Dead Anon

by Bastinator

First published

Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.

Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.

Chapter 1: Frostbite Prison

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Cold sweat drips down your face as your muscles push up, hefting the weight higher into the air. ”46,” your spotter counts as you continue your set. “47.” Deep breathes in and out. Keep your hands apart, grip tight. You’ve done this before. The stale air seeps into your lungs, not like you really need it, “48.” His reptilian snout catches your eye as he looms above you, claws hovering just above the bar. You can’t remember how many times you’ve told him you don’t need him there, but he’s a stubborn fucker. “49.” The weight gains speed as you throw it back away from your chest, “50. Nice job.” The bar clangs against the rack as you sit up and rub your forearms. It’s a little light, no good.

“Add twenty-five next time. I don’t want to get scrawny.”

”That brings it up to 300. Damn.”

“I meant on each side.”

”Don’t strain yourself dude. You don’t have nothing to prove.”

You grab your towel and pat your face. “I’ll take your advice the next time I ask for it.”

”But you never-“ he catches your drift and chuckles, “Well buck you too.” The sage dragon follows close as you move onto the dumbbells. “Come on man, let’s at least get something to eat first.”

“I don’t know how you can stand to eat that garbage. It’s repulsive.”

”Oh come on, it’s not like we have a choice.” The rumble of your stomach only further proves his point. Fuck.

“Fine, but I want to finish my sets before we hit the showers. I hate feeling grimy.”

”Fag,” he pokes jokingly.

“Want me to let Howler take you for a ride?” He gulps and lays off the insults.

”I see your point.” You’re glad he does. Swinging the towel over your shoulder you make your way to the guard who unlocks the cell door for you.

You half expected the guards to cave your chest in when you first got here, but were pleasantly surprised when they didn’t. For a prison this place is pretty ‘chill’. At least that’s how Vic, your dragon buddy, called it. You bat the dust off your shoes and onto the cracked ceramic flooring, not caring that the janitor has to clean this up. He’s lucky to be here at all, god knows what would’ve come of him out in the wastes. The other inmates told tales about the abominations that roamed the plains of Tartarus. They’re nothing compared to the monsters in these walls.

Vic holds the door open for you like a good little bitch, though you don’t take advantage of his kindness. All eyes turn on you as you walk into the cafeteria, the other mismatched inmates waiting for your move. “The hell are you looking at?” They refocus on their meals to avoid further eye contact. “That’s what I thought.”

You pick up a tray by the door and head to the back of the line awaiting for your food. The guy in front of you stammers when he recognizes you, “O- oh, I uh- I didn’t know- please go ahead.” You smile coyly.

“No, by all means, ladies first.”

”O-ok,” he yelps before looking back to the front with barely contained terror.

”You know you’re an asshole right?”

“Speaking of assholes,” you point to the doors as the big bad wolf comes marching through, a diamond dog and sleek griffin at his side. “I didn’t know Howler rose this early in the morning.”

”He doesn’t. I wonder what’s up.”

“You think he’s still mad at me?”

”Of course not, he’s over the whole public humiliation thing.”

“Yeah I’m sure.” You ignore the trio and move along the line, stopping at the cafeteria server.

”Morning Anon. Don’t see you around here much anymore. The craving getting the better of you?”

“I just need something to take the edge off.” She nods understandably and slops a serving onto your plate, the smell making you want to hurl.

”No greeting for me?”

She adds a helping to his tray as well, “Shut up Vic.”

You move down the line, adding a few carrots and mashed potatoes to your serving. It doesn’t quench the thirst, but it helps drown out the flavor. Vic grabs two pops for you and sits down at the chair across from you. You uncork the warm bottle and take a small sip, your stomach churning at the rustic taste of the liquid. “I’ll never get used to this shit.”

He sucks down half his drink without a hitch, “Come on, it’s good for you.” You take a swig and give the rest to Vic. “More for me,” he cheers giddily. How the hell did you end up with this guy? At least the potatoes are fresh. Last time they had a certain green substance that almost made you sick. Almost. Humans had the sheer will to overcome certain obstacles, but the runny slab of meat before you was not one of them.

“I can almost hear the screams,” you gulp before placing a bite into your mouth. You grind the raw hunk into mush, the taste one of rot and curdled milk. The putrid substance slides down your throat and into your stomach, your senses clearing, coming to terms with what you just ate. You finish off your potatoes and carrots, ignoring the rest. “Take it,” you slide your food over to Vic who’s already almost done with his own plate.

”Even more!” He tears into the flesh. “Don’t know why you hate this so much, it toughens the scales on your chest.”

”Because he knows he’s better than that,” the alicorn replies and sits next to you.

”Princess, good to see you around us the rest of us shmucks.”

”How are you feeling Anon?” She asks you ignoring Vic.

“Been better. How are you faring Celestia?”

”Been better,” she smiles taking a bite of a carrot.

“I trust you’re settling in well.”

”In fact I am. No small thanks to you of course.”

“I do what I can. How’s the other guy doing?”

She rolls her eyes when you mention him, “He’s a wild one, but has remained remarkably calm given his situation. I don’t think he’s fully accepted being dead.”

“It’s no easy task.”

”Indeed,” she takes another bite.

”You guys talking about Discord?” Vic asks now that he’s done stuffing his maw.

“No, we’re talking about the weather. Dumbass…”

”Maybe I help,” a voice shoots from behind you. You duck you head as the dog takes a swing at you and misses, body flinging overtop and connecting with Vic.

“Can’t we do this later?” You elbow the griffon behind you in the gut. He squawks lightly and falls to the floor, the bestial chuckle giving your answer. “Celestia, get Vic to his cell. I won’t be long.”

She does as you ask and drags him away. “You took my spot.”

“I didn’t know we had a seating chart.” You stand up and look at the menacing wolf, his toothy grin doing little to intimidate you.

”I underestimated you last time. Lightning doesn’t strike twice.” You shrug in return.

“Guess you’ll just have to find out.” He clenches his claws into a fist and swings at you. You move your head out the way and cross your arms. “I don’t have all day here Howler.”

He grunts and throws another series of punches, each equally as sloppy as the first. “Seriously if you want fight at least do me the courtesy of being a challenge because-“ You catch his next fist in your hand and begin to squeeze, Howler doing what he does best, howling. “-this is just starting to get sad.” The bones in his hand begin to snap as you increase the tempo, tears of anger filling his eyes.

He swings his other hand at you, stopping mid-throw with a pulse of your hand. You allow the ripples to work through your hand as you control his every motion. You calm your mind and heighten your control, forcing his own fist against his face. “Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.” The other inmates watch in silence as you crush him with one hand and make him beat himself with your other.

”Please stop,” he spits out between blows, sacrificing ego for personal well-being.

“You’ve bothered me for the last time,” you say as you raise your fist.

”Let Howler go, he is no longer a threat,” a brash voice whispers in your ear.

“Don’t interfere Warden. This time it’s personal.”

”It was not a request.” Your fist stops abruptly before his face and your body begins to tremble.

“Why don’t you confront me yourself you coward?!” you challenge. “Stop hiding from sight.”

Two minotaur guards walk in and move to either side of you. ”Take him back to his cell so he can think about what he’s done,” the warden’s voice commands. The guards nod and grab onto your paralyzed shoulders. They drag you out of the room, “Please return to your business. And someone help Howler to the infirmary.” The doors behind you swing closed as you’re taken back to your cell.


You hit the cold floor, door grinding shut behind you. You slam your fist against the enchanted door angrily. “You can’t keep me in here forever! You hear me, I’ll find a way out of this pissbox for good!”

”That they can’t,” someone calls from behind you.

“Show yourself,” you call out. From within the shadows of your cell steps out your guest, a human. “I told the guards that I don’t accept visitors.”

”They know not of my presence here rest assured.” You eye the man suspiciously. He’s not pale like the others of this realm, so that must mean he’s alive.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Anonymous, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Anon.” He extends his hand.

“How do you know who I am?”

”Who doesn’t know of the great hero Anon? Your story is legend after all.”

“Don’t try and flatter me. I may not look it, but I’m smart enough to see that you’re not here for idle chatter so don’t waste my time.”

He grins, “Fair enough then.” He pulls his hands out of his leather jacket and motions over to your cot, “Let us sit.”

“I like to stand.”

”Fine, I’ll sit, you stand.” He plops down on the cot adjusting his weight. ”This is one comfy bed. Think I can reserve this for a friend?”

“What do you want Anonymous?”

”Straight to business then.” He looks you dead in the eye. ”How would you like a second chance?”

“Get out. You’re wasting my time.”

”Do not think me full of cheap tricks,” he warns. “I have the power to give you what you want. It is what you want isn’t it?” More than anything, but you’ll die all over again before telling him that.

“Go on…”

“I can get you out of here and return life to that body of yours. That is,” he says with a grin, “if you do something for me.”

“This ‘something,’ what would it entail?”

”Well I’m glad you asked, but instead of explaining it, I’d like to show you.” He steps towards you and places a hand on your head, “Relax.”

“Just hurry up.”

”As you wish.” Images flash before your eyes. A field of monsters ravaging the landscape and decimating the armies of Equestria.

“You… wish for me to fight them?”

”No,” he says with a laugh, “I want you to join them.”

You push him off, revolted by his words. “The hell are you on about? Just who are you?”

”I am Anonymous, ruler of Equestria and your only chance at recovering your humanity.”

“You’re a monster, just like them, only you have the mind to make you something worse.”

”Still waiting on that reply.” This is one arrogant son of a bitch.

“I laid my life on the line trying to fight people like you, and you expect me to just forget all of that?”

”The ticks on these walls say yes. Just how long have you been a prisoner here?”

“I’ve lost count,” you lie. You know exactly how long you’ve been here.

”And how much longer do you plan on staying?” His words cut deep. You said you’d find a way back. You told her that.

“No matter the cost…”

“What was that?” You look back up to him and keep your anger held back.

“I don’t plan on it.”

He gives you a grin that could shed the fur off a bear, “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” He stands up, “Now I understand if you have business to finish up.”

“No, I’m ready when you are Anonymous.”

”I almost forgot, as a condition to this deal, I would appreciate it if you called me sir, or lord, or-“

“Fuck you, sir.”

”Splendid,” he snaps his fingers whipping out a pen and paper. “Do leave a note. It’s awfully rude to leave without saying goodbye.”

You don’t hesitate to snatch the two items out of the air, carefully inscribing your goodbye letter. You slam the note on your bed and face him. “I’m ready to leave. Lead the way.”

”With pleasure.” With a snap of his fingers the two of you are enveloped by a green flash, leaving Frostbite Prison behind. The guards find your note a couple hours later, a little memorial from you to them. Dickbutt.


”Ahh, here we are. Home sweet home. Do make yourself comfortable.” Canterlot Castle. It’s been a long time since you walked these halls. This time you can sense the unmistakable loss of life. The vibrant atmosphere you recall is absent, as are the ponies who escorted you through this place.

”Glad you’re back Anonymous. How was your trip?” An earth pony wearing a cowboy hat stands by the empty throne, her accent reminding you of the owners of Cider Springs.

You could really go for a mug of their famous apple cider. “Good. Is everything ready?”

”We’ve got as many ponies as we can within the city, but we can’t keep it that way for long.”

Anonymous nods and leads you up to the throne, “Prepare yourself Applejack, a storm is coming.” The mare named Applejack gives you a questionable look before leaving the throne room. Anonymous sits atop the throne and visibly unwinds, his limbs loosening.

You contemplate ending him right there while he’s vulnerable, but the silence within your chest stays your hand. He got you out of Tartarus, but the blood in your veins still lies dormant. You need him… for now. You take note of the mare off to the room’s side along with the cello her feeble hoofs are clasped to. She looks like she hasn’t eaten in days as her arms tremble, her dark grey mane unkempt as well. You wonder what she did to deserve such treatment. What do you care though? You’re here for you; you can’t be worried about every mare harmed by this fucker.

A royal guard approaches the throne and bows, his armor scorched and flank branded to prove his loyalty. ”Sire, we’ve received a message from our contact in Ponyville.”

”Speak then.”

”She says that the last of the forces will be gathered by day’s end. If we strike now…”

Anonymous interrupts him with a sway of his hand. “No. Let them come. Tell her that the plan will proceed as instructed.”

”Yes sire.”

The room is filled with a soothing silence. Thank the lord that Vic isn’t here to ruin it. You’re glad to be rid of that clingy dragon. His incessant need to speak tested even your own patience. ”Octavia,” Anonymous says breaking the silence, “One more if you will.” The pale mare nods and works her hoof across the cello, an intoxicating melody escaping the cords. ”That’s just what I needed,” Anonymous sighs as he slumps into his throne.

You wait for her to finish her song, not wanting to interrupt such a piece of art. “Sir, do you mind not wasting any more of my time?”

”Quite the impatient one. Guard, please take Octavia back to her quarters.” The mare is led through a side door, her sobs falling on deaf ears. ”So what shall you need to accomplish your mission?”

“Just give me a weapon, the rest I can manage.” The gleam in his eye troubles you as he practically leaps up from his throne.

”What sort of weapon would a guy like you prefer? By the look of those biceps I’d say you were a hammer man.” With a snap of his fingers a sledgehammer falls into your grasp, “You could do some serious damage with that puppy.”

“It’s nice, but any opponent worth his salt could overcome this sluggish thing.”

”Okay okay, so no hammers. Axes, nice for cleaving your foe in two.”

“I’m more of a sword guy myself.”

He smirks, “Swords? How boring.”

“I’m not here to entertain you.”

”Aha, I have just the thing.” With a snap of his fingers a katana appears in his hands. ”Like it? I always wanted to try one of these, but never got the opportunity.”

You stare blankly as he chops at the air like a monkey playing with a stick. “Really? A katana?”

This breaks him out of his fantasy world, ”What’s wrong with a katana?”

“Besides the fact that it makes you look like a weeaboo? Plenty of things.”

He puts his hands on his hips, “Prove it Mr. Hotshot.”


”A gladius? Like the Romans?” You nod. “They’re so boring, but hey, it’s your funeral… again.” You grab the sword as it appears and allow your arm to adapt to the weight. It’s a good fit, better than anything else that retard can conjure up.

“Alright then, come at me.”

”With pleasure,” he cuts down at you in a single slash to which you block with ease. He slides the weapon off your blade and moves in again. You tap the blade upward, watching as his momentum sends him twirling around.

You grab his forearm as he finishes spinning and press your sword against his throat. “You lose.”

He drops his sword and looks down at the blade, “Point taken.”

“Don’t shit yourself kid I’m not going to kill you.”

”Kid? You’re not that much older than I am.” You give him a knowing look, “Okay, fine, but I’m not a kid.”

“Whatever you say sport,” you reply rolling your eyes.

You sheathe the blade on your belt. “Where did you learn to fight like that anyways?”

“Lots and lots of practice,” You scan the room. “So where will I be staying?

He’s rather taken aback by your bluntness, “Celestia’s chambers should be open for you to use.” You reject his offer, finding the thought of occupying your old friend’s chambers uncomfortable.

“My old room should still be around.”

”Be ready to move in the morning. I can’t have my new best friend missing the action.” You grimace at his misuse of that term, but keep your cool. You can’t let your emotions get out of hand. Now if you remember right your chambers were in the east wing of the castle.


The guards pay you little mind as you saunter through the halls. There are larger creatures as well, bigger than you even, each covered head-to-toe in armor. They seem like they could be trouble, but that’s the old you talking. You leave the mismatched creatures alone and continue on. Your footsteps echo throughout the desolate halls and you find yourself missing the lively chatter in time’s past. You pass by Gillian’s old room, now just another empty hole in the wall. This place really has gone to shit without Celestia around.

A curious aroma catches your attention, the smell of fresh fruit and rich chocolate. It’s been so long since you’ve caught wind of something so delicious. You can look for your room later, you just need to find the source. Your nose leads you to the old kitchen where you spy a griffon sprucing up a plate of éclairs. “Beautiful…” You stealth behind the wall and spy inside, waiting for your opportunity. The griffon twirls his comical moustache and moves back to the oven. You reach out your hand and levitate two of the appetizing desserts over to you, grasping their soft doughy exterior. Anon, you’ve done it again. You sink your teeth into it and are instantly overcome by a cornucopia of flavor. You finish off the two éclairs in a matter of seconds and you feel yourself starting to crave another.

”Mine éclairs!” Aww shiiit.

You sulk off as he goes in search of his missing desserts. It’s too bad for him that they’re tucked away in your belly. You lick the frosting off of your cold fingers and find yourself at the doorway. Your old room. How long has it been since Celestia first showed you here? She was so happy to have someone else around after her sister had… she never liked to talk about it. It must’ve been hard for her, just as hard as accepting Equestria as your new home. She tried to locate your home, but lacked the proper skill to find it. It all worked out in the end though, sort of.

You turn the handle, the door creaking open. It’s been spruced up, but other than that it’s just the way you left it. You peel off your clothing and shut the door. You set your clothes in a neat pile on the table, a habit you picked up in prison. The old sheets are the same, though they lack the warmth you remember. You slip into the sheets and stare at the ceiling. This is your first night out of the joint. You thought you would’ve felt… you don’t know. Happier maybe?

You wonder how the others are taking your sudden absence. Celestia will take care of Vic without a doubt, she never turned away a needy soul. Howler’s still pissing himself likely, watching every corner wondering when you’re going to strike. You just wish you could see that fucking warden’s face when he finds your note. It brings a smile to your face as you imagine that scenario. You roll on your side and close your eyes. “I’m on my way back…”

Chapter 2: Among the Living

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You shield your eyes as you awaken from your slumber. It’s been so long since you’ve seen the blinding rays of the sun. Yet instead of anger, you only find relief in the warmth it brings. Swinging your hips off the side you place your bare feet on the tiled floor. Yes, this was your home. Was…

The nostalgia passes just as quickly as it came, your mind revisiting yesterday’s events. How could you have been so weak? To betray your very morals for personal gain… But in truth you’d do it over again in a heart beat. You made her a promise, and you never break your promises.

You pick up the garbs next to your bed, the same clothes you’d worn for the past hundreds of years. Maybe it’s time for something new? Tossing them aside you open your closet, your old clothes still hanging neatly inside. Besides the obvious buildup of dust, it’s almost as if you never left. One particular set catches your eye and you take out the old denim pants and silk shirt. It’s been over six centuries since you first found yourself on Canterlot’s doorstep, give or take twenty or fifty years. The looks on the guard’s faces were hilarious, but you can reckon the one on yours was priceless. You remember sitting there on the dirt road staring back at the armor-clad ponies, completely dumbfounded by the sight. Most of the dirt has been washed off since, but you still find the same streak that has plagued the jeans since your arrival.

These clothes had served you faithfully in your life. You’re tempted to don your old pals, but you’ve outgrown them quite a bit. Perhaps you can find somepony to tailor them for you, but alas, that’s for another time. Your eyes fall back to your discarded pair of clothes, seemingly the only pair that’ll fit. You sigh and slip back into your previous outfit with disdain. You were hoping for something a little… fresh. Hooves knock against your door, “Heya Anon? You in there?”

“What is it?”

”Anonymous has requested your presence. Hurry up will ya?”

“Hold your horses. Damn, ponies these days. No patience.” You finish up and open the door, the orange pony you saw yesterday waiting for you. “Back in my day ponies had respect for another’s time and being.”

”Don’t you get all other timey on me, we got places to be.”

“Fine, after you.” She leads you out and through the castle halls. “What did you say your name was again?”

”I didn’t.” You didn’t know harpies flew this far south.

“Apple-something or other, right? Forgive me, but I’m terrible with names.”

”I’m sure.”

“A little short with the words huh? Applejack! Your name’s Applejack.”

”What made you remember?”

“You were being a jackass, so the shoe kind of fit.” She scoffs at your attempt at humor and gives you the cold shoulder.

”So what’s your story? Another drop-in I presume.”

“I don’t exactly follow.”

”Why’d he bring ya here?”

“How should I know? The guy snuck into my cell and broke me out so I could fight for him. I didn’t ask why.”

”So you were a prisoner? I don’t know many prisons in Equestria.”

“Well Tartarus ain’t quite as nice.”

She stops and stares at you, “Wait, you’re…”

“Dead Anon, at your service,” you say with a grin.

”Why- How- But-“

“Ask that douche you call a leader. I’m just here for the reward.”

”B-but what would you want? You’re dead!”

“The only thing a dead man would want. Life.”

”You’re crazy.”

“Just enough to follow this freak, and what does that say about you?”

”I got my own reasons to follow ‘im.”

“I’m sure you do.”

You get ahead of her, “I do! I do, ya hear?!”

“Whatever you say AJ. Throne room? Throne room.” She angrily follows behind you, likely frustrated about how you called her out on the rug.

“To answer your question, I was a hero. Before I died of course. I took the title of those who came before me and did my job. Have you ever lost, but won at the same time AJ?

