> Hero of Time > by Silent Bob > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Empathy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Thousand Years Ago... .... ... ... ... "Link...." ... ... "...?" "It's not often I ask you for favors, you know. But this one - this one is personal. You know what's happening. You've seen the darkness to the east..." Tears steadily formed in Celestia's eyes. Link glanced away from her, a mix of both spite and pity rising in his chest. She swallowed hard. "I-I tried to stop her, you know. I apologized... for what I said. That she is second because light always overtake the darkness. I-It is the natural order of things." Link glared at her. "Don't look at me like that! Please!" she cried. :"I-I.... got angry - that's all. She went over my head one too many times - she nearly caused a war with the griffins. The C-Crystal Empire stood alone for a reason." She closed her eyes, looking away from his fiery glare. "What happened there.... was for a reason." "..." "I guess it's easy to see why she rooted for the underdog..." He gave a silent huff. She then glanced back him, furrowing her brow. "Either way - I'm asking you to do this for her! Give her some reprieve... and be there for her. I can't even get close." Her eyes widened. "But you - w-wait! Are you going to-" By the time she had finished, the Hero of Time had already galloped out of her throne room. ... ... She sagged her head in sorrow. "... Do it?" SHIIIING! SLAAAAASH!.!.! SHIING! With the Master Sword, Link cut through a thicket of brush, grunting as he did so. His destination was in the distance, hanging above the canopy of the Everfree Forest, an ancient castle illuminated by a vicious, red moon... and partially blocked by a storm of shadows. "Link!" SLASH! SLIIIICE!.!.! He continued to cut through the untamed wild. "Link! Hey, listen - damnit all!" A blue wisp approached him, shining light light on his tan fur. Navi. Link paused, turning his head towards the diminutive fairy and giving it a blank look. She groaned. "Finally, you listen! You wonder why I nag you so much, but do you know how hard it is to get your attention?!" "..." SHIIIINGGGG!.!.! He continued forward, ignoring her. "Oh fine, ignore me, then! Get yourself killed!" He carried on. Navi gritted her teeth. "Idiot." A minute or so later, he found himself in a small clearing, and galloped forward. In the distance, an evil laugh echoed across the woods. Navi soon caught up with him. "You can't help her, Link! She's gone! The power of the Black Orb... nopony can be saved from this! It was like that with everyone! Remember Captain Black?! He was once a hero as great as you - and Luna gazed into it for far longer!" His eyes widened. He swallowed hard. ... And shook his head, continuing on. "..." Navi closed her eyes. "The only person who can save her is herself..." When she opened them, Link had already moved on. Navi snarled, fluttering ahead. "Link! Link! Damnit all, I know you don't talk - everypony knows that, but for once, just give me a sign! Write-it, draw it, hell, we could play charades for all I care! What are you planning to do?! Do you think that your very presence will remind her of who she is?! It won't work! It. Will. Not. Work!" A beat. "... You know what you're going to have to do, right?" Link ground to a halt once again, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath. ... "You're going to have to do what Princess Celestia can't. That is... if you have it in you." ... Slowly, he turned his head, a pained, sorrowful expression on him. He looked as if he was trying to make a decision, but didn't seem to come to one. However, he had the past to turn to for answers. FLASH!.!.! Years ago... "Hehehe!" Dark fields of green... "Got you now!" BOING! "Hehe! Thou are the chosen!" a filly Luna giggled, tagging a young Link on the nose. Link raised an eyebrow. Luna giggled, covering her mouth with a hoof. "What I mean is.... you're it, hero," she said, sticking her tongue out, bopping him on the nose once more, and galloping away. Link smirked, rolling his eyes. FLASH!.!.! Link chased her into a deep, dark forest. The wind whispered through the trees. A giggle came from yonder. Luna. Link chuckled silently, and darted towards it. "Hehehe!" Her ghostly voice echoed through the woods. Link shivered slightly. There was a numbness to the air. "..." The giggles went silent. ... ... "EEEEP!" His eyes widened in horror. FLASH!.!.! Link searched for an eternal five minutes, under every rock and in every hole, before he found her... ... And when he did, his eyes widened at the sight before him. His face contorted into rage. Luna lay in a truff of grass, limp as can be - with a small, bat-like pony sinking its teeth into her neck. SHIIIIINNNNG!.!.! He drew his sword, a short-blade made in the fires of an Equestrian forge. "HIIIYAAAAA!.!.!" He snarled and charged forth. The bat-pony's eyes widened as it threw up his hooves in a defensive gesture. Link had none of this. He gritted