> Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon > by TigerSwirl448 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasured Moon & Stars Volume 1 Luna's Treasured Moon By: TigerSwirl448 Edited by: Xhoral1865 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro & Lauren Faust Treasure Planet (c) Disney Castle in the Sky (c) Studio Ghibli Prologue Thirty-five years ago, deep in the Equestrian Galaxy, war waged for seven years in the outer reaches of space. Ponies fought with cannon and musket to end the tyranny of Discord and his legion of pirates and soldiers. Hundreds of ponies perished in the war and many have surrendered or desert to Discord’s side to end the never ending bloodshed. Princess Celestia, the matriarch of the Equestrian Galaxy called up to arms six young mares to bear a powerful weapon. The powerful weapon is comprised of six magical crystal jewels that hold the spirits of Harmony in which scholars call them, The Elements of Harmony. Each crystal jewel was given to the six mares to fight against the armies of Discord, and creating peace in every corner of the galaxy, one planet at a time. The Elements were given to two unicorns, two pegasi, and two earth ponies. These six young mares symbolized what the galaxy once was: Equal and Harmonious. After the war, a horrible rise of power came out of nowhere. Pegasi and unicorns dressed in black and red came out and started beating their earth pony brethren in the streets of Canterlot. Nopony knew why but they never wanted to question the attacks, of fear of being disloyal to the Princess and the threat of death. Many earth ponies begged for help but for some reason Princess Celestia, a goddess and mother to her people, turned her back to the screams and murder as ponies begged for her help. Thus this began the huge rebellion against the nobles and Princess Celestia that lasted for six trying years. With Celestia’s new soldiers of black and red at her side she ordered for all earth ponies to be arrested for aiding Discord and to attack all the ponies that dare disrespect her. Because of the Earth pony involvement many innocent earth families were taken into forced slavery under the Princess' watchful eyes. They watch as their own children were killed by laser and sword. Earth ponies that had wives or husbands that were unicorn or pegasus were dragged to the military camps to be a part of the new empire. No pony has ever understood the coldness in the Princess' heart that day. The Princess called to arms the Unicorn and Pegasi soldiers that were loyal to her and ordered them to destroy any and all Earth Pony havens. This rebellion caused the six Elements of Harmony to be forcibly separated, and thus the Elements were forever forgotten and disappeared. After the war, the next twenty-three years were hard for any pony with Earth pony blood. These ponies were forever known to be Hybrids. Any pony that had Earth pony blood in them was sent to the slave pits or to the streets. The space ports are the few places in the galaxy where these hybrids can get a job without question but these jobs are usually cruel labor that no unicorn or pegasus can do. But the most heavily known job for these hybrids was piracy. At least two-thirds of the known hybrid population turned to piracy and used their stolen or custom made sloops of war to attack merchant ships and ransack small ports and planets. Because of this, Earth ponies and hybrids alike are known as monsters and rats. But one day everything changed . . . ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The young pegasus Captain ran down the hall grabbing the wall arch to slide around the corner without stopping. “Move it!” She ordered as two earth pony servants dodged the pegasus soldier as she sprinted down the hall. She can see the shocked looks of her soldiers standing at attention against the tapestry walls watching their captain sprint past them. She can hear the cries of shock and outrage down the next hall so she started to slow to a walk breathing hard, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her wrist. She stopped by the corner to fix her uniform jacket of scarlet red and her black three cornered hat then turned the corner. She can see family members already there and she can tell that the rumors she heard from the servants’ quarters were true. The look on all the unicorn and pegasi faces were of stunned disbelief. Some were growling and grinding their teeth and more were thinking, or just staring blankly at the walls across from their positions, no doubt plotting. As the Captain approached the crowd a guard, dressed in a golden uniform of a low officer trotted over from his position by the large doors to the captain. She grabbed his shoulder and squeezed hard giving him a glare. The young unicorn soldier gulped with nervousness. “Is it true?” She hissed. He nodded, gulping, and turned to the door. “Gender,” the Captain asked. “Filly, Captain,” he answered with a tremor in his voice. He was shaking under her blue hand. The Captain sighed pulling off her hat to reveal her rainbow colored mane as she scratched behind her damaged ear. The unicorn guards eye's widened a bit seeing the tear in her right ear as she scratched behind it. She gave him a glare. The guard gulped, looking away. “I have a very bad feeling, Captain Dash.” He whispered truthfully looking around. “Me too,” Captain Rainbow Dash of the Royal Guards flatly stated, pulling her hat back on her head and decided to take control as she smiled at the crowd. “Ladies, gentlecolts,” she said patiently. The royals turned to her. “Please go about your business, the child has been born. You may wait downstairs for the dinner party. Thank you,” she bowed in respect as the royals start walking down the hall away from the birthing chamber. Once they were gone and out of ear shot, the captain turned to the guard. She pointed to his position at the wall where he once stood earlier. “Stay there and make sure nopony comes near here without my jurisdiction. Understand?” Rainbow said severely making it clear that nopony was to come through the doors. The guard nodded then nervously saluted, causing his hat to fly off of his head. “Uh, yes, Captain ma’am!” He bent over to pick up his hat then ran to his post then stood there in a guard position with his laser musket at parade rest. Rainbow Dash sighed, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger feeling a fresh new headache coming on. She walked to the doors. She pulled off her hat, holding the black hat in her arm as she used her other hand to fix her unruly mane. She straightened up, took a breath, then stepped inside the room closing the doors behind her. Inside the first room she could smell the blood left over from the birthing which made her dizzy as snippets of the past flashed through her eyes. Blood, death, screaming dying soldiers reaching for her begging her to save them or to finish them to end their pain. “Captain Rainbow Dash,” the vision flashed away when she heard a young male’s voice. She bowed to the unicorn Prince as he walked over. “I wasn't really expecting you until dinner,” he said formally. “What’s wrong with me wanting to see my favorite student’s filly?” Rainbow said closing her eyes smiling at him. She opened her eyes to see his troubled look. Prince Tick Tock is the third in line for the throne after Queen Celestia. His light brown fur, dark brown mane, and gray-blue eyes a darker contrast to the lustrous whites of the Queen. His handkerchief, which had an hourglass embroidered to look exactly like his cutie mark, was hanging out of his pocket so he used his magic to fix it. She noticed that he was dressed in his white long sleeved shirt with a black buttoned vest and of course she can see his watch chain hanging from his pocket. Rainbow Dash knew Tick Tock since he was a young stallion with dreams of joining the guard, hoping to get a better position in the line to the throne. It worked but only for a short while since the war ended before he got a promotion. Rainbow Dash taught him everything he needed to know about defense against daggers, swords, even laser pistols and muskets. He’s like an adopted son to Rainbow and she has to make sure he was taken care of. This included his family, even though it was distasteful to do so. “I’m just...you know, concerned,” Tick Tock sighed wiping his forehead. “I've already been given so many complaints about my wife Sapphire Melody and now...” He noticed the look on Rainbow’s face of annoyance. He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, Captain.” “No, Highness, you do not need to apologize for speaking the truth.” Tick Tock nodded blushing. He cleared his throat loudly. “So um, what did you hear?” Rainbow turned away looking at the walls trying to avoid eye contact with him. “Forgive me, Highness, but I am down right speechless,” she growled bluntly. “Oh?” the prince intoned scratching the back of his head. “I was hoping like many others here, Highness, that your daughter is a Unicorn.” Tick Tock gave her a stormy look. “She’s more unicorn than-” “You’re highness?” Tick Tock and Rainbow Dash turned to see the nurse, a pegasus servant. By the mark on her cheek she was a slave and a hybrid. Dash turned away to look out the window as the mare continued to speak. “You’re wife wishes to see you, again. Would you like to see the filly, too, Captain Dash?” Rainbow turned to the pegasus hybrid then turned to Tick Tock to see him with a stoic face but his eyes shown his anxiety. “Why not,” Rainbow Dash sighed with a shrug. The servant bowed low as the Prince and Rainbow walked into the bedroom. Rainbow could hear a foal lightly cry as she walked into the bedchamber to see the Duchess, a unicorn Hybrid. She held in her arms a bundle of cloth with the newly born Princess. Rainbow bowed when the Duchess looked up at her. Tick Tock walked over to the large bed. He leaned over to whisper into his wife’s ear. Rainbow glanced at Sapphire and snorted silently with disgust. Tick Tock married this Hybrid unicorn. Her coat is a silver gray color and her eyes are a captivating lilac purple. Her mane is a black color that reminded Rainbow of the black cannons on the pirate ships she battled fifteen years prior. She watched as Tick Tock took the bundle from the mare and walked over to Rainbow Dash. He removed the blanket from the filly’s face. Rainbow’s eyes went wide with shock. This foal has a Prench gray colored coat that combined the two parents coat colors perfectly. The filly has a curl of dark gray hair on her head. The filly opened her eyes to reveal two lilac purple irises. But the one thing that made Rainbow pale was that this filly had no wings or a horn. She’s an Earth pony! “You may say what you want now while you still can, Captain. Because the next time I see you I won’t be so kind,” Tick Tock said threateningly, snapping Rainbow out of her stupor. She turned to Tick Tock with a glare of her own. “Alright, let me start with this, Highness,” she pointed to the foal. “This...this is blasphemy! You are lucky that she is your daughter or I would have to kill her myself!” Tick Tock turned to see his wife scared to death. It was no secret that Rainbow and Sapphire Melody never got along since Tick Tock married her. Sapphire Melody was born in the Manehattan streets, left there as an orphan to die or to be a slave. But somehow she managed to live long enough for the Prince to stumble upon her and deciding to give her help. Soon this help became a popular thing. The Prince and the Hybrid fell in love and they held a secret wedding. And Rainbow being Tick Tock’s true guardian and close friend never really agreed with the pairing, fearing for their lives and for her own. “But,” Rainbow began getting the Prince’s attention. Tick Tock turned back to his teacher and friend to see her glow with a blush. “But... I will make an exception with this one. You are like... my own son and I want what is best for you,” Rainbow said with a light smile. Tick Tock grinned. He turned to his wife to see her calm down but she was still apprehensive. “Do you want to hold her?” Tick Tock asked. Rainbow Dash was so surprised by the question that her wings popped open with shock. “What?” “I asked if you want to hold her. You are like my second mother after all,” Tick Tock said grinning. Rainbow Dash looked around, then behind her to make sure the door was closed. She gulped, thinking that this was her only chance to hold a foal. She couldn't bear children of her own and was heartbroken at the memory of learning that when she was in her teens. But what if she dropped the filly or she doesn't like her? Tick Tock smiled and handed her the bundle anyway making her yelp in shock. “Highness,” Rainbow yelled out trying to hold the foal without dropping her. “Just hold her for a moment will you?” Tick Tock asked as he walked to a writing desk and start searching the pockets of his black tailored suit that he laid on the desk. Rainbow Dash just stood there very still, holding the little foal in her arms shaking with nerves. “Uh Highness,” “Just one more minute,” he said grinning with mirth enjoying the uncomfortable look on Rainbow’s face. Rainbow didn't know what to do in this type of situation. She looked up then noticed Sapphire holding her arms up showing Rainbow how to hold the foal correctly. Rainbow gulped fixing her arms gently then got a perfect hold of the foal. The foal blinked looking up at her in her eyes. Rainbow just stared back feeling like this baby was looking straight into her soul with those eyes. The foal uncurled her tiny fist to reach for strands of Rainbow’s mane. Without a second delay the foal let out a yell and yanked Rainbow’s hair making her wince with a curse. “Highness...” “Oh where did I put that paper...Just a moment, Captain,” Tick Tock said still searching for whatever he was looking for. Rainbow winced when the evil filly yanked her mane, again. “TICK TOCK!” she screamed out his real name, making Tick Tock jump at the volume and turn to see Rainbow in a fix. “A little help here,” she said with as much coldness as she could. She yelped again feeling another hard tug and the filly started to giggle at Rainbow’s face. “That little-” she started hearing the filly laugh louder at Rainbow’s expense. Sapphire was giggling behind her hand seeing the horror on Rainbow’s face. “Forgive me, Captain Dash,” she said getting Rainbow’s attention. “But I say that she really likes your mane,” the Duchess said, giggling again making Rainbow glare at her. “I could care less if a foal liked my mane or not. Tick Tock get your daughter to let go of me!” Finally Tick Tock yelled an exclamation, holding a folded piece of paper in the air. He walked over and stuck the paper between his teeth to reach for the foal, unclamping her hand from around Rainbow’s hair and getting a sigh of relief from the Captain. “Thank you,” Rainbow said flatly, fixing her mane and pulling out a rubber band out of her pocket to put her hair into a ponytail. Note to self, put hair up when seeing a foal, she thought to herself. Tick Tock held the foal in one arm as he unfolded the paper with his other hand smiling at his teacher as she fixed her uniform top and dusted herself off. “So,” Rainbow asked with her hands behind her back, glowering at her student. “What’s the fillies name? Something earth like?” “No,” Tick Tock said placing the paper on the desktop. He looked down at his daughter and stroked her cheek making her giggle. She grabbed his brown fingers looking at them with interest. “My wife and I thought of a beautiful and unique name.” “Which is,” Rainbow asked crossing her arms across her chest putting her weight on one foot. “Octavia,” Tick Tock said softly. The filly cooed after she was named. “That’s it? No second name?” Rainbow asked surprised. “Not yet my teacher,” Tick Tock said with a smirk. “Octavia will be the sixth in line to the throne, now. Once she reaches the royal age she will be given a second name that reveals her title to the world as the first Earth mare to be a Princess.” He looked over at Rainbow to see her rolling her eyes with a sigh. “Listen, I’m happy you want to make a statement with her, Highness,” Rainbow started sadly. “But face it, she will be killed sooner than later. You should have seen your cousins and brothers outside. They were not happy.” Tick Tock nodded solemnly, holding Octavia’s little hand. “I know, but I’ll make sure Octavia lives. Once she turns sixteen she’ll be taken to Canterlot and from there she’ll surely be protected,” he paused, thinking. Rainbow sighed turning to the window to see the birds flying by the window. “Rainbow Dash,” She blinked hearing her name not her rank. Rainbow turned back to the prince straightening up her posture. “As my friend and guardian, I wish for you to do this for me, for us.” Tick Tock said indicating Sapphire and Octavia. “I wish for you to guard Octavia. Secretly of course, not all guards are as watchful as you.” Rainbow blinked and turned away with a deep sigh. If she agreed to this request she would be looked at as a traitor. She can’t get into that ditch, again. She was almost executed when defending two particular Earth ponies she knew as a young mare. Now she’s a Captain of the Royal Guard. Can she really risk her career for an insignificant Earth pony Hybrid that shouldn't have been born in this day and age? Rainbow let out a sigh turning back to Tick Tock then to the mother. “Listen to me very carefully, Highness. I have a reputation to keep. I can’t be seen watching that...Hybrid mess,” Tick Tock blinked at the force of her words. “But...I will watch her if she’s alone. I’m not going to like it Tick Tock, I must be loyal to all royal family members in this house. And you know my orders are to your older brother, Blueblood.” “I understand,” Tick Tock nodded, it’s not hard to see that he was very disappointed. “If he orders me to kill her...” Rainbow cleared her throat to show she didn't want to continue talking about the possibility. “You wouldn't kill an innocent foal would you?” Sapphire Melody asked, the fear in her voice evident. “My loyalty is renowned, miss. But...my loyalty goes to those I truly care about most.” Tick Tock’s ears perked at that statement and grinned. Rainbow grinned back placing her hat back on her head. She walked to the door, her hand on the knob. She turned to see Tick Tock return the filly to his wife. Sapphire held her daughter dearly kissing her on the head. Rainbow felt guilt as she turned away. She pulled the brim of her hat lower over her eyes. “Highness,” she stated without turning. “Octavia, is a beautiful name for a beautiful...Princess. I look forward to watching her grow into a beautiful young mare.” “Thank you, Captain Dash,” Tick Tock said holding his wife’s hand. “And one last thing,” Rainbow said coldly. “If there is a royal family member higher up than you or Blueblood that gives me the order, I will have to kill her.” The room went deathly quiet from the cold threat as Rainbow opened the door and left the room feeling tears of regret in her eyes. She walked past the servants cleaning the linens then out the double doors seeing the soldier still standing at his post. He made a salute seeing her. Rainbow waved her hand in return as she walked away wiping her eyes trying hard not to cry. She marched down the hall for the tenth time that day, continuing her vigil of the halls. There was so much she has to think about as the voices of a certain friend rang in her head, Where do y’er true loyalties lie, Rainbow, with the soldiers or us, y’er real friends? > Chapter 1: Sixteen Years Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Sixteen Years Later Sixteen years later, in the space port city of Manehattan, a young unicorn stood in an alley with a cloak and hood, peaking past the corner to see the scarlet and yellow coated unicorn soldiers talking to a steward. The thief picked up a rock and threw it, aiming for the metal trash can near the guards, causing them to turn pointing their laser muskets at the source of the sound. The thief grinned as she dashed past the guards with the silence of a cat toward the huge harbor. She ducked behind some heavy barrels of wine. She can hear the guards march past her hiding spot. She pulled back her tan shirt sleeve and pulled out a knife that was tied against her arm. She flipped open the knife blade to stick it into the wood of a barrel nearby to feel it go through completely with a smile. She stuck her knife back into her sleeve, looking over the barrel to make sure nopony was looking in her direction. She looked up, hearing the whistles from the bosun mate above in the giant vessel. As she continues to gaze up at the boat her eyes widen in awe seeing the beautiful ship called the ERS Cadenza. The ship was a merchant galleon, a rare sight this far from any Equestrian planet. The thief watched as the solar sails were being unfurled as spacers dressed in white and yellow clothes. She watched as the spacers climbed up the ratlines to the yardarms, hanging or sliding down the shroud lines that were keeping the masts from breaking or falling onto the deck. She can see the space engines, about the size of giant space whales, at the lower aft section of the ship being treated with special care by the spacers before launch into space. The thief let out a wistful sigh, wishing someday to own and commandeer a ship like this giant beauty. But of course she can’t dwell on such dreams, since she is a Hybrid after all and a menace to the purebloods of the royal Unicorn and Pegasi Alliance. She shook those thoughts out of her head, she has to keep her mind on the mission. She took a glance around the area, again, to make sure nopony was watching her. She then stood up, popped the lid off an empty barrel, then jumped inside it. She grabbed the lid by the handles that she installed on it two days prior, then pulled the barrel lid down and twisted it to make sure it was snug so it wouldn't pop out. But just to make sure, she got herself into an uncomfortable position of placing her shoulder blades on the bottom of the barrel then she placed her feet on the lid, holding on to the handles with her dirty white hands, and pulled back hard making sure nothing could pop the lid off. She groaned, feeling a pulled muscle in her neck, she closed her eyes trying hard to ignore the pain as she waited in her empty barrel. She heard the shouts from outside and the thunk of the barrels being dropped on their sides to be rolled away. As she waited, she started to think through her plan from earlier that day. She was going to be a stowaway on this ship. Why would a Hybrid, that was a street rat and a thief, do such a thing? She licked her lips imagining the treasure inside the hull of this baby. Yesterday at one of the hidden pubs in Manehattan a spacer, from this very ship, boasted about the riches of the ship and where it was headed. It turned out that a special princess was being transported to the royal planet of Canterlot, where she’ll become a princess in line to the throne. So this ship would be filled with jewels from the richest ponies from this part of the galaxy; also joining the journey was Prince Blueblood and his younger brother, Prince Tick Tock, which was a strange name for a Unicorn. And of course he’s the idiot prince that married a Unicorn Hybrid from the streets of the Manehattan Space Port. The thief had thoughts lately, that possibly, she might find her true love. But what were the chances of that ever happening? She's a Hybrid. Who would love a Hybrid when Hybrids were dying every day and being hunted down like rates? And besides being hunted, she was used garbage. What stallion would want to have a used mare like her? She was about ready to moan of her losses, when she felt her barrel being pushed hard to the ground. The motion caused her face to press against the wall of the barrel, making her swear in the back of her mind to kill the son of a bitch that was pushing her barrel. But the rolling motion got her upright again as she rode with the roll and up a ramp into the ship. The rolling lasted for about ten minutes until finally, the pony that was smuggling her without knowing, rolled her up a ramp and into a rack with other barrels of wine. There was a loud bang of a door being closed and the thief sighed and released her handles and sat quietly in the barrel, waiting for launch to begin her treasure hunt. She closed her eyes and pulled her hood lower over her face to sleep. She blinked remembering an important detail. She pulled out her knife and used the handle to knock out a pre-cut piece of the barrel to the floor outside, refilling her barrel with fresh oxygen. Once she was happy with her position, she got herself comfortable and fell asleep with the smells of food drifting into her barrel, making her dream of riches. She had at least another hour before the ship set sail. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The mare upstairs, in one of the ERS Cadenza suites, spun again, revealing her beautiful ultramarine dress. She stopped her spin to hear her father clapping his hands. “Beautiful, Octavia, simply gorgeous,” Prince Tick Tock exclaimed, standing up from his chair. Princess Octavia turned to him with a blush on her face. She wrapped her arms around him feeling his arms tighten around her. "Thank you Papa, for this beautiful gift." Octavia said, pulling up her skirt to cursty before him. Prince Tick Tock laughed as she stood back up. He sighed, reaching to stroke her gray face and dark mane. “A beautiful gift, for my beautiful daughter.” he whispered before kissing her on her forehead. “She is the most beautiful thing to ever grace this ship.” Duchess Sapphire Melody said, walking over to hug her daughter and kiss her on the head. “It seems like it was just yesterday when I birthed you into this world, and now look, you're sixteen!” She swooned, crying into her handkerchief. “Oh Mama, I’ll still be your baby.” Her mother made a small moan as she hugged her daughter again. “Soon you will be under your great aunt Queen Celestia herself, and you will be her lady in waiting and... Oh, I’m just so happy for you, my dear!” Octavia turned to her father for help as her mother started to cry into her shoulder. Prince Tick Tock chuckled at the sight, then cleared his throat. “Come now, Melody, give Octavia a chance to breathe.” He said with laughter as Sapphire Melody nodded backing away wiping carefully with her handkerchief so to not mess up the makeup her friendly servant had done for her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered with a smile. “Oh, I guess you two would want to be alone. I’ll be in the state room, dear.” Tick Tock nodded and kissed Sapphire, letting her go out the room. Tick Tock watched how she smiled back at him before closing the door. He felt like a new man. His daughter is turning sixteen today and his wife was very happy for this day. He turned to see Octavia admiring her reflection from a mirror as she practiced curtsies in front of it, causing Tick Tock to chuckle, placing his hand on his chin to admire her. Octavia turned to see him staring at her. “Something wrong, Papa?” “Not at all, Sweetie. I was just thinking, that’s all.” Octavia put her clasped hands behind her back, a little bit embarrassed to see her father admiring her. He wiped a stray tear from his face, beaming. He sighed. “You’ll have to forgive me, Sweet Heart, I agree with your mother. It seemed like it was yesterday when I first held you in my arms and now it seems like time has slipped away from me,” He chuckled reaching into his vest pocket to find his golden watch and checked the time. “Hmm, the ship should be taking off soon.” “Papa,” “Hmm,” Octavia blushed looking down at the ground. “Can we watch the launch? Please,” she begged with pleading eyes. Tick Tock started laughing. “Octavia darling, you can’t be serious?” “But Papa, you promised!” “Well that was before I gave you the dress,” he countered with a scowl. “Can we sit outside before the launch, then?” Tick Tock thought for a moment, looking out the windows of the suite, to see the ponies below on the port busy working and admiring the ship. He thought hard, wondering if it was safe for his daughter to be outside. But the reflection from the glass shown Octavia’s eagerness. He smiled shaking his head. “I swear, by Blessed Luna herself, that you have my sense of adventure.” Octavia blushed turning away again. “So does that mean, yes?” “Only for you my dear,” he said grinning. “Come along now, we must go before they close off the deck for the launch.” Octavia squealed and ran out the door. Tick Tock sighed shaking his head as he reached for his three corner hat, hanging on a coat rack near the door, and followed his daughter out the door. Octavia turned the corner and bumped into another pony. “Oh! My apologies,” she said quickly, rubbing her nose. She gasped backing away. Tick Tock walked past the corner catching Octavia as she backed into him. He looked up and smiled. “Ah, Captain Rainbow Dash,” Tick Tock said cheerfully. Rainbow Dash bowed to the two Royals. “Highnesses,” Rainbow raised her brow at the cowering mare. “Might I ask where you two are going this late? The party hasn’t started, yet.” Tick Tock chuckled. “Octavia and I were heading above decks to watch the preparation of the launch.” Rainbow hummed her thought, keeping a cold eye on Octavia. Octavia turned away from the old Captain’s hard gaze. “Really, perhaps I should escort you there.” “Of course,” Tick Tock stated patting Octavia on her shoulder. Octavia gasped silently looking up at Rainbow, again to see her bow to her before turning and start to lead the two royals to the main stairwell. As they marched up the carpeted stairs, the sounds of the outside grew louder. Rainbow Dash reached the set of double doors, leading to the above decks. She opened the doors to let in the bright sunlight from the harbor. Rainbow stood at attention to the side, bowing to the royals as they walked outside into the loud atmosphere of the decks. Octavia’s fear of the old Captain soon melted away with fascination and awe of the outside. She looked up at the giant masts of fifty or so solar sails, watching the spacers dressed in their uniforms of white long sleeved shirts with yellow trousers, hats, and kerchiefs around their necks, climbing up to the sails preparing to let them loose. “Wow, this is magnificent, Papa!” Behind them, Rainbow stuck out her tongue, shaking her head. Tick Tock turned to her with a raised brow, getting a grunt from his teacher at the stare. She cleared her throat. “Your highnesses must excuse me to be blunt, but I must stay with you until launch. For safety's sake, you understand?” Octavia gulped looking up to see Rainbow’s glazed eye. She remembered her father always tell her of Rainbow Dash’s heroics in the war and her latest catches of assassins and bullets that had protected them for so long. Captain Dash took a splinter in the eye protecting Octavia’s mother from a bullet that hit a wall. The splinter tore her left eye and now it made her look even more monstrous. The Captain lost two fingers, has scars on her neck, her right ear was mangled from the Discordian War, her rainbow colored mane was turning dull with age now, and was cut short, even her tail was cut short. Octavia was never very close to Rainbow Dash, like her father was. There was just something by the way the old Captain stared at her, showing anger or disgust like all the other royals in her family did. She never really understood why they stare her down like a servant Hybrid. True, she is a Hybrid, but she’s more Unicorn than Earth pony and many seem to accept it. So why not the old Captain? Rainbow Dash followed the two as they reached the starboard railing to look out at the city before them. Rainbow Dash stood a distance away, to give them privacy, but also to keep an eye out for assassins. Octavia soon forgot the old Captain, to admire the streets below to see the stewards and cooks rolling in the last of the wine barrels into the vessel. She looked up to see the city of Manhattan, filled with orphans, servants, Hybrids, and even some other creatures, too, like Griffons in their barbaric uniforms, and Diamond Dogs selling weapons and jewels. Octavia let out a sigh, dreaming of one day meeting a Griffon or a Diamond dog, or even a simple pony. She watched as a group of young foals ran up and started laughing. The foals all run away cheering and laughing. Octavia sighed sadly, thinking. She never had any friends growing up, except for her father. She turned to see her father gazing up at the sky, feeling the light wind in his graying mane. He blinked and turned to her with a small smile. “Something wrong?” he asked. “Huh? Oh nothing, Papa. I was just thinking.” Octavia quickly said blushing, returning her view to the streets. Tick Tock nodded leaning forward on his elbows on the rail. “Once we get to Canterlot, I’ll finally be at ease.” he mumbled out loud looking around, even at the sailors eyeing them and whispering to one another. Rainbow noticed and yelled a warning, telling the spacers to go about their business. At that bark, the spacers would go about their business. Tick Tock sighed, scratching the back of his head. “Octavia, darling,” “Yes,” “You understand what would happen once we reach Canterlot, right?” He asked calmly, with worry in his eyes. Octavia nodded, remembering her mother’s stories of the beautiful planet of Canterlot, filled with castles and forests alike. But of course she was told of the risks being there. “I do, Papa. But don’t worry, everything will be alright. I have been preparing for this moment all my life. I won’t let you down.” Tick Tock grined turning away from her. “I know you won’t,” he leaned over to kiss her on the head, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her close. “Ahem, I hate to interrupt, Highnesses,” Rainbow’s blunt voice toned in, giving Octavia a shiver. They turned to her to see her bowing. “But we must return below decks. The launch will take place soon and I don’t want any accidents to occur.” Tick Tock nodded. “Of course, Captain. It is getting a bit too warm anyway.” Rainbow nodded and allowed the two to pass by her then she followed close behind them watching every sailor and soldier on the deck. "Ugh, once we get to Canterlot, I'll have a drink and relax, for once. The Princess will have better guards to protect her there. If we make it there in one piece, at least." Rainbow thought as she closed the doors behind her then followed the two down to their room. Rainbow bowed to them for her leave then shut the door for them. She walked over to her station at a corner, and stood guard. She rubbed her sightless eye only seeing darkness from that side. She leaned against the wall and let out a sigh, scratching her ear, and closing her eyes for only a moment to rest. That moment felt like hours as she witnessed the full blunt of her memories. War cries, death, and dying. She can see herself as a teenager running along the side of the railing on a battle ship grabbing a sailor screaming at him only to find him bloody and dead. Rainbow! Rainbow turned hearing a young filly’s voice. Rainbow Dash! She turned to see a young unicorn probably thirteen years old waving her purple hand back and forth. Come on, hurry! Rainbow stood up running feeling blood gushing down her face. Then suddenly . . . the explosion- KAAAAAABBBBOOOOMMMM!! Rainbow jumped out of her state, pulling out her pistol, pointing the pistol at the potted tree at the corner where she stood. Then she felt a lurch and slammed against the back wall coughing and sputtering from the impact. She went down on her knees on the blue carpet as the ship launched into space. Rainbow started to breathe easy as she stood back up and slowly rubbing her face from the horrible memory, feeling tears in her eyes. War never left her. The war continued to haunt her every night of her life. The regrets she felt were more painful then the last every time she envisioned her dear friends before they were separated. She looked down at the medals on her chest, all war time medals and few medals she received for saving the royalty. She gritted her teeth, closing her eyes as tears fell. She would never find peace until her last breath. > Chapter 2: Luna's Tear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Luna’s Tear The thief kicked off the lid of her barrel, leapt out, and then landed on her feet on the wooden deck. She looked around to see and hear nothing. It had been two hours since launch and she cursed herself to have over slept. Loud noises usually wake her up, but since she didn’t have much sleep the past few days it seemed fitting to sleep in. The thief pulled back her hood to reveal herself. She turned to a mirror on the wall, why would anypony put a mirror on the wall of a closet was anyponies guess. She can see her electric blue two tone mane, rosy magenta eyes, and dirty white fur. She sighed turning away from her reflection. She reached for her empty satchel bag to pull out a small microphone device. It was about the size of her thumb and easy to stow away. She pressed a nob on the side to hear static. “Scoots? Are you there?” She waited for a few moments then she heard a click from her microphone. “Read you loud and clear, Captain,” the young voice of Scootaloo replied back. “Good, are you close,” the unicorn asked looking out a porthole window to see the stars of space. “Yeah, everything is ship shape here. The Fancy Flute is soaring like a dream.” She groaned at the joke. “Alright, Scootaloo, listen to me, I woke up late and I need another couple of hours, at least before we make the drop, understand?” “Aye-Aye,” “Oh, did you make sure you blocked your signal?” “Yep, did that before launch.” “Good, very good, now remember, no talking to me understand? No talking, for anything. I’ll do the talking. I’ll let you know when I’m done and make sure you are at least two miles away.” “Roger, Vinyl! Good luck. Oh and Spike said to get some gems. He’s out.” Vinyl Scratch rolled her eyes at the last request. “I’ll see what I can do. Over and out,” Vinyl pressed the small nob again, to cancel the communication. She stuffed the microphone into her trousers pocket. She opened the door and peeked outside to see no one in the fancy hall. She could see the fancy wooden walls, with portraits of famous ponies on them that Vinyl couldn't give a care about. On the floor was a long blue carpet stretching throughout the hallway. There was a potted tree or bush every five feet against the wall. Vinyl perked her ears up to listen if there was anypony walking towards her or not but there was no sound. Once that was over with, Vinyl closed the door then trots down the hall. She reached another door to find a small locker room. With a smirk, she slipped inside. The locker room was filled with wooden lockers and wooden benches, no doubt for the servants. Vinyl placed her satchel on a bench and started opening lockers. She found some valuables like watches, rings, even some bags of coins. She stuffed these things in her satchel. "Geez, these Royals must have some fancy-rich ideas in their heads. I mean, come on, stalls for the bathroom?" Vinyl thought. "Where I came from the bathroom in a ship had no privacy, and everypony used them, mares and stallions alike." She got out of her dirty clothes and stuffed them into her satchel, thinking that she would need to find another bag to carry the loot that she planned on stealing. Once she got dressed in the uniform she stepped out of the stall and in front of a mirror. There she fixed her crazy, shaggy blue mane under a servant’s cap that resembled a giant tea cup. She put on the tiny hat anyway and buttoned the white servant shirt that reminded her of a chef’s gown. She used a line of rope, what she used for her trousers belt, to keep the black trousers up on her waist. She grabbed a damp rag from the side to clean off her dirty face and hands. She pulled out the hem of her shirt to sniff into her shirt. She shrugged at the light odor, thinking that nopony will notice the smell. Once she was done looking at herself, she went out the door, checking the hallway first. She blinked with a grin to see a covered cart meant for food to be put upon farther up the hall. She trotted to the cart then checked under the cart, to find nothing inside. She stuck her satchel inside on the bottom shelf, then fixed her shirt and hat one last time. She fixed her posture as she started to push the light weight cart down the hall with a mischievous smile growing on her face. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia watched the stars out of her window, anticipating the arrival to Canterlot. She sighed softly, thinking about her dream of being a true princess and sitting by her aunt, the Queen of the Equestrian Galaxy. She just hoped that everypony will accept her, even though she was a Hybrid. There was a knock at the door, interrupting her thoughts. “Come in,” she called back, standing up from her chair, fixing her mane and dress. Her father walked inside, dressed sharp in a new suit that matched Octavia’s dress. His suit and pants were a dark midnight blue with a lighter shade of blue handkerchief hanging from his pocket. His bow tie was pink, which made Octavia giggle behind her hand. “May I ask why you’re wearing that silly old thing?” She asked fixing the bowtie to make it look straighter. “You’re mother adores it. She made me wear it,” Tick Tock made a scowl of worry. “Does it look awful with this suit?” He asked with concern. Octavia only giggled at his distress. “I find it cute. I remember wearing this as a filly. I’m surprised you still have it. I haven’t seen you wear this since I was... thirteen?” Tick Tock chuckled, hugging her to him seeing the stars outside the window. “I came to escort you to your party.” “Now,” Octavia said with a tremor of worry in her voice, her ears went flat on her head. “Well, not right now, of course. I actually came early to give you another gift.” Octavia watched as Tick Tock took the chair she sat in before. “Papa, this dress is already a perfect gift. You don’t have to give me any more gifts,” she said while blushing. She twirled in her dress. Tick Tock grinned reaching into his pocket. “Well actually, this was a gift I have been saving for you since you were born.” He said pulling out a small box from his pocket. The box was as large as his hand and looked rather old by the dust. He motioned her over with his finger. Octavia nodded, sitting in the extra chair under the desk. Tick Tock opened the box to reveal a small oval pendant. The pendant glowed in a lilac light making Octavia gasp in awe. The pendant was clear white with what look to be an engraved hourglass in gold. “What is it?” “This pendant, my dear, is called Luna’s Tear.” Tick Tock said smiling at her. “This pendant is a priceless artifact that was given to our family by Princess Luna before her untimely demise.” “This belonged to Princess Luna?” Octavia asked in wonder. Tick Tock nodded taking the thin gold chain and lifting the pendant out of the box. He set the box to the side, holding the pendant so Octavia can get a better look at it. “Yes, my great-great grandmother was given this pedant. Then she passed it down to her daughter, then down to son, then daughter, again. Then my grandmother gave it to me before I left for the war. She promised me that this gem will protect me. And it did,” he paused to see Octavia’s awestruck face. “Since you are starting your life changing adventure my dear, I feel like it’s time for me to give this to you,” he said softly smiling at her. Octavia opened her mouth trying to speak but couldn’t, she just stared into her father’s blue eyes to see happiness and worry all at once. “You don’t have to give this to me, Papa.” “I do, Octavia. Stand up and turn around,” he ordered softly, standing up. She nodded standing up, moving her long hair over her shoulder for her father to clamp the chain around her neck. Octavia looked down at the clear pedant, smiling in awe. “It’s so warm. Why?” Tick Tock opened his mouth to answer when the pendant suddenly went bright purple causing Octavia to yelp in shock. Once the light dissipated, Tick Tock opened his eyes and grinned, pointing at the pendant on her chest. Octavia rubbed her eyes then looked down and gasped in shock. The pendant changed color. It’s now a lilac-purple color with a treble cleft engraved in a shimmering dark purple. Octavia gasped again, placing her hand on her thigh where her cutie mark sat. Tick Tock can see the shock and confusion on her face. He took her hand in his and grinned at her. “It’s magic my dear, Octavia. And now the pendant sensed a new pony to protect.” “M-Magic,” Octavia sputtered not believing a word of this. “But I can’t use magic, Papa!” “Of course you can, Octavia. You are more unicorn than earth pony, right? You have magic inside of you from our ancestors,” Tick Tock whispered excitedly. He reached down to hold up the pendant holding it before her eyes. “This pendant is now enchanted for you. And its sole purpose is to guide you and protect you from harm,” he said before letting the pedant fall back to her chest. Octavia nodded, feeling the warmth intensify on her chest. She looked up at her father to see him now frowning. “But I need you to promise me this, my daughter. Never, ever break this promise.” “Okay,” Octavia nodded feeling her father’s hands on her shoulders. “Never, ever take this pedant off. Not for anyone or anything. When you have a daughter or son of your own maybe, but not before understand?” He asked stroking her hair. “I won’t take it off, Papa.” “Thank you,” he whispered kissing her on the cheek seeing her blush. He blinked reaching for his watch to see the time. “Oh, look at the time; I must escort you to your party. Let’s go,” he whispered kissing her on the head then rushed for the door. Octavia sighed, holding the warm pendant in her hand then followed her father out the door to be introduced to the guests. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ It has been three hours since Vinyl started standing by the windows holding the stupid cheese tray. With a frown, she balanced the tray before the three royals who were picking the treats off. Most of them walked off laughing, loudly at how stupid she looked. Vinyl bit her cheek to keep back the insults. If she spoke out of turn, her cover would be blown and she won’t get the treasure or escape with her life. Once the last of the treats were gone, Vinyl reached her assigned cart and levitated another tray with her magic, this one filled with blocks of cheese. She snuck a piece in her mouth before turning back to the Royals. She gulped it down as a colorful and well decorated pegasus guard walked up and snatched a piece of cheese. Vinyl blinked seeing the glazed white eye staring at her. Vinyl turned away keeping the tray in her hand as the guard stood by her, watching everything like a one-eyed hawk. Vinyl started to sweat. “What if this bitch figures out I’m not a real servant?” Vinyl thought frantically. Suddenly a fanfare of trumpets sounded loudly causing everypony to look up. Vinyl looked up as well to see the doors open from the top of the staircase to reveal two Royals. One was a veteran soldier by the three cornered hat on his head and the three medals on his chest. He must have been a spacer. Standing beside him holding his arm, was the most beautiful mare Vinyl has ever seen. But one thing caught her off guard. The spacer was a unicorn but the mare on his arm was an Earth pony mare! An Earth pony Royal? She watched as the rainbow-mane pegasus guard started walking towards the staircase and stood at attention at the foot of the staircase. A herald tapped his staff three times. “His Royal Highness, Prince Tick Tock and his daughter, her Royal Highness, Princess Octavia.” The last of the cheese was taken away but Vinyl was too focused on the mare’s face to notice. The sensible side of her mind screams, “WHAT?!?!” While the other half says, “Oh wow! Her eyes are gorgeous!” Those purple eyes made Vinyl gush all over. Purple eyes were very rare where she was from, but the thought of an Earth pony mare as royalty...then again, Vinyl had heard stories about the princess. So this is the Earth Hybrid princess so many ponies hope for. She’s old for a young mare. Most Earth pony mares live as long as twelve to fifteen years old, then they were either killed in the slave pits or die from disease. So seeing a mare close to Vinyl’s age was a blessing and a shock. The two Royals practically float down the stairs with many Royals clapping or sneering at the Earth pony no doubt. Vinyl took her chance, as the ponies were busy with watching the Royals. She placed the empty dish on the table top, then took her cart away toward a door to the hall. She stopped to watch the Princess again feeling her heart tighten. Vinyl shook her head hard. She can’t have her mind filled with such fantasies! She’s a thief and must do what she was here to do, not hooking up with beautiful princesses. She walked down the hall then took a purpose left turn down a different hall. According to the servants she talked to, the hall where the treasury was at, was under heavy guard. She stopped and peeked around a corner to see the hall she was looking for. Standing guard were two unicorn guards dressed in the high uniforms of red and black. Vinyl sighed, stepping back preparing for what will happen next. She took in a deep breath then ran down the hall waving her arms in the air. “Sirs, oh sirs, you must go quickly!” Vinyl screamed out in an accent she made up. The two unicorn guards stared at her. “What is it servant?” The first guard asked glaring at her. “There is a hoirribul fight up on decks! Many are getting hurt up d’ere! They might cause a ruckus down de stairs where de party is startin!” The two guards nodded and left the hall, leaving Vinyl alone grinning. “Suckers,” she muttered, running to the large doors licking her chops. “Alright, my little friend, time to get to work,” Vinyl said reaching into her shirt where she had a necklace with a small laser. She aimed the laser into the keyhole and pressed a button. After a bit of moving around, she heard a click and then a clank. She didn’t bother with turning the nob as she pushed the door open. She looked on the other side to find melted gold where the tumblers and gears were. She trotted back over to her cart then pulled out her satchel and a potato sack that she had grabbed from the kitchen. She ran inside to see the large treasure room. Vinyl smiled at the whole room of gold and silver. She can see gold coins in opened chests, jewels as big as her hand, statues of the Old Gods of Life, even priceless artifacts like books and stuff, though she hardly cared about those, but her client does. She started getting to work knowing the guards would rush back once they find out there was no fight. Vinyl quickly filled her satchel with things she knew she’ll need for herself and her crew. Gold coins, small gold and silver blocks, small statuettes, and even gemstones. She actually found several small chests full of sapphires, rubies, garnets, and many other types of gems as she emptied the chests into her satchel bag. She had to move her clothing around to protect the glass statuettes she found. Once she filled her satchel, Vinyl started stuffing anything she can find into the potato sack. She grabbed the boring artifacts that her client suggested. She ignored the books since they would be a pain to carry. The weapons section made her blink. She grinned at a ruby handled dagger and took it for the rubies of course. Once she was happy with what she snatched she quickly trotted out the treasure room with many chests and shelves empty. She ran across the hall to stuff her satchel and potato sack under the sheet in the cart shelves. Vinyl fixed her mane and shirt as she was sweating from the rush. Once she regained her composure, she pushed her cart back down the hall. After turning the second corner, she heard voices and stopped, perking her ears up. She can hear them walking down her way. She kneeled down to hide behind her cart as a stallion walked past her. She looked up only to see his back, he stopped by the corner to pull out a hologram communicator. He was dressed in a pearl white suit, and his golden mane in a ponytail. The way this guy spoke into his special communicator, made Vinyl wish to hear a horrible opera singer sing instead. His accent revealed that he was a true Royal. “Remember the plan. I want you and your pirates here soon, and I can care less what you do to my brother, understand? Just remember to kill the Princess.” Vinyl’s ears perked up hearing another voice coming from the communicator the Royal was holding. “Just remember your part of the bargain or I will kill you myself. Just make sure that nopony sees us coming,” the voice said in a strange and creepy female voice. Vinyl can hear the Royal chuckle evilly. “Yes, and at long last that Hybrid bastard will be killed for good. But I will warn you, watch out for that meddlesome Captain Rainbow Dash. She stopped my last five attempts, but this time she won’t see this coming,” the royal said, chuckling. Suddenly there were pounding of feet from the other hall and Vinyl blushed knowing that the source of the feet were from those two guards from earlier. Vinyl knew that if they came around that corner, they’ll see her and hell will break loose. “I have to go, but remember your part of the bargain and I’ll remember mine. Ta-ta,” the royal said waving to the hologram before shutting it off. The communicator beeped and a flash as the Royal ran past Vinyl’s cart towards the hall, where the shouts were coming from. Vinyl let out a sigh. But she can’t slack off now, if she heard the conversation right then pirates were coming and this will make her escape that much harder. She started to trot with the cart down the hall to get as far from the treasure room as possible. She reached into her pocket for her communicator as she hid in a small alcove to talk in private. She thumbed the nob hearing static. “Scootaloo, I need to talk to you,” she whispered loudly looking around. There was no response. “Dammit, Scootaloo! You answer me now!” Another few seconds later, there was a beep. “Sorry, Vinyl,” “Sorry! When I call you better answer you little-” “Sorry, sorry! What’s up? Are you done?” “Yes, I’m done. But hurry up and get me, I just heard a royal paying pirates to come and crash the party. I need you here ASAP!” “Uh about that...” Scootaloo chuckled nervously from the other line Vinyl groaned slapping her hand across her eyes. “What is it now?” “Vinyl, the engines are dead... again,” Vinyl’s ears perked up. “What? Now of all the times, I thought you said the engines were fine!” “They were! I swear! I’m fixing them right now, can you hold tight for a few?” Vinyl groaned. “No! There are pirates coming here and they are coming for a killing spree. I need to get out now,” Vinyl yelled out. She’s already freaking out. Her plan will be in shambles and she’ll probably get eaten up by space pirates! “Look, we’re trying to find the problem,” Scootaloo said. Another sound of a crash and a young male voice was screaming about his foot interrupted the younger mare. “Uh, it’ll take a little while, but I swear we’ll be there soon,” Another sound of a crash and a young male voice was screaming about his foot interrupted the younger mare. “Very soon,” Scootaloo finished with a wince. Vinyl groans leaning back and hitting her head against the wall. “Scootaloo,” Vinyl began calmly. “If I die tonight, I’ll haunt you in your sleep if you don’t fix that damn engine!” Vinyl screamed out before flipping off the microphone, rubbing her eyes tiredly. “One of these days, I’m getting a new ship,” She said with a tired sigh. She stuck her communicator back in her pocket and pushed her cart forward heading for the stairs to the decks above. She had to be ready to run and jump overboard if need be. > Chapter 3: Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Nightmare Octavia sipped some of the punch, enjoying the raspberry flavor. She can see the poor raspberry pink Earth pony behind the table with sweat on her brow. She’s worried. Octavia grinned at her, causing her to jump. “This is really delicious,” she said calmly getting a small grin from the Earth mare making her blush. “Thank you, Princess,” she said, bowing. Octavia walked away to a window to look out at the stars. She sighed drinking more of the punch. “Ah, dear niece,” she jumped at the voice and turned to see her uncle, Prince Blueblood. She curtsied before him. “Uncle- I mean Prince Blueblood, I’m sorry. You startled me,” Octavia said carefully, worried. Prince Blueblood chuckled, bowing in return. “My, my, my, what a dress my brother picked out for you, my dear. It is truly beautiful.” Octavia blushed and stood back up. “Thank you, I think it is beautiful, too.” She said turning her head away. Octavia felt his fingers under her chin as he steered her head to look back at him. Octavia really felt nervous. She was slapped many times by Prince Blueblood just for making a glance at him. Blueblood’s eyes went wide seeing the pendant around her neck. “Luna’s Tear,” Blueblood whispered with awe. His hand moved down to lift up the jewel. “Oh, uh, yes, your Highness. My father passed it to me earlier tonight.” Octavia said as calmly as she could as she tried to control the jitters for being near him. Her eyes kept a close watch on his hand. “May I take a look?” Octavia gulped wondering what to say. “Uh-” “Prince Blueblood! What an honor to see you, sir!” A stallion proclaimed walking over. Several stallions and mares came over to take Blueblood away from Octavia and engaged him in conversation. Octavia let out the breath she held in her chest as she shivered from his touch. She never liked her uncle and experience had taught her to be careful and to stay out of his reach. She started walking past the windows, admiring the view when she blinked seeing something in the distance. She leaned into the glass and squinted her eyes to see the small dot getting larger and brighter. “Octavia,” Octavia turned to see her father and mother standing side by side. She turned away from the speck as she joined them at the punch bowl again to chat with other guests. The speck grew larger and larger as it seemed to move toward the ship. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The small sloop of war was filled to the brim with Hybrid pirates, all dressed in black or midnight blue clothes. Swords clanking together as two sailors spared, getting ready for the killing. Suddenly a door opened, making all the pirates pause, watching as the giant mare walked up the steps to the quarterdeck. All of the pirates bowed low to their captain and queen. The first mate, a white pegasus with a dark blue mane ran up the stairs to the quarterdeck bowing to the captain. “The crew is ready for action, captain.” “Good,” the chilling voice responded. “Prepare the laser cannons.” “Aye,” the pegasus turned to the crew below her. “Prepare the cannons!” The pirates below started screaming for blood as they ran for their positions. The giant laser cannons were revealed by removing the tarps off of them. One Earth pony with an eye-patch over her left eye, leapt up on the chair where she would aim the cannon from. She grinned leaning forward to peek at the scope next to her, moving the crosshairs over the large glass windows overseeing the party. She lifted up her hand to show she was ready. The pegasus at the quarterdeck nodded. The pirate returned to looking through the crosshairs, grinning and licking her lips. More hands and fists went up from the shooters’ positions on the cannons. “Fire!” the Captain shouted. The shooters pushed forward on their sticks then the cannons boomed loudly. The purple laser balls zooming ahead as the ship sped towards the giant merchant ship. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Inside the ballroom, everypony screamed and fell to the ground after the barrage of laser balls destroyed the windows. Octavia fell into her father who caught her. Octavia started coughing, from the smoke and dust that the impact had caused. She turned and gasped to see the party guests standing up while others stayed on the ground, dead. Tick Tock wrapped a tight arm around her. “Rainbow,” he screamed out. Rainbow Dash sat up from her fall hearing her name. She grabbed her hat and ran to where she saw Tick Tock and his family. She pulled out her pistol standing with him. “What was that?” Sapphire exclaimed looking around with fear. “Pirates,” Rainbow spat, looking at the smoldering curtains. “I saw the ship before the cannons fired.” There was another lurch and the ship trembled, causing everypony in the room to yell out. Rainbow started screaming out names of personal guards as she looked around for any pirates. There was a scream as everypony turned to see a servant with a sword cutting a mare’s neck. The servant started cackling in laughter as he pulled off his disguise to reveal his pirate clothes. Everypony started to scream as more servants revealed themselves as pirates in disguise. “Shit,” Rainbow cursed and starting to shoot at the servant running towards her. The shot killed the pirate. Octavia screamed in horror seeing the servant dead. “Get them out of here,” Rainbow ordered firing another shot. Tick Tock nodded, grabbing his wife’s hand and started up the stairs as the fight continued in the ballroom. Stallions with swords and pistols of their own, fought back the blood thirsty pirates but there were more disguised pirates than Royals and guards. Tick Tock reached the third landing of the stairs, he could see the door. The door exploded causing the family to fall back down the stairs, moaning from the impact. Tick Tock lifted himself up on his hands and knees coughing, looking up to see shadows and hearing screams on the other side. More pirates ran into the ball room, screaming and roaring for more blood. Tick Tock grabbed a large piece of wood that was from the doors. He stood up, holding the piece of wood like a club, he swung at the first pirate he saw. “Run!” he screamed out, parrying a sword before smacking the pirate in the face. Octavia felt her mother grab her by the arms to get her to stand up. “Run to the kitchen,” Sapphire screamed, pushing her daughter ahead of her as the two run to a door at the back of the room. But there were more pirates that way. “This way,” Octavia urged, dragging her mother with her towards the window to hide behind the tables. Octavia ducked down and gasped with horror seeing the same mare that served the punch, dead with a splinter in her throat, her eyes had rolled to the top of her head. Octavia felt her dinner trying to come up, but swallowed it down. She quickly grabbed a towel from the table to cover the servant’s face. Octavia turned to see the small ship float next to them. Octavia was in awe, the ship looked well equipped and filled to the brim with hungry, evil pirates. She looked up at the solar sails to see them in the color of deep purple. There was a shout and the pirates pulled out rifles with strange boat hooks as projectiles. The guns fired and the hooks were shot towards the rails, hooking into them. Once they were secured the pirates started screaming war cries as they swoop across the gap and crash through the windows causing glass to fly over the mares. Sapphire used her body to shield her daughter from the shards of flying glass as more pirates leaped over them. One pirate landed on the table and laughed like a maniac down at the two mares. He raised his sword for the kill. Sapphire pushed Octavia down hoping to shield her from the blow. Suddenly the pirate’s face contorted as a laser beam slipped out through his forehead. The mares screamed in shock and fear as the pirate tilted towards them. A blue hand grabbed the pirate’s shoulder and threw the pirate away. Octavia grinned happy to see Rainbow Dash standing on the table looking down at them. “You two, alright?” Rainbow was about to say more when she was interrupted by a war cry. “Get down,” she screamed as she pulled the trigger of her pistol as another barrage of pirates swung through the windows, tackling Rainbow to the ground on the other side of the table. Out of nowhere, a very tall, dark mare leapt on the table. Sapphire ushered Octavia under the table. Octavia quickly crawled under the dinner table to get away. Sapphire reached a short distance under when she felt hands grab her legs. Sapphire shrieked in horror as she was being pulled back. Octavia turned with shock. “Go!” Sapphire screamed as she was pulled out from under the table screaming again. Octavia started crawling fast with tears of fear in her eyes. “What's going on!?” Octavia thought desperately, “I have to do something!” She reached the end of the table line. She peaked out from under the table through the white table cloth to see the door to the servants’ kitchen. She crawled out from under the table. Staying on her hands and knees to keep from being noticed, she continued to crawl to the door. Suddenly a knife thunked into the door where she was reaching for causing her to turn and gasp to see the giant mare, grinning. The mare’s coat was the deepest black; her eyes were a bright blue color. Her mane... her mane reminded Octavia of a purple-blue cloud. The mare was dressed in deep blue colored clothes. The giant mare reached out and grabbed Octavia by her mane making her whimper, then scream in pain as she was pulled up on her feet. “Well, well, well, an Earth pony Royal? That is downright surprising for you to be this old. By far, other than my pirates, you are the oldest Earth mare I have ever seen,” the mare said with a chuckle enjoying how Octavia cringed away from her. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl had to hide on a number of occasions when the pirates attacked. She had to kill a pirate that was disguised as a servant. If it weren’t for the knife in her sleeve, Vinyl would have been dead. She reached for her communicator, panting. “Scootaloo, where are you for Luna’s sake?” She screamed out loud not even worried about being caught when ponies were being murdered left and right. She waited for a few seconds, hiding with her loot. She heard the beep and sighed in relief. “We’re right behind you,” the voice of her mechanic spoke up. “Uh, Vinyl,” Scootaloo asked with worry. “What,” Vinyl snapped with annoyance. “Did you know they’re torching the sails?” “What?” Vinyl yelped out in shock. She looked outside to see a red glow. True to Scootaloo’s words, the pirates were torching the sails. They weren’t leaving any evidence of their attack. “Aw shit! Get over here pronto!” “But the pirates,” “Forget them, Scoots. They are busy with their spoils here anyways. Just get close to the windows and lower a line. Oh, and make sure there’s a basket to carry the sacks.” “Aye, aye, Captain. Making contact now,” Vinyl knew Scootaloo was waiting and the only place to go and escape was in the ballroom. She started to run with her cart again, placing her bags on the top for easy grabbing. She reached the ballroom to find it a mess. She watched as the pirates killed Royals left and right, screaming. The Royals, young and old, were yelling war threats or screaming with fear. “Get down!” Vinyl turned and witnessed the pegasus guard from earlier, being pulled off a table and crashed into the ground wrestling for her life. Vinyl ducked behind her cart as the fighting continued. She looked up to see the pirate ship moving away from the windows. She crawled behind the large tables dragging the bags of spoils to one of the broken windows. “Go!” Vinyl looked up, seeing a pirate pulling out a screaming mare from under the table. Vinyl recognized the mare from earlier, today. When Vinyl was still trying to find the kitchen she was guided by that same unicorn mare. It was actually the famed Duchess Hybrid unicorn that married the crazy prince. Vinyl reached up at the table next to her and grinned, finding a small grill filled with hot coals. She concentrated on her magic as she floated the burning coals in the air. “Hey,” Vinyl called out. The pirates and Royal unicorn look up as Vinyl’s hands glowed in a blue magical aura. She made a fist and made a punch in the air, causing the hot coals to fly towards the pirates. The pirates screamed as the hot coals latched on to their clothes. They ran away, burning and screaming. During the running, the unicorn mare had fainted from the shock. Vinyl grinned, feeling good to help the mare. She looked up and smiled. She can see a small ship, smaller than the pirate ship float nearby. Vinyl pulled out her small laser pointer and pressed a button to shine a blue beam up to the ship. She watched as the ship glide close to the windows, but high enough for nopony to see it. A rope with a large basket was lowered to her position. Vinyl could hear a scream, but ignored it as she dumped the potato sack and her satchel into the basket then pressed her laser twice, revealing two lights to the ship above, then the basket was lifted away. Vinyl waited, seeing another line of rope being lowered, this one with a noose for her to hitch her foot on. She reached for the rope but a cry for help made her turn. At the end of the table she saw the tallest mare she had ever seen holding on to the Earth mare princess, placing a blade to her neck laughing. Vinyl sat up, shaking her head. She can’t do anything about this... but... Vinyl turned with guilt, seeing the princess crying, trying to pull away from the pirate’s sword. The sword tip actually cut her skin slightly, letting a small stream of blood flow down her neck. Vinyl gritted her teeth then groaned. “I swear, I’m going to regret this,” she grumbled, hooking her rope around a dead pirate’s wrist then found her knife in her pocket. She turned to see her cart still where she left it and grinned at an idea. She reached into her trouser pocket for a pair of large black rimmed, purple lensed goggles over her eyes. She stood up and started concentrating on her magic. Her horn started glowing then her hands enveloped into blue magic. The cart started glowing in her magical aura. Vinyl leapt up on the cart then squatted down. Once balanced she send out a boost of magic to make it roll. “Hey, pirate bitch!” Vinyl screamed out loud for many to turn and watch with shock seeing the unicorn servant riding on her cart. “Huh?” the Pirate Captain turned and screamed. Octavia opened her eyes and screamed as well. Vinyl leaned to the side with her arm ready, as the cart crashed into the pirate. Vinyl snatched Octavia as she turned the cart with her magic, smashing a few pirates on the way. Suddenly three unicorn pirates leapt in her path and held out their hands as their magical auras encased their horns and hands in various colors. “Oh buck,” Vinyl hissed as their force of magic made the cart go into a screeching halt, causing Octavia and Vinyl to fly into the tables. Vinyl slammed into a cooked pig while Octavia slid off the table and flew out the window, screaming for help. Vinyl sat up with a cooked apple in her mouth. She spat out the apple, rubbing the greasy juices off her face. She turned and gulped, seeing the pirates walking to her, with swords in the air grinning at her. “Hehe, ahoy, mates,” she said chuckling. “Help!” Vinyl’s ears perked up hearing Octavia’s scream as she spun and float away into space. Vinyl looked down at the caviar bowls and grinned. “Hey, you guys, think fast” She screamed out, quickly scooping the bowls and throwing them at the pirates, getting shocked screams and yelps and curses as the fish eggs covered their faces. Vinyl leapt off the table, grabbing her rope and with her foot into the noose she swung out. She can see the Princess close ahead of her. She managed to swing hard enough to reach the Princess and grab her around her waist, hearing her startled scream. She screamed loudly into Vinyl’s ear, beating her on the chest, screaming for Vinyl to let her go. Vinyl just laughed as they were starting to rise up into her ship. “Calm down sister! If I let you go, you’d go off to who knows where!” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Tick Tock slowly regained consciousness, looking around to find everypony in the ballroom practically dead. He strained to get up but his hands were tied behind his back. “Highness,” Rainbow Dash whispered in pain. Tick Tock gasped to see Rainbow Dash waking up next to him. “Captain, are you alright?” Rainbow Dash spat out the blood from her mouth. “As fine as I’ll ever be.” There was a laugh that made both ponies stare at the white unicorn with blonde hair. “Well, hello, brother dear.” Tick Tock gritted his teeth. “Blueblood, what are you doing?” Blueblood took a cube of cheese from a cart and popped it in his mouth. “Doing what I should have done ages ago. Who would have thought notorious pirates can do a better job.” Tick Tock glared coldly at him. Rainbow Dash glared just as cold. “This is treason!” Rainbow screamed out. “Oh,” Blueblood stated with a raised brow. “Oh that’s right. You of all ponies would know of treason, Captain Rainbow Dash. Since you were a traitor yourself being involved with those . . . Earth ponies.” “Why you-” Rainbow started. “Enough,” a voice cried out. Everypony turned to the tall mare, walking over with a bloody sword, depositing a body to the floor, grinning as Blueblood was laughing. Tick Tock gulped back sickness seeing his wife dead on the ground with her throat slit. “M-M-Melody,” Tick Tock whispered. Rainbow Dash jumped out of her anger to stare in shock at the mare dead before them. “Ah, nice touch, Captain.” Blueblood said loudly handing over a bag of gold coins to the pirate Captain. The Captain levitated the coin sack without taking her hand out of her coat pocket. “Hmm, thank you, Blueblood.” Blueblood chuckled looking down at his brother to see his head bowed low over his wife’s corpse. “What about the Princess?” Tick Tock’s ears went up in alert. Rainbow gasped looking up. The Captain chuckled. “She went overboard as it were,” she smiled evilly to see Tick Tock glaring coldly at her. “I’m going to kill you all!” He screamed out. The pirates in the room all laughed at the outburst. Rainbow Dash glared coldly at Blueblood. “Wait until the Queen hears of your betrayal!” The Prince only laughed. “My aunt will never know about this. Except that I and a few trusted guards will be the only survivors. And Captain Nightmare Moon here, will make sure you two will have a hell of a ride to maybe, the Slave Pits as it were,” Blueblood said looking at the pirate Captain. “Wait? You’re Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow Dash asked in shock. “But you were-” “Yes, you can say that I have been killed off before. But I’m afraid you have missed your mark Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash growled loudly, fighting against her bindings. “Ooh, I’m going to enjoy this revenge well, a Prince and his loyal, traitorous dog. This will be so much fun.” She said, cackling in laughter. Once she calmed down, with a sigh, she turned to her pirates. “Men, take these two to the ship in chains.” The pirates sneered as they grabbed the two ponies and force them to stand up. Tick Tock spat at Blueblood getting a revolted look from him. “I swear, Blueblood, once I get out of this, I will come after you and kill you!” Blueblood sniffed turning away. “A wasted wish, brother, but let’s face it, ever since you married that Hybrid trash you were a target from the beginning. And now that your three are dead...Wait a minute. Where is Luna's Tear?!” “Excuse me,” Nightmare Moon asked. “The Princess was wearing a trinket called Luna’s Tear. Do you have it?” Nightmare Moon shook her head. “No, why,” she asked with a quirked brow. Blueblood snorted looking out the window with anger. He walked away as his brother and his pegasus guard were dragged away to the small ship. Blueblood checked his watch with a stern expression remembering how close he was to that artifact. “Well it turns out that Luna’s Moon will be back to being a challenge to find,” he stuffed his watch back in his pocket then pulled out a cigar lighting it. “It looks like it’s time for me to visit an old friend.” > Chapter 4: The Crew of the Fancy Flute > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 The Crew of the Fancy Flute “But we have to save them and stop the pirates!” Octavia screamed out. She stopped hitting Vinyl’s chest to look at the merchant ship as it slowly moved away. Vinyl shook her head. “No can do, Sweet Cheeks. See those sails?” Octavia turned and gasped covering her mouth with one hand, seeing the sails and masts of the beautiful craft being burned. “The pirates won this fight and I’m not going to risk my sweet ass for some snooty Royals.” “How dare you,” Octavia gasped in shock. Vinyl only laughed at her shock making Octavia glare coldly at her. “Who are you anyway?” Octavia asked. Vinyl just shown off her grin at the princess as they reached the end of the pulley. Octavia let out a scream as Vinyl dropped her unceremoniously onto the deck of the small sloop. Vinyl leapt off and landed on her feet on the deck. She pulled up her goggles to her forehead, above her horn and nodded to a pony at the quarterdeck. Octavia stood up and ran to the rail to watch as the burning vessel became smaller and smaller as they flew away. Vinyl snorted as she rubbed her eyes. “Good thing that I got us out of there or we would both be burnt to death.” That didn’t change Octavia’s mind as she turned and attacked the mare, again. “Now see here you... you ruffian! I order you to take me back to that ship!” Vinyl turned to Octavia with a bored expression. “And why would I do that?” Octavia gasped. “Excuse me?” Vinyl shrugged, starting to dust off the soot and blood off her white servant sleeves. “Listen, Sweet Cheeks-” “Don’t you dare call me that,” Octavia snapped glaring at her. “Well what else can I call you?” Vinyl asked, smirking at her own joke. Octavia exasperated loudly in frustration as she straightened herself up before Vinyl. “You can call me by my rank. I am Princess Octavia, daughter of Prince Tick Tock and Duchess Sapphire Melody. And I am the sixth in line for the Throne of the Equestrian Galaxy.” Vinyl raised her brow, opening her eyes, staring at the princess from the side. Seeing this reaction Octavia sniffed and stroked down the skirt of her dress. She raised her nose in the air showing that she was a snobby Royal. “And you will address me as such.” Vinyl started to shake then started to snort. Octavia blinked out of her state to see Vinyl bent over with her hands on her knees, smirking. “Are you alright?” Octavia asked with concern. For her answer, Vinyl simply let out a burst of laughter to where she went down on her knees on the deck, slamming her fist on the ground laughing. Octavia went red from the embarrassment and the frustration of it all. After a while of laughing, the white unicorn finally got control of herself, wiping her eyes with her dirty sleeve. “Okay, that was by far the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life,” she giggled as she stood up shakily, breathing deeply just to get under control. Octavia raised her brow crossing her arms across her chest copying her father down to the look on her face. “Are you finished now?” She asked curtly. Vinyl giggled again. “Yeah, sorry, that was just too much. Woo, I’m glad I decided to save your sorry ass.” Octavia gasped at the profanity, getting another laugh from the unicorn. “Seriously, Sweet Cheeks, don’t be so uptight.” Octavia’s face went red again, growling. She raised her finger up to confront Vinyl again about her name, when she heard a cry of happiness. Octavia had barely time to blink when a gray blur tackled Vinyl to the deck. Octavia actually yelped in fright only slamming against the rail which made her wince, rubbing her back, knowing she’ll get a bruise. “Alright, alright, Derps get off I’m fine!” Vinyl yelled out pushing the ecstatic mare away. The pegasus in question, looked about a couple of years younger than Vinyl and Octavia. She had a messy blonde mane and tail. She’s dressed in smudgy, dirty clothes. She has a shirt that looked three sizes too large for her since the sleeves were a few inches past her fingers. Her hat looked simply like a dirty brown rag with a brim. She was wearing some kind of pants that were sewn together on the fly and didn’t look well maintained, but the pants were bright, what with all the colorful patches around her knees and rump. The pegasus rolled off of Vinyl, clapping her hands; well her sleeves were over her hands making, clomping noises. “Sorry Cap’n, I thought I made a mistake in lowering the life line and you didn’t do anything to tell me you were coming.” The pegasus said in a child like voice. Octavia slowly moved away from the rail, hearing the conversation. Vinyl only laughed and ruffled the pegasus’s mane. “Aw, Derpy, you can’t be afraid of me being a little late. Help me up will you?” This “Derpy” jumped and stood up. “Oh, yeah, right!” Vinyl grabbed the sleeve hand and was pulled up. Vinyl pointed to Octavia with a grin. “Derps, this is a passenger, Sweet Cheeks.” Octavia glared at Vinyl. “No, I am Princess Octavia-” Octavia yelped seeing the pegasus’s eyes and face, her nose was pressed against hers. “Oooh, she’s pretty,” Derpy said smiling. Octavia pushed Derpy a little ways away from her. “Oh, uh, thank you?” Vinyl chuckled seeing Octavia clearly uncomfortable. Vinyl wrapped her arm around Derpy’s shoulders grinning. “Okay, whatever Princess. This bright ball of fur Derpy; she’s the one that saved our asses back there.” “Yep,” Derpy said, saluting. “One day I’ll be a real spacer!” Vinyl laughed hugging the walled-eyed pegasus. “One day Derpy, one day,” Vinyl spun her around and pointed to a door. “Go get Spike and Scoots would you?” Derpy nodded with a salute as she ran to the stairs to what might be the entrance to the lower decks. Octavia blinked in shock pointing a finger at the doorway. “But she can’t be a space-” Vinyl glared at Octavia, making her stop. “Hey. Derpy is the best spacer out here. She might have cock eyes but she’s smarter than she looks.” Octavia blushed, shaking her head. “No, no, no, that was not what I was coming across...” Octavia said with a gulped, after what she just witnessed. “I just thought...” It was Vinyl’s turn to be nasty. “Hey, those new laws about insubordinate ponies can’t have lives is totally wrong! It’s just like those laws they put up after the war. Hybrids,” Vinyl spat to the side with a frosty glare at the Princess’ way. “If I hear you making any comments about her, I’ll throw you overboard, capiche?” Octavia glared back. “Well then why did you even care about bringing me aboard in the first place?” Vinyl gasped at the comeback. She opened her mouth to answer, but a call from Derpy made her turn to see two other spacers behind her. Vinyl cleared her throat turning her attention to her other friends, two young ones. One was a pegasus, just like Derpy, but she has orange fur with magenta purple mane and tail. She was dressed in a short sleeve shirt with a few patches, oil and grease stains; with a dark blue doublet with several patches. She wore a blue kerchief on her head. She looked like she was twelve or thirteen. The second young one was a sight. He looked like a dragon with his lavender purple and green scales. He’s dressed in a light shirt with his jacket around his waist. He was wearing dirty pants with a rope as a belt. He didn’t look pleased, he had the air of someone older than his age, which to Octavia he looked like a twelve year old, too. Vinyl chuckled at them. “Hello, wonderful crew. Did you see to the spoils?” She asked. “Aye, captain,” the young pegasus answered with a salute. Vinyl’s smile turned to a frown pointing at the young pegasus. “Scootaloo, did you fix the engines?” Scootaloo blushed. “Uh, a temporary fix, Cap. We have to return to port to get better parts.” Vinyl groaned, slapping her hand over her face. “Of course,” the dragon interrupted, making everypony look at him. “If you would have listened to me before we took this heist, we could have gotten a newer ship.” Vinyl growled at the statement. “And I told you that we have to save that money for more important matters besides getting a new ship.” Spike crossed his arms across his chest with a glare at Vinyl. “Oh? What good is our money if you keep gambling it at those fights?” Vinyl turned ready to yell back when suddenly, “I like muffins!” Everypony stopped to stare at the curious pegasus as she chewed on her sleeve with a grin at her friends. Then suddenly the anger went away as the crew started laughing. Octavia didn’t get the joke. Once the crew stopped laughing that was when Spike gasped and pointed at Octavia. “Who in Luna’s Moon is that?” Vinyl chuckled at her friends. “Oh just some Royal Hybrid that was targeted by some pirates, no big deal.” “What did you just call me?” Octavia asked with a glare. Vinyl looked at her with a shrug as if she didn’t think anything was wrong. “Hybrid, that’s what you are.” Octavia glared coldly. “I’ll have you know servant-” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Vinyl interrupted with a glare. “I’m not a servant or a slave, got it Sweet Cheeks? The only names you can call me are Captain, Vinyl, or my full name Vinyl Scratch. But never call me a servant.” Octavia blinked at the force of the words. “Ahem, I mean Miss. Scratch,” Vinyl started chuckling. “I don’t even have the pleasure of even granting that title. I’m no old lady.” Octavia blushed turning away, grinding her teeth. “Anyway since we are at name basis here, you already know me and Derps,” Octavia looked at Derpy to see her floating upside down with her wings flapping with a goofy grin. Her oversized shirt took the liberty to fall over her face revealing her gray belly as she giggled. “The dragon is Spike, he’s the cook, and that squirt is Scootaloo, best mechanic out in Equestrian Galaxy. Fellahs, this here is Princess Sweet Cheeks.” “It’s Octavia,” Octavia growled. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh hey Spike, what’s for supper?” Vinyl said walking past the crew members to the stairs of one of the three hatches. “Well from what we got it’s bean soup.” This was answered by sounds of displeasure. Octavia blinked remembering something. “Wait a second,” she yelled, stomping on the deck. Vinyl casually turned around with her hands behind her head. “What now?” Octavia glared. “I order you to send me to Canterlot.” She said with a sniff and her nose in the air. Vinyl raised her eyebrow. “Not gonna happen, Sweet Cheeks.” Octavia gasped. “What? Why?” Vinyl scratched her head then shrugged her shoulders. “Well because of three reasons.” She said showing three fingers. She folded her fingers back to her fist then raised her first finger. “Number one, our engines need new parts and we have no time for a costly journey.” Scootaloo nodded her head in agreement. Vinyl popped up her second finger. “Number two, we’re low on supplies.” Spike and Derpy both nodded at this. Vinyl then popped up her third finger. “And number three, there is no way we are going to a Royal Planet that doesn’t take kindly to spacers like us.” Octavia opened her mouth but Vinyl continued with a glare. “And that is why we can’t take you, Princess Sweet Cheeks, to the Royal Planet of Canterlot. There’s just no way, no how, we can take you there.” Octavia glared back. “But I gave you an order-” “Look Princess,” Vinyl said sweetly serious with her arm around Octavia’s shoulders. Octavia glared at her. “You see, I’m the type of pony in space that... or... What are the words I’m looking for?” Octavia tried to move out of Vinyl’s hold but failed. “Oh that’s right... I. Do. Not. Care.” Vinyl smiled sweetly and walked away patting Octavia on the cheek. Octavia blinked for a moment at what she was told. She looked out to see nothing left of the merchant ship, ERS Cadenza. “But, I’m a Royal, surly you can take me back then my Aunt, the Queen will give you a cash grant, a prize for bringing me back!” Vinyl stopped in her stride to think. But her face shown comical thinking. “Oh let me rethink my choice.” She frowned flatly at her. “What do the words I Do Not Care mean to you Royals? Listen Princess, your type won’t let me past their blockade.” “Blockade,” Octavia asked in shock. “Oh? Didn’t know that?” Vinyl asked in sarcastic shock. She frowned again pointing to the direction of Canterlot. “Well the whole planet has a giant blockade of war ships filled with killer unicorns and pegasi that kill harmless spacers like us. So I’d rather not go there without a Royal Invitation. So you’re at a loss. Happy?” Octavia looked down at her feet trying to process what she was hearing. “But surly... Is there any place I can go, if you cannot take me to Canterlot?” Vinyl started shaking her head when a devious dirty plan popped in her head. “Oh, um there is actually,” Vinyl said sweetly. Sadly Octavia was too naïve to realize the threat in Vinyl’s voice. She perked up with hope. “Really?” Octavia asked. Vinyl nodded. “Oh yes. You see, on every Space Port that’s been controlled by Canterlot, there are large stations where the Royal Guard trains and helps the ponies. Once we reach our destination, I’ll direct you to the station and voila! You’re soon going home.” Octavia smiled brightly at her. “Really, it’s that simple?” “Simpler than going to Canterlot itself Princess, believe me.” “Thank-” “Please, please, no need for that. Hey Derps!” Derpy stood beside Vinyl with a salute. “Aye, Cap?” “Please escort the Princess to one of our empty rooms. Make sure she’s comfortable.” “Aye-aye, Cap,” Derpy said grabbing Octavia by the wrist and pull her with her. “Oh uh, Miss. Scratch?” “Yeah,” Vinyl said sourly. Octavia blushed. “Which station are we going to?” Vinyl smiled, “Oh the Fillydelphia Space Port, of course. It’s just a couple of hours from here.” Octavia shown disgust and fear. “Fillydelphia, but isn’t that-” “Yes, the dirtiest space station known to spacers. But hey, don’t worry, you’ll be fine under the Royal Guards’ watchful eye.” Octavia was pulled to the quarterdeck to the small building behind the helm. Derpy lead her through the door before she could argue. Vinyl chuckled, shaking her head, “Wow, I swear I have never met any filly like this.” Spike raised his brow at her. Vinyl noticed the look and glowered back. Spike sighed and went below to his kitchen. Scootaloo followed him below leaving Vinyl grinning at her evil plan. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Later that night after dinner, the crew of four sat down in the middle table playing a game of Bones, a game with dominoes. There was already a bunch of dominoes already on the table connecting with the numbers. Derpy called out, “Dominoes!” after placing her last domino grinning. Vinyl sighed as Derpy took the small pile of coins to her side of the table, stacking them into towers. “Another round,” Vinyl asked. The other three nodded. After Derpy stacked all of her coins, she shuffled the dominoes face down on the table. Once that was over, the group separated the twenty-eight dominoes for four players. Once that was done, Derpy placed the first domino in the center to start the game, a one and five domino. Derpy chuckled keeping her dominoes standing, looking at the colorful dots in her hand, planning her next move. Spike looked at his dominoes then at the numbers in the middle. He placed a five and blank on the five slot making the fives touch. He grinned. “Ha! Beat that.” Scootaloo licked her lips thinking. She placed a one/six tile with the ones touching. The group let out a hum at the number choice as Scootaloo tried to count with her fingers then she sigh saying, “No five?” Vinyl nodded counting. “Nope, not this time.” That’s part of the rules, if you have five points then you add a mark to your scorecard or house. They don’t usually do this but they do it anyway so they can really tell who wins the money they gamble on. Vinyl looked at her facedown dominoes using her magic to let them float as she tapped her pencil on her lips. She looked down at the line then at her numbers. She grinned and placed a six/five domino on the six side with a grin. “Five points.” “How,” Scootaloo asked thinking. Vinyl pointed her pencil at the five at the end of the line then at the blank space on the first domino. “Because, you have to add the end of each domino of the line together, so I got an easy five. See five plus blank is five.” Scootaloo nodded. She usually didn't play, but when she did she would try to get better by watching the other's moves and playing along. “Alright Derps, your turn,” Vinyl said looking at her dominoes to plan her next move. Derpy nodded thinking as she lowered down to the floor so she can zoom to her dominoes with her nose to the table. “Hmm... ha,” She yelped causing her dominoes to fall over. Vinyl used her magic to stop them then flip them to facedown position. Derpy blushed at the accident then scooted her domino at the line. She placed a zero/four domino on the zero side with a grin causing the group to groan at the loss of the easy spot. Spike took his next move and placed a double five. “Ha! Double five put in ten points!” The mares let out a groan at the double five. Vinyl placed two more ‘x’s’ on his score card. “Lucky!” Derpy yelled out. “Hmmph, luck had nothing to do with it. Your turn, Scoots.” Scootaloo let out a grin as she placed a five/three domino next to one of the double fives with a yelp. “Ha! Ten points see,” Scootaloo points and counts the five, four, and three. “Ten, does that count?” “Nice one. You’re getting better, but you need to get better at your counting.” “Aww,” “Sorry, Scoots. Expect a lesson on numbers on your time to watch.” Vinyl chuckled. Vinyl took her next turn; she grinned when she placed a six/three domino on Scootaloo’s three and made a dance. “Aw, yeah, fifteen points.” Eventually after two more minutes, Spike was the victor and everyone was getting tired as they started picking up the dominoes and sticking them in a small sack. Vinyl crumbled up the scorecard and tossed it away. She lost all five times they played. “So, what do you all think of the princess?” Vinyl asked chuckling. “I thought she was nice,” Derpy said pushing all the bits into her money sack. Spike sighed, gathering the drinks and started for the open kitchen behind them. “To tell you the truth, that was by far the most stupid thing you have ever done!” Vinyl shrugged as she pulled off her goggles from her head and started cleaning the lenses with her shirt. She already pulled off her servant disguise and pulled on her clothes. A yellowed long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows; a dirty brown vest with two patches. Her trousers were an army green color with patches on one knee and her pockets. Her boots were a charcoal black color with no shine. She only chuckled at her dragon friend. “Aw, come on Spike, that’s not the worst of them was it?” “Just shut up,” Spike growled. Vinyl blinked at the bite in his words. “Geez, not to worry, I’ll get rid of her.” “How,” Scootaloo asked with a worry. “Ain’t Fillydelphia the slave capital of the galaxy?” Derpy yelped and hid under the table shaking. Vinyl blushed turning away trying to get the memories out. Spike sighed as he poured into the four mugs fresh coffee. “You of all fillies would already know, Scoots.” he said passing the mugs to everyone. He helped Derpy out from under the table and handed her the cup in her shaking hands. Scootaloo gulped. “But aren’t they going to . . . you know . . .” Vinyl stood up. “'Night, I’m taking first watch.” “Vinyl,” Spike called out, causing her to stop at the stairs. Vinyl turned slightly to him. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” Vinyl blew a raspberry at her friend. “Aw, come on Spike. We have a client to meet at Fillydelphia anyways. Not to mention, we get our best at the Slave Pits! 'Night,” she called again, pulling on her goggles as she climbed up the stairs leaving the three crew mates staring sadly at her back. Spike spat to the side, getting a jump from Derpy. “One of these days she’s going to go back there and when she calls for my help, I’ll just spit in her face and tell her no.” Scootaloo used the tip of her finger to stir her coffee. She sniffed the steam and made a face. “But wouldn't she... you know, die?” Derpy yelped and ran under the table again. Spike sighed rubbing his sore eyes. “I know what she’s thinking. I don’t like it.” He turned to Scootaloo. “Get some rest, you too Derpy. I'll clean up the mess.” Derpy peeked out from under the table shaking. Scootaloo took her hands and helped her stand back up. “It’s okay Derpy, they’re not here to hurt you again. They’re not here to take us away.” Derpy nodded as she followed Scootaloo outside, then to the hammock room. Shaking and whimpering, fearing for an attack from behind or above. > Chapter 5: Reality Check > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Reality Check Octavia somehow found a way to sleep in the scratchy cot that was offered to her by that strange pegasus. All her life, Octavia was told to look down at inferiors like Derpy. It was said that if there was a condition, or a problem like crossed eyes, that pony would either be killed or sent to exile. It’s usually execution nowadays. Octavia had seen these executions all the time in the streets of Manehattan when her family took a tour around the city once every three years. Of course, her parents were against the awful rule. Her mother’s sister had a brain condition and she had to watch her sister being beaten by the guards, because of her condition. When Octavia was ten, there was a new law that was passed that all ponies in all ages show signs of these “diseases” must be killed or destroyed. Octavia remembered seeing protestors of this, but same as those they want to protect, they suffered from the lasers and beatings from the guards who enjoy hearing the weak and defenseless suffer and cry. This was one of the things Octavia was destined to change. At least that was her plan, until now. Once she got a little more comfortable in her scratchy bed and bed sheets. She had just closed her eyes when she heard a strange sound. She swiveled her ears around trying to find the source of the strange sound she had just heard. She sat up, hearing a melody from a whistle of some kind. It was a beautiful song. This fife or whistle, since it’s not really a flute, it might be but the strange sound didn't sound like one. It’s hard to tell in her position. She soon found herself lying back down with a growing smile on her face. What was this beautiful melody and who was playing it? She closed her eyes and sighed letting the beautiful music sooth her to sleep. The next morning, Octavia woke to a tremor in the ship, causing her to fall out of the cot. Moaning and rubbing her sore back she looked around, confused. Suddenly it all came rushing back to her. She was inside the room of another vessel. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, curious about what the ship was called. She never really got an answer. Well she never asked really. She could see the sunlight through the porthole at the far wall. She walked over to it to peak outside to see the birds and space rays flying past her window. She peeked over to see the port. “Hmm, so this is Fillydelphia Station? I imagined this place to be more radiant.” Fillydelphia was a big port, one of the largest space ports in the Equestrian Galaxy. She read that Fillydelphia was a powerhouse for industrialized factories. Fillydelphia was where the laser weapons were crafted and made. Engine parts for space vessels were manufactured here, even the ships were built here as well. She turned to a small desk to find a simple comb, shrugged, then started to comb out her hair. Once done with that she walked out of her room. She followed the hazy path that she took with Derpy down the short hall. She found the exit and she could hear yelling outside as she neared the door. She opened the large door and was blinded by the fierce Celestial sun. Once her vision was cleared, she could see Derpy in front of her by some controls at the helm, Derpy’s face was scrunched up in concentration as she played with something on the control pad looking up. Octavia looked up to watch a lift being lowered over the rail to the harbor dock below. The yelling intensified as she walked to the rail at the starboard side to see Vinyl, Scootaloo, and Spike on the dock. Spike was writing on a tablet looking at the crates and boxes as several diamond dogs roll the barrels onto the lift. Scootaloo was standing next to Vinyl carrying three heavy satchels on her small scrawny shoulders. Octavia figured out that the yelling was coming from Vinyl. Vinyl was talking to a harbor master, yelling at him as if arguing. The stallion shook his head handing her something from his tablet clipboard. Vinyl snatched the paper away reading it as the stallion tipped his hat and left to another dock. “Why those little,” Octavia blinked, watching as Vinyl ripped up the paper, steaming with anger. Vinyl let out a sigh as she tried hard to not blow up again. “Nice job in being professional, Vinyl,” Spike snorted with a shake of his head. “Shut up, Spike!” Vinyl snapped tapping her boot on the deck. Scootaloo gulped. “So now what,” she asked with worry. Vinyl sighed looking up at the sky thinking. “Good morning,” Octavia said walking down the gangplank with ease. Vinyl watched her as if stunned then she shook her head then spat to the side. “Damn pier! Damn Royals!” “What is it?” Octavia asked with concern. Vinyl glared at her. “Like you don’t know,” Vinyl snapped. Octavia shrugged shaking her head confused by what Vinyl meant. Vinyl exasperated loudly, she’s on the verge of pulling her blue hair out of her head. Spike walked over. “It seems that Queen Celestia passed another boat law.” “Meaning?” Octavia asked still confused. “Meaning,” Spike said carefully, “that no ship that flies in the galaxy now has hardly any rights to dock at any Canterlotian port without a license or a contract.” Octavia shrugged. “Well yes, so as to keep everypony safe from pillaging pirates.” Spike made a wince, shaking his head. “No, that means that spacers like us that do special jobs as a living, won’t be able to dock at any port. We’ll have to fly all the way to Canterlot; that’s a bad idea considering what we are. We won’t be able to get a license. And if we don’t get a license, we would be taken to prison or worse!” “What’s worse than prison?” Octavia asked. “You don’t wanna know.” Spike said with a shiver. “Alright, change of plans,” Vinyl yelled out, getting everyone’s attention. “Spike, I want you to pack as much cargo as you can. Derpy will help you.” “Alright,” Spike said, marking again on his tablet which glowed to his touch. Vinyl pointed to Scootaloo. “Scoots, we’ll need to meet our client soon and get rid of some of this stuff.” Scootaloo nodded. “And we’ll check at Pony Joes’ bar and see if we got any takers for a job. Hopefully, we’ll get some good moola with this doe.” “And what about me,” Octavia asked with a raised brow. Vinyl blinked, pointing at her trying to think. “Oh right, I was going to lead you to the Royal Guard station. Just follow me and Scootaloo. The way to the station is the way to our rendezvous with our client. Come this way.” Vinyl stated walking ahead with Scootaloo at her heels. Octavia smiled at them as they walked by. “Thank you,” she stopped to wave farewell to Spike. Spike only gave her a worried look. “Good luck, Princess,” he said with fear as he turned away. Octavia found this strange and looked over to see Derpy with the same sad expression as Spike as she gave her a slow finger wave. The streets were crowded as the three went through the market place. Everywhere Octavia stepped in there were puddles, dead animals, or dead ponies. Many stared at her with pleading eyes, while others gave her a hard glare with knifes or pistols pointing at her as if threatening her. “Isn’t there any other way to the station?” She asked as she leapt over a dead pig. Vinyl took in a deep breath as she reached in the back of her trousers. She pulled out some kind of newsies cap fitting it on her head. The color was a black color but it was so dirty and dusty it looked gray. She let out the air in her lungs, smiling. “Ahh, can’t you smell that horrible stench of life?” She asked, getting a giggle from Scootaloo. Octavia glared at her. She opened her mouth to complain as a little colt came running to Vinyl and tugged at her trousers. Octavia was ready to shoo him away when she gasped watching Vinyl pull out a silver bit from her pocket and flipped it to him and saluting him with her finger. The colt grinned and waved at her then ran back to an alley. Octavia took a peek inside to see a very sick looking Earth mare hugging the colt as she coughed away from him. Octavia followed Vinyl and Scootaloo to a street corner where a huge building stood on the corner. Compared to most of the buildings here, the large building looked more regal than the other dirty, soiled buildings in the area. Vinyl sighed and pointed at the building. “There’s your building. Just walk on in and talk to the captain and he or she will give you what you need. Satisfied?” Octavia beamed a smile at Vinyl. “You know, I was thinking last night.” Octavia said softly. Vinyl stuck her hands in her pockets with a raised brow at the Princess. “Yeah, what?” Vinyl snapped sourly. Octavia bowed to Vinyl with a small smile. Vinyl blushed looking around to see if anypony was watching. “I want to say that I’m sorry for yelling at you. I was scared and confused. I shouldn’t have been so nasty to you and... I want to say thank you for saving my life yesterday. You were very brave facing that evil witch.” Vinyl blushed. She coughed into her fist turning away acting all aloof. “Yeah well, I am a spacer after all, and fighting pirates is part of my job.” Octavia nodded and turned to Scootaloo. “I hope I get to see you all, again,” Octavia stated. Scootaloo blushed, scuffing her foot on the ground. “I’ll tell my Aunt Celestia about how brave you were and maybe she can help you. Give you a new ship and coin for helping me.” She said smiling genuinely at Vinyl. Vinyl blinked in surprise. But a thought in her mind made her look more scornful. “Look, that Queen can keep her ships and pretty coins to herself. I don’t need anything from anypony.” Octavia blinked at the harshness of her voice. She sighed and nodded. “I understand. But I do mean what I said, Captain Scratch. I really do thank you and your crew for saving me. If there is anything you need, you let me know.” Vinyl stuck her hands back in her pockets blowing a raspberry. “Yeah, whatever Sweet Cheeks, see you,” Vinyl turned and walked off with Scootaloo, waving to the princess as she followed close behind Vinyl. Octavia waved back to Scootaloo as she took the steps to the station. Scootaloo turned away with a frown looking up at Vinyl’s serious face. “We’re never seeing her again, are we?” Vinyl smirked as they walked past an apple stand. She reached out and swiped an apple without being caught by the yellow Earth pony mare with green pigtails and took a bite. “Yep,” Vinyl said passing the apple to Scootaloo. She took a second bite out of the apple as Vinyl took the third bite. “She seems so nice,” Scootaloo said softly with worry. Vinyl swallowed hard, glaring at her protégé. “Hey! Royals aren’t nice got it?” Vinyl snapped harshly, glaring at Scootaloo. She looked up in time to pull her hat lower over her eyes as they marched past a couple of guards. “They could sit their polished asses on our backs with no howdy do to us. They care more about themselves than us spacers and slaves and pirates.” Scootaloo took the last bite as Vinyl tossed the apple to an orphan. The orphan, a unicorn colt, beamed a smile at her as he started chowing on the half eaten apple. “Besides, she’ll learn the hard way what her precious Aunty Celestia did to us,” Vinyl whispered harshly, glaring as she stuffed her sticky hands into her pockets again. Scootaloo shook her head feeling terrible. “Yeah, you might be right.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia entered the very small station. It looked bigger outside than it was in the inside. By the look of the large line of poor ponies, it seemed busy. She looked ahead to see how far the line was to notice the Royal Guards just sitting at their desks, answering to nopony. This irked Octavia. These ponies needed the guards' help, and all they did was sit there, doing nothing. Octavia felt bad for doing this but decided to go ahead of everypony. She never really used her royal status for anything, because she was taught to wait like everypony else, but seeing this line and the lazy guards, she will have to do it to get attention. The ponies watched her walk by them, many with fear, others with malice. Octavia passed the painted line towards the desk, clearing her throat getting the soldiers’ attention. The Royal Guard sitting at the desk looked up from her paper work with a raised brow. Octavia can tell she was a pegasus soldier. Her uniform was dirty and the old color red was dimmed to a dirty salmon color. The pegasus looked younger than Captain Rainbow Dash, but had the look of the top leader of this station. “Stand in line like everypony else.” She said scornfully with a forced smile. Octavia sniffed. “I’m afraid I cannot.” Octavia stated firmly. “Oh really,” the pegasus said a little too loudly. Octavia can hear chairs screech on the floor as several royal guards stood up from their desks with glares. “And why not?” The pegasus continued. “Because, I am Princess Octavia, daughter to Prince Tick Tock, and sixth in line for the throne of the Equestrian Galaxy and I am here to ask if you can escort me to Canterlot.” The pegasus blinked as if in shock. The soldiers behind her started whispering to one another and shaking heads. “Princess, but you’re an Earth pony!” The pegasus commander said flabbergasted. “I’m more Unicorn than Earth pony, thank you.” This made the pegasus stare harder at her. "Um....." The pegasus noticed a tear in Octavia’s dress. Under the fabric, she could see her cutie mark, she gasped, ''I know who you are now." The pegasus said smiling, standing up. Octavia grinned back and nodded. “Yes, so you have heard of me?” The pegasus walked around the large desk then stood close to Octavia with her hands behind her back. “Oh yes, I have. We all have. Now answer me this question Princess, how did you end up here?” Octavia sighed in relief. “Oh, thank you, Luna, you won’t believe what happened. I was on the ERS Cadenza and we were attacked by pirates. I was able to escape with help from a spacer. She told me to come here and request your help.” The pegasus nodded, grinning. Too bad for Octavia that the ponies in line knew that evil grin all too well and started to whisper and murmur. The pegasus sighed, looking as if disappointed. “Well I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.” Octavia blinked at her. “Huh?” “You see Princess, here in Fillydelphia we are at an area that doesn’t really pay much respect to... Earth ponies. Not to mention... Hybrids.” Octavia jumped at the harsh tone from the word. “But you don’t understand, I’m royalty.” The pegasus sighed, shaking her head. “You can’t take a hint can you?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Octavia asked getting scared. The pegasus glared and grabbed the princess by her arms and shoved her against the wall. Octavia gasped looking at the pegasus with confusion and fear. “What are you-?” “Listen here Hybrid bitch-” The guard yelled out. “What did you just call me?” Suddenly a baton smashed Octavia in the head causing her to fall on the ground moaning. She opened her eyes to see the commander and a second pony a unicorn with a baton grinning at her. “What are you doing?” Octavia whispered trying to get up when she felt a kick from a boot to her side causing her to scream. The Commander grinned. “Putting you in your rightful place, Princess Hybrid, in a cage.” Octavia felt two sets of hands grab her and lift her up. She was about to yell out when she felt the commander slap her across the face. “Take her to the Pits. Tell my Lord that we have her in custody.” Octavia was dragged away through a back door. The pegasus Commander grinned, turning to the ponies in line and slapped a mare in the front. All the ponies gasped and back away from the angry cruel Commander. “Anything else I should know about, Hybrid?” The poor mare shook her head. “No ma’am.” “What was that?” The Commander hissed, glaring at her. “I mean no, High Commander, no. Nothing more, ma’am,” the poor mare whispered as the Commander pushed her away before turning back to her desk. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Past the door, Octavia was confused as they dragged her through the dirty hallway. “Where are you taking me?” She begged. Octavia was slapped in the back of the head causing her to yelp. “Shut up! And no talking! You have no right to talk here Hybrid!” Octavia felt tears pouring from her eyes. ”What is going on here?” Soon they reached another door but this one was made of steel. The guards stopped and knocked on the door. A panel at the top slid open to reveal a pair of bloodshot eyes. “What?” “We got a new Hybrid slave.” The eyes behind the door, looked down at Octavia to see her crying. He blinked then closed the panel. There were a series of locks unlatching, then the door was opened. Filling the hallway with a small blast of heat and with it scents of blood and sewage and perspiration. Octavia gagged at the smell as the guards started laughing at her expense. Octavia turned to see a huge unicorn with a face mask. She gulped at the smile he shown, seeing her. He closed the door to block out the only light in the place. There was light though, from torches. Once Octavia’s eyes got adjusted, she can see giant cages filled with ponies that were skinny, malnourished, sickly, scarred, and bloody. Most of them were earth ponies. A good second were unicorns. Then the lowest of them were pegasi, but it was hard to tell they were pegasi until Octavia gasped, seeing a pegasus with one wing and a stub for his second. They turned the corner to hear two stallions laughing in a high annoying laugh. There was a second unicorn with the same head mask clearing her throat. “Sirs, we have a new slave.” The two stallions were unicorns. They were both dressed in blue and white striped vests with long puffy white sleeves. Their hats looked like they were from those space circuses. They each had red manes and tails, but one had a mustache. “Ah well, well, well what have we here, brother of mine?” The first one asked. The second one with the mustache nodded with his hand on his chin. “My, ain’t she a beauty. Where did you find her?” He asked. The guards chuckled. “She’s the Hybrid Princess we have been hearing about. Remember my lord... You know who?” The three ponies started laughing. Octavia was so confused. “Please, tell me what is going on here?” She felt a whack in the head with the baton. “Oi what did I say about being quiet!” Octavia flinched when the guard was ready to whack her again. But a green magical aura stopped the guard’s hand. “Now, now, gentlecolts,” The mustache brother said grinning. “We’ll take care of her in no time. A good long month in the Pit will teach her some manners.” “The Pit?” Octavia asked in a whisper of shock. She had heard the tales about The Pit by her mother. Sapphire Melody claimed that she would have been in The Pit if it weren’t for her invisibility spell she conjured. No guard or slave pony ever found her. But The Pit was where Slave sports ran for years since the war. “Take off that dress, she won’t need that anymore.” The hooded mare ordered. Octavia felt the guards hold on to her as her dress was ripped off of her revealing herself naked. The guards laughed at her as she cried for mercy. The hooded unicorn saw her pendent then snorted. “Bah, let her keep the trinket. It’s made of that cheap crystal nopony wants anymore.” She reached into a container at the side and threw Octavia a shift. “Here! Clothe yourself Hybrid.” Octavia caught the shift and feebly did what she was told. Sadly and to her discomfort the hem of the shirt only reached to her mid-thighs. She can see her cutie mark on both sides clearly, which was an embarrassment. “Ain’t she cute?” One of the guards asked patting her rump making her yelp. The guards laughed again. “Alright boyos, you had your fun!” The mustached brother said giggling himself. The guards saluted and left the underground to return to the front desks. Octavia felt magic on her wrists and gasped as her wrists were forced together then a set of shackles were placed over her wrists. Then her ankles were treated the same way. “Why are you doing this to me? I didn’t do anything wrong!” She cried. The brothers started chuckling. The clean faced one smiled placing his finger under her chin. “My dear, you are now property of Flim, Flam Brothers Slaver Company.” The mustached one said grinning. “I am your boss Flam and this is my twin brother Flim. You are now ours and everything we do to you is... well what should I say, brother of mine?” Flim grinned stroking his thumb over Octavia’s cheek causing her to shiver with fear trying to pull away from him. “As ours you will do anything that is required to you. Since you are for the Pit-” “Flim! Flam!” the brothers turned hearing the call. An old raggedy griffon came running to them panting. “What is it Stork?” Flam asked with a scowl. The griffon stood straighter, pointing behind him. “That slave bitch Daisy is dead. She killed herself,” Stork exclaimed with panic. “How did she kill herself?” The brothers asked together in shock. Stork sighed rubbing his gray dirty head. “She somehow got a knife from The Pit. She slit her own throat, we were lucky to find the knife before more of them buggers killed themselves.” Stork said disdainfully The brothers shown anger and annoyance at once. “Well that’s perfect; Daisy was our best toy to the audience.” Flam said grinding his teeth “Who can replace her?” Flim asked. Suddenly the boys turned to Octavia. Octavia gulped feeling horrible now. “She is beautiful,” Flam said thinking. “Yes, but she’s too new.” Flim intoned thinking with his brother. “Well she does look like a virgin,” Flam mentioned smiling a touch. “And that will get the crowd roaring for more.” Octavia gulped feeling sick. “I don’t like the sound of this.” She whispered to herself, watching them staring at her with a grin. “Well, Flam,” “Yes, Flim,” “I think I just found our replacement.” “When sirs?” Stork asked grinning, too. Flam and Flim both shook hands, winking at one another. Flim pointed to Octavia. “Take Princess Hybrid to the female cells by The Pit gate. She’ll be our new Sacrifice.” “Sacrifice!?” Octavia cried. Stork nodded grabbing the chain that was between the two shackles on her wrists and dragged her forward. The Flim, Flam Brothers started laughing again. Octavia couldn’t believe it! First she was treated as royalty and now she’s being treated as a slave? Why? What did she do? As she tried to think this through, she heard a blood curling scream and a crowd roaring nearby. She turned seeing a light and saw diamond dogs in heavy chained collars dragging a dead pegasus mare through the gates. Octavia can see that she was all bloody and her wings were snapped off her back. Octavia covered her mouth in shock seeing the pegasus being dragged away. She felt her chain being jerked. She feebly followed Stork to what looked to be a giant cage filled with mares. The smell was horrible as she neared the cage. Stork unlocked the cell door and pushed Octavia in, then locked it tight, chuckling and smooching in the air at her. He walked away laughing at the horrified look on Octavia’s face. She turned back to the mares in the cell. For her estimated count there were at the most, thirty mares. The youngest looked twelve while the oldest looked twenty. The mares looked at her then turned away or continued what they were doing. “Hello,” a calming voice said. Octavia turned to see a magenta pink Earth mare walking up to her. Her mane looked so spiky and messy it was a wonder what she looked like when she was younger and well groomed. Octavia can tell her tail was cut very close to her rump. The mare smiled kindly to Octavia. “My name is Cheerilee. May I ask for your name, dear?” Octavia blinked. She had never met such a formal mare that was not a Royal in her life. She grinned slightly. “Octavia,” Octavia answered smiling a touch. “Octavia, what a pretty name,” Cheerilee said smiling. “Shut your trap, Cheerilee!” The two mares turned to see a blue unicorn mare with a two toned blue and white mane. She looked horrible as she started coughing. “Some of us are trying to-” she started hacking again. Another mare a pink pegasus was sitting next to her patted her on the back. “Forgive Colgate; she can be a bad egg sometimes.” Cheerilee said chuckling, taking Octavia by her hand and leading her away from the cell door. “So what was it like before they took you in? Were you in peace?” Cheerilee asked taking a seat on a stone bench. Octavia sat down watching where she sat. “Peace?” “She means if you had a peaceful life until now.” A green earth mare asked. When Octavia turned to see her face she yelped in fright seeing the mare with only one eye, her other eye was sewn shut. “P-p-peace, why would you ask such a thing?” Cheerilee shrugged. “Well, since most of us will die by the end of the year, it’s good to know that what we did before being here was peaceful. Like for me, I was a teacher that taught the orphan children in the streets.” Octavia found this shocking. “But... what’s so bad about that? That’s wonderful.” Cheerilee shrugged again with a sigh. “It’s against the law to teach to the... mixed children.” Octavia can see the hurt in the former teacher’s eyes. “They were learning so much until the Royal Guard found me and arrested me and killed all of the children in the alley.” Octavia blinked in surprise, turning to the green one-eyed mare to see her nod. Cheerilee sighed. “At least I know that I made their lives brighter before their untimely deaths. And soon I’ll be joining them with Princess Luna in the stars.” Octavia can see Cheerilee beginning to cry and turned away feeling horrible, looking at her chains. “What about you?” The green mare asked. The pink pegasus patted Colgate on the back. Octavia blushed. “Well uh . . . I’m actually a Princess.” Those that were overhearing nearby started laughing and laughing hard as if Octavia just told a joke. “Oh that’s a good one kid!” Pink pegasus yelled out laughing on the ground. “No, I’m being serious.” Octavia countered with a glare. More laughter ensued after that. Cheerilee was chuckling then she noticed the serious look in Octavia’s eyes. “You are being serious?” Cheerilee asked in shock. “Yes, I am!” Octavia yelled out getting more of the mares to stop laughing. “You’re joking right?” The green mare said. “I mean there is no way for you to be a Princess. It’s just not possible.” “It is and I am the daughter of Prince Tick Tock. He is a unicorn and the Prince of Manehattan with his brother Prince Blueblood. My mother actually came from Manehattan Space Station, she’s a unicorn hybrid mare.” Colgate looked up from her position. “But how can your dad marry a Hybrid mare?” “My father found her one day sick and took her in, ignoring all that opposed his wishes. I was born several years after. I’m more unicorn than earth pony, actually.” “Hmmph, nice history, but how did you get here?” Pink pegasus asked sitting up. Octavia cleared her throat and retold her story again to the mares. Once finished they were sad about the commander. Cheerilee nodded. “The Commander is a horrible brute. She beats up any earth or mixed pony she comes across, showing them that this is her city.” Cheerilee said scornfully. “Because Canterlot can’t send more money to these far sectors anyways, she got into the slave business and built these dark tunnels to the Slave Pit over there.” Cheerilee pointed to what looked to be gigantic metal doors that open and close to let in ponies or drag them out. “Once you’re there... you can either live or perish. Mostly perish.” Octavia gulped. “What happens in there... I mean I heard stories from my mother about the Slave Pit in Manehattan, but my father destroyed the slave claim there,” Octavia said with worry. Colgate blew a raspberry. “Whoop-di-do for him, but the slave trade goes on and on as long as those bastards get money for it. The Pit is all but a game to them but a death sentence for us.” Colgate sighed sadly, shaking her head as she laid back down on her bench. “I wish I could have gotten that knife when I had the chance.” “Knife,” Octavia asked. The green mare nodded. “Yeah, Daisy, this sweet little Earth mare, killed herself earlier today. She somehow got a knife from The Pits during the fight and killed herself. Two others went with her, but of course Stork found out and took it away.” Octavia gulped with worry, remembering what the brothers said. “Those two stallions . . . they were talking about that knife and this Daisy. They said something that she’s in this popular show?” Pink pegasus stomped hard on the ground. “Yeah... they have this show where the most beautiful of us gets fucked every show by three drugged stallions.” Octavia blinked in shock. “Wait you mean... forcing her?” “Wasn’t that what I just said?” Pink pegasus asked, thinking. Octavia started to sweat and shake. Cheerilee noticed. “What’s wrong, dear?” “They told me that... I would be her replacement!” All four mares and those that were listening gave her sad gazes. “Let me guess,” Pink pegasus asked walking to Octavia. “You never had a fuck with a stallion before, huh?” Octavia shook her head. “I’m sixteen, I’m not supposed to do any of that unit I meet my husband.” Pink pegasus sighed, took Octavia’s hand and shook it. “It was nice knowing you, Princess.” “What?” “She’s right you know.” Colgate said shaking her head. “Sometimes the males they pick will kill you without knowing their strength. It happened before.” Octavia started shaking. This can’t be happening to her. Then something hit her like a ton of bricks, although she never really thought about unit now. Vinyl and her crew! The crew looked sad seeing her leave, but Octavia mistook the type of sadness they were showing for sadness for seeing her leave them. Was it possible that they knew Octavia was going to be in this situation? But Vinyl was nice to her, she would never do... the looks she got from Vinyl were completely those of hate. Vinyl wanted to get rid of her. That smile Vinyl gave her on the ship mentioning Fillydelphia Space Port, Vinyl knew! Vinyl knew she would be here and she was too naïve to see it through. Octavia groaned covering her face with her hands. “What’s wrong?” The green mare asked. “The pony I trusted in the last twenty-four hours dumped me here!” “Oh? And who is this pony again?” Pink pegasus asked. “Her name is Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch.” She asked seeing confused expressions. “That name does sound familiar.” Colgate said scratching her chin. She started coughing again. “Hey,” Cheerilee exclaimed. “It took me a while but after hearing that name I get goose bumps.” “Huh?” Pink pegasus asked in confusion. “You know that name, Cheers?” “Yes, I was still a teacher at the time and at fault I would come to the Slave Pits to get money. It’s the only place to get money sadly. And I remember the slave riot and it was led by a character called Vinyl Scratch. It was horrible, I almost didn’t make it out alive as forty slaves escaped The Pits. The name was around for so long. It’s the name that Flim and Flam dream of ruining forever. Of course, that’s all I know of the name. I heard that all of the slaves, that didn’t leave or were recaptured after the riot, were killed. So if any pony knows that name, it would be those that watched the riot.” Cheerilee stated with a shrug. Octavia nodded thinking. “It could have been a different Vinyl Scratch then.” > Chapter 6: Professor & Assistant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Professor & Assistant Scootaloo quickly dodged the customers at the bar with two large mugs of ale to a far table, where Vinyl sat propped against the corner wall with her feet on the table, her cap over her eyes. Scootaloo placed the two mugs on the table. Vinyl lifted the brim of her cap to grin at the pegasus. “Thanks, Scoots.” She said, taking a sip of the ale with a sigh. “So, how much do we have?” Vinyl asked, taking another sip. Scootaloo reached into her pocket to find her miniature writing tablet. “Well, since we didn’t find our client ‘cause of the Royal Guards, we sold everything.” “And,” Vinyl asked, looking at her drink. “Well, what we would have gotten was at least two thousand gold bits or more if we were lucky. But since that didn’t work and we had to sell everything here, we only got fifty gold bits, twenty silver, and five bronze bits.” Vinyl groaned, rubbing the bridge of her snout, fixing her goggles again. “I hate to say this Scoots, but with the low amount of bits we gathered on our waste of a journey,” Vinyl paused a moment. Scootaloo gulped at her pause. “Please don’t tell me we’re going back to the Pits!” Vinyl nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, we have to Scoots. We need the bits. We need as much as we can since Fillydelphia won’t accept us anymore.” Scootaloo sighed, taking a drink of her ale then looked behind her. She gulped, causing Vinyl to give her a look. “What?” She asked. Scootaloo pointed at the bar. Vinyl looked up to see the bar stallion talking to a highly dressed pegasus pointing at her direction. Vinyl chuckled as she reached for the brim of her hat to pull it back over her face. Scootaloo sat down at a chair next to Vinyl, drinking her drink as two nicely dressed ponies approached them. The oldest one was a pegasus mare dressed in a pressed suit and pants in a brown color wearing a bowler hat. The smaller mare was a unicorn dressed in what appear to be a school uniform, a nice white long sleeve shirt with a purplish blue sweater vest and a plaid midnight blue skirt that reached to her knees. There was a symbol of a cresset moon over her heart, probably a school symbol. “Hello, are you Captain Scratch?” the eldest mare asked. “It depends,” Vinyl said with a smirk, lifting up the brim of her hat with her magic. “Who wants to know?” The purple unicorn let out a groan. “Please, Professor, can’t we just hire a ship that can be reasonable?” The pegasus smiled sweetly at the unicorn. “Twilight, relax, I've worked with these types all my life.” The unicorn called Twilight rolled her eyes. “Was that before or after the war?” The professor started laughing. “Forgive my assistant, she’s new to this kind of travel.” By noticing the way these two talked, Vinyl thought she can take them on, but first, “Of course, you’ll have to give me something to believe you with.” Vinyl said grinning. Twilight let out a huff of annoyance, turning away, crossing her arms over her chest with her nose in the air. The pegasus professor nodded, reaching into her jacket and produced a sack and tossed it to the table. Vinyl heard the clank of bits and used her magic to float the bag to her hands. She reached inside the bag to find a polished gold bit. She passed it to Scootaloo to look at it. Scootaloo bit on to it, smacking her lips then nodded. “It’s legit,” Scootaloo said. There was shocked scoff from the unicorn. “Professor,” Twilight exclaimed pointing at the two spacers. But the professor stopped her by holding up her golden hand. “Hush, Twilight,” the professor ordered calmly, grinning at Vinyl. “Do we have a meeting?” Vinyl pulled back her cap to sit on her head then dropped her feet to the floor, leaning forward on the table. “Of course, please have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?” The Professor and her assistant sat down with the captain leaning in. “Well, may I have some wine if they sell it here?” The professor asked. Vinyl nodded then turned her gaze to Twilight. “You,” Vinyl asked with her arms crossed on the table. “Hmmph, light wine if that’s possible here.” Vinyl winked at Scootaloo. Scootaloo nodded and ran off to the bartender. “So,” Vinyl started. “You pay well Professor...” “Do, Daring Do actually. I am an explorer of planets and celebrated archeologist in Canterlot.” “Canterlot, huh? You teach, Professor Do?” Vinyl asked. The professor nodded. “Indeed. Been teaching at the Luna University for about twenty-five years.” “Ah,” Vinyl said grinning. “Teaching during or after the rebellion?” Vinyl questioned. Daring blinked clenching her right hand into a fist. “After,” Daring answered smiling forcefully. Vinyl nodded with a quirked brow but kept her mouth shut on the matter. She turned to Twilight. “And you,” Vinyl asked sweetly with a smile. Twilight cleared her throat glaring at the unicorn. “My name is Twilight Sparkle and I have been studying under Professor Do since I was about eighteen after my sessions at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns were completed.” Twilight turned away. Vinyl leaned a touch to the side to notice Twilight’s eyes were shifting. “I took it upon myself to understand the planets and the dead civilizations of these planets.” Twilight turned back to Vinyl fixing her mane. “I have been working for Professor Do as her assistant for the last nine or ten years.” Vinyl nodded scratching her chin. “Nice résumé.” She nodded to Scootaloo as she returned with two glasses of wine. One was lighter than the other. Professor Do drank hers and nodded in satisfaction. “Hmm, this is a nice year.” Twilight sipped hers carefully and nodded. “It does have a nice taste.” Vinyl snorted at the comment. Canterlot ponies were just as hoity as the Royals. She turned back to the professor. “What can my ship do for you, Professor?” “Oh, just an expedition to a legendary destination to be exact,” Professor Do said quietly leaning forward. Vinyl leaned forward to get a better listen to her words. “Tell me Captain Scratch, have you ever heard of the legend of Luna’s Treasured Moon?” Vinyl blinked in shock staring at the smile on the professor’s tan-yellowed face. “Luna’s Treasured Moon? But that’s just an old pony’s tale.” “So you have heard of it?” “I heard of the story but...” Vinyl watched as Professor Do reached into her jacket again and pulled out some old parchment and placed it on the table, passing it to Vinyl. Scootaloo stood on her chair to get a peak. The parchment was old and laminated for protection. It shown an egg shape with wiggling lines around it. There was a large circle with what looked to be a door and a large keyhole on the door on the circle. “What am I looking at?” Vinyl asked. “My assistant found this parchment in one of my books a month ago. Twilight, please explain.” Twilight nodded, pointing at the parchment. “I was in Professor Do’s store room alone and decide to clean up a bit for the Professor since she was gone on her expeditions. I looked in her messy closet and I found this under some books in the back corner. Once the Professor returned she said it was actually a clue she was given years ago about Luna’s Treasured Moon.” “And what’s that?” Scootaloo asked, pointing at the egg shape with the squiggly lines around it. Professor Do smiled at the filly. “Well young filly, this it actually a jewel, the key into Luna’s Treasured Moon. Legend has it that the royal family under Luna’s family tree . . . her descendants I should say, was given this jewel pendant. Only those with Luna’s blood line can hold this jewel. And from my research; they say that this pendant called the Luna’s Tear is the key to opening the mysteries, the treasures of Luna’s Moon.” Vinyl gulped licking her lips. “You mean the legend that there is treasure there, exists?” Vinyl asked in awe. The professor and her assistant shrugged at once. “The possibilities are endless, Captain Scratch, if you can take this on?” Vinyl licked his lips again in anticipation. Her own father left in search of Luna’s Treasured Moon; that was what her mother told her. But after twelve years, he never returned, leaving Vinyl alone with her sick mother, then the rest came crashing through making Vinyl turn away with a glare at the floor. “Something wrong,” Twilight asked with concern. “Naw... It’s just, my dad left me trying to find this place... I never saw him again.” She paused to think for a moment then sighed. “Listen, Professor, I don’t know if I can take you anyways. You see because of this new law-” “Not to worry,” Professor Do interrupted pulling out from her jacket a signed paper. Vinyl took the paper to see words but didn’t understand what it said. “What is this?” “It’s a boating license. It’s mine and renewed, so if you need to dock at the Canterlotian space port, I’ll show this to the dock master and you’ll be able to restock your supplies, everything.” Vinyl grinned at her and nodded. “Thanks, I was worried about that. Great, so when will you be ready to leave?” “As soon as you are ready, Captain. We are ready; we have our things in our rooms.” Vinyl nodded. “Well, you can go ahead and come aboard my ship. Scoots?” “Aye, cap?” Scootaloo asked sitting up. “Please escort our new clients to the Fancy Flute and get everything ready.” Scootaloo nodded then blinked. “But what about-” “Ah don’t worry about me. The brothers owe me for that bet a few weeks back. Once I get the money I’ll meet you to the ship by midnight tonight. Tell Spike to get dinner ready and you get that engine ready.” Scootaloo nodded. “Aye, aye,” Scootaloo followed the professor and assistant to the back stairs while Vinyl paid the bartender. Twilight looked at Vinyl then back at the professor. “Daring,” “What is it Twilight?” Daring asked smiling. “I don’t believe the Captain could read.” Daring blinked turning to her as the three reached the door. “Why do you think that?” Twilight gave Scootaloo a smile before entering the room with Daring behind her. “Wait here, please.” Twilight ordered kindly before shutting the door. Scootaloo grumbled and sat down on the floor outside the room waiting. Twilight turned back to Daring. “Because if the Captain knew about it being a license she would have smiled and said what it was before we did. I don’t believe she had an education at all.” Twilight said glowering. Daring chuckled. “Twilight, not everypony growing up were scholars like you. And besides by the attire Captain Scratch is wearing, she’s no doubt a pony that lived with no education.” Twilight sighed, picking up her suitcase and satchel. Daring smiled at her. “Give her a chance, Twilight... and soon, we’ll finally get some answers.” Daring said confidently. “Hopefully finding Princess Luna might help this galaxy fueled by hate.” Twilight nodded. “Of course, Professor, let’s just hope that the last expedition didn’t yield any findings.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia woke up hearing the guards yelling and hitting the bars with wooden batons. The door opened and nopony did anything to run or hide, but they cringed when the guard pointed at a mare and she was dragged away. Two other mares were picked and taken away to the giant doors. Octavia sat there, watching as the three mares were pushed through the gate where she can hear screaming from a crowd. She gulped, shaking. After some talk from other mares, it turned out her turn would be after the first fight, whatever that meant. Nopony, not even Cheerilee, gave her comfort, only silence of sadness. Octavia gulped hearing the blood curdling screams through the door. The cell door opened as the griffon Stork walked over to Octavia and grabbed her arm and forced her to walk with him to the stadium. She turned with pleading eyes at the four mares she talked to. They only gave her sad glances or turned away with guilt. She was pushed through the steel door and stopped by an electric gate. Through the bars, she could see a bloody stadium as one unicorn mare fought against five drugged diamond dogs. She looked up to see that above the stadium was a large mesh fence with ponies and other creatures throwing trash at the mare or reaching through, banging the metal wall with their hands, fists or metal pipes. Now Octavia was completely terrified. A bell was rung and the diamond dogs backed off, growling as the mare let out a sigh of relief as she slumped against the wall. A guard ran out to place shackles on the mare’s wrists and ankles and forced her to walk out of the stadium. There was another bell and a gate opened. The five diamond dogs ran into the gate then the gate shut as three pegasi slaves, all stallions, clean up the mess preparing for the next show. Octavia was now shaking badly in her shackles. She felt Stork touching her legs as he unshackled her ankles, giggling. He tossed the shackles away but left her wrist shackles on. There was another bell toll and the gate rose in front of Octavia. Octavia gulped, Stork chuckled and shoved her out causing her to trip and fall face first in the sand. The whole crowd starts howling with laugher and booing at her as she spat out the sand. Octavia sat up hearing the gate behind her slam shut, blocking her escape. Another bell sounded and another gate opened. She turned and gasped to see tall and heavily built stallions with crazed bloodshot eyes and foaming mouths walking out of the their gate, sniffing the air. Octavia gasped with shock seeing these stallions were naked, no shred of clothing on them whatsoever. The gate dropped back down. The three stallions turned to see Octavia sitting up, watching them. One stallion chuckled evilly as he led the charge with a monstrous roar. Octavia gulped, standing up. “Oh Sweet Luna, save me,” she whispered and started running. > Chapter 7: Escape From Fillydelphia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Escape From Fillydelphia Vinyl had just walked into the forbidden Slave Pit area to hear the start of another set in progress. She didn’t pay it any mind, only setting her bet at the counter and was handed a number. She only started out small, but after three wins she would make bigger bets. She watched as the crowd started screaming for the poor mare to run. No doubt it was the Sacrifice. Vinyl turned away from the arena feeling the pain from her memories as they flood back into her mind, hearing the mare scream for help. Vinyl chuckled sadly. The poor bitch must be new and didn’t know of the “No Talking” rule. The screaming and begging only gets the drugged stallions into a feeding frenzy for more. “Well, well, well, look who decided to drop on by.” Vinyl felt her ears flatten on her head as she turned to see Flim and Flam, ginning at her. Vinyl pulled down her goggles from her forehead to her eyes. To hide the fact that she was terrified of these stallions. She turned with her hands in her vest pockets with a raised brow, keeping the façade of somepony who doesn't care. “Flim, Flam, long time, no fuck?” The two brothers laughed but it sounded forced. Flam walked up, twirling his mustache. “What brings you back here? Care to rejoin our pit games?” Vinyl flicked her fingers at them. Flim understood the motion and reached into his pocket to produce a cigarette box and passed her a cigarette. Vinyl took it and sniffed it first to make sure there was no poison in it. Once she was satisfied, she reached into her vest pocket to pull out a match and lit her cigarette, taking a draw. She tossed the match away, looking at them. “I’m afraid I’m only here for money, boys, nothing more, nothing less.” Flim chuckled. “Then who are you betting for?” “Who do you think?” Vinyl asked with a raised brow. The brothers chuckled. “Well you’ll be surprised that the crowd loves this new doll.” Flam said chuckling. Flim nodded in agreement. “Yes, you should see her.” “And why should I watch a poor mare being tortured by drugged stallions?” Vinyl asked trying hard to keep from shaking. Flim chuckled. “You’ll be surprised. Many are voting for the stallions this time around.” Flim said as he and his brother walked away, laughing. “Why should I be worried?” Vinyl asked walking to an empty space at the fence to get a better look at the despicable mare below, tripping in the sand as the stallions hounded her like dogs to a kill. It disgusted her. She pulled another draw of the cigarette watching the show uninterested. The mare fell on the ground again, but this time the stallions were on her as she screamed for help. The audience started laughing and screaming back insults to her kind. Vinyl sighed letting the smoke out of her lungs then flicked the bud away ready to leave. But something made her stop. She looked down in the arena again, seeing a purple pendent around the mare’s neck. The mare looked up to no one in particular and Vinyl gasped seeing Princess Octavia! Vinyl lifted up her goggles to get a better look. It was her! The Royal bitch that she left to the corrupted Royal Guards! Of course Vinyl already knew this would happen but she didn’t think the Princess would be in the Sacrifice set, maybe a fighting ring but not this! Vinyl was surprised at herself for how she was acting upon seeing the Princess. She turned away, wanting to get away but Octavia’s screams broke her. She squeezed her eyes shut, gritting her teeth, placing her hands over her ears as the memories flooded back in her brain. Seeing her younger self in Octavia’s position screaming for her dad, for her mother, for anyone that can help her, but of course no help came but suffering. Vinyl opened her eyes, breathing hard, hearing Octavia’s cries. Just like back on the ERS cadenza... she had that two-sided feeling. Leave now and she’ll never see her again or save her now and never feel the horrible guilt she will face in the future. Vinyl groaned hearing Octavia’s voice telling her,”I understand. But I do mean what I said Captain Scratch, I really do thank you and your crew for saving me. If there is anything you need, you let me know.” Octavia said that to her, though she was going to trick her. Those words haunted Vinyl all through out the day. But what could she do? She groaned again, thinking that she had to do something. But what can she do? Vinyl turned seeing a weak section of the fence barrier and grinned, pulling down her goggles. She turned to see a very drunk spacer talking to a mare. Vinyl ran toward the spacer and shoved him into a huge stallion. The huge stallion glared at the spacer and punched him in the gut. The spacer’s buddies came running to help their comrade as the stallion called on his buddies, then the fight began. Soon more ponies and creatures joined the fray. Vinyl took this as her chance as she ran for the fence. Right when she got there she felt someone’s hands grab her vest and lifted her in the air, over his head, screaming a war cry and threw Vinyl into the weakened barrier. She looked down then the barrier snapped as she and several other drunken louts fell to the Pit. Vinyl quickly began to tuck and roll so that she would not get caught up in the massive pile-up that was about to happen, as the stallions and mares began falling in a pile in the Pit. Above her, she can tell Flim and Flam and their guards were trying to stop the violence now that part of their barrier was broken. Vinyl heard Octavia scream for help, again. Vinyl turned to see one stallion penning her on her back on the ground, howling, ready to ruin her life. Vinyl leaped up and reached for her laser pointer and pressed a button to let loose a red beam of light. Right when the red beam touched the first stallion, it burnt a hole in his chest causing him to yell in pain from the heat. The two other stallions looked up as Vinyl ran over to the stallion on top of Octavia and tackled him to the ground. She knocked him out with a solid knuckle blow to the temple. “Behind you!” Octavia screamed out too late as the third stallion wrapped his arms around Vinyl’s body in a bear hug, squeezing her, causing her to scream in pain. Vinyl concentrated hard to get her knife out of her pocket with her magic. Suddenly the drugged stallion howled and released Vinyl. Vinyl dropped and rolled away, turning to see Octavia with her laser pointer, pointing it at the stallion’s back giving him painful wounds by the laser. Vinyl ran to Octavia and grabbed her arm. Octavia at first was afraid, until Vinyl raised up her goggles and winked with a grin. “Hey Sweet Cheeks, miss me?” Octavia gasped with shock. “Captain Scratch?” “Would you quit with the fanciness, just call me Vinyl, kay Sweet Cheeks?” Vinyl said with a chuckle. She frowned, pushing Octavia to the side causing her to make a face plant in the sand as Vinyl dodged the mad stallion. Octavia sat up and rubbed her head. She gasped, seeing the stallion staring at her while walking towards her. Vinyl wouldn't allow Octavia to get hurt. She reached down to find a bottle. “Hey, Fat Ass, lose some weight” She screamed out. Apparently the stallion's weight was a sore point for him, since he turned around with and angry look on his face. He growled, starting to charge Vinyl instead. “That’s right Big Boy, come and get me.” Vinyl taunted as she turned and ran to a side of the stadium she knew the best. She reached the wall and started digging in the sand. “Come on, come on, the Flim and Flam bastards can’t possibly find you now,” Vinyl dug desperately into the sand until her finger tips scrapped at the surface of a wooden door. “Yes!” She exclaimed finding the cellar door where the secret cache of weapons were stashed. She reached inside for a blade but was grabbed by her mane and thrown back from the cache landing hard on her back. She gasped when the stallion pinned her to the ground wrapping his huge hands around her throat, choking her. Vinyl kicked and kicked hard, trying to get him off, but he was too big and too heavy. “That’s right, Hoss!” Vinyl turned to see Flim and Flam laughing at her. “Kill the bitch!” Flam called out. Vinyl growled then felt his hands tightening around her throat. It felt forever as Vinyl fought for air and for him to get off of her. She released his wrists feeling the life suck out of her. She can hear the laughter from her enemies until suddenly a loud ding of a bell rang and the grip lessened. The stallion stood up and ran to his gate. Vinyl gasped out for air coughing. She felt hands on her. Vinyl screamed out flailing her arms around. “Vinyl, it’s me,” Octavia yelled out. Vinyl looked up, seeing Octavia grinning at her. “What? How?” Vinyl asked with shock. Octavia helped her sit up. “It wasn’t easy finding that blasted bell. I just threw a rock and Ding!” Octavia helped Vinyl stand up as she coughed for more air. “Thanks,” Vinyl whispered grinning at her. “Hurry, we have to get you out of here.” Once Vinyl regained her strength, she and Octavia ran to the breached barrier. With her knife, Vinyl stabbed or sliced anypony that got in her way. Octavia used the laser pointer to zap or burn anypony who came close. The two climbed out of the stadium and started to push through the crowds. “Stop them!” Vinyl turned to see Royal Guards chasing after them with Flim and Flam’s goons. “Don’t stop, follow me!” Vinyl ordered sprinting with Octavia sprinting behind her. The way to the stadium was through skinny alley ways that only one pony can go through at a time. Vinyl would hit a corner and push off running. Octavia would follow too, but stumble through most of the run. “Vinyl.... slow.... down.” she panted. “Come on Princess, faster! This is a short cut!” Vinyl yelled out, making a hard turn. Octavia grabbed the corner to help her turn. She slid to a stop, seeing the tall fence as Vinyl started climbing on garbage cans just to reach the top and pulled herself onto the fence. She straddled the fence seeing Octavia winded and shaking from exhaustion and adrenaline. “I can’t make that.” she cried shaking her head. “Sure you can, I’ll use my magic to help you! Just climb those,” Vinyl said pointing to the trash cans and crates. Octavia nodded and started climbing up the crates and trash cans. “There they are!” a young mare’s voice called out. Octavia gasped seeing the Royal Guards running towards her. “Vinyl!” she screamed, leaping up, just short of the top. Vinyl grabbed the chain between her wrists and held on as she concentrated with her magic to make Octavia lighter. Octavia grinned reaching for the top of the fence. She screamed, feeling a strong hand around her ankle pulling her down. “Vinyl!” “I won’t let you go!” Vinyl screamed back, straining. “Oh no you don’t filly, you’re coming back with us!” The guard yelled out, pulling again. Octavia had a plan and kicked her heel into the guard’s face causing him to curse. She kicked him again and again, until finally she heard bone snap and the guard released her, screaming about his nose. Vinyl yelped out a curse. She had used too much magical force to throw Octavia, who was now sailing over her head, instead of being pulled to the top of the fence. Still holding on to the chain, the two mares fell on the other side of the fence into a fruit stand in the market. The pigs eating around the stand all squealed in fright after the crash. Everypony around the stand all dodged the falling mares. Many were laughing, while others moved on to their business. Vinyl sat up spitting out grapes and berries from her mouth. “Are you alright?” Vinyl asked helping Octavia sit up. Octavia had a banana wedged in her mouth giving her a smile. Vinyl started laughing as Octavia spat out the banana. “Of course I’m fine.” she said sarcastically. Vinyl helped her stand up getting yelled at by the stand vendor. “Are you sure?” Vinyl asked carefully, looking her over, ignoring the fruit vendor. Octavia pushed her away. “No, I’m not alright! Why did you-” “There! That’s them!” The two mares gasped seeing one of Flim, Flam’s goons pointing at them with a baton. “Get them!” “Run!” Vinyl screamed grabbing Octavia by her chain and started running. Once she got her footing, Octavia started to run next to Vinyl toward the pier. They dodged spacers and soldiers getting off of ships. Vinyl leapt over kegs and crates as Octavia dodged them and pushed past pedestrians, apologizing to the ponies as she ran. The guards shoved the pedestrians away or kicked away the debris in their path, giving chase. “Hurry, head for the last dock!” Vinyl screamed turning to the last dock on the line with Octavia slowing, lagging behind her, panting hard. Derpy looked up from her guard post at the gangplank. She sat up, pushing back her hat with her finger and placing her hand on the laser musket sitting on her lap. “Vinyl?” She asked. “Get that ship in the air, now!” Vinyl screamed out waving her arms. “Slavers!” She screamed again. Derpy gasped recognizing the Slavers running behind her friend. She flew up to the ship screaming for the engine to start. She ran to the quarterdeck at the controls, flipping switches and turning the wheel. Vinyl grabbed Octavia and pushed her ahead of her. Octavia leaped on the gangplank and ran aboard. Vinyl stayed behind, pulling out her knife again, ready to fight them off. She blinked and turned to see a rope tied to a post. She followed the line up to a net filled with barrels of rum, above her head. She grinned and sliced the rope and ran to the boat. The slavers stopped and screamed as the barrels crash on the deck and roll everywhere. Vinyl jumped the gap of seven feet and ran up the gangplank as the ship slowly drifted away from the dock. Vinyl turned and gasped to see three pegasi guards fly toward them. Vinyl spotted Derpy’s musket and grabbed it, she checked the charges and cursed, there was one charge left. The first guard made a dive toward her. Vinyl flipped the musket around like a club and swung hard, smashing the pegasus guard in the face. The first guard hit the boat rail with a bone crashing thud, then fell overboard. Derpy screamed as she ducked under an attacking guard. Octavia, hiding by the stairs, reached for the laser pointer and shined a red beam at the guard’s face causing him to scream and fly away with burns in his eyes. Octavia turned in time to see Vinyl stab the last soldier with her knife in the chest then throw her overboard, causing the guard to scream curses as she plummeted to the ground. “Get us out of here!” Vinyl screamed. Derpy ran to the gold tube at the side. “Let’s go,” she screamed through the tube. The rockets let loose the power and the ship blasted out of Fillydelphia Space Station. Once out in space, Vinyl went down on her knees, pulling off her hat and goggles with a sigh of relief. She retched and ran to the railing and vomited her dinner and drink. Octavia just sat there shaking as the adrenaline finally left her system. “Oh dear, we heard the screams,” Professor Do said walking over to Derpy and helping her stand up. She saw Octavia panting on the deck and Vinyl was half way over the rail breathing hard and spitting. “Is everypony alright?” Twilight asked behind the professor. Vinyl held a thumb’s up nodding. She spat again, turning back to her clients. “Yeah, but I suggest never to go back to Fillydelphia for a while.” That was when Derpy let out a shriek. Vinyl and the clients turned to see Derpy hugging Octavia, causing her to hack and cough for air. “Please let me go, I can’t breathe!” Octavia winced. “Derpy, let her go, she just got out of being... Uh,” Vinyl gulped remembering the clients standing near her. She smiled at the clients. “Oh uh... we just had a situation.” “Vinyl Scratch!” Vinyl jerked, then turned to see Octavia pushing Derpy off of her, standing up with a stormy glare. “Uh oh,” Vinyl whispered backing away. “You’re not that upset are you?” She asked chuckling nervously. Octavia stopped in front of Vinyl, growling inches from Vinyl’s face. “If I wasn’t a Princess, I would certainly have killed you right now! Do you have any idea what has happened to me?” “Uh yeah...” Vinyl answered wincing. “You...” Octavia’s face went red with anger. “You tricked me! You knew what the Royal Guards would do when they saw me! You knew they would throw me in those horrid slave cages, and yet you let me go? Why?” Vinyl blinked seeing Octavia in tears now. Vinyl sighed rubbing her forehead. “Listen Sweet-” “If you so dare call me that, again I will-” “Okay, Princess, calm down. Look, I’m sorry.” “Sorry? You’re sorry?! Sorry for what? For letting me be humiliated in front of those ponies, being beaten by the Royal Guard, and then worst of all...” She shuddered turning away. Vinyl sighed. “I’m sorry, okay? Look, let me take those off of you and I’ll get you some clothes okay?” Vinyl reached for her wrists. Octavia stiffened and slapped Vinyl in the face, making her wince, backing away. Vinyl opened her mouth to yell when she saw the point of her laser pointed between her eyes. Octavia was still angry and lightly tapping the button on the side of the pen. “I know how to use this, Captain Scratch. If you dare touch me again, I will melt your brains out.” Vinyl backed away, holding up her hands. “Okay, okay, not touching you.” “Ahem,” the two mares turned to the professor. “I don’t mean to interrupt your argument, but may I ask for your name miss?” Octavia squeaked looking down at her dirty shift and started to pull the hem lower. “Oh I am Octavia, Princess Octavia.” Vinyl heard Twilight gasp and the Professor looked shocked, fingering her chin. “Oh my,” she said in shock. Twilight walked over to Octavia. “Princess Octavia? But they said your ship was captured and pirates killed everypony, except somehow Prince Blueblood escaped with his guards claiming that you were killed by Nightmare Moon.” “Nightmare Moon?” Vinyl and Octavia asked at the same time. The two mares looked at one another in shock then glared, turning away, back to being enemies. “Who’s this Nightmare Moon?” Octavia asked. Twilight shook her head. “No need to worry about that until later. Why don’t you come with me and we’ll heal you up and get you into some proper clothes.” Octavia sighed in relief. “Thank you, at least somepony shows manners!” She barked at Vinyl, causing her to flinch, as Twilight guided Octavia up the steps, past the quarterdeck to the upper rooms behind the helm. Vinyl growled as the two young mares left their presence. Professor Do stood by her with a sigh. “Do you need to tell me something Captain?” Vinyl yelped turning to her with a glare. “Nothing, I need a drink.” Vinyl left the professor behind as she sulked to the stairs to the mess deck. Professor Do stroked her chin, looking back at the space station. She quirked her brow, watching Vinyl disappear below to the mess deck. “Hmmph, this might very well be an interesting journey. One of my best adventures by far.” > Chapter 8: Life Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Life Changes Vinyl walked down into the mess deck, then past one of the five small tables seeing three faces. Scootaloo’s with two new fillies. A unicorn and an earth pony. She gave them a wave then reached for a mug of cider on the counter. When she took a gulp, she suddenly blinked, realizing she didn’t know who the two other faces were. Vinyl started coughing, spitting out the old alcohol, turning around at the three young faces smiling at her at the table. “SCOOTALOO!” Vinyl screamed out, slamming the tankard on the counter. Scootaloo sunk into her chair with a gulp and a nervous chuckle. “Aye, Vinyl?” Vinyl pointed at the two young fillies sitting at the table with Scootaloo. “Why are there two stowaways on my ship?!” Vinyl screamed out standing up. Scootaloo chuckled nervously again, scratching the back of her head. “You see Cap, um, when you told me to fix the engine I had to find new parts in the market. While searching, I ran into these two.” Scootaloo paused to point her thumb at the earth pony filly. “Apple Bloom here knows a thing or two about machines and requested to help me. She's the one who fixed the engines. That’s why we blasted off fast! Isn’t that great?” Vinyl turned to the yellow Earth filly with a dirty red mane with a small salmon colored newsies cap on her head. She was dressed in a pair of old farmer’s overalls with an old hand-me-down faded orange t-shirt with three red apples sewn on the hem of her sleeve. She made a wave, blushing. “But when we blasted off on Derpy’s order well... they came along, too.” Scootaloo said chuckling. “That’s Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said, pointing at the filly in farmers clothes. Then she pointed at the white unicorn filly in a light dress. “And that’s Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie Belle had on a cream white dress that was stained with muck from the streets. She had a pair of black leggings on that were also dirty from the streets. She looked like she lived with a middle class family by how clean she looked. Her marshmallow-white coat looked a little smudged with dirt but her pink and lilac mane looked well kept. “Don’t be upset with Scootaloo, ma’am.” Sweetie Belle said in a high young voice. “Yeah, she’s right, we only wanted to help.” Apple Bloom said in a light country drawl, grinning. Vinyl looked down to see that Apple Bloom was wearing old sneakers with wrapped cloth around them keeping her shoes together. While Sweetie Belle was wearing slip on shoes. Vinyl could tell these two were from two completely different backgrounds. One was a poor farmer no doubt and the other was from a middle class family. Vinyl let out a sigh, rubbing her eyes. “Just go to bed before I put you on watch duty all night,” she yelled causing the three fillies to run away, up the stairs, back on deck. Vinyl sat down hard in a chair by the table, rubbing her face again. Where has her life got into now? She already had a hard time with one filly, now three of them!? Vinyl groaned again, dropping onto the table, hitting her forehead with a light, “Oww,” as she winced with the future problem of an accidental kidnapping of fillies. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ “There, that took a while.” Twilight said, after using her magic to unlatch the manacles off of Octavia’s wrists. Twilight noticed the chafed areas on her wrists. “Here, I've got some salve that can heal that up for you.” Twilight walked to one of her bags and fished through them for the salve. Octavia was surprised by how fast Twilight had opened up to her so quickly. By her clothes, Octavia could tell that Twilight was a student from a university, no doubt in Canterlot. Twilight returned with a small jar of salve and started to apply the greasy mess on Octavia’s wrists. Immediately Octavia felt relief from the irritated skin. “Thank you,” Octavia said rubbing the salve on her other wrist as Twilight started looking into her bags. “It’s no problem at all, Princess. I’m just doing my duty.” Octavia watched her for a few moments, surprised. “But aren’t you...” “Aren’t I what?” “A unicorn,” Octavia whispered softly, her ears flat on her head with shame. Twilight looked up holding up a sweater. “Oh that? No,” Twilight looked angered as she reached into her suitcase to pull out a clean white button up shirt. “I don’t believe in the laws about the races and the mixed.” Octavia watched Twilight for a moment as she went through her clothes. Octavia can tell Twilight was old enough to be like other ponies her age. She should be in the army killing her race but instead she’s possibly the only unicorn from Canterlot to not have a hatred for Hybrids and Earth ponies. I wonder why? Octavia thought to herself as Twilight turned back to her. “To me it’s terrible and low of us to think of us higher than other ponies. I never believed in that at all.” Twilight set the shirt on the bed then returned to find some trousers and placed it with the shirt on the bed. Octavia was quite shocked by the elder unicorn. She had never met any unicorns, besides her parents, that treated her equally to their level. “So, uh, I never got you name, miss?” “Oh my name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.” She said holding out her hand. Octavia took her hand and shook it. “I’m Professor Daring Do’s Assistant. I just started traveling with her and this is my first expedition out of the Canterlot sectors. I’m excited to see what we’ll find out in the unknown areas of the galaxy.” Twilight said smiling with excitement for the trip. Octavia looked at the clothes and smiled. “So Twilight,” Octavia started. “Why did you choose this ship out of the others in Fillydelphia?” Twilight could hear the annoyance in Octavia’s voice. “Well Professor Do said that she does this a lot and mostly it’s cheaper. I didn’t want to use a smuggler or a pirate, of all ponies, to take us to our goals, but the Professor said she grew up with these types so she knows how to speak their language.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head. “Sometimes the Professor can be rash and yet so right. I learned so much from her already and soon I’ll be an archeologist like her and teach to so many young minds or explore ruins all over the galaxy.” Twilight smiled at Octavia to see her smile back. Octavia chuckled. “It looks like you have your future set up.” Twilight nodded, her smile subdued as she looked for some stockings and a sweater. “Well it’s the only future I can afford without taking a job as Queen Celestia’s right hand mage.” “Wait,” Octavia said in shock. “You know Queen Celestia?” Twilight looked sad for a moment then hurt. “I knew her. I don’t know her anymore.” Twilight’s ears went flat on her head as she turned away as if remembering. “She was my teacher in magic. She was like a second mother to me. Telling me to be strong and never show weakness to the enemy.” Twilight closed her eyes, feeling the familiar touch of memory, stroking her face, then a kiss on the head, before pushing her lightly away. Twilight lightly scratched her cheek, where she felt that touch. “Then, when I came back to her and rejoined her school, she changed. She turned into some other pony I have never known to exist. It’s like she was replaced by some other being that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.” Octavia blinked, watching Twilight turn from sadness to a touch of anger. Though her face was a serious mask her eyes sparked with rage. “So after she ruined my life I didn’t want to be at her school, so I transferred to Luna’s University which is south of Canterlot. Since then I've worked with Professor Do.” Octavia gulped, her aunt did something to this unicorn and made her hate her. ”Wow,” Thought Octavia, “I wonder what it was. Probably something that happened many years ago, since Twilight is pretty open about it.” “So, did she know?” Octavia asked curiously. “Did the Queen know you were with Professor Do?” “Who, Queen Celestia?” Twilight asked with a scoff. Octavia nodded. Twilight’s hard smile turned into a frown and shrugged. “I don’t think so. She never sent me letters or anything and I never dare to send anything to her. I don’t want her kingdom to control my thoughts like it did to other ponies. My whole family is now against Earth ponies and mixed ponies because of her.” Twilight paused seeing Octavia watching her. Twilight shook her head, chuckling. “Enough with the boring bits. What about you, Princess? I mean the news spread like wildfire that you and your family were killed. How did you end up here and with our captain?” Octavia glowered at her. “Well, that ruffian Captain saved me from that terrible pirate, Nightmare Moon, I guess. Then she tricked me into going to see the Royal Guard Station at Fillydelphia.” Octavia heard Twilight wince. Octavia looked up seeing her turn away. Twilight noticed her glare, feeling ashamed and felt that she owed an explanation. “Fillydelphia is corrupt. The Royal Guards only work for the slavers. Since Fillydelphia Station is so far away from Canterlot control there are no ponies to tighten the rules, so the guards do whatever they want.” Octavia sighed. “How come I never knew about this? At least my father would have told me about this.” Twilight shrugged. “Maybe he did it to protect you.” She said standing up to sit beside Octavia on the bed. “My parents used to protect me from the outside world of Canterlot until I moved to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and everything seemed to turn its back at me. Everything I grew up to believe was nothing but dung under the hooves of everypony outside my sheltered life. Once I left the school to...” Twilight paused looking hurt with a memory, she sighed deeply patting Octavia’s back. “Once I left to another place and stayed there for so long, I had to have friends to tell me the real meaning of life outside my comfort zone. Since then I learned to keep a watch on to other things to protect myself.” “Protect you from what?” Octavia asked. Twilight stood up to hold out the extra clothing to Octavia. “Well for one, I had to understand where ponies stood in political matters since Politics are controlling ponies and their minds. They tell them what to think and how to react to that thought.” “What would that be?” “Well, like you for instance. Everypony in Canterlot hates your guts.” Octavia looked spooked by that shred of news. But she kind of already knew that nopony liked her or her parents. Twilight continued carefully. “So when the news spread that your ship was destroyed and you were killed... there was a sort of party in the honor of your death. They called it mercy to the Canterlot government that the Earth Hybrid Princess is dead at last.” Twilight blushed seeing Octavia’s spooked expression. “I’m sorry I had to tell you this.” Octavia shook her head, looking down at her hands. “I already knew the Royals never liked me. They never liked my father either. I just wish that I can do something to change everypony about what they’re doing is wrong!” Twilight nodded. “I know how you feel. I lived before and during the wars, Princess. I fought alongside many ponies and every pony race, mixed or purebred. I admit it was hard to see my friends being reduced to traitors because of our involvement in the war.” Octavia nodded noticing Twilight sadness. “Two of my dear friends are Earth ponies. They were thrown into prison for fighting a pegasus officer during the tensions of the Rebellion. It was as if the Royals were trying to tear us apart. I think it worked for a time until we finally separated at long last. I had to be a part of the unicorn army, another continuing her career as a Royal Guardpony, another to be a tailor, the others... I don’t know where they are anymore. My Earth pony friends could still be in prison for all I know and... I don’t know where she, my other pegasus friend, went. But I fear for her every day.” Octavia wrapped her arm around Twilight, hugging her. “Maybe you’ll find them someday.” “I know I will. That’s why I decided to be an archeologist. Since I met you on this journey I might find news or directions in finding my friends again. And maybe... we can redo what we failed to accomplish. Bring back the harmony that was shattered after the war.” Octavia was ready to ask what she meant when there was a knock on the door, interrupting the conversation. The door opened and it was Professor Do. “Hey girls, how are you?” She asked. “Doing fine Professor, is there anything you need me to do?” Twilight asked, standing up. Daring shook her head. “No, Twilight, I just came over to see if you were alright. Oh, and Princess,” Daring said coming into the room with a bow. “Um, the Captain told me to give you some clothes for work.” “Work,” Octavia said in surprise. Daring shrugged. “Well she told me that since you are here on this boat and not a part of our expedition, you’ll be a new member of this crew and must earn your way and earn your keep.” Twilight looked at the professor, appalled. “What? She can’t do that!” Daring shrugged. “Well that’s the rules and-” “But why,” Twilight asked. “She’s royalty!” “Not according to the news she isn’t. Remember, she’s dead.” The professor had a look that can peal paint, Twilight suddenly jumped and nodded with her ears flat on her head. “You’re right, my mistake.” Daring nodded at her and handed the clothing to Octavia. “Listen to me, Princess. You are in danger now. Many of us still hail to you as a Princess and future Queen but for many years since your birth there have been attempts at your life.” Octavia nodded. “Yes, I understand.” “Good, since you are dead, nopony can think about you. But if a Royal recognizes you, you could be killed in an instant, not by that same Royal but by an assassin. The Royals believe that you will destroy everything they have worked for a long time to achieve. So I do agree with the Captain when she said you are now a member of her crew, it’ll keep you in disguise. I’m sorry,” Daring said with guilt. She bowed again then left the room closing the door behind her. Octavia looked at the clothing then turned to Twilight’s shirt. “Well, I guess this is when Papa would say, 'Even Royals can get down and dirty in life'. I guess this is my time.” Twilight nodded. “I'm sorry, Princess Octavia, but Professor Do is right. There were many cults wanting you dead, and they will do anything to get you if they recognize you and know you have no allies to protect you.” Twilight sighed again shaking her head. “I’m just happy that my common sense got to me before I allowed myself to drift to their level.” The two paused staring at one another for a long moment. Finally Twilight sighed. “I better go make sure Daring’s things weren’t messed up. I’ll leave you alone to get dressed.” Twilight bowed and turned to leave. “Twilight,” Octavia called out. Twilight stopped, turning to Octavia. “Octavia is fine.” Twilight blushed and nodded. “Right, Octavia, of course.” Twilight said smiling, Octavia nodded, turning back to the clothes that were given to her; a puffy shirt, a salmon colored vest, loose trousers, and a pair of old socks. Twilight sighed softly before closing the door. She shook her head before walking to Professor Do’s room to get something done and get her mind off of things. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl sat on the rail by the ratlines smoking a cigarette, her fourth one that night. She sat back against the tight ropes watching the stars with longing. She flicked the bud into the air letting the bud fly into space. “Ahem, may I join you Captain?” Vinyl turned to see Professor Do in an old, worn out aviators jacket. Vinyl shrugged, patting the railing. Daring smiled and sat down next to her watching the stars. “I never get tired of watching the stars,” Daring said trying to start a conversation. Vinyl grunted a reply, hiking her leg up to place her foot on the rail so she can lean against her knee. She watched as Daring pointed to the sky at any star in the galaxy. “Every star is another planet; another world to explore and study its history and geology. It was always a dream of mine to see them all.” Daring sighed in awe placing her hand back on the rail. Vinyl grinned. “Yeah, same here,” Vinyl whispered looking up again. Daring was silent for a moment then cleared her throat. “So I see you smoke?” “Only when I think or when I want to be alone.” Vinyl said shrugging. Daring watched Vinyl for a long while. “You know smoking is bad for you, right?” “I don’t care.” Vinyl said harshly, looking down to the deck. “Really?” Daring asked, then made a smile. “You seem to care a lot about the Princess back there.” Vinyl spat to the side. “I can care less about her.” “Oh? Then why did you save her life from those slavers?” Vinyl seemed to cringe at the statement. “Look, if I left her there I was going to go crazy with guilt anyway, nothing to it!” Vinyl snapped harshly. Suddenly Vinyl started to cough hard for a long period of time. Daring had to hold Vinyl by the shoulders to keep her from falling off the rail. “Are you alright, Captain?” Daring asked with true concern. Vinyl pulled out a stained rag, coughing into it then spitting over the side. “I’m fine,” she croaked, clearing her throat. Once Vinyl was done, she started to breathe hard holding her chest. Daring found this alarming, it looked like Vinyl was having chest pains. “Are you sure? You look like you’re in pain.” Vinyl nodded. “I’m fine. I’ve had this cough for years. I’m perfectly fine.” The small bell at the helm started to ring the time. Vinyl and Daring looked over to see Derpy waving at them. Vinyl waved back then leaped off the rail. “Welp, my watch is done, if you want to stay up Professor, be my guest. I’m hitting the sack.” Vinyl said, giving Daring a single finger salute to her brow before walking to one of the three hatches and headed down. Professor Do watched as Vinyl walked away with her hands in her pockets. She sat there staring at the mare with interest and concern. That wet cough reminded her of other times she witnessed it. Daring leaned against the ratlines and watched the stars as Derpy took watch. Vinyl might be in real pain, but that pain can lead to her death if she doesn’t get help soon. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The next morning, Octavia woke up from sleeping on the floor in Twilight’s room. She slowly sat up, pushing the blanket off of her, yawning. The light from the porthole blinded her, making her groan in pain. She laid back down to where the beam of light didn’t hit her face again. She rubbed her eyes then looked around to find the room empty. She sat up blocking the sunlight to see Twilight’s bed made, but there were signs that Twilight had woken up earlier. Octavia sighed looking down at the PJ's Twilight loaned her for the night. She scratched herself in an un-princess like way since she was alone anyway. Octavia slowly stood up with help from the bed, she stretched her arms in the air trying to wake up. She found a note with her name on it in Twilight’s handwriting. Octavia took the note and read it. Octavia, I hope you don’t mind that I let you sleep in. You looked so exhausted last night that I thought it would be best for you to get extra sleep considering what Captain Scratch has in store for you. Anyway, she did stop by to tell you to wake up so I was able to stop her. She left you a pair of boots outside the room and she insisted that you wear the clothing she gave you last night saying that you will be doing some work. I’ll be where ever the Professor will be all morning if you want to talk. That is, if Professor Do doesn’t give me anything to do first. See you at breakfast if you don’t sleep past that time of course. -Twilight Octavia was surprised that she had actually over slept. She never over slept past seven at least. She had to admit, she did feel better sleeping in for a while at least. She sighed, reading the letter a second time before folding it back up and putting it back on the nightstand. She proceeded to get dressed in the old clothes that Vinyl requested she wore. She groaned and pulled on the large puffy shirt with the sleeves cut to her elbows. There were patches over several places on her shirt. She found the doublet that was the color of salmon and several more patches on the vest. She checked the inside to see that indeed there were large holes where the patches cover on the outside. After she was dressed she took a look at herself in the mirror and groaned at herself. She looked like Vinyl, except Octavia has a salmon colored vest and not a dirty brown one. She had found the dirty gray-black trousers that Vinyl recommended and pulled those on to realize that they were super loose around her waist. She looked around the room to find something to keep her trousers up. She found a belt in a basket of all places and wrapped the black leather belt around her waist and had to pull the length all the way to the last hole. The pants were still loose but not as loose as before. She found the pair of socks Twilight loaned her for now, since the pair Vinyl recommended were old and smelly. She was now ready. She started for the door. As she pushed it open, she heard a scraping sound. She stopped and peaked around the door to find a pair of old black boots. Octavia picked them up, then retched at the smell from the boots. “Does the Captain know what foot hygiene is?” She groaned out. She sighed in defeat as she pulled on the black boots and fixed the pant legs into the boots. Once she was done, she stood up and all of a sudden felt very strange. She wiggled her feet in her socks and boots. It’s the boots! She never wore boots like these before, only sandals or slip-ons that hurt her heels. But for some odd reason, she can feel support in the boots and that felt good on her feet. She sighed and headed for the door to the quarterdeck. Octavia reached the outside and gasped in awe, hearing and seeing giant dragons flying in the air. She quickly ran down the stairs past Vinyl to see the dragons better. She gaped in awe, staring at one of the giants flying right over the ship, roaring. She turned hearing a scream. Then she looked up to see a filly swinging on the ropes, sliding down them, and leaping for another line, swinging like a monkey. Octavia looked away from the strange new filly to see two other fillies at the railing with Professor Do pointing at the Dragons, probably teaching the two fillies about them. One of them was Scootaloo, while the other was another new filly that Octavia didn’t recall meeting before. Twilight was sitting by the stairs to the quarterdeck, drawing or writing in a journal, watching the dragons with awe. Twilight was now wearing black trousers and not her plaid skirt. “Well, look who decided to show up!” Octavia stiffened and looked up to see Vinyl staring down at her from the quarterdeck. “Hey Derpy, take over,” Vinyl called out. Derpy flew from out of nowhere with a salute. “Aye, aye,” she said smartly as she took Vinyl’s position at the helm. Vinyl looked at the control panel to check the navigation controls then she leaped over the control panel and landed in a squat, right in front of Octavia. She stood up, dusting herself off with a smirk on her face. She pulled her goggles on top of her head above her horn fixing her mane. “Did you have a nice night sleep, Sweet Cheeks?” Octavia glared at her. “My name is Octavia,” she snarled. “Yeah, yeah,” Vinyl said walking past her towards a door under one of the two staircases to the quarterdeck. She opened it and reached inside. She closed the door with her heel, carrying a bucket and a mop. “First things first, here,” She pushed the mop into Octavia’s hands as she walked past her. Octavia blinked and turned following Vinyl. “Why-” Octavia snapped before Vinyl held up her hand to stall Octavia’s protest. “Wait here, be right back.” Vinyl said turning around and headed to the first hatch nearest the quarterdeck and went down to the mess deck. Octavia stood there confused as she watched the dragons fly by. She heard a scream of surprise, then the swinging filly from earlier fell and with a grunt from the rope she hung upside down in front of Octavia, causing her to yelp with shock. The filly noticed Octavia and grinned. “Hi! I’m Apple Bloom!” This Apple Bloom exclaimed smiling. Octavia chuckled to herself then gasped noticing how tangled Apple Bloom was in the ropes. “Oh dear,” she exclaimed. “Here let me help you.” Octavia dropped her mop and grabbed Apple Bloom with one arm around Apple Bloom’s middle to lift her up and use her other hand to try to unravel the tangled mess of ropes from around the filly’s waist, shoulders, and legs. Once most of the worst of the tangles were unraveled, Octavia helped Apple Bloom to the deck. Apple Bloom started giggling, pulling off two lines of rope off from around her chest. “Thank ya kindly, ma’am. Wow, I guess I went a little too short on that last jump.” Octavia looked up to see all the shroud lines connecting to the giant single mast to the rails. “But isn't that a little too dangerous?” Apple Bloom shrugged. Before she could answer, Vinyl called out, “Think fast!” Vinyl tossed the bucket to Octavia. Octavia caught it and let out shriek of surprise as cold water sloshed out onto her chest. She glared at the Captain. “Hey, nice catch,” Vinyl said smirking at Octavia’s annoyance. “Why are you doing this to me?” Octavia asked. Vinyl made a pose as if she was thinking. “Hmm let’s see here... I saved your ass twice so far, so you owe me.” “I owe you?” “Yeah, Sweet Cheeks-” “Octavia,” Octavia shouted in interruption. “Whatever, listen, you owe me for saving your butt and as such you are stuck here until we’re done with this expedition with Professor Do over there.” Vinyl said pointing to Daring and Twilight who both waved, standing with the fillies. “So since you owe me and you’re a member of this crew, you will be doing all the chores that a ships filly, like yourself, will be going through.” “Which is?” Octavia asked. Vinyl grabbed Octavia by her sleeve and pulled her with her toward the bow. She stopped Octavia and grabbed the bucket from Octavia’s arms and set it down on the deck. Apple Bloom ran over with the dropped mop, giving it to Vinyl. “Thank you,” Vinyl said patting Apple Bloom on the head, then tossed the mop to Octavia. Octavia yelped, fumbling with the catch before completely catching the mop handle. “Now, Sweet Cheeks, here’s your first assignment. Swab the decks with this,” Vinyl ordered, pointing at the mop in Octavia’s hands. “Swab, what does that mean?” Octavia asked a little confused. “She means mopping the decks of the ship.” Apple Bloom said motioning with an imaginary mop across the deck. “You've got to be joking!” Octavia said appalled. Vinyl grinned at her sweetly. “Aww, is the namby-pamby, Princess scared to break a nail?” Octavia glared coldly at her. Vinyl glared in return, her smile gone. “Look, it’s called work, Princess. Maybe you should start working for yourself once in a while.” Octavia gasped at that. Octavia wasn’t afraid of doing labor, she was taught to take everything to the fullest if it was given to her. But mopping this whole ship? That’s torture! Vinyl chuckled at her shocked face, not really knowing about Octavia’s upbringing. After a moment of glee, Vinyl returned to being serious by glaring at her. Octavia backed away a touch at that. “Listen to me, very carefully,” Vinyl said severely. Octavia gulped. “You won’t be given any special treatment anywhere, now that you’re with me on this boat. The only special treatment you’ll get from me is probably a slap in the face.” To emphasize her point, Vinyl slapped the back of her hand on her other hand making a loud slap noise causing Apple Bloom and Octavia to flinch at the sound. Vinyl placed her hands back on her hips glaring at Octavia again. “Nopony cares about us and they surely don’t care about you. So you should start getting to work because that’s all you’re good for now.” Octavia stood there in stunned silence at that hurtful statement as Vinyl walked past her. “Oh and one other thing,” Vinyl said. Octavia turned around to see Vinyl pointing her finger at her. “When I get back, I better see this deck spotless. Or I will give you enough extra work to where you won't be able to sleep.” Octavia gulped but held her glare. “On my ship, when I tell you to do something, you better do it. Is that clear?” Octavia just gave her a curt nod with a glare. Vinyl chuckled. “You actually look cute when you’re angry.” Vinyl taunted with a laugh, seeing the blush on Octavia’s face. Once Vinyl took the second hatch below decks, Octavia was left alone with Apple Bloom. “So,” Octavia said looking at the mop. “So,” Apple Bloom said back grinning. Octavia grinned back and started mopping, trying to remember how the servants did it in the palace. Stick the mop into the bucket then pull it out and start swabbing. Twilight looked up from her journal with a sad sigh after hearing what was said across the boat. Vinyl was cruel and there was no reason for the Captain to treat Octavia like a slave. “It’s not fair, Professor,” Twilight stated firmly, erasing a mark she was doodling in her journal. “What’s not fair?” Daring asked, looking through her telescope at the last of the dragon migration as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle argued about what a dragon slayer cutie mark would look like. “Why would the Captain treat Octavia like that? She’s a Princess. A Royal,” Twilight said pointing at Octavia with a disdainful gaze. Daring sighed, pushing her telescope together into a small tube. “Twilight, there are things you have to do to get by.” “I understand that but still-” “Twilight Sparkle, have you ever owed any debts to any pony?” Twilight looked up at her with a raised brow. “Huh?” “Did you have to repay a pony for something you did or they did?” “Well once or twice. But what does this have to do-” “The Princess owes a debt to Captain Scratch. Until that debt is repaid, expect this treatment for the rest of the voyage.” Daring said severely, turning away from Twilight. Twilight sighed, drawing in her journal again. “I still don’t think this is right.” Daring grinned slightly at Twilight’s statement. She’s right though, Vinyl shouldn’t have treated Octavia like a slave or the lowest member of society. Daring sighed shaking her head looking out into the sky again. > Chapter 9: "Friends, No, We're Enemies." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 “Friends, No, We’re Enemies.” The smell of gunk and grime had woken up Rainbow Dash from her position against the wall. She groaned as she tried to move her arms only to hear the clanking of chains. She blew her bangs out of her face to see the dirty chains around her wrists above her head. “Captain, are you awake?” Rainbow yawned, smacking her mouth. “Yes, your Highness, I’m still alive if that’s your question.” Tick Tock, who was across from Rainbow Dash, tried hard to shift his weight, but it was hard to do so in his position. His wrists were bound by chains above his head. This was day four of being prisoners in Nightmare Moon’s pirate ship. Lately the two ponies had been stuck in this cell since their capture. It took Tick Tock a long time to get over the loss of his wife and daughter and the anger from the betrayal from his brother. Rainbow can’t say she blamed him. She knew what betrayal felt like and the anger and sadness that came with it. “How are you holding up?” She asked, straining to get her stretched muscles to move from position. Tick Tock sighed. “I’ve had better days.” Rainbow smirked. “You never change.” “Neither do you.” They both chuckled then winced from the pain in their shoulders and back. They stopped their chuckling to hear the door from above open up with footsteps banging down the steps to their cells. “Here’s chow,” Rainbow muttered with a smirk. The shadow started stomping in with oversized boots and the clanking of keys on the keeper’s hip. The shine from the lantern reached them, blinding the two prisoners. “Alright, chow time Royals.” Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut from the light, but something about the voice of this pony made her perk up her ears to try and remember where she had heard that voice before. The cell door opened with a screech as the pony walked in. She shut the door and locked it from the outside of the bars. She reached Tick Tock first and unchained his wrists and allowed the heavy slabs of meat called his arms to fall on his thighs, causing him to sigh with relief as blood rushed back into his arms. “Here,” the pony handed the bowl to Tick Tock as he started slurping the gooey soup. The pony turned to Rainbow and stopped dead in her tracks. “Well, I’ll be,” Rainbow opened her eye to see the lantern sitting on the floor, but the light from the lantern revealed a familiar orange face in front of her. “AJ?” Rainbow asked, clearly surprised. Applejack scowled at her as she stood up straighter, one hand holding the second bowl and her other hand on her hip, glaring coldly at her. “Rainbow Dash, or is it Officer Dash? Commander Dash?” Applejack said harshly. Rainbow turned away toward the wall with a glare of her own. Tick Tock stopped eating to hear the exchange between the older mares. He looked at the pony to see her dressed in the old raggedy, deep blue clothes of the pirates. She was wearing a large black belt with a set of knives and a pistol hanging on her belt. On her head was a well-worn Stetson hat that looked horribly out of place with her outfit. Tick Tock could also see what looked to be an old tattoo on her bare arm, showing what looked to be a dark orange apple rimed in brownish bronze. “Uh, you two know each other?” He asked carefully still staring at the tattoo, wondering where he saw that picture before. Applejack started to chuckle. “Know each other? Hell, we were friends, once.” Applejack reached for Rainbow’s chin and forced the pegasus to look into her green eyes. “But this no good traitor turned her back on everypony she knew.” Rainbow glared back intently, snarling. “What?” Applejack asked smiling. “You’re not even defendin’ yourself, Dash?” Rainbow kept her mouth shut, glaring. Applejack smirked but her face convened being disgusted. “You have nothin’ left do ya? You were nothin’ without us and you know it.” Rainbow stayed silent. “Aren’t ya gonna say anythin’? Defend yer so called honor?” Applejack shoved Rainbow’s head into the wall, causing Rainbow to wince, but bit her cheek to keep from screaming in pain from the back of her skull. “Say somethin’ you no good son of a bitch!” Applejack screamed, grabbing the collar of Rainbow’s shirt. Tick Tock blinked at the ferocity from this stranger. What did Rainbow do? Rainbow opened her eyes, glaring at her. “I have nothing to say.” she said through gritted teeth. Applejack raised her eyebrow then grinned. “Really, that’s quite interestin’.” Applejack leaned closer to Rainbow’s ear. “Here I thought you of all ponies would be callin’ me a slave bitch like all them other pegasi guardponies. Or you might have liked to see me in chains? Whipped on the post, screamin’ in agony and you’ll be sittin’ in your little comfy plush chair enjoyin’ every last second of it.” Applejack spat harshly. Rainbow felt her ears flatten on her head, turning away from her, squeezing her eyes shut. Applejack chuckled. “I don’t know what else to say to you, Rainbow Dash. I never really understood you. I guess I never will.” Applejack turned to the Prince and grabbed his wrists and forced them up so she could reshackle them in the manacles. Once that was done, she started to walk out. “What about her?” Tick Tock called out with a glare. “She needs food, too.” Applejack gasped, stopping at the cell door and made a look of shock. “Oh my, I forgot poor Rainbow Dash!” Applejack exclaimed sarcastically. She held up the foul bowl with a menacing smile. “Try eatin’ your food the way they made me do it in Solitary.” Applejack sloshed the goopy soup in Rainbow’s face, laughing. Rainbow kept her eyes and mouth shut as Applejack continued to chuckle. “You know what, those bastards were right,” Applejack sighed, shaking her head, leaning against the wall, looking down at Rainbow. “It is a lot funnier on the other side.” Applejack left the cage and locked it behind her. “Have a good night sleep, Rainbow Dash. And do you remember that question I asked you? You never did give me an answer.” Applejack kneeled down, glaring at Rainbow Dash through the bars. “Which side was more loyal? Their side that killed and ranted lies? Or our side, where yer true friends were the whole damn time, before everything went to hell?” Rainbow blew the goop away from her mouth and nostrils as she turned to her old friend with a glare. Applejack snorted standing back up. She took the lantern with her to the stairs. Rainbow remained silent as Applejack’s footsteps receded up the stairs then the door slammed shut, leaving the two prisoners into darkness again. Tick Tock growled. “She had no right to treat you like that, Rainbow.” He turned to where Rainbow would be in the darkness but heard nothing in reply. “Rainbow, surely...” He started. Rainbow let out a sigh. “No, I deserve every bucking insult and beating she throws at me.” Tick Tock blinked in shock. “But... Rainbow Dash, you don’t deserve any of this treatment. You are a decorated soldier and trusted friend. You’re loyalty is well known.” Rainbow closed her eyes feeling tears in her eyes. “Loyalty, huh,” Rainbow whispered chuckling. “Loyalty... for some odd reason Highness, loyalty is all I have left in my useless life. But the most important loyalty is not only to the kingdom, but to friends that care about you. I’m not loyal, Tick Tock. I stopped being loyal since the day we met.” Tick Tock sat there frozen. “But... You,” “Look, just shut your mouth and don’t talk about it.” Rainbow hissed, afraid to speak any louder with fear of her voice cracking, letting Tick Tock know that she was crying. Tick Tock closed his mouth, but felt one nagging question. “You knew that horrible mare?” He asked gently with a glare in the darkness. Rainbow snorted. “Horrible? That’s not the friend I used to know.” Rainbow sniffed silently. “Ever since the end of the war, I was always asked for loyalty to the Queen. And every officer would ask me about my friends. Do you want to know what lie I say to them, Highness?” “What?” He asked gently. “Friends, no, we’re enemies.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia let out a sigh after finally finishing mopping the whole deck of the ship. She leaned forward with her mop, wiping her forehead with her arm. She turned seeing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle leaning against their mops mimicking her, equally tired. Octavia was really grateful for having the two fillies helping her. Octavia closed her eyes feeling the breeze as she remembered a mere three hours ago, when she first completed her task of swabbing the decks. She was actually happy for herself after completing the hard task. Until Vinyl came out with a cigarette between her lips, puffing out the rancid smoke. Octavia gave Vinyl a distasteful look as she smoked. Vinyl looked around, giving her the evil grin. Octavia knew the look and knew that something was going to go wrong, very quickly. Vinyl tapped her cigarette with her thumb smiling, innocently. Octavia watched with shock as the long suspended amount of ash fell on the deck. What made it worse was when Vinyl deliberately kicked the clump of ash across the deck, shaking her head, and clicking her tongue. “Look there, Sweet Cheeks, you’ve missed a spot. And you know what they say to missed spots, right?” Vinyl smirked, taking another draw from the foul weed. Octavia looked at her with a glare. Vinyl continued that evil smirk, blowing out the smoke from her mouth. “That means, if you missed one spot, you’ve missed a lot of them. Re-swab it.” Octavia gaped staring at her. “You’ve got to be joking?! After all the work I’ve done?” Vinyl shook her head, frowned a touch, and pointed at the deck. “Re-swab the deck, Sweet Cheeks.” “It’s Octavia!” “Look, get to work or you won’t have time for your dinner ration. Chop, chop, Princess Sweet Cheeks,” Vinyl ordered again, sweetly. Octavia stayed still and silent as Vinyl walked away, tossing the cigarette bud over the rail into space as Octavia fumed and tried hard to keep her mouth shut. Over hearing the exchange, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said they will help. Octavia promised to repay them in full. Apple Bloom just shook her head and said nothing to it. Sweetie Belle agreed. After cleaning the deck a second time, Octavia let out a sigh using her sleeve to wipe the sweat off her face. “What now?” Octavia asked seeing the star being blocked by a planet, it’s getting dark soon. Apple Bloom went down on her back panting. “Sleep!” “Food!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, causing Octavia to laugh. “Well, well, well,” all three looked up to see Vinyl walking up, with her hands in her pockets and that ever present smirk on her face. “I see you had some unintentional help.” Vinyl said frowning, looking at the two fillies. Sweetie Belle helped Apple Bloom back on her feet. The two fillies blushed at the statement. Vinyl looked at the deck and tapped her boot on the boards, examining the boards. Octavia grinded her teeth, promising to attack Vinyl if she tried another missed spot jest again. Instead Vinyl nodded once her face looked serious and that smirk was long gone now. “Hmmph, not bad, for a Royal that is,” Vinyl said shrugging, crossing her arms across her chest, staring at the sky, trying to avoid looking at Octavia. Vinyl scratched her neck pointing behind her to the direction of the mess deck. “Get some chow, you’ve worked past lunch time anyways.” Octavia blinked at the tone of kindness in Vinyl’s voice. She almost sounded impressed. “Really,” Octavia asked surprised. Vinyl nodded. “You’re a part of my crew now,” she said seriously, looking straight into Octavia’s eyes. “And that means equal rations. Get something to eat while the stew’s still warm.” Vinyl turned and walked away, heading for the mess deck. Octavia let out a sigh, leaning against her mop, relieved that Vinyl didn’t make her work, again. “Thank Luna’s Moon!” She exclaimed smiling, shaking her head. “I thought she was going to trick me, again.” Apple Bloom shook her head. “She wouldn’t.” “Why’s that?” Octavia asked confused. Sweetie Belle tugged on Octavia’s vest getting her attention. “Professor Do got on to her after she played that trick on you.” Sweetie Belle answered with a glare at the Captain’s back. “If my sister was here, she would have given her a good talking to.” Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, so would my sister... before she left. Big Brother would have made her clean the decks herself.” Octavia chuckled. “You two have family?” She asked silently. The two fillies nodded. “Well,” Sweetie Belle started, “I only have my big sister, Rarity now. Mom and Dad died in the war.” She said sadly, looking down at her feet. Apple Bloom glared at the sky. “My Ma and Pa died when I was still a foal. I lived with my brother and sister and granny until ... the guardponies started destroying our plantations, creating prison holds and stuff.” Apple Bloom said crossing her arms across her chest, showing her anger. “My big sister left with some smugglers to go and get more work and more money for the farm. She never came back.” Apple Bloom gasped rethinking her statement. “I mean she did come back, only for a short while though and promised me that she would be back. That’s what my big brother always told me. I was three when she left. That was ten years ago.” Octavia smiled kindly at the earth filly, ruffling her mane. Apple Bloom smiled a touch looking up at her. “Just so we’re even. I’m probably alone in this world, too.” Octavia said sadly. “How would that even happen, Princess?” Sweetie Belle asked confused. Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah, don’t you Royal types have huge families or somethin’?” She asked confused. Octavia kneeled down so she can look up at the young fillies. “Well that is true I’m supposed to have a large family but my father was... denounced from his family so it was only me and my parents and that was it.” The fillies looked at her shocked. Octavia smiled again. “But as a Royal, I’m sort of in league with those ponies that made the horrible laws. But I have made an oath since the day I learned the history of our galaxy.” “What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked confused. “To bring back harmony to our galaxy; never turn against our Earth pony neighbors. Return the unity of all three species and live together in peace and harmony. I swore to give young colts and fillies like you two,” she said tickling the two fillies with a grin, causing them to giggle. “Give you two a great future without fear of race or discrimination of each other.” Octavia stood up seeing their smiles. “But you want to know something I’ve learned so far?” Octavia asked. “What?” The two fillies asked. “You two and uh Scoots?” “Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom corrected. “Right, you three together are the goals I want to see: Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth ponies living together as friends, not enemies. If only the Royals can learn from fillies like you three.” After a pause smiling at the fillies, Octavia sighed looking at the stars. “Let’s get something to eat shall we?” “Yeah!” “I’m starvin’!” Octavia allowed the two fillies to race each other to the mess deck as she recounted on what she just said. It felt so right saying those things. Dreaming of a future galaxy with friendship and harmony, she sighed with a thought. “I just hope it won’t lead to another war.” She thought out loud. Octavia walked to the first hatch closest to the quarterdeck, which she called first hatch, taking the stairs to the mess deck below to see everyone already sitting around eating or drinking. Twilight was sitting near Professor Do, sketching in her journal, she looked deep in focus as she continued to making long strokes with her charcoal. Daring was busy writing in her journal, making notes and flipping back into her journal to read, then return to her page and write some more. At a large table, Spike, Derpy, and Scootaloo were playing some game with dominoes. Scootaloo slid a domino in, smiling as Derpy and Spike both looked up and gasped in shock. Octavia turned to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gathering some stew and biscuits. Octavia turned to see Vinyl sitting in a chair, leaning against the wall, pulling out another cigarette, lighting it. Octavia shook her head and walked through the small aisle between tables toward the small kitchen in the back, getting her some food then balked seeing the soup. She turned seeing Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom giving her looks, staring at the same brew. Octavia sighed, looking into the dirty pot then took the dipper and pour a spoonful of stew into her bowl seeing chunks of meat. She was vegetarian, as all ponies should be! Why was there meat in this stew? “You look green there, Sweet Cheeks.” Vinyl taunted, laughing, getting a glare from the Princess. Vinyl chuckled, puffing some smoke out of her mouth. Octavia blushed, feeling her ears flatten on her head with annoyance. “What do you feed your crew, Captain Scratch?” She asked using her mother’s own tone with the servants, when somepony made a terrible mistake. And that would usually be finding poison or metal shavings in the food meant for Octavia. Vinyl shrugged, pushing herself forward so the chair can sit on all fours. “Listen, Sweet Cheeks, on a ship, you eat what you get. And Spike’s a good cook.” Vinyl said, pointing at the blushing dragon, shuffling the dominoes for a new game. “And besides,” Vinyl continued, grinning. “It’s better than moldy, rotten vegies, aye?” Octavia growled. Vinyl just snickered at her response. Vinyl stood up, stretching her arms in the air hearing her back pop a few times. “I’m taking first watch,” Vinyl called out heading for the stairs. “Aye, Cap!” The spacers call out but continued their game as Vinyl climbed up the sitars to the air outside. Octavia walked to Twilight’s table and sat down with the more sophisticated ponies on this boat. Octavia gulped, lifting up her spoon and started poking at her stew. Twilight gave her a sad look. “I’m sorry you have to deal with that pony.” Twilight mentioned. Octavia sighed. “It’s alright. It’ll take some getting used to.” She paused, taking an experimental taste of the stew and shuddered at the flavor. But it’s passable. Twilight made a face nodding. “I know,” she said sadly. Octavia smiled a touch then bit into her biscuit but heard a crunch and felt pain in her gums. Octavia yelped covering her mouth with shock, staring at the hard biscuit she bit into. “By Luna! What are these?” “Biscuits, Princess,” Daring said, flipping through her journal, without looking up. “These are biscuits?” Octavia asked in shock staring at the hard food item in her hand. “Mm-hmm, most biscuits are hard as rocks. Be lucky you don’t have weevils in them.” “Weevils, Professor?” Octavia asked, dreading the answer. Daring closed her journal, placing her finger over her place, opening her mouth but the head of Apple Bloom popped up next to Octavia, surprising the Princess. “Bugs!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, smiling, raising her hand in the air. “Bugs?!” Octavia exclaimed, staring at the biscuit in her hand, letting it drop on the table revolted. As the biscuit hit the table like a rock. Daring chuckled, shaking her head as Twilight gave the same look of disgust and horror, pushing her own biscuit away. “How on Celestia’s earth?” Twilight asked gulping back bile. “Weevils are often found in the flour. And in turn get mixed with the biscuit batter. But of course that’s not the only unusual food source on a ship like this.” Daring said smiling a touch. “Please, Professor,” Twilight begged. “No more.” Octavia nodded, pushing her bowl to the side. Apple Bloom took the bowl away to share with Sweetie Belle, to Octavia’s horror. Daring noticed her look then sighed sadly. “I see Apple Bloom has lived long enough to understand the “Waste Nothing” way.” “Waste Nothing?” Octavia asked confused. Daring nodded, making a grimace. Twilight sighed turning through some pages in her journal to the front. “Yes, ponies like Apple Bloom, or even worse than her, often live with little or no food at all. So when food is given or sent their way, they take it and waste nothing. They would eat anything.” Twilight said, starting to draw again her appetite forgotten. Octavia turned to see Apple Bloom eating the soup as if it would be her last meal. Sweetie Belle didn’t eat as fast as her friend but Octavia can tell by the look in her eyes as they sparked with joy of having food. Octavia’s ears went flat on her head feeling horrible, staring at the hard biscuit. “I guess I’ve forgotten how lucky I was compared to other ponies like me.” Twilight placed her hand on Octavia’s hand and squeezed. “I understand. I too felt the same way when I first went to my first poor space station outside of Canterlot. It makes me wonder what I would’ve done if I was in their situation. But of course, ponies like us understand the needs of the poor and slave classes, unlike some others.” Twilight said harshly, turning back to her journal. Octavia lost her appetite, thanks to the bugs in her biscuit lesson, and decided to leave. She excused herself and decided to thank Spike for making the dinner. Spike looked up, surprised, and nodded, saying it was his job. Octavia walked past the players as Derpy made another win, Scootaloo and Spike both yelled out insults of cheating as Derpy took the bits, laughing. Octavia walked up the stairs into the cool breeze of night. She stared at the stars for a moment thinking when she suddenly heard something. She looked around hearing a whistle being played. The melody! The same melody she heard on her first night on the ship. The whistle was louder now. She turned and gasped silently, seeing Vinyl sitting at the pole pointing out of the bow. What was that called again, a bow spirit? Octavia thought. Octavia shook that out of her mind as she approached carefully, tip-toed closer, hearing the beautiful tune. Octavia took a seat on the rail as Vinyl continued to play the tune. Octavia closed her eyes, hearing the music take her away. Dancing with an unknown pony as the music continued to play. At first Octavia thought it was her father dancing with her when she was a little filly. She twirled with him as the music continued. But this pony felt nothing like her father. This pony’s shape was off and even his size. The music stopped beautifully, ending Octavia’s vision. Octavia opened her eyes, feeling wet tears on her face. The song was so peaceful and beautiful. She watched Vinyl close her eyes with her face up to the air. Octavia gulped, thinking if she should announce her presence. She saw Vinyl’s ear twitch and she turned, opening her eyes then gasped staring at her with shock. Octavia’s face went red, stepping back on the deck. Vinyl closed her mouth, turning away. Octavia thought quickly. “That was beautiful,” Octavia said carefully, turning away. Vinyl spun around and went back on deck, sticking the long silver flute-like whistle into her vest. “What are you doing here?” Vinyl asked sourly. Octavia cleared her throat, thinking. “I was going to bed when I heard you play.” Vinyl blinked then cleared her own throat, scratching her cheek. She remained silent turning away, pulling her rolled up sleeves down her arms to get warm. “Well, I guess... Good night, Captain, until morning.” Octavia said bowing her head and turning away. “Wait a minute, Princess.” Vinyl called out, stopping Octavia in her tracks. Octavia turned with a query look. “Yes?” Vinyl cleared her throat again and coughed to the side. Octavia blinked with worry. The cough sounded bad and sickly. Vinyl turned away, pulling out rag and started coughing into the rag then spitting over the side. “Are you alright?” Octavia asked with concern. “Yeah, fine. This is normal.” Vinyl said with a croak clearing her throat again sticking her rag into her pocket wiping her nose. “Are you sure?” Octavia asked. Was this from her smoking those cigarettes? “Yeah, listen follow me.” Vinyl ordered, walking past Octavia. Octavia blinked, having a funny feeling in her gut; it was just a split second when Octavia thought she felt a horrible pain in her body. When the feeling passed, Octavia was hoping it wasn’t the biscuit she ate. “Alright as a new member of my crew, you have to sleep with the rest of the crew.” Octavia stopped. “What?” Vinyl smirked at her face. “You are a member of this crew. That means, follow me.” Vinyl started down the steps to the second hatch to the cargo deck. Octavia stopped, looking around the dark interior. Vinyl used her magic to create an aqua blue orb of light to float over her hand, revealing a large empty space with four hammocks strung between four different poles. Two hammocks on each set of poles one on top and another one on the bottom. Vinyl reached into a barrel and pulled out a heavy load of cloth and tossed it to Octavia. Octavia didn’t notice the cloth and was covered by it with a squeal, falling on her back trying to get the hammock off of her. Vinyl snickered, shaking her head. Octavia pulled the hammock off of her, glaring at Vinyl with a messy mane. “This is your new bed. String it up over there.” Vinyl ordered, pointing to another set of poles with metal hooks hanging from the poles. Vinyl sat back on a barrel, watching Octavia clip her new bed on the hooks at the low level. Octavia turned to make a statement but noticed Vinyl was turned away, holding onto her chest, making a grimace of pain. She stopped and thought about what she knew of the captain so far. Octavia doesn’t know much of this mysterious Captain Vinyl Scratch. She is a Unicorn Hybrid with an Earth pony parent, since she called herself a Hybrid. She somehow knew much of the society behind the Royal society; she even knew about the Slave Empire and how it worked. But was there anything else? Octavia cleared her throat, causing Vinyl to turn to her, pulling her hand away from her chest placing it on her hip. “Alright, so are you all set?” “I guess so,” Octavia answered, nodding. Vinyl nodded, turning away. “As a part of this crew, you have to have a watch rotation.” Vinyl said looking at the barrels, placing her hand on one of them. Octavia noticed how pained she looked. Even though she had that grin on her face Octavia could tell through her eyes that she was in pain. “Captain, are you sure you’re alright?” Octavia asked, placing her hand on Vinyl’s shoulder. Vinyl turned to her with a scowl and a glare. Octavia blinked and pulled her hand away, she turned away with a blush. Vinyl lessened her glare and sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine, really.” Vinyl said watching Octavia nodding slowly, not believing a word she said. Vinyl thought for a moment then sighed again before turning to the stairs. “Alright um, your watch starts tomorrow night. No need to worry about one tonight.” Octavia blinked and turned to watch Vinyl walk to the stairs with her hand on the wall for balance and her other hand wrapped around her stomach as she continued up the stairs slowly. Octavia stood there for a moment longer then decided to walk to her new bed and sat down, feeling the low drop and yelped as she sank into her new bed. She looked at her boots that were in the air then at her hammock. She sighed and pulled off her boots and set them under her hammock. She pulled off her vest and placed the doublet vest on top of her boots. She turned to the stairs where Vinyl disappeared and felt that feeling in her stomach again. Vinyl didn’t look good. No, she looked horrible. Octavia gulped rubbing her nervous stomach. She heard footsteps and looked up to see the three fillies coming down, waving good night to Octavia. Octavia grinned back, watching how the fillies slept together. It turned out that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle slept together while Scootaloo took a hammock for herself. It made sense to have the small ones share a hammock. So no doubt that Scootaloo and Spike share a hammock. Then Derpy and Vinyl sleep in the two different hammocks. Octavia got comfortable in her bed and noticed that thanks to her weight in the middle, both flaps of the hammock closed over her, giving her a dark cocoon. She squirmed to get comfortable then soon she fell asleep, curling her fist over Luna’s Tear feeling safer holding on to the jewel. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Professor Do walked out from the first hatch. She wanted to breathe after being in the mess deck for so long. She looked over to the side to see Vinyl standing by the ratlines, smoking another cigarette and lightly clearing her throat, then spitting over the side. Daring stuck her hands into her coat pockets and stood next to Vinyl. “Evening,” Daring said silently. Vinyl nodded in return with a grunt. The two mares stood silent, watching the stars. Daring sighed. “Captain, I want to make a request.” Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Look Professor, if it’s about Octavia, I’m not going to let her slack off in her new position, got it? So just drop it and let me handle her. She’s a part of my crew now. You’re not the Captain of this boat.” Vinyl snapped getting irritated. Everything just had to be perfect for little Princess Perfect. Daring closed her eyes with a smirk. “I wasn’t thinking about the Princess, Captain Scratch.” Vinyl turned to her with a glare. She leaned, against the rail, pulling out her cigarette to let the smoke trail out of the corner of her mouth with the wind. “Huh, so what do you want?” She asked. Daring nodded, letting out a breath. “The nearest port is Hoofington.” “Yeah, what about it,” Vinyl asked. “I have a colleague there that I need to speak to. He knows more of the legend of Luna’s Moon and Luna’s Tear; he’s the main historian in the galaxy with the knowledge of the legend.” Vinyl nodded. “Hoofington, huh... hmm isn’t that the space station with mutants?” Daring nodded with a grim expression. “Yes, I’m afraid so. Because of the uranium mines on Uranium Peak most ponies that go in either die or become mutated.” Vinyl chuckled. “Hmmph, heard some crazy stories about that place. I can hardly believe them.” Daring chuckled in return. “There are many stories from that planet alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if those legends were real, even on Hoofington space station.” The two chuckled again at the thought. After a moment of silence the talk went serious again. Daring sighed. “I would recommend you get extra members for your crew.” Vinyl turned with a raised brow and a frown. Daring nodded. “If we keep going on this route Captain, I fear for your crew and the Princess especially. After your little stunt back in Fillydelphia Space Port, it won’t be too crazy to think that the agents from the Royals will want her head. She has nowhere to go Captain. She is nothing but a Hybrid now. She has no claims to land or money. And with the possibility of Prince Tick Tock dead, nopony will protect her. Not even her uncle Prince Blueblood will dare lift a finger to help her. He would rather give her the boot.” Vinyl nodded thinking that Daring was truly right. Octavia was now a fugitive, a criminal for merely existing. Without aid or a guard, Octavia would walk into an alley and get raped then killed. Nopony will give her any sympathy. Vinyl flicked the cigarette bud away, blowing the smoke out of her lungs. “So you want me to hire some more hands? I don’t have enough room, Professor.” “Well at least get two or four more able-bodied spacers. I could care less whom you hire Captain, but consider my warning. With the possibility of the Princess here, there will be more trouble than pirates or Royal Guards chasing you.” Vinyl nodded with a sigh. “Alright Professor, we’ll dock at Hoofington Space Port. We’ll be there in a couple of days.” Daring nodded with a small smile. “Glad to hear it, Captain Scratch. Good evening to you, then.” Daring said saluting with her finger to her forehead. Vinyl saluted back with grin. “Night, Professor. Sleep tight.” > Chapter 10: Plan B > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Plan B Blueblood sat in his desk, writing a letter in his Manehattan home, grinning. It had been a few days since his return from Canterlot and his plan for hiring pirates to take care of Octavia and her family was a success. Everypony was cheering for the death of the Hybrid Princess. He had never been any happier. He was just finishing his letter to a general when he heard knocking at his door. He cleared his throat, placing his letter down. “Enter,” he called. The door opened and a hooded figure walked inside the room with another pony. This pony had a sack on his head and his hands were tied behind his back. Blueblood glared at the intruder. “Who dares-?” The intruder pulled off his hood to reveal himself as a unicorn mare with a silvery blue mane and purple eyes, pushing the tied pony to his knees on the ground. The unicorn mare bowed low to her prince, Prince Blueblood only grinned recognizing, the mare. “Ah, Lieutenant Trixie Lulamoon, it has been a long while.” Blueblood said. Trixie Lulamoon grinned, unclasping her cloak, and hung it on the rack on the door. Trixie wasn’t wearing any armor that shown of her guard status, only traveler’s clothes with a large pack on her back. “It’s an honor to be in your presence again, my lord. I have heard the news.” She said with a chilling grin. Blueblood nodded, using his magic to open a locked case in the bookcase to float out a wine bottle with two glasses. “Ah, yes. Wine?” He asked, uncorking the bottle and pouring both glasses halfway. Trixie’s magic floated the untouched glass toward her. She caught the glass in her hand and raised the glass in a toast. “Thank you, your grace. To your kingship,” She said. Blueblood grinned, chuckling raising his glass. “To your promotion,” Blueblood mentioned smiling in return. Trixie chuckled back, taking a sip from the glass. “Oooh, this is a good year, my lord.” Blueblood nodded. “Yes,” he set his glass down, turning to Trixie with a scowl. “Did you find them?” Trixie took another sip, grinning evilly. “Oh, it took a long time to find them. Not with this extra baggage to deal with.” With a snarl Trixie kicked the bound and hooded prisoner in the side, causing him to grunt painfully, falling to his side. “But after two years of looking, we finally got them and got him to talk. He’s getting too old, Blueblood.” Blueblood sighed not even bothered by the last comment. “So did you find them then?” He asked anxiously. Trixie sighed. “Can’t I be myself, my lord? Yes, I found those artifacts. It took forever to get to them but yes I have them here.” Trixie floated her glass to the desk, then reached into her knapsack, and pulled out a leather covered box. She pulled off the leather cover to reveal a blue box covered with old, broken gems. Blueblood gasped, setting down his glass and stood up. He walked over to the mare, taking the box into his hands. He flipped the latch and opened the lid to see the items inside. He started laughing seeing the artifacts within. “You are defiantly getting a promotion Captain Lulamoon.” Trixie grinned and stuck her nose in the air. “Yes, the Great and Powerful-” “Ahem!” “I mean, thank you, my lord.” Trixie said sourly, bowing low to him. Blueblood looked down at the stallion on the ground and sighed. “Oh and we cannot have gotten this far without our very own Captain Scratch.” Trixie chuckled, grabbing the old stallion by his shirt and force him to sit up and pull off his hood, causing the old stallion to blink several times from the lighting in the room. Blueblood opened the box again to show the older stallion the artifacts within the box. It turned out that the old stallion was a white unicorn with navy blue mane that was graying at the roots. He glared at the prince with true loathing in his red eyes. “I should thank you, Captain Scratch for helping me gather these.” The stallion growled his nose was scrunching from the snarl on his face. “Well I say good riddance!” The old unicorn snapped, spitting at Blueblood’s feet. The Prince yelped at the shock which would have made any filly laugh. Trixie growled and slapped the stallion from behind his head, causing him to wince, punishment for the act. “You should be grateful you old sack of maggots! If it weren’t for my lord, you would have been killed off like the rest of your ratty Hybrid crew!” The stallion growled. “I’d rather be dead than help you.” He snarled. Blueblood sighed, reaching into the small box to pull out a silver chain and with the chain was a large silver medallion with a pink gemstone that was cut into a shape of a butterfly in the center. The gemstone looked gray and dead, no power or heat radiating from the stone. “Trixie is right Scratch, you would be dead and you wouldn’t see your family again.” The unicorn turned away, closing his eyes. “Much has happened to this galaxy. I doubt my family is still alive.” Blueblood chuckled. “Now, now, don’t talk like that. You will help me again.” “Help you with what?” The stallion said glaring. “According to your records from your ship; you have notes and messages about Luna's Treasured Moon.” Captain Scratch looked up with fear; his old ears went flat on his head. “Luna's Treasured Moon?” Blueblood nodded placing the silver medallion back inside the box handing it to Trixie. Trixie took the box to look inside again to see the six medallions: two bronze medallions, two silver medallions, and two gold medallions. All of the gemstones looked cold, gray, and dead. She couldn't feel their magical presence as she closed the case, shivering from that feeling of death. “Yes, you see for many years now I have been looking for information on Luna's Treasured Moon. Perhaps you can help me find it. I heard that you were the only stallion that has been to the Moon and lived. You were even the lead scientist’s assistant at the time.” Captain Scratch turned away. “I was just a colt at the time. I hardly remember that place.” Blueblood sighed. “Well of course you, my friend, are the only pony in the galaxy that can lead me to the moon. Since the last thing I wanted to get there is gone along with the bearer of the necklace.” Captain Scratch’s ears went up, staring at him. Trixie grinned. “Bingo,” she whispered, setting the box on the desk. “Luna's Tear,” Captain Scratch asked with awe. “It exists?” Blueblood sighed forlornly. “Once, it’s now gone in space along with the bearer, my niece, Princess Octavia. Perhaps you’ve heard of her untimely demise?” Captain Scratch glared coldly at him, hearing Trixie chuckling. “Unfortunate,” Captain Scratch said sadly. “She would have made a great princess.” Blueblood sighed. “Of course, there was nothing you can do I’m afraid.” There was an urgent knock at the door. Before Blueblood could call out for the knocker to go away the door burst open and a young pegasus guard saluted. “Go away!” Blueblood yelled out growling. “I’m sorry, my lord, but urgent news from Fillydelphia.” Blueblood blinked even Trixie. “Fillydelphia,” Blueblood asked surprised. “What is it?” The guard gulped handing him a large envelope to him. She saluted and left the room closing the door behind her. Blueblood opened the note reading the letter. His face went pale staring at the letter. “Not possible,” he whispered with fear. Trixie walked over to read the letter from over his shoulder. Blueblood handed the letter to her. Trixie gasped. “What? She’s alive?! I thought you said she was dead!” She exclaimed, glaring at him. “You promised the Order that she would be dealt with!” Blueblood growled at her. “She is! Nightmare Moon said she flew out of the windows into space! Nopony survives out in space!” Captain Scratch blinked, realizing who they were talking to. He sighed sending a silent prayer to Luna to protect the Princess. Blueblood reached into the large envelope to pull out a tablet. He pressed the side and waited. Trixie leaned over to watch the video from a sentry bot. Captain Scratch perked his ears, listening to the grainy audio of a fight. Blueblood let out a rage filled snarl, slamming the tablet on his desk, turning to the window fuming. Trixie leaned in watching the video, pressing a button to pause the video to get a better look at the two mares running. “Hmm, it looks like Princess Octavia was taken to the Slave Pits. I wish I could have watched that.” Trixie said chuckling, trying to lighten the mood, but that failed since Blueblood was still looking out the window, glowering. She cleared her throat, looking at the second mare in the picture and blinked seeing a funny resemblance. She looked up seeing Captain Scratch glaring at her. She looked at the mare then at him. “Oh Luna,” she said out loud with a growing smile. “What?” Blueblood asked turning to her. Trixie pointed at the picture then motioned with her head to the old unicorn. Blueblood looked at the picture then at the unicorn. Suddenly he blinked and turned to Trixie to see her grinning. Blueblood took the tablet as Trixie walked over to the captain. He glared at her, watching her carefully. “What was the name of that little brat you’ve talked about?” Trixie asked. Scratch glared at her. “My daughter?” He asked a bit surprised. “What about her?” “Oh humor me, Captain Scratch. What was her name?” Scratch blinked, thinking giving her a warning look. “Grace May Scratch, why?” Trixie only grinned walking around him with her hands behind her back. “When was the last time you saw her?” Scratch gulped, thinking, feeling his ears flatten on his head with shame. “With her mother here in Manehattan. I haven’t seen her in twelve or so years. That was before the plague.” Trixie nodded. “I see. My lord?” Trixie called, requesting the tablet. Blueblood nodded, handing the tablet to her hand. She held the tablet in front of Captain Scratch to show the picture of the two mares inside the alley. Captain Scratch stared at the picture, he blinked his eyes, shaking his head. This can’t be the same filly he left behind. “Gracie?” He whispered seeing the young mare with crazy a blue mane. Trixie could see his eyes brimming with tears. She grinned. She turned to the Prince and winked at him. “So this mare is possibly that little brat you talked about?” Scratch growled, glaring at her. “Where is she?” “How could we know?” Trixie asked, handing the tablet to the Prince. “This picture was taken a few days ago. The night after Princess Octavia’s supposed death.” Blueblood looked at the picture again then gasped. “I thought I saw her before!” Trixie sighed with a groan, slapping her face with her hand. “That’s his daughter!” She exclaimed, pointing at Captain Scratch. “Really?” Blueblood asked. Trixie’s eye twitched at that. “He just said that the mare in the picture was his daughter.” Blueblood shrugged. “Oh... But I saw this unicorn as a servant back on the ERS Cadenza! She was serving cheese!” “Wait, you mean she was on the ship?” Trixie asked bewildered. “I knew she wasn’t a servant or a slave, she had this odor to her like she was from the streets, eeech! But how did she get out alive? I ordered all servants to be killed!” Trixie thought for a moment, looking at the picture. “Hmm, it looks like we have a new way in getting our way, my lord.” “Hmm,” Blueblood asked, watching as Trixie touched the tablet for the video to move forward in slow motion, getting a better angle of the unicorn’s face, then pressed a button to make a copy of the face. A paper started to print out from the side of the tablet. Trixie levitated the piece of paper and held up the large detailed picture of the unicorn. “It’s time to get a bounty of the pony that worked with the pirates.” Blueblood thought for a moment to process what was said then smiled. “Great idea, Captain Lulamoon, we’ll have these posted as wanted posters for this mare. In capturing her, we will capture the Princess and in turn,” the Prince chuckled, pointing at the tablet picture of Octavia and her pendant was out in the open. “I’ll finally get Luna’s Tear.” He chuckled. Captain Scratch sat there in stunned silence. His daughter was still alive? What about his wife and the unborn baby? Were they alive? But another thought came to his mind. What was Gracie May doing on Fillydelphia, the slave capital of the galaxy? “Captain Lulamoon, send messages to all my assassins and tell them to remain sharp for the white unicorn with the wild blue mane. Not easy to miss. Tell them to stay low and kill the princess.” “No, you can’t do that!” The two unicorns turned to the captain. “Why can’t we?” Trixie asked glaring at him. Captain Scratch gulped. “If the Princess has Luna's Tear then it’s impossible for any other pony to use it without her. Only she can use it. If she dies you can’t use it because she never passed it to anypony else. It must remain on her person at all times unless death takes her or she passes it to a member of Princess Luna’s bloodline, mainly passing it to her children.” Blueblood turned to Trixie to see her gritting her teeth. “Alright fine, we’ll keep her alive.” Trixie glowered, turning to Blueblood. “What about the brat?” Blueblood thought for a moment. “Right now, I can care less about her. Kill her off. Another bit of Hybrid trash I can take out.” “Or we can place a bounty on her head and call her a member of the pirates that killed the Royals. That way everypony will think the death was caused by this pony. Keep loose ends tied up.” Blueblood rubbed his chin, nodding at Trixie’s idea. Scratch gasped. “No, please I beg you, if that is my daughter... I’ll do anything, just don’t kill her, please!” Blueblood thought for a moment then sighed. “Alright fine,” he stated sourly. “What?” Trixie exclaimed. “We’ll keep the brat Hybrid alive for you to see. Happy?” Captain Scratch sighed in relief, bowing low. “Thank you, milord.” Blueblood turned to Trixie with a wink. “Take Captain Scratch to his jail cell for the moment.” Trixie nodded, walking over to the unicorn and force him to stand up, covering his face with a sack. She turned to her Prince and winked at him. “Oh and Trixie make sure to send a message to Nightmare Moon. Tell her I have another job for her to do. And I’ll pay her double if she still has my brother and the Traitor.” Trixie bowed. “Of course, my lord, it shall be done.” Trixie grabbed Scratch by the arm and dragged him with her out the door. Blueblood sighed, sitting down back at his desk, smiling at the plan in his mind. The pieces were falling together nicely. He turned to the decorated box by his hand and opened the lid. He smiled seeing the six medallions again. He lifted up a golden chain and pulled out a golden medallion with a magenta, spark shaped gem. The color magenta looked dark and lifeless. Blueblood stroked his thumb over the slick surface, feeling no power or heat, just coldness and death. “The Elements of Harmony,” he whispered greedily. “Twenty years of searching, and I finally found you. With you six gems by my side, nopony, not even that Twilight Sparkle, can defeat me.” He closed the box, opening a drawer and stuck the box inside and locked the drawer closed. “And best of all, the plan for no more Earth born ponies is close to completion. With no Earth ponies... what is the use of Friendship?” He chuckled, shaking his head. He turned to the tablet with the video. He replayed the video, watching the two mares running through the skinny alley then toward the dead-end. “You will not escape me again, Octavia. Not again.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ A dock worker tossed the large mooring rope over to the Fancy Flute. Derpy caught the rope and tied it to the railing. Once the rope was in a secured knot, Derpy gave the pony a thumbs up. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were hanging from the ratlines, waving to the orphan children below. Vinyl pulled on the sailor cap on her head, looking into the sky, shielding the two suns with her hand. Scootaloo stood by Vinyl with a knapsack on her back. Daring Do and Twilight stood by the quarterdeck, looking around the large expanse port city of Hoofington. In the mess kitchen, Octavia was busy mopping the room while Spike cleaned the dishes from breakfast. Octavia sighed and stopped mopping to catch her breath and stretch her sore muscles. Spike looked up with a small smile. “Hey,” he called out. Octavia turned to see Spike wave her over, reaching for a mug, then pouring a drink into the mug. Octavia set her mop into the bucket, leaning the stick so it won’t fall over against the table. She walked over to the dragon and took the mug. “Thank you.” Spike blushed. “Oh, uh, it was nothing. It’s just that you have been working hard the last three days and well, I think you deserve a break while Vinyl’s off.” “Off?” Octavia asked before sipping her drink to look at the dragon. “Off to where?” Spike looked at her then blinked. “Oh right, you didn’t know.” Octavia shook her head, drinking the drink and gagged inwardly by the horrible bitter drink, but swallowed the brew. Spike noticed and winced. Octavia blinked and forced a smile with a gulp. “It’s good.” Spike smiled but knew she was just saying that to be nice. Octavia set the mug on the counter, leaning in to listen to the tiny cook. “Well uh... Professor Do wants Vinyl to join her in talking to some friend of hers.” “Really, what port are we at again?” Octavia was working with Spike for most of the morning so she only saw the space port from miles away. “Hoofington Space Port,” Spike said with a grin. “I was from Hoofington.” “Really,” Octavia asked fascinated. “I’ve never heard of Hoofington.” She said, leaning against the counter, getting comfortable. Spike shrugged, taking the towel of his shoulder to wipe off the counter. Octavia picked up her mug, letting Spike wipe the area clean. “Well, Hoofington has taken arms with the Dragons since the great war with Discord. But lately... Queen Celestia is making sure to have Hoofington station back under Canterlot control.” Octavia was surprised to hear clipped anger in his voice. Octavia set her mug back down, watching the dragon reach into the watery suds of a large tub and pull out a dish and started drying it. “So there are more dragons?” Spike shrugged. “I’m not sure. Dragons like me aren’t very popular. The other dragons are those that fly in space. They don’t want anything to do with ponies or their wars. As for me... All I know is that I lived in Hoofington until I was four, then the slavers got me and well... the rest was history.” Spike said simply, shaking his head. Octavia blinked, knowing how fast he avoided a memory. She remained silent, thinking. “So what is so special about this port that Celestia wants?” Octavia asked curiously. Spike sighed. “Uranium, it’s one of the few and the most powerful compounds in this galaxy. Other than magic, uranium can be used to make weapons of mass destruction. And Hoofington is floating above the planet called Uranium Peak. That’s where we get out uranium. Back in the day the planet was called Asteroid Peak by ponies in the war. But there is this place on the space station called The Core. "It’s a huge crater where a large rock from space crashed into the station. You see that’s where Uranium Peak got its nickname Asteroid Peak from, because of the asteroids that get caught in the planet’s gravitational field. The giant rock was more like an asteroid and somehow Hoofington rebuilt the station around the old one making what is now New Hoofington. New Hoofington became the largest and the most dangerous of Space Ports.” Octavia was surprised at this new information. “Wow... I never thought a space station could be that massive!” Spike nodded. “Yep, it is a marvel. And Celestia wants it. If she gets control of the space station, she’ll be more powerful.” Octavia felt a chill down her spin, placing her hand on her chest where she can feel the lump of her pendant. Her ears went back and her eyebrow went up, feeling heat radiating from her pendant. “Something wrong,” Spike asked. Octavia blinked in surprise. “Huh? Oh no, it’s nothing just a thought.” Spike shrugged and continued to clean the dishes and drying them. “So, the plan is that Vinyl is going to hire some new spacers for the trip. The Professor believes that our trip will need some more hands.” Octavia thought for moment. She never really asked what their job was for helping the professor and her assistant. The only thing that Octavia got from Twilight was that Professor Do hired Vinyl’s ship because it was cheaper to where they were going. “Spike?” Octavia asked. “Yeah,” Spike called out, facing toward the tub washing. “Uh, where exactly are we going? And why did Professor Do chose our ship for this journey?” Spike turned to her with a raised brow. “You don’t know?” Octavia shook her head. “No, I just thought about it. I never really got into speaking terms with Captain Scratch.” Spike nodded. “Oh well...” he stood on his stool to lean forward to Octavia. “It turns out that the Professor has found this old piece of parchment that has a picture of some kind of jewel that would be a key to this treasure trove.” He paused for a moment then grinned at her. “Octavia, have you ever heard of the legend of Luna's Treasured Moon?” Octavia blinked and stared at Spike with awe. “No, what is it?” She whispered. Spike grinned. “Well there was this old legend. That long ago, like a thousand or more years ago, Princess Luna and her special crew of spacers went off on an expedition in finding treasure and a special new planet to make a second Canterlot.” “A second Canterlot?” Octavia asked with awe. Spike nodded. “Yeah, and the story went that Princess Luna’s ship crashed on some moon and it was said that she perished there along with most of her crew and treasure. They say that only five ponies survived the crash. Very few spacers can say that they have seen the moon. But it’s very rare that a spacer actually went onto the surface and lived. But there was one thing that was taken off the moon.” “What?” Octavia asked. Spike grinned. “Well there was another legend. It was said that there is this jewel pendant that can show the way to the legendary moon.” Octavia raised her hand to her chest, feeling her pedant radiate heat again, and feeling sweat rolling down her sides. “Really,” She asked, shaking slightly. “Oh yeah they call it... Luna's Tear.” Spike whispered. Octavia stiffened with shock. “Luna's Tear,” Octavia whispered, turning towards the stairs. “Oh yeah, it’s a strange thing. It was said that the jewel is the key into finding the Moon.” Spike looked up to notice Octavia still staring at the stairs, biting her lip. He took her worried look differently. “Oh, I guess you can head up top. I don’t have any other work for you to do until dinner.” Octavia nodded and thanked Spike before running up the steps to the sunshine. Just in time to see Daring and Vinyl talking. Scootaloo tugged on Vinyl’s vest and pointed at Octavia. The two mares turned to Octavia to see her with a blush, watching them. “Hello,” Octavia said, walking over. Daring turned to Vinyl and nodded towards Octavia with a warning look in her eyes. Vinyl nodded in return. Vinyl approached Octavia to grab her by her sleeve and pull her behind the stairs to the quarterdeck. She pushed Octavia against the wall giving her a glare. “What are you doing here? I thought you have work.” Octavia pushed Vinyl’s hand away from her shoulder. “Spike said I have done enough for the day.” Vinyl sighed, rolling her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her snout, shaking her head. Octavia blinked, remembering why she came up on deck. “Captain, let me go with you.” Vinyl looked up shocked. “What did you say?” “I can help you.” “Help me with what?” Vinyl asked. Octavia was thinking about her pendant but lowered her hand back to her waist. “I know about the moon, Vinyl, I know the legend. I’m a decedent-” “No,” Vinyl said flatly with a glare. “You are too important to be out in the open. Listen, Sweet Cheeks, you are... You’re a freaking Princess! You’re too noticeable! If nopony already saw your face on a bounty poster then they’re dumb.” Octavia turned away, remembering what happened at Fillydelphia. “See? You are a danger to me and my crew. As a part of my crew, you have to stay here and stay out of sight!” Octavia looked up into Vinyl’s rosy eyes. Vinyl lessened her glare to look into Octavia’s eyes. In that moment, Vinyl's mind opened up, screaming, “Her eyes are so gorgeous!” “Um, Vinyl,” Vinyl blinked, shaking her head, backing away. Octavia herself was shaking her head, blushing furiously. Vinyl turned to see Scootaloo looking at them funny. “Is everything alright, Vinyl?” Vinyl cleared her throat. “Uh, yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Are we ready?” “Eeyep!” Vinyl gave Scootaloo a look. “What?” “Where did that come from?” Vinyl ruffled Scootaloo’s hat over her head as she walked past the filly. Scootaloo followed her. “Apple Bloom taught me. She said her big brother says that a lot.” Octavia let out the breath she held while staring into Vinyl’s eyes. It was strange. She felt magic and felt thoughts and heard voices through Vinyl’s mind. Sad, horrible thoughts. Octavia shook her head of those thoughts, reminding herself why she wanted to go with them. She needed to understand more about her pendant and a possible family treasure. She ran after them. “Wait a second!” Vinyl let out a groan. “No!” She called back, stopping the Earth Princess. Octavia stopped with shock. “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked hearing the outburst. Vinyl groaned, pointing at Octavia turning to Daring. “She wants to come with us.” Daring shook her head. “I’m sorry Princess, you cannot come with us.” “Why not?” Octavia asked. Daring sighed. “I’m sorry, your highness, but we can’t risk you getting spotted.” “But I can help!” “What can you do?” Vinyl asked. Octavia opened her mouth to answer but Vinyl quickly held up her hand to stop her. “Forget I even asked that. The answer is still no, Sweet Cheeks. It’s too dangerous and this port is one of the ugliest places around. You think Filly was bad, this place is five times worse.” Octavia opened her mouth to argue but Vinyl snapped her fingers and stomped forward. “That is an order, Sweet Cheeks! You are staying here with Derpy, Spike and the kids.” “But-” “Shut up! That is final!” Vinyl screamed out. Daring placed her hand on Vinyl’s shoulder and pulled her back. “Yes, Octavia, I am sorry but Captain Scratch is right. This is not a place for a princess like you. It would be best and it would keep me at peace knowing that you are safe here, and hidden.” Octavia opened her mouth to argue again, but turned away, crossing her arms across her chest. “Alright, I’ll stay here.” “Thank you!” Vinyl exasperated, walking to the gangplank, fixing her hat on her head. “Let’s get going Professor. I don’t like to stay here for very long. Let’s see your friend and get outta here.” Twilight grabbed her satchel and followed Vinyl. Daring grabbed her shoulder. “Huh?” Twilight yelped being pulled back. She turned to her friend with surprise. Daring shook her head, pulling Twilight closer to speak to her. “I want you to stay here, Twilight.” “Why?” Twilight asked with shock. “I thought I was going to meet-” “That was before we met Octavia.” She pulled Twilight closer to whisper in her ear. “You are the only one here I can trust to keep her protected. Don’t hold back your gift.” Twilight felt her ears flatten on her head, turning away, feeling sadness and guilt. “Do I have to?” She asked, her voice sounding small. “If the need arises,” Daring whispered, wrapping Twilight into a hug, feeling Twilight’s arms around her. The two separated, Daring patted Twilight on the back, walking to the gangplank with Vinyl and Scootaloo. Vinyl turned to Daring, then at Twilight. “What’s up?” Daring shrugged. “I just want her to stay with the Princess that’s all.” Vinyl watched as the pegasus walked past her to the docks, to the dock foreman showing him the license. Vinyl thought for a moment looking back to see Derpy flying around checking the sails. Something about the way the two ponies hugged was strange. Pick one of these for this sentence: Vinyl pulled out a cigarette from her pocket, lighting it as she followed the two pegasi to the city. Octavia watched the three ponies leave the vicinity of the docks, towards the crowded city. She turned to Twilight to see her sitting on the stairs with a sigh as if disappointed. Octavia thought for a moment, feeling an itch she can’t scratch. She needed to know more about Luna’s Moon and how her father’s pendant connected to the legend. “Twilight,” she called, walking to her. Twilight looked up. “Hmm? Oh yes?” Octavia turned to the city then back at Twilight. “Can you help me for a second?” “Sure, help you with what?” Twilight asked, standing up. Octavia smiled. “Well, can you help me with my mane?” Twilight was confused. “Umm... sure I guess?” Octavia took Twilight’s hand and pulled her with her below decks. If Octavia can’t go into town because she would look like a Royal, then she’ll just have to dress the part of a spacer. > Chapter 11: The Blackjack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 The Blackjack Vinyl peeked at the large glass jar on the shelf, seeing the giant dead bug floating in the alcohol. Yuck, that is nasty. Good thing I don’t see these things on my ship, Vinyl thought to herself, making a face. Daring took Vinyl and Scootaloo to the merchant side of Hoofington where the streets were a tad bit cleaner and where the businesses were set. They walked into this old antique shop. The tiny shop was cluttered with old ancient chairs, books, statues, even strange things like the bug in the jar and several zebra tribal masks and other items. Vinyl turned, hearing a bell ring, to see an older stallion walk in from the back room. The door shut behind him. The old stallion was a unicorn with a gray coat and midnight blue mane, wearing a monocle over his right eye. He’s dressed like an old druid with a red robe and a black rope cord around his waist. “May I help you folks?” He asked carefully. Vinyl turned to see Scootaloo sticking out her tongue at the shrunken zebra head, hanging above her. Daring smiled at the old stallion. “Star Burst,” she asked, walking to him. The old unicorn pulled off his monocle to clean it then placed it back over his eye. “Do I know you miss?” Daring chuckled. “Well the last time we met I was an apprentice to Dr. Thunder Cloud before the war.” “Thunder Cloud,” Star Burst pondered then his eyes widen, turning to Daring, again smiling. “Little Daring,” he gasped laughing. “Look at you! By Luna’s mane, you have grown up so much.” Daring blushed a touch. “Well, I’m quite surprised you are now here in Hoofington.” Star Burst cleared his throat, tuning away. “Well... things have changed since you were younger, Daring.” Daring smiled, clenching her right fist a couple of times. Vinyl quirked her eyebrow at that. That was the second time Vinyl noticed Daring doing that. “Yes, it is a shame. But luckily, I’m nothing like the other pegasi out there.” Daring held out her hand, Star Burst smiled and shook her hand. “It is nice to see a familiar face. It’s been far too long, Daring Do.” Star Burst said being at ease. Daring nodded. Vinyl sighed, leaning against the wall with her hands in her pockets. Scootaloo leaned against the wall beside her. Star Burst noticed the two strangers. “If I may be so bold to ask...” He pointed to Vinyl and Scootaloo. Daring smiled sheepishly at her friends. “Oh yes, uh, Professor-” “I’m not a professor any more Daring. My license was taken away years ago.” Daring flattened her ears on her head with a sigh. “You, too?” She asked. He nodded sadly but smiled. “Well the upside to this is that I have nothing to grade anymore.” Daring nodded. “Star Burst, the unicorn is Vinyl Scratch, Captain of the Fancy Flute and the pegasus is Scootaloo.” Vinyl winked while Scootaloo nodded with a grin. “They’re with me to get more information on a legend I’m searching for.” “What legend?” Star Burst asked, making a deep furrow with his brows. Daring grinned. “Can we talk somewhere in private?” Star Burst nodded. “Ah... Yes, follow me to the back room. We will continue to talk there.” Daring stopped, turning to Vinyl and Scootaloo. “Perhaps you two should look for more hands. I’ll be here with Star Burst. If I already left, I will be at the ship.” Vinyl nodded. “Alright, we’ll be at the nearest pub if you’re done early and need us.” Daring nodded. “Stay sharp, Captain.” “Same with you too, Professor,” Vinyl tipped her hat and went out the door of the old shop with Scootaloo behind her. The streets were filled with ponies and creatures alike, looking around the market place. Scootaloo looked back at the tiny shop, shivering. “That place was downright creepy!” She said shivering. Vinyl chuckled. “Yeah... It was. Come on Scoots, there’s a tavern nearby.” Scootaloo followed Vinyl towards a giant pub at the end of the street with a large flashing sign with white and black letters that read, “The Blackjack”. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ “Thank you, sir!” Twilight called, running to Octavia who was hiding in an alley. Twilight sighed. “Anything,” Octavia asked, pushing the brim of her sailors cap up to reveal her lilac eyes. Twilight shook her head. “No, he didn’t know where they were. He gave me some looks though.” Twilight said with a growl. Octavia nodded, fixing her new braided mane. An hour earlier, Octavia made Twilight help her cut her mane to make it shorter, then braid it to make her look more like the spacer mares that wore their manes long. But her tail had to be shortened to keep up the disguise. In the laundry baskets on the boat, Octavia found an old hat that resembled Derpy’s and placed it on her head to fit the part of a spacer. So far nopony gave her a second glance. “What now?” Twilight asked. “I will feel more better when we get you back to the ship.” Octavia shook her head. “No, we have to find them.” “Why? You never really told me why you’re desperate to find the Professor and the Captain.” Octavia blushed. “I can’t tell you now, Twilight. I have to find them and tell them myself.” Twilight sighed, looking out of the alley to see more ponies walking by. She turned back to Octavia, then nodded. “Fine, let’s continue asking around. Surly somepony has seen them.” Octavia and Twilight walked together through the throng of ponies at some area that resembled a town square, well what was once a town square. There were old ruins of fountains and old stone benches, many of them were broken or destroyed to rubble. Twilight looked up and gasped, pushing Octavia’s head down. “Ow, why’d you do that for?” “Shh!” Twilight hushed harshly. Octavia pushed her hand away then looked up seeing a giant hologram screen on a wall of a destroyed building. On the hologram appeared to be some kind of unicorn in Royal Guard attire for higher up soldiers. The black and red suit jacket and black three cornered hat made the mare look menacing. The rank on her sleeves shown that the mare was a Captain. “Come one and come all! This is a message to all ponies in the Hoofington area!” The unicorn bellowed, from the large speakers on stands, guarded by soldiers dressed in red, white, and yellow with muskets and swords. Twilight gulped, glaring at the unicorn’s hologram as Octavia looked alarmed. “My name is Captain Trixie Lulamoon from the Canterlotian Unicorn Royal Army,” “Did she say, Canterlot?” Octavia whispered, looking at Twilight to see that she was scared, keeping hold of Octavia’s arm. “I have a message to all you street rats, thieves and Earth buckers below. By order from my lord, Prince Blueblood, the fifth in line to the throne of Canterlot,” “Fifth,” Octavia squeaked. “Uncle Blueblood was tenth in line.” She whispered, looking to Twilight. “How did he reach fifth?” Twilight didn’t answer she just glared at the hologram, feeling her heart hammering in her chest with fear. The giant Trixie continued. “As you all are very much aware, the attack on ERS Cadenza was a tragic loss for everypony in Canterlot. After much searching we have finally found the leader to these murderers.” Trixie pressed a button on the hologram and revealed a picture of some pony that looked strongly like Vinyl. “Her name is unknown. This Unicorn is by starting now, an enemy of Canterlot and must be found dead or alive.” Octavia and Twilight looked at one another with shock and fear. “It is highly possible that she kidnapped Princess Octavia and is holding her ransom.” “What?” Octavia yelled out. Twilight grabbed her by the mouth and shushed her. Octavia struggled in her hold. “Quiet, Octavia!” She whispered into the Princess’s ear. “Prince Blueblood wants revenge for his family’s death and he wants his niece alive. If you find the Princess alive, you will be awarded double if you also give us the Unicorn Pirate.” Trixie grinned as the ponies started cheering for that money. “The bounty for this Hybrid’s head is two hundred pounds if dead. Alive, it will be two hundred and fifty pounds. With Princess Octavia alive with the ponynapper, then it will be doubled to five hundred pounds.” Everypony started to whistle and cheer wanting the money. “Remember, bring these two to the nearest Royal Guard station and you will be paid by me and Prince Blueblood.” Trixie stopped to salute with her hand to her breast. “Long Live Celestia and long live her sun!” The hologram disappeared and the guards started gathering the speakers and equipment as the Hoofington ponies started talking about the money they will get. Octavia and Twilight looked at one another. “We have to find Captain Scratch!” Octavia said worriedly, looking around. “Yes, even Professor Do,” Twilight paused to think. She gasped, grabbing Octavia by her arms. “You have to go to the ship and tell Derpy to get everything ready.” “What? But-” “No buts Octavia, please, go back to the ship and get ready to run. No port is safe for us now.” Twilight left Octavia alone, pushing through the crowd, hoping to find the Professor before it was too late. Octavia stayed put in the throng of big bad ponies and bounty hunters. She could go back to the ship, but she couldn't let Twilight go do this alone. She has to find Vinyl before the bounty hunters do anything to her. “Where would Vinyl go? Think Octy think!” Octavia whispered harshly, thinking hard. Then suddenly she remembered something from Fillydelphia. And we’ll check at Pony Joes’ bar and see if we got any takers for a job. Hopefully we’ll get some good moola with this doe. “A bar, of course!” She exclaimed, slapping her hand to her face. She ran to the first creature she could get to, a griffin. “Excuse me! Where’s the nearest bar from here?” The griffin gave her a look and pointed a thumb to a street. “Take third and take a left you should see a huge place called The Blackjack. Best place in town and closest to the port.” “The Blackjack, thank you,” Octavia called out, taking her leave. “Uh sure, I guess.” The griffin said confused. Shouldn’t the spacer already know about Blackjack’s? Octavia ran through the street, dodging ponies and children, then running past a large wagon. She gasped, sliding to a stop in the street, seeing a bunch of guard ponies patrolling the street in front of her. She turned to her left and saw and alley that looked like it opened up to another street, possibly to the street that she had to find to get to Blackjack's. She ran to the entrance and stopped, smelling the foul odor of something dead. She gulped seeing what looks to be a long dead colt near the entrance of the alley. Octavia about lost her breakfast seeing the colt. She covered her mouth then turned back to see the guards still patrolling the street. She sighed and made her choice. She ran into the alley, leaping over several more dead bodies and crates and boxes; she gagged at the odor as she ran through the dark alley. She turned the corner and bumped into somepony. She fell back on the ground, rubbing her face. “Well lookie here!” Octavia looked up to see a cyborg pony looking down at her. His red eyes glowed, making a whirling sound as he looked at her. Octavia had never seen a cyborg pony before. Only soldiers that were rewarded for their services only had cybernetic limbs or eyes. But this pony was a full cyborg. She crawled back. “I-I-I apologize for running into you, sir.” She shakily said, grabbing her hat and started to get up. “Apologizing? Grunt knows no apologies. Only Grunt knows how to fuck.” There were three other stallions with him, chuckling. Octavia gasped, realizing that they all had cybernetic limbs and eyes, chuckling at Octavia as she whimpered trying to get herself together. She turned to run but felt the large hand grab her tail and pulled her back. She gasped, trying to get out of his hold. “No! Let me go!” She screamed out as the stallion wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to his body. “Ain’t you a precious little flower,” Grunt said chuckling, leaning closer to her ear. “What’s a delicate flower like yourself doing out here?” He whispered sultry into her ear causing her to panic and pull away. “Help somepony!” She shrieked, but no pony came to help her. “Look at her screamin’. Let me have her first!” The second stallion retorted, giggling. “Hey hands off, Scum. Grunt will take her first, since she bumped into Grunt first that is.” Grunt chuckled as he grabbed Octavia’s vest, ready to pull it off. “Hey!” Everypony turned to see a pegasus mare standing at the end of the alley. Octavia blinked several times, trying to clear her eyes from the tears to see that the pegasus was dressed like a spacer. Her periwinkle mane looked spiked under her cap. She was light lavender with purple eyes. She was dressed practically like Vinyl, she had a short sleeved shirt, an aqua colored vest, dark blue trousers and seaman boots. But she was more cleanly dressed than Vinyl was. “Let her go, cyborgs!” She called out, pointing at them. “Oh and who are you to order Grunt around. This is my city, bitch!” Grunt roared, snarling at her. The pegasus smiled shaking her head. Octavia was amazed by how brave this mare was. “The name’s Cloud Chaser. And I hate it when poor mares like her get raped every day in this city.” She glared coldly at the stallion cyborgs. “Last warning boys, let her go.” “What? You gonna hurt us missy?” The second stallion, Scum challenged, pulling out a knife. The third stallion nodded, pulling out his short sword. Cloud Chaser grinned, crossing her arms across her chest. “She won’t,” another voice screamed out from above. Everypony looked up too late to see an identical pegasus to Cloud Chaser land on Grunt’s face, causing him to scream out, releasing Octavia. The second pegasus leaped off of Grunt’s face and landed on the ground. She let out a cry as she swiped her leg in a round house kick, knocking the cyborgs to the ground or into the wall, groaning. “But I will.” The second pegasus finished standing back up, dusting off her vest and sleeves. This identical mare is dressed with a puffy long sleeve tunic with a purple vest, she has dark blue trousers, too with seaman boots. Octavia was in shock watching them still reaching for her hat. “Come on, let’s get outta here!” Cloud Chaser grabbed Octavia and pushed her forward out of the alley. “Flitter, let’s go!” The second pegasus looked up and flew after the two mares, leaving the stallions to groan and curse in pain. The three mares reached another alley, safely away from the stallions and anypony else. Octavia leaned against the brick wall and slid to the floor, breathing heavily, trying to calm down. “Nice job, Flitter.” Cloud Chaser said smiling, patting the look alike on the back. “Thanks for distracting them, CC.” Flitter looked down seeing Octavia was starting to cry. “Hey, are you alright?” Flitter asked worriedly. Octavia nodded sniffing. “Yeah, just nerves. Thank you so much!” She whispered looking up to see that Flitter does resemble Cloud Chaser but her mane was actually a teal blue green and braided with a pink hair tie. “Well alright,” Flitter said with concern. “Well, um, I’m Flitter and this is my twin sister, Cloud Chaser.” Octavia nodded to them, seeing Cloud Chaser smiling at the mention of her name. Flitter smiled. “We just recently got off a boat after three months. Damn, I’m sure happy to get out of that old dingy thing.” Cloud Chaser nodded. “Yeah, we were just on our way to a good tavern when Flitter heard your call for help. So we came and found you about to get in trouble so, we just couldn’t let you get hurt now can we?” Cloud Chaser leaned forward, offering her hand to Octavia. Octavia smiled and took her hand and was hoisted up to her feet. “Thank you, so much.” She said again, truly grateful for their help. “So what were you doing in that alley anyway?” Flitter asked looking around, making sure no other threats come by. “I’m actually in a hurry to find The Blackjack, a tavern close by. I have to find the Captain of my ship before she gets killed by bounty hunters.” “Bounty hunters,” Cloud Chaser asked nervously, looking around. “There was a recent reveal that she was charged for a crime and I have to find her before somepony else does.” “Wait a second,” Flitter interrupted. “You mean that unicorn on that hologram thing is your Captain and...” Flitter gasped. “By Celestia’s mane, is it true? Does she have the Princess hostage?” Octavia stared at them in stunned silence. “No! She only saved m- Her! She saved her life from that horrid Nightmare Moon!” The twins gave her looks that tell they were not believe her at all. Octavia groaned. “Alright... I’m Princess Octavia.” She said loudly, but not too loud for other ponies to hear. The twins stared at her shocked. “No... You can’t be truly her,” Flitter said shocked. Octavia sighed and pulled off her hat and undid her braid. She fluffed up her mane and stood primly like a Princess and curtsied low. “I thank you both Madams Cloud Chaser and Flitter for saving my life. If there was a reward I would surly give it to you. Perhaps my Aunt, the Queen herself may give you a reward once I see her again.” The twins stared in shock as Octavia stood back up putting her mane in a ponytail and placed her hat back on her head. “Please, you have to believe me. Whatever and however my uncle survived that attack, he must have seen Captain Scratch save me, thinking I was kidnapped! Captain Scratch didn’t kidnap me, she saved my life when Nightmare Moon tried to kill me!” Cloud Chaser turned to Flitter to see her with a spooked look. Cloud Chaser sighed. “Then allow us Princess Octavia, to guard you and take you to this Captain Scratch who saved your life.” Octavia blinked in surprise. “You mean... you’ll help me even though I’m a mixed Earth pony?” Flitter blew a raspberry at her. “Please your highness, we were taught better than judging a pony by how they were born. It’s not your fault that you were born an Earth pony.” Octavia smiled at them. “Thank you so much, again to you both. You don’t know how much this means to me.” Cloud Chaser and Flitter both bowed to her. “Allow us to accompany you.” Cloud Chaser said smiling. “Yes, we can’t let you be out here alone.” Flitter added as the two mares stood up straight. Octavia smiled in return. “Thank you, again. Now hurry, the tavern is close by. I just hope that she’s there and not somewhere else.” Octavia lead the way with the twins close behind her. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Twilight reached the shopping district, pushing and dodging past ponies, searching for any signs of her friend Daring. And sure enough just when she turned the corner into the merchant district she gasped, seeing Daring leaving a shop pulling on her bowler hat. “Daring!” Twilight called out, running to her. Daring was in shock seeing her assistant running to her. “Twilight, what, in Luna’s Mane, are you doing here?! I thought I told you-” Twilight shook her head, tears in her eyes. “It’s horrible Professor! Octavia wanted to come after you so I went with her and we saw a message from Trixie!” “Trixie,” Daring asked in shock, remembering the unicorn from Twilight’s stories from the war. “Yes, she’s the Captain of the Canterlot Unicorn Royal Army now!” Daring took Twilight inside the shop she just exited, surprising Star Burst. “Daring?” He asked in shock. “Not now,” Daring retorted, placing Twilight into an antique chair to talk to her. “Did you say that Octavia was out here?” “Well, yes, but I told her to go back to the ship. But that’s not important right now-” Daring glared at her, grabbing her arms and shook her twice. “Octavia is important Twilight! She’s a Princess!” “Prince Blueblood called up a bounty for Captain Scratch’s head!” Twilight yelled out. Daring blinked in surprise seeing Twilight breaking down again. Daring sighed rubbing her face. “What’s it for?” “Prince Blueblood believed that Captain Scratch kidnapped Octavia. The bounty was for both of them, double if they’re both alive.” Daring stood back up, pulling off her hat, then scratched her mane. Twilight sighed, trying to control her emotions. Daring turned away from her assistant, clenching her jaw. She walked around for a few seconds, thinking. With a snarl and a roar she punched the wooden wall, then placed her forehead against the wall panting hard. How come everything always points to Them? It was always Them, the ones that started this whole rebellion bullshit. And now somehow they finally figured out that Octavia was alive and out here, not in Manehattan. Thought Daring. “Of all the times...” Daring paused and turned to Twilight. “Twilight, get back to the ship immediately.” Daring ordered, trotting to the door. “Where are you going?” Star Burst asked. Daring found her hat and placed it on her head again. “I have to get to Blackjack’s, that’s where Vinyl is. I’ll tell her of the news and we’re getting out of here. Twilight, I need you back on that ship and protect it at all costs.” Twilight nodded, standing up, shaking. “I’ll do my best, Professor.” “Good, now get going.” Twilight nodded, running past Daring and straight for the docks. Daring turned to her old friend to see him in shock. “That’s... She’s the Element of Magic. I remember seeing her as a young mare getting a reward from the guards during the Discordian War.” Daring nodded grimly. “Yes, she was. She’s a brave woman.” “I thought all of the Elements were dead or brainwashed. Like that Pegasus Rainbow Dash.” Star Burst said smiling a touch, feeling a bit of relief seeing the unicorn hero not go rogue. Daring sighed. “It was tragic to see such young powerful friends turn into monsters. I’m just blessed that Twilight was smart enough to get out of the brainwashing. She would have been far worse.” She paused then tipped her hat. “Be careful, Professor. Thank you for everything you told me.” Star Burst bowed his head. “I hope you do find what you are looking for, Daring. I just hope-” He stopped hearing the door shut. He watched Daring run into the city. He sighed looking into the book he used for his short lecture. He stared at a drawing from his journal depicting what appeared to be some sort of coffin with the majestic sleeping Luna within. “I just hope we’re not too late in saving the Galaxy.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl took another hearty swig of whiskey and let out a sigh. “Ah yes, this is the life eh, Scoots?” Scootaloo gave her a look. “What?” Vinyl asked quirking her eyebrow. Scootaloo turned away. Vinyl sighed, setting her chair back on four legs slamming her tankard on the table scaring Scootaloo. “What’s wrong?” Vinyl asked then burped. Scootaloo glared at her. “You turned down everypony that wanted to sign up.” Scootaloo waved her hand over her nose. “And you’re drunk.” Vinyl snorted, taking another drink from the tankard, finding it empty. She scowled then sighed, placing her elbow on the table and set her chin on her hand. “That’s because I don’t see what’s good for me. I only trust my own Scoots. And the whiskey, this Blackjack knows her Whiskey. I agree with that pegasus mare serving the boys upstairs. Blackjack is the Queen of Whiskey.” Vinyl said with a sleepy grin. Scootaloo sighed rolling her eyes. “And this is why we hardly get anymore ship mates. And why you tell me not to give you the strong whiskey.” “Shut up, a’ight?” Vinyl scolded, turning in time to see a striped mare walk past her, Vinyl swiped a whiskey bottle off the tray the mare was walking around with. Vinyl reached into her pocket to produce her pocket knife and popped the lid off the bottle and took a long drink from it. Scootaloo groaned laying her head on the table. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia entered the Blackjack tavern with the twins behind her. Immediately they could smell the booze, smoke, and old cooked food. In front of them they can see the giant bar counter being minded by a cyber-pony unicorn mare. She looked up, her eyes sparkling in the red glow. Octavia gulped, looking to her left to see a bunch of Diamond Dogs laughing and joking in their dog language. To the right she can see the tavern reached farther into the building, she could see all types of ponies drinking, eating, and well kissing. Octavia stuck out her tongue. Cloud Chaser and Flitter walked up to stand by Octavia keeping a wary eye for danger. “Now ,uh, what does this Captain look like again?” Flitter asked looking around, pulling out a knife from her belt. Octavia sighed seeing a large staircase leading to the second floor of the establishment. She watched as a gray pegasus in a purple mane flew to the counter, grabbing a few drinks then flew back up to the second floor serving guests. Past the Diamond Dogs on the left side of the tavern, Octavia could see a small band of three, two stallions and a mare playing peaceful music. The two stallions played guitars as the mare played a flute. “She’s white with a blue mane. She’ll probably have her goggles over her eyes.” Octavia answered swiftly, looking around. This place was massive. This place must have been very successful and popular for it to reach this size. Octavia looked around, seeing spacers, pirates, thieves, cyborgs, and even other animals like griffins, zebras, and very few dragons. “Hey, Flitter, you go upstairs, I’ll stay with Octavia.” Cloud Chaser said nodding to her twin. Flitter nodded with a salute and used her wings to fly to the balcony above them to search for the wayward Captain. Octavia turned to Cloud Chaser with a smile, who just winked and motioned for Octavia to lead the way. Octavia started searching at every table and stool for a white and blue pony. But after five minutes of searching she was starting to think that it might be possible that Vinyl never came to this bar. Suddenly Octavia yelped out tripping over something and fell hard on the wooden floor, groaning. “Watch it, I’m walking here!” A young voice screamed out as ponies that saw the fall laughed. Octavia gasped recognizing the voice. “Scootaloo, is that you?” She turned to see Scootaloo rubbing her head, fixing her bandanna. She gasped, seeing Octavia then point at her. “What are you doing here? Who’s that?” Scootaloo asked, moving her pointing finger to Cloud Chaser. Cloud Chaser ran over to help Octavia stand back up. Octavia smiled gratefully at the pegasus, turning back to Scootaloo. “Later, where’s Captain Scratch?” Scootaloo thought for moment. “Why?” “It’s important Scootaloo! Where is she?” Octavia asked, starting to lose her patience. “You know this kid?” Cloud Chaser asked pointing at Scootaloo. “Later!” Octavia yelled out, finally losing her temper. “Sweet Cheeks,” Octavia turned to see Vinyl walk over with a glare. Her walk looked shaken and unsteady. Vinyl grabbed her by the arm, pulling Octavia close. Octavia blinked seeing Vinyl’s eyes, they looked bloodshot as she swayed slightly. Suddenly Vinyl smirked, her glare gone. “What’s up?” She asked giggling, pointing her finger at the ceiling. “Captain Scratch? What’s wrong with you?” Octavia asked trying to pull away from Vinyl’s grip. Vinyl ignored her question almost falling over if it weren’t for Cloud Chaser grabbing her to keep her steady. “I was gonna to ask youse the same thang, Princess Sweet Cheeks.” Vinyl said her glare returning only to be replaced with a look of flirtation. “Vinyl,” Scootaloo whispered desperately. “Not so loud.” “Loud? This isn’t loud. THIS IS LOUD!” Vinyl obnoxiously yelled into Octavia’s face causing the mare to gasp covering her nose smelling the heavy alcohol on Vinyl’s breath. “Captain, you’re drunk!” She exclaimed. “No... Really?” Vinyl asked sarcastically keeping that flirtatious smirk on her face. She turned, reaching for a half pint of booze left over on the bar about to drink it. Octavia grabbed the pint and set it down. “Captain Scratch, stop this nonsense, listen to me.” Vinyl glared at her, the smirk gone from her face. “Oh, boo-hoo-hoo, you want to know what I think, Sweet Cheeks. I think you are nothing but a beautiful ass that deserves a good whooping for being such a royal ass hole!” Vinyl said laughing. Vinyl tried to move her feet only to trip up, falling forward. Octavia gasped and caught her, glaring at the drunken lout. Octavia stiffened, feeling Vinyl’s hand in a place where it shouldn’t be, her thigh over her cutie mark. Vinyl must have felt Octavia’s jump since she giggled then passed out in Octavia’s arms. Octavia blushed brightly at the contact. “She’s out,” Cloud Chaser said looking around. Octavia shook her head then sighed softly, feeling her face cooling down a touch from the blush. “Scootaloo, how much has she drank?” Octavia asked worriedly, trying to get a better hold under Vinyl’s arms. Scootaloo shrugged. “Meh,” she answered cryptically. “That’s it, Meh?” Octavia asked staring at Vinyl in shock. Scootaloo shrugged again. “What, she drinks all the time.” Scootaloo answered, crossing her arms across her chest. Octavia groaned, wishing she could slap her forehead right now. Flitter flew over and landed before them, she looked spooked but smiled seeing that they found Vinyl. “Oh, you found her?” Flitter said, folding in her wings then looked behind her. “Yep, what’s up Flitter?” Cloud Chaser asked, taking an arm of the sleeping spacer. “We got trouble,” Flitter said now looking scared. “What kind of trouble?” Scootaloo asked. Suddenly the tavern doors bang open and everypony went silent, even the music from the band stopped, staring at the Royal Guards walking in. One of them was a sea foam green unicorn with hard golden eyes and a scar along her jawline to her neck. Octavia gulped, that was the scariest unicorn she had ever seen. “That kind of trouble,” Flitter whispered lowering to a crouch. “Is that who I think it is?” Cloud Chaser asked with worry, kneeling down. Octavia and Scootaloo kneeled down with the twins “Yep, that’s Colonel Lyra Heartstrings, veteran of the wars and a brutal officer of the Hoofington quarter.” Flitter answered grimly, getting worried. Octavia gulped hearing Vinyl let out a groan. The Colonel, Lyra Heartstrings, stepped forward and leapt up on the counter, kicking the pints and tankards of drinks. The cyborg unicorn behind the bar jumped back, missing the unicorn's tail, glaring at her. She reached under the counter and pulled out a laser pistol. The striped mare and the Pegasus stood by her, holding out their weapons. The gray pegasus held up a pistol and the striped mare held a pair of knives. They heard the sounds of guns cocked and loaded, pointing at them. The cyborg snarled audibly, pulling out the charger from the handle, tossing it to one of the royal guards. The Pegasus did the same too, glaring at the guards. The striped pony made a sigh rolling her eyes before sliding the knives to the side, hearing a stallion scream out in shock as the knives flew past his face. Once the three ponies were disarmed, the cyborg crossed her mechanical arms across her metal chest. “What do you want, Heartstrings?” The cyborg snarled, threateningly her red eyes glowed menacingly. “Shut up cyborg, this is my town not yours.” Lyra snapped turning back to the crowd. The unicorn shut up, fixing her red and black mane, glaring at her. The Pegasus mare sighed in relief as the rifles were tucked away. The striped mare groaned then leaned in to the unicorn. “Why can’t we just kill them?” “Shut up,” the unicorn snapped harshly. “Listen up! I got word from the streets that this unicorn came in here!” Lyra pulled out some kind of sphere and used her golden magic to make the sphere glow then reveal a hologram of Vinyl’s picture. “Where is she?” She threatened looking at the bar keep. The cyborg’s hands went up. “Look, I don’t know any pony unless they sit on this counter. I haven’t seen her before.” Octavia and Cloud Chaser slowly tip toed in the back of the crowd holding Vinyl up. Scootaloo and Flitter kept low behind them. Lyra snorted looking at the cyborg and her two workers. “Well we were told she was spotted coming to your bar. You also have a reputation of taking rebels and traitors in your care then send them off to who knows where. Ain’t that right, Jack?” Lyra said glaring at her. The unicorn cyborg growled her eyes went bright. “Well I’m telling you now Heartstrings, I haven’t seen that unicorn around here.” “Hey there she is over there!” A colt screamed out on a table pointing down. After the outburst, ponies moved away from the table to reveal Octavia and Cloud Chaser with a Vinyl hanging between them. Lyra opened her mouth to yell out but couldn’t. Her eyes were focused on Octavia. Octavia gasped seeing the unicorn pull out her laser pistol. “Run!” Octavia yelled just as Lyra pulled the trigger, missing Scootaloo by a hair, breaking a drinker’s glass. “Running now,” Scootaloo screamed out, using her tiny wings to gain speed. As Octavia and Cloud Chaser slowly lumbered out the door, they stopped and gasped to see the streets covered with Royal Guards and bounty hunters. Suddenly a pair of shutters in the second floor sprang open and a stallion pointed down at them. “Stop them!” He yelled out. “It’s the Unicorn Pirate!” The Royals and bounty hunters alike turn to see Vinyl between Cloud Chaser and Octavia. “Get them!” A mare bounty hunter screamed out running towards them. Octavia thought fast and pushed Vinyl to Cloud Chaser. “You and Flitter get Vinyl to the docks!” She ordered looking for anything to use for defense. She noticed a drunken pegasus sleeping on the sidewalk. Hanging loosely from his holster was a laser musket pistol. “What!?” Cloud Chaser asked with shock. “Go! I’ll distract them!” Octavia screamed out, running to one of the drunks sleeping on the street and grabbed his pistol. Cloud Chaser and Flitter took Vinyl’s arms and flew in the air. Scootaloo yelled and jumped away in time to watch a guard and a bounty hunter slam into each other, knocking each other out in the process. Octavia turned to see Lyra barge out of the bar, looking like she was in a bar fight. Lyra fixed her three corner hat looking around. A drunken griffin flew out of the bar into Lyra. The griffin screamed out, wrapping his thick bicep around Lyra’s neck. Lyra grabbed the griffin’s shirt and threw him over her to the steps, knocking him out. Octavia’s finger pulled the trigger on accident and the laser hit the sign right by Lyra’s head, causing the Colonel to duck. She looked for the source of the shot then snarled seeing Octavia staring at her with shock. Scootaloo stopped next to Octavia as she stood frozen in fear. Scootaloo grabbed Octavia’s arm, tugging it. “Come on!” Shouted Scootaloo. Octavia blinked out of her stupor and fired the pistol again as the Colonel ducked in cover, behind the stone stair case to the bar. Lyra pulled out her own pistol and fired back. Missing the pair by hitting the corner of a building the two mares ran past. She growled and stood up. She unloaded the capsule of her pistol then put in a new charger, hearing the pistol whine softly in a charge. She followed them around the corner and started sprinting to the docks, leaving the rest of the guards to end the bar fight. > Chapter 12: Revealing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 Revealing Twilight ran past two wagons, leaping over a napping mare. “Watch it!” The mare screamed out, waving her fist in the air. Twilight pushed past a couple of merchants taking a corner seeing the masts of the ships past a building. She took an alley way then reached the docks. She ran down the large wharf and soon found the Fancy Flute docked nearby. She started screaming and waving her arms, trying to get somepony’s attention. “Huh?” Derpy woke up from her nap hearing the shouts. She sat up pushing the brim of her cap from her eyes to look over the rail to see Twilight running towards the ship. “Twilight, what are you doing?” Derpy called back as Twilight ran up the gangplank. “Start the Fancy Flute now!” Twilight screamed out stopping near the pegasus panting. “Huh? Why?” Derpy asked standing up holding her musket looking for enemies. “We have trouble! Canterlot somehow got a picture of Vinyl and calling her Octavia’s kidnapper!” Twilight said quickly. “What did you just say?” A small voice asked. Twilight turned to see Spike and Sweetie Belle coming out from the mess deck. Twilight groaned. “We have bounty hunters on our tails if we don’t get out of here fast.” Spike ran back down, heading for the kitchen to grab some weapons. Sweetie Belle was shaking. “But we can’t start the ship without getting the others first.” Twilight quickly walked over to Sweetie Belle, she kneeled down, placing her hands on her tiny shoulders. “I know that, but we need to get the ship ready for a fast getaway. They’re coming.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I’ll go tell Apple Bloom to get the engines started.” Twilight nodded, patting on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder allowing her to head down the second hatch to the engines below. Twilight stood up turning to Derpy. Derpy nodded, placing her rifle by the helm turning back to the unicorn. “Come up to the masts with me, we have to get the two solar sails down.” Twilight didn’t argue as she reached the ratlines as Derpy flew to the top and started undoing the knots to get the top sail loose. Twilight took on the first yardarm as Derpy took the top. Twilight slowly made her way through untying knots with shaking hands as she started hyperventilating, trying to get under control. Swipes of memory popped through every time she blinked. Twilight gasped, squeezing her eyes tight stopping. Twilight opened her eyes watching the blue sky change to a dark red and her hands were chapped and bloody as she tries to untie knots on a yardarm as lasers and rocks fly everywhere in the air. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Twilight was back to being thirteen years old in the Discordian War. The giant ship beneath her shook violently, causing her to fall to the side screaming. Twilight grabbed hold of the ropes on the yardarm shaking hard. She groaned, pulling herself up, wrapped her leg, over then pulled herself back up, laying on her stomach on the yardarm. She wrapped her legs and arms around the pole, hugging it tight, starting to hyperventilate with fear. Twilight turned, hearing the explosion above her. She had to duck as a limb from a spacer flew past her head. She heard a scream and looked up. She gasped, flinching as the poor pony with a missing arm fell past her to the deck below. Twilight stared with fear, watching the poor pony crash onto the deck to die on impact. She saw the blood spatter from the impact and turned away, crying, hugging the yardarm tighter, begging to go back to Canterlot. Back home with her family, back home with her best friend, back home with her mentor, anywhere than this living hell! “Get those sails loose!” A commanding voice screamed out. Twilight turned to see an orange mare with an old Stetson hat on her head, completely unusual in the old red uniform on her body and torn pants on her legs. The mare was untying two knots faster than Twilight could untie one knot. “Hurry up!” The mare screamed out again, then turned to see Twilight. “Hey! Are you hearing me, girl?” Twilight stayed stock still with her arms and legs, tight around the yardarm. She was going into shock. “Dammit, where’s Fluttershy!” The mare screamed out. “We need ‘er up ‘ere now!” “I told you she was too young!” A rainbow mane pegasus called out from behind the orange mare. “She’s just a stupid filly in this stupid war! Kill her now! Or she’s going to be causing more casualties!” Twilight could only stare with fear as a group of giant enemy ships were flying towards them. She couldn’t move or speak, but she could hear the two older teenage mares argue at one another. “No way, she’s the best unicorn we have.” The older mare said, glaring at her partner. “I say kill her now or lose hundreds just for trying to help the filly!” The rainbow pegasus snapped, pulling out her pistol and pointing it at Twilight’s head. The orange pony grabbed the pegasus’ arm, pushing it away. “We were put together on this team for a reason, Corporal Dash. I’m a rank higher than you and you do as I say!” The argument went tensely quite over the booms and screams of dying spacers around them. “Now do as I say and get this filly to Fluttershy.” The orange pony ordered pointing to Twilight. Corporal Dash stuck her pistol back in her holster glowering at her. “Yes, Sergeant Apple.” Corporal Dash said through gritted teeth. “Now get goin’!” Sergeant Apple ordered before running to the ratlines and climbing up them to help the soldiers get the upper sails ready. Twilight felt strong hands grab her and untangle her from the yardarm. Twilight felt her body being lifted then she watched as Corporal Dash flew through the air and landed on deck. Dash ran past the dead soldier to the hatch stairs to get below decks, past the screaming and dying soldiers. She ran into the engine room where it was silent but the booms from the laser cannons above still sounded. Twilight blinked several times to see that an orange light lit up the room. She could hear the metallic clicks of Corporal Dash’s boots, running down the grate walkway. They turned a corner and into a small room where they stopped. Twilight looked down to see a cowering pegasus holding her helmet over her head, whimpering like a filly. Corporal Dash set Twilight in the corner then walked to the pegasus and knocked hard on the mare’s helmet, causing her to cry out. “It’s me,” Corporal Dash said softly, causing the pegasus to look up with a gasp. “Rainbow Dash,” the second pegasus whispered, smiling a touch. Corporal Dash let a grin slip, but turned to glare at the filly as she shook in the corner. “Sergeant Apple wants you to take care of the pest.” She said, using her name for Twilight. Fluttershy turned to see Twilight shaking hard, looking at her hands to see the blood from the battle outside. “What happened?” Fluttershy asked with worry. “No time, okay,” Corporal Dash said quickly. “She was freezing up and a danger to anypony that stops to save her. Get her fixed.” “She’s in shock!” Fluttershy argued, glaring at the Corporal as Rainbow glared back at her. Rainbow blinked, seeing something on the floor by Fluttershy’s leg. She reached for the pistol that was lying by Fluttershy and stared at her. Fluttershy turned away, pulling her helmet over her eyes. Rainbow sighed. “Right now, the filly needs your kindness.” Rainbow said softly. Rainbow paused to stare at the pistol then back at the shy pegasus. “I’ll borrow this and when we survive this battle, we’re going to have words about being a coward.” Fluttershy whimpered from the harsh words. Rainbow sighed rubbing her face. “Look, just keep an eye on the kid, alright? I have a battle to fight.” Rainbow paused then stroked Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy blushed a touch looking into Rainbow’s eyes to see that she was blushing too. Rainbow Dash then rushed out the alcove and back to the outside as Fluttershy stared at Twilight. She sighed and crawled over, taking the shaking filly into her arms rocking her. “Now, now, you’re safe now, Twilight Sparkle, you are safe here.” Fluttershy whispered soothingly stroking Twilight’s mane then kissing her on the top of her head. Twilight started to calm down enough to where she passes out against the mare’s breasts. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Twilight opened her eyes again, breathing hard after the memory. She looked down staring at the large knot under her hands, starting to shake again. She heard the flapping of the top sail going loose, then she heard the flapping of wings near her to notice Derpy was right above her. “Twilight, are you alright?” Derpy asked. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine Derpy!” Twilight called out, without thinking, and starting to shake again. She shook her head violently. Derpy nodded, flying back on deck and getting the controls ready. Twilight sighed. “This isn’t a battle Twilight, this is different.” She scolded herself. Twilight soon got control of her mind and started focusing at the task at hand. Loose the sail and get ready to run away. “As cowards,” Twilight whispered, squeezing her eyes shut remembering the rainbow-mane pegasus’ words. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia jumped over two orphans then turned the corner and slid to a stop, panting hard. Scootaloo slid to a stop, standing next to her, equally exhausted. Octavia panted then peeked out from around the corner and yelled out when a laser zipped past her face. “Run!” Octavia yelled out running through the streets with Scootaloo at her heels. The two orphans screamed and ran away when Lyra barged past them. Lyra turned the corner and ran after the ponies. “Stop in the Queen’s name!” Lyra screamed out, pushing through trash bins and crates. Octavia and Scootaloo turned down another street to see the giant masts of ships ahead. The two spacers ran past all the ponies, leaving the docks to the city. Many ponies screamed out at them as they pushed through the crowd. The ponies turned and dodged away as Lyra sprinted past them. “Move it!” She screamed out causing six stallions to leap aside as Lyra ran through them. “We’re almost there!” Scootaloo cheered, seeing the masts getting closer. She started running faster now, past the older mare. Octavia watched as Scootaloo sprinted a little faster ahead of her. She turned to see Lyra close behind. Octavia groaned out loud trying to think on her feet. She checked the pistol she stole to find out that she still had a few charges left. She stopped and turned to pull the trigger without aim. Lyra gasped and dodged to the wall as the laser hit a store sign. Many ponies ducked and ran away after the wild shot. Octavia cursed and started running again, her body was aching from the running and had started to slow down. Lyra growled and started sprinting again, starting to get tired too. Scootaloo turned the corner heading for the docks. She turned her head around to watch behind her, wondering where Octavia was. She turned in time and screamed out along with the other pony as they crashed into each other landing in a heap on the ground. Some ponies that were walking by were laughing at the poor things. “Scootaloo,” an older voice asked, moaning from the pain in her stomach. Scootaloo looked up to see Daring staring at her. “Where’s Vinyl?” “Professor, we’re in huge trouble!” Scootaloo said completely ignoring Daring’s question. She grabbed Daring’s hand and started pulling her up. Suddenly Octavia turned the corner and screamed, tripping over Scootaloo and landing into Daring knocking the air out of her. Daring gasped out for air as she pushed Octavia off of her and started coughing. She took in a deep breath, turning to Octavia with a glare. “Octavia,” she began panting. But Octavia’s face caused her to pause. Scootaloo ran to the corner and peeked over. “Run! To the ship! Now!” Octavia yelled out, getting up to run. Scootaloo yelped seeing Lyra approaching them. “Ditto!” Scootaloo screamed out, running with Octavia. Daring watched the two run wondering where they were going. Until she looked up and saw Lyra turning the corner and nodded. “Too right.” She stated, getting up and started after the two other mares. Then all three started running for their lives with an angry royal guard behind them. Octavia looked behind her, then looked down at Scootaloo. She turned to Daring with an idea popping up in her mind. She grabbed Scootaloo under her arms lifting her up. Scootaloo yelped out then started flapping her tiny wings. “Professor take Scootaloo back to the ship, I’ll distract her.” She ordered. Daring stared at Octavia as if she was crazy. Scootaloo stopped flapping. “What?” She yelped out, turning to her. “You are always first priority,” Daring started but Octavia interrupted her with a glare. “Damn priority and damn courtesy, get the filly to the ship!” Octavia screamed out handing Scootaloo to Daring. Daring was shocked by the language but did as she was told, flaring her wings open, grabbing Scootaloo, then flew towards the docks over the roofs. Once they were gone, Octavia slid to a stop and turned around hearing Lyra’s boots behind her. “Can’t she give up?” Octavia asked in disbelief. She panted, turning a corner into an alley, leading straight for the docks. Lyra closed in behind her. Octavia leaped over the garbage and the crates in her path until her foot caught onto something, causing her to fall face first in the dirt and grime of the street. She slid to a stop, groaning from the pain on her face. Octavia panted hard, trying to push herself up, but her body finally crashed from the exhaustion and couldn’t get up. She lifted herself up by her elbows trying to get up. She groaned feeling tears in her eyes as she turned slowly to see Lyra coming up behind her. She started to sit up on her hands and knees seeing Lyra slowly running in a trot, breathing heavily, walking toward her. Octavia reached for the pistol, pointing it at the guard as Lyra pulled out a fully charged pistol, pointing it at her. “Surrender yourself, now. You only have one shot left and I doubt you have good aim.” Lyra ordered. Octavia panted hard, trying to stand back up, her legs were shaking from the run. She held her stance, holding the pistol in both of her hands, keeping it pointed at Lyra’s chest. “Lower you weapon, Colonel.” Octavia said boldly, without her voice shaking even though she was shaking like a leaf. She was really hoping the guard was stupid enough to follow that order, but of course every Royal Guard was trained to be excellent. Lyra raised her brow. “You order me to lower my weapon? And who do you think you are to order me about, Earth pony scum.” Lyra snapped. Octavia flinched at the bite in her voice. She flicked her ear to the side, hearing the sound of engines starting. The Fancy Flute was not that far away. She turned slightly then back. “By a direct order from your Princess, lower your weapon now.” Lyra’s eyebrows shot up in shock. This is Princess Octavia? She’s supposed to be dead! For a moment Lyra was beginning to smile. The Princess yet lives and she’ll bring back hope to the galaxy. At the small distraction Octavia pulled the trigger, missing Lyra on purpose. Lyra gasped dodging the laser bolt as Octavia darted away toward the docks. Lyra blinked several seconds then growled and chased the mare. She had to catch her before anypony else does. All Earth ponies and the whole galaxy needed her. Without her, Lyra won’t help the one she cared about most. Lyra turned to the dock and watched as Octavia ran up the gangplank of a rising ship. She gasped and tried to stop her. “Halt! In the Queen’s name I said halt!” Lyra screamed out firing several blasts as Octavia ducked behind the rail, covering her head. “Go!” Octavia screamed out. Daring reached the speaking tube and screamed the order and the ship blasted off. Lyra gasped, feeling the blast and fell hard against the dock on her back. She groaned from the impact, watching the boat zoom off into the stars.Dammit! Damn her! Lyra thought closing her eyes gritting her teeth. The only pony that could help Lyra save her loved one was gone. She sat up slowly just as royal guards ran up to her firing their weapons at the fleeing ship. “Colonel, are you alright?” A pegasus stallion asked helping her stand up. Lyra pulled her arm away from him and fixed her jacket. She looked around and found her hat missing. She cursed and turned to her soldiers. She has to be the Colonel here and keep her cover up. And the only thing to do was order them that Princess Octavia was found. “Send a message to Captain Lulamoon,” she ordered, turning to her soldiers. “Tell her that we just spotted the Hybrid Princess.” Everypony gasped, staring at her in awe. “Wait, are you saying...” The stallion asked worriedly. Lyra glowered at them and let out a yell, kicking a bucket away. Let them confuse her frustration as for being angry letting a pirate escape. She pointed to a soldier, glaring coldly at him. “You! Tell her that she is working for that pirate we were ordered to catch. She’s a criminal now.” Some soldiers grinned at the luck that now they will be given the order to shoot and kill the Princess on sight. While others looked on in concern, as was Lyra. One soldier saluted after writing the message and ran off to deliver the message. Lyra sighed rubbing her snout in irritation. “There goes another good ass royal.” She muttered to herself. “What now Colonel, ma’am?” A pegasus stallion asked. Lyra sighed again. “Just send word to other controlled ports telling them that the Princess is a pirate now and must be found alive.” The soldier saluted and ordered everypony to go about their business. Lyra stared into the sky watching the tiny ship disappear to the stars. “Luna, forgive me.” She whispered walking away. She sighed sadly at the failed attempt to give help to those that needed it most. But one thing remained, she has to send a note to one other pony. “Time to send Kicker a call, it’s her choice now.” Lyra mumbled, hoping her old ally in arms can help fix the problem. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The ship shuddered suddenly, and a huge boom was heard, awaking Prince Tick Tock from his nap. He looked around nervously. “What was that?” Tick Tock asked in the darkness. Rainbow grunted, waking up herself. “We must be at a port somewhere.” “You think we can get help?” Tick Tock asked hopeful. “No, I doubt any pony will save a traitor and a Hybrid sympathizer.” Rainbow said with a snort. There was a pause from the Prince, Rainbow sighed feeling like she was a little harsh. “Look, Highness that’s what we are now. Without your brother’s word we are nothing but shit on his boots.” Tick Tock sighed. “You’re right, Captain. I should have thought more-” “Nah, you’re fine, really.” Rainbow said with a smile until she heard the door opening. “Shh, here they come.” The sound of boots grew louder as several sets of feet went down the wooden stairs to the level where Rainbow Dash and Tick Tock were sitting, chained. Three lanterns were brought over by ponies. Rainbow grimaced seeing Applejack standing with the lanterns with a grimace of her own, standing straight like she did as a soldier in the army. Nightmare Moon came down with two other ponies. “Hello, prisoners, how was your rest?” She asked sweetly. “Uneventful.” Tick Tock answered curtly, receiving laughter in response. Rainbow Dash kept her eye on Applejack to see her smirk at her. Rainbow glared harder at her new enemy then turned away. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Oh, good to hear, I’m actually here to give you two some news. It seems that we received a contact from Prince Blueblood to see us. And he’s on his way to-” “What did I just step in?” A voice shrieked out, causing some pirates to snicker at the girlish shriek. Tick Tock and Rainbow Dash gave each other deadpanned looks. Rainbow raised her brow then turned to see the traitorous Prince making winces and shuddering sounds. Rainbow shook her head knowing that he was losing his sanity over the filth of the vessel. Prince Blueblood fixed his mane and stood by Nightmare Moon smiling at the two prisoners. “Why hello, Brother, Traitor,” He greeted with a sweet smile. “Brother,” Tick Tock said harshly. Rainbow didn’t even bow. She spat at Blueblood’s boots, causing him to yell with fright and causing the pirates to laugh again. “Blueblood,” Rainbow responded with a growl. Blueblood cleared his throat, fixing his suit and his mane again as the pirates still snickered on how Blueblood screamed like a filly. “Well I see that you two are bonding, huh?” Blueblood retorted. Tick Tock sighed shaking his head. “What is it you want, brother?” Blueblood sniffed. “Hmmph, you would be surprised by this bit of news, dearest brother.” He reached in his pocket for a hologram sphere and used his magic to levitate the sphere showing a hologram video he had recorded. The two prisoners, even the pirates, leaned in to watch. “I believe you’ll recognize this pony, now would you?” Blueblood said smiling. Tick Tock and Rainbow Dash watched what looked to be security footage of two ponies running in a skinny alley and turning a corner. “What are we looking at?” Nightmare Moon asked with a smile, already knowing the answer. Rainbow noticed the smug look on the alicorn’s face. Blueblood chuckled and played the film again, but made it stop. He moved a few dials to zoom in to show the two mares and their faces. Tick Tock gasped and Rainbow’s glare lessened and her mouth went open. “Princess Octavia?” She whispered in shock. “She’s alive?” Tick Tock whispered, feeling tears in his eyes. Blueblood chuckled. “Why yes. She’s being kidnapped by this unicorn here.” He said pointing at the white unicorn in the picture. Applejack raised her brow. "That looks more like runnin’ away than kidnappin’.” Rainbow growled, not even noticing the detail Applejack had. “Where is she?” She scowled pulling her chains. Blueblood chuckled a little surprised. “Captain Dash, I thought you hated Earth ponies.” “Buck you!” She snarled back. “She’s the Princess!” “She’s not anymore.” Blueblood said with a sniff, making a face at the scent in the air. “Before I got here, I received a report telling me that Octavia is a traitor now, she has gone rogue.” “What?” The two prisoners exclaimed. “Octavia is a good pony. She would never harm a fly!” Tick Tock growled. “Oh, I assure you, brother. She attacked the royal guards in Hoofington before escaping on a ship into space a few hours ago.” Tick Tock shook his head. “My daughter is no pirate or a traitor to Canterlot! She’s a princess!” “She won’t be a princess now, brother!” Blueblood exploded smiling. “She’s an Earth pony and a Hybrid that deserves to be dead or otherwise be a slave, just like the rest of the trash out in the streets and prisons today.” Applejack glared coldly at the prince, her hands clenching into fists. “He better watch that mouth of his or I’ll punch all those pretty teeth out of his jaws.” Thought Applejack. “When I get out of this, Blueblood, I will kill you!” Tick Tock screamed out. Blueblood sighed. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really want to try that, brother? I’m the only one that can reunite the two of you.” Tick Tock’s glare went away with a look of shock. Even Rainbow was surprised. “What do you mean?” Tick Tock asked shaking. Blueblood shrugged. “Well it just so happens that because Octavia was still alive and still in the possession of Luna's Tear, she’ll be very important for me and my colleagues here. I’ll want you to come with me to Luna's Treasured Moon.” “Luna’s what?” Rainbow gasped. “Blueblood, that’s just a legend, a myth.” Tick Tock said shaking his head. “There is no such thing as-” “Oh there is, brother dear. And you’ll meet the last pony alive that has gone to the Moon and lived.” Blueblood turned to Nightmare Moon and nodded. Nightmare Moon wagged her finger then two pirates came over with a struggling unicorn. “Ah, Captain Scratch, it is so nice to see you again.” Blueblood greeted. Captain Scratch glared at the pirates around them then back at Blueblood. “No more words, hmm, I guess Trixie took care of you. Throw him in with his new friends. Brother, Traitor, this is Captain Vinyl Scratch the last survivor of the Luna Moon expedition.” “But that expedition was back in the beginning of the millennium.” Rainbow Dash retorted glaring. Blueblood sighed as Applejack unlocked the cage and led Captain Scratch to the wall by some chains and chained his arms above his head. While she was doing the job, she gave a glaring side long look at the Prince. “Yes, but this one was sent around the time of the rebellion. Celestia wanted it hidden so nopony tried to stop them. Well the ship returned, but only three ponies were left. One’s the researcher, the other the quartermaster, and the third was the researcher’s young assistant.” Blueblood points at Captain Scratch. Rainbow and Tick Tock looked to Scratch then back up at Blueblood. “So tell me, Captain Scratch. Is there anything else you wish to say to me before I leave?” Blueblood asked. Scratch nodded. “Aye, rot in hell for your crimes, Blueblood! If that filly did turn pirate I hope she skewers you good. If not her, then Gracie will!” He shouted. Blueblood sighed shaking his head. “If Octavia did turn into a pirate, I’ll be happy to see her hang with that despicable brat of yours.” Applejack walked back out the cell and locked the door. Blueblood gave Applejack a searching look as she kept her head down. Blueblood thought that he had seen Applejack somewhere before. He turned back to the prisoners smiling, forgetting the strangely familiar mare. “Now if you three excuse me, I have treasure to find. Captain would you like to have dinner in my ship and talk plans for the trip?” Blueblood asked smiling at his accomplice. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Why yes, that sounds nice.” Everypony left the brig level except for Applejack, who just turned to stare at the three ponies in the cage. Rainbow looked up, seeing Applejack staring into her eyes. Applejack blinked and turned away. She walked away from them, slowly walking up the stairs. Rainbow Dash turned away, hearing the sound of the door slamming shut and everything went back into darkness. Rainbow sighed. “So... How long were you in here for?” Rainbow asked with a smirk in her voice. “Captain,” Tick Tock said. “What?” “Why do you sound happy?” Rainbow shrugged in the darkness. “Aren’t you, Highness? Princess Octavia is alive.” Tick Tock gulp. “You don’t think... Octavia really did go pirate.” “Tick Tock, do you want my true honest opinion?” Rainbow asked. “Yes.” “I say good for her. I just hope her old sword fighting training is still in check.” Tick Tock chuckled. “I guess you might be right. She does have that fighting spirit. But I fear that she was too little to remember everything.” “Forgive me for interrupting you two,” Scratch said, clearing his throat. “But you know the princess that is with my daughter?” “You mean the unicorn, the pirate that kidnapped Octavia?” Rainbow asked glaring. “Gracie would never...” Scratch yelled out but stopped, realizing the unicorn might not be the little filly he left behind. He sighed feeling himself deflate. “Actually I don’t even know if that was my daughter or not. I only went by what that bitch Trixie told me. She could be dead already and I never knew.” Rainbow went silent, feeling a little rotten for yelling. “What do you mean by that?” She asked. “Well you see, I left my family twelve years ago to pursue treasure with some colleagues of mine. But our ship was captured by the royal navy and they said that our licenses were forged. I was taken to Manehattan and went straight to Blueblood and told him everything I knew about the researchers. He asked for my name, I told him and then he went crazy saying that I am his missing link. He told me to tell him everything about the voyage to Luna's Treasured Moon and then I could leave and go back home to my family. But I never left, I was tricked. Now he recently told me that he had to use me to find the Moon but I told him about Luna's Tear. The sacred-” “Wait a second, Luna's Tear?” Tick Tock asked, surprised. “What does that jewel have to do with this?” Scratch blinked. “It’s the key to finding the Moon and it was said that it’s the key to unlocking a secret underground temple.” “A temple you say?” Rainbow asked intrigued. “Yes, a giant temple that is said to control the weather, the earth, even the power of the Moon.” The cell went silent after that bit of news. Tick Tock gulped. “I was always told that Luna's Tear can protect the user with powerful magic. Are you saying that Luna's Tear is way more than a family heirloom?” He asked. Scratch nodded then remembered he was in the dark and answered, “Yes.” “So Blueblood has been trying to get the jewel for years? Just so he can find this mythical place nopony has seen except for the ponies that survived the encounter?” The Prince asked. “Yes,” Scratch answered calmly. Tick Tock sighed. “Well I suppose we are stuck together now. I am Prince Tick Tock.” “Was a Prince, thank you,” Rainbow said curtly, getting a snort from the Prince. “I’m Rainbow Dash, once Captain of the Manehattan Royal Guards.” Scratch felt a smile on his lips. Wait the Rainbow Dash? She’s the one that sent my Captain to prison in the early stages of the rebellion. The same one she planned her revenge against? This is way too good. First, Princess Octavia is alive and running amuck in the galaxy, and Captain Rainbow Dash of the Pegasi Order is here with me. But I have to find a way to send the beacon. Thought Scratch. “Well, you already know me, I’m Vinyl Scratch. I was captain of my ship... I’m afraid I don’t really remember what I named her. Possibly from being hit in the head too many times in the result.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Join the club. What shall we call you? Captain like Blueblood calls you or...?” “Just Scratch is fine.” “Alright, Scratch, it is.” Scratch smiled. “What shall I call you two then?” Rainbow chuckled. “I like you. You can call me Rainbow.” Scratch smiled at the plan forming in his mind, thankful for the darkness to hide it. He chuckled again. “You might be a little too old for me, Captain.” “Old? Who are you calling old?” Tick Tock only smiled. “This is the first time I actually heard Captain Dash flirt with anypony.” Rainbow chuckled with a blush. “You know nothing about me. I was just being friendly.” Tick Tock noticed the sourness in her voice, causing him to jump in surprise. “Really-” “Let’s not talk about this. Right now we must prepare ourselves like back in the war.” Tick Tock grunted and nodded. The earlier conversation dropped. “What shall we do then, Captain Dash?” I know Rainbow is trying to avoid something... was it the pony she talked about many years ago? The one who she loved before they took him away? The Prince thought to himself. “We must prepare ourselves mentally, Tick Tock. Whatever Blueblood is planning it cannot be good.” Rainbow stated firmly, thinking. Scratch nodded. “Yes, he wants something at Luna’s Moon or he just wants to be there to become a legend or something or another.” He snorted with grunt, feeling his arms start to ache. “Of course being a legend is just as worse as being a demon.” Tick Tock stared at him and blinked a few times trying to understand what was said. “What do you mean by that?” Scratch shrugged. “I only tell it as it is, sir and madam.” “It’s Rainbow or Tick Tock. Don’t be so formal with us.” Rainbow said chuckling. Scratch blinked. Huh, she’s not as stuffy as I would originally think a soldier would act. Still I can’t let her get to me. She is a she-devil herself for what she done to her. Scratch thought bitterly. “So what will the plan be Rainbow?” Tick Tock asked. Rainbow grunted trying to move her numbing fingers above her head trying to get the blood flowing again. “Well, right now we save our energy and rest as often as possible. I doubt they’ll give us exercise time so we must attack at their least expectancy.” Rainbow said grabbing the chain then slowly started to pull herself up as if doing pull ups from behind. “What about Octavia?” Tick Tock asked with worry. Rainbow sighed. “I have my doubts about her right now, Highness.” Tick Tock snorted turning away. Rainbow blushed by her words and sighed again, lowering herself back to her seat. “But I promise you, I will give my life in protecting her like I have promised you on the day she was born.” Rainbow smiled, feeling a light shiver in her body from the damp cool room. Tick Tock smiled in the darkness. “Thank you.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia sat down hard on the stairs panting hard, pulling off her hat, and waving her hat over her neck and face. She was still shaking all over from the rush she had ten minutes ago. “What were you thinking?” Daring scolded silently, staring down at her. Octavia looked up, seeing Daring’s glare. “I thought Captain Scratch and I made it clear that you cannot leave this boat! And look at what happened? You left the boat. What possessed you to do such a dangerous act?” Octavia blushed from the scolding and turned away, placing her hand over her chest where she can feel the Luna's Tear warmth. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. “Well? What was the reason?” Daring asked, crossing her arms across her chest. I'm getting too old to scold children. She thought to herself as she watched Octavia. Octavia stood up slowly, staring at her with worry. “There is something I need to tell you Professor, to you and everypony else on this ship.” Derpy looked over the rail to watch them from the wheel. “What’s up?” Scootaloo was standing behind Twilight as they turned to look at her. Vinyl was snoring loudly on the floor as Cloud Chaser and Flitter were trying to put some water down her gullet without choking her. Apple Bloom was holding up Vinyl’s head, her face shown that she didn’t like Vinyl’s breath. Sweetie Belle placed a cool rag over Vinyl’s eyes to help get her cool. Spike approached with worry as well. Octavia sighed as she stood up. She reached into her shirt and pulled at the chain revealing the lilac purple tear shaped jewel with Octavia’s cutie mark in deep purple in the center. The stone started to glow gently in Octavia’s hand as she shown everyone the jewel. Everypony stared in shock at the jewel. “It can’t be.” Daring whispered in shock. She had only seen drawings and had heard from Professor Star Burst about the Tear. And now the jewel was actually floating right in front of her. Daring reacheed forward but stayed her hand looking to Octavia for permission. Octavia held it up nodding, allowing Daring to touch it. Octavia held it up higher without taking it off. Daring gently took the stone in her fingers, watching it slowly glow brighter and brighter. “Is this the Luna’s Te-oowww!” Daring yelped from the burn on her skin from the glowing jewel. She dropped the jewel, flapping her hand then sucked on her fingers. Octavia was shocked, feeling the Tear hit her chest, but it didn’t burn her like it did with Daring. “Professor, are you-?” “I’m fine,” Daring chuckled, watching the Tear slowly return to normal color, glowing slightly in the light. “Incredible,” she whispered, shaking her head. “What is it?” Apple Bloom asked, standing up fast and trotting over to get a look. In doing so Vinyl's head hit the stair, causing her (and Flitter) to wince. Vinyl woke up and began to curse, covering her eyes and head with her arms. Cloud Chaser was snickering behind her hand. Octavia kneeled down to show Apple Bloom. She held the stone up so Apple Bloom could get a look. “Oooh, it’s so pretty.” Octavia smiled. “It is, isn’t it?” Sweetie Belle gasped, “Let me see!” She ran off, letting Vinyl hit the deck again, causing her to yell out. The twins both winced sharply at the sound. Flitter had to dodge the captain’s wayward arms as she flipped out. “Dammit, why are ponies dropping my head!” Vinyl’s whimpers were ignored as everypony turned their attention to Octavia. “What is it called?” Sweetie Belle asked standing behind Apple Bloom. Octavia smiled at the two fillies. “This is called Luna's Tear, it's a family heirloom only given to Luna’s decedents.” Flitter and Cloud Chaser gave each other a look then turned back to helping Vinyl sit up. Daring was interested. “Yes, but it was said that Luna's Tear disappeared after the first Discordian War.” “Really,” Sweetie Belle asked intrigued. Daring nodded. “Yes, tell me Octavia, how did you come by the jewel?” Octavia smiled sadly, standing back up. “My father gave it to me before... Nightmare Moon came.” “Did he say anything about the power the jewel possesses?” Daring asked with a nervous smile. “No... Not really, only that the Tear has the power to protect the user and that I must never take it off for anything or for anyone. The only time I can take it off was only if I have to pass it to my child or to another decedent of Luna.” Daring scratched her chin, thinking. “Hmm, this is fascinating.” Twilight walked over with worry. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Octavia sighed, sticking the Tear back into her shirt. “I didn’t know Luna's Tear was that important, I just assumed it was just a family heirloom and nothing more.” “But how did that burn you?” Scootaloo asked pointing to Daring. Daring nodded just as curious though she already knew the answer. “Magic,” she answered softly. “Luna's Tear is known for the magic power within. Octavia, would you mind showing me the jewel again?” Octavia nodded, pulling it out from her shirt again. “See how it glows to her touch?” Daring asked, pointing at it. Everypony stared at the jewel with fascination. “Now since Octavia is a mixed pony, both of her parents are Unicorns correct?” She asked, watching Octavia nod. “My father is a Unicorn, my mother is a mixed Unicorn.” She answered. Daring nodded. “You see, so if I could be so bold as to suggest this, it’s possible that Octavia might use magic.” Twilight gasped. “But that’s impossible, Earth ponies can’t use magic, in a Unicorn sense of course, but they can’t!” Daring chuckled at her assistant’s outburst. “Twilight Sparkle, it is possible. If the magic in both parents are strong enough their child will surely be able to use magic. It was done before.” “Really?” The three fillies and the dragon exclaimed in awe. “But of course since the revolt years ago unicorns had the idea of destroying or locking away such information to not give rebellious ideas to the young.” Daring gave a sour look with a raised brow. “I do not believe to keep that type of information into hiding.” Cloud Chaser stood up walking over. “So you’re a Princess and you have a special jewel. What’s so important about that?” She asked crossing her arms across her chest. Daring was eager to answer. “Well, you see young lady, have you- Wait a second, who are you?” Cloud Chaser smiled. “Name’s Cloud Chaser, that’s my sister Flitter.” Cloud Chaser pointed to Flitter as Vinyl pulled off the cool compress and yelped out seeing the bright light from the sun, blinding her. Flitter made a wave trying hard to keep Vinyl still. “We saved Princess here before she got raped by some cyborg thugs.” Daring and Twilight gasped, turning to Octavia. Octavia blushed. “And I’m very grateful for the help. These two also helped me get Vinyl here.” Daring thought for a moment then turned to Octavia. “Forgive me, your highness, but we can’t trust everypony you waltz into. Considering what we are now stuck in.” “Right,” Octavia whispered with an embarrassed blush on her face. “What happened?” Spike asked. “Yeah, we heard so much commotion and all.” Apple Bloom said scratching off some crude oil off her elbow. “We had to blast it off without Scoots’ help.” Twilight sighed. “It turns out that Prince Blueblood has put a bounty on Captain Scratch’s head.” The four spacers on the ship gasped. “On what charge?” Spike yelled out glaring. “Kidnapping a Royal.” Twilight answered bluntly. “Somehow my uncle must have seen Vinyl save my life at the ERS Cadenza. He must be confused.” Daring scratched her chin, thinking but kept her mouth shut. Something didn’t seem right. “And now the Royal Guard knows you’re alive.” Scootaloo said worriedly. “At least what that unicorn might have figured it out.” Octavia sighed rubbing the back of her head. “Yeah,” “What did you do?” Derpy asked cautiously. “Uh... I ordered the unicorn to lower her weapon...” Daring gasps out of her thoughts hearing this. “You did what?!” “I thought she might follow my orders...” Daring groaned placing hand to face. “Octavia, dear, please listen to me. Unless you have forgotten about Fillydelphia,” “No,” “Good, then listen carefully, all Royal Guards are trained to hate Earth ponies and mixed ponies like you. Sure they might salute or bow to you in front of your father and mother even, but remember where you are right now.” Octavia sighed and nodded. “I just thought that...” Twilight sighed. “Look, I know this is hard to understand. But trust me on this, not all of those working in Queen Celestia’s military are all bad. There are good ponies that would rather help you than kill you.” She sighed again. “Why don’t we head back into my room and we’ll talk.” “Good idea,” Daring said quickly. “You two have a nice chat. I’ll stay here with Captain Scratch.” Daring turned to the fillies. “You three might have some cleaning and fixing to do in the engine room right?” The three fillies nodded at once saluting. “Aye, aye!” They said running off. Daring then looked to Derpy. “Maintain the current course Spacer Hooves.” Derpy nodded saluting. “Aye, aye, Professor Do. Keeping course due north of Gretel Sun!” Daring nodded, she turned to Spike. “Go ahead and start dinner and possibly a hangover remedy for Captain Scratch.” “Alright,” Spike said, leaving to glare at the twins as he disappeared down the first hatch to the mess deck. Daring sighed then turned to see Vinyl slowly, standing up clutching her stomach. Daring turned to the twins. “And you two, I’ll like a word with you later. Please stay up here until I return.” Daring went over to grab Vinyl’s arm and help her down the second hatch to her hammock. The twins sat on the stairs waiting for Daring. Daring helped Vinyl down the steps then helped her into her hammock. “Ugh, my head,” Vinyl groaned, rubbing her forehead as Daring placed Vinyl’s legs up on the hammock. “Where am I?” “You’re back on the Fancy Flute, Captain.” Daring said reaching for a bucket, dumping trash out of it, and handing it to Vinyl. “What’s this for?” “You’ll thank me later.” “Why... Urk-!” Vinyl paused making a face then vomited into the bucket as Daring sighed, shaking her head. Once Vinyl was finished, Daring took the bucket and set it aside to take care of later. Vinyl groaned, curling up in the hammock. “That tasted better coming down than up.” Vinyl grumbled, rubbing her eyes. “Yes, we all went through it Captain.” Daring said softly. “Are you alright?” Vinyl sighed. “Yeah, how did I get here?” “Octavia made sure to save your tail.” “Save me?” Vinyl asked with a raised brow. “I kind of remember seeing Sweet Cheeks in the bar. But I thought I was dreaming.” Daring raised her brow. “Well you did drink a hearty amount of whiskey at the bar, Captain.” She stood up to find a blanket. Vinyl sighed. “Well, what did she save me from, alcohol poisoning?” Vinyl smirked at the joke. Daring wasn’t laughing. “No something far more serious I’m afraid.” “What’s more serious?” “Let’s just say that now until the day of your possible execution, you now have a bounty by Canterlot for kidnapping Princess Octavia.” Vinyl blinked and sat up, “Wha-!” She groaned out from the horrible pounding in her head, laying back down, holding her head. “What did you just say?” “You’re now enemy number one by Canterlot. All bounty hunters everywhere are now searching for you. Your body breathing cost two hundred fifty pounds.” “Two fifty... P-p-p-” “And with the Princess alive with you, it’s doubled to five hundred.” “F-f-five hundred pounds!” Vinyl yelled out in shock as Daring unfolded the blanket and set it over Vinyl. “Talk later, alright, it looks like Octavia hired two new spacers for you while you drunk yourself silly.” Daring scolded as she stood back up, grabbing the bucket, and headed up the stairs. Vinyl laid back in her hammock as her eyes grew heavy. “Damn, Princess.” > Chapter 13: Nova > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 Nova A week after the chase and the escape from Hoofington, everypony was going about their business. Octavia was busy sanding the deck with help from the pegasi twins. After the whole ordeal and after Vinyl had a good nights night rest, Vinyl decided to give the pegasi a chance since Octavia blew her cover and told the twins of her real identity. Daring wasn’t so sure, even Twilight was suspicious of the two new mares. Octavia mostly looked to the mares as her heroes and her friends for saving her virginity and the life of Vinyl. If it weren’t for their help they would all have been in deep trouble. Octavia stopped sanding to wipe her forehead with her arm, feeling sweat as she sat back on her rump to let blood flow through her legs, which had lost feeling after sitting on them for so long. She sighed, looking up at the giant, blazing star nearby that was causing the heat wave. She turned, watching the twins still working and sweating as much as her. “How are you two doing that?” Octavia asked, panting. Cloud Chaser looked up to give her a wink. “Flitter and I worked on vessels forever Princess.” Flitter nodded. “Yeah and we have worked like this before, too. Sanding it 'til it’s as white as a sheet they say or our backs would kiss the cat ‘o nine tails.” “The cat of what?” Octavia asked confused. “She means the whip.” Cloud Chaser said. “Oh my,” Octavia said with shock. Flitter chuckled. “No worries your Highness. Every ship has the cat.” Octavia shook her head. “That’s just terrible.” “It’s not that terrible.” The captain’s voice said surprising the three mares. The three paused to turn to look up at Vinyl, checking their work under her hat. “Taking a break are we?” “Not at all, Cap.” Cloud Chaser said hurriedly, continuing sanding. Flitter was right behind her. Vinyl looked down at Octavia and quirked her eyebrow up, motioning with her head to the deck. Octavia glared at her, she fixed herself into a kneeling position and started to sand the deck again, panting. Vinyl walked away, then stopped to look at Octavia's tail to see it high in the air as she leaned forward like the pegasi, pulled back, then pushed forward again. Vinyl made a ghost of a smirk as she walked away toward the quarter deck, where Daring was sitting on the steps reading a book she had gotten from the old professor she encountered at Hoofington. “Is this seat taken?” Vinyl asked smiling. Daring looked up and turned to her side and motioned for Vinyl to sit down as she turned a page of the book. Vinyl sat down and pulled out a cigarette. “Care for a smoke, Doc?” Daring looked up from the journal, fixing her reading glasses. “No thank you, Captain.” Vinyl shrugged, sticking her stash back in her vest pocket and lit up the cigarette with a match. “What are you reading?” Vinyl mumbled around the cigarette perched on her lips. Daring made a frown as she waved her hand like a fan to air away the smoke from her face. “Just an old journal Professor Star Burst gave me. Everything we need to know about the legends of the last voyage of Luna, her treasures, and her adventures.” Vinyl grunted in response, leaning back against the stairs with her elbows perched behind her. She pulled out her cigarette and pointed it at the book. “Does that mention anything about that Moon?” “A little yes, I’m still reading his observations and thoughts on several subjects about Luna’s disappearance.” Vinyl cocked an eyebrow at that. “Her disappearance, don’t you mean her death? Ain’t Luna dead?” Daring shrugged, sighing softly. “Well that’s the theory of course. For the last fifty or so years many scholars believe that it might be possible that since Celestia is a goddess-like being and lives forever, why not Luna? She might be marooned on the Moon or possibly still alive.” Vinyl chuckled. “Won’t that be something?” Vinyl paused to watch Octavia work as she stopped to stretch her aching back. “What about that necklace of hers. Is it real?” Vinyl asked, still not sure if what Octavia said was true. Daring actually had Octavia retell her story to Vinyl in the mess deck at breakfast that morning. Vinyl wanted proof so Twilight tested the gem with her magic only to pass out. Everypony was afraid for her until she woke up several minutes later, rubbing her head saying that something forced her to sleep. Daring then concluded that if the Tear was supposed to protect the wearer then that’s exactly what happened to Twilight. Luna's Tear protected Octavia from Twilight, thinking she was a threat, using her magic to test the gem’s limits. In turn draining Twilight of magic and causing her to lose consciousness. Since then Vinyl said that she believed it, but only a fraction. “Well,” Daring said closing the book. “It definitely has magical properties. Twilight is telling me she is encountering strange headaches and visions since she touched Luna's Tear. I’ve told her to write in her journal what she sees and hears and to reveal them to me if she notice anything strange.” Vinyl took a draw from her cigarette, thinking deeply at this. “What kind of things is she seeing?” Daring shrugged. “You think you should give those three a break?” She asked, changing the subject. Vinyl looked up to see the three mares panting and soaked with sweat. Vinyl then looked up in the sky. “Hmm, well it is pretty hot in this part of the galaxy. Yeah, I guess I should.” Vinyl stood up leaving Daring alone. The professor sighed and decided to leave the area and went to study more privately. Vinyl walked over to the three mares and sighed. “Alright, you three did enough for today. Go into the mess deck and get some fluids in ya before you pass out from heat exhaustion.” Octavia let out a sigh as she fell back onto the deck panting. The two pegasi stopped working and started cleaning up, leaving Octavia and Vinyl alone as they head down the steps to mess deck. Vinyl stood over Octavia letting her shadow block the mare’s view of the sun. Octavia opened her eyes breathing hard through her nose seeing Vinyl staring down at her. “Are you going to sunbathe or get up?” Octavia glared at her and sighed again, slowly sitting up, using her vest to wipe off her face and forehead. Vinyl reached toward her with her hand. Octavia stared at her hand, then up at Vinyl curiously. Vinyl shrugged and left Octavia alone sitting on the deck. Octavia blinked, watching the strange Captain leave her behind to stand with Derpy on the quarterdeck. Octavia shook her head as she slowly stood up and walked wobbly to the mess deck to get something to drink and something cold to put around her neck. Vinyl watched Octavia disappear below and sighed shaking her head. “What?” Derpy asked. “Huh? Oh it’s nothing.” Vinyl answered drawing in another take of the cigarette. Derpy gave her a look that looked silly with her crossed eyes. “It’s nothing, huh?” She asked with a smirk. Vinyl nodded looking up at the sky. “Hmmph, do you know our heading?” “I might not see well Vinyl, but even I know our heading.” Vinyl nodded with worry and confusion staring at the yellow-white sky. “Let me know if anything changes.” Derpy was startled by Vinyl’s tone. It was a voice of foreboding trouble. “What... what type of changes?” Vinyl turned to glance at Derpy then turned away, scratching her cheek thinking. Derpy blinked and gulped looking at the sky again now seeing the picture. “You don’t think we’re near a star?” “Maybe, we’ve seen these skies before.” Derpy gulped again. “Where should I go?” Vinyl stood still with one hand on her hip and the other holding her cigarette, staring with deep thought at the deck below thinking. Finally after a few seconds of tense silence, Vinyl turned to Derpy. “Keep to the heading. We just keep watch on the skies and the heat. If the heat doesn’t lighten up and we have no dark skies then we’ll be in for a ride.” Derpy gulped. “Should we tell the Professor?” Vinyl shook her head. “Nah, if the need arises I’ll tell her.” Derpy gave her a crossed look. “Vinyl-” “Hey, who’s the Captain? I am, and I say that we keep the heading north-north-east. Unless something happens we’ll be in the clear just like last time.” Derpy watched as Vinyl tossed her bud over the rail, scratching her back, walking down the stairs to the second hatch, where she headed for a nap. Derpy bit her lip, staring at the sky, rolling up her sleeves to her elbows seeing her coat was wet with sweat. “Last time, we were lucky to change course before we were sucked in.” Derpy muttered darkly with a sigh. Late that evening, the sky had darkened only to a deep golden red. Derpy and Vinyl kept a close watch of the sky. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were in the engine room, replacing an energy tube that calculated the amount of energy the solar sails take in. Sweetie Belle was sitting in Twilight’s room as Twilight brushed her mane, telling her stories about Canterlot. Professor Do was napping in her room, head nestled in the crook of her crossed arms over the journal. Octavia was in her hammock, letting the drifting of the ship sway her from side to side as she looked up at the ceiling. She sighed, wrapping her arms around the back of her head as a pillow as she thought about everything that has happened. Especially the mysterious Captain Scratch. Octavia tried going through some information she got from Scootaloo the other day while she was helping the pegasus filly check the stocks of food and supplies. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia was finishing checking the supplies in a large closest inside the engine room, when she finally asked the question to the filly. She turned to see Scootaloo going through her toolbox, looking for a tool. “Scootaloo, how long have you known Captain Scratch?” Scootaloo looked up from looking into one of the engine hatches staring at Octavia. “How long have I known Vinyl?” “Yes, how did you meet her?” Octavia asked using a piece of paper to mark on the clipboard Scootaloo offered. Octavia was terrible with those silly tablets everypony had with them to make such lists. Scootaloo had enough of watching Octavia pressing the wrong buttons so she gave her a clipboard with paper instead. Scootaloo stuck her top half through the engine hatch, looking around inside. She pulled out a pair of pliers from her pocket and start tinkering with the wires and loose bolts within the engine. “I’ve known Vinyl for five or six years.” “But that would make you... very young?” Scootaloo sighed reaching for the edge of the hatch and pulled herself out, wiping her face leaving a smear of grease on her forehead without thinking. “Well yeah, I mean I knew her before I could really talk. She saved me you know.” “Saved you?” Octavia asked with curiosity. Scootaloo blushed turning away with sadness in her eyes. “It was a long time ago.” She turned to Octavia as if contemplating if she should tell Octavia anything. After a few moments she sighed closing the hatch on the engine. “I lost my family when I was three.” Octavia blinked at the news. Of course it was obvious since Scootaloo seemed to be an orphan and a little too young to be on a ship like this. “I’m sorry.” Scootaloo shrugged. “What can you do? I don’t even remember their faces anymore. I was too young and too scared. All I know is that royal guards did it.” “But how can you remember that?” “I remember the soldiers shouting orders and the color of their uniforms. That’s all I remember of that place and that time.” Scootaloo leapt up on a barrel and sat on the top with her hands clasped together on her knees thinking. Octavia took a seat on a bucket to listen. Scootaloo rubbed her eyes with a sigh. She reached for it then pulled off her handkerchief that was over her head. Octavia blinked covering her mouth to hide her shock seeing part of Scootaloo’s scalp was scar tissue from a horrible attack. Tuffs of dirty purple magenta mane popping out of the top of her head. Scootaloo smirked sadly rubbing her scalp. “When I was four, some slavers caught me off the streets and took me to the slave pits in Manehattan.” Octavia gasped again this time dropping her hand to her lap. “There’s a slave pit in Manehattan?” How can that be? She was certain that there was no slave fighting activity in Manehattan. “There was,” Scootaloo corrected with a glare. “The royals found out about the slave pit there. After all they don’t want ponies to know that there was such a place in their port city. So it was destroyed. Before it was destroyed, hundreds of us were transported to Fillydelphia, the capital of slave competition in the galaxy. Vinyl was one of the ones that were transported too.” Octavia blinked and turned away, she could hardly believe it. Everything her mother had said about slave fights were true. Manehattan was just like Fillydelphia until her father decided to finally take over since her uncle wouldn’t do anything about the problem in Manehattan. “How long were you there?” Scootaloo shrugged. “A couple of years I think. You can hardly tell day from night in the underground cages. Which you probably already knew.” Octavia blushed with a spike of anger about that but nodded for the filly to continue. Scootaloo sighed. “In those games they would throw anypony in for a show of gore and rape. I was tossed in with other slaves and we were forced to fight. There was a surprise bonus some bastard paid for. They threw out this kind of gel or slime, then somepony lit it on fire.” Scootaloo went silent biting her lip to keep her chin from trembling. Octavia’s eyes widen realizing what the scar tissue was from. “I fell when a pony pushed me in the slime and... I was lucky to be alive.” Scootaloo whispered. Octavia turned away shaking. This was beyond horror this was just too sick and horrid to even do to fillies. Not just fillies and colts but to all pony kind. How could ponies be this cruel? How can they think this was right or sickly fun? “I’m so, so sorry, Scootaloo... I wish there was something I could have done.” Octavia said feeling tears in her eyes. Scootaloo smiled sadly pulling the handkerchief back over her head tightening it around her head. “Even if you could have done something, it would never stop Princess.” Octavia stared at her as if she was Princess Luna herself. “How-” “Really Princess, nopony can stop what ponies have done. The Queen made it so ponies like me, Vinyl, Derpy, even Spike aren’t allowed to have souls.” Octavia stared at Scootaloo in a new light. “You’re mixed?” Scootaloo shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t remember my parents or my ancestors. All I know is that I’m a pegasus and everypony turns a blind eye to a homeless orphan pegasus in the streets. All they see in us living in the streets as either Earth lovers or mixed. They’d rather have us wiped out than live. That was what Vinyl always told me.” Octavia glares at her. “Well Captain Scratch is wrong. There are ponies out there like me believe that what is going on is wrong.” Scootaloo looked up at Octavia with a glare. “Really? Then where were they when ponies needed them most? It was thanks to that bucking queen that we are nothing but cockroaches to kill! We die every day, not just in Manehattan, Princess, but everywhere! The Royals won Princess! Soon you’ll see that too.” Scootaloo leapt off her barrel and left Octavia alone in the engine room contemplating on what she was told. Octavia left the engine room an hour later for dinner to finally see a new light to her situation and to the crew. One side of the room there is Vinyl and her crew of the Fancy Flute, Scootaloo among them. Octavia turned to the other side to see Twilight, Daring, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and the twins sitting together. Octavia can see where the lines are marked. You have those that probably suffered under the royals. While on the other worked or somehow had to work for the queen. Octavia grabbed her dinner and decided to eat outside, nopony dared challenged her decision. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia opened her eyes, feeling tears again. She was always taught that no matter what, always fight for the common good. Fight for the needy and the lost in the space port. Not to mention fight for her race. But what Scootaloo told her is to give it up, just like the royals had led everypony to believe. The past cannot be changed and neither should the future they worked so hard to achieve. Octavia turned over and started to cry. It's not fair! She recently scolded her mind. It’s not fair that ponies all around are suffering and no one but the Queen can do anything about it and just as Scootaloo said, the Queen abandoned the earth pony race and those with earth pony blood. Her own father did something but wasn’t that enough to show that not all royals are haughty evil creatures? Perhaps to most ponies but how much can those like her can do to try and heal old wounds that had were already healed to scars? Can she heal the long, deep scar in this galaxy? Where can she start? She looked down to see Luna's Tear on her chest glowing. She reached for it and held it in her hand, looking at the crystal. She blinked, realizing something. “Luna...” She whispered remembering an old story she heard as a filly. A slave was telling stories to the slave children outside the kitchen. Octavia was young and sneaky at the time and hid in the kitchen. During that time the slave was telling the story about the royal sisters. “One sister can’t rule without the other. No matter what.” Octavia whispered in awe staring at her crystal. “The Sun must have the Moon. The Moon must have the Sun.” She recited sitting up wiping her eyes staring at the stone smiling. “There must be a Day and there must be a Night. One cannot revolve without the other and only the Sun can heal the Moon and the Moon can heal the Sun! That’s it!” She leapt out of her hammock. She had to find Professor Do and tell her about her discovery. As she ran up the stairs she looked up in time to see a ripple of light. “What was-?” After she stuttered there was a big bang and the whole ship rocked, causing Octavia to fall back down the stairs into the wall then to the deck, groaning. Her vision went white and her ears rung loudly from the hit. She passed out for only a second then reopened her eyes, hearing yelling. "I need every able bodied Spacer out here now!" She heard Vinyl scream out and the quarter deck bell rang frantically. She slowly sat up, feeling weak from the hit. She went down on deck feeling another wave of power hit the ship causing her to drop face first back to the deck, holding her head going into a fetal position screaming out at the loud noise. “Octavia!” She blinked, hearing a voice calling her. “Octavia!” She slowly looked up to see Twilight running down the stairs towards her, holding on to the walls to keep from falling down the steps. She knelt down beside Octavia, helping her sit up. “Are you alright?” “I hit my head.” Octavia feebly answered, grabbing Twilight by her arm to keep herself steady. “Can you stand?” Octavia was starting to panic. “What’s going on?” “I don’t know yet, hurry let’s get above.” Twilight wrapped her arm around Octavia’s back under her arms and helped her stand up. Octavia regained her footing but still shaking as the two mares started up the steps feeling the ship shift again. They reached the top and both mares stared at a strange vortex of fire and light. It looked huge from their position and the ship is being pulled to the giant vortex. “What is that?” Octavia whispered in awe. Twilight was stunned staring the strange vortex. “Get your life lines on!” Vinyl screamed out from the quarterdeck. Scootaloo was already tying a rope around Sweetie Belle’s waist as Apple Bloom tied hers. The twins are already going up the ratlines with lines of rope trailing behind them. Their life lines already around their waists. “Secure the sails!” Daring yelled out, checking the radars and input screens, flipping through screens for anything in the sky. Derpy and Vinyl are both holding the wheel trying hard to control to ship. Scootaloo grabbed some lines of rope, running to Twilight and Octavia. “Hurry get your life lines on.” She ordered. Twilight feebly followed, tying herself a fancy knot. Scootaloo checked the tightness and durability of the knot before moving to Octavia. She quickly tied a knot around Octavia's waist as the princess continued to stare at the maw of the vortex. It was starting to evolve into something every spacer feared. “Is that..?” Scootaloo nodded. “A black hole.” “A black hole? How?” Octavia whispered in awe. “A star has died.” Twilight answered. “When a star dies then it releases a nova and sometimes they evolve into that! A super nova!” Twilight yelled out pointing at the large circle of black that is the black hole. “That’s the reason for the sheer heat. The star was ready to blow.” Scootaloo said then gasped. “Get down!” She dropped to the deck placing her hands over her head. Twilight grabbed Octavia and they crashed to the deck as another powerful wave of heat and power washed over the ship. Vinyl groaned from the push then pulled herself back to the wheel. She blinked, seeing Octavia on the deck with Twilight and Scootaloo. “Get up Sweet Cheeks, get up in the sails and help the twins get them down!” Octavia looked at Vinyl as if she was crazy. The look the unicorn gave her was answer enough. She’s a member of this crew now and she must do her duty. She nodded standing up. She ran to the ratlines at the side of the ship. She gulped. She pulled on her safety rope to find it attached to the center mast. “Luna, protect me.” Octavia whispered kissing the jewel for luck. She swung herself up onto the rail then started climbing up the ratlines with difficulty. Twilight turned to the quarter deck and started running up the steps, feeling a blast of hot air pushing her to the side. She continued up then soon stood by Daring, watching the monitors. “What are we going to do?” She asked. Daring was thinking. “These waves are so unpredictable!” She yelled out to Vinyl and Derpy as they continued to control the ship. “How do we get out of this?” Derpy screamed out feeling another powerful wave hit the ship causing her to slip Vinyl had to hold the wheel to keep her helmspony up. “Don’t ask me! We avoided the last one!” “The last one?” Twilight screamed out over the harsh whiplash of wind. “Yeah, we discovered a star was blowing up so we took a northern route and avoided it entirely.” Vinyl screamed back. “It was a great light show though!” Spike groaned curled up in a ball under the monitors shaking badly. "Forget about the light show! We're in the light show!" He cried out, wrapping himself tighter into a ball. Vinyl winced seeing him in such a state, he hated loud noises. Thanks to the tortures of being a fighting slave gave him that fear. Not to mention the rocking and lashing of the ship was is probably making him sick. “Spike!” Twilight screamed out, grabbing him and holding him. “Are you alright?” “No! I’m not alright!” He cried out, shaking even worse. Vinyl noticed this as Derpy gets her footing again. “Twilight get him below!” Twilight nodded, carrying Spike with her down the steps then into the mess deck below. Vinyl pointed to Scootaloo as she shakily got up, feeling the ship take a lurch to the left. Scootaloo tumbled and hit the side, holding onto the ratline spokes to keep from rolling away again. “Scootaloo, you...” Vinyl paused, thinking for a moment. She noticed Sweetie Belle was just hiding and scared to death just as Spike was. She has to go now! “You and Sweets get below and get that engine checked!” “Aye-aye!” Scootaloo turned to see Sweetie Belle with her arms over her head, hiding behind the stairs. She ran over to her unicorn friend taking her arm to get her attention. Sweetie Belle screamed out then noticed it was her friend. “Come on, we’re going below.” Scootaloo pulled out her pocket knife to cut Sweetie Belle’s lifeline and her own rope so the two fillies could run below decks without getting caught in a line of rope. Once the two fillies disappeared Vinyl heard Daring let out a cry of alarm. “What is it, Doc?” Daring was busy pressing buttons with a look of panic on her face. “The control monitors went through a power surge!” She screamed out with fear. “What?!” The two mares screamed out at Daring as she tried desperately to power the controls back up. Vinyl flicked her ears up hearing a very bad sound. She turned to see that the single mast’s power lights went low then completely off. The lights were the beacons to show that the solar sails were gathering power from the star's light and now they were turning off! The ship was now malfunctioning! The ship made a slow turn to the left, making the ship float sideways towards the black hole. Vinyl and Derpy started turning the wheel, trying to get the ship back in better alignment. Vinyl heard Apple Bloom scream out as she started floating up. That could only mean one thing and that meant huge trouble. “Gravity is down!” Vinyl screamed out, holding on to the wheel for dear life. "Grab something and hold on!" She screamed out. Daring gripped onto the control panel making sure her life line was more secured to her waist. Derpy yelled out, wrapping her legs around the wheel with her arms. Apple Bloom continued to float higher and higher, quicker and quicker as the suction from the black hole was close. She was screaming for help as she floated past Octavia. “Apple Bloom!” Octavia screamed out then felt her body floating up. She gasped and quickly pulled herself into the ratlines and held on tight. The pegasi twins gasped and held on to the yardarm as well. Apple Bloom went past the large Canterlotian flag when she suddenly yelped out with pain as her rope leash snapped taunt, hurting her back. Vinyl turned to see the golden speaker tube by the rail. She turned to Derpy to see her nod, hanging on tight. Vinyl lifted up her legs placing them on the wheel then kicked off grabbing the golden tube. She yelped as her first hand slipped. She grabbed the rail holding her steady. She wrapped her arm around the rail then pull herself to the tube. “Scootaloo! Fix this shit now!” She screamed out. “Scoots! Can you hear me?!” Vinyl looked around but couldn't see anypony else floating yet besides Apple Bloom. She was grateful for the safety lines now. Speaking of Apple Bloom, Vinyl looked up and watched how she was now pulling on her rope leash towards the ship. Brave kid,Vinyl thought to herself thinking that the earth filly will be fine. Octavia watched Apple Bloom pull herself closer and closer to her position. Octavia reached up, grabbing Apple Bloom’s line. Once she had a good grip she wrapped her legs around the ratlines and started pulling with both hands, reeling Apple Bloom back to the ship. “Can you reach?” Octavia screamed out as another wave plowed through them. Apple Bloom was crying now feeling the blast pushing her away from Octavia. “I can’t!” “Just a little farther!” Octavia yelled out reaching and practically stretching her fingers as far as they could to the small hand. She pulled on the rope with a hard tug then grabbed Apple Bloom’s hand and started pulling her into her embrace against the ratlines. Apple Bloom wrapped her shaking arms around Octavia crying into her chest. “I got you, I got you.” Octavia cooed, kissing Apple Bloom on the head. A second blast of heat and pressure rocked the ship, shaking everything. Octavia held on tight to the ratlines and the filly in her embrace. “Vinyl!” Vinyl gasped hearing Sweetie Belle’s voice through the speaker tube. “Kid, where’s Scoots?” Vinyl asked grunting from the impact from the wave holding on tight. Her legs were already in the air as she tried to pull herself back into the ship. “She’s busy trying to fix something in the wire room.” Sweetie Belle answered. “Ow! Dammit!” A scream was heard in the background, no doubt about it, it was Scootaloo. “How long?” Vinyl pleaded looking over to the side seeing something giant floating towards them. “She said it’ll take a few minutes... Vinyl?” Vinyl ears went flat on her head seeing the giant space rock hurtling towards them. It must have been space debris from the explosion. “Brace yourselves!” Vinyl screamed out, hanging on tight. Octavia blinked hearing a yell. She looked down, then heard Apple Bloom gasp. She turned to see a giant hunk of space rock hurtling to the ship. Derpy screamed out, covering her eyes with her hands. The twins both cursed, hugging onto each other. Daring was staring at the rock with true fear. “Luna have mercy, please!” Octavia cried out squeezing her eyes shut awaiting impact. Octavia opened her eyes hearing Apple Bloom’s cheer. As if she did answer her prayers, Luna must have caused the black hole to gain power. The giant space rock slowly started to back away. Everypony started to calm down and loosen their grips on one another or on anything without slipping off. But once the rock was far enough away the black hole seemed to have been growing larger. Apple Bloom was now whimpering again. Daring gulped again, slamming her fist on the monitors. Derpy yelped out covering her eyes again. Vinyl gulped feeling the pull from black hole now more than ever. “Gravity’s fixed!” Sweetie Belle’s scream was accompanied by a whirling sound of a motor as gravity returned causing everypony to fall back on the ship. Vinyl sighed lying flat on her back with relief. She stared at the black hole then a thought popped up. “I forgot something!” “What?” Daring screamed out hitting the screen again. Suddenly the monitors popped back to life. “Bless you Luna!” She praised, flipping switches. The ship’s engines started to roar back to life. “Later,” Vinyl called out as she leapt over the rail onto the deck. She made a dash to the second hatch into the hammock room and cargo bay. She ran straight past Cloud Chaser’s hammock to reach into a barrel filled with old blankets. Vinyl pulled out the blankets finding an old yellowed piece of paper. She reaches in to grab the folded piece of paper with a sigh of relief but then something caught her eye to the side. She looked down to see Cloud Chaser’s things were everywhere, probably from the loss of gravity. One of the items that caught her eye however was a small tablet. The kind you can stick in your pocket. “Where did a spacer get the bits to buy that?” Vinyl thought out loud as she stuck the folded paper in her trousers pocket then reached for the small device and pressed the side to turn it on. She winced closing her eyes from the bright blue light. Once her eyes got adjusted to the bright light she felt her body get the chills seeing the three dimensional logo of the Canterlotian Royal Guard symbol floating in a hologram. The wings symbolizing the pegasi branch. Vinyl used her finger to scroll through reports and orders unit she saw one highlighted, Special Mission. Vinyl pressed the tab and what she saw made her catch her breath. She dropped the tablet and ran up the stairs to the deck above just as another wave hit the ship. She hit against the side wall hard groaning from the pain on her shoulder. She reached the hatch opening and looked up in time to see Octavia and Apple Bloom were together on the first yardarm untying a knot to let the sail free. Vinyl would be yelling for why the sails are getting loose if it weren’t for the fact that Cloud Chaser was standing behind Octavia with a knife ready for a stab. “Octavia!” Vinyl screams out. Octavia blinked hearing her name being called. She heard a scream from Apple Bloom and turned, hearing Cloud Chaser snarling at her. “DIE!” Octavia pushed Apple Bloom to the side and tried to dodge. She screamed in pain, feeling the knife in her back. Vinyl ran up the ratlines with practiced ease, reaching for her knife with her magic. Apple Bloom was hanging off the yardarm using her leg to try to pull up as Vinyl leapt over her pushing Cloud Chaser away from Octavia. Cloud Chaser laughed, holding the bloodied knife with blood flowing to her hand. Vinyl held up her knife in a defensive posture staying balanced and keeping the pegasus away from the princess. “You were working for the royal guard!” Vinyl yells out over the wind and explosions around the ship. Cloud Chaser grinned. “Sure did hybrid!” Octavia was trying hard to not move her arm as she continue to hold on to the yardarm. She looked at Cloud Chaser with dread. “But... Why?” Cloud Chaser gave her a look and started laughing. “What type of a question was that? Why? Because I’m from Canterlot, Hybrid bastard, and we’ll make sure you are dead and we’ll be forever known as heroes for protecting our righteous galaxy of Equestria!” “We?” Vinyl asked raising her brow. “Vin-!” Octavia’s screamed out only to be silenced when Flitter grabbed hold of her, holding her up with a hand over her mouth and a knife to Octavia’s neck. Vinyl turned with surprise seeing the second twin. Vinyl had forgotten that Cloud Chaser had a twin. Vinyl was now surrounded, both mares having knives, wings, and one of them had the princess. Vinyl kept looking from one twin to the other. She has her knife pointing towards Cloud Chaser as her eyes bore into Flitter’s. “Let her go.” She snarled. “I’m afraid it’s an order, Captain.” Flitter said snidely pressing her knife into Octavia’s neck causing her to stiffen. “We were trained for this since we were fillies and we will fulfill that mission.” “Killing the Princess?” “That was our goal and we were told to kill all who dare try to stop us." Cloud Chaser said with a heatless snort. "We were prepared to kill off her family too, even the traitor Rainbow Dash. But since they're dead too, you will die with her.” Cloud Chaser said with a victorious grin. Vinyl stiffened, standing up straighter as Cloud Chaser chuckled. “Let’s have some fun and let you watch the princess scream in agony, huh?” Vinyl roared and launched forward at Flitter. Flitter was surprised enough that she released her hold a touch. Octavia took the chance and bite hard on Flitter’s hand causing the pegasus to scream. Cloud Chaser lunged forward to stop Vinyl. Vinyl turned in time to grab Cloud Chaser, using her own knife to stab Cloud Chaser in the wing joint, twisting the knife. The mare let out a howl of pain from the dislocated wing. With the momentum from Cloud Chaser’s leap Vinyl tossed the injured mare off the mast and didn’t bother watching her fall to her death on deck. "CC!" Flitter screamed. She turned to Vinyl, snarling. She hit Octavia in the side of her head with the hilt of her knife. Octavia fell forward, about to fall off the yardarm, when Apple Bloom grabbed her vest and pant, keeping her from falling. Flitter growled, ready to get revenge on the one who killed her twin. Vinyl smiled, pulling down her goggles over her eyes. “Nopony hurts a member of my crew and gets away with it!” Vinyl threatened darkly, though she kept the smile on her face. Flitter snarled, "I'll make sure you beg for mercy Hybrid bitch!" Flitter charged toward Vinyl, letting out a battle cry. Vinyl backed away, allowing the mare to swing her knife. Vinyl tried to dodge, but some slashes still hit their marks. She soon felt a cut on her arm, then her face, and one on her neck. Vinyl made a quick throw of her knife. Flitter dodged the blade. The knife landed, point first, right above Apple Blooms head, causing her to scream in fright. Vinyl cursed, making a backwards leap. She slipped, falling on her back on the yardarm and started to roll over the edge. She grabbed the end of the yardarm for dear life, feeling the suction of the black hole nearing them. Flitter laughed as an electrical charge arced behind her. Vinyl watched as the vengeful mare raised her boot in the air and stomped on Vinyl's fingers, causing her to yell out in pain. “Say hello to your Daddy.” Vinyl stared up at her with shock. “What?” Vinyl asked surprised. Flitter only laughed ready to make a kick to the face. Vinyl just watched with true fear. This can’t be the end for her. A spacer’s worst death is not suffocation or flying in space, it’s being sucked in a black hole! Suddenly Flitter was pushed forward, with that small push Flitter lost her footing and flew over Vinyl, out of the artificial gravity of the boat. Flitter was screaming and flailing her arms as she started flying in the air. Vinyl looked up to see Apple Bloom standing in front of her on the yardarm glaring at the mare. “You leave her alone... Uh oh.” Vinyl turned to see Flitter with her wings outstretched. Around her waist was her life line that is still connected to the main mast. Flitter started pulling herself back to the ship. Apple Bloom was shaking her head backing away, she grabbed a shroud line to keep herself steady on the yardarm. Octavia groaned, opening her eyes and rubbing her head. She turned, seeing Vinyl’s knife sticking to the mast. She reached for it, seeing Flitter pulling herself closer and closer to the ship. Octavia could see the taunt rope next to her and grabbed it. Flitter felt the vibration in her rope leash and looked up, eyes widening in fear. Octavia glared at her and started sawing the thick line. “Go to hell.” Octavia muttered darkly, cutting through the rope. The rope snapped, causing the assassin to fly away into the black hole beyond. Octavia held her stomach, feeling sick. Apple Bloom helped Vinyl back on the ship by grabbing her shirt and vest and pulling her into the ship’s artificial gravity. Vinyl grabbed the shroud line and held on tight, breathing hard from the rush. “Everypony hold on!” Daring screamed out from below them. “It’s going to be a bumpy ride!” Vinyl grabbed Apple Bloom and pushed her to the ratlines. “Get down, go grab onto something!” She ordered. Apple Bloom nodded and started climbing down as fast as she could. Vinyl got Octavia up in a sitting position straddling the yardarm. Octavia looked pale and sickly. Vinyl could tell Octavia was starting to faint. “Stay with me Princess.” Vinyl pleaded, patting her on the cheek. “Stay awake!” She screamed, but Octavia finally passed out in her arms. Vinyl could see the black hole, only a mile ahead of them, and the suction was becoming unbearable. They couldn't get out of the pull now. Vinyl took Octavia by her arms and start dragging her to the ratlines. She reached for the ropes and pulled Octavia closer to her as she started to awkwardly climb down the ratlines. Once in a perfect spot Vinyl placed Octavia in front of her and held her close, pressing herself against her into the ratlines to add weight to keep Octavia from flying away. Vinyl squeezed her eyes shut. “I hope you know what you’re doing?!” She screamed out to Daring knowing this is some sort of plan. They entered the black hole. A few seconds there was nothing but darkness and dead silence. It took forever for Vinyl’s ears to detect a powerful bang. Vinyl squeezed tighter around Octavia and the ratlines feeling the ship take off from something. Vinyl let out a scream, feeling the force of the blast. Over her own screaming she could hear Derpy and Apple Bloom screaming too. Then as soon as it started, it ended. The air felt cool on Vinyl’s skin and her eyes weren’t burning from the heat or the light. She opened her eyes hearing cheers and shouts of being alive. Vinyl opened her eyes wider, panting, to look around. She was the deep blue of night. She could see the white specks of stars and planets all around her. She looked to the control panel to see Twilight hugging Daring as Spike was dancing around singing “I’m alive, I’m alive!” Over and over again. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were dancing with Spike, singing with him. Derpy looked exhausted as she smiled sleepily, waving her hands in the air. She fell on her rump on the deck, then and fell on her back. She was exhausted for sure. “Captain?” Vinyl turned to see Octavia waking up looking up at her blushing. Vinyl blushed as well. “Are you alright?” Vinyl asked with a small smile. Octavia nodded, pulling up her arm and yelled in pain, dropping her arm back on the ropes. Vinyl nodded. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you patched up.” Octavia blushed even deeper. “Thank you but...” “Yeah?” “Um, can you let me go?” Vinyl blinked and looked around to find herself still clinging to the ratlines with Octavia under her. She chuckled nervously. “Oh, uh, yeah, ahem, let me help you off.” Octavia nodded as Vinyl slid to the rail and helped Octavia off and held her steady. Vinyl looked at Octavia to see her staring back at her strangely. “You-” “Sweet Luna! Have mercy!” Twilight screamed out suddenly interrupting Octavia. Vinyl and Octavia turned to see Twilight with her hand over her mouth staring at something on the deck. Cloud Chaser is laying in a haphazard heap by the stairs, dead. Vinyl looked down to see the impact where Cloud Chaser hit the deck. There was a large splatter of blood where her head was. Then when the rockets went off, she slid leaving a blood trail to the stairs. Everypony else noticed the dead spacer and turned to see Vinyl holding up Octavia by her good arm. “What-?” Daring began but Apple Bloom got everypony’s attention pointing at Cloud Chaser’s body. “She and her twin were tryin’ to kill Octavia!” Daring looked at Vinyl to see her looking grim. She nodded. “The Princess needs a patch job, she was stabbed.” Twilight ran over immediately as Octavia started to pass out again. Twilight caught her and held her, looking at Vinyl to see her turn away with a blush. Twilight noticed the slow blood stain forming on Octavia’s back. “She was stabbed in the back. Professor?” Daring nodded. “Take her to the mess deck and set a table Twilight, I’ll go get my emergency kit and we’ll patch her up.” Vinyl sighed. “Do what you can, she was stabbed by her shoulder blade.” Daring nodded. “Take care of that monstrosity then.” Daring glared at the dead body of the pegasus. “Where’s the twin?” Daring asked turning to Vinyl. Vinyl turned to the bright orange-yellow spot far away from them. “Probably burnt to a crisp from that last blast. She’s gone now.” Daring nodded. “We lose good ponies like that. They turn them into brainwashed monsters and sent to kill innocents. It’s a waste of life.” Daring left to go grab her things as Vinyl stood there, not feeling well. She stared at Cloud Chaser’s body and turned away, gulping audibly keeping her dinner down. She hadn't seen a body like this since she was a slave. She looked down at Cloud Chaser’s back to see the knife wound around her wing joint and the wing looked like it was twisted out of the socket. She shook her head hard, trying to get the horrible memories out of her head. She didn’t want to do that to any other pony if she couldn’t help it. After fighting her memories, Vinyl grabbed the body’s vest and with a mighty shove with her magic Vinyl tossed it overboard. Vinyl watched the body fall then start to float away from the ship catching the current. The only blessing Vinyl gave Cloud Chaser was spitting over the rail and a curse to hell. She turned and walked to the storage closet under the stairs and grabbed a bucket and mop. She filled the bucket with water from the mess deck then came back up stairs to the main deck. She stuck the mop head into the bucket then started mopping the blood trail, praying that Octavia was alright. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Below in the mess deck Daring wiped her forehead with her arm as she started getting the thread through a small needle for stitches as she watched Twilight concentrating, using healing magic to try healing Octavia’s muscles before Daring sews the wound shut. Daring sighed, remembering Apple Bloom’s tale about the fight on the mast. The knife that Cloud Chaser used was well made to be messy and deadly. When Octavia was stabbed in the shoulder blade area instead of her neck or her spine, the blade shredded her muscles. While she was hanging on for dear life she was tearing her muscles around the wound, making it worse. With help from Twilight’s healing magic Daring was hoping to not have to sew the muscles back together. By the look of the unicorn's face, it was taking longer than it should, and was quite possibly a very serious wound. Twilight sighed, releasing her hold on the magic, panting hard, sweat pouring out of her pores from the exertion of power. “That’s as much as I can do Professor.” Daring nodded patting her on the shoulder. “Rest, you did well.” Twilight nodded walking to the steps and sat down feeling the breeze from the outside air filtering into the mess deck. Daring leaned, in placing her reading glasses on her snout to see. “Let’s see what we have left here.” She paused, pulling the small lantern near Octavia’s shoulder to get a better look. Twilight did an excellent job, but the muscles are still torn and would need to be healed properly. She sighed and turned to see Apple Bloom sitting with Spike and Sweetie Belle. “You three, come here.” The three nodded and walked over. Sweetie looked very pale seeing the opened shoulder for the surgery. Apple Bloom was standing in front of Octavia’s face watching her sleep. Spike stood on a stool nodding to the professor. “What do you want us for?” He asked curiously. Daring sighed. “She’ll no doubt wake up soon. I have to sew her up.” “Why call us?” Sweetie asked gulping hard. “I need two of you to sit on top of Octavia and keep her as still as possible.” Sweetie Belle and Spike nodded and climbed up on Octavia. Spike sitting on top of Octavia’s legs while Sweetie Belle sat on Octavia’s lower back bracing herself. “Apple Bloom, take this.” Daring said reaching into her bag and pulled out a square of leather. Apple Bloom took it. “For what?” She asked. Daring sighed. “Octavia will yell out so if she does, roll it up first,” Apple Bloom nodded and rolled up the square into a cylinder. “Good, when she opens her mouth to scream I want you to stick it in sideways into her mouth and tell her to bite down. This will be extremely painful for her.” Apple Bloom nodded with a gulp. “How come you know so much about this Professor?” Sweetie Belle asked worriedly. “I was a medic in the wars, Sweetie Belle. Every soldier waking up from an operation like this will scream even at the tiniest bits of pain their body is suffering from can be burning hell to them. Ready?” She asked the three youngsters. Spike and Sweetie Belle nodded. Apple Bloom gulped and nodded. Daring nodded reaching for the needle she set aside in whiskey and used her hand to hold down Octavia’s skin and looked at her. “Terribly sorry, Princess.” Daring stuck the needle through and started stitching as fast as she could. About the third time Octavia’s body twitched and started to move. “Hold her down,” Daring warned staying steady as she continues to sew. At the fifth Octavia’s eyes shot wide open. “What-!” She screams out suddenly Apple Bloom stuck the cylinder of leather into Octavia’s mouth. “Bite down.” She called out holding onto Octavia’s shoulders as Daring was finishing up. “There! Now just tie it up here, Spike get that whiskey bottle please. Oh keep that in her mouth, Apple Bloom.” “Why?” Apple Bloom asked as Octavia turns trying to see but let out a whimper feeling the pain in her shoulder and upper back. Daring thanked the dragon pulling the cork with her teeth and spit out the cork tilting it over Octavia’s sewn wound. “This,” she poured a small amount of whiskey on the wound and Octavia squeezed her eyes shut squirming with Sweetie Belle still on top of her. “There,” Daring said with a sigh of relief grabbing a warm wet rag and patted the wound dry. “Now you can take it out of her mouth.” Apple Bloom took the rolled up leather from Octavia’s jaws as Octavia panted with tears running down her face. Apple Bloom looked at the wet cylinder to see Octavia’s teeth marks and whistled in surprise by her jaw strength. “What’s going on?” Octavia whispered sniffling. “Playing doctor.” Spike said simply, starting to clean up Daring’s instruments with Twilight. “Doctor?” Octavia asked. “You got stabbed, remember?” Apple Bloom asked silently with sadness. Octavia sighed and smiled at the filly reaching with her bad arm and cried out. Daring and Sweetie Belle helped her sit up as Octavia held her arm. Daring pulled down Octavia’s shirt from around her neck where she pushed up the shirt before the surgery. “Here,” Twilight said grabbing some linen. She walked over to Octavia and wrapped her arm with the linen then wrap the two ends around Octavia’s neck and tied them making a sling. Octavia winced as Twilight helps reposition Octavia’s arm into a confortable position with the sling. “There, how does that feel?” Octavia sighed and nodded. “That feels fine. Thank you.” Octavia wiped her face with her sleeve. Twilight smiled and looked down at Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked up at Octavia. “You saved me, twice!” Octavia blinked and smiled, she reached with her left hand and ruffled Apple Bloom’s mane. “I couldn’t let you get lost or hurt could I?” Apple Bloom giggled and hugged Octavia, minding her sling. Octavia smiled, patting her on the back. Daring looked at Twilight and smiled. Twilight smiled in return and sighed. “Well we had a very interesting night. We survived a Super Nova that turned into a black hole and we saved the Princess.” Twilight blinked suddenly. “Speaking of that, Professor, we need to talk to Captain Scratch about Octavia.” “No need.” Everypony turned to see Vinyl leaning against the wall on the last two steps to the deck sporting her sailor cap on her head. She walked forward looking at Octavia then at Daring. “Can she work or not?” She asked sourly. Daring raised her brow hearing the sour tone in Vinyl’s voice. She pulled off her reading glasses. “Octavia will be on sick bay Captain, until her muscles are completely healed. That knife did a number on her shoulder. She can’t move her right arm without ripping more tender muscles.” Octavia blushed, turning to Vinyl to see her looking at her thinking. “Fine, sick bay until further notice. When you are starting to feel more limber I’ll give you small jobs with hardly any muscle work.” Vinyl turned and started walking back to the stairs. She paused to point at her. “Until then Sweet Cheeks, go below and sleep in your hammock. Regenerate and get better.” Octavia blinked, seeing Vinyl’s eyes filled with concern. Vinyl tipped her hat and started up the stairs and disappeared. Octavia blinked, wondering what the heck just happened. Vinyl never worries about her, the only thing the Captain is worried about is making sure Octavia got her work done. Octavia slowly slid off the table and started walking away from the group as she trotted up the stairs, wincing as her body movement hurt her shoulder. She turned seeing Vinyl standing at the bow smoking again. Octavia walked forward slowly, then determined, as she quickened her pace. “Why?” She called out. Vinyl turned to her a little surprised. “What?” “Why did you come and save me? You hardly care about me.” Vinyl raised her brow staring at Octavia as she glared at her. “It’s just like in Fillydelphia, you could have left me there to be raped or killed but you saved me anyway.” Vinyl turned away. “Look at me while I’m talking to you, Vinyl Scratch.” Vinyl stayed silent as she continues watching the sky, thinking of what to say. Octavia blinked, bewildered. “You have nothing to say? There has to be a reason why you suddenly care about a royal like me!” She yelled out, sticking her finger into Vinyl’s chest, pushing her slightly off balance. Vinyl glared at her then turned away, remaining silent. Octavia sniffed and turned away, storming off past Daring as she head down the second hatch to the hammocks. Daring turned to see Vinyl placing her hand over the spot where Octavia touched her as she turned away. Daring read her stance and her face, Vinyl was hurt and tense. “Captain?” Vinyl jumped staring at Daring. “Something wrong?” Vinyl shook her head. “Nothing,” she said shortly turning away. “Don’t you have some maps or some shit to check on or something?” Daring turned away and nodded. “If you want to talk-” “I don’t want to talk.” Vinyl snapped harshly. Daring nodded. “I understand.” Daring walked away, leaving Vinyl leaning against the rail, pulling her hat lower over her eyes to hide her tears. Why is it so hard to tell the truth? > Chapter 14: The Past Reawakens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 The Past Reawakens Scratch woke up, blinking his heavy eyes, looking around only to see darkness around him. He let out a sigh, banging his head a little hard on the back wall. “Ow,” he muttered out loud with a deadpanned look. “You alright?” Scratch jumped then turned to the sound of Rainbow’s voice. “Yeah, just thinking and I hit myself.” He sighed silently. Thinking of a way to get out of here number one. He thought harshly. Rainbow chuckled. “Wow,” Scratch blushed. Rainbow grunted in the dark moving her chains. “I swear by Luna that my hands will fall off in a matter of days.” Scratch smiled at her groan. Hopefully that can happen, that way you would be defenseless against my blade. “Well I’ve been through worst. You’re going through stuff I wished to go back to.” Rainbow went silent for a moment. Scratch frowned turning away, thinking about a way to get out of there “You were a prisoner for a long time?” Rainbow asked. Scratch sighed. “Yeah, I have been a prisoner since I was maybe twenty-six or so. That was twelve or thirteen years ago.” Rainbow nodded. “For what, if I may be so bold to ask?” Scratch cracked a smile. “Does being a jack-ass a good enough answer?” Rainbow chuckled. “Well it just depends on your story. What caused you to be a jack-ass?” Scratch shook his head. “You know I really like you.” If you weren’t my enemy. “You remind me of...” “Remind you of who?” Rainbow asked carefully, noticing the shift in emotion. “My wife.” The room went silent. “You’re wife?” Tick Tock asked. “You’re awake? Sorry to have disturbed you.” Rainbow said silently. Tick Tock shifted, causing his chains to rattle. “I’ve been awake for a time.” He turned to where Scratch was in the dark. “Captain Scratch, you have a wife?” Scratch nodded. “Well, used to. I don’t know where she is or if she’s still alive.” “Well we’re not going anywhere.” Rainbow said getting comfortable. “Why not tell us about her. I bet she’s a beauty, eh?” Scratch chuckled. “She was. I had to fight against three other ponies just so her father would allow me to marry her.” He laughed at the memory. “Oh man, she was sneaky. She actually drugged the other stallions’ drinks so they would be slow or sick so I could beat them.” Tick Tock chuckled. “Boy, I can tell you two had a bond.” Scratch nodded. “You can say it was a forbidden relationship. I’m a unicorn, she’s an earth pony. Just like unicorns and pegasi in Canterlot, the Earth ponies have their own fears of breeding with other species. So when her father told me I’ll have to prove that I love her fighting in the earth pony way and no magic. So I agreed and I took the challenge. Without magic it was hard to fight three other stallions that were chosen by her father to try and beat me. After a long fight I proved I can fight for the mare I loved and three weeks later we got married.” Scratch grinned at the memory. “While we were together in our own shack outside of Manehattan she told me the truth.” Scratch laughed. “And I told her that she was a sneaky bitch and she agreed.” He sighed. “She was my type of mare. She cooks, she can fix things, and she’s beautiful and musical. I can’t find a better mare for my life.” Rainbow turned away her eyes burning. “She must have been a lucky mare to have a guy like you.” Scratch sighed. “What about you? Do you have a nice stallion waiting for you Rainbow?” Rainbow went still feeling sweat. She turned away. “No, I don’t.” Tick Tock blinked. “Really? I thought you might’ve-” “Shut up.” She growled threateningly. Tick Tock nodded. “Of course, I’m sorry-” “Just don’t talk about it.” Tick Tock could sense his old friend’s mood and decided to not further her distress. Suddenly there were sounds from above as a rush of feet came down. Rainbow looked up seeing the light. The pony with the lantern was Applejack. “What’re you doing here in such a hurry?” Rainbow asked. Applejack looked around then kneeled down to where she was eye level with Rainbow. “Look, I’m just saying this because we were friends once alright?” “What?” Rainbow asked with a quirked brow. “Listen to me carefully, the lookout spotted a boat that matched the description and name from Hoofington.” Rainbow blinked, staring wide-eyed at Applejack as Tick Tock gasped. “Octavia?” “Shh!” Applejack said harshly, looking at Rainbow Dash again. “Listen to me carefully, we’re following that ship. Just so you know, I won’t do anything to hurt the Princess, got it?” “Why are you telling me this?” Rainbow growled. “Like I said before.” Applejack whispered. “For the sake of our past friendship, I won’t do anything to harm anypony on that ship. But if I am given the order, I won’t back down.” Rainbow blinked, looking into Applejack’s eyes to see that she was telling the truth. She could even see a spark of old power in her eyes. "Trust me Dash! I know what I'm doing." Rainbow blinked and looked down, then back up into Applejack’s eyes again. “Why should I trust you after what you have done?” Applejack went silent. “I just hoped that the real Rainbow Dash is still in that head of yers.” She whispered. “I did what I did to survive, Rainbow. So did Pinkie.” Applejack stood up, Rainbow was in shock. “Wait, Pinkie Pie? Where is she?” Scratch stiffened in his bonds. He turned to stare at Applejack the most. Applejack paused, turning to Rainbow. “You really want to know?” She asked sadly. Rainbow Dash stared at her back. “Where’s Pinkie? She was with you wasn’t she?” Tick Tock stared at Rainbow with a new idea now. Rainbow might not have told him her past but he can tell that this was a very touchy subject. An answer she desperately wanted for years. Applejack sighed. “She’s gone Rainbow. She’s gone.” Rainbow’s mouth dropped to the floor watching Applejack take the stairs, leaving Rainbow sitting there in shock, taking their only light source away leaving the prisoners in darkness again. Tick Tock gulped. “Rainbow Dash?” Silence. “Captain Dash?” Rainbow remained silent, biting her lip, closing her eyes. “Rain-” “Hey Highness?” Scratch said silently, getting Tick Tock’s attention. “What?” “Can’t you see she wants to be left alone?” The two stallions remained silent in the dark as Rainbow fought hard to not cry. Her chains clank slightly as she clenched her fists and shaking. Remembering the last time she ever saw her two earth pony friends. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Rainbow Dash, back in the start of the rebellion, walked through a large warehouse filled with pounding feet of pegasi soldiers drilling. There would be an occasional scream of a pony being tortured in the open. Rainbow turned to see a blue stallion hanging by his wrists by electrical pulses. One of the pegasi nodded to a unicorn. The unicorn smirked and started powering her hands and flashed electricity at the stallion causing him to scream. Rainbow turned away, feeling sick, but continued on, determined, feeling the presence of her old allies flanking her. She turned to her left to see the yellow pegasus with an orange mane. Then Rainbow turned to her right to see the light blue pegasus with a navy blue mane. They were both dressed in blue and yellow aviator jackets of the Wonderbolts, one of the most influential pegasi units in the military. The yellow pegasus indicated the closest door to their left. Rainbow turned to the left and the door opened. Rainbow stiffened and stopped, seeing two Earth ponies hanging by their wrists with gravitational cuffs. Rainbow looked to see a younger Applejack beaten and bruised with blood soaking her right pant leg. Rainbow turned to the right and saw a pink earth pony with a crazy darker pink mane unconscious, showing signs of having been beaten. Applejack blinked looking up at Rainbow. “Rainbow?” Rainbow Dash kept her face emotionless but her eyes were swinging from Applejack and Pinkie Pie with anger and shock. “Why are they here?” Rainbow asked with a growl. Rainbow noticed the pink pony opening her eyes, she gasped seeing Rainbow and started to smile with relief. “They were arrested on charges of murder and causing a public riot.” The yellow pegasus said with a troubled frown. “We had no choice but to arrest them.” Rainbow turned on her. “Spitfire, these two are the Elements of Honesty and Laughter, you had no right to arrest them!” The yellow pegasus called Spitfire made a painful grimace turning away. “In fact we do,” a new voice piped up. Rainbow turned to see a pegasus that she hadn’t seen since training. She was dressed in the new style of uniforms for the new guard. Black uniform with red threads and buttons, her pants were a dirty black and her boots were the new custom combat boots. She was wearing a three cornered hat on her head with a strange emblem with outstretched wings. Her golden eyes pierced Rainbow’s magenta ones with a smirk on her teal colored face. “Lightning Dust?” Rainbow whispered in shock. Lightning Dust, an old rival and friend to Rainbow Dash during training, looked up from her paper work with a snide little grin. “It’s Colonel Lighting Dust to you, Captain.” Rainbow blinked in shock. “Colonel? How did you...” Rainbow snarled shaking her head. “Release them now!” Rainbow ordered pointing at her friends. Colonel Dust smirked standing up walking around her desk standing before Rainbow with her hands behind her back. “I’m afraid I cannot allow these beasts to leave this facility. They lead an attack on Royals, Captain Dash and as protectors of the Royal Empire of Canterlot we will keep the peace and throw away the meddlers.” Rainbow stared at the pegasus in shock, turning to Applejack to see her snarling. “That’s not true and you know it!” Applejack spat. “The truth is very clear to me,” Lightning Dust said with authority turning to Rainbow Dash. “I was given this station to train the pegasi and Rainbow Dash I need you. Hero of the war and leader of thousands, you are the Element of Loyalty the most sacred of Elements and sacred to us and the Empire of Canterlot.” Rainbow turned away seeing Spitfire and the second pegasus having trouble figuring out what to do. Rainbow turned back to the colonel pointing at her friends. “Why are you doing this? These two ponies are heroes-” “They are not heroes if they kill those that they fought for!” Lighting Dust spat pointing behind her. “These two ponies killed Prince Duncan, Prince Gale, and Duke Kemp. Solders that fought in the war like you and I and these... monsters, the earth ponies are rioting in the streets and these two were in it. They’re trying to kill us all and ruin our way of life!” “That’s not true Rainbow!” Applejack yelled out. “Don’t listen to her or what any Royal says! They are nothing but liars! They want us to fight each other don’t you understand that!” “Silence earth shit or you will regret it!” Lightning yelled out. Applejack snarled at the pegasus. “I won’t be silenced by you or your stupid Royals! We were in the right and you are all wrong!” Lightning Dust went silent glaring at the pony. “Alright so here is the choice then.” Lightning Dust challenged turning to Rainbow Dash grinning. “It’s time you choose, Captain Rainbow Dash. Are you a traitor? If so, you will be joining all the earth ponies and the other traitors and be hanged for treason against the crown.” Rainbow felt hands grab her and turned to see Spitfire’s eyes glassy. She didn’t want to do what she’s ordered to if it came down to it. Lightning sighed. “Or you will give your loyalty to me, leader of this base and the true protectors of Celestia. If you side with me, you will be second in command of the largest army in centuries.” Rainbow turned to see her friends, they are both now watching her. Rainbow bit her lip eyeing the pink pony. She was looking at her with her glassy blue eyes as if begging for help. Rainbow bowed her head thinking. She felt her arm being tightened and felt Spitfire lean in. “Don’t make the decision you will regret in the future Dash. I trained you hard for this and I don’t want you to die over some silly rivalry. Think smart, think ahead Dash.” Spitfire paused glaring at Lightning Dust. “Something is wrong. The balance has shifted since that damn war and all the pegasi we fought with are either dead or going crazy. I can’t lose you too, I need you.” Rainbow sighed looking up at Applejack to see her glare. “Rainbow it’s time you choose now who yer real friends are.” Rainbow can feel her heart quicken with fear. “Where do yer true loyalties lie, Rainbow, with the soldiers, or us, yer real friends?” Rainbow blinked hard trying to think. Spitfire leaned in again. “We’ll help them Dash. You and I and the other Wonderbolts. We’ll turn this around. Show your loyalty to the bastards, gain their trust, then we’ll strike and free the innocents.” Rainbow took in a breath and let it out shakily staring at Applejack. The pegasus points at her with a glare. “My loyalties are to the Princess and Canterlot.” Applejack’s ears went flat on her head with shock. Even the pink pony gasped with tears flowing. “Dashie!” The pink pony pleaded. “I will fight and die for her just like the rest of us!” Rainbow finished glaring coldly not to her friends but at the pegasus colonel that grinned at Spitfire. Spitfire turned away from the grin. “Turn around,” the second pegasus whispered. He turns with Spitfire and the two walked away. Rainbow kept her glare up as she turned and walked away hearing her friend screaming her name. "DASHIE!" She never felt so alone. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia woke up, panting slightly as she sat up. She held her hand to her chest, feeling Luna's Tear flare with heat. She clenched the jewel from under her shirt, letting out slow breaths to calm her beating heart. She blinked, hearing somepony snoring and turned to see Spike and Scootaloo sleeping in their hammock. Spike was snoring loudly, and Scootaloo had large ear plugs as she smiled in her dream, curling up tighter to stay warm. Octavia blinked, getting her eyes used to the darkness, seeing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sharing their hammock resting. Apple Bloom looked unrested as she slept with an angry scowl on her face. Sweetie Belle looked sad as she sniffed and turned over to her side with her back towards Octavia. Octavia looked ahead of her to see Derpy sleeping with a blanket of old cloth, sucking her thumb like a filly would. Octavia blinked at the strangely adorable pose Derpy had. Derpy is a grown mare and she’s sleeping with a filly’s toy of comfort? It was odd, yet adorable. Octavia's eyes noticed that the hammock under Derpy's was empty. Vinyl's hammock. Octavia looked over at the staircase to see light from the moon outside. She reached under her hammock and grabbed her boots and pulled them on with a single hand, stepping into them to get her heel into the boot. She buckled the boot around her ankle then proceeded with the second boot. Once that was done she stood up and reached for her vest she had hung up on the nail next to her hammock and carefully pulled it on by pulling her left arm out of her sling, wincing with pain. Once that hard task was done, Octavia set her arm back into her sling then tip-toed to the stairs and out the second hatch. She reached the outside and felt the breeze in her mane cooling the sweat on her brow, making her shiver slightly. She looked up at the beautiful masterpiece of stars above her. She could see the stars all bunching together in huge clumps that resemble giant clouds. The dark dreamscape showed all sorts of colors other than the deep blue of night. Octavia was more accustomed to the deeper hues of the interior of the galaxy. It was the most beautiful sight that Octavia has ever witnessed in her life. “If only Papa and Mama could see this now.” Octavia whispered sadly, placing her hand over her chest feeling the lump of the pendant. In the breeze Octavia could hear a flute being played. She turned towards the helm where the sound was coming from to see nopony at the wheel. She walked over, cautiously climbing up the stairs to hear the whistling getting louder. She stopped and froze to see that the giant wheel is being held in place by lines of rope connecting to the rails on both sides of the ship keeping the wheel steady at the heading the ship was heading, on autopilot. Octavia raised her brow then her ears flicked toward the aft of the ship. The flute was playing a slow song. It sounded so beautiful. She walked carefully towards the back of the large cabin area where Twilight and Daring were sleeping in. Octavia turned the corner to see Vinyl with her eyes closed playing the beautiful song. She was sitting on a barrel with her legs crossed on the rail as she played the light tune. Octavia watched her bruised white fingers blocking the holes, playing the tune nicely. Octavia leaned against the wall watching her play. Octavia smiled feeling at peace as she watched the peaceful piper play. Something about that song reopens memories. Memories of peace and happiness. Octavia closed her eyes hearing the tune play. It was the same tune over and over again. Octavia found herself humming the slow tune motioning her head from side to side slowly enjoying the sound. Vinyl started to end the song to a close as she lingers on the last note then stopped. Octavia opened her eyes to see Vinyl’s eyes still shut as she held in her breath then let it out slowly. She opened her eyes smiling. Until she saw Octavia then her expression changed immediately. “Gah! Where did you come from?!” Vinyl yelled out, leaning back on the barrel. Octavia reached out to help, but was too late as Vinyl and the barrel fall back onto the deck. Octavia gasped and ran over to help her captain. Vinyl groaned, rubbing the back of her head as she sat up. “What are you doing here?” She groaned, wincing from the pain in her head. Octavia blushed as she picked up the barrel. She found Vinyl's fluted and picked it up, staring at it. Vinyl blinked looking at Octavia as she looked at the flute. “Ahem?” Octavia jumped and turned to see Vinyl giving her a look. “Oh, uh here,” Octavia said blushing handing the tin whistle back to Vinyl as she stuck the flute back into her vest. Vinyl stood up staring at Octavia. “What are you doing up here?” Vinyl asked crossing her arms across her chest. Octavia blinked and cleared her throat. “I couldn’t sleep.” “Hmm, really?” Vinyl asked with a raised brow. “Yes, I woke up and decided to get some air then I heard you playing that... What was that again?” “It’s a penny whistle.” Vinyl said a little startled by Octavia’s question. “They’re pretty popular in Manehattan.” Octavia blinked at this. “I’ve never seen such an instrument. It sounds like flute but it has a higher pitch.” Vinyl shrugged. “Well yeah, it is more like a whistle than a flute really.” The two mares went silent. Vinyl was staring at the stars while Octavia looked down at her boots. “I’m sorry,” Octavia mumbled. “Huh?” “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.” Octavia blushed looking up at Vinyl. Vinyl blinked and turned away scratching the back of her head thinking of what to say. “Uh well uh...” Octavia shook her head. “You don’t need to say anything or answer those questions. I know it was wrong of me to explode in your face like I did. It was my way of coping with that near death experience.” Vinyl gulped, blushing hard as she turned away. She sighed. “Look... I guess I feel like I have this responsibility for you that’s all.” Octavia blinked, looking at Vinyl in surprise as she noticed that Vinyl was blushing. “What?” She asked curiously. “I have a responsibility for you.” Vinyl lied pulling her hat off to scratch her head. “You’re a member of my crew and as a member I make a rule to protect all my spacers no matter what race, gender, or status.” Octavia blinked at this realizing that Vinyl was confessing to something, but what? “Captain-” Suddenly Octavia tensed for a second. “What... Hey are you okay?” Vinyl asked with concern seeing Octavia’s eyes went wide reaching into her shirt and pulling out Luna's Tear to see it glowing white. “What’s happening?” Vinyl asked backing away as Octavia started to glow in purple and blue magic. “I don’t know!” She yelled out looking at her arm then at her sling seeing her entire body illuminated with a purple-blue magical aura. Vinyl backed away slowly watching Octavia carefully as she continued to glow. Suddenly Luna's Tear started to levitate off Octavia’s hand and into the air up to Octavia’s chin. Octavia stared at the jewel with fear and fascination. The jewel sparked a powerful light causing both mares to yell out, blocking their eyes from the intense light. A string of light sprouted out of the jewel. Octavia opened her eyes feeling tears pouring out and gasped to see the white light from her jewel. She turned following the light and gasped to see the light pointing at Vinyl’s chest. “Captain,” Octavia whispered. “What?” Vinyl asked removing her hands from her eyes then looked down to see the jewel’s light pointing at her chest causing her to yell out a curse, jumping to the side to see that the light wasn’t on her anymore. “What’s this?” A voice asked next to them. The two mares turned to see Daring staring at them barefoot, dressed in her pants, and shirt seeing them. “Professor? What are you doing here?” Vinyl asked surprised. “I heard somepony scream and I saw this.” Daring gasped turning to see Octavia’s stone glowing. “And what do we have here?” Daring reached for the stone but stopped. She poked the stone to feel no burn. She let out a sigh then tenderly held Luna's Tear staring at it then turned to where the small light is pointed to. “I wonder... Follow me you two.” Daring ordered trotting back to the cabins. Octavia and Vinyl followed the professor into the cabin area where there are four small cabins. One of these cabins, Twilight is poking her head out the door, her mane looked topsy-turvy as she sleepily looking around. “Professor?” “Later Twilight,” Daring said running past Twilight to her door. Octavia and Vinyl stopped by Twilight as they heard Daring going through her things making a racket. “What’s going on?” Twilight asked yawning rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Vinyl shrugged. “That jewel around Sweet Cheeks’ neck started glowing-” “Aha!” The three mares watched as Daring ran out of the room with a book in her hands. “Now please tell me everything that happened outside.” Daring ordered pulling on her reading glasses looking through some pages. Vinyl sighed. “Princess here went all stiff, see, then she pulled out that jewel and that jewel started to glow. So did Princess! It was magic!” Vinyl said pointing at Octavia. Octavia blushed holding Luna's Tear. Daring looked up. “What kind of magic are we talking about here?” Vinyl shrugged. “It was like two different unicorn magic’s surrounding her at once.” “Explain.” Twilight ordered now fully awake closing her door behind her so she can listen. “Well, there was a dark blue aura and there was a purple one.” Twilight placed her fingers on her chin thinking. Daring looked at her assistant as she flipped through the book again. “Octavia, did you feel anything during this?” Twilight asked. Octavia blinked thinking. “I actually did. It felt strange. It was like I can feel two different forces inside of me. And there were so many voices talking at once.” Octavia moaned letting the tear fall to her chest as she place both hands over her head then gasped. She turned to her right arm with astonishment as she pulled her arm out of her sling and started moving her arm around. “My arm!” “It’s healed?” Vinyl asked just as spooked backing away from Octavia. “Incredible!” Daring exclaimed. “The legends of the Tear are few but there were stories claiming that the Luna’s Tear can heal the wearer! Incredible!” Octavia was smiling that her arm was back to normal but she was freaking out at how it did that. “Professor, what is that light on the wall?” Twilight asked pointing. On the opposite wall there is a purple light. Daring looked at the light then turned to Octavia to see the Luna's Tear was emitting a light beam towards the wall. She walked over and waved her hand over the light to see it on her hand. The light isn’t a laser, if it was it didn’t burn her palm. She hummed a moment looking at the light then at Octavia. Octavia was staring at her jewel then at the wall too. Octavia blinked and saw something strange behind her eyelids. “Octavia?” Twilight asked with worry seeing Octavia’s eyes squeezed shut her hands clenched into fists. Vinyl noticed Octavia was emitting some type of energy. Anger? “Octavia, talk to us.” Twilight said grabbing Octavia’s shoulders squeezing slightly. “There’s something wrong.” Octavia whispered. “Something very wrong.” “What’s wrong?” Daring asked reaching into her pants back pocket and pull out her journal and a piece of charcoal. “I see... white everywhere.” Octavia said her ear flicked then her head turned toward Vinyl pointing at her. Vinyl stared at Daring with fear. “There’s a colt standing right there... Funny, he has Vinyl’s likeness.” Vinyl blinked looking to Twilight. Twilight gulped. “There’s something behind him... He’s running.” “Running from what?” Daring asked carefully. Vinyl turned to Twilight to see her face looking grim. Vinyl looked down to see the jewel glowing in purple and blue aura again. She’s seeing something that the jewel wants her to see. “I can see it.” Octavia said furrowing her eyebrows as if trying to see. “I see a structure of some kind... It’s huge.” “Anything else to that structure?” Daring asked kneeling down to the floor as she reaches for the book she set down flipping through pages. She stopped flipping pages at some drawings looking up at Octavia. “Tell me Octavia, what does this structure have? Any markings, shapes?” Octavia flicked her ear then turned towards the wall where the light is pointed at tilting her head to the side. “I feel strange.” She said with fear. “Just tell us what you see.” Twilight said soothingly rubbing Octavia’s shoulders. Vinyl found herself slowly sitting on the floor watching Octavia and Daring. “I just entered the structure... I can hear screaming. Painful screaming.” Octavia started shaking her head pressing her fingers to her temples. “It’s one voice screaming. Screaming for help.” “Focus Octavia.” Twilight whispered. “Tell us what Luna’s Tear want you to see.” “I don’t know what I’m seeing.” Octavia said shaking again. “But I can feel it. Anger, betrayal.” Octavia started to growl she was getting angry. “They disturbed my grave!” She screamed suddenly holding her head falling on her knees. Octavia was shaking now with tears pouring from her squinted eyes. “I didn’t mean to disturb your temple!” She said weakly as if afraid. “Sweet Cheeks?” Vinyl asked warily reaching over to touch Octavia. Octavia gasped opening her eyes panting staring at Vinyl. She turned to see Daring and Twilight looking at her. “What happened?” She asked. “You mean you don’t remember telling us those things?” Vinyl asked carefully. “I remember seeing visions.” Octavia said warily looking at Luna's Tear to see the small light but the Tear stopped glowing. Octavia turned to Daring and saw the book and gasped pointing at it. “That’s what I saw!” She exclaimed pointing at the picture in the book. Daring blinked staring at Octavia then back at the book. “You saw this temple?” Daring asked pointing at the picture. “Yes... That was it.” She shivered wrapping her arms around herself. “It was so dark and cold. Filled with horrible, horrible magic.” Twilight looked at Octavia with shock. “You can feel magic?” Octavia blinked looking up at Twilight. “Well yes. I can feel magic.” Twilight blinked several times and turned to Daring. “She’s an earth pony and she can feel magic.” “I’m more unicorn, thank you.” Octavia said huffily. Vinyl snickered. “Sorry,” Twilight said realizing her mistake. Daring pointed to the picture. “Octavia, this is a drawing that was drawn by an explorer that has seen Luna's Treasured Moon.” Octavia and Vinyl both gasped at that. “Wait, wait, you’re saying that Princess here just saw Luna’s moon?” Vinyl asked. Daring nodded. “That is the only explanation.” She turned to Octavia. “Octavia, you have said many things about the planet and I wrote them down.” Daring handed her small journal to Octavia to read. Octavia looked at the notes then blinked with a gulp. “Yes, I do remember seeing all of that.” She blinked turning to Vinyl giving her a hard look. “I swear that colt looked just like you Vinyl.” Vinyl blinked staring at her. “Except he has darker blue hair and red eyes. You’re mane is two different blues and your eyes are more magenta color.” Vinyl blinked looking at the three ponies. She turned away and stood up leaving them alone. Octavia blinked then turned to Twilight to see her sighing. “What’s wrong?” Octavia asked. Twilight shrugged. “Vinyl mentioned that her father left her family to find Luna's Treasured Moon. He never came back.” Octavia blinked. “But... if I saw her father, I only saw him as a colt, not a stallion.” Octavia stood up and ran after Vinyl leaving Professor and assistant behind to discuss the recent events. Octavia ran out the door. She looked around to find no Vinyl until she looked up to see her climbing the ratlines to the masts. Octavia gulped and follow Vinyl up and try to apologize. She reached the top and crawled over to find Vinyl with her back against the mast siting on the platform. “Captain?” Octavia asked softly seeing Vinyl trying to hide her tears. “Why are you following me?” Vinyl asked sniffing. “I want to apologize.” Octavia said sitting down next to her. “Apologize, for what?” Vinyl asked glaring at her. “I didn’t know... about your father.” Vinyl lessened her glare and turned away. “It’s not your fault. He’s been dead for a long time.” Octavia placed her hand on Vinyl’s hand, squeezing. Vinyl blinked turning to her with a blush. “I lost my father too.” Octavia said with a small smile. “He and mother both.” Vinyl looked at Octavia turning away pulling off her hat scratching her head. “At least they had each other.” Vinyl muttered looking at Octavia. Octavia nodded her lip trembling. “I guess you are right there. I just sure hope it was quick and they both didn’t suffer.” She sniffed clasping her hands in front of her on her lap looking down. Vinyl gulped. “I lost my Mom to the plague.” Octavia blinked the tears out of her eyes turning to Vinyl with surprise. “She died alone. I couldn’t do anything to help her.” Vinyl said heavily sniffing wiping her eyes. “Dad left and never came back. He promised to be back of course, like all fathers would say before leaving their wife with their little blank flank kid.” Octavia blinked staring at Vinyl as she started to cry. “It’s still hard.” She whispered. “Begging for Luna to give me a sign that he’s somehow alive or at least guide me to his resting place if not in space.” Octavia blinked several times until she wrapped her arms around Vinyl and squeezed giving her a hug. Vinyl gasped at the contact and looked down at Octavia’s head as she cried into Vinyl’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.” Vinyl patted her awkwardly on the back. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. Hell...” Vinyl paused trying to say something else until a thought came to her. “At least you knew your parents.” Octavia sniffed looking up at her. “Be grateful that you knew them practically most of your young life. You knew their favorite songs, favorite colors, best memories,” Octavia sat up watching Vinyl smiling. “I don’t have any of those things. It should be me apologizing to you... Octavia. You were thrown in this shitty world because of me.” Vinyl said harshly looking down at her legs. Octavia was surprised hearing her name from this pony’s mouth. “Captain-” “No listen to me, if I hadn’t saved your ass you might be with your family right now. Happy maybe. I don’t know what ponies do in the afterlife. But really, you wouldn’t be in this mess if I wasn’t being so...” “Brave?” Vinyl blinked, turning to her with surprise. “Brave? I was thinking more along the lines of insane.” Octavia stared at her for a moment, then started to laugh. She fell on her back laughing hard at the look on Vinyl’s face. “What? What did I say?” Octavia sighed looking up at Vinyl. “You really don’t give yourself much credit do you?” She asked sitting up scooting closer to Vinyl. Vinyl blushed seeing how close she was to her. “Captain Vinyl Scratch, you are the most confusing, annoying, disgusting unicorn I have ever met.” “Hey!” “But also, over time,” Octavia said carefully smiling. “I’ve learned you are a brave, loyal, gentle, and sweetest unicorn I have ever met.” Vinyl blushed deeply, clearing her throat. “Oh well um... Wow, most ponies call me a hybrid bitch over all that you just called me.” “I’m being serious.” Octavia said smiling. “I’ve never met anypony like you before. You are hard to read though I’ll admit that.” Vinyl chuckled. “What can I say, I’m a book of a different language.” The two mares started chuckling at the joke. Octavia smiled at her. “You know, we’ve never talked like this before. Every time I talked to you, you would yell at me.” Vinyl shrugged turning away hiding her continually growing blush. “Yeah... We never really did talk. I’m sorry for that. I guess I judged you to be this stuck up royal that would have me wait hand and foot for you.” Octavia stared at Vinyl with surprise. “And I judged you to be an uncouth space pirate that cares more about money than ponies.” Vinyl blinked at Octavia with surprise. “You thought I was a pirate?” “Well in a sense you are. You don’t plunder sure but you did steal from my family’s treasury on the Cadenza.” Vinyl chuckled shrugging. “I have to make a living.” Vinyl said laying on her back with her arms under her head staring at the stars. Octavia smiled and laid down beside her with her arms over her stomach looking at the stars. “I never really told you this, Captain.” “Hmm?” “Thank you.” “What?” Vinyl asked turning to her. Octavia looked at her with a small smile. “Thank you for saving me.” Vinyl blushed seeing Octavia smile. She looked down and turned away. “I shouldn’t be thinking about why you did it, but I should have said it. If it weren’t for you warning me...” “I should be the one thanking you.” Vinyl said blushing. “I never told you thanks for helping me when I was uh... drunk back at Hoofington.” Octavia smiled. “Well you’re now a wanted criminal, I can’t let them arrest you for thinking that you kidnapped me.” Octavia sat up, Vinyl sat up with her. She gulped looking at her. “Again my fault-” Octavia placed her hand over Vinyl’s mouth to shut her up. “No more apologies, Captain. Let us forget about this and think about more important things. I thank you for saving me that night but don’t blame yourself.” Octavia removed her hand feeling her heart doing backflips in her chest after the contact. “Listen,” Vinyl said looking at Octavia. “My friends call me Vinyl.” Octavia blinked at this. “Vinyl?” “Yeah, just Vinyl.” Octavia nodded smiling. “Then you shall call me Octavia.” She held out her hand smiling. Vinyl made an awkward smile taking Octavia’s hand into hers and the two shook hands. Octavia removed her hand slowly with a small gulp, feeling Vinyl’s callused hand against hers. Vinyl felt like she was going to explode with nerves, after touching Octavia’s soft hand. She was defiantly a princess. “Uh, let’s head down. My watch is about over.” Vinyl said scratching the back of her head. “Oh yes, I’m getting sleepy now.” The two mares climbed down the ratlines. Vinyl went down first, once she was close to the end of the ratlines she jumped the ten foot drop off the ratlines to the deck below. She looked up seeing Octavia’s shock. “Jump down.” Vinyl said smiling at her. “I don’t think that’s wise.” “Come on, you’ll land on the deck. The worst thing that would happen is that you would land on your back or on your face.” Octavia glared at her. “Not helping!” “Just get down. It’s faster.” Octavia stuck out her tongue, getting a surprised laugh from Vinyl. Octavia crawled down a little farther then gulped looking down, hoping not to break her leg at the five foot drop. She let go and landed in a squat on deck surprised. She chuckled looking up. “Wow, great job dropping five feet. Impressive.” Vinyl said with a shake of her head clapping her hands. “Thank you,” Octavia said walking. Her left foot got caught on a coil of rope by the ratlines. She yelped falling. forward into Vinyl’s arms. Vinyl caught Octavia; Octavia looked up and both mares stared at one another with deep blushes, their muzzles close to touching. Vinyl gulped and cleared her throat. “Watch where you step.” Vinyl said chuckling, helping Octavia stand back up. Octavia looked down to see Vinyl’s hands still clasping her arms. “You can let go,” “Huh? Oh right, right,” Vinyl said backing away looking up at the stars as Octavia kicks the coil of rope away blushing fiercely fixing her mane. “I’ll uh, go head down below and get some sleep.” Octavia said backing away. Vinyl nodded backing away towards the quarterdeck. “Uh yeah I’ll head up top and uh ring the time. Night.” “Good night.” Octavia turned and walked away normally as she was sweating, trying hard not to cause any attention to herself. Vinyl was standing still at the stairs, smiling widely. Octavia turned to her with a small smile waving. Vinyl gulped and waved, her smile wavering. Once Octavia was gone Vinyl started cursing herself. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She scolded, slamming her knuckles against the wall, cursing. “I’m such an idiot!” She gulped looking down at her hand where she touched Octavia’s hand and slowly traced her fingers over her callouses, lessening her glare clenching and unclenching her fist. She sighed leaning against the wall sliding to the deck staring at the stars. “This is some kind of sick joke isn’t it?” She said out loud to the stars. “I’m falling in love with a princess.” She pulled off her hat shaking her head. “Dammit, she’s so beautiful,” She grunted and started to cough and cough for a long time. She reached into her pocket to pull out her bloody handkerchief to spit into. She finally stopped her coughing fit with deep breaths. She groaned, holding her chest. “Why can’t my life be prefect like hers?” > Chapter 15: Secrets Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 Secrets Revealed Daring sat in her room staring at the book then at her notes from earlier in the morning from Octavia’s visions. Daring later concluded that Luna's Tear might be more than just a jewel of beauty. There is more to this pendant than meets the eye. Especially since Octavia was seeing through some other pony’s eyes. “Luna?” Daring whispered staring at the book then her eyes roved to the notes. “What are you trying to show us?” Daring bit on her pencil, thinking. Daring made another hypothesis that Octavia was probably seeing through Luna’s eyes. There had to be a reason why the pendant was called Luna’s Tear. The magical auras are defiantly Luna’s and possibly Octavia’s own magic. Since Octavia’s parents are both equally medium tier in magical abilities, it is possible that the old saying that Octavia’s more unicorn than earth pony might be the full truth. Maybe the Luna's Tear is calling forth Octavia’s own possible magical reserves. Twilight opened the door levitating a tray with lunch and tea. “Professor?” Twilight asked pushing the door wider. Daring looked up and smiled. “Oh uh, hello Twilight.” Daring sighed rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?” “Well according to my time, it’s about two on the clock.” Daring snorted, leaning back in her chair lifting her legs back on the desk to get comfortable, looking back at the book. Twilight set the tray on Daring’s bed that was now cluttered with reference guides and scrolls from the university. Twilight found a stool and sat down, blushing. “Something on your mind, Twilight?” Daring asked looking at her journal picking on the eraser of her pencil. “You asked me to tell you when the visions or dreams show me something you should know about?” Daring nodded biting the eraser with agitation seeing she found a dead end as she tossed the journal on the desktop. “And?” Daring asked flipping through pages of another book. “Professor... I’m seeing things I don’t think I’m supposed to see.” Daring blinked and turn to see Twilight in tears. Daring closed her book and removed her boots from the desktop to sit up straight in front of Twilight. “What is it? What did you see?” Twilight sniffed shaking slightly. “I had this horrible dream last night, before Octavia and Vinyl came this morning. I was seeing... my past.” Daring sighed placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I know you had a hard time in the war, Twilight. But-” “Please, Professor, this is serious.” Twilight said calmly shaking her head. “Remember when I first joined you, I always had the nightmares then I stopped having them?” “Yes, I remember how happy you were coming to my office every day since then, well rested and happy.” Twilight chuckled. “Yes, I was happy. But then all of a sudden, since I first met Octavia, I’ve been having flashbacks and light dreams of my friends. But this was even worse Daring.” Twilight whispered crying using her friend’s name. Daring nodded hugging Twilight to her holding her. “What were you seeing?” “Horrible, horrible things. Not only my past but... what happened when I wasn’t there or looking. Every time I see those dreams I feel like I’m looking into another pony’s dreams and memories.” Daring started to think fast trying to get an understanding of what Twilight was telling her. “I saw Applejack and Pinkie being whipped.” Twilight whispered holding on to Daring tightly now crying. “I can’t get their screams out of my head.” Daring nodded. “Those were the two earth ponies you told me about right?” “Yes, the dreams keep focusing on them and I don’t know why. Then I see Rainbow Dash, too. I keep seeing them.” Daring hummed thinking. “I don’t know what to tell you Twilight, I’m just a professor of archeology.” Daring said sitting back in her chair looking at her assistant. “Why are you seeing Rainbow Dash?” “Rainbow Dash... she was lonely and afraid. I see her crying in this dark room, I can see her age in that same room like she can’t stop crying. I keep hearing these words. The voices sounded like Applejack and Pinkie. But I don’t know what happened that would cause this much pain to her.” Daring nodded writing quick notes in her journal. “Uh, enlighten me Twilight, what do you remember of your friends after the war?” Daring asked already knowing the answer. Twilight nodded. “After the war, Rarity, Fluttershy, and I were planning on leaving. Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow stayed in the military. I remember Pinkie once telling me that she was going to retire soon and open a bakery and continue her love for making sweets like she did in Fillydelphia. Rarity was going to help her start.” Twilight shook her head. “That was when everything went terribly wrong and I learned that Applejack and Pinkie were in a brawl that killed three royals. I never heard or saw them again. I guess it started there.” Twilight said sniffing. “We lost our Elements, then we soon were forgotten. I guess I was lucky to get away from Canterlot when I did.” Daring nodded. “Yes, I was very lucky to have found you before those unicorns took you away.” Twilight shivered at the memory. “Still, I only saw visions from those three but I never heard anything about Rarity or Fluttershy. They could be in trouble or in prison or dead!” “Twilight, calm down,” Daring said quickly holding Twilight. “I don’t want to lose you to nerves or guilt again when I need you most.” Daring said soothingly. Twilight sniffed and nodded hugging her back. After a few moments the two separated and Twilight was smiling. “Thank you Professor, I needed that.” Daring smiled and returned to her books. “I’m glad,” Daring said with a kind smile. “But I do mean it Twilight, the last time you went down that path I couldn’t get to you for four months.” Twilight blushed. “I’m sorry, it’s just so hard. They could be here right under my nose and I would never have found out. Or I passed them while running around in Hoofington and never knew. I’m just so worried about my friends.” Daring nodded opening her book thinking. She turned to Twilight with a worried frown. “Twilight,” “Yes?” “Does this have anything to do with your Element?” Twilight thinks for a moment then suddenly she blinked staring at Daring. “You know something Professor, while I was studying Luna's Tear I felt a magical signature that somehow resembled the feeling of me using the Element of Magic.” “Really?” “Yes, it felt so familiar and so... so right. I was being powered or the jewel was being powered by my magic. That was when I kept feeling like I opened into something that was locked from me before. Like I was feeling signals with magic pointing me to every which direction. It was like I can sense my friends’ presence through the magic... No, I mean our connection with our Elements and our friendship.” Daring nodded, thinking as she pulled at her bottom lip thinking. “Interesting. We have many mysteries to solve Twilight. And it seems that if what you are telling me is true then...” “You think Equestria is in danger?” Daring looked at Twilight grimly. “Twilight, I felt that way since the beginning of the Earth Pony Rebellion we were heading into bloody waters and only the Elements can stop the tyranny before it spread.” Twilight nodded. “Then we failed.” “No Twilight, I have my suspicions about many things in the past but for some odd reason it all points to Octavia.” Twilight blinked at that. “Why?” “Think about it, Twilight. It seemed that suddenly Canterlot started a rebellion because of a couple of Earth ponies, probably drunk, killed three royals that are equally drunk,” She paused for moment giving Twilight a quirked brow. Twilight’s eyes went wide staring at her in shock. “You see, and guess what? There was no public trial, only the pegasi took action lead by..?” “General Lightning Dust!” Twilight gasped in shock. How could she miss that important detail? Since the start of the rebellion somehow Lightning Dust, a discharged pegasus during the war, became the leading pegasus in the Pegasi Royal army. Daring cracked a smile. “Good work, Twilight. Many of us that didn’t believe the earth ponies killed them for a reason believe that Lightning Dust was probably corrupted like the rest of the guard.” Daring paused for a moment thinking. “Professor?” “Twilight, what rank was that Dash character when you last saw her?” “She was a Lieutenant until she was given Captain Status by some pegasus, the name escapes me.” Daring snapped her fingers. “Of course! She was the next Captain of Wonderbolt Company wasn’t she?” Twilight blinked looking at her. “I didn’t know Rainbow went back to the Wonderbolts.” “Oh that’s right, you only knew of Unicorn Business. Pegasi like myself were the ones that only got pegasi news. But have you heard of Spitfire?” “Yes, Professor, I met her in the war, she and Rainbow were very good friends.” Daring nodded. “Yes, well there was this murder that took place during the beginning of the rebellion. Somehow some way Spitfire was murdered along with the other Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash was a suspect until it was conveniently proven that earth ponies did it.” Twilight gasped staring at Daring getting pale. “Spitfire was murdered? Why didn’t anypony else knew about this?” Daring quirked her eyebrow. “Twilight this was the beginning of the segregation period. Remember when for five or so years all unicorns went to one place, pegasi to another?” Twilight nodded glaring. “I hated those five years. They forced me to go to a unicorn school where all they talk about is how Earth ponies are nothing but worms and sneaks and cheats. I knew what they were doing the moment I saw those stupid videos. My brother and many other unicorns were brainwashed into their will.” Daring nodded. “Yes, that was when I left North Canterlot and went to the south at Luna University.” Daring shook her head. “The unicorn military were in charge of the brainwashing. And if a pony doesn’t submit then the pegasi are in charge of the beatings. I remember seeing Rainbow Dash was there coordinating the procedures. Twilight gasped glaring at Daring. “Rainbow Dash would never do such a heartless act!” “Twilight, hear me out for a second. This happened so many years ago. This was after the fact that her comrades and possibly close to sisters and brothers she had, have been murdered. She was tricked into choosing their side.” Twilight blinked then nodded. “Rainbow did always talk about her Wonderbolt squad all the time. Spitfire was like an older sister to her. I’m sorry Professor,” Daring smiled. "It's alright Twilight. I'm sure all six of you had horrid revelations growing up in such a society. But so you know, the pegasi were very messy conspirators. I always knew this ever since I laid eyes on that dreadful pegasus guard, that we were heading into trouble." Twilight nodded, thinking back at the last time she saw Rainbow Dash. She was young, aloof, no fear in the world. She would sit in her chair like Daring did with her boots up on the table. Rarity would scold her to take off her boots. Twilight smiled, seeing her white unicorn friend slapping Rainbow’s arm, telling her to take off the disgusting boots. Then suddenly Applejack would walk in with Pinkie dressed in their uniforms from training and everypony would be hugging and laughing and talking, drinking tea, or cider in Rainbow and Applejack’s case. Fluttershy would be smiling brightly as Pinkie would be telling stories about how she pranked the sergeant with a peanut brittle jar and worms. Twilight would sit in the middle laughing and telling them about her recent classes at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. That was the thing between all of them. It was thanks to Celestia that these six came together. Twilight was the youngest, seventeen, at the time. Everypony else was in their mid or late twenties. Everypony was happy back then. Twilight blinked returning to the small cabin cluttered with books. “Daring?” “Yes, Twilight?” “What about Octavia being in the center of all this?” Daring nodded thinking. “It was like suddenly for the last twenty years or so I have been noticing a corrupted government Twilight.” Twilight blinked turning pale again. “Corrupted? You mean everypony is-” Daring nodded sadly. “Yes, I’m afraid so. If those brainwashing courses and trying to get the most powerful ponies into the army don’t show you of corruption then I don’t know what will.” “So for the last twenty years, even during the rebellion, we were ruled by a corrupted government?” Daring nodded again. Twilight sighed. “I suspected it, but I just can’t look at my old mentor like that.” Daring nodded, she already knew that Twilight still had feelings for her old mentor even after she drastically changed. Daring started thinking. “Just thinking about the bad things Twilight, you would have been an unstoppable force if you stayed and joined the unicorn guard. So would your other friends. We know that Captain Dash was an incredible asset with the pegasi before she disappeared.” That caught Twilight off guard. “Rainbow disappeared?” Daring blinked realizing her mistake. She cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m afraid that Rainbow Dash left the guard somehow and disappeared off of Canterlot. There were no records or word about her since then. Only the old tales of her being a traitor for having earth pony allies in the war.” Twilight blinked worried yet happy. “So it could be possible for Rainbow Dash to be out of the pegasi guard’s control and escaped?” “Or she could be dead like Spitfire, I don’t know. Only time can tell.” Twilight nodded thinking. “Professor, do you want any help with research?” Daring was ready to say no but thought the better of it. She smiled and nodded. “Of course, go ahead and check that stack over there for maybe... Look for clues about the Elements.” Twilight gasped and turned. “Professor,” “Now, now, Twilight, I think it’s about time you start finding the likely places for the Elements of Harmony. If my gut is telling me what it had told me twenty years ago, then I believe it’s time we try and find the Elements of Harmony and maybe try to find your friends as well.” Twilight smiled at her. “Professor, you really mean it?” Daring chuckled. “You don’t think I knew why you came to me instead of Magical Theory classes at Luna University. I just figured it out after learning who you really were. Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic.” Twilight flushed. “Was I that obvious?” “Yes you were. Now get to booking, filly. We have a lot of work to do if we want to save the Equestrian Galaxy.” Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Daring.” Daring smiled in return. “You’re my assistant Twilight, I treat you more like family above all else.” Twilight blushed and went ahead and started flipping through indexes to find the fabled jewels. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stood at the starboard rail looking at the stars watching a comet fly slowly past them. Octavia looked down at her pendant to see it still glowing and the light is still pointing at the starboard side of the ship where she was standing. Octavia looked toward that direction wondering why her pendant is pointing at that direction. “Octavia?” Apple Bloom asked tugging her vest. “Hmm? What is it?” Octavia asked looking at the filly. “Why is your stone glowin’ like that?” Octavia shrugged with a sigh. “I have no clue.” The three stood there watching the comet fly. “It’s pretty.” Octavia muttered smiling. “Why does that thing glow like that?” Apple Bloom asked pointing at the comet. “Because it’s made of crystals duh!” Sweetie Belle said grinning. “Nuh-uh!” Apple Bloom called out. “Comets aren’t made of crystals.” “Yes, they are!” “Who told you that?” “My big sister Rarity said so!” Octavia smiled looking at the two fillies. “Hey now, you both are right.” The two friends looked up at Octavia. “What?” Apple Bloom asked. “How are we both right?” Octavia kneeled down and helped Sweetie Belle up on the rail as Apple Bloom climbed on a barrel to sit near Sweetie Belle. Octavia held up her finger to emphasize counting. “Number one, Sweetie Belle is right there are crystals on a comet.” “Ha!” Sweetie Belle said smiling. “Yet, number two, they are not real crystals.” “Ha!” Apple Bloom laughed smiling. Suddenly she frowned. “Wait, then what is it made of?” Octavia smiled. “Ice. Which is a combination of a crystal yet it’s not a crystal. Ice crystals.” “Oooh!” The fillies said at the same time blushing at one another. “Sorry for yellin’ at ya.” Apple Bloom said scratching her mane. Sweetie Belle smiled. “It’s okay. I’m sorry that I yelled at you, too.” Octavia smiled at the two fillies as they started talking about ice crystals. Vinyl watched the whole deal from the yardarm above them. She smiled seeing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, an earth pony and a unicorn, being best friends. Vinyl turned to see Octavia smiling at them, giving them both a hug. Vinyl turned hearing feathers and saw Derpy squatting down behind her. “What’s up?” Vinyl asked sitting up still watching Octavia. She smiled seeing Octavia’s beautiful face and her eyes smiling at the fillies as they started laughing at a joke. “I’m having a bad feeling, Vinyl.” Derpy said seriously looking behind them. Vinyl stood up and held on to some shroud lines to see behind them squinting her eyes enough to try and see. “What type of feeling?” Derpy stood by her glaring at the horizon. “I might have crossed eyes but I can see perfectly well.” Derpy said dangerously. Vinyl never heard her friend talk like this unless something was very wrong. Only three other times Derpy acted like this and that was when there were pirates, slavers, or royal guards. All three different times, somepony got really hurt and Derpy was one of them. She almost died from a slaver hammer once then a second time to her head. Vinyl look up seeing Derpy’s hat and her messy blonde mane remembering the blood and the gore she saw. She remembered Derpy crying like a filly, begging Vinyl to end her life. Vinyl squeezed her eyes shut turning away looking at the comet. “What do you see back there?” Derpy shook her head. “It’s too far away but I caught glimpses of them.” “Them?” “I see three different masts, Vinyl. Big ships. They have a vibe that’s not friendly.” Vinyl nodded patting Derpy on the back. “Go back to the wheel keep a straight course-” “Captain Scratch!” The two mares looked down to see Daring waving at her with Octavia standing beside her looking up blushing slightly seeing Vinyl staring at her. “What’s up doc?” Daring gave her a smirk at the nickname. “I made a breakthrough with Octavia’s necklace.” Vinyl nodded and started her descent on the ratlines as Derpy flew to the deck below. Vinyl swung off the ratlines onto the deck. “Yeah?” She asked standing with Derpy before Daring and Octavia. Even the fillies were watching them. Daring pointed to Octavia’s necklace still showing a glowing arrow of some kind pointing starboard. “I never really thought of this before until recently. What if those visions Octavia had were from the source of the pendant?” “Meaning?” Octavia and Vinyl both asked together. The two mares blushed staring at one another. Daring raised her brow at this as Octavia turned away fixing her hair and Vinyl bit her lip looking at the floor. “Well, what if this little light is actually an actual arrow?” “An arrow?” Derpy asked scratching her head. “Precisely! What if this pendant is pointing towards the Moon! We must be nearing the range for the pendant to point us to the Moon. Luna’s Treasured Moon or to the temple where this pendant had originated from.” Vinyl blinked at this confused. “Wait a second. So you are telling me that Luna’s Tear that was originally said to be in Luna’s possession, actually belonged to whatever made this temple thing Octavia had seen in her visions with that thing?” Vinyl asked pointing to the glowing pendant. “Farfetched, yes, but it makes sense. What if history was wrong that Luna had the Luna’s Tear? What if the Tear belonged to whomever built that temple? Octavia,” Daring asked getting the princess’s attention. “When you were seeing visions last night, tell me, did you feel a presence other than Luna’s?” Octavia thought for a moment her ears flicking left a right thinking. Vinyl smirked finding that adorable. Derpy turned noticing Vinyl’s look getting a smile herself. “Well, I do remember feeling a dark presence. I remember his red eyes and gruff voice.” Octavia said shaking her head shivering. “That’s all I remember.” Daring nodded turning to Vinyl. “Captain?” “Huh, what?” Vinyl asked shaking her head from her trance on Octavia to Daring. “I believe we should change our heading to starboard and follow Octavia’s pendant. If my theory is correct, we would be nearing Luna’s Treasured Moon.” Octavia smiled getting excited. “I feel rather excited about this actually. I can’t wait to see this moon.” Daring smiled. “I’m excited too. We can finally bring back actual evidence of Luna’s departure or burial on the Moon and possibly and hopefully discover a civilization there to study.” Vinyl nodded. “Alright, it’s decided, Derpy head starboard. Come along Princess.” Vinyl ordered walking to the wheel. Octavia followed with Derpy flying to the wheel. Vinyl grabbed Octavia by her arms and placed her in front of the wheel. “Here, follow that light and tell us if we are absolutely straight got it?” Vinyl said leaning forward against Octavia’s back grabbing the pendant and Octavia’s hand and dropped the pendant in Octavia’s outstretched hand and held her still by the shoulders. Octavia was blushing hard, her heart beating faster and faster. “O-of course, Captain.” Vinyl blinked, sweating as well. “Alright Derpy, steer now.” she ordered. Derpy nodded starting to steer the ship slowly to starboard. Octavia tried hard to calm down, feeling Vinyl so close to her. She looked down watching the light slowly start moving from the right side and moving up like a compass slowly pointing north. Vinyl leaned forward to watch too, fascinated. She could smell Octavia’s hair and gulped heavily, trying hard to not get crazy. Octavia watched the light pointing straight ahead. “Aright, stop!” She called. Derpy stopped steering and started straightening the ship and nodded. “New heading clear.” Vinyl nodded. “Good work.” She held Octavia causing her to squeak turning to see Vinyl close to her face. “It’s Vinyl remember?” Octavia blushed and nodded with a small smile. “Alright.” Vinyl winked and walked off. Octavia watched her walk down the steps and smiled blushing dropping her pendant back against her chest and sighed. Vinyl on the other hand might have looked relaxed but she is sweating and freaking out. Why did I wink at her? Why did I do such a stupid move?! She thought harshly in her mind, trying hard not to show she was freaking out. She’s a princess you fool! She’s not allowed to love commoners, not even a hybrid one like you. Vinyl found privacy by the bow by some barrels and sat down hard on the deck and groaned, covering her face with her hands. “Stupid! Stupid!” She muttered to herself. Daring chuckled looking down at Vinyl. “I saw what you did.” Vinyl gulped looking up seeing Daring and Derpy standing side by side smiling at Vinyl as she blushed in a deeper red. She pulled off her hat and covered her face with it with a moan. The two pegasi laughed at the captain’s expense. “Aw, come on, Vinyl.” Derpy said sitting down next to her friend. “It’s no secret you have a crush on her.” “What?” Vinyl blurted out staring at Derpy as if she was a monster. “W-What makes you think I like her?” Derpy chuckled. “I just knew the way you talked to her when we first got her aboard...” Derpy shook her head. “I just knew.” Vinyl groaned. “Why do you change ages so fast around me? First you act all kiddy then you go all wise lady on me?” Derpy shrugged. “I just know when to be immature and when to be mature.” Vinyl glared at her. “I hate that excuse.” “You’re welcome.” Daring sighed. “Vinyl, you know-” Vinyl stood up. “Look, I know.” she said with a sigh turning away pulling her hat on her head. “She’s a Princess and I’m just a spacer with no title or anything like that. Why would a princess have an interest in me?” Daring winced. “And you forgot one little detail to that, my friend.” “What?” “She must marry a stallion.” Vinyl cracked. “Aw man, that’s even worse! Why would I think I would have a chance with her? I’m a mare, number one. Number two, I have no title or land like other stallions, then number three... I’m a hybrid commoner! That is worse than being an earth pony!” Vinyl yelled out. She sighed stuffing her hands in her pockets. Daring smiled sadly patting Vinyl on the back. “It was easy to see the signs. You fell in love with her, eh? That’s why you saved her?” Vinyl blushed turning away. “Okay, I thought she was the most beautiful creature in the galaxy. Not only that, but her eyes... those gorgeous eyes. I’ve never seen eyes like that.” Vinyl breathed staring at the stars sadly. “My mom had purple eyes too.” Vinyl said, sadly smiling. She shrugged. “Not only that but they are super rare on a pony especially on earth ponies.” Vinyl looked at Daring to see her smiling. Even Derpy was showing a grin from this. Vinyl frowned. “So yeah... I just couldn’t bear thinking somepony like her should die. She’s beautiful, smart, caring... beautiful,” “You already said that.” Derpy interrupted causing Vinyl to stutter and glare at her. “I-I-I knew that!” Derpy held up her hands laughing. Vinyl blushed. “I never felt like this for anypony before. Is that normal?” Vinyl asked. Daring turned to her in surprise. “You never had a relationship with anypony?” Vinyl shook her head. “No... I stayed away from ponies, even royals. Except for the spacers here.” Daring nodded. “So seeing Octavia opened your heart then. In the past you locked it up tight and somehow she was the key?” Vinyl blushed. “Very poetic, Professor.” Daring shrugged. “Well its true is it not?” Vinyl nodded blushing. “So I can’t be with her?” Daring sighed and shook her head sadly. “You can’t. It’s against the law for you to be in love with royalty even if she is mixed. The top Princess, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, will choose the suitors that will try and woo for Octavia’s hand in marriage, then the rest is history.” Vinyl felt her heart snap in two as she leaned against the rail and slid down to the deck. “But they won’t let her marry just any stallion. She’s mixed too!” She said with worry. Daring nodded. “That is true but as a mare of royal blood from Luna she will have an arranged marriage. She’ll be under the control of her husband, a duke or another prince. Then if she lives she’ll bear him a daughter or a son, preferably a son, then the cycle goes on and on.” Vinyl sighed and nodded. “Alright then, so you’re telling me don’t get my hopes up even if we somehow we have a relationship, which can’t be possible, she will have to marry some bucking prince that probably hates her guts, bear him an heir because she is royal blood, then bang, she’s dead!” Daring closed her eyes turning away. “If assassins don’t get her first, that will be her life.” Vinyl closed her eyes turning way. Daring sighed. “I’m sorry to break your heart Vinyl, but it’s the way it has to be.” “It doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Daring nodded. “That is true. But there are things you can do for her.” “Yeah, what’s that?” Daring smiled at her. “Be her friend. Twilight mentioned to me that Octavia never grew up around other ponies except for the ponies in the palace at Manehattan. She lived alone, perhaps giving her your friendship might loosen the burden she’ll feel in the future.” Vinyl looked up at her. “I guess you’re right.” Daring nodded. “Well I better get back to my cabin, I have more things to study about Luna’s Moon before arriving.” “Have fun hitting the books.” Vinyl called out. Derpy stared at Vinyl strangely. “What?” Vinyl asked confused. “Wouldn’t that hurt?” Derpy asked. “What would hurt?” “Hitting the books?” Derpy asked curiously. Vinyl then started laughing. “Derps, it’s a figure of speech. She’s not really hitting the books!” “But you just said hitting the books.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia was helping Spike gather some supplies from below decks through the engine room. She helped by rolling the barrels to the stairs where she help Spike carry the barrels up the stairs then into the mess deck. Octavia let out a sigh wiping her forehead with her arm. “Is that all?” She panted. “Uh just need one more thing. There’s a sack of potatoes left then we’re done for the day.” Spike turned and gasped. “Apple Bloom, wait that’s not how you start the stove!” Spike ran to the kitchen stopping Apple Bloom from trying to get a cutiemark in baking. Octavia sighed realizing Spike would be busy with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “I’ll get it.” “Thanks,” Spike called out taking the spoon away from Apple Bloom shooing the fillies out. “I only asked you to stir the mix not add more stuff to it!” Octavia chuckled trotting down the stairs then headed down a different stairwell to the engine room and storage area where she can find the potato sack. She reached the door and opened it and grabbed the large sack and heft it up over her back with a grunt. “Gah, I swear by the end of this trip... I’ll be as strong as a Minotaur!” She grunted loudly, carrying the sack out the door. She turned the corner and crashed into somepony. She fell on top of the pony shaking her head and groaned seeing potatoes everywhere. “Oh! Drat!” She said with an annoyed growl. Suddenly a head popped out of the potatoes shaking her head and gasped. Octavia looked down and gasped as well seeing that her partner, she's sitting on top of, was Vinyl. “Vinyl?! Oh goodness, I’m so sorry.” “No, no, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been day dreaming.” The two mares blushed as Octavia crawled off of Vinyl. Vinyl gulped sitting up noticing the potatoes all over the walkway. She picked up one of the large brown potatoes “What were you doing with the potatoes?” Octavia blushed finding the bag and started tossing potatoes back inside. “Spike asked me to gather the potatoes and take them up to the mess deck.” Vinyl nodded. “Here, let me help you out there.” Octavia smiled, seeing Vinyl using her magic to float the potatoes around her then into the sack. Octavia smiled at the help as she tossed the last two potatoes into the sack and found a bit of twine and tied it shut to keep the potatoes from falling out again. While tying Vinyl watched and shook her head. “No, no, no,” Octavia paused from tying to look at her. “What?” “If you want a good knot to stick, here,” Vinyl said taking the twine off then retying it into a complex knot. “See?” Octavia blinked testing the knot even trying to get a potato through the neck of the sack. “How did you do that?” Vinyl chuckled. “It’s called a true sailor’s knot, Sweet Cheeks. Every sailor learns a series of knots to keep a ship moored to a dock or to hold up heavy cargo. You have to rely on a good knot or get crushed.” Octavia winced staring at her then a thought came to mind. “Can you show me how you did that?” Vinyl blinked at the request then had a plan. “Sure, uh here,” Vinyl reached over and pulled the small string and the whole knot unraveled causing Octavia to gasp. Vinyl chuckled “Here, you try.” Vinyl handed the twine to Octavia and pointed to the sack. “Tie it shut with a good, strong knot.” Octavia gulped and started to blush, what if she slipped up, she didn’t want Vinyl to think her a petty royal. Octavia wrapped the sting around the neck of the bag twice then start trying to tie a complex knot. Vinyl chuckled watching the knot unravel in her fingers. “Here, let me help you.” Vinyl sat behind Octavia and took her hands. She chuckled. “You’re fingers are stiff, let them relax so it’s easier to move them with the string.” Octavia gulped, loosening her fingers and allowed Vinyl to move her hands and her fingers. Octavia turned to the side seeing Vinyl smiling watching the knot. After thirty seconds of slow teaching Vinyl released Octavia’s hands as Octavia tightened the knot. “There, see simple.” Vinyl whispered causing Octavia to smile and shiver, turning to Vinyl. Vinyl blinked turning towards her, their muzzles were so close to touching. “You think you can tie a knot like that?” Vinyl asked blushing. Octavia blinked several times looking down at the knot then up at Vinyl. Vinyl gulped trying hard not to blush or sweat, which she was doing right now! Blessed Luna she’s beautiful! Her mind screamed. Vinyl gulped reaching up and stroke the strands of Octavia’s mane back. Octavia closed her eyes feeling Vinyl’s fingers on her face. “You always seem to surprise me, Captain.” She whispered. Vinyl gulped. “I seem to be full of surprises.” Octavia felt the wall behind her as Vinyl leaned close looking into her eyes. Octavia reached tensely at Vinyl’s face stroking her cheek. Vinyl smiled stroking Octavia’s face slowly and traced her finger down her jaw to her chin titling her head up. Vinyl inched closer, eyes closed, lips parted for a-! “Octavia!” Octavia gasped opening her eyes. Vinyl opened her eyes too with surprise seeing how close they were. Breath mingling, panting from the nerves, as they stare into each other’s eyes again. Octavia’s eyes were filled with wonder while Vinyl’s were filled with disappointment. “Hey Octavia, where are you?” Spike called out. Vinyl sat back on the grated floor with a look of annoyance now etched on her face. Octavia sighed. “I’m coming up, I was picking up the potatoes.” She hoped she didn’t sound too excited, she’s still breathing hard. “Well hurry it up, I have to have them cut up for dinner!” Octavia looked to Vinyl to see her looking down at the ground. “I’ll be up in a few seconds.” When there was no call from Spike everything went silent. Octavia blushed sitting up away from the wall. “Vinyl?” Vinyl looked at her blushing clearing her throat. “Excuse me,” Vinyl stood up and ran away down the corridor leaving Octavia alone. Octavia watched her running away with shock. She slowly stood up with her back against the wall panting, her heart just couldn't stop pounding. “Did we almost... kiss?” She asked her slow mind trying to process what just almost happened. Her cheeks suddenly flared as she slid down again to the floor with realization on her face. “I almost kissed Captain Scratch,” she looked down the corridor where Vinyl ran through. She placed her hand on her chest over her heart, still pumping a storm as she couldn’t believe what was happening. “Is this what love is?” She asked herself, remembering the stories about her parents and how they first met. “It was love at first sight.” Her father retorted laughing. “I knew she was the one for me the moment I saw your mother in those rags. It was those eyes that captivated me. And you, my dear Octavia, have your mother’s captivating eyes.” Octavia closed her eyes then opened them. She gulped standing up grabbing the bag of potatoes and marched up the stairs to the mess deck. She set down the potato sack and left without another word, Spike looked up in time to see Octavia running up the stairs. “Uh thanks!” He called, wondering what was wrong with her. Octavia found a hiding place beside the large cabin to sit down against the wall and control these sudden feelings. She heard footsteps and peaked out from her hiding place to see the helm, she could see Vinyl standing with Derpy at the wheel, rubbing her face. “Did you do anything?” Derpy asked chuckling. “Shut up!” Vinyl yelled out crossly her face bright red. She walked away to stand by the rail. “Don’t talk to me right now.” Vinyl threatened glaring at the sky. Derpy sighed. “Okie, Dokie.” Vinyl snorted and walked towards the far aft of the boat. Octavia went around the back side of the cabins to watch her. She looked over to see Vinyl and she looked upset. She was red in the face and... Octavia covered her mouth to hide her gasp to see Vinyl holding her chest, coughing quietly and placing the hand she used to hold her chest to cover her mouth as she coughed then spat. Octavia watched as Vinyl wiped her hand on that old cloth she had with her everywhere but what she saw on the cloth made her blood run cold. Dried blood spots! When Octavia first saw the rag she thought it was stained with oil from the engines like the rags Scootaloo and Apple Bloom used. But those weren’t oil stains. Octavia hid when Vinyl turned looking around. Octavia peaked out again seeing Vinyl’s face filed with pain as she spat and stuffed her handkerchief back in her pocket and turned, walking away. Octavia gulped, feeling tears in her eyes. “Oh Vinyl,” she whispered, sneaking away to get some rest. She has a lot of thinking to do. > Chapter 16: "Planet Ho!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 "Planet Ho!" The heavy door above the prisoners opened as five royal guards came down. Rainbow Dash worriedly looked at Tick Tock when the light from the lanterns shone onto his face. She could see him equally worried. The guards stopped at the door as Applejack walked in and unlocked the cell. One unicorn shoved Applejack aside as her and two other guards walked in toward Scratch. “Hey, what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash called out as Scratch’s chains were unlocked. The unicorn grabbed Scratch and forced him up pulling back his aching arms onto his back. A pegasus royal guard took the chance to kick Rainbow in the stomach, causing her to retch and cough. The royal guards started laughing at her expense as they dragged Scratch away. “I say!” Tick Tock called out. “Answer the question!” “We don’t answer to you.” A unicorn guard said pushing Scratch up the stairs. The door shut audibly above them. Rainbow took in slow deep breaths with her legs up to her chest, panting. She turned to glare at Applejack to see her looking at her with worry. She slowly stood up and walked into the cell, checking up the stairs before doing so. She knelt down with the keys and unlocked Rainbow’s chains. “Here, just for a little while, alright?” Applejack whispered crawling to Tick Tock’s chains and unlocking them. Tick Tock watched as Rainbow started moving her fingers as blood rushed back into her arms, letting her move her dead fingers around. “Oh Luna, that feels good.” Tick Tock whispered leaning against the wall. Applejack smiled a touch then turned to Rainbow to see her staring at her. “Why are you doing this?” Rainbow asked confused looking around. Applejack sighed. “Blueblood decided to take that unicorn back to some place called The Rock. Something to do with some treasure trove in his grasp.” Rainbow Dash looked into her eyes to see her completely scared. “The Rock?” Tick Tock asked confused. “I remember that place. A horrible place where war prisoners and traitors were kept. Those that were too important to kill off.” Rainbow was confused. “But wasn’t that place destroyed after the war?” Tick Tock shook his head. “No, there was a council meeting from the royals to decide the fate of the prison. But at the last second, Queen Celestia ordered the prison to remain in business for special prisoners.” Rainbow blinked wondering what that meant. She turned to Applejack to see her watching the stairs and listening intently for anypony coming. Rainbow sighed. “AJ, why are you-” “Shut up,” Applejack hissed. Rainbow glared at her. “There has to be a reason, you hate my guts.” Applejack turned to Rainbow with a glare of her own. “True, I did for a time,” she whispered, her glare lessened. “But when you asked about Pinkie Pie... For some reason I just knew you would act like the old you.” “That was a test?” Tick Tock asked intrigued. “It was, a test for myself to see if they really did take you away from us.” Applejack said, somberly closing her eyes. “That Lightning Dust is a fine piece of work Dash. I swear if she wasn’t in charge you would have been.” Rainbow glared at the floor. “She was nothing but a traitor.” She sighed. “Believe me Applejack, I never wanted to back off like I did back there. Spitfire, she told me about what was going on and how every pegasus we knew in the war was going insane or killing themselves because of the war.” Applejack nodded. “Everypony in my old squad was going crazy too. Not even Pinkie could cheer them up.” Rainbow nodded. “We knew that something was up with the higher ups in the pegasi guard. We were planning on freeing many of the earth ponies in the prison.” Applejack’s ears went up as she turned to her. “You better be lying.” “Would I lie to you, AJ?” Rainbow asked, getting loud, she covered her mouth at the outburst looking around. Once they knew they weren’t heard Rainbow sighed. “Applejack, listen to me. For the last... I don’t know how many years, I always wondered what would’ve happened if I didn’t say those things to you and Pinkie.” She shrugged. “I probably would have been dead or we would have escaped together like in the war. Maybe gather the other Elements then maybe...” “Yeah,” Applejack whispered. “I always thought about that too. But they were very happy seeing us scream for mercy.” Rainbow rubbed her face with her tingling hands. “I’m so, so sorry Applejack.” She whispered. “I never was the same after what I did to you and Pinkie. Your words haunt me, her screams just as haunting.” Rainbow whispered shaking. “And I couldn’t do anything to save you. Then things got even worse, with Spitfire and the Wonderbolts dead. It got hard enough to where I just left Canterlot altogether. I’m a coward for leaving you guys behind in Canterlot while I left to try and find a way of coping with the guilt.” Applejack nodded sadly. “Pinkie and I heard about Spitfire. I’m sorry Rainbow, I know how much she meant to you.” Rainbow sighed and nodded. “She told me to keep going and keep flying. Stay loyal to those you care about most. But of course I cracked when she was murdered. It took me many years to realize that earth ponies couldn’t have done it. It was too much of a unicorn or pegasus killing than an earth pony.” Applejack nodded. “I’m happy you started using that brain of yers again.” The two went silent as Tick Tock watched them with bewilderment. Rainbow chuckled. “You know something, AJ? While I was stuck in here with nothing to do but mope and look back, I started to realize many things. Especially what a jerk and a bitch I was to everypony I knew.” Applejack shrugged. “Yeah, well, after seeing you down here I thought this would be my chance to get revenge against you. Dumping that porridge on you was one of the marks of revenge but then I realized I was the bitch, not you.” Rainbow chuckled. “I guess we were both bitches.” Applejack smiled. “Yeah,” She paused then sighed. “That still doesn’t change everything Dash. It’ll take a while for me to completely forgive you for what you've done, even if it was for a cause you failed to uphold.” Rainbow nodded. “I understand completely. If Spitfire hadn’t been killed we wouldn’t be in this situation right now.” Rainbow said rubbing her wrists. “We would probably have the girls with us, fighting against the rules, and protecting all ponies’, not just unicorns or pegasi.” Applejack cracked a grin. “There’s the Rainbow I remember.” The door opened and footsteps were heard. “Shit,” Applejack whispered quickly rushing to Tick Tock getting his wrists up and placing the cuffs over them keeping his arms up. The pirates were coming faster. Tick Tock started coughing trying to make noise to cover up Applejack as she tried to get Rainbow’s shackles on her wrists. The two old mares looked into each other’s eyes. Applejack winked and quickly stood up walking out the cell casually and closing the cell door as the guards walked in seeing her. “AJ, what’s going on here?” One of the earth ponies asked. Applejack shrugged. “Just checking on the prisoners. I didn’t want those bastards to untie one of the royals. It turned out that the Prince there got his chains lose. So I locked them back up.” The three pirates looked at one another with confusion. “Hmm,” The pegasus mare said walking up to Applejack. “It just seemed like a long time to just tightening up chains.” Rainbow blinked thinking of a plan as she unfolded her legs and kicked the bars, causing everypony to jump and turn to her. “I’m going to kill you earth shit when I get out of here!” She screamed out struggling. The pegasus mare chuckled. “Aww, did you made a friend to that unicorn? Well guess what missy, you won’t be seeing him anytime soon.” “Fuck you!” Rainbow hissed as the guards laughed, Applejack cracked a fake smile as she stared at Rainbow to see her winking at her. Applejack winked back then followed the pirates as they continue to laugh up the stairs. Rainbow looked up to see Applejack tipping her hat as a thanks as she closed the door behind her. Rainbow sighed and smiled. Tick Tock stared at her in the darkness thinking. “So, I’m guessing you were protecting her?” Rainbow sighed again. “Yeah, that’s what friends do, Highness.” Tick Tock smiled. “Rainbow, enlighten me a bit would you?” “Sure, of what?” Tick Tock went silent thinking. “What is your story? I know you told me not to go into your past but now I’m curious. You know pirates, you knew of the so called traitor Spitfire and the Wonderbolts,” “They were not traitors! They were, ponies that fought for the truth and loyalty for Equestrian ponies. Not royalty like they make everypony believe nowadays.” Rainbow said with a huff. “Well, would you mind telling me a little bit about your past Captain? You were always known as a mysterious pegasus to me while every pony else knows you for being a traitor.” Rainbow sighed. “Well, before the war, the Third Discordian War, I enlisted as a filly in military school. That was where I was set up with the Wonderbolt squad named after some legendary group of pegasi. Anyway Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, you name them, they were with me and we trained hard and long until we were sent out into war. We lost three of our best flyers on our first night because of inexperience in the field. “It was the second year in the war when I was given a letter to see Princess Celestia in Canterlot. It didn’t say anything about awards or gathering pony supporters, but Spitfire got me all prepared for the meeting telling me to just stand at attention, act like I would with any other officer, and above all else, no speaking out of turn to royalty. I left the Wonderbolts that day, never to return. When I went to Canterlot I was told to stand in front of the throne with two other ponies. They were earth ponies,” “The uh AJ and Pinkie ponies?” Rainbow nodded. “Yeah them. At the time Applejack was a rank higher than me. I remember she smoked those horrible cigars which I learned later that her superior officer got her into those gross things. Then Pinkamina Diane Pie, a real character but somehow she had the rank of Corporal like me. I’ve never seen a soldier like her. Always smiling and hopping in place with that crazy party mane she had on her head. Upon seeing me she gasped and started hopping around me and started talking real fast that I had to scream out to make her shut up. "I stood furthest away from them since I was getting looks from AJ at the time. Then we met two other ponies. A pegasus and a unicorn. The pegasus was named Fluttershy. A medic by the badge on her uniform, she was a cadet at the time. I’ve never seen a more beau- Ahem, I mean, a young Pegasus at the time. I mean all pegasi that act like her are dead or worst become traitors because of their natures. She stood next to me in front of the throne. Then the unicorn, a beauty that shouldn’t have been in war but she carried herself as an officer by the way she stood by AJ fixing that stupid mane of hers. She introduced herself as Rarity. And boy what a rarity she was. I even remember seeing AJ’s mouth drop open seeing her.” Rainbow chuckled at the memory. Tick Tock blinks. “So why were you five called by the princess?” Rainbow smiled. “At first I said it was probably time that Celestia gave me a medal of honor for my bravery and loyalty to the crown. AJ mentioned I should shut my mouth before I got everypony in trouble.” “I never knew you to be a smart mouth, Captain.” Tick Tock said smiling. Rainbow shrugged. “Meh, I matured since then Highness.” Tick Tock smiled chuckling, Rainbow seemed to have loosened up since the first time he met her. She’s actually smiling and telling jokes, that was unnatural of her but yet it made him smile seeing her smile. Rainbow sighed. “Back when I was younger I was a little immature, but at the time I thought I was getting an award. That was when the Queen entered, well she was a Princess before the rebellion. Man, I remember how elegant she was. She just has this air that she is the wisest creature in the galaxy.” Rainbow sighed. “But that would change later on.” “Anyway?” Tick Tock asked. “Right uh, when the Queen came into the throne room she walked up to us and had this smile that made our fear go away. She stood before us and thanked us for coming. I remember her smiling at us. Then she introduced us to another pony, a unicorn. This other unicorn was a shrimp compared to us. Though she was a filly that probably just got her cutiemark. I remember how she was hiding behind the Queen. Immediately Pinkie ran up to her and started scaring the filly with her huge smile. “That was when AJ asked for the reason for being in her presence. Celestia sat down on her throne and ordered the filly to stand by us. I remember staring at her as if she was just a leech. You see, at the time I believed only well trained ponies should fight, not children. That was when Celesta told us that we were chosen to be a squad of six. A strange number to us in the military. Celestia looked at us and told us seriously that we are to work together to protect harmony and bring that back in the galaxy. “I was upset, I didn’t want to fight with the earth ponies. I didn’t trust them. Applejack said that she doesn’t trust pegasi or unicorns in a fight. But the Queen said that she understood our differences in training but we must fight together to fulfill this important mission.” Tick Tock gasped. “Wait a second, you mean that even back then when I was a colt that royals were already making pony armies segregated?” Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, pegasi guard would fly missions and fight dragons and griffins. Unicorns use their magic as infantry and fighting magical beings like changelings. While earth ponies are more brute force or workers.” Rainbow sighed shaking her head. “It was a mess. After we heard that, Applejack and I immediately started growling at each other. I didn’t want to work with earth ponies nor unicorns, not even with a diva like Rarity.” “What did the Queen say?” “She told us to calm down. I asked for an explanation for this ridiculous order. She actually said that she placed the six ponies that were known to be up in their prime in the war. That really surprised me. I looked at Rarity and Fluttershy, even Pinkie. I couldn’t believe at the time that these three were qualified to be as the best! Then the one thing that really got us to yell in protest. She told us that she’ll place her student with us as our sixth member.” Tick Tock was shaking his head. “What? A child in your squad of what teenagers?” “We were about our late teens, early twenties I believe. She was twelve, I think, at the time. But anyway she walked over and said that we are now dubbed Squad Six, the Harmony Squad. She ordered us to go into training as soon as possible.” Rainbow chuckled. “Of course, training wasn’t as perfect but after completing training we were sent off to war again. Applejack and I continued to butt heads. I was ranked corporal still and she was up to sergeant, our commanding officer. Rarity was our top infantry unicorn. Fluttershy our medic and still a lowly cadet. Pinkie was a corporal too. Then the filly, Twilight, she was a cadet, a trainee at best, and a complete green soldier." Rainbow sighed shaking her head. “Wait Twilight? Celestia’s student Twilight Sparkle, who disappeared from Canterlot?” Rainbow blinked turning to where Tick Tock would be in the darkness. “Yeah, Twilight Sparkle. What do you mean she disappeared from Canterlot?” Tick Tock gulped. “Well, there was a story going through the whole unicorn community that Queen Celestia’s personal student was told to be ready for training in the Unicorn guard. She disappeared after getting the message. Many claim that she was a traitor to unicorns and Canterlot and was never seen again.” Rainbow was silent biting her lip. “You mean Twilight never joined the Unicorn Royal Guard?” Tick Tock shrugged. “It was a long time ago, around after the rebellion. There were so many rumors and stories about her reason for leaving and why she left. There were even stories of her committing suicide or killed by an earth pony conspirator.” “What?!” Rainbow snarled. “Please, Captain, listen to me. That’s all I heard; like I said, those were rumors of why she left. Nopony ever talked about her anymore.” Rainbow sighed hitting her head against the wall. “Well, first Pinkie is gone and now Twilight? Who else is missing that I don’t know about? Rarity? Fluttershy?” Tick Tock sighed. “I’m sorry for telling you that Captain.” Rainbow sighed. “I don’t want to talk about my friends anymore.” Tick Tock can hear the warning in her voice in the dark. “As you wish.” He suddenly had a thought. “Rainbow Dash,” “What?” “I think you are a brave mare to leave Canterlot like you did.” Rainbow blinked remembering telling Tick Tock during the rebellion about why she left Canterlot. She smiled. “Thanks, that means a lot.” Tick Tock smiled. “You’re a very good and trusted friend Rainbow Dash, more like a mother really.” Rainbow blushed. “A strange war torn mother?” Tick Tock laughed as Rainbow chuckled at her own joke. “I am serious though, Rainbow.” Tick Tock said smiling. “You’re great, really great. I’m sorry to say that Celestia made the mistake of letting you go.” Rainbow snorted. “Please, she didn’t know that I was as important as her student before I left.” she paused thinking sadly. “I always wonder, Highness, what went wrong?” Tick Tock nodded with a hum. “I know what you mean. It was like there were two Celestias and one of them took over.” Rainbow nodded biting her lip “I bet it was hard on Twilight. She looked to the Queen as her second mother. I remember the dinner parties we would go to all dressed up in our uniforms all acting so formal until the Queen would step in with a wink at us and a smile that tells us that she was so proud of us.” Tick Tock opened his mouth to speak but there was a commotion upstairs. The door opened and shut as a pair of boots ran down the stairs. “Dash!” Applejack whispered harshly. “AJ? Where’s the light?” “I don’t have time for lights, listen to me.” Tick Tock can hear the distress in her voice. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “That ship uh Fancy Flute I think it’s called, turned towards the east.” “Meaning?” Rainbow asked cautiously not sure what was so scary about that. Applejack sighed. “That unicorn that was taken away, he said that if we are close to the Moon then that jewel that tear thingy?” “Luna’s Tear!” Tick Tock exclaimed. “Uh yeah that thing, anyway that jewel will tell the ponies where the Moon is if close. And the ship suddenly changing course, you don’t need me to finish that sentence.” Tick Tock gasped. “Wait so you are saying that the pendant-” The door busted open Applejack gasped looking up to see a lantern and Nightmare Moon standing at the top of the stairs grinning. “I knew I smelt a rat.” She said walking down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs two earth ponies appeared, glaring at the traitor. Applejack slowly stood up ready to fight back with her fists in the air standing in a defensive posture. Nightmare Moon chuckled as the two other earth ponies walked up holding on to ropes and chains. “Captain I was just-” “Oh please, don’t try and lie your way out of this, it’s not you, Applejack dear.” Nightmare Moon started walking forward as Applejack backed away into the far wall. Rainbow Dash started struggling in her chains trying to get out. She had to help her best friend some way. Nightmare Moon chuckled, leaning forward into Applejack’s face. Applejack turned away shaking slightly. “I brought you in before you were murdered by those damn royal guards, I made a promise to send your pay to your family, and this is the thanks you give me?” To make her point Nightmare Moon slapped the pony in the face causing Applejack to stumble into the bars next to her, spitting the blood out of her mouth from her cut lip glaring at her. Nightmare Moon chuckled, seeing Applejack glaring at her. “You think you were sneaky enough to avoid being caught. I have been getting reports that you were visiting the prisoners. Especially after we learned of the princess.” Nightmare grabbed Applejack by the neck and squeezed. Applejack grabbed the large hand with both of her hands trying hard to pry her fingers off as she started choking. “Captain!” A voice called out. Nightmare Moon snarled, lessening her grip of Applejack to let her breath as she turned around. “What?” She snarled at the voice. Applejack closed her eyes taking in another large gasp of air and started coughing. The unicorn pirate came down the stairs panting. “We caught a body in space.” The unicorn pirate said pointing up at the ceiling. “Dead?” Nightmare asked, interested. “Dead, Captain. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head. Likely a bitch that fell off the mast.” Nightmare Moon turned to Applejack to see her green eyes go wide with fear. Nightmare smirked, then shoved Applejack into the bars hard enough to knock her out cold. Applejack fell forward to the deck her hat lying beside her. The captain pointed to her. “Pull out the cat.” The three pirates started cackling with laughter. “No!” Rainbow whispered struggling in the chains. “Let her go now!” Rainbow screamed out trying to get out of her chains. She won’t allow Applejack to get hurt again. Nightmare Moon laughed, turning to her. “You have no authority here, Captain Dash. I run my own ship. I would love for you and your friend to watch the show but I’m afraid I have to keep you down here.” She turned to watch the two pirates grab Applejack from under her arms and drag her away, leaving her Stetson hat behind. The pirates struggled dragging her up the stairs to the deck above. The third pirate stepped aside letting the pirates through. “Captain, there is something else too.” “What is it?” Nightmare asked with an annoyed tone. “The body, she’s a pegasus.” “A she? “Nightmare moon asked intrigued. “Aye, the Prince recognized her.” Nightmare Moon turned to her raising her eyebrow. The unicorn pirate cleared her throat. “Uh right, the prince said that she was from Canterlot, she had a twin. They were trained in the royal guards’ pegasi branch as assassins.” “And?” Nightmare Moon asked. Rainbow and Tick Tock stared at one another thinking. The unicorn sighed. “She was sent by Blueblood himself to kill that Hybrid Princess.” “Octavia?” Tick Tock whispered with shock. Rainbow gasped. Is Octavia alive or is she dead? Nightmare Moon blinked with surprise. “Well, what of her twin?” “Only the body, ma’am. There was even evidence of a blade in her back near her wing. Somepony knew her weakness.” Nightmare Moon nodded. “Show me.” The unicorn nodded and led Nightmare Moon up the steps leaving the prisoners alone again in darkness. Nightmare opened the door and walked out, hearing shouts from her crew and turned to see Applejack being shoved into the mast as they tied her wrists together. She was fully awake now, yelling and fighting back. Nightmare Moon smirked seeing that some crew members, even the royal guard ponies around the mast, gave her a beating of disloyalty. Nightmare Moon smiled following the unicorn to the bow where she could see a pale purple body lying on the deck surrounded by unicorns of her crew and some unicorns and pegasi from the royal guard. Blueblood was staring at her as if spooked. “You knew her, Blueblood?” Nightmare Moon asked sitting by him watching the ponies finishing up tying Applejack to the mast. One earth pony looked to her holding a knife. Nightmare Moon nodded. The earth pony chuckled madly sawing Applejack’s clothes from her neck down and started pulling the two halves apart revealing her whip-scarred orange back. Another pony, a strong unicorn, holding on to a wicked looking whip with nine leather tails looked to Nightmare Moon for permission to begin. Nightmare Moon nodded. “Give her twenty lashes!” She yelled out as the crew cheered for blood. Nightmare Moon returned to watching Blueblood as he paled upon seeing the whipping. “Who is she, Blueblood?” She asked getting his attention. Blueblood turned away, shuddering hearing the slap of the whip on flesh. “I hired her and her twin sister to take care of the bastard and possibly that other bastard unicorn.” Blueblood said looking down at Cloud Chaser’s glazed eyes. “They were trained very well, I watched them kill traitors before I hired them.” Blueblood jumped, hearing the scream from the tied mare. Nightmare Moon smirked. “Well that took five hits. I say that’s a new record of longest breaks.” Blueblood looked up to see the blood on Applejack’s back as they continued to slap the whip across her back. “Anything else?” Nightmare Moon asked. “Like she had a twin?” “A sister yes, I don’t really pay attention to their names.” Blueblood pointed down at the corpse. “These two were trained well and wouldn't let anypony take them down. So somepony must be very well trained in killing ponies if he or she killed a pegasus by disabling them.” Nightmare Moon nodded thinking. “Hmm, so somepony on that little boat,” she said pointing towards the direction where the Fancy Flute was at, “has a pony that fought in the wars possibly?” Blueblood nodded. “Yes, possibly.” “TWENTY!” The crew yelled out laughing and cheering. Nightmare and Blueblood turn to see Applejack hanging by the ropes on her wrists, unconscious. Nightmare chuckled standing up. “Release that traitor and see her below and make sure she suffers when she wakes.” Three earth ponies cut down Applejack from the mast and dragged her away, laughing. Nightmare Moon sighed. “And what do we do with this pony that killed this mare?” Blueblood smiled. “Kill the pony of course or if this pony is a unicorn maybe we can use this pony’s skills for perfect use.” “And if this imaginary unicorn is a hybrid?” Blueblood frowned then started to laugh. “Maybe use this imaginary unicorn as a link to finally capture every known hybrid in the galaxy, royalty and commoner.” Nightmare Moon chuckled, turning slightly to see her crew of blood thirsty pirates. “I would love to finally have a reason to kill this lot of savages.” Blueblood chuckled with a sigh tapping his boot against Cloud Chaser’s head. “Thanks to this pegasus we probably have a link.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Twilight shot up in her bed, panting hard and holding her chest over her rapidly beating heart. She groaned as her back suddenly started to hurt. In her haziness, every time she blinked she was seeing through hazy images through another ponies' eyes. "Applejack!" Twilight gasped, opening her eyes again after hearing the voice. She reached for her journal and flipped through pages of writing until she stopped at a page with old pictures she drew in the war. Twilight flipped another page seeing pictures she drew with heavy pencil lines and shadow of trees, Canterlot Castle, the School for Gifted Unicorns. Then she finally reached the place she wanted, pictures of the past. Portrait drawings of her family, her brother, mother, and father. Pictures of ponies she knew in the school. Then the last few pages were heavily stained with dirty fingerprints, tear stains, and some blood spots and smears. Twilight slowly flipped pages seeing very old sketches of dead pony faces and bodies. Twilight kept back a sob as she pressed her fist to her lips. She hadn't looked at these drawing since she left Canterlot. She went into a state of depression after meeting Daring and couldn’t stop touching up on these old pictures. She continued flipping past her depressing pictures until she reached the pictures she was looking for, the happy smiling faces of her dear friends. She found a small, sketchy drawing of Applejack glaring at her from under her helmet peeking over a trench. It took many weeks just to get the stature of her shoulders right in the drawing. Twilight roved her eyes to see a drawing of Pinkie Pie sleeping with her arm over her eyes, her mouth open, Twilight even added a bit of detail to her dirty mane and showed a line of drool saliva rolling down the side of her cheek leaving a clean line on her dirty face. Twilight flipped through more pages and stopped seeing a colorful picture that was colored with charcoal. It was a drawing of Rainbow Dash smiling sleeping against the mast of a ship dressed in her clean uniform. Next to her with her arm around Rainbow's waist was Fluttershy, peacefully sleeping against Rainbow with a smile on her face. Twilight made a sad smile, hoping to get a connection to not just these two pegasi, but to every friend in her old squad. "Leave her alone!" Twilight gasped looking around hearing the voice again. “Rainbow?” She asked standing up dropping her old journal hearing it slap on the wooden floor looking around her room. She rubbed her fingers into her temples trying to concentrate with her magic finding the source of the voice. Twilight sighed, she felt nothing but a splitting headache for her troubles. She sighed again looking back at her journal on the floor to see that it landed open on another picture of Rainbow Dash standing smartly saluting to Applejack as the farm pony was smirking at her holding an old cigar between her fingers. Twilight soon found herself smiling as she picked up the old journal and sat down on her bed. She wondered if Applejack ever stopped smoking those awful things. Or at least switched to cigarettes like what Vinyl used. But still that voice she heard sounded so much like Rainbow Dash calling to... Twilight jumped off her bad and ran out of her room, making a bee line to Daring's room. She opened the door to find the room empty with no sign of Daring. Twilight groaned out loud as she left the room and ran to the exit. She opened the door and looked over to see Daring talking to Vinyl at the port side rail. “Professor!” She called out running to her. Daring and Vinyl looked up as Twilight ran over panting. “What’s wrong Twilight?” Daring asked worriedly. Twilight looked up at Daring. “Professor, I felt their presence.” “Who?” “Professor!” Vinyl turned blushing to see Octavia running over. “I had the strangest dream but it wasn’t a dream!” Twilight blinked looking at Octavia. “Wait, could this dream be in some kind of holding area?” Octavia turned to Twilight with shock even Daring and Vinyl were surprised. “Yes, it was,” Octavia answered surprised. Twilight turned to Daring and Vinyl with worry. “I had a dream through another pony’s eyes. I felt this horrible pain in my back.” Twilight said quickly. Octavia shook her head. “I felt numbness in my arms and a very sore achiness.” Twilight blinked in surprise. “Okay... show me.” “I beg your pardon?” “Show me,” Twilight ordered pointing at her wrists. Octavia slowly raised her arms up, crossing her wrists together, then slightly lower. Her arms took the look of what a prisoner would look like while standing wither wrists chained above her head. Twilight gasped, pointing at Octavia. “That’s what the ponies looked like in that cell I was looking into!” “Wait, wait, wait,” Vinyl interrupted. “Okay just rewind and pause for a minute and tell us what the heck you two are talking about?” Twilight cleared her throat. “I was napping in my room and I was dreaming that I was a pony and going through some kind of horrible ship.” Daring turned to Octavia. “And you?” “I was chained up in some dark cell. I remember hearing this voice talking to me. Telling me about a ship.” Octavia gasped suddenly turning to Vinyl. “I didn’t get it at the time but that mare said Fancy Flute.” Vinyl went pale looking around. “Derpy!” She yelled out running off. Daring grabbed Octavia by her arms. “Tell me exactly what you heard,” she paused to grab Twilight by the shoulder. “And you tell me what you saw.” Twilight nodded. “I keep hearing Rainbow’s voice, Daring.” “Rainbow?” Octavia turned to Twilight with confusion. “Rainbow Dash?” Twilight and Daring looked at Octavia with shock. “You know Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. Octavia blinked staring at her. “If we are talking about the same Rainbow Dash, she was the captain of my father’s royal guard in Manehattan.” Twilight and Daring looked at one another then at Octavia. Twilight was shaking biting her lip. “Tell me,” she begged moving away from Daring to get closer to Octavia. “There is only one Rainbow Dash. She has a rainbow mane of course.” “Of course,” Octavia said nodding slowly. “Magenta eyes?” “Yes,” Octavia said turning away blushing. Twilight found this strange. “Yes, and?” “She lost sight of her left eye.” Twilight was amazed turning away thinking. Then one last idea. “Her cutiemark?” Octavia looked aghast. “Why would I want to know that monster’s cutiemark?” Octavia gasped covering her mouth with both hands. Twilight looked at Octavia with suspire. “Monster?” Octavia closed her eyes turning away. Twilight blinked then turned to Daring. “Wait here, I have an idea.” Twilight ran up the steps then to the cabins to her room and grabbed her old journal and ran back to see Daring patting Octavia on the shoulder. “Here,” Twilight said quickly flipping to a drawing of Rainbow Dash with colored charcoal. She shown the picture to Octavia and saw her gasp pointing at the picture. “That’s Captain Dash.” Twilight smiled and started laughing, she finally found out where Rainbow Dash was all this time. But then frowned. “But... why did you call Rainbow a monster? Sure, she can be mean sometimes but not horrible.” Twilight said smiling at Octavia. Octavia blinked at her moving away from Daring. “For all the years I’ve seen her she always hated me.” “Hated you?” Twilight asked confused. “Rainbow Dash couldn’t have hated you.” “She does,” Octavia said crossing her arms across her chest bowing her head. “With that snarl of hers and those battle scars, she’s a monster and hated all earth ponies... well hybrids like me and Mother. She only protected us because she and Father were close. I just don’t understand how my father would be friends with such a cold pegasus.” Twilight was shocked hearing this from Octavia. “But surly,” “No,” Octavia said shaking her head. “I won’t change my mind about her. I’m actually happy to never see her again.” Octavia walked away toward Vinyl and Derpy as they seem to be arguing. Daring sighed turning to see Twilight staring at the old drawing biting her lip. Daring wrapped her arm around Twilight hugging her. “Ponies change, Twilight.” “I won’t believe it until I see her with my own eyes.” Twilight pulled away walking toward the bow clenching the small journal to her chest. Daring sighed turning to see Octavia trying to control the two spacers. Daring sighed walking up to them. “Well it seems like Octavia and Twilight are getting connections with...” She paused seeing Vinyl’s worried look. “What’s wrong?” Daring asked. “The only reason they would know the name of my ship is if they’re watching us.” Vinyl said pointing out at space. “And I have been telling you we were being followed!” Derpy yelled out staring behind them. “That dream Octavia had is probably a sign that somepony is behind us.” “But who?” Octavia asked rubbing her temples. Daring gulped getting a look behind them. “I think I might have an idea.” “Care to share professor?” Vinyl asked. Daring opened her mouth then paused looking before them. She walked forward pointing. Vinyl and Derpy turn and their mouths dropped open. Octavia turned around noticing the silence and gasped seeing a giant white moon in front of them surrounded by an asteroid and debris belt. “Derpy,” Vinyl whispered. “Gotcha.” Derpy ran to the small speaker tube. “Planet ho!” Twilight was backing away turning to Daring pointing at the Moon. Daring nodded. Vinyl gulped looking at the white orb with fear. “Is that?” “That’s it.” Octavia whispered standing with them with her hand clenching around Luna’s Tear. “Luna’s Tear is vibrating right now.” She breathed with a gulp. Daring nodded smiling at Vinyl. “Captain Scratch, we are the first in over thirty years to see Luna’s Treasured Moon.” Vinyl gulped, staring at the white moon with dread. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Nightmare Moon smiled lowering her spyglass laughing. “I got a hand it to you, Prince Blueblood. You were right to tail that ship.” She handed the spyglass to Blueblood. “See that large white orb over there?” Blueblood handed the spyglass to a royal guard and pointed out at space. Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes as the royal guard looks through the spyglass and nodded confirming that he can see the Moon. “Yes, I see it.” Blueblood said haughty grinning. Some pirates were glaring at Blueblood. “Can you see that black speck in front of the Moon?” Nightmare Moon asked with a quirked brow. Blueblood turned to his guard to see him nod. “Yes,” “That’s where that princess is, and that Luna’s Tear you speak of, correct?” Nightmare Moon asked her eyes flashed green and red for just the smallest of moments. “Of course.” Nightmare Moon chuckled, placing two fingers into her mouth and blew a loud high whistle. Everypony turned to her stopping what they were doing. “Alright you savage dogs, get the sails ready. Unicorns be ready at nightfall to cloak the lifeboats!” “Aye!” the pirates yelled out getting ready. “Get your weapons ready, for those that resist, maim them don’t kill them.” Nightmare Moon ordered chuckling. “What will we find, Blueblood? Treasure?” Nightmare Moon asked her eyes glowing green and red again. She closed her eyes quickly to hide her eyes as the dark power tried to resurface. Sadly Blueblood doesn’t notice, he was too busy licking his lips with anticipation “More than treasure, Nightmare Moon.” He said smiling. “More treasure than ever. A crystal temple made for the lost race called the Crystal Ponies.” “Hmm, I think I remember stories of them in the past.” Nightmare Moon said innocently licking her lips as well. “And there will be treasure and crystals and possibly a long lost treasure that the crystal people locked away before they mysteriously disappeared. According to Captain Scratch that is.” Nightmare nodded. “This will be fun.” “Oh yes and you will be paid by the amount of gold and crystals you collect. Is that fair?” Nightmare chuckled darkly. “That is a fair deal, indeed.” Her eyes flashed again smirking revealing her sharp teeth. > Chapter 17: Capture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 Capture That night the Fancy Flute was on high alert. Derpy was walking around the deck with a musket in her hands, watching around her with an occasional glance at the strange white moon that seemed to glow with a white light. She shuddered as she turned to continue her march around the ship, looking around in the sky. She peaked over the rail to look down to see nothing but space and stars. She sighed then continued on her watch. Spike was snoring in the mess deck drooling on the clean bar with the cleaning rag as a pillow. Sleeping nearby was Scootaloo, arms crossed on the table with her head on top of them, snoring slightly next to an empty tankard that had been knocked over. In the hammock room, down the second hatch, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were sleeping close to each other, keeping warm from the chills of the night. In the cabin area behind the helm Daring was sleeping in her room on top of her papers, maps and journals. In another room Twilight groaned in her sleep as she rolled to her side. She struggled in her dream, rolling in her bed gritting her teeth and holding her arm in her sleep, struggling through war dreams. Octavia, however, was wide awake as she walked through the underbelly of the Fancy Flute. She found the stair well down to the engine room to get some privacy. Ever since the whole twin assassin thing, Octavia couldn’t find anywhere to be alone and away from everypony. Until one day she discovered a stairwell leading to the life boats in the deep belly of the craft. There were two small life boats in the medium sized room. At the end of the suspended walkway that hung over two small bomb bay doors she saw a large oak gun cabinet filled with muskets, pistols and a large sack of chargers. When Octavia tried to open the gun cabinet, it was locked. Ever since discovering this secluded place of peace and darkness Octavia would go there to be alone and decompress her stress from the day. Knowing that nopony would look for her there. She found the door that lead to where the life boats were. It was a small craft that had its own sail and control system. She didn't go down here much but when she found it one night she had sat in it and had fallen asleep. She woke up just in time to get to work. It was also a private place for her. Octavia walked on the metal walkway between the two boats then stopped at the one to her left. She sighed leaping up to pull herself up and over the lip into the lifeboat. Once she got into the comfortable spot between the two benches on top of the towels she used as a comfortable bed and blanket she closed her eyes and tried get some sleep, knowing she would need it in the morning. She stiffened, hearing a noise and peeked over the lip to see Vinyl walking into the room, looking round. She snuck past Octavia’s position without knowing she was in the lifeboat. Vinyl reached the end of the walkway to the large gun cabinet. Octavia leaned over to get a better look to see her pull out a key and unlock the padlock keeping the gun cabinet locked. She placed the padlock on the cabinet then open the doors. She removed the small sack of chargers and then placed her fingers on the wall and pulled out a piece of the cabinet wall off. She then reached into the hole for something that Octavia couldn't quite see. Octavia leaned farther on the side of the boat to get a better look at what Vinyl was doing. Suddenly there was a creak and Octavia felt the small craft tilt dangerously causing her to fall out of the boat landing hard on her stomach on the walkway. Vinyl yelped out turning with a pistol in her hand pointing at Octavia. “Octavia?” Vinyl squeaked quickly blocking the view of the hole with her body. “What are you doing here?” Octavia groaned rubbing her face sitting on her knees. “I was going to ask you the same thing.” “Hey, I’m the captain and I’m asking you a question.” Vinyl sputtered, while she placed the pistol back in the cabinet and locking it with a key. She put the wooden plank back as she locked the cabinet, hoping that the action of locking the cabinet would cover up the movement of putting the plank back into place. She turned to see Octavia standing up. “So give me an answer.” Octavia ordered leaning against the pillar. Vinyl walked over to Octavia. She stopped just short of her and leaned against the same pillar that Octavia was. “What were you doing in here?” Octavia blushed. “I just wanted to be alone. That’s all.” “Why?” Octavia turned to see Vinyl was inches away from her again. Octavia blushed as she turned, fiddling with her mane. "I couldn’t sleep and well... You've never slept in a separate room before right?” Vinyl shrugged. “Well, I’d rather sleep with my crew.” Octavia gave her a look. Vinyl blinked and gasped, "Hell no, not like that! I don't do that kind of stuff with my crew!" Octavia covered her mouth with her hand giggling. Vinyl blushed deeply as she shook her head. “Mares.” Octavia smiled. “Now for my question. Why are you down here?” Vinyl blushed again clearing her throat. “It’s none of your business.” Octavia gave her a look. “What’s hidden in that locked cupboard? “Nothing but weapons.” “Hmm, it seems very important if you’re hiding it from me.” Vinyl blushed harder as Octavia leaned in closer, giving her a look with a quirked brow. Vinyl sighed turning away but gave her a sidelong look, roving her eyes from Octavia’s face, then downwards. Octavia blushed and actually slapped Vinyl across the face. “Ouch!” Vinyl jumped back placing her hand on her cheek. “What was that for?” “For looking at places you’re not allowed to look.” Octavia turned away blushing. Vinyl cleared her throat. “Look... about the other night,” Octavia stiffened, she’s not ready to face Vinyl yet after that kissing display from before. She had to think of something, but what? What she could say? The only idea she had was probably the most stupid move she’d ever made. “I've got to go.” Octavia said quickly before she bolted for the door heading up the stairs. “Hey, wait a sec!” Vinyl ran after her up the stairs, taking them three at a time. She had almost grabbed Octavia's tail when she slipped on the stairs, falling face first onto a step. She sat up as she groaned, holding her hurting but undamaged face. Octavia stopped at the top to look down at her as Vinyl looked up at her. Octavia blushed wondering what she should do. Instead her mind told her to run. Octavia turned and started running again. Vinyl groaned. “Damn princess!” She hissed running up the stairs. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Three black cloaked pegasi flew towards the Fancy Flute. The three landed on the yardarms of the mast and smiled, seeing Derpy walking around on deck below. She rubbed her hands together under her long sleeved shirt. The first pegasus pulled out her knife nodding to her partner. He nodded pulling out a heavy bottle. He swooped down landing silently on the rail as Derpy looked up at the sky. She noticed unnatural movement in the sails and pointed her rifle up at the shadow ready to fire. “He-!” Derpy felt the hit from the bottle as it shattered against her skull knocking her out as she collapsed to the deck groaning. The other two pegasi landed around Derpy as she slowly reached for her musket. A large boot stepped on the musket causing her to look up. “Who-?” she started. The blue maned pegasus smirked. “Your worst nightmare.” She stomped on Derpy’s head knocking her out. The mare reached into her pocket to pull out a laser pointer and pressed the blue beam button to signal their ship with a grin on her face. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia panted leaning against the wall shaking fiercely from what she just did. She just left Vinyl on the stairs. She stiffened, hearing a noise and peeked around the corner she was hiding behind. Seeing nothing she leaned farther out to see further down the hall. From behind Vinyl leaped off from the metal pipes on the ceiling landing in a silent squat. Standing up, she walked towards Octavia’s back. Octavia’s ears flicked hearing a noise. She turned, feeling Vinyl grab then push her against the wall. Octavia drew breath to scream. Vinyl covered her mouth with her hand shushing her. “Hey, hey, hey,” She whispered as Octavia struggled against her. “Stop it!” Vinyl whispered glaring at her. “Geez, can’t you take a hint. I want to talk to you.” Octavia was still glaring at her. Vinyl lessened her glare and sighed. She removed her hand placing her hand against the wall to lean forward. “Look,” She said with a sigh. “I want to apologize for the way I acted on you the other night.” Octavia blinked blushing fiercely turning away to see Vinyl’s hand still on her shoulder. “It’s alright, really.” She whispered. Letting her feelings come out and not hiding again. Vinyl used her finger to turn Octavia’s face toward hers. “No, it’s not alright.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ One unicorn snuck down the stairs to the mess deck to see Spike and Scootaloo sleeping. He waved for somepony above to come down. Two guards came down behind him and one walked to Spike. The stallion grabbed the dragon fast, causing Spike to yelp out. He started fighting against the stallion’s hands. During the struggle Spike’s tail hit a pepper shaker. The pepper shaker clanked on the ground waking Scootaloo. She gasped seeing shadows grabbing Spike. Spike moved his snout away from one of the hands to blow fire, catching the unicorn’s cloak on fire. “Ahh, get it off, get if off!” The stallion screamed out slapping his arm as Spike made a run for it. “Stop him!” A mare screamed out grabbing Scootaloo before she could run away too. “Let me go!” Scootaloo screamed out. Spike ran to the steps only to be hit with a club at the top. Spike fell back down the stairs, landing on the floor not moving. Scootaloo gasped, she could only think of one thing to do. “VINYL!” Scootaloo screamed out before the mare grabbed her muzzle to keep her silent. “Shut up you little shit, or you’ll get your tongue cut out and I promise it’ll be bloody.” Scootaloo fought back, but stopped when she felt a knife against her throat. “Sir!” A female unicorn called to the stallion as he placing a cold rag on his burnt arm. “What?” He whispered. “The pirates got two young ones in another hatch. And two of our unicorns caught two others up in the cabins.” “And?” He asked turning to the unicorn. “There are empty hammocks and it seems the little pones sleep two a hammock. But there are two empty ones.” The mare look down at Scootaloo to see her struggling still in her grasp. “This one called out a spacer called Vinyl.” Another mare nodded. “There is also the word that the princess is in here, too.” A mare comes down holding her side. In the faint light the soldiers could tell she was pale. “Sergeant?” One of them asked with concern. The mare was panting hard and fast. “They know we’re here.” The mare whispered before collapsing on the ground. The unicorn stallions ran over and checked her body. He turned to the mare with shock. “She’s dead,” “By what?” The mare asked in shock as Scootaloo went still, scared to death. The stallion glared at the mare. “War Magic. We have a fucking war unicorn on this damn boat!” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia turned away panting slightly trying hard to stop her beating heart. Vinyl stroked her face leaning forward. “If you want me to stop...” “No,” Octavia whispered breathlessly staring into her eyes only to see those dang goggles over them. Octavia reached up with both hands touching the rims of the goggles. She bit her lip and slowly pulled the goggles down over Vinyl’s muzzle to look into her eyes. “I never really seen eyes like yours before.” Vinyl chuckled. “Well your eyes are very rare where I’m from.” Octavia let the goggles rest around Vinyl’s neck as she looked at the captain’s spikey blue mane. She reached up with her fingers stroking her hair actually surprised to feel that her mane was actually very soft. “Where are you from?” Octavia asked. “Manehattan.” Vinyl whispered. “Where?” Octavia asked in a whisper. Vinyl stroked her mane tracing her finger down Octavia’s neck causing her to shiver again. “You want to know?” Octavia looked down seeing how close Vinyl was to her. She looked into her eyes wondering what secrets they hold. This could be her chance in understanding who Vinyl is and what was the problem with her lungs. Octavia reached up and placed her hand over Vinyl’s chest. She could feel Vinyl flinch at that, looking down at her hand. Octavia can feel Vinyl’s heartbeat quicken and felt something else. She concentrated on that feeling and she can feel what Vinyl feels. Fear, curiosity, pain, and one thing that made her stiffen, love? Octavia looked up into Vinyl’s eyes. Vinyl blinked and her ears went flat on her head. Now she was scared. “Vinyl, why are you in pain?” Vinyl blinked looking at her with a raised brow. “What?” “You’re in pain,” Octavia whispered looking at her hand still resting Vinyl’s chest. Vinyl cleared her throat looking away. “I’m not,” “I can feel it Vinyl,” Octavia said firmly. “Aren’t we friends?” “Well... Yeah but uh,” “Friends tell friends things right?” Vinyl groaned. “You’ve been hanging around with those fillies for too long, haven't you?” Octavia blushed. “I see you in pain Vinyl. You're always coughing, and I've seen you cough up blood." Vinyl turned away and sighed. “It’s nothing, I had this all my life.” “It’s serious Vinyl,” “Look-” Vinyl started but jumped hearing a noise. She looked towards the direction of the stairs. “What-” Octavia asked. Vinyl shushed her covering her mouth with her hand pressing against her looking over. Octavia was blushing fiercely feeing Vinyl’s body pressed against hers. Vinyl released Octavia’s mouth and shushed her silently reaching into her pocket and pulled out her knife. Octavia gulped. “What’s going on?” She asked silently. “I don’t know.” Vinyl left Octavia at the corner slowly walking over to the next corner with her back against wall with her knife ready. She turned back to Octavia telling her to back away. She looked over and after a short moment she gasped walking out into the hall. “Twilight?” Twilight ran over still dressed in her night shirt with a pair of trousers with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle behind of her. Daring was behind them with a pistol in her hand and bleeding from a shoulder wound. She was dressed sloppily, too. “What-” Vinyl started to ask. “Pirates!” Apple Bloom whimpered, “They have Scootaloo!” Octavia walked over surprised. “Pirates?” “Nightmare Moon's pirates!” Daring said grunting in pain. “They've got the others. They’re coming now.” Vinyl looked over hearing shouts from the pirates. “They have royal guards, too.” Sweetie Belle cried. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran to Octavia hugging her waist, crying. Octavia looked up at the others holding the little fillies tight. Daring sighed pointing to Vinyl, “Get them out of here.” “What?” Vinyl asked looking at Daring with shock. Twilight turned to Daring. “Let me help you,” “No, Twilight, you are just as important as Octavia,” Daring pointed at Vinyl, “and you are the only one I can trust to protect her highness.” Twilight turned hearing a shout, the pirates and guards were coming. Vinyl nodded. “Alright, let’s get going.” Twilight hugged Daring tightly. “Be safe.” Daring patted Twilight on the back. “It’s you I’m worried about.” Suddenly there was another shout. Professor and assistant turned to see a royal guard standing at the end of the hall pointing at them. “There they are!” The guard yelled out firing his pistol. Daring shoved Twilight away firing her pistol. “GO!” Daring screamed out firing again and hid behind the corner as the guards fired back. “Come on, come on!” Vinyl ushered pushing Twilight ahead of her. Vinyl then grabbed Sweetie Belle and started running. Octavia was the first at the door opening it. She ran down into the life boat room first then jumped off at the fifth step. Apple Bloom jumped down after her, landing in a squat and fell on her hands and knees, letting out a cry of pain. Twilight scooped up the filly as she ran after Octavia. Vinyl set down Sweetie Belle at the bottom of the stairs. She turned to look up to see a unicorn looking down at her from the top. “They’re-” The guard started before Vinyl threw her knife making a direct hit in the mare’s throat as she fell back, dead before she hit the ground. Vinyl cursed herself for losing her knife as she closed the door and pulled down the lock lever, sealing the door. She knew that the door would only hold the pirates back for so long. She found a musket on the floor and pressed a button on the top to make a melting laser and melted the lock lever to keep it from being opened and to give them more time to run. “Get in a boat, now!” Vinyl screamed out running over. “Twilight, catch,” Vinyl tossed the keys to Twilight’s hands then pointed to the gun cabinet at the end of the walkway. “Get some weapons now!” Twilight nodded as Octavia helped the fillies into the boat. Twilight ran to the cabinet and unlocked the lock to find pistols and muskets with chargers. She found a pack on the floor and started stuffing it with chargers. She slung two muskets around her shoulders and started running to the boat and handed the bag to Apple Bloom. Vinyl ran to a control panel on the wall by the door and started pressing buttons. Octavia pulled herself into the boat. After she was inside she helped Twilight climb into the boat. There was a loud pop. Everypony turned to see Vinyl curse while she punched the wall next to the control panel. “Dammit stupid-!” “What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked. “The control panel is fried! I can’t open the doors without the controls!” Apple Bloom blinked at an idea. “I can help!” “Don’t be ridiculous!” Octavia yelled out as Apple Bloom leapt off the boat into the walkway losing her balance a touch. Once she caught herself she ran up to Vinyl’s side. “Apple Bloom!” Octavia yelled out as she grabbed Sweetie Belle to keep her in the boat. Apple Bloom slid to a stop beside Vinyl. “What’s the matter?” “You should be in the boat.” Vinyl scolded. There was a loud bang being caused by some ponies hitting the locked door beside them. The escapees were running out of time. “I can help, Vinyl! Really!” Vinyl looked down at Apple Bloom to see her eyes filled with determination. She wasn't going to back down lightly and Vinyl had seen her handy work with the ship’s engines before. She might be able to fix this. Vinyl reluctantly nodded. “Alright, make it quick.” Apple Bloom nodded as Vinyl stood by the door, pointing her musket at the doorway. Apple Bloom reached in her trousers pocket and pulled out a small screwdriver and started unscrewing the screws of the control panel off. Once done she pulled out the panel carefully and looked inside. She whistled in surprise. “Do you know how old these wires are?” She asked. Vinyl groaned rolling her eyes. “I’m well aware on how bad the wiring is kid, just get that thing running!” Vinyl suddenly heard a strange noise. She turned to the door to see a red point at one corner of the door that slowly became a red line moving across the door. They were cutting through the door! "Dammit," Vinyl cursed under her breath. She turned to see Twilight getting the weapons ready with a surprising amount of expertise. Vinyl made a mental note to ask the young assistant where she had gotten the know-how to do that if...when...they got out of this predicament. After Twilight had gotten a couple pistols ready she handed one to Octavia and one to Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom reached into her back pocket and pulled out a set of pliers as she stuck the screwdriver into her mouth to start working on the old wires. “Hurry up kid! They’re cutting through the door!” Vinyl yelled out getting nervous wondering what to do when the enemy came through that door. Apple Bloom cut a wire causing it to spark and used the pliers to twist the copper wires together causing them to spark again. “Got it!” Apple Bloom yelled out pushing the panel back into the wall, then flipped a switch and pressed a button. Vinyl gasped turning to see the Bombay door opening. The door to the stairs blasted open, showering everypony with smoke and debris. Vinyl leaped forward covering Apple Bloom from the blast. Apple Bloom started coughing from the dust and smoke from the blast. Vinyl started coughing too, cursing as she couldn’t stop coughing. “Vinyl?” Apple Bloom asked with worry, hearing Vinyl’s coughs. “Get in the boat!” She croaked still coughing. Apple Bloom got up and limped to the boat. Vinyl crawled to the edge of the walkway to find the control panel for the lever to lower the boat and pulled it down. The boat started to lower as the Bombay door reached the end, opening wide revealing the white moon below. Octavia reached out to Apple Bloom before she could jump over. Apple Bloom made a leap ready to grab Octavia’s hand when she was covered green magic. Apple Bloom was pulled away back into the smoke. “Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle screamed out as Twilight grabbed her pulling her down into the boat. She pulled out her pistol pointing it at the smoke and dust as it started to settle. “Fire!” Twilight yelled out. Octavia jumped as Twilight stared firing her pistol out at the dust cloud. Octavia grabbed her pistol and started firing as well. In the dust cloud on the floor, Vinyl finally breathed in a lungful of air, then started to vomit the blood that had built up in her lungs from the coughing that she had been doing. Vinyl sniffed, breathing hard as she turned to see Apple Bloom fighting the magical hold ot the unicorn guard as he sneered at her. “Well look what I caught, a little earth pony.” He called out laughing. Vinyl held out her hand with her weak blue magic covering her horn and hand as she growled. The unicorn stiffened then grabbed his neck, choking, and dropped Apple Bloom from his magic. Apple Bloom fell onto the skinny metal walkway’s edge, she fell sideways with a scream of fright. She caught the edge and hung on. She looked down to see the long drop to the white moon. Apple Bloom whimpered trying to pull herself back into the ship. Vinyl used her magic to push the choking unicorn into a group of pirates like pins to a bowling alley. Suddenly she let out a strangled cough holding her chest. She felt pain and yet nothing else. Her eyes widened at the realization. She couldn't breathe! She looked over to see Apple Bloom looking at her with fear as she tried to pull herself up. Vinyl fell on the walkway trying to make herself breathe. Then finally what felt an eternity she gasped in air breathing. She looked at Apple Bloom, then at the boat that was slowly going down. She heard the lever being pushed behind her. She turned to see a pegasus dressed as a pirate grinning down at her. Vinyl looked up again to see Twilight still firing her pistol at the pirates and guards. Octavia fired less, with a low chance of hitting somepony. Vinyl looked back at Apple Bloom as she turned to see the Bombay hatch slowly coming towards her as she struggled to get her foot on the edge to pull herself up. Vinyl had an idea she looked up at the winch. She grabbed her musket and aimed it up at the winches. “Hey!” The pirate yelled out as Vinyl pulled the trigger. The shot missed the winch causing the ponies to duck. “Fire at the winch!” Vinyl screamed out then kicked at the pirate at his leg causing him to jump back. Vinyl stood up on the walkway ready to fight tooth and nail. Twilight heard the scream and looked up at the winches then down noticing the Bombay door was closing with Apple Bloom hanging on tight to the edge of the opening. “Octavia aim at that winch up there, I’ll take this one!” Twilight ordered aiming her pistol up. Octavia noticed Vinyl fighting and Apple Bloom hanging on. “But Vinyl and Apple Bloom!” “On my count!” Twilight yelled out ignoring the plea. She had to get Octavia out of here. Vinyl was punched in the face as she limped away from the pirate. She lifted up the musket to fire at her, but instead of a laser she heard a fizzle and a snap. The charge is empty. With nothing better to use Vinyl flipped the musket over and swung it at the pirate knocking her out. She turned hearing more coming for her. “Now!” Twilight yelled out as she and Octavia both fired their shots breaking the winches. With the winches broken the lines of rope let loose causing the boat to fall hitting the Bombay door. Apple Bloom screamed out hearing the bang right behind her, holding tight. “Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle screamed out grabbing her red tail. Octavia reached over grabbing Apple Bloom by the suspenders of her pants pulling her into the boat. She gasped seeing Vinyl knocking out another guard with her fist. “Vinyl come on!” Octavia screamed out trying to keep the boat balanced as it teetered to the opening. Vinyl turned hearing her call. She looked at her biting her lip trying to choose the best course of action. Making her choice she stood up, staring at Octavia, not moving from her spot of the walkway. “Vinyl!” Vinyl shook her head with a small smile of regret on her face. Octavia gasped feeling the boat tip further to the opening. She looked up to see a guard ready to grab Vinyl “Vinyl, jump!” Vinyl noticed the fear in Octavia’s eyes then turned in time to dodge the guard. Vinyl grabbed the guard’s pistol and fired it in the guard’s head, spattering blood on her pants. Vinyl looked at Octavia with sadness. “GO!” She screamed out. Twilight grabbed Octavia and pulled her to the seats as the life boat fell through the opening. The mares and fillies screamed out feeling the fall. Twilight jumped to the control panel and pulled the string for the sail to pop out of the metal box at the back. The back the solar sail caught the sun rays and the engine started sputtering then roared to life. Twilight soon gained control of the craft and started flying. Octavia looked up in time to see m unicorn magic grab a hold of Vinyl and zapped her before she was gone out of sight. Octavia sat down hard on the bench in shock. Twilight turned away from the ship, knowing that looking back at it wouldn't bring back her new friend. She looked over to see Octavia crying into her hands. Sweetie Belle was holding Apple Bloom against her as the scared fill cried from the pain in her ankle and the near-death experience of hanging for dear life. Twilight looked down at Apple Bloom's exposed ankle to notice it swollen from her fall down the stairs. Twilight turned to concentrate on flying when she heard a old but familiar sound that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up in fear. She turned and let out a small whimper at what she saw. "Brace yourselves!" Twilight cried out, trying to steer the boat away. Everypony turned and gasped, seeing that an energy ball was hurtling towards them. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl was dragged up the stairs then was dropped to the deck groaning. “Vinyl!” Vinyl slowly raised up her head to see Scootaloo, Derpy, Daring, and Spike tied up in rope or chain. Daring and Spike were unconscious on the floor. Scootaloo and Derpy were awake and staring at her. Vinyl was grabbed from behind. She yelled out as her arms were pinned against her back and a pair of shackles clasped around her wrists. “Attention on deck!” A guard screamed out as he stood up straight. The royal guards all around stood in attention, saluting as a fancy stallion walked on the decks of the Fancy Flute. Vinyl gasped recognizing the stallion from the ERS Cadenza. The stallion turned and stiffened seeing her. Two guards grabbed Vinyl by her arms and forced her up on her feet. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the servant that got away.” Vinyl glared at him. “Prince Blueblood, I presume?” “You presume right, unicorn. And you are?” Vinyl stayed silent glaring at him. She heard grunts of pain and turned to see three ponies being pushed on board by pirates and forced to sit down on the deck. Vinyl stared with awe recognizing Octavia’s father and the rainbow pegasus guard from the Cadenza. But the third pony looked horrible. An orange earth pony with an old hat on her head. She was dressed in rags that resembled the pirates’ outfit. Vinyl suddenly felt a hand grab her mane and pull back making her yell in pain. “Answer his royal highness’s question unicorn!” The stallion holding her yelled. “Scratch!” She snarled fighting glaring at the prince. “Vinyl Scratch!” Blueblood’s eye brows went up staring at her. “What did you say?” Blueblood whispered surprised. Everypony was now looking at the two unicorns. “The name’s Vinyl Scratch I’m the captain of this ship.” “Vinyl Scratch, eh?” Blueblood turned and smiled. “Bring Captain Dash over here.” He ordered. Rainbow growled being grabbed and forced forward to stand in front of Vinyl. “Captain Dash, please tell this young unicorn about that friend of yours. What was his name?” Rainbow Dash glared at the prince then turned to Vinyl. “Captain Vinyl Scratch.” Rainbow grumbled glaring at him. Vinyl stiffened at the name. Blueblood chuckled. “Never thought I would see the same Vinyl Scratch standing right in front of me. Except I was sure that he was older and she was a stallion.” Vinyl’s ears went flat on her head shaking her head. “But-” “Oh that’s right, who was the little filly he couldn’t stop talking about? What was her name?” Vinyl’s mouth dropped open feeling dread in her stomach. “Ah yes, a Gracie May?” Vinyl looked down on the deck scared. He can’t be talking about her father. The same stallion she took her alias from. The same stallion she thought to be dead. He was alive all this time? Vinyl thought to herself, still in shock. Blueblood nodded to his guard to push Rainbow back to the prisoners. She stared at the young unicorn mare with new eyes. Tick Tock turned to Rainbow Dash with shock. “Is that,” he asked. “I think it is.” Rainbow whispered nodding to him. Blueblood chuckled. “Well, Miss May,” Vinyl looked up with a snarl pulling against her guards. “You’re a liar!” “Oh, I’m a liar?” “I heard you make that call to Nightmare Moon!” Blueblood stared at her with surprise. “How?” Vinyl glared at him. Suddenly Blueblood gasped staring at her. “It was you,” Vinyl spat at him in the face causing him to yell out backing away. “Why you little bitch!” He screamed in outrage. The guard behind Vinyl pulled back her mane causing her to yell out. Blueblood leaned close to her face glaring at her, “You’ll regret ever being in my presence!” He spat angrily “Sir, the princess is escaping!” A guard screamed out pointing down to the moon. “I got ‘em!” A pirate called out reaching the spark cannon on the pirate vessel. Vinyl gasped. “No!” Vinyl screamed out trying to fight back. Daring groaned opening her eyes from the yell. She watched as Blueblood ran to the rail to look down. He gasped seeing the small life boat flying. He turned to the pirate ship and ran to the ship. “You imbecile! We’ll lose the Luna’s Tear!” He tried to grab the pirate and pull him off the cannon only to be kicked away. The pirate took aim and fired at the life boat. Rainbow and Tick Tock stood up to watch over the rail. Rainbow turned to see Vinyl with wide eyes trying to fight back. “Octavia!” She screamed out, hoping her scream could warn the princess of the danger. “Princess?” Rainbow whispered looking down in shock. “What?” Tick Tock yelled out looking over the rail as well. They watched as the ball struck the boat at the engine. The boat tipped forward out of control and disappeared past the bright white clouds that cover the moon. “No,” Tick Tock whispered turning away sitting down hard on the deck. Rainbow blinked sitting down hard as well next to him in shock. Vinyl noticed the looks on the royals’ faces and collapsed on her knees. She failed. Daring felt a surge of anger as she growled. “You bastard!” She screamed out shocking the crew of the Fancy Flute. “Do you know what you've just done? You just killed innocent mares down there!" “Shut up!” A pirate yelled out threateningly. Daring snarled struggling in her bindings. “You killed the Element of Magic you fools!” Rainbow gasped even Applejack staring at the professor. “What did you just say?” Applejack asked. Daring growled staring at the prince. Blueblood just shrugged smiling a touch, happy that he got one threat out of the way. “You really think I care about a traitor unicorn?” “When I get out of these chains Blueblood I’ll murder you!” Rainbow Dash yelled out fighting in her chains the pirates had to grab her to control her. Nightmare Moon then stepped on the deck of the Fancy Flute, glaring at everypony around her until her eyes fell upon Vinyl. She smiled, walking over as she pulled her knife. “Well, lookie here,” Vinyl looked up and gasped seeing the pirate queen. “It’s the unicorn that stole the princess from me and hurt many of my pirates.” “Nightmare!” Blueblood yelled out pointing at the moon. “Your pirates just blasted the Luna’s Tear into the moon!” “So?” “SO?!” Blueblood shouted. “So we might have just lost it!” Nightmare Moon sighed then kicked Vinyl into her chest knocking her to the deck on her back. “You give up too easily, Prince Blueblood.” With her fingers Nightmare Moon called forth her magic. Her dark blue aura covered Vinyl and slowly made her float. Vinyl opened her eyes fighting against the magic. “What are you planning?” He asked. Vinyl struggled as she was righted side up. Nightmare Moon chuckled looking into Vinyl’s burning eyes. “You have very strong feelings for the hybrid princess don’t you captain?” Vinyl growled kicking her legs around trying to get out of the magical hold. Vinyl froze suddenly then started to scream feeling Nightmare Moon’s magic get into her head. Nightmare Moon started laughing. “Oh my, you really love the princess don’t you?” Nightmare Moon clicked her tongue shaking her head. “Isn’t that typical. A hybrid unicorn is in love with the hybrid princess.” “A hybrid?” Blueblood asked aghast watching Vinyl curl up whimpering from the pain in her head. “You see Prince, we can get your pendant back. We just need a little incentive.” Blueblood stared at her for a moment then turned to Vinyl watching her crying silently. “Meaning?” Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes with a sad sigh. “Have you ever fallen in love, Blueblood?” “Of course not, I don’t have time for such silly things.” Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes again shaking her head. “It's time we use a lover’s heart to get that pendant.” Blueblood stared at her for a moment shaking his head. “That will never work.” Nightmare snarled at the prince. “You just leave this to the mares. If what I speculate is true, we might use the princess’s heart against her.” Vinyl glared at the tall mare snarling. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I’m going to have fun with you.” Nightmare lowered her finger and Vinyl slammed on the deck. Nightmare Moon lifted up her finger and Vinyl went back up. Rainbow snarled fighting against her bindings as Nightmare Moon continued to play basketball with the unicorn. Applejack turned away hearing the slams until finally Nightmare Moon released her magic. Vinyl fell hard on the deck unconscious > Chapter 18: The Trap Is Set > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 The Trap Is Set Octavia woke up, seeing only darkness. She could hear groaning next to her so she wasn't dead, much to relief. “Everypony alright?” Octavia called out crawling toward the light. Octavia crawled all the way to the source of the light and noticed it was a hole on the lifeboat. The lifeboat was on top of them. Octavia braced herself under a bench and pushed the boat up with a grunt. She was surprised by how easy the boat went up with her strength. For the first time in a while she realized that she gained some muscle from working on the Fancy Flute. She lowered herself onto the ground then placed her feet on the bench and pushed it up. Grunting with effort Octavia was able to push the small boat up and got to see the outside. She gasped in shock closing her eyes, seeing the brightly lit world around her. She turned away from the brightness and opened her eyes to see the damage from the crash. Apple Bloom woke up, shaking her head. Sweetie Belle was rubbing her head, groaning. But Twilight was lying still on the ground, bleeding from a gash on her head. “Twilight!” Octavia whispered with fear. With a hard shove from her feet the boat went over, rolling the boat away from them. Apple Bloom opened her eyes and let out a cry of alarm as she covered her eyes with her hands from the suddenly bright light. She rubbed her watering eyes then gasped seeing Sweetie Belle hurt. “You alright, Sweetie Belle?” “I think so- OW!” Sweetie Belle yelped out grabbing her arm, feeling the horrible pain. Her arm looked unnatural the way it was twisted. Sweetie Belle went into a ball holding her arm crying. Apple Bloom held her friend rocking with her. Octavia crawled to Twilight patting her cheek trying to rouse her older friend. “Twilight, please wake up!” She begged shaking her by the shoulders. Twilight grunted moving slightly. “She’s alive, bless Luna!” Octavia whispered in relief. Looking around Octavia tried to figure out where they were. She looked around to see large, thick trees with strange glowing blue and green vines twirling around the cloud gray colored trunks. At the top instead of green leaves there were giant puffs that looked like giant clouds covering the whole sky. Octavia was in shock. The reason for the moon being so white was the giant trees with cloud shaped treetops. The clouds looked like giant light sources that gave the moon its eerie glowing light. Octavia looked down at what she was standing on to see not grass or dirt but some kind of powder that wasn’t cold like snow but the grains were shimmering like tiny crystals. Octavia looked up hearing a strange cawing noise in time to see a strange bird fly though the cloud treetops and disappeared. She turned, hearing Twilight slowly waking up. “Twilight?” Apple Bloom called out crawling toward her. Twilight opened her eyes groaning in pain. “Octavia, she’s alright!” Apple Bloom called out smiling. Octavia crawled back to help Twilight sit up. Twilight looked over at Octavia blinking hard trying to see through the haziness covering her eyes. “What happened?” Twilight whispered. “We crashed, are you alright?” Octavia asked pulling off her sleeve that was half torn off from the crash and started ripping the sleeve into long strips and wrapping them around Twilight’s head. Twilight winced, slamming her fist on the ground feeling the pain even though Octavia lightly brushed her head. “Twilight?” Sweetie Belle whimpered. “It’s your horn!” Octavia whispered with shock seeing more blood flowing from the base of Twilight’s horn. Octavia carefully and gently wrapped her hand around Twilight’s horn and Twilight screamed out in pain. Octavia started to worry. “Okay, hold still.” Octavia whispered as she wrapped the strips around Twilight’s head and horn trying to keep the horn in place. As she wrapped the horn Octavia felt the horn lift up causing Twilight to faint. Octavia gulped back nausea and continue to wrap the strips around Twilight’s head and tied it tight. Making sure Twilight’s horn would stay in place and hopefully her magic will heal herself. Sweetie Belle was turning green. “Was her horn...” Octavia nodded. “Yes,” she said gulping hard. “The crash damaged her horn, but hopefully, if what my father said was true, unicorn magic can heal unicorns. With time, Twilight will be healed. Maybe suffer from some headaches for a while, but she’ll be fine.” Octavia sighed looking at her naked arm to find it scraped and bruised from the crash. She ignored her arm and turned to Sweetie Belle. She had to help her fast. “Show me your arm,” Sweetie Belle sniffed holding her arm with her hand. Octavia nodded with a sigh. “Alright, Apple Bloom I’ll need your help. We have to twist Sweetie Belle’s arm to the correct place and settle it. I need you to hold her.” Apple Bloom gulped and held on to her friend. “Will it hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked trembling, she was going into shock. “It might, just be brave now.” Octavia whispered. Octavia twisted Sweetie Belle's arm. "AHHHHHH!" Screamed Sweetie Belle, who then passed out from the pain. After Octavia set Sweetie Belle's arm she tore off a part of her sleeve and used it as a cast for Sweetie Belle's arm. Apple Bloom volunteered her suspenders for Sweetie Belle's sling. It worked but Apple Bloom had to find a vine to keep her pants from falling down. After taking care of their injuries, Octavia and Apple Bloom were the only two ponies left conscious. They were able to pull the boat back over them for shelter. Octavia had the idea of covering the boat with the shimmery sand to camouflage the boat. After the two were able to cover the boat under a huge mound of shimmering sand Apple Bloom started digging in the sand to make a hole so the two ponies can slide into the boat for cover. After the hard work, Octavia sat with her back against the boat with a pistol in her lap and a musket on the ground at close reach, keeping a watch on the tree tops. They had crashed five hours ago and so far Octavia was worried, wondering where the search parties were. Apple Bloom crawled out through the hole to sit with Octavia. “Everything alright?” Octavia asked scratching her naked arm. “They’re still asleep.” Apple Bloom said hiking up her legs wrapping her arms around them. Octavia turned to Apple Bloom hearing her sniffling. She wrapped her arm around the filly pulling her close to hug her. “You were very brave, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom sniffed, hugging her back and crying into her chest. “I just want to go home.” Octavia nodded kissing her on the top of the head feeling tears from her own eyes. “I know, sweetie, I know.” She whispered wishing to go home too. Apple Bloom sniffed and looked up to see something in the cloud trees. Octavia turned to grab the musket, looking up into the sky as she did so. She could see something coming through the treetops. “Hide!” Octavia hissed shoving Apple Bloom through the hole and followed in after her, she reached her hand out to grab the pistol and tossed it into their shelter. The two earth ponies stayed silent as Octavia peeked through a hole from the side to watch one the strange birds of this strange planet fly by. She sighed in relief and crawled back out. Octavia stood up to look around. Once the coast was clear Octavia looked down at the hole. “False alarm. Good eye, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom sniffed, crawling out after Octavia to stand behind her. Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around Octavia’s waist and started crying into her back. Octavia turned to look down at Apple Bloom. “What do you think happened to the others?” She asked, her words were muffled by Octavia’s vest. Octavia shook her head, not sure what to say or do. But she had to say something, she to be strong for Apple Bloom. She couldn't cry, not yet, there was so much she had to do. She turned and knelt down before Apple Bloom. “We’ll get them back.” Octavia said taking the filly’s hands squeezing them. “Really?” Apple Bloom asked with a sniff. Octavia nodded. “We will get them back and we will escape from the horrible pirates.” “But how?” Apple Bloom cried wiping her eyes. “There are so many of them and what’s worse they have royal guards with them!” Octavia nodded remembering seeing the royal guards attacking Vinyl while they were escaping. “We’ll find a way.” Octavia whispered smiling at her. Apple Bloom nodded. “What about us?” Octavia sighed looking around hopelessly. “We’ll wait until Twilight and Sweetie Belle wake up then we’ll plan from there.” Apple Bloom nodded wiping her eyes with her arm. Octavia smiled hugging the filly again giving comfort whenever she can. After a moment of silence Octavia patted Apple Bloom on the back and released her. “Go on back inside and get some sleep. Get me when Twilight or Sweetie Belle wake up alright?” “Alright, Octavia.” “Good,” Octavia whispered with a gentle smile. She kissed Apple Bloom on the forehead and shooed her into the boat. Apple Bloom knelt down and turned to watch Octavia climb on top of the boat as a look out spot, watching the sky with the musket on her lap. Apple Bloom sighed and crawled into the boat, happy to think of Octavia as a second older sister. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Inside a dark stone room, she can hear the chanting. “Your highness, we shouldn’t be here. What if the Crystal Ponies were right and this place is evil?” A young voice asked shaking with fear. “Hahahaha, thou believe in such silly thoughts? Thy find it strange that thou believe in those ghost stories. There is no such thing as a dark shadow with eyes as emeralds and rubies.” “Princess, please,” another voice spoke. “Thou crew is afraid. We are all afraid.” “Very well, if thou is afraid thou may wait outside with the others. Thy shall go into the temple alone and discover its secrets!” “ Princess, wait! Thou eyes are changing! Princess Luna!” "Thou should have listened to thou subjects!" “Who art thou?! What...is...this?...AHHHHHHHH!" ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia gasped, sitting up with her musket pointing somewhere in the darkness. She gasped again realizing she had placed her vest over her face to sleep. She put her vest over her eyes to block out the light to sleep. She pulled off her makeshift sleep mask and was blinded again by the white light. “Eeep!” She yelped, using her vest to cover her eyes again. “Octavia?” Octavia pulled off her vest again and squinted through the tears to see Apple Bloom looking at her. “You alright?” Octavia nodded wiping her eyes. “Yes, I just woke up from a horrible dream.” She whispered wiping her eyes with her loose shirt. “I was about to get you. Twilight woke up.” “She did?” “Yeah.” Octavia sighed and nodded. “Good, take my place and let me know if something comes up.” Apple Bloom nodded saluting. “You can count on me.” Octavia smiled ruffling the filly’s mane. She knelt down then crawled through the hole into the boat again. She entered the dim lit shelter to hear Twilight moaning. “Octavia?” She whispered. Octavia smiled and crawled to her friend. “How are you?” “Hurting, all over.” Twilight groaned. “How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?” Octavia shook her head. “Bumps and bruises but I’m fine. It was only you and Sweetie Belle that got badly injured. Apple Bloom had a sprained ankle but she’s doing fine now.” Twilight sighed. “That’s good.” Twilight groaned holding her head, feeling something dark and painful in her head. “Merciful Luna!” She whispered surprised. Octavia can tell Twilight was struggling with something. She grabbed her shoulders to hold her as Twilight struggled with whatever is happening in her head. When the influence subsided Twilight let out a sigh then looked up at Octavia with fear. “Something is very wrong with this planet.” Twilight whispered. “I know,” Octavia whispered blinking hard shaking her head feeling some sort of pain in her skull too. Suddenly her pendant started glowing brightly. What made this strange was that Octavia could hear some type of low screaming in her head. She looked at Twilight to see her closing her eyes gritting her teeth. “You can hear that too? The screaming?” Octavia asked with fear. Twilight nodded. “Yes, some type of horrible monster scream.” Octavia nodded thinking. “We need to keep moving and find out where we can find help.” “You really think there would be help here?” Twilight asked. Octavia shrugged then suddenly an image popped in her mind. It was an image of hundreds of ponies in sparkling coats and manes dressed in strange tunics looking at her with neutral expressions. The vision faded as fast as it appeared. Octavia shook her head rubbing her temples. “Crystal Ponies?” She asked out loud trying to figure out what those ponies were. Twilight gasped staring at her in shock. “Crystal Ponies? They’re by far the oldest civilization in the galaxy. Very little is known about them. How did you know about them?” She asked. Octavia gulped. “I heard voices, Twilight. I heard voices talking about Crystal Ponies and something about a dark shadow.” She paled in thought. “This might sound strange but... I heard Princess Luna’s name.” Twilight blinked with shock staring at her friend. “Are you serious?” “I’m serious. Something happened to her in that temple. I heard her scream in horrible pain, Twilight. Something is wrong on this moon or planet or something. It’s not natural. The trees are glowing snow white and the ground is covered in this crystal like snow!” Twilight nodded. “I agree with you there, we must leave. We can’t stay here if those pirates are trying to look for us.” Twilight reached over to the pack and pulled it on. Octavia nodded. “Let’s go then. I’ll carry Sweetie Belle. You use a musket to walk with. We’ll take occasional breaks when you need them alright?” Twilight grimaced nodding. “Yeah, but I don’t need to wait long, my magic will get my head fixed soon. Let’s go.” Twilight slowly crawled out of the shelter through the hole, greeting Apple Bloom. Octavia reached to Sweetie Belle and pulled her out. Once that was done she had Apple Bloom help her get Sweetie Belle on her back. Then, with Octavia at the lead, the four of them started following the light on Octavia’s pendant, leading them down the wide forest path. Unaware that they were walking straight into a trap. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Two unicorns in royal guard uniform ran through the bushes and entered a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a village in rocky, crystal ruins where the pirates and royal guards had made camp. At the edge of the village was an ancient building made of black crystals; a black crystal castle. The unicorns rushed into the castle and found two guard pegasi at the large doorway to a set of stairs leading to the prisoners in the dungeons. “Where’s the commander?” The unicorn mare asked breathing hard from the run. One of the pegasi pointed down the stairs below them. “He’s trying to get information from those hybrids from the ship.” She said with a light voice. The first unicorn stared down the stairs as the second one grinned at the pegasus stallion. “So, how’s that unicorn hybrid?” The second unicorn, a stallion asked. The second pegasus guard with a black and yellow mane chuckled. “If you go down there she’s out cold. She can’t get through five slashes.” He said laughing. The first pegasus guard, a white pegasus mare with a two toned green and pink mane looked green after the statement. “You know I find it hard to swallow.” She muttered. “What? You pity the hybrids?” The first unicorn, a brown and purple mane mare asked giving the pegasus mare a look. “No! It’s just, Blueblood’s making her suffer like he done to that other unicorn by the same name.” “Oh you mean that old unicorn Scratch?” The second unicorn asked. “Yes, that one. I guess there are some torture techniques that I can’t stomach.” The pegasus mare said with a shake of her head. The two unicorns stared strangely looking at her partner. The pegasus stallion shrugged. “Ah, she’s a Sergeant from Baltimare Station under that General Cloud Kicker. They don’t torture their prisoners.” He said with a smirk pointing his thumb at the mare. The unicorn sighed shaking her head. “Of course. Baltimare is well known for their easy jail times.” The pegasus mare blushed. “Sure we punish the troublemakers but why should we whip the flesh off the unicorn?” “Because she’s a hybrid.” The second pegasus replied as if his partner was so naïve to the custom. “Oh and she has the tattoo on her back.” “Tattoo?” That caught the pegasus off guard. “She’s a slave?” “It turned out she was a slave from Manehattan before the hybrid loving prince closed it off for good. Have you heard of the rumors? Only one hybrid lived through that riot in Filly. They called her Vinyl Scratch?” “That's the Vinyl Scratch? The champion of the slave pits?” “So you’ve heard of her?” The unicorn mare asked. “I’ve seen her in action while in military training in Fillydelphia.” The pegasus mare shook her head shivering. “She’s a monster.” The unicorn stallion nodded. “I’ve heard of her tactics. I heard that she used blunt knifes the pull out a pegasus’ wings and twists them into knots. She’s well known for that trick.” The pegasus mare gasped suddenly. “The assassin! She was stabbed in the wing and her wing was pulled out of her socket!” Second pegasus nodded. “Yeah, I knew that move was familiar. Wow,” He said chuckling. “We have a champion in the dungeons now. I bet if she lives, Blueblood might take her to his slave coliseum.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Scootaloo woke up hearing the echoing slap of the whip and shook as she started crying in her knees. She felt Derpy’s arm wrap around her, hugging her. Scootaloo could feel her older friend shaking slightly. Tick Tock, Rainbow Dash and Applejack sat in the corner together deep in their own worlds. Rainbow and Applejack mourned the loss of their friend while Tick Tock mourned for the loss of his daughter, again. Daring sat alone clenching and unclenching her bound fists. When the prisoners arrived at the crystal village, Daring started to lash out fighting her captors. In doing so the royal guards restrained her and bound her in chains and cuffs to keep her bound. She turned to the three mourning ponies. Applejack looked up at her with a glare. “I know my words won’t mean anything to you,” Daring said causing everypony to look at her. A distraction from their undeniable fate. “You’re right, why would I hear words from a pegasus?” Applejack spat. Rainbow turned to her friend with a glare of her own. “You don’t know who this pegasus is? She's the Daring Do. She’s the top well-known explorer from Luna University in Canterlot. She’s a famous writer too!” Applejack scoffed. “She got Twilight killed!” Rainbow snarled ready to attack. “She-” “Calm yourself, Captain Dash.” Daring said getting everyponies attention again. “Let me finish.” She paused looking at the three mourning soldiers. “Twilight Sparkle and Princess Octavia might be gone but they have made a path and made accusations that are true. But let me tell you this. Highness,” Tick Tock looked at her with glassy eyes. “The princess was ready to take her place as a savior for her people. She even planned on using the advice of children to bring back peace to the galaxy. “Children?” Tick Tock asked confused. “She meant us.” Scootaloo whispered sniffing. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I.” Daring nodded. “You three are truly the lesson this galaxy needs to see.” “Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked confused, that name sounded familiar. “Who’s Apple Bloom?” Derpy smiled. “She’s a sweetie of an earth pony that got caught in our ship. She fixed our engines.” Scootaloo snorted. “I could’ve figured it out if I knew it was the solar flare tubes cracking.” Applejack went silent for a moment. “Does this Apple Bloom have red hair?” “Yeah,” Spike said nodding. “That’s her.” Applejack stared at the floor shivering slightly. “AJ?” Rainbow whispered. “AJ!” She yelled grabbing Applejack before she could do anything rash. She had seen Applejack like this before. “Let me go Rainbow.” Applejack growled threateningly. “Listen to me, don’t go down that road again.” Rainbow Dash whispered urgently gripping tightly to her shoulders. “I need you AJ!” She whispered harshly getting Applejack’s attention. “I need you to be strong for me. I need you to attack with me at the opportune moment. We will get revenge and put the traitors to their graves.” Applejack was silent for a moment then nodded. “You’re right. A Wonderbolt and a Cowgirl back in action.” Rainbow took Applejack’s hand and gave it a firm shake. She gave her a smirk. Applejack nodded with a smirk of her own. “We’ll wait for the right moment to strike.” “Come again?” Tick Tock asked shocked. Rainbow winked at her old friend. “It’s about time you get to see how I truly fight, Tick Tock.” “Really?” He asked. “Wait a second, what are you thinking.” Spike asked worriedly. “In due time, dragon.” Rainbow whispered turning with a glare at the doorway hearing footsteps approaching. “In due time.” Three royal guards walked into the dungeon room and stood at attention. Blueblood walked over smiling. “Well, hello fair prisoners. How are you fairing?” Rainbow snarled standing up. “What do you want?” Blueblood shrugged. “I came to send a message. Two of my unicorns found the stragglers. “They’re alive?” Daring asked with shock. Blueblood shrugged. “From what I heard, the four escapees are injured. But they’re foolishly coming towards us. Following the Luna’s Tear no doubt.” “Why are you telling us this?” Derpy asked glaring at him. Blueblood shrugged. “Just so you’ll expect some company. And expect a journey underground.” Blueblood turned to his guards. “Keep watch on them, especially the three soldiers. They’re trouble.” The guards saluted as Blueblood walked out of the large dungeon. Rainbow glared at the guards standing at the two corners at attention. She recognized one of them. “Cadet Blossomforth.” The white pegasus jumped staring at her. “It’s Sergeant now.” Blossomforth said with no emotion avoiding Rainbow’s gaze. “Hmmph, so you’re working with Blueblood now? I expected more from you.” The two other guards turned to Blossomforth as she continued to stand at attention. “I was transferred, I had no other choice in the matter.” The pegasus said calmly. Rainbow stayed silent for a moment walking to the bars and leaned against the wall to stare at the sergeant thinking of what to do by reading the pegasus. Blossomforth was about ten years younger than Rainbow and she had trained Blossom and her partner. “How’s Cloud Kicker?” Blossom’s cheeks flushed, she cleared her throat quickly shaking her head. “She’s a General now. She’s the lead pegasus at Baltimare.” Rainbow smirked. “Good for her, she was a better soldier than any of these crap sacks.” The two guards snarled at Rainbow for her insult. “More loyal than I was. She would have been a Wonderbolt if snakes like Blueblood hadn’t killed them all.” Blossomforth blinked her eyes showing anger. Rainbow smiled slightly seeing she got her. Blossomforth had a cousin who was working with Rainbow during the war as a Wonderbolt. During the rebellion, the poor pegasus was found hanged in the streets with her wings cut off and the words, Earth Pony Lover was branded on her bare chest. Which was true, she was in love with an earth pony stallion who was a soldier. “Tell me, Blossomforth,” Rainbow asked. Blossom looked up at her with a gulp. “Do you feel loyalty in your ranks?” One of the guards a unicorn snarled. “Shut up traitor.” Rainbow held up her hands. “Hey, I was just asking a simple innocent question.” Blossom gulped seeing the two guards glaring at her as she thought for her answer. She stared into Rainbow’s eyes and glared. “I do and I’m loyal to them!” She said with a sniff turning away. Rainbow blinked at that a little disappointed, even the ones she trained in the early years were against her. “Alright, whatever you say.” Rainbow turned away to sit back down with Applejack and Tick Tock. Blossomforth turned back forward to look at Rainbow, she sighed turning away from the older pegasus, returning to parade rest. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia peeked out of the bushes a third time to see the unicorn guards still standing guard at the entrance to the castle. She hid back into the bushes and crawled back to the others. Sweetie Belle woke up a few minutes ago rubbing her arm as Apple Bloom sat next to her. Twilight was meditating with her eyes closed concentrating, trying to heal herself. She opened her eyes as Octavia crawled over. “Anything?” Twilight asked canceling her magic. Octavia nodded. “There are a few guards going in and out of that castle ruins and from the ruins next to the castle. The village ruins are probably where the pirates and the guards made camp.” Twilight nodded thinking rubbing her chin. “This could be difficult. Any sign of our friends?” Octavia shook her head. “No, but they must be here somewhere. I can see our ship with two of theirs above us.” She said pointing up. Through the break in the trees the four ponies can see the tiny Fancy Flute being guarded by two of the Royal Guards’ Brigantines Twilight nodded and started crawling past Octavia. “Let’s continue to watch.” The other three followed Twilight back to the bushes to keep watch. Twilight looked up and ducked as pegasi flew overhead in golden armor. Twilight cursed. “They have this whole place surrounded.” Octavia nodded thinking then gasped seeing Blueblood walking out of the castle ruins looking around. “That's Uncle Blueblood!” She whispered pointing. Twilight and the fillies looked out of the bush to see Blueblood talking to some guards and pointing away. The guards saluted and ran off toward the forest. Blueblood pulled out his pocket watch checking the time then walked to the village ruins, probably to go and speak to his soldiers. Twilight thought for a moment. “No doubt, if Blueblood was in there so were the others.” “What?” Apple Bloom asked. “That means our friends are in that castle. But we have to find a way to distract the guards.” “How?” Sweetie Belle asked with fear. “There are too many of them.” Twilight sighed. “I hate to do this but we have to split up.” “What?” Octavia asked. Twilight nodded. “Alright, here’s the plan. I’ll make a distraction at first then go inside. Octavia, I want you to use the Luna’s Tear to communicate with me. Let me know if Blueblood or the guards come back into the castle while I’m in there.” Octavia blinked thinking as Twilight turned to the fillies. “Apple Bloom, I’ll need you to stay with Sweetie Belle and hide yourselves away from the guards. You two are too young to be around.” “But-” Apple Bloom began but Twilight shook her head. “No, you must stay with Sweetie Belle and out of trouble.” Twilight turned back to Octavia as Apple Bloom pouted as she crossed her arms across her chest. “Did you get what I said?” Twilight asked quickly. Octavia looked up her. “But Twilight, I can help,” “No,” Twilight stated firmly. “You are way too important. If Blueblood or the pirates get you we are lost because they will kill you and nopony can go against the Queen. Please, stay here.” Octavia nodded glaring at the floor not likening the idea. Twilight sighed in relief. “Thank you. Remember, I want you to use your magical link with me.” Octavia nodded. “I’ll try.” Twilight smiled then turned back to look out. She peeked out of the bushes again and looked around. Once she was sure it was safe, Twilight leapt out of the bushes and took off to another bush near the village ruins to hide. Octavia stayed still watching the entrance to the castle with her hand clenching Luna’s Tear. Something in her mind was telling her to go into the castle and feeling of magic was very persistent. The jewel was vibrating hard in her hand by just thinking about the crystal castle. Her body feebly followed the magic’s command. She turned to see Twilight ready to cause a distraction. The unicorn held out her hand concentrating with difficulty, her hand and wrapped horn started to glow in a magenta-pink glow “Octavia?” Apple Bloom asked tugging her vest. “Hmm?” Octavia answered staring at the castle entrance. The magic was getting stronger. “I want to go and help Scootaloo.” “I know.” Octavia whispered. Twilight made a loud sound into the camp with her magic causing soldiers to yell out in alarm. The two guards that were standing at the door to the castle heard the sound too. They ran called out into the castle doorway and started running to the village. Three more guards came out moments later running for the camp. Octavia took her chance and bursted out of the bushes running to the castle in a sprint. Apple Bloom gasped and without thinking she ran after Octavia. Twilight stood up to make a dash for the door then cursed at what she saw. Octavia and Apple Bloom were already running into the castle. “Dammit!” Twilight said out loud, she covered her mouth in surprise looking around hoping she wasn’t caught. She quickly ran for cover in the bushes as more guards ran past her hiding spot to go check out the situation. Twilight cursed silently to herself and looked to the doorway. She gulped thinking about Sweetie Belle, she couldn't be left alone in her state. Twilight waited then started sprinting to her original hiding spot and jumped into the bushes, panting hard. “Sweetie Belle?” Twilight panted looking around for the unicorn filly. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her mouth and held her fast as she struggled in the hands of a unicorn guard. She opened her eyes to see Sweetie Belle being held by a pegasus guard. She was struggling in his grip. “Well, well, well,” Twilight froze then turned to see Blueblood looking at his gold watch, checking the time. All around him were unicorn guards and they’re all smiling at her. “A little late but in perfect timing, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight glared at him trying to pull away from her captor. “It is a pleasure in seeing you, again, Ms. Sparkle. Now answer me this one question.” Twilight growled behind the guard’s hand. “Where’s Princess Octavia?” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia and Apple Bloom stayed close together as they traveled through the halls. When they entered the castle Octavia followed the magical feeling to a large doorway and took the stairs down to the dungeon level. Down the stairs lead them to a small hall with many doorways and more halls. As the two kept going through the dungeon halls Octavia would look past every corner before she continued to run through the halls. Octavia panted, hiding by an alcove with Apple Bloom by her waist. Octavia could care less at the moment when Apple Bloom followed her. The magic she can feel in her mind was pulling her further into the castle dungeons. For some odd reason, the idea of finding Vinyl and the crew was pushed away by the thought of finding the entrance to the temple which was somewhere in this castle. The magic was getting stronger and stronger as she kept thinking about it. Octavia continued carefully down the hall checking past corners to find everything strangely empty and quiet. Apple Bloom had to keep a hold on Octavia’s tail to keep up with the princess as she looked into the rooms for Scootaloo or anyone she knew. Octavia followed the magic to a door at the end of the hall. The magic was pulsing through the Luna’s Tear, telling her to get through the door. Octavia followed the command as she tried to open it and growled. It was locked. “Octavia,” Octavia blinked out of her stupor and turned to see Apple Bloom with her back against the wall looking into a room with fear on her face. “What is it?” Octavia whispered rubbing her temples for a moment. The pulsing magic seem to have faded when the idea of the temple left her mind. Apple Bloom pointed into the room. Octavia walked over to the filly and turned to find a small room with a slit window at the top of the far wall. The light shining into the room revealed what was inside. Octavia’s mouth dropped open and the remaining thoughts of the temple were replaced with true horror. Sitting in a chair bloody and bruised and chained with her arms to the back of the chair was Vinyl. Octavia ran into the room to kneel down before the captive unicorn. Apple Bloom slowly followed her inside shaking with fear. She had never seen so much blood on a pony before. “Vinyl?” Octavia whispered holding up Vinyl’s face to find her lip busted, her left eye was black from being punched, blood flowing from a large gash on her forehead. Octavia stared noticing that Vinyl was practically naked and parts of her clothes were still hanging around her arms, it looked like her clothes were ripped apart. Octavia covered her mouth shaking her head feeling tears flow from her eyes. “Vinyl, please, wake up.” She whimpered patting Vinyl’s cheek lightly trying to rouse her awake. Vinyl let out a moan, her good eye squeezed shut. Apple Bloom walked over closer to see Vinyl’s bloody back and gulped back nausea seeing the whip marks and whip scars even a strange black mark on Vinyl’s shoulder. “Octavia?” “What?” Octavia whispered looking at Apple Bloom to see her pointing at Vinyl’s back. “What that mark on Vinyl’s back?” She asked with a tremor in her voice. Octavia slowly stood up and walked over and about got sick by the sight of Vinyl’s back. Her eyes roved to parts of Vinyl’s back where she can see actual old whip scars through the old drying blood on her back. Then her eyes spotted the black tattoo on Vinyl’s shoulder blade area. Octavia stared at the marker interested. The marker was a circle with a strange X in the circle with two letters that resemble the letter F. “Princess?” Octavia gasped hearing Vinyl’s voice and quickly went in front of her to see her good eye opening up. “Vinyl, I’m here,” she said soothingly with tears as she stroked Vinyl’s face. “What are you doing here?” Vinyl asked. She winced gritting her teeth from the pain of moving a few muscles in her back. “Shh, don’t worry I’m getting you out of here.” She said quickly moving back to Vinyl’s back. Vinyl shook her head. “You have to leave.” She whispered. “I’ll leave once I get you and the others out of here.” Vinyl shook her head again. “No, you don’t understand you can’t be here.” She moaned out louder. “Run away, forget about me!” “Shut up, and stay still.” Octavia ordered looking down at Vinyl’s bound hands to see that the ropes were colored red from Vinyl’s blood. Her wrists looked horrible too. Octavia then started uniting the ropes. Apple Bloom reached into her pocket and removed a screwdriver. She was ready to help cut the rope when she was covered in blue-purple magic and started to float to the ceiling. “Octavia!” Apple Bloom screamed out in panic dropping the screwdriver hearing it clatter to the floor. Octavia jumped hearing Apple Bloom’s scream. She turned around and gasped to see pirates entering the room laughing and surrounding her, carrying knives and swords. Octavia looked down to see the screwdriver. She quickly grabbed the screwdriver and held it out like a knife as the pirates laughed at her pathetic excuse of defense. “Give it up, Princess.” Octavia turned to see Nightmare Moon walking into the room. Octavia gasped at the realization. It was a trap! > Chapter 19: The Trap Has Been Sprung > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19 The Trap Has Been Sprung “Give it up, Princess.” Octavia turned to see Nightmare Moon walking into the room, her horn glowing in her magical aura. “You don’t want any more of your dear friends hurt right?” Octavia gasped and looked up to see Apple Bloom being pressed to the ceiling. Octavia turned to the pirates, then up at Apple Bloom as she started to show pain as she squeezed her eyes shut and her hands curled into fists. Octavia turned to Vinyl to see her head hanging limp over her chest. Octavia growled and let the screwdriver fall to the ground. Nightmare Moon smiled, snapping her fingers. Two pirates grabbed Octavia as she tried to fight back. Apple Bloom was dropped from the ceiling and caught in the arms of a pegasus pirate. “Take the princess and her other cohorts into the dungeon with the rest of their friends. But place the Princess in the chair would you?” The pirates cackled as they pushed her forward through the hallway. Apple Bloom was carried by her shirt and, Vinyl was released and dragged through the hall. Nightmare Moon turned the corner in time to see Twilight and Sweetie Belle being chained by their wrists to the wall. “Octavia?!” Octavia gasped hearing Derpy’s voice. She looked into the filled cell to see her friends and familiar faces as well. She gasped to see Tick Tock running to the bars. “Papa? You’re alive?” Octavia sighed with relief seeing her father again. The pirates forced her down on a chair in the middle of the room. Her arms were forced behind her back and her wrists were bound by rope. Apple Bloom was pushed into the wall next to Sweetie Belle with her wrists up in old chains. “Apple Bloom, you’re alright too!” Scootaloo called out smiling. “Well we have ourselves a reunion of friends and family, Blueblood.” Nightmare Moon said laughing, walking to Apple Bloom and gave her a pat on the head. “I swear this will make me cry.” “You keep your filthy hands off my sister!” Applejack roared through the bars. Nightmare chuckled as Apple Bloom stared at the older mare with surprise. “Applejack?” Apple Bloom whispered recognizing Applejack from the family pictures back at the farm. Applejack smiled softly at her. “It’s me, sugarcube. Don’t you worry none, you’ll get out of here soon.” “Not too soon, I hope.” Blueblood said watching Vinyl being dragged into a separate cell and locked inside. Vinyl moaned and opened her good eye to glare at Blueblood. “I should thank you, Captain, for allowing yourself as bait to bring in the princess. I shall reward you when this is over.” Vinyl spat to the side. “Save your reward for some other jackass!” She whispered harshly trying to sit up on her knees. Blueblood glared at her. “Well that reward was your freedom, but I can see you've made up our choice. I’ll take you to The Rock where you will rot with all the other worthless bait like yourself.” Vinyl growled turning away from him. Blueblood sighed walking over to Octavia as she struggled in her bindings. “Now that we finally have a chance to talk,” he paused to flick his finger over her torn sleeve. “Hmm, what an interesting fashion statement, Princess. What are you wanting to show the galaxy, hmm?” He asked standing in front of her smiling. Octavia growled noticing her legs weren’t bound to the chair like Vinyl’s were. She looked up at Blueblood then kicked him hard in the shin. Blueblood yelled out jumping up and down holding his leg. The pirates that were watching started snickering. “Serves you right, you monster! You betrayed your kingdom!” Octavia spat glaring at him. Blueblood growled and slapped her across the face. He grabbed her by the mane and held her so he could glare into her eyes. “Listen to me you little hybrid trash, I’m keeping you alive for one reason and one reason only, then I’ll be happy to finally give you a slow and agonizing death that you will have you crying to Luna to ease that pain.” Octavia glared coldly. Blueblood found this a little surprising. In the past, even if he gave her a glance, Octavia would be afraid and run off like she should. But now, she’s actually standing up to him. “You will do no such thing!” Rainbow threatened. “Let her go Blueblood!” Tick Tock growled. “This is between you and me, it has always been!” Blueblood smirked. “True, but I am already getting back at you. First killing your wife, then killing your little girl.” Octavia gasped, her glare gone. She turned to her father. “Mama’s…” “Yes Octavia,” Tick Tock said with guilt. “She’s gone.” Octavia blinked, feeling tears in her eyes as she slumped forward. She bit her lip trying to think of a plan to find a way out of this situation. Blueblood sighed. “Soon the hybrid line will be finished. And then I will be king of the galaxy and finally showing the galaxy that I can be king and boot out all who oppose me!” He smiled turning to Twilight. “I can be reasonable to you, Miss. Sparkle. You are the most powerful unicorn in the galaxy. You can return with good graces to your name and the name traitor will be erased along with your history if you will join me and become my top officer in my Royal Unicorn Guard.” Twilight moved her tongue in her mouth and spat into Blueblood’s face. Blueblood yelled out wiping the spit off his face while glaring at the unicorn. “You’ve made the mistake of making me your enemy, Miss. Sparkle.” He growled. Twilight snorted. “I think it’s the other way around Blueblood, if I wasn’t incapacitated of magic I would be burning you right now.” Blueblood snorted and walked away. He stood by Nightmare Moon and Octavia. “Of course there is that reason I wanted to discuss with you Octavia.” Octavia remained silent closing her eyes her and clenched her fists, her fingers were going numb. “If you agree I might let some ponies go free.” Octavia gasped so did everypony else. “He’s lying!” Rainbow snarled out pointing at him. “Oh am I?” He asked before leaning close to Octavia’s ear. “If you do as I say I’ll let some of your petty friends live.” He whispered. “I promise you that.” Octavia gulped, slowly siting up straight, looking at him with a glare. “What do you want from me?” Octavia asked coldly. Blueblood reached down to Octavia’s chest to pick up Luna’s Tear. Octavia blinked realizing that Blueblood didn’t shriek from the burning pain like Daring. “How?” “Hmm?” He asked. “That’s supposed to burn you. Like it did with Professor Do.” Blueblood looked at Daring then started laughing. “Foolish girl did you forget who I am?” Octavia was confused. “Of course.” Tick Tock groaned out shaking his head. “He’s an ancestor to Luna.” Octavia gasped, getting the connection. Only the true decedents of Luna can touch and hold the stone. Blueblood chuckled leaning close to her again. “I want you to come with me to Luna’s Temple and use your stone and your gift to bring me it's treasure.” Octavia stared at him with awe. “The temple?” Suddenly the dark magical urge came back in full force causing her wince and shake her head. Vinyl sat up staring at her. Twilight let out a yelp of pain squeezing her eyes shut. Rainbow blinked hard shaking her head. Even Applejack was showing signs of pain as she pressed her fingers to her temples. Daring gasped seeing this, looking at all four mares to see them wither in pain. “Twilight, what is it? “Daring called out pulling on her chains. “I don’t know, some dark power is in my head!” She grunted biting her cheek hard to try and level out the pain. “Describe it,” Daring ordered, seeing Rainbow sitting hard on the ground beside Derpy, groaning as she held her head. “The dark force!” Octavia yelled out. “It’s calling for the Tear!” Blueblood looked to Nightmare Moon to see her shrug her shoulders with curious scowl on her face. Daring was trying to think fast. “What’s going on? “ Spike asked getting worried watching Twilight’s face seeing tears flowing from her eyes. “Doc talk to me!” Vinyl called out wincing as she tried to sit up without moving too many muscles in her back. “Of course, remember when Twilight made a connection with Octavia with the Luna’s Tear?” The friends on the Fancy Flute nodded while the others stared blankly. “The connection with the Element of Magic is causing the other two to suffer.” Daring said, pointing to Applejack who was now curled up in a ball on the floor, gritting her teeth in pain. “It’s making my brain turn into apple sauce, what is that thing!” Applejack yelled out. “Octavia,” Twilight begged, “You have to control it!” “How can I?” Octavia asked, tears were leaking from her eyes. This force was very strong. She could see its green and red eyes in her subconscious mind. “Think of something that attaches you to your mind.” Twilight mentioned. “What?” “Try it, try to connect something that will connect you to the present mind now.” Octavia tried to think but the dark force continued to cloud her judgment. Everywhere she looked the purple shadow blocked her. Bring me my crystal, the deep voice ordered waving a glowing red hand motioning her to follow him. Come Princess, come and awaken me. “Awaken you,” Octavia started to relax until her eyes closed, slumping forward in her chair. In her mind the purple-black shadow laughed walking closer to her subconscious reaching for her. “Octavia!” Vinyl screamed out. “Snap out of it!” The dark force gasped and turned seeing a bright blue light in the darkness as Octavia started regaining her subconscious. “Come on, Sweet Cheeks,” Vinyl called out as Octavia started to wake up. “You’re stronger than this don’t let that dark force get to you!” Vinyl yelled out standing up, using the bars to help her up. She pulled up the remnants of her shirt to cover her chest. The dark force snarled and was pushed away as purple magic filtered through Octavia’s mind causing her to open her eyes with a gasp, panting hard. Twilight panted hard as the pressure left her mind. Applejack and Rainbow Dash opened their eyes, rubbing their heads as they sat up. “What the hay was that?” Rainbow groaned, rubbing her head. Octavia panted looking over to see Vinyl still battered and bruised. Vinyl smiled seeing her eyes. Octavia smiled back, thankful for having Vinyl there to bring her back. “Well, that was interesting.” Nightmare Moon said with a bored expression as she bit her lip with anger. Blueblood chuckled. “Now it’s official, you are going to come with me and open that temple.” Octavia sat there staring at him. “Are you nuts?” She asked. I was almost possessed by some dark daemon, and now you want me to go to that place and possibly let it out?! Daring gasped. “Of course, the dark force, it must be a part of this culture.” “Meaning?” Tick Tock asked as Scootaloo and Derpy held each other close. Daring sighed. “Octavia mentioned of seeing a vision of Luna and a dark force that probably enchanted Princess Luna to the temple where the Luna’s Tear came from. The Luna’s Tear must be more than just a special tome of magic, but a key into the temple and possibly the key to unlocking the daemon in the temple.” Tick Tock stared at his daughter helplessly. What could he do? Octavia shook her head. “Precisely, I’m not going in there.” She winced shaking her head. “No matter who says, I won’t go in there!” Blueblood glared at her then suddenly smiled turning to Nightmare Moon. “What?” She asked. “I have a plan.” Nightmare snorted. “Do tell?” She said, annoyed. Blueblood walked over to Vinyl’s cell. He unlocked her cell and grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her cell. He pushed her into the wall placing his hand on her shoulder keeping her in place. He turned to see a pirate with a pistol in his holster. “You, pirate!” Blueblood ordered pointing at him. “Aim your pistol at the prince.” “What?” Rainbow yelped out getting up running over to protect Tick Tock. She slammed into a shield of yellow magic and fell back one the ground holding her nose. Applejack helped her sit up, the two mares turned to see a unicorn pirate holding out his hands smirking keeping Tick Tock in the bubble of magic. Blueblood pulled out his pistol and point it at Vinyl’s head causing her to stiffen. “What are you doing?” Derpy yelled out blocking Scootaloo from the view. “A little incentive. Remember that promise I gave you Octavia?” Octavia stared turning her gaze from Vinyl to her father, left and right. “If you come with me, I’ll let your friends free but before I do that you’ll have to choose who you want to go free first? This hybrid slave that seems to have a heart for you.” Octavia gasped seeing Vinyl’s blush as she turned away. “Or your daddy, the prince of the galaxy?” Octavia turned to see Tick Tock glaring at the pirate. “Choose wisely.” Blueblood taunted pulling back the hammer hearing the well-known buzz of the pistol being charged. “The one you choose will go free but the other will be shot.” Blueblood pressed the barrel to Vinyl’s forehead. Octavia turned to Vinyl then to her father with tears forming in her eyes. How can she choose? “Princess, take your old man.” Vinyl blurted out. Octavia turned to her with shock. Vinyl smiled at her biting her lip. “You have your dad, now. Take him first, and be with him as fucking long as possible.” Octavia blinked staring at her friend. “Vinyl-” “No, trust me. You’re better off choosing him.” Octavia looked down at her feet and swallowed hard. She turned to Vinyl to see her smile closing her eyes as if she’s ready to take the shot. Octavia turned to her father to see him still glaring at the pirates and his brother. Octavia sighed making her choice. “I’ll do it!” “Hmm?” Blueblood asked with a toothy grin. Octavia sighed. “You win alright? Just please don’t kill either of them, I’ll go with you to the temple.” Blueblood smiled. “That’s a good girl.” Blueblood winked at the pirate. The pirate chuckled lowering his aim and fired. Tick Tock let out a yell as he fell to the ground, holding his leg. Blueblood turned to Vinyl and pistol whipped her hard in the face, letting her drop to the ground. He aimed then pulled the trigger making a shot behind Vinyl’s left knee. Vinyl cursed loudly holding her leg. Vinyl was grabbed and pushed back into her cell as the pirate canceled his magic around the prince. Rainbow ran to his side immediately holding him as Tick Tock grabbed his thigh, biting hard on his lip to keep from screaming out. Octavia was in shock trying to figure out what had just happened. Blueblood pulled out his knife and cut the ropes off of Octavia’s wrists. He grabbed Octavia by her vest and pulled her up to her feet. Once he got a good hold of her he pressed his knife to her neck. “Those were warning shots, my dear and if you dare try any funny business I will hurt more than your captain and your father.” He pushed her to the wall. “Start walking.” He ordered. “Wait a second, Blueblood!” Nightmare Moon called out. “What?” Blueblood snarled. Nightmare Moon gave him a stoic look as Blueblood seemed to project some dark power from his eyes. For a split second his eyes glowed green then flashed away. Nightmare Moon pointed at the prisoners in the cell. “I think we need to bring some hostages just so the princess here doesn’t do any tricks.” Blueblood shrugged. “Who can I bring?” Nightmare smiled and used her magic to grab Daring and float her up. “Her, number one, she is a professor and well known for exploring planets and such. And by her talk earlier, she knows the temple.” Blueblood nodded. “Bah, let her come. Keep her hands behind back.” A pirate unicorn used his magic to create two walls of magic to prevent the prisoners from escaping. Nightmare Moon levitated Daring out of the cell and ordered her chains removed. The chains were pulled off but her hands were tied behind her back with rope. Nightmare Moon smiled at the two fillies by Twilight. “And a little one,” Nightmare Moon chuckled as she grabbed Apple Bloom by her shirt and held her up. “No!” Applejack yelled out running to the bars. “Leave her alone!” Nightmare Moon laughed. “Don’t worry Applejack, I’ll take real good care of her.” She unlocked the chains then shoved Apple Bloom into a pirate. The pirate then pushed Apple Bloom into Octavia and Daring. “Earth ponies must stick together right?” A pirate yelled out getting gales of laughter. Blueblood sighed. “Are we done yet?” Nightmare Moon nodded giving him warning look. “Yes, let’s go men. Treasure awaits.” Blueblood turned to Blossomforth and five other guards. “You all stay here and make sure these prisoners don’t escape.” Blossomforth and the soldiers saluted. “Carry on.” Blueblood pushed Octavia forward keeping his pistol pointed to her back. Apple Bloom ran after her and held on to Octavia’s hand as they walked out of the room. Daring was pushed out last, she turned to look at Twilight then turned away. Derpy sniffed. “What are we going to do?” Rainbow snarled getting up running to the bars. “You’re all traitors! She’s a princess, a royal you jackasses! A royal that needs your protection!” She yelled out. “Shut up!” The unicorn yelled out glaring at her. “Forget it Rainbow,” Twilight said sadly. Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight to see her in tears. “I failed.” Rainbow stared at the unicorn with a glare. “You can’t be serious. You, Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, the little kid that killed hundreds of enemies in a blink of an eye is giving up saying you failed and sitting around as if it’s game over?” Twilight looked at her old friend with tears. She shook her head hard. “You don’t get it, Rainbow Dash. Even if Blueblood does get what he wants, he’ll kill her and Equestria will never return to the way it once was. We all failed.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Blueblood kept the pistol aimed for Octavia’s head as they continued down the old halls of the ruined castle. With the guide of the Tear and the magic Octavia lead the group down a secret stair further underground. Octavia kept looking down at Luna’s Tear to see it glowing and vibrating even more against her chest. Octavia stopped at a crossroads where one hall was filled with rubble and the other hall leading to another staircase. “Why did you stop?” A pirate asked grabbing Apple Bloom for insurance. Octavia gulped closing her eyes holding the Tear in her hand trying hard to keep control of her mind but also listening to the daemon telling her which way to go next. Her ears folded back to her head as she opened her eyes and pointed toward the left hall to the staircase. “This way, he’s very persistent.” Octavia said with difficulty. The daemon’s power was getting stronger. “Good, now keep going.” Blueblood ordered. Octavia nodded and lead the large group through the hall. Nightmare Moon snapped and held up four fingers. Four pirates stayed behind to guard the intersection. The group turned and continued down the old broken stairs until they reached the bottom. They followed the skinny hall until they reached a large chamber with a dead end. Octavia gasped staring at the large wall of hieroglyphs. Blueblood growled grabbing Octavia by her mane causing her to yell out. “I thought you said it was this way?” He snarled. “It is! I don’t know why there’s a wall here!” Octavia shouted glaring at him. Blueblood snarled pushing Octavia to the wall then pointed the pistol at Apple Bloom. “Stop!” Nightmare Moon bellowed. Blueblood snarled at her suddenly his eyes changed causing Apple Bloom to whimper, backing into her pirate guard. “What?” Nightmare Moon grabbed for Daring and pulled her towards them. “This is why I said we bring the professor.” Daring glared at the pirate then looked up at the wall trying to think. “Can you read this, Professor?” Nightmare asked sweetly. “Possibly.” Nightmare Moon shrugged. “Good enough, start translating!” She shoved the pegasus to the wall. Blueblood sighed deeply rubbing his temple. “Make it quick.” He ordered gruffly, blinking hard. Daring turned to Octavia then up at the wall. “Did the Tear lead you here?” Daring asked squinting at the pictures on the wall. “The daemon, yes.” Daring looked at her alarmingly. Octavia shrugged. “But the Tear and this daemon are acting stronger the closer we get. But he keeps persistently telling me that the temple is past this wall.” Octavia finished placing her hand on the cold wall. Daring nodded squinting back at the pictures. “Let’s see, uh, well this is interesting.” “What? “Apple Bloom asked standing by Octavia holding her hand. Octavia squeezed her hand in return. “Hmm, these hieroglyphs look like the ancient text of the Crystal Empire.” “Crystal Empire?” A guard asked curiously. “Isn’t that a myth?” Daring nodded. “Some would claim so yes, but over the past three decades the archeologist community are finding remains and hieroglyphs that pertain to the crystal ponies of old.” “Can you read it?” Nightmare Moon asked with a scowl. Daring sighed. “I only know of the Western culture hieroglyphs of the crystal ponies. This script has similar meanings but by connecting some words here,” Daring stared at a picture that looked like a pony rearing in pose. “If this is a picture I think it is, then this should be the letter R in the western culture.” Octavia looked at the top to see a large carving of what looks to be a pair of eyes in smoke or magic. She shuddered turning away rubbing her arms. “Alright, uh here’s a rough translation.” Daring said getting everyponies attention. “Ahem, it says here that there was once a great powerful daemon that took over a crystal king. The Crystal King turned black with dark magic and his eyes glowed with greed and hate. He enslaved his fellow ponies as slaves. When the very First Discordian War came around, centuries ago, the king took up arms with Discord and tried to rule the galaxy.” “Get to the point, Professor.” Nightmare threated. Daring glared at her then turned back to reading. “Uh yadda-yadda, gets defeated by the Princesses, freed Crystal Ponies, oh well here is where it gets interesting. It says here, that after the evil king was destroyed this kingdom of crystal ponies disappeared without a trace. Possibly a disease or famine since they lost their ruler. Hmm, it also says that other factions of crystal ponies came here to this moon or wait ... it’s a planet actually, how interesting!” “Wait this isn’t a moon?” Apple Bloom asked interested. “It’s really a tiny planet?” Daring chuckled. “It seemed so. The smallest planet in the Crystal Empire before Equestria took the galaxy.” Daring cleared her throat and continue reading. “Many crystal ponies from other planets came and tried to destroy this part of their empire. They built a temple underneath this castle. Oh here we go, something to do with guardians of the temple in the crystal empire. It says here that there were six guardians in all and each guardian has… Well a jewel with magical properties that can give the user magic and direction.” Daring turned to Octavia as she stared at Luna’s Tear on her chest. Daring gulped. “Looks like Luna’s Tear might be more than just Luna’s treasure.” Apple Bloom gulped seeing a small picture showing six earth pony heads with a jewel above them shaped just like the Tear. “Only a guardian can access the temple and if all six jewels are placed on the altar in the temple’s deepest center, the daemon shall never escape. But if a jewel is taken away from the circle ... the daemon shall try and escape.” “So that means that if Luna took the, uh, guardian away from its circle then...?” Apple Bloom gulped. Daring shrugged. “Yes, if what we are witnessing with the dark force ... the daemon must have been able to be set free. Without the sixth guardian of the temple, the daemon can escape and be able to use its influence to take over another soul. The crystal ponies created the guardians to keep the daemon’s influence out of the Crystal Empire.” Daring shrugged. “Of course, it’s still being studied on how the Crystal Empire truly disappeared. We know about this planet and their downfall but it took many decades before the crystal ponies finally vanished.” Blueblood was tapping his hoof on the ground with growling anger, losing his patience. Daring noticed and cleared her throat looking around on the wall for anything else. “Hmm, this is odd,” “What? “Octavia asked. “This picture here,” Octavia knelt down with Apple Bloom to see the picture of six earth pony heads and five glowing dots. “There are five glowing dots here, no they are crystals and they are glowing.” Apple Bloom pointed at the one dark crystal. “But this one's not glowing.” She said. Daring nodded. "True, not that one." Daring looked at Octavia then down at the Tear as it shined brightly. Daring stood up again with help from Octavia. She continued to scan the wall until she found what she was looking for. “Okay, it says here that all jewels must be present to open a door to unlock the Crystal Central Chamber and the Crystal Empire’s treasure and history within.” Many ponies gasped at the treasure part. “Treasure?” Apple Bloom asked in awe. Daring gulped reading further her eyes grew grave. “Daring?” Octavia asked worriedly. “Enough!” Blueblood roared his eyes spark colors for a moment. “How do we get inside?” Daring gulped thinking, keeping the vital information to herself. She turned to Octavia then walked to the side of the wall where the moss was growing. “Octavia, pull off the moss, here,” Octavia nodded walking over and started grabbing handfuls of the dark green algae off the wall until more hieroglyphs were found. Another pirate walked over to use his sword to scrape off the rest of the moss to reveal an indention in the wall with hieroglyphs circling the indention. Octavia wiped off the dirt and the grime looking at the strange reading on the wall. “What is this?” She asked. Daring walked over to read the hieroglyphs looking at the small indention then at Luna’s Tear. “Place the Tear inside.” Daring ordered. “What?” “Trust me.” Daring whispered stepping back. Octavia gulped picking up the Tear and looked at the indention in the wall. She looked to Daring to see her nod at her. Octavia stood there thinking of what to do. She can hear her father’s words warn her, Never, ever take this pedant off. Not for anything or anyone. Octavia gulped with worry. She held the jewel in her hand then pulled off the pendant, snapping the chain off her neck. For a split moment she heard many voices in her head screaming. She shook her head hard from the empty feeling in her head and body as she placed the Tear against the wall. She stepped back seeing the wall suddenly close around the Tear holding it in place. Octavia went against the wall then holding her head feeling horrible. Her stomach made flips and flops causing her to get nauseous, her vision turned colors and blinding. What’s happening to me? Octavia thought as she held her head as if a pony was smashing her head with a mallet. The pirates stared at the Luna’s Tear as it started to glow purple, the hieroglyphs around the tear started to glow purple too. Everypony followed the purple light as it travel through the walls in the chamber then towards the hieroglyphs wall. The crystals behind the pictures started to glow purple, even the eyes above the door flashed purple. After the whole room turned purple the ground started to tremor. “What’s going on?” Apple Bloom asked feeling the ground shake. Blueblood smiled looking up see a line of purple cutting straight down the middle of the hieroglyph wall. “This is it!” He cheered as the wall became a door as the stone slabs started to move towards the opposite walls opening. Everypony covered their eyes seeing a bright white and purple light. Octavia slowly slumped to the floor. Apple Bloom ran to her side. “Octavia, are you alright?” She asked. Octavia was silent, blinking and hard trying hard to keep from getting sick. The door finished opening with a dull thud and the light vanished as everypony walked through the doors and started cheering. Blueblood grabbed Octavia and hoisted her up to her feet pushing her forward. Octavia would have fallen over if she hadn't caught herself against the wall. Blueblood shoved her into the crystal room. Apple Bloom was left alone as she looked at the Tear on the wall. She gulped and reached up and grabbed the broken chain and pulled. After the third tug the Tear popped out of the socket. The Tear flashed once and turned dark. Apple Bloom gulped again then stuck it in her pocket. She ran after everypony else into the chamber without realizing what she just did. Daring noticed though. She watched the runes where the Tear sat before started to glow from purple to red. Daring made a ghost of a smile as she was pushed forward into the room. “Good girl, Apple Bloom.” She muttered. “Good girl.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Upstairs in the dungeon room the ponies stiffened, feeling a rumble coming from below them. “What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked with worry. Twilight looked around trying to think. “I have no idea.” “Whatever that was,” Applejack growled. “It can’t be good.” Tick Tock slowly stood up gritting his teeth from the pain. “We have to do something!” He snarled. Rainbow shook her head with a glare of her own. “There is nothing we can do now. We’re nothing but sitting ducks.” Blossomforth turned to another pegasus guard, a golden yellow with an aqua blue mane and winked. The pegasus blinked both eyes twice. Blossom made a ghost of a smile. Vinyl who was watching stared at the white pegasus with confusion. “Arrgh!” The pegasus guard screamed out falling to her knees holding her stomach. “What’s wrong?” The stallion next to her yelped out. “Something’s wrong!” The pegasus screamed out hugging herself. The unicorn guard walked over. “What’s wrong with you?” Blossomforth pulled out her knife and slit the unicorn's neck. The second stallion gasped as the pegasus jumped up from the ground to punch him in the face. She pulled out her sword and stabbed him through the stomach. “Traitors!” He snarled. The pegasus glared at him. Head-butting him hard in the head and letting him fall dying to the ground. She shook her head and spits on his corpse. “Remember my boyfriend, you bastard?” Blossomforth reached into the unicorn’s armor and pulled out the keys. Rainbow stood up with shock. Blossom tossed one key to her partner as she start unlocking the chains on Twilight and Sweetie Belle first. “Blossom?” Rainbow asked with awe. Blossom smiled back at her as she helped Sweetie Belle. “You really think I would allow my soldiers to work with pirates? Besides I know where my true loyalties lie, Commander.” Blossom said saluting to Rainbow before she start unlocking her cell. Rainbow pushed the door open and smiled at the younger pegasus. The two pegasi shook hands and smiled at one another. “I guess I misjudged you.” Rainbow said bashfully. Blossom nodded. “Well you have to keep the façade. It is great to see you again.” Blossom turned to the second pegasus next to her as she helped Vinyl out of her cell. “Rainbow, this is Corporal Raindrops.” Rainbow blinked. “Lieutenant Blue Wave’s cousin?” The yellow pegasus nodded with a hard scowl. “Yeah, I’ve been dreaming of doing that for a while.” She snarled turning to the dead guards. Rainbow chuckled. “Well you sure act like him.” Applejack helped Tick Tock out of the cell as Twilight checked her horn under the bandages. “So, friends of yours or ours?” Applejack asked as Derpy, Spike, and Scootaloo walked out of the cell. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo hugged each other happy to see one another again. Rainbow smiled. “AJ, you mean to tell me you don’t remember Blue Wave? He was a Wonderbolt that was pulled out early because of wing injuries. The one with a water vortex as a cutie mark?” Applejack blinked. “That Blue Wave?” She turned to Raindrops as she raised a brow at Applejack. “So, you’re the Element of Honesty. Heard a lot about you.” She said holding out her hand. Applejack shook her hand in return. “Hmm, firm grip, defiantly a soldier.” Raindrops shrugged. “It runs in the family. I would be a Wonderbolt if it weren’t for the queen.” She gulped seeing the prince and bowed. “Apologies highness for not, uh,” Raindrops paused lamely. Blossom bowed as well. “Forgive us highness. We had to keep up our act.” Tick Tock chuckled. “I can care less as long as you’re our allies.” Applejack helped him on the chair as he relaxed for a moment, holding his leg. “The more important matter is getting my daughter back before Blueblood kills her.” Blossom and Raindrops looked one another with worry. “That could be a problem.” Raindrops stated crossing her arms across her chest. “Why?” Derpy asked. Raindrops sighed. “We were planning on getting you lot out of here as fast as possible. There might be fifty guards and fifty pirates but you need allies to get you all off this planet.” Rainbow sighed with defeat seeing her reasoning. “They’re right, the most important thing to do is to get civilians out of here as fast as possible.” “What about Octavia?” Vinyl asked holding the wall with her hand to keep from falling over. “I agree with the old man, we have to get her back before Jerkblood kills her off. He’ll even kill the professor and the kid.” Applejack nodded. “I want my sister back.” Rainbow groaned rubbing her face. “This would be so much easier if we didn’t have so many civilians. I would go myself.” Vinyl blinked with a plan. “Twilight, you do healing magic.” Vinyl said pointing at her. Twilight blinked. “Well yes but-” “Heal the old man, at least get as much of his leg healed as possible.” She ordered. Twilight nodded and walked over to Tick Tock and placed her hands on his bloody knee and concentrate for a moment. “What’s the plan?” Spike asked. Everypony turned to Vinyl. Vinyl sighed then pointed at Derpy. “Strip off their clothes, I need a new shirt.” Derpy nodded running to the unicorn guard and started unlatching his armor. Vinyl turned to Spike. “I’m going after the princess.” “What?” Sweetie Belle asked “But there are a bunch of pirates and guards in the way. You can’t go out like that.” Vinyl nodded. Twilight sighed standing up. “Finished.” She panted as Tick Tock tested his leg with a wince. “Better, thank you.” Twilight bowed her head. “It’s no trouble at all, highness.” She turned to Vinyl to see her staring at her. “Heal me, mostly my leg. I can care less with my back at the moment.” Vinyl ordered. Twilight was worried. “But Vinyl, you’ve lost a lot of blood and you’re still weak.” Vinyl nodded. “I know, but that didn’t stop me before.” Blossom nodded. “You’re the Vinyl Scratch from the Fillydelphia Slave Arena are you?” Everypony turned to her with shock. Vinyl blushed but nodded. “Yeah, I was.” Blossom nodded. “Defiantly got you on the right side. We saw what you did to the assassin.” Vinyl nodded with a shameful blush on her face. “I’m not happy with that but, I had to protect Sweet Cheeks, right?” Twilight placed her hands on Vinyl’s shoulders and took in a breath. “Concentrate with me. Use your magic with me.” Vinyl nodded closing her eyes feeling Twilight’s magic and her own magic flow inside her body. In a few seconds Twilight released her as Vinyl sighed shaking her head from the flow of magic. She blinked to see through both eyes. She looked down to find most of her bruises were healed. She looked at her back. “It’s healed!” Scootaloo cheered. “Well mostly.” Vinyl nodded. “Good enough.” She said as she bent her knee and smiled. “Hmm, very good.” Twilight sighed. “I knew I didn’t have enough power so I borrowed your magic to complete the healing process.” She sat down hard on the ground panting. Vinyl nodded and turned to see Derpy holding up a stained shirt from the unicorn who had his neck slit. Vinyl nodded pulling the remains of her shirt off throwing the bloody cloth on the floor. She took the new shirt and pulled it over her head. She sniffed the shirt and glared at the two guards. “Celestia, do you guards even use deodorant?” Raindrops and Blossomforth shrugged. Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Whatever, give me his belt and weapons. I’ll need every laser powered gun he has.” “You’re crazy.” Raindrops retorted. “You can’t go after them alone.” Vinyl chuckled pulling the belt around her waist. “Please, I’m not going alone.” Vinyl pulled out a knife and handed it to the prince. Tick Tock looked up at her as she flipped the knife to hold the blade. “She’s your daughter, right?” Tick Tock took the knife nodding to her. He stood up and smiled at the unicorn. Vinyl blinked then looked down at Twilight. “Derpy,” “Aye?” “Take Twilight, Spike, Scoots, and Sweetie Belle with you to the Fancy Flute and get that ship started. Kill all the guards and pirates.” “Not all!” Blossom called out quickly. Everypony turned to her. “There are pegasi and unicorns on our side. Baltimare Station ponies are on your side. Raindrops or I can send the signal and the guards on our side will fight back.” Vinyl nodded. “Then you two are coming with us when we escape?” Raindrops and Blossom looked at one another. “We’ll think about it.” Blossom answered with a smile. Vinyl then pointed to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Your princess and your sister, too.” “But Vinyl,” Scootaloo asked tugging her shirt. “What if something happens to you?” Vinyl kneeled down looking into Scootaloo’s eyes. “Just like in the arena alright? If something does happen to me just keep going. Don’t look back.” Scootaloo turned away. Vinyl ruffled her mane and stood up. She turned but gasped, feeling something wrap around her waist. She looked down to see Scootaloo crying into her back. Vinyl sighed then looked at Sweetie Belle and pointed at Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle nodded grabbing Scootaloo and pulled her back. Vinyl turned and watched Rainbow as she grabbed a sword belt from the dead guard and pulled on the belt. She pulled out the sword and checked its sharpness. Applejack found the pistols and held them out checking the charges. Applejack handed the extra blade to Tick Tock as he too tested the sharpness. “Don’t you worry,” Vinyl said turning to Twilight mostly. “We’ll get them back. And when the last pony comes on the ship and tells you to fly, you fly. No lagging, no nothing. Just fly as far away as you can into the outer rim galaxy.” “The Outer Rim?” Twilight asked speechless. “Those are where the rouge planets are and where the pirates rule!” Vinyl nodded. “I know, but until everything is said and done we’re all fugitives if any soldier lives.” Vinyl turned to Derpy and Spike to see them looking at her sadly just as they did in the arena so long ago. “Keep each other alive, alright?” Vinyl said. Derpy and Spike nodded firmly. “Just come back. This time we won’t watch.” Spike said firmly turning towards Twilight and helped her stand up. Vinyl looked at Blossom and Raindrops. “I trust you two to keep my family alive up there.” “You can count on us.” Blossomforth said saluting. Raindrops smirked and saluted. Vinyl saluted in return and started for the door. “Remember to fly away.” Vinyl called out pointing to her friends. “We will. “Derpy retorted, trying hard to hide her tears. Vinyl waved for her party to follow. Tick Tock nodded, running ahead with Rainbow and Applejack behind him. Vinyl stopped to watch the two rouge soldiers lead her friends out the other direction. Vinyl gave them all a last look before finally turning and running down the hall. Just like the arena, Vinyl said in her mind as she caught up with the older ponies. You live or die. > Chapter 20: The True Treasure of Luna's Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20 The True Treasure of Luna's Moon Octavia was in awe looking around seeing the whole interior of the giant chamber was covered in bright crystals, making the chamber shine like a sun. The floor was covered in gold and jewels of treasure. All the pirates and greedy guards ran into the chamber to get as much treasure as possible. Octavia gulped at the immense chamber, breathing hard as she felt two different forces fighting in her body. The first force was the dark power of the daemon pushing her further into the chamber and the second one was actually a force that was evading her body since she pulled off the Luna’s Tear. She ignored most of those feelings, staring in the room in awe. Apple Bloom ran into the room and immediately started to shrink with fear. She ran to Octavia’s side and held her hand with fear. Daring stood by Octavia as her guard ran into the room grabbing a few rubies in his hand. Daring started thinking as she looked around herself with a smile of joy. “Look at it all?” Daring whispered in awe. “Treasure that belonged to the Crystal Empire sitting in a temple all this time. Think of the history behind this place. How it was built, what the ancients used, and most importantly, why did Luna come here?” Octavia nodded. “She was called here. But why didn’t she escape?” Daring nodded. “You have a good point, Princess.” She looked down to see Apple Bloom shaking. “What’s wrong Apple Bloom?” Daring asked. Apple Bloom looked up at the ceiling as if looking for something. “There’s something watching us.” She whimpered hugging Octavia. Octavia patted her back. Daring nodded grimly. “Yes, I can feel it, too. Something is watching us.” “It’s him.” Octavia whispered. “The daemon is waiting for something.” “Hmm, odd,” Daring whispered as Blueblood and Nightmare Moon were talking farther away. “The daemon wants someone here. But for what? Maybe to take control of someone and escape?” Octavia gulped, not sure what to say. She gasped feeling something tug behind her. She turned around toward a group of dark doors against the crystal wall. She walked slowly over to the doors feeling the daemon’s influence pulling her closer to them. “Octavia?” Daring said worriedly fidgeting as she walked over. Apple Bloom stuck her hand in her pocket holding Luna’s Tear, feeling only cold stone. She gulped, fearfully following the older mares to the black glass doors. Octavia placed her hand on the black crystal surface. “There’s something else here.” She whispered thinking. “Not just the daemon but another power.” Daring walked over looking at the faint hieroglyphs on the glass. “Can’t you feel it?” Octavia asked a little louder. “Feel what?” Daring asked looking around. “There’s another power here.” “Well yes-” “No, not the daemon.” Octavia quickly said flicking her ears around trying to see if she could hear it. Instead she could feel it in her heart. “I feel sadness. A powerful power that is sad.” She whispered, feeling sad herself. Daring was confused as she looked up at the crystal ceiling. Blueblood laughed. “Well look at this.” Daring and Octavia turned as Blueblood walked over. “You found something, hmm? What are behind these giant doors?” He asked. “We don’t know.” Daring answered glaring at him. “But it could hold the daemon king.” Blueblood scoffed. “Please nothing can harm me, the powerful Prince Blueblood.” He turned to Octavia with a smirk. “Open the door.” He ordered Octavia gulped looking at the door. She walked forward thinking about what to do. She stared at the black glass door trying to figure it out. Suddenly the black crystal doors started to shift, Octavia gasped to see that the glass doors shifted to make an indention shaped like a hand print in the center of the door. Octavia gulped looking to Daring for advice, the professor turned away staying silent. “Well go on,” Blueblood threatened pulling out his pistol again. Octavia sighed with defeat and carefully pressed her hand over the print and let out her breath. There was a sound of a lock being unlocked. Octavia stepped back seeing that the hand print she left behind was glowing purple. The giant door slowly started to open revealing a powerful purple light that blinded everypony. When the light faded everypony gasped. Octavia opened her eyes and blinked with shock to find an empty room. “What?” Blueblood yelled out pushing Octavia out of his way as he ran into the room. “What was in here?” Apple Bloom helped Octavia up on her feet. Daring walked inside the small four by four room to look around for clues. She noticed that compared to the outside chamber, the crystals inside the room were dead and dark. She looked down at the granite floor to find scuff marks of many hooves and the items that were pushed out in the past. “Looks like the evidence of early exploration. They came in and took everything inside this room.” Daring concluded what shrug of her shoulders. Blueblood’s eye twitched with anger as he turned and grabbed Octavia’s shirt and pulled her close. “Check another door! Check the rest of them!” He ordered pushing Octavia to the next one. Daring flicked her ear, hearing something and turned to see that the rim of the crystal chamber leading outside to the castle had started to turn pink. Daring gulped as she turned away and bit her lip, starting to get a bit worried. Octavia reached the second door and pressed her palm on the door. Another empty chamber. Octavia was pushed to the last door. Daring gulped getting nervous as she took another quick look at the rim to see now that the white crystals were turning pink and the pink ones were turning red. She turned to see Apple Bloom looking around, afraid as well. Something was happening and Apple Bloom was getting antsy. Octavia opened the last door and instead of a room it was a door to an underground staircase. Octavia gulped as she looked down to feel a horrible power below. She stepped back into her uncle, not wanting to get any closer to the dark presence below. But Blueblood was smiling with glee. “Yes!” He cheered turning to the alicorn pirate. “Captain, care to join me?” Nightmare Moon nodded. She snapped her fingers and turned to see her pirates all watching her. She pointed down the dark stairwell. “Men, get down below!” “Aye-aye!” The pirates responded and started down the dark staircase. Blueblood pointed to six guards. “You all stay here with the left over baggage.” “What?” Daring yelled out as a guard grabbed her and pushed her to the ground on her tail. Apple Bloom was pushed down next to her. “You need us!” Daring yelled out glaring at the prince. Blueblood shook his head grabbing Octavia by her arm. “That won’t be necessary. You’ve done your job.” He nodded to his guards. “Kill them if the princess returns without me.” The guards nodded holding their spears and weapons at the two prisoners. Blueblood pulled Octavia along with him toward the stairs. At the first two steps they stopped to hear blood curling screams blow them. Nightmare Moon turned to look up at Blueblood with worry. Blueblood snorted. “Let’s get moving.” The three disappeared down the stairs. Daring gulped, looking up to see the pink continuing to travel down the crystal walls. At the top the crystal is turning red and orange. She gulped feeling heat where she was sitting. That’s not good. “Professor?” “Yes, Apple Bloom,” Apple Bloom gulped. “Are we going to live?” Daring nodded slowly. “We might.” Apple Bloom sniffed clenching the Luna’s Tear tightly in her fist. For some odd reason the stone felt cold and dead in her hand. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ A unicorn guard was standing guard on the Fancy Flute. He looked over the rail to see the moon below with a sigh. “I’m getting bored up here.” “Just shut up.” A pegasus guard scolded. “Quit your whining and keep marching.” The unicorn snorted and started marching again. Suddenly the ship shifted, causing the two guards to look at one another with surprise. “What was that?” A pegasus mare asked looking over the rail to see nothing. “I don’t know.” The first pegasus replied. He pointed to the unicorn guard. “Since you like to complain Pierce, why don’t you and another guard check the Bombay area?” He said with a smirk. The unicorn cursed and grabbed a second unicorn as the two went down the stairs, down the third hatch, and down another flight of stairs to the engine compartment. “What do you think it was?” The second guard, a grey unicorn with a brown mane asked. The first unicorn, called Pierce, a blue unicorn with a lighter blue mane shrugged. “How should I know, I just want to go back to Manehattan and be with some whores.” Pierce opened the door to the Bombay area and blinked seeing a shadow move across the floor at the bottom of the stairs. He held up his fist to stop his comrade and pulled out his pistol. He start down the stairs slowly with his partner behind him held up his pistol too. Pierce reached the bottom first looking around. The Bombay is empty except for two lifeboats. “Wait, two?” Pierce asked with shock. “When were there two of them?” He asked out loud. He gasped feeling a sharp sword through his neck. The second unicorn yelled out falling back on the stairs. He looked up to see a guard, and saw her aqua colored eyes and a smirk. “Raindrops?” The stallion gasped out with fear. “Tootles.” She purred pulling the trigger of her pistol killing him instantly. She turned to the others as Blossomforth dragged the first body away. “Alright, get out quickly.” Raindrops ordered pulling the second body away. Twilight, Derpy, Spike and the fillies leaped out of the lifeboat. Derpy ran to the gun cabinet, unlocked it and growled. “Horse apples, they took every weapon.” Blossom nodded pulling all the weapons off the dead unicorns and tossed a pistol to Twilight. Twilight caught it, checked the charger, and nodded. “I have six shots left.” She warned sticking the pistol into her pants Blossom nodded. “We need to know everything about this ship.” She looked to Derpy. Derpy nodded. “There are three hatches, one leads to down here, the second one is storage and hammock room, and the third one leads to the engines. The kitchen is connected with the mess deck. Then there is the captain’s cabin which we fixed to hold four small cabins. That’s it.” Raindrops nodded cleaning her sword. “So that means this is a smaller ship than I thought.” Blossomforth chuckled. “Well you know the ship best. Lead the way.” Derpy nodded. Raindrops stopped to hold back the young ones. “You two stay here with the dragon. Sparkle, you’re with us.” Twilight nodded turning to the three young ones. “You three head for the engine room and get this ship powered up. We’ll call you for help if we need it.” “Roger!” The three saluted. Twilight smiled hugging each of them. “Keep each other safe got it?” “We’ll do fine.” Spike said blushing at the contact and the concern. Twilight smiled patting him on his head. “I know, I just wanted to say it.” Twilight started up the stairs with the dragon and fillies behind her. As the adults took one hall the other three took another hall to a large room where the engines sat. “Alright let’s get this thing moving.” Scootaloo said hopping up on a metal seat with levers. Sweetie Belle ran to one side finding the tools where they left them. Spike took some tools and started to look inside the engine hatch and start tinkering as Scootaloo pressed some buttons to prepare for liftoff. Near the first hatch, Blossom Forth looked out of their hiding spot to find two soldiers standing watch. One was a pegasus, the other was a unicorn. Blossom turned to Raindrops. “It’s Winter Breeze, and Sarge.” She whispered. Raindrops rolled her eyes. “Who? Are they with us?” Twilight asked. “No, but they will sound the alarm if we reach them.” Raindrops said with annoyance Twilight glared and pulled out her pistol. “What are you doing?” Raindrops asked with a glare. “Fighting back.” Twilight answered running out of their hiding place and pulled the trigger. One unicorn guard fell with a new hole in his head, dead before he hit the ground. The pegasus turned and started calling for help. He managed two shouts before he died like the unicorn did. Raindrops and Blossomforth looked at one another. Raindrops has fear in her eyes, while Blossom’s eyes were filled with fascination to the unicorn. “Who the heck is that unicorn?” Raindrops asked turning to Derpy for an answer. Derpy shrugged shaking her head. “Don’t look at me. She was an assistant the last time I checked.” “Come on!” Twilight called out running up the stairs. The three pegasi ran after her in time to dodge lasers. Raindrops pulled out her sword and charged a unicorn enemy. Blossomforth pulled out her own pistol and fired behind her, hitting a pegasus in the stomach. Derpy flew up to the yardarms and started untying the ropes that held up the sails. Blossom turned and started shooting her pistol in the air. Some ponies looked at her as if she was crazy. One stallion grinned, and turned towards his comrade and stuck his sword in his gut. Another pony attacked against her neighbor and soon more and more guards fought against each other. Blossom turned to dodge a sword, but slipped and fell hard on her back. She looked up to see that the sword belonged to the Captain of the Guard. “Blossomforth?! What the hell are you doing?” Blossom smirked. “Liberating the damned.” “That’s treason!” “Sure it is,” She kicked up into his crotch, causing the stallion to drop his sword screaming. She grabbed a pistol and fired, killing him instantly. She sighed in relief as she lay down, breathing hard. The last guard was killed and every pony that was left in guard armor dropped their weapons, showing they were no threat. Twilight pushed a dead guard off of her. She gasped, seeing the hand of a pony in guard uniform. Twilight took her hand and was helped up to her feet. Twilight was amazed to see how many of these guards were on their side. She turned to see Raindrops smiling at her. “See, friends.” She said with her arms around two guards’ shoulders. Twilight nodded. “Incredible. How-” "Cloud Kicker's plan," Blossomforth stated, stood up with the help of two unicorns, "Any pony trained in Baltimare, unicorn and pegasus alike, are told the truth of the government and their treachery against the old ways. We are trained that any commanding officer or chosen pony of that unit who gives the signal we are to fight back until all are dead, so as not to report our desertion of the Royal Guard. Once done we immediately drop our weapons to prove that we are done fighting and that we are allies to the cause." Twilight was amazed. She started laughing. “That’s... Wow... I never thought there were ponies like us out here anymore.” The unicorn that helped Twilight nodded. “Yeah I know right?” She said laughing. Raindrops clears her throat loudly. “Alright you scurvy dogs get these bodies off this ship and get this ship running!” “Aye-aye!” The guards all cheered and started getting to work. Twilight gave Raindrops a look as she smirked. “I’m now senior Corporal. I control these guys now.” Raindrops said with a smile. After the bodies were thrown overboard, Twilight counted that there are twenty guards that were loyal to the old ways before the queen. Blossomforth and Raindrops stood together at the quarterdeck, talking. Twilight looked up to see the sails were finally released to catch the sun’s rays. Soon the ship could blast off. She walked over to the two mares. “Now what?” She asked. Blossom sighed. “We wait.” “What about the other two ships?” Blossom smirked. “Those are filled with pirates, Sparkle. They could care less about us.” Raindrops snickered. “Or they will keep to their slimy selves and see nothing.” Twilight stared at her with shock. “You bribed them?” Raindrops shrugged. “They’re pirates, they take anything that is shiny and gold.” Raindrops and Blossom gave each other wing slaps that reminded Twilight of a high five. “What about the guard ships?” Twilight asked seeing the giant ship that carried Blueblood. “All the guards are on the moon.” Blossomforth said smiling. “We made sure to confuse the duty rosters before landing. So everypony will think that somepony is guarding when they’re not. Blossomforth paused turning to the guards. “Which reminds me!” The guards stopped their work to look at her. “You lot have to transfer to the prince’s ship so as to not show suspicion.” The rebel soldiers saluted. “Pegasi carry the unicorns across and get to guard positions, claim you didn’t see anything. Until next time.” Blossom said saluting. The soldiers all returned the salute. Blossomforth pointed to a green unicorn. “Mac! You show the next sign if time comes. I’m counting on you.” The unicorn nodded saluting. “Of course, Sergeant.” He called back. Twilight looked at Blossom with curiosity as the pegasi carry the unicorns across the large gap to the giant ship. “Aren’t you and Raindrops going to join them?” Blossomforth shook her head. “Nah, the way I see it, you ponies can use some extra hands. Raindrops and I will stay around and make sure you guys are safe.” Twilight smiled with a blush and nodded. “I see. Thank you, Sergeant.” “No problem.” Raindrops retorted smiling. “At the end of this, Sergeant, I need a promotion.” Blossom chuckled. “You’ll get one when Cloud Kicker gets word. Trust me.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ The darkness was vast as that three continued down the stairs. Octavia gulped feeling bile rising in the throat. The deeper she went down the steps, the worst she felt. Even Blueblood was getting sick too, by the heavy energy in the staircase. Nightmare Moon didn’t seem to be affected by the dark power radiating below them. She seemed a little lighter on her step. Octavia happened to have looked down. At what she saw made her scream backing into her uncle. What she saw was a head of a unicorn pirate. Blueblood gasped too seeing the head. “Well it looked like we got into some traps. All of my crew must have set them all off.” Octavia and Blueblood stared at Nightmare Moon as her eyes glowed a touch. “Shall we?” She asked nodding to the darkness with a smile. When the two royals didn’t move Nightmare Moon chuckled and headed down. Octavia was pushed forward as Blueblood continued at the back keeping his pistol trained to Octavia’s back. Octavia gulped, feeling the power was strong now. It caused her to stop. “Can’t you feel it?” Octavia begged. “That dark magic? It’s getting stronger.” “Quiet.” Blueblood ordered shakily staring at the dead, sliced bodies in on their path. Octavia kept her eye facing forward to their destination, trying hard to keep from staring at the dead pirates around her. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, the three could see more dead bodies; headless, armless, and stabbed. Octavia couldn’t handle it anymore and vomited to the side. Nightmare Moon laughed. “Show some backbone, princess! This is normal.” She said smirking. Octavia spat the left over gunk from her mouth, glaring at the pirate. “This isn’t normal!” She snarled breathing heavily. “Of course, it is. Bodies littering the streets of your home all begging or dying. You should be used to this.” Octavia turned to see Blueblood a little green but not as bad as her. Octavia swallowed hard, deciding to not say anything. The sad thing was, it was true. On the rare occasions she went out into the city she did see the beggars all begging for food, coin, or even warmth from her family as they passed. She remembered seeing the dead bodies in alley ways but kept silent. Octavia sighed shaking her head and started to walk with her captors again watching the bodies under her. “Well look at that.” Nightmare said pleased seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. “That could be our big treasure, Blueblood.” Blueblood nodded walking forward, pulling Octavia along by her arm. Nightmare smiled as she followed behind them. Her eyes flashed green and red again as she chuckled silently to herself. They reached the light and entered a giant gray chamber. Blueblood and Octavia both gasped with awe seeing a giant blue crystal floating in the center of the giant chamber room. “The Central Chamber.” Octavia whispered remembering the story on the hieroglyph wall. Blueblood dropped his pistol and walked forward to the giant crystal with the greed in his eyes leaving. Nightmare Moon used her magic to levitate the pistol to her hand ad stuck it in her empty holster smiling. Octavia could care less what her uncle or Nightmare Moon were doing as she looked up at the tall ceilings. It felt strange in the room. Earlier she felt the hungry, dark power pushing her thoughts and making her ill. Now she could feel the dark power gone to where she could breathe again. Octavia looked down, staring at the giant blue crystal. It was beautiful and bright. It was stuck to the ground. Octavia blinked and looked down and gasped to see through the floor! The floor was made of clear crystal. She could can see giant blue and green roots connecting to the crystal then out into the walls and towards the stairs. It was like the crystal was controlling the whole planet! “Was the giant crystal this planet’s life source?” Octavia thought to herself.. Suddenly something else caught her eye. She turned to the side as Nightmare Moon walked past her towards Blueblood. She could see another smaller crystal glowing and floating in the air over a dais. Octavia turned to see Blueblood and Nightmare Moon talking. She tip-toed toward the strange blue crystal that looked strangely like a heart. Octavia gulped then reached up to the crystal heart. She gasped pulling her hands back feeling something grab her. She gulped and reached to touch the crystal heart with her finger. She gasped blinking to see visions flowing into her mind. Flashing pictures of crystal ponies running away from a daemon shaped like a giant black shadow with green and red eyes. She turned to the left to see the two regal ponies standing up to the monster as the ponies ran past them. Octavia gasped recognizing them. One was the eldest of the two, dressed in golden armor with a golden staff in her hands holding three crystals. Next to her stood the younger dressed in dark blue armor that shimmered like a night sky, holding a midnight blue staff in her hand. Attached to her staff were three other jewels. Octavia blinked and watched the monster being consumed by a powerful rainbow light. Another flash showed the daemon being locked in the temple. Octavia blinked seeing six powerful earth ponies... No, Crystal ponies staring below a crystal that looked like the crystal heart. Each pony held up a small jewel. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Octavia’s eyes lingered to the purple crystal that felt like the Luna’s Tear. The vision flashed to another time. She recognized the temple, except it was old and dead and the six jewels were glowing on their pedestals around the Crystal Heart as if protecting it from the dark magic surrounding it. Suddenly there was a shadow of a pony, it looked like an alicorn. It was Princess Luna! Octavia’s mind screamed out seeing the princess staring at the Crystal Heart with a smile. But there was a dark force pushing her towards it pointing at the jewels. Luna placed her hand on the dais and took the purple jewel and held it in her hand to study it. Suddenly the whole temple started to shake and Luna was snapped out of her daze. She gasped and turned to her lingering crew and ordered for her ponies to run. They escaped but not Luna. A young filly took the jewel from Luna and ran away leaving the temple closed to never reopen. Octavia stood there watching as the dark mass grabbed Luna’s jacket and dragged her away into the darkness. Octavia jumped back, breathing hard from the experience she just went through. She looked up at the Crystal Heart. She blinked staring at the crystal in a new light. She felt something wet on her face and touched her cheek to feel tears. She sniffed, wiping her eyes. She turned to see Blueblood and Nightmare Moon arguing. She turned to the heart then look down to see the daises surrounding the Heart. All of them glowing except for the last dais where the Luna’s Tear came from. “I’m so sorry,” She whispered to the spirits guarding the heart. “I didn’t know about your purpose here. If I would have known about this I wouldn’t have come here in the first place.” She said bowing her head to them. “Luna, did something, didn't she?” She asked. “She took away Luna’s Tear... I mean your crystal that helped in protecting your Crystal Heart. Without the spirit of the guardians, you can’t deflect the daemon that is bringing ponies here to release him.” For some odd reason Octavia could hear the guardians talk to her, telling her by her feeling and her magic of what had happened. Octavia gasped staring at the crystals. “She’s what?” Octavia asked with shock. “I said no!” Octavia turned hearing Blueblood yelling at Nightmare Moon and for the first time realization struck. Octavia gasped seeing the daemon for the first time hovering over Blueblood controlling him. Like puppet to a puppeteer. Her memory flashed to the vision of Luna reaching for the jewels with the daemon pushing her along. “Oh no,” She whispered getting scared. The daemon the crystals called Sombra was controlling her uncle! “This crystal is mine, this whole temple is mine, not yours.” Blueblood screamed out snarling. His eyes flashed green and red. Octavia didn’t know what to do. Could she runaway without being detected, or stay here? She had to think about her friends... What was she thinking? She had to get away and get her friends out of here before Sombra was released again and caused havoc! The galaxy was already deep in suffering because of the Queen. What would happen in Sombra went into that mess as well? Octavia made her choice. She looked to the adults then began to run. Take us! Octavia gasped hearing the five male voices in her mind. She stopped in mid-stride and turned back to the dais at the crystals. Did they just told her to take them? But if the Guardians were all taken, Sombra would go free! “But would that make everything worse?” Octavia asked silently with fear. Hurry! The voiced pleaded. Octavia quickly walked back to the dais then reached for one crystal. She carefully plucked the green jewel free. Suddenly there was a deep rumble and the whole room shook violently. Octavia fell to the ground, turning to see Blueblood and Nightmare staring at the giant crystal. There was a loud crack that resonated throughout the room. Octavia gasped looking at the crystal to see a giant crack, and it was growing. The giant crystal was cracking. He’s escaping! The voices screamed out. Octavia grabbed the Green Guardian and got up quickly, knowing who the Guardians were referring to. She started grabbing the other four jewels, sticking them in her vest pockets. She stared at the Crystal Heart left floating in the center. Octavia gulped then turned to see Blueblood staring at her. Octavia gasped and grabbed the heart. “Get back here!” Blueblood screamed out getting up from the ground. Octavia jumped up the steps and out into the dark hallway. Sprinting to the stairs and leaping over the bodies as she ran. Nightmare Moon growled her eyes glowed green and purple again, “So close.” She growled in a deep voice. She ran after them as the crystal continued to crack. Through the crack in the crystal, a large black and red hand grabbed the sides and pushed them apart to make an opening. The large black blob fell out of the crystal prison to the floor. "Finally, after so long, I am FREE!" The dark blob started to laugh, it's sound resonating throughout the chamber. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl peeked past the corner to see the four pirate guards at the intersection in the halls. Vinyl pulled back and turned to the three elder ponies. “There are four of them down there.” Vinyl whispered pointing to the hall. Tick Tock was thinking of a plan. Rainbow and Applejack turned to one another and smirked. Applejack nodded, pulling out her pistols. “I take the front,” Rainbow nodded, grabbing Vinyl’s sword. Vinyl blinked watching the two war veterans. “I’ll take the back.” Rainbow said testing Vinyl’s sword. “What are you planning?” Tick Tock asked surprised. “Just watch and learn.” Rainbow said with a silent chuckle. She nodded to Applejack. Applejack nodded in return then stepped out. Vinyl moved back as Rainbow took her position. “Howdy, fellahs!” Applejack called out stepping out in full view of the four pirates. The pirates gasped. “What are you doing out of your cage traitor?” One of the pirates asked pulling out his knife. Applejack shrugged innocently. “I thought I could relieve ya’ll.” “Why would we want to be relieved? We were ordered by the captain to stand watch!” A mare asked glaring at her. Applejack smirked then pulled out her pistols surprising the pirates and fired. Both shots hit their marks on the two first guards, they fell dead with holes on their foreheads. “Go Dash!” Applejack fell on her knees as Rainbow swooped over her with both swords out. The last two pirates screamed out in shock. Rainbow rammed her two swords into their necks and knocked them on the ground. Rainbow landed hard on her knee on the ground with a grunt. She stood up pulling the two blades off the corpses while kicking out her leg with a wince. Tick Tock and Vinyl had their jaws to the ground in shock. “And that’s how you do it.” Rainbow winced. "You might want to pick up your jaws." She tossed Vinyl back her sword giving herself an extra hand to massage her knee. Vinyl caught her sword by the handle, still amazed by the old guard's skills. Rainbow and Applejack gave each other a high five smiling at their victory. “Man, I missed working with you.” Applejack said laughing. “That was just as fun as the time we took out those Changelings together.” Rainbow chuckled. “Yeah, well I haven’t done anything like that in years. Ow.” She whimpered still hurting on her knee. “I forgot how hard I can land.” “Are you okay though?” Applejack asked with worry. “Yeah, I’m fine. I can fight.” Applejack nodded then turned to Vinyl. “Go back on point. Warn us if there are any more.” She ordered. Vinyl nodded and quickly headed down the hall then took a left turn. As she continued down the hall she noticed a strange red glow bouncing off the wall. Vinyl turned the corner. Vinyl slid to a stop seeing that the chamber she just entered was bright in red. The red light was coming off the strange symbols and letters all over the walls. “Hey guys, get over here!” Vinyl called behind her, seeing Tick Tock look at her as he called for Rainbow and Applejack. The three adults came in and stared with shock and awe at the giant chamber they entered. Rainbow Dash stared at the glowing symbols with worry. Suddenly the whole room shook. Applejack fell into the wall. “What in tarnation is going on?!” She yelled out trying to stay as still as possible. The shaking finally stopped causing the four to shake with fear. “Something’s going on.” Rainbow whispered. “I can feel it.” “Me too.” Applejack whispered being helped up by the prince. Vinyl walked to where the red glowing started and saw the indention in the wall. She stroked her finger over the letters thinking about what they could mean. She gasped seeing a purplish-red mark glowing in the center of the indention. “Hey, isn’t this the same mark on Octavia’s jewel?” She called out pointing at the mark on the wall. Tick Tock ran over and nodded seeing the mark. “Yes, that’s Octavia’s cutie mark. She opened the door. But why is it turning red?” He asked looking to the older mares with worry. “You know what red can mean right? “Rainbow asked looking at the prince. “Danger.” “Let’s go then.” Applejack ordered pulling out her pistol. Vinyl took the lead again as she ran into the giant crystal chamber and gasped to see treasure on the ground. As she looked up at the ceiling she started to get scared at what she saw. The chamber ceiling was turning red. “Halt!” The four turn to see the guards pointing their weapons at them. “Applejack!” Apple Bloom called out smiling. Daring took her chance and kicked a guard in the back of his knees causing him to fall with a cry. “Kill them!” A guard ordered ready to fire his pistol. Apple Bloom growled out and leaped up and grabbed the guard by the waist, pulling him. The guard yelped out losing his balance and turned with a snarl at Apple Bloom. Vinyl pulled out her pistol and fired at the first guard, killing him. Rainbow leaped forward to tackle another guard. Applejack fired and got a third guard in the chest. Tick Tock pulled out his sword and fought off another soldier. Apple Bloom was hit in the head by a punch from the guard she grabbed. She fell on her back rubbing her head. She looked up with fear seeing the guard pointing his pistol at her at point blank range. A sword was pierced through his stomach. Apple Bloom yelled out, covering her face from the spray of blood. The prince pushed the soldier away, he grabbed Apple Bloom by her shirt then pushed her away to safety. He yelled out a curse as he dodged a sword swing from another guard. Apple Bloom fell hard on the ground and turned to see Applejack being beaten by a pegasus. Applejack got a heavy punch in the face then one in the gut before falling on the ground out of breath. The guard pulled out his knife ready for the kill. Rainbow turned and growled seeing the attack. She kicked the soldier off of the earth pony and stuck the sword into his gut and twisted. “Nopony hurts her!” She snarled. The guard shuddered and went silent. Rainbow sighed then pulled out her sword. She turned and reached for Applejack to help her up. She froze to see Applejack glaring at her with her pistol pointing at her. “AJ?” Rainbow asked with fear. Applejack pulled the trigger missing Rainbow, causing the pegasus to yelp and duck. Suddenly there was a yell and a crash behind her. Rainbow turned to see a dead pegasus guard with a knife in her hand. Rainbow sighed looking down at her. Applejack smirked. “Did you really think that I would kill ya?” Rainbow glared at her offering her hand. “Don’t you ever do that, again!” Applejack chuckled grabbing her hand and was hoisted back up on her feet. Tick Tock killed the last guard and ran to help Daring out of her ropes. “What are you doing here?” Daring asked as Tick Tock helped her up to her feet. “Where’s Octavia?” Vinyl asked running over. “Vinyl? How are you-?” “Twilight, did a great job. You've got to give her more slack, you know.” Vinyl said smiling. Daring smiled in return and nodded. “I do, but she claims that she doesn't need it.” She turned to see Rainbow walking up. Applejack was hugging her sister, holding her tight. “Prince Blueblood, and Nightmare Moon took Octavia down there.” Daring said pointing to the last door leading to the staircase. Vinyl pulled out her sword and started for the stairs. Another deep rumble and a long shake occurred causing everypony to stay still and try to stay up. The crystals in the ceiling suddenly started cracking and falling. Applejack let out a yell, pulling Apple Bloom away in time when some sort of orange and red glob fell from the ceiling. It was so hot that Applejack backed away with Apple Bloom in her arms. “Please don’t tell me that is what I think that is.” Vinyl whimpered backing away from the intense heat. Daring gulped. “Deep underground. The hieroglyphs mentioned that if the key to the temple is removed by somepony other than the bearer,” Daring turned to Apple Bloom. Applejack looked at her sister as Apple Bloom gulped putting her hand into her pocket. She pulled out of her pocket the Luna’s Tear. Still cold and lifeless, no shine at all. “The temple will destroy itself and its life force.” Daring concluded to the fear of the others. “Life force?” Rainbow asked jumping away from a falling crystal from the ceiling. “I didn’t quite understand that part. It seems that this planet must be powered by something that the Guardians of the temple and the Crystal Empire was were trying to protect from the dark force!” “Uh still in the dark here,” Applejack said as Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around Applejack’s heck staring at the ceiling. “Apple Bloom removed the Luna’s Tear from the engraving. Only Octavia could remove it.” “I thought I could hold on to it for her.” Apple Bloom said worriedly. “I didn’t know I would cause this.” Apple Bloom said with tears, squeezing the cold jewel tight in her fist. Daring smiled. “I know.” “Wait, you knew?” Tick Tock asked confused. Daring nodded. “I was trying to get a little revenge, I know it’s horrible of me, but I can’t let those monsters escape this place.” Tick Tock nodded. “The only pony who’s killing my brother, is me.” Daring nodded. “Of course.” Another earthquake started up. But this one was so hard that Vinyl fell on the ground by the stairs. Vinyl blinked open her eyes watching the gold coins vibrate to the stairs and fall into the darkness. Vinyl gulped and backed away. Suddenly a beam of blue light flashed past her. Vinyl screamed out covering her head as the spark hit the ceiling. “That’s a laser!” Rainbow yelled out. “Kid, get out of there!” Vinyl nodded crawling away as fast as she could. She heard something coming up the stairs. She turned pulling out her pistol. “Someone’s coming up!” She called. “Who?” Applejack asked moving away from the lava flow. Vinyl stood up seeing a glowing light. She turned behind her to see Rainbow and Tick Tock standing by ready if that someone was a guard. Vinyl turned back and screamed when a pony crashed into her. A large crystal heart slid toward Rainbow’s feet. Octavia slowly sat up groaning and gasped. “Vinyl!” “Princess!” Vinyl yelped out with shock. “Kill them! Kill them all!” Blueblood shouted from down the stairs. Octavia noticed that the guards Blueblood assigned were dead on the ground. Vinyl stood up grabbing Octavia and pulled her away from the staircase. Blueblood ran through the doorway and gasped to see his guards dead. He turned to see Vinyl with Octavia behind her. He snarled seeing Vinyl as he pulled out his sword. “You! Again!” He swung his sword wildly as Vinyl pushed Octavia away into Rainbow. Vinyl blocked the strike then was kicked hard in the gut. She fell back on the hard ground, coughing. Blueblood was ready for another strike but Tick Tock intervened and pushed Blueblood away from Vinyl. “Get my daughter out of here, Blueblood is mine.” He snarled angrily pulling out his sword. Blueblood stared with fear at his brother. “You...You can’t walk!” “Healing magic wasn’t my forte. But I had some help.” Tick Tock said with a smirk. Blueblood stiffened then another earthquake shook the cavern. Applejack fell over shaking her head. Suddenly the ground right in front of her cracked and the rock floor started splitting with lava flowing in the growing cracks. She backed away as the cracks grew larger and larger as the dead crystals fall from the ceiling into the growing chasm with the lava. “Whoa, nelly! This place is falling apart!” She screamed out over the roar. Octavia gasped seeing the Crystal Heart moving toward the chasm. She leaped forward grabbing the heart before it fell in with a sigh of relief. She opened her eyes and gasped seeing the Heart glowing in her hands. Release Princess! “What?” Octavia asked as the room continued to shake. Sombra has control of Princess Spacer. “Sombra? Princess Spacer?” Octavia asked confused trying to think. She gasped suddenly seeing Princess Luna’s face in her mind. The vision faded away. “Princess Luna is here?!” Yes, hurry before Sombra takes control of another. He won’t stop until he has control of one of you and escapes the temple! “Octavia!” Octavia slowly stood up and turned to see Apple Bloom running to her. “I got this!” Apple Bloom yelled out showing Octavia the Luna’s Tear. Octavia gasped with joy seeing the old jewel again. She took the Tear and gasped feeling how cold it was. “How did you-?” The final Guardian! The Crystal Guardians yelled out at once with excitement. Octavia felt something tugging at her mind. It wasn’t the dark energy but the sad energy she felt when she entered the temple. She turned seeing something at the end of the chamber. She stood up and started running for the strange light. “Octavia!” Apple Bloom called out. Vinyl heard the call and turned to see Octavia running with the Crystal Heart in her arms deeper into the chamber. Vinyl got up and went after her. “Hey!” Rainbow screamed out seeing Vinyl chasing after Octavia. Applejack grabbed Apple Bloom. Rainbow groaned turning to her friend. “Get to the surface,” Applejack turned to her with shock. “What?” Rainbow sighed pointing to the filly. “Get your sister out of here,” “What about you?” Applejack asked with concern. Rainbow turned to the prince fighting Blueblood, then she turned to where Vinyl ran off to. “I’ll stay here and defend his highness.” Applejack gave her a look as Rainbow glared back at her. “He’s my responsibility, AJ.” “Why not leave him, he’s a royal after all.” Applejack snapped. Rainbow glared at her coldly. “If you were in my shoes this whole time AJ, you would do the same.” Applejack searched Rainbow’s eyes trying to understand her friend, then she blinked with realization. Rainbow nodded with a sad smile. “Now you know why. Now get going!” Applejack nodded. “If you’re not back in ten minutes I’m coming for you.” “Whatever, just go!” Applejack nodded pulling Apple Bloom onto her back and started running for the entrance, jumping over some cracks. Rainbow sighed pulling out her sword as some left over pirates start surrounding her. “Oh yes, time for some fun.” > Chapter 21: Nightmare's Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21 Nightmare's Fall Octavia followed the magical sad feeling past many piles of crystal treasures until she stopped. There was a large crystal wall in front of her with giant, black glass doors. But the wall surrounding the door was dark and dead, not lit up like the rest of the chamber. “Is this it?” She asked the Heart. Yes, this is where Sombra is controlling her. The Guardians answered. Octavia walked closer to the door. She stopped looking at the heart in her hands then around the room. She noticed a large crystal pillar that had fallen during the shake. She set the Crystal Heart on the downed pillar then turned back to the glass doors. “How do I open this?” Octavia asked studying the door. The doors looked rounded out. You must place the Guardians together on the door. The Guardians answered. Octavia sighed then reached into her vest pocket. She pulled out the Crystal Guardians one at a time. She hesitated, then placed the jewels on the glass door in the order she had seen on the hieroglyph wall. Octavia placed the red glowing jewel on the door first. She gasped, seeing the jewel sink into the door. She quickly put in the orange, yellow, green, and blue jewels, to see the four jewels sink into the door, creating a rainbow. Octavia pulled out the last crystal, Luna’s Tear. The stone felt cold and lifeless in her hand; there was no warm purple light radiating from the crystal. Octavia sighed, then placed the dead crystal next to the blue one. She backed away staring at the tiny rainbow on the black glass door. “Now what?” She asked out loud, shaking with nerves. Place your hand on the door and concentrate. Octavia looked down at her hand then at the doors. She bit her lip as she reached her hand to the door. She placed her hand under the rainbow crystals. She felt an immediate reaction at the contact. She closed her eyes and let out a slow breath concentrating on some power she didn’t know she had. She could feel something tingling on her hand as she pressed harder. Suddenly, there was the sound of a lock unlocking. Octavia gasped, pulling her hand away as she watched the Guardian Crystals fall out of their holes to the ground. The crystals continued to glow, except for the Luna’s Tear. Octavia knelt down on her knee, scooped up the jewels and placed them back in her pocket. When she was done she heard a hissing sound coming from the door and immediately jumped back on her rump, watching the glass doors open. The steam blocked her view of the interior. She coughed from the horrible smell the steam produced. Once the steam had circulated away, she opened her eyes and looked up in awe and fear, seeing something she never thought to exist. Hanging by large cords and wires, was a young blue alicorn. Her fur was that of a pale blue and her lighter blue mane was shaggy and long, reaching down to her thighs. Her eyes were wide open but only white light came out from them. All around her were wires. Wires and tubes sticking into her head, arms, and body through her old tattered, spacer clothes. Her cutie-mark was visible through an old tear in her trousers. A crescent white moon with stars. “Princess Luna!” She whispered in awe, staring at the body. She covered her mouth feeling the bile again. Octavia always thought of Luna long dead but she has been here this whole time. Octavia noticed the wires and the tubes flowing glowing liquid into the body and extracting brown liquid out the other side. Octavia went to a chasm and vomited again from the sight. It was horrible to see. Princess Luna might look young or... “Wait?” Octavia croaked wiping her mouth with her arm. She turned back to the body again. “All of the pictures depict you taller and more regal. You look like an ordinary unicorn.” She whispered spitting to the side coughing. She is hibernating. “What?” Octavia asked turning to the Crystal Heart. Since her capture, we told her to be completely disconnected with her powers to keep herself from truly being processed and controlled. “Wait so this Sombra daemon... He took over Luna when she discovered this world?” Correct, Guardians said. Somehow Sombra was strong enough to evade us for a short time and take control of the Princess. He felt her heart and decided to use her own wishes against her. Octavia blinked trying to think. “I don’t know much of Luna except in small stories. Luna is now forgotten and nopony talks about her. What type of things was Sombra wanting?” She asked staring back at the hanging body. Freedom. Freedom to continue what he wished before. Creating an empire and destroying the Princesses of Sun and Moon. If he had the Moon, “He weakens the Sun.” Octavia finished nodding. “He did weaken her to madness.” Octavia said harshly, looking at Luna’s glowing eyes. “Why are her eyes like that?” She asked pointing up. Continuing to disconnect her magic she can only hold so much to keep her alive. We offer her our services to keep her alive. See the tubes? Octavia gulped and nodded. Those give her the nutrients this planet uses to keep us alive. But she still holds magic to keep her stable if she does indeed wake up. “Can she wake up?” There was silence in return. Octavia gulped. “Can she be awoken?” She asked again. She can but we are not sure how much damage had occurred when Sombra tried to possess her. “Alright, so if Sombra wanted to control Luna for his empire hungry revenge, then why is she still here? Why does he still want to use her?” Octavia felt a dark presence behind her causing her to stiffen with fear. Duck! The Guardians screamed out. Octavia fell to the ground as a sword slashed where her head was. Octavia rolled to her back and gasped to see Nightmare Moon above her. “You have learned too much, Princess.” Octavia gasped seeing Nightmare’s eyes had changed color that matched the shadow in her visions. She turned to Princess Luna then back at Nightmare Moon getting the connection. “Of course, you’re Sombra!” She growled pointing at the shocked pirate. Nightmare blinked out of her shock then started chuckling with two different voices, one was female and the other was a deep grunted male voice. “You are clever. More clever than Blueblood expressed.” Octavia slowly stood up looking at Luna then at Sombra. “You wanted to use Luna’s body to possess like you did to the Crystal King.” “Ooh, very good guess.” the voice chuckled more male than female. Nightmare was starting to change colors and size before Octavia. “Or did you cheat and have those Crystal Guardians tell you?” Octavia glared at the monster. “They gave me clues and I just pieced them together in the puzzle. In having Luna under your control you could cause chaos and get revenge from the Royal Sisters. But of course, there was a problem. The Crystal Guardians told Luna what to do and the only way you could fully possess her is by her magic. Without control of her true magic she can’t be touched. Maybe a little,” Octavia whispered lamely at the end. Sombra smiled chuckling. “Go on you’re getting better.” Octavia snarled. “You used her desires and her heart to control her so you decided to make something of that magic she had left that’s keeping her alive to make Nightmare Moon! The Pirate Queen of the galaxy.” Sombra nodded with a sigh. “Yes, and I was disappointed that I had to keep a mare figure for centuries. But of course, congratulations Princess Octavia. You will be my new host and together you and I will crush Canterlot.” Octavia stepped back to the heart touching it. “You won’t control me!” She snarled. “Oh I think I can. I’ll just kill you, take your power, and then possess your body. I find that much easier than using magic or weak hearts.” He walked closer to her as Octavia stood her ground shaking with adrenaline. Octavia stared him down as his sword poked her throat. “Any last words, Princess?” “I got one!” A voice called out. Sombra yelped turning to see Vinyl’s sword slash forward, cutting his back. Sombra roared, moving away. Octavia took in a deep breath and sat down hard, panting from the near death experience. She looked up to see Vinyl’s backside standing in front of her, protecting her. “Nopony touches her!” Vinyl snarled angrily. “Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a smile. Vinyl turned to her with a wink. She turned back around then she saw Luna. “What in Luna’s mane is that?” She asked her smile vanished. “Princess Luna,” Octavia answered standing up. “She’s being held captive under Sombra’s spell!” Octavia pointed at Sombra as his body morphs again healing his cut. “We have to disconnect him from Luna somehow.” “Somehow?” Vinyl asked with worry turning back to Sombra with a gulp. “Vinyl, you’re better with wires right?” Octavia begged grabbing Vinyl’s sword. “Huh? Well yeah but- Hey, give that back!” Octavia pushed her back. “Vinyl, I was trained with a sword, I’ll hold him back while you try to get Princess Luna out of that thing.” Vinyl turned to the alicorn then at Octavia. Octavia nodded to her. “Trust me.” Vinyl gulped, looking into her eyes then turned to Sombra as he chuckled. "I'll work as fast as I can." Vinyl whispered, turning away from the princess. Sombra held out his hand and lightning spat out of it. Vinyl yelped and dodged the blast, leaping behind a crystal pillar as molten crystals appeared where Vinyl had been standing. Octavia swung her sword wildly, causing the daemon to growl and give chase after his attacker. “That’s right, you want me right?” Octavia taunted leaping over fallen crystals as Sombra rushed after her. Vinyl stared at the Crystal Heart glowing inches away from her. She gulped, realizing Octavia’s gone giving her time to get Luna out. She got out from her hiding place headed for the hanging Princess. She pulled out the knife from the sheath in her belt, looking at the wires then at the Princess. “Wow,” Vinyl whispered and started cutting wires. “My life just gets better and better.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia leaped over a large crack in the ground and hid behind a wall of crystals, panting hard. She groaned looking down at the sword in her hand with a blush. “Stupid, I haven’t held a sword since I was ten.” She scolded silently to herself. “What was I thinking?” She peeked around the corner to see nothing coming yet. Only red glowing crystals and hot plasma falling from the ceiling in places. This place would turn into a living hell, if she didn't get herself out of the chamber. “I didn’t lose him did I?” she whispered looking around. Suddenly the ground shook violently, it was worse than before. Octavia pressed herself against the wall to keep from falling to the ground as shards of crystals fell on her head from the ceiling. “Great, the temple can’t hold out like this forever.” “You’re right,” Octavia gasped and turned to see a sword flying towards her head. She slid on the ground as the sword slammed into the wall, making sparks. Sombra looked down at her with a glare. Octavia got up and ran away. Sombra roared out, chasing after her. The ground shook again causing Octavia to fall hard on the ground. She turned and gasped looking up as Sombra’s sword came down on her again. Octavia rolled to her back and blocked the blow with a feeble block then kicked him in the stomach. Sombra backed away with his giant hand over his stomach as Octavia rolled to her feet and ran away again. Sombra growled getting even angrier than before. “You can’t run forever!” Sombra roared out as he followed her ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Tick Tock continued to try to and best his brother as the continued to trade blows. Blueblood backed away and tripped on a large shard of crystal and fell hard on his back. He let out a scream, watching his sword fall from his grasp and skid several feet out of his reach. He felt a poke on his neck and looked up to see Tick Tock standing on top of him, his sword point digging into the soft flesh of his throat. “I have beaten you at last, traitor.” Tick Tock said with a wolf like growl. “Please, brother, I beg of you! Let me live, I will give you a pardon for you and your daughter and-” Blueblood was sweating and crying like a foal. Tick Tock applied more pressure to his sword, causing Blueblood to quit his begging. “No, I’m tired of you bribing your way in life. It is time you face the consequences of your actions brother. To death!” Blueblood covered his face as Tick Tock prepared the blow. Suddenly the earth shook violently, causing Tick Tock to fall onto the ground. Blueblood looked up and gasped at what he saw, as did Tick Tock. Octavia was fighting against a large, black mass of shadows. “Octavia!” Tick Tock yelled out, forgetting his brother. Blueblood smiled and crawled away. He reached the entrance of the chamber, stood up, and ran away. Rainbow slashed at the last pirate panting hard from her fight. She turned and gasped seeing Blueblood running away. “Get back here!” She yelled out running after him. Tick Tock looked over to see Blueblood running like a coward with Rainbow Dash right at his heels. “Get him, Rainbow.” Tick Tock whispered as he grabbed his sword and started running through the chamber to aid his daughter. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Vinyl finally cut the last wire with a sigh. “There, that should do it. Now, about these tubes?” She leaped down on the ground looking up at the hanging princess, trying to think of a way to disconnect the large tubes without hurting her. Vinyl gasped to see the large pod-like well retracting the clear tubes out of Luna’s body. When the last glowing tube faded away, Luna fell forward. Vinyl braced herself and caught Luna in her arms. Vinyl grunted catching her and was surprised by how light she was. She carefully kneeled down placing Luna on the ground on her back. Vinyl blinked seeing that her eyes were still glowing white. “What’s wrong with her?” She whispered patting her cheek trying to rouse her awake. Vinyl heard roar and turned her head behind her. She gasped seeing Octavia running towards her, leaping over some fallen giant crystals. She looked exhausted and scared to death. She jumped over a rock and tripped. As she was trying to right herself she fell back onto the ground, not moving. Her body couldn't run anymore. “Octavia,” Vinyl whispered with worry. She looked down to see that Luna was wearing a sword belt and in her sheath was a sword! Vinyl turned back to Octavia to see the shadow coming into view. Vinyl took the old sword and left the princess to protect Octavia. Sombra chuckled walking over to see Octavia down on the ground. “At long last, I’ll be free and you’re going to help me, child.” He reached his giant hand to her. Vinyl leapt over the rock and slashed the shadow hand causing the shadow to scream out, staggering back as he held his severed arm. He growled staring at the meddling unicorn standing before him. “Not on my watch pal.” She smirked. The shadow growled, his hand reforming onto his arm. “You know, I’m just about tired of you, unicorn. You have been meddling in my plans for the last time. Face my wrath!” Vinyl shook a touch but kept her smirk up. She chuckled. “I’ve fought and killed many ponies bigger than you, tubby!” She taunted. The shadow smirked. “You’ve never fought with the likes of me.” The shadow swung first, Vinyl leaped back surprised by the speed. She was used to fighting slow, lumbering idiots that only grabbed a sword as a weapon to attack. She’s actually fighting with a better swordsman. She dodged another slash and another. He was getting closer and faster. Vinyl hit the wall and rolled to the side as the sword sent up sparks on the wall. Vinyl turned and was ready to take a hit against her blade. She gasped feeling his strength causing her to leap back to stay up. He laughed as Vinyl tried to stay up. At the most horrible of times, the earth shook again. Vinyl looked up, hearing a crack. She gasped seeing a huge part of the ceiling started to fall over them. Vinyl jumped away as far as she could, landing hard on the ground. She heard the crash behind her and was blinded by dust. Vinyl coughed out the dust in her lungs reaching for her sword. She turned to look behind her to see the large crystal rock, but no shadow daemon. She let out a sigh in relief, the daemon was squashed by the rock. She breathed hard for a second until she was grabbed by the neck by a giant hand. She yelled out as she was lifted up a couple of inches off the ground. “So, you thought I would lose to you?” Vinyl struggled in his grip, swinging her legs around trying to get down. “Well don’t you worry, this will be over quick.” Vinyl’s eyes widened with fear. Octavia woke up after the shake, coughing from the dust in the air. She looked up and gasped to see Vinyl being held by her neck by Sombra. She tried to get up but couldn't, staring with shock as Sombra plunged his sword into Vinyl’s stomach. “NOOOO!” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Blueblood sprinted through the halls of the dungeon and jumped over the debris and dead bodies on his run for freedom. He was panting hard as he turned to see Rainbow quickly catching up to him. He let out a yelp of fear and tried to quicken his speed. Rainbow growled, pushing off a corner right behind him. “You won’t escape me, Blueblood!” Rainbow threatened, a hint of anger in her voice. Blueblood took a left turn and spotted an open door. He ran to the door and shut it behind him. Rainbow reached the door in time to have it slammed into her nose. Thanks to the slam from earlier her nose was now running with blood. “Dammit!” She yelled out lifting up her boot. She kicked down the old door and continued her pursuit. Blueblood jumped out of the castle seeing a new sight. He gasped looking around him. The glowing white forests were dead and dying. Ash was floating in the air as hidden volcanos were appearing from cover, spewing lava and crystals in the air. The sky had turned a blood red with ash laden clouds, creating the most hellish scene that Blueblood had ever seen. Blueblood turned to see a life boat with some dead soldiers in it. They had been killed by the volcanic eruption. He ran to the life craft and pushed the dead bodies out of the boat so he could operate it. Rainbow ran out of the castle and stopped in shock seeing the devastation around her. “Damn, all of this over a dumb crystal?” She asked out-loud looking around. She heard something and turned to see Blueblood escaping on his lifeboat, it was already too high for her to chase. “Shit!” Rainbow screamed out losing him. “Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash turned to see Blossomforth with Applejack leaping out of another lifeboat. “Where are the others?” Blossom asked landing in front of her covering her mouth from the ash. “They’re still down there, I was chasing Blueblood.” Rainbow answered before she started coughing from the ash in the air. Blossom reached into her pocket to pull out a wet handkerchief for Rainbow to breathe into. Rainbow thankfully took the cloth, placing it over her muzzle. “Are they still alive?” Applejack hollered out with a handkerchief tied around her nose and mouth. “I don’t know,” Rainbow answered with worry. Then she felt something in her mind and turned to the castle. “Something’s wrong.” She whispered. She turned back and headed inside the castle. “Rainbow Dash, wait!” Blossomforth yelled out. Applejack placed her hand on her shoulder. “I’ll go after her, stay here,” Applejack ordered as she took off after her friend. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ “Nooo! Vinyl!” Octavia screamed out. She got up and ran as fast as she could. Sombra pulled out the blade and dropped Vinyl to the ground. Octavia slide on her knees to her, then wrapped her arms around Vinyl holding her up. “Vinyl, Vinyl, say something!” She cried. Vinyl opened her eyes smirked at her, she was shaking. “Hey, Sweet Cheeks,” She whispered. Octavia shook her head. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” She cried, pressing her forehead against Vinyl’s face. “And now you have failed.” Octavia looked up, hugging Vinyl tighter as Sombra smiled down at them. “Give up,” He ordered. Suddenly Sombra screamed out when a brown arm wrapped itself around his neck. Octavia was in shock. “Papa?” Tick Tock grunted with effort as he reached for his sword and stabbed it into the giant daemon’s chest. “Get out of here, now!” He screamed out, holding on tight as the daemon swayed left and right trying to get the prince off his back. Octavia stood up feeling blood soaking into her pants. Vinyl was bleeding fast and needed help. “Vinyl! Vinyl, stay with me!” Octavia begged, reaching under Vinyl’s arms and dragging her away from the fight. She turned and gasped to see the Crystal Heart was still where she left it and was still glowing. She could see Luna laying on her back her eyes still glowing. Octavia turned to Sombra then at the ancient princess. “Why are her eyes still glowing?” Octavia asked dragging Vinyl with her. She looked ahead of her to see a trail of blood from Vinyl, it was getting worse! Her conscious is still connected with Sombra! She’s not released! The Guardians answered. Octavia watched as her father held on tight to Sombra and still causing him pain. She carefully laid Vinyl on her back by Luna trying to think fast. “Princess!” Octavia turned to see Rainbow and Applejack running toward her. “Captain Dash?” Octavia asked with shock seeing the captain and her companion. Rainbow and Applejack both stopped with shock to see Princess Luna in the flesh. “What the hay,” Applejack whispered stunned pulling off her hat. “Is that,” Rainbow asked with fear. She only saw pictures of the sleeping alicorn before them. “It’s Princess Luna,” Octavia said quickly trying to keep Vinyl up. “Vinyl,” when she heard no reply she looked at Vinyl to see her eyes closed and blood slowly dripping from her mouth. “Oh no! Vinyl wake up, you have to wake up!” Octavia cried patting her cheek trying to bring her back. Applejack looked at Rainbow to see her worried frown. “I’ll get her,” Applejack said grabbing Vinyl and carrying her in her arms. She turned to Rainbow. “I’ll be back,” Applejack didn’t wait for a reply as she ran out of the temple dodging the hot spots as she ran. Octavia grabbed the Crystal Heart as it glowed to her touch. She felt the ground shake again and fell over. Rainbow grabbed her by her arms to keep her from falling over. “Where’s his highness?” Rainbow asked looking for him. “He’s over-” Octavia turned pointing but gasped to see Sombra teetering on a ledge of a chasm with Tick Tock still keeping his hold on him. “Papa!” Octavia screamed out seeing him. Rainbow turned and gasped she got a good hold on Octavia. Tick Tock smiled, seeing them looking at him. Rainbow grabbed Octavia before she ran over, holding her tight. The prince saluted then punched the daemon in the face as the earth trembled again. The shadow daemon fell over the edge with the prince. Rainbow closed her eyes turning away, keeping a very tight hold as Octavia screamed and cried trying to get out of her hold. She’s free! The Crystal Guardians screamed in Octavia’s mind. She turned blubbering like a fool to watch as Luna’s eyes blinked twice then the white light vanished to reveal two normal pony eyes. Luna went limp then her head rolled to the side her eyes closed. Rainbow turned to see what happened with shock. She turned to where the prince was then to Octavia still in her grip. “We have to go,” Rainbow urged releasing Octavia so she could lift up the alicorn princess over her shoulder. “Ooh, she’s pretty light.” Rainbow thought out-loud shocked. “But what about,” Octavia whimpered walking to the chasm. Rainbow grabbed Octavia by her vest and pulled her back. “He sacrificed himself for you, let’s go, now!” She pushed Octavia away to the entrance. There was an explosion far behind them, the two mares turned to the back of the chamber as they felt a rush of heat. Rainbow gasped now panicking. “Like right now, right now, move!” She screamed out, shoving Octavia to the entrance with Rainbow at her heels. The two mares leapt over the debris and bodies as they ran for the exit. Rainbow turned as they climbed the stairs and sure enough, lava was flowing towards them. Applejack turned the corner in front of them and stopped. “Hurry, move it, move it!” Rainbow yelled out. Applejack nodded, turning around running for it. Applejack opened the door letting the two mares run through, feeling the heat herself. They all ran for the life boat outside the castle where Blossom was waiting. Applejack grabbed Octavia and lifted her into the craft then helped Rainbow pull Luna into the boat. Once Rainbow was on she nodded to the guard. Blossom nodded in return. She pressed a few buttons and they started to float up to the sky. “Where’s Vinyl?” Octavia begged looking at Applejack. “She’s up there waiting.” Applejack answered pointing up to the ship. Octavia looked up to realize the only ship left in the sky was the Fancy Flute, the other three ships were long gone. Suddenly they heard a loud crash and boom. Everypony looked down to see the ruins they just escaped turn into a gigantic volcano. All the history, the treasure, and lives were gone. Octavia sat at the bottom between two benches staring blankly into the sky. Rainbow placed her wet rag over Octavia’s face to keep the ash from entering her lungs. Octavia didn't care. She just closed her eyes and began to cry. Blossom looked up to Rainbow. “The prince?” Rainbow shook her head turning away. Blossom nodded. “I see.” She whispered sadly. They reached the belly of the ship and floated inside. Apple Bloom looked over to Sweetie Belle. “That’s everypony, call it!” she called out leaping to the control panel to close the hatch. Sweetie Belle nodded and ran for the speaker tube by the wall. “Blast off!” she screamed out. The ship made a lurch as the rockets launched them off into space, away from the moon as it continued to burn. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ That night, Octavia sat on a stool watching Vinyl shakily breathe on the flat table in one of the cabins. Octavia turned to see Luna sleeping on a cot across the room, her breathing was full and free but Vinyl’s was shallow, fighting to live. Octavia held Vinyl’s hand not knowing what to do. The door opened behind her. She turned to see Twilight walk into the room with a sad smile on her face. “Applejack and Rainbow told me what happened.” She said silently. She found a stool and sat down by Octavia. “Can’t you heal her like you did with me?” Octavia asked silently. Twilight shook her head. “There is so much magic can do. But seeing as how far Vinyl is, I don’t think I could make a difference.” Octavia’s chin quivered as she turned away sniffling. Twilight bowed her head trying hard not to cry. “If you wish, Octavia, I can give her an anesthetic spell to ease the pain and make it easier for her to go in peace.” Octavia sniffed shaking her head. “No, I‘ll do what I can to bring her back.” Twilight turned away. “Octavia, there is nothing we can do to make her better. She’ll die and there is nothing-” “There has to be something!” Octavia shouted staring at her. “I should have taken that sword in the gut not her!” Twilight closed her eyes and turned away. She stood up and walked to the door. She paused at the door turning back to Octavia. “If you need anything or... if she leaves, you let me know.” Octavia didn’t answer. Twilight sighed and closed the door behind her. She turned to her left to see Daring and Derpy standing by the door waiting. Twilight shook her head. Daring sighed rubbing her eyes. Derpy sniffed wiping her nose with her sleeve and walked away. “I’ll tell the others.” She whispered gloomily. Twilight nodded. Derpy walked away leaving professor an assistant alone. “She won’t accept it that-” Twilight whispered. “Let her do what she wants right now, Twilight.” Daring interrupted with a sad sigh. Twilight stared at her in shock. “But she’ll-” “She has to learn about life, Twilight.” Daring said softly bowing her head. “She lost her father and she’ll lose her friend.” Twilight stared at Daring for a long moment then nodded. Daring chuckled, it sounded forced as she shook her head. “Sometimes I think the Gods of Old try to remind us ponies what they can do. They can take who they want and leave the others to cry and rot.” Twilight looked down at her feet clenching her fists. Daring sighed and wrapped her arm around Twilight. “Come along, let’s go outside and rest for a bit.” “I think that’s a good idea.” Twilight whispered sadly following her friend outside. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia watched Vinyl’s chest rise and fall, getting slower and slower by the hour. How she’s alive, is a miracle. She had to think of something to do and keep Vinyl alive until they could find a doctor or a healer. Octavia reached into her pocket and found the cold, dead Luna’s Tear with her cutie mark on it still. Octavia closed her eyes thinking what would have happened if she took the blow and not Vinyl? She groaned at the thought and reached over to Vinyl's head and stroked her mane. She sniffed, realizing her blue messy mane was still as soft as when she had first touched her mane, before all of this had happened. She gulped, placing her other fist over Vinyl's stomach where the wound was still slightly bleeding. She pressed her head against Vinyl's forehead under her horn, praying, begging for Vinyl's life. At the side sitting on a desk, the Crystal Heart started to glow faintly. The five other Crystal Guardian jewels started to glow as well. Octavia continued to pray as the Luna’s Tear started to glow in her clenched fist. A sliver of magic started to flow out of the Crystal Heart and the Crystal Guardians start to float into the air. The five crystals flew over Octavia and Vinyl. Octavia and Vinyl started to glow in a green light. Scootaloo was walking down the hallway sniffling when she spotted something on the floor. She looked down to see a green light coming from the room where Octavia and Vinyl were staying in. She opened the door and gasped seeing the green magic and the two mares glowing. She turned and ran off leaving the door wide open to tell Twilight. Octavia opened her eyes feeling warmth all over her. She gasped with shock seeing Vinyl covered in a green aura. Then she looked down at herself to find herself glowing green as well. “What’s going on?” She whispered sniffing staring at her arms. Suddenly the green aura faded away, the five jewels slowly levitated to the table before Octavia’s hands and the room was back to normal. Octavia lifted her fist to find it covered in blood where she was feeling the warmth. Not on her fist, but in her fist. “Sweet Cheeks?” Octavia gasped looking down to see Vinyl smiling weakly up at her. “What’s going on?” Octavia dropped Luna’s Tear on the table hearing it strike the wood. She looked down and gasped to find that the Luna’s Tear was glowing purple again! She looked at her bloody fist then at Vinyl’s stained shirt and bandages. She unwrapped Vinyl’s bandages and gasped at what she saw. There was no open wound like seconds before, but a freshly healed scar. “Impossible!” She whispered in shock staring at the six crystals then looked at Vinyl to see her smiling sleepily at her. “I felt your light.” She whispered weakly. “You called for me.” Octavia blinked once then started crying, hugging Vinyl gently. “You’re going to be alright.” She whispered. Vinyl smiled and nuzzled her neck. “I think I will be.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ “Prince Tick Tock?” A regal voice asked. “Dead, your majesty.” The blue hologram of a pegasus dressed as a general answered to the darkness. “Hmmph, what a pity. The hybrid wife?” “Dead as well, your majesty.” The pegasus said bowing. “What of the hybrid child?” A younger regal voice asked. The pegasus scratched her eye patch clearing her throat. “You pause, General?” The elder regal voice asked disdainfully. The hologram gulped. “Apologies, Majesty, we are just not sure as of yet.” “Explain,” the younger ordered. “We were given so many confusing reports from all over the galaxy Majesties. We just don’t know if the hybrid is alive or dead. Our last report from Prince Blueblood stated that she and her associates were dead.” “Dead by what, General Dust?” The elder asked. “Death by fire, your majesties.” “Yet you have more to tell us?” The younger voice asked with a threatening tone. The hologram gulped audibly, rubbing her neck with a look of worry in her single golden eye. “Permission to speak freely?” The hologram asked staring straight ahead with her hands behind her back. “You may,” The elder regal voice answered. The hologram sighed. “I was given word that Twilight Sparkle has returned from hiding.” “Twilight Sparkle?” Both regal voices asked with shock. “Yes. We also got word that Rainbow Dash has chosen the path of traitor and Applejack, the escaped earth pony, has finally revealed herself at last working with pirates. The last message we received from Blueblood had stated that they were dead.” “Were, General?” The younger voice asked with disdain. The general gulped. “Some soldiers are spreading rumors that the traitors with the princess are heading to the Outer Rim of the galaxy, far away from our ships and patrols.” “Anything else we should know about, General Lightning Dust?” The pegasus, Lightning Dust gulped. “That should be all of my report, Majesties.” “Good, until next week?” “Of course, majesty,” General Lightning Dust said. She placed her fist on her chest in the traditional Pegasus Salute. “All hail, Celestia!” The hologram fizzled off leaving the two majesties in the dark of the study. “So what do we do now?” The younger voice asked. “Princess Octavia was a threat before and now she’s a much bigger threat. I say we send more assassins and finish her off now!” The elder majesty raised up her dark hand hushing the younger. “Not so fast, my dear,” the regal voice said tapping her golden fingernail to her desk. “We’ll take care of the princess in due time. When she returns from her escapade to the Outer Rim she’ll have to return.” “You’re not seriously going to wait while that fugitive with those blasted Elements of Harmony to come by for a spot of tea?! No Majesty, we have to destroy them now!” “And tell me dear, how much good are the Elements without the other three? They have Magic, Loyalty and Honesty. Where are Generosity, Laughter, and Kindness, hmm?” The younger paused trying to think. “Well Kindness is gone, disappeared without a trace. Laughter is supposed to be dead, I saw her corpse myself. And Generosity ... The last I heard of her was that she owns a tailor shop in Fillydelphia Station.” The elder chuckled. “So, go capture Generosity and take her to The Rock.” “The Rock? Why put her there? Shouldn’t we execute her while everypony still sees her as a traitor?” The elder voice sighed taking a sip of her cold tea. “We can make it look like an execution.” “I’m listening,” “Send Blueblood a message that we’ll borrow Captain Lulamoon’s Special Forces to burn down the tailor shop and take the traitor to The Rock and have her spend the rest of her days there. I don’t want those Elements of Harmony back together even in spirit.” “And the hybrid?” The elder smiled. “We’ll just prepare for her arrival and make it as bloody as possible. She won’t stop me from total domination. Now be a good little princess and sleep with that husband of yours.” The younger chuckled. “Oh yes, I’ll give him more fun tonight.” As the younger left the room, the older majesty chuckled. “Oh Octavia, I’m so going to enjoy your visit.” > Author's Notes & Sequel Sneak Peek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes & Sequel Sneak Peek Well there you have it. Treasured Moon and Stars Vol. 1: Luna's Treasured Moon is completed. Wow, this story became a huge project for me in mid 2012. It all started one night with me laying in my bed and just thinking before sleeping. And the first thought that came to my mind, as I laid there listening to my music from my IPod, was Treasure Planet and how I haven't seen that movie in practically five years. Then as I listened to a particular song I started daydreaming. I started thinking about that one scene in the movie when Doctor Delbert told Jim that they "were off to the space port". At the end of that loop as I was thinking I ended up seeing Vinyl dressed in a cloak actually sneaking through the port city, almost dressed like Jim, trying to sneak onboard the ERS Cadenza. As I played the song on repeat, I started thinking. In the song there was a penny whistle being played and a violin. At the part of the violin I imagined Octavia with Vinyl. And the penny whistle (which Vinyl played in the story) was Vinyl. (Get the connection?) Then because of Treasure Planet, I started thinking about Castle in the Sky. (Because in the DVD which I own, it had a sneak peek of Castle in the Sky and that was how I got into Hayao Miyazaki's films.) Now I'm seeing Octavia as Sheeta and Vinyl as Patsu. Then both of these movies started colliding into a huge mess that I soon started creating as a story. Then after a week of constant thinking I finally began to write. And I thought up an interested title: Treasured Moon & Stars. Considering that Treasure Planet was basically a trip to find a treasure on a planet then Castle in Sky trying to find a floating city with treasure as well. But it was during the writing of this story that during free writing I started making a new story different than the idea I had by adding The Elements of Harmony and a huge, huge backstory to go with it that I know I can't just leave it as an OctaScratch story. I wanted it to be bigger and even cooler. (In my opinion that is.) I want to go ahead and thank all who gave this story a shot and enjoyed it. That is what I want to do in my future, write epic stories for people like you to enjoy. Thank you (you know who you are) that had viewed it, gave it a read, favorite it and enjoyed. Not to mention the people that gave me great comments that helped me and inspired me, I appreciate that. Now here is a special surprise for you guys. I mentioned a song that kind of helped in writing this story. It's practically the theme of the whole story to me. But the sad part is, that this particular song isn't on YouTube. But I did find it on Bing Music. It is called Dream Teller / Fantasy played by the Celtic Thunder Band. (The video is powered by Vimeo I think its called. So if you have tablets or smart phones reading this you won't see it. I tested it on my iPad tablet and it only shown YouTube videos.) On a normal computer or laptop: It's the first video titled Voyage II. I also got two other music video links for you guys. This first link is the replacement of the theme if I couldn't find the first one. The musical piece is from Epic Score: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 11 and this was a more epic sounding version than the other one. The song title is: Adventure of the Sky. This second one is actually the music I played when writing the last four chapters and it fit very well in the dramatic sort. It has this mysterious creepy vibe that matched the feeling in the chapters depicting the Moon yet it's pretty too. It is called: Hollow Light of the Sealed Land, it's a remixed theme of a video game piece of music from an album called Sora no Kiseki Zanmai. (The song is the theme of a major game from Japan.) Do those themes fit well to you. If you like them go on ITunes and pick them up. That is if you have ITunes then other than that go on Amazon or something or other to get the download or get the hard disc. After all that, Book 2 is completed on my hard drive it just needs heavy editing at the moment. The time period of when I'll put book 2 up might be in mid-January or early-February, I'm not sure yet. But that won't stop me in putting up a special Sneak Peek for you guys. It's a short one though and this might change when I fully edit the story later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vinyl groaned opening her eyes feeling the horrible numbness on her back. She opened her eyes seeing Sweetie Belle crying silently on her chest. “Sweetie Belle?” Vinyl whispered with strain. Sweetie Belle gasped sitting up seeing Vinyl smiling at her. “Hey, squirt.” Sweetie Belle smiled with joy. “Oh thank, Luna, you’re alright! I thought you were really hurt, Vinyl!” Vinyl sighed patting her on the head. “I’m fine, oooh man.” Vinyl groaned slowly sitting up with Sweetie Belle sitting in her lap hugging her. Sweetie Belle opened her eyes feeling something against Vinyl’s back as Vinyl stretched her arms in the air groaning from the pain in her back. “V-vinyl.” “What?” Vinyl groaned out. “What’s this?” Sweetie Belle pulled off something from Vinyl’s back to find a tannish brown colored fragment. Vinyl thought a moment then felt something weird. She placed her hand on the ground and heard a small splash. “Huh?” Vinyl looked down but saw one thing before another. One was a floating skull and two was water! “Shit!” Vinyl screamed out grabbing Sweetie Belle in her arms standing up seeing that there were broken bones impacted from Vinyl’s fall and the water was already rushing in from grated holes at the bottom of the circular wall around her. Sweetie Belle saw the skull and screamed hugging Vinyl tighter with her arms around her neck. “Where are we? Why are there bones?” She squeaked watching the skull bob a touch from the rising water. Vinyl watched and felt the water entering her boots. “An execution chamber no doubt . . . so this was what that bitch meant.” Vinyl scowled looking around to see her surroundings and try to make a plan. Of course the cell was about the shape of a cylinder. About a thirty feet deep from the grate above and the ground under her feet. There were bones here so they didn’t clean up after the last use. And now the water is rising up to the top of her ankles. “What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked crying looking around. Vinyl looked around too hearing the sounds of water through an empty pipe. She looked up seeing a strange changeling gargoyle head, five feet above Vinyl’s head. Vinyl stared at the gargoyle’s agonized eyes then gaped. Suddenly water spat into her face causing Vinyl to back into the wall screaming out from the pain in her back. Sweetie Belle gasped seeing blood on the wall where Vinyl slammed against. “Vinyl, you’re bleeding!” Sweetie Belle screamed out when another stream of water splashes her. Vinyl gasped feeling the water now reaching her knees. She moved her leg and heard the sound of chains. She looked down through the hazy water to see dark chains. Vinyl reached down with difficulty and pulled the chain. She felt the tug on her leg and her eyes went wide. “Fuck my life!” She snapped looking around then up. She looked down at the chain. Sure enough she had twenty feet length of chain but there was only thirty feet from the ground to the grate. “Vinyl?” Sweetie Belle asked sniffling. “Are we going to die?” Vinyl opened her mouth to answer but closed it instead staring at the chain then at the water then up at the grate. She gulped feeling herself start to float to her toes. “It’s going to be fine.” Vinyl said reassuringly hugging Sweetie Belle to her praying for help but it’s probably possible that help might not come this time. She can feel Sweetie Belle cry into her neck. Vinyl couldn’t blame the poor kid. Vinyl might not make it out but she’s sure as hell and by her family’s graves that Sweetie Belle will get out of this alive and get back to her sister Rarity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There you go, you're sneak peek into Vol. 2 hope this gets you guys pumped up for more. Oh and one other thing before I let you go. There is another story already up right now that can use your attention. TMS Side story: Treasured Sweetheart is up and competed since it's a one-shot story. I would like you guys that have read TMS to read it (Or read it if you want to read more on TMS). At least give me an idea on what you think. Because I was planning on writing a one-shot story about Daring or Spitfire or even some other character, I don't know yet. It depends on what you guys think. Well now that part is out of the way. Thank you so much for reading this and for reading my story. Spread it out, tell people about it, for my first story I think I did very well. Oh yes and one last teaser for you guys. There is one other thing I want to tell you. In the next book, the Crossover tag will be removed because the first book was heavily influenced by Treasure Planet & Castle in the Sky so the first book would start rolling. There might be tiny references but nothing as major as the first book. The next book will also get very dark. (At least it's very dark to me.) This last link will probably give you an idea on what big event might happen. I'll let the song tell you. A well-known character will unleash her beast.