Chronicles of Blood, Light and Dark: The Journey of Darkness

by Vocalmaker

First published

After the events during the ‘Cupcakes’ story, Pinkamena Diane Pie is sent to the Loveheart Asylum. During her stay, she meets a friend who helps her escape into the world in more than one way. This will be an adventure like no other.

"Because you can't break something that's already broken"

This is the story of Pinkamena Diane Pie, or "The Cupcakes Killer", who was sent to the mysterious and horrifying Loveheart Asylum for the mentally ill. With the help of a new friend she plans to escape from that horrible place to her freedom.
She decided to go on a journey of self-discovery around the globe to know what she really is capable of doing. During her travels she encounters a stallion who will change her life forever in more ways than one.

What are her plans?
Who is this mysterious stallion who drives her crazy?
Who will she meet on her way?
What kind of adventures await her?
Why am I asking this?

A story of Pinkamena like no other.
Adventure, Romance and some helpless jokes are guaranteed.

References to other Fan-Fictions will be made.


The Court

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There was once upon a time, in another place
There was an evil girl who no pony dared face,
And this girl was so mean,
A tiny little princess of only age sixteen!
“Court is now in session," the judge announces using a strong, deep voice.

Those were the first words that I can remember hearing in court. It was your typical martial court: high ceilings, red velvet carpet, windows placed perfectly perpendicular to where the witnesses would sit. There were nine jurors, whom four were mares and five were stallions.

As you've notice I am very observant. I am able to see things that the naked eye is not able to see. Thanks to this gift I have the power to deduce situations very swiftly and flawlessly.

But not only that, I also have somewhat of an eidetic memory, thus allowing me to remember things others would forget. This is also a double-edged sword though, as I am cursed to the point that I can not forget. Suddenly the deep voice of the judge penetrated my thoughts.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie, you are here today on charges which I will now read aloud for the jury: thirty counts of first-degree murder, psychologically influencing children to murder, torture, possession of surgical objects without a permit, armed robbery, and cannibalism. How do you plea?"

The judge’s voice projected absolute anger but still managed to seem calm about the situation, as if it wasn't his first case with these types of charges.

Ignoring his words I just stare off into space as I really could not care any less at this point.

"I repeat myself, how do you plea?" The judge asks in a voice louder than before and seemingly a little annoyed.

"Hmm?" I respond.

"How do you plea!" he states with a louder, firmer voice.

The room remained silent for a full minute until I spoke.

"Really judge, I do not like being re-told information I already know, much less about me or my actions," I say with a small smile on my face and seriousness in my voice.

"Obviously judge, I'm guilty. I think everyone in this room knows it. I really do not think it's necessary for you to have to emphasize it," I speak with an irritated voice.

The jury began to look at me with looks of hatred for every word that came out of my mouth. I could see their eyes filled with anger. I relished in it. Their facial expressions are priceless. Not only that but I am.. or was... friends with some of those ponies. In fact, they were the ones who made ​​me laugh. Their faces of pain and sorrow were so beautiful, so full of disappointment and hatred.

I could see the look of sadness and hatred Princess Twilight shot at me.

Applejack's face expressed anger and anguish.

Rarity was indifferent but I could see the pain in her eyes, no pony can hide the pain from me.

Fluttershy did not show up to court. I cause her so much terror that she can’t even look me in the eyes.

My thoughts were once again interrupted by the voice of the judge.

"Pinkie, I am really curious to know, why did you do this? What led you to start killing and torturing innocent ponies without any provocation. Please, tell me," the judge asks with a serious voice full of curiosity. "You really are one of the most interesting and intriguing ponies I have seen in this court and I have to say, I have more than ten years in this job. So please, answer my question," he requests with a more relaxed tone of voice.

The room remained silent for another full minute.

I lifted my face with a small smile that immediately turned into a serious frown.

"First judge, I ask you in the most friendly and gentle way possible not to use that nickname again in my presence. There are only five ponies in the whole of equestria that have the right to call me that,"- at that moment I could feel the eyes of my ex friends staring at me at full attention - ",and I warn you if you dare use that nickname again, I can not ensure the safety of your daughter or son," I reply with a smile growing on my face.

I do not know what happened, and I really do not care, but when I said those words the judge’s face took a form that was very familiar to me. The face of fear, terror and absolute surprise. That face was what each pony did when they knew it was their time to die. A face that will never escape my mind.

"H-How do you know that I have a-a daughter or a son?" he nervously replied with a voice laced with fear.

"Please judge, it is obvious that you have children. The way your garment rests and act on the incredible defensive about this subject gives you away. It seems like you got dressed rather quickly this morning. Maybe you were kept because of somepony needing help in the morning? You look so tired, but not of work. That face of yours is betraying you. It seems tired of small children or foals who cry at night for attention, both hungry and thirsty, and in dire need of love. They are twins aren’t they?” I reveal with an ominous and mystifying tone. A crooked smile seemed to be crawling its way up my features.

"Next is the fact of that cup you have on your desk. It was obviously made by a child with great respect for their loved one. Simply because of its shape and the words that say ‘best dad in the world’ I can then presume it was made by your child. Inside the cup seems to be some objects relating to the sport known as hoofball. Inside I can see a ball, a helmet and the logo of the team of the city Manehattan," I finish with some obscure tones leaking into my voice.

"But the reason I guessed about the twins wasn't that. Oh no, far from that. The real reason is that you have a few half-eaten cupcakes at your desk. Those cupcakes are obviously not from a bakery. Trust me, I can tell. The scent is simply too sweet. Much as though somepony put too much sugar in it. Maybe thinking they can sneak some extra in under their mothers eyes. The decorations on the cupcakes clearly state that it was a childs decision on what to put on the cupcakes. The only type of pony I believe to be able to do that kind of commitment ,since it must have taken many attempts, is one that is not currently employed. Therefore, you must have a housewife,” I declare with that crooked smile reaching its peak upon my face.

"H-H-How do you about my w-wife?" he stammers out. I could sense his voice faltering and fear beginning to take root in his voice.