his teeth, leaped into the air, but- "Huh? LINK!" - Before he could complete his swing, Luna's eyes flew open. "STOP!" He blinked in confusion and desperately twirled his sword so the hilt faced outward before landed before the duo. The bat-pony immediately let loose a series of frightened shrieks... and darted into the woods. Luna... was not pleased. "UGH! LINK!" she shouted. "??????" She took a deep breath, turning away from him with a huff. "Ugh - you're just like the rest of them. I knew it! You fear what you can't understand..." Link blinked in confusion, furrowing his brow. She gazed at the ground, sorrowfully. "That poor thing was just hungry, so I let it feed off of me..." She closed her eyes, swallowing hard. "Hybrids can never seem to catch a break. My sister tries, really - she does. But with all her talk of acceptance bigotry and fear follow them everywhere. It's like that with all creatures of the night..." "...?" She sighed. "I suppose I can't blame them fully. It's not something they have much of a control over. It's a survival instinct - really. The dark is where predators can strike the easiest, so for whatever reason, over time, most ponies adapted to this. Something inside them just... won't let them find peace in it..." Link frowned slightly, lowering his eyebrows in concern. She smiled weakly at him. "I want to ask you something, Link. You... do not speak at all. I suppose it isn't something that triggers a natural state of fear towards you, but..." The smile slowly toppled over. "Do you... ever think people make negative assumptions about you? Link tilted his head. She chuckled slightly. "I know... what I'm saying is abstract. Let me explain. What I mean is... many say their thoughts aloud, but you can't... or at least choose not to. Cus of that, people's own self-consciousness may make them think you're ignoring them, or even if they think you can speak, your natural silence could trigger that... that 'sense' that they are being ignored. Perhaps they could even think you mean them ill, and may not even show it..." She shook slightly, wincing, a few specks of tears in her eyes. "D-Do you ever feel... alone because of it? Because of something out of our - I mean... your control...?" Link took a deep breath, gazing at her with sympathetic eyes... "L-Link?" ... and promptly turned about, walking to the edge of the clearing as he spied something in the distance. "H-Huh?" Luna squeaked. "A-Are you leaving? I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get mad at you!" Link shook his head. Luna blinked in confusion. "W-What are you doing, then?" He continued to walk to the edge of the clearing they were in, and with minimal effort, quickly gathered enough kindling to start a small fire... FLASH! ... And ten minutes later, Link and Luna cuddled up by its burning self, both smiling... both warm. Both very much not-alone. "H-Heh. I t-thought I scared you off for a second," Luna chuckled nervously. Link shook his head, smirking. She rolled her eyes. "Oh, aren't you cheeky? I forgot you were called the 'Hero with No Fear'. Is that why you're with me? Because you're not afraid?" He chuckled silently, shook his head again, and pointed up at the stars. Luna's mouth parted. "O-Oh..." Link nuzzled her slightly, before smiling ahead of him. ... ... ... "L-Link..." "...?" She sighed. "S-Sorry, I know you like silence, but... do you really like my night?" With that, he slowly turned his head towards her, and nodded. Then, he did something exceedingly rare for him. He actually mouthed the words: 'It guides me.' ... She giggled again, nudging him playfully. "...?!" "You're so cheesy, sometimes," she said, sticking her tongue out. Link rolled his eyes, though a small smile held on him. To his delight, Luna smiled back. ... Another moment of silence. ... Then, Luna finally whispered: "T-Thank you..." "...?" "For your company." Link merely shrugged, as if to say: 'what are friends for?' Luna dug a hoof into the ground. "Will you always be like that, though? Will you ever fear me... even if I did something bad? Like... really bad?" Link thought in mock thought for a second, before shaking his head. "... Good," Luna whispered, closing her eyes. "Because who knows when I'll need you..." He shrugged yet again. "Heh. No use worrying about the future, right?" she beamed. Link nodded, smirking at her. "L-Let's just enjoy the now..." she said softly. "But I have to ask..." "?.." She smiled hopefully. "W-Will you stay with me through the night...? All of it? Please..." Link... ... The Hero of Time merely snuggled closer to her. Her smile brightened. "G-Good." Link! She leaned her head against his back... And Link held his silent promise. FLASH! "LIIIIIIINNNNNK!.!.!" "...?!" "You have come far enough, hero," a dark, hoarse, whisper of a voice hissed before him. "!!!!!!!" The origin of it nearly caused him to gasp. It came from a being of pure, gray shadow, its only features a slit for a mouth and two, glowing red eyes... They bore into