Memoir of the Changeling Incursion by Quill Scrivener

by Adorned ungulate

First published

We all know the story of A Canterlot Wedding, but what went on behind the scenes?

Once again Princess Celestia's private scribe is immersed withers-deep in intrigue as an hidden threat plots to destroy Canterlot and perhaps strike down her beloved ruler. Can an old soldier match wits with masters of deception?

Chapter 1

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Splashes of deep red on tile floor, streaks of hoofprints already turning a rust color due to oxidization; I thought I was done with pools of blood when I mustered out of the military. Hardly routine for a scriptorium supervisor but this clearly fit into that dreaded four-letter clause that ever civil servant despises: "Other Duties as Required". I used my telekinesis to pull at the itchy stiff blue wool of my uniform, the gold braid sometimes abraded my collar. It was mostly an excuse to look away from the scene.

The managing archivist on duty pursed his lips causing his beard to prickle. Rather priggish to seem so much more annoyed at the breakdown in routine and violation of royal correspondence than the fact somepony was gravely injured. I took an active dislike in him. To be fair it was mostly because he reminded me of my own worst qualities.

"Tell me again what happened, Provenance" I asked, "from the start this time."

"Keystone there," he tilt his head an inch, "Noticed one of out coworkers looking through her majesty's private letters, breaking official seals. She confronted him rather angrily. Could get charged for treason when we catch him."

"Yes, and?"

"They scuffled a bit, two other ponies got involved but he outmaneuvered us. Particularly after he bit Keystone's fetlock. It was all noise confusion after that. Catchword didn't bother to clean the gore off his muzzle, just barreled out the window pane and flew off."

I took that opening to saunter away from that unpleasant stallion to inspect the broken window. The mid-afternoon was still bright and I could see cobblestone streets of Colt's Courtyard three stories below.

"He ducked into the shadows o'er there between the treasury and guest suites and we lost sight of him. Nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought he was was a goner!"

"And why is that?"

Provenance's composure cracked. "Catchword is not a pegasus, Madame Scrivener!"

My eyes widened. This just got complicated. Making my way over to the injured mare and addressed the nurse attending her.

"Will she be alright?"

The stallion had greatly more compassion for the injured. "I think so, shock set in and she fainted. I gave her something for the pain. She had two nasty puncture marks that luckily missed major vessels and arteries."

"Celestia help her!" I bent down and smoother her damp hair in place. "Did she say anything?"

"Indeed. Rambling a bit. About how terrible the mouth looked. Can't say I blame her."

A bit past one hour later I was giving a report of the incident to Princess Celestia whom retained regal authority sitting on her throne.

"A grisly matter indeed, Scrivener. Tell me, which documents were looked over?"

"Personal letters between you and Princess Mi Amore, my lady."

Celestia's eyes widened, pupils dilating sharply for a moment. "I see... Walk with me to the South Wing. I must interrupt my sister's beauty sleep and talk with her."

I followed by her side while she brooded for some time accompanied by the steel shoe clop of the royal guards flanking us. "Quill, my niece's upcoming wedding causes me to think about relationships. Not really my strong suit, really. If a husband wished to apologize to his wife he'd buy flowers or candy. But how would a wife make things right with her spouse "

I ruminated on this. "Men crave simple things. Usually they have some sort of hobby. I'd play upon that somehow."

"And your husband? How would you apologize to him?"

"Palatino is a book binder. The history of printing is his thing. He loves getting a rare book and taking it slowly apart, studying the materials and technique. He gets really giddy if there's a typesetting error of if a cat walked across the rag pulp when the sheets were drying."

"Very good, Quill. Do dip into the discretionary funds on our way out and buy him the dustiest tome you can find. I shall require you to put in overtime until after the wedding."

My expression battled against a frown. "Yes, my lady."

She paused at the entrance to Tower Two, now colloquially named The Night Tower. "Oh, one more thing. Stop at the florist on your way in tomorrow and buy a flower for your hair. I wish you to do this each day from now on. Make it a carnation, tomorrow. Commit this to memory and keep it quiet."

"As you wish." Strange...

"You are dismissed for the day after you file your reports. Spend some quality time with your beloved."

My thoughts troubled me during my walk home. Treachery in my scriptorium is bad enough but how did he inflict those wounds and make that impossible escape? I resolved to visit Keystone in the infirmary tomorrow for more than just official questioning then attempted to leave work concerns behind me.

It was great comfort to see my husband and be amongst the familiar sights and smells of home. Palatino turned from his chair his smile lines showing. Age had softened some of his features just as wrinkles sharpened others. "Evening, dear. Home a tad early?"

"Couldn't stay away... I know it's your night for dinner but do you mind if I handle it? May help settle my nerves."

He arched his brows. "Oh, rough workday? I'll uncork that bottle of Gewürztraminer we've been saving."

I smiled and relaxed my shoulders with a sigh. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Breeding and strict schooling, love. You don't deserve it or anything." He poured two generous glasses of wine.

We ate our salads followed by olives and cheese with more wine as my husband distracted me with news of our youngest daughter, Serif. She lived nearby and Palatino has more time for visits.

"Beloved, I've got a little something for you..." I floated my fine from the antique book store from my bags causing his eyes to light up like a colt with candy. I adore that expression.

"Darling, thank you!" He examined the binding. "Hmm, wait a second. I know I haven't missed an anniversary..."

I ventured what I hoped to be a charming smile. "It's, erm a peace offering."

And was met with skepticism. "For?"

I shut my eyes, hoping for demure this time. "The princess has asked me to put in extra time preparing for Princess Cadence's nuptials." Only half a lie, still half the truth right?

He released a disappointed chuff and massaged between his eyes. "I see. Sometimes I feel like I share you in one of those libertine marriages. Very well, at least I've something with which to occupy my evenings now."