”Can’t say that I have.”

“Well, it changed my life. It didn’t seem that way at first, but after I got used to her…”

”You lost to a mare?” Her questioning words were meant to sting, but they fail to dampen your spirit.

“She was special, and I would do anything to be with her again.”

”Are you sure she’s still alive?”

“Love is one thing that surpasses time. Yes, she’s alive.” You push open the throne room doors, ending the conversation there.


”Anon, glad you could make it,” Anonymous booms upon your entry. “Applejack, you can take your leave now.”

”Yes sir.”

She breaks away from your side, “Come Anon, let’s relax a while.” He darts towards you and sits, a couch appearing at the snap of his fingers. ”Éclair?” he asks brandishing a plate.

“No thanks, two’s enough for me.”

He shakes his finger at you with a smile, “Oh you… Gustav told me someone snatched one last night. You sneaky sneak you.” A gleam catches his eye, “A toast then, to the beginning of great things.” Another snap and a chalice falls in your hands, “Bottoms up.” You figure “why not?” and gulp at the contents.

You spit out the crimson liquid, spewing it over the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” The taste of blood is extra potent, unlike the treated stuff you got back in Frostbite.

”Drink up now, you need your strength.” Even with the little you ingested you can feel the tingle as its corruption spreads through you. But you prepared for this, just in case. You grab hold of the liquid within, focusing your mind and gradually clearing the infection from you. With a final push you spew the last of your contents from your gullet, the floor layered with your conquest. ”How wasteful, blood doesn’t grow on trees you know… actually…” That… simpleton. The nerve! He’s lucky you acted as quick as you did.

You grab him by the collar, the fucker just grinning happily. “Do you think this is a motherfucking game? Have you any idea what you almost did?”

”Yes,” He answers plainly, “Do you?” You pull back your fist to hit him. “I don’t think so,” a voice whispers in your head.

“No, you don’t win that easily.”

”I think I just did,” he replies, lips unwavering. Even with all your strength your arm refuses to budge, your body seemingly locked into place. He carefully removes your hold on him and speaks, “I had hoped you’d be more understanding, seems I was wrong.”

“Can say that again.”

His eyes flare with anger, the first time you’ve seen him like this. ”I gave you a second chance, you damn well show me respect.”

“Fuck you.”

A flash of pain washes over your face as he rubs his fist, “You may have been some great man where you came from, but here-“ He comes in with his left, “You’re just another dog you little bitch.” Your hand meets his own as he comes in again, “Wha-“

Freeing yourself from his paralysis you throw his fist back. “This dog has teeth.” He’s even stronger than you originally thought, a shame such power was wasted on his feeble soul. You know you can’t beat him in one-on-one combat, not without leaving either your body or mind open to his assault. “Show me the right place to use them.”

He blinks in confusion, “You’re not angry?”

“I know better than to let my emotions get the better of me.” You wipe the blood off your chin, the smell tantalizingly sweet, a façade to its devastating nature. “So why’d you ask me here? Business or pleasure?”

”I can’t just hang out with another person?” He looks to the floor, “Let’s take a walk so this place can be tidied up.” You follow his lead, walking out into the courtyard. A row of surly midgets in robes walk about in the courtyard along with all manners of foreign beings.

“I’ve never seen creatures like these before. I’ve been gone a long time it would seem.”

”They aren’t native to this land. Anyone with a gaming console would recognize at least half of these guys.”

“Consoles… Far too long.”

”Did they have consoles in your time?”

“Of course, but you guys must have flying cars and virtual reality shit by now.”

He chuckles, “Don’t get your hopes up. I’ve brought them here in hopes of replacing the, less than formidable pony brigades at my disposal.”

“They’re certainly nothing extraordinary.”

“And under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have to resort to such measures.”

“Is the threat you’re facing that great?”

”Nothing I couldn’t handle myself, but I am a lazy man. Besides, I have something extra special up my sleeve.”

“Speaking of the opposition, you haven’t told me who I’ll be fighting.”

”Minotaurs, griffons, the works.” At last, enemies worthy of fighting. Prison inmates don’t make very good game. ”You won’t be fighting any of them of course.”

“Don’t fuck with me.”

”I have a special assignment for you, a precautionary measure in case things go south.”

“I’m listening.”

”You will be my bodyguard.”


”I can handle myself against any threat thrown at me, but recent events have led me to reevaluate that claim.”

Interesting. He may not say it, but there’s an underlying fear in his voice. “Who leads this band against you?”

His grin is fatigued, a sliver of his humanity shining through, “My brother.”

“A family feud is it?”

”He’s grown stronger than I estimated and has only continued to accumulate power.”

“So you want me to shadow you, and in the case that he gets the upper hand…”

”I want you to drive your sword through his heart.” The light fades, the blackness of his soul complete.

“You can’t make me do what you ask. You aren’t thinking clearly.”

”When the cards are down you have to make a choice. Life? Or Death? You don’t have to make your decision now. Sleep on it. Roll around with it.”

“Where will you be?”

He points to a tower back at the castle, “Where an old tyrant falls, another will rise.”

“You could’ve just said there.”

”But that’s just sooo boring.”

You can’t help but crack a smile. “I’ll be there.”

”Don’t disappoint me.” You nod your head respectfully and walk back into the castle. ”Today is the eve of a golden age Mr. Anon!” he shouts after you. ”And tomorrow all eyes will fall to Canterlot, watching the birth of this new age.”

You nod and walk back into the castle, leaving him to his idiotic ramblings. The day is young, but even still you find yourself overcome by an unnatural drowsiness. A grumbling rolls from your stomach. Time for bed.

You clench your side as you make your way back through the halls of Canterlot. The guards give you a few glances but stay at their post. You’ve felt the craving before, but never like this. Every pony you pass is a feast, their very being a buffet for you to feast upon. It wouldn’t take much. You can almost feel your teeth sinking into-

No! You’re not a monster. You will overcome this. You’ve come too far to fall now. Unsheathing your blade slightly you shove the palm of your hand along the blade. It stings, but there are things much worse than a little cut. This time you’ve earned a few long stares from those around you. “Got something to say?” They look forward in response. “That’s what I thought.” You press the cut to your lips, your own flesh safe for consumption.


”Ghastly!” You stop at your door and glare down the hallway at the white unicorn on approach. ”What do you think you’re doing walking around like that? A filly dresses better!”

“Piss off.” The unicorn follows as you walk inside, shutting the door behind her. “Are you deaf? I said go away.”

”And just what are you, blind? I cannot allow such a disaster be walking around.” Calm yourself Anon, retain control. You suckle at your palm, kicking off your shoes. ”My word, what did you do to your hand!?” She rushes to your side and tears your bleeding hand away. Your blood seeps slowly from your wound, the blackish ooze a frightening sight. Her mouth widens to speak but only to remain silent. She releases you from her grip and allows you to bandage the cut.

“I think it would be best for you to leave now.”

She shakes her head, “I had heard you were… different, but not like this.”

“Look, miss-


“Rarity. I’m tired, I just want to go to sleep. I’m sure that’s something you can appreciate.”

”Fashion waits for no one. Not even the- the umm- people like you.”

“You want to make yourself useful? My closet’s right over there.” You strip off your clothing and put them on the nightstand. ‘You look like a mare who can work a set of clothes. Tailoring my old clothing should be no problem.”

”It’s not that easy, there are so many measurements to take into account…”

“These should work,” you reply pointing to the nightstand.

”I didn’t catch your name,” she says as you slip into bed.

“Anon. Goodnight Rarity.”


You find yourself standing in the entrance of a tunnel, darkness looming before you. “Hello?” you shout, your voice echoing through the passageway. No response. You look around at the nearby tundra, broken sediment beneath your feet. You’ve been here before, the stiffness of the air, the ever-present silence. It’s all too familiar. Most people would be intimidated by the black void before them. Likely a fear of the unknown. But you know what lurks beneath the shadows of the mountain. You know of the evil that waits behind every corner. It is not the unknown, it is the misunderstood. They lurk because they cannot shine in the sun. Their only evil doing is that they wish to survive. You step out into the darkness, back home.


A thunderous roar pounds your ears, spiraling you back into the realm of the living. You roll out of bed, hitting the cold floor as your room visibly shakes. Screams cut through the air as you clamor to your feet. How long have you been asleep? Could you have slept for that long? You pick up your sword and rush to the door, naked except for your boxers. A note is pinned inside, ‘I started work on your clothes, but they may not be done by the time you wake up.’

She obviously didn’t expect for you to sleep for that fucking long. ‘My room is on the north side of the castle. It’s not hard to find. With love, Rarity.’ You sigh, slipping your shoes on as another tremor rocks the castle walls. Guards and other creatures rush past the door as you peek it open. As the surge passes you slip out into the hallway, your body exposed to the world. Gotta find Rarity’s room in a jiffy.

You scamper alongside the wall, keeping your eyes peeled for anyone nearby. The sword in your hand stays tight to your chest, always at the ready. You peek around the corner, looks clear. But that’s just looks. One of the metallic pony creatures darts down the hallway beside the shattered windows. With a single shriek the creature disappears from view, a pair of talons sweeping in and dragging him away. Sneaky bastards. Shame that they revealed their position.

You step into the hallway, eyes trained on the windows. “That’s right, hear your prey as it walks into your trap. I’m just another target, nothing more.” You toss your sword into the shattered glass, the crunch signaling the attack. The griffon shrieks as it grasps at air. “Gotcha.”

You grab onto his arm and pull him inside, putting him on the defensive. He squawks in terror at his predicament, yelping for the help of his fellows. “No one’s coming for you.” You paralyze him with a swipe of your hand and bring your foot crashing down upon his neck. He twitches weakly as you pull your foot away, his motions ceasing slowly. You pull your sword back to your hand and go on your way, another shriek piercing the air. Backup.

You spin to your right, sword slicing open the oncoming griffon’s belly. He crumples to the floor as his kin pounces behind him. This is too easy. You throw the corpse straight into him, knocking him unconscious in turn. They’re green, inexperienced. They shouldn’t have neglected their training. Not like that would’ve helped them.

You’re wasting time though. The sooner you put on some clothes the sooner you can reach Anonymous. You sprint along the northern end of the castle, scanning the doors for some kind of hint. Most of the doors are withered, wood chipping away, but one stands out. The door’s coated with a fresh layer of paint and seems to be in better overall condition than the others. The scent of perfume is almost pungent in its intensity, allowing you to piece that this is in fact Rarity’s chambers. Well, that and the giant sign above the door stating, ‘Rarity’s Bedchambers.’ How could anyone miss this?

You look around for anymore intruders. It’s safe enough. Twisting the handle you walk into her room. “Rarity? You here?” Spools of cloth layer the floor, mannequins lining the walls. You look down to the floor, your prison clothes in shambles. Don’t worry Anon, she wouldn’t destroy the only set of clothes you had if she didn’t have another pair ready. At least you hope. You find the entirety of your closet here and there. Some are actually close to completion while others… May they know peace. They’re definitely rough drafts, and they still need some more work before you could actually wear them.

It would only take a couple minutes for Rarity to come spruce them up for you, but she’s not here. You sit down on the bed which is a good deal fluffier than your own. She is a woman after all. All you wanted was a set of clothes that fit…

Looks like you’re out of options here Anon ‘ol pal. You start picking up what you can out of the chaos, classifying what’s wearable and what’s unsalvageable. You look at yourself in the mirror, the clothes looking strange on you. But that’s when you see it, to the left of your reflection sits a small box, a piece you seem to have missed in your search. You move over to it, picking up the letter attached to it. ’Dear Anon, if you’re reading this then slap yourself for going into a lady’s room without permission.’ Clever girl.

‘I only have one pair of clothes ready before I was called away for battle, such a shame. It should fit with a small amount of wiggle room, but I couldn’t seem to get that awful stain from those pants of yours. With love, Rarity.’ You never could get that streak out.

Opening the box you whisk out your old clothes, the texture of silk long forgotten by your hand. You practically jump back into your jeans and throw on your shirt, buttoning the front like days long past. Fits like a glove, you’ll have to thank Rarity for her handiwork, or would it be hoofdiwork? It doesn’t matter, what does, is that you’re back on track. You tie your sheathe onto your jeans and rest your sword within it. The tower should be nearby, once there you can finally put all this behind you. You clench your fist, a tinge of pain remaining in your wound. “I will be whole again.”

You waste no time in running through the halls towards the tower. The battle outside is in full swing, both forces devastating the other. How many cells are going to be filled after this is said and done? The warden’s going to have a lot of work on his hands. ”Memory tells me that the entrance should be just down the hall,” a voice echoes down the hall. You duck to the floor, a small entourage of ponies walking across the hall ahead of you.

“So I’m basically walking in his footsteps aren’t I?” It’s him, Anonymous’s brother. He’s definitely more intimidating than Anonymous is, but that’s just on appearance. You know that he’s far more powerful than he appears.

”In a way, but this time he’s the one we’re after, the purple unicorn replies ahead of him.

“Let’s get this over with. The troops below need a boost.” He doesn’t want this; you can sense it in his voice. He’s not some douche fighting for power. Shame he has to be in your way.

You creep behind the group, concealing your presence. They enter the base of a staircase and being to ascend, the human taking the lead. You sprint silently to the door, listening as they continue to rise. You’ll have to wait for them to get further up before you follow, lest you give away your position. ”Hey Anon!” Shit! Did they hear? No, thank Celestia for that. ”What the hay are you doing? I thought we were meeting up in the throne room?” You turn to meet the mysterious voice, a minotaur walking over to you. ”You ok Ano- Wait a minute…” So his name is Anon too? How interesting. The minotaur readies his flail, “You’re not him!”

“Good job Sherlock.”

The minotaur comes in quick and light on his hooves, his flail swiping where your head used to be. You push him into the wall with your hand, your movements vastly superior to a minotaur, even one as trained as he. ”Who are you?”

You dodge his next swipe and plant your hand around his neck, to which he does in return. He squeezes your windpipe with his iron grip, but loosens when you smile back at him. ”Impossible.”

You head butt his snout and deliver a punch to his mail-protected belly. “Just improbable.” You kick him back into the wall, the minotaur rebounding with impressive speed. You finally unsheathe your sword, focusing on the blade as it begins to glow. Let the heat of the sun grace my blade so that I may strike down my foes.

You open your eyes and cut towards his weapon mid-strike, slicing through the tempered steel like butter. The ball comes crashing to the floor, the minotaur unwilling to surrender. He grabs your arm and kicks at your leg, missing obviously. Such a shame, he’s got skill. You twist your arm around until he’s locked in your armpit, and that’s when you begin. Your jabs strike hard against his armored form, bruising and fatiguing the strained minotaur. The more he struggles the quicker he finds himself cornered. Delivering one last series of jabs you pull back your molten blade and stab just below the chin. The effects are instantaneous. He falls into the corner, his strength failing to keep him on his hooves.

“You have my respect sir. It’s been an age since I was able to confront such an opponent.” His eyes glaze over as you retract the sword from his throat. “I know how it feels to face the end before your time, but don’t fight it. Let go.” He attempts to rise, slumping further to the floor. “There’s no shame in this, dying in battle. Honorable, if you’d call it that.” Your death was far less glamorous, lying on your bed, hand clenched to your chest. “Let the shadows seep forward and take you home. Be free.” His body falls limp, his last breathe taken in this world. “Find peace.”

You swing open the door and start up the tower. Anonymous gave you a choice, a choice that you’ve made. Life.

Chapter 3: Mission Accomplished

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The sounds of battle fall down the tower, but the sensation is what grabs your attention. They’re fighting with powers beyond their control, a mistake they’ll soon regret. Your little battle seems to have taken longer than you thought it would. You need to get there before your chance for salvation is lost forever. Wasting no time, you reach the peak of the stairs and run around to the last stairwell. ”Only a fool engages in swordplay without proper experience.”

”Iron Will trained you well, but not well enough.” Your head peaks up just in time to see him struck, “That’s new…” Anonymous stumbles backwards, his hands hovering over the fresh hole in his stomach. ”This wasn’t… How?”

”I’m not so little anymore brother,” he responds before looking towards the other ponies. “You guys ok?” The purple unicorn from before assures him that they are, helping Applejack up to her hooves. No… “You were overconfident. You should’ve killed me while you had the chance.”

Anonymous looks over at you and smiles, his expression undetected. ”What would be the fun in that?” Anonymous rushes over and plants his hands on either side of the human’s head. All eyes turn to them, allowing you to sneak up beside them, hidden amongst the dust. That’s when you feel it, a subtle pulse. The hero grabs his neck, or rather, what’s hanging around it. Anonymous can’t win this way, he must know that. If that’s what you think it is, then all he’s doing is… distracting them. Lightning cracks between the two and sends Anonymous reeling backwards. ”You could’ve been something great my brother.”

You move in behind him, slowly. ”You underestimated me.”

Anonymous nods and looks to you, “So be it… Anon?”

You drive the tip of your sword into his back, the blade penetrating his heart. He gasps and slips, but you catch him before he can fall. “Shhh, just let it happen.”

Anonymous smiles and straightens back up, “It’s good to see you made the right choice.”

“Fuck you, sir.” A pegasus darts towards you hollering the hero’s name, rather annoyingly in fact. You hold out your hand, freezing the Pegasus in place. “Please be quiet. I’m trying to work here.”

”I’ll kill you!” she screams as her comrades attempt to fight you as well. You roll your eyes and expand your field to her friends as well. They freeze as well, a simple trick that has devastating results.

”Please take that thing out of him. It looks terrible.”

You nod and pull away your sword, the hero falling to his knees. You quickly sheathe your sword and work your nimble fingers around his neck, catching onto the silver chain. “I’ll be taking this.”

A ripple of energy catches your attention and you quickly pocket the amulet, focusing the on the unicorns. You quickly cast a spell to nullify their magic while Anonymous drags his brother over to the demolished tower wall. He whispers to him, the final words for a dead man. Anonymous points to you, muttering to his brother further. He finally nestles behind him, fingers opening his eyes. A tremor catches you off-guard and almost breaks away your control. Such power, it’s Anonymous. You glance over to the two of them, catching a glimpse of the horror occurring down below.

To walk among the fields of ash would be to tear your mind asunder only to relive the experience a lifetime over, and that’s what’s occurring before your eyes. His army breaks apart, not by ranks or by steel, but down to the cellular level. You may not hear it, but their screams will haunt all those who hear them. No creature should suffer such cruelty. Anonymous snaps his fingers, and before your very eyes appears the fabled soulstone. You watch as its obsidian shell devours the very essence of the hero’s army. The psychological trauma must be devastating. Anonymous twirls his brother around, facing his paralyzed friends. If only they knew what was to come…

You shield your ears as their cries for help shoot towards their leader, but he can do nothing, only watch as his friends float away as dust in the wind. The Pegasus is the last to go, her voice silent amongst the others. Even as she is swept away by the wind she stands firm, never crying, never weak. ”Shame, I always liked her.”

Just forget about it, this isn’t your fight. Get your prize and move along. You relax your muscles and walk over to Anonymous. “I’ll be wanting my payment now.”

”Of course Anon. Oh, did I forget to mention that? He has the same name as you, how fun.” He laughs maniacally before clutching back onto his wound. With a smile he snaps his fingers, the torn flesh stitching back to together within moments. He releases his brother, letting him collapse in his pool of blood.

He grabs the soulstone and kneels next to him. ”I’m afraid this is where we part ways my brother. It’s been fun, don’t come back.” He nods towards the door where you both depart, leaving the corpse behind. You descend the stairs in eerie silence. It’s almost as if nothing had happened. ”What will come of him?”

“His body will find its way to Tartarus where his fate will be decided. He might qualify for Frostbite now that I think about it.”

”At least we know there’s a cell open for him,” he jokes nudging you with his elbow.

“That’s just sick.”

”Oh come on, be happy! You fulfilled your part of the bargain, and therefore I will keep my word.”

“Let’s just get this over with.”

”Not here obviously. Let’s celebrate first! You’re the Hero of Equestria! Let us drink and cheer for our grand victory.”

“And then you’ll fulfill our agreement.”

He nods, “You shall have what’s yours. Of course, we have to clean up this mess first, and by we I mean everyone else.”

“I figured.”

”I mean seriously, do they have any idea how long it took to find premium crystal glassware?”

“Couldn’t you have just conjured up whatever you wanted?”

”Well yeah, but it takes a lot out of me. Being a god isn’t easy you know.”

“Oh yeah, I certainly know the hardships of godhood alright. Yep.”

He gives a playful scowl, “Very funny.” He exits the tower and looks around, “I must say your work is rather impressive. My little brother had a hard time tangoing with one.”

“I’m not surprised, he was a tad quicker than I expected.”

”Not faster than you though eh? Ha.” You smile to hide the utter disgust lying within. His depravity knows no bounds. ”It’d be best for you to take a shower, you smell dreadful.”

“Can I speak freely?”

