> Letters to Nopony > by Maple Drop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Letter 1 - Rainbow Hearts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Nopony. I think I'm in love. It's not the sappy filly "I'm in love", but real-real love. It's so amazing that I feel 20% cooler just thinking about it! They're amazing! Even though twilight says I "boost" about my obviously amazing skillz, this mare still seems to like me. Yes, its a mare. Its not Fluttershy, sadly, but this mares even more wonderful! She wants to learn how to fly but because of her being an earth pony, that may never happen... I really wish I could teach her, or get her a magic spell to give her wings. Oh Pinkie Pie... what can I do to help you realize your dream? How will you and I ever fly over town and play pranks on egghead and every pony else? I'm so sorry Pinkie.. so sorry.... I love Pinkie Pie. she's so hyper and never gets tired so she can keep up with me. Her just loving to play pranks is another bonus for us and our relationship, though it's still only friendship. I haven't told her how I feel, and I'm afraid that when she finds out, she'll pretend to be ok with it, but than just start to ignore me because I creped her out. Nopony, what in Equestria will I do? Im so nervous about telling her that im starting to feel uncool, and that's not cool! --A really cool Pony P.s. If the letters damp, it's because I wrote this while I was waiting for the rain over ponyville to pass on. Sadly I couldn't leave my post in case the rain stayed! Anyway, its damp from the rain, not from my tears. Even though my tears would make this letter 20% cooler! Rainbow Dash rolled up the scroll that she had just poured her thoughts onto. She had heard of other ponys in ponyville just writing letter like this addressed to some "nopony". She wiped her eyes with one hoof before leaving the comfort of her cloudy home. As she clutched the scroll in her mouth, Dash flew to a cloud cluster she was going to move over ponyville. Sighing, Rainbow Dash set the scroll on the cloud and flew to the side to start pushing it over the town. After the cloud cluster was in place, she gave it a nice swift kick to get the rain stored in it a boost. Dash flew back as she watched rain droplets slowly start to fall, more and more quickly joining in. With yet another uncool sigh, Dash turned around and started the fly back to her home where Tank waited. Unaware of the scroll she had forgotten about falling through the clouds and hitting somepony on the head. Somepony who went by the nickname "Nopony". Pinkie Pie was closing the shutters of her attic bedroom. This rain sure is coming down so hard that even Gummy cant stand it! The pink earth pony thought ash she looked at the poor toothless alligator that was hidden under the colourful blankets of her bed. Looking out the window, Pinkie noticed a dark figure heading towards the door of Sugercube corner. Excited, Pinkie quickly finished closing all the shutters and hopped down the stairs into the bakery. "Welcome to Sugercube Corner! How can I help satisfy your tasty taste buds today?!" Pinkie's greeting went unheard to an empty room. A questioning look appeared on the party ponys face. She was sure she had seen somepony come in, she was sure of it! As Pinkie walked behind the counter, she noticed a damp scroll near the cash register. Did somepony taken all their money? Had Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake been abducted? Pinkie Pie quickly ripped off the seal of the scroll and read the first scroll. Dear Miss Pinkie pie This letter has come to in to my [something horrible covered in ink and unreadable] hoofs and I think that it would be the senders best wish's for you to see this. I have attached the letter I'm presuming was meant to be sent to you. [No name] Pinkie Pie carefully pealed off the second scroll that had been attached to the first. It's words were a bit blurred, but readable. As the pink earth pony read over the second letter, her eyes started to blur. she knew who the sender was. She even had the same feelings for the sender, and just like Dash, she too was worried about being shot down. Wiping her eyes, she laughed at how Rainbow Dash had tried to hide her mare side. Rolling up Rainbow Dash's letter to 'Nopony', Pinkie slowly walked up to her room and laid down on the bed. How do I tell dash the feelings so mutual it's hard to be in the same room as her?! Pinkie pie thought as she rolled onto her side, clutching the letter. Sitting up like she sometimes saw Lyra Heartstrings do in the park, Pinkie had an idea. An amazing idea according to her. Pulling off the covers to reveal Gummy, Pinkie stuffed him in her black hole of a hair and grabbed her bright pink raincoat that Rarity had made just for her and her "Ever growing hair" as Rarity had put it when she showed the pink earth pony the hood that could stretch almost triple times its normal size. Pulling the hood over her head, Pinkie Pie set out into the rain. Pinkie hoped to where Rainbow Dash's house was suppose to be sitting over. Breathing in with all her might, Pinkie yelled "Rainbow Dash!!". The rainbow Pegasus stuck her head out of her open window and looked down to see a pink blob bouncing about, making her heart skip a beat. Zooming through the room to the front door, Rainbow Dash flew down to Pinkie Pie. as she neared the pink pony, she tried to hide her feelings by slowing down a bit as well as