> Applejack Alone > by Masterweaver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You know bout stars? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some say they are eyes. Some say they are souls. Some say they are big balls of gas burnin' billions of miles away. Some say they are fireflies, trapped in a blue-black thing. And then there are those that say they are actually the older gods, no really, they're the defeated deities of ages past Ah'm telling ya, we've gotta set up protection in case they escape! A few realize that all the above could be true at tha same time. Of those, one outta ten don't just get wasted but actually go out and do somethin'. Tha number of ponies that do somethin' effective could be counted just by cutting an apple in half, spillin' out tha seeds, and sayin' eeyup it's about that amount or thereabouts. Ah'm sorry, Ah'm rambling. Ah think maybe that's just a side effect of... okay, hold on. Ah need to get this metaphor right. Now let's see, eyes, souls, balls of gas.... right. Anyway, when Ah looked up that night, what Ah saw was... a quilt. Not a literal one. A metaphorical one. See, Twilight had had us all stay up so she could show how the airship navigated by tha stars, she had charts and everything, and then it turned out ol' captain Swashbuckle was using tha latest in arcanotech instead of a sextant, which really upset her since she had been studying all sorts of navigation books and she wanted ta show off her knowledge in a practical context. So Ah said that maybe she should show us how ta navigate by the stars, in case it ever came up, so we spent tha night having what Pinkie called an astronomy party. Rainbow got bored right quick, saying that she could fly fast enough to hit land and navigate from there--heh, she's such a braggart. So she turned in early. Rarity was next ta go, claiming beauty sleep, and then Pinkie crashed and Ah carried her to bed... Fluttershy and Twilight came down some time after. Thing is... even after all the other girls were asleep, Ah just... couldn't shut my eyes. Ah tried everything, but let's face it: Ah'm the earthiest of earth ponies. Ah need ta feel the ground, even if it's just through tha wheels of a train. Ah thought Ah'd be able to handle an airship for a day, but... Well.... The long and short of it is, Ah got up out of bed and went out to look at the stars again. And Ah started seeing tha patterns that Twilight was talking about, and it kinda reminded me of that quilt that Granny and tha other old codgers were working on at tha last family reunion. Heh. Ah should tell ya bout that sometime, Cocoa... not mah finest moment. But looking up at the stars that night, Ah thought.... it's a big quilt. It's keeping us all warm and safe. Me... tha girls... my family back home, Apple Bloom was so disappointed Ah had ta leave her behind but Ah promised to bring her back something fancy... Ah don't know. Well, anyway.... Ah was looking up at the night sky. Ah've always liked the stars... they were so... together. Ya know? The sun is a lonely thing--powerful and Ah'm right grateful for Celestia raising it every day, don't get me wrong--but the sun is such a lonely thing. The stars, though.... Ah guess that's why Luna needs friends so much, because tha moon is never alone. Huh... here Ah am spouting off like a poet. Anyway, so Ah decided to test mah knowledge of starfareing. Ah figgered out north, glanced east and west, and checked to tha south. And at first Ah thought the stars were missing, or something. Can ya'll believe that? Ah was that stupid. It took a flash of lightning to make me realize it was a storm. Now, Ah ain't never been one for sitting on mah flank when things need doing. Ah shouted to tha crew and they got to work battening down the hatches and fiddling with the ropes and whatnot. Course, Ah tried to help, and it being the dark that it was they didn't realize Ah wasn't crew--Ah might not know my way round a ship but hay if Ah can't help when the chips come down. Give me orders, Ah'll take em. Storm came on us right quick though. All the real crew, they'd lashed themselves to.... wherever it is ya lash yourself to on an airship. Who came up with those contraptions anyway? Ah guess they're useful for hauling big loads around, but mostly they just look fancy. Heh, like them bigwigs up in Canterlot. Always fussing and mussing and what does their job boil down to? Sorting Celestia's paperwork. Maybe they made the dang things in the first