> Band of Bronies > by The Watcher 509 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Simple Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ah, what a beautiful day," said John "the sun shining bright, not a cloud on sight... Sitting outside; molding clay, and on the last day of May." he rhymed as he continued molding a lavender colored blob into what he thinks is a 'face' on a table outside a café. As he continued molding, he reached for the cup of orange juice placed right next to his laptop. He drank its contents, making sure not to finish it all and observed his creation. He though about what to name his poorly made creation. "Hmm..." he mumbled as he kept on thinking of a name "Ah-hah! I'll call you B!" he said triumphantly as he lifted the... 'face' upwards as he felt total bliss. He laid the clay on the table and turned on his laptop. The desktop screen depicted a cream-coated pegasus with a pink mane and tail sitting on a hill and looking at the stars. He smiled as he saw this, "You always make my day brighter Fluttershy." he whispered to himself as he grinned at the shy pegasus. "Hey John!" shouted a high-pitched voice behind him, startling him in the process. He turned around and saw a woman in a simple red shirt and jeans standing beside him, smiling. "Pam!" He greeted, realizing that it was the first time in three months he had met her again "Long time, no see. What's with the sudden disappearance?" he asked as he proceeded with finishing his orange juice. "Oh, I had to visit my family for a festival in Rio de Janeiro," said Pam as she took a seat next to him. "speaking of which, how have you been while I was gone?" she asked while walking towards the seat across the small table and sitting on it. "Oh you know, normal stuff." he answered innocently, no intention to emphasize on the subject. "Define normal? In your terms that is." she teased as she looked at his laptop screen. "You changed your desktop pic? Nice." "Yeah, it was a bit hard finding the perfect Fluttershy pic but I finally found it!" he stated proudly. "Huzzah!" she shouted and fist-pumped the air. "So, wanna go on an MLP:FiM marathon?" he asked as he packed his laptop and picked up his lavender clay creation. "I'd be a good warm-up for the 4th season." "What about a Doctor Who marathon?" she asked "I know you still haven't started watching the series yet." she teased "Plus, I have all the episodes downloaded in my trusty USB.", she happily said as she patted her backpack which contained some of her things, including her USB drive at the front pocket. "Hmm, tough choice," He looked up thoughtfully "yeah, okay. Are we gonna watch it tonight?" "Yes!" she answered enthusiastically and pointed at a waiter coincidentally standing at a table near them "You," she said "would you kindly get me a coffee, black please." she requested and grinned. "Umm... Okay. Are you gonna pay for that?" he asked as he got a quick shook of her grinning head to answer his question. As he pulled out his wallet to pay the woman's drink, he asked, "So, where did you leave your money this time? At home? Somewhere in your friend's house? Lost in the subw-" "Actually, you were right on the first guess, I did leave it at my house. No need to be pricky about it." She smiled gingerly at him, causing him to don a look of concern. "Oh, sorry about that. Just had a pretty bad week is all." "It's fine, not all of us can see the bright side of a problem." she said innocently. He looked at her in fake, yet convincing anger. "Are you saying I'm negative?" "I didn't say anything about you being negative." she said, not convinced by his look. "Oh really?" "Ya really" "Oh really?" "Ya really" "Oh really?" he said one last time, looking at her with a goofy grin. In a marble castle, in a whole different dimension "MAR RLY!" a pink-haired male in a black cloak shouted at his cream-haired accomplice in the same clothing. "Wait, why did I say that?" "Marluxia... What the hell?" asked his accomplice She looked down and saw that her coffee was already there, as well as the waiter from earlier, and looked at John with innocent eyes. He sighed and paid the waiter, as she gladly took a sip of caffeine bliss. "So, what do you wanna talk about to pass the time?" she asked, taking another sip of her coffee. "Man, this is a good cup of joe." "Hehehe, Joe..." He smiled at her and giggled at his inside joke about his favorite pony. She looked at him as if he had gone mad, which she was expecting sometime in the future. It took her a while, but she finally got the joke and chuckled with him. "Okay, back to topic... How abou- Hey look, It's Tom!" She waved a hand towards a guy walking by the other side of the street. He heard someone call his name and looked at them. He grinned and started walking towards the two. As he got closer, one would notice a Derpy Hooves badge pinned on his shirt. He sat next to John and they continued their conversation. "... then he said, "Mein fuhrer, zat vas heil-arious."" The two boys laughed at Pam's joke. After the joke session, Tom pulled out a book and started reading it. While John continued making a new creation with fuchsia-colored clay. "So, have you seen the others lately?" Asked Pam as she started tapping the table due to boredom. "Well, Froline is beside you." Tom stated as he flipped to the next page of the book he's reading. Pam looked to her right and to her surprise, she saw a girl in a white long-sleeved sweater. "While Roane and Rem are sitting and talking on that table table behind you." He pointed at the table where a man dressed in a suit and a woman dressed in a red and white-striped track jacket and shirt. "... Well, looks like the group's coincidentally back together" she said jokingly. "Actually I texted them to come, we can all watch the Doctor Who marathon." John corrected. "When did you text them?" she asked. Her head slightly tilted to the right. "When you were making a joke about Saddam Hussein. Seriously, you should lay off the 9gag and history jokes for a while, it's starting to make you look like someone that uses too much internet." "There is no such thing as 'too much internet'." She twisted an imaginary mustache, looking at him with a mischievous grin. "Gotta agree with her on this one." Tom said. His eyes glued to his book. "As they always say: the more, the merrier!" "What time are we going to start watching?" asked Rem, slight giddiness in his voice. He turned his chair towards John's table and looked at them with a questioning glance. "I was thinking about six or seven pm. Since an episode of each series is like forty minutes long." They all agreed at going to John's place after six and start watching at precisely seven. Pam looked at her bag and pulled out a small box with some markings in it. She opened the box and revealed it's contents to be cards. "So, who wants to play poker?" "Come on Twilight! " a cyan-coated mare said, tapping one of her fore hooves impatiently. "Just wait Rainbow, I just need to apply this one drop..." a lavender mare, by the name of Twilight Sparkle, said as she steadied a medicine dropper with a considerable amount of liquid inside it on a flask, she squeezed the upper portion of the dropper and two drops of liquid fell into the flask; now glowing purple. Twilight levitated a small glass next to the flask and poured the concoction until it half-filled the cup. She levitated it towards Rainbow as the cyan-colored mare. "Okay, now drink it slowly." She levitated a clip-board and a quill to her side. "Remember after the effects wear off, you'll be instantly transported back here, since I casted a return spell on you earlier. Who knows what this Speed-o-fier solution would do." "I know what it'll do, it'll make me look more awesome! Not that I was already pretty awesome before, but you know, can't say I'm not excited for this." Rainbow slowly drank the concoction, it's sourness making her cringe a bit. Her body suddenly felt a massive gush of adrenaline, her sub-conscious controlling her actions as she immediately flew out of the side library, making a gaping hole behind her rainbow trail. > Chapter 1: Party till ya flop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group