Equestrian apocalypse of the dead

by okamierik

First published

Equstrian apocalypse of the dead is a My Little Pony fanfiction were the once sweat and inosent land of Equestria is overcome with a zombie Apocalypse. this fanfiction takes place few years after the events of the show.

Equestrian Apocalypse is a My Little Pony fanfiction were the once sweat and innocent land of Equestria is overcome with a zombie Apocalypse. this fanfiction takes place few years after the events of the show. this story was inspired by the very popular cross over fanfiction, Fallout Equestria. story contains gore and violent depictions Reader discretion is advised!

Chapter 1 happy days

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Equestrian Apocalypse


Equestrian Apocalypse is a My Little Pony fan fiction were the once sweat and innocent land of Equestria is overcome with a zombie Apocalypse. This fan fiction takes place ten years after the events of the show. This story was inspired by the very popular cross over fan fiction, Fallout Equestria. Story contains gore and violent depictions Reader desecration is advised!

by Erik Papps

Chapter 1 happy days

The griffins are the soul inventor of the flintlock gun witch became very popular in other parts of the world, but guns only became used in Equestria until the development of the revolving action and only became popular after ponies mounted large rifles on too battles saddles, witch allowed a rife to be fired from a saddle, soon after guns replaced most military weapons in Equestria. After an arms race with the zebras, and the increasing threat of changeling invasion, guns became common place in Equestrian homes.

Of coarse after no one felt they needed guns anymore, the none violent citizens of Equestria shunned public use and ownership of guns, witch is why I have little to no friends as you see my cutie mark is the crosses hairs of a gun aiming at the figure of a pony. what a shame spend 12 years of your life trying to get your cutie mark and finally your cutie mark appears,,,, at a shooting range. Now any violence hating, pro gun controll pony hates my very existence, Or maybe am over reacting.

Its not like any pony really hates me, i still have a family that loves me, a griffin friend out of town, and I even have a date to night. For the first time in a long time things were looking up. The name of my date Lightning Dancer, a bold name for a shy, blue, Pegasus pony with a dancing cutie mark, but i have the hole day until the date.

I tossed my hooves over the side of the wool bead, letting the red bead covers roll off, on to the grown. Then I planted my hooves of the hard wood floor, that was scuffed by years of use. walking out of my bed room I went over to my bathroom mirror

"well aren't you a handsome stallion this morning" I was sarcastically to my self in the mirror.

I telekinetic rapt my brush in a red telekinetic glow lifting it and then using it to brush my blond coat and my deep orange main until it was some what straight but still wavy. then I used my hooves to rub the morning sand out of my bright red eyes. then I slipped on my brown poncho and my old cutie mark crusaders saddle bags, (crusaders became wide spread). with my cutie mark covered by the poncho I was ready to start my long day.

Trotting down stars, I greeted my parents in the lifing room "good morning"

"morning red eyes" they replied, red eye was the nick name they gave me because of my red eyes and my last name.

My full name Richard Red, so people call me red eyes, rick, Ricky or Ricky red, I like to be called red eyes it makes people look at my face for first impressions rather than cutie mark.

"any work request" I said with a hint of doubt in my voice.

"why there is" my father said while passing a letter to me

"but I haven't had any work since officer Barney broke his hand gun, pistol wiping that punk" I said with a mixture of doubt and surprise in my voice

"well lets have a look see" it was a 100 bit request to fix up old battle saddle at a and address that I thought was very familiar.

"well there no use turning down good work I'll head there now and get it done this morning" I said

"but aren't you going to eat breakfast" my mother said while I slammed the door behind me.

I was about an hour trot to my destination, when I arrived I clopped my hooves on door and I was suppressed to see a large deep green Pegasus with cloudsdale military uniform, like a wonder bolt uniform but a dark formal looking green, he was old at least 47, and his main was ruff around his face.

"hello you mmm request a gun repaired" I asked hesitantly

"yup" he said, then there was a long pause "WELL WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR GET INSIDE!" he said startling me

"yes sheer" I replayed while steeping in to his house.

"need a battle saddle repaired" I asked,

he replied "its an types 13.5 battle saddle cloudsdale Issue"

"made for the type 14 battle rife and the defender semi auto shotgun" I interrupted.

he paused for a moment and then smiled at me "yup"

"does reloading system allows for interchangeable ammo types" I ask

"yup" he said with a smile.

"name is shock wings" he said

"my names red eyes nice to meat you"


"so why fix it up now" I said while replacing the springs in the trigger mechanism in the bit

"daughters got a boy coming over this evening, am trying to look intimidating" he said with a chuckle.

"so you were in the military" I ask while continuing my work

"yup ever since I was 18 when I got my cutie mark, so when did you get a fire arm cutie mark?"

"I got it at a shooting rang in a sweet apple acres one festival, I was 13" I replied.

"didn't my cutie mark until my first mission in the military all of a sudden people respect you when you have the cutie mark of a killer, but then you come home they being to hate you" he told me.

we talked for about an hour as I worked making modifications to the saddle. I had never met an old pony I had some much in common with, and such amazing story's too tell we both got are cutie marks at an late age both are cutie marks are disproved by society, only my cutie was cross hares and his was a skull.

Afterwards I had received my payment and was ready to leave through the door when it opened and a pony with a light blue coat and dark blue flowing main stepped throw the door it was lighting dancer.

"hi dad am home" she said before seeing me "rick what are you doing here" she said with a surprised look on her face while leaping over to hug me.

"I am hear doing repairs for a customer" I said while the old green Pegasus pony, shock wings steeped in to the room

"lighting your home" he said

"dad this is rick, my date, rick this is my dad" lightning explained.

"well it looks like I spoiled the surprise" shock wings said while he looked down at suit and battle saddle.

disappointed that he no longer had the means to intimidate me into behaving.

"rick am so glad your getting along" she said while giving me another hug.

I blushed and then her dad interrupted "well we will see you tonight am sheer you lots to do"

"uummm ok Intel then" I said will being nudged out the door by Shock wings.

I was thankful for that surprise it meant that the hard part of my date is over.

up town preparing for the big date, I was thinking of getting her something like a necklace that match her silky main but was it to early? I mean it was only the third date, would it be to much to give a big gift, would she think I was getting to serious. I thought intensively, while staring at wide selection of necklaces in carousel boutiques jewelry selection, I don't know what to do. The white unicorn with purple main, known as Rarity, trotted up to me from the other side of the glass counter containing jewelry. she tossed her flowing purple main out of the sparkling eyes.