place. See... Ah didn't know I shoulda lashed myself down. So when the storm hit us, Ah was blown clean off the deck afor' anypony could react. Let me tell you, falling Ah don't know how long into a raging sea is not fun. Ah did remember to keep my legs straight--woulda been splattered on the waves otherwise--but after that it was just tossing around and turning and Ah don't even want to know how long Ah was in there. Ah'm lucky there weren't no driftwood or whatnot in there, Ah got banged up pretty bad but not a scratch on me. Really, it was just me tryen ta keep mah head above water. Ventually Ah got lucky, rolled up on tha beach. Don't know xactly where--ya might have seen me, in fact--but with tha ground under me ah could retreat from tha waves. Ended up in some forest... maybe a jungle? Ah'm still not sure what it counts as. Shivered mahself ta sleep, right there. Didn't even think ta call for help. Maybe tha airship coulda heard me, maybe it couldn't. Didn't even try, though. Look, all that ta say Ah'm... Ah am really grateful fer yer help Cocoa. Really, Ah am. But... Ah just wanna let ya know, Ah'm not gonna be here long. Soon as that storm over yonder kicks down, mah friends are comin' ta pick me up. Ah mean, it's only been what? Two days? So they're comin'. Just holdin' off till it's safe for all of us. Ah can respect that. ....Ah'm talkin' ta a palm tree. What the hay. > Look, about yesterday... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah didn't mean to imply anything. Ah just... do ya even understand Equestrian? Ah can't tell. Ah'm more of an apple girl mahself. Not that yer coconuts ain't tasty or anything! It's just... Ah dunno. Cocoa... do ya think tha storm will let up anytime soon? Ah mean, at least it ain't headed for us anymore. But it ain't getting any further way, neither. Wish Ah understood wild weather. If Rainbow Dash were here, maybe she could get a prediction on that thing. She's a right genius in her field, not that she'll ever admit it or nothin'. Wouldn't want ta be seen being an egghead. Still, Ah gotta admit when she gets going bout wind currents and all that Ah just hafta smile and nod. Now her flight stuff, that's somethin else entirely. That, Ah can keep up with. It's really just another form of rodeo, cept it ain't limited to tha ground. Heh. Ah miss that gal. Ah miss them all, Cocoa. Welp. Best head back to tha shelter. Sorry Ah couldn't build it any closer, but.... thar weren't no materials round here. Course, this is a beach. And Ah ain't living in a sandcastle, got it? > Hold on, Ah'll be right back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah just realized Ah left something back at tha shelter. Right, mighty sorry fer makin ya wait, Cocoa. See, this here is... well, Ah dunno if you ever seen a blanket afor, what with being on this island and all, but that's what this is. Thing is, Ah worked hard ta make it. Ah think... well, Ah kinda think maybe you should have it. Case it gets chilly in the night. Don't worry bout me none! Ah found a nice cave ta rest my withers in. Dang storm. Let up already. > We don't talk much, do we? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah mean side from that first day, I ain't been really tending to ya. And Ah'm sorry for that. Real friends don't just leave their friends alone fer long stretches of time. But.... thing is, Ah don't know what ta talk about. Ah mean, Ah'm no poet. If nothun' happens, nothun' needs doing, then Ah'm up a creek without a paddle. Rarity, now, she can prattle on with tha best of them, and Twilight's a fount of information on anythang. Not necessarily interestin' info, mind you. Lots of pointless details, lotta numbers.... And then there's Pinkie, gosh darn that crazy brain o' hers. Words come forth like a train moving five times too fast, and they get derailed just as often. And Rainbow.... Huh. Ya know, Rainbow's only really got two or three topics she can just throw out there. Never really thought about it, but ifn she didn't have her ego and the wonderbolts, Ah think she'd be as quiet as me. Fluttershy, she's mighty quiet too. Well, quiet round ponies anyway. Ah've seen her hold conversations with all kindsa critters. Me though? It's tha farm, mah friends, or nuthun'. And that's going ta be a problem, ain't it. Cause Ah gotta be tha talker round these parts. Oh, no offense, Cocoa. Ah mean yer a great listener and all, but... Let's be honest here. Ah'm really just here for the coconuts. And that ain't fair ta