Attempted levity; do not think of pools of blood and smeared hoofprints of violent struggle whatever you do!

He squinted. "Wait a second, there's no trouble about, is there?"

"Would I not be derelict in my duty in telling you?"

My husband canted his neck. "Quill, has Celesria no shame? You're a family mare way past youthful adventures!"

"Our liege does all she can to protect the realm; and have we not seen fair compensation for my role in the Nightmare Moon crisis?"


"Did my promotion allow us to send our eldest off to a fine education?"

That elicit a sigh of defeat. "Yes." His rancor melted away and he gave me one of those looks that I fell madly in love with years gone by.

A Scrivener always is attentive to her duties, that included those to my husband just as much as my princess. "Then I suggest we finish this fine vintage, have a moonlight stroll and make the most of this precious evening."

And so we did.

Chapter 2

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The next day's labor into the scriptorium attack yielded no definitive answers. Keystone was grateful for the bouquet bought during the first of many trips to the florist and certainly provided as much detail as she could, poor girl. Catchword's tiny apartment hadn't been lived in for some time. Worse yet the constable who accompanied me seed to resent my involvement showing me so in every unpleasant exchange. I prayed if there were any other incidences they remain on the castle grounds. At least the guard knew and respected me.

I reported early the following morning to find Princesses Celesia and Luna in conference. My lady turned and addressed me.

"Ah, Scrivener. Punctual as always," I felt a tingle as she magically reached out to adjust the tiger lily I wore. "I must ask Rarity to give you some tips. You've no need for courtship but your feminine charm could use some help. Oh, don't give me that look... Thank you, sister. You may get some sleep now."

The Night Princess gave a nod as she passed. "Hail, scribe. Good luck today."

I could only puzzle for a moment before interrupted. "Come, my assistant. I think it time for a wildcat inspection of the royal guard. Send a note via runner to Shining Armor that we shall be over immediately to see them in their dress reds."

"As you wish, my lady." I couldn't fathom what use I would be but complied. Soon we were leisurely making our way to the barracks flanked by two of her personal accompaniment.

"Quill, I would like you to meet Brodie," she nodded to an earth pony to her left. "He usually serves as at my estate in Trottingham. He arrived early this morning. Brodie, this is Mrs. Scrivener."

"A pleasure, madam." The absolute brick house of a stallion kept the same monochrome expression, like a brawler about to tear a bottle cap off with his teeth. I wondered if they had to custom make an extra large suit of armor to accommodate such a solid wall of faint-grey fur and muscle.

"Likewise. I should have guessed from the design of your armor."

The princess leaned toward the stallion. "Quill served Us against the Griffon Despostate, you know."

"Oh yeah?! Me uncle was in 'er Majesty's Trottenberg Volunteers. Which detachment were you? Maybe you bent the wrist together back at mess."

"The Fifth."

"Well always enjoy meeting an old sweat soldier, miss. Swap me a story off-hours; I'll buy." His voice was warm, if gruff, but I doubt his expression was capable of more than a few degrees of freedom.

Soon enough we were with captain Shining Armor on the parade grounds at the start of a long line of stallions at attention, a regimented chain of red dress uniforms.

The princess hummed a bit. "A fine sight captain, but I've changed my mind. Have them change into full plate and weaponry please."

The dashing young leader barked out the orders. I watched as they turned as one and marched back into the barracks. I doubted they had the mettle of my comrades who faced the danger talon and beak daily but they sure knew their drills. Celestia exchanged some small talk on the upcoming wedding while we waited. When the line, now in shining gold-gilt helms and braiding returned she turned to us.

"Scrivener, Brodie. Hurry to the barracks. I hereby invest in you the power to arrest anyone left behind. They shall be assumed an imposter and enemy to the realm."

Shining Armor looked comically confused but my large associate merely grunted out compliance and galloped off. I quickly caught up. In the murky close confines we did in fact see somepony frantically banging at one of the lockers with his front hooves. The weapons were stowed there secured with a simple lock any earth pony could manage, given the combination was known. I caught a queer noise, like the chittering of a chimney swift.

"Stop in the name of 'er Majesty!" Brodie boomed out. I saw a twin flash of aqua blue lights but they were gone in a second. As we drew near the rust-colored pegasus gave up his struggle and turned on us with a snarl.

"Now you're gonna come nice-like, right?" The imposter feint to the left, ducked under Brodie's huge hoof, then jinked right attempting escape. I made a lunge for him but was awarded a sharp cuff to my cheek. He wheeled to buck me into the lockers but the Trottingham officer leaped into his path and proved quite immobile. The sharp clang of shoe to armor rang in my ears. Our quarry took flight. Brodie got to his feet and we rushed to pursue. His echoing hoof steps were easy enough to follow but upon bolting out the front doors the morning sun must have dazzled me because I saw a brief flash and then the false guard was nowhere to be seen. "Must 'av melted into the crowd, the coward." My companion grated out a few expletives as we searched in vain. Though it was helpful that everypony gave the bruiser a wide berth.

A bit later we reported our failure to the princess. She seemed unconcerned, instead turning back to the captain. "These men you can trust, but don't let your guard down. Until further notice I want security checks every three hours. Change the password often. This is a clear hostile act, consider it a threat from a foreign power. From now on we are at war, captain."

"Yes, your highness!"

"I hate to tax you so in light of your upcoming wedding but I shall be in need of your shield spell soon. Give two days to alert the pegusi population and change logistics..."

As my lady outlined plans for defense I felt a soft nudge. "You alright, missus?" His voice still as rough as sandpaper but I suspect this was him at his most tender.

"I can take a knock, soldier thank you." I gave him a grin and sideways glance, trying not to make recent references to my age bother me.