“Oh come on! It doesn't take a genius to know that your salary is not 5-bits a day! You wife has no need to work. That salary alone is enough to keep your house very well stocked with food and the mortgage paid. She can take the time it takes to care for your beautiful twins without having to worry about money," I respond with a voice full of false happiness and laced with sarcasm.

"Now by the objects I mentioned before I believe that they are maybe .... seven or eight years old?" I mention as I move my hoof left to right as if connecting the dots in front of everypony’s eyes.

The judge's face was struck with a look of horror and his features were trembling with fear for his family. The only sound that came out of his mouth was incoherent babbling until he was able to reign in his emotions.

"Well Miss Pinkamena, apparently what people say about you is true. You really are.... a different pony. The doctors who attempted to diagnose you last week weren't able to explain what kind of disease you have. They said that this wasn't something they had seen before. So this court, for safety, declares you as mentally ill and a danger to society," the judge states while the jury and spectators look at each other nodding their heads and accept these last words.

A smile began to grow on my face, like blowing up a balloon, when I heard those words.

"So by the authority granted to me by Celestia, I sentence you to be institutionalized in the Loveheart Asylum outside Cloudsdale. Here you will be given treatment until you become of age and will then be transported to a maximum security prison where there will be another trial for your case," the judge announces with a resonant and secure voice. He hit the block with the gavel for a resounding thunk stating that the session was over and he has passed his judgment.All this meant for me was that I could finally get out of this madhouse which is called court.

While being escorted to the exit where I expect guards and the ride for the trip to the asylum, my ex friends stop me. They seem disappointed. Not hating me but simply disappointed.

They look at me like they want to speak but can’t come up with the words to do so. Their faces were full of confusion, and tears were sliding down their faces in constant streams.

I stood in front of my friend for another whole minute. The same time Twilight was mumbling things under her breath probably attempting to formulate some form of question.

"Pinkamena, we want to ask a few questions. As friends. Understand?" Twilight requests with a little anxiety in her voice.

"But of course, your majesty! What would Princess Twillight Sparkle like to know?" I reply in a sarcastic sing-song voice.

That awkward silence invaded the room.

"Pinkie, please tell me. Why, why you did this? Why would you do something so horrible to ponies who cared about you? Why Rainbow Dash? Just tell me why, please...,” she trailed off. I could see tears coming out of her eyes with renewed vigor. She was starting to wallow in pure sadness.

A smile began to grow on my face as I approached to embrace Twilight.

"Don't cry Twilight, it never was personal with these ponies. Their numbers came up and nothing more," I soothe her; my smile becoming a full toothy grin.

"Besides, what makes it more special is to have spent their last moments in this shallow world with them.They all have a face of terror at first, but then their faces relax.Their faces relax and you can see their souls leaving them. Reaching for the heavens for the most absolute of freedoms. Freedom from this empty world and endless suffering." I say as I wipe a tear from her cheek.

"Including Rainbow Dash, she was the best. The most pleasent. She even welcomed the freedom into her very body. "

I embrace her in a hug so my mouth is close to her ear, “Also the most delicious at the same time," I whisper to her.

At these words Twilight recoils away from me with a face of fear and roughly shoves me into my escort.

"How dare you! How dare you say you're Pinkie Pie! Pinkie would never do this..." Rarity trails off with eyes of sorrow.

"I will never forgive you for what you did to Applebloom! My poor sister will never recover from the trauma that you put her through!" Applejack screamed into my face with eyes of unbound fury.

“Oh for the love of Celestia! Trauma?! She came to me begging to take care of her! She told me her real sister is too busy to listen to her problems! Too busy to direct her on the right path! So I took her in and started to act as a bigger sister for her. The big sister she never had!” I tell her with a protectful tone in my voice.

"But! She never said she never liked to do that to those ponies. Her love of torture is almost equal to mine. In fact, I might consider her as an heir to my practices. I, the humble master. Her, the eager apprentice. She even already has my recipes memorized and even knows what to use to ensure that the ponies are guided safely to their freedom. For you see, dear Applejack, they must suffer to be allowed to go towards their freedom uninterrupted. Its almost like a way to bypass ‘purgatory’. If they hold out for their suffering and allow their souls to leave their body then they are guaranteed in. They then begin to feel truly alive. They are living their fantasy! No more empty words from ‘friends’ to simply make them feel like they are wanted in this world. No torture while waiting for eons not knowing if they are free or simply forced into madness from loneliness. But instead, simple freedom.” I tell Applejack with another crooked smile on my face. Her attempts at intimidation were mediocre at best.

"You little bucker! How you DARE you speak of mah sister that way!" She runs at me with the intention to attack me.

The second she goes to hit my face, I pull back and grab her arm with my front hooves. I then twist my body and throw her over my shoulder onto the ground in front of me.

"Don't you ever touch me with you filthy hoof again, Understood?" I hiss into her ear. I was then violently pulled off of her and hoofcuffed. The guards then made to leave but Twilight stopped them.

"Still have not answered my question. Why did you did it?” she demands in a voice void of emotion.

"Come closer, Twilight," I say. She acts upon my words, "There is no reason at all," I tell her.

"What!" she exclaims in surprise. Her pupils then began to dilate until they were nothing but small dots lost in a sea of white.

"In fact, I think you should know the truth, now that I consider you a ‘ friend’. There never existed a ‘Pinkie Pie’, it was always me on those adventures! All those laughs, all those smiles, to me were false! Our friendship never existed, well at least for me, so goodbye my ‘friends’! See you all in hell!" I finish with venom in my voice. I could see in their eyes how my voice was painful to them. It penetrated their heads with such power that I could feel their bodies restraining from attacking me again.

"Pinkamena! That is enough! We should go," stated one of the guards.

"Okie dokie lokie! See you later my dearest friends!" I say as if I was their ‘Pinkie Pie’ again. As we leave the hall to head to the transport we end up swarmed with paparazzi and interviewers.

On the steps of the courthouse one of the interviewers stops me, "Miss Pinkamena, Miss Pinkamena. What are your current thoughts about the moment?"