"Why I thing this ruby one would look gust FABULOUS on you don't you think" she explained while pointing to a gold necklace encrusted with 3 bright red rubes.

"its not for me its for my girl fr,,,,,, date. I want get her something meaningful" I replied.

Rarity stood in thought for a moment then said "my dear to really impress a girl to have to get hear something personal strait from your the heart,,,,,,, or DIAMONDS" she said with a crazed smile.

I lifted my droopy face of the glasses counter and said "you no what,, your right,,,, thanks"

"am always right" rarity replied with glee.

I would make Lightning dancer a gift of my very own something from the heart. I left with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.

"make sure you stop by one of are many other stores if your out of town." Rarity called out

Chapter 2 lighting up the sky

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Chapter 2 lighting up the sky

to was getting late but I was still an hour early for my date with lightning dancer. I had spent most of the day making her gift and had missed launch so I was very hungry. My stomach tossed and turned with hunger and nerviness it was staring to make me queasy. With out noticing I bumped into some one or something, it was larger then a pony and had feathers a look up rubbing my eyes wondering who it was.

"WATCH IT,,,, oh red eyes its you long time no see" the female griffin said.

The fit and strangely attractive griffin greeted me, picking me off of the ground with her strong talons.

"fancy seeing you here in Ponyvile, Victoria, how have things been" I said to the to pale feathered griffin with tips of red at the end of her long elegant wings.

"going good, here for the marksman composition at Sweet Apple Acres, you in?" Victoria said with as much as a grin as a beak would allow her.

"of course am In, still have those desert eagles I made you" I replied.

"yup still have Butter Cup and Sheryl" she said.

" you named your guns?" I said with a chuckle.

"SO DID YOU" she replied in a playful anger.

"so want are you doing to night" she asked

"am going own a date I told her.

"oh,,, whose the lucky girl" she ask with a small amount of disappointment but then resumed her friendly smile.

"A Pegasus named lightning dancer were having diner at her place then were going to see a movie, Iron Hooves 3" I said.

me and victory were good friends. It was good to see an old friend again I think today must be the turning point in my life, things are finally starting to get better in my life.

Victoria looked up too wards the dark blue sky, soon I too looked up to sky. coming out of the dark clouds flu a metallic chariot with unmoving wings, only this chariot must have been very large and there was no ponies puling it. It was probably new tech. Victoria and I watched as the chariot light up with green flame as it speed towards the grown. It was at least 10 miles away when it crashed to the earth some were in the ever free forest. It shot bright sickly green flames up wards. The flames were at high enough that all of Ponyvile could see it!

"whoa" Victoria said dropping her jaw down it shock.

"should we do something" I asked.

Victoria shrugged in response. There was at least 50 other ponies who saw what happened. I didn't need stand around and talk to guards about what I had seen, besides I have a date tonight. after parting ways with Victoria, promising to see her at Sweat Apple Acres festival tomorrow, I made my way back to lightning's dancers place for dinner.

After dinner, witch was delicious, lightning and I trotted over to theater. It was the last day the movie was being showed in theaters, so the movie theater, was relatively under populated. I got in line for movie tickets with lightning but instead of seeing Iron hooves 3, we went to see some movie based off of a romance novel, "sigh". we took are seats and then the theater went dark. lightning leaned up against me her coat was harm and soft against my body, it was ssoo soothing and then she nestled up against me as the movie stared. one quarter of the way into the movie she placed her hooves against mine and she looked ate me with her large and beautiful green eyes, I blushed and place my poncho on my lap, I didn't want her to see how my body was reacting to her snuggling up against me.

It was time to make a move, I slowly moved my nestled my muzzle closer to hers. then lightning closed her eyes, moving in for a kiss and then

"AAAAHHHH" the mood was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream coming from the lobby. "AAAHHHHHbbbllllll" the scream sounded as if it were drowning, but the screaming stopped there was complete silence for one long minute. then an author

"AAAAAAHHHH" from the projector room, maybe the projector must have been knocked offer because the movie stopped and the hole theater went dark.

"lets go, we should leave" lightning said.

Buck that I was not going to leave when some pony could be dying. I telekinetically pulled my .44 revolver from my saddle bags, oh and did I mention I have a .44 magnum.

"YOU BROUGHT A GUN" said lightning in surprised.

I rolled my eyes then trotted quickly towards the door to the lobby then I slowly pushed it open with lightning standing behind me. nothing could prepare me for what was behind that door.

There stood a black maned Pegasus pony in hospital robe, its once white coat was stained red, brown and with other disgusting colors. the pony had used its jaws to rip open the neck of theater employee leaving him bleeding to death and in shock, on the ground. the sickly cannibal pony razed its head staring at me with its cold lifeless white eyes. I was in so much shock I couldn't move. then the cannibal pony opined it's blood soaked jaws and then gave out a long lowed moan!


Its breath smelt like fresh, blood, meat and other body fluids. I nearly through up at the site and smell.

"stay back" I said with a grate deal of fear in my voice.

It took a step forward "STAY BACK " I raised my voice while pointing my revolver at the pony.

It leaped forward jaws wide open! BLAM I shot it in the legs and it tumbled to the ground. Soon after it got up. standing on its shot leg causing bone to jut out of its leg.

"STAY DOWN" I screamed at the top off my lungs.

It lunged at me. BLAM I shot it square in the chest blowing a hoof sized hole in it. "is it ,, dead" lightning ask softly and fearfully.

"yha I thinks its dead now" "BLARG"

I was interrupted by the creature pouncing on me. It began to try and rip me to pieces with its jaws, when that didn't work it started bucking me with its hooves knocking my gun out of is levitation hold. SLAM IT bucked me in the face. I started to bleed and I thought for sheer this thing was going to kill me and then BBLLAAMM the creatures head exploded showering blood and brain matter on my body. I tossed the body of to the side, and looked up at lightning holding my .44 magnum

",,,ow" she dropped the gun.

The kick of the gun had browsed her mouth but that didn't hurt as much as the emotion pain she felt right now. Tears began to flow from her eyes but she didn't close them only stare, stare at what she had done, at what she had to do.

I telekinetically pick up my gun. and held lightning for just moment not sheer if getting blood on her via hug would help, but I did it anyway for I needed a hug gust as much as she did.

"WHAT IN CEALESTIAS NAME DID YOU DO OUT HERE" said a pony with deep blue main and light grey coat,

but then he saw the bit marks on the corps and the hoof prints in my face, and putt he pieced it together.

