The Prototype

by Imperial Brony

First published

What happens when you take a human maniac with unfathomable powers and drop him in a world of talking pomies? Chaos

The young man known only as the prototype, had his life ended two and a half years ago, or to be presise thirty moons. Now he is a wanted criminal throughout the world and has found his only escape through a mirror scientists around the globe believe houses another dimension, parallel to ours. Prototype thinks he is safe and wherever it leads it will be fine...

...only his trobles are just getting worse.

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Samson's life ended two and a half years ago, or to be precise thirty moons ago. It ended when a new girl name Twilight Sparkle joined school and turned out to be a pony princess. Now the average person would laugh at this, even the ones who witnessed the event with their own eyes. But Samson knew better than those people, he could never forget what happened that night.


"What is THAT!?" cried Rebecca.

"...Let us let bygones be bygones, I am you're princess now and you will bow down to me!"

The thing Rebecca had seen was a demon that Samson recalled had looked like the school bully sunset shimmer.

Then she ripped off the cover of the school with a strange aura, and tossed it to the side sending it flying right at the car Samson and Rebecca were in.


Earlier that evening Rebecca was extremely exited to be at her first dance in Canterlot High School. For Samson it was his third fall formal and he was well over them. The same thing every time, Sunset would get the crown and would make all the students lives miserable until they left and having her cronies Snipps and Snails maliciously prank them. All the same Rebecca was exited any way. She was like her big brother Samson now and she was happy.

Samson was happy to see this, after all life was not easy for them. They had no parents and lived in the worst part of town, the one were people are shot on the street for looking at someone. Life had been hard for his little sister, she was going through a rough spot in her life, he had tried to do all he could but it wasn't enough and after he lost his job it had gotten worse.

Until finally the one thing Rebecca needed to turn her life around came. The conformation letter from the best high school in the state, Canterlot High. Rebecca had always dreamed about going to that school and was only more intrigued when her brother got in. For both siblings it could be said that that was the best thing to happen to them and the where never as happy as they where that moment.

Rebecca's first semester reflected the change of life that underwent the pair. Unlike in other schools Rebecca was getting A's and all the teachers liked her. Every thing was perfect, and then the announcement for the fall formal came around


Rebecca was as happy as she could be, and Samson was happy for her. Although he himself was not looking forward to the dance he was happy to see his sister so alive. They were already late but Rebecca didn’t care one bit, Samson wondered what was so special about a dance.
“Why are you so exited?” he finally asked.

“Because it’s my first real dance,” she replied as if it was obvious.

“Didn’t you have dances in middle school?”

“Not really,” she said “They were just excuses to get a quick bang in the bathroom.”

“Rebecca!!” Samson said loudly scolding his sister who was buckling up her seat belt.

“Oh fine I don’t see why I have to speak like we don’t live in the ghetto,” she said sarcastically.

“Because you are almost an adult now and you need to start acting like one,” Samson said blankly.

“Well I don’t have to be like you, you stuck up little prick!” she said loudly. She immediately regretted it.

“Well if that’s how you feel you can get out of my house and get a god damn job,” he replied coldly.

It was a quiet ride to the dance and Samson wished he hadn't started their night out like this, but what was done was done. They finally arrived at the school and Samson turned to his sister rolling his apologies through his head.

“Hey Rebecca I just wanted to say…”


“I just wanted to say I'm sor-“

"What is THAT!?" cried Rebecca.

And at that moment a large ball of building crashing down on them.


"Will he be alright," a voice asked.

"Not if we don't do this procedure he wont,"

"But it hasn't been tested yet!"

"Tests are a liberty we don't have at this moment, now start the procedure,"

"Yes sir,"

That was when the agonizing pain kicked in.


Samson woke in a room with extremely bright lights and padded walls.

"Where am I," he thought out loud. His memories were blurry, all he could remember was trying to apologies to Rebecca when she screamed. Then he remembered, a wave of memories hit him like a wave hitting a sea cliff, his knees buckled as he looked at his arm.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed looking and the thing his arm had become. It was a sick ugly, red and veins spread from it, all the way through his body kike a river that had split off into different ends. And, as if reacting to his shock and disgust, it pulsed.

"GHAA! WHAT THE HELL!" he shrieked.

"NONONONO GET IT OFF ME!" he thought of something, a blade, and it became the sharpest blade he had ever seen. And at that moment he thought of his sister. How would she react, how would the world react? Alarmingly a small screen popped out of a hole in the walls around him.

