When worlds collide

by Derk396

First published

When a human named derek wakes up to find himself in equestria, he struggles to find the truth...

When a human named derek wakes up to find himself in equestria, he struggles to find the truth about who he is, when he tries to find help, the corruption is discovered...

A new life

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It was just another boring afternoon, parents gone, brother acting like the douche he is. But I was locked away in my room, just being me. Surfing the web and listening to music on my laptop. I heard a slam coming from the front door past my music, signaling my brothers departure. I walked into the living room to be sure that he left and soon y attention fell onto the television. Like any other teen I turned it and plopped onto the couch. I really wasn't interested with any of the programs but all the same I lie there watching. Just after my show ended the T.V. blacked out, groaning, I got up and went to check on it. As I reached a hand out to touch the screen I phase through it, catching me off guard I stumble and fall into the black void. I shut my eyes in anticipation of the fall and I hit the ground with an audible 'thud' my side burned in pain. In the distance I heard a female voice calling out to me.

"Sir?" the voice said. Soon I heard the sound of a running horse 'Clop Clop, Clop Clop, Clop Clop, Clop Clop' "Woah-oh-AH!" it shouted as I heard another thump on the ground. "Oh, you feather-brain" she said to herself. "Sir?" she said again. At this I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of crossed golden eyes looking right at me. I jumped up in surprise and tried to balance on my feet but fell down on to my back. The figure giggled "Sir? are... you okay?" I could only groan in response "Can. You. Sp-eak?" she asked slowly as if I was stupid.

"Yes, I can speak" I groaned, picking my head up off the ground to look at the owner of the mystery voice. Once my eyes focused on the figure it turned out to be a gray pony with a blonde mane and tail. "wait... am I talking to a pony?" I asked her in complete disbelief.

She shook her head at me "No silly I'm a pegasus," she said opening her wings "see?" when I saw those wings I faded back into black. I woke up about an hour later, I was lying in a bed, it wasn't mine that's for sure. I looked to my right to find a small bedside table with a muffin and a glass of apple juice on it. There was a small note attached to the glass, "hey there sir, I brought you home for rest. Have one of my special muffins and some apple juice from sweet apple acres. If I am not around then I am at work, I should be home soon. Just rest up and we will talk when I come home -DD"

"DD?" I asked aloud

"It stands for Ditzy Doo" a small voice said shyly. I looked over towards the voice to see a small purple unicorn with familiar golden eyes, mane and tail, as our eyes met she shied back a bit and said "she's my mom..." she said quietly.

I looked at her head and noticed her horn, still in shock I asked "a-are you a... u-unicorn?" she shock that unicorns as well as pegusi were real caused me to black out again. I woke up god knows when to hear a small sound coming from the other room. As curiosity got the better of me I got out of bed and found it hard to walk, as if my body was weighted differently. Without looking down to see what was wrong I walked into the other room to see the small unicorn crying on her bed. Using the doorframe for support I knocked on her open door to let her know I was there "what's wrong little filly?" I asked seeing her turn to look towards me.

"Well..." she started slowly "W-when m-mommy b-b-brought y-you home" she said through sniffles "a-and y-you woke u-up. A-and you, you saw m-me, I... I thought you were... d-dead" she finished before breaking out in a loud sob.

"Oh, sweetie... I wasn't dead, I was just in shock." I said trying to comfort the small unicorn "you see," I continued "there aren't any unicorns or pegusi where I am from. So when I saw both a unicorn and a pegasus I blacked out, just so my body could logically think the situation through."

Her crying stopped and she looked up at me with her big golden eyes, so innocent and pure, "So, if unicorns and pegusi aren't around where you are from then, where do alicorns come from?"


"Yes, alicorns."

"What's an alicorn?" I asked upon hearing this new word

"You... you don't know?" I shook my head in response "well... you are." she said with curiosity in her voice, not understanding why I didn't know what I was.

"I-I'm not I'm a hum-AAA!!!" I screamed looking at what used to be my hands to only see hooves, I looked down to find the same thing had happened to my feet. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, "I... am a pony..." I whispered before hitting the ground again in shock. When I woke up for a third time I was in a new bed, it was white and upon further investigation, so was the room. At first I didn't know what to think, when I saw an empty iv attached to what used to be my forearm I realized that I was in the hospital. I don't know what happened, or how it had happened but I was a pony, apparently I was no ordinary pony either, I was something called an alicorn. "NURSE!" I shouted. Moments later a white pony with a nurse's hat walked into the door.

"Oh, hello sir I see you are awake, my name is nurse redheart"

"hey nurse" was all I could think of as a response. I tried to sit up in my bed but found it difficult to move.
The nurse, seeing this difficulty explained "Sorry about the lack of mobility the drugs are probably still wearing off. You are one lucky pony mr..." she stopped

"Just call me..." I started trying to remember what my name was "Derek." I finished

"Alright... Derek, once the drugs wear off I can release your custody to yourself or your caretaker" she said as she started to pack up and leave the room

"wait!" I called back and she stopped in her tracks and turned around "who brought me here?" I finished

"Oh, umm... Hold on a sec okay?" I nodded, she then walked out of the room I heard the sound of a heavy filing cabinet being opened and the shuffling of papers, within moments I heard a slam come from the cabinet and the nurse came back in with a file in her mouth. "Alright here is your file, okay let's see..." she mumbled to herself "Here it is!" she exclaimed "you were checked in by a Miss Ditzy Doo. She reported that you claimed you were going into shock and that you were fainting alot. And by the tests we did on your heart..." she quieted back down to read the report. "Oh my! You, sir are one lucky pony indeed." she finished still eyeballing the report, your blood levels were through the roof and it seems that if you had one more incident... You were risking a heart attack." she finished on a solemn note. "May I ask what has caused this, excitement?"

"well," I started, but couldn't think of how to explain the situation without sounding crazy. "I just got excited that someone would open up there home to a stranger like me, it really shows how kind people are." I lied "not many people would even think of such a thing where I am from"

"Right..." she said not fully believing my story "well sir I have other patients that require assistance, so if that will be all..."

"Actually I had two questions for you... The first was that I hoped that you could give me miss Doo's address so I could properly thank her." she looked back at her file and wrote an address on a small piece of paper and tried to hand it to me but I just couldn't seem to hold on to it, everypony around can hold things in their hooves so easily but it really was more difficult than it looked. Seeing my trouble she just put the paper down on the bedside table. "Thanks" I said with an embarrassed look on my face "and the second was..." I cleared the knot in my throat "what's an alicorn?" for a second she just stood there with a blank expression on her face, then she broke out into laughter, but once she saw the serious look on my face she quieted down.