”Of course you may.”

“Shut up.”

He chuckles and slaps you on the back, “Oh Anon… I wish my brother was more like you.”

“You may not have lived if that’s the case.”

Oh you hit a sweet spot it would seem. He gasps for air, eyes tearing up. You didn’t mean it as a joke, but dark comedy seems to be his thing. ”Anon,” he says wiping a tear from his eye, “You really are something else.”

“I think I’ll take that shower after all.”

”You’d best.” He readies to teleport, “I’m thinking the throne room would be a good location for the party, yes?” You nod, “See you there,” and with a snap, he’s gone.

You work your way back through the halls to your chambers, ponies cheering and hollering outside. They’re nothing like the ponies you fought beside years ago. There is no celebration in war, only sorrow. Not like anypony would listen to your ramblings, or would they? It doesn’t matter either way. You quickly strip and allow the stream of water to cool you off. The sweat that has permeated your skin flows down the drain, out of sight and out of mind. Your stomach growls in protest to your serene condition, hungering for another draft. Suckling at your old wound takes the edge off, but you need to rid yourself of this… condition, as soon as possible. Finishing your shower, you don your clothing and sit there in silence. Placing your hands on your legs you begin.

A sense of calm creeps into your mind, the outside world but memory. The world grows still at your whim, though it is nothing more than a self-induced illusion. Have the living ever had the pleasure of true silence? No beating heart, no soft throbbing of their veins. A true sensationless existence. A time where only your mind exists, where your thoughts wonder the realm of imagination. One man’s experience is unique to another’s, as no two sessions are the same. Reality is therefore defined not by the man or his creation, but by the mind and its infinite product. This is the reason- *knock knock*

Dammit, you were just getting all philosophical and shit. Well, at least that grumbling is gone. ”I don’t think he’s here.”

”You don’t know nothing ‘bout nothing.”

The two go back and forth while you try and persevere. ”Let’s just take a peek, what’s the harm in that?”

No right to privacy it would seem. You stand up and walk over to the door, keeping your hand on your sword. ”I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” Listen to the stallion. He knows what he’s talking about.

”Hogwash,” He says pushing open the door, “I know what I’m- OH BUCK!” The stallion practically jumps out of his hooves when he sees you staring back at him.

His friend however finds this hilarious, “I told you not to go in there.” You open the door a bit wider so you can view both the guards.


”Mr. Anon, correct?”

“I’m a busy man, what is it you want?”

”Of course, of course. I didn’t mean to waste your time, you’re so very busy after all.” You tap your foot impatiently, spurring him along. ”Umm- Well- Anonymous was throwing that party so I thought, if you didn’t mind, maybe we could escort you.”

“An escort?” You cross your arms, “And just why would I need that?”

”I don’t know, I just thought-“

”You would like some guys to chill with,” the bumbling friend pipes up.

“You think I need friends? Are you ignorant or just stupid?” They attempt to formulate a coherent response, but it descends into a series of grunts and various noises. “I’ll take that as stupid.”

Fuck it, it’s not like they’re hurting you at all. You’ll go along with their little plan. “So are we going or what?”

Both of their eyes brighten visibly. You furrow your brow pushing the point that you want to leave. ”Right this way sir,” the stallion states and holds the door open for you. The second stallion had already gotten back to his hooves and stands tall beside you, still short when compared, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

You head off ahead of them, amusing yourself when they have trouble keeping up. Now you’re not a total jerk so you slow down for them eventually. ”So Anon...”


”Me and my friend have heard some rumors about you and Anonymous.”

“They’re all true.”


“How the hell should I know?”

”I just figured-“

“Give me a few and I’ll verify them.”

”Well, I remember hearing that you can cleave the heads off five minotaurs in one blow!”

“That’s certainly interesting and I don’t doubt that I could, but I have not done that in my lifetime.”

”I told you he was full of shit.”

”Shut up, you probably heard of weirder stuff.”

”Fine then. I heard that both you and Anonymous came from a different world.”

”That’s just stupid dude.”

“I never said he was wrong,” you quickly interrupt him, “Yes, both of us are foreigners here.”

”Knew it.”

”I’m not forking over those bits just to let you know.” Oh the squabbles of the immature. How they never get old.

“I have a question for the two of you. Just a hypothetical situation”


“If you were dead, and someone came to you with a choice-“

”But aren’t you-“ Your hand cuts him off.

“Let me finish. You could live again, enjoying all the pleasantries that come with it, but in return you must kill an innocent man. Would you do it?”

”Why do I get the impression this question hits close to home?”

”Because he’s-“ Your stare silences him once more.

”Yes, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

“No second thoughts?”

”Not one.”

“Figured as much.” You hear the pleasant rhythm of music coming from down the hall as you near the throne room.

“You don’t need to feel bad about it,” the guard tries to reassure you.

“Reassuring, but you mistake the purpose of my question. It’s not about the particular situation.”

This confuses them both equally, “Then why did you ask?”

“To understand the mindset of the people, and now I know.” Corruption spreads through their ranks as a plague within a city.

”And uh, what exactly did you learn?”

You look at both of them, ignorant to how much they’ve changed. “That’s one too many questions now isn’t it?” You push open the doors, the party already in full swing. “Try not to have too much fun.”

”Well if it isn’t the man of the hour!” Anonymous’s voice booms above the others. A flash of light later and Anonymous appears before with a cane and top hat, donned in Victorian dress. ”Glad you decided to come old chap. These two give you any trouble?”

They both turn beet red and stand at attention. “Not anymore than you do.”

”Good to know. Why don’t you two run along now, those ladies over there seem to be giving you some glances.” Sure enough there are two ponies shooting several glances towards the guards. ”Well what are you waiting for? Have some fun, this is a party.”

”Aye aye sir,” they respond in unison before trotting over to the two onlookers.

“Those aren’t girls are they?”

”Not a chance in hell.”

“Well I’ll let you get back to your antics.”

”Do try the punch, it’s to die for.”

“Can’t wait.”

He smiles and tips his hat, “Ta ta.”

You move around the crowded floor, snagging a glass of cider off a waiter’s plate. It’s good, but it lacks that certain something about it, probably just a bad batch. ”Let’s give it up for Octavia and the Canterlot Orchestra!” The mare from you saw before takes a shaky bow as the crowd cheers. It’s obvious that she’s underfed, but no one else seems to care.

”Magnificent. She was always the star performer,” a noble unicorn says beside you.

“She’s certainly got a way about her, shame how she’s treated.”

”Defy the lord and the lord punishes thee.”

“Punish thy disciples and they shall rise against me.”

”Touché good sir, touché. Anon, if I’m not mistaken?”

“Pleasure, and you are sir?”

”Just another citizen of our glorious kingdom. My name is unimportant.”

“I’ll leave that for you to decide.”

He smiles at you as you look back to the orchestra, “I like you Anon. You’re not like most of the riff raff around these parts.”

“I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion like that,” you reply taking a hit of your cider.

”You aren’t a pony after all.” That reminds you that you haven’t seen much of the various monstrosities Anonymous had conjured lately.

“So where’d all the weird guys go?”

”Anonymous did us the pleasure of doing away with them, but he still has a few here and there.”


”But besides that, you just seem… how to put it in simple terms, distinct? You’re an oddity among us.”

“We’ve certainly got our differences.” You finish the last of your glass.

”Come, there’s a few ponies you should meet.”

“You’re not going to pull any funny business are you?”

”You’ll find that I’m very straightforward when it comes down to business.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” He leads you through the crowd, greeting a pony here and there. “You’re well known enough it seems.”

”A pony can never have too many acquaintances, especially these days.” His avoidance of saying the word friend is comforting. He doesn’t dance around the issue and says it how it is. ”Ah Spitfire, just the mare I was looking for.”

The mare has a robe wrapped around her and shivers every now and then. ”Oh, hi. Nice to see you again.”

”I’d like you to meet Anon, an old resident of Equestria.”

“Nice to meet you Spitfire.”

She shakes your hand, “You guys really need- different names.”

“It’s a bit weird I’ll admit, but what are you going to do?”

The unicorn steps in, “Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts and leader of Equestria’s air division.”

“Quite the reputation. Color me impressed.”

”Don’t mean to brag, but being the faster flier in Equestria has its privileges.”

”At least you are now anyways. What was that mare’s name? I can’t think of it off the top of my head.”

“Want me to jog your memory?” you ask displaying your fist playfully.

”Oh yes, Rainbow Dash. Oh she was certainly something. I remember seeing her at the Gala years ago, truly speedy.”

Spitfire hushes him down, “You know he doesn’t like anypony saying her name.”

“Who’s? Rainbow Dash’s?”

”SHHH!” Spitfire covers your mouth with her hoof.

”She and Anonymous were a thing for a while weren’t they? Yeah, it’d be best not to talk about her. Angering Anonymous isn’t the smartest move.”

“I can see that,” you reply pushing her hoof away.

”Oh, I know just who to see next, come now.”

“You might want to get to bed Spitfire. Don’t want to catch a cold now.”

”I might just do that,” she says taking a sip of her steaming cup. You follow him towards the back of the room and out to the balcony.


An alicorn sits outside, watching the moon with her deep blue mane swaying in the breeze. ”Excuse me?” he asks hesitantly, fear heavy in his tone.

”What is it?”

”I have someone who I thought you might want to meet.”

She turns and looks at you, eyes filled with resent and scorn. ”Will you allow an audience?”

”I permit it.”

The two of you step forward, the stallion moving to introduce her. ”I’d like for you to meet-“

“Nightmare Moon, I know.”

”Anon. What a pleasure,” she retorts sarcastically.

”I take it you two have met.”

“Shouldn’t you be stuck on the moon like a good little girl?”

”And shouldn’t you be rotting back in whatever pit you were condemned to?

”Ookay, things are getting a bit hostile for my tastes. Let’s tone things down-“

”Doing Anonymous’s dirty work too? Isn’t that a bit low for someone like you?”

“That point rolls both ways. Too incompetent for eternal night?”

”Be lucky Anonymous finds you favorable. I would hate to see something bad happen to you.”

“The feelings mutual.”

You feel her eyes pressing down on you, about as much as she’s feeling right now. ”Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Sounds about right. Wouldn’t you agree?” You never break your gaze.

”Doesn’t make much sense now does it?” And neither does she.

”Well you two obviously know each other, so how about we just get a move on,” he says pulling you away.

“Such a shame we have to cut this meeting short.”

”Truly it is. We’ll have to take time to catch up next time.”

“I’ll be sure to make room in my schedule.”

”Try not to drink yourself into a coma in there.”

“Try not to… blind yourself by- looking at the moon?”

”You should’ve stopped while you were ahead.”

“That’s probably for the best,” you say before cutting out of view.


”You two have some type of feud I don’t know about?” he asks out of breath.

“Our reputations precede us I would imagine. I know her as the tyrant, and she knows me as the hero. Those two don’t mix well.”

“Thankfully we got out while we did. I half-expected the two of you to start exchanging blows at any second.”

“You needn’t worry, neither of us are dumb enough to pull a stunt like that.”

”That’s not very reassuring.”

“Just speaking the truth.”

”Now the next person is a bit different. She hasn’t been quite the same since the battle. Her name’s-“ *zap*

Anonymous flashes into view with his creepy grin stuck on his face. ”How ya both doing? That’s great. Mind if I borrow Anon for a minute? Thanks.”

”Actually we-“

Before he can finish Anonymous grabs your arm and teleports you both over to the throne. ”Hello my beautiful subjects! How we doing tonight?” The crowd cheers, nobles, guards and common folk alike joining in. ”Today was a momentous day for us here in Canterlot. The Resistance has been defeated once and for all, along with their leader.” The ponies hang on his every word, almost as if he was giving a sermon. ”I fought their leader here in this very castle, atop the same tower I slew Discord.”

”Praise Anonymous!” a voice hollers from the audience bringing a smile to his face.

”But when the final blow was struck it was not by my hand.” Everypony ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ at his speech typically. ”That honor fell upon the head of the man by my side. Give it up for the Hero of Equestria, ANON!” Like a shepherd instructing his flock, they listen, crying out in gratitude to your handiwork. ”Go ahead and wave,” he says to you.

You join the herd and play the role, forcing a smile and waving like a good boy. ”Now,” they quiet down at his words, “When I found Anonymous he was miserable. Just another soul condemned to darkness.” Does he actually know what he’s talking about? ”I stretched my hand through that darkness, a beacon of hope, and you know what I did? I opened the doors of prosperity.”

”Speak it!”

”He took my hand and I, Anonymous, pulled him out of the depths of despair.” Seriously guys? This isn’t the gospel here. ”When the roles were swapped and I found myself under assault from the dissenters and mongrels, a hand appeared to me as well.” Oh lord, here we go. ”Anon is the Hero who fights for you, me and every citizen of Equestria. I made him a promise when we first met, and I will see that promise through.”

This is happening. Holy shit he’s going to do it. ”I will bestow upon him the gift he so desires, the gift of life!” Your ears begin to ache at their hollering, but you can’t help but feel excited yourself. This is what you wanted. This is what you killed for. Anonymous turns to you,”Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

He rests his hand on your shoulders and closes his eyes, “Prepare yourself Anon. You’re about to take your first breath in a long time.” The hairs on your neck stand as jolts of energy surge up his arms and run straight through you. You have grown accustom to pain, and this time is no different. As your blood begins to boil you keep your eyes open and mind straight. This will pass. It’ll always pass. And then it hits you, the most gruesome and torturous sensation imaginable. Your knees buckle, forcing you to grab Anonymous just to keep standing. Your heart… you can feel it… the beat.

Another surge courses through you igniting every nerve in your body. Your fingers dig into his arm, but you will not give in. You’ve come too far. Slamming your foot back into place you embrace the misery inflicted upon you, and as soon as it had begun, it ends. Anonymous opens his eyes and looks at you. But… No. What’s wrong? His look is one of confusion, not pride. He looks to the crowd, his once spirited smile a mask. ”It is done!” He tells them what they want to hear and whispers into your ear, “Bow.”

“What’s goin-“

”Just fucking do it.” You take a bow and put on your best act. ”Now as much as I’d love to stay and mingle with you fine mares and gentlecolts, me and Anon have business to discuss. Party on my subjects!” He grabs you by the shoulder and transports you both outside the throne room.


It looks like his chambers, a simple room for him really. He paces up and down along the balcony, muttering nonsense. “What the fuck was that all about?”

”I don’t know.”

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know?’

”I DON’T KNOW,” he yells before continuing to pace, “I had it all planned out, but why…”

“You gonna fill me in on what you’re mumbling on about?”

”It should’ve worked… Why didn’t it work?”

“Why didn’t what-“ It finally hits you, the reason for his bumbling behavior. “No. I felt it. I can’t…” You press your hand to your chest, your cold calm chest. Silence…

Chapter 4: Dead End

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Only the dead can know peace from this evil… Wait… You hold your hand to your chest certain that it just takes a few seconds, but it becomes apparently clear that you, no matter how much you would otherwise wish, are still dead weight. You look to the sky, a smile forming on your face. And you laugh.

Not a simple chuckle either, a full blown hearty laugh. Anonymous joins in nervously, forcing himself to go along with it. Tears accumulate as you take a soothing breathe between snippets of laughter. Oh this is just grand. How the stars have shined upon you this day. ”I guess it is kind of funny.”

You wipe the moisture from your eyes, a grin on your face. “I’m going to kill you.”

That seems to wake him up, “Wait a minute here-“ You lob a nearby lamp at his head, the fucker narrowly dodging it.

“You’re going to fix this, and you’re going to do it now.”

”It’s not that simple.”

His nightstand is the next object you toss at the lying bastard. “Oh you’ll be surprised how simple a matter of life and death can be.”

He straightens up, “Know your place. I owe you Nothing!”

“You owe me what you promised!”

”I could’ve let you rot back in that damned prison, but I rescued you.”

“Don’t make me remind you of exactly what happened in that tower.”

”You dare…”

“I saw the fear in your eyes! He hit you where it hurt and that scared you more than anything.”

”You will be silent.”

“The only reason you’re standing here is because I saved you.”

”Enough!” he roars as he slams his foot upon the stone, the tower trembling before his might.

“Hit a nerve? Good. Now you know how I feel.”

”I can give you what you desire, I just need more time.”

“Time? I have been waiting for longer than your mind can fathom. You may have taken me from that place, but all you’ve done is change the setting.”

”I made a promise to you and I plan to keep it. War has left me drained, and if you can wait just a little longer you shall have what you seek.” He’s walking on thin ice here.

“You’re incompetence is no concern of mine.”

”If you want to live again then you’ll wait. Think rationally here.” That means almost nothing coming from him, but he’s right. You’re not in your right mind. You’ve broken your one fundamental rule: Stay calm.

“How much?”

”Excuse me?”

“How much time do you need?”

Anonymous visibly relaxes, “It may take some time, so don’t hold me to a particular number.”

“I’ve spent a long while just waiting; it’s not too much to ask for some time I guess.” You lean on the edge and get your bearings, letting this setback sink in. Of course this wouldn’t be the first time your plans hit the shitter. “I think I might go away for a while. Take some time off… See the sights.”

”If you wish-“

“You’re not coming with me.”

”Just thought I’d ask.” You make your way to the door with Anonymous behind you. ”Just out of curiosity, where would you go?” How to respond to that. Now that’s a question.

“I figured I’d go north, roam around a bit.”

”Any place in particular?”

A smile works its way on your face as you visualize it. “Yeah…” You head back to your room, grabbing what you can and stuffing it into a makeshift duffel bag. Jotting down a quick note you post it on your door, far less humorous than the last one you made. Walking down the halls you quickly exit the castle and back through the courtyard. The breeze flows around you grasping at your limbs as if to slow you down, but you walk through them.

The moonlit streets of Canterlot glimmer as you walk between the towering buildings beside you. The night watch looks on at your departure, just another wanderer of the night. You pass through the gates of Canterlot and tread upon the dirt path before you. North, you follow the constellations in the sky, the white rider guiding you along. You’re not sure how she’ll react to your surprise visit. With any luck you won’t have to hurt anyone on the way there. But you’ll cross that bridge when you come to it. The lights of Canterlot fade as you move further and further away. The city was a nice little place. It had all the right things to make your day. But it was never really home. You’d never really had a real one since you first came to Equestria. Until you traveled north.


You gather some local plant life, though the tundra certainly makes it difficult for you. Picking a bowl out of your pack you dump your payload into the tub, gracing it with a handful of berries and shoots you’d found. It’s no breakfast of champions, but it gets the job done. A critter darts away in the corner of your eye, likely a rabbit from the fleeting glimpse. You’d considered trapping one, but you know all too well of the consequences. They just had to make the rules that way.

Doesn’t matter they type of meat, as all will bring you down in the end. What you wouldn’t give for a strip of nice juicy bacon. Don’t tease yourself like that Anon, it’s not good for you. You strip the bark and finish off the shoots, depositing any remains on the ground. The hunger is always present, but the occasional snack and meditation session is quick to subdue the desire. You can never be too careful, lest your urges take over.

You take a quick swim in the nearby river as well to clean off some of the grim that had accumulated during your trip. Taking a rag from your bag you dry yourself off, slipping back into your jeans. A sniff of your shirt shows just how long you’d been wearing it and you promptly stick it back in your bag. Slinging the bag over your shoulder you keep on along the mountain. You’d abandoned the safety of roads long ago, no being brave enough to settle this far out of Equestrian territory. Well, no one besides you.

You’d grown accustomed to these lands, though they’ve changed a bit since you last lived here. Not by much, it’s still the same rugged stretch of land you remember it to be. There are some things that even time has trouble changing. You only hope she was one of them.

Climbing down through the rocks you spot the tunnel up ahead. You stand in the entrance as you gaze down the tunnel’s depths. Could she even be here? She’d said how they migrate from place to place. She wouldn’t do that though. She’d wait, she said she would. You step back into the shadows of your home. You run your hand across the ancient walls of stone, allowing your mind to wander.


‘Anon wait up!’

You charge down the hallway, sword in hand and ponies at your back. ‘I’m not letting her get away again!’ Gillian’s hooves dwindle away as you move on ahead of the group. She made the mistake of sparing you the first time. Now it’s time to pay her back with interest.


So long ago that was, back when blood still flowed in your veins. You walk further, the cavern’s cool air pulling you in. You hold out your hand and conjure a small sphere of light, illuminating the world around you. You kneel next to the ground and look around.


Taking your sword you impale the nearest foe, his sage blood dirtying your blade. Another comes in from your flank and is met with a firm heel to the jaw. ‘Where is she?!’ Reinforcements arrive and you promptly cave in the cavern atop them, only cutting off one of the many routes through the hive. You move to the last conscious member of their forces as he cowers, his wings trembling. You pull out your trusty knife and press it against his neck. ‘Where?’


