Fractured Crystals

by StarRibbon

First published

Sometimes, its best to leave the future a mystery. For the Mane 6, this can't be anymore true. With a mistake being had, they learn that the future might not be as they had hoped.

Sometimes, the future should stay like such:the future. Fearing whats to come won't help anypony. Though, not everypony thinks the future should be mysterious. After a few mistakes here and there, first being Twilight's time spell, now they are stuck with the end result.

How can anypony handle their dreams being shattered like nothing right before their eyes?

I wanted an image, but its in the works, so here for right now.

Tale of a Cracked Crystal

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Once upon a time there was a kingdom full of harmony. The Kingdom was ruled by two beautiful sisters: One that was older and ruled the sun while the other was smaller, ruling the night and controlling the moon. Each were powerful in nature; possessing the magical powers of the unicorns, the strength of an earth pony, and the speed and flight of a pegasus. Both were loved, but their past was a shroud of mystery. Scientists today can't figure what happened in the past with Princess Sun and Moon, but its been stated that their past must be somewhere in the relics that must be persevered. Still, its known enough that said rulers created two more princesses. One was earlier than the other:Princess of love and Princess of Friendship. (Magic)

The first to be made was the Princess of Love, Crystal. While her real name was lost over the centuries and was shrouded by her deed that she committed, her rule was never forgotten, giving her the name Crystal in response. She was an orphaned pegasus that was cared for by earth ponies when she learned what love meant, causing the ascension to be like Sun and Moon.

The second didn't have her life as hard-her struggles put forth more as building blocks for her ascension. She was the Princess of Friendship, Magic. Her name, too, was gone-Crystal's anger made sure of that. Magic was a unicorn, loved by her family and cherished by her mentor, the Sun herself. She was never in the same position as Crystal. Still, Crystal cared for Magic deeply. That's when the problems became evident:the ascension.

"Why didn't she listen?" Crystal had cried. After Magic's ascension, years pass and envy wrapped itself around her. Crystal never had been popular despite her views-Magic's always been so, however. Magic saved so many, so much like Sun and Moon, it was reminiscent. Even before, Magic never struggled. She had those that cared enough. Crystal did not. This was apparent for Crystal lost what she tried so hard to keep:her precious kingdom and family. Crystal lacked the strength to endure the trauma that was needed to for her very ponies do to her very untimely position. She was with foal-her energy was always drained quickly. Scientists and philosophers speculate that this would lead to her downfall, yet what caused her to lose everything was a mystery to even them. Whether the end result was caused by Magic's delay was debatable too, but the end is not debatable.

Crystal's despair was the end result. With her unborn foal gone and her husband lost, she was alone. The very ponies that called her their Princess shunned her away after the ordeal, causing her despair to worsen. With this, something snapped in the embodiment of love's heart, fracturing her beautiful nature and creating a wrathful mare in its place. That mare's name was Fractured Crystal. With her powers, she twisted the minds of the ponies that used to bow down to her, creating ponies that were hollow, dead. These ponies were poison, their bodies broken and battered from mauling one another as they spread, dividing and creating mass crowds. They feasted on ponies, searching for something that they lack, creating a pandemonium.They were sucked of all that created them in the first place, in essence, creating nothing but a rotting corpse in their wake. She wanted to remove all the love she could-eliminating all she thought that didn't deserve what she had once given them, and with her army, she did just that.How her plan worked, no pony would manage to state. Once Sun and Moon had fallen, the kingdom of harmony that was fell as well, leaving it in chaos right before their eyes.

"We won't let you get away with this!" Try with all her might, not even Magic had the abilities to defeat that wrathful mare with only revenge on her mind. With an overpowering blow, she turned what she used to dub her sister into a statue cold as ice. With Magic gone, her army triumphed, depleting the land of the ponies it inhabited.

This lasted for years before three ponies, each pony of the three races:earth, pegasus, and unicorn. Their hearts were filled with such determination, they started to fix all the damage that was crafted by Fractured's destruction. Fractured, however, didn't like their ongoing determination. No matter how hard she tried, their bonds were too strong to be severed. With one last attempt, Fractured gave out a powerful burst of magic that would, in normal circumstances, cause the victim to turn into a hideous beast that longed for what it lacks forever more. Yet, their bonds were so strong, it negated the magical surge of power. Together, they created such a force that made that revenge driven mare convert back to the mare that she was, draining her of what made her evil.

With this, the three ponies rose up, their own magic allowing them to move forward in their lives:ascension. They created a harmony that was once a fantasy. For this, all the ponies are grateful, all except for Crystal. She was no longer her old self, however, guilt gripped her with an iron hoof. She begged and pleaded with the three ponies, wishing for her to end. However, the three refused so, instead, they removed her precious wings and horn, forever casting her forever as an earth pony, making her mortal again.

"We shall not turn you to stone," The first princess states, she was the original pegasus pony. "You will never learn your lesson that way."

"We have taken your gifts away, your precious wings and horn are lost forever," The second princess, the original unicorn, had stated. "The end result will vary based on your...results."

"From this, you'll be greeted with the horror you had caused throughout your ruling. You will truly learn, then, what it means to be repentant." The final princess finalized, she was the earth pony of the group originally.

