Even In Other Worlds

by Rytex

First published

Nathan Samuel is a normal student, living a normal life. After some sickness, he remembers that he's from Equestria, and that everypony is trapped in this other world. Now it's up to him to restore the Elements of Harmony once again in or

NO LONGER THE CANON SEQUEL. Perhaps you are looking for The Archmage's Last Bow?

It began with The Apprentice, the Student, and the Charlatan, but now the story continues, Even In Other Worlds.

Nathan Samuel is a normal guy. Decent grades in college, a girlfriend, an apartment, and a stable source of income. That much he thinks he's sure of. One fateful day, however, the spellwork of a curse surrounding everyone he knows suddenly drops from around him, and he is able to remember who he is: Nova Shine, the Night Master of Princess Luna.

Meanwhile, a coalition of villains to Equestria has been assembled to keep things in check. Queen Chrysalis, whose job it is to use her changeling forces to prevent any kind of organized uprising; Sombra, who was the one who cast the memory curse in the first place, is to keep it in check; Discord, who is doing little more than standing for back-up; and Nightmare Moon, watching the Elements personally and reporting back to their mysterious "benefactor."

Following a conversation with Princess Celestia, Nova now knows what he needs to do to return to Equestria. The Elements of Harmony were restored to the Tree of Harmony, but the spirits of the Elements live on in their Bearers. With all six of them unable to remember who they are, and worse, with all six hating each other, Nova Shine now has to work to restore the Elements, and in the process try to make his fiancée fall in love with him again, to return all of them to their home.

NOTE: Gore is rather light; tag is included for safety.

Nathan Samuel

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 01 - Nathan Samuel

Nathan Samuel blinked.

For some reason, this blink was different from the other million and a half times he had done this in his life. I mean, let’s face it. You probably don’t remember anywhere near a thousandth of a percent of the blinks you do. You’re probably more aware of your blinking right now. Why should one blink make all the difference?

And yet it did. And he didn’t know why. It puzzled him to no end. To Nathan, it kind of seemed like he came out of a haze. Like he had been barely paying attention before he had blinked, and now he was fully doing so after.

Dismissing the thought just like that, he brought a hand up to his face, rubbed his bright blue eyes, and sighed heavily.

Fucking homework, he thought as he looked down at the array of papers and books in front of him. Where do I even start?

Under normal circumstances, it would have been easy for him to pick. Professor Hoffman’s work was always easy, and couple that with a bit of a soft spot toward the son of one of his friends, the Professor had a favorite student, even if he’d like to think he didn’t.

But he really didn’t want to do this homework. He was tired, unable to focus, and he couldn’t stop thinking about the most random things. I mean, what normal person would randomly start thinking about being a unicorn and running into a random ruin in the middle of a forest?

Not to mention pretty purple princess ponies, he thought snidely to himself, smirking at his own joke. Natalie would probably love to hear about this little story.

His smirk turned into a small smile as he thought about his girlfriend, Natalie Verano. Her dark red hair, her brown eyes, that absolutely gorgeous rack across her chest that he would love to--

He blushed slightly as that particular thought came to him and he shook it off and continued looking over the massive amount of university work sent his way.

Why did everything have to be due on the same fucking day? he cursed to himself. Do they do this on purpose!?

Well, the obvious answer was probably not, but Nathan had to wonder… Hell, those people that actually liked this stuff were probably already done with it. Thank goodness it wasn’t due for another couple of days. Knowing Strong, she was probably already done with it. Hell, she had probably finished it in class, dotted all of her I’s with hearts, and turned it in as soon as class was over.

He snarled at the thought. Nat never really liked her. Claimed she was always showing her up, or something like that. Nathan never knew; he was never actually around to see any of this, but he trusted his girlfriend. Why would she lie?

Frankly, she wasn’t a liar. She was a pretty honest person. Even more than Ashleigh Appleby was at times, which was saying something. That girl was blunter than a mace most of the time.

Oh, who was he kidding? Only most of the time? Try all the time!

Nathan sighed, slamming shut some of his books and stacking everything neatly. It was too late for this. Might as well go to bed and start on it again tomorrow. Besides, at least tomorrow he would see Natalie, and maybe then they might work on it together. That would certainly alleviate some of the annoyances he was facing. Or maybe he could get Alex to help, if he wasn’t too busy flirting with his egotistical not-girlfriend.

As Nathan fell onto his bed, not bothering with the covers, he groaned and brushed his blue hair away. That was one of the many quirks he liked about himself. He had blue hair, and he’d had it for as long as he could remember. He wasn’t sure if it was dyed or not, considering he had no knowledge on how to tell, but considering it hadn’t washed out yet, even after all this time, he had a feeling it was natural.

He was far from the only one with quirky hair color. Penelope Poppentop’s was pink and incredibly poofy, Rachel Dillon’s was streaks of different colors to form a rainbow, Regina Mills’ was purple, and Felicity Sanders’ was a longer, straighter, softer pink style than Penelope’s.

And that’s not forgetting Strong. She had dark hair with a streak of magenta in it. Her eyes, however, were probably the strangest part about her. A deep purple in color, they always had this effect of making Nathan feel like his soul was being looked into. This was compounded by her rather pale skin.

Trying not to think too much about how Natalie would react if she found out he had been thinking of another girl, he shut his eyes and let himself fall peacefully to sleep.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nathan slouched back in his chair. Algebra could be so boring sometimes. It was made even more boring by the fact that Natalie didn’t have this class with him, and the fact that the teacher had barred anyone from using any sort of laptop.

Well, he had thought on day one, there goes all that time-wasting on 4Chan I was planning on doing.

He had already gone over this lesson. Why did they have to go over it again? It was just a waste of time. Nathan was tempted to play hooky after using some bullshit excuse to leave class, except he knew Hoffman was good friends with this guy, and would probably not be expecting him next class in that case, which would lead to awkward conversations following the lecture time.

Annoyingly enough, they were forced to share a table with someone else. This room doubled as a science classroom, which meant that in that particular class, lab partners were used, so they got tables for those pairings. Normally he wouldn’t mind sitting next to anyone else. They’d just make a good conversation partner.

However, he just had to end up sitting next to the one person in the entire class who eagerly listened to Doc Bernard instead of generally not paying attention like everyone else. Nathan knew her quite well, since she was a primary target for his pranks. Sometimes it was a pulled chair from under her, sometimes it was the rearranging of her notes page, once he even tripped her in the hallway, but that time was an accident that everyone thought he did on purpose.

And as usual, she had her pen and notebook in her lap and her laptop on her desk, taking notes just as quickly as Doctor Bernard wrote them down. Nathan seriously wondered why Natalie didn’t like her. Not really like Strong could do anything to hurt Nat’s reputation or anything. Nat just seemed to have a deep-seated dislike for her for some reason. Maybe because Nat was openly going for Head of Class, and Strong stood in her way. Nathan just couldn’t see anything about the “threatening” girl in the black, grey, and white sweatervest, lavender-colored undershirt, and black skirt.

Nathan always thought the outfit made her look something like a Catholic schoolgirl.

Strong really didn’t like Nathan or Natalie that much either. She didn’t really like anyone, for that matter. She usually spent all her time alone, sitting off in some corner, reading a book. If not that or working on her homework, she was at the town library working there, or at her home with that kid of her’s. He wasn’t exactly her kid, though. Something like a foster-brother.

“...and we will continue with this on Wednesday. Homework assignment twelve is due at the beginning of class, and remember that Finals are coming up. It is in your best interest to start looking over the exams for review. Have a good day.”

There came the usual scraping of seats against the ground as everyone packed their stuff up and started walking out. Nathan and Strong both put their things away, pushed in their chairs, and started heading for Professor Hoffman’s class.

And three… two… one…

Strong sped up to get several feet in front of him before resuming her normal pace. Nathan rolled his eyes. Sure, he had played a few harmless pranks on her in the past, but that didn’t warrant her inability to tolerate walking even close to him in the hallway.

“Hey Nathan!” called a gruff-sounding cockney-accented voice behind him, and he stopped. His friend Alex was hurrying up to him, carrying with him a small book with star-charts inside. Oh, right. Today was astronomy day. He had forgotten.

Alex stopped next to him for a moment, leaning down and grabbing at a stitch in his side as his black hair fell in front of his face. After a moment, he looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

“I hate carrying a load of books to every class,” he said. “Stupid ROTC, having to get us in shape like that.”

“I wouldn’t know,” said Nathan, turning around and continuing toward Hoffman’s room.

“How was math?” Alex asked, starting to walk with Nathan as they made their way to another room in the science building of the campus.

“Eh, boring as usual,” Nathan said dully. “Covered a lesson we covered last class, and he wants to continue it Wednesday.”

“I told you what I thought about taking him for math,” Alex said. “I show all my work. All of it, on every assignment. I get all the right answers. What grade do I get? Fucking fifties. Tells me I’m not doing them right. Then, when I take the exams, I do everything the same way. The exact same way! What do I get then? B’s and A’s.”

“Could be worse,” said Nathan shrugging. “You could have those reversed.”

“But the homework was the sole reason my average in his class was a 79, and he refused to round up. Worst. Math teacher. Ever.”

“Nathan?” came a feminine voice behind him. Nathan turned to see none other than his girlfriend behind him. Her long red hair was done into a ponytail this time. Nathan liked the effect. It made her brown eyes seem brighter somehow. Alex rolled his eyes next to him.

The two of them hugged for a moment, before continuing toward class.

“Good morning, Alex,” Natalie said, as they continued. “Any luck with Trisha?”

“I wish,” said Alex, shaking his head in disappointment. “I don’t know what the hell she wants, but she refuses to accept the fact that we’re dating. As she puts it, she’s just using me for free food and moral support.”

“Joke’s on her,” said Nathan, smirking. “When the two of you get married, it’ll be the other way around. I can see it now. You’ll come home from work, she’ll start snarking as usual, and you’ll tell at her to get back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich. And she will.”

“Aside from that being incredibly sexist,” Alex said, “she’d probably refuse just to spite me, and then go and do it while brushing it off as being because she didn’t want her free food and moral support source to leave.”

“I say go for it,” said Nathan, shrugging. “Then you can press the matter and force a confession out.”

“If it’s all the same to you,” Alex replied coldly, “I’d rather not force anything in this relationship. I notice the less forced things are, the better they turn out to be, and I like Trisha too much to push it.”

“Aww, how sweet,” said Nathan, rolling his eyes to emphasize the sarcasm. “But seriously, I wouldn’t be dating Nat if she hadn’t wrung it out of me that I was interested--”

“Oh, that’s how the two of you got together?” Alex replied, cocking an eyebrow. “And here I thought you two engaged in a shouting match that devolved into angry sex.”

“A-Alex!” sputtered Nathan, going red. Natalie, however, took it in stride and smiled sweetly at him.

“Who’s to say we didn’t?” she asked, her voice getting low and husky, which intensified Nathan’s blush.

“Not helping things, Nat!” Nathan protested indignantly. Alex and Natalie both just chuckled, leaving Nathan to fume under his intense blush.

“Nah,” Natalie said, patting Nathan atop his head, “he’s still a little virgin. Pity no one calls him on it. That might trigger the two of us having a night together sooner.”

“We’ve gone over this, Nat,” Nathan said, inwardly groaning that Natalie was being so open about it with Alex. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush into something like this.”

“Now you’re starting to think like me,” said Alex, elbowing Nathan.

“Great,” Nathan said, fake-groaning. “Just what I needed. Now all I gotta do is start following Sherlock and Doctor Who religiously, and you and I’ll be even.”

“And ditch Arsenal for the Tottenham Hotspur master race,” reminded Alex, which only made Nathan facepalm.

“Never in a million years.”

“Natalie rolled her eyes. “Boys and their football,” she said to herself. “Well, I need to get going. Doc Johnson isn’t in the best mood today, so I’m told, and the last thing I want to do is give her a reason to yell at us.”

She grimaced.

“I’ll see you after this two hour long session that violates the Geneva Convention’s ban on collective punishment.”

“If they start waterboarding, we’ll come and rescue you,” Alex deadpanned, “but right now, Nathan and I have astronomy with Hoffman. Been waiting all day for this. He always finds a way to make class interesting.”

“Well, have a good time,” said Natalie, turning around, waving, and walking off.

“Right, then,” said Alex, turning back around and heading on up toward the Star Projection Auditorium, “we might want to get moving. We both know he hates latecomers.”

“He hates anyone but me being a latecomer, you mean,” corrected Nathan.

For the next few moments, they walked through the halls of the square science building in silence. Nathan didn’t mind. He always liked quiet moments in the middle of busy days; they helped him shrug off the distractions he wanted to avoid.

“Nathan, d’you mind if I ask a question that seems very out of nowhere?” Alex asked in a low voice.

“Um, sure,” said Nathan, bracing himself.

Alex looked through one of the displays into a geology exhibit featuring different rocks, with a slightly forlorn expression on his face. “Do you ever think there’s more than this?”

“Um, sorry?” Nathan asked, confused.

“I mean this,” Alex clarified, waving his hands vaguely around him. “School, class, homework, exams. Do you think there’s more to it than this?”

“More to what?”

“I dunno,” Alex shrugged. “Life, I suppose.”

“When did you get all existentialist on me?” Nathan asked, bemused by this sudden question.

“Don’t know that, either,” Alex answered. “Just sort of came to me. It just feels like this isn’t what life is for me. It feels like I’m supposed to be doing something else.”

“What, a life purpose? A special talent of some kind?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah, like those,” Alex said with a nod. “Doesn’t it just sort of feel like there’s more than this?”

“Now that you mention it,” said Nathan, thinking back to the moment where he’d had that strangely-important blink, “things are starting to seem rather weird, lately.”

“Oh?” Alex asked, giving him a look out of the corner of his eye. “What do you mean by that?”

“Last night, for example,” Nathan said, choosing to share his thoughts. “I was trying to figure out what I was going to do first for homework, when all of a sudden, I blinked.”

“You… blinked,” repeated Alex, giving him a weird look.


“What, so you don’t normally do that? You don’t blink at any other point in the day?”

“Hey, quit being a smartass,” Nathan said, smacking Alex on the arm. “I’m being serious. I had this weird little feeling after I blinked. Like I came out of a haze, or something.”

“What were you smoking last night, and where can I get some?” Alex asked, clearly thinking Nathan was losing it.

“Ugh, Alex, seriously! I’m telling the truth!”

“I’m just messing with you, mate,” Alex said, clapping Nathan on the back of his shoulder. “Look, I know the semester’s been hard on you. I mean, you’re taking Macroeconomics, Astronomy, College Algebra, and so on. You’re so caught up studying and doing all this homework, you don’t ever have any fun. So I think you really need to take a night off and just have fun around the town.”

“You’re not just using this as an excuse to go have a drinking night, are you?” Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow. “If you are, I can just invite you to the Council of Gentlemen. No need for all of this.”

“Aside from the fact that tonight seems like a really good night to go drinking,” Alex responded, “no, this is not an excuse. This is for you. You need a break night. I dunno, take Natalie out for a movie date, or something. Just don’t study or do anything school-related.”

Nathan looked up at the ceiling and interlaced his fingers behind his head.

“Yeah, I think I could use a night off.”

He suddenly unlaced his fingers and wiped his forehead, which Alex noticed was slightly shiny.

“Nathan, are you okay?” he asked, concernedly.

“Yeah, I feel fine. Why?”

“You’re sweating up a storm, and you look paler than usual,” Alex pointed out, noticing that Nathan’s normally-pale skin was almost white. “You don’t look so good, dude.”

“I’m fine,” repeated Nathan firmly. “Really.”

“Well, if you say so,” Alex said, shrugging his shoulders. “If you puke in class, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I won’t,” Nathan assured him, though that didn’t even slightly quell the suspicion that Nathan wasn’t 100%, but he let it slide.

They managed to make it into Professor Hoffman’s class shortly after it had begun. The large room in which the stars were projected onto the ceiling was round and dome-shaped, and it was currently dark.

“Now now, boys, you’re late,” Professor Hoffman said disapprovingly, glancing at Nathan in particular. Even though he didn’t really like late people, he knew Nathan usually had a good reason to be late whenever he was.

“Now Mr. Samuel, care to tell us why you were late? And you, Mr. Steele?” he asked them both.

Alex shrugged.

“I didn’t think Nathan looked good enough to come to class, so I asked him about it. That’s all. My bad on us being late.”

“Yes, well,” said the professor, inspecting both of them, “I do appreciate your honesty, but please try to do that while you’re walking next time. I’m sure you both know how to multi-task. If not, you should ask the nearest junior high girl. I’m sure they could teach you how to walk and talk at the same time.”

The class collectively chuckled. Alex and Nathan both dipped their heads in acknowledgement.

“Right, well, please get to your seats. Oh, and do either of you happen to know where Ms. Strong is? She appears to be absent today.”

Nathan glanced around the room, but there appeared to be no sign of her. The magenta in her hair usually stood out pretty well in darkness.

“I don’t know,” said Nathan. “She was in front of me for a few moments, but then she sped up and vanished. Don’t ask me why,”

“I see,” said Hoffman, writing something down behind his podium. “Well, take your seats and we’ll begin.”

Nathan and Alex moved around the room in the darkness carefully, found empty seats, and sat in them in time for the professor to begin the lecture.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Discord sat in his seat at the long table, playing with his top hat while he waited (im)patiently for the other “City Council” members to show up. He didn’t really like this form he was stuck in. Sure, it was still mostly like his normal chaotic self, what with the two hands, two feet, handsome face, and so on, but it was just so… monkey-like.

I mean for Chaos’ sake, he was an ape! A hairless monkey! Whoever’s idea it had been to bring all of them to this stupid human world was definitely the worst prison planner ever.

Oh wait, there had been that one time he’d tried to lock Pinkie Pie in a cotton candy cage...

Correction, whoever’s idea it had been to bring all of them to this stupid human world was definitely the second-worst prison planner ever.

The door at the foot of the table opened, and in stepped a tall, dark-skinned woman in a very sharp police uniform. She had long, greyish-green colored hair, bright green eyes, and Discord would be damned if her canines weren’t a little longer than the average human’s.

“You’re early,” she said, in a voice that echoed, as if a few others were speaking at the same time.

“I’m always early to dates, Chryssie,” Discord replied, smiling sweetly at her. Chrysalis scowled at him.

“I would never lower myself to consent to a date with you,” she replied venomously.

“Ah, but I never said it was with you, did I Chryssie?”

“And don’t call me that!” she snapped at him, her eyes glowing even brighter and her hand reflexively clenching. Discord thought he saw it give off the faintest aura of changeling magic, too. But he wasn’t afraid. His chaos magic still worked like a charm.

“Whyever not?” Discord asked, cocking an eyebrow, but with a slightly devilish grin.

Chrysalis mumbled something furiously, but Discord definitely caught the phrase, “brings back bad memories.” But maybe he didn’t hear that right, so he reached into his ear and pulling out an entire cloud of cotton candy, which definitely cleared up his hearing perfectly.

“Will you stop using your magic so openly?” Chrysalis hissed at him, still giving him the most murderous of glares.

“Why?” Discord asked, brushing his two curtains of shoulder-length grey hair out of his face. “What’s the point? ‘Snot like any ponies are going to find their way in here. Not while your changelings are the police and keeping this place off-limits.”

The door opened again, and in stepped the large, muscular mayor of Random Town, Anywhere. They didn’t really have a name. It was just the town, or something like that.

“Good to see you again, Mayor Sombra, sir!” Discord exclaimed, bounding out of his seat to shake the Dark King’s hands. “My, you look positively murderous today. What’s your secret? Rubbing some kind of incurable poison into those luscious locks of yours? Oh! Maybe it was you smoothing those lamb chops of yours with the blood of your enemies!”

“Shut up, Discord,” Sombra growled at him, rubbing one of said bushy black sideburns, which came only a half-inch from his mouth. Discord didn’t know how he did it, but his very long black hair still seemed to have a slightly smoky quality to it, just like his old pony form had. “Is Moony here yet?”

“She’s inside the Department,” Chrysalis replied. “My children informed me of her arrival with the hive mind.”

“You guys are soooo boring,” Discord said, pulling a violin out of his sleeves and proceeding to play something overtly sad and tragic. Sombra responded by incinerating it in his hands. So Discord just played the ashes and still got the same result.

“You imbeciles,” came a smooth, regal voice from the doorway once again, as a woman wearing a very expensive-looking black and silver dress stepped into the room.

Nightmare Moon glared at all of them with her sparkling icy-blue eyes, a truly scary look when you factored in the cat-like irises. Otherwise, however, he really couldn’t look past how she still looked like Loony had those three seconds where she was human like them.

Long, shimmering blue hair fell to the small of her back and moved independently of any wind, her skin was pale, flawless, and smooth, and her cheeks were hollow. The small tiara on her head amplified the regal quality she carried herself with.

Even Discord couldn’t deny that her form was beautiful, even for a monkey. Of course, he had to take ten points off because she was possessed by one of the more psychotic alternate personalities that don’t exist in Batmane comics.

“Hello Moony,” Discord said with a wave. Chrysalis’ hat turned pink. She wasn’t amused.

“Discord, as I’m sure our two associates have already said,” said Nightmare Moon in a lot more polite of a voice than either Cheese-Legs or Sombrero had used, “please stop fooling around so we can get to the point of this meeting.”

“Well, since you asked nicely,” he responded, snapping his fingers. The violin ashes vanished, the cotton candy cloud disappeared, and Chrysalis’ hat returned to its normal color. “But must I turn her hat back? It looked so good on her when it was pink.”

If looks could kill, Chrysalis would have committed mass genocide on the whole town at that moment.

“Enough, Discord. We have important matters to discuss,” Nightmare Moon said, daring him to challenge her. Discord just shrugged and leaned back in his seat.

“Go ahead,” he said, waving his hand at her to continue, before reaching down and starting to stroke his short white beard.

“Thank-you,” Nightmare Moon replied. “This is simply a precautionary meeting. I couldn’t help but notice a shift in the spellwork placed over the town last night.”

“I didn’t do it,” said Discord automatically, raising both of his hands in an “I surrender” pose. Alternatively called the Prench National Greeting gesture.

“We never said you did,” Nightmare Moon replied coolly, “but since you seem to have a guilty conscience about it--”

“I’m being serious for once,” Discord said. “I felt it too. I just figured you all would be liable to suspect me. After all, I do what I want, when I want, and for how much fun I want.”

“You were summoned here by our benefactor,” Sombra said, rolling his eyes. “It’s not like you can openly rebel against what you were called for.”

“Ah, but my dear Sombrero,” said Discord with a smug smile, “in case you aren’t aware, my task is simply to be at the ready just in case the ponies rise up. That’s all I’m here for is backup if the changeling cops fail their jobs. Which means I have a remarkable amount of freedom in how I go about doing that.”

“A little too much freedom,” remarked Chrysalis. “Why oh why didn’t our benefactor take his magic from him?”

“Because she can’t,” Discord simply. “If chaos followed the whim of anypony but the being of chaos, then it wouldn’t be very chaotic, now, would it?”

“‘She?’” Sombra asked with a raised eyebrow. “How do you know it’s a ‘she’?”

“Because look who all’s here, and look who’s in charge,” Discord said, gesturing at Nightmare Moon, who only looked very satisfied with Discord’s logic. “With the four of us Equestria-haters here, we’re missing a certain shadowy friend of yours, Nightmare Moon. A certain shadowy friend who would put her own creation in charge of all of us.”

Nightmare Moon just smiled at him.

“So it’s Envy, then?” asked Chrysalis. “Last I heard, she had the Everfree Vaults demolished on top of her little Soul Jar, or so my spies told me. How would she have escaped?”

“Mother is powerful enough to escape Soul Jars with ease,” Nightmare Moon said. “According to her, there was an amulet that was supposed to prevent her from transforming, but it was destroyed in the collapsing of that old building. She simply made her way out of the ruins as a shadow and waited for the perfect day to strike when nopony was looking.”

“Using every bit of the dramatic flair she wasn’t born with,” Discord remarked. At Nightmare Moon’s glare, Discord shrugged. “What? It was a fitting day. I’m not complaining about the style, but the timing on the day was just poor. She did it too soon. She should have put it off until later.”

“Regardless,” Nightmare Moon said, dismissing the topic, “here we are. Now, Mother wanted me to remind all of you of your duties.”

“I know my job,” Discord whined. “Why did I have to come?”

“You know,” Sombra said, smirking, “it was worth bringing him along just for this. I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t amusing.”

Discord turned his beard into cotton candy for that. Surprisingly, Sombra actually pulled a bit out and ate it.

“Your pranks are actually quite entertaining, if your victim can take a joke,” Sombra said, pulling out another tuft. “But as pink doesn’t exactly go with my darkness, I’m going to have to ask you to change it back.”

“See?” Discord asked the other two occupants of the room. “All you have to do is ask nicely.”

He snapped his fingers, and Sombra’s beard regrew back to where it had been, and it turned back into facial hair. Sombra felt it for a moment.

“Is this… blood I feel in it?” he asked, curiously, removing his hand and examining a red liquid on his fingers.

“The blood of your enemies,” Discord responded, nodding his head.

“I didn’t style it with the blood of my enemies.”

“Oh? Did you use L’Oreal?” Discord asked. “Because you are so worth it.”

Nightmare Moon smiled. In fact, only Chrysalis seemed unamused by their antics. Discord inwardly fist-pumped. He just knew he’d be able to get at least Sombra to laugh, with enough effort.

“Alright you two, time to get to business,” Moony said, dropping the smile and assuming a business-like manner.

“What business?” scoffed Discord. “We know our jobs. What is the point of this meeting?”

“Because some of you need reminding not to go outside your jurisdiction,” Nightmare Moon said calmly, though she glared at Chrysalis. “Need I remind you, Your Majesty, that the Elements of Harmony, their relatives, and their close ones are mine to watch, and no one else’s. Your jurisdiction is over the rest of the ponies, to make sure none of them cause any trouble for us.”

“So let’s see,” said Discord, starting to count, “obviously, that’s Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, right? Add their family, and that includes their siblings, like the Macintosh, Applebloom, Spike the Dragon, Sweetie Belle, and that orange chicken-looking pony, but what about Shining Armor and Cadance?”

“Those two are left to Chrysalis,” Nightmare Moon replied. “She has been given permission to take her revenge, though I doubt she’ll spill blood. Mi Amore Cadenza is nowhere near as strong as Celestia or Luna, and so the possibility of her escaping the curse is low.”

“You also said their close ones,” added Discord. “Am I to take that to mean you have your eye on Nova Shine as well?”

“I do,” said Nightmare Moon. “I will be honest, I do believe he is the most dangerous of the lot. If he breaks out, Mother knows for a fact that he will stop at nothing to restore Twilight Sparkle’s memory, even at the cost of his own life. None of the other Elements can awaken on their own, and none of their relatives are strong enough in magic to break out on their own.”

“But he’s under the influence of the curse, and so he can’t remember who he is,” said Chrysalis. “How could he possibly escape?”

“His spirit,” Nightmare Moon said. “Nova Shine is the only pony I have ever encountered to be a master of magic who is also a Wind Elemental and a lover of a princess, much less an Element of Harmony.”.

“A Wind Elemental?” asked Chrysalis, arching an eyebrow.

“A certain personality type, most closely aligned with the element of wind,” Sombra explained. “Usually these ponies are free-spirited, spontaneous, and in general, their mannerisms would remind you of wind itself.”

“Yes,” Nightmare Moon said, nodding. “Nova’s very spirit would fight against the confines of the curse placed on him. I don’t think it will hold him for long, but I will be there when he breaks out, to put him back under it.”

“Well, this chat has been fun, but Mister Mayor and I have a tee-time in thirty minutes,” said Discord, getting to his feet, donning his top hat, adjusting his suit, and picking up his cane, which had been leaning against the wall behind him.

“Do you even use that?” asked Chrysalis, indicating the cane. Discord answered by pointing it at her. Immediately, her police badge turned from gold to platinum.

Sombra stood up and followed him out the door.

“I hope you don’t mind walking all the way there,” he said as they left the meeting room, where Discord was sure even now that Moony had to be lecturing Cheese-Legs about the importance of The Plan, even when it was obvious it was going to unravel quite easily.

“I don’t,” Discord responded. “Why?”

“Let’s just say I have an investment of mine to check up on,” Sombra said. “That being said, we’re taking the scenic route to the country club today.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nathan was taking deep breaths and constantly wiping sweat off of his forehead. Something was wrong, and even he couldn’t deny it, but he really didn’t want to leave.

“...which brings us to the different types of stars,” Hoffman continued, indicating several different white dots on the shadowed ceiling. “You are all, of course, familiar with the basic types. superdwarves to hypergiants, and from red to purple, yes? Well, today we are going to be exploring some of the subtypes of these stars.”

He indicated a white star in a constellation labelled “Delphinus” with a laser pointer.

“For example, this star right here. I won’t tell you the name, because that will spoil it, but I will give you the designation.”

He pulled out a small card of paper and scrutinized it closely, trying to make out what was written in the dark.

“The designation is PNV J20233073+2046041. Don’t ask me why it’s so long. Now, who can tell me what is so special about this star?”

He looked around the room and noticed the lack of raised hands. Even Strong didn’t have her hand raised, but that may be because she was glancing at him in concern. She had to have heard his labored breathing and seen the constant wiping of sweat. She had come in late, having been running a small errand for one of the other professors, and had come in just in time to see Nathan start to really feel like something was wrong.

“Nathan, can you tell me what’s so special about it?” the professor asked, pointing at the star with his laser.

“I-it’s a nova, sir,” Nathan answered.

“Correct. And can you tell me what a nova is?”

“Some kind of explosion inside a white dwarf star.”

“Correct again,” said the professor, giving him an approving nod. “In actuality, it’s a cataclysmic nuclear explosion. This is what makes the nova shine as brightly as it does. It’s brightness increases for a few days, and then it will subside over… Nathan, are you alright?”

Nathan’s apparent sickness had just amplified suddenly, with no warnings whatsoever. He had collapsed onto his desk, breathing all the harder.

“No, no you are not alright,” the professor said firmly, grabbing him under the shoulder and pulling him to his feet. “You need to visit the Wellness Center right now, no buts. Miss Strong?”

She stood up close by.

“I’m assuming you already have today’s notes, yes?”

She nodded.

“Good. Take him to the Wellness Center, and make sure he gets there, then come on back. Hurry on, now,” he commanded, gesturing at the door. Nathan didn’t need telling twice. He followed Strong, feeling quite woozy while he did so.

The two of them exited the classroom and started heading through the halls toward the exit of the Science Building.

“Do you mind telling me your symptoms?” Strong asked, giving him a concerned look through her purple eyes. Nathan just shuffled along, the wooziness increasing.

“N-not really in the mood to talk about how good I’m not feeling,” Nathan said, stopping and leaning against a wall. Everything was starting to spin around him, now.

“Dizziness,” noted Strong, coming close and looping one of his arms around her shoulders and holding onto his arm to keep him steady. When she had gotten him into a manageable position, she started helping him along.

“Thanks,” Nathan said, struggling to take steady steps even with her helping.

“You’re welcome,” she said, looking away. Nathan wanted to think it was because she was being bashful, but somehow, he had a feeling it wasn’t the case.

“Would you mind telling me what I did wrong?”

:I beg your pardon?” Strong asked, turning and giving him a strange look.

“You know,” said Nathan, wiping his head again, “what did I do that makes you so nervous around me?”

“Oh. That,” she said, and to Nathan, it sounded like she really didn’t want to broach the topic..

“What did I do to you to make you like this around me?” he asked, feeling that directness was probably the way to go.

She mumbled something unintelligible. Nathan had a sudden feeling, like this was completely unlike how she was normally. Upon thinking that, he wondered exactly why he thought that. He and Strong hadn’t exactly had the most meaningful of conversations with each other in the past. The few times they ever did exchange words were usually short. The one time they did exchange more than a couple of seconds’ worth was…

Well now, that can’t be right.

When did she and him ever have a conversation about his collection of Harry Potter books?

“Forgive me for asking,” he said, suddenly remembering an important detail, “but is your first name Tara?”

“Huh? Oh, no. It’s Tracy,” she said.

“Ah,” said Nathan, smiling despite another tremor in his body. “You just sort of sound like a Tara Strong.”

She giggled a little, a sound that almost completely did away with Nathan’s sick feeling. What was it about her laugh…?

“To answer your first question,” she said, bringing him back to the much-less happy topic he was hoping to resolve, “it’s nothing you did.”

“I-- what?” he asked, confused. “But my pranking--!”

“I won’t deny, some of your pranks didn’t… well, they weren’t nice,” she said, looking away.

That’s putting it mildly.

“But I still think you’re a good guy,” she added somewhat hastily. “It’s just... it’s Natalie.”

Realization flooded through Nathan. Natalie was pretty clingy and jealous at times. She always seemed to be more agitated than anyone else would have been if she saw him with another girl. Once, she’d engaged in a near-shouting match with the blonde girl with ocular misalignment, bust because she had given him a quick thank-you hug for helping her pick up fallen items. Alex had stood up to her, but Nathan, not exactly doing what he thought was right, defended his girlfriend.

Punches were thrown, but in the end, after being kept in the town police’s jail for a night, Alex and Nathan became best friends. Alex still had nothing nice to say about Natalie, but at least he tolerated her presence now. If anything, she seemed to be growing on him, because while they often exchanged snide remarks, they started to get along better than most did with her.

“You don’t have to say anything more,” Nathan said, nodding. “She does that. Do you remember the time Alex and I got in a fight over poor Deborah a couple of months ago?” She nodded. “Yeah, she kind of triggered it. I stood up for her when Alex called her out, and we got to punching.”

“At least the two of you are friends now,” she remarked, pushing open the door for him.

“Eh, you do that if you’re forced to sleep in the same prison cell for a night,” Nathan shrugged.

You went to prison!?” Tracy gasped, turning and staring at him incredulously. He nodded.

“Yeah, minor punishment for assault and battery,” he said. “I threw the first punch.”

His gut lurched again, and he doubled over, grabbing at his stomach with his hands. Unfortunately, he also almost dragged Tracy with him, but she managed to pull free just in time.

“Oh my gosh! Are you alright?” she asked, kneeling down to try to help him up.

There came the sound of heavy footsteps. Nathan paid them no mind at first, but a strong hand grabbed his arm and quite literally pulled him to his feet. Nathan looked up to see a large, muscular black-haired-and-bearded man wearing a long red overcoat. The man set him down on his feet and helped keep him up while the queasiness vanished.

“Mister Sire? Mayor Oscurit?” Tracy asked, surprised. Nathan looked past the burly man to see an older, thinner man, with shoulder-length white hair and beard, long, bushy white eyebrows, and yellowed eyes with red irises.

However, what got his attention best were the man’s clothes. He was wearing a sort of patchy-looking grey coat, fittingly enough with leather elbow patches. His pants were brown, and they too looked patchy for someone as rich as he was supposed to be. He was also carrying a mahogany cane and wearing a top hat.

“Are you alright, young man?” asked the burly man in a deep voice, leaning down to look Nathan in the eyes.

“No, he’s most certainly not alright,” Tracy huffed before he could answer. “I’m supposed to see him to the Wellness Center.”

“I think I will handle that,” the muscular man said again, turning to meet Tracy’s. “Or rather, may I ask you to take him to his house, Quincy?”

Mr. Sire’s eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Nathan. Nathan met them unflinchingly. The man appeared… surprised? What about him would surprise this man?

“Yes, I do believe I can take him,” Mr. Sire said, after a long moment. His voice made Nathan think of internet trolls almost immediately. The powerful, playful quality it carried instantly made him very wary.

“Thank-you,” said the mayor. “Take what time you need,” he added, waving and marching off. Tracy and Nathan stared after him for a moment, but Mr. Sire pulled on Nathan’s arm.

“Come on, you,” he said firmly. “We need to get you home.”

“But the Wellness Center--!” protested Tracy, but Mr. Sire was having none of it.

“He needs rest, Miss Sparkle, not medicine,” the older man said. “Now please Nova, come along.”

“His name’s Nathan,” Tracy corrected. “And my last name is Strong, not Sparkle.”

Nathan clutched at his head as a wave of pain shot through it.

“My mistake,” said Mr. Sire, “but even so, let us be moving. The loner we’re out here, the more likely it becomes you’re going to puke all over this coat, and I’m quite fond of it. Back to class with you, Miss Strong,” he added, pointing his cane to the front door.

Tracy gave Nathan one last concerned glance, but did as she was asked. Why were those purple eyes of her’s so breathtakingly gorgeous all of a sudden?

“Don’t make me carry you,” Mr. Sire warned.

“I-I’m coming,” Nathan said, struggling to stand upright.

“Good. Let’s get moving.”

Progress was slow, and the town was quite large. Frankly, the size of their town was closer to a city. Nathan’s apartment was a good couple of miles away, which he chose to walk.

Or rather, parkour. He climbed and ran across the rooftops, since that cut down on his travel time significantly. Even when carrying a heavy backpack, he had bought a bunch of wooden planks and arranged them between the rooftops so that he didn’t have to go jumping if he felt it was a bad idea to, such as on wintery days like today.

It took almost half-an-hour, but Mr. Sire safely escorted Nathan to the apartment complex he lived in. Nathan had to direct him up the outside stairs to one of the top floor rooms. Climbing four flights of stairs, two between each floor, proved to be easier than Mr. Sire expected. Nathan managed to cooperate pretty well, and in short order, Mr. Sire was fishing Nathan’s keys out of his jacket to unlock the door.

The door opened, and Mr. Sire helped escort Nathan through his living room back toward his main bedroom.

“Th-thanks,” Nathan gasped as he fell onto his bed.

“Don’t mention it,” said Mr. Sire. He glanced around surreptitiously, then added, “When you get them back, you need to ask for Princess Celestia.”

“What?” Nathan asked, completely bewildered.

“You’ll see,” said Mr. Sire cryptically, before starting to walk out of the apartment. “In the meantime, rest and wait for them to come back.”

“W-wait for what to--” Nathan tried to ask, but Mr. Sire was already gone, leaving Nathan to groan and wait for whatever illness this was to just leave.

With a sigh, he burrowed under the covers. Maybe some sleep would help it pass.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

The Night Apprentice, as our personal student, is accorded the privileges of minor nobility, is given the chance to learn powerful magicks directly from us, will receive an education of the night, astronomy, and many other fields of science and magic to rival that of a graduate school student, and will receive a fancy title to include on resumes for job applications.”

“Stop right there, criminal scum.”

“So Nova, how does it feel to be the first coltfriend Twilight’s ever brought home?”

“That’s actually the one we don’t want. It’s the design of King Sombra’s Legion’s old armor, and since he was a bit of a slavemaster, I’m sure it wouldn’t do us any favors in the eyes of our subjects to invoke the old regime. However, his armor did its job when he attempted to invade Equestria, and the reason it’s here is so we can pick up design cues from it.”

“Trixie knows you’re lying, because Trixie didn’t have a nightmare last night. These nightmares have been affecting us at the same time, so the fact that they hadn’t affected me means that you are lying. I must say, Twilight, I’m not judging; it seems you’ve finally become a mare--”

“You look upon a very dear old friend of mine from ages past. This is Clover the Clever, the second unicorn in the six ponies that scouted out Equestria for the three races. She served as an aide to Princess Platinum, who, as you know, is one of the Three Patriarchs.”

“I got him a job as an assistant to the janitor of my building,. I figured that, for the time being, he could sharpen his magic by listening in on classes from time to time, as well as by practicing it. However, he did even better than I had hoped. By the time he left Manehattan, I was considering just taking him on as my protege right then and there, but sadly, fate was not so kind.”

“Ah know you wouldn’t do somethin’ like that till yeh both were hitched. Nova’s too honorable fer somethin’ like that. An’ Ah’ll be honest, Twahlahght, Ah doubt you think yer Princess would approve of fernication, and Ah know just how much y’all would hate to disappoint her.”

Nathan tossed and turned as various voices echoed through his head. What the hell was going on? Who was this Nova? What about Twilight? Why was this happening to him?

“Oh, Nova, I guess you do know a thing about romance after all.”

“Son, I am going to be completely honest with you here. You may be one of the smartest, most powerful unicorns I know, but you’re an imbecile.”

“He still broke Twilight’s heart! I mean, have you even seen her? She’s crying her eyes out on her bed! And it’s all your fault!”

“You see, in a desperate attempt to establish a financial income for my near-bankrupt accounts, I turned my eyes to the black market. Everypony knows about the rumor that I had become head of a crime family and all, and they were all true. I did, as a matter of fact, become the head of a crime family. I managed to get in good with their bosses by proposing a successful money-making operation, so they granted me some control over their group, so long as I kept the cash coming in.”

“Let me modify that deal, Nova Shine. You help us get everything done today on time, as well as whatever else we can get done before sundown, and I will stop asking you questions you obviously don’t want to answer, and I’ll even point you in the right direction to Everfree.”

“Well, for starters, dear Clover, I would ask him if the situation called for such a celebration.”

“And I am King Metamorphosis, King of the Changelings, known to outsiders as the Grey Monarch. You, however, are friend of the changelings, and you earn the privilege of knowing my real name.”

“Take care of her.”

“Nova, please. Just... give me tonight.”

“Congratulations, Night Master Nova Shine.”


“Wait, only four of us? Because you already said you didn’t want Ray coming.”

“Whatever’s going to come will come in its own time. We’ll just have to be ready for it when it does.”

Nathan contorted his face in his sleep. What the hell was all of this!? What was going on!? Why was he starting to see things, too? Visions of a white horse with a blue mane and tail. And a horn that can cast magic. Who was this mysterious horse?

Not a horse, he realized, but a pony.

Wait a minute, why was he thinking all of this in his sleep?

He suddenly bolted upright. He was sweating profusely from almost every pore in his body, his head pounded painfully with every pump of blood, and this was not helped by all of these visions pouring into his mind.

He glanced around the room and his eyes fell on a long, dark blue coat he liked to wear on days where he was feeling particularly flashy.

More specifically, his eyes fell upon the brooch that held the two sides together at the neck.

A polished sapphire, with a diamond crescent moon set in the center.

The Night Master badge.

The pounding in his head increased suddenly. He yelped and clutched at his head desperately.

Please, whatever sweet merciful deity is causing this, make it stop!

With a jolt, he suddenly realized that all of this had started when Professor Hoffman had said the two words “nova shine.” There was also a name of one of those ponies that had the name Nova Shine. Was this a coincidence?

No, it can’t be, he thought in a short moment of clarity. If these are all about him, then why am i getting them?


The pain stopped. Suddenly, mercifully, it stopped, and he suddenly started seeing things pass through his mind.

These aren’t visions, he realized, noticing that all of these things he saw seemed to be through the eyes of a pony.. They’re memories! But memories of whom?

But he already knew the answer to that.

Of course. They’re Nova Shine’s memories. So why am I getting them?

“Rest and wait for them to come back,” Mr. Sire had said. Were these memories them? And what did he mean “come back?”


If he was talking about the memories, and he was talking about them coming back, then that would imply that all of this happened to me. But then that would mean--

And then the reality hit him in on shining moment. In one moment of crystal clarity, Nathan suddenly knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

I am Nova Shine!

Nova Shine



Plan and Promise

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 02 - Plan And Promise

Nathan-- no, Nova stood there, mind still reeling from the realization. The memories were still slowly flooding his mind, making it difficult to follow all of them.

But what was it Mr. Sire had said to do as soon as “they” came back? Oh, right!

“Princess Celestia!” he shouted, as if yelling for someone in a dark forest.

At once, his vision went white, and he felt the ground vanish from beneath him. After a moment of panic, he calmed down when he realized that it was probably her pulling him out of his mind. It felt like he was flying upward, through this white void, but at the same time, his feet still stood on something solid.

A dark spot appeared above him, with small bits of color inside. As he flew closer, the shape grew larger and larger. It looked circular, and it appeared to be made of glass.

His hands started glowing. He looked down, thinking vaguely of regeneration, before his fingers melded together and his arms shrunk, his shoulders angled directly forward, his legs shortened and began to take on a more cylindrical shape, and his hair grew slightly longer and further down his neck.

He was transforming back into his real self. His pony self.

Even as he thought this, a long blue tail sprouted from behind him, a horn protruded from his forehead, and his transformation completed. The shape in front of him finally resolved itself, and all the white around him vanished into darkness.

He was flying (or falling?) towards the flat top/bottom of a pillar. The pillar was blue, with deep blue circles set round the edge. Within the circles were silver crescent moons, like the one on his brooch. The focus of the pillar was him facing to the left, head bowed, and eyes shut, a serene expression on his face. Facing opposite and behind him was a light-purple unicorn mare, wings outstretched and facing upward, also with her eyes shut. Above them were smaller circles, each containing the head of a different pony. There was one Nova vaguely likened to Alex, one that he also vaguely likened to Trisha. The others, he had no idea.

He was within his mind, he realized. He recognized the place, having been here twice before. But as his memories were still in the process of returning, some of the details were still fuzzy. For example, who was that mare?

Whatever force was drawing him upward turned him over, so that he touched down hooves first on the pillar. Whatever it was made of, it didn’t feel like glass. It was hard, an it felt more like rock than anything.

Tiny white lights appeared all around him and began to coalesce before him. After a few seconds, a bright light issued from where all the lights converged. When the light dimmed, a tall, regal white pony with both wings and a horn stood in front of him, her pink, green, and blue mane flowing independently of any wind.

“Princess Celestia!” Nova exclaimed, bowing.

The Princess inspected Nova for a moment. She seemed to be making sure he was in good health, and that he really was Nova Shin and not some other pony.

“Of all the ponies to break the curse and call for me,” she said in her gentle voice, “I am quite surprised that you were the one. Rise, Nova Shine.”

Nova stood tall, looked up at her, and raised an eyebrow. Princess Celestia smiled and took the moment to clarify.

“I don’t mean that I didn’t expect you to be free at all, but I am surprised that you were the first, and the one to call my name.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Nova said truthfully.

“Yes, I suppose you wouldn’t,” Princess Celestia said. “You and everypony from Equus was dragged out of our world and cursed. This curse buried your memories of your true selves under false identities, or so I gathered, and made it impossible for me to contact you.”

“And yet you’re in my mind.”

“Oh, you know where we are?” she asked, her eyes twinkling down at him. “Good. Your memory restoration seems to be progressing quite quickly. Yes, we are in your mind. Or rather, I am connected with your mind. I am still on Equus.”

“You are?” he asked, surprised.

“Why yes,” she said. “Would you like to see?”

“Uh, sure.”

Princess Celestia’s horn shimmered with golden energy. At once, the world around Nova vanished, and he appeared in a great city, full of tall white towers and on the side of a mountain.

“Canterlot,” he muttered to himself.

But something was off. Aside from the fact that there was nopony in the town, there was something else that was giving Nova the distinct impression that something was wrong.

Nothing was moving. There was no wind, the birds were frozen in the air, There wasn’t even any sound.

“What’s going on?” he asked aloud. Princess Celestia’s voice ran from all around him.

“Equus is currently frozen in time,” she said, and Nova caught a note of sorrow in her voice. “Well, not necessarily frozen per sé. It is merely placed under a Hyperbolic Time spell. Do you remember the effects?”

“No,” Nova said. “You’ll have to remind me.”

“There is Time Stasis,” she explained, “in which anything within the target area of a spell is frozen completely, and there is Hyperbolic Time, in which the outside of the target area is slowed to a minute rate. I placed a mixture of Hyperbolic Time on myself, and Time Stasis on the entirety of Equus. Only Equestria, the Crystal Empire, and apparently the Changeling Empire were affected by the curse, which means the other nations, including our less-than-friendly neighbors across the sea, the Griffin Empire, still have all of their citizens.”

She snarled somewhat.

“I could not take the chance that the Griffins or any other hostile nation would not seize their opportunity and conquer Equestria for themselves. So as soon as I realized the magnitude of what had happened, I cast both spells. First, Hyperbolic Time on myself to offset what was to come, and then Time Stasis on the whole of Equus.”

Nova, whose jaw had fallen open some time ago when she had said that she cast Time Stasis on the entire planet!!!!, just stared blankly at the birds, trying to process what he had just heard.

“Yes,” said Princess Celestia dryly, “I am rather good at magic, aren’t I?”

The world around him vanished, and he was once again standing on the strange pillar within his mind. Princess Celestia stood, watching him, as if gauging his reaction. Or perhaps searching for some kind of sign that he had remembered something important.

“So what are we going to do?” Nova asked.

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked back, confused.

“You know,” Nova said, “what are we going to do to get back to Equestria?”

We can do nothing, Nova Shine,” Celestia responded, shaking her head. “I’m afraid that I must once again ask more than I should of you, for you alone are the only one in any position to work to return everypony to Equestria. I cannot leave Equus, both because I don’t have the ability to, and because if I did, my spells would fail.”

“So I’m alone?” Nova asked. For some reason, he felt let down by that. Why? Why did he feel let down all of a sudden? If his memories were true, he was the kind of pony to do things on his own.

“Not necessarily,” she said. “There is someone who can help, but if you want his help, you’re going to have to be very discreet and subtle about it, given his current predicament.”


“Me,” came a playful-sounding voice that made Nova think of internet trolls.


“Mr. Sire?” he asked, looking over toward where the voice issued. Sure enough, a man wearing a top hat, a grey patchy coat and, brown pants, and carrying a cane stood there.

“My name isn’t Quincy Sire, Nova Shine,” Mr. Sire said, reaching up, taking off his top hat, and placing it on the ground. “You’ve never met me in my true form before, but I am sure you will recognize me immediately.”

He snapped his fingers. There was a bright white light, and in his place stood a creature Nova recognized as a draconequus. And he knew there was only one draconequus alive.

“Discord,” he said, to which the titular being grinned and bowed.

“At your service, Nova Shine,” he said. “Celly and I go way back, you see, and semi-recently, I was sent to Fluttershy’s Home for Reformed Draconequi. So, it turns out I’m on your side now. Crazy, huh?”

“And they don’t know that?” Nova asked. “Whoever brought us here didn’t know that you were on Princess Celestia’s side?”

“I’m still working on that one,” Discord admitted. “I only just learned who was responsible for our little excursion to this human world. And I must say, Celly, I had my suspicions, considering the brand of magic used to transport us was not unlike a certain crystal mirror kept in a certain basement in a certain Crystal Palace in a certain Crystal Empire.”

Celestia appeared troubled by this.

“But how can that be? He is gone. Twilight Sparkle saw to that before her ascension. Before she even met him,” she added, gesturing to Nova. “How can he--”

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but I do know he’s not behind it,” Discord interjected. “It’s Envy, Celestia. She’s behind all of this.”

Celestia sighed heavily.

“I should have known,” she said, eyes narrowing. “Nova, do you remember anything about Envy?”

“Bits and pieces,” Nova said.

“That’s fine,” said Discord. “Your memory will fully return in time. Just be patient.”

“There’s one thing I want to know, though,” Nova said, before they could continue patronizing him about how slowly everything was coming back. Before, things had sort of rushed back to him, but now nothing seemed to be coming back. And he couldn’t help but feel like he couldn’t remember something big…

“Hmm?” Celestia asked. “What is it?”

“I keep hearing this name,” Nova said, scrunching up his face and starting to rub the skin around his horn. “I don’t know who this pony is, but I get the feeling she’s a big part of my life. Can you tell me who Twilight Sparkle is?”

The silence spoke volumes to him. Both Celestia and Discord looked at each other in shock, before looking back at Nova.

“Are you sure you don’t remember her, Nova?” Celestia asked.

“Nothing,” Nova said simply. “But then again, my memories are slowly coming back. Maybe I just need time. Is this her?” he asked, tapping a portion of his pillar that belonged to the face of the lavender mare.

“I… cannot say,” Princess Celestia said, after receiving a warning glance from Discord. “You need to remember who she is on your own. Trust me, my little pony, it is better for you that way.”

“If you say so,” Nova said, thought Celestia heard the small touch of disappointment in his voice. “Now, back to my original question, except let me rephrase. What am I going to do to get back to Equestria?”

“You mean to get everypony back to Equestria, right?” asked Celestia, giving him a look.

Nova shrugged.

“If it works for me, won’t it work for them too?” Nova asked, giving her an annoyed look. “You know what I meant, Princess.”

There was a pause in which Celestia blinked, slightly taken aback by his response..

“I like this guy,” Discord said with a cheery smile. “You and I are going to have so much fun.”

“Fun comes later, Discord,” Celestia reminded him. “Right now, the priority should be on returning to Equestria.”

“And how exactly am I going to be doing that?” Nova asked for the third time. He was starting to get annoyed that neither of them would answer his question.

“I think I know,” Celestia said. “Though the Elements of Harmony have been returned to the Tree of Harmony, the spirits of the Elements live on inside their bearers, through the power they were given by the Tree of Harmony. Nova, you are going to have to reawaken the six former Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Or rather, awaken the spirits of the Elements inside of them.”

“Oh good,” Discord said, jumping backwards and laying on air as f he were laying on a hammock. “For a moment there, I thought you were going to command me to help him. I’m far too busy catching up on my favorite shows on Netflix. Like the show this guy’s from.”

He snapped his fingers, and there was another flash of white. When it darkened, a man with short black hair stood before them, wearing a black and red ensemble with a strange A-shape on the wearer’s left breast.

“Con permiso, capitán,” he said in a mocking sort of voice. “The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It’s now time to see if you can dance.”

“His… thing aside,” Celestia said, choosing to ignore Discord’s antics, “he is going to be giving you some help.”

“He is?” Nova asked.

“I am?” Discord said, doing a double take. With a snap of his fingers, he returned to his normal form in a flash of light. “What, pray tell, am I going to be doing? In case you haven’t noticed, Celly, subtlety isn’t my specialty. I doubt any way I could help him would go unnoticed. And are we forgetting about how prone I am to temptation? Does a certain attack by Tirek remind you of any betrayals of mine?”

“I know, and I remember” said Princess Celestia with a small smile. “So you’re not going to do anything direct. Rather, you’re going to teach him chaos magic so he can do things behind the scenes. And furthermore, I'm trusting you to teach him how to defend himself with magic as well.”

“He’s going to what?”

“I’m going to what?”

“I think both of you need to get your hearing checked,” Celestia snorted impatiently. “You, Discord, are going to teach him how to use chaos magic.”

“Why?” Nova asked.

“Because you’re not going to be able to control magic very well in your current form,” Celestia explained. “Chaos magic is easy to manipulate once you get the hang of it, whereas your human form won’t be accustomed to using normal magic, so you may find it difficult. I’m not willing to take that risk. We need you to get started as soon as you can on reawakening the Elements of Harmony.”

“Are you sure about this, Celestia?” Discord asked, sounding for once very serious and cautious. “Chaotic magic is very volatile. In the wrong hands, it could spiral out of control.”

“I have every confidence in him,” Celestia said firmly, which made Nova smile. “I know for a fact he was able to singlehoofedly cast Time Stasis. While I doubt it will be easy, I think chaos magic should be picked up quickly by him, and he will be able to get straight to work on returning everypony to Equestria. Now, you know what you have to do. You are no longer needed here, Discord. Might as well get planning on how you’re going to teach him.”

Discord nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, he vanished. Celestia stared at the spot where he had vanished, which gave Nova the impression she was thinking. After a moment, she turned and then gave Nova a slightly sad look.

“I know it may pain you to hear this when you remember everything, but Nova, I have to impress upon you how important it is that you do this right. The six Elements of Harmony cannot be awakened any other way, and while trying to do it wrong won’t cause any ill consequences, it will waste time. You must awaken the other five elements before you can awaken the Element of Magic.”

“Any particular reason why? I’m still fuzzy on the details.”

“When the first five Elements of Harmony are present, those being Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, and Loyalty, a spark will cause the sixth to appear. You cannot awaken Magic before the others; it must come after.”

Nova pawed at the ground, not understanding why she sounded so insistent, like she thought he would rebel and wanted to make sure he knew otherwise.

“I don’t see what your fuss is about,” Nova said, somewhat placatingly. “I wouldn’t go against your wishes on something like this.”

“If and when you remember, Nova, you will want to,” she said, shaking her head. “You will want to throw caution to the wind and go right after the Element of Magic, but you can’t. She has to come last.”

“I get it!” Nova snapped. Really, all she had to do was tell him once! Why was this such a big deal!?

“Well, alright then,” Celestia admitted, though Nova could tell she wanted to beat this into his skull further. “I’ll take your word for it.”

“Oh and before I forget,” said the voice of Discord around them. He reappeared, still in his draconequus form. “Celestia, Nova, you need to know what you’re up against. And I need my hat.”

He walked over, picked up his hat, and put it back on his head. Then he snapped his fingers, and a little projector screen appeared.

“First thing’s first, the enemy you’ll probably have to worry about least,” Discord said. He pointed his cane at the projector screen, which unfurled downward, displaying a picture of Mayor Oscurit.

Sombra, Nova thought.

“The once-King Sombra,” Discord said, slapping his cane against the screen. “Ooh, I like that sound. I’ll be sure to slap it more often.”

Celestia cleared her throat. Discord just rolled his eyes and continued.

“Some kind of echo of Sombra has been created to keep the curse on the townspeople working. Don’t ask me how. And before you ask, no, we can’t just waltz right up to him and stick a knife in his gut to undo it.”

“Damn it,” Nova said in mock-annoyance. “I was totally hoping to jump right in the face of a black magic caster and just stab him to death.”

“As best I can tell, both him and Envy are maintaining the spell, and since he is only an echo, you simply have to eliminate Envy and the spell will undo itself. That will break the curse on the ponies, but it will not return us all home.”

“Why not?” Nova asked.

“The curse was designed to cause you all to lose your memories, and to keep you in a sort of haze to prevent you from ever regaining them,” Discord said. He jabbed his cane at Nova. “Last night, you broke out. The spell continued to keep your memories at bay until your very spirit finally broke free of the shackles that bound it, and here you stand.

“This being said, breaking the curse may be what we need to happen, but to do that, you’re going to have to get to Envy, wherever she is. As far as I’m aware, the only pony who would know where she is has been delegated the task of keeping an eye on seven ponies in particular. Yourself included. She is,” the image changed to a beautiful pale woman with long blue hair, icy-blue eyes, and a very elegant dress, “Nightmare Moon.”

Nova saw Celestia shift out of the corner of his eye, but he continued to stare at the image.

“Who was she supposed to keep an eye on?” Nova asked.

“Well, I’m sure you can think of six ponies, or at least their reputations, right off the bat,” Discord said. “The six Spirits of Harmony, to be exact. But since I know you’re oh so mathematically astute, you must know that leaves one pony she still watches. That pony, Nova, is you.”

“Me?” Nova asked, confused. “Why me? What’s so special about me?”

“You were the pony they expected to break out sooner than anyone else,” Discord said. “Your spirit, among other things, would naturally fight against the confines keeping you down, and so she was to keep her eyes on you directly in addition to the other six.”

“She’s done a great job,” Nova said dryly.

“She has other methods of keeping her eyes on you than physically being there,” Discord warned. “Remember, she can become a living shadow, and she has those Shadowbolts she’s so fond of. Keep your eyes open for them. They could cause no end of trouble if they tempt a certain would-be Wonderbolt with the prospect of fame and fortune.”

“But what if somepony besides us were to break out?” Nova asked. “What then?”

“Then the third member would be there,” and again Discord snapped his fingers. The image changed to show a literal black woman with long dark-green hair and a very formal-looking police uniform. Her eyes were a light green, with darker green irises, and pupils like Nightmare Moon’s. “Queen Chrysalis, who is using her changelings as the police of the town. Their job is to make sure that nopony else gets out of line, though they will act if you were to start rebelling as well.”

Nova couldn’t help but feel a slight pang in his gut. Chryssie… he thought to himself, remembering the time he had saved her life, those many years in the past.

“Now then,” Discord said, slapping the projector screen with his cane again, “take the day off, get plenty of rest, be in bed by eight, and don’t forget to look both ways before crossing the street. You have a big day tomorrow, Nova. Tomorrow, we start with our chaos magic lessons.”

And with that, and with a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished.

“Are we finished?” Nova asked. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to go ahead and get started.”

Princess Celestia smiled.

“That’s something I always liked about you, Nova Shine,” she said. “You always were the stallion who would immediately be on the job as soon as you knew what had to be done. Yes, we are done.”

Her horn flashed, and Nova’s vision started to go white again.

“Oh, and Nova?” she added. “Whatever you do, if you come into contact with Nightmare Moon, don’t try to fight her. You’ll likely not be strong enough in magic to compete. Run. Just run.”

“Yes, Princess,” he assured her.

“Farewell, and good luck.”

And everything went white.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

After Nova’s departure, the dreamscape vanished, and Celestia found herself standing in the Canterlot Castle throne room once again, the only pony in the deserted Equestria, and the only being capable of moving at the normal pace of time.

It had been a long time; so long, she didn’t even know exactly how much time had passed. With no way to count the days, with the clocks all frozen, and with no need for sleep, Princess Celestia was confined to a prison of misery without a foreseeable end, until Nova could successfully undo the curse and return everypony.

“Why so droll, Celestia?” came the voice of Discord, echoing through the room. With a flash of white light, the being of chaos himself appeared before her, still in his human form. “I would have thought that you’d find something to do, even with nopony else here. Perhaps write a story? Build something?”

“It’s funny,” Celestia said sadly, gazing dismally at the stained glass window depicting Twilight and her friends as she ascended, “when everypony was here, I wanted a day of leisure. A day to myself, free from the distractions of politics and the crown, all so I could relax. Now, when I have unlimited time on my hooves free from those shackles, I want nothing more than to have those responsibilities back. Funny world we live in, eh Discord?”

“Funny world you live in, you mean,” he said, flipping backwards and lying on an imaginary hammock in midair. “I’m stuck in this dismal place. About the only highlight I get is whenever I get to gloriously troll the Queen. I’m not allowed to openly use my powers, after all. What would the townsponies think if it suddenly started raining chocolate milk?”

“How are they confined?” she asked.


“If everypony is in one city, the city would have to be five times the size of Manehattan to give everyone space to sleep,” she explained. “So how are they divided up, so to speak?”

“Well,” said Discord, stroking his beard, “there’s the main city in the center, there’s some outlying country, there are other towns, and so on. Fortunately, everypony who really matters to this little scheme of yours is located in the city. I don’t see Nova needing to venture out beyond the fake Sweet Apple Acres, and that’s only if he absolutely needs to, in order to reawaken Applejack.”

“Are the changelings that widespread as well?”

“I think so,” said Discord. “None of her usual commanders are in the city. I think they’re overseers of the other towns. A pity. I do enjoy chatting with Scheherazade whenever he is in town, as he has such a unique sense of humor.”

“And what of Luna’s guards?” she asked.

“I think they may have been force-converted into the Shadowbolts, but I can’t confirm that,” he said, appearing troubled. “I hardly ever see them. They always stick to the alleys, out of sight, though I think we both know who they’re assigned to keep an eye on.”

“And what about Envy herself?” Celestia asked.

“Well, that’s just it. None of us know. We’re sure Nightmare Moon does, but she’s keeping her trap shut on the matter. All I’ve managed to piece together is that, since Moony’s supposed ot be keeping an eye on the Bearers and their close friends and family, she would have to be in a position to receive orders from her mother.”

“So Envy would want to keep herself close to Nova and the Bearers, should they ever start to awaken, as it would allow her to personally keep an eye on things, and it would keep her close enough to give orders to Nightmare Moon,” Celestia said, following her string of logic.

“Exactly what I surmised, but Envy’s tricks in the past, as far as I can tell, have never been what they appear to be at face value,” Discord noted. “I can’t directly give Nova information, so I have to hope he knows this.”

They were quiet for a time. Celestia continued to stare glumly at the windows, as if hoping they would magically come to life and speak to her.

“I suddenly had a thought,” Discord said. “He’s going to have to face Envy sooner or later to remove the curse, yes? Well, how is he going to find her, in any way that doesn’t involve him going after Nightmare Moon?”

Celestia froze.

“You don’t mean--”

“I do,” Discord said. “He’s going to have to beat your corrupted sister if we want to return home.”

Celestia shook her head sadly. Nova would only barely know how to manipulate magic in this new body. If she were honest, she didn’t think he would stand a chance.

“Is there no other way?” she asked.

“Well, he could always figure it out on his own, which I wouldn’t put past him,” Discord added, “but I highly doubt there won’t be a trap or two involved that he will need to know about.”

“Could you not find these out yourself?” Celestia asked pleadingly. “Even though I know it needs to happen, I don’t think Nova would stand a chance if he were to confront my sister right now.”

“You care quite a bit for him,” Discord observed.

“I do,” Celestia said, dipping her head. “The pony who made my sister the happiest she had been in the Old Times? The one who stood by my side and helped me to best my fallen sister? And that’s not even to mention that he’s the one stallion who made two of my former Faithful Students the happiest mares in the world.”

“Forgive me if I’m wrong Celestia, but didn’t Nova ignore Clover’s affections for the most part?” Discord asked. He already knew the answer; he still just liked proving Celestia wrong.

“Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes, “he made one of my former Faithful Students the happiest mare in the world, and he opened the metaphorical eyes of the other. The point is, I care about him a great deal, Discord. I care about all of my little ponies, but even I will admit I care about some more than others. Everypony has favorites. Some of us just know how to treat everypony equally, even if we do have those we like more.”

“An honest answer, worthy of a pony who once bore that Element of Harmony,” Discord said, nodding. “And then you used it against me. My backside’s always been slightly more itchy than usual, you know. I still haven’t forgiven you for that.”

“Yes, well, your backside aside, you both have jobs to do,” she said. “When he finds out who Twilight Sparkle is to him, he’s going to want to do everything in his power to find out who she is in your world, and immediately rush to awaken her. He must not give himself away to the enemy, no matter what.

“So, essentially my job is to make sure he doesn’t slip up and reveal himself to anyone we don’t want finding out about this?”

“And help him learn Chaos Magic, yes. Chaos Magic is his best hope if he would want to defeat my fallen sister. He’s an imaginative stallion; he should do quite well with it.”

“Will you be wanting weekly letters on our progress?” Discord asked, a slight mocking edge to his voice. A quill and paper appeared in midair. “‘Dear Princess Celestia, today I taught Nova how to perform Chaos Magic. Twilight Sparkle scraped her knee when she bumped into a random passer-by. He nearly burnt the city down with the Chaos Magic to make the poor man pay. Your faithful embodiment of chaos, Discord.’”

For a moment, Princess Celestia said nothing, but she kicked her hooves rather awkwardly, which made the taunting grin slide right off his face.

“You actually do want progress reports?”

“Discord, I know you understand what it mean to be alone,” she said.

“No thanks to you and Twilight Sparkle,” Discord spat.

“That aside… correspondence would be nice.”

Discord blinked.

“You must be joking.”

“I’m not,” she said softly. “It’s… lonely here. There’s no one else I can speak with. Time is all but frozen, Discord. I am the only sentient being on Equus, and I cannot leave. Is it too much to ask for, I don’t know, a conversation every so often?”

Discord stared down at her, watching her as she even sniffled slightly. Discord knew Celestia to be a manipulative bitch when she wanted to be, but even he could see she was actually sincere.

“I‘ll see what I can do,” he said cautiously. “I mean, no promises, and I can’t ever tell you when I’ll be able to talk. Let’s face it, if the others learned I was having meetings with you behind their back…”

“I understand,” she said, smiling somewhat.

“One question, before I go,” Discord said. “Were we in Nova Shine’s mind?”

“We were not,” she said, smiling even wider. “We were in mine.”

“Good,” Discord said. “That will make our meetings much easier if I call out to you. I don’t want to end up in Nova’s mind when he starts imagining this human Twilight in rather compromising positions involving him and a bed. I might puke if that happens.”

Celestia’s face turned beet red, she started stammering, and most humorously of all, her wings sprung up to an attentive position, leaving Discord to chuckle at her.

“Oh, Celestia, you may excellent at this, but let’s not forget who the true master is,” he said, turning around and starting to walk away. “Good day, Princess,” he added with a wave, and with a snap of his fingers, he was gone in a flash of white light.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

There was banging sounding from somewhere near by. Nova was vaguely aware that he was lying on his back on some soft surface, and that he was incredibly exhausted from something. He really didn’t want to go investigate what that banging was.

“Nathan!?” called a familiar, faraway voice. The banging continued. “Nathan, are you here!?”


With a groan, Nova staggered to his hooves-- no, feet-- and hobbled out of his bedroom, feeling sore all over. It felt like he had just undergone one of the most brutal full-body workouts ever! And that wasn’t even counting the dull headache that had returned, though it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been.

“Nathan?” she called again.

“Yeah,” he grunted, “be right there.”

He hobbled over toward the counter separating his small living area from his kitchen and used it to support himself as he made his way to the door. It was slow work, but he managed to get there easily enough.

When he opened the door, he was quite surprised to find Tracy alone. A blast of slightly chilly air hit him at once and he shivered. She didn’t seem to have a problem with it, as she was wearing a black coat, though her hands did look rather red. The fact that one was raised to knock again gave him a good look, but she lowered it and gave a slightly bashful smile.

“Sorry about the banging,” she apologized, but Nova waved it off.

“Don’t worry about it. I was out like a light, so otherwise I wouldn’t have heard.”

“I just came to check that Mr. Sire got you home and see if you were doing alright,” she said, looking down and away. Nova noticed a slight pinkness in her cheeks. Eh, probably just from the cold.

“Oh, yeah, been doing better,” he replied. “Just a dull headache now, and I ache quite a bit, but I don’t feel sick anymore.”

“Alright, well, get well soon Nathan,” she said, turning around and starting to walk off.

“Wait!” Nova called after her, before he realized exactly what he was doing.

She paused and turned around. “What?” she asked.

“I… won’t you come in?” he said somewhat hastily. “I mean, it seems pretty silly to come here just for that.”

“I have too much work to do,” she said, and he felt slightly disappointed for some reason, “but thanks for the offer.”

She turned and started walking away again, leaving him staring after her, watching the magenta streak in her hair as she descended the staircase in front of his door. When she turned as part of the turnaround, she gave him a little wave and a smile, before walking off.

When she was out of sight, Nova sighed and shut the door.

What was that? he asked himself. Why had he been so concerned all of a sudden about why she had come? For that matter, why had she been so concerned that she had to come all the way out from her place a few miles away?

He staggered back to the bedroom. He needed something to take his mind off of Tracy. He had a feeling Natalie would kill him if she found out about this, given her usual reactions. So he figured he could start looking through all of his things and try to find things that would trigger more memories coming back.

He had a feeling there was something huge, just out of his reach. But what?

He opened a drawer in his nightstand. There was something he kept in here to keep safe, since he really didn’t know what it was. The last time he checked, he’d always owned this little earring. It shone a bright reddish color, and he thought it looked nice, but he could never find its match.

He reached in and found the small metal thing and pulled it out. He was wrong. It wasn’t red, but more pink. No… not even that. It was magenta.

The same shade of magenta as the streak in Tracy’s hair.

Is she… is she the mare from that pillar in my mind? he wondered.

Nova tried to think about the memories he had just been barely thinking about. They had been returning at a breakneck rate, so to speak, and he just wasn’t able to think about one before another took its place.

Nova was sitting in bleachers at a football pitch, watching as ponies wearing gold and blue uniforms played against ponies wearing white with black accents around the neck. He was sitting next to a mare like Princess Celestia, a lavender one, who wore a glowing blue earring on her right ear. He reached up and touched an earring in his own, opposite ear.

The earring slipped through his fingers. He was suddenly feeling horrified. It was coming back!

“No...” he whispered to himself. “How could I…”

He and that same mare were trotting through the halls of Canterlot Castle, while he angrily vented his frustration with the House of Nobles to her. Again, they were both wearing the earrings on different ears.

“How could I have forgotten her?”

“I love you too, you beautiful, overly-introverted mare”

His breathing was coming in gasps, and his eyes were welling up.

Him and an older pony were in a bar. The elder pony was lecturing him, but he finally jumped to his hooves and screamed, “I LOVE HER!”

He was facing her, Twilight Sparkle, in her library. Her eyes were tearstained, but she seemed happy. “Twilight Sparkle, I--” he tried to say, but she cut it off, kissing him.

“Tell me, do you love Twilight?” asked a pony in a barely-intact infirmary. “More than anything else in the world,” Nova answered immediately.

Nova sank to his knees, memory after memory passing through his mind.

“How dare you touch her!?” he yelled at Envy in the Everfree Vaults, even as he staggered to his hooves. She had struck Twilight with a painful spell when she had tried to inform him of Envy’s plan.

Another scenario like the last, with him standing between Envy and Twilight in the middle of a great, endless darkness. Twilight was being strangled by tendrils of this black energy, but he stood between her and Envy’s malicious red eyes, horn glowing, and screaming at the top of his lungs, “YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HER!”

The memories were flooding back. He had fallen to the floor, tears streaming from his eyes as everything came rushing back in a wonderfully glorious recollection.

But there was something else. Something more recent that he knew he needed to remember.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?”

His breath caught. He was engaged? How could he have forgotten that!?

But it was one memory in particular that hit him the hardest.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova, dressed in his usual cloak (which seemed to be extra-fine today), was standing before Princess Celestia on a raised dais. There was a large crowd of ponies before them, watching the two of them closely, though some kept stealing glances toward the back. Behind the two of them stood Princess Luna, watching the proceedings with a large smile. Nova’s and Celestia’s attention, however, were directed toward two large doors at the back of the Canterlot Chapel.

Aegis stood at his side, wearing his most formal guard uniform, and waiting at rapt attention. Nova had more that once told him to be at ease. It was a wedding, for Faust’s sake! He should be enjoying himself.

The doors opened, and a procession of five mares entered, wearing recreations of their gowns worn at the last Royal Wedding. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy all slowly walked up the aisle, glancing off to the sides every so often. The ones who seemed to be getting the most looks were Twilight’s and Nova’s parents, who sat next to each other with proud grins.

Following the bridesmares, in came the ring bearer, Spike, and the flower girls, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, all wearing very fine outfits. Nova saw two horn rings and their two earrings on a purple velvet pillow, one glowing blue, and the other glowing bright magenta. The rings they had enchanted only the day before.

Which left only two. One decision, which had surprised even Nova, was that since Twilight couldn’t choose between any of her friends who would be the Mare of Honor, she gave that much-coveted position to Trixie. Twilight had insisted on having a maid mare of honor as opposed to a matron like Cadance or her mother, so they went with it. No one was complaining.

Nova caught Shining Armor’s eye, who was standing in the front row with Cadance. Shining gave him an encouraging nod.

Nova took a deep breath, considering what he knew was coming next.

The doors at the back opened loudly and dramatically. Accompanied by six of her newly-commissioned Magic Guard, and wearing a creation of Rarity’s, a fine dress of immaculate white, Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the Chapel.

The organ began to play the bridal procession piece, and Twilight began her procession to the altar. She kept her gaze downward, but that didn’t stop her from smiling like everypony else. Nova felt his heart swell up, and he could have sworn he grew an extra six inches or so right then and there. Of all the ponies in Equestria, to think that she had chosen him…

She passed the row his and her parents stood in, then she passed the front with Shining Armor and Cadance. Finally, she climbed the three steps to stand beside him. As she ascended, he turned to face Princess Celestia, and for one fleeting moment, their eyes met. In that moment, Nova saw all the same wonder and joy that was flooding through him that same exact moment.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” Princess Celestia said, looking past them toward the audience, “you may be seated.”

There was the momentary shuffling as everypony behind them sat down. Nova and Twilight kept their gazes forward, however.

“I am in a rather unique position,” Princess Celestia announced to the room at large. “I have known both of these ponies from a young age. Princess Twilight, as I am sure you all know, I tutored as my Faithful Student, a role which she has since graduated from. Nova, however, I watched from afar, both for personal reasons and because his father begged me to watch over him.”

“I had a rather unique relationship with Nova, because only a few months ago, he travelled through time to Old Times, when Princess Luna and I still called Everfree our home. We knew him as the both First Night Apprentice and the Seventeenth. In that disjointed time, he grew to be powerful, and I wondered if there would be anypony besides myself and my sister who could ever be his equal, to which he answered his special somepony Twilight.”

She smiled even wider at the crowd.

“Of course, it would be over a millennium before I ever met Twilight, and while Nova helped me to face her fallen self and banish her, it was Twilight who faced her and restored her. As I understand it, Nova was not lost on how this fit,” she added, giving him a little glance. Nova distinctly heard his father, Tantalus, and Professor Hoofman all share a chuckle.

“As they both grew, I watched them. I wanted to know more about Nova’s younger self. What he went through that led him to fall in love with a mare like Twilight, how he got to be so powerful for that time long past, and so on. For a time, I wondered if they were even the same stallion, because due to his experiences earlier in life, he tried to avoid love.”

She turned her gaze to Twilight.

“Fate has a funny way of dealing with things, because it led him to the pony standing opposite him today, who awoke his feelings inside of him. As with all relationships, it had its ups and downs, but for the life of me, I cannot think of another relationship haunted by an enemy to Equestria.”

There was some scattered chuckling.

“However, their bond proved to help them not only save each other, but Trixie Lulamoon from the clutches of Envy as well. Following Twilight’s ascension to Princess, Nova proposed that very night, and four months later, here we stand. I’m sure they both feel that they have waited long enough.”

Princess Celestia nodded at Spike, who almost ran up to them as fast as his short legs would carry him. The two earrings floated off, and Nova and Twilight immediately put them onto their ears, where they had been only a few hours ago.


The doors at the back of the chapel burst open, startling everyone in the crowd. Nova and Twilight bolted around in time to see a green pony with a maroon mane stride into the Chapel, sauntering straight down the aisle. Nova knew those red eyes and that ruby necklace anywhere.

“Envy!” he shouted, leaping in front of Twilight and conjuring a bright blue shield around her.

Envy’s horn flashed red, and to Nova’s astonishment, her crackling red magic pushed open an arch in his shield, large enough for her to pass through, without even breaking her stride.

She’s using Black Magic! he realized, having studied the effects before, effects that amplified the power of her magic and made it to where it would go through any normal spell’s waves.

“So sorry to ruin your big day,” she said, staring not at Nova or Twilight, but at Princess Celestia. “As you can see, my dramatic timing is quite poor, since I didn’t want to wait until you asked whether anypony objected to the union.”

She gave Nova a cold look.

“Do you not care for anypony’s feelings?” she asked him, an evil smile workin onto her face. “What if I wanted an invitation to the wedding? You never know. I might have behaved myself.”

“Why are you here?” Princess Celestia asked, calmly, though dangerously.

“Why, it’s simple, Princess,” she said, turning to look back at her. “I’m here to ruin everyone’s fun.”

A shockwave of red magic blasted out from her horn, catching everypony by surprise. All of the guards, Shining Armor, and Princess Luna were thrown against the walls and held with magic binds. Nova managed to get a shield in front of him, Twilight, and Princess Celestia at the last second, halting the spell.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Envy?” Nova asked, moving to stand directly between her and Princess Celestia. “I’ve gotten stronger since we’ve met, my wife is a Princess, and you don’t seem to be wearing the Alicorn Amulet this time.”

“She’s not your wife,” Envy said flatly. “You never got to the ‘I do’s.’ You didn’t say it, you didn’t do it, you’re not married.”

Her horn began crackling with red energy again. Nova noticed the difference between her usual magic and this new brand. Her old magic would crackle, but it would remain like other ponies’ magic. Now, however, it appeared to be pulsing with red lightning.

She directed her gaze back to Celestia.

“I would have you know, Princess, that it took a lot of trouble to prepare this little spell I’m about to cast. Oh, and before you do anything stupid, dear Nova Shine,” she added, glancing to where Nova was even now preparing a spell to block her use of magic, “your magic can’t stop my Black Magic. You may as well save your energy.”

“You seem to be in a talkative mood,” noted Celestia. “Are you, perchance, going to tell us how this spell of yours works?”

“Well, since I am in a good mood, and since you asked nicely,” she said, giving the Princess a catty grin, “I think I can spill the beans, but considering just how much I’m dying to use this spell, I think I’ll keep it brief.”

She turned and pointed directly at Twilight.

“I escaped some months ago, shortly before the Princess Summit, and immediately, I went and hid directly in her shadow, where no one would ever know I was there. I was dragged into that other world, and I witnessed Sunset Shimmer’s rampage. And that got me thinking, what if I could forcibly drag everypony to a different world?”

Nova’s blood ran cold.

“These last few months have seen me preparing this spell for use, and finally, I have finished it, and I have come to cast it. As I said before, Nova, you may as well save your energy. It’s not going to work.”

“What makes you think I’m just going to let myself be dragged off to another world?” he barked back at her.

Wordlessly, Envy shot a bolt of red lightning at Twilight, which hit her before she or Nova could react. She flew backwards, slamming into the wall and collapsing to the floor. Nova cried out and dashed over. She appeared to only be unconscious, which relieved Nova greatly.

“It’s simple. If any of you fight, she dies,” Envy said, her evil smile turning sadistic. “Protect her all you want, Nova, but remember, when I use Black Magic, you’ll do nothing to stop me.”

“If you dare hurt any of my little ponies,” Priness Celestia said in a dangerous voice, wings flaring out behind her and horn brimming with golden magic, “I will make you live longing for the sweet release of death.”

Nova knew Celestia meant what she said, but Envy didn’t seem to be the least bit concerned.

“Oh Princess,” she asked mockingly, “how can they tell you if I’ve hurt them when they won’t even be able to remember?”

Princess Celestia’s eyes widened, and Envy struck. With a report as loud as thunder, another shockwave of red magic blasted from her horn.

It passed through Nova harmlessly, which left Nova to wonder exactly what it had been. He looked back at Envy, who was busy conjuring up a swirling cloud of black, purple, and green magic. Nova sent a spell her way--

--but nothing came from his horn. The spell had removed his ability to cast magic for some seconds, which was all the time she needed.

Nova pulled Twilight close and hugged her as Envy released the spell. The cloud of magic grew larger and larger, until it enveloped him, Twilight, and everypony else in the room.

And everything was gone.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova’s eyes flew open. He was lying on the ground again, clutching something metal tightly.

The earring.

He sat up, feeling his head to make sure he was okay. He had no fever, but his forehead was very sweaty. He felt very weak, and under normal circumstances, he would want to just climb in bed and fall asleep.

But now he knew who Twilight Sparkle was. And he was pretty sure he had a good idea who she was here, too.

He staggered to his feet, and stumbled out of his room, noting vaguely that it was only late afternoon, and that it would seem only a few minutes had passed since he had started to regain his full memory.

He tried to reach the door; he desperately wanted to follow after Tracy! But he stumbled on the way and he fell to the floor.

Looks like I need my rest first, he thought bitterly. Just my luck.

With a sigh, he lay there for several seconds before crawling back to his bed, a task which took him almost three minutes, exhausted as he was. As he climbed in, he felt one final tear on the day trickle down his cheek.

Wait for me, Twilight. I’m coming. I will save you and everypony else here.

I promise.

Day One: Rainbow's Incident

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 03 - Day One: Rainbow’s Incident

Music this chapter. New tab.

Nova sat on the roof of the building his apartment was built in the next afternoon. Discord had said today would be the day he started to learn chaos magic, but he still hadn’t shown up. Nova had to wonder if Discord was going to ignore the Princess’ orders. Nova wouldn’t put it past him, given their history.

He was doing some thinking of his own at the same time. How exactly was he going to go about restoring the Elements? None of them exactly liked each other at the moment. He had woken up early that morning, likely the product of all that sleep yesterday, and had spent the time remembering who was who.

All of them were obvious, but the more he remembered, the more his heart sank. All of them had less-than-healthy relationships with each other. The human Applejack really didn’t like Rainbow Dash’s carefree attitude, while Dash didn’t like her seriousness all the time. They both hated Rarity, because she was too dainty to even lift a pen without squealing about the ink. The three of them were not great fans of Pinkie Pie, who to them appeared to be quite the whore, with her constant partying and being the center of attention (and that’s not to mention how well-endowed she was).

Those four clearly hated each other. As for Fluttershy and Twilight, they were more or less indifferent. Twilight, being Twilight, spent all her time separated from everyone, reading. Fluttershy, however, spent all her time separate, though Nova had no idea what she did every afternoon. He wanted to say animal shelter, but there wasn’t one in the city.

However, there was one bright spot. Most of them had an amicable relationship with him. Twilight, Tracy Strong, after yesterday especially, seemed to be well on its way to being repaired, but as much as he would hate to admit it, Princess Celestia was right that he had to wait until everypony else was awoken.

He and Rainbow Dash (Rachel Dillon), both liked hoofball-- except on this world it was football. He had to remind himself of that. They never really talked about it, and given the Haze Spell on all the townsponies, he would be surprised if she remembered.

Just like he had done on Equus, he went out drinking with a group of guys every few nights, including Macintosh (Michael “Mike” Appleby). Applejack (Ashleigh) saw her fair share of Nova, and so they appeared to be on the best terms.

As was to be expected, given their relationship in Ponyville, Nova and Rarity (Regina Mills) had a mutual dislike for each other, but that didn’t stop them from being civil. If anything, they saved the best of their snark for each other. Nova definitely appreciated the verbal sparring.

As for Pinkie (Penelope Poppentop), Nova frequented her parties, if nothing else than because Natalie wanted him to. He never really liked being there, though he couldn’t deny they were fun; he just preferred to be home reading. Still, at least she was sensible enough to keep booze ready.

Finally, Fluttershy (Felicity Sanders). Nova’d had almost no relationship with her on Equus, aside from the occasional meeting with Twilight’s friends as a group, discounting the time she had helped save his life. And here, just as with the others, she didn’t really interact with anypony, so he had no idea what to do about her.

The logical thing to do would be to find common ground between any party, and then get those two or more to become friends over that. Probably one of the easiest would have to be getting Rainbow Dash and Applejack to get into a good-natured competition. He knew Rarity and Fluttershy liked sewing, though that was from what Twilight had told him about her first disastrous Gala trip, so there was that. As for Pinkie? He had no idea. As for Twilight? He supposed he could just use his relationship with all five of them to get her to interact with them.

It wasn’t a good plan, but frankly, it was the best he could do without resorting to magic, which he wouldn’t be able to cast anyway. Well, not yet at least. He had felt something arcane, drifting just out of his reach in his new form. When he plunged into his Source, or where it would be if he were a unicorn, his hands did gain a slight blue glow to them. But beyond that, they did nothing. He supposed he would have to work on that some more when he had the time. Still, it was good to know that, given some work, he would be able to cast magic again.

He looked down at his hand and again tapped into his Source just like he had before. A slight blue edge appeared around his hands and started glowing. Nova held the glow there for a time, even though it was getting harder and harder to do so. After several moments, when his hands started shaking with the effort and when he felt as if he had just run two miles, he let it go. It would seem magic here was tied directly to one’s physical energy, as opposed to the mana within the Source.

Note to self. Go running every morning. Get used to the body and build up endurance. That should help my magic.

Nova stood up and started walking across the flat roof of his apartment building toward the school in the distance. It wasn’t the school that was drawing him, but something else. A familiar, itchy kind of feeling. He was starting to redevelop his energy sensing, and based on just how strong it was in one direction, there had to be something powerful in that direction.


He climbed on one of his plywood bridges and clambered over to the next building, where he ran to the other side and peered over the edge. Five humans were all chatting to themselves in an alley. Three guys and two girls. And all of them seemed to be wearing the same kind of purple, black, and gold sleeveless hooded jacket and purple pants. A jacket whose hood was patterned with a pony skull with a wing protruding from the back of it.

Shadowbolts! Nova realized. Why are they here!?

The obvious answer would be because he had been found out. But if that were the case, why hadn’t they gone after him yet? It would have been five on one, and the one wouldn’t even be able to use magic. Something told Nova they were here for someone else. He supposed he would wait to see who it was they were after.

In the mean time, reconnaissance. Identify all enemies.

The first he noticed was a dark-skinned big burly man. His arms alone looked bigger than Nova’s head. He was leaning against the brick wall of the building Nova was atop and chatting to one of his friends. She had somewhat short blue hair, wore gloves, but was also sleeveless. Her goggles were hung around her neck, and she looked to be wearing some kind of black athletic leotard. Nova cringed, though, because her pants were pretty low, giving him a view of more than he needed to see. Nova's first thought was that they were Nightmares Tranquillitatis, the quiet one of Luna's guards, and Crisium.

Next to him was a pale, smaller man, with short blue hair. Nova thought he might be a newbie of the group, and his mind immediately went to Starstep. It made sense that when Nightmare Moon was created, her guards were forcibly converted into the Shadowbolts. Which meant everyone here was one of the Nightmares.

Fourth in the group was another girl who, thankfully, wasn’t as scantily dressed. She was wearing a long-sleeved black jacket under her Shadowbolt coat, and her hair, also blue, hung down just past her shoulders. If the other was Crisium, this had to be Nightmare Imbrium.

Fifth and finally, the unmistakable leader. He had rather wild blue hair, wore polarized golden-lensed sunglasses, also wore the same jacket his female counterpart wore under his Shadowbolt uniform, and he seemed to be carrying himself much more highly than the others. If the new guy was Starstep, Nova would bet this was Nightmare Frigoris, Princess Luna’s best Nightmare.

So five Nightmares out of thirteen, he thought, staring down at them. Wonder if the other eight are on Equestria...

“God, she’s takin’ forever,” muttered the long-sleeved girl in annoyance, her voice confirming that it was Imbrium, based on Nova's interactions with her as a pony. “You sure you told her the right place, Shade?”

“Of course,” said Frigoris in a cool voice. “But let’s remember now, she is Rainbow Dash. When is she ever on time to anything not a Wonderbolts tryout?”

“Still, a little punctuality never hurt anypony,” remarked Imbrium.

“You worry about yourself, Starry. I’ll worry about the new recruit.”

What? New recruit?

“Still, even for her, this is pushing it,” noted the burly one, his voice matching Tranquillitatis' to a T. “Think she might’ve ditched, Nightshade?”

“Who would she ditch us for, Marauder?” Frigoris responded. Nova realized in order to cover up their existing selves, Nightmare Moon must’ve given them new names. “She has no friends; only that little girl who idolizes her, who she finds annoying. Who would she go to in place of us?”

“Just a thought,” Marauder said with a shrug.

“She could have ditched us for herself,” suggested Starstep. “She is pretty full of herself. Maybe she thought she would be better off on her own.”

They paused.

“I can’t deny, that does sound like her,” said Starry. “Think we should go looking for her?”

“No,” said Nightshade. “At least, not yet. We wait for another few minutes, then we go looking.”

“What do you think, Widow?” asked Marauder. “You usually have good ideas.”

The girl Nova thought was Nightmare Crisium was quiet for a moment.

“When someone says they’ll be somewhere at a certain time, they’d better come through. Especially for us. I think she needs to learn that, wouldn’t you say Nightshade?”

Nova didn’t like the way Nightshade smiled.

“Good idea. Rough her up a bit, but not too bad. Still, she’s new. We give her one more minute before we do that.”

Nova felt another nexus of energy suddenly spring up. Knowing his range of sensing, this new being couldn’t be more than fifty yards away. And it was moving. Fast.

Shit! he thought as he recognized the aura. That’s Rainbow Dash!

After a moment, he heard the heavy footsteps of her running, before they slowed, and she plodded into the alley.

“Sorry... *huff*” she gasped from leaning onto her knees. “Got… *huff* held up… by the fucking cops.”

“The cops, huh?” asked Nightshade. “They have been rather active lately.”

“Held up for what?” asked Marauder.

“I dunno,” said Dash sourly, standing up and leaning against the wall. “I think he was just trying to waste my time on purpose. He kept askin’ me for stuff I’m pretty sure he knew I didn’t have.”

“Well,” said Nightshade, with a meaningful glance over at Widow, “since this is your first time meetin’ with us, and since it was the cops holdin’ you up, we’ll let it go. Now, first thing’s first, my teammates’ll introduce themselves. Just go in order.”

He indicated Starry.

“I’m Starry Night,” she said.

“Corsair,” said Starstep.

“Black Widow,” said Widow.

“Marauder,” grunted Marauder.

“Strange names,” Dash said. “I’m Rachel, Rachel Dillon.”

“Ah, yes,” said Nightshade. “See, we dropped our names, at least among ourselves. But you don’t just pick a name with the Hellsings. You gotta have it given to you. Like me, for instance. They call me Nightshade, because I’m about as painless as poison when you rile me up.”

“I’m Black Widow, because honey, you mess with me and I’ll bite.”

“Corsair and I,” said Marauder, “are named because we’re pretty damn good at mugging.”

“And I’m Starry Night because it’s my job to distract people when they’re getting robbed by us.”

She knows they’re thugs, and she’s still going with this!? Nova thought, outraged.

“Finally, your initiation,” said Nightshade. “Don’t worry. We don’t plan on hurting you more than you can bear, but you gotta understand,” Marauder slid behind her, blocking her way out, “you need to know the price for disloyalty. We’re your new number one priority, you got that?”

Marauder shoved her forward, where she fell straight onto Corsair, who tripped her. Dash hit the wall behind him hard, letting out a grunt of pain.

Enough’s enough, Nova thought, placing a foot on the top of the little ridge around the roof of the building, and jumping off.

Having done this sort of thing for however long they had been in this world, Nova’s body acted on its own, landing right in the middle of all the Shadowbolts in a frog-like stance to lessen the fall. When he had landed, his Equestrian instincts took over, and he immediately assumed a bipedal fighting stance.

Following Twilight’s ascension, he had gone straight to Shining Armor, and he had asked him to teach him how to fight with his hooves. There would likely come a time, he reasoned, when he would be unable to use magic, and he would need to defend her. So he had taught him hoof to hoof combat. The training was cut very short, courtesy of the curse, but Nova still had picked up quite a bit.

And now he would be using some of the bipedal stuff.

“The hell is this?” Nightshade asked, rounding on Dash. “You bring him along in case ya got beat up, you little pussy?”

“H-he’s n-not with me,” Dash grunted, wiping some blood from her mouth.

“Well, in that case, you’re pretty lucky he came along,” Black Widow said, smiling sadistically at him. “We’re going to show you exactly what happens when someone ditches us, and we don’t even have to beat you up to do it.”

She reared back, but Nova had already sprung at her, catching her midriff, wrapping it up, and tackling her into the brick wall. With a sickening crunch, followed by her head smashing against the brick, she fell down, unconscious.

“The fuck?” Nightshade asked, surprised. “This guy’s got some fight in him. Well, we can’t just let him take out Widow, can we?”

Marauder clenched his fists and growled, Corsair pulled out a small knife, and Starry pulled out a pipe from behind one of the trash cans she had been leaning by.

“Get in here, Bolt,” Nightshade admonished Dash. “You’re one of us now, which means you fight with us.”

Dash spat the blood from her mouth and assumed a fighting stance. Nova recognized it instantly as a rather poor one. Sure, Rainbow Dash was an excellent fighter and a black belt in some pegasus martial art, but pegasus martial arts didn’t translate well to the ground. Nova, however, may have had a small amount of training, but that translated into a huge advantage against unrefined styles of fighting.

Dash was the first to attack. Nova easily parried her punch and tripped her, sending her to the ground. He didn’t want to hurt her, but the others, he had no such desires to keep healthy.

Corsair lunged with his knife from Nova’s left. By reflex, Nova sucked his chest in, but his cloak proved its usefulness by deflecting the knife away. Even in other worlds, it would appear that Princess Luna’s spellshields worked. Having taken the time to study every one of the enchantments on it back when he was enchanting Twi’s, he knew there was a spell preventing wear and tear by any physical source, including blades.

He grabbed Corsair’s extended arm at the wrist and bashed the back of his hand, which caused him to drop the knife. Then he ducked and pulled Corsair over his back, causing him to land back first on the ground with a heavy thud. For good measure, he stomped right where the celiac plexus would be on a pony, just below the sternum, and was rewarded with a loud yell and some coughed-up blood from Corsair.

He suddenly felt energy behind him and he ducked, just as a metal pipe flew over his head. He kicked backwards, as if he were bucking a tree, and he felt his feet connect with a body, lifting Starry off of her feet and sending her flying backwards.

Nova got to his feet quickly and inspected the scene. Dash had gotten back up, and Starry was struggling to get off the ground, but Black Widow was still unconscious and Corsair was wheezing painfully on the ground beside him. Marauder and Nightshade both looked impressed, though.

“Not bad, kid, not bad at all,” Nightshade remarked, giving him a few claps. “So you can take on a couple of newbies all on your own. You kinda hit Widow before she could do anything, so she’s kinda out of the running, but now you get to deal with the two of us that actually know how to fight.”

Marauder reached into his jacket-vest and pulled out a set of brass knuckles, which he slipped on. Nightshade shifted into a low stance, both arms extended in front of him in a stance Nova recognized as something from Neighpon. So Nightshade knew his own martial arts, eh?

Marauder lunged forward, throwing a quick punch at Nova’s gut, but Nova spun around in a full circle upon contact, deflecting the punch and opening Marauder’s back to him, but just as Nova started to throw a punch, Marauder used the momentum to bring his other fist in a backhand motion toward Nova’s head. Nova ducked under the blow and sent a short series of quick jabs at Marauder’s abdominals. That worked about as well as he expected; in other words, it barely did anything.

Marauder aimed a punch downward, which Nova dove away from at the last second, crashing into Rainbow Dash and sending them both tumbling to the ground.

“Hey!” she shouted, sending a wild swing his way, but he blocked it and got back up just in time to see Marauder charging at him. He bent over just as Marauder swung, causing him to miss. Marauder’s momentum carried him straight into Nova, where he fell onto Nova’s back. Nova finished the move by straightening up as powerfully as his muscles could, flipping Marauder heavily onto his back on the ground, almost right on top of Dash.

Starry charged, but Nova just side-stepped and tripped her, sending her crashing on top of Marauder.

“We-he-hell,” Nightshade said, suddenly grinning broadly, “we got ourselves a real fighter, here. Trained in martial arts, are we?”

“Not really,” Nova admitted. “A man needs to know how to protect his loved ones, even when he doesn’t have a weapon on hand.”

“So Miss Dillon there is a loved one, then?” teased Nightshade. Behind and below Nova, Dash’s face went rather red.

“Can’t say she is,” Nova responded, “but she’s still a really good friend, and I’d hate to see her get involved with you Shadowbolts.”

Nightshade’s eyebrows shot straight up as high as they would go.

“Shadowbolts, eh?”

Nova felt himself grow cold. He’d just revealed himself to them.

Shit! he thought.

There came a loud and resounding tap from behind Nightshade, who turned around quickly. Nova peered over his shoulder to see none other than Discord standing there, watching everything with a frown.

“What do you want, old man?” asked Nightshade.

“I’m here for those two,” Discord said, jabbing his cane at Nova and Rainbow Dash. “Just like them to run off and get themselves into trouble the moment my back is turned.”

“What, are they your grandkids?”

Nova and Dash couldn’t contain a chuckle, but Discord just shook his head wryly. “No, ‘fraid not. The boy’s my protégé, though, and I find he’s run off and gotten himself into some trouble. Now, are we going to do this the easy way? Or are you going to make me come over there and show you why I’ve lived the last seventy years without a scratch?”

Nightshade scoffed and shifted into his fighting stance.

“Bring it, old man,” he challenged. Discord merely tipped his hat at Nightshade in response.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said cheerfully, before walking forward, leaning heavily on his cane.

“Is this guy joking?” Nightshade remarked to Nova and Dash. Nova just shrugged.

Discord had moved within arms reach of Nightshade. Nightshade had his arms raised, ready to strike-- when Discord, faster than Nova thought possible from him, hoisted up his cane, slid his hand down to the bottom, and smashed the brass knob at the end into Nightshade’s face.

Nightshade gave a cry of surprise and pain as he stumbled backwards.

“Go on, you two,” Discord said, lifting the cane again. “Get her back to your apartment, Nathan. I’ll handle them.”


“Let’s go,” Nova said to Dash, reaching under her arm and helping her up. Dash resisted at first, so Nova persisted. “It’s either come with me, or stay and get the same fate as them,” he barked. That helped her make her decision quickly.

Nova led her around to the building his apartment was in and up the stairs, unlocked the door, and hurried inside.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Following the third hit, Discord returned the cane to its normal position.

“Lest we forget, Nightshade, Moony’s the one in control of you, and I’m on an equal level as her,” he said, grabbing Nightshade’s hair and yanking him up. “When I tell you to surrender someone to me, you are to ask me if I want some chocolate milk and some cotton candy as well, is that clear?” he hissed.

“C-c-crystal,” Nightshade groaned. Discord threw him back to the ground and snapped his fingers. Ropes appeared, binding all five of the Shadowbolts together.

“Wh-what the--?” Nightshade tried to ask, but a gag appeared in his mouth, courtesy of Discord. And since Discord was being his usual troll self, it was a yellow ball gag with a smiley face on it.

“I can’t have you running off to Moony and telling her that Nova Shine knows who you are,” Discord said to the one conscious Shadowbolt. “That would ruin the fun.”

Nightshade made frantic sounds behind his gag, but Discord smacked him with his cane again.

“Any more noises out of you and I’ll do more than just remove your memory,” Discord said. “I might just kill you and blame it on one of the Changelings.”

“T-traitor!” spat Nightshade, muffled through the gag but coherent enough for Discord to understand. “Y-you’re on their side!?”

“Amazing how persuasive Fluttershy can be sometimes,” Discord remarked, before grabbing Nightshade’s face over the eyes.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Dash sat on Nova’s couch, staring sullenly at the floor. Nova, on the other hand, had already gotten her a towel wrapped around ice for her to hold over her mouth where she had hit the wall, but she seemed to be ignoring it. Other than the fact that she had come with him, she seemed to be doing her best completely ignoring him, too.

“Hold that over your mouth,” Nova said firmly, indicating the ice pack. “It’ll help the swelling go down.”

“It’s your fault there’s swelling there to begin with,” she snapped.

“I disagree,” Nova said. “You tried to hit me. What was I to do? Just sit there and take it? And let’s not forget, Corsair tripped you into the wall, not me. I just let you hit the floor when you missed.”

She said nothing, but continued glaring at the floor.

“Besides,” Nova continued, “you saw what I did to the other four. I’d say you should count yourself lucky I was trying to save your ass and not kick it.”

“‘Save’ my ass?” she asked, looking up at him with her magenta eyes, which really didn’t help Nova’s emotions after finding his memories of Twilight. “Those guys were my friends! What do you mean ‘save’ my ass?”

“If they were your friends, why were they going to beat the crap out of you to show you what happened if you didn’t stay loyal to their little group, eh?” Nova asked. Again, Rainbow Dash had no retort.

“Tell me,” Nova said, walking over and sitting down next to her, “what made you so desperate for friends that you went looking for those assholes?”

“They’re not assholes!” protested Dash, glaring at him. “Nightshade’s really nice when you get to know him.”

“Oh, yeah,” Nova replied sarcastically, “never mind the fact that he ordered his guys to knife me up.”

They heard the door open, and in came Discord, looking no worse than if he had just gotten done with a mildly challenging physical activity. If anything, he looked quite happy to have engaged in some conflict.

“Oh, man, I missed those days where I could just up and beat someone with my bare hands,” Discord said, flexing his fingers and looking quite pleased with himself. “That made me feel decades younger, I must say.”

“What did you do to them?” Nova asked.

“Oh, nothing that won’t heal,” Discord said darkly. “I beat them so hard, I’ll be shocked if they even remember what happened to them, you understand?” he asked, raising an eyebrow to Nova, who got it immediately.

“I understand.”

“Now, as for you, Miss… Dillon, was it?” Discord asked. Rainbow Dash nodded, but she kept glaring at Nova. “It would probably be best if you went straight home. I already am aware that you were in the process of joining those, er, gentlemen and ladies,” he said distastefully, “but trust me when I say their intentions for you were far more dubious than you seem to be aware of.”

“How?” asked Dash, shifting her glare to Discord. “What did they have planned for me?”

“Do the words ‘raping and pillaging’ mean anything to you?” Discord said. If Nova didn’t know better, he’d think he was almost enjoying this.

Dash paled and her glare turned into a slightly fearful look.


“Mmhmm,” Discord said. “Lucky for you Nathan here intervened.”

“I listened in on top of the building I jumped off of,” Nathan explained. “They really didn’t have the best of intentions for you. If I were you, I’d start picking better friends, Rachel.”

Dash hung her head, and Nova heard a sniff, just as Discord continued.

“You have something they want,” he explained, “or rather, something they don’t want. It would be foolish to explain it to you now, but Nathan knows about it as well. That’s why he couldn’t just stand idly by and watch this all happen to you. Knight in shining armor, this one,” he added, which caused Nathan to roll his eyes.

“Guess I owe you, don’t I?” she asked, sounding more than a little let down.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” said Nova, though he had a pretty useful idea at how he could cash in this little debt, involving Sweet Apple Acres, or whatever it was called. “Just doing what any good friend would do.”

“I’m your friend?” she asked, sounding quite surprised and looking up at him with those magenta eyes that made him think so much of Twilight.

“‘Course,” Nova said. “Now, I’m sorry to do this, but Imma have to kick you out. I kinda had an appointment with Mr. Sire today, and it’s probably best if you make yourself scarce before the cops show up to haul that bunch away.”

“‘Kay,” Dash said, getting up and walking to the door. However, with her hand on the knob, she stopped.

“What is it?” Nathan asked.

Dash said nothing. Nova got up and headed over to see what was the matter. Suddenly, there was a rainbow-colored blur and the next thing Nova knew, Dash had kissed him on the cheek.

“Thanks,” she said hastily and not meeting his eye. But then she punched him in the chest. “That doesn’t leave this apartment, ya got that?”

Nova clutched at his gut. Yeah, same old Dash alright.

“And you too, Mr. Sire,” she said, looking straight at Mr. Sire with a strong sort of expectation.

“I won’t tell any person in this town,” he said, sounding a bit too sincere about that. Nova instantly recognized the loophole.

With one last look at Nova, she opened the door and ran off.

“Heheheh,” Discord said, “wait till I tell Twilight.”

“Well, she’s not the first,” Nova said. “Summer Blossom, Clover, Trixie, and now Rainbow Dash.”

Nova watched as she sped out of sight, thinking hard. Based on how she didn’t think she had any friends, it was likely the curse had done the same to the others. It would make sense that Envy would want them thinking they were alone.

“Now,” said Mr. Sire, “about your slip-up.”

“Yeah,” said Nova. “Slip-out, more like.”

“Whatever the case, you’re a fool for opening your mouth.”

“Not for attacking them?” Nova asked, surprised.

“I watched you hold your own. That I don’t mind, especially when you’re saving one of our tickets home. But letting slip their real name? Don’t do it again. You’re lucky I was there. If I wasn’t, he would have called Nightmare Moon on the spot and you would have been back under the curse before you could say the full name of Q from Star Trek.”

“You don’t sound very mad,” Nova noted.

“I’m not mad. I’m not your parent, Nova Shine. I’m only here to keep an eye on you. But let’s just say I’m not exactly happy with you either.”

“Fair enough,” said Nova. “Was the rape thing made up?”

“Unfortunately,” said Discord, his countenance darkening, “it wasn’t. It was the Shadowbolts’ intent to break her somehow. In her mind, with no friends to go to, she would just enter a sort of blank trance and depression, possibly even to the point of suicide. She’s lucky you jumped in.”

“Did you know about this?”

“As a matter of fact,” Discord said, stroking his beard, “I did. You may have heard Dash explaining her lateness due to a police officer wasting her time. I pulled some strings with Good Queen Chryssie.”

“Is she on our side?” Nova asked.

Discord frowned, which wasn’t a very good sign to Nova..

“I don’t know. I don’t know if she would be on our side. The only two of our little pantheon of evil that I can definitely nail down are Envy and Nightmare Moon, who are firmly against us, excepting of course myself.”

“How do I know I can trust you, being a chaotic embodiment and all?” Nova asked.

“Simply? You can’t, and you don’t have to, but I’m on your side.”

“That’s very reassuring,” snarked Nova in deadpan sarcasm.

“Would you rather the situation be that I were on Envy’s side and was working to help keep the Element Bearers distant while simultaneously seeking to further my own ends?” Discord asked. “Right now, even if I were on Envy’s side, I would very much prefer living on Equus in my beautiful normal body instead of this rough, flawed shell. And to be honest, I’d wager I’m not the only one of our little coalition who thinks that way.”

“Oh really?” Nova said, interest piqued. Any of the others they could get on their side would go a long way. Chrysalis would have to be the best prospect, considering she controlled the Changeling Police.

“Yes,” Discord said, waving a hand. The curtains on all windows were drawn instantly. “Prior to your unfortunate encounter with the Shadowbolts, I, too, had been informed about Rainbow Dash’s temptations at the hooves of the Shadowbolts, back before they first took up the Elements. When I saw her taking off and carrying a purple and black hooded vest, I called on one of my associates for a favor.”

“Chrysalis, I’m guessing, since you pulled some strings with her.”

“Correct,” Discord said, nodding. “I had her get one of her cops to hold up Rainbow Dash and confiscate ‘illegal’ things like her vest. I was hoping to completely deter her, but unfortunately, it only delayed her. So, it seems we are both lucky the other was present to help.”

“So Chrysalis seems to be the one most likely to join our cause?” Nova asked, surprised an quite satisfied.

“It would seem so. But first, Nightmare Moon has to be cleared from the playing field, a task you are in no condition to even attempt to accomplish,” he added. “I assume Celestia told you to just run if you ever faced her sister?”

“You doubt I could take her?” Nova asked.

“Simply, yes. Even with Chaos magic, she is still Princess Luna, the most powerful spellcaster Equus has ever seen.”

“Even ahead of Star Swirl or her sister?” Nova asked.

“Did I stutter?” Discord said, giving Nova a small glare. “Luna was always the more intellectually-inclined one. Her magical ability far outstripped that of her sister. Why do you think Celestia had to resort to the Elements of Harmony to defeat her? If she was stronger, she could just defeat Luna on her own.”

“Without mine or Comet’s help,” Nova added, suddenly realizing just how powerful Luna was, despite having faced her personally some time ago.

“And consider this, Nova,” said Discord, smirking. “The real Princess Luna is even stronger.”

“Figures,” Nova said. “The Nightmares can only comprehend so much about her.”

“Which means that,” continued Discord, “while they may be able to control the power of Princess Luna, being that they are creatures with no inherent magic of their own, they lack the experience. They don’t know what you’re capable of, and so when the time comes that you face Nightmare Moon, because that will happen, remember that she is only nothing but power.”

Nova caught a slight gleam in Discord’s eye.

“So you want me to go after Nightmare Moon?” he asked.

“What choice do we have?” Discord responded, “but consider that by attacking her instead of waiting for her to come to you, you gain an element of surprise in your plan. Not now, of course, but when you’re stronger. However,” he added, jabbing Nova in the sternum with his cane, “do not overestimate your abilities, or underestimate her’s. The last thing we need is for you to be put back under.”

“Then let’s get to it,” Nova said.

Discord smiled.

“Alright,” he said, “we’ll get started. We’ll need some space to work with, so right here in front of the door will be fine.”

“So, how do you know when you’re a master of Chaos magic?” Nova asked.

