> Beginning of Autumn > by MagicTypingPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an early morning in Canterlot as the mist settled in on a fair autumn day, the colt of a wealthy family was born. At the hospital, two adult ponies were in a cream colored room, where the mare laid in a hospital bed, with beeping monitors around her. “What should we call him?” the mother asked as she gently cradled the little colt in her hooves. The father looked at the sleeping colt in his mother’s arms, he paused and thought about it, then looked out the window as the sun was beginning to rise, the light reflected off the orange and red leaves giving life to the once white mist. The father tuned back to his child, “How about...Autumn...Autumn Mist?” The mother smiled, “Perfect...Autumn Mist, our child prodigy of the Pure Magic Bloods.” She said as the small colt let out a yawn. -9 Years later- “If you want to join Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns then you’ll need to do better than that!” The old unicorn huffed as a filly sadly trotted off the stage. “Next!” said one of the judges. The shy colt shyly walked onto the stage, not the most appealing colt, his dark brown uncombed mane and grey hair which didn't impress the judges as they sighed and huffed. An old unicorn began to speak to the colt “Number 29...eeerrr....Autumn...Mist, you have a lot of promise being the son of the famous P.M.B family. Now let’s see how much potential you have.” The old one waved his hooves signalling one of his assistants. He assistant came out to the stage with a flower that has yet to bloom. The assistant gently placed it on the ground and trotted off the stage. “Now” One of the judges boomed, “You will show us how you've come along. Let’s begin with an age spell.” The small colt’s heart began to race as he began to sweat in fear. An age spell has never been possible to normal unicorns. The small colt shyly shook his head. “Ummm...I-I....c-can not do that........” The old unicorn sighed and shook his head, “You think by this point the P.M.B family would have a child that could do what they wanted” The colt felt disheartened by the judge’s remark, “C-couldn't....I-I do anything else...” the young colt asked stuttering. “Do whatever you want.” the judge snootily proclaimed. The colt looked at the flower and started to concentrate as the magic flowed through him. He wanted to do something impressive in front of the judges. His white aura extended and zapped the flower as a bright light cover the plant. By the time the young colt opened his eyes to see that the flower had changed into a quill. The old unicorn looked surprised at what he had achieved. The judges took notes and left the room passing by the colt parents. “We will tell you the results tomorrow...” the old unicorn said to the colt’s father. The colt’s father nodded as they went onto the stage. “How do you feel?” the father asked. “....A-A little tired...” the colt huffed. “Don’t be...you still have lessons this afternoon” the father said sternly. The colt stood up and followed his parents out to the streets as they made their way back home. -- The colt approached his home as he struggled to keep up with his parents, it was a large with two floors and lots of rooms for all the servants. One of the servants was waiting for them in front of door. As they approached he opened the door and bowed. “Welcome back Master Mist” he said addressing the colt. “Thank you” the young colt nodded with a small smile as he entered. The servant closed the door behind them. “Autumn, your teacher will be here short, go upstairs to you room and get ready.” the father ordered. The colt sadly nodded and made his way upstairs. Autumn Mist was his name, the first and only son to the Pure Magic Blood family, a family of unicorns who have spent generation after generation researching magic. Recently there has been a revolution of magic since the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle. It was Autumn’s destiny to create a spell that would transcend him into an Alicorn, or at least that’s what his parents told him. Autumn got to his room and started to get his things ready using his magic to pull out a few books and a quill with some ink. As he waited he decided to revise on one of his magic books. He started to read and flip through the pages and started to test out the spells. He focused on himself and his desk. Slowly they started to flout and turn to the ceiling. The young colt smiled to himself as he floated back to the ground. A few minutes later he heard a knock on the door, “W-Who is it?” he called out. “It’s your Teacher kid, Ruby Beam” Autumn recognized the familiar voice and slowly opened the door for the mare as she trotted into his room. Her mane and tail was a dark red and glittered like crystals, fitting seeing how she was half crystal pony and unicorn, her eyes were a light grass green color. Autumn knew her since he was leaning how to walk, she was the one who taught him his first spell and how to control his magic. He looked up to her as almost an older sibling. “Kid I do wish you clean your room before I arrive.” she said somewhat snobbishly. “Sorry...I was just trying some new spells.” he shyly proclaimed. “Really, what one’s exactly?” she asked with curiosity. “The...errr...Gravity spell...” he stuttered. “You pulled off a gravity spell! At your age!?” she said surprised. “Ummmm...Y-yes...” he blushed. Ruby gave a warm smiled to him, “Let’s get started shall we?” she said rustling his hair. An hour had passed; time passed quickly with Ruby as Autumn began to feel tired and yawned. “You feel tired kid?” Ruby asked. Autumn nodded slowly, “Well, that’s okay, our lesson is over. Go downstairs to your parents.” Autumn smiled to her and left his room to go down stairs for dinner. He trotted to the bottom floor where the servants were preparing dinner. Autumn’s father was already sitting at the table reading The Daily Canterlot, since he never got to read it in the morning. “Done, already?” his father hissed as Autumn sat down at the dining table. “Ruby said I was done....” the colt stated avoiding eye contact as Ruby came into the room, She gave his father a quick glance, indicating he should talk to her. His father folded up the paper and went with Ruby to the waiting room and closed the door. Autumn was alone and all he could hear were the faint voices of Ruby and his father, he got up from his seat and quietly walked over and put his ear to the door to hear them speaking. “He’s progressing quickly...” Ruby stated “As he should be.” his father replied “But I’m worried about how he is doing emotional.” “Why would you worry about that?” “Emotion plays a part into magic and if your son has doubt then that cou-” “Is it effecting him?” his father cut in “....It doesn't seem too.....no.” “Then we don’t have to worry about it.” “.............Why are you forcing him to do all this?” “Those matters don’t concern you Ruby.” “As his teacher I have a right to know…” “As his teacher, you only have to teach him.” “Tell me why you’re doing this to him?” Ruby said getting fed up “Why do you suddenly care?” “Because this isn't beginner spells or simple history anymore, your kid is doing Gravity spells…Gravity spells! What do you make him do while I’m not here?” “That’s family business!” “Tell me now or else I’m not leaving!” she yelled “You should leave now Ruby…” his father said faintly as he walked to the door. Autumn panicked and rushed over to his seat and tried to look calm as his father and Ruby came opened the door and came back into the dining room. “I’ll see you in a couple of day’s Autumn.” Ruby said as she left the house. Autumn’s father just came back and continued to read the paper. After dinner Autumn made his way back up the stairs and too his room, he thought about how the day went as he crawled into his bed. He felt different like the world around him was starting to become clearer, was this all he was going to do? Go through his life doing everything he was told and what he couldn't become what they wanted him to be, would he be a failure? Would his parents not love him anymore? He went to sleep asking these questions. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He woke up to the sound of the garden birds and they cheeped happy near his window, he groaned slightly and got out of his bed and looked at the time. 6:58 am the small hands said pointing to each number. He sighed and trotted slowly to the bathroom to wash up. He came out of the bathroom drying his head with a damp white towel, on his way downstairs he threw the towel into the laundry basket, “Master Mist?” asked one of the maids as he passed by. He stopped and turned around, “Y-yes?” The maid wore a black and white puffy dress as for all the other maids; she had a light blue mane with dark purple fur and yellow eyes. He smiled at him, “Did you have a nice sleep?” she asked. “Yes...” he lied. “That’s good, your Mother wants to talk to you. I would go see her now” He nodded and he trotted off to find his mother. “Mother?” he called out to the bottom floor as he came down the stairs. “I’m in here!” she called out from the dining room. Autumn made his way to the dining room and slowly opened the door seeing his mother standing there waiting, “Y-You wanted to see me?” His mother turned around and smiled at him, “Good news dear. You got in!” she said brightly smiling at the young colt. Autumn was shocked but with neither happiness nor disappointment and forced a smile to please his mother. “They want you to start as soon as possible, so get your things ready for tomorrow.” she said still cheerful. Autumn nodded as her went back up the stairs and started to prepare books, pens and papers for the coming day. He stopped packing as his stomach had growled at him to eat; he came back downstairs and into the kitchen. The cook was there oven baking some bread, he turned and notices Autumn, “Young Master Mist, you haven’t eaten yet...” he took out a loaf of bread and sliced a piece off and gave it to the little colt, “Sorry I don’t have much else.” he said scratching the back of his neck. “No it’s okay, Thank you.” Autumn responded with a small smile. He ate the still warm bread, it had a slight flavor to it which he couldn't describe, “What is this?” he asked the cook. “Kid, you need to read more cookbooks...its banana bread, fresh from the over too.” he said happily. Autumn smiled as he left the kitchen finishing his slice of banana bread. He ran back up the stairs and began to study for his privet lesson with Ruby; he did extensive study on the Elements of Harmony and the ponies who kept them. “Twilight...did you really want to be an Alicorn...?” he said quietly to himself. He heard the sound of his father’s voice coming from his research room, Autumn tried to ignore it, seeing how he was not allowed in there but something was different. He quietly trotted out of his room and to the outside of his father’s studies room and put his ear to the door, hearing the voice of his father and another he didn't recognized, “Is he ready yet?” said the voice. “He’s only seven…of course he’s not ready.” said his father. “Then you’re wasting my time.” the voice responded angrily. “I called you here because of the problems that might occur if my son goes to C.S.G.U.” “Why should you be so worried…I’ll make sure he gets through it.” “Yes…we’ll discuss this some other time…make sure you’re not seen.” “Of course.” said the voice as it disappeared. Autumn was slightly scared, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and he started to panic and quickly ran back to his room and closed the door. A little while later, Autumn heard a knock at the door, “R-Ruby?” he asked the pony behind the door. “It’s me Autumn...could you please open the door?” said the voice of Ruby. He shyly opened the door and let her in. “Something the matter kid?” she asked noticing his glum face. “I-it’s nothing...Just thinking...” he responded slightly blushing. “About what?” “W-Why does it matter?” “If you have something on your mind then I wouldn't recommend keeping it from me...” “I-I've just been researching about Twilight...” “…You’re worried about school aren't you?” Ruby guessed correctly. “…Yes” he said quietly. “Kid…you’re one of the most talented little colts I've trained…you’ll go far...trust me.” she said patting his back trying to comfort him. “Thanks Ruby…” Autumn said giving a small smile. She smiled at him, “Come on…let start the lesson.” Autumn nodded as they began the lesson. The two hours passed quickly, Ruby looked at her watch, “Well...it’s about that time kid...” he said looking somewhat sad that the lesson was over. “W-What’s the matter?” Autumn asked noticing her sad expression. “Nothing’s wrong kid...come on...I need to go see your father.” she said walking towards the door way. Autumn was getting frustrated of never getting answers, he stopped into front of her and blocked her way to the door, “I am tired of never getting answers...tell me why? You’re the one who keeps saying that emotions play an important part of magic...so explain what you’re feeling?!” Autumn said letting his emotions boil up. Ruby smiled sadly at him and hugged him as a tear fell from her eye, “I’m sorry kid...I haven’t been following my own rule...” she let go of him and knelled down to look him in the eyes. “This...was going to be our last lesson.” she said quietly. “W-.....W-What?” he asked eyes widening. “Before we began your father had a word with me...he said that since you’re going to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns you won’t need me...” “B-b-but...Ruby...n-no” he said starting to cry. “Kid...please don’t cry....you’re so strong...I can see it...” Autumn closed his eyes tight as the tears poured down his face. Ruby started to tear up herself after seeing him like this, she pulled Autumn in for another hug. “Shhh...Kid...it’s okay...” “No it’s not!” he yelled holding on tight to her. “...........listen to me...you’re going to get through this...okay” He pulled away and dried the tears from his eyes, “O-Okay...” She softly smiled, “Goodbye Autumn...” she said as she left through the door. -- He stayed in his room, silent and still, trying to come to realization of what had happened and who had left him, he didn't know how long he stood there but his sadness was soon replaced by anger and frustrated. He harshly walked down and saw his father, his anger grew more and more as he approached him. “Ah, Autumn, how was your last lesson with Ruby?” his father asked. “I’d would gone better if I knew she was leaving...” Autumn said biting his tongue to hold his rage. “Autumn, you’re smart, you know that since you’ll be going to school you wouldn't need a private tutor” “That still doesn't give you the right not to tell me...” Autumn said grinding his teeth and trying not to raise his voice. “...Are you angry at me Autumn?” his father asked. “Of course I’m angry!” Autumn yelled losing his temper. “...” His father fell silent, shocked that his son showed an action that wasn't shy obedience, he gave him a stern look, “Autumn...” he started. “...You will come to thank me soon.” He ended as he left to his study. “I hate you...” Autumn whispered to himself as he heard the door to his father’s study shut. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn walked along with his mother next to him to the gates of the school, which were tall, thin, and seemed to be made of gold. His mother stopped and looked down at him. “You know where to go from here, right?” “Yes...Room A03.” Autumn replied shyly “That’s good...well, I’d better leave you to it.” she said beginning to trot off. “M-Mom...wait?” She stopped and turned back around to him, “What is it Autumn?” “D-Do you think I’ll do well?” he asked shyly. “Autumn, of course you’ll do well.” she proclaimed cheerfully. “I-I guess...how good were you at your school?” “Me?” she thought for a moment, “I was top of my school, why ask?” “Just a thought...I’ll see you after school.” he said walking off to class. “Alright see you at 3pm!” his mother yelled cheerfully. He walked into the front doors of the school; it seemed larger than the castle Celestia lives in and there was no pony around the school halls. ‘Maybe I’m early’ he thought to himself as he walked through the empty corridors of the school. He walked until he saw room A03, he quietly knocked on the door and then entered, and he saw a bunch of filly and colt unicorns sitting down at tables as they were all staring at him. The teacher turned and looked at him raising an eyebrow, “Ahh, you must be Autummmmmnnn...” he checked his notepad, “Mist? Is it?” Autumn nodded reluctantly, “Well then Mist, go ahead and take a seat” said the teacher waving his hoof around the class. Autumn walked to the back of the room and took the seat to the left corner. It was a cold and quiet part of the classroom, to his right there was a baby blue stone wall and to his left there was another colt, with a dark navy coat and a sky blue mane. The colt next to him smiled and leaned over to offer his hoof, “Hey there, I’m Nocter” “A-Am I late?” Autumn asked shaking his hoof shyly. “No, everyone else was just early; trying to make a good impression I guess” Nocter said shuffling back into his seat. “So...we haven’t started yet?” “No, we’re just about to.” The teacher used his magic to ring a bell as the class went quiet, “All right students, let’s begin. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year; you may address me as Artifice. Now please open your history books to page 183.” The class began as Autumn opened his pack and searched for the page in his history book and began to read along with the class. Recess came as Artifice rung the bell to let us outside, Autumn quietly packed his books as he was the last one to leave the classroom. He walked out as Nocter was waiting for him. “Hey!” Nocter said waving a hooves. “Oh...H-hello.” Autumn responded. “You finished reading rather quickly?” “W-well, I've read that book before so it wasn't too hard to remember everything.” “I see...” he patted Autumn’s back, “Parents really wanted you to get in I’m guessing?” Autumn nodded, “Well nothing wrong with that, besides they can’t watch you while you’re here, so loosen up a bit, the schools not that strict.” Nocter said leading Autumn outside. Autumn only shyly nodded as he followed Nocter. Outside Nocter lead Autumn threw the crowd of fillies. “Alright Mist listen to me here, there are a few social rules that I suggest you follow. Number One: Never talk to Maple Gem. And Number 2....actually...that’s about it.” “Who’s Maple Gem?” Autumn asked his curiosity peeked by who this pony might be. “Last year, she was ranked as top of whole school, with nopony else getting close to her scores. She continuously brags about how she’s the best in Equestria, and that multiplies the size of her ego.” “I...see.” “Sooooo yeah don’t talk to her, in fact, avoid her at all cost.” “I-I’ll try.” “Good, now that you’re aware of the social rules, why don’t we have a game of spell tennis?” “Spell tennis?” Autumn looked at him puzzled. “Seriously! Were you living under a rock before you came here?” “W-well...I wasn't allowed to leave the house.” “Alright, Alright. Here” Nocter used his magic and lifted over a small racket. Autumn used his magic and enveloped the racket in his white aura. Nocter got another racket for himself and used his magic to move it. “Now, to play the game you need three ponies, two players and one referee. The idea is that one player hit’s a ball then the other player hit’s it back. The idea is to make it so that your opponent misses. Got it?” “Y-Yeah” Autumn nodded. “Good, now all we need it a ref...” “I’ll do it” said a filly voice from behind a corner. As she stepped out Autumn was struck with an odd sense, her coat was bright yellow, her mane was orange with a streak of pink and tied up in a small bun at the back with the image of a golden star gem on her flank. “Speak of Discord…” Nocter groaned to Autumn. “Is that?” he asked. “Yes that’s her…Maple Gem.” “It’s good to see my name doesn't get forgotten here.” she smugly stated. “Don’t you need to read anything?” said Nocter. “What is there to read? I’m already the best. Now are you going to let me ref or not?” “Like I have a choice…” Nocter groaned “Well then let’s begin” she said cheerfully before noticing Autumn, she came close and looked him dead in the eye. “Nocter…who is this?” she asked snobbishly “That’s Autumn, he’s the nebbie” said Nocter with a sickened look on his face. “Y-Yeah…M-Me…” said Autumn blushing. Maple circled around Autumn, inspecting and criticizing him in her mind, “Hmmmm…what makes you so special? I mean look at you? You don’t even have a cutie mark” Autumn looked at the ground ashamed of his blank flank, Nocter stepped in front of her, “Stop that Maple, from what I remember, it wasn't too long ago that you had the same problem” Maple blushed and was slightly offended, “How…DARE you talk to me like that! A small minded colt like yourself should have more respect for the greatest student in Equestria” “Then why do you want to ref for us?” Nocter asked. “Why would it matter to you?” Maple said avoiding the question “…Fine you can ref…but don’t let your ego get in the way?” Nocter said giving up on the argument. “It never does. Now both of you to your places!” she said creating a whistle and blowing into it. Autumn covered his ears and slowly trotted over to the end of a panted square on the ground, other students started to gather around as the game begun. “Nocter…you start” Maple said turning to Nocter and magically lifting a ball to him. He took the ball, rapping it in his aura and lifted it into the air. Nocter nodded to Autumn, “Don’t worry, it’s just for fun” he said hitting the ball with his racket. The ball flew straight pass Autumn’s field, a whistle blew. “One point to Nocter!” Maple called out, “Autumn you serve now” she said lifting the ball to Autumn. He took the ball and lifted it back into the air and lightly hit the ball with his racket. The ball went smoothly to Nocter’s part of the field as he smash the ball back to Autumn “Two points to Nocter!” Maple yelled again after blowing her whistle, Autumn didn’t even realise that the ball passed him. He looked over to Nocter, “H-How did…?” “Did I forget to mention I’m the best player in the school” Nocter cut in. The bell rang before Autumn could get another word in, Nocter walked beside him and put his hooves over his neck. “Don’t worry about it there was no way you were going to beat me, but at least you got a reputation now.” Nocter said chuckling. “For losing you mean?” Autumn asked. “Well…when you say it like that…” Nocter shamefully admitted. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn made his way to class with Nocter beside him, “Where did Maple go?” Autumn asked. “You care?” Nocter asked giving him a strange look. “W-Well…I’m just curious.” “She probably went to her class, knowing how uptight she is.” “Do you think we’ll see her again?” “Hopefully not.” "Hello peasants," said a voice from behind them. “Oh sweet Luna.....” Nocter groaned under his breath. Maple gave Nocter a glare and turned back to Autumn and circled him, Autumn looked at her confused, “I-Is everything alright?” Maple stopped, shook her head and let out a disappointed sigh. Autumn was confused by her reaction as if she was let down from seeing him. “I-I-Is something wrong?” “Wrong? Wrong?! What’s right?!” Maple yelled. “E-Excuse me?” Autumn stuttered. “You look so pitiful, so stupid, how could somepony like you possibly get into the best school in Equestria.” “I-I-I don’t know….M-M-Maybe m-my parents s-s-said something about me…” “What family do you come from anyway?” Maple demanded. “T-The Pure Magic Blood….” Maple stared at him in disbelief, “Y-Y-You’re the son of the P.M.B?” “Yes?” Autumn said looking confused. Maple blushed ever so slightly, turned around quickly and trotted off. Autumn was confused by her reaction and turned back to Nocter who looked equally confused, “What was that about?” Nocter asked. “I-I don’t know...she just seemed surprised…” Autumn stated. “Well…come on we’d better get going to class now.” Nocter said walking off with Autumn following close behind. -- Class had ended soon then Autumn expected as the teacher told them to go single file to the assemble hall. Autumn joined the back of the line of fillies and colts making their way to the assembly. Nocter saw Autumn at the back and walked over to him joining the back. “What are you doing back here?” Nocter asked. “I don’t like herds.” Autumn admitted shyly. “Well you’d better get used to them or else you're going to had a bad time.” Nocter responded chuckling at his own joke. “...I thought it wasn't an assembly day today.” Autumn said ignoring his comment. “Oh right your still new, well Princess Celestia herself comes here and greets all the new students.” “R-R-Really?! Why would she come down here?” “Something about connecting with the new students and maintaining a good leader policy I think.” Nocter replied. Autumn stayed quiet and followed the line of students to the assembly hall where they were told to sit down. Nocter said down next to Autumn and nudged him, “What’s the matter? Normally you have tons of questions.” Autumn just gave him a dull look and turned his attention to the stage at the front of the assembly hall where old mare with a short pinned up maroon mane and a black business suit. She raised her hooves, quieting the crowed of students as she began to speak. “It is great to see so many old and new faces joining us again in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Now I present, Princess Celestia!” The principal said pulling at the curtain rope. The stage curtains behind her pulled away revealing a tall Alicorn with a light rainbow colored mane that move by itself as if it had magic flowing through it with a gold crown on her head in front of her horn. She looked around at the group of young unicorns and smiled, “It’s wonderful to see so many gifted students here today. Now before I begin I like to introduce a guest of my own, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Autumn’s Heart stopped for a moment as he saw the violet Alicorn step out form the corner of the stage and gave a awkward smile to the crowd. Autumn started to hide, Nocter looked at him, “Errrr…..What are you doing?” he asked. “H-Hiding…” Autumn said quietly as he covered his head with his hooves. “Why?” Nocter asked looking at him confused. “I-I don’t what to be seen...” “Well you’re going to be called up there so you may as well stop trying to hide.” Autumn reluctantly returned to his previous position, he couldn't tell how fast his heart was beating but it wasn't normal. Nocter look at him concerned, “Seriously dude, you looked like you've seen a ghost.” “I-I-I just need a moment…” Autumn said breathing heavily. “Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?” Nocter said getting concerned. “N-No…I’m okay…”Autumn said slowly taking a breath. “Alright…” Nocter said not believing him. The principal started to speak again, “Now may the new students please rise and come to the stage.” Autumn took another deep breath and stood up with four others and walked up to the stairs leading up to the stage. Twilight gave a concerned look to Celestia, “Princess, are you sure I should be doing this with you?” Celestia gave her a comforting smile, “It’ll be alright Twilight, just be yourself.” Twilight lifted up her right forehoof and moved in to her chest taking in a deep breath to calm her down. Autumn’s heart started to beat faster as the two princesses went through each student greeting them with smiles and cheerful expressions. It was finally time for Autumn to meet them, he shyly walk up to the tall white alicorn, Autumn gave a quick look at her but returned his eyes back to the floor, “Hello there, what is your name?” Celestia asked Autumn with her soothing voice. Autumn didn't exactly know the noise he made but imagine a cross between a ‘Hello’ and a “eep’. He felt each drop of sweat drip down his head. “Are you feeling well child?” Celestia asked concerned about the colt before her. “Yeah, you don’t look to good.” Twilight added. Autumn finally looked up to see Twilight, her concerned eyes looking down on him. It was the sudden realization that this was what he was trying to achieve, this is who his father want him to be. His heart started to beat at the rate of a jack-hammer, his vision started to blur as his head felt heavily. Autumn closed his eyes and lost the energy to stand and feel onto the floor of the stage. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn slowly opened his eyes, and was met with a white blur. He blinked a few times while he waited for his vision to refocus. He could hear two ponies talking, but their voices were muffled. His vision cleared, and he noticed that he was in a white room with medicine cabinets all around him. Autumn's ears twitched as he started to regain his hearing. The two ponies were Nocter and Maple, and they seemed to be arguing at the end of his bed. “Do you know what he’s done?” Maple said getting frustrated. “Fainted?” Nocter said giving a slight shrug. “No. He's just embarrassed the entire school in front of the princesses!” “Why would they care if one pony got a bit nervous?” “You call this ‘A bit nervous'?!” Autumn pulled off the sheet covering his body and sat up in the bed. Nocter and Maple turned, both slightly surprised to see him up. “You're awake.” Maple said, stating the obvious as she blushed slightly. “W-What happened?” Autumn asked rubbing his head. “You passed out on the stage, there was a bit of a herd so I couldn't get to you. Princess Celestia and Twilight brought you here.” Nocter answered. “Where is she?” “She had to go. Something about Princess duties and how she was needed back at the castle. But Twilight is still here.” Maple responded. Autumn blushed and pulled the blanket over his head, “Get out from under there.” Nocter said, trying to pull the sheet off his friend. “Come on Autumn, it’s not every day that the princess herself decides to help a student.” “Why did you faint anyway?” Maple asked. Autumn turned his head away and didn't answer. Maple gave out an annoyed huff, “Well you're awake and that’s all that matters. Go outside and apologize when you grow a pair!” she yelled, storming out of the nurse’s room. “She really doesn't like me.” Autumn stated. “No, she definitely does not.” Nocter sighed as he shook his head. “Okay…I feel better now, I’ll go out and apologies.” “Dude, you got nothing to be sorry for. Just go out and say you’re okay.” Nocter said patting his back. Autumn nodded, trotted to the door and gently opened it. He peeked out and saw the Princess Twilight on a chair in the waiting room. Autumn closed the door quietly and started to crawl back towards the bed. Nocter gave him an annoyed glare, rolled his eyes, opened the door wide and turned to Twilight. “He’s ready for you now.” Nocter said as he trotted past the purple alicorn. Twilight stared at Nocter as he passed, then looked through the doorframe at the brown shy unicorn. Autumn blushed and hid under the blanket, Twilight gave a small smile and trotted in. “Are you…okay?” she asked gently. “Y-Y-Yeah…I-I’m fine.” Autumn said under the bed sheet. Twilight felt awkward by how the colt acted towards her, “Ummmm…Well….” Twilight was struck with a sense of nostalgia with Autumn's shyness. She gave him a warm smile, "H-hey there's no need to be scared....I understand how stressful something like this can be." “Y-You can?” Autumn said quietly as he peeked out from under the covers trying to image Twilight stressed out and fainting. "Of course~....oh, I never got your name by the way? "Ummm....A-Autumn....A-Autumn...Mist." Autumn answered shyly. Twilight gave him another smile, "It's nice too meet you Autumn." Autumn Blushed bright red at her kindness, "…T-Thank you for…b-bringing me here…” “Your welcome, I hope you feel better soon~” Twilight said giving him a soft smile and trotting out the door. Autumn pulled himself out from under the covers and looked at the clock above one of the medicine cabinets, “Three pm,” he said to himself getting out of the bed. “I should get going home…and stop talking to myself…” Using his magic, Autumn grabbed his saddle bag, threw it onto his back, and ran out the door. -- Autumn walked out the front of the school, and saw his mother standing next to their carriage. “Autumn!” his mother called out, waving as she spotted him. He nodded and quickly ran over to her. “How was your first day?” she asked, her magic opening the carriage door for him. “It was…interesting…I guess.” he said climbing inside. “I heard that Princess Celestia visited? Did you get to meet her?” His mother asked eagerly as she climbed into the carriage after him. “Kinda...I didn't get to talk with her though...” he said as the carriage started to move. “What a shame, but I’m sure you’ll get to talk with her one day.” Autumn stayed silent throughout the whole trip. They stopped as one of the servants opened the door for his mother. She hopped out, and Autumn followed close behind her. As they approached the house his mother was greeted by a young mare with bright yellow eyes, who opened the front door for them. She bowed to Autumn's mother, who just walked past her as if she didn't exist. Autumn walked up to the maid as she raised her head. “Master Mist,' she asked. “How was your day?” “I-It was fine, thank you.” he replied in a monotone voice, trotting into his home as his mother headed into his father’s study room. “Master? Is everything alright?” The yellow eyed maid asked, following him into the house. “Y-Yes…everything is fine.” Autumn responded quietly as he walked up the stairs, his various thoughts swirling around in his skull. Autumn entered his room and closed the door behind him before crawling into his bed. He slipped under the covers and curled himself up into a ball. Tears slid down his face, and he began to cry quietly, ‘Why am I crying?' he thought to himself. 