was now walking towards John's house. Idle conversations were heard throughout the walk. One of these was John and Rem talking about how their day has been. They passed through a couple of shops, a Wendy's over here, a Mcdonalds over there you know, the usual. They then started reminiscing about the activities they did and the things they saw for the past three months. "I still can't believe you two," said Rem, his unamused gaze turning to Tom and John "There you were, claiming that you heard and saw Rainbow Dash in the forest. If I wasn't for you being part of this group I would've told the both of you that you that you were a madmen." "Emphasis on the wasn't" Pam joked. She smiled at Rem and he looked away immediately with a slight blush on his face. As the three continued discussing, Tom was recalling the events that transpired when they saw Rainbow Dash in the forest. It was a very cloudy day, the wind was blowing through the trees as they looked at the little circular clearing in the middle of the forest. They were having a camping trip that was arranged by Pam, since the group needed a bit of a stress-free environment after their recent test. "So, me and Tom'll pick up the firewood." John said as he was getting some rope to tie the wood. "How about you guys set camp?", he asked while putting the rope in his bag. "Just leave it to us!" Pam answered enthusiastically. "Okay, see you when we get back." He waved at them as he and Tom re-entered the forest. "So, where did you learn all about survival?" asked Tom as he glanced over the area for some firewood. "Oh, I was once a boy scout. We had camping trips annually to teach us how do do these kind of stuff." answered John. He saw a small amount of firewood over by the distance on top of a hill and pointed at them. "Hey, there are some over there." After gathering enough firewood, they piled them up and John drew his rope from his bag. He tied the rope around the pile and as they were about to carry the pile, the tie became loose and the firewood rode down the hill. "I knew things would end like that," said John as he walked over to the firewood "I was never really that good in knotting anyways." He picked them up again and felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be hard on yourself, at least you tried." He turned around and saw Tom gently smiling at him. He smiled back and finished piling up the firewood, after a few failed attempts in tying the pile, they were finally able to tie the pile in a tight knot. As they were walking back towards the camp, the heard a bush faintly rustle and a shadowed figured moved toward another bush. "Oh great," said John with a hint of sarcasm in his voice "looks like we'll be bear food today." He walked towards the bush with Tom in tow. They surveyed the area and John kept looking behind trees and bushes for any sign of Pam. "Cut it out Pam, I know it's you." He didn't believe that there would suddenly be a bear in the woods, they weren't even common in these parts. "W-who are you? What're you talking about?" asked a familiar voice come from said bush. The two looked at each other in a "did-you-just-hear-that?" look. They walked towards the bush and what they saw was a sight to behold, they saw a cyan-colored coated pony, with a mane and tail colored like the rainbow. 'Rainbow Dash?!" Tom internally screamed, he was panicking due to the obvious reason of a pony, that was in Equestria, was her on Earth. She hesitantly looked back at the two beings, she looked at the two marveling her form as she spread her wings to escape the two. 'Whatever those two were, they ain't gonna catch me!." she thought. She started flying at a random direction,her body still affected by the potion Twilight made thus resulting to another blinding light. 'Roane's not gonna believe this' thought Tom as they stood there, dumb-founded by how they actually saw a pony! "Wait," Tom stopped and looked at his partner, eyebrows raised. "did any of us touch a mushroom? Or held something?" "Umm, I don't think so," Tom looked at his hands and smelled them "nope, no mushroom here." "Me neither... We really aren't dreaming!" shouted John as he excitedly skipped towards the camp, with Tom by his side. The two of them reached the camp, still lugging around the pile of firewood. Their overwhelmed minds were so eager to tell the story, it would make meeting a zombified Freddie Mercury seem like a magic show from a kid's party. As they entered John's home, Froline bee-lined for the front door as she heard a dog bark at her. She held onto the couch shaking like a leaf. "T-that was... scary..." She stopped shaking and helped in preparing for the marathon. They filed into the room, Pam immediately ran towards the television and turned it on. While Rem and Tom walked towards the kitchen to ready the chips and drinks. Froline and John were tidying up the living room, making sure that the coffee table was neat and clean. Roane was also in the kitchen trying to open a jar of peanut butter, struggling to open the damned jar. After several jar-opening minutes, the group finally finished all the much needed preparation, they were seated in the living room together. Pam, Froline, and Roane sat on the couch, while the ones that sat on the floor with John and Rem. Pam held the remote(or in this case, the PS3 controller) and was ready to press the play button. "Hey, you guys ready?" she asked, he eagerness practically emanating from her form. "W-wait!" shouted Tom as he quickly ran towards the rug. "Where were you?" asked John "Had to take care of some business." he answered with a slight chuckle. "Okay, let's start the marathon!" Pam pressed the play button. Twilight Sparkle was nervously pacing around her library, worried about what happened to her cyan-coated friend. "I never should have tested the Speed-o-fier solution on Rainbow Dash. I should have taken her unusual speed in flying into account before I let her drink it..." She looked at the huge gaping hole at the ceiling of the library, wondering what happened to her friend. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light inside the library. After the sudden luminosity, Twilight opened her eyes and was surprised (and delighted) to see Rainbow Dash scratching her head. "Ooow" said RD "that was a really weird trip..." "RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight hugged the cyan pegasus "How are you? Do your wings hurt? Where did you teleport to?" These sudden barrage of questions made Rainbow Dash a bit nauseous which resulted to her dozing off. "Oh... umm. Sorry about that." she said as she levitated the pegasus mare to her guest room upstairs and tucked her in the bed. "Well... sleep tight Rainbow Dash." She quietly returned downstairs and readied some quills and parchment. "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day." she whispered. She glanced at the window and noticed that it was getting late. She trotted towards her room, still thinking about her friend in the guest room. She opened her bedroom door and entered. She was greeted by a baby dragon sleeping comfortably on a small bed next to her own. As she lazily slumped onto her bed with sleep , her mind was flushed of the lingering thoughts of her cyan-coated compatriot. It was dawn, the ponies were still sleeping soundly inside their homes. Some were already preparing their shops in the market-place, ready for another day of work. Twilight slowly woke up due to a loud thud in the living room slash library. She trotted downstairs, but it was still fairly early, so she couldn't see much. "Oooh..." a voice groaned. 'A male ?' thought Twilight. "What happened?" asked another voice, this time female. "We were only watching a marathon..." "W-who are you?" Twilight asked hesitantly. "W-wait... that voice." one of the voices said, a male voice but different from the first one. "I'll say it again. Who are you? What are you doing in the library at such an early hour? We don't open until later." she said, reassuring herself that they might just be a group if ponies that got their their time erong. "Is that voice... Twilight Sparkle?" a voice said, near Twilight, but can't quite see her that much. "AAAAGH! I'm blind!" shouted one of the voices, now feminine. "Wait... now I can practice on my hearing better. WIN!" Having enough of the confusion, Twilight enveloped her horn in a lavender aura to ventilate the room. It would be an understatement if one would say she was surprised at the revelation. Apes... well, not really apes but somewhat related to the species. They were wearing clothes and... pants? 