Most Wonderful of Nights

by Verge77

First published

Nightmare Moon defeted Celestia before she had the chance to send her to the moon.

1000 years after Nightmare Moon came to be and Princes Celestia was banished to the sun. The ponies live in perpetual darkness, the changelings have a strong grip on Canterlot and Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis rule side by side over pony and changeling kind.

The Day Night Began

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After a long fight Nightmare Moon feel on her side. She was exhausted from the amount of magic it took to repel the elements of harmony, which now lay shattered on the ground. She had done it. She had used her own dark power to banish her sister to the sun and rid Equestria of its hopeful glow.
She started to laugh. She had won. No pony in Equestria could stand up to her now. The ponies were in forever night and she would rule over them all.

The new Princes of the Night returned to Canterlot castle and decreed that Celestia was no longer their leader and that Princes Night was now their rightful ruler. They would be in the dark forever.
She was happy but at the same time felt very alone. She removed her armour and let her natural pony body show. Under the armour she looked more like Luna but still very different. She didn't miss her old self one bit. She was weak and pathetic always hiding behind her sister... the moment she thought of that word everything in her mind changed. She always had help, always had someone who knew how to lead with her to give her advice on her decisions/
"W-what have I done? I have destroyed this place. I don't know how to lead. I will be the end of Equestria..."
Her face said it all. She may be evil but she still cared for her subjects. She wanted them to be safe in her night.

3 Weeks later

In a far off land a force was stirring. They moved quietly though the forests. Though few in number they were still highly dangerous to anyone they crossed paths with. Soon reports came flooding in of strange creatures heading west across the country, towards the now ruined state of Equestria. Some reported 1, some reported 20 no one knew how many but what was a common sighting is that their seemed to be a larger one than the others. Another common feature of the sightings were that these creatures were strikingly similar to ponies. Whatever the case was, no one had ever seen these creatures before. Perhaps they hailed from another country? No one knew and no one had ever been close enough to ask them.

4 Days Later

Princes Night was in her bed chambers as always. Her guards could her quite sobbing from inside.

The last sighting of the creatures was right on the Equestrain border but Princes Night had herd nothing of them as she refused to leave her chambers.

Out of nowhere that day, 5 creatures burst into the castle subduing the guards allowing the larger one to walk in un interrupted. "Ahhh, Canterlot palace. I've herd rumours about this place. Tell me guards pony... Where is your princes?" The creature held his head up with a holey hoof and gave him a toothy grin.
"She's through there" He said gesturing towards a decently sized door.
"Thank you" Her horn glowed a bright green "Sleep now child. Go to your fantasy world where you are happy and filled with love" The guards head drops as does the other one. "You know what to do with them" The smaller creatures nodded at her serious tone.

The larger one felt the saddened Princes before she had even reached the door. Using the guards key she opened the door and stepped inside.
A booming voice met her "I told you I was not to be disturbed!" But her tone changed once she saw what she was talking to. "Who.... What are you?"
"I am Queen Chrysalis, leader of what's left of the changelings" She started confident but as the sentence went on she sounded saddened.
"And what do you want with this place?" Night dominants of the situation now she knew there was something wrong with this... changeling.
"We seek refuge from our old home. Many of my children died or had to be left behind when we escaped our former home across the sea. We are few in number and are very weak" She sounded honest and her words were hard but truthful.
"There is barely anything left of my kingdom. What refuge is there for you here?" Night was starting to get angry.
"Ahh I see. You ruined your kingdom as soon as you came to power. My sister did the same thing. I took over and lead us properly" She said looking down on the pathetic looking alicron laying on her bed.
"What are you implying?" Her voice broke half way though saying this.
A small grin appeared on her face "I help you run your state and you provide live space for me and my children as well as a good source of food" Her grin grew seeing the reaction of discomfort and pondering on Night's face.
"Alright. Help me run this state and I will gladly provide for you and your children" A wry smile appeared on Night's face. It was clear nether trusted one another.