"We'll give you a year and a day to answer this question with great repentant. This journey is long, don't consider yourself with luck."

"What is it that a pony misses most?" The First gave the question.

"If you are repentant, you will be free of the chains. You will fix what you have done and no more guilt to be had." The Third Princess had said. "However, if you are not, you will always bear the marks of what you have done for years to come. Not even death will welcome you." Crystal scanned far and wide, months on end to get the answer, yet none of these answers were ever the same. Some missed family while others missed wealth---

"Script Spell!" She sighs, turning in her bed to face the door. "You'll miss the sessions at this rate!"

"Don't worry, Mama!" She answered smiling, still peeved. Interruptions were one thing, but when its done with her myths its another. Particularly, when they have historical meaning. She jumped from the bare bed and brushed her light blue and pink mane down, but it popped up again. She didn't continue the hair battle like always, instead she rushed away. "I'll be out here faster than you can say 'Mythology!'"

"At this rate, I can say that 20 times!" Her mother complained, laughing all the while. "Here you go, make sure you don't go too far in trying to make an impression."

"I don't need to, I'm already friends with the Princess I'm working with~" She gave a sing song voice to her mother before taking the bagged lunch in her mouth and then her parcel that she stuffed prior.

"Make sure you don't ask about-" Script interrupted before rolling her eyes at the antics.

"But its just one question!" Script Spell said exasperated. "It wasn't overwhelming when I asked about the other!" The mother shook her head once more before pushing her forward.

"Go on, just...don't be too head strong okay? Be honored, you've been selected to be under her wing. I've heard that's quite a difficult task, particularly for her. Be careful, okay?" Script waved off, smiling as she had.

"I will Mama! Be back later!" She smiled, rushing to the station she was suppose to go. She won't like it if she was late! What would she say? Would she hate her or...?

'Please don't be late, please--' "OOF!" Script stopped in mid run as she toppled over a mare in the progress. "Excuse me-your not supposed to be here!"

"Such rudeness coming from a small filly no less!" Script Spell backed off after helping the mare before her eyes widen. The mare in question was purple yet with a pink tinged maned with elegant and dainty curls that took time to create, her coat was a sparkling white as she dusted herself off. "Its taken time to create such beauty, I hope I'm not dirty! I can't imagine being dirty-I shiver from the thought!" She even sounded strange to Script Spell.

"I can't believe your thinking of that at a time like this!" The second mare yelled towards the first. She was vastly different with her blue coat and prisma mane. She was also a pegasus, something the other mare was not. Then there were two more mares, one hopping like a madmare and the other standing quietly to the side, looking down like she did something wrong. The two final mares ended the quarrel between the first and second before they turned their gaze onto Script Spell. One of them even had both pairs: a set of wings and a horn.

"Who are you ponies?" Script asked before her eyes widen, looking towards two ponies in particular.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends:Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Its nice to meet you." The lavender mare offered her hoof to her, but she backed away again. "Can you tell us where we are?"

"Your in Hoofington Station. Fillies and colts travel back and forth to get to school and other places, " She answered, her voice wavering. "Your not allowed to be here-its not a place for mares and stallions to be.I'm surprised none of you heard of it-its been around for a long time."

"None of that makes sense!" 'Rainbow Dash countered. "Why haven't we heard of this?"

"Its because we aren't from here..." Twilight's face grew concerned as she levitated a map, inspecting it first before continuing. "Look-there isn't even a Ponyville destination!"

"Pony-what?" Script asked again. "What's a Ponyville? I think I heard something in a myth before-I was told only once, I don't know more than that!" Rarity fainted after hearing the words escape-Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy took hold of her instantly while one gave off a squeak.

"Look, I've got to leave-I'm sure you know why already! Everypony has by now!" She squeaked as she smiled.

"We'll be having a "WELCOME PARTY" when your back!" Pinkie Pie gave a laugh before she went into a fit of giggles. Apple Jack shook her head, turning towards her once more.

"We need your help, you can't just expect-"

"Wait, none of you--? You really MUST not be from anywhere here!" Script Spell frowned deeply before she grew in spirit. "I'm going to meet with Princess Scootaloo today! I can't wait-I've been BUZZZIINGGGG with excitement! She asked ME to be HER student! That's just a special privileged right there! Nopony's been under her wing before-Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle teach and she does too but this is TOTALLY different!"

"Princess Scootaloo?!"

Script Spell and Mythophobia

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I wonder why they seemed so shocked? Mommy told me that they were, like, the reason why we even exist in a way now! Its just an honor meeting-I'LL BE LATE! Princess Scootaloo will not be happy when her first ever student, uh, ditches! She'll totally banish me or maybe she would send me to a dungeon...or BOTH! She wouldn't do that....would she?

"They saved us, don't look so strange!" I answer, a smile wide across my face, trying to get the point across. We seriously have to LEAVE."We'll be late-Come on! Come on! I can't be late, not to her. What if she banishes me or something? I-I don't know WHAT I would do! I'm sure she'll help you out." I was pacing by now, looking for an answer. They couldn't go on the train, that wouldn't look right. It wasn't made for older ponies. It would make them look like bad ponies-whatever bad ponies are.The rainbow maned one, I think Rainbow Dash, held her mouth wide open from shock, the idea of me seeing the princess amazed her. She looked like one of those creatures I read about! Come to think about it, she sounds familiar. I think pu-Twilight's cutie mark looks familiar too. I just can't put my hoof on anything.