“Hold on there, cowpony,” said Discord. “Celestia’s done a number on you. That much is evident. Chaos magic isn’t like other magic. You can’t just look at it, outline a few simple spells, and then bing bang boom you’re a master. Chaos magic is very simple, in that either you can do it, or you can’t. There is no in-between.”

“No pressure, then,” said Nova, smirking. “Only the fate of Equestria depends on your ability to cast it.”

“I should have worded it better,” Discord said. “Anypony can do it, as long as they are in touch with their natural magic. Before you ask, yes, even pegasi and earth ponies,” he added, for Nova was about to ask.

Nova walked over and sat on his couch, while Discord remained standing in the space between the kitchen and the living area, right in front of the door.

“Chaos magic, as its name implies, is a very indirect form of magic,” Discord said. “As I said before, you either can do it or you can’t, but everypony has the capability to. This means that basically, all I will be doing is helping you to tap into your Chaos magic, and then leaving you after that. The rest is just pure ingenuity.”

“Really?” Nova asked. “That’s all that is?”

“Well, I always look at it this way,” Discord said, giving Nova a little smirk, “Chaos magic is nothing more than stand-up comedy, and you’re the star. The basis of Chaos magic is literally coming up with things on the fly, as they are.”

“Do you happen to have any zebra in your blood?” Nova asked, smirking. “That was a pretty good imitation of Zecora.”

Discord then decided to demonstrate his Chaos magic. Nova sank into the sofa, which was all of a sudden made of Jell-O.

“Hey!” Nova shouted, feeling himself sink into the sickly-squishy material that made up his favorite couch.

“Interrupt me again, Nova,” Discord said in a dangerous voice, but with a very evil grin in Nova’s direction. “See what happens.”

He snapped his fingers, and Nova was bounced out of his gelatin restraint, and the couch returned to normal. Nova picked himself up from where he had fallen, and went over to prod his couch to make sure it wasn’t secretly still a giant hunk of goo.

“You know, for a branch of magic that’s supposedly stand-up comedy,” Nova remarked, giving Discord an annoyed look, “that wasn’t very funny.”

“You know what they say about comedy, Nova,” Discord said, shrugging. “Every joke has a butt.”

“...Touché,” Nova conceded.

“The main difference in casting Chaos magic as opposed to, for want of a better term, Order magic,” Discord continued, “is that with Order magic, you have to shape and bend magic to your will. Chaos magic, on the other hoof-- or in this case, hand-- you simply have to let it happen and trust your imagination to do its job.”

He snapped his fingers again, and in a flash of white, a trumpet materialized in his hands, and a mariachi band appeared around him. With a short high note from Discord on his trumpet, they all started playing.

“A mariachi band?” Nova asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Would you rather it be Vinyl Scratch and her dubstep?” Discord asked, snapping his fingers again. The band vanished, but a flash of light immediately to his right made him jump. A human girl, slightly shorter than him, with spiky two-toned blue hair and purple sunglasses was grinding against his right side as dubstep played with no discernable source. Nova went very red when he noticed Vinyl was only wearing a bikini only half-a-second later.

“D-Discord!” Nova exclaimed, his face easily able to put Pinkie Pie to shame.

“Oh, fine,” Discord said, snapping his fingers again. Vinyl vanished, but not before she managed to start molesting his ear. Nova couldn’t help but wonder exactly what it was about his right ear that made it so attractive for ponies to lick and nibble. First Clover, now Vinyl…

“Now, for such a relatively simple branch of magic, a lot of preparation goes into it,” Discord said. “You have to temper your imagination. This is key, because if you don’t, you might lose control of the chaos you wish to wield, and bring to life everything you don’t want to bring to life. Exhibit A,” he snapped his fingers, and a censored naked human Granny Smith dancing with a stripper pole appeared, “this.”

Nova yelped and slapped his hands over his eyes so hard it hurt.

“Exhibit B,” said Discord, snapping his fingers again, “that.”

Nova peeked through his fingers to see that Granny Smith had vanished. In her place was a white pony with a horn and a mane that looked like fire.

“What the hell?” the unknown pony asked, looking in every direction. Then it clapped its hooves over its mouth. “I can talk!?”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord made the creature vanish.

“What was that?” Nova asked.

“A creature from another world,” he said. “As for a specific specimen? I believe it is called a Rapidash. But imagine if I had brought a less-equine monster. There’s this artificially created purplish one with two necks, a long tail, and psychic powers that could destroy the universe. Imagine trying to control that, when you can’t even control your own imagination.”

The gravity of what exactly he was getting himself into started to sink in. This wasn’t going to be easy.

“But fear not, Nova,” said Discord. “Chaos magic seems like a daunting prospect, but trust me, the pros very much outweigh the cons. Now, let’s dive right in.”

He snapped his fingers for what seemed like the millionth time that afternoon alone, and an easel with a blank white canvas appeared. Again, he snapped his fingers, and a bright white light flashed around Nova’s head.

“What did you do?” Nova asked.

“I’ve cast a simple little spell on you that should begin to take effect shortly,” Discord explained. “In a moment, the spell will start working, and it will paint exactly what you’re picturing on that canvas. Every little detail.”

“Every little detail?” Nova asked, suddenly going very cold. What would happen if I randomly thought about Twi in compromising situations?

No sooner had he thought those words than the canvas turned black and they appeared in white at their center. Then the canvas mortified Nova by painting exactly what he had imagined following that little thought passing through his head.

Discord stared at the canvas, with an unreadable expression.

“Well,” he said after a moment, “I suppose you are a stallion, after all. Now look here, Nova. This is how we will train your mind to focus on one specific thing at a time. Your focus, as I understand it, has improved greatly since Princess Luna took you as her Night Apprentice. Your focus will be invaluable here.”

“How will this help my training?” Nova asked. “You’ll just ask me to focus on something random as long as I can?”

“As a matter of fact,” Discord said, smiling at him, “that’s exactly it. I will be telling you to form specific shapes, paintings, et cetera on this canvas. You will think about it and focus on it. We will do it for longer and longer periods of time until I think you’re able to control your thoughts enough to do chaos magic.”

“What, you’re not going to ask me to think about something for an entire hour?” Nova jokingly asked.

“What do I look like, a robot factory?” Discord asked. “Now, that’s enough banter. Let’s get started. Paint me a picture of…”

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“...so overall, not bad. For day one,” Discord said, adjusting a multi-colored scarf that had appeared around his neck as he made his way to Nova’s door. “That should be all for today. Practice forming a shape and holding it for five seconds, focusing on the detail. Every little detail has to be right, or else something will inevitably go wrong.”

“Well,” said Nova, very red-faced after one of the earlier moments in the last couple of hours where Discord had decided to deliberately troll him, “forgive me, but you don’t seem to do a whole lot of focusing on details whenever you mess with things.”

Discord responded by pointing his cane at the canvas, which instantly painted itself as the Pony Lisa. And the more amazing thing about it, nothing was blurred, like Nova’s had been. Every detail was crisp and clear.

“Just because I can do this on the fly doesn’t mean I don’t focus on details,” Discord said. “In the meantime, good day, Nova Shine. I will see you again in two days.”

And with that, he walked out the door into the slight snow that had developed that afternoon, and shut the door behind him. Nova watched him as he walked on down the stairs, and then off toward whatever place he called home on this other rock.

As soon as he was gone, Nova let out a great sigh and fell onto his couch. The day had been exhausting, physically and mentally. The last thing he wanted to do was something productive. Maybe he could just go to the bars and take the night to drink.

He bolted up again. It was Friday afternoon. The Council of Gentlemen was meeting tonight!

He hurried off to his room, grabbed some new clothes, and threw on his cloak. He was not going to miss this meeting, not when he had a reason to get himself drunk with nothing to worry about the next day!

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“Funny little guy, isn’t he?” Discord asked, watching Nova through a window from an adjacent rooftop.

“You wouldn’t know funny if it sliced open your neck,” Queen Chrysalis said, also watching Nova as he ran around his room.

“Come now, Chryssie, we’ve known each other for how long now?” Discord asked.

Don’t call me Chryssie!” she snapped at him, eyes glowing slightly and her teeth abnormally sharp for a human form.

“Whyever not?”

Chrysalis’ anger faltered slightly, and she returned to watching Nova. Discord stared at her for a moment, remembering what Princess Celestia had told him about Nova’s trip to the past. As he returned his gaze to Nova, he couldn’t help but wonder what she thought. Was he was just a reincarnation? Apparently Twilight and one of the pegasi Royal Guards looked exactly the same as the two ponies in the past Nova called friends.

“Does he remind you of your savior?” he asked gently, choosing not to antagonize her for once.

“How do you know--” she asked, surprised, but Discord cut her off.

“Just because I was imprisoned in stone at the time doesn’t mean I couldn’t see or hear what was happening,” he said. “My statue may have been in Everfree at the time, but I heard every word Celestia, Clover, Steelshod, and the first Nova ever said on the incident, since they chose to have a little picnic in front of me once.”

“Even Celestia?” asked Chrysalis, looking at him skeptically and raising an eyebrow. “I know she wasn’t as reserved back then, but enough to go out on a picnic when there was work to be done?”

“Well, not the picnic, no, but she did often talk about it with them,” Discord admitted.

“I remember Clover,” Chrysalis said. “She was the one he wanted me to turn into.”

Discord snorted.

“So he had only known her… what, an hour or so? And he was already asking you to turn into her for some depraved fantasy?” Discord said, unable to stop himself from mocking this. Old habits die hard after all.

Shut up!” she snapped. “He did it to give me love energy! I would have died without it!”

“He saved your life, eh?” Discord asked, raising an eyebrow. “He did more than that. He saved your life, returned you to your home, and prevented a war that would have destroyed your people. I swear, history does not remember him as well as it should. Then there’s the first Nightmare Night and his involvement…”

“What are you saying?” she asked.

“I’m saying that, for someone who owes their life to an Equestrian citizen, you sure went out of your way to dishonor your memory of him,” Discord said harshly. “Invading the very country that saved you? Attacking one of the beings who was responsible for the war being averted? You even imprisoned Twilight Sparkle, a mare who looks astonishingly like Clover did, in the caves you were once a slave in. Bravo, Chryssie. Bravo.”

He started clapping slowly, mockingly. All through his tirade, her head had sunk lower and lower. She knew he was right.

“Why do you care?” she growled, staring at the snow-covered stone barrier atop the deserted building. “Why do you care so much about what I’ve done to Equestria? You’re supposed to be on our side!”

“I happen to know, Chryssie,” Discord responded, “that you prefer Equus to this place. Don’t even bother denying it. I have my ways of knowing.”

Chrysalis said nothing. She continued to stare at the edge guard.

“I think you also know,” Discord said, continuing, “that the Elements of Harmony are the way to return everypony to Equus. I tested you earlier, when I had you send some of your children to delay Rainbow Dash, which you did almost immediately.”

He leaned down right next to her ear.

“If I didn’t know better,” he whispered, “I’d think you wanted them to reawaken so we could return to Equus.”

She continued to stare, content to remain silent. Discord smiled, then stood back up and adjusted his hat, coat, and scarf.

“I’m not telling Moony, or anything,” he said. “But I do hope that in the future, you’ll consider where your loyalties should lie.”

He turned and started to walk away, the faint sounds of snow crunching under his foot sounding louder than they normally would have, in the otherwise-silent night. Chrysalis again said and did nothing. She just continued staring at the edge guard, occasionally her gaze flicking up to the person in the apartment across the street.

Why does he have to look so much like him? she thought to herself. Why does he have to haunt me like this?

After several minutes, sitting out in the cold, she finally drew herself upright and marched off toward her humble house not far away. Despite all appearances to the contrary, she was sad all of a sudden. Was he a reminder of the one she had failed? Or was he just there because fate had a cruel sense of humor?

There was no way he could be the real one; Nova Shine had died over a millennium ago. Which meant he had to be the reincarnated version. The next in this never-ending cycle of Night Apprentices, Faithful Students, Night Masters, and Prime Magi plaguing Equestria.

She continued walking back to her home-- no house. Home was where the heart lay. And the heart lay in Equus, in the cities of the Changelings.

What I wouldn’t give for you to come back, Mister Nova, she thought sadly. Here I am, a slave again, to the ones who would trap us in this nightmare of a world.

As she opened the door to her one-story home, a single tear fell from the Queen’s eyes, shining like a liquid diamond in the darkened skies as it froze and fell to the snow.

Please save me again, Mister Nova.

To Fight Shadows...

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 04 - To Fight Shadows...

It had taken Nova a little over a week, but he had finally managed to train his concentration to the point where, even with Discord distracting him, he could create almost anything Discord wanted him to create, and hold it on the canvas for thirty seconds, complete with details.

“Nova, the Pony Lisa doesn’t have a mustache.”

Most of the time.

“You made me think of it,” accused Nova indignantly. “If you hadn’t sprouted that handlebar, I wouldn’t have screwed this up!”

“What, this old thing?” Discord asked, stroking and admiring his new handlebar moustache that had most certainly not been there five seconds before. “Hmm, you should get your sight checked. This was here the whole time.”

Nova rolled his eyes and cleared the easel of any of his thoughts.

“I must say, you made much faster progress than I expected,” Discord said. “I figured it’d be at least two weeks before you could make it past ten seconds. It takes most beings around a month to make it as far as you.”

Nova grinned and scratched behind his head in a bashful sort of way.

“Don’t get cocky, Rodeo,” Discord said. “I said ‘most,’ not ‘all.’”

“Can you blame me?” Nova asked. “I have plenty of motivation.”

Which was perfectly true. Nova was giving his all at mastering Chaos magic. The sooner he could undo the curse on Twilight and the other Bearers, the sooner they could all return to Equestria, and the sooner he could once again be with Twilight. Though this time without any potential end-of-Equestria threats.

“It’s good to have a driving force behind your studies, Nova,” said Discord, “but sacrificing this time of ours to work on Chaos magic so you can go and play with your friends? That’s not motivation.”

“Playing?” Nova asked, shaking his head. “If I want to blend in here, I have to show up to those classes. Otherwise, Nightmare Moon will know something’s wrong and hunt me down to put the curse on me again. Or are you still sore about the time Dash came over?”

Only a couple of days ago, Rainbow Dash had once again ended up in Nova’s apartment, though this time Nova didn’t have to beat senseless the Shadowbolts. She actually seemed genuinely thankful he had helped her out, and was keen to repay the favor, despite Nova’s insistence there was no debt to be paid. Still, he enjoyed the company when watching sports. Discord, however, was irritated because this cut into practice time.

Nova thought the trade was worth it, though. Rainbow Dash was already good friends with him, which meant he needed a good segue to getting her to interact with the others. Unfortunately, Dash had kept quiet about Nova’s encounter with the “Hellsings.” Nova thought the increased spike in attention would have been just what he needed to get in good with at least Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, and possibly even Fluttershy.

Twilight, however, was proving to be a chore. Every time he went anywhere near her, even for class, who would turn up but Natalie. Given the fact that he would quite like to avoid causing any scenes for Nightmare Moon to show up in, he figured it was best that he avoided causing Natalie to go berserk. But at the same time, he needed to get closer to Twilight. Not just for himself, but for Equestria. How would Twilight get any friends if there wasn’t someone there to show her any?

Especially when none of the other five liked her. If Envy had gone an rearranged everypony’s memories, then it was conceivable that Envy had given Twilight and the others memories of something awful happening between them when they all were younger, which had caused them all to split apart.

Not unlike a certain scenario Twilight had told him about which had happened in a human world very much like this one.

Complete with being that wanted to destroy Equestria. Possibly. Sunset Shimmer’s plan never really was that clear, except that she wanted power.

“I’m not sore about the time Rainbow Dash came over,” Discord said, shaking his head. “I am sore that you chose to spend all that time watching football instead of doing something productive. Like perhaps introducing her to any of the other Bearers.”

“I think you’re just jealous that I have girls that want me,” said Nova, leaping over the back of the couch and landing in a perfect napping position. “At least two, considering how Dash decided to give me a little reward for saving her ass.”

Discord snapped his fingers, and with a flash of white light, no less than eight beautiful women, all wearing nothing more than bikinis, appeared around him. All of them were making sultry sounds and rubbing up against him in lewd ways. Nova wasn’t watching, but the sounds they were making said enough.

“Discord eight, Nova two,” Discord said. With another snap of his fingers, all the women vanished.

Nova groaned and reached for the remote, before finding it and grabbing it--

Nova bolted upright, glancing between the remote and the table it had been sitting on, over four feet away. They had pushed it back before the lessons started, which meant that it wasn’t in arm’s reach of the couch. Nova had just called the remote to his hand with magic, completely unconsciously.

“Not bad, Nova,” Discord said, smiling. “You seem to have rediscovered your magical ability. Now all you gotta do is break it in a little.”

Nova instantly held out his hand toward his refrigerator.

Nothing happened.

“Well, something tells me your magic doesn’t want to give you any alcohol today,” Discord said, adjusting his coat and hat. “Try this instead,” he added, conjuring a soda can and tossing it to Nova.

“What, no chocolate milk?” Nova teased.

“Not in the winter, no,” Discord said, picking up his cane from where it had been leaning against the counter, and ignoring the harmless jab. “I need to be off. I have an appointment with the Mayor.”

“You and Sombra sure do spend a lot of time together,” Nova observed. “If I didn’t know better--”

“You don’t,” Discord said, cutting him off. “I have to maintain appearances. And since Sombra is nothing more than a conjured echo, he answers directly to Envy. And we can’t give her any indication that anything is out of the ordinary. And let’s not forget Moony.”

“I still find it hard to believe she hasn’t noticed you and I interacting a lot more than usual. Wouldn’t she jump at this sort of thing?” Nova asked.

“Yes,” Discord said, stroking his beard, “it is troubling that she hasn’t noticed. Though I think she has actually noticed. Though what could be stopping her from making her move is completely beyond me.”

He shrugged.

“Anyway, keep practicing. And work on that new ability of yours you just re-learned. When I return next Monday, I want you to be lifting X-Wings out of swamps.”

“When did you get into the fantasy genre?” Nova asked, quite perplexed by Discord’s sudden fanboyism.

“I told you and Celly that I started watching this show on this wonderful human invention called Netflix,” Discord said, shrugging. “Figured I’d watch other things, too. Not much to do when all you’re here for is backup. A chaotic draconequus has to kill the time somehow, you know.”

And with that, he threw open Nova’s door against the resistance of a freezing gale outside, letting in the sound of howling wind and flurries of snow. With hindered steps, he walked on out into the blizzard that had struck their town for the past few days, shut the door behind him, and vanished into the cold.

As soon as he was gone, Nova smiled and held out his hand toward the refrigerator again. At once, the door opened and a small bottle of alcoholic cider flew out toward his hand while his can of soda flew back into the refrigerator, settling itself neatly in one of the shelves on the inside of the door, which closed gently.

Obviously, he had already been practicing his magic. He had already started casting spells. Hell, his progress was astonishing for a week being out of the curse. After he had been able to produce the glow in his hands before attacking the Shadowbolts, he had snowballed to being able to lift things up that night. The next day, it became rudimentary spells. Now, a full week later, he could call forth his five orbs of light that he usually kept with him in fights.

He figured they would prove even more valuable here, when he wasn’t in full control of his magic. The ability to have extensions of his being that could cast spells for him would prove invaluable when he couldn’t cast as powerful of spells as he was used to.

With a slight hissing noise, Nova flicked off the bottle cap with magic. Magic was so useful, and in ways he was only just beginning to realize. Why did those companies have to use the small caps with the hard-to-grip edges? A little magic, and you would no longer need a bottle opener.

The sweet, slightly burning taste of the alcoholic cider flowed down his esophagus. Nova hadn’t quite been expecting the cider taste to be that strong compared to the alcohol, and he sputtered for a moment.

“Aww,” he lamented, before letting out another cough, “I was expecting it to be a bit more booze-y. Still,” he added, before taking a great swig, “Dash would kill me if I let such good cider go to waste.”

So he spent the next few minutes watching football and drinking his cider. The only difference between his old life in Equestria and this current situation was his lack of a pony body. This realization was not lost on him.

Seems just like old times, he thought to himself sadly. Before I met Twilight again. Just staying up and watching hoofball, going and doing odd jobs… I don’t even have those anymore.

Suddenly, all desire to continue in this old ritual of his just left him. Nova sighed and threw his head back, now ignoring the television as he stared blankly at the ceiling. Really, why did he have to go and think that? His Friday evening was now wasted.

He moved his head back to its normal place and glanced down at the bottle in his hand.

Well, not entirely wasted, at least. With another sigh, he lifted the bottle past eye level in a mock toast.

“To life lost,” he said, taking a quick gulp, “and life regained,” he added, taking another quick gulp.

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“You know, Chryssie,” Discord drawled as he continued to stare through Nova’s window at him while he made his mock toasts, “I enjoy a stargazing night as much as the next pony, but do all our dates have to be out here?”

Chrysalis gave him the merest of glares; she had almost gotten used to him by now.

“Why does he leave his curtains open?” she asked. “He was using magic.”

“Yes,” Discord said, “that he was.”

“Which means that he’s recovered his memory,” Chrysalis said, turning and staring at Discord.

“Probably,” Discord said. “I’ve seen weirder things.”

“Which means one of us needs to report it to Nightmare Moon, don’t you think?” Chrysalis asked.

“Maybe,” Discord said, shrugging, “but let’s face it; it would be a lot more fun to let him run rampant, don’t you think? And,” he added, slipping an arm around Chrysalis’ shoulders (which she instantly tried to slide out of), “we both want something to come of him remembering.”

“W-what do you--?” Chrysalis started, but Discord cut her off.

“I mean,” he said sharply, “let’s face it. You haven’t been your usual self since we came to this other world. You’ve been moody and temperamental and have given me death threats every six seconds instead of every five, like it had been when I came to your rescue in that one place with the living Pinkie Pie costume.”

Chrysalis made a sound that seemed like half-snicker, half-snarl, but otherwise, she kept her peace.

“If I didn’t know better, Chryssie,” Discord said, snaking his way around to just behind her other ear, “I’d think you actually wanted him to win.”

“My loyalties haven’t changed, Discord,” she said coolly. This only made Discord smirk.

“Oh, and you think that I, the Master of Chaos, can’t see that little loophole? Really, Your Highness, did you think that would work on me?”

She shook her head, nearly bopping him on the nose in the process. “Discord, you should know my answer,” she said. “I want nothing more than Celestia and that damned unicorn Twilight Sparkle to pay for ruining my plans at the wedding.”

“Well,” said Discord, leaning back and stretching a little, “for one, she’s an alicorn now, so there’s that, and for two, if you really wanted them all to pay for foiling your invasion, why haven’t you done anything yet?”

Chrysalis said nothing. She just stared at Nova, who appeared to be appraising his cloak and practicing spellwork on it.

“It’s him, isn’t it?” Discord said, indicating Nova. “You think he’s the same one?”

“No,” said Chrysalis, head drooping. “It’s impossible. My Nova Shine died. His grave is even in Everfree’s ruins.”

“How would you know that?”

She gave a coy smile, the first he had seen since he met her. “Shapeshifting has its uses. Even when the entire country wants your head on a plate.”

“Haven’t they invented spells that undo your illusion?”

“When you keep your head down and give no cause for alarm, they have nothing to suspect. Or so I believe,” she added. “I only visited Everfree once after the failed invasion of Canterlot. I walked right by that whorse’s house, and I couldn’t do anything about it to avoid arousing suspicion,” she snarled angrily, before taking a breath and calming herself before continuing. “I walked right through Ponyville, cast an invisibility spell on myself, went into Everfree, spent my time there, and left the same way I got in. Nopony was any the wiser.”

“If you were so good at getting yourself in and out of Equestria undetected, why didn’t you just smuggle all of your Changelings into Canterlot?” Discord asked, genuinely curious. “I mean, it is a popular tourist destination. Nopony would bat an eyelash at the large numbers of ponies wandering the streets.”

“That was the original plan,” Chrysalis said, sighing. “Scheherazade suggested that as a course of action. He’s my best advisor, but Killik suggested his own strategy of a frontal assault by infiltrating the city, setting off its defenses to analyze their weaknesses, and then neutralize them to allow my children to invade.”

“A plan which would have worked, if you had properly acted like Mi Amore Cadenza,” Discord said.

“I only acted on the best intel we had at the time. I didn’t know he had a sister,” she spat, “much less that I was to disguise myself as her foalsitter. If I had, I probably would have done better, but when you only factor in one pony who should know everything, brainwashing seems to be the best modus operandi to use.”

“And, like I said, it did work, even until Twilight Sparkle freed Cadenza.”

Chrysalis didn’t respond. She just continued to gloomily stare at Nova.

“You know,” said Discord, starting to munch on some hot, buttery popcorn he just conjured, “what irony this is for you, Chryssie. You hate Twilight Sparkle to the point of attempting to drain her magic and murder her under the influence of the Secretariat Comet not even a full two years ago. Now, here you are, staring all deathly, darkly, and drearily at young Nova Shine over there, and Twilight Sparkle just happens to be his fiancée.”

“I’m aware,” she mumbled.

“Do you… like him?” Discord asked, his mouth curving into a devilish grin.

She made a sort of grunt, which Discord took to mean “yes,” but then she decided to explain herself and ruin the multiple scenarios running through Discord’s mind on the romantic irony.

“I always had feelings for the Nova Shine that rescued me from Lord Silverblood, all those years ago,” she said softly. “It’s one of the reasons I still have no mate. I just didn’t want a changeling who wasn’t like him. Strong, kind, smart, funny…” she sighed dreamily, “and let’s not forget handsome.”

“My my, Chryssie, this is quite a change of character for you,” Discord noted. “I definitely prefer old Chryssie though. Please stop being a lovestruck filly and go back to being your normal self.”

“I’m a Changeling, Discord,” Chrysalis said, giving him a smug grin. “Lovestruck is what we’re supposed to be, to.fool the pony we’re looking to feed on. To pretend to be lovestruck, sometimes you have to know how it feels.”

“Yes, well, still--”

“As I was saying,” said Chrysalis, cutting him off, “yes, I had feelings for my rescuer. I suppose I dampened them when I heard he was dead, but if I didn’t then, I definitely did after Father died at their hooves. I thought I was getting my revenge when I bested Celestia at the wedding.”

“As I understand it, you saw him there, too,” Discord said, gesturing at Nova.

“Yes, I did,” Chrysalis sighed, head once again drooping. “My children dragged him to me, because he had been fighting them off. He looked younger than my Nova had, but it still brought up bad memories. So I told them to keep him bound and kept somewhere secure away from the Chapel. I didn’t want reminding about him, not when victory was so close at hoof.”

“You know,” Discord said, conjuring a hammock and leaping backwards onto it, “for a queen who’s supposed to be an effective leader for her ponies, you really have boy issues.”

“Queen Elizabeak I did too, and she’s remembered as the greatest Griffin Queen in their history,” countered Chrysalis.

Discord opened his mouth and raised an index finger in the perfect pose to tell her why that was bullshit, opened his mouth, blinked stupidly as he realized she was right, then put down his hand. “Point taken.”

“And before you tell me I’m not a griffin,” she added, grinning as a beak suddenly sprouting from her face, “I can be if I want to be.”

Discord openly laughed.

That’s more like it, Chryssie! Always so morose, it’s good that I can finally get you cracking jokes like the rest of us.”

Please don’t call me Chryssie, though,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It’s something only Father and Nova Shine did, and I kind of want to keep it that way.”

“Fair enough,” Discord said. “Since you asked nicely. Should I just call you ‘Chrys’ from now on, or something?”

“Long as it’s not Chryssie, I think I can handle it,” she answered.

“Alright then, Queen Cheeselegs.”

It took Discord an hour to untie himself from the human knot he had been left in.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova and Discord had agreed to take the weekends off from attempting to teach Nova control over Chaos magic. Not really because either of them had wanted to, but they both knew that taking at least one day of the week off as a break was more beneficial than not taking one at all. Nova also suggested taking another day to work by himself.

Both ideas seemed to be working wonders, but not exactly on the intended branch of magic. And so, one fine Saturday over a week later, Nova was relaxing at his house. His television was tuned in to the English Premier League, and he was quite enjoying himself. Nova’s natural magic was about as potent as it had been the day he had met Twilight for the second time, although his focus was stronger. His body just wasn’t quite used to manipulating a force it was never intended to manipulate. This would not go well in fights with strong enemies.

To remedy this, and in lieu of battling entirely with magic and with the aid of Princess Celestia, Nova and Discord had (re)discovered a solution that balanced his recent incomplete training in mundane combat with his magical proficiency: Spellblade.

Metal was an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity, which made it the ideal material for arcanologists to use when conducting magic from a distance. During the period shortly after Nightfall, the Equestrian military began experimenting with the practice of imbuing the metal blades of pikes, spears, and the like with spells, so as to not have pegasi or earth ponies be disadvantaged when dealing with a rogue unicorn (or the return of a vengeful alicorn imprisoned in the moon).

This eventually led to the enchanting of armor, but not before one particularly brilliant unicorn made his name as a warrior by fighting with an actual sword, which he would channel his magic through. His sword gave him an edge in close range combat that he normally wouldn’t have, whereas his magic gave him a long range attacking medium. Due to advances in armor enchanting, the practice was rendered outdated due to the First Fundamental Law of Magic, but because of the fact that Nova was probably not going to encounter an enemy using magic-enhanced armor, Celestia, Discord, and Nova decided that it would be his best option while on this world.

The next few Chaos magic lessons revolved around Nova actually trying to conjure something, with almost no success. “Something” being a weapon with a metal end. “Almost” meaning Nova did manage to conjure up an unrelated thing. Only yesterday, as a matter of fact. He managed to conjure up a fountain of beer from the drain of his sink completely by accident.

Of course, that didn’t stop him from indulging in his alcoholic conjuration, using the logic that beer was there to help him celebrate that he had actually conjured something. Discord only rolled his eyes, but joined in the “festivities.” He even conjured a mariachi band again.

However, that was the extent of his conjuring achievements. Every other time he tried only resulted in either smoke or flashes of light with nothing else coming of it. Despite his successive failures, he was far from disheartened. It was always like this for him. It had taken him years to really become proficient with magic, starting with when he and Twilight had met for the second time and culminating near the end of his two-year trip into the past. This being said, the rate he was picking up Chaos magic was rather standard for him.

As far as striking up a friendship with the rest of the Elements, Nova had made no progress. He and Rainbow were getting more friendly, that much was true, and so were him and Twilight, but other than that, he hadn’t gone anywhere near the other four. There just hadn’t been a good enough window of opportunity for him to use, like there had been with Rainbow.

So, this fine Saturday, Nova was bored out of his mind. He was bored with the human hoofball, he was bored with practicing magic, he was bored sitting around and thinking of windows of opportunity, and he was definitely bored of just Rainbow and Twilight, despite never getting them to speak to each other.

He had mentioned the idea to both of them, but Rainbow had made some hasty excuse about needed to go and practice, and Twilight had insisted that she had studying to do. He would have pursued the matter with Rainbow Dash, but the (un)timely arrivals of Alex and Natalie prevented that.

Nova sank in his chair until his back was in the seat and his head was the only part of his body resting on the back, leaving his legs sticking a whole foot and a half out from where they would if he was sitting up. He desperately needed something to do.

When he needed something to do, he would usually just head on out to the roof of his apartment, hoping something would present itself. Well, considering it had served him well in the past…

He heaved himself out of his chair, turned off his television, and with flick of his finger and a blue spark, every light switch clicked off and his coat materialized around him. As he adjusted it around himself, he grinned. It had taken some time, but he was getting quite used to casting magic in this human body.

With everything in his house off, he exited, locked the door, and then walked down to an alley beside his building, where he climbed up a fire escape to get to the rooftop. From there, it was a short walk over to his usual sitting place, in the corner of the roof where the edge barriers met.

For whatever reason, on this particular building, the barriers were a lot higher than the other ones. Probably just to make the building look taller. However, Nova had put a comfy chair in that little corner. It was one of the most effective wind-guards ever.

And now, with nothing better to do, Nova plopped himself down into the chair.

It was then that Nova made a startling realization: when you’re bored out of your mind, and you think sitting outside will help you think of something, it doesn’t actually help you think of something.

He groaned and slumped down in his chair again, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Why can’t there be something important happening!? It would be better than this.

A terrified scream shattered the otherwise-quiet soundscape. Nova bolted to his feet. I didn’t mean that literally!

He took off in the direction he heard it, which was, ominously enough, the same direction as the alley he’d saved Rainbow Dash from the Shadowbolts in. He clambered over one of his board bridges, sprinted over another rooftop, and leapt over a relatively narrow gap between two more buildings. As he got closer, he felt something distinctly wrong with the auras coming from it.

One of them was Twilight’s.

He redoubled his sprinting and skidded to a halt just before the stone barrier keeping him from falling to the alley below. Quietly, hoping to not blow his cover, he peeked over the edge, and what he saw made his heart freeze.

Twilight was backing up in terror as three Shadowbolts advanced on her, all three men leering at her sickeningly. The two women appeared to be keeping an eye on things in the street, making sure no one was coming.

“So you just happen to walk right by us, huh?” Nightshade said, stepping slightly ahead of his comrades. “You think you can just intrude on our turf without our permission, is that it?”

“N-no.” Twilight desperately tried to explain, “I was just--”

“Aww, shut it!” Nightshade said, cutting her off. “I don’t wanna hear it. I’d rather listen to the sound of you screaming.”

With that, he pulled out a knife and advanced.

Without even thinking, Nova leapt over the barrier and fell toward the trio of Shadowbolts. As he got closer to the ground, he kicked his feet under him, crushing Marauder under him as he landed.

“What--” Nightshade tried to say, but Nova punched him hard across the jaw, sending him reeling sideways.

Only now were the other three reacting, but Nova was in a frenzy. He tackled Corsair to the ground and with three quick strikes, he knocked the Shadowbolt unconscious, before getting up in time to fight the two ladies.

Starry Night had grabbed the pipe by one of the dumpsters and she swung it at him, but it was too heavy for her, and Nova evaded the clumsy blow. He responded with a quick kick to her midsection, sending her back a few feet, and giving Nova some space against Black Widow, who was swinging a chain she had grabbed threateningly.

Before Nova could do anything else, she lashed out with it in an overhand swing. Instead of trying to avoid it, which would have been the smart thing, Nova held up his arm. The chain hit it painfully, but it wrapped around his arm. Nova seized the chain between them and yanked, dragging Black Widow with it. He punched out as she got near, hitting her straight in the solar plexus and sending her to the ground, quivering in pain.

Nova sensed a sudden rush of energy behind him and ducked. Nightshade’s fist swung over his head. Seeing as how Nova needed him conscious, he just swiped behind himself with his feet, tripping Nightshade and knocking him down before going over to finish off Starry Night.

As he passed by Black Widow’s doubled-over form, he kicked her quickly to knock her unconscious. Starry chose that opportunity to swing the pipe at him again, but he again dodged it. This time, however, he reacted with the same quick three punches to stun, floor, and then incapacitate her, which did take her out.

With four of the five Shadowbolts dispatched and unconscious, and Nova rounding on the fifth, Nightshade took an instinctive step back out of fear as Nova advanced on him.

Right in Twilight’s direction.

She hadn’t had an opportunity to escape, with the fight blocking the exit from the alley, and was backed against the brick wall of the building behind her. Nova needed to distract Nightshade so she could escape. Without thinking, he charged. Nightshade stumbled back even faster, but Nova slid himself in between Nightshade and Twilight, arms outstretched.

“Nathan!” cried Twilight behind him, but Nova ignored her, preferring instead to glare at Nightshade, who took a moment to calm himself down and assume a fighting stance with his knife.

“Well, I’ll admit it, kid,” Nightshade said, smirking at Nova. “You took down all four of me mates. I’m impressed.”

He took a step forward, pointing past Nova at Twilight.

“All this for some girl,” he said, shaking his head. “Either you’re quite the knight in shining armor for her, or chivalry ain’t dead after all.”

His smirk widened.

“Or maybe you got the hots for her, or somethin’?”

Nova said nothing. Instead, he continued glaring at Nightshade, who stared back from behind his golden goggles.

“Not much of a talker, are you,” he said. “Well, you had me by surprise earlier, and I gotta say, that was the best chance you had. ‘Cause now you ain’t got no chance, now I’m ready!”

Nova inhaled a deep breath, held it in for a moment, then slowly let it out through his mouth. This was going to be messy.

Nightshade charged, stabbing downward with his knife. Nova dove sideways, grabbing the pipe Starry Night had been using. Instantly, he wished there had been a better weapon. The piece of metal was dense, heavy, and awkward. But it would have to do.

Nightshade charged again, but Nova swung the pipe right at Nightshade’s knife hand. There was a loud ping!, and a clatter as something metal hit pavement. Meanwhile, Nightshade howled in pain, and the momentum of Nova’s swing carried him a little too far, which made him stumble slightly.

But he was up, and Nightshade had lost his knife. Nova threw the knife down and charged Nightshade, who was clutching a swollen right hand in pain. Nightshade didn’t even seem to see him coming. Nova tackled him against a wall and held him there.

“Go!” he barked at Twilight as he kept Nightshade pressed against the wall.

“But Nathan, you’re--” she tried to protest, but he cut him off.

“I said GO! Don’t worry about me!” he ordered, much more forcefully. With the sheer intensity of the glare he was giving her, she seemed to relent, and she took off, running out of the alley and away from the scene.

As soon as she was gone, Nova grabbed Nightshade by the throat and lifted him as high onto the wall as he could. Admittedly, it was only a few inches, and it strained his arm, but the intimidation factor seemed to amplify the terror in Nightshade’s eyes behind his goggles.

“W-who the hell are you?” Nightshade asked, gagging against Nova’s chokehold.

Nova said nothing, but he punched Nightshade hard in the solar plexus and dropped him. Nightshade doubled over on the ground, wheezing painfully and coughing up blood. Nova took the opportunity to kick the knife on the ground further out of Nightshade’s reach, before dragging the four unconscious Shadowbolts together and binding them with Starry Night’s chain. It was a flimsy binding, but it would have to do.

After that was taken care of, Nova picked up the knife, then advanced on Nightshade again. Nightshade hadn’t moved from his spot. Nova grabbed him again, slammed him against the wall, and pressed the knife against his throat.

“I’m only going to request this once, Nightshade,” Nova growled, “so I expect a good showing.”

He took a deep breath. With the carnage he had wreaked in this alley, there was no going back. If Nightmare Moon came calling, she would know what had happened, and she would know that someone had broken out. Nova wasn’t able to alter memories like Discord had done, which meant that he had to succeed now, or he would forfeit his only chance of defeating Nightmare Moon later. It was “do or be placed under the curse again” time.

“Call her,” he growled.

“Call-- call who?” Nightshade asked stupidly. Nova clucked his tongue.

“Wrong thing to say,” he said, so he slashed Nightshade’s left arm at the tricep area. Nightshade howled again.

“I’m going to say it again. Call her!

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he growled, struggling against the pain and his twitching left arm.

“Do you?” Nova asked, slowly cutting a little lower on Nightshade’s arm, causing him to cry out. “Why don’t you think of it this way? You’re obviously in a spot of trouble, and you can’t get out of this alone, so why not go ahead and call your mother to come save you, and save yourself a lot more pain?”

“B-bastard,” Nightshade, spat, before groaning. “Y-you think I’d j-just do something like this?”

“What do you have to lose?” Nova asked, shrugging. “I mean, don’t you have confidence she can beat me? Oh, and I’ll give you a little tip as to why it would be in your best interest to call her.”

His hands started to emit a blue glow as he channeled magic through them. Nightshade’s eyes bulged.

“Y-you broke out!” he cried incredulously. “H-how!?”

“Mmm,” Nova said, cocking his head. “I’m not telling. Maybe Nightmare Moon would know. She was supposed to be watching me.”

There was the soft sound of someone walking up to his left, by the alley’s entrance. Nova chanced a glance, and he instinctively clenched his hand on the knife. A beautiful woman with long blue hair, icy blue eyes, and a black tiara upon her head stood at the entrance, surveying the scene.

“Speak of the devil, and she shall appear,” Nova noted, dropping the knife and hitting Nightshade with his elbow to put him out of his misery and knock him out.

“What have you done to our children?” she asked calmly, but the undertone of her voice betraying her murderous intent.

“Eh, just knocked them out,” Nova said, shrugging. “They were trying to assault a very dear friend of mine. I would have been a poor friend to come to her aid. Besides,” he added, cracking his knuckles leisurely, “I figured it would get your attention.”

Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“How dare you touch our children? We will make you suffer greatly for it!”

“Oh, I don’t know if Envy would want that,” Nova said, shaking his head.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened slightly. Nova decided to press his advantage.

“What?” he taunted. “Surprised I know about her? Think about what that would imply, Moony.” He smirked. “I broke out of the curse.”

“Then you’re a fool for revealing yourself to us,” Nightmare Moon said, glaring at him. “Did you not think this plan of yours through? Do you not know how powerful we are?”

“Oh, I know just how powerful you are, Nightmare,” Nova said, inclining his head. “It would appear that you’ve forgotten.”

“Forgotten what?” she asked, cocking her head.

“I was there, at Nightfall,” Nova answered. “I was there, alongside Celestia and Comet Novus. I took up the Elements of Loyalty and Magic, and I helped to banish you to your millennium-long imprisonment. I am well aware of how powerful you are.”

Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized him. Nova just shook his head.

“You’re supposed to be keeping an eye on the Elements of Harmony, yes? And me as well, I think. What a job you’ve done,” he said, giving her an ironic slow clap. “Clearly Envy trusted the right pony for the job.”

“You mock me?” she asked, eyes sparkling dangerously. “You would dare to mock me!? You would mock the Mistress of the Night, the Lady of Dreams!?”

“I would mock any pretender,” Nova said simply.

You would dare to call me a pretender!?” she thundered. Nova shifted into a stance where he could be prepared to cast magic. He was getting her close to losing her temper.

“You are not the real Mistress of the Night,” Nova said, shaking his head. “Nor are you the Lady of Dreams. The real Mistress of the Night is Princess Luna, not some pretender like you..”

His hands began to glow a bright, vivid blue as he magically lifted the Shadowbolts onto the roof..

“And because I am her Night Master, in the name of Princess Luna, I am going to destroy you.”

Her hands began to glow an icy blue color, and a pair of ethereal wings appeared behind her.

“Do you think this wise, boy?” she asked. “Attacking me? You should have kept your head down, if you wanted to keep your memories.”

“This was going to happen sooner or later,” Nova said. “But when your Shadowbolts decided to try to attack Twilight Sparkle, you forced my hand. Now I guess it’s time to see how well I’ve learned from the real Mistress of the Night.”

Nightmare Moon snarled. With a flick of her wrist and a shimmering in the air, she made the first move. Nova saw its effects immediately. It was only an illusion spell, designed to give the appearance and sounds of something else. She obviously didn’t want this magic duel attracting any unwanted attention from cursed ponies, and so she had cloaked the alleyway.

Which gave Nova plenty of time to make the opening attack. Two beams of brilliant blue burst from his hands as he thrust them in her direction. Nightmare Moon was quick enough to create a shield between Nova’s beams and her, though, and with a bright flash of light, Nova’s beams collided with Nightmare Moon’s shield.

Using his magic to grip some of the detritus of the alley, Nova then flung it at her. Nightmare Moon caught a flying tire and the lid of a trash can, before disintegrating them.

“You think flinging ordinary objects at me will help you win?” she asked, before blasting at Nova with a ball of fire, which Nova countered with a deluge of water.

“No,” Nova answered, before freezing the water and sending the icicles flying at Nightmare Moon, who battered them into the surrounding walls with a quick motion of her hand. “I’m simply doing what my teacher told me to do in times like this.”

“What, times where you’re facing an enemy with no chance of victory?” she asked, sending a beam of energy at him, which he blocked with a swish of his cloak.

“No, duelling an unknown entity with magic,” he said. “Do you remember what she told me? Because I’m sure the real Princess Luna would.”

She snarled and flicked her wrist at him. A fiery whip lashed down towards his cheek, but a simple raised hand blocked it with a shield of ice.

“No?” Nova asked, blocking another lash of the whip toward his opposite leg. “Well, then allow me to educate you. When dealing with an unknown adversary, study the environment, study the situation, and above all else, study the opponent. How they choose to fight, their preferred method of attack and defense, and definitely any limits or weaknesses.”

“Interesting though your dated magic lessons are sure to be, how exactly will this help you win?” she asked, arching an eyebrow and rearing back the flame whip.

“Simple,” Nova said, finally countering by catching the whip in an icy glove and disabling it. “You don’t want anything to get past you and alert possible passers-by to the magic duel going on in here. Even if you have it cloaked, they will still see any spells that go beyond the confines of the illusion spell you cast. You’re also attacking any time you get the chance and defending only when necessary. Your main method of attack appears to be straightforward uses of the Four Elements, primarily fire, and pure magic itself.”

“Congratulations,” said Nightmare Moon, rearing her hands back to blast another beam at him. “You can pay attention in the middle of a fight. What a superb skill.”

“Oh, trust me Nightmare,” Nova said, preparing to block the impending beam, “you’re only playing right into my hands.”

Nightmare Moon lowered her hands and glared at Nova suspiciously.

“Oh, do go on then,” she said. “How am I playing into your hands?”

Nova shrugged. “Does a showmage reveal his secrets to everypony? Why should I let you in on my plans?”

“Because you’re just dying to,” Nightmare Moon said. “I can just see it on your face.”

Nova chuckled, and nodded. “Oh, you do know me after all. Fine, I’ll enlighten you.”

He dropped most of the magic in his hands, but he had a feeling Nightmare Moon was waiting for him to drop his guard in the middle of his monologue. Fortune favors the prepared, so he kept some magic in his hands, waiting for the opportunity to fire off a defensive spell.

“You seem to think that power behind a spellcaster holds any sway in a magic duel such as this,” he explained. “In a way, you’re quite true. Power can hold sway in a duel, particularly if someone inexperienced misses blocking a normal magical energy beam. That could either do little, or do a lot depending on how powerful the caster is behind the spell.

“But you’re either ignoring or just have no idea about the First Fundamental Law of Magic,” Nova continued. “‘Magic cannot go through other magic, no matter how powerful either source is compared to the other.’ You’re putting a decent amount of power behind your spells, but I’m using the simplest of counterspells and shields to disable them. Basically, you’re wasting your strength in trying to overpower me, when it’s just impossible to overpower someone with magic.

“Now, you’re probably wondering, why would I tell you this? Wouldn’t this remove my advantage from the battle?” Nova queried her, as Nightmare Moon had narrowed her eyes upon him telling her she was wasting her strength. “Well, the truth is, not really. Sure, I might remove a small advantage now, but now that you know you’ll just be wasting space, you’ll cut back on your spell power, which means I won’t have to block some of these myself. If anything, I’ve put you in a difficult position. You’d either cut back on power, whereupon I can turn up my offensive, or you keep wasting strength as I just wear you down and take you out myself.”

He smirked. “Well? Which will it be? Make it easier for me to attack? Or just wear yourself out, and then, you know, make it easier for me to attack anyway?”

Nightmare Moon, who had kept her gaze on him the entire time, snarled even deeper. Nova knew she now had to consider that he knew what he was doing, even if he had rushed into the battle. This would make her a lot more cautious toward the fight. The Nightmares were always an overconfident bunch, if Twilight’s story about Rarity was anything to go by, and so he figured that the more he could undermine their confidence, the better chance he had of gaining the advantage in the physical battle and proceeding to make it to the part where he invaded her mind to free his mentor.

With a roar of rage, she thrust her hand out at him. A roaring fireball erupted from her hand and flew towards him. Instead of nullify it with water, Nova threw his hands outward, as if he were forcefully pushing aside members of a crowd. The fireball separated and flew around him. Nova then clapped his hands together and the fireball converged back on Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare reacted in surprise as the inferno surrounded her.

Nova knew immediately it hadn’t worked. He could feel the shield as it prevented the magical fire from harming her.

A sudden spike of energy shot through the ground in his direction. Nova quickly batted the hidden bolt with a small shield just as it erupted from the asphalt. Several more spikes lanced toward him, hidden from his sight. Nova rolled his eyes. Might as well be time to break out all his tricks.

He blocked all of the beams with a shield underground to prevent them from coming at him. Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon had warded off the reversed fire, but she looked quite startled that Nova wasn’t defeated by her sneak attack.

“How did you--” she started, but Nova cut her off as he started to kick off one of his shoes.

“Energy sensing,” he answered. He managed to pry off one of his socks and immediately, he stamped his bare foot down. He winced slightly as the cold and the rough pavement immediately made their presence known, but he endured. He tested this new method by channeling magic toward his feet, shuddering slightly as the strange, cold sensation did not mix well with the freezing concrete.

Three blue lances of magic struck in unison, shooting out of the ground at Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare didn’t even bother blocking them, however. She simply sidestepped where they had been shooting toward. Nova didn;t mind. That had only been a test to see if that would work after all, and it had. Without delaying, he kicked off his other shoe and sock.

Nova knew he was toying with a dangerous foe. While it was true that the Nightmare was holding back here and now, and that he might get lucky enough to force the fight into her mind, he was going to have to bring his A-game if he wanted to stand a chance of freeing Princess Luna and surviving this fight without being put back under the curse. And this meant that he had to hold back a little as well. If he showed his entire hand to the Nightmare now, he would have nothing in his bag of tricks to pull out when he needed to fight with his all.

And the longer this battle in the streets went on, the less likely he would be able to keep his abilities hidden. He needed to end this quickly.

“You know,” Nova noted, “neither of us have really moved at all this fight. What poor duelling form, to sit still and tank your way through every spell that comes your way.”

“I have no need for form,” Nightmare Moon hissed.

“Really?” Nova said. He snapped his fingers, and in a flash of blue light, he vanished. Nightmare Moon whirled around just in time for Nova to whip his hand at her face to slap her. She caught it, however.

Nova then blasted her sideways with a point-blank magical explosion. Nightmare Moon yelped in pain as she crumpled to the ground, having flown straight into the side of the building. Nova smiled. In one of their play duels, Twilight had finally taught him how to teleport without the use of his cloak. He had responded by actually aiming a blow at her that she blocked, then subverting it with the same contained magical explosion.

It did no damage in and of itself, but the terrain could prove quite hazardous in tandem with the force the victim would hit an obstacle with.

Nova leapt right at Nightmare Moon, who was still down from the force of the blow, and in a second, arranged and triggered a small trap spell to keep her arms and legs held down. She twisted and tried to pry herself loose, but Nova had her held down good and tight.

“Congratulations,” she spat. “You’ve got me nice and bound here. Now what are you going to do? Leave me here so the changelings can come and free me?”

“You don’t think I have a plan?” Nova asked, arching an eyebrow. “I’m wounded, Nightmare. Sure, you’ve only seen me once before, but surely you must know that a master spellcaster always has something planned for a duel he’s in. I’ve known what I was going to do for a while, now. I’ve known what I needed to do in this duel since before I even started learning magic.”

He held out his hands toward Nightmare Moon’s neck, binding it and keeping her head in place.

“I can’t compete with you on my own, and we both know you’re only holding back because Envy doesn’t want you to kill me. But at the same time, you and I both know that you won’t hold back if I actually prove to be a threat, which is what I have to be if I want to get out of here with my memory.”

She glared at him.

“So,” Nova said, using the magic to pull her towards the wall and hold her there, “the only way for me to win this battle is for me to free Princess Luna from your prison. And the only way to free Princess Luna,” he added, placing his hand over her eyes, “is by breaking into your mind.”

With that, he thrust his being at the pool of energy he felt behind his hand, and everything around him vanished.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova was aware that he was suddenly standing on something. Immediately, he looked down. The first thing he noticed was that he was on a blue platform not unlike the one in his mind. There were circles with bats lining the outside, moons at the top of the image, and Princess Luna’s form etched into the center.

The second thing he noticed was that he was still human.

“Figures,” he said, irritated. He had hoped otherwise, but he had expected this. He had forced his way in, after all. This wasn’t his mind. He wouldn’t be his true self after externally penetrating someone else’s mind in this form.

Third, and most importantly, he found her. She was trapped a swirling vortex of black energy, but Princess Luna was definitely there. And she was still a pony.

“Princess Luna!” Nova exclaimed, before running over to her prison, placed directly at the top of her mental platform thingy (Nova really needed a new name for them). Princess Luna, who had been apparently unconscious, stirred. She opened a bleary eye, but upon seeing him standing there, she froze.

“Who art thou!?” she thundered, leaping to her hooves and pointing an accusing hoof at him. “Who art thou, and how hast thou entered this mind of mine!?”

Nova smiled at her.

“Don’t recognize me?” he asked. At the sound of his voice, her eyes widened, her pupils shrunk, and her mouth fell open.

“N-Nova Shine!? Is that you!?”

Nova nodded.

“I don’t know how much time I have,” he said, forestalling a response, “but I’ve broken into Nightmare Moon’s head in an attempt to free you. It’s the only way I can win this battle, because I’ve managed to beat her quite handily when she was holding back, and I have a feeling she’s about to let loose.”

“You foolish colt,” she said, watching him. “If you succeed, we will have words for you when we are through.”

“Need to get you out, first,” Nova reminded her. “How do I break this?”

“It is a magical shield that can prevent all but the strongest spells from penetrating it,” she said. “I am prevented from casting magic inside. You need magic beyond your current ability.”

“Aww, that’s just too bad,” came an echoing voice. Nova whirled around. In her winged form, Nightmare Moon stood on the part of the pedestal depicting Princess Luna’s cutie mark, advancing on him with a manic glint in her eyes.

“You did all this work, but you come up short because you were simply not powerful enough,” she taunted him, a cruel smile twisting across her face. “But it ends here. For you see,” the very darkness around Nova began to twist and turn, “in here, I have all the power.”

“You think it ends here?” Nova asked, staring at her. “I’ve been doing some work of my own while I prepared for this inevitable fight of ours.”

Nova plunged his being into his Source. At once, five bright blue orbs of light appeared around him, the first time he had put them to use in months. He held out his hand, and one of the orbs flew right into it. With a bright flash of blue light, it transformed into a blade.

It was a simple sword, with no decorations and only a basic guard and pommel, but it was weightless, and Nova could channel magic through it like nothing else, given that it was crafted from an extension of his own Source.

Princess Luna gasped behind him.

“You’ve learned Spellblade?” she asked. “Who could have taught you--”

“Only the basics, Princess,” he said, “but in the hands of a master spellcaster, the basics are all you need.”

“Then prove to me you are a stallion worthy of the title Night Master, Nova,” she said.

Nova assumed a stance he had been seen in many a book and movie. He grabbed his sword with both hands and kept it at a ready position, blade pointing at Nightmare Moon.

For seconds, they stared at each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Nova took a deep, steadying breath to calm the anxiety and fear inside of him. It was time.

And with a yell, he charged.

Chase the Nightmares Away

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 05 - Chase The Nightmares Away

Music, new tab. You know the drill.

Nightmare Moon charged straight at him, and Nova at her. He raised his sword above his head, ready to bring it down upon her--

There was a flash of icy-blue light and Nightmare Moon vanished. Not fooled in the slightest, Nova spun around in time to see Nightmare Moon rearing back, about to stamp down on him. He lunged with his sword, burying it in her chest. He grunted in triumph. Twilight had tried that same trick on him several times.

Nightmare Moon screeched in pain and retreated. To Nova’s surprise, the wound was bleeding a black aura, but even as he watched, the wound repaired itself in short order.

If Nova needed reinforcing that he wouldn’t be able to defeat her using normal methods, that would have done it.

Taking advantage of the Nightmare’s distraction, Nova dashed over to the magical prison Princess Luna was trapped in, raised the blade over his head and brought it down as hard as he could on the bubble of dark energy.

There was a resounding gong-like sound, and Nova was thrown backwards, landing heavily on his back and sliding across the floor. He scrambled to his feet and glanced over at Princess Luna’s prison. Dismay flooded through him, because the cage didn’t appear even slightly damaged.

The shimmering sound of magic got his attention, and he dove away from where he had been standing. A bolt of lightning hit the spot he had been standing on just moments before.

“Pulling out the lightning already?” Nova mused to himself. “Must have really gotten under her skin by beating her in the street and making it here.”

Her horn started to glow again. Without giving her time to cast a spell, Nova dove forward and cleaved her from the top of her head to just above her front right leg. Nightmare Moon screeched again, and the spell faltered.

“What do you intend to accomplish by doing that?” Princess Luna called. “It gets you no closer to victory!”

“It interrupts her spellwork,” Nova replied, leaping back to avoid the Nightmare goring him with her reforming horn, “and I find great pleasure in it.”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes bulged. Before Nova could stop her, she shot one of the most powerful spells he had ever seen at him. It was a beam as larger than he was, and he could feel that it was concentrated enough to completely disintegrate anything unlucky enough to be caught inside of it.

Reflexively, Nova snapped his fingers. At once, he was suddenly launched into the air, safely out of the beam’s reach. He had just been hoping to call upon something that could save him, but he wasn’t complaining. The little springboard that had appeared underneath him had done its job.

Nova started to fall back toward the ground. Nightmare Moon shot a burst of fire right at where she knew he would land. Nova tapped into his magic, and he vanished, appearing close to Princess Luna’s cage.

“Are you going to use your Source extensions, or are they there for show?” Princess Luna called again.

“Well excuuuuuse me, Princess,” Nova said in exasperation. “Are you going to help me or critique everything I do?”

But she did have a point. Having his first Source extension turn into a sword had given him an idea. Instantly, another of his blue orbs of energy floated down into his hand and with a flash of light, it had transformed into a large round shield.

Being that both his sword and shield were made of magical energy at their core, they would make effective tools in this battle, being able to block and deflect Nightmare Moon’s magic by themselves. Nova still hadn’t given much thought on how to use his blade to manipulate magic, though. All he knew was that it was possible; he had never really learned how to do it.

Nightmare Moon launched a fireball at him, but he raised his shield and braced himself. With a powerful impact, the fireball hit the shield powerfully, but Nova stood firm and the spell did no damage to either him or his protective piece of magical metal.

“You really are her knight, aren’t you,” Nightmare Moon mused. “First, her comforter, then the protector of her mind, and now you stand here, fighting me to free her.”

“I did always consider it the duty of a student to defend the honor of his teacher,” Nova replied. “‘Knight in shining armor’ description may or may not apply. As you can see,” he gestured toward his body, “I don’t appear to have armor, let alone of the shining variety.”

“Shame,” Nightmare Moon said. “It probably would be an effective tool at stopping knives from stabbing you to death.”

Nova barely had the time to get his shield up in time to block the onslaught of conjured blades. When he sensed energy behind him, the merest thought had the other three orbs of light fly behind him and block the blades directly.

“I get the impression that those things are going to be annoying,” Nightmare Moon said of his Source extensions distastefully as she ceased the assault.

“I fought you with them last time,” Nova said. “Thought you would have learned I can do almost anything with them.”

With that, the three orbs flew to different positions around Nightmare Moon, who reflexively conjured a shield around her. However, Nova had only done that to frighten her. After all, the last time she had faced them, they had pummelled her into submission with strong beams of energy, followed by Celestia, Comet, and Nova using the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon.

Which meant Nova could exploit them as the perfect distraction, and then make her pay for not properly paying attention to them.

He charged at Princess Luna’s cage again, raising his blade high above his head and bringing it down as hard as he could again. Once again, with a large flash of light and a resounding boom, he was blasted backwards.

However, this time, Nova definitely felt something in the cage. While it contained a substantial amount of energy keeping it together, every time it exploded like that, the amount of energy in the cage fell, depending on how powerful the blast was. The first blast hadn’t been that powerful, but this second one was more so and Nova could feel it.

He smiled to himself. There was a way to break this cage using brute force. Barring a better solution making itself known to him, this was what he was going to do.

“That doesn’t seem to be doing anything!” Princess Luna called. “Surely you can think of something better?”

Nova almost screamed at her.

“Luna, the last time I rescued somepony, THEY DIDN’T COMPLAIN HOW IT WAS DONE!”

Nightmare Moon’s horn glowed, and several pillars of light erupted from the ground. Nova felt the energy below him assemble in a split-second, and without thinking, he teleported again, right on top of Luna’s prison just as a pillar of energy erupted under where he had been.

Nightmare Moon dispelled her shield and with one great flap of her powerful wings, lunged at Nova. Nova, however, jumped forward and rushed to meet Nightmare Moon head on. With three swings of his blade, he had severed her head, sliced off one wing, and lopped off both of her hind legs. Granted, the wounds regenerated, but the amount of time she spent screaming in pain at him gave him the time to run over and bash Luna’s cage yet another time.

“So when you say you know the basics of Spellblade,” Luna remarked, “you mean to tell me the basics were simply ‘here is sword, swing at enemy?’ This is some rescue.”

While Nightmare Moon continued to piece herself back together (which she was getting faster at), Nova wanted nothing more than to slap both hands on his face and drag them down slowly. Here, he had been prepared to rescue a Princess in distress, but it turned out she was really a distressing Princess.

“Luna, if you want to be rescued here, I suggest that you stop insulting me and questioning my ability and start bucking helping me!

“I am helping you, Nova,” she said simply.

“How exactly does insulting me help me?” he asked, hefting his sword again, but this time channeling a basic Fire-element spell and touching his blade. At once, the blade was set ablaze. Nova thought it would add extra pain to Nightmare Moon, not to mention if things got a little dark, he would be able to intensify the fire and set the room alight.

“I can’t tell you that,” Luna said, sounding quite exasperated. “She would hear.”

Nightmare Moon completed reconstructing herself, and she snarled at him.

“How cute,” she hissed mockingly. “You two fight like a married couple.”

“Well, considering I would be married to Twilight Sparkle right now, if it weren’t for your bitch of a mother,” Nova spat at Nightmare Moon, which seemed to make her angrier, “I’m going to have to say I’m flattered, but taken.”

At this, his Source extensions fired a barrage of energy beams. The Nightmare easily deflected them with a conjured barrier, then shot three concentrated beams of her own in quick succession, which Nova teleported elsewhere to dodge.

“I’m offended, Nightmare,” Nova said. “You’re not even really trying. Really, this is foal stuff, what you’re throwing at me.”

“If you must know,” Nightmare Moon said, eyes narrowing, “it’s entirely because it’s been so long since I’ve been in a battle, I’m simply savoring it.”

“I think I’ve had my fill of battles with my life on the line, thanks,” Nova responded.

“Oh, but that’s what’s so special about this one,” Nightmare Moon said, giving him a catty look. “It’s not just your life, oh no. It’s for everypony in Equestria, not to mention your precious little whore of a fiancée.”

Nova paused.

“Oh no,” Princess Luna said, covering her face with a hoof.

What did you call her?” Nova asked in a low, dangerous voice.

“Shouldn’t have done that, Nightmare,” Princess Luna called at her darker half.

“I believe I called her a whore, Nova Shine,” Nightmare Moon repeated, smiling smugly at him. “She’s a stupid little bitch who can’t resist poking her arrogant little snout into things she has no business poking them into. And I promise you this if you refuse to surrender: after I defeat you, she will be the first one to suffer, and she will suffer greatly.”

Nova had clenched his right fist so hard, his nails had dug into his palm. Flicking the warm wetness of his blood away, he simply met Nightmare Moon’s look with a glare.

“I’m waiting, Nova Shine,” Nightmare Moon said in a singsong voice. “You stand no chance of defeating me when I can use my full potential. Why not just give up now while you c--!”

Nova had dropped his sword and shield, teleported forward with the merest thought, and had grabbed Nightmare Moon right by her throat. He was not gentle in how hard he squeezed her neck, and he even lifted her into the air. Before she could fire off a reflexive spell, Nova channeled magic into his free hand and grabbed the top of Nightmare Moon’s horn, pouring sudden excess wells of his power into blocking off her primary arcane conduit.

Nova wrenched her head downward, smashing his knee right into her sternum, eliciting a choked, pained groan from Nightmare Moon.

“How-- dare-- you-- insult-- my-- wife-- to-- be-- in front-- of me!?” Nova thundered, punctuating each word with some strike against Nightmare Moon. He kneed her, kicked her, slammed her into the ground, elbowed her (risking an attack by magic), and crushed her throat all the harder.

Finally, in a burst of adrenaline and rage, he twisted her neck as powerfully as he could. While Nightmare Moon’s consciousness was all shadow and no bone, and thus he would not snap her neck, it still gave him great satisfaction to watch him literally twist her head completely off her body, eliciting a screech from the again-decapitated alicorn.

As Nova watched her shadowy neck bond to her head to reattach it, he heard Luna remark, “We really need to work on your anger issues, Nova.”

“Considering you’re part of the cause,” Nova fired back, “I don’t think you have a right to talk.”

She said nothing. Nightmare Moon, however, continued to grunt with pain as she reformed.

“Y-you think you’ve w-won this fight?” she said, her voice quivering with suppressed rage and pain, but gaining confidence and volume. “I h-haven’t even tapped into my full potential! And now you’ve gone and made me angry! PREPARE TO WITNESS THE TRUE POWER OF THE MISTRESS OF THE NIGHT!”

Before Nova could react, her form completely fell. She had shifted back to a group of black, wispy Nightmare spirits. Nova took a step back, prepared to run for his sword and shield should the Nightmares’ true form be powerful enough to warrant it.

But before he could run, they converged on him as a group, and everything went black.

Blackness. Every direction, all Nova could see was blackness. There was no hint of light anywhere, or of the Vaults they had been standing in moments before; not even the werelight he had cast upon entering this particular vault could be seen.


Nova’s head snapped to his left. That scream sounded like Twilight. Without any thought as to what it would do to him, he turned and galloped in her direction. She materialized out of the darkness after a moment of galloping. She was looking around wildly for him, and upon sight, she galloped at him as well.

“Uh-uh-uh,” came a disembodied voice from all around them. “We can’t have that. Well, you may rest easy, knowing that the last thing the two of you shall see is each other.”

The shadow seemed to press in on both of them, covering their muzzles and asphyxiating them slowly. Nova was trying to think of anything that could get them out of this situation; any spell, any action, any thing in general, but nothing he thought of seemed like it would work.


The call was muffled, but the fear and panic in it was unmistakable. But at the sound of it, he felt a great rush of adrenaline surge through him. He was NOT going to let this shadow harm her if it was the last thing he did!

Without even pausing to consider the situation, he willed the great surge of energy to burst through his horn as pure, unbridled energy. The energy in his body seemed to shoot through his spine, directly to his horn, which now felt as if it had lightning inside of it--

A tendril of darkness smashed into Nova, sending him flying sideways, and firing a wayward beam completely away from Twilight and the shadowy entity. The tendril bound him where he lay, and Nova was forced to watch as Twilight was suffocated, little by little. He screamed at her, flailed against his bounds with all his might, but it was all in vain.

Finally, Twilight Sparkle’s eyes dimmed. Her panicked expression started to fall, and she fell limp against her bounds. Her empty eyes stared straight at Nova, blank and glossy.

She was dead.

“NO!” Nova screamed, an instinctive blast of magic freeing him from his bonds. He dashed over to Twilight, ignoring the mass of shadows around him as he desperately channeled magic through her to try and restart her heart.

“No! Stay with me Twilight!” he screamed frantically, pumping her lungs like he had seen. The tears were already starting to fall.

Finally, when he had used all of his energy, desperately trying to save her, he collapsed onto her body, sobbing uncontrollably as the shadows converged to reunite them in death.

Nova gasped and awoke with a start. He felt a form shift next to him.

“Smmthing the matter Nova?” asked a tired voice.

“J-just a crazy nightmare,” he said, burying his face in his hooves. “Just go back to bed, Twilight.”

“Nova…” the voice said, having a sad edge to it. “I’m… I’m Clover, remember?”

Nova’s head bolted up and he stared at her incredulously. there she was, staring at him with sincere violet eyes, and a telltale green clover cutie mark. It was Clover the Clever, and he had just wasted some of their final night.

“But…” he mumbled stupidly. “I was just in the Vaults in my time! What the--”

She simply pulled him into a hug. Nova collapsed into her shoulder, continuing to sob.

“I-it was so real,” he cried into her shoulder. “It was like I was there a-again, and I h-had to watch Twilight d-die right in front of my eyes.”

“Shh, peace Nova,” Clover said gently. “I’m here. This is real; the nightmare is over.”

There was a swishing sound and a soft thump. Clover suddenly tensed and let out a surprised gasp. Nova opened his eyes in confusion. A red handle was protruding from Clover’s back.

The red handle to a silver knife.

And standing triumphant before him, was Summer Blossom, smiling giddily.

“I… I did it…” Summer said breathlessly. “I did it! I thought she’d be harder than that, but… I can’t--”

Nova roared and tackled Summer. As soon as they hit the floor, he began to pummel her with everything he had in him.

“HOW COULD YOU!?” he screamed at her. “HOW C-COULD YOU D-DO THIS!?”

Summer tried to spit words out between his blows, but he was too strong, and soon, he had beaten her into unconsciousness. When he saw her limp body, he slowly brought his hooves, fetlocks dripping with blood, to his face and gazed at them in horror.

“N-nov… va…” Clover said in a weak voice. Nova bolted to her side and lay her on her belly, using gravity to help keep her blood inside.

“Shh, save your strength,” he said, in a voice that betrayed every fear he had.

With what looked like to be a great effort, she lifted her hoof to his cheek. Nova did nothing to stop it, but he worked as hard as he could with his magic to seal her wound around the knife. If he took it out, she would bleed to death almost instantly, but even so, she wasn’t doing good with it in either.

“I… I lo…” she tried to say, her eyelids slowly fluttering downwards.

“No, just keep quiet,” he whispered, his franticness increasing. “Stay with me, Clover! Stay awake! Fight!”

“I lo…ve you…” she whispered, before her eyes fell shut. Her hoof dropped from his face and hung limply beside the bed.

Nova stared at Clover. He stared at her, uncomprehendingly. It couldn’t have happened. It hadn’t happened! HE REFUSED TO BELIEVE IT!

Nova started crying again, knowing there was nothing to be done. He slumped over Clover’s body, sobbing hysterically. All while Summer weakly cackled at her victory from the floor.

Twilight Sparkle and Envy were struggling against each other at the edge of a chasm in the rock. Twilight was desperately attempting to run over and help Nova up to solid ground, away from the expanding chasm. Envy, however, was having none of it.

“You… little… harlot,” Envy growled out, pushing with all her might against Twilight, who pushed back equally strong. Nova could only cling to the side of the chasm for dear life with his hoof still in the magi-gun, which was currently keeping him alive. He was out of reach from the edge itself, which meant he needed Twilight to save him if he wanted to escape this situation.

Envy fired a spell at Twilight’s shoulder. It missed, but Nova’s eyes widened when he saw where it was heading after that.

The spell struck Trixie’s chains on the wall. Trixie, not expecting her sudden and accidental freedom, toppled forward and fell into the chasm, missing the edge and plummeting to her doom.

“TRIXIE!” Twilight shouted, diving away from Envy and firing a spell to catch her. The spell worked, managing to slide her against the wall opposite Nova, where Trixie grabbed on to a jagged outcropping of rock.

Envy, however, had other ideas. With one quick, hard buck, Twilight was kicked off the edge and fell.

“NO!” Nova shouted. The spell holding him to the edge dropped and he dove downward, flying at breakneck pace toward Twilight, hoping to grab her and grab onto the edge as well.

A blast of magic struck him, and he fell onto Trixie, knocking her loose as well. Now all three of them were falling.

In that one moment, Nova knew now that there was no hope. There was no chance. Twilight and Trixie both knew it, too. As they fell, they gazed up at him, eyes wide with fear. Nova could only shut his eyes and brace himself for the landing that would end all of them.

The last thing he thought about was of Twilight, that night under the lights in Trottingham.


Celestia didn’t need telling twice. She launched herself in his direction just as a brilliant beam of blue energy vaporized the area she had been sitting at just moments ago. The loose bricks of the Old Castle’s roof crumbled into the crater, giving Nova a view of what was outside.

A black alicorn mare wearing blue battle armor, with an ethereal blue mane and tail and icy-blue eyes was floating above them and sneering down at where they recovered from the blast.

Wait a minute… Nova thought.

He knew this! He knew all of this! The previous three visions had already happened and they hadn’t resulted in the deaths of those he cared about! He knew this, but why had he fallen for the illusion?

A beam of blue energy shot forward from Nova’s horn and struck Nightmare Moon straight in the chest before she could react. At once, the entire dreamscape wavered around him, looking quite fuzzy, as if seen by a pony who needed glasses yet wasn’t wearing any.

“Caught you,” Nova said triumphantly, firing three more beams at Nightmare Moon. The first clipped her wings, and she shrieked with pain and the illusion wavered again. The second caught her chest again, and much of his surroundings vanished again, revealing darkness in all directions.

The third struck her directly on the horn, and there was an explosion of light.

Nova collapsed, falling to the surface of the dreamscape of Luna’s mind. He heard Nightmare Moon give a surprised gasp.

“Impossible! How could you resist my nightmares!?”

“You know nothing of my student, Nightmare Moon,” Princess Luna said, with a strong note of pride in her voice. “You believe everything can be overcome with power, and Nova is determined to prove otherwise. He saw through the illusions you sought to trap him with, and now you are going to pay the price for it.”

Nova managed to get a shaky arm under himself in an attempt to push himself upright as Nightmare Moon guffawed.

“Even if he did defeat my illusions, look at him. He’s completely exhausted. What could he possibly do to free you? This fight is won! He will never again get to see his little whore as he knows her.”

That one word alone did wonders for Nova. Suddenly, his exhaustion was gone and there was a wellspring of magical power in him.

“I think you just doubled the price you’re going to pay, Nightmare,” Princess Luna casually remarked.

Nova staggered to his feet, glaring with nothing but hatred at the black alicorn. At once, he felt something like electricity begin to shoot through his arm.

“How dare you,” he said, stumbling sideways slightly. “I would have thought you had learned your lesson after the last beating I gave you.”

Nova could actually feel the energy flowing through him, just begging to be released.

“You made me see the ponies I love and care about die right before my eyes,” he said, the images going right through his head and only intensifying the rage. To think she would sink that low…

“Just like my princess said, Nightmare,” Nova said, starting to lose control of his power, ready to release it.

Nightmare Moon’s smug grin vanished, replaced by a sudden nervousness. If Princess Luna could have see Nova, she would have known why, for Nova’s eyes had very briefly flickered red, and the arm with all the power was giving off a slight crackling of power.


The power in Nova exploded. A shockwave of magical energy, stronger than any use of magic Nova had ever cast in his life, burst out of him, striking the Nightmare and blasting her far across the circular platform she was on.

Nova sensed his window of opportunity. The shield, having been thrown around by the magical explosion, vanished in a flash of light. The sword was simply recalled to his hands, being an extension of his Source.

Nova ran right at Princess Luna’s cage, his sword glowing with blue light as he filled the blade with as much power as he could. He leapt up, bringing his sword above his head, roared with all the strength in his lungs, and brought the blade crashing down on top of Princess Luna’s prison.

There was a crystalline shattering sound, and another explosion of light. Nova was launched away and sent sliding across the floor. Without waiting to stop, he dug the sword into the ground to swing himself around and stumbled into a standing position, where he charged Nightmare Moon and began to hack and slash at every bit of black fur he could see.

So preoccupied was he in his berserker attack that he did not properly defend, and with a defensive kick from the Nightmare, Nova was sent sliding across the floor yet again.

“YOU LITTLE WHELP!” Nightmare Moon screeched, bearing down at him, horn lit with magic--

A blue barrier appeared, stopping Nightmare Moon in her tracks. Princess Luna trotted regally toward the both of them, gazing at Nova with nothing short of massive pride.

“Good work, my Night Master,” she said, smiling at him. “I thank you for freeing me from Nightmare Moon’s prison.”

Nightmare Moon had never looked more scared than when Nova saw the look on her face now. Even she had to know it was over, that she had lost. She was never powerful enough to imprison Princess Luna alone; Envy had helped her both times. And she wasn’t here to save the Nightmare this time.

Princess Luna’s horn shimmered, and Nova was lifted up and set down on his feet along with his sword and shield, and then a dome-shaped bubble of transparent blue magic appeared around him, separating him from Luna and Nightmare Moon.

“Now that you’ve freed me, I can dispose of Nightmare Moon once and for all. So, as they say, ‘sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.’”

Almost instantly, Princess Luna vanished in a flash of blue light. Nightmare Moon whirled around wildly, but Luna struck from the sky. A great circle composed of other circles and runes every few spaces appeared in the void around them, glowing Luna’s blue aura.

Nova blinked. He already knew what was coming.

“Oh shi--”

A massive beam of energy blasted forth from the circle, catching Nightmare Moon completely off-guard and slamming her into the pillar bearing Luna’s likeness. Were Nightmare Moon a creature of actual flesh, blood, and bone, she would have been reduced to near-jelly by that one blast alone. However, Nova saw the telltale wisps of shadow flee from the blast and spread out. He had a feeling some of them were hoping to hide in the cover of the darkness surrounding them.

No sooner than he had thought this than no less than a dozen bright parks of light appeared in each of the wisps that had attempted to flee. Instantly, they were absorbed into the light. The other shadows flying around almost instantly converged and reformed into the form of Nightmare Moon.

“It’s simple, Nightmare Moon,” Princess Luna’s voice rang out from around them. “While my Night Master wasn’t strong enough to banish your separated Nightmares back into your land of dreams when he managed to wound you, I am. And I will continue to rend you apart and send your spirits back to the Dream World until you are nothing. There will be no surrender or quarter.”

The beam dissipated, and Princess Luna flew down to stand on her dreamscape and glare at the quivering form of Nightmare Moon, who looked nothing less than terrified.

“This will not be a painless experience for you,” Princess Luna continued. “Even if you were to surrender, you forfeited any mercy I would have shown you when you resorted to giving Nova the visions of those ponies he loved most dearly being killed before his eyes.”

Princess Luna’s eyes began to glow bright blue and her mane started to deepen into a more midnight shade of blue. Nova recognized this change from when Princess Celestia had channeled the pure power of the sun back in the past. He figured she had to now be channeling the pure power of the moon, now.

Before Nightmare Moon could move again, a sudden glimmering in the air appeared close to her. Within an instant, it had expanded into a transparent three-sided pyramid that enveloped Nightmare Moon.

“While my sister invented this spell, that hardly disqualifies me from using it,” Luna said dispassionately, her horn shining pure white. “I simply will refocus the power source from the sun to the moon.”

A small star appeared inside the pyramid, shining brighter than burning magnesium. Nova couldn’t even stare in its general direction without covering his eyes. An instantaneous spell from Princess Luna later, and Nova’s eyes were shielded. The star was growing in intensity, and Nightmare Moon was pressing herself against the walls of the pyramid in a futile attempt to avoid the spell.

“I, Princess of Equestria, condemn you to oblivion,” Princess Luna announced, before Nova felt her release her magic.

The star suddenly exploded, though it was contained by the magical prison Luna had trapped her in. Nova didn’t even hear Nightmare Moon scream over the roar of the explosion inside.

The shield around Nova vanished, and Princess Luna landed beside him.

“One day I shall teach you how to use the stars as your allies,” she said, watching the glowing pyramid. “While my sister invented the basic concept of the spell, I refined it. I summoned a pure white dwarf star and I added just a bit of volatile energy to it. Knowest thee what this star is called, dear Night Master?” she asked, fixing him with an expectant gaze.

Nova smiled. Only a couple of weeks ago, mere hours before his memories had returned, Dr. Hoffman had been lecturing on this very kind of star.

“So you destroyed Nightmare Moon with a nova, then?” he asked.

Princess Luna dipped her head.

“Indeed. Since you freed me from her prison, I think I might just honor you by naming this spell after you. Nova Shine’s Nova Summoning Spell. Though it would be a shame for it to be named after you and you be unable to know how it worked.”

“Is the fight won?” Nova asked, gesturing at the white light still issuing from inside the pyramid.

“Not entirely, though it is well on its way,” she replied. “Nightmare spirits cannot be slain like animals, Nova. If they are hurt, they lose power. This spell is so powerful that it is dealing enough force to completely disintegrate a normal pony. Nightmare Moon will be completely rent from head to hoof, and all the spirits that comprise her will be separated and made all but harmless. Once the nova finishes releasing all of its energy, I will banish them back to their world of dreams once and for all.”

They were silent while they watched the light for any sign of it dying down. Almost a minute passed, and still there was no reduction in the power of the star’s outburst.

“I am very disappointed by this battle, Princess,” Nova said. “I expected her to put up a better fight.”

“She is not the true Mistress of the Night, and could only wield a fraction of my power,” Princess Luna said, a scathing note entering her voice. “And despite that, she believed herself superior. The first time they caught me was nothing more than a moment of weakness for me. The second was a surprise and forceful method of trapping me. There will not be a third time.”

“But even so, she wasn’t very powerful when I faced her. Why did everyone make such a big deal about me not being able to battle her?”

“Because of the spirits’ ability to recompose themselves,” she said. “You had no way to truly hurt the spirits, and so they would lose no power. They would defeat you simply by outlasting you.”

“But in the past--”

“In the past, you battled them controlling my body, a body of flesh and bone,” she interrupted. “A body you could wound and damage. Here, however, you battled the spirits themselves. You stood the greater chance of winning a battle between you two if you battled in the physical world. Here, where they could recompose themselves all they wanted, you had no chance of winning alone. Yet you freed me, and so won the battle.” She gave him an affectionate nuzzle, as she had often done when he had managed to figure out a particularly difficult subject during their time as student and teacher. “You are truly worthy of your title, my Night Master.”

The light dimmed inside the pyramid. Once it faded, Nova saw Nightmare Moon’s slumped figure inside and walked forward. He stopped instinctively, however, when he noticed that there were patches of transparent skin on the Nightmare, revealing many black specks of shadow inside.

“She has lost her power,” Luna observed, “and is losing control of herself. In a moment, the spirits will completely fail to keep in control, and I will send them back to the world from which they came.”

“One thing first,” Nova said, squatting down and giving some rather sharp pats onto Nightmare Moon’s cheek. “Wake up, Moony. You’ve got some explaining to do.”

Nightmare Moon groaned and struggled to rouse herself from her stupor. One quick backhanded slap from Nova was enough to wake her forcefully, though.

“Haven’t you… done enough?” Nightmare Moon said weakly, giving Nova as angry a glare as her tired state would allow.

“Not just yet, Nightmare,” Nova said, reaching over and binding her neck in place with magic. “See, you have some information I want, and if I have to pillage it myself, I will. So why not make this easy on yourself and just tell me what I want to know? That being said, where is Envy?”

Nightmare Moon sputtered for a moment, but it devolved into laughter.

“You expect me to sell out Mother?” she asked, chuckling painfully. “You really are as stupid as they come, Nova Shine. I guess your little harlot fianceé more than makes up for it, though.”

“Screw this,” Nova said, slapping a hand directly under her horn. “I tried to be the good cop, but it looks like I get to be the bad one, now.”

With a muttered incantation, Nova cast the legilimency spell, and everything went black.

The interrogation took quite a bit of time. Nova sifted through every memory the collective consciousness ever had as long as they had been in control. However, he wasn’t looking for anything but where Envy might have gone. Who was she pretending to be? In particular, he was searching for some of Nightmare Moon’s earliest memories, when she had managed to take control of Luna at his wedding.

This was hardly Nova’s first experience sifting through a pony’s memories, thoughts, and so forth. There had been an incident where he’d had to look through Fluttershy’s thoughts to determine exactly why her canines were longer than any pony’s had any right to be. The results he found to be… interesting. Twilight had accidentally turned her into a vampire fruit bat, and the change wasn’t exactly gone for good. He hadn’t been able to do anything about it, but at least he’d been able to locate the source of the problem.

There had even been times where he had visited his dear fianceé’s thoughts and memories. Mostly to help her learn to repel mental invaders, given that this was one of the few schools of magic Celestia hadn’t trained her Faithful Student, the art of Occlumency. Still, it allowed him to glean information on happenings she didn’t exactly want him to know about.

Such as Flash bucking Sentry.

Dismissing this irritating thought, Nova floated through the inky blackness of Nightmare Moon’s thoughtscape, moving further and further into her past. Every time he saw a glowing white orb of light, he would touch it to see if it was what he was looking for, but every time thus far, none had been.

He floated over toward another one and touched it. A simple memory of a meeting between all those in charge of their little town flashed through Nova’s mind, and he left it alone. Nightmare Moon, it seemed, wasn’t getting orders from Envy. Envy had simply trusted her to do things right. But where was she!?

He touched yet another, and to his surprise, it showed Nightmare Moon opening her eyes in the middle of the near-empty Chapel Hall of Canterlot Castle.

“Hello, daughter,” a familiar voice said. Nightmare Moon struggled to her feet. Once more, she was in control of Luna, it would seem. This time, however, it would be a permanent transformation.

“M-mother?” Nightmare Moon asked weakly. “You… you brought me back?”

“Of course I did,” Envy said, smiling up at her alicorn henchpony. “A good mother never abandons her children. However, there is an ulterior motive, and the truth is, just like last time, I need your help.”

“Anything,” Nightmare Moon said immediately. Envy smiled, and gestured over to where Princess Celestia was magically restrained against a wall, watching the proceedings with a look of caution and apprehension. Envy had trapped her in a large, crackling red bubble, else Nova was sure she would be fighting.

“I am about to cast a curse on the whole of Equestria,” Envy said. “It will blanket everypony’s memories, making them think they’re different ponies than they actually are. I’m also using a bit of magic from Sombra’s spellbooks to transform everypony into the native shape of some other world and transport them there.”

She looked Nightmare Moon straight in the eyes.

“In order to be in the right position to counter any attempt made to transport everyone back to Equestria, I need you to watch the six Bearers of the Elements of Harmony personally.”

“What will you be doing, Mother?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“I will subject myself to the curse,” Envy explained. “If anypony breaks it, I will come to and go after whoever broke it personally. There are other stipulations too, but should the curse remain unbroken for so long, I will come out of it thanks to a time-delayed spell I borrowed from Sombra as well. I won’t do it right away, because we have some details to work out. But know this, my daughter: this is our victory, and we should not let it go to waste.”

“As you say, Mother,” Nightmare Moon said, dipping her head.

At once, Envy’s horn sparked red, and everything vanished.

Nova withdrew his hand from over Nightmare Moon’s face.

“Did you discover where she is?” Luna asked.

Nova shook his head.

“She subjected herself to the transformation and curse,” he explained. “She could be anyone out there. She could have disguised herself as somepony I know.”

Luna’s brow furrowed.

“Interesting. She would subject herself to her own curse,” she muttered to herself. “But Sombra’s curse wasn’t designed for self-casting. In that case, who is the one sustaining the spell?”

Neither of them said anything for a long moment.

“We can discuss this matter later,” Luna said. “However, the time has come to put the Nightmare out of her misery.”

With a shimmer of her horn, Nightmare Moon screamed as she was rent from the tip of her horn to the end of her tail. As soon as she was split in two, the many spirits flew out of her, only to be engulfed in light and vanish completely.

“And so ends Nightmare Moon,” Princess Luna said, a note in her voice that reminded Nova of the way history textbooks would speak of even the most vile figures with nothing more than dispassion, “the would-be usurper of the title Mistress of the Night. Requiescat in pace.”

“Even after she imprisoned you and gave me those visions, you still show her respect after her defeat?” Nova asked.

“Of course,” Luna said, staring at the spot Nightmare Moon had been laying. “It is a lesson my teacher taught me. Holding onto feelings of anger and revenge, even after your foe has been vanquished, can lead you down a path you would not want to go. With her final defeat, I let go of my anger toward her. It was a lesson I had almost literally beaten into me.”

“Lord Star Swirl?” Nova asked.

“Of course,” Princess Luna replied with a mischievous wink down at him, but her smile fell. “We have lingered too long in my mind, and we must rescue my guards. Come, Nova, it is high time we left and contacted my sister.”

She trotted by him and draped a wing around his shoulders. As soon as she had a secure hold with her wing, her horn flashed. Instantly, everything around them went white.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova was standing in the familiar alleyway, one hand placed over Princess Luna’s human form’s eyes and the other around her neck. With a slight sigh, he loosened his grip on her neck and gently lowered her to the cracked concrete below. With the merest of gestures from his hand, the unconscious Nightmares were lowered from their place of safety on the roof of one of the buildings surrounding the alley.

Princess Luna’s body remained unchanged, comparing it to when Nightmare Moon had been in control. Nova kept his magic ready, just in case it was all a ruse. For all he knew, this could still be one of Nightmare Moon’s visions, an attempt to let his guard down so she could get him out of her head.

Princess Luna’s eyes suddenly opened As soon as Nova looked into his teacher’s eyes, he knew that it was the real her. There was a certain warmth in her gaze, a counter to the iciness that Nightmare Moon had radiated.

“What a queer form,” Princess Luna remarked immediately. “I do not know how you or Twilight Sparkle did it.”

“Did what?” Nova asked, holding out a hand to help her up.

“Adjusted,” Princess Luna said, reaching out and taking Nova’s hand. He felt her arms shaking as he helped her to her feet, and upon helping her balance, she nearly toppled over, only to be stopped by Nova’s timely aid.

“Curse this form,” Luna said darkly. “I feel like a monkey, trying to balance upon two feet for the circus.”

“You get used to it,” Nova said, taking her arm and slinging it around his neck for support. “My apartment isn’t far from here. I’ll take you there.”

She hummed her assent, but then she yanked out of his grasp.

“What?” Nova asked, turning to see her staring at the crumpled forms of the Shadowbolts.

“My loyal Nightmares,” Luna whispered, a tender, pitying expression appearing on her face. “What did she do to you?”

“She brainwashed them,” Nova answered. “They were her scouts, keeping an eye on Rainbow Dash. But they almost got ahold of Twilight Sparkle earlier today. It’s why I leapt in so soon.”

She continued to stare at their unconscious bodies for several seconds. Nova thought she might be attempting to think of how to cure them.

“Are they all alive?” she asked. “I can’t feel their usual life forces. For that matter, I can’t feel yours or anyone else’s.”

“They are,” Nova said. “I only knocked them out. I did have to be a bit brutal for a couple of them, though,” he added apologetically.

“I am sure they will understand,” she replied, before slowly inching her way forward and kneeling beside Frigoris. She placed a finger on his forehead, and instantly, she tensed.

“O Captain, my captain,” she whispered, her voice taking on an archaic note, “why didst the Nightmare do this to thee?” She turned to Starstep’s unconscious body. “And thee too, mine newest Nightmare, thou poor stallion.”

“What’s up?” Nova asked, walking over and kneeling down.

“Touch his head and extend your mind towards his, like you did to free me,” Luna commanded, and Nova was startled to hear a note of clear anger in her voice.

Nova obeyed, placing his hand over the unconscious captain’s eyes and extending his mind. Upon touching it, his mind was invaded by images of death, destruction, and sorrow. Nova cried out, unprepared for this mental attack, and scrambled backwards from the captain’s body.

“Yes,” Luna said, raising herself up again with a slight wobble. “Nightmare Moon trapped their minds in that illusion. From what I can sense, there is no fight left in them. They are trapped until somepony can break the illusion on them and restore them as they were. And even then, it will take time for them to recover mentally from their ordeal.”

“What about the personas that took up residence while you were under the Nightmare’s control?” Nova asked.

“The spirits of the Nightmare’s Shadowbolts are but offshoots of her own spirit. As such, they were merely extensions of her will, even if she chose to see them as her subordinates. This being said, they vanished when she did. However, the lingering magic still exists.”

“What can we do to help?” Nova asked, concerned. “My apartment’s not far; I can keep them there.”

“No,” Luna said. “We need somewhere to hide. Someplace to lie low, away from this city. I need to get used to this form, and like the last time the Nightmare invaded my mind, I will need some time to regain full control over my magic”

Nova guided Luna back to his apartment, which took some time with Luna’s inability to walk properly yet. Upon reaching his room and opening the door, he was tackled in a full embrace.


Nova managed to extricate himself from the sobbing mass of relief that was Tracy Strong with relative ease, only to get up and find that Luna was looking daggers at Discord.

“Tia appointed you to be his teacher?” she asked in a deadly low voice.

Discord made a simple cutting motion at his neck with his hand, then gestured at Tracy/Twilight. Luna stared for a moment, but she did nod slightly, to show that she had gotten the message.

“Not to be rude,” Nova said, groaning and walking inside, “but why do I have a welcoming party, Tracy? Mr. Sire?”

“The young lady came and found me immediately after you told her to run from the Hellsings,” Discord explained. “Really, Nathan, not even two weeks after you saved Ms. Dillon from them, you already get yourself into trouble with them again?”

“Who’s this?” Tracy asked, looking over Luna with a strange note in her voice.

“This is Lu--” Nova started to say, but a sharp look from Discord made him catch himself “--cy. Lucy Selene.”

‘Nice to meet you, Ms. Selene,” Tracy said, with a slight note of iciness in her voice that Nova noticed. He smiled to himself. She was jealous that he had brought home another pretty lady from the battle. A sign that her feelings were still there, showing even in the curse?

Without warning, Nova collapsed. Tracy shrieked and knelt down instantly to try and help him out, but Discord charged in, pushed her gently away, and picked him up.

“Leave him be, Ms. Strong, Ms. Selene,” he said, giving them both looks. “He’s been through a lot, and a man needs his rest.”

Nova felt himself suddenly land on a soft surface, which he could only figure was his bed.

“Nova, once again, you charged off and did one of the stupidest, most bone-headed things I’ve ever seen a stallion do, particularly when so much was at stake,” Discord admonished him.

With a wave of his cane, the sheet and comforter on Nova’s bed slid out from under him and covered him up.

“But you did good,” he added. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle Luna and Celestia. Take pride in your accomplishment, and rest.”

Nova tried to move his arm to give Discord a thumbs up, but it seemed this exhaustion made it completely impossible to control anything but his neck and facial muscles. All he was able to do was nod and then nod off. Within seconds, he was out like a light.

Discord stared at the sleeping form of Nova for a moment. His body was not used to channeling magic. Sure, for short periods of time, it could sustain it. But just how much magical energy had Nova used, that it was enough to make his entire body unresponsive?

Someone tapped on his shoulder, and he turned to see the human Twilight standing there, her purple eyes attempting to look past him, toward Nova.

“Can… I?” she asked hesitantly.

“Stay with him?” Discord asked, cocking an eyebrow. Twilight just nodded. Well, Discord couldn’t see why not, so long as she didn’t ask too many questions.

Which, knowing Twilight, was more than likely. But her new self he had no idea about.

“Sure. Just don’t bug him too much when he wakes up,” Discord answered, moving aside. “He might not exactly be in the right mind when he comes to, seeing as how he just took on five thugs and won. His adrenaline must be completely depleted.”

Twilight attempted to correct him on the fact that the compound was actually epinephrine, and that the body produced it, but Discord was already moving back to the main room, leaving Twilight alone with the unconscious Nova.

“You trained him quite well,” he said, reaching the living room of the apartment, where Princess Luna, it seemed, was attempting to use magic by waving her hands around wildly at Nova’s TV remote. “I don’t think it was what little of Chaos I was able to teach him that helped him save you.”

“You would be surprised,” Princess Luna remarked. “He used Chaos to great effect. True, not as much as physical combat or his natural magic, but it saved him several times.”

Discord couldn’t help but smile a little at that knowledge. Nice to know that Nova was actually applying himself!

“Speaking of physical combat,” Discord suddenly brought up, “how was his swordplay?”

Princess Luna rolled her eyes.

“Passable, if the curve was as generous enough to make the poorest pony in Canterlot a Duke.” Discord smirked at Luna’s slight bashing of her own pupil. “But I don’t expect him to be that great with a blade in this form.”

“Well, I do,” Discord countered. “I’m sure your sister will refuse point-blank on a gun. That weapon’s too dangerous, and we don’t need him breaking people like Twilight out of the curse, just for them to go and study it to make it themselves. He needs a good blade, with which he can channel his magic. But he needs to be able to fight without magic too.”

Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully.

“I wonder if I can come up with a way for him to learn it quickly…” he muttered. “I would have to master it myself…”

“What are you planning?” Luna demanded.

“I’m planning on teaching him the fine art of swordplay,” Discord answered, irritated, “so he can better defend himself without resorting to putting himself in danger with no weapon. Nova’s not exactly the brawniest guy.”

“Magic will augment his strength over time,” Luna said, turning her head to stare down at her own arms. “I feel so much stronger than I should be. No doubt my vast reserves of magical power are affecting my strength. They should work much the same way with Nova. His own magical reserves will start to bolster his strength.”

“And he’ll need a way to hide it,” Discord added. “I think I might have him start physically working out. That way, if he does something unbecoming of someone his current size, such as lift an extremely heavy object, it’ll be less suspicious.”

“Less, not unsuspicious,” Luna pointed out.

“Well, there’s no stopping it from manifesting,” Discord said, shrugging. “We just have to mask it.”

“And speaking of masking,” Luna said, glancing in the direction of the alleyway, “my Nightmares were forcibly masked by Nightmare Moon’s cursing. Would you be able to bring them back?”

“It would take time,” Discord said. “Time we do not have. I think this will have to be something for you to do, while I continue to train Nova. Now that Nova’s more free to pursue the Elements without Nightmare Moon, he has more freedom to do anything, really. So long as he doesn’t get on the wrong side of the Changelings or Sombra, that is.”

With that, Discord grabbed his top hat from the kitchen counter and placed it atop his head, before grabbing his cane and hobbling on out of the apartment.

“Well, Nova needs his rest, and I’m willing to provide a bed for you and your guards tonight,” he said, motioning to the Princess. “You’ll find I was made into quite the affluent man.”

Luna groaned.

“Isn’t there anywhere else I can stay until we find somewhere for my guards and I to live?”

“Nope!” Discord answered cheerfully. “Now come along, Princess. We need to get your guards from that alley.”

The Storm

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 06 - The Storm

Nova sighed, feeling utterly relaxed as Alex rubbed out the many kinks in his back. It had been a week since he had freed Princess Luna. A week full of Tracy fussing over his recovery, of Natalie fussing over the fact that this was the second time he had engaged the Hellsings (apparently not knowing that he had done it for Tracy), of Discord teaching him how to fight with a sword, and of visits to Princess Luna’s new cottage in the outskirts of the city. After such a long and exhausting week, including school work to maintain the appearance of still being under the curse, Alex had noticed his sudden work ethic and had offered to give him a massage.

Upon asking, Nova’s only reaction was an arched eyebrow.

Alex immediately went red upon realizing what Nova had been implying.

“Damn you, Nathan, I meant just as a friendly, help-you-relax thing,” he protested defensively. “Trisha’s been making me give her massages, so I’ve gotten rather good at them and figured you could use one.”

Nova just shrugged and agreed. And fifteen minutes later, Alex was proving his proficiency as a non-professional masseuse while Natalie jabbered on and on about anything in particular. It almost reminded Nova of Pinkie Pie

“And speaking of muscle mass,” she continued, segueing from something about the school’s hoofball team, “you, sir,” she poked him in the shoulder, “have been working out.”

“Yep,” he said, then let out a groan of satisfaction as Alex managed to rub out a particularly painful kink in his back.

“How so? You don’t run, or anything.”

“Mr. Sire,” he said, raising his head to rest his chin on his crossed arms in front of his head. “Teaching me fencing.”

“Fencing?” Alex asked curiously. “Never took you for a fencer, Nathan.”

“You’d be surprised,” Nova replied.

“And why Mr. Sire, may I ask?” Alex continued. “He seems to have taken quite the interest in you, ever since that day you got sick.”

“He helped get me home,” Nova replied. “I dunno. I think he likes me, or something.”

“May God have mercy on our souls,” Alex snarkily muttered in earshot of all of them.

“Why fencing, though?” Natalie asked. “Why not martial arts, or something? Does he even know fencing?”

“Well, apparently,” Nova answered. “As for martial arts, I dunno. I don’t even know who would teach me. Or what they would teach me.”

With that, all was silent, save for the occasional groan from Nova as Alex caught a particularly sensitive kink.

“Today’s Friday,” Alex finally said.

“Way to go, Alex! You’ve learned your days of the week!” Nova responded sarcastically.

“I mean,” Alex said, digging his fingers into Nova’s sensitive spinal area as retaliation, “isn’t tonight Council of Gentlemen night?”

“Oh, really?” Nova asked, this time sincerely. He had quite forgotten about his weekly night of drinking with friends over the last few weeks. “Huh. Thanks, Alex. I’d forgotten.”

Alex grunted.

“Why do you ask, out of curiosity?” Nova added. “Looking to join us?”

“Yep,” Alex affirmed. “Where’s the bar?”

“Pub, more like,” Nova responded. “It’s the Londoner, in Uptown.”

“Oh, that’s where you run off to every Friday,” Alex said. “And here I thought it was some shady place down in Downtown. Figures, considering none of those guys would enjoy booze nearly as much as ale or British brew.”

“Seven o’clock sharp,” Nova said. “And make sure you’re prepared to talk about Trisha.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova hurried along the sidewalk of Uptown, toward the warm, cheery light spilling from the insides of a proper British pub. It was ten minutes till seven, and it was group tradition that the first to arrive would the the one to not buy the round. Of course, he had neglected to inform Alex of this because of initiation. He was going to have to buy a round anyway.

He approached the moderately-sized rectangular building and pushed open the wooden swinging door to reveal the pub’s interior. Wooden floors, tall and short wooden tables alike populated with pubgoers, a few billiards tables in a side section, along with comfy pleather chairs, and so forth.

“Hey, Stephen!” he called to where a portly man with black hair was polishing a bar mug near a beer draft. The man nodded without looking up, then gestured with the mug toward their round table in the back corner of the seated section of the bar. To Nova’s delight, the round table was completely devoid of people. “No sign of the others?” he asked. Stephen shook his head.

Nova pumped his fist. No round-buying for him!

It was strange, really. He had memories of the times he had actually been there, drinking with the Council, doing things these humans did. And yet, he hadn’t been present there as Nova, only as Nathan. It was really strange having two personas living in his mind.

And that’s not even counting the emotive and logical halves of my brain, he thought.

The door to the tavern opened, and in came the usual group of the Council of Gentlestallions. Or rather, their human selves. A muscular, ginger-haired man with a red tank-top and brown work pants was leading the group. Nova couldn’t help but muse to himself that everyone looked like their pony selves, and they had similar names.

Big Mac was Mike Appleby, Lucky was simply Luke, Caramel was simply Carey Carmichael, Pierce was, oddly enough, Pierce, Thunderlane was Theo, with no last name Nova had ever managed to get out of him, and finally/most amusingly, Time Turner was Timothy “Tim” Turner.

Really, Envy, it’s like you weren’t trying to hide them at all, Nova thought.

“Damn it,” Nova heard Turner say. “The one day I wait for you guys, and I have to spend my hard-earned money to buy a round.”

“Umad, bro?” Nova asked, flashing a teasing grin. One of the things he would miss about this world is easily the internet. Even when he had regained his memory, there was something about that place, for want of a better term, that just made it too much fun to be legal.

“No, I’m more like very irritated,” Turner answered. “The money’s important! I’m taking Deborah out on a date next week!”

“Well, let’s count the number of times you haven’t bought rounds,” Mike said. “Let’s see, there’s the last five times, you paid on the one just before that little run, then there’s the three before that one--”

“Okay, okay, fine, I get the point,” Turner said, rolling his eyes. “It’s not my fault I have something to dedicate my money to each week.”

“Remind me,” Nova interjected as everyone slid into their round table, Aegis on the end since he’d have to be the first one up to order, “what exactly are you putting your money towards?”

“A ring,” drawled Mike. “What else?”

“What Mike said,” concurred Pierce. “If he isn’t putting his money toward a ring for his girlfriend, he’s doing a poor job managing his money--”

“I’ll have you know that I’m actually working on saving up to purchase a decent house in the city,” Turner interrupted irritably. “‘Snot my fault that house out by the Appleby farm is terrible. Only managed to get an apartment in town a few weeks ago, so now I’m making payments on that and getting enough to buy a house.”

“But you’re still getting an engagement ring, aren’t you,” Mike said, giving Turner a challenging gaze. “If you’re not, then I think you need to explain exactly why I saw you exiting the jewelry shop in the mall today.”

Turner went very pale.

“H-how’d you know I was there!?” he demanded of Mike.

“Answer the question,” Mike said in a low voice, which somehow carried a lot more weight than Turner’s shout.

“Well yeah, I was searching for engagement rings,” Turner said, and Nova grinned to himself when he felt no telltale flare of energy that indicated him lying. “I mean, I’ve been dating her for almost a year now; isn’t it about damn time?”

“Well, congratulations,” said Alex, clapping him on the shoulder, “but why the secrecy about it?”

“I dunno,” Turner said, shrugging. “This is a council of bachelors, after all. Didn’t know if you guys would kick me out, or something.”

Nova could only smile, knowing it wouldn’t happen. After his engagement to Twilight, the Council had explained it didn’t matter if they were all bachelors or not, only that they were the town stallions all getting together.

“So is this all you do?” Alex asked. “Go drinking and talking about your love lives?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” Nova answered. “Speaking of, you still need to buy us the first round for the night.”

Alex groaned good-naturedly, but took everyone’s drink orders. When they were all said and done, he proceeded up to the counter and ordered, before coming back to the seat.

“Well,” Mike said, “now that that’s out of the way, we move on to a more pressing issue, one I think we discussed not that long ago.” He turned his gaze toward Nova. “Nathan here took on the Hellsings a couple of weeks ago to save Miss Rachel Dillon, and as I understand it, he repeated the feat for Miss Tracy Strong.”

The group collectively applauded him, and Turner and Carey both clapped him on the shoulders. Nova only smiled bashfully.

“Come on, guys,” he said modestly, “‘snot like you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

“Leapt in? Maybe,” responded Theo, “but you beat them. All of them! And you did it twice!”

“Element of surprise goes a long way in a fight,” Nova replied, shrugging. “I almost literally jumped them. Like, right on top of them.”

The group collectively winced.

“As I understand it, they went underground,” Theo said. “No one’s seen them, no one’s heard anything about them for the last couple-a weeks. What happened? Did the cops get ‘em?”

“Unlikely,” Turner said. “Their leader’s a slippery one. He probably wormed his way out of trouble from the police again.”

Nova couldn’t tell them that Princess Luna had taken them all to the small cottage in the outskirts, close to the farm. It had only been a week and she had already successfully freed Frigoris from the mental prison Nightmare Moon had crafted, but the others were still trapped.

“True knight, this one,” Pierce said, clasping his hands under his chin and fake-nuzzling Nova. “Leaping into danger, saving beautiful women from thugs, and risking his life to protect any helpless citizen,”

Why must everyone insist on calling me a knight? I have no shining armor, blade, or shield. I’m just an ordinary pony who wants an ordinary life. He internally snorted. If I was going to get a normal life, I suppose I wouldn’t have gotten myself engaged to a Princess, he thought.

“So what’s Natalie thought of this?” Mike wondered. “Knowin’ her previous track record regarding you helpin’ other girls, she probably refused to talk t’you fer the first three days.”

“It’s weird,” Alex said, “but it kinda seems like she’s getting more bearable lately. I would know, considering I hang around both of them, and if anything, she was quite pleased he had beaten them. Maybe there’s hope for us not hating-- sorry, strong word, strongly disliking-- her after all.”

“Hey, lay off Nathan’s choice in girlfriends,” Turner protested indignantly. “I’m sure he sees something in her that makes it worth his while.”

“You make it sound like I’m dating her for personal gain,” Nova remarked. “Any ma-- girl I choose to date I do because I legitimately like them. Maybe even love, down the line.”

Unbidden, a memory of when he first agreed to date Twilight popped into his head. He did like her back then, and now he knew it. Such a shame that back then, he didn’t buck up and admit he had fallen head over hooves for her earlier. It would have prevented unnecessary heartache.

Alex suddenly snickered. “Were you about to say ‘man’ there?” he asked, as everyone at the table chuckled at Nova’s expense.

Nova shook his head, smiling despite the knock on him. “Nah, you really wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Fair enough,” Alex said, shrugging.

Discussion on all of their love lives resumed. Alex, being the new guy, had the most to answer for, but the general question was how he could willingly date a narcissist such as Trisha. Nova had been wondering the same thing about that in Equestria. Just how had Aegis and Trixie become a thing?

Aegis’ first night came and went without incident, except for Mike being harried by the group for not making good on a promise to ask that elementary school teacher he had a thing for. But after a long night spent with good company, everyone took their leave. Nova got up and swung his cloak around himself, but just as he was about to pass outside, a muscled arm blocked him from leaving.

“Yes, Mike?” Nova asked, turning to see Mike Appleby looking down at him with an unreadable expression. Nova had never really appreciated just how tall and muscular Mike was.

“Walk with me,” he said simply, before throwing open the door and proceeding out.

“Uh, sure,” Nova said, following suit.

The night was crisp, calm, and cloudy. Nova enjoyed colder weather, so the night was perfect for him. It seemed Mike thought the night was perfect too, because he didn’t speak up until they were a good block away from the pub.

“So Nathan,” he drawled, “jist how many gals d’you plan on keepin’ on the side?”

Nova blinked.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Mike said in a dangerous voice, turning and giving him an equally-dangerous look. “Yer datin’ Miss Verano, and whahle Ah may not lahke it, Ah’ve nothin’ to say ‘bout it. Yet the word is you’ve been spendin’ more tahme with Miss Strong, and that’s not even countin’ the rumors ‘bout you and Miss Dillon.”

Nova raised a hand with a pointed finger, trying to interject, but Mike was having none of it.

“An’ then a couple’a days ago, he continued, now backing Nova into the wall of a random store, “Ah see you movin’ all sneaky-like out by the Appleby farm with some lady in a blue dress. Lahke the two o’ya didn’t want nobody seein’ you.”

Mike was glaring into Nova’s eyes a mere two inches away.

“Start talkin’,” he commanded.

“Yes sir,” Nova said. “Still dating Natalie, becoming closer friends with Tracy, saved Rachel Dillon from the Hellsings, and the lady in blue ended up on the wrong side of them as well, so I chose to help hide her somewhere out in the open where people like you who are up early enough and late enough would see them coming.”

Mike’s eyes narrowed.

“You were hahdin’ her?” he asked skeptically.

“Yeah,” Nova said, nodding. “Just go check that old cottage on the road to Charrington. It’s her and a few friends of mine.”

“Friends-a yers?” Mike asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Nova nodded. “They were forced into helping the Hellsings,” he explained. “Now they’re hiding out with her until it’s safe to come back to the city.”

Mike scrutinized Nova, looking for any evidence he was lying. Nova knew he would be damn good at it, since he lived with his Element-of-Honesty sister.

“Fahne,” he said, backing up and letting Nova off the wall. “Yeh owe me a Saturday of farm work.”

“What for?” Nova protested.

“Payment,” Mike said. “If they’re hahdin’ out there, they’ll need food, and they’d lahkely.steal it from our farm. Not that we’d mahnd, given their situation, but it’d be better for us ta feed them willin’ly.”

It was true, they did need food, and Nova couldn’t just go out there all the time. The last thing he needed was to attract the attention of the changelings or Sombra for visiting Princess Luna every few days.