Chrysalis was given the crystal cave system to create a home for her children as well as a few rooms in the castle. The two became closer over the years and acted more like sisters all the time.

In 1000 Years Time

Chrysalis and Night were very close to each other. Chrysalis had helped Night develop a spell that would allow crops to be grown from moonlight instead of sunlight and changelings and ponies were almost a blended society now. Though changelings were still very shifty love vampires they were also helping out weather ponies and farm ponies. Doing normal pony tasks all while serving the Queen. Meanwhile the ponies serve under the Princes who is directly advised by Chrysalis. Pony kind has also adapted to the darkness and if the sun were to return now it would be catastrophic and blinding for ponies.

Despite being ruled by evil the new Equestria was running smother than it had ever done in the past. Everything was right in the world.

Two Rulers

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It was the night before the biggest event in Equestrian History. The one thousand year anniversary of the rising of the moon and the banishment of Celestia. This was also treated as the anniversary of the meeting of Princess Night and Queen Chrysalis even though it is common knowledge that the meeting happened weeks later. This event was celebrated throughout Equestria but nowhere more than the in Canterlot, for tonight was the night of the Nightmare Ball. An event replacing the Grand Galloping Gala. This date was a grim one for Princess Night.

"Night? What's wrong dear?" Chrysalis asked waking into Night's bedchambers.

"Tonight... Tonight one thousand years ago I banished my sister..." She trailed off. "I think I regret what I did. I only wanted ponies to appreciate me like they did my sister and her precious sun" An angry hoof struck the window sill.

"I've herd this before dear. You wanted only for ponies to bask in your moon light but your sister refused you. You became bitter and resentful towards her and you snapped. You became Nightmare Moon and threatened her and refused to lower your moon. She became angry and tried to banish you to your moon but you resisted and banished her to her sun" Chrysalis said every word with confidence and trust in her knowledge of her friend.

"Then I failed to rule the country and nearly killed everypony here from shire ignorance! If you hadn't come along when you did this place may have been under 'new management'. You helped me pass laws, you helped me keep my people safe but you will never make up for the sister that I lost. Not now not ever" Night was gritting her teeth tears trailing down her from her eyes. "I'm a monster for what I did and nothing will change that" She hung her head in shame pushing away Chrysalis's hoof when she motioned to hug her.

"You did what you thought was right at the time. Its what ponies do" A smile appeared on her face.

"How would you know? You're not even a pony" Before Chrysalis had a chance to answer a guard appeared at the door way.

"Princess, Queen. A young Pegasus is demanding an audience. She wont leave without seeing both of you" The guards pony walked back out the door.

"Should we go?" Chrysalis started to walk out stoping to look back at Night.

Night dragged her chin off of the window sill and followed Chrysalis to the thrown room where a pink Pegasus waited for them staring at them angrily with purple eyes. As the two leaders took their places on their individual thrones. Night sitting professionally while Chrysalis sat more casually laying back putting her hind hooves up on the arm rest.

"You may speak child" Chrysalis said lazily distracted looking through one of the holes in her hoof.

"Thank you my Queen. About twelve hours ago my husband Shining Armour was arrested by the royal guard for treason. I'm her to plead for his release. He was Capitan of the royal guard he would never harm you or this land" A discreet sly grin appeared on Chrysalis's face.

"What's your name child?" Chrysalis was paying more attention to her after hearing the name of her spouse.

"It's Caden.... Mi Amore Cadenza" She spread her wings and bowed.

"Well Miss Mi Amore. Your husband was spotted chipping away at the Discord statue, this is the most treasons act we can think of and he has been sentenced to life in the dungeon" Night stated with a sense of authority. Chrysalis was grinning once again.

"But its impossible! He was home with me the time they say he did that!" She stamped a hoof to the ground. Two of the four guards ponies in the room transformed into changelings and took their places beside Chrysalis baring their teeth.