"So, she's a princess now? Why didn't she tell us anything? That's totally AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, excited as she had flown in a circle. I giggle at her-she's so funny. Didn't she know she wasn't always a princess? Wait-she knew her? I didn't think she even knew her!

"She's just THE princess everypony wants as their mentor!" I jump happily. "She never took in a pony as a student before-Princess Sweetie Belle and Princess Apple Bloom had previously and they are top of their league. Nopony knows why she doesn't, but they assume that something threw her off of wanting one. At least, that's what Mrs.Story Teller told as her tale. It was her that got me reading the tale." Now that I mention it..she was also the pony that took me to the exhibit near the capitol.

"Who's Mrs.Story Teller?" Twilight frowned greatly before shaking her head to get back on track. "Never mind that. You said your seeing her, didn't you?" Of course she went there. I was hoping she wasn't that fast. I wouldn't possibly be able to go to her with them unless there's another train or something.

"Of course! I just.." My ears fell. "I don't know how to take you, okay?" The orange one, Applejack I think, looked towards me in surprise.

"But you-"

"This train isn't for adults, can't you tell? I told you that earlier, I think." I frown deeply. Did I tell them? I can't recall. "Its made for fillies and colts-Apple Bloom specifically designed it for us to make sure badponies can't ride the rails, or something. I'm not sure." I shrug before smiling again, a thought striking me. Why didn't I think of this sooner? "I have a few dollars here, it might be enough. I can ask for some more if needed."

"Are you sure about that, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked, doubting. "We can get Twi here to, ya know--"

"I'm...not sure if she can..not if she doesn't know what it looks like first right? My teacher said something about that once. I dunno, I wasn't paying much attention then." I admitted sheepishly. My eyes drift to Twilight's cutie mark and her wings. "What's your mark supposed to mean anyway? I've been meaning to ask! I haven't seen one like that before...but I swear I saw it somewhere. I can't put my hoof on it. Besides, I never seen a pony with both features."

"I work well with magic, I even studied under Celestia's wing for years to hone my skills." Twilight smiled as she looked for an answer to the leaving problem. "Where in the world would you see my cutie mark from? The only place on the top of my head would be Canterlot, and we don't seem anywhere close. Canterlot isn't even on your map." I ignore the city name that I lacked knowledge of. I never heard of a Canterlot before, probably a city from the past or something.

"Celestia? Never heard of her." I tilt my head, trying to think of somewhere I heard of her. No-wait. That totally can't be. The story was fiction. There was no way the story could be true."! OH MY GOSH!" I started bouncing around the area. I actually get to see the pony who started the mess! That didn't sound right... Fluttershy-the yellow mare back somewhere, seemed distant. She was near a booth with that pink pony..Pinkie Pie!

"What's got your mane in a bunch?" Applejack questioned, looking over me while I was jumping. "What's got you riled up like a windup toy?"

"Anymore puns, AJ?" Rainbow snickered before AJ sent a glare her way deleting the laughter.

"I get to meet the pony who started EVERYTHING!" I bounced. "I mean, she HAS to be Magic from the old mare's tale! She just gotta!" The train already left, I can hear the screeching, but the other isn't gone yet, the one made for bigger ponies. I gesture for them to get a few tickets.

"Its just so amazing! Princess Scootaloo never told me once what really happened, but instead, I get you to tell me! Its just so amazing!" The ticket clerk automatically handed 7 tickets out. He must have thought they were for business. Business rides were free and it was early enough. I can't blame them. I almost forgot that.

"Slow down! I don't know much myself. I can't make any promises that I know more than you do." Twilight giggled at my eagerness before Rainbow Dash's impatience shone through.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Rainbow Dash grew impatient as we went into the separate car. You see, when ponies are in bigger groups like this, they end with a car to themselves. Cool trick to trick the system, right? Its helpful if you really want to talk to your family for a specific thing or to not worry about others. Its also much faster.

"Why do YOU think I'm this Magic pony?" Twilight rolled her eyes. I handed her the book from my saddle bag. This'll be awesome.

"Its because of how your described! Its one of the first tales we learn, and its the one that made me LOVE mythology!" I exclaimed, taking her wing in my hoof. "Mrs.Story Teller took the class on this big field trip to where the myth started. It was filled with so many statues and books. It ranked top ten best field trips."

"Where did she take you exactly?" I shrugged. Twilight was nit picky with questions.

"She took us over to the Everfree Ruins. Its always guarded by these guards, it was fun though." Was that so hard? "It was to preserve history or something. They are loons."

"What's it about..?What's the story about?" Fluttershy grew curious. "Can you-"

"Yeah, tell us! It HAS to be great!" Pinkie intervened gleefully. I nod with a smile. Its best they hear the whole thing, right? Even if they didn't know much, they have a right. Though, I hoped they knew more.

"Basically, Crystal and Magic were like sister figures created by Sun and Moon. They were happy until a few events occurred and yada, yada, yada. Crystal, from everything that's been happening, directs her heartache and rage towards Magic. Magic tries stopping her but gets turned to stone. All of this after she unleashed her hollow, poisonous zomponies out on everypony! Then BAM! Three ponies had such a bond that they shared and easily, even with all Crystal's might to end them, defeated her. Even then, Magic wasn't released. They reformed Crystal and they ruled the land after that." I answer, a great big smile on my face as I did. "That's about the whole gist of the story."