“Thanks, Mike,” he said gratefully.

“You’ll be workin’ with mah sister, since Ah usually take Saturdays off. She’ll git ya good and tahred by the end o’the day.”

An opportunity to work with Applejack? This fit quite nicely with his plans to find a way to reawaken everypony.

“Can I bring a friend?” Nova asked.

“What?” Mike asked, giving him a curious look.

“Can I bring a friend along?” he asked again.

“Long as yer there workin’, Ah don’t see whah not,” Mike answered, turning and continuing down the street. “But one last thing, Nathan,” he added. “If Ah go t’that cottage, and there’s nobody there, or Ah fahnd out that yeh lahed to me, Ah’ll go straight to Natalie and tell her everythin’ Ah jist interrogated you about.”

“Feel free,” he said.

Mike gave him a blank look at that.

“Yer actin lahke yeh don’t want ta be datin’ her no more, yeh know that?” he asked. “Did yeh jist ask me ta tell her ‘bout the other three gals?”

“Wha-- nononono!” Nova hastily replied, realizing what he had said. If Envy was who he thought she was, this could be a trigger to undo the curse. And he couldn’t do that just yet. The status quo had to remain in place as long as he could keep it there.

Mike just snorted and kept walking, heading for what was presumably his truck. Nova kept pace with him, waiting for him to say something else, but it seemed the interrogation was over.

A deep rumbling sounded. Both of them looked up instinctively.

“Storm’s comin’,” Mike observed. “This’ll be good for the crops.”

“Are you being metaphysical on me, or just observing the weather patterns?” Nova asked.

Mike chuckled.

“Whah? Yeh think somethin’ big’s about ta happen?”

“You could say that,” Nova answered evasively.

Mike chuckled again and shook his head.

“But it does feel lahke somethin’’s about ta happen here,” he continued. “The cops’re gettin’ inta more scuffles with the townsfolk, the Hellsings’ve been more active, even seems lahke you’ve changed quite a bit over the last few weeks. Ah can only wonder where we’re headed.”

Nova said nothing. He had felt for a while that ever since Twilight became a princess, events had proceeded to quickly get less and less controllable. If the business with the Everfree Forest hadn’t been enough, Tirek’s attack really messed with him. Due to a little bit of diplomacy the Princesses needed him to do in Eurpone, he had been absent for it, and he came home to find that Twilight had a sparkly new treehouse-castle and that his favorite library had been incinerated.

He had been most displeased by the castle, though. Just when he had finished his hoof-built (read, no magic involved) new home on the road to Neighton and everything, Twilight got herself an even bigger, grander house to live in.

And she lived in it, too. Princess Celestia had told her that, at least for a while, it would do her good to live in her castle in an act that would help to instill in the citizens that she was now truly a princess over them, and that after it had become ingrained, she could move in with Nova. Of course, Nova could move in with her at any time, and it would definitely have happened after the wedding at the latest.

It had not been fun being around Twilight during that time. She’d had to replace all of her books. ALL of them. Including her Star Swirl writings. While Nova knew she wasn’t so petty as to prize her books more than her own life, he knew she wasn’t taking the loss of some of her most treasured possessions well.

So caught up was he in his trip down memory lane that he almost fell over when Mike suddenly caught him by the upper chest, stopping him from accidentally running into his very old pick-up truck.

“Ya look purdy thoughtful there, Nathan,” Mike said after Nova had stabilized himself from nearly toppling backwards. “Penny fer yer thoughts?”

Nova just shook his head. “It’s complicated, and it revolves around memories that kinda hurt right now.”

Mike just nodded. With that, he opened his pickup door and started to climb in, but he paused for a moment.

“Yeh got an umbrella?” he asked Nova, who shook his head again. Upon doing so, Mike tossed him a collapsed black umbrella, before climbing in and shutting the door. The truck started with a sputter, and with a near-roar, Mike was off, driving down the road that led out of town.

Nova watched him go for a while, but after feeling a wet plip! on his head, he opened the umbrella, leaned the metal support against his shoulder, and started walking off as the rain began to fall.

The apartment was several blocks away, and he had no transportation. But still, it was a nice night, and he wasn’t getting rained on. Mike had lent him a pretty large umbrella, perhaps enough to fit him, Ashleigh, whoever Bloom was, and whoever Granny Smith was all under it. He wasn’t complaining, though. The magic woven into his cloak kept him warm, and his umbrella kept him dry.

He yawned slightly, feeling pleasantly inebriated from the round of drinking, but thanks to some clever spellcasting, he had prevented his decision-making and general judgement from being affected by the alcohol. So he was able to enjoy the pleasant buzz in his head without suffering from any of the negative side effects, except maybe the hangover. Still hadn’t figured out an effective ward against those, yet.

Nova stopped dead in his tracks, alarm flooding through his entire being. Tracy Strong was running pell-mell through the rain. In no particular order, some things Nova noticed were that she had no umbrella, she had no coat, she was wearing a thin, white oxford shirt, and she was drenched, which only meant her shirt was effectively see-through.

Thank goodness she remembered to put on that human bra thing. Nova still hadn’t figured out what was so appealing about human teats, but apparently his body, mainly his manhood, seemed to enjoy it immensely. The last thing he needed was to look like a total pervert in front of Twilight’s human self.

“Tracy!” he called. She slowed to look in his direction. While he doubted she could recognize him with it being so dark out, she had to know his voice, and so she bolted in his direction.

Nova held the umbrella up above him as she got closer, which allowed her to duck under it.

“Th-thanks,” she said, shivering from the cold.

“Not at all,” he said. “Let’s get you out of the storm. My apartment’s not far. Or should we head to your place? Where’s it at?”

“A-a-c-c-cross t-t-town,” she answered, her teeth chattering against each other. She noticed Nova trying not to stare at her black bra and hastily covered herself up as best she could. “I-it’ll have t-to b-b-be y-y-yours.”

“Here, hold this,” Nova said, handing her the umbrella, before unfastening his cloak’s brooch from around his neck, taking it off, and putting it on Tracy. She handed him back the umbrella, before pulling it tight around herself and, either for extra warmth or for some other reason, huddling against him.

Nova was lost for words, but he couldn’t deny he was quite enjoying himself. But with a slight nudge, he pushed Tracy off of him so he could move.

“Will Spike be okay?” he asked, before mentally kicking himself for forgetting that his name wasn’t Spike in this world.

“Who?” she asked.

“Your… ah…” he trailed off.

“Oh, y-you mean Sam, and he’s my l-little adopted brother,” she said. “I-I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s managed without m-me before.”

“Little adopted brother?” Nova asked, quite intrigued.

“Y-yeah,” she answered as they walked. “H-he’s been living with me as long as I can remember.”

“Oh,” he answered. “Didn’t know. Honest mistake.”

“I-it’s fine,” she answered. “H-how far away is your apartment, by the way? I h-haven’t been there for a while,” she asked, as they passed by a familiar setting Nova was sure Tracy ought to have recognized.

“Well, there’s the alley where I managed to beat the Hellsings,” he said, pointing it out. “Man, the pub’s closer to my apartment than I thought.”

She let out a soft “hmm,” but said nothing else. They walked in silence the rest of the way. Once they were there, Nova hurriedly opened up the door and they both quickly got inside.

“I’m going to go start a fire,” he said, heading on over to his fireplace, where a gas emitter was already in place. With a few knobs twisted and a match lit, he soon had a quiet fire heating up the living room of the apartment.

“Th-thanks,” she said, still huddling under his cloak. He walked on over, unfastened the brooch, and swung it off, making sure to avert his eyes from the wet button-up shirt she had on as he did so.

“You’re probably going to want to leave those by the fire to dry,” he said.

“Th-that just an excuse to get me to strip down f-for you?” she asked, giving him a look that, were it not for the twinkling mirth in her eyes, would have made him feel quite bad about himself.

“Not at all, but since you don’t seem opposed to the idea,” he said, deciding to go along with it anyway. But to his simultaneous horror and perverse delight, she actually pulled the shirt right off and laid it flat on the ground to dry off in the heat of the fire.

Nova almost had a nosebleed right then and there.

Tracy just winked flirtatiously at him as he couldn’t stop staring at the bare skin of her back, before making his night even better/worse and turning around.

Nova’s blue eyes met her rather playful purple ones, before trailing down her before he could stop himself. Thank goodness the bra was modest, covering nearly all of her rather average endowment, Was it average? Hers seemed to be smaller than most everyone else’s, but he tossed that information aside as his eyes trailed down to her navel, then beyond to her black dressy pants, which looked pretty drenched too, but not nearly as much. Thank Celestia they were far less revealing.

“Like what you see?” she asked, giving him an even more playful grin. Nova just blinked several times, before finally managing to realize he was still in control, and turning around as fast as he could.

Tracy giggled behind him.

“Oh Nathan, you’re too much fun to tease,” she said. “Maybe if you let me tease you some more, I might remove my pants for you to get a good look, too.”

Nova almost fainted. This was, without a doubt, the most embarrassing thing to have happened to him inside his apartment, and this was including the pole-dancing Granny Smith Discord had summoned. The last thing he needed now was for the draconequus himself to show up…


Oh, no way… Nova thought. It just can’t be…

But it wasn’t Discord. No, instead it was the one person Nova was hoping wouldn’t catch him in this situation.

“Nathan?” Natalie’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Nathan, are you inside?”

Oooooooooohhhhhhh shit… Logic and Emotion decided to say at exactly the same moment. Nova had to agree with them.

Thankfully, Tracy was off the mark instantly. She had snatched up her wet shirt and had bolted into one of Nova’s empty rooms as quietly as she could, which would easily not be heard with the din outside. As soon as she was out of sight, Nova walked over to the door and opened it up.

Natalie stood there, closing up her umbrella and shaking what little water was in her hair out of it.

“Thanks,” she said breathlessly as she walked inside, not even waiting for him to allow her. “Some storm, huh?”

“Yeah,” Nova said, rolling his eyes and following her back inside. “Just showed up out of nowhere and invaded without anyone’s consent,” he added.

“Oh hush,” she said, giving him an irritated look. “I was just coming to make sure you got home safely. I know how late you guys stay out at the Council of Dudes or whatever, and I didn’t know if…”

She trailed off. To Nova’s horror, she had noticed a wet water trail on the ground. She looked back up.

“How late were you out?” she asked, furrowing her brow. “Did you get caught in it when it first struck?”

“Yeah,” Nova said, hoping beyond hope she didn’t investigate beyond that. “Mike brought me home when he saw me out in the rain.”

Nova noticed her eyes flick ever so briefly toward the hearth, where the puddle of leftover water from a removed shirt lay in front of the fire.

“Did that coat get soaked?” she asked.

“That what?”

“Your coat,” she repeated. “That new coat you’ve started wearing.”

“Oh, yeah,” he replied. “Needed to dry it off, and I figured it’d be nice for a good heating, so I turned on the fire.”

She yawned slightly, before walking over to his couch and falling on it and rubbing her eyes tiredly.

“It’s been a long day,” she groaned. “Please don’t make it any worse. Just tell whoever’s hiding in your other room to come on out.”

“I-- what?”

“Oh Nathan, don’t play dumb,” she snapped irritably. “Seriously, why do you even bother? It’s not like I’m going to be angry for you having friends over, especially out in a storm like this.”

“Well, given how you normally are around other girls...” Nathan trailed off as the door opened up and Tracy started to come out. He was immensely relieved to see she had buttoned her shirt back up as well. That would at least take most of the heat off.

Natalie continued rubbing her eyes. “I’m working on it,” she replied sourly. “But I swear I’m not going to speak to you for a week if it’s--”

Her hand came down right at that moment, and in that dramatic, predestined moment, she and Tracy locked eyes. Tracy’s were full of apprehension, and Natalie’s were at first full of surprise, but then they narrowed dangerously.

“What. The hell. Is SHE doing here?” Natalie asked softly, glaring with unabashed hatred at Tracy, who only glanced at him helplessly.

“Something about having people over during a storm?” Nova retorted, already less than happy with her for her response to Tracy’s entrance.

“I said friends,” snapped Natalie. If looks could kill, everyone in the general cone behind Tracy would have been incinerated by the ferocity of Natalie’s gaze.

Nathan took that opportunity to step right in between the two of them.

“Tracy,” he said calmly, “go and wait in my bedroom. There are earplugs in the nightstand, and you might want to put them on; I think there’s going to be a lot of yelling.”

“But--” she tried to protest, but Nova gave her a look. She fell silent, and stared between him and Natalie for a moment, but then complied.

As soon as the door had shut, Nova rounded on Natalie.

“You know, Alex taught me some valuable words of wisdom,” he said, struggling mightily to keep his voice calm. “‘Don’t insult someone in their own house. They’re the ones who know where the meat knives are.’”

“What does that have to do with anything?” she asked, arching an eyebrow at him, a snarl working its way onto her face.

“What does it have to do with anything?” Nova repeated, putting an incredulous edge into his voice. “What doesn’t it have to do with this!? You come into my house and immediately imply that I should throw her out to the street!? Do you have ANY idea how insulted I feel by that!?”

“Who’s to say I was implying anything?” Natalie asked, eyes narrowing.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Nova responded scathingly, “how about the part where you questioned why she was here? You couldn’t possibly have missed the completely drenched shirt of hers, or the fact that it’s storming outside. Why the hell do you THINK she’s here?”

Nova hadn’t noticed his voice getting steadily louder and louder, but Natalie had, and she had risen to her feet and was advancing on him. Nova simply drew himself to his fullest height, which was about a head taller than Natalie. Maybe if he tried to intimidate her off of this subject…?

“Make her leave,” Natalie commanded softly, glaring at Nova, challenging him not to do it.

“No,” Nova said firmly. “She is a friend, and she was out in the rain. I wouldn’t make her leave even if I hated her guts. I’m not like that, Nat.”

Make. Her. Leave,” Natalie repeated, eyes narrowing.

“What is your problem with me helping other girls!?” Nova demanded, drawing himself even a bit higher, a full head taller than her. “First Deborah, now Tracy!?”

“I just don’t understand why you spend so much time focusing on other girls!” Natalie responded, shaking with suppressed rage.

“Natalie,” Nova said, sighing and shaking his head in disappointment, “you should know by now that I always try to help people.. It’s just what I do.”

“Then stop doing it,” she retorted. “I don’t want you helping out people I don’t like.”

That did it.

“Get out,” Nova said through clenched teeth.

Natalie looked dumbstruck, and for the briefest of moments, a flicker of fear crossed her face. Nova’s eyes had again briefly flickered red.

“Wha--” she started to say, but Nova cut her off.

“GET OUT!” he roared, finding it in himself to draw himself up even taller than he already was.

She just stared at him, completely shocked. What the hell had happened to Nova to put him like this? He never yelled at her; mostly, he just sort of tried to play mediator whenever she got really angry at Alex for some reason, so why now?

Her eyes fell on the door Tracy was hiding behind. Of course, she thought.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly, for once, actually sounding apologetic about it.

“No you’re not,” Nova said scathingly. “You’re only sorry I’m kicking you out.”

She let out a growl of anger.

“Fine! Be that way! I wouldn’t want to date someone who lowers their standards like that, anyway,” she added as she stalked towards the door, threw it open, stormed off, and then slammed it shut.

It honestly took serious effort from Nova not to go after her and slap her for that remark.

He simply stared after her, his fist clenching so hard, his nails dug into his palm. He was shaking with anger; how dare she say that about Tracy!?

“Nathan?” came her voice from behind him. “Are you alright?”

“F-fine,” he growled, feeling blood run down his fingers and onto the floor, still watching the door. “Just peachy.”

“You’re bleeding,” she observed. “I’ll go--”

“No,” Nova said, turning to stop her from fussing over him. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll clean it up myself.”

Nova walked over to the kitchen half of the front room, tore off a paper towel, and stuck it in his hand to soak up the blood. And speaking of soaking, Tracy’s shirt was still sopping. To make matters worse, it was transparent in how wet it was.

“Go put your shirt by the fire,” he said dispassionately. “Natalie’s gone now; you won’t have to worry.”

“A-are you sure?” she asked, sounding somewhat apprehensive.

“If you’re alright with it, and since you saw to tease me earlier,” he added, with a small smile.

Tracy just stared at him for a bit of time, without moving. Nova even saw her slightly squint a couple of times.

“What, something on my face?” he asked.

“N-no, it’s just… your eyes,” she answered, still scrutinizing him.

“What about them?” Nova asked, turning to look into a reflective surface.

“They were, well, red for a bit.”

Red eyes? Nova thought. Magical residue? Or something else?

The matter troubled him, but he reasoned he could just go and see Princess Luna or Discord about it later. At any rate, his eyes were their usual shade of blue when he glanced in a small mirror, so it must not have been an immediate cause for concern.

“Sorry about this,” he said in a soft voice as he turned on the tap to run cold water over his hand. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

“No, Nathan,” she said, walking over and giving him a look he had seen many times from a different form of the girl involved. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry this happened because of me. If I’d known this would happen because I was here, I would have just gone ahead and walked all the way home.”

“You’re sorry what happened?” Nova asked her, shaking his head. “Sorry that I apparently broke up with a girl I, quite frankly, don’t even know why I was dating her in the first place?”

Tracy said nothing for a moment, choosing only to watch Nova as he washed the blood from his palm, before unfolding a napkin from a drawer and binding the wound with it.

“Can I say something honest but… harsh?” she asked , sounding slightly nervous about it.

Nova grunted. “Go ahead,” he said in a flat voice, staring at the fire while he idly rubbed his opposite thumb over the makeshift bandage, which was already soaking through.

“Well, okay then,” she said slowly. Nova thought she must have been watching to see how he reacted. “I think just about everyone who knows you was wondering why you were dating her, too.”

“I didn’t take you for the gossipping type, Twilight,” he said.

“What do you mean, ‘Twilight?’” she asked, confused.

“Sorry,” Nova said, mentally slapping himself. “Just something that sprung to mind, like how I called your brother Spike on accident. Guess my night of drinking’s getting to me.”

“You’ve been drinking?”

She sounded surprised. Didn’t she-- well, of course that would be one of the memories Envy would have suppressed. Drinking Nights were the nights she typically had the girls over.

“Yeah,” he said, heading over to the couch to sit by the fire. “Weekly thing with some friends.”

“You don’t sound drunk,” she said, following him over. She leaned close to his mouth and sniffed. “Your breath doesn’t smell of alcohol either.”

“Lucky me,” Nova said, leaning back against the couch. “Tracy, so sorry to put a damper on our conversation, but I’m tired and I want to get some sleep.”

“Oh, umm, okay,” she said. “Where are the blankets at? And do you have a spare pillow?”

“What for?” Nova asked, feeling slightly bemused.

“So I can sleep on the couch,” Tracy replied, sounding as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Nonononono,” Nova said, shaking his head. “You’re sleeping in my bed. I refuse to make a guest sleep on my couch.”

“I couldn’t,” she said, holding up her hands defensively. “I don’t want to impose--”

“You’re not imposing,” Nova interrupted her, grabbing her by the wrists and looking her in the eyes. Had he been more perceptive, he would have noticed that her pulse quickened ever so slightly, that her pupils dilated a fraction, and that the faintest of blushes tinged her cheeks. “I’m taking the couch, and you’re taking the bed. Not up for discussion.”

“We could… you know…” and then she trailed off, mumbling something that made Nova think of Fluttershy off the top of his head.

“We could… what?” he asked, cocking his head in confusion...

“Share… it…” she almost whispered, going quite red. Nova just stared at her, blinking stupidly, without any real response to it.

Then he laughed. He laughed long and hard The situation was just so familiar, almost like it had been that night in Trottingham, and he wanted to cave so much. But he couldn’t. Not yet, at least. They had literally just barely started to get to know each other.

“What!?” demanded Tracy, looking slightly offended, but Nova just shook his head.

“Sorry, Tracy,” he said, still chuckling slightly, “but I can’t. Not that you’re ugly, or anything-- you’re pretty cute, actually-- but I’m too honorable for getting into a bed with a girl I’ve only really known or a month, even if it’s completely platonic.”

Now for TWO months on the other hoof… he thought, only adding to his amusement.

Tracy just stared at him, eyes narrowed. Nova half-thought she might hit him. Twilight would have. It was funny, she first started with swatting him with her tail--

Scratch that, she just whapped him with her shirt as she turned around.

Nova could only chuckle again as Tracy walked off back to Nova’s room, nose slightly in the air. Up until now, Nova hadn’t noticed that her shirt was again unbuttoned, except that she was keeping it drawn close. When she whirled around, with dexterity Nova knew befit Twilight’s magical ability, she had wormed herself loose and swung it up to whip him in the face gently.

Nova knew it was intentional, because he definitely saw Tracy’s light smile as she walked back to his room.

“Hey, toss your shirt out and I’ll leave it by the fire,” he called after her. After a moment, an arm appeared out of his door and flung the wet oxford at him. He caught it, chuckled yet again, and walked on over to lay it by the fire.

The storm was still going strong outside. He felt a slight pang of worry about Natalie being caught out in it, but his earlier anger was enough to make sure he wasn’t going to worry too much. Hopefully she got splashed by a semi driving through a really deep, muddy puddle.

He smoothed out the oxford carefully, the same way he had done to many of his shirts in this world on rainy days, if his fake memories were anything to go by, then toned down the fire from a blaze to a peaceful crackle, the better to help him sleep.

He sat on the couch for a while, thinking about the night’s proceedings and how they were going to affect how his plan played out. Would this breakup help to trigger the curse falling apart? Hopefully not. But what if it did? Would it accelerate his plans, or set them back?

He sat there for a few minutes, eventually coming to the conclusion that this called for a chat with Luna and Discord, before he fell sideways onto--

His couch. With no pillows or blankets. And it suddenly hit him that he didn’t have any pyjamas either.

He got up, walked over to the room Tracy had hidden in (a rather roomy closet), and grabbed himself a small pillow and a blanket, but realized there were no pyjamas in this little storage closet; they were all in his room.

He dropped the blankets and pillows off on his cough before heading back to his room, and knocking on the closed door.

“Tracy? Mind if I grab something real fast?” he asked.

There was no response. Trying to emulate Fluttershy as best he could, he quietly opened the door and tiptoed inside. Tracy was sprawled on the bed, under no covers and out like a light.

And she was only wearing her bra and panties. Her pants and socks, true to Twilight Sparkle form, were laid flat to dry on the hard floor.

Nova hastily glanced away, hoping to find his pyjamas and get out. But Nova being a normal stallion/man, couldn’t avert his gaze that easily.

I’m starting to sound like that stupid vampony… he thought. Watching her while she sleeps.

Snorting quietly, he walked over to his bed and drew the covers up over her sleeping form. She gave a gentle coo and curled herself up, before rolling over and facing him, still asleep.

Satisfied with this corny romantic scene that he had just played out, Nova walked over to a drawer, pulled out a random pair of pyjama top and bottoms, and then tiptoed toward the door. As he was about to exit, he turned and gaze one last look at the sleeping Tracy.

She had a faint smile on her face, which was only magnified on the tender smile that etched itself onto Nova’s.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight Sparkle,” he whispered, shutting the door quietly. “Even if you may not remember, I still love you.”

Double Dinner Date Dare

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 07: Double Dinner Date Dare

Nova sighed, leaning back against his teacher’s chair as she tousled his hair. This was an old favorite position of theirs, particularly after a long personal session of studying. Nova would collapse against her pouf and she would gently tousle and style his mane, and occasionally massage his shoulders after a particularly grueling session.

“I don’t know, Princess,” Nova sighed heavily as she ran her bony fingers through his hair. “I just… wish I knew what I was supposed to do. I mean,” he waved a hand vaguely, “I know what to do, but I don’t know how to go about doing it.”

“Did you not already have a plan?” Luna asked, managing to untangle a messed up portion of his hair.

“Well, yes and no,” Nova said, closing his eyes. “I had a general idea at what to do, but in no way did I have a clearly-thought plan on how to do it properly.”

“Explain,” Luna commanded, moving her fingers down toward his neck to get the lower sections of his hair.

“Well, for starters, I think I majorly disrupted the status quo last night.”

Luna paused for a moment, but grunted.

“Things never stay the way they are; change is to be expected if progress is to be made.”

“I just didn’t know if it was one of the triggers to cause the curse to become undone, or something,” Nova admitted.

“But that’s just it, Nova. You said one of the triggers. I assume there must be more, though Sombra’s curse unraveled with the right stimulus; namely, the Crystal Fair and the Crystal Heart. But ponies had to break out of the curse themselves before the whole curse came undone. As it stands, you remain the only pony we all know of to have broken out. The fewer ponies you reawaken, the better the curse will stay in place.”

“So it’s like a shirt then?” Nova asked.

“I don’t follow,” Luna said, as she managed to untangle another clump of hair.

“You pull out one string, it’s not so bad. You pull more out, the shirt falls apart after a while.”

“A good metaphor,” Luna said, removing her fingers from his hair. “You know, I could get used to having these ‘fingers.’ They really are quite useful.”

“They are, aren’t they,” Nova nodded. “Certainly something I’ll miss about this world when we’re gone, but anyway--”

A sharp knocking sounded at the door.

“That’s probably him,” Nova said, getting to his feet and going to open the door for Mike. As expected, Mike was standing outside, wearing a red wife-beater and khaki work pants. Nova saw the pickup behind him had its bed full of different boxes of fruit and vegetables and he was instantly that much more grateful for Mike’s willingness to help.

“This the place?” he drawled. “Didn’t ‘spect ta see yeh here, Nathan.”

“Needed to talk to her about something,” Nathan said, stepping aside so Mike could see in. As soon as Mike saw Luna, he inclined his head toward Nova.

“A’right, Ah believe ya now. Mahnd helpin’ me unload the food?”

“Oh, you only believe after you’ve seen it with your own eyes?” Nova teased.

“Trust, but ver’fy,” Mike answered.

“Good point,” admitted Nova, as he and Mike started grabbing small crates of food and hauling them inside.

“Where d’you want the food, Miss…”

“Selene,” Luna said, standing up and moving to help as well. “If you do not mind, allow me to help too.”

“‘Ennnope,” Mike said, shaking his head. “‘Fraid Ah can’t let a purdy woman lahke yerself do the work fer us. Doesn’t sit well with me.”

Luna’s cheeks went slightly pink. Nova smiled to himself, remembering the time Luna said she had visited a carnival in Ponyville and had run into Big Macintosh and that they had spent a good amount of the day doing things together.

“Very well, then,” Luna said, sitting back down. Nova did notice the look of irritation that crossed her face and he could only empathise. Luna was never the princess who could sit and do nothing when there was something to be done.

He gave her a sympathetic look as he passed back from the small kitchen on the way out, which she only returned with an annoyed eyeroll.

The food was all unloaded in a matter of minutes, and Mike was on his way immediately after that. Nova thanked him for donating the food, and Mike just waved it off with the comment, “Surplus.” Still, free food was free food.

“An’ Nathan, Remember, yeh’re workin’ with mah sister come Saturday.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Nova responded with an ironic fistpump.

As Mike drove back to the Appleby farm, Nova returned to his earlier position with his teacher, and she resumed preening his hair.

“I know how you feel,” Nova remarked. “Like you’re sitting on the sidelines and you’re just in the way, right?”

“Sort of,” admitted Luna. “I would say I know more how Twilight Sparkle felt before Tirek attacked. All she could do was sit around and look pretty for our guests. Patience was always a difficult lesson for me to learn as a child,” she sighed. “At this point, I must admit, I’m practically looking for an excuse to do something.”

“Eh, that time will come,” Nova assured her. “It may be a while, but it will come.”

“Speaking of which, what is this I hear about you working with that man’s sister?” she queried.

“Oh, I promised Mike an afternoon of farm work in exchange for the food. It’s his day off, so I’m going to be working with Ashleigh, his sister.”

“I don’t see why you call them by their human names,” Luna said. “Why can you not call them ‘Macintosh’ and ‘Applejack?’”

“To get in the habit,” Nova explained. “I’ve had a few instances where I’ve let slip their pony names out loud. Called Tracy Twilight at one point, and I’ve called Spike… well, Spike. His name’s Sam on this world, but I didn’t know that. I’d rather not contribute to the unraveling of the curse just yet. I don’t need Envy providing me with physical setbacks when I have this period to only deal with Queen Chrysalis and Sombra, who have been surprisingly quiet as of late.”

“Hmm,” Luna pursed her lips. “I can only wonder what is happening.”

“Mike did say the police are starting to get into more frequent scuffles with the townspeople,” Nova added. “I wonder if Chrysalis has something to do with this.”

“Do you think she knows you’re the same one that rescued her from Silverblood back in the Old Times?”

“Well, according to Discord, she doesn’t.” Nova answered, feeling slightly sad at the thought. “I’d figure if anyone in this town would suffer the brunt of her anger, it would be Shining Armor and Cadance. Still haven’t met them yet, by the way,” he added. “I suppose Shining’s probably Tracy’s older brother on this world too, so I get the feeling we’ll run into each other at some point.”

“Are they suffering the brunt of her anger, though?”

“Well,” Nova said, reaching back and scratching behind his head, “I don’t know. I doubt it, honestly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.”

He glanced up at the clock. He still had a few minutes before he had to leave, and he wanted to ask about a particularly troubling issue.

“Say Princess,” he asked, “have you ever heard of ponies whose eyes flash red?”

He felt her stiffen against him.

“How do you mean?” she asked, and Nova heard a sharp sort of worry in her voice. “How do they turn red?”

“Well, I don’t know. I haven’t seen them. Tracy told me last night that my eyes flickered red for a moment. I thought it might have been magical residue, or something but--”

“Nova Shine, explain no more, only answer my question,” Princess Luna interrupted him. Nova knew that tone. He had bucked up big time somehow. “Were you in a particularly angry mood when it happened?”

“I… yeah,” he said. “Natalie had just demanded that I kick Tracy out into the storm, so I yelled at her to leave.”

Princess Luna inhaled deeply and exhaled it slowly. “Nova Shine, I said in my mind that we would have to work on your anger issues, and I see now that I was right.”

“What do you mean?” Nova asked, scoffing slightly. “How does anger make my eyes red?”

“Because if you let your anger blaze unchecked, Nova, you may very well one day find yourself treading down a dark path. A unicorn or an alicorn is particularly at risk, because if the anger is left unchecked, they are at risk of indulging in Black Magic.”

“Black Magic?” Nova asked, surprised.

“Yes,” Luna said. “My sister and Twilight Sparkle are both able to cast Black Magic with no fear of side effects, because they are both able to cast it only when necessary. But you, however, have difficulty keeping your emotions in check. In some ways, you experience life better than we do, but in others, you are more at risk of falling into traps. As I understand it, you threw away your entire plan to rescue Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon and dashed straight into the Everfree Vaults when Twilight was captured.”

“Well, yeah,” Nova admitted. "But that was the whole plan, so--”

“Irrelevant,” Luna interrupted him again. “You wear your heart on your fetlock, and certain ponies have exploited you for it. You may have once upon a time acted aloof and cold, but when you began to embrace your feelings, you just let that habit go. It is a habit you would do well to work up again.”

“What’s so bad about casting Black Magic?” Nova asked, veering away from being lectured on keeping his emotions in check.

“Have you not seen what Sombra looked like at the height of his power?” Luna queried.

“Of course I did,” Nova said. “But I’m not Sombra. I wouldn’t fall that far.”

“‘If you give Tirek an inch, he shall take a mile,’” Luna recited. “If you lose control even for a second, Nova, you may find yourself irrevocably steeped in it, with no way back to purity.”

“But what about Twilight?” Nova asked, resigning himself to losing this part of the argument.

“What about her?”

“She bursts into flames when she’s angry enough,” Nova pointed out, remembering one incident where he had found Spike sneaking out of the library to come to drinking night when it just so happened that Rarity and her usual Gossip Group were going to be there that night. It took Spike a week to clean the scorch marks from the floor.

“She is a Fire Elemental; her passion is tied directly to her magic, so it is to be expected. But even so, she still keeps it in check,” Luna said impatiently. “In many ways, you are better than she, but in this way, you are so far behind her. You are undisciplined, and you are in danger of being ruled by your own emotions. And with you being a Wind Elemental, this is even more dangerous.”

Nova said nothing, only staring at the ground while Princess Luna continued to pick at his hair.

“Nova Shine, we are not angry at you,” she added, and Nova heard almost a sort of pleading note in her voice. “We only want the best for you, and take it from somepony who has been corrupted by darkness and hate before, this is not a path you want to tread.”

Again, Nova didn’t respond. He knew Princess Luna only wanted to help him; when had she ever given him a reason not to trust her?

“Thank-you for bringing this to my attention, Princess,” he said, getting to his feet. “I honestly didn’t know what it meant, but now that I do, I’ll be more careful,” he promised.

“For your own sake,” the Princess said, giving him a stern look, “We hope you make good on your word.”

“Yes ma’am. By the way, you slipped into Royal We again.”

“Did we-- I?” Luna facepalmed, but smiled in sheepish amusement.

“Good day, Princess,” he said with a wave, and he left the cottage.

Princess Luna sat, staring at Nova through the window as he walked off, whistling something she couldn’t hear.

“Hmm,” came a voice from her right, “Nova’s having anger issues, eh?”

“How long have you been there?” she asked in irritation as Discord jumped out of the floor in her shadow.

“I was in Nova’s shadow, actually,” Discord said, plopping himself down in front of Princess Luna and leaning back, as though he expected her to pick at his hair too. “When the streams crossed, I switched. Been meaning to chat with you, to inform you on the state of things.”

“Mmh,” Luna grunted, rising from her easy chair and walking into the room where her five Nightmares would stay. Three of them had been rescued from the spells of Nightmare Moon, but Starstep and Nightmare Crisium remained comatose, completely unresponsive on their beds. Frigoris, Imbrium, and Serenitatis were sleeping on their beds, but as Serenitatis was the one most recently brought out of the spell, she was the on dealing with dream trouble.

Luna walked over to her sleeping form, placed a hand on her forehead, and whispered a soft incantation. Within minutes, what had been a terrified, pained expression eased as Serenitatis’ dreams ended, leaving her in blissful, dreamless sleep. She had already cast a spell on Frigoris and Imbrium to make sure neither of them dreamt until she could be sure the influence of the Nightmare’s spell was gone.

“The curse on my Nightmares ends, the aftereffects begin,” she observed, shaking her head sadly.

“But in the week since you’ve been freed, you’ve made excellent progress,” Discord said. “Three freed, and this while you’re learning the magic of your form? As well as the physical capabilities, too,” he added, noting the slight quiver in her legs that was certainly progress compared to her needing to lean against the walls, as she had after she was free.

“I haven’t had much else to do,” Luna admitted sheepishly. “I sound like a child. I’ve nothing else to do; might as well learn how to walk.”

“Let’s return to the matter of Nova and his red eyes,” Discord said as Luna made her way back to her chair. He had already turned the couch into his own personal tempur-pedic relaxing pad, and he was making full use of it. “I’ve just had a particularly troubling thought.”

“Oh? How so?” Luna asked, curious to see what could trouble Discord.

“The day Nova broke out of the curse,” Discord said, stroking his little goatee, “I had been walking with Sombra to a game of golf. Appearances, you know. Gotta look like we’re not supernatural Big Brothers to the townspeople,” he explained, seeing the look on Luna’s face. “Anyway, before we went to our little game, Sombra called for a little detour, saying he had an investment to check up on, before leading us both toward the university, where lo and behold, Nova’s human cursed self was starting to break out.”

“You’re saying Sombra has plans involving Nova?” Luna asked.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Luna. I’m not saying it; I’m theorizing it. But that’s a problem, because Sombra is nothing more than an Echo of the real one, whom we both know has been destroyed by our favorite Super Saiyan Princess.”

“Our… what?” Luna was utterly bemused.

“Dear dear, I need to show you Netflix. Wonderful way of passing the time,” Discord said, veering off-topic for the moment. “But anyway, thanks to Twilight Sparkle’s efforts when restoring the Crystal Empire, Sombra is gone. I looked into it shortly after Tirek was put back in Tartarus. A shard of his horn had been flung away, and given its regenerative properties, I felt compelled to look into it.”

“And?” Luna asked. If Sombra was still alive...

“Nothing,” Discord said, shrugging. “I found the horn shard, and the amount of Black Magic radiating from it was enough for me to tell it was the real thing, but without its master, it was completely useless. Still, can’t be too careful. I stuck it in Tartarus as well, just in case. He’s completely gone from Equus as far as I’m able to tell.”

“But then how could Nova be an investment of his?” Luna asked, troubled. “The only time he came into contact with any associate of Sombra’s was when he defeated Lord Silverblood in the Crystal Caves of Canterlot.”

“Correct me if I’m mistaken, but did not this Lord Silverblood cast a spell of Black Magic on Nova as a last ditch effort, a move which cost him his horn?”

Luna’s jaw fell open.

“But… how did you--”

“Your sister keeps the report from Princess Platinum in the Canterlot Archives,” Discord replied. “I read it and I felt quite strange about it for some reason. Now I know why. Sombra’s planning something to do with Nova. Or rather, he was before he was destroyed. And this Echo won’t be able to do anything on his own, since he’s just that: an Echo. But that spell of Black Magic troubles me, considering we have both been in close proximity to Nova, and yet he doesn’t seem to be radiating any kind of Darkness.”

“You don’t know what it is?” Luna asked, surprised.

“I don’t,” Discord admitted. “When we get back to Equestria, I might just go and interrogate my old friend Tirek on what it could be.”

“Hmm…” Luna said, tapping a finger on her cheek as she thought. “We’ll need to talk to Tia about this.”

“We’ll need more facts first,” Discord said. “I’ll have to keep an eye on Nova to see if he starts displaying any more symptoms before we can nail down what the spell really is. In any case, good day, Princess.” He tipped his hat, got up from his couch which changed back into its usual material.

Before he reached the door, he turned back and, faster than Luna could react, he hit her with a sleeping spell that caused Luna to fall unconscious in her chair. Discord smirked.

“So simply beaten, my dear,” he mused. “But then again, I should have expected nothing less from the inferior Princess.”

Discord strode over to Luna and covered her closed eyes with his hand. In short order, he had gone into Luna’s mind and removed any trace of the conversations she’d had with him and Nova about Nova’s red eyes. The less she knew, the better.

Satisfied with his work, Discord left her sleeping in her chair and walked back toward the town, whistling to himself as he went. The town wasn’t all that far from the Appleby farm, so his walk lasted only a few minutes. Once he was back in the city’s limits, more specifically once he was closer to City Hall, he strode into an alley surreptitiously. Once sure he wasn’t being watched, he brought his hand up, and a black, purple, and red aura of magic appeared in his palm, before wrapping around his body. After a moment, the shape-shifting spell ended. A muscular man, with shaggy black hair, sideburns that came very close to his jaw, and a neatly trimmed beard stepped out of the alley, and continued on his way.

So Nova Shine is already starting to exhibit the effects of the spell? Sombra thought. Excellent. With Nightmare Moon defeated, Nova Shine now has most of the freedom needed to reawaken the Bearers of Harmony, and Envy remains blissfully under the curse’s effects. Everything is progressing nicely. And with the spell continuing to grow in strength, it will only be a matter of time before he falls and I return to power.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“So why are we out at the football practice fields again?” Alex groaned as he and Nova sat in the bleachers, watching the girls practice.

“Need to talk to Rachel about something important,” Nova answered, eyeing the rainbow-haired girl as she rocketed a beautiful shot past the keeper in a set piece rehearsal.

“You do know the rumors going around about the two of you, right?” Alex asked. “This certainly isn’t helping things.”

“I’m well aware of those rumors,” Nova responded, thinking back to his and Mike’s little chat. “Let them be rumors. They aren’t true, and I personally don’t care.”

“I’m sure you will if Natalie finds out,” Alex warned. “I notice you seem to be avoiding her today. What’s going on?”

“I’m not avoiding her,” Nova said, half-truthfully. It was true, he wasn’t going out of his way to not end up in the same hall as where he knew she would be, but every time she called his name, every time she tapped him on the shoulder, he just ignored her and kept moving as though she didn’t exist.

“Suuuure you aren’t. What happened, Nathan?”

“We had a row,” Nova answered quite casually. “I found Tracy stuck in the storm after I left the Council and brought her back to my place to spend the night since she doesn’t have a car. Natalie showed up and demanded I throw her back out.”

“She what!?”

Nova hadn’t heard Alex get angry often, or even Aegis for that matter. But DAMN, did he sound pissed.

“Just when you were starting to not strongly dislike her, too,” Nova added.

“That bitch,” Alex growled through gritted teeth.

“So I don’t care if Natalie sees me with Rachel. If anything, the only person she ever minded was Tracy, but now I say buck her and everything she cares about.”

“Uhh, ‘buck?.” Alex asked, giving Nova a raised eyebrow.

“You know what I mean,” Nova said, rolling his eyes. “Damn, that was a good shot,” he crowed as Rachel put home another shot from several yards out. I wonder if she ever thought about being a Mare’s Premier League player back home…

The coach blew his whistle at that, and the entire team huddled up for the last-minute announcements, pep talk, and dismissal. Alex and Nova watched for a few seconds, but then Alex got up.

“Need to go, Trisha and I have a dinner date in an hour.”

“Oh, so you’re calling them dates now?” Nova asked, giving Alex a teasing grin.

“Well, I am, after Saturday. But her? No idea.”

With that, Alex walked off, heading back towards his dorm room. Nova just shook his head at the idea of the two of them. Not for the first time and not for the last, he simply wondered how the hell it happened.

I mean, he knew she, for some reason, had found Aegis quite interesting after he proved to be one of the few ponies to do as she said, even if it was in annoyance. And he knew Aegis for whatever reason found Trixie just as interesting as she found him. Naturally, it had developed into casual events where two best friends can hang out in a completely platonic manner, and from there, it had evolved into actual dates.

Even if Trixie only called them sources of free food and moral support.

“‘Sup Nathan?” came the trademark, slightly-scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash.

“Good afternoon, Rachel,” he answered, turning to see her standing a few bleacher rows down. Despite her tiredness, evidenced by the sweat-stained white practice kit of their university, Rachel looked quite energetic all of a sudden.

“Any particular reason why you were watching us practice?” she asked. “Or didja come to see me score more awesome goals like that on at the end?”

Nova laughed, but shook his head.

“Actually, I came to ask a favor from you,” he said. “You know how you always are insisting you owe me after I saved you from the Sha-- Hellsings?”

He had almost slipped up yet again, and he was really starting to anger himself with his own inability to get it right. If he was going to make any progress at not alerting the Changelings, he was going to need to practice with Discord if he ever wanted to get this right.

“A debt that you, mister,” she poked him in the shoulder, “have been saying doesn’t actually exist?”

“Yeah, that one,” Nova said, starting to walk out of the bleacher section with her in tow. “Well, I’m here to call it in.”

“Just here for that?” she asked, sounding slightly disappointed. “Well, what do you want? I’ll do just about anything, you know. Long as I’m not doing something stupid and boring like--”

“I need you to come with me to do a little work on the Appleby Farm on Saturday,” Nova interjected.

“No. Fucking. Way.”

Nova had expected this sort of resistance. It made sense that the curse was designed to keep the ponies believing they could never get along with each other.

“Dash, you owe me. You can’t exactly refuse,” he said, continuing despite Rachel’s flat refusal.

“Like hell I can’t,” Rachel responded angrily, running ahead of him and turning to look him in the eyes while walking backwards. “I’m not going to work on some stupid farm to make up for you saving, Nathan. That’s beneath me. And quite frankly, I think it wouldn’t be worth it.”

“I’ll decide if it’s worth it or not, Rainbow,” Nova said. He had actually said it on purpose this time, as he had with “Dash” a moment ago. “You’d be surprised how important this is to me.”

“I’m not going,” Rachel said flatly, giving a glare that was just asking him to challenge her. “I don’t want to have to deal with Ashleigh’s snide self the whole day. It’s bad enough I have to deal with her when Sierra hangs out with Andrea and Susan, and she’ll go off on how I’m a bad influence on them and that I should stay away from her little sister!”

“Rachel, how about I make you a deal?” Nova asked. He knew how Rainbow Dash could get. Maybe if he offered her something out of it...?

“A deal?” she asked, giving him a skeptical look. “What deal can you think of that would get me to go to the farm on Saturday?”

“How about I leave that up to you to decide?” he asked. “I’ll owe you a favor after, anything you want from me within reason.”

“Within reason?” she asked, stopping so she could walk alongside him instead of ahead. “You could just use that to turn down everything I ask you for.”

“Why does that bother you?” Nova asked, giving her a serious look. “I’m a man of my word, trust me, so you don’t have to worry about me not holding up my end of the bargain. Which means you must be considering something you don’t know if I’d agree to.”

Rachel had no answer for that question, so she just changed the topic.

“Can’t you have me do something else?” she whined.

“Look Rachel,” Nova said impatiently, “I’m actually trying to repair a relationship between you and Ashleigh. Don’t interject, I know you’ve had one in the past. Seems to me it would do you some good to fix it.”

“Since when do you care about my relationships?” she asked sourly.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Nova replied.

“But seriously, isn’t there something else I can do? I really don’t want to pay you back by doing a bunch of farm work. It just doesn’t seem all that fair.”

“Well, what sounds fair to you, then?” Nova asked, looking over at her. She was staring at the sidewalk as they walked past the squared Language Arts building.

And Nova noticed she was blushing.

“Well?” he asked.

She responded by mumbling something completely unintelligible.

“You’re going to have to speak up,” he said.

She mumbled something again, but went scarlet.

“I’m still not getting it,” Nova said. “Do you not want to talk about it in public, or something?”

“N-no,” she said softly, shaking her head. “It’s embarrassing… can I tell you in my dorm? Gretchen won’t be back from the track meet until much later tonight.”

“Sure,” Nova nodded, and they immediately changed course toward one of the small, motel-esque dorm buildings about a hundred yards away.

Nova had said to himself multiple times that he was prepared to do just about anything to get everypony back to Equestria. As such, he walked into Rachel’s room confident that he would be able to use what she wanted as part of the deal to get her to go to the farm. To him, it would be a very fair trade if it helped get him closer to reuniting with Twilight Sparkle as herself in Equestria.

However, upon entering Rachel’s poster-riddled messy dorm room and sitting in one of her wooden chairs, he had to break that promise to himself that he would do anything.

“What is it you want, Rachel?” he asked again.

She looked incredibly embarrassed and sheepish for some reason. Nova figured if she had to say it in private, and she was still embarrassed about it, it really had to be something sappy.

Oh, how right he was.

After a moment spent, apparently contemplating whether or not she should tell him what was nagging her, she lunged forward and kissed him. For only a few seconds, she let it linger, before she pulled back to see what he would do.

Nova could only sit there, surprised. His hand automatically reached up and touched his lips lightly.

“How.. how long?” he asked in a weak voice, staring down at his fingers, as if they had something on them.

“Ever since you saved me,” she said coyly. “I dunno. I just sort of used to think of you as that unflappable guy who wanted nothing to do with almost everyone, but now… it’s like you’ve changed completely. I liked the new you, but I, well, started to like like you after you saved me from the Hellsings.”

Nova sighed.

“Rachel, I’m sorry, but--”

“What do you mean, ‘you’re sorry?’” she asked, sounding quite accusatory. “I know you broke up with Natalie-- hell, just about every girl I know seems to have heard about it-- but I know you wouldn’t be the kind of person to just jump right in a few days after breaking up.”

“So, why kiss me then?” Nova asked, feeling quite perplexed.

“Well, because I’m not good with words, being sappy, or being an egghead--”

“Oh, thanks,” Nova remarked.

“--but I just wanted you to know I’m here, and I want to date you.”

Nova had to be honest, he didn’t think he would ever have another touching moment like this with Rainbow Dash ever again. While he would normally savor this opportunity for petty and embarrassing blackmailing purposes, he wasn’t going to be a moron and ruin a moment with the mare least likely to have said moments.

“Rachel,” Nova began, and he knew he had sounded more disappointed about having to say no than he actually was, “I’m sorry, but even when I finally get around to wanting to date again…”

“It’s okay Nathan,” she said, and Nathan felt his heart sink when she sounded like she had been extremely let down, “I… I understand.”

“You understand?” Nova asked, making his skepticism very noticeable. “Why do you think I don’t want to ask you out, Rachel?”

“It’s obvious isn’t it?” she snapped, glaring at him. “I’m a tomboy. No one wants to date tomboys. They always assume my door swings the other way, whether it be because of my hair or how I like sports. I don’t like being pretty or wearing frou-frou things like Regina,” she spat, “and even when they don’t assume, they still don’t want to date us. Typical.”

“Oh hush, Rainbow,” Nova said. “It’s not you, it’s me. There’s a terribly long list of complications and reasons why I can’t pursue you, but you wouldn’t believe half of them. Or all of them.”

“Not much different,” she sighed. “Either way, I don’t get the guy I like.”

“When did you even start wanting to date me, anyway?” he asked.

Rachel went a little pink and looked at a pair of dirty cyan pyjama pants on the floor.

“After you rescued me,” she mumbled. “I mean,” she got louder, “I thought I was being obvious about it, what with us hanging out more. Figures, you couldn’t see it.”

“Well, it’s not a matter of whether or not I couldn’t see it,” Nova said, scratching the back of his head. “I was kind of still dating Natalie at the time.”

“Yeah, and now that you’re not dating her, you still don’t want to date me,” she said, pointing an accusing finger at him.

“Don;t want to sound cruel,” Nova said, shrugging, “but that’s life I suppose. Buuuut…” he added, trailing off significantly and giving her a meaningful look.

“But… what?” she asked.

“How about I make you a deal, Rachel?” Nova asked. Twilight might not like his implementation of this idea when he got back, but even he had to admit, Equestria comes before his love life. “If you’ll come to the Appleby farm and work with me, I’ll owe you one date.”

When she glanced up at him in disbelief, Nova knew he had her.

“You’ll go on a date with me if I go work on the farm with you?” she asked.

“Sure,” Nova said. “Trust me, it’s more important than you think it is that you work with me this Saturday. So, you coming now?”

“Hell yeah I am, with an offer like that!” she said, grinning broadly. Nova, however, knew this would only lead to disappointment on her part. One date, and he would keep his word, but he would actively try to make sure it didn’t evolve into anything beyond that.

“Good. Saturday, seven AM, Appleby farm. Now, I have things I need to work on,” he said, getting to his feet and heading for the door.

“Wha-- what about the date?” Rachel asked, sounding indignant.

“Work first, dinner later,” Nova replied. “Don’t want you skipping after you’ve gotten your end of the bargain. Don’t worry, though, I’m a man of my word.”

“Fine. I’ll be there,” she promised. “Might be a little late, but I’ll be there.”

“Good,” Nova said, exiting the dorm. “I’ll see you then, Rachel.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

The Appleby farm was a large expanse of land that covered at least a square mile outside of town. While it was far from a simple apple farm, despite the name, Apples were 75% of their crop. As a result, they put the extra effort into getting it just right for their cider and various apple-themed wares. They usually had hired farm hands help with the other crops, but the Appleby Apple-Hammering Technique was a closely-guarded family secret.

Which is totally why Ashleigh was breaking it out today. Nathan Samuel wasn’t exactly a friend of her’s, but she wanted to get this work done as soon as she could. Besides, it’s not like they’d get it absolutely perfect enough to show everyone on the first day.

Ashleigh Appleby was up at the rooster’s crow, was dressed in minutes in her usual work clothes of a short-sleeved, tight orange T-shirt and slightly-ragged jeans, and her favorite scuffed working gloves.

Ashleigh yawned widely as she walked past her sister’s bedroom, grabbed her stetson from the hat hanger it was placed on, slipped on her boots, and jogged on out to the barn to grab three sledges. Big Mike had said Nathan was bringing a friend, so she had to make sure there was plenty of work to go around.

With three people, they might get the entire eastern orchard done by noon, which would be exactly what the family was hoping for. A quarter of their usual harvest done in one morning.

She hefted three sledgehammers off of their racks and onto her shoulder effortlessly, then briskly walked out to the front of the barn where he knew Nathan and his friend were going to show up.

Ashleigh never really liked nor disliked Nathan in all the time she’d known him. He’d always seemed rather cool and aloof towards everyone but his girlfriend. Normally, she would not like him for that, but there were those moments where he went out of his way to help someone, such as what he did with Deborah Hoover, or how he saved Rachel, Tracy, and that Lucy Selene lady from the Hellsings. Those moments always redeemed him in her eyes.

Then it had seemed like he’d suddenly changed into a different guy altogether. He even threw out his own girlfriend when, so the story went, she tried to make him throw out Tracy in the middle of that storm a week ago. Ashleigh never had any feelings towards Nathan, but it sure satisfied her quite a bit when she heard Natalie had gotten exactly what she deserved. Nathan could do so much better than her.

Of course, there were those rumors about him and Tracy and Rachel, which apparently her brother knew weren’t really right, but they could have a shred of truth to them. She didn’t really care for Tracy all that much, considering she was just a little bookworm who kept herself distant from anyone else, but she was certainly better for Nathan than Rachel. That girl hadn’t done an honest day’s work in her life, choosing to focus on playing instead of doing what needed to be done.

As if she stood a chance of making it into… whatever it was she was trying to get into. Didn’t she know that only the best of the best, of which she was not, ever made it past college level? She needed sense. She needed a sensible job that she could realistically do for the rest of her life instead of just having fun for twenty years and then blowing her money for the next forty.

Ashleigh noticed someone trudging along the dirt path that led up to the farm. The telltale blue hair gave Nathan away no problem. What she was not expecting was to see a rainbow-shaded ponytail standing out in the morning darkness.

He didn’t… she thought. Did he seriously bring Rachel?

If he did, she’d at least work one honest day in her life.

But sure enough, as they got closer, the figure of Rachel Dillon became so much clearer. She’d at least come prepared to work. She was wearing an athletic tank-top, shorts, work gloves, and she seemed to be having second thoughts about it.

Ashleigh could only wonder what kind of deal Nathan had made with her to get her to show up.

“Ah can’t believe you actually got her t’come,” she drawled, indicating Rachel, who had already crossed her arms and was giving Ashleigh a look of immense dislike. Nathan just rolled his eyes at the pair of them.

“Took some doing, but I figured this would be beneficial to both of you in the long run.”

“Beneficial?” scoffed Rachel, giving a skeptical sort of smirk. “What, you’re trying to play friend matchmaker now, or something?”

“Yep,” Nathan answered firmly. “I figured the two of you could use the time to air things out. Preferably when you’re smashing hammers against trees.”

He walked over, took a sledge from Ashleigh, and headed over towards the closes orchard.

“Wrong one, Nathan,” she said. At his inquisitive glance, she gestured over toward an enclosure on the other side of the dirt road. “An’ Rachel, you’ll be needin’ this,” she added, tossing the sledge quite carelessly at Rachel, who caught it easily, but with a very audible growl at her.

“Girls, can we go twenty minutes without arguing? Try to set a personal record, perhaps?” Nathan asked over his shoulder.

“No promises,” Rachel said, stomping after him while Ashleigh jogged ahead of Nathan to open the gate.

“So what’s the day’s quota?” Nathan asked, a little loudly and obviously, trying to steer them away from these dangerous topics.

“The whole East Orchard,” Ashleigh said. “‘Snot as much as it sounds. With the three of us, doubt it’ll take more’n the mornin’.”

“Oh, good,” Rachel said, sounding quite pleased. “I thought we were gonna be here all day.”

“We were, if it were jist me an’ Nathan,” Ashleigh replied. “But seein’ as how yer an athlete an’ all, Ah reckon yeh’ll get the hang of the sledgin’ soon enough.”

“Finally,” Nathan exclaimed, “something that could be taken as a compliment! We made progress, and we’re only thirty seconds in!”

Ashleigh punched him as he walked through the gate. Nathan just smirked and moved to stand next to a tree, flipping his hammer off his shoulder to rest the hammerhead on the ground. Were it not for the fact that he bashed his own shin by accident, Ashleigh would have thought he’d been doing that sort of thing before.


“What’s so funny, Rachel?” demanded Nathan, giving her an indignant look.

“You!” Rachel replied, starting to guffaw unashamedly at Nathan’s failure to be cool. “Swinging that hammer down, then smashing your own shin? Nice try, Nathan, but you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that to be cooler than me.”

“To hell with coolness,” Ashleigh interrupted, stepping over to a tree, rearing back, and letting the hammerhead sort of fall into the tree’s sweet spot. With a plonk, all but one of the apples came loose, tumbling to the ground.

“I guess here’s where I redeem myself,” Nathan said, walking over, leaning against the tree, and casually elbowing it. The single apple fell into his waiting hand and he took a bite, one of the biggest shit-eating grins Ashleigh had ever seen working onto his face.

“Well, let’s get workin’, y’all. Ah wanna get this done,” Ashleigh said, choosing to ignore Nathan’s antics. “Lemme show y’all how it’s done.”

She motioned for Rachel to come over, and when she was close enough, Ashleigh started pushing against the trunk with two fingers.

“You need to find the tree’s sweet spot, a softer spot than the rest of it. When you’ve found it, alls you gotta do is pull the hammer back, then let gravity do the rest.”

To show everything off, she walked over to another tree, prodded until she found the softer bark, then reared back and let the hammer swing again. With another plonk, all the apples fell out, where she started to pick them up and toss them into a waiting wooden bucket.

“Get to it, y’all,” she instructed, waving a hand as she went off to get another tree.

Nathan plodded back to his tree and immediately started poking at the tree, looking for its soft spot. Rachel, however, seemed genuinely confused.

“So, this is the big Appleby family secret?” she asked. “Just hitting them down with sledgehammers?”

“Yep,” Ashleigh said, having already knocked down all the apples from another tree. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Not really disappointed. Well,” Rachel said, before making a “so-so” motion with her hand. “I guess I am a little bit. I always thought you, like, made them fall by kicking it, or something.”

Ashleigh guffawed openly at Rachel’s words. Rachel, however, was having none of it.

“H-hey! What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothin’ sugar, it’s just, we get that a lot. It never fails to make me laugh. I don’t mean to insult you with the laughin’ or anythin’.”

“Yeah, best saving the insulting for when i’m done knocking half the trees over, huh,” Rachel said, walking back to her tree and starting to poke at the trunk.

“Now why would Ah do that?”

“I know you won’t lie, since it’s not like you,” Rachel started, before raising her hammer, “but you’re pretty brutal when you’re honest. Too brutal. Doesn’t the Bible say ‘If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything?’”

“Nope,” Ashleigh said, shaking her head. “Never says that anywhere. The line’s from Bambi, actually.”

“No kidding?” Rachel asked, surprised as she let her hammer fall. With a solid plonk, almost all of the apples fell out.

“Nope, no kiddin’. Nice job, by the way,” Ashleigh added, noting that Rachel had certainly done better than Nathan, who hadn’t even gotten half of his out. Maybe she wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Thanks,” Rachel said, swelling a good inch or so. “Maybe with some practice, I might get better than you.”

“That a challenge?” Ashleigh asked, an eyebrow arching and smiling deviously.

“Depends,” Rachel said, hefting her hammer onto her shoulder, but grinning just as deviously. “What are we doing and what are we doing it for?”

“Oh come on,” Nathan complained. “I’m the only one doing work here!”

He still hadn’t gotten all the apples down from one tree yet.

“Well, since you're gonna do so well at sledgin’ apples, Ah say we do just that. Whoever can sledge the most apples down bah the time we git all the trees done wins.”

“Wins what?” Rachel asked.

“I swear, it’s like I’m not even here,” Nathan grumbled.

“Shut up, Nathan,” Rachel commanded.

“Yes ma’am,” Nathan said obediently, resuming his attempted knocking down of apples.

“Oh, well, Ah think Ah just got me an idea,” Ashleigh said, having witnessed this exchange. This would easily be the best way to get under Rachel’s skin, bragging that she’d gone on a date with him when Rachel was the one who liked him. “Winner gets to take Nathan on a date.”

“What?” Nathan asked, looking up from his fourth consecutive failed attempt.

“Question,” Rachel said, “Nathan’s already agreed to take me on a date. What, does that mean a second one?”

“Ah guess,” Ashleigh said, shrugging. “Hang on, you’re datin’?”

“Nah, I just promised her one if she came out to help,” Nathan answered, finally managing to knock them all down from one.

“Well, that answers how he managed ta git you here,” Ashleigh said, “but sure, Ah guess ya get two.”

“So, how’s this gonna work?” Rachel asked, clearly anxious to win a second date with Nathan.

“Well, all the buckets are already out by the trees,” Ashleigh said, looking out over the entire orchard. “Ah guess you claim a tree, knock ‘em all down, mark your bucket, or somethin’ like that. Try to fill the entire thing up, it’ll make it easier ta count. Each bucket holds 50 apples. Put the incomplete bucket off ta the side when we’re done. Sound good?”

“Fantastic. ReadysetGO!” Rachel said, shooting off towards her next tree.


But the contest had already started. Nathan could only watch and feel emasculated as these two athletic women ran about knocking apples out of trees and filling up the buckets. Ashleigh almost laughed at how comically ineffective Nathan was at this. He might have only gotten five trees bare in the first hour, while she and Rachel were going on thirty each.

“This isn’t fair,” he whined as he stomped off to his sixth tree while Ashleigh and Rachel took a five-minute break.

“Damn right it isn’t,” Rachel said, looking at how she and Ashleigh had apparently gotten about the same number of buckets. “She’s going easy on me.”

“Sugar, Ah know it’ll kill you to hear this,” Ashleigh said, wiping her brow and fanning herself with her stetson, “but Ah ain’t goin’ easy. ‘Snot exactly somethin’ that can be rushed, and we’re both takin’ it at the proper pace.”

“Unless you’re Nathan,” Rachel said, which caused both of them to chortle at Nathan’s expense. Nathan had just managed to knock an all-time low of three apples down from one hit. “Guess some people aren’t naturally good at this.”

“Well, back at it, Ah guess,” Ashleigh said, picking up her hammer. Rachel did the same, and within minutes, they were both deadlocked yet again, leaving Nathan to just complain and whine the whole time.

But Nathan wasn’t complaining. He just seemed to be observing Rachel’s and Ashleigh’s competition with a smile on his face. It was almost as if this had been the plan from the beginning. By the end of the second hour, Ashleigh and Rachel were taking good-natured jabs at each other and returning fire in kind. By the end of the third hour, they were chatting while they continued their work. And by the fourth, they had nearly finished everything up in record time.

“Well, Ah’ll be damned,” Ashleigh said, taking deep breaths after having hauled all of her buckets to one pile. Rachel was busy moving her’s into her own pile as well. The piles looked to be quite even, but Ashleigh was confident she had won. She wasn’t going to let some dumb jock beat her at her own game.

“You know, if I didn’t know better,” Nathan said, hauling his last bucket into place, having gathered apples from a paltry twenty-six trees, “I’d say the two of you were friends.”. He had sped up towards the end, once he (finally) got the hang of it, but Ashleigh had, at her own personal count, gotten over a hundred twenty on the day. This was about how many she normally got, having had a lot of experience.

“Friends, huh?” Ashleigh repeated, giving Rachel a look. “Ah’ll admit, Ah misjudged you, Rachel. Thought you were just some stupid jock who’d never do an honest day’s work in her life.”

“Me too,” Rachel said. “Always thought you were some super-serious no-fun-allowed kind of people. This little contest was fun, I gotta admit. You’re pretty cool, Ashleigh.”

“Ah’m cool?” Ashleigh asked, snorting slightly. “Well, thank you kindly, Rachel. Ah guess you're pretty cool yourself.”

“Well, duh,” Rachel said, rolling her eyes. “I am only the most awesome person in the entire city.”

“Well, let’s count the buckets,” Nathan sighed. “Better find out who I’m going on a date, or second date with.”

He yawned and stretched for a moment, relishing in the slight soreness. Probably wondering how Ashleigh did this every day. But then he set to work, counting the full buckets in their piles, which didn’t take long. What took long was his counting of the one bucket that didn’t have a flat fifty in it.

After he counted Ashleigh’s, he moved on to Rachel's. Ashleigh could see they had gotten the same number of buckets, which she thought was pretty impressive. Rachel had done pretty well for her first day.

“It’s a tie,” Nathan announced.


“No freaking way.”

“‘Fraid so,” Nathan said, gesturing over to the buckets. “Forty-seven complete buckets each, and eighteen apples in the incomplete one. It’s a draw.”

“H-how?” Rachel asked.

“How’d she tie me?” Ashleigh asked, completely surprised by this.

“I presume by working as hard as you did,” Nathan replied, shrugging. “So, how’s this working? Am I not taking either of you? Both of you?”

“I like the both of us option, and Ah’m sure Rachel could agree.”

“Second date’s always nice,” Rachel said, nodding. “Even if I do have to share it.”

Nova looked between the two girls as they huffed from the day’s work. He felt he had succeeded quite nicely. Applejack and Rainbow Dash seemed to be on a lot better of terms. Maybe it was too soon for the Spirits of Harmony inside of them to awaken, but at least it was a good start.

He glanced into Rainbow Dash’s eyes… and there was a strange little gleam in them. A gleam that seemed familiar to Nova. Upon glancing at Applejack, he saw that same strange gleam in her eye as well.

Did this mean the Spirits had awoken?

“You okay there, Nathan?” Rachel asked. “It’s not too hot out here, is it?”

“Nah,” Nova replied, shaking himself from his thoughts. “Well, gotta say, Dash, I thought you and Applejack here wouldn’t get along well, bu here you are chatting and laughing like you’re the best of friends all of a sudden.”

“Did you just call me ‘Applejack?’” Ashleigh asked.

“Well, he called me Dash,” Rachel answered. “He’s been calling me Rainbow and Dash a lot for some reason. Not that I mind. Rainbow Dash sounds like an awesome nickname.”

“It does have a nice ring to it,” Ashleigh admitted. “Fair ‘nuff. Ah’ll tell Mike you did y’all’s work. Y’all go on home and-- Winona!”

Applejack’s dog came bounding around the barn, but Nova could tell something was wrong. Winona was limping along, yipping whenever something so much as brushed her left front leg.

“Oh lord, her leg’s hurt,” Ashleigh said, running over and scooping up her dog into her arms. After some probing, and some rather loud whines from Winona, Nova thought she must have broken her leg doing something.

“Ah don’t know what’s wrong with her leg,” she said, her voice sounding about as concerned with Winona as Nova would be if Twilight were in any danger. “Do either of y’all know a good veterinarian? Our old one moved.”

“Actually,” Nova said, struck by another idea. Two for one today? “I know a good one. Mind if I take her?”

“Please be careful with her, Nathan,” said Ashleigh nervously, walking over and handing her dog to Nova. “Ah’d hate to see anythin’ happen ta her.”

“I’ll be careful,” promised Nathan. “I’ll need to get her there quickly. Rachel, you going to come with, or do you plan on sticking around and helping out here?”

“I think I’ll hang here for a bit,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Gotta help Ashleigh finish up the work. Wouldn’t want to leave her hangin’.”

“Very well, then,” Nova said, turning and starting the walk back to the city. “I’ll be back as soon as I can with my friend. She ought to help you out.”

“Please be back soon,” said Ashleigh pleadingly.

Nova walked off, carrying Winona and doing his best not to jostle the injured leg.

“It’s alright, girl,” he said, stroking her behind the ears. "Do you happen to remember?”

Winona’s eyes lit up and she licked Nova’s cheek, which made him laugh.

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” he chuckled. “Well, in that case, let’s go see about making an appointment with our dear friend Fluttershy.”

Swords and Clubs

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 08 - Swords and Clubs

Music, new tab. You know the drill.

“...and he’ll need his medicine twice a day. I’d suggest wrapping it up in a slice of cheese, since sometimes doggies don’t want to eat the pills,” Felicity Sanders explained in her trademark soft voice to Ashleigh , who was dutifully writing everything down. They were back on the farm, and Nathan was hauling his share of the buckets he hadn’t gotten before he’d had to speed off.

“Ah see. Thank yeh kahndly, Felicity,” Ashleigh said, giving the girl a quick thank-you hug. “Ah think Ah need a long sit-down ta think about who else Ah misjudged. First Rachel, now you…”

“Oh, it’s fine,” Felicity said, hiding her face slightly behind her curtain of pink hair. “I know I’m not someone you’d spend all of your time with. I’d just work at my animal shelter anyway.”

“What the hell are you sayin’, Fel?” Rachel asked, sounding thoroughly bemused. “You think we don’t wanna spend time with you ‘cause you’re working at that animal shelter?”

“Well… maybe…”

“To hell with that,” Rachel said. “I’m crashing your shift at the animal shelter sometime next week.”

“You’re… what?”

Rachel almost facepalmed, but she reminded herself, this was Felicity. If anything could be remotely taken as an insult, either to her or from her, she’d take it that way. Rachel had never met a less assertive person in her life.

“I’m showing up unannounced in the middle of your shift to help out,” she deadpanned.

“Oh, well, I can do it on my own just fine… Besides, Mr. Sire usually comes in and helps, too.”

“Mr. Sire? He’s a friend of mine,” Rachel proudly proclaimed to Felicity. “I’ve been hanging around him and Nathan over the last few weeks. Whaddya say? Think I can join in?”

“Umm… sure, I guess…” said Felicity, shrugging.

“Wonderful!” Nathan exclaimed. “Isn’t that nice? Everyone seems to be getting along all of a sudden.”

This might be over faster than I expected.

Which, of course, meant that it wouldn’t be. Nova knew that, this being Envy and all, there was likely a lot more to this than what appeared at first glance.

“Well,” he said, noticing that everyone seemed to be getting along quite well, “I think I’m going to head on home. I’m looking forward to catching up on my sleep.”

“Yeah, think I’m gonna head in, too. Need to get in some shots for coach,” Rachel said. Nova secretly thought this was her way of excusing herself for a walk with him.

“Well thank ya kahndly fer the help, Nathan,” said Ashleigh, smiling and waving at them. “An’ you too, Rachel. Ah’ll be glad ta have you back fer some more help, if yer willin’. An’ Nathan, when we gonna sit down an’ talk about mine an’ Rachel’s little prize?”

“Later,” Nova said, yawning and starting to walk out.. “When we have more time, we’ll all sit down and figure it out. But for now, I’m tired.”

“Good-bye, Nathan! Bye Rachel!” Ashleigh called as the two of them walked off. Felicity seemed content to give a shy little wave as she continued to look after Winona.

“So?” Nathan elbowed Rachel as soon as they were back within city limits, “What did I tell you?”

Rachel just grunted.

“You don’t seem pretty pleased to have realized you had more in common with her than you think.”

“Fine, you were right,” admitted Rachel, rolling her eyes.

“You’re goddamn right,” said Nova, feeling the Breaking Bad quip was too good to pass up. And receiving a punch to the shoulder for his trouble.

“So, about that date you owe me…” Rachel trailed off quite significantly, before looking up at him expectantly. Nova didn’t really know whether she wanted him to ask her, or say he already had ideas.

“What about it?” he decided to ask.

“When do you think we can go? Where do you think we can go?”

“Very eager to go on this date, aren’t you, Dash?” he observed.

“Well… yeah…” she sheepishly trailed off, scratching at the back of her head. “It’s just…”

“Just… what?” asked Nova, as they passed a couple of cars parked near a clothes shop.

“Just… I don’t know.” She groaned. “Look, I know I’m fast. You know I’m fast. I, well, like doing things fast. Like today, for example. Working on that farm, getting it done in record time, absolutely perfect for me.”

“You know, Dash,” Nova smirked, “some guys prefer taking it slow. Gives them time to savor it.”

“I… oh for goodness sake,” she facepalmed, “walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

“Why yes, yes you did,” answered Nova. Discord was right. Netflix was amazing. They needed something like it in Equestria. He would certainly love continuing to watch Phineas and Ferb.

“But anyway, I just, you know, want to go on a date as soon as I can.”

“I can’t help but get the feeling it’s not so much you want to go on the date quickly,” said Nova, somewhat conspiratorially, “as it is you want to snatch me up before someone else does.”

It was Rachel’s lack of a denial that surprised Nova the most. He hadn’t expected her to be this up front about it. No, he had expected her to sputter, to say that was impossible.

“You must be joking,” he groaned. “Are you really that shallow?”

“No!” answered Rachel indignantly. “I just… I’ve already told you, I really like you. I know it sounds bad,” Oh, how right you are Rainbow, “but I just… it seems like you’re really taken with Tracy. I don’t really have any sort of bad blood with her, but I will do my best to get you.”

“I am not a prize to ‘get,’ Rachel,” Nova snapped, snarling at her. “If I’m very taken with Tracy, then you have no right to try to pluck me away. I promised you a date, two if you count today’s tie, and I will honor my word. But I didn’t promise we would be an item, Dash. If it becomes more, so be it. If not, I expect you to respect my decision.”

Nova continued walking, despite knowing that Rachel had stopped at those words. Once he had made it a few paces, he sighed softly.

I should never have promised her a date, he thought dejectedly. It will only lead to heartbreak in the end.

“I’m sorry.”

Nova turned and gave her a stern look, but he didn’t stop walking. Rachel had caught up to him and was determinedly looking him straight in the eye. Nova did notice a slight dejection in her eyes, as if she already knew what his tirade meant. But while she might assume she knew, there was no way she really knew about everything between him and Twilight.

“It’s alright, Dash,” he said. He meant it, but he cringed at his own voice sounding like he didn’t.

“No, really, I mean it. I am sorry, Nathan.”

Rachel sped up until she was next to him. Once she caught up, she just took to staring at the ground as they walked.

“Look, if you like Tracy, why didn’t you tell me already?” she asked, and Nova definitely heard the dejection in her voice. “If you plan on taking me on a date, but you already like someone, your heart’s not gonna be in it, right? What would the point of the date be?”

“You don’t understand yet, but you will later,” responded Nathan. “Cryptic, I know, but you have no idea how important it was that you and Ashleigh repair the relationship between you.I was willing to promise you a date to make it happen. That’s not to say I won’t put my heart into it, though,” he added hastily.

“It’s fine, Nathan,” Rachel sighed. “Listen, today was fun. It really was. I’m still willing to go on that date, even if things don’t end up working well.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it,” Nathan promised.

“I’ll head on home from here. Bye, Nathan.”

And with that, Rachel took off, jogging back toward the university. Nova leaned against the wall of a shop behind him, watching her go. The situation had suddenly gotten a lot more complicated than he had intended it to.

What if this carried over? If Rainbow Dash harbored feelings for Nova even after they returned to Equestria? Even though Dash was undeniably loyal, she had a very mean competitive streak, and though he wished this weren’t the case, he and Twilight still weren’t married yet. Who knows? She might use that as justification for trying to win him over before their second attempt at tying the knot.

What if this lead to a rift between Rainbow and Twilight? What if that meant the Spirits of Harmony wouldn’t work? What if that meant that their little Rainbow Castle thingy (Note to self, Nova, find a better name) was brought to a screeching halt just because he--

Damn it, Twilight, Nova thought, shaking his head, but he couldn’t stop grinning. You’ve got me already starting to think of apocalyptic scenarios for even the smallest of mistakes. What have you done to me?

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova sat atop one of the buildings on the way to the University that he would run over. It was the Tuesday after, class for the day was over (for him, anyway), and now he was simply sitting outside and enjoying the cool day. Winter was in full swing, with a forecast of heavy snowfall slated for the evening, which meant that Nova felt pleasantly cool as he sat on the edge of a building’s roof, feet dangling over the sidewalk below.

He yawned; it had been a particularly early morning, thanks to his new assignment from Discord: he now had to visit the gym and work out. The first day yesterday had been nothing short of hell. The second day, today, had been about as bad.

They said they needed him working out because his magic would build on his strength, meaning that he could basically lift things far larger than usual. This being said, they were making him work out so that, in the event that he did end up moving something far larger than him, it was less likely to arouse suspicion.

The cold air was perfect for him. His muscles were so sore they almost hurt. And yet, he still felt very satisfied with how he had started off. He didn’t know exactly what the human average was, or anything, but he felt a 100lb. max bench press was a reasonably good starting point. Triple digits when he hadn’t lifted in his life before.

If he had been impressed by his benching, his leg press had certainly stunned him. Clocking in at a 580 lb. max, Nova would be on Cloud 9 for the rest of the day.

But still, if maxing day, which was by far supposed to be the easiest day, hurt this much, Nova was in for a long life of sore muscles. Maybe he could turn himself into Bulk Biceps (whoever he was in this world) if he worked long enough.

Yeah, fat chance of that happening, he thought.


Nova smiled to himself. How nice, he thought. She’s coming to visit more often, now.

“Over here, Tracy!” he called, waving towards the roof of his apartment. Tracy had obviously seen him from down on the sidewalk below and had come up for a visit. Considering she was probably coming to visit anyway, Nova guessed it really didn’t matter what venue was used.

He yawned slightly as he heard the crunching of the rooftop gravel growing closer. A few moments later, and the sweater-vested form of Tracy Strong slipped into his peripheral vision as she sat down next to him on the roof edge.

“So, what brings you to my humble abode?” asked Nova, smiling at her.

“No reason,” answered Tracy, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. “I just felt like coming to visit. I mean, it’s been a bit more than a week since… you know.”

“Yeah,” Nathan said, snarling at the thought.

“I was just coming to see how you were doing,” she finished. “Are you doing alright?”

“Me? Oh, I’m doing fine,” he said, smiling again. “Repaired Rachel’s friendship with Ashleigh Appleby, made sure my old teacher is taken care of out in a cottage by the farm, and it seems that me breaking up with Natalie is reaping only benefits. I’m on Cloud fucking Nine.”

He noticed Tracy wince almost imperceptibly at his profanity and resolved to not do it again. When around her, at least.

“Your old teacher?”

“Yeah. Ms. Selene,” he added, seeing the blank look on her face. “Taught me… well, quite a bit of what I know. Doc Hoffman taught me the rest.”

She just stared at him. Nova couldn’t help but shake the feeling that she didn’t believe him, but it didn’t really matter. After all, it was true. Maybe not for Nathan Samuel, but definitely for Nova Shine.

“You don’t believe me, do you.” He smirked. “Figures. No one believes me when I tell them I’m engaged, too.”

Tracy just blinked. She didn’t seem to have any response to that one. Nova just chuckled and went back to staring at the town from his perch.

“Are you… are you serious?” she asked.

“About what? Ms. Selene and Doc Hoffman? Totally. About being engaged?” Nova smiled one of the most tantalizingly evil smiles he could. “Maaaayyyybe.”

Tracy, again, just stared at him. Though this time, Nova could see something in her eyes. Was that… disappointment? Upon actually turning to face her, it was unmistakable. Tracy was definitely disappointed. Well, understatement actually. She almost looked as if this was the biggest let-down of her life.

“You believe me?” he asked, startled.

“I… guess,” Tracy admitted, turning away and staring at a random bug as it skittered across the concrete surface. “I just… I get the feeling you’re not lying to me.”

“It’s complicated,” explained Nova, “really difficult to explain, and even if I did, I doubt you’d believe half of it. This being said…”

Pressing his luck, he reached over and placed his hand on her’s. At once, her head snapped up, staring at him with a slightly wary expression, but this time Nova didn’t miss the blush that coated her cheeks.

“You should know that it shouldn’t interfere with anything that could happen between you and me,” he finished.

He felt her hand twitch ever so slightly under his, a slight clench of the thigh-high concrete barrier, but she let the contact stand.

“So, what did you promise them?” she asked, after a long moment of silence.


“Ashleigh and Rachel,” clarified Tracy. “They couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other without arguing about something. What did you promise them, if they got along?”

Nova laughed. He tossed his head back and he laughed openly and in such a way that even sensitive Fluttershy would have known that this was genuine amusement, and not the variety that came at one other’s expense.

“Sharp as a tack, aren’t you Tracy?”

She just stared at him seriously, until Nova’s mirth sort of fell away. He just nodded.

“Yeah, did promise them something. Well, two things actually. Promised Rachel a date if she’d come with me to work on the farm, and since Ashleigh and Rachel both tied in a little contest of theirs, they agreed to take me on a double-date, as it were.”

And yet again, she just stared at him.

“‘Course, they did kinda rope me into that one, but still…”

And still, she just stared at him. Nova was wondering if he had just overloaded her mind in some way. There had been that time when he had dropped the news that he had been back from his little trip to the past seven months before he was actually back in Ponyville.

But then another thought occurred to Nova. A thought so out of place, he never would have thought of Twilight feeling this way. Rarity and Rainbow Dash, maybe, but Twilight?

“Are you… jealous?” he asked, bemused.

“So what if I am?”

Nova was taken aback by this response. Twilight Sparkle would usually stammer and blush and explain why she was not jealous. Perhaps the fake memories she was given were messing with her head?

“I’m flattered, Tracy,” Nova said after a moment.

“But…?” Tracy sighed. It seems she knew that generally people who used that term had a stipulation.

“Mm, no buts,” he shook his head. “I’m just flattered.”

He leaned his head back and took a deep breath, enjoying the crisp air as it stung his sinuses.

“I mean,” he added, shaking his head vigorously, “not even a couple of months ago, I thought you hated my guts.”

“I didn’t hate you,” she protested, waving her hands back and forth. “I just… really didn’t like you very much.”

“You hated me, Tracy,” Nova assured her. “Or at least, you hated me when I was like Natalie. Either way, I’m not offended. Not anymore, at least.”

He removed his hand from over hers and took another great whiff of the cool air. He had never before appreciated just how good it felt, knowing he had worked hard to do something, and now was enjoying the fruits of his labor. Of course, he had only worked one day, and he had only lifted barely anything, but he still felt quite satisfied.

“Well,” he said, swinging his legs back onto the rooftop, “while I don’t exactly have stuff to do today, I do need me a shower.”

Tracy wrinkled her nose as a great surge of his sweaty smell radiated straight into her nostrils.

“Yes, yes you do,” she concurred, fanning the air in front of her nose to clear the air. She coughed too, but Nova couldn’t help but think that was just for show. “Go on,” she said, shooing him towards his own apartment, “I’ll wait.”

Nova smiled, but complied, whipping off his shirt and tossing it back at her as he jogged back. It was time for some teasing payback!

Sure enough, Tracy blushed at the sight of a shirtless Nova. Granted, Nova wasn’t exactly the most built guy, but he wasn’t completely out of shape. Nova halted, then turned back and winked at her, causing her red face to go almost purple.

“Like what you see?” he smirked back at her. “I can always flex too, you know.”

He did. Again, not the most built guy on the planet, but that seemed enough for Tracy. She just blinked stupidly at the sight of him pretending to be a manly man.

“Well, got to go,” he said, before stretching. “Showers to take, pretty girls to tease, you know the drill.”

And like that, Tracy was jolted out of her reverie. “Umm, sure.”

“Won’t take long,” he assured her, before jogging into his apartment and turning on the warm water.

Showers are often the place where the most metaphysical, philosophical thoughts happen. One moment, you could be staring at the nozzles, and the second moment, you’re pondering the ultimate meaning of life, the universe, and everything, and why exactly it was 42. Nova Shine, in one of his few cases of being a normal pony, was doing something along those lines…

So if she’s swooning at the mere sight of me shirtless, he thought, she must have some sort of feelings for me. Is Twilight Sparkle breaking out? Or is it just me managing to win Tracy over?

Either way, it pleased him to know he was winning over at least half of Twilight Sparkle.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“Are you ready, Nathan?” asked Discord.

They were standing in the middle of a drawn circle on the ground of his manor’s little gym, ready for another session of learning to fight with blades. Discord was wearing a strange work outfit, namely a grey T-shirt and athletic shorts, but even though he appeared a weathered, older gentleman, he was quite the fighter.

Nathan, in contrast, was only wearing athletic shorts as well. Normally, this wouldn’t have been a fact to mention.

If it weren’t for the fact that today, Discord had let Rachel and Tracy in to watch. Somehow, some way, they’d known “Mr. Sire” had been training him, and so they’d both shown up at his front door. Considering they weren’t exactly friends yet, and their mutual attraction to him might not do any favors, Nova was hoping that Discord would turn them down.

He didn’t.

Nova took a deep breath, before shifting into his fighting stance. Hilt of the blade by his pelvis, blade pointed vertically forty-five degrees, and most importantly, sword kept between him and his opponent.

“Begin,” Discord said, before darting forward and stabbing at Nova’s heart.

Nova twisted his own blade and deflected the stabbin blow away just in time, though it wouldn’t have really done anything. They’d infused their swords with magical warding in case they inadvertently made a critical strike. This would stop them in their tracks, preventing anything worse than broken bones. Bruises, scratches, and other minor injuries, however, were still fair game.

As Discord found to his chagrin when Nova immediately followed up his deflection with a quick roundhouse kick with his right foot. He wasn’t athletic enough to get it to head level, but he did plant it quite satisfyingly into Discord’s side.

With an “oof!” Discord stumbled sideways, leaving him completely open.for Nova to dart in and put a couple more strikes.

Discord, however, was a fantastic fighter. He used the momentum of the kick to somersault on the ground, before springing back up and battering Nova’s blade away and following up with an attempt at cleaving him in two.

Nova dove away from that blow. He wouldn’t have been able to get his blade back up in time, so he settled for avoiding the attack. No sooner than he had righted himself than Discord came again. Nova, this time, managed to parry the blow away before countering with his own swipe at Discord.

The duel continued in this vein for a few minutes, with Nova and Discord trading attacks and defenses, but neither of them really getting anywhere near victory. Nova wasn’t trying his hardest-- he needed energy for the next three or four fights Discord would insist on-- but he was certainly giving it a hell of a shot.

Finally, after Discord managed to twist himself into a particularly contorted position to deflect one of Nova’s attacks, after Nova had managed to catch him out of form, Nova managed to trip him up and then jab the blade at his throat. As intended, and as had happened several times before, the blade stopped just shy of Discord’s flesh.

“Nicely done, Nathan,” Discord said approvingly, as Nova helped him up. “You played that one a lot like a tennis match, where your whole objective is placement. And,” he leaned into Nova’s ear, “it really reminds me of your magical duelling style, trying to force your opponent into one of your traps.”

“Yeah, I guess the habit carried over,” agreed Nova. “What did you think, ladies?” He turned to Rachel and Tracy, who both looked fairly pleased that he won.

“Nice, Nathan,” Rachel said, walking over and examining Nova’s sword. “When I heard he was teaching you fencing, I thought it was, like, the sport. Didn’t know he was just teaching you how to fight with swords.”

“A little more than that,” Nova admitted, “but those are just between me and him.”

Rachel giggled. Nova could only realize the implications of private lessons between a young handsome man and an elder man and roll his eyes at her display of immaturity.

Tracy looked no less impressed as well.

“Were you always trying to catch him out of position? Or did that idea just occur to you at the end?” she asked curiously.

“It’s how I do things,” Nova said, moving his arms in a slight wind-mill exercise to loosen them up. “I like to play a bit of chess with my opponents, no matter which little game it may be.”

“Not always the most practical thing to do,” said Tracy.

“Oh, lighten up egghead,” Rachel groaned. “Let him savor the victory.”

“I am not an egghead!” Tracy huffed, stamping her foot in a manner that Nova couldn’t help but find cute.

“Yes, you are,” Nova sighed. “Just lighten up and admit it. Some of us guys like egghead girls.”

Tracy went pink and looked downward so that her bangs hid most of her face, and a look of irritation passed across Rachel’s face for a brief moment before she hid it.

“Five minutes, Nathan,” Discord said, walking over and taking a sip of water from a bottle he had left over on one of the benches, next to a pile of damp towels..

“Hey, toss me one of those towels,” he called over to the elderly man, who obliged, tossing Nova a white towel from a pile, who caught it and wiped his face and hair with it, trying to soak up the sweat.

And then he tossed it at Tracy, who wasn’t ready for it and took it straight to the face. Rachel snickered, and Nova heard a touch of cruelty in the laugh that only made him frown. Rachel, it seemed, was taking it quite personally that he liked Tracy, despite him saving her and her own admission that she liked him.

“You alright, Nathan?” she asked.

“Oh,” Nova said, shaking his head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just lost in thought, is all.”

“Dangerous pastime,” snarked Rachel, inclining her head toward Tracy, who rolled just her eyes.

“Yeah, can’t deny that,” Nova admitted. “After all, thinking gave birth to the Twilight Saga. Or was it the lack of thought? Either way, they all suck.”

For the first time, Nova had gotten them both to laugh at the same time. And both were pure, genuine, amused laughs. Sounds Nova had to admit he could get used to hearing. Especially when compared to the alternative of them continuing to compete for him when the winner had been decided long before the contest even started.

The three of them talked for those five minutes, idly chatting about the goings on. Every time Rachel tried to bring up her doings on the school’s football team, Tracy would try to drag it back to how classes were going, and the tug of war would continue until Nova asked something.

Inwardly, Nova groaned. He always hated love triangles in literature, and now he was part of one. Well, part of half of one. No matter Rachel’s feelings toward him, or Rainbow Dash’s by proxy, he was engaged to Twilight Sparkle, and given his past experience with other girls (namely Clover), he wasn’t going to give himself any leeway, lest he do something that could come back to bite him.

“Take a couple more minutes, and get ready to go again,” Discord said, taking a quick swig of water.

They duelled a good nine times. Nova won six of them, much to his delight, but Discord only remarked that he had been going easy on Nova, so then came the tenth duel, where Discord absolutely demolished him. Rachel and Tracy, for whatever reason, both found the last duel very funny.

As soon as they were done, Nova immediately dashed over to the nearest sink, where he splashed water onto his face to remove any sweat from it and his hair. Tracy excused herself not long after, leaving Rachel and Nova alone with Discord, who was closing up his gym.

“Go on, you two,” he shooed them out, “I’ve had enough of my visitors. Same time next week, Nathan?”

“Yeah,” Nova nodded. “See you then.”

“Practice your forms. I expect them to be second-nature come this time next week.”

“Yes sir,” Nova promised, before strapping his scabbard to his back, which was nothing more than one of his Source extensions, modified to carry his Source extension sword.

“What’s that on your back?” Rachel asked, poking him between his shoulder blades right under his neck. “Did you get a tattoo?”

“A tattoo?” Nova repeated, bewildered. He jogged over to a mirror and turned around to see what Rachel was talking about, then twisted himself as best he could.

There, sitting right where she had poked him, was a navy-blue moon, surrounded by four stars. His cutie mark had somehow branded itself onto his skin.

“Well,” he muttered to himself, “that’s not supposed to be there.”

“I think it’s pretty awesome.”

“Do you?” Nova smirked. Of course she would. “Hey Rachel, this is gonna sound awkward, but do you mind if I take a peek at that spot on your back?”

“Uhh, why?” she asked hesitantly.

“Call it morbid curiosity,” Nova remarked. Rachel just shrugged and shed her shirt, revealing her toned midriff and her somewhat flat chest, restrained entirely by a black athletic bra that covered almost everything but her shoulders on her upper body. She turned around, moved her ponytail around to her front, undid the restraints, and pulled it open just enough.

Nothing but smooth, blank skin. Except...

There was something there. It was small, to be sure, but right in the same spot, there was a faint red lightning bolt. Faint, but unmistakably there.

“You’ve got one too,” said Nova, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

“I do?” Rachel asked, turning around to take a peek and momentarily forgetting she was holding up an athletic bra.

“R-RACHEL!” stammered Nova as she let it drop in her haste to see what was on her back. He had quickly averted his gaze when he saw what was happening, but still.

“Hold on, hold on,” Rachel groaned. “I can’t-- whoa.”

“Can you please just put your bra back on?” he asked.

“Oh hush,” she admonished. “We both know you’d like what you’d see if you’d been perverted enough to look.”

“I’m not really sure whether to feel complimented by that,” Nova observed.

“But anyway, when did I get a tiny lightning bolt on my back?” she asked.

“Dunno. Same time I got that moon and stars on mine, maybe?” he wondered. “Wouldn’t worry about it too much, though.”

“Why not?”

“Doesn’t seem to be doing anything different, so guess it’s not too much to worry about,” Nova cheerfully proclaimed, grabbing his white shirt from its resting place on one of teh benches and slipping it on.

“That… is one of the dumbest outlooks on a possible health concern I’ve ever heard, and this is coming from someone who mocks eggheads like Tracy,” deadpanned Rachel.

“Eh, I’m still alive, aren’t I?”

“True,” conceded Rachel. “Well, let’s make like a stoner and blow this joint.”

Nova didn’t need telling twice. Within minutes, they were out and walking away from Discord’s rather expensive-looking mansion and towards the campus.

Winter was once again making its presence known. The wind howled through the streets, bringing with it its biting cold. To Nova, however, having finished with his athletic workout, it felt like heaven. Cooling him off after an afternoon sweating in Discord’s gym…

“Enjoying yourself?” snickered Rachel as Nova let out a pleasant sigh.

“You’ve no idea,” he breathed. “Love winter.”

“Wish I could say the same. More of a summer fan. So much more to do.”

“I suppose,” Nova dipped his head. “More games to play, more sports in season, grass ain’t dead…”

They passed the gates of Discord’s manor, with pegasi statues stuck on top of each brick pillar. Nova couldn’t help but notice one of the statues looked remarkably like Fluttershy. He had seen it before, of course, but the resemblance was always striking. Nice to know he cared about her that much.

“Do you think Ashleigh has a mark like that, too?”

“Huh?” Nova returned his attention to Rachel, who was fiddling with her neck.

“A mark like this,” she clarified. “Do you think Ashleigh has one too?”

“What makes you say that?”

“I dunno,” she shrugged. “I just… well, we do hang out more, and the three of us did work on the farm that one day. Maybe it spreads.”

“So, that being said, Felicity might have one too?” Nova couldn’t help but feel like this was exactly the sign he was looking for.

“I guess. Come on, we’ll get to the campus faster this way,” she said, turning into an alleyway. Nova followed suit, ducking in behind her. He was going to take this path anyway. Not because it was faster, no.

Something was wrong. Something felt off about the area.

There were several pricks of energy on different sides of him. All of them were distant, but they all had the same strange feeling, as though they were different from inherent pony magic.

“Dash, turn left here,” he said, his voice lowering to nearly a whisper. They had come to a four-way intersection between buildings.

“What?” she asked, turning and giving him a strange look.

“Something’s wrong. Let’s get out of the alley as fast as we can.”

“Are you feeling alright, Nathan?”

“Just get going. I don’t know what it…”

He trailed off as a policeman walked by the entrance to the alleyway. It wasn’t just any policeman, either. These weren’t the generic Changeling drones. These were the warriors. They got the SWAT gear. And now Nova could sense several of them in the immediate vicinity.

“Fuck,” Rachel cursed. “It’s the cops.”

Nova felt a prick of energy behind him and turned back. One of the SWAT-garbed policemen was now blocking the alley entrance they had used. A couple of pricks later, he turned and saw that each entrance had one cop, blocking their way out. And they were moving in.

Nova had the distinct impression he knew who they were after.

“Dash, get out of here,” he growled. “Parkour up to the roof of the buildings and get out of here as fast as you can.”

“What about you?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll get this sorted out. Now go!”

She didn’t need telling twice. Quick as her ponysona, she leapt onto a trashcan and jumped from wall to wall, ascending the building as fast as she could. And sure enough, the policemen didn’t seem to care in the slightest. Nova watched her go and felt her energy fade away as she ran. When she was out of range, he took a deep breath and cracked his neck.

When they were five feet away, they stopped and pointed their weapons at him.

“We need you to come with us,” one of them growled.

“Do you, now?” he asked, surreptitiously flexing his fingers and already beginning to channel the magic. “On whose authority? Your commissioner’s?”

“Don’t play dumb with us, pony,” the same changeling growled. “We know you’ve broken out of the curse. Her Highness wants us to bring you to her alive.”

“What does the Queen want with me?” he asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” the same changeling said, already moving forward.

A shockwave of blue magic exploded out of Nova, blasting all four of the changelings backwards. At once, Nova sprinted, leapt over the fallen commander, and dashed out of the alley.

“After him!” shouted the commander, and suddenly, Nova felt a great deal of pinpricks of energy around him as several changelings in SWAT gear appeared from buildings and alleys.

“Shit,” Nova cursed.

He grabbed his sword and his sheath, which quickly transformed into a weightless shield in a flash of light, and ran as fast as he could away from the group of changelings. Unfortunately, he was near downtown. The Police Department wasn’t far away. If at any time they needed reinforcements, they were a short couple of blocks.

There were a couple of pops behind him, and Nova winced as something punched him in the back, sending him sprawling forward onto the concrete, scratching him up.

“Damn,” he said, looking over to where a fallen rubber round was still smoking from the shot. “They’re really going all-out to bring me in, aren’t they.”

He got back to his feet and took off again, slightly slower due to his banged-up skin. He needed to get out of the open. With the streets cleared of people, there weren’t too many places that he could hide, which left buildings.

Problem was, he needed a place where he could blend in. A place where he could hide among other people.

And he knew just the place: Veronica Salazar’s dance club.

With that thought in mind, Nova altered his course, dashing with purpose further into downtown as opposed to just running around hoping to slip away. The club was on the other end of the district, but if he could just make use of a few shortcuts and alleys…

Nova and Veronica were on good terms, having carried over from their pony selves. He and Vinyl Scratch had been introduced at Twilight’s private party after her coronation, where Pinkie had been kind enough to get the famous DJ P0N-3, of whom Nova was quite a fan, to, well, deejay. Nova and Vinyl started off quite well, and twice, Nova had run into her on Council of Gentlestallions night, enjoying her few nights off from the various clubs around Equestria.

As such, here on this human world, he and Veronica were still on good terms. Nathan Samuel was a frequent attendee of Penelope Poppentop’s parties, where Veronica was almost always the entertainment. Here, on this human world, she owned the club in question, for some unknown reason. And now Nova was going to make use of that.

He felt more pricks of energy around him. The changelings were starting to surround him. He needed to keep moving to prevent them from doing so.

“Almost… there…” he grunted as he slowed to a jog a couple of blocks later. He was glad he had been a freerunner. He doubted he would have made it this far without stopping if he hadn’t been.

He saw a police car up ahead and ducked around the block corner, revealing a building almost literally covered in neon lighting.

“This is it,” he said, sprinting forward and ducking inside, sword and blade disappearing before he did so, and supporting himself on his knees as exhaustion started to overtake him. It had been sunset outside, but inside, it was almost pitch black. Loud music was already assaulting his ears, and strobe lights were flashing in the main room. The bouncer, a burly man with a mohawk, gave Nova a look, then waved him in.

“Enjoy the club,” he grunted.

“Thanks,” huffed Nova, already moving inside to surround himself with the guests.

Unfortunately, there weren’t very many. A few people at the bar, a couple of dancers, and Veronica up at the turntables, rocking out and wearing her trademark white headphones and purple shades.

Damn, Nova thought. So much for hiding out with a bunch of people.

Nova just shrugged. His best bet was probably the dance floor. What few people were there would be moving around. With that thought in mind, he moved over and joined in, keeping an eye on the door.

But there was something strange going on… It was a Saturday night. In a city as big as this, the club would normally be overflowing with people. Perhaps it was a side-effect of the cops on the streets?

A couple of the bar patrons gave Nova a brief glance, but went back to their drinks. Nova ignored them, keeping his attention focused on the doors. But he would need to do his part to avoid attracting attention. He straightened up and started swaying tamely to the beat. No all-out dancing or grinding. Just pure and simple moving to the beat,

Nova felt the pricks of energy again. The changelings must have been surrounding the building. But why weren’t they moving in?

The energy pricked again, but these felt a lot closer--

Nova couldn’t react with surprise, lest he alert the changelings dancing around him. It was a trap. They had counted on him attempting to hide in this club. How much did the changelings know?

A quick glance over at the bar, and though they tried to hide it, Nova noticed that they had been glancing his way, too.

The only one who didn’t seem to be emanating a prick of energy was Veronica. She seemed normal, dancing away at her turntables, oblivious to everything that was about to happen.

Nova took a deep breath, feeling an excited smile work its way onto his face. Why not have some fun while beating these changelings’ asses?

“Before we get started,” he announced loudly, putting a bit of magic into his voice to augment it over the loud dubstep, “does anyone want to leave?”

No one moved. The dancers stopped, scattered around him, and the people at the bar all stood up.

“Veronica!” Nova shouted, adding some more magic to project the Royal Canterlot Voice.

She turned the music down hastily and whipped her headphones off.

“Yeah, what Nathan? Can’t you see I’m busy?” she asked, fixing him with an agitated glare. "I've got five more sets to do tonight!"

“I’m thinking ‘This Will Be the Day,’” he answered flatly. “And I’d suggest sitting in your back room for a bit. Things are about to get ugly here.”

Veronica glanced up. Nova saw the red irises move slightly behind the purple shades glowing in the black lights, before looking back down.


Nova watched, and apparently so did the changelings, as Veronica fiddled with her table for a bit, before sauntering off back to her break room. The room was silent for a moment as the track loaded.

“No use hiding any longer, fellas. I know what you are,” Nova announced. At once, the room was illuminated with green fire, as the changelings transformed into their police selves. Pistols were whipped out, and all were leveled at Nova.

“Surrender yourself, pony.”

They see you as small and helpless. They see you as just a child.

“Love this song,” Nova remarked, listening to the electric guitar’s riffs, already channelling magic to his hands.

Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild!

Nova struck. A blast of blue energy exploded out of him, blowing back the closest changelings and startling the others.

Nova ran forward, leaping over a fallen body and charging the nearest changeling, who was slowed by his initial attack. Nova grabbed him by his vest and flung him towards one of the other changelings, who was only just now starting to get his pistol levelled at Nova again.

Nova grinned. Discord had explained that his magic would soon start making him a hell of a lot stronger, and boy, he was not kidding.

Nova vanished in a flash of blue light, appeared behind another changeling close to the bar, and kicked him right in the small of his back, sending the unfortunate sod flying through two others.

They were still using rubber rounds, as Nova could see when he created a magic shield and blocked several rounds from the group of policemen closest to the door. With the merest flick of his hand, said shield flew towards the changelings, bowling them all over, before Nova’s magic snatched up their guns and crushed them.

“Now now, boys, it’s impolite to shoot people,” he said, turning around and firing beams of energy at the other few policemen around the room, which neutralized their weapons in various ways. “If you want to beat me, you’ll have to do it with your hands.”

One changeling rushed him instantly, but Nova just planted his feet, punched as hard as he could, and even threw his shoulder behind it. Said changeling was thrown all the way across the dance floor. Nova winced slightly, as he had hit the badge by accident. Still, it was better than a carapace.

Things were going swimmingly. Nova hadn’t ever felt this strong physically. He’d had a similar moment of zen upon realizing how much progress he’d made with magic when working with Clover and Steelshod once, which had predictably been followed by Nova proceeding to duel both of them at once and soundly best them within a few seconds.

Which made it even more surprising that Steelshod could hold his own against Nova on his final night in the past. He really had gone all-out to try to beat him for Clover…

Nova shook himself out of his brief memory in time to duck under a punch from one of the changelings, following up by jumping away from the changeling’s subsequent kick.

“Come on, now,” he taunted, “I’m not even using magic to beat you assholes. Any chance you guy scan stop sucking?”

A couple of the changelings hissed angrily, and one of them even reacted. He charged Nova, and threw a fist right at Nova’s cheek, but at the last moment, Nova ducked and threw his shoulder forward, catching the changeling right in the gut and upending him over Nova’s back. A satisfying thud followed as the changeling collided quite painfully with the floor.

The remaining changelings, some battered and bruised from his beatdown, had grouped right on the dance floor. A poor spot, considering the flashing squares on the floor illuminated their position, one that Nova could take advantage of.

A quick spark from his finger, and suddenly, all the squares underneath started glowing a bright blue color, illuminating the entire crowd of them.

“So tell me fellas,” he said, his hand brimming with blue fiery magic as he casually strode toward them, “what does her Highness want with little ol’ me?”

The group of changelings just hissed and spat at him, but suddenly, those whose eyes weren’t covered by masks’ eyes widened, and instantly, they all shuffled into a line.

Nova blinked, not really sure how to take this development. But when he felt another prick of changeling energy behind him, he whirled around, hands brimming with his fiery blue magic.

A large changeling stood before him, looking down at him with distaste. His gear was little more than a combat bandolier strapped over a tight-fitting black muscle shirt and combat pants and boots.

To Nova, he looked quite distinct from the other changelings, especially considering most drones were identical in appearance. Behind him, Nova could see an elderly changeling watching the scene as well.

“I believe I can answer that question for you, pony,” the large changeling said, in a very calm, deep voice, far different from the usual hissing and chittering that was typical of changeling kind.

The elderly changeling behind him met Nova’s gaze, then flicked his hand over toward the DJ booth, where the music and flashing lights vanished, to be replaced by normal loghts illuminating the club.

“The hell is this?” Nova asked, noticing how the changelings were helping up their fallen comrades and ushering them out of the bar.

“Call it a test,” the elderly changeling said, shrugging. “Not too harsh, now, Brutus.”

“By your command, Advisor,” the large changeling, apparently Brutus, affirmed.

“Brutus, eh?” Nova asked. “Heard of you. The Champion of the Changelings, took down an entire platoon of the Royal Guard during the wedding--”

“It was only a simple squadron,” Brutus cut him off. “Seems rumors in Equestria have a tendency to get blown out of proportion. And that feat earned me the title Champion.”

He eyed Nova’s magic.

“Put that away. I don’t plan on fighting you with you shooting fire at me. I was hoping for the two of us to brawl like drones, or how you say, like stallions.”

The fact that Brutus hadn’t shown any outright animosity towards him was intriguing enough. So much so that Nova felt compelled to go ahead and duel the changeling. He had, after all, held his own against other beings just as strong (namely, the Shadowbolts).

“So, why are you here, advisor?” Nova asked, directing his question toward the elderly changeling who stood by the door.

“I’m here to make sure none of the drones under the command of my queen do anything out of hoof to you, Nova Shine,” the elder answered.

Nova’s hand brimmed with magic at the mention of his name, but the changeling held up a hand.

“Now now, let’s not go jumping to conclusions, Nova Shine. We do not mean to put you back under.”

“Are you on my side?” Nova asked, not bothering to lower the magic.

“No,” the changeling answered, “but neither are we against you. We simply obey Her Majesty. Let her make that decision, which side she’s on. Now, if you intend to battle Brutus, I would suggest you hurry up. You have a meeting with Her Highness.”

“Well considering that your welcoming party wasn’t exactly the most hospitable,” Nova said, twisting around and pulling up the back of his shirt to show off the bruise from the rubber round he had taken to the back, “what if I don’t intend to honor Queen Bug’s wishes?”

Brutus growled a bit, but the elder just chuckled.

“Oh Brutus, don’t take offense,” he said, wagging his finger at the muscular drone. “He doesn’t really see the Queen that way. I can tell by his aura. In any case, Nova Shine, do you intend to duel him or not?”

Nova stared at the large changeling for a moment, but then shook his head.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m tired from my duels with Discord today.”

Brutus nodded, and the elder moved for the door.

“You duel Discord?” Brutus asked.

“Blades,” Nova said, briefly summoning his sword before vanishing it again. “Figure I can learn to be a master of Spellblade.”

“A noble branch of both magic and swordplay,” Brutus remarked, before motioning for Nova to follow. “I do apologize. For the sake of appearances, we will need to ‘arrest’ you.”

“No, no, I understand,” Nova said, turning around and letting himself be cuffed. “You’re certainly one of the few changelings I’ve had a cordial relationship, not to mention I can tell when somepony is lying and that includes changelings, so I know it’s just for appearances.”

Brutus led Nova out of the club and toward a parked police vehicle, where the elder was sitting in the backseat. Nova allowed himself to be pushed in and buckled up, where at once the elder uncuffed him.

“So why exactly does she want to see me, now?” Nova asked, wringing his hands to get the blood flowing.

“Because, Nova Shine,” the elder answered, “she wants to know if you’re him.”

“Who?” Nova asked, confused.

“The same Nova Shine as the one from our history,” answered the elder. “The Nova Shine who rescued her from one of Sombra’s lackeys and returned her to her home. She believes you and he might be the same pony.”

Nova laughed.

“But that’s impossible,” he said. “That was over a thousand years ago.”

“Oh yes,” the elder concurred. “And so would we believe, if it weren’t for the fact that you and I have met before, Nova Shine. I would recognize your aura anywhere.”

“Say what, now?” Nova asked as the car started to move.

“We’ve met, you and I,” the elder repeated, smiling at him. “Back then, I was nothing more than a simple drone, and you were nothing more than the Night Apprentice. Nova Shine, it is an honor to meet you again.”

An instance of recognition flooded through Nova and he gaped at the elder changeling, who merely smiled.

“I am Her Majesty Queen Chrysalis’ oldest and most trusted advisor, and the changeling whom you met over one thousand years ago in the desert. My name is Scheherazade.”

Queen, King, and Angel

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 09 - Queen, King, and Angel

More music. you know the drill.

“No fucking way.”

“Please mind your language when we stand before the queen,” the elder changeling admonished dispassionately.

“It was over a thousand years ago!”

“So it was,” concurred the elder, nodding sagely. “Changelings can live abnormally long lives if they are properly able to ration their love energies. We can stockpile a near-infinite amount, and I have been able to keep myself alive by strictly rationing the amount I take when it gets too low.”

“But… but…” Nova sputtered. It was impossible! There were precious few beings who could live for that long! Only changeling royalty had the longevity to, as evidenced with little Princess Chrysalis now being the Queen a millennium and a quarter later.

“No buts, Sir Nova Shine,” Scheherazade chided him, smiling. “It does not become the Savior of the Princess.”

Nova just stared stupidly at Scheherazade, who stared back, before shaking his head.

“Dear oh dear, and here I thought you would always have some kind of a witty quip whenever I said something, but the well seems to have run dry.”

“Wh--” Nova swallowed nervously. “Why am I being dragged before the Queen again?” he asked.

“It’s simple,” Scheherazade said. “She wants to see if you’re the same one as the one in the past.”

Nova couldn’t stop staring at Scheherazade, who only shook his head.

“I cannot say why,” he added, “but I hope beyond hope that it leads to her doing the right thing.”

“She attempted to invade my nation,” Nova said, sounding somewhat bemused. “I’d say she’s gone more than a little off the wrong end here.”

“Rulers only do what is best for their nation, Nova Shine,” Scheherazade said, staring at him meaningfully. “My Queen believed this to be the best option to feed her starving children. I advocated against this invasion, but alas, the loud voice of the young cried out to her, and she gave them what they desired. They had tasted the love of your land, and they demanded that we attempt to take it.”

“And when she attempted to take all the magic from my fiancée?” Nova asked, arching an eyebrow.

“I do not know,” Scheherazade admitted. “She didn’t return home after the invasion, instead choosing to build her new empire there. We who did not go to war with her waited at our home, in our hive. Only later did we learn that our Queen had attempted revenge against your dearly beloved, and that she had been trapped in a room, kept inside with an unanswerable riddle.”

Scheherazade let out a quiet scoff.

“You don’t happen to know a word that rhymes with ‘orange,’ do you?” he asked.

Nova snickered, but did answer. “Borage, actually,” he said. “You spend enough time around Discord, you learn all sorts of strange things.”