him. If the collective nightmares of Equestria could take form, this was it. "L-Link!" Navi gulped. "T-That is Shadowfright! THE Shadowfright!" "Ah, so you know of me," he said, holding a sinister smirk. "I'm... happy to say it's likewise, Link, Hero of Time, or as others call you: 'The Hero with No Fear.'" It rolled its red eyes, scoffing. "What sort of lies do people dream up these days?" At that, he drew closer, narrowing its eyes into two slits. "Everypony fears, Link. Or mostly everypony, that is... those that don't lead pointless existence. Fear is what drives us forward, after all. For instance, my people feared not having a kingdom, so we... influenced... Princess Luna to make one for us. The Nightmare is very convincing, after all. And you... you fear losing your childhood friend forever, don't you? Nightmare Moon speaks of you... your fear is still there, you are just brave - but at least that is something that can be crushe, hehe..." He then continued in a mocking, childish tone: "Oooh, her poor, poor Link... so understanding, so pitiful... He narrowed his eyes. "...So doomed... yet you still carry on... what other reason could it be other than fear?" "Shut up! We don't need to hear the stupid speech!" Navi snarled. Shadowfright cracked its neck, glaring at her... "Must be annoying to have some pitiful insect speak for you, hmmm?" Suddenly, before Navi could react, the being sent a tendril of smoke forward, and- SMAAAAAM!.!.! "EEEEEEEP!.!.!" - Struck Navi with it, sending her grinding into the forest floor. She went limp, but seemed to still be breathing... "There. Problem solved," Shadowfright smiled. Link's eyes widened as a silent snarl drew from his lips. He then gritted his teeth, and... SHIIIIIINNNNNNG!.!.! - Drew the Master Sword, its beauty shimmering in the red moonlight. Shadowfright held his ground, and slowly, but surely, a deep, dark laugh drew from his lips. "Hahahaha! Ooooooh, how amusing. Unfortunately, I don't have time to tango, boy. I have a message for you, or an invitation to be precise." "...?" Link gazed at him suspiciously. "You want to see your friend again, boy?" it asked, turning about. "Then follow me..." He then began to float off towards the distant castle. After a moment, Link followed. The blue storm of shadows was growing more intense: a maelstrom hovering in the sky, ready to keep the stars anchored in place forevermore. He glanced at it periodically, as well as at Shadowfright, until they finally reached the base of the castle. "Beautiful scenery in these parts, hm?" Shadowfright commented, leading him through two, broken wooden doors. "Wait until you see the redecorating our princess has done..." Link slowly made his way in, and gasped at the sight. The castle was not what it used to be, to say the least. Everything - the tables, the floor, the wood, even the chandeliers, were covered with a strange, pure-black texture. "Yes, pleasing on the eye, isn't it?" Shadowfright smiled. "Why ponies fear eternal night is beyond me. They can always grow food with their magic. It can be done: Starswirl proved that. I ask you this, a legitimate question: why fear the night? Does the sun please you? Does it make you happy? Is it simply a comforting familiarity?" Link remained silent as he slowly drew forward, growing more and more tense as he drew on They entered the throne room. In the distance loomed two heavy, stone chairs. They slowly moved up to it. Shadowfright then halted, signaling for Link to move forward, grinning. "What do you think, my Goddess of the Night?" Shadowfright continued. "Heh. Oh... I think I'll have a guess at it." "!!!!" Link's eyes widened. He gasped in horror. Princess Luna appeared out of thin air, marching towards him. However... something was different. Her teeth were no longer simple and even, they now sported two fangs, and upon her she wore heavy, jagged armor. She was changing into Nightmare Moon more quickly than ever imagined. "He merely fears what he cannot understand," she said, narrowing her eyes at him. "Hello, Link. It's been a while..." Link stood motionless, he glanced away from her. "What - not even a look for your oldest friend?" she asked. He swallowed hard, closing his eyes. ... Dead. Silence. Even the wind held its breath. "... I see, then," Luna whispered. "So, you really were like the others, weren't you?" "..." At that, a voice that was not Luna's rang from the Nightmare, causing Link to take a step back. "No response. See, I told you he wasn't your friend! Those with shadows doth gaze at you with nothing but distrust!" Luna shivered, wincing as her voice returning to normal. "Wait... w-what... what if he's just not used to seeing me like this, Nightmare? A-Anypony would be a bit... unnerved." "Hold out whatever hope you wish, but it will be squelched! He does not wish to bask in your night forevermore like your true people do! Everything he 'said' before was just a lie! You should kill him! Do it! Throw his body off the balcony! Let it rot and turn to