> The Rock > by DinoDenver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Most important task so far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another ordinary day at Carousel Boutique. Rarity was working on one of her new designs and everything was going smoothly. She was just about to finish when doorbell rang, so she turned around to welcome her customer. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” She recited her shop's slogan right before her jaw dropped almost all the way to the floor. “Good morning, dear Rarity.” Rarity couldn't believe her eyes. The one standing at her shop's entrance was Princess Celestia herself. It took few seconds before Rarity regained her composure. “Princess Celestia!” She said much louder than she wanted to. “What brings you to my shop?” “Well Rarity, I wanted to order some dresses, if it is okay with you.” Said Princess smiling. Rarity didn't know what to answer, or rather she was too nervous to say anything at that moment. To have Princess Celestia come to her boutique PERSONALLY! And on top of that she wants to place an order! It was like a dream come true. “As you know Grand Galloping Gala is going to take place soon, –” Princess continued. “– and after what you showed us last year I would be more than delighted if you could make a dress for me and my little sister.” After looking around Princess Celestia lowered her voice and almost whispered to Rarity's ear: “Princess Luna wouldn't admit it, but she was begging me to come here for quite some time now, she really is excited about this.” Princess straightened up. “Could you do that for us, dear?” “Of course!” That question was what Rarity needed to come back to reality. “Of course I'll do it Princess! It will be an honor!” Sparkles in her eyes clearly showed, that she really meant it. She has made many dresses, some of them for really famous ponies. But neither Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna ever asked her to make one. “Splendid! I'll wait for letter from you in case you will need anything.” Celestia nod her head “Now, if you excuse me, I shall take my leave.” “Thank you very much, Princess.” Rarity bowed in direction of Celestia now leaving her boutique. Rarity still was pretty shaky after all that just happened. She was really happy, but even more than happy - she was excited! She didn't even notice that Princess Celestia teleported back to Canterlot, leaving few royal guards in pretty awkward situation right outside of her shop. She used her magic to turn sign on front door from Open to Closed and went straight to her bedroom where she was going to spend next few hours, or even days, working on her most important task so far. *** Few days have passed since Princess Celestia's visit at Carousel Boutique, and it goes without saying that these days were very busy for Rarity. The first two days she spent working on designs. She wasn't entirely satisfied, but she had to stop working on them, because most of the third day she spent on a trip to Canterlot to take measurements. She could clearly see, that Princess Celestia didn't lie about Luna's excitement. Although Princess Luna tried her best to keep her composure and act like a member of royalty, she was trembling with excitement. This made Rarity very happy, but it also made her much more nervous. Last thing she wanted was to disappoint princesses. Rarity started working again the moment she returned to Ponyville. These designs were really giving her a hard time. It wasn't like they were bad... to be honest they were anything but bad, they were fabulous. “Um, Rarity... I think they're really pretty...” Fluttershy gave silent remark. “I really don't think you should worry about them this much, sugar cube.” Applejack looked really worried about her overworked friend, “Just take it easy and have some rest.” But they weren't good enough, not for princesses, not according to Rarity. She wanted them to be her finest creation up to date. On the fourth day she didn't make much progress, but the fifth one was a breakthrough. All because of vision she had in a dream. Immediately after waking up she ran to sketch these designs. For Princess Celestia white dress with gold accents and outline. For Luna, on the other hand, dress would be dark blue on higher parts, turning navy blue on lower parts to become almost black at the bottom. And to make it brighter she added some stars. Her smile was so wide she'd have had to break it into sections to fit it through a doorway. She went to take her supplies from storage room. While she was there she also took out two alicorn size ponnequins (she clearly remembered what a nightmare it was to work without one when she was making dress for Princess Cadance). There was one more thing that she needed to get these dresses done. She opened chest that she used to store gems, quickly went over them only to realize that she was missing this last, yet crucial, component. “Well, it looks like I will need to acquire some diamonds before I can turn these designs into dresses.” Rarity heard her disappointed voice. “I'll better go to Twilight and ask Spike for assistance.” She locked the door to her boutique and went straight to Ponyville's library. Not even five minutes have passed and Rarity was knocking on Twilight's door. It wasn't long before they opened, and the one who opened them was no other but Twilight. Surprised looking Twilight at that. “Oh, hello Rarity! What brings you here? Did you finish dresses you were working on?” In the back of the room there was Spike cleaning one of the bookshelves. Upon hearing Rarity's name he rushed to the door. "Good day darling, actually I'm here to ask Spikey for a fav–" "Hi Rarity!" Interrupted Spike as he got to the door. "Hello Spike. As I was saying I want to ask you for a favor. Would you assist me in a trip to get some gems for my newest project?" "I'd love to!" said Spike without thinking, but upon seeing Twilight's less-than-amused face he quickly added: "But I've already promised Twi that I'll help her with cleaning main hall..." "Oh, you misunderstood me, darling. It is already too late to go today." It was almost 4 o'clock already. "I was thinking about tomorrow morning." "Then I'll be happy to assist you m'lady." Spike bowed as he was saying. "Splendid! If you could be at my place at five o'clock tomorrow morning I would be delighted." Spike shook his head as a sign of acknowledgement. "Wonderful, then I'll be awaiting your arrival tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow Spikey! Goodbye Twilight." "Bye Rarity!" Spike was waving his hand. "Goodbye." Twilight was a little bit annoyed by this whole situation, but she didn't say anything. Rarity headed back to her boutique. She didn't mention it to Spike, but her being in a hurry wasn't reason behind going for gems so early in the morning. It was because this trip was going to be much harder than usual, and much longer too. In the end diamonds are not as common as other gems, and proportionally harder to get. She needed to get prepared for that. > Chapter 2: Diamond hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sky was turning into lighter and lighter shades of blue, near ground surface pure, white mist was slowly getting thinner. Ponyville was still asleep. But one pony has already woken up and was getting ready for a day of hard work. Rarity woke up few minutes past four o'clock in the morning. Since then she took a shower, combed her hair and put on her makeup. After that she was packing her saddle-bags as well as a cart. For a trip like that it was necessary to take a day worth of food as well as drinking water. It was getting heavier than she thought it will, but at least she didn't have to worry about food for Spike – after all there will be more than enough gems for him to snack on. It was almost five o'clock already. She decided to wait for Spike outside. “Hello, Rarity!” As it turned out she didn't have to wait for long. “Good morning, Spike.” There was a subtle hint of surprise in her voice. “You certainly do not make lady wait.” Spike blushed slightly to that compliment. “Would you be a gentledragon and help me with this cart?” Asked Rarity while going back inside her boutique. She double-checked if she packed all that was needed, then she used her magic to put on her saddle-bags. While Spike was pulling the cart outside she opened a drawer and took out a scarf which she tied on moments later. It was pretty chilly after all. After walking for some time they were close to place where they once met the Diamond Dogs. Even after that incident Rarity and Spike were often looking for gems in these parts. But as they were getting closer and closer to the entrance to the Diamond Dogs' caves Spike felt a little bit uneasy. “Rarity, and where exactly are we going to look for gems?” Spike tried his best not to sound nervous, and he did a moderately good job. “Well, Spike, this time my project requires not just any gems, but diamonds. And I'll need plenty of them, full cart should be sufficient.” “Full cart of diamonds?” Spike stopped. „Aren't they like really rare? It will take forever to collect them!” Spike had to run up few steps to catch up to Rarity. “It is true, that it would took almost eternity to find such a great amount of them here on the surface, but that's why we're here Spikey.” “What do you mean?” “We are going to look for them underground, darling.” They now stood before entrance to Diamond Dogs' caves and Spike immediately understood that this will not be a usual trip. They entered the cave. With Rarity's magic illuminating the way they were going deeper under the ground with every passing minute. Rarity was looking for a way down, and at the same time she was using her magic to search for diamonds. Spike on the other hand was pretty worried about this whole situation. “Rarity, I really don't think it is good idea to go into Diamond Dogs territory...” “Nonsense darling, I'm sure that after last time they won't do anything to us.” Rarity answered with confidence in her voice. “But can't we go look for diamonds somewhere else?” Spike still felt uncomfortable. “I'm afraid, that we can't, Spike. We would have to travel at least two days just to get to other place that would let us go deep enough to find diamonds. And I can't let princesses wait this long.” Spike didn't answer that. They didn't know how much time has passed already, but it felt like at least few hours. Upon hearing Spike's stomach rumbling Rarity decided it is time for break. She used her magic to find gems for Spike and after that from her saddle-bag she took out a sandwich for herself. They've ate their meals in silence. “That sure hit the spot!” Said Spike, clearly satisfied with his meal. “I'm glad to hear that, darling.” Rarity finished her breakfast as well. “But We should advance into the cave, if we want to make it back to Ponyville before sunset.” Said Rarity and started to walk deeper underground. “As you wish, m'lady!” Answered Spike as he followed Rarity. *** Half an hour of walking later they finally got deep enough to find diamonds. At first there wasn't many, but soon Rarity was showing Spike where to dig much more frequently. Slowly but surely they were getting more and more diamonds, they've had about quarter of cart already. But Spike was feeling uneasy. They were going so deep underground and tunnels were getting rougher, looking like they could collapse without any warning. But this wasn't what really bugged Spike. He felt like someone was watching them. In the end he decided to tell Rarity how he felt about this situation. “Maybe we shouldn't go so deep, Rarity?” Spike was still hesitant about telling Rarity what he was thinking. “Nonsense, darling.” Rarity was looking for diamonds with her magic, not really paying attention to what Spike was saying. “I really have a bad feeling about this...” “Everything will be alright, Spikey-wikey. Now could you please dig here?” Asked Rarity as she pointed spot just a few steps ahead. Of course Spike wasn't reassured by Rarity's answers, but he wasn't going to leave her on her own, not even in a million years. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. He started to dig in place that Rarity pointed at. *** Rarity's intuition was right about diamonds, they soon had almost full cart of them. Spike still was feeling uneasy, but at least they will go back to Ponyville soon, and then Rarity will be safe. But for now he was very cautious. “Splendid, Spikey! I think that with this lot I'll be able to manufacture dresses for princesses!” Rarity looked really happy, which, for Spike, was best reward. “Thank you for finding diamonds for us, pony.” They didn't have much time to celebrate. This was one of this rare occasions, when Spike wasn't glad to be right. "Now, please, move aside so no one gets hurt." Diamond Dog's leader had grin on his face. "I beg your pardon?!" Rarity was furious. Spike looked around and quickly realized, that they were outnumbered. Badly. Beside three leaders there were about twenty soldiers armed with spears. "Rarity, this doesn't look good..." Whispered Spike. "It was really nice of you to find and dig up OUR diamonds for us, but we will handle them from now on." He got few steps closer as he was speaking, other dogs followed him. "If you think that we will handle you these diamonds then you, sir, are clearly MAD!" Spike had different opinion on who was the one being mad here, but there were bigger problems at the moment. "Very well, pony. We will do this the hard way then." “Ugh..!” Spike didn't have time to react as one of soldiers hit his belly with a spear. Impact knocked him down and send him all the way to the wall. This was probably most painful thing he ever experienced. He knew, that if it wouldn't be for his dragon scales he would be dead right now. They weren't joking. “Spikey!” Rarity turned in direction of the one who attacked Spike. “How DARE YOU!!!” In her teary eyes there were no sanity. Her horn was glowing. Dog stopped dead in his tracks. Just in time to take hit to the side of his head. With cart. He was dizzy, diamonds were flying around his head. Some parts of cart were still in his head. He was going to fall to the ground when Rarity rammed into him. Spike saw all this. He sometimes forgets how well Rarity can handle herself in tight spot. But he has never seen her like that. She was breathing heavily, big stone was levitating in direction of now lying unconscious soldier. “Watch out Rarity!” Spear's head brushed her throat as she dodged at last possible moment. She turned and kicked the attacking one with both her legs. Second one was out. “Attack dragon!” Yelled leader, as he realized Spike was Rarity's weak spot. Everyone, stopped for a moment. Rarity was first to dash in Spike's direction. Spike was still in pain, he was fighting to stay conscious. He saw Rarity running towards him. He also saw one of soldiers very close to him. There was no way Rarity will make it, but he wasn't able to move a muscle. His whole body was hurting. Rarity was running as fast as she could. She had to make it. She had to make it before that soldier could hurt Spike. She was almost halfway when terrible pain on left side of her belly blurred her vision. She was sent flying and rolled to the wall. She didn't see, that big one of Diamond Dogs leaders flanked her and delivered a huge blow to her side in her blind spot. Upon seeing that Spike felt even greater pain. It felt like his whole body was burning inside, every muscle, every bone. He didn't know that it is possible to feel that kind of pain. He let out a roar of pain and anger, and realized that he was able to move. Spike got up. Looked at soldier that was now standing in front of him. He looked aghast. But Spike was too angry to feel sorry for him. He grabbed him, took a swing and threw him. The big leader couldn't even whimper before flying soldier collided with him. They flew and rolled into one of cave's corridors, Spike lost sight of them. Two other leaders were backing off, soldiers were just running in fear. Except one. The one that was about to pierce Rarity's belly. He knew there was no way he would make it, it was about ten meters away, but he rushed anyway. Rarity was regaining her consciousness. She saw reflection on spears head. There was no way she could dodge that one. She was scared, but accepted that this is it. Spike saw, like in slow motion, as soldier was raising spear. “There's no way I'll make it!” He cried inside his head. Spear stopped, soldier was about to strike. Spike felt how jaw shattered under his fist. He saw how impact turned head violently. He heard neck breaking. Spike was standing right next to Rarity. He didn't know how did this happened, these few meters felt like one step, everything happened so fast. And he just killed someone. “Spikey!” This was more than enough to grab his attention. “Rarity, are you ok?” He instantly forgot all what-is-happening-to-me-and-oh-my-I-just-killed-someone stuff. “I've seen better days, but I'll manage, darling.” Said Rarity as Spike helped her get up. “I was going to ask you same thing, but you look fabulous!” “Well, I surely don't feel that way... Wait, what?” Spike realized what he just heard. “Well, look at yourself, darling. It sure is a shame that we don't have a mirror, but I suppose these brutes wouldn't have one in their caves.” Said Rarity with a smile. Spike gasped. He looked at his hands, now much longer and bigger. He was overall just bigger. This would explain why Rarity looked so short all of sudden. Well, not really short, he was about half head taller than she. He probably would admire his new form for few more minutes, but Rarity interrupted him. With a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for saving me, Spikey. You are my hero.” Rarity was still smiling. Spike's face felt so hot it could melt. It was like a dream come true. “Come one, darling. I think we'll better be going home.” Said Rarity as she started walking. Spike quickly came to his senses and followed her. “But what about diamonds, Rarity?” Spike saw them all around on the floor. But without cart they wouldn't be able to take them. “Well, I suppose I could fit most of them into my saddle-bags, if you were a dear and carried our water supplies?” “Of course, my lady.” “Let's get to work then, Spikey.” Rarity took all things from her saddle-bags with her magic and they started to pick up diamonds up. Rarity using magic, Spike tried using his tail to sweep them, but he quickly decided to just use his hands. “I wonder how did this happen?” Spike asked suddenly. “What exactly, darling?” “Well, Rarity, you know, this whole growing up thing.” “I don't really know, Spikey. But I'm sure Twilight will have some explanation for us when we'll get back to Ponyville.” Answered Rarity truthfully. She didn't know what caused Spike's sudden growth, but she liked it. A lot. Soon saddle-bags were full of diamonds. Rarity used her magic to place them on her back. “I think this should be enough to make dresses.” She looked at Spike, he was picking up bottles of water. “Shall we go?” “I'm ready, Rarity!” They started walking back home, talking happily. Rarity was relaxed. She realized, that she was too fixated on making these dresses. She should have listened to her friends. “But as would Pinkie Pie say, all is well that ends well” she thought to herself. They were close to the exit. Time sure flies by fast when you're having fun. “Now!” Shriek Diamond Dog's leader. Rarity and Spike felt ground shaking. They looked at each other for a moment and started to run. Cave's vault started to collapse, rocks of various sizes were falling from ceiling. They run while dodging them. They could see the exit. “Watch out, Rarity!” Big rock was falling right at her, it was too late to react. She closed her eyes and felt the rock hit her head, but something pushed her to the side. She felt to the ground unconscious. *** Her head was hurting. She wiped her forehead from warm liquid and opened her eyes. It was blood. She looked around, dust had already settled. She noticed Spike, lying under huge rock. She was horrified. “Spike!” She ran towards him. Her horn glowed and rock slowly levitated away. She dropped it the very moment it was safe to do so. “Spike, darling, do you hear me?!” She got closer to him. There was no answer, but he was breathing. She immediately dropped her saddle-bags and picked up Spike, placed him on her back and started galloping. Few seconds later she was outside, rays of the setting sun blinded her. She turned in direction of Ponyville and accelerated even more. “Please, hold on, Spikey.” Said Rarity, more to herself than to him. “Rarity...” She heard weak voice behind her. “Spikey! Please, don't talk, darling. I'm taking you to hospital, hold on.” “Rarity... please, don't die Rarity...” She couldn't answer that. With teary eyes she tried to run even faster. *** Door to Ponyville's hospital suddenly opened. Nurse Redheart looked what happened. She saw white unicorn mare with cut in her forehead and blood on her face carrying... is it a dragon? “Please, help him!” Said Rarity to nurse. “Is that a dragon?! Sorry, but we don't know how to treat dragons...” She was looking perplexed. “He'll die if you don't help him...!” Rarity didn't know what to do. Where was she supposed to go? “Sister Redheart, please take him to the operating room.” It was Doctor Stable, who came to see what is all the fuss about. “And you, miss, should wait here.” “Thank you, doctor!” He didn't answer that, he just went into operating room. Nurse followed him carrying Spike. *** Rarity were sitting in hospital hall, looking at doors to operating room. Some nurse noticed her and told her to go with her. “I... I'm waiting for the operation... to end...” Rarity were shaken. “Just come with me.” Ordered nurse, and Rarity followed her. Nurse washed Rarity's face and treated wound on her forehead. After that she told Rarity that she could go now. So Rarity went back to hospital's hall. She were just staring at door to operating room. After few minutes door opened, but not the one Rarity was looking at. Rarity turned her head around and saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash at the entrance. “What happened, Rarity? Where is Spike?” Twilight was clearly scared. Turned out Rainbow saw Rarity with Spike when she galloped into hospital and immediately flew to let Twilight know. Rarity told her friends everything what happened that day. She was trying not to cry at the end. “He'll be ok, don't worry!” Rainbow Dash said with confidence. “I think we'll just have to wait and hope for the best.” Added Twilight. Rarity just nodded. Three friends were waiting for the operation to end. *** Few hours later door to operating room finally opened and Doctor Stable showed up. Rainbow waked up. Twilight got up. Rarity moved closer, her heart was beating. “How is he, doctor?” asked Rarity. “I'm sorry, I did everything I could.” Three mares couldn't believe what they just heard. Rainbow didn't even move, Twilight's eyes became watery. Rarity almost fell on the floor and started to cry. Doctor didn't say anything. He had enough experience to know, that there are no words that could ease pain like this. > Chapter 3: Farewell? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was beautiful day. Birds were singing, the sun was shining, few clouds were lazily moving through the sky. Canterlot's gardens were as beautiful as they were peaceful. In one part of this garden though there was group of ponies, that weren't enjoying themselves. Six friends, as well as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were gathered around monument. It was statue of a dragon, a memorial for Spike. On the ground was laying ebony coffin with gold accents. In that coffin was lifeless body of their friend. Princesses looked saddened, but composed. Although younger one looked little bit more sad. Rainbow Dash looked at Spike in disbelief, like she still couldn't believe what has happened. Applejack covered most of her face with hat and was looking down. If somepony looked closer they would see tears dropping to the ground from time to time. Pinkie's hair were straight, her smile upside down. She was sitting down and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Fluttershy was sobbing quietly. Twilight were lying on ground, with front hooves covering her face, crying loudly. And of course Rarity was there as well. Her hair looked a little bit messy. She was standing there, completely silent. She wasn't crying. Her eyes were swollen and red. After whole night there probably were no more tears left in them. Looking at Spike was painful, but she didn't want to look away. She couldn't. He was always so eager to help. So polite. A true gentledrake in every way. She was remembering all these times they spend together. Memories were flowing through her head. How he always was helping her. How many laughs they shared. How sometimes he acted childishly and how sometimes he acted like he was more mature than anypony she knows. And of course she remembered the day Spike gave her heart-shaped fire ruby. The fire ruby that she used to create necklace she was wearing right now. Rarity's horn glowed as she took of the necklace. She looked at it, it was probably her most cherished possession. She took few step forward and looked at the one who gave it to her. She was standing right next to coffin. “I'm sorry Spike...” As it turned out her eyes were able to squeeze out some more tears. “I'm so sorry... Please, keep an eye on this necklace for me... Until we met again...” She used her magic to put necklace on Spike. Rarity wanted to say something more, but was unable to. She just wanted to howl. Other mares got closer, so they were standing beside white unicorn. Twilight hugged Rarity and she reciprocated the hug. All of them were looking at Spike, who was going on his last journey. The one who was supposed to live for a thousand years, was the first one to go. “It is time to let him go, girls.” Princess Celestia said softly. Her horn glowed and coffin's lid closed. “Remember, someday you will met him again, so don't be so sad.” Coffin levitated into crypt and monument covered the entrance. Ceremony was over. Princesses went back to castle, but more than an hour had to pass before six mares decided that it is time to go back home, to Ponyville. *** It was another horrible night for Rarity. She couldn't sleep, she was rolling over from side to side on her bed. All the time she was thinking about Spike... and she felt only guilt. It was second night in a row when she didn't get any sleep. Her eyes were looking terrible and her hair were trying to keep up with them. Bottom line – she was looking like a mess. *** She was sitting in her bedroom, looking mindlessly at unfinished projects. She didn't know what to do with herself. It was almost noon and she was still in bed. Suddenly she heard that someone was knocking on front door to her house. “Hi, Rarity.” Pinkie asked cautiously. “How are you holding up?” “Well, darling, I would be lying if I said that I'm all right.” White mare said with sadness and fatigue in her voice. “But I think I'll manage.” She added quickly. “You don't mind if I invite myself in?” Asked Pinkie as she went pass Rarity and into the kitchen. “Actually, Pinkie, I'm not in best mood right now...” “Come one, Rarity! I brought you cake!” Pinkie obviously wasn't listening to her friend. Rarity sighed and gave up. She knew, that Pinkie will try to cheer her up, and there was no way she could stop her from doing that. In the kitchen Pinkie was waiting for her with cake already on plates. Pinkie always was making herself at home when she was visiting her. “Here, have some cake, Rarity!” Pinkie gave a plate with slice of the cake to her friend. Rarity decided to just play along and took plate with her azure magic. She then sat at the table and looked at her cake. It looked delicious and tasted even better, but she almost couldn't feel the sweetness. Rarity looked at Pinkie, she was all over the place. Rarity smiled a little. It really made her happy, that her friend is trying to cheer her up. Even in situation like this, when Pinkie herself was sad for sure, she was putting on a smiley face and tried to lift her friends spirits. But Rarity knew, that this time it won't help much. “Rarity! Let's go to spa!” Pinkie tried another approach. “I'm really sorry, darling, but I'm in no mood for spa. And I haven't even slept in two days...” “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?!” Rarity jumped when Pinkie yelled. “It's, like, really bad for you, you know?! You need to get some sleep.” It felt strange to see how this usually cheerful pink mare became so serious all of sudden. “I know, darling. I really do. But I don't think I can do anything about it.” “Let's go to Twilight, she'll surely know what to do.” Pinkie was back to her usual cheerful self. "Or at least she has a book that knows." “Pinkie Pie, dear, I'd really rather not bother her with my problems...” “Nonsense! That's what friends are for!” Said Pinkie as she started to push Rarity outside with her head. White unicorn was trying to fight back for a moment, but quickly resigned. After all, there is no sense in fighting with Pinkie. *** “Hi, Twilight!” Said Pinkie cheerfully as door to the library opened. “Hello, darling.” Added Rarity faintly. Twilight appeared in the doorway. She was looking rather good, much better than Rarity imagined she would. And she brightened up upon seeing her friends. “Hi, girls! Come in.” She stepped aside to let her friends in. “What brings you here?” “We-” “We're really sorry to disturb you, darling.” Rarity interrupted Pinkie. “Oh, that's no problem at all. To be honest I'm glad you came. How do I put this...” Twilight looked down and blushed a little. “At times like these having a book as a companion is not really what... I'd much rather be with my friends.” She raised her head with a smile on her face. “I told you it will be alright!” Said Pinkie to Rarity, then she turned back to Twilight. “You see, I went to Rarity to check up on her and she told me that she couldn't sleep so I said 'Whaaaaaaaaaaa?!' because sleep is very important for your health and I told Rarity that she needs to get some sleep and then I thought that you'll surely know some way to help her with this sleep problem so I told her we should go to you but she said we shouldn't and I told her that we should and we-” “I think that I pretty much know what happened, thank you, Pinkie.” Interrupted Twilight. “You're welcome.” Pinkie was glad she gave her friend such a detailed and accurate overview of the situation. “So, you're having problems with sleeping, Rarity?” Twilight turned to her white unicorn friend. “Well, darling, I won't lie to you, I really do have some kind of sleep disorder. I couldn't sleep at all past two nights.” “Ok, I think I might have just the thing. You see, I too had some problems with falling asleep recently.” Twilight looked at Rarity with a sad smile. “Come with me, girls.” All three mares went upstairs to Twilight's bedroom. When they got inside, Rarity saw Spike's basket, still where it used to be. She felt pain in her heart. When they were passing by, she looked at it again. “He certainly wouldn't fit in it now... WHY AM I EVEN THINKING THAT?!” Her feelings in that moment were weird mix of sadness, guilt and anger toward herself. “Get in bed, Rarity.” Said Twilight, pulling Rarity back to reality. “Pardon?” White mare was rather surprised by this offer. “As I said, I too was having problems with sleeping, Rarity.” Twilight's horn glowed as she magically lifted and opened book that was lying on her night table just seconds earlier. “So I casted on myself this sleeping spell that I found in this book. And now I intend to cast it on you, so you need to get into bed.” “I don't want to cause any problems for you, dear.” “Rarity, that's what friends are for.” Twilight calmed her down. “Now, lie down, and I'm going to cast the spell.” Rarity did as she was told. Twilight's horn glowed once again, as she closed her eyes and concentrated. After few moments beam of purple light went from Twilight's horn to Rarity's head. After that mares looked at each other. “Is that it, darling?” Rarity was rather puzzled. “It should have...” Twilight's was even more surprised than her friend. Rarity should be asleep already. “Let me try it one more time.” She casted spell once again, and once again there was no effect. “I really don't know how is it...” “I know, I know!” They almost forgot that Pinkie was there, something that doesn't happen too often. “If this spell doesn't work maybe we should go to Zecora to see if she has some potion that will help?” “I don't know...” Rarity didn't really want to bother her friends. “Actually, that's very good idea, Pinkie” Commented Twilight. “Let's go, she may be able to help.” *** Pinkie knocked on the door three times and moments later they opened. “Hello friends, what brings you to my hut? I feel like it's related to Rarity somewhat.” Zecora was right. She was usually right. That's why so many ponies seek her help and advice. “You're right! Rarity has problems with sleeping!” Pinkie cut to the chase. “I tried to use a sleeping spell on her but it seemed to have no effect.” Added Twilight. Rarity felt how Zecora's eyes were examining her, but she remained silent. “So you have problems with sleep, roots in your heart are lying deep. There is potion that this problem match, but there is one, not so little, catch. Upsetting your mind with drug that is external, might put you into a dream – that is eternal!” “See? I told you Zecora will have potion for that.” Pinkie seemed pleased with herself. “What do you mean by eternal?!” Twilight was rather shocked with what she just have heard. “Well, darling, that seems to be rather obvious.” Rarity answered her friend with calm voice. “If I were to overdose this... medicine, I'll die.” “No, Rarity, you've got me wrong. Although this drug sure is strong, from taking too much you wouldn't die but to this world you would say goodbye. If I meant you would be dead, then that's what would I've said.” “So...” Twilight started cautiously. “Rarity would be in a coma?” Zecora just nodded. It seems she didn't have any rhymes for simple “yes”. After that all eyes were on Rarity. Normally she would be delighted in such situation, but somehow she wasn't. “I do not have much of a choice now, do I?” Asked Rarity. “Well, my friend, I'm not glad that your situation is this bad. But this is not to be flout, you really must watch out! For one sip will calm you down, second one will chase off frown, third one should help you sleep, but take more than five and your sleep will be too deep!” “I'll be sure to remember that, my dear.” Rarity didn't really care about all that at the time. She was just tired. Zecora turned around and started to look for potion. Rarity looked at her friends. Twilight looked rather worried. And Pinkie, well, she was trying to make her face look like masks that were all over Zecora's hut. Scary part was that she was succeeding. About half a minute later Zecora put a big bottle in Rarity's hoof and looked into her eyes. Rarity could tell, her Zebra friend was worried about her. “Please, use it wisely.” Whispered Zecora. Rarity knew, she meant it. After all it was at least unusual for her to say something without rhymes. *** Rarity was lying in her bed, but she couldn't sleep. Images of last few days were haunting her. She turned on her side, just to see picture of Spike on her night table. Tears fell down on her bedclothes. Now there is really no chance, that she'll sleep without Zecora's medicine. Her horn glowed and big bottle that was standing behind Spike's picture levitated into her direction. She remembered Zecora's warnings, as well as what Twilight told her before they parted. “Don't worry girls, I'll be careful.” Rarity thought to herself before getting three fast sips from bottle. She managed to put bottle back, just before she fell on bed. She was asleep, after three, really hard for her, days. *** Rarity was standing in royal gardens of Canterlot castle. Day was beautiful, but she wasn't happy. “Hello, Rarity.” She turned around and took two steps back. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Spike smiled. > Chapter 4: Ray of hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hello, Rarity.” She turned around and took two steps back. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Spike smiled. “Spike?! But, how, you're dead?” She couldn't believe her eyes. “Don't be silly, Rarity.” Spike's voice was calm and confident. “Do I look dead to you?” “Well, you do have a point there, darling.” She was calming down slowly. “But I remember your funeral, and how I gave you that necklace.” She looked at this big, beautiful heart-shaped ruby on Spike's chest. “Well, that might be true, but I want to give you something.” “What is it, Spikey?” “Well, it's not much, I saved some bits and bought a little something for you some time ago. Go to Twilight, on bookshelf next to my basket, on lowest shelf there is a book entitled The Art of Sleeping. Behind that book you'll find your present.” “You really shouldn't have, darling.” Rarity was confused, she didn't know what was happening. But then again, Spike was there, it wasn't bad. “I wanted to. But I have one request, Rarity.” “Anything, darling.” Spike took few steps toward her, he was close. Her heart was beating faster. He bent a little, and looked her in eyes. Now her heart was racing. “Rarity, wake up.” Spike said softly. She sprang to her hooves. Loud hiss clearly indicated, that Opalescence was less than happy about this situation, but Rarity didn't pay attention to that. She was in her bedroom, it was already morning. “J-just a dream...?” She said to herself with a sight of disappointment. “But it felt so real...” She looked at night table, at Spike's picture. Moments later she was outside, galloping as fast as she could. *** Handle lighted up with azure magic and door to library were opened. Right after that Rarity went inside. “Hello! Anypony Home?” She was already in center of main hall. "Twilight, darling, where are you?" “I'm upstairs!” Rarity heard muffled voice coming out from bedroom. Twilight was at her desk, making checklist for that day. When Rarity entered the room she raised her head. “Hello, Rarity! What brings you here?” “Twilight, I just had a dream...” White mare approached her friend. “But it felt so... realistic. And... Spike was there.” Twilight stopped her work and turned around to face Rarity. “He said to me that he had a present for me, hidden behind one of the books.” “And what book would that be?” From look on Twilight's face Rarity judged, that she's got her attention. “The title was The Art of Sleeping.” Twilight's eyes opened wider. “Well... we have this book in library... and it was one of the few Spike had interest in.” Rarity could feel her heart beating faster. “I even allowed him keep it on bookshelf close to his basket.” They approached bookshelf and Twilight used her lavender magic to levitate one of the books, it was a really thick one to be honest. “After all, Spike read it countless times and I wasn't planning to do so even once.” But Rarity stopped listening as soon as Twilight lifted the book. Her whole attention was absorbed by hole that book left on the shelf. Rarity's horn glowed and moments later a neat looking package showed up. Her heartbeat was even faster now. Twilight stopped talking. Silence filled the room, as two ponies just stared on levitating package. “Open it up, Rarity!” Twilight didn't even try to hide her impatience. Rarity responded with unpacking her present. It was gold bracelet, with five little red rubies. “It's beautiful...” Rarity was lost for words. Dragons sure have an eye when it comes to jewelery. But just how long was Spike saving up to buy that? Two friends were staring at this fine piece of art for few whole minutes. Twilight was first to break the silence. “Rarity, did you say that in your dream... Spike told you about it? “Y-yes! Do you think that...” She looked in Twilight's eyes. “That.. maybe... there is a chance that Spike is alive somewhere? Maybe we can bring him back?” Her tone was a mixture of hope and supplication. “M-maybe...” Spark of hope ignited fire also in Twilight's heart. “We should go and ask Princess Celestia as soon as possible!” She didn't need to say this twice to Rarity. Two friends almost immediately started to gallop. Next stop: Canterlot. *** Two mares were galloping relentlessly, although there were times Rarity wished, that they'd go by train, what's done is done. After few hours they got to Canterlot. It was a good thing, that she was with Twilight, because guards let them go to princess without unnecessary explanations. Finally, they got to the throne room. “Princess!” Two friends almost yelled when they galloped into the room right after opening the door. “Twilight and Rarity.” Said Princess while putting down her banana. “What brings you girls to me?” Two mares were gasping for breath after galloping for such a great distance. They were exhausted, Rarity felt like her lungs and muscles were burning, Twilight was soaked wet with sweat, as were Rarity. But few moments later they started explaining. They told princess about Rarity's dream, and how they found present behind the book. Rarity raised her front leg and showed bracelet to Princess Celestia. “I see, so there is possibility, that we will be able to bring Spike back.” Twilight and Rarity looked at each other, with hope and happiness on their faces. So even Princess Celestia thinks so! “Let's go, girls, follow me!” Celestia started to run, and two other mares followed her. Soon they arrived at Canterlot archives. Round stairs were leading them deeper and deeper. “It's here, girls!” Rarity heard Princess Celestia's voice, as she entered the door. At last they stopped going downstairs. Part of the reason being that stairs have ended. Twilight and Rarity followed Princess Celestia to the chamber. Few torches were lit by Celestia's magic. She looked on old bookshelf, thing was looking like it could fall apart if someone would touch it. It looked like it could fall apart event without anypony's help. Only few books were there, but each one of them was as thick as a brick. And most likely as old as Canterlot, if not even older. Celestia used her magic to pick up one of them, which looked like the thickest and oldest one, and started to look for something. She was going through pages, while Rarity and Twilight were waiting in anticipation. Rarity's heart was racing. Full of hope, she was happy. Spike will come back, these few past days will be nothing more but a bad dream. “Oh my! In name of Equestria!” Princess Celestia gasped. “What is it princess?!” Asked Twilight. “Will we be able to bring Spikey back?” Rarity's eyes were glowing. “According to this ancient book: –“ started princess Celestia while facing two mares, “– no, Spike is dead and nothing can bring him back to live. Remarkable!” Room was filled by silence, both friends were shocked. All Rarity's hope was crushed, she felt like crying. Twilight expression changed from shocked to pissed off one. “This is anything BUT remarkable! Princess, what is the meaning of this?!” Twilight was really mad. “You bring us all the way down here after we almost died from galloping from Ponyville just to tell us this bu– Yeah, just teleport away, classic Celestia.“ Twilight, angry and helpless, just sat there and looked at the floor. Two mares were now alone, they spent some time not talking at all. After few minutes Twilight started reading these books in hope of finding something useful, but it was all in vain. Tired and powerless two friends just went back to Ponyville, but this time they decided to go by train. *** They were traveling in silence. Twilight was looking through the window. Rarity was looking at her bracelet, she was thinking about Spike. One tear dropped on bracelet's red ruby. “I refuse to acknowledge that.” Stated Rarity silently. “I don't care what Celestia said, I don't believe, I won't believe it.” Twilight looked at her friend, but didn't say anything. They weren't talking for rest of the ride. *** The, now setting down, sun reminded Rarity about Princess Celestia and fruitless trip to Canterlot. Just in time to change her mood from sad to annoyed one. She already parted with Twilight and was almost at her boutique. She locked the door, and went straight to bathroom. She wanted to take a bath. She needed to get a bath. Long and relaxing one at that. Hot water started to fill up the bath-tub. Rarity picked up couple flasks with relaxing bath salts and poured some of them into the water. Then she used her magic to take off bracelet. She looked at it for a while with watery eyes before levitating it to bedroom and putting it on night table. Few moments later she slowly got into the tub and lied down with only her head above water. She closed her eyes and stayed like that for good half an hour, but it didn't help her relax. She was thinking about what happened today. Sad and irritated she decided it will be better to just get shower, brush her teeth and go to bed. *** She lied down in bed and turned to face night table. She looked at Spike's picture and at the beautiful bracelet that was his final gift for her. “Do not worry, Spikey.” She heard her own voice. “I don't care what princess told us, I'm not giving up on you.” But the truth was, that she wasn't sure what to do now. ”Well, I'll figure out something tomorrow.” She thought to herself before taking three sips of Zecora's medicine and falling asleep almost immediately after. > Chapter 5: Strength of a diamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hello, Rarity!” She turned around to face source of the voice. “Spikey!” She greeted him happily and went few steps in his direction, but stopped half way and became sad. They were in Canterlot gardens and spike was sitting on his own statue. “What's the matter?” Spike got up and approached Rarity. “Well, dear...” Spike noticed that she was looking at his grave. “You're right, let's change scenery.” Spike snapped his fingers. She was in bright, beautifully decorated hall. Music was playing, all around her were mares in beautiful dresses and colts in fancy tuxedos. She also had her dress from gala on. “You look beautiful as always, miss Rarity.” Spike, in tuxedo, was standing in front of her. “And I think this will look million times better on you, than it does on me.” Spike winked as he put heart-shaped fire ruby necklace on Rarity. “Spike, what's happening?” She was really confused. “I thought that this should cheer you up. May I have a dance, my lady?” Spike bowed a little, looking in Rarity's eyes and reaching to her with his right hand. Off course Rarity agreed. They were enjoying dancing for some time. It was already fifth song. Rarity couldn't believe, that Spike was such a wonderful dancer. But she decided it is time to break the silence. “Spikey, I've found present you told me about.” “Oh, did you like it?” Asked Spike with worried tone. “Of course I did!” “Thank Celestia!” Spike sighted with relief. “I really hoped you'll like it.” Spike smiled. “But... Well... We, Twilight and I, went to ask Princess Celestia... she told us that you're dead-dead and there is no way to bring you back...” “Mhm.” “Don't you mhm me, Spike! How can you be dead? This feels too real to be just a dream!” Tears appeared in corners of her eyes. “Rarity.” Spike said softly. They stopped dancing and Spike wiped Rarity's tears with his hand. “I probably know you better than anypony else. And I can tell you, you're as strong as you are beautiful.” He smiled and stroked Rarity's face. She calmed down and also smiled a little. “You'll find a way, Rarity, you're stronger than you think.” “I won't give up, Spikey, I won't.” “I know. You have to fight, you can't give up, Rarity.” Spike became serious... and sad. “I don't know what I would do if I were to lose you.” “What do you mean, Spikey?” Rarity was surprised. “Rarity, you have to wake up.” She opened her eyes. She was in her bedroom. Rays of morning light were coming through the windows. She looked at Spike's photo on her night table. “I won't give up, I promise.” A