"are you serious?" she said in disbelief I nodded and she pulled a large object into the room "you, are an alicorn" she said with no emotional tone in her voice. I looked at her to find a mirror in the way, there was a reflection of a Lime green pony with a dirty blonde mane and the oddest thing of all was the horn that was placed on my forehead and the massive wings that I had. "An alicorn," she continued "is a pony that not only has the wings of a pegasus but also has the horn of a unicorn, both are usually larger than the original animals features but we can only base that off of the only two other alicorns that are known to exist. Our princesses Celestia and Luna, are the only alicorns that were known to exist."
It took some time for all of this information to sink in but once it did I knew what I had to do, "where could I meet the princesses? I think that they might he able to help me figure out why I am here."
The nurse was a bit shocked at this question but replied none the less. "well, they reside in the palace at canterlot," she said as she pointed out the window at a palace surrounded by a city built on the side of a mountain. "if you are going to go there then I recommend that you cover up your wings until you can have a private audience with the princesses. If word gets out that another alicorn showed up, and a stallion no less, you could be seen as a threat to the crown and that could complicate things."

"Well, isn't that just lovely" I said sarcastically

"I suggest that you go visit a unicorn by the name of rarity, she said in a quite voice tone as she produced a small blue token from nowhere, explain your situation and get her to make you something that could hide your wings."

"Rarity?" I asked for clarity's sake

"yes, she has a white coat and a purple mane, you probably want to pay her a visit after sun down so that you can remain hidden."

"Alright, white coat, purple mane, sundown" I said to myself "thanks nurse" is said as I looked up and realized that she wasn't there anymore. I took a second to take in all of the information and once I had it all memorized I slid off of the bed, took out the iv and before I left I looked at the token on my hoof. I don't know how I was doing it, but I was holding it, pressing my luck I tried to pick up the note as well. Somehow, defying almost everything I knew, I was a pony, made up of two mythological creatures, and I was holding something with my flat hoof. Either way, real or not, possible or not, I was on my way to meet the princesses.

The plot thickens...

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I strode out of the hospital and I looked at the note which had Ditzy's address, it was nothing more than an arrow pointing right and a small number. "three?" I asked myself. When I looked to my right, I saw a row of houses a ways away. So I followed the note, "head right as I leave the hospital and go to the third house." I stopped in front of a house that vaguely smelled like muffins, hesitantly I knocked on the door with my hoof.

"Coming!" I heard a familiar voice shout followed by a loud crashing sound "I'm okay!" she shouted through the door. When she finally answered, her mane was messed up and her feathers were ruffled, behind her was a large plant pot smashed on the ground. "Sorry about that" she said looking back at the mess "I guess I'm just a klutz" she said finally facing me. "Hey! It's you!"she shouted happily "wow, you were in the hospital for a whole week, what happened? I came home to find Dinky crying and you just lying there. She said that you said it was from shock, so that's what I told the nurse and..."

"Wait... Ditzy," I said cutting her off. "Did you say I was out for a week?!"

"Well, yeah!" she said with a slight smile "it was eight days really, but still!"

"EIGHT DAYS?!" I yelled in surprise

"yep, you must have been really tired!" she said happily

"Ditzy... I need to tell you some things, may I come in?"

"Sure! But, first I need to tuck my little girl in for the night" She said as she walked back into her house inviting me inside. Once inside she grabbed a plate and a muffin and gave them to me. When I looked at her quizzically she said "Everypony in ponyville has had one of my muffins at least once and you mister" she stopped to point a hoof at me "didn't eat the last muffin I gave you" she finished as she moved into Dinky's room to say goodnight. "Dinky..." she whispered "guess who stopped by?" the little unicorn seemed surprised that there was a visitor this late. Ditzy motioned for me to come and say hello. I slowly walked the hall and peered my into the room so that my head was just barely visible. When the filly saw me she started to cry slowly at first and then she got a little louder. I looked at Ditzy with a sorry expression on my face, "well, go in there," she whispered to me "she thinks that she hurt you." slowly I walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed, with Ditzy's permission I picked the small unicorn up and started to cradle her in my arms. Once Dinky calmed down I heard Ditzy start to sing in a light mother-like voice "You are my muffin, my only muffin, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my muffin away." Dinky started to nod off and Ditzy told me to join her. I, with a slight country accent joined in "you are my muffin, my only muffin, you make my happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my muffin away..." we both trailed off, the little filly was snuggling up to me, sound asleep. Ditzy came over and lightly kissed her forehead and whispered "goodnight my little muffin" I laid the sleeping unicorn back down and I tucked her in. We walked into the kitchen so I could explain the situation I was in. After several minutes of discussion Ditzy finally understood, "So, let me get this strait..." she said and took in a large breath "You were once something called a human and you stood on two legs and had hands instead of hooves, you touched a device made to bring joy but somehow was transported into an alternate yet parallel dimension where ponies are the dominate race instead of humans and now you need to seek an audience with princesses Celestia and Luna because apparently they are those only things that bears some sort of common anatomical structuring and you want to find a way to travel back to your dimension and!" she said taking another deep breath "not only do you have to make this trip fast as you fear the longer you wait the harder it will be to get back, but you must also do it covertly so that you are not seen as an enemy to the crown, imprisoned and have a slim to none chance of returning home... Right?" my jaw dropped underneath that thick exterior was a sweet, caring, intellectual and... Before I could finish that though I heard a small ding and Ditzy jumped up out of her seat and quietly exclaimed "MUFFINS!!!" in no time there was a tray of steaming muffins right in front of me. She grabbed some butter and a knife and offered me a fresh buttered muffin. I couldn't say yes fast enough and before I knew it we had devoured the tray, even though the muffins were all gone she still seemed really happy, and in seconds, I knew why. She had produced two more trays of muffins. "Okay... Muffin eating contest starting... NOW! She was lightning fast and although it was hard I somehow kept up, muffin after muffin falling into my mouth. We were both on out last muffin and it was going to be close... I... Lost, she beat me by a hair, more precisely a bite. Ditzy was, is, and always will be, the Grand Muffin Champion! Full, and getting tired I remembered rarity and my disguise, I quickly asked Ditzy if she could take me to Rarity's house. She nodded and we headed out the door, she started to flap her wings and she took off slowly circling my head, "C'mon! We've got to get going" she said

"Ditzy, in case you forgot, I was a human, I can't fly!"

"yet!" she said as she landed "alright then, I guess were running" soon the two of us were galloping into the night. We finally arrived at what alleged to be a boutique.

"here it is" Ditzy said

"Alright, you want to come with?"

"I would but unfortunately, it's not open. It closed over two hours ago.

"hmm..." I said thinking about my options when I remembered the blue token. "Let me try this real quick" I knocked on the door and all was silent for a bit then I heard some groaning from the other side of the door, soon I heard lock after lock after lock be unlocked/unbolted/and disengaged. Finally a white unicorn answered the door, her mane was messed up and it looked like she just fell out of bed. "I am sorry to wake you ma'am but by any chance are you rarity?"

"Yes?" she said with a but more interest.

"what can I do with..." I said as I produced the token "this?"

"How..? Where..? Come inside, fast." she said as she turned around and walked back indoors.

"C'mon Ditzy," I said to the grey pegasus. Suddenly Rarity stopped and turned back around.

