
by Banan1

First published

[WiP] A romantic all-OC adventure across the war scattered lands of Equestria. Get comfortable for a long read.

Equestria is overrun by changelings, villages and towns are demolished and Canterlot is under siege. There's no way of facing the endless swarms of the enemy. The only hope is retrieving an ancient relic of a long extinct noble family in a far away land. But can a small group of adventurers achieve this goal? Or will Equestria fall to the attackers? Read the story, and find out!
[WiP] The fic isn't even finished in my native language, so translating will take a while.


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Miles passed by the pegasus as he approached the ocean. Forests, fields and occasionally small shacks merged into one big brown-green mess as he looked down. He had no idea how long ago he was flying, nor did he care. The feeling of flying free in the blue skies and as the wind ruffled his fur was intoxicating. Sometimes he didn’t even know what he enjoyed more: The cold of the wind, or the warmth of mares - he got lots of both. But for now, if someone asked, he wouldn’t hesitate to say he’d give up any mare for a minute of flying.

He smiled down to some ponies as he passed them by. They could be mercenaries just as easily as bandits, but the pegasus didn’t care. Due to his speed, they faded to the distance in a few seconds anyway. He descended some feet to meet the top of the trees. He could hear the leaves swish from the gusts of wind his wings caused. But it lasted just as long as the meeting with the ponies before. In no time, he finally arrived at the ocean. It was simply beautiful. Blueness below and above, stretching to the horizon. The pegasus couldn’t even tell where the skies ended, and where the water began. Just as his vision, his mind was full of the view.

He descended even more, flying just an inch or two above the water. He could feel the vapor spraying in his face and onto his wings, making them shine in the light of the sun. Yelling in happiness, he felt himself on top of the world. Unable to think, unable to stop. He imagined himself as an ice breaker, only cutting through waves, instead of ice. Getting bored of just flying straight, he started pulling up, changing his angle rapidly. Soon, he was facing the skies, then the land behind him, and finally, the water again. Or so he thought.

Black, red, orange and green greeted him instead of blue, swirling in a chaotic mess. Unable to comprehend what he saw he just floated for some seconds. Then he understood. A small village laid below. Well, a ruin of a village to be exact. Flames and smoke bursting out of the houses, ponies running on the streets in sheer horror. What the pegasus didn’t understand was – beside how the village got there – why some of the flames where green. Could it be that an alchemy lab exploded? Doubling his efforts to see through the smoke, he tried to get more of the picture. Moving his eyes along the streets, he could barely make out silhouettes of ponies running towards the inner walls of the town.

Only now did he realize, he was still descending. Struck by surprise, he instinctively stretched out his wings when he first saw the village, letting himself fall slowly. Fluttering his wings, he flew higher. Bringing his attention back to the walls, he tried to ascertain what was going on, but a heavy cloud of smoke surrounded him. Gasping in surprise, he filled his lungs with smoke. Coughing and crying, he moved upwards again. But nothing happened. He could feel his wings moving, but he didn’t rise an inch. Shocked, he gasped again and again. He tried opening his eyes to see what the problem was, but he was still in the smoke.

Luckily, it only lasted for another minute. Just when he thought he’ll spit out his lungs, the air started to get clear. Well, if the air above a flaming village can be called clear anyway. Wiping off his tears, he tried to look behind to see what kept him from rising. But there was nothing. His wings worked just fine. Still, he was descending. Looking below to see how much there was to fall, he got surprised again. The walls he saw before were completely demolished. Stomped to the ground. Dead bodies surrounded the ruins, but only a few of them were burned. Others where cut and chopped apart. Forgetting about his wings, he looked around again, this time finding the source of the flames.

Insect-like ponies were flooding every single street to get to the center, where some of the villagers were still defending the city hall. Just like poison flowing through veins, the streets filled with the attackers. Not realizing for first, but the one he was about to land on too. When doing so, his eyes widened in panic. Trying to get higher, he only faced the same problem again. Only a few feet before landing, and he was still unable to fly. He knew he was about to die. He knew he couldn’t get away. He knew, in any moment he will…

…wake up.