tear dropped down on her pillow. She got up and went to bathroom. She needed to prepare herself for another hard day. She looked in a mirror and gasped. Her mane was a mess, but that was common in the mornings. Her eyes looked little red, but it was to be expected. What she didn't expect was heart-shaped fire ruby necklace on her neck. *** “Twilight! You must see this!” Shouted Rarity as she burst through the door to library. Her friends head appeared in doorway to bedroom, and moments later rest of Twilight's body followed. “What's the hurry, Rarity?” Twilight went downstairs and approached Rarity. Few moments later white mare caught her breath and answered question. “Look, Twilight, look at my necklace!” “Well, it is a pretty nice necklace, Rarity.” Twilight didn't get why Rarity was so excited, but then she wasn't really into fashion nor jewelery. “It's not just nice! It is the one that Spike was buried with!” She was a little bit angry about how clueless her friend was. “Well, Rarity, I'm pretty sure this isn't the one.” “What do you mean, dear?” Rarity was surprised, that Twilight didn't recognize such a distinctive necklace. White mare looked down at her chest, just to make sure. Heart-shaped fire ruby was still there. As beautiful as always. “Spike gave you fire ruby, not diamond from what I remember, Rarity.” “Of course he gave me fire ruby! Heart-shaped fire ruby that is in necklace on my chest right now! I had another dream with Spike and he gave me that necklace and when I woke up...” “Rarity!” Twilight stopped her friend. “I know this was hard for you... It was hard for me too. But you have to calm down and let Spike go. I'm really starting to worry about you.” “How can you say that?” Rarity was embittered. “Spike is alive somewhere, he's reaching to me in my dreams!” “Rarity, I wanted to believe in this too, but you heard what Princess Celestia had told us yesterday.” Twilight's voice was calm. “It is true, she was a little bit harsh with the delivery, but her message was clear. And if she doesn't know a way to bring Spike back, there is nopony who could.” “...well, Twilight, my dear, I think I will need some time alone now...” Rarity turned around and went in exit's direction with her head down. “Sorry, Rarity. But please, keep it together.” White mare turned her head back. “Don't worry Twilight. I'll manage, I won't give up that easily, a friend once told me, that I'm pretty strong.” Wink of her eye was a goodbye, as she went outside and closed door behind her. Rarity was slowly going in direction of Carousel Boutique. Why wasn't Twilight seeing her necklace? What is going on? Is she going mental? “Hi, Rarity!” Pinkie greeted her from behind. “Where are you going?” Now she was already in front of her. “Why don't you go with me to Apple family's farm? It will be fun!” Now Pinkie was just making circles around Rarity, in her typical jumpy style. “I don't really have time now, dear.” Then she thought of something. “Pinkie, would you be so kind to give me your thoughts on my necklace?” “It is pretty, Rarity!” “Could you please go a little more into details, darling?” “It is really very super pretty, Rarity!” Detailed review at it's finest. “What about gemstone?” White mare got to the point. “It is very pretty diamond.” “...Well, it sure is...” Rarity was shocked. She expected this answer, yet, it hit her pretty hard, harder than she expected for sure. “Oh, Rarity, you're such a joy! Come to Applejack later if you have time. It will be fun!” Pinkie stopped and looked in Rarity's eyes with serious expression. “And by fun I mean there will be a lot of cider. A lot.” “I cannot promise anything, but I'll try to make it, Pinkie.” Lied Rarity, she wasn't really in mood to get drunk. Or maybe she was? Anyway there were things she had to do, and drinking cider wasn't one of them. “See you then!” Said Pinkie as she started walking in direction of Applejack's farm. ”Oh, my, this is rather bad, Rarity!” Said voice in her head. Everything looked like she really was loosing her grip on reality. But that's not important now. Princess Celestia didn't help her, so now she has to met with somepony else who could know how to bring Spike back. Well, somezebra would be more accurate in this situation. *** Everfree forest was even darker than usual. Or maybe it was always like this, but with friends at her side she wasn't paying much attention? Rarity didn't have much time to think about it, because she approached Zecora's hut. Silence was the only thing that answered Rarity's knocking on the door. It looked like Zecora wasn't home. “Just my luck!” Rarity wasn't pleased, to say the least. “Well, at least I'll leave note for her.” Her horn glowed, pen and paper magically appeared. Few moments later note was ready and pinned to Zecora's door. Rarity has waited for couple more minutes, in hope that maybe her zebra friend will come back, but, as disappointing as it was, in the end she didn't have much of a choice and started going back to Ponyville. “What to do now?” It was still pretty early, maybe half an hour after noon, and she was already out of ideas. What should she do next? She wanted to bring Spike back, more than anything, yet she couldn't do anything. Without Zecora's advice she was clueless. “Well, I'll just have to wait for Zecora's answer and keep myself busy for the time being. But I don't think I'll be able to do anything productive... Still, could be worse. I'm sure Zecora will have some answers for me.” She smiled a little and raised her head. And stopped in her tracks right after that. As it turns out, situation got worse pretty fast. Right before her was a pack of timberwolves, and they were ready to attack. She was so busy with her own affairs that she hasn't noticed them until the very last moment. There was no time for regretting this, she started to run, and wolves started to chase her, of course. Rarity was running as fast as she could, but wooden predators weren't slow either. It looked like the looser will be the one to run out of stamina first. “GO LEFT!” Rarity obeyed voice without any questions, and it was a good thing for her. Not so much for timberwolf that would catch her if she didn't make that turn. The tree that he “caught” instead was pretty hard. Rarity didn't have time to celebrate this small victory. Or to think about voice. She was no longer on the road, now she was running through the woods. And wolves had clear advantage in these circumstances. “LEFT!” Once again she obeyed, and once again she didn't regret that decision. But situation was going downhill pretty fast. She was getting really tired, in the end she wasn't athlete. And on top of that after going through some bushes she saw rock wall going straight up. A cliff was the-worst-possible-thing. Probably. She turned around. Wall behind her back, pack of timberwolves in front of her. Oh, right. Timberwolves. They were the-worst-possible-thing. “GET DOWN!” She immediately dropped down to the ground. She heard painful howls and opened her eyes. She saw that all timberwolves were burning with green fire. Few wolves ran into the forest, three of them have already died right before Rarity. “Spike?!” There were no mistake, Rarity knew this fire all too well. “Where are you Spikey?!” There was no answer. “Spikey, I am absolutely positive that it was your doing! Please, come out Spikey!” She has waited for few minutes, but no one answered. She decided it's better to get going. As it turned out, she was pretty close to edge of Everfree forest. Moments later she was on right road to Carousel Boutique. *** First thing Rarity did when she got home was, of course, to take a shower. Taking a shower was one of her ways to calm down, and it also was refreshing at the same time. She had some time to think about what happened. About the voice and flames. Was she really going mental? Or was it real? She was confused. A little angry, but happy on the other hand. As it turned out shower worked pretty well washing off sweat and dirt from her last adventure, bud it didn't wash away these thoughts. Hearing knocking at the door worked much better. “Coming!” Rarity wondered if it could be Zecora already, as she rushed downstairs. Moments later she had her answer. “Come drink with us!” So it was Pinkie... “Well...” “I don't take no as an answer!” Before Rarity could say anything she was already pushed outside. She noticed Twilight, with resigned smile on her face. Well, it was Pinkie, all resistance was futile. “I will, Pinkie, but please let me leave a note.” Few moments later she closed the door to boutique and left message for Zecora. It was starting to feel like some sort of paper chase game. Hopefully Zecora won't be mad about this. Three mares went in direction of Applejack's farm. > Chapter 6: Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Howdy-doo, girls, you're just in time! Rainbow and Fluttershy just got here!” Applejack welcomed them as they entered the barn. It was their usual spot for parties when they wanted to make sure, that they weren't going to disturb anypony. And maybe even more important: when they wanted nopony to disturb them. Good example of such a party was Pinkie's birthday party. Very good example. “Finally! It took you forever to get here!” “I've just told them that you guys got here few moments earlier, Rainbow.” Said Applejack while filling up mugs for her friends. “So easy, we can fight when we are drunk.” “Let's drink!” Pinkie was the first one to react. She grabbed the mug full of cider almost immediately. “Cheers girls!” Five other mares followed Pinkie's lead and raised their mugs. The party has begun. “First!” Rainbow dash yelled. “Four seconds flat!” But other mares weren't really interested in competing with her. “I needed that, I tell ya!” Said Applejack with sight of relief. “It was rather a hard day here at farm, that's for sure.” There's nothing like cold cider at the end of hard day. But Rarity didn't really enjoyed it. She could barely feel sweetness of her drink. She really rather would wait for Zecora in Carousel Boutique. But then again, Pinkie was really... convincing. And in the end this whole party was put together to cheer her and Twilight up, and Rarity was aware of that. She didn't want to disappoint her friends, so she tried to put on a smile and enjoy drinking with them, just like old times. *** “First!” Rainbow just finished another mug. “You didn't event try, Fluttershy!” She was pretty drunk already and was trying to persuade Fluttershy to join her drinking game. “Uhm, Rainbow, you know that I like to take things... more slowly.” Fluttershy smiled and blushed a little. “S-suit yourself.” Rainbow turned around to hide her red face. And to get herself another mug of cider. “What the- there's no more cider?” “Well, sugar-cube, with your pace I'm mighty surprised it lasted this long.” Rainbow's drinking pace was one of things that never stopped to amaze Applejack. “Great, we're out of booze and I'm not even drunk yet!” Rainbow was evidently annoyed. “I don't really agree with that.” Answered Applejack with wide smile. “You say I'm drunk?!” Now Rainbow was pissed off. “Well, that too, sugar-cube.” Said Applejack and opened chest that was nearby. “But I really meant the 'out-of-booze' part.” “Uuuuu! What is it what is it?!” Pinkie was already holding one of the bottles with crystal liquid. “You know what it is, Pinkie.” Twilight joined the conversation. “Hooch.” Answered Applejack. “Hooch?” Fluttershy raised her head, they've got her attention now. “I knoooooooow!” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “How did you name it?” “I didn't think about it yet, to be honest.” Applejack was rather confused. “You HAVE to name it, Applejack!” Pinkie grabbed Applejack and looked in her eyes. “Um, I think we should try it first before naming it.” Fluttershy already brought six glasses. Well, she always preferred hard liquors. “I guess there's no harm in that...” Said Applejack, but she looked at her half empty mug of cider. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?” Pinkie yelled. “How long are we supposed to hold these before you will join us?” She and Fluttershy already raised their glasses. And they were generous while filling these glasses. “We'll need some chaser, I'll get some juice...” “Don't go anywhere, Applejack!” Pinkie stopped her. “There's no need to get chaser for the first shot!” “Pinkie...” Applejack wasn't fan of this idea. “Uhm...” This time Fluttershy was the one to interrupt Applejack. “It's ok, for the first shot.” Applejack didn't look pleased, but she has given up. “Have it your way then. But only the first one!” “Of course!” Pinkie smiled. “Girls, get your glasses! Twilight! Rarity!” Rarity was looking at her almost full mug of cider. Usually she would prefer some fine red wine from south provinces of Equestria, maybe champagne. But she liked cider, why wouldn't she? It's taste was kind of resembling sparkling wine. But it didn't taste good today. It almost didn't have any taste at all... She forced herself to drink first mug, but now she was stuck with second one. After all, she couldn't enjoy herself with what she was going through. “Rarity!” Pinkie's voice finally reached her. “P-pardon me, I was...” “Grab your glass and don't make any silly excuses!” Pinkie was really getting in party mood. “I think that I really shouldn't...” Rarity tried to oppose, she was thinking about going home. “No excuses!” Pinkie forced glass into Rarity's hoof. “Cheers!” “Bottoms up!” Added Fluttershy. This was some serious stuff. Apple family was known in all Equestria for their fine Cider, but Applejack wanted to make some stronger drinks, so she decided to give it a whirl. And without a doubt – she was good at it. “Argh! That's some strong stuff!” Said Rainbow Dash with grimace on her face. “Smooth. Um, very well done, Applejack.” Complimented Fluttershy. “Wooohooo, that's the stuff!” Shouted Applejack as she putted glass back on the table, maybe little harder than she should. “You okay, Twilight?” “Little stronger... than I would like it...” Twilight sounded rather weak. Rarity wasn't really into hard liquors either, but, strangely, this felt right. That glass was really refreshing, not really what she was expecting. She felt like pain in her heart lifted a little. Rarity's glass levitated and landed softly on the table. “I must say, this really felt good.” Said Rarity, to her friends surprise. “That totally absolutely felt good! Time for round number two!” Said Pinkie Pie as she refilled glasses. “Already? Gonna get some juice then.” Said Applejack. “There's no need to get chaser for second shot!” Pinkie was already holding her glass. “You're mad, you know that, Pinkie?” Applejack was about to go, but Fluttershy stopped her. “Uhm... It's ok, for the second shot.” “You're both mad! I'm bringing juice!” Party went on. *** “What should we drink to?” Asked Pinkie as she was refilling glasses. Few empty bottles were standing on the floor. “Toomah...” Mumbled Rainbow Dash, she was lying on the floor. “Easy, Dashie. You need to rest.” Said Fluttershy as she stroked Rainbow's mane. She was sitting beside her. “Like you two even need anything to drink to!” Applejack looked really tired. “Of course we need! We can't go on without a good toast!” Pinkie was outraged. “Um, I can go on.” Fluttershy was still petting Rainbow Dash while holding her glass in other hoof. “Let's drink to that!” Pinkie smiled wide. “That's not really much of a toast.” Commented Applejack and turned her head. “What's that, Twi?” “T-to Spike!” Twilight's eyes were full of tears. Rarity felt like someone throw cold water on her head. What was she doing? Getting drunk with her friends while Spike is out there somewhere and needs her help. Now she felt even worse than before. “Girls, I think I should go home.” Said Rarity. “Yeah, you won't drink to his memory even though you killed him!” Twilight was as bitter as she was drunk. “Oh, my...” Fluttershy covered her mouth with the 'petting' hand. “Dotstah...” Mumbled Rainbow. “Easy, partner!” Applejack tried to calm Twilight down. “It's ok, Applejack, Twilight is right...” Rarity was on the verge of crying. “Don't blame yourself, Rarity. It was an accident.” Fluttershy tried to cheer her up. “It wasn't accident, it was her sick ambition!” Twilight was saying out loud what was on her chest. She wasn't even trying to hide tears. “She always used and teased him, and in the end she killed him! He loved her and she treats him like some thrash that's not even worth a toast!” “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF FEELINGS I DO HAVE FOR HIM!” Yelled Rarity. A deathly hush fell in the barn. The only sound was Rainbow Dash mumbling something. Rarity was the one to break the silence. “I'm really sorry, Twilight.” Rarity was looking at the floor. “It's true that it was my fault...” “No.” Twilight interrupted her. “I'm sorry, Rarity. I really miss Spike and I guess I just wanted to blame someone for his death... I know that you didn't want him to die...” “To Spike!” Pinkie raised her glass. Friends looked at each other. “To Spike!” They answered all at the same time. “Tospah...” Mumbled Rainbow, her eyes were still closed. *** Mares drank few more glasses of hooch and party got considerably more cheerful. But Rarity was thinking about what they were talking earlier, about what she said. What exactly are those feeling she has for Spike? Could it really be something more? She didn't have time to think about it earlier. But as it turned out she didn't have enough time to think now either. Door to barn opened. It was Zecora. Rarity felt like she sobered up almost immediately. > Chapter 7: The Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity quickly approached Zecora. She wouldn't go all this way to the barn just to tell Rarity that she can't help her. At least that's what Rarity wanted to think. Zecora looked in Rarity's eyes, but white mare couldn't read her expression in the dark. They stood for a moment in silence before Zecora reached to her saddle bag. She gave Rarity something, wrapped in brown, old paper. Rarity picked it up with her magic. She couldn't tell what it is from it's shape. She was about to ask, but before she had chance to Zecora turned around and started to walk away. Rarity wanted to stop her, there were so many questions in her head. But when she opened her mouth Zecora stopped. “Before using it think twice, it comes at terrible price. Every day for Spike it give one shorter you will live.” She said it without facing Rarity, and immediately after that galloped away, leaving Rarity with even more questions than she had moments earlier. “Come on, Rarity!” It was Pinkie. “Or we gonna drink without you!” “Sorry, girls, but I really have to go now.” Answered Rarity before she started to run down the road to Ponyville. “What's with her?” Pinkie was confused. “Sometimes a mare has to do what she has to do.” Said Fluttershy. “So, um, cheers!” *** Door to Carousel Boutique opened and Rarity went inside. It was middle of the night, but Sweetie Belle was with her parents, so she didn't have to worry about waking anybody up. She probably wouldn't worry about that anyway, the only thing she was thinking about now was mysterious package she received from Zecora. She used her magic to place the parcel on the table and examined it. It was about 30 centimeters long, had cylindrical shape and was wrapped up in very old looking, brown paper. Very old looking, blood stained, brown paper. Rarity's eyes widened and she took a step back. What exactly did Zecora gave her? Well, whatever it was, it was supposed to help her bring Spike back. And there was only one way to find out what it was. She approached table once again and used her magic to carefully removed wrapping paper. What she saw frightened her. It was knife, but not a normal one to say the least. It was double sided knife. On its blade there was written something in language, that Rarity didn't know. Alongside it's cutting edges were engraved some weird channels, they went all the way up to handle. And handle was the weirdest, and most creepy, part of this knife. There were some more sentences in that weird language and on the end there were carved two head of ponies. Well, one of them was only a skull. What was that? How did Zecora even acquired that item? And most important: why were there blood stains on it?! Many questions flowed through Rarity's head. She looked at the clock and decided, that these questions can wait. But night train to Canterlot surely won't wait for her. She wrapped knife back and left boutique. *** Trip to Canterlot went by much faster than Rarity thought it will. She didn't have enough time to think about this weird knife. Nor about what Zecora told her. But what bothered her most was how does one even use this knife? “You'll have time to think when you get there, Rarity.” She told to herself and started galloping. *** Canterlot's garden was peaceful. Only sound was burble of trees, as they were hit by blasts of wind. Rarity was standing right before Spike's grave. This was it. She used her magic to open the crypt. It wasn't easy, but she managed to do it. Mare was breathing heavily, but she didn't stop there. She used her magic once again, this time to open coffin. Spike looked peaceful. He was lying in coffin just like he was at funeral, but heart shaped ruby necklace was nowhere to be found. This reassured Rarity, in the end she was still wearing it. She unwrapped knife once more and stopped. “What am I supposed to do with that thing?” Rarity asked herself. And it was a valid question. What was she supposed to do with a knife? Stab Spike? Well, Stabbing someone with a knife don't usually bring them back to life, it has the opposite effect . Was she supposed to stab herself? This didn't look like very smart thing to do either. But standing over body of your dead friend in the middle of the night with some kind of occult knife didn't look very good either. “What are you doing here, my beloved subject, on this beautiful night of full moon?” Rarity jumped upon hearing Princess Luna's voice. “I... I just...” Rarity didn't know what to say... What was she supposed to say? Anything she could think of seemed like bad idea. “Oh, you're reanimating a corpse?” Asked Luna. “I...” Rarity knew she was in trouble. “Sweeeeeeet. Can I help you?” Princess asked another question without waiting for answer. And there was no answer coming out from Rarity's wide open mouth. “Is that ritual knife from Zebrica? We didn't see that for a while!” Princess looked at knife, her eyes were shining, she was blushing slightly. “We'll need blood to carry life force to corpse...” “You'll help me, your highness?” Rarity was still in shock, but managed to say something at last. “Of course I will! Your princess loves this stuff!” Luna looked Rarity in the eyes and added with a grin. “Night is my domain, after all.” “Does this really have this much to do with night?” Rarity was surprised. “Well, I like night and other dark things...” Princess looked like she was thinking about what Rarity has said. “So I think this isn't such a bad hobby for me. Or is it?” Princess smiled. “But that's not important, we'll need blood to revive him. Looking at this knife it looks like it will drain life force of one that sacrifices blood and give it to reanimated corpse...” “That's what Zecora told me, princess.” Explained Rarity. “But she didn't even told me how to use it...” “That won't be problem, my dear subject.” Luna reassured Rarity and raised the knife. “I... I have one question, your highness...” “What is it, my dear?” Luna looked confused, she was wondering what was holding Rarity. “How can I control how much 'life' will I give to Spikey?” “Well, and how much do you want to give?” Princess accepted this as a pretty important reason to hold up ritual. “I was thinking about half of my time...” Rarity drooped her head down and looked on ground before her. “I... I know it's not much compared to dragon's lifetime... but even if I gave him all of my time it would be only small fraction of what he lost... “ She raised her head and looked at Princess Luna with teary eyes. “But... as selfish as it is, I