“Borage? Really?”

“Yeah. It’s small leaves used for spices and such, or young leaves eaten in salads and the like. You’d think the queen of a nation that spends its time pretending to be members of a herbivorous species would know that.”

They drove past the large, rectangular City Hall, a very austere-looking building compared to the surrounding architecture of the city. Nova couldn’t help but feel that the building had a foreboding nature about it. Which he supposed was fitting, if Sombra spent his time there.

“What do you want me to say to her?” Nova asked, seeing the police department grow ever closer, as it was only three blocks from City Hall.

“I do not know, Nova Shine,” Scheherazade shrugged. “I only wish that you say what she needs to hear, whatever it may be. What that is, I couldn’t tell you, nor do I think you know, but I hope regardless.”

Brutus pulled the car into the police lot, where at once a group of changelings met them. Nova was hoisted out of the car and almost literally dragged to an interrogation room close to the deep interior of the building.

It was a simple room, with metal walls and a table and two chairs, but surprisingly, it lacked the one-way window. The Queen must not have wanted her children in on this.

Scheherazade made sure Nova was as comfortable as he was going to be, before walking on out, but not before he instructed, “Be honest. Changelings can detect lies. Be completely open with Her Majesty, and you never know. Some good might come of the situation.”

And then the door shut behind him.

Now, all Nova could do was twiddle his thumbs and wait for the Queen to come in. It was worse than it had been when he had been waiting for Professor Hoofman, nearly a year before.

No, scratch that. That occasion had been far worse.

Nova sighed and leaned back in his chair, casting his eyes up to the ceiling, where nothing but a single, typical white light shone, casting everything around them into shadow…


Nova’s hands shone blue and a bubble of blue energy blasted out of him, dispelling all of the shadows in the room instantly. If Envy had been intending to hide in her shadow form before, it wasn’t going to happen now.

But only then did Nova remember that Envy had placed herself under the curse. Still, it made him feel a lot better about the security of the room.

“Hm, you’re left alone for only a few moments, and already you’re casting magic.”

Nova directed his gaze toward the door, where a tall, slender woman stood. She was pale, with shining green eyes, dark, forest-ish green hair, and a certain aura of energy emanating off of her that he had felt twice before. However, like the changelings in the bar, she was giving off a faint energy that told Nova this wasn’t her native form.

“Do you not know how to properly greet a foreign dignitary?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Enlighten me,” Nova responded, before adding with some irony, “your highness.”

She quietly hissed, catching his sarcasm, but she let it stand.

“You stand, until she is seated.”

“Oh, of course,” Nova replied, rolling his eyes. “You’re just like Rarity, you know that? Do I really have to observe all these niceties when you’re interrogating me?”

“I assume you were told of the reason for your visit?” she asked, still standing by the door.

“Yep, and I think it’s a completely ridiculous notion,” Nova said, waving a hand in the air, as if to brush the matter away. “You think I’m this ancient, historical pony that saved your bug flank and prevented a war between the ponies and Sombra. Really, how… ludicrous.”

Her eyes narrowed, but Nova felt it was time to stop antagonizing her. So, reluctantly, he stood up and gestured toward the seat.

“Have a seat, your highness.”

The Queen stared at him, searching, Nova was sure, for a sign of weakness or violent hostility, but he showed nothing, choosing instead to meet her gaze with a blank stare.

After a moment spent staring, she finally strode forward, closing the door behind her, and took a seat at the table, before leaning forward and clasping her hands together.

“You think the notion ridiculous?” she asked, her voice becoming much less harsh than it had been. “I recognize you, pony. Perhaps you may not be the one who rescued me, though you do share his name and appearance, but I do remember you from the wedding. Yes, I quite clearly remember you.”

Nova remembered too. He had been subdued by several changelings and had been dragged before her, only to be told that he was to be stuck and guarded in one of the side rooms. Quite the contrast from all of the ponies who were trapped in cocoons or imprisoned in the caverns beneath Canterlot for that brief time.

“Yes, you’re the pony who gave me so much trouble at the wedding of Shining Armor,” she continued, gazing into his eyes. “So much trouble that my guards had to drag you before me personally.”

“And instead of treating me like the rest of my kind,” Nova interrupted, “you had me thrown into a random room off to the side.”


“Why?” Nova asked, leaning back.

“Because…” she paused, “I remembered… him. You looked too much like him for me to be completely guilt-free if I were to trap you in a cocoon or imprison you in the caves.”

“How sweet,” remarked Nova. “Why’d you attack my fiancée, then?”

She paused, and her stare became quite intrigued. “Your fiancée? Is there something I should know about between you and Princess Cadance?”

Nova laughed. A genuine, amused laugh. He had to admit, he had not seen this response coming. But then again, he had forgotten the Queen wouldn’t have known.

“No, your highness, not Princess Cadance,” he said, shaking his head. “I mean Twilight Sparkle.”

Her eyes widened, ever so slightly.

“You’re engaged to Twilight Sparkle?” she asked, arching an eyebrow “Yes, I should have realized. Your aura stinks of her. Her... and another.”

Her intrigued look turned confused for a moment.

“A familiar aura… one I haven’t felt since…”

She trailed off, eyes narrowing as she stared into Nova’s unflinching gaze. Would she figure it out? Would she recognize Clover’s aura?

“Explain yourself,” she demanded. “I can’t identify that aura, and yet I remember the aura of every pony I’ve transformed into. It’s the only explanation for why this one seems so familiar to me. Explain!”

She snarled, and Nova noticed her canines were pointed, just like her self on Equus was. And for the briefest of moments, the pale exterior flickered, revealing a pitch-black complexion underneath. Nova’s interest grew, but he didn’t pursue it. Instead, he continued staring at the Queen right in the eyes and giving no indication that she had threatened him in the slightest.

“You’re not my queen, your highness,” Nova stated flatly. “I don’t have to explain. Perhaps it may have something to do with me being descended from a pony from that time? I’m actually named after Nova Shine I, so you know.”

Her glare faltered as a flash of disappointment flickered across her face, but only for a moment. She was snarling even more now.

“But that still doesn’t explain how you have the aura of Clover the Clever intertwined with your own!”

Nova rolled his eyes.

“Queen Chrysalis,” he began, in a faux-long-suffering sigh, “Clover the Clever was the mother of Nova Shine I. This may have something to do with the fact that she’s my ancestor.”

“No, that cannot be true,” Chrysalis replied, averting her gaze to stare at the table intently. “Auras don’t intertwine simply by birth… could they?”

Nova let out a derisive bark of laughter.

“You’re the queen of your species,” he chortled, “and you don’t even fully understand your own species’ magic, inside and out? Seems like a massive oversight in your tutoring.”

Be silent!” she snapped at him, adding a slight growl to emphasize her point. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. I was kidnapped by members of your kind and was forced to serve as a slave in those very mines I imprisoned Twilight Sparkle in! I watched as Celestia herself slew my father in battle while he was trying to defend my own brethren!” She stood up. “I have had to watch my children starve, until we had no choice but to invade your land! I DID NOT HAVE THE TIME TO LEARN ALL ABOUT MY SPECIES’ CULTURE WHEN I WAS TOO BUSY KEEPING THEM ALIVE!”

Perhaps what seemed to be the most infuriating part to the Queen was how, through her tirade, Nova kept a completely blank face, staring at her as she grew angrier and angrier, before finally raising a hand to strike him.

Nova didn’t even move until she swung it across. But before it hit his cheek, the merest flick of his fingers allowed his magic to shield him.

And Nova knew the Queen would recognize his magic. No two individuals throughout all of history had the same exact aura of magic. Even Clover and Twilight had their differences, though they were very minor.

Queen Chrysalis’ eyes widened as her hand was caught in his shield, and she stared, completely shocked at Nova, who only gave her a disappointed look.

“Really, Chryssie, I thought your father taught you not to strike your friends.”

Nova’s magic faded, and so shocked was she that she fell right into her chair, still gaping at him.

“I… but… how...”

Nova sighed.

“It’s quite easy,” he said. “Time travel has its uses. Such as allowing me to go back to see exactly who my enemy would be over a thousand years later.”

“Your… enemy?” she asked, her voice suddenly soft and weak. She was still staring dumbstruck at Nova, who shrugged and kicked back in his chair.

“Yep. Enemy. I’m sure you remember Lord Silverblood?” he asked, casting her a glance.

Her mouth twitched for a moment, but otherwise her expression didn’t change.

“Yeah, see, he’s kinda responsible for this, as his daughter Shimmer Silvermane got one of my friends kicked out of Canterlot and stuck in Everfree.”

“Your enemy is Shimmer?” Chrysalis asked, still quite breathless.

“No,” Nova said, shaking his head. “Her name is Summer Blossom. Or, it was. I hear she just goes by Envy now. She got pretty riled up when I called her Summer once. But anyway, as you noticed, my aura and Clover’s are intertwined. That may have something to do with the fact that we were in love back in those times.”

Nova felt again a familiar ache in his gut at the mention of Clover’s name, but he ignored it.

“Well, turned out Summer liked me too. When she found out about me and Clover…” he shut his eyes his voice turned slightly morose, “she didn’t take it so well.”

“But you and Miss Clover weren’t close in those caves,” the Queen said, and Nova almost heard the voice of the young princess behind the strange, dual-voice thing she had going. “She was shocked that you wanted me to turn into her.”

“That’s because, as I’m sure you must be aware,” Nova said, “or perhaps you’re only just figuring it out now, but Twilight Sparkle and Clover the Clever bore the same appearance in all but cutie mark. I and Twilight Sparkle had already fallen in love in the present day, only confessing to each other two days before I went back in time.”

Nova smiled fondly, remembering the mare from the past.

“Clover was taken with me, as I’m sure you remember, seeing as how she gave me a good farewell kiss on my way out of Unicornia Palace. When I returned from our little venture, I woke up to find that she had been tending to me for the entire time I had been unconscious.”

“What… what happened?” the Queen asked.

“An encounter with a sandstorm and King Sombra, that’s what,” answered Nova. “Knocked me out for a week. I wake up, and she seemed quite embarrassed to even be in the same room as me.”

He chuckled to himself, remembering the incident with a nostalgic sigh.

“I miss those times,” he admitted. “Steelshod and I would squabble over her, and I would always win. She would flirt with me, as would Summer Blossom, but I made no move on either of them. I guess if I had been up front with both of them, none of this would have happened.”

“Discounting, of course--” Nova’s head snapped sideways to face the door, “--the fact that if you had altered history, you wouldn’t have gone back in time, creating a paradox that could destroy everything.”

“You,” Nova growled, as a muscular man stepped into the room. He was tall, with shaggy black hair, a very sharp black suit and tie, and sideburns that came close to the corners of his mouth. And his red eyes fixed Nova with a confident, almost smug gaze.

“Good day, your highness,” Sombra said, giving a polite bow to the Queen, who only glared at him.

“This is my building, Sombra,” she hissed. “Yours is down the street.”

“Technically, as the mayor, this is my building too. Since Moony’s not around anymore, courtesy of our mutual friend here,” he gestured at Nova, “and since our benefactor remains hidden, that power defaults to me.”

“I must have missed the part where I added you on Facebook,” snarked Nova.

“Well, as they say,” Sombra shrugged, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

“Attributed to a Saddle Arabian sheikh, who was beheaded by his own subjects,” Nova retorted.

“Still, a fitting quote to describe our current, ah, situation,” Sombra continued, He waved his hand, black smoke-like tendrils emanating from it, and another chair appeared.

Or, to be more accurate, a black, ornate throne adorned with rubies appeared, on which Sombra sprawled.

“Since we’re all… for want of a better term, allies at this moment,” he said, but Nova interrupted him.

“What makes you think I would ever deign to ally myself with you?”

“Why, it’s quite simple,” Sombra said, leaning forward and staring at Nova with unmistakable smugness this time. “You are trying to return everypony to Equestria, your homeland. You do it both because you want to and because the Princesses wish it of you. You,” he turned to face the Queen, “have never truly wanted this victory. You have always preferred Equestria. And I,” he leaned back, “will not rule this realm as a puppet, but Equestria as a king.”

“I would die before that happened,” Nova snarled.

“Be careful how you phrase that, Nova, as it can easily be arranged,” Sombra waved him off. “But the point is, all three of us are interested in a common goal. Despite the fact that after this is all said and done we go our separate ways, right now we’re joined at the hip.”

“That usually implies that you have something I need,” Nova pointed out. “And in case you haven’t noticed, I happen to be doing just fine.

“Oh, but that’s just it, Nova Shine,” Sombra said, his smug stare getting even more pronounced. “You’re doing brilliantly when it comes to your plan, but do you really think Envy will have made it that easy for you?”

Nova opened his mouth to object, but then he stopped. Knowing Envy, would it be this easy? Would it be as simple as it so seemed? Just reawaken the Bearers of Harmony and return to Equestria?

Nova’s mouth slowly closed as he considered it. No, obviously it wouldn’t be that simple. This was Envy they were talking about. The same Envy who had tenaciously continued to come after Night Apprentices and Faithful Students for over a thousand years, the same Envy who had played Nova and Twilight masterfully on their own first date.

The same Envy who had forced Nova into a situation to where he had nearly been forced to blast either Twilight or Trixie in the Everfree Vaults with his Magi-gun.

“No,” he admitted. “It can’t be this easy.”

“Because it isn’t,” Sombra continued. “She has set up failsafes in case you were to make too much progress. Some not even Nightmare Moon knew about. But unfortunately, as I was created to help cast this curse, I cannot tell. So, I believe I’ll let the queen do it for me.”

“What do you--” the queen started, before being cut off.

“Don’t play dumb with me, your highness,” said Sombra, a note of cool irritation in his voice. “You’ve had those few changelings who are truly loyal to you to the bitter end go around and try to figure out potential ways to weaken the curse’s framework. So go on, Chrysalis. What did you find?”

Nova turned to look from the king to the queen.

“Envy is under the curse as well,” the Queen said, “and while I would assume you know that much already, there’s more to it than that. Far more.”

“You see, Nova, Envy placed herself under a timed portion of the curse,” Sombra explained. “She would wait for a specific amount of time to see if it stuck, and if it was still intact, she would break out. But there was just one problem: she hasn’t broken out yet, and it’s been nearly six months.”

Nova had already known that Envy was under the curse, courtesy of his intrusion into Nightmare Moon’s mind, and he had known that she was only doing it for so long. But it had been six months. Why wasn’t Envy out yet?

“You do realize what this means, don’t you?” Sombra asked. “I understand you’ve been working to reawaken the Bearers of Harmony, but you must know that, unless you don’t want your shadowy former-friend running around, it would be best to continue to do this without trying to break the curse. Not yet, at least.”

Nova groaned. Breaking the curse had been a sure-fire way to reawaken the Spirits of Harmony inside the Bearers, and it was a backup plan in case his current primary one failed. And it was now a bad idea to go through with as well. Not just because of Envy being under the curse until it was broken, but also because the sustainer of said curse knew all about it and would be expecting an attack.

A thought came to Nova as he pondered this, and out of sheer curiosity, he voiced it.

“Aren’t you an Echo?” he asked the would-be King, who arched an eyebrow.

“I beg your pardon?” he asked.

“Sombra is dead,” Nova said. “Twilight Sparkle and Spike are responsible for that, back when the Crystal Empire came out of its own curse. How come you’re acting in the interest of a dead king, even when you’ve been puppeted to do one specific task?”

The Queen appeared surprised to hear this.

“I was never informed of Sombra’s demise. But then again,” she added, “if it was right as the Crystal Empire returned from its banishing, my spies wouldn’t have known.”

“To answer your question, Nova,” Sombra said, stroking his sideburns with his thumb and index fingers, “I won’t be telling. You think the real Sombra forever dead? Did you not forget, Nova? I told you in the desert.”

“Told me what?”

“‘The World of No Memory, the Neverending Fantasy…”

“...all of it leading to my eventual return,’” Nova finished.

“Yes. And Nova, as you may or may not be aware, we are currently in that first part of my own little prediction. Nopony remembers who they are. We are in the World of No Memory.”

Nova went cold as Sombra hit him with that last statement. How had he not made that connection before?

Sombra merely nodded at the expression of cold shock that had appeared on Nova’s face. The Queen seemed affected as well, noticeably uncomfortable and sidling away from Nova ever so slightly.

“Regardless of your feelings on the matter,” he continued, “it falls on you to act. As far as I’m aware, you are doing quite well, having defeated Nightmare Moon and working to restore the Elements. But unfortunately for you,” he added, leaning forward, “you lack a certain component in your magical education that you’re going to need. A certain component that I can teach you, and possibly even Discord, master of Chaos that he is.”

He turned to the Queen.

“I believe you have what you brought him here for. Allow me custody of him for the remainder of the evening, your highness.”

The Queen gave one last look at Nova, and in it Nova saw slight apprehension and fear of what was to come, before she nodded, and waved them both away.

Before Nova could even protest, Sombra snapped his fingers. Jagged, black sparks of energy flew from his fingers and bound themselves around Nova’s wrists.

“Follow,” Sombra commanded, standing up and banishing his throne away. Nova felt his body move of its own accord, standing up and taking steps he didn’t want it to take to stay behind Sombra as the would-be King led him out of the Police Department, into a rather expensive-looking black Rolls-Royce, and off to Sombra’s rather lavish manor.

Discord’s was more affluent, but that may have had something to do with his ability to reform reality on a whim, but Sombra’s chateau-like manor was no slouch in the luxury department. Though Sombra’s residence was more like his parents’ than anything. Fountains, gardens, marble and stone architecture, and a two-wing structure with a center main section.

“What the hell is this spell?” Nova asked, only able to look around using his neck and eyes, but without being in any control of the lower areas of his body.

“A spell taught to me by my former Master, which allows me to command anyone whom I have managed to bind with it,” Sombra replied as he drove the car to a garage around the back of the house. “Such as my subjects in the Crystal Empire, who wouldn’t build me my kingdom if I hadn’t commanded them to with this. Be very grateful, Nova Shine. This spell only works once per victim per caster, and I chose to use it on you for such a lowly purpose as to make you follow me to my home. Were I to remove the spell and cast it on you again, it would have no effect. But then, of course, the question comes into play: am I the real Sombra? or am I just an Echo, as you said?”

Nova remained silent from then on, even when he was forced to follow Sombra into his house, through several rooms and into a sort of sparring room.

“Stand in the center,” he commanded, and Nova’s body complied, striding forward and standing in the exact center of a drawn circle in the floor, almost twenty yards in diameter. Nova had read up on enchanting circles, and this appeared to be no such magical conduit, since for one, they were small, and for two, they typically used magic powder to direct magic. Indeed, the powder on the ground did not seem to give off even the slightest of arcane energies, which meant that it couldn’t be magic powder.

If anything, it was just chalk.

As soon as Nova stood in the center, Sombra stepped into the circle as well. He snapped his fingers again, and a wall of red energy sprung up to the ceiling of the room from the powder on the ground. Were it not for the occasional spark of black lightning along the magical wall, Nova would have assumed it was normal magic.

“I, Sombra, release the unicorn Nova Shine from his servitude,” Sombra announced, hand brimming with more of the black lightning. At once, the black lightning surrounding Nova’s wrists dispelled, and Nova once more had control of his body.

Which he demonstrated by immediately falling over, being unprepared for it.

“Your mastery of your own body is astounding, Nova Shine,” observed Sombra dryly.

“Shut up,” Nova growled as he got to his feet. “Why the hell am I in this circle, and how the hell can that chalk channel magic?”

Sombra chortled.

“Oh, Nova Shine, tell me you’ve seen magic powder before. I always thought it was the princesses’ tradition to christen their new Night Masters and Prime Magi with the stuff.”

“That can’t be magic powder,” Nova protested. “Magic powder gives off faint arcane readings. This didn’t.”

“True enough,” Sombra said, inclining his head. “To answer your question, it is magic powder, though a more thoroughly-processed form. Useful for maintaining traps, which wouldn’t give off the slightest of arcane readings. As for why you’re in the circle, well…”

A black fire appeared on the collar of the suit at his neck and swept downward. Where it burned, the suit vanished. Sombra was left standing bare-chested in a pair of flexible athletic pants.

The king’s body was heavily scarred, likely from the use of his magic, it was very toned, and it also had a very shaggy carpet of hair across it as well.

“Does my physique interest you?” Sombra asked, one of his thick eyebrows rising above the other.

“Err… no,” Nova said, shaking his head when he realized he had been staring.

“Hmm… I did not know you went both directions, Night Master,” Sombra continued, the faintest of smirks tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“N-no, I--” Nova stammered, before groaning. “How the hell did you get all those scars?”

“All of these?” Sombra asked, turning to display his back, which looked even worse, with what looked like a grid of white lines on it. “Remnants from battle and from my exile from the Crystal Empire.”

“Exile?” Nova asked, surprised. “I didn’t know you were exiled from the Empire.”

“There’s a lot about me you do not know, Nova Shine,” Sombra responded. “But out of curiosity, what did you think?”

“I just thought you inherited the position from your father and then enslaved everypony to build your empire.”

“Well, you’re not wrong,” Sombra said. “I did inherit the position from my father, and then enslaved everypony to build my empire, that much is true.”

“Let me guess, you killed your father,” Nova said.

“Also true, but there is far more to it than that. Perhaps one day, you might hear it. But right now, we have more important things to do.”

Without warning, Sombra raised his hands and pointed his fingers at Nova. Before Nova could react, jagged lightning shot out of Sombra’s fingers and struck Nova in the chest.

Nova yelled and collapsed, writhing in pain, but as soon as it had come, it was gone. He remained on the ground, twitching and taking quick shallow breaths as he tried to recover from the blast.

“Black Magic is not painless, Nova Shine,” Sombra explained as he knelt down and offered a hand. Nova just spit at him and batted it away. Sombra’s lip curled, but he retreated.

“Wh-what the hell was that for?” Nova asked, his voice wheezing because of how quickly he was trying to breathe.

“Incentive,” Sombra replied simply. “You’re going to learn how to block Black Magic or you’re going to keep getting shocked with my favorite spell in my repertoire. Now stand up.”

Nova’s entire body shook as he tried to get to his feet, only for his legs to give out. Sombra let out a tired sigh that betrayed some irritation as Nova tried again.

“You never seemed to take a spell of Black Magic well. First that time in the desert, where it took the merest charm to set you into an enchanted sleep, and now barely a second of lightning. So much for Her Majesty’s Night Master.”

When Nova had finally stabilized himself, Sombra held out his hands again. Nova instinctively conjured a bright blue magical shield, but the black lightning just shot right through it. Once again, Nova was reduced to little more than a pathetic pile of convulsions, twitching, and pained yelling.

“You can try to use your Light Magic, Nova Shine, but against Black Magic it will not work.”

Again and again, Nova was subjected to Sombra’s spells, and again and again, Nova attempted to stop it the only way he knew how. But Light Magic didn’t seem to work even slightly at stopping Sombra’s lightning.

“I keep telling you, Nova Shine,” Sombra said, and again, there was a note of irritation in his voice, “Light Magic will not work. Think! Use that brain, and that ingenuity that has saved you more times than anypony could care to count!”

“I-I c-c-can’t,” Nova said, attempting to speak, even through the convulsions he was still suffering.

“You can,” Sombra corrected him. “You have the tools to do it, but you’re ignoring one entire set of them! Light Magic isn’t the only magic you can cast! For Equestria’s sake, boy, think!

He raised his hands once again and the lightning lanced forth. Out of sheer instinct, Nova held up a hand and snapped his fingers on the other.

A bright white light appeared in Nova’s outstretched hand, and almost magnetically, the lightning seemed drawn to it. And yet it did absolutely nothing to Nova’s hand. The white light was simply absorbing the Black Magic as it came.

A few seconds after Nova managed to conjure the light, Sombra ceased in the spellwork.

“Finally, he uses his brain.”

Nova managed to get to his feet, though his legs still shook beneath him. But he felt… strangely accomplished.

“What… what did I do?” he asked weakly.

“Chaos, Nova,” Sombra said. “Chaos Magic doesn’t follow the rules when it comes to Light and Black Magicks. While Black Magic can essentially completely negate Light Magic’s rules, Chaos Magic doesn’t follow either of them, and so for ponies such as yourself who are too afraid to take that step into ultimate power, it is the only way to defend against it.”

He gestured at the wall.

“Now, do us both a favor, and cut us out of this enclosure. Despite being on the same side, however temporarily, I can only stand your presence for so long.” Nova rolled his eyes. “That, and there is work to be done before any of us can make any attempt at breaking the Curse.”

“Isn’t the Curse your curse, though?” Nova asked.

“It is,” Sombra said. “I cannot break it myself, but due to a loophole in the reason I was created as an Echo, it doesn’t prevent me from… shall we say, implying the ways to break it, but you already know the most direct way of doing it, so I am not needed in that regard.”

Another, more disturbing thought occurred to Nova. The would-be King had once stated that he was invested in Nova’s future. By teaching Nova to defend against Black Magic with Chaos, Sombra had just potentially handed him a way to defend against his preferred magical style.

“Why did you teach me this?” he asked.

Sombra arched an eyebrow.

“Why does it matter to you? Are you not pleased that you can defend against Envy, now?”

“You told me once that you’re invested in my future,” Nova stated. “Why, then, would you help me? Why would you give me a way to defend against your true self, should he ever come back?”

Sombra rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“Astute observation. Have you ever read the Thirty-Six Stratagems?”

Nova had heard the name before, but other than that, he knew nothing, so he shook his head.

“They were a Neighponese essay, written years before even I came to power. I studied it during my exile, along with Sun Tsu’s Art of War. One of the stratagems states ‘Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree.’ In this case, don’t be afraid to sacrifice short-term objectives to preserve my long-term goal. It does not please me that I must teach you this method, but it is necessary, and I hardly unable to work around it. Do you understand?”

“I guess,” Nova said. “Be flexible enough to alter your plans to keep the long-term goal alive?”

“Exactly,” Sombra said. “When I make my plans, I like to set everything up to where, no matter the outcome, I am benefitted. For instance, you look at the situation between the Unicorn Kingdom and the Changelings. The moment Chrysalis was captured by Silverblood, no matter the outcome, something would have happened that would benefit me. Either Chrysalis was rescued, but tensions between the Unicorns and the Changelings would have drastically increased, or the two sides would go to war, dragging your principality and the Pegasi and Earth Ponies into the conflict as well. Your intervention was unforeseen, but not unplanned for, as you did rescue her and tensions did escalate. All-out war between the two sides followed, a couple of centuries later, but by then, Luna and Celestia had already dealt with me. If they hadn’t, I would have swept in and taken Equestria as soon as both sides ended the fighting.”

“So that outcome didn’t benefit you, then,” Nova said.

“Not entirely as I would have liked, but I simply allowed it to happen, so as to set up my future plans.”

“Which won’t be happening, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle.”

Almost as soon as Nova said it, Sombra only smiled at him. And Nova was sure he didn’t like the look of it.

“Won’t they, Nova Shine?”

Nova decided not to give Sombra the satisfaction of answering that one, so he instead turned to the crackling wall of Black Magic, currently trapping them both in.

“So, how exactly do I bust us out?” he asked.

“Really, it’s like you didn’t just get electrically tortured until you learned,” Sombra snarked behind him.

“Okay, okay,” Nova said, rolling his eyes. “I didn’t know if there was some trick to the Chaos or not. Well, here goes.”

His hand shone with blank white light, and he reached out a hand to touch the wall. To Nova’s surprise, the wall felt flat, despite the crackling energy. Against his better judgement, but to test his theory, he reached out his other hand toward the wall tentatively.

Almost at once, he felt the dark energy lance up his arm and he yelped and reflexively clapped his Chaos-riddled hand to his shoulder. Almost at once, the flow of Black Magic ceased in his arm.

“Smooth,” Sombra observed.

“I never took you for the sarcastic type,” Nova commented.

“As I said before, there are a lot of things about me that you do not know.”

“Fair enough,” Nova reasoned, before a sudden, idiotic idea occurred to him. And yet, knowing Chaos magic, it just might work.

Backing away from the wall ever so slightly, he knelt down and touched the very bottom of the wall with the index finger of his Chaos hand, and started to trace upwards. To his surprise and satisfaction, a thin white line trailed behind. Nova arced the finger high over his head on the wall, before bringing it back down on his other side. When he finally removed his finger, having completed the semi-circular pattern, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. the white line remained.

With a smirk, Nova strode forward and simply blew on the section inside of the line, and instantly, that section fell backward, leaving a large hole in the wall.

“Bravo, Nova Shine,” Sombra said, clapping appreciatively. “It seems you have been learning from Discord after all. No doubt cutting the hole in the wall would have been something he’d do.”

Nova smiled as the wall vanished, leaving the white magic powder sitting on the ground one more.

Suddenly, a crackling sound issued from Nova’s shoulder, and a sudden spike of pain erupted. Nova screamed. The pain was even worse than it had been when Sombra had been shocking him.

“No!” he heard as he clutched at his shoulder. “It is not time yet!”

He felt Sombra grab the wrist of the arm clamped over his shoulder and wrench it away. But before Nova could pull free and cover it again, he felt Sombra’s fingers press against his heart and, miraculously, the pain seemed to stop.

Nova looked down, and to his mingled surprise and horror, Sombra appeared to be extracting black essences from him, collecting the energy in his hand.

A wave of nausea rolled over Nova. He retched, vomiting on the floor beside him, before the ground rushed up to meet him, and all became darkness.

Sombra stared down at the unconscious form of Nova Shine, feeling more concerned and surprised than he had ever felt about the boy before. That had not gone according to plan at all. He had learned what he needed to learn, but why had the dark energy chosen that moment to strike? His wall was not designed to be malignant.

Perhaps… he thought, hearkening back to the spell the fool unicorn had cast on the then-Night apprentice. ...an unexpected side effect?

It would require more observation. He hadn’t exhibited even the slightest inclination towards corruption, save for the red eyes, so why now?

With a wave of his hand, Sombra cleaned the magic powder and the vomit as he pondered how best to go about watching.

It seems the best course would be to let Discord and the Princess watch him, he thought, but knowing them, they might find some way to upend everything that I have worked so hard for.

Still, this could not be done now. Now, all Sombra could do was let the boy sleep, and at least find rest within his dreams.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

He was warm. And for some reason, he felt weightless, too.

The weightlessness was a familiar feeling, as more than once he and Twilight had gone for a flight in her dreams, but this felt more real than that.

Was he dreaming?

Nova opened his eyes. Everything was white around him. And he felt like he was floating in water, apart from the fact that he was warm and dry.

What was this place?

He swung himself forward, as if sitting up, only to flail about when he realized there was no floor beneath him.

Yeah, he thought. Definitely dreaming.

He looked down at his hands-- wait a minute. He had hooves again.

He looked over his body and realized, to a mixture of astonishment and pleasure, that he was his pony self once again.

Almost as if to add to his happiness, his favorite navy-blue cloak appeared around his shoulders and fastened itself with the brooch of the Night Master.

“Wonder why that happened,” he said aloud.

Well, if you’re going to meet a pretty lady, you need to be dressed for the occasion.

That voice…

Nova turned around, still floating in the air.

Twilight Sparkle was standing before him, a pony too. But there was something off about her. Nova couldn’t quite put his finger on it, though. Everything seemed there, at least. The eyes were the same, her horn was the same, it was the same old unicorn that he had…

Twilight wasn’t a unicorn anymore. Which could only mean...

“No way.”

Nova felt himself drop to the ground, and he just fell flat on his face, still in disbelief.

“Well, if you really are dreaming, then shouldn’t it come as no surprise to you?” the pony asked, offering a hoof to help him up.

“I told Luna to make sure I never dreamt of you!” Nova said as she pulled him to his hooves. “It’s too painful to even think of you when I’m awake!”

“Then what makes you so sure that this is only a dream?” Clover asked, cocking her head. “For all you know, I just got bored in the afterlife and decided to pay you a visit when I got the opportunity.”

Nova could only stare at her. For some reason, despite the surrealism, and the fact that every bit of this encounter defied all logic, everything seemed perfectly normal. As if this was a normal occurrence. Nova wasn’t panicking or just plain losing it.

“You’re still wondering if I’m real, aren’t you,” Clover asked, still smiling at him.

“You died, though,” Nova protested. “I’ve been to your grave! Your’s and Steel’s! How can you be standing here, looking so young, so beautiful, so...”

“That’s the beautiful thing about eternity, Nova,” she said, glancing at the whiteness beneath her hooves. “It’s eternity. And he and I have been waiting for you to join us for centuries.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to drag me off to the afterlife,” Nova said, ears splaying back (a feeling he was pleased to feel again). “I don’t think I’m ready to die.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Nova,” Clover said, laughing. “You’re not dead. You are asleep, though. A blissful, dreamless sleep that allowed me just the right window to pay you a visit. And for the first time in years, we can talk like we used to.”

“So,” Nova swallowed, “you are real, then?”

“As real as you are,” she answered, taking a few steps forward, to put them both only a few inches away. “Go on, then.”

Nova needed no other words from her. He reached out a tentative hoof to Clover’s cheek, and to his astonishment, his hoof touched her.

Immediately, her own hoof came up, and pressed his into her cheek, which she nuzzled into happily.

“I have waited over a thousand years for this,” she breathed.

At that, Nova let his inhibition go. He pulled Clover’s face right to his and he kissed her, as he had not done since the best and worst night in his life.

After several blissful, unending moments, Nova and Clover separated. Almost immediately, she nuzzled into his neck, and Nova hugged her tightly, tears spilling out of the corners of his eyes.

They almost stood in direct contrast to each other. Clover was peacefully nuzzling into him, without even a little bit of fear, but Nova was unashamedly crying, and holding her so tightly, as if he was afraid she would just vanish.

As with the kiss, they remained in their embrace for several long moments before Nova finally relaxed, and they both sort of fell onto the ground, Nova’s legs wrapped around her.

“My, someone’s eager,” Clover observed.

“This, coming from the mare who wanted me to give her a whole night and spent a year and a half attempting to woo me against my will?” Nova retorted.

“Still as snarky as ever,” she answered. “I see a couple of years have done nothing to tame the tongue of Nova Shine.”

“Well, you’ve been watching me, haven’t you?” Nova asked, bemused. “Of course a couple of years have done nothing.”

“Well, we haven’t been watching you,” Clover replied. “We can’t, really. We can sense things about ponies we are or were close to, but we can’t watch your every move.”

“Oh, good, I feel loads better,” Nova said.

“You received my final letter?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Of course,” Nova smiled fondly at the memory of discovering the final words Clover had written him in his own code. “Which reminds me. You haven’t asked about my earring yet.”

“No, that I haven’t,” she said, glancing at the small glowing magenta stone, still fastened to his ear even in this dream state. “I assume this means you and Twilight Sparkle are engaged?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle, now,” Nova corrected her. “I proposed not too long after she ascended, and naturally, considering that I’m a very sexy stallion--” Clover flicked his muzzle with her ear, “--she accepted on the spot.”

Clover hummed peacefully as Nova fell silent. They were content to lie there, simply enjoying each other’s company. It felt as though no more words needed to be spoken.

But like any good moment with Nova Shine, it was ruined somehow.

“So, you wait more than a thousand years to meet me, and all we do is kiss, hug, and cuddle?”

Clover let out a patient sigh, but she did flick Nova’s muzzle with her ear again.

“Well, you do have a point,” she admitted. “You’ll be waking up in only a few hours. Not exactly the biggest window of time for us to catch up.”

Instantly, the white dreamscape around them changed. No longer were they just floating around. They were now standing in the Great Hall of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, exactly as it had been the night Nova had left, minus the crowd.

A golden and silver throne were placed up at the high table, there was a great clearing in the middle of the floor, the tables had food left over on them, and the starry sky could be seen outside the windows.

“A dance?” Nova asked, feeling suddenly quite warm around the ears.

“Yes, Nova. A dance,” Clover affirmed, standing and turning around to face him. Nova was drawn up to his hooves, and the same spell she had used to long ago pulled his sternum towards her, holding them close.

Do you remember how it goes?” she asked, and to Nova’s surprise, he could hear the same strains played by the orchestra that night as he and Clover had danced.

As soon as the music had gotten into its full swing, she took the lead. She led him as they waltzed slowly across the ballroom floor. All the while, Nova just let her lead while he basked in just her presence.

And as they moved, Nova once again felt the tears start to fall. She was here, with him! Clover the Clever!

“Please,” he croaked, his voice suddenly weak, “tell me I’ll remember this when I wake up.”

He heard her hum quietly again, but otherwise, she offered no response, content to continue her slow dance with him.

“Not entirely,” she finally said, which caused Nova’s heart to sink. “You’ll only remember it like a half-forgotten dream. But Nova Shine, I want you to promise me one thing,” she added, letting the spell binding her to him wear off so she could look him in the eyes.

“Anything,” he said immediately, and completely sincerely.

“Promise me, Nova Shine, you will never forget that I am always with you.”

“I promise,” he said, bending down to kiss her. When he pulled back, he felt uncertainty wash over him. “But how? How are you always with me? Can I ever talk to you like this again?”

“We will meet again, Nova. Perhaps like this, but if not, we will reunite for eternity someday. But despite this, always remember, I am with you, right here.”

She reached forward and placed her hoof right over his heart. Nova felt a strange warmth well up inside him at her touch, and he recast the spell that bound them together.

“Well, we only have a few more hours till I wake up,” he said, feeling her nuzzle into his neck. “Let’s dance the night away, shall we?”

“I think that is a wonderful idea,” she agreed softly.

And they began to dance once again, and they didn’t stop, all through the night.

Penelope Poppentop's Preposterously Popular Party

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 10 - Penelope Poppentop’s Preposterously Popular Party

Awakening was an unwelcome event, so Nova Shine lay in his bed for some time, content to continue trying to sleep.

He had been having such a good dream… why did he have to wake up? Maybe he could find a way to dream of it again? Well, if only he could remember what “it” was. It must have been special to him, or painful, since he could feel dried tear tracks on his face.

“SOMBRA!” Nova suddenly exclaimed, remembering exactly what had knocked him unconscious and bolting upward…

Only for his face to collide with something almost as soft as his pillow, and for a feminine “oof!” to issue from somewhere just above him. Almost as soon as he comprehended the sound, Nova felt dread fill every bit of his being as he leaned back and…

Bright blue eyes, pink poofy hair, a perpetual smile, a curvy body with a set of human teats that would make that Trottingham milkmare he’d heard about green with envy, and the sweet smell of chocolate that seemed to follow the girl wherever she went…

Yep, Nova had just taken a dive right into Penelope Poppentop’s boobs.

“Kill me now,” he groaned, falling backwards onto the bed, vaguely registering that it wasn’t his.

Penelope, however, giggled. She seemed not even slightly concerned that Nova had just done something out of line.

“Silly Nathan,” she enthusiastically said, and Nova could already see where this was going, “here I was, coming to wake you up, only for you to wake right up yourself before I could get Gummy to nibble on your nosie!”

Nova blinked as she booped him on the nose to punctuate her sentence. Her usual hundred-words-per-minute spiel ended quite a bit quicker than he had been anticipating, but he still sighed from his spot on the bed.

“Where am I?” he asked.

“Duuuuh! You’re in my room, silly,” Penelope replied, jumping off of her bed and presenting her room with a flourish. Nova sat up, now he could do so without accidentally motorboating Penny, and looked around.

Pink. Pink everywhere. Pink carpet, pink walls, a pink dresser... How in the hell does she not get tired of this color!?

Nova noticed his clothes were neatly folded on her dresser and that he appeared to be wearing pyjamas of some kind. He lifted the pink covers up off of the pink bed, and to his surprise, he was wearing a set of baby-blue footie pyjamas with little yellow balloons right where the left breast logo would be.

“These yours?” he asked, gesturing at himself.

“Yep!” chirped Penny, leaping onto a pink swivel chair and spinning herself around. “Mr. Sire brought you by last night. Said it was too far to get you to your apartment, and asked me to take care of you for the evening. But everyone knows you can’t sleep in your clothes, and I wasn’t going to make you sleep in your underwear! Rachel and Tracy would kill me if I did that! So I just dressed you up in my set of jammies and let you sleep in my bed last night! By the way, you made a really good teddy-bear.”

For once in his life, Nova was quite glad he slept alone at the moment. Penelope must have squeezed him so hard he cried in his sleep.

“Wait, hang on, Mr. Sire brought me by?” Nova asked.

“Yep,” Penelope said as she continued to spin at Rainbow Dash speeds. “Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham weren’t happy about it, but since they knew you and I are good buddies, they decided to go ahead and let me take care of you for the night. Just as long as I didn’t make too much noise. What do you think they meant by that?” she stopped suddenly, and cast Nova an inquisitive look.

“Uh…” Nova really didn’t like where this was headed. “Nothing, Penelope. Don’t worry about it.”

Penelope shrugged, then leapt off of the chair onto the bed again and pushed her face right up into Nova’s.

Oh Faust, they’re pressed into my chest…

“So, are you coming to my party tonight?” she asked.

“You’re having a party tonight?” Nova asked, instinctively backing right up to the headboard as much as he could. Why hadn’t he heard about this? Penelope’s parties were all very well-advertised.

“Yep! Decided to put one on, just for fun,” she pranced away from the bed, “I’ll be spending the whole day sending out invitations, but you know me, setting up a party is easy!”

“Yeah, well,” Nova thought back to her party cannon, “it helps that you have an explosive way of doing it.”

“You know, I was thinking of expanding that into other things, too. Maybe a Party Bazooka-- no, wait! A party tank!”

“Or an FBI Party Van,” Nova felt compelled to add. He immediately regretted this decision. Penelope jumped on him and grabbed his shoulders so hard, Nova could feel Penelope’s nails just barely not pierce his skin.


“I was joking, Penny,” Nova hastily replied, trying to get her vices-for-hands off of his shoulders before they shredded his flesh. “It’s not a literal van for parties.”

“Partying. Is. Serious. Business,” she growled, poking him in the chest with every word. “Whoever told you otherwise needs me to turn his frown upside-down.”

Something tells me that would involve a meat cleaver…

“But anyway, my party tonight.”

“Your party tonight,” Nova parrotted.

“I mean, it’s not the ‘Bring-Someone-You-Like” party, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring both Rachel and Tracy if you want. I mean, here might be a few slow songs or something, but--”

“Slow down, Pinkie,” Nova said, clapping a hand over her mouth. “First thing’s first, where’s this party even at?”

“Well, zeroth thing zeroth, is Pinkie my new nickname? I had a weird, tingly feeling in my right hamstring, which is usually the feeling I get with my Penny-Sense whenever someone I know gives someone else I know a new nickname, and I’ve been hearing you’ve been calling Rachel ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dash,’ Tracy ‘Twilight,’ and Ashleigh ‘Applejack.’ So, is Pinkie my nickname? Can it be Pinkie Pie? Because I love pink and I’m as sweet as pie!”

“Uh, sure,” Nova said, just smiling and nodding. At least I could call her by her name without suspicion.

“But what about your name, mister?” She poked him again. “You’ve been giving us names with our initials, but you haven’t got a nickname yourself yet, do you?”

“Penny, please, I don’t need a nickname.”

“No, no, wait… I have the perfect one!”

Oh, here we go…

“No-Shirt, No-Shoes, No-Service!”

The hell?

“Uh, isn’t that a bit longer than my name, though?” he asked.

“But they all start with N and S, so it’d be perfect! Waaaaaaiiiiit…”

She suddenly rolled him over and yanked his shirt collar down, exposing his cutie mark-thingy to her. He cried out in surprise, but otherwise let her do her thing.

“I’m guessing you saw that last night?” he asked.

“While I had you undressed. Weird tattoo you have there, Nathan.”

“I’ve seen weirder.”

“Hmm… you seem to like stars a lot. Maybe… Nova Sparkle?”

Nova snorted unintentionally. Was this just Penny’s craziness or…

“Wait! Nova Shimmer!”

Now that one was getting a little too creepy. Both on account of Shimmer being the name of his mother, and being the name of Lord Silverblood’s daughter back in the past.

“Nova… Sunset?” Penny continued, pulling out a Sherlock Holmes-esque deer-hunter and a bubble pipe from somewhere behind her and putting them on. “I will get to the bottom of the perfect nickname for you if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Hang on, I’m getting a shaky feeling in my elbow. That means I’ve picked names that are somehow related to you romantically. And for whatever reason, I started thinking of clovers and the sunset.”

Okay, that one hit a little too close to home.

Penny, however, didn’t seem to notice Nova’s sudden distraughtness and instead was continuing to ramble on about her Penny Sense.

“Oh, wait! You don’t even know where the party’s at! How can you bring a not-date when you don’t even know where you’re bringing them?”

Nova shrugged. Suddenly he wasn’t in the mood to continue this discussion with Penny. He knew he couldn’t blame her, that she had no idea in this current state just how touchy he was about the mere mention of the word “clover,” but it still soured him quite a bit.

A pair of thumbs suddenly hooked themselves inside of Nova’s mouth and stretched its corners out and up.

“Someone’s not smiling!” Penny sang, completely oblivious to Nova’s sputtering. “It’s a great new day, Penelope Poppentop’s throwing a party at Veronica’s club, and someone gets free cupcakes, just for being my friend!”

“Hnnng nnn” Nova said, suddenly stopping. He pulled Penny’s fingers out of his mouth, wiped the spittle off his chin, and shooed her away. “Need to shower, Penny. Can you give me a moment?”

“Sure thing! But don’t blame me if your hair smells like bubblegum when you’re done.”

Nova had been doing it for just a precious moment of silence, but Penny apparently either didn’t know or care. She just sat patiently behind the shower curtain, back turned away in case Nova opened up for whatever reason, and jabbered away.

“--and so I was thinking I could maybe borrow some of the soccer players--”

Nova scrubbed at the roots of his hair quite forcefully, at this rate hoping the scratching/rubbing noise of his fingers on his scalp, when mixed with the water, would mostly drown her out.

“--but I was reading the chapter before this one, how the guy met this princess he had saved a loooooooooong time ago and she didn’t know if it was him or not--”

He tried a different tactic as he tried putting his clothes on. Instead of trying to drown her out, which seemed to be impossible, he decided to just grunt or reply with “Uh-huh” or “Yeah” whenever she paused.

“--so anyway, I was thinking, since you don’t seem to have a not-date, do you think you could come to my party tonight as my date?”


Needless to say it didn’t work out quite as well as intended.

“Wait-- what?” he asked, catching himself as he realized what she had asked.

“I mean, not as, you know, dates dates,” she seemed to be trying to make it not sound like what it had actually sounded like, “but you know, just as friends dates! Just a casual event where two friends can hang out in a completely platonic manner, you know!”

Nova blinked. Was his and Twilight’s in-joke rubbing off on everypony else, all of a sudden?

“Wait, so you’re asking me to your own party, as a friend as a date?” Nova asked, thoroughly bemused by Penelope’s haste to make sure he didn’t get the wrong idea. “You are aware I’ve already promised dates to Rachel times two and Ashleigh, right?”

“Wait, you’ve promised dates to Rachel and Ashleigh?” Penny asked, answering that question for Nova quite quickly.

“Yeah,” Nova said, scrubbing at the back of his head. “Promised a date for Rachel if she came out and helped me and Ashleigh on the Appleby farm, and ended up being booked for a double date since they got into a contest and tied.”

“Aren’t you leaving someone out, though?” Penny asked, sounding confused. “What about Tracy?”

“What about her?” Nova asked, as he started rinsing the suds out.

“Haven’t you asked her on a date yet?” She made it sound like it was something Nova should have done a long time ago. “I mean, come on, Everyone can see it, nowadays. You won’t stop glancing at her, you never seem to mind her teasing you when it used to be you wanted nothing to do with her, and that’s not even getting into saving her from those meanie-pants Hellsings, or breaking up with Natalie because she wanted to throw her out. So when are you asking her out?”

“I kinda have more important things to do right now,” Nova answered, which was completely true. And he also remembered how Princess Celestia had told him that under no circumstances was he to try to bring Twilight back before anyone else, simply due to her Spirit of Harmony relying so heavily on the other five. As such, while he would love nothing more than to pursue Tracy/Twilight, even in this form, he had a job to do that was more important.

That, and because he wouldn’t truly be happy until he and Twilight finally exchanged their vows, like they had tried to those months ago.

“What’s more important than true love!?” Penny asked, sounding quite accusatory about it.

“What makes you so sure that it’s true love?” Nova asked, choosing to banter back. “For all you know, I could have less-than-honorable intentions.”

“Because I know you, Nova Sunset,” she said, matter-of-factly. “From the way you stood up to those Hellsings, I know for a fact that you would never do something like that. My Penny Sense would never lead me astray.”

“Yes, well, Penny Sense aside, I still don’t really feel like asking her on a date just yet,” he said. “And if you don’t mind, could you hand me a towel? I’m getting out.”

He shut off Penny’s shower, took the fluffy pink towel she stuck through the curtains, and wrapped it around his waist. Upon getting out and seeing his reflection in the mirror, he couldn’t help but feel terribly emasculated. Penny, for whatever reason, thought it was immensely funny.

“Oh, Nova Sunset, you look so silly with a pink towel and pink hair. Regina would have a fit, don’t you think?”

“Naturally. In no small part because she… ah, highly disapproves of me.”

Penny, it seemed, didn’t hear. She just hummed to herself and turned around in a sort of pirouette, giving Nova the only privacy he knew she was going to give while he slid on his boxers, followed very quickly by his jeans.

And as soon as his jeans were on, Nova’s vision went black as several things hit his face at once, including something that felt suspiciously like a pair of supportive cups. All of them felt like cloth and all of them smelled like chocolate.

Aaaaaand Penny just stripped for her shower.

Unfortunately for Nova, he removed his blindfolds a little too quickly, mistaking the sound of Penny’s feet touching the bathroom floor for her feet touching the floor of her shower..

“GAH!” he yelped, clapping his hands over his eyes as he beheld Penelope, shamelessly naked, admiring her curvy body in the mirror.

“Oopsie!” she giggled. “Sorry! Forgot to warn you. Getting in the shower now!”

Fortunately for Nova, the rest of the morning at the Cunningham Cake Confectionary went without further incident. Unfortunately for Nova, he was still stuck with an image that wouldn’t soon be leaving his head. And he had also inadvertently agreed to a friendly date with Penny at her evening party. And Nova was going to go to great lengths to make sure this didn’t evolve into more.

The remainder of the day was spent with Penny, helping her run her various errands as she went about preparing for this party. Through this, Nova managed to get his first look at the damage done to Veronica’s club when they checked in that morning. To his surprise, nothing looked amiss. Sure, he hadn’t really gone out of his way to break things, but he had the feeling he might have broken a few barstools or something.

But all they did was check in to see whether or not their venue was still open. Luckily, it was. That being said, Penny dragged him off to her favorite party store, located in Uptown, not all that far from Nova’s favorite pub. The outside didn’t look remarkable, but the windows were all covered with some kind of black curtain, with some of the wares placed between the window and the curtain on a showing stand..

“First thing’s first, we need supplies. Streamers, balloons, loudspeakers, gunpowder…”

“Wait, gunpowder?”

“For my party cannon,” Penny said, giving him a strange look. “You didn’t think it fired with no explosive, did you? I mean, duh!”

In hindsight, it was rather obvious. The smoke had to come from somewhere.

All of her supplies, it transpired, were able to be gotten freshly from a magic-slash-party emporium. And of all the shops in the city…

“The GRRRRREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRISHA WELCOMES-- Well, well, if it isn’t Nathan Samuel.”

...it just had to be the one Alex’s egotistical girlfriend Trisha worked at.

Just like her pony self, Trisha enjoyed her purple cape with gold and silver stars, and she really liked magus robes and pointed hats. In fact, it was as if she had been pulled out of Equestria and given a different name, but had almost exactly the same persona. Which, in a way, was what had happened.

“Trisha,” Nova inclined his head at the girl working the registry just inside the emporium.

“Oh, wait, you’re with Penny?” she asked, her purple eyes narrowing as she looked between the two of them. Penny seemed not to hear as she skipped right by Trisha’s stand and off into the aisles of the modest store to look for her quarry, leaving Nova to stand there awkwardly with the mare whose life he had saved almost a year before, yet who didn’t remember a shred of it.

Or of the rather embarrassing moments after, such as the kiss of gratitude. Nova had a feeling if he mentioned it to her, she would probably tap into magic by accident with how angry she could get.


“So,” repeated Nova.

“First time we get to talk since you ditched that bimbo Natalie,” Trisha said, leaning onto her elbows on the counter. “Gotta say, didn’t think you had the balls to do it.”

“I could be wrong, but I don’t think ‘bimbo’ is the right term here,” Nova said. “She’s anything but stupid. But she’s still a bitch.”

“Take it from me, Nathan, it takes one to know one. And even I say she’s a bitch’s bitch.”

“So you’re saying you’re a bitch?” Nova couldn’t resist smirking.

“Exactly. Someone’s gotta wear the pants in mine and Alex’s relationship. Hell, if he was any more British, I could spill all of his wine and cheese on his Tricolor and all he would do is whine about it without making me pay for it.”

“Are you sure you haven’t confused British with French, there?”

“Stop correcting me on my history!”



“But anyway, yeah, I kicked her out of my apartment,” Nova said, returning to the original topic. “She tried to make me throw Tracy out.”

“We all know what she tried to do,” Trisha said, rolling her eyes, “and we all know you played the gallant gentleman and threw your own girlfriend out instead. Really, the story is so full of chivalry, I’m surprised you didn’t stick your coat in the puddles so she could walk over them, or that you didn’t speak with the ‘thees,’ ‘thous,’ ‘thys,’ and ‘thines.’”

“Funny story about that,” Nova said, thinking back to Princess Luna and her habit of falling into Old Equestrian and Royal We. “For another time, but considering my mentor used that sort of language…”

“Whatever,” Trisha said, rolling her eyes and turning back around to see a large, swaying tower of various different goods.

“Your usual, Penny?“ she asked.

“Yep!” chirped Penny’s voice from behind the swaying tower.

“Two hundred sixty-eight dollars and eleven cents,” recited Trisha as she hit one button on the register that immediately run up every one of her orders.

“You have a special button, just for when she comes around?” Nova asked, amused.

“After the second time you have to ring everything up individually, it really gets old.”

Nova could see her point. In short order, Penelope was checked out of the store with all of her goods, which she promptly stored… somewhere. Nova saw her drop them behind her back. The toppling tower was at least twice her height, and she had just made it vanish into thin air behind her.

“Well, now that shopping’s done, I’ll be heading back to the club now. You coming tonight, Trish?” Penny asked, smiling as though she had not just defied the laws of physics.

“As soon as I’m off,” Trisha said, before yawning. “Though I might just hit the hay after I’m done. Didn’t have the best night sleeping.”

“Oh, I hate those nights. Is this one of those nights where you’re just lying in bed awake, trying to fall asleep? Or was it one of those nights where you keep going to sleep but you keep waking up every couple of minutes later? Oh! Oh! Maybe it’s--”

“Hush, Penny,” Nova said, clamping a hand over her mouth. “Let’s head on back to the club.”

“Alright,” Trisha said, waving them out of her store. “But to answer your question, it’s a nightmare night. Or at least, I think it is. I keep having this weird dream about me being a horse or something.”

“On second thought,” Nova said, deciding to go ahead and shove Penny right out the door, “I’ll be right behind you, Penny.”

Trisha just stared at him in confusion, but Nova managed to get Penny out the door, before Penny just skipped off happily, no tower of packages to be seen.

“Okay, first question,” Nova said, struck by that observation, “where did her parcels go?”

“Don’t ask,” Trisha said. “You’ll sleep better.”

“And second, you say you’ve been having dreams of you as a pony?”

“Well, a horse of some kind, at least,” Trisha said, rolling her eyes, an edge of irritation becoming more and more pronounced in her voice. “It doesn’t matter what kind it is, I was a horse, and I was chained to a wall in a weird cave, and a horse that looked like you and a horse that looked like Tracy were there.”

Nova frowned. Trisha was already remembering her past? Was the curse starting to unravel already? If it was, he needed to speed things up with the Elements. If not… well, that did that matter? He couldn’t take that chance. The last thing he needed was Envy running around trying to stop the Bearers from activating their Elements..

Before Trisha could say anything else, Nova reached out and grabbed her face over her eyes.

:”OW! What the fuck are.. you… oh...” Trisha trailed off as Nova channelled a sleeping spell through his hand, and with a soft thump, she fell onto the register. With Trisha asleep, Nova channelled a second spell, allowing him to Dreamwalk to tap into her memories. He needed to find out what she had dreamt of. But first, no observers.

With a snap of his fingers, the curtains were drawn, the door locked, and the windows tinted themselves black where not covered by curtan. There would be no peekers. And with the room secure, Nova cast the spell.

The inky black dreamscape of Trisha’s mind surrounded him. Bubbles of light surrounded him, each a different memory. Naturally, the recent ones would appear closest, and he floated towards one of them. It was only the memory of Nova clapping his hand over her eyes, but Nova removed it regardless. All he had to do was explain that she had fallen asleep.

The bubble vanished and he floated towards another. When it wasn’t the one, he continued. A few bubbles in, he found it. It was the memory of the incident in the Vaults, when he had been there to rescue her and Twilight.

He couldn’t just remove this one; it was a memory recalled. The best thing to do would be to lock it away, with her other memories. With that thought in mind, Nova floated past several bubbles toward a strange, magical wall-construct in the distance. There were cracks in the wall, which if this was the manifestation of the curse, confirmed that the curse was unravelling. Nova took the bubble with the memories of the Vaults and stuck it back inside the cracked wall of the curse, before resealing it with his own magic. He needed to keep this curse intact as long as he could.

With his job done, he backed out, reappearing in the midst of Trisha’s shop. Trisha was still sleeping, and Nova still had his hand over her eyes. Deciding it was best to play it off, he channelled a waking spell through his hand, before pulling it back. With a groan, Trisha stirred. It took a few tries, but she managed to get herself propped up on her elbows to try to fully wake up.

“You okay?” he asked, adding a concerned edge to his voice. He knew, of course, she was perfectly okay. In the long run, if nothing else. But for right now, mild disorientation and slight nausea might be something to worry about.

“Y-yeah…” Trisha said, shaking her head vigorously, tossing her long pale-blue hair around and only adding to the confused look she had about her. “Wha… what happened?”

“You swooned,” Nova said, reaching over and touching the back of his hand to her forehead. “Are you feeling alright? Your forehead feels very warm.”

“I… think so,” Trisha replied, bringing a hand up to feel it herself.

“Look,” said Nova, adding an extra bit of concern, “maybe you should call your boss and tell him. I’m sure he’ll understand.”


The door opened behind him. Nova turned and saw none other than Alex standing there, surveying the scene

“Oh good, you’re here,” Nova said, motioning him over. “I was about to call you. Look, Trisha swooned just a moment ago and--”

But the moment he had said the word “swooned,” he was shoved right out of the way as Alex dashed to Trisha’s side.

“Are you alright?” he asked sharply, feeling her head with the back of his hand the same way Nova did, before recoiling slightly.

“Mm fine…” Trisha mumbled blearily.

“No you’re not,” Alex said. “Fever if ever I felt one. I’ll let your dad know what’s going on; I don’t think he’ll mind you closing up early. Hey Nathan?”

While Alex had been talking to Trisha, Nova had attempted to sneak out of the building and get caught up with Penelope. So when Alex called him over, he froze as if he’d been caught stealing something.

“Yes, Alex?”

“Thanks for looking after Trisha,” he said, giving him a sincerely grateful look.

“No problem. Your timing was impeccable. Well, got to go. Need to catch back up to Penny.”

“If she gets better by tonight,” he nodded back at nauseous Trisha, currently leaning on the counter again, “I suppose I’ll see you at the club.”

“Guess I’ll be seeing you there too, if that’s the case,” Nova replied, before pushing open the door and continuing on outside.

With one whiff of the crisp air, Nova decided he was going to be intentionally taking his sweet time. The winter air was pleasantly chilly, and it just seemed the perfect day for him to take a rather long walk with his thoughts.


Nova grinned sheepishly as he started running back to the club. Or not.

People. People everywhere.

The party was in full swing that evening. As with most Penelope Poppentop parties, the house was packed, the balloons were everywhere, the streamers were being thrown around, and the various desserts were off to the side on a table and nearly all had been munched on by Penny at some point over the last fifteen minutes. As with most Veronica parties, the smoke machines were going, the lights were down, the LED strobes were flickering brightly and seizure-inducingly, and the bass was blaring.

All in all, it was your typical “Veronope” party. With the unexpected addition of Felicity Sanders.

Despite, or perhaps because of, the atmosphere, Felicity was just sitting off at the bar, keeping to herself while everyone danced around the dark club. Amusingly enough, the smoke and darkness seemed to have no effect on her as she read a novella in her seat. The club's bartender seemed not to mind the company as he worked tirelessly on the many drink orders.

"So why come to this party if you have no intention of joining the festivities?" he asked her, to which she just shrugged.

"It's hard to say no to Penny. She's just so..." she searched for the right term, but the bartender just chuckled.

"I know what you mean."

He took off his glasses, cleaned them up a little, brushed back his silver-dyed hair with black tips, and then slid them back on and continued mixing.

"I... I think your hair looks nice," Felicity said, going a little pink.

The bartender laughed. "Veronica makes me dye it. No normal-looking employees in her club. Aside from the uniform, that is," he added, indicating his navy blue jacket, which looked almost black in the darkness.

As Felicity continued sitting off to the side, who should come dancing up to the bar but Penny herself?

"Hiya Sabre!" she called over to the bar. The bartender, Sabre, just inclined his head and continued mixing. "And hiya too, Fel-Fel!"

"I don't like being called that, umm, if that's okay with you."

Penny didn't seem to notice or care that Felicity didn't want to be called that. Instead, she plopped down next to her in a barstool.

"So why aren't you enjoying the party?"

"I don't like crowds. Or bright lights. Or the mortal fear of me doing something embarrassing in front of so many people."

Penelope continued to practically beg Felicity to join in the festivities, but Felicity just kept denying that she wanted to participate. She had deigned to show up, which was in itself a surprise, but no dancing for her.

“But Fel-Fel, you’re making me so sad,” protested Penny, putting on a mock-sad face.

“I, umm, didn’t mean to make you sad, Penny,” Felicity said quietly, tilting her head down so that her pink hair hid her face. “I just want to stay over here, away from all the noise… and people… if that’s okay with you.”

“Well, your loss,” Penny said, springing back up and bouncing right back into the party. Felicity just went back to her book.

With all the commotion, Nova was just sliding his way through people, trying to find other people. Almost everyone he knew came to Penelope’s parties. Even Penny’s sister Marge (creepy though she was).

His primary target: Ashleigh Appleby. He had seen someone with a Stetson running around in here somewhere, and he was looking to confirm his suspicions with her about the marks on their backs by seeing if she had one like it. Nova had already gotten a glance at Felicity’s back when her loose clothes left a gap between them and her back at the right angle, but there was nothing there. Just smooth skin, not even marred by a bra strap, which made Nova feel a little dirty.

It took a little bit of effort, but he finally managed to get within sight of the hat-wearer, who had a blonde ponytail trailing behind her. Another look at her attire confirmed it to be Ashleigh, as she was wearing a leather vest over a white T-shirt, boots, and scuffed jeans. It seemed she had been worming her way through the crowd to get to places best known to her.

“So whah’re ya followin’ me, Nathan?” she asked icily as she finally got to a corner of the dark club, promptly turned around and crossed her arms in front of her with an expectant look.

Or maybe she was just trying to see if he was stalking her.

“Uhh… kinda hard to explain.”

“Well, spit it out, then.”

“Has a strange mark appeared on your back recently?” he asked, deciding to get straight to the point.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“How the hayll would yeh know summat lahke that?” she asked, grabbing him by his shirt. “Y’all haven’t been peepin’ on me, have yeh?”

“No, nothing like that,” Nova said, inwardly smiling that her response was basically a confirmation, but outwardly turning around and pulling up the back of his white shirt to reveal the mark on his own back. “It’s on my back and it’s on Rachel’s. Was wondering if something like that had appeared on your’s.”

“Hang on, that one’s different from mahne.”

“Oh?” Nova asked, feigning surprise.

“Yeah, mahne’s an orange apple-lookin’ shape. Can’t say Ah don’t lahke it, but still, Granny wasn’t happy when she saw Ah had a little tattoo.”

She turned around, pulled her ponytail away. “Go on, give it a look.”

Nova pulled the back of her shirt and vest collars down and sure enough, even in the darkness of the club, an orange apple was visible on her skin, just under her neck. Nova let go of the collars, and Ashleigh adjusted them back into position, before tossing her hair back over her shoulder and turning back around.

“You ‘n’ Rachel have these little marks, too?”

“Yeah,” Nova said, nodding. “Felicity doesn’t, already checked. Thought it might have something to do with the farm work we all did together.”

“Hmm,” Ashleigh said, staring for a moment, before dropping that thread of conversation. “So, how’s things between you and Natalie? Y’all haven’t patched things up yet, have you?”

Nova suddenly caught sight of bright, light-blue eyes staring at him from over Ashleigh’s shoulder. He directed his gaze in that direction and saw that Natalie was glaring at him, and slight snarl on her face. Her vivid red hair almost looked like fire with the smoke and the light playing off of it. She coldly turned around and stalked off back into the crowd.

“Ah’ll take that as a no, then,” Ashleigh said, having turned to see what was happening.

“Guess not,” Nova said, shrugging. “I’m not talking her until she apologizes for what she demanded I do to Tracy.”

“Ah don’t blame ya,” Ashleigh said, scowling after Natalie. “Always thought she wa’n’t nothin’ but a little shit.”

“Hey guys, the party’s over here,” came a confident, slightly scratchy voice from behind Nova, but he didn’t need to turn to know that Rachel was standing there. Sure, he couldn’t sense her energy with everyone’s energy around, but the voice was unmistakable, and this isn’t mentioning the sudden increase in ego.

“Howdy, Rachel,” Ashleigh said, waving. Nova waved too, the casually-careless wave one did to the person behind them.

“Soooo,” Rachel said, looping an arm around Nova’s neck, “how’s my favorite pair of apple-sledgers?”

“The word ‘concerned’ comes to mahnd,” Ashleigh said, glancing at her shoulder.

“Concerned about what?” Rachel asked, unperturbed as Nova removed her arm from his neck.

“Rachel, Nathan told me about that mark on yer back. The one he’s got and the on Ah’ve got too.”

“Oh, that thing?” Rachel said, turning her head as best she could to glance at the spot on her back where the faint red bolt was emblazoned on her skin beneath her sky-blue shirt. “I think it’s cool. Nathan says it ain’t nothing to be worried about.”

“Ah’m a mahte skeptical ‘bout it, but it don’t seem ta be affectin’ me rahght now, so Ah guess Ah’ll let it rest.”

“Good, ‘cause we got an awesome party to enjoy! Oh, and Nathan,” added Rachel, looping her arm around his shoulder again and dragging him toward the crowd, “I kinda need your help for something.”

Nova groaned good-naturedly as Rachel led him back into the crowd. To his surprise, he noticed a strange, pleasant smell coming from her, despite the overpowering odor of sweat pervading the room. This also turned his attention to what she was wearing. Namely, a very snug-looking pair of very short shorts, and now that he had a proper look, her shirt looked pretty tight as well. Inwardly, he let out a disappointed sigh upon noticing the perfume and attire she had chosen to wear.

Rainbow, stop. No matter what your other self wants, surely you must know deep down that we can’t be.

“Okay, so here’s the rundown,” and suddenly, Rachel’s demeanor became very businesslike. She turned and gave Nova the kind of glare he had expected to see on a CEO at a meeting, or some such. Or perhaps a drill sergeant. “Me and Penny have an ongoing prank war. It’s my move. I have something special planned involving a water balloon full of rainbow hair dye.”

“You want to throw it into her hair,” Nova stated.

“Exactly,” Rachel smirked, and she withdrew a balloon just large enough to fit into Nova’s hand. “You’ve been helping her run the show all night, so I need your help distracting her.”

“Why rainbow hair dye?” Nova asked, arching an eyebrow. “Seems a mite tame, knowing your pranks.”

“I, uhh, managed to snag a prank chemical from the chemistry labs that makes people’s scalps itch.”

Nova gave her a stern look.

“Stealing things from the chemistry labs? Do you have any idea how badly that could backfire?”

“Nathan, I have a chem lab this semester. I watched the professor make it myself. She even tossed it on on of her more annoying students. I got her permission for this.”

“I’m having a hard time believing this,” Nova said, having felt a slight flare of energy from Rachel. She was lying, or at least, only slightly fibbing. “So you just need me keeping her looking one way so you can splatter her from another. Sounds easy enough.”

“I knew you’d be up for it,” the relief on her face said otherwise. “Just go keep her busy, and I’ll strike.”

Before he really had time to talk back, she had vanished into the dancing crowd on the lighted floor, leaving Nova to just shake his head.

Why do I put up with these ridiculous shenanigans? he asked himself. Before the snarky other side of his mind could offer an answer, he snapped Rhetorical, to it.

So, with that thought in mind, he squeezed his way between everyone in the crowd toward the DJ stand, where Veronica was rocking out, with Penny standing underneath, jabbering away and keeping tabs on the proceedings.

“Hey! Penny!” he called, before jogging over to her, weaving through the dancing crowd to get to her little clearing.

“Oh, hi Nova Sunset!” she said brightly as she caught sight of him. “Me and Nicky here were just talking about the party.”

Talking might have been a bit of an overstatement. It looked more like she was talking and Veronica was just deejaying as though Penny wasn’t there.

“So anyway, I was thinking, do you think this party’s going to last for a while longer? I mean, all the guests are having fun. Even Fel-Fel is! I was kind of disappointed to see her reading a book, since that’s what Tracy does, you know? But--”

Nova saw a brief bit of rainbow-colored hair run through the crowd behind Penelope. Very quick of Rachel to already have found Penny. Or maybe she was just following him. Either way, he had a very distinct feeling that Rachel was going to throw it rather quickly after getting into position.

“--and I was even surprised that Natalie was here too! I thought she would still be Meanie McMeanPants about it, but she’s here! I couldn’t believe it when I saw her, but then I remembered that while you were gone, I had a reeeeeally big shake, which meant that there was going to be a doozy, and I thought that might have been--”

She stopped suddenly, staring directly at a point past Nova and scrunching her nose.

“Uh, you alright there, Penny?” Nova asked, waving a hand in front of her.

“Duck!” she shouted, grabbing Nova’s shoulder and pulling him down. Nova saw a blur shoot over him and heard it splatter against some unfortunate party guest.

“My bum itched. That usually means someone threw something at me,” Penny explained as she stood back up and shook her poofy hair. “I bet it was Rachel, wasn’t… Fel-Fel?”

She was looking past Nova again. Nova turned around to see a familiar curtain of pink hair behind him. It was Felicity, and she had gotten splattered with itchy rainbow hair dye.

“Damn it, Nathan, you were supposed to keep her distracted!” he heard Rachel shout behind him, but he ignored her. Felicity was visibly tense, with head hung low so no one could see her. Nova knew this was going to turn out very badly.

And sure enough, he noticed a tear drop fall from behind her bangs, followed by another, and then another, climaxing in Felicity turning and bolting through the crowd toward the door of the club.

“Oh no,” he moaned under his breath. This was certainly not going to help things.

Without thinking, he left Rachel and Penelope where they stood and followed Felicity through the crowd as quickly as he could.

Not long after he left, Ashleigh found her way up to the DJ stand. Penelope and Rachel were already sheepishly apologizing to each other about the incident, and were deciding that maybe their prank wars should take place in a less-public place.

“Y’all seen Felicity? Ah saw her runnin’ pell-mell out the door.”

“Yeah, we saw her,” Rachel said, sighing.

“Whah do Ah get the stinkin’ suspicion y’all had somethin’ ta do with this?” Ashleigh asked, eyes narrowing.

“Well, I was only planning on hitting Penelope,” protested Rachel defensively. “‘Snot my fault she ducked.

“My bum itched. That’s my Penny Sense cue to duck. It means someone threw something at me. Doesn’t always say if it’s good or bad.”

“Ya shouldn’t be havin’ yer little prank wars in public!” said Ashleigh, groaning and pinching the bridge of her nose. “Ah swear, sometahmes Ah think ‘Drea mahght be a li’l more mature than the both o’ya.”

“It’s not like I meant to hit her with it!” Rachel countered angrily.

“Ah know, ah know,” Ashleigh said. “Even so, y’all mahght want ta go apolagahze anyway.”

“Apologize!? What for?”

“Fer yer little prank!”

“I didn’t mean to hit her!” Rachel repeated once more.

“But does she know that?” Ashleigh asked.

Rachel opened her mouth, but stopped.

“Rahght, lahke Ah said, ya need to go apolagahze. Even if ya didn’t mean it. Just go do it. Cain’t hurt, rahght?”

“I guess not,” Rachel admitted. “Penny, I think you ought to come too.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” said Penny, cheerful as ever. “Just let me let Nicky here know that I’ll be back in a few!”

As Ashleigh and Rachel walked off, following Nathan and Felicity’s trail, Ashleigh smiled at Rachel.

“Fer what it’s worth, Rachel, Ah think yer doin’ the rahght thing.”

“I… I know,” Rachel hung her head. “I didn’t mean to hit Felicity. God, she’s so sensitive. Nathan’s probably gonna hate me for it.”

“Now you know that ain’t rahght,” Ashleigh said, elbowing Rachel. “Look Rachel, we all know you lahke him. Problem is, all of us, including you, can probably see he’s got a thang for Tracy.”

Rachel grit her teeth in anger at Ashleigh’s blunt statement of that fact.

“But Nathan’s not gonna treat ya any different fer just one simple mistake. Just gotta show him yeh didn’t mean it. And considerin’ Ah owe Felicity fer the tahme she helped Winona, Ah’m off to see if she’s alright. This’d be the best tahme to apologize..”

At this, Rachel sighed in resignation and followed Ashleigh as she exited the club.

Nova had followed Felicity up on top of a nearby building. The music of the club was still going strong, and it could easily be heard over the gale outside. Where the morning had been crisp and pleasant, the evening had gotten nasty. The wind had kicked up, and it was starting to snow. Nova’s cloak kept him warm, as it had the night it had stormed and he had welcomed Tracy into his apartment. And he had a feeling he was going to have to surrender it in a moment.

The small, petty things he gave up for Equestria…

Once he had exited the club, it was a simple matter of following the lone aura that was sprinting away as fast as her legs could carry her. She had gone straight across the street, up a ladder onto one of the random buildings on the opposite block, and she was now just sitting out in the cold, no doubt crying to herself about how she had accidentally been embarrassed in public.

But this was Fluttershy, after all. She was afraid of being seen in a spotlight. Even a dark room seemed like a brightly-lit stage to her. The rainbow dye only made it worse.

He grabbed the metal ladder and instantly winced. The metal was cold as ice. How could she have standed it? Well, a friend was in need. No time to be whining about a cold ladder.

Nova was atop the building as quickly as he could. As expected, facing away from the club, feet dangling over the edge of the building, was Felicity. Her head was bent, hair hanging low over her face, with splotches of different colors spattered across it. She had her face in one hand, her other clawing at her scalp, and she was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Felicity?” Nova asked quietly, after surveying the pitiable sight.

“G-go away!” she snapped, before continuing to cry.

“Felicity, it’s me, Nathan.”

“I d-don’t care!” she screamed. “Are you here t-to laugh some m-more?”

“Felicity, I didn’t laugh,” he tried to reassure her as he stepped toward the crying girl, who he noticed was shivering too. That, or she was crying that hard. Perhaps both, even.

Making up his mind in a split second, he unhooked the brooch on his cloak, took it off of himself to his immediate dislike, and swung it around her shoulders. She turned her eyes to him, confused. They looked like Twilight’s had, those times she had shielded herself inside her room just to cry. Red, puffy, watery, and definitely heartwrenching.

“Wh-what…” she started to ask, but Nova just put a finger right to her lips.

“It’s cold out here. Wouldn’t want you to freeze.”

She blinked, confused, before grabbing the cloak and pulling it around her with the hand she had been crying into. “Wh-why are you doing th-this?”

“Because you’re my friend, Felicity, simple as that.”

“Y-you see me as a friend?” she asked. “B-but, all that time with N-n-natalie, making f-fun of me--”

“--is in the past,” he finished for her, sticking his hands in his armpits for warmth. “I’m not the same Nathan Samuel that I was a few months ago.”

She clawed extra vigorously at her scalp for a moment, and that gave Nova an idea.

“Do you want me to take that out?”

“Take wh-what out?”

“The prank dye,” Nova said, reaching down and scooping up a bit of snow off of the rooftop. “I learned this little trick. I mean, my hair’s natural, but Natalie’s isn’t. She made me fix her hair whenever she botched it. Just need some cold water, and there’s snow a-plenty up here.”

“Um… okay. Sure,” She said, taking down her hand to clutch at his cloak all the tighter, leaving her pink hair there for him to clean of the dye.

Naturally, Nova had been lying. He knew he was pushing his luck a bit, but he felt a bit of risk had a big reward if taken at the right time. So with that thought in mind, he moved around Felicity and splashed the snow into her hair. She yelped in surprise, and she jumped at the sensation, but otherwise, she remained still.

Nova placed his hand on the sopping spot in her hair, and tapped into his Source, ever so slightly. At once, his hands began to glow a faint blue, and he could feel the magic siphoning away the water. It was a drying spell, but being him, he had modified it to suit his needs. With this in mind, he had wetted the dye, and he was now siphoning it right out of her hair, bit by bit.

Little by little, he worked his way down. The cold did little to him, as channeling the magic kept him warm enough, as long as he remained focused on the task at hand. The minutes passed, two entire songs changed down in the club, and the freezing gale had picked up a bit by the time Nova had finished. But when he had, Felicity’s hair was back to its usual pink hue, not a speck of dye in sight. And perhaps even more welcoming, Felicity hadn’t given so much as a sniffle in the last couple of minutes.

“All done,” Nova said as he removed his now-normal hand from her hair. “No itch?”

“N-no,” she said, “it feels fine.”

“Good,” Nova said, stepping around her to sit next to her. “Seems I did my job right, then.”

“What was that?” she asked, curiously. “How did you do that?”

“Oh, a trick I learned from a very close friend of mine.”

You could say that close friend was practically me.

She took a deep breath, for just a moment to watch her breath become mist, but then leaned over and hugged him. Nova could feel quite the difference in this hug compared to the many he had received from Twilight. It was very clear this was a hug of thanks. And Nova himself was quite thankful for that. The last thing he needed was to shoot down the affections of two people.

“Thank-you, Nathan,” she said softly, letting go and getting to her feet. “You’re a really good friend.”


Nova turned. Rachel had climbed up the ladder, Ashleigh was on her way up, and Nova could sense the aura of energy that was unmistakably Penny bouncing around near the bottom of the fire ladder. All three of them had come?

“Look Felicity, I’m sorry about the prank hair dye. It was a mistake, I meant it for Penny, I didn’t know you were there, I--”

Felicity just stepped forward and stuck a finger on Rachel’s mouth, silencing her.

“I’m not mad, Rachel,” Felicity said, smiling wanly. “I know you didn’t mean it. Nathan fixed my hair, and no one got hurt. Everything’s fine.”

Rachel just stared at her for a moment. Penny seemed completely unconcerned, almost as if she knew how the conversation was going to come out. Ashleigh, however, looked a mite skeptical.

“Jus’ lahke that, she’s forgiven? No catch?”

“Well,” said Felicity, tilting her head tentatively, “there is one…”

And before Rachel could react, she had bent over, grabbed a handful of snow, and shoved it right into Rachel’s face, leaving Rachel to sputter and stumble backwards. Ashleigh and Penny kept her from falling off the roof, but they still let her fall on her ass.

Nova laughed. And to his surprise, he wasn’t the only one. Penelope was doubled over, snorting every couple of breaths, Ashleigh was chortling, and even Rachel was chuckling.

“Yeah yeah,” she said, wiping it off her face. “You got me.”

Felicity held down a hand, which Rachel took, and helped her up.

“No catch, Rachel. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

“Hey, what are friends for?” Rachel asked.

And just like last time, Nova noticed a strange light in Penelope’s eyes. Making a hasty move, he jogged around the group to get a view of Felicity’s eyes, and sure enough, there was a gleam in them too. As if to seal it without any doubt, he could feel the energy of the Elements of Harmony converge onto the same spot on their backs, where he was sure a pink butterfly and a blue balloon had to be appearing.

“But let’s get back into the club,” Rachel said. “It’s cold out here, and Nathan looks like he’s going to get hypothermia soon.”

The group all made their way back into Veronica’s club, chatting amicably the entire way. Nova participated in it very little. He was too busy being all smiles. Four down, only two to go! Of course, one of them was his simultaneous least-and-most favorite not-Twilight Bearer of Harmony, but that was immediately followed by his definite favorite.

Speak of Discord…

Tracy was waiting for them at the club’s entrance, decked out in a thick winter coat. Nova didn’t miss the slight falter in Rachel’s smile as she strode straight up to Nova when she saw them, but he put it at the back of his mind.

“You,” she said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the club. “Come with me.”

“Wait, let me get my cloak,” Nova said, breaking free and managing to get his cape back from Felicity, who didn’t need it anymore inside the club. As he put it on, he noticed Rachel give him one last sad look before the doors shut, leaving him to go back to Tracy and let her continue to drag him wherever it was she was dragging him.

Which turned out to be her house.

Not too far from the club, only a few blocks away, Twilight led him into a small flat in one of the buildings, quite similar to popular depictions of Sherclop Holmes’ home at Baker Street. Tracy led him inside, indicated that he sit on a couch, and went back into the adjacent kitchen.

Nova took a look around. Just a sofa, a coffee table in front of it, a throw rug, some vague pictures hung up on the fake-wood walls, and a few books strewn about. He noticed a hall with several doors and ending in a flight of stairs back behind the kitchen counter and assumed that back there was where Sam/Spike slept.

Tracy came back in, bringing with her two mugs of hot chocolate, one of which she set down in front of Nova on the coffee table, and positioned herself sitting opposite him on the sofa.

“Now,” she said, seeming very stern, “why were your hands glowing while you did whatever it was you were doing to Felicity’s hair?”

Nova felt his heart drop right into his feet. The game was up. For all his attempts to keep it a secret, it had finally happened the one time he tried to gamble with it in public.

Tracy had discovered his magic.


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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 11 - Reunion

When Nova told her the truth, Tracy just couldn’t believe it.

“Be serious, Nathan, why were your hands glowing?”

“I am being serious, Tracy. It’s magic.”

“There’s no such thing as magic.”

“There is. I used it right in front of you.”

Having heard the story secondhoof and not having seen it himself, Nova couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Twilight had been when Pinkie’s Pinkie-Sense was messing with her.

“Want me to prove it to you?” Nova asked, holding out his hand toward a random book. At once, his hand glowed vivid blue and the book shot toward his hand at top speed, where he caught it and placed it on the coffee table.

“Wha…” was all Tracy could say as she stared at his hand, which was still glowing, dumbfounded.

“I can do more than just call things to me, too,” he said. With an flicking-sort of flipping motion, Nova had a bright blue flame sitting in the palm of his hand. With a wave of his other hand, the fire transformed into a simple blue were-light that added to the already-well-lit room.

Tracy’s mystified eyes never left his hand, even when he ended the spell play and returned his hands to his lap.

“So, where’s Sam?” Nova asked conversationally, as though he had not just gotten done completely breaking his opposite number’s worldview. “With your parents for the evening?”

Tracy nodded dumbly, still staring at his hands. Nova was starting to feel terribly awkward about it, but fortunately, she glanced at her own hands a moment later.

“I guess this means you’re wondering whether or not you can use magic, too,” he commented. “Can’t tell you, honestly. Maybe you can, maybe you can’t. But you definitely have the potential to. But I’m not the one to teach you how.”

Well, it was true. From a certain point of view, at least.

“How do you know I have the potential to?” Tracy asked. “How did you know?”

“You know that lady I saved from the Hellsings?” he asked. More sort-of truths, he supposed.

“Lucy… Selene, was it?”

“That’s the one,” he nodded. “She taught me everything I know about magic. Including a way to detect if someone else can use it. Give me your hands.”


“Your hands,” Nova repeated. “Let me see your hands.”

Tracy glanced at her hands hesitantly for a moment, and when she extended them, it was very hesitant. But Nova meant no harm. He took hold of her wrists and held them up in between them.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“Simple. I’m going to channel a bit of magical energy through your hands,” he explained. “If you are able to cast magic, which everyone has the potential to somewhere deep down, your hands will glow like mine.”

Before she could say another word, he let the energy flow into her. Instead of Nova’s hands glowing, they stayed dark while Tracy’s hands began to glow a bright magenta, almost exactly like Twilight Sparkle’s aura.

Hmm, that’s weird, Nathan said, noticing that it was slightly brighter than he remembered. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t use her magic that it glows as brightly?

After a moment, he let go of her hands and set them gently in her lap.

“All there is to it.”

Tracy just continued to stare at her hands, almost as if through sheer willpower alone, she could make them cast magic. And perhaps she could, if her reflexes and instincts kicked in, but with her modified memory, Twilight Sparkle’s knowledge would remain locked away until the curse was broken.

“Could that woman, Missus Selene--”

“Miss,” Nova corrected reflexively.

“--Miss Selene,” said Tracy, looking up at him with eager eyes, “could she teach me?”

“How to use magic?”

Tracy nodded, and Nova saw the merest flicker of a smile tug at her mouth.

“Well,” he said shrugging, “you would have to speak to her about it yourself. And I can only tell you where she is if she agrees to it.”

“Why?” Tracy asked.

“Well,” Nova said, trailing off as he tried to think of a suitable explanation, but then he figured a third half-truth would be best. “You know the tension going around the town right now? The police and the townspon-- people getting into little scuffles, me having to save you, her, and Rachel from the Hellsings, that stuff?”

She nodded.

“She’s laying low until it all stops. Doesn’t want me telling anyone except in the strictest confidence. There are some who do know where she’s at,” he added, thinking of Mike Appleby, “but I won’t be telling you who they are.”

She pouted and protested, but he was firm in his decision. Nova had a feeling Princess Luna would only turn her down anyway. It wasn’t her place to teach Twilight any magic; that responsibility was her sister’s.

“Is that all you wanted to ask me about?” asked Nova, now that it seemed he had satisfied her.

“Well, I don’t know if you would know about this,” she began, sounding nervous.

“Know about what?”

She hesitated, looking torn between telling him or not, but after a moment she just rose to her feet and indicated that he follow her down the hallway in the kitchen, towards the bedrooms.

“Wait here,” she said, stopping by her bedroom door and going inside. Nova did as he was told, patiently waiting while he heard the sounds of wood sliding on wood, followed by a satisfied “Ah!” and a paper rustle. Once the door opened, Twilight handed him a piece of paper. “Have you ever seen this mark before?”

Nova looked down, and to his astonishment, the paper bore his cutie mark. Exactly the same color, and exactly the same design. How could she have known about this?

It must have shown, because Tracy smiled. “Well, go on then, what is it?”

Nova hesitated yet again. Would it be better to lie? Another half-truth? Or just the full truth?

After a moment of indecision, he decided to just show her, as she had shown him. So he took hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. Tracy let out a surprised little gasp and blushed, but Nova paid it no mind. Instead, he turned his back to her where she could see the mark standing in stark contrast to the color of his skin. And when a second surprised gasp came from her, he knew she had recognized it.

Something cold touched his back, and he flinched, but it was simply Tracy touching his mark in disbelief.

“Sorry,” she said instantly after he jumped.

“‘S fine,” replied Nova, shrugging. “Just, a little more warning next time?”

A sudden chill ran up his spine, the result of Tracy’s touch and the chilly air from the gale outside. Seeing as Tracy already knew of his magic, he figured there was no harm in warming himself with it. A bright blue glow shone on the walls as his hands lit up, and instantly, there was relief as the circulating energy in his body warmed him.

Another gasp caused Nova to end the spell abruptly and turn his head.


“Y-your mark,” she said, staring confusedly at it. “It just… glowed.”

“Did it?” he asked, surprised. That’s new. My mark glows when I cast magic?

He cast the thought out of his mind as Tracy continued to stare at his mark.

“What such a big deal about my back tattoo?” he asked.

“I-it’s nothing important,” she said, cheeks going a bit red. Nova, however, felt a familiar flare of energy emanate from her aura.

“Tracy, I can tell this is a big deal to you; you don’t have to lie to me.”

Tracy blinked. “I-it sounds stupid…”

“Try me.”

Tracy bit her lip for a moment, her blush deepening. Nova couldn’t help but chuckle a little; she looked quite cute when she was embarrassed, just like Twilight did.

“I’ve been having weird dreams,” she said, looking away. “About horses.”


“Like, I’m in this cave-looking place, and there’s this white horse with a really blue mane, a lot like your hair, and your little mark on its side. And there’s another horse, with lighter blue fur and an even lighter mane…”

“Huh,” Nova said, faking puzzlement.

“But… after that…” she trailed off, scrunching up her face as she tried to recall the details, “it’s all a little fuzzy. The horses are talking, and I’m responding, but I don’t know what I’m saying.”

“You remember your dreams better than I do mine,” Nova lied, stepping into her bedroom and sitting down on her bed, noticing that it looked very similar to her room in Canterlot, with books lining every conceivable part of the wall..

Tracy made a funny sound and gave him an odd look as she followed him in.


“You’re lying,” she said. “I don’t know how I know, but I can definitely tell that you’re lying.”

Smart, Nova thought. Even in a memoryless state, she still can pick up on energy reading.

“Alright,” he said, raising his hands in mock-surrender, “you got me. I remember my dreams pretty well, actually.”

“Why would you lie?” she asked, confused. She didn’t seem angry about it, which surprised him. “I mean, it seems innocuous, what we’re talking about.”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Nova said, shrugging. “Actually, let’s test that. Did you know I can randomly walk into other po-- peoples’ dreams?”

Tracy blinked dumbly.

“You can…”

“I can dreamwalk, yes. There’s a lot of things I can do with magic. Not just levitate.”

He held out a hand, and in a flash of blue light, his sword appeared in hand, which he promptly tossed at Tracy. Tracy shrieked and scrambled backwards, letting the sword hit the ground with several dull thunks.

“Come on, now,” Nova said, rolling his eyes. “Maybe you should try catching it this time.”

But instead of tossing it again, he simply handed it to her after picking it up. Tracy had been expecting a typical sword weight, but instead, she found that it was completely weightless. So surprised was she that she embedded in the ceiling, having expected much more of a burden.

Nova snorted, but repaired it with his magic after she pulled it out, grinning quite sheepishly.

“So you want to know what your dreams mean, eh?” he asked, and then he smirked.

“What if I told you that I’m from a land where magical talking candy-colored ponies are the dominant population?”

Tracy stared at him.

After a moment, Nova snickered, causing her to roll her eyes.

“Anyway, I can’t tell you what your dream means, Tracy,” Nova said, shrugging apologetically. “You wouldn’t believe me if I did. So, perhaps instead you would be interested in my work around town thus far?”

“Your work around town?”

“Oh yes,” said Nova with a small smile. “I’m sure the thought must have crossed your mind, ‘exactly why in the hell is he trying to mend the broken bridges between those people?’ Well, in truth, there’s… something that they all have that I need to use. Something locked away inside that I need to awaken for reasons I don’t think you would understand.”

With a wave of his hand and six little wisps of different colors appeared around the room. One purple, one orange, one blue, one red, one magenta, and one pink.

“While these aren’t the real thing, they’re a good visual representation,” Nova explained, “but these are the six Elements of Harmony.”

“The what?”

“The Elements of Harmony,” repeated Nova. “Each of the six elements are sentient, and their spirits rest inside of a chosen bearer, waiting to be awakened.”

Tracy stared at the wisps as they simply floated in their places.

“Are you trying to awaken these… Elements?” she asked.

“Good guess. That I am. Or rather, I’m trying to reawaken the Spirits of Harmony inside of them,” Nova corrected. “You see, these Elements came from an enchanted tree, but in time they were returned to their places, else primal magic would do serious damage to the land they’re from. However, their spirits never left those bearers, and I am striving to reawaken them.”

“What are these elements?” asked Tracy curiously, leaning forward and scrutinizing the purple one.

“Why don’t you tell me?” Nova asked, smiling. “I’m sure you might know somewhere, deep down.”

Tracy continued staring at the purple one, before she finally reached out and poked it with a finger. The wisp shifted, transforming into a purple diamond-shaped cloud.

“Generosity,” she said.

“Good,” encouraged Nova.

Tracy touched the orange, and it became an apple. “Honesty.”

“Very nice.”

The blue, which became a balloon. “Laughter.”

“Keep it up.”

The red, a lightning bolt. “Loyalty.” And the pink, a butterfly, “Kindness.”

And now it was time for that very special magenta element. Nova could feel a strange tingle within his mind, not unlike the time he’d been a vessel for the Consciousness of Magic. Perhaps its residue sensed itself?

At Tracy’s touch, it transformed into the familiar six-pointed star that Nova knew resided on Twilight Sparkle’s flank.

Tracy stared at it for several second, seeming as though she wasn’t quite comprehending it.

“I… I don’t…”

“Think about it,” said Nova encouragingly. “What does your gut tell you?”

“M-magic?” she asked, her brow furrowing.

“Six for six!” exclaimed Nova, applauding. “Very good, Tracy. Very good.”

“B-but how do I know this?” she asked, sounding quite surprised and, dare Nova say it, terrified? “How could I possibly know about these when I’ve never heard of them before?”

“Well, if you’ll allow me to continue, I can explain,” said Nova, standing. With a wave of his hand, all six elements flew forward and arranged themselves in front of Tracy, who let out an “eep!” and flinched backward.

“I want you to tell me, who does each element remind you of?”

Tracy stared at the purple diamond for a moment.


“Regina Mills? The Bearer of Generosity.”

Next, the orange apple. “Ashleigh.”

“Ashleigh Appleby, the Bearer of Honesty.”

The red bolt of lightning. “Rachel.” Her voice was growing in confidence.

“Rachel Dillon, the Bearer of Loyalty.”

The pink butterfly, “Felicity.”

“Felicity Sanders, the Bearer of Kindness.”

The blue balloon. “Penelope.” She made it sound easy.

“Penelope Poppentop, the Bearer of Laughter.”

And finally, the magenta star. Tracy stared at it for a moment, before turning back to Nova and looking at the side of his face, where Nova knew she would find his engagement earring.

“Is it whoever’s little aura this is?” she asked, reaching out and touching it.

“It is,” Nova nodded. “Think you know who it is?”

“What is it?” she asked, moving his ear to get a better look.

“My engagement ring,” Nova answered nonchalantly.

Her fingers froze, and she withdrew them a moment later.

“I’m sorry, I--” she started to apologize, but Nova cut her off.

“Remember what I said, Tracy, it won’t come between anything that may develop between us.”

“B-but you’re engaged!” she protested. “I-it’s not fair to her if I just--”

“Once I’ve completed my objective with the Bearers of Harmony,” Nova said, placing a finger over her mouth to silence her, “I have no doubt that she won’t have a problem with it.”

Twilight blinked, evidently confused. “She’d… be okay with this?”

“Doubtlessly,” said Nova, nodding. “Which, of course, begs the question, ‘whose aura is it?’ And since it’s an engagement ring, another question is, ‘Where’s its twin?’”

Tracy’s eyes alighted all of a sudden, and she ran over to a nightstand and pulled it open. After a moment of rummaging, she pulled out an earring that was glowing a bright blue light.

Her engagement ring to him.

“I-is this it?”

“Yes, that is,” Nova nodded. “I’m sure you recognize the resonance?”

His hands glowed and a matching blue light emanated from them.

“But why would I--”

“Surely the thought crossed your mind?” Nova repeated. “Why would you have the other ring?”

“But… but that would mean…”

“That would mean… what?” Nova asked, curiously, giving a little smile.

“We’re… engaged?”

“Right on the money! Glad you finally figured that out.”

Tracy dropped the ring in shock and just stared at a spot on the floor as she tried to process it all.

A sobering thought struck Nova. Tracy knew the truth, but it was something she couldn’t know. Princess Celestia had cautioned him against this.

She must come last, Nova!

The moment that thought hit him, the good mood that had been dominating his insides since he had managed to awaken Felicity and Penelope left. He was going to have to do the same thing to her as he had done to Trisha: lock away these memories until the curse broke.

“Tracy,” he began, but her finger pressed against his lips and stopped his response.

“I-- I know,” she said, her head drooping. “I… I can’t have forgotten this for no reason. You need me to forget again…”

“I’m… I’m sorry Tracy.”

“You said you can Dreamwalk, though,” she said, sitting next to him and taking his hands into her’s.

“Yes, what of it?”

“Please,” she said, holding his hands to her heart. “Stay with me tonight. Give me one night with you. If you must block my memories, do it while I dream, because I just w-want one night before I f-forget again.”

Nova could see her blinking back tears, and it hurt him to see her like that. And so, acting purely on reflex, he leaned forward and kissed her.

It was over far too soon, after so long. As was the night. Nova stripped down to his boxers, Tracy to her own modest undergarments, and the two of them climbed into bed. As they both held each other close, Nova began to cast the enchantments within his mind that would allow him to enter Twilight’s mind and seal everything away.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

The task of sealing Tracy’s memories away had not been enjoyable. Perhaps it had been easy, but certainly not pleasant. The only hard part was creating the fake memories that would last until the curse broke. Everything had to be convincing, else they wouldn’t take root properly within her mind. He’d had to modify her memories of why they were even there. There were things he left in, such as his mark, but he changed the reasoning for her bringing him there, and modified it so that she point-blank refused to allow him to sleep on the couch. And that she had refused to sleep on it as well.

But upon returning to his own mind, in his native pony form, who should he find waiting for him on the glass pillar of his consciousness than a green pony with a maroon mane and tail, with a glimmering ruby pendant around her neck.

Upon seeing Envy, Nova was already preparing to cast the first spells, but Envy just smirked at him.

“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”

“And whyever not?” Nova asked, the magic ready to burst from his horn.

“Because we’re in your mind,” Envy said. “Granted, only the entry to it, but I could always hop behind this door over here, and then you’d be literally breaking your own brain.”

Even as she said it, an ornate door appeared behind her.

“You’re just hear to talk, then?” he asked.

“Maaaaaaaybe. If somepony behaves, that is.”

Nova let out a soft growl at her words.

“Heard it through the grapevine that you’ve got yourself a little temper problem,” Envy said conversationally, starting to pace around him.

“How could you have heard it when you’re supposed to be under this curse as well?”

“I hear a lot of things,” she said, shrugging. “Remember, I can turn all shadowy.”

“So you’re not under the curse?”

“That’s for you to decide,” she replied, smirking. “You still haven’t even figured out how I’m even here. And for that matter, I don’t think you can figure out why I’m here.”

“To gloat, naturally,” Nova said, scowling.

“Not even in the slightest.”

Envy’s horn lit up, a soft blue light illuminating the darkness around them. Wait, hang on.

Envy’s magic is red…

“Who are you, really?” Nova asked, magic releasing and holding the imposter Envy up in the air, preventing him or her from using any magic or moving.

To his surprise, however, a tiny white light appeared within the magic and encompassed the pon he had trapped, before pushing Nova’s magic outward. Nova felt the strain in his skull as with all of his sheer willpower, he attempted to keep the pony trapped. The pony he had trapped was strong, stronger than anyone he had ever battled before.

When sufficient space was available, the pony dropped gracefully to the ground, before a white light cut a hole in his spell, allowing the imposter to step out of the confines of his spell.

“We must apologize for the deceit practiced here tonight,” she said, before the same light blue lit up her horn. The form of Envy shifted and transformed under the light, until the figure was fully formed, after which the light faded.

“We meant no harm, dearest pupil,” Princess Luna said apologetically, trotting over and giving him a nuzzle. “Part of the reason for our visit was because we were testing the extent of the powers we had gained on one we knew would not take unkindly to our presence. Though we must admit, we did not expect you to be away from your apartment for two evenings in a row.”

.”Circumstances forced me here,” Nova answered. “Not that I mind.”

Princess Luna’s mouth went from being a smile to being a stern line.

“Yes, we observed your encounter with the girl. It is also part of why we came to your dreams tonight.”

“Were you trying to come last night?” Nova asked, remembering that he had definitely dreamt while he slept over at Penelope’s, but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what of.

“We were,” she affirmed. “However, your mind was locked to us. We, however, know the cause, as we have witnessed many such occasions. Nevertheless, doubtlessly, you won’t remember.”

“No kidding,” Nova grumbled. “It sucks, because I could have sworn it was something important.”

“A long story short, Nova Shine, it was.”

“Great, that makes me feel loads better,” said Nova rolling his eyes. “If it’s so important--”

“That is beside the point, dearest,” interrupted Luna. “We came not to debate this, but to send a message on behalf of your parents.”

“My parents?” asked Nova. “They’re out?”

“They are,” Luna dipped her head. “Your mother broke free first, and assisted your father, and the both of them freed the pegasus Sharp Eye. Beyond that, they have yet to attempt to free anyone else.”

“When you’re done here, can you make sure they know not to go about freeing anyone else?” Nova asked. “The more ponies free of the curse, the faster the curse is going to unravel, and I can’t have that yet. Not when I have relative peace in awakening the Spirits of Harmony.”

“We will see what we can do,” promised Luna. “And speaking as your former teacher, we would like to say that your work with four of the Spirits of Harmony has been nothing short of excellent. It has only been a few weeks since my rescue, and you already have four of the six needed. However, that leads me to another reason why I’m here tonight.”

With a shimmer of her horn, the scene around them transformed into the very room Nova now slept in, his arm curled around Tracy’s sleeping form as the two slumbered peacefully.

“You, we think, need a reminder,” the princess said, gazing down at the two of them.

“A reminder?”

“Yes,” said Luna. “Nova, we understand what you are feeling.”

“Oh, do you?” asked Nova, already knowing where this was going, and he didn’t want to hear any of it.

“You have been separated from her, and now you come back to find that she has no knowledge of your shared past, and it is quite plain that you are attempting to win her back.”

“No, really?”

He felt a wing spread around his back, and he tensed.

“Nova Shine, please,” Luna said, leaning her head onto his. “We know what you must be going through right now. You feel alone, without the other half of your heart there to catch you if you fall. You are lonely in your task, even with friends.”

Nova neither confirmed nor denied it. He just grunted, but he did relax under Princess Luna’s hug.

“Is that why you freed my parents?” he asked.

Luna blinked.

“Did we not just say that--”

“Princess,” Nova laughed, “come on. I know you did it. You saw I was lonely without another pony save for you, and you went and freed my parents and Sharp Eye from it.”

Luna brought her other wing to her face.

“You’re too perceptive for your own good sometimes, Nova,” she said. “One of these days, it’s going to get you into trouble.”

“Implying the many other times I didn’t find my way into trouble,” he said. “My diary, for instance, with me being the only one able to understand it, and proceeding to go straight to the past.”

“Indeed,” Luna dipped her head, “but it is far from the only time. What of the incident that started this whole mess? When you had to go and give yourself, Twilight, and Trixie nightmares to start you on this path to discovering and battling Envy?”

“I still stand by that decision,” Nova said, shrugging. “Had to get our younger selves moving somehow.”

“We do not criticize that,” Luna replied. “We criticize the fact that you and she had to go behind our backs about it.”

“Well, you weren’t helping when we asked…”

Luna opened her mouth, but then closed it.

“Point taken.”

“Nova Shine one, Princess Luna nil,” Nova noted, with a teasing smile at his former teacher.

“Be that as it may, Nova Shine,” Luna continued, “we promise you, you will have and hold Twilight Sparkle again. But not now. Not when our victory is close. You must remain focused on your objective, lest you lose your way and it all comes undone.”

Nova had nothing to say. It was true; he had started to lose his way. Granted, he had gotten Felicity and Penelope only this very night, but he would have to reiterate that the last thing he wanted was for the curse to come undone prematurely.

“So… my parents,” he said, not wanting the silence to go on any further.

“Your parents.”

“Where are they?” he asked, as the dreamscape around them dissolved and they returned to Nova’s mind, with the pillar depicting him and Twilight Sparkle standing side-by-side.

“They are within the city, unlike some of your other friends,” Luna said, and the dreamscape vanished once again, leaving them standing in the sky over the town. The towers of downtown rose high over the lesser buildings below, and the highway cut through the heart of the city on its way to the other cities where ponies were being kept in their fake lives. Nova scrutinized where the university was, thence to his apartment, specifically for a frame of reference.

“Here,” said Luna, and a white light shone on a portion of the city close to Discord’s and Sombra’s manors. “It seems Envy was kind enough to give them an affluent estate, little kindness though it was.”

“Are you able to drop in on their dreams tonight?” he asked, tracing a path from Tracy’s apartment to their house. “If you can, could you let them know I’m showing up tomorrow?”

“we can. And we can also give them your message not to free anypony else. Will that suffice?”

“Yes, thank you, Princess.”

“You are most welcome, our former apprentice,” Luna said, bending down to nuzzle him again. “Alas, it seems as though our time tonight must end, if I am to deliver your message.”

“Princess, one more request.”

“Name it.”

“Please,” Nova said, rolling his eyes, “don’t ever show up in my dreams as Envy again. I seriously did consider attacking.”

“Understandable,” conceded Luna. “Very well, next time we will visit your mind as Twilight Sparkle and attempt to seduce you. Will that be less uncomfortable?”

The dreamscape around them changed, revealing the interior of Nova’s house in Equestria, the new one he had built in Ponyville. More specifically, the master bedroom. And lounging on his bed was Twilight Sparkle, eyes half-lidded, a sultry smile on her lips, and ribbon tied around her.

Nova felt his ears splay back, his eyes shrink, and a rising heat in his cheeks, before Luna as Twilight laughed, and the scene dispelled, leaving them back on the pillar.

“It seems as though we found your weak spot, dear Night Master,” she said, giving him a cheeky smile. “Remind us to inform Tia when we return to Equestria.”

“Not on your life,” Nova said, still trying to get the image of Twilight out of his had.

Thank Celestia this is only the gateway and not actually my subconscious.

“Well, we must be off,” said Luna, who was already starting to glow a bright blue. “Fare thee well, our Night Master. Remember, stay the course, and then you can be with your beloved.”

And with a flash of blue light, everything around him vanished.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova opened his eyes slowly. For a brief moment, he wondered exactly where he was, why he felt so strangely proportioned, and why he wasn’t in his home in Ponyville.

But only for a moment, as the ever-sobering memory of their predicament came back to him, as did his current surroundings. He sighed and sat up, noticing first that Tracy was still fast asleep, and that it was only about six in the morning.

Thank goodness it was still the weekend. After the madness on Friday and the clubbing last night, he still had a Sunday to get his head back in the game before he was expected to show back up to his classes and continue the facade.

Nova got out of the bed, giving Tracy a light kiss on the head as he did so, and retrieved his clothing as he made his exit. As he passed through Tracy’s living room, he took the moment to write a quick note, explaining that something had come up, and thanking her for allowing him shelter over the night.

And with that, he was off, back out into the streets, walking back toward uptown, thence to his apartment.

Knowing his dad, he would be up right about now, but Sharp Eye and his mother were always late sleepers. Perhaps he would wait until sunrise before going and seeing them.

Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, he thought.

But then he realized, it would probably take him until sunrise to get there by walking.

Nova smiled rather wistfully at himself.

“So disappointed I can’t just use magic willy-nill-- wait.”

His apartment was closer to his parents’ house than Tracy’s apartment. And he had set up a teleportation point for his cloak there. There wasn’t anyone in the streets for more than a hundred yards in any direction, and none were in sight. What was stopping him?

So with a little grin, Nova swished the cloak on his back around him and let his body fall forward. A split-second later, his feet met solid ground and he found himself standing in his apartment’s living room once again.

And he immediately walked right out the door despite arriving back at his place for the first time in two days.

The walk to his parents’ house wasn’t nearly as long as it could have been, had he gone there from Tracy’s. But he was occupied for a good half-hour. The snow from the previous night’s storm still lay on the streets, smushing underfoot as Nova briskly walked toward the upscale portion of whatever the hell the name of this city was.

What a nice day, he thought. The trees of the upscale neighborhood, devoid of leaves, had their own charm with the snow kept trapped within their branches. Wonder if Dad’s kept his plants alive well in this new form.

When he arrived at the house, he was surprised to see that his dad wasn’t outside, working with the plants. The sun was starting its progress up into the sky, though. Perhaps he had already finished?

Nova did notice come footprints moving from the house to the plants and back. It would seem that was indeed the case.

Raising a fist as he neared the door, he knocked three times. Within seconds, the door opened to reveal a man a little shorter than Nova, with clear blue eyes, dark brown hair, khaki cargo shorts, and a red button-up shirt.

“Nova Shine?” the man said, taken aback, his familiar Neigh Zealand accent a welcome change of pace from the constant normal accents, aside from Alex’s british one..

“Nice to see you too, Sharp Eye,” Nova said, smirking and holding out a hand. Sharp Eye grinned and they shook “When did you get out?”

“Just yesterday,” he answered, stepping back and allowing Nova into the foyer of the stylish house. It looked a lot like the house in Canterlot. Mezzanine, halls that went to different sections of the place… “Were you the first one out? Your mum said you were.”

“That’s me,” said Nova, nodding. “How are they, by the way?”

“We’re all doing well,” he answered. “No real damage. This curse, this ‘victory,’ seems to be a very disappointing win for them. All we got is no memories. ‘Snot like we’re slaves, or something.”

Nova was led along a familiar path back to the living room of the house. His mother and father were sitting side-by-side in evening wear, his mom’s silver hair and his dad’s tidy brown contrasting each other in the dim room.

“Mom? Dad?” Nova asked, coming inside.

Shimmer and Ray both looked back. At once, both of them got up and gave him a great hug. And dare Nova say it, it was the first time he had ever hugged both his parents. It really was the first time he had ever felt like they were a family again.

“We were so worried after we got out,” Shimmer said, pulling back. “Princess Luna told us what happened, how you faced Nightmare Moon.”

“Eh, you know me,” Nova remarked. “A few traps here, a few beams there, and some underhanded trickery all around and bob’s your uncle, Princess Luna is running around again.”

“You’ve been hanging around Aegis too much,” noted his father, who still hadn’t let go.

“Dad, you can let go, you know that right?”

“Sorry,” said Ray, letting go and stepping back. Nova noticed there were a few grey strands in his hair now. Strands that weren’t in his mane on Equus. “It’s just, I’m glad that you’re safe, given everything that’s happening.”

We are glad you’re safe,” Shimmer said. “Battling Nightmare Moon must have been dangerous.”

“No more than what I expected,” Nova said. “Really, it was actually a bit on the underwhelming side, since I knew just how to push her buttons.”

Shimmer gave a wry smile.

“You know just how to push everyone’s buttons, it seems.”

“Part of being me, I guess,” Nova said, shrugging. “So, I never bothered to find out. What is it exactly that you guys do up here?”

