> Dear Fellow Crusaders > by M_D_Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Scootaloo Dear Applebloom, Sweetie Belle is forcing me to write this letter because you are too busy bucking apples and can’t come to the hospital… which is soooo uncool… The hospital I mean, not you bucking apples! I’m not saying that bucking apples is uncool. It is very cool… kinda… So anyway… I’m in the hospital because I broke my wing trying out a new super awesome trick that I know would impress Rainbow Dash. Bad news is, well… I kinda landed wrong… Good news is I succeeded in the trick! It was absolutely undoubtedly awesome! I did a full 1080 degree turn and skidded on the clouds perfectly so they released rain to look like I was scooting on waves! Rainbow was like “Oh wow! That is soo cool!” and I was all like “I know!” Then Rainbow gasped and asked what was on my flank, and I looked and MY CUTIE MARK WAS THERE!!! I finally got it Applebloom! Not like I had any doubt that I wouldn’t be the first of the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get it, but it is sooo awesome! I can’t wait until I can show it to you! Once I get out of here I’m going to rub it in Diamond Tiara’s face! Back to my trick... I was so focused at my new totally awesome cutie mark that I didn’t see Ditzy Doo flying by, and I kinda ran into her… I fell off my scooter and crashed kinda hard on the ground with my wing sitting in an awkward angle... and Miss Doo landed on top of me… The doctor says I should be fine in a week or so, but it’s going to be such a killer waiting to get out! I wonder how Rainbow Dash survived when she broke her wing. I am going to ask her when she comes to visit! Well now that I am done with this lame letter maybe Sweetie Belle will leave me alone. See ya when I get out Applebloom! -Scootaloo ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom & Scootaloo From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom and Scootaloo, It is my first night here in Canterlot and the butterflies in my stomach are getting worse... Big sis says that I am going to do just fine with auditions, but I am not sure if I am ready to try out for Canterlot's School of Music… The auditions are taking place at the Opera House in a few days, so I have some time to practice. But I don’t know if I will be ready... especially since Fancy Pants came by today and told us who was going to be judging. Do you remember that singer pony that came to Ponyville a few years ago to look at Big Sis’s designs. She is going to be one of the judges. I think her name was Sapphire Shores. The other three are Fancypants himself, Hoity Toity and Princess Luna... I have to sing in front of the Princess! Big sis says I am going to be fabulous, but I am not sure if I am going to do any good. I don’t even have my cutie mark yet! What if I sing badly? What if they kick me out of Canterlot? What if I sound so bad that they don’t just kick me out, but they kick big sis out too for bringing such a bad singer to the Opera House! I mean this is the Princess and nobility I am singing to! I don’t know what to do… Should I just quit and go home before I embarrass myself? Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Did ya hit your head or somethin'? Yur about to get into the best school of music in all of Equestria! Ya can't quit now! And I doubt ya will need to worry about being run out of Canterlot. I mean, your sister is one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, not to mention the best friend of Princess Celestia’s personal student. Now stop all this doubtin' and go out and blow them the Princess away with your amazing voice! Scootaloo and I are rootin' for ya! Good luck... Oh wait, Twilight told me saying that was bad luck... um... Break a leg!, I guess... I don’t want ya to actually break yur leg, I want ya to do well. Ya know what ah mean. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom & Scootaloo From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom and Scootaloo, I did it! I am in the School! I did the song big sis told me I should sing, from some opera she said Fancy Pants took her to on her last trip to Canterlot, and when I finished singing the judges were on their feet applauding with tears flowing out of their eyes! Princess Luna even said she would pay the tuition for me to go! I was ecstatic, and then there was a bright flash and... you won’t believe it... I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!! I can’t believe it! Everypony said I was good at singing, but I never thought it was my special talent! Fancypants came up to me later and told me it was the best rendition of Vissi d'arte he had ever heard. Big Sis was running all over the chamber laughing and yelling how her sister was going to become the best opera singer in all Equestria. I think she was exaggerating a little, but it was nice to see her so happy. But the best part was when Princess Luna came up and told me that I was the best singer she has heard in over a thousand years! Then again... she was on the moon for a thousand years. I’m still overjoyed for the complement! I am starting school later on this week so I am not going to be able to show you my cutie mark until solstice break. I'm going to be pretty busy up here for a while, so write me lots of letters to keep me up on what happens in Ponyville. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Scootaloo Dear Sweetie Belle Rainbow Dash finally got an invitation to audition for the Wonderbolts. She asked me to be there to be part of her cheer squad! This is going to be soooo exciting!!!! -Scootaloo ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, As ya have probably already read from Scootaloo's letter, she has been invited to Rainbow Dash's auditions. She’s been so excited that she really has not been a lotta help 'round here. Ah swear if ah see her surfing across the apple trees again ah can’t be held responsible for what ah am goin’ to do. The farm is a mess right now. Leaves and apples are lying everywhere! It looks like we have been slacking off and waitin’ until late autumn to harvest everything. I even got lectured by Granny Smith yesterday because I have been ‘slacking off with my chores’ when she woke up from a nap right after Scoots flew by and blew leaves all across the porch. And there is more. Scoots antics have not improved Applejack’s mood, which has been kinda bad to start with. Seems like her and Twilight got into a bit of a fight ago and she is being too stubborn to go to her and apologize. I heard her mumbling about how she wants to go see the auditions too but can't because, um... what were her words... "Why should that bookworm waste her magic on her friends when her projects are sooo important." Ah asked Rarity what happened, but she told me they were havin’ a small spat and ah shouldn’ worry ‘bout it. Ah don' know what to do. Twilight won' come out the library and ah can’t find Spike anywhere. I hate seein' my sister like this, but ah can't seem to convince her to go make up with Twilight. If ya can please write a letter to your sis so this whole thing can get fixed up, ah would be mighty grateful. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Sweetie Belle Dear Big Sis, I have heard of a fight between Twilight and Applejack. Can you please go talk to them? Applebloom told me that Applejack really wants to see Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt audition, and she won't be able to without a certain spell Twilight knows. Oh, and can you do something to keep Scootaloo occupied until the auditions. From Applebloom’s letter it sounds like she is driving all of Sweet Apple Acres up the wall with her stunts. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle P.S. I'm so sorry, but I have never properly thanked you for introducing me to Octavia. She has been an amazing teacher, and I am learning so much about music from her. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! I love you so much! P.S.S. Fancypants has asked me to tell you he has missed your unique style here in Canterlot and would love you to visit soon. ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Rarity Dear Sweetie, Of course I will talk to Applejack and Twilight. I am sure this is all just a big misunderstanding. And tell Fancypants that… that I… I AM GOING TO CANTERLOT ON THE NEXT TRAIN!!! I can’t believe it! Fancypants wants to see me! He asked about me specifically!!! He thinks I’m unique!!! I will be seeing you shortly Sweetie! -Rarity P.S. Oh, and I think I found a perfect way to keep your friend Scootaloo occupied until things settle down some. I am sure she will appreciate my hard work. ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Scootaloo Sweetie Belle, You wouldn’t believe what I found this morning. Somepony vandalized my scooter! It was covered in ribbons and studded with some kind of red and orange gems. I can’t practice with this! I had to quickly hide it in some bushes so that Rainbow Dash won’t be able to see it. I think I know who did it too. Ever since I got my cutie mark, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have both been quiet. At first I thought it was because they were jealous because mine is so much cooler than a stupid tiara, but now that I think about it they must have been plotting something sinister. This must be it, and done at the perfect time. You know how a lot of pranks are typically forgiven during the Nightmare Season. Well I am not as forgiving when it comes to my Scooter! Now there is no reason for concern, I have already planned out my revenge. A prank for a prank! I asked for some assistance from the two best pranksters in Ponyville and they both think my idea would be hilarious. Lets just say that after tomorrow night, both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will never look at a cupcake the same way again. This is going to be so much fun! I’ll let you know how things turn out. -Scootaloo --------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Scootaloo Sweetie! The plan worked flawlessly! Well... not really. But I will explain what happened in a second. Ok, this was the plan: I had Pinkie Pie invite both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to Sugarcube Corner to try out a ‘new cupcake recipe’. Right after they arrived, Rainbow Dash pops in because Pinkie said she needed her help. Once in the kitchen and out of site, Rainbow would start asking Pinkie what she was doing, and shortly after start screaming. She would have to stop pretty quickly (don’t want to scare those two snobs away), and Pinkie would bring out a tray of rainbow colored cupcakes! That was the plan... but things didn’t go exactly like how we wanted. Right when Rainbow started to scream, both Twilight and Fluttershy decided to walk in. Needless to say it threw the entire prank off since they both ran to the kitchens to see what was going on. Twilight was in shock and (luckily) played right into the prank by shouting out “Pinkie! What are you doing to Rainbow Dash?” right when she entered the kitchen. But what made the prank a complete success was Pinkie’s ability to improvise. Once everypony was in the kitchen, closed and locked the door and began to shout things that were hilarious. I barely was able to hold in my laughter when she called Twilight ‘Magically Delicious’ and sang about some sort of gypsy brew. And by some miracle, the kitchen fell silent for a couple minutes. When Pinkie emerged, she was carrying a tray with three cupcakes... one yellow, one purple, and one rainbow colored. You should have seen how pale Diamond Tiara turned when I took a bite of the rainbow one and asked Pinkie if she had something with a richer flavor. Pinkie glanced at the two of them and told me she might have something in stock. The two of them ran out of the store screaming! I got a heavy lecture from Twilight later that day, but it was so worth it by getting those two stuck up snobs back for messing with my scooter. I hope you are having fun with your... ew, schooling. I gotta go and try to get this frilly stuff off my scooter now. -Scootaloo ---------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Apparently somethin’ in town happened to get everypony all panic like. Applejack came back and said two fillies were runnin’ ‘round town claimin’ that Sugarcube Corner was cookin’ up ponies and serving them as deserts. How ridiculous is that! I can’t believe some ponies would spread those kinda rumors about someplace as nice and wholesome as Sugarcube Corner. They had to shut down the store for the entire day because the Canterlot Guards were called in to inspect the place. Obviously they found nothin’ and the fillies were punished, but the nerve of them to do such a mean thing to the Cakes. The guards called it a classical Nightmare Night prank that was taken too far, but some things shouldn’t even be joked about. Sorry for the negative letter, but ah want to keep ya informed on big stuff like this. Rumors can fly around Equestria as fast as an applebat can eat an orchard, and I didn't want ya to panic if they manage to get ta Canterlot. On the good side, I’ve seen Big Mac lookin’ all shifty-like. If I don’t know any better, I think he might be hiding something. Ah’m gonna find Scoots and see if we can get to the bottom of it. Who knows, maybe I might get a detective cutie mark! -Applebloom --------------------------------- To: Scootaloo From: Sweetie Belle Dear Scootaloo, I think I agree with the guards and say that your prank did go a little too far... but I also wish I was there to watch Diamond Tiara run around screaming. Did you know you even made it into the Equestria Daily here in Canterlot. Not front page, but there is an article on page five called ‘Childish Terrorism’. My entire class was talking about it to the point that Octavia had to threaten us with extra work so we would be quiet. Strangely enough we heard some really loud laughing coming from somewhere outside. If I know it was impossible to do, I could have sworn it was coming from the royal palace. But I who could laugh loud enough to be heard from there? It seems like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are in some pretty big trouble now. I overheard Octavia saying to Flat Note and Treble Clef (the pianist and violinist teachers) that those ponies need to be ‘re-educated’ to have proper manners at Prim and Propers Finishing School for Fillies. I have never heard of this school, but from the shade of white the other teachers turned I do not think it is a very fun place to be. It reminded me of the shade of white everypony turned when we were trying to earn our cloning cutie mark and Pinkie Pie volunteered to be our test subject. Oh, and you are leaving for the auditions in a few days! Have fun and wish Rainbow Dash luck for me! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ---------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Good luck with your detective cutie mark! You do not know how much I miss crusading with you girls. The only time I have time for nowadays is studying and practicing. Professor Octavia is really pounding the homework down on us! I thought we were taught all there is about music in Miss Cheerilee’s class, but she barely even touched the tip of the iceberg. There is classes focusing on just one area of music, much less the entire subject. We are currently learning the ‘art of the classics’ (Professor Octavia’s words, not mine). Big Sis is headed home tomorrow. I have spent most of the night listening to her both fawn over the Fancypant's compliments and complaining of how much work she will have to catch up on for this unscheduled trip. From what I have gathered, Fancypants has commissioned her a huge line. I am assuming it is for the Hearths Warming Eve Ball in a few months. From what Sis has told me, if everything goes as Fancypant's says the Carousel Boutique will be set for at least a year! I know making budget has always been hard for her working in a small town like Ponyville, but if she doesn’t have to worry about it then she can focus on her creative works. Maybe even get Sapphire Shores to buy another set for her next tour! Pet Winona for me and tell Rainbow Dash good luck at the auditions. I asked Scoots to tell her, but you know how forgetful she can be when she gets excited. I have to get back to studying. Hope to hear good news with the auditions! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ---------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, The audition time is here and Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, an’ Fluttershy have left for Cloudsdale. There has been word from Twilight since your sis talked to her, so unfortunately Applejack an’ Pinkie Pie are stuck here. I’ve seen Spike runnin’ around town like crazy, but when I had tried to stop him to ask him about Twilight he said he was too busy to talk an’ quickly ran away. I’m worried that she is forgettin’ ‘bout her friends... maybe after the auditions Scoots and I can try and get her to come back out. Oh, and Big Mac’s sneakiness is gettin’ stranger. At first ah thought he got a special somepony and was tryin’ to keep it from gettin’ known, but I saw him talkin’ to Carrot Top, Miss Rose, an’ Miss Cheerilee... An’ as he talked to them they all giggled and smiled all funny-like. If I didn’t know Big Mac better, I would think he had three special someponies. I’m going to wait until tomorrow morning and sneak into his room and see if I can’t find something to clear up this mystery. Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Scootaloo Applebloom, We really need your help. The auditions didn’t go very well. Rainbow Dash didn't make the cut and now we can’t find her anywhere. Fluttershy is out looking for her right now, but I think we need to get her other friends up here in Cloudsdale to search. This city is just too big for us to handle by ourselves. Please hurry, I'm getting a bad feeling about this... -Scootaloo > Second Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Do you know what is going on? Princess Celestia rushed out of the city not too long ago. Everypony is near panic and rumors are flying everywhere. In the school, we are hearing everything from Princess Luna leading another rebellion (which is totally wrong, I had supper with her just last night.) to Discord returning with a vengeance. Unfortunately, I cannot find out anything specific since semester finals are just around the bend. Octavia says once I graduate, she can guarantee me a job in the Opera House. Can you believe it! I will be performing in front of all the nobility and I might be able to meet Prince Blueblood! I know big sis has said some pretty mean things about him, but you know how much she likes to exaggerate things. She probably just had a bad night, and by bad I mean Blueblood probably had something stuck in his teeth and she was too proper to mention it. I also got a letter from someone named Vinyl Scratch about a proposal she wants to give me. I am supposed to meet her at the Diamondbridle this Friday. It is a fancy five-hoof restaurant. Octavia says only the most influential ponies in Canterlot can get a reservation there, so I am really curious what she has to say. Oh, and if you really want to corner Spike to figure out what is up with Twilight, just tell him that Rarity wants to see him. He will drop everything and fly to her store. Just make sure to lock the back door so he can’t get away, and also make sure Big Sis is out. How is the farm doing? Did you get your cutie mark yet? Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Scootaloo From: Applebloom Dear Scootaloo, Call off the search, we finally found her. She was hiding inside the cider cellar here on the farm. And, well... it was not pretty a pretty sight… All I'm allowed to say is she will be stayin' with us for a while. She has been insistin' that she doesn’ want to see anypony, but Applejack has convinced her to let her take care of her. Right now, both are bein' downright mean whenever everypony who is even coming close to the farm. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Ah'm sorry ah have not been keepin' ya informed recently. It seems that Rainbow Dash didn't make it into the Wonderbolts and she disappeared for a few days. Applejack found her this morning in the cider cellar. We lost a good bit of the cider too, and we are not sure if we can make ends meet this year durin' cider season. Big Mac and Granny Smith are discussin’ what we will need to do to fix this problem. Princess Celestia is currently upstairs talking to both Rainbow Dash and mah sis, So ya can tell your friends that the situation is under control and not to worry 'bout Discord or anythin' like that. Just please keep the details ‘bout Rainbow quiet... ah don't think she would like it if she became the top story in Canterlot. Hate to say it, but whatever Rarity did ta smooth things out with mah sis and Twilight, ah think it made them madder with each other than help anythin'. All ah know is your sis ran into both of them in the middle of the market and started yellin’ ‘bout some fancy pair of pants. Mah sis looked excited for her at first, until yer sis told them they should stop bein’ stubborn an’ be friends again. Ah think Twilight and big sis are mad at Rarity too now… Things got real bad today. Twilight tried to come over to comfort Rainbow Dash… an’ Applejack kept her away, Twilight near burned down the house with her temper. And ah mean it literally, she burst into flame an’ caught the rafters on fire! If Big Mac was not quick enough with the water the whole house would have burned down. Applejack was so mad, she yelled that she didn't want to see Twilight near the farm ever again or she would buck her... well, ah don't feel comfortable writing down what she said, ya can be sure she will be washin’ her mouth out with soap until Granny Smith is happy again. Scootaloo also showed up, even though I told her nopony is allowed to see Rainbow DAsh. She looked near heartbroken when I had to turn her away. I'm gonna have to do somethin' nice for her later, but right now the farm needs all hooves on deck 'cause Sis won' be able to work for a bit. As for mah cutie mark, ah still have not earned it. Ah'm now watching some of the younger fillies earn theirs too... but their teasing is not bothering me as much now... nope, not at all... Oh, who am ah kiddin', I'm a hopeless cause! No matter what I do, I just can' seem to find out what I am supposed to do. I bet ya I'll be as old as Granny Smith and still be a blank flank. But I'm just bellyachin'... ya can' be interested in hearin' me rant 'bout that... ah am so excited that ya are goin' to be in the Opera! It would be perfect for ya! And that Octavia... ah think I heard Pinkie Pie say somethin' about her sister bein' named Octavia. Got to go, the Princess is coming down the stairs. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I am so sorry to hear about the auditions. I do know that Rainbow Dash is in good hands with your sister watching over her. Have you managed to see Scootaloo yet? You know she practically worshiped Rainbow Dash; I am worried that she is taking it pretty hard too. I also have not received any letters from her since I started school. Did I do something to get her mad at me? Also, Twilight literally burst into flame? For some reason I find that really hard to believe even though I have heard rumors of her "fiery" temper from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. I just can not wrap my head around her actually bursting into flames. I am not saying you are lying, and I hope nobody was hurt in the fire... Thank goodness for Big Mac's quick thinking. A lot of people think he is pretty dumb, but I know he is a real smart pony. Maybe it is something only really powerful unicorns can do? I will have to ask Princess Luna about it next Tuesday. We are also best friends! I don't mind your 'bellyaching'. I have no worries be cause I know you will find your cutie mark soon. Maybe if you sat down and just meditated on it a little it will come to you. Big sis advised me to do that once, but I was a little shy to mention it because of I thought Scootaloo would call me a wimp or something. Try and find someplace quiet to do it, like the clubhouse. I doubt anyone has been there in a while. And Octavia is Pinkie's sister! She was shocked to hear I knew her. It was sooo funny to see her face when I mentioned her. I can not believe she was raised on a rock farm. I mean, it seems almost obvious Octavia was raised there because she is hard as a rock when she teaches, and her sense of humor makes a boulder look like a comedian. But Pinkie coming from the same family? Wow! It is hard to believe! I also met with Vinyl Scratch today. She says she can get me a gig in a recording studio doing some sort of techno music. I told her I was planning on going to the opera house after I graduated, but she insisted that opera was a dying art and I needed to keep up with the times or be left behind. She left me her number to call her if I changed my mind. I will have to get some advise from Octavia and Princess Luna. This sounds like a really good opportunity for me. Tell everyone hi for me! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Scootaloo Hey Applebloom... I hate to write this, but I don't think I will be staying in Ponyville. I need to... go for a while... Seeing Rainbow Dash just... I don't know if I ever will come back honestly... I mean... she was the bravest, strongest, coolest Pony I have ever known, and when she didn't make the Wonderbolts, disappearing like that for DAYS without a word to anyone! I'm sorry, but I will be staying in Cloudsdale for a while. Spitfire said she can give me a room for as long as I need. Yeah, the captain of the Wonderbolts is letting me stay with her. She noticed me looking for Rainbow Dash just after the trials, and helped us look for her. When we learned where Rainbow actually was the past few days, and after what happened when I got to the farm... I just can’t stay in Ponyville. Please don't mail me any letters for a while; I need some time to myself. Always your friend, -Scootaloo ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Sweetie Belle Dear Diary, I have not heard from anyone in Ponyville in a month. Winter Solstice is approaching and finals are about to start. It is lonely up here. I have a lot of friends here at school, and the Princess and Octavia are really nice, but it is not the same. None of us are nearly as close as I am with Applebloom and Scootaloo. There always feels to be a wall when we talk. As if we are having fun in the moment and afraid to make any commitments for a deeper relationship because we will just grow distant and forget each other once we graduate. I also feel like I am isolated because I have regular lunches with the Princess now. I have a few colts tell me that they feel intimidated by me. How am I intimidating? I do not think I'm a bully. I do not try and stand on any platforms to feel better than anypony else! Heck, I am just a small mare from a small town in the country. If it was not for Rarity being one of the Elements of Harmony, I probably would still be out there. With my friends. Helping them and giving Scootaloo company... I wonder how she is doing. I wonder how Applebloom is handling the chores. Thank goodness the harvest is over, or I think everypony would be working themselves to death! I hope to get a letter soon. I really am missing them. -Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Pinkie Pie HIIIIII SIS!!!! Oh my goodness! I can’t believe that you are actually teaching at that big fancy musical school in Canterlot! Why didn’t you ever write and tell me! I would of thrown you such a huge party and we could have had soooo much fun! Did you know I am now living inside Ponyville now! I mean, you left before I moved away from the farm, so you probably didn’t know I lived in Ponyville now I am living with Mr. and Mrs. Cake! They are soooo sweet to let me and Gummy (you remember gummy right? He was the first alligator I found by the swamp, and I brought him home, and he chewed on Maud’s pet rock and broke all his teeth! He is so sweet and smart! He is one of my bestest friends here!) We are staying on the top floor of Sugarcube Corner. That is the store the Cakes own! It is a bakery that sells lots and lots of cakes, and cupcakes, and fudge, and sugary sweet stuff! I also have lots of new friends here! There is Applejack, she works at Sweet Apple Acers. The apples there are soooo good too! When you come down to visit, you just have to go down there and try some. Her sister is actually the pony who told me where you were living! Apparently her best freind learned that I grew up at a rock farm and then learned that you also grew up at the rock farm (that filly should be a detective) and learned from her friend that you were teaching her how to sing and then she told me you were up in Canterlot!!! I can't wait to come up and see you! I also have a friend named Fluttershy, and she is so shy and sweet. She is also very good with taking care of animals. Whenever Gummy gets sick, she is the first person I take him to. She has a pet bunny named Angel… but I don’t think Angel likes Gummy very much. Everytime I take Gummy over, Angel starts throwing carrots at him and looks kinda mad. Maybe if Gummy gives Angel a hug they can become the bestest of friends, like Me and Fluttershy are! But Fluttershy is not my only bestest friend! I am also friends with a rainbow colored Pegasus named… [Please Flip Scroll] ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Octavia Your Royal Highness, I wish to request a transfer to teach in another school. I would prefer not to go into detail, but I can summarize the situations like this: A nightmare from my foulhood has found me again. Please don’t make me beg… -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Sweetie Belle Dear Big Sis, I do not know if you have heard the news, but Octavia is trying to leave the school! She has been such a good teacher and I have learned so much from her. I can not beleive she would just pack up everything and leave. It is so sudden. And I know for a fact that Professor Octavia hates sudden changes. She is strict and orginized. Nothing ever changes without prior notice. I'm worried that something terrible has happened. I know you are her friend… can you see if something is wrong? Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Twilight Dear Princess Celestia, I am sorry to say, but this is not a letter telling you about a lesson I have learned on friendship. Instead, this is a request from my good friend, Rarity. Her sister has been learning in Canterlot’s School of Music, and her teacher, Octavia, is requesting a transfer to teach in another school. I know that this might sound a little strange, but can you talk to Octavia and see if there is something wrong? Sweetie Belle is very concerned for her well being, and she is a good filly. If there is a problem can you see if there is some way you can help to fix it? If it costs bits, you can take from my personal bank. You have the account information. You gave me most of it, anyway. Your ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Princess Celestia Dear Octavia, Your request to transfer has been accepted. I have recently learned that there is an opening for a music teacher in the small town of Ponyville. My personal student is currently residing down there, and she has informed me that it would be a lovely place full of friendly people. I am sure whatever “nightmare” that is bothering you will not follow you there. Please respond quickly if truly wish to transfer. I cannot guarantee this position will be open for much longer. -Princess Celestia ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Sweetie Belle Dear big sis, Octavia has withdrawn her transfer request! I am so happy! But I think she might be getting sick though. She says she is fine, but I think she is not telling the truth. I think she is putting on a though front because when I asked her why she changed her mind on leaving, she turned all pale and began to shake. I asked the nurse what I can do to help her, but the nurse just laughed and said there was nothing I could do. Do you think she would feel better if I asked Pinkie Pie to through her a party? I know that has always made me feel better when did not feel good. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Sorry about not writin' for so long, but I got a letter from Scootaloo, an' I didn' know how to tell ya what it says... I don' think she wants to hear from either of us. Ya was right… she is taking Rainbow Dash's runaway really hard, an' has been staying in Cloudsdale with Spitfire. She never said how long that would be, but from what I was readin', it sounds like it will be a long time... As for Rainbow Dash herself, she is doin' better. At least better in she is comin' down to the kitchen to eat with us. She is still a wreck, but at least she is improved some. Yesterday, she said she'd like to see her friends an' talk about what happened. Well, all of them showed up and listened to the whole story. When she finished, she said she wanted to be alone and went upstairs again. Unfortunately, mah sister and Twilight had another spat soon after, an' your sister tried to smooth things out again an' made the whole thing worse… again. I couldn' stay and watch them all fight, so I left and ran ta the clubhouse... Like ya said... nobody has been there in a while. Scoots and I didn' feel right goin' there without ya, so it was a little run down. Well, I needed somethin' ta take mah mind off all the mess at home, so I went on and began fixin' it up. Ya will never guess what happened when I finished it too. That's right, I got my cutie mark. I can' wait to show ya it when ya come to visit durin' your break. I guess the Cutie Mark Crusaders are no more, huh? We all got our cutie marks and have moved away. But I don' want to end this letter with a sad note. Let’s see... somethin' happy... Oh! I've also found out why Big Mac has been so sneaky. He is goin' steady with a mare now! I bet ya will never guess who! I will give ya some hints. She is sweet an' kind, the best kinda mare he could hope for. She is good with little ones, and we hooked them up once already! Can ya guess? -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetiebelle Dear Applebloom, You do not know how much I have missed talking to you. I am sorry to hear about Scootaloo... I hope she starts writing to us soon. I really miss her... Even if she is a little rough around the edges, she is still one of my best friends. Make sure to tell me next time she writes to you. I still have not received a letter from her, and am worried if she does not think I am as close a friend as I am with her. Also, Congratulations on getting your cutie mark! I knew you would! And don't worry; we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, now and forever. We are just a little separated at the moment. When the time is right we will all be back together and we can have a huge Pinkie Pie style party! We just have to be patient and see how things turn out. Who knows, maybe you will have some little apple fillies and colts running around by the time we have this party. And you are not saying Big Mac is going out with Cheerilee are you? Oh my goodness! That is adorable! You are going to have to give me all the details in a future letter! It is nice to hear how Rainbow Dash is getting better, but I still don't understand why Twilight and Applejack are so mad with each other? What exactly happened with the two? I swear, last time I saw the two, I swear they could almost be marefriends (make sure Applejack does not see this, she would kill me). What could have happened between them to make them so mad at each other? I also will not be able to write a letter for the next week. Finals are starting tomorrow and Octavia says I need to focus more on my studies. I am not sure, but I am getting a feeling she did not like the party Pinkie Pie and I planned for her. Pinkie said a surprise party would be the best, but when we jumped out and shouted “SURPRISE” she stopped, started screaming and ran out of the room… I guess I was completely correct and we should have given her a written invention, but Pinkie insisted that Octavia loved her surprise parties. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I passed all my exams. In fact, I aced every single one! Princess Celestia was so impressed that she invited me to sing at this year’s Grand Galloping Gala! She gave me two tickets for you and Scootaloo to join as well! I am writing a letter to my sister so she can start getting your dress started. I know Scootaloo will most likely not be able to make it, but I really hope I can see you again. Unfortunately, because the Gala is during the Winter Solace, I will not be able to go to Ponyville to visit. So I really hope you can come up here instead. I will give you the full tour of Canterlot! I think you will really enjoy the market district. Do you need me to lend you some money to help you pay for the farm? I have been getting a few side jobs singing with Octavia’s help. She is a great teacher, and I can see how Pinkie and she are related. They are both so kind and giving, except Pinkie is a little more outgoing than Octavia. Tell me when you are coming up to Canterlot! I will try and get some rooms nearby for you to stay in. Can't wait to see you! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Sweetie Belle Dear Big Sister, Princess Celestia asked me to sing at this year’s Grand Galloping Gala. I was given two extra tickets so I would be able to invite Applebloom and Scootaloo to come and watch. Will you please make them a beautiful dress like you made your friends the first time they went? I do not want them to feel bad with all these noble ponies around… and you make the best dresses in all of Equestria. Which reminds me, last time I had talked Hoity Toity, he asked me if you had any new designs he could place in his next showcase. His theme this year is Midnight Eclipse, and the best dresses will have their pictures taken by Photo Finish and displayed in Canterlot’s Fashion Show Extravaganza. I have attached his address with this letter, and he asks you to respond ASAP… I do not know what that means, but I would contact him as soon as you can. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle P.S. If you hear back from Scootaloo, make her dress really big and poofy! ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Thank ya for the ticket! I wouldn' miss ya singing at the Gala for anythin' in the world! I heard Rarity screaming after ah saw Ditzy Doo drop off the mail and ran to see if she was in trouble. Ya really made mah mornin' interesting. Everypony was watchin' when Rarity grabbed me an' dragged me into the Carousel Boutique and started measuring me for a dress . I didn' get yur letter yet, so ah didn' have the slightest clue what got inta yur sis. It was after she let me go that Ditzy found me and gave it ta me. We also have figured out how to pay fur the farm this year. It seems that Granny Smith wrote a letter to the rest of the family, an' they all scrounged enough money to keep us afloat for the rest of the year. Pinkie Pie threw us a big party when she heard the news. It was a whole bunch of fun, except Twilight an' Fluttershy didn' show up. When I asked, Pinkie said they were on a "grand adventure" or somethin' like that. Ah swear, ya can never get a straight answer out of that pony. Oh, and it looks like Big Mac an' Cheerilee are gettin' married soon! They have been datin' a lot longer than anypony thought. Can ya believe they got together shortly after we gave them the love potion? I couldn' believe it! The weddin' is goin' to happen next spring. Ya have to come down an' sing fur them. I have heard Cheerilee talkin' about how much she misses your great voice, and even though she punished ya for singin’ in class she always enjoyed listenin’ to your songs. That is why she always let ya finish singin’ before she gave ya detention… I always wondered why she didn’ stop ya earlier… We gotta keep this a secret though. Pinkie Pie says surprises are always the best gift for a party. I also forwarded your letter and ticket to Scootaloo. I make sure ya are the first to know when I get her letter. -Applebloom P.S. Rainbow has finally moved out of our house an' is now staying in her place again. She was askin' about Scootaloo earlier, but ah couldn' tell her. Not yet at least... She is near back to her old self too. Ya know, takin’ naps whenever she isn’ workin' on the weather, but I don' know if she will be able to take it if she knew Scootaloo left because of her. ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Spitfire Dear Miss Applebloom, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your friend Scootaloo left here a couple weeks ago. I wish I could tell you where, but she did not tell me anything. Life very interesting during her stay here, especially when I took her to the Wonderbolt’s headquarters. That little bundle of energy caused quite a ruckus when she opened the lightning cloud storage unit. Or when she found her way into the Rainbow Control Center. It took us a couple of days to clean up all the rainbow puddles when she redirected the rainbow waterfall… Things have just become too quiet since she left. Soarin has been asking about her as well. I think the big lug grew to think of her as an adopted daughter or something. If you ever do find out where that little filly went, please contact me. Tell your friend Sweetie Belle congratulations, and that I look forward to hearing her sing at the Gala. Sincerely, Spitfire ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I hoped you enjoyed the Gala just as much as I did. I know I said it a hundred times there, but I have to say it again. Thank you for showing up! I missed you so much, and don't worry, I will be at Big Mac and Cheerilee's wedding. You can bet I will sing something that will make all Ponyville remember it as the greatest wedding ever! I could not help but see Rainbow Dash and Applejack didn't show up this year. Do you know where they were? Did Rainbow learn about Scootaloo? When I asked Twilight about Applejack and Rainbow, she just huffed up and stomped off. I am starting to get really concerned with all this fighting. I even heard Princess Celestia comment on it. I know what we can do! The Cutie Mark Crusaders will find a way to make them best friends again! We need an idea planning session to figure out what to do. Do you have any ideas? Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Luna Dear Subject Sweetie Belle, We found thy music during the Great Galloping Gala pleasing to our ears, and request thee to meet us tonight for dinner. We know it is an odd day for thee to meet with us, but we have a few subjects we would like to discuss with thee. We look forward to seeing thee, Princess Luna Royal Raiser of the Moon Second to the Throne Second Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Rainbow didn' go to the Gala because she said she couldn' see the Wonderbolts quite yet. An' Applejack didn' want to go if Rainbow was going to stay home. We need got to get all those ponies to stop fighting and become friends again. I swear the entire town is gettin’ all riled up! A big fight broke out in the market last week because some pony said Twilight purposely withheld the ticket from Applejack and Rainbow Dash because they were country bumpkins and didn’ deserve to be around them noble ponies… things are pretty tense at the moment… But the Cutie Mark Crusaders can fix this right up! Ah have a few ideas myself: Cutie Mark Crusaders Idea Checklist: -An apology letter (seems the easiest thing) -Lock them both in box until they make up (but we gotta find a way to keep Twilight from teleporting out) -love potion -Give spike tones and tones of gems because he is the bes/-~//{(~~/~//\\]{^)][-~//{(~~/~ ~//\\]{~~-^)][-~//{(~~/~~~-^)][ ][|’’|”]/\;..,.\' //\\]{~~-^)][-~//{(~~///\\]{-^)][-~//{(~~ Sorry 'bout the scribbles and wrinkles. Spike came over today an' saw me writin'. I got called away for a second an' caught him adding stuff to mah letter... Couldn' start over 'cause this is the last piece of paper we have. So ah “enlisted” Spike into Operation: Applejack x Twilight Best Friends Get-Back-Together. It seems he is tired of the fightin’ too, and he’s got a few got a few ideas. We decided to start with the apology letter. He is gonna deliver it tonight. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia (Please forward this to Sweetie Belle) From: Spike Dear Sweetie Belle, Operation Apology was a failure. Twilight recognized the handwriting as Appleblooms. I am now grounded and locked in the basement. Twilight is saying she won't let me out until I can write a ten scroll apology for giving her the fake apology note. And she is refusing to feed me any gems while I'm down here! Please write to Rarity so she can save me! -Spike ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Applebloom, Purple Scribe has been caught. Our cover has been blown. Hide! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applejack Dear Sweetie Belle, Letter's take a day to go between Canterlot an' Ponyville. Appleblooms been grounded in her room for an entire day now. Now Sugarcube… Ah'm flattered ya want to try and make Twilight an' ah friends again, I would like for ya to please lay off. This is none of your business, an’ we can fix this on just fine on our own. -Applejack P.S. Applebloom said only she and Spike was behind this, so thank ya fur givin' yourself away. Can' wait till your next visit, the farm needs some more hands ta work it fur a day. ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Twilight Dear Sweetie Belle, I appreciate your concerns, but to lie and make up an apology is not the way to do it. Applejack and I will fix this ourselves, so there is no need for your assistance. I will be expecting you to help reorganize the library during your next visit as punishment. -Twilight ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Princess Celestia Dear Sweetie Belle, I expect a letter from you on the lesson you learned about friendship today. -Princess Celestia P.S. Luna said she really enjoyed your company at dinner last week. If it is okay with you, I would like to join you two as well. Your singing at the Gala this year made it a very enjoyable night. We are both looking forward to your next visit. > Third Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, We are in sooo much trouble... Rainbow came by today an' found the letter Scootaloo wrote. I forgot to put my box of letters away when Applejack grounded me an' they were sittin' on the kitchen table when she came in. I forgot how curious Rainbow can be, because she started goin' through the letters and found Scoots. She is takin' it as bad as ah feared... let's just say it's a good thing Big Mac put strong locks on the cider celler door. I never realized how much she cared for Scoots. She was cryin' and cryin' about how she misses her number one fan an' how she had kept her from givin' up on her dream to be in the Wonderbolts. An' now that Scoots is gone, it is like a sign tha' she will never get into them, not to mention Scoots was hanging out with Soarin and Spitfire during her stay in Cloudsdale. I think Rainbow is feelin’ betrayed. I need to get away for a while. Will it be alright if I come an’ stay with ya fur a little? At least until things cool off some here. Please write soon. Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I am sorry, but I won't be able to stay with me because of my studies. But during one of my lunches with Princess Luna, she said she can give you a room in the palace. I have already bought a train ticket for you. You will find it in the package that came with this letter. Can you give the box that was in the package to Twilight? The Princess said it was for her, and it would be best if you gave to her in person. I don't know what it is though. She made me Pinkie Promise not to look. I will be waiting for you at the station. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, How come ya have not told ya and Princess Luna are good friends now? I know ya did say ya had lunches with her, but how come ya didn' tell me ya two were so close? Ah felt downright silly when Princess Luna walked up to me and began asking me questions about how Sweet Apple Acers was doin'. I screamed mahself silly thinkin' Nightmare Moon was tryin' ta take the farm away, an I ran away from her only ta crash into the audience chamber with Princess Celestia talkin' ta a bunch of them fancy pancy noble folks. It was downright embarrassed and turned redder than Big Mac with a sunburn. We got things straightened out though, but now I am supposed to meet Princess Luna and Princess Celestia for supper tonight. I am so nervous... I remember mah sister sayin' that there was a specific way we was supposed to eat when goin' ta fancy restaurants, but I never paid any attention to what she said. And now I am eating with royalty... I don' want them to think us Apples are a bunch of country bums! What do ah do? I also saw your teacher Octavia today in the halls. If ya don' mind me sayin', I think ya was bein’ nice 'bout her sense of humor. I am not sure if she even has one. Are ya possitive her and Pinkie are related? She was in the audience chamber when I ran in and recognized mah name when Princess Celestia was talkin’ to me. We had quite a discussion about ya. I got ta say, she is mighty proud of ya so ya must be doin' something right in that school of yours. I even heard some of them noble folk talkin' about yur singin' at the Gala. You’re practically famous here! I can't believe mah best friend’s a celebrity. I did ask her about Pinkie Pie too, and she got all pale like. Do ya think we should throw her another party to make her feel better? If I remember correctly you said the last one you did worked, right? An' have ya seen the room Princess Luna gave me! Well of course ya have not seen it yet, I have only been here a day… Ya really need to come up here an' check it out next time your able though! I swear ya could fit mah entire room in it, with the kitchen, livin' room... oh, who am ah kiddin', ya could probably fit mah entire Apple Family house in this room alone! I'm scared I'm gonna get lost in this bed alone! How can y'all live in such large places? -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, You do not realize how relieved I am to hear how good things are going for you in the castle. Luna even popped in today and kept going on about how you are a sweetheart. Even after your scare spell, you seemed to have made your way onto her good side. She was a lifesaver to me when I first started school. And there is no need to be nervous around her or Princess Celestia. I doubt you will get either of them angry as long as you use basic table manners. But if you’re still worried, I heard that Spike is visiting. He grew up in the castle, so I am sure he can answer any questions you might have. I also think you really impressed Octavia. She mentioned you in today's lesson. She said you were witty, funny and have a fantastic posture. "With proper training, that pony could be a wonderful violinist." That would be a site to see. You on stage in a pretty dress playing the violin, with Octavia accompanying you on the cello and me singing the vocals. We would become the most popular classical performers in Canterlot, and tour throughout Equestria. Funny thought, right? She did seem a little shaky though… Maybe we can write a letter to Pinkie Pie and invite everyone up here for a big party again! I asked Luna at dinner last night and she said it was a wonderful idea. Maybe we can get Rainbow up here too and cheer her up as well! Not to mention we can get Twilight and Applejack to become best friends again! Cutie Mark Crusaders Operation: Applejack x Twilight Best Friends Get-Back-Together part two: Surprise Party! The Cutie Mark Crusaders never give up until the mission is done! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle P.S. If you see Prince Blueblood at dinner, put in a good word for me. ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Appleboom Dear Sweetie Belle, Supper with the Princesses went very well. They asked a bunch of questions about Applejack an' her friends, an' were mighty concerned when I told them 'bout Rainbow Dash findin' Scoot's letter. I also mentioned the party to them, an' Princess Celestia started laughin’ sayin’ it was a fantastic idea. She wrote a letter an' sent it away quickly. Not sure how she is goin' ta get it ta Ponyville quickly since Spike is here, but then again, I don' know anythin' 'bout magic. We also talked about other stuff, how the farm was doin', the weddin' comin' up, just small talk really. At least 'til Princess Celestia got called away ta preform her "royal duties." After that, it was just Princess Luna and me. She was mighty curious about us when we were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I told her about some of our adventures, like the talent show, the sleepover at Fluttershy's. She got strangely upset when I mentioned the love potion though... Ah was confused until she explained it was a potion created by Discord so he could get into power. I keep forgettin' how old the Princesses are. They are even older than the entire Apple family! An' we are an old, old old family, I mean, look at Granny Smith! Her Papa founded Ponyville! I don' see why somepony like them would want to listen to a no-pony like me, but I promised to keep writin' them letters when ah go back to the farm. When I got back to my room, I found a mountain of letters waitin' fur me... I feel sorry for the poor mail mare that had to carry all of them, the pile looked heavy... One of the letters is from Prince Blueblood. He wants to meet me Saturday mornin' fur lunch. I will make sure ta put in a good word for you! Got to go, there are quite a few letters I still have ta go through before I can go to bed. -Applebloom P.S. Spike says hi. ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, A letter from Prince Blueblood! You do not know how jealous I am of you right now. I told a few of my classmates that you have a date with him, and now you are the talk of the school. It seems I am not the only celebrity around the city. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Twilight Dear Princess Celestia, We would be honored to your party. My friends and I will see you in one week. Your ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Prince Blueblood is an absolute jerk. He was bein' fresh with me, so I bucked him where it hurt an' left. Ya deserve a lot better than that bag of rotten apples. See ya tonight -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie From: Twilight We have a problem… Princess Celestia has just asked us to go to Canterlot for a big big party she is throwing. I found a book about being a guest at a party, and it says we need to have a nice dress, presents for the host, stuff to talk about… We don’t have any of that ready! The party is this Saturday, so only have six days to do all of this! Rarity, if you can please get some dresses done, I will be over in a couple hours so you can get my measurements. I know you are swamped with other orders, but I will compensate you for this extra work. And if you need any help I will be over to help you get back on track. Pinkie, can you start making some sweets. The book says it is polite to bring a small dish to add to the table so the host does not have to do all the cooking. The rest of you, we need gifts! All of us needs to really work hard to make the Princess the perfect gift! This is the first party I have ever heard the Princess throwing besides the Grand Gala. This must be some kind of test. Oh no… what if we fail? I don’t want to be banished to the moon! Rarity, I changed my mind, I am coming over now! We have to hurry everyone! Our futures are all at stake!!! -Twilight ----------------------------------------- To: Twilight From: Applejack I got the tickets Sugarcube. We will be departin’ at eight in the morn’ Saturday. I got Big Mac workin’ on some wood-carved gifts. They are lookin’ good so far, an' I am sure the Princess will be pleased. Have ya seen Rarity anywhere though? Last time ah saw her was yesterday when she went out lookin’ for jewels for the dresses. -Applejack ----------------------------------------- To: Spitfire From: Sweetie Belle Dear Spitfire, I know you do not know me very well, but I am a friend of a filly named Scootaloo who stayed at your house for a little while last year. I was curious if you have received any word from her since then. I do not wish to be a bother, but she is one of my best friends. We have known each other for years, and I have not heard from her in almost a year and a half now. If you can please respond when it is convenient for you, I would really appreciate it. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie From: Twilight The Diamond Dogs have captured Rarity again! Applejack and I are going off to save her, but we need you two to continue working so we will be perfect guests for the Princesses! We will be back soon. -Twilight ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Luna My Dear Subject Octavia, We are pleased by thy work with our friend Sweetie Belle. As a reward, thou ist invited to a party we are holding this Saturday night. We request thy to respond in all haste to our invitation. - Princess Luna Royal Raiser of the Moon Second to the Throne Second Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Pinkie Pie Dear Princess Celestia We are so soooo excited for the party Saturday, but can I ask a teeny tiny itsy bitsy favor? Can you move it like… two or three days back? You don’t have to! But if you do, Fluttershy and I will have plenty of time to save our friends from the Diamond Dogs. Those silly puppies are holding them hostage again and trying to make Twilight and Rarity find gems and stuff for them again! They are so silly! Thanks a whole bunches! Pinkie Pie ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Luna From: Octavia Dear Princess Luna, I would be thrilled to join you at a party. If it is not a problem, I would wish to bring my star student, Sweetie Belle, to the party as well. And if it pleases you, we can play a duet for your entertainment. Your Faithful Subject, Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Spitfire Dear Sweetie Belle, I am sorry, but I still have not heard anything from that filly. I will let you know if I get any information though. -Spitfire P.S. Your singing at the Gala last year was beautiful. I am looking forward to hearing you again. ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Pinkie Pie Dear Princess Celestia, Never mind about my first letter! Got Twilight and everyone away safely! If you see any glowing spots out of your window though, it is probably the fire. Don't worry, though! Twilight says she has it mostly under control. Ponyville won't completely burn down again. Not like the time with those nasty parasprites. I still can't believe they ate half of our town! Especially when you were supposed to come visit shortly. It is a good thing another town was infested with them so Twilight would not have a panic attack at you seeing the town in ruins. Not that it is a good thing the other towns were infested, but Twilight was okay! Did they know to play music would get rid of them? I hope so. We got infested on the rock farm when I was a filly and Octavia was the one to get rid of them. She was practicing for her class play and the song she was practicing was just the song we needed to save the farm! I still can't believe it and I had the cake afterwards! So don't worry about the fire. We will be at your super duper party tomorrow! -Pinkie Pie ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Twilight Dear Princess Celestia, Everything is under control. No need to worry. Everything is perfectly fine! Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle ----------------------------------------- To: CloudsDale Cloud Factory From: Princess Celestia Dear Mr. Hurricane, I know this is a sudden request, but can you send a very heavy downfall to Ponyville, please. It seems a small fire has started and is burning up half the countryside. - Princess Celestia Royal Raiser of the Sun First to the Throne First Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna From: Sweetie Belle Dear Princess Luna, The party last night was so much fun! Thank you so much for hosting it for us. I think it was a fantastic success at bringing everyone closer again. It was nice to see everyone get together and have a laugh and relax. They all must have been working themselves so hard back in Ponyville to be as tired as they were. I barely got to say hi to Rainbow Dash before she collapsed onto the table and began snoring. It was also fun to see Pinkie Pie and Octavia catch up with each other too. I have never seen Octavia run so fast when Pinkie chased her before that tackle hug. If I did not know any better, I would have thought Octavia was trying to run away from Pinkie. That is silly though, why would she be afraid of her sister? Thank you again for the party! It was a ton of fun and I cannot wait until our next dinner together. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Thank you so much for the carved unicorn! Did you actually make this yourself? It is amazing! I thought you bought this at that fancy store downtown. I promise I will treasure it always! And Cutie Mark Crusaders Operation: Make Twilight x Applejack the Best-of-Friends again was a success! Did you see the way the two were leaning on each other when they fell asleep at the party. It was so sweet! I just wanted to give them both a hug, but I didn’t do that because it would have woken them up. I have to cut this letter short, Octavia is piling the schoolwork on me recently. I think I heard her mumble something about keeping me busy so I cannot throw any more parties. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, I'm so glad you like the gift. Big Mac gave me some tips when he came up to the party, an' I thought it would be nice ta give ya a gift for being such a good friend. I have really enjoyed the stay in the city, an' can't wait ta see ya at dinner tomorrow night. Princess Luna seems to almost bounce with excitement every Monday. I think she is excited for ya ta come up an' eat too. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Applejack Dear Applebloom, The weddin' is comin' soon an' we miss ya at the farm. I know that I have not been the best sister recently, an' I am sorry 'bout not writin' to ya... ya know how bad I am with words... But we all do miss ya. Granny Smith won' quit talkin' 'bout her little grandbaby becomin' friends with the Princess, an' how she is movin' up in life. Ya should have seen her yesterday in the market when Ditzy Doo dropped off your letter. I swear I have never seen her move so fast. Rainbow Dash would have been sweatin' to keep up with her. When we read 'bout how ya and Princess Luna pulled the prank on Princess Celestia, I haven't laughed so hard in years. Ya do know that I have to keep that letter away from both Rainbow Dash an' Pinkie Pie now, don' ya? I can see them tryin' ta pull this on Rarity. And don' ya worry your little head. Rainbow is back to her old self. She is flyin' 'round the town bein' that loud obnoxious pegasus we all know an' love. She does have her bad spells though, but when they come around she comes over. Us Apples are always here to help our friend, ya know. Just gotta keep her out of the cider... Big Mac was also askin' if ya can make a blueprint for the weddin'. Ya know, like the platform they'll be married on, how the chairs will be placed. Your good at that stuff, an' it only seems right that his little sister plans it out. Write back soon, -Applejack ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, I'm headed back ta Ponyville at the end of the week. It has been fun stayin' in the big city, but I’m a country pony through an' through. Not to mention that Big Mac's weddin' is comin' up! I can' have them do all the work, what kinda sister would I be if I did that. Please make sure ya write a lot of letters! -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Luna Dear Subject Applebloom, Thou's presence in our castle has been most enjoyable. We are saddened that thy must leave, though we understand why. We would like thou to know that thou will always be welcome in our castle, and we will always have a room ready for thy to stay in. Our sister, Princess Celestia, also wishes to tell you her goodbyes, and wishes a favor from thee. If thy can take a package to thy library friend in the Ponyville, whom is also our sister's prized pupil, we would be most grateful. We wish thee safe travels, and ask thy write often. Sincerely, Princess Luna Royal Raiser of the Moon Second to the Throne Second Chair Council of Magic > Fourth Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, The farm has been a buzzin' with activity since I got back. The family has all trickled in from all over Equestria. The farm is almost to the point of overflowin' again, just like the Summer Solstice when Nightmare Moon attacked! Spike has been poppin' down here a lot more as well. Seems Twilight has started yet another project and he is not really needed right now. He is quite handy to have around, and he has been a lifesaver in keepin' the clubhouse in good condition. The wood is startin' to rot. I think there might be an infestation of termites somewhere in it. We are huntin' them down now. Can' have the place collapsing before we have our big get-together again, can we. Can' wait ta see ya during the weddin'. Inventions should be sent out soon. I know ya will be able to come, but ya need ta RSVT still. I think that is what Applejack said it was ya do? -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna From: Big Mac & Cheerilee Dear Friends, You are invited to attend the wedding of Macintosh Apple and Cheerilee Punch. It will take place one week after the Summer Solstice Festival at Sweet Apple Acres. We ask that you please RSVP as soon as possible so we will know how many will be attending. We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Macintosh Apple and Cheerilee Punch ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Pinkie Pie Hiya Sweetie! It's me! Pinkie! Though I guess you already know that because of the return address on the letter. Aren’t you so excited for Big Mac's wedding! I know I am! Listen, I had the bestest most super duper great idea, like, twenty minutes ago! You should come down here and sing for Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee for their wedding! That would be the like the coolest thing ever! I have already gone down and told Rarity and Twilight and Futtershy about it and they think it is a fantastic idea! I think Twilight is writing a letter to the Princess to try and give you a break from your classes so you can come down, though I guess you are already did that because you have already accepted the invitation and told everyone you were coming. Oh! And if you have not heard yet, Twilight and Applejack have not had a fight since we had to fight those meanie Diamond Dogs! Isn't that great! Now we can all be the bestest of friends again without all that meanie drama fighting stuff. I mean, drama is fun! Going onto a stage and pretending to be another pony is one of the funnest things EVER!!!. Especially if you get to be a pirate! It is like Nightmare night, only it is every night! And you don't have to be scared! Unless you are supposed to be a scary person. Like Rainbow Dash was a scary person during the Hearts Warming Eve play... or was she just mean... I don't remember. Oh! And ask Octavia to come down here too! I know she didn't get an invitation because Big Mac and Cheerilee don't know her, but if you're going to sing, then she has to play her cello too! And then I can get a trombone or something and play with you! Or the harmonica! OH! I KNOW! I will play the tuba! And you won’t believe what I found in Applejacks house! It’s a letter that Applebloom wrote to her when she was staying in Canterlot! And it gave me the greatest of fantastic ideas I can do at the party! I can’t tell you though, it is a surprise! And if you tell somepony what the surprise is, it won’t be surprising anymore! -Pinkie Pie P.S. Gummy says hi and he misses you! ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Sweetie Belle Dear Octavia, My friend's brother is getting married and I have been asked to sing for the wedding. It was also requested for you to come down and play as the accompaniment for me as I perform for the bride and groom. I would be honored if you could join me, but I will understand if you could not. Even if you cannot join me, I would like your help in choosing the perfect song to sing for the wedding. I have learned a good number of opera pieces, but I do not think it will fit well with the crowd that will be attending this wedding. You see, this is the wedding of Macintosh Apple, the brother of Applejack, the bearer of the Element of Honesty. They do not have a high status in society, and live farming or colonizing different wild parts of Equestria. I have a few ideas of the songs they would enjoy, but none seem to be a very good choice for the wedding. I will see you on Monday. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie Belle, I would be honored to play with you on the wedding. Even if it was not for the brother of an Element of Harmony, doing a duet with you would be very enjoyable. But we will have to get to work very soon since we do not have a lot of time to practice together. Doing a duet is very different from singing a solo song, or with an orchestra. We will have to practice very weekend until it is perfect, then keep practicing so we do not lose that perfection until the performance. I have a few ideas of a good song, myself. I grew up in the country, if you remember. I shall bring them with me when we meet on Monday. And, since you are still in school, I shall count this as an extracurricular activity. You will get some bonus points to some of your grades, but you cannot let this interfere with your education. Treat this as if you would treat your career. You will have a full time show, on stage. And you will also be hired on the side to do smaller performances. You must learn to juggle both of these to survive in the competitive world of music. I look forward to seeing how well you do. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I cannot believe how things are going up here! Ever since your visit things have done nothing but improve. I'm practicing with Octavia to do a duet for the wedding, my classes have done nothing but improve, and I've started getting more offers for future careers once I graduate. Fancy Pants says that if I wanted I could become a model for him if I ever wanted a break from music, or if I wanted to earn some side bits at any time. I have even started getting some letters from Prince Blueblood! He has invited me to watch some races with him next Tuesday. I will have to write Princess Luna and Princess Celestia a letter to say I will be unable to join them in our normal lunches, but this is a date with Blueblood! I am so excited I am sqeeing! The neighbors have shushed me a couple times now, but I just can't sit still. How are the wedding plans going? Has anything interesting happened in Ponyville recently? I have heard nothing recently, which is odd because when we were all adventuring it seemed that something chaotic happened every week. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Sweetie, Tha' Blueblood fella is nothin' but bad luck. He tries to get with mares like a timberwolf goes after trapped ponies. If I was you I'd just say no and go on my way. Heck, he tried to take me to bed when I was in Canterlot, remember? If ya insist on goin' ta that date with him, then go right ahead. But don' let yur guard around him for a sec or he will pounce ya. As fur the weddin', Winter Wrapup has gone off without a hitch again this year 'cause of Twilight. The stage built for the alter has been built an' Spike is currently paintin' it. I'm takin' a break from workin' the orchard preparin' fur next year’s crop. An' Ponyville has been strangely quiet, now that ya mention it. Ever since the fire we haven't had anythin' interesting happen. Not that I'm complainin'. We need all the quiet we can get if we are gonna get all these crops ready for them to grow. Spike and I also found that termite nest, an' we called out Fluttershy to relocate them. The treehouse is sentimental, but those little buggers would eat up the entire orchard without second thought. Glad we caught them in time or the Apples would have a heck of a mess to clean up. Can't wait for ya to come down for the weddin' again. It was nice to be able ta see ya when I was up there, an' be able to chat with ya quickly. These letters are nice, but they just take too long to deliver. Even with Spikes fire to occasionally make it faster, it is still not the same as seein' yur face. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie, This letter is not a teacher or mentor to their student, but a letter from someone who calls themselves your friend. I heard of your date with the Prince, and warn you to take extra care when being around him. In case he tries to do something to you on your date, I have given you this bag of pepper and this potion. The pepper can be thrown into the eyes of an attacker and will stun them so you can get away. The potion will instantly alert you if you ingest any unknown substances and can delay their effects for up to thirty minutes. You should be able to find a safe place to stay in that time. I urge you to take the potion right before the date, and keep the pepper on had throughout it. The Prince is known to try different tricks, especially for newer mares who are becoming known in the city. I wish you luck, -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Sweetie Belle Dear Octavia I cannot believe you to give me these items before the date! Blueblood has been nothing but charming to me my entire stay here in Canterlot, and I don't see him changing due to this date. You have made me so angry... and I don't even have time to think straight right now. I'm leaving for my date now, and you will hear more when I get back. I have to seriously apologize for my previous remarks. I did take the potion and pepper with me on the date. Not because of your warning, but because of what happened to my friend when she was here visiting. Needless to say, the Prince tried to drug me when he took me out to dinner after the race. That potion instantly alerted me that somepony slipped a sleeping drug into my drink. I excused myself to the bathroom and tried to make my escape then, but apparently some mares have tried this before because he followed me out of the restaurant. I was half way back to the school when he attacked me from an alley, and luckily I had the powder at the ready, as you advised. I didn't see if he was immobilized like you said, but I heard him coughing uncontrollably. I am currently staying in the palace because I ran into a guard right before the potion wore off. I told him of my plight and he took me to safety. I should be back at school tomorrow, but for now I will be staying under Luna's watchful gaze until we find Prince Blueblood and bring him to justice. ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Prince Blueblood My dear Aunt, I am extremely hurt that you would accuse me of such a barbaric act. During this investigation, you will discover that I was waiting at the restaurant the entire time. I only left my table to use the restroom once as I waited for Ms. Belle to return. In fact, you can ask the owner of the establishment because I walked out with him while he locked up the building. I can only assume she was attacked by some random burglar while she abandoned me on our date. Very uncouth, if you ask me, but I have been raised better. I should not have expected anything less from a common born mare like her. As for the "drug" I was supposed to give her, you must check the wine glass she drank from. I do not know if you will be able to find it with all the other glasses in the establishment, but that is the only way I can think of you to learn that I did not do anything of the sort. If that is all, I will go back to my suite and get ready for tomorrows engagement. This guard station is too drab for my tastes. Your always loyal and gentlemanly cousin, Crown Prince Blueblood Fourteenth Adviser to the Throne Sixth Heir to the Throne Twelfth Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Princess Luna Dearest Subject Sweetie Belle, We regret to inform thee that upon investigation, no evidence has appeared to condemn the Prince Blueblood of his trespasses against thee. All that condemns him is your voice, and the Courts of Equestria cannot use it as evidence to imprison him. But thy should not worry. Both us and our sister has spoken private words with the mongrel. He shall not bother thee again, under penalty of manual labor. Your friend, Princess Luna ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie Belle, I understand your anger to me in the first part of your letter. I used to have the same feelings for him when I first moved here to Canterlot, and do my best to protect all of my pupils as well as the pupils of my colleagues. The Prince is a stain on this city, but is sadly too intelligent to be caught doing anything against those unsuspecting mares. If it was not for that guard, I am worried for what could have happened to you. He is known to hire others to capture mares if they try and escape, and hold them until the potion wears off. I learned of this only after you left for your date and missed catching you at the races. I have an exercise which might help get your mind off this situation. We both have been struggling in finding the right song to sing, so I thought of a new solution. How about you write exactly what you feel should be stated for the wedding. We will use those to write the song yourself. Something from your heart will always hold and carry your passion in the performance. That is why we always study the old masters. They have learned how to speak from their soul through their instruments, and we are learning how to read their emotions. The secret of music is not the sound of the instrument, or the joy of playing. The secret is learning how to surpass yourself and reach into an enlightened plane of existence as you play. This is the way of the master. I challenge you to take that first step and write a song which will express the unique voice of your soul. I will see you tomorrow, and look forward to see what you come up with this week. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, You were completely right about that scumbag Prince. I will not be associating with him anymore. In good news, Octavia and I are working on a surprise song. I cannot wait to perform it for you all in a couple months! ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Big Mac & Mrs. Cheerilee Dear Sweetie Belle We cannot begin to express how grateful we are that you and your friends worked so hard to surprise us. The song you sang was beautiful, and to think that you wrote it yourself. You have come a very long way from the little filly getting into trouble trying to figure out her cutie mark. You make both of us so proud. Eeyup. Make sure to look us up the next time you visit! I would love to sit down and talk to you about what you again about your adventures in Canterlot. Eeyup. Sincerely, Big Mac and Cheerilee Apple. > Fifth Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Vinyl Scratch Dear Sweetie Belle, I heard about the song you sang down in that town Ponyville. Listen, I know you said you were just going to think about my previous offer, but I think I have a better one for you now. All I need you to do is come down to the recording studio so we can record one of the songs they have prepared for you. You can sing it however you want. In fact, you can sing it in that "classical" way you seem to prefer. I can take your voice and fix it up to fit to the techno beats. Now don't you worry. I will be selling you in two sets, the "Classical Version" and the "Retro Version." There’s a huge market in both, so you can get double profits by this! Who knows, you might be the start of a new trend. If this goes how I think it should, we are both going to become rich ponies! -DJ Pon-3 ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Octavia Dear Miss Scratch, Leave my student alone. Go find your own protégé. -Octavia P.S. Don't bother sending any more letters. They all go through me. ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, Something horrible happened last night. The library caught fire an' Twilight is now in the hospital. She ain't waken up... and the doctors are saying they ain't sure if she ever will. I heard a huge branch broke off the ceiling and whacked her on the head, an' if it wasn't for Spike and Rainbow Dash, she wouldn' have gotten out at all. She is layin' in the hospital now, an' mah sis is with her. She is refusing' ta leave Twilight's side. The doctor was almost bucked out a window when he insisted she leave because visitin' hours were over. Luckly Big Mac was able to convince him to let her stay. Spike wrote a letter to the Princess tellin' her what happened, but I think she is wantin' to keep this entire incident all quiet like. I think Spike is stayin' with Futtershy right now. The poor guy... I am sorry for sending such a sad letter so close to your graduation, but I feel ya would rather be told sooner rather than later. Watchin' all of Twilight's friends worry 'bout her is makin' me miss Scoots... I wonder what she is doin’ right now? I have been spendin' a lot of time in the clubhouse recently, just sittin' and rememberin' how much fun we all had. Can ya believe it has been almost four years since Scoots disappeared an' not a single letter from her... I am so glad ah have a friend like you Sweetie. Please promise me we will be friends forever... -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Sweetie Belle Dear Octavia, I am sorry I left without telling you, but I have to go to Ponyville. Something happened and my friends need me more than I need to be in class. I will be back for finals! Pinkie Promise! Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, I never got to properly thank ya fur comin' down. I was just feelin' so down and depressed... an' then ya just appeared at the clubhouse. I never felt so happy before... Thank ya... A million times, Thank ya... I am pretty sure I don' need to say it... but can ya keep what happened in there just between us... I know this might sound kinda of a strange, but I would rather not have everypony know… especially not Applejack… I’m sorry if it seems like ah am babbling, but ya mean a whole lot to me Sweetie… Ya seem to be writin’ me a letter and workin’ hard to be a good friend, even though ah know you are so busy with your school stuff. Yur a pony who is gettin' a name for yurself all over Equestria! I am just a small town country pony, but when ya showed up when I was feelin’ down and cryin’ everywhere, ya didn’ even have to think! Ya came in and gave me a big hug and told me everything will be all right. You’re mah the bestest friend I have ever had! I don’ know what I would do if ya were not around to help me get through these horrible days. And ya sayin’ that we are Cutie Mark Crusaders… It is one of the sweetest things I think ya have ever said to me. Makes me feel like all of us were together again, back when things were just fun and games in tryin' ta get our cutie marks. We are all grown up, got our cutie marks, and one of the group is gone. But ya still are sayin’ we are crusaders to the end… Do ya truly mean it? -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Yes, I meant every word of it. We are Cutie Mark Crusaders, best friends until the end of time. And do not worry, I will graduate in a month and be back down in Ponyville in no time. I will not have to come back to Canterlot for any more school, so we can start doing stuff again. It will be just like old times again. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, That sounds mighty fine... thank ya again... I am the luckiest pony in all of Equestria to have a friend like you. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Pinkie Pie Dear Sweetie Belle, I have had to use a contact of mine to get this letter through. It seems your teacher does not like me having contact with you. I have to make this quick. You will be graduating soon, and I wish to make a deal with you. Meet me at Joe's Donut shop this Friday at 5 PM sharp. I promise you won't regret it. -DJ Pon-3 ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Rarity Dear Sweetie Belle, I am so proud of you right now! Not only because you are one of the best singers Canterlot has ever seen, but because of what you did for Applebloom. The poor dear was devastated when she heard what happened to Twilight. But since you came, she is back to her normal helpful self. I just wish we could do the same for Applejack and Spike. Applejack has not left Twilight's side for a month now. I have tried to convince her to go to the spa with me (she needs a bath at least), but I cannot get her to listen to me. Can you be a dear and write a letter to your friend Applebloom. She is the only one that Applejack will listen to now, and we need to convince Applejack that she is not helping Twilight one bit by wasting away waiting for her to wake up. Oh, and please remind Fancypants to get my order in. I decided to get something very special for Spike to cheer him up, have you ever hear of Firestone? Nevermind, just make sure Fancypants remembers, he tends to be a little absent minded when it comes to paperwork. Sincerely, Rarity ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Rainbow Dash Um... Hey Sweetie Belle, Listen... I'm not really good with letter and all, but Applebloom insists I be the one to tell you what we found when we were cleaning through the rubble of the library. It is a box. Actually, it is a lot of boxes. But that is not what is so big. Here, I am just going to send you the first letter in it and you will know. To: Twilight Sparkle From: Scootaloo Dear Twilight, I am not sure if you remember me, but I used to live in Ponyville when you first moved there. I was part of a small club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we caused some trouble trying to get our cutie marks. I am not writing this letter to talk about old memories though. Shortly after Rainbow Dash's audition, I started to live with Spitfire. After a couple weeks, I left and just wandered around Equestria. I have been meeting the many different races that inhabit the surrounding lands and am currently residing in the land of the Zebra. I remember there was a Zebra named Zecora living near Ponyville, and I promised the chief I would give her the amulet you will find in the box. I am not a bookworm, or even care for books, but I have recently received a letter from Princess Celestia that I should to take notes of my journeys. I wanted to ask and see if you could please store these notes someplace safe until I come home. I tend to get busy out here and only have time to write down scribbles. And a lot of the stuff I do is kinda dangerous… so any notes I take can easily get damaged. I really want to record my journeys, and not because the Princess asked. I want to be a hero to somepony somewhere. My hero failed me and I don't want that to happen to any other pony. Locked inside this box is all the notes from the first portion of my journey. Sorry to cut this note short, but I have to go. The chieftain's son wants to try to beat me in a race again. I've already beat him like six times today, but he just keeps challenging me like he thinks he will win. Talk about a lost cause. -Scootaloo P.S. Please be careful with the Jaded Unicorn, the ruin I found that in kinda collapsed before I could grab anything else in it, so it is of the last of its kind. I am still trying to get my mind why those old ponies put so many booby traps in those old places... P.P.S. Please don't tell Applebloom or Sweetie Bell about this letter. They probably don't remember me anyway... As you can see, Scootaloo is going out and doing something with herself. That little pegasus, the one who was always following me and trying to be just like me, is out being a hero like Daring Doo! She is trying to be someone’s hero. Maybe I can do something to help her. -RD ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom Can you believe it? Scootaloo has been out on adventures for all these years and we never knew! I wrote a letter to Luna asking her if she can get any more information. I am still waiting for her to respond, but I am so excited I can't focus on my work right now! Talking about work, I am doing a recording with DJ Pon-3. She is going to start selling my songs all over Equestria. Octavia is not very happy with me right now, but I know she will come around. I start recording a week after I graduate! I have to go, the mail just came in. Luna's response might be in this pile. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Spitfire From: Sweetie Belle Dear Spitfire, I have found something about Scootaloo! Please read the attached letter. I will keep you informed on what else I can find out. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applebloom Dear Sweetie Belle, That's... great... I'm so happy to hear of your recording with DJ Pon-3. And Scoots bein' Darin' Doo? That is a funny thought... ha... ha... Sorry... we are busy buckin' apples now. I can' write no more than this. -Applebloom ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, You don't buck apples except in the fall. I might be becoming a city pony but I still grew up in Ponyville too. But the joke did give me a chuckle. I will be down to visit near the beginning of autumn! Maybe we can do the running of the leaves together! Please be a little more patient. Vinyl said she just needs a couple more songs before the first record is finished. I will have a small break afterward and will be there to visit. -Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Spitfire Dear Sweetie Belle Thank you… I knew that little orange Pegasus was going to be something special someday. I thought she was going to show up someday and try out for the Wonderbolts, but after reading this I am happy she decided not to. She is now doing something so much more important and inspirational than I have ever dreamed of doing. Both Soarin and I are in your debt now. Thank you again. -Spitfire ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Mayor Mare Our Dear and Sweet Sweetie Belle, This letter and plaque is a gift from all of Ponyville as a congratulations for graduating from Equestia's School of Music. You one of our Ponyville's Finest Fillies, so never be afraid to come back and visit! -Mayor Mare ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Rarity Sweetie Belle! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!! I knew you were going to become the star of Canterlot! I have already received a letter from Fancypants that you are going to make a recording with the famous DJ Pon-3! You have to give me one of the first records to come out on sale! And you have to autograph it too! Can you believe it? I have to ask my own sister for an autographed record. I am being silly now. Oh my goodness! What am I thinking? You are going to be selling a record. That means you will need pictures for the cover! Don't worry Sweetie! I will make you the most beautiful dress you have ever seen! Oh this is going to be your first record... everything must be PERFECT! Sorry I can't write you more Sweetie, but your big sis has a lot of work ahead of her. Sincerely, Rarity ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Princess Luna Dear Subject Sweetie Belle, It appears thou's sister has unexpectedly arrived last morrow. We have accommodated her, but she demands to see thee. When thee finds the time, canst thee stop by and pay her a visit. -Princess Luna ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie Belle, I know it is not my choice to dictate your career choice, but I advise you again to cut all ties with DJ-Pon3 after you finish this record. The theatre is still watching and willing to accept you into our family. I have an acquaintance who said he would love you to be the female lead in next years production, The Barber of Seville. I personally think you can make this show one of the greatest to be performed here in Canterlot, and have heard from a little bird that one of the Princess' are interested to see you perform as well. Besides that, the school has been quiet without you. The place seemed very lively with you around, especially with the Princess' randomly popping in to see you practice. Many of the newer students are beginning to make rumors about you as well. Apparently, you are the secret daughter of Princess Luna and Fancypants. You also hide alicorn wings underneath those fancy dresses your sister makes. Which reminds me, Fancypants was asking about you the last time we had supper together. He wanted to know if you were willing to make some time for a photography session for his new line. You will not believe how much he kept going on and on about how beautiful you have become. If he was not married to Lady Fleur, I would think he would have fallen for you. I must be going, but do keep in touch, and please remember my advice regarding Ms. Scratch. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Fancypants My dear Ms. Belle, I have to sincerely apologize for the way Photo Finish acted at yesterday's photo shoot. You have a beautiful posture, as well as an amazing walk. I have no idea what came over her when she decided to insult you by saying otherwise. Worry not, though. If you decide to do another shoot for me, I will be sure Mrs. Finish will not be attending. Sincerely, Fancypants ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Fancypants My dear Ms. Rarity, I am sorry that my lead photographer insulted your sister, but picking up the camera and beating her with it was not in good taste. Those cameras are expensive, you know. I must ask you to replace it. Besides that, I love the designs for next years line. I already have a few seamstresses working on some basic models and will have them shipped to you within a couple weeks. You can make any corrections you wish. I am sure they will look just as beautiful as the pieces you make from scratch. I will also send out the deposit slip for the bits I promised. Until your next visit, Fancypants ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Did you get the record I sent you? I still cannot believe it reached the top of the charts after two days of it being released! I do not even know what to think! Vinyl says it is time for me to go on tour and start debuting my music all over Equestria, but I'm not sure. I do not want to cancel my trip to Ponyville, but she says we have to hit the iron while it is hot or it will be overshadowed by the next big thing. Princess Celestia says the record is some of the best pieces of music she has ever heard, and knowing how long she has been around that is saying something! Princess Luna has also found some information on Scootaloo. The last siting of her was in the Rhino lands. Rumors say she was looking into a legend of a Crystal Unicorn. And did you know Rainbow Dash wrote a book on Scootaloo? I am in complete shock! Who would of ever guessed that showy Pegasus would calm down and become a writer. I wonder how much she exaggerated Scootaloo's accomplishments? Rainbow has always been good at telling daring stories, but sometimes she exaggerating things a little too much. I swear, Scootaloo is becoming a living legend around here. When I say I was childhood friends of her, ponies seem to faint in shock. Half of them are fainting because they could not believe Scootaloo is even a real pony. I wonder if this is how Daring Doo feels? I sent a copy of the book to Spitfire, I know she would like to read it. How is the farm? You have not mentioned anything about it in a while, I am curious. It is getting close to apple bucking season, so I understand if you do not write back right away. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Rainbow Dash Dear Sweetie Belle, I have some wonderful news! Twilight has finally woken up! You should have seen Applejacks face when she heard Twilight the news. It was priceless! You do know that Applejack has not cut her mane for close to a year, right? That's right! She has not cut it since the accident. It was flowing everywhere, not to mention Rarity braided up is some fancy knot. If it was not for your sister, I don't think Applejack would of ever of gotten that thing under control! But I think the thing that shocked everyone the most is once Applejack realized that Twilight was awake, she ran from the farm all the way to the hospital. She didn't even ask if she was allowed in, but she charged past all the startled doctors and burst into the room. When she saw Twilight, just sitting there, her eyes wide in shock, she jumped onto the bed and gave Twilight the biggest hug you have ever seen! Poor Twi, I almost thought Applejack was going to snap her in two by how hard she was squeezing her. You have to get down here and watch these two now! They are the closest of friends again. I never see one without the other. And would you have ever guessed I would receive a letter form Spitfire asking me if I have time to visit Cloudsdale to autograph Scoot’s book. I am not sure how I feel about it, but you know the Great Rainbow Dash would never want to disappoint a fan! -RD > Sixth Bundle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, Things just keep getting better and better! Earlier today I received a letter from Rainbow Dash telling me that Twilight finally woke up! I am so happy! I was worrying about her constantly this past year. Princess Luna was almost in tears whenever Spike sent a letter and it was not from Twilight. We are planning to throw a huge party here once Twilight is well enough for traveling again! You need to come up here and join us! I can show you around the city just like old times! That restaurant you liked so much has grown in size an is now considered a four-hoof establishment. I'll make reservations now if you want. I have finally released my second record as well. I think it is almost as good a seller as the first one. I will send you a copy once I get my hooves on one! I will be down to visit sometime this winter. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it for the running of the leaves, but his job is taking up a lot of time, especially when we fall behind schedule. You don’t know how much extra work we all have to do when that happens Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Pinkie Pie Hi Tavi!!! I can't believe you taught Sweetie Belle to sing so beautifully! You should have heard her all those times she sang around town. Her pitch might have been a tad off but boy did she have some powerful lungs! I mean holy guacamole! That bite sized filly sang loud enough to shake the roof of the city hall! She was not the one to cause the hall to cave in, mind you. That was Ditzy, or is she Derpy? I don't remember exactly what her name is but she is a super cute mare with a blond mane and grey coat. She is the mail mare who delivers mail all over Ponyville. How silly of me! What else would a mail mare deliver if it isn't the mail. You know, besides packages and boxes and presents. Oh my gosh! I love presents! I love giving them to everypony all over town. Except for Cranky. Not that I wouldn't like giving him presents, but he does not really like surprise presents. Or surprises. In face, he is a lot like Maud when it comes to surprise parties. Not like you! You are a huge party pony! I remember you really tearing up the floor when I got my cutie mark. You were quite a dancer. I think you would be a really good square dancer like my friend Applejack. Did I ever tell you about Applejack? Of course I did! You even met her during one of our trips up to Canterlot! She was the orange pony with the cowboy hat. I don't remember what she called it but it looks so cool! I wonder how I would look in it? Oh! Did you know that we might be distant cousins of the Apple family? I didn't until we took a trip out to find one of Applejack's relatives who had the entire family tree at her house. Well, at least most of it. Part of it smudged away so we were not able to read it. It was actually the part were it would say if we were related to her or not, but that is fine because I love to just think of being family with them! I love Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Cheerilee, Applebloom... Oh! That is why I started writing this letter. Applebloom has seemed kind of down because Sweetie Belle was not able to visit. Can you see if she can find time to see her friend? I know you and her are good friends up there and she would listen to you! I have to go now. The cakes won't frost themselves! Pinkie Pie ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia My Sweetie Belle, My sister has just written to me to tell me your little friend Applebloom is upset. I feel you should take a break from all the recording and go down and visit her. The limelight is addicting, but there are times when you need to take a small vacationand spend time with friends and family. I have known too many "stars" who have grown in fame in the industry and have fallen long and hard. I do not want you to suffer like them. Please do this, not just for your own health, but for your friends as well. I would also like to meet you for dinner sometime. It has been too long since we have seen each other and I would like to catch up. The theatre has been too quiet with you gone. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Sweetie Belle Dear Octavia, I wish I had the time to go down to Ponyville, but I just afford a vacation right now. We are in the middle of recording and Vinyl says that we cannot waste too much time. We have a lot of money running on this, and I do not want to let anypony down in the studio. Every day records are selling slower and slower, and if I don't release a new one soon I might not be able to make it onto the top charts with my next one. Have you heard what has happened since I've started working with Vinyl? My sister's store boomed into popularity! She has had to hire three more seamstresses to keep up with the demands for her work. The music studio is building a new wing with the donations I've given. Things are looking fantastic, but the pressure to keep going is enormous. If I cannot earn enough, the wing might be delayed another three years and Rarity might have to lay off those three ponies. I have to keep working, so I cannot find the time to leave. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie Belle, Some things are more important than money, Sweetie -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Vinyl Dear Octavia, Keep away from my prized singer. Get your own "dinner buddy", or are you not able to find a date with that stony personality of yours? -Vinyl ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Princess Luna Dear Sister of the Sun, We will be away for a few hours. There appears to be some unrest downtown near some of the music studios. If We understand correctly, Sweetie Belle is close to aforementioned studio. We wish to be sure she is unharmed during the exchange. -Your Sister of the Night ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Octavia Dear Princess Celestia, The incident downtown was caused by me losing myself. Due to the head of the studio, Vinyl Scratch, aka DJ-Pon3, withholding a letter from my friend and former student, Sweetie Belle, I lost my temper and charged down there. I forced myself into the studio to tell my friend that she was needed in her home town. I am sure you understand, since one reason she must got the town is for her personal benefit, as well as spending time with her family. I believe she has not even seen your student since she has awakened for her long slumber. I will pay for any damages caused to the studio. But I will not tolerate Producer Scratch withholding mail from my friend. Your faithful subject, Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Celestia From: Vinyl Scratch Dear Princess Celestia, I demand that Ms. Octavia Pie be imprisoned for disturbing the peace down in my establishment. She broke very expensive equipment while in a blind rage, attacked me, and distressed many of my employees. The cause of her attack is unknown, and I wish her to be brought to justice. Your faithful subject, Vinyl Scratch ----------------------------------------- To: The City Guard From: Princess Celestia I hereby declare that expenses for this incident will be covered by Ms. Octavia Pie. She will also be fined one thousand bits for disturbing the peace. Princess Celestia Royal Raiser of the Sun First to the Throne First Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Princess Celestia Dearest Sweetie Belle, It is unhealthy for a young mare such as yourself to work without a vacation for long periods of time. When was the last time you took some time for yourself? A year? Two? You have seemed very drained at our last lunch in, and I think it would be for the best if you took off at least one week to recover and regain your strength. This is not a command from a ruler, but a request from a friend. Trust me, I have seen ponies work themselves to the grave in my long life. It would be best if you take a break. Your Friend, Princes Celestia ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Princess Celestia Dear Subject Vinyl Scratch, If I catch you reading letters of one of your employees before they read it themselves, know that I can make things extremely difficult when distributing your future records. Letters are a private message from one pony to the next, and should not be interrupted without good cause. If there is a cause great enough to warrant such action, then leave it to the guard. They are trained for these situations. I hope I have made myself clear. Princess Celestia Royal Raiser of the Sun First to the Throne First Chair Council of Magic ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Sweetie Belle Dear Vinyl, I have to take a quick vacation. I will be back in one week. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, I came down to Ponyville to visit, but you were away in Appleploosa, I waited for the entire week hoping you would come home, but unfortunately I ran out of vacation time and had to go back. I did get to say hi to Twilight again, and see Rainbow Dash. I have to say, that Rainbow is turning into as big a bookworm as Twilight is. She even let me read the most recent notes from Scootaloo. I am still amazed at hearing how she is fighting hoards of pirates and fighting an evil unicorn wizard for some kind of magic ring. Did you know she has found a dragon assistant? Her name is Smokestack, and she looks like Spike if Spike was blue with white spikes growing down his back. Pinkie Pie even through a huge party! I think she called it a "famous-celebrity-friend-coming-home" party. It was so fun seeing everyone together again. But it still was not the same without you... Please write back once you get home? Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie Belle, I saw you at Dimondbridle the other night and you seemed rather down. Did something to wrong on your trip to Ponyville? Pinkie said you were the life of the party almost every night? How about we do something tomorrow. I would love to hear all about your trip. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Vinyl Scratch Hey Sweetie! Glad you are back in town. Listen, can you pop into the studio tomorrow? I have had a few of the DJ's put together something I think you would like. I would also like to talk to you about your fourth tour around Equestria. Can you believe your fans are demanding you to go back to New Yoke already? I know you were up there just a few months back, but these letters just keep coming it! This brings another thing I need you to do. The letter room is really full right now with letters to you. I have received an order from the Princess that the staff can't open them until you read them yourself. So I hate to say this but you have a few long nights ahead. We need this room open for other mail. You are not the only singer in Equestria who gets fan mail, you know. See ya soon! VInyl ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Dear Applebloom, It has been two months since I missed you in Ponyville. I am sorry about all of those missed visits, but I have been busy with work. Thankfully I managed to convince Vinyl to let me off when this tour is over and I will be in town this weekend. So please be just a little more patient! We will be able to see each other in a week after you get this letter! See you soon, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Applejack Dear Sweetie Belle, Ah hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ah am afraid that Applebloom is no longer with us. She got your letter ya left once we got home from Appleloosa, and ran out of the house. I went searching for her when she didn' come back for dinner and found her in yur old clubhouse. She was just sittin' here, listenin' ta some of your good old' classical music, holdin' a pen writing furiously. I heard her mumble about how sorry she was she missed ya an’ I didn' want to bother her none, so I left and went home. Never came home that night. A huge storm rolled out of the Everfree forest. Rainbow and the other pegasus tried their best to keep it under control, but it was no use. Rainbow flew all over town and warned everyone to stay indoors. As I said before, Applebloom was not home. I ran out of the house as fast as I could to go get her out of that storm. Once the treehouse came into view though, a bolt of lightnin' struck the tree and it fell, takin' everythin’ down with it. Half the tree was rotted to the core, and when it fractured it just couldn' hold that tree fort up. Ah sorry... but... Applebloom is gone. Please don' hate me for bein' the one to tell ya, but ah felt ya should know before ya came down an' learned it the hard way. -Applejack ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Applebloom, This is not a funny prank. I know you and Luna tend to play these jokes on each other all the time, but I do not find them funny. Listen, I know I have been a little distant recently because of work, but I am coming down to visit soon! I will see you soon. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Applebloom, Please write back… You’re mad, I understand. But enough is enough. This joke is not funny! I am coming down in a few days. We will have fun again, just like old times. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Applebloom From: Sweetie Belle Applebloom, Why are you not writing back? I am sorry, ok! I am so soo soooo sorry for not visiting as often as I should of. Please write back… please! I am coming down to visit tomorrow, -Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Vinyl Scratch Hey Sweetie! What's been wrong with you recently? We have not had one good recording for the past two weeks? Listen, if you can't keep up with in the fast lane here, it just might leave you behind. Words of warning from your best friend in the music business! -DJ Pon-3 ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Sweetie Belle Dear DJ-Pon3, I regret to inform you I will not be continuing working with the Record Industry. I will be by tomorrow to pick up my stuff, but I am done. Sincerely, Sweetie Belle ----------------------------------------- To: General Public From: Equestria Daily Spotlight Story: Rising Star Sweetie Belle Abandons Music! Word is spreading throughout Canterlot that one of the newest and brightest stars in the music industry, Sweetie Belle, has abandoned her studio and locked herself away from the public eye. Her head Producer, DJ-Pon3, states that "She just gave us a letter and ran. We really have no idea what could have been wrong." Upon further investigation, a few of her old school classmates rose up and gave us possible reasons why Sweetie Belle would give up her growing career. "She had a fling with the Prince [Blueblood] a couple years back," said Bass Clef, timpani player in the Canterlot Orchestra. "Rumors have said they were still together, but I heard they had a really bad breakup. I wouldn't blame her if she decided to leave if someone as powerful as him is angry at her." "... she is always going to see the Princess'," adds Sunlight Harmony, student at Canterlot's School of Music. "Maybe she couldn't handle the fame?" It raises to question of who Sweetie Belle might have angered on her quick rise to fame. Previous incidents involving the mare include the aforementioned 'Prince Rapeblood' incident two years ago, Photo Finish's decline in popularity, and the attack on DJ-Pon3's studio a couple months back. The Equestria Daily staff tried to get a quote from her old mentor, Octavia Philharmonica, but she refused to comment. [story continues page 4] ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Belle From: Octavia Dear Sweetie, What happened? What do you mean you quit singing? You are the best singer in the history of the Opera house? What is wrong? Please, let me help you. Even if you do not want to keep singing, at least let me be your friend. We have known each other for years now, and I know something is not right here. How about we get together tomorrow? Or if you want I can pop in to your place. It has been some time but I think it would be good if we just had a girls night out? How does that sound? Please respond. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Octavia From: Rarity Dear Octavia, Have you seen my sister recently? I have read in the Equestria Daily that she has quit everything! I know you are one of her closest friends, so will you please tell me what is going on? Sincerely, Rarity ----------------------------------------- To: Rarity From: Octavia Dear Rarity, I was hoping she went to Ponyville. I went to her home yesterday and she was not there. I will be contacting the guards once this letter is sent and we will go onto a full scale search here in the city. I fear for her health and safety. -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Luna From: Rarity Dear Princess Luna, You have to help me! My sister has gone missing! I don’t know where to start looking. Whatever help you can give will be a huge help, but I just have to find her… she is the only family I have left… I can’t lose her. -Rarity ----------------------------------------- To: Pinkie Pie From: Octavia Dear Sister, I know we don’t talk often, or see eye to eye… but I need your help. Sweetie Bell is missing, and even Princess Luna is having trouble finding her. I know you have some kind of strange magic where you can find anybody you put your mind to finding. So help us… please… -Octavia ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Pinkie Pie Hey Dee! Listen, this isn't about a gig, but it is about my friend Sweetie Belle. She is missing and I know she worked for you because I have all her records and they are autographed and I like to play them all at least once a day in Sugarcube Corner. But I need help finding her! She is missing and is sad because after she lost her friend here in Ponyville she seemed to isolate herself away like I almost did when I thought my friends didn't like me anymore. But we really really need help finding her? Can you help? -Pinkie Pie ----------------------------------------- To: Pinkie Pie From: Vinyl Scratch Dear Pinkie Pie, Why would i want to find her? This stunt of hers has her all over all the major papers all over Equestria! Her records are selling like crazy now. I don't have time to take time off to go looking for her. I'm sure she will show up eventually. -DJ-Pon3 ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Pinkie Pie Dee? What do you mean? Sweetie Belle can be in danger! How can you focus on your work when your friend is in trouble? -Pinkie ----------------------------------------- To: Pinkie Pie From: Vinyl Scratch Dear Pinkie Pie, Buisiness is buisiness. I'm sorry. -DJ-Pon3 ----------------------------------------- To: Vinyl Scratch From: Pinkie Pie Dear Dee, YOU BIG MEANIE! -Pinkie ----------------------------------------- To: Rainbow Dash From: Spitfire Dear Rainbow Dash, The Wonderbolts need your help. We have been scanning all over the country for Sweetie, but we need someone who is fast to send our messages back to the Princesses. You are the fastest pony we know. Please contact us ASAP. -Spitfire ----------------------------------------- To: Princess Luna From: Pinkie Pie Dear Princess Luna, The Wonderbolts have not found Sweetie Bell yet, but I think I have found someone who can help. We are coming to Canterlot so she can begin her search. -Pinkie Pie ----------------------------------------- To: Sweetie Bell From: Rarity Dear Sweetie Bell, Please answer me! You have not written a letter to me in over three months! Please say something. I love you Sweetie... Please talk to your sister. -Rarity > The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Bell stared at the tear stained letter, rereading it over and over again. Each word and symbol she would quote by heart, and mouthed each word as she read. The candle in the room flickered dimly, and Sweetie Belle blinked. She slowly sat up, her back cracking from being hunched over so long. “I am sorry big sis… but I can’t.” she whispered as she carefully folded the letter and placed it back in the desk drawer. She glanced and looked around the almost empty room she rented couple months back. Dark drapes covered the windows, making the tiny candle the only light in the room. The heavy shadows shifted when the mare weakly stood up and made her way to the sagging bed. She fell onto it causing a puff of dust into the air. Her stomach weakly grumbled, reminding Sweetie Belle how hungry she was. Or was she hungry? It had been so long since she last ate that she was forgot what it felt like to be full. “When was the last time I ate?” she mumbled as she turned her head to gaze at a wood-carved Unicorn. “What is on the menu today, Applebloom?” The statue didn’t answer. It wooden gaze silently cut through the thin unicorn. "Why are ya asking me?" it seemed to say, "Didn’ ya abandon me to become a famous singer?" “No!” Sweetie Bell cried, trying to “I tried to come back! But Vinyl would not let me leave!” "Why are ya still blamin’ others for your mistakes?" Tears flowed down her already stained cheeks. With a sniffle, she curled into a ball and clutched her tail in a desperate hug. “I… I am not blaming anyone. I wa… was just so busy, I couldn’t fi… find time to leave…” Ya couldn’ find time to come and visit your best friend? The sound of hoove-steps echoed through the room Ya left me alone! Ya abandoned me! Just like Scootaloo. You left me alone. You traitor. Sweetie cringed at the silent yell and waited for the wooden pony to strike her. After some time, she tried to look up at the pony again, but her head would not move. Exhaustion washed over her, and a creeping darkness began to flood her vision. The bed moved slightly. “Sweetie?” some strange voice called. With a monumental effort, she turned her head to gaze into at a… orange shape. She tried to speak, but the only sound that came out was a weak cough. “It’s okay Sweetie, I am here to help.” It said again. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.” She felt herself get lifted up. Her gaze slowly drifted to the wooden unicorn again. It got smaller and smaller as she was carried away. Desperately, she tried to reach for it… she couldn’t leave it… she couldn’t abandon Applebloom. Not again. “There is no need to struggle Sweetie. I am your friend, remember?” The voice was trying to take her away from Applebloom! The voice was trying to make her abandon her friend again! “Let… go…” Sweetie managed to breath. The figure holding her paused for a second and Sweetie took the opportunity to push against it. "Let Go!" She managed to let out in a weak moan. “What? Why?” The voice asked. The terrible voice who was trying to take her away from her only friend. Sweetie felt it turn around. The unicorn came into full view again, and Sweetie Bell used all her strength to reach for it. It got closer the harder she reached. Closer… closer… Soon, it rushed to her in an in an orange blur! Sweetie Bell clutched it tight against her chest. Applebloom is still with me! I didn’t abandon her! I promised you I would never abandon you. Cutie Mark Crusaders forever and ever. “Sweetie! Wait! Don’t fall asleep!” The voice called again. It sounded familiar somehow. “Sweetie! Sweetie!!!” She gazed up at the orange figure again… “Who… are… you?” she asked. “Don’t you… ize me? I… me Scoo…” the voice said… It was getting quieter… Sweetie couldn’t catch everything it was saying. “Swee… elle! Sw… Belle!!!” It called. Sweetie Belle smiled to herself. It does not matter who that voice was, as long as her and Applebloom were together, then everything will be perfect. Darkness grew and overtook Sweetie Belle. ----------------------------------------- Scootaloo clutched the thin, frail body of her friend. Tears flowed out of her eyes… “Why couldn’t I be faster…? I could have saved her," she banged a hoof onto the floor in frustration. “You did the best you could Miss Loo,” a small blue dragon said, “I never would have guessed it would have been this hard to find her.” “I still feel like I could have done something more…” Scootaloo whispered, “I should have never of run away…” “Don’t say that miss! If you never left, then you would have never of saved me from those hippo thugs.” Scootaloo turned and looked at her assistant. Sighing, she placed Sweetie Bell’s body onto the rumpled bed and pulled the blanket over to cover the entire body. Wiping away her tears, Scootaloo saw the unicorn Sweetie was so desperate to get lying on the floor. She walked over and examined it. It was a beautiful work of art, and the bottom had some words carved into it. To My Bestest Friend Sweetie Belle May we be friends forever! Applebloom A sob escaped the pegasus and her legs gave out on her. She collapsed on the floor, clutching the sculpture. After a few minutes, she managed to catch her breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. Slowly, she placed the carved unicorn next to her friend. “I hope you can wait for me too.” Scootaloo whispered, “We are Cutie Mark Cursaders, remember. Now and Forever.” “Did you say something miss?” The dragon asked. “It is nothing,” Scootaloo said, “Write a letter to the Princess informing her we have found Sweetie, and then make preparations for departure.” “Where are we off to now miss?” “Somewhere I should have gone a long time ago. We are going home.”