want to spend this time...” “Speak no more, your princess knows everything she needs to know.” Luna interrupted before Rarity started to cry. “One drop will be plenty.” Rarity was surprised. One drop of her blood will give Spike half of her lifetime? She expected it to be a little more accurate... but wasn't time to worry about such a small details. In few moments she will revive Spike! Knife levitated closer to her. It was under Princess Luna's control. “Are you ready?” Asked princess. “Y-yes!” Answered Rarity as she raised her front leg. She closed her eyes and waited for a moment. Then she felt a little sting. Was that all? Rarity opened her eyes and saw a small cut on her leg, but more importantly she saw that knife was looking bit different now. Every engraved channel, all words and eyes of carved pony heads were glowing with dim, red light. Princess levitated knife closer to her and cut her own leg. Rarity gasped. “Princess!” “So you want him to live as long as you?” Luna asked calmly. “You're going to sacrifice your lifetime in my place...?” Rarity couldn't believe, that princess Luna would do so much for her. “My dear, I'm nearly immortal, that's not a big deal. So, your lifetime will be plenty?” Princess asked once again. “Well... If I can have one request... Could you make him live a little longer than me...? Even a day...” Princess looked surprised upon hearing Rarity's request, so Rarity explained. “I know I'm pretty selfish already... but I don't want to see him die before me...” Princess didn't say anything, just added few more drops of her blood. Knife was now glowing with a bright red light. Princess Luna raised knife and with stabbed Spike's corpse in heart. Rarity's heart almost stopped. But moments later Spike's body started glowing, more and more as knife's light was getting dimmer. When knife was no longer glowing princess took it out and wound healed immediately. Rarity approached Spike's body. It wasn't glowing anymore. It was just lying in the coffin. But his eyes opened. “Rarity?” She was on verge of crying upon hearing Spike's voice. > Chapter 8: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rarity, I can't breathe...!" Spike liked being hugged by Rarity, but there was also another thing he liked – air. "Please, Rarity..." "Oh, Spikey, I can't believe you're back!" She released Spike from hug. He took a big breath and looked around. "Back from where? Where are we, Rarity?" He noticed Princess Luna standing above him. "Princess!" Spike tried to stand up, but half way he lost his strength and fell back to coffin. "Are you okay, Spikey?!" "I'll manage..." Replied Spike. "You shall not strain yourself in your current condition, Spike, the dragon." Said Princess Luna. "He will be weak for at least few hours, that is normal after ritual of resurrection. You should take care of him, Rarity." "Yes, Princess! I will!" Rarity replied with a smile, she still couldn't believe, that Spike was back. "After ritual of what? Resurrection?" Spike looked puzzled. He looked around once again. "Well, that explains the coffin. And being underground." "You don't remember anything, Spikey?" Rarity was surprised. "Well, last thing I remember is the escape from cave... after that everything gets blurry... Ugh...!" “Don't think about it, Spikey! I'm sure you'll remember everything when you get some rest.” Said Rarity. “For now let's catch train to Ponyville, Spikey.” “That won't be necessary.” Rarity heard Princess Luna's voice behind her. When she turned around she saw Luna's royal carriage. “You can use this, there won't by any train to Ponyville for next few hours.” “Oh, Princess Luna! Thank you very much!” Rarity wasn't sure when or how did Princess call her guards to bring carriage here, but she was grateful. Carrying Spike to train station would be pretty rough, she was pretty exhausted herself. Princess helped Rarity escort Spike. To be exact she just used her magic to pick both Rarity and Spike and placed them in chariot. “Thank you very much again, Princess Luna.” Rarity thanked once more. “I cannot express how grateful I am... I couldn't have done that without your help, Princess...” “It is all right, my dear Rarity. You do not have to worry, it was fun.” Said princess and gave her royal guards sign to go. Moments later chariot was high in the air, Rarity and Spike as well. Rarity looked at Spike and her smile faded. He seemed to be troubled. “What’s the matter, dear?” She asked. “Oh, it’s nothing important, Rarity.” “If it is something that is bothering you, then I consider it important.” Rarity insisted. “Well… I guess it just fells… surreal… to be back, I mean.” Spike smiled slightly. “But I’m happy that you brought me back!” He added quickly, when he noticed Rarity was getting sad. “There is one thing that I didn’t tell you yet, Spikey…” Rarity remembered one unpleasant detail about Spike’s resurrection. “What is it, Rarity?” “The way… The way I found to bring you back, Spikey… It wasn’t perfect, to say the least…” Rarity felt like it was getting harder and harder to speak with each word. “Even… Even with help of Princess Luna… I was only able... “ “Easy, Rarity, don’t…” Spike stroked Rarity’s cheek with the outer side of his hand. “You’ll only live for a lifetime of a pony!” Rarity burst into tears. “You died because of me and I…” She was interrupted by Spike’s hug. “Rarity… It wasn’t your fault, it was decision I made myself.” Spike said with a calm tone and paused for a moment. “And to be honest, vision of living for hundreds and hundreds of years after your death, was something that haunted me in my nightmares…” Spike looked in Rarity’s eyes. “Even a minute without you would feel like a thousand years to me. Lifetime of a pony would be plenty for me, as long as it is lifetime with you.” He smiled. “Well, Twilight might not be too pleased, after all she’ll have to look for new assistant much sooner.” Rarity just reciprocated Spike’s hug. “Thank you, Spikey…” They stayed like this in silence for few minutes. *** Fresh, night air was filling Rarity's lungs, her mane was flying in the breeze. She thought to herself, that Princess Luna, among the other things, must really like speed. She couldn't find another explanation for two pegasi flying this fast. But with Spike's arm holding her she wasn't scared, to her surprise she even found that exciting. She was almost sad, when Ponyville silhouette emerged from behind the clouds. “Would you, sirs, be so kind and take us to Sweet Apple Acres?” Asked Rarity. “That would be south-west outskirts of Ponyville, right madame?” Asked one of guards. “Indeed.” She replied. “On our way, madame.” “Why are we going to Applejack?” Spike looked surprised. “Thank you very much, sirs” Rarity thanked pegasi guards. “Well, Spikey, rest of girls should be at Applejack's place now...” She answered Spike's question, she knew what Spike was going to ask next. “Do we REALLY have to go? Can't we see them tomorrow morning?” “Darling, I can't do that to Twilight. You know that it was hard on her too, right?” “Eh...” Sighted Spike. “I know, Rarity...” “Don't worry, Spikey. Rainbow shouldn't be in mood for teasing you. Especially since you're so... well-built now.” Smiled Rarity. “ I doubt that. Courage is one of things about Rainbow that I wouldn't question.” Answered Spike, but he smiled. “We're here.” Said one of pegasi as they landed right before entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. “Thank you, sirs.” Said Rarity, as she got off chariot. “Thanks, guys.” Spike quickly followed Rarity. Two guards nodded and moments later they were already in the air, flying in direction of Canterlot. Spike and Rarity were now alone. Door to barn was ajar and light was still on inside. Spike looked at Rarity. “Let's get this over with.” He said and they went ahead. *** “Come on, Twi, one more.” Fluttershy was petting sleeping Rainbow Dash. “...can't... no more...” Twilight looked really tired, she put her head on the table. “Princess shouldn't sleep on table!” Pinkie teased Twilight, but she didn't seem to care. “Uhm, I think we should let her be, Pinkie.” Fluttershy cut in. “Let's just drink.” “Okie dokie loki!” Said Pinkie as she raised her glass. Fluttershy closed her eyes and enjoyed perfectly distilled alcohol, Applejack really know her stuff. She's much better in making hooch than in drinking it. She kept her eyes closed for one more moment and appreciated subtle flavor of apples. But sound of door opening spoiled the moment. “Oh, my...” Fluttershy couldn't believe her eyes. She even stopped petting, which caused silent sound of Rainbow's protest. “Hi, girls!” Started Rarity, little too casually, but this was really rather weird situation. “ZOMBIE!!!” Pinkie was ready to fire her party cannon, but Rarity cut in the line of fire. “He's not a zombie, Pinkie Pie!” “He's dead and he's walking and this makes him walking dead ergo he's zombie!” Said Pinkie in one breath. “S-spike?” Twilight stood up, but she looked very unsteadily. “Hello, Twi...” “Spiiiiiiiiiiike...!” She somehow managed to approach Spike and flung her front legs around Spike's neck. Spike hugged her. Twilight's sobbing was only thing that could be heard. For a few moments. “To Spike!” It didn't took Pinkie long to propose a toast. “To Spike!” And she didn't have to convince Fluttershy. “I don't think it is necessary...” Started Spike, but Twilight interrupted him. “It's the best-idea-ever!” *** Well, what do you know. As it turned out it wasn't the best-idea-ever. At least not for Twilight. It's never good idea to try to match Fluttershy's or Pinkie's drinking pace. Soon Princess went back to sleep, and this time it didn't look like she would wake up soon. Applejack put Twilight to bed and Rarity took advantage of this opportunity to go home. She wanted to get some rest. After all this was very eventful night for her, there's no doubt about it. She almost couldn't believe it all has happened. “Are you sure, this isn't a problem, Rarity?” Asked Spike. “Of course it is not a problem, darling.” There was another thing she couldn't believe – that she invited Spike to her place. “If you say so...” Spike was still hesitant. After Rarity opened the door they both went upstairs, although Spike needed some encouragement. Rarity knew, that she owed her boldness to Applejack's potion of courage... but she didn't care. “Be a darling and wait for me in the bedroom.” She instructed Spike and went to bathroom. Usually visit in bathroom would take her at least thirty to forty minutes, but not this time. After a quick shower she joined Spike. He was sitting on the edge of bed, lost in thoughts. He stood up when he noticed, that Rarity approached him, only to be pushed back on the bed by her. Rarity climbed on him and looked him in the eyes. “Is there anything you want me to do, Spikey?” She was so close that she felt his rapid breath on her face. “Uhm...” “And I mean anything, darling.” Her voice probably couldn't be more seductive. “There is this one thing...” Spike finally looked straight into her eyes. “Yes?” She felt her heartbeat accelerate. “Rarity... please, wake up...” “What?!” *** “Have you found anything, Pinkie?” “No... I think we're out of booze, Fluttershy...” Pinkie was almost crying. Rarity opened her eyes and looked around in disbelief. “Oh, you're finally awake, Rarity.” Fluttershy greeted her. Slowly Rarity realized, what has happened. She put her head back on the table, tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Clash with reality was pretty harsh. > Chapter 9: The Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “To bring dead back to life with some kind of knife? Such item would be unique... I don't have what you seek.” Zecora's knife, meeting with Princess Luna, Spike's resurrection... It was all just a dream. But there was one thing, that was real for sure. Sorrow in Rarity's heart. When Rarity woke up in Applejack's barn she was broken. There's no other word to describe how she felt. But she somehow managed to pull herself together. It was already dawn, so she decided to pay Zecora a visit. She convinced herself, that