"No, no no no no, NO!" Rarity said "This is a private affair, she cannot be a part of this."
I looked back at Ditzy to see her start to tear-up and turn around. "She knows everything about this and might he able to help me explain my situation, she needs to be here." She turned around to look at me and slowly a smile creeped up on her face.

"Fine, BUT! Ditzy, you are not to touch any of my dresses alright?"
Ditzy nodded vigorously making her slightly dizzy and she followed Rarity and me into the door smacking her face on the doorframe on the way in receiving a chuckle from me and a sigh from Rarity. When the three of us were inside Rarity slammed the door, "What is the big emergency?" she asked looking from Ditzy, to me and back again.

"Well," I started, "I need something to cover my wings." I said nervously

"That's it?" she asked flatly "THAT'S IT!?" she shouted at me "that's the big emergency!?"

"Can you do it?" I asked with concern

"Of course I CAN do it, but why is this so important?"

"I need to hide my wings until I can get to canterlot."

"Alright... Well, I suppose a vest would do... But if your going to canterlot then you might need more. I was thinking a nice vest, complimented by a jacket, OH! Of course, pants as well, some very nice dress pants..." she said switching into fashionista mode.

"Rarity..." I said trying to get her attention, but she just keep on mumbling to herself "Rarity..." I continued as she did.
"RARITY!!!" I shouted

"yes?" she asked

"I just need something practical, for this I am thinking function, not fashion, perhaps just the vest..." I explained

"Your so much like twilight... Alright, so do you want the vest to match your coat?"

"I guess..."

"you... guess..." she sighed "alright, let me see what I am dealing with" she said as I spread my wings for her to examine. "you can put them down now" I did as she instructed and she was measuring everything possible. "You have some massive wings, much, much, bigger than a normal pegasus... In fact..." she stopped to think to herself "the only other pony I have seen with wings like these was an..." she looked upon my long horn that was hiding in my mane. "...alicorn..." she whispered. "Okay, now I'm curious."

"Well, I was back at my home..." I started "... And now I am here" I finished minutes later.

"I suppose that is a perfect reason to be so secretive."

"So how long would it take you to make this vest?"

"Well, your in luck because I have some fabrics in your color, I would say about..." she said but was cut off by a loud crashing sound. "Arrg..." rarity growled. I was chuckling under my breath until Rarity shot me a harsh glance.

"Ditzy, I thought rarity told you not to touch any of her dresses"

The grey pegasus appeared from a back room with a confused look on her face (more confused than usual) "it wasn't me, I was in this room" she said pointing to the room she just exited.

"Then what made all that noise?" I asked while walking to the curtained room. As the three of us went into the room and I noticed a cloaked figure on the floor that had three mannequins on top of it.

When rarity lit up the room Ditzy gasped, "I know that pony! When I brought you to the hospital that pony was watching me and when he saw you he left in a hurry. I went up to the unconscious figure and when rarity moved the mannequins out of the way I tore the cloak off to find an orange pegasus with a blonde mane wearing a belt with a knife on it, and a single curved dagger for a cutie mark.

"This is not good, that cutie mark... He must be an assassin!" Ditzy exclaimed.

"what's a cutie mark?" I asked, Rarity and Ditzy looked from me to each other and started laughing.

"Wow mister, you really aren't from around here." Ditzy said through the laughter.

"Now now Ditzy we shouldn't laugh at his lack of basic, learn it in magic kindergarten, knowledge" she said before cracking up again

"A cutie mark, is a mark that somepony gets on their flank, it shows their special talent in life" Ditzy explained

"So like..." I said looking at rarity "jewels... so, fashion?" and rarity nodded "And..." I started as I looked at Ditzy "bubbles?" I asked.

"It is a long story... But I can tell you on our way to canterlot."

"Okay, so... what's my cutie mark then?" I asked trying to look back at my flank.

"Well... it appears to be..." Rarity started, further examining my cutie mark "Two silver swords crossed downwards over a blue kite shield... What do you suppose it means?"

"I don't know..." I stated

"Well... give my friend twilight a visit when we are done here... She might be able to help you find out. But, we really should be getting back to business, if you have such brutes and ruffians coming after you then you might want to hurry up." about an hour later Rarity had made a vest that perfectly matched my coat, she had even made some saddlebags with my cutie mark embroidered on them. "There... all done" she said as she finished the embroidery on the saddlebags. "This should do it." she said

"Thank you rarity, I hope to see you again" I said as I started to head towards the door.

"Wait!" she said, stopping me in my tracks. "Before you go, do you know how to use your powers?"

"no... But how hard could it be?"

"Let me teach you how to use some basic magic like levitation, it might come in handy"

"Okay..." I said with some hesitance
The training seemed pointless, magic wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It was nothing more than imagining something happening and then focusing on that thought. In mere minutes I had mastered levitation, and when rarity was satisfied Ditzy and I once again started to walk to the door, only to be stopped once again by Rarity. "Wait!" she shouted

"What now!?" Ditzy asked getting impatient "I need to get back before my little muffin wakes up and finds that her mommy isn't there."

"Well, I just wanted to remind you to go and give my friend twilight a visit, she lives in the towns library, it's a giant tree, you can't miss it!"

"Alright, we will go and check it out, thanks again rarity." I said before walking out with Ditzy. She led the way to the library, a giant tree. "Wow, this is one big tree!" I said in disbelief

"yep," She said with a smile "It's completely hollow, except for the books."

"Well then, let's see if anyone is home..."

The end of the beggining

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When we got to the door and knocked, there was a sound of things hitting the floor and somepony was talking to herself. The door opened and a purple unicorn was looking at me with a bit of anger in her eyes. "WHAT!" she shouted at me

"I-I um... are you... Twilight?"

"Yes, yes I am" she said calming down a bit

"I was told to come see you..."

A worried look soon filled her face "D-Did the princess send you? I am so sorry about the mess, I-I was reshelving the books, and I lost focus when you knocked and..." she babbled on

"Twilight!" Ditzy shouted snapping twilight of her stupor


"the princess didn't send us, rarity did." I said to the confused unicorn

"oh... well, what do you need?"

"She wanted me to come by to see if you could decipher my cutie mark, nobody knows what it means..."
At this twilight started to giggle, "You mean, you don't know what your..." she said while laughing "your cutie mark... Hahaha" she was now on the floor she was laughing really hard. "What, did-did it just appear overnight? Haha!"

"Yeah yeah, I know, magic kindergarten stuff." She stopped laughing and froze up at the words. "hey... are you okay?" nothing, she was frozen, she started to shake and whisper to herself. I heard a yawn come from someone inside the tree, it was followed by footsteps and a small purple dragon appeared.

"Did you have to say magic kindergarten?" the dragon asked glaring lightly.

"Why? What did I do?"

"Nothing," he sighed "she must have had a really bad time at magic kindergarten, she doesn't even tell me everything... Anyways, my name's spike" he said extending a small scaly hand "what's yours?"

