The Ballad of Princess Celestia: A Poem

by GhostWriter17

First published

Celestia, on the day of Twilight's royal coronation, contemplates her place in life, overcome with grief and sadness. Companion piece to my other poem, "The Melancholy of Princess Luna".

Celestia is at peace. Having just elected her student, Twilight Sparkle, to be a Royal Princess, she sits at the highest point in Canterlot, and contemplates her decisions in life. In a time she should be feeling joy and bliss, Celestia feels sorrow and pain. Why does she feel this way, and why now? That is what the Princess of the Sun tries to answer...

Companion Piece to my other poem, The Melancholy of Princess Luna: A Poem.

To Challenge The Sun

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The Ballad of Princess Celestia: A Poem

A Long One Shot Poem by GhostWriter17

Companion Piece to "The Melancholy of Princess Luna"


Celestia gazes out across her kingdom, her land,
Sighing, the Princess admires that which is so grand.

The rolling hills, glistening with Sun's light
Bathe all of Equestria in its solar might.

Atop the highest point of Canterlot, she stands still
Taking in Equestria, which has been given such a thrill!

"Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" they had said,
While Celestia had to prepare for what now lay ahead.

Yes, Twilight has had her dreams fulfilled,
For Celestia deemed her student to be truly skilled.

With parades and parties came happiness and bliss,
But why does Celestia feel, now, none of this?

Here she stands, atop the highest tower,
Watching the Sun up above, feeling dour.

The Sun is at its highest point, radiant and bright,
Yet its warmth cannot soothe Celestia's inner plight.

She had once thought this moment would be magic,
Yet Twilight's coronation felt so horribly tragic.

It is the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one,
But unlike her loyal citizens, Celestia was having no fun.

Her heart, it aches, yearns for some joy,
Yet Celestia could find nothing much to enjoy.

She gazes upon the cheering, whooping crowd,
And their adoration for the Princess so endowed.

Celestia looks into the face of Twilight, full of pride,
But with this new beginning, it's as if something had died.

In the young mare's face she sees herself, in the beginning,
When she too was young and had dreams that needed fulfilling.

Back then, there was no worry over her legacy,
Back when she herself rose above regency.

How times change, she ponders to herself,
And how she has changed, she, herself.

Staring into her past, a swirling, black abyss,
Celestia wonders what could have caused this.

Sadness, it has hardened her heart
And it was what tore she and her sister apart.

Was it a stinging regret that the Princess was feeling?
Regret of things she'd do differently? Her mind was reeling.

The Tree was there, her sister as well,
Was it all worth it, to stop Hell?

Was weakening the source of all magic truly worth it,
Or were the two wrong in their endeavor to end it?

Questions of morality were not what she usually wondered,
But now her mind was flooded where it once slumbered.

She tried not to weep, to cry in her sorrow,
An agonizing pain of what lay ahead tomorrow.

Tomorrow everything would change,
The world around all would rearrange.

Before the tears would fall, and Darkness overcome,
A shadow envelops the Daytime; 'twas the Darker one.

Luna, the Princess of the Night,
Blotting out the Sun with her body, so light.

A horrifying eclipse flashes in Celestia's mind,
Of when the Nightmare surprised her, so blind.

"My Sister" said she, the Lunar Royal,
As she lowers herself to sister's eye level.

"What is it that troubles you so?
That which make your mood so low?"

"Luna," said she, "it is my regret,
Yet I know not why I am so bereft."

"Bereft? But Sister, you've not lost a loved one!"
Celestia simply replies, "I feel I have lost one."

Celestia continued her heavy-hearted tale,
The woe inside her that was making her frail.

"I feel as if I've done wrong," she went on,
"As if I'm at fault, that I am ignorant as a faun."

Fauns were once proud, intelligent and magical,
Until Discord made them brain-dead and spiteful.

Luna scoffed, "A faun you are not, Sister Dear,
But rather a leader who knows when the way is clear.

You are the song the cock sings when he greets the Sun,
The Sun you are, Sister, the only One.

You are benevolent, radiating friendship and love,
But will not back down when push comes to shove.

Your subjects, Look Down! they love you,
And I must confess, Sister, I do, too.

A failure you are not, do not sob in grief,
Think not of the past, but of the present's relief!

And if you so should fear alone,
I am here, to be your stone!