'I have no reason to be upset. I was just pathetic, as I always am. I ruined my chance to talk with the princesses…I made a fool out of myself in front of the entire school. Why did I have to be born? I hate my family. I hate this house. I hate my life.’ Autumn lay under the sheets for what seemed like an hour. His ears perked up when he heard a knock on his door, “Master Mist?” said the young mare's voice from outside his room, “Master Mist…Are you in there?” Autumn didn't answer as the maid knocked again, louder this time. Autumn covered his ears and tried to ignore the sound of the outside world. “Master Mist!” yelled the young mare again, her voice filled with concern. “Go away…” said Autumn quietly from under the sheets. He heard the door open and hoof steps approach his bed. He remained motionless, thinking that the maid wouldn't notice him if he stayed still. “Master Mist...” said the voice gently as the covers were gently pulled off Autumn's quivering form, his eyes still wet with tears. Autumn craned his neck and gazed up into the concerned pair of familiar yellow eyes that looked down on him. “Master Mist? I-Is something wrong?” she asked, trying to comfort trembling colt. “…N-No…I-I don’t think so…” Autumn said, turning away to wipe his tears. “Then why are you crying?” she asked him benignly. “I…I don’t know...Umm…w-what's your name?” he asked quietly, looking back up at her. The maid returned his look with soothing eyes. Her lips turned into a sad smile, “Master Mist…I am but a humble servant of the Pure Magic Blood family. My name is unnecessary.” “B-B-But I want to know you're name. I want to know who you are.” he said attempting to sound brave. The maid let out a sigh and nodded her head, “Very well…My name is Vigil Heart.” Autumn smiled, “T-T-That’s a pretty name.” “You're too kind, Master Mist. Now your mother and father wish to see you downstairs.” Vigil said, as she helped out of the bed and cleaned him up to go downstairs > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn slowly trotted down the stairs, with Vigil beside him, “D-Do you know why my father wants to see me?” Autumn asked, his voice quivering slightly. “No he didn't tell me why. Do you have any idea why he'd want too?” Vigil responded respectfully. “M-Maybe the school contacted him abo-“Autumn covered his mouth with his hoof to stop himself from speaking any more. “Autumn?” Vigil looked at Autumn, wondering what he was talking about. They arrived at the bottom of the stairs, where Autumn’s father was patiently waiting for them. “Hello Autumn, ” he greeted his son. “Please tell me, how was your first day at school?” “I-I-It...I-It was...” Autumn could barely finish his sentence. His tongue was refusing to cooperate, while his mind was busy playing out all of the possible reactions his father might give about his little ‘moment’ with the princesses. “Speak up Autumn.” his father commanded, giving his son an intimidating glare. Autumn was paralyzed with fear by, what he only describe as, some kind of intimidating aura surrounding his father. “His day went fine, Master Storm.” said Vigil, speaking up for Autumn whilst bowing her head to show her respect. “I wasn't asking you, servant!” His father spat. He took a few breaths to compose himself before turning back to Autumn. “Now...Autumn, tell me, how was your first day at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?” “I-I-It...was good...” he replied, trembling and trying avoiding eye contact. “Really now? Because the principle sent me a letter...” ‘Letter?!...ohhhh buck me’ Autumn thought to himself as his father walked up closer to him. Autumn felt his body instinctively back away. “Do you feel alright Autumn? Maybe a little...light headed?” his father asked. His voice was monotone and pierced though Autumn's mind like a spear. “N-No...I-I mean yes. I feel fine.” Autumn responded, his voice wavering slightly. His father glare didn't waver, and continued to fire daggers into the colt's timid eyes. When his face eventually relaxed, he turned to Vigil, “You! Servant!” he ordered in a raised voice. “From now on you shall be accompanying my son throughout his time at Celestia's School...and make sure that he doesn't have anymore... incidents.” Vigil nodded her head obediently. “Yes Master.” Autumn shook his head in disbelief. He stared at his father in shock. “F-Father?! Why?” “So that you no longer embarrass yourself and your family,” his father answered, a hint of venom in his voice. With that, he turned and walked back to his study before saying over his shoulder “You’ll come to thank me later.” You'll come to thank me later. That was his excuse for everything. And upon hearing his reasoning again, Autumn felt his anger flare. “You always say that!” The infuriated colt yelled before running back up to his room, not giving his father an opportunity to retaliate. Autumn slammed his door shut and leaned against it. After a few seconds, he heard a gentle knock at the door. “Master Mist?” Vigil’s soothing voice drifted softly through the door, calming Autumn as if it were a quiet lullaby. “Master Mist, please...I know this must be difficult for you but...I’m sure your father is doing what he thinks is right. So...do you think you could open the door for me?” Autumn stood up and opened the door for Vigil. He tried to avoid looking into her eyes, but failed as he was drawn in to their peaceful, yellow glow. Vigil gave a warm smile and embraced him. Autumn took a deep breath and tried to contain his emotions, but the warmth emanating from Vigil's fur was too much for him to bear. Tears ran down his face as he embraced her back, and quietly sobbed into her chest. “It’s okay Master...” “Autumn.” “I beg your pardon, Master.” “D-Don't call me that. I hate it whenever somepony calls me 'Master'. S-So please, j-just call me Autumn.” Vigil blinked several times as she comprehended what her master was ordering her to do. Eventually, she smiled in acceptance at the colt. “Very well, Autumn.” -- Autumn tossed and turned in his bed, his stomach still growling at him for skipping dinner. He opened his eyes and glanced at his bedside clock for the hundredth time. He'd lost count of the amount of times he had looked at his clock ever since he went past 20. Both of the clock's hands were pointing at twelve. He sighed and rolled himself over so he was facing the opposite direction. Autumn forced his eyes shut and tried to fall asleep again, only to find that he was still as wide awake as he was an hour ago. And the hour before that. And the hour before that when he wasn't even in bed. Slowly but surely, another hour ticked past, and Autumn's eye lids started to finally grow heavy. Just as he felt himself starting to drift off, he heard a tapping sound, coming from the window. Autumn groaned in annoyance. Was the whole world trying to keep him awake tonight? Growling slightly in frustration, Autumn picked up one of his pillows, and shoved it into his face, trying to ignore the tapping at the window. ‘I shouldn't get aggravated at this.’ he thought to himself. ‘It's probably just a bird trying to get a late night snack or something.’ But the tapping continued, and Autumn started to feel himself slowly losing his sanity. After another five minutes, he reached the end of his tether. Autumn's horn glowed, and the sheets flew off his body. He jumped off the bed and made his way to the window, trying not to stomp as he did so. His magic parted the curtains and opened the lock. The window flew open, and Autumn finally came face-to-face with the cause of his annoyance. He didn't expect that face to have a beak though. Autumn backed away in surprise, and the griffin on the other side of the window mirrored his action. “H-Hey.” the griffin whispered fiercely, “Don't scare me like that. You're supposed to be asleep.” Autumn didn't respond. He could only stare in surprise at the feathery being in front of him; he had read about griffins but had never seen one in person. From what he'd read though, he knew griffins could grow to be bigger than full grown ponies. But the one in front of him was about his size. So it was probably about his age as well. “W-Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Autumn asked, putting on a brave voice. The griffin just smiled sneakily, “That's for me to know, and you to find out.” The griffin then glanced down at an imaginary watch on his talon, before looking up at Autumn again. “Well look at the time. I'd best be off. Bye.” he said hastily. His wings flapped and he started to fly away, but a white aura grabbed him, and dragged him back down to the window. Autumn pulled the griffin down to eye level with him, and glared. “I'll ask again,” he said, putting some assertiveness into his voice. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?” “Alright. Alright. I'll tell.” The griffin said. “I'm William. William the Third. Will for short. You happy?” The two of them stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before Will spoke again. “So why are you in such a foul mood?” “I was trying to get to sleep. And your tapping wasn't helping.” “Heh. Yeah. Sorry about that.” “I wasn't expecting to meet a griffin though. I thought you were a bird.” “Well, you were half right. So what's your name?” “I’m Autumn Mist, of the Pure Magic Blood family” Autumn said, making his voice sound official. “Autumn Mist? Really? You ponies make no sense. Why can’t you just have normal names?” Will asked rolling his eyes. “Ummmm...I-I don’t know” Autumn admitted. “Wait? Pure Magic Blood? This place belongs to the Pure Magic Blood?” Will asked in shook. “Errr...Yes. Is that bad?” “Bad? Well...look at it from my perspective, I was trying to get into one of the most powerful families in the pony empire.” “You...made your point but...what where you trying to do?” “Ummmm...Clean your windows?” Will said putting on an awkward smile. “But didn’t you say you were trying to get in?” “N-N-No...No I didn’t say that, what are you talking about? I didn’t say anything about robbing you...” Will quickly grabbed his beak to prevent himself from saying anymore. Autumn gave a harsh look at him, “So you were going to rob us?” “No......” Will was starting to sweat as Autumn continued to question him. “Then what were you going to do once you got in?” Nothhhing...I-In fact...M-My name isn’t even Will.” He said, stressfully chuckling. Autumn growled in annoyance. He was in a bad mood now, something that rarely ever happened. All he wanted to do was go to sleep. Not play mind games with some griffon burglar. Will's chuckling was cut off as Autumn violently tugged him towards the window, until he was halfway in. “I've had enough,” announced Autumn, trying not to yell. “Start telling me the truth. Now.” Will put one of his talons on Autumn's nose, infuriating the colt even more. “Well since you asked so nicely,” he said slyly, tracing his talon up Autumn's face to his forehead. “I'll tell you.” Autumn leaned forward slightly. “Go on.” “On second thoughts,” announced Will suddenly. “I'll tell you next time.” With that, Will quickly raised his talon from Autumn's forehead and flicked his horn. Autumn stumbled as he felt his skull vibrate from Will's flick, causing the white aura imprisoning Will to vanish. “Well it was a fun chat.” said Will. “But as I said before, I really have to be going. See you round.” Before Autumn could do anything, Will gave his wings a strong flap, and vanished into the night. Autumn put his fore hooves on the window sill and stretched his head out as far as he could, trying to catch a final glimpse of the feathery nuisance. His eyes scanned the sky, but he only saw the towering buildings of Canterlot, dimly illuminated by Princess Luna's moon. Sighing, he closed the window and hopped back onto his bed. His discarded doona gently floated off the floor and covered his body. “I'd probably shouldn't tell Father about this.” Autumn thought to himself. “If he found out, he'd start hunting down every single griffon in Equestria.” The colt looked over at his bedside clock again. 1:30. He sighed and stared at the ceiling, preparing himself for a long night. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn awoke to the sound of Vigil’s voice, “Wake up Master Mist…Wake up!” Vigil said as she shook the sleeping colt. Autumn rose from his bed, tired from a bad nights sleep. “W-What time is it?” Autumn groaned as he got out of his bed. “You’ve slept in Mast-…Autumn.” Vigil said, correcting herself. She took Autumn's hoof and half lead, half dragged him to the bathroom. Autumn was stumbling after her, trying to keep up with Vigil, but failing. Despite his mind wanting him to wake up, his body refused to cooperate, and instead responded with a sloppy movement that beared some resemblance to a colt's first steps. Vigil dragged him into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. She then picked up Autumn as if he were a newborn, and placed in a bathtub. Autumn was dimly aware of what was going on. He was too tired. All he saw was Vigil filling up a bucket with water before his mind went blank, and he fell asleep again. Vigil finished filling up the bucket and turned back to the now sleeping colt. She tried to feel irritated at his lack of effort to wake up, but she just couldn't. He just looked so cute, curled up in a small ball, snoozing the day away. Part of Vigil wanted to just leave him like that, but she couldn't. She had to get him to school, and no amount of adorableness was going to stop her. She picked up the now filled up bucket and positioned it above Autumn. Taking a minute to prepare herself not to smirk, Vigil turned the bucket upside down, turning the once peaceful colt into a sputtering wet mass. Before Autumn even had a chance to regain his bearings, Vigil sprang into action and started scrubbing his coat and mane with a sponge. Autumn's mind was fuzzy. He could dimly remember watching Vigil filling up a bucket and now he was soaking and being attacked by something soft and spongy. The assault on Autumn senses jerked him awake, and soon started grumbling at Vigil's attempts to clean him. "Stop it. That tickles." "Don't pull my mane." "Ow. Be careful around the horn." "Sorry." responded Vigil, as she dropped the sponge and started drying his dripping body with a towel. "But I'm afraid you've slept in. We don't have a lot of time before we have to leave." When Vigil was eventually satisfied that the grumpy colt was dry, she dropped her towel onto the tiles and attached Autumn's saddle bags to his back, which see had prepared an hour prior. The rest of the morning went by quickly. Autumn vaguely took any notice as he ate his breakfast. Whenever somepony said something to him, he nodded blindly in response, hardly noticing what was said to him in the first place. Autumn could think of nothing more than the previous night. That griffon. What was his name? Will or something. "Autumn?" Or was it Bill? "Autumn?" No. It was definitely Will. "Autumn?!" "Huh?" Autumn turned to Vigil, who was staring at him with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright Autumn?" she asked, her voice showing as much concern as her face. "You look distracted.” "I-I'm fine, thank you." Vigil raised her eyebrows in scepticism. "Oh really? Well I'm not going to pry. If you say it's nothing, than I will also assume that it is nothing." An awkward silence fell upon the two ponies. Vigil rung a small bell on the carriage wall, signalling to the stallions saddled to carriage to start moving. After a few minutes of silence, Vigil looked across at Autumn and noticed him rubbing his eyes. He looked sleepy. “Did you sleep well Autumn?” Vigil asked. “N-No, not really… I was actually woken up by…” Autumn stopped for a brief moment and looked around the carriage tentatively, despite the face that only he and Vigil were present. “…I was woken up by a griffon.” Vigil raised her eyebrows in surprise. “A griffon?” she asked. “Are you sure?” Griffons aren't that common in Equestria. For one to be in Canterlot would be incredibly rare. And worrisome. “Why would a griffon wake you up?” Vigil continued. “I-I think he was trying to steal something.” “Not that surprising. Your family is one of the wealthiest families in Canterlot. Have you told your Mother and Father about this?” “No.” “Why not?” “W-Well…H-He didn’t take anything…s-so…I just thought…” Autumn stumbled over his words, his failed attempt at an explanation making Vigil smile. “It’s alright Autumn. My lips are sealed.” Autumn blushed slightly through his fur. “T-Thanks Vigil…” A few more minutes of silence hung in the air of the carriage before it slow. “Ah. We've arrived.” said Vigil cheerfully as the carriage came to a stop outside the school. Vigil got out of the carriage and opened the door for Autumn. But the colt didn't move. He only stared at the school as if it were the pits of Tartarus. “Autumn? Are you feeling alright?” Vigil asked, snapping Autumn out of his trance. “Y-Yeah….J-Just a little nervous…” Autumn said as he hopped out of the carriage and started walking towards the front gates. The walk from the carriage to the front door seemed to take an eternity. Autumn wanted to run in any direction except the direction he was going in. Entering school on the first day was tough. But entering with a servant? He'd rather die. Unfortunately, despite Autumn's wishes, he could not stop the inevitable from happening, and the two of them passed through the front door. The eyes of chatting fillies and colt's turned towards Autumn and Vigil as they walked into the hallway. Autumn could feel the eyes of the other fillies and colts staring at him. He could hear them whispering. Autumn began to walk a little faster. Eventually, the familiar door of Autumn's classroom came into view. Autumn hastily trotted up to the door, and almost dived through it, with Vigil quickly following him inside. “Is this your classroom?” she asked, looking around the room. “Yeah, this is it.” replied Autumn, glad to be out of the stares of the other fillies and colts. “I think we're finally alone.” “Hi Autumn.” said a voice. Autumn froze as he turned towards the voice's owner. “What are you doing here so early?” asked Nocter. Autumn breathed a sigh a relief. “I...I'm...I'm just...” “Forget I asked.” said Nocter, noticing Autumn's bumbling attempts at an explanation. His gaze shifted from his friend and onto Vigil, who was standing slightly behind Autumn. He smiled. “And who is this lovely mare?” Vigil chuckled at the colt’s complement. “My name is Vigil. I'm here under strict orders from Autumn’s father. I am to help Autumn if he ever requires any assistance.” “Oh... so you’re a servant?” Nocter asked. Autumn cut in before Vigil could answer. “She's not a servant. She's an.....assistance provider.” “So in other words, she's a servant?” “Well...not exactly...she's...” “Yes. I am a servant to the Pure Magic Blood family.” Vigil answered. “It’s not exactly like that!” said Autumn. Nocter rolled his eyes at his friend's vague attempt at excuses. “Sure thing Autumn, whatever you say. Lucky colt.” “Doesn't your family have any servants?” Vigil asked out of curiosity. Nocter laughed at the question. “Ha! I wish! No, my families nothing special. We're what you'd call, bottom ranked nobility.” “Then….h-how did you get into this school?” Autumn couldn't help but ask, remembering the cruelty of the judges at his entrance exam. “Beats me? You’re looking at the only middle class colt to come here.” Nocter smirked. By this point, various other ponies had entered the classroom and were seated at their allocated desks. The bell signalling the beginning of class rang through the school, and their teacher walked through the door and took his place behind his desk. Autumn and Nocter hastily made their way to their desks, taking their subject books out of their saddlebags. The teacher began calling roll. “Blitz.” “Present.” “Candy Corn.” “Present.” “Elegance.” After the teacher finished reading the roll, he looked up and stared straight at Vigil. “Can I help you?” he asked in a tired voice. “Oh. No thank you.” “Then do you mind telling me exactly what you're doing in my class?” he asked causing a few fillies and colts to giggle. “I am here under the orders of Summer Storm, from the Pure Magic Blood family, to assist his son, Autumn, in any ways I can while he is attending school.” “She's here to help him at magic school, and yet she's an earth pony.” muttered the teacher under his breath. “Pardon?” “Huh?” “Did you say something?” “No...it's just that, well...just don't distract any of my students. Ok?” “Got it.” Vigil didn’t help Autumn in class. He never needed any help to begin with. Autumn worked quietly and efficiently next to Nocter. When the time came to perform spell casting, Autumn was relieved to here that they were practicing a simple levitation spell and nothing overly complex. Surprisingly, a lot of Autumn's classmates were having trouble with the spell, Nocter included. He was trying to lift his book gently, but always ended up using too much force, making the book smack into the ceiling and fall onto his desk. Meanwhile, Autumn's book was floating gently through the air like a cloud. Eventually, the bell for recess rang, and the class began to pack up their books and file out the door. As Nocter and Autumn made their way outside into the schools courtyard, Nocter turned his attention back to Vigil. “So what’s it like being a servant?” he asked. “Nocter…” Autumn growled, worried that his friend was becoming insensitive. “I’m just being nice Autumn, jeez.” Nocter stated. “It’s quite nice actually.” answered Vigil, ignoring Autumn's worries. “And since you work for the P.M.B house, I assume you hear all sorts of gossip.” Nocter continued with a slight chuckle. “Oh I hear things now and then...” Vigil smirked. “Nocter, I think you’ve asked enough…” Autumn glared Nocter. “Okay, okay. I get the picture. Hey, why don’t we have another game of Magic tennis?” “I’d rather not…” said Autumn, remembering his last game against Nocter, the undefeated champion. “Suit yourself. I’ll see you back in class!” Nocter said running off to the court. Autumn let out a small sigh, “I’m sorry about him Vigil…I hope he didn’t make you uncomfortable…” Vigil giggled. “Oh Autumn, its fine. I’m not embarrassed by a few questions. He seems like a nice friend.” “Yeah…a friend…” Autumn repeated. The word echoed around in his head. “Now Autumn, what would you like to do for the rest of recess?” “M-Maybe get ready for the next class…” “But Autumn…Recess is still going.” “I’d like to be early…” Autumn said quietly as he began to walk back to class. Vigil gave a concerned looked and followed beside him, “Autumn…are you feeling alright your acting a bit…jumpy?” Autumn blushed as he heard some fillies’ giggling at what he assumed was him. He started to walk at a faster pace. “Autumn? Are you listening to me?” Vigil asked. Autumn pretended not to hear her as he moved faster as he kept his eye fixed to the floor. He suddenly bummed into another filly. “S-Sorry…I-I was in a bit of a ru-“Autumn was cut off by the pony he ran into. “Look where you're going, idiot!” yelled Maple as she picked herself up off the floor. “Of course.” thought Autumn. “Of all ponies I could have run into, I had to run into Maple.” Maple’s enraged eyes found their way to Vigil, “And who is this earth pony with you?” she asked, pointing her hoof at Vigil. “H-Her name’s Vigil…My father assigned her to me so that I-I wouldn't get into trouble.” Autumn shyly explained. “Frankly, I don’t blame your father. After what you did yesterday I’m surprised he’d actually let you come back to school at all.” Maple replied. “It’s nice to see you too Maple…” Autumn mumbled under his breath. Maple gave Vigil another glare and practically stomped off, “Now if you excuse me. I have no time for peasants like you.” Vigil stared at Maple as she walked away until she turned a corner and vanished from sight. She turned back to Autumn. “She likes you.” Autumn raised his eyebrows. “I'm not even going to ask how you came to that conclusion.” “Trust me, she does.” “If she likes me, I'll convince my father to give you a day off. Deal?” “Deal.” > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final bell rang and Autumn started to pack up his books and pens into his saddle bag, “Let me do that for you Autumn.” Vigil said, taking his bag from him. Autumn absently nodded to her, his attention being drawn to Nocter at the desk next to him. The colt had all of his attention being drawn into his work book. Autumn had never seen Nocter focusing on school work with this level of concentration. Sneaking up behind him, Autumn peeked over his friend's shoulder. “What are you looking at?” he asked curiously. Almost as soon as Autumn spoke, Nocter jerked upwards and slammed the book shut. He turned to Autumn, his cheeks glowing bright red. “N-Nothing! Nothing at all!” Nocter shouted frantically, his eyes darting around, trying avoid all eye contact. Autumn backed away, looking at his friend with a puzzled expression, “O…kay then. If you say so. You just looked a little distracted is all.” “I was just…working on something.” Nocter explained as he hastily started to pack away his things. “…Alright then. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Autumn replied. Autumn slowly left his class and walked down the hal, with Vigil following closely beside him, “Was everything alright with Nocter?” she asked. “I-it was nothing…he was just…focused of something, I guess.” he replied. The two of them walked the rest of hallway in silence, eventually exiting the school. As if on cue, the family carriage pulled up to greet them as they made it to the road. The ride home was uneventful. Vigil was attempting to make conversation with Autumn about something, but he could hardly hear her. Autumn's mind was wondering, continuously looping around a particular mare. ‘Does Maple like me.’ he thought to himself. ‘Vigil thinks so. But Maple doesn't like anypony. So Vigil can't be right. But then she's also a mare, so she could possibly be right.’ Autumn groaned in frustration and looked out the window. “Is everything all right Autumn?” “Everything's fine Vigil. Everything is just fine.” -- The trip home didn't end fast enough. As soon as they made it through the front doors, Autumn took off to his room, eager to start his studies. Anything to stop him from thinking about Maple. Vigil smiled at Autumn's enthusiasm as she followed him to his room. Placing his saddlebags on the floor next to his door, she turned and made her way the study, or as some servants call it, 'The Master's Domain'. Approaching the door, she felt herself shiver with fear as she raised her hoof to knock. Before she could touch the door, a low voice spoke from beyond it. “Come in.” Vigil entered, taking care to close the door quietly behind her. The room was dark, and was only illuminated by a small lamp on the far corner of a desk that was messy with papers. The dim light faintly revealed the outline of a pony sitting at the desk, clearly deep in his work. “Master Storm?” Vigil said timidly. “Yes?” he replied, not shifting from his position. “Master Mist had his day at school and is now revising his work in his room.” “He's up to date on his all of his studies?” “Yes.” “Good. Is there anything else I should know?” “He has made some friends.” Upon hearing this, Storm moved. He sat up straight and turned in his chair to face Vigil. “Friends?” “Yes sir. He has two. Nocter Fission and Maple Gem.” “Nocter Fission? I've never heard of his family. Are they of a lower class?” “Yes sir.” “That won't do at all. I'll talk to him about Nocter later. Who was the other pony?” “Maple Gem sir.” “Maple Gem...” Storm pondered on the name for a minute before continuing. “Thank you Vigil. You may go now.” He went back to doing his work as Vigil quietly turned and left the study. -- Autumn was lounging on his bed, reading one of what seemed like endless books his teacher had assigned him as homework. A quiet knock came from his door, causing him to look up. “Who is it?” Autumn asked. “It’s me, Autumn.” replied the quite voice of his mother. Autumn lazily grabbed the door handle with his magic and pulled the door open, revealing his mother. She was wearing a long, silver dress, and her mane was decorated with rainbow coloured hair pins. ‘Why does she look like she's going out?’ thought Autumn to himself. “Oh goodness! Why aren’t you ready?” His mother exclaimed. Autumn gave her an odd look, “R-Ready for what?” he asked, not really understanding what she was going on about. “Oh dear. Your servant must of forgotten to tell you. Our family has been invited to a social gathering at the Crystal Tree estate.” His mother explained as she levitated Autumn off his bed and into the bathroom as if he were a young colt. This was new to Autumn, while he assumed that at his birth, he was shown to plenty of high class ponies. But he’d never been out of the house for any reason that wasn’t school. “What's the Crystal Tree Estate?” he asked. His mother set him down on the bathroom and pulled out a hairbrush before answering. “The Crystal Tree Estate is the home to a wealthy family of unicorns, much like our own. They've issued an invitation to a social gathering there tonight.” “Do I have to go?” Autumn's mother paused her attack on his mane. “Of course you have to go. Refusing to show up at a social gathering you've been invited to is the height of rudeness. Besides, this will be your first social gathering. You best understand how they work, because you'll be attending a lot more of them in the