'Lyra would be so proud.' she thought. The humans looked at her and one-by-one, they fainted, they flopped around, one of them even danced to their own tune, as if they were partying, then flopped over a table and fell down. After most of them fainted or got tired, one of them crouched in the middle, looking at her in disbelief. "Well... shit." John muttered as he fell down unconscious. "What?" > Chapter 2: Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN Before the sudden meeting... Mid-way through the marathon, it was roughly 4 hours after they started and they still haven't touched the drinks. They were all engrossed into the episode, the ones on the couch sitting right on the edge. "You were right Pam, this is addicting..." John trailed off. "Shhh," Pam held her index finger to her lips "here comes the best part of the episode." As they were all focused on the screen, Pam noticed a slight change on the episode, for one The Doctor often looks straight to the group (or the camera, in acting's case) and does his trademark smile. Which, in on itself, isn't really making her comfortable. 'Maybe I just skimmed over those parts,' she convinced herself. '... he did it again! Okay, this isn't normal. I better ask a Rem.' Luckily, Rem sat right in front of her, donning the same face of confusion Pam had. "Hey Rem," she whispered as he looked at her "notice something different with The Doctor?" "Yeah, do you suppose it's something we missed while watching the seasom a few months back? It has been a while since I watched one of the Season 1 episodes." he whispered, making sure that his voice didn't disturb the others. "I keep on seeing it too," Pam lowered herself next to Rem "Do you think he's trying to tell us something?" "As eager as I am Pam, I can't really see that these things happen. I mean, it's like we're in the position of John and Tom when they-" he did a quote-on-quote mark with his hands " "saw" Rainbow Dash in the forest... on their defense though, those two knuckle-heads did also said that they didn't touch any weird mushrooms or plants. Let's just keep quiet and maybe it'll go away-" "Hey, that's not very nice thing to do isn't it?" The two looked at where the voice came from, while the others that were watching just looked wide-eyed at the Tv screen. There stood the ninth Doctor- which had a slightly annoyed look -and Rose, looking directly back at the group. "Wait... what?" was all Tom could say before The Doctor shushed him. "Look, we aren't really supposed to do this, but we need your help." The Doctor said. "Help for what? Not trying to be expectant, but you're 'The Doctor', the most intelligent guy on Earth... and maybe the universe." Rem said, scooting towards the Tv. "Well," Suddenly, The Doctor stretched his hand out into the screen and actually went through it. He stood there in the living room, suit and all. "as I hope you all know, I have a pony counterpart, he's in a bit of a pickle back at Equestria, and I can't risk him seeing me, through some... timey-wimey stuff, if we meet, we might risk the very balance of time." "But how did you know about your pony counterpart, you can't look at other dimensions right?" asked John, from what he's watched, he had a clearer picture of a Timelord's and the TARDIS' powers. "Good question, as all you my know, I'm from the Tv show, "Doctor Who". They show my adventures as an episode, but they sometimes leave out other adventures. One of those, were when I was accidentally pulled into a worm hole, but instead of being succumbed to the hole, I utilized the energy of the wormhole to power and upgrade the TARDIS for a short period of time, we got out of the wormhole, but it still had a bit of energy left. So, for some coincidence the screen in turned on, and utilizing the leftover energy of the wormhole still inside it, it switched to a random place and time. That happens to be Equestria, and what I saw was devastating to say the least, there laid a tan colt, with what seems to be a hourglass tattoo on his flank. He laid before the most dangerous race in the universe, Weeping Angels..." "You mean... he is going to be-" Pam was interrupted as they heard a noise and The Doctor was starting to become transparent. "Yes, yes he is. I don't have much time left, so you better do it quick. Remember, I will send you a week before the incident, and when I'm gone you'll immediatly be teleported to Equestria . You have to locate my counterpart before he gets surrounded by them, and just for the sake of your friends, don't blink. You can't trust any statue or mural. Always expect them to move, even if they are unlikely to." With that said, The Doctor disappeared and the episode continued in it's seemingly merry way. Right as he disappeared, all of them felt a slight tingling sensation on their bodies and they opened their eyes to be met with darkness. "Oooh..." Tom groaned. "What happened? We were only watching a marathon..." "W-who are you?" > Chapter 3: "Faint"astically foreign > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh..." said John as he scratched his head. "I had the weirdest dream last night, I was in... Twilight's library." "Same here..." said Tom "though, just being nit-picky... It's called Golden Oaks Library." "Does it seem like a reasonable time for stating those kinds of things?" John rose from his slumber and looked at Tom "I mean it's freakin-- Why are we all in a library?" Tom soon followed and looked over the room they were in. The others were still sleeping soundly. "These books... these decorations. It's almost as if someone replicated Golden Oaks..." "Don't tell me... we're really in-" The door opened to reveal six familair ponies. "...ese creatures also have clot- Oh hey, you're awake!" greeted Twilight, she was followed by the other mares. "Oh, we are in Equestria... John, what did you put in that bowl of chocolate?" Tom whispered, he looked over his friends, hoping they won't turn into a drug-induced monster. "Nothing at all. Ask the guys when they wake up... wait, weren't we sent by The Doctor?" The cogs in Tom's mind started turning again. "Oh yeah, so that's why we're in Equestria. I wonder why I thought this was a drug-induced dream..." "So wait..." John and Tom looked at the Mane 6; Rainbow(which has awoken form her slumber) resisting to fight the urge to laugh. "... BAHAHAHAHA! You should hear you guys talk, it's like listening to two colts that touched some Poison Joke. You guys are hilarious!" Rainbow Dash shouted and was reduced to a fit of laughter. "Wait a minute, didn't Rainbow Dash say that saw some strange creatures when ya tested that potion o' yours?" asked Applejack, turning to Twilight. "She did," Twilight looked at the laughing mare "Rainbow, were these the creatures you saw on the forest?" Rainbow stood up, her laughter dying out. "Y-yeah... wait, do all you guys look exactly the same?" "Umm... not that we know of, no..." Tom gasped "JOHN! This was the Rainbow Dash we saw that day. It really is her!" "Uhh, how did you know my name?" Rainbow looked at them with slight intensity "Are you a spy?" "No, no we aren't" answered John, standing up while looking at he cyan-coated mare. "Then how did you know then?" "The... orange pony said your name, didn't she? That's when I guessed that you maybe called that." Tom half-lied. 