Zecora will have solution, that Zecora will give her answers she was looking for. But she was wrong. At least she had a safe trip. If timberwolves attacked her in this state, she probably wouldn't even run. *** At last, tired and most likely still little drunk, Rarity got back home. She was about to open the door when she heard loud voice behind her. “Welcome, Rarity.” It was Princess Celestia. “Your highness!” Rarity immediately bowed before Princess. “Rarity, my dear subject, there is one thing that I must tell you. Sometimes, when we really want something... ” “I'm sorry Princess, but I know what you want to say...” Rarity looked at the ground before her hooves. “You do?” “Yes... But I don't think, that I will be able to do it... even though I promised... I'm thinking about giving up.” “Don't! I will help you!” “R-really?” Rarity couldn't believe her ears... Princess will help her? So there still is a glimmer of hope! “Of course! You can't just give up, this is far too important. I'm willing to offer you my royal help.” “I don't know how to thank you, Princess!” This was such a turnaround, it was too good to be true. “Don't mention it, Rarity. After all I really want this dress.” Yeah, it was too good to be true. Rarity needed few moment to gather her thoughts. “Princess, I think that I will be able to finish your and Princess Luna's dresses on my own after all.” “Oh, is that so? It's probably for the best, because I know next to nothing about making dresses! Celestia out!” Yelled Princess as she teleported away. Sometimes she was pretty eccentric. *** Rarity was sitting on the edge of her bed. She was trying to come up with some sort of a plan, but so far it was fruitless. “Just what in Equestria am I supposed to do?” She asked herself. “What's the matter? Can I help you with anything, dear?” “W-who is it?” Rarity looked around her, the voice scared her. After all she was alone in her bedroom, at least that's what she thought. “Oh my, who could that be.” Said Opalescence with derisive smile. Rarity's cat was lying on ceiling. “You're not living here alone, you know.” Added Opal as she jumped on bed. “But how...” “Tell me how can I help you.” Rarity was interrupted by her pet. It was probably weirdest thing that ever happened to her, but she decided to go along with the current. “Well, I'm looking for a way to bring Spike back...” “Spike, the dragon?” “Yes...” “Something happened to him?” Opal looked surprised. “He died...” “More like you killed him!” This time it wasn't Opal. It was one of ponnequins. This was getting more bizarre with every moment. “I...” “Go kill yourself, you little bitch!” This was probably the most abusive ponnequin Rarity have ever met. Then again she wasn't insulted by her tools too often. “How dare you say that to my master!” Screamed Opal as she attacked talking ponnequin. It was over within moments, and she was victorious. “T-thank you, Opalescence...” “Don't mention it, Rarity. It really pisses me off, when inanimate objects start talking.” She sat in front of Rarity and looked her in the eyes. “But his advice wasn't so bad. Suicide looks like excellent idea.” “Just how can this be an excellent idea?!” Rarity was enraged. “Just what kind of advice is this?!” “Kind of advice you can get from a cat, apparently.” Said Opal. “That's why you have to be mental to ask cat for advice.” Opalescence performed back flip and landed on the ceiling. Moments after that she left the bedroom, leaving puzzled Rarity alone. Rarity knew, she was just a shell of her former self. And she knew, that she was most likely mentally ill. “Did you see what that friggin cat did to me, bro?!” “Totally not cool, bro!” Ponnequins were now talking with each other. White mare looked at this rather unusual sight for a brief moment. Then she looked at her night table. Her horn glowed and Spike's picture levitated to her. She grabbed frame with both her hooves and looked at it. Suddenly idea popped up in her head... it was so obvious! “Spikey... I'm really sorry I couldn't bring you back... I really am... I might be loosing my grip on reality, but I know one thing for sure... I'm only happy, when I'm with you, in my dreams, so I'll sleep forever.” She used her magic once again, this time to levitate Zecora's medicine. “I'm sorry, but this is the only way I know, Spikey... Here goes!” She closed her eyes and raised the bottle. “Stop, Rarity!” She heard Spike's voice. “Don't do this! You know how much I love sleeping, but sleeping forever isn't the answer! And bedsores hurt!” It was Spike's picture talking. “Then what am I supposed to do?” Asked Rarity on the verge of crying. “Fight!” “I caaaaaan't...” “Of course you can! Rarity I know wouldn't just give up! I believe in you.” “O-okay, I'll try.” Rarity wiped up her tears and throw bottle with Zecora's medicine away. As it turned out it wasn't greatest decision. Upon impact bottle broke and whole bedroom caught on fire. Rarity hugged Spike's picture and backed up a little, she was in the middle of her bed, entirely surrounded by flames. “That crazy bitch totally started this fire, bro!” “I know, bro! Whole place is like totally on fire, bro!” Two ponnequins were still going at it. Suddenly Rarity heard a loud cracking noise, everything went dark and she felt like she was falling down for at least few seconds. When she regained consciousness she was lying on the floor of some cave. It only took her moment to realize, that it was the very same cave where Spike received a fatal blow. And she heard a distinctive rumble. Soon after rocks started falling down. Cave was collapsing. But Rarity didn't want to run. Or maybe she did, but she had no strength to do so. Whatever the reason, she just curled up on the floor and hugged Spike's picture tighter. “I'm so scared, Spike...” She wasn't holding back her tears. “Rarity... I don't know if you can hear me... But... I never had a chance to say this... I love you, Rarity. I love you more than anypony... than anything... I can't imagine life without you... So please...” Spike was almost crying. “Please, Rarity, just wake up...” *** The room was bright, Celestia's sun shining through two big, wooden windows. On the table there were many bouquets, some familiar looking packages. “Please... Wake up...” Rarity immediately looked in the direction of the voice. “Spikey! You're alive!” > Chapter 10: What she needs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spikey! You're alive!” “Rarity! You're awake!” “Of course I'm, why wouldn't I be...” “Miss Rarity, how do you feel?” “Fine, thank you very much...” She replied to nurse Redheart's question. “But what is going on?” “Does it hurt anywhere?” Nurse asked another question as she began to examine Rarity. “No, it does not!” This situation was starting to irritate Rarity. Why wasn't nurse answering her questions? “Spikey, what's going on here?” She remembered there was someone that would answer her questions. “Do you feel dizzy?” “I feel fine!” What was with this nurse? What was with Spike for that matter? “Spikey? Where are you darling?” Spike wasn't where she saw him just few moments ago, but she spotted his tail on the floor. She immediately broke away from nurse and rushed to check if rest of Spike was also lying on the floor. “Are you okay, Spikey?” Purple dragon mumbled something. “Give him some rest, miss Rarity.” Said nurse Redheart. “He had barely any sleep since he brought you here five days ago.” Since when? But Rarity didn't have time to ask any questions, door opened and five mares burst into the room. “How do you feel Rarity?” Asked Twilight. “How is she, nurse Redheart?” She asked another question, without waiting for Rarity's response. “She seems to be alright, Princess Twilight.” Answered nurse with a slight bow. “She still is confused, but it is to be expected.” “Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy, that you are awake...” Fluttershy flew over to Rarity's side and landed near Spike. “We feared that we've lost you.” “That you've lost me...?” Rarity still wondered what was going on? “When I heard that something happened to you I ran over here immediately and I were super worried and doctor said you were in coma and that you probably were never going to wake up!” Pinkie's appearance was as close to teleporting as one can get without using magic. “But since you're fine this calls for a party!” Said Pinkie as she readied her party canon. “This is hospital! Don't use this abomination here!” Pinkie didn't look happy, but she listened to nurse Redheart. “I was in coma?” “Yes, Rarity.” Twilight got closer. “Spike told us what happened in Diamond Dogs' caves. He brought you here after the rock hit you.” “He did...?” Rarity stopped for a second. “But wait a minute! The rock only grazed me, it felt on spike!” “Rock hit your head and you've lost consciousness.” Explained Twilight. Everything was starting to fall into place in Rarity's head. “He brought you here after avalanche!” Rainbow Dash was hovering above Rarity's bed. “I'm little ashamed of myself, but I attacked him at first.” Dash looked at sleeping Spike. “Then again, I didn't think it was Spike.” “Well, he certainly did change a lot...” Replied Rarity with smile. “A LOT? A lot is an understatement! How could I expect it was Spike flying with you in his arms?! Since when can one just magically get wings in an instant?!” Rainbow stopped for a moment. “Well, Twilight got them like that, but I thought it was single case... this is getting pretty ridiculous. What next? I'll get horn?” But Rarity wasn't listening. She leaned over to the side where Spike was sleeping to see it with her own eyes. They were there, and they were pretty big, stretching up from his shoulder down, almost reaching base of his tail. Granted, they didn't stand out much when they were folded, but how can she miss, that Spike got wings?! “But how did he got those...? He didn't have them during avalanche...” “Most likely the same way he got bigger.” Answered Twilight. “It seems, that dragon's growth is related to what he wants to protect rather than to age. Most of the times its their hoard, but, lucky for Spike, it looks like it hasn't to be.” Twilight smiled. “Tell us about your encounter with the Diamond Dogs!” Rainbow cut in. “Spike didn't want to tell us, even though it sounds so awesoooooome!” “I have to tell ya, I'm pretty interested in this story myself.” Applejack came closer. “But Spike had pretty important reasons to not tell us.” “But now you can tell us all about it!” Rainbow insisted. “Rainbow Dash! We all want to hear this story, but Rarity is in no condition to tell it now!” Twilight seemed to be irritated a little. “Actually I'd love to tell you all about it, but it would be unfair to do this without Spikey.” Rarity looked at sleeping purple dragon, then at her friends. “I guess we can wait a little longer.” Said Applejack. “I guess...” Rainbow was rather gloomy. *** Dear Princess Celestia, Last adventure taught me a valuable lesson about friendship. Sometimes we do not realize how much we care for someone and how important he or she is to us until we lose them. Although true friend will be always there for you, it is no reason to take them for granted. Sometimes we can lose a friend and there might not be anything we can do about it. That's why we should always cherish every moment we spend together. P.S. Your and Princess Luna's dresses are ready. Rarity *** Rarity was in her bedroom, at the desk. She raised her head, once again read the letter before putting it in an envelope and sealing it. “An entry in journal would be in order now.” She said to herself. “But first things first.” She turned around. “Spiiiiikeeey! May I bother you for a minute?” “What is it, Rarity?” Spike put The Art of Sleeping down on the night table and got up from bed. “Would you be a dear and send this letter to Princess Celestia?” Asked Rarity as she passed letter to Spike. “Sure!” Green flame consumed envelope. “Is there anything else you need, milady?” “Well...” Rarity smiled. “I think, that I already have everything I need.” Answered Rarity and kissed Spike on the cheek. THE END