future.” She gave his mane a particularly harsh tug, causing Autumn to wince in pain. “B-B-But I won’t know anyone there.” “You won't know them, but they'll know you. You'll be introduced to a lot of high class ponies. It'll be fine.” Autumn wanted to continue arguing, but figured it would be pointless. “Okay then.” he said, giving in. “It'll be fine.” his mother repeated. “You'll be great. You just have look presentable.” Fifteen minutes passed, and Autumn’s hair looked no different from when his mother starting combing it. Letting out an annoyed huff, she stopped her vain efforts to straighten his mane and moved on to dressing him. His mother tried to lift him up again, but Autumn's horn glowed, and he cancelled out her levitation spell with a burst of magic. “I can walk, you know.” he said in a rough tone as he made his way to the dressing room. His mother ignored his comment and followed him in. “Now stay still.” She said as she pulled out a white coat and blue vest. Autumn sighed and complied with her request. His mother then proceeded to dress him up like a store manikin. Autumn failed to see the point of wearing clothes, seeing how most ponies walk around naked anyway, but he stood there patiently and waited for his mother to finish. After a few minutes of aggravating boredom and fidgeting, she finally finished. “There we go. All done. What do you think?” His mother said pulling out a mirror and placing in front of her son. Autumn looked into the mirror, and gazed at the gaping pony staring back at him. A white coat covered his once brown fur. A deep blue vest was resting on top of the coat, with a matching tie. The tie was rather tight though, and he started pulling at it. His mother batted his hoof away. “It’s too tight.” he complained. “Stop fidgeting. It’s fine. Now come on, we’ve wasted enough time already.” She started pushing him out of the dressing room. The two of them made a mad dash to the front door, seeing that a carriage was already waiting for them outside. Autumn’s father was standing next to the carriage, looking impatient. He wore a black tuxedo, and his mane was combed over in a stylized fashion. upon seeing the rest of his family, he levitated a pocket watch out of his breast pocket to check the time. “You're late.” he scolded as the three of them climbed into the carriage. As soon as they sat down the carriage started moving. “Sorry. I experienced some trouble while preparing Autumn.” “You got him dressed? You should have left it to a servant. It's what we pay them for.” “It's Autumn's first night out. I didn't want to not be apart of that.” Her husband shook his head, discontinuing the conversation. Instead, he shifted his attention to Autumn, who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Autumn, I cannot stress enough how important it is that tonight goes smoothly. Can you promise me that nothing will happen?” “Y-Yes father… I promise ” Autumn replied timidly, keeping his head down. -- They came to stop outside the estate. From his window, Autumn could see the silhouettes of high class ponies talking while sipping expensive cider through the windows of the manor. The front lawn was a sight to behold. It was filled with flowers, and was sporting marble statues of three of the four princesses. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence's marble counterparts gazed across the front lawn, seemingly adding a more chilly atmosphere to the already cold temperature of the evening. “Autumn.” his mother's voice snapped him out of his stupor. Autumn looked up to see that his mother and father had already exited the carriage, and were waiting on him. He quickly clambered out of the carriage and joined his family. The three of them approached the front door and Autumn’s father pressed the doorbell. Autumn could hear classical music being played from the othersider of the door. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal a unicorn stallion with a short orange mane, and a sky blue coat. He was about the same age as Autumn's father. “Summer!” the stallion suddenly said, greeting Autumn's father with a friendly hoof shake. “I’m glad you could make it. And you’re lovely wife.” He shifted his attention to Autumn's mother, taking her hoof in his own and giving it a light kiss. After greeting finally turned to Autumn “And you must be Autumn. I’ve heard quite a lot of things about you.” “Y-You have?” Autumn responded, his cheeks flushing slightly. “It’s good to see you again too, Amber Quartz.” Autumn’s father cut in. “Please come in, all of you. I fear that I'd make a bad host if I left you three out in the cold any longer.” Amber opened the door wider so that they could enter. They party seemed to be in full swing by the time Autumn and his parents arrived. Amber wasted no time in engaging Autumn's father in a conversation while leading him to a small group of what Autumn assumed were business ponies. Autumn was turned around by his mother, “Now dear, I afraid that I’m going to have to leave you now. I have some things that I need to discuss with some other ponies.” “B-But mother…s-shouldn't you stay with me?” “Now now dear, just remember your manners and everything will be fine. Maybe you’ll even find some other foals here.” She said in a bright tone while straitening his tie. Content that his son looked good, she gave him a peck on the cheek before trotting off. Autumn watched his mother leave, until she was eventually swallowed by a crowd of ponies. Sighing, he turned around to look at the ponies around. There was no one he recognized, and there was definitely no foals. “It’s okay.” he reassured himself. “No pony knows who I am. All I have to do is keep my head down and stay out of sig-” “Autumn?!” His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of somepony who he’d hoped he wouldn't run into. “M-M-Maple?” he asked, dreading to turn around. The filly of his nightmares trotted into view. “Oh great, it really is you.” her mane was let down and straightened instead of usually being tied up at the back. She was wearing a sparkling sky blue dress that even Autumn admitted looked nice on her. “What do you mean, 'it really is me’?” Autumn asked. “I was secretly praying that my father wouldn’t invite your family, but I suppose some things are just impossible to prevent from happening.” “It’s good to see you don’t change out of school…” “And what is that supposed to mean?” “You don’t act differently at home.” “I do…but since you’re here, I figured I could quit the masquerade.” “Masquerade?” Before Maple could answer, a mare walked up to them, interrupting their conversation. Her mane was bright yellow with a lime green coat. She was wearing a silver dress, had her mane laced with assorted gems. She gave Autumn a smile before turning to Maple. “Who’s this handsome colt?” she asked. “Oh, hello mother. This is Autumn Mist of the Pure Magic Blood family.” Autumn noticed that Maple’s tone of voice changed. It was a lot less bitter than it had previously been. “Really? Well Autumn, I would just like you to know that you are always welcome in this house.” Maple’s mother said, giving Autumn another sweet smile. “T-Thank you.” Autumn responded bowing his head. Maple gave him a slight nudge to look up. He raised his head to the blank space where Maple's mother used to be. “W-Where did sh-?“ “Mother does that sometimes.” Maple groaned. She turned and started walking towards the entrance to the back garden. “W-Wait up.” Autumn said, running to catch up to her. “What do you want now?” “Well...it's just that...I don't know any other ponies here...so...?” “You can't talk with your parents?” “I don't know where they are.” Maple rolled her eyes and nodded, “Fine, you can come with me.” -- Meanwhile in the dining room, Amber Quartz and Autumn's father were discussing matters. “So how is your research going?” Amber asked. “Smoothly. I’m surprised how easy it is.” “Easier than beating me in chess?” Summer laughed “Not that easy. Why did you keep on challenging me to chess anyway? You didn't have a single strategic bone in your body.” “The thrill of the game.” “I suppose that's a valid reason.” “So I take it that you're still unwilling to tell me exactly what it is you're researching?” Amber questioned, rerouting the conversation back to its previous topic. “Forgive me Amber, but while we may be friends, some secrets may never be shared. And if you will excuse me for changing the subject, but I hear that your daughter is in the top rankings of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.” “Oh yes. She’s really made a name for herself.” “And yet you don't seem so supportive of her endeavours.” Amber sighed. “Summer, you must understand. I’ve had three son’s before Maple, and they all exceeded my expectations. They all became very successful, and sometimes they still my help now then.” “And because of them, you have no time for Maple?” “Well, yes. But that doesn’t mean I don’t value her. I just...” “It's okay Amber. I understand.” “Thank you.” “Yes. Sometimes we just don't have the time to polish all of our gems.” “So true.” “Moving on, from what I hear, your daughter has made friends with Autumn.” Summer said trying to keep the conversation moving. “From what I've heard from her, she doesn't see it that way.” “Is that so?” “But I believe you. My daughter is known for her sarcasm.” “Do you have any plans for her after she graduates from school.” Amber smiled curiously. “No. But I'm guessing that you do.” “I'm thinking...about a possible joining of our houses.” A smile appeared across Ambers face. “That is quite an idea, my friend. We were like brothers in our youth, why not be brothers in our later years?” “I agree.” “Unfortunately, I believe that your plan is a bit too ambitious at best.” “Ambitious how?” “Maple would never agree to marry Autumn. She's very conscious of herself, and of what she wants to do in her future.” Summer laughed. “Amber, my friend. This is why you could never beat me in chess. You give up to easily. When an opportunity like this shows itself, you don't pass by it if it involves getting your hooves a little muddy.” “So what are you suggesting?” “Maple and Autumn are already friends, the next step after that won't be far off. All we have to do is give them a little nudge. The rest will be like clockwork.” “You were always too smart for your own good. I swear, if I don't have a strategic bone in my body, then you're skeleton must be comprised of them.” The two stallion laughed heartily and chinked their glasses. -- Autumn stuck beside Maple throughout the evening. He was stunned by her behaviour. The Maple beside him was a complete opposite to the Maple that he knew at school. She was polite, quiet and even compassionate. They entered the dining room just as the music just as began. Maple looked around and spot Amber Quartz talking to Autumn's father near a small table in the corner. Amber looked up and saw his daughter staring at him. “Maple!” he called out, waving his hoof attract her attention. “I-I should go…” Autumn stutter, spotting his father with Amber. He turned to leave, but Maple grabbed his hoof. “On no you don’t.” Maple looped their hooves together and began to walk towards her father. Autumn, with no way out of the uncomfortable situation, followed her. Upon seeing the filly and colt with looped hooves, Summer whispered something in Amber's ear, which he nodded in agreement to. “Maple. Please.” Autumn begged. “You said wanted to spend the evening with me. If you think I'm going to let you go back on that now, you picked the wrong pony to hang out with.” The two of them kept walking until they made it to the table. “How are you kids going?” Amber asked cheerfully when they arrived. “Oh, we're doing just fine father.” Maple replied in a sugar-coated voice. “Autumn was just showing me a lovely evening.” The two stallions looked at each other briefly, a hint of smile on their faces. At that moment, the current song playing end, and new one replaced. Summer listened to the tune, recognizing it well. “The Harmonic Requiem.” he recited. “A song perfect for dancing to. Autumn, would you like to take this dance with Maple?” Autumn's face flushed. “I don't think...” “I’d love to dance.” Maple interrupted, smiling sweetly. Autumn was convinced that she wasn't trying to make his life uncomfortable before, she was throwing every at him now. Autumn took a step back, “Y-yes b-but ummm….I-I need to use the restroom.” “Come now.” protested Maple. “This song doesn't go for long.” She started to lead Autumn to the dance floor. “But I actually have to go.” he pleaded. “You can either hold it in, or I can suspend your bladder, which will be very painful I warn you.” The two of them reached the centre of the dance floor. Looking each other in the eye, they began to dance, or as Autumn would have put it, shuffled awkwardly around in circles. The song went for an agonisingly slow amount of time. Or Autumn could have just been interpreting it that way as he actually had to go the bathroom. His accidently bumped into Maple while 'dancing', earning him a scowl. “Where did you learn to dance.” she hissed at him ‘There's the Maple I know.’ Autumn thought to himself. “I never really learned how to dance.” Maple was taken aback. "Then how are you...?” “I'm mirroring you.” Maple's eyes widened in surprise. “You're doing a pretty good job.” she complemented him. “Thanks.” Suddenly the song ended, and the two ponies broke apart. Autumn rushed off as fast as he could before returning to Maple. “So....ummm....where is the...” “Up the stairs, third door on right.” “T-Thank you.” -- Autumn filled the sink up with water and splashed it on his face. Sighing, he looked up into the mirror. He could see thin lines forming under his eyes. “I need to get more sleep…” A loud noise suddenly rang through the hallway and into the bathroom. The sound was that of a metallic object being dropped on a wooden floor. Autumn jerked his head towards the door. Slowly exiting the bathroom, he Autumn began to walk slowly down the hallway, trying to locate where the sound came from. Autumn noticed a door that was slightly ajar. He silently made his way to it and put his ear to the door. He heard the sound again, which was followed by what Autumn could only assume was a curse word. Strange. Autumn could of sworn that he'd heard that voice somewhere before. Bracing himself against the door, Autumn lit up his horn. He then threw the door open and fired a beam of light into pony's face. Except it wasn't a pony. Shielding himself from the light with an arm, the culprit lunged at Autumn, tackling him out the door into the hallway. Autumn landed roughly on his back, with the culprit landing on top of him. The culprit raised a talon and was about to strike the colt underneath him when he suddenly recognised who it was. “Oh hi Autumn.” said Will. “Fancy meeting you here.” > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn’s eyes widened at the sight of the familiar griffon over him, “You!” “Yes...?” Will responded with a guilty smile. His smile instantly faded when Autumn lifted him up with his magic. Dragging him back into the room he was just stealing from, Autumn roughly shoved him into a wall. “What are you doing here?!” “Nothing...” Will replied. Autumn's horn began to glow brighter, giving him a more menacing look. “Ok, ok. I was just doing my job.” Noticing the sack that the griffon had dropped, Autumn picked it up and examined it. “Do I even have to guess what's in this?” “Nothing these ponies won't miss. You know, just the odd trinket, a few bits, and maybe some pieces of jewelry.” Raising his eyebrows, Autumn tipped the bag upside down, causing it relinquish its contents onto the floor. A small river of bits and gems poured out of the bag, forming a large pile in front Autumn. Bit’s and gems poured out of the bag like a small rushing river, Autumn was amazed how much he collected without raising anyponies attention. Autumn was shocked at how much the griffon was able to fit into the small bag. “And what is all this?” He asked. “I swear, I only took the non-essentials. Nothing they don't need.” Autumn thought for a moment before asking a new question. “How many noble families have you stolen from?” Will began counting. “One...two...three...four...I can't remember.” He suddenly yelped in pain as Autumn started pressing him more roughly into the wall. “Try harder!” he encouraged, his patience quickly running thin. “No seriously. I've lost count. If you wanted me to tell you how many families I've stolen from, it would take all night.” Upon hearing this, Autumn stopped pressing him into the wall. “That many, huh?” “Yep.” said Will proudly “And you've never been caught?” “What can I say. I'm the best at what I do.” “And yet you've managed to get caught by me. Twice.” “It won't happen again. I promise.” “Too right it won't happen again, because this time I'm turning you in.” Autumn started walking towards the door, dragging the now panicking griffon behind him. “W-Wait!” cried Will desperately, grasping onto the door frame as they passed through it. “Let go.” said Autumn, clearly annoyed with the griffons resistance. “No, wait. I can do something for you! I can help you out! J-Just please don’t let them take me!” Autumn turned back to the frantic Griffon, “Do you really think I’m just going to let you go after what you've done?” “B-But Autumn, you don’t know what they’ll do to me! They’ll clip my wings, cut my beak and trim my nails! I’ll be laughed at and paraded about like a trophy of failure!” “Well maybe that's what you deserve.” “Not exactly what I'd...” “Keep quiet!” Autumn's magic suddenly grabbed Will's beak, forcefully closing it. “Hmmm? HMHMMM?!