"An investigation will be launched into this matter but until then you are excused from the castle. Please leave or we will have you escorted out" Night said her guards also taking their posts next to her.

The mare went to say something but stopped. She bowed to her leaders and turned walking out of the castle. She seemed less than pleased.

"You handled that well Night. I'm glad to see you working better with social and security matters" Chrysalis smiled returning to he lounging position.

"Its not easy but what else was I supposed to do? He was trying to free Discord!" Her voice was shaky almost scared.

"I know dear and neither of us could have beaten him without the power of the Elements of Harmony you destroyed. We couldn't use them anyway, we don't exactly represent harmony now do we?" Chrysalis chuckled to herself.

"No, no I suppose we don't. I'm sorry for saying you weren't a pony. I didn't mean it" Night hung her head.

"Its not like you were wrong" Chrysalis sounded very calm like she really meant what she was saying.

"How can you just say that?" Night snapped.

"Because its true" Chrysalis stated bluntly.

One of Night's guards cuts them off "Princess, Queen. Its time to start the Ball, your dresses are laid out for you"

"Thank you Hammer. Open the doors we will be with the guests shortly" Night stated as they both stood and went to their separate bed chambers.

* * *

The Nightmare Ball was an elegant event and not everyone could just get a ticket. You had to be invited to attend.
Both Changelings and ponies were on the guest list. Military officials, diplomats, government staff. All very important ponies.

Night was talking to some new guests to the Ball this year. A miss Alki who was a changeling and a mister Swift Cart. They were invited for being the first known pony changeling marriage in history, which was significant to a lot of ponies.

Chrysalis was drunk already. Chrysalis didn't like this type of event so she'd rather not remember it the next day.

"Hey Night... Yo my best friend I love you, you princess of the night you" Chrysalis spoke loudly as she stumbled over to Night who was now alone. Chrysalis was clearly very drunk.

"Haha what ever you say Chrysta" Night chuckled at the very drunk, disorientated changeling Queen in front of her.

"Did you call me, Chrysta?... That's.... New..." She trailed off closing her eyes falling to the thrown room floor snoring.

"Hmm" Night smiled and signalled her guards to take Chrysalis to her bed chambers for the night.

After that point the Ball went on for another 6 hours and most ponies were disappearing back to their homes across Equestria. Satisfied Night also retired to her bed chamber.

Rise of a Villain

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Tonight was the night that would normally be the eve of summer sun celebration, but because the event hadn't happened in over 1000 years, no pony knew enough about it to celebrate it... well apart from the folks who believe the old mare's tales. Those mare tales also mentioned something else...
'On the 100th day of the 1000th year on the eve of the summer sun celebration a great power in the stars of the night will aid in the escape of the most powerful force ever to be seen in Equestria from its prison inside of the great glowing orb known as the sun'
It was a warning that princess Night was aware of... though she didn't mention it to Chrysalis. Instead she went alone to the old temple of the sun and moon princesses and sat waiting for the return of her dearly missed sister.

"Night!" A familiar raspy voice yelled from behind her.

"Chrysalis?" Night turned to see the Changeling Queen walking towards her with two of her personal guards

"What are you doing? You disappeared. It took hours for my Changelings to find you. Why did you run off?" Chrysalis seemed genuinely worried and confused. This also confused Night as she never thought her new counterpart cared as much as she appeared to now... it was... new to her and she could only stare back at the Changeling Queen as she took her place beside her.

It was a while before Night managed to answer her. "I... She..." Night trailed off looking down before coming up with a sincere smile "She's coming back... my sister... its time for her to come home to me" Once again she lay down on the ground.

Chrysalis splayed her ears back at that. "You know she hated you. What happens now that you banished her to the sun for 1000 years?" Night scowled up at the large Changeling.