dust, not even a footnote in the true regime. He will die alone and his legacy will be forgotten - the fate of all so-called 'heroes'." She gave an evil laugh. "History is written by the victor, dear Luna! In this new kingdom, you will be the hero." ... She paused, her pupils dilating. Link noticed this, raising his eyebrows and looking at her with pleading eyes... "Y-You don't care, do you... about what's happening to me... you're just fearful for your life right now..." Luna gulped. She then gritted her teeth. "I-I... will make them fear me no longer. They will learn, they will adapt... and they will know after a time that dusk is just as beautiful as the dawn! I will make them get used to it!" "Yes.... yes!" Shadowfright chuckled. A group of living nightmares had gathered, chuckling as well. "Now - everything will be shadow..." Luna closed her eyes yet again, tears forming in their corners. "B-But Link... let me ask you something..." Link glanced at her curiously. "D-Did you ever fear me... did you ever really think my night was beautiful?" she whispered softly. "Did you ever think... I was beautiful...? Or... was it all a lie? Were you simply the playmate that Celestia arranged you to be?" ... Link gazed at her with absolute disbelief... ... SHIIING!.!.! .. And sheathed his sword. The entire gathering went wide-eyed. "W-What?!" Shadowfright hissed. "Are you a fool?! You dare lower your only means of defense?!" "L-Link?" Luna gulped. Link merely chuckled mutely, turning his head towards Shadowfright. 'I do fear... just not all the time.' The shadow demon looked taken aback. "W-What the hell does that mean?!" Link ignored him, turning his head and gazing at Princess Luna once again. Without anything else, he began to walk towards her. The sound of his hoof-steps were all that could be heard among the baffled audience. "Link... what are you doing?" Luna asked. "IT IS A TRICK! A RUSE TO LOWER YOUR DEFENSES! STRIKE HIM DOWN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" Link continued to walk forward. Luna swallowed hard. "L-Link. Don't make me do it! P-please, what are your intentions?" ... He paused, before mouthing the words, 'Trust... me.' "B-But... I..." Luna whimpered, shaking in fear. "I... I... "NO! KILL HIM! KILL HIM NOW!" Link shook his head. 'Luna. The only thing to fear...' The storm grew all the more intense. The shadow creatures gave growls, charging towards Link... Nightmare Moon was not happy. "RAUUUUGHHHHH!.!.! DAMN YOU, LINK! JUST BUCK OFF AND DIE, YOU PATHETIC WASTE OF CORPOREAL DUST! BUCK OFF AND-" Luna suddenly gasped. ... "D-Die?" Link smiled, warmly embracing the Princess of the Night. ... And her eyes widened in realization. Then, surprisingly, Shadowfright let out a grunt. "... Well played, boy." There was a gust of wind, and everything was gone. The armor, the fangs, Shadowfright and his minions... just - gone. All that was left was the Hero of Time, and the Princess of the Night - sobbing uncontrollably, and in the comforting embrace of the Hero of Time. "O-Oh... o-oh please... please tell me this is just a dream..." she sobbed. "Please for the love of all... tell me this is just a dream, Link..." The Hero of Time merely swallowed hard, patting her on the back. "T-The voice, Link... it tells me to do things. H-Horrible things. I-I was actually thinking about killing you a second ago! A month ago I-I nearly killed my sister! I... I didn't want this! I didn't want this at all! I-I just wanted to be respected, to be loved!" "Shhhh...." Link said, continuing to pat her. "But I'm a fool, Link," she whispered. "A misguided, spoiled, fool..." "...?!" Link grunted silently, released the hug, and- "H-Huh?" - Looked directly into Luna's eyes. 'It was only fear.' At that, something in her just seemed to 'click' at that moment. Luna closed her eyes, tears slithering out of them. "I-I was wrong, Link," she whispered. "...?" "I was... so wrong." Link took a deep breath, ignoring the topic. "H-Huh?" He walked over to the balcony that sat behind the thrones and took a seat, patting next to it and smiling at Luna invitingly. ... Without another word, Luna silently took a seat next to him. Link then pointed up at the sky and glanced at Luna warmly. 'I never lie, you know.' Luna managed a pained laugh, tearfully cracking the slightest of smiles. However, the mood was broken by a sudden thunder-crackle in the distance, startling the night princess. She winced painfully. "I-I wish I had more time..." Link shuddered. "B-But she'll be back, soon... I can't - there is no way I can resist her for long..." She paused. Link glanced at her with sympathetic eyes, waiting for her response. She then took a deep breath, before returning her smile. "B-But... until then... will you-" Link merely chuckled, bringing a hoof to her mouth. Luna smiled appreciatively. "I knew you would." ... And with that, Link stayed with her through the night, and even beyond that - as long as he could until the Nightmare returned. Once again, he kept his promise.