"Welcome test subject: Prototype, we are here to inform you of you're sisters death and the improvements we have made on your being, we will now be sending in security to get you please wait there."

The T.V shut off with a click and then quickly retreated back into the wall and was replaced by padded panels. Five minutes later more panels disappeared and a door opened showing two men wearing hazmat suits.

"Alright boy, take it easy. It'll be better for all of us." One of the men said.

"Ah don't be so nice to him man. He's a fucking freak show." The other snapped turning to Sampson smacking him with the butt of his gun.

Samson rushed toward the men with a murderous look in his eyes, he would make them pay for what they had done to him and for failing to save his sister the only precious thing he had, and he never got to say sorry; the sword he had formed still on his arm and one of the men puled a gun on him and shot at his chest. Samson, as if reacting to instinct turned to ash and reformed as the bullet passed trough him. He tuned to look at the man who had tried to shoot him and raised is arm.

"No please!" he cried just as the blade split him in half guts and blood pouring out of him. It was a grisly sight, the bones of his body cut lean in half and the contents of his stomach spread across the floor, and then Samson looked at the other man and plunged his arm into him, the blade on his arm passing like a hot knife through butter.

Samson pulled his arm out letting the man slide to the floor. His arm was now drenched in blood with whatever the human body contained on his orange jumpsuit.

He looked at what he had done, and he felt good. Then he looked at the camera that at some time during his little masacare appered on the wall. He looked straight at it blankly. Then he spoke.

"I will hunt all of you down and make you suffer for what you did to me," and with that he took the gun from the man he had impaled hand shot the camera.


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It had been two and a half years since Samson's transformation. Two and a half long, long, long hard tiring brain racking painful years. Samson's days were long and agonizing, he never could forget the day he lost his mind, the day he went on a pain driven rage and slaughtered the staff of the facility.

He killed without remorse and ignored the cries and pleas for mercy. Samson was deaf to their cries, motivated by his inner rage burning within, metaphorically and quite literally. Samson was burning bright red, although not a normal red but a blood red the sickest red you could imagine. His color was not the only thing inhuman and looked like he was a demon sent straight from hell but he was now twisted and crooked.

Samson had changed so drastically from the sweet boy he once was, a young man who cared for his sister and only wanted the best for her. Also Samson had changed his name. A new name for a new body he thought at the time, and had called himself the first thing he was addressed as in his new body, Prototype. So for two and a half years he had hunted the men and women who had kept him from sweet death and made him the physcotic monster he was.

The first one he went after was a man named Holiday, Doc Holiday.


"Keep him out!" screamed a man in a security uniform.

"I'm trying sir, he is just to strong!" cried another man holding the door shut, "he is getting through-" the man, Jonathan as his name tag wrote, had cut off in mid-sentence, eyes rolling back in his head followed by a small crunch.

"Jonathan what's wrong?" the first guard asked cautiously. No sound, he tried again "Jonathan?"

This time the question was followed by Jonathan falling to the floor, his back side covered in blood. The first guard looked at the other men and women in the room and they looked almost as horrified as him and they all wore the same expression on their faces, they were going to die.

As if on cue the door came flying off its hinges, smashing into the guard. The guard fell to the floor out cold. Prototype stepped into the room and put his foot on the guard's head and pressed down. The guard’s skull cracked and grey matter spilled over the floor slowly and horrifically, causing the people in the room to scream and run around.

"Die you miserable curs," Prototype said coldly as he ripped out a woman’s spine and used it to gouge another’s eyes out.

"No please!" screamed a man his cry of fear quickly replaced by a cry of pain as his legs were cut off and were used to choke him.

In another room, a man could barely stand let alone move. He listened to the screams of pain coming from outside his office door. A splatter of blood sprayed across the glass of the door. The man the people outside were dying for was Doc Holiday. He was the man who had approved the creation of Prototype. He had bought the best security money could buy, and Prototype slaughtered them all.

This, under different circumstances would make Doc happy, proud even but right now he was the target this monster was after.

Just as he completed that thought he heard a final ear-piercing, blood curdling scream. Doc Holiday looked up at the door once more as it flew open with tremendous force as the upper part of a body Doc had once known as Fredrick crashed into his desk. Prototype walked in drenched in blood.