"oh Luna what is going on". he said

Two sickly figure stumbled out of the projector room, one a blood stained earth pony and one anther theater employee with a film roll as a cutie mark. they both have fleshy bite wounds. I aimed my gun at them ready to fire.

"BLARG" I was jumped by the dead theater employee that was lying on the ground gust moments ago.

SLAM I started bashing the side of its head with the butt of my hand gun, in tell I heard a sickening CRACK. I pushed the body off of me and again pointed my gun at the to remaining undead ponies. These things didn't die by a bullet to the chest but they did die from a bullet to the head. BLAM one the creatures head exploded BLAM then another. the walls and floor was stained with blood and brain matter. The site and smell caused me to throw up in my mouth a little. What have we done!

I stared blankly at the corpses, why did it come to this, were these ponies monsters that needed to be stopped or were they sick ponies who needed to be helped? was I a hero or a,,, murder? my hole body stock in place, in fear! what have I done had I just killed these ponies was I a monster. I felt a soft warm hug wrap around me. lightning was holding me trying to comfort me. tears ran down her face and then tears ran down mine.

The blue haired earth pony from before stared in fear and shock out throw the glasses doors of the theater.

"OH STAT" he said while scouting and racing off to the popcorn machine.

he pushed it to the door and tipped it over blocking the door way, with the heavy machine. popcorn and glass spilled all over the floor mixing with the sickly fluids of the dead.

"how much ammo you got left" he said he said. I opened the action of my gun confirming what I already new,

"only one bullet left" I said trying not to sound disappointed. SLAM a undead pony slammed against the glasses door for out side. its jaws scraping up against the glass.

soon the other ponies In the movie theater came to investigate the lobby, there were gasp of horror and fear. one pony even through up, adding to the mess of fluids on the ground.

"every one get through the back exit, NOW" I yield.

every pony trotted to the back exit not fast, but not slow like a normal crowd, the hole theater was filled with whispers and the sounds of mares crying. A red colored earth pony put both his hooves on the door slowly pushing it open

"AAAAHHH" an another undead pony from out side jumped the red earth pony tearing him into gory pieces.

when I heard the screams I bolted it towards the show room doors. as the last pony makes it through the blue maned pony shut the lobby door before the gore covered undead pony could make it throw.

Trapped, trapped with a half a dozen scared pony's and one bullet. SLAM anther blood drenched undead pony slammed against the glass door, forming a long crack in the glass door of the theater. Every pony started sobbing in fear. lightning was trying her best to com ponies down

"now now, there there every thing will be ok" she said in a com voice.

"lightning can a talk to you" I asked lightning trying not to cry, trying to stay com.

we walked over into to the projector room, inside there was a protector lying on the floor, also on the floor, there was a sticky pool of blood, despite this it was cleaner than the lobby.

"lightning i want to give you something, I had, made for you" I told her trying to look unconcerned by every thing that just happened.

"oh rick I don't think this is the time" she said. I Ignored her abjection and levitated a small blue vest that matched her main then,

raping her in a red glow I telekinetically strapped on the vest tightly but not to tightly. the vest had a hand holster on the right, and pouches for clips on the left. lightning looked at the vest on her self in wonder, then her gaze turned upwards to me. I lifted white box with a red ribbon on it.

"here" I said while open the gift rapt box.

Inside was a glock with a chrome slide and a dark gun blue body. I made firing mechanism for earth and Pegasus ponies. It was a pressure activated, so it would fire when a pony would bite down on it. A pony could also use there jaws to slide the bit, turn the safety on, off, or drop the clip out. On the rubber bit/handle was her dancing cutie mark that had painted on. It was Impossible for a pony to aim the gun in there mouth so I had installed a green lazier pointer that would make it possible to aim the gun from the mouth. having a gun go off near your face was unpleasant so I had a sort black suppressor on the barrel to keep the sound level down. the gun was in top condition I hand spent all day working on it for her and know it was more importance than ever.

Her eyes widened "rick I don't know want to say" lightning said

"all explain to you how it works" I told her.

"NO I mean a couldn't shoot a pony not again" she said tears almost forming in her eyes.

"I hope you never have to but I mite not be able to protect you all the time" I told her.

Her head went down "but how, how can I shoot some pony I wouldn't be able to do it" she said while looking towards the ground.

"hey,, look at me" she looked at me with large deep green eyes "there's no reason to be afraid thrust me we will make it out together" I said while using my hoof to lift her head up.

after explaining how it worked I slid the gun in to the holster on the vest and hugged her, she hugged me back.

"where going to "make it I said."

I gave lightning dancer the only 2 clips of 9mm ammo I had, that's 15 bullets per clip. we steeped out of the projector room every one had found a unbloodsocked spot on the floor and laid down to rest. I turned to the blue mained pony that had helped me earlier.

"Thanks for your help,,,,mmm" I said not knowing his name.

"every one calls me Joe,, and your welcome" he said.

judging from Joe's cutie mark he was a handy pony or engineer. walking over to a counter. I emptied out all my stuff in a pill of spare parts and miscellaneous ammo.

"hey Joe i need your help" I said calling Joe over.

"whacht you need" Joe replied while trotting over to me "I need your help building something".


The number of undead ponies was building up at the door. It was ready, together me and Joe had built a flare we were planning of using it to single for help. "were going to have to break the glass door to shoot the flare out side" Its true it was the only way we were going to single for help.

"every one grab a weapon or hide this is going to get ruff" I said.

most ponies ran and hid in the projector and/or bathrooms except lightning, Joe, a large earth pony with donut as a cutie mark and I. here we are, do or die. even if we survived would help come, was there even help out there. I thought about what I was about to do. I could stay safe for about an hour or two or I could break the glass and call for help. ether way we where going to have to fight them some time why not know.

I shouted "lightning, shoot the glass"

The home made flare shoot out of the movie theater into the streets of Ponyvile. POP the flare made an explosion of red light 20 ft above the night time street. The sound carried through Ponyvile pared by a foul screams off in the distance. There were at least 20 undead ponies out side, just a few cannibalistic undead ponies, no problem?

Chapter 3 family maters

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Chapter 3 family maters

The art of War by the zebra commander sun zoo. The Art of War states that people fight much better when there going to die, because they no choice to fight or die I could see that now. as the first 3 undead pony quicky crawled offer the broken popcorn machine cutting them selves on the glass.