* * *

The pegasus sat up like there was a spring instead of his spine. He was sweating and panting heavily, feeling like his heartbeat could tear apart his chest any moment. Taking deep breaths, he tried to separate dream from reality. Soon, he could work out the outlines of the dickey bed he was sitting on. After another minute or two, his vision focused. Looking around the small room, he tried to remember where he was. It took him some more minutes to remember that he was in the deck of the ship he bought. After some time he also remembered that he was on a quest with some of his friends, to retrieve some relic of his distant relatives. He could even remember that they will be ashore in a few hours, and that is the reason why he tried to get some sleep.

Falling back into the bed in relief that it was just another nightmare, the pegasus tried to pull himself together. Soon, he'd be on land again, and he could spend the night in an inn. Sleeping wasn’t so desirable after today, hence it was likely that he'd wake up covered in sweat again, but if he could meet a nice young mare there… Now that wasn’t a bad plan at all.

Chapter I

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Chapter I

Stainless Steam was nonetheless care-worn as he walked past the entrance of the inn’s garden. He was thinking whether they’ll succeed or fail in their quest. He never had so much responsibility before. Two days ago he was in Ponyville, chasing mares and tinkering… Beside flying, these two were his favorite pastimes. The problem wasn’t that he had to leave. He was an adventurer in heart. His long, brown mane was always disheveled, just like his tail and beard. His glorious white fur and feathers dirty from the dust of the road. Poaches full of gems, and a longsword hanging from his belt. Although he liked adventures, it wasn’t the reason why he chose this lifestyle. As any pegasus, he was born in one of the few cities above the clouds, but the circumstances forced his parents to move to the ground. Even nowadays, Steam was clueless what happened back then. Below, they could only afford a small shanty. About a year later some plague took his parents with half of the population of the town.

The foal – he was about sixteen – snaked up on a boat, and started his journey to the unknown. A few months later he ran out of money, so he became a blacksmith’s apprentice. That was when he found out how fond he was of metalworking. Slowly, the weak little foal became a strong colt. A couple of years passed like this, but one day an older pony came to his master. He discovered the talent in Steam, and took him as his prentice in Germaney. There Steam became an engineer. The relationship between him, and his mentor became strong soon. The old pony treated Steam like he was his own son. Soon, Steam learned how to tinker smaller machines.

It was a calm and simple life. But that wasn’t what the pegasus had in mind when he left home for the first time. He wanted to see the world, to meet other ponies, and visit faraway lands. He wanted to leave, but not without telling his mentor first. When the conversation took place, he took Steam out to a field next to their workshop, and looked up to the skies. “Son, I see the wings on your back. I know how it feels when the distance is calling you. I’ll miss you, but you’re free to leave.”

Steam was glad that his mentor would let him leave, there was only one problem. He didn’t know how to fly. He was never taught to, and never even tried to fly. He wasn’t even sure if his wings could hold him. They were never used for almost twenty years, so the muscles wasted away. His mentor saw it too. He could offer only one solution, but it was risky. Wing guards made of a special alloy. They would be light enough for Steam to fly, and strong, to endure even a bash from a two-hooved warhammer, but they would also be permanent. “I’ll have to drill through your joints, and cut nerves out.” His mentor said. Only hesitating for a moment, Steam nodded.

They started to build his armor together, but soon the old pony started to grow weak. His age caught up with him. While finishing the second of the guards, Steam had to take care about him as well. A few days after finishing the armor, he passed away. Steam mourned him for a long time, but he understood soon that there was nothing left for him in the workshop anymore. That was when he got his Cutie Mark as well. Two gears with a longsword and a pair of goggles in front of them. He knew he was ready. He paid one more visit to his mentor’s grave, then spread wings for the first time in his life. His journey continued.