“Well, I work at a laboratory, apparently,” Ray said, as the three of them moved to sit on the couple of couches in the room. “Fitting, really. I get to keep studying things for a living.”

“I’ve been thinking about that, actually,” Nova said, reaching back and interlacing his fingers behind his head. “My theory is that this curse put us into familiar situations, specifically so that the fake memories would ‘feel’ real to us and take root quickly.”

“That makes a lot of sense,” Ray said, rubbing at the skin of his forehead. “You can cover things up all you want, but you can never truly overwrite a mind. If she had thrown us elsewhere, can you imagine how quickly it’d have unraveled?”

“Obviously, even this place wasn’t perfect,” Nova said. “Something caused my mind to shake off the bindings holding it down. And I think I know what that something is.”

He waved his hand in front of him, a momentary blue glow illuminating it. And a model of the head of Natalie Verano appeared.

“Natalie Verano,” he declared. “When I was under the curse, she was supposedly my girlfriend.”

Another wave of the hand, and Tracy Strong’s head appeared.

“Tracy Strong,” he added. “For obvious reasons, I’m pretty sure you can see why I think I broke out.”

“So Envy duped you into dating this… Verano girl?” asked Shimmer, cocking an eyebrow. “You told us about your adventure in the past. What was there to be gained by this?”

“The last name,” Nova said, smiling grimly. “And the middle, as well. ‘Verano,’ if you’ve ever been to Mexicolt, is their word for summer.”

Realization dawned on Ray’s face, but Shimmer remained confused.

“I don’t understand.”

“Think about it, Mom,” Nova said, and with a wave of his hand, a magical model of Summer Blossom appeared in the room. “Summer Blossom was smitten with me in the past, and she tried to kill Clover because Clover had won me, which led to her becoming Envy. Natalie’s last name is the Mexicoltian word for summer.”

The realization started to dawn on Shimmer, but Nova continued nonetheless.

“And what’s more is her middle name, ‘Dahlia.’ The dahlia flower blooms in summer, making it a literal summer blossom. Finally, her initials. N. and V.”

Ray looked utterly dumbstruck. Shimmer looked a little less impressive with her surprise, but she still appeared quite unnerved by the information.

“Hang on,” Ray said, shaking his head suddenly. “No, that doesn’t sound like Envy.”

“What do you mean?” asked Nova, giving him a curious look.

“She would never be that obvious about it, would she? I don’t know her like you do, but if this really is how her plan is laid out, she’s being remarkable blasé about it.”

“What do you mean ‘blasé?’” asked Nova, confused.

“If this is the case,” Ray explained, “she knows you’re bound to find her out sooner or later, so she made it obvious. I mean, you know, what’s the point of hiding if you’re just gonna unravel it anyway? If this is the case. But from what I know of Envy, this can’t be that simple. I find it more likely she put herself close by, where she can watch you without arousing suspicion. Perhaps by also sowing a little chaos among the Bearers of Harmony as you attempt to awaken them?”

Nova opened his mouth to respond, but then it hit him. Rainbow Dash had never shown any romantic interest in him in Ponyville. He had almost-daily contact with her, she seemed to be a little more harsh than usual with Tracy than she was with anyone else, and she always seemed to be nearby whenever something happened. And that’s not to mention she was almost overtly competing with Tracy for his affections.

He’d had to rescue her from the Hellsings, she had been observing him as Discord trained him, she was there when the Changelings had attempted to drag him off to Chrysalis…

But she has the red lightning bolt on her back, he reasoned. If she’s Envy, why does she have that?

Nova voiced the opinion that had sprouted in his mind. That Rainbow Dash, Rachel Dillon on this world, was the one who fit that description, and his concerns about the Mark of Loyalty that was below the nape of her neck. At this, Ray scowled.

“It’s all too puzzling,” he grumbled. “No one that you know of is definitely Envy. PErhaps she could be leading you one way, only to subvert that in the end. I know the residents of this world have a name for that. I want to say... the Kansas City Shuffle? Regardless, Nova, you cannot trust anyone at this point, save for those whom you know for a fact are who they say you are. Such as Princess Luna.”

“Does this mean I can’t trust you?” he asked his mom and dad. His dad rolled his eyes, but his mom just smiled sweetly at him.

“I don’t know, Nova. Can you? Maybe I’m Envy, and you just don’t realize it.”

Now it was Nova’s turn to roll his eyes.

“Sure, Mom. Whatever you say.”

“Oh, I’m just teasing, son,” she said, nudging him with her elbow. “I suppose now you know where you got that side of you.”

Ray looked over at a clock on the wall and sighed.

“You will have to forgive me, Nova,” he said, standing up and walking off toward the main area of the house. “It may be a Sunday, but I still have things to do in the city. You’ll probably want to spend the day with your mother, yeah?”

Nova nodded.

“I haven’t spent quality time with Mom since we made up,” he said. “About damn time I do.”

Shimmer responded by giving him an affectionate hug.

“You two enjoy yourselves,” Ray said, heading back into the house. “Oh, and Nova? There’s a message for you on the kitchen counter.”

Nova got up from his spot on the couch and followed his dad until the hall split in a direction heading to the house’s kitchen. Once inside, he noticed a small roll of parchment with nothing more than a single fiery-red feather laying beside it.

“It’s from Princess Celestia!” he exclaimed, recognizing Philomena’s plumage. He knew Celestia was powerful enough to send messages at high speed in Equestria, but never had he guessed that Philomena was able to cross world boundaries.

Nova Shine,

Since I have the time, I will write everything I feel you need to know or hear from me, based on Discord’s and my sister’s updates on your current progress, but allow me to get straight to the points.

Allow me to start first with the matter I’m sure is closest to your heart: Twilight Sparkle. I am aware you have been seen in her human counterpart’s company very often as of late, and I am also aware that Luna has been attempting to dissuade you from pursuing her. I have no intention of undermining her instruction or advice, but I would recommend the opposite. Twilight Sparkle was the one who brought the other five Elements together, and you share your own bond with them as well. If you can use Twilight to help them come together, it may save you time and effort, both of which are of the essence.

Second, Discord has informed me he has been instructing you in Spellblade. An unorthodox style of battle, but no doubt one you will put to good use. I’ve heard good things of what little you have used it for thus far; keep up the good work.

Third, I am aware of your truce with Sombra. Luna remains unaware, as I doubt she would approve, or even allow such a truce to continue. I also know of your uneasiness with Sombra and your encounter with him in the past. You need allies, Nova. Perhaps not ones with which to strike permanent bargains, but allies nonetheless. Trust him only so far as you can throw him, but remember, he was summoned by Envy. When the time comes to make your final moves, his Echo will need to be dealt with in some way.

Fourth, and finally, I am leaving Philomena in your care She cannot return to the other side of the Crystal Mirror with my Hyperbolic Time spell still functioning. That, and I thought an extra helper might come in handy. Philomena’s talents are many, and she will perform her duties to the letter. As such, she knows that you are the one taking care of her until she and I are reunited. You need not give her food, she will usually find her own. As well, she may choose to prank you every so often, but do not take offense. It is merely her way of showing affection. If you wish to call her, simply say her name as if you were calling her from afar.

Continue with the excellent progress you have made thus far, and you will return everypony to Equestria within the year. You can do it, Nova. I know you can.


Princess Celestia

Nova grinned. He’d always liked Philomena, the few times he’d ever interacted with her.

“Philomena!” he called. For a moment, he felt awkward, but in a burst of flame a moment later, the red-orange feathered form of a magnificent phoenix appeared before him, standing atop the counter, with no ash or char to be found. The bird regarded Nova for a mere moment, before letting out a chirp and hopping onto his outstretched arm and climbing up to his shoulder.

“Nova, honey, what was--” he heard Shimmer call, before she walked in and stopped at the sight of the phoenix on his shoulder. “Is that Princess Celestia’s phoenix?”

“Yes it is,” Nova said as the bird dipped her own head. “Mom, meet Philomena.”

Shimmer reached out with an arm, but paused. “May I?” she asked, looking directly at the phoenix, rather than at Nova. Philomena responded by hopping off of his shoulder, talons briefly digging into his shoulder, and landing on her arm. Shimmer reached up and stroked the phoenix’s plumage, causing the phoenix to let out a pleasant chirrup.

“She’s quite beautiful,” Shimmer observed. “Why did the Princess send you her pet?”

Philomena let out an indignant squawk and dug her talons into Shimmer’s arm. Shimmer winced, and nearly flung her into the air. Nova could only chuckle.

“I don’t think she takes kindly to being called Princess Celestia’s pet, Mom,” Nova noted. “I think the more accurate term would be ‘familiar.’ After all, Philomena’s more than just a bird that sits around.”

Philomena gave a happy chirp and bopped Shimmer’s head with her wing. Shimmer couldn’t help but chuckle at the display, but proffered Philomena back to Nova.

“She’s quite a creature, I’ll give her that.”

Nova smiled up at the phoenix, who fixed him with a faux-innocent look, before letting out on loud caw and taking flight, vanishing in a flash of fire between them.

The remainder of Nova’s time with his mother was spent simply around the town, in which they talked about various things, but as the day began to wind down to a close, Shimmer had one rather large secret to reveal to Nova as they left the Londoner, Shimmer having insisted on buying Nova his dinner for the day.

They had walked out to the parking lot in which Nova and Big Mac had had their little conversation only weeks ago, where Shimmer had parked their horseless carriage. Or car, as they were apparently known.

“Just out of curiosity,” Nova pondered aloud, staring at the very old-looking vehicle before them, “why an old car?”

“We were only awoken last night, son,” Shimmer said. “Haven’t had the time. But…”

She reached her right hand up and lightly bit down on her thumb, gazing at the car with a look of thoughtfulness. Then after a moment, she reached out and placed her hands on the car’s top.

A wave of light-blue magic rippled down her arm and across the car. After the wave of energy rippled across it, the car began to change from an old, rundown model to a sleek, expensive model right before Nova’s eyes, leaving him utterly thunderstruck.

“Wha…” he tried to say, but he trailed off. Where a rusty old car had been was unmistakably a high-performance car. Based on the logo on the hood, it was a Ferrari, which left Nova feeling rather weak at the knees. How had his mother done that? Sure, she had been a unicorn, but she had never been as strong a spellcaster as his dad had, and even Ray was only slightly stronger than an average unicorn when it came to magic.

Shimmer looked quite pleased with her handiwork, but laughed at Nova’s confusion.

“I’ve never shown you my alchemy before, have I?” she asked.


“Alchemy,” confirmed Shimmer. “I know about your… shall we say, inability to use it, since Princess Luna kept us updated on your tutoring with her, but did you ever wonder why you never saw me cast much overt magic before?”

Nova couldn’t answer. He was still gaping at what had transpired.

“The secret is in the science, son. I can’t openly create or destroy any matter, but I can rearrange what’s already there to my liking, only if I know how it fits together. Like this.”

She knelt down and touched the earth with her hands, her white dress grazing the asphalt beneath her as the ripple of energy flew down her arms again. But this time, a stone statue of a horse with a dunce hat appeared in the parking lot.

“Hmm…” she mused, looking over the grey likeness. “Nah, tail’s not long enough.”

With another use of her magic, and the horse’s tail lengthened a short ways. And yet, Nova still couldn’t find anything to say.

But then she smirked and placed her hand upon the statue and with a flash of light, there were now two statues sitting side by side.

“But… but you said you could only rearrange…” Nova protested weakly, still reeling from this.

“Oh, I did,” Shimmer said matter-of-factly. “I just utilized a well-known, shall we say, loophole in physics called the Banach-Tarski Paradox. If you feel like hurting your brain, you can give it a look.”

She gave Nova a sweet smile.

“Should you ever want to learn about Alchemy from a true master of it, feel free to come visit in Canterlot when we get back.”

She opened her arms, letting Nova hug her.

“I had fun with you today, Nova,” she said, holding him tight. “We really need to do this more often when we get back to Equestria.”

“What, go and make random statues out of the dirt?” Nova asked.

“Of course! I might even make one right in front of your new Ponyville house and everything, just because.”

They shared a chuckle, but the time had come for him to leave. Shimmer gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before bending down to step inside her new car.

“Good-bye for now, son,” she said, giving him a warm smile that Nova returned. “I love you.”

“Love you too, mom,” Nova said.

And with that, Shimmer started her car, shut her door, and began to drive. Nova watched as she drove around her statues, out into the street, around a corner, and out of sight, feeling very satisfied with how the day had gone.

He and his father had made up, that had been obvious, but he and his mother hadn’t really gotten together and done any mother-son bonding since until today. And Shimmer was right; it was indeed very nice.

Nova smiled to himself, and set off, heading back up the familiar roads to his home, humming a happy tune as he did. Things were starting to fall in place. Four of six bearers awakened, four of five of the first stage, he and Tracy were starting to get on in their relationship…

Things were definitely looking up.

Suddenly, Nova felt a burst of energy somewhere to his left. Before he could do anything, he was yanked sideways and thrown against the brick wall of an alley. Stars erupted behind his eyelids as his head collided with the brick, and he struggled to get back to his feet.

“Well done, Molossus, well done,” came a calm, composed voice. Nova heard the tenor behind the voice and it sounded unmistakably changeling in origin. Unfortunately, with his current predicament, his energy senses had been completely knocked cold, leaving him feeling half-blind as he tried to stagger to his feet.

Nova opened his eyes, noticing first two dark shapes blocking his way out of the alley as the sun began to set behind them. He noticed vaguely that he was in the alley he had defeated the Shadowbolts in, but apart from that, there wasn’t much that was making any sense to his brain.

“Who… who’re you…?” he slurred, trying to will his mind back into clarity.

“My name is Killik, Nova Shine,” came the same calm and collected voice from before.

There was something wrong with that statement, that much had occurred to Nova, but what?

“My associate here,” the smaller dark figure indicated the taller one, “is named Molossus. You’re probably wondering why we had to toss you against a brick wall, correct?”

“Y-yeah,” Nova said, still trying to shake his mind back to working condition.

But then it hit him. Killik had referred to him by his pony name, not his alias. His cover had been blown somehow.

At once, everything snapped into focus. Two changeling policemen were barring his exit from the alley, one of them noticeably more muscular and larger than the other, who carried himself with more of the air of a strategist than a fighter.

“It’s quite simple, Night Master,” Killik said, glancing down at Nova with no shortage of distaste. “We’re here to kill you.”

(Click here to skip the April Fools' Chapter)

2015 April Fools' Special - A Picnic With Friends

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Even In Other Worlds
2015 APRIL FOOLS SPECIAL - A Picnic with Friends

“Just kidding,” said the Changeling, as the two of them pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket and set it down in the alley. “Just want to eat with you.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Nova, completely forgetting that they had just smashed him into a wall.

Nova pulled out a few slices of bread and began to eat.

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“...” the changelings said back.

“...” he said.

“...” the changelings said back.

“...” he said.

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“...” the changelings said back.

“...” he said.

“...” the changelings said back.

“...” he said.

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“...” the changelings said back.

“...” he said.

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“...” the changelings said back.

“Well, that was fun,” said Nova as he finished his bread. “Who’s for chinese?”

“That sounds lovely. Same time next week?” asked the Changelings.

“Sounds absolutely marvelous,” said Nova nodding politely at the love-sucking succubi in human form. “I’ll bring the earl grey next time, do please bring the crumpets and scones. Such a great word, scone.”

And then the Elements of Harmony all woke up together and took everyone back to Equestria, and Nova and Twilight got married and they had lots and lots of sex and they had lots and lots of babies and everyone lived happily ever after.

“I wonder how many readers Rytex will piss off with this chapter,” Nova commented from the other side of the fourth wall.


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Even In Other Worlds

Chapter 12 - Stained

Nova didn’t know what to do. He was still struggling to recover from the hit he had taken, and his magic didn’t seem to be functioning properly at the moment.

Things were not looking good.

Killik simply stared down at Nova, the distaste turning into outright contempt the longer he looked. For some reason, the sharpness of his police uniform amplified this that much more.

“Pathetic,” he spat. “To think the Queen would waste her time fighting for someone like you.”

“Y-you don’t even know me,” Nova said, a wheezy giggle escaping him towards the end of the challenging statement. “You’ve no idea what I’ve done for your hive.”

“I am aware of more than you think, Night Master,” Killik replied. “I am well aware of your exploits in the past. You have the hive’s gratitude for saving the Grey Monarch’s daughter, but that is not what concerns me.”

He snapped his fingers. The air around them shimmered, and before Nova could do anything, the three of them were trapped in the alley, surrounded by a transparent green wall with a hexagonal pattern across it.

“What concerns me is that you are working against the interests of the changelings,” he said. “We have been humiliated at the hooves of Equestria not once, but twice. The first time, the queen miscalculated and it cost us dearly. The second time, she was simply out for petty revenge. Her selfish desires have only made us pay for them, and it is time for new leadership among the changelings.”

“Heh, and who’s going to lead them?” Nova challenged. “You? You couldn’t even take me in a one on one fight.”

“No, I couldn’t,” Killik admitted. “But that’s why I brought Molossus. He is much more adept at dealing with unicorns than I, and brute force rarely is a quality that can help a potential Changeling king.”

“Oh, you really are trying to usurp Chrysalis’ position! This is actually pretty hilarious if you ask me.”

“Oh?” Killik asked. “Just how so? I don’t find anything amusing with the situation.”

“Because you can bet the Queen will know all about this little plan of yours by the end of the night,” Nova replied coolly. “Pretty overt attempt to take down the one pony she actually owes her life to? Don’t think you’ll live long after she hears about this.”

“Really?” Killik asked. “What is it those pirates of the independent city-states say? ‘Dead colts tell no tales?’”

He nodded to Molossus, who slammed a fist into his hand menacingly. Killik then turned on his heel and started to walk out.

“If you aren’t already aware, Night Master,” he added, “the Changelings are already dissatisfied with the way she’s been doing things. And if word got out that she were attempting to undo our victory here, the victory that we worked and waited for, she would suddenly be the queen of an empty nation.”

“I promise you this, Killik, I’m acting in the Changelings’ best interest!”

“Likely story,” the changeling spat. “If you work with the queen, it is quite clear you are working against us, wittingly or not. But I have someplace to be. Molossus, he does not leave here alive, no matter the cost.”

“As you wish,” the large changeling said in a quiet hiss.

Killik continued his pace forward and strode right through the barrier, as if it weren’t even there, before walking around the corner of a building and out of sight.

Nova struggled to his feet, just in time for Molossus to lift him by the collar of his shirt.

“I am sorry for this, savior,” Molossus said. “It’s nothing personal; I simply must act to save my hive from Chrysalis’ leadership.”

And with that, he tossed Nova back against the wall, where Nova hit it again with a cry of pain. Nova collapsed to the ground, hacking and spitting up blood. Things were definitely looking bleak already.

He was yanked by the back of his cloak and tossed yet again, slamming into the magical wall at the end of the alley and falling down.

“Come now,” Molossus said impatiently. “Surely you can do better. Do not accept death like a coward!”

Nova staggered to his feet. He could feel energy again, but it was faint. Still, any ability to tap into magic would have to do. He plunged into his Source and almost sighed with relief as his energy reserves were bolstered.

He wasn’t in peak physical condition, but it would have to do. Molossus was bearing down on him again.

Nova reared back and, with all of his might, slammed his fist right into Molossus’ jaw. Molossus was lifted off of his feet and thrown right back into the wall he had just tossed Nova from, slamming into it and even a bit through it.

Nova let out a grunt of satisfaction. Princess Luna had predicted magic would begin to augment his strength in this form, and it seemed it had begun to do just that. The only expense being that as the human body had no true Source, his different energies were one and the same. If he ran out of magical or physical energy, he had just run out of both.

Before Molossus could get to his feet, Nova was already on him, raining down several punches in an attempt to at least wear down the large changeling, but it didn’t seem to be having a particularly noticeable effect.

Finally, after getting fed up with punching him over and over, he opted to kick Molossus, and was rewarded with the Changeling’s head snapping hard to the left. In the neck gaps of Molossus’ combat armor, Nova could see that he had damaged Molossus’ chitin with the force of that attack in the brief moment before Molossus was taken out of sight.

Molossus was sent flying sideways into the wall, where he hit it hard enough to cave in a few of the bricks, but not enough to go completely through. He got back to his feet and spat out a globule of phlegm and red hemolymph, before pulling off his combat helmet.

“I admit, I underestimated you, Night Master. You are a fine warrior.”

He tossed the cracked SWAT helmet to the ground, and proceeded to pull off his combat armor as well. Sure enough, the crack in his chitin that Nova had caused had spiderwebbed across the entire right side of his neck, relative to Nova. However, while the chitin was cracked, nothing underneath appeared to be damaged.

“The armor is getting in my way,” he explained. “Though you are my enemy, consider it an honor that I must fight to my full potential to slay you.”

Nova fired off two quick spells at the changeling, who merely battered them aside with one bored wave of his hand. Nova shot a few more and a few more, but all of them were simply dispelled, blocked, or otherwise riposted.

Finally, when he had just about had enough of trying to wear Molossus down from a distance, he channeled magic in his hands and charged at Molossus, aiming straight for the celiac plexus, while Molossus prepared a block.

Nova had been learning from Aegis how the Lightning Punch worked, and with that knowledge in hand, he had adapted it to suit his own needs. This being said, when Molossus attempted to block Nova’s blow, there was an explosive report, blasting the both of them back and completely winding Nova, who hadn’t yet practiced that move before and now suddenly found himself in an energy deficit.

The changeling, however, looked only slightly worse for the wear. His chitin looked slightly more cracked, but he was starting to show the signs of tiredness, as the perspiration on his forehead glinted in the sunset, and his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.

“A powerful technique,” observed Molossus. “But it seems it has had more effect on you than it has had on me.”

Before Nova could do anything more, the changeling launched himself forward and struck Nova once, twice, three times to the face, before finishing his blow chain off with a kick straight to Nova’s gut. Nova stumbled backward, into Killik’s wall, before launching off of it and reaching out to claw at the cracked section of Molossus’ chitin.

The Changeling let out a growl and backhanded Nova right in the gut, sending him flying backward, into the wall again, and knocking him straight to the ground. Nova coughed, and to his horror, a torrent blood spattered onto the ground.

This time, before Nova could do anything, Molossus was on top of him, slamming a fist down onto Nova’s face. In desperation, he shielded his face with magic, but Molossus rebounded and hit him in the gut once again.

Got… to… keep… fighting… Nova thought, trying desperately to get a counter-blow or spell in, but to no avail. Molossus was just too powerful.

Finally, after nearly a minute of a non-stop beatdown, Molossus ceased his barrage.

“It is time, Night Master. Face your death with dignity.”

With that, he reached down and fastened his hands around Nova’s neck and began to throttle him. For an added measure, he punched Nova in the gut again, making Nova choke out the breath he had attempted to hold for the chokehold.

Nova gagged and sputtered, trying to inhale and wrest the changeling’s hands away from his throat, but the changeling stood firm. There was nothing Nova could do. He was going to die here, in this alley.

He had one last chance to do something, one last attempt to pry the changeling off of him. He reached out to the side, his vision blacking out, willed magic to take the form of something in his hand, and when he felt his fingers wrap around whatever it was, he swung it as hard as he could at where he knew the giant changeling was above him.

He felt it hit, and for a split-second, Molossus’ hands didn’t relax, leading Nova to fear he had failed. But then the fingers’ grip loosened, and Molossus fell right on top of him. It would seem Nova had knocked him clean out.

Nova lay there for a moment, taking gulps of the mercifully, wonderfully cold air, and giving his vision time to return before he went about cleaning up and reporting to the queen. Finally, when the sunset-streaked sky reappeared above him, Nova sighed, and sat up, reaching to push Molossus off of him.

He froze when his hand came into contact with something warm, moist, and squishy.

What? he thought, as he looked down.

He had stuck his hand into Molossus’ neck. Or more specifically, where Molossus’ head had been attacked to his neck. Next to Nova, Molossus’ head lay, his facial expression frozen in pained surprise.

Nova hadn’t knocked Molossus out. Nova had beheaded him.

He turned his gaze to his right hand, where he held his blade, and a cold, panicked sensation shot through him as he saw the blood lining the edge of the blade he had struck Molossus with. He had cut through the damaged chitin in his neck and severed Molossus’s head in his desperation.

I… I killed…

His hands started to shake, his breathing began to grow more and more erratic, the sword dropped from his hands, and he looked down at the body, still spilling blood onto his clothes.

There’s blood on my hands. THERE’S BLOOD ON MY HANDS!

With a scream of horror, he shoved the body away and scrambled back, finding refuge in the corner of the alley, as far away from the body as he could get.

He looked down at his shaking hands, the blood of the changeling dripping off of his fingers, and he started to try to scrape the liquid off.

Get it off, get it off, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, PLEASE, GET IT OFF OF ME!

It wasn’t coming off, no matter how hard he tried. The blood was stuck to his hands. The blood of the changeling he had killed…

He heard someone shout something from somewhere ahead of him, but he couldn’t care less about it right now. He had to get the blood off!

The longer he scrubbed and the harder he scraped, the less it felt like it was coming off.

Finally, after several minutes of rubbing his hands raw, he simply dropped them onto the ground in front of them, staring blankly ahead as the implications started to hit.

I killed somepony… I took a life…

I… murdered him…

He did not know how long he sat there, staring at his hands. Long enough for the blood to dry, at the very least, but apart from that, he didn’t even register the sky darkening. The only thing that could have helped would have been if he had counted the little whimpers and moans he had made.

He heard a frantic tacking of someone’s footsteps as they hurried somewhere, but he didn’t look up. What did it matter?

“Oh, our apprentice,” he heard a familiar voice whisper, in the same agonized tone as he had heard the Princess whisper to the five Nightmares, when they had been sealed inside their mental prisons. “What has happened to thee?”

Nova didn’t answer, nor did he move. He couldn’t bear to look his teacher in the eye. Not after this.

He felt a small flare of energy from her, and he was lifted into the air, hanging limply and just watching the ground move underneath him.

He didn’t know where he was being carried to, nor did he care. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.

He heard a door open, he felt warmth and saw light, and a few short moments later, he felt himself be set down on something soft. The flooring underneath him looked like that of his apartment.

“Nova…” Princess Luna started, but Nova just shook his head, still staring at his bloodstained hands.

“I-I… I t-took a life…” he whimpered, his eyes tearing up. “I k-killed someone.”

“Thou only didst what was necessar--”

DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL ANY BETTER!?” Nova screamed, rising to his feet and staring with fury at his teacher, even as she gazed back at him with an expression of utter pity. It would seem he had reflexively tapped into his magic in the shout, for the assortment of glass around the room shattered, which Luna repaired with a mere flick of her wrist.

As if only to add to his guilt, he realized he had just shouted at the one pony he knew would never think any less of him, no matter the deed he had done. He fell back down against the couch he had been placed in, and resumed staring at the ground.

The door opened, and in stepped Discord, looking for once in his life as serious as any normal pony.

“Miss Strong told me what happened,” he explained immediately to Princess Luna as he entered. “Or at least, the basics of the problem. Do you know more of what has happened?”

Luna covered her eyes and bowed her head sadly.

“We… we think we do. There were two unmistakable changeling presences in that alley, one of which trailed away. The other… the other being the one who battled Nova.”

“Did he…” Discord trailed off, noticing the redness on Nova’s hands.

“From what we could detect,” Luna lowered her voice, “he did only what he had to. Based on what we could detect at first glance, the brute of a changeling had nearly killed our apprentice, forcing his hand. Nova attempted to strike the changeling off of him, but…” she trailed off meaningfully.

“You will have to forgive me, Luna,” Discord preempted, “but I must say, I fail to see why he is so affected by this. Surely he understands he did what--”

He stopped as Nova let out a moan, and was startled to see tears dripping from his eyes.

“Thou dost not know Nova Shine very well if thou thinkest that just because it is necessary means it will have no impact on him,” Luna answered. “Nova is one of the kindest souls we have ever met. He may be one of the most powerful, tenacious, and very dangerous fighters, but he is still a very kind pony. The very night before we took him on as our apprentice, he was willing to give up a night of drinking and several bits of his own to ensure a begging pony had a place to lay his head. And in the past, so enraged by the sight of the young Princess Chrysalis’ suffering was he that he personally brought down Silverblood’s operation and ended Sombra’s plan.”

“I still fail to see--”

“Think, Discord!” Luna snapped, snarling at him. “For a soul as kind and caring as Nova Shine, he doth everything in his power to win a battle with minimal bloodshed! There was only one time where he has ever wanted to see another pony dead, but in the end he let Envy live, choosing to allow the deluge of Soul Jars to fall rather than to kill himself to stop her.from surviving! And now, he has had to take a life! Willingly or not, there is blood on his hooves! We knoweth exactly how he is feeling, for on the Fated Night, we, too, took a life.”

Discord felt his mouth part in surprise, but he thought better about speaking. Yes, he knew that Nightmare Moon, controlling Luna’s body, had been the one to plunge the knife into Sunbeam’s back, but Sunbeam had survived. Wouldn’t that void the guilt?

“We… we knoweth she survived,” Luna said, feeling the anger leave as the familiar feelings of sorrow and shame came over her. “Nevertheless, never for a day do we forget what we felt, even when buried beneath the mask that was Nightmare Moon. We know exactly how he feels right now. Both of our hooves are stained forever.”

For once in his life, Discord had nothing to say. He had no witty quip, no smartass riposte, nothing. All he could do was look at the boy, still staring blankly at his hands, broken and hopeless.

And dare he say it, he pitied the boy. Was this what friendship was about? Knowing when to feel bad for other people? Was this what Fluttershy and Celestia had been trying to drill into him?

If they had, it had finally worked.

He was about to go over, but Luna’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Don’t,” she simply said.

“Why not?” Discord asked indignantly.

Luna said nothing, but gestured at the door, which burst open only a moment later. In came Rachel Dillon and Tracy Strong, both gasping for breath and sweating despite the cold weather. They had obviously sprinted here, judging by their panting and by Tracy being bent over and clutching at a stitch in her side. Rachel, however, sprinted around the couches over to Nova and skidded to a halt.

They both had barged in with fearful looks, but now they had fallen to expressions that looked like how Discord felt.

Despite the fact that Discord thought they would be able to help, when they left only a few minutes later, Nova looked no different. He had barely acknowledged their presence. They had only sat with him and tried to cheer him up, but Luna knew the feeling all too well. Nova didn’t want to be cheered up in any stretch of the term.

Sad as it was, she had to usher the two of them away, promising them that “Mr. Sire” would inform them of any changes to Nova’s condition, which once again, left the three of them alone.

“How did you know about this?” Discord asked Luna as they spoke in Nova’s room, where Luna figured would be the room least susceptible to prying ears. “Ms. Strong came running straight to me when she found him in that alley, and I doubt she knows of your little cottage.”

“She doth not,” Luna said. “She’s only met us once, and that was immediately after Nova rescued me. No, we had a different way to find out about Nova.”

She paused for a moment, to take a deep breath, before launching into the explanation.

“Thou art, of course, aware that our sister could not use the Elements of Harmony alone to banish us to the moon, yes?” she asked. Discord shook his head, and Luna nodded to herself before continuing. “Yes, she needed to enlist the help of Comet and Nova to wield the Elements, and to do that. But there was some extra work to be done to prepare for the day when we knew Envy would come after us.

“Nova already knows this, but we and Comet had experimented before the Fated Night. We had placed a portion of our Source within his own, allowing him to mimic our signature, should that need ever arise. As well, it allowed him to stand in for us whenever the Elements were used against us. We did the same to Nova a thousand years after that occasion, and it worked in the past. But it had some added side-effects we only really started to observe as we trained both of them in their eras.”

“Let me guess,” Discord cut in. “You started being able to sense them without the need for your scrying ball.”

“Sort of,” Luna said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. “We still require a Scrying Orb to see exactly what he’s up to, but we canst detect certain things within his mind. Particularly strong emotions, immense pain or pleasure, and the like.”

Discord snickered. “Oh, I can already imagine how Nova’s wedding night is going to go. You’re going to be able to sense every little detail, aren’t you!”

Luna blushed in embarrassment, but merely rolled her eyes despite that fact.

“There is a time and a place for such jokes, Discord, and this is neither. We were able to sense him the day he and Twilight and he and his father reconciled, and we were also able to sense him the day he and Twilight became engaged. But when we felt the sudden terror that emanated from him this evening, it was clear something had gone terribly wrong, and we ordered Frigoris and Crisium fly us here at top speed.”

“So Crisium and Frigoris are both out?”

“Out and well,” confirmed Luna, “and they currently circle the skies above us, making sure no unwelcome guests come calling. Humorum, Serenitatis, and Starstep have been rescued as well, but art still resting until the aftereffects of the Nightmare’s curse leave them.”

“So how can they fly and you cannot?” Discord pondered.

“We art still struggling to gain control over this body,” Luna explained. She arched her back, raising herself by just a few more inches, and even as Discord watched, her feet left the ground, leaving her hovering there before him, dipping slightly as though invisible wings were pumping up and down. After a few seconds, she let herself down. “However, we art still a long way from being as proficient with this body as we art with our natural form.”

“I see.”

Luna’s mouth curved into a wan smile. “We could have flown here alone, if we had wished. However, as we art still struggling to cast magic in this form, we needed guards with us, just in case.”

“I understand,” Discord said, before glancing out the window. “It’s getting late, and I’ll need to pay a visit to Chrysalis and bring her up to speed. Is there anything else you know about the situation other than what’s obvious?”

“We knoweth nothing else,” Luna said.

“Very well, then.”

And with a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished in a flash of white light, leaving Luna alone in Nova’s bedroom.

But once Discord was gone, she walked out of the room and into Nova’s little kitchen, where she grabbed a large bowl and filled it with water out of the tap, before adding a little bit of soap and grabbing a white towel from a pile left haphazardly by the sink. With these supplies in hand, she walked in front of Nova and set down the soap-and-water-filled bucket at his feet.

Nova’s forlorn expression didn’t change, nor did Luna even think he had noticed her. And if he had, he probably didn’t care in the slightest.

Without waiting to see whether or not he would react, she reached out, grabbed one of his hands, and yanked it toward her. Nova’s eyes flicked in her direction, but but only for a split second before returning to his other hand.

Luna soaked the towel and set to washing the blood off, not caring what he thought of it. He didn’t pull away or protest. Again, he didn’t seem to care.

“We knoweth how thou art feeling, our Night Master,” she said quietly.

Nova grunted.

“One thousand years ago, we were the ones who plunged the knife into Sunbeam, and for the next millennium during our exile, we felt the same shame and sorrow thou art no doubt feeling,” she continued, scrubbing at his palm, noticing the deep scratches where he must have attempted to manually scrape the blood off with his nails. “It was only after we were purified by Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony that we learned of Sunbeam’s survival, but it did not undo the guilt and shame of what we felt, even when it was not us who did the deed.”

“Is this supposed to make me feel better?” Nova asked bitterly. “Because it’s not.”

“Neigh, ‘tis not to make thee feel better.” answered Luna, finishing the scrubbing on the palm and moving to the back of his hands. “We knoweth better than anyone that thou art inconsolable right now. What we art saying, Nova, is that if thou needest a shoulder-- if thou needest anything-- we can help.”

“The only ones who can help me are dead,” Nova spat, shaking his head.

“Nova, we both know that is not true.”

“It may as well be, right now,” he snapped. “Twilight is under, Aegis is under, Clover is dead, Steelshod is dead.”

“What of your parents?” Luna asked.

“They wouldn’t understand,” Nova replied. “They’ve never done something like this.”

“Thou just proves thou knowest nothing about thine own parents,” Luna retorted. “Thy father has incidents of his own he could tell you about, and thy mother--”

But Luna broke off, fearing she had spoken too much. She remembered the conversation she’d had with Ray and Shimmer both, not even two days after taking Nova on as her apprentice, in which they had recanted the story.

“My mother what?” asked Nova, his moping momentarily forgotten in his curiosity. “What did my mother do?”

“Tell me, Nova, dost the name ‘Glimmer’ hold any meaning to thee?”

Nova appeared confused for a moment, but shook his head. After checking to make sure she had gotten it all, Luna finished cleaning his right hand, then let it go and took his left and began the process anew.

“No, it doesn’t,” he answered. “Who’s Glimmer?”

“We wilt let thy parents share that information with thee when they are ready,” Luna replied. “Nevertheless, the incident involving Glimmer is one that has caused both of thy parents to have many sleepless nights. But they art there for thee, if thou needest it.”

The return to the sobering topic of Nova’s murder sapped the curious spirit he had been feeling to that point. However, unlike before, all he did was sigh and droop his head this time. His mood was gone, but at least he seemed in marginally better spirits.

Progress is progress, thought Luna sadly.

After a few more silent minutes, Luna had completely cleaned Nova’s hands, and he seemed in no more mood to speak. With that unspoken mutual understanding, Princess Luna lifted him with magic once again, placed him in his bed, and even went so far as to tuck him in.

“We wilt be here as long as we find it necessary,” she informed him as she started to walk out. “Nova… please, for thy own sake, try thy best to sleep soundly.”

Nova grunted, but otherwise gave no indication he was going to follow her request. She watched him as he stayed motionless on his bed, noting that he didn’t close his eyes and was still staring at the wall blankly.

How it broke her heart to see her student in such a condition, but there was little she could do. And with that sad thought in her mind, she switched off the light and shut the door.

Nova was sitting on the bed in his house. For only a moment he wondered how he had gotten there, but taking a look around, he saw several out of place things. For one, the bed had the wrong color of sheets and comforter, and there appeared to only be three rooms.

My house from the past, he thought. Which means this must be a dream.

He let out a long sigh as the memory of the event appeared in his mind, and he buried his face in his hooves yet again. Could he not even dream in peace, now?

A pair of hooves wrapped themselves around him, startling him for just a moment. His head snapped sideways, seeing whose hooves were hugging him in this dreamstate, only to find a familiar lavender unicorn holding him tightly from behind.

The memory of two nights before returned in that moment, and all Nova could do was stare at Clover, feeling utterly worthless.

She let go and looked him directly in the eyes with nothing short of the utmost love and pity.

“I’m here,” she said, opening her hooves again. “I know what happened, and I’m here for you.”

That was all that he needed to hear. The dam broke, and the tears Nova had been holding back were spilling out as he collapsed into her welcoming embrace, sobbing into her shoulder.

All he could do was let it out. All he wanted to do was let it out. And so he did, sitting in place and just crying into her shoulder while she held her cheek to him and stroked at the back of his mane comfortingly.

“It will be alright,” she whispered. “I know you did not mean to do it, and it may not seem like it now, but I promise you Nova Shine, your wound will heal.”

As he had with Princess Luna, all Nova did was just grunt into her shoulder. Would he really be alright? It all just seemed so meaningless now. Only hours ago, he had been having fun with his mother, but now? Now he felt like there would never be any fun to have again.

There was nothing else to be said. Within the dream state, Nova didn’t know how long he was was there, nor did he care. All that mattered was her, and the fact that even from beyond, she was with him to comfort him when he needed it.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

For the second day in a row, Nova sat in his parents’ living room, Princess Luna sitting at his side and resting an encouraging hand on his shoulder. Unlike the day before, his father was gone, out of the house, leaving him alone with only the one person he really wanted to talk to that he could talk to.

After all, what would Luna know about guilt like this? The only pony she had ever killed had been revived by the Consciousness of Magic not long after. And she had never actually taken that life; it had been Nightmare Moon.

But what of his mother? Who was this Glimmer pony?

The door to the house had been opened before he could even knock, and there stood Nova’s mother, looking incredibly anxious. The moment she saw it was Nova on the other side of the wall, her face fell, and she reached out a hand, completely ignoring Luna’s presence. At the sight of this simple gesture, Nova almost fell into her arms and let her hug him.

Unlike yesterday evening, he didn’t lose his composure. Quite the contrary, he felt warm and secure in her embrace. As with yesterday, it really hit him exactly what he had missed out on after ten years of never wanting to see their faces again.

After some amount of time, how long he didn’t know, she let go and allowed him to stand. Without saying a word, she led him right back into the house’s living room, where she took a seat on the couch and he on his father’s easy chair.

“Princess Luna sent word of what happened,” Shimmer said, shaking her head. “Right after I left, trouble found you. Clearly I should have walked you home myself. Maybe those changelings would have attacked, but at least you wouldn’t have been alone.”

“I handled myself fine on my own,” Nova protested. “It’s just…”

“It’s just what you were forced to do because no one had your back,” his mother finished for him, pinching the bridge of her nose and sighing.

“Mom, who was Glimmer?”

Nova could see the effect that simple question had on his mother instantly. Her shoulders tensed, he could see her body rise half an inch as she sharply inhaled and held it, and her eyes snapped to meet his.

“How do you know that name?” she asked, sounding very wary, looking sharply between him and Princess Luna.

“Princess Luna,” answered Nova, shrugging.

Shimmer buried her face in her hands and then let them drag downward. “I know you’re my diarch, your highness, but you have a way of making my life infuriating,” she grumbled.

“Our apologies,” said Luna. “However, we felt it would help Nova along the road to recovery to know that he was not alone in his guilt.”

“Mom, who was Glimmer?” Nova repeated.

“Did you tell him anything else?” Shimmer asked sharply, looking at him with a very stern, almost frighteningly hard gaze. “What else did you say?”

Princess Luna shook her head, looking utterly indifferent to being accused of.. .whatever she was being accused of.

“We said nothing else.”

“That… that was it, honest,” Nova said, suddenly thinking this probably wasn’t a good idea. “Is something wrong?”

Shimmer stared at him for a long moment, but sighed again, the sigh turning into a groan about halfway through.

“I ask you to keep your damn mouth shut, and you just feel the need to tell anyone you please--”

“Still thy tongue, woman, for We art not without reason!” Luna snapped,her hands flickering with the light of her aura.

“Mom, who is Glimmer?” Nova repeated again, almost shouting over the two mares.

At the mention of the name again, Shimmer sucked in a breath, held it for a long moment, and then let it out over a few seconds. Nova could sense the way the workings of her body just slowed down as she did so. The simple fact that she needed the calm to tell him this spoke volumes about the seriousness of it. Luna, however, looked completely dispassionate, though the subtle way her eyes flickered towards him betrayed her worry.


Nova’s gaze went from staring at where he knew his mother’s heart was to her eyes. And to his astonishment, there was a tear beginning to trail down her cheek.

“I’m… sorry about this,” she said, her voice shaking ever so slightly. “It’s… not a happy topic.”

“I can see that,” Nova responded.

“Keep your sarcasm to yourself,” she snapped, a command which took Nova aback. Shimmer had never been this angry at him before.

“You want to know who Glimmer is, Nova?” she asked, shaking her head. “Would you prefer a harsh truth? Or would you want me to soften the blow, in light of recent events?”

“I’m not one to beat around the bush,” Nova answered, curiosity and trepidation piqued.

“No, no you’re not,” agreed Shimmer, giving him a teary, calculating look. “Very well, please, both of you, come with me. This will take some time.”

From there the two of them had been led to their current spots in the Novus living room, where Shimmer had been mustering the nerve to confess what was on her heart. Finally, after almost a minute of silent waiting, she took a deep breath.

“Glimmer Novus was your older sister.”

It took Nova exactly five seconds to really process that statement. When it finally clunked into place, he sighed.

“I guess I should have expected as much,” Nova said. “What with Dad being all over Canterlot before he married you.”

“No, Nova,” Shimmer said, giving a humorless smile. “Glimmer was my daughter by your father; in no way was she a lovechild of either of us. She was your pure sister, through and through.”

Nova blinked.

“So… I have a sister?” he asked.

Shimmer just shook her head, her eyes starting to glisten with tears that were on the verge of falling.

“No, Nova. She… died about nineteen years ago.”

Nova’s breath caught in his throat. Of course, it had to be this way. It should have been obvious. How could she not be dead?

But then…

“Did… did I know her?” he asked.

Shimmer nodded, wiping one of her eyes.

“She… the two of you were th-the closest sibling pair I had ever seen at that age. More than once, we had to t-tell her off for playing with you when she should have been doing her homework or her chores.”

Princess Luna’s hand left his shoulder, but was quickly replaced by her embrace. Startled at the gesture, he felt something trickle down his cheek.

“She and Shining Armor were the best of friends,” continued Shimmer, staring at the floor, but smiling fondly at the memories. “Vel and I used to think the two of them were going to be married when they grew older. When you and Twilight were born, we joked about the same thing with the two of you. And the irony wasn’t lost on us, that our joke became the reality, but our thoughts only remained so.”

“What…” he swallowed, “what happened?”

Rather than answer, Shimmer wiped at her eyes and nose for a moment.

“Lady Shimmer,” Princess Luna gently said, “We know thou and thy spouse have kept this hidden from thy son because of the pain it caused thee. Both the pain and every aftereffect, until the day thy spouse and thy son made their amends. Thy son has suffered pain like no other. As much as we know that he knows that we would die before seeing a hair in his mane harmed, we cannot help him. Perhaps it is time he knew the reason why the two of you grew so distant toward him.”

“It was not your place to tell him of Glimmer!” shrieked Shimmer, her face suddenly contorted with anger as she glared at Princess Luna. “Ray and I were going to tell him on our own time! Why did you insist on bringing up th-this… this torture again!? Do you try to throw yourself into our family business and see how much chaos you can create!?”


Before Nova knew it, he was on his feet, standing between his mother and his teacher. He could not be angry with his mom. He knew all too well how she must feel, with the Princess insisting on doing something they both would rather leave undone. For him, it had been to forgive Tantalus Lulamoon and his father. For her, it must be to let go of whatever had happened to Glimmer.

Shimmer looked surprised at Nova’s outburst, but met his gaze regardless. Her hair hung in curtains around her face, framing it in silver, while her silver eyes were puffy and red from her grief.

“Mother, I love you dearly,” Nova preemptively said, “but never speak ill of my teacher ever again. Did you forget she asked the same of me, not all that long ago?”

Shimmer had no answer. Instead, she buried her face in her hands and let out a pained moan.

“Take it from me, mom, let go of it,” he said. “The tighter you grip a thorn, the more it cuts your hand. I held onto my hatred of you and Dad for ten years. Ten years, mom! And it did so little. It poisoned my life, and it poisoned my developing relationship with Twilight. Mom, you have to let go of it, or it will destroy things you love. It may not be immediate, it may not even be for a long time, but it will happen.”

“Thy son speaks wisdom, Shimmer,” Luna said, patting Nova on his shoulder. “He hath learned much from his experiences. Perhaps thou should emulate him, even just this once.”

“Mom,” said Nova quietly. “Please.”

Shimmer let out a shaky sigh as her head drooped, her silver hair hiding her face from view. For a long moment, Nova and Luna thought she wasn’t going to say anything.

“Nova, do you remember the time you got Star Swirl Sickness?” Shimmer asked quietly.

How could he have forgotten? How could he have forgotten the arduous five days he had spent curled up in a hospital containment room bed, unable to control his own magic as it painfully blasted itself out of his horn?

“Hard to forget an experience like that, Mom,” Nova answered.

Shimmer let out a shaky laugh. “I s-suppose it is.”

Star Swirl Sickness, Nova remembered, was an aggressive form of mana poisoning that always occurred in adolescent foals with large Sources, as the pathways between Source and horn formed. Most foals would get simple mana poisoning, as the mana from the Source would be unpleasant but able to be dealt with. Those foals unlucky enough to get Starswirl Sickness would be in constant pain as the mana just flooded through those pathways and overloaded their system, causing all their magic to be uncontrollable until the medicines were able to help a foal recover.

Nova’d had a particularly aggressive and painful bout with it. As soon as his parents had known what it was, he had been rushed to the hospital and just left there. The doctors would come in several times a day, twice for medicine, thrice to give him food, but other times just to check up on him.

It had been one of the occasions that had convinced him his parents hated him back then. Not once had they visited, even after he was deemed safe. They had clearly only taken him because they knew he was a danger to them and the house.

“Did Glimmer… did my sister,” Nova corrected himself, “go through Star Swirl Sickness? Is that how she...”

“There’s m-more to it than that,” Shimmer said, her head drooping even further down. “Your father had been summoned to a session of the House of Nobles. It w-was all poor timing. There was some n-new law that was going in, and they tried to f-f-filibuster it, and he was stuck in the castle for a week while he waited.”

“I thought in case of emergencies, the Nobles were allowed to leave the House,” Nova said. Being a Noble himself as the Night Master, though not by virtue of being Lord of a clan, he’d had to familiarize himself with their rules.

“That particular rule was added as a result of this incident, Nova,” explained Luna, a hint of sorrow in her voice. “This was the first time in over seven-hundred years that such an event occurred, because the House met so infrequently that it wasn’t deemed a necessary provision to have.”

“Dad wasn’t allowed to leave?” asked Nova, horrified.

“Not until the session was adjourned. Most sessions, as you know, only take a few hours. This was a filibuster, and the ponies in question were a decidedly stubborn group.”

“We d-didn’t think it would be anything to be concerned about,” Shimmer continued, sitting up, but covering her eyes with her hands. “G-Glimmer had just gotten mana p-poisoning a few days b-before, which isn’t a big worry on its own. We j-just had to wait a week or so, and it’d b-be gone. But it got worse after the fifth day.

“She just started crying out louder and louder, and I didn’t know what to do,” Shimmer continued. She seemed to have stopped crying, but Nova knew it wouldn’t last long. “A week after it started, I took her to the hospital. They were examining her for several minutes while I waited, and then the doctor came to me, and I had never seen a stallion looking so frantic.”

She sniffed, and Nova knew the floodgates were about ready to open.

“He told me they were going to need to perform surgery immediately, because what I had thought was just mana poisoning was full Star Swirl Sickness. I told them to do what they had to. He rushed back in, and they took her to the operation room.”

Her body shook, and Nova leapt over to sit beside her, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders.

“For thirty minutes, I sat in the w-waiting room, hoping my little Glimmer would be alright. I was so scared, I thought I had done something wrong. What if I had caused her to be paralyzed, because I hadn’t known what to look for in Star Swirl Sickness? I h-had all these thoughts going though my head the whole time. A-and then the same doctor came out, and he looked ev-even more frantic than before. He told me that a lot of the mana had leaked out of the pathways in her horn because it had all come too fast, and that the surgery was being done to extract the mana th-that had flooded her system.”

Shimmer started sobbing.

“A-and then h-he told m-m-me that some of the m-mana had gotten l-lodged in her heart, and that th-there was a chance it could crystallize.”

Nova gasped, feeling as though he had been struck in the gut.

“It w-was a low chance,” she said, shaking her head, before burying her face in her hands. “The alt-ternative was a heart t-transplant. Either I w-would ask them t-to try to d-drain the mana from her h-heart, or h-have them transplant a cl-clean heart into her.”

Nova wrapped both his arms around her as she inched ever closer to breaking down completely.

“I j-j-just didn’t know wh-what to do!” she cried. “I d-didn’t know wh-which option to choose, b-because they both had a chance of h-her dying, and then… a-and then…”

She just completely lost it and openly started crying. Nova hugged her even tighter, though he, too, felt some tears leak from his eyes.

“While Shimmer remained indecisive,” Luna continued softly, “the mana in Glimmer’s heart crystallized. Within seconds, Glimmer’s heart was torn to ribbons, and she died instantly.”

Nova could only hug his mother all the tighter. He didn’t know what to say. All he could do was sit there, and listen to his mother as she cried over the painful memory.

“You want to know why your father was so distant, Nova?” asked Luna, shaking her head sadly. “He was hurt terribly by Glimmer’s death. When he was informed that she had gone into the emergency room for surgery, right in the middle of session, he was out of that room faster than anypony I’ve ever seen, including Rainbow Dash. He loved you both dearly, but after she died, he just sort of drew into a shell. He thought that since you had a larger Source than her, you were doomed from the start.”

“Dad thought I was going to die?” Nova asked.

“He did,” said Luna. “The mind makes all sorts of irrational conclusions when one is emotional. Surely you can attest. But even after he had time to calm himself and let his wound heal, he never let himself get close to you because he was so afraid of being hurt like that again. Ironically, the day you ran away, it hurt him even worse.”

Nova had never once felt a shred of regret over running away from his father, not even after they had made their amends. The two of them had grown much because of the incident. But after hearing just how badly his dad must have hurt by both of these, he actually felt a stinging feeling of it. At the time though, he knew that he would have actually taken solace in that fact, and the mere thought of enjoying seeing his dad suffer made him feel a bit sick.

“It was shortly after this incident that the provision allowing emergencies to postpone session was passed,” continued Luna. “It’s been referred to as the Glimmer Provision ever since.”

Nova had never heard of it being called that, but he nodded.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and he was startled to see that his mother was hugging him just as fiercely as he was her.

“Thank-you,” she whispered into his ear. “Th-thank-you so much, Nova.”

“Any time, Mom,” he said.

He glanced at Luna, still shedding a few tears over the story, to see that Luna was giving a small, tender smile at the scene.

“Nova, Shimmer,” she said, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder, “you both have been through terrible ordeals. But remember, even in the midst of whatever may come, that you are not alone in your grief. You are not the only one who has done something that led to sorrow. You all have each other.”

Luna stayed with them for a few more minutes, before finally, she gave Nova an affectionate tousle of the hair, and was gone, leaving mother and son to console each other.


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Even In Other Worlds

Chapter 13 - Aftermath

It had been only three days since Nova had sat in his parents’ house and learned that he’d had a sister. And they had been the longest, most torturous three days of his life to that point.

Word had spread, apparently, that Nova had gotten into a fight with one of the policemen and had killed him in self-defense. As such, none of the university teachers ever told him off for looking like he wasn’t paying attention. On the contrary, his professors seemed to pity him. Not once in the three days since had any homework or study been assigned, and even an exam that had been supposed to take place had been pushed back.

Even though Nova needed very little study to ace those exams regardless.

With regard to the students, there were two types. The first were the ones who offered him little sympathies. A kind word here, or a pat on the back there, and Nova appreciated how they were all willing to show him some kindness. But the second group, which was comprised of all six of the former Bearers of Harmony, Alex, those of the Council of Gentlemen that attended school, and surprisingly even Trisha, were going out of their way to help.

Trisha had even started backing off on the bitchy attitude around him....


...most of the time.

He hadn’t quite the heart to resume any training or anything like that, so he just spent his time helping out. It didn’t matter where or when, he just did things, as long as he kept his mind off of what had happened. And at the present moment, he was in Trisha’s magic and party supplies shop, helping her to reshelve everything, along with Alex and Tracy.

“It’s fine, Trisha, really,” said Nova, smiling humorlessly. “You don’t have to treat me like glass. I won’t break just because you’re shouting at me, or anything.”

“Oh please, Nathan,” Trisha rolled her eyes. “Ever since… it happened, you pretty much have been. Even Stevie Wonder would be able to see it.”

Nova snorted. Every bit as blunt as Trixie, she was. Both a welcome and yet unwelcome sign. Welcome, that some ponies were so much like the selves they covered up that it made befriending them easier. Disheartening, because there were still some ponies that were completely masked. Twilight, for instance. While she remained studious and innocent, she had yet to show any inclination to seek out friends other than him, unlike her pony self.

But then again, after five had been awakened, a spark would cause the sixth to appear, after all. Perhaps it was for the best that she stayed under. He didn’t know what would happen if the Elements were reawakened out of order. If that were even possible.

It was almost a moot point, in any case. There was only one left to be awakened before he could put forth his efforts to reawaken the Element of Magic, and he hadn’t interacted any meaningful length of time with Regina since he had broken out.

He was reshelving several party crackers when all of a sudden, Nova felt a very familiar nexus of energy appear just outside of Trisha’s magic shop, and it was heading right for them. The nexus was unmistakably changeling in origin. Unlike Killik’s, Molossus’, Brutus’ or even Scheherazade’s, this one had quite a bit of extra power behind it, making its source unmistakable.

Queen Chrysalis was briskly marching down the street, right for the shop, and she looked none too happy.

“The fuck does she want?” he heard Trisha mutter angrily.

“Probably to talk about the incident,” answered Nova, already starting to walk out into the aisle.

“A couple of dirty cops attacked you and you defended yourself,” Trisha said, holding him back. “Is there anything more to it?”

“More than you would believe,” he replied as the queen pushed the door inward and stepped inside.

At once, he yanked his arm out of Trisha’s grasp and stepped out into the main aisle, where her green eyes locked onto his. Nova had seen such animosity in those eyes only once, and it was the day he had been dragged before her at the wedding.

“Chief,” he said, inclining his head.

“You and I need to talk,” she said, a dangerous sort of calm behind her voice. And Nova was startled to hear that the multiple tones weren’t behind her voice.

“Figured as much,” he said, nodding and stepping forward, but a hand caught his arm and held him back again.

“Why should he go with you?” he heard Trisha behind him. “You sent those cops after him, and all he did was defend himself. What, do you want to finish the job yourself?”

“Trisha,” barked Nova, giving her a warning look. “I’ll be fine.”

Trisha didn’t seem convinced, but she reluctantly let go of his arm regardless. As soon as his arm was free, he resumed his walking toward the queen. As soon as he was within about ten feet of her, she turned, opened the door for him, and followed him out into the chilly day.

“So, where exactly am I supposed to be walking?” he asked. “City hall? Prison?”

“Wherever,” answered the queen as she caught up and walked alongside him. “But you and I will talk. I have heard nothing of the incident save for a brief summary from Discord. None of the changelings seem to know why Molossus was in that alley. So, to get to the bottom of this, I am forced to confront you about it.”

“Why save me for last?”

“Because I know you ponies well, and I know you. Over the last three days, I have personally kept an eye on you to make sure it didn’t happen again, and I could, and still can, just feel the sorrow and pain you’re emitting. For a regular pony, you hide it better than most, but you can hide no emotions from me.”

Nova smiled wanly, and reached over to give her hand a soft squeeze of appreciation. He knew it had been noticed even before he touched her. The small bit of affection he had shown her had alerted her even before the physical contact.

“Nice to know you care for me, Chryssie,” he said sincerely.

A gentle smile, almost a motherly one, graced the Queen’s features. It was so different from the haughty sort of smug grin she always carried, Nova almost couldn’t recognize her.

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked. “You saved me all those years ago, after all.”

“Define ‘saved,’” Nova spat. “It only delayed the inevitable. Ponykind and Changelings went to war a few short centuries later, you attempted an invasion of my nation only a couple of years ago, you almost stole the magic away from my special somepony not all that long ago, and apparently I’m now responsible for you being trapped in your position as much as we’re trapped in this world.”

“Do you really think so little of your doings?” she asked. “What of the good you brought about? You preserved Ponykind and the changelings, thwarted Sombra’s plans of an invasion, and are currently keeping the shadow at bay. And Nova, if we get out of this world, you have my word that we will attempt diplomatic negotiations as soon as everything has settled.”

Nova just sighed.

If we get out,” Nova corrected her.

“What has happened to you?” Chrysalis asked. “Not even that many nights ago, you were so assured that you would succeed! Now? Now you seem to think everything has gone to hell and nothing will ever go right again.”

Nova, who had been staring at the ground as they walked, only hung his head even further.

“Where are we even going?” he asked glumly.

“I am following you,” she replied. “You seem to be wandering. Now then, describe everything that happened to me to the best of your ability.”

“Shouldn’t you already know?” Nova asked, scowling at her. “Wouldn’t you know from the hive mind? Do you think I want to talk about this?”

The queen shook her head. “It doesn’t matter whether you want to or not, for if you wish to prevent another incident, you must. Killik and Molossus disconnected themselves from the hive mind before they left. They didn’t say why, but none of the changelings thought any better or worse, as it is still a common practice when we cannot be distracted.”

They passed a fallen soda can on the ground which Nova kicked viciously.

“They confronted me in that alley, and Killik told Molossus to kill me under any circumstances.”

“There must be more to it than that,” Chrysalis replied. “Killik is one of my best tacticians. Surely he didn’t think that with so simple a ploy he could take down one of the cleverest and most powerful spellcasters in Equestria.”

“Wasn’t Molossus a specialist in battling unicorns?”

“He was our best,” admitted Chrysalis. “It makes more sense. I investigated the area and found barrier residue in the air, meaning he must have trapped you in. But why? Why go after you?”

“He said I was interfering with ‘their victory,’” Nova spat. “I figured you don’t exactly enjoy being here, so I have to wonder what the hell they’re talking about.”

“It’s quite simple,” Chrysalis said, a touch of distaste entering her speech. “She came and promised us dominion over the ponies. She did not say how, only that it would be.”

“And you accepted it blindly?” Nova asked.

“Of course not!” replied Chrysalis, scowling at him. “I was very against the notion the moment that harlot suggested it. But my children were dissatisfied at my answer. They shouted that I had already done enough. I had led them to defeat at Canterlot, and I had led them a second defeat under the light of the Secretariat Comet.”

“Are you not a monarchy?” Nova asked. “Can you not simply lay down your word as law?”

Chrysalis sighed.

“Unfortunately, I cannot,” she said softly. “My father saw to that. After my grandfather, King Insectus, incited a war against the Northern Kingdom and forced every changeling to accompany him into battle, my father betrayed him, took the throne for himself, and arrested Insectus, whom he presented to King Crystalis as a prisoner and a warmonger.

“To ensure nothing like it would happen again, he used his power over the hive mind to burn the command within every changeling’s subconscious that the king’s word is not law if most of the changelings dissent. And so, my children cried out against my refusal, and I was forced to go along with this foolishness.”

She gave a humorless smile as they rounded a corner.

“But there is far more to it than that, Nova. And this is what has caused you grief.”

“So changeling politics are the reason I... “ he trailed off. He just couldn’t finish without feeling a wave of guilt and shame.

A gentle hand touched his shoulder, and he started, surprised at the sudden feeling. The queen had an expression of gentle concern on her face. One Nova never thought he would see.

“There have been things set in motion that none of us could have predicted or acted against,” Chrysalis explained. “Up until the Invasion of Canterlot, I held near-unanimous support among the changelings. But our stocks of love energy began to wane, and we needed a permanent solution. Scheherazade recommended sending an envoy to Equestria to seek a diplomatic solution.”

“So what happened to it?” Nova asked.

“My advice was overcome through backstabbing,” came the voice of an elder from somewhere to Nova’s left. He looked over and found Scheherazade leaning against a wall, with the figure of Brutus standing further down the road, acting as a lookout.

The moment they locked eyes, Scheherazade stood up and offered his hand, which Nova hesitantly took.

“I understand what you are going through right now, Nova,” he said.

Really,” Nova growled. “Why does everyone seem to understand what it’s like to cut--”

He choked on the words before he could complete his statement. And again, he felt the Queen’s comforting touch on his shoulder.

“I cannot speak for anyone else,” Scheherazade preempted, “but I am sure you will determine for yourself whether or not I am only saying it to comfort you or I actually speak the truth. I had much the same reaction as you did when I took my first life.”

“Just how I wanted to spend the day,” Nova commented. “Talking about how we’ve all killed others.”

Scheherazade chose to ignore Nova’s comment and simply continued. “It was right after the war had ended. I hadn’t gone with my King to battle. I was one of the few that was alive to remember the kindness the Rescuer had shown us, how he had saved our princess so that this war wouldn’t be fought.”

“Yeah, fat lot of good I did, huh?”

“How dare you belittle your own actions?” Chrysalis reprimanded him. “Need I remind you that you are the very reason Sombra does not rule over both Equestria and the Changelings this minute?”

Nova had no response, leaving Scheherazade to continue.

“A few ponies who had known where the hive was came looking to attack us while we were recovering. They struck at night, killing our sentries and attempting to poison the eggs in the Gestation Chamber. Our guards attacked them, and fight broke out. I happened to be nearby, and entered the fray.”

What was the most unnerving about his account was just how flat his voice was.

“One of them attacked me. I defended myself, but I tried to simply disarm and capture him. But during the fighting, he stumbled into my spear, and it sliced open his neck. The moment it did, I instantly felt the shock, the pain, and then the terror that coursed through him.”

Scheherazade shook his head.

“He was afraid of death. And as I held him, and attempted to ease his passing, he got worse and worse. In the end, I did what I felt was necessary, and I administered the Void.”

Nova felt his insides grow cold.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” he said.

The queen’s hand twitched for only a moment before it came off of his shoulder. Nova looked to see what she was doing, and saw that she had taken up the same position, except alongside Scheherazade.

“The Void is one of the worst things a Changeling can do to a pony,” Chrysalis explained. Nova noted her voice had gone just as flat as Scheherazade’s had. “It is our ultimate penalty for those who attempted to kill Changelings. Simply put, we remove the emotions from a pony completely.”

“Remove emotions completely?”

“Think about the ramifications. Imagine if you couldn’t feel sadness or anger again, or terror. While those seem to be benefits, neither can you feel joy, or amusement.”

The consequences began to dawn on Nova as the queen explained. What would such an existence be like? To have nothing that could bring you pleasure or happiness?

“I did it because I knew it would ease his passing,” Scheherazade said, and Nova noticed that, for just a flicker of an instant, Scheherazade’s voice shook. “But to watch as his face just lost all expression and became blank, shortly before his eyes closed completely…”

He took a long, deep breath to steady himself, and let it out through his nose slowly.

“You and I both know that nothing anyone else says will be of any help. Perhaps they might attempt to help shoulder the burden, but it won’t do much. However, perhaps it might help if you knew of the good that had been done through this action.”

“Is this the part where you tell me how Killik is a naughty changeling who’s getting coal for Hearth’s Warming?”

Chrysalis snorted, and Scheherazade cracked a smile.

“Even in your times of darkness, you still keep your dry wit. Definitely something I admire about you, Nova Shine.”

Nova’s thoughts, however, drifted back to his experiences on Nightfall. Of when he and Comet were attempting to take hold of the Elements they would be representing.

Being the element of laughter is more than simply being happy all of the time. Laughter is being able to see the good in a situation, even in the midst of a dark time. There will never be a pony who was never sad, Comet. There will always be sorrow. What makes you the Bearer of Laughter is that you will find a way through the situation by seeing the good in it.

Celestia’s wisdom seemed to speak right to him, even though it had obviously been intended for Comet. The thought that even when speaking to others Celestia was teaching him things just made him crack a small smile himself.

Plus, he’d be doing Pinkie Pie wrong if he didn’t find a reason to smile even once in a day.

“To answer your question, though, yes, this is the part where we tell you all about how Killik was a bad, bad changeling who deserved many spankings.”

Now it was Nova’s turn to snort.

“Good Celestia, where have you been all my life?” he asked Scheherazade.

“Perhaps for the good of everyone, I was in the Changeling Empire,” Scheherazade answered. “I must say, though, this whole exchange is surprisingly relevant to the conversation.”

“How so?”

“Well, changelings are very impressionable creatures,” Chrysalis explained. “We consume emotion and have our individuality, however changelings often decide for themselves how they wish their personality to be based on their experiences, because we can easily choose when and when not to take pleasure.”

“It sounds very strange,” Nova observed.

“It is even stranger for us to explain,” Chrysalis admitted. “After all, us describing this is like you describing how you learned to use magic. Everyone remembers that they did, but we don’t necessarily know how we did it.”

“Sounds reasonable enough,” Nova shrugged. “I suppose maybe Celestia can explain it better when we all return to Equestria.”

“Perhaps,” the queen nodded. “However, this being said, changelings often decide subconsciously the ponies they wish to emulate and why. Scheherazade here, if you recall, was very young the day you brought me back to the Empire. And he was there to witness the exchanges between you and my father before you withdrew to someplace more private.”

“It was in that moment that I felt we all could co-exist,” Scheherazade piped in. “You had saved our princess and defeated a plot by Sombra to enslave us all, and the Grey Monarch himself named you Friend to the Changelings. Suffice it to say, your standing among Changelingkind skyrocketed.”


“But it was the young who strove more to be like you. The elderly, who had lived through the wars with Sombra’s Northern Empire were stubborn in their desire to remain prepared for battle and avoid diplomatic ties. Our politics are not like your principality. The monarch can only do what the majority of the children ask. They outnumbered our desire, and we remained closed off.”

“So what does this have to do with Killik?”

“Everything,” said Scheherazade simply. “Chrysalis’ standing among the changelings has been fast losing ground, the result of her failure to achieve victory at the wedding, and her failure to defeat Twilight Sparkle under the Secretariat Comet.”

“Perhaps we should start earlier,” advised Chrysalis. Scheherazade paused, but nodded. At this, Chrysalis addressed Nova. “From the day he hatched, Killik displayed an inordinate desire to please me. I thought this was a welcome sign of his loyalty for years to come, but it belied the ambition behind it. However, now that we are truly investigating all of this, we can say with certainty that what caused Killik to become the way he is was his first foray into Equestrian culture.”

“As I said,” said Scheherazade, “changelings are very impressionable creatures. We often take our young ones out to teach them how to slip in and out of Equestrian culture undetected after they have developed a personality. Killik was brought out too early without anyone noticing. This being said, his eagerness to please the Queen, coupled with his ambition, led to him reaching as high as he could. He replaced a Canterlotian noble for three days.”

Nova could already see where this was going.

“In those three days,” continued Scheherazade, “he learned for himself what self-service had to offer, how to get it, and even worse, how the use of tactics, be it in a political or a military sense, could benefit for years to come. That day, Killik returned to the hive a different changeling. We thought he had changed for the better, but we had no idea what had happened.”

“Killik displayed a brilliant tactical mind,” Chrysalis picked up, “and he quickly rose through the ranks to become one of the hive’s top tacticians. He would often send changelings on scouting missions, but in hindsight, they were little more than missions that would enable the younger changelings to taste the natural love of Equestria, all to a particular end.”

“He’s the one that suggested the wedding invasion!” Nova realized aloud.

“Exactly,” continued the Queen. “He suggested it, and the desires of the children to go through with it overrode any desires I had to refrain from it.”

“He set you up to fail,” Nova realized again. “He said it himself, he desires to lead the hive himself.”

“That was my theory,” Scheherazade said. “He set up the queen to fail at the invasion. He then advised the Queen to drain Twilight Sparkle’s magic, which she attempted to do, and it, too, failed. Her standing among our kind has been rocky ever since, and all of this, we believe, would eventually lead to him having enough support to administer a coup, so as to take the Queen’s power for himself.

“So when we say that you have done the changelings a service in slaying Molossus, we mean it sincerely,” Scheherazade gave him a sincere look. “Molossus was one of Killik’s favorite game pieces. Often used as a brute to attempt to remove unwanted pieces from the field, as you had the misfortune to discover. By killing Molossus, you have essentially removed his queen from the chessboard. As such, he will not underestimate you again, and you will likely not have to worry about him until it becomes clear you are very close to the realization of your goal.”

“Good to know,” Nova said. “One less distraction.”

“We fear he may be more than a simple distraction,” Scheherazade said. Nova felt a humorless smile touch his lips. Of course.

“Is he in cahoots with Envy, then?” Nova asked. “After all, Envy would hardly put all her eggs in one basket, even one as powerful as Nightmare Moon.”

“We believe that is the case, but we have no substantial leads to investigate such a theory.”

“Great,” groaned Nova. “So he’s working blatantly for someone else, but you have no way to prove it.”

“That sums it up,” Scheherazade replied, grimacing. “Not an ideal situation, but still a manageable one.”

He shook his head.

“With that thought in mind, I do believe we have covered everything I wished to bring you up to speed on,” Scheherazade said. “Do not close yourself off in light of recent events, Nova. Let your friends help you bear the burden, and you will heal.”

With that, he called to Brutus, and the two of them walked off, presumably back to their patrolling duty, leaving him and Chrysalis there alone.

“I worry about you, you know,” she said.

“I’m flattered, Chryssie,” replied Nova. “Really, I am. Times like this really make me grateful for all of my friends.”

“You… consider me a friend?” she asked, sounding surprised. “Even after aiding Envy in this enterprise? Even after the wedding?”

“Of course,” said Nova, looking directly into her eyes. “Now that I understand everything surrounding the wedding, how can I blame you?”

“Well, the second time around, I was motivated by vengeance,” the queen explained, shifting her gaze away. “Killik only suggested the idea, but I was too eager to comply.”

“Chryssie,” he said, laying a hand on her shoulder, “I forgive you. I still count you as a friend. Just promise me one thing, would you?”

“What would that be?”

“When all of this is over, at least try to push for diplomacy? Despite recent happenings, I feel like we would welcome you with open arms, just as we did for the Crystal Empire.”

Chrysalis stared at him, but after a moment, she smiled. “I will try. Success may not be on the cards, but at least I will try.”

“Don’t forget, you have the pony who successfully defused decades of tension between the Three Tribes there to help,” he boasted. “You know, not to brag, or anything.”

“Yes, I will take that into consideration,” the queen said, smiling in spite of herself. “I must be off. There is still work to be done, and with Killik’s latest plan backfiring, we can deal with some of the cleanup to set him back even further. If you need anything, you need not hesitate to ask.”

“I will remember that,” promised Nova.

The queen nodded, drew herself up, and marched off.

“Mind if I call you when I need you to open a jar of pickles for me?” he called.

She said nothing, but only gave the most sarcastic of waves as she continued on her way.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova raised his hand to the dorm room door and knocked four times. Truth be told, be told, part of him really didn’t want to be here. But as he said, staring unheedingly at the board in Hoffman’s astronomy class, Rachel had taken the opportunity to slip a note into his pocket.

Hoffman seemed to have just let it go, considering he had been quite understanding over the last few days.

Out of class, as Rachel had gone off to her football practice, Nova read the note on the way back to his apartment.


I want to talk with you after football practice is over. Concerning that date you owe me. Can I meet you at my dorm when practice is over? Gretchen should let you in, since there’s no track today.



As soon as Nova had read that second run-on sentence, he felt a little miffed for multiple reasons.

She used a run-on sentence! And she’s a grown-ass mare! Who the hell does that!?

Frankly, regarding the actual meaning of said run-on sentence, he was a bit relieved. He could finally get at least one of his two dates out of the way. And this one was, in his analysis, the most problematic of the two. The co-date with him, Rachel, and Ashleigh was probably going to be more of a fun night out than an actual date, given that Rachel probably wouldn’t try to make moves with Ashleigh hanging around.

And on the bright side, with those past, he could openly pursue Tracy.

But… there was something about that concept that bugged him.

Am I pursuing Tracy, or am I attempting to pursue Twilight through Tracy?

He cast that thought aside fairly quickly. Regardless of if he was pursuing Tracy, she and Twilight shared personalities. And in the end, Tracy would be cast away after Twilight remembered her true self. So what was he fretting about?

The door to Rachel’s dorm opened, revealing a girl a bit older than Dash, probably around his age now. Nova had to admit, the two years he gained from time travel were making things confusing. The girl was tall and lean, a bit taller than him even, with white hair ending in purple tips, golden eyes with purple eyeliner, lips painted with golden lipstick, nothing more than a brown athletic bra covering her bust and a pair of short track shorts on her lower half, and a very unfriendly scowl at the sight of him.

Despite her being a runner, Nova couldn’t help but notice she had a fair bit of muscle, particularly evident in her abs.

“So, you’re Rachel’s boyfriend,” she said, crossing her arms. Nova was not pleased to note that her nails seemed sharpened compared to normal nails.

“Uhh, it’s complicated,” he replied. I should trademark that phrase by this point, he thought with some amusement.

“Whatever,” the girl said, stepping aside and allowing Nova in. “I’m Gretchen. Rach just texted me. Said she’d be here in about five minutes, or so, since practice just ended.”

She smirked.

“I hope you don’t mind dealing with two girls in their athletic underwear.”

“I think I can handle it,” Nova said, shrugging. “It’s not like I haven’t seen Dash’s bust before.”

“Oh,” Gretchen said, before her smirk deepened. “Have you two--”

“No, it was an accident,” Nova refuted flatly. “She was twisting to try and get a view of that red lightning bolt on her back, and she had forgotten she was holding up her bra.”

That’s no fun,” she said. “Are you coming in, or what?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming, keep your shirt on,” Nova groaned.

“You’d like it if I didn’t, wouldn’t you?”

“Oh boy, here we go,” he rolled his eyes. Gretchen just smirked even wider.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want any of this,” she gestured to herself, even going so far as to puff out her chest and spread her legs just enough to draw Nova’s gaze downward.

“I don’t,” was the deadpan response, his eyes not budging from staring at her’s.

Gretchen made a strange “snrk”ing noise, before chuckling. “Oh lighten up, dude. I’m just teasing you. ‘Sides, I got a clingy boyfriend, and I don’t think he’d like the idea of a cute guy fuckin’ my brains out.”

“Except him, you mean,” Nova corrected.

“Nah, I said a cute guy,” countered Gretchen. “And he’s dumb as a rock, too. Come to think of it,” she started stroking her chin, “I don’t even know why I keep him around to begin with.”

“Free food and moral support, perhaps?” Nova suggested.

Gretchen shrugged. “Like I said, I dunno.”

Nova plopped himself on the clothes-ridden floor, just as the door opened to reveal a very tired-looking Rachel Dillon, her white practice kit stained with grass marks and dirt, as well as a lot of sweat.

“‘Sup, Rach?” asked Gretchen, briefly holding up a hand.

“‘Sup Gretch?” replied Rachel, giving her a tired wave. “Hey Nathan.”

“You alright?” Nathan asked.

“I will be, after a nice, long, cold shower,” she said, her voice trailing off more toward a whisper by the end of the statement, before she walked on into her half of the dorm room to grab a towel. A few seconds later, Nova heard the sound of a door shut, and then he heard the sounds of a shower beginning to run.

“You sure you don’t want to tap that?” Gretchen asked, arching an eyebrow. “I can think of a couple of guys who’d take it in an instant, if offered.”

Nova just shook his head, but gave a small smile.

“I can’t. I’m kinda engaged.”

“Really?” Gretchen’s eyebrow rose even further. “I don’t see a ring.”

“Right here,” Nova pointed to his earring. Gretchen’s eyes found it, and widened ever so slightly.

“And she doesn’t know?” asked Gretchen, suddenly glowering at him. “You leading her on?”

“I’m pretty sure Rachel knows exactly who I’m after,” Nova shrugged. “Such a pity my fiancee doesn’t remember anything, though. Or Rachel. She knows I’m engaged, though it might be a while before she remembers.”

“Yeah, you’ve got that right,” muttered Gretchen.

“What was that?” asked Nova, “What do you mean, I’ve got that right?”

Nova saw the color drain from Gretchen’s already pale face.

“W-what are you talking about?” Gretchen asked. Nova, however, understood. In just one moment, the reason why Gretchen had muttered that, and her reaction when confronted. And immediately, he shook his head.

“Great, you remember who you are, don’t you?”

“Wait, you-- you’re not--” she stammered, looking confused. Nova’s response was to just hold up a glowing blue hand to confirm that he, indeed, remembered who he was. “You remember you’re a pony?” she asked.

“I was the first one out,” Nova shrugged. “Been working to reawaken the Spirits of Harmony, so we can all go back home.”

“What’s your name? I’m Gilda, a griffon from Griffonstone,” she extended a hand.

“Nova Shine, unicorn, Ponyville,” he said, shaking her offered hand.

“You’re from Ponyville?” Gilda asked. “I don’t remember seeing you with the rest of the dweebs in the town.”

“I moved there about two years after you visited,” he replied. “Moved in with my now-fiancee.”

“How’d you know I visited?” Gilda asked.

“You made Fluttershy cry. Let’s just say that makes a hell of an impression.”

Her head drooped. “Sorry about that,” she said in a low voice. “I’m… not the same griffon I was three years ago.”

“Nor am I the same pony,” said Nova sagely. “We’ve all got some spots in our past we’d rather not talk about. Just gotta move forward.”

He smiled a little, before returning to a serious look.

“Besides, I’m not the pony you need to apologize to,” he said, before rolling his eyes and smiling sheepishly, “though I think you might have to wait a bit before you can.”

“Duly noted,” Gilda said.

The water shut off, and Nova heard the sound of Rachel’s feet hitting the floor. Looks like it’s time to wrap up the memory chat.

Gilda seemed to agree, because she seemed to immediately regain her “swag,” but not before giving one last meaningful look at Nova, who nodded.

“Keep it to yourself,” he said in a low voice. “The changelings who want to keep us here came after me when they found out. That’s why--”

“That’s why the news about you and that… that dead cop started going around,” she said, with a dawning look of shock and horror. “They would kill you just to keep us here?”

“Seems like it,” Nova said, shaking his head. “They’re so desperate for their ‘victory,’ they’re willing to risk the wrath of Celestia should it fail.”

Nova sighed.

“Be careful, Gilda. It feel like the inevitable day where everything will happen isn’t that far off. Be prepared for it, but be careful. You don’t want them to find out and end up in my situation.”

Gilda nodded, then slouched off to her room while Nova was left waiting for Rachel. He wasn’t waiting for very long, as Rachel slouched on out into the first room a couple of minutes later. Nova noticed her outfit was much more common with what she usually wore versus what she had been wearing at the club and around him over the last few weeks. Nothing more than a simple blue top, black athletic pants, and her running shoes. Nothing terribly tight or skimpy.

And to top it off, he smelt no trace of perfume.

“So, about our date,” she said, crossing her arms and leaning against the frame of the door to her room.

“What about it?” asked Nova.

“We’re going on it tonight,” she stated.

“Are we?” Nova asked.

“We are,” she affirmed. “And you, mister,” she jabbed a finger at him, “are going to enjoy yourself. We’re going to have fun. I’ll cover everything, my parents lent me a few hundred dollars on top of my scholarship money.”

“And where is it I’m supposed to have fun at?” Nova asked.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova had never been to the carnival as far as he could remember. He’d heard stories about Manehattan’s Poney Island, and had even watched it from afar during his time living there, but he had never gotten the chance to go.

And yet here he was, being dragged into an empty lot of grass, where several carnival stands had been set up, and the carnies were hawking their wares, including what appeared to be two twins with red hair, discernable by their voices and the fact that one had a moustache.

To his slight annoyance, Rachel had insisted on taking his arm, though to her credit, she held it rather loosely,.and she seemed a lot less of a flirt than she usually was.

“Ever been to a carnival, Nathan?” she asked, popping open her wallet and counting the cash inside with a few flicks of her fingers.

“Can’t say I have,” he replied, taking in the sites. A giant ferris wheel was the most obvious attraction, but there was also a wooden roller coaster, a sort of turning horizontal ferris wheel that he didn’t know the name of (but apparently went by the name “Zipper”), a few high-speed merry-go-rounds, and a carousel, complete with plastic horses on poles.

And that wasn’t even mentioning all of the carnies and their little rigged games. Oh, Nova knew it was going to be a fun night.

“Wow! You’re actually smiling again!” Rachel exclaimed, her own grin appearing.

“Uhh, ‘again?’” Nova asked, sounding a bit bemused.

“You haven’t smiled since the… well, incident,” Rachel said nervously, tapping her fingers together, before hastily adding, “not around me and the girls, or even Tracy, at least.”

“What’s there been to smile about?” asked Nova, the memory of Molossus’ head entering his mind and causing his grin to vanish instantly.

“Nathan!” Rachel said sharply, removing her arm from hooking around his and instead taking his hand in both of hers. The bold action drew Nova’s eyes right to her’s, which she stared into with a certain level of confidence that was almost inspiring. “Look, the reason I brought you out here tonight is for you to have fun. We both know there’s no changing what’s happened, and all we can do is keep going forward, right?”

“Yes,” Nova replied hesitantly.

“So, I’m willing to sacrifice a romantic date with you to bring you someplace to cheer you up,” she said. “Please, Nathan, just try and enjoy yourself tonight, won’t you?”

“I’ll do my best,” he said honestly, giving her an earnest smile. “But, if you want me to, you need to try not to bring up… you know.”

“Don’t talk about it, got it,” she said, grinning. “Now come on, we have to get ourselves stuffed with pretzels and soda, and then go on the Zipper!”

“WHOA! SLOW DOWN!” Nova shouted as Rachel yanked him further into the carnival, stopping only to purchase the little wristbands that gave them unlimited access to rides.

Over the course of the next five minutes, Nova learned what your everyday carnival goer learned when it came to stuffing one’s face and going on a powerful ride. He stumbled his way off of the Zipper, green-faced and very disoriented, while Rachel was in stitches next to him.

“Y-you should see the look on your face right now!” she squealed, doubling over as Nova found his way to a trash can and emptied the contents of his stomach into it.

“Have you… had your fun yet?” Nova wheezed, before spitting out excess sick from his mouth. “Can we go on something less… spinny now?”

“Just for you, Nathan,” Rachel said, grabbing his arm and leading him over to the spinning tea cups.

And five minutes later, Nova was reacquainted with the trash can.

“Okay, okay, no more spinning rides for now,” Rachel promised, on the ground and kicking her legs in her fits of schadenfreude.

“Seriously,” he croaked. “I don’t feel good at all.”

“You’ll be fine. We’ll just let it settle before we do something exciting.”

Though the sickness was a but unwanted, to say the least, Nova was actually having fun. They went on the carousel after he managed to step away from the trash can for the second time, and to Nova’s slight astonishment, the plastic horses that made up the carousel were, strangely enough, the Elements of Harmony, himself, the other three princesses, and for whatever reason, Big Macintosh as an alicorn.

Was this Envy’s idea of a joke? Because it was actually hilarious.

But it left him with a huge bout of indecision. Ride his own horse, or Twilight’s? No, wait, Luna’s looked comfortable…

“Just climb on this one,” Rachel said, directing him over to Rarity’s, which just happened to be right behind her own horse, upon which she was sitting.

The carousel wasn’t nearly as entertaining, but thank Celestia it wasn’t nearly as nauseating. Going one for three on “Rides Nova has stumbled away from without being sick,” they made their way over to some of the game stands, where one of the redheaded twins from earlier, this one without the moustache, was standing next to a pile of stacked white milk bottles on a stool. A bunch of extravagant stuffed animals were hung around it, one of which Nova immediately seemed to hone into.

He had to win the pink stuffed dragon. He had a feeling Rachel wouldn’t want it, leading to him giving it to Tracy as a gift, and he had a feeling Tracy would love it.

“Steeeeep riiiiiight up and test your aim against our pyramid of bottles!” hawked the man, juggling a couple of human baseballs in an attempt to get attention. “How about it, sir? Two dollars for three throws, knock them all down in one throw, you receive one of the big gifts, two throws a medium one, and three throws a small one.”

“I’m game,” Nova said, stepping up and holding a hand behind him. Rachel slapped a couple of dollars into his hand, which he promptly handed to gentleman with the baseballs, who tossed them into the air for Nova to catch, which he did with no problem.

“Hang on,” Nova said, feigning suspicion. “What’s on the bottom of the milk bottles?”

The man without the moustache still smiled his rather charming, slightly-oily smile. “Why, nothing, my good man! See?”

He reached an arm out and knocked down all of the bottles with no problem. But Nova could distinctly hear one of them fall heavier than the others. It was a very faint sound, one that only those who were definitely looking for it would find, but it was definitely there, and on hearing it, he hid a smile.

“Nothing but unaltered milk bottles,” the carnie said, though the telltale flare of his energy told Nova otherwise. Still, Nova already knew the con in question.

As the carnie set the bottles back up, Nova paid attention to which ones were on the bottom, and which one was placed in the exact center of the stool. There was clearly a magnet in the wood of the stool, and it was definitely holding down the weighted bottle.

But what if the weighted bottle were actually the one on top?

As the carnie stepped aside, flourishing his hands at the pile of milk bottles and smiling confidently, Nova twiddled his fingers by his side. Instantly, he felt the slight shift as the metal block in the bottom middle was teleported to the one at the top.

It wasn’t a completely rigged game, but it was still altered. Now, however, the odds were more in his favor. He just had to hit one of the bottom ones, and it would all come crashing down.

And with that thought in mind, and channeling a bit of magic into the baseball itself, he tossed it forward, letting the ball fly directly between the left and center bottom bottles, sending the entire pile crashing off of the stool.

Nova could see the slight twitch in the eye of the carnie, but the forced smile still came.

“Congratulations, good sir,” he said, before gesturing to the large plushies above the stool, one of which was the pink stuffed dragon. Nova pointed right at it, and the carnie reached his cane up and unhooked it, for it to fall right into his waiting arms.

“Thank-you for playing, sir! To the rest of you he can do it, which means you can do it! Anyone can! Step right up and give your throwing arm a try!”

“That was awesome!” Rachel crowed as they walked away while some unfortunate sod believed what the carnie said about anyone being able to do it and took the bait. “How’d you do it? The game was rigged, right?”

“Yep,” Nova said, hugging the stuffed dragon all the tighter. “Had to convince him the con job was still on. Made him demonstrate that nothing was sticking the milk bottles to the stool, make him think he was lulling me into a false sense of security. But one of the bottles had a block of metal in it, and the stool was magnetized.”

“Really?” asked Rachel, her eyebrows shooting up.

“Yep,” Nova said again, before puffing out his chest. “But when he knocked them over, I could hear it. So with a little know-how, I was able to hit it just so that they all would fall off.”

“He thought that by making you figure your way out of the first con, he could nab you with the second,” Rachel said, sounding quite surprised.

“I think it’s called the Kansas City Shuffle,” Nova said, stroking his chin briefly while he considered it. He didn’t know if the ponies had a rough equivalent. The Las Pegasus Shuffle, perhaps?

“Did you pick the pink dragon specifically because you didn’t think I’d like it?” Rachel asked, a gleam of amusement in her eye.

“Pretty much.,” he replied. “I happen to like dragons. And the color pink.”

“Riiiiiiight,” retorted Rachel, rolling her eyes and bumping him with her shoulder.

But something caught Nova’s eye as she bumped him. He caught sight of a girl with red hair standing not that far away. Her light-blue eyes met his, leading him to freeze. It was Natalie, glaring at him and Rachel with a sour expression on her face. As soon as they made eye contact, her sour expression deepened into an outright snarl. Before Nova could do anything else, she turned right around and stomped her way off.

What the hell is she doing here? he thought. Is she following me?

“Hey, let’s go on the ferris wheel!” he heard, before he felt Rachel grab his hand and yank him toward the giant circle of steel and plastic.

In short order, Nova found himself and Rachel sitting in a ferris wheel gondola as it slowly made its way up and around. The view of the city from this height was incredibly beautiful. He could see the elevated interstate, illuminated by its yellow-orange lights, the skyscrapers of downtown, he could even see the lights on the dome of the university’s observatory in the far distance.

“See, this is why you should go to carnivals more often,” Rachel said from the plastic bench, interlacing her fingers behind her head and leaning back against the wall of the gondola. “You get to see cool things like this.”

Unfortunately, the moment didn’t last terribly long. Almost right after she had said that, there was a noticeable shift in the speed of the ferris wheel, and it came to a halt with them stuck on the way down from the top of the wheel.

Of course, Nova thought.

“You didn’t have anything to do with this, did you?” Nova asked, cocking an eyebrow as he glanced suspiciously at Rachel.

“W-what? What makes you think I had anything to do with it?” she asked, and Nova could hear the feigned offendedness.

“That’s not a no,” he pointed out.

“Well, fine, yeah, I asked the ride operator for it,” Rachel admitted, shrugging. “Me and her go way back.”

“Rachel…” Nova began, but she cut him off.

“Nathan, I don’t want to hear it,” she snapped irritably. “I told you I was taking you on this date so you could have fun and open up. That hasn’t changed. I’m not here to flirt, and I’m not here to try and win you from Tracy. I sacrificed this whole opportunity for that just so I could try to get you back to your normal old self!”

Nova was quite taken aback by this. His mouth parted, but before he could reply, she continued.

“As much as I like you, it hurts me to see you like that, you know!? Just hopeless and stuck in your depression!”

“Rachel,” Nova began again, before sighing and reconsidering what he had to say. “I’m… I’m touched that I mean that much to you.”

Her anger was replaced by slight look of empathy. “Nathan, when I saw what had happened to you and when I saw how you were handling it over the last few days, it just clicked. I’ve been sitting here, getting into this stupid little fight with Tracy over you, and then when that happened, it opened my eyes, I guess.”

“Are you saying…”

“Am I saying that I’m giving up on you?” Rachel asked, before nodding. “I am.”

“Rachel…” Nova said again.

“Save it, Nathan,” she said, but she smiled regardless. “It’s pretty obvious you were never really interested in me. I guess I just sort of chose not to see that, and kind of insisted I could win you over just by being repetitive with my advances. And then when I saw you that night, just looking completely broken, it just kinda hit me,” she shrugged. “I had been really being selfish about it, and after all of that, the last thing you needed was us continuing our petty little squabble.”

Nova almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But the fact that Rachel’s aura hadn’t flared in the slighted when she’d said any of that left no room for denial. This whole romantic entanglement he had been concerned about was going to end peacefully.

“But, what about your’s and Ashleigh’s little date?”

“Oh that?” Rachel asked, before grinning slyly. “Three guesses.”

“You’re seriously not going to give it to Tracy, are you?”

“Well, who else would I give it to?” she asked, thoroughly bemused. “It’s obvious you’ve got a thing for her, and she’s got one for you. And now we’re not fighting over you, why not?”

Nova didn’t know what to say. Was this really happening? Was everything working out in his favor, just like that?

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear this,” he admitted. “How much it scared me to know I was gonna have to break your heart. You’re a good friend, Rainbow, and I would hate to see that change for the worse because of all of this.”

“Hey! You used that nickname again!” Rachel said, brightening. “I don’t know why you stopped for a while. I never said I hated it.”

“I’ll try not to forget to use it,” promised Nova.

“But really, I think I do know how long you’ve waited. Like I said, though, I guess I chose not to see it.”

They let silence fall between them for a moment. A couple of seconds in, there was a clunk, and the ferris wheel began to move again. Nova glanced down and noticed a few people at the bottom, waiting in line.

“Thank-you, Rachel,” Nova said. “I really mean it. Thank-you for all of this.”

“No problem at all, Nathan,” Rachel replied. “Just one thing.”

“And that is?” asked Nova.

“You’d better treat Tracy right. If I hear you’ve been skimping out on her, I’m gonna kick your ass from here to next Tuesday, ya got that?”

“Got it,” Nova responded, as their gondola came to a stop on the ground, and the orange-haired operator opened the door to let them out.

“Well, I think we’ve said everything we need to,” Rachel said, reaching her arms behind her back and stretching. “What do you say we head back on home?”

“I’m fine with that,” said Nova, hefting the pink dragon onto his shoulder. “Again, thanks for all of this.”

“Hey, what are friends for?” she asked, bumping him with her shoulder again.

It’s all coming together, he thought happily as they walked, Rachel going on and on about some of her better goals in practice that day. Everything looks like it’s actually going to end well.

With that happy thought, they left the carnival behind them, walking off into the night.

A Date That Goes Right

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Even In Other Worlds

Chapter 14 - A Date That Goes Right

It had been many months since Nova had felt this happy, and since he had known what to do. Everything was finally going his way. After a couple of weeks had passed since their trip to the carnival, Nova had expected his relationship with Rachel to wane a bit, for her to back off just to let Tracy know he was open.

He was wrong. She hung out with him just as much, but there was a certain platonic closeness between them that wasn’t there before. And it seemed like everyone noticed. Even Tracy.

Especially Tracy.

It seemed like every waking moment Rachel wasn’t around, she was. And he had to admit, under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t exactly be opposed to the idea. But a stallion had to have some free time, you know?

Scratch that, he had plenty of free time. Most of it was spent training with Discord. As a result, Nova had finally gotten to the point where he was able to give Discord a solid battle without Discord going easy on him. He still lost every time, but he reasoned no one he fought with swordplay was going to be as good as him.

Which, unfortunately, meant that someone he fought was going to be as good as him.

But he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

But speaking of bridges, he was definitely starting to focus on building bridges with Regina, so as to awaken the fifth element. Hopefully, though, said awakening wouldn’t be needed to stop a giant flaming comet of pure evil from destroying Equestria.

Yet imagine his surprise when she was the one seeking him out.

It was the day before Equestrian Winter Solstice (if the calendar was still on time with Equestria), and that seemed to line up with Earth’s Winter Solstice as well. Nova had anticipated waiting a few more days before making his move on Regina. And so there he and Rachel sat, watching an English Premier League game on television at his apartment.

It was around halftime when there came three short knocks on his door. Nova hadn’t even been aware of an energy nexus there, so focused on just letting go and enjoying a rare day off from working to save Equestria, so he could mentally steel himself and sprint to the finish. But when the knocks alerted him to the visitor’s presence, Nova was completely shocked to notice that it was Rarity’s energy standing behind that door.

And when he opened it up, there stood the beautiful nuisance seamstress herself, her form clad in a simple white dress with violet accents, the better to match her hair.

“Regina?” he asked.

“Good morning to you too, Nathan,” she replied, with a wry grin. “Nice to see you know the proper way to greet a lady.”

“Sorry, I didn’t order a large pizza with a side of snark this morning,” he countered.

“Yet tonight, I do hope you’ll consider quite a bit more than just a pizza for your date with Tracy, would you, darling?”

Nova blinked.

“Do what?” he asked. Regina rolled her sapphire eyes.

“I know you’re in there, Rachel. I thought we agreed you were going to be the one to tell him.”

“I did,” said Rachel indignantly. “Just… I kinda, uh, forgot to tell him it was tonight.”

“Wait a minute, you planned all of this?” asked Nova, only more confused.

“Of course we did, darling,” said Regina, gently pushing past Nova to enter his apartment. “Though there have been complications as of late,” she admitted. “Rachel and Ashleigh both approached me, asking if I would help you and Tracy find matching outfits for the date that we all knew you would eventually take her on. It was my idea to make it today.”

“Why? What’s so special about today?” asked Nova.

“Honestly, for such a smart young man, particularly in Doctor Hoffman’s astronomy class, you seem to easily forget dates,” Regina replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s the Winter Solstice, Nathan. You know, the onset of winter, and the longest night of the year? The 22nd of December?”

Nova just stood there, completely confused for a moment, before something finally clunked into place.

“Oh. OH!” he said, his cheeks going very red as the implications dawned on him. “That’s not-- I’m not a first-date kind of person, you know?” he protested.

“Never said you were, darling,” Rarity winked at him. “Though I figured you’d appreciate the extra snuggling time this evening.”

“Regina, show him the mark,” suggested Rachel.


“Oh, yes,” Regina started, nodding and turning her back to Nova. “I saw this on my back a couple of days ago. From what I understand, you have a similar one, as do Penelope, Ashleigh, Rachel, and Felicity, correct?”

She pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders and let it slide down just enough so that Nova could see between her shoulder blades. There, sitting in the same spot as his, and the others’, was a purple diamond.

Nova could just stare at it, completely dumbfounded. How had that happened!? Sure, he was very glad that the Element of Generosity had awoken, but he had to know how it had originally happened!?

“I take it from your stare that you’re either amazed at the mostly-unblemished surface of my back, or this mark is a good thing you have been trying to make appear on my back for some time,” Regina noted, glancing back at him, before pulling her straps back onto her shoulders.

‘Well, uh, yes, actually,” Nova said, nodding. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you why. But now that the five of you have them, there’s one more that needs to appear.”

“Hmm,” Regina smiled knowingly at him, “I wonder if, perhaps, you might work your magic tonight to make that happen?”

Nova rolled his eyes. “Okay, Regina, you’re here to make sure Tracy and I match for a date tonight. How are you going to do that, exactly?”

“Why, by shopping, of course!”

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“Riiiiiiiight,” groaned Nova as he found himself at the mercy of Regina and Rachel while they had him taken to a tuxedo shop someplace further downtown. “‘Let’s go shopping, Nathan!’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ they said. ‘You’ll get stuck full of pins and needles,’ they never said.”

“Quit complaining,” admonished Regina, poking him lightly. “I promise you, it will all be worth it tonight, just to see the look on her face.”

“Is she even going through the same treatment?” asked Nova, as the tailor, a portly older man with a pair of pince-nez perched on his nose, continued to measure everything up and pin things into place. Much as Nova hated to admit it, he looked damn good in a suit.

“I believe so, yes,” Regina said. “Felicity also knows quite a bit about dresses, Ashleigh knows a thing or two about keeping it practical over extravagant, and Penelope, social butterfly that she is, has been working tirelessly to make sure the two of you have nothing but the best possible evening.”

She paused, before scrunching up her face.

“Do you intend to wear the gaudy earring at your date tonight, regardless of if I tell you to take it off?”

Nova let out a quick bark of laughter. “Regina, if you knew what it was, you’d already know what the answer to that question is.”

“Well, go on, then,” she tossed her hand in front of her. “What is it?”

“Yeah, I’ve been wondering that, too,” Rachel piped in from her spot at the tie selection, where she seemed to have narrowed her search down to a slightly light blue

“Twenty bits says you don’t believe me,” Nova preempted. “Both of you. And I look forward to cashing that in.”

“Uhh, ‘bits?’” Rachel asked, giving him a strange look.

“Yep, ‘bits,’” affirmed Nova. “You don’t understand now, but you will later, and I so look forward to making a tidy profit.”

“Well, you won’t win a profit if we don’t know what we’re going to believe, will you darling? So spit it out already.”

“Alright, fine, keep your shirt on,” Nova said, before wincing as another needle stuck him in the leg. “It’s my engagement ring.”

“Your… engagement ring,” repeated Regina skeptically. “Forgive me, Nathan, but I’m pretty sure engagement rings are supposed to go on your finger.”

“I don’t like to conform,” he shrugged. “I’m telling you, it’s my engagement ring. And I’m pretty sure you both know who it’s to.”

“It would certainly explain your attraction to Tracy that seemed to come out of nowhere, that’s for sure,” pondered Regina, “but how does it glow like that? I can see no bulb and it appears to be completely clear. It almost looks… magical.”

“Oh, if only you knew,” muttered Nova to himself.

“Well, whatever the glow is, I still find it hard to believe it’s an engagement ring. Normally, that implies that there are two,” Regina continued. “Where is her’s?”

“The honest answer is ‘Lying at the bottom of a drawer in her nightstand, due to something that’s completely made her forget we were together.”

Regina just stared at him.

“You know, I think it’s quite telling that there are times when I just can’t tell when you’re being serious or simply making fun of me. And this is one of those times, Nathan.”

“Completely serious, actually,” Nova smiled humorlessly. “Told you you wouldn’t believe it. Though if it makes you feel any better, I’ll start making it more obvious when I’m making fun of you.”

Regina rolled her eyes, but Rachel snickered from the tie stand.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“Ah’m tellin’ ya, Nathan’s gonna hate the poofy sleeves if we put them on,” Ashleigh argued.

“But the poofy sleeves are fuuuuuuun! It’s like… ‘Poof!’” Penelope whined, before suddenly brightening and continuing to play with the giant poofy sleeves on Tracy’s shoulders/upper arms. Tracy, meanwhile, looked decidedly unnerved by all of this.

“Umm, girls?”

“Trust me, Penny, Ah know Nathan, he prob’ly won’t like ‘em. Ah personally would suggest the bare shoulder.”

“But where’s the fun in that?” asked Penny. “If we leave the sleeves on, Nathan will have something else to squeeze that’s completely sex-free!”

Tracy’s face went beet red, as did both Felicity’s and Ashleigh’s. Penny, however, seemed completely unaware of the innuendo she had made, continuing to mess with the giant poofs on Tracy’s shoulders.

“By the way, Penny, how’s the reservation going?”

“Oh, I’m just waiting on Mr. Carino to answer the phone,” Penny shrugged. “They keep saying he doesn’t actually work there, but why wouldn’t Johnny Carino work at Johnny Carino’s? It’s, like, the most insane thing I’ve ever heard of! And I’ve heard of Mountain Dew Code Red.”

Ashleigh’s face met her hand with a loud smacking sound.

“Um, girls?”

“Penny, gimme the phone, Ah’ll do it.”

“Nuh-uh! Regina told ME to do it!” Penny whipped her phone out of her dress and held it away from Ashleigh’s expectant hand.

“Penny, just give me the damn phone, Ah’ll do the reservin’, it’ll be done nice and quick-like, and you can go back to playing with those… poofy things.”

“GIRLS!” shrieked Felicity, startling all three of the other women in her room.

“OW!” yelped Tracy, as Felicity stuck her with a pin on accident.

“Oh, sorry, Tracy,” she apologized, before rounding on Penny and Ashleigh. “Girls, we’re not here to have fun or make a dress for us. We’re here to get this one fixed up for Tracy. Penelope, call the restaurant and ask for the manager, not Johnny Carino. Ashleigh, come help me out here. Just do what I tell you, and Tracy’s dress should look perfect.”

Her cheeks went a little pink, and her head reflexively bowed, hiding her face behind her long pink bangs.

“Umm, if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure thing, Felicity,” said Ashleigh, scooting around to help her out. Penelope, meanwhile, was hammering away on the keys on her phone.

“Yes, hi, I need to speak to the manager, please?”

There was a pause.

“No, no, I’m not the person who was asking for Johnny Carino, She’s a big stupid doo-doo head. That’s not me, I Penny Promise it.”

Another pause.

“Oh. Well, I, uhh, need to make a reservation for two, tonight at 6:30.”

A pause again.

“Name, ‘Nova Sunset.’”

“Nathan Samuel,” corrected Tracy, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, sorry, I meant ‘Nathan Samuel.’”

A final pause.

“Alright, thank you, good bye.”

And Penelope hung up and stuck the phone in her pocket..

There was yet another pause. But then...

“OH!” exclaimed Penny, eyes widening. “You thought with the sleeves that I meant he would have something other than Tracy’s boobs to squeeze!”

The other three almost died of embarrassment.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“How do you think she is even taking this?” asked Nova. “I mean, does she even know what’s happening?”

“She knows, darling,” Rarity assured him. “I daresay, she’s been quite excited about it for the last week. We told her shortly after we came up with the idea.”

“We?” Nova asked, looking over at Rachel, who knocked her fist to her chest a couple of times.

“Yep, ‘we,’” she said. “Told her I was giving up on you before I told you. And then Ashleigh got the idea to get all of us in on this little plan, and we went full steam ahead.”

“How did they get you involved, Regina?” asked Nova. “I don’t seem to remember you liking any of them.”

“That’s because I didn’t,” Regina said tersely. “I thought Ashleigh was just some ruffian who didn’t know the difference between casual and formal attire, I always thought Rachel here was just some punk, no offense.”

“None taken,” Rachel shrugged. “Let’s face it, when I was getting involved with the Hellsings, I kinda was.”

“Penelope was just someone who didn’t know when a time to be proper was, and Felicity was just so quiet and shy it’s a wonder she ever got anything done.”

“And… Tracy?”

“Tracy, well,” Regina shrugged. “Not much to say. No one wanted any contact with her when she was on Natalie’s bad side.”

“Not even me,” Nova said.

“Yes, not even you,” concurred Regina. “Most of us liked you as a person, and some of us even admired your gallant behavior, standing up for poor Deborah even to your own significant other, but we were left to wonder why that didn’t extend to her.”

“I wasn’t me back then,” he replied simply.

“Hm, a sort of cop-out, but let’s face it, you back then and you now are two different people,” Regina said. “Though in a manner of speaking, perhaps you never were two different people. I think of it more along the lines of you wearing a mask for Natalie, but every so often that mask would vanish and your true nature would show up.”

“True nature?” Nova asked.

“Gallant, chivalrous, and I even hear you’ve picked up swordplay.”

She smiled roguishly.

“Now if only we had some shining armor for you, you really could be Tracy’s gallant knight.”

“Well, when you consider I jumped in front of the Hellsings to save both her and Rachel…”

“Hm, yes, I had forgotten. I think the legs need to be a bit higher, Jenkins.”

“As you say, Miss Mills,” the portly man said in a strange, squeaky voice, before shortening the length of Nova’s pants. “You picked an excellent color. There’s something about an all-black ensemble that makes this particular gentleman look quite striking.”

“In a manner of speaking, that’s the idea,” Regina smiled. “Oh, if only I were going to be there to see the look on her face… and yours too, Nathan.”

“If you’re here, who’s getting Tracy’s dress?” asked Rachel. “Because if it’s Ashleigh and Penelope--”

“They are helping, yes,” answered Regina, who was now inspecting you as the tailor continued to measure and adjust certain parts of the suit he was wearing. “I gave Felicity specific instructions on how Tracy’s dress should look, with a little help from Quincy Sire, who seemed to have an idea at Nathan’s taste in attire.”

“He WHAT!?” Nathan shouted, mortified. If Discord was going to share what he thought Nathan’s taste in dresses was--

“Relax, Nathan,” Rachel said, stifling a laugh. “It’s nothing embarrassing. Tracy’s dress will be pretty modest, I bet. Though knowing Ashleigh and Penny, they’ll probably have their own opinions on what certain parts of the dress should look like.”

Despite the fact that Regina loved her makeup, her pale complexion made it easy to tell when her cheeks went a little pink even underneath it all, a fact Nova was not lost on.

“Yes, well, I do believe Felicity should be able to keep them in line...”

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“TAKE THOSE OUT OF TRACY’S DRESS!” shouted Ashleigh, sticking her hands down Tracy’s front to try and remove the large cotton pads Penelope had unceremoniously stuffed into the bust of Tracy’s dress.

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“...but then again… how much time do we have?” she asked, glancing around toward a clock.

“Why even ask if you’re going to look yourself?” asked Nova.

“Well, I often ask why you speak if you’re going to look the fool, but some questions just don’t have answers, do they,” she said, giving him a very sly smile.

Nova opened his mouth to retort, but paused. “Touché.”

“Hope you have some cold water for that burn,” Rachel said, smirking.

Regina simply shrugged modestly. “I try, darling. But back to the seriousness of the occasion, we are close to wrapping up. I’ve arranged for transportation to and from Johnny Carino’s. Transportation to, separate. Transportation from, together. Now,” she suddenly grew stern, like a teacher, “she is going to meet you at the restaurant. You are going to dine very well, and you will allow her to order what she wants. Don’t worry about costs, I’m taking care of it,” she said, holding up her hand with a credit card held between her fingers and offering it to Nova. “When the date is finished, the transportation will take you back to Tracy’s home, where you will walk her to the door like a gentleman, and as I’m well aware, you are within walking distance to your apartment from there.”

The sly smile returned.

“Though knowing Tracy, something tells me you need not worry about walking home for the night.”

A thought occurred to Nova, one he felt needed addressing, so he voiced it.

“What about Sam?” he asked, hoping he had remembered Spike’s human name right.

“Sam’s been taken care of,” Regina answered. “He’ll be over at my house until 8 this evening, on which he’ll be taken back to his and Tracy’s home, since he can take care of himself for the most part.”

“If he can take care of himself, why’s he staying with you?” Nova asked.

“Because knowing Sam, he’ll end up barging in on your date or something,” Rachel said, shrugging. “Besides, we all know about his huge crush on Regina. We figured humoring him a bit would keep him out of your manes.”

Nova blinked, and he was sure Regina did too.

“Uhh, ‘manes?’” he asked, giving Rachel a strange look. Regina was giving her the same odd look. The portly man tailoring Nova’s suit just kept dilly-dallying away.

“‘Manes’ what?” Rachel asked, confused.

“Don’t you mean, ‘Out of our hair,?’” Nova asked.

“That’s what I said,” replied Rachel.

“No, no it isn’t. Are you feeling okay today, Rachel?” asked Regina.

