> Amnesia > by Arctic Wave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pilot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A flash fills my sight, and I open my big blue unicorn eyes. Beside me is an orange Pegasus with a blue mane and blue eyes. He stares at me with pleasure that I'm awake. I share a worried look and begin to scream. First hyperventalation, then the loud high pitch screams echoing through the room and halls. A nurse and doctor rush into the room and ty to calm my heart beat. All three try to soothe me and to stop screaming but nothing truely helps me The orange Pegasus says my name and explains what happened to me. Amnesia. I have amnesia. I pant for oxygen in my lungs and calm down. He gives me another smile and I begin to relax. Several mares and a stallion enter the room. They share their names and I give a blank face to the orange stallion at my side. "What's your name?" I ask bravely. "Flash Sentry. Your coltfriend," he explains. I give him a tight hug and use levetation to drink the water on the bedside table. I gulp it down and ask how long I've been in a coma. Gillian answers bravely that I've been under it sinve last year. I gasp at her words and breathe in deeply. I levitate the blankets off of me and sit at the edge of the bed. I hop down and land on all four of my hooves. Flash catches me and I begin to fall. I was too weak to stand so I had to use a wheelchair. I was upset when I got word that I wouldn't be able to do my art work as Falsh explained that I had done since I got my cutie mark. "Ugh," I groan. "Can I at least do some drawing or make a dot? I want to do something. Wait. What town is this Flash?" "Minnetrotta. We're going home so you can rest and battle this amnesia," He explains. Again I groan with disbelief. I whine and pout until I got my way. He agrees to take me around the small town and get us some ice cream from the ice cream pony. I smile with pleasure and let him wheel me around. We see tons of mares and stallions kissing and hugging on our way to the ice cream shop. Many also stop and wish me luck on getting better. "Flash? Who are they and why are they kissing?" I ask like a filly. " To answer the first question, those are the ponies that helped save your life by getting an ambulance and keeping you breathing. They also were in the hospital for a while to keep you company. And to answer the second, it's Hearts and Hooves day. Pretty much and Equestrian Valentines Day from the human world. Do you remember going there to study with your mentor?" He questions me. "No. Who's my mentor? I thought that I did my art work alone. Who is the pony that teaches me?" I ask sourly. "Princess Twilight Sparkle. She's teaching you different spells to create new work to sell to the ponies here in her empire. Well, Minnetrotta is kind of like an empire. More of a town if you think about it," Flash says to himself. "Oh. OK. Can I please get out of the chair? I'm bored. I can levitate myself and not walk. I'm not a filly," I protest to him. "Only if you stop complaining about being an amnesiac and doing things yourself. Agreed?" He asks me. "Agreed. So... What has our relationship turned out to be? I would like to know so I don't have to find a new stallion in a week and just date them because they sympathize for me," I say with enthusiasm. "Uh. Well. I can't tell you because it's a secret but I will give you a kiss if you let me," says the persuasive colt. I blush heavily and nod my head slowly. He leans in and gives me a long kiss on my mouth. I kiss him back and smile. We both stop and continue moving forward. I can see the parlor and move myself forward even faster than I was before. Flash has to start flying to keep up with me. I turn to look at him and I smile. I place myself on the ground slowly to keep my balance. He shoots me a worried look and I tell him that I'm fine. I walk into the shop and the mare yells "Hello" to me from across the room. I pace myself so I am walking by Flash as we make it to the counter. "Hi. I would like a double scoop of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough," I say. "Hey Scoops. I will take a double scoop of the Chocolate Oreo Forest," Flash says. "Coming right up. How are you doing Rhiannon? I heard from Celeste that you just got out of the hospital," says the chocolate brown unicorn with gold hooves. "Uh. I'm doing good. Flash is a constant worrier about me since I got out of there. How are you?" I ask politely. "Just dandy. Missing my folks though. They moved to Ponyville to be with my granny who's severely ill. The docs put her under a coma to help her battle her disease. Crab Apple Core Disease. Poisonous if untreated for too long. She's getting better but it sure is taking her a while. She's as healthy as a horse! No pun intended. I'm glad you're up and moving'. Got any new artwork that you're gonna sell at the farmers market this weekend? Sure would be nice to see some of your beautiful 'scapes again. Everypony missed you girl. You're the light of this town