> Dinky's new brother. > by marineproductions100 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Member > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky's younger brother New Member. Dinky was told that she was going to walk home from school today. While she was walking she kept on asking herself "Why did they want me to walk home today?". She kept on thinking and thinking for a real long time. She popped up an idea that they were tired of picking her up everyday. She ignored that idea once she noticed that Derpy had a real big smile before she left. "Why was she so suspicious today?" Dinky asked herself. "Maybe you should stop mumbling." Bells said. Dinky jumped because Bells popped out of nowhere. Dinky looked at Bells with a frown. "Bells don't do that. You scared the heck out of me." Dinky said. "Sorry." Bells said. Dinky started walking and Bells stopped her by stepping right in front of her. "What's on your mind?" Bells asked. "My parents acted strange this morning and I can't put my hoof on it." Dinky replied. "Why do you think that they were acting strange this morning?" Bells asked. "Well mainly because my mommy had this strange look on her face. Mom had it too but it still was strange." Dinky replied. "Maybe they're doing something while you were gone." Bells said. "It can't be. Nothing special is happening. No holiday or birthday is coming soon." Dinky said. "Maybe it's a surprise." Bells said. "Maybe but the looks on their faces is what got to me." Dinky said. "Well i'm sure you'll find out once you get home." Bells said. "Okay then let's go." Dinky said. The two fillies started to walk to Dinky's house to find out why Derpy and Rainbow Dash were acting strange this morning. They arrived at Ponyville. Bells stopped and Dinky stopped as well to and looked at her friend. "What's the matter Bells?" Dinky asked. "Um nothing it's just that there was this book I wanted to get." Bells replied with a nervous look on her face. "Are you sure?" Dinky insisted. "Yeah. I am." Bells replied. "Okay well do you want to come with you?" Dinky asked. "Yes please." Bells replied. They walked in the Twilight's library. Twilight heard the doorbell ring and saw Dinky and Bells. "Hey Dinky, Bells. What's up?" Twilight asked. "Bells here said that she wanted to borrow a book." Dinky replied. "Sure what kind are you looking for Bells?" Twilight asked. "Actually I was wondering if I could see one of those mystery books of yours. You know ones that involve detectives." Bells replied. "Let me go see." Twilight said. She left and was gone for about ten minutes. Once she returned with the book. Bells grabbed it and put it in her backpack and thanked Twilight. They both left Twilight's library and headed to Dinky's house. "I wonder what to expect when I get home?" Dinky asked. "I don't know." Bells replied. Dinky stopped and looked at Bells. "Aren't you supposed to be heading home?" Dinky asked. "I figured I could stop by for a little bit." Bells replied. "Won't your parents get worried?" Dinky asked. "I think they'll be fine." Bells replied. They arrived at Dinky's house and Dinky opened the door and saw Bells' parents on the couch. "Why are you two here?" Dinky asked. "You should go upstairs and ask your mother that." Space replied. Dinky looked at Bells and Bells smiled. Dinky started heading upstairs and she heard laughter from her parents bedroom. She opened the door and saw Derpy holding a five year old colt in her arms. Dinky gasped and rushed towards her mother. "Am I a sister?" Dinky asked. Derpy giggled. "Yes my muffin. You're and older sister now." Derpy replied. Dinky looked at her younger brother and smiled. "Why don't you hug your younger brother." Rainbow said. Dinky grabbed her brother and hugged him. "What's his name?" Dinky asked. "His name is Package." Derpy replied. "Why's it that?" Dinky asked. "Because that's how they found him. He was in a package when they found him." Rainbow replied. "I won't let anypony hurt you. I'll be the best sister ever." Dinky said. Dinky hugged Package and Package hugged her back. "I love you sis." Package said. "I love you too" Dinky said. Rainbow wrapped her wing around Derpy and they watched them play. Dinky stopped hugging Package. "Wanna see something cool?" Dinky asked. "What." Package replied. "How about I explain to you about the wonder bolts." Dinky said. "Sure." Package said. The two ponies went to Dinky's room. Rainbow and Derpy went downstairs into the living room. "Thank you for coming and thank you Bells for buying us some time to bring him home." Derpy said. "Your welcome." Bells acknowledged. Space and Antique picked up Bells and walked out of the house. Rainbow wrapped her wing around Derpy and pulled her in for a kiss. Derpy kissed back. Rainbow sat down on the couch and Derpy went upstairs. She peeked her head into Dinky's bedroom and saw Dinky playing with Package with her wonder bolt action figures. Derpy smiled and slowly closed the door. She walked into the living room and sat herself right next to Rainbow. She laid her head on Rainbow and they both closed their eyes and fell asleep. Written by: Cameron.