'I'm sorry Applejack.' "Hey, this orange pony has a name," she trotted towards Tom and exteneded a hoof "it's Applejack, nice to meet ya." Tom fainted. "Uh, was it something I said?" > Chapter 4: Introductions of a wimpy kid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gathered mares surrounded the recently fainted human, a look of concern crossing some faces, while some looked a bit confused. "We gotta stop these- um... What are you called again?" Twilight said as she looked a bit peeved at the most recent unconscious human and looked John. "Sapiens," John turned to Twilight "Homo Sapiens." "Okay, as I was saying, we he gotta stop these homo sapie-" "You can call us humans, if that's fine with you." John grinned sheepishly and Twilight tensed down and looked at the floor, a tad flushed. "Stop these humans from fainting," She gestured a hoof towards Tom. "they might get ill from hitting the floor too many times..." "Hey! Hitting the floor is not a cause of illness," Pinkie said as they all looked at her "when you hit the floor very hard though is a cause of a concussion." Pinkie grinned innocently. "Okay..." John said awkwardly. "We might need a bed or a resting place for them though, we're gonna have a hell of a time explaining!" "Watch your tongue," Rarity said, trotting up to John "we have young ones in the building." She gestured a hoof to the stairs where a small purple dragon laid with a blanket. 'Spike? Well, I better play dumb... Note to self: Always survey any room you wake up in, and don't say cuss words.' John looked at the sleeping dragon and back at the gathered mares. Pinkie Pie was poking Pam's shirt with a face of confusion and wonder. Fluttershy just stood by a bookshelf on the far side of the room, also looking at the humans with wonderment. Applejack lowered her offered hoof and trotted next to John and held out the same hoof, he shook the hoof and found that their fur were extremely fluffy. Savoring the moment, he tried saving the feeling he had into his brain, but alas, one cannot experience such good delight without experiencing it first-hand. Rainbow Dash followed Pinkie Pie in poking one of the unconscious humans. The remaining mares then turned their attention towards John and smiled gingerly. They all introduced themselves, with Pinkie hugging him tightly after her introduction. "So... what's next?" asked John, cursing his mind for forgetting that feeling of warmth. "Well, I have already written a letter to the princess..." Twilight said with a slight reluctance in her voice. "Princess... who?" John sat down cross-legged, looking at the lavender unicorn. 'I'm surprised I could keep this up.' "Oh! Sorry, I haven't introduced you to the two rulers of this land; Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, with the former being the mover of the sun and the latter being the mover of the moon and stars." "Oh... well that's pretty cool. Are they gods or something?" He turned all his attention towards the unicorn's answer. It's not everyday you hear the truth straight from the horse's mouth, pun intended by the way. "Well, technically speaking, they are the strongest of all the pony races, they're alicorns. Alicorns are known to display kindness and understanding towards their kingdom, as well as being able to harness the magic of the three pony races. From the descriptions, you may see them as gods, but they still have feelings towards everypony equally.." she said matter-of-factly. 'Ooh, so that's how Twilight perceives the two... wait, there are four alicorns, why isn't she a-... Oh god. WE GOT SENT TO THE PAST!' John was pacing around the room, his mind conjuring up explanations about what has happened, and with slight clarity can he understand it due to The Doctor's warning. 'Well, it looks like the gang got transported to the past... wait, is this past following the show's events, or is it a different timeline with similar events? Man, this time thingy is wearing me out...' He turned to the group of mares and asked "Would it be much of a bother if you help me get them into bed? Or even a blanket would suffice. They might need it if they somehow had a breakdown..." He gestured at the unconscious humans lying on the floor. "Sure!" Pinkie answered enthusiastically. "There are extra blankets in the storage room down in Sugarcube Corner!" "Well, looks like I'll be the first human to take a first glimpse of Ponyville." John said in a proud, yet monotone voice. "Wait, did we ever tell you that we're in Ponyville?" asked Applejack. "Not really, no..." John started looking around the room to find something that has Ponyville in it. "I saw it from that map," He pointed at a map tacked on the wall "it had the name Ponyville in it, so I figured..." "You're telling the truth... but there's something you ain't letting us on..." Applejack stared at him with a glare. "I have told the tr-" "Hey weird human guy!" Pinkie cut him off "Let's go!" "Hey! My name's John!" He started walking towards Pinkie, but Applejack still glared at him for a whole minute as he turned around. "I'm watching you." She made a "I'm watching you" gesture with her hoof and then he and Pinkie went off to Sugarcube Corner. 'What's up with that guy?' Thought Applejack as she saw one of the humans stir. "I wanna ride the flogerjsht..." mumbled Tom. His eyes flew open and he groggily sat up. "I had a dream about Applejack trying to shake hooves with me..." He looked at the gathered mares and smiled with delight. "I am!" He stood up and quickly shook hooves with Applejack, who returned the favor. "Well, might fine that you woke up Mister Sleepy-pants," she poked a hoof at his chest. "we need some extra help to make sure that the humans won't get a breakdown or something." "Sure," He smiled "anything for a friend." > Chapter 5: I awaken thee, o' might humans. ARISE! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While John and Pinkie were away, Tom and the rest of the mares arranged the library so that the others would be more comfortable. In the process, they accidentally woke up Pam and Froline. "OH MY GOSH!" Pam hugged Twilight closely. "You are so fluffy." She then started to move towards Fluttershy, who in return, backed away slowly. As Pam finally hugged Fluttershy, there was a familiar squeaking noise that a plushie does when you hug it. Pam softly squeezed Fluttershy again, earning the same result. 'Well, at the very least Pam's happy. Froline though...' He glanced at Froline, hiding away at the couch whispering and mumbling something within the lines of "I'mmotcrazythisisjustadreamIamsaneandthisisnotadreamofcoursethisisnotadreamsinceIamasanepersonyesyesIam." He slowly walked towards her and patted her on the back, resulting a glance from her to him. "Hey, it's okay Froline. Everything's gonna be alright. Just calm down, John and Pinkie are getting the blankets from Sugarcube Corner." He looked at her with a warm smile. She forced a small smile on her face, but it quickly fell. "Are you sure that this isn't a bad dream? I don't want to get too attached to this place if it was a dream... Was The Doctor real?" "I can't answer that yet. There's too many possibilities to count." She nodded and stood up to meet the ponies. Pinkie and John were walking down town, The town they will tread to reach a place. She walked with trots, him nary a sound, As the colts and fillies had smiles on their face. John was walking alongside the pink mare as she hummed a small tune. The ponies of the town saw the strange creature, and at first they were scared, but as they saw that an element bearer would be fine with him, most of the went back to what they were doing. "So Pinkie, what's the town like?" He innocently asked, quite bored with the silence between the two of them. "Oh, this town is super duper cool. The ponies are great and some of them even hold book club meetings even without Twilight because she isn't the only one that likes books in town. There's also this unicorn named Lyra that is pretty quite, but she is great to be with since she's very fun-loving, she also has a friend named Bon Bon who she lives with. Some say that they have a relationship, but they're just really close friends. There's this one colt who is a real jam addict! He practically dives into big jars of it. I don't have that much of a problem with him, since he's just being himself. Then there's-" John momentarily shut his listening glands and sighed in relief. 