“I feel fine, why do you ask?” she responded, looking not only confused, but also a bit worried. “What’s up with you guys?”

Nova cut off Regina with a look. He had to admit, he wasn’t quite sure how to react to this. If Rachel was subconsciously using pony terms, that could only mean the curse on her was close to breaking. And knowing the nature of the Bearers of Harmony being bonded as they were, that meant the curse would break on all of them.

With five Bearers awoken, the sixth awakening was imminent. And when it did, Nova knew it would be time to go home.

So why not work on it tonight? he thought to himself. Why not get started early, and then rest when everyone has returned to Equus?

Because, the other half of his brain felt compelled to interject, all work and no play makes Nova a dull pony.

Good point, the other half agreed. A date tonight, but tomorrow, the long grind and home stretch begins.

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“You know,” said Discord, hefting his cane onto his shoulder as he entered City Hall, “as much as I enjoy these little chats of ours, I can’t help but wonder if they serve an ulterior purpose.”

“You’ll want to hear what I have to offer, I promise,” assured Sombra, leading Discord into the meeting room in which Moony had admonished them only a couple of months ago, right before the little adventure had started with Nova’s awakening.

Discord harrumphed and crossed his arms, but otherwise showed no irritation. Sombra found his way to the oaken door and opened it, revealing the Queen already in the room.

“For a matter considered urgent, you seem to have a very slow clock,” she said as the two of them entered the room.

“I had to find him,” Sombra swatted Discord’s shoulder. “This is something I believe we all need to hear.”

As Discord entered, Sombra shut the door behind him and locked it, before turning around with a grave expression.

“The chosen day must be tomorrow.”

Discord’s eyes widened, and Chrysalis’ mouth parted.

Tomorrow!? How could he possibly have enough time to--” she exclaimed, but Discord cut her off.

“He has a chance, Cheeselegs, considering Rarity’s Spirit of Harmony has been awakened within her human self,” Discord answered. “Now all that remains is the most elusive and most mysterious spirit of all: the element of surprise.”

“Why tomorrow?” asked Chrysalis, ignoring Discord’s little joke.

“The curse grows ever weaker by the second,” Sombra stated. “That, and my spying from the shadows has uncovered a very… disturbing revelation.”

“Which is?” asked Discord.

“Killik intends to institute martial law in two days,” Sombra answered. “He has already set up the plans and convinced key members of the hive of his intentions and the effects of said actions. The ideal time to act must be tomorrow, while the changelings are still entering town and are disorganized.”

“Can’t the Queen--”

“No,” Chrysalis admitted. “I can do nothing to help Nova. When the news broke that Nova Shine was the one responsible for Molossus’ death, Killik has begun to use Molossus’ ‘martyrdom’ as a motivator for the changelings to galvanize them against him and those who stand for him, and as a catalyst to stop the Spirits from uniting and sending us all back. Were I to help Nova Shine at the moment, I would be unseated, and Killik would undoubtedly be given the crown.”

“If I may use the human expression,” Discord said, “fuck changeling politics.”

Sombra merely nodded.

“With the confusion tomorrow will bring, tomorrow provides the best opportunity to reawaken the final element and take us all home.”

“There’s got to be more to it,” Discord observed.

“How do you mean?” asked Sombra.

“Well, all these little adventures always have a final battle, or something, don’t they,” he shrugged. “Somehow, something tells me Nova’s gonna have a horde of changelings to fight, one day or the other.”

“True,” Sombra inclined his head. “As well, you know how I’m the one who’s in charge of maintaining the curse, correct?”

“Yes,” replied Discord. His eyes narrowed. “What did you do?”

“I have done nothing,” Sombra said, smiling. “I may have… forgotten to inform Envy of how I implemented the curse in such a way to prevent myself from being able to maintain it properly. Hence the reason why so many ponies are showing signs of breaking out lately. But…”

He reached into his suit and pulled out something that again made Discord’s eyes widen and Chrysalis’ mouth part. In his hand was a crystal, glowing red with energy stored within its surface.

“Is that…” Chrysalis breathed.

“Yes, the source of the curse,” Sombra nodded.

“Then why isn’t it shattered?” demanded the Queen.

“Because Envy brought me back to maintain it. I cannot disobey her orders while I am her thrall. Though I am left enough freedom to, ah, ‘inadvertently sabotage’ her plans here and there. And besides…”

He tossed it to Discord.

“You try it.”

Discord stared at Sombra suspiciously, before clenching the crystal so hard, tendons bulged in his hands, which were shaking from the effort.

“You won’t be breaking it any time soon, unfortunately,” Sombra said. “Envy’s placed a special shield around it, preventing it from being broken unless the shield’s source is destroyed as well.”

“So you’re saying Nova has to find and destroy whatever this shield source thingy is, tomorrow? While he’s going to be trying to get the final element reawakened as well?” Discord asked in disbelief. “That’s… I… Look, as much as I trust the boy and feel he can handle a lot of nearly impossible things--”

“Do you even know where the shield is?” queried the Queen, cocking a skeptical eyebrow.

“Unfortunately, the only one with that knowledge would be our shadowy ‘benefactor,’” Sombra answered, “which means that unless Nova knows who she is, he’s probably going to spend the majority of the day searching.”

Discord sighed and leaned back onto a hammock made of thin air.

“Well, I hope he gets plenty of rest tonight. Tomorrow’s going to be a very busy day.”

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Nova stood in the entry of this Johnny Carino’s place in the heart of the suburbs of the city. It was a chain restaurant, but it was an expensive chain restaurant. Nova’s cursed self had been blessed with a pretty hefty amount of human currency, but he had enough financial sense to realize that he didn’t have a job, he didn’t know how much longer they were going to be trapped on this human world, and he didn’t want to go blow it all before they left and leave himself broke.

Thank Faust for Rarity and her credit card.

The place had the feel of a Bitalian restaurant. Which, considering Italian and Bitalian were pretty analoguous, Nova had to think it was to be expected. A cubical sort of Bitalian villa, a few shrubberies here and there (Knights who say “Ni” unaccounted for), and a sort of earthy, warm feeling emanating from it. A few wine racks formed the dividers between table sections, a bartender making his drinks stood behind a granite counter, and the many servers seemed fairly relaxed as they did their job in the sparsely-populated restaurant.

Which was good, as it would give them a nice bit of privacy.

Nova approached the host stand, where a young man wearing a black button-up shirt stood looking down at something behind a small little barrier. He had short blonde hair, a nametag that said “Caleb,” and was marking off squares on a laminated sheet that Nova assumed was a table chart.

“Excuse me? I have a reservation for Nathan Samuel,” he said.

The blonde host looked up, revealing blue eyes Nova could swear he’d seen somewhere before. Perhaps in a bar or someplace.

“Reservation for Nathan Samuel?” he repeated, looking down at a list of names. “Oh, yeah, got you here. Hang on…” he scrunched up his face and held the list closer. “There’s a lot of scribbling. Are you sure it isn’t Nova Sunset?”

Damn it, Penny!

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s Nathan Samuel, though knowing who called it in, it’s probably both.”

“Alright then,” the guy said, scratching the name off the list. “Your table’s this way. Follow me.”

“Oh, and if a girl with a magenta highlight in her hair comes in, she’s with me,” Nova added.

“Got it. Figured it was a romantic date. I’ll get you my brother for server. You didn’t hear this from me,” he said, glancing around and placing the back of his hand next to his mouth to hide it from prying eyes, “but he’s the best damn server we’ve got. Make sure to tip him well.”

“Will do, will do,” promised Nova.

“Alright. He should be here in a few moments. Enjoy your date, sir!” Caleb said, and walked off.

Nova picked up the menu and immediately cringed. Meat. Meat everywhere.

He didn’t know how humans could do it, eat what were once living creatures. The griffins did it, but he had never been to a restaurant that catered to griffin taste. This was an entirely new experience for him.

If Tracy orders something with meat… he started to think, but he quickly purged that thought before it took him somewhere undesirable. The last thing he wanted to think about was pony!Twilight eating Philomena or something.

And speaking of the phoenix, Nova had interacted with her very little since she had first left him a message and teased his mother. Nova had to admit, he hadn’t planned on having her along, and so he was fresh out of ideas for how to use her to help. What the bloody hell was he going to use her for?

To Nova’s horror, a voice sounding uncannily like Pinkie Pie’s felt the need to emerge in his mind.

Maybe she’s in this human world for no real reason! Maybe Celestia felt like giving you a pet because you’re just a Mary Sue that gets all the cool things because the author likes you that much!

Note to self: sterilize that portion of the brain.


Nova sighed and glanced at a clock on the wall. The slight annoyance of not knowing exactly when Tracy was going to show up was testing his patience. But then, he figured it’d all be worth it eventually. He just wondered why things were taking so long.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“Now remember girls, we’re just here to see that first look on his face,” Regina reminded them, camera at the ready as they hid in one of the bushes outside.

Thanks to Regina’s skilled negotiation while Nova was on his way to the restaurant, they had managed to snag a seat in a secluded part of the restaurant that still had a window outside.

“But I wanna see how the date goes!” complained Penny.

“Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah didn’t share her sentiments,” Ashleigh admitted. “Ah mean, what if things don’t go accordin’ to plan?”

“They won’t,” Regina assured her. “Let them have a private moment together.

“Alright then,” Ashleigh said, inclining her head. “Tracy’s on her way in.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova felt it. The familiar energy nexus that belonged to her was walking towards him. And unfortunately, he couldn’t see a bloody thing, since Regina had gotten him a table behind a wall.

And with a window outside where he felt the energy nexuses of the Bearers hiding.

He hid a smile. They probably wanted to see the look on his face when he saw her or something.

Tracy’s nexus grew closer, ever closer, and Nova suddenly felt a tinge of nervousness creep in.

No! Stop thinking like that! She’s your wife-to-be in Equestria! Everything is going to go perfectly tonight.

Against what he thought was his better judgement, he listened to his mind and took a deep breath just as she came around the corner. The moment she did, his breath completely left him and his mouth fell open.

Tracy Strong-- no. Twilight Sparkle looked absolutely radiant. There were precious few ponies Nova could ever apply that label to. And she truly was absolutely, literally breathtakingly, radiant.

The first thing Nova’s mind went to was the Grand Galloping Gala dress Twilight had worn shortly after their first meeting. She had shown him the dress, which had been neatly kept on a mannequin in the library, and was still kept in her new castle.

The actual billow of the dress was a soft blue, identical to his tie color, with pale stars at the hem. Underneath the hem he could see shoes of the same pale blue, but adorned with the six-pointed star he was so familiar with. Her torso was clad in the same pale blue, with several stars emblazoned closer to her back, a single white one directly at the front of her breast, with a darker blue collar flaring up from it. Her bangs were done up in that perfect, natural style he was so fond of, though her long hair had been done into a bun, and adorning her hair was a simple, powder-blue star.

But what did the most to him was the sight of the glowing blue earring on her left ear. Even though she knew not what it was, she still wore her engagement ring just for him.

Nova had absolutely no idea what to say or do. So stunned was he that he almost even forgot how to breathe at the mere sight of her.

His own feelings were mirrored on her face, as her purple eyes were wide and her own mouth open as she drank in the sight of him. Everything from the sharp edges of his suit, the organized untidiness of his hair, the pure blue eyes that just emanated surprise, and even the glowing magenta earring he was wearing.

“I…” he tried to say, but his words failed him.

Tracy’s cheeks went a little pink, but there was a certain confidence in them now, and she smiled coyly.

“My, you look dashing,” she commented, looking him up and down.

“And you look beautiful,” he replied honestly.

Her smile widened. Nova took the opportunity to walk around and pull out her chair for her, in which she sat with all the grace and poise Nova would have expected from a princess.

From his princess.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“Oh, I could just look at the expressions on their faces for days!” Regina cried, showing the girls the expressions she had captured.

“Dayum,” commented Rachel, as Ashleigh wolf-whistled at the sight of it.

“Well, now that that’s over with, we should leave, right girls?” asked Felicity.

“Yeah! Now we gotta go take care of Sam, right?” asked Penny. “ALL NIGHT VIDEO GAME PARTY!”

“No, it will not last all night,” Regina said, rolling her eyes, “but yes, let’s go make sure Sam has a little fun this evening before it’s time to take him back to Tracy’s.”

With that in mind, they stealthily made their way out of the bushes and started for Regina’s home, completely unaware of the blue-eyed and red-haired girl walking past them.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“You know, when the girls told me they were sending me on a date with you,” Tracy said, failing to contain a giggle, “I thought I was being pranked.”

“I was a bit surprised myself,” Nova responded. “I mean, you were aware of mine and Rachel’s platonic date, right?”

She nodded.

“Well, she didn’t tell me then. I literally only found out about this this morning.” He grinned. “But if I’d known this was going to be how I spent my evening, I don’t think I would have been able to wait. I don’t know how you did it.”

“It wasn’t easy,” she said, glancing down at the floor. “I… After the incident a few weeks ago, I wanted to just come up and talk to you. I mean,” she waved her hand a bit vaguely, “I did come and talk to you, but I always wanted to just… say so much more, you know?”

“I know the feeling,” said Nova, who was all too familiar with wanting to tell Tracy so much more but being unable to because she’d think he was insane.

“You just seemed so… well, broken,” she said. “Like you were barely holding yourself together, and I wanted nothing more than to just come and hold you together myself if I had to--”

She broke off, apparently thinking she had said too much, and her cheeks went scarlet. Nova could stifle a chuckle at that.

“I appreciate the sentiment, Tracy, I really do,” he assured her. “I just... “ he rubbed at the back of his neck, “I didn’t know what to do. I had taken a life, I found out I had a sister who had passed away and that that incident led to a ridiculously high number of preventable family issues…” he trailed off and ran a hand through his hair as he sighed.

He saw Tracy move out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly, she had grabbed his hand from somewhere in his hair and had pulled it back toward her. Surprised, he locked his blue eyes with her purple ones to see that she was giving him a determined look.

“It’s all better now, isn’t it?” she asked. “It’s not healed, but it’s better, right?”

Nova smiled. “Yes, it’s all better.”

Her lips curved into a warm smile, and for a moment, all they could do was stare into each other’s eyes.

Someone coughed to his right, and Nova inwardly groaned.

Right when we were getting to the good part, he mentally complained.

The waiter had arrived, and he seemed to just be standing there awkwardly, patiently waiting for them to finish. Like the host up front, Nova could have sworn he’d seen him somewhere. He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and a slight, almost unnoticeable curve to his nose, and he stood in his black server uniform, pen and paper ready to go.

“My apologies,” he said. “Didn’t mean to interrupt. Welcome to Carino’s, my name is Trey and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

Tracy and Nova shared the briefest of looks before Nova cleared his throat.

“Uh, yeah, I’ll just have a coke. No ice, please.”

“Man after my own heart,” commented the server, taking down the order. “And for you, ma’am?”

“Just a water, with lemon.”

“Water with lemon, and a coke, no ice,” Trey recited from his pad. “Alright then, I’ll have them right out. Any appetizers?”

Nova shook his head, Trey nodded, and with that, he was off. As the server rounded the corner, Nova let out a sigh.

“Seems to happen to me a lot,” he observed.

“Getting a kiss interrupted?” asked Tracy.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “I mean, the first time it was my fault, the second it was interrupted by a friend, and now this one…”

“I don’t remember those,” Tracy said, giving him a strange look. “Was this with Natalie?”

“Oh hell no,” Nova shuddered. “I have absolutely no memories of ever locking lips with her, and damn I’m glad I haven’t.”

“Then… who with?” she asked curiously.

Nova smirked. “Really that interested in my love life, aren’t you? You’re not… jealous, are you?”

“I am not!” she protested indignantly.

“You totally are,” Nova interlaced his fingers behind his head. “It’s actually reassuring. Nice to know you’re that dedicated to me. And you get quite cute when you’re slightly angry.”

She crossed her arms and huffed, but otherwise said nothing.

Shortly after, Trey got back with their drinks and took their food orders (Nova was immensely relieved to hear her order just some simple pasta; noodles, sauce, and vegetables only) and was off fairly quickly, leaving them alone again.

“But seriously, who was it with?” she asked, giving him a flat look.

“Oh fine, you want to know?” he asked, a teasing grin spreading across his face. “It was a magical unicorn named Twilight Sparkle.”

Tracy groaned and buried her face in her hands, leaving Nova to chuckle a bit at her expense.

“You really are just a bit too much fun to mess with, you know that?” he reached across the table to pry her hands away from her face. He was only partially successful, managing to get one hand away, revealing a very irritated purple eye staring at him.

“Really, though, what does it matter?” he asked, pulling his hands back across the table and setting them in his lap. “It’s us on a date, not me, you, and my past.”

“It matters to me,” she huffed. “Nathan, I remember.”

“Remember what?” he asked, confused.

“You’re engaged,” she stated.

Nova froze, feeling his insides go cold. No… I personally locked her memories of that night back up. Is the curse so weak that now even my magic can’t hold the memories back?

“What are you talking about?” he asked hesitantly. She responded wordlessly, choosing to point to the blue earring attached to her left ear. Nova let out a shaky breath. “How much do you remember?” he asked quietly.

“Give me your hands,” she replied, holding hers out. Nova complied, reaching his hands over toward hers, where she took his wrists.

Nova gasped as a feeling of energy flowed through his hands. Hers were outlined in magenta light, and his were outlined in blue.

Nova gaped at her. “I… how…”

“I remembered the day after your incident,” she confessed, looking away. “After that, I just… I don’t know, practiced I guess. It’s all I can do.”

Nova still didn’t know what to say. He just kept staring at her hands, even after she let go and the energy stopped flowing, but after a moment, he smiled.

“Believe it or not, this might actually be a bit helpful. Remember how I said I was looking to reawaken the Spirits of Harmony?” She nodded. “Well, considering you remember, and considering Regina’s spirit has been awakened, I dunno, maybe,” he shrugged, ”this will help speed it along or something.”

She tilted her head for a moment. “Well, if I can do anything to help, you know I would in a heartbeat.”

Nova’s smile told Tracy all she needed to know about it. Trey returned with their food and left quickly, seemingly determined to not interrupt another moment between the two of them, but they didn’t really care. It really felt like Twilight was back. The banter, the company, everything felt almost exactly like her.

And he couldn’t stop smiling because of it.

As their food began to slowly dwindle, Nova saw something out of the corner of his eye that made him go cold.

Natalie was sitting at a table by the doorway, watching the two of them with a sour expression on her face.

“Tracy, I’m going to the bathroom real fast. I’ll be right back, okay?”

“Sure thing,” she said, oblivious to what had his attention. Nova nodded and walked off. Tracy simply continued sitting there, eating her pasta and thinking of him the whole time.

Nova, however, walked towards the bathroom hallway, giving Natalie an incredibly filthy look as he did so. It worked like a charm, because she was up and on her way over to him in a mere moment, her red hair blocking one of the lights and giving it the appearance of it being on fire.

How fitting, he thought.

“Well well,” she sneered, crossing her arms as she got close. “Funny seeing you here, Nathan. Not so funny seeing you with her.”

“What are you doing here, Nat?” he asked in a low voice.

“Can’t a girl go out to eat?” she asked in exasperation. “Believe me, I wish they didn’t seat me right by that doorway, giving me a prime time front-row seat to watching the two of you suck each other’s faces off.”

“Really?” asked Nova skeptically. “Because if I didn’t know better, I’d say you have been following me for a while now.”

“What gives you that idea?” Natalie growled, leaning against the wall.

“What were you doing at the carnival?”

“I was going to the carnival,” she said in a voice positively sagging with irony. “You and Rachel just happened to be there.”

“Right,” said Nova, sarcastically pretending like he was convinced. “And Penelope’s party? You never went to those.”

“I thought it would clear my head after the breakup,” she stated flatly. “If I had known that she had invited asses and sluts there, I wouldn’t have--”


Natalie staggered sideways, gasping in pain as she did so. Nova’s open palm was shaking as he lowered it back down to his side. She glanced at him with surprise before her expression became a snarl.

“Fine,” she whispered, stomping off. “I can see you’re completely devoted to her now. It’s like you’re her personal dog now.”

“I’d rather be a dog than a bitch.”

She let out a growl, but said nothing else, stalking over to and throwing down some paper bills on her table, before marching out of the restaurant, leaving Nova to stare after her, fuming.

He stood there for several seconds, angrily watching the door after she left, before it hit him that he needed to return to the table. He stopped to take a few deep breaths, trying to let out all of the tension and rage in his system with them, and was met with slight success. But it would have to do.

He returned to the table, where Tracy was almost finished with her plate. She noticed the redness on Nova’s hand and glanced up suspiciously.

“How was your bathroom trip?” she asked.

“Eventful,” Nova said. “Ran into a bitch or two on the way.”

A look of surprise crossed her face for a moment, but Nova spoke before she could.

“But let’s not focus on that. We’re on a date, for goodness sake! We can worry about it tomorrow.”

She hesitated, but smiled and nodded regardless. It took a moment to get over his frostiness toward the incident with Natalie, but Tracy was able to coax him into letting go of Natalie’s appearance.

It wasn’t too much longer before they were both sated, at which point Nova paid on Regina’s credit card (making sure to leave a very generous tip on it). At this, they got up and started making their way out of the restaurant, Tracy holding tightly to Nova’s arm. And when they arrived outside, they found a limousine, with a chauffeur holding a sign with their names on it waiting for them.

I’m dreaming, aren’t I? he asked himself rhetorically.

You’re the Dreamwalker. You tell me.

After expressing her glee at the sight of said vehicle, Tracy almost yanked Nova inside, sat him down on the chair, and plopped right down next to him, her hand taking his and her head coming to rest on his shoulder.

Definitely dreaming, then.

Just shut up and enjoy the moment.

The ride to Tracy’s home was far too short, but despite that fact, it was spent in silence, merely basking in each other’s company as they vehicle drove through town. Nova glanced down at Tracy to see that her eyes were shut, and a peaceful smile seemed glued to her face. His insides seemed to melt at the sight of it, and he lay his head to rest on hers as he stared out at the city at night, taking in the sight of the towers of downtown and all of their lights.

They arrived at Tracy’s home only a few minutes after that, whereupon Nova got out of the limo first to help Tracy out. As soon as she was free, the limo driver drove off, leaving them standing outside of the flat in the cold.

“Did you enjoy the date?” he asked.

She just gave him a glowing look.

“I had a wonderful time,” she said, hands gripping at her elbows due to the cold.

“Glad to hear it,” Nova replied. “Do you, maybe, want to do this again sometime?”

“I would love to,” answered Tracy, her glowing look seeming to intensify as she blushed. She sighed awkwardly. “Time to go, I guess.”

“Yeah,” Nova breathed. “It ended far too soon, didn’t it?”

For a moment, they stood there, Nova wondering if this was the right time to say his farewells…

...but in a sudden blur of movement, Tracy reached out and grabbed his tie, pulling him forward and kissing him. Nova was completely caught off guard, but he relented and embraced her as she began to back herself into her home…

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Tracy was alone when she woke up. She had never slept so soundly in her life, but it felt cold this morning.

Nathan wasn’t in the bed with her. It would seem, like before, he had left when he woke up. She reflexively curled into a ball. The date had been absolutely wonderful, but she wished he could have stayed and woke up with her.

For a moment, she lay there, half of her wanting to cry, but the other half content and knowing that she had definitely not seen the last of him.

She took a deep breath, breathing in the crisp winter air to rouse her, and got up.

The first thing she noticed was that she was still in her pyjamas. She had forgotten, they had simply slept together and nothing more (though a large part of her wished she had been that bold). Still, the morning seemed like a good morning already.

Breakfast time, she thought, wondering if Sam was up.

She stepped out of the room, stopping when she noticed that Nova’s suit was neatly folded in the corner, atop her dresser.

Is he…

She hurriedly stepped out of her room, and as soon as she did, she could hear voices coming from Sam’s.

“No! Dude, you have to do it like this!

“Oh, my bad. I’ve never played this before.”

“Seriously? Who hasn’t played this?”

“You’d be surprised, dude.”

“No, no, not like that, do it like this! You want to knock my guy off the edge of the map!”

“OH! I thought the point was to get the percentage as high as you could.”

“You do, but that percent being high means my guy flies further when you hit me.”

“Oh, I think I get it now!”

Tracy saw Sam’s door ajar and pushed it open gently to find her green-haired little brother Sam playing Super Smash Brothers with Nathan, who seemed like he had no idea what he was doing, leaving Sam to try and help him out.

At that moment, Tracy became incredibly weak at the knees.

He didn’t leave… she thought incredulously. And he’s playing with Sam…

There came a loud cartoonish popping sound, and Tracy saw some guy from Sam’s game go flying off the edge of the television screen, where Nathan pumped his fist in triumph.

“Nice job, Nathan!” Sam exclaimed, holding out a fist, which Nathan bumped.

She let out a shaky, dreamy sigh at the sight of him (partly due to his barechestedness, if she were honest with herself), which alerted them both to her presence.

“Oh, hey Trace!” Sam exclaimed, grinning broadly. “Me and Nathan were just playing some Super Smash Brothers! Want to join?”

“No, no, I think I’m quite fine,” she said.

“Are you alright, Tracy?” Nathan asked, his smile changing to concern.

“I’m fine, really,” she answered, smiling warmly at him (leaving Sam to roll his eyes and make gagging motions).

“Suit yourself,” Nathan said, shrugging and going back to the game.

“Everything’s just perfect,” she breathed, before sitting between them and watching them enjoy their game.

Bodies in the Cellar

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Even In Other Worlds

Chapter 15 - Bodies In The Cellar

While Tracy knew of his magic, Sam did not. And so just as a little treat for Sam in the early morning, Nova took the time to open up a hose in the street, getting a nice, even sheet of water on the road before his magical touch froze it at the merest thought. Neither Sam nor Tracy were there to watch it happen, and yet that didn’t stop them from enjoying the effects.


Nova slipped and fell right on his ass as a thrown snowball from Sam hit him right in the face.

“GOT YA!” shouted the adolescent triumphantly from a pile of snow next to Tracy’s flat. It had heavily snowed that night after they had gotten inside and away from the cold, though the sun was out and it was likely that the snow would melt by the afternoon, and that it would warm up to be a beautiful day shortly after.

“Ow,” Nova muttered, rubbing at his tailbone from his spot on the ice.

He wasn’t terribly good with skates in Equestria, and that seemed to carry over here to Earth. He had conjured a few skates in just the perfect sizes when Sam wasn’t looking, and they had attempted a little skate-around.

Except Nova kept falling on his ass. And just when he had started getting the hang of it, Sam thought a snowball was a good idea, which only led to even more of Nova falling on his ass.

For some reason, both Sam and Tracy thought this was hilarious.

“What’s so funny about this!?” demanded Nova from his spot on the ground.

“It’s just,” Tracy stifled a giggle, “watching you keep struggling gets funny after a while. You’re so stubborn about wanting to skate.”

“I like the feeling of it,” Nova said, crossing his arms and huffing. “It feels like flying.”

“I didn’t know you liked flying,” noted Tracy, tilting her head. “Why? What’s so special about it?”

“I dunno,” shrugged Nova. “I guess I always associated it with freedom. Nothing holding you back or down, just able to go as high, as fast, and as far as you want.”

Tracy’s mouth parted for a moment, before she smiled. “That’s a rather deep thought, don’t you think?”

“I skate because it’s fun,” huffed Sam, crossing his arms. “You know, like what we’re supposed to be having right now?”

“You can have your fun, Sam,” said Tracy, giving him an unamused look. “Let Nathan and I have our moment.”

Sam rolled his eyes and made a gagging sort of gesture with his hands, but skated away.

“Speaking of moments,” Nova said, noting the perfect time for a segue, “when we’re done, we need to take Sam by my parents’ place for the morning.”

“All the way up there?” asked Twilight, confused. “Don’t they live up by Mr. Sire?”

“Yeah, same neighborhood,” said Nova, drawing his cloak up around himself a bit tighter.

After he and Sam had finished with their morning Super Smash Brothers, Nova had taken the trip to his apartment to change out of his suit and into something more comfortable, before returning to Tracy’s place for their morning fun.

“Why do we need to take him up there?” Tracy asked, tilting her head.

“Because I want to investigate,” answered Nova in a low voice. “Why was Natalie at our date? Why has she been seemingly everywhere I’ve been these last couple of weeks? ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,’ methinks.”

“How do you intend to investigate? Just head over to her house, break in, and start snooping around?” she asked conspiratorially.

“Actually,” said Nova grinning, “that’s exactly the idea. With a little help from my… talents, we can be in and out before she’s any the wiser.”

“Doesn’t that make you no different from her, though?” asked Twilight. “Do you even know where she lives?”

“I do,” he answered. “She’s not all that far from the university. As for if it makes me any different, I’m taking the moral high ground here,” he stated, almost daring her to challenge it. “I didn’t try to throw you out into the rain that night a couple of months ago.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but apparently thought better of it and just shrugged.

“Why not just talk to her civilly?” she asked.

“After how she tried to throw you out? After the stalking? You want to talk civilly to her after that?” demanded Nova.

“Yes,” Tracy answered bluntly. “Are you that determined to carry your grudge?”

:Oh, if only you knew even half of the things she’s responsible for...” retorted Nova, “but I see your point.”

He reached his hand up and used his fingers to massage his forehead, around where his horn normally was in his pony self.

“I’ll see if I can get ahold of her. We’ll try to talk this out. If negotiations break down, we do it my way.”

Tracy opened her mouth, but closed it.

“Fine. Only if we can’t get in contact with her first.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Nova had every intention of staying true to his word. He still had Natalie’s phone number sitting somewhere in his contacts archive on his cell phone, another something he’d miss when they got back to Equestria. Sure enough, he found it sitting near the bottom of the list, and brought up the number after they had dropped Sam off at his parents’ house for the morning.

Nova figured she would let it ring out when he attempted to call, and sure enough, that it did. He even tried his hand at texting her to get a response, but nothing came of it.

And so, in the thirty minutes it took to get over to Natalie’s house, a small little ordinary building not that far from the university campus, Nova even attempted to text her to get her attention. And again, it was to no effect.

Upon arrival, Nova couldn’t sense her anywhere nearby.

“She’s not here,” he said as they started to walk around the house, perhaps hoping to find her doing something out of sight.

“How do you know?” asked Tracy.

“Energy sensing,” he replied. “Everything gives off an aura of energy, and I can pick up on it. There’s no one home.”

“Really?” asked Tracy skeptically. “How do I know you’re not just copping out of trying to talk to her?”

“Figured you wouldn’t believe me,” Nova shrugged. “Fine. Break a window or something and go inside. She isn’t here, Tracy.”

“Let’s keep looking,” she suggested, and Nova had no objections.

They continued around, eventually stumbling on a set of wooden doors set into the ground on the side of the house. The doors had simple metal handles that were chained together and locked with a padlock.

But the most suspicious thing about it was what Nova detected on the other side. Nothing at all. Literally, there was absolutely nothing down in the cellar that he could detect, which was suspicious enough, especially in such a city where electricity was everywhere, the fact that there was absolutely nothing giving off even the faintest of energy readings was concerning.

“What are you doing?”

Nova blinked. Without realizing it, he had knelt down, attempting to make out what was behind the door. Once he had come to, he shook his head and stood back up.

“There’s got to be something magical on the other side of these cellar doors.”

“Magical how?” asked Tracy, glancing down at them.

“I… don’t know,” he admitted, kneeling back down. “But I don’t like it one bit.”

He reached out a hand toward the lock, conjured a small pick with a thought, twiddled it into the lock, and…

“What the hell are you two doing here?”

Nova started at Natalie’s voice. What the… how did she sneak up on us!?

He stood back up, looking over at Natalie, who stood at the corner of her house, arms crossed and looking quite displeased with the situation.

“Do you ever answer your phone?” asked Nova casually, as though he had not just tried to break into her cellar.

“I changed the number a month ago,” she replied coolly, leaning against the corner. “Didn’t want you giving my number away for people to spam.”

Her brown eyes shifted onto Tracy.

“And what about you? Was it his idea or your idea to break into my cellar?”

Tracy almost immediately pointed a finger at him, leading Nova to roll his eyes. Natalie snickered.

“Boy, you sure know how to pick the loyal ones,” she observed, grinning cattily at them.

“What are you even doing here?” Nova asked suspiciously.

“I live here,” she answered flatly. “Why are you trying to break into my cellar?”

She reached a hand back and brushed some of her red hair out of her face.

“You tell me, Nat,” Nova shot back. “What’s down there that I would want to break in to find?”

Natalie snorted and shrugged.

“How the fuck should I know? I’ve never been down there. It was like that when I got the house.”

Nova’s cool expression fell a bit, replaced by surprise. Mostly because she was telling the truth, as far as he was aware. She really didn’t know.

“You… don’t know?” he asked. “You’re serious?”

“If I did know, why would I tell you?” she asked, scowling. “My cheek still hurts, you know, no thanks to you. And I’m certainly not telling her anything,” she tossed an arm in Tracy’s direction.

“If I may, what did I ever do to you?” Tracy asked. “Why is it that you hated me so?”

“Well you stole my boyfriend, so there is that,” growled Natalie. Nova felt strangely flattered at the prospect of two women fighting over him.

“Before that, though,” Tracy clarified. “What set this all off? Why did you hate me so much?”

“You mean you don’t remember?” guffawed Natalie, momentarily smirking. “She knows what she did.”

“Do you?” retorted Tracy, and suddenly, Natalie stopped dead in her tracks.

“I… of course I do!” she replied, but Nova noticed her hesitation and the flare in her energy.

“You really don’t, do you?” asked Nova, and he was surprised to hear the kindness in his own voice. “You hate her only because it’s all you’ve ever known.”

“Stop it with that psych student bullshit,” commanded Natalie, scowling at him. “You know nothing about me!”

“Natalie Dahlia Verano,” he said calmly, and her scowl fell to disbelief, “I thought you knew me better than that.”

“Wha… what do you mean?” she asked.

“Have you not seen what I’ve been doing these last few weeks?” he asked. “Rachel, Regina, Penelope, Ashleigh, Felicity, and Tracy all used to hate each other almost as much as you hated her, and I came and built the bridges between them. Why keep hating when you don’t even know why? Why not let me extend that same courtesy to you?”

Even though I already know why…

“Because… because… I hate her!” Natalie screeched, pointing a shaking finger at Tracy, who flinched.

“Stop,” Nova commanded, countenance darkening ever so slightly.

Natalie’s hand dropped immediately.

“Believe it or not, Natalie,” Nova cracked his neck and knelt back down by the locked cellar doors, “there’s a good reason that you don’t remember.”

“Do tell,” she growled, still looking daggers at Tracy.

“The answer you seek could be in the cellar, which is exactly why I happen to be trying to break into it.” He smiled. “Tell me, do you believe in magic?”

“What kind of stupid question is that?” Natalie scowled. “What the hell does that have to do with--”

Nova didn’t let her finish, instead tossing a harmless bit of magic at her that exploded into blue lights around her. Natalie flinched with a satisfying shriek, causing Tracy to giggle at her expense.

“As you can obviously see,” he tossed one at Tracy, who had a similar reaction, “magic is real, and what I’m expecting to find in your cellar is an arcane cause to our little problem.”

“What, are you expecting me to keep magical crystals underneath, or something?” Natalie asked, noticeably pale from the sudden reveal that there existed things she didn’t think possible, and that her ex-boyfriend was a practitioner of said formerly-impossible things.

“You’re taking this revelation rather well, now I think about it,” Nova noted, studying her and not failing to miss the slight twitch of the eye.

“I can freak out later,” she said, just a little higher-pitched than usual, “after I’ve found out why you’re trying to break and enter on my property.”

“Well, bluntly,” Nova shrugged, “yes. Given what I know about curses and such, I am expecting to find a magical crystal underneath.”

He shook his head.

“Look, Nat, I’m going in there with or without your permission,” he knelt back down by the cellar door again, “and if I don’t find anything I’ll just close it up and leave. Simple as that.”

“Why do you even think it’s under my house?” she asked, scowling.

“Do you want the honest answer?” he kept staring at the lock, not wanting to see how she’d react if he did channel Applejack.

“I want the truth,” she growled.

“You can’t handle the truth,” Nova spat, gritting his teeth. “You would probably think I was making it up, that I hate you that much, and all it would do is get in the way of what I’m actually trying to do.”

“Tell. Me. The. Truth,” he saw her clench a fist down by her side.

“Fine,” replied Nova coolly, tossing his hair back and giving her a flat stare. “The honest answer is because you have been following me over the last few weeks, and I think that might be a subconscious habit left in your head by a vengeful being who wants to stick a knife in mine and her’s backs,” he gestured at Tracy, “and you can’t remember because of this curse affecting your memory. the source of which I think could be down here in this little cellar you don’t seem to have the key to.”

He paused as Natalie soaked that information up. If there really is a crystal containing a curse down there, why can’t I sense it?

“That… was a bit harsh, don’t you think?” Twilight sounded cautious as she watched Natalie for a reaction. Natalie seemed to be a combination of dumbstruck, furious, and hurt all at once, shaking with suppressed all three of those feelings.

“She wanted the truth, and the truth hurts,” Nova answered. coldly.

“You… you think I want to fucking kill you?” Natalie’s fist was clenched so hard her palm was bleeding. “Did you never think for a moment that it might be because I still fucking care about you!?”

Her hands almost instantly made to cover her mouth. Natalie looked shocked, and Nova suddenly felt like the scum of the earth, because her aura betrayed no lie; Natalie, it seemed, did genuinely still care about him.

Even if she does turn out to be Envy, he thought bitterly, I just accused her of being a serial killer despite the fact that she couldn’t possibly remember.

Before Tracy or Natalie could continue, Nova just grunted, created a lockpick with magic, and set to attempting to break open the cellar.

“You know,” he heard from Tracy behind him, “maybe if you were a lot less bitchy, he might still like you as a person.”

Natalie didn’t seem to have a response to that, to which Nova was grateful. He already felt terrible, and the last thing he needed was to feel worse about himself.

To his surprise, however, the lock he was attempting to pick clicked open with barely a movement of his hand.

“What the…” he muttered as it fell away, carrying the chains binding the door handles together down with it.

“What?” asked Tracy and Natalie at the same time.

“It’s… that lock was way too easy. It didn’t feel like there were any tumblers in it.”

Almost like a key wasn’t made for it… as if magic would be needed to open the lock…

His confidence that he was going to find something suddenly surged back into him, but with it was a sudden wariness. If Envy had planted this for him to find, what was he going to find inside?

He slowly pulled open the cellar doors, prepared for any traps or spells that might fly out at him, but once he had them pulled all the way open, nothing happened. And all that could be seen inside of the cellar was a thick wall of unnatural darkness.

“There’s no way it’s that dark naturally,” Tracy furrowed her brow. “Not with the sunlight filtering in.”

“This isn’t your average, everyday darkness,” Nova commented wryly. “This is advanced darkness.”

Natalie snorted. “Of all the things to say, a Spongebob reference?”

Nova smirked. “Couldn’t resist,” he held up his hands as if surrendering. “But why can’t I…”

And then the answer hit him.

“Of course!” He smacked his forehead. “Mystique’s Masking Mist!”

“Alliterative appeal what now?” asked Tracy.

“There was a showmare by the name of Mystique a while back,” Nova explained, smiling with satisfaction now that he knew what to do about this darkness. “She was convinced people were trying to steal her different props, and so to hide it, she created this special mist that sucks away all light and masks any magical energy inside it.”

He started climbing down into the cellar, hand glowing blue to provide a faint light.

“I’ll be able to see when I’m inside the mist. Do not follow me,” he instructed giving them both a look that just dared the two of them to challenge him. “My little enemy here might have left me a few surprises that, thanks to this mist, I can’t sense. For both of you’s safety, stay out here and wait.”

Without waiting for a response, he stepped into the black mist. At once, all light around him vanished, save for the faint light of the aura in his palm. There wasn’t any way to disperse the fog unless he was the caster, but with him now within the boundaries of it, he could see the insides of the cellar, still muted by the very thick fog, yet he still couldn’t sense any auras.

He took a cautious step forward, feeling along the ground for any traps, before slowly inching himself forward. And he took another, and another.

On the fourth step, he felt a split-second of imbalance in the air and he dove out of the way as an explosion of lightning erupted from the ground where he had been standing.

“Fuck you too,” he muttered in an undertone as he glanced around again.

What’s down here? Just traps? Is this all just a dead end?

A faint light appeared ahead of him after a couple more cautious steps forward. Nova smiled slightly at the sight of it.

Well, at least it would appear something is down here after all.

Were Nova not so wary of traps, it would have only taken him a second or two at most to charge down to the colored dot at the end of the cellar, but he kept his same cautious pace up. It allowed him to study the light and see if he could make anything of it.

It looked quite red through the darkness. but a bit… off. Nova didn’t think too much about it, since he was sure he’d have a better chance to study it the closer he got.

And then he stepped one more time, felt the split-second imbalance of having triggered a trap, and dove out of the way. However, instead of a lightning blast, everything around Nova went white.

He was standing on top of the glass pillar in his subconscious again, the darkness surrounding him offering no clues as to how he was called here. He looked around wildly, perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of the reason he had been brought here, but saw only the light of his pillar and the darkness surrounding it.

“I’m right in front of you, dumbass,” came a sultry sneer that could only belong to one being.

Nova’s eyes snapped to the source of the voice, where right in front of him was a green-coated unicorn mare with a maroon mane, her red eyes smugly fixed on his own blue eyes, and the unmistakable smirk of a cat who finally had her mouse right where she wanted it.

“Took you long enough, you know that?”

Nova pawed at the ground, barely registering the fact that he was his pony self and delving into his Source.

Envy rolled her eyes at his actions.

“I’m not even here, really. I’ve just left behind a little echo of myself to be the first to greet you and congratulate you on unraveling the plan.”

Nova only scowled all the more.

“This isn’t it and you know it,” he growled. “Where is the source of the curse!? How do we get back to Equestria!?” he demanded, his horn shining blue as he prepared to coerce her into talking.

“Not telling,” she said in a singsong voice, her smile broadening. “You’re a smart colt. You figure it out. Why, you’re only about fifteen feet away from the real plot twist to this little game we’ve been playing.”

Her smile turned malevolent.

“Just wait till you release me. Then the real fun begins.”

As if to emphasize her point, her silver knife appeared in the air, spinning next to her horn.

“As if I would,” Nova countered.

“Oh, you will,” Envy assured him. “You’ll see. Like I said, fifteen feet away.”

The knife flew at him faster than he could react. He threw up a hoof to desperately block it--

He had both his arms in front of his face as if to deflect an oncoming attack, but nothing came. The room was still dark, the mist still hung benignly in the air, and there certainly wasn’t a silver knife flying at him at a high speed.

Nova hesitantly put his hands down to his sidc, still glancing around the room.

What was that?

His hand shone blue again, a pitiful light in the smothering darkness, as he started to edge closer to the reddish light again.

As he neared it, he noticed there was a certain pink hue to the light, and that the darkness was what was making it appear red. It almost looked magenta.

But what is it?

Before he could properly investigate what it was, something else caught his attention. A shadowy shape huddled in a corner of the room diverted his attention from the pink light. What made Nova the most wary was that it looked almost humanoid. In fact, the position the shape was in could easily pass for a human in the fetal position.

Pass for one? This… this is definitely a human, he thought, wondering why the human was down here, and why it wasn’t moving.

He reached a hand out toward its face, hoping to get a better view, as the darkness seemed to dampen the light even further than usual as he tried to get a good view of it.

His hand touched hair first, and he slid some between his fingers and pulled it over. To give him a more clear view, his blue light turned white, illuminating slightly curled strands of red and gold between his fingers.

Wait a minute… I’ve seen this hair before…

A vague memory of Twilight in a high school, of human versions of her friends, of a demon, of three sirens attempting to feed off of disharmony…

His hand slid down to the human’s torso, where he felt the unmistakable texture of a leather jacket, and the monogram of a red and yellow sun on the left breast of a young woman.

Almost as if to finally allow him to confirm his suspicion, the darkness thinned, allowing Nova his first glance at the human.

It really is her!

Sunset Shimmer lay huddled against the wall, eyes shut and head lolling to the side.

Nova felt his hand immediately grab something to his right as he struggled to hold himself up.

What the… what the actual… what is she doing down here?

He glanced down at what his hand was holding and noticed the corner of a table, presumably on which was the source of the pink light just beyond his visible range in the darkness, before looking back at Summer.

Her hair remained frozen in its place where he had pulled it.

Wait a minute…

He swiped at the ground, picking up a pinch of dirt and tossing it at her, where the dirt froze in midair as it came close to her body.

Time stasis!

He wanted to immediately just scoop her out of the time stasis field, but the abundance of traps in the room made him reconsider that. He would have to get her out, and even if he didn’t have to, he wanted to. Sunset was Twilight’s friend, and that by proxy made her someone he needed to help.

But just how do I help her?

He couldn’t shake the feeling that the light source was probably something involved, so he inched his way along the table until he was able to make the pinkish light’s source come into view.;

It was a crystal, glowing magenta, and pulsing faintly in the darkness.

Well now, what are you? he wondered, his hand being illuminated for a brief moment before a rubber glove appeared on it.

Just in case it had traps of its own on it, he was prepared to avoid bare skin contact. And yet even that didn’t allay his fears. Slowly, inch by inch, he extended a hand toward the crystal, noting that the energy surrounding it seemed to be… pointing somewhere? With the mist, he wasn’t completely sure, but it felt as though the energy the crystal was emanating was being directed someplace, and that someplace was definitely not in Sunset Shimmer’s direction.

When he finally closed his fingers around it, nothing happened, and nothing happened when he picked it up, leading to him breathing out a sigh of relief.

So, what is this?

He shifted it around in his gloved hand a bit, feeling the edges of the crystal and attempting to find any obvious signs of any traps or such on it, but to no avail.

And so finally, warily, he placed the crystal into the palm of his uncovered hand--


--and promptly dropped it in shock as a voice, loud and afraid, rang in his head.

That voice… there’s no way…

He picked up the crystal in his bare hand again.


“Twilight!” he gasped. That voice could only have belonged to two mares, and one of them was unmistakably already gone.


“Twilight, it’s me! It’s Nova!”

“Nova! Nova, thank Celestia! You have to help! Envy cast this spell on me and now I can’t see or feel or--”

Nova felt a chill go up his spine as the mist around him dissipated, leaving the cellar completely visible. On top of that, he had his magic sense again, and it was almost immediately overwhelmed by the powerful energy nexuses around him, leading to him dropping the crystal again.

At once, Twilight’s voice vanished.

He wanted to pick up the crystal again, to talk with his wife-to-be, to assure her everything was going to be fine. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his hooves again and never let go, but with the mist suddenly gone, he had to prepare for an attack of some kind.

“Nathan?” he heard Natalie call from outside the cellar. “Are you alright?”

“We heard you shout something, and the mist is vanishing!” Tracy called after her.

“I’m… I’m fine,” he lied. “Don’t come in. There’s something down here that I don’t think either of you are ready to see.”

As his magic sense slowly adjusted and gave him his hidden sight back, he was able to detect several traps around the room that needed to be dismantled, which he promptly did. And the Time Stasis nexus didn’t seem to have any traps affixed to it, so he was thankful for that.

But why is only the Time Stasis nexus there? Why can’t I sense Sunset Shimmer inside of it?

Time Stasis could freeze time within its area, but all energy within should still be sense-able… right? The only pony he could ask was in the afterlife.

Or perhaps…

He reached down and touched Twilight’s crystal again.

“--anything, and it feels like I’m trapped in a room with no way out,and there’s no room to move around me!”

Wait a minute… she just picked up where she left off. Pitch, tone, and everything.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, sounding confused. “What do you mean I picked up where I left off?”

Wait, that should have been obvious, since the voice is in my head,

“Nova, just what the hell is going on!? I’m scared!”

Twilight, it will be okay. I promise. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m looking into this. I’ve got a crystal in my hands that’s glowing with your aura color, and whenever I touch it with my bare hands, I can hear you. But I don’t know why you’re… I dunno, pausing in what you say while I take my hands off.

“But… but I’m not pausing.”

Nova blinked. Not pausing? Just what the hell was going on?

Twilight, this may seem completely out of the blue, but could you recite the first line of Homer’s Odyssey, the edition from your library for me? I’ll recite it as you do.

He heard nothing for the briefest of moments, before Twilight’s voice responded, “Okay, but why?”

Because something just doesn’t make sense, and I’m testing that theory.

“Well, okay then. Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’--”

Nova recited it within his mind along with her, before abruptly placing the crystal onto the table and continuing to recite more lines of it.

“--son Achilleus and its devastation,--”

Once ahead a few words more, he again reached down and took the crystal.

--which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaeans,

“--son Achilleus and its devastation, which put pains-- hang on. Nova, you skipped a part.”

And that confirmed Nova’s theory. At any point where Twilight wasn’t in contact with anyone, she was frozen. Unable to notice time passing or some such. If she had been in that crystal for a long time… it may have been cruel, but Nova knew it was decidedly less cruel than to force them to sense time’s passage, never knowing when they would be free.

Twilight, whenever someone isn’t touching this crystal, you are being frozen.

“I… I’m what?” The panic in her voice had just intensified. “Wait. You said that you found this crystal with my aura? And if you touch it, you can speak with me? Nova… Nova I think…” he could hear emotion threatening to break through the dam, “Nova, I think I’ve been trapped inside a Soul Gem!”

Nova knew he had heard the term somewhere before. If a Soul Jar was meant to trap intangible beings and such, what was the purpose of a Soul Gem?

“Soul Gems involve pulling the soul of a being outside of their body, trapping it inside a crystal or gem of some sort.”

Nova felt the metaphorical bottom drop out of his heart. It almost felt like his insides were plummeting all the way down… down…

So… So Envy pulled your soul out of your body and trapped you here. And she enchanted the gem so that you wouldn’t notice any passage of time unless someone was talking with you.

But far from what he had expected, Twilight’s voice suddenly seemed to calm quite a bit.

“Nova, I’m scared out of my mind, but as long as you’re here, I know you’ll keep me safe. The way to free a captured soul is to shatter it in the presence of its body. So if you can find where my body is, you should be able to free me! Do you have my body with you?”

I… do, but there’s a bit of a complication.

“A complication? How so?”

Your body appears to have developed memories of its own. Or, perhaps the curse Envy cast on everyone gave your body the memories in question. I dunno, it feels like another being is currently inside you.

“But… that’s impossible. A soulless body literally cannot act at all. It can’t just grow a soul. It would just be a... a husk. Empty and void.”

Nova’s eyes alighted on Sunset Shimmer’s body, still huddled and trapped within Time Stasis.

She wouldn’t… would she?

“Who wouldn’t? Envy? Wouldn’t what?”

Twilight, there’s another person’s body here.

“Person? Are we on the human world?”

Not the same one you went to, no. A different one, with no latent magic. But… Envy appears to have dragged Sunset Shimmer into this.

“SUNSET!? Is she alright!?”

I don’t… I don’t know. She’s lying in a fetal position inside of a Time Stasis spell. Twilight, I’m going to set the crystal down. I need to pull her out. I just… I don’t have a good feeling about all of this.

“Please hurry,” he heard her whisper within his mind, before he took his hand off the crystal. With his gloved hand, he moved it to a corner of the table, clearing a space.

Here goes nothing, he thought, kneeling down beside Sunset’s body, sliding one arm under her knees and the other cradling her back, before lifting her out of the nexus of energy and quickly placing her face up on the table.

Sunset remained motionless, but upon feeling her neck, Nova could confirm a pulse. In fact, her body appeared to still be working perfectly, except… Nova couldn’t sense any kind of energy from her, outside of the purely physical.

Twilight? he said, once again picking up the Soul Gem, She’s here. she’s alive and in good health, but she feels… empty.

“Empty how?”

Like there’s no energy to sense outside of the purely physical. Almost as if… as if...

Nova dropped the crystal in shock.

No. There was no way. Envy may have been evil, but Nova was sure she wasn’t completely twisted. And yet with this, it was hard to deny. Sunset lacked a soul. Twilight’s soul was within a Soul Gem. If he freed Twilight, Twilight’s soul would return to her own body, likely forcing out the soul currently within it.

But that alone was too easily dismantled, too predictable. No, Envy was far too clever for that.

Tracy’s magic! I thought it was redder than I had remembered!

And then it occurred to him that, perhaps, he had been right all along. Natalie was Envy. Or at least, Natalie was Envy’s body. If Nova freed Twilight, it would force the soul within Twilight’s body to return to its own.

Which had to have been Envy.

It made sense! It would force Nova to free Envy and let her loose if he wanted to rescue his fianceé, thus allowing her to openly obstruct his plans. And because Envy had no element, if Nova never caught on and continued trying to awaken the Spirit of Magic within Tracy, a spirit which never existed in the first place, keeping him stuck forever at this stage.

And in order to deflect suspicion, Envy had overwritten Sunset’s memories with ones from when she had been a bully, and cast Sunset’s soul within her own body to serve to attract his ire.

Nova felt his breath hitch as the last piece of the puzzle finally fell into place.

Very… very well-played, Envy, he admitted grudgingly, gritting his teeth. You may be a twisted, evil bitch, but you’re a twisted, evil, fucking clever bitch.

It was all set up. If Nova wanted to awaken the final Spirit, he would have to free Envy, thus putting her in the position to jeopardize everything he had worked for. And if he wanted to do a little bit of soul manipulation to make sure Envy’s was the one stuck in the Soul Gem while Twilight and Sunset got their bodies back, he was going to have to be prepared to use some of the darkest of dark magicks.

“T-Tracy, Natalie,” he said, his voice shaking. “Come on down.”

He heard the two of them clamber on down into the cellar behind him, heard a pair of running footsteps, and then heard them both come to a screeching halt.

“Is that…” Tracy breathed, a sudden note of fear in her voice.

“This,” Nova said, fighting back a retch and reaching down to pick her up the way a groom would his bride, “is Sunset Shimmer.”

Tracy had a hand to her mouth in horror, but Natalie looked white as a sheet.

“Natalie…” Nova started, but she cut him off.

“I didn’t do this! I swear, Nathan, I didn’t!”

He saw a glimmer of tears in her eyes as she took an instinctive step back. Nova bowed his head.

“How could I think you did something you don’t even understand?” he asked, breath hitching as he tried to contain another retch. “She’s alive, but some very dark magic has ripped her soul from her body and cast it away somewhere.”

“Do you know where?” Tracy asked, tilting her head.

Nova tried to meet her gaze, but under the current circumstances, he just couldn’t. “I have my suspicions,” he admitted. It wasn’t a lie, per se, but the last thing he needed was to set Tracy against him when he needed her on his side for just a few hours more.

“Natalie,” Nova turned to the pale, shaking young woman, “this wasn’t your doing. The one who did this is, bar none, evil, Nat. I mean, you might have your moments where you make us angry, but you’re not bad deep down. The one responsible for this,” he hiked up Sunset’s body and inclined his head toward Twilight’s Soul Gem sitting on the ground below, “had to use some of the darkest magic in existence, magic that can twist and warp the caster. This was not you.

She nodded, still trying not to be sick, though based on the sheen of sweat on her brow and how laborious her breathing appeared, it appeared to be a tough task.

“Are you going to get her soul back?” Tracy asked.

“At the moment, I can’t do it,” Nova shook his head, “but I know someone who can help me.”

“Is it… is it Ms. Selene?” Tracy queried.

“Who?” Natalie asked, looking over at Tracy in confusion.

“Nathan’s magic teacher. He saved me and her from the Hellsings that one day.”


“Yeah,” Nova nodded, “it’s her. Tracy, Natalie, I understand that this is asking a lot given recent history, but please, I need the two of you to put the hatchet down for today.”

“Hatchet?” Natalie asked, with a slight scoff.

“We have been getting along for the last few minutes, if you haven’t noticed,” Tracy crossed her arms and gave him a challenging look, “and you want us to last the whole day?”

“Bluntly, yes,” Nova nodded. “There’s more at stake here than a petty little feud between the two of you. I need to go back to my apartment, and I need someone to keep an eye on Sunset while I visit my teacher, and you two are the only others that know anything about her.”

“I’ll do it,” Natalie noded, wiping her hair back..

“I will, too,” Tracy had a determined look about her.

“Thank-you. Natalie, can you carry Sunset for me?”

“Sure,” Natalie held out her arms, and Nova deposited Sunset’s unconscious body into them, before kneeling down and grabbing the crystal in his gloved hand and storing it in a pouch on the inside of his cloak.

“We need to move quickly. The faster we get to my apartment, the better,” Nova instructed. “Let’s go.”

They climbed out of the cellar and began their walk through the frozen city, just as the city began to buzz with life. It was early enough in the day that Nova didn’t think he’d have to worry about any cops being on the road to his house, but that didn’t stop him from having them duck into alleys.

All the while, he was explaining his findings to Twilight in his head.

“So, you’re saying that Envy has been posing as me, under one of Sombra’s memory curses, to keep you from using the Spirits of Harmony to transport us all back?”

About sums it up, Nova answered. I’m taking Tracy and Natalie, your’s and Envy’s bodies with Envy’s and Sunset Shimmer’s souls inside respectively, to my apartment to watch over Sunset’s body while I go to see Princess Luna. I get the feeling that today’s the day we all return home.

“The sooner I’m out of this crystal, the better. Nova, I can handle it as long as you’re here with me, but please, don’t let go without warning. I don’t want to suddenly wake up three months later when I had you right here!”

Twilight, I have you with me now. Nothing’s going to take you from me again.

“What is that crystal, anyway? How come you still have a hand on it, when it’s already in your cloak?” Tracy asked as they passed a random brick apartment building.

“Something personal,” Nova shook his head. “Magical and tough to describe, but personal all the same. And it’s very valuable to me.”

Is there a way to let your teacher know you’re coming?” Natalie asked. “Maybe if she knew in advance, she might be able to get everything she needs ready while you made your way to her.”

Nova nodded. “No, she doesn’t, but thanks for reminding me.”

He held out his gloved hand.

“Philomena!” he called. At once, the air above his outstretched hand ignited in flame, and the beautiful red phoenix clenched its talons around his wrist. Natalie and Tracy both, unprepared for this, had accidentally jumped into each other. Nova paid them no mind, focused instead on the phoenix on his arm.

Philomena gave a musical chirp and nuzzled Nova’s cheek with her head, but Nova was forced to push it away.

“None of that right now, this is serious,” he said firmly. “I need you to deliver a couple of messages for me, can you do that?”

The phoenix nodded, and Nova dipped his head in acknowledgement. “Good. First, take this,” he waved his glowing hand, and a length of parchment appeared, ink forming on the page to write out his intended message, before curling up tightly and shrinking down to a size that would fit around the phoenix’s leg, “to Princess Luna. She needs this as soon as possible. Second, take this,” another length of parchment appeared and shrank, “to my mother and father. They need to be prepared to take more than a few ponies into their home to stay away from the fighting that I’m sure is going to happen today. Third, and finally,” one last length of parchment appeared, “take this to Shining Armor. Whoever he is in this world. Wait for Luna to break him out, like the first letter says. When he’s out and he’s read this, lead him back to my apartment, alright?”

The phoenix chirped and nipped his ear.

“Good,” he said, before curling the little parchments around the phoenix’s legs. “Hurry, Philomena! Time is of the essence!”

The phoenix took off of his hand, and in another flash of fire, she was gone. As soon as the last wisp of flame vanished, Nova took stock of his surroundings and noticed that they were close to his apartment.

“Almost there,” he breathed to himself.

It wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the building in question. Nova helped get Tracy and Natalie inside, helped Natalie lay Sunset onto his couch, and then walked out, but not before placing a few enchantments to keep any changelings away from his apartment.

And with all of that accomplished, he set out for Princess Luna’s cottage near Applejack’s farm. It wasn’t a long journey, but it felt like it took an eternity. Every moment spent worrying about Twilight, trapped in the crystal, only intensified that.

He found Princess Luna waiting outside the cottage for him, flanked by Nightmare Frigoris on one side, the blue hair and the yellow sunglasses setting him apart from his counterpart, and Nightmare Tranquillitatis, the larger, dark-skinned burly one. Both of them looked none too pleased with the situation, but they relaxed when Nova came walking up.

“I received your missive,” Luna preempted, holding up the scrap of parchment he had sent to her with Philomena. “Shining Armor has been restored, and he is awaiting Philomena’s arrival, as far as I am aware.”

“Good,” Nova nodded.

“What did you find?” she asked, snarling. “Your letter said that you had discovered something of paramount importance.”

“I have, Princess,” he said.

Twilight, I have to let go for now.

“Not for very long, please?”

Nova fought back tears in his eyes from the panic in her voice.

Twilight, I love you. I won’t let go any longer than I have to. I promise.

“O-okay. Please, be quick!”

And with that, he pulled Twilight’s crystal out of his cloak and placed it in his gloved hand. At once, Luna’s and the Nightmares’ eyes lit up with shock.

“Is that…” breathed Frigoris.

“That’s not what… that’s not who I think it is, is it?” Luna asked. Nova could hear a note of fury behind the shock.

“If you think it’s Twilight Sparkle, then I’m afraid it is who you think it is,” Nova bowed his head so she couldn’t see him scowl. “And I’m pretty sure we know exactly who is behind it.”

Luna placed a hand on her heaving chest, over her heart. “This… we sorely underestimated Envy if she is indeed responsible for this. We knew she was capable of murder, but of soul manipulation magicks…”

She paused, before backing into the cottage. “You had better come inside.”

“Mistress, should we--” Frigoris started, but Luna cut him off.

“We assure thee, Nova’s and our energy sensing should be sufficient to detect a threat, and thou had best hear this thyself, for something tells us thou wilt be called to action before the day is done.”

“By thy command,” Frigoris bowed, and he and Tranquillitatis stepped into the cottage.

Nova first noticed the other three Nightmares lounging around and apparently in good health since the last time he had seen them. Crisium appeared to be relaxing in a chair, and Starstep and Imbrium were eating a fruit-based breakfast over at the small dining table.

“Night Master,” Crisium glanced up at him from the chair and gave him a polite nod. “My brothers and sisters never had the opportunity to thank you for helping our Mistress rescue us from the Wraith’s prison.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Nova held up his hands. “She did the rescuing. I just saved her. Though, do we know where your other brothers and sisters are?”

“I received a letter from my sister,” answered Luna, taking her seat in the same chair she always sat in when Nova came to visit, “confirming that they are where they were last assigned back in Equestria,” Luna nodded. “Two are continuing to observe the activities of Starlight Glimmer, and the other six are on a diplomatic mission to the ancestral home of the Thestrals, far to the north of the Crystal Empire, near the border with Yakyakistan.”

“How far did the transportation spell reach?” he asked.

“To our best estimates,” answered Frigoris, arms crossed and staring at the floor from his spot by the front door, “the epicenter of the spell was within the Everfree Forest, and it enveloped in a circular field around it, with a radius extending no further than Hollow Shades. Affected towns include Canterlot, Ponyville, Dodge Junction, Appleloosa, Hollow Shades, Cloudsdale, and a rock farm to the southwest of Ponyville. No major cities outside of Canterlot were affected, which is why there is a noticeable lack of any significant portion of Crystal Ponies.”

“Back to the topic at hoof,” Princess Luna took control immediately after Frigoris’ statement ended, “your recent troubling discovery of this Soul Gem. Obviously, this affects your intended plan of attempting to awaken the Spirits of Harmony, what now? Do you have a plan on where to proceed?”

“I do believe I can be of assistance,” came an all-too-familiar voice as the door swung open and in strode Discord, though he was not alone.

Immediately behind him, smirking at the group despite their scowls and even the Nightmares’ sudden shifts into fighting stances, strode Sombra.

“Discord,” Luna growled through grit teeth as she got to her feet. Discord merely held up a hand to forestall Luna’s tirade.

“Loony, I’m afraid that current circumstances have forced our hand on this one,” he shrugged. “I didn’t want to bring along Mr. Grumpy Pants here,” he pinched Sombra’s cheek before being batted away, “but he has something a bit necessary if you want to make it out of this town.”

“And why should we trust him?” spat Frigoris. “The one who enslaved his own race, the fallen Prince Luxius!?”

“Because, Nightmare,” Sombra didn’t seem to even try to hold his distaste back even for the sake of civility, glaring at Frigoris through his shadow-streaming red eyes, “circumstances now find the both of our little factions in a precarious position. You cannot proceed without what I have to offer, and my own ends, and the plans of Princess Celestia, rest on the fate of this day.”

“Why this day?” Luna glared straight back. “What do you even have to offer?”

“Information, and something more.”

“Take it from me, Luna,” Discord fell backwards onto an invisible hammock, “we can’t move forward without what he’s got.”

“What is it you have to offer?” Nova asked, standing up and letting his voice carry.

All of the Nightmares, Discord, and Princess Luna all just stared at him. Sombra, however, smiled.

“You cannot be considering this!” Luna almost screamed at him. “Nova, if I need remind you, your wife destroyed this stallion. If you do not think he will be out for revenge--”


Nova did not look at his teacher, and part of him regretted going against her.

“What other choice do we have?” he asked, locking his eyes with Sombra. “If the information and… other thing he brings are valid, and Discord vouches for him, then we are lost without him.”

“That reminds me!” Luna rounded on Discord. “You! I trusted you, despite your station with Envy! And here I find you advocating for a being who tried to enslave Equestria!”

Nova held out his hand to Sombra.

“What do you bring?” he asked. “Show me.”

Sombra nodded, and withdrew from the black coat he was wearing a crystal, red with the energy contained within.

“Behold, the very source of the curse you are trying to lift. Unfortunately,” he grimaced, “it is shielded by something else, preventing it from being shattered here. Something that, dare I say, you have in your possession now.”

Even as he said this, Nova turned his attention to his own crystal, and felt the energy from Twilight’s Soul Gem, flowing in the direction of the crystal in Sombra’s hands.

“But why?” he asked. “Why would I want to break the curse? That would just cause a mob of ponies remembering who they really were to suddenly start a riot against the changelings in the city.”

“That is, as a matter of fact, the entire aim,” Sombra’s grimace turned serious. “Your old friend Killik has used your ‘murder’ of Molossus as a catalyst to spur the changelings into instituting martial law tomorrow. Today, the forces are entering the city and organizing. Because of the disorganization, today is the best, and perhaps only. window of opportunity we will have in some time.”

Nova felt anger well up inside of him at Killik’s name. How sweet it will be to repay the favor, he thought grimly. Pay him back all the pain he put me through.

“Shattering this crystal today will cause the very riot you spoke of, a battle against disorganized changelings, creating enough confusion for you to scuttle around the city, unite the Bearers of Harmony, and send everyone back to Equestria, where I am sure Princess Celestia would be more than happy to end the fighting.”

“Well, alright then. If what you say is true, and based on some of the things I’ve seen in town this morning, I bet it is, the question now is, ‘what do you want?’” Nova asked.

“I beg your pardon?” Sombra arched an eyebrow.

“What is it that you want in exchange for the crystal?” Nova clarified. “Because I hardly think you’re giving it away for free.”

“Because of current circumstances, Night Master,” Sombra’s grit his teeth, “I am forced to simply hand over the items you require. You are the one on whom this venture rests.”

“So, you’re just giving it to me out of the kindness of your heart?” Nova asked skeptically. “Hell, what are you even going to do during this battle? You’re Envy’s thrall. You were summoned by her! How am I supposed to trust that you won’t interfere?”

“The short answer is, you won’t have to,” Sombra placed the crystal back in his coat and crossed his arms. “I will put myself into a situation that will prevent me from coming to her aid. As is the case with Discord, though, master of chaos and loopholes that he is, I doubt he will have half as difficult a time as I will.”

Now it was Nova’s turn to cross his arms. “I don’t believe you,” he said flatly.

“Believe what you wish, Night Master, that does not change reality.”

“No,” he conceded, “it doesn’t. But you were brought here for the specific purpose of maintaining and defending that curse.”

He stepped in Sombra’s direction, glaring up into the once-King’s eyes.

“How can I possibly just trust you to not attack when Envy needs it? What is more, as Frigoris and Luna have both said, you are an enemy of Equestria. Temporary alliance or not, I am the Night Master, and I am sworn to her defense.”

“What madness is this?” Sombra’s slight scowl turned flummoxed.

“Nova, I must agree with Sombra,” Luna said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Think carefully before making an irrational decision. Considering Sombra’s words, perhaps it would be best to take this trade.”

“Fight him now, or later?” he asked. “If he truly is Envy’s cohort at this point, my only question is whether I battle him now, when I am full of energy and not tired by the coming events, or later in the midst of battle, when I am exhausted?”

“Nova, for the literal sake of Equestria, stop what you are doing and think!” Discord practically shouted at him. “If this goes wrong, everything will be lost!”

“Your friends and teachers speak wisdom, Night Master,” Sombra scowled at him. “Do not make me do what I must.”

“If you’re an Echo,” Nova asked, “and you’re counting on the real you to return, wouldn’t you not even care if I managed to kill this body of yours?”

It seemed that, even though it were not an insult, Nova had finally pushed Sombra’s last button.

“Fine, whelp, if you must be so foolish, I will beat into you some sense!”

“You will not lay a touch upon him!” declared Luna, hand brimming with magic as the five Nightmares prepared to attack. Discord seemed shocked at the turn of events, unsure of what to do.

“I will not hurt the boy,” Sombra growled. “At least, not permanently. If he is so insistent on attack, then I will do what I must.”

“You will--”

Before Luna could finish, Sombra’s hand, brimming with crackling red energy, fired a blast in her direction, striking her and sending her to the floor. Nova cried out and leapt at Sombra, his own hand shining blue.

Sombra grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

“Since you are so insistent on being a fool, then we will do this on my terms,” he growled into Nova’s ear.

Nova felt a flare of energy from somewhere behind him. The world around him went white, and then everything around him was gone.

2016 April Fools Special: The Immortal

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Chapter 1.

AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!


Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

“Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Draco Malfoy!

“What’s up Draco?” I asked.

“Nothing.” he said shyly.

But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.


AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!

Chapter 2.

AN: Fangz 2 bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da chapta! BTW preps stop flaming ma story ok!


The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.

My friend, Willow (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)

“OMFG, I saw you talking to Draco Malfoy yesterday!” she said excitedly.

“Yeah? So?” I said, blushing.

“Do you like Draco?” she asked as we went out of the Slytherin common room and into the Great Hall.

“No I so fucking don’t!” I shouted.

“Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Draco walked up to me.

“Hi.” he said.

“Hi.” I replied flirtily.

“Guess what.” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, Good Charlotte are having a concert in Hogsmeade.” he told me.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed. I love GC. They are my favorite band, besides MCR.

“Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked.

I gasped.

Chapter 3.

AN: STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK! odderwize fangs 2 da goffik ppl 4 da good reveiws! FANGS AGEN RAVEN! oh yeah, BTW I don’t own dis or da lyrics 4 Good Chralotte.


On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the concert.

I went outside. Draco was waiting there in front of his flying car. He was wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt (they would play at the show too), baggy black skater pants, black nail polish and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!).

“Hi Draco!” I said in a depressed voice.

“Hi Ebony.” he said back. We walked into his flying black Mercedes-Benz (the license plate said 666) and flew to the place with the concert. On the way we listened excitedly to Good Charlotte and Marilyn Manson. We both smoked cigarettes and drugs. When we got there, we both hopped out of the car. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Good Charlotte.

“You come in cold, you're covered in blood
They're all so happy you've arrived
The doctor cuts your cord, hands you to your mom
She sets you free into this life.” sang Joel (I don’t own da lyrics 2 dat song).

“Joel is so fucking hot.” I said to Draco, pointing to him as he sung, filling the club with his amazing voice.

Suddenly Draco looked sad.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.

“Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said.

“Really?” asked Draco sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.

“Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know Joel and he’s going out with Hilary fucking Duff. I fucking hate that little bitch.” I said disgustedly, thinking of her ugly blonde face.

The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Draco. After the concert, we drank some beer and asked Benji and Joel for their autographs and photos with them. We got GC concert tees. Draco and I crawled back into the Mercedes-Benz, but Draco didn’t go back into Hogwarts, instead he drove the car into……………………… the Forbidden Forest!

Chapter 4.

AN: I sed stup flaming ok ebony’s name is ENOBY nut mary su OK! DRACO IS SOO IN LUV wif her dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok!


“DRACO!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”

Draco didn’t answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.

“What the fucking hell?” I asked angrily.

“Ebony?” he asked.

“What?” I snapped.

Draco leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore.

And then…………… suddenly just as I Draco kissed me passionately. Draco climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I screamed. I was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss everywhere and my pale body became all warm. And then….


It was…………………………………………………….Dumbledore!

Chapter 5.

AN: STOP flaming! if u flam it menz ur a prep or a posr! Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is coz he had a hedache ok an on tup of dat he wuz mad at dem 4 having sexx! PS im nut updating umtil I get five good revoiws!


Dumbledore made and Draco and I follow him. He kept shouting at us angrily.

“You ludacris fools!” he shouted.

I started to cry tears of blood down my pallid face. Draco comforted me. When we went back to the castle Dumbledore took us to Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall who were both looking very angry.

“They were having sexual intercourse in the Forbidden Forest!” he yelled in a furious voice.

“Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?” asked Professor McGonagall.

“How dare you?” demanded Professor Snape.

And then Draco shrieked. “BECAUSE I LOVE HER!”

Everyone was quiet. Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall still looked mad but Professor Snape said. “Fine. Very well. You may go up to your rooms.”

Draco and I went upstairs while the teachers glared at us.

“Are you okay, Ebony?” Draco asked me gently.

“Yeah I guess.” I lied. I went to the girl’s dorm and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into a low-cut black floor-length dress with red lace all around it and black high heels. When I came out….

Draco was standing in front of the bathroom, and he started to sing ‘I just wanna live’ by Good Charlotte. I was so flattered, even though he wasn’t supposed to be there. We hugged and kissed. After that, we said goodnight and he reluctantly went back into his room.

Chapter 6.

AN: shjt up prepz ok! PS I wnot update ubtil u give me goood revows!


The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple.

In the Great Hall, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top.

“Bastard!” I shouted angrily. I regretted saying it when I looked up cause I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic boy with spiky black hair with red streaks in it. He was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down his face and he was wearing black lipstick. He didn’t have glasses anymore and now he was wearing red contact lenses just like Draco’s and there was no scar on his forhead anymore. He had a manly stubble on his chin. He had a sexy English accent. He looked exactly like Joel Madden. He was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only I’m a girl so I didn’t get one you sicko.

“I’m so sorry.” he said in a shy voice.

“That’s all right. What’s your name?” I questioned.

“My name’s Harry Potter, although most people call me Vampire these days.” he grumbled.

“Why?” I exclaimed.

“Because I love the taste of human blood.” he giggled.

“Well, I am a vampire.” I confessed.

“Really?” he whimpered.

“Yeah.” I roared.

We sat down to talk for a while. Then Draco came up behind me and told me he had a surprise for me so I went away with him.

Chapter 7. Bring me 2 life

AN: wel ok u guyz im only writting dis cuz I got 5 god reviuws. n BTW I wont rite da nxt chapter til I git TIN god vons! STO FLAMING OR ILL REPORT U! Evony isn’t a Marie Sue ok she isn’t perfect SHES A SATANITS! n she has problemz shes depressed 4 godz sake!


Draco and I held our pale white hands with black nail polish as we went upstairs. I was wearing red Satanist sings on my nails in red nail polish (AN: c doez dat sound lik a Maru Sue 2 u?). I waved to Vampire. Dark misery was in his depressed eyes. I guess he was jealous of me that I was going out with Draco. Anyway, I went upstairs excitedly with Draco. We went into his room and locked the door. Then…………

We started frenching passively and we took off each others clothes enthusiastically. He felt me up before I took of my top. Then I took off my black leather bra and he took off his pants. We went on the bed and started making out naked and then he put his boy’s thingy in mine and we HAD SEX. (c is dat stupid?)

“Oh Draco, Draco!” I screamed while getting an orgasm when all of a sudden I saw a tattoo I had never seen before on Draco’s arm. It was a black heart with an arrow through it. On it in bloody gothic writing were the words………… Vampire!

I was so angry.

“You bastard!” I shouted angrily, jumping out of the bed.

“No! No! But you don’t understand!” Draco pleaded. But I knew too much.

“No, you fucking idiot!” I shouted. “You probably have AIDs anyway!”

I put on my clothes all huffily and then stomped out. Draco ran out even though he was naked. He had a really big you-know-what but I was too mad to care. I stomped out and did so until I was in Vampire’s classroom where he was having a lesson with Professor Snape and some other people.


Chapter 8.

AN: stop flassing ok! if u do den u r a prep!


Everyone in the class stared at me and then Draco came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back.

“Ebony, it’s not what you think!” Draco screamed sadly.

My friend B’loody Mary Smith smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her long waste-length gothic black hair and opened her crimson eyes like blood that she was wearing contact lenses on. She had pale white skin that she was wearing white makeup on. Hermione was kidnapped when she was born. Her real parents are vampires and one of them is a witch but Voldemort killed her mother and her father committed suicide because he was depressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is very haunted and depressed. It also turns out her real last name is Smith and not Granger. (Since she has converted to Satanism she is in Slytherin now not Griffindoor. )

“What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!” Snape demeaned angrily in his cold voice but I ignored him.

“Vampire, I can’t believe you cheated on me with Draco!” I shouted at him.

Everyone gasped.

I don’t know why Ebony was so mad at me. I had went out with Vampire (I’m bi and so is Ebony) for a while but then he broke my heart. He dumped me because he liked Britney, a stupid preppy fucker. We were just good friends now. He had gone through horrible problems, and now he was gothic. (Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)

“But I’m not going out with Draco anymore!” said Vampire.

“Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you bastard!” I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Forest where I had lost my virility to Draco and then I started to bust into tears.

Chapter 9.

AN: stop flaming ok! I dntn red all da boox! dis is frum da movie ok so itz nut my folt if dumbeldor swers! besuizds I SED HE HAD A HEDACHE! and da reson snap dosent lik harry now is coz hes christian and vampire is a satanist! MCR ROX!


I was so mad and sad. I couldn’t believe Draco for cheating on me. I began to cry against the tree where I did it with Draco.

Then all of a suddenly, an horrible man with red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a broomstick! He didn’t have a nose (basically like Voldemort in the movie) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious he wasn’t gothic. It was…… Voldemort!

“No!” I shouted in a scared voice but then Voldemort shouted “Imperius!” and I couldn’t run away.

“Crookshanks!” I shouted at him. Voldemort fell of his broom and started to scream. I felt bad for him even though I’m a sadist so I stopped.

“Ebony.” he yelled. “Thou must kill Vampire Potter!”

I thought about Vampire and his sexah eyes and his gothic black hair and how his face looks just like Joel Madden. I remembered that Draco had said I didn’t understand, so I thought, what if Draco went out with Vampire before I went out with him and they broke up?

“No, Voldemort!” I shouted back.

Voldemort gave me a gun. “No! Please!” I begged.

“Thou must!” he yelled. “If thou does not, then I shall kill thy beloved Draco!”

“How did you know?” I asked in a surprised way.

Voldemort got a dude-ur-so-retarded look on his face. “I hath telekinesis.” he answered cruelly. “And if you doth not kill Vampire, then thou know what will happen to Draco!” he shouted. Then he flew away angrily on his broomstick.

I was so scared and mad I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Draco came into the woods.

“Draco!” I said. “Hi!”

“Hi.” he said back but his face was all sad. He was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind of like a pentagram (geddit) between Joel Madden and Gerard Way.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“No.” he answered.

“I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me.” I expelled.

“That’s okay.” he said all depressed and we went back into Hogwarts together making out.

Chapter 10.

AN: stup it u gay fags if u donot lik ma story den fukk off! ps it turnz out b’loody mary isn’t a muggle afert al n she n vampire r evil datz y dey movd houses ok!


I was really scared about Vlodemort all day. I was even upset went to rehearsals with my gothic metal band Bloody Gothic Rose 666. I am the lead singer of it and I play guitar. People say that we sound like a cross between GC, Slipknot and MCR. The other people in the band are B’loody Mary, Vampire, Draco, Ron (although we call him Diabolo now. He has black hair now with blue streaks in it.) and Hargrid. Only today Draco and Vampire were depressed so they weren’t coming and we wrote songs instead. I knew Draco was probably slitting his wrists (he wouldn’t die because he was a vampire too and the only way you can kill a vampire is with a c-r-o-s-s (there’s no way I’m writing that) or a steak) and Vampire was probably watching a depressing movie like The Corpse Bride. I put on a black leather shirt that showed off my boobs and tiny matching miniskirt that said Simple Plan on the butt. You might think I’m a slut but I’m really not.

We were singing a cover of ‘Helena’ and at the end of the song I suddenly bust into tears.

“Ebony! Are you OK?” B’loody Mary asked in a concerted voice.

“What the fuck do you think?” I asked angrily. And then I said. “Well, Voldemort came and the fucking bastard told me to fucking kill Harry! But I don’t want to kill him, because, he’s really nice, even if he did go out with Draco. But if I don’t kill Harry, then Voldemort, will fucking kill Draco!” I burst into tears.
Suddenly Draco jumped out from behind a wall.

“Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” he shouted. “How could you- you- you fucking poser muggle bitch!” (c is dat out of character?)

I started to cry and cry. Draco started to cry too all sensitive. Then he ran out crying.

We practiced for one more hour. Then suddenly Dumbeldore walked in angrily! His eyes were all fiery and I knew this time it wasn’t cause he had a headache.

“What have you done!” He started to cry wisely. (c dats basically nut swering and dis time he wuz relly upset n u wil c y) “Ebony Draco has been found in his room. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists.”

Chapter 11.

AN: i sed stup flaming up prepz! c if dis chaptr is srupid!1111 it delz wit rly sris issus! sp c 4 urself if itz ztupid brw fangz 2 ma frend raven 4 hleping me!


“NO!” I screamed. I was horrorfied! B’loody Mary tried to comfort me but I told her fuck off and I ran to my room crying myself. Dumbledore chased after me shouting but he had to stop when I went into my room cause he would look like a perv that way.

Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume. I grabbed a steak and almost stuck it into my heart to commit suicide. I was so fucking depressed! I got out of the bathtub and put on a black low-cut dress with lace all over it sandly. I put on black high heels with pink metal stuff on the ends and six pairs of skull earrings. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Then I looked out the window and screamed… Snap was spying on me and he was taking a video tape of me! And Loopin was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks.

“EW, YOU FUCKING PERVS, STOP LOOKING AT ME NAKED! ARE YOU PEDOS OR WHAT!” I screamed putting on a black towel with a picture of Marilyn Mason on it. Suddenly Vampire ran in.

“Abra Kedavra!” he yelled at Snape and Loopin pointing his womb. I took my gun and shot Snape and Loopin a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke. Suddenly, Dumblydore ran in. “Ebony, it has been revealed that someone has - NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” he shouted looking at Snape and Loopin and then he waved his wand and suddenly…

Hargrid ran outside on his broom and said everyone we need to talk.

“What do you know, Hargrid? You’re just a little Hogwarts student!”

“I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT….” Hargirid paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!”

“This cannot be.” Snap said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from his hand where Dumblydore’s wand had shot him. “There must be other factors.”

“YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!” I yelled in madly.

Loopin held up the camera triumelephantly. “The lens may be ruined but the tape is still there!”

I felt faint, more than I normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood.

“Why are you doing this?” Loopin said angrily while he rubbed his dirty hands on his clook.

And then I heard the words that I had heard before but not from him. I did not know whether to feel shocked and happy or to bite him and drink his blood because I felt faint.

“BECAUSE…BECAUSE….” Hargid said and he paused in the air dramitaclly, waving his wand in the air. Then swooped he in singing to the tune of a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent.

“Because you’re goffic?” Snap asked in a little afraid voice cause he was afraind it meant he was connected with Satan.

“Because I LOVE HER!”

Chapter 12.

AN: stop f,aing ok hargrid is a pedo 2 a lot of ppl in amerikan skoolz r lik dat I wunted 2 adres da ishu! how du u no snap iant kristian plus hargrid isn’t really in luv wif ebony dat was sedric ok!


I was about to slit my wrists again with the silver knife that Drago had given me in case anything happened to him. He had told me to use it valiantly against an enemy but I knew that we must both go together.

“NO!” I THOUGHT IT WAS HAIRgrid but it was Vampire. He started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY SCAR HURTS!” and then….. his eyes rolled up! You could only see his red whites.

I stopped. “How did u know?”

“I saw it! And my scar turned back into the lightning bolt!”

“NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a scar anymore!” I shouted.

“I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” he said back. “Anyway my scar hurt and it turned back into the lightning bolt! Save me! then I had a vision of what was happening to Draco…………….Volfemort has him bondage!”

Anyway I was in the school nurse’s office now recovering from my slit wrists. Snap and Loopin and HAHRID were there too. They were going to St. Mango’s after they recovered cause they were pedofiles and you can’t have those fucking pervs teaching in a school with lots of hot gurlz. Dumbledore had constipated the cideo camera they took of me naked. I put up my middle finger at them.

Anyway Hargrid came into my hospital bed holding a bouquet of pink roses.

“Enoby I need to tell u somethnig.” he said in a v. serious voice, giving me the roses.

“Fuck off.” I told him. “You know I fucking hate the color pink anyway, and I don’t like fucked up preps like you.” I snapped. Hargrid had been mean to me before for being gottik.

“No Enoby.” Hargrid says. “Those are not roses.”

“What, are they goffs too you poser prep?” I asked cause I was angry that he had brought me pink roses.

“I saved your life!” He yelled angrily. “No you didn’t I replied.” “You saved me from getting a Paris Hilton p- video made from your shower scene and being vued by Snap and Loopin.” Who MASTABATED (c is dat speld rong) to it he added silently.

“Whatever!” I yelled angirly.

He pointed his wand at the pink roses. “These aren’t roses.” He suddenly looked at them with an evil look in his eye and muttered Well If you wanted Honesty that’s all you haD TO SAY! .

“That’s not a spell that’s an MCR song.” I corrected him wisely.

“I know, I was just warming up my vocal cordes.” Then he screamed. “Petulus merengo mi kremicli romacio(4 all u cool goffic mcr fans out, there, that is a tribute! specially for raven I love you girl!)imo noto okayo!”

And then the roses turned into a huge black flame floating in the middle of the air. And it was black. Now I knew he wasn’t a prep.

“OK I believe you now wtf is Drako?”

Hairgrid rolled his eyes. I looked into the balls of flame but I could c nothing.

“U c, Enobby,” Dumblydore said, watching the two of us watching the flame. “2 c wht iz n da flmes(HAHA U REVIEWRS FLAMES GEDDIT) u mst find urslf 1st, k?”

“I HAVE FOUND MYSELF OK YOU MEAN OLD MAN!” Hargrid yelled. dUMBLydore lookd shockd. I guess he didn’t have a headache or else he would have said something back.

Hairgrid stormed off back into his bed. “U r a liar, prof dumbledoree!”

Anyway when I got better I went upstairs and put on a black leather minidress that was all ripped on the ends with lace on it. There was some corset stuff on the front. Then I put on black fishnets and black high-heeled boots with pictures of Billie Joe Armstrong on them. I put my hair all out around me so I looked like Samara from the Ring (if u don’t know who she iz ur a prep so fuk off!) and I put on blood-red lipstick, black eyeliner and black lip gloss.

“You look kawai, girl.” B’loody Mary said sadly. “Fangs (geddit) you do too.” I said sadly too, but I was still upset. I slit both of my wrists feeling totally depressed and I sucked all the blood. I cried again in my bathroom and put the shades on so Snap and Loopin couldn’t spy on me this time. I went to some classes. Vampire was in the Hair of Magical Magic Creatures. He looked all depressed because Draco had disappeared and he had used to be in love with Draco. He was sucking some blood from a Hufflepuff.

“Hi.” he said in a depressed way. “Hi back.” I said in an wqually said way.

We both looked at each other for some time. Harry had beautiful red gothic eyes so much like Dracos. Then……… we jumped on each other and started screwing each other.

“STOP IT NOW YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS!” shouted Professor McGoggle who was watching us and so was everyone else.

“Vampire you fucker!” I said slapping him. “Stop trying to screw me. You know I loved Draco!” I shouted and then I ran away angrily.

Just then he started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY SCAR HURTS!” and then….. his eyes rolled up! You could only see his red whites.

“NO!” I ran up closer.

“I thought you didn’t have a scar anymore!” I shouted.

“I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” he said back. “Anyway my scar hurt and then I had a vision of what was happening to Draco…………….Volfemort has him bondage!”




Chapter 13.

AN: raven fangz 4 gelpin me agen im sory ah tok ur postr of gerard but dat guy is such a fokin sexbom! PREPZ STOP FLAMIGNG!


Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for Dumbledore. We were so scared.

“Dumbledore Dumblydore!” we both yelled. Dumbledore came there.

“What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” he asked angrily.

“Volsemort has Draco!” we shouted at the same time.

He laughed in an evil voice.

“No! Don’t! We need to save Draco!” we begged.

“No.” he said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Voldemort does to Draco. Not after how much he misbehaved in school especially with YOU Ebony.” he said while he frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked him that much anyway.” then he walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Draco!” he moaned. (AN: don’t u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!)

“Its okay!” I tried to tell him but that didn’t stop him. He started to cry tears of blood. Then he had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” he exclaimed.

“What?” I asked him.

“You’ll see.” he said. He took out his wand and did a spell. Then…… suddenly we were in Voldemprt’s lair!

We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “Allah Kedavra!”
It was……………………………….. Voldemort!

Chapter 14.

AN: fuk off PREPZ ok! Raven fangz 4 helpin agen. im sory ah kudnt update but I wuz derperessd n I had 2 go 2 da hospital kuz I slit muh rists. PS im nut updating til u giv me 10 god revoiws!



We ran to where Volcemort was. It turned out that Voldemort wasn’t there. Instead the fat guy who killed Cedric was. Draco was there crying tears of blood. Snaketail was torturing him. Vampire and I ran in front of Snaketail.

“Rid my sight you despicable preps!” he shouted as we started shooting him with the gun he Then suddenly he looked at me and he fell down with a lovey-dovey look in his eyes. “EbonyIloveyouwiluhavesexwithme.” he said. (in dis he is sixteen yrs old so hes not a pedofile ok)

“Huh?” I asked.
”Enoby I love you will you have sex with me?” asked Snaketail. I started laughing crudely. “What the fuck? You torture my bf and then you expect me to fuck you? God, you are so fucked up you fucking bastard.” I said angrily. Then I stabbed him in the heart. Blood pored out of it like a fountain.

“Nooooooooooooo!” he screamed. He started screaming and running around. Then he fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly.

“Snaketail what art thou doing?” called Voldemort. Then…… he started coming! We could hear his high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Hogwarts. We went to my room. Vampire went away. There I started crying.

“What’s wrong honey?” asked Draco taking off his clothes so we could screw. He had a sex-pack (geddit cuz hes so sexah) and a really huge you-know-what and everything.

“Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other girls and preps here except for B’loody Mary, because she’s not ugly or anything.”

“Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the preps anyway. They are such fucking sluts.” answered Draco.

“Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Snape and Loopin took a video of me naked. Hargrid says he’s in love with me. Vampire likes me and now even Snaketail is in love with me! I just wanna be with you ok Draco! Why couldn’t Satan have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory enoby isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away.

Chapter 15.

AN: stup flaming ok! btw u suk frum no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona slit muh ristsz! fangz 2 raven 4 hlpein!


“Ebony Ebony!” shouted Draco sadly. “No, please, come back!”

But I was too mad.

“Whatever! Now u can go anh have sex with Vampire!” I shouted. I stormed into my room and closed my black door with my blood-red key. It had a picture of Marylin Manson on it. He looked so sexy in a way that reminded me of Draco and Vampire. I started to cry and weep. I took a razor and started to slit my wrists. I drank the blood all depressed. Then I looked at my black GC watch and noticed it was time to go to Biology class.

I put on a short ripped black gothic dress that said Anarchy on the front in blood red letters and was all ripped and a spiky belt. Under that I put on ripped black fishnets and boots that said Joel all over them with blood red letters. I put my ebony black hair out. Anyway I went downstairs feeling all sad and depressed as usual. I did sum advanced Biology work. I was turning a bloody pentagram into a black guitar. Suddenly the guitar turned to Draco!

“Enoby I love you!” he shouted sadly. “I dnot care what those fucker preps and posers fink. Ur da most beautiful girl in the world. Before I met you I used to want to commit suicide all the time. Now I just wanna fucking be with you. I fucking love you!.” Then……………. he started to sing “Da Chronicles of Life and Death” (we considered it our song now cuz we fell in love when Joel was singing it) right in front of the entire class! His singing voice was so amazing and gothic and sexxy like a cross between Gerard, Joel, Chester, Pierre and Marilyn Manson (AN: don’t u fink dos guyz r so hot. if u dnot no who dey r get da fuk out od hr!) .

“OMFG.” I said after he was finished. Some fucking preps stared at us but I just stuck up my middle fingers (that were covered in black nail polish and were entwined with Draco’s now) at them. “I love you!” I said and then we started to kiss just like Hilary Duff (i fukin h8 dat bitch) and CMM in a Cinderella Story. Then we went away holding hands. Loopin shouted at us but he stopped cuz everyone was clapping by how sexy we looked 2gether. Then I saw a poster saying that MCR would have a concert in Hogsmede right then. We looked at each other all shocked and then we went 2gether.

Chapter 16.

AN: u no wut! sut up ok! proov 2 me ur nut prepz! raven u suk u fuken bich gimme bak mah fukijn swteet ur supsd 2 rit dis! Raven wtf u bich ur suposd to dodis! BTW fangz 2 britney5655 4 techin muh japnese!


We ran happily to Hogsmede. There we saw the stage where GC had played. We ran in happly. MCR were there playing ‘Helena’. I was so fucking happy! Gerard looked even sexier than he did in da pictures. Even Draco thought so, I could totally see him getting an erection but it didn’t matter cuz I knew know that we were da only true ones for eachother. I was wearing a black leather minidress and black leather platinum boots with red ripped fishnets. Draco was wearing a black baggy MCR t-shirt and black baggy pants. Anyway, we stated moshing to Helena. We frenched. We ran up 2 the front of the band to stage-dive. Suddenly, Gerard pulled off his mask. So did the others. We gasped. It wasn’t them at all. It was.,……………………….. Volsemort and da Death Dealers!

“Wtf Draco im not going to a concert wid u!” I shouted angrily. “Not after what happened to me last time? Even if its MCR n u no how much I lik them”

“What cause we…you know…” he gadgetted uncomfortbli cause guys don’t like to talk a bout you-know-what.

“Yeah cause we you know!” I yielded in an angry voice.

“We won’t do that again.” Draco promised. “This time, we’re going with an ESCORT.”

“OMFG wtf/ Are you giving into the mainstream?” I asked. “So I guess ur a prep or a Christina or what now?”

“NO.” he muttered loudly.

“R u becoming a prep or what?” I shootd angrily.

“Enoby! I’m not! Pls come with me!” He fell down to his knees and started singing ‘Da world is black’ by GC to me.

I was flattened cause that’s not even a single, he had memorized da lyrks just 4 me!

“OK then I guess I will have to.” I said and then we frenched 4 a while and I went up 2 my room.

B’loody Mary was standing there. “Hajimemashite gurl.” she said happily (she spex Japanese so do i. dat menz ‘how do u do’ in japanese). “BTW Willow that fucking poser got expuld. she failed al her klasses and she skepped math.” (an: RAVEN U FUKIN SUK! FUK U!)

“It serves that fuking bich right.” I laughed angrily.

Well anyway we where felling all deprezzed. We wutsched some goffic movies like Das niteMARE b4 xmas. “Maybe Willow will die too.” I said.

“Kawai.” B’loody Mair shook her head enrgtically lethrigcly. “Oh yeah o have a confession after she got expuld I murdered her and den loopin did it with her cause he’s a necphilak.”

“Kawai.” I commnted happily . We talked to each other in silence for da rest uv da movie.

“OH HEY BTw, im going to a concert with drako tonight in Hogsmeade with mcr.” I sed. “ I need to wear like da hotset outfit EVA.”

B’Loody Mairy Nodded ENREGeticALLlY. “Omfg totally lets go shopping.”

“In Hot Topic, right?” I asked, already getting out my spshcial Hot Topic Loiyalty carde.

“No.” My head snaped up.

‘WHAT?” my head spuin. I could not believe it. “B’Loody Mary are u a PREP?”

“NOOOO!NOOOO!” She laughed. “I found some cool goffic stores near Hogwarts that’s all.”

“Hu told u abut them” I askd sure it would be Drako or Diabolo or Vampire(don’t even SAY that nam to me!). Or me.

“Dumblydore.” She sed. “Let me just call our broms.”

“OMFFG DUMBLYDORE?” I asked quietly.

“Yah I saw the map for Hogsmeade on his desk.” She told me. “Come on let’s go.”

We were going in a few punkgoff stores SPECIALLY for the concerts in Hogsmeade. The salesperson was OMG HOTTER THAN GERARD EXCEPT NOT CAUSE THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE and he gave me a few dresses. “We only have these for da real goffs.”

“Da real goffs?” Me and B’Loody Mary asked.

“Yah u wouldn’t believe how many posers ther are in this town man! Yesterday loopin and snap tried to buy a goffic camera pouch.” He shook his head. “I dint even no they had a camera.”

“OMFG NO THEIR GONNA SPY ON ME AGAIN!” I cried, running out of the changing room wearing a long black dress with lots of red tulle coming out and very low-cut with a huge slit.

“Oh my satan you have to buy that outfit” The salesperson said.

“Yeah it looks totlly hot.” said B’Loody Mary.

“You know what I am gona give it to you free cause u look really hot in that utfit. Hey are you gonna be at the concert tonight?” he asked.

“Yeah I am actually.” I looked back at him. “Hey BTW my name’s ebondy dark’ness dementia TARA way what’s yours?”

“Tom Rid.” He said and ran a hand through his black-dyed hair. “maybe I’ll see you there tonight.”

“Yeah I don’t think so cause I am going there with my bf drako you sick perv!” I yelled angrily, but before he could beg me to go with him, Hargrid flew in on his black broom looking worried. “OMFG EBONDY U NEED OT GET BACK INTO THE CASTLE NOW!”

Chapter 17.

AN: I sed stup flming da stryo! if ur a prep den dnot red it! u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma quiz itz on ma hompage. if ur not den u rok. if u r den FOOOOOK UFFFFFFFFFF! pz willo isn’t rely a prep. Raven plz do dis il promis 2 giv u bak ur postr!


Tom Riddle gave us some clothes n stuff 4 free. He said he wud help us wif makeup if he wunted koz he was relly in2 fashin n stuff. (hes bisezual). Hargird kept shooting at us to cum back 2 Hogwarts. “WTF Hargrid?” I shouted angrily. “Fuck off you fjucking bastard.” Well anyway Willow came. Hargird went away angrily.

“Hey bitch you look kawaii.” she said.

“Yah but not as kawaii as you.” I answered sadly cause Willow’s really pretty and everything. She was wearing a short black corset-thingy with blood red lace on it and a blak blood-red miniskirt, leather fish-nets and black poiny boots that showed off how pale she wuz. She had a really nice body wif big bobs and everything. She was thin enouff 2 be anorexic.

“So r u going 2 da concert wif Draco?” she asked.

“Yah.” I said happily.

“I’m gong with Diabolo.” she anserred happily. Well anyway Draco and Diabolo came. They were both loking extremely hot and sexy and u could tell they thoufht we were ot 2. Diabolo was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘666’ on it. He was wearing tons off makeup jus like Marylin Manson. Draco was wearing black leather pants, a gothic black GC t-shirt and black Vans he got from da Warped tower. B’loody Mart was going 2 da concert wif Dracola. Dracola used to be called Navel but it tuned out dat he was kidnapped at birth and his real family were vampires. They dyed in a car crash. Navel converted to Satanism and he went goth. He was in Slitherin now. He was wearing a black Wurped t-shirt, black jeans and shoes and black hair wif red streekz in it. We kall him Dracula now. Well anyway we al went 2 Draco’s black Mercy-Bens (geddit cuz wer gpffik) that his dad Lucian gave him. We did pot, coke and crak. Draco and I made out. We made fun of dose stupid fuking preps. We soon got there…….I gapsed.

Gerard was da sexiest guy eva! He locked even sexier den he did in pix. He had long raven blak hair n piercing blue eyes. He wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethnic voice. We moshed 2 Helena and sum odder songz. Sudenly Gerard polled of his mask. So did the other membez. I gasped. It wasn’t Gerard at all! It was an ugly preppy man wif no nose and red eyes... Every1 ran away but me and Draco. Draco and I came. It was…….Vlodemort and da Death Deelers!

“U moronic idiots!” he shooted angstily. “Enoby, I told u to kill Vampire. Thou have failed. And now……….I shall kill thou and Draco!”

“No no please!” We begged sadly but he took out his knife.

Sudenly a gothic old man flu in on his broomstick. He had lung black hair and a looong black bread. He wus werring a blak robe dat sed ‘avril lavigne’ on da back. He shotted a spel and Vlodemort ran away. It was…………………………………DUMBLYDORE!

Chapter 18.

AN: I SED STUP FLAMMING! if u do den ur a fuken prep! fangz 2 raven 4 da help n stuf. u rok! n ur nut a prep. fangz for muh sewter! ps da oder eson dumbeldor swor is koz he trin 2 be gofik so der!


I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it.

(Da night before Draco and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Dumbeldore chased Vlodemort away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Draco had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.)

Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys.

“WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to B’loody Mary and Willow. B’loody Mary was wearing a black leather mini with a Good Chraloote t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Willow was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Draco came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Gerard Way or Billie Joe Armstrong. The boys joined in cause they were bi.

“Those guys are so fucking hot.” Navel was saying as suddenly a gothic old man with a black beard and everything came. He was the same one who had chassed away Vlodemort yesterday. He had normal tan skin but he was wearing white foundation and he had died his hare black.

“……………….DUMBLEDORE?1!” we all gasped.

“WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought he was just wearing that to scare Volsemort!”

“Hello everyone.” he said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?”

Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1.

“BTW you can call me Albert.” HE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes.

“What a fucking poser!” Draco shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see him crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Gerard) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet he’s havin a mid-life crisis!” Willow shouted.

I was so fucking angry.

Chapter 19. im nut ok i promise

AN: plz stup flaming da story if u do ur a foken prep n ur jelous ok!11 frum noq un im gong 2 delt ur men reviowz!111 BTW evonyd a poorblod so der!1 fangz 2 raven 4m da help!11


All day we sat angerly finking about Dumbelldore. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go.

Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Draco was being all secretive.

I asked what it was and he got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve bi guyz so hot).

“No one fucking understands me!1” he shouted angrily as his black hare went in his big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. He was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik)

“Accuse me? What about me!” I growled.

“Buy-but-but-” he grunted.

“You fucking bastard!” I moaned.

“No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” he shouted.

But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Draco banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (raven that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot.

Suddenly Hargrid came. He had appearated.

“You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in da gurl’s room?”

Only it wasn’t just Hargrid. Someone else was with him too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Tom Rid or maybe Draco but it was Dumblydore.

“Hey I need to ask you a question.” he said, pulling out his black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?”

“U no who MCR r!” I gasped.

“No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” He said. “Anyway Draco has a surprise for u.”

Chapter 20.

AN: I sed I dnoty ker wut u fink! stof pflamin ok prepz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1 oh yah btw ill be un vacation in transilvania 4 da nex 3 dayz so dnot expect updatz.


All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since Volxemort had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Draco so we could do it again.

“Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Loopin! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Dumblydore had told us all 2 be careful around hem and Snap since he was a pedo.

“No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.” he growld angrily.

“Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally.

“Fuker.” He said, gong away.

Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Snake and Loopin were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Dobby was watching!1

“Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Dobby ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing guyz do it) but both of them were fuking preps. (btw snake is movd 2 griffindoor now)

“WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat)

“Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Lumpkin shouted angrily.

“Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed.

“You dimwit!.” Snake began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything.

“Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?”

“It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my boyfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to Dumbledork. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Vampire, looking extremely fucking hot.

“WTF where’d Draco?” I asked him.

“Oh he’s bein a fucking bastard. He told me he wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking his hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?”

Then….. he showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. He said his dogfather Serious Blak had given it 2 him. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘ENOBY’ on it.

……….I gasped.

We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing.

Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band.

I almost had an orgasim. Gerard was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Draco, cryin in a corner.

Chapter 21.

AN: fuk u ok! u fokng suk. itz nut ma fult if itz speld rong ok koz dat bich ravern cuz it fok u prepz!1 woopz soz raven fangz 4 da help. btw transilvana rox hrad!1 I even gut 2 go 2 da kasel wer drkola was flimed!


Later we all went in the skull. Draco was crying in da common room. “Draco are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice.

“No I’m not u fuking bitch!” he shouted angrily. He stated to run out of the place in a suicidal way. I stated to cry cuz I was afraid he would commit suicide.

“Its ok Enoby.” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make him feel better.”

“U mean you’ll go fuck him wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Draco. Vampire came too.

“Draco please come!” he began to cry. Tears of blood came down his pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive bi guyz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!)

And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out his blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Mr. Norris there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand.

“WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw Filth come. He went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly.

“IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Norris.

“No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under his breast in a disgusted way.

“EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Norris. Den he heard Filch meow. “Filth is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. Filth nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! He did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Norris was taking of da cloak!1

“WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Draco crying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting his rists outside of da school.

“Draco!” I cried. “R u okay?”

“I guess though.” Draco weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Draco and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fug and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1

Chapter 22.

AN: stfu! prepz stup flaming ok if u dnot lik it fuk of I no itz mr. noris itz raven’s folt ok!11 u suk!1 no jus kidding raven u fokieng rok prepz suk!1


All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped.

Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Mary, Vampire, Diabolo, Draco, Dracula and Willow!

I opened my crimson eyes. Willow was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Draco was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. He looked just likee Gerard Way, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Mary was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Jenny) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Crab and Goyle. It turns out that Darkness, Diabolo, Crab and Goyle’s dad was a vampire. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists with a razor. He had raped them and stuff before too. They all got so depressed that they became goffik and converted to Stanism.

“OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?”

“Enoby something is really fucked up.” Draco said.

“OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily.

“It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Draco said in a sexy voice.

“Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all erective.”

“I will I will.” he said.

So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Great Hal and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Britney from Griffindoor was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see Dumbledork. Cornelia Fudged was there shouting at Dumbledore. Doris Rumbridge was there too.

“THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!”



“Very well.” Dumbledore said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Voldemort and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Enony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.”

Draco, Crab, Goyle, Darkness, Willow, Vampire and B’loody Mary looked at each other………I gasped.
Chapter 23.

AN: dhut da fok up biches!1 ur jus jelos koz I gut 10000 reviowz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help n telin me bout da boox gurlu rok letz go shopin 2getha!


The door opened and Proffesor Rumbridge and Cornelia Fudge stomped out angrily. Then Dumbledum and Rumbridge sawed us.

“MR. WAY WHAT THE BEEP ARE YOU DOING!” Rumbridge shouted angrily. Dumbledore blared at her.

“Oops she made a mistake!” he corrupted her. “She means hi everybody cum in!”

Well we all came in angrily. So did all the other students. I sat between Darkness and Draco and opposite B’loody Mary. Crab and Goyle started 2 make some morbid jokes. They both looked exactly like Ville Vollo. I eight some Count Chocula and drank som blood from a cup. Then I herd someone shooting angrily. I looked behind me it was………Vampire! He and Draco were shooting at eachother.

“Vampire, Draco WTF?” I asked.

“You fucking bustard!” yelled Draco at Vampire. “I want to shit next to her!1”

“No I do!” shouted.

“No she doesn’t fucking like u, you son of a bitch!” yelled Draco.

“No fuck you motherfucker she laves me not you!” shouted Vampire. And then……………… he jumped on Draco! (no not in dat way u perv) They started to fight and beat up each other.

Dumbldore yelled at them but they didn’t stop. All of a sudden…… a terrible man with red eyes and no nose flew in on his broomstick. He had no nose and was wearing a gray robe. All the glass in the window he flew thru fell apart. Britney that fucking prep started to cry. Vampire and Draco stopped fighting….I shopped eating….Everyone gasped. Da room fell silent………………….Volzemort!

“Eboby…..Ebony…….” Darth Valer sed evilly in his raspy voice. “Thou havfe failed ur mission. Now I shall kill thou and I shall kill Vampire as well. If thou does not kill him before then I shall kill Draco too!”

“Plz don’t make me kill him plz!” I begged.

“No!” he laughed crudely. “Kill him, or I shall kill him anyway!” Then he flew away cackling.

I bust into tears. Draco and Vampire came to contort me. Suddenly my eyes rolled up so they looked all cool and gothic. I had a vision were I saw some lighting flash and then Voldremot coming to kill Draco while Draco slit his wrists in a depressed way.

“No!” I screamed sexily. Suddenly I locked up and stopped having the vision.

“Ebony Ebony aure you alright?” asked Draco in a worried voice.

“Yeah yeah.” I said sadly as I got up.

“Everyfing’s all right Enoby.” said Vampire all sensetive.

“No its not!” I shouted angrily. Tearz of blood went down my face. “OMFG what if I’m getting possessed like in Da Ring 2!”

“Its ok gurl.” said B’loody Mary. “Maybe u should ask Proffesor Sinister about what the visions mean though.”

“Ok bich.” I said sadly and den we went.

Chapter 24.

AN: prepz stup flaming da story ur jus jelous so fuk u ok go 2 hel!11 raven fagz 4 di help!


Well we had Deviation next so I got to ask Proffessor Trevolry about the visions.

“Konnichiwa everybody come in.” said Proffesor Sinister in Japanese. She smelled at me with her gothic black lipstick. She’s da coolest fucking teacher ever. She had long dead black hair with blood red tips and red eyes. (hr mom woz a vampire. She’s also haf Japanese so she speaks it and everyfing. she n b’loody mry get along grate) She’s really young for a teacher. 2day she was wearing a black leather top with red lace and a long goffik black ripped dress. We went inside the black classroom with pastors of Emily the Strong. I raced my hand. I was wearing some black naie Polish with red pentagrams on it.

“What is it Ebony?” she asked. “Hey I love ur nail polish where’d u get it, Hot Topik?”

“Yeah.” I answered. All the preps who didn’t know what HT was gave me weird looks. I gave them the middle finger. “Well I have to talk to you about some fings. When do you want to due it?”

“Ho about now?” she asked.

“OK.” I said.

“OK class fucking dismissed every1.” Proffesor Trevolry said and she let every1 go. “Except for you Britney.” she pointed at Britney and sum other preps. “Please do exorcize (geddit) 1 on page 3.”

“OK I’m having lotz of visions.” I said in a worried voice. I’m so worried is Draco gong 2 die.

Well she gave me a black cryptal ball to lock in. I looked at it.

“What do you c?” she asked.

“I said I see a black gothic skull and a pentagram.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at it. It was Draco. He was looking really sexy wearing a black leather facet, a black gothic Linkin Park t-shirt and blak Congress shoes.