I shook his hand with my hoof and replied "My name is Derek."

"Derek?" he asked quizzically "Odd, I have never heard a name like that before."

"well, I'm not exactly from around here. In fact, your the closest thing to normal that I have seen this whole time. No offense" I said looking over to Ditzy

"so... If your not from around here, where are you from?"

"it's a long story, can you fix her?" I asked pointing a hoof at twilight.

"yeah, could you levitate me that big book over there?" he asked pointing to an unusually large book sitting neatly on a shelf.

"I can try, I'm still getting used to using my powers" slowly, the book slid off of the shelf and dropped a bit but then leveled out and floated towards the dragon.

"your getting better but it looks like you still struggle a bit, right?" Ditzy commented

"no," I said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone letting go of the book, which fell on top of the small dragon waiting below. "okay, maybe a bit."

"Arrg..." spike groaned "as if twilight didn't drop enough books on me..." I levitated the book again, allowing the dragon to stand up and snatch it from the air. "Alright, let's see..." he mumbled to himself as he flipped through the pages. "Here it is," he said aloud stopping on a page filled with old texts, scriptures and characters that I have never could have even imagined. Slowly spike smoothed out the pages and suddenly slammed the heavy book closed. A loud, and thick 'thud' came from the book as Ditzy and I jumped back in surprise. Twilight's random mumbling stopped and she slowly returned to her hooves.

"Thanks spike, I owe you one..."

"Actually twi, this makes two."

"right," she said turning her attention back to me. "Sorry about that... So you need help decrypting your cutie mark?"

"yes, I thought finding more about it would help me find out what I need to do." she led Ditzy and I inside the library, and amongst the clutter of books on the floor there was one book that started to float in the air. It was surrounded by visibly purple magic and once again I saw that foreign writing. Twilight floated the book over to a nearby table, once the book was propped up she turned to me. "Alright, turn around" I did as she instructed and soon she was off, slipping back into her stupor I allowed her to work. When I craned my head to look at her, two more books had appeared and were being flipped through at a fast pace. Twilight looked up only every now and then to re-examine my cutie mark, she set one of the books down so that a specific page was open, and focused on the other two books.
I don't know how long I was there, but for some reason it seemed like an eternity. Ditzy was flying around looking at the books to keep herself busy, and I was still standing there, bored as ever. Twilight had finished with the second book and was now closely examining both the book and myself. Spike had fallen asleep from the long wait, curled up on the floor in what seems to have been a random place, he hugged the broom he was sweeping with. "Twilight?" I asked lightly "I don't want to sound rude or anything, but are you almost done?"
She sighed heavily "I think so, but I have some bad news..."

"I'm not evil, am I? When I was younger I thought it would be cool to be the bad guy, then I realized they always lose..."

"Well, wether or not you are evil is up to you, but I can tell you the basics of what your cutie mark means." she got closer to me so that she could help explain. She stretched out a hoof to point at my mark "the shield, always means protection, but then there is the type of shield to consider, yours happens to be a kite shield. What a kite shield symbolizes is complete protection, meaning that good or bad you would do your best to see that nopony will come to harm. Then you look at the color, this took me forever to find but, I found it. Blue is an unusual and rare metal color, especially after being smelted and forged into a shield, it means that you are rare."

"Well, I am an alicorn, I heard that doesn't happen often." twilight was a bit surprised to hear this but then she noticed how big I was, how my height was similar to princess Celestia's, she then took notice to my vest which she guessed hid my wings.

"Twilight?" She seemed confused, the only other alicorns she knew were royalty. The origin of alicorns were unknown, something clicked in her head and she bowed down low. "What are you doing?" I liked the respect, as I would from anypony but it was unnecessary.

"Bowing," she said in a respectful and careful voice. "It's customary to do so when you meet royalty. I am so sorry for any disrespect that I may have shown you prince, umm..."

"My name is Derek and I am no prince."

"I-I," The purple unicorn was now completely lost, I had the qualities of royalty, yet I was saying that I wasn't. "I'm confused."

"I. Am. Not. Royalty." I said slowly for her understanding

"So then, how are you an alicorn? When I asked about them to the princess she said that only royalty could even have the chance to be born one." She protested

"I don't know, I don't even know how I got to this world in the first place."

"Okay, now I'm even more confused." she stated flatly
"Nevermind, could you finish explaining my mark?"

"well, okay... As I was saying, the blue kite shield means that you are a rare pony that would protect anypony from the dangers around them. Then, we get into the hard part... Swords are tricky, the exact shape, color, and positioning change the meaning. I wasn't able to come up with anything solid but the downward swords means that, unless you have to, you will not fight, or using your cutie mark as an example, your swords are sheathed and aren't at the ready. Both of the swords appear to be broad swords, those swords were particularly heavy, being double sided and as large as they were, they are meant to cause heavy damage. Then we get to the color..." she got quiet

"They are silver... what does that mean? Twilight?"
She sighed heavily "they aren't just silver, most blades have some silver in them... They are PURE silver, from what I have found then..." she got quiet again

"What? Twilight what does it mean?!" I shouted

"It usually means... Change, not just any change, no I mean change that will effect the world, all of equestria will be effected."

"So let me get this strait... I am a protector, for good and bad either way I will try to avoid conflict, and if I have to fight, then I will be a strong and dangerous opponent who will ultimately bring about change to the land?" She nodded "Wow, this sounds a little too unreal, like something out of a storybook, the hero must go forth and vanquish the evil and unknown threat... Well this is just fantastic." I said sarcastically

"Well, this is all theoretical, it doesn't necessarily mean that will happen but, it might..."

"Great, just in case things go wrong, how hard is it to learn some spells?"

"Well, it depends on the complexity of the spell, but usually they are fairly strait-forward. You memorize the incantation and put some magic into it and the spell should occur."

"In that case, could I borrow some spell books?"

Twilight looked at me curiously "what kind of spell books?"

"Ones that contain incapacitation and possibly shielding spells."

Twilight looked down to the sea of books littering the floor and her horn glowed once again, books sifted left and right and soon three books floated above the others. "Here," she said as the three books floated into my saddlebags, "These contain the spells that you want, be careful though, some of those spells contain very old and very powerful magics."
Before the last book flew into my bag I saw that same writing, "Twilight... I can't read that, I don't recognize the writing."

"I see, well... I can cast a spell on your eyes, it should be able to translate any language, old or new."

"isn't that a brain thing... Being able to translate a language?"

"It is, but you see, the brain recognizes that what you are seeing as a language, and deep in your subconscious you have figured out the language enough so that you can translate it, this is pushing that understanding into your eyes."

"Which then sends the signal back translated?"