His form had changed to better suit the battle. He had a signature large blade in place of an arm but he also had other additions to his form. A single large red horn protruded from his forehead and large black and green wings on his back. The strange thing about the wings though was the wings on his back were not feathery wings of an angel or griffin, but more bug like with holes in them, but even with those oddity’s he still looked like a vengeful demon straight from hell.

"Can I help you with anything sir?" Doc said trying to hide the tremor in his voice while brushing the torso off his desk.

"You know why I’m here doc. I am here to make you feel pain and to punish you for what you did to me and your insolence." Prototype said heatedly as he moved toward Doc.

"Well just for the record, when they mourn you, which I highly doubt, I won’t forget to mention how happy I was when you made it so easy to kill you

"What?" Prototype asked standing still with a confused look on his face.

Then Doc pulled out a small revolver from a drawer in his desk and fired. Just as the bullet would have hit him, Prototype turned to ash that speed tawdry Doc and as he materialized he thrust his arm into Doc's through and ended the man’s poor miserable life


As Prototype thought back on killing the men and women that ruined his life, he particularly enjoyed killing Doc Holiday, the voice he heard before the operation.

Yes he had enjoyed the murder of Doc's collages such as Cave Johnson who shot himself before he could be murdered by Prototype, and for that Prototype hunted and killed his family for his cowardice.

Although he had killed many people he always valued Doc Holiday's death the most. But now Prototype had to face the consequences of his actions.

Unfortunately he had gotten the attention of the police and he was a wanted criminal. Now it wasn't afraid of being caught he was afraid of the publicity. If he was known then he would be hunted by the world and he would never rest.

He figured it was karma getting back at him for his criminal life. All the same he needed to get away. Then while surfing the changes of some TV he had stolen he saw his escape.

The TV had been from a raid he had undertaken sometime over the past year. Although his criminal record used to only be revenge it turned into so much more. He needed money so he used his powers to rob a bank. He needed food and shelter he held a weeklong hostage crisis.

So he found himself here and stopped at a news channel. It was announcing the release of a new scientific discovery in teleportation technology. Normally he would have just skipped it but something deep down told him to wait out and watch. So he watched as the voice of some scientist came on.

"It’s fascinating really, a mirror found at a school going by the name of Canter lot High has a statue of a quinine creature, or also known as a pony, with the mirror imbedded into it on the front lawn has opened a portal on it."

Memories flooded Prototype's mind and he shivered as he remembered how his life once was. A small tear formed on his hardened face and slowly crept like a snake down his cheek as he thought of his long lost sister Rebecca.

Poor Rebecca, she had so many dreams, until that THING at the dance long ago ended her life and made his a living hell. He held back more and more tears as something deep down inside cracked. Instantly he forgot about the last bit of humanity he had left and the tears that had once streamed down his face vaporized and he started to glow. Then the wings he had years ago when he had killed Doc Holiday returned in full glory and once again a red horn grew on his forehead. He then closed his eyes, but when he reopened them they glowed teal green and silver tendrils of smoke coming out.

He rose into the air heading like a savage beast, and then blew up. The windows blew out spreading glass over the street outside, a fire raging in the small home. Prototype grew into a large beast much like the one from the fall formal two and a half years ago. He threw lighting and fire at the furniture around him and burnt the walls to a crisp.

Then it stopped. He cooled down and returned to normal. Somehow miraculously the TV had spared from the fait the rest of the room suffered and was still playing the news.

"Are you sure?" the host asked.

"Yes this... portal leads to another dimension, although we have yet to send anything or anybody through yet."

"Well how do you know it works?" the host replied.

"We have run tests on it and all evidence suggests it works."

That was enough for Prototype; he rushed out of the house and didn't even make an effort to hide his arm.

"Let them look," he thought, he was finally getting out of this life and his past. Meanwhile he had left the TV on.

"Although the statue and school are now under military quarantine and we also have no idea where this portal leads.


There was commotion at Canterlot High. A platoon of soldiers had showed up and had vacated the area. Now there were barbed wire fences that looked like snarling animals bearing teeth at all passersby. Armed soldiers patrolled the premises shooing off any trouble.

Prototype had been running for the past hour and wasn't even winded. This was because he had learned he could tap into his powers to do amazing things.

As Prototype ran up to the fence he hid his arm by morphing it into a normal looking arm, yet it still had its grotesque colors, and looked at the obstacle in his way. He hadn't thought this would be there he had not even thought about what he would do if he could not just walk right in. He just wanted out of all this, he needed to get out.