"Dropped this." He passed me my now-bruised lily which I floated back into place.

"Now, you two," the princess diverted her attention to us. "A fine job, we now know a bit more of what our adversary is capable of. Quill, I want you and Brodie an hour here daily starting at two-thirty for self-defense practice. If you are to be my lieutenant in this affair you can expect to take more hits. Now then, lets get that bruise seen to."

I rubbed my tender cheek, though could not manage the same for my ego. "Yes, my lady."

And as such the first skirmish was over.

Chapter 3

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Celestia's Sun glinted off the pink-purple magical dome as I glanced out the royal library windows during an idle moment. He could manage it several hours a day now. It had been a busy morning (chrysanthemum day), the duel responsibilities of wedding arrangements and wartime edicts taxed my skills. I was glad for a moments peace.

"Scrivener, give this list to the librarian please." My princess floated a scrap of parchment. She nearly looked comical sitting at a reading table just a bit too small for her. Good thing she has a surfeit of regal poise.

"Yes, mistress... Wouldn't Twilight Sparkle be a more appropriate research partner?"

"Mmm? Doubtless so."

A fact bubbled up to the surface. I fetched a list off the table. "Come to think of it, I haven't received a confirmation letter from Spike."

"Not surprising. We haven't invited her yet. You should be aware of that more than anypony."

"Surely her parents sent one." Was there some sort of tragic rift in her family I wasn't are of? My heart sank for her.

"I told her family she was on an important mission and was not to be troubled until further notice."

Sputtering commenced. "My lady!"

She looked up from her spread of books. "Do you not remember the one time I had to intervene in her affairs? To break up a riot she caused because she had no topic for her weekly friendship letter? Worried sick that I'd send her back to 'magic kindergarten'? What about breaking into these very halls on some imagined crisis? Luckily we had our purple-scaled agent in place to warn us."

"But this is a family matter, her brother-"

"Yes and also a royal security matter. Can you imagine
Miss Sparkle helping us now, her to-be betrothed brother in mortal danger from unknown and unseen foes? She'd be running around with ten different too-do lists barking like a rabid diamond dog."

I could indeed visualize her panic but still felt her absence.

Celestia returned to her notes. "Twilight Sparkle and her legendarily paranoia has a part to play. I excel at plots spanning decades but my young protege thinks well on her hooves, under deadlines. But not just yet... Attend to my list. Now."

I gulped, knowing I had made a misstep against my morals. Duty above all.

"And Scrivener," she halted my walk of shame. "I reprieve you this once because you have daughters of your own influencing your emotions. Do not question my judgement again."

"Yes, your highness..."

The afternoon found me with Brodie for company. The ending of our practice sessions corresponded to the Trottingham concept of tea time so we made it our ritual. To my surprise he hid a curly short-cropped mane the color of slate, giving him an incongruently boyish air. Not surprising was his cutie mark matching his name, a round helmet favored amongst his people.

"Sum'pms bothering you today." It was a statement made while studying his steaming mug.

"I am that transparent?"

"You came in all quiet-like, sparred with more élan than ever, an now y'er spent but brooding again. I suss what's on my fellow's mind. It's what'll make me an officer one day. No out wit it."

"I questioned Celestia's judgement today. She was cross."

"Hmgh, as she has right to be."

I chuckled. "Is that supposed to be supportive?"

"Well then, what about her bein' cross bothered you, specific-like."

"Personal reasons. My family places great stress on duty."

"There you go. You've got duty all turned 'round wrong."

I squinted at him. "What do you mean?"

"Me own family serves proudly best way they know. But to me duty is what I am, not who I am. When I'm on guard I am my duty. Mere instrument of will. But then shift's over, I take me helm off." He slapped his cutie mark with the flat or his hoof. "I'm me own pony. Right now you got a crisis to deal with. Be attentive, be on duty. When this wedding's all over set it down for a while. Don't flog yourself o'er what happened. But don't forget it either. You have the princesses' trust you've got ta keep it."

"You think she still does?"

"Cor, mare. Of course she does! You're still here. We're dealin' with an enemy who either has a perfect disguise or can turn anypony's loyalty. She couldn't trust 'er own guard till we pulled our inspection trick. Had to wake me up in the middle of the night, miles away, put onto the red eye to the Capitol. She needed somepony not yet compromised an from the outside. Now she's got a silly pink magic fishbowl on the whole city. You, you were in at the start and she'll keep you to the death o'it. Because she trusts you complete. Be honored, Scrivener an honor that trust in kind. In calmer times she'll need folk like you to offer opinions, question her judgement when appropriate."

I hid a smile behind my mug. "That's a lot to think over. You are astonishingly astute for a guard."

He grunted. "What you think we do all day? Exhausted me tolerance for talking 'bout mare flank first year. Never read the great thinkers but when on point half me mind's attentive on what's 'round me and the other's thinking big thoughts."

"So, personally be dutiful but don't take it personally."

"Rather simple way to put it, yeah." He drained his last. "Speaking of, been a pleasure but must get back. See you on the morrow."

Thanks to Brodie once I left for home, finally, I was able to laugh with my daughter and husband and be fully off the clock. There was much to do tomorrow with Princess Cadence arriving. But that was tomorrow.

Chapter 4

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Canterlot Central Station usually a bustling place full of makers of industry, nervous diplomats, and scores of tourists was today cleared of all but guards, various servants, and dignitaries. There was no room for me so I set up my portable writing desk next to Brodie's post where we could see the royal sisters but be out of the way. Already three runners lined up to pass me official business. I had to hold papers down with a hoof so the flapping of departing wings didn't dash them to the wayside.

The gruff guard broke the comfortable silence. "How was your evening after you clocked out?"