'Ah, now this is a real conversation with Pinkie Pie... then she suddenly gets her Pinkie sense into a fritz...' "-and she was really good at sewing and she built the boutique her in Ponyville. Then there's the last past and that's the Sugarcube Corner, which we are going to arrive at... now!" She stopped trotting and they looked at the giant gingerbread house in front of them. John walked up to a piece of the decor and tried to to break a piece of bread. He broke it and ate it, which resulted to pure happiness... and sugar. He walked to the front door in ecstasy. 'Who knew that it was baked... and delicious.' "So let me get this straight," Rarity looked at Rem "you where clothes all the time?" "Quite, but not all the time. We don't wear clothes when we bathe, that would be just plain uncomfortable." Rem answered, all recovered from his small breakdown earlier. "You simply must tell me of your world!" Rarity said with that happy expression she does so well. "Well, maybe later when John's back," He stood up and looked at the, now awake, humans having their own conversations with the ponies. "So how many books do you have in here?" asked Tom enthusiastically as he crossed his legs and sat down next to Twilight. "Well, approximately Three hundred eighty..." answered Twilight also enthusiastic about their conversation. Froline and Fluttershy were sitting next to each other. The two shy beings shared an awkward silence until Fluttershy spoke. "Umm, h-hello there..." "Hi..." answered Froline. "So, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking that is..." "Umm, it's Froline Marianne Cedric. What about you?" She looked at Fluttershy with a slight smile 'I don't think I can keep up with this lying business.' "It's Fluttershy... Nice to meet you Mrs. Cedric." Fluttershy offered a hoof and she accepted it warmly. "Just call me Froline, that's what everyone calls me." "Oh, okay Froline." Moving on, Roane and Rainbow Dash were talking about their achievements (and I might add, boosting each other's ego). "So, you placed first in the Junior Track & Field Race ?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Cool" "Yep, but placing first in the Young Fliers Competition was also a cool achievement..." said Roane. The two looked at each other, as if they sent a silent message. "Hoof Wrestling match?" asked Rainbow with a grin. "Sure." The two placed their right respective appendages on a desk, but no time for matches let's see what Pam's doing. ... What? I have a limit in reading stuff too. Oh alright, back to the match. The two were struggling against each others strength. Their appendages were intertwined and was still in a vertical line. Rainbow looked at Roane and smirked. "Guess you didn't lie about winning Twenty four consecutive matches." Rainbow said. "If you really couldn't win a match with Applejack, then it's agreeable that she's stronger than the both of us." Roane smirked. "Yeah, but I'm not giving my all at this." "I know, it's time to get serious." Roane pushed and Rainbow's hoof moved gradually to the left, and with one final push Rainbow's hoof hit the desk with a 'thump'. "You..." Rainbow glared at Roane. Roane gulped. 'Ffffffffuuuuuuuu... I forgot rule number one for egotistic people... never win against them for no good reason.' "... are actually pretty good opponent," She smiled and held out a hoof. "Hoping to face you again sometime. Roane hesitantly shook her hoof and found that Rainbow was honest. 'Well, that's a weird change of events...' Meanwhile, on Pam's side of the building. "Everything's so pony-sized in here!" She looked over the bathroom. "Lookie here, Twilight's shampoo." She held an indigo-colored container that said, "Shim Shine Shampoo, works great with Shim Shine's horn polish for unicorns!" She searched the bathroom for the horn polish and found it right beside the soap. "Wonder what it'll do to my hair..." > Chapter 6: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie and John entered the gingerbread building, and were greeted by a blue mare in the counter and other ponies sitting on stalls. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!" said Cup Cake with a smile, never faltering even as her eyes met the figure of John. "Hello Mrs. Cake, this is John, John, this is Mrs. Cake." Pinkie Pie said and trotted to the counter. "Can we borrow the blankets for a teensy-weensy while, we need them for John's friends back in the library." She looked at her with innocent eyes. "Why sure Pinkie. Oh, and would you be a dear and help Carrot Cake in the kitchen before you go upstairs, he needs some extra hooves for handling a special order." Pinkie nodded and trotted off to the kitchen. John was left with Mrs. Cake and an awkward silence seemed to rise. "Umm, hello..." said John. Standing in front of Mrs. Cake that seemed completely oblivious of the awkward silence. "Hello dearie." She smiled at him with a smile a mother would give. "Umm, quick question. Why aren't you running away or at the very least, scared at me? No offense by the way, but I would do it if a big intimidating creature suddenly walked up to me..." He scratched the side of his head and made a sheepish smile. "When you live with Pinkie Pie, you learn to just go with things." she said with a smile. "Hmm, being with her does that to you huh... I think she's gonna be quite accustomed to one of my friends." he said and browsed their goods. He found interest on a certain treat; this treat being a chocolate cupcake, frosted with yellow and brown. This delectable delicacy was topped with miniature donuts, along with varying flavors, stacked on top of the cupcake. Wait, let me rephrase that. He found want on the cupcake. The only barrier between him and this fine specimen of a pastry being the glass. The glass he was so tempted to break. 'No one shall have it... it is mine. It is my precious~' his mind thought as drool started go form in his mouth. Licking his lips (and drooling) he asked, "W-what do you call this nice piece of a- I mean, this amazing cupcake.?" "It's the Double-Decker Double Dip Doppler Delicacy. It's one of Pinkie's creations for special costumers that prefer donuts." "H-how much for it?" he asked while avoiding drooling again from the mouth-watering sight. Noticing his wonderment of the man, she replied, "Well, it's 19 bits total. But for you, I'll give it for free." "Hammanudaba Wha?" he mumbled with wide-eyes. "I saw you eyeing it so badly, so consider it a welcome to Ponyville gift!" She trotted towards the treat and grabbed a paper bag. She carefully slid the cupcake inside the bag and gave it to the eager human. He grabbed the bag and looked at its content with a child-like glee. The two heard an ascending sound of clopping through the kitchen door and out came Pinkie Pie with her seemingly always present smile. "John! I'm back. We had a slight problem with the oven and the piranha fishes, but we got it fixed in a minute or so." She trotted next to him and looked at him with her cerulean orbs "Come on Johnny. Let's go to STORELANDIA~!" She started marching towards the stairs in an amusing fashion. John was about to follow her lead when a blue hoof stopped him. "It seems that Pinkie got ahead of herself again," She set down her outstretched hoof and offered the other to him, now with a key on it. "here, we always lock the storage room after using it so use this key to lock it after you use it, okay?" "Okay Mrs. Cake." He then followed the audible hoof steps upstairs and arrived in front of a normal blue door. He stepped forward, inserted the key, twisted it, and the door opened. They walked inside... > Chapter 7: Storage upon storages [1] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two entered the room, finding it surprisingly dark. Plus, Tom felt someone breathing on his back. "Hey, what's with this room? It's strangely creepy..." John said as he cautiously walked forward while still holding his precious cupcake. "I don't know, haven't seen this room in..." Pinkie checked her hoof where a watch somehow appeared attached to it. "seven years. I wonder if this place changed." "Hmm, well we better-" John felt a thin string-like material hit his back "AAAAAAHHHH WEB!" He started slapping the air, hitting the string a few times. "That's not web." Pinkie reached for the string and pulled it, showering the room with light "See? It's just a... Wowza!" What the two saw would surprise even the most stoic guard of