"You know nothing of how my sister will return yet you assume her to be aggressive?!" Night stood angrily and slammed a hoof onto the ground. The ground under her hoof cracked. Chrysalis stood and looked straight into her eyes angrily. She opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by a loud crashing sound. It was almost like and explosion. All of a sudden bright blinding light appeared in the sky.
Chrysalis and her guards winced and looked away, shielding their eyes from the light. Night just stood their, watching the light as it feel towards the thrown room she and Chrysalis were standing in.

The light crashed at speed into the centre of the room with a firry shock sending the two Changeling guards into the wall wounding them rather badly.

Out of the fire stepped a white Alicorn with a mane of fire and glowing gold armour. "Nightmare Moon. I have returned to Equestria to retake my rightful place as ruler" A loud voice shattered the silence. Night recognised this as the traditional royal Canterlot voice.

"Celest..." Night was cut off rather harshly.

"I am Sunstroke! Your precious sister Celestia is long gone. She gave up on ever being herself and consumed by her rage for you her mind grew wiry and a great power started taking over her mind... Me. I am not going to stand by and let this night trump another day. Lower the moon or die" The tall white Alicorn smashed a chunk out of the stony surface of the ground gritting her teeth in anger and preparing a light magic bolt for an attack.

"No she will not lower the moon! She would be hindering her kingdom if she did that" Chrysalis butted in unexpectedly.

"Oh? And what do you know of this squabble, insect?" Sunstroke answered with a dark chuckle.

"Oh I know plenty of you Celestia but I also know my kingdom. If you raise the sun the ponies will be blinded by its light and will not be able to work or sustain themselves" Chrysalis carefully picked each word while trying not to show a hint of weakness.

The white mares pink mane turned to fire and her gaze grew angry. "LIES, ALL LIES!" she shouted in the royal Canterlot voice. "SINCE YOU WILL NOT LOWER THE MOON BEHOLD THE CELESTIAL POWER I WEILD!" A very fast bolt of pure yellow magic struck Night in the chest knocking her to the ground. She wasn't breathing and wasn't responsive to Chrysalis's pleas.

"How dare you touch her!" A bolt of green magic struck Sunstroke in the chest with no effect.

"I will make you all suffer for your insolence!" Sunstroke flew out of the temple and disappeared into the night.

"Night, Night! Wake up.... Wake up!" Chrysalis ran over to Night and knelt down to her trying to figure out what she could do...

City of Light

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Night wakes up in a darkened room on a soft bed with what felt like a bandage around her head "Urgh, w-what happened?" Slowly flash backs of her sister started to come back to her and she shuddered at the thought of the once peaceful and kind Celestia would be so evil now. Night could barely hear anything in the silent room which is why when she herd frantic hoof steps outside she immediately went to see who it was.

When she opened the door she was in the main hall of the castle and it was in disarray. Messages were going in and out from all over the kingdom, Changeling and pony guards were running around trying to keep up with some kind of information train and Queen Chrysalis looked very worried.

"Chrysta? What's going on?" Night asks as she galloped up towards the Changeling Queen.

"Oh dear sister it's all a mess! Sunstroke is tormenting our subjects. She is creating beacons of light that are as bright as the sun, essentially blinding our subjects. We cannot fight her we aren't strong enough as we are. We need some kind of weapon to stop her" Chrysalis blurts out in a frantic teary panic.

"Where is she?" Night asks, her voice calm as the night air.

"She took over Pony Vile, its the brightest place in Equestria right now" Chrysalis states in a shaky voice.

"Keep an eye on what's going on down there, I need to... Take a trip" Night says turning and heading for her room.

"Where are you going?" Chrysalis asks frantically.

"Home..." She says closing her door ending the conversation.

Lonely Night Part 1

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Night walked into her room and closed the door. The lock clicked so no one would intrude. Slowly she walked over to an old wooden chest that looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. She opened it taking a scroll and three black candles. She started setting up the candles; one either side of her and one in front of her. She lit them with her magic giving them a dark blue flame and she closed her eyes. She was deep in concentration.