"Most enjoyable." I paused to press seal to wax and spell a document off to it's proper destination. "I gave my daughter the second most valuable piece of advice learned this week."

"And what's that then?"

I brushed a honey blond yet streaked with gray strand of mane into place. "To elope."

The stallion let out a few low chuffs while bobbing his massive head. It was the most mirth I've seen him display.

As the train pulled up I paused in my work. This was exciting. It was always a pleasure to be around Princess Mi Amore, a mare of such poise, warm presence, loving grace, such...


But wait?

Uhh, no...

Oh, my.

Perhaps she? Maybe?


"Somepony's forgotten her finishing school lessons." Brodie rumbled.

It was like a pantomime theater, I could practically make out her conversation from here. "She has a right to be out of sorts, I suppose." This was the savior to whom I ran my aborted mission those months ago?

"Most mares are right before their wedding; but I wouldn't know. I spend most me time around stallions."

"She still looks exquisite, at least."

"Not my type, really. Don't fault him if it be Shining Armour's thing."

"Whatever is wrong with Princess Cadence? She's so exotic."

"Eyes are too big an look at that waist." He didn't really seem to be paying attention to it himself, instead never stopping his careful vigil of the platform and surroundings. "Rather have strapping farmmare, simple needs, simple tastes. Somepony I could really take a tumble with."

"Rather dim view of the opposite sex, I think."

"Rather that I know what I want, madam."

"See yourself settling down someday?" Weddings were on my mind I suppose. Serif was about the right age not that I was considering she 'take a tumble' with my new friend.

"Never thought of m'self the marrying type. Not till I exit service at least. Too many widows and widowers in me family." Corner of his mouth turned up a fraction. "Not th'Id mind a little more carousing in off hours."

I gave him a look that was promptly ignored and I turned back to my papers.

Our base of operations shifted to her majesty's bedchamber, just inside the balcony. Thankfully three assistants were on hoof to assist me with the triple burden of nuptials, defensive logistics, and mundane concerns. Strangely Princess Luna occupied her sister's bed cushions across the room. A zebra-brewed sleeping tincture assured her rest and I learned to tune out the smacking of her lips, stretching of legs and the occasional wild billow of her ethereal mane.

I was happy for an excuse to feel sunlight for a moment. "The latest intelligence reports, my princess."

"Thank you, Scrivener." She turned from the spyglass and took them from me.

I scanned the buildings below. From the tallest tower nearly the entire city was visible. Street vendors, hoof and wing traffic abounded far below but once the Moon rises I knew it would be nearly empty. Canterlot was not quite under marshal law but ponies knew to limit nocturnal outdoor activities. "Have you seen anything requiring action, your majesty?"

"Hmm? No, it's a symbolic gesture really as much for citizens as foes. My ponies need to know their princess is vigilant... You should have Palatino and Serif to the castle for dinner after the crisis has passed. The chefs can prepare their favorites, as thanks for me monopolizing your time so... In fact, why wait? Seating at the ceremony is limited as you know but find two spaces next to yourself in the reception hall."

"We would be honored, thank you." I bowed, inwardly thankful of my past misstep being forgiven. When did she take the time to learn their names?

"Quill, Princess Cadence deserves a bit more quality time with her betrothed. Tomorrow, however we shall request the Element Bearers' assistance with the wedding. Make sure Twilight's invitation is on hoof. Once I have a note drafted you send them both off to Spike."

"As you wish." I returned to the ever replenished stack of parchment.

"Me, at the royal wedding!" My daughter squealed as if transported back to her teenage years. She touched the gaudy new pendant she wore bearing a turquoise heart and shield. Royal wedding fever was in full effect all over the Capitol, my apartment not withstanding. "You saw Princess Mi Amore arrive, was she beautiful?"

I set the casserole down on my table, all I could manage in short notice. Did Serif deserve the truth? "She looked... very elegant."

My daughter beamed. She wound strands of her mane into curls. "I must find a new dress! How exciting!"

My dearest husband was more phlegmatic, but gave me a reserved smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Should we bring a gift? I could print off a limited edition run of love poems."

I placed me front legs around him. "I'm sure the royal couple will have a mountain of gifts but it wouldn't hurt. Are you quite alright, dearest?"

"I'm worried. Most ponies try to ignore it, but.."

"We're in good hooves."

"We shall see... I wish you were far from the action after all you've been through."

"Let's take a vacation soon. I'm to understand we are welcome at a country estate in Trottingham where I'm to swap war stories."

"I would like that."

Chapter 5

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"Welcome to the castle, ladies and dragon. The Princesses regret their schedules prohibit from greetings in person but I shall be pleased to show you to your accommodations... Wait, where is Miss Sparkle?"

"Oh, don't worry over her; she left the train in a huff soon as she got the confetti outta her hair." the one called Applejack responded.

"What confetti?"

There was a sharp report of a noise maker and I soon found myself amidst fluttering festive paper streamers. "That confetti. We are here for a party after all!" The unmistakable Pinkie Pie bounced out of my peripheral vision.

"Oh, my! It is as I was told. The floral accent is a nice touch but We Must do something about your coiffure in time for the nuptials, darling."

"Many thanks, Miss Rarity but-"

"Is that pink thing going to be up the whole time? How is everypony supposed to see my Sonic Rainboom?"

"Allowance will be made, I assure you."

The baby dragon crossed his arms and gave me a flinty look. "Mrs. Scrivener." So, I was wondering if he had forgiven me for how the Discord Affair ended. Didn't he realize it wasn't my idea and that I myself had headaches for days after sending back all those letters?

The sixth in the company simply slipped in last and offered a greeting I could barely hear.

"Miss Rarity, I have arranged a work space with an attached bedroom in case inspiration strikes at odd hours. Do let the castellan know if you require additional supplies."