Canterlot... or someone that doesn't get surprised easily. As Pinkie turned on the light in the room, they found themselves surrounded by knick-knacks, papers, unimportant history books, and even party props. They also noticed the room was bigger on the inside. "Well this is... unusual," Tom said as he surveyed the room. "this room's full of..." He looked at the stored knick-knacks and props. "junk... useless junk." "Hey, they aren't useless," Pinkie's head popped out of a pile of knick-knacks, her head now adorned with a sombrero with a green strap in the base and a somehow fitting mustache. "they're super useful for costume parties! I wonder why Mr. and Mrs. Cake kept all these in here." "I don't know," He felt a shiver up his spine. "but we better find those blankets quick. I feel like we should linger here too long..." Pinkie dived back into the pile, searching for the blankets and some other stuff, putting the other stuff as herfirst priority, she "swam" deeper. "And who told you that?" a voice digitalized asked. John's head whipped left and right, searching for the source of the voice. Little did he know that the source would be lying on top of the junk, watching the two friends' every move. "Don't fret Johnny ol' boy, just a passerby." "Who are you? Where are you? Are you talking in my head? How do you know my name?" asked Tom, quite irritated by the voice's tone. "Hold on for a second, you still haven't introduced yourself to me. Quite un-gentlemanlike if I do say so m'self." A figured walked down the pile and got closer to John's back. "Why would I need to tell you my name if you already know it?" John glared daggers at absolutely nothing, not bothering to look behind him. "Did I tell you your name?" "Yes you did" "No I didn't." "YES. YOU. DID!" "No I did," The voiced was twelve meters away from John, he sneakily walked closer. He held his hands above John's shoulders and grabbed them. "not." "AAAH!" John's head immediately looked back to be greeted by a smiling red face with glowing white eyes and mouth. Jumping backwards, the "face" revealed itself to be a helmet reminiscent of Deadmau5's own. Looking upon the source, he quickly noted that it was bi-pedal and had a suit on. "What? Am I really that scary?" "Y-you're a human?!" He pointed at the figure. "Not quite, but good guess." "Then what are you?" The figure raised it's hands and lifted one finger and waved it left and right in a "no you don't" fashion. "Ah ah ah, spoilers." John silently growled at the stubborn being in front of him. Pinkie popped out of one of the piles and trotted to John's side, now a Mario shirt added to her apparel. "It seems that the duo is complete, no?" The figure laughed and began circling the two. Pinkie, being her bubbly self, trotted up to him with a smile on her face. "Hello weird bobble-head! Nice to meet you, I'm Pinkie Pie and this is my friend John. We're searching for the blankets Mr. and Mrs. Cake left here. May we please gain entrance, Storage King?" Upon hearing the title 'Storage King', the figure laughed in an uncomfortable manner and wiped the left eye of its helmet as if he was wiping a tear. "S-Storage K-Ki-ahahahaha!" It was practically rolling on the floor now, clutching its sides and a fainted quite quickly. Realizing that the figure just fainted due to air loss, the duo hesitantly walked towards it. The figure suddenly arched its back and the two heard a sharp intake of breath. The figure stood up and stared at them. "So, you want to find the blankets?" The two nodded. "How about a riddle? Walk past the steel, take a pick of the road. Out there you will seal, a bright and happy abode. You cannot escape, a line shall help. You shall hit its nape, a sting shall be felt. A door by three, opened by the scarred. Beyond it flee, to get the reward." "Wait, why do you think we're gonna do this little riddle for you?"Tom said but was greeted by a white eye close to his face. "Cause I have..." He raised his hands revealing... "YOUR CUPCAKE!" "Nooo!" Then suddenly, the figure disappeared. "I'm pretty sure we need to follow that green matted floor." Pinkie said as she gestured a hood towards a path with arrows pointed towards it. "... Arrow-trusting instincts don't fail me now!" And they set off... "-hen he told the bartender that he was the one that committed the theft, which resulted to a big crisis on who is the one stealing from who. The colt then went to his best friend's party to spike the punch with laxati-" "Pinkie," The pink pony looked at John with a questioning glance. "I think we have the first line done." He pointed at four piles of metal that lead to roads and Pinkie looked. 'Walk past the steel.' Pinkie thought. "I think we need to find the pile with the most steel items... Okay, can you distinguish steel from other metals?" "Well, all I know is that it's melting point is... umm, about 1425 to 1540 celsius. Now since we're in a metal pile, there's a chance we might see a- Aha, there it is!" John ran towards a plastic cylinder sticking out of a pile with something metal attached to it. John pulled it out and it revealed itself to be a flamethrower. "Forest Fire, now 1320 to 1630 celsius! Heh, I don't know how a flamethrower can amass that much heat but looks like we're in luck." Pinkie eyed the weapon. "John, what's that? And why doesn't it feel hot, like you said?" She started poking it, trying to feel if it got amy hotter. "Oh, it's a flamethrower, it's a weapon that... well, creates flames. It doesn't feel hot because," He pointed at the nozzle with his index finger. "the flames come out here." "Oh, well that's pretty convenient." She said as she thought of another brilliant plan. "Oh I know, I'll get one metal thing from each of the piles!" She quickly galloped off to get them as John was getting acquainted with the Forest Fire. After about Thirteen minutes, Pinkie has gathered a cup with coins in it, a strange yet fascinating twenty-four inch statue, a pure metal gold club, and a somewhat large sword. She laid them down to the ground and smiled at him. "Here you go Johnny, one of each pile." she beamed at John, somehow wearing more knick-knacks and stuff on her body. Now she has a shirt that has a marking of a certain princess... Yeah, you know what princess I'm talking about; Repunzel from Tangled. "Um Pinkie, why didn't you take out the coins in the cup?" he said as he raised the cup. "Oh, I just left it as it is, it seems more fitting that way." "But wouldn't it hinder the results? Possibly making it longer to melt it? "I have a feeling it wouldn't." He placed the cup next to the others. Feeling that trusting Pinkie would help anyone from anything, and his guts, his small yet trustworthy guts, he turned on the fuel for the flamethrower. "This is gonna be hot..." One facepalm and a few laughs later, the figure looked at the screen and was amused by the events. "Looks like he's having fun," The figure removed the small voice modulator on his neck. Not hindered by digitalization anymore, his voice revealed a masculine yet feminine tone. "... nah, he's just enjoying the inferno. Good for him though." He (as he prefers to be called most of the time) then drank from the cup which held one of the most sweetest concoctions in the galaxy; a Bontilian Jelly Shake. "Didn't I tell you to watch the info? I mean, sure that helped explain why you called me a he, but can't you not say that that was most people call me?" W-well, it seemed a really interesting fact, and I- "Don't sweat it, it's just that I love teasing you," He started pointing at the empty air. "you sound so cute when you try to give out info like that." Moving on, he was watching John burn each individual for about Two minutes or so. He was sitting in front of a hundred screens showing different periods of time and space. "You shouldn't have done that..." "Hello, I'm..." "We gotta stop these- um... What are you called again" "The meaning of life, the universe, and everything is..." "-o what ya want cause a pirate is free..." "I... have a dream..." "Well, looks like I have a long day of Watching ahead of me" "Well, that was fun," John set down the flamethrower onto the dry grass. "wait, what the hell?!" Behind him, near a pile of chairs, Pinkie Pie on her haunches and was humming a small tune with a potato chip, a penny, and a tissue as she heard his small outburst. "Something wrong Johnny?" she asked as she stood up and trotted towards John. "You bet there is a problem," He pointed at the gathered metal that he burned earlier, all of them attaining an almost exact same "melt-mark". "they all melted at the same pace and seconds. How're we gonna know which is steel?!." He sighed. "Looks like we aren't gonna get the blankets for 'em... I give up." Pinkie, donning a serious face, briskly trotted in front of John and placed her hooves on both his cheeks and pulled him down to her level. "Looky here Mr. John, a friend doesn't give up on another friend, now we have to sit down and think this through!" Slightly scared of Pinkie, he quickly sat down, staring at the, now seated, mare. Gathering his bearings, he quickly ran through every possible solutions in his head. Re-thinking if he missed something, he recited the riddle in his head several times, making sure to pay close attention to the first line. 