I look straight at the camera and state, “That Equestria should be informed that this is not the end of Pinkamena. Oh no. This is only the beginning of the nightmare that awaits all of you. Better hope you have a lucky number!"
[Please insert evil laugh here]

The Asylum

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Evil flowers
Steadily bloom
With an array of colourful doom
But the weeds who feel that they want to stay
They'll just die and and feed me the same anyway.
Here I am, sitting in an ambulance with two guards watching my every move. They seem to be attempting to look intimidating, but their shaking legs betray their intent. I feel content, awaiting my new home. Why do I feel content? Shouldn’t I be attempting to escape? Should I at least feel like escaping?

Suddenly the ambulance came to a halt. I stepped out of the ambulance, being forced to take small steps due to the hoofcuffs. ‘This asylum is huge!’ I thought to myself. ‘I can see how this could be the best equipped in Equestria, and maybe even the world.’

It was beautiful with its walls made of a myriad of materials. The outer layer of the asylum was glimmering, most likely a force field. Looking up, I see at least five groups of pegasi patrolling the borders of the asylum. They seemed to be armed with rifles mounted to a device on their back. Looking back down to the fenced in courtyard there seems to be ponies playing tennis and basketball. Looking past them there is a cliff that most certainly leads to your death

A guard begins pushing me in the back, forcing me to stumble forwards. Shooting him a glare I continue walking forward. The entrance of the asylum had two massive metallic doors that were easily larger than the princesses’ throne room doors. Two guards saw us approaching and nodded to the escorts, an unspoken command given. They strained to open the two massive doors, eventually getting it open enough for us to enter single file. Inside the first thing that I noticed were guards posted in strategic locations in the lobby. There seems to be no blind spots under their watchful gaze. I followed the guards over to the receptionist, stumbling every few steps.

“We got someone new for you,”said the leading guard in an excited voice.

“Well lets take a look shall we?” I moved closer to her so she could see me better. “Huh. What makes a girl as lovely as yourself end up here of all places?” She questioned with an annoyingly inquisitive tone. I was about to respond when a guard beat me to it.

“Her name is Pinkamina Diane Pie. Better known as the-”

“T-THE C-C-CUPCAKES KILLER!?” the receptionist stuttered, cutting off the guard. Her terror stricken face turning between me and the guard. She began stumbling away from me.

"You wanna talk? I would absolutely love to get to know everypony on a better level,” I responded in a happy, cheery voice.

“N-N-NO! No miss Pinkamina!” she quickly shot out; her voice low and trembling. The guards then began to push me into a nearby hall. “Better watch your back, Katie,” I shouted while being pushed down the hall.

Katie turned to the guard by her desk. “H-How did she know my name?” she asked with a horrified face.

“It’s on your nametag,” the guard said while face-hooving with such force he almost knocked himself out.

“... and this is your cell. Looks pretty nice, doesn’t it?” the guard said. We had been touring around the facility when we finally came to the cell. “you have quite a few more luxuries than most patients do. Apparently a Mr and Mrs Cake paid a hefty sum of bits to get you these. You better appreciate it.”

I walked into the cell, admiring how I had an actual door. First thing I saw inside was a TV sitting on top of a table facing the center of the room. On the wall to the right of the TV was a window with vertical metal bars. The room was not just a hospital white, but painted to look like an elegant marble.

During the tour the guard gave me I leaned that the asylum is a lot bigger than it seems on the outside. It has two large dining rooms, both in bad condition, and another two rooms of tabletop games and electronic machines. The asylum has thirteen floors of cells, with the uppermost floor holding the most dangerous of the mentally ill.

But, out of all of the features this asylum has, the most intriguing one is how many non-pony patients there are. Obviously it has Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns, but it has griffins, changelings and even a few goats. By far the strangest patients I could see though were the Bat-Ponies and the Dragon-Ponies. The Bat-Ponies seem to be what the Lunar Guard are made of. while the Dragon-Ponies are an entirely different story.

They have a tail that is reptilian, acting as a counterbalance. Hair is drooping below them, originating from their chin, chest and underbelly. They even have what looks like spines sprouting out at a downward angle from their elbows. They stand at the same height as a pony, but seem like they could destroy a regular pony with ease through brute strength alone.

The part that I enjoy the most about this asylum though is not the weird patients, but the library. Inside this library is so much knowledge, untold stories that could be from even before Princess Celestia’s rule. Inside is a well of cultures, stories, and even secrets that need unraveling. A-las, the lights are on an automated timer and I can not spend any time in this glorious place.

“Should I really be here? Is this what my life has led to? Is this my destiny, to be surrounded by four white walls while waiting for a doctor to declare me ’reformed’?” I wondered aloud as I fell onto my mattress. I squirm around to try and find a comfortable position, but just can not. “I really do not believe this is my fate,” I declare to myself as I drift off to an uncomfortable rest.


Where am I?

I am in a boat, sailing across a river. On either side was a vast forest stretching as far as the eye can see.

Is this a dream?

“Of course it is, you dummy!” someone exclaimed right beside my ear.

Wait! That voice!

“P-Pinkie!?” I blurt out. My face contorting to one of terror.

“Yuppers!” She said while bouncing around in the boat.

“B-But that’s not possible! I-I…,” I trail off.

“That’s true! This isn’t possible,” Pinkie stated, her voice becoming serious and unnerving.

When she said this the world began to shatter, as if it was made of glass.

The river began to turn into black goop.

Pinkie’s eyes started to become solid black, almost soulless.

The trees in the vast forest burst into an inferno.

“Just remember Pinkamena, you are not what you think you are.”

“W-What does that even mean…” I stammer out.

“You’ll know in good time, you dummy!” Pinkie said in a jovial voice.

All of a sudden, Pinkie began to leak blood through her skin.

“W-What is happening!” I scream at her.

“The madness possess you girl!” exclaimed Pinkie in a deep demonic voice.

All of a sudden Pinkie’s head exploded into a shower of gore, almost all of it landing on me.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” I scream as I lose consciousness.


The Plan

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Beware the stare of the Daughter of Evil,
She had no dreams, she wears a scarf,
and if you see her in your dreams,
be sure you never, ever scream,
or she'll rip your tongue out, from the seam,
and eat your soul for what I can see.
"No! No, no no no! Gah!"