"Many thanks, I wish to get started right away." She trotted off.

"Miss Applejack, your room shall be close by the kitchens."

"Good'n! I've a few more Apples coming t'help. I'll make sure they don't get lost."

"Miss Fluttershy, I had an unused groundskeeper quarters spruced up. It is adjacent to the royal gardens and aviary where you can find your bird friends."

"oh, thank you very much." And with that she slinked away.

"Miss Dash I-"

"Enough with the 'miss' stuff, just Dash is fine."

"Erm, I'm afraid bringing cloud lodgings down would be a problem but your tower room has a wonderful view. And yes, here are instructions for where you can exit the shield to practice your aerobatics."

Spike cleared his throat. "I can take directions to Twilight once she shows."

"Here you go, and I'm sorry for what it's worth."

"S'fine. I'll be a Doughnut Joe's if anypony needs me."

"Do I get to stay in a tower I've always wanted to stay I a tower I bet if I fired my party canon I could decorate houses WAY far away and they'd throw a party to celebrate and I could make ponies happy All Over Canterlot!"

"Erm, it might take some juggling but I will-"

"Ooh! Juggling! That's a Great Idea!" The pink earth pony's grin spanned improbable proportions as she bounded off into the castle. Suddenly alone again I reflected for a good minute on how that was more tiring than it had any right to be.

"Excuse me." The voice was impatient and commanding. I turned to be surprised by Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

I bowed at once. "Your highness. Can I be of service? Do you wish any letters sent home?"

She blinked and lowered her brows. "No, you are in my way! Excuse me."

"Ah, yes. Of course." One cannot scuttle away with grace and I cannot say I demonstrated any that moment. Watching her stomp away I was doubly flabbergasted.

"Rest now, sister. As usual I shall guard the night"

My mistress retired her vigil. "Quill, still here?"

"Just to shuffle some guest rooms, your majesty." I incinerated my last bit of paperwork off to it's proper destination. "There."

"I realize the hour, but could you check on my trusted assistant on your way home? I read your note that she hasn't been to the castle yet."

"Consider it done. Goodnight." I guided my hooves down flights of stairs with my mind churning through past reports. Every pony missing or behaving strangely in the city, it created a lot of false hits. Luckily I spotted Twilight and her compatriots seated at an outside a cafe. It helped that she drew attention by stomping on the table, spilling everypony's drinks. Unfortunately I caught up to her just as she was thundering away. "Miss Sparkle! Princess Celestia sends her re-"

"Can't chat now, Mrs. Scrivener; I've got to settle something!" And that was that.

There was a rumbling voice over my shoulder. "Better luck next time, mate." Brodie, sans armor was balancing a tray with two frothing mugs.

"Good to see you, are you meeting someone?"

"Saw a strapping farmmare who needed a new drink. Thought she'd like a cider judging by the sides o'her."

I walked with him to the table. "If you are lucky enough for a few more rounds you might switch to applejack. It's her namesake.

"Appreciate the wingmare help, old sweat."

After providing him introductions to the girls I tapped on Spike's shoulder; he was forlornly pushing around what appeared to be the wedding cake toppers. "Spike, how is Miss Sparkle holding up? And yourself, how are you all doing?"

The dragon rested his head in one of his reptilian palms. "She's really out of sorts because this was all just kind of sprung on her short notice. And now she's really suspicious of the bride."

I grit my teeth, mustn't say anything ill of my liege. "I can kind of see her point, on both counts."

"I was hoping to be in my first really awesome wedding. It's kind of getting old having her go off the rails like this, not thinking of how I feel. I know I owe her everything but it's tough always being in her shadow."

I gave him a motherly smile. "Master Spike, I think we have a lot in common."

His eyes slid to mine, though he still slumped toying with the figurines. "Yeah... And you didn't have to apologize. You were just doing your job, and we both kinda helped save the day."

I nodded, then addressed the table. "Have a pleasant night. I've got a husband who no doubt misses me." They all bid me off. Their was an air of a group chatting and relaxing after a tense moment, everypony trying to put it behind them. I suddenly wished there was a word in our vocabulary for such moments.

My own relief was provided by finally sliding into bed with Palatino at last. He did not open his eyes but rolled to embrace me. There was still a lot to do, and a threat to uncover. But the end at last seemed in sight.

Chapter 6

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With the Ponyville six finally putting weddings plans to fruition gave me time to travel the castle grounds, collecting reports, everypony alert for impostors. I found myself near the throne room when a sobbing Princess Cadence rushed past. Before I knew it she had turned a corner and was gone. I started backtracking her path and soon Shining Armor also thundered past me. I reached the double doors to meet the rest of the forlorn wedding party, minus the best mare. Spike looked particularly sad; he nearly ran into Applejack when she paused to reshape her Stetson. No Twilight. Oh, no.

Celestia stopped to chat while the rest shuffled off. "Hello, Quill. Anything amiss in your security checks?"

"No, can't say the same for the rehearsal it seems." I tilted an ear to the throne room. "What was that noise?"

Celestia's placid voice tried to assuage me. "Don't worry yourself. Everything is going as planned. The wedding will proceed."

"But Twilight."

"Has her own path to tread, she's made that quite clear." I remembered our earlier quarrel and complied. "You have been most helpful these past few weeks, Quill. I appreciate all your hard work."

Noises from the throne room seemed to have died down so I gave her my full attention. "Thank you, princess."

"See you at the ceremony."

A quick trip into the city to get my family and I can get this confounded ceremony behind me! I met up with my husband at our corner tavern, The Malodorous Goat. I needed a drink.

"Darling, you look amazing!" Palatino's eyes lit upon finding me. He was looking most dashing himself. He had a red rose in his lapel to match the one in my hair.

