rarity nodded as Applejack lead the way, leaving Twilight behind. After ten minutes though, Twilight gave chase to her two friends, wanting to know what was happening, or so she told herself. “So you wanted to show me a photo album?” Rarity asked as she sat down in Applejack’s living room, and the work pony brought over a thick tome of family memories, though this one looked much fancier than any of the others from the shelf it had come from. “Yep. Ah found my Aunt and Uncle Orange’s photo album here, and saw sumthing you need to see fer yerself.” Applejack informed her friend, taking a seat next to the white mare. She flipped the cover, and pointed at one of the first pictures. An early family photo of Aunt Orange and- Oh. “Is that my...?” Rarity asked as she squinted to make out the old photo. “Yeah, that’s yer mom with my Aunt. Yer mom was adopted, wasn’t she?” Applejack asked kindly. “Yes, she was. She still talks to her sister, and we visit them once a year, but I never would have thought my Aunt Clementine was your aunt as well,” Rarity said, suppressing a laugh. “This explains their visit to the house during your family reunion. Oh my word.” “Ah don’t expect ya to become an Apple yerself Rarity, heck Aunt Clementine married into the family herself, but yer kin. So I just wanted to say welcome to the family if ya want,” Applejack smiled. “Oh darling, of course. I would love to be an Apple. Thank you so much,” Rarity said as she hugged her long lost cousin for the first time, instead of just her friend. They spent a while longer looking through the album, laughing at the new discovery of the shared family. That was till a noise interrupted them. “The heck is that? Sounds like a squirrel choking on a peanut,” Applejack muttered, looking out the window. “How do you know what that sounds like?” Rarity asked. “Long day at Fluttershy’s once.” “Ah. I’ll just check on that noise, see if I can help the poor critter out,” Rarity said crossing to the window. But as she opened it, she was instantly hushed by a lavender hoof. “Shh. I’m here to see how things are going,” Twilight whispered up to Rarity from where she sat crouched just below the window. “Twilight? Was that sound you?” Rarity whispered back. “It was a signal,” Twilight argued. “It sounded like a dying squirrel,” Rarity giggled. “But thank you for wanting to check in on me. But we were so very far off.” “Oh?” “Turns out I’m part Apple family,” Rarity explained. “Oh? How?” Twilight whispered. “My mother is adopted darling,” Rarity smiled to the crouching mare. “Rarity? What’s goin on over here?” Applejack asked as she came over to the window, and looked down to Twilight. “Late on a friendship report again Twi?” “Har har. No, I was...” Twilight began, but found she soon had no idea of where to go from here. Rarity looked around the inside of the house, and instantly spotted her reprieve, a picture of a familiar and hard working stallion. “She was here to see Big Macintosh.” “I was?” Twilight jerked back, a bit shocked. “Yes darling, you were. You wanted to know if he had a crush on you,” Rarity smiled. Revenge was hers for Twilight trying to set her up. “Well why didn’t ya just say so!” Applejack smiled. “Big Mac! Ya got company! Come around the door next time Twilight,” Applejack laughed as she trotted into the house to find her brother. Twilight was guiltily lead into the home, and made to talk with an equally nervous Big Mac about there ever being a them. Rarity and Applejack seemed to be loving the exchange. “Soooo Big Mac, working hard lately?” Twilight nervously asked. “Eeyup.” “Do- Do you like it?” “Eeyup.” Twilight was out of conversation ideas, and turned to Rarity for help, but found the white mare looked pensive for just a moment. No, surely it was just a trick of the eyes. Rarity wanted Twilight to love somepony else, didn’t she? “Oh horsefeathers,” Applejack snorted. “Big Mac, Twi wants to know if ya have feelings for her?” “Nope.” “There, easy enough. I can take that. Sorry to embarrass you Mac.” Twilight offered. “Now hold yer horses,” Applejack snorted. “Big Mac, ya need to quit being so darn shy. Ya never know if Twi here might be the one.” Big Mac said all he needed to with his stare at the moment, a look of ‘Really?’ passed across his face. “Oh just try it,” Applejack snorted back. “Ya owe me fer not talkin about-” She never got to finish as Big Mac jumped forward and planted a kiss on Twilight’s cheek. “No spark,” He defiantly stated, then licked his lips. “Lemonade?” “New face cream product,” Twilight lied. She was relieved beyond words, and surprised to see Rarity was as well. “Well, ya did more than Ah ever thought ya would Mac. Sorry fer the spot of trouble Twi,” Applejack said, showing her blushing friends out. “It’s no trouble Applejack. Thank you,” Twilight said as she hugged the work pony goodbye. “Hey, what did your brother mean by no spark?” “Oh, that. Old Apple family belief. Ya would know if there’s something there at the first kiss, or so Granny Smith says.” Applejack dismissed. “Do you really believe that?” Rarity asked, thinking it sounded a bit familiar. Almost like a new spell they had heard of recently. Applejack smiled, and reached out and kissed Twilight on the cheek as well, making the poor mare blush again. “No spark... Holy hay Big Mac was right. You do taste like lemonade Twi.” “I told you,” Twilight laughed, and said her peace as she left with Rarity into the early evening. After a few minutes of silence though, Twilight could take it no longer. “Rarity?” “Hmm? Yes Twilight?” “Do you- do you believe in that spark Applejack was talking about?” Twilight asked. “I think our new spell was a bit of a hoax my dear. I think Cadence found it in the library there and just modified it a touch.” “Yeah, I was thinking that too...” Twilight muttered to herself. “But it would be nice, wouldn’t it?” “So very nice,” Rarity agreed, looking up to the first few stars brave enough to poke out into the night sky, and coming to a stop along the path. “Why do you ask darling?” “No reason,” Twilight lied. “... Twilight?” “Yeah?” “Do you think you could ever love another mare?” Rarity asked, still looking to the stars above. “...Maybe,” Twilight nodded, her gaze on her white friend right now. “Maybe. Hmm,” Rarity nodded before looking back down. “Anypony you date would be a lucky one, Twilight.” “Thanks,” Twilight blushed. “So, I was wondering...” “Yes?” “Well, we’ve both kissed someone else now. Maybe the spell is fixed,” Twilight shrugged, and began to study her hooves. “Maybe we should give it another try...” “I don’t see why not,” Rarity shrugged as she leaned forward and kissed Twilight on the forehead much as she had Spike. But this time there was a subtle difference. Maybe Twilight imagined it, or maybe Rarity really did take an extra second to pull her head back from her friend’s. “Still strawberries.” “Yeah, I can taste that,” Twilight smiled, still looking to her hooves. “Thanks Rarity.” “Not a problem my dear,” Rarity said in her velvet voice. “Come on Twilight, tomorrow is another day.” “Yeah.” > 36 hours remain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: 36 hours remain The next morning was greeted by light showers, the weather team thoroughly doing its duty to keep the town green. Twilight got an early start to Rarity’s, using a simple spell to keep herself dry. Her hooves dragged as the tired mare stopped and dropped off some letters in the mail. Twilight held the last one for a minute though. She knew it was what Rarity would want, but she still gave pause over it. She sold herself on the idea of who the letter was for. That was why she was unable to send it. That was why she didn’t sleep last night. Of course that was way. Twilight was happier to be at Rarity’s by the end of her walk, the light rain turning into a full shower, and her spell barely holding it at bay. Twilight was glad to see a sign on the door from Rarity, telling her to just come in. “Hello dear,” Rarity sang from the other room as the bell chimed with Twilight’s entry. “Could you bring the teapot over?” “Of course,” Twilight nodded, and grabbed the mentioned china in her magic. The smell of camomile almost put the poor mare to sleep as she carried it to the white mare, who was sitting daintily in front of her large bay window, watching the rain. “It’s so peaceful right now,” Rarity sighed. “I love this time of year, right before the summer.” “Yeah, the rain is really relaxing,” Twilight smiled as Rarity motioned for her to sit with her. “I love to lay in bed on mornings like this and just read.” “You always love to just lay in bed and read,” Rarity retorted playfully. “But I get what you mean. The rain just seems to...” “Wash away your troubles for a bit,” Twilight finished with a yawn. “Tired?” “Didn’t sleep well.” Or at all... “This whole true love ordeal is a tad much,” Rarity nodded, right and yet so wrong. Her only response was a head softly meeting her shoulder, as she looked over to the tired lavender mare that had passed into the world of dreams. “Hmm. Sleep well Twilight. I don’t mind waiting a bit.” Rarity turned back to the window streaming with water as she nodded to herself. I don’t mind at all. An hour later saw a somewhat refreshed mare coming around, as her friend finally got up and made the poor girl some coffee. Twilight groaned as she had to get up, but quieted down with each sip. Now her mind was back to the problem at hoof, though if you asked her exactly what was the problem, she would have trouble saying. “So I thought of something Twilight,” Rarity finally said, tried of the silence. “What if the spell gave a false positive to us because we were both under it’s charm?” “Possible, but not likely,” Twilight dismissed. “I think Cadence would have taken that into consideration. But questions like that are why I sent her a letter today.” “Twilight, you didn’t tell her about... well, us, did you?” Rarity asked, much more calmly than she felt. “I would not be surprised if Cadence gleans that from the letter in all honesty,” Twilight said to Rarity’s snort of anger. “But it is rather well placed among 166 other questions regarding the spell.” Rarity’s anger gave way to confusion, as that was the last thing she was expecting. “166?” “Yeah. Things like cross species, destiny versus accumulated knowledge to render, time and date considerations, estrus concerns, dietary feedback leading up to the spell, allergies, re-” “Okay, enough,” Rarity laughed. “You never fail to impress me with your knowledge and creativity Twilight.” Twilight stumbled over her words, and blushed at the complement, pushing back her messy mane. “Thanks Rarity...” “Oh no,” Rarity snorted again. “What?” “No. I know that blush. Are you actually falling for me Twilight?” Rarity demanded. “What?! No! Why would you think something like that?” “Wha- I-” Rarity balked, caught off guard by the turn about. “You’re in love with me, aren’t you?” Twilight accused, with a very coy smile. “It’s okay if you are. I won’t tell...” “Oh knock it off Twilight,” Rarity blushed, all of her thunder and vigor drained. Was it Rarity, or did Twilight look a little hurt by that? No, surely not. Twilight would never fall for another mare. Not for me... “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just reading too much into body language right now.” “It’s alright,” Twilight managed, reminding herself of her goal to not end up with Rarity. Though the librarian had to admit, it would be an interesting relationship. Not perfect, but- No! Stop it brain! She’s your best friend! This is not up for discussion! It was a stupid little thought, and now it’s just rattling around in here! I don’t love Rarity! “I was just teasing...” After a full two minutes of awkward silence, the pair made their way outside, ready to tempt fate again and prove the spell wrong. But there was one overwhelming problem at the moment. The fact that neither of them had a clue as to how they would get random ponies to agree to kiss them. In truth, they could just flirt their way through town, all the colts would love a kiss from Rarity, but the idea of actually doing that made the mares feel just plain dirty. “Miss Rarity!” A friendly voice called out, as she trotted toward the still silent pair. “Oh, hello Aloe,” Rarity smiled. “Good to see you dear.” Twilight watched as the white mare leaned forward and made a quick kiss to the side of Aloe’s cheek, and it gave her an idea. When Rarity pulled to the other side, Twilight bumped her, causing the innocent air kiss to make just the slightest amount of contact. Aloe exploded at the touch though, as she threw her hooves around Rarity, and began to feather the poor, resisting mare with kisses. “YES! Oh my Yes! I Love You Miss Rarity! I Love You!” “Aloe! Stop this Now!” Rarity demanded, pushing Aloe off and glaring at her and Twilight. With an accusing hoof, Rarity cut to business. “Twilight, what the hay was that?” “I’m sorry,” Twilight muttered. Thankfully, Twilight was much smarter with social situations than she was given credit for, and quick with a clever idea. “I saw the way Aloe was looking at you, and figured I would play matchmaker...” “Twilight, I- Never mind, it’s alright dear. But next time, just ask. Aloe, I am so very sorry, but I... I don’t have feelings for you. Like that...” “No, I am sorry Miss,” Aloe muttered, looking to the ground. “I let my hopes get the better of me. Please do not hold that against me.” “Not at all dear,” Rarity smiled kindly. “Though I must ask, why do I taste lemonade?” “That is a wonderful question,” Rarity lied, looking to Twilight for help, but the lavender mare just shrugged. Thankfully, Aloe was content with that. “Must just be a craving then. The weather has been so nice of late...” “I guess so...” Rarity tried. Aloe shrugged off the odd day, hoping she would be forgiven in time, or forgotten entirely. But as she trotted away, Rarity felt the onset of a new idea. “Twilight, I think you just gave us the answer we needed.” “Huh?” “The problem of getting the kisses. Just do it in greeting. Slip the kiss in a hurry, and brush it off,” Rarity explained as if asked the color of the sky. “But what about the taste?” Twilight asked, poking a hole in Rarity’s airtight plan. “... Damn.” “Just say it’s a face cream like I said yesterday?” Twilight suggested. “That won’t work, we’re kissing them,” Rarity dismissed. “Oh, yeah. Lipstick?” Twilight ventured. “On the cheek,” Rarity corrected. “Damn. Play dumb?” “It’ll do I guess,” Rarity sighed. “So let’s stop wasting time, and get you your colt.” “What about you?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity began to trot away. “Well, finding one love of your life in three days is hard enough. Let’s not add to it.” The pair nodded, thinking the plan here was odd, but they had no other options. They trotted around town, but every time Rarity would suggest a pony, Twilight would shoot it down. “No, I can’t date him,” Twilight muttered, her quickly growing mantra. “Why not?” Rarity demanded. “Caramel is a very nice colt.” “He has a girlfriend,” Twilight shot back. “Oh she’s all wrong for him anyways,” Rarity retorted, a bit too loudly. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sassaflash snapped at Rarity. “I-” Rarity paled. “Hey, don’t yell at her!” Caramel shot back. “She’s Apple Family. That makes her my family.” “Oh this again,” Sassaflash leered at Caramel. “Apple’s all the way. Always help an Apple. Apple Apple Apple!” “Twilight?” Rarity leaned into her friend. “Run.” Neither looked back, as they missed out on the messiest and nastiest breakup in Ponyville history. In later years, a breakup would be rated on how close it was to the fabled Caraflash breakup of 03. Nopony ever got within a .6, oddly enough. “Rarity, stop,” Twilight sighed as Rarity tried to make her kiss literally a random stranger at the train station. “Well, you’re not making this easy,” Rarity shot back. “But-” “Here, how about this darling. Is there any pony whom you have feelings for?” “Well...” “Of a romantic nature?” Rarity pressed on. “...Yes, but don’t laugh.” “Oh?” “I have a bit of a crush on Time Turner...” Twilight muttered. “Time Turner? The actor that plays Doctor Whooves?” Rarity snorted. “Oh my darling, every mare in Equestria has a crush on Time.” “I just love the way he plays the Doctor, alright,” Twilight groaned. “But I don’t want to be thought of as some clingy fan girl.” “My dear, you might just be the perfect mare for him. Let’s find out,” Rarity smiled. “Because there he is now.” “What?! Where?” Twilight panicked, looking around in a hurry till she saw the joke of it. “Oh har har Rarity. Not funny.” “What’s not funny?” Time Turner asked as he came around the corner, startling both mares. “He really is here!” They both cried, before straightening up and trying again. “Hello Mr Turner. My friend here thinks the world of your program.” Rarity smiled as Twilight just stared wide eyed at her celebrity crush. “Oh goodie! I love fans!” Time smiled brightly. He took Twilight’s hoof and shook it gallantly. “Never get enough of the feeling myself, meeting somepony that you just love. It’s fantastic.” “I-I-I... You’re the Doctor!” Twilight broke down. “I love your representation of the Doctor, Mr Turner!” “Oh please, call me Time. Though you can call me the Doctor if you prefer Twilight.” “How did you know my name?” Twilight recoiled. “Oh, I’m a big fan of your work as well, Miss. Your theories on Antimatter manipulation are astounding,” Time smiled. “You read my dissertation?” Twilight beamed. “No pony ever wants to read those,” She finished with a glare at Rarity. “I’m still working on it dear,” Rarity offered. “I do need to be off now, train to grab, things to do,” Time said at last, grabbing Twilight’s hoof yet again. “Addio.” He said as he kissed Twilight’s hoof, making the mare blush, then stall. “That’s not right,” Twilight muttered. “Why do I taste-” Time began, but was cut off by Twilight kissing him on the lips. “This is... Rarity, kiss him.” “What?” Both asked of Twilight. “I can’t describe it, just kiss him,” Twilight ordered. Rarity shrugged and kissed Time on the cheek, her look instantly changing form nonplussed to confused as she did. “Is that...” “I would love to stay and chat, but I have no clue what you two are doing, and am afraid you unicorns are crazy,” Time interrupted, stomping off in a huff. “Try to be nice to the fans, and they start kissing you all over! Bloody hell, they’re worse than Jack...” “...Did you taste bananas also?” Twilight finally asked. “Yes, more over the banana daiquiri...” Rarity muttered. “You know what, I don’t even want to know...” Twilight muttered in defeat, shaking her head as she and Rarity wandered away to ruin another pony’s life. As the pair sat in Sugarcube corner, their argument was garnishing more attention than needed. Twilight argued that she did not want to end up with just some random pony. Rarity argued if it was fate, it would work. But she was relenting. “Okay Twilight You can find love your way.” “Thank you,” Twilight breathed in relief. “I just wish you would stop trying to set me up with some random pony is all. I don’t know them.” “Well what do you want me to do?” Rarity asked hotly again. “All the ponies you know are mares.” “Okay, you have a point,” Twilight groaned, letting her head hit the table. “What’s up gals?” Pinkie asked happily startling Rarity, though really after all these years the white mare should have been more used to it. Pinkie was still all smiles, even as she looked to Twilight groaning into the table. “Late on a friendship report again?” “Why do I keep getting asked that?” Twilight groaned. “And no, we’re in the middle of-” “Are you two playing a game?” Pinkie asked, looking between them eagerly. “Is it Truth or Dare? Oh I hope it’s Truth or Dare! Can I play? I choose Dare!” “You want a dare?” Rarity asked, taken aback. “Okay,” She smiled deviously. “Kiss Twilight-” Pinkie didn’t care to let Rarity finish as she darted forward and planted a kiss on Twilight’s lips as Twilight shot up to tell Rarity off. “-On the forehead...” Rarity finished lamely. “Yay! It’s all lemonadey too,” Pinkie smiled. “My turn. Pinkie, get Rarity,” Twilight ordered, and smiled as she watched the pink blur shoot over the table and tackled Rarity, trying desperately to kiss her now. Twilight smiled as the Cakes came over to see what the fuss was. “I’ll have a cappuccino, please,” Twilight calmly ordered with a smile. “Stop it Pinkie!” Rarity screamed. “But it’s a dare!” Pinkie retorted. “Maybe Fluttershy?” Rarity offered as they wandered around town, now told they are not allowed in Sugarcube corner for the next week. “Well, she is really shy, polite, kind. She could work for either of us,” Twilight reasoned. “If we were lesbian,” Rarity corrected. “Well, seeing as I have no choice but to try, I guess I have to be,” Twilight snorted. “You can always try your luck with a colt,” Rarity offered kindly. “No, I- Let’s just get this over with,” Twilight groaned. They crossed the bridge to Fluttershy’s, to be greeted by the sound of laughter? “Does Fluttershy have company?” Rarity asked, picking up her pace. Twilight knocked on the door, to now come face to face with an old... to use the term loosely, friend. “Why hello Twilight! And Miss Rarity too, what a pleasure.” Discord chuckled. “Discord!? Why are you here... and wearing a pair of boxers and a tie?” Rarity asked. “Game of chutes and ladders,” Discord shrugged. “But-” “You don’t want to know,” Discord interrupted. Fluttershy fell around the door, hanging onto the frame and laughing heartily. “Hey- Hey you. Hi.” She sang, her breath caked with alcohol. “You got her drunk!?” Both mares asked the spirit. “No, she got herself drunk,” Discord corrected. “I just came by for a spot of friendly fun... Alright, you got me, I came to get her drunk. This is just hilarious!” “Hey, hey Twilight,” Fluttershy slurred, falling into the mare, “You smell nice.” “Fluttershy, why did you let Discord get you drunk?” Twilight asked. “He asked,” Fluttershy hiccuped. “Fluttershy, I... nevermind,” Rarity surrendered. “You’re one of a kind my dear.” “Awe. Thanks,” Fluttershy smiled as she reached out and hugged Rarity, pulling her into Twilight as well. “You’re neat.” She giggled and kissed Rarity on the head, and then giggled again. “Oh lord,” Twilight groaned. “Twi,” Fluttershy said as she pulled Twilight down to kiss her on the chin. “You’re special too.” “My my my, little Fluttershy is learning so much,” Discord laughed, eating some popcorn. “Now kiss them again...” “Shut up Discord,” Twilight shot back. “I’m really getting sick of the taste of lemonade.” “Oh? That’s what I taste,” Fluttershy laughed. “Lemonade?” Discord asked, arching his brow. “Oh it’s nothing,” Rarity supplied. “And am I to guess you don’t want to tell poor old Discord?” “Well, it’s a long story...” Twilight offered. Discord only shrugged, as he leaned down and kissed both mares on the head to a relieving taste of lemonade for the two. “Oh, somepony revisited Destiny Kiss. Good for them,” Discord laughed. “I remember that spell. Helped me find the love of my life. Right before she turned me to stone...” “Ah- Ah- Oh my gosh!” Twilight finally managed. “You and the Princess!?” “No, the Queen,” Discord corrected. “As it happens, I get turned into stone a lot...” “I wonder why?” Rarity muttered under her breath. “Anyways, I think my mind will melt if I stay any longer,” Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy, are you gonna be alright here with... Him?” “Mmhmm. Discord is a good good friend. He even feeds the ani- ani- the cute things,” Fluttershy giggled. “Don’t worry about us now my dear. Fluttershy is in good hands. Take care now,” Discord smiled as he closed the door. “The spell cuts through all influences, remember?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity continued to stare at the closed door. “All too well darling. Fluttershy should have been sober the second she kissed us...” Rarity muttered. Twilight and Rarity sat around for a minute, but either Fluttershy passed out, or Discord sound proofed the house, thus leaving their quandary unfulfilled. Inside the house though, things were much different, as Fluttershy wiped her brow. “Oh thank goodness they bought that.” She grabbed her empty glass, and headed back to the kitchen. “I need another white griffon. Anyone else need anything?” “No, we’re all good in here,” Discord nodded, taking his seat again at the table of seven ponies and creatures, plus himself. “So, this hand aces low, six is wild. Buy in is still thirty bits, and right now Angel Bunny is in the lead.” “Come on Filly Fortune,” Filthy Rich sighed. “Baby needs a new pair of shoes.” “What about Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked Twilight as they sat around the park that evening, the dusk starting to give way to the cool night. Twilight had insisted on being here, and Rarity was not about to complain. It was a picture perfect night so far. But the longer it lasted, the more distant Twilight felt. “Really?” Twilight asked flatly. “Yeah, it was doomed from the start,” Rarity sighed. “Zecora?” Twilight offered. “Could you stand her constant rhyming?” Rarity asked. “Now that you mention it...” “That’s what I thought. Cheerilee?” “No. She tries too hard to fit in around me. It makes me self conscious,” Twilight blushed. “I understand my dear,” Rarity smiled. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “All of this stress. Pushing you to find somepony while I just sit back. Everything, I guess,” Rarity confessed. “Hey, you don’t need to do that,” Twilight muttered, wrapping her foreleg around the white unicorn. “I wanted to try this spell out too. And I’m happy so far.” “Oh?” “Yeah. I’ve gotten to spend two days with one amazing mare,” Twilight smiled. “Oh my, thank you Darling,” Rarity blushed. “You know, though none of this has turned out the way I had hoped, if nothing changes, I just wanted to-” “Surprise!” Pinkie shouted from behind the bench, leaping over and kissing Rarity on the lips like she had Twilight. “Yay, more lemonade! Rarity, it’s your turn now! Truth or Dare?” “Pinkie! We were in the middle of something!” Twilight snapped at the oblivious party machine. “No, it’s alright. I should have guessed something like that would happen,” Rarity growled at no pony in particular. “Sorry, hello Pinkie. I choose Truth.” “Oh boy,” Pinkie smiled. “Okay, is there anypony you have a crush on?” “A crush?” Rarity asked with a chuckle. “Not so much. But I am learning to respect somepony more than I ever thought I could. Maybe this is love, maybe it’s not. But it’s what I have right now, and I’m fine with that.” “Rarity?” Twilight asked, and thus silenced Pinkie. “Are you saying...” “I’m not saying anything darling,” Rarity said with a soft smile. “Sometimes, nothing speaks volumes.” “Yeah, yeah it does,” Twilight smiled, then frowned. “Rarity, I have to come clean.” “Me too.” “Me three,” Pinkie interjected, raising her hoof into the air. “I know what’s going on here.” “You do?” Both mares asked the party machine. “Yeah. It’s pretty obvious. I was just trying to pretend it was something different,” Pinkie nodded. “I had a Pinkie Sense a few days ago that life was going to change drastically around here. And I think this is it. You two need some alone time,” Pinkie smiled. “I’ll see you girls later, okay?” “Pinkie, I- Okay,” Twilight smiled. Sometimes, the loud mare was the deepest of them all, and it was so easy to forget that too. Pinkie trotted away with a smile, leaving Rarity and Twilight alone. “She planned that,” Rarity finally said with a nod. “Hmph. Clever girl. So, what were you going to say my dear?” “Huh? Oh, right. Rarity, I did something today,” Twilight began, and looked down to her hooves. Rarity was shocked, the conversation not going the way she had thought it would. But Twilight pressed on. “Something I regret. I- I wrote to Fancypants.” “Oh? Well, he is a good friend Twilight. I’m sure he would love a letter from you,” Rarity dismissed. “Not like that,” Twilight muttered. “I asked him to come to Ponyville tonight. To meet you here.” “Why would you do that Twilight?” Rarity asked, her fear building up. What is going on here? Did I miss something? I thought she was not trying on purpose. But then she... “I told him you had feelings for him,” Twilight cringed. “And wanted a date.” “Twilight,” Rarity gasped. “I’m sorry,” Twilight cried. “I just want you to be happy. And Fancypants is the colt to do that for you.” “Twilight, you’re wrong. I don’t need anypony to make a life for me!” “No, you don’t need that, but you deserve somepony you can actually love.” “Are you saying I could never come to love you Twilight?” Rarity asked in a hushed tone. “Are you saying you’re not good enough for my love?” “Yes.” Twilight stated for a matter of fact. “He’s here,” Twilight shuddered as she looked up to see the colt in question just entering the clearing of the park. Twilight wanted to cry, to tell Fancypants off, to do something! So she did something. She stood, and looked at Rarity, tears in her eyes. “Go get your perfect future Rarity,” The lavender mare smiled, and cried. She didn’t let Rarity get a word out, as she turned, and bolted from the park, never once looking back. “My word, was that Lady Twilight?” Fancypants asked as he made his way to Rarity. “I wonder what has gotten into that mare?” “Love,” Rarity whispered, and watched her friend continue to run away. She wanted to get up, give chase, but alas, she was too stunned by her friends selfishness to think clearly, and she made a mistake. > 20/ 20/ 21 Hours to Go! I Wanna Be Sedated! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: 20/ 20/ 21 Hours to Go! I Wanna Be Sedated! “Miss Rarity,” Fancypants asked as he laid out the blanket for a star lit picnic, “Your meal, awaits.” “I- Thank you sir,” Rarity mumbled, taking her seat on the cloth. “Are you alright my dear?” “No. I’m afraid my friend is developing feelings for- for somepony she really should not. Somepony that could never treat them like they deserve to be treated,” Rarity confessed, believing her actions tonight showed she didn’t deserve the lavender mare. She just let Twilight run away. How could anypony in love do such a thing? “Ah. Am I to guess this is Lady Twilight?” Rarity nodded to affirm the notion, “Then if she always seeks you out, she will be just fine.” “I’m not so sure though,” Rarity said, looking away from the colt. “My dear, you doubt yourself. You are her rock. I’ve seen the way you two act with each other. You two are the best of friends I have ever seen.” “I- Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled. “Fancy, do you believe in destiny?” “Not in the slightest,” Fancypants nodded. “I believe each pony makes their own. It is always a choice, never a path.” “Always... a choice...” Rarity repeated softly, then looked to see the drinks Fancypants was preparing. A tall glass of lemonade stood on Rarity’s right, and on her left... “Is that... strawberry wine?” Rarity asked. “Yes. I found a local vineyard here in your lovely town, and popped in for a bottle to go with dinner. Is there a problem?” Fancypants asked, taking note of Rarity. “Strawberries... or Lemonade,” Rarity muttered to herself. “Choose your own way, hmm? I think it’s time I did just that.” Rarity smiled, picking up a glass, and holding it up for a toast. “To the power of choice, darling.” Twilight had no words when she got home, she had nothing left. Everything in her heart was let out on the way here. She was heartbroken, but happy at the same time. She was letting go of who she wanted right now, to make them happy. It was odd, but Twilight felt right. As long as Rarity was happy, she would be happy. Twilight made it all the way up stairs before her exhaustion washed over her, and let the poor mare slip into a deep sleep like none she had felt before. Tonight would be a dreamless night. “Ugh,” Twilight groaned as the morning sun washed in and flooded her room. “My teacher, the alarm clock.” “Morning Twilight,” Spike greeted from the foot of her bed. “Sleep well? You just passed out last night.” “Yeah, I slept fine,” Twilight yawned as she stretched. “Why are you awake?” “Cause it’s 11:45.” “What?” Twilight snapped, dashing over to her clock. “Spike, why did you let me sleep for 14 hours?” “I tried to wake you up at 7, but you wouldn’t budge.” Spike noted. “I know a thing or two about sleeping in, so I figured you could use a little more time.” “But, the library...” Twilight protested. “No pony stopped by,” Spike shrugged. “It’s a work day Twilight, so you’re good.” “Great, I don’t know what I should be angry at now. Me for sleeping in, or a whole town that thinks they can go a whole day without reading.” “So what’s on your agenda for today Twilight? Still playing with that spell Cadence cast on ya?” Spike asked as he followed Twilight downstairs. “No Spike, I think I’m done with that spell,” Twilight said gingerly as she opened the cupboard. “I think I’ll just try my old way.” “Uh-huh, so nothing?” Spike corrected. “Shut it reptile,” Twilight playfully joked. “I have a loaf of bread here and am not afraid to use it.” “If you’re gonna use it, could I recommend a couple of sandwiches?” Spike implored. “It may be your breakfast, but it’s time for my lunch.” “Sure thing Spike,” Twilight laughed. The pair ate happily, and got about work in the library as if it was just another day. But certain things kept playing at Twilight’s mind. She had questions, and more correctly, she had regrets. Twilight was cut off by a knock at the door, followed closely by two of her friends, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “Sup Twilight.” They greeted in unison. “Hey girls, what can I help you with?” Twilight asked, looking between them and their odd smiles toward her. “Well, a certain mail mare dropped these off for ya today,” Rainbow smiled as she pushed forward some random mail, along with the box Twilight knew to contain something very important, and straight from Canterlot. “The elements?” Twilight questioned, throwing open the box and checking for a letter as to why she had them now. “Awe yeah. Epic adventure time!” Rainbow cheered, pumping her hoof in the air. “It’s always loads of fun to get to use these bad boys,” Pinkie smiled, grabbing hers and throwing it on. “No,” Twilight protested, reading the elusive letter, “The Princess wants me to watch over them is all. She believes with our ties to them, we should have ready access in case we need them that much sooner.” “So, no epic monster smashing adventure?” Rainbow pouted. “Nope, just a change in holding place is all,” Twilight smiled. “Oh, okay. Can we each keep our own?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “I like to use mine to heat up pastries. Watch,” Pinkie cried as she made her element spark, then throw out a large beam of hot blue magic. “What?! How did you? When did you? No, if you’re going to treat it like a toy then you can’t keep the elements,” Twilight protested, taking back the artifact from the now sad pink maned pony. “I’ll keep them here. I can be trusted to not misuse them, I think.” “Okay,” Pinkie sniffled, and Twilight sighed in defeat. “Alright Pinkie, one more,” Twilight smiled. “Yay!” Pinkie cried as she put the element back on, and let the hot blue magic loose again. Twilight was never happier that she had fire proofed the books now. Though really that should have been her first step years ago. After all, her number one assistant is a fire breathing dragon. Twilight smiled as she glanced through the remaining letters, and found the one she had not been expecting, a reply from Cadence already. Twilight dropped everything as she ripped open the letter, her breath catching in her chest. Had she been right all along, or was she being had? Dearest Twilight, I’m happy to hear the spell works. In all honesty, I knew it had, because you two are so easy to read. Remember, the spell cuts through all influences, so I knew you weren't drunk after that kiss- Twilight snorted in anger. She had been known all along after all- But yes, you’re right as well. There is no such thing as destiny. The spell reacts to one whom you are willing to open your heart too. One you could love, or one you already do. A friend would not be strawberries because there are things you do not share with a mere friend. But one whom you are willing to give yourself too completely, they are one you could learn to love. They would be your soulmate. While it’s true that is just a word, it’s the weight the pony gives it that has value. And I know deep down you and Rarity’s worth in each other is more worthy than it’s weight in gold, purer than the skies of Cloudsdale, and rarer than a fire ruby. Between you two, I see the potential for true love. Though you two coming together was not my plan, I am now filled with glee and joy for you Twilight. Your’s in keeping, Princess Mi Amora Cadenza. P.S. Shiny says bad Twily for drinking so much. He’s threatening to move there to make sure you don’t do it again... Sorry for telling him. Bye! A letter was all Twilight needed. Her sister’s words steeled her, and so with her two friends in tow, Twilight was ready to see Rarity. To see if she had been wrong last night. She trotted happily down the lane, right past the boutique, picked up speed, and ran crying into the thickest part of Whitetail Woods, with Rainbow and Pinkie close behind. “Twi, what’s wrong?” Pinkie asked as Twilight finally came to a stop, crying and gasping hard. “I can’t do it,” Twilight sobbed. “I- I think- I think I love her! And now I’ve gone and screwed it all up!” “Who?” Rainbow asked. “Rarity. It’s a long story,” Pinkie supplied. “Are you okay? I thought you two were so close last night to saying it to each other.” “No, I was. But I decided to let go. She deserves better than me,” Twilight cried, burying her head in her hooves. “Wow, I’m so sorry, Twilight,” Pinkie sniffed, and began to cry as she hugged the librarian. “Oh geez,” Rainbow scoffed. “So you started to fall for her, but then decided to do what you thought was right. Good job Twi, but now you need to stop.” “What?” Twilight asked in a rare mix of hurt and angered. “You let her go, but now you wish you hadn't, right? Well, if she’s happy right now, you made the right call. If not, you hurt her more by this, and need to go apologize,” Rainbow explained. “Wow, thank you Rainbow. I-” Twilight began. “Cool it,” Rainbow dismissed, then smiled. “Hey wait, this means I know more about something than Twilight!” “Oh knock it off,” Twilight muttered happily. “But seriously, thanks. If Rarity is happy now, then I can be happy for her.” “Yay, good for you Twilight,” Pinkie smiled. The pair helped Twilight get up, and get ready to face her friend again. This time, nothing stopped Twilight as she marched straight up to the door, and knocked away. Nothing in Equestria could stop her, so she knocked again. And again. And again... “Twilight, I don’t think she’s home...” Rainbow finally said. “But where could she be?” Twilight muttered to herself. “Maybe she stayed with Fancypants last night. They are old friends after all,” Pinkie supplied. “Hmm, well, if they had anything to drink... Oh who am I kidding, it’s them. They’re probably still sleeping it off at the Inn. Come on girls,” Twilight said as she lead the way to The Stable Inn to see if Rarity had crashed out with Fancypants. And once at the Inn, they were delighted to hear that Fancypants was staying there, though less so that he was trying to work off a massive hangover from the sounds of things. “Hello girls,” Fancypants greeted as he opened the door. “So... so good to see you.” “Are you alright Fancypants?” Twilight asked gently. “I’m afraid I had a bit much to drink last night after my date,” Fancypants sighed. “After?” The three mares asked. “Yes my friends, after. Miss Rarity said she valued my friendship too much to ever risk it on a romantic excursion.” The colt snarled. “I’m afraid your thoughts of her and I were a bit ahead of themselves, Lady Sparkle.” “Sorry... So you and Rarity...” Twilight processed. “Where is she now then?” “I haven’t the slightest clue. After that fiasco, I went to a friends for a sporting game of cards, and proceeded to loss 500 bits and my self control,” Fancypants groaned. “Damn that Bunny.” “What are you- No, I’m smarter than this,” Twilight breathed to calm herself, “So is there anyway we could help you right now?” “Unless you know how to make pounding headaches go away,” Fancypants smiled. “Drink water. You’re hurting right now because of dehydration,” Pinkie supplied. When her friends turned their eyes on her, she blushed. “What? I am the party mare of Equestria.” “She has a point,” Twilight conceded. “Well, thank you Fancypants. I hope you feel better soon.” As the three mares walked away, the questions began to mount for one brainy mare. Where was Rarity? Why had she declined Fancypants? What the hay did he mean by ‘Damn that Bunny?’ “So I was thinking,” Dash finally said to interrupt Twilight’s train of thought. “Maybe Rarity went over to your place while you were in Whitetail Woods.” “I hadn’t thought of that,” Twilight smiled. “Come on girls.” “Actually, it’ll just be you and Dashie. I have to get back to work Twilight,” Pinkie offered with a smile and hug. “Hope everything turns out for the best.” “Thanks. And thank you for not hounding me with ‘Can I throw you two a party?’ questions.” “Oh please, why do you think I’m heading home,” Pinkie scoffed. “Of course. Thank you Pinkie,” Twilight smiled as she and Rainbow Dash took off for her home, desperate to find the mare of Twilight’s dreams. “Spike!” Twilight called out as she burst into the library, “Spike, is Rarity here?” “No, I haven’t seen her all day. Why?” The small dragon replied, a touch confused. “I just need to find her,” Twilight panted. But a hoof on her shoulder gave her pause, as she looked to the multi colored mare. “Twilight, does he know?” “I- no, no he doesn’t. You’re right Rainbow,” Twilight sighed, “Spike, come here please. There is something I need to tell you.” “I’ll leave you two to this,” Rainbow nodded solemnly. “Hey, how are you so smart at relationships?” Twilight asked before Dash stepped out. “I’ve been picking up the pieces from my brothers relationships for years now,” Dash laughed. “You have a brother?” Twilight and Spike asked. “Brothers. I have 3,” Dash smiled. “Two live in cloudsdale, the third is in prison. Man, that was a fun night,” Rainbow smiled as she walked out, leaving behind her two very confused friends. “I don’t wanna know,” Spike finally muttered. “I feel I’ve been saying that a lot lately,” Twilight nodded. “But Spike, there is something I need to talk to you about.” “Oh, what is it Twi?” “I accidentally kissed Rarity the other night, while under this spell, and I got a positive,” Twilight forced herself to say. She expected a harsh outcome, a questioning of some sort, but it never came. Twilight opened her eyes to look at a rather passive dragon, who only shrugged. “Okay. So?” “So? Spike, I know you just had a huge crush on her, and maybe still carry the embers of that flame, so I wanted to make sure that my actions would not hurt you.” Twilight explained. “Twilight, while I did love Rarity greatly, the key word is did. I’ve moved on,” Spike shrugged. “Now I like Sapphire Shores! She’s Sensational!” “Spike, never say that word again,” Twilight ordered. “Aww.” “But you would have no problems if I started dating Rarity?” “Why would I? She left me feeling pretty good about where we stand. And if you two make each other happy, it’s all good. I can be a grown up about this,” Spike smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do.” “Thank you Spike. Is there anything my big grown up dragon would like?” Twilight asked sweetly, smiling at her amazing little friend. “A new blanky would be nice,” Spike nodded. “... Wait, no, I mean quilt. Only babies use blankies.” “One new ‘quilt’ it is then. I love you, Spike,” Twilight giggled as she hugged the dragon and made her way out into town to find Rarity. Twilight felt every inch of her search in her poor aching hooves now, but she was determined to find Rarity, if it was the last thing she did. She searched everywhere she could think of. The town hall, the fabric store, even the sofa and quill store, which was happy to offload 50 new quills on Twilight somehow. “Maybe, no,” Twilight argued, thinking back to everything Rarity had said to her lately about where she might be. Twilight stopped at the town dentists office, thinking she heard Rarity mention a check up here soon. It was a long shot, but Twilight was getting desperate. “Hey Twilight,” The local dentist Colgate smiled, “What can I help you with?” “I was looking for Rarity actually, have you seen her?” Twilight blurted out, then blushed. “If, if you can talk about that, I mean.” “No, I