SLAM I chaired the first undead pony and pistol whipped it SLAM, again and again, Intel I heard a sickly pop of its skull caving in. lightning stood her ground and took aim, PEUU she fired her hand gun off at the second undead pony. The bullet punched through the undead ponies skull and, not having enough force go out the other side, the bullet bounced around in the skull, turning its brains into paste. Joe and donut pony beat the third one the death with there hooves. Only two too three undead ponies could crawl through the door at a time. Which according to sun zoos art of war, gave us a great advantage.

hooves kicking and guns blazing we killing at least 10 undead ponies who's body's now turned the floor in to a mat of fleshy gore and bloody brain matter. Then a large and muscular white colored undead pegasus with small wings came to the door. unable to crawl through because of his size he stared pushing the popcorn machine. the machine scraped against the ground as it moved.

"SHIT" I swore.

I looked back at lightning which was reloading her gun. I had to use my last bullet. I took aim at the hulking undead pony BLAM. The back of its skull exploded leaving the empty brainless the half of its skull. It was to late, now at least 5 undead ponies could make it through that door at once. we were overwhelmed is seconds. donut pony tried to block off the door way but he was over whelmed by second an undead Pegasus pony.

the undead pony held donut pony in place with its hooves. he screamed as the pegasus pony opened its jaws so wide its cheeks were about to rip. Then undead pony bit the closest thing to its jaws, donut ponies face. As the undead pony bit down on donut ponies screaming mouth, his screams of pain and fear was traded for the sound gargling blood. It was like a kiss of gore, blood, and pain. the undead pony pulled its jaws away pulling with it donut ponies tongue ,cheek ,and part of his face off, in one gory mouthful. There no flesh left on his lower jaw and half his face was missing. Still alive he started drowning in his own blood. All most every undead pony in the room started ripping him to peaces with there jaws. One undead pony ripped open his stomach, spilling his organs on to the floor.

"Oh Celestial there eating him then there going to eat me, OH MY GOD!"

We where backed into a corner by the undead pony that weren't feeding on poor donut pony, organs. its was horrifying to know, just how agonizingly long it will take to die from being eat by those things! this is it, its the end there is no hope where going to die, horribly.

"good bye" I said while closing my eyes the I held lightning ,shielding her, delaying the inevitable.

TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TA machine gun fire sprayed the undead ponies. bullets punched through them like paper. BOMB BOMB the horde feasting on donut pony was sprayed with shotgun fire turning them in to a holy pill of gore.

I shielded lightning form the gun fire, then opening my eyes, I saw the figure of a large fit pegasus pony with his right wing out stretched, he gave his wing a flick which mechanically caused a battle rife clip pop out, then with an another flick a new one slid in. the battle saddle was modified so it could have both a shotgun and a battle rifle at the same time. with a movement of a wing the pony could reload or change which guns would fire. There was only one battle saddle in Ponyvile with those modifications. I know this because am the one who make those modifications. It was shock wings in his formal green wonder bolts uniform, and his shiny good as new battle saddle. he was wearing a pare of army pilot goggles which must have been very useful for cheeping blood out off his eyes. He stood tail and strong like a proud hero.

"daddy" lightning scouted in joy as she leaped to give her father shock wing, a hug.

The strong warrior was turned in to a blob of emotion from his daughters hug.

"are you ok" shock wings said, sounding like he was about to start sobbing.

"am ok daddy,, am OK".

her father came to rescue us out of no ware like some type a super hero, but where was my father was he ok.

For now the coast was clear for now, the only thing around was fresh corpses that were torn apart by gunfire into pieces of gore. The dozen theater ponies walked out from there hiding places, the didn't display cheers of victory or thankfulness for survival only tears, sobbing, and wales of anguish.

I needed ammo, I needed to get clean and, I needed to get my parents some were safe. "shock wing please Take lightning and these people some were safe, sweat apple acres will be safe" I told shock wings "am coming with you" lighting said in protest. "NO its now safe and I needed you to help your dad" I responded. " all come with you and don't bother saying no" said Joe, "fine YOU come with the rest of you go to Sweat Apple Acres" I agreed. "why do you think Sweat Apples Acorns will be safe" lightning asked, "because there are guns there".

Joe and I with galloping through the stress of night time Ponyvile, every 5 minutes we would there a scream of pain or two. It was night time every one was a sleep, every one was in doors. most ponies probably didn't even no what was going on yet, hell I didn't even no what was going on yet. I could warn them but I needed to get to my place first grab some supplies. SLAM I pistol wiped the head of the nearest undead pony, as we ran by. blam, blam, blam, some one out there was fighting back against this undead apocalypse, who?

there silhouetted against the black bright night sky was the a winged figure, and three other smaller winged figures. they dance in the sky in what could only be described as a dog fight. blam one of the figures plummeted out of the air blam blam again, and two more figures feel for the sky. only one figure remand victories, the figure of a griffin.

"Wait I think I know that griffin" I said while waving my hoof in the air

"she's at least a mile up, she's not going to see you" Joe said.

Joe didn't not know griffins as well as I did, Victoria had the eyes of a eagle and the hearing of a wild cat. spotting us amongst the ciaos was easy for her, but I hoped she wouldn't mistake us for undead ponies and shot are faces off. the figure of the griffin took a dive downwards then took a sharp turn parallel to the ground. fly over to us. the griffin landed ten feet away from us with a thud.

she stood on her strong hind legs and cat like paws. she held her deserts eagles in both elegant claws. her powerful red tippet wings were outstretched. her feathers were even more perfect than that of an alicorn's. her eyes were large and wide, they sparkled with the refection of the midnight stares. Victoria was a the peek of mark mans ship she could kill a pony from 3 miles away. at one time, when I was young I had a crush on her, just something about those eye and legs just,, never mind I was young at the time, now she is like family to me.

"red eyes is that you are you ok" she said staring at me with doubt and fear in her voice

"were ok were alive just messy" I said reassuring her that me and Joe were not undead zombie ponies.

"oh the three of the you are ok then" she said "wait the three of us" I said looking to Joe on the right and then to a rather to friendly zombie pony to my left.

"KILL IT, KILL IT NOW" I said back pedaling away from it. Victoria had a bad habit of spray and pray. BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM she sprayed the zombie with gun fire ripping about 6 holes throw the undead pony. It wasn't dead yet it just had no unbroken bones left to support its body, so it gust kind of lied there, gargling blood. After introducing Victoria to Joe, and borrowing some .44 ammo, we went on the move to save my parents.

