> Ice Daggers And Lava > by PinkLemonLimeSprinkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Birth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the great town of Manehattan, there is a girl who is always with a new stallion. She is beautiful, known for beauty and kindness. She is peaceful, and doesn't fuss about her stallions. But a great mistake has changed her. The female pushed and pushed, for she was on the bed, and her face was red. She was plump, and her mascara cascaded down her cheeks. She was crying and panting. She was giving birth. She pushed harder and harder, until POP. The baby fell out. The pony fell back in exhaustion, her eyes blurry. She then heard a shrill wail from in between her legs. She saw the child. It was a pure white, with wings that were bigger than most foals. There was tiny ice blue hairs on it's head, and the child was on its stomach, bawling. The female pony, who was a green Unicorn with navy hair and purple eyes, grabbed her child. The child felt warmth against it's skin. It began to coo, and the Unicorn sighed in relief. The Unicorn picked the child up, and laid it on its back, to check its sex. It was a girl. The Unicorn smiled and laid the child on her upper legs, allowing her to suck on the milk-filled nipples. She relaxed, but remembered that she couldn't take care of this child. She had decided a long time ago that she would give it up for adoption. She sighed, and tickled the foal's nose. The foal started laughing. First soft, and then louder. Soon, her legs were flailing. She was erupted in laughter, and then, something strange happened. In one move, in one hoof wave, an ice dagger pierced through the foal's fore hoof, and struck into the wall, breaking. The Unicorn was stunned. She looked at the child, who she saw had her purple eyes. She backed away from the child. "Monster...." she stated. That was it. The next morning, the Unicorn dressed in a green hoodie, and placed the child inside a blue snow bag. She zipped the bag shut, and ran as fast as she could to the train station. When she got on the train, she ran to the bathroom and changed the filly, let her suckle, and changed her into a blue jacket. 7 hours later, the Unicorn got off the train, and began to hike up the Forbidden Ice Mountains where the native Eskiponies lived. She climbed and climbed, and the snow began to fall, making the filly excited. She released several ice daggers, and had much fun. Finally, the Unicorn reached the top of the freezing mountain. She walked around, the blistering snow smacking her in the face, until she saw an ice cave. She walked inside, seeing pictures of ice ponies and religions. She looked only a moment, and then dropped the bag in the cave, let the filly suckle once more, and the ran out. The filly, confused, began to wail. Tears streamed down the filly's cheeks, and the wails just echoed off the cave walls, making the child's wails even louder. The child finally shut up, and slept peacefully. She dreamed of shooting ice daggers in the snow, smiling as she threw snowflakes into the air, and played with a sparkly crown atop her head. "Over Here!" she heard in her dream. She continued to throw snow. But then, she saw an orange glow...it was fire! The fire swept up the snow, and sizzled the metal of the crown, making the snow into water, drowning the filly, making her flail. She felt hooves around her as she shot multiple ice daggers at the sky. She awoke, her heart beating. She rested a moment, until she saw the orange glow close to her face. She squealed, and almost fell backwards. She was in the hooves of an Eskipony, who was looking at her with curiosity. She sniffed the filly. "Papa!" she cried. A brown Eskipony with a white beard came up to his daughter. "Papa, child lost." she said. He held a torch, glowing with fire, to the filly's face. The filly shrank back. The Eskipony holding the filly smiled. She was brown, with black hair and blue eyes. She looked to her father. "Papa, keep?" she asked. Her father, an old brown Eskipony with white hair and blue eyes nodded. "Snowflower, keep." Snowflower smiled and hugged her papa. Snowflower carried the filly through the snow, until they got to a camp. Papa, or as he was normally called Granted Wishes, called out. "Eskiponies, come!" He was the leader of the ponies, and called out. Many sleepy brown Eskiponies rubbed their eyes, and stepped out of their tents. They looked curiously at the new filly, who was confused. She wiggled, wanting down. Snowflower put the little one down, and the filly sat on the snow, curious. She was only 2 weeks old, so she couldn't understand. Granted spoke. "Hail, Eskiponies. Hail, little White Shard." The ponies looked at each other, curious. Granted noticed their looks, and spoke again. "Eskiponies, watch." He tickled the child's nose until she laughed so hard, she flailed her legs. Out popped two ice daggers. The Eskiponies watched in amazement. "Hail, White Shard." they said in unison. Snowflower looked to her father. "Papa, Snowflower keep?" Granted looked to his daughter. She was old enough to care for a filly, and could not bare children. Since she was barren, she was not allowed to be married. Granted smiled. "Snowflower keep White Shard." Snowflower hugged her father, and took the filly inside her tent, making the filly warm. A mother Eskipony came in later, nursing the filly. The mother dipped her head to Snowflower and left, and Snowflower removed her brown coat hood. She had long, beautiful black locks, and her ears were nice and medium. She took little White Shard, and put her next to her belly, flopping her long tail across her baby. White Shard blinked, and then happily fell asleep in Snowflower's warmth. > Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other side of the freezing mountain, was the abandoned Wonderbolt Derby Racetrack. No shows today, but inside the building, deep in the very back, was Spitfire's office. The orange Pegasus was pacing, and fast. She was sweating bullets and wearing her whistle and dark sunglasses. She kept looking at her watch, and the sky. She continued to pace, and then, in a cloud of lavender, appeared a letter. Spitfire grabbed it fast, and read it with pleasure. "Dearest Spitfire, I'm ready for your arrival. Please be cautious. You're not going to like what you see. I know you must be so worried, but don't worry. I'm fine, as is my husband. I figured you'd be in your office, so I told Chamila