'Walk past the steel. Steel...' He eyed the half melted objects in front of him, noticing the cup full of coins. "steel," He looked at the coins. "steel... EUREKA!" Turning to John with a toned down serious face, Pinkie looked at him with a face of hope. "What! Did you figure it out?" "Yes!" "Well, tell me then." Pinkie started poking John in with a smiling face. "It's not like it's super complicated... right?" "No it isn't really complicated. You see, steel is a metal right?" "Yes indeedy." "So, what is the steel he was talking about was the verb? As in, 'to steal some money'." "Money? Ooh, you mean bits." "Yeah, something like that," He pointed at the half-melted cup. "I noticed that this cup full of coins is stealing due to you not really owning it. My completely logical reasoning skills say that we go to the pile where you picked up the cup full of coins." He picked the cup up. "By the way, how did you gather all of them in one trip?" "Oh, some of the, bounced with me." "Uh... what?" "Oi, I though wouldn't give us away lass?" said a grumpy Scottish voice coming from John's hand. John looked over his hand and saw the cup acquire a face with a slightly bushy mustache. "GAH! What the hell?!" The cup fell from John's hand, but quickly stood. "I didn't tell him you were alive, I just told him you bounced with me." "It still doesn't defend yer little back stab, ye did say that I was bouncin'. Wha' kind of cup does that?" "Well, when you attach a string on them..." "... Ye be walkin' a thin line there lassie." "Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. Let me get this straight, you're a real live cup?" John pointed at the cup "Aye" "And you didn't scream when I was literally melting your face?" "Ye would be surprised what we metal go through before we turn into cups o' pantries." "... Wow," said John as he picked up the cup again. "so, are you the one from the pile we must follow?" "Aye, ye be smarter than ye look." "He is kind of a smarty-pants Mr. Cuppy." said Pinkie as she suddenly lost all of her apparel on her face. "Mister... Cuppy?" "I told ye tha's not me name. It's Kardish DeCuppo, with a K." The cup donned a face of pride. "... So Mr. DeCuppo then?" "Me friends call me Kary. Ye be a wee bit on the stranger side, but ye can call me that." "Okay Kary, should we leave you to your pile or would you like to join us?" "Tha' pile be borin' me to tears lassie, I'd rather join ye and yer... very eccentric friend." "Thanks!" said Pinkie. "Well, okay then. Let's get on the road!" Meanwhile in Golden Oaks Library... "This has to be one of the most interesting books I have ever read in the entirety of-- wait, why am I reading a book?" Roane closed the book and started walking towards the kitchen. "Hey Roane," said a voice inside the kitchen. "you have to try these petals! They're amazing!" > Chapter 8: Room of Requiem [2] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I never thought I'd see the day..." Roane looked over to Pam eating a daisy sandwich. "Thersh ersh delershush," Pam gulped. "I always knew daisies were edibly delicious." "Aww... I want that daisy sandwich." said the figure which we shall now call Steve. Steve then turned to another monitor depicting a battle between Captain America and Dan Mandel with The Flash as the referee... "Hi'm walkin' down th' road, hi'm walking down th' road. Hi ho a merry o, hi'm walkin' down the road." Kary sang as he bounced. He noticed that the awkward silence was not a good thing for long trips, so he started singing. "Now's not the time Kary, plus if you're gonna sing , please make it something that doesn't have a boring subject..." John glanced at Pinkie Pie bouncing in front of them. "Oh, ye wan' a song aboot questin' now would ye? Well why didn' ye say so!" He inhaled in a slightly deep manner. "A questin' we will go. A questin' we will go..." "Hi ho a merry oh." John continued. "A questing we will go!" finished Pinkie Pie, looking at the both of them. "'Nother more laddies!" "Where's the ladder?" asked Tom after he noticed a green book up on the shelves, what captured his interest though was the title. Particular Pony Pictures: Celebrity Edition. Now he was not one to be nosy, but he needed to do some research on the celebrities Equestria has. Plus, it gives them a heads up on who to be cautious with and who to be casual with. In other words, he's really itching to read that book. "Oh, they're downstairs, in the basement. I'll go get i--" "AAAAAAAAAH!" squeaked a, now awake, Spike. "T-there's a monster in the living room Twilight!" "WHY THE HELL IS THERE SO MANY LINES CUTTING FROM WORLD-TO-WORLD!" Stop spoiling it Steve! "Whoops... HEY I'M NOT STE-" Meanwhile... back to John and company John and Pinkie were resting by a chocolate river. Kary was lying beside a tree made out of waffles with syrup. Pinkie tried eating it but was stopped by the chocolate river. "This place is so weird..." John chewed on a blade of grass. "ah lahk it." "Ye be surprised wit' what ye see in thi' place laddie." The steel cup jumped onto John's back and shouted. "Now le's go t' the next part o' the poem!" "Wait, how did you know about the poem" asked John as he raised an eyebrow towards Kary's direction. "Oh. Lil' miss mouthy o'er there tol' me." John looked at the, now sleeping, pink pony with skepticism etched on his face. He wondered if having Pinkie Pie join him while he's maintaining secrecy on their actions. 'It would be better if she was an enigma double-dipped in mystery with a pint of confusion... and a side of fries.' he thought as he started poking her fuzzy stomach, a vain attempt to wake the fluffy ball of smiles. "Hey, wake up Pinks..." He stopped poking her. 'Wait, did I just call her Pinks?' "Hmmmfrrrr..." was her muffled reply. "Don't let... Minty's the culprit..." She started stirring and all of a sudden she bolted upwards. "MY CUPCAKE!" John gave a look of concern on the pink pony's reaction on her dream. "Ye okay ther' lassie? Tha' be quite a dream ye 'ad there." "Oh, I'm okay," She smiled. "just another adventure of Pole-lock Jones." "... Does he have a hat and a pipe?" asked John as he stood up, carrying Kary. "Yes, yes he do--" A sudden look of realization hit her face like a brick. "Oooh, you're good." She started bobbing her head up and down slowly, a sign of approval used by many beings. "Um, what are you nodding your head to?" asked John. "Your guessing skills of course. Good guessers always deserve a good, respectful nod." she replied with an extra serving of smiles. 