He lived like a lone wolf for several years. Travelling through countries, visiting every big city, trying out himself in lots of professions, but he never found any real friends. He had tons of companions over the years, and he shared his bed with even more ponies, but he had no close friendships, not even relationships. He was afraid to let anyone close to him, because he feared to lose them like his parents, and his mentor. He crossed smaller towns as well, but rarely stopped for more than a bunch of days. He visited Canterlot and Ponyville multiple times, but one of these occasions was different. Last time he was to Ponyville he met some other adventurers. Flameray, another pegasus running from his past, and his lover, Diane, who was a pegasus too. Accompanying them, there was a younger stallion, Rinkashime.

Steam spent days with them, just drinking in a local tavern, telling stories. It was a nice period of time, but they know little of the war coming. They heard rumors of an unknown enemy burning cities to dust, but they couldn’t care less. Then, one faithful day, the Royal Guard from Canterlot stepped into the tavern, and took Steam to the palace. He was told in secrecy that he has to go on a mission, and retrieve some kind of relic. They knew - or at least told – nothing about it to Steam, just that he is the only one that can use it, since he is the only descendant alive to the family that created the relic. Steam was skeptic at first, but he couldn’t say no. Not because he was ordered by the military, but because they gave him a chance to put an end to his wandering. Next day he, and the three other ponies, Ray, Diane, and Rinkashime left the capital. They bought a smaller ship on the other side of the mountains, and started their journey on the Great River to the distant Eastern Provinces.

“What if we can’t find that artifact?” Steam thought to himself. “We don’t even know if we’re going to the right direction, or what exactly we’re looking for anyway. What if…?

He was interrupted by a bump. A bump into someone, to be precise. Taking a step back embarrassedly, he looked up to the other pony. The first things he saw was a pair of beautifully gazing, blue eyes. Not being able to look somewhere else, he just cleared his throat.

“Sorry.” Steam said with a smile. “Looks like I’ll have to pay more attention to where I’m going.”

“Oh, n-never mind!” Stuttered the mare in front of him. “It was my bad anyway. I should be more careful.”

She finally closed her eyes, allowing Steam to look away. First of all, he inspected the stranger from hoof to mane. Pale turquoise fur, deep blue and white, mid short mane and tail. A pair of average wings, and a pair of sidebags accompanied with a shortsword. Judging by these, the mare could easily be mistaken for a traveler, but one thing caught Steam’s attention. A pair of flying goggles. They could be just accessories, but they told Steam that there was more in the mare than meets the eye. Although she had no scars, and her fur was somewhat clean – cleaner than his for sure. With her eyes closed, she even looked like an everyday mare in some fancy big city. Perfect. He needed someone just like her to have some fun at night. Instinctively, he put up his womanizer smile.

“How could it be your bad? It was rather my mistake not to see someone this beautiful.” He said.

She blushed instantly.

“No, no… I’m sure it was me…” She said looking at some flowers. “And I know I’m nothing special.”

“I think I wandered enough to say, that you are highly above an everyday mare.” Continued Steam with the compliments. “Oh, how rude of me! I didn’t even introduce myself!” Stepping closer to the mare, he grabbed one of her front hooves gently, pulled up to his face, and planted a soft kiss on it. “Stainless Steam, at your service.”

“Bluemoon… My name is Bluemoon.” She said quietly, blushing even harder, especially when Steam took another step closer.

“I have to say, there are rather beautiful flowers in this garden. It would take an eternity for one to choose the best. But I think I’ll have an easier job.” Said Steam, looking straight to Bluemoon, leaning a bit closer.

She retreated immediately, closing her eyes once again. “I’ve already told you that I’m nothing special. I know, so you’re just wasting your time.” She paused for a moment, then turned away. “It’s better if I just leave.”

Steam looked after Blue for a couple of seconds as she walked away, but he couldn’t let her leave. He quickly galloped after her, and tried again. He knew that the closest inn was a long walk away from there, which game him an idea.

“Let me accompany you till the town then. If it’s not a problem to you, of course.” He smiled at her.

“No, it’s not a problem at all.” She smiled back shyly.

“So, what is a mare like you doing here?” He asked, gaining more confidence from the small success.

“You could say I’m just passing by.” Blue answered. “I’m on my way home. I just wanted to spend the night in the village.”