You stand back up and look to the various passageways. They finally cleared that cave in it would seem. Took them long enough to get around to it. That route should bring you to your location faster if memory serves. You slide down the steep incline followed by layers of dust and sediment. Slits in the wall serve as your map around the tunnels and a newfound humidity helps pinpoint your location. You find a head sized cutout in the rock and peer down into the chamber below.


‘It’ll be a few months before they’re ready to hatch so we keep them here.’

You run your hand through the bubbling water. ‘I’ve never been to a hot spring before, but it sounds reasonable enough, keeping them where it’s warm.’

She presses her hoof atop your shoulder only for you to shrug it off. ‘That’s enough for this side, shall we move on then?’



The pond lies dormant, mirroring the rest of this place, but you have to keep on, there’s still a chance. You turn away from the view and walk down the hallway. You come across the old cellblock, the previous owners appearing to have vacated.


‘Open it.’

‘As you wish,’ she responds as an eerie glow forms around her horn. The flickering gate dies down and you step within the holding cell.

‘Anon!’ The filly hollers before leaping into your arms, ‘I knew you’d come for us.’

“It’s good to see you too Star,” you reply hugging her.

‘You taught her real good now didn’t you?’

‘Of course’ you lie, ‘You get back home now, all of you head home.’

‘Are you coming with us?’

You look outside to see her shaking her head. ‘Not exactly.’


The evidence is piling up but… You’re not willing to believe it. You had fought down theses hollow passages before, you know them well. Many fell in this place, friend and foe alike. The war was devastating, but you had to end it at any cost. Even if it was at your own expense.

Kicking away at another cave in soon clears it of debris and allows you through. You find yourself in a sort of dining room of sorts, though the others tended to snack closer to their food source.


Her laughter brings a smile to your face and you take another spoon of stew. ‘And she really thought it was real?/

‘Well what do you expect? She’s only human, err- pony I guess.’ You swallow down your food, her cooking skills surprisingly good for someone who never does. Her emerald green eyes shimmer from the torch’s glow. She leans closer, bringing her face to yours. You close your eyes and drift away, meeting her lips for the first time.


Yeah, there were definitely some good memories mixed in there. You take a swig of your flask and run your hand over the table. You slap the dust off your hands and into a hovering cloud. There’s one last tunnel to explore, the path where your journey ends. It holds the answer that you seek. The answer that you don’t want. But you need to see it one last time. You walk closer and closer, her sobs coming from within.


‘I… I’m sorry. I- tried…’

‘Not your *cough* fault.’ You stand by the corner already knowing what lies ahead. ‘At least- at least you’re with me.’

‘I wouldn’t let you go through this alone.’ A tear escapes you as you watch your own life drain away.

You take hold of her hoof and hold tight. ‘I promise I’ll be back. *cough cough* I’ll find my way.’

‘Please relax Anon, you know what-’ You fall back onto your bed as your heart seizes up. ‘Anon?!’

You fight through it and look back to her. ‘Will you wait for me?’ You croak as your strength wanes.

She nuzzles your neck in hopes to hide her tears, but she cannot hide from what’s to come. ‘I’ll wait for you. I will.’ You hold her as another burst shoots through you, both locked together. You lock your amulet around her neck, the ruby but a lump of coal in comparison. ‘I love you Anon.’ Shadows creep inwards, your heart slowing.

‘Goodbye Chrysalis.’


The hive lies silent except for a single man, alone with his misery. You look to the pendant in your hand, your face mirrored within. That bastard… How could he do it? Why!? He deserved to die. That… that… “FUCKER!”

You plow your fist straight through the wall, a combination of primal rage and unchecked sorcery. You’ll kill him again, you’ll find him in whatever hole he’s crawled into and then… You slam your foot upon the floor, cracking the stone into pieces. You close your eyes and take a deep breathe, venting your emotions. He’s already dead, there’s nothing more you can do. But you’re glad that you were the one to end his miserable life. No regrets…

The amulet looks back at you as you open your eyes. All of this was his doing, the ripples of his actions. Anonymous isn’t the enemy, it was the hero. Always the hero. You slip the amulet around your neck, a welcome friend, your only friend. Life, death… What does it matter anymore? The only thing you strove for has once again been yanked from your reach. Setback, after setback, after setback… Why do you even try? All you meet is failure anyways. When you care for nothing, nothing can be taken away from you. The thought is… troubling, but yet it rings true. It’s always been true.


You keep your head down and head through, ponies looking over you. Their whispers are inaudible, not that it truly matters what they say. You snag a glance at a street vendor and buy a quick snack. ”No charge,” he said with a grin on his face.

“Appreciate it.” That’s the best you can do under the circumstances, a quick nod of thanks. You dig through your pockets and pull out a few silver bits, sliding them to the side of his cart when he’s not looking. Nothing’s free.

You spy a tavern sign at the end of the street. It’s been awhile since you drank. You sleek over to the door and slip through. The inside’s about as well as you’d expect with drunks and the like. Some things never change, regardless of location. You open the door for a passing drunk with the good sense to leave while he’s ahead. Their inebriation allows them to look past- well your looks. It’s probably made a few of them have some regretful nights.

You hit a corner booth, the bar full-up as it is. A waitress eventually makes her way over to you, “What can I get for you honey?”

“Whatcha got?”

”Depends on what you’re lookin’ for. We got most greens under the sun if you’ve got an appetite as well as an array of beverages, alcoholic and not.”

“An ice cold beer wouldn’t happen to be on that list now would it?”

”No such luck I’m afraid.”

“I figured. Still, couldn’t hurt to ask right?” Wrong.

”Won’t know until you do. So what else can I get for ya?”

“Eeh? Can I swipe a mug of cider?”

”One cider coming up Anon.” She jots your order down on a slip of paper and walks away, a crackling sound spurring up beside you. You don’t look, like a child hiding under his sheets, trying to believe its not there.

”Your names known all throughout Canterlot it would seem, no small part to me of course.”

“Yeah, sure.”

He pauses, “Yeah sure? My speech made your name famous, more than just some story in the side of a mountain.” This guy just doesn’t know when to stop running his trap.

“What do you want Anonymous?”

He leans over in your ear, “I was thinking about trying it out again.” Oh yeah, that. ”I’ve been minimizing my energy expenditure, you know, trying to get back to 100%.” Even tyrants who have every luxury available to them get tired sometimes. “I’m sure I can get you back on the horse this time. Let’s just go somewhere a bit more private.” He grabs onto your shoulder and readies his hand.

You snap onto his wrist before he can snap those agitating digits of his. “I don’t want to.”

”Not my typical sense of humor, but funny nonetheless. Let’s go.”

He tries to pull his wrist away, but your grip’s tighter than a virgin bum. “What’s the point of living when there’s nothing to live for?” You let go of his wrist as the waitress comes back over and sets down your mug.

”What’s the-“ He shoos her away, “You were so worked up over this shit, and now you’re all ‘What’s the point?’”

“Everything I knew is gone, just some ruins and graves.”

”You know, at this point, I don’t really care what you have to say anymore. Let’s go.” You make eye contact for the first time since he appeared, your glare a piercing strike through his armor. ”I need to do this. Do you know what’s going to happen if they found out I failed? I’m a miracle worker to them.”

“It’s not my problem.” You pull your head back and take a nice draft of the cooling liquid. “I won’t tell a soul, that you have my word. Just leave me alone.”

You stare down at your mug, his eyes still on you. ”You’re serious?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

He extends his hands towards you, “Shake on it.” You look at his hand and then back to him.

“If my word isn’t good enough than neither is a hand shake.”

He pulls back, “Alright, until next time then.”

“I can wait.”

He chuckles lightly, “I’m gonna miss this.” You nurse your beverage, not batting an eye even when he zaps away in a glorious spectacle.

You look to the hardy mug in your hands, absentmindedly twirling it about. ”First the party and now a private visit from Anonymous himself, you truly are a strange one Mr. Anon.”

You recognize that voice, his gentlemanly and soothing tone an obvious giveaway. “What’s an upstanding nobleman like you doing in a cesspool like this?”

”I happen to own this cesspool Mr. Anon,” he retorts humorously as he sits beside you.

“My apologies, I didn’t-“

”No need, this place has certainly seen better days, namely the day I opened it.”

“And it all went downhill from there.”

”It certainly filled my coffers though. A wise investment I would say.”

“I can drink to that,” you say holding your glass up before taking another gulp.

”But less about me, what is up with that Anonymous character and yourself. Besides the whole species thing.”

“I’m just an artifact of a past time; he was the man who dug me up.”

“So why the closeness if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I don’t willingly try to contemplate the mind of a madman, but if I had to take a guess, it’s that he’s lonely.”

”And just why is that?”

You look back to the amber droplets residing at the bottom of your cup. “Maybe he lost someone too…”

The unicorn takes a long contemplative pause before raising his hoof in the air. “Claire, bottle of Jack please, on the double.” You can’t hide the slight grin on your face as he cracks open the bottle and pours the two of you some shots.

“A bit early for someone such as yourself you think?”

”Hogwash, these aren’t for me.” He pushes the row of shots towards you, the waitress taking away your empty mug.

“I’m fine, besides, alcohol won’t help.”

”Just give it a shot.” There’s a joke in there somewhere, but he plays it straight.

“Fine,” you sling the liquor into your throat one after another, emptying the glasses.

“Feel better?”

“Still fine.” He starts filling up the shots again to your dismay. “I told you, alcohol doesn’t help. Something I learned back in Frostbite,” you say pushing away the glasses.

You still wonder how they managed to smuggle in that bottle of Captain Flank’s rum. ”So you just drink it for the taste?”

“That’s why I’m not a big fan of harder liquor, they taste like crap.” You check your watch. You’ve still got enough time to move along. You fish some bits out of your bag and set them on the table.

”Leaving so soon?”

“Sorry that I can’t stay but I’ve got to find a place to rest for the night.”

”Don’t you have a place arranged in the castle? I’m sure Anonymous would love to have you around.” That’s one guy you definitely don’t want to be around.

“The feeling isn’t exactly mutual.”

”You aren’t the only one who feels that way to be sure.” That… actually surprises you. You were fairly certain that he had everypony under his thumb. A gleam catches his eye as an idea seems to cross his mind, “Why don’t you stay here?”

“I’d rather not be sleeping at the bar. It’s bad for my back.”

”Your sarcasm has been noted.” His expression is plain, showcasing that he is in fact, very serious. ”It just so happens that the last keeper here found himself in debt to some rather unsavory characters, and has ‘disappeared.’”

“Have you checked the bottom of the river?”

”They’re probably pulling the poor colt out as we speak, but he had it coming. I shouldn’t have set him up with this job.”

“Let me take a guess, you did it as a favor to family or some such thing.”

”My cousin. He needed a job, and I, being the successful one, was pressured into setting him up here. Tragic. I need somepony who can hold their own and deal with some of the problems that spring up from time to time.”

“And by that you mean me.”

”This is a win-win situation Anon. You get a place to stay as well as honest work, and I can sleep well knowing that you aren’t going to gamble away my assets.”

“Who said that I didn’t gamble?”

He looks at you knowingly, “Some things don’t have to be said.” Opportunities like this only come up so often, and you’d be a fool not to take it. You pour a shot for the two of you, “So you accept? Stupendous news. A toast then.”

“To the future?”

”To the future,” he states as you both slam the drinks back. He makes a face of disgust before looking down to the empty glass, “Great Scott.”

“I know, this is heavy.”

”Well then, shall I give you a tour?”

“Of the tavern?”

”Inn, Anon. It’s called an inn.”

“Is there a difference?”

”Well a tavern…” He pauses, “You see an inn…” The answer evades him much to his displeasure, likely because there isn’t an answer. ”Do you want the tour or not?” he remarks in a flustered tone.

“Lead the way,” you manage to say without laughing to yourself. He leads you away from the booth and towards the bar. “I know what this is. This is an espresso machine.”

He facehoofs and shakes his head. “No, no wait. It’s a snow cone maker.” He’s approaching the point of tears. “A water heater?” Oh shit he thinks you’re serious. “I’m just fucking with you,” you reassure him and pat his back.

He moves his hoof away exposing his grin, “I know, it’s just nice to see you being joyful.”

You’ll admit, you do feel better now. Laughter really is the best medicine. “Alright so we got the bar, what else?”

He heads down into the cellar, “This is where we keep our inventory, we’ve got everything from produce to the golden elixirs down here.”

“So I’ll be spending a lot of my time taking inventory.”

”The last keeper didn’t do it so I don’t expect you to either.”

“Well the last guy also let this place go to hell. I’ll do it.”

”Alright, just don’t go in over your head.”

“So if I run low on supplies how do I contact you?”

”I’ll drop by every now and again to check up on you and make sure you haven’t opened a portal to Tartarus or anything.”

“There’s a real danger of that.”

”Look,” he says defensively, “I’m not ruling out the possibility.”

“Understandable, but I’m not intent on going back any time soon.”

”I wouldn’t be either after all you’ve been through.”

Don’t say it Anon, don’t do it. “So what else?”

He takes you back upstairs and into the upper floor. A single hallway runs across the second story with a row of rooms on either side. ”The residents reside here, and from what I’m told, they keep to themselves. So just make sure they pay the rent and don’t burn the place down.” A part of you pegs this activity as suspicious, but then again, why exactly did you come back here? To fool yourself into believing you’d be fine, locked away in your home, safe from the real world. ”Shall we continue on?” You snap out of the daze you found yourself in, “It’s the last room in the establishment, it sits on the third floor.”

You climb the stairwell as it curves from the hallway, soon coming to meet the final door. ”This floor is for your personal use,” he holds open the door for you. You step through, noting the surprisingly well furnished interior. The walls have been recently painted a tannish brown and are otherwise plain except for a single painting of Canterlot hanging next to a large desk. “I- This is a pleasant surprise. I figured it’d be-“

”A mess? Well he didn’t exactly leave it in the best shape so I had to make some last minute adjustments.” You slip off your socks and shoes and massage the carpet flooring, the first one you’ve seen in a long while. ”Like it?”

You run your hand over the smooth wooden desktop opposite of the queen-sized bed. This place reminds you of home, simple yet ornate. You open the curtains guarding the room from the light’s rays and peer outside as the ponies go about their daily business. “You could say that.”

”Glad to hear, so does that mean you’ll accept the offer?”

“Free lodging, free booze, a source of bits, and above all privacy? I’d be a fool to say no.”


“I ain’t no fool.” You shake his hoof firmly, finalizing the deal between the two of you. Maybe this won’t be so bad. Maybe you can start over, maybe…

Chapter 5: Random Title

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You rise from your bed ready for the day, though sleep brings about as much nourishment as eating does. You squeeze into the shower and try your best to clean yourself off. You’ll have to talk to… damn, you still don’t even know his name. Well, you’ll bring this up when he comes over today.

First things first, get to know the employees, after getting clothed of course. Can’t go strutting around naked all day like some type of animal. Now that you think about don’t ponies- Don’t think about it. Bad brain! You pick your clothes out of the wash and slip them on after drying yourself off. A quick brush of the teeth and a shave is all it takes to bring you back to 100%. What’s the time? 6:30? Damn you slept in. Heading out the door you walk downstairs to the first floor.

The bar doesn’t seem to have opened yet thankfully, this gets you to round up your employees. The barman’s already up and about stocking up while he can. He sees you walking over and stops working. “So you’re the new inn keeper eh? Name’s Shimmer Sham, but just call me Shim.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Shim. I reckon you already know who I am.”

”You’d be correct uh, Anon right? Your name’s flown down the grape vine.”


He lifts a glass with his magic and begins to wash it out with a rag, “So what can I do ya for?”

“Never on a first date.”

”Excuse me?”

“Nevermind. Who else is working today?”

”Well we got two more in for the day. Claire’s our waitress and Stuffed Crust is our chef.”

“Claire’s a unique name for a pony.”

“Her parents wanted her name to be different from what I hear.” She wouldn’t be the first, but one of few.

“So where can I find Claire and Crust?”

”They should be upstairs, rooms three and six.”

“That’s convenient.”

”Cuts down on travel time.” Yeah it does that.

You head back upstairs and to room three.You knock lightly on the door as not to wake up the other residents. No response, typical. If you recall the layout of these rooms from yesterday then you should… You plant your hand on the door and calm your mind. Stuffed Crust lives here, you can sense it. Boy is he in for a rude awakening. Searching the room mentally allows you to locate a sizeable object to hurl at him. Up and at ‘im! A thud is followed by a brief spastic rumbling within much to your pleasure. “Time to wake up Mr. Crust.”

He groans noisily, “Go away. No work yet.”

“You work when I say you do,” you reply lobbing another object at him.

”Shi- Fine I’m up!” You stand by the door while he gets ready, the door slowly creaking open. He walks out, bags under his eyes and legs wobbly, the unmistakable scent of liquor on his breathe. “You planning on going to work drunk?”

“I plan on drinking while I work.”

“Try not to trip down the stairs, now go get to the bar with Shim.” You kick him lightly in the flank to get him moving before moving onto room six. You can hear some chattering going on about in the other rooms, likely angered by Crust’s noisy awakening. It’s not like he gave you a choice.

You knock on her door, softer than you did Crust’s, “Yes?” You expected her to still be asleep.

“Hey it’s Anon. We’re waiting for you downstairs.” She opens the door, stepping out in her waitress uniform, just a simple white overlay with side pockets. “How do you ponies manage to wear clothes like that?”

“We get used to it,” she says stretching out her wings through the small slits on the back.

“I certainly hope so. Let’s go, the others are waiting downstairs.”

She gets to the bottom before you, Crust already nursing a bottle of jack. You get ready to scold him but Claire stays your action, “It’s just how he works.”

This place has been marginally successful thus far. We’ll see if he’s the one holding it back or keeping it afloat. “Alright you three. I take it you’ve heard about this little change in management.” They nod, a sense of dread hanging amongst them. “I just want to get place into tip top shape. Your employer, who’s name escapes me-“

”Well with a name like his-“

Shim bops Stuffed over the head and looks to you, “We call him Mr. Light. He’s a bit touchy on his first name.”

“It can’t be that bad.”

“Sure, if you don’t mind being called a muffin.”

This time Claire smacks him, almost knocking the beverage out of his hand. “His name’s Muffin Light? Damn, that sucks.” At least it’s not Buttstallion. “Back to the my point, Mr. Light did me a solid and got me this job in good faith. I intend to make it worth his while. I wanted to just introduce myself so we’re all on the same page.”

”Yeah yeah,” Stuffed Crust yawns with his mouth hanging open, “Can I go back to bed?”

“With manners like that I think you just earned yourself cleaning detail. Find a mop and get to it.”

”This is bullcrap, how the hell do you expect me to do that? It’s not like I have magic like Shim over here.”

“If you can make food, you can mop, might as well sweep while you’re at it.”

”But you just said I was moping.”

“I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it further.” You’ve always wanted to say that.

Stuffed Crust curses and escapes into a closet, retrieving his equipment and getting to work. ”One less thing I have to do,” Claire jokes.

“Just finish your preliminary work, stocking and the like, I’ll be in the basement.” Inventory time.


You take the top box off the shelf, checking and double-checking the contents before recording the data. This is about as grueling as you remember it back on Earth, and back then there wasn’t much to take inventory on. At least it’s nice and quiet down here, except for the occasional curse from upstairs. You and Crust really didn’t start off on the best of terms. You should probably fix that. It’s about 8:45 now and you have one last thing you want to do. You finish the last of your work and post the results on the wall.

Claire meets you as you reach the top of the stairs, “We’re all set and ready to roll.”

“Good to hear. I’m going to head out for a little bit, in the mean time, you’re in charge.”

”Me sir?”

“Yeah,” you open the door, “You remind me of a mare I used to know. Let’s hope you’re close.”

”I’ll try my best sir.”

“Just call me Anon.”


You head down the damp streets, the sun hidden behind the mass of clouds. Ponies seem to still be asleep, but the local shopkeepers can be seen making their rounds. You scan the shops for a particular one, though you’re not exactly sure which. Pizzeria? No. Fin’s Furnishing? Nope. Royal Fitness? Noted, but no. How hard is it to find a god damn chemist in this fucking city? You spy a rundown establishment, the windows boarded up and rotten, the sign hanging on by a thread. “Zecora’s Hut?” Your mind tells you no, but your instincts tell you yes.

You push the door open and step inside towards the glowing cauldron. ”Is that a customer I see, or is that that my mind deceives?” Oh dammit, she’s going to make you talk like that.

The zebra trots back to the cauldron, mixing the contents within. “Do you deal with ingredients of an arcane nature?”

”I have supplies of large and small, each from places I must haul.”

“Does that mean yes?” She nods. This is going to be a fun conversation. “Do you have anything that grows from Tartarus?”

”Interesting you would say, a long lost resident of its stay.”

“Once again, does that mean yes?”

”Yes I do Anon of the dead, it all lies in what I said.” You place your hand on your stomach, “The hunger’s thirst is hard to contain, you seek a remedy to do the same.” She knows much about you and your condition. More than any pony should.