"Hey you what are you doing, get out of here this place has been evacuated!" said a soldier near by.

Prototype let his disguise fall and walked toward the soldier,

"Stop right there or I will shoot!"

Prototype didn't stop. Then the soldier puled the trigger.

Prototype turned to ash, let the bullet through him, and reformed cutting the man right down the middle, spilling his insides over the grass like grisly spaghetti. The soldier was now silent but the damage had already been done. Hearing the sound of gunfire three more soldiers came running around the corner.

"Oh my fucking god!" one said with a look of horror on his face. Another bent over and threw upon the spot. The third lifted his rifle and fired off a few rounds, but it was too late. Prototype's arm went through his chest and out the other side. Prototype's arm was dripping in warm sticky blood, a feeling he was used to by now. He lifted his arm to throw the man at the other soldiers, who were now recovering from the shock of the grizzly sight. Then two more men ran up with drawn guns and shot at Prototype. Unable to respond quick enough he was hit in the leg, a bright red waterfall spewing from where the bullet had passed through his leg.

"GHAAAAAA!!" he screamed looking at the damage done to his leg. As the soldiers closed in around him Prototype tapped into his power and healed his leg on the spot. The soldiers stopping a moment in shock Prototype saw his chance and took it.

"Hey fellas, this a nice day to die?" he said haughtetly.

Pausing, the soldiers looked at each other confused and as the words sank in a look of horror took hold replacing the look of confusion on their faces.

"Back up! We need back up!!" one soldier screamed into his walkie talkie. He was the first to die.

The air was filled with screams and gunfire. With every new soldier dead Prototype's rage grew. Then came the helicopters.

"This is delta one permission to fire?" the pilot of the assault helicopter asked.

"Permission granted give that bitch hell," said the voice on the radio. The pilot nodded and flicked a switch and a small missle came out and with a loud FWOOSH it took off and found its target.

Looking up from his previos kill he saw the rocket coming at him like a vengeful beast lunging at it's prey. The thing was that prey could fight back.

A small burst of light blinded the soldiers like a small flash bang had gone off. Once their vision returned they were shocked at what they saw.

Prototype stood in a ring of blood, dripping in it with bits of flesh spewn across the field. That though was not the amazing thing. In the center of it all Prototype stood holding the missle above his head.

He had gone under full transformation, wings and all. He snarled and threw the missle back at the helicopter.

"Holy fucking shi-" was all the pilot could say before his own missle flew right at the helicopter causing it to explode like a firework on the fourth of July.

Twisted burning metal fell from the sky and hit the ground causing soldiers and scientists alike to run around like chicken with their heads cut off. Prototype killed the ones that got in his way.

He finally made it to the statue. He remembered it well, it used to be such a big part of his life. Memories of how Samson used to be so happy were pushed to the front of his mind. Prototype closed his eyes and forcefully pushed them away, he was so close to freedom he would not let his weak self take over

"You take another step I blow this place to kingdom come!!!!"

Prototype whipped tward the voice he suddenly heard. A man stepped out from the shadows, a remote in his hands. There was a slash across his face that was weeping blood, a fresh wound prototype thought, and then he took notice that this was not a soldier, but someone dressed in golden centurian armor. After thinking why this fool stood against him he studied the remote in his hand, it was a small black box with a antenna and a glowing red button in it's center. Prototype put two and two together and assumed it was a remote for some misscle somewhere in the area. He had to say he was flattered and impressed by this man's courage, launch a rocket at a city full of people just o get one person.

"You're kidding, you're kidding right? Let us be serious, you don't have the guts to do it," prototype said with a smug look, but on the inside he was worried, would he do it? As the man began to speak Prototype grabbed a gun off the ground from a fallen soldier whose throught had been slashed moments ago.

"I will, and I will protect the world on the other side of this portal you threaten and will lay waste to if I let you pass," he seethed through gritted teeth.

"well you cant press the button if you're dead," Prototype replied a smug smile growing on his face. Before the strange man could prosses what he had just heard Prototype raised the gun he had picked up. He pulled the trigger and shot the man in the dead center of his face, right between the eyes.

The man fell and as he hit the floor the remote fell out of his hands and fell button down on the ground. A few moments later sirens started to wail and Prototype relised what was happening. The missles were on their way.