and everypony missed it. The warm fire, the blessed soul, the lantern that hangs in the darkness for a reason, the moon in the night sky, the sun for daylight, and even the heart of friendship that lights up a day. Oh, go check on your big brother. He misses you a lot," says Scoops. "OK. Where does he live? I can't remember. It's also always nice to see a family member. And thank you for the ice cream Scoops," I laugh as she levitates them over to us. "No problem Rhi. Glad you're back," she whispers. We leave the shop after paying and giving Scoops a tip. We walk together to my home on a street named Arts Burrow Lane. I thought it was funny that I chose a house on that street when Flash told me. The sights and sounds on the way back home was exciting for me to hear. When I was in the hospital, I could hear ponies talking and feel them holding my hoof, begging me to wake up. Celeste, Gillian, Flash, and somepony else was there. He was a guy so I thought it was my brother. When we reach a small abstract painted house, I stop walking. This couldn't be my house, it's too beautiful. I touch the door to walk inside and I notice all the lights are off. Then all of my friends that showed up at the hospital, and even more, screamed surprise and I jumped as high as the ceiling would let me. Gillian, Micheal, Celeste, Emma, and Flash hug me and welcome me home. Tears of joy run down my face now that I know that my friends cared about my life and safety. I thank them and begin to wander around the house. I find an art room covered by tons of paintings drawings and sketches. Abstract, nonobjective, humans, mares and stallions, my friends, and me and Flash. Even my mentor with me studying. I continue walking and find the bathroom, which I make a mental note on. And I finally reach a bedroom. A queen sized bed and a small bedside table by the headboard. A picture of me, my friends, Flash, and my Princess mentor fit into the gold dust frame. I walk in and plop onto the big colorful bed. Quilts cover the entire bed and 10 pillows cover the top of the bed. I lean on a big, blue, neck pillow and melt into it. Gillian is standing in the doorway with Celeste and Micheal. They all smile and come to lay by me on the bed. We flop back and start to laugh hysterically. "Love you guys," I say between giggles. "Love ya too Rhia," says Gillian and Celeste in unison. They laugh even harder and Micheal just laughs. I begin to laugh as well and sit up. "Let's go party. I need to meet more people since the accident. Come on guys!" I shout as I bolt off the bed and bound down the stairs. They all follow and the two girls are neck and neck. Micheal is shouting like they're race ponies and trying to determine who will get the second piece of cake. I slow down to trot with Micheal and we both stop. We share a hug and start talking about what happened while I was out. "Oh nothing much. Just that you missed your birthday. So HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RHIANNON!" He cheers. I giggle at his awkwardness and we continue to trot. The hallway was quite long but us unicorns made the trip by teleporting to get the cake. Everypony cheers as we poof in. I walk over to the cake and lift up the cake knife. The first piece is served and my life has just begun again. > A New Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friends and I run outside and begin to jump around and play. An hour later, we all fall down on the front lawn and begin to fill the street with laughter. Then a peanut butter brown dog and black cat run out from my house. The cat leaps on Gillian's belly and the dog comes to lick my face. I laugh even harder and he continues to lick. The dog flashes his collar to show his expertise. "Hey Gillian?" I ask. "What's the dogs name? Is he mine?" "DUDE! HOW CAN YOU FORGET YOUR OWN DOGS NAME!?" Shouts Celeste in surprise. "Uh, amnesia Celeste. Duh," says Micheal sarcastically. "Heh. Yeah, I forget stuff like that. It's so good to have her back that it feels like she was never gone. Sorry Rhia," apologizes Celeste. "N.P. It's fine. So can I please get an answer now?" I ask impatiently. "Oh yeah. Sure. Your dog's name is Peanut Butter. But I didn't miss the impatientness," says Micheal under his breath. "Dude I so heard that," I say with a ton of sarcasm. His face turns a bright shade of red and looks around. I ask what the cat's name is and learn that his name is Pickles. I laugh at both of the names because they're both foods that I like. Suddenly, they all get up on their hooves and take a bow towards the street. I turn to look at what they're bowing at or to and I quickly jump up and do the same. Silently I ask who the other three princesses are and I get no reply right away. Quickly Celeste says, "Cadence is the pink one and she represents love, Celestia is the white one who raises the sun, and Luna is the dark midnight blue one who raises the moon and stars." Suddenly, a beautiful voice tells us to raise our heads. We quickly obey and stop bowing. Slowly, my mentor walks