“How do you know so much about me?”

”Of you I know little, Tartarus though is no such riddle.” She grabs a few items from the back room, dumping them one by one into the boiling brew. ”The sap of the ash tree shall help you see; with the flesh of your peer itself is key. The brew shifts to a luminescent gold, “A fern of rot may ruin the taste, but to help your ailment we must make haste.” A black streak runs around the twirling liquid, not quite melding with the others. You’d do it justice to call it pungent, as it may very well burn every hair in your nostrils. ”The final ingredient is most unique, for it is yourself you seek.” You understand her meaning and hold out your hand, the cut almost healed. Still, it’s worth it.

The second your thick blood hits the liquid, the bowl shimmers a bright silver. Zecora dips a flask into the brew and pops a cork in the top. ”Drip it light upon your meal, and only then will your hunger yield.” You reach into your pockets, “Payment is not of trivial bits, when the time comes your actions will permit.” Her cryptic messages and strange demeanor is enough to put you off base. You grab the flask with eager thanks and wave goodbye as you leave. ”Two drops is all it takes, this powerful elixir you should not waste.” At least she was clear in that regard. Stowing the bottle in your bag you head on back to the inn.


You nod to two burly stallions by the door before heading inside, another pony at the bar talking with Claire and Shim. “You two know that we don’t open until later right?”

”They know, but they make an exception for me,” the pony says taking a drink.

“Not so sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t take exceptions.”

”Oh I would think twice about that. The previous manager didn’t do so either.”

“Are you attempting to intimidate me?”

”No Anon, I am intimidating you.” He turns to you, his mane slicked back and permed. ”My employer had a deal with the little colt who ran this place, and, for obvious reasons, that deal is now passed onto you.” So he’s some kind of mob guy pressing for protection money or something? He’s in for a rude awakening. ”Every store on this side of the city gives us a little taste of their profits, and you just happen to have the tastiest one around.” Called it.

”So here’s the deal, 20%. You can take it, or we can break your legs and make you.”

“Do you have any idea who I am? I mean, really?”

”Oh yes, we know. Anon, the ancient washed up hero of time’s past. You’re nothing more than a has-been, an old fool to today’s bright youth.” He taps his hoof, the two ponies from outside moving to either side of you. “So how about you make this easier on yourself.”

You open the palm of your hand, waves of energy rippling through your veins. “No.”

The enforcer grins, “I hoped you’d say that. I always wanted to watch your kind get taken down a notch.” He signals his minions, only met by their silence. He tries again with the same result. ”What did you do to my men?!”

“This “has-been” is not kind to those who would threaten me or those around me.” You grab him by the throat, keeping his two friends paralyzed with your free hand. “So this is why Mr. Light was so adamant on having me huh? He wanted someone to take you and your kind down a notch.” He gasps and grabs at your hand in a desperate attempt to flee. “You fellows are free to go,” you say releasing them.

They don’t ask questions and bolt for the door, unable to stand your presence. “And for you- *whop*” you use your free hand and punch him in the ribs. He heaves and pants, a captive to your whims. “I want you to go back to your boss whenever you stop pissing yourself when a pin drops. Tell him this.” You knee him in his stallionhood, exemplifying just how powerful he is compared to you. “I’ve broken countless creatures deadlier than you could possibly imagine. A pony does not compare to what they or I are capable of.” You grip tighter and look in his pleading eyes. “So if I see you or your goons again, I’ll take great pleasure in turning him into my personal bitch.”

You walk over to the door and kick it open, throwing the shivering pony back into the streets. “Now get the fuck out of my sight.” You slam the door shut and look back to your shocked employees. “And scene.”

You pour yourself a glass of cider from behind the bar, Shim patting you on the back. ”Bravo sir, bravo.”

“It was nothing.”

”Nothing?” Claire exclaims, “You kicked him right on his flank, for good probably!”

“In most cases I would’ve let him go with a warning.”

”That wasn’t a warning?”

“He insulted not only me, but all those who came before me. I do not stand for that.”

Stuffed Crust comes out from the basement, “What’d I miss?” He looks to the floor, a puddle leading to the door, “For the love of- I just cleaned this floor!” You finish off your mug and take the mop from his hooves, intent on repaying him in some small way.

”Crust can do that himself you know,” Claire says.

“We’re all in this together, so we all have to pitch in.”

She smiles and continues to wipe down the tables. The four of you make sure to clean and stock the inn, the residents coming down and mingling with each other. They look to be honest ponies just trying to make their way in the world. You can’t judge them for that.


Around 3:00 the customers started rolling in and you took to your posts. Claire was the courteous waitress who took and delivered the orders as well as making sure everyone was happy. Shim mixed the drinks and worked the bar, listening to the idle gossip and acting as a lively host. You and Crust worked in the back kitchen filling out orders and the like. You were there partly to help him and check out his skills, but also to make sure he didn’t get drunk enough to piss in their Hay Stew. “Order up!”

You ring the bell and move back over to the assorted greens you were sautéing on the stove. Crust comes over and adds his secret ingredient, an alcoholic suicide composed of more liquor than you could count, but damn if it didn’t add that kick that made his food top notch. ”Order up!” he hollers drunkenly, setting down the next plate.

It was definitely a high stress environment and the three of them had been doing it for who knows how long. At least Stuffed had found the holy grail of cures for it, more alcohol. He took another swig and stumbled over to the oven, pulling out his vegetarian casserole. This is exactly the type of work you loved to do, getting orders through as quick as possible, making sure they enjoy it and come back for more. You’d brought this up with her before…

You plate your dish and ring the bell, your movements sapped of their previous energy. The orders come in slower and slower as it reaches the end of the night. “You got this?”

”Buck yeah I do,” he almost trips over his own hooves but stays afloat long enough to get out the next order. You take off your apron and place it in the laundry bin, quickly grabbing a bite to eat.

The inn is still very much crowded so you walk outside and sit on a bench. You whip out your flask and place two drops atop your sandwich, taking a bite. You fight back the urge to spit it out. Zecora wasn’t lying about it ruining the taste, but as you finish the last of it, a mysterious things happens. You lose your hunger.

It’s as if you’d been cured of an eternal headache, finally sensing the world free of pain. You’d grown so accustomed to it that you had forgotten how it felt to live normally again. Ha, live. If only she could be here too.

”I see your first day has gone well,” Mr. Light says sitting next to you.

“Yeah, I had a run in with a certain stallion and his two friends today.”

”You did? I’d hoped they’d wait a few days.”

“I don’t appreciate being taken advantage of.”

He nods, “I know, trust me I know.”

“If you had asked me-“

”To make the rich richer? How could I ask you to help without making me look like the bad guy?”

“So that’s not what you wanted?”

”No, not at all.” He gets up and looks down the street. ”This city has gone to Tartarus, no offence.”

“None taken.”

He continues, “After Anonymous took over… everypony started to change. Not physically mind you, but in their behavior. Harmony is gone from this land.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

”You are familiar with the elements of harmony yes?”

“I’ve heard a tale of two.”

“And a tale is all they’ll ever be as long as Anonymous reigns.”

You hush him down as a group of guards pass down the street. “He’ll have you killed if he heard you say something like that.”

”Am I wrong?” No, he’s not. “You know more than most what he’s capable of. You know how to fight him.”

“You can stop right there. I don’t know who you think I am, but times have changed. This isn’t my problem anymore.”

”He threatens all of Equestria and beyond. He’s exactly the type of threat that you were brought here to stop.”

“My task is done. I just want to live in peace.”

”How can you say that? We can beat him together, starting from the ground up.”

“Anonymous gave me a second chance. I can’t do as you ask.”

The frustration within him begins to die down, “There’s no convincing you is there?”

“I’m afraid not Mr. Light.”

“May Celestia watch over us then, for dark days lie ahead.”

You’ve buried your guilt; it’s time for him to bury his. “I will work in your inn, but that’s it. No more fighting, no more conflict. I’m done with it.”

“Then Anonymous has truly won…”

You pat him on the back reassuringly. “Come on, if we’re doomed to his madness then let’s at least get wasted.”

”I thought you couldn’t get drunk?” Whoops, that was a slip-up on your part.

“I can damn well try,” you joke and walk inside.


Four months later…


“G’night Crust, get some rest.”

”Will do sir.”

“You too Shim, you’ve hard a long night. Claire and I can finish this stuff up.”

”Appreciate it.”

”No problem, we’ve got it.” Shim and Stuffed Crust leave to get to bed. Damn it’s been a rough night.

You wait a few minutes so they can get settled before looking to Claire. “You go on too, I can finish it up myself.”

”Nice try, but you can’t get rid of me that easy.”

You inspect the stools, a couple customers complaining that they were wobbly. “Everything seems to be fine here, damn ponies can be so picky.”

”Excuse me?” she says sarcastically.

“Oh yeah, it’s just you.”


“I try my best,” you laugh and finish sweeping the floor. Light’s been visiting less and less lately, depression starting to set in. You tried to counsel him, but you’re not exactly the best in that type of field. He keeps calm around others, but when he’s alone? It’s like watching a train wreck. “Fun night though right?”

”It’s always busy on the weekends, you know that.”

“Yeah I do.” You plop down at the bar and crack open a cold one, Claire joining you. Whisking out your flask you drop another few dollops inside, the alcohol almost able to balance out the taste.

”So what’s in that anyways? You always keep it private.”

“Just a little something to keep me in check.”

”Or what? You’ll gain super strength and storm the castle.”

“Not far off actually.”

”Just be sure to warn me first so I can smack some sense into you.” You don’t doubt it, she doesn’t seem like someone who would take much of your shit.

“You really do remind me of someone I used to know.”

”Who?” she asks taking a sip of her own beverage.

“A nice mare named Gillian. She was one of my closest friends back in the day.”

”Really? I think I’ve heard of her actually.”

“Not surprised, she was close to the Princess back when… she was alive.”

You wonder how Celestia’s doing now, her and the rest of the bunch. She smacks her head, “That’s how I know her. She’s like my grandma’s grandma or something. I grew up hearing tales about her in the war.”

“Oh yeah, that I definitely remember.”

“You were alive around that weren’t you? You were the hero! I heard you were one, but to know that you not only fought beside her but also were her friend is something else.”

“Don’t ask for my autograph or nothing.”

You take another sip, “Wow. You knew her too. What was she like?”

“It’s been so long…” you grin, playing coy.

”Don’t make me smack you now.”

“Fair enough. She was a strong mare, gentle but strong. There was always a sense that she knew something you didn’t. It’s what made her so good as a royal aid.” She leans forward like a child listening to her bedtime story. “She helped me get used to Equestrian society, but that only lasted so long.”

”Then the war came.”

“She read a lot of history and knew more about me than most. She was the reason I became who I was.”

”And then you both rode on to victory right?”

“No, I lost. She looked down at me with her sparkling green eyes and… We continued to fight after that. I had a terrible track record.”

”But… you two won that war.” You can see her face looking down at you, her hoof in your hand, the pain in your heart. You grab your chest, the unnatural stillness still there. ”Are you alright Anon?”

You smile and finish your drink. “I think that’s enough for tonight. I’m going to get some rest.”

”Next time then?”

“We’ll see,” you reply bounding up the stairs. When you reach your room you close the door behind you, your body trembling. “Just let her go Anon. Please just let her go.”

You can’t do that. You won’t let her. No that’s bullshit! You’re better than this. You grip the sides of your aching head and throw yourself onto the bed. Just let her go! Do it! Leave your pain behind! You thrash about atop your sheets, your energy draining. Sleep approaches.


The cavern’s ceiling greets your eyes, the stale air of your home pumping through you. ”I waited for you.” You chase her voice as it echoes throughout the hive. “I helped him for you. Why didn’t you come when I needed you?”

“I tried!” you cry out desperately. A ripping pain tears through your chest causing you to hold onto the wall.

”I was there for you, why weren’t you?”

You force yourself to continue despite the miserable condition you’re in. “Please! I’m-“ you collapse on the floor and begin to crawl towards the surface.

A silhouette covers you as she turns to face you. ”Help me now Anon. Help me escape.” One last strike overcomes your senses and you fall silent within the darkness.


You pour yourself a stiff drink, the hardest you can find. Help her escape. What does that mean? “Anon,” Mr. Light greets you as he sits beside you by the bar. He talks and gossips though you pay little mind to him, mind transfixed on her last words. Was it a product of your own mind or something more? Confound it! Just when things started to get better. He pauses and smiles to you, “You would’ve liked his brother. A hero forged through time much like yourself.” You didn’t need to listen to understand who he meant.

“I am nothing like him,” you reply with barely contained anger. Just the thought of him is enough to enrage you. You just need to calm down and get away from all this bullshit.

”He did take a different direction than you after all. When I first saw his army breach the gate… It was a spectacle.”

“I’m sure it was.”

”To see Equestria’s ancient foes fight for its freedom? Sarcasm doesn’t do it justice.” Sarcasm is the only way- Wait a second. You set down your mug and look to him.

“Which ones?”

”Oh there were so many I never got a clear look. I was ushered inside by the city guard.” How could you be so blind? You were walking with Anonymous when he told you this. Why didn’t you make the connection? ”What’s up with the interest all of a sudden?”

‘I helped him for you.’ That’s what she said. It might just be a figment of your imagination or it could be something more. “I’m going for a walk.” He has the information you need, and you’re intent on getting it.

”What about tonight?”

“You should run your business today. See what it’s like.” You finish your mug and step out the door. You look on towards the castle, its towers ascending to the sky. He might have nothing to do with this, but you’re determined to find out. “Anonymous, you have some questions to answer.”

Chapter 6: Answers We Seek

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”Halt! What is your business?”

“None of yours now get out of my way.”

The two guards stand fast against you by the door in an attempt to stop you. ”Anonymous doesn’t like uninvited guests; now scram before you invoke his wrath.”

You’ve had just about enough of his bullshit. You grab him by the throat and pin him against the door. His partner tries to hit you but you force him against the adjacent pillar. “Be lucky you’re not invoking mine right now. Now unlock it.” You throw him to the ground, the stallion shakily unlocking the door. “I don’t like doing things the hard way, but right now I’m not in the mood for this.”

”Just go.” You let his partner go and head into the castle.


The throne room’s the most likely place he’s at and you hurry your way there. He sips his cup and a smile broadens on his face when he sees you. ”Long time no see chump. How ya been?”

“Where’s Chrysalis?”

”Chrysalis? I’m not sure who you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play coy with me Anonymous. I know that the only reason your little brother got as far as he did is because you let him. You told him to gather Equestria’s former foes didn’t you?”

His smile disappears as he sets down his cup, “Yes, you would be right in that regard.”

“Then where is she?”

He walks over to you away from his throne, “Once again, I really don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never met anypony named Chrysalis.”

You look into his eyes to find his deception, his icy stare holding none. “You’re telling the truth.”

”I have no reason to lie to you.” You were so certain that he knew about her. “I- Dammit. Please accept my apology. I’ve been most disrespectful.”

He waves his hand, “Nonsense, your actions are understandable. I take it this pony was special to you.” You nod your head. She was more than special; she was on a level all by herself. ”Do stay for dinner, we’re having a pork roast.”

“Thank you, but I must decline.”

”There’ll be bacon.”

“When’s dinner?”

“That’s the spirit pal, they’re setting things up in the dining room.” You let him lead you around, your mission another failure to add to your books. You were so sure… The scent of freshly cooked bacon steals your mind away as he guides you in the room. ”Good evening my friends, your meal is coming as well.” His lieutenants are already seated as well as some ponies you don’t recognize, likely supporters.

”E-excuse me,” a pony says excusing himself from the table.

He moves to the side exit, freezing in place at your will. “I thought I told you what would happen if I ever saw you again.” Anonymous holds back his laughter as the stallion mumbles and begs for mercy. “Be lucky that I’m not in a killing mood,” you growl and release him.

He shuffles away as fast as he can, leaving another pool in his wake. ”Cleanup on isle four.”

You chuckle at his joke and sit down next to Spitfire, her shivering body much more stable now. ”I see you decided to join us for dinner.”

“I wasn’t exactly kind to him earlier, so this is my way of repaying him.”

”Some hero you are,” Nightmare Moon mutters under her breath.

”Now now Nighty, let’s not get your feathers in a twist,” Anonymous cuts in. The table stifles their giggles at her nickname, her eyes flaring a deep blue.

“Be careful, she’s a lively one.”

”You should see her in the sack.” Oh shit she looks like she’s going to kill him. ”I’m kidding,” he laughs, “Damn women can be so sensitive.” The waiters plate the feast, pork roast for you and Anonymous and a garden salad adorned with apples and cranberries. ”Feast my friends!”

You trickle your elixir atop your food, the richness of the meat managing to overcome its disgust. ”So Anon, I heard you run that little inn down on Mane street.”

“I wouldn’t say little, but I’ve been keeping it in line,” you reply to Spitfire.

”Any chance of getting a discount?”

”I don’t give you good enough quarters?” Anonymous asks.

”I can’t mooch off of you all the time,” she jokes. You chat with them for a spell, getting to know Spitfire a bit more. In fact you’ve talked to mostly all of the guests except for the quiet mare in the corner. You ask Spitfire about her, her eyes rolling at the question. ”Have you never heard of the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ before?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

”Well that’s her, though after Anonymous’s brother was done with her she barely utters a word.”

“She was a talkity one I assume.”

”Not only that, but a pretentious one as well. I remember back when she boasted she could take out the rebel army all by herself. Pfft…” Trixie’s eyes dart from her plate to the guests, not maintaining eye contact. Damn what did he do to her?

You check your watch, the inn should be closing soon. “Well the time is late and I must be getting back.”

”Allow me to walk you back,” Anonymous says getting up.

“You don’t have to.”

”I want to.”


The guards cast their eyes down as you approach making you smile. ”I wish to apologize for Chrystal.”


”Oh yes, apologies again. I didn’t know that you had someone you cared for with such vigor.”

“I try not to broadcast everything I think.”

”I understand your pain nonetheless. I too have lost someone.” You’d assumed as much. When you pushed him away it was apparent that he was trying to fill in a gap. ”She really was something else.”

“Rainbow Dash right?”

He grimaces, “Please I- it’s not good for me to hear her name. I’m prone to fits of rage.”


”We both have lost someone we care deeply for. My own actions drove her away, though yours were taken out of your hands.”

“How did she… you know…”

”She joined the resistance, and when I- I trapped them, she too was trapped. I can’t release her as much as I wish. What I wouldn’t give to see her again.”

You recall your fight in the tower, the Pegasus that charged you. “That was her in the tower wasn’t it?”

”Yes,” he says in sorrow. You can see the inn up ahead, the drunks stumbling around outside. ”And I won’t let you fall prey to fate like I did.” He turns your body to face him, “I want you to find her, ask my lieutenants, guards prisoners, faculty, anyone. Don’t lose her like I did.”

“Thank you Anonymous. This means a lot.”

”If there’s anything I can do to help, just ask.”

You shake his hand and walk inside, Mr. Light flagging you down. “Before you say anything, I’m sorry that I just up and left you here. I wasn’t thinking-“

”Anon, thank you so much.” You’re baffled by his statement.

“For what?”

”This has been the most exhilarating experience since my days in the academy. The atmosphere!”

You sniff at him, a certain scent piecing it together. ”How much did Crust give you?”

“Just a glass or two, but- This has been fun.”

“I think you’re about ready to go to bed, have you been vomiting at all?”

”Just once or twice, I can keep going.”

“No, I think you’ve had a bit too much.” You help him upstairs into the vacant room upstairs, tucking him in for the night. You place a bucket next to the bed, just in case. Claire and the others are already in cleanup mode and you really need to hit the sack. You strip off your clothing and slide into bed.

If he likes working here so much than you might just capitalize on it. Tomorrow you’re going to go talk with his lieutenants and learn as much as you can. Spitfire is probably your best bet at first. Nightmare Moon needs some time to cool down. Maybe you can get that Trixie girl to tell you something too. She might take some prying, but you can make her talk. You might have to try an approach other than ‘threaten them and their personal parts’ this time. Shame, you like that one so well.


You stand up as quick as you can and sprint down the wall. “I waited for you.”

“I know, please- please wait.”

You fight through the pain, “I helped him for you.”

“I’m trying, just a little longer.”

”Why didn’t you come when I needed you?” You stagger against the walls as the light beams down from above. You’ll get to her, no matter the cost. She looks to you, “Please find me. Help us.”

You collapse to one knee, your body losing strength. “I will. I swear it!”

She lifts your chin to meet her gaze. ”I know…”


You open the door to Zecora’s shop, the spiced fragrance of the air missing. You place your empty flask on the table as she comes into the room. “The usual.”

She takes the flask and puts it back on the shelf. ”This flask you no longer need, for on your path it does not lead.”

“So that’s how it’s going to be.”

”Follow your path to its end, this shattered world you will defend.”