Prototype ran tward the statue and lept. He flew through the air while putting his wings to use. The missle was about to hit ground zero as Prototype passed through the portal. Then a bright light followed by a loud roar wipped the city off the map.


Prototype found himself spinning around and around and around. It was not a sickening spinning though, it was a plesent and calming twirl and it put his mind at ease.

Then a unannounced shock snapped him back to reality. It burned and was agonizing. He screamed in pain and shock. He then felt his wings starting to tingle and tried to get rid of them, but they would not leave. A similar thing happened with his horn. He then felt as if they were part of his body now and not just a add on of his anger.

The slight spinning was now also changing. It became turbulent and sickening. Prototype was now screaming in agony, it was a ear pirceing skull cracking scream.

Then it stopped. Prototype felt like he was pushing through still water. As he passed through he felt different, he worried he was parlised, for he could not feel his hands nor feet but something in their place. He also felt colder as if his cloths were gone yet he felt something there as if he was wearing a coat of fur that was warm and fuzzy and over all comforting.

He fell to the floor now fully passed through the portal and was breathing heavily. Where was he?

"Halt! State your name, rank, and intention!" a voice barked.

"Aww come on am I going to have to do this again?" Prototype said "Well I will make it quic-"

He looked up and his jaw hit the floor.

"Stand," the voice said bluntly. The voice belonged to a creature in full armor, the armor glistened like the sun and was a beautiful golden yellow and upon his chest lay a pure blue star whose color was the beautiful blue of a clear ocean and matched his eyes, much like the man he had faced on the other side of the portal. But above it all it was not human, but a horse.

Where the fuck am I ?!"

The New World

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The New World

"Get on your feet and state your name, rank, and intention!" the thing barked

"Ok..." Prototype said slowly trying to stand. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud

"I can't," he said plainly.

"Get up! You have broken entry to the Crystal Catsle of Princess Miamore Cadenza!" keeping his volume high and stern, not wavering a bit.

"I told you I can't," Prototype huffed.

"Get Up!!" the thing said, smacking Prototype across the face with a appendage that resembled a hoof.

"That's it you prick," Prototype's arm grew in size as the thing's mouth widened and his pupils narrowed. Just as he was about to run Prototype smacked him across the room. The thing fell with a heavy thud lying limply on the floor, his breathing was staggered but he looked like he would be fine, although he might be sore for a few days. Wait why was Prototype worried about this...THING'S health. Prototype brushed it off quickly as he got his first good look at the thing that he had imoblised. It was a horse, no it was too small too be a horse, it was most lickely a pony. It also had a orange coat and a shield with a lighting bolt across it on his flank.

"Hey, Flash, what's going on in there?"

Prototype did not want detection so he tried to mimick the voice he had heard moments before.

"Uhh I'm just fine in here everything is under control we are doing fine, uhh how are you?" Prototype said shakily.

"Well I'm just doing fine but hurry up though we have to be back to the barracks in five minutes!" the voice on the other side of the door said.

Prototype exhaled deeply and was relived and just as he turned away from the door he came face to face with a mirror. In the mirror though he saw not a human in a black hoodie but a grey colered pony with a red horn and odd wings. The wings that lay on his back were a sickly green and black with odd holes in random spots, and on the edge of each wing were small white bone like blade fined down to the sharpest thing imaginable.

Prototype exhaled deeply and was relived and just as he turned away from the door he came face to face with a mirror. In the mirror though he saw not a human in a black hoodie but a grey colered pony with a red horn and odd wings. The wings that lay on his back were a sickly green and black with odd holes in random spots, and on the edge of each wing were small white bone like blade fined down to the sharpest thing imaginable. And his eyes, his eyes! They were a neon green, with red pupils and purple smoke pouring out for eternity. He also had a pitch black mane that seemed to flow freely without breeze or water to move it.

"Cmon Flash we have to meet Prince Amour, so hurry that flank up!" the voice said as another pony walked into the room. This pony though was extreamly different from the pony Prototype had knocked out. This pony was see through and resembled the most perfect, most polished crystal he had ever seen.

Snapping out of his stupor he relizied the pony was frozen in place by fear.

"S-s-s-s-sombra..." the pony said

"wait, who is Sombra?" Prototype replied

He never got his answer, for the new pony burst out of the room screaming his head off.

"Raise the alarm! Sombra is alive!" the pony screamed.

"Aww crap," Prototype said just as the sirens started to wail.