> Winged > by Lolsternater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Interval 01: Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 2014, a human jumped dimensions into a world called Equus. He returned with tales of the magical kingdom Equestria and the population of intelligent magical ponies. Laughed at, scorned, and deemed insane, he returned to prove it existed. Later, in the year 2015, a planet joined Earths orbit around the sun. Upon investigation, they found it inhabited life, as well as the proclaimed insane human. Fifty years later, the two have joined sharing technology with magic, but finding one couldn't work in the others world. The only exception to this rule were the Bets, mixes of both Humans and ponies. Through magic means about thirteen years after contact, humans and ponies who had fallen in love had found a way to reproduce among themselves, this resulted in the 'in-betweens'. A hybrid of human and pony, but not the kind of disgusting mangled flesh pile most were afraid would be the result at the time. Instead, they have the body of a human, always female for reasons in the genetic code reacting with magic, and the wings, legs, or horn of the pony genetics passed down. "So, why are ya going?" "Well, you can never be sure with fate, it being the silly thing it is. I was sure that far before I had saved up for my dream it would disappear, leaving me stuck in that hole I called home forever. But now, I'm here taking the bus down to the local inter-world-port station, everything seems to be falling into place." "That makes no sense." "When I was five, fourteen years ago, I was visited by the most beautiful creature to ever exist. She was known by the entirety of both worlds as Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Goddess of Magic and representative of the Equestrian empire to earth. I was in hospital at the time with a condition, and she came and visited. To my five year old self, she was dubbed 'Sparky'. The adults told me never to say or call such a thing to a princess, yet when she visited she found it cute. 'James Colla, you have quite the bright and wonderful future ahead, I'm sure.' "I was meant to die at the end of that year, my condition too overpowering for my young and inexperienced body; yet by some miracle I was back to full health by the next week. Of course it was her, but I couldn't tell anyone that. It was part of the negotiations at the time that neither the goddesses, or humanity's tech-transplant program could be shared, to be kept by that world only. "I am the son of a Bet, my grandfather being a Pegasus. And the third offspring of a Bet to be born. For three years I was one of the hits of the century, not a lot of people didn't know who I was, but then others were born and I was forgotten. Soon after, I developed a condition that would take my life, but as I said before, Princess Twilight took care of that. "As silly as this sounds, I think I fell for a princess on that day, because everyday of my life I've been living for her, hoping to see her again. At least talk to her. So, since that day, I've been learning everything I can and taking every job offered so I could save up and go to Equestria. "Well, that's me anyway, how about you?" My chatting companion stared at me with night-time blue, at the edge of colour and black, orbs that sparkled with light that came with the joy of life. Her hair was done up in a bun to avoid the long crimson strands blocking her vision. Her cheeks were a much lighter shade of red rose as she held the back of a hand against her mouth, chuckles escaping nether-the-less. I had just explained all this after her relentless questioning, and she doesn't even listen? "Your last name's Colla?" A voice that high-pitched should belong to a young high-school girl, yet this twenty year old possessed it. Trying to hold back the pressure at the back of throat failed and the cabin of the bus echoed with squeaky laughter. The wings on her back, the same blue as her eyes, twitched with each breath she took to disburse noise. My emerald eyes narrowed behind a curtain of orange bangs, my face reddening with no short amount of frustration. "Did you even listen to what I was saying?" Yet again, possibly to test my limits or an honest if not frustrating mistake, she completely ignored me, instead living up the joy she found from my ill-fated last name. "Your last name's Colla! Your last name's Colla!" It soon became clear she liked to repeat herself. Groaning, I distracted myself by looking out the window opposite us, but found to be gazing at myself as the darkness of a tunnel changed them to mirrors. I looked at my dark, dusty gray track-pants and light gray t-shirt. Sitting next to me was the Winged Bet, comfortably snug in a jumpsuit that matched the colour of her still pink rosy cheeks, easily complementing her figure. On each of her shoulders were a patch of skin that wasn't covered, it showed her cutie-mark. Bets had also inherited cutie-marks from their pony heritage, so it was easy for them to tell what they were good at. Hers was a solid bronze gear, set against a mix of different coloured musical notes. After analyzing her in the