“I don’t care about this world anymore. Those times are past, I just want to find her.”

”This fate of yours you can’t escape, for your actions this land will shape.”

“Fate doesn’t guide my hand. I do.” You’ll get no aid from her, only riddles. You leave her store, for the last time you’d guess. You turn down Snip Street and on towards the stadium.


You stand in line to enter the stadium, ponies eagerly awaiting to see Spitfire’s team. You’re not sure what the commotion’s about. It’s only a practice day. They fork over their hard earned bits and eagerly rush into the bleachers. ”Next!” You step forward as the pony looks over his clipboard, “Where do ya fancy?”

“I don’t really care. I’m just here to see Spitfire.”

”Spitfire doesn’t take-“ he looks up to you, “Anon! Well then, you’re a special case aren’t you?”

“I don’t want to cause you any more work.”

”Nonsense,” he motions you through, “You’re a bucking hero here.” You nod to him in thanks and ascend the stairs.

A rush of wind brushes past you as one of the team members rides close to the wall. ”Watch him go!”

You look onwards as the pegasi perform nosedives, barrel rolls and aerial gymnastics. Part of the act is performance, but they really are trying to get some work done. You vault over the barrier and land on the track below. The spectators gasp at your display, and the security guards are sure to keep them from reenacting your feat.

You move over to the sideline where four of them are preparing to race. Spitfire holds the stopwatch in her hooves, “On your mark. Get set. GO!” The racers take off in a blaze of smoke with the crowd cheering them on, the two of you alone.

“Quite the team you’ve got.”

”Thanks Anon, nice to see you.”

They finish their first lap and speed onwards, “Watch your pace, Prey! Don’t tire yourself out.”

“Busy huh?”

”As ever, what I can do for you?”

“I just wanted to ask you some questions.”

”Dang it, Prey! What did I tell you!?” she looks back to you, “About?”

“The battle in Canterlot.”

The pegasi stop after their third lap, Spitfire clamping down on her watch. ”Prey I’m going to smack you upside the head if you don’t start pacing yourself.”

”But the crowd-“

“Buck the crowd, you’re here to practice not show off.”

”Nice choice of words Anon. Twenty laps for all of you because of Prey’s backtalk.” They groan and smack him lightly as they start.

“So about my questions…”

”I can answer what I can, but I’m busy right now so don’t expect much.”

“Thanks, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

”I can think about on our way, come on.” You’re led to another part of the field where they’re tasked to pass through an obstacle course as fast as possible.

“How much do you remember about that day?”

”Not much I’ll tell you that. My battle got cut short. Kicker, don’t make me come over there!”

“And why exactly is that?”

She kicks a ball at one of her fliers, knocking him upside the head, “You keep going that slow and we’re going to have a problem.”

You jump in for her and pick up a wrench from a nearby toolkit. “You’re not going to get anywhere by kicking a little ball at them. You need something sturdier.”

”Oh you’re evil.”

“I’m also efficient. Pick one of them out.”

She points to a stallion who’s crawling under a wooden beam, “Trust, he’s a lazy one.”

You flick your wrist and hurl the wrench at him, hitting the poor sod right in the skull. ”Oh buck! Tartarus take me!”

“If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.”

Spitfire holds onto your shoulder to stop herself from falling over in laughter. ”Oh- Oh my that was brilliant. When he rolled on the ground- Priceless!”

“Glad you think it’s funny.” You look to Lucky, “You want another?!” He picks up the pace with renewed vigor.

”What was your question again?”

“Why didn’t you fight in the battle?”

”Oh I did. I led my forces against Anon, the other one, not you. Who would’ve thought that dragons would’ve joined him?”

“Sounds like something he just pulled out of his ass to me.”

”I know right? Well I chased Anon down, not-“

“Not me, I know.”

”I chased him down to Canterlot after he hijacked one of my pegasi. I would’ve had him right then, but one of my former teammates crashed into me.”

“I take it you let him go.”

”Naww, when we reached the ground I had him pinned under me. I just let gravity do the rest.”

“And I’m the evil one.”

”War’s a cruel time. I didn’t choose it.” She leads you over to some weights.

”Soarin was one of the finest fliers I had the good fortune to know. He did love his apple pie.” She begins spotting one of the pegasi, “This all you can do? I’ve seen foals with stronger wings.” He strains getting the weight up and quickly racks it.

“So what happened next?”

”A lot of stuff, just- Did I say you could stop?”

”Sorry but my wings are swollen.”

”I bet Anon here could swamp your flank with twice the weight.”

He looks at you, “No offense, but an old man isn’t going to beat me.”

“Old man? Get the fuck off that bench.”

”This is what I’m talking about,” Spitfire cheers. You rest on your back, your fingers wrapping around the steel rod.

“Alright let’s get 350 on here just like I said Vic.”

”Umm Anon?”

“Yeah what is i- Oh…” This is awkward. “Just put on 350.”

”You want to talk about it?”

“No, but I do want to teach Ms. Sore Wings over here a lesson though.”

They slide on the additional weight, the sound of grinding metal filling your ears. ”You sure you wanted this much? I can take some off-“

“Please, I can do this in my sleep.”

”If you say so.”


”36, 37, 38.” You rack the weights, “Something wrong?”

“Nope, but I think I proved just how capable this old man really is.”

”That you did,” she says patting the back of your shirt.

You stand back up and allow the stallion to get back down there. “I want complete reps, down to the chin got it?”

”Down to the chin, sir.” He puts aside his complaints and goes back at it with your motivation.

”You ever considered being a coach?”

“I was one a long time ago for one of Canterlot’s local schools. I was a bit nicer to them since they were children.”

”Only a bit?”

“Fine I was sweet on them. I love kids. They’ve got their whole lives ahead of them. I wanted to help them forge it.”

”Speaking of forging it smells like you’ve been working in one.” You sniff your armpit and wrinkle your nose, “I told you.”

“Doesn’t hurt to check… Except for this time. Mind if I use the shower in your locker room?”

”Not at all just follow me.” She takes you off the field and opens the door to the changing room. ”Not many people get the privilege of coming back here.”

“I am a VIP after all.”

”Sure, sure keep telling yourself that,” she jokes. “Now what happened after my fight with Soarin, right?”

You hesitantly nod, reluctant to disrobe in front of her. She senses your nervousness. “Don’t be so uptight, this isn’t exactly a mare only locker room.”

“That doesn’t exactly help here, but fine just- turn around or something.”

She does as you request with a sly smile, “Well after that I flew on back up after Anon, there was still some time left.”


”I wounded his flier and sent him on a collision course with the tower wall, but the lucky guy managed to skid across the top.” You slip out of your boxers, grab a towel and move into the shower. ”It was the first time I got a really good look at him too,” she shouts over the noisy torrent of water. She throws a bottle of shampoo for you to which you use. ”He was a lot like Anonymous, he had that aura about him, but it didn’t make you feel weak.”

“Yeah I noticed it too.”

”After that I remember a chill shoot up my spine and everything got all icy. You remember me shaking like a leaf right?”

“Hard not to.” You finish up and step out, drying yourself off.

”I never knew how he recruited such a creature, she was truly spectacular, both in power and majesty.” That rings a bell.

“Who? What did she look like?”

”I don’t know her name, but I remember hearing about them before. I think she was called a Windigo.” Damn, you were certain you had it. ”That took me out of the fight. If Anonymous hadn’t found me and thawed me out I would’ve been a popsicle.”

“That’s quite the story. Thanks for telling me.”

”No problem, but if you’re looking to pay me back…”

She saunters towards you, swaying her flank. “Whoa Nelly.”

”We’ve got this room all to ourselves for at least another hour. Let’s say we use it.”

“Okay Spitfire, let’s just calm down a little and think about this.”

”Oh but what fun is that. All this talk simply bores me, but when I saw you lifting those weights,” she shivers. “I get goose bumps.” She moves in closer and you find yourself cornered. ”You’ve got an aura too you know. I can just feel all that stress you’ve built up. How many mares have you been with since you’ve been back?”

“Can’t say that I have,” you gulp.

”We’re gonna have to change that.”

“Look Spitfire, you’re a beautiful, athletic, charming young woman, and I’d be a fool not to- uh- take you up on your offer.” She giggles and leans in, lips parsed and eyes closed. You meet her with your finger and gently push her away. “But I wasn’t graced with an overabundance of brains.”

”I’m less concerned on what’s up here and more about what’s down here.”

“I’m sorry,” you say pushing her hoof away, “But I can’t do this.”

”What is it? Is it me? Am I not good enough or pretty enough? WHAT!?” She falls on the bench, her eyes red and damp, “Do you think this is easy for me? I’m not-“ She cups her head in her hooves unable to look at you. Anon why does this always get to you?

You sit down beside her and wrap your arm around her as she presses her head against your neck. “This is about Soarin isn’t it? You both were close.”

She nods, “I didn’t want to; you have to believe me, but… If I didn’t, Anonymous would’ve-“

“Shhh, it’s ok. I understand,” you stroke her back gently to relax her. Seems many have lost the ones they love, not just you. “I too lost someone, a special person in my life. She was the world to me and the only thing I could hold on to.”

She sniffles, “How’d you do it?”

“I didn’t. I bore the pain and accepted its misery, until now that is. I have the chance to find her, and I will stop at nothing to save her.”


“She took my shattered soul and gave it a new home. I found it barren and empty when I returned. Now it’s my turn to save her soul, I just have to find it first.” You stand up and quickly get dressed, Spitfire thinking about what you said. “Ponies are resilient if anything Spitfire. They’ve taken blows that would’ve killed another and stood strong.” You button your shirt and fold her towel. “Soarin’s alive Spitfire, trapped within Anonymous’s spell. I only pray she’s not with him.”

”How do you know that?”

You chuckle to mask your doubt. “I don’t, but it gives me something to hold on to.” Now to find the next on the list. “Before I go, do you have any idea where I can find that Trixie character?”

She stands up, stronger than you’d seen before, almost with a new level of determination. ”The castle. She keeps to herself mostly and doesn’t accept visitors.”

“But I’m not a visitor, I’m a VIP.”

She smiles, “That you are Anon. Now go, I’ve got some people to talk to.”

You head out of the stadium and towards the castle gate, the guards not moving to intercept you. Spitfire gave you a broad location, but you know Anonymous will be able to pinpoint her for you. If he wants to help, this is his chance.


You find him in his throne, boredom spread across his face. When he spots you his demeanor changes immensely, “ANON! Salutations my friend.”

“Anonymous, pleasure as always.”

”So how goes the investigation?”

“Nothing yet, but I feel that I’m on the right track.”

”I’m guessing this visit is one of business instead of pleasure.” You nod in response.

“I’m looking for the mare named ‘Trixie.’ She’s a member of your elite correct?”

”Barely, I’d heard some stories of her and thought I could mold her into something truly great.” He furrows his brow, “Bah! She’d be more useful as a court jester than a magician.”

“So you know where she is?”

”She’s holed up in Twilight’s old room in the southern tower. You’re wasting your time with her by the way. Nothing but muttering and crying.”

“I’d like to try anyways.”

”Alright, don’t make me say ‘I told you so.’”

“That way?” you say pointing your finger towards the exit.

”No, you should move through the walls.”

“I find your sarcasm disturbing.”

He shakes his head in disappointment, ”You didn’t even say it right.”

“Well I’m sorry that I’m six centuries rusty.”

”Go and find Trixie before I school you in movie knowledge.” He puts a grin on your face, you’ll give him that.


You find the tower he was talking about without a hassle and start up. If Spitfire didn’t engage any of the ground forces then maybe she did. You’ll just have to find out, on the next episode of Dragonba- No! Bad brain.


Chapter 7: Knowledge is Power

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You ease open the door, light pouring in from behind you. It’s pitch black in there, how does she move around? You shove the thought to the side as you slip inside and close the door. “Hello, Trixie? You in here?”

No response. If she wanted to be hidden she wouldn’t make a peep. That just means you get to search for her. Fucking joy. You pull an orb of magic light out of your ass, figuratively of course, keeping it dim for Trixie’s sake. If she’s been cooked up inside this place for so long then she’s going to be extra sensitive to light. You’ve been there; living in the changeling hive wasn’t nice to your eyes. So you try your best not to hurt hers.

You almost trip over a discarded book by your feet and make a note to avoid the dozens of others that litter the floor. The fireplace is out cold, the logs long neglected. You pick up a picture off the mantle, a small purple unicorn standing beside Princess Celestia. She looks so happy, likely the Twilight that Anonymous mentioned.

You place it back down and head deeper into the room, two bookshelves on either side of you. Only a few books remain while the rest have been thrown about. Skimming through the book yields little for you, just highlighted pages of useless information. ‘Biology of Equines: Unicorn’s Explored.’ Interesting.

You toss it with its comrades and move over to the curtains held tight against the wall. Gently peeking through the slit grants you a gorgeous view of the city below along with the rolling hills around. She cut off such a view? She must be crazier than you thought. You move back inside, this time finding a set of stairs to ascend. The wooden planks creak under your weight followed by heavy breathing from the second level.

It hushes shortly afterward, but you at least know she’s here now. You scan the second level calmly and try to pinpoint her location. The bathroom door hangs open so you can cross that one off. You check out the desk and point light onto the documents spread over it. There’s a mess of diagrams and lab notes along with comical circles around some of the important information.

She’s really weird, you don’t need to meet her to find that out. You’ve met your fair share of wackos in your day, but she strikes you as obsessed. Twilight’s signature can be found on the majority of the documents here, most of which seem to deal with some sort of energy enhancement. It’s of no concern of yours so you allow yourself to keep moving about.

The blankets on the bed bulge upward, its inhabitant as frightened as a child. You’ll let her calm down before you tear the sheets off. Behind the bed lies a most curious sight, a mannequin. You place your hand on the soft layers of the cape, its starry pattern reminding you of a magician. Its tied together with a jewel, cracked and ragged. It’s certainly seen better days. And to top it all off is a wizard’s hat, resting on the head. It’s a cute little costume as far as you’re concerned.

You look back to the bed, Trixie as still as a rock. You walk slowly over to the bed and sit down on the side. Gently, you pull the sheets away revealing… a bundle of pillows. You grin and shake your head. Clever girl.

Another set of hushed breath clarifies what you already know. You get to your knee and lean down as your light hovers above. You pick up the concealing sheets as you peer under the bed. “NO GO AWAY!”

The sudden shout startles you and you bang your head on the side, a slight annoyance. “Wait, I just want to-“ A pillow smacks into your face and you can hear her scrambling away. “I want to talk to you.” As you’re about to chase her down the stairs your footing grows unsteady as the floor grows slippery.

You hold onto the rails as you breathe in a heavy scent of ammonia. Why does everypony do that around you? You can make out Trixie barreling for the door. “Don’t open the-“

She swings the door open and screeches as the light blinds her. You force the door shut as she stumbles backwards and hurry down to her. She hears you approach and tries to escape once more. ”Please don’t hurt Trixie! Trixie’s sorry!” She stumbles over the books and you catch her just before she hits the ground. ”NO NO NO!”

She goes berserk in an effort to escape, hitting you everywhere from the jaw to your more intimate parts. You clench your teeth and bear with it while trying to calm her down. ”I never meant to anger you!”

“Please just calm down.”

She tries to slip from your grasp but you keep a strong hold on her. ”Please don’t…” She begins to tire which puts you at ease a little. At least you don’t have to worry about getting hit again. ”Don’t.”

You pet her mane gently, the strands brushing through your fingers. “Shhh, be calm. I’m not here to hurt you.” Your arm dampens as she wipes away her tears. “Let it out, just let go.” Thankfully she already released the other stuff. “It’s alright. It’s alright,” you repeat as you rock her like a child. It’ll be alright.


You place your hand on the log and look back to her. “Can I?” She nods and you ignite the fire, making sure to shield her from its intensity. The fire illuminates more of the room than you did before so you get a better feel for the space. The coffee you put on dings and you pour a cup, placing it in Trixie’s cold hooves. She thanks you and sips at it, the steam rising from her cup. “Can I ask what that was all about?”

She seems to close up, “Don’t think about it, don’t think-“

“It’s alright,” you cut her off before she goes all catatonic on you. “Let’s just talk about something else.”


“So… You were a famous magician right? I saw your outfit upstairs.”

”T-trixie hasn’t performed in a long time.”

“I’m sure your act was something. You ever do the ol’ saw a pony in half trick?”

”Trixie only performed by herself.”

“A loner huh? Not much for company I’d assume. I never really liked to be the center of attention myself.”

”Trixie used to like the stage, before she was a joke,” she bows her head.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, everyone has their off days.”

”Trixie was humiliated. No pony would take Trixie seriously.”

“Maybe it has something to do with all the third person. It makes you seem a bit pretentious.”

”Oh that’s nice,” she says as she starts to cry again. God dammit.

You scoot closer to her on the couch and rub her back. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.”

She sniffs and takes another drink of coffee, “I forgive you.”

“Doesn’t that sound better?” you reply with a grin.

She smiles back in turn, “Yeah it kind of does.”

“A smile too? Say it ain’t so.” She hides her face as you continue to entertain her. “If I knew I was this funny I would’ve become a comedian rather than a hero.”

”Hero,” she mutters solemnly as her eyes fixate on the fire. Her violet eyes capture the flames as she recedes back into her memories. ”He… he killed them…” She’s not ready, you can tell.

You pull her away from the fire and rescue her from her mind. “Come on, I want to see something.” She follows you back upstairs and sits on the bed as you whisk her clothes off the mannequin.

”I can’t put those back on.”

“Oh come on, humor me.”

”A-alright, for you. Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

“You can hit me if I do.”

”I can do that anyways.” Smartass.

“Let me rephrase, I’ll let you hit me.”

”Fine,” she says as she levitates the clothes from your hand. You turn around as she fixes herself up. ”I didn’t say you had to turn around.”

“I know, I just want it to be a surprise.”

”You’re weird you know that?” You could say the same thing about her. ”Alright, you can turn around.” You swivel around, a grin sprouting on your face. She smacks your arm without hesitation, “You said you wouldn’t laugh.”

“I didn’t” you rub your arm, “You’re just cuter than I thought you’d be.”

”Oh,” she blushes, “Thank you.”

“You really are something else. I don’t know why you stayed in here all day.”

”Because I’m a fake, that’s why,” she retorts ruining the mood.

“Like hell, you’ve got something, I can feel it.”

”That’s what Anonymous said too, and he threw me to the side when he was wrong.”

“Well, I’m not wrong.”

”You don’t understand. I lied to everypony. I told them I was something I’m not. I’m just a phony.”

“It couldn’t have been that bad.”

”I told them I defeated an Ursa Major.”

“And they believed you? Damn, and here I am trying to make clever lies.”

”I almost destroyed Ponyville, but Twilight saved them.”

“You’re jealous of her?”

”Why shouldn’t Trixie be? She was Great and Powerful, while I cowered in fear.”

“Is that what all these notes are about? You’re trying to catch up with her?”

”Anyway I can.”

You shake your head, her uncontained lust for power has made her blind, “You’re a fool.”

”Don’t speak to Trixie like that.”

“Cut the third person crap, you’re better than that. You don’t need to be better than Twilight.” You cut her off before she can backtalk. You’re in no mood. “I know how it feels to get shown up. That’s a defining part of my life, but I don’t let it control me. I focus on what I can do, not what’s been.”

”That’s what I’m trying to do. I want to be better.”

“For the wrong reason. You want to prove that you’re better, and as long as you think like that,” you shake your head, “You’ll never be.”

”I have to try.”

“Do you know where I get my power from?”

”Your emotions, anger, fear, love, hate. Just like Anonymous.”

You shake your head. She’s so very wrong. “He took that power. He’s unnatural. Do you really want to be like him?”

”I guess not.”

“You guess or you don’t?”

”I don’t.”

“Good. Now I’ll ask you again, do you know where I get my power from?”

”I don’t know.”

You take her hoof and place it on your chest. “I get it from here, from inside. Not some medical experiment doohickey. I strove to be better so that I may protect others. I was rewarded with this.” Energy ripples down your arm and into her. “True power is born within, not brought from out.”

”I could never achieve something like this. I just can’t.”

“Celestia did. Twilight did. I did. You can too.” You brush the hair out of her face. “You just have to believe you can.” You pause and think for a moment. “There’s something I want you to have.”

You yank the gem from her coat. ”Hey! What’s the big deal?”

“This necklace has been handed down for generations of heroes like me. Equestria needs heroes.” The ruby sparkles brilliantly on her cape, truly doing her justice. “I think that hero should be you.”

”But why?”

“I don’t know to be honest. It just feels right.”

She peers down at your gift, “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I should get going. It was nice to meet you.”

”But what about why you came?”

“I wanted to know what happened on the day the rebellion was crushed, but it only pains you. I can find another.”

”I wasn’t in the battle, but I met the hero,” she exclaims. “He, made a fool out of me. I was so scared…”

“Do you know anything about the changelings?”