ya, given' somethen' fer nothun'. So Ah'm... tryin ta make yer life interesting? Ah dunno. Do ya need anythang? ....Of course ya don't. Yer a palm tree. Grow in tha sand, right next to tha saltiest water ever. What what Ah thinken'. Well.... If Ah figure out somethin' ta talk ta ya about, Ah'll swing by tomorrow. But, other then that.... Ah don't know. > ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vwooorp.... vwooorp... vwooorp.... VEEEEM.... VEEEEM... VEEEEM Right then, here we are in... hmmm. This doesn't seem like the griffon countries... Doctor, are we lost again? No, no, I assure you that we're in the right time and on the right planet. At least I think so. Hmm. Ah, I see! That storm over there must have interfered with the timespace tunnel. So what you're saying is because of a storm we got pulled off course. Yes! A storm. Interfered with a time machine. Mid travel. Ah, but this is no ordinary storm. This storm is packed with so much energy, magical, temporal, and.... What? What is it Doctor? My dear Derpy, I think this storm is headed the same way that we were headed! If it hits the griffon coasts-- Oh my gosh! We've got to warn them! But the storm is preventing us from getting there on time... UNLESS... Doctor? Come on, Derpy, let's go chase us a storm! Vwooorp.... vwooorp... vwooorp.... VEEEEM.... VEEEEM... VEEEEM Hey there Cocoa.... sorry Ah didn't come round today. Heard some mighty strange noises. Think some sorta creature mighta died around here... Dang. Wish I knew what that storm was. Well, bye for now. > Is it wrong that Ah'm jealous of unicorns? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah don't mean Ah ain't proud ta be an earth pony, no siree. Compared ta me, most unicorns are brittle and they got no squall with nature. And from what Ah've heard... well, let's just say an earth pony never leaves ya unsatisfied. Not that Ah'd know from experience. Savin' mahself fer marriage and all that. Tha point is, though... you have that horn and ya can do a heck of a lot of stuff. Apples off all tha trees in seconds... relocate tha trees themselves... healing spells fer when ya pull a muscle... fixing up tha barn right quick... And that's just on tha farm. There's loads of stuff that Twilight's done. Ah mean, Ah guess it ain't fair ta use Twilight as a baseline. She's apparently a savant, but... just think about it. Any given unicorn can do... something. Ah mean l can buck trees and repair barns... bake and all that... Ah don't know what Ah'm trying ta say here. It's tha old grass is greener thang, Ah guess. Maybe a unicorn could have gotten some sorta message offa this island. Ya know, Ah'm beginning ta wonder if Ah'm ever going ta get off this island. Eh, Ah'm probably just getten' bored of routine. > What the hay is that?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get offa Cocoa ya varmit! Git! Git! AAAAAUGH! LET GO OF ME YAH! DANG! UGLY! BEAST! ARAGH! RAGH! AGH! GET OFF! OFF! AGH! OFF! OFF! OFF! OFF! OFF! OFF! Gosh dang it this hurts! AH'LL RIP OFF YER CLAW! AUGH MAH NOSE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHOTUOGH! GETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFF! RAAAAAAAGH! AAAAAGH! AAAAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ....ha... Finally off. OH NO YA DON'T YA VARMIT! Ah'm wise ta yer tricks now. You ain't getting near Cocoa, Ah've got mah... Ah've got a vine, and that's good enough for me! Ah.... Ah.... Is... is that mah hat? ....thank ya... Oh. You just... you just wanted coconuts. Ah... Ah guess Ah can respect that... Ah feel like a right cad now. > How do ya plant coconuts anyway? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah mean, no offense, Ah just don't want ta have ta walk out here every morning. You're no help at all. ....Ah don't really mean that, Ah'm just.... ugh. Wait. Wait, is that.... Tha storm! Tha storm is breaking up! Yahoo! Twilight and tha others are sure ta get through now! Hahahaha! Ha.... ....Course, it'll take a bit fer them ta realize it's gone. And they'll have ta scour tha sea fer me. But... they won't leave me behind. > Ah can't wait to get home. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah mean no offense, but... when Ah get home, tha first thang Ah'm going ta do is run to Sweet Apple Acres and pull mah whole family into one big hug. Tha Second thang is eat a whole apple pie. ....probably tha third thang is head fer a doctor's office ta see how in shape Ah am. Have Ah told ya about Apple Bloom? Crazy lil filly, but she's got more than a drop of gumption in her. Ah love her ta bits but... Ah don't think tha farm life is right fer her. One day she's finally going ta get ta inventing and earn her cutie mark, and after that it's going ta be pack up and head out ta learn what's ta be learned. Ah can only hope she comes back regularly... Ah think she will. But ya never know. Heh, unless she decides to convert the old clubhouse into an inventing... laboratory place. Wonder if she's already earned her cutie mark.... Big Mac, now... did he ever earn his cutie mark. Hah, ah remember tha day when he did. Bunch of colts were passing through town, siblings, and they were all having a squabble on who would get how many apples. And he just went "Eeenope," swung his hoof out, and tha apples were all split evenly. That shut them right up. Master of stable divisions, Mac.... he runs tha finances fer a dang reason. Ah... Ah should never have left tha farm. They need me there. Twilight needs me too, but.... she's been up in Canterlot fer most of her life. She should know how ta run negotiations without me. Let me tell ya negotiating with Granny Smith is something of a hit or miss. When she's off her game ya could get away with practically anythang. But when she's focused, she's sharp as a whip and cunning as a fox. And that crazy mare is a lot older then she looks. Ah know, she looks pretty dang old, but she's been around since before Ponyville! There are records. Ah'm kinda glad she's so old now, any younger and Ah'd have serious competition in tha rodeo ring. Wish Ah could remember how she got her cutie mark. She told me once, but.... dang. Ah was so young. And Winona! How could Ah forget that pup. Ain't so much of a pup now, but she's a major help in keeping tha critters off the farm. Tha dangerous ones Ah mean. Course, most of what she does is cheer us all up after a long day of work. Ah'm going ta be honest, even Ah can't stand the monotony of doing tha same dang thing over and over and over again. She's a real heartwarmer, that dog. You don't even know what a dog is, do ya. What if they don't find me? Ah've got ta rig up some sort of signal.... > Hmmdedummmm... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hrmmmmm.... Hmmm hmm hmmmmm hmmm..... Hrm hrm hrm, raise this barn, one two hmmm hmm.... Hmm this barn, raise this barn, one two three four.... what were the rest of the words? HNNNNNNNNG, hnnnnnrgh, huh. Thar we go. Big flag. .....Ah should probably put some torches up around tha island. Course, first Ah gotta figure out how ta make torches. Okay, so... torch plan didn't go right. Tried just lighting sticks and setting them upright, that.... yeah, that didn't work out. Hschhhh.... Ah'm going ta be feeling this fer a while. So Ah just decided ta put up flags everywhere. When Ah see tha ship, then Ah'll set up a big roaring fire. Oh... hey there, critter. Don't ya worry none, Ah won't stop ya this time. Get your coconuts. Ah was just leaving. Fluttershy woulda loved ta talk to ya. She always likes meeting new critters, no matter what they are.... Rarity, though, Rarity would be terrified. You're a real sight. Tha storm just cleared up yesterday, right? Maybe they'll be here tomorrow. > Why do stallions avoid me? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah mean Ah get looks sometimes, Ah know they check me out.... a few mares, too, but Ah don't swing that way. But they never actually give me anythang so much as a pick up line! Ah mean, what? If ya want it, at least come out and say so! What's stopping them? Is it me? Ah don't know. Ah mean.... Maybe they're intimidated or something, but... Ah ain't going ta change who Ah am just to attract a couple o' colts. Ah work hard, Ah help ponies, and Ah don't back down. Why don't they just... if they want a date, why don't they ask? What's got them so worked up? ...Ah... Ah guess Ah could, maybe, ask Rares for some tips. Or something. Rares understands stallions.... no, it's more then that. She gets ponies. Heck, she even understands how nonponies think... cepting Discord, who's a total loony. Nopony really gets him. Not even Shy, but... she tries. Pinkie kinda understands ponies too. Kinda. Not always. But she always figures out ways to cheer us up. Ah guess Rainbow... Rainbow's starting ta think about what she says before she says it, and of course Twilight's got her studies... ....hmmm. ....hmm. ....hmmmmmm. ....well... nopony's around anyway... Hmmm. Alrighty then.... ahem hem hem. Ah'm sexy and Ah know it, Ah got tha flank ta show it, Ev'rypony else can stow it Cause Ah'm sexy and Ah know it. When Ah go walking down tha street, the stallions stop and stare They think that Ah can't hear them say "Dang, that's one fine mare," So Ah turn glance back and shoot them a li'l grin And maybe if they come forward, Ah'll give em a li'l in. Ah'm sexy and Ah know it, Ah've got tha flank ta... What. Am Ah doing. > Ah think Ah might be going insane. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah'm.... Ah'm hearing voices. Ah... think they saw me yesterday.... ....something about meta awareness... Ah'm just a bit lonely. That's all. Maybe Ah should just.... just go back to tha shelter. Talking to a palm tree can't be healthy. > Urgh... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah'm sorry Ah... wasn't here tha last two days. Ow. Just, mah leg.... Thar was a rockslide. Ow. Ah... it's better today, Ah... ah guess. Ah could get out here. Ah saw the airship yesterday. They didn't see me. How can Rainbow stand having broken bones? Ah, Ah can't even move. That mare is tougher... tougher then she looks. Tougher. Ah'm still hearing the voices. They.... they say Ah'll be fine..... Why didn't they see me...? Tha island. Island's too small. Cocoa...? Cocoa, Ah think.... Ah think Ah'm just going ta nap now. > They think Ah'm dead, don't they? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only reasonable explanation. Rainbow.... she wouldn't stop looking for me if... if she didn't think Ah was. Twilight, Twilight's a logical gal. Fall into tha stormy seas, middle of tha night.... doesn't know bout this island, probably, way too small. Easy enough for HER ta convince Rainbow. Rarity... Rarity would think like Twilight. Poor Flutters wouldn't know what ta think. And Pinkie... Ah don't know about Pinkie. Maybe that dang sense of hers is telling her Ah'm alive, and all tha gals think she's nuts. Ah don't know how she'd react ta death. She is, ya know. Nuts. Brilliant, in her own way. But absolutely bonkers. Can't keep... keep her thoughts straight, ya know? One of tha voices told me ta pee on mah leg. Ah don't get why. That's just... disgusting. Nother one said ta cut it off. That makes.... a kind of sense. But Ah'm not.... not going ta. Nope. They say not ta give up. They say.... Derpy? Derpy's looking fer me? Ha. Ah'd love ta see that mare.... great mom, great daughters. You should see them, Cocoa. Warms mah heart right up. You know, Derpy has a.... thang? Some degenerative neurological... thang. She, she doesn't let it stop her. Doesn't even use it as an excuse. Ah respect that. ...If that mare can keep on trucking with something like that.... why can't Ah deal with a broken leg? Kay, Ah need to plan this. Gotta.... Gotta find a splint. Set the bone. That's gonna be painful. Kay, bindings..... kay. Okay. Deep breaths. Alright. Here we go. Here we go.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGH! Ah.... ha..... ...gotta... set splints. Tie. Tie them up. Ha..... ....ow. Ow. Heh... it... it hurts less now. Haha.... > You know what? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah'm not going ta just sit here and take this. Ya know, actually, Ah had a dream last night with all mah friends. They told me not ta give up, cause they'd still be looking. Then another me came up, reminded me ah needed ta stick around for Bloom's sake. ...and then Derpy gave me a muffin. Which would have been nice if Ah coulda taken it out of tha dream, but whatever. There's gotta be a way ta contact somepony. Luna's got her dream thang, Celestia... Ah don't know. Discord, even. Discord could find me cause it doesn't make sense that he'd find me! COME ON OUT YA DANG SNAKE! ....Fahn. Ah can get noticed on mah own. Flags aren't good enough, so Ah need a fire. Fire Ah can light on a whim. Right, so big firepit, right on tha highest mountain. Heh, couple of tha voices mentioned that. Also suggested using mah element, but Ah don't have that with me. Argh. Then they started teasing me with this song.... Ah''ll show them. Ah ain't some weak filly! Right, got some sticks gathered. Need some tinder, dry leaves.... Ah'm an idiot. Coconut husks! Right, going ta get that, and then it's time ta wait. Heh. UFF! Dang it... can't buck with a broken leg. ARGH! Okay. Cocoa? Would ya'll mind dropping some coconuts? Please? ...pretty please? Okay, ya know what? Screw ya too. Ah'll go find ANOTHER palm tree. > Ah hate waiting. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hate it. Hate it with all mah heart. Much rather be doing something. Even if it's resting. Yah know, Ah think Rainbow's more patient then me in some ways. She wants to do things fast, but waiting to do things she's cool with. Ah want ta do things right, but... Ah want ta do things, is mah point, ya know? So.... ....Ah don't know what Ah should do now. Got mah signal ready, got mah food.... Should Ah take up poetry or something? Apples are sweet, apples are grand, buy em raw, buy em sliced, buy em baked, buy em canned...? > Okay, Ah have this idea. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah'm going ta try describing mah friends... using the letters of their element. ....and Ah'm going alphabetically by element. Let's see, that's Magic, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty.... d e f g. Huh. So that's g e n, e r o, s i t, y.... Let me think about this. Gracious, Elegant, Neurotic... what's another E word. Enchanting? Sure, why not. Um.... Refined, Overbearing, Sympathetic, Imaginative... Terrifying, sometimes. No, that doesn't fit. Tricky? No.... What's a good word fer cunning here... Actually, replace Sympathetic with Smart, and make the T sommething like... Tender. And what would Y be... Yearning. Gracious, Elegant, Neurotic, Enchanting, Refined, Overbearing, Smart, Tender, Yearning. Generosity. ....Ah don't think Ah'll ever let her see this. > GET OFF MAH BACK! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOK, AH DON'T REALLY KNOW SPIKE, OKAY?! ....Ah mean, apart from that whole thang where Ah saved his life and he decided ta become mah servant, we really haven't interacted much. He's a lot younger then me, and usually spends his time at the library. He's a good... acquaintance, Ah guess. Wouldn't mind maybe making friends with him, but Ah don't mind how it is right now. So please, voices in mah head, just stop. If Ah ever really get a chance ta talk to him, Ah'll take it. But right now.... Ugh. Right now Ah'm not likely ta get that chance. > And now they're mocking me. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The voices in mah head, Ah mean. They're all just telling me how stupid Ah am. They're right, though.... Ah am pretty dumb. > So after G comes H... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- But Ah ain't going ta do me, so.... K, I think. K I N D N E S... S? Kindness. Yes. Um. K... Hmm. Tha best Ah can think of is Kind. So then... Ineffectual, sorry Shy.... Nice... Demure, Nervous... Elegant... Silent and Scary. Kind, Ineffectual, Nice, Demure, Nervous, Elegant, Silent, and Scary. KINDNESS. Ah had another dream. Spike was thar... and Apple Bloom and all mah friends.... they were telling me Ah wasn't an idiot. Then Ah woke up and all the voices said Ah was smart in mah own way. Well, except one. Ah think that one hates me fer some reason. Ah hope something happens soon.... > So if hearing voices makes ya crazy, what does it mean when tha voices go crazy? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cause a lot of them are babbling about Celestia knows what. And then thar's that one that wants me to make friends with Spike. But it's... it's not like Ah can just walk up and say "Welp, you're mah friend now." Doesn't work like that. Ya gotta make an effort, and unfortunately Ah spend a lot of mah time working, and he spends a lot of his time working, and there's not a lot of interlap. Ah just... Ah dunno, it's not like Ah'm opposed to the idea or anythang. Ah just plain don't have tha time. Why am Ah trying ta justify mahself to a voice in mah head? Cocoa, you gotta start warning me bout these sort of thangs. .....Ah... just had a very odd thought. Um. Ah'll, uh, Ah'll be back tomorrow. > Don't ask about yesterday. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just.... just don't. Ah'm here for tha coconuts, and that's all that's going to happen. Look, a mare has needs, okay? That's all. STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT COCOA! > Look, Cocoa, Ah'm sorry fer avoiden' ya. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah was just... embaressed is all. Not many ponies know Ah like that kinda thang... Ah guess... maybe we can be knitting buddies, if ya like. Hard ta knit with vines though. Cocoa, do you ever wonder if... if, ya know... yer a side character in tha big scheme of things? Like, ya were just put here to support somepony else while they did something important, and then there wasn't any good way ta get rid of ya so you just stuck around. Like that, really. That's all that Ah mean. Ah.... gosh darn it. Ah'm just... Ah don't know what ta do, Cocoa. Aside from surviving and waiting, Ah.... Ah don't know what ta do. > Pinkimena. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What kind of name is that? Yah know, if there were enough wood, Ah'd build a raft. Ah wonder if tha farm's getting along without me. Ah feel so useless. Ah need some sort of direction.... > L and L. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laughter and Loyalty. Lunatic, Animated, Unstable, Good Heart, Thespian, Enegmatic, Random. That's Laughter. Loyalty.... Loyalty.... L O Y A L T Y. Hmm. Leader, Ah guess, in a way. Oblivious. Yearning, and Awesome, that one was obvious... L. Levitating? Ah guess Ah'll go with that.... Tactless. And, Ah dunno, yodeler? Y is a hard letter ta work with. So.... Ah.... Ah guess there's just one more ta go Cocoa. Ah wonder what'll happen then. > Ah'm just plain tired. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah'm sorry, Ah just... am. So, Ah'm going ta be turning in early today, Cocoa. > Fire.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...that's all Ah've been dreaming bout this last week. Fire. Lava. Hot sauce.... Ah think Ah came down with somethang. Ah don't know what. Maybe it's somethang in mah leg. Ah'm... better, now. Not.... okay, but.... Well. Where was Ah anyway? Did Pinkie, did Rainbow.... Fluttershy... Rarity... oh, Twilight. So that's M, A, G, I, C. Huh. Meticulous. Academic. Genuine. Innocent. Compulsionary... Welp. Ah guess Ah'm done, Cocoa. What.... what's that sound? What? Dear sweet Celestia.... THA SIGNAL! Ah'll be right back Cocoa! Come on.... Come on.... It's a big pillar o' fire... Come on.... HA! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ya see that, Cocoa?! They're turning! They're headed this way, hahahahahahahahahaha! Hot diggety, they found me! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! COME ON FELLAS! AH'M DOWN HERE! Oh, Ah am so ready ta eat something other then coconuts, no offense girl, but Ah can't wait ta get mah hooves on some real S.A.A. apples. Woohoo, Ah'm going home! ....Uh.... What? NO! Nononono! Get back her ya varmits! Get back! Don't just turn around and.... and leave... Why...? > Had ta rebuild tha signal. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spent all day yesterday gathering up wood. Look. Tha ship was just too small ta land. That hasta be it. > Ah gotta say... this is getting mighty boring. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just... waiting. Fer all Ah know, that ship coulda been overun with pirates. Or some other kinda less than savory folk. Point is they night not o' cared one way or tha other. What am Ah doing, Cocoa? Ah've been on watch fer all o' three days, and nothing's changed. They had ta have seen me, o' course, but with all tha legal hoops Ah doubt that even if they cared they probably wouldn't be able ta mount any real rescue. Ah should be making a raft, getting ready fer a journey ta tha mainland. Why am Ah still waiting? Am Ah... really that dependent on others ta choose what Ah do? Ah... Ah think... Who am Ah kidding. Ah'm pretty much stuck here fer tha rest o' mah life. Time ta start living fer yerself, AJ. Do whatever ya want! Er... well, whatever Ah want that don't need lots o' things fer me ta do. Ah'm going ta... do... somethang! Give me a moment. Hmmm. Okay, Ah... always wanted ta... Ah don't know... uh... huh. Okay, drop money off tha list... Ah know! Ah'll get an exercise routine that.... okay, Ah already got one, and Ah can't do anythang more extreme then that without figgerin' out how ta avoid hurting mahself.... Ah suck at poetry, Ah know that. Um. Ah could try flying a kite again. Yeah. Who am Ah kidding. Ah don't have anythang worth doing here. And Ah have no chance ta get anywherre where thar's somethang worth doing.... ...ya know what, Ah'm just... going ta turn in early Cocoa. And if Ah wake up tomorrow, Ah... don't know what ah'll do. > Ah guess it's time ta settle down. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah mean... Ah'm not going ta build a whole new Sweet Apple Acres out here. Not nearly enough room. Heh. Heck, this island is bout half tha size o' Ponyville. Little more then half. Nah, Ah'm just going ta build me a lil' cabin. What Ah got works, but it ain't much ta look at. So Ah'm thinking, seaside cabin. Maybe a, whacha call 'em, surfboard? Yeah. Apple Bloom and her friends had one once... Welp. Can't stand round reminiscing. Not anymore! Ah got me a cottage ta build! Ah'll be back soon, Cocoa, just gotta get me some logs! ...unfff... urrrrrugh.... RUNF! Thar. Got these darn thangs here. Now, Ah cant just plant 'em in tha sand--weak foundation--so ah'm going ta try ta dig the sand away from this rocky patch and out as far as Ah can. This is going ta be a bit tedious, but Ah think it's worth it. Hrf. ACK! Phpth. Yuck. HRF. Heh heh heh. Hah. Sorry, Ah'm just thinking... this here rock? Ah think it's tha same color as mah brother. Heh. Always was... like a rock... Anyway. Back ta work! HRUNF! Hrf. Ah.... huh. That seems like... enough. Ah am sweating up a storm, Cocoa. Actually, Ah'm just going ta sit here in tha shade fer a bit, that alright? Yer a good friend, Cocoa. Ah.... Cocoa? Since we are tha two only ponies here.... do ya... maybe... wanna get married someday? ...what do ya mean yer straight?! You're a filly?! Well, you're either a colt or a filly so-- BOTH?! Uh. Ah, uh... well, uh... Ah'm... just going ta keep working on this house, okay? Gotta get this wall up. make it sturdy-- Applejack! AAA! Oh mah stars, ya startled me Twi-- ...Twilight? Oh my gosh it is so good to see you, I was so worried! Wait, wait. Twilight?! What are ya--how are ya--? There was this, this merchant ship that came to Canterlot, and they told Rainbow about a phoenix on an island in the middle of the ocean and Rainbow told me so I tracked down the merchants and I matched where they had seen the phoenix on the map and it was close to where the storm was and you're alive! I'm just so happy you're alive! Ah... Ah'm alive, yeah... Oh, hold on, I need to give the signal. Signal, what--? Twilight, did you just light that scroll on fire--? Dragonfire spell. Spike and the others-- you have your hat still! Hahaha! That's amazing! That's just... I'm so so sorry, AJ! I should have, I should have ordered some sort of search! Oh my gosh what happened to your leg?! What, this? It's nothing, really--Look, Ah... this is just... you're actually here. Yes, I am. You're actually.... Cocoa, am I seeing things? ....Cocoa? Oh, uh, Twilight, Cocoa. Cocoa, Twilight. Er, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Ah. Hello... Cocoa... It's... very nice to meet you! ...so, uh, Twilight... how is... everypony? Oh! Um... they're... well... Applejack. You... have to understand. We thought we lost you... Ah... kinda figgered... They've been... kind of... well... morose and distracted. Um. Because of.... you know... but now we've found you! We can bring you back home! I'm just so happy and I'm sorry and I just... It's all so much! Oh my gosh, there's the ship! Twilight! APPLEJACK! UNF! Haha... heh, good ta see ya too Rainbow... Don't you EVER pull a stunt like that again! YOU HEAR ME AJ? Loud and clear, Dash. Ah don't intend ta ever-- Um, Dash... shouldn't we get her to the ship? Right, sorry, Fluttershy's right. You've been out here tanning for too long, AJ! Besides, we need to let the doctor look at her. I mean, her leg-- It's fahn, Twi. Ah'm not bout ta lose it-- Oh my goodness! That's so... Applejack, please, let us help you to the ship. Look, Shy, Ah appreciate yer concern. Really. But Ah'd prefer ta wait fer a landing balloon then ask fer a pegasusback ride. Something under mah hooves, yah see? Ask and ye shall receive! Old Equestrian, Pinkie? Really? It's a classic line Rares! APPLEJACK! Unf! Oh mah gosh Applejack Ah missed ya so much! Are ya okay? No sunburn, heatstroke-- yer leg! Apple Bloom-- Let her fuss over ya, girl, she's been worried sick for a moon and a half. Eeeeeyup. And to be quite frank darling, you look positively horrid. All this time in the sand cannot have done your skin any favors! I just realized something! We're all back together! Do you know what this calls for?! A party? No! TWO parties! One on the ship and one when we get back to Ponyville! Oh, that sounds nice... But first we have to get her onto the ship. Um... Macintosh, would you...? Eeeeeyup. Hey! Ah can walk fahn on mah own! Pish posh, darling! After what you've been through you surely deserve a little pampering, and your brother is willing to carry you to your chariot. I for one insist on personally repairing that hat. But-- AJ... let her fix the hat. ....Fahn. YAY! As soon as we get back to the ship I'm going to start working on that party! Are ya sure yer okay, sis? ....Ah... Ah guess Ah am now...