mirrored window, she finally noticed me staring and waved at window with a silly giggle; as if catching people sizing her up secretly was normal for her. Considering her species, that wouldn't be surprising. "Do you always stare up, up, poor women on buses? I turned my gaze and didn't respond. Normal conversations weren't something I had a degree in. Suddenly light poured from outside as the bus slide out of the darkness of the tunnel and into sunlight. A view of glass and metal replaced the reflection, the great inter-world-port that took the size of an entire city. Thick metal cables the size of whales weaved over the frozen ocean it was built over, forming a pattern that could be described as precisely and exactly symmetrical. It all came together in the center, a giant trident of metal rising over a hundred stories into the air, as well as most likely under the sea as well. The Winged Bet leapt out of her seat, flattening her face against the glass to take the full view in; gasping at the beauty of metal bent of folded to create such a master piece. To them, at least. "Oy!" Unfortunately for her the driver, a black Earth pony with a graying mane and straight beard, caught her quick movements. "Ma'am, ah request you seat ya'self. We're almost there, so ya can sight-see all ya want then." She pulled her face away from the window to look in the drivers direction, her flat face springing back to normal in a almost comical fashion. "Yup!" She called, seating herself back next to me. "Yup, yup!" Again I tried to distract myself, this time looking around the inside of the bus rather than the outside. Made of differently colour metal, the inside had been kept clean and shiny, but anyone on the outside could see that it had multiple dents and scratches from the blizzards that scarred the Earth. The windows were as thick as an arm to keep heat in, but were enchanted to prevent fog; a slightly visible fuzz over the glass confirmed this. The model had been named after buses that were made back when the Earths sky was still visible, mostly because of the rectangle shape and the ability to carry multiple persons. The main difference was the drivers cabin, being a nano-field that the driver floated in that gave them full control of everything on board, even speaking as if right next to in person but really not being close. Another was the lack of gas used to power it. Because it was used to transport between Earth and Equus it was written off as being able to used both magical and tech-enhanced engines to switch between, from one world to another. "Hey!" Great, she wants to ask more questions no doubt. "Hey, hey, hey!" I looked in her direction and raised an eye-brow, saves me wasting breath. She understood, by some small miracle, and continued. "My name's Wingy!" "Wingy?" That's a very odd, and lazy, name. "How'id you get that name?" Bringing out her wing and plucking at it, she answered. I noted she does that when seeming nervous. "My little sis called me it. It was so cute, I couldn't resist keeping it." Well, that happened. With that cherry little quote, Wingy remained happy and restless the rest of the trip towards the trident which defied how emotions should work. Plus, one doesn't simply tell personal information like that. The bus pulled into multiple check-points before getting into the the large metal construct. We were all check for ID, had our luggage searched, Wingy has a large selection of underwear as I found out, and finally they check out written forms that allowed us to pass between worlds. At last the bus sat in the middle of the trident. A buzzing noise soon rose above any other outside noise as magic and electricity surged into the space. Everything glowed, the magic beginning to turn all it touched into information while the electricity moved it. Then we were gone. ^\/^\/^\/^ Green. Pure, unfiltered, non-dyed green. Blue sky, actual blue sky that didn't glitch or flicker because a generator blew or a cable popped out. And the sun. Dear grandfather, the sun! The warmth that couldn't be felt in any other place other than this. Why so many ponies had left for earth, and so few humans had come here, remained a total bafflement to me. With my face pressed up against the glass, not letting anything get in the way of my view, I must've looked a lot like how Wingy was behaving earlier. Realising this, I mentally slapped myself and quickly pushed back to return to my seat. As the bus moved alone, we were meet with even more check-points. These ones run only by ponies all wearing the golden armor of the royal guard. It was twice the time going through these customs than it was leaving Earth, yet I kept myself entertained with the view. Now leaving the similar structure of the steel trident, I could see that it was instead made of crystal. Research I did before told me that it was imported from a land to the north called the 'Crystal Empire'. Besides that, I noticed we were on flat land quickly approaching a train station. The land was riddled with blades of real grass and flowers that swayed in the kind wind. Apart from the openness of the field, at the edge a vast forest was visible that stretched far and grew wildly. The