"Thank you, beloved. I don't know how the Element of Generosity found the time but she gave my look some polish. I smiled, suddenly missing all the time we could have spent together these last few weeks. "Do you have a wine glass for me to drain, dear? We really must be off see our daughter."

He brought a glass of my favorite using his telekinesis. "You have an abundance of beauty this afternoon but a taciturn countenance."

I gave him a look. He knows perfectly well his use of vocabulary words puts me in an amorous mood most days but their powers were sorely lost on me now. "Our city is under alert for foreign spies, the royal bride is playing the harridan and now the best mare has thrown a fit and is nowhere to be found. I just want to put this afternoon behind me."

He affixed an infuriatingly placid smile. "It shall be soon, love. Think of the happy couple, think of your excited daughter. Think of the food!"

I sighed and then realized my husband and I seemed to have switched the roles with which we have played since this all started. "You're right," I consigned my wine to the hellish depths of my belly. "Let us collect our excited progeny and try to enjoy the pomp and ceremony... and the food."

He nodded his big handsome infuriatingly-correct-about-the-situation head and we departed.

The wedding did indeed proceed, but not according to plan. It went horribly wrong beyond my imagining.

Chapter 7

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Twilight left! She was at my princesses side and she and her friends left her! Left her there to die! Duty won out over fear ran to her, and closer to that demonic Thing that struck her down. I pulled frantically at her fetlock. It was inconceivable seeing her great white form prostrate on the floor.

"Your majesty! Celestia, I've got to get you out of here!"

My princesses' eye opened a fraction. "Quill, you fool. Leave me, I am quite unharmed. Go!" She whispered, trying to move her lips as little as possible.

How could that be? That horrid creature was right there, gloating. She swat the Queen of Heaven down, the shield had shattered and now there were green missiles falling across the pavement outside!

Panic, fear, confusion, loyalty all whirled in my brain at once. It was complete cognitive dissonance. I looked down at her once-powerful prone form, her horn charred and smoking. "Mistress, please!"

She closed her eye. "Leave me. Get guests to safety, be with your family."

I nodded and forced the riotous emotions in my head to the background. I recalled when i left her side during Nightmare Moon's retirn. Be your duty.

"Over here! Quickly!" Brodie motioned to me, his eyes wide with concern. Just then a second Brodie smashed into him headlong sending him reeling into the piano that so recently played the wedding march.

"Got the accent all wrong, wanker... Quill, did the princess talk to you?"

"Y-yes, she said to evacuate the civilians," Something clicked in my thoughts. My family! "To the banquet hall!"

"Right." The big stallion grunted and got to his task. I ignored my inner conflict, also ushering guests down the wide hallways.

Quitting the throne room at last we galloped towards the reception hall. There was a terrible buzzing sound and three of those black monsters pounced on Brodie's back and started vomiting up some sort of green sticky ichor, trying to root him to the ground. I turned back to assist him but a forth cut me off. It struck a low battle stance and glared at me with those horrible blank blue eyes. I was suddenly glad for all those afternoon self-defense lessons. I fired a spell which it dodged, then we tussled. I tried to duck under or roll with its blows. It struck me hard upon the shoulder and I shoved it away with a spell and sprinted down the hallway. I looked over my shoulder, it seemed determined to gore me with its horn. I slid under a long, low table and bucked a chair at it then a second and third. The second one connected with a crash but it only snarled and advanced. A flash of light ran down its body and I then looked upon my exact double right down to the red rose in my hair. All out of chairs now I slunk back against the wall. I prepared a spell but it seemed hopeless. I was cornered!

My doppelgänger was sneering with ruthless self-satisfaction. It advanced upon me when it was surrounded by an aqua magical field and was suddenly yanked away, tumbling through the air to crash into the opposite wall. Then it impacted into the ceiling, I could hear a tinkling chandelier, then a thud to the ground. Maybe the big one who battled Celestia had come to devour me personally. I shrank as far against the wall as I could. Panic bubbled up in my throat. I saw four dark hooves, sheaved in bright iron bracers. A telekinetic spell lifted the table away and I was greeted with what I assume was a similar sight Twilight faced on that midsummer morning. It was the night princess, but this time her chest plate bore emblems of both the sun and moon! Her dark starry hair billowed gracefully over her helm. Large turquoise eyes looked down upon me free of rancor. "Oh, scribe. Are ye as yet uninjured?"

"Y-yes, Princess Luna. Thank you."

"Come, then. The guard rallies at the grand hall." Her head snapped to the left. She picked up two fleeing ponies, I recognized them as Hoity Toity and the mare Jet Set, and smashed them together. They fell to the ground as the dark-skinned monsters.

"Princess, how did you know?"

She turned back to me with a look of consternation. "Child, think me idle all this time? I am the walker of dreams. I have been trying to infiltrate these changelings' dreams by night to ascertain their plans." She took on a warrior's terrible aspect. "No use, though. They have a hive mind, dream only of their queen. It's been infuriating and now I can hear the buzzing of their subconscious even in waking hours. I have a powerful need to release some tension!" She pulled a ceremonial shield and sword off the wall, a second sword clattered to the marble floor. She looked back to me. Luna had a formidable smile and terrifying look in her eyes. Suddenly her expression changed and she looked chastised. When she spoke it was in an shy tone. "You won't tell my sister I've developed some kind of bloodlust, will you? I've tried so hard to gain her trust again..."

"I wouldn't think of it, your majesty!" Brodie rejoined us, though he still had a chunk of marble tile stuck under one hoof. He picked up the second sword in his mouth.

"Excellent, then!" The night princess regained her terrible might just as quickly. "I shall clear a path for the guests, you see to the defense. Now fallow behind me." She flared her wings and galloped down the hall, calling out in the royal Equestrian voice. "Flee now, enemies of Equestria! Flee or else face NIGHTMARES EVERLASTING!"