"That can't be just can't be.." I look over to Twilight finally. Tears poured from her violet eyes."She would never do such a thing.."

"Crystal was so upset, she lost everypony..her child and husband.." I whimpered, recounting the story."I felt a teeny bit sad for her, whenever I talk about it, they don't though.The others, I mean. They think that her actions shouldn't be justified. But that's not justification, I'm just sympathizing." ignored. I took this opportunity to figure out what I forgot. Something with a rainbow. Something with an anger towards Rainbow. I can't believe I'm forgetting something again!

"Twilight, are you okay?" Rarity asked, looking at her worriedly.

"Yeah, you look sooo sad!"

"Wait wait waiiitt! You know the name, don't youWhat was her name? We don't have knowledge of that because lots of ponies didn't know her well or the records were lost. They lost her name as a result."I think I'm overbearing, I can tell I am. She shot me a look. Its rude to look so excited during her sorrow.

"Cadence, her name was Cadence.." legit. "She was my sister-in-law and foalsitter growing up. I can't believe.." I rubbed her back to help her.

"Well, Cadence was forgiven and got better in the end. Nopony hates her, she's not a bad pony. She just did a mistake, even Moon did a mistake, I believe, didn't she? It was just passed down, I don't hear much on it anymore."

"...that just so happened to have wiped out half the country.." Why did Rainbow even bother adding that?

"Don't listen to her, we'll sort this out."Applejack ignored Rainbow's words. "Why, you got nothing ta worry about. Look at the outcome, fer example." I look out the window, grinning. It was very technological savvy. Metropolis, even. Much better than all those old pictures I looked at in history. I wagged my tail.

"There, there!" I point at the area around it, the original wall. "I REALLY want my question answered now!" I giggle out before nuzzling Twilight, She really needs to be much happier! I gave her a frown.

"Don't be so sad, it might be different. If you ask Princess, then you might get an entirely different story! She's not one to answer others like that. Interviews were never her thing, especially with her defect." Twilight didn't buy that.

"Oh really?" I nod with a smile. Then, it just hit me after being calling out Princess Scootaloo's 'defect'. Its Rainbows that she won't like. Rainbows, something that is shown right here.

"Oh course! Though, I don't think she wants Rainbow Dash there. She doesn't like Rainbows, that's a known fact-even when she doesn't answer things for books or newspapers.." Rainbow Dash didn't like this one bit.

"WAIT WHAT? She's like, my little sister! What would she have against me?" How would I know? I didn't let her figure I didn't really know much either other than one..piece.

"She had a teeny fight, rumor had it anyway. No biggy, right?" I wish I didn't lie when I said that. Maybe I would have not been bluntly shown that I was lying. After all, when the Princess of Defense, foreign affairs and the Celestial bodies is out there fighting an unknown prismatic alicorn, your words fall flat. Especially when Twilight is the one plinking out of the oblivious train with everypony with her to investigate.

The Reverse Message p.1

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I keep staring at the clashes of attacks along with the dodges that the eye can't follow. They are..amazing! The way they soar through the skies, cutting through clouds effortlessly. The way they just seemed to compliment was like..well-how would I know? I'm not a dictionary! I don't know the proper phrase, look it up or something! Its to..amazing to explain. The attacker had a nearly gray scale mane that looked like it could have been a rainbow once, seemed to dodge with great ease. Her wings pounded against the tree tops with such grace and power that it was hard to keep my eyes off them. They were the strongest part of her; even with the magic that she gave off, her wings were stunningly strong and graceful. They were mesmerizing to see or maybe it was just her I was staring at. I swear she looked at me as she turned her head, gave a smirk at once and toppled the princess over with a single kick to the stomach. Wait, what?

"How dare that ruffian pull such a stunt! She can harm innocent bystanders!" My eyes snap from the scene. Why am I so interested in her? She's hurting the princess and endangering innocent ponies! Then why am I squinting to see her again? Her cutie mark...her thin figure...the smoke...

"I'm with you on this one, Rares!" Rainbow Dash replied. Everypony started to stare at Twilight. Was she the universal go-to pony these days? What am I thinking? She's smart, she must know a way to help bring this to an end! Oh, nice look for you, Twi! Though, its not the time to be practicing your stone pose. Really, there's a time and place for that. "She's getting clobbered! If she keeps this up..!" Clobbered is such an exaggerated term. The Princess is NOT getting clobbered. Rainbow Dash just likes to exaggerate. That's all.

"We can't just fight willy-nilly!" Twilight snapped back, her head whipping to look over her shoulder. "This is a different time period, did you all simply forget that we can't mess-"

"Uh, Twi," Applejack reminded dully. "We already did, remember?" Twilight rolled her eyes at the statement.

"Of course I do, I meant that we can't mess with the future more than we already have," She said, sure of herself. "I can't imagine the damage already done.."She pauses slightly. She can't possibly be thinking--nope, can't possibly be! She's just over dramatic.