After half an hour of sitting like this she opened her now glowing white eyes. She was enveloped by black, shadowy tendrils until nothing was visible. The tendrils formed into a large ball and that ball became smaller and smaller until there was nothing remaining.

Night opened her eyes once more and looked around at the dark environment. She could see nothing. Even she, the princess of the night could see nothing in this realm of shadow.

She made her steps carefully focusing on the shadows ahead of her. Ducking under branches and stumbling over rocks. She had a clear goal and she knew how to find it. She may have been the only living thing to ever visit the temple she was heading too.

She saw a glint of light through the near invisible trees. Her slow trot broke into a gallop, heading towards the source of the light.

That’s when she tripped on a rock sending her off a small cliff. She rolled and bounced down the incline. She hit rocks and tree roots on her way down. At the bottom of the hill she hit her head against a tree, knocking her unconscious.


Chrysalis watched Night retreat to her quarters. She was worried about her but had more to worry about than her friend. “My Queen! A young Unicorn by the name of Twilight wishes to have an audience with you” a guard yells from the door. A hush went over the room and guards stood in place, both pony and changeling stood ready.

“Let her inside” Chrysalis states as two of her guards opened the doors. Twilight walked inside hesitantly. She was never a fan of the Changelings.

“H-hello my Queen. I-I have a question” Twilight hesitantly stated. She nervously looked around at the two different species of guards, who also looked very concerned.

“Speak child. We are very busy at this moment” Chrysalis said with a strong, confident voice.

“I-Is that pony that recently appeared… P-Princes Celestia?” Twilight asks taking a shaky step forward.

“No that is Sunstroke. She wishes to bring light to our kingdom of darkness. If she succeeds then we will all suffer greatly” Chrysalis said bluntly, unintentionally scaring the small purple unicorn.

"M-Maybe my friends and I could h-help?" Twilight said taking a nerves step backwards.

"You can only help by staying out of the way of the guards... Wait, haven't I seen you before? Yes I know your face..." Chrysalis steps off of her throne, she slowly started making her way down to the unicorn. "Yes I know you. Twilight Sparkle, younger sister of the Ex Captain of the Royal Guard" Chrysalis stops only a few feet away looking down at the now terrified pony.

"Y-y-yes, w-what are you going to d-d-do?" She says cover her head with her fore hooves.

"Enrol you" Chrysalis gave a wicked grin before turning around and heading back up to her throne. "Go home, when your place is ready we will come and get you" She sat back down and made a shooing motion with her hoof. Twilight took the hint and hurried away.

Lonely Night Part 2

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Night woke up to whispers all around. She sees a strange blue mist around her. "H-hello... Who a-are you?" Night asks the slightest amount of fear in her voice.

There are small orbs in the mist; they glow a heavenly blue but it is very faint, not enough to illuminate the darkness "We are what you seek, are we not?" One of the orbs states in a vaguely female whisper.

"But I thought they were... Stone" Night hesitantly states.

"Oh we were. The scent of our champion released us. The other champion, where is she?" The orb flys around her slowly "The other two didn't awaken"

Night looked at them "I didn't bring her with me. She wasn't ready" Night looked down slightly.

"We see. Follow us please" The orbs spin around each other as the blue mist moves away. Night quickly jumps to her hooves and follows them, she seems much more attuned to the dark as she runs for the temple.

By the time Night arrived the two orbs had disappeared. The temple was a glowing white light and Night was blinded for a few moments. When her eyes settled she looked around the room at the white walls with golden highlights. She was amazed and a bit sickened by the sight. She looked back from where she came and where her hooves made contact, darkness was spreading through the temple. She grinned at that. Looking forward she saw a white gold and marble alter with four gems imbedded in the top. Two of a dark, rich blue and two green as envy. Night levitates the gems with her magic and in an instant darkness from where the gems lay overwhelms the temple.


"My Queen there is trouble!" A changeling guard yells as he bursts in the door. "Its the hatchery" The guard collapses in exhaustion before he can say more.