view was then obstructed by a wall as the driver parked the bus into a storage shed, shutting down both power systems and exiting the nano-field. "Alrighty people," the Earth pony called at the few passengers, "Time ta hop it out. Train'll be 'ere soon so get ya stuff together." My new acquaintance, Wingy, stood and stretched out her limbs as making herself at home again, and proceeded to exit. I followed, while I in turn was followed by a couple of unicorns and a human. Outside the sun was strong, refueling my bodies storage of vitamin D, which would otherwise be gained from pills, and started to warm up my skin. This feeling of the wind bushing the dust from my hair and the smell of pollen seemed so natural to me, it was alien. Most had become this way after living in a artificially created world like I had. The small group stood on the wooden platform waiting for the train. The excitement was building within me, everything this place had to offer so far had been beyond anyone's imagination, especially my own. My heart nearly jumped a beat at a loud noise, much to loud or high-pitched to be any train I had been on. But looking down the track, just turning into view, was the most incredible thing I had seen. Most of it was made of wood and unpainted black metal, steam poured out of a tube at the top which was what had seemed to be the source of the noise from before. Behind the large black beast were more friendly looking wooden boxes, each decorated with bright and happy colours like bright pink, shining yellow, and a cool light brown. Slowly it stopped for us, the others with me taking it in their stride as they climbed aboard. I simply was stunned at how this was a train. No sleek silver plates, no automatic sliding doors, nothing technological about it at all. "It's not gonna bite, Colla, it's not made of from from the Everfree forest, sheesh!" The sudden voice from behind did cause for a skip of the heart as I nearly fell forward from the shock. Behind me, Wingy was smiling broadly carrying a small, gym-bag for lack of a better word, which indicated she didn't have a lot with her. My own bags sat near the back wall of the station, almost forgotten. As I raced to retrieve them, I scolded Wingy. "Can't you learn to keep to yourself? Why do you have to keep bugging me?" She of course ignored me and started to swing on the entrance, apparently waiting for me. With my bags in tow, I shoved past her into the cabin. Two rows sat on either side each large enough to fit two people. Surprisingly, most of the seats were filled, mostly from other stations, and unsurprisingly most were ponies; I could spot two other humans at most. The ponies didn't seem to give me a second glance as I placed my bags in a compartment, but when Wingy entered, there were mixed reactions. All of the Unicorns who had been sitting in the carriage scrunched up their faces as if a bad smell had entered the room, then instantly began moving into different carriages. The Pegasi watched the unicorns in disgust, then gave Wingy a small apologetic smile. Wingy just kept the same smile on as she had entered with. Lastly, the Earth ponies didn't really seem to give a damn. Guess everyone has their racist problems. I had done a small part of studying on the subject of Bets and how they interacted with everyone else, and it appeared that getting a hard time from any of the two pony groups they were not a part of was natural. If it was a Horned Bet, then it would of been the Pegasi that would have left. Earth ponies, with their history of being trampled on by both Unicorns and Pegasi, didn't seem too bothered by the new generation. It was sad really, but not something that could be fixed anytime soon. After finding a place to sit, Wingy was quick to take a window seat then drag me beside her, it was only a short wait of about ten minutes before everything shuddered and began to move. Four hours of traveling later, we had passed many beautiful sights like majestic waterfalls and massive cliff faces. The sun had started to dip that lit the western sky up in orange and pink hues. After a particularly long turn around a mountain, every sight I had seen so had was trumped. A single lonely mountain stood against the falling sun, showing off what was built atop it. Starting from the bottom and going up was the biggest city to be built on such slopes. White marble and gold stripes decorated the place as waterfalls fell down amongst the city and its climb. The further up I looked, more towers with pointed domes for tops appeared and graced the sky and clouds. This continued all the way up the mountain, till at the very top was a castle that was in it's own way, natural. Three giant towers, each with their own extra branches. Each one was coloured different, one being a white that was the essence of light itself with a gold twirl that followed the tower upwards, another being black that glowed with a dark haze, again with a dark blue that twirled. Finally the middle one that was purple which sparkled of its own accord, a pink twirl that seemed to be spinning was noticeable. It didn't take a genius to tell who those belonged to. The three princesses. And my reason for