I shall, and always will be, here by your side,
I'll never leave you, my elder, my guide!

You've taught me right from wrong, no matter the consequence,
And I shall always defend you with great sentiments.

Your student Twilight is a brilliant one,
You alone made the decision for her coronation.

Do not doubt your decisions; live with them,
Face tomorrow, and do not condemn.

Look up, my sister, be free from burden,
And always remember that which you're laden.

But never forget, though with responsibilities laden,
That I can help relinquish that burden.

You said yourself that we are never alone,
Never shall you, Sister, in your home.

Home is where your heart lies,
And there, Love never dies."

The Lunar Princess, shedding liquid pride,
Wraps her wings around her sister's sides.

Celestia returns the gentle gesture,
Her body trembling in Luna's vesture.

All the sorrow inside Celestia seems to ebb away,
Color began to seep in where there was gray.

Luna rocks her older sister atop the tower,
Shielding her, letting her softly cower.

Celestia feels cold in her sister's embrace,
A pained contortion spread upon her face.

Luna hums her Symphony of Night,
The song she sings to little ones before Light.

And, thus, overcome with utter emotion, for the first time in ages,
Celestia wept.

For minute upon minute, she sobs her sorrows away,
While the day's harshness begins to fade.

When she feels she has no more tears to shed,
Celestia nuzzles her sister in her head.

The embrace is slowly broken,
Both smile faintly, as if awoken.

As if awoken from a nightmare,
Celestia's eyes are wide and clear.

Luna opens her mouth to speak, bowing her head,
But flies away to a calling guard, instead.

Luna looks back, smiling with empathy,
As Celestia sighs quite heavily.

Why she had felt so awful, she did not know,
Nor would she ever, in her life, ever know.

But to Celestia, that mattered not,
For the pain would soon be forgot.

She glances at the Sun, and sees no sorrow,
No shadows or evil from yesterday or tomorrow.

Her heart is now lifted to heights so great,
She feels the happiness inside her inflate.

Looking down at the ending procession below,
She smiles fondly at the Princess giving a flying show.

"Everything will be just fine!" she bellows from above,
Such a statement rings true, with friendships and love.

The Princess of the Day vows now not to dwell on past mistakes,
But to embrace the past as past, and see what the future makes.

Empowered, She soars above to meet her former Student,
Humming a tune so beautiful, maybe even prudent.

A song is in order!, she thinks to herself,
A Ballad for all, to celebrate good health!

She looks down to Sister Luna, with some ponies,
And waves in joy to her Sister's companies.

She soars through the air, weaving through clouds,
Showing her expertise with flying through the puffy crowds.

The onlookers whoop and cheer their Princess on,
Making her glad her sadness is gone.

And so, with renewed strength and vigor,
She belts out her Ballad, a mesmerizing singer.

Oh, my Dear Subjects, what a glorious day!
That this celebration has gathered all here today!

Behold the Princess Twilight Sparkle,
Princess of Magic and my Pupil!

My subjects, I thank you, never have I felt such joy!
Lively, simply and purely full of joy!

Come one, come all, to this Grande Celebration!
Let us all be delightful, cheer in jubilation!

Without all of you, I would certainly be lost;
Destiny brings us together, we, star-crossed!

Maybe I've not been the best, maybe I have faults,
But I thank you, nonetheless, with this Ballad, this waltz!

I have my Sister, O, she, so gentle and pure,
Without her, I'd be nowhere, for sure!

And to Twilight and friends, who surprise me so,
Teaching me of Friendship, of things I'd not known!

So Sing With Me, Citizens, all!
Sing high to the Sun, and never fall!

Praise, be all life, and I bless love to forever be,
And eternal happiness, I Sing to Thee!

When her Ballad was over, she lands on the ground,
With Twilight by her side, facing the Subjects, so loud.

Her heart filled with utter elation,
Celestia has no frustration.

Truly, today was momentous, to say the least,
When suddenly, Twilight cried, "Enjoy the feast"!

Before Celestia could react, Luna's horn glowed,
and food materialized around everyone, by the trainload.

Mountains of sweets, treats, and delicious confections,
Fed all the ponies, with no exceptions.

The Princess of the Day laughs at the absurdity,
But the laughter is enjoyed by Twilight, heartily.

It is here, Celestia agrees with Twilight's now famous line,
"I know for absolute certain, that everything is certainly fine".