“Okay you can go now, see ya cunt.” said Proffesor Sinister.

“Bye bitch.” I said waving.

I went to Draco and Vampire was sitting next to him. We both followed Draco together and I was so exhibited.

Chapter 25.

AN: stop flaming ok if u dnot den il tel Justin 2 bet u up!1111 n il tel al da nredz 2 put vrtuz in ur computer!11111111111 FUK UU!1 raven fangz for de help!1


I was so excited. I fellowed Draco wandering if we where going 2 do it again. We went outside and then we went into Draco’s black car.

“Ebony what the fuck did Profesor Trevolry say.” whispered Draco potting his gothic whit hand with bvlak nail polish on mine.

“She said she would tell me what the visions meant torromow.” I grumbled in a sexy voice. He took out a heroin cabaret and spiked it, and gave it to me to spork. He started to fly the car into a tree. We went to the top of it. Draco put on some MCR.

“And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me.” sang Gerard’s sexy voice. We started tiling of each other’s cloves fevently. He took of my blak thong and my black leather bar. I took of his black boxers. Then……………………… he put his trobbing you-know-what in my tool sexily.

“OMFG Draco Draco!” I screamed having an orgism. We stated frenching passively. Suddenly………… I fell asleep. I started having a dream. In it a black guy was shooting two goffik men with long black hair.

“No! Please don’t fucking kill us!1” they pleaded but he just kept shooting them. He ran away in a red car.

“No! Oh my fucking god!11” I shouted in a scared voice.

“Ebony what’s wrong?” Draco asked me as I woke up opening my icy blue eyes.

I started to cry and tears of blood went down my face. I told Draco to call Vampire. He did it with his blak Likin Park mobile. Butt the worst thing was who the ppl who were shot in the dream where……………………… Lucian and Serious!111

Chapter 26.

AN: PREPZ STUP FLAMING SDA STRY OK!1 if u dnot lik da story den go fok urself u fokeng prep! U SUK!111 oh y and I wuznt beng rasist ok!11


A few mutates later Vampire came 2 da tree. He was wearing a blak leather jackson, black leather pants and a Good Chralotte t-shirt.

“Hi Vampire.” I said flirtily as I started to sob. Draco hugged me sexily tryont to comfrot me. I started to cry tears of blood and then told them what happened.

“Oh fuck it!” Vampire shouted angrily. He4 started to cry sadly. “What fucking dick did that!”

“I don’t know.” I said. “Now come on we have 2 tell Dumbledor.”

We ran out of the tree and in2 da castle. Dumblydor was sitting in his office.

“Sire are dads have been shot!” Draco said while we wipped sum tears from his white face. “Enoby had a vision in a dreem.”

Dubleodre started to cockle. “Hahahaha! And How due u aspect me to know Ebony’s not divisional?”

I glared at Dumbledore.

“Look motherfucker.” he said angrily as Dumbeldore gasped (c is da toot of crakter). “U know very well that I’m not decisional. Now get some fucking ppl out there to look for Series and Lucian- pornto!”

“Okay.” he said in a intimated voice. “Were are they?”

I fought about it. Then all of a sudden….. “Longdon.” I said. I told him which street. He went and called some people and did some stuff. After a few mistunes he came back and said people were going out looking for them. After a while someone called him again. He said that they had been found. Draco, Vampire and I all left to our rooms together. I went with Draco to wait in the nurses office while Vampire went to slit his wrists in his room. We looked at each other’s gothic, derperessed eyes. Then, we kissed. Suddenly Serious and Lucian came in on stretchers……………………….and Proffesor Sinister was behind them!1

Chapter 27. vampirz wil never hurt u

AN: u no wut!111 I dnot giv a fok wut u prepz fink abot me!1111 so stup flaming da foking story bichez!1111 fangz 2 raven 4 ur luv n sport n help i luv u gurl soz i kodnt update lol I wuz rly deprezzd n I silt muh rists I had 2 go 2 da hospital rraven u rok gurl!11111111111111111111


Every1 in the room stated to cry happly- I had saved them. Drako, Lucian, Serious bond Vampire all came to hug me. The nurse started to give them medicine.

“Cum on Enoby.” said Proffesor Sinatra. She was wearing a gothic blak leader dress with a corset top and real vampir blood on it and fuking black platinum boots. “I have to tell you the fucking perdition.”

I locked at Lucian, Serifs, Drake and Vampire. They nodded.

I smelled happily and went into a dark room. I had changed Profesor Sinister took out some black cards. She started to look into a black crucible ball. She said……………………… “Tara, I see drak times are near.” She said badly. She peered into da balls. “You see, you must go back in time.” She took out a Time-Toner like B’loody Mary had. “When Voldemint was in Hogwarts before he became powerful he gut his hearth borken. Now do you fink he would still become Volxemort if he was in love?” I shook my head. “U must go back in time and sedouce him. It is the only way. If he is still evil then you must kill him. You can come to my room tomorrow and you can do it.”

“Okay.” I said sadly. We did dethz tuch sin. I went outside again sadly.

“What fucking happened?” asked Draco and Vampire.

“Yeah what happened?” asked Darkness, Willow and Boldy Mary?

I was about to tell them butt every1 was there. They were celebrating Lucian and Sirius being fond. Everyone was proud of me butt I jut wonted 2 talk 2 Draco. They were cheesing my name and some reporters were there, trying to interview Dumblydore. A banner was put up. Lotz of fucking prepz were there oviously tring 2 be b goffik wering the HIM sign on their handz- depite them not having akshelly heard of him. Even Mr. Noris looked happy. A blak and red cake had been brought out. Crabbe and Goyke set up some fireworx in the shape of skulls from Wesley’s Whizard Wises.

I put on my Invisibility coke with Vampire and Draco and we sneaked outside 2gether.

Chapter 28.

AN: I sed stop gflmaing da story it wuz a miskat wen profsor relory sed dat ok!11111111 GO 2 FOKENG HELL!1111 U SUK! fangz 2 fily 4 da help!1! raven hav fun wif kiwi!1111111


We went in2 a blak room. The wallz were blak with portraits of gothic bands lik MCR, GC and Marlin Mason all over them. A big black coffin was in the middle. Red vevlet lined da blak box. There were three chairs made of bones with real skullz in dem. I wuz wearing a blak corset bar wif purple stuff on it, fishnet suckings and a blak leather thong underneath.

I sat down one of da chairs dispersedly. So did Drako and Vampire.

“Are you okay?” Vampir asked potting his albastard hand on mine. He was wearing black nail polish. I was wearing blak nail polish with red crosses on it.

“Yah I guess.” I said sadly. Drako also pot his hand on mine sexily. I smiled sadly with my blak lipstick. “The problem is……………………….I have to seduce Volxemort. Ill have 2 go bak in time”

Draco started to cry sadly. Vampire hugged him.

“Itz okay Eboby.” he said finally. “But what about me? Ur not gonna brake up or anyfing, are you?”

“Of coarse not!” I gasped.

“Really?” he asked.

“Sure.” I said.

We frenched sexily. Vampire looked at us longingly.

Then………… I took off Draco’s MCR shrift and seductvely took of his pants. He was hung lik a stallone. He had replaced the Vampire tattoo that said Enoby on it. Black roses were around it. I gasped. He lookd exactly lik Gerard Way. Vampire took a vido camera. (I had sed it wuz ok b4).

I took of my clothes den we were in 4 da rid of r lif.

We started freching as we climbed into the cofin. He put his spock in my you-know-what and passively we did it.

“I love you Eboby. Oh let me feel u I need 2 feel u.” he screamed as we got an orgasm. We watched Vampire filmed everything perfectly. Suddenly………………………….


It was………………………….Snope and Profesor McGoggle!111

Chapter 29.

AN: sot das fok up!11 ur jus jelouz koz ur prepz so fok u!1111 raven u rok gurl fangz 4 da help MCR ROX 666!111111111111


“Oh my satan!1” we screamed as we jamped out of da coffin. Snap and Professor McGoonagle started to shoot at us angrily.

“CUM NOW!1!” Preacher McGongel yielded. We did guiltily. We left the room putting on our clothes. Snoop garbed the caramel and put it in his pocket.

“Hey what the fuck!111” Vampire shooted angrily.

“Yeah buster what the fuck are u going to do with the fucking camera?” Draco demonded all protective, looking at me Longley with his gothic red eyes. “Look, Dumblehor noes your little secret and if u do dis again, then u will go to St Mango’s. So give back da camera!1111”

Hahahaha the Mystery of Mogic thinks he is crazy there is no way dey wil believe him. Snoop laughed meanly.

“Yes so shut your mputh you inlosent fools!” yelled Proffesor McGoggle. She made us cum into a weird room with white stones all around it. There were all these werid tools in it. Draco started to cry all sexy and sexitive (geddit koz hes a sexbom lol tom felnot rulez 4 lif but nut as muxh as gerard ur sex on legz I luv u u fokeng rok mary me!111).

I started to cry tearz of blood (it hapnz in vrampir kroniklz raven sed so ok so fok u!1). Vampire took out a black honkerchief and started to wipe my red eyes.

And then……………….. he and Snoop both took out guns using magic. They started to shoot each other angrily. Non of the ballots gut on eachodder yet. I took out my wand.

“Crosio!” I shouted. Snap stated 2 scram he dropd da gun. But it was too late. Both of them had run out of ballets. I STOPPED DA CURSE. Profesor McGoogle did a spell so that we were all chained up. She took out a box of tools. Den she said “OK Serverus I’m going 2 go now.” She left. Snap started to laugh evilly. Vampire started to cry.

“It’s ok Enoby.” said Draco. “Evergreen will be all right. Remember the cideo u took of Snake.”

Snape laughed again. And then...he took out some whips!1!1111

Chapter 30.

AN: stop flaming da story ok u dnot no wutz even gona happen ok!1111 so FUL U!111 if u flam u wil be a prep so al flamerz kan kiss muh ass!111 soz 4 soz 4 sayin alzhimers is dongerous but datz da mysteries opinin koz sosiety basically sux. fangz 2 raven u rok bich!111


“No!11” we screamed sadly. Snap stated loafing meanly. He took out a kamera anvilly. Then…………………… he came tords Darko!1! He took sum stones out of his poket. He put da stones around Draco and nit a candle.

“What the fuck r u doing!” I shooted arngrily. Snoop laughed meanly. He polled down his pants. I gasped- there was a Dork Mark on his you-know-wut!11!

He waved his wand and a nife came. He gave da knife 2 me.

“U must stab Vrompire.” he said to me. “If u don’t then I’ll rap Draco!1”

“No you fucking bastrad!1” I yielded.

But den Draco looked at me sadly with his evil goffik red eyes dat looked so depressant and sexy. He lookd exactly like a pentragram (lol geddit koz im a satanist) between Kurt Cobain and Gerard. But then I looked at Vampire and he looked so smexy too wif his goffik black hair. I thought of da time when we screwed and the time I did it with Draco and Dumblydore came and the tame where Draco almost commited suicide and Vampire wuz so sportive.

Snipe laughed angrily. He started to prey to Volxemort. He started to do an incapacitation dancing around the stokes whipping Draco and Vampire. Suddenly an idea I had. I clozd my eyes and using my vampire powers I sent a telepathetic massage to Drako and Vampire so they would destruct Snape.

“Dumbeldork will get u!” Draco shooted.

“Yah just wait ubtil da Mystery find out!11” Vampire yelled. Meanwhile I took out my wand.

“You ridiculus dondderhed!111” Snoop yielded. He took off all of Drico’s clothes. Just as he was about to rape him…………………….

“Crosio!” I shited pointing my wound. Snoop scremed and started running around da room screming. Meanwhile I grabed my blak mobile and sent a txt 2 Serious. I stopped doing crucio.

“You dunderhed!111 Im going to kill-” shooted Snape but suddenly Serverus came.

Snake put the whip behind his bak. “Oh hello Sev I wuz just teaching them sumthing.” he lied. But suddenly Lusian and Profesor Trevolry came in2 da room and they and Serious unlocked the chains and put dem around Snap. Then Profesor Trevolry said ‘Come on Ebony let’s go.”

Chapter 31.

AN: I sed shut da fok up u quiephs!111 stop kalin ebony a mary su ok u dnot even no wutz gong 2 happen ok so fuk u!1111 fangz 2 muh bff raven 4 di help!1111


“I always knew u were on Voldemort’s side, you sun of a bitca (bufy rox!111).” Serious said 2 Snape.

“No I’m not I was teaching them somefing!1” Snap clamed.

“Oh fucking yeah?” I took some blak Volremortserum out of my poket and gave it to Serverus. He made Snap dirnk it. He did arngrily. Then Luscious took out a tape recorder and started playing it while he did curses on Snap. Then Proffesor Sinister and Lucian made us get out wif them while Snape told his secretes. Lucian took Vampure and Draco to the nurse after thanking me a millon times. Profesor Trevolry took me to a dark room. Now I wuz going to go back in time to sedouce Volxemort. Moving posters of MCR and Nrivana were all over. Hermoine, Darkness and Willow came too. B’loody Mary gave me a blak bag from Tom Rid’s store.

“Whatz in da bag?” I asked Profesor Trevolry.

“U will c.” she said. I opened thee bag. In it was a sexy tite low-smut black leather gothic dress. It had red korset stuff and there was a silt up da leg. I put it on. My frendz helped me put on blak fishnetz and blak pointy boots Willow had chosen. Willow and Darkness helped me put on black eyeliner and blod-red lipshtick.

“You look fucking kawaii, bitch.” B’loody Mary said.

“Fangs.” I said.

“Ok now you’re going to go back in tim.” said Proffesor Sinister. “U will have to do it in a few sessionz.” She gave me a blak gun. I put it in a strap on my fishnetz like in Redisnet Evill. Then she gave me a black time-tuner. “After an hour use da time torner to go back here.” Proffesor Trevolry said. Then she and B’loody Mary put a Pensive in front of me. Every1 went in front of it.

“Good luk!1” Everryone shooted. Darkess and Willow gave me deth’s touch sin. Then……….. I jumped sexily in2 da Pensive.

Suddenly I was in fornt of teh School. In front of me wuz one of da sexiest goth guyz I had ever seen. He was wering long blak hair, kinda like Mikey Way only black. He had gren eyes like Billie Joe Amstrung and pale whit skin. He wuz wearing a blak ripped up suit wif Vans. It was…………………….Tom Bombodil!1111

Chapter 32.

AN: I sed stup fflaming I no his nam iznt tom bodil dat wuz a mistak!1111 if u dnot lik de story den u kan go skrew urself!11111 U SUK!111111


“Hi.” I said flirtily. “Im Enoby Way da new student.” I shok my pale handz wif their blak noil polish wif him.

“Da name’s Tom.” he said. “But u kan call me Satan. Datz ma middle nam”

We shok hands. “Well come on we have 2 go upstairs.” Satan said. I followed him. “Hey Satan……..do u happen to be a fan of Gren Day?” (sinz mcr and evinezenz dont exist yet den) I asked.

“Oh my fuking god, how did u know?” Satan gasped. “actually I like gc a lot too.”(geddit coz gc did that song I just wanna live that’s ounded really 80s)

“omg me too!” I replied happily.

“guess what they have a concert in hogsment.” satan whispered.

“hogsment?” I asked.

“yeah that’s what they used to call it in these time before it became Hogsmeade in 2000.” he told me all sekrtivly. “and theres a really cool shop called Hot-“

‘topic!” I finshed, happy again.

He froned confusedly. “noo its called Hot Ishoo.” He smiled skrtvli again. “then in 1998 dey changd it to hot topic.” he moaned.

“ohh.” now everything was making sense for me. “so is dumblydor your princepill?” I shouted.

“uh-huh.” he looked at his black nails. “im in slitherin’”


“u go to this skull?”(geddit cos im goffik) he asked.

“yah that’s why im here im NEW.” I SMELLED HAPPili.

Suddenly dumblydore flew in on his broomstuck and started shredding at us angrily. “NO TALKING IN THE HALLS!” he had short blonde hair and was wearing a polo shirt from Amrikan ogle outfters. “STUPID GOFFS!”

satan rolled his eyes. “his so mean to us goffs and punks just becose we’re in slytherine and we’re not preps.”

I turned around angrily. “actually I fink mebe its becos ur da barke lord.”

“wtf?” he asked angrily.

“oh nuffin.” I said sweetly.

then suddenlyn………………. the floor opened. “OMFG NO I SCEAMED AS I FEEL DOWN. everyone looked At ME weirdly.”

“hey where r u goin?” satan asked as I fell.

I got out of the hole n it was bak in the pensive in professor trevolry’s classroom. dumblydum wuz dere. “dumblydore I think I just met u.” I said.

“oh yeah I rememba that.” dumblydor said, trying to be all goffik.

sinister came in. “hey dis is my classroom wait wtf enoby what da hell r u doing?”

:”um.” I looked at her.

“oh yeaH I forgot bout that.”

“wth how?” I screamed forgetting she was a teacher for a second. but shes a goff so its ok.

professor sinster looked sad. “um I was drinking voldemortserum.” she started to cry black tears of depression. dumblydum didn’t know about them.

“hey r u crying tears of blood?” he asked curiously, tuching a tear.

“fuck off!” we both said and dumblydum took his hand away.

professor sinster started crying again in her chair, sobbing limpid tears. “omfg enoby…I think im addicted to Voldemortserum.”


Chapter 33.

AN: I sed shut up itz nut my folt ok if u don’t lik da story den ur a prep so fuk u flamerz!1111 ps im nut updating ubtil u giv me fiv god reviewz nd diz tim I men it!111111 U SUK!1111 fangz raven 4 di help il promiz to help u wif ur story lolz1


“Oh my fuking god!1” I shooted sadly. “Shud we get u 2 St Manga’s, bitch?”

“Hel no!” she said. “Lizzen Egogy, I need ur help. Nex tim u go bak in tim, do u fink u kod ask Tom Andorson 4 sum help?”

“Sure I said sadly. I went outside the door. Draco was there!111 He wuz wearing a big blak GC tshit which wuz his panamas.

“Hey Sexxy.” I said.

“How’d it go Enoby?” he asked in his voice was so sexy and low kinda like Gerard Way when hes talking.

“Fine.” I reponded. We stared 2 go bak in2 da dorm.

“How far did u go wif Satan?” Drako asked jealously.

“Not 2 far, lol.” I borked.

“Will you hav to do it with him?” Draco asked angstily.

“I hop not 2 far!111” I shouted angrily. Den I felt bad 4 shooting at him. I said sorry. We frenched.

“What happened 2 Snipe?” I growled.

“U will see.” Draco giggled mistressly. He opened a door……………Snap nd Lumpkin werz there!11 Serious waz pokering dem by staging dem wif a blak nife.

“NOOOO PLZ!1111” Lumpkin bagged as Serious started 2 suk his blood. I laffed statistically. I tok some photons of him and Snap bing torqued. (ok I no dis iz men but fink abot it ppl dey r pedoz nd Snap trid 2 rap dem and neway sadiztz rok haz any1 seen shrak atak 3 lolz). We took sum of Snipe’s blod den Drako and I went bak 2 our roomz. We sat on my goffik blak coffin. My cloves were kinda drity so I pot on a blak leather outfit fingie kinda like da 1 Suelene haz in Undreworld. (if u haven’t herd of it den FUK U!111) . I put on some blak platform high heelz. Darko put on ‘desolition liverz’ by MCR. Den………………………………………….we storted 2 take of eachotherz clozez. I tok of his shit nd he had a six-pak, lolz. We started 2 mak out lik in Da Grudge. He pot his wetnes in my u-know-what sexily. I gut an orgy.

“Oh Draco!111111!1 Oh mi fuking gud Draco!1111” I screemed passively as he got an eructation.

“I luv u TaEbory.” he whispred sexily and den we fel aspleep lol.

Chapter 34.

AN: SHOT DA FOK UP PREPZ!1111 hav u even red de story!11 u r proly al just prepz nd posrs so FUK U!111 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1


I wook up in da coffin de next day. Draco waz gone. I got up and put on a blak tight sexah drsss that was all ripped at da end. There wuz red korset stuff going up da fornt and da bak and it came up 2 my knees. There wuz a slit in da dress lik in mr & mr simth. I pot on ripped blak fishnets and blak stilton bo-ots. Suddenly…………………. Sorious cocked on da door. I hopened it.

“Hi Ibony.” he said. “Gezz wut u have 2 cum 2 Profesor Sinistor’s office.”

“Ok.” I said in a deprezzd voice. I had wanted to fuk Draco or maybe lessen to MCR or Evonezcence. I came anyway.

“So what the fuck happened 2 Snipe and Loopin?” I asked Sorious flirtily.

“I fucking tortured them.” he answered in a statistic way. “They r in Abkhazian now, lol.”

I laughed evilly.

“Where r Draco and Vampira?” I muttered.

“Dey are xcused form skool 2day.” Sodomize moaned sexily. “Rite now they are watching Da Nigtmare b4 Xmas.”

We went into da office. Proffesor Sinister was there. She was wearing a goffik blak dress that was all ripped all over it kinda lik da one Amy Lee wears in this pic

( http/ She wuz drinking some Volximortserum.

She took out da Pensiv and the time-torner.

“Enoby, you will have to do anozzer session now. Also I need u to get me da cure 4 being adikited.” she said sadly. “Good luck. Fangz!”

And then……….I jumped into the Prinsive again. Suddenly I looked around……………I was in da Grate Hall eating Count Chorcula. It was mourning. I was sitting next to Satan. On a table was a tall gottik man wif long blak hair, pail skin and blue eyes wering a suit and blak Cronvrese shoes. He looked just like Charlyn Manson. I noticed……he was drinking a portent.

“Whose he!11” I asked.

“Oh, datz Profesor Slutborn.” Satan said. “He’s da Portents teacher…………..Ebony?”

“Yah?” I asked.

“Did u know dat Marylin Mason is playing in Hogsemade tonight? And they r showing The Exercise at da movies b4 dat.”


“Well…...want 2 go 2 da contort and da movie wif me?”

Chapter 35. gost of u

AN: fangz 2 suzi 4 da idea!1 u rok! fuk of prepz!11111111 fangz 2 raven 4 di help u rok gurl!1 ps im gong 2 end da stroy rlly sun so FUK U!111 oh yah nd if u no eny gofik namz plz tel me koz I ned 1 4 serius!1 fangz.


I went in2 da Conmen Room finking of Satan. Suddenly I gasped………………..Draco wuz there!111

I grasped. He locked as hut as eva werring blak ledder pants, a blak Lonken Prak t-shrit and blak eyeliner.

“Draco what da fuk r u dong!111111” I gosped.

“Huh?” he asked. Then I remembred. It wuzn’t Draco. It was Lucan!1 He stil had two arms.

“Oh hi Lucian!1” I sed. “Im Ebony the new student lol we shook handz.”

“Yah Satan told me abot you.” Lusian said. He pinted to a groop of sexxxy gottik guyz. They where siting in a corner kutting. It wuz Serious, Vampire’s dad and………………Snap! All of them were wearing blak eyeliner and blak Good Chralootte band shirts. “Lizzen I’m in a goth band wif those guys.” he said. “Were playing 2nite at da Marylin Mason show as back-up.


“Yeah.” he said. “Were calld XBlakXTearX. I play teh gutter. Spartacus plays da drums” he said ponting to him. “Snap plays the boss. And Jamez plays the guitar to even fo we call him Samaro, after Samara in da ring.”

“Hey bastards.” I told them they gave me Dethz tuch sin. Suddenly I gasped again. “But don’t u have a lead singer!” I asked. Lucian looked dawn sadly.

“We uzd to but she did. She contempted suicide by silting her rists.”

“Oh my fuking god!11 Datz so fuking sad!1” I gasped.

“Its okay but we need a new led snigger.” Samaro said.

“Wel………..I said Im in a bnad myself.”

“Rilly?” asked Snap. I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111

“Yeah were called Blody Gothik Rose 666. Do u wanna hr me sing?”

Yeah said everyone. So the guys tok out der guitarz. They began to pay a song bi (geddit koz bi guyz r sooo sexah!11) Gurn Day.

“I wok dis empt stret on da bolevrad of broken dremz.” I sang sexily (I dnot own da lyrikz 2 dat song).. Every1 gasped.

“Enopby? Will u join da band? Plz!1” begged Lucian, Samoro, Serious and Snap.

“Um…….ok.” I shrugged. “Are we gong to play tonight?”

“Yah.” they said.

“Ok.” I said but I new dat I had 2 get a new outfit. I walked outside wondering how I kud go forward in time. Suddenly someone jumped in fornt of me. It wuz…..Morty Mcfli!1 He was wering a blak bnad tshrit and blak bagy jeans.

“What da hell r u dong here!11” I asked.

“I wil help u go frowad in tim Enoby.” he said siriusly Den……….he took out a blak tim machine. I went in2 it and……………………..sudenly I wuz forward in tim!111

Chapter 36.

AN: I sed stop flaming ok!111111111 I bet u r al proly old srevinty yr oldz!111 ps PORTERSUZ UR A PREP!1 o ya nd fangz 2 raven 4 di help!111 hav fun in englond gurl!11111


I loked around in a depresed way. Suddenly I saw Profesor Sinister. B’lody Mary, Socrates and Draco, Vampire and Willow were their to.

“OMFG Sorius I saw u nd Samaro and Snip nd everyone!11111 I kant beleev Snap uzd 2 b goffik!111111”

“Yah I no.” Serious said sadly.

“Oh hey there bitch.” Profesor Trevolry said in an emo voice dirnking some Volxemortserom.

Hi fuker.” I said. “Lizzen, Satan asked me out to a gottik cornet and a movie so I need a sexah new outfit for da date. Also I’m playng in a gothic band so I need an ootfit for that too.”

“Oh my satan!1” (geddit lolz koz shes gofik) gasped B’lody Mary. “Want 2 go to Hot Topik to shop 4 ur outfit?”

“OMFS, letz have a groop kutting session!11” said Profesor Trevolry.

“I can’t fucking wait 4 dat but we need 2 get sum stuff first.” said Willow.

“Yah we need sum portions for Profesor Trevolry so she wont be adikted 2 Volxemortserum anymore nd also………….sum luv potion 4 Enoby.” Darko said resultantly.

“Well we have potions klass now.” Willow said so let’s go.

We went sexily to Potionz class. But Snap wasn’t there. Instead there was…………………………………………Cornelio Fuck!11111

“Hey where the fuck is Dumblydore!111” Draco shouted angrily.

“STFU!1” shooted Cornelia Fuck. “He is in Azkhabian now wif Snip and Loopin he is old and week he has kancer. “Now do ur work!111”

My friendz and I talked arngrily.

“Can you BELEVE Snap used to be gottik!1” Vampire asked surprisedly.


He stomped out angrily.

Mi frendz and I began talking again. I began to drink some blod mixed wif beer. Suddenly I saw Hargrid in da cupboard.

“WTF is he doing?” I asked. Then I looked at Draco. He wuz wearing tonz of eyeliner nd he locked shexier den eva. Suddenly……………“HARGRIF WUT DA FOK R U DOING!11” he shooted.

I looked around…………….Hairgrid wuz putting sumfing in my glass of blod!11 Darko and Vampire started 2 beat him up sexily.

“God u r such a posr!1” I shooted at Hairgrid. Suddenly I looked ar what he was putting in da blood. It was………………Amnesia Portion!111

Chapter 37.

AN: OK EVRYBODY IM GONG ON VOCATION ON DA FRIST OF JULY SO IM EEDER GONNA END DA FIK OR UPDAT IT IN WEEX. fangz!1 oh yah nd prepz stop flaming sa story!11 raven fangz 4 da help c ya gurl afta vocation!11



Vampire and I chaind Hairgrid 2 da floor.

“Oh mi fucking satan!11” Enoby said. She wuz so hot. “Maybe I cud uze Amnesia potion 2 make Satan foll in love wif me faster!1”

“But u r so sexy and wonderful aneway Tata,” said Vampire. “Why would u need it?”

“To make everyfing go faster lol.” said Enoby.

“But you wont have to do it wif him or anyfing, will u?” I asked jelosly.

“OMFG u guyz r so scary!11” said Britney, a fucking prep.

“Shut the fuk up!1” said Willow.

“Ok well anyway lets go 2 Profesor Trevolry’s room.”

Draco, Ebory and I went to Profesor Siniater’s room. But Profesor Sinister wasn’t there. Instead Tom Rid was.

Oh hi fuckers he said. Lizzen, I got u sum kewl new clovez.

I took out da cloves from da bag. It was a goffik blak leather miniskirt that said ‘666’ on da bak, black stilton bootz, blood red fishnetz and a blak corset.

“OMG fangz!” I said hugging him in a gothic way. I took da clothes in da bag.

“OK Profesor Sinister isnt hr what the fuk should we do?” asked Draco. Suddenly he loked at a sign on da blak wall.

“Oh my fuking satan!1” I screamed as I read it. On it said Evry1 Profesor Sinister is away. She is too gottik she is in Azkhabian now. Classes shal be taught by Dubledork who is bak but he shall not be principal 4 now. Sincerely Profesor Rumbridge.

“OMFG!111” I shoted arngrily. “How could they do that!11”

Suddenly Dumblydore came.

“WHAT DA HELL R U DONG IN MY OFICE!1” he began to shoot angrily. Sudwenly I saw Morty Mcfly’s blak tim machine!111 I jumped seductivly in2 it leaving Draco and Vampire. Sudenly I wuz back in tim!11 I looked around. It was……………Profesor Slutborn’s efface! I sneaked around. Suddenly I saw da Amnesia potion on his desk. It wuz blak wif blood-red pentagramz in it. It was the shape of a cross. I put it in my poket. Suddenly da door opened it wuz……..Profesor Slutgorn!11

OMG wut r u doing fuker he shooted angrily I don’t kno wut da fuk r u DOING I SHOUTED ANGRILY.

“Oh sorry I wuz just looking around koz I thought it wuz class.” you said finally hoping he couldn’t c da potion in ur pocket.

“Oh ok u can go now.” said Profesor Slutborn.

You went to the conmen room after putting on my clothes. Silas, Samaro and Snap were there practicing Vampirez will Never Hurt U by MCR.

“Oh hi you guys.” I said seductively. “Wheres Satan?”

“Oh he’s cumming.” said Serious. “BTW u can kall me Hades now.” Suddenly Satan came. He was wearing a smexxy blak leather Jackson, blak congres shoes, a Slipnot t-shirt and a blak tie.

“Ok I will see you guyz at da concert.” I said and then I went with Satan.

Chapter 38.

AN: wut doez every1 fink if I end da strory and den I add sum more 2 it after vocation? oh yah asnd prepz stup flaming if u dnot lik dat story den take muh quiz ok den u wil c if ur gofik or not!1111111


Satan and I walked 2 his car. It wuz a blak car wif pentagrams all over it. On da license plate said 666 just lik Draco’s car. I went in it seduktivly. Stan started 2 drive it. We talked about Satanism (lolz he wuz named after Satan), kuttting, musik and being goffik.

“Oh my satan, Gerard is so fuking hot!11” Volxemort agreed as we smoked sum weed. (koz bi guyz r hot dey r so sensitive I luv dem lol goez fux a bi guy)

“Lol, I totally decided not 2 comit suicide when I herd Hilena.” I said in a flirty voice. “……….Hey Satan do u know da cure 4 when ppl r adikted 2 Volxemortseruem?”

“Well………………” he thought. “I fink u have 2 drink Vampire blod.”

Suddenly Volxemort parked da car behind a blak movie theater. Satan and I walked outside. We went in2 da movie tether were they were showing da Excercist. In it a boy and a gurl were doing it sudenly a cereal killer came lol. Satan and I laughed at da blood koz we’re sadists.

While Satan was watching da movie, I had an idea. I took Satan’s gothic blak Nightmare b4 Christmas cigar sexily from his poket and put sum Amnesia potion in it. I put it bak in his blak Emile the Strange bag. Satan turned arund and started 2 smoke it. Blak cloudz wif red pentagramz ind em started 2 fly around everywhere.

“OMG!111” Satan said jumping up. I gasped koz I wuz afraid hed notizd. “Enoby gess what?”

I new that the amnesia had worked.

“Amnesia potion has not been invented yet so it will not work.” He said. “2 badd coz I wanted 2 use sum on u.”

“Kul.” I raised my eye suggestingly. And den………. he tok of my cloves sexily and we started 2 make out. I tok of his shit. He had six-pak justr lik Gerard Way!11 We frenched.

“Xcuze me but u r going 2 have 2 leave!111” shooted da lady behind us she was a prep.

“Fuk u!11” I said. Suddenly…………………. I attaked her suking all her blood.

“Noooooo!11” she screamed. All the preps in da theater screamed but everyone else crapped koz Satan and I loked so cute 2gether. Satan and I started to walk outside.

“Zomg how did u do that?” Voldremort asked in a turned-on voice.

“I’m a vampire.” I said as we went into the car.

“Siriusly?” he gasped.

“Yah siriusly.” I said drinking sum beer. Satan started 2 drive da car. I smelled happily.

“Itz too bad we didn’t get 2 c da rest of the movie, don’t u fink?”

“Yah.” I said as we kised passively. Satan parked in a blak driveway next 2 da place where Draco and I had watched GC for the frist time. We went inside where Marylin Mason wuz playing and started to mosh lol.

“Anti-ppl now uve gone 2 far Jeus Krist Superstar!1111” screamed Marlin on da stage. We did the devil fingers. I started 2 dance really close to Satan. He was so shmexay!1 He looked at me all emo with his gothic red eyes and he looked exactly like Mikey Way. I almost got an orgaism!1 Suddenly Marylin Mason stopped singing.

“I wood like to peasant……………..XBlakXTearX!11” he said. I ran onstage. Lucian, Samaro, Snap and Hades were there. They started 2 play their instilments. I got onstag.

“Wel if u wonted honesty datz all u had 2 say!1111” I sang. (I dnot own da lyerix 2 dat song) My voice sounded lik a pentagram betwen Amy Lee and a gurl version of Gerard Woy. Everyone clappd. Satan got an eructation. “I’M NUT OKAY!1” I sang finaly. Suddenly Lucian started playing da song wrong by mistak.

“OMFG!1” yielded James. “Wut the fuck?”

“Woops im sory!” said Lucian.

“You fuking ashhole!1” James shouted angrily.

“U guys are such prepz!11” Snap said. “Cum on it wuz a mistake!1”

“Yah itz not his fault!11” said Serious.

“No he ruined the fucking song!1” yelled Samaro.

“U guys stop!11” I shotoed angrily but it waz 2 late. They all began 2 fight. Sudenly Samaro took out hiz nife.

“OMFG no!11” shouted Lucan but it wuz 2 late James tried 2 shoot off his arm.

And den……………………………I jumped secxily in front of da bullet!11

“No!111” yielded everyone but it wuz 2 late suddenly everyfing went blak.

Chapter 39. I Am A Trolling Genious, lolz

Disclaimer: I do not own the HP series and I am not the real XXXbloodyrists666XXX.

AN// I am an extremely immature pathetic idiot girl, I know. Out of boredom, I crack this girl's passy for fun (and it took less than 8 minutes to do it too) and will probably get in a shitload of trouble. Which I probably deserve 'cause I'm being a troll right now. Meh.

And I present to you MY crappy part in this story. (And take note I haven't even finished reading this fic yet, but instead skip over to skim chapter 38.) Flame, laugh, do whatever you want "preps."

I, the American retail wearing british vampire Sue, coughed up blood.

Satan kneeled down beside me.

"Noooooooooooooooo! Don't die!"

I gave him a rueful smile. "I'm sorry. It's something I had to do, to fufill my duty as the noble gothic Mary Sue."

Satan sobbed. "I love you Ebony."

"I love you two. I'll...I'll see you in hell." I mumbled, already finding my surroundings fading to black.

B'loody Mary Smith suddenly popped into the room for no apparent reason. She frowned when she realized the room was oddly quiet, but at the sight of Ebony's lifeless body, she screamed. Her face became pale with horror. She screamed for the healers, Dumbledore, Mcgoogle, and every single gothic person she could think of.

Suddenly, a glow started to surround the body of Ebony. Everyone stared in shock. Her body started to lift ever so slowly and then, to everyone's shock, it started to incinerate.

When everyone realized what was happening, they rushed over to try to rescue the body, but it was too late, the Sue became nothing more then a pile of ashes.

A loud resounding of everyone bellowing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!!" filled the room.

A flash of white light from the ashes then started to bounce around the room. Everyone cowered in fear and were temporarily blinded. When it was all over, things changed.

All the silly goth clothes dropped from everyone's bodies (AN//I will refuse to explain how the hell that happened.) and, in their place, clothes the characters would normally wear in canon appeared on their bodies.

When everyone got over the shock of becoming free of the gofick power, everybody cheered. Everyone started singing 'Ding dong the sue is dead...' Well, that is, until all the HP characters realized the true implications of becoming more canon like again.

All the characters who were supposed to be dead fell to the floor, their bodies cold and lifeless. Harry and Voldemort started dueling. On the left side of the two, the battle of the Light Side and the Dark Side were reaching a climax.

And, because the replacement author also likes to screw around with canon, Draco and Hermione fled the scene and got married.



Down in hell, Ebony shed a single tear because of her current situation. A situation that would live on for all eternity. Or at least until the end of fanfiction time.

She lost it all, but she knew she had to remain strong. Nothing would ever break her down.

She looked down over her pale body, and frowned. 'Where are my emo clothes?' She asked herself in confusion.

And then it occured to her...

For her shirt, she was wearing a bright pink polo with a little seagull on the (right or left? I can't remember) side. Below that, she was wearing a denim miniskirt with the "destroyed" look on it. Paired underneath that skirt were leggings with a little moose at the bottom. And then Ebony realized, on her shoulder, she was carrying a pretty bag with an eagle on it that said Live Your Life written all over the bag.

Ebony supressed the urge to scream. Here she was decked out in clothes prep to the extreme wearing stuff from Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, AND Hollister.

Panicked, Ebony hastily tried to take off the Hollister polo, but underneath it, there was another Hollister polo underneath. Ebony frowned, and looked under her shirt. All she saw was a bra underneath (dare I point out it's from the Aerie line available at American Eagle?). Ebony tried to remove the shirt again. But to her frustration, there was yet again another polo to replace it.

"THIS IS UNLOGICAL AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!!" Ebony bellowed out to the air. She failed to see the irony in her statement, how hypocrytical her words were, seeing as she was practically calling the kettle black here.

Ebony slit her writs and mumbled to herself, "Omigod."

/End Crap Fic.

AN// Oh yeah, if you wanna see the original content this chick had planned for this chapter, I accessed it through the document manager thingy, which I copied and pasted, so you can read it here:

AN: stfu prepz git a lif!111111 U SUCK!11 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be able 2 update 4 a while, lolz. fangz 2 evry1 hu revoiwed expect da prepz hu flamed FOK U!1 MCR RULEZ 666!111


I woke up in da Norse’s offace on a special gothik coffin. Hairgrid wuz in da bed opposite me in a comma coz Vampir and Draco had bet him up. Mr. Noris was cleaning the room.

“Oh mi satan wut happened!” I screamed. Suddenly Volxemort came. He loked less mean then usual.

“Get the fuk out u fucking bastard!11” I yielded.

“Thou hath nut killd Vampire yet!11” he said arngrily. Sudenly he started 2 cry tearz of blood al selective.

“Volxemort? OMFG what’s wrong!111” I asked.

Sudenly………. Lucian, Profesor Sinister and Serious came! B’lody Mary and Vampire were wif dem. Every1 was holding blak boxez. VOLXEMORT DISAPAERD.

“OMFG Enoby ur alive!111” Scremed Vampire. I hugged him and B’lody Mary.

“What the fuk happened?” I asked dem. “Oh my satan!11 Am I lik dead now?” I gosped.

“Enoby u were almost shot!11” said Serious. “But da ballet could not kill u since u were form anodder time.”

“But fangz anyway!1” said Lucian holding oot his arm. I gasped. He had two arms!

“OMG I cant beleve Vampirz’ dad shot u!1” I gasped.

“Well 2 be honest Snap wuz pozzesd by Snap bak den.” said James.

“Yah he wuz a spy.” Serious said sadly. “He wuz really a Death Dealer.”

“And he wuz such a fuking poser 2!11” said Lucian. “He didn’t even realy no hu GC were until I told him.” Well anyway everyone tarted 2 give me presents. I was opening a blak box wif red 666s (there wuz a dvd of corps bride in it) on it when I gasped. Mr. Noris looked up angrily coz he h8ed gothz.

“Hey haz aneone fuking seen Draco?” I asked gothikally.

“No Draco told me he wood be watching Hoes of Wax.” said Profesor Trevolry. “He duzzn’t know dat ur better. Anyway da norse said u could get up. Cum on!1”

I got up suicidally. Lucian, Serious and Profesor Sinister left. I wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun. Under that I had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak lace, with a matching thong that said goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong (if u don’t get da idea massage me ill tell u). I put on a blak fishnet top under a blak MCR t-shirt, a blak leather mini with blak lace and congress shoes. I left the hospital’s wings wif B’lody Mary, Willow and Vampire.

“OMFG letz celebrate!11” gasped Willow.

“We can go c Hose of Wax wif Draco!1” giggled Vampire.

“Letz go lizzen 2 GC and kut ourselvz 666!11” said Hermoine. We opened da conmen room door sexily. And den………..I gasped……………………………………… Draco wuz there doing it wif Snap!1111111111111111111111111 He wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy jeanz.

“U fucking prep!11” we all yielded angrily.

“Yah u betrayed us!111” shooted Vampire angrily as he took out his blak gun.

“No u don’t understand!1” screamed Draco sadly as he took his thingie out of Snake’s.

“No shit u fuking suk u preppy bastard!111” said Willow trying 2 attak him (u rok girl!1). I ran suicidally to my room I sexily took a steak out.

“Enoby no!11111” screamed Draco but it wuz 2 l8 I had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly everyfing went blak again.



An-Anon-Author-Who-Will-Silently-Not-Reveal-Her-Identity-Because-She's-A-Coward :P

A.K.A. Just a troll with rocks for brains.

Chapter 40. LOL! Someone has taken my account over!

THE IDIOT'S NOTE: Well... this was in the doc area... might as well let the whole world see what the real Tara wanted to show us... Have a nice day!

AN: stfu prepz git a lif!111111 U SUCK!11 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be able 2 update 4 a while, lolz. fangz 2 evry1 hu revoiwed expect da prepz hu flamed FOK U!1 MCR RULEZ 666!111


I woke up in da Norse’s offace on a special gothik coffin. Hairgrid wuz in da bed opposite me in a comma coz Vampir and Draco had bet him up. Mr. Noris was cleaning the room.

“Oh mi satan wut happened!” I screamed. Suddenly Volxemort came. He loked less mean then usual.

“Get the fuk out u fucking bastard!11” I yielded.

“Thou hath nut killd Vampire yet!11” he said arngrily. Sudenly he started 2 cry tearz of blood al selective.

“Volxemort? OMFG what’s wrong!111” I asked.

Sudenly………. Lucian, Profesor Sinister and Serious came! B’lody Mary and Vampire were wif dem. Every1 was holding blak boxez. VOLXEMORT DISAPAERD.

“OMFG Enoby ur alive!111” Scremed Vampire. I hugged him and B’lody Mary.

“What the fuk happened?” I asked dem. “Oh my satan!11 Am I lik dead now?” I gosped.

“Enoby u were almost shot!11” said Serious. “But da ballet could not kill u since u were form anodder time.”

“But fangz anyway!1” said Lucian holding oot his arm. I gasped. He had two arms!

“OMG I cant beleve Vampirz’ dad shot u!1” I gasped.

“Well 2 be honest Snap wuz pozzesd by Snap bak den.” said James.

“Yah he wuz a spy.” Serious said sadly. “He wuz really a Death Dealer.”

“And he wuz such a fuking poser 2!11” said Lucian. “He didn’t even realy no hu GC were until I told him.” Well anyway everyone tarted 2 give me presents. I was opening a blak box wif red 666s (there wuz a dvd of corps bride in it) on it when I gasped. Mr. Noris looked up angrily coz he h8ed gothz.

“Hey haz aneone fuking seen Draco?” I asked gothikally.

“No Draco told me he wood be watching Hoes of Wax.” said Profesor Trevolry. “He duzzn’t know dat ur better. Anyway da norse said u could get up. Cum on!1”

I got up suicidally. Lucian, Serious and Profesor Sinister left. I wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun. Under that I had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak lace, with a matching thong that said goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong (if u don’t get da idea massage me ill tell u). I put on a blak fishnet top under a blak MCR t-shirt, a blak leather mini with blak lace and congress shoes. I left the hospital’s wings wif B’lody Mary, Willow and Vampire.

“OMFG letz celebrate!11” gasped Willow.

“We can go c Hose of Wax wif Draco!1” giggled Vampire.

“Letz go lizzen 2 GC and kut ourselvz 666!11” said Hermoine. We opened da conmen room door sexily. And den………..I gasped……………………………………… Draco wuz there doing it wif Snap!1111111111111111111111111 He wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy jeanz.

“U fucking prep!11” we all yielded angrily.

“Yah u betrayed us!111” shooted Vampire angrily as he took out his blak gun.

“No u don’t understand!1” screamed Draco sadly as he took his thingie out of Snake’s.

“No shit u fuking suk u preppy bastard!111” said Willow trying 2 attak him (u rok girl!1). I ran suicidally to my room I sexily took a steak out.

“Enoby no!11111” screamed Draco but it wuz 2 l8 I had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly everyfing went blak again.

Idiot's Note: Ugh... I know... terrible... but then again, this wouldn't be called the 'worst fanfic ever if not for the fact that the writing standards meets the level of a day old fetus...

Chapter 41.

AN: 2 every1 hu kepz flaming diz GIT S LIF!!!!! I bet u proly odnt no hu gerod way is ur proly al prepz and pozers!!!!!!!!11111 neway sum1 hakked in2 mi akkount in November and dey put up my last chaptah but now der is a new 1. im surry 4 nut updating g 4 a while but ive been rilly bizzy. im trying 2 finish da story b4 da new movie kumz out. Im gong on vacation 4 a mons I wont be bak until abott 2 weeks. OMFG drako iz so hot in all da pix 4 da new movie!!!111 I wunted dem 2 put a kameo by geord way lol he hsud play drako. if u flame ill slit muh risztz!!!!!!!!11 raven u rok gurl hav fun in ingland.


When I wook up I wuz in a strange room. I loked around I wuz wearing da same outfit I had when is performed wif XBlakXTearX!!!!!11 I looked arund confusedly. It wuz da Norse’s office but it looked difrent!! On da wall wuz a pik of Marlyin Munzon!!!1111 (just imagin dat he is an 80s goffik band 2 ok koz he is more old den panic?! at da dizcko or mcr) der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles calander with a picture of the beetlez werring iyeliner and blak cloves. On it said ‘1980.’

“OMFG!!! Im back in Tim again!!!!111” I screamed loudly. Suddenly Satan(dis is actually voldimort 4 photo refrenss!). Voldimort wuz wearing a blak leather Jackson, blak tight jeans and fishnet pantz. He looked so sexah I almost had an orgy!!!!11

“OMFG Enoby r u ok.” He asked gothikally.

“Yah Im okay 4 ur in4mation.” I snapped sexily. “OMG am I dedd???” koz I remembered I had jumped in front off da bullet from Jame’s gun. I also rememberd cing Drako doing it wif Snap!!!!111

I guessed dat when I had slit mi wrists I had went bak in tim instead of dieing. I knoew I could go forward in time if I found a time-toner or da tim machine.

“No ur not dead.” Satan reassured suicidally as he smokd a cigarette sexily and smoke came all over his face. “Ur a vampire so u kant die frum a bullet. Cum on now lets go c how Hairy’s dad is doing.”

I noo dat da real reason I didn’t die from da ballet was koz I was from da future. “WTF!!!! James almust shot Luciious!!!” I said indigoally. I knew that James had really ben possezzed, but I didn’t want him2 know I knew.

“Yah I know but he had a headache he wz under a lot of stress.” Satan reasoned evilly.

“I guess that’s ok.” I said because James hadn’t really shot Lucian. Also I noo that Lucian wood now have 2 arms instead of 1. I walked seduktivly outside with Satan. Suddeni I saw a totally sexi goffik bi guy!!!!!11 He had bleched blond hair wiv blak streaks up 2 his ears and he wuz wearing goffik blak iliner, a blak Green Day shirt (it showed billy joel wiv bolnd hair since it was da eighties), blak congress shoes and black baggy pants. He walked in all sexly like Gerrd way in the vido for I Don’t 3 u lyk I did yesterday and you cud see a blak tear on his face lyk da wmn in dat video. “Hey.” He sed all qwietly and goffically.

“Who da fuck is that?” I asked angrly cos I did nut kno him.

“Dis is…Hedwig!!!!!!!!!11” Sed Volximort. “He used to be in XBlackXTearX 2 but he had 2 dropp out koz he broke his arm.

“Hey Hedwig.” I said seductively evn tho I wuz nut tring to b.

“Lol hi Enoby.” He answered but then he ran away bcos he had hair of magical creature. He was humming Welcum 2 da Blak Prade under his breth( I no dat is not 80s but pretend it is ok!!)

“Bye.” I sed all sexily.

“Dat was Hedwig. He used 2 b my boifreind but we broke up.” Satan said sadly, luking at his blak nails.

“OMFG I can get u bak 2gether!” I said fingering something I didn’t know wuz in my pocket- a blak Kute is What we Aim 4 cideo ipod that I could take videos wif (duz ne1 elze no about dem??? dey kik azz!!!!).

“Ok u can 4get about ur class for now, Hedwig. Im going 2 show u something grate!!!!1” I led them to da Great Hall. “Cum on u guys.”

Lucian, James, Serious and Snake were all in da Grate Hall. Lucian woudnt talk wiv James because he had tried 2 shoot him.

“Go fuk urself you fukking douche!” he shouted at him. “Drako is never gong 2 b frends with vampire now!!1”

“Yah go fuck urself Samaro!” Snape agreed but I noo he wuz lying koz it had been his folt James had almost shot Lucian.

“B quiet u guys.” I said sexily. Mi plan waz working oot great. Now I kood make Voldement good wivout doing it with him! Now Vampire’s dad wood never die and “OK Satan and Hedwig, u guys can start making out.” I said and I started 2 film dem wiv da ipod.

“Kool.” said Serious as Voldemort and Hedwig started 2 make out sexily. We watched as tdey started 2 take each odderz cloves off sexily. Samaro, Serious, Snake and Lucian all watched koz dey wer prolly bi. I noo Snape was bi.

“Oh my fukking god!!!! Voldimort! Voldimort!” screamed Hedwig as his glock touched Voldemort’s.

But suddenly everything stopped as da door opend and in kame………………Dumblydore and Mr. Norris!!!!111111111111

Chapter 42. da blak parade

AN: omg da new book iz kumming out rlly soon I kant wait!!!1111. I fink dat snap will be really the same person as Volximort koz dey are both haff-blood so dat will explain y he kild dumblydore and he hated hairy!!!!!1111 nd den hairy wil have 2 kommit suicide so voldimort will die koz he will rilly be a horcrox!!!!!111 omg I hope draco nd harry get 2getha dat will be so shmexxy, wont it?? If dey don’t den JKR is hamophobic!!!!!111111 fangz 4 da help wiv facts, medusa u rok!!!111


I sat depressedly in Dumbledork’s office wiv Hedwig, Satan, James, Serious, Snap and Lucian. Dumbledore was sitting in front of us cruelly. He looked more young den he did in da future. He had taken da ipod away and wuz now lizzening 2 a shitty Avril Levine song.

“What da hell is this anyway??” he cackled meanly. I hoped he didn’t find out dat I was frum another time.

“Whatever u do don’t blame Ibony, u jerk.” Satan said.

“Yah, siriusly she was trying to get Satan and Hedwig back together.” Serious said deviantly.

“Be quiet you Satanists.” Dumbledore cockled. “If ur lucky I’ll probably send u all to Akazaban!!! That will teach u to copolate in da Great Hall.” He changed the song on da ipod 2 a n’Sync song. Suddenly I noticed sumfing strong about da Ipod. It was slowly chonging! Dumblydore didn’t notece.

“You fucking poser.” I muttoned.

“I bet you’ve never herd of GC.” James said. Know I knew waht da iPod was chonging in2- Morti McFly’s tim machine!!!!!11

“Shut up Jomes!!!” Drako’s dad shouted.

“Yeah shut up!!!!” Snake said preppily.

“No u shut up Dumblydore!!!!!!!!1111” said Tom.

“I’ve had enough of u Satanists in my school!!!!” shouted Dumbledore spuriously.

Suddenly I grabed da iPod from him. “Evry1! Jump in b4 itz 2 l8!!! I jumped in2 it. But only 1 odder person jumpd in. It was……..Satan.

“You dunderheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111” screamed Dumbledore wisely as we went.

I looked around. I wuz in da Slitherin conmen room wiv Satan. I was wearing a blak plaid miniskirt with hot pink fishnetz, a sexy blak MCR corset and blak stiletto boots with pink pentagroms on dem. My earrings were blake Satanist sins and my raven hair was all around me to my mid-black.

“Hey kool where iz dis?” he asked in an emo voice.

“Dis is da future. Dumbeldore’s iPod dat he tried to take away from me wuz really also a tim machine.” I told him.

“Kool what’s an ipatch?” he whimpered.

“It’s somefing u use 2 lizzen 2 music.” I yakked.

“OMFG kool wait whatz a 4-letter-wurd 4 dirt?” he esked in his sexah voice.

“Um I guezz sand????” I laid confuesdly.

“Yah I wuz just triinyg to make sure u were stil da same perzon.” He triumphently giggled.

Suddenly some of my friends walked in.

“OMG you’re fucking alive!” said Ginny wearing a blak leather jocket, blak baggy pants and a goffik black Frum First to Last shirt. I explained 2 her why I was alive.

“Konichiwa, bitch.” said Willow. She was wearing a blak corset showing off her boobs with lace all around it and red stipes on it. With it she waz wearing a blak leather miniskirt, big blak boots, white foundation, blak eyeliner, red eyeshadow, and blak lipstick.

“Hey, motherfucker.” Said Diabolo with his red hair. He waz wearing a black P?ATD t-shit and blak baggy pants.

“Hey whose that, Ibony?” B’loody Mary questioned as she walked in wearing a black t-shit with a red pentarom on it with lace at the bottom, red letther pants with blak lace, and black stolettoes.

“Oh its Satan.” I told her and she nodded knowing da truth.

Suddenly Satan started to cry.

“Are you okay Satan?” we asked concernedly.

“OMFG ur from da future!!1! What if u don’t like m anymore koz were from difrent times?????” he asked.

“No I still like you.” I said sexily to him.

“Ok.” He said ressuredly. I let him lizzen 2 Teenagers by MCR on my ipod while I was about to go outside to find out some fingz. I gave Diabolo a signal to keep Satan occupied. Satan fell asleep. I took the iPod. I was about to walk outside. Profesor Sinister ran in!!!!!!!1111 She was wearing a gothic blak minidress with depressing blak stripes, white and blak stripped tights, and red converse shoes. She was wearing LOTS of blak iliner.

“Oh my fucking god, where’s Draco!!!!111 How did Snap get back here!!! I tohot he wuz in Azerbaijan.” I asked sadly.

“Ebony I was so worried abott u but I know you can’t fucking die because you’re a vrompire. Snape came back because that girl Britney freed him. I never liked her she was a bad student.” Trevolry said reassuredly.

“That bitch!!!!!!!11 Did she also free Hargrid and Loopin?” I shouted angrily. I hated Britney because she was a fucking prep.

“Yes they are on the loose at this school. Dumblydore is back Cornelia is on his way to help evry1. Tell evry1 u see to lock themselves in their conman room!!!!!!” Trevolry said worriedly.

“OK. But where’s Dracko???? How cum he was doing it with Snap?????”

“I dunno why but I know he almost tried 2 commit suicide after he saw u almost kill urself.” she said.

“OMG dat’s terrible!!!!!!!!” I gasped. Satan was still asleep, so he couldn’t tell what was going on. Then I said “Lizzen evry1, I have sumthing imptent to do. in hr evry1 stay!!!!!!!!!” wiv dat I ran out.

“Good luck Tara!!!!!!!11” everyone cried.

I ran sexily down the staris in2 da Grate Hall while da portraits around looked at me scaredly. There was hardly ne1 else in the stairs nd tere was an atmosphere of horrer. On da way I saw Britney laughing on da stairs. She was wearing a a slutty pink shirt wiv flowers on it, a blu jean skirt Abercromie and pink stiletoos. She looked jest like a pentagram of those fucking preps Hilery Duff and Lindsey Lohan.

“You fucking bitch!!!!!111” I shouted angrily.

“No, your totally a bitch. Now Voldemort will like totally kill u!” she laughed.

“Crucious!!!!!!!!!1” I shouted selectively pontificating my blak wand and she started screaming koz she was being tortured and I laughed sodistically.

“No!!!!!!1 Help me!!!!!!1 Please!!!!!!!!1” Britney screamed terrifiedly.

I put up my middle finger at her. In her hand I saw da video camera Snape and Lumpin had used to take da video of me. I put the tape of Voldimort doing it with Hedwigg onto it. Then I continued to rown down the stairs with the camera. When I had reached da Grate Hall I saw Vampire Potter. “OMG Vampira!!!!111” I yielded.

We hugged each udder happily. He locked at me wif his gothic red eyes and spiky blak hair. Around them were blak eyeliner and iShadow. His He wus wearing a blak leather Jackson, ledder pants, a Panik at da Disko concert shirt and his blak congress shoes. He looked mor like Joel from Good Charlote than ever. (did u hear der song da river it rox!!!1)“I wus so worried you died!” moaned Vampire.

“I know but Im a vampire lol. When I woke up I wuz back in 1980, so neway I bought Voldimort from when he was yung with me.”

“Where’s Draco?” I asked spuriously.

“Draco? You mean that fukking poser who betroyed you?” Vampir snarkled with anger in his sexy voice.


“I’ll do it den.” Harry said angstily.

“OK.” I argreed. Suddenly……….all da lights in da room went out. And den…….da Dork Mark appeared.

“Oh my fucking satan!!!!!” Harry shouted.

“I fink Voldimort has arrivd.” I sed anxiously. “Fuck, I have to find Draco!!1 I guess we shood separate.”

“Ok.” Vampire sed diapperating. Sadly I ran into the Great Hall.

Chapter 43.

AN: I fink after dis I wil hav abott 2 or three mor chapterz. Fangz 2 all muh revyooers not das flamers if u flamed sis story den u suk!!!!!!!!!111111 if u flam den fukk u!!!111


I walked sexily into the Great Hall. It was empty except for one person. Draco was there!! He sat der in deddly bloom in his blak 666 t-shirt and his baggy blak pants. He had slit his wrists!!!!!111 I felt mad at him for having sexwith Snape but I felt sorry for him. He looked just like Gerard Way with his red eyes and his pale white face.

“Draco are you okay????” I asked.

“I’m not okay.” he screamed depressedly. I thought of the MCR song nd I got even more depressed koz that song always makes me cry. I gave him a pot cigarette and he started to smoke it.

“Oh Draco why did you do it with that fucking bastard Snape?” I asked teardully.

“I-” Draco began to say but suddenly Lupin and Mr. Norris appearated in2 da room!! They didn’t see us.

“Im so glad we me and Snape were freed.” said Loopin.

“Dam, this job would be great if it wasn’t 4 da fukking students!” Mr. Norris argreed.

“Pop addelum!!!!!111” I yielded angrily pointing my wand at them.

“Noooooooo!!!!1” Lupin shouted as chains came on him. Mr. Norris ran away.

“You fukking perv.” I said laughing wiv depths of evil and depressedness in my voice. “Now u have 2 tell us where Voldimort is or I’m gong 2 torture u!!!!”

“I don’t now where he is!!!!1111” said Loopin. Suddenly Satan and Vampire ran in2 da room. Vampir didn’t know who Satan was really.

“Oh my satan, we were so worried about u guys!!1” Vampire said. I looked sexily at Draco with his goffik red eyes with contacts, blak t-shirt that said 666 on it and pale skin like Gerord Way, Vampir with his sexy blak hair and red eyes just like Frank Iero and Satan who looked jist like Brandan Urie then.

I selectively took the caramel from my pocket. And then….. I began frenching Draco sexily. Loopin gasped. Draco began to take all of his cloves off and I could see his white sex-pack. Then Vampire took his own clotes off too. We all began making out 2gther sexily. I took off my blak leather bra, my blak lace thong and the rest of my clothes. Every1 took their glocks out except 4 me im a girl lol. “Oh mi satan!! Draco!!!!” I screamed as he put his hardness in my thingy Den he did da same fing to Harry. I began making out wiv Satan and he joined in. “OMS!!!111” cried Vampire. “Oh Vampire! Vampire!!!” I screamed screamed. “Oh Satan!!!!!” yelled Harry in pleasore. Loopin watched in shock. Wee took turns doing torture curses on him koz we were all sadists. Suddenly……………………………..

………….a big blak car that said 666 on the license plate flew strait through da windows. And Snap wuz in it!!!!!!!11

Chapter 44.

AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming ok!!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!!!11 omg I stil kant wait 4 da movie!!!1 tom fleton is so hot lol i hop harry wil bekum gofik koz mi frend told me he iz rlly emo in dis book!!!!1111 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.


“Dat’s mi car!!!!” shooted Draco angrily. But suddenly it was revealied who was in da car. It wuz………….Snape!!!!!

“I shall free you Loopin but first you must help me kill these idiotic donderheads.” he said cruelly from the car as it flew circumamcizing above us. “Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way must be killed. Den the Dork Lord shall never die!!!!”

“You fucking prep!!!” yelled Draco. Then he loked at me sadly. “I forgot to tell u, Ebony. Snape made me do it with him. I didn’t really have sexx him but he’s a ropeist!!!!”

We all put our clothes on quickly except Satan. We were so scarred!!!!1 But Satan didn’t change. Instead he changed into a man with gren eyes, no nose, a gray robe and white skin. He had changed into………… Voldemont!!!!!!!111

“I knew who thou were all along.” he cackled evilly and sarcastically at me. “Now I shall kill thee all!!!!!!” Thunder came in da room.

“No plz don’t kill us!” pleaded Vampire. Suddenly Willow, B’loody Mary, Diabolo, Ginny, Drocula, Fred and Gorge, Hargrid, McGonagall, Dumblydore, Serious and Lucian all ran in.

“What is da meaning of dis?” Dumblydore asked all angrily and Voldimort lookd away (bcos dumblydore is da only whizard he is scared of.) He did a spell and suddenly his broomstick came to him sexily. Volxemort flew above the roof evilly on his broomstik.

“Oh my goth!” Slugborn gosped. (geddit kos im goffik)

“The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!!!!” Snape ejaculated menacingly.

“You fucking preppy fags!” Serious shouted angrily.

“I know a four-letter word 4 dirt, CRUCIATUS!!!” screamed Harry but da sparks from his wand only hit Draco’s car. It fell down Snap quickly crowled out of it and picked up the cideo camera.

“Oh my fucking god!!!1” I cried becoze the video of me in da bathrum, the video of me dong it wif Drako and the video of Satan doing it with

“If you kill me then deze cideos will be shown to everyone in the skull. Then u can be just like that goffik girl Paris Hillton.” He laughed meanly.

“No!” I scremed. “FYI I hav da picter of u doing it with Loopin!!!!11”

“Whats she talking abott??????” Lupin slurped as he sat in chains.

“I saw 2 she’s gunna show evry1 da picter!!!111” Harry shouted angrily.

“Shut up!!!111’” Lumpkin roared.

“Foolish ignoramuses!!!!!!” yielded Voldemort from his broomstick. “Thou shall all dye soon.”

“Think again you fucking muggle poser!!!!!1” Harry yelled and then he and Diablo and Navel both took out blak guns! But Voldimort took out his own one.

“U guyz are in a Latin stand-of!!!!!!!111” I shouted despariedrly.

“Acco Nevel’s wand!!!11” cried Voldrimort nd suddenly Nevil’s wind was in his hands. “Now I shall kill thee all and Evony u will die!!!!!!!!11111”

He maid lighting come all over da place.

“Save us Ebony!” Dumbledark cried.

I cried sexily I just wanted 2 go 2 the commen room and slit my wrists with mi friends while we watched Shark Attak 3 and Saw 2 and do it with Draco but I knew I had 2 do somefing more impotent.

“ABRA KEDABRA!!!!!!!!!!!11111” I shooted.

Knight Vs. King

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 16 - Knight Versus King

Did music a different way, so the links are to other sound bytes. Let me know if you like it better this way or the other way. There will be some meta humor later, as well. Also, all weapons for the applicable ponies were taken from Fall of the Crystal Empire which is owned by Silly Filly studios. I just borrowed some props from them.

The whiteness in Nova’s vision faded in a few seconds, and he lowered his hand.

They were no longer in Luna’s cottage. They weren’t even apparently on the human planet anymore. Nova doubted the human world had buildings like this.

The room they were in was square, with a ceiling at least fifty meters high. The ground was composed of several large square tiles, which felt cold and metallic to the touch, with a larger metal square directly in the center. The walls of the room were dark, with four large pillars in the corners, and interspaced at regular intervals were stained-glass windows, all depicting Sombra rearing back in triumph.

And at the end opposite Nova was a large window, staring out over a frozen city below. And gazing out over that city, back to him, was Sombra, still wearing his business suit.

His shaggy hair was starting to wave, though there was no breeze to speak of. Nova could see the faint reflection of his red eyes in the window, and they were observing the city below.


“Where are we?” Nova asked.

“We are not in the human world, if that is what you ask,” Sombra answered, not budging. “Nor are we on Equus. As you no doubt have noticed, we are still human in form.”

“Then where?”

“A world of memory,” Sombra stated. “You stand in the highest room in the Crystal Spire when I was its lord. Before me, arrayed in the splendor I clad it in, is my empire.”

Nova could see it now. This was definitely the Crystal Empire alright. He recognized the library he had spent a week in, as well as a few of the other places he had chosen to spend his time during his brief vacation so long ago.

“We cannot return to Equus in its current state of stasis,” Sombra explained in his menacing voice, “nor can we have this confrontation on the human world, where it would attract undue attention.”

An unnatural red fire appeared in a straight line, right at Sombra’s hip, and split into two, one trailing up his body and the other down, leaving in its wake a red cape, and behind it, dark steel armor.

“Frigoris called you Luxius,” Nova pointed out.

“That name no longer has meaning to me,” Sombra replied dismissively. “Luxius was a fool. When exiled by the nobles of the Crystal Empire, he refused to relinquish his hold over the throne, and instead returned to the land with the power he thought he needed to take the throne by force.”

His red eyes narrowed.

“The battle that followed was short, but bloody. The Crystal Ponies chose to side with the enemy. But by day’s end, it was I who stood triumphant, king over the Crystal Empire, not Luxius. And my traitorous subjects were enslaved, as traitors deserved.”

He turned around, his cape flapping behind him, and glared at him with his red eyes, the auras of darkness trailing off of them.

“I will offer you one final chance to cease in this foolish venture,” he said quietly, a black aura of power appearing around his right hand as he clenched a fist. “If you attempt to force my hoof, I will do what I must.”

“You told me that the World of No Memory and the Neverending Fantasy were what heralded your return. What’s to stop me from screwing destiny myself?” Nova asked, his blade appearing in his hand in a flash of light.

“Destiny, Nova Shine, is not a railroad,” Sombra scowled. “It is not a hardline to a single destination through a single sequence of events. This destiny is one of many futures, one I which to ensure occurs.”

He bared his teeth in a snarl, his eyes going white as he blinked deliberately.

“My Third Eye has shown me the way, and I will make it so.”

The glow faded, leaving behind a gaze so intense, Nova subconsciously slid a foot back.

“Make no mistake, Night Master,” Sombra spat, “that even you are replaceable in my plans and if I must slay you, your wife-to-be, and every pony standing between me and my goal, so be it. So one last time, Nova Shine,” he snarled, “turn away from this path.”

Nova said nothing, instead choosing to meet Sombra’s fierce gaze with his own.

For a time, neither of them spoke, instead glaring at the other, daring them to make the first move.

But then, finally, Nova swung his blade up into a combative stance.

Sombra’s snarl deepened,

“So be it.”

He raised his clenched fist, pulsing with dark magic, in front of him. At once, a circular pulse of energy shot out of it, trying to push Nova backwards with its sheer intensity, but Nova held fast, using his cape to divert the flow around him.


Once the magic was expended, Sombra’s feet left the ground, and he laughed.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

His maniacal laughter was enough to send a slight chill up Nova’s spine. Nova only watched cautiously as Sombra began to float over towards him, his cape trailing behind him.

EEEYAAAH!” Sombra bellowed, flying towards the ground at high speed. Nova leapt out of the way just in time as Sombra’s fist hit the larger metal tile right where he had been standing. Where his fist hit the metal, a wave of energy pulsed out of it, shaking loose the tiles touching the center, and sending them flying into a room below, revealing that the central tile was the top of a metal pillar, and that the room underneath looked almost identical but for that detail.

Nova kept ready, prepared for Sombra’s next attack. Sombra simply continued to float above the central pillar, watching him and waiting.

To test his opponent, Nova sliced toward Sombra with his blade, the blade suddenly engulfed in flames as a tongue of fire detached itself from his blade and flew at its target. Sombra merely brought up his own cloak and batted it away.

The fire around his sword became a chilly aura, and shards of ice were sent flying at Sombra, who just shielded himself from their barrage.

“I don’t know what I expected,” growled Sombra from above. “I would normally try to get you to use your brain, but you obviously aren’t using that by attempting to battle me in the first place.”

He held up a hand, bolts of yellow energy flying from around the room to gather within it, and threw the ball of energy at Nova, who leapt aside to avoid the blast. Sombra threw another, and another, and another at him, but Nova just continued to leap away from the assault.

Finally, when he was stuck in a corner, he channeled some energy into his blade and smacked back at the ball. If the First Fundamental Law of Magic didn’t hold up here…

But his misgivings were misplaced. The shining blade hit the ball of energy and sent it flying back at Sombra, who simply batted it right back at Nova with a glowing hand.

This, however, gave Nova the time he needed to get himself into a more open space, which he did.

How can I get to him? He’ll just knock me away if I even try to get up close.

Sombra sent another ball of energy at him, and Nova, not paying attention until the very last moment, only managed to get his cloak around to block the magic in time, the solid impact of the blast pushing him back a foot.

And getting hit isn’t helping either! If there is to be a battle in the city today, I need to save all the energy I can.

He had to fight Sombra at some point. That much was clear. The best time to do battle would be now, with his Source still full of mana. But he couldn’t expend too much of it, lest he exhaust himself in time for the real endurance test.

And again, he almost was hit by one of Sombra’s attacks, this time only managing to deflect it away with his sword.

Wait a minute…

Yet another ball of energy was sent flying his way. Nova, however, smacked it back at Sombra, just as he had done earlier. Sombra simply hit it right back at him, a bit quicker than before.

But Nova blocked it again. Sombra scowled and again hit it back.

Three times Nova volleyed it back at Sombra, and three times Sombra sent it back at him with a quicker velocity.

The fourth time, however, Nova hit it just so that it flew toward Sombra’s leg, just beyond reach of his hands. Sombra attempted to dodge, but the speed at which the ball of energy was moving made it impossible. A surge of energy racked the king’s body as his floating wavered for a moment. Nova seized his opportunity and sent a flurry of spells in his direction, each making contact and adding to the damage he was causing.

Finally, Nova leapt over the divide and brought his sword down right onto Sombra’s head.


In an act of desperation, Sombra’s own weapon had appeared and blocked the blow, a black scythe with an axe-head-shaped front and another point on the opposite end of the scythe’s blade.

Nova yanked his blade free and retreated back to the outer edge, just in time for Sombra to slash through the air right where he had been with the scythe.

Sombra whirled the blade around his head and brought it slashing down, a crescent of energy flying at him in its wake. Nova leapt to the side, swinging his blade back at the crescent, and managing to deflect it back towards its caster.

This only caused Sombra to let out a growl of exasperation.

“And here I thought you knew how to actually fight. Is this some sort of joke? Do you think you’re being cute?” he demanded, his eye twitching almost unnoticeably.

“Bitch, I’m adorable,” Nova scoffed, before emphasizing his point by sending a flurry of exploding stars at Sombra.

Thank-you, Steelshod! he crowed in his head.

Sombra was forced to duck behind his cape as the explosions went off around him, a shield of red magic surrounding him and deflecting all the stars that came his way, before dropping his shield and sending a group of black crystals flying at Nova at high speed.

Nova swept his hands apart, and the barrage of black crystals was blasted away by a stream of fire that appeared in midair and split apart. Sombra swung his scythe at Nova again, who was forced to duck away from another crescent of energy, this one disintegrating one of the tiles he had been standing on.

A ball of yellow energy began to charge on the end of Sombra’s scythe, and Nova, seeing an opportunity, sent a razor-thin beam of light flying right at Sombra, who couldn’t block it in time. The beam of light shot right through him, before solidifying as a metal rod, which Nova then conducted a charge of lightning through, electrocuting the tyrant king.

Seeing that Sombra’s guard was down, Nova leapt forward onto Sombra’s platform and slashed right through his chest, an act that would have disembowelled any normal pony or human. Sombra’s wound, however, simply healed with an aura of darkness.

Sombra grabbed Nova by the neck of his shirt and sent him flying backward yet again. He landed on the tile painfully, but quickly got back up, ready to continue the fight.

Can’t use too much energy. Gotta conserve for later today, he thought, wiping a bit of sweat away..

He barely had time to react as Sombra lifted both of his hands above his head, a great red ball of energy charging above them. Nova saw another window of opportunity and rather than preempt his attack, he leapt right across and slashed upward from Sombra’s right thigh to his left shoulder. The magical energy he had been charging exploded, and Sombra let out a roar of pain as Nova leapt away.

“Well then,” he breathed, channeling energy through his hand into his blade, which began to glow a bright blue, “let’s finally put Spellblade to use.”

Energy began to crackle all along its length, before the energy began to take on a fiery sort of appearance. With that, Nova dashed forward while Sombra still writhed in pain from his own magic backfiring, and buried the blade where his heart would have been.

And for a moment, everything was still.

“Heh, you’re far better than I thought you would be,” Sombra growled, staring down at the blade.

It was at that moment that Nova knew, he fucked up.


The scene around them changed. No longer were they in the room full of stained glass. Now they stood at a place Nova had seen only within his darling fiancée’s dreams: the very top of the Crystal Spire.

He only had a brief time to appreciate the view before he felt something collide with his face and he was sent flying backward, crashing into one of the crystal pillars lining the outside and sliding to the floor in a crumpled heap.

As he slowly got to his feet, grunting in pain, he saw Sombra standing in the center of a star-emblazoned section of the floor, which he remembered was where he had hidden the Crystal Heart for safekeeping. He had pulled Nova’s sword out of his chest and was holding it by the blade.

And what was most troubling was that he was grinning malevolently.

“You are going to pay a very steep price for daring to strike me.”

His hand glowed with a dark aura, and he clenched at the blade so hard, it shattered.

It was as though a fire had erupted in Nova’s chest and burned away. He clapped a hand over his heart, fell to his knees, and he screamed in pain. The blade was only one of his Source extensions that he kept handy for fighting, but that made it all the worse. The sword was pure energy, directly tied to his Source, and Sombra had utterly destroyed it.

The sword was replaced by the scythe in his hand and he leveled it at Nova.

“You will suffer far worse at my hooves before I let you die, Nova Shine,” dark smoke began to trail from his eyes, which took on a green glow, “and in your suffering, so too will those you love suffer. A suitable punishment for standing between me and my throne.”

The pain was no less intense, but Nova staggered to his feet, a burning sensation in his throat as he breathed quickly and shallowly.

“I shall take the golden throne for myself. You will watch, and you will know that this could have all been avoided if you hadn’t been so foolish.”

“M-my goddess, do you ever shut up?” Nova spat, leaning against the pillar for support and staring directly at Sombra. “Seriously, it’s like you’re nothing but talk.”

Sombra scowled. “It would seem I will have to cut out your tongue as well. I think I will start with that.”

Nova dove sideways as Sombra’s scythe buried its point right where he had been. He thrust out a hand, attempting to call another one of his Source extensions to him in the form of another blade, but nothing came.

Come to think of it, he almost couldn’t feel any magic at all!

Nova’s mouth fell open in horror as he began to realize this. Sombra hadn’t just shattered his blade. He had cut his magic off from him!

“I see the severity of your situation is finally starting to dawn on you,” Sombra smirked, each step he took toward Nova slow and deliberate. “See what your foolishness has wrought, Night Master.”

His hand brimmed with darkness and Nova felt like his insides were being crushed and moved around against his will. He let out another groan of pain as he struggled to stay on his feet. The pain inside him continued to shift around, before suddenly it seemed like something was pushing its way toward the surface.

Before long, a black crystal appeared right over his sternum, almost like it was growing out of it.

And it was growing and spreading.

In a few short seconds, the small black crystal had grown to about two full inches long and one thick, and a couple of other crystals were sprouting from it.

And as each crystal grew, his already-limited touch of magic he couldn’t cast grew smaller and smaller.

His panic intensified. If it continued, all of his magical ability would be cut off from him completely.

“An example to be made,” Sombra reminded him. “To those who cross me, their magic they shall forfeit. The pegasi will walk as mules, the earth ponies will be weak and helpless, and the unicorns will no longer be any different from the magicless ponies that first settled Dream Valley.”

He sneered down at Nova, who had fallen off of his feet and was physically trying to rip off the black crystals to no avail.

“But what will it do to you, I wonder?” Sombra asked, his tone almost conversational, as if he were doing nothing more than asking about the weather in this memory. “For a pony such as yourself, whose very talent is in magic itself, what will losing your magic do? Will you go insane, as that fool Silverblood did? Will you learn to live with it, forever bereft of your own special talent?”

He reached down and grabbed Nova by the throat, holding him above the ground, even as Nova attempted to prise his hands off to get in a breath.

“I offered you a chance to back down. And now, there is no going back.”

He tossed Nova across the room, sending him careening directly into another of the crystal pillars around the room. By the grace of Faust, he landed back-first, avoiding sending a crystal shard further into his chest or hitting his head, and slid to the ground again. Before Nova touched down, a black chain suddenly appeared, linked tot he crystals jutting out of his chest. He felt himself be yanked forward, pain erupting in his chest, as Sombra tossed him toward one of the openings in the wall. Before he could react, he hit an invisible barrier back-first, before sliding down to the ground and collapsing into a heap.

Sombra took his time to walk over, letting Nova whimper and try to crawl away. It was painfully obvious he was enjoying this. As he stood over Nova, he let his scythe hang limply from his hand while he sneered down at the boy.

“What? No snide comment? No witty remark? Have I finally tamed the tongue of Nova Shine?” he mocked.

“Fuck you,” spat Nova, letting his hand fall to the ground and brushing his being against what little magic he had left.

A spike of crystal erupted from the ground, impaling Sombra through the chest. The tyrant let out a surprised grunt of pain, but showed no other reaction while Nova took what little satisfaction he could from his action.

“Alchemy,” Sombra smashed the crystal with a backhand and let the hole in his chest heal as tendrils of shadow filled in the gap. “I admit, I admire your cheek. Defiant and dignified, right to the end.”

Irony: noun, Nova thought, in bitter humor. Making it your life’s mission to use alchemy for three months in life, only succeeding on your deathbed.

Sombra hefted the scythe.

“Very well then,” he growled, “I will honor defiance. It’s the least I could do for a former ally.”

And he brought the blade down.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

As Luna, Discord, and the Nightmares paced around the cottage, they could only keep staring at the spot where Nova and Sombra had vanished some minutes before.

At first, everything had been silent, with everyone just staring dumbfounded at the area, but then everyone seemed to have resigned themselves to waiting, and set to impatiently striding around the room.

“What was that idiot thinking!?” thundered Discord after several minutes of silence. “What chance does he think he stands!?”

“We feared his victory over Nightmare Moon would stoke his confidence into arrogance,” admitted Frigoris bitterly. “We can see our fears were justified.”

Even Philomena had taken the opportunity to show up, considering her temporary master was no longer to be found on the world. She set about squawking and demanding some kind of answer from Luna, who could only trap the bird in her magical grasp to keep her from pecking her head raw.

“Damnable phoenix, I had nothing to do with this!” she screeched, glaring at her sister’s companion. “Nova brought this on himself by goading Sombra. All we can do is wait.”

The bird glared at Luna through an orange eye, but seemed to relent at that.

“Philomena sure seems loyal to him,” observed Discord.

“Think about Philomena’s penchant for, as ponies say, ‘trolling,’ and consider what you know of Nova,” Luna huffed. “Is it really any wonder they get along so well?”

“Do not forget,” Frigoris added, glancing out of a cottage window to see a black van likely filled with Changelings drive along the road to the city, “Philomena was assigned to keep an eye on Nova, and you know how she hates disappointing Celesia. Especially when it wasn’t her fault in some way.”

“That’s it, I’m calling you Bird Twilight from now on,” Discord poked Philomena in the chest.

Philomena chirruped and lightly pecked Discord on the nose.

Luna snorted. “Is now really the time for humor, Discord?” she demanded.

“What else can we do?” retorted the human God of Chaos, throwing up his hands in exasperation. “All our chips were stacked on him, and if he goes down…”

He trailed off and the room got quiet.

“He has never let me down yet,” Luna declared, more to herself, it seemed, than to the room. “He’ll make it. I have faith.”

{E} {I} {O} {W}

Clover let out a yell of frustration as Nova yet again stood triumphant in the Castle Chapel, their teachers and Steelshod watching the proceedings. It was not that Nova had won yet again (they all knew that was going to happen).

It was that he didn’t seem even remotely tired from the duel.

And that was probably because Clover didn’t land even a single hit to him.

His mane was perfectly, mockingly styled the same way it had been before the duel, free of the sweat that trickled down Clover’s neck, his muscles free of the exhaustion that burned underneath her skin.

But it still didn’t burn as much as her inability to get anywhere near him.

HOW!?” she screeched, a subconscious bit of magic amplifying her voice and making him wince from the gust resulting from the sheer force of her voice, the closest thing she had done to make him move all day. “HOW CAN I NOT EVEN TOUCH YOU!?”

“Peace, our student,” Princess Celestia made to step between them, but one of Luna’s hooves blocked her off.

“Let them settle it,” Luna suggested, eyes not leaving the pair on the raised dais.

“Is that wise, sister?” asked Celestia, glancing toward them as well. “Nova will not goad her, but that does not mean she won’t goad herself into doing something foalish.”

Steelshod remained silent, watching the proceedings with a combination of trepidation and interest. If he were honest, he felt like he had been struck dumb. Clover had been educated on magic and dueling by the being that had cast down Tirek himself, and Nova Shine had brushed her aside like she were nothing more than a nuisance!

What chance did he, a unicorn captain, stand against this prodigy of spellcasting?

“Because that wasn’t the end of the fight,” Nova replied simply, shrugging and looking almost disinterested, despite the fact that Clover was so angry her mane was starting to smoke.

“I can’t touch you!” she yelled back at him. “Even when I pull out all the stops, you dodge or deflect my spells like they’re nothing! How is it not over!?”

Nova turned his cool gaze to Clover, a smirk working its way across his face.

“Because even though you haven’t touched me yet," he was pawing at the ground, something Steelshod had come to recognize as the prelude to him attempting to engage the battle again, “you still haven’t been submitted.”

Her fury seemed to recede, if only a bit, replaced by suspicion.

“What are you talking about?”

“You think it’s over, because you haven’t been able to strike me with a spell,” Nova frowned at her, “but this duel isn’t finished. It won’t be finished until one of us is submitted.”

He glanced at Celestia and Luna.

“Even when it was clear I was outmatched by my teacher, that didn’t stop me,” he continued. “I had nothing to lose from that fight, and surrendering to what I thought was inevitable got me nothing. So I kept fighting. I dared to keep fighting. And I dared to keep giving it my all.”

He smirked again.

“And through some miracle, I managed to singe one of Luna’s feathers.”

Celestia’s eyes snapped to her sister’s wings, which Luna unfurled to reveal a black spot tainting the otherwise-unblemished surface of her left wing, the remnant of a spell Nova had managed to hit her with only a week before.

“So don’t give up. Even when it looks like it’s over, keep fighting. Never give in. You gain nothing by rolling over, so stare back into the face of defeat, say ‘Not today,’ and make them always remember the day they faced you.”

He cracked his neck and entered a fighting stance.

For a few moments, everything was still, as they all waited with bated breath for Clover’s response.

And finally, she let out a deep breath and charged.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

The scythe came to an abrupt halt in midair, a musical ping! echoing throughout the crystal chamber.

Sombra could only stare in shock as Nova Shine held up his arm, thrown up in desperation to perhaps miraculously stave off the killing blow.

“Impossible…” the tyrant breathed.

His scythe was being stopped by a blue magical shield, a shield that surrounded Nova and seemed to be emanating from him, even though he couldn’t feel himself using any magic!

Sombra reared back and brought the scythe down again, and again, the blue shield stopped it. Ripples of energy shimmered across the surface of the shield as he brought down the scythe again and again, hoping to break through, but this magical shield was holding firm.

And finally, Sombra brought it down with a roar, putting all his strength behind it. As the scythe hit the shield, the musical ping! sounded again, but the energy of the hit blasted Sombra backward, sending him flying through the air to land across the room.

The energy ripples were now converging on the spot Sombra’s scythe had hit, and with it, the shield was growing smaller and smaller, until it was nothing more than a bright blue light, hanging in the air in Nova’s palm.

There was a bright flash of light, and the soft sound of shimmering magic, and when he could see again, Nova gasped.

A pristine sword was floating right before his palm. The metal of the blade was bright, almost white metal. The crossguard featured two silver wings flared outward from a large blue sapphire set into the guard. Etched into the blade, just above the rim holding the sapphire in place, was his cutie mark, and embossed on the plain, disc-shaped pommel were two cutie marks. One, a green three-leafed clover, and the other, a six-pointed magenta star surrounded by six smaller white ones, with one white one set right behind it.

Almost as if it were calling to him, Nova felt his fingers close around the blue-stitched hilt of the blade, noticing that his hand fit perfectly around it.

At once, an electric surge ran through his arm. The black crystals still embedded in his chest shattered, and he once again felt the welcome light of magic flood his being

He was whole once again.

Even as he reveled in the sensation of being able to touch and use magic yet again, his gaze was drawn to the tyrant pulling himself off the floor, who was staring with abject fury and unmistakable horror at the blade in Nova’s hand.

“No…” he breathed, his fist clenching around the handle of his black scythe, “you were blocked…”

Nova’s great grin slid into a smirk.

“Not today.”

And before Sombra could react, Nova as upon him, hacking and slashing faster than Sombra could block, tearing through Sombra as though he were nothing.

Nova slashed and slashed, slicing deep into Sombra’s body, only for shadows to bind the cuts back together.

He’s got to run low soon. He’s got to! Nova thought as he sliced off Sombra’s hand to prevent him from getting a swing with his scythe at him.


An explosion of dark magic blasted out of Sombra, sending Nova skidding backward along the ground. He quickly dug his sword into the crystal surface, using the momentum to swing himself back around, plant his feet, and charge Sombra yet again.


Something struck Nova on the cheek, sending him backward yet again. This time, he landed on his back, painfully grunting at the moment of contact.

There was a whirling noise, and before pausing to think, Nova rolled out of the way just as the axe-head of the scythe buried itself right where he had been.

Panicking, if only for a moment, he swung the new sword at where he assumed Sombra was. To his astonishment, the blade glowed blue and a beam of energy blasted from it, catching Sombra square in the chest unexpectedly.

The hell?

It was like his sword was a horn! It channeled his magic without him needing to consciously divert it, like the sword he had made from his Source Extensions had. He grinned.

As he did so, five orbs of light appeared around him, spinning quickly to create a mesmerizing streak of light.

He was back in business.

Sombra landed lightly, his eyes glowing with the purple light of corrupted magic, his teeth grit , and his neck bulging with just how hard he was clenching his teeth. His scythe was held by his side, his other hand thrust toward Nova, and brimming with dark energy.

Nova felt the imbalance the instant before it happened, and leapt sideways again as a jagged bolt of black lightning blasted from Sombra's hand, the ground behind him exploding. Nova felt the sting as sharp, small bits of crystal sliced his skin, but he would worry about his injuries later.

Another dodged bolt, another slash of the scythe, and then Sombra caused a rain of black crystals. Nova knew he couldn’t dodge all of them, so he settled for slicing as many as he could with his new sword, noting with pleasure at how it seemed to feel weightless, even in his growing fatigue.

He felt the aura rise up behind him and ducked under the swing of a massive black tentacle of shadow, turning around to sever the follow-up.

“Why can you not just die!?” growled Sombra from the center of a mass of the shadowy tendrils.

“Fuck you, that’s why,” replied Nova coolly, the white orbs around him zooming up to block more of the raining crystal.

“Is this all really worth it?” Sombra asked, glaring at Nova as the tendrils shifted around him. “You are only exhausting yourself before the battles even begin today.”

“And I’m also removing Envy’s black queen from the board,” Nova lifted the handle of his sword to ear level, blade pointed at his foe, and a hand outstretched, as though ready to parry an incoming blow. “You’ve played chess. You know what the queen does when its master commands. Even though you say your stake is in the white side, your final allegiance, willingly or not, is the black, and thus, you need to be removed from play.”

Sombra’s glare deepened into a snarl.

“You persist in this foolishness, and it will not end well, Nova Shine. Of that,” he hefted the scythe again, “you have my word.”

“Well, so far, you haven’t been able to back up said words,” Nova scoffed, conveniently not bringing up just how close to death he was mere minutes ago.

Sombra’s snarl deepened even further, and with little warning, two of the shadowy tendrils stabbed themselves art Nova, who severed them both before charging the tyrant.

A number of blue beams appeared all around Nova and pelted themselves at Sombra, aiming to force him away from his current small entrenchment. He succeeded, as Sombra was forced to drop his spell and shift away into the open. One bolt, through a little bit of underhandedness, reflected itself off the ground to catch Sombra under the chin, sending him sprawling on the floor.

The rain of crystals stopped, and the white orbs flew in front of Nova, creating a circle as tall as him, through which Nova targeted Sombra.

The orbs suddenly began to rotate at an incredible speed, creating a ring of white, and each orb began to glow blue.

“Say ‘Ah,’” Nova taunted, before he pointed his sword at Sombra.

The tip of the blade glowed blue for the briefest of moments.

A massive blue beam of energy erupted from the point of the blade, traveling through the ring of Source extensions, which added individual beams of their own to the mix. Before Sombra could react, the magic hit him, blasting into him with an intensity Sombra hadn’t felt since he battled the Princesses themselves.

Who… What… IS he…? the fallen king thought as the unceasing beam continued to flow.

Nova knew he had the tyrant finished. He hadn’t managed to block this, Nova’s most powerful attack yet, and now that he was unable to shield himself from the brunt of the attack, it was time for the finishing blow.

Nova cut off the flow from his Source, charging forward the same instant. Sombra was staggering from the attack, and he appeared dazed, but Nova didn’t halt. He reared his blade back, blade glowing the brightest blue, ready to strike--

“I, Night Master, condemn you to oblivion.”

--and slashed right through the tyrant’s chest.

For another moment, a pause in the battle, everything was still. And then everything went white.

{E} {I} {O} {W}

“We need to start coming up with the contingency plan for if Nova fails,” Frigoris commented, leaning against one of the walls.

“Have you no faith in my pupil?” Luna asked, casting a glare at the thestral, who shrugged.

“Regardless of whether or not I have faith, Mistress, today is the only day an escape plan can be acted upon.” Luna was dismayed to hear how apathetic he seemed to sound. “If Nova succeeds in his foolhardy venture, we may have to account for whatever exhaustion he suffers from his battle with Sombra. And if Sombra wins...” he trailed off dangerously.

“That won’t happen,” Luna affirmed, no hint of uncertainty in her voice. “If I know Nova, even when he blunders into a sticky situation without thinking, he always finds a way to survive and ensure the best outcome.”

Silence fell over the group again as the seconds ticked by. And each second that ticked by only increased the tension in the room.

Frigoris could see the faint outlines of veins bulging in his mother’s temples, the subtle shake of her hands as she clenched her fists to hide it, the fear in her eyes that she normally hid so well…

Frigoris had never felt jealousy toward the affection Luna had for Nova in his life, nor did he feel it now. But he did feel a bit of jealously at Luna herself. He had watched the colt from afar while he trained as the Night Apprentice, met him and began developing a casual acquaintanceship with him the day Luna sent him and Starstep to stay at his home.

Frigoris was jealous of his mother, for she had someone she cared about so greatly she was clearly shaken by the thought of his failure and death. Frigoris had no such pony in his life. His maker, the Nightmare, had created the twelve of them to be her tools for destruction and conquest. But when she was restored as Luna, they began to become more than that.

A bright light appeared in the room, followed by a strange sound of rushing air. Everyone in the room was forced to avert their gaze until the light faded, and when it did, everyone made exclamations of surprise.

Sombra stood in the center of the room, arms thrown up as if to desperately block a blow, while a few feet away, behind him, Nova Shine stood with his blade held outward, as if he had slashed.

It took only a moment for everyone to comprehend what they were seeing, but before they could, Sombra collapsed to his knees, howling at the top of his lungs.

Frigoris could only watch in morbid curiosity as the king held his hands up in horror in front of his face, tendrils of shadow seeming to evaporate from them.

“No…” Sombra’s voice shook with fear. “This… cannot… I… I won’t allow--”

His breath caught, before the disintegration intensified, leading Sombra to let out a yell of horror as he was completely and utterly decomposed, the tendrils of darkness fading away completely, leaving only the crackling red crystal in his place.

Sombra was no more.

For a long moment, everyone could only stare at the spot Sombra had been vanquished, and at Nova, who for some reason was still standing in that pose.

“Can someone please make a comment, or something?” Nova finally asked, still not moving. “I need to exit this dramatic pose with some flair.”

“You… you just…” Luna breathed, apparently not quite believing what she was hearing, “you just vanquished Sombra, the tyrant king of shadow, and you're worried about the flair added to your dramatic pose!?”

“Damn it,” Nova stood up and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “That ruined the moment, didn’t it?”

“You are the single most unbelievable individual I have ever met, you know that?” Luna was pinching the bridge of her nose even as she shook her head and berated Nova. “You just faced a tyrant with the powers of darkness and defeated him, and all you cared about was your flair and victory pose!?”

“What about Discord?” Nova felt compelled to ask.

“Discord? Bah,” Luna tossed her hand, “His randomness is expected because he’s… well, himself.”

“Hey!” Discord interjected. “You wound me, Moonbutt! You mean to tell me I’ve gotten predictable!?

“I think that’s exactly what she’s insinuating,” Nova’s sword vanished in a flash of light, though not before Frigoris was able to notice that it was not the same sword Nova usually conjured with his Source extensions.

“What’s with your fancy new toy?” he asked.

“Fancy new toy?” both Luna and Discord asked, looking over at Frigoris, who just shrugged.

“That sword of his,” Frigoris replied simply.

“This one?” Nova asked, a mischievous smile appearing on his face as he held out his hand again and there was a flash of bright light.

Now that Frigoris had time to survey it, he did notice the differences. Where Nova’s normal sword was a simple one, this one looked like a true work of art. A blue gem in the guard, silver wings forming the crossguard, a disc-shaped pommel with a green clover on one side and the magenta star of Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark just visible at its current angle on the other, and the unblemished blade, with his cutie mark embossed on its surface close to the aforementioned blue gem.

“Whoa,” breathed the young Starstep, transfixed by the blade.

Frigoris wished he knew what it was. He had a feeling Mother and Discord did, though, and hoped they would explain.

Nova, however, paid them no mind, instead turning around and kneeling down where Sombra had disintegrated, and picked up the glowing red crystal Sombra had been carrying earlier.

“Looks like I got what I came for,”he noted, pulling out Twilight Sparkle’s Soul Gem and undoubtedly assuring his fiancee that she would be free soon, before both crystals vanished in a flash of blue magic.

“Nova, let me see that sword,” Luna held out a hand.

“This?” Nova asked, glancing at her and holding it up. At her nod, he shrugged and handed it over while he pocketed the curse gem and the Soul Gem.

“Where did Bird Twilight get off to?” wondered Discord aloud, apparently suddenly noticing the phoenix’s absence. .

As if on cue, the bird appeared on Nova’s shoulder in a flash of fire, chirruping and giving him a light peck on the head.

“Mother of plot relevance,” Discord rolled his eyes. “Are we going to get a move on with the story, or are we going to continue standing around here? We’ve gotta get to the climax some time in the next few chapters.”

“How did this blade come to appear?” Luna asked, eyes lingering on Twilight’s cutie mark.

“Fuck if I know,” Nova shrugged. “Sombra cast this spell on me that cut off my Source and kept me from using magic. Then a few moments later, I stick my hand up to block his scythe out of desperation and a blue magic shield blocks it anyway. Then the sword just appeared and broke Sombra’s magic spell on me.”

Luna sighed quietly, shaking her head almost negligibly, as if thinking to herself.

“That cannot be it,” she whispered, almost too quietly for Frigoris to hear. Looking up from the blade, she stared at Nova again. “Was that truly all there was to it?”

“Am I lying to you, Princess?” Nova asked, holding his arms out, showing there was nothing hidden.

“Clearly not…” Luna dismissed, returning her gaze to the blade. “Your’s is not the first Sword of Soul we have seen, though the manner of its forging does not align with other manners except in the most basic of senses.”

“Hang on, ‘Sword of Soul?’” Nova asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Never heard of that before.”

“Well, there’s a lot of names for it,” Discord interjected. “You might have heard of at least one of them. Soul Sword--”

“Wonder how they got that one,” remarked Nova dryly.

“--Spirit Blade, Soulblade, the list goes on and on.” Discord began to stroke his beard. “But since dear old Celly released me from stone, you’re the first pony I’ve seen forge a Sword of Soul or even carry one “

“The process of forging one is not as simple as your’s appears to have been,” Luna continued inspecting Nova’s sword.

“I’m just gonna call it Soulblade from now on, or something,” Nova commented. “Sword of Soul is a mouthful.”

“Why not call it Soulcalibur?” asked Starstep.

“Because the author’s done making pop culture references in this chapter,” Discord replied, before glaring at said being. “And he really should be getting on with things instead of making these breaks in the fourth wall just to write himself out of a corner. It’s really getting quite obnoxious.”

“The only ponies to have ever wielded a Soulblade have been ponies of exceptional discipline and magical strength. The process of forging such a weapon involves concentrating their mana to an insane degree, before their magic shapes the weapon based on the pony who made it. It takes days-- weeks, even-- to forge one.”

“So how did I break the rules?” Nova asked. Frigoris noted that he seemed to be taking all of this quite well. He might not be able to tell, but his mother looked quite irritated that something inexplicable had happened.

“The only other ponies I could even compare to you in this situation also forged Soulblades,” Luna’s voice gained a distant quality to it. “It seems inconceivable that your forging took so short a time and seemed so convenient. But when I compare you to the other two ponies who forged them, I cannot help but notice a link.”

“Who are they?” Nova asked.

“The first was myself,” said Luna, her hand glowing blue and a far simpler blade, consisting of blue wings extending from a crescent moon-shaped guard appeared. “My forging took three days. Even my sister’s lasted a week, and at the time I waved it off, thinking it was simply because I was the more magical one.”

She furrowed her brow as she examined the gem in Nova’s blade’s guard.

“The second was Clover.”

Nova felt his mouth part, but Luna was continuing.

“Steelshod did it first, at our request shortly after his promotion to General. It took him a full two weeks before his blade was formed. Once he was finished, he convinced Clover to forge her own, just in case she needed protection and her magic failed her.”

Her smile grew wry. “Since Steel always seemed destined to finish second-best, Clover forged her’s in only four days.”

“You don’t think…” Discord began cryptically.

“That it’s because I’ve temporarily served as the Element of Magic, or perhaps been the mouthpiece for the Consciousness of Magic?” finished Nova. “If so, what next? Is Twilight gonna pop out a magic sword?”

“Well, we are three for four thus far on both counts,” Luna shrugged, “though Clover’s blade was little more than a rapier. Her power was through magic, and she had little need for such a blade. It was more for elegance than it was for combat. Your’s, however…”

She stood and slashed it through the air, the blade slicing cleanly through Discord’s suddenly-outstretched hand, which only reformed a moment later.

“Nimble, practical, a bit showy,” she eyed the silver wings, “sharp,” she swung again and sliced a clean gash in the wall behind her, “and very sturdy.”

She offered the blade back to Nova, who merely let it vanish into the light. before sitting back down.

“A weapon that is a mirror of its wielder, and as you change, so will it. Will it become brutal, such as a claymore? Elegant like a rapier, as was Clover’s? Will it remain practical, like mine? Perhaps it will become a spear like my sister’s?”

“Can only unicorns and alicorns make them?” Starstep asked. Frigoris felt grateful for him asking. He didn’t want to pester Mother with needless questions.

“All ponies can forge it,” Luna didn’t miss Frigoris’ interest in the conversation, “though only those with exceptional training in the powers bestowed upon their race. Earth ponies craft their weapons from the purest of stone and metal, pegasi forge their blades in lightning and ice, and unicorns through mana. Alicorns can pick and choose.”

Nova glanced at a clock on the wall. He had unraveled Envy’s scheme, forged a magic blade, vanquished a tyrant, and now had to save a city, and it wasn’t even 10:30 AM yet.

“When we get back to Equestria, we’re gonna talk about Sombra,” Nova promised, before shaking his head, “but it will have to wait. I can’t stay any longer. It’s time to get this ball rolling.”

“My Nightmares are all recovered from their ordeals,” Luna announced, her voice carrying even into the bedroom where Crisium and Imbrium had retreated. “They will be at your service, and Frigoris will be at yours personally.”

Nova’s eyes met Frigoris’ behind the yellow sunglasses. Frigoris nodded at the Night Master, who nodded back.

“You may rest assured no harm will come to him as long as I am watching, Mistress,” Frigoris promised, clapping a fist over his heart.

“As is expected, my child,” replied Luna, giving Frigoris a warm, motherly smile.

“Welp, let’s get a move on,” Nova moved over to the door and holding it open for the five Nightmares. “Discord, where are you off to?”

“Someplace nice to relax,” the human draconequus answered him, grinning. “I’m only supposed to offer backup if Envy calls, since she’s the last one left. And she doesn’t have a phone, meaning I’m all but assured of being able to sit around and do nothing.”

“If you say so. But if you are moving against us, even unwillingly...” Nova trailed off meaningfully.

“It will not come to that,” Discord assured him. “You need to get a move on. Equestria won’t save itself, you know.”

“What about you, Princess?” Nova asked. “Do you plan on entering the fray?”

“I will offer aid and shelter those who seek it, as I am sure will Cadance,” Luna bowed her head. “You will likely be one of the precious few openly casting combat magic, as many ponies will be completely unaccustomed to the way these human forms work. With that in mind, I will protect innocents and repel enemy fighters from a zone within the city, but I will not be fighting on the front lines. At first,” she added, her hand glowing blue. “Once I have a solid grasp of how much I will be able to do, I may yet join in the battle.”,

“Alright. Whether or not you’re involved, I guess I’ll see you on the other side, Princess,” Nova nodded at his former mentor. Philomena took the opportunity to fly up and vanish in a flash of fire, no doubt awaiting further instruction.

“Good luck, my Nightmares. Good luck, my Night Master,” Luna called after them as Nova shut the door behind him. It was the chosen day. There was no more turning back. Either they would make it home safe and sound, or they would all be trapped here for far longer.

For a moment, both Luna and Discord were silent.

“You know, they really need to nerf him next patch,” Discord leaned against the wall. “He’s already got tremendous magical ability, he’s been a temporary Element of Harmony, he’s marrying a princess, and now he’s got basically a second horn that doubles as a sword. To borrow the colloquialism, Nova Sue is ‘OP as fuck’ right now.”

Luna snorted, before rising to her feet.

“I must be off. If I am to establish a safe zone, I need to scope out my potential areas.”

“Alright then,” Discord tipped his hat at her. “Be safe, Loony.”

“And you too, Discord,” Luna smiled back at him, before opening the door, observing Nova and company further down the road, and flying off.

2017 April Fools Special - Clash on the Big Bridge

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Even In Other Worlds

April Fools 2017 Special - Clash on the Big Bridge

Nova and Frigoris strode along the street, each wrapped up in their clothing a bit tighter than usual due to the chilly weather of the day. Yet despite the cold, neither Nova nor Frigoris seemed all that bothered by it.

Then again, Nova loved the cold. He figured, though, that since Frigoris had been created and lived most of his life on the moon, he likely had no problems dealing with cold either.

Whatever the case, they were quiet as they marched down the street, passing nondescript buildings that would undoubtedly be filling with ponies seeking shelter from the battle to occur as the day wore on.

“Are we going anywhere in particular?” Frigoris asked as they passed an alley.

“Not really,” admitted Nova, shrugging. “I’m just following this road.”

"Brockdale Bridge is coming up soon,” Frigoris pointed out, noting the bridge’s support beams and wires rising up from the ground a ways away. “I guess this means you’re looking for a vantage point? It does offer a good view of the surrounding area.”

“Probably a good idea,” Nova nodded. “We can decide which changeling brigade to take down first.”

The walk to the bridge was slow. It was a solid mile away, but the streets were still clear on this side of town. The worst part was the climb up the ramp to the bridge proper, where the road widened to four-lane with a sharp incline. It took a bit longer than usual because of such a sharp angle, but once at the top, they had an excellent view of the surrounding section of the city.

“I don’t see anything,” said Frigoris, blocking the sun from his eyes as he stared out towards the skyscrapers of downtown. “Let’s get toward the middle.”

The bridge ran over several train tracks, and off in the distance, Nova could see the elevated freeway that ran right through the heart of the city, but like Frigoris, beyond that, he could see very little from their current perspective.

From the middle of the bridge, however, a small changeling command post came into view about two miles in the direction of downtown.

“There’s one,” Nova indicated it. His soulblade appeared in a flash of light. “Seems like a good place to start.”

“I agree,” Frigoris nodded, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “If we can make a preemptive strike, it may surprise them that we’re being this bold, and that can buy the others time.”

“Sounds like a plan."

They turned to head across the bridge to the other side, but before they could take a step, a strange tear appeared in the air in front of them. The space on the inside of this tear seemed to be full of stars and a strange purple void, through which Nova could see a strange crystal landscape.

Before he could get a proper look, or even react, someone stepped out of this tear.

He had a strange, ornate red and gold outfit that looked very Neighponese in origin, with a dual-horned helmet, red gauntlets, and a red sash hanging off his back. Strapped to said back was a lance, as well as several handles to things Nova couldn’t see, and at each side, three katana sheaths were hanging. The being had painted grey skin, stripes on his face that had to be some kind of warpaint, white pupil-less eyes, and his mouth set into a snarl as he stepped through.

Following just behind the strange man was a green wolfish beast, with yellow eyes and teeth at least the size of Nova’s fingers.

The red-clothed man grunted as he looked around.

“A modern setting, much like that one time we were in that world with the gun-swords, eh Enkidu?” the man asked in a very bassy, bombastic voice. “Or that one world with the futuristic coliseum place.”

The beast, presumably Enkidu, barked and wagged his golden tail.

“I wonder where we are,” the man turned around just as the tear in the air vanished, seemingly ignoring Nova and Frigoris. The weapons the handles were attached to were obscured by his red cloak. “This place feels very different to the places we usually end up. The magic feels off, and it’s decidedly more… boring.”

He turned back around. For the first time since the strange man had stepped out of the portal, he and Nova locked eyes.

For a long moment, neither of them did anything.

The man blinked stupidly, before suddenly leaping backwards in shock and yanking out two of the six katana he had strapped to his sides.

“What trickery is this!?” he demanded, leveling one of his katana at Nova, who shifted his own blade into a defensive position. “You would dare sneak up on me!? No one sneaks up on me! I was trained by Lord Exdeath himself! The only one who does the sneaking up on of people is me!"

“Frigoris, I have no idea what the hell is going on,” stated Nova to the thestral next to him, who didn’t even seem remotely affected by the strange man.

“Neither do I, Night Master,” the thestral replied.

“Hm?” the man’s eyes narrowed as he seemed to behold Nova’s sword. “That sword. I have never seen its like in any realm I have ever visited, and it radiates a strong magical power. Where did you get it?”

“This?” Nova asked, hefting the blade slightly. “Forged it, I guess. From my Source.”

“Your ‘Source?’” the man asked, lowering his katanas. “What is your Source? And what’s with the capital S?”

“Erm…” Nova lowered his own sword. “I… don’t know actually,” he realized. “Why do we capitalize the letter S there? It’s anatomical and we don’t spell Finger, Hand, Toe, Nose, or Tongue with capital letters.”

“Your language is strange,” Frigoris observed. “The Lunarian dialect is far finer and more intuitive, and it took me some time to adjust when we returned.”

“I can agree!” the man proclaimed. “I met two Lunarians once. One spoke a lot like those princey types, with the flowers and the ‘thees,’ ‘thous,’ and ‘thys....’ The other had this really deep voice and no one seemed sure whose side he was on. Wore a lot of black armor, too. Come to think of it, he sounded a lot like a princey guy too.”

“As for what the Source is, it’s where my mana comes from, which I can use to cast magic.”

“Oh, so you call it mana in this universe,” the man sheathed his two katana. “All the other universes I’ve ever been in have been really unclear. They call it MP, and everyone bickers about what it means. Magic points, Mana points, Mana pool…”

“Who are you?” Nova asked.

“Who am I?” the man asked dramatically. “Who am I, you ask? I am known by many names! Or… nicknames. Or just descriptions. Anyway! I am the Ancient Man of Mystery! I was the General of Exdeath’s armies! I seek the rarest and most powerful swords to add to my collection! I am the mighty GILGAMESH!”

The dog-thing yipped at him.

“And this is my companion Enkidu. Say hello, Enkidu!”

The dog leapt over toward Nova, jumped up to his face and gave him a lick.

“Please don’t do that again,” Nova said, shoving Enkidu off of him. “I’m not a fan of my face being licked.”

“You wouldn’t say that if it were Twilight Sparkle,” Frigoris crossed his arms and smirked.

Nova glared at him.

“This is supposed to be a Rated T story, Frig.”

“It’s not explicit,” Frigoris held out his hands in classic “What do you want from me?” fashion.

“May I see your sword?” Gilgamesh asked, holding out a red-clad hand. “You have my solemn word as a Fabulian that I will give it back immediately. Without trying to steal it.”

Nova inwardly snorted. “Sure,” he grunted, tossing the blade at him. “Knock yourself out.”

Gilgamesh caught the sword and started looking it over. His eyes alighted onto the gem in the guard, but otherwise, he seemed to be more interested in something unseen.