coming here. Looking over at Wingy I noticed she didn't seem to interested in the view of the city. I couldn't believe that someone could just simply ignore such a sight. "Hey, are you dumb or something? Check out this view!" She turned her head to look blankly at it for a bit, then just shrugged. "Meh, seen it plenty. Seen it plenty. One you've seen one big city place you've seen them all." As I tried to glare Wingy into caring a bit more, I noticed just past her head was another town. This one looked rundown and abandoned, no one trying to care for it. A sore sight compared to the city, so why not demolish it? That thought didn't last long as we finally started to pull into my final destination. Canterlot station. ^\/^\/^\/^ My mood had dropped terribly. Not long after I got off and started hunting for my apartment I had brought from the other side had I realised that Wingy was still following me. She had since decided that she would do me a 'favor' and show me around town. This involved me holding on to my bags for dear life as Wingy zoomed around, the collar of my shirt in her hand, and pointed out various locations and places. "Oh! Oh! OH! And over there, yes there! Is where they held the first Canterlot sky-rockets show! OOOOOH! You mustn't forget..." And so she went on. I soon got the sense that this girl didn't have many friends. To everyone else, it was quite the show. Some ponies I could see shaking their heads slowly, recognition in their eyes. It would seem Wingy was known around here. However, I needed to find my apartment and the night was starting to wear on. "Hey, Wingy." "This place is where some weird guy reeealy liked my bum for some reason. He was odd. He was odd." "Wingy, oy! "All questions can be held until the end of the tour." The monotone she had suddenly taken to answer was a bit frightening, so I kept it shut. Finally the sun had begun to slip back into the eastern sky, and Wingy had seemed to have had enough. My hands were still clenched onto my bags which rendered them sore and unmovable for a while, making Wingy's handshake pretty painful. "If you need anything. Anything, yes, anything, give me a call! Or a shout." She rested her chin on the backs of her hands, thinking deeply. "We don't have phones here. Don't know why... why." This didn't seem to be moving quickly enough for me, but at the exhaustion I was at there wasn't much I could do to hurry it. So after a neck aching yawn, a gave a sleepy, "Yeah, sure, sure. Sure." Great, now she had me doing it. Satisfied with my answer, she gave herself a wide smile and left me there, finally alone. After waiting for her to be out of sight, to be sure she didn't follow me home, I noticed I was completely lost. "Drat." It took to about lunchtime until I found where I'd be living. It was on the lower half of the mountain, where all the cheaper markets and shops were and a healthier mix of the three pony races and humans compared to higher up. It was a nice place that matched the white marble like the rest of the city, if not a little dirty, but it sat above a cafe so I wouldn't be lost if I ever needed a cup of tea. Using one of the keys I was mailed, I got into the building and went immediately to my room, not taking in any features yet. The apartment came with three rooms, a join living room and kitchen with a deck, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Luckily, the bedroom came with a bed, so after dumping all of my bags on the floor a collapsed. ^\/^\/(*)\/^\/^ He's... not going... should just... left... mutant... ^\/^\/(*)\/^\/^ *Knock, Knock, Knock* The suddenly banging on my door jolted me from sleep. I rolled to the side before feeling nothing beneath me, then I hit the floor. Cursing and nursing my sore head, I quickly stripped out of yesterdays clothes and into some identical fresh ones before answering the door. Unlocking it from the inside made a 'click' sound that told who ever was on the other side that they made my attention, and I opened the door. On the other side, a couple of heads shorter than me was a Hooved Bet, dark green hair swaying down in straight lengths to her chest height. Golden eyes watched me closely, unblinking, as her golden hind legs twitched every now and then. She wore a simple black hoodie and light blue jeans. "Good..." I looked back out towards the deck to see that sun was approaching the west side again, "Evening. Can I help you?" The girl didn't say anything, instead just stared at me with those eyes. I didn't take long to be a little eerie. Suddenly she looked off to the side and started making wild gestures. "Hello!" The boom of a extremely loud and deep voice practically threw me back, and I staggered back a bit before spotting the owner. A giant blue minotaur. "A pleasure to meet you, sir! We're your new neighbors, so we thought it best to come say hello after you moved in!" Neighbors, huh? Well things would certainly be interesting around here. "Uh, hi. Pleasure to, ah, meet you too." The shock hadn't completely worn off, so I might have stared a bit; but I quickly shook it off and answered properly. "Sorry, you caught me in the middle of a nap. My name's James." "Absolute pleasure to meet