I snapped up to a sitting position. I was clammy and tears were falling down my face as if a dam broke. I got off the bed, tossing the blanket on the ground in frustration. Beeping reached my ears. It was the alarm to wake up the patients for breakfast. After thirty seconds the alarm shut off, and the PA system went quiet.

"What the buck was that?" I said to myself.

You are not what you think you are.

That phrase was imprinted into my mind. All I could think about were those words.
You are not what you think you are. What could they mean?

“What the hell do those even mean?” I asked aloud. I left the room and headed towards the Dining Room in the western wing of the building. As I was heading down I noticed a lot of the patients that had wings were walking down the stairs . Why weren't they flying down? The muscles for flying seemed well developed, so they were not weak flyers. In fact they seemed almost more developed than Rainbow Dash’s were.

Another oddity was that there were very few female residents. A quick estimate on my part put it at a one to fifteen ratio. I snickered at that. ‘Guess we are not all crazy now are we, you crazy stallions’ I mused.

"I am honored to be considered as bad as all these useless idiots" Well I would call them "undeveloped primates" because some appear to be or have one personal hygiene like a monkey, I think even a monkey has better personal hygiene than some of them.

The guards look at us with eyes of watchdog, seems they don't lose anything that happens in this asylum, and I can believe it. for them we are nothing, they don't even call us by our name, but by the number of prisoner. Mine is 746526362, and it’s printed in our ensemble with a horrible orange.

When I enter the Dining Room I realized its large size, the ceiling full of fluorescent lights, lots of tables and chairs and when I say many IS many, but passing through the groups of ponies I realized something everyone looked at me in passing, as if you had something that called their attention , not all ponies saw me with hatred, some others with envy and fear and some few with face of admiration.

Passing to the bottom where they served the meal I realized something, all moved away from me, are they that afraid of me? I wondered.
The menu at least it wasn't SO ugly as ponies were describing it not a five star buffet but it was ... passable. Noodle soup, chicken broth, Russian and Greek salad, hamburgers of grass and meat (I took meat obviously) and some desserts, but what caught my attention was a slimy things like white and other yellow. That's disgusting, and I’m a cannibal!!

But my thoughts were interrupted by a murmur of a green-maned pegasus, blue skin and brown color griffon.

"L-Look i-it’s Pinkamena" the pegasus said very quietly and scared.

"Better known as The Killer Cupcakes" said the griffon completing the words of his companion.

"I can not believe that they have caught, they say it is or was the best at her work," said the Pegasus with a little security and derision in his voice

"I really do not think it was so-" His words were interrupted by mine.

"I was not the best at what I do, I AM the best at what I do and they hadn't caught me I let them caught me, really to tell you I was REALLY bored and I wanted to know what it feels to be in a place with ponies like you ponies who share your personality, but I can I see the great waste of my time "said safely and darkness in my voice and end with some happiness.

"How dare you!!" Said the griffon approaching his claw to my face.

I look at this action with a menace and with my eyes I transmitted to them the mistake that this movement would have been if it had been successful with my eyes I made them lost in my darkness and they saw what I was capable with only my eyes.

My look made of them shook in terror, I could see the fear in their eyes... and in their pants too, they stood there without any action or word like they could not believe what they saw.

"I-It's true what they say a-about you, you're not normal you are p-pure darkness" They said while fleeing in fear.

"As it was the first time somepony say that to me" I said with a voice not give a buck.

"Now what I will have the white sticky stuff or the yellow sticky stuff?" I told myself while selecting the dish that would lead me to certain death.

"If I were you I would take the yellow, the white exes can leave you sterile or blind"

I look to my right to see a unicorn a really beautiful mare, her mane color was pink and dark red and her coat a light yellow and as for cutie mark a white rose with a spot of something red I can assume blood.

"I was impressed that you without saying a single word literally did that those pair of morons pee their pants and run in terror, WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" She said as a smile of love and surprise that grew in her face with eyes of admiration.

"T-Thank yo-u-u" I said with a bit of shyness.

"My name is Red Velvet, nice to meet you friend." She said with a normal but at the same time happy voice.

F-Friend.... long time since I'm not the first to tell friend, usually I was the first to say but that's the old me, the old Pinkamena
I started thinking about all those times that my smile was fake, almost all my smiles are, but I started thinking about the smiles of my friends those smiles of joy, grace and love

I loved them but I do not, all those memorable moments are just that moment, I was still only the one suspecting that the small pinkie would be a!-Back to the real world with the sound of a broken plate in the kitchen.

"A-A-Ah thank you, my name is-" My words were interrupted by Red Velvet.

"PInkamena Diane Pie, let's be honest who really does not know you at this location you're the new Empress and our inspiration in this place, even the guards are afraid of you." Saying these words, her voice became stronger and happy.

We started walking towards an empty table, she sat in front of me, everypony look at us with faces of fear and angriness at this rate I couldn't care less,

"You are my idol Pinkamena, I want to be like you, Respected" She said while eating a piece of cake.

"Oh come one I haven't see someone bully you" I said with a smile on my face.

Just then a guard pegasus low back at Red Velvet, just then sticking her head half-eaten cake.

"Hello Rosy, how's my favorite crazy?" He said as he stuffed increasingly Rosa's head into the cake.

"I'm Firwd Greid" she said while she had her head on the cake.

The scene remained silent while Grey insert the head of Rose on the cake.

"So... your name is Grey, isn't it?" I said while raising my voice so he could hear me.

He is a big grey pegasus with black mane and black eyes, his uniform reflected his years working for the royal army, but for worst he was young cute and quite handsome.

"yup', and she is my little bitch, we have known each other for a long time," He said while he stuffed faster Rosa's head into the cake.

"Leave her alone" I said as I stand of my chair.

All the ponies in the room gasped as I standed up, all looking at grey with eyes of "IS HE MAD"

"Or you will do what?" He said while leaving Rosy in the table.

He began to move his hoof to my face but was stopped by another soldier.

"I don’t think you know who you're messing with Grey" Said the other soldier while looking at him.