"Amazing! Simply amazing!" Twilight's horn glowed for the third time and the purple magic invaded my eyes. Slowly the magic faded, and when it did I produced the blue book from my bag and I could read it. The old book had no title, but was filled with spells from fireballs to lightning strikes. "This is so great twilight," I said looking at a sleeping spell. "Could you also teach me how to wipe someones memory for a period of time?" She produced a green book and using her magic, flipped it open to a page which had a temporary memory wipe spell. I stared between the two books and then a thought occurred to me, if I was going to be stealthy, nopony could know that I was here... At least for now. Using the books and my magic I cast the sleeping spell on twilight, I admit I used a generous amount of magic, but I had to be sure it would do it's job. She dropped like a rock, Ditzy gasped in shock as I put twilight out.

"Why did you do that?" She asked tilting her head slightly.

"Because I am going to do this," I said as my horn glowed again and my green magic formed a haze which floated towards Twilight's head and soon dissipated. "There, if the spell worked, she won't remember any of this, now onto spike." the process repeated on spike whom was still sleeping peacefully. "C'mon Ditzy, I think that I'm done here, where to next?"
"Well, I guess we have to go back to rarity's so that you can wipe her memory too." Ditzy concluded
"Alright then, lets go." We left the library and were welcomed by the cool night, off to Rarity's, then to the princesses.

The new blood

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Rarity put up much more of a struggle than I thought she would have. But the results were the same, note to self; Don't wake rarity up, especially twice in the same night. We had gone back to Ditzy's house for some rest. And that was it, my first real day, well... night, in ponyville.

Using my magic I closed the journal and set the pencil down, the guard took notice an walked up to my cell. "You done?" his gritty voice asked

"For now," I said as slumped into the corner of my cell, I couldn't think about sleep, it was just another restless night, only one thing to do. My horn glowed and the guard tensed up, soon my body became limp as I drifted off into sleep, my wings curling around my body for warmth, it was just another night in the dungeons...

I awoke to the first rays of sunlight beaming through my small, barred window. I used to welcome the sun, but it's infidelity plagued my mind and it brought nothing but pain and discomfort. "I guess I'll do another entry." I said aloud to my guard, he walked over to the cell and produced the journal and pencil, he slid them between the bars and I took them with my magic. Once again when my horn glowed he tensed up, I have been noticing this ever since I arrived. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" he questioned

"You tense up, every time I use my magic you get really tense, as if you expect that I am going to hurt you."

"I never know..."

"What happened?"


"No," I said definitively "there is something, something happened, your nothing more than a statue for the whole day but when ever magic is used, you react. What happened?" I said with more authority.

He sighed deeply, there was no hiding it. "my partner, long time ago..." his voice faded. "it was nothing more than a transfer, the prisoner attacked and used his magic to..." he fell quiet again, silent tears soon began to stream down his face. "The transport was blown up, I survived, but he didn't... The princess was furious, she discharged him dishonorably for failing her, then she wouldn't even give him a proper funeral."

"Noted" I said quietly "how high up the ladder were you two?"

"We were the elite guard... Best of the best, Captains. Now, recruits are doing more important things than I am."

"What's your name?"

"Rain runner," he said softly

"You know what Rain runner? For every pony I meet, I realize how different their names are compared to my world. Either way, what was your partners name?"

"Why... He's gone..."

"I know, but if certain things happen, than it will be important."

"C-Cloud... Dasher." Rain runner choked on the old name.

I thought for a second, those two names felt odd, for some reason they felt... similar, Rain/Cloud similar, runner/dasher, even closer. Then it clicked, it all made sense "he... was more than your partner... wasn't he? Yes, he was..."

"My brother!" He shouted, cutting me off "my little brother..." he wept to himself "why why why... Why couldn't it have been me?" his eyes streamed tears, not even attempting to hold back.

"He died serving his kingdom, in my book, there is no nobler way to go, and I'm sorry for your loss. If you want to go and take a break, I promise I won't try anything... I don't want anypony else getting hurt."

"Pinky Pie promise?"

"what's that?"

"Something I picked up in ponyville... It goes like this." he said before saying the chant with appropriate hoof movements. "It is something special that two... Friends can do. Because, it shows that I trust you, and according to Pinky Pie, when you lose a friends trust it is the fastest way to lose a friend forever."


Suddenly there was the sound of water splashing from behind me, the two of us looked back at my water trough to see a soaking wet Pinky Pie "Foreverrrrr..." she said eerily as she sank back into the water. She was gone for a second before popping back out "Wait, who are you?" she said looking over towards me.

"I'm Derek, I was hiding in ponyville for a while before I was captured... How did you do that?"

"Wait... Ponyville?" suddenly she made a huge gasping sound. "Did I throw you a party!?" she asked now looking worried.

"Ummm... No. Nopony even knows I was there... except for Ditzy."

"No silly, everypony knows you after what Twilight did." she said cheerfully

"What did she do?"

"Weeeeeell" she remembered back to that day "She had just gotten her memory back and then she called an emergency town meeting, she told everypony about you and made sure that you weren't still hiding in ponyville. She was really worried about you, she thought you were going to hurt the Princesses so she even wrote a letter telling them about you."

"SHE DID WHAT!" I shouted

"I SAID," she spoke loudly, thinking that I couldn't hear her "SHE WROTE A LETTER TO THE PRINCESSES."

"I heard you Pinky Pie, but seriously... how did you get here?"


"There!" I pointed a hoof to the water trough

"I don't know." she then slowly sank back into the water. When she was gone I stuck my hoof in the water and swished it around, nope... She was gone.

"Does that happen often?"

"I don't think so," the guard replied "so will you promise not to try and escape?"
"Yes, Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I chanted with all of the hoof movements.

"Good, I'll be back soon... I just need to go see him..." he sighed before slowly walking out of the room.

"Back to the journal..." I said picking up the journal and pencil with my magic.

So after we made rarity forget my visit we went back to her house for some rest, it was morning, the sun was slowly hovering above the horizon, I was naive and welcomed the warm sunshine... I got out of the guest bed that Ditzy had prepared for me and walked into the kitchen to find neither Ditzy, nor Dinky. I looked all around the house to find neither hide nor hair of either. I, at first thought that they were in trouble. I galloped outside and looked around, nothing. I started further into the street when I heard Ditzy. "Hey! Derek!" She called hearing this I looked around, she had to have been able to see me... but where was she? "Up here! We're on the roof!"

"the..." I said to myself looking back at the house to find both Ditzy and Dinky lying on the backs watching the sunrise. "Why the roof?" I called back

"Why not?" I pondered this for a second and couldn't think of any reason why they shouldn't be up there.

"I'll be inside if you need me." I said before heading back into the house.

I watched from a window as the sun was clawing it's way up the horizon and once it was past the horizon I heard muffled talking coming from the roof. I strained to listen to the conversation, but it was no use, I couldn't clearly make out what they were saying. Soon the pair stopped talking and made their way to the ground, with Dinky on her back Ditzy flew down, ever so softly. They both walked inside, laughing. "How was it?"

"Very pretty" Dinky's small voice replied

"that's good to hear, back when I was little, my dad would take me out once a week and we would hike up a really big mountain, then we would camp out and watch the sun set. For some reason, he liked sun sets over sun rises. He said it was because once the sun went down and it's beauty ended, the night would begin and would bathe you in starlight."