"My children!? Guards go to the hatchery see what it is, I'll be down soon" Chrysalis steps off her thrown as her guards run down stairs to the crystal caves. Chrysalis starts walking down the stairs as well, not knowing what she might find.

When Chrysalis walked down to the crystal caves she noticed the gems were off colour, slightly darker than they used to be. As she walked the crystal walls started becoming covered in the hard, black resin like surface changelings made their hives out of. She walked through the winding tunnels eventually making her way all the way to the other side of the cave system where she had the hatchery built.

"W-what is this?" Chrysalis gasped looking upon the hatchery. Clusters of eggs had been moved to make way for three dark purple crystals growing out of the floor. They pulsated with energy and were visibly gathering magic from somewhere beneath.

With no warning the eggs that were between them were pushed outwards. None were damaged but that didn't calm the shaky Changeling's nerves. The crystals fired some kind of black, green and purple energy into the centre of the three. After a few moments it stopped and had left something behind; a body. "

Guards! Stand by! Ready yourselves" Chrysalis barked noticing the new comer in the centre of the foreign gems. As ordered by their queen, six large Changelings stood at attention either side of her. They were bent down and exposing their teeth, ready for a fight.

The form started to move, shakily and began to climb to its feet. It was shrouded in darkness and didn't have any defining features. All of a sudden the darkness started lifting from it, hooves first.

The creature had shinny, purple armoured boots on all four of its hooves and had a dark blue almost black coat. As the darkness started raising further Chrysalis and the Changelings around her watched in awe as slowly, Nightmare moon was revealed in dark purple armour and her moon cutie mark was sealed with two white gems on either side of her armour where it would normally be.

Chrysalis's jaw dropped seeing her in this state. "What happened? How did you get in here? I watched you go into your room!" She yelled confused a more than a little scared.

"Don't worry. This is how we will beat my former sister" Two green gems floated either side of Night as she walked forward "Ready?" She asked with an excited tone.

"For what?" Chrysalis said still scared.

Elements of the Night

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"They're called the Elements of Night. They are just as powerful as the Elements of Harmony were. I have the elements of Shroud and Dreams; you will get the elements of Deceit and Phases" She lifts the two crystals either side of Chrysalis "You will represent the way the night plays with the mind and the cycles of the moon; where as I will represent darkness and dreams" The crystals glowed two different greens and they rested against her sides. Chrysalis was enveloped by green fire in an instant. Metal clanging and scraps could be herd from within the blaze. Chrysalis's guards rushed Night only to smash headlong into a shield she had around her.

After a few long minutes of waiting the fire subsided and Chrysalis emerged unharmed and sporting a set of black armour.

The armour itself was very sleek. It had moulded to her form perfectly creating a light yet strong form. Gems had formed into a hard caprice like form on her underbelly and she had a crown that was jagged with holes cut into it. The armour had hinges where the wings would retract from.

"I feel... stronger..." Chrysalis muttered looking at her hooves. "Faster... and my magic!" She said going wide eyed.

"You'll get used to the new power quickly. Now we have to learn how to use it" She grinned.


Night flew at top speed. Faster than she had ever flown before. At the very last minute before impact she pulled up slowing herself enough to drop to her hooves effortlessly. She looked over at a green light coming from over the hill and began walking towards it.

"Ah there you are Night" Chrysalis said walking past a green orb of light. "You missed your target" She said with a grin.

"On the contrary, I wasn't aiming for your beacon at all. I wanted to land over this hill, my sister showed me this spot. You get the best view of the stars this side of Equestria here" She sighed walking back over the hill with her head held low.

Chrysalis followed after her with a worried look on her face. "Night? Are you alright?" Chrysalis asked holding out a hoof to offer comfort.

Night sighed "I'm fine... It's just, the first time I see my sister in 1,000 years and she wants to kill me" Night says a tear coming to her eye.