“Hm… one-of-a-kind rarity, check,” he recited, bringing it in for a quick sniff. “Holy-elemental, check. Unbreakable?” He yanked out a katana and slashed the soulblade with it, edge to edge. A musical clang sounded, and Gilgamesh inspected it for a moment to find no damage. “Check.”

And then he instantly stuck it into his cape.

“Muahahahaha! Excalibur is mine at last!”

And he instantly turned around and tried to run into the portal, only to find that it had closed.

“Wh-what?” he asked, as Nova merely crossed his arms in irritation. “What happened to the portal to the Rift?”

Enkidu barked unhelpfully.

“What do you mean ‘It closed’?” Gilgamesh demanded, scowling at his companion. Enkidu merely barked again, leading Gilgamesh to facepalm. “We had this all planned out! We find Excalibur, we jump into the portal, we close it! We don’t find Excalibur, close the portal, then jump in!”

“So, about that ‘solemn word as a Fabulian?’” Nova asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly. Just who is this guy? he wondered.

“In my defense, I’m not actually from Fabul, so technically my solemn word doesn’t count,” Gilgamesh replied, even going to far as to raise the declarative index finger to emphasize his point. “What matters is, Excalibur is mine at last!”

“Yeah, about that,” Nova began, before holding out his hand and causing the soulblade to vanish from Gilgamesh’s arsenal and into his own hand. Gilgamesh must have felt the weight vanish from his back, because he instantly tried to grab it.

“Egad!” he cried. “Enkidu, we’ve been had!”

Enkidu yipped apologetically.

“What do you mean it’s not Excalibur!?” Gilgamesh thundered. “It fulfills all the tropes on the checklist!”

“I’m pretty sure if there are copies of this ‘Excalibur’ in other universes, I doubt I forged them from my being,” Nova pointed out.

At this point, he wasn’t really sure whether he found Gilgamesh entertaining or irritating. One the one hoof, Gilgamesh seemed to be a jovial guy. Kind of like Aegis when drunk, or Sharp Eye when drunk, or basically any of his friends when drunk. On the other hoof, however, he had just tried to steal his shiny new sword.

And Nova quite liked his shiny new sword.

“Oh, now he’s disgruntled,” noted Gilgamesh, seeing as Nova was already shifting into a fighting stance. “Enkidu, boss battle mode.”

“Bark bark-arf bark?”

“Boss battle mode.”

Enkidu howled, prompting a bright flash of light that enveloped all of them. Nova was forced to cover his eyes due to the sheer brightness intensity. It was even going through his hand!

When the light cleared, nothing seemed to have changed, though Gilgamesh seemed to be in a fighting stance, twin katana at the ready. Strangely enough, rather than try to attack, he just seemed to be standing there, “looping” in his idleness.


And for whatever reason, there was music playing. Archaic-sounding stuff, but still quite pulse-pounding.

Nova grinned, then ran forward.

...except that he didn’t. For whatever reason, Nova’s body refused to move. Struggle as he might, he body would not obey his commands. And what’s more, several strange things had suddenly appeared within a blue box in his vision.

HP: 4206 / 4206
MP: 762 / 762

The thing at the bottom (Nova guessed it was a meter of some sort) was steadily filling at a somewhat quick rate, but all Nova could do was sit there, doing his own little looping idle action while he continued to try to attack.

“It would seem this is your first time in a turn-based battle,” observed Gilgamesh. “In the spirit of a fair fight, I will give you a brief tutorial.”

Suddenly, everything went grey, except Gilgamesh, who indicated the blue box that appeared in Nova’s field of view.

“This is your heads-up display. It has information on how much HP and MP you have, and your Active Time Battle gauge. Basically, if you run out of HP, you get KOed, which means you can’t fight. If you run out of MP, you can’t cast spells. And finally, your Active Time BAttle gauce. You can’t do anything till that fills up.”

DING!The meter filled up, and another blue window appeared in Nova’s vision.


“This is your action menu,” continued Gilgamesh, now indicating the menu that had opened. “Once your ATB gauge fills, you can do stuff. You only got four commands, because we’re doing the whole Final Fantasy V system right now, but if you want to guard or defend, just move your indicator to the left, and you’ll be able to guard, which will reduce damage dealt by half. And if you want to run, which you can’t do during a boss battle, you just move to the right. But that don’t matter, because this is a boss battle.”

Gilgamesh suddenly shifted into a defensive stance.

“Go ahead and select attack. Just imagine doing it.”

Nova blinked, but humored him. The indicator around ATTACK blinked, before Nova felt himself dash forward and slash Gilgamesh right in the chest, and a white number appear above the wound.

Hit! 531

“Not bad!” Gilgamesh encouraged him. They stood still for a few more seconds, before Gilgamesh shifted into a defensive stance again. “Now you have magic. You just think about what magic you want to cast, and the list opens up. Looks like you have access to all the spells available except Blue Magic, and you have Spellblade, so pick whichever one tickles your chocobos and let her rip.”

Nova examined the list, and grinned. He certainly had quite a selection.




























“Let’s start with something basic,” Nova said to himself. “Thunder!”

He felt the power channel within himself, felt himself raise his hand toward Gilgamesh, and felt himself release the spell.

A single bolt of lightning shot out of his palm and smote Gilgamesh right in the gut.

Hit! 121

“Yeah, I was guarding against that, but I also have a 50% resistance to Thunder, so it only does half the damage. Doesn’t mean much with that level 1 spell you just used, but if you were to use level 3 spells, you would miss out on thousands of damage.”

A yellow aura surrounded Gilgamesh for a moment, before he held out a hand toward Nova brimming with magic.


Nova didn’t feel anything, though several white tendrils surrounded him. After several seconds, during which Nova just stood there awkwardly in his idle animation,

HP: 4206/4206
MP: 762/762

“Admirable stats,” Gilgamesh praised. “But you will find that against me, the greatest swordsman in the universe, it will not save you!”

But just for fun, Nova decided to see what he could steal from Gilgamesh.

Stole item! Genji Glove x1

Instantly, his hands were bathed in a bright glow and as it died, a fine golden glove covered each hand. With it, Nova felt a substantial amount of extra strength.

“Well, now that your tutorial is over, let’s get on to the actual boss fight!” proclaimed Gilgamesh, Enkidu howling in approval next to him.


The music changed to something that sounded much more metal, which made Nova’s adrenaline start flowing.

This was going to be fun.

Of course, given his good fortune the first time, Nova leapt forward and stole from Gilgamesh again.

Stole Item! Genji Helm x1

Nova recoiled slightly as a golden light filled his vision, leaving behind a helmet that only increased the extra feelings of strength the glove provided. He could only imagine he was wearing a fine golden helmet.

“Why does everyone steal things from me when we fight?” complained Gilgamesh. “Take THIS!”

He dashed forward and slashed Nova right in the chest, dealing 578 damage.

Surprisingly, that didn’t even seem to remotely hurt. Or do any kind of visual damage. Nova’s chest was whole and blood-free.

Nova, rather than plot a strategy, dashed forward and hit Gilgamesh right back, dealing a solid 1124 damage.

“The Genji equipment appears to be doing some good for you,” observed Gilgamesh. “Perhaps this fight will not be as boring as I thought!”

Nova just dashed forward and hit him again while he was talking, dealing 1206.

“Stop hitting me when I’m talking!” protested Gilgamesh. “Talking is supposed to be a free action! This is an RPG! Even plots for universal domination stop when you talk! It’s warrior’s code!”

Hit! 1173!

“Sorry?” Nova asked, dashing back to his spot. “Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, ‘All’s fair in love and war?’”

“As a matter of fact, I have not,” answered Gilgamesh, shaking his head. “Though I suppose it makes sense. I love war. So I guess all my tactics are twice as fair!”

A golden aura surrounded him.


A massive blast of fire flew out of his outstretched hand and blasted Nova, dealing a pretty heavy 3572 Nova’s HP was down to only 56, and he had to act quickly.

Wait a minute…

He accessed his magic, and focused on casting whatever Curaga was.


Instant relief washed over him as he was healed for 5468 HP, though he could only hold 4206 of it.

Gilgamesh dashed forward and slashed at his chest with a katana again for 562 damage.

“And I just healed myself,” complained Nova, glowering at the warrior. “You dick!”

“I know not what a ‘dick’ is, but I can only assume it must be a compliment, because you noted my excellent timing!” replied Gilgamesh. “Isn’t that nice of him, Enkidu? He called me a dick!”

Enkidu yipped encouragingly.

“Thank-you Enkidu. I think you are a dick too.”

“Actually, a dick is an insult,” Nova explained, struggling not to laugh at their expense.

“An insult? Are you trying to inflict Berserk status? Because that isn’t how you do that.”

"No, just--” Nova rolled his eyes. “You know what, forget it.”

He dashed forward and slashed again. There was a bright flash of light.


“This actually is kind of boring,” Gilgamesh sighed. “You’ll never make this a challenge at this rate. I think it’s time to call in some backup!”

With a wave of his hand, two bright lights appeared on either side of Nova, one of each level with him and one of each between him and the latter, slightly further back.

“This’ll be like a classic battle! Complete with party members!”

The lights vanished to reveal four humans around him. The first, level and to his right, was a blue-eyed boy about his age, with rather wild brown hair and an air of massive self-confidence. He wore a simple blue tunic over a creme undershirt and tan pants, with green boot, and in his hand was a golden knife.

The second individual, level and to his left, was a short, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed boy that looked quite young. He had a yellow tail, wore jeans and white boots under a fine-looking vest and shirt, and carried two jagged, curved pink daggers in a backhand grip.

To the right and behind him was probably the strangest member of the lot, even with the latter being in mind. He was about the latter being’s age, with darker skin, grey eyes, and blonde hair that looked like it had been blown back by the wind. He wore armored pants and a loose-fitting open vest with nothing underneath, showing off his torso. Strapped to his back was a long, elegant-looking spear.

Finally, behind and to his left, was a young woman who looked about his age as well. She was dressed in a white military-style jacket, with short brown pants and a red cape. Her pink hair was brushed to the side, though a ponytail hung off the other side of her head, and she surveyed the scene immediately with cold blue eyes. Strapped to her side was a holder for a strange apparatus and on her upper forearm was a strange, square-looking symbol.


Finally, the music changed again. Now it was distinctly Neighponese, with a plucked string instrument and a very breathy flute taking the forefront.

“Welcome warriors one and all to… ah…” Gilgamesh glanced over at Nova, “What’s this place called again?”

Nova shrugged.

“To whatever this place is called!” Gilgamesh acted like he hadn’t just had to ask his opponent for what the place was called. “Long and short of it is that I’m fighting the blue-haired guy who looks like a Final Fantasy protagonist if ever there was one. Even has the magical sword. Anyway, you’re all here to help him so that it’s a fair fight.”

“This ought to be good,” grumbled the young woman, rolling her eyes.

“It really ought to!” said the first young man, glancing over at Nova and smiling. “My name’s Bartz Klauser. Some people call me Butz, though, and if you do that, I won't hesitate to KO you where you stand. What’s your’s?”

“Nova Shine,” Nova answered, nodding at him aand already deciding not to call him Butz.

“I’m Zidane Tribal,” the one with the tail said, grinning. “Lead actor in the Tantalus theatre troupe, dashing rogue, and thief charming!”

Tantalus? Nova wondered, thinking of Trixie’s father.

“Name’s Lightning,” the young woman grunted, glaring past him at Gilgamesh. “Ex-Guardian Corps, and Pulse L’Cie.”

“Pleasure,” Nova replied.

“I’m Captain Basch fon Ronsenberg of Dalmasca!” the open-chested one proclaimed, a little louder than he needed to. Nova immediately hated his voice. “Don’t listen to Ondore’s lies!”

Nova did a double-take.

“What the actual…”

“Don’t ask,” Zidane rolled his eyes. “It’s not the first time we’ve met. There was this whole business with a demon, a dragon, a goddess of light, and a moogle where we met, and he wouldn’t stop shouting it at us for some reason.”

“Aw, come on! I’m just messin’ with you, Zidane, Nova,” “Basch” said, before smirking and poking himself in the chest with his own thumb. “Name’s Vaan, Sky Pirate from Dalmasca!”

“Liar,” Bartz smiled cattily at him from his position.

“No, really,” Vaan assured them. “Just play Revenant Wings.”

“ANYWAY!” Gilgamesh shouted over them all. “Final Fantasy IV-style party, against me and Enkidu!”

“Wait a minute, you’re Alleyway Jack!” Zidane pointed at Gilgamesh. “I’d recognize that loud voice anywhere!”

“Spoilers! Some people haven’t played IX yet!” Gilgamesh berated the young thief.

Nova was getting tired of the inaction. He had shit to do. So he dashed forward and slashed Gilgamesh for 1247 damage.

“HEY! We weren’t done with introductions yet!” Bartz protested.

“I like him already,” Lightning smirked, before yanking her device from its holster and holding it down at her side. Said device looked like a combination of gun and sword, though with no visible projectile launcher.

“Let’s do this!” Bartz got into a fighting position.

“I hear that!” Zidane also shifted.

“Basch lives!” Vaan yanked the spear from his back.

“Shut up, Vaan,” said everyone, except Enkidu, who barked.

Nova took the opportunity to dash forward and steal himself a Genji Shield, which appeared in a flash on his left arm. The shield was hexagonal and gold, like the rest of his armor, with a circular symbol in the middle featuring three blue tomoe on a white field.

“Nice, man!” Zidane cheered, before dashing over and slashing Gilgamesh, which was quickly followed by Lightning and Vaan running over to give Gilgamesh a few cuts as well.

Bartz, however, turned tail and tried to run away.

Nova again felt thoroughly non-plussed.

“Sorry about this!” apologized Bartz, suddenly stopping and turning back around. “The Chicken Knife has a 25% chance of making me run away when I attack, but I can’t get out of boss fights.”

“Why would you want a weapon like that?” Nova asked, channeling some MP for a Firaga spell, which caused a massive burst of fire to erupt under Gilgamesh, dealing an impressive 3768 HP of damage

“Better stat upgrades!” Bartz answered cheerfully. “If I ran away from 15 battles 17 times, I got max stat boosts on it! Like Speed and Power and stuff! Also, I can do this!”

Bartz dashed forward and slashed Gilgamesh, before hopping over to Enkidu and giving him two slashes, before hitting Gilgamesh one more time. Each hit was weaker, but totaled together, they amounted to more.

“Not bad,” Nova nodded as Zidane dashed forward and slashed Gilgamesh again.

“Cut the chatter, you two,” barked Lightning, as a red light surrounded her, and she dashed forward to lay three consecutive hits on Enkidu. “We have a boss fight to win.”

“I know just what to do here!” Vaan grinned, before punching his fists together as a magical wall appeared around him, surrounding him in yellow light. “STEELGUARD!”

“That’s not even from your game!” Zidane pinched his nose and shook his head.

“I’m helping, guys!” Vaan proclaimed.

With it being Nova’s turn, he wanted to try out how this whole Spellblade thing worked, so he opened the menu to find it was very similar to the magic menu. So he imbued his sword with Lightning.

A massive bolt of lightning lanced down from the sky and struck the metal of his sword, making it glow gold.

“Oh, kickass!” Nova admired the blade.

Meanwhile, Bartz dashed forward and did another four-hit combo on Gilgamesh and Enkidu, followed by Zidane. Lightning, however, charged up a good amount of energy, before shouting “Ruinga!”

A black ball of energy surrounded by a corona of white light shot from her hand and smote Enkidu, where it exploded to deal damage to both of them.

“Stage one’s almost finished,”Bartz observed, before Vaan lunged forward and jabbed Gilgamesh with his “Zodiac Spear.”

“Stage one?” Nova asked, confused.

“Oh yeah, boss fights like to be multi-stage. We deplete enough of Gilgamesh’s HP, and he shifts into another stage where he has stronger attacks and a different form. Happens all the time.”

Gilgamesh, however, didn’t seem to want to wait until Stage 2. He dashed forward, slashing through Lightning with his katana. There was a bright flash of light and the word CRITICAL appeared in Nova’s head, followed by a worrying 4112 points of damage.

Lightning groaned painfully and slumped to the ground, dropping her gunblade.

“I got this,” said Bartz, opening the inventory and tossing a strange tuft of feathers that looked like Philomena’s. “Phoenix Down!”

Lightning glowed with light, before she let out another painful groan and pushed herself up to her knees. Her HP was still very low, though, and it was Nova’s turn.

Fortunately, he remembered his curative magic.

“Curaga!” he shouted, channeling the magic and aiming it at Lightning, who shone with green light as all of her HP climbed back up.

“Thanks,” grunted Lightning.

“Don’t mention it,” Nova replied.

Zidane jumped forward and put one more slash on Gilgamesh.

“How long is this stage gonna last, anyway?” he asked.

Enkidu barked unhelpfully.

Nova, now ready to try out the lightning blade he had been holding in, was eagerly anticipating his turn. Lightning and Vaan both took their turns, and finally, it was time. Nova dashed forward and slashed Gilgamesh, which also let off a blinding golden light. All in all, Nova’s attack had dealt 3228 damage.

“Well alrighty then!” Gilgamesh drew himself upright and sheathed his katanas. “Now the real fun begins!”

“I guess this is Stage 2?” Nova queried.

“Looks like it,” Lightning nodded.

“Yep, bosses like to talk before they shift,” Bartz answered.

“Enough expository banter!” Gilgamesh announced, his hands reaching across his body and behind his back, as if he were hugging himself. “Now we fight like men! And ladies,” he amended, glancing at Lightning. “And men who dress like ladies!”

“Hey!” shouted Vaan.

“For Gilgamesh,” he began to glow a bright golden color, “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!

Gilgamesh pulled his hands back in front of his body, and in addition to the first two, there were four more for a grand total of six hands, and each one held a different weapon!

The first hand held a massive sword. It had a long handle for two hands, a rather ornate hilt, two holes bored into it just above said hilt, and a sharp edge that ran parallel to a squared edge until about three feet up the blade, where it tapered off to a sharp point.

The second hand held a shining white blade with a W-shaped blue hilt, a cross-stitched grip, and a triangle made of three smaller triangles embossed close to the bottom of the blade.

The third hand held another incredibly long blade, though this one looked far more conventional. It had a T-shaped handle and its blade extended for quite some length. It looked like it could come up top Nova’s chin, from point to handle.

The fourth hand held a giant key, with a handle surrounded by a golden guard and a silver pole, with teeth attached that formed the silhouette of a crown. Dangling from the opposite end, under Gilgamesh’s hand, was a chain linked to a strange mouse-head-looking bauble.

The fifth blade had a clawlike guard, with a red gem set into the center, a black shape in the gem making it look like an eye.

Finally, the sixth blade looked like an ordinary sword, albeit a bit more regal. Nova could sense a great power residing in the blade.

“Behold! I possess the strongest swords in all of the omniverse!” Gilgamesh announced, holding them all into combat-ready positions. “No one can stand against the might of the Buster Sword, the Master Sword, Andúril, the Keyblade, the Sword of Omens, and the mighty Excalibur!

You face the mightiest swordsman in all the universes! You face ME! GILGAMESH! Long have I sought the blade of legend! Scoured have I the furthest marshes, east to west! And now my search brings me here! To you!”

He began to glow gold.

“Your weapons are forfeit to me! ULTIMATE ILLUSION!

He dashed forward and hit Nova right under the chin. Nova yelped in pain, but he had no other opportunity to react, as he was tossed into the air. Gilgamesh jumped up and slashed him four times, before all six swords glowed a bright light and he cross-slashed all at once. Nova felt the air around him explode, and he collapsed back to the ground.

His HP was down to 34. He had been lucky to survive that attack.

“I got you, Nova. Curaga!” Bartz activated his spell, healing Nova back to full.

“And now, the real fight begins,” Gilgamesh struck a dramatic pose.


"And he even got The Zodiac Age version," commented Gilgamesh, sounding pleased.

The music changed again. It was now a full orchestra, and dare Nova say it, this one seemed to be the best version of all the ones he had heard behind them thus far.

“Enkidu! White Wind!”

Enkidu yipped, and a strange gust of wind blew past them, swirling around Gilgamesh and Enkidu with visible white gust-trails.

They were both healed for 5264 HP.

“We gotta get rid of Enkidu first, or he’ll keep healing Gilgamesh with that White Wind of his,” Bartz called out.

Nova, however, opted to try and steal one more time. Sure enough…

Stole item! Genji Armor x1

Nova’s chest flashed a bright golden light and ornate golden armor appeared on it, filling Nova with a sudden burst of strength.

“I got this,” Vaan announced, suddenly glowing with a golden aura. “Quickening!”

The scene around them vanished, as Vaan began to channel as much power as he could.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” he said quietly, before releasing the energy as a massive burst of red tendrils that snaked around Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

“I’ve got it!”

The scene changed, as Vaan again channeled energy, before releasing it in a swirl of white energy that surrounded all of them, creating a massive cyclone.that shot off bolts of energy and enveloped the two enemies.

“Not a chance.”

Two massive balls of fire appeared in Vaan’s hands. He tossed one high into the sky, before throwing the other one at blazing pace to a point where the two balls of fire collided, creating a massive explosion that consumed Gilgamesh and Enkidu both, who sttod as though nothing were happening.


A strange round sigil appeared behind Gilgamesh and Enkidu, with energy collecting near the heart of the sigil, before suddenly bursting forth in a massive stream of light tendrils, drilling themselves through their victims.

When it all cleared, Gilgamesh and Enkidu both had been hit for 9999 damage.

“Never thought I’d say this,” said Zidane, smirking, “but that was a hell of a move, Vaan.”

Vaan thumbed his nose with pride. “Just doing my regular work as a Sky Pirate.”

“My turn!” said Zidane, before being enveloped in a bright flash of light, causing his clothes to vanish but replacing them with pink fur that kept him modest. “Grand Lethal!”

Zidane was surrounded by a bright red light, before breams of energy lanced out and smote Gilgamesh and Enkidu both, creating massive explosions in their wake.

When the dust settled, Gilgamesh and Enkidu both showed up 9999 damage.

With that, Enkidu yipped and scampered off outside the boundaries of the battle.

“Enkidu! You can’t leave me! I thought we had a thing!” Gilgamesh protested at his faithful companion.

Enkidu barked.

“What do you mean, ‘my HP ran out and those are the rules?’ We… we’re Gilgamesh and Enkidu! We make the rules!”

Enkidu just arfed.

“Fine,” said Gilgamesh, hefting his many blades. “I can handle things myself.”

“Not like I can, you can’t,” said Lightning, stepping forward.

Army of One

Lightning dashed forward with her gunblade and began absolutely going to town on Gilgamesh, laying down an absolute barrage of attacks, complete with acrobatic flips and powerful kicks, each attack dealing several thousand HP in damage, finally culminating with a powerful kick to Gilgamesh’s face, before leaping backward and resuming her combat stance.

“...ow,” squeaked Gilgamesh.

“Looks like it’s my turn,” said Bartz, before shining gold as well. Three stars appeared above his head.

“Class mastery!”

Eight green orbs appeared around him, spinning at a frenzied pace.

“Dualcast Summon! Syldra!”

Out of thin air, a massive sea creature appeared, almost looking like a turtle without its shell. It let out a musical cry, before opening its mouth and collecting a massive amount of energy and releasing it in a burst of blue and gold light, before vanishing.


As Syldra vanished, a colossal navy-blue dragon took its place. It, too, opened its maw and collected an enormous amount of energy, before releasing it in a humongous brst of blue flame that completely engulfed Gilgamesh where he stood.

When it all cleared, again, Gilgamesh had been dealt 9999 damage. He had to be getting close now.

“My turn!” Gilgamesh announced, looking quite pleased with himself. “Bad Breath!”

Gilgamesh stuck the key sword into the ground and reached around into his coat, where he pulled out something wrapped in tin foil.

“Is that a burrito?” Nova asked, thoroughly confused.

“Indeed! A black bean and roast chocobo burrito, made by the Chipotle in the Void. Had no idea they had a location out there.”

“Chipotle have branches everywhere,” commented Vaan in disbelief. “Even in Rabanastre.”

“Behold, your doom!” said Gilgamesh, before ripping off the tin foil, shoving it into his mouth, chewing a few bites, swallowing, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin, tossing a random bone to Enkidu, pulling out a book while he waited, reading a few pages out of a sumerian epic poem, and then suddenly blasted a massive cloud of noxious green gas from his mouth at all of them.

Nova ducked behind the Genji shield and was pleased to discover it absorbed the noxious fumes, but his teammates weren’t so lucky. All of them suddenly seemed to be affected by “status ailments,” and a ton of them. Poison, slow, blind, confuse, and so forth.

“God I hate that move,” Bartz groaned even as he spun around thanks to his confusion.

“For goodness sake, Nova, do something!” Zidane called out to him,

Nova knew he needed to cure these status ailments, so he accessed his items inventory. But before he could use whatever a “Megalixer” was, Gilgamesh glowed gold and held up the Sword of Omens.

“Sword of Omens! Give me power beyond power!” Gilgamesh shouted, before the gem in the blade glowed a bright red.

“Monarch Sword!” he shouted. before dashing forward and slashing with all six blades through all of them several times. When he was confident he had hit them several times, he leapt into the air, holding all six swords above his head.

“Face my wrath!”

A tremendous collection of energy appeared at the point all six swords intersected, before he tossed it forward, causing a massive explosion of lightning all around.

As the light cleared, Nova felt himself sink to a knee, even as his allies did next to him. Things were looking bad…

“Now witness the power of the greatest blade of legend!” Gilgamesh shouted, before dashing at Nova and slashing him with the mighty Excalibur.

Hit! 1

“Wha…” Gilgamesh blinked. “Not again! Enkidu! We found Excalipoor again! We went over this! It’s not supposed to only deal 1 damage!”

Enkidu yipped.

“Mega...lixer…” Nova grunted, tossing a strange golden bottle into the air.

At once, welcome relief seeped into him as his HP was restored, Around him, his four allies also saw their HP return to maximum, and their status ailments vanishing.

“And now, it’s my turn!” Nova said, feeling more than a little empowered by the Megalixer. “STARFALL!”

He felt a massive well of power deep within him and reached for it through his Source, knowing it would be the key to victory. Once he felt it, he dove in, filling himself with every last dreg of power he could muster.

He had so much power, he could feel his feet leave the ground as he stared down at the master swordsman.

“Oh shit,” groaned said swordsman.

Nova felt the blue glow around him, before he finally released it, sending a scatter of blue stars flying at Gilgamesh, each one exploding upon contact with the man, and each dealing several hundred HP of damage.

The barrage lasted several seconds, during which time Nova figured he probably had enough time to make a sandwich or two and come back, but when it all ceased, he knew the battle was over.

There was a bright flash of red light, and Gilgamesh was tossed backwards out of the boundaries of the battlefield.

For just a moment, all was silent.


But then a victory fanfare started playing, and Nova felt himself automatically strike a dramatic pose, even as Lightning sheathed her gunblade, Zidane leapt up and held a victorious fist in the air, Vaan tossed the spear up, kicked it back into the air when it fell, and caught it on his shoulders, and Bartz kept raising his fists up and down over and over, and his golden Genji armor disintegrated into the air around him.

They had won.

“Not bad, Nova,” remarked Frigoris, stepping forward. “An unorthodox battle, but you adapted well. I’m sure Princess Luna will be very interested to hear about this.”

“This chapter doesn’t even have any impact on the story,” Nova replied, his blade vanishing in a flash of light. “And for that matter, it’s out of order. We’re supposed to be going to my apartment right now anyway, because this chapter was supposed to be done after the next one.”

“Well, if the author would focus on his stories instead of finding excuses to not work on them, we could be halfway into the fourth planned story by now,” Frigoris commented wryly.

“Welp, it’s been fun,” said Bartz, as another rip in the universe appeared behind him. “I gotta get back to my world now. Catch you guys alter. Fun fighting with you, Nova!”

And with that, he stepped through and the door shut.

“I second that,” Zidane smirked. “But I gotta be getting back to Gaia. I have me a girlfriend who’s probably wondering why I vanished halfway through a conversation on Lord Avon’s works.”

“Did you just say ‘Lord Avon’s works?’” Nova asked, suddenly very interested in talking about theatre, but Zidane had already backed through the portal behind him and it closed.

“I gotta get going too. Just remember,” said Vaan, one foot already in the tear, “don’t listen to Ondore’s lies!”

And before Nova could shout after him, he too was gone.

“They pretty much said it all,” Lightning shrugged. “It’s been… not awful.”

“Love you too, Lightning,” Nova replied in his favorite deadpan way.

Lightning gave a ghost of a smile, but then she too stepped through her portal, and was gone.

“What a strange crowd,” remarked Gilgamesh, stepping forward. “That was a most entertaining battle, Nova Shine. I very much enjoyed entering comabt against you.”

“I admit, I had a lot of fun there,” Nova smiled at the six-armed man. “Only, don’t try to steal my sword if we meet again, would you?”

“I give you my solemn word as a Wutai Elder.”

“You’re not a Wutai Elder, are you.”

“No, but I’m closer to that than a Fabulian,” Gilgamesh admitted sheepishly. “Come, Enkidu! We have more worlds to search!”

Enkidu yipped, but before he followed Gilgamesh, he ran over to Nova and gave his face a long lick.

“Alright, alright, stop it already,” Nova shoved the canine off of him, but he scratched behind his ears all the same. “Keep him out of trouble, alright?”

Enkidu barked happily, before following Gilgamesh as he stepped through the portal.

“And so Gilgamesh and Enkidu continue on their epic quest in search of the legendary Excalibur!” announced Gilgamesh. “Enkidu, let’s go!”

And with that, Gilgamesh’s tear closed, leaving Nova and Frigoris standing alone on the bridge.

“Welp, that was fun. Who’s for Chinese?” Nova suddenly asked, clapping his hands and starting to stroll toward the other end of the bridge.

“Whatever Chinese is, it sounds delicious,” said Frigoris, and the two of them continued on their merry way in search of food and not changelings.

Breaking the Curse

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 17 - Breaking the Curse

A flash of white light illuminated the empty Canterlot Public Library, startling Celestia out of her reading. She looked up only to find Discord standing there in his draconequus form, dusting himself off.

“Discord!” she exclaimed, before smiling. “It has been too long since your last visit.”

“Can’t talk long, Celly,” Discord cut her off brusquely, before holding a hand out as a piece of stationery appeared in it, with Luna’s penmareship written all over it. “Nova’s gone and complicated the whole thing while simultaneously making it easier, and it looks like today’s the day we all come home if it all works out.”

“What do you mean, ‘Nova’s gone and complicated it?’ What’s he done this time?” Celestia tilted her head. “Don’t tell me he’s released Envy prematurely.”

“No,” Discord shook his head as Celestia took the paper. “Luna said she’d explain everything. I’ve got to get back to the human world and get myself nice and hidden away. I don’t need any of the newly-remembering ponies coming after me anytime, and I certainly don’t need Envy trying to yoink me into helping her out.”

Celestia’s eyes slid across the page as she read the letter, before nodding to herself as the paper vanished in a flash of golden light. “Thank-you, Discord,” she said. “Tell Luna I will speak to her soon, and if you see Nova, tell him I wish him good luck.”

“Will do. See you soon, Celly,” he waved, before snapping his fingers and vanishing in a flash of light.

Discord was only gone for a mere moment before Celestia’s horn shone gold again and she, too, vanished.

She was falling through blackness. No air blew past her cheeks, her feathers were unruffled, and her fur was undisturbed as she hurtled toward a blue circle growing ever larger.

As the blue circle grew larger, the familiar shape of Luna’s mindscape grew clearer and clearer as the image of Luna, rearing tall and proud, grew larger and larger.

After several moments floating in the blankness, Celestia felt her body turn itself so that her hooves touched down on the solid surface. The moment her hooves struck it, there was a bright glow of white light and into her own mind materialized Princess Luna in human form.

“Sister!” cried Celestia, darting forward and embracing her, only for Luna to fall backwards with a yelp.

“Confound these poorly-balanced bipedal forms,” Luna said, rubbing at her behind while she got to her hooves-- or was it feet? Perhaps this was the form Twilight Sparkle had taken during her brief trips to the human world?

“It is good to see you, Luna,” Celestia said, grinning widely.

“Save the pleasantries, sister,” Luna replied, not unkindly. “As Discord has no doubt told you, today is the day we make our final push to escape.”

Celestia dipped her head, but otherwise said nothing.

“I know not what plan Nova has concocted to lead our ponies to their escape, but I believe that one way or another, conflict will be unavoidable, and thus I have decided to take part in the fray,” Luna continued.

Celestia was not surprised. Luna was never one to sit on the sidelines. And her pupil took after her in that regard.

“What do you intend to do?” Celestia asked, tilting her head.

“I intend to create a safe zone where asylum seekers from the fighting can take refuge,” answered Luna firmly.

“You do not wish to take a more active role in the battle?” Celestia asked, arching an eyebrow. “You know what is at stake. Nova will need all the help he can get.”

“I am a Princess of Equestria,” replied Luna.

“So I have noticed,” Celestia said, dipping her head at her sister.

“I cannot be captured, lest I be used as a hostage to make Nova break from his plan,” Luna continued unperturbed. “I have not regained full ability since my release from the Nightmare’s captivity, and thus I believe I would be more of a hinderance than a help to Nova Shine were I to participate in the battle to come.”

She leaned her head down to give Celestia a meaningful look.

“Do you agree with my choice of action?”

Celestia took a deep breath through her nose to buy herself some time. Truthfully, she did. However, she didn’t want her little sister getting herself into trouble when Luna was unsure just how much she’d be able to hold her own.

“I do not believe it will matter whether or not I agree,” Celestia answered evenly. “I do believe it to be the best course of action you can take that doesn’t involve sitting on the sidelines,” she clarified quickly, in case Luna decided to protest, “but considering how you described yourself as a potential hindrance for Nova Shine, I can only feel that perhaps sitting on the sidelines is the only logical choice of action.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed.

“Before you interject,” continued Celestia, holding up a forestalling hoof, “simply remember that Envy does not care about collateral damage. She put ponies in harm’s way before, and according to Nova’s account, she attempted to have several of them kill themselves while she controlled them.”

“I am aware,” Luna nodded, “but I have been doing some thinking--”

“You, thinking?” Celestia teased.

Luna snorted, but couldn’t help the wry smile that worked its way onto her face. “Faust above, I’ve missed you, sister.”

“As have I, Luna, as have I, but go on, I won’t interrupt again,” she promised.

“I am of the belief that no matter which course of action I choose,” Luna frowned and set to pacing around the pillar they were on, “if Envy can see anything to gain by attempting to take me captive or hurt innocent ponies, she will attempt to do both. I am aware that using myself to protect the refugees puts more targets in one place, but I will be damned to the deepest pit in Tartarus before I let those who wish to take shelter from the battle be caught up in it.”

“What if you fail?” Celestia asked. “What if you defend, but Envy does come and you are unable to fight her?”

“Then I’ll fall defending the innocents, rather than stand by and let them be taken while doing nothing. And even if I stood by doing nothing, Envy would come for me all the same.”

Celestia said nothing. She agreed with Luna wholeheartedly on this, and were she in Luna’s horseshoes right now, she would have done exactly the same thing.

“Now, Discord mentioned something about Nova changing the situation?” she asked.

Most telling was Luna’s reaction. She scowled and reached a hand up to pinch at the bridge of her nose in irritation.

“Celestia, there are many times in which I question why you chose such a reckless colt to be my apprentice, and this is one of those times.”

Celestia sighed. “What did he do this time?”

“As I am sure Discord informed you before, Nova and Sombra entered into a rather uneasy alliance to work to bring down Envy’s curse,” Luna resumed her pacing. “Sombra discovered that Killik of the changelings was organizing a number of them to institute martial law on the city, so as to keep all of the ponies under control and prevent a sort of uprising.”

Celestia nodded. Discord had gone straight to her to inform her of this as soon as it had been revealed to him.

“Nova made a discovery this morning that Envy had imprisoned Twilight Sparkle into a Soul Gem--”

Celestia’s eyes bulged and her voice became a deadly whisper. “She what!?”

“--and her Soul Gem was fueling a shield that prevented the crystal sustaining the memory curse from being shattered,” Luna finished, simply pushing past Celestia’s interjection. “Sombra’s plan was, as I understand it, to allow Nova to break the curse, and then to put himself in a position in which Envy could not call upon his help as her thrall.”

Celestia was still seething from Envy’s audacity, but paid attention nonetheless. She nodded at Luna’s explanation. Nothing seemed wrong so far.

“But then Nova came to the conclusion that, as the echo of Sombra had been summoned and bound to Envy’s will, that he would eventually have to do battle with Sombra one way or the other.” Luna grit her teeth. “Nova then decided the best course of action was to engage him in battle right then and there, with no preparation and no warning.”

Luna pinched her nose in irritation.

“I swear, that colt is going to go blundering off and getting himself killed one of these days,” she groaned. “He very nearly died against Sombra, only succeeding because he managed to forge his Soulblade in the heat of the moment--”

“He forged his Soulblade?” Celestia’s eyebrows nearly shot into her mane. “Interesting.”

“Be that as it may, he could have been killed before we even got a chance to escape. He risked everything on suspicion,” Luna continued, clearly trying to get the point across to her.

Celestia furrowed her brow. “I cannot fault him for coming to that conclusion, truth be told.”

“You’re not… mad at him?” Luna’s eyes narrowed.

Celestia smiled rather impishly. “Dear sister, I think it’s quite cute that all of Nova’s talk about you being the mother Shimmer wasn’t has been taken quite seriously.”

Luna stared at her sister in the most unamused way she could. “Pray tell, what do you mean by that?”

“I should think it’s obvious,” Celestia shrugged. “Clearly, you have perhaps come to see him and treat him as the son you never had.”

Luna merely shrugged. “It is to be expected.”

Celestia dipped her head. “I never said it was bad that this happened. Too many times, I have had to remind myself that Twilight, Sunset, and many others already have mothers.” Her gaze turned stern. “But that does not mean we must treat them any differently than any of our other ponies, sister.”

Luna glared back. “How was that treating him any differently?” she demanded. “We would not wish to see any--”

“No,” Celestia waved a dismissive hoof, “and neither do I, but were you not as close to your Night Master as you are, I cannot help but imagine you would almost order Nova to do what he did.”

Luna opened her mouth to retort, to assure Celestia that she would never do such a thing, but then Celestia could see it in her eyes. She could see that it really did start to dawn on Luna that perhaps she was allowing herself to favor Nova more than she should.

“I… I would never order a pony--”

“Would you?” Celestia asked, an eyebrow raised. “I remember the Battle of the Crystal Empire, sister. I remember quite clearly how you sent Sanguine to certain doom in a desperate bid to keep Sombra distracted while we tried to take the city. I remember how pained you were to have to order it, but I recall you doing it nonetheless.”

“That was different--”

“Was it?” Celestia pressed her advantage. “Trying to remove Sombra from the playing field so that we could have a better chance of saving everypony else? I see no difference.”

Luna’s shoulders slumped, defeated. “I… you’re right, sister. But can you blame me?”

Celestia almost laughed at that.

“Luna, after everything both you and the colt have been through, I am quite honestly thrilled that the two of you took to each other so well,” Celestia assured her, patting her human sister’s shoulder. “But I am simply reminding you that you must remember that he is a citizen as anypony is, and though we wish to protect them, sometimes we have no choice but to act for the greater good.”

Luna nodded, looking like a defeated child.

“Sister, I am not angry with you,” Celestia assured her, feeling a bit amused at her reaction. “Why, my first reaction on hearing that you wanted to take an active role in the battle was just to ask you to sit aside from the battle, all the better to protect you,” she pointed out, hoping it came across as her not being so above it all, and not as her intentionally sounding like a hypocrite. “But your reasoning for participating in the battle is sound, and I know you too well, so all I can do is hope for your safety, and for everything to come out alright.”

Luna sighed. “Truthfully sister, I just… I worry about him. One of these days, his rash behavior will get him killed.”

“Then watch him closely,” suggested Celestia, half-seriously. “And when you’re not there, make one of your Nightmares watch him.”

She frowned.

“Okay, first thing, give them a new name. I understand Nightmare Moon named them after herself, but you should have changed it as soon as possible. It gets too confusing.”

“Agreed, but just because I know how much you enjoy puns,” Luna grinned, “how about I call them the Knightmares, with a K?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Whatever it is, have one of them keep an eye on Nova for you if you choose to go that route.”

“Not a bad idea,” Luna reached up and massaged her forehead as she thought.

The simple action gave Celestia quite a bit of pause, and she didn’t even realize she was staring. Luna did, however, and gave her a strange look.

“What?” she asked.

Celestia just laughed quietly. “Nothing. I just… the way you massage your head while you think is exactly the same way he massages around his horn. It’s not hard to see he took after you so much.”

She waved a hoof at her sister in a bit of a dismissal.

“We will see each other tonight, Luna. I am looking forward to having you, Twilight, Nova, and everyone back in Canterlot. Perhaps we can finally get on with the wedding, then.”

Luna nodded and gave her sister one last hug. “Goodbye, sister. I will see you tonight.”

And with that, everything went black.

The walk back to the apartment was mostly silent, with Nova taking as much time to recover from his battle with Sombra as possible. With the long day ahead, he would need every ounce of strength he could muster. As such, the walk back to the apartment took almost no time at all, it seemed. And no sooner had he opened the door than he was greeted with the sight of several visitors.

Most notably, one who could only be Shining Armor. The coloration of his hair was unmistakable, as was the broad and muscular chest and air of authority of his that befit a captain of the guard and prince-consort. He wore no armor or anything resembling combat-ready garb, but Nova knew his specialty was in shielding spells, and so when he figured out how to use magic, he would likely be surrounded by an invisible hedge of shielding.

Other visitors included several others that had the appearance of guardsponies. Not quite as strong-looking or as authoritative as Shining, but still there. Disappointingly, Aegis was not among them. Sharp Eye, however, was there, and he greeted Nova with a smile and a small wave.

The notable exception to the bulky stallions there, however, was a rather thin-looking young man with blue hair that Nova felt his fist clench at the sight of. He hadn’t expected Flash Sentry to be here, and he felt himself snarl slightly. If that wife-to-be-stealing son of a bitch was going to participate...

“Prince-Consort,” Nova dipped his head as Shining looked his way from the wall he was leaning on.

“Night Master,” Shining dipped his head in return.

“Where are--” Nova trailed off. He didn’t want to possibly give it away if she were. He had both crystals, and all he had to do was shatter them both, but it would be best if they were prepared. “Where are Natalie and Tracy?” he amended.

“Your room,” Shining pushed himself off the wall. “She’s not… she doesn’t remember yet?”

Nova shook his head, held a finger to his lips, and beckoned him closer. Shining seemed confused, but did as bid.

As he approached, Nova withdrew the two crystals from his Source, the red and magenta rocks appearing in a brief flash of blue light, one per hand.

The light show attracted the attention of his guests, who all looked over to see.

“Gentlestallions, commanders,” he greeted the observers as Shining stepped around his couch. “Flash,” he added for his own amusement, earning him a confused and slightly indignant look from the private. “I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you here today.”

“I would hazard a guess that today’s the day we’re going back,” one of them put forth.

“Correct,” Nova nodded. “Or rather, today’s the day we start fighting to go back. Who knows?” he shrugged, “it could take several days to do what we need.”

“I don’t even know what we’re doing,” admitted another guard. “I was just minding my own business when Prince Armor just showed up, broke me out of my curse, and dragged me over here. I’m grateful for that, and I’ll gladly repay you,” he assured them, “but just what are we doing?”

“We’ll talk tactics in a moment,” Nova answered, before holding out Twilight’s Soul Gem to Shining. “For now, Prince-Consort, take this in an uncovered hand.”

Shining scrutinized the gem for a moment, before hesitantly reaching out and taking hold of it. For a moment, nothing happened, but then his eyes widened and he fell backward, away from the Soul Gem as though he’d been burned.

His eyes said it all. There was shock, horror, and fury the like of which Nova had felt not all that long before, on finding the gem in Natalie’s basement. Around them, the other guards that had come with them all expressed confusion and were asking Shining if he was alright, but Shining wasn’t paying attention to them.

“She--” he covered his mouth a tremor wracked his body and he threatened to retch. “She… she’s trapped in there?”

Nova nodded gravely, trying not to focus on the predicament. The last thing he needed was to let himself get angry now. All would be repaid in full soon; he just had to be patient.

“I’m going to kill her,” Shining said in the deadliest, softest voice Nova had ever heard from him. Nova was rather alarmed to see that his fist was clenched and trembling. “That… that thing is going to pay for this.”

“You’ll have to get in line,” Nova replied, grabbing his wrist and holding it steady. “Shining, with you being a prince and set to become my brother-in-law soon, and Envy is doing this to get at me,” he reminded the Prince-Consort. “I’m going to be the one to make Envy pay for all of this. I’ll be sure to give her a few extra hits from you though.”

Nova could see the fire burning in his eyes. That was all the warning he had before Shining reached over and grabbed Nova by the shirt collar and yanked him close.

“Whoa!” Nova yelped.

“Give. Her. Hell.” Shining commanded, his teeth clenched and his face completely and totally menacing.

Nova had never once felt nervous or scared around Shining Armor, not even when Cadance had threatened setting him on her if he toyed with Twilight’s emotions. But now? Now, he realized that his earlier lax attitude about him was completely ignorant.

“Sir, are you okay?” Nova heard a voice he found highly obnoxious by its very existence ask.

“Fine,” growled Shining, releasing Nova and stepping back. Nova could see tendons bulging in his neck. “Just peachy, Private.”

“Is that…?” asked one of the guards, his eyes widening as he stared at the glowing crystal in Shining’s hand.

“What is that?” Flash asked, scrutinizing it as Shining handed it back to Nova.

“That’s a soul gem, that is,” that same guard answered, a note of queasiness entering his voice. “Blimey, we’re up against someone willing to go that far?”

“But just what IS a soul gem?” Flash asked, sounding slightly exasperated.

“A product of dark magic, Flash,” Nova said, walking around and falling into a seat on the couch. “The many different elements dark magic can manipulate are all evil things, but soul magic is the darkest of the lot.”

He leaned forward and placed Twilight’s gem on the coffee table, before placing his elbows on his legs and clasping his hands under his chin.

“With Soul manipulation, you can pluck someone’s soul right out of their body and trap them in artifacts like this,” he indicated Twilight’s gem. “to energize a spell. Using someone else’s life force to accomplish something can drain away the years of its victim’s life. Envy, it seems, was merciful this time,” he could not help but feel his gut clench at the thought of the alternative. “The magic is not leeching off of Twilight’s soul; her soul has just been stuck there to be held until it was needed.”

Flash’s face had gone white as the ramifications started to dawn on him.

“Then… how do you get her out?”

“Simple,” Nova was devoutly thankful for the truth in that single word. “Just destroy the Soul Gem in the presence of its body, and the soul inside will take possession of it, pushing any intruder out.”

He looked over to Shining and nodded at him. Shining acknowledged with a nod of his own and stepped on back to Nova’s room, where he knew Tracy and Natalie had to be, with Sunset Shimmer’s body. It was time. They couldn’t wait any longer.

“Fortunately, we have it here,” he continued.

Shining returned a moment later with Tracy and Natalie in tow, and carrying Sunset’s body in his arms. At the sight of it, Flash let out a cry of shock.


There was a blur of blue and before Nova could react, Flash had dashed over to Shining and had taken Sunset’s body from his arms.

“What’s happened to her? Is she going to be alright?” he demanded, looking over at Nova, and Nova could see an almost pleading look in his eyes.

“You know her, Francis?” Natalie asked, sounding very surprised.

“Fra--” Flash stumbled for a bit before he caught on. “Yeah,” he nodded. “She’s my… she’s a very old friend.”

“She’ll be alright, Flash,” Nova moved to put a hand on his shoulder. “If you want her back, set her down over there,” he indicated a corner. “Natalie, Tracy, I need you both to stand over there by it. Everyone else, clear away the furniture. We’re going to need space.”

Tracy and Natalie both gave him strange looks, but he couldn’t meet either of their gazes. The sooner he got this done, the better.

“What’s going on?” Natalie asked.

“What are you doing?” Tracy asked as well.

“Something that has to be done,” he said in an undertone, quiet and grave. “Forgive me.”

That only earned him two confused looks, but he instead looked back to everyone that was watching.

“Get behind me, and get ready,” he barked, and everyone quickly got in line, ready for a fight. Nova reached over and called the crystal with his magic. At once, it soared into his hand from the table he had left it on.

It’s time, Twilight, he told her.

“Thank-you, Nova,” she still sounded scared, but he could hear the hope, the note of relief that it was almost over.

And with that, he stored the curse gem in his Source, to keep Envy from stealing it when she was freed, channeled his magic into the hand with the gem, and with a burst of adrenaline, crushed it to pieces.

The sound of crystalline shattering was like music to his ears, and as the fragments of it fell away, left in its place was a floating wisp of magenta energy, almost resting in his palm. Gently, as if it were the most delicate flower in the world, he eased it into both hands and brought it near to his lips as his eyes drifted shut.

He could the warmth of her being right there in his hands...

“Come back to me, my beautiful star,” he whispered, so quietly he almost didn’t hear it himself.

And then, letting out a quick breath, he pushed Twilight’s soul away from him. It shot forward in a streak of light, phasing into Tracy just above her breast and causing her to stumble backward in surprise.

For a moment, her body was surrounded with magenta light as everyone watched, with Natalie taking a reflexive step away, but then the light vanished and a deep red wisp emerged from the same place Twilight had entered.

But then Twilight fell, and Nova didn’t waste any time, dashing forward and catching her even as Envy’s soul flew at Natalie and phased into her.

He managed to catch her before she hit the ground, and looked up just in time to see Natalie glow red, before a teal wisp was forced out of Natalie’s body, and it floated on down to Sunset’s body and entered it.

For a moment, Sunset glowed teal like her magic, but then it faded away.

It was then that Twilight stirred in his arms. At once, he tilted her face so their eyes could meet as soon as she opened them.

As they opened slowly, blearily, the first thing she did was look right at him.

“Nova,” she whispered, reaching up and touching his cheek. Nova pressed her hand against it, feeling tears of joy well up. “You saved me…”

He nodded, but pulled her to her feet and guided her back.

“Get behind me,” he said quietly, his hands glowing blue. Twilight nodded, before she started frowning down at her own hands, no doubt wanting to help in any way she could.

Over by Sunset’s body, Flash had knelt down and was lightly shaking her.

“Sunny!” he called to her. “Sunny, wake up!”

Sunset stirred as well, opening her bright blue eyes for the first time since Nova had found her. With a groan, she pushed herself out of Flash’s arms and into a sitting position.

“Where… am I?” she asked groggily.

Flash let out a cry of joy and relief and embraced her, which startled the poor girl into full alertness.

“F-Flash?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” said Flash, letting go and grinning at her. “It’s me, Sunny.”

“Sunset!” Twilight called.

Sunset looked in her direction, now thoroughly confused. “Sparky? What are you doing here?”

“Sunset Shimmer,” her eyes snapped to Nova’s, “you need to get up and get away from her as soon as you can.”

Sunset looked down at Envy’s motionless form, and instantly, she paled.


“Get behind me,” Nova commanded, leaving her little room for negotiation. This earned him an askance look from Flash, but Sunset didn’t need telling twice. She hurried behind him, with Flash right behind her.

Which left Envy, still on the ground.

“You can stop pretending,” Nova said aloud, stepping forward with his hand still brimming with magic. With a flash of light, his soulblade appeared in his other hand, point aimed at the fallen figure. “I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re playing up the dramatics.”

For a brief moment, Envy did not move. She showed no reaction whatsoever, leading Nova to wonder if she really was unconscious.


But then the laughing started. It was soft at first, a few giggles, but it soon escalated as Envy started struggling to her feet.

In moments, she was cackling quite loudly, staring at Nova with a malevolently-happy grin that made his blood freeze.

“You figured it out,” she said, the familiar sultry voice replacing the laughter, but the macabre grin staying. “I knew you would. You are too smart to get stumped by something as simple as a body-soul switcheroo.”

In a flash of red light, her knife appeared in her hand and she stepped forward, pushing the point of Nova’s sword away.

“And you’ve even gotten a new toy to play with while I was gone,” she admired it for a moment. “You really do know how to get the best gifts for a mare.”

“What’s your game?” he demanded, yanking the blade to be back between the two of them, earning him a look of disdain from her. “What’s the point of all of this? Why would you go so low as to manipulate souls?”

“Why indeed?” Envy replied unhelpfully, smirking at him. “When I knew you would figure it out, what was the point of sticking her in a gem,” she indicated Twilight with her head, “and yanking her,” she indicated Sunset, “out of body?”

“One more word about that, and Nova will be the least of your concerns,” he heard Shining growl dangerously from behind.

Envy just gave a flat look.

“Do we need to repeat what happened at the wedding, Prince Armor? I recall tossing you into a wall without even batting an eye.”

Nova could hear Shining stiffen beside him. Enraged though he already was, Nova knew it could get far worse if Shining let Envy push his buttons.

“Stand down,” he said to the stallion behind him. “I’ll handle her, Shining. Be ready to shield everyone.”

Envy guffawed at that.

“Wow, the memory spell really has done a number on you all!” she tittered, stepping back and twirling her knife between her fingers. “You both know how your shields won’t work with a little Dark Magic.”

And it was here that Nova smirked right back. “Oh yeah?”

And for the first time, Envy’s confidence faltered somewhat. It was almost minute, a tiny twitch of her cheek, but Nova knew a tell when he saw it.

His left hand glowed with magic as he prepared.

“Try me.”

Envy started to twirl a lock of her hair. “But Nova, everyone’s watching us… Your fiancée is right there. It just wouldn’t be proper.”

Nova only intensified the magic channeling in his hand, just waiting for Envy to strike.

Envy just stepped back with a fake air of resignation. “Well, if you’re serious. But you should know,” her grin turned malicious, “I’m not a fan of using protection.”

Both hands suddenly glowed red, and before Nova could shout a warning, red magic exploded outward as Envy released her spell.

Nova, however, was prepared. He quickly raised his sword in front of himself, his other hand quickly snapping as he channeled chaos magic in its purest form to block everything he could around him.

And to his surprise, someone else leapt forward, hands letting off magic in shield form. A shield of Dark Magic erupted around them, catching Envy’s shockwave in its tracks

Nova’s head snapped sideways, his concentration faltering, and with it, the chaos magic in his hand and coating his blade. To his surprise, Sunset Shimmer was standing next to him, arms outstretched, issuing the shield of darkness in front of her.

Nova didn’t know how the girl was handling it. Her arms were shaking, veins throbbed in her temples, and tendons bulged in her neck. But he didn’t spend too much time gawking, instead pushing through the shield to charge right at Envy.

Envy’s confident smile never faltered, even as Nova bore down on her, sword poised to strike, but neither did she direct her magic at him. It was as though she had been hoping he would do this.


Nova’s downward strike was stopped in its tracks. No amount of exertion seemed to come close to getting his blade to continue its slash downward.

How? he thought. I thought magic was augmenting my strength!

The assault of Dark Magic around them ceased, and with it, the shield. Sunset immediately slumped to the floor, where Flash Sentry dashed down and caught her. But after that, Nova’s attention was focused solely on Envy.

She had managed to stop his attack with her knife, held backhand and kept in place with an almost trivial level of exertion.

There was a metallic screech as she allowed his sword to slide down it until their blades were almost handle to handle, putting him right in her face.

“So eager for the main event,” Envy sighed in faux-disappointment, rolling her eyes. “Don’t you know, dear Nova? It’s all about the build-up.”

“Shut up,” snapped Nova. It was one thing to be her usual teasing self, but there was a line to be drawn when it involved doing it in front of Twilight.

It took what seemed like no effort at all to send him staggering backward with a flick of her knife, but it took almost no effort for him to stop himself before he ploughed into the crowd of people behind him.

“I hope you’re all ready for today,” she announced, her knife vanishing and her hands channeling her magic once again. “There’s a lot to do, and there’s not much time to do it. Might want to be getting a move on.”

She threw a smirk Nova’s way.

“Well, I’ve got to be off. Be seeing you all. And Nova,” her smirk widened into a full grin, “I hope you have plenty of stamina for the next time we meet.”

A blast of blue magic flew from Nova’s hand, even as Envy cackled and vanished in a flash of red light.

Even as the slight smoke trailed away from Nova’s outstretched hand and he slowly clenched it into a fist and pulled it back, Nova could feel the vein in his temple bulging. How was it that she knew just how to frustrate him? How did she know exactly what buttons to push to piss him off with such efficiency?

“Is everyone alright?” he asked, turning back to see his guests. To his great relief, Sunset Shimmer was getting back to her feet, though Flash appeared to be helping her with that too.

“Careful, careful,” he cautioned, trying to help her up.

“I’m fine, Flash,” snapped Sunset, yanking her arm away, which Flash had been using to pull her up. “Just out of practice.”

Flash winced, but stepped back all the same. No sooner had she gone than Twilight had descended upon her.

“Sunset!” she exclaimed, embracing her.

Sunset almost fell backward under this new weight, but still managed to hold herself up.

“Sparky, good to see you too,” she brushed her hair out of her face. “Could you please let me up?”

“Sorry,” Twilight smiled sheepishly as she let go and let Sunset get to her feet. But then she locked eyes with Nova, and instantly, she was on her feet and striding toward him, a blazing look on her face.

It was a moment Nova had been looking forward to for months. The moment in which he and Twilight, not Tracy, were reunited.

A moment that, unfortunately, was cut off by an arm coming between them. An arm belonging to Shining Armor. So focused on his bride to be was Nova that he hadn’t noticed Shining step up in his place.

Shining looked a bit amused, but there was still a serious look in his face.

“Shining,” Twilight glared at her brother. “May I please be reunited with the love of my life without you coming between us?”

“Sorry Twily,” Shining crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’ll let you two have your moment,” he turned to face Nova directly, “but we need to go over your plan for the day.”

“We?” Nova asked.

“All of us,” Shining gestured at the entire room. The hubbub, which had resumed following Envy’s departure, died down again as everyone looked over at them. “You wanted me to bring us all here, and we are. You’re gonna be leading us today. I think we’d all be very interested to hear what your plan is.”

Nova nodded. “Actually, once your sister and I finished our moment, I was going to ask you to come outside with me so we could go over it.”

He punctuated his statement by clearing his throat rather obviously and attempting to move past Shining, but the bigger stallion held firm, with the most apologetic look Nova had ever seen.

“Nova, really, I understand. I want nothing more than to go and hold my wife again, but,” his expression turned serious, “that… woman is still out there, and we have ponies that are counting on us to get them back. We will have all the time in the world to have our reunions back in Equestria.”

Nova had nothing to say to that. All he could do was acknowledge the truth of Shining’s words. They were here because of him, after all.

“Nova?” Twilight asked. “I can wait.”

At that, he nodded. “Alright. Let me talk to your brother, and with Private Sentry too, and then we’ll have our--”

“What do you need to talk to Flash about?” Twilight asked, which caused no small amount of irritation in him.

“Guy stuff,” he said evasively, but then suddenly he realized he forgot something. “Wait a minute! I forgot.”

A brief flash of light later, and the red crystal that was the memory curse sustainer was in the palm of his hand.

The moment he saw it, Shining’s eyes narrowed. “Is it a good idea to shatter it now?”

“That was the plan,” Nova shrugged. “Figured I’d give it some time to really let the anarchy that’s going to result from everypony suddenly remembering who they are spread. The more chaos and confusion, the better for us to move relatively undetected.”

Shining leaned his head back as he whispered “Aaah, so that’s your plan.”

“There’s a bit more to it than that and I’ll want to bounce my full idea off of you, but yeah, that’s the gist of it,” he sighed. “Anyone object to me shattering it now? Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

No one said anything. Almost everyone had gone back to chatting with each other, the notable exception being Sunset, who seemed annoyed at Flash’s mere presence.

“Alrighty then,” said Nova, standing up just a bit taller, and holding the crystal up. “Down goes the curse.”

His hand glowed blue as he channeled magic into it, looking to augment his strength even further, and almost like a ball of wet clay, the crystal crumbled almost instantly.

The effect was immediate. There was a faint wave of prismatic light that flew out on all sides from the broken crystal, phasing right through them all faster than they could react. The wave was out of Nova’s apartment and spreading faster than anyone could even anticipate.

Nova smiled. It was time.

“Sharp Eye!” he called.

“Yeah?” the bounty hunter asked, pushing his way through the crowd to reach Nova.

“I need you to head to this location,” Nova snapped his fingers and a detailed overhead street map of the city appeared on it, with a red X marking a certain spot. “You’ll find Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy there.”

“Flutters is gonna be there?” Sharp Eye gave him a look.

“That’s why I think you’re the perfect one to keep an eye on them,” he nodded.

“Alright then. On my way.”

Sharp Eye took the map and was off in a heartbeat, leaving everyone to wait.

“So what’s the score?” asked Ashleigh, wiping her brow as she hefted her sledge on her shoulder.

“Eh, I dunno,” Rachel replied back, leaning the handle of her own sledge against her thigh. They were rather glad they had chosen to wear tank-tops and shorts.for the day’s work. The short-sleeved shirt Ashleigh had worn last time was a little more restrictive than she would have liked. “I kinda lost count after we had to start stacking them together.”

“Oh, good,” Ashleigh grinned wanly. “Ah haven’t been keeping track myself.”

“Nothin’ to compete for this time,” Rachel shrugged, before plunking another tree, causing all the apples to be shaken free and fall neatly into another bucket.

“”We can always do it for no real logical reason,” suggested Ashleigh, her wan grin turning devious. “What d’you think, Rachel? Think you can clear five trees in ten seconds flat?”

Rachel, dragging the bucket over to the pile, snorted. “Today’s supposed to be the day I take it easy.”

“Heh,” Ashleigh walked on over to another tree. “Funny, Ah thought you’d be all over the competition. Show how much--”

Before they could say or do anything else, there was a sudden rush of air \. As they both looked over to see where it was coming from, they saw a massive wave of prismatic light speeding toward them.

“Whoa!” Rachel threw her hands up into her face, as if to shield herself from the oncoming light, but Applejack hadn’t the reflexes, as the wave phased over and through them like a bullet.

It was over as quickly as it had come. Rachel was lowering her hands slowly, a look of total confusion on her face. Ashleigh, too, looked quite disoriented.

:Wha…” Rachel blinked, then looked over at Ashleigh. “Applejack?”

“Rainbow Dash?” Ashleigh-- no, Applejack replied.

“We remember,” Rainbow nodded, before looking around wildly. “Alright, where is she? Where’s that mare that did this to us?”

“Slow down, Dash!” exclaimed Applejack, grabbing hold of her friend’s shirt, “do you really think it’s a good idea to be going after someone who can take down Twilight and Nova Shine?”

“Quite right, my dear, quite right.”

There was a flash of white light, and standing before them was a sharply dressed man in a tailcoat, a top hat, long white hair and a short white goatee, holding a cane.

“Discord!” Dash exclaimed.

“In the flesh,” Discord bowed. “No, the two of you aren’t going anywhere. I’m here to make certain of that.”

“Say what?” Applejack’s eyes narrowed. “You’re supposed to be on our side.”

“Really, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked scathingly. “He betrayed us to Tirek. Once a traitor, always a traitor.”

“Traitor is a rather strong word,” Discord idly picked up an apple. “More like ‘forced because magic,’ but I’ll let you keep thinking that. My orders are to not allow you under any circumstances to be able to interfere with Envy’s plans, and if I may say, that’s a rather loose command.”

He leapt backwards, falling onto an invisible hammock as his suit was replaced by an aloha shirt and khakis, though the top hat remained.

“I mean, that could mean ‘Don’t let you get into any scraps with any changelings,’ so I’ll be making sure the Changelings don’t come a-calling.

Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s earlier anger started to vanish as they realized just what Discord was here to do.

“You’re… here to protect us?” Applejack chanced.

Discord paused.

“No, I’m not,” he said, nodding a little too obviously.

“Ah see,” Applejack smiled. “Ah don’t suppose you happen to know Nova’s plan then, do you?”

“I think I know what it’s going to entail, but I don’t know the specifics,” he shrugged. “Anywho, just go back to whatever it was you were doing. All we can do is wait.”

“Ah, this is the life,” sighed Regina happily as the hulking figure of Bruce Batra worked the kinks out of her back with his strong, yet surprisingly gentle hands. “Don’t you agree, girls?”

“Yepperiono!” chirped Penelope. Regina didn’t want to admit how much of a chore trying to contain her overexcited friend was, but Penny’s joy was completely infectious sometimes.

“I agree,” mumbled Felicity from her table, where she lay waiting for Bruce to finish with Regina and Penny. “After all the work we went through for Tracy and Nathan’s date, it is nice to have a little girl time.”

“Ah, the look on their faces from last night still gives me goosebumps,” sighed Regina. “It really was worth all the work.”

“Oho yeah,” smirked Penelope. “You know Regina, I really don’t care what we all used to say about you. You’re pretty alright, you know that?”

“Why yes I--” Regina felt the smile slide off her face. “What do you mean ‘what you used to say about me!?’”

Penelope did nothing by giggle to herself at that. Even Felicity allowed herself a chuckle at her friend’s expense, while Regina huffed self-importantly. Bruce, to his credit, simply continued his deep tissue massage.

All of a sudden, a wave of faint prismatic light flashed through the room, passing over and through all of them, catching them all before they could react.

For a moment, everything was still. Even Bruce was doing nothing.

“G-girls?” Fluttershy asked after a moment. “I… I remember now.”

“Fluttershy? Pinkie?” Rarity asked, looking around. “We… our memories are back! The curse is broken!”

“WOO-HOO!” Pinkie leapt off of her table, somehow materializing all of her clothing back on with a rather graceful spin, and vaulted up to the ceiling. “CURSE IS BROKEN PARTY!”

“YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!” shouted Bulk Biceps, before stomping off out of the room, presumably to give the girls time to get dressed, or perhaps to see if he could find Aloe and Lotus Blossom..

“W-what do we do?” Fluttershy asked as Pinkie managed to whip out her party cannon and set off an explosive volley of streamers. “We’re all here with our memories again, but the Changelings are out there! And how do we get home?”

There came the sound of something buzzing.

“Oh!” Rarity got up and ran over to her purse, where her cell phone was stored. “A message from Nova Shine. He says ‘Sharp Eye is on his way to keep you safe until a group can arrive and escort you to meet up with the other bearers of Harmony. Make sure it’s actually him.’”

Pinkie and Rarity immediately looked over to Fluttershy.

“What?” Fluttershy asked.

“We don’t know Sharp Eye,” Rarity shrugged. “Well, Pinkie does. She knows everyone. But even she doesn’t know him as well as you.”

“Yeah! He’s always seemed so distant,” Pinkie said. “Always off doing jobs for everyone. Never really got the time to throw a party for him.”

Pinkie not even being able to throw a party for someone… now that wasn’t a good sign.

“But I wouldn’t know what to ask him to make sure he’s him,” Fluttershy replied. “Or… wait a minute… I may know of a few things…”

With that it was settled. Now all there was to do was wait.

It was time for them to go home.

The Best Laid Plans

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Even In Other Worlds
Chapter 18 - The Best Laid Plans

It was a rather unfamiliar sensation, being summoned to the mindscape. Luna had grown used to traversing it on her own, but when she did, it was always because she was the one who initiated entry and traversal. It had been a long while since she had felt the pull of contact from another.

Naturally curious as she was, she allowed herself to be pulled in, feeling the strange sensation of gravity changing as she fell toward the caller’s own mind. Whoever was doing this, and she had a suspicion on who it was, had to be someone talented in the arts of dream traversal, and she had personally trained the second-best in Equestrian history. Despite her sister’s experience with taking up her mantle over a thousand years, she just hadn’t quite gotten the hang of it like her Night Apprentice had.

Though as the glass mindscape of her caller began to shine out of the darkness around her, her suspicion was proven wrong.

It wasn’t the second-best, but the third-best who was calling her today.

The glass platform was, as always, a beautiful depiction of the pony it represented. It was a deep navy blue in color, with several circles arrayed along the edge, depicting various ponies. The five along the top featured five of the six Bearers of Harmony, flanking either of them were Luna herself and Celestia on one side, and Cadance and Shining Armor on the other. Underneath the subject were Spike, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet.

And in the center, standing tall and proud with wings outstretched and eyes shut, was the likeness of Twilight Sparkle. And behind her, facing opposite, with his own head held high and his eyes closed as well, was her own Night Apprentice Nova Shine. And between their heads was her cutie mark emblazoned in glass.

She felt the smile work its way onto her face before she could even consider stopping it. It truly was rather special, what they had.

As she felt herself be drawn downward, eventually touching down, there was a bright flash of light, and once again, she found herself in pony form.

“Faust above, it feels so good to have our wings back,” she flapped them vigorously to punctuate the point. “When we return to Equestria, we will fly for three days straight!

A flash of light at the opposite end of this mindscape caught her attention, and just as she anticipated, Twilight Sparkle appeared, in pony form just as she was, holding a hoof to her head as though she were having a migraine.

“Ugh, how does Nova do this?” she asked aloud. Luna didn’t think it was addressed to her in particular, but it still felt prudent to answer.

“Well, our dear Twilight,” the princess stepped forward to greet her younger equal, “with practice and regular use, the headaches should face.”

As the princess approached her, Twilight smiled weakly. “It’s good to see you again, Princess Luna.”

“Not nearly as good as it is to see thee whole and unharmed,” the princess replied, leaning down to give the younger mare a brief hug. “How art thou ‘holding up,’ as they say?”

“Ugh,” Twilight rubbed at her head again, in particular near the horn. The action mirrored Nova’s own tic of doing the same when he was deep in though that she giggled ever so softly. “I’m… fine,” Twilight finally said, quiet to the point of sounding almost exactly like Knightmare Tranquillitatis at his loudest.

Yes, Knightmare will work perfectly! she thought, quite pleased with herself for thinking up this new name for the collective third-to-sixteenth favorite ponies on her “non-family” list, behind Nova and Twilight, naturally. To pit them up against her sister Celestia and niece uCadance would be unfair.

Of course, to put them up against Pipsqueak and those three adorable foals from Ponyville would also be a bit unfair…

We will need to revisit and reorganize our “Favorite non-family ponies” list, she thought.

“If ever thou wouldst like someone to help thee deal with the psychological aftereffects,” Luna said, giving the younger mare a hug once again, “we will be more than happy to help thee work through it.”

“Thank-you, Princess,” Twilight said, looking more than a bit haunted as the memories had to be running through her head, though nothing reflected in the darkness around them. “But I think just having Nova around will do wonders.”

“True, true,” Luna nodded. “So, for what purpose didst thou summon me?”

“There’s been… a problem,” Twilight sighed.

“Is Nova involved?”

“Is he ever not?” Twilight asked.

Luna sighed, with a slight note of exasperation behind it. “Of course he’s involved. He’s never not involved. That stallion is like a trouble magnet. He can never just live quietly without attracting attention…”

She pinched her nostrils together for the briefest moments.

“What did he do this time?”

“It’s… not so much what he did,” Twilight looked very unsure what to say, and set to pacing around the mindscape. “When he destroyed the crystal with the curse… it was like this fog lifted from all of us. I could feel my magic again, and it seemed like everyone else could as well. Shining started conjuring shields and stuff.”

“The curse that was upon everypony was far more than just a simple memory curse, like Sombra had cast upon his subjects,” Luna frowned. “This curse felt like a… suppression curse. It suppressed memories, but it also suppressed the magic inside of everypony, preventing their spirits from breaking them out.”

“Except Nova,” Twilight put forth.

“Yes, except Nova,” Luna nodded. now frowning all the more. “We alicorns had to be dealt with differently, because we are too powerful to be contained. Our sister was left stranded in Equestria, thou wert put inside of a Soul Gem,” Twilight shifted uncomfortably, “and we have yet to identify what happened to Cadance.”

“She’s fine,” Twilight smiled at that. “She was under the suppression curse, same as everyone else. Nothing happened to her.”

Luna frowned even more.

“Perhaps being separated from the Crystal Heart has weakened her enough to make her not a threat,” she hypothesized. “Or perhaps not being on the same world as the embodiment of love that the Crystal Heart is. In any case,” she waved a hoof dismissively, “what does the curse breaking have to do with Nova?”

“After a few minutes of the curse being lifted, Nova turned into a… I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“Wait, so he’s transformed into--”

“No! No,” Twilight interjected, trying not to alarm the princess any more than was necessary, it seemed. “Just… you know how he taught me to sense energy?”

“We do,” Luna nodded.

“He… his energy got so… bright?” She considered her wording for a moment. “We’ll go with that. His magical energy got so bright that it drowned everyone else out in the room.”

Luna froze.

No… no, that cannot be true. That would mean it’s happening faster than…

“Like,” Twilight continued, “he was so bright that I couldn’t sense anything else in that room. Have you ever seen that before?” she asked, turning to give Luna an inquisitive glance. “Have you ever been near a pony so bright that it outshone everyone else around them?”

Luna’s response was to give Twilight a long stare. It took a few seconds, but Twilight did realize who she was asking this to.

“Oh. Right. Nightfall. Sorry,” she added hastily at Luna’s unamused look.

“It is forgiven, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna waved a hoof dismissively. “We only ask that thou be mindful of whom thou art speaking to in the future.”

“Sorry,” Twilight said again, but she continued. “But the thing is, no one else noticed! It was just me, since I’m pretty sure Nova and I are the only ones who could sense energy in that room.”

“Did Nova notice?” Luna asked. This was going to be the question that confirmed or refuted her fears. If Twilight answered the way she was dreading…

“Yes, he did,” Twilight sat down, staring intently at the ground as she recalled the scene. “He said he felt… overwhelmed or something. Like, he said he’d never felt this powerful before. He said it was like he had enough power to go against me when I had the combined power of all four of us alicorns, back when I took on Tirek! And Luna,” she added, giving her a meaningful look, “he meant it. He wasn’t exaggerating.”

No, Faust above, no!


Luna had fallen on her own haunches, an expression of horror on her face.

“Twilight Sparkle… I…” she tried to say, but the words died in her throat.

“What… what’s wrong?” Twilight asked, moving to sit beside her.

“You…” she sighed and shook her head. “I had best start from the beginning. This is not going to be pleasant.”

“What…” Twilight’s face fell into one of apprehension. “What’s going on?”

“Thou recallest Nova’s foray into the past, of course?” Luna asked. At Twilight’s nod, she continued. “Thou recallest, then, how he was pulled out specifically to battle Nightmare Moon alongside our sister and Comet Novus?” She nodded again. “Dost thou recall how our… darker half was defeated?”

“The Elements of Harmony,” replied Twilight automatically. “Celestia, Comet, and Nova took up the Elements of Harmony to defeat you.”

“Indeed,” Luna nodded. “But as thou may recall, the Element of Magic required its five fellow Elements to have appeared around it before it would take up residence in its bearer. But Nova was never its true bearer when he took it up in our stead.”

“Yeah,” Twilight nodded, no doubt thinking back to the day Nova had been sent back, returned as an older stallion, and told her the story. “Yeah, he said that the Consciousness of Magic had possessed him to talk to the three of them before it allowed him to use its power.”

“That moment,” sighed Luna, “the moment the Consciousness of Magic came down and took possession of Nova, has proven to be blessing and curse to the colt.”

Stallion, Princess Luna,” corrected Twilight with an admonishing look. “He’s going to be my husband when this is all over, and I’m not a fan of you calling him a colt all the time.”

“Our apologies,” Luna shook her head. “He told us once that he considered us to be more his mother than Shimmer Novus ever was. We suppose we started reciprocating that view after some time.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight shrugged, “but how has the Consciousness of Magic affected him?”

“Only four ponies have ever been touched by the Element of Magic over the time of its use,” Luna frowned. “Ourself, naturally, as we were the one who took the Element of Magic from the Tree of Harmony. Next was Lady Clover the Clever, whom the Consciousness of Magic took possession of to speak to us. Third was Nova Shine, and finally, you as its most recent bearer.”

She gave Twilight a meaningful gaze.

“There are a lot of links between them, so there is little point in asking if thou could see the common thread. What binds us together relevant to this situation is what happened to all four of us after we took up the Element.”

“Which is?” Twilight asked.

“Dost thou recall how thy own magical ability grew at an exponential rate over the next few years? How once thou had difficulty casting teleportation even once, and now thou can use it as though it were second nature?”

“I do,” Twilight dipped her head.

“The same happened to us when we took up the Element,” Luna frowned. “Once upon a time, our sister was the greater of the two of us in magical ability, but ever after taking the element, she was never able to match us, save for when our power was drastically weakened after our restoration.”

“What about Clover and Nova?”

“Clover took up the element only a few years before she passed away, but those years were rather eventful for her,” Luna recalled her friend rather fondly, smiling at the thought. “She forged her Spellblade in such a quick amount of time, many started to wonder if she would eclipse her former master in magical talent. This is relevant, as Nova Shine did the exact same thing merely a couple of hours ago.”

“So the Element of Magic has caused us all to grow better at magic?” Twilight asked. “That makes sense.”

“More than that, Twilight. The Element of Magic has deepened our mana pool. While thou were still a unicorn, thou went from struggling with teleportation, as mentioned earlier, to manipulating gravity within only a couple of years! Precious few ponies would be able to make a leap like that, and never in that short a timespan.”

“This sounds like nothing but a blessing,” Twilight frowned. “How is this a curse?”

“Because the body of a non-alicorn has its limits, Twilight,” Luna pressed her hooves together and rested her muzzle on them. “If we alicorns grow too strong for our bodies to contain, we can simply let it off, or our bodies will grow to contain it. However, non-alicorn bodies have a ceiling on how much energy they can contain that cannot be broken.”

Luna could see the dawning realization on Twilight’s face now. She was coming to appreciate the problem.

“A-and… if they contain too much?”

“The energy within forces its way out,” Luna made a face as she recalled it. A foolish pony, trying to copy Tirek’s art of siphoning magic away from others, only to absorb too much and explode with catastrophic force.

Thankfully, they had been in a very remote place for just this instance, and no one had perished but the pony in question, but her decision to go along with this stupidity remained one of her greatest failures. Night Master Andromeda Lulamoon did not deserve a death like that.

Twilight paled. “No… you mean to say, Nova’s going to…”

“I wish we could say otherwise, but at present, he will.”

“No, no, that cannot happen. That will not happen,” Twilight growled. Luna couldn’t help but smile just a bit at that. As ever, her determination outshines any horror or fear. Nova, you have yourself a remarkable young mare. “There must be a way to stop it,” she stared at Luna, as if daring her to challenge her. “There must be. You said alicorn bodies don’t have this limit, right?”

“We do not. As we said, we grow to fit the power we control,” Luna dipped her head. “But I’m afraid it’s not that simple, Twilight.”

“How is it not? My husband-to-be is going to die! Just turn him into an alicorn and he won’t!”

“We cannot force the change upon him, Twilight!” Luna shook her head. “When you were transported to the Plane of Ascension, if you had not wanted to accept the spell that transformed you, the spell would have had no effect. The spell only works if its target accepts the change!”

Twilight’s countenance began to show even more horror than before. She has to know exactly the day I’m leading up to, Luna thought.

“And we art sure thou recallest, Nova rejected the path we offered,” she spat. “Even after he knew that the path was his grooming to becoming an alicorn prince, he rejected it because he valued his freedom and what he hoped would be a normal life more than what he saw as a cage of its own.”

“He should know better, though!” protested Twilight. “He’s seen me as an alicorn for the past several months!”

“We believe he still fears that becoming a prince, and the responsibilities it carries, are a prison of their own. And he desired to stay away from such a ‘prison.’” She ran a hoof through her mane, scowling as she did so. “Nothing we, or even thou said could convince him.”

“Then… is there no hope?”

“There… was.”


“Didst thou think we offered him the arch-mage position for no reason, Twilight?” She rose to her hooves and set to pacing just as Twilight had done. “We needed a way to have Nova use as much magic as possible. We figured that if we could put him into a position where he was constantly expelling mana from his system, it would buy us time to find a better way. It was no permanent solution, as eventually his capabilities would be so great, his mana pool so deep, and its regeneration so quick, that he would eventually reach a point where he could cast some of the most mana-dependent spells known to ponykind and still have plenty to spare.”

“But that doesn’t sound like you had hope to begin with,” Twilight observed. Luna had to admit, she was taking this rather well. Perhaps she had yet to really appreciate just how bleak Nova’s chances were now. Or perhaps she was still in denial about it. “You were just hoping to delay the inevitable.”

“We were, but a lot of it was that we were hoping that either thou would convince him, or he would convince himself, that becoming an alicorn wouldn’t be as bad as he thought.”

She covered her nose with a hoof.

“It wasn’t originally as bad as it seems. He had a good forty years before things would start to become a problem if things progressed at the rate they were. But now…” She shook her head. “The suppression curse has ruined all of that.”

“How is the curse responsible for any of this?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, thou knowest him better than anyone,” Luna pointed out. “It is in Nova’s nature to fight against anything trying to contain or control him. Even without this… quality,” that word felt right; neither blessing nor curse, but simply a quality, “Nova’s very spirit would have broken free one way or another. But it would have taken far longer for him to do so. And as thou art well aware, magic is tied to the spirit.”

“His magic channeled his spirit and amplified itself to fight the suppression curse!” realized Twilight. “It grew to such a level to match Nova’s normal levels without the curse, and that was with the curse smothering them! And now that the curse is gone…”

“Now that it is gone, Nova’s magic will increase meteorically because there is nothing for it to fight against.”


“And nothing we can do will inhibit it?” Twilight asked.

Luna knew the stages all too well. She loved the colt-- stallion-- like a son. And to know that someone she held so dear was going to wither and pass before her eyes while she endured had not been an easy time, especially in her emotionally fragile state after being restored to her own self by the mare before her.

“Nothing,” Luna shook her head.

Said mare was clearly in the shock and numbness stage. All she could do was stare blankly at Luna, perhaps not quite coming to grips

“And you… you knew, and you didn’t tell me?” she asked softly. “You and Celestia?”

“We… did,” she nodded.

At once, her mane exploded into flames, her eyes became a bright red, and her coat shone white she stepped forward to glare her right in the eyes.

“YOU MEANT TO TELL ME,” she screamed, even as Luna’s rear hooves slid back just a fraction, “THAT ALL THIS TIME, MY HUSBAND-TO-BE WAS DYING, AND YOU DIDN’T THINK I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THAT!?”

“Nova was in no danger until he was dragged onto this world, and Envy’s suppression curse lay upon him,” Luna answered defensively. “He was in no danger until--”


“Twilight, we--”

“I’ve had enough of you,” the flames mercifully abated, but Twilight’s glare through icy purple eyes sent a chill down her spine. Luna had never before appreciated how terrifying a truly angry Twilight Sparkle could be. “You and Celestia, with your scheming. Your machinations. Moving us around like pawns!” she spat. “You just can’t help yourself, can you!? This is all one big cosmic game to you, is that it!? And MY STALLION IS DYING BECAUSE OF IT!

The accusation stung far more than Luna would have liked. She had little to do with Celestia’s grand design, but that did not change the fact that Twilight Sparkle, like Nova before her, was right.

Being an Undying being meant that far too often, the fleeting existence of pony lives failed to truly be appreciated. And it was one of her worst fears that she would stop seeing every subject as a pony with a life, and start seeing them as game pieces that they moved around the board.

While she would never ever see Nova or Twilight as such, it was not hard to come across that way with all the secrets and manipulations.

Twilight’s chest was heaving from the strength of her breaths, and Luna could see the glimmering of tears that had yet to fall in her eyes.

“Is…” she started, but her voice cracked as she said it, causing her to sniff and glance away, “is there truly no hope?”

“There is,” Luna said, making sure to put the nervousness behind it that she felt would communicate the uncertainty she felt. “Nova’s acceleration has reached meteoric levels, but we believe there should be a few years with which to work.”

You’re doing it again,” snapped Twilight. “You’re planning. Stop! It’s already done enough.”

“It’s all we have left!” snapped Luna, feeling her grit her teeth. “Unless you want to watch Nova literally explode into disintegration right in front of your eyes, then we have to figure out some way to delay it, or better yet, save him!”

Twilight had nothing to say to that. Instead, she just gave Luna one of the most intense glares Luna had ever seen.

“When we return to Equestria,” growled Twilight, “you, your sister, and I are going to have a very long conversation about secret-keeping.”

“We will be the first to remind thee of it when we return,” Luna inclined her head. “But for today, nothing else matters but returning home. When we return home, we can deal with… all of this.”

Twilight just glared at her for a long moment, before relaxing. “Will you be fighting now that the curse is gone?”

“Neigh,” Luna shook her head. “We still do not feel… whole. It still feels as if our power is limited. Perhaps it is a side-effect of the Nightmare’s control over us. We wilt be protecting our subjects, particularly those who will not be participating in the coming battle, but we will not be entering the fray ourselves. What of your own plans?”

“I have no idea where anything is,” Twilight just shook her head. “One minute, I was in Canterlot Castle chapel, the next I was trapped in darkness, and now here I am in a world I’ve never seen before, and as far as I’m concerned, only thirty minutes ago, I was about to be married to the love of my life. And now I find out he’s going to die!

Luna chose not to reignite the argument. Twilight was right to be upset. However, it would get them nowhere to continue speaking about it.

“Then we recommend that thou stay with a group. Preferably with the other Bearers.”

“They’re currently scattered across this city,” Twilight set to pacing, mercifully dropping the previous topic so that they could plan. “My guess would be Nova’s going to group everyone up and we’re all going to unite them, and we’ll use the Bearers to get us home.”

She paused. “You know, it doesn’t really make sense. How exactly will the Elements of Harmony take us back?” she looked at Luna. “Would they simply be reversing the teleportation spell Envy used, or…”

“That seems the most likely outcome.”

“But what if they don’t?” Twilight asked. “What if they don’t send us back?”

“Then our best advice would be to search for the portal to the Crystal Mirror,” answered Luna. “There is a portal here somewhere, else Envy never would have found this world to begin with.”

“How?” Twilight asked. “How would we find the portal?”

“Portals radiate a considerable amount of magical energy,” Luna recalled, thinking back to the crystal mirror when it was active. “With thine and Nova’s energy sensing abilities, that seems like a task best delegated to the two of you, when not linking up with the other Bearers.”

“Surely there are others with sensing ability that could help? Nova’s father, or Doctor Hoofman, perhaps?” offered Twilight, which caused Princess Luna to pause.

“We wilt reach out to them and see what we can do,” promised Luna. “Time grows short, Twilight Sparkle, and we have work to do. We promise, we shall have our talk on our return to Equestria. Thou hast our word.”

Twilight’s face soured for a moment, but she inclined her head.

“Fare thee well,” Luna added, in a voice barely above a whisper, “for Nova’s sake.”

“You know,” Shining Armor said, sliding into a seat beside him on the roof of the apartment as they both watched the streets below, “I would have expected you to want to talk to my sister before anypony else.”

“Believe me, I would love nothing more than to spend all of my time with the love of my life,” Nova smiled at the thought of doing just that, “but we have work to do, and there will be time for that later, when we return and we can finally exchange our vows.”

Shining smiled at that as well. “You’ve grown a lot since your trip to the Crystal Empire, those years ago, you know? When Cadie told me that my sister had a crush on you of all ponies, I was about ready to take the first train down to Ponyville to set her straight, but now?”

He didn’t finish that thought. Nova didn’t need him to. Shining’s approval meant a lot. Especially considering the Prince had every opportunity to pummel him after the disastrous aftermath of their first official date, but chose not to.

“So, what’s the plan?” Shining asked, looking off to the collection of skyscrapers in the distance that signified downtown. “Do you have a plan?”

“I do,” Nova dipped his head. “And I want you to critique it.”

And with that, Nova explained rather succinctly his plan. Shining’s expression as he recited it was unreadable, but Nova had learned to tell from some of the smaller details, such as how Shining was an “eye-smiler”. He never really noticed anything Shining disapproved of, which was heartening, but he did notice some slight unease at one particular part of his plan.

“And before you say anything,” he added as Shining opened his mouth, “I am well aware that Twilight is not going to be happy. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I think it’s just the best course of action.”

“I trust you,” Shining replied. “I know next to nothing about this city, outside of what the cursed version of me remembers. You, however, have been out for several weeks now. You have the most experience as your current self with this city, so we have little choice but to trust you.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Shining,” Nova shook his head with a sardonic smile on his face.

“Eh, what are brothers-in-law for?” Shining nudged him playfully, but then stood back up. “More helpers are arriving, and I’m gonna be there to greet them. Want me to send Twilight up when she gets out of her little trance thing?”

“Yeah, sure,” Nova nodded. Why Twilight insisted on contacting Princess Luna that way was beyond him when he could just have Philomena ferry letters between them. “But first, have Flash come up.”

“Sure thing,” Shining nodded. “Gonna grill him about his crush on Twilight?”

“Something like that,” Nova frowned.

Shining smiled, got up, and climbed down into the apartment for a few moments. It wasn’t long before Nova felt the aura of the pegasus guard he disliked most in the world climb up in his place.

“Captain Armor said you wanted to see me?” he heard the youthful voice say, and he was a bit pleased to hear, it sounded a bit nervous.

“Sit down, please.” He patted the spot Shining had just vacated.

Flash, to his credit, did so without hesitation. Ever the soldier, he was.

“I’m Nova Shine,” he reached out a hand. The private eyed it for a moment, before nervously taking it.

“What do you need from me?” Flash asked. “Is this about the Princess Summit, or--”

“No, it’s not,” Nova replied, but he didn’t keep the distaste out of his voice. “But I do want to talk with you about it all the same.”

“Y-yes sir,” Flash hid his face from view. “I, uhh… I’m sorry, but I can’t really help it. Twilight’s just--”

Nova glared at him, which he noticed immediately.

P-Princess Twilight’s just…” he amended, but fell off at the end.

“Private, listen,” Nova sighed, “I completely understand. You can’t help who you find attractive. And my fiancee is a princess and one of the most beautiful mares in Equestria. I get that.”

He gave the private a stern look.

“But make no mistake, Private, I am well aware that you can help how you act around an engaged mare. I love her to death, and she loves me. You do not fit into that picture.”

The private cleared his throat nervously and looked away. “Sir, really, I am sorry. I didn’t even really do anything though. She just sort of collided with me a couple of times.”

“I know,” Nova told him. “And most of my wife-to-be’s… well, most of why I’m touchy about this has to do with her experiences in that human world, the one Sunset Shimmer’s from--”

“Sunny’s from our world,” corrected Flash, with a challenging look.

“The one she got pulled out of,” Nova corrected himself, inclining his head at the private, “and the Flash Sentry from that world. But if our theories are correct, that would mean the inclinations are the same. So I’m laying down the law now before anything bad happens that one of us will regret.”

Nova liked how that word hung in the air after. He really wasn’t a terribly vindictive pony, and he really didn’t want to make the poor private shit his pants, but he’d be damned if he were going to let someone steal the love of his life away from him.


“Y-yes sir,” Flash nodded, looking a bit pale.

“Good,” Nova grinned. “Now, I’ve got a job for you today.”

“Okay,” Flash took a deep breath to calm himself. “And that is?”

“I would like you to keep an eye on Sunset Shimmer.”

That got Flash’s attention.

“With all due respect sir,” Flash said slowly, “I was going to do that whether or not you asked me to.”

“Good, so now it’s an order,” Nova turned his gaze out into the city. “We don’t know what we’re going to face out there today, whether the changelings will be trying to kill us or just subdue us. But either way, she got pulled into this because of that shadow being. She has no stake in this, but was dragged here anyway, and so I’d prefer it if she were able to get away unscathed.”

“You can count on me, sir,” Flash announced. Nova was thankful for his enthusiasm.

“Good. Out of curiosity,” he added, stopping the private before he could get up and head back in, “how do you know Sunset? All I know about her is that she fled into that other world after she got mad at Celestia.”

“That’s… pretty much it,” Flash dipped is head sadly. “We grew up together in Canterlot. She was a couple of years older than me, but that didn’t stop us from being friends… and then dating.”

“Oh?” Nova arched an eyebrow at that. “How old were you?”

“She’s 24, I’m 22, and this was about 8 years ago,” Flash sighed at the memory. “Everything was going well until Princess Celestia began to spend time training Twilight as her Faithful Student in addition to Sunset, and… well, Sunset never did take kindly to sharing at the time.”

Nova understood. As best he had heard from Twilight, Sunset Shimmer had only just gotten better about that sort of thing. After her second trip and her encounter with the Dazzlings, he took Twilight’s word for it that Sunset had reformed and helped her to defeat the Sirens.

“After that, well,” Flash hung his head. “I heard about an argument between them at the castle, and then she stormed off and ran away. Never saw her again. Until about thirty minutes ago, that is.”

“Will your history be a problem?” Nova asked.

“I… don’t know. I hope not, but if she’s still angry about what happened…”

Nova nodded understandingly. “Alright. Thanks, Flash.”

Flash dipped his head and stood up, ready to walk back in, but Nova caught his arm.

“Private, I… well, I’m sorry for being so brusque with you earlier. I promise, I want nothing more than a good relationship between us.”

Flash nodded at that.

“Just… watch how you act around Princess Twilight, and remember whose lover she is.”

“Got it,” Flash nodded. “Should I have her come on up?”

“Yes, please.”

Flash grinned and leapt off the building, landing lightly and noticeably slowing down as he fell, no doubt getting used to his wings, before heading inside.

With that, there was nothing left to do but continue to wait. Nova couldn’t sense what was going on out in the city, but he hoped the chaos was starting. The more chaos there was, the easier it’d be for them all to go about doing their thing without attracting attention.

One of the greatest feelings Nova ever knew was the moment whenever he felt Twilight Sparkle near him, and this was no exception. When he sensed her gentle aura approaching, he felt himself smile reflexively.

And when she slid into a seat beside him, when she immediately took his hand in her’s and lay her head on his shoulder, that moment alone was worth every shred of time they had left.

“I can’t wait to get back,” he sighed, leaning his own head down onto hers.

“Did you grill Flash Sentry before you called me up?” she asked, looking a bit amused by it.

“Yeah,” Nova nodded. “Haven’t had a proper chance to remind him which stallion you’re marrying when we get back.”

She snorted. “Why?”

“Your two adventures to that other human world,” Nova answered simply. “What did you see in him, anyway?”

“Well,”: she blushed slightly, “he reminded me a lot… of you.”

“He reminded you of me?” Nova asked, taken aback. “How?”

“Well, he was kind, he had the blue mane and tail, he liked his coat, and he was a bit goofy like you tend to be from time to time. But,” she added meaningfully, “he’s not you.”

He was satisfied with that answer.

“There are no others like me,” he said, mostly to himself. “Only me. And I quite like that.”

She said nothing to that, seemingly content to watch the distant city with him. In truth, he rather liked this. Nothing needed to be said. It was just the two of them together, and their silence was all that was needed.

Until she broke it with a mumble of some kind.

“What was that?” Nova leaned back to glance at her. She too sat up, but she looked away and mumbled the same thing. “Twilight, love, speak up.”

“I said ‘I love you,’” she clarified.

Nova gave her a bemused look. “And you felt the need to mumble that? Are you embarrassed or something?”

“N-no, I just…” she rubbed at the back of her head. “I’m just ready for all of this to be behind us.”

“No kidding,” Nova nodded. “Sooner we’re done here, sooner we can get back to the wedding, and then it’s till death do us part.”

It was lucky he missed the wince that crossed Twilight’s face.

“When… when we get back,” Twilight swallowed, “you and I are going to have a word with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Why?” Nova asked, tilting his head. “Is Celestia hiding things from us again?”

“Y… yes,” Twilight sighed, and returned her head to his shoulder. “I talked to Luna about it. Nova, it’s… not good.”

“What is it?” he asked, now very concerned. Clearly, this was eating her up. “You can tell me.”

Twilight worked her jaw for several moments, but ended up just shaking her head. “When we get back,” she promised. “All of us need our heads in the game today, you especially.”

Nova couldn’t argue with that. In light of his plan, the last thing he needed to be was distracted.

Fortunately, whatever his inner feelings about Twilight’s little revelations were, her hand and head returned, dismissing them instantly.

“Let’s just stay like this forever,” he suggested. “No Envy, no Tirek, no Princesses, just you and me.”

“As much as I would love that, there’s work to do.”

“You just have to ruin everything, don’t you?” he teased. “Like that time I was enjoying a perfectly good book in our hotel room and you dragged me out to go lights-watching.”

“You didn’t seem to complain when we kissed under the Hearth’s Warming Tree,” she reminded him.

“Nah, only after,” he shook his head. “Faust above, I was so blind back then. Imagine all the time we could have had if I had just admitted to myself I had fallen in love with you immediately. None of the stupid things I did to pretend I wasn’t in love with you would have happened and we’d have had several extra months of an honest relationship.”

“Well, we’re here now. Let’s enjoy the time we do have.”

Nova grinned. “I hear that.”


“So, let’s get down to business,” said Nova seriously, as his hand shone blue and a map of the city illuminated itself on one of his blank walls. There was a blinking dot near the southern part of it. “Today’s the day we make our push to get back. It’s going to be a long day, everyone. Let’s be prepared and let’s do everything in our power to make this happen.”

The waiting audience featured a solid several ponies now. Twilight, Sunset, the five Nightmares, and thirteen guards in addition to Flash and Shining that had come in. This fit Nova’s plans rather well.

“So, here’s my initial plan on how we’re going to do this,” he said, turning back to the blue aerial view of the city. The blinking dot split into two, one green and one red that blinked in the same spot. “This is where we are at now. This,” an orange dot appeared outside of the city limits, further south, “is the Appleby Farm, where Applejack and Rainbow Dash are currently waiting. And here,” a yellow dot started to blink northeast of downtown, “is the spa that Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are currently at. Sharp Eye is watching them to make sure nothing happens.”

He turned to face his guests again.

“The plan is to split into two groups,” he recited. “Group One will take Twilight and retrieve Applejack and Rainbow Dash from the Appleby Farm, and then make their way to the rendezvous point. Group Two will retrieve Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie and make their own way to the same rendezvous point. The rendezvous point is here,” a blinking white dot joined the mix, currently a fair bit north of downtown, but a bit further south than the spa, “at the university. Both groups, with their three Bearers of Harmony, will meet up and then our Bearers trigger the Elements and send us home.”

Twilight raised a hand.

“Yes, love?” Nova asked.

“Princess Luna mentioned earlier when we spoke, should the Elements fail to activate within us, our best bet would be to locate the portal,” she supplied.

Nova nodded. “Yes. The thought had crossed my mind. I have already accounted for that, but I will get to that. Thank-you for bringing it up.”

Twilight smiled at him, and he felt his confidence grow.

Now it was Nightmare Starstep’s turn to raise a hand.

“Yes, Nightmare?” Nova asked.

“Wouldn’t it be better off to move as one group?” he asked. “We’d have bigger safety in numbers, and all six Bearers would be protected by a grand total of twenty guards, plus Miss Shimmer.”

“I’m glad you asked,” Nova nodded at the young stallion, as did Frigoris, which had Starstep shift and try to hide a pleased smile of his own. “I did consider that, and even talked it over with Shining Armor. However,” a number of black dots appeared all over the map, “the changelings abound. A larger group would move more slowly and attract more attention. Two smaller groups can move quickly and in today’s chaos, they can avoid too much additional suspicion.”

Starstep nodded understandingly. “The less they know about us, the better?”

“Precisely,” Nova looked back to the board. “Conflict with the changelings will be inevitable. You will have to fight. We just want to limit those fights so you can save energy and so that they don’t know what the plan is.”

“So who’s in charge of the groups?” asked Flash.

“Shining Armor,” Shining nodded in acknowledgement, “and Nightmare Frigoris,” the thestral also nodded, “will lead the two groups. Frigoris, if I may ask, do you feel your Nightmares would be at their best as a whole unit, or would splitting them up not have an effect?”

“So long as there is more than one Nightmare to a group, it shall have no effect,” the thestral answered quietly, his soft voice carrying well in the room of twenty-three ponies. “We were made for cooperation. While any one of us can hold our own alone, we work best when there are others of our number with us.”

“Duly noted. In that case...” On a second wall, two columns appeared, headed by “GROUP 1” and “GROUP 2,” the top names of which were Shining Armor and Nightmare Frigoris. “I’ll split up the thestrals into two-per-group.”

Nightmares Tranquillitatis and Imbrium were listed under Shining Armor’s group, whereas Crisium and Starstep appeared under Frigoris.

“You misspelled it,” Frigoris pointed out softly.

“I… what?” Nova checked his spelling. He was fairly certain he had gotten all of their names right.

“‘Nightmare.’ Mother has changed the name. It starts with a K now.”

“Are we really doing this now?” Nova asked, giving the Night-- Knightmare an irritated look. A quick tweak and the change was made.

Frigoris only shrugged at that. Truthfully, Nova had to wonder if Frigoris enjoyed winding him up the way Luna sometimes did. It would make perfect sense. And then there was that time he and Starstep had thrown Nova out of Luna’s room after the first time they had visited the Vaults…

“Shining, I’ll leave the guards’ split up to you,” Nova continued, dismissing Frigoris’ quip and continuing. “I’d also recommend that you be the group who will be going with Twilight to pick up Rainbow Dash and Applejack.”

Brother and sister locked eyes and grinned at the development. “Couldn’t have picked better myself, Nova,” Twilight said.

“Finally, Sunset.”

The young woman’s cool aquamarine eyes met his own. Nova had never met her before, but naturally, Twilight had. She had the same fire in her gaze that Twilight had, but her’s was far more uncertain, no doubt due to being plucked out of her world to be used for Envy’s nefarious purposes.

“I know you didn’t ask for this,” he preempted, “but you’re here now. As such, I’d like to keep you out of harm’s way as much as possible. That said, would you be willing to seek refuge at Princess Luna’s safe haven?”

Sunset’s gaze hardened, and she shook her head.

“No,” she said flatly. “You’re right. I didn’t have a say in this, but that shadowy mare yanked me from my home. And Twilight’s my friend, so I’m going to fight with her.”

“Very well, then,” Nova nodded at her. “Flash, you have your orders.”

“Yes sir,” Flash saluted. Sunset looked irritated by that.

“Why, exactly?” she asked, letting the distaste enter her voice. “I think I’ve established that I can take care of myself just fine.”

“Because you don’t know how magic works on this world,” Nova replied. “It’s tied to your energy here. Back in Equestria, you use too much mana, and you’re drained but still physically capable. Here, you use too much, and you could very well end up dead.”

The mood in the room grew considerably more grim at that.

“That’s why I advise all of the unicorns-- or former unicorns,” he inclined his head to his fiancee, “to try and conserve your energy for when you need it. Which means it falls on the pegasi and earth ponies, and any unicorns trained in a martial art, to eliminate threats.”

He returned his gaze to Sunset.

“That’s why I want Flash keeping an eye on you.”

She looked over to Flash, and then seemed to resign herself to it. “Alright. I’ll go with Sparky’s group then.”

“Sparky...?” Nova asked, but then it clicked. Twilight Sparkle. Duh. Actually, he kinda liked that. Maybe he would call Twilight that when they got past today.

“Why can’t you be the one keeping an eye on me?” Sunset asked, giving Flash an uneasy glance. Flash, to his part, didn’t appear insulted or hurt by Sunset’s apparent desire to stay away from him, but Nova could see that it was affecting him.

“I beg your pardon?” Nova asked.

“No offense to Flash, but on a day where we all want to keep our head’s clear, I don’t think keeping me around a source of emotional baggage from my past is going to be the smartest move,” she replied.

That got something out of Flash. His unease shifted into pure concern. Nova could see both of them took that to mean Sunset was beating herself up for past mistakes.

“I’d trust him and Shining with my own life,” Nova answered, “and thats even though Flash and I have had a… disagreement, shall we say/” He didn’t miss the irritation that crossed Twilight’s face as he said this. “But both of them are fine guardsponies, and I’m trusting them with Twilight as well as you.”

“Wait, aren’t you coming with us?” Twilight asked.

“No,” Nova shook his head.

“Then you’d better take care of him,” Twilight turned and ordered Frigoris, who looked highly amused by this.

“Your Night Master is safe with me,” the Knightmare assured her.

“I’m not going with his group either,” Nova replied, bracing himself. He knew Twilight was going to figure out almost immediately what his game was, and he was not looking forward ot the earful he was going to get.

Here comes the hard part.

Sure enough, Twilight pursed her lips, her glare in his direction intense enough to scare even Tirek. Nova, however, continued.

“With the two groups of you moving around, the changelings are inevitably going to start trying to hinder your progress, and I intend to make sure they can’t. So while the two of you make your way to your designated Bearers, I will be running around the city trying to get their attention by taking out as many changelings as I possibly can. Hopefully, they’ll try to ignore you and take me down, but if they insist, I can always hunt down individual outposts.”

At the mention that he would be actively seeking out changelings, Twilight’s glare intensified, but Nova pressed on.

“And if all goes well, I may attract the attention of the bigger fish. Killik, or Envy herself.”

Nova knew Twilight likely had no idea who Killik was, but at the mention of him drawing Envy out, her glare shifted into full fury.

“No,” she stated, her voice carrying over the small babble that had broken out. “No. You will do no such thing.”

“Princess Sparkle, please--” Frigoris cut in.

“Stay out of this,” she warned, her eyes positively glowing due to her anger, before she turned back to Nova and started to step toward him. “If you think for an instant that I’m just going to let you waltz off and get yourself into trouble on your own--”

“I think I’m rather part of it now,” Frigoris said quite calmly, stepping in between them both. “Orders from Princess Luna,” he added as a shadows coalesced in his hand to form a small scroll of parchment.

Now that was just fascinating! Nova didn’t know Frigoris had shadow magic capabilities. When they got back to Equestria, there would be plenty of time to study that. For now, however, what did Luna want?

Twilight took the parchment and read it at top speed, her eyes bulging with anger after a certain point and her hands turning white from the strength of their grip.

“What’s it say?” Nova asked, but Twilight practically threw the parchment at him. It was rather short and sweet.


Your information regarding Nova’s plan is welcome. With that in mind, your personal orders are to go with him and keep watch over him. Ensure no harm comes to the Night Master that you can prevent. Should Twilight Sparkle protest, particularly concerning Nova’s plan, inform her that I am granting Nova Level-0 authority for the remainder of our time in this human world.


Nova looked up to see Twilight fuming.

“The hell is a Level-0 directive?” he asked.

“In short, Night Master,” Frigoris answered, not the least bit affected by Twilight’s anger beside him, “it means that Princess Luna has effectively made you the acting monarch of the Equestria until we return.”

It was then that a very odd sensation overcame Nova Shine.

The babble disappeared, the room just seemed to fade away, and the only ponies he was suddenly aware of were Frigoris and Twilight. Twilight still looked particularly angry, and Frigoris appeared to be the picture definition of collected, standing in stark contrast to Nova, who could feel his breathing grow more and more erratic, his hands start to shake, and beads of sweat trickle down his neck.

“I didn’t ask for this,” he said quietly, forcing himself to take deep breaths and steadying himself. “I didn’t ask to be woken up in the middle of this memory charm. I didn’t ask for Envy, for any of this. But here we are.”

Twilight’s anger abated for a moment, no doubt due to her sensing that something was wrong. Even Frigoris looked concerned at his reaction.

With a great heaving breath, he forced himself to relax. His hands stopped shaking, he lightly shook his head to tousle his hair, and he wiped the sweat off his neck rather hastily.

“I just want to go home. I just want things to go back to normal. I don’t want to be a monarch, or a prince, or anything. I just want to go back home, get married, and live a normal life. But to do that, we have to get through today.”

He gave Twilight an almost-pleading look.

“Please, I know you don’t want this, but I’ve talked it over with Shining. Our plans rest on the six of you being reunited. And I’m going to do every little thing I can to make sure it succeeds. I’m not going to waltz into a death trap or anything,” he made sure to articulate, “but I’ve got to do this. We all have parts to play. Play yours, and allow me to play mine.”

“You needn’t fear any harm coming to your stallion, Princess,” Frigoris assured her, crossing his arms confidently. “Nightmare Moon made me for combat, and Princess Luna kept me and placed me in charge of her Knightmares for a reason, and now she is entrusting me with keeping Night Master Nova Shine safe. I am not being entrusted these positions for no reason, Princess.”

Twilight bit her lip and gave Nova an uncertain look.

“You have my word, I will do everything to prevent him from coming to harm,” the thestral said, his golden eyes never wavering as he made the promise.

Twilight still looked completely unconvinced, but seemed to resign herself ot it. But before she returned to her spot, she grabbed the collar of Nova’s shirt, yanked him forward, and kissed him.

For several moments she stayed there, with Nova unsure of what to do, before she backed apart, giving him a fierce look.

“Stay safe and alive, Nova. That’s an order from your princess.”

Nova successfully resisted the urge to point out that he outranked her for the next several hours.

“I will,” he promised her.

With that, she stepped back, her’s and Nova’s gazes lingering on each other for a long moment, before she turned and went to stand by her brother, who was rounding up those in his group, including the hulking form of Tranquillitatis and the smaller form of Imbrium.

Crisium and Starstep, however, both came forward in his stead.

“Umm, sir?” Starstep asked uncertainly, “if you’re going to stay with Nova, who is going to be in charge of our group?”

“One of you two, naturally,” Frigoris smiled at the younger thestral. Nova knew of Starstep’s story, how he had been a pegasus that had been accepted into the Nightmares, and was then magically transformed into a thestral, and it was really something to see the different features, such as the golden eyes, or the fangs.

“I’ve never led anyone before,” Starstep replied, looking to Crisium.

“Then I entrust the group to you, Crisium,” Frigoris met the younger thestral’s eyes. Crisium met his cool confidence with determination and eagerness. She was clearly ready for the day’s events. “Treat the group as I would all of us. Do not get into unnecessary fights, is that clear?”

“Sir,” Crisium rolled her eyes, but saluted.

“Good. Assemble your party. It’s time to get moving.”

“Yes, captain,” Crisium nodded, before she and Starstep started to separate their own group’s members from the crowd.

“Now that it’s all said and done,” Nova raised his voice, “let’s move out in the next few minutes. Time is of the essence.”

For only a few minutes longer, they continued to separate, and Shining and Crisium addressed their group members. All the while, Nova and Twilight both kept meeting each others’ gaze, each time expressing concern, trepidation, general anxiety about the coming day, and encouragement. They would get through it.

But then, it was time.

“Let’s move out,” Nova said, opening the door to his apartment as he and Frigoris stepped out. Shining’s group immediately set off at a brisk pace to the south, out of the city, while Crisium’s group left and made their way to the northeast, further in.

Nova and Frigoris watched them go. As Shining’s group began to vanish from sight, he saw Twilight turn around and give him one last look.

“Stay safe, my beautiful star,” he whispered to himself.

And then she was gone.

“Well, Frigoris,” Nova cracked his neck and turned to the Knightmare, who still looked calm as ever, “let’s get a move on. We’ve got work to do.”

Frigoris smiled.

“Very well. I will follow your lead, Night Master.”

And with that, they were off, into the city.

Let the battle begin.