you James!" He nodded to himself as he said this, as if his body agreed with what his mind said. "I am the great Concrete Will! And this is my dear friend, Claudia!" Claudia looked up at Will as he made some gestures and she nodded, facing me again and bowing. Ahh, she must be deaf. "Well, as much as we would like to chat," Will gestured back towards the stairs that lead outside, We simply must hit the market before it closes. Good day, James! May you have the Will!" With something like a salute, and another bow from Claudia, they left down out onto the street. To be honest, knowing I was living next to a minotaur was a bit daunting, and knowing that young girl was also living with him, likely alone, worried me a bit too. But the sudden topic of shopping reminded me that I didn't have a single item of food in the entire place. Quickly grabbing a bag and some Equestrian gold, I headed out and down the stairs. I stopped, went back up and locked the door, then going back down and towards the market. That was close. Browsing the shops was harder than I thought. Only a few of the stalls actually had meat and they were housed by Griffons or humans, and sold many meats and cuts that were alien to me. With a little help from the shop owners who noticed I was new around the area, I quickly made some purchases was even given a couple free, as a welcoming gift. The vegetable stall were easier to get around as the fruits and veges of Equestria are similar to Earth. One thing I noticed that vastly differed from Earth, was that they didn't use chemical preservatives to make food last longer, instead that had Unicorns somewhere in the business who enchanted them with a very basic slow-spell, that slowed the decay of food by about fifty percent. Very handy. After filling my bag with what I hoped would last me a while, I was heading back when I heard aggressive shouting from around a block. Curious, I went to investigate and also face-palmed when I saw the scene. Standing in the same pink jump-suit as before was Wingy, her usual smile faltering as a very angry Unicorn mare gave her a piece of her mind. "...your kind just doesn't get it, do they? Well no wonder as you mutants have the brain cells of an ass!" As I drew closer, I noticed some vegetables spilled on the floor between them. Ahh, the ol' knock and complain like an old hag. The one-sided fight had drawn quite a crowd, ponies, humans and Bets all getting a view of the action. A few in the audience looked like they really wanted to get in there and shut her up, but none did for whatever reason, and that ticked them off even further. I would've just stood there and watched the show as well, but Wingy caught me watching and stared at me. Sighing with annoyance, I stepped between the face-off. "Excuse me ma'am, but I doubt all this is really necessary. Can't you discuss this without yelling?" A few watching were taken back, unsure of what I was doing. The white coated and golden maned mare turned her glare onto me, sizing me up while keeping her guard up. "Well excuse me, sir, but I fail to see how this involves you in anyway." Her gaze turns to my hair and the ghost of a smirk appears. "Maybe what they say about orange-maned humans is right, and you just lack the soul to understand." Okay, you just had to mention that hair. As weak as the insult was, it cut deep on me. Superstition had taken a rise back on Earth after the discovery of magic, and orange-haired people had taken the sharp end of it. "Oh? Well, let me-" I stopped myself. Getting angry in a situation like this would only have one end, one that didn't go well with me. "Let you what? Let you slap this monster for me like she desperately deserves?" These insults were just getting worse by the second. "Let me pay you what this lady owes you for the damage and let both of us be on our way." Behind me, Wingy's face had turned neutral and remained silent. The mares eyes narrowed to slits as she tried to stare me down. "Accept your filthy money? How low do you think I am? No, this is about honor, and what's right!" A few bystanders simply groaned or walked away unable to continue watching. There was arrogance, there was selfishness, there was stupidity, then there was this mare. I rubbed my face slowly, the situation really starting to get to me. The mare held my gaze, neither of us giving in to the other. It had turned from a word exchange to a staring contest. Great for my first day. Neither of us noticed that the crowd had started to part, some of the audience even bowing. "Ahem." At once, both our heads turned to the new voice and our jaws unhinged. With several large royal guards and the unmistakable starred crown, Princess Twilight stood before us with a raised eye-brow. The one I had a major crush on. "What is the meaning of this, if I may ask?" Before I could even grasp the situation, the mare grasped at the opportunity. "This!" She shouted, throwing a hoof in out direction. "These creatures dare try to disgrace me! They mock me and spill my goods!" After this loud of garbage, the mare practically threw herself at the Princesses hooves. "Please! Teach them a lesson! They need to learn their manners!" Twilight simply sighed