Chrysalis rubbed her hoof through Night's mane "It's alright, we'll use these Elements of Night to stop her"

"I don't want to stop her I want her back! She's my sister and I made a terrible mistake by trying to destroy her all those years ago! I was a fool to think that Equestria wanted me as a ruler" Night snaps, laying down and covering her eyes with her hooves. "I am a terrible pony for what I did and I deserve whatever sun stroke does to me" Night begins to sob.

"Nonsense! You are a brilliant leader and a wonderful pony. Equestria is a much better place under your guidance..."
"That was all you! If you didn't come to me when you did Equestria would have fallen into anarchy!" Night cuts her off.

"Alright Night. I'm going back to the castle I have something I need to take care of. We will continue this talk later. Be careful, I don't want to see you getting hurt anytime soon" Chrysalis says standing and spreading her wings. She gives a final wave of goodbye and takes off heading back to the castle. Leaving Night alone in the grass.

Magic School

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"How are this years initiates captain?" Chrysalis asks approaching one of Night's royal guard. In the traditional style of the Night Guard the unicorn wore purple armour and carried a hefty spear. His fur grey and eyes like snakes similar to the other night guardsmen.

"My Queen!" the unicorn bows. "This batch of unicorns are some of the best we've seen in a long time" the guard says raising to his hooves again.

"And what of the one I spoke of?" Chrysalis asks placing a hoof on the windowsill next to her.

"The young one? She has exceptional skill with magic for her age" The guard states with intent.

"Is that so?" Chrysalis turns to him with an interested look "and what skills might she have?" She asks looking back out the window.

"She learned teleportation within a cycle" the guard notes still sounding impressed.

"Hmm?" Chrysalis looks back over to him "teleportation in only 24 hours?"

"Yes my Queen. She got the technique down before the other students" he says with confidence.

"Bring her to me" Chrysalis commands.

The night guard salutes her and gallops away down the hall.


Twilight was coaxed into Chrysalis's chamber and the door was shut behind her.

The room was dark apart from a few green glowing orbs on the walls. The floor was solid but strangely soft under hoof. The walls and floor were completely dark grey and shone where the light hit them. There was a book case and desk in the far corner with books spread over it like someone was researching something.

"U-umm... Q-queen?" she whined.

"Over here child" Chrysalis was sitting at a small dining table able to fit 6 people.

The table was some kind of black resin with a small green orb in the centre.

"Come, sit" Chrysalis motions toward the seat at the head of the table opposite her.

Twilight obliges and takes her place at the table. She fidgets nervously before asking "I-is there something you needed from m-me my Queen..."

"Relax Twilight... I asked you here to offer you something" Chrysalis smiled.

Twilight looked slight confused "M-me? But I'm nothing special..." she lowers her ears and looks down.

"Oh but you are. You're a fast learner and you have a great magic about you I sensed when we first met. How would you like to study magic in the royal academy of which you would be the only member. Royal privileges, access to the archives and libraries and direct contact with myself and Queen Nightmare" Chrysalis smiled looking at the small unicorn.

"Y-you want me to become a great unicorn?" Twilight asks.

Chrysalis just smiled.

Twilight sat in silence thinking of her answer. She wanted to, but was it really all she had hopped? "A-alright..." She agreed.

Chrysalis nodded "Very well, my guards shall take you to your room" Chrysalis watched as Twilight was lead out of her chamber. She now had what she needed.


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Night walked into the castle that same night. “Chrysalis?” she called from the main hall.

Chrysalis flew out from one of the many rooms to great her “Hello Night” she said with a smile.

“It’s time” She lowered her head.

“I understand” Chrysalis said leading Night back out of the castle where she had five night guards and five changeling guards already in formation to follow the Queens into town.


After a short flight Chrysalis and Night landed in the centre of town their guards just behind them. A huge flash of light blinded everypony for a split second and when the Queens regained their sight, the whole unit of guards the brough with them were incapacitated or worse.