“Exactly where is your home?” Asked Steam a cautiously. He was sure that if she lived western from there, her home was most likely burned to the ground by the changelings.

“I live in Ponyville. It’s a small village next to Canterlot.” She said.

Steam let out a silent grunt upon hearing the answer. His smile vanished, and his voice turned sorrowful as he turned to the mare.

“I’m sorry that I’m the one to inform you, but… There’s war raging on the other side of those mountains. Ponyville was attacked, and burned to the ground. If you had friends there, and they didn’t escape, well…” Steam didn’t finish the statement. He was afraid that she will break under the weight of the news. Surprisingly, she only let out a sad smile.

“I have no friends. Nor relatives. That’s why I’m traveling. To forget that I’m lonely.”

Steam couldn’t tell what shocked him more. What Blue said, or how she said it. Like she already told it to millions of ponies. Like it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Oh, I’m sure you have friends. Even admirers!” Said Steam to cheer her up, but the only thing he achieved was another sad smile, and a soft sigh.

“I’ve told you twice. I know how I look on the outside. All I deserve are harsh words, and taunts. I’m not even sure why you are still talking to me.” She stopped right after finishing the speech. They arrived to the gate of the garden.

Steam stood in front of her, and looked into her eyes. “I meant what I said earlier. You are more beautiful than most of the mares walking around. I’m rather surprised that others don’t see it in you.” He smiled at her again, making her shut her eyes.

“It was really nice talking to you, but I can make it to the town alone. Maybe we’ll meet again” Not even looking to Steam, she walked past him, going down the road to the nearby town.

Steam looked at her again, but only realized after half of a minute, that if she leaves, he’ll have no fun at night. Not only that, but something what he couldn’t describe made him want to go after Bluemoon. He galloped up to her again.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” She asked with a small smile.

He quickly cleared his throat, and asked something, that only a few mares could refuse.

“Wait! Wouldn’t you like to sleep here, in the mansion? I can rent you a room if you don’t want to share with others.” Steam was sure, that Blue will say yes, but the mare surprised him.

“Thanks, but I’m sure I’ll find myself accommodation in the town.” She said with a soft blush. She finally realized what the game was about.

“In the town you can spend the night on a wooden bench in a tavern. I’m offering a luxury suite. And I promise to behave as a gentleman for the rest of the night.” Steam promised with his womanizer smile.

“Like a gentleman, huh?” She asked back with a somewhat kinky look. “Well, this late I wouldn’t even find an open inn anyway. But doesn’t this mean, that I can’t get my own room here as well?”

Steam’s smiled widened in victory, but as she stepped closer, he got that unknown feeling like before.

“I’ll sleep on the ground then.” He said while getting just a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, I don’t want you to miss the comfort of the beds here. I’m sure the bed will be wide enough. Furthermore, didn’t you say, that you’ll be a gentleman?” She asked, biting her lower lips. “What would I have to be afraid then?”

She successfully made Steam mute for a couple of seconds, but then he smiled at her again, nodding at the front entrance. “Ladies first.”

Blue gave him a playful smirk, and turned to the building. Now that Steam saw her from behind up close, he had to say that Bluemoon isn’t only slim, but she had curves as well. Watching her walking up to the gates, he could swear, that she was moving her hips left to right this much on purpose.

* * *

Following Bluemoon up the stairs, Steam imagined what was ahead of him. It wasn’t his first time with a mare by far now, but he could feel that unknown affection growing stronger inside of him. They all rented rooms on the third floor, but Steam’s was the biggest. It had its own bathroom and kitchen, even a balcony, but more importantly a queen sized bed. Walking straight up to the door, Blue turned to him with a smile.

“Room 64. This is it, right?” She asked.

Steam just nodded, and opened the door with his key. The door opened, and the ponies went inside. Once there, Steam hesitated no more. He stepped close to her, staring deep into those beautiful eyes.

“I won’t be here this time tomorrow you know…” He started out quietly, almost whispering. “We’ll have no other chance to be together.”