Finally at the reception hall we arrived to find the royal guard had piled up tables and chairs into a makeshift stockade, forming a defensive perimeter to protect the guests. I hurried over to my family and we shared a tearful greeting. In the back of my mind behind the panic of the moment I realized with the city in turmoil Celestia had once more placed my family in what may be the most secure location in all of Canterlot.

Ponies were panicked but unharmed. Poor Serif couldn't sit still. "What's going on, mother? Someone said that the princess was dead!"

"No! She isn't. But... we're under siege. Luna called them changelings. They can change their shape to look like anypony. We should be-"

There was a crash followed by tinkling of falling glass, then another, and a third. They were coming in through the windows! Guards raised their glaives and shouted threats but the insect-like changelings dived upon our group, scattering ponies into the crowd. With a flash of light they were indistinguishable. They could be anypony! A scuffle broke out. Guards dare not strike for fear of wounding an ally. I readied a spell and felt somepony against my back. Thinking quickly Palatino and Serif had pushed back to either side of me, the Scrivener family forming an outward-facing triangle. My husband gave me his best dashing look which looked adorably silly on the old stallion but the love in his eyes reassured me. Serif still looked frightened but she held a chair in front of her like a lion tamer. I was so proud.

There was little time to reflect on this moment as more aerial attackers hummed in through the jagged broken portals. One hooked Serif's shoulder and they went down. Palatino smashed the counterfeit daughter with a hoof and bucked it away, then helped Serif up and they took up position again. I used spell after spell to keep them back but soon I couldn't tell anypony apart. I saw Brodie with his sword backed into the corner, lashing out at whomever dared come near but he was powerless to truly help the civilians. This was madness! There was no way we could carry on like this!

Just then there was a curious sound. A wave of pink energy appeared at a corner of the room and swept over us. As it past I became aware of my loved ones' backs against mine, our tails practically entwined. A powerful memory, or more like the emotional resonance of it, came to the forefront of my mind. All panic, fear, worry evaporated instantly. I remembered the moment the midwife placed Serif in my hooves for the first time, seconds after she was born. Holding a newborn is unlike anything else, your heart brakes open and grows to allow a new life into your family, so vulnerable and amazing. I remember how my husband stood by my side and hugged me then. I remember how Helvetica, still a foal, tried to climb up to get an eager fist look at her little sister.

I turned around to embrace my husband and daughter, overwhelmed by my love for them. I hadn't noticed all the changelings had been whisked into the air and back out the window by Shining Armor's mystical shield spell.


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My saddlebags felt uncharacteristically burdensome as I made my way to the palace. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, the kind where the spires of Canterlot shone like alabaster. Activity bustled all about the Capitol as ponies filled potholes, glaziers replaced windows, everypony was busy repairing damage from the changeling attack. They did it without complaint, without waiting for royal levies they toiled paying out of their own purses as a kind of wedding gift to the couple they now loved and trusted without reservation. Try as I might I could not keep a slight envy out of my heart. If only they knew the truth of this whole terrible affair. It was a beautiful day but I was too conflicted to enjoy the wonderful restored beauty and generosity around me. At the gates I encountered Brodie. A porter was pulling a cart loaded with his armor and luggage.

"Well met, Scrivener. Glad I could see you before I go."

"You aren't staying for the wedding, soldier?" I smiled, seeing his face broke my reverie.

"Nah, crisis is over so I'm not right needed anymore."

"You don't want to see Applejack again?"

He huffed. "Pleasant enough gal but she kept mentioning how I reminded her of 'er brother, how big and strong he was, once pulled a whole house behind him. I could take the hint that her virtue was well protected. Tried for a helping of Apple Fritter later on and got just as far. Nah, I think it's all in hand and I'll be getting back to Trottingham."

"I hope to come see you soon, meet up with your uncle to share war stories."

"I'd like that very much, m'am. See you soon, then and good luck." He gave me a good-natured sock in the shoulder and a nearly imperceptible grin. I watched him leave the palace grounds before reporting in.

There she was once more upon her throne regal and restored, her eyes nearly closed as handmaidens and courtiers, servants of every kind buzzed around the room. Any other day it would have been a reassuring sight but not after the coming of Queen Chrysalis. I could see her clearly now, a master politician at the center of a great many strings, idly controlling our lives.

"Greetings, Quill," Celestia's voice carried majestically across the vast room. "What do you have to report?"

"The geological survey of the crystal mines has been completed. The bridesmaids Twilight Sparkle mentioned were located and are in the infirmary. The royal engineers have sealed up all entrances..."

She raised an eyebrow.

"... And barred them with iron... And poured concrete over that. There won't be anymore surprises."

"Very good; thank you, Quill."

I scuffed my hoof on the carpeting and did not leave her presence.

"Do you have something you would like to discuss?"

A Scrivener serves but never pleads. I could not beg for answers to questions that burned in my brain but I could not bring myself to leave either.

"Very well. Leave us, please. I wish to speak with the Master of the Scriptorium alone, please." There was unhurried scurrying as the assembled courtiers and guards left the throne room. "I feel I owe you some truth after necessity had me leave you in the dark for so long but your dedication proved exemplary as always. What do you want to ask?"

I grit my teeth and tried to come to a staring off point. "Did Queen Chrysalis really overpower you, or was that an act?"

"I thought I did brilliantly." She lunged backward, front legs flailing, wings wheeling, her eyes rolling back in her head and collapsed backward. Then, smiling, rose once more and walked down to my spot. "Over the centuries I've studied under the best playwrights, to all the better blend in when I wish to disguise myself and walk amongst my little ponies incognito. But I haven't had an opportunity for a good juicy death scene in quite some time."