up to us and gives me a tight hug. Then all of the princesses and my friends do the same. "Princess Twilight. I'm so happy to see you. Would you like to come in for some party cake?" I ask politely. "Yes. We would like some cake and we also need to talk to you four in private. But let's have some cake first to set a happy mood," my mentor says quiet enough for only us eight to hear. We walk inside and Twilight sees Flash Sentry handing out more cake. She glares at him and he turns around with suspicion of the eyes touching the back of his neck. He trots over and she starts to turn a beet red. Cadence whispers to her to keep calm and just ignore him and that he can come back to work at the castle whenever. I trot to the cake and cut eight slices from the mountain of chocolate frosting. I walk slowly back and tell everypony to come with me. Everypony except Flash. He goes back to the cake to enjoy the party as we make it up the stairs to my room. The unicorns and Alicorns levitated over chairs from my work desk and sat down while the pegasi just hovered in midair. I ask what the problem is and the Alicorns just ramble about who is gonna kill/ destroy what or who. "One at a time. Celestia, Princess. What is the problem for Equestria?" I ask with all the mannerly politeness I could muster. She bends over to whisper so just us regulars could hear. "Sombra, Chrysalis, Discord, and Nightmare Moon have returned to Equestria. Sombra was defeated years ago by Cadence with the help of the Elements of Harmony and Spike the dragon. Same with Nightmare Moon. But not defeated with Cadence. That was how my sister was saved. Chrysalis has ruled threat against Twilight's empire which is where you live today. Discord has lost his friendly touch when a spark of hatred beat down on his heart. He was sad until he found the power to destroy all harmony again. And Nightmare Moon. Her spirit has been awakened by the fall of the lost Element of Harmony. His name was Star Dust. He represented the element of good will. No pony had heard of him until he entered the Wonderbolts but then left so he could live a life with the love of his friends and family. "We need you to help defeat them so our land can live in harmony and light. No pun intended. I have chosen to let Luna rule for a year in her own territory. She started on the first of this year and has done quite well but she has been worried that N.M. will come to get her while she is asleep. I have worried too about her safety. Good luck at destroying them my little ponies. Now let's go enjoy the party!" I open the door and walk outside feeling dizzy. I think about having cake as I flop in the hallway. I catch myself as Celeste and Gillian rush to the rescue. I walk with Celestia to see if there is anything else that I need to know and she replies with a no. I slow down to walk with my friends as Twilight casts a spell on us. As far as I know it was helping us because I felt stronger. "Now. This spell will let you do anything you want with anything you want. Unicorns will have invisible wings and the pegasi will have a star on their forehead which will substitute as a horn in battle. You will have all the normal race requirements but only one rule is different. NO using it in an inappropriate manner. No love spells to help you ask somepony out or vice versa or anything else. Do you understand Micheal?" She asks staring at him. He nods quickly, making small glances at the Celeste and back at the princess. I giggle at the rush of embarrassment for him. Then he glares at me and I stop. But then I start again with bursts of laughter and I begin to roll on the floor. Then the girls and Micheal start to laugh about it too. Then they burst out into lauter and roll on the floor like me while Twilight has the 'stop doing what your doing and we can get this done' look on her lavender face. I cast my own spell to make us stop laughing and it works. We stand up and continue the lecture. "OK. Now that that's over, we can continue. Rhiannon, you are in charge with the help of one mare or colt to help you lead the way. Did that make sense? Ugh, never mind. You have three days till your journey begins. You are the saviors of this empire and land. Please help Equestria. We need you. And the reason why is because we need to rule a world which is now in discord. Good luck girls. And guy. On your journey to save the world," she whispers as she disappears into the crowd with the other princesses. Our journey awaited and we needed to prepare. "K. I need to pick somepony to help me. Uh, Gillian, I choose you to help me lead the way because I've known you longer as you have told me," I say as I rub the side of my face near my eye. I feel a warm thing on my face near my eye and rub it more. I begin to ask Gillian what's on my face and she tells me that it's a heart before I got the sentence done. I begin our plan and we pack up our things in our saddlebags and head on the adventure. Flash saw me walking with it on towards the door and he stops me. Well here it comes.