She blushed upon hearing those words, and broke the eye contact. Blue knew, that she joined the game, but she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea anymore. Unable to say anything, she moved one of her front hooves on Steam’s chest, rubbing it gently. She could feel how muscular he was, and it almost made her change her mind. Almost.

Steam felt her hoof on his chest, making him think that she gave in, but when he saw that Blue became uncertain whether or not they should continue, he brought his left forehoof to her chin, and pulled up her head. She opened her eyes in surprise, meeting Steam’s gaze again. When he was sure that she won’t move away, he started to lean in slowly. It felt like an eternity for him that second to pass. Then, he finally met her lips. Sadly, the kiss only lasted for about a second too. Blue jerked her head to the right with a confused look. She did enjoy the kiss. She couldn’t lie to herself about that. But she knew what was about to follow that kiss, and she wasn’t sure that she wanted that too.

“What’s wrong?” Steam whispered into her ear.

“I… I d-don’t think I should…” She stuttered. “I just… I mustn’t!”

“Why mustn’t you? We’re both young… There’s nobody to stop us…” He tried again.

Bluemoon didn’t answer, but she faced Steam again. He moved his hoof from her chin to the back of his neck, and started caressing her mane gently. While doing so, he leaned in again, even slower this time. Surprisingly, he saw Blue move her head closer too.

“I can’t…” She still whispered again and again. “I can’t…”

Not even listening to her, Steam pushed his lips onto hers, making her whine. She didn’t pull away this time. Steam felt like thousands of sparks were rushing through his veins as he tasted her delicious lips. He could hear small moans from her, and he involuntarily grunted once or twice too. Trying to make the kiss more passionate, Steam pushed his tongue between her lips, meeting the tip of her tongue. Unfortunately, the only thing he achieved was making her break the kiss again.

“I… I…” She panted.

Bluemoon wasn’t sure what to say or think anymore. She wanted to continue the kiss badly, but she knew that once she gave in, Steam could do whatever he wanted with her. Blue moved her head closer repeatedly, just to pull back in the last second every time. When Steam saw that she won’t continue the kiss on her own, he took the initiative again. Continuing where he left off, he met her tongue once again. Steam could almost feel the walls of resistance breaking down in Blue as he caressed the velvety insides of her mouth.

Not even breaking the kiss for a second, he started pushing Blue towards the bed. She tried to resist for the first few steps, but then she finally gave in. In no time, Blue’s hind legs met the side of the bed. Once there, Steam stood up on two legs, pulling Blue up with him. Letting her hoof fall down from his chest, she started undoing his belt. In return, he did pretty much the same, except throwing her goggles on the ground first. Upon hearing both weapons land on the floor, Steam let themselves fall onto the bed.

* * *

As great as the night was, the morning could not be worse for Steam. He woke up wheezing and panting, covered in sweat. He had terrible nightmares ever since they left Canterlot. He saw his friends dead several times, occasionally with their blood on his hooves. Steam fall back into the bed as the remaining memories of his dream faded away. It wasn’t a whole week since the beginning of their journey. They wanted to get to the Eastern Provinces before the changelings, so they choose traveling on the Great River. They left the capital in secrecy, and only stopped when necessary. Steam could still remember what the commander told him. According to some old parchments, his distant family obtained some artifact that could turn the tides of the war. He never heard of such thing, but then again, he never knew anything about his family. He could easily be the last descendant alive.

Sighing in despair, he turned his focus on the room. The first thing he noticed was the calm, consistent breath of the mare next to him. It looked like she didn’t wake yet. Smiling, Steam examined the pal, fur covered face. He had to admit once again that she - What was it, Bluemoon? – was beautiful. Almost if she could feel being looked at, Blue opened her eyes. She smiled as soon as she saw the stallion.

“I hope you enjoyed last night.” He said, kissing her afterwards.

“I really enjoyed it.” She answered, laying her head on Steam’s chest.

“You won’t regret it. I promise.” Steam pulled her up to his face again, kissing her passionately. Letting the kiss stretch longer, he suddenly felt a hoof sliding downwards from his stomach. “Blue, what are you doing?”