I boggled. "So she didn't overpower you?"

"My dear old soldier, I set the Sun in the sky! Chrysalis was indeed bloated with stolen power but do you really think she could stand a chance with me?"

"So why didn't you crush her?"

"Blast her with all the power of the Sun?"

I nodded, eager to have this addressed at last.

She gave me a wry look. "And roast everypony in the room to cinders? Don't delude yourself, she was powerful at that moment and that's what it would have taken."

"But why did you take no action, then?"

"Because there was another pony not two dozen hooves away who held a far more elegant solution. If Twilight could not get to the Elements of Harmony I knew Cadence could set things right. Never play an ace when a deuce will do, my scribe."

"How did Princess Mi Amore manage that, anyhow. Was it really the power of her love giving her groom the strength for his spell?"

The princess looked thoughtful. "In a way. Chrysalis had sort of mystically stepped between them, harvesting their love for each other to make herself more powerful, feeding on it. What she had not counted on was my nieces' unique magical talent for mending relationships, harnessing the power of true love in right and good ways. When she was freed and used that talent all of that potential energy had to go somewhere. It went into the shield. Princess Cadence channeled back what was stolen from them so I guess she was right, from a certain point of view."

"And you were gambling on that happening?" I wanted to regain my loyalty and unquestioning trust but too much had been revealed during this affair.

Celestia sat down beside me, we were closer to eye level. Her voice took on that familiar maternal tone. "Dear Quill, remember when my sister returned and I gave you that important mission so my reign could go on in case she struck me down? Luna, as Nightmare Moon was actually conceivably capable of that. Do you remember the three things I told you?"

"Yes," I looked down, suddenly ashamed. "You said there were tasks you could not accomplish through might alone, things you could not fix yourself."

"Things I should not fix, as others such as Twilight and Cadence are more appropriate. So I sent her to Ponyville alone, so I allowed the Element Bearers to go into the gardens to play Discords' demented little game. Now what was the second thing?"

"That you wouldn't be ruling alone forever."

"That's right. My little ponies have relied on me for generations but you now have three princesses in Equestria," she raised her head so her next words rebounded off the ceiling and walls "Are you not protected?"

"So you planned on Twilight and Mi Amore coming to your rescue?"

"One way or another..."

"When did you know the princess was an imposter?"

She grinned. "That tinpot queen wasn't as good an actor as I."

"Why let her into Canterlot at all, then?!"

"Ever the dedicated Signal Corps courier. Direct and to the point. Don't take this the wrong way but you would make a lousy general. As much as I hated putting lives in danger it is sometimes necessary to let the enemy into your city walls before you can effectively outflank them."

"Why didn't you stop her from imprisoning Princess Cadence that first day, the attack in the scriptorium?"

She looked downcast. "Because I didn't know what I was dealing with right away. I suspected an enemy who could disguise themselves as any pony but it was only through the clues you gave us that Princess Luna was able to guess changelings. Thanks for that, by the way. Luna has always had... more of a hobby in lore of the darker aspects of our lands. If she hadn't known of the changelings we would have been flat-hoofed. By the time we came to that answer it was too late for you to send off a warning. They operate as a hive so that spy went directly to tell another of Cadence's whereabouts, then another and so forth until their queen knew. A warning would have risked turning a kidnapping into a bloody battle."

"You allowed your niece to be captured?"

My princess sighed. "I was hoping to find her imprisoned on the train but likely they already had her in the gemstone mines. It pained me but I at least knew Chrysalis would keep her alive and well as to get the most out of the bond between the two lovers. Besides, her unique triple-aspect alicorn nature is hard to duplicate. Twilight was my best hope for finding her and as usual she did not let me down."

"It still," I had to force the words out now that I was here in her regal presence. "It still seems like too much of a risk, and it made... It made you look WEAK!"

"So you would rather have our many enemies know the exact extent of my powers rather than tragically underestimate me?"


"I was indeed putting on an act. Not just for 'Queen' Chrysalis but to teach a lesson to my niece and trusted student, to everypony in that room. You don't need me anymore to be your soul savior. Three times now Equestria has been saved and I have had no part in it! Last summer you were terrified at the prospect of another princess ruling in my place. After all that has happened can you imagine it now?"

I didn't have a clear answer for her just yet so I stayed quiet.

"Now, what was that third thing I told you that morning?"

I looked to my hooves, or would have if my eyelids weren't trying to hold back ashamed tears. "That you loved me, that you loved all of us."

"And I still do. I asked for your faith and I still need it, but have faith in yourselves as well as me. Have faith in Twilight. Have faith in Cadence. If you need a change from your duties here I could always assign a detail to Princess Luna. She's hounding the enemy to our boarders as we speak. I hear she is having a grand time on the warpath as well."

I shuddered, remembering how well she took to her armor and weapons. "No need, your majesty. I-I will serve you well."

"You've done your duty well, I'd say. Why don't you take the afternoon off and go mate with your husband?"

"Your majesty!" I reeled.

Celestia's eyes twinkled. "Forgive me a little mirth, Scrivener. Nightmare Moon was personal and painful to me. Discord was just infuriating. But this, despite the danger, was a rather fine gambit. It all worked out for the best."

I saluted, a throwback to my military days was the best I could manage. "Your majesty, I request use of my vacation hours as soon as appropriate." A few weeks in Trottingham seemed like paradise right now.

She raised her brows. "Going for a stamina record, are you sure that's wise at your age?"

"Ooh!!" I stamped a hoof and made my way to the doors.

"Permission granted, but not for a few more days. After all, we have another wedding to prepare for!"

My princesses' laughter could be heard when I was far beyond the throne room but I tuned it out of my mind. My thoughts were not of the love of my liege but of the love amongst my family and I longed to make up for lost time.