I galloped down my street I started sprinting as soon as I seen the front door of my house "mom dad am coming home". After out pacing my friends by a full minutes, I came of to the door. SLAM I bucked the door open with my two front hooves instead of my once comforting home. my father who supported me quietly in his own way, was now laying on the ground, his once orange coat was now pale and blood stained. his eyes once bright blue and full of life, was now the pale white and soulless eyes of death. in his neck of a foot wide gory bite wound, which had bleed all over the floor. standing about him was my sweat mother who had always cared for me and opening supported me. Yet there she was blood dripping from her mouth, which held stripes of flesh from her teeth. my mother had become a flesh hungry undead pony and she had killed my father.

"mom,, no" I said sorrowfully as she raised her head up, staring at me with wide soulless eyes of a monster.

"MMMMMMMAAAAAAAOOOOONNNNN" she let out a moan that shock me to the core.

"mom,, no, NO" I said in shaking from the shock of seeing my family like this.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NNNNOOO" I said shacking my head and closing my eyes, in denial.

This cant be happening, it cant, how could I, no, I cant be forced to do this. you cant force a son to kill his parents, I just couldn't do it.

"please don't make me do this" I said pointing my revolver at my dear departed mother. Victoria came through the door behind me, Joe soon followed. they saw me standing in complete shock staring at my dead parents.

"I can do it, I cant" I said collapsing to the ground in tears of emotional pain.

I couldn't leave them like this but there's no way I could shoot them, I couldn't let go. Victoria came up behind me and saw the pain in my heart.

"all do" she said looking at me with the look a mother gives her child when she tell him everything thing will be ok but lies for false hope.

I looked at her and gave her a nod of my head then, then I closed my eyes tightly. Victoria was always there for me like family. you never know how much family matters Intel its to late, to late to say good by. BLAM, BLAM.

Chapter 4 the past

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Chapter 4 the past

Six years earlier, my room was covered with poster of war and action hero, ARMY OF ONE some said, UNSTOPPABLE others said. on my shelves was a organised chaos of comic books and graphic novels. on my hard wood floor was a toy dragon that shot lasers from its eyes at, well least in my mind it did, and toy air soft guns what I had taken apart and swapped parts to make a more power airsoft gun. On my bed I lied with old stuffed toys that i now no longer played with and sketchpad the a drawing.

That day was Sweat Apples Acres festival , were they had food games, event, a band playing, a shooting rang contest, and even the original cutie mark crusaders them selves were going to appear and play game with all the blank flanks. but I wasn't going as I grow older I passed up more and more social events afraid of being made fun of my blank flank. NO talent they would laugh. I always tried to hide my self and my blank flank. I was to ashamed to have event go to school as a result i had no friends. In equestria no talent means no place in life.

There was knock at my door.

"Richard why don't you want to go to the festival its only for one day" my mother said In a soft warm voice.

"ponies will make fun of me" I said almost crying and hiding under the covers.

my sweat mother opened the door, her bright pink eyes brought comfort to the soul.

she nestled me "oh no you don't have to be ashamed your still young" she said trying to bright me out of my shell of fear and self hate.

"am a freak there just laugh at me" I said trying to hide my face in my pillow.

"oh son you not a freak," she said siting me up in my bed

"your the most special little pony in my life, and when you grow up your going to someone very important in ponies lives" said said wiping the tears from my wet eyes.

"I know how you feel I was much like you at your age then the generosity of one pony helped me over come my fear. That's why I made this for you" she said while pulled out a poncho that was fresh like the morning sun and soft like the setting sun".

she put the poncho on me it was large but I would grow in to it.

"when ever you ware this remember that you never have to be afraid because I would be with you" that was the day I learned not to be afraid.

Sweat Apples Acors was full of pretty ponies with cowboy hats, candy apples, and happy faces, It felt good to see the ponies happy enjoying them selves and not staring at me. but some ware in the crowd, ponies were staring at someone, whispering and gasping to them selves. Braking apart from my mother I began to search of what was drawing ponies attention in the crowd. At the corner of the crowd there was a large feathered creature, its was a mother griffin that had brought her young griffin daughter to the festival, which was strange to see A griffin family in equestria let alone in ponyvile. I saw the look in that griffins eyes, that look of shyness and loneliness, you got from being trapped in a strange land. I trotted up to the small shy griffin that almost tried to hide behind her mother. I went up to smiled and pulled out a muffin i had bought at the festival and handed it to her. she smiled back at me as she took it.

The shouting range was open for there youth marksmanship contest I had entered to try my skills but I mostly entered because my new griffin friend had entered. I trotted up to my place on the shooting rang. next to me was an older pony with brown main and coat was that had a trophy for a cutie mark.

"am going to win this for sheer" he said boastfully,

"what makes you so sheer" I asked "because am a winner, and your all just losers" he boasted again.

"I know so because its my destiny to win" he said pointing at his trophy cutie mark.

"whats your cutie mark" he asked being cocky.

first a became inbarest looking away out of shame but then something in me gave me courage something deep inside. I could of gave into fear and walked away saved myself more pain and embarrassment but I didn't. Inside me there was a growing voice that said NO.

"my cutie mark is beating your butt" I said, shooting him a daring look.

"yah sheer will see". he responded

After big mackintosh expanded how to use the rifles he told use the rules, "hit 10 meter target 1 point, 15 meter target 5 points, 20 meter 10 points, 25 meters 15 points, 30 meter 20 points, and the 50 meter target 50 points. yup its just as simple as that". this was it I had to win I felt it me unlike my hole life that day I was fearless. the rang was to be opened at the wave of colorful a green flag. little did I know that little flag would choose my fate and when my life truly started.

ready set fire! the green flag waved and every pony, plus one griffin aimed there rifles I looked over to see my mother standing in the crowd cheering me own with a smile that could put courage into the most fearful soul. I turned to the first target and fired off the rife. the rife had so much more kick then my airsoft gun. The kick sent a shock wave through my body and something magical in my horn clicked into place. a magic burst was sent through my spine that shocked my seances to the core. I could smell the gun power in the bullet shells, I could feel the sound wave of guns fire more than four meters away pulse through my body. I could see the whole world in super slow motion and I could see in exray vision of every gun within a mile I could see the bullet spinning in the bore of as it left the gun into its target. every gun seemed to have a lazier coming out of the end of barrel, plotting just would the bullet go. every thing was so intense. I aimed my rife at the farthest target squeezing the trigger, I felt the explosive force pulse through the air. The bullet left the action and entered into bore, then the rifling began to spin the bullet, I could feel ware the bullet would land.

BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, each rife bullet landed right in the 50 meter target one right after another in the same place. each round sent a wave of force through the air that I could see like ripples in the air. that one minute to me lasted an full hour, every thing was in slow motion. I looked at my reflection on one of the empty bullet shells as it flu over my shoulder. I saw my eyes were glowing red with magic and my unicorn horn had three red telekinetic glowing fields, each one inside other. what i didn't completely know at the time is that this meant I was casting a very very high level spell, possible one that mite would never be cast again.

I looked at my rife with exray vision, the mechanism was empty. my eight rounds had been fired and I had got a bulls eye with 7 of them at 50 meters. I opened the action of the gun and set it down on the table. but still telekinetic power pulsed through my body like sound waves. my heart was super slow even in slow motion and my breathing was put on a seemingly endless exhale. with no way to vent my power I almost started to panic. but then I had felt a powerful presents from behind me that soothed the soul much like my mother. turning around I saw the tall majestic violet colored alicorn standing over me.

The world returned to normal and time returned to normal then my breathing and my heart beat. The princess of night and day twilight sparkle, once a student of princess celestial, now ruler of all equestria had showed up to the festival for a surprise visit, now had just personal came to me for what? she leaned in forward closer to my face and said.

"my little pony, never seen such magical talent scene my self when I got my cutie mark, you are a very talented and special pony"

The red glow in my eyes dimmed and my pupils grow wide from surprise. the princess had just personally noticed me for my talent, and what about a cutie mark?

There were congratulations on my new found talent, from every one there, and big blue first place ribbon. every one smiled at me. Victoria looked as if I was a super hero, and twilight saw here self in in my eyes. despite wining the contest I think only twilight sparkle, and my mother saw my true power. I ran up and hugged my mother.

"See your are a special pony" she said.

IT was because of my mothers teachings that gave me bravery got me a my cutie mark, a hole day with princess Twilight, a new friend, Victoria, and a great deal of self respect. That day my mother told me that I was the most special and talented pony in her life. that day she was right and the hole world new it just for one day. That respect from ponies wouldn't last forever but my self respect and fearlessness would last for a long time.

Chapter 5 no time for fear

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Chapter 5 no time for fear

I sat in the bathroom shower, washing the dried blood and flesh from my coat and main. soap and blood had lathered my body and was now washing off, spilling down into the, calcium encrusted, drain. with It all my sorrow was all so washing off of me

"no I can forget, I cant give into fear now".

I wouldn't forget my mothers teachings because of a plague. All of the fear washed off of me along with the sorrow, blood sweat and tears the once stained my body. I turned off the sower head, stopping the flow of fresh cold water then I took ,what mite of been the last dry towel in all of Equestria, and I began to dry my self. The towel was warm and soft against my cold and browsed body. I shook my self dry with it shaking off the last of my self doubt. there no room for fear not now.

I trotted out of my bathroom and walked to I to the next room over, my bedroom. In it was the same posters on my walls that were there years ago. more posters had been posted around them even overlapping the older posters. on the shelves were trophy's, books on gun history, and gun blue prints. on my floor were boxes of ordered gun parts that I use to assemble the best weapon and taped up above my bed was a single picture of lighting dancer.

I walked up to my desk which was a mess of blue prints, tools, and gun parts. I rearranged my saddle bag to full it with the tools I would be needing. I pulled out my poncho stared at it for just a moments, then I slide It on to my body, it still was as soft as the setting sun. I continued to stuff my bags with anything useful. 6 boxes of .44 magnum rounds, 6 boxes of 9mm ammo, 3 boxes of 12 gag shot gun shells, and 4 boxes of 7.62 rifle rounds and the rest of my ammo I put a side for Joe to carry, he had a strong back. I took the tools I would need for repares, and refiling emty ammo shells. when I had everything I needed from my room, I needed to make joe a gun.

I trotted slowly out of quit clean room down to the leaving room down stares. Victoria had her body press up against the door, forcing it closed. On the other side of the door was a undead pony scratching his hooves against the wood of door.

" red eye, how you feeling,,,, you ok" Victoria asked, seemly unconsidered about the undead ponies trying to work them selves inside the house.

",,, better, much better" I replied, as she shot me nack a soft smile.

"Joe come here" Joe trotted up to me and I levitated a saddle bag on to his back

" here make your self useful and carry this" I said.

Joe rolled his eyes "and here take this" I said while putting on his bran new shot gun on to what was not just a saddle bag but a battle saddle.

The semi auto shot gun had steel frame, that was chromed and a classic wooden handle and pump. I had one minute so with a wood burner I ingrained his cutie mark on to the wooden stock of the gun. one the shot gun was attached to the saddle comfortably.

I asked "how Is it".

"you only took fifteen mins to make this" he said in surprise

"no I spend ten minutes in the shower I took 5 mins to peace together that" I replied.

"well YOU have a habit of personalizing your gifts" he said looking at his bran new shot gun.

"but I never used a gun before" he said.

"don't worry you cant miss, just point and chop the bit" I said while pointing to the saddles bit.

"Joe you buck open the door on my say, Victoria you cover the sky, we move as one unit understand"

Joe and Victoria nodded there heads, Victoria gave a approving smile.

"ready now" I weld

Joe turned around then thrust his back hooves up against the door In a powerful buck. The wooden door blow open in a loud splintered crack, as the undead pony of the other side of the door was launched across the air and flat on to the gravel ground. The sickly torn up undead pony raised its head to give a blood gargling growl. Its faces was meat with the blunt end of my forever causing its head to cave in like a pumpkin. Victoria flu in to the air with the grace and power of a eagle. She eyed her prey, spotting several undead pegasus ponies in night shy. I aimed my gun at a dozen undead ponies on the ground. bloody jaws open they charged at us, It was almost a like they shared the same brain.

"Time to die my little ponies" Victoria said given her best a most disturbing battle cry.

Blam blam blam bomb bomb bomb ,blam ,blam Victoria, Joe and I cut a path of gore through the ever growing hordes of undead ponies and we did it with bullets. we had killed at least a dozen undead ponies and we were running from the other two dozen. undead can run but not very well they tend to tripe and stumble over each other making hordes easy to out run. running just to go fast was hard but running for your life from two dozen undead ponies was easy. fear made you run really fast. Victoria was flying at half speed at the most, she toke her time shooting down any flying hostiles. Joe was an earth pony, his legs were strong making him fast. I was almost running out of breath, and my mussels were starting to burn, we would need to stop some were soon or we would become food for the undead hordes.