to send it there. I also sent one to your house, in case. It was quite an ordeal. But I can't wait for you to get here. Your loving older sister, Hotfire. Spitfire leaped into action. She grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and flew out the door in a haste. She flew high, and flew close to the castle where the Forbidden Ice Mountains were. She shrugged the chilled feeling off, and then came to rest upon a house with a telescope in the window. She knocked twice, and a green Pegasus with red hair and green eyes opened the door. He smiled. "Oh, hello Spitfire. Please, come in....." Spitfire nodded and flew in, seeing her sister, a yellow Pegasus with light green and orange hair and blue eyes on the couch with a baby bassinet next to her. She saw Spitfire, and brightened. "Spitfire!" she walked to the Pegasus, and hugged her. "So great to see my baby sister!" Spitfire blushed. "Aw, shucks, Hothead, I just came to see my new niece/nephew!" Hotfire grimaced at her childhood nickname. Then she grinned uncomfortably. "Uh, yes....the....baby...." Spitfire was grinning madly as she fluttered over to the bassinet. She looked inside, and was grinning even more. The baby was male. He was a bright yellow, exactly like Spitfire and Hotfire. He had red hair like his father, and blue eyes like his mother. He yawned and smiled at his aunt. She smiled. She turned to Hotfire. "Can I pick him up?" she asked. Hotfire slowly nodded. Spitfire cradled the child, and cooed at it. But then, she noticed something. She didn't feel fluttering wings against her arms. She turned the child over, and.....no wings.... Spitfire was shocked, angry, and doubtful. She quickly placed he child back into the bassinet. She turned to her sister. "Want to explain this?" Hotfire began to cry. "I know, Spitfire. I don't know why he's not a Pegasus! I'm so shocked!" Spitfire was still angry, and took off her sunglasses. "I hope you're not thinking of keeping it." Hotfire now looked at her sister, angry. "Just because he's not a Pegasus, doesn't mean I don't love my Melting Sun!" Spitfire's eyebrow went up. "Ugh, you pick the worst names." Spitfire walked toward the door. "I don't want anything to do with it. I don't want to know how it's doing, I'm going to pretend that he's not my nephew, and you and I are done. No more sisterly love. It's over." Spitfire flew out, and slammed the door, making Melting Sun fuss. Hotfire was crying while cradling the child. She loved her little sister, and her son, but she couldn't love both. She decided it was her son, and nuzzled him. "Don't worry. She's no longer part of this family." Melting Sun cooed into his mother, and fell asleep. > Ways Of The Tribe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many years had passed. White Shard was now 5 years old, and on her 6th birthday, she would be assigned a tribe job. But, until then, she had to go to school. Inside a deep ice cave, White Shard, or Shard, as everypony called her, ran inside to the classroom, where she sat on the snow, alongside five other children. The teacher, A brown Eskipony with red hair and grey eyes smiled at the children. "Welcome class. I'm Miss Icy." The children said good morning, and then Miss Icy pulled out a small ice dagger. Across the giant wall of ice, she wrote, "Eskipony Jobs" She turned to the children. "Now children, who can tell me the five jobs that a pony can get?" She waited, until a small white hoof wove in the air. "Yes, Shard?" Shard stood up. "I know two of the five. I know Educator, and I know Cave-Builder." Miss Icy smiled. "Yes, thank you, Shard." A brown hoof shot up. "Yes, Duncie?" Duncie stood. "There are three more. Food/Water Maker, Weapon Inventor, and Fire Creator." The teacher smiled. "Yes, let's start with Cave-Builders. Cave-Builders create the caves we use today as nurseries, schools and storage. It is a great process of the strong ponies who carry large boulders, and thrown them at ice sheets and walls, until it breaks, and they carve smooth edges into the cave. The process, my dear children, can take months to do. But it is worth it when we have extra shelter and other luxuries." "Next, Food/Water Makers. They create the food we eat every evening. Every morning, they go picking for snowflowers and other winter plants, such as frozen mint, speargum, and harsh bite. In the afternoon, they gather the ingredients and mix them up, and cook them over a fire. That way, we can enjoy a delicious meal. So remember to say thank you to a Food/Water maker." "Next, we have Fire Creators. Fire Creators go every morning, and search for trees. The search is long and hard, but then we use our ice weapons to kill the tree, and make it into wood chunks. After wards, they cut it down smaller, until they can make a fire for the Food/Water Makers. Then they make the big fire, so we can stay warm" "There's also Weapon Inventor. They create special ice weapons like swords, daggers, and bows in the Laboratory. These weapons protect our rightful home against the troll, Princess Celestia. Remember, children. Never trust Celestia. She tricks young Eskiponies out of the mountain, and they never come back." "Lastly, there's Educator. These special ponies teach younger ponies how to be Eskiponies. They work in large caves, and prepare young fillies and colts for their Eskipony job at age 6. I'm sure you all know what you want to be, but remember, not all little ponies get exactly what they want." The teacher signaled for recess, and Shard ran outside with her best friend, Cocoa Bean. Cocoa was brown, with black hair, and grey eyes. Shard smiled at her friend. "What do you hope you get?" Cocoa looked at her a moment, and replied. "I want to be a Weapon Inventor!" Shard giggled. "I want to be a Fire Creator." Cocoa looked at her strange. But, your power? Shouldn't you want ice?" Shard shook her head. "I want to be a Fire Creator, I want to marry a Fire Creator, and I want to give birth to a Fire Creator!" Cocoa rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Shard." Shard walked home to her tent, to find her mother was gone. She walked to the nearest Cave-Building site, and sure enough, Snowflower was there, throwing boulders. "Mama?" she asked. Snowflower smiled. "Hi, Shard! Mommy's just going to be home in a bit. Go home and play with a friend." Shard smiled and ran home. But instead of getting Cocoa to come over, she yawned, rolled into a bun, and slept peacefully on the tent floor.