haven’t seen her here today, though she does have an appointment tomorrow,” Colgate nodded, making Twilight slap her face. One day off. One day! “But if you’re going to see her, could you run her this appointment card?” “Sure,” Twilight smiled, and made the poor Colgate gasp. “Holy hoof grenade! Look at that,” Colgate squealed. “What? What’s wrong with my teeth?” “Not a damned thing. Look at those bicuspids. And those incisors! Your teeth are perfect Twilight!” “Really?” Twilight blushed. “Thanks. I don’t do anything special...” “Can I get a mold of them?” Colgate squealed. “To make a model for the dentistry school?” “Um...” Twilight paused. One the one hoof, time was of the essence. On the other, it was to help teach and educate, and how could Twilight refuse that, no matter the topic. “Oh okay. But please make it quick.” “You got it Twilight,” Colgate smiled as she lead Twilight back and set her in the chair. No pony could ever be said to be happy about sitting in a dentist chair, but this somehow felt different. Like something bad was about to happen. Twilight’s fears of that came true when the tell tale sounds of Colgate’s Omnidrill fired up behind her. Twilight screamed as she magically whisked herself away, leaving behind a laughing pony and her assistant. “Oh Sweet Luna, that never gets old!” Colgate laughed heartily. “Oh goddess, I’m a horrible pony.” “I almost thought you wouldn’t get her in the damned chair,” Nurse Sweetheart laughed. “Oh goodness, that one was priceless!” “Holy hay,” Twilight gasped, leaning against the mailbox to catch her breath. “This whole town is crazy!” “Hey Twilight, what’s up?” A familiar voice greeted from next to her. Twilight looked up to see Miss Derpy Hooves standing there with a concerned smile. “Bad dentist visit,” Twilight said. “Bad- Nevermind,” Derpy shook it off, “I was afraid you were late on another Friendship report.” “Why does everypony keep saying that,” Twilight groaned. “Twilight, none of us can forget that,” Derpy nodded. “So what’s up, cause you are not looking your normal self here.” “I’ve been running all over town looking for Rarity,” Twilight chuckled. “It’s like fate doesn’t want me too-” “Oh Rarity, she’s at her folks place right now,” Derpy smiled. “What?!” Twilight demanded. “Yeah, she was just getting there as I was continuing on my rounds,” Derpy explained. Twilight looked at the sky, afraid that soon the spell would be up. With everything that had happened between her and Rarity now, everything might be different. But Twilight still had to give it a try. She just had to. With thanks to the mail mare, Twilight was dashing off again like her courageous friend, renewed in her resolve to find her love. “Rarity,” Twilight yelled as she pounded on the door of the windmill, hoping she was still here. It was barely dusk now, but Twilight feared she was too close for comfort. There was no answer, no movement inside. Twilight’s heart sank, as she feared that once more, she was too late. “Well hey there Twilight,” The folksy tone of Magnum called out from the side of the home. “What’s up hun?” “Oh, hello Mr Grace,” Twilight smiled. “I was told Rarity was here?” “Oh yeah, she’s out back,” Magnum chuckled. “Come on, we’re having a cookout.” “Thank you,” Twilight sighed in relief, letting the homeowner lead her out back. Her heart soared when at last, after the longest day of Twilight’s life, she laid eyes on the white mare that had been circling her mind. “Hey Rarity...” “Oh hello darling, what are you doing here?” Rarity asked, laughing as she and Sweetie made the punch. “Oh, just needed to talk with you, I guess,” Twilight smiled, though inside she was freaking out. She walked proudly over to the white mare, and put to use, for the only time, the technique she and Rarity had made yesterday. Twilight was on the return of her kiss, and just letting it brush that white fur, when she noticed a hoof on her head, holding her there, and making her give the cheek a real kiss, not just a brush. Twilight started to pull back when the white mare pulled her back, meeting her lips for a short but poignant kiss. “I was wondering when you would come around,” Rarity chuckled as she let Twilight go. “You- You like me too?” Twilight stammered. “But, but-” “All of our work to see otherwise? I think we were a tad-” “The spell wore off,” Twilight finished. “I didn’t taste anything...” “Oh. Well, I know what I would have tasted,” Rarity smiled. “I’m making it my choice, not my path.” “Wow,” Rarity’s mom, Pearl began to chuckle. “I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said she had feeling for her friend, huh baby?” “Nope. I think these two will be just fine.” Magnum smiled. “So Rarity, where were you all day?” Twilight asked, ignoring the imploring parents. “I was having trouble deciding how I felt about everything, so I went to Applejack’s,” Rarity explained. “Applejack’s! Oh horsefeathers, I forgot to check Applejack’s,” Twilight groaned as she brought her hoof to her face. “Oh darling,” Rarity chuckled. “No offence, but that’s why I went there. No pony would bother me, and I could sort this out. And decide I liked you too.” “Rarity, I-” Twilight began, but was silenced by a white hoof. “I like you. Don’t ruin it by apologizing for your blunder last night,” Rarity ordered. “Okay then,” Twilight smiled. “Then I would like to ask you out on a date.” “No,” Rarity said with a small amount of flair. “You are the actual lady of the two of us. Let me ask you.” “No fair,” Twilight laughed. “Okay, you may take me on a date.” “Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled. “So wait, you two are dating now?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking between them very confused. “Well, yeah, I guess...” Twilight smiled nervously. “Why didn’t I ever think of that!” Sweetie cried, making everypony take a step back. “That would so increase the number of ponies we could have set Cheerilee up with.” “Sweetie, we talked about this,” Magnum snorted. “I’m not doing anything,” Sweetie retorted. “I was-” “You were doing nothing of the sort,” Pearl interrupted. “I swear, when this one gets a thought in her head...” So Twilight and Rarity, along with the Grace family, enjoyed the night, and afterwards, two mares made plans for a first date, as odd as it was for them. When the two mares reached the town library, they were in for quite the shock. Namely, all of their friends sitting there with smiles, ready to greet them. “Alright Twilight!” Rainbow shouted, pumping her hoof in the air, making the poor mares blush. “Way ta go Rares,” Applejack smiled. “After ya left the farm today, Ah figured Ah’d round up the gals, wish ya well.” “You mean kick my flank if I backed down,” Rarity sassed at the work pony. “Same thing.” “Well, thank you darling,” Rarity smiled. “So are you two in love now?” Fluttershy asked, making them blush all over again. “No, I wouldn’t say that,” Rarity chuckled nervously. “We’re just testing the waters,” Twilight smiled. “But yes, we are going on a date tomorrow.” “Alright!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing into the air. “I’m soooo happy for you two!” “Thank you darling. Hello Spike,” Rarity smiled. “I wanted to know how you feel about all-” “I’m glad for ya,” Spike interrupted, holding up his claw. “But there a few thing I need to make clear. No keeping Twilight out past her bedtime, no more drinking as much as you did the other night, no hanky panky with me in the room, and no more love spells.” “My, what grown up requests,” Rarity laughed. “And I am more than happy to agree to the latter most of them.” “Thanks. But seriously, congrats Rarity. And you too Twi. It’s about time you were happy,” Spike smiled, then yawned. “Speaking of bedtime...” “Come on Spike,” Twilight chuckled, leading her friend to his bed. “And I promise, I’ll be on my best behavior.” After the others were seen off, and many more thank yous and congratulations said, four mares met in the Sugarcube Corner, ready to cut to business. “Ah don’t wanna see this end badly for those gals now,” Applejack sighed starting things off. “Me either. I wish we could help them,” Fluttershy nodded. “Well, why don’t we then?” Pinkie shrugged. “Tomorrow, let’s make sure their date goes off without a hitch.” “How?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Leave that to your Aunt Pinkie, Dashie.” “Pinkie, I’m older than you too,” Rainbow corrected. > Dating was Never Meant to be an Olympic Sport! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Dating was Never Meant to be an Olympic Sport! “Hello darling,” A simply accessorized Rarity greeted her date. She had fought off the urge to wear anything fancy or elegant, and instead chose a necklace Twilight had gotten her for her birthday a year ago and a very nice hat. “Hey Rarity,” Twilight smiled. “How was the dentist?” With a shudder not lost on Twilight, Rarity faked composer. “It was fantastic.” “She pulled out the drill, huh?” “I nearly wet myself when I saw that thing,” Rarity admitted with a laugh. The pair stepped out, leaving the small dragon in charge of the Library for the afternoon. They happily walked along, heading to their favorite cafe in town, enjoying the beautiful weather. “Rainbow Dash did a great job clearing the skies this morning,” Twilight smiled. “She thinks she’s helping our little date.” Rarity smiled. “Five bits says they all try to secretly help us,” Twilight whispered. “Oh please. You know they will. That’s no bet,” Rarity giggled. They walked together in blissful silence a while longer, taking time to stop here and there, smell the flowers, irritate any ponies following them. “Grr, speed up already,” Rainbow snarled in the bush as she hid with Fluttershy, who was wishing right now that they had gotten to choose who they did this part with. “Give them time,” She argued with her athletic friend. “This is an important part of the date.” “They’re taking too long,” Rainbow snapped back. “Don’t they know how much I’m sacrificing here? I could be practicing right now!” “Well you’ll just have to wait another day to break your wing again,” Fluttershy muttered. “What was that?” “Nothing.” The pair of unicorns finally stopped stalling, and continued on their way, now taking a detour into the busy market district. Rainbow Dash was ready to pull out her mane from boredom, while Fluttershy began to worry needlessly. “What if they spot us? There’s nowhere to hide in the market!” “Um, Shy. We have wings...” “Oh, hehe, right...” “Besides,” Rainbow smiled. “They’re gonna walk right past AJ’s stall. We’re set.” But down on the streets it was a different story as the two unicorns ducked and turned, enjoying their little game. “Darling, do you think we lost them yet?” Rarity asked as they twisted and turned with the crowd. “Yeah, Let’s cut through the alley,” Twilight smiled, enjoying the game of cat and mouse with her friends. As they did this, two pegasi landed behind the farmer’s stall, and quietly got her attention. “What are y’all doin here!?” Applejack snorted at them. “We couldn’t follow them anymore,” Fluttershy hesitantly offered. “Well they ain’t in the market anymore. Ah thought Ah was supposed to meet Pinkie at the cafe? What’s goin on?” “Those two horn heads are being all lovey dovey,” Rainbow wretched. “Smelling flowers, and window shopping.” “What the... Oh darn it,” Applejack swore. “They made ya.” “What?” The two fliers asked. “They spotted ya,” Applejack sighed. “Oh no. It was all my fault. That bush was much too small,” Fluttershy squeaked. “It’s alright sugarcube. Just get back on em. Those two left alone will be getting hit on by every colt in town,” Applejack pressed. “We’re on it!” Rainbow saluted. “We are?!” “Come on Shy!” “Where in the heck are they?” Applejack snorted as they sat at the large mushroom tables of the cafe. “They took the shortcut. They should be here.” “Are we in the wrong place maybe?” Fluttershy panicked. “Not likely. Twi loves this cafe.” Rainbow dismissed. “Maybe they stopped for ice cream?” Pinkie shrugged. “Why would they get ice cream? They’re going to lunch!” Dash shot back. “Well, maybe we should go check the ice cream parlor to be sure,” Pinkie retaliated. “... Y’all just want ice cream, don’t ya?” “Great idea Applejack! Let’s go get some!” “Shush, there they are.” Applejack said before they lost all hope of containing the pink party machine. The four all had wigs and glasses, hoping to hide their identities from the pair. Twilight appeared to be looking their way, making Fluttershy panic. “She knows.” “Shush!” Rarity and Twilight didn’t say anything though as they took their seats, enjoying the warm sun and talking rapidly, they way they tended to. To the outsider, it looked like just two friends having a good lunch. Till they kissed. “Damn it!” Applejack snapped as she bolted over to avert some prying eyes. A glance back at the pair found them delving deeper into the kiss, drawing the comments of all around, and even some ponies on the street. What the Everfree Forest are they doin?! “Okay, stop it!” Rainbow cried at a pair of colts that decided to try and take a picture. “Move it bub!” “Girls, be quiet!” Fluttershy hissed at the two rather impulsive mares as Pinkie sighed and shook her head. “I knew I should have brought my party cannon...” “Twilight,” Rarity asked as they broke the kiss, “Do you think they got the message yet?” “Let’s see,” Twilight smiled. She looked back to the orange and cyan mares threatening to fight literally everypony there if they continued to look. “Nope.” “Oh, let’s give them a break. Rainbow Darling!” Rarity called out to the prismatic mare. “We appreciate the gesture, but we’re just fine here. Why don’t you four go along now.” “How long have you known?” “The whole time,” Twilight smiled. “You all are so easy to read sometimes.” With a sigh, Rainbow nodded and admitted defeat. “Alright. Come on girls.” “Right behind ya RD.” “Later girls, have a good date,” Pinkie smiled as she left. “Hey Dashie? Now can we get ice cream?” “Sure...” Dash sighed. “Yay!” Fluttershy squeaked, smiling like a foal. Whether it was from the ice cream to come or not having to play spy anymore was unclear, though neither unicorn cared that much right now. “Well darling. Our first date, and every pony in town now knows we’re together,” Rarity giggled. “Yep. We’re doing pretty good,” Twilight smiled. “Oh darling. We’re doing fantastic.” The days came and went, seeing many more happy dates for Twilight and Rarity. They enjoyed picnics by the lake, shopping trips around town, and even a trip to see Rarity’s dad’s team retire his old Hoofball jersey in Canterlot, and induct him to the hall of fame. It was an amazing time. So tonight's date of a fashion show that Rarity was a part of was really special. “Oh wow,” Twilight gasped, looking around the back stage. “Rarity, your dresses look amazing.” “Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled as she leaned over and kissed Twilight on the cheek. “So when are you on?” Twilight asked, looking around. “And could somepony please get these mares a sandwich?” “Oh hush,” Rarity giggled. “You’ll scare them off. The very thought of eating makes them sick.” “I can tell,” Twilight giggled. “You- You think I look good, don’t you?” “Oh darling, of course,” Rarity dismissed. “I hate the bare bones look.” “But I’m... you know...” “Beautiful? Smart? A wonderful mare that makes me very happy?” “A little plump,” Twilight pouted. “Oh darling,” Rarity laughed. “I like it. Makes you really warm to cuddle with.” “Rarity!” Twilight snorted. “You’re gonna make me laugh.” “Oh, a challenge,” Rarity smiled. “Oh don’t you dare,” Twilight chuckled. “I would like to not get the evil eye on at least one date.” “Go take your seat darling,” Rarity ordered with a giggle. “And remember, smile!” “Don’t!” Twilight headed out to the stage, and found her seat. She realized as soon as she sat down that she had failed her goal, as every fancy pony there began to stare at the naked mare. “And who are you?” One mare next to Twilight asked in a haughty voice. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you,” Twilight smiled, holding out her hoof. “Miss Twilight Sparkle, we do-” The snooty mare began, til Twilight interrupted. “It’s Lady Twilight Sparkle actually,” She said with her smile intact. “Personal protege of Princess Celestia and heroine of Equestria, twice.” “You- You’re- Oh my word,” The mare giggled awkwardly, “I had no idea.” “I’m sorry,” Twilight offered. “I don’t normally brag like that. I’m just here to enjoy the fashions. I hear Miss Rarity’s works are absolutely stellar tonight.” “Really?” The mare once again smiled, the smile of one who has already put their hoof in their mouth and are now trying to make up for it. “I’m sure her designs are to be the very best here.” “Mmhmm.” The show was quickly underway, and word spread through the crowd like wildfire that a royal mare was in attendance tonight. Shortly, and unbeknownst to Twilight, the crowd made a definite shift. They agreed with everything she liked, and hated everything she seemed passive about. Due to this, Rarity swept the show, and it seemed her designs would be the talk of Canterlot for months now, making the mare ecstatic. That was, till she went on stage to thank them all for the affection. “And who is this pony?” One stallion scoffed as Rarity trotted out. She was not dressed fancy, but instead functional as to better aid with quick wardrobe changes and last minute alterations backstage. She could feel the crowd slipping, but telling them who she was would clear that up in- “Yay!” Twilight giggled and clapped, and soon everypony noticeably stumbled to change from a mocking tone to a tone of congratulations, and some began to talk loudly about how stylish she looked, and this was sure to be a hit in Canterlot. “Oh no,” Rarity groaned, putting her hoof to her head. She smiled at Twilight to calm the mare, and then addressed the crowd. “Fillies and gentlecolts, thank you very much for the praise you have shown this evening for my designs. It means the world to me. I wish I had possessed the time to change into something a little more fashionable, but alas, I just had to say Thank you, and did not want to distract from my wonderful models already beautiful performance.” “My word, you alone designed all of those glorious works of clothing art?” One pony asked. “Haha, yes good sir, I did.” Rarity smiled. “Oh Lady Sparkle, may I see you backstage?” Twilight knew she was in trouble as she trotted back there, to find she was now surrounded by three angry designers, many more agitated models, and one noticeably irate date. “Why did you not like my designs?” One designer asked, thinking this was a free for all. “Not now Flash,” Rarity dismissed. “It’s my turn first.” “Wha-” “Twilight,” Rarity sighed, shaking her head, “You just had to tell them you were royalty, didn’t you?” “How did you-” “They followed your lead all night. That’s about the only thing I can think of that would make those sheep follow like that,” Rarity snorted, but thankfully her rage was not at Twilight after all. “Wait, she’s roy-” The same designer started again. “Shut up Flash,” Rarity snapped. “I’ve had it with the mindless for one night.” “Sorry Rarity. They insulted me, so I just told them the truth...” Twilight pouted, shrinking down a tad. “It’s alright dear. But now no designer will take me seriously for about a month,” Rarity dismissed. “Oh well.” “What does that mean for your business?” Twilight asked. “Business as usual. No large orders for now,” Rarity shrugged, and made Twilight smile. “What is it darling?” “No large orders means more free time,” Twilight giggled. “Oh,” Rarity smiled. “How true. But if you ever do this again on purpose, I’ll be angry with you for a week.” “No,” Twilight pouted, and instantly Rarity wished she hadn’t taught her that move. “Fine. I’ll just make you buy dinner afterwards.” Twilight continued to pout. “Okay fine! But you will owe me dessert!” “Deal,” Twilight smiled. “How about we go get some now?” Another week, another date, this time to the Ponyville wax museum. Twilight was meeting Rarity there, and was excited to show her around the place. “Oh, look here,” Twilight giggled as she rushed in with the white mare. “It’s Gallupo Marx! Oh, I just love his movies.” “Really,” Rarity giggled, “I never would have guess dear. We need to do a movie night then. I have almost all of his works.” “Really? You like silent movies?” “I like some,” Rarity conceded. “Mostly the comedies. The dramatic films are too hard to follow with all the short choppy dialogue, ugh.” “Hey,” Twilight smiled as she took out her camera, “Strike a pose.” “Oh I would never do something so foalish,” Rarity mocked as she stood next to the statue and began to mime his signature pose with the cigar, the same pose as the statue actually. This continued with almost every statue, with either Twilight as the photographer, or Rarity, or Twilight’s magic holding the camera so they could both pose, which was quickly becoming their norm. “Oh, look, it’s that minotaur, Iron Will,” Twilight whispered. “Why are we whispering?” Rarity asked. “Cause I like when you lean in to whisper to me,” Twilight confessed. “Oh you.” The girls ran up to the statue, with it’s arms crossed over it’s chest, and began to stick their tongues out and float the camera into place. “Iron Will wants to know what exactly you two are doing,” The not so statue said, scaring both mares into falling backwards. “Holy cow he’s real!” They both shrieked. “Not cow! Iron Will is part oxen.” “What?” “What?” The minotaur repeated. “Iron Will digresses. What are you two doing, making faces at Iron Will? That hurts Iron Will’s feelings, you know.” “Yes, we’re so sorry about that,” Rarity began. “You were standing so still, we thought you were a statue as well...” “Iron Will figured that much, but why make the faces at him?” “Well,” Twilight fought to explain this. “You see... You’re really big and scary, and we thought it would look funny if we, you know...” “Well next time, think of how that makes somepony feel,” Iron Will huffed. “Iron Will doesn’t like being scary, Iron Will likes helping ponies!” “By turning them into enraged bullies,” Rarity retorted. “No pony makes fun of them after that,” Iron Will argued. “Well, technically it is a form of success...” “Not helping Twilight,” Rarity snorted. “So Iron Will, why are you here?” Twilight asked with a smile. “Weekly poker game,” Iron Will shrugged. His look made it clear that was the end of that line of discussion, so the mares said their peace, and headed into the hall of Equestrian Heroes. Twilight knew this area well, and acted as tour guide for her date. “Well, this one here is Victory. She helped repel the griffons in the year 136 CA,” Twilight explained from memory. “CA darling?” “Celestia Alone. It’s what historians are calling the time when Luna was Nightmare Moon.” “I can’t imagine something like that. Being immortal and all powerful, and yet unable to help the one you love the most...” Rarity sighed. “It must have been so hard for her.” “It was,” Twilight nodded, and continued around the corner to modern Heroes. “Hey, recognise this guy?” “Oh my,” Rarity giggled as she laid eyes on the waxen form of Spike. “He looks good in wax. Very slimming.” “And here we... Oh,” Twilight gasped as she came upon her favorite statue, the one of her and her friends, after the first time they used the elements. She didn’t love it for the vain reasons others would, but for what it meant to her. And now, some pony had defaced that meaning, scratching an crude ‘FF’ on her statue and Rarity’s. “Oh the nerve!” Rarity snorted. “I really thought Ponyville here was more accepting than that.” “Well,” Twilight smiled, “Let’s fix the statues. Make them a little more accurate.” “Oh?” Rarity asked as she saw Twilight mend the damage, then pick up the two statues and begin to mold their forms. Twilight placed them next to each other, in what was clearly a loving pose. “Oh darling,” Rarity giggled, “We can do better than that.” Rarity focused her own magic into the wax figures and turned them to be snout to snout, and did her best to make them smile. Twilight fixed that with a giggle, and after ten minutes of playing with their own wax figures, they were proud of the scene, even if it was a little more R rated than Twilight had initially planned. “Rarity, is it just me, or are those figures doing more than we actually do with each other?” Twilight finally asked. “Well, we had to play it up a bit for the crowd, no?” “Well, it looks like they’re having fun,” Twilight smiled. “Indeed.” Rarity giggled. “I think they look fabulous.” “I think they don’t look like we made them,” The angry curator yelled at them. “Out! Now!” “Twilight! Hello darling,” Rarity called out as she enter the library. “Are you ready for our date?” “Sup Rarity,” Spike whispered. “Keep it down please. Twi’s not feeling too well.” “Oh no,” Rarity frowned. “She caught that bug going around town?” “Yeah. Come on up,” Spike nodded as he moved over for the white mare, letting her up to see her ailing friend. “Oh you poor girl. How are you feeling?” “I’ve been better,” Twilight wheezed in an almost non existent voice. “I would think so. Is there anything I can get for you?” “I’m good. I have Spike here,” Twilight smiled. “He can’t catch pony illnesses after all.” “Hmm, that is a good point,” Rarity nodded as she pulled up a chair and sat next to Twilight. “Then again, some of us don’t care.” “Ra-” “No buts,” Rarity chided as she floated over a few books from Twilight’s shelves. “You look miserable, so I’m going to help you. Now, let’s see here...” “Thanks Rarity.” “Not a problem dear. Here we are, ‘The Princess’s Errand.’ I love this story myself.” Rarity smiled as she opened the book. “You just relax while I read.” “Hmm. I might just fall asleep on ya,” Twilight coughed and chuckled. “Feel free to darling. I’ll be here when you wake up if you fall asleep.” Rarity smiled. “Now: Only once does opportunity knock. Sometimes it is at your door, other times, your soul. The ones at your door were easy, they waited for you to show up. But those of the soul do not.” Rarity read while Twilight settled in, letting her warm blanket soothe her pain away. It did not take long for the lavender mare to fall asleep, but true to her word, the fashion icon was there when she woke up. It was a much better date than either had planned. “I had a lot of fun today Rarity,” Twilight smiled as she stood on her step after another of their wonderful dates. “So did I, Twilight. I’m glad I decided to give us a chance.” “Yeah... Rarity, I...” “Oh come on,” Rarity scoffed. “Say it.” “I-” “We both know you’re going to say the L word first, so just say it already,” Rarity persisted. “Why do I have to say it first?” Twilight sassed. “Because, you’re that type of pony,” Rarity smiled. “So just say it.” “Oh no. I’m not gonna break first. You say it.” “I have more willpower dear, so you should just say it now, save yourself the hassle.” “Miss Rarity, I never,” Twilight scoffed. “I’m going to win, and get you to say it first.” “Never going to happen darling,” Rarity chuckled as she kissed Twilight goodbye. Twilight turned around to head inside, but paused, scrunched up all of her muscles in an effort to stop the inevitable. “I love you Rarity!” Twilight cried. “I know!” Twilight smiled, and took a step before she caught on. “Hey!” “I love you too Twilight!” Rarity called back. The morning was beautiful, the sun was shining, and Twilight had a spring in her step. She was ready to see Rarity again. A visit to the beautiful mare would help take her mind off the disappointment of the spell book she received last night. Twilight was practically singing as she woke up, and pranced outside. “Everything is going to be.... Fine!” Twilight sang, dancing around town, and even on a table at the cafe, which she would have to explain later... “Cause everything is going to be-” A splash of cold water cut her off mid song, again. Everytime I start to sing! Damn it! “Really Rainbow Dash?” “Oh my, I’m so terribly sorry dear,” Rarity offered. “I’m having a bit of trouble with the thundery ones...” “Rarity?!” Twilight reeled, and one glance at her girlfriend told her the worst. Her cutie mark was swapped out for Rainbow’s. “Something tells me everything is not going to be fine!” Twilight rushed over to the white mare with the wrong mark, worry pumping through her. “Rarity, why are you doing Rainbow Dash’s job?” “Whatever do you mean Twilight? I’m only doing what I’ve done everyday since I got my cutie mark... Well not really,” Rarity admitted. “I thought I was a super fast pony, but I think not today. I ran as hard as I could this morning, but there was no sonic rainboom. All I heard was a pop, and I think that was my lungs...” “That’s... not good,” Twilight mulled the thought, then shook it off. “But why are you clearing the weather? Where is Rainbow Dash?” “Why whatever do you mean? She’s at her cottage by Whitetail woods like always dear,” Rarity supplied, with a very confused look about her. “I have to go see her,” Twilight said, fearing the worst, as she turned to leave thought, a white hoof grabbed her. “Yes Rarity?” “I’m not having a very good day so far, honey. Could I get a kiss to make it better?” Rarity pleaded. “Well, at least you remember the important things,” Twilight giggled as she kissed Rarity. “What do you mean by that?” “Nothing. I have to go. Ponyville in danger, friends to save.” “Ah. So just a normal Tuesday then,” Rarity smiled as she went back to weather patrol. Twilight took a step before one last question stopped her. “Hey, where’s the weather team at?” “I sent them home. Poor fillies know nothing of design,” Rarity complained. “I mean really, is it so hard to display all weather patterns at once?” > Is There a Cure for Magical Mysteries? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Is There a Cure for Magical Mysteries? Swapping Cutie marks had never been heard of before, but if it had, anypony could have told you it was a horrible idea. Twilight was just finding out how bad tonight as she made the rounds to all of her friends. First stop was the pony Rarity had switched marks with, Rainbow Dash. “These animals don’t listen No not one little bit-” Rainbow sang as she caged Gummy and fretted about. “Why is she singing?” Spike asked Twilight. “She swapped her cutie mark around and that’s what seems off to you?” “It’s got to be my destiny, And it’s what my cutie mark is telling me.” Rainbow sighed in defeat after chasing a bird into a mouse hole. “... Why did you stop singing?” Twilight finally asked. “I wasn’t singing,” Rainbow scoffed. “And Rarity ain’t doing my job as you can see! Though I could use the help...” Rainbow muttered. “But your cutie mark is changed? You were just singing! You put a damned toothless alligator in a birdcage!” “... Twilight, are you alright?” Rainbow asked. “What the buck happened?” Twilight nearly screamed, fed up with the feathery friend’s lack of ability to comment. “Nothing happened. Did you drop another bookcase on yourself Twi?” “One time!” Twilight shot back till Spike cleared his throat. “Fine, twice. But no, not this time!” “Jeesh, you seem tense. You should go see Shy. She can always make you laugh,” Rainbow nodded. “Fluttershy!? Oh Faustia help us...” Twilight muttered as she and Spike left to find the others now, seeing the scope of this was far greater than they had initially thought. On the way to find Fluttershy, Twilight over heard a mare accusing a stallion of swapping his mark as well, seeing as it was no longer an hourglass, but that was a dead end to Twilight’s investigation. But at least they didn’t sing. “So Twilight, I hear Canterlot is very nice this time of year,” Spike joked as they headed back to the library, with the dragon trying to calm his sister figure. “Yeah, but the rent is outrageous,” Twilight chuckled. “You’re taking this better than I thought you would,” Spike noticed of his lavender friend. “I’m trying not to think about it actually. If I do, I’m afraid I might have an aneurysm...” Twilight laughed, her crazy distressed laugh starting to peek through. “So how can we fix this?” “I don’t know,” Twilight sighed. “Zecora’s cure for cutie pox?” “It’s not just their cutie marks that have been messed up though Spike, it’s their destinies. Who they really are.” “So shouldn’t that mean they are actually really good at these things then?” “...Shut up. I have to fix this Spike,” Twilight argued as she came to a rest in front of a picture of her and her friends. She had to find a way, there had to be a way. “Spike, that’s it!” Twilight cried as it hit her, “We need to remind them of who they really are!” “But if you changed their destinies, would that even-” “Stop arguing Spike, it’s this or let them all carry on.” “Well...” “Spike,” Twilight growled. “Okay, okay! We’ll set them all back to boring old normal,” Spike huffed, grabbing the now filled box of Elements Twilight pushed toward him and hopping upon her back. “Come on. We gotta help Fluttershy first,” Twilight said as they raced back to look for the butter colored mare. “Why Fluttershy?” “Because she will be the easiest to get to follow us,” Twilight said. “That will help Rainbow, which will help Rarity, which will help Aj, which will help Pinkie, which will keep the town from tearing itself to pieces!” “So basically you want to manipulate your friends to restore order?” Spike clarified. “Spike,” Twilight growled, “This is not the time or place.” “Jeez Twilight, what’s gotten into you?” “I’m sorry Spike,” Twilight sighed, “It’s just this whole thing has me so stressed. What if I can’t help Rarity and the others?” “I trust you Twilight,” Spike smiled as he patted her shoulder. “If anypony can figure this out, it’s you.” “Thank you Spike. I needed that.” “No problem Twi. Now, let’s go help our friends.” “Yeah. Together, we can do this,” Twilight smiled, much more confident in her plan now than before. Twilight knew life in Ponyville was special, and everypony was a rich, vibrant character if you got to know them as she had over these past few years. But that fact alone failed to explain how of all times, during a rescue mission, the town and namely her friends had burst into a random song and dance number. Twilight blamed it on Pinkie, because usually the unexplainable in Ponyville was directly connected to her. Now she was happy to be walking back to her library with her friends in tow, all back to their normal selves. “Ah can’t believe we all switched Cutie Marks,” Applejack laughed. “And none of our families seemed to notice.” “Well, Big Mac did notice,” Pinkie smiled. “He saw me, said ‘Nope,’ and went back inside.” “Yeah, that’s Mac,” Applejack laughed. “I can’t believe Pinkie remembers that much about it,” Fluttershy noted as Twilight open the library door for them all. “Well, she is Pinkie,” Twilight shrugged. “If it doesn’t makes sense, Pinkie does it.” “So why are we here, Twilight?” That question, that was one of the last her friends would ever get to ask her before everything forever changed. She was happy to tell them it was to complete the ancient spell, a spell inspired by their friendship, and love. Twilight happily took up her pen, and wrote those fated words. Those words. A sign to stand through all time, of the dedication she had to her friends, the love she had for them all, the laughs she shared with them, her wisdom she gave them freely. Everything. Twilight’s epitaph to the world was a spell of true friendship and love. It was quite beautiful. Till the Elements discharged, and swarmed Twilight in that same hot magic she had seen Pinkie use not three weeks before. “Twilight!” Six voices cried, trying to look, but too scared to do so. All of them were scared of what had happened here, except one. She was not scared of the magic. She was not scared of the hot angry display. She was afraid for the mare she now knew she loved beyond measure being overwhelmed by it. She would be the first to move, to speak when it was over. “Where is my Twilight!?” Rarity screamed, bolting forward to scrap at the floor with her hooves, trying to see if somehow, Twilight was there. But she was not. “No. No,no no no no!” “What’s going on?” One of the others asked. Rarity didn’t even bother to try to figure out who it was. That did not matter. No, what mattered was Twilight. Or rather, Twilight’s words. Calm. I must be calm, Rarity argued mentally. “Fluttershy, Pinkie, gather every book here you can on the elements! Rainbow, Applejack, begin reading them as they come. Find out what happened. Spike, letter to the Princess, now. Everypony, give me your elements. Until we know what happened with them, they pose a threat, and should be secured.” “Rarity, what in-” “Not now Applejack, please. We need to be fast to figure out what’s happening here if we want to be able to help Twilight.” “H-How do you know we can help her?” Fluttershy squeaked. “Because, Twilight taught me long ago to look at all details, then draw conclusions. Notice how there is nothing here of Twilight? If she had been killed, there would be something here. Ash, a body, something. So Twilight is still alive, and we have to figure out where, and why.” “Here!” Pinkie said as she threw a book to Rainbow Dash. “Twilight’s legend of the Elements book.” “Let’s see here... It says-” “Twilight is alright!” Spike finished. “Geez Spike! Let me read it first. Where does it say that anyways?” Rainbow demanded. “Not there! Here, in the letter I just got from the Princess. She wrote me first it seems. She says Twilight is just fine, and to find her outside. Look to the stars, to be specific...” “Celestia knew this was coming?” Rarity questioned. “What is going on here?” Twilight groggily got to her hooves, the feeling sinking in that she had no idea where she was right now. She was floating in a void, filled with soft blue light, yet all color was normal as well. It was beautiful, and harrowing all the same. She questioned where she was, if this was real, or if she was- No. Best not go down that road right now. I need to keep thinking positive thoughts. Like getting to see my friends again. Or half off sales at the bookstore. “Greetings Twilight,” A familiar voice called out, making the lavender mare smile. “Princess! Thank goodness you’re here. That means I’m not dead!” “Why would you think you’re dead my student?” Celestia recoiled. “Have you ever known the Elements of Harmony to kill?” “Well...” “The answer is no,” Celestia provided. “Okay, I guess that’s true enough. So where am I, and why am I here?” “Twilight, I have brought you here to fulfill your destiny,” Celestia smiled, kindly showing Twilight down a hallway of what appeared to be memories, each floating in the empty abyss they both walked through. “I have been watching you since that very first day Twilight, and know that now you are ready to fulfill your destiny.” “That’s twice you’ve said that,” Twilight noted. “So it is. But it is no less true. You are an amazing unicorn, and did something nopony else has ever done, created magic. You are now-” “Hey!” Twilight gasped seeing one particular memory. “That was my first date with Rarity! You were spying on me then?” “Well, I did say I was keeping an eye on you...” Celestia shrugged. “But no. I was just merely observing.” “And that’s the day I broke into the Starswirl the Bearded Wing!... So that’s why you weren’t surprised to see me there...” “Yes Twiligh-” “And that was the day I got my braces off!” “Twilight. Focus.” “Sorry.” “Ahem, so as I was saying. You are now ready to take the next step, and become something greater than you ever thought possible.” Twilight smiled then felt the odd sensation of something being pulled from her chest, like a string was attached. She looked down to see a small orb of her magenta magic as it began to swirl and dance around the mare, making the tips of her shoulder blades burn hot with the raw magical power being channelled through her. “This might sting a bit,” Celestia warned a tad too late. It is to be noted, the more authority one has when saying that line, the more it stings. “So what are we all lookin fer again?” Applejack asked as the six friends sat outside the library to see the sky. “I have no idea.” Rarity supplied. “The princess said to look to the stars...” Spike mumbled. “Does that mean anything to anypony?” “The stars are our forefathers looking down on us?” Pinkie supplied. “... Did you just quote the Lion King?” Rarity asked. “What? I like that play.” “How about a giant purple star that just appeared in the sky?” Applejack asked calmly. “Yes, that might be it...” Rarity nodded. “Okay. Cause there’s one of those now. Look!” Everypony watched the star of light as it descended from the heavens, and reached the ground not far from them. They all rushed to it, to see their friend rising up. And with a flare for the dramatic, the unicorn opened her new wings. “Oh my gosh!” Applejack gasped. “You’ve become an Alicorn!” Rarity smiled, to emotionally worked up to think clearly. “I- I didn’t even think that was possible!” “You look like a Princess,” Fluttershy noted while Rarity staggered backwards. “That’s because she is a princess.” The clear and honey voice of the ruler of the land declared as only she could. “My Twilight... a Princess... oh my...” “I’m- a princess?” Twilight gasped, the news hard on her as well. “Royalty... dating... me... trouble. Big trouble.” Rarity muttered. Celestia was giving some speech now, thought Rarity was following none of it. Rarity felt her front legs give out, and her head bow low. This was apparently the right thing to do, because all of her friends followed suit, though the white fashion mare hoped they were in more control than she was at the moment. Twilight smiled at the display, and chuckled softly. That Rarity knew, in a world clouded by everything else right now, that mare was still able to cut through the fog and be a beacon for the white unicorn. “You guys,” Twilight laughed. “You all know you don’t need to bow for me.” “Sorry Twi, just felt right,” Applejack offered. “It’s okay girls,” Twilight laughed. She looked to her friends as they one by one rose to meet her- nope. Rarity finished falling now as she slumped forward into the dirt, completely shut out from the world around her. “Rarity? Oh no, not again. Help me get her couch,” Twilight ordered as she and her friends took charge for the unconscious mare and took her back into the library. Rarity awoke slowly, feeling the weight of a thousand suns bearing down on her right now. She was sure she had just been told her Twilight was a princess, and now magically had a pair of wings. “So how long did you know about this, Princess,” Rarity heard somepony ask. That couldn’t be right. That was in line with her... oh no. The white mare sat bolt upright as it came to her that her dream was by no means fiction, and that her girlfriend was now actually... “Twilight! You’re an Alicorn!?” Rarity nearly shouted as she laid eyes on the lavender mare. “Yes Rarity. I can see you’re awake now,” The librarian smiled. No, not librarian. Princesses didn’t hold down jobs as librarians. “Twilight, how? When? What?” “Oh, I know these. Who and where are next!” Pinkie supplied. “Not helping,” Rarity snorted at the laughing pink mare. “Rarity? Are you okay?” Twilight asked, moving over to sit next to her. “I’m just- I don’t know Twilight. You’re a Princess now. I- I don’t know how to take that...” “I know. It’s a lot to adjust to all at once,” Twilight nodded, looking the the wings that flexed and shifted all on their own accord it seemed. “Oh my Twilight, I’m so sorry. I was thinking of myself, and not how difficult this must be for you,” Rarity stammered to apologize. “How are you doing? Do you feel okay?” “I feel fine,” Twilight dismissed. “And it’s okay hun. Your girlfriend just grew a pair of wings and became a Princess. You’re allowed to be a tad shocked.” “Thank you dear,” Rarity smiled. She looked up at last to see the six other’s in the library. Four ponies, one dragon, and one ruler that had a lot of things to answer for. “Princess Celestia, might I ask why you didn’t warn us about that little light show earlier?” “I was waiting for this question,” Celestia nodded. “I wanted to let you all know, but if I had, it might have changed how Twilight would react, knowing it went far beyond her friends lives at the moment.” “So why then did you let us think we had hurt Twilight?” Rarity asked in a tone one does not use to talk to both deities or princesses. “I wrote to you all as soon as I could Miss Rarity. But until I felt the magical shift of the event, I had no idea when it would happen either.” “But-” Rarity tried to argue. “Miss Rarity, calm yourself. I did my best, but I was working in the dark as much as you were. Do not take an angry tone with me young lady.” “And don’t keep secrets from me about my