"Luna would be happy to hear that" she commented


She looked up at her mother and then told me he story of the mare in the moon. "She did all that because she thought that ponies didn't like her night."

"Well that's just crazy, when I go see her, I will tell her how much I love her nights."

"Please keep my mommy safe on the trip, okay?" She said with small tears welling in her eyes.

"I will make sure that nothing happens to your mommy." I looked up at Ditzy "so... I assume you told her?"

"Nope," she said with a big smile "she's one smart filly, isn't she?"

"wow, yes... She's really smart."

"She gets it from her father..." she got quiet at the mention of her deceased husband.

"Ditzy? Are... Are you okay?"

"Fine." she sniffled as a tear rolled down her face. "I-I packed for the trip... It's a long journey by hoof, we should get going."

"Wait... did you get a sitter?"


"For Dinky."

"She's a smart filly, like I said, she can take care of herself of a while. She does all the time when I need to go to work." She said with a confident smile, she turned her head towards dinky "Wheres the food?"

"In the pantry." she replied

"and the water?"

"there's a bucket and pump outside, just use my magic and pump the water."

"good, and if somepony tries getting into the house?"

"Use the spell twilight taught me and then run to town square and call for help."

"See?" she said looking back up at me.

"What spell did twilight teach her?"

"it actually came from the book she gave you, it puts the other pony in a stasis and allows for an easy get away."

"Amazing," I looked down to Dinky "Dinky, if anyone asks, I was never here, I don't exist, okay?"

"Okay. Please be safe."

"We will muffin, you take care of yourself okay?" Ditzy said

"yes mommy"

"If that's everything, than I think we should go Ditzy."

"yes," was all she said as we departed.

That, was the start of our journey to Canterlot. "Rain runner, I think that I'm done for today."

"Actually, your not."

I shot him a confused look "what?"

"You have a visitor,"


"It's me" a familiar voice rang from the darkness, it was cool and relaxed, peaceful just like the night... Then it hit me, I bowed down as princess Luna stepped into the light. "Rise, you have no reason to bow to me."

"Maybe not, but since I am here in your kingdom and you showed me kindness, it does show that I respect you."

"Still, I had some tests done and I have some news... Your royalty."


"Yes, the tests confirmed that you, Celestia, and I have the same blood and nearly the same DNA structure, you have the 'royal blood'" she tried to make air quotes with her hooves as she finished. "Technically, this makes you a prince, a true prince... unlike Blueblood."

"So does this mean, that I can go free?"

"Yes, and no... You see, since you are a prince you receive better accommodations than this, but you are still not excused from the crimes laid against you."

"I see, so how will this work?"

"Well, sister and I thought that something like this would happen and we had a third private chamber built, once I found out that you were indeed a prince, I had the room cleaned and prepared."

"Thank you, does Celestia know?"

"Yes, and she wasn't happy. Look, the main reason I came here was to tell you how you can escape."


"in one week time, you will be brought to Ponyville for a party that Pinky Pie insisted on throwing for you. It's your late welcome to Ponyville party."

I couldn't help chuckling at this, "So... How am I going to escape?"

"Well... The details are being worked out but, I will find a way."

"So, since I am a prince, does this mean I get my personal guard?"

"Of course, although... they are nothing more than some extra recruits, Celestia knew we had to protect you, but..."

"She didn't want good protection?"


"Well then, could I make a request?"

"That depends, what is it?"

"That Rain runner, becomes the leader of my guard."

"But, he has to be a captain in order to lead others, and be in the elite guard, Celestia has already chosen a leader."

"And for some reason, that doesn't make me feel safe, couldn't you give him back his title and rank so that he CAN lead?"

"I... suppose... but... okay, I don't see any issues there." She turned to Rain runner and he bowed down "I, Princess Luna, hereby decree that the pegasus known as Rain runner is officially re-instated in the Elite guard of Equestria, and the rank of Captain will be returned, furthermore, I hereby appoint Captain Rain runner of the elite guard to lead the royal guard for Prince Derek. You may rise."

Rain runner rose "Thank you Princess Luna, and Thank you Prince Derek."

"It's no problem, but if you wouldn't mind... I would like to be let out of this cage."

"Oh! Sorry sir!" he said as he picked up the key and unlocked the cage.

"Thank you Captain, now, shall we go and see my chambers?"

"And meet the new troops." he added.

The royal guard

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The walk to my chambers was an awkward one, servants, guards, and VIPs alike were bowing to Luna and I as we walked. When we arrived I was amazed, the room was great, large and empty, save the essentials, a desk, some books in a bookshelf and a large bed with covers embroidered with my cutie mark. My guard was standing at attention waiting for my arrival, "Umm... At ease" I said aloud and the guards relaxed "Luna, could you sound proof the room?"

"Sure, the spell isn't that complex" she said as her horn started to glow, followed by the room, the doors shut and the locks clicked, the room was sealed. "Done."

"Great," I looked around at the guards, Seven white pegasi stood around the room. Guards, remove your armor, please."

Although there was some hesitance the guards followed their command. Soon my guard was no longer seven white pegasi, no, they were now all sorts of colors, one was orange, the next was a light purple, next a light blue, a fiery red, light yellow, and two brown, twins by the looks of them. Even some of their manes changed color, yellow, dark purple, deep blue, orange, white, and tan, respectively. "Amazing..." I then turned to my Captain, "you too, I want to see what you look like." Piece by piece his armor clanked to the floor. Soon a strong grey coat, grey maned pegasus was standing in front of me. "Thank you Captain," I then turned back around "And thank you as well guards, it is good to see who I will be relying on for the next week.

And that's when I heard a voice, it was strong, yet confused. "Sir, I thought we were the permanent guard for the prince." it was the red one who spoke out.

"I am very glad you caught that, in one week, I will be attending a party, hosted by pinky pie," one of the guards gulped heavily at her name. "Is there a problem?"

"N-No Sir, she just... We used to..." The blue pegasus stammered

"Oh... Well, when we attend, you will all be wearing your armor, so I don't think that she will notice you. But still, during this party I will attempt to escape, go into hiding, and from there... well, you never know."

Rain runner walked beside me and started to whisper, "Sir, there should only be six guards in a protection unit, I think we have a spy."

"or an assassin," I whispered back "Well," I said aloud "it seems like we have an extra pony among our ranks, why is this pony here? Espionage? Assassination? Either way, I already know who this pony is." I was pacing back and forth among the guards, stopping right in front of the red pegasus.

"Sir? You think that it's me!? You think that I am the traitor?" all of the other guards tensed up and got ready for a fight. "No,

I don't think that it's you... I know it is. Now, I am kind of new when it comes to pony law so... I will let one of the guards pick your punishment. You!" I shouted pointing to the orange pegasus "what should this traitors punishment be?"

"W-well, for attempting to commit a traitorous act against the prince, death."