deeply, but kept her composure. "Princess Blue Bell," she started. Princess? Oh, this wont end well for me. "When I asked you to get to know the citizens, I didn't mean try to start a war with them." The 'princess' looked up at Twilight, disbelief in her eyes, then turned tail and ran. "Woo! Woo, woo! Colla, you were awesome!" I was suddenly aware of Wingy hanging off my neck, and suddenly aware of my brain asking the question of why I got myself involved at all. Again, Princess Twilight sighed and turned to address Wingy and I. "I'm terribly sorry about that, Blue Bell can be quite the handful, especially since hardly anyone would dare speak up against a princess." Oh, bugger. "I hope she didn't cause any harm?" She looked at right, at me, with those dazzling violet eyes, right at me. I tried to reply but my brain had hit shutdown and I was left staggering for words. After a couple of minutes of me making chocking noises, Twilight squinted her eyes. "Wait... do I know you from somewhere?" ^\/^\/^\/^ "...Colla, Colla, Colla, Colla." Was what I awakened to, paired with a finger poking me in the face. I opened my eyes to met Wingy's face, beaming down at me. "Colla! You wont believe where we are!" Pushing her off me, I slowly sat up and gazed around. It was a pristine room, with photos hanging all around and fancy scientific objects put on display. The wallpaper behind the photos was coloured purple, with violet and pink stripes. I was lying on one of two couches in the room, and on the other sat two ponies, who both had to be impossible. One, Princesses Twilight, my heart nearly dieing on me at her sight and how she watched me closely, but beside her sat the more crazy pony. One that simply couldn't be. Pink coat, frizzy pink mane a slightly darker shade, and impossibly bright blue eyes. On her flank was the cutie-mark used at joke shops and was a simple used at birthdays to bring good fortune. Three balloons, two blue one yellow. Pinkamena Diane Pie, looking as young as she did in those ancient history records from over fifty years ago. Died ten years ago. When she noticed me looking at her, her expression looked a bit shocked which was quickly replaced with the biggest grin not possible. Pinkie brought a hoof to her lips and had a 'hush' noise before pointing at Twilight. Between us was a tea set lying on an old oak coffee table that looked masterfully crafted with etchings of dancing ponies in a swirling wind. "Hello again, James Colla." Twilight smiled as she watched my mixed expressions. "It's been a long time hasn't it? I hope you remember me." Hoped? The day I'd forget is the day I die. "O-of course, Princess." Realising I was still sitting, I threw myself to my feet and quickly bowed as low as I could. "Please, you don't need to be so formal here." I nodded, in a slight dream like trance, and sat down. "It certainly has been some years, hasn't it? I remember when I visited you in that hospital. I trust your health has been fine since then? Quite an unlucky condition you had, luckily my dimensional-magic-mover happened to be working, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use magic." She giggled to herself. "But let's not tell anyone this. "You weren't the only child I helped, there were others, but yours... yours was the most eventful." I was confused by this. From what I was told, and what I can remember, nothing really happened other than being saved by a Princess. But it was in one door, used magic, and out the other; nothing to really write home about. "So, how was the bis ride?" Again I simply nodded. Wingy was still sitting beside me not really paying attention to the conversation, instead looking at the photos around the place making 'Ooh's and 'Ahh's. "Now, my dear James," My attention snapped back to the pony princess and noted her expression change for slightly fun to serious. "I believe we met again for a reason today. I've encountered a problem and I can't solve it myself, so I may need your help." "W-wait a second!" I was stuttering and baffled. The princess of Equestria wanted my help? "Why me? And why ask so quickly? Y-you hardly know me!" Twilight nodded to this, but her serious expression never left her face. "That is somewhat true. Yes, this is very sudden, and yes, I haven't had any information on you since I last visited Earth. But I do believe you can do. There is no mistake there." A flash of purple and suddenly the environment changed. No longer were we sitting in the comfortable purple room, but in a long hall with glass panels that depicted many strange and wondrous events, some that were familiar to the events that led to Earth and Equestria joining. Another thing was that Pinkie had followed us, but didn't sit on the floor; instead she floated around the room going in and out of walls without Twilights notice. "This," Twilight spoke and nodded toward the window before us, "Is why I believe it will be you." In the frame was me, same orange bangs and emerald eyes, surrounded by six different coloured lights and six figures at the back, faded from view. I kept staring at the pane, and Twilight addressed me. "James, I need you to find new bearers for the elements of harmony."