Twilight!” Rarity shot back, then instantly wished she hadn’t. But despite how she felt inside, the white mare held her ground. “Rarity!” Twilight gasped. “I’m sorry Princess.” “Don’t apologize for me dear,” Rarity corrected. “I’m sorry to have worried you Rarity,” Celestia snorted, “But it was for the best. And I do not need to answer to you in these matters. Only Twilight.” “No, she’s right Princess,” Twilight said slowly. “You are right in that you don’t need to answer to anypony, but I feel those closest to me should have been warned. Do my parents know about this?” “...Yes Twilight, they do...” “And Shining and Cadence?” Twilight pressed on. “Yes...” “So why not the mare I love?” Twilight finished. “...” “What? You don’t like that I’m dating Rarity or something?” “No Twilight, it’s just...” “What?” Rarity joined in. “It’s just what?” “I couldn’t trust her love for you.” Celestia sighed. “She would have told you, and ruined everything I’ve worked so hard to teach you, to instil, to create. After all of these years, I needed you to make the right choice for the right reasons.” “But-” “I’m sorry,” Celestia interrupted, “Truly, I am. But it needed to be done. Also, I want to say I have no problem with you two dating now or ever, and wish you the best, Rarity and Princess Twilight.” Celestia's words hit home for two mares in different ways. For Twilight, it was acceptance, and a blessing to be with whom she loved. For Rarity, it was a reminder that she was now officially dating royalty, and not just any royalty, but a Princess of Equestria. It was not an honorific title like that snob Blueblood. No, this one carried weight. Rarity chuckled, a very sharp, punctuated laugh, as she fell backwards into the couch again, completely unconscious. “Ahahaha!” Rarity screamed in pure laughter and joy in that lovely Canterlot changing room, much to the chagrin of her friends. “Calm down Rarity!” Applejack snapped as they all got ready for Twilight’s coronation. “My Twilight is a Princess!” Rarity squealed. “She’s been annoying all bucking day,” Rainbow Dash snorted. “How is she going to stay quiet during the ceremony?” “Hmm, hang on RD, Ah got a plan,” Applejack smiled as she trotted out of the room, leaving behind the four mares, one of which was ready to throttle Rarity to make her shut up. But moments later, the orange mare returned to her friends relief and Rarity’s unknown rescue. “Open wide Rarity,” Applejack smiled deviously as she took a large spoon and stuffed it into the white mare’s mouth. Rarity’s eyes shot open and her mouth dropped, but no words came out. The only response was the white mare glaring at Applejack and smacking her lips. “Applejack, what was that you gave her?” Fluttershy asked, wowed by the response. “Fefut futtah!” Rarity tried to say, but her mouth was uncooperative, making Applejack laugh. “Just a big ol spoonful of peanut butter,” Applejack stated smugly. “And that should keep ya quiet fer a while.” Rarity wished she could talk, though her glare was amazing at getting words across. With only her body language, she made it quite clear Applejack was only alive right now because the two were technically family, though Rarity was starting to consider trimming the branches of this particular tree. “Come on girls,” Applejack laughed as she herded them all to the door. “Time ta watch Twi become royalty.” Twilight beamed, practically glowing with joy and fear and glee as she was named the newest Princess of Equestria. She had never been so scared and happy, except on her first date with Rarity or that one time she forgot she had a final exam in two hours because Spike gave her the wrong day planner. She had even gotten to give a wonderful speech, with all of her closest friends present. “Wonderful speech Twilight,” Celestia smiled as the group of princesses trotted back in. “Indeed. It was most heartwarming,” Luna smiled, turning to the group of ponies and dragon waiting for the return of the new royal mare. “Hello ladies. Spike, good to see you.” ”Oh, h-hey Princess,” Spike smiled. Forget Sapphire Shores... “Wow Rarity, you look amazing,” Twilight giggled as she pushed past royals that wished her well. She had a purpose, and her name was Rarity. The mare in question smiled and waved her hoof, blushing brightly. Twilight smiled as she leaned in and kissed her, just so caught up in the moment. Then she froze. “Rarity? Di- Did you reactivate the spell? What’s going on? Why does it taste like peanut butter now? Oh no, oh no oh no oh no!” “Ffiffliahff!” Rarity tried to say, making Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fall down laughing. “Oh, stop it Rarity! Mah sides hurt!” Applejack snorted. “Ah can’t take it.” “Best prank ever!” Rainbow and Pinkie gasped, till Rarity shot them a look more than capable of killing. “What’s going on here?” Twilight demanded. “Applejack put peanut butter in Rarity’s mouth,” Fluttershy supplied with a roll of her eyes. “Really Applejack?” Twilight demanded. “She’s an Apple now. She’s fair game to family pranks,” Applejack retorted between guffaws. “Mmhmm,” Twilight nodded, though she looked none too happy. “I’m sorry babe. I’ll get it out after the parade.” “Mwafer?” Rarity gasped as well as she could. “It’s not very slightly,” Twilight whispered to her, making the white fashion mare pout. “Besides, now you don’t have to answer any of my mom’s questions.” The thought of not having to bare through that torment was rather appealing to Rarity, as she smiled and bounced along with her friends as the city swelled with pride and joy. A new Princess was born, and everything was going to be fine. > Strawberries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Strawberries “Hello dear,” Rarity sang a week later as she trotted into the Library, floating along a stack of letters for her girlfriend. One in particular though warranted her attention. A certain envelope from a certain Crystal Empire. “Hey Babe,” Twilight called lazily, slowly getting to her hooves. “Ugh, I remember when reading letters was fun...” “That was before they were all expense reports or requests for royal aid,” Rarity nodded as she set down the stack of letters, making sure to put the one from Cadence in the lavender princess’s hooves. “But ones from family should help you feel better.” “She probably wants to know when I’m going to arrive for the Equestrian Games next month,” Twilight giggled as she opened the letter and began to read, although quickly her smile turned into a frown. “Or she wants me to test the Destiny Kiss spell again?” “Why on Equis would she want that?” Rarity asked, trying to read the letter now. “She- Oh...” Twilight muttered, looking forlorn at the parchment. “She says I need to test it, that I need to know...” “Know? Know what my love?” Rarity stammered as Twilight cast the familiar spell on herself. “Twilight?” Twilight didn’t say a word as she leaned forward and kissed Rarity, though for the first time since they had started dating, it lacked passion, it lacked heart. But it did carry a strong taste. “Still strawberries love,” Rarity sighed in relief. “Yes, that’s what she was afraid of,” Twilight muttered. “Darling?” “I’m going to love you the rest of my life Rarity,” Twilight slowly said, looking to her hooves as if they were an enemy. “My life. You’re the pony I will love forever more.” “Darling, I love you too, and I always will,” Rarity cooed as she sat Twilight down, and set herself in her love’s lap, hanging off her girlfriend’s neck. “Yes, but I’m going to live much, much longer than you now...” “Oh Twilight... oh...” Rarity began, but the reality of it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her lover, her one true love in life, was cursed to be immortal. “Forever. After I...” “Don’t say it,” Twilight ordered, looking down to the white mare. “I really want to be with you Rarity, and with Celestia as my witness, I will. But I need to go see somepony.” “Who?” Rarity stammered as Twilight stood up and headed out the door. “Anypony that can help. I love you Rarity.” “Wait!” Rarity cried as she ran over and kissed Twilight goodbye. “Don’t do anything reckless now.” “I won’t,” Twilight smiled, and let the door shut softly behind her, leaving a very worried Rarity behind. “What should I do now?” Rarity questioned, bouncing from hoof to hoof as she panicked. “What to do? What to-” A loud bang cut off the white mare as she spun around to see Spike tripping over a stack of scrolls for Twilight, cursing their existence. “Oh hello darling. I thought you were out and about today?” “Na,” Spike sighed, looking up to the white mare. “I was planning a letter, but I kinda have nothing to write...” “Oh, I’m sorry Spike,” Rarity pouted, moving over to help up the dragon. “Say, why don’t we spend the day together. It will be fun, just like old times.” “Um, no.” Spike stated, making Rarity do a double take. “The last thing I want to do when I’m feeling down is help you shop.” “Well then darling, how about I help write your letter? A small way to make up for the years of golden friendship you’ve shown me.” “What?! No! I can’t let you do that!” “Why not Spike?” “Because it’s personal,” Spike muttered. “But it’s a letter. As in to somepony e-” Rarity began, till she saw right through the dragon’s ruse. “It’s a love letter!?” “I don’t know what you’re-” Spike began, but Rarity’s smile cracked the ice he was trying to form. “Yes. There’s a certain pony I want to ask on a date, but I have no idea what to say to them.” “I’ll help you Spike. Let’s start by getting them a nice gift to show your chivalrous side,” Rarity smiled. “Yeah, I know what she’d love!” Spike cheered. “Hehehe! So it is a girl!” “... Buck…” In a hut deep in the Everfree Forest sat a zebra and a princess, breathing deep of the odd smelling plants around the striped mare’s home. Twilight was here for answers, but she was not prepared for this today, a hut filled with smoke and what definitely smelled like her herbal zebra remedies. “Zecora? What’s with all the smoke in here?” “Hello Twilight, for whom the world sings. What can I do for the unicorn with wings?” “I was here to see if you could make a potion...” Twilight hesitantly asked, though she was choking on more smoke that she knew was capable. “What is with this smoke?” “I must admit this is rather thick. But this smoke will keep me from getting sick.” “Ah. So I guess you got the bug going around town?” Twilight asked, to which Zecora nodded fiercely, with a scowl too boot. “Well, I hate to trouble you when you’re not well, but I need a potion of immortality, if one exists.” “A brew of life is what you desire, so your love itself will never expire.” “Yes. Please, I don’t want to watch Rarity die. I have time right now, but I don’t want to wait.What if the worse happens? I need this sooner rather than later.” “I am sorry Princess Twilight. There is no brew, nor is it right.” Zecora sighed, shaking her head. “A potion stops not after long. You would then be left to sing a sad song.” “Then make me a poison. One that can kill an immortal,” Twilight ordered. Or rather tried to. It is hard to be imposing when you have to stop to cough every so often. “Twilight, my friend! You disgrace me to no end!” Zecora spat, rounding on the lavender mare. “I will make no such potions for you today. For your life is one hefty price to pay.” “Please,” Twilight begged. “I can’t stomach the thought of living alone without her now.” “Then go home to your love Twilight. Behold her beauty in the light.” Zecora smiled, placing a kind hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “She loves you dearly, with all her heart. Treat her fondly, like rare art.” “Thanks Zecora,” Twilight smiled as she was ushered out and began to head to her next stop. If Twilight could not find potions to do it, she would have to find a spell. In the largest Library in all Equestria, the Crystal Empire. “Over here Rarity,” Spike called as he wormed his way through rack after rack in the comic store. “Just a second Spike,” Rarity urged, looking fondly at a costume headpiece. “It’s so garish, but I love it...” Rarity set it aside though, reminding herself that this was not her shopping trip, but her time to play aide to Spike as he had so many times before. And just in time too, as the small dragon bounded around the corner, a look of fear gripping his scally features. “RUN!” Spike screamed as he barreled past. “What in Cele-” Rarity began till she smelled smoke. Smelling smoke is almost always a bad thing, even more so when surrounded by stacks and stacks of dry paper. Rarity gave chase to Spike as the dragon escaped, just managing to make it out safely before the owner caught up to them. “Spike, the hay happened in there?!” Rarity demanded as they ran away. “I sneezed!” “I thought you had a hanky for that!” “I did! It caught fire!” Spike yelled back. “How? It was asbestos!” “I don’t know,” Spike smiled. “But it was awesome!” Rarity sighed as she and the dragon continued to run, although her anger and fear gave way soon enough, as she began to enjoy the chase. Twilight had come to the north, seeking the sagely advice of the printed word, words from before her time. Words that would tell her how to save the one she loved. It was so sad to the lavender mare, and the longer she thought about it, the more it burned her up. But she could not find the right spells in here. Not even with the spell Pinkie had inspire that Twilight had come to call ‘Ctrl F.’ No, she would have to talk to Cadence, see what the other mare knew. Why? Why would Celestia let me and Cadence fall in love like this if she knew we would only be hurt by their deaths later on in our lives! What is it? Does she want us to feel this pain, to humble us? Does she seek revenge for a lost love of her own? Is she just being evil? “Twilight!” Princess Cadence called out, smiling broadly to the studious mare. “Hello Cadence,” Twilight nodded, although her greeting lacked the same emotion the older mare’s did. Twilight was ready to explain her reasons for being here, when Cadence broke the ice. “You couldn’t find an answer either?” “What?” Twilight recoiled. “To our problem. I thought if anypony could figure out a solution, it would be you...” Cadence sighed. “So I am doomed to lose Shiny one day...” Twilight watched as her sister-in-law broke down, and began to cry, heaving uncontrollably. Twilight had to say something, anything. “I was here to see if you had an answer as to why we immortals could love. But I guess not. Oh turnips! This is so- So evil!” “I know,” Cadence sobbed, snot beginning to drip from her nose. “Why has Celestia forsaken us?” “I don’t know,” Twilight sighed, and felt the fire in her heart begin to roar again, “But she’s about to tell us why! Come on Cadence, we’ve got a princess to see!” “Spike, what is this called again?” Rarity muttered through the tight plastic mask she now wore. “And how does this relate to helping you write a letter?” Spike stifled his laughter as he explained the game before them now. “This is paintball Rarity. You take your marker and try to hit other players with a ball of paint. Last team with a pony not hit wins. As for how this helps, I’m kinda hoping she would like to play...” “I see. So why is it just you and I versus my sister and her friends?” Rarity asked hesitantly. “I told them they might get their paintball cutie marks,” Spike chuckled. “Come on, I’m a natural at this and you’re an adult. We should be more than able to beat three accident prone fillies.” “Oh alright,” Rarity sighed, as she readied her marker for the match. The whistle sounded, and the air filled with paint moving at painful velocities. Rarity soon discovered just how painful it was. “Ow! Ouch! Owie! Stop it!” “Stop standing there and take cover!” Spike ordered. “Ah! It’s in my hair!” “Damn it Rarity!” On the other side of the field, three fillies laughed as they watched the three colts they had switched places with demolish their friends. “We should really tell Spike we already tried to get paintball cutie marks girls,” Applebloom finally said. “And miss out on this?