"And who is her exactly!!" He complained while his hoof was trapped by the hoof of his friend

"the unnamable" Said the other guard

At that time Grey's pupils dilated in terror and fear, He said "W-Well, I-I have better things to do than l-l-loosing my time w-w-w-with you Rosy, Lets go"

At that time he and his friend took off like rockets into sky to where the other guards were.

The room remained silent until I said “What the buck are you looking at?! Don’t you have something else to do than to meddle in other ponies bucking affairs?!"

The room immediately changed of mood everypony stop looking at us and begin to speak and laugh with the other ponies around, as if nothing had happened

"Who is that little moron" I said to Rosy who was cleaning her face with a napkin.

"He is Grey, Let's say that... he is my ex-colfriend"

"What" My face went derp mode.

"yup' he is" She answered the most apple family way.

“Why didn't you defend yourself?” I said a little angry.

"I can't" She said with some concern in her expression as he took another napkin to finish cleaning her face of bitumen cake and frozen.

"Why" I said as I collide my hooves with the metal of the table, some of the food and the food utensils fall to the floor
I-I simply, I can't" She said with a tear on her face, she was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"OK” I sigh to trying to calm myself. “We will leave this as it is" I said while trying to make her feel more comfortable with the change of scenario.

"O-O-Ok" she nodded.

While we ate she began to tell me of her life and the reason for being here, she has multiple personalities to be exact including normal and other two, but they only take control in situations of stress or other things of that sort, also she has been trapped inside this stupid asylum for two years. She also said that she is located on the floor two that means she is not considered a major threat like me on the thirteenth floor.

I began to realize that she really had multiple personalities one moment she was happy another angry, another she felt attractive another strong and so on constantly as we talked, stupid things…. Man it has been a while since I was in a girls chit chat, I missed the gossip a little.

"Can I asked you something?" I said with serious on my voice.

She said yes

"If you are a unicorn, and you use magic, Why not escape from this place?" I said playing a little with my voice.

"I-It's complicated" She said with a low voice.

"Tell me"

She sigh, "Well as you may have noticed the pegasi and unicorns do not fly or use magic here, that's because the food" The two at the same time look at the food, "There's something, something that no one known what is, something that poisons us not to use our magical properties. Obviously earth ponies are not affect only the flying and magic users"

"WoW, should I consider that a relief or an insult?" I said with sarcasm in my voice.

After eating she told me, "So how to escape from this place?"

I did not answer, I stay with shocked eyes at first,

"Oh come on, I know you want to escape from here Pinkamena" She said with a serious voice for the first time.

"What makes you think I wanna escape" I said

She only looked at me with eyes of "Seriously"

"I’m leaving to the library, if you need me I'm there" I said as I removed myself from the table and the dining room taking with me a bunch of the yellow sticky stuff I was eating.

"Will I see you later?" She asked as I leave.

I stayed motionless for seconds while serving my words in my head until I answer.

"Of course dummy!!" I returned to the table to pat her head, she blushes a little and giggles, then I start to trot until leaving the room.


In the library I started researching something I could say that was put into the food, but I found nothing, nothing with these effects.
Nobody died, nobody was feeling ill, all diseases, potions or poison books did not have these features everyone should die in weeks or days, feeling sick or BEING sick at least,

"This was too much shit for me I must rest" I told myself.

“I’M DONE! I’M SO DONE!” I shout at the library only to hear my echo in the walls.


"what the..."

Those words sharpened my senses, I try to see who was or what did formulate those words, I got up from the chair and started looking toward that noise, I look between the big bookcases in the library, I started to walk the halls in the beautiful dark night when suddenly,

"You are part of us now....”

"Part of us, WHO?" I said raising my voice.

"Come to me daughter of evil...

"Daughter of who?" I said with confusion in my being.

“Let us tell you our secrets....”

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!" I started to panic and I shouted again.

I started running through the halls desperate by the voice who was following me wherever I go, I could not find the way out of the library and I it started to worry me and run faster and more desperate.

"Come closer children of mine....”

"Where are you?!"

I started to run faster.


I started running in all directions hearing the same thing in every movement.






"More closer...."


“Almost there”

I closed my eyes while running at full speed of my being.


My body suddenly stopped without even me doing it, like if someone or something was controlling my body, like something was trying to make me reach or see something in this library, I was heavily breathing at this point, I opened my eyes to see a bookcase in front of me, but there was something different, something that only this bookshelf had that the other don’t.

"A book?” but it was a different book, that book radiated something only a pony I had seen that was literally drowning in it, The King Sombra, pure darkness, no… It was something more stronger, older and more powerful than anything I have feel, it was… It was something that I can't say in words, a force of magic so strong that not even Celestia can be compare to it.

It was dusty so I shook it a little to see it more clearly.

"Secrets of the Black and White Magic: Volume One, Basic knowledge of Magic, Enchantments and the World"

Its cover is colored black and red paste with some roses in some parts of it, only touching it I could feel his power and evilness, for some reason I’m the only one in this building who can feel how powerful it is, more powerful than anything and I have seen. I even dare to say that more powerful than the Elements of Harmony itself.

My eyes widened in surprise, I started reading and found something I did not know I would find.


Red Velvet was in her cell playing with a gumball being thrown to the wall, she was bored and lonely thinking about the immortality of a nail.

She sighed when suddenly she heard something at the entrance of her cell.

"Get outta my way or you will suffer the consequences" Pinkamena said with a serious voice.

"I don't know who you are and I don't really care but you will not see her so buck off!" The guard said in a voice of anger.

"Pinkamena!" Red Velvet said with a questioning voice.

"Rosy!" Pinkamena said with happiness in her voice.

"P-P-Pinka-amena" The guard said with surprise and terror on his voice.

"I-I-I'm sorry miss you can c-c-come in" He said as he opened the door to Pinkamena and out of her way.

"What's happening? What’s new? Did you found something in the Library?” Rose Velvet asked our pink coated pony.

Pinkamena only nodded with a grin on her face.

What is that book?" Said Red Velvet in mystery.