hid her overly big smile. "H-hi Pinkie Pie how are--" Rainbow Dash started to say once she had landed beside the smiling pink earth pony, but was stopped with a kiss on the lips. Rainbow Dash felt the blush she had once been trying to hide now covering her face. Finally Pinkie Pie pulled back from the stunned but secretly happy and hopeful Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, I've been meaning to tell you something about you and me. I-I LIKE YOU! And not in the friend to friend way anymore!" Pinkie Pie said really quick and than hung her head, but because of their time together Rainbow dash could understand everything the pink earth pony had just said. Rainbow dash put a hoof under the beautiful pink earth pony's chin and lifted it so they booth were looking eye to eye. "Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash began. "I have those exact same feelings, mine are probably 20% cooler, but yours are 100% more beautiful." Meer seconds after Rainbow Dash had finished admitting her love for the pink, her lips gently touched the earth pony's in a loving and caring motion. Wrapping her front hoofs around the earth pony, Rainbow Dash carried Pinkie Pie up to her cloud home. She didn't care if they just sat and talked, or did some [I[other things. As long as they were together, nothing mattered. > Letter - #Confused > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nopony I've been wondering why all the other ponys would ever consider going to that crowded 'Grand Galloping Gala'. So many mare's and stallions go that it would be too dreadfully crowded for my tastes! Tis a shame I'm going to be alone with all these vintage books and no one to talk with. --Hipster mare A certain somepony read over the letter they had just found. The paper was one of those ones that you bought to look old. Looking to the house that had the same scent as the letter,'Nopony' went out to find somepony else to keep the pony who's letter he had just found some company wit similar tastes. "Tis a cool night. Somepony such as myself shouldn't spent it all alone drinking clover tea and having only older books to keep me company." A stallion sitting outside of one of ponyvilles cafes sighed as his magical aura surrounded his tea cup and brought it to his lips to take a sip. He was what somepony's called a 'hipster stallion'. He didn't mind the nickname, but he didn't like the idea of always being alone with no one to talk to or debate about which of Cleaver Clovers published journals was truly the most heart warming. Just as the stallion was about to re-read Sonic Rainbooms: Fact or Fiction?, he felt a slight tap on his shoulder and a voice go 'Ahem'. Before he could turn around, a scroll with a ponyville address hastily written on it was thrown in front of him. The stallion gave a quick look back, but the pony that had left the letter with him had already vanished. Shrugging his shoulders, the stallion turned back to the letter and let his magical aura surround it as well as open it. After reading the short content of the letter, the stallion hastily turned it over and read the address. Quickly finishing his tea in one sip, The stallion's magical aura surrounded his book and put it into his vintage looking settle bags. As he trotted down the streets to the address on the back of his note, he allowed himself a slight smile. Who ever he was going to meet sounded like a wonderful mare, and a hipster mare at that! Soon the address the stallion had been searching for stood before him. It looked like any other ponyville house, but classical music could be heard coming out from inside. Double checking the address once, than twice, and finally a third time, the stallion slowly walked up to the door and knocked politely three times. After a few seconds, a mare opened the door. she looked like any other pony, except she had bold black rim glasses and a plaid scarf wrapped around her neck. "May I help you?" Her sweet voice asked. "Ahhh-- Yes! I happened to come upon this short letter and some pony had written this address on the back. I just happened to read that you were lonely and wondered if you would be ever so kind as to let me come in and perhaps read some good old classics like A ponys true tail, Discorian's arise and downfall, or even A cutie mark is ones true destiny: Truth and fact's." The stallion said with a small smile, trying to appear confidant and not creepy. "I've been meaning to read Dicordian's arise and downfall. And perhaps if you have already read it, I've been wanting to discuss A cutie mark is ones true destiny: Truth and fact's with somepony, but that poor librarian is just too busy for me." The hipster mare said aloud to herself. The stallion before her tried to hid his smile. He too had wanted to discuss A cutie mark is ones true destiny: Truth and fact's with somepony else. Now all he could do was hope that the mare before him would allow him to be in her presence for the evening. "I guess I could use some company this evening. Would you care to come and join me in my study for clover tea and biscuits so we might be able to discus A cutie mark is ones true destiny: Truth and fact's?" She asked the stallion before her with a smile. "I say, tis would be my greatest please to do so!" The stallion said as the mare moved aside and welcomed him into her home. "I have to say, what lovely decorations you have!" The stallion kindly noted as the mare behind him closed the door.