"He should be hanged, by the gallows."

"Hmm... Just as I thought... Guards! Arrest this pegasus!" I shouted once again pointing to the orange pegasus. Confused, but still following orders, the other guards tackled and subdued him. "Did you really think I wouldn't remember? All the way back in ponyville? You, tried to kill me."

"S-sir" he stammered "Y-you can't be sure"
"True, I guess ponies could look alike, GUARDS! can somepony tell me what his cutie mark is?"

"A curved dagger sir!" the twins said in unison.

"And now I am sure."

"So," I said turning to the red pegasus.

"Fire storm, sir." he said

"Fire storm, nice name... What punishment do you think this assassin deserves?"

"Well, why was he here? Obviously he wouldn't kill you right here in front of all of us, now would he?"

"Good point, so, why are you here?" I asked turning back to the subdued assassin

"You'll never get me to talk."

"But you just did," I said with a laugh "Luna, I had some books in my saddle bags, what happened to those?"

"I made sure that they were put on the shelf, once I found out you were a prince of course."

I looked over to the self and a certain green book caught my eye. I levitated the book over to myself and started flipping through pages. "Aha! A truth spell, wow, seems like these unicorns think of everything. So, are you ready? guards, release him." Soon he was free, yet he was still trapped inside the room. My horn glowed as the incantations slid off my tongue, his mouth began to glow and suddenly both stopped.

"D-did it work?" Rain runner asked with curiosity

"Lets find out, why are you here?"
As if in a trance he responded "I have been hired by Queen Celestia to make sure that all potential threats to the crown cease to exist."

"Did he say queen Celestia?" Luna asked

"I am afraid he did... what is your current mission?"

"To gain intelligence on Derek and do NOT kill him... Yet."

"Don't you mean prince Derek?"

"No, the queen does not see you as a prince, therefor I do not."

"What queen!?" I shouted at him, then turned to Luna "Has equestria ever had a queen?"

"No, for as long as I could remember it was just Celestia and I."

"Two princesses, no queen?"


I turned back around, "Who are you? What's your name? Where do you hail from?"

"I am brother Delta, I own no name, and I hail from no land, so I stay faithful to the queen."

"Delta? How many are you?"


"I see..."

"No, you do not, you fool you are blind, blind to the truth."

"Truth? What truth?"

"the truth that Celestia is the true queen of all equestria!"

"Derek, this is not good..." Luna started "I think he might be brainwashed."

"If he is... Then maybe we can work something out with this... So, you are not allowed to kill me?"

"No, not unless the queen let's me."

"Even if I were to escape in two weeks? You couldn't kill me before the two weeks are up?"

"No, not unless the queen gives the order."

"Good, so then I can do this," my horn glowed and he collapsed to the floor, asleep. "As so you don't remember this..." once again my horn glowed and a green fog surrounded his body. "Now that he is taken care of, will somepony put him in the hall?"

"Yes sir!" The Captain said before he dragged the body outside.

"Luna, is the room still soundproof?"

"yes, the magic broke when the door opened, but it sealed itself."

"Great, so we can get started!"

"Sir," Fire storm said "you said, two weeks? Didn't you?"

"Yes, yes I did. Your very observant, you know that? If Celestia can brainwash ponies, well then I wanted to make sure that if she has anything else waiting, she has some false information."

"So what's going to happen?" the twins said together

"What's your names?" I asked curiously

"Rock, and Land, we're the slide twins!"

"Rock slide, and Land slide... are you sure that you want to work together?" I asked looking back at Rain runner.

"Yes," they said together "We always work together."

"Very well then, to answer your question, I am going to gain allies in the castle, I'm sure that others have seen the corrupt side of Celestia. Once I have allies here we will co-ordinate my escape with whomever would care to join, then we strategize the best way to assault the castle, confront Celestia and reclaim Equestria."

"Hold on," the yellow pegasus said

"yes? And what would your name be?"
"Light breaker, and your saying that you want us to help you escape, just so you can storm the castle? We will all get slaughtered. Celestia had the most elite of the guards on her side, we all... We're nothing more than recruits."

"I've got it!" Rain runner said aloud "Every recruit, if posted on castle guard duty must be paired with a senior guard, both for experience, and protection in case of emergency!"

"So I just post all my guards to the castle and they can get the others on our side!"

"Yes! Well, no... You must have at least two guards at all times."

"Slide twins, are you up to personal guard duty? Since you always work together." They looked at each other and nodded then they turned to me and did the same. "Good, with the guard on our side it will be easier to attack."

"Don't forget about me," Luna said "I have my own guard as well. I can tell all of them."

"Only tell the ones you trust the most, there's no way of telling who else Celestia has brainwashed."

"Alright, is there anything else?"

"yes, could you get me a map of the castle and the locations of the blacksmith, the kitchen, and the library."

"I'll have the captain see to it."

"You'll have the map by morning sir." Rain runner said

"Great, now... Any questions?" The blue pegasus raised his hoof, "Yes?"

"So... we are going to leave the castle, and with help from the inside we will take the castle for ourselves?"

"no, were not claiming the castle for ourselves, we are ridding equestria of it's tyrant leader."

"Why do you think that we would rebel against Celestia?"

"Because she put you in my guard, she wanted to be sure that if I tried to rebel with you all from inside the castle, without help, that you would be slaughtered. She has no hope in any of you and she cast you out to die. She has no other plans for you all besides death. Is that reason enough?"

"Yes." he said through gritted teeth

"What's your name?"

"Ice... Breaker" he said while looking over at Light breaker.

I looked back and forth between the two and it clicked. "It would appear that we have two sets of brothers in the guard..."

"A-Actually sir," he purple pegasus said stepping forward.

"No way..."

"Yes, my name is Midnight storm."

I looked back at the captain, who's mouth was agape "I just think she's mocking you Captain. So, you four... Are you okay working with each other, now that you know the risks?" they looked at each other and then nodded, "Good, captain? What do you feel about this?"

"Terrible, Celestia knows what happened and..."

"I know Captain, I know... So everypony, remember, not a word to anypony, and the spy we threw out, we need to make sure he doesn't get suspicious so treat him like any other guard. Any questions?"

"NO SIR!" they all shouted

"Good, captain..."

"DISMISSED!" He shouted


One by one the guards put back on their armor and left the room followed by the captain, "Captain,"
He stopped and turned to face me, "Yes sir?"

"I don't know if they completely trust me, if you could, tell them about your brother. I don't want that to happen to anypony else."

"I think," he said taking a breath "that they should know, it sets a good, and painful example of just how far Celestia will go..."

"Thank you captain, and I promise, no... I pinky pie promise that once I regain the kingdom, I will set things strait. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Thank you prince..." I cut him off

"Sir... will do, tell the guard as well, there is no need to call me prince, just sir."

"yes sir." he said before galloping back out of the room.

The door closed behind Rain runner leaving Luna and I alone. "So, Luna... There is something that I don't understand, how can I have royal blood? There is no way that we can be related."