"Our plan card and escape from this awful place, We are getting out of here Rosy and It will be tomorrow, brace yourself Rosy because chaos is coming to town"

The Getaway (End of Introduction)

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With the night at my waist and memory to the surface
I'm losing my mind when the moon hit on my face
I'm trying to remember but everything seems a lie
Life is a moment that you can’t look back at when you die.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Could you explain the plan again, please? I can’t really understand what the point of this is.” Red Velvet asked me as we waited our turn to select our food in the main dining room.

"Are you stupid, or what?” I said in a voice of discomfort, "Really?” I facehoofed. “You should pay more attention when I talk to you, Rosy, and more when it is a matter of this magnitude. This is a matter of life and death!" I said while Rosy tried to stop shaking. She was very scared at this point.

“I-I’m sorry, it’s just that I don’t think I will be able remember everything. I’m v-very nervous, and I’m unsure about this...” She covered her face with a little napkin, making a scared but somehow cute face.

I could see her insecure personality seize her. I really shouldn’t talk to her in this way; I know she has suffered a lot of bullying here, not to mention in her school days. And yes, I read her record in the Library yesterday… You know they shouldn’t keep their files in a place where literally everypony can see them, I’m starting to think that this place is not as bad as they use to made us believe, or is it me getting use to be treat like a freaking piece of meat without senses and feelings?

“Come on, we don’t need to worry about nothin’. Everything will go according to the plan.” I said with a steady and comforting tone.

“A-Are you sure?” She said, her voice still shaking with insecurity.

“Of course I'm sure, you think I'm lying? My plans always go well!” I told Rosy as I dished a little yellow sticky thing onto my plate. Apparently I had grown fond of the food... It no longer tasted like garbage mixed with vomit… And that scared me.

"But Pinka, do you really think that THIS will work?” Rosy hissed, “I mean... I know you are one of the most intelligent ponies in this place, but do you really think a plan executed by two little mares will make all the ponies go crazy in an asylum?

“If it wasn’t you telling me this, I would have already kicked their face and told them they were already nuts! You can’t be bucking serious!? Escaping from Loveheart is not as simple as you make it sound, you know?,” She said while dishing a piece of chocolate cake onto her plate.

"Wow… and I’m the skeptical, melancholy one, huh?” I replied sarcastically, “Of course it will work! The book wouldn’t lie to me. Trust me Rosy I didn’t sleep yesterday, I accounted for every kind of problem that could stop us from breaking away.

“Believe me girl, nothing is capable of stopping The Cupcakes Killer. we will break free… and we will do it today, as I recap from the final part of the last chapter." I said while reaffirming what I had said earlier.

“The last what?” asked Rosy, now watching me with with skeptical expression in her face.

“NOTHING!” I shouted.

‘Shit, I did it again!’ I thought to myself.

We both remained silent for a moment, until Rosy made up her mind and talked.

"So… I really don’t trust that book of yours… I’ve never seen it in the library, and I have spent two years in this horrible place.
Remind me, where did you find it?" She had an edge of doubt in her voice.

"I already told you I found it on a shelf just below the main skylight. At first I was.... Scared of it. It was almost like… it called for me to read it, but now I'm seeing the world on a whole new level and I’ve only read the first quarter. For instance now I know that, long ago, the major races were at war for control of the world. There were no Alicorns; they were born from rare mix of a trio of lovers. Even that Earth Ponies use to have magic, until some union of the Unicorns and Pegasi made a-” I was off in my own world now, but my words were interrupted by the Rose’s voice.

"Yeah… You know I really couldn’t give a fuck if I tried… so please shuddup," She grinned, closing her eyes.

“Oops... I’m sorry... but like I was saying, all this knowledge is hidden in one simple book of seven hundred pages. Well… It’s not that little if you ask me, but it has a lot of information, and it’s only book one of seven!!! Can you imagine what type of secrets the others will have?!” I exclaimed excitedly, feeling myself grow giddier with each word that passed my lips.

“I can’t wait to get my hooves on the others… Though, unfortunately the other ones are apparently scattered about the globe…” I paused, thinking, “Well, at least that’s what this book says… This thing seems REALLY old… I’m starting to think that, maybe, somepony forgot it here or something like that… or perhaps somepony wanted to get rid of it…

“Maybe it was driving him crazy… or maybe it gave him or her bad luck, or killed a somepony for them or… maybe it’s too powerful for any mortal to hold...” I said, growing paranoid and looking about. I then turned my gave to Rose’s eyes.

She blinked a few times, dumbfounded.

“Yeah… Uh… That’s… Whatever. But really, can you remind me what the plan was again?” She asked, taking a bunch of eggs into her mouth.

“Ok. Well, in one hour exactly,” I said, and then looked at the clock in the wall of the dining room, “You will drink the potion that I made yesterday that will allow you to use your magic again, counteracting the non-lethal poison food,” I said while pointing with my hoof to her scrambled eggs.

“B-b-but... Why do you need me? You can escape on your own, and you can’t tell me you can’t, because we both know that’s a lie,” Rosy said, eyes betraying her fear, even as she pointed at me with the tip of her hoof.

Gripping her hoof, I looked her in the eyes and I said, “Because you are a unicorn, and unicorns can use magic, which means you can create fire.” At that she swallowed, her mouth dry.

“In this place everything is electronic and that includes alarms. We can’t make an earthquake,but we can make a fire, which will make all the doors open automatically. However, most importantly, the shield that covers the building will be off. This will tempt the other prisoners to try escaping, thus distracting the guards, including the cute little Gray. This will give us the chance to escape." I said this all while pointing to a window where we were able to see the one thing that everyone in this room wanted, freedom.

“But how will we be any different from the other prisoners who will want to escape like us? What do we have in our favor that these dudes don’t, Pinka?” Rose raised her voice to a point where other ponies start to look at us.

Suddenly there was a loud noise behind us. It was Gray, the douchebag who bullied Rosy.

"Hello ladies," He said while fluttering around us, “You seem to be a little excited, can I know why?” He landed on the table with a thunk, kicking over our food.

"You know…. I was going to eat that." I said, staring deep into his black eyes. Our noses touched. I could see my reflection in his pupils.

Rose sighed with a facehoof. “What do you want now, Gray?” she said, not even bothering to open her eyes or remove her hoof from her face.