"IN THERE" I yelled while running towards the doors of a sweat quiet and peaceful candy shop Sugar Cube Corner.

We burst through the pink doors of the candy shop, Joe grabbed a chair and violently shoved it against the door wedging it closed, he seemed to be good at that. The undead ponies outside bashed there hooves against the door relentlessly. we didn't have much time in tell they bucked there way through the pink wooden doors. I needed time to catch my breath, gatherer my thoughts, and make a plan but that was time we didn't have. An undead pony had reached the windows, The pony had most of the flesh off of its face removed, showing off a bloody horse skull with musicals attached and its hooves were chewed to fleshy bone making then deadly sharp. The disgusting undead pony raised its hooves and bashed the glass window sending glass fly out ward. Then it proceeded to crawl through the window, cutting its belly to gory ribbons on the remaining glass.

Victoria flu over to the near helpless undead pony, and grabbed its head with her strong powerful claws then she gave a quick and sicking twist breaking its neck with a loud crack. the undead head was turn completely around, it slumped over and when completely limp. I could here other windows in the building being smashed open, we didn't have time to fight and no were to run. Was it are time to die, all this just to die here eating alive by undead ponies like in the ending of some bad horror Story were everyone fights for survival but dies in the end anyways. The undead ponies were breaking through the door, making holes almost big enough to fit there head through. Undead ponies were starting to leak through the windows, cutting them selves on the glass. how ironic were going to be eating in a pastry store. At least well become a unrecognizable flesh eating monster for ever.

WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOO there was a long loud siren that stretched its sound across ponyvile. It was like ponyvile was waking up the new nightmare that was upon it. Every undead pony turn there sickly pale eyes towards the sound of the alarm. It was like noise was a dinner bell for these sick monsters. They started trotting towards the part of tower they heard the city alarm was coming from. We all stood still and quite waiting for the moment to past, time slowed down to a crawl as the dead slunked away.

We stould still for one long minute not knowing weather they would come back later to finish us off.

"is every one ok" I asked.

"yha I think its all clear" Victoria answered my question while peering out the window watching the dead diaper in the night time fog.

Its quite possible that the undead find there prey by noses or maybe they have self preservation after all and have given up trying to kill us, unlikely. we needed a safer way to travel next time maybe guns blazing wasn't the way to go,

"how about next time we try stealth" I said thinking out loud. every one noded there heads in agreement.

Chapter 6 sweet memores

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Chapter 6 sweet memories

This was Sugar Cub Corner, Pinky Pie worked here once. when ever I was sad or only, I would come here and order a hot chocolate. something about this place and Pinky Pie just made me smile and feel better about myself like there was something to be joyful about. I took a look around the room it still had the same tables and glass counter that it did so long ago. The only thing that had changed was the wall behind the counter, behind the counter was a large picture of Pinky Pie with a big smile on her face and a cupcake held in her hooves. the poster read, Sugar Cube Pastry's, yummy. This sweet little bakery was now a broken and bloody place, a skeleton of its former self. This place is the perfect metaphor for the state of Ponyvile, once sweet and kind now dark and gory. Why did such a thing have to happen, why here and why me.

"We leave together for Sweat Apples Acres we leave in five minutes" I said trying not to burst into tears.

My only concern was Lighting Dancer, not my own safety. Only getting back to lighting madder, she was my soul mate. The only one who I could ever love. lighting dancer was my last chance at have a family, and a normal life. I don't think I could ever get over this horrible event with out her, she held my mind together, with out her I think my mind would fall apart into peaces of sadness and chaos. That was my motivation to over come this, horrible night mare,knowing that when I wake up she be there with me.

I remember that she was first time we meet it was in a dance club every young pony was there I was one of the few old enough to drink. I had gone there to listen to the latest Vinal Scratch song and have some drinks. I was having my self a glass of apple jack Daniels, weird it really did taste like apples. The hole place was dark but the dance floor was light up with bright blue and purple neon colors. On the dance floor was a crowd of ponies dancing with passion, to an inescapable beat pulsing through the air, every one was hidden in darkness only out lined by bright lasers, glow sticks and lights, which turned the hole floor in to one large strobe effect. out of all the ponies shrouded in darkness only one stood out. There she was a blue pegasus pony with bright green eyes, and several green glow stick necklaces. There was something about her flowing movements, her legs, and deep colorful eye, made her such a eye magnet. CRAP, I think she caught me staring, just com down don't make eye contact just look away, am sheer shell go back to dancing like they all do, this wasn't the first time this had happened.

She quickly snuck up to me almost out my field of vision.

"hey" she said startling me ,causing me to jump a little.

"ice water please" thank celesta she was just ordering a drink.

who knows how long she been dancing for, There was a single beat of sweat dripping down a lock of her blue main, all that dancing had made her coat sweaty. I could feel the heat from here body. I looked down at her sweaty cutie mark, which was a figure of a dancing pony. I caught myself staring again, I didn't want to be a creeper so I thought it mite be time to leave. I through up a few bits on the on the table as a tip. "hey rick" I turned to the mare next to me, she knew me but how. I stared at her face for a second, "lighting is that you" I knew lighting dancer from school, I didn't recognize her. she was different, back in school she was always shy, her hair covered most of her face.

"why of coarse its me" she replied.

"oh I didn't expect to see you here" I said

"I didn't expect to see you here ether" she responded.

despite knowing her, her voice was foreign to me. It was soothing and soft yet strong like a speaker who spoke with passion. we talked for a full minute, I desperately tried to cheep the conversation going as long as I could. As a new song started to play lighting started to bob her head up and down clearly enjoy the wild rithmic music, her eye lids close. it was quite clear that soon her body would take over and she would have to start dancing again, and she would lose interest in me like they all do. She would move off to the dance floor and continue on with her live and i would continue on with mine. she got up to leave, but instead of leaving, she ask me something, that I had never been asked before yet it was like one of those questions asked many times but never said yes out of fear of what people mite think.

"would you like do dance with me" lighting said with a voice completely unlike the one I was so used to when she was a filly.

when she was a filly her voice tried its hardest to stay quite, as if trying to hide her own voice but now her voice was full of joy convenience and, fun. lighting looked at me smiling and tough at my shoulder, It became quite clear that question was rhetorical, she wanted some one to dance with and I had no way out. I had never danced with a girl before. Could I just say no and let her down like that. She pulled me from my seat and towards the dance floor.