"Well, now, look what I found." The other Dash was vicious. Is it possible for words to be smoke like carbon monoxide? I recoil. "Princess Scootaloo, how kind of you to see me. I guess you haven't changed a bit, Squirt." Rainbow Dash stopped her pleas with Twilight as the Dash spoke. Twilight, now is not the time to act like a statue again! Jeez, your not a statue yet, but you must want to be one that badly! Rainbow lowered herself carefully to the ground. With the fighting in the background, I guess she realized that it was safer to not fly as much. I don't think that was it, though.

"That..just can't be accurate!" Rarity whispered harshly before cuddling the ground to get away from the scene. She nearly panicked at the dirt, but went along with it anyway to ignore."Rainbow Dash wouldn't do a single thing of that nature!"

"Uh, Rares," Applejack's voice cut it. "Quiet down yer voice a little. We can't have 'em hear us. Panicking won't solve a thing."

"Applejack's right We have to keep our voices to a minimum."

"Then, what do you suggest, Twilight?" Rainbow asked. "Seriously, then what? Your the egg-head here." Another pause came loud thundering booms that I swear I almost lost my hearing from. What the hay did she do?

"You haven't either, Dash. Once a killer, always a killer," Scootaloo's reply came shortly after the boom faded. "Though, I guess you wouldn't understand what that mean, Dash, do you?"

"You either kill to live or live to kill," The other Dash answered shortly. "I lived and killed, that's what you do." Scootaloo rolled her eyes before landing a quick smack against the older mare.

"You don't kill your fellow ponies in that manner, no one deserves that sacrifice. It is a shitty ending. I wouldn't wish that even on villains. Nobody deserves to get eaten alive." The other Dash gagged at the answer.

"You...Rainbow Dash...!" That was..Fluttershy gasping? I can barely hear her! She was here this whole time? I take a quick scan. Where is she? In fact, where is Pinkie too?

"Nope, not true." She shook her head. "That's insane. I wouldn't just kill anypony. That's not cool." Twilight looked at her really funny before she exchanged a funny look to Rarity (how can she sleep at a time like this?) and Applejack. Applejack, in return, returned the same funny look back at her.

"She..sacrificed other...ponies..." The six ponies fell into a pause that allowed the accusation to sink in. Ick, what kind of monster does that? Did she really...let them get eaten alive...? Did she really toss them into the horde and hoped it would slow it all down?

"Dashie would never do that!" I turn to the source:Pinkie Pie. Why the heck didn't she speak earlier? "She's the most loyal pony I know! She would never be such a big fat meanie head!" She's sounding like Twilight now! I smiled a bit. She's way too cheery for this right now. Another pause took place before Rainbow Dash decided to speak, breaking it.

"Well, Twilight?" Rainbow's voice grew stern. "Egg-head, what do you think we should do? Well? You never did answer the question." Was she still on that? Her wings were flared open as she stood before Twilight turning her head away.

"Well, what can we do, Rainbow?" Twilight gave a shaky smile before it collapsed entirely. "We can't use the Elements, they don't work here most likely. Even if we did, we can't retrieve any of them. Even so, there isn't much we can use with it. The Element bearers (they noticeably winced at that) are either dead or void of their element. I doubt we can use them here."

"Why don't you just use magic? You used it for those thingamajigs!" Twilight shook her head.

"Its not that simple, Rainbow. It takes special magic to stop an alicorn like her, even with that magic, its quiet consuming." Twilight paused a bit to recount. "It'll be too taxing, it takes too much energy to use if I did have that magic anyway. On top, she would need to stay still for me to cast it. Even with all the required actions taken, its not even guaranteed to work. Princess Scootaloo probably attempted this spell before, but only succeeded in locking the other up. Its nothing like the Elements, of course."

"We can't just stop trying!" Rainbow urged. "We can just attempt-"

"Besides, how can you explain to ponies that your standing here with me, when your an alicorn and I'm a statue?!" Twilight huffed. Rainbow Dash's ears fell before back away, frowning defeated.

"We'll think of something, Twi. We always do before, we will do it now." Applejack smiled softly, answering with a calm hoof to the shoulder. For a very brief time, like earlier, silence fell. Of course, if you ignored the fighting sounds in the background. It was way too awkward to feel comfortable with. By now, Rarity had woken and the heaviness of the situation weighed down. Somepony, SPEAK! I don't like this silence! Its too eerie, like something from a slasher movie or something. Just then, Pinkie Pie's tail started shaking like crazy before she stared speaking.

"Magical Blast! Everypony ruuuuunnn!" A pink blur flew past my vision. NOT THIS SPEAKING! I want the uncomfortable silence again! Whoa-! Too rough! TOO ROUGH! I peak down for a second before my head felt a wave of pain. Who grabbed me, anyway? Were they running in circles or something?! A cyan colored pair of hooves landed me safely on the ground. I sighed before the ground came from under me. I missed you, ground. I wish I could enjoy you more, but my head is driving me bonkers! My stomach was flipping like crazy and the crater from our spot was spinning. Wait-crater?

'Script Spell!' Were they calling me? Can words spin too? If so, then they spun and splattered. I think they said my name though. I close my eyes. Its too bright to be spinning. My hooves are barely touching the ground and staying there. Urk.