'Must... resist...' was all John could think of. He quickly turned around and briskly marched towards the next part of the poem. Pinkie joined John on the march as she recited the next verse of the poem. "Out there you will seal, a bright and happy abode." "S-stop it Spike!" giggled Rem as he was continuously being "attacked" by Spike's tiny, scaly claws. "No, you'll never hurt Rarity!" he said as he continuously tried to scratch Rem's belly, resulting to light scratches on his pants. "Spike dear! You're ruining his suit, he tailored those!" said Rarity, standing beside Rem with a surprised face. Spike looked at her with a reaction not unlike hers. He started to sob as guilt etched itself on his mind. "I-I... just wanted to p-protect you from the m--" Spike saw Twilight's slight glare towards him. "I... I mean, protect you from... h-him?" "Oh Spike, I admire your good intention," Rarity started. "but one mustn't accuse or judge other ponies on a quick observation... or in this case, other beings." She started patting Spike on the back with her forehoof and it seemed to Tom that it helped him calm down. Spike stood up and faced Tom with slight fear on his features. "I... I'm sorry for being a such a jerk earlier... I should've thought about your well-being instead of assuming you were a monster..." Spike said as he pawed the floor with his left foot and his arms behind his back. "Hey, don't worry," Rem squatted down as Spike backed away from his gesture, thinking he'll hurt him. "see? No harm done." Rem pointed at his slightly scratched pants and hugged Spike warmly. "Aww," Steve was Watching kittens run an indoor race in a suburban house. "that's just damn cute in almost every way possible." Will you please stop getting in my story? "Bro, stop talking to yourself." said Steve as he Watches Ren being disturbed by Stimpy's fan club. Meanwhile, John and the gang found themselves surrounded by pink, puffy creatures that seemed to bounce whenever you touch them. Pinkie knelt down and started playing with the fluffy creatures and Kary gathered a bunch of them and started bouncing on them, like a trampoline. "So... why are there marshmallow people here again?" asked John as he stepped on a pink marshmallow, squashing it. To his amazement, the marshmallow bounced back to its original state and started running around him. "Thi' be their town, it is. Ye better start sealin' it up if ye wan' to get t' the nex' trial." Kary said as he jumped back to John's shoulder. "How did you-... Let me guess, Pinkie?" "Aye lad, aye..." Pam was walking towards the door along witb the others in tow. Hoping to see a race between Rainbow Dash and Roane. "Come on, they said it was this way!" shouted Pam, as energetic as ever. "H-how did ya even hear 'em say that? You were in the kitchen eating a sandwich." "A little bird told me..." She smiled as she continued outside. > Chapter 9: The Mental Middle Part [3] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A... little bird told you." Rem raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating and talking to Tom's crotch again?" He recomposed himself. "Forgive me for asking, but there's an awfully large chance..." Hid his face, blushing quite lightly at his statement, as if he was slightly used to it by now. "I assure you my crotch was Pam-free the whole day." said Tom as he raised his finger in a matter-of-factly way. "I don't even have the right ingredients to make that soup again." Pam said with a laugh. She then stopped in front of a rather large forest with a rather dark, looming appearance. "Here we are!" she declared and slowly marched towards the dark forest. "Wait sugarcube, ya ain't thinkin' what I think yer thinkin'... are ya?" interjected Applejack. Interrupting Pam's rhythm of steps and making her turn around towards the group. "What? Entering the Everfree forest?" replied Pam. "So much for keeping a secret." said Steve as he continued to watch the event continue. He grabbed a bag of caramel popcorn and a diet coke (gotta watch those calories you know). I can't believe people are buying this... "What? What doth thou speaketh of mine colleague?" Sigh... nothing.... nothing "You know we really need to work on your attitude" And you need to work on your weight. "You do know I can't get fat right? Tis an blessing I can never feel." Oh... well... okay "Anyways, you should get back to the story." Steve looks at your screen. "and don't you agree that I need to stop commenting? I need a break from speaking for about... six chapters? Yeah six chapters." "Uh, not trying to be nosy, but how did ya know that it was this was the Everfree forest Pam?" Applejack asked as she turned to look at the dark forest in front of her. Tom, Froline and Rem held their breath as they hoped that Pam, being the unexpected tornado that she is, would have a reason. Pam happily walked towards a mossy tree, the gathered ponies' and humans' eyes following her, and she started scrubbing it with a piece of paper that seemed so familiar towards Tom. He realized that it was... "My paper! You stole a sheet of my paper!" He pointed at Pam with a less-than-accusing finger. "I didn't steal it, you left the pad of paper at the library, I just got a sheet from it, no biggie." she said nonchalantly as she scrubbed more moss off the tree. "But I only have..." He counted the previous usage of his pad of paper "Twenty-three sheets left!" He paused for a moment as he realized is over-reaction. "Okay, it is not that big of a deal." "See, told ya." She started scrubbing a thick area of moss faster with the paper. "Aha!" Pam stepped away from the tree that revealed embedded writing on the tree. Tom walked towards it and read, "Everfree forest. Beware of Poison Joke." He leaned in closer and observed the fine wording of 'Everfree forest'. "Well, that'd been mighty helpful when we were followin' Applebloom." She moved in closer towards the tree. "At least other ponies won't make the same mistake we did." "I'd hate to be a bother, but shouldn't we get moving?" interrupted Rem as he leveled his arm to his chest and looked at his watch. "We might miss the race." "Um... I agree with him..." said Froline and Fluttershy simultaneously, they looked at each other and shyly smiled. "Then let's go my fellow beings! Let us march towards the hut of Zecora!" Pam said as she marched into the forest, with the others following suit. "Ye just 'ave to tell 'em youer gonna seal their town didn't ye, ya soft-skinned twit!" Kary was hopping for his life from the pink marshmallows with mini-marshmallow bazookas and chocolate-dipped flash grenades. John ran beside the hopping metal cup and answered back, "Well at least I ain't a hard-headed piece of metal!" He looked down at the cup, grinning with mischievous intent. "Oh, when we're dome wit' this I'm gonna--" He was interrupted by a pink blur whizzing by. "Was tha'..." "Pinkie Pie? More likely than not." He sighed as they continued running towards the door Pinkie held open a mile away. Luckily, she had found a safe house before this mess started. They arrived at the door and Pinkie quickly closed it. John smelled a lingering aroma of sugar, spice... and something quite nice. "Well, that could have gone better," Both Kary and Pinkie nodded with the statement as the two dispersed to collect some supplies."at least we can collect some of these supplies, and maybe... just maybe... we can build a proper weapon against these marshmallows." "Like a potato launcher?" asked Pinkie Pie as she dug though some cartons coincidentally placed inside the room. "Yeah, something like that..." He walked over to Kary and squatted down to his level. "A'right, a'right ya golden 'earted twit. I'm sorry fer callin' ya that. 's just cause ye were so 'blivious." He leaned in closer to a box and jumped inside, also planning to help find some possible weapons. His head popped out of the box. "Ye helpin' or what?" "Yeah yeah. Just gonna look around for some clay to mold, than I'll help you guys." He slowly walked away but was stopped dead in his tracks as something hit him on the back... hard. "Ow!" He looked at the thing that hit him and saw that it was Kary. "What'd you do that for?!" Kary stood up and spoke aggressively. "Ye be lookin' fer clay mun? Clay, of all the possibly worst thin's to look for, it had t' be clay didn't it?!" "Why? Do you have something against clay?" asked Pinkie as her head popped out of the box. "I..." Kary stood silent for a while, as if reminiscing. "She was an old flame of mine..." "Wait!" shouted Pam, stopping in her tracks. "What?" asked Tom. "Did you see something dangerous?" "No... but I feel a disturbance in the Brony universe..." She looked up, as if seeing something, then proceeded to walk towards Zecora's hut. "Brony universe?" asked a confused Rarity.