"What? Someone can’t enjoy watchin’ his favorite mares eat or relax?" He said, as he shook Rosy’s head with his hoof.

“Please… Stop that. Right now.” Rosy murmured. I could see that she was having trouble speaking, as she was getting dizzy from the movement.

He let go of Rosy, leaving her a little dizzy from all the spinning. Gray sneered at her.

“So… What are you planning for today?” He asked, watching us with those angry eyes of his.

“Nothing you’d give a shit about, just talkin’ about how another color would really bring out our eyes. This orange is so drab.” I moved to open a packet of jelly that hadn’t been knocked onto the floor.

“Yeah,” said Rosy, “I hate this orange, I would prefer a… darker one, I think. You know, almost like a brown.” She moved her hoof like a total bitch, “Yeah... I’d like brown.”

“I would prefer something... more pink, I think. Something that goes with my coat a little more.” I said, eating my delicious jelly.

“Are you two screwin’ with me?!” Gray roared angrily.

“Oh, no, never!” The two of us said in unison. We then turned to each other with a grin, giggling in an extremely girly fashion.

Gray sighed. “Forget it, I have better things to do than talk to some featherbrained mares.” With that, his wings shot open, and he prepared to take off.

We waited for a moment before continuing.

“I told you it was gonna work, these kind of dudes only look for the unusual girl,” I said, wiping the sweat off of my brow as Rose giggled.


“Well… continuing with our conversation; If my conclusion is correct... You need me to create fire and burn the living hell out of the asylum, am I right?” Rosy asked as we trotted out of the Dining Room.

“Yup. Speaking of… Here, drink this.” I said, hoofing over a glass of clear liquid.

“Is this… water?” she asked, staring at the crystal clear glass.

“It’s not just water, it’s the antidote for the poison in the food. If you drink it, the effect will wear off in about four hours, just in time for dinner,” I got closer to her ear, “And at dinner time, nopony guards the library...” I whispered in her ear.

She downed the glass and made a face.

“Yeah…” I told her, “I know it tastes horrible, but you need to drink every drop, or else it won’t have any effect.” She nodded at me, and then I continued, “I will meet you in the library at 7:00 PM, okay?” I looked directly into her eyes, my face grave.

“Okay, 7:00 PM. Got it!” She told me as she turned to her cell.

“Don’t be late.” I called.

“Alright!” she called back, sounding a little annoyed.

Today was the day. The day we would finally be free… However, now that I think about it… I’d really only been here one week.

Oh, well.


While waiting for Rosy in the library, I went over my escape route again. I knew it was too obvious to escape through the air ducts or emergency exits, so the only option was to escape from the one place that no one would suspect anyone to attempt an escape from: The main entrance.

It would be very dangerous, but I was ready. With the butcher’s knife I had, I would end anyone in my way. I spent time creating ink bombs, already aware that this ink was very flammable. With a little spark, I would have a little Molotov cocktail to serve as an additional weapon. In a moment of genius, I strung a few of the jury rigged Molotovs up in placed where they will go off if the fire reaches them. Additionally, I splattered some of the ink on the bookshelves near the door, to help them catch. I was prepared for anything, and with Rose, I was unstoppable.

7:00PM rolled around, and Rosy arrived quietly and slowly, looking nervous, and maybe even a little excited.

“H-Hello... Are we ready?” She whispered, fear evident in her voice.

“Yes Rosy, yes we are. You know… You look a little excited,” I said with a grin as I grabbed a book of the bookshelf.

“Indeed I am Pinka. You know I didn’t have a lot of action in my life, and in here it’s even worse… So this kind of things always get me going. What do I need to do?” Rose whispered to me, voice full of excitement and nerves, fearful of being caught by somepony, even though she already knew that nopony would be in the library.

“I need you to burn this book,” I said, placing the book on the table of the library.

“B-but... how is this all gonna work?” She asked, trotting over to the table.

“I spilled some ink on the bookshelves close to the entrance, so the guards are sure to see it. I set a few traps that will explode when the fire reach them,” I said while pointing to the entrance and the bookshelf that were covered in ink, as I had stated.

“E-explode? Are you sure they will? And how are they gonna do it? Is that even possible, I mean, I have never seen an ink bomb...” she said, her voice shaking.

“You see, my little friend, I made some Molotovs out of the flammable ink that they have here in the library.” I said, reaching into one of my bags, then showing a cocktail to Rosy. “They are really strong believe me, this thing can… probably... blow 1.5 meters of fire to the air… But I’m gonna need you to make the fire for me. Are you ready to help?” I said, holding her hoof.

She nodded at me. That was a good sign.

We stood in front of one of the shelves of the input. I had a hoof on the book, and the other one on Rosy’s trembling hoof. She was afraid, I could see it in her doubtful eyes.

“We will do this together, right?” I asked.

She looked into my eyes and said, “Right”

“Burn it.” I said, taking a step back from the soon-to-be inferno.

She struggled with her magic, the lack of practice making her uneasy with the spell, but finally managed to start the spell. Her horn sparked, and the book burst into flames. I grabbed the book and chucked it onto the bookshelves near the front of the library. That’s when started to run, only looking back to watch how the library started to burn. A grin started to grow on my face but it quickly faded. All that knowledge lost forever… But for a good reason. It had served us well.

As I galloped towards the exit of the library, I looked back again, watching the fire burn. However, in the fire I saw a face: a very familiar face... It was her; Pinkie Pie. I saw my old self just sitting in the flames... no happy grin, no laughter… Nothing. This was strange, but what really scared me was when Pinkie Pie changed into… something else.

A pony, but a pony I had never seen. It was an earth pony mare, her coat a marmol white, her mane as black as darkness. As she stared at me, I saw her beautiful face. It was a face twisted with pain, fury, power... and a pure darkness in her eyes. Those eyes reflected a feeling that I had never experienced... a feeling I can’t really describe… A feeling almost like fear or pain, and yet completely different.

As the unknown mare disappeared into the flames with a little grin on her face, I realized that the whole library was now ablaze. I needed to escape, and catch up to Rose. With that thought, I was racing out of the door.