"Well, Squirt, I guess you got a bit rusty there," The other Dash sneered. "I guess you failed even in that department!" Princess Scootaloo landed on all fours, glaring. She can't already be tired-its just...there is no way. I never seen her this way, even in the renditions! Yeah, she's a bit...dirty in her renditions, but come on! She's never been this banged up! Wait, did I say banged? No, she's not banged up. The Princess wouldn't allow for that. Definitely not Scootaloo. I guess she was the pony to create the crater.

'Script Spell, get up! Please!' Rainbow's voice sounded weird. Was she that desperate? I shivered before trying to turn tail despite everything moving in a circle all the time. I couldn't move, though.

"Still just as fast as ever, Rainbow Crash," She smirked at the Dash. "Though, your not as sharp as you used to be. Shame too, did that leave you like loyalty had? Or did that just 'disappear' for a thousand years like you had?" The other Dash scoffed at the notion.

'HURRY!' I was frozen. The other Dash was staring straight at me. I can see from the corner of my eye the others staring at me with horrified expressions painted on their faces. I barely back away, my tail tucked in. I still can't run the other away.

"I know where my loyalty lies." She answered sharply, pulling back her forearms with her wings flared open. "Yet, where are yours?" Scootaloo didn't respond. Well, she had I guess. Her eyes widen in terror. Before anypony could react, the other Dash lunged straight at me.


Meeting Fractured Crystal Herself

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Where am I? Maybe I should-yeah! That's it! I pushed past my hooves and uncovered my eyes. Was I still being held? I..don't want to look down. Don't look down. Don't look-AH! Wait-where's the floor? Nopony's flying and its not night! Wasn't I just being held against my will? Still-the background still stays to be night. Night stars shimmer brighter than they had before-I swear, I didn't know they were that bright before now! Colors swirled together into unrecognizable and funny looking shapes as I stood around.

"Its so pretty!" I marvel. Its amazing-I never seen anything like this! Maybe I'm dead to see such a marvel or something and this was the after affect? Whatever it is, it CAN'T be real-right? I wasn't here before, and I certainly never heard of a place like this. Party Favor would have informed anypony of this place, using it as a party rink due to its strange scenery. Well, lots of things aren't real and they seem to be happening...I scratch my head at the answer."Where am I?" The scenery dimmed down if only a little. I peer around at the sudden dimness before I was met with an answer.

"Why, I never met you before," A calm voice answered, that was not what I expected. "You must be Script Spell, right?" I take a small step backward before looking around again. My eyes fell to the ground before I quickly forced them up-I don't want to see the ground. There was no ground. I take a double look just to make sure I was probably just crazy. Where the hay is that voice? Maybe Party Favor WOULDN'T use this place as a party Rink...

"E-Excuse me?!" I keep my head up, fearing the slight chance of being scared to death. Right...slight. Only slight. Of course, that can't happen..right? No-I'm not afraid at all. Not even a little. Okay, I lied. I was scared, a ton. But I know no pony can't die from being scared. That's just a saying...I hope. "How do you know my name?" The voice didn't respond for a moment.

"Hello?!" I ask again. "Helloooo?"

"Your a filly-quite young too! I can't complain; I first came here when I was a filly, too." The softness in the voice was a bit calming. Nothing expected, but what can I expect, really? "Don't be scared, its not scary here. Ok, maybe a bit for a moment, but it gets better once you get used to it." Maybe it has some maturity to it? It had some sense of maturity, like it had grown accustomed to being alone, like its in exile or something.

"Where are you?"

"Here, follow the projections. You'll see me when you reach the end."

"What project-" Suddenly the swirling colors changed into these odd moving pictures that stood on there own with grey screens. They flashed a bit-some being audible with the pictures dancing, the others just pictures. My ear flicked at the voices. They sounded very..familiar, maybe? I think I heard some of these voices before. I take a breath before starting forward, keeping my head up as my legs grow wobbly. I had to remind myself of what she said. I narrowed my eyes to see the end, but couldn't, so I decided to focus on something entirely different:the projections.

"How'd you...?" I question softly as the words escaped without warning. I peer to the side, one projection featured a pink alicorn-her fuchsia, yellow and purple mane tied in delicate rings, all covered in a veil. She looked like she was getting married or something. She didn't need the special attire, she was already prettier than I ever thought a pony could be. She was grinning as she danced something with another pony. This time, the pony next to her was a purple clad unicorn. She was very happy herself, giggling wildly as six ponies, 5 mares and 1 lone, white stallion a mane of two shades of blue, watch them in delight. One pony-a rainbow one, snickered as the the white mare simply brushed her antics off, but the other ponies seem to agree with the rainbow maned one. They remind me of the ponies I was with earlier, just in a more relaxed state. The rainbow-maned one particularly. Not many ponies have such a shocking mane.

"Sunshine, Sunshine, Lady Bugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Was that a game that adult ponies play normally? I shake my head, it must be. Adults are so weird. I pass by a few more projections, only a few catching my attention besides that odd one. One of those few being an evil looking head thing that decided to be a jerk to ponies. It didn't say where, but its all crystally in the end, even the ponies were crystal in appearance, but crystalline ponies were a simple myth. I can't be too sure of the ponies Twilight said were once rulers. I can't even suggest Twilight being here is real, they were just remnants of what was. She's supposed to be stone. Or, at least, her future self is stone. How does that work, anyway? I sigh in discontent. They were there and now they aren't. I'm not there anymore, I'm in some weird plane, I suppose. Darn it, I wish I paid more attention to my teacher that taught this subject. I decide to look at the projection once more, ignoring lingering doubts for now. That purple unicorn was there again. I took note of the pony this time. Maybe I have to look at the unicorn, or find her, more? That's why there must be projections. Objective found:find out about that pony, stat!