”Never heard of them.”

You nod. She really didn’t know anything. “I figured. Still, that’s one person off the list.” That doesn’t mean this trip was pointless.

Trixie shows you out and asks about your next journey. You say that you’re going to talk to Nightmare Moon, and boy will that be fun. She seems to know the way which is good, because you have no fucking clue where to go. ”Nightmare Moon should be inside, and Anon?”


She holds you tight, “Thank you. I hope I can call you a friend.”

“Anytime,” you reply scratching her ear, “Now go and do something great for me.”

”Yes sir.” She trots away with a spring in her step. Damn ponies these days. You grin to yourself and open the door, two ponies inside, a unicorn and alicorn.

”Ah! Anon? What’re you doing here?”

“Mr. Light? I could ask you the same thing.”

You look to Mr. Light and… Luna. She scratches her leg nervously, “Well this is awkward.”

“I’ll say.” You’ve never seen her in her normal form before. She’s far less imposing without the armor, fangs and such. “What happened to Nightmare Moon?”

”She died when their hero saved my life.”

What? Your head is full of fuck right now. “So the whole Nightmare Moon persona has been just an act?”

”Convincing isn’t it? She fooled me at first too.”

”I have to be careful not to let it take me over again. I trot a thin line.” You walk inside and shut the door behind you. Anonymous would not be happy if he found out.

“Who else knows about this?”

”Just me, Light and now you.”

“Keep it that way. The last thing I want is Anonymous finding out.”

”Don’t worry, I keep my identity safe.” You certainly hope so.

”So why are you here Anon? Shouldn’t you be back-“

“No, why the hell are you here?”

”Watch your tone boy.”

Oh he fucking didn’t. “I’m older than you are, kid. I want an answer.”

”He’s too much like him.”

“What’s she talking about?”

”When we spoke in the past, I requested your help in dealing with our benevolent ruler.”

“To which I said was a terrible idea. He has him in his pocket.”

“I’m in no one’s pocket,” you fire back at her. “I made a deal and that was it.”

”You declined, Anon, and if I couldn’t get your help I would have to find others.”

“But Luna knew about your intentions already?”

”Yes, she was the one who found me. I was scared for my life the first time we met.”

”Being the incarnation of darkness does that,” she jokes.

“You’re both a couple of revolutionaries is that it?”

He nods, “Big things have small beginnings.” They’re- Dammit.

“Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you both are?”

This startles Light, “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I’m not stupid enough to try and go toe to toe with him and no offense, but you both don’t compare to me.”

”We may not be as strong, but our spirit is unwavering,” he boasts.

”Someone has to defeat him. So we’ll find a way together.”

“Do you really believe that?”

”I do.”

“Are you willing to die for that belief?”

She shrugs, “Isn’t exactly plan A.”

You laugh lightly at her joke. “I admire that. Foolish to be sure, but admirable. A part of me hopes you might succeed.”

Light steps in, “With that I would like my answer. What’re you doing here?” You never did give an answer. It’s only polite after all.

“I came to talk to Nightma- Luna.”

”Perhaps I could stay.”

She looks at you quizzically, “I think this is a bit too personal. It’d be best to leave us, until next time Light.”

He bows to her will, “As you wish Princess.”


His absence leaves a void, “Come, let us sit.” You sit down on a seat across from her, her eyes upon you. ”What troubles you?”

“What doesn’t these days?”

”We know what we’re doing, Anon. We’ll know when the time’s right.”

“Make it count.”

”So what is it you wished to discuss?”

“The war mostly, mainly the confrontation here in Canterlot.”

”The Brother’s War. A catchy name, I’ll have to write it down in the scrolls.”

“I need to know who fought alongside him, other than ponies.”

“Griffons mostly. They were the first force to breach the castle walls simply because they flew over them.”

“Yeah I fought a few myself.”

“I remember hearing about a mass of Minotaurs, Diamond Dogs and other wildife from the Everfree Forest breaching the gates as well.”

“What did you see?”

“I was tasked to the throne room to defeat Anonymous’s brother. I was not enough.”

“So you didn’t see any of them yourself?”

“I get the impression you want to ask something specific…”

“You got me. I try to keep a low profile about this.”

“Go ahead, I promise your secret’s safe with me.”

You take a deep breath. “Was Chrysalis there?”

”That name sounds familiar, but not in the battle.”

“You’ve met her?”

”No, but it was many years ago when she staged an attack on Canterlot.”

An attack? No, that’s impossible. “Nah, that doesn’t sound like her.”

”I’m certain of it now. She and her horde infiltrated the castle in an attempt to capture the city.”

“She- She’d have to be pretty desperate to try that again.”

”She was close to you wasn’t she?”

You nod and look to the floor. “No one tends to care about specifics after war, so when I didn’t come back, not many questioned it.”

”You won that war though.”

“I was at Chrysalis’s mercy and she spared me… twice.”


“Not easy for a guy to take let me tell you.”

”I wouldn’t doubt it.”

“I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

”I’m sorry that I can’t help more.”

“Don’t sweat it. You were my last lead though. Looks like I’ll never find out.”

”Have you considered talking with Octavia?” she pipes up.

“Why does she sound familiar?”

”She’s only the most famous classical musician in Equestria. She has seen better days though.”

“That girl with the violin?”

”Cello, but yes.”

“That seems kinda pointless. She’s a musician, what the hell would she know about it?”

”Forget I mentioned it then. If you don’t take the initiative then it’s your fault.” She knows how to push your buttons, but she’s right. You never know.

“Which way to the dungeon?”

”Right this way.” She stops at the door, a shuddering surge of magic surrounding her. Her skin turns black and mane a starry mist. ”Can’t be raising suspicion.”

“Of course.”


The dungeon’s about as damp and dreadful as you’d expect. The guards salute to the disguised princess as she passes. “You have the respect of the guards.”

”I have respect, from whom it matters not.” She really is good at acting. ”Guard!” she shouts to the jailor and he comes galloping over.

”Yes Ma’am.”

”Show us to Octavia’s cell, Anon wishes to interrogate the prisoner.”

”Yes Ma’am.”

The cells are surprisingly empty save for a few, a shivering mare presented before you. ”Leave us. We wish to work in private.”

“Unless you’d like to join her.” He takes off the other direction slowly, but there’s no mistaking the hurried nature of his departure.

”After you.”

“Ladies first.”

”Such a gentlecolt.”

Octavia backs into the corner as you lock the cell behind you. ”I swear I don’t know anything.”

”You will speak when spoken to!”

“But you just spoke to her.”

”Don’t tempt me Anon.”

“What a buzz-kill… Guard, food and water!”

”Right away sir.”

You kneel down next to her, Octavia flinching at your hand. “I’m not like the others Octavia. I’m not going to hurt you.”

”That’s what the last guard said. That’s what they all said.”

“Fine, I am like the others, but I’m not going to hurt you.”

”Half-truths and lies.”

“It can’t be both dear.” The guard slides the tray through the bars. “Here, you need it,” you say pushing the tray closer to her. The hunger burns in her eyes as she stares down at the toasted bread and cold water. “Go ahead, take your ti-“ She snatches the bread in a flash and eagerly devours it. Must’ve been hungry. “Drink up, don’t want to get the hiccups.” It doesn’t take her long to finish up the last few drops, the plate barren. “Uh guard? Another please.”

”Why?” she asks as you replace her tray.

“Just being a friend, we’re friends now right Nightmare?”

”Buck off.”

“The best.”

You turn your attention back to Octavia, ”I’m just a prisoner. What do you want?”

“I want to know more about you. Specifically, war stuff.”

”I don’t really like talking about it.” No shit, it’s war. ”I wasn’t much of a fighter, but when Anonymous took over I joined in the fight against him. I picked up my instrument and did what I did best.”

“How’d you end up in here?”

”We were ambushed. They flooded in around us and had us on the run before I could think.”

“You should’ve hid better.”

”That’s the thing, we were well hidden. No one ever went into the sewers.”

“Sounds like someone wasn’t on the same team,” Nightmare Moon adds on behind you.

”You’d be right. I always wondered what I did wrong to end up in here, and I only recently found out we had a mole.”


”My best friend,” she sips her fresh cup. “Vinyl Scratch.”

”What is it with musicians?” Luna comments.

“How’d you find out,” you ask, ignoring Luna’s question.

”The guards were talking about her. Apparently she’d fallen into the rancor pit and there was only one way out.”

“Wait wait wait. Hold on a second.”

”What is it?” Luna asks.

“Anonymous has a fucking rancor pit?”

”Focus Anon.”

“A RANCOR pit. With a motherfucking rancor? Jesus fucktits, I am jelly.”

”Anon!” she slaps you in the face.

“Oh sorry, I lost my composure. Thank you.”


“So Octavia, anything else?”

”Sorry, all I know is that I wasn’t her only mark. She got nice and comfy with Anonymous’s brother too.”

“She was with him the entire time? So she knew everything that he’d done.” This is great. If you can find the letters then you can discover what happened to Chrysalis.

”I almost forgot,” she says as you’re about to leave, “There was an escape attempt a while back. It sounded like there was fighting outside.”

”It’s alright, I-“

”The guards came to check on me, but one of them was different. He attacked his partner. I never forget how she looked, her black skin and emerald eyes, the crown atop her head. Only this time she tried to help me.”

Luna speaks to you, “It was her. Anon, she was there! …Anon? Your emotions battle within yourself, a mix of hatred and relief.

”Vinyl knew where he went and who he met…”

You look to Luna as she continues your thought “And if she was keeping tabs on him for Anonymous…”

“Then she must’ve kept communication with him.”

”Which means that Anonymous...”

Your blood boils hot, a passionate rage that you haven’t felt for decades. He played coy. He pushed you along, and all this time he… “Knew.”

Chapter 8: Confrontation

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He told you to find out and now you have. The bastard must’ve figured no one would know, or at least would be smart enough to keep their mouth shut. “Where is he?”

”Anon don’t overreact here. Wait for your moment.”

“Thank you Octavia, now if you’ll excuse me. I have to go murder the most powerful being in Equestria.”

”Anon please calm down.”

“Calm! I’ve been calm for too fucking long! I should’ve let that fucker die and now I get the chance to make amends!”

You shove the cell door open, guards on either side of you. ”We overheard that little conversation. You’re under arrest.”

“Shoot, I left my sword at home.”

You punch clean through the closest guard’s armor, his flesh not faring any better. Gripping his neck you use him like a bat and slam the next guard through the steel bars. The unicorn tries to tether you down with magic but you won’t have any of that. You drop your ‘bat’ and grab his horn, snapping it off with ease and plunging it into his partner’s throat. He falls back and you hover over him grabbing either side of head and twisting until your hear the famous snap. The rest of his body hits the floor and then, you finally exhale. “I haven’t had a good kill in a looong time. It feels so right.”

”Think about this Anon. You said yourself you’re not stupid enough to fight him.”

“That was before I knew just how much I hated him.” He took her from you and had the gall to lie to your face. “And now I do. Do me a favor and tell me where he is. I’d rather not waste anymore time frolicking about without a care in the world. And to think you would’ve buried this within…

“He’s attending another party tonight.”

“Get Octavia cleaned up and out of here. I have a party to attend.”

”What about your sword?”

“A warrior doesn’t need such toys.”

You move out of the basement, the other guards clueless. They salute you, but you don’t return the favor. You’ve got your sights set on Anonymous’s head and you don’t have time to deal with them.


You swing the door open, ponies crowded all over the place. ”Champagne?” You take it down in one draft, knocking back the next four. ”Enjoy the party sir,” he moves away with a smirk. Where is that backstabbing fuck?

You push through the masses, absorbing every sound and sentence. Not here, not there. ”And now, for her remarkable comeback. The Great and Powerful Trixie!” the announcer booms Fireworks shoot off to your right atop the stage and you can make out her walk out on stage. She waves at you and you nod back before returning to your search.

”I’ll be damned! She has some guts to make a fool out of herself again.”

You grip the pony by the back of the neck. “I hear you speak again and you’re dead.” You squeeze a tad harder and he falls unconscious. “Get him out of here.”

”Anon! Over here!”

You spy the vocal Pegasus by the buffet table. “Not now Spitfire.”

She flashes over to you as you continue your search. ”In a hurry much?”

“Have a date with death.”

”Good one,” she attempts to laugh but is put off by your stern look.

“Where’s Anonymous?”

”He hasn’t shown up yet. Why?”

“You’ll find out.”

You part ways and keep looking, Trixie’s performance underway. The crowd cheers at her display, though you can only tell by sound. Where are you!? Up and down you search to no avail. Trixie finishes her final trick in a dazzling spectacle of flame, the crowd hollering in appreciation.

She bows gracefully, “Well that was some show if I do say so myself, especially for Trixie,” a man says as he walks out on stage. ”You can go now,” he says shooing her away. His very visage is enraging. ”I’m so very glad you all could join me tonight. It’s a special occasion you know.” You head to the center of the crowd, “Tomorrow, it’ll be my anniversary. Five years since I came to Equestria, a frightened child in the Everfree Forest. If only my family could see me now. Oh would they be proud of the progress I’ve made. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.” You’ve hear enough.


The crowd parts in fear of your cry, all eyes turning to you. ”Anon? It’s nice to see you again.”

“Don’t give me that! You lied to me. You said you didn’t know who she was, but I know the truth. Deep down behind all the lies...”

”I really don’t have any idea what you-“

“No more games! You knew! You always knew!”

He laughs with a smirk, “You got me. I know what happened to your precious girlfriend, get over it.”

“I want her back.”

He tilts his head and cups his ear, “I’m sorry what was that?”

“I want her back!”

Murmuring sets through the crowd as their ignorant minds try to comprehend what’s going on. ”That I simply cannot do. You’re shit out of luck.”

“She’s trapped in this damned soulstone and you will free her.”

”And release every other damned traitor and freak? I think not.”

“It wasn’t a request.”

”You’re not thinking clearly, I can see that. Go home and take a load off. Try not to die on the way there.”

“Don’t you know? You can’t kill the dead.” That the crowd did understand, and their whispers grow in ferocity. “Whoops, I let that slip didn’t I? I’m sorry you’re incompetent.”

”No matter, my power is absolute and you’re nothing more than a child crying before his father.”

“It didn’t seem that way back when I saved your sorry ass.” You turn back to the now attentive crowd, “Your RULER, almost died by his brother’s hand. I didn’t just aid him, I saved his life!”

”You know not of what you speak.”

“I know that if I hadn’t been there Equestria would’ve been free of tyranny and oppression. He’d be dead, if you’re too stupid to get it.”

”He’s drunk, ladies and gentlecolts. One too many glasses of champagne.”

“He couldn’t save himself, he couldn’t save me, he couldn’t even save his precious Rainbow Dash.” His eyes widen and he clenches his fist. “I’m going to finish what your brother started. I’m going to rid the world of chaos. I will be a hero once more.”

”Anon,” a voice calls to you, Trixie walking out beside you. “Where do you get your strength?”

“From-“ She holds your hand caringly as your thoughts clear.

”You want to go? Fine! You’ve earned it!”

”Where do you get your strength?” She places her hoof on your chest, “In here.”

“Let’s make a date, tomorrow, throne room. You bring the soulstone, I’ll bring me.”

”Done. I’m going to make you pay for your defiance.”

“It’ll be my pleasure to put you in your place boy.”

”Guards! Show Anon the way out.”

A contingent surrounds you, pointing their spears towards inwards. ”I can show him the way,” Trixie offers, forcing their spears away from you.

”Get out of my sight.”

“Until tomorrow. May the righteous win.”

”Come on Anon,” she leads you away. The guards close the ballroom doors behind you, “What were you thinking?”

“Guess I wasn’t,” you attempt to joke.

”Anonymous is going to destroy you. Do you understand that?”

“Have faith. This old coot’s got some tricks up his sleeve.”

”Anon!” Luna says as she gallops towards you, “Trixie.”

”Nightmare Moon,” she replies.

”What happened? Did you…”

“Tomorrow. It all ends then.”

”I was scared silly when you stormed out of there.”

“Yeah well…” you look to Trixie, “I had some help.”

”I told Light about what happened. He wasn’t very happy.”

“I assumed he wouldn’t be. Let’s meet up at the inn, get a plan formulated.”

Luna observes Trixie, “What about her?”

“She comes too. I trust her.”

”And what about me?” Spitfire comes out from behind you, making her presence known. “I’m not going to be left out of this am I?”

“You want to talk, get in line. You want to act, you’re in.”

Luna seems distraught, “Things shouldn’t be moving this fast. This isn’t the time.”

“We can talk about this at the inn. Let’s get a move on.” The four of you take off towards the inn, every second brings you closer to the battle.


The inn’s rooms sit in eerie silence. “Light? You sure he’s here?”

”I came right back from here.” Like clockwork, Light descends down the stairs and looks at the four of you. ”I see you brought some friends.”

“Thought you could use a bigger beginning.”

”For months, we’d been planning this out, trying to find the best way to strike back and then… you appear and ruin it all.”

“I’ve lost my sense of patience. Years of prison will do that to you.”

”We could’ve had this all planned out and calculated. If we ran it by the numbers we would’ve had him down.”

“You’re focusing on the past. What’s done is done. Let’s move on to what we CAN do.”

”No objections here,” Trixie and Spitfire say.

”Have the others been informed?” Luna asks him, reverting back to her standard form.

”They’ve got their task. Now we just have to plan ours.”

“And who exactly are they and what’s their task?”

”Claire and the others, you don’t think I hired her just because of her good looks and personality did you?”

“She’s a damn good waitress.”

”She learned, they all did. I’ve using my contacts to find sympathizers across Equestria, and when the sun rises tomorrow they’ll spread the word.” He sighs, “If there’s one thing you did right, it was putting this into motion. When the battle strikes, another revolution will spring up across Equestria.”

“I aim to misbehave.”

Spitfire’s getting antsy, “So what’re we going to do? I’m ready for some action.”

“Soarin’s not going anywhere, let’s talk this out. Luna, you know Anonymous best, what do you think our best bet is?”

”The elements of harmony. If we can get those…”

”I told you,” Light cuts in, “Without their wielders they’re useless.”

”Not so. The elements choose their wielders, not the other way around. They’ve saved us before, they’ll do it again.”

Spitfire chimes in, “Anonymous has the elements under guard. He won’t let anyone get in there.”

Trixie speaks up, “Then we break in while Anon’s keeping Anonymous occupied.”

“If he kept any of his summoned minions then that’s where they’ll be. You’ll need to be careful, they’re tough.”

”You want to team up and kick some flank?” Trixie asks Spitfire.

”Oh yeah! You want to get in on this action Luna?”

”No, I need to make sure Anonymous doesn’t pull anything in his fight. Light, join those two.”

”I’m not a fighter Luna.”

”An extra pair of hooves is always helpful.”

You nod, the plan looking better every minute, “Good. When you get the elements come straight back to Luna, from there it’s your turf.”

”I’ll need to inspect them for damage, but we should be able to use them again.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep him occupied, so do your best.”

”Don’t worry Anon,” Trixie says, “You’ll do great.”

“I’m not so convinced.” You take a deep breath as they wait for your explanation. “That amulet is more than a simple gem, it protects the wielder from mental attacks, a matter which Anonymous is extra dangerous in.”

”Then take it back,” she starts to take it off, but you stop her.

“No. I gave it you for a reason. I have to do this by myself. No cheap tricks.”

”He’s not going to fight honorably, so why should you?” Mr. Light questions.

“Because I’m different. I’m not like him, but even with the amulet he’s more than a challenge.”

”With the way you dispatched those guards it doesn’t seem like it,” Luna states.

“He thrives on his anger, it makes him strong. I need to focus my mind to perform magic, and I haven’t exactly been in control lately.” If he manages to piss you off then you’re in trouble. ”There is one area where I’ll excel at. An area in which he can’t possibly rival me in.”

”Care to elaborate?” they poke.

“I can’t die twice. No matter how he punishes me I’ll just pop right back up. Not so hot on the pain though.”

”You’re going to have to bear with it,” they tell you. It’s not like you don’t know that. Your mission here is just to keep him busy, but there’s always that lovely optional objective. You’re going to break all 206 of his bones and love every minute of it. If he happens to die in the process, then hey, kudos to you.

”So do we all know our tasks?” Luna makes sure that we’re informed and ready. The others nod, each willing to commit treason for the good of their home. ”Let’s get some rest then. Can you help us out with that Light?”

”Our last occupants are already moving to fulfill their mission so their rooms should be available.”

“Take a load off. We’re going to need it.” You show them their way to where they’ll be sleeping. Each of them wishes you good night, but you won’t be sleeping. How can you sleep when the fate of Equestria rests on your head?

”I’ve got a room set up so you can keep your old one for now.”

“You take it, I’m going to be down in the basement. More room down there.”

”You need to rest. There’s too much stuff running around in your noggin to stay up.”