…HMMMMMMMHMMMHMMMHH!” Will screamed through his sealed beak while he desperately tried to pry it open with his claws. “I said, be quiet!” Autumn hissed through his teeth. Will stopped trying to open his beak and nodded in reassurance. The glow around his beak vanished as Autumn released it. “I should have taken you in to my father the first time I met you.” Autumn said, his voice filled with frustration. “Ahhh yes, but you didn't, and for that I am very thankful.” “And you express your thanks by robbing some other wealthy pony?” Will looked are Autumn as is he was stupid. “Of course! If you release a thief what do you expect him to do? Go home and make cupcakes? I have a reputation to keep up.” “Well I'm sorry that I have to end that for you.” “Wait wait wait. Didn't you hear me earlier? I said I could help you out.” “And how could you do that? Unless you could teach me how to dance?” “I'm no dance teacher, but I could do anything else. I could steal something for you, set a house on fire, send a love letter...” Autumn narrowed his eyes. “...or do something more probable. The possibilities are endless.” Autumn thought about it. He could always use an ally. Or at least someone he could rely on. “How can I be sure that you'll keep your word?” Will let out a silent sigh of relief, he'd finally won the unicorn over. “Do I honestly look like the kind of griffon that would go back on their word?...Don't answer that actually.” Autumn stayed silent, encouraging the griffon to continue. “Okay, so I'm probably not the most trust worthy of allies to have, at least by my occupation. But I swear on the Griffon Kingdom that I will provide my assistance to you whenever I can.” Will placed on his talons over his heart, not that it added anything to his promise as far as Autumn was concerned. “We’re not even in the Griffon Kingdom.” “That is true...but you still have my word!” “Which coming from a thief, means nothing to me. Do you have anything else you can put forward to make yourself trustworthy?” “Not really...oh wait. I have one more thing.” Reaching behind his back, Will pulled out two small golden amulets with a red gem in the middle of each of them. He gave one to Autumn. “Where were you hiding this?” “That's not important. Now listen, these two amulets act like respondents to each other. You push the gem on one of them...” Will pushed the gem on his amulet, and Autumn's gem started flashing. “...and the other flashes. It works both ways, so if you ever need me, you know what to do. So what do you say? Am I trustworthy yet?” Autumn thought it over for a moment. “I...I don't know if I should...” “Come on. I mean, friendship is magic after all.” “Where did you hear that?” “When you're in my line of work, you hear a lot of crazy things. So do we have a deal?” Will offered out his talon. “I'm probably going to regret this later.” Autumn thought to himself as he took Will's talon with his hoof and gave it a light shake. as he shook Will's talon. “Deal.” “Then it was a pleasure doing business with you.” Will said as he made his way over to a nearby window and opened it. “And by the way, the assistance I owe you is a onetime thing. I'm just doing you a favor, not becoming your personal slave. Got it?” “Yes. So I guess I'll see you when I need you.” “See you when you need me. Or if you're snooping around the Blueblood's estate this time next week.” With that, Will jumped out of the window and disappeared with a flap of his wings. Autumn quietly shut the window and started to head back to the party, when he noticed that the sack and everything Will stole was gone. “That little...” he said softly under his breath as he trotted out of the room. -- Back in the ballroom, Summer and Amber were celebrating the start of a future union between their houses. “They're perfect for each other!” Amber insisted as he raised his cider glass. “You could seriously tell that from a single dance?” Summer commented, laughing softly. “Come now Summer. You saw the way they were looking at each other, the way they moved. The spark between them was obvious.” “Only to somepony who is blinded by their own vigilance to see it.” “Don't be daft. Autumn and Maple are clearly made for each other.” “Says the pony who probably already has their marriage planned in his head.” “How did you...well their marriage will have to planned eventually.” “One hoof in front of the other Amber. Marriage is far from being the next step.” “Then what do you suggest is to be done?” Summer swirled is cider glass while he thought. “Though it is small, their fire has been lit. All we need to do now is fuel the flame. A simple date will be nice start for their relationship.” “Might I suggest that we arrange their date at The Castle Corner. It's a nice little café near the castle. How about there?” “It should do quite adequately …” Summer agreed, nodding slightly as he took a sip from his cup. “Good, then I’ll make all the arrangements. Just be sure that Autumn gets there on time. I expect nothing but the best for my daughter.” “Trust me, Autumn will be there. I'll make sure of it.” -- Autumn timidly made his way down the stairs back into the ballroom, hoping to attract as little attention as possible. But he attracted the attention of the one pony he was hoping to not run into “What took you?” Maple's voice was filled with irritation. Autumn turned to the annoyed filly and tried a smile. “M-maple? H-how are you?” Maple leaned in close until their muzzles were almost touching. “Answer my question. What. Took. You.” “Ummm…I-I-I got lost…” Maple raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “You are the worst liar I've ever seen.” “H-hey, w-why don’t we have another dance?” Autumn said trying to change the subject. Maple was taken aback. “That was literally the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth.” Autumn frantically looked around, then his face went crimson. “Can we please go somewhere that isn't here?” “What's wrong with here?” “The attention…” Autumn whispered. Maple looked around and noticed what the 'attention' was. Almost every eye in the room was on them. Mares and stallions alike were looking at them out of the corners of their eyes. She heard somepony whisper “young love” causing a group of ponies to start chuckling under their breath. “I'm going to go look for father.” said Autumn before running towards the ballroom. Maple chased after him, prompting more laughter from the crowd of watchers. Chasing him through crowds of ponies, Maple finally caught up with him when he stopped for breath. “Some gentlecolt you are, abandoning your filly.” “What do mean, 'my filly'? You are not 'my' filly.” “I don't know if you forgot during your trip to the bathroom, but we danced, so that makes you my date.” “But...I...you...” Autumn stuttered for words as Maple smirked at him. Thankfully, the sound of a spoon tapping a glass drew their attention an elevated platform, where Maple's father could be seen. “Oh boy.” Maple groaned. “Brace yourself.” “What's happening?” “Father's about to give his speech. He gives one at every social gathering we have. And he's almost always intoxicated when he makes it.” “Good evening my beloved guests. I pray that you have all enjoyed yourselves a fair bit. Had fun eating my food, and drinking my cider. As many of you may not know, this social gathering has been held in honour of my oldest and closest friend, Summer Storm.” Amber moved to side so Summer could join him on the stage. A few whispers came from the crowd. In terms of magical studies, Summer Storm was an underground celebrity. “Summer Storm...?” “What does he do?” “They that his research will change Equestria itself.” “Those two are friends?” “Summer Storm,” Amber continued, silencing the whispers. “His studies in the potential of unicorn magic will hopefully one day, change this world for the better.” He then turned to Summer. “While I know that you are very secretive about your work, I hope that you may be able to provide us all with a sneak peek on your latest project.” Summer's eyes swept over the crowd of elite ponies, their eyes sparkling as they gazed upon him as if one of the princesses were standing in his place. His eyes found Autumn, standing timidly next to Maple. Autumn noticed his father staring at him and shrunk under his gaze. “While I am unfortunately unable to reveal any specific details about my research,” Summer announced without breaking eye contact with his son, “I can promise you that will indeed, as Amber said, change Equestria.” With that, he walked off the stage, allowing Amber to take the central spotlight once again. “Thank you for that Summer.” He said, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. “Now while it has been a lovely night I am sure, I'm afraid that we are quite past my daughter's bed time...” Maple grumbled something that Autumn couldn't make out under her breath. “...and therefore, it is time to wrap up this tonight's event.” Many ponies in the crowd nodded in approval. Some of them even yawned, though they tried to hide it. “Now while it is unfortunate that my sons were unable to make it tonight, I would just like to call upon the rest of my family to join me up here for a concluding farewell. Now has any pony seen my dear wife, Xylem Pearl, and my darling daughter, Maple Gem? ” “So Maple, are you going up there?” Autumn asked as he turned to where Maple was, but was greeted with a blank space. Turning his head to scan the area, he noticed an orange tail disappearing under a table that had been draped with a cloth. Sighing, he walked up to the table and followed Maple underneath it. “Any reason you're hiding from your family?” he asked, startling Maple briefly with his presence. “No, not really.” “But won't your father look kinda foolish if you don't respond to him?” “You say that as if I care about what kind of idiot my father makes of himself.” Autumn had no response for that. Sighing, he sat with Maple under the table, listening to Amber's calls as he tried to locate his daughter. “Maple!? Maple!? Has any pony seen her? Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure she's around here somewhere. Now me and my wife would like to thank you all for coming. We hope to see you all at another gathering in future.” With that, the shuffling of hooves could be heard as the crowd of ponies began to dissipate towards the exit. Maple nudged Autumn, attracting his attention. “Now's our chance.” She said as she slipped out from under the table. Autumn followed her, awkwardly sticking his head out from under the table cloth before returning to the crowd. He and Maple weaved their way through the shifting current of ponies until they bumped into Amber and Summer. “Ah. Here they are.” Amber announced to Summer. “I told you that they were around her somewhere.” “Were you looking for me father?” Maple asked, her voice filled with false confusion and innocence. “I was calling out to you for the end of my speech.” “Oh father, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I was using the little fillies room at the time.” “That's okay.” Amber shifted his attention to Autumn. “So your father tells me that this is your first social event. Please tell me what you thought of it?” “Um...it was...well...” Autumn stuttered as the stoplight was put on him, the eyes of Amber and Summer drilling into him. “It appears that you have left Autumn speechless with the example you've set for him.” Maple cut in. Amber seemed satisfied by this. “It appears I have.” He turned his attention to Summer. “I say, you must get your son out some more. He's only ten years of age and this is his first party.” “I'll consider it.” Summer replied before turning to his son. “Come now Autumn. We're leaving.” “Ok then.” “I’ll accompany you out.” “O-Oh n-no thanks M-Maple. That won’t be n-necessary.” Autumn stuttered as shuffled over to his father's side. Summer frowned at him. “Come now Autumn, she’s making an effort for you.” He turned to Maple. “Maple Gem, you may escort my son to the exit.” “Thank you Master Storm.” She almost sang as she grabbed Autumn and started practically dragging him towards the front door. “Please, call me Summer.” Summer called after her as he and Amber followed them. By the time the four of them made it to the front door, all the other guests had left. Only one carriage remained in out the front of the estate. Autumn's mother stood in front of it, waiting patiently for Summer and Autumn to say goodbye. “It was nice to meet you both.” Maple said, smiling her usual smile. “G-goodbye Maple…at least till I see you at school.” Autumn replied while trying to avoid eye contact. “See you at school.” Maple agreed. “And hopefully next time, you can give me that second dance you asked for.” Autumn looked horrified as Summer and Amber said their goodbyes. “So long, Summer. I hope we can meet up again soon the future.” “Like wise.” Summer responded as he started walking towards the carriage. Autumn followed him closely behind. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked back at Maple one more time. She winked at him. Turning away quickly, he hastily made his way into the carriage, his family following after him. -- The ride home was silent. Summer was staring out the window. Autumn's mother was filing her hoof, leaving Autumn to curl up on his seat and shiver from the cold. Fatigue was taking hold of the young colt's mind, despite how hard he would occasionally shake his head to fight it off. Eventually, Autumn's mother put down her hoof filer and created a bubble of warmth around her son. Noticing that he was no longer cold, Autumn looked up at her mother, who gave him a gentle smile. “It's ok if you want to sleep, we're quite away from home anyway.” Autumn nodded lazily, his eye lids drooping until they closed. When he was asleep, his mother turned to Summer. “So are you ever going to tell anypony what you're research is about, or are going to take it with you to your grave?” “I've already told you, my research is something I'd rather not discuss.” “Don't get defensive. I've already told you that I'm fine with you concentrating your attention on whatever it is you're working on. I just don't want you wasting your time trying to reach something that is unobtainable.” Summer shifted his gaze down to Autumn, and started stroking his mane lightly. The brown colt twitched slightly from his touch. “Do not fret. I'm closer to achieving my goals than I could have ever imagined. Soon, you and all of Equestria will see what I have dedicated my life to. I will recreate the world...” he turned back to his wife, staring her directly in the eyes. “...and our son will gain the biggest benefit of it.” > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So how was the party?” Vigil asked as she and Autumn trotted down the busy hallway. Small crowds of fillies and colts brushed past them, thankfully not hearing or trying to listen to their conversation. “It was fine…” Autumn replied, trying to give off visual cues that he didn't want to discuss it. Vigil ignored him. “I heard that there was a dance.” “The music had a bit of rhythm in it.” Autumn yawned. Sleep did not come easy for him last night. “I heard that you partook in a dance yourself.” Autumn's head immediately turned to glare at Vigil, who was biting her tongue to prevent a smile from breaking out across her muzzle. “I suggest that you get informed about social events from better sources. You're current one seems to exaggerate details.” Vigil smirked. She shouldn't be enjoying this, but couldn't deny how fun it was to watch Autumn squirm. “Maybe I should go and ask Maple herself?” “Hey, Nocter!” Autumn suddenly called out, running forward towards his friend, and more importantly, away from Vigil. “Nice save.” Vigil thought to herself as she increased her pace to catch up with the escaping colt. “Hey Auty!” Nocter stopped at the door to their classroom and held it out for his friend. “Thanks.” Autumn said as he passed through the threshold. “Fillies first.” Nocter smirked. Autumn's head whipped around and shot Nocter a warning look. Nocter pretended he didn't notice. “And milady.” “Thank you Nocter.” Vigil smiled as she followed Autumn into the classroom. “I hate him sometimes.” Autumn mumbled under his breath. “Don't let him hear you say that.” Vigil said. Autumn groaned and sat at his desk. “If I wanted him to hear that, I would have said it to his face.” “What're going to say to my face?” Nocter said sliding into the conversation Autumn gritted his teeth. He was so tired. “That you are such a good and polite friend for holding the door open.” “Anything for my friend.” The Night coated foal said snickering. “Thank you. You're so good at it. Maybe your cutie mark will be a door.” Autumn grumpily “That's a little mean isn't it?” asked Vigil. “I don't care.” He said bluntly. Nocter narrowed his eyes as he studied his friend. Autumn straightened up in his seat and tried to hide his fatigue. “So what kept you up last night?” “Huh?” Autumn responded tiring his tired head. “Why didn't you sleep?” Nocter asked rising a concerned, but at the same time, disapproving eyebrow. “How did you...?” “Let's just say I have experience with sleep deprivation.” “Well I slept fine last night.” “I don't think it's healthy for your friendship with Nocter if you're going to lie to him.” Vigil chimed in. Autumn turned on Vigil. “Well I don't know what time I fell asleep last night so we'll never know if I'm telling the truth.” “You didn't fall asleep until 4am.” she responded calmly. Autumn's mouth gaped temporarily before it closed. “So is Dad making you watch me sleep now?” “Would you rather he didn't?” “Yes.” “Well that can't be helped. You father issued an increase in security due to a disruption in the magical perimeter around the house.” “Disruption?” Autumn asked curiously. “Yes. It occurred about a week ago around 1am.” ‘Will.’ thought Autumn bitterly. That griffon was always finding a way to make his life conflicting, even when he wasn't even trying. But along as he owed him, he shouldn't be a future problem. “Now, now students. Settle down.” the teacher huffed as he trotted into the classroom, his books following him via telekinetic grip. “I may be late but that doesn’t give anypony the excuse to not behave.” The student's conversations quickly hushed and ended at his words. “Good. Now first, I'm going to be informing you of a student exchange with other classes.” “So we're going to be losing some classmates?” asked Nocter out loud. The teacher glared at him, causing him to sink in his seat a little. “Hoof up first, Nocter.” The teacher scolded. “And to answer your question, no. We aren't losing any students. It's quite the opposite in fact. We're gaining a pupil.” The class broke into whispers, undoubtedly speculating about who their new classmate was going to be. “A new student? Wonder who it’ll be…” Nocter whispered to Autumn. Autumn shrugged in response. He couldn't think of anypony it could. He didn't even know any other ponies name. Besides Maple. But out of all the students in the school, the odds of her getting transferred into his class were... “Maple Gem.” (the teacher announced.) ...clearly not in his favour. Autumn deflated as the butter yellow filly walked into the classroom. He could have sworn that an unpleasant aura came in with her. “Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?” The teacher offered Maple. “Why yes thank you.” Maple turned to the class. “My name is Maple Gem. I'm an honest, hardworking student that I'm sure you'll find is very approachable.” She said as you could practically hear Nocter roll his eyes. “Thank you Maple. Would you like to go find yourself a seat?” “Certainly.” Maple began walking down the row of desks, searching a vacate spot. There were only two. One in the back corner of the classroom and another next to Autumn. And knowing Autumn's luck... “Is this seat taken?” Maple asked. Autumn was pretty sure he just heard Nocter curse something. “I-If I told you it was, would go sit at the other desk?” he pleaded. “No.” Maple smugly replied as started unpacking her saddle bags. “Now, on to today's lesson.” The teacher began. “Today we will be learning about magical physics.” The teacher began his dreary explanation on how magic and physics had some form of similarities. Autumn lazily jotted down any notes he heard, which weren't many. About halfway through the lesson, Maple leaned over to Autumn. “You do realise that you look exhausted.” she whispered. “…” Autumn gave a small nod. “Any reason why you look so tired?” “…lack of sleep.” “Did I have anything to do with that?” “I don't know at the moment, but until I do, I'm going to say yes.” “When did you become such a grouch?” “When I woke up this morning and realised I was feeling way more tired than I should have been.” “What are you two whispering about?” Nocter whispered. “Nothing to do with you, peasant.” Autumn and Nocter both sighed in unison. -- “Why? Why her? Why our class? Out of every other class in this school?” “Maybe her class had too many students?” “And of course, she's the one they decided to transfer.” Nocter fumed as he unpacked his lunch. A sandwich levitated up to his face and he started taking large, angry bites out of it. Autumn tried to console him. “Come on. I'm sure it won't be that bad.” “Calls me peasant in our first lesson together. Yeah. It won't be that bad. I mean, we only have to put up with her for the rest of the year!” Nocter suddenly cut himself off like he was suddenly remembering some long, distant memory. “Wait a minute. You two were talking about something in class.” “Oh that? That was just...you know...some small talk...” “Maple doesn't engage in small talk.” Nocter narrowed his eyes, watching Autumn squirm in his gaze. “What secrets are you hiding from me?” he asked as he began to advance on his friend. “N-nothing.” Autumn replied a little too quickly. “Vigil.” Nocter said as he kept his eyes on Autumn. “What did Autumn do last night?” “Vigil, don't say anything.” Autumn blurted out, acting before thinking. “Very well Autumn.” Vigil smirked. Autumn looked back to Nocter to see him now backing away. “You and Maple...last night. And you said you had sleeping problems...” Autumn started panicking as he quickly realised Nocter was putting two and two together and coming to the wrong conclusion. “N-no wait. It's not like that!” “Did she go to your house?” “No.” “Did you go to hers?” “No...” Nocter narrowed his eyes at the now sweating Autumn. “...maybe...” Nocter sighed. “Oh Autumn. What are you doing with your life?” “I didn't...it's not what you think...” Autumn tried to stop himself from talking babble, knowing that it was doing nothing but confirming Nocter's suspicions. Thankfully, Vigil stepped in. “I believe that what Autumn is trying to say is that he and his family were invited to a social gathering at the Crystal Tree Estate last night.” “The Crystal Tree Estate?” “Maple's house.” Autumn translated. “And despite all your wild theories, Nocter, I can assure you that Autumn and Maple only passed the time through talking.” “Oh.” Nocter sat down and looked sheepishly at Autumn. “Well that's relieving. I thought you two had gotten close or something.” Autumn just let out a sigh of relief. He'd be fine as long as Nocter didn't find out about their dance. “They also shared one dance.” Vigil added helpfully. “They what!?” Nocter snapped in surprise. “Vigil!” Autumn shouted, looking like he was going to cry. “I'm sorry, but I feel that honesty is an important attribute for friendship.” Nocter's eyes bugged out of his head. “Friendship? Like...you two are friends?” Autumn looked back to Nocter. At this point now, there was no point in trying to hide anything else from him. “Well...maybe not friends. We've talked a lot, and she seems to look out for me...I think...” “So she's like your guardian angel?” “Look, I don't know what she is to me. All I did was talk to her last night and participate in a dance that I didn't want to have.” “Wait. You were forced to dance with her? Oh…Well then, the situation isn't as bad as I thought it was.” “She's not bad either, you know. ..You should probably try to get to know her. She's not all she appears to be.” “How do you figure?” “I...I don't know. Every time I talk to her, I get the feeling that she's hiding something. Like she's wearing a mask to conceal who she really is…Like...I never know her as well as I think I do.” “I think that's called love.” Nocter smirked. Autumn turned to glare at Nocter, blushing uncontrollable. “And I'm starting to think that your special talent has shifted from opening doors to spouting be blind accusations!” Autumn blathered. The two friends started at each other, as if trying to solidify their points with determined facial expressions. Vigil sighed as she watched. Colts will be colts. At least she hoped this was how colts usually acted. Nocter eventually broke his concentration and looked down to his food. “Nice come back.” “T-Thanks…” Autumn said looking off to a nearby wall. “So have you two finally come to peace with Maple moving to your class.” Vigil asked with an naive smile. “Ha.” Nocter cried. “As if.” Autumn sighed. “I thought we just discussed this.” “That conversation was about Maple being your friend.” Autumn huffed. Nocter could be so difficult when he wanted to be. “Why can’t you just accept that Maple moving into our class was a coincidence?” “Because Maple; being moved into our class is too big to be a coincidence. I'm telling you. It was divine intervention.” “So Princess Celestia is responsible?” “No. But I'm telling you. What happened today was planned.” -- “I really must commend you for your plan to place Maple and Autumn in the same class. Stroke of genius.” Summer raised his eyebrows. “Only if the plan works…” “Well of course the plan is going to work. They're perfect for each other.” Amber laughed. “Amber, has anypony every told you that you're too optimistic?” “If they have…and I've ignored them.” “Cleary.” Summer and Amber sat in the study of the P.M.B. manor. The room was dimly lit, as it usually was, but neither pony seemed to mind. The only form of light came from filtered beams of sun light shining through the closed blinds. Summer was sitting at his desk, flicking through a book. He didn't care if he was being rude. Amber had shown up uninvited to his home anyway. “So about this Saturday…” Amber continued, oblivious to Summer's attempt to ignore him. “I've managed to book our two future love birds a table at The Castle Corner.” “Is that so?” Summer said his mind clearly elsewhere. “Yes…” Amber peeked over to try and get a good look of what Summer’s attention was really on. “What are you reading?” Summer quickly closed the book before Amber could read a single word. “Nothing that concerns you, Amber.” “Let me guess. Top secret?” “What gave me away?” “You know, I'll find out what you're doing Summer. One of these days.” Amber laughed resting back down on his seat. Summer got out of his chair to stretch his legs. “That almost sounded like a threat.” “I'm just saying that you can't keep me in the dark forever.” “What are you planning on doing about it? Robbing me for information?” “No no. I'd never do something like that. Speaking of which, I've actually been robbed.” “Oh?” “Last night. I fear one of my guests decided to take advantage of my kindness.” “What was stolen?” “Just a small compilation of trinkets and loose change…Nothing I'd miss.” “Are you going to tell the guard?” “I tried to, but seems like several other noble ponies have also been pilfered.” Summer remembered back to a few nights ago, when his magical perimeter was breached. “So we've got a cat burglar on the loose?” “Yes, but I'm sure it's nothing the guard can't clean up.” “If they could have cleaned it up, they would have by now.” Summer said under his breath so Amber couldn't hear him. “I hope you don't mind if I cut this meeting short Amber. I have a goal I wish to reach before the sun sets.” He said getting up from his seat. “Oh. Not at all.” Amber said as he walked to the door. “I'll see myself out. And don't forget to tell your son about Saturday.” “Trust me. I won't.” -- Fillies and colts streamed out in different directions towards home as another day at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns ended. Amongst the departing crowd were Autumn and Vigil, making their way to a row of carriages reserved for children from the wealthiest families. “Hey Vigil…” Autumn asked. “Why do you think Maple was transferred into my class?” ‘Probably Master's work.’ Vigil answered in her mind. “I don't know Autumn. But there's probably no use in worrying about it.” “Your right…Thanks.” The two of them reached their carriage and Vigil opened the door for Autumn. Just before he could climb in, an unmistakeable voice called out from behind him. “Hey!” yelled Maple as she ran up. “Miss Gem.” Vigil greeted with a nod of her head. “H-H-Hey Maple.” Autumn also acknowledged awkwardly. “Uhh...want a lift home?” He offered sheepishly. “No thanks. Some ponies enjoying getting exercise, I just wanted to ask if you'd seen anypony acting suspicious at the party last night.” “No.” Autumn replied, lying perfectly. Though it wasn't technically a lie. He didn't see any pony acting suspiciously. But Will also had to make a living somehow. “…That's all thank you.” Maple said. She turned to leave, but turned back to say one more thing. “By the way if you're planning on avoiding me for most of the day, at least tell me you don't want me around.” Then she trotted off and disappeared into a small crowd of ponies. “She expected me not to avoid her...” Autumn said to himself, almost in a trance. What did that mean? Did she consider herself to be a closer friend to him? Did she actually consider them friends in the first place? Still pondering Autumn stepped up into the carriage, with Vigil following close behind him. Upon hearing the door of the carriage close, the ponies drawing it began walking towards home. ‘What is Maple to me?’ Autumn thought to himself. That was the question of the day. Maple seemed to be an innocent filly that had been forced into his life. Just a repercussion of having overly rich parents probably. Did that make them friends? Did that make them more than friends? An image of her appeared in his mind. Butter yellow coat. Sunset orange mane and tail. Cherry blossom pink eyes. Wait a minute. Where did all the overly descriptive details come from? Autumn shook his head, as if to snap himself out of it. “Something wrong, Autumn?” asked Vigil. “No. It's nothing.” “Is ‘nothing’ Maple related, by chance?” Autumn felt his cheeks flush and turned away from Vigil to hide it. Not that she didn't notice anyway. “Vigil. I am ordering you not to speak until we get home. I-I-Is that clear?” Vigil smirked. The first time Autumn used his superiority against her, and it was to hide romance troubles. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing. “Crystal~” she answered. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn trotted into the cafe, his eyes scanning the tables for his number. Spotting it by the window, Autumn started towards it, but stopped when he noticed it's current occupant. Maple sat at the table, resting her head on one of her hooves, staring out the window lazily. She had a bored expression on her face, and was absentmindedly tearing a napkin into small strips with her magic. Autumn's first instinct was to hide. There was a table next to him with a tablecloth that almost went to the floor. He could hide underneath it and wait until Maple left. But then his father would know that went against his orders. “Ummmm…H-Hello?” said Autumn going over to the table that Maple was sitting at. Her head turned towards with a slump towards the worried colt. “Oh…it’s you.” She sighed “I'd offer you a seat but apparently it's reserved for a very important pony I'm supposed to be meeting.” “Oh…well…it's just that my father told me to come to this cafe…a-and…sit at table eleven.” Autumn spoke slowly beginning to dread what might be happening. Maple raised her head so her hoof fell to the table. “You're not serious, are you?” “I-I wish I wasn't...” Autumn said under his breath. The chair across from Maple slid out for him. “Take a seat.” Maple said it more like an order than an offer. “The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can go home.” Autumn sheepishly climbed up into his chair. Maple's pink eyes followed him, as if she assessing his sitting posture. The two of them sat there for a few minutes before Autumn attempted to break the ice. “So…how are yo-” The sound of shattering glass drew their attention to the other side of the cafe. One of the unicorn waiters had apparently been distracted by a mare, and lost his telekinetic grip on a tray of drinks he'd been holding. When Autumn and Maple eventually looked back to themselves, a vase filled with a bundle of roses had mysteriously appeared in the middle of the table. Maple's ears perked up in curiosity. She gave Autumn an accusing look, he gave her a confused one in return. Actually, upon further consideration, Autumn couldn't have put the roses on the table. Meaning somepony was probably watching them. Maple, slowly starting to realise what was going on and began to get angry. This definitely wasn't a chance meeting. She and Autumn had been set up. Her father was undoubtedly behind this, while part of her was glad that her father at least he had finally found the time to give her some attention but this… Maple's horn let off a small spark, and several of the roses in the middle of the table wilted and died. Autumn was still trying to pretend he was sitting at an empty table, silently cursing himself under his breath for not hiding under a tablecloth when he had the chance. Eventually, his wandering gaze fell on Maple. Her current expression was beyond frightening. Autumn coughed to get Maple's attention before speaking. “Well…I think I'll…err…go get us some drinks or something.” He tried to push his chair out from under the table, but Maple's horn quickly glowed and held it tightly in place. “You are not leaving me alone here.” Maple said in a half threatening and half pleading tone. Autumn saw what she did with the flowers, and was pretty worried what she might do the same to him if he left. Autumn nodded, silently agreeing not to leave her alone. An odd feeling washed over him, one of both fear and genuine concern, he concluded that the best idea right now, was to stay with Maple and hope for the best. -- On the other side of the cafe, a unicorn levitating a newspaper with eyeholes cut in it cursed in annoyance. Why was he assigned the job of hooking up a filly and a colt? His expertise was in stealth, not matchmaking. Nevertheless, he couldn't fail. Maple was certainly a tough filly to crack. But he had a few other tricks up his sleeve. Plan B was currently underway. He hoped that the little ponies wouldn't mind the slight alteration he made to their order. A unicorn waiter walked up to Autumn and Maple's table with a tray floating next to him. “One rose milkshake.” he announced, the pink beverage gently floating off the tray and onto the table. Two straws floated into the milkshake, one of them facing Autumn, the other Maple. “Um…Excuse me.” Autumn called out, his shyness robbing his voice of any volume. The stallion didn't hear him and continued walking through the cafe, clearly not hearing the pleads of the colt that was now trembling in fear from what the filly sitting across from him might do. Regrettably, Autumn looked back at Maple, seeing her in the middle of a silent outrage. She was gritting her teeth with anger and her eyes looking so fierce that even a pack of timber wolves would be backing off in fear. Her horn suddenly let off another spark, and the milkshake instantly froze in its cup. Maple then placed her hoof down on the table next to the milkshake and pushed sideways. The glass slide until it toppled off the table. It's collision with the ground hurt Autumn's ears and sent shards of glass and frozen rose milkshake sliding across the floor. “Woops.” said Maple, false innocence laced in her tone. “Please forgive me. I've been such a klutz today.” The unicorn on the other side of the cafe cursed again, more loudly this time, attracting some stares from nearby ponies. Why did Maple have to so negative? She was being so annoying. But she would not cause him failure. It was time for Plan C and Plan C was bound not to fail. Getting off his chair, the unicorn trotted over to the front counter and dropped some bits onto the counter, the pony on the other side scooped up the bits and starting counting them. While he was distracted, the unicorn looked back towards table eleven. As per normal, Maple and Autumn were trying their hardest to avoid eye contact with each other. This was the perfect opportunity. Channelling his magic, the unicorn concentrated as a small pink heart appeared at the tip of his horn. Seeing that the spell was working, the unicorn pumped more magic into the heart, causing it to inflate until it was slightly larger than the size of a bit. He lowered his head and took careful aim at Maple, before shooting the small heart right at her. The heart soared across the room, connecting with Maple flawlessly. The unicorn prayed silently, and was ecstatic to see his prayers being answered. Slowly, Maple was falling for the love spell, and started looking at Autumn with a mellowed look on her face. Autumn was yet to notice, as he had managed to distract himself with the tie that his mother insisted he’d wear. The unicorn turned back to the pony behind the counter just as he was handed his change. He then trotted towards the door with a slight spring of happiness in his step. When he made it out the door, he almost jumped for joy. He had correctly performed a love spell! On his very first try, no less. He had only managed to study love spells for a few minutes after he was assigned his mission. While there was the possibility that the spell could fail from his lack of experience and the fact that he knew nothing about love magic but from what he'd seen, Maple and Autumn seemed pretty close already. This final push should be all that they needed. Back in the cafe, Autumn was becoming increasingly worried about the looks he was getting from Maple. The filly went from giving hatful glares to a look of that could only be described as longing. “H-hey.” he said. “M-Maple…Are you feeling ok? Maple?” Maple's gaze remained transfixed on Autumn, staring at him was if he were a baby puppy…a very scared baby puppy. “Maple!” he said slightly louder while emanating a flash of light from his horn. Maple’s eyes blinked and shook her head violently. Whatever trance she was just in, she seemed to have snapped out of it. Maple looked up at Autumn, confused. What happened in the past minute? She had gone from wishing that cafe would burst into flames, to thinking that Autumn was the cutest colt she had ever laid eyes on. This was something she would never think about…or ever had thought about. Still, something wasn't right. The only thing that could have made her feel so infatuated over Autumn like that would be a love... Autumn felt himself shrink down into his chair as Maple's outraged expression returned with a vengeance. Her horn sparked for a third time, causing the vase holding the dead roses in the middle of the table to explode, sending shards of glass and water to flow across the table, some of the water dripping onto the floor. Other ponies in the cafe stared as Maple noisily pushed her chair out and jumped to the ground. “Thank you for a lovely evening…” she growled between her teeth at Autumn before storming out of the cafe. Autumn hastily reached into his saddlebags and threw a small bag of bits onto the table before jumping off his chair and running out after Maple. She was surprisingly fast for a filly her age. “M-Maple!” he cried out. “Wait up!” Maple rolled her eyes before turning back to the hopeless colt sharply, "Listen. That pony on the other side of the street has been following us ever since we entered the cafe." “Huh?” Autumn turned his head to look, but Maple grabbed him and forced him to look into her eyes while covering his mouth with her hoof. “Ok Autumn.” Maple whispered fiercely. “Unless you want to keep on living, you will never tell anypony about what I'm about to do in the next five seconds. Got it?” Autumn pulled Maple’s hoof away from his face, “O-Okay...” he agreed. “But are you about to...” Autumn was cut off as Maple suddenly closed her eyes pressed her lips to his. At that moment, time stood still for Autumn. Everything connecting him to reality faded into the back of his mind. He was having his first kiss…with Maple! This didn’t seem real, like he was in some bizarre dream world. This must mean she really liked him! Maple opened one of her eyes, and noticed their stalker pony on the other side of the road punching the air with one of his hooves, and then started to perform a little dance. After a few seconds, the unicorn pulled a camera out of his saddlebag and pointed at her and Autumn. Maple just felt like breaking off the kiss then and there, running over to the unicorn, and force feeding him his camera. But she'd have to bear with it. She and Autumn's relationship would have to look convincing if they were going to be left alone. The unicorn couldn't believe his luck. At first he was terrified as it looked like the love spell had failed when Maple ran out of the cafe. But it must have started working again at the last minute. Either way, his mission was a success. All he needed now was proof. He quickly levitated his camera out of his saddlebag and aimed it at the new couple. He took three shots of their kiss before running down street as fast as he could towards the Pure Magic Blood mansion. He would be getting quite the reward for this. Maple saw the pony running away. He was finally leaving them alone. As soon the unicorn was out of sight, Maple broke away from Autumn, panting for breath. Seems she hadn't been breathing during the moment. Autumn blinked a few times at the yellow filly, his eyes wide and baffled by the events that just took place. “It was the tension.” Maple insisted. “It wasn't the moment. It was the tension.” After a few minutes, she looked up at Autumn. The colt's face was glowing red through his fur. His eyes were the size of saucers. He opened his mouth to speak, but only stuttering came out. After a few attempts, Autumn finally managed to speak. “S-So then…T-That was…a thing…I guess.” “Remember.” hissed Maple, her face once again stern. “If you tell anypony about this, I will be forced to kill you. Don't think I'm not joking. I will seriously take your head off.” “Ok, ok. I promise. I won't tell. But...just...why did you...?” “The pony that was following behind was trying to get us together.” “Huh? Why?” “I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's the one that supplied the roses, the milkshake, and the one that cast that love spell on me.” “He cast a love spell on you?” “Of course he did. Why else would I suddenly start giving you stupid lovey-dovey looks out of nowhere?” “I just thought maybe...” “You're stupid, you know that?” Maple said bluntly. “…so what now?” “Well now that the “date” is over, I'm going home. See you.” “Wait.” said Autumn. “Just give me one minute.” Autumn's horn glowed white and fired a ball of light into the air. When the ball had cleared a few buildings, it exploded like a white firework. After a few minutes a carriage pulled by four stallions rolled down the street and stopped next the colt. The carriage's side door opened and a mare with yellow eyes jumped out. “You called Autumn?” she said. “Yes. Thanks Vigil.” Autumn responded before turning to Maple. “I'm not riding in that.” Maple stated pointing a hoof to the inside of the carriage. “So you're just going to walk home?” “That's the plan.” “Ok then. Suit yourself.” said Autumn, his voice hinting a tone of smugness. With that, Autumn climbed into the carriage with Vigil, but left the door open, waiting patiently for the last passenger. After a few seconds, Maple let out a sigh of irritation and climbed into the carriage with him. Vigil closed the door behind her and rung a small bell on the wall, causing the carriage to jerk with movement as the stallions started pulling. An awkward silence descended on the carriage for a few minutes until Vigil decided to attempt to break the ice. “So…” she asked “How'd the date go?” “It went fine.” responded Maple quickly before Autumn could get a word off. “Did you have fun?” “Briefly…” Maple said, keeping up with her questions. “Did you enjoy each others company?” “It was bearable.” “Did anything interesting happen?” “NO!” “…I see.” Vigil smiled. The rest of the carriage ride continued in silence until Maple told the stallions that they had arrived at her house. Vigil opened the door, allowing Maple and Autumn to jump out. The two of then trotted up the front door. Maple pulled a key from her saddlebag and put it in the lock, opening the door. She walked into her house, planning on not even saying a goodbye, but then turned to face Autumn. “See you at school then…a-and…sorry…ummm…about today.” Autumn said trying not to anger her. “Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault.” Maple took a moment, looking away from the shy colt. “Besides,” she continued in a low voice that Autumn could barely hear. “What makes you think I didn't enjoy it?” “P-Pardon?” “Bye!” Maple quickly shut the door, preventing Autumn from saying another word. Maple quickly pressed her ear to the door, listening for Autumn's movements. He shifted slightly, before leaving wondering what the filly said. Outside, Autumn started towards his the carriage, completely lost in his thoughts. “Did she really just say...nah...no. There’s no way she'd say that. But if she did, then that would mean-” “Ready to go Autumn?” asked Vigil, interrupting his thoughts. “Huh?” Autumn responded absentmindedly. “Y-Yes, I'm ready. Let’s go back home.”