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked, watching as Rarity ran around in circles, failing to grasp the concept of cover. Twilight was not alone anymore. She had back up. She had another Princess with her. She was going to get answers now. Answers and bucking solutions. The two mares burst into the royal hall of the goddess Celestia, their faces set as they let their rage and sorrow overpower their better judgement. The act of bursting in full of rage actually happens all the time to normal ponies, who usually end up on ‘Guards’ for it. “Princess Celestia, we need to have words with you!” Twilight snorted while Cadence egged her on. “Of course Twilight,” Celestia nodded as she closed the door and ushered out her guards. “What is it? Are we under attack? It’s that damned Smooze again, isn’t it?” “What?” The bookish mare recoiled, then righted herself. “No. This is about a wrong done to us.” “Oh?” Celestia asked, knotting her brow in confusion. “We’re worried about the ponies we love!” Cadence burst in. “Oh thank mom, I thought it was something serious,” Celestia sighed in relief. “Princess!” “Sorry Twilight. I understand that love makes you worried, and you two happen to be a tad over excitable, but you two have nothing to worry about. Shining and Rarity are just fine,” Celestia smiled as if that solved anything. “But what about when we have to watch them die?!” Twilight screamed. “Good heavens, why the buck would you want to watch that?” “We don’t,” Cadence snorted. “But we won’t have a choice anymore.” “Why do you say that?” Celestia asked kindly, like a mother trying to understand her child’s story. “Wha- Why do you think?” Twilight barked at the goddess, “We’re immortals now!” And Celestia had the audacity to laugh at this. “Oh that’s a good one,” Celestia chuckled, but slowed as she saw the two mares in question glare at her. “Wait, you two think you’re immortals?” Now it was the others turn to stall. “You mean we’re not...” “Girls, follow me. I feel I have to explain some facts of life to you,” Celestia frowned as she came to the two mares. “No more Spike, please,” Rarity groaned as she sat back in a booth at the cafe. “I’m bruised and exhausted.” “I’m sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean for any of that stuff to happen,” Spike frowned, looking to his iced tea. “It just sort of did.” With a large sigh, Rarity began to chuckle. “It’s alright. So do you now know what to write to your little girlfriend, Spike?” “I- She’s not my- Do you really think I should ask her out?” Spike asked, blushing a bit. “Oh quite so,” Rarity confirmed. “So who is it?” “I’m not sure I should say… I mean I’m just a librarian's assistant, and she’s… perfect…” “Spike, don’t you dare insult yourself,” Rarity commanded. “Do you understand me? You are a gem if ever I have seen one, and any mare in Equestria would be honored to have you.” “Thanks,” Spike mumbled, though she could tell he did not buy it quite yet. “So, is it Spitfire?” “I trapped her in a water tower once,” Spike winced as he had to relive that day. “I’m so sorry Spike…” “It’s cool. I need to be reminded of that once in a while, or else I might slip up again,” Spike smiled “Daring Do?” “Fictional.” “Drat. Fleur De Lis?” “She’s available,” Spike nodded sagely. “And quite the stunning unicorn. Many of Canterlot high society covet her.” “Really? It’s Fleur?!” “Not even close.” Spike chuckled. “She’s probably spoiled rotten by those other guys,” Spike dismissed. “I don’t want to be competing for fleeting affection, but a true statement of love.” “Spike, that’s very grown up of you to say,” Rarity smiled, proud of the dragon. “Thanks.” “Wait, it’s not Applejack is it?” Rarity’s smile flashed to a frown then as the mare leaned forward, piecing ‘true statement’ in her mind with the honest orange mare. “Don’t you dare break my cousin’s heart.” “It’s not her! Geez,” Spike stammered. “Never mess with an Apple, huh?” “Now you’re getting it.” Rarity smiled fondly. “Though just out of curiousity, what if I said it was Fluttershy?” If Spike thought Rarity was upset at him for even thinking about her family, he was in for a whole new world of fear as he stared at a pony hell bent on protecting Fluttershy from lecherous fiends. Celestia walked through the grand halls of the Canterlot Castle with two very confused mares in tow. “Princess, what do you mean we aren’t immortal?” Twilight asked as she struggled to keep up both mentally and physically. “Well, just that my friend,” Celestia chuckled. “Neither of you two is immortal.” “But- But we’re alicorns...” Cadence weakly said. “I was born over 1500 years ago of Pete’s sake!” “Yes, you are, and yes, you were. Luna and I put you into a magical slumber for 1500 years though because it was not yet your time Cadence. You were given memories of that time so you would awake without a gap in time.” Celestia frowned. “As for the two of you, you have both worked very hard to get to here ladies, and that is why you transcended your bodies and became Alicorns, but you are not goddesses.” “How can that be thought?” Twilight asked, still not getting the message. “Twilight, only a pony that is born an Alicorn is immortal. Only they are gods and goddesses.” “So what does that mean for us?” Cadence asked slowly. “Well, you’re both still perfectly mortal,” Celestia smiled at them. “Twilight, I must say, I thought you of all ponies would have figured this out long ago.” “I-” “I mean, if every Alicorn was an immortal, Luna’s and my mother would still be with us,” Celestia explained. “She was the first pony to ever transcend, and she bore myself and Luna shortly there after. My sister and I were born Alicorns, so we are well and truly immortal.” Now Cadence was beginning to catch on, and see the light. “So our kids will be true Alicorns?” “Exactly.” Celestia smiled. “So they will have to watch everypony they love die?” Twilight asked, pouting at the thought. “Oh heavens no,” Celestia laughed. “Immortals cannot fall in love.” “Huh?!” “It’s part of being immortal. We loved our mother, and all of our friends, but not in the way that you have come to love Shining and Rarity. It’s just not in us to romantically love. Literally. Immortals have no need for love because we have no need to procreate. Reproduction is a construct of biology, and one we do not share.” “That’s so sad,” Twilight pouted. “Really? I kind of like it. Less messy,” Celestia dismissed as she wandered off again, making both mares stop dead in their tracks. Their imaginations ran wild with ideas. “Forget it, I don’t want to know,” Both finally said together as they gave chase to Celestia again. “Rarity, I’m home!” Twilight called out as she trotted back into her beloved treehouse. “Hello dear,” Rarity called from the bedroom, though her voice lacked any hint of play to it. “What happened to you babe?” Twilight asked as she trotted up and laid eyes on the poor mare. “Spike happened,” Rarity huffed. “And now I’m covered in welts and blisters.” “What did he do this time?” Twilight sighed. “Have you ever heard of paintball darling?” “Ah...” “Indeed,” Rarity nodded, then patted the bed next to her. “Come here. You sound like you have good news.” “Yes,” Twilight smiled as she climbed in next to Rarity. “I found out something.” “What’s that my love?” “I’m not actually immortal,” Twilight smiled. “Only ponies born as Alicorns are immortal. So Cadence and I are both still mortal. But our children will be immortal, and true royalty.” “Darling, that’s-” Rarity began til one thought hit her. “Twilight, how are we supposed to have a foal?” “I- What?” Twilight asked as a flash of green flames down stairs whisked away what both mares knew to be a letter to the Princess. “We’re both mares dearest. How are we supposed to have a child?” “We just started dating for Celestia’s sake Rarity!” Twilight scoffed. “And now you want kids?!” “What? I- I thought-” Rarity stammered till Twilight’s snort of laughter cut her off. “I’m kidding babe. We have all the time in the world, we’ll figure it out as it comes.” “You’re evil Twilight,” Rarity laughed, resting her head on Twilight’s shoulder. “Although... we could try turning you into-” “Not even an option, love,” Rarity said with a smile as she started to drift off to sleep. Or so she would have, had a knock at the door not called for immediate attention. “Who could that be?” Twilight let Rarity lay as she ran downstairs to open the door, noting along the way a certain lack of a dragon that was just down stairs. But Twilight didn’t get much time to think about things like that as she opened the door to a very important guest. “Greetings Twilight,” The Princess of the Night greeted. “Is Spike here?” “Hello Luna… Why are you looking for Spike?” “I came regarding the letter he just sent me actually…” “Spike’s letter was for you?!” Rarity screamed as she could be heard falling off the bed. “Owie! Twilight, I’m hurt! Come take care of me!” “Ah- I- Spike wrote you a love letter?” Twilight stammered. She didn’t mean to ignore Rarity, and were it not for Luna, she would jump at the chance to be with her right now, but this was rather large news. “Mmhmm.” “Spike! Get out here now!” With a small amount of banging and shuffling, Spike returned from wherever he had discovered with a sullen look. “Hi Prin-” “Would tonight work?” Luna blurted out as soon as she saw the dragon, stunning everypony and making Rarity forget all about her pains. “I loved the Batmane comics! And your invitation to go play ball with paint sounds marvelous! I would love to Spike!” “Wait… I thought immortals couldn’t love?” Twilight finished, looking between dragon and goddess. “Normally we can’t. But a dragon is as immortal as an Alicorn. I have read many great books on love throughout my life, and I wish to know this feeling! As the only other immortal in Equestria right now, I have to believe this chance lay solely with Master Spike. In all honesty, I don’t want to be alone… I want someone to share my life with, and I believe a family is the best way to go about that. I cannot romantically love you Spike, but you’ll never be alone.” “But it’s not love…” Rarity muttered as she came down stairs. “Not as you know it,” Luna nodded. “I get what you’re saying though. The happiest day of my life was when Twilight became an Alicorn, because I thought I would have her in my life forever then. Now I can have you in my life too Luna. If you’ll have me.” Spike nodded. “Spike, I’m afraid I’m not an immortal though,” Twilight frowned for her friend, who could only respond with a shrug. “Then we’re back to the original idea, but now I can hang out with a total knock out of a goddess!” “Oh Spike!” Luna blushed. “You can’t love, but dragons can. We can feel love because we can feel greed. I think with your past, your strong heart an urge to be loved, you can learn to feel love too Princess, if you’ll let me teach you that is…” Spike smiled. “You’re the only Alicorn to ever want love, Princess. Let me be the one you find it in.” “Spike… I would be honored to learn of love from you,” Luna smiled as she knelt down and kissed Spike on the cheek “Our little Spikey Wikey and Princess Luna?” Rarity muttered. “Bwahaha! This is the best thing ever!” “Spike, go out and enjoy the night,” Twilight sighed. “Actually, I had hoped he would like to engage in a friendly game of ’Left 4 dead’ first?” Luna inquired with what she believed was a puppy dog stare. “... No, I’m sorry, but I want a little time with my girlfriend, if you catch my drift,” Twilight whispered to the goddess of the moon. “Ooo, I like that idea!” “Whatever for?” “Ugh…” The pair of lovers groaned. But those who were just robbed of that kind of fun will always do that, in the end. > Epilogue: Much, Much Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: Much, Much Later The pages turned as one sought to remember. It had been such a long time now, far far too long for what had been lost to them. Picture after picture filled the tome, all of them once cherished memories, and now reduced to painful reminders. “Spike my dear?” A voice called out to the large form. “In here…” Came the slow reply. “I was just looking at them again.” “Three thousand years later and you still miss them,” Luna chuckled. “You’ll get the hang of immortality in time my love.” “I have plenty of it,” Spike chuckled. “Do you remember this day? When Rarity and Twilight finally tied the knot?” “Yes. I remember Rarity had 12 nervous breakdowns from the dressing room to the alter.” “Was it only 12?” “Yes dear,” Luna laughed. “Remember this day?” “The day Twilight discovered that portal to a human world? That was a horrible ordeal,” Spike chuckled. “Or how about the day they became superheroes?” “I miss that costume,” Spike nodded. “It wouldn’t fit you now dear.” “Honey, 90% of the houses in Equestria don’t fit me.” Spike laughed. “What about this day? The day Shining took home the gold for the Equestrian Games.” “I remember that. And here’s the guards taking it back,” Luna smiled. “Goddess that was so mean of Tia to hide it on him.” “She did warn him,” Spike noted. “Uncle Spike? Aunt Lulu?” A voice called out to the pair. “What are you guys doing?” “Hey Sparky,” Spike greeted kindly. “Come on over, I wanna show you a few pictures of the greatest mare’s in Equestria, your moms.” “How did they come together?” Charity Sparkle, otherwise known as Sparky, asked as she took a seat next to her giant draconian uncle. “They never got around to telling me. It was always ‘Sparky don’t do that!’ or ‘Sparky let him go!’ I kinda miss them now is all…” “I miss them too hun. They were both so amazing. You’d have loved them if you got to know them before you were born. But that’s not what you asked. It all started when somepony got sick, and had to miss out on work. Who would have thought that one incident would lead to the true love of two very dear friends? That was when your mom, Rarity...”