“You shouldn’t have come here sister!” A thundering voice says from the above rooftops.<br/> “We don’t fear you Sun-Stroke!” Chrysalis argues in return.

“Silence insect! This is between my sister and…” She’s silenced by a bolt of magic from Night’s horn.

“Shut up! You’re not my sister! You’re just a monster!” She screams watching Sun-Stroke fall clenching a wound in her side.

“Incompetent little… I’m no more a monster than you, Nightmare Moon! I was trapped for a thousand years inside the sun that never saw the dawn. How are you so different from me? I’m trying to take back what’s mine” She said barely finishing before both Chrysalis and Night slammed into the distracted mare.

“Just shut up already” Chrysalis hissed. “I’ve had enough of you running your mouth its time we ended you!”

Chrysalis and Night crossed their horns amd closed their eyes. Around them formed a swirling orb of transparent magic. The orb focused on the point at which their horns met, and after only a few seconds a beam of magic struck Sun-Stroke and she screamed in protest.

Night and Chrysalis walked over to the still steaming impact sight. Laying there on the ground before them was a sleeping filly Celestia. Her coat slowly turmed black and her hair from pink to blue.

“I-I have a sister again…” Night said as she picked up the filly cradling her.


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Chrysalis looked up at the Night Queen who was lost in her sisters eyes. "She's not Celestia anymore, what are you going to name her?" Chrysalis asked as she cautiously walked over to her friend.

Night stayed silent in thought for a long moment. Suddenly her eyes light up with passion and excitement. "Eclipse! " she said as loud as she thought she could without scaring her little sister.

Chrysalis quirks an eyebrow. "Like the moon passing infront of the sun? That's... perfect honestly" the Queen could only smile at her friends decision.

Suddenly the Queen's attention was diverted to the groans of pain comming from the remains of a house her guards, and the Night guards had flown into after Sun-Stroke's attack. "My children!" Chrysalis cried running to the rubble trapping her Changelings and Night’s guards. She lifted a boulder to reveal a Changeling. He was barely breathing and his legs were crushed beyond recovery. The other four were out cold but were, for the most part, unharmed.

One of the Night guards was impaled on a wooden support pillar, it tore right through his armor and it appeared as though he had died instantly. Two of the others were badly wounded but were still alive.

Chrysalis and Night stabilised the badly wounded and get a local pony by the name of Rainbow Dash to fly a letter back to Canterlot Castle to get help.


After a half hour a medical unit arrived at the town putting the badly wounded on stretchers and treating to the ones who could still walk. Night and Chrysalis were the first ones to return to Canterlot with the new Princess in hoof.

A tear dripped down Night's cheek as she held the sleeping filly in her hooves on the flight home.

"Are you okay Night?" Chrysalis asked flying just to her right looking slightly concerned for her partner.

She looked over to Chrysalis with the most sincere smile on her face "I'm just so happy I have my sister back... I never would have dreamed I would ever have her back" Another tear dripped down the night mare's face falling to earth like a drop of rain.

After that there was silence for most of the trip back to the city.

Night landed first and looked up at Chrysalis. She waved and flew down into the sewers. Most people in the city didn't know that the entrance into the Changeling capital was in the sewers of Canterlot and that there was a whole city under Canterlot in the crystal caves.

Chrysalis landed at the entrance to one of the sewers leading inside the mountain Canterlot was built onto; she started making her way along side the disgusting sludge. Chrysalis was never really bothered by the smell of the sewers her and her people called home.

"Scar, Kickler where are you two?" The Queen called into the dug out tunnel that was one of the entry points to the hive. The two Changeling warriors walked out of the darkness inside the hole.

"Reporting for duty ma'am" Scar said with an excited and loyal tone in his voice while Kickler just rolled his eyes.

"Please ignore this hatchling my Queen. What is your bidding?" Kickler asked bowing slightly.

"I want you to go and fetch my student, I have some things I want to teach her" The Queen smiled almost evilly.