"Over here! Your getting closer!" She seemed delighted. I pause for a second, taking that in. She doesn't appear, but I know she's somewhere. If she's calling, then its true. I gulp as I pull myself together, hoping to just find images that would divert my attention. Anything but looking down. Most of the images that caught my attention were odd-one with a flower monster-type creature and a mismatched one too caught my attention once. The alicorn was with the purple unicorn that grew to be an alicorn, I figured so, anyways. She seemed to be less frazzled than before. Why was I happy she wasn't so haggard as she was when she was dealing with the floating unicorn stallion head? Still, even when the ponies had to deal with the chaotic actions, they weren't too upset. In fact, their bond increased. I wish I could hear them, but I didn't.

"Where are you?" She told me to be here, didn't she? She wasn't there. I was certain I was at the end of the projections until one appeared right before my eyes. A shrieked before falling on my hindquarters, tears streaming down my face at the sudden shock of it.

"Oops, sorry Script. I..didn't mean to spring that up too fast," the voice apologized. "Go through it, I'll be on the other side." I shook my head. I can't. I won't.

"What do you want with me?" I call out. "What is it that your trying to show me?" I stomp my hooves. The voice didn't answer me this time.

"Well?" I call out again, annoyed. "You can't keep doing this! I just want to-" I felt some whisk of energy gently push me forward before I tumbled inside the projection, as off as that sounds. I didn't know you can enter a projection. Still, my heart raced as my throat ached. It ached from my screams that rippled through me. I was falling. My eyes tear up. I don't want to die. I covered my eyes as I was waiting for impact.

"Wha..?" My ears flattened as nothing came. Where was the SPLAT?I opened one eye in anticipation, then another. I was in one piece. Relief spread over me, a sigh releasing automatically. I tried standing up before I felt a wetness drip from my legs. "Darn it.." Before I could dwell on my foalish behavior, I heard something that I didn't expect to hear:the smashing of glass. It broke with such great intensity that it shattered into fragments, or, I thought it did. There was no glass around before.

"Cadance, there is nothing I can do!" A voice responded to the smashing before I did. "I'm sorry...but its the truth." The voice trailed off. It sounded like Twilight, but she seemed to show remorse towards whatever caused the glass to shatter. The ponies that had those voices appeared suddenly, making me scoot backward. There stood a livid pink alicorn, her demeanor drastically different than the times I seen her before. Her hair flowing to invisible wind. Her purple eyes narrowed in contempt and...something else. It wasn't a pony emotion anymore; I haven't found a pony that used an expression quite like the one she used. She stomped again, this time before kicking away some glass as she turned away, her muzzle contorting in disgust. The other pony, the purple alicorn that could be confirmed as Twilight now, looked at her with sorrow filling her features. She looked down before attempting to get closer to the other. Maybe she was trying to reword her phrase or better the situation?

"I can't help your kingdom, Cadence. I can't bring back Shiny, as much as I'd love to, and..I'm sorry I.."Twilight looked away, tears dripping from her eyes.

"THERE WAS!" She boomed out, her voice turning into a loud shrill as she flared. Her voice reaching levels that could rival a stereo. She was facing Twilight now, but no longer was simply angry or full of contempt with that mix of something else I can't even fathom, no, she was sad. Regret was mixed in there, somewhere. "You know it yourself! If you responded faster-"

"I have my own kingdom to govern, Candance, "Twilight reminded calmly, nudging the alicorn lightly. "When I reached..."The pink alicorn refused to hear any of that. She huffed out, tears forming at the base of her eyes as she cried out in agony. The purple alicorn glanced at her, sorrow transforming into worry as she watched the other pony shutter. Her breaths were ragged in nature as her hair flowed even more wildly as each moment passed. She huffed as she pawed the ground, her face scrunched in pain for a split second.

"Get away from me..." The alicorn spat out, her eyes staring down. Twilight was taken back by this, her eyes growing bigger at each word said.


"GET AWAY FROM ME TWILIGHT!" She screamed out, her voice booming louder than before. Her magic flung out of her without even a second for Twilight to register, and she disappeared just like that. Cadance gave out a heavy breath as she looked down at her kingdom. The kingdom she almost died for, the kingdom that wanted nothing to do with her before I saw her tear. Her hoof slammed into the ground, leaving cracks in its wake.

"Princess?" A pony asked softly, she was probably some sort of maid that served only her. "My Majesty, you ok? We heard your cries, I came to make sure you are at ease." Cadance furrowed her brow, turning her head in her direction for a split second. She muttered something before she glanced up, the moon shimmering high above her.

"I...protected my ponies..." Cadance spoke softly as she cracked a little smile. "I..couldn't protect them. I couldn't protect my own family. Yet..."

"Your Majesty?" The maid asked again, worry clear in her voice. Cadance didn't answer right away, still staring at the moon.