"You're right, and that's because we are not related. You see the term 'Royal Blood' means that there are traces of human in your DNA. Something that could only be achieved by someone who traveled across dimensions like we did."

"But, Celestia is your sister?"

"Yes, we came across together."

"So then, why were you so quick to betray her?"

"Because that day... That was when I first saw the corruption. Do you remember?"

"All too well..."


Ditzy and I waited in line for the open court when a guard spotted us and rushed us to the front... We strode through the large doors to find the two princesses; Celestia, and Luna.

"Princesses, I think this is the one." the guard spoke

"Are you sure Captain?" Celestia asked

"Not entirely, he is wearing a vest, it could be cov..."

"Thank you Captain, you may take your leave now."


"No buts Captain, I said now!" the Captain quickly turned tail and galloped out of the courtroom. "Now," she said, focusing her attention on me. "Who are you?"

I bowed down "Princess Celestia, my name is Derek, I come from another world and thought you could provide answers."

"Let me see them."

"Your highness?"

"Your wings, prove that you are an alicorn."

"As you wish" slowly I used my magic to slip the vest off, standing back to get it all the way off my body. My large wings slowly revealed themselves as the vest came off.

"Well, it seems as if Twilight was telling the truth after all... GUARDS!" We were rushed by guards, Ditzy and I were surrounded and subdued.

"What are you doing?!" Luna shouted at Celestia

"Watch," her attention turned back to the two of us. "So... Why are you really here?"

"I just somehow came into this world and I heard that you two were the only other alicorns, I thought you could help me find out how I got here."

"Sister," Luna said "It sounds that same, maybe..."

"Hush Luna, well Derek, if you came here for an explanation I am afraid that I can't give you one. But I know somepony who can." Suddenly there was a loud whirring noise and a blue police box slowly materialized in the corner of the room.

"It can't be..." Ditzy said

A tan earth pony with a dark brown mane stepped outside. He looked around the courtroom before looking up a the princesses "Hello Celestia, Luna."

"Doctor?" Ditzy asked

He turned around to see Ditzy being held down by several guards. "Ditzy? Is that you? Oi, guards! Get off of her!"

"Guards, release the female."

"Wait, have you two met?" I asked

"Yes, I traveled with the doctor for awhile."

"Yeah, those days were fun... So, who called? I got a message on the psychic paper." he said producing a wallet with a piece of paper saying "Come quick! Need help!"

"I did," Celestia said with a smile. "could you be so kind as to explain what happened to our friend? I assume that he suffered a similar fate as my sister and I."

"Really? Well then, let me see him."

"Guards, release the male."

"Thank you Doctor" I said

"Ah, don't thank me yet," he said while pulling out a small strange device with his mouth "Dish vill tell meh if da shame ting hapand" he said with the device in his mouth. A small whirring noise came from the object as he ran it all around my body. He stopped and spat it into his hooves, "I forgot that I can use these... Still, let me see... Ah! Yep core samples indicate human."

"What is that, and where can I get one, that's cool."

"Well, it's a sonic screwdriver, and since it says you are a human then the only way you could get one would be if you are a timelord who has disguised himself as a human and have some sort of fob watch somewhere that will make you a timelord again and then your TARDIS would give you one..."

"In other words, I can't get one" I said sadly


"So, it's a screwdriver, why doesn't it look like one?"

"Because it's sonic."

"Is there anything better than sonic?"

"Arguably laser... But now is not the time for talking about this. How exactly did you end up here?"

"I fell through my television."

"Through the tele?"


"But that's impossible... Unless... CELESTIA! LUNA! what year, human wise was it when you went back?"

"Hmm... That was a long time ago... I don't..." Celestia started

"Two-thousand and twelve" Luna cut in

"How could you possibly remember that far back? That was over a thousand years ago."

"When your trapped in the moon for a thousand years, the most random of things come to mind, and stay there." she said flatly

"Hold on," the Doctor said "Trapped IN the moon? As in you were physically trapped INSIDE of the moon?"

"yes, I... kind of turned evil and Celestia sent me to the moon."

"Okay... now... You, what year was is when you fell into the tele?"

"you?" I asked

"No, not me, you."

"I know me, but did you call me you?"

"I'm lost..." Ditzy said sadly

"Yes I said you, because I don't know your name and wouldn't you rather be called you than, pers... I mean pony?"

"I suppose, but to save you the trouble, my name is Derek."

"Alright Derek, my name is the Doctor, and before you ask, yes, it's just the Doctor. So, Derek, your from earth, right?"

"Of course, what other planets are there, well, I mean that humans are on."

"Oh several, just give it time... Speaking of time! What year was it?"

"Twenty twelve."

"Ha!" he said jumping up slightly "Now I know what happened! When the princesses went back into their dimension, it opened a small rift in space and time, you, Derek fell through that rift, bringing you here."

"But that was over a thousand years ago, how is that possible?" Luna asked

"Because princess, time is relative towards every single being, when you fell through it took you what, ten days to make a spell to get back? Well, when you did that and decided to stay, it was two-thousand twelve on earth in his dimension, if you were to try and go back now it would be somewhere around the year three-million six-hundred and fifty-two-thousand..." He stopped suddenly "We might be able to get him back! How many days have you been here? A day, two tops?"

"nine..." I said softly

His ears sank down and his excitement drained "nine? nine days?" I nodded a conformation "Derek, I'm sorry... I am so, so sorry..."

"Why, what happened? What's going on?" Everypony in the room seemed to know something that I didn't.

"Derek, in your world, in your time... It's been ninety years, meaning..."

"my family... Dead... Every last one..." I said, the realization slowly coming to me.

"Doctor," Ditzy spoke "Couldn't you just use the TARDIS and bring him back?"

"I would Dizty, but she's running out of energy and extra passengers would weigh her down... She has just enough energy to get us to a refueling area, another rift. But one extra person, I mean pony, might make us run out and be trapped in the void. Plus, for some odd reason, I can't interfere with this day, something major happens today, but what would that be?" he asked looking around.

"I think I know what that might be..." Celestia said as she stood up off of her throne. "GUARDS! Arrest Derek!" Before I could process what was said, I was once again tackled and subdued..

"Sister! What are you doing?!"

"Protecting you sister, send him to the dungeon."

"What are you doing?! What has he done wrong?!" The Doctor yelled

"Nothing, yet... He can't be trusted."

"Sister! This is wrong, you can't do this!" Luna shouted

"Of course I can sister, I am only protecting you."

"Guards! Bring him back!"

"Disregard her, take him away."
Then I was slowly dragged out of the room, away from Ditzy, the Doctor, and Luna. The dungeon was dank and damp, it stank of slowly rotting corpses, I thought that I would never get out. From there I was thrown into a cell and was being guarded by the pegasus later known as Captain Rain runner.

(Author's note)
This chapter was a bit longer than the others but I didn't know where to cut it off, so instead of two smaller chapters, I just wrote one big one. Hope you enjoyed it.