"wait" I said trying to find a reason to back out.

"It will be fine" she reassured me, as if knowing exactly what I was thinking.

I was going to say I had never danced before but that wasn't true. I had danced lots, when alone. before I could continue to appose, she dragged me on to the dance floor. Oh crap, standing still would be worse then dancing horrible so out of desperation I started to shuffle my hooves. she was a much better dance than me, her movements matched the pounding myth of the music. It was was like the beat of her heart machine the beat of the music

causing her body to go into over drive.
for one night I danced, cut louse and have some fun. we left later on that night. Tired and sweaty. were walked out side the club out in to the cool mid night streets of Ponyvile.

"that was pretty fun" lightning said panting,

I responded with a small smile. Then I asked "that was fun maybe we could do that again some time".

wait what, did i just ask her out, why did i just do that I mean what if she said!

"sure its a date then" she said interrupting my thoughts. "how about we get something it eat first"

This was was the first spot we ate together on this table in Sugar Cub Corner, that was know covered in broken glass, blood and memories of a life that will never be the same.

Chapter 7 what rhymes with BOOM

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Chapter 7 what rhymes with BOOM

Sugar Cube Corner was stained not only with blood but with memory's of a past world filled with happy pony's that no longer exist. In the distance death screams could be heard it was like all of ponyvile was screaming out in fear.

"red eyes you ok" Joe asked

"yes am fine we should get moving" I responded

"you dosed of there for a minute" Joe said

"I fine" I reassured him

"whats the game plain" Victoria asked

"we movie quietly, Victoria you stay low, Joe stay close by, and we get to Sweat Apple Acres." I said while pressing my hooves up against the door.

"were good to go" Victoria said loading one of her desert eagles with a fresh clip.

"no gun shots, we need to be quiet,we can't have a hoard on are hands" I said glaring at Victoria.

I counted to three and then slowly used my magic to levitate the barricades and corpses ,that were blocking the doors, out of the way. Then I slowly and quietly pushed the door open. Out side was a mess of corpses, Black smoke rising from the horizon, streets ran red with blood, and homes were torn the peaces by the dead.

We trotted out side. sticking to the shadows we sneaked down through the lonely streets of night time ponyvile. We sneaked passed a hoard of undead ponies breaking into the homes of some pony. horrifying bloodcurdling screams come from the house, but there were at least 20 undead ponies and there was nothing we could do, with out getting are selves killed. hearing the screams of some pony dying will forever be burned in to my memory. It hurt me to walk away like that from some pony who needed help.

Alright were all most in the clear, we just need to get in to the edge of town and into to the more forested area, there we can move unseen by the rotten eyes of the undead ponies. We turned a corner and there in the middle of the street was a gore stained undead unicorn. That was feasting of the unrecognizable corps of some thing, I couldn't even tell if it was a pony any more. The undead unicorn pulled a chunk of bloody wet flesh from the corps, and try to swallow the meat chunk hole.

"Its was not facing us, so as we sneak by all just walk up and pistol wisp it in the head." I said as we began to approach it.

The undead unicorn. raised its ugly head, as it swallowed a peace of meaty flesh.

"BUCK" I whispered to my self.

I thought it was going to attack me, and try to tare my throat out. Instead its horn started to glow with green magic. Its body was bathed in the green light, and then its body began to contort and swell. That was it doing, it was almost like it was changing. Then the sicking looking unicorn pony looked at me piercing me with its dead soulless eyes. It slowly opened is mouth, in its mouth was what looked like a swollen up tongue, that looked like is was covered in blisters. then I heard a slimy sounding pop, like the crack of whip but if the whip was organic and meaty. the undead unicorn monster had spat a long tongue out of its mouth, through the air. the slimy, long, tentacle like peace muscle, rapped around my neck. Then griping my throat tightly it began to pull me into wards me.

horrified I tried to back peddle away but it keep dragging my hooves across the gravel. If I could speak i would probably be screaming. "OH BOCK OH BUCK OH BUCK" but the tentacle was crushing my throat.

Victoria swooped in, form behind me with her chrome desert eagles. Bomb she shot the undead mutant unicorn right in its mouth. The slimy mutant tongue went limp and I could breath once again. To Victoria'a surprise the unicorn didn't drop to the ground dead, In instead its horn glowed green once more, and its shot up head began it contort and mutate. Its tops and bottom jaws split into four separate tentacle like jaws. It turned its new sicking head to Victoria and hissed. Horrified Victoria flipped out and shot the remaining 15 rounds in her desert eagle into undead mutant skull. BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB she continuously shot the undead mutant out of existence, It was like when offer react to a spider only times a thousand. after she shot the mutant in to a quivering pulp she stared at it for a few seconds.

Then she turned to me and asked "are you ok"

"yes am ok" I said catching my breath.

I look looked at the mangled corpses that nearly made me throw up.

"by Celestia they can mutate" I said to my self.

Then I looked up to the dark night time streets. I licensed to the sound of mounds and screeches out in the distance. I could hear them getting closer.

I turn to my companions and said "RUN"

We turned and run but there was no were to run to down every street was the sounds of incoming undead ponies. It sounded like they were coming by the hundreds. all of them coming to find use and eat our flesh.

"through the houses" Joe yelled.

Victoria swooped through the air and slammed her self against the door snapping it off of its frame. Inside of the house was and undead earth pony chewing on the body of a small filly. Victoria flipped her desert eagle around in her hand and pistol whipped the undead pony caving in its skull. we then run together there the house out the back door and in to another house. in the kitchen of the house there was an undead pony wearing an blood stained apron. I took on and with the squeeze on the trigger I sent a bullet right through its neck. the monsters head slumped to one side and its body went limp.

I waved my hooves directing Victoria and Joe through the house. first Victoria flu through the house with lighting speed, then Joe ran past me but before he exited the house he turn around and sniffed the air looked at me with a worried expression.

Then he called out "RED EYES MOVE"

I turn around and look behind me to see that my bullet had pasted through the undead pony and into a kitchen stove. then I could smell the licking gas. upon realizing what happened the hole world stopped for a moment.

I turned to Joe and only said one thing "crap"


I felt the scorching ball of shrapnel and fire. pass by me and then my body became weightless. there was a blinding light and ear bursting sound, then quietness and a numbness as the world faded into blackness.