"Why can't they just care for me like they used to?" Cadance gave out a cry of pure anger, stomping her hoof again as she backed away. She turned away from the maid, though. Back turned, looking up at the mirror-like replica of her very cutie mark. "Because I'm nothing like the savior of Equestria? Nothing like Auntie Celestia and Luna?" She urged the maid to answer, but the frightened maid shrunk back.


"Maybe its because most ponies don't even recognize me anymore? Not that they had prior..." She stared back at her reflection. "I saved Equestria from Chrysalis's grasp, yet ponies still dislike me. Ponies don't bother to remember ME much..." She huffed at the notion.

"No, they prefer goody-four hooves Twilight..." The air in the room felt suffocating, tense. It hadn't felt right; like I was encased in a small space. "She took away everything, and she received everything. Why? Because she's special. "

"You don't care about me," Cadance declared. She faced her with an empty face. "You don't care about anypony but yourself. Ponies like you simply trick yourself; delude yourselves to feel better. It isn't just you.."

"That is enough, Princess!" The maid spoke up, gaining ground. "You simply can not act in such a manner!" Cadance ignored her statement, focusing on her own words.

"Its everypony else as well. They don't deserve to have the love I give them. They never did. They only care about their own and themselves, never the care of others. That's how ponies are. Why should I do the same? Why should I give them my gift when they wouldn't give it back to somepony else? They don't deserve any bit of my love. They don't deserve to have any SEMBLANCE OF LOVE!" Cadance roared.This time, her wrath was so great. Her pink coat littered with bruises and dirt, glowed weirdly. Her main of three colors shimmered brightly along with her purple eyes. The maid retreated again, her eyes growing bigger as the words apparently sank in.

"You've gone completely insane!" The maid cried out in horror. Cadance merely laughed at her fear as she changed. It was as if a ball of magic enveloped her form for the worse, changing with devastating results. "Princess Cadance!"

"My name is no longer Cadance," The alicorn standing before her was no longer the Cadance that looked radiant, but of a mare that looked battered and broken down. Her coat was faded, dulled and so was her mane and tale, but they flowed more with malicious intent. Her body was like poison; battered and disgusting now. She looked like she took a beating, or died and came back like one of those cliche horror movies, her corpse too decayed to seemingly move the way it had. But she was no corpse and she was not dead. She was the monster that created our life as we knew it. "If you will live long enough, you will know me as Fractured Crystal, but I doubt you'd live long in the state you're in."

"Its sad to see in person, isn't it?" The voice spoke up. I shake off the odd sensation before backing up to see the pony in front of me. There stood that alicorn from the projection, yet it wasn't at the same time. My eyes shifted to Fractured Crystal as she took out what was let of her kingdom in one swoop, but she didn't leave empty hooved. They followed her as they destroyed other ponies, munching and killing each with some satisfaction at first, but disappointment the next minute. It made sense-they couldn't produce love so they would kill another for love, but without success. She was no longer that alicorn, though-her coat dulled and her mane less vibrant, but no where near the dullness that the monster had. She lacked wings and a horn like the legend said she had in the end. She was just a regular earth pony now. Her eyes took on a sorrowful look before she called me over to her, bringing me close with her arm. "I always feel depressed when I remember that day."

"You can't be..." The pony nodded, confirming my worst possible fear.

"Yes, I'm, I'm Cadance, and I..caused that mess."

The Past is Doomed to Repeat-Pt.1

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"N-No way.." I cried out. " can't be that..that.." She held out her hoof to silence me. She sighed, glancing at me with a bit of despair. She simply shook her head to answer.

"I wouldn't lie about something so..gruesome.." She sighed out, helping me up. "I..I am that monster, Fractured..." She walked away from me, but still in my line of sight. She looked up at the strange, swirling masses of colors.


"Why? Why would I go that far?" She almost hissed out like an injured animal, cringing away as I asked. She, however, did answer with grim results. She tapped her chin, still not looking directly at me. "I...didn't mean to take it as far as I had.."

"You..couldn't control..?" She took a glance at me-frowning. She trotted over to me again, lifting me up.

"I...was upset. I just..I just wanted ponies to recognize my deeds too," Cadance teared up a bit, wiping a few stragglers away from her cheek. "I finally had it all, finally when I..I worked so hard to gain those affections. I worked so hard to gain affection, to gain finally have a semblance of..a normal life.." She started to walk past the memories that started looking grimmer and grimmer. It followed the past that was recorded at least, but, they weren't really the past we truly recognize as history. It followed the myths of HOW it happened rather than the recorded history. However, I doubt the history recorded truly had everything-had the history or the options to see the history of different parents, to gain the insight that was needed.

"I thought I was at the highpoint of my life, I couldn't feel any different. I had friends, family now..but then..then it all disappeared. Twilight gave me the happiest memories and the saddest of memories..I was so angry at her because of it. She had everything yet didn't care at all, I couldn't understand. It was when my kingdom turned their back on me.." She paused and sighed, regretting even bringing the topic up. She noticed the projection as she started to smile a bit. "I suppose you like the stories, don't you?"

"Of course! Myths are absolutely fascinating! I don't understand how ponies DON'T enjoy it more!" I squeal, smiling wide