A Warm Meal

by Noble Cause

First published

Snow Cone just can't really cook. Luckily, Shot Put and Javelin Throw are there to cheer her up.

It's frustrating when you realize that your specialty lies in only one specific area. More so when you can't admit it to yourself. Sometimes, you just need the perspective of your two best friends to figure it out.

Written for the June Pre-Reader promptfic challenge.

The prompt here was "She's not really as good of a cook as she thinks she is."

A Warm Meal

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Shot Put sighed as he smelled smoke, right before the fire alarm began beeping. He shook his head and sipped at his coffee. How you could burn something as simple as eggs and pancakes, he really didn’t know. It wasn’t that Snow Cone didn’t try. She busted her flank, and watched all manner of cooking shows, took classes on things, and had the theory down pat. It was the ‘practice’ part that gave her trouble. She just wasn’t very good at it. He hid the annoyance in his expression as Snow made her way out of the kitchen with some slightly singed and blackened scrambled eggs, the pancakes looking similarly darker than normal. Edible, but... definitely not perfect by any stretch. Snow’s face was downcast as she set the plate down on the table quietly, then retreated to the kitchen. Shot closed his eyes, as the slam of a hoof was heard against one of the flimsy cabinets, and then quiet crying. He got up, setting his coffee aside.

He found Snow on her haunches in a corner, sobbing into her hooves. He sat next to her, putting a foreleg around her shoulders. She shivered at his touch, and actually cringed. “What the hay am I doing wrong, Shotty? I try and try and learn and put all this time and effort and bits into learning... and I can’t even make breakfast? why do I even bother?” she quailed.

He cuddled her a little closer, licking at an ear comfortingly. “Some of us just aren’t cut out to cook, Snowy. That’s just the way things go sometimes. I know you try. I appreciate everything you do” he murmured.

“B-but...” she started, then just trailed off, crying again.

Shot shook his head. “But nothing. Your skill has always been on the frozen side. It’s a completely different skill set to go from that to being over a stove, and having a LOT of practice. I can’t cook for all the bits in Equestria, and I know it. What you do is admirable, but... it’s a lost cause, dearest. I think it’s time to accept that.”

“I... I spent all those bits, all that time...” Snow began, and bit her lip.

“Sometimes things don’t work out like we hoped. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad pony, Snowy sweetie... Just means we eat out a little more often-” Shot started, then was interrupted by the sound of the front door closing firmly and a voice calling out.

“Shot? Snow? where are you?”

“In the kitchen, Jav!” Shot answered back. The sound of hoofsteps came closer, through the wood-floored entryway and into the dining room, then a dark gray muzzle poked in, followed up with a set of chocolate brown eyes and cobalt mane.

“Hey, you two. What’s wrong?” the colt asked as he looked the pair over, a bead of sweat rolling down his barrel from the run he’d been on.

“I screwed up, again, that’s what!” Snow Cone shouted miserably, and buried her head in her hooves. Javelin Throw came into the kitchen properly and settled on Snow’s free side, pressing his head against hers. Snow sniffled, and Shot nuzzled her from the other side. The two atheletes knew this had been a long time in coming, and their mutual marefriend had finally hit that point.

“So you suck at cooking. So what?” Javelin said bluntly. Shot Put gave him a warning look as Snow froze and her breath hitched. “That doesn’t mean you’re not amazing at other things. Remind me again, how many ponies line up on the first day of summer for when you open up for the season?” he pressed further. Snow shivered, and looked up.

“You’re... you’re right. I know you are... I just thought that I could keep going, and didn’t realize when to throw in the towel. I’m sorry, both of you...” she whispered, and Shot Put hugged her tight, while Jav smiled at her.

“Hey, no worries, Snowy. It’s what we’re here for. We love you. Just because you’re awful at cooking normal food doesn’t mean the both of us don’t lose our minds the moment we taste your ice cream, or your snow cones, or your sorbet” Shot Put pointed out, and kissed her cheek. Jav kissed the other, and Snow blushed, giggling with embarrassment.

“Aw, you guyyyyys! Stop! You’re both too good to me!” she squealed.

“Nope! We’re just perfect, all three of us. Just the way we should be. Right, Javvy?” Shot asked.

“Right!” Javelin responded, stomping a hoof and striking a dramatic pose. Somewhere, a faint fanfare was heard. Shot looked out the window.

“Ah. The heralds are out in force. Princess Celestia looks annoyed. Twenty bits says that some noble moron badgered her into it.”

Snow shook her head. “No way. Never bet on a sure thing. At least it’s not Blueblood again. Every mare I know in two tiers and most of the ones I know in the castle all want to kick him in the... well, you know.”

“Rumor has it he’s fancying some jenny servant, though. Hidden depths or just being a jerk?” Javelin wondered openly.

“Little from column A, little from column B. Come on, we’ve got places to go ourselves” Shot Put said, hugging Snow close and giving Javelin a smile.

“Huh? where are we going?” Snow asked, looking confused. Javelin Throw chuckled.

“Bit of a surprise, admittedly. Shotty and I have been planning it for months. There’s a new restaurant that opened up a couple weeks ago, run by two brothers from Neighpon. The Soups, Hot and Sour. Don’t let the names fool you, they’re both really awesome. That’s just what they specialize in. Shot and I went there for lunch after an event, and we were blown away by how good the food was. You really get what you pay for” he said.

“Pricey?” Snow asked uncertainly.

“Eh, a little. But, again, you get what you pay for. C’mon, before the crowd gets too bad. Word of mouth really got around about the place, and they’re packed if you don’t have a reservation. Lucky us, we thought ahead!” Shot declared, grinning, and leading Snow out of the kitchen, followed by Javelin.

“But... but it’s breakfast...” she muttered.

“You would be amazed at what that qualifies as in Neighpon, apparently...” Javelin said, and shut the door behind them.