The smoke activated the enchanted alarms in no time, and they began to sound, filling the air with a loud buzzing. We watched through the window to see how the pegasus guards were reacting to this emergency. As we watched, many of them flew off toward the fire, and a few others moved to control the prisoners. We laughed a little as we watched a few of the guards get into scuffles with our inmates. I could see Gray trying to control the others on the basketball court, and another little laugh shook my form.

“Alright, let’s go. We don’t have much time!” I said, grabbing Rosy’s hoof, and pulling her in the direction of the main entrance.

We did not encounter anypony in the corridor as we ran. With every step we took, I could feel Rosy’s excitement grow until it finally burst into a smile. I heard a shout ahead of us, and then a few rounds from a handgun being fired. This was not enough to slow our charge, however.

I suddenly spun and tossed a molotov cocktail behind us. I saw the fiery bomb combust, and the fire spread. Turning back, I heard a few pained screams. I felt a smile creep across my face. I was back in business.

It took us a bit longer than I expected to, but we finally arrived in the lobby. I quick look around told us that no one was guarding the door. I smiled: if we passed through those giant metal doors, nothing could stop us, and no one would be able to find us. We were actually very close to Ponyville, which I had decided was our destination, and we could hide in what I used to call home. First, though, we needed to crossed that threshold.

We galloped though the doors to find something that we didn’t plan to find.

It was her: it was Katie the unicorn, holding a gun in her magic, the barrel pointed at my forehead. The room was destroyed, maybe by the force of the explosions? All sorts of things were spilt on the ground; papers, quills, pencils, and more. She was hiding behind the reception desk. I didn’t need to guess to know she was very afraid. I could see it in her face, in her shaking body.

“D-d-don’t even d-d-dare to move, or I will shoot!!” She screamed at us.

A silence hung in the room for a moment, broken only by the shouting and screaming of guards and prisoners in the courtyards.

“Calm down Katie, you don’t want to do something stupid.” I said, putting a hoof behind me. I slipped the hoof into my bag, grabbing something.

“You don’t have to do this… you can let us run away, and no one will be hurt.” I said carefully, taking a step toward her.

“DON’T MOVE, I SAID!!!” She screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I know what you want to do,” she continued, “I know you want to kill ponies... and... a-and I will not allow you to do that. I m-must stop you two right here, so return where you belong... or try to escape and d-die by my hooves.” She manipulated the gun, pulling back the hammer with an audible click.

“I know you want to be the hero here, but don’t be stupid, Katie,” I said angrily, “Don’t try to be something you aren’t. Please put down that gun, and run for your life. This place will be on fire in just a few minutes.” It was true, the fire was closing in, consuming the asylum.

“What they say about you is true Pinkamena. You are really the daughter of evil. So don’t you try to be something that you aren’t,” Katie sneered, “Don’t try to be the good girl in this story. We both know you aren’t.”

My face dropped at her words, and my mind flashed back to my vision of Pinkie Pie and the mare in the flames. I think I understood them. I was… I was the changed mare. I was Pinkamena Diane Pie, and it was time to act like it.

An evil sneer spread across my features.

“I knew it,” Katie scoffed, “You’re just another fucking nutcase. See you in hell, Pinkamena.” With that, she pulled the trigger… and nothing happened. Katie panicked, squeezing the trigger again and again, but the gun refused to fire.

My sneer spread as I realized what had happened. The gun was jammed.

“Oh Katie, Katie, Katie,” I tutted, “I thought you were different from the others... that you, just maybe, would be smart. That you would just leave, and let us go. Apparently, I thought wrong.” I cackled evilly.

Katie whimpered, dropping the gun and backing away.

“Oh Katie the Receptionist…” I continued, still sneering, “You could have used your escape ticket, but you wasted it trying to be the hero...” I took a step forward and loosed the object that I had snagged from the bag.

“So goodbye Katie,” I said gravely, grinning, “I hope hell treats you better that this cruel world.”

With those words, I revealed my knife. I pulled my arm back, and threw it as hard as I could. It spun and flew, landing directly between her eyes with a satisfying “thunk”, buying itself to the handle in the receptionist’s skull. I smiled as I watched the force of the throw sent her tumbling and impaled her on the wall. Her beautiful blood painted the wall, smeared in a pretty pattern from the point of impact.

She was dead.

“Come on, we gotta go, Rosy” I said, grabbing her with my hoof.

“Y-y-you killed her!!” She said, shocked and disgusted.

“Yep, that was the idea.”

“THAT WAS SOOO AWESOME!!!” She said, jumping up giddily. Suddenly she paused. “Pinka, your eyes!” She shouted, worry apparent in her voice.

“What what is it?” I looked about to find something reflective.

“Your eyes are red!” Rosy said, eyes and mouth open wide in shock.

“Really? Ah, well, it doesn’t matter right now,” I replied hastily, “We need to escape.”

“I like them,” she continued, almost flirting, “they look really good!”

I giggled and blushed a little, “O-okay, that sounded weird. Now, come on! We’ve gotta run before anyone notices.” she nodded in response.

We stood before the door, and looked to each other. I smiled, and opened the door. It was night, I would say about 10:00PM.

We crossed the gate that was left wide open, grateful for the shitty security. Finally, we were free! We could feel the wind in our manes as we galloped away. Rosy started to cry; not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. She was free. We were free.

“We did it Pinkamena!” she shouted, “We’re free! Red Velvet is a free pony!” She laughed and hugged me giddily.

“Gah!” I shouted, “Watch out! That hurts!” Her hug threw me off balance and sent us both tumbling through the grass down a hill.

As the two of us got up from the grass, giggling, we looked up at Luna’s moon. That full moon that told us we were safe and sound.

Rosy hugged me and said, “Thank you so much Pinka… Without you I would still be trapped in that horrible place… Thank you.” She shed another happy tear.

“Don’t worry girl… What are friends for?” I giggled

Friends… that word hit me for some reason…

Oh, well. I turned, smiling, towards the new, free world. My journey was far from over. What would be ahead of me? Who knows? Who cares?! Anyway, at this point, nopony will get in my way, and nothing can stop me now. Nothing could go wrong in this moment.