“Ain’t no rest for the wicked, Light.” You smile, “But thanks for offering.” You give him a wave and find the basement. You take a deep breath and tense your body, your mind clearing. Save for one thought, and just one. “Anonymous will die.”


A pounding at the door distracts you and you miss your mark, cleaving the shelf in two. “Yes?”

Trixie pokes her head in, “I brought breakfast.”

“I’m good, but thanks for the thought.”

She comes in anyways as you continue your training. She watches as your fists slice through the air, each attack enhanced for that extra kick. You kick the air and funnel it towards the target, the barrel shredding like paper. ”You sure you don’t want some? They said how much you liked bacon.”

“No meat. If I had my special liquid then I would be all over it. Damn Zecora cut me off.”

”Shame, at least have some milk.”

“Why don’t you drink it? I’m not the only one who’s got a big day.”

”I already ate, thank you, and yes, I do have a big day. But I’m not fighting Anonymous now am I?”

“If I lose, you will.” This hits her a bit harder than you thought it would. “Cheer up kid. If all goes well I’ll kick his ass six ways from Sunday.”

”What do you think our chances are?”

“Better than I originally thought.”

”Give it to me straight Anon. What are the odds that we’ll succeed.” She called your bluff, “Truthfully.”

“I have no doubt you’ll succeed. Me on the other hand.. Let’s just say I’m not as confident now that I took a step back.” You unsheathe your blade and practice against an imaginary foe. “In a physical bout, I’d have him without a doubt, but we’re not fighting with only our bodies. Magic is the key to victory here.”

”You’re great at using magic though.”

“I mastered a certain field of magic, he excels even that in all areas. I’m no match against him if he goes all out. The best I’d be able to do is dodge until he exhausts himself.”

”You’ll get the job done Anon.”

“I hope you’re right,” you reply sheathing your sword. “If things go south- Just make sure it wasn’t in vain.”

”Like you said Anon: You can’t die twice.”

Even with all his power you can still hold that over him. You begin to laugh. “I guess you’re right. How’s everyone else doing?”

”They’re already up. Nightmare Moon, or Luna, left to the castle already. She has appearances to keep up there.”

“Were you surprised as much as I was?”

”It took a while to register the change, but yeah, I was.”

“How about Spitfire and Light?”

”Light left with Luna and is waiting at the castle for you. Spitfire’s upstairs ‘waiting on his lazy flank.’”

“Sounds like she’s impatient.”

”You think?”

“Say, do you want to talk about Magical Theory?”

”Shut up and get upstairs,” she jokingly pushes you.

“Let me get ready at least.” You walk upstairs past Spitfire who was tapping her hoof with great tenacity. “Sorry that some people were thinking more about how they’re going to survive then how they smelled.”

”Don’t make me slap your shit.”

“Is that a promise?”

You catch the look of disgust on her face before you turn the corner. You take a quick shower to wash up, though every second feels like an eternity. This could be the last time you take a warm shower. The ones in Tartarus were always icy and smelled of sulfur. This is truly relaxing, but you’ve got shit to do. You take care of your hygiene, even managing to stop and take a much needed leak.

”You going to take all day or what?”

“If this is the one time in my life a girl waits on me then you can hold it.” You sure told her Anon. “High-five brain.” You can’t high-five your brain. Stop being silly. “Well stop talking to yourself then.” Look who’s talking. “Don’t make me hit you.”

”Is everything alright in there?”

“Fine, just going crazy is all.”

”Crazy yourself dressed and get out here.”

“I haven’t even done my hair yet.” You’ll live. “I’m stopping by an ice cream parlor and you’re going to get it.” Shutting up now.

You slip back into your jeans and button your shirt. You look back into the mirror and see yourself. It’s been a long time since you came to Equestria and boy how much you’ve changed since. It changed you, and you changed it. Now it’s time to change it once more. ”Anon!”

“I’m coming,” you shout back as you head out.


The streets are filled to the brim with ponies, each wanting to catch a glimpse of you. You got the whole city riled up with your little scene yesterday. Some holler insults while others whisper encouragement, each vocal about their opinion. You’ve left the city divided between the supporters and the rebel sympathizers. Even if you fail he’ll have another revolt on his hands. They’ll destroy this city and beyond, leaving a wasteland behind.

Anonymous would reign supreme, but only of a dead land. The guards push away the crowd with their spears and give you a clear way to the gates. ”Anonymous awaits you,” the guard says.

“Not going to rough me up before I get there are you?”

”We wouldn’t make a scratch.”

“Someone’s smart.”

You find your way to the throne room doors, Light waiting just outside. ”Good you’ve arrived.”

“Can’t start the party without me.”

”Are you ready? Once you go in there only one of you is coming out.”

“I was trained for this.”

”We’ll get the elements and find Luna as fast as we can. Good luck.”

“You as well, it was nice knowing you.”

”You make it sound like you won’t be coming back,” Spitfire points out.

“My pessimism always peeks out a bit.”

You smile and give her a hug, “Come back okay?”

“Of course.”

Trixie joins in, “You’re watching my next performance so you better be.”

“I’ll try.” You feel your eyes begin to dampen but shake away the feeling. “Today, we make history. Again.” They group up and move down the adjacent hall, disappearing behind a corner.

You push the door open, a thin circle of ponies lining the walls, each of them watching you in silence. ”So you didn’t puss out huh? Would’ve saved me the trouble.”

“Glad to disappoint.” You shove your sheathed sword into the hooves of a random passerby. Luna keeps calm, but her eyes prove just how distraught she is over your move.

”You’re giving up your key weapon?”

“A token of good faith. Where’s the stone?” He snaps his fingers, the crystal mass hovering beside him. You can almost hear their screams of mercy, and with another snap it moves back to the throne, guards surrounding it.

”You know, I always liked you Anon. You were everything my brother wasn’t, kind of like me in a way.”

“Forgive me if I don’t take that as a compliment.”

”I offered him a place by my side, so it’s only fair to offer you the same.”

“I’m no one’s lapdog.”

”Why do you reject me? I offer you anything you could want and you spit it back in my face.”

“Because I already made a deal with the devil, and I’m still working to pay it off.”

He cracks his knuckles punching the air for show. You crack your neck, not moving an inch. ”You want to fight me so much? Then come on,” he drops into a stance, “Bring it.”

Chapter 9: Tyrant's Demise

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“Ladies first.”

His body disappears in a flash of light and you duck just in time to avoid his fist. You pull him over the top and deliver a quick punch to the chest. He raises a hand towards you and sends out a telekinetic burst blasting you back.

You managed to raise a shield in time to deflect most of the damage, but it’s merely a Band-Aid. ”Stay still,” his voice commands in your head. He throws a projectile towards your paralyzed form. You thrust him out of your mind and duck just in time for it to pass over. He throws his hand upwards as he commands his missile to turn about. You charge him while he’s occupied and slam your shoulder just below his ribs.

You land atop him, your head caught under his arm. He uses his free hand to deliver a series of punches to your side, his projectile hitting the ceiling and delivering a hail of stone. You grimace as your bones begin to bruise, but he has you pinned in this position. In a ditch effort you hit him in his most vulnerable spot and get out of there while you can.

His eyes burn in anger as he gets to his feet. Throwing his arm towards you, a small dagger trains in on your chest. It hits you square in the middle, piercing the skin and stopping at the bone. You tear it out and look up to watch his fist collide with your face. You plant your hand on the ground and swivel your hips, swiping his feet out from under him.

You stab at him while he’s down, but his hand intercepts yours. You push further and further, the point inches from his neck. His body begins to quake and he throws you back in a bout of strength.

You stand up and prepare yourself as he closes in. You sling the knife back at him, the metal melting around him. So that’s how it’s going to be. You put up a shield of your own and go in on the left. It connects with his side as he knees you in the chest.

His hand slaps you down further to the ground. You block his foot, the force rolling you over to your stomach, allowing you to pounce at his leg and tip him onto his back.

A jet from flame erupts from the ground as you close in. He gets further and further away as you rocket away and into the wall. You land on your stomach, your chest seared to a crisp. “He is no match for a living god. Take this to heart.”

You push off the ground, wiping the dust off your pants, a breeze running across your barren chest. “Was that it?” He looks back to you, the smirk on his face gone. “Shame, I liked this shirt.” You jump on your toes akin to a boxer, your fists at the ready. “Let’s get serious.”

He holds out his hand, a battle axe forming his hand. You try to find where you left your sword, the pony having vanished. ”Come here!” Another wave throws you towards him as he readies his axe. You subdue the flame with one hand and roll under his cleave. Your fist meets his stomach, Anonymous wheezing at the blow, and you jump behind him.

You widen your hands and bring them together with a massive clap, the air knocking him head first into the floor. He doesn’t move. Did he slit his throat on his axe? ”That was nice, I’ll admit.” He reaches his feet and pats the back of his axe in his palm.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” You charge at him, your body freezing again. He brings his weapon down just as you free yourself from his control. You back away, Anonymous coming in and coming in hard. He’s not only using his strength but speed as well. The crowd parts as he pins you closer to the wall.

”ANON Catch!”

You catch your blade and block, your weapons meeting for the first time. He pushes in and you push right back, his face red with exertion. You lean against the wall, his overbearing strength slowly forcing you down. You focus your mind as you reach the floor and throw yourself between his legs with seconds to spare. You wish you’d saw his face.

He swings around and charges in, a dark mist coating his weapon’s edge. So he wants to play like that. ‘With the stars blinding light, lend me its power and help me fight the darkness.’

You meet his axe as you both charge, sparks tossed around of mystical nature. ”Impossible!”

You parry and kick him in the chest, knocking the air out of him. Light radiates from your sword as it gathers further strength. “This is for Celestia.” He roars in anger and swings, your blade cutting through his own. You pull a shard from the air and slice down, Anonymous jumping back. You smile, his blood dripping off the broken piece. “Thank you Celestia,” you mutter to yourself, her strength dealing the first real blow to him.

”That wench deserved what happened to her, just like your girlfriend.”

The light vanishes as he starts to get to you. “Don’t speak of her to me.”

”You must’ve been pretty desperate to get with a bug.” Oh he fucking didn’t. That bastards dead. You charge forward, rage imbued with every step and thrust forward.

”Anon wait!” You stab clean through him, his form evaporating into mist. ”It’s a trick.”

He strikes at the base of your neck, your body collapsing as your body tries to recuperate. Your sword slides out of your hands and he tips you over, your own weapon pointing down at you. ”Pathetic.” The floor works around your wrists and solidify, trapping you to the floor. ”I expected something more.”

The doors creak open and you turn to look, the three of them coming back. Luna finds her way to them and Anonymous grips your chin and turns it towards him. ”You’re just as helpless as you were back when I found you. Did you seriously think you had a shot against me?” He lets go and turns his back, “Or did you already know that?”

You look back to your comrades pleadingly, Luna looking back to you. ”Perhaps you sought something else to help you.” She shakes her head, “Something that failed to defeat the lord of chaos again.”

He snaps once more, magic permeating the air as he brings the elements to his grasp. ”These pesky items are little more than relics of an age of peace, but they still hold influence.” He grabs the tiara in his hand and squeezes, the gem straining and eventually- *crack* -breaking.

“NO!” Trixie screams at his display, the others holding her back.

He breaks them one by one, the elements little more than dust. ”Do you see? You have no hope. Just give up.” You don’t why, but you laugh. “At least he sees the humor in it.”

“You’re so blind…”

”I’m victorious.”

You stare at him defiantly. “The elements cannot be destroyed, for their virtues lie within us all, and no matter how much you squeeze, you will not defeat our will.”

”Then I’ll get someone else to do it for me.” He gathers the blood from his wound in his hand and gets closer to you. ”There are some fates worse than death. Allow me to introduce you to one.” You squirm as he presses his hand against your mouth. ”Do bite, please, give me what I want.”

You can’t let him do this. You don’t want this! ”Is that fear I see? Drink deep Anon. DO IT!” His voice echoes in your head, but you can’t… you… do. The taste drives you insane, like crack to an addict. You begin to suckle at his hand like a child to their mother’s tit. Stop it! Please stop. But your body doesn’t, it just keeps going. ”Good boy. Let it sink deep.”

You scream as you regain control of your body, the bonds shattering as you plunge forward. You can feel it, the pain… it’s already in you. It’s not too late, you can- “GAAAH!”

You dig your fingers into the floor as your blood ignites and freezes in seconds. Your friends try to help, but Anonymous keeps them back, “Watch. Anon is evolving.” Every fiber of your being feels like its being torn apart and dunked in acid.

You grip your hair, tufts of it falling off in droves. “Please help him!”

”No can do kiddos. I’m enjoying the show.”

Your bones crack and expand as you grow. Your muscles bulge obscenely before compounding back in on themselves. “Get out while you ca- AAAH!” Your vision darkens and the world grows red…

You watch in horror as your skin cracks away and obsidian scales shoot up from within. Your fingers blister and stretch, the points sharpening to that off talons. “Kill me please!” Your teeth sharpen into an intimidating maw of visceral knives.

”I gave you the choice, and you chose this.” Everything just… seems so- simple.

Blood, death, hunger, feast. How could you not see it for what it is? You get to your feet, your claws tearing through the floor. “I want more.”

Anonymous points to four meatbags standing close to the center. ”Have fun.”

You grin menacingly and lunge at them, swatting the bigger one away with your hand. The flying one kicks you in the face, and you just meet the fool with a gaze of your blood red eyes. “Let’s play!”

She takes up to the sky and you leap after her and cling to the ceiling, “Anon it’s us!”

“Too slow,” you swipe at her, barely missing. You love your food to run. It keeps you in shape.

”It’s me, Spitfire.”

“That’s an odd way to say ‘food.’” You send her crashing to the floor with a heavy thud.

You poke her, the flying one not moving. “Anon you’re a monster!” the tall skinny one laughs. “Look, he wants to play too.”

”Anon, are you in there?” You stop inches away from him, the nice smelling one staring back at you. ”Stop this madness. We’re your friends.”

“Friends? Can you hurt friends?”

“No Anon, you can’t.”

“Then I guess we’re not friends!” You head butt him, his horn stabbing under one of your scales harmlessly. “Fun fun fun. I want more!”

“There’s one more my little abomination,” the tall one points out, his meaty finger outstretched. You can almost taste it… He points to the last one cowering before you, her star scattered coat not quite as lovely without blood on it.

You leap on her, a strand of saliva falling from your teeth and onto her shivering form. ”Where do you get your strength?”

What an interesting question. It deserves an interesting answer. “The blood of my enemies, silly.”

”I know you’re better than this. Anon wouldn’t let this form control him.” You growl happily at her fear, almost as delicious as her flesh must taste. You lick your lips and drag your finger along the soft flesh of her stomach. ”Anon’s not a monster. He’s my friend.” Her skin is so weak, just an ounce of pressure would yield the most savory of meat. You trace up her body, her stomach, chest, neck… neck.

A soft glow captures your attention. This gem- it’s captivating. ”I grow tired of this. Anon kill her.” You feel strange, an ache growing in your skull. The ache amplifies into a migraine and you grip your head to make it go away. ”I said kill her Anon! I’m waiting!”

It’s… W- why’s everything… Oh. Trixie looks up at you, “Anon?”

You place your hand on her chest, her heart pounding away. “I get it from in here.” She smiles and relaxes as you stand back up and look to Anonymous. “I am not a monster. I am not an abomination.” You tighten your corrupted fist, a spark igniting within. “I am Anon. I am a hero, and I will defeat you.”

“It’s always something with you hero types. You never know to stay down.” The air detonates around you in a snap of his fingers, but when the smoke clears you stand unwavering.

“You know, there’s one more element that you may not know about. Far more powerful than the others.” Lightning erupts from your hand and strikes Anonymous who quickly shields himself. He turns to his side to find your fist already on a collision course. “The element of Surprise!”

He’s thrown clear across the room, stars floating around his head. He summons two midgets in cloaks to fight you, “GET HIM!”

They throw telekinetic waves and barriers against you, but you walk right through such puny attacks. You pick up one and break his back over your knee, the other you sink your teeth into his neck and rip out his throat.

Anonymous’s breathing is erratic as he summons two large knights, each a little taller than yourself. You tear through them with a single swipe of your claws, their bodies dissolving. “MORE MORE!”

He exerts all of his power, a dozen xenomorphs sprouting from the ground on all sides. ”Stall him!” he screams before making a mad dash for the throne.

“Good, let’s go.”

The xenos attack and you slice the first one in half, his acidic blood having trouble melting through your hardy scales. A tail imbeds in your back and you reach back and rip him off, crushing two more with his tail. Another xenomorph lunges at you before exploding in a yellow mist. Trixie takes up position beside you, soon joined by Spitfire, Luna and Mr. Light. ”Kick his ass Anon.”

You charge through the fray and go straight for Anonymous. ”No you don’t!” he hollers, jets of molten rock and fire spawning from below. You move straight through them, your speed only matched by your ferocity. He sends orbs, paralyzing bolts, waves of flame, each as useless as the last.

He slams his fist on the chair, a trap door giving way beneath you. You shove your hand to the ground and throw yourself over the hole, Anonymous just below you. “No rancor stew today.”

The ground quakes at your landing and you slam Anonymous back into his throne. He tries to catch your punch, but that only works if you’re the stronger one. His bones shatters as you nearly snap his arm clean off. His screams are music to your ears, even managing to rival Octavia’s sweet melody. “You could’ve given up, but you had to keep pushing and pushing…”

You slam his head into the wall two more times before giving him a break. “Sometime’s the world pushes back.” You land a devastating attack on his stomach, blood erupting from his mouth. “And with interest it looks like.” He reaches towards the guards for help, but they’ve already fled for their lives. You’re already on a power high as it is.

“I am going to make things right. All the people you hurt are going to be safe again. This soulstone is toast,” you say picking it up.

“You don’t know what that’ll *cough* do.”

“I don’t care. They’ll be free, whether of pain or this shell is unimportant. It’s better than an eternity of captivity. I know that.” At least you had a recreation area. “But first, I still have something to do.”

You punch him in the face, breaking his nose. “That’s for Vic, the douche you don’t even know.”

Another . “For Octavia, who’s life you ruined.”

Another. “For all the people you caused pain.”

You impale your hand into his chest, his life almost ended. “For your brother, the hero who should’ve finished you in the first place.”

You find his heart, each beat causing him exorbitant amounts of pain. “And this?” You grip his beating heart, Anonymous’s eyes go wide, “This is for Chrysalis.” You tear it from his body, the tyrant falling dead on his throne. “You motherfucker.”

It’s over. It’s finally finished. His machinations fade with him into Tartarus. The warden will take extra special care of him. ”Are you alright Anon?” Luna asks as they come up behind you.

“I got a souvenir,” you say grinning at his heart.

”You know what you have to do.”

“Destroy it? Seriously? The item that could give me powers beyond imagination and you just want me to throw it away?” You catch the fear in her eyes and shrug your shoulders. “Alright.” You squeeze the heart dry until only the useless husk remains.

”You had us worried there for a minute,” Light gasps.

“Well, I can’t say that this wasn’t a total loss.”

The others examine your corrupted body, your mind the sole survivor of the transformation. “I’m sorry if I hurt any of you.”

”It’s ok. It all worked out in the end,” Trixie adds.

“Thank you, if it wasn’t for you… Things might’ve ended differently.”

”I guess there was a reason you gave this to me after all.”

“Fool’s luck.” You look down to your black claws, then to the stone. “There’s only one thing left to do.” You pick up the stone, the voices of the captives echoing from within.

”Will just breaking it be enough? What if it does some freaky magic stuff?” Spitfire asks.

“We’ll never know until we try.”

You sit down on the throne with the stone in your hands, “Well if it does, I want you all to know that drinks are on me.”

“I might hold you to that,” you begin putting pressure on the stone, “See you all on the other side.” You strain as you put more force into cracking it open. You pour every ounce of your strength into destroying it, and when that doesn’t seem to be enough, you call upon magic. Adrenaline pumps through your muscles, but it doesn’t seem to-

The crystal begins to crack at your onslaught. Just give it some more juice. They watch as it’s close to breaking. It’s…. almost… *crack* A white light engulfs you, and then? Darkness…

You take a deep breathe, your chest pounding painfully. You roll to your back on the dew-covered grass. Things aren’t red anymore, you can see clearly. You look at your hands. It’s gone. You’re back to normal. You lay your head back, listening to the gentle rhythm of your heart… Your eyes shoot open and you lean up. You press your hand on your chest. Could it be? Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.

It’s done. By some miracle, you’re back in flesh and blood. You leap into the air in a fit of joy, doing a little jig for good measure. A shot rings out across the forest you find yourself in, birds crying and fleeing. You tear yourself out of your celebration. Ponies don’t own firearms.

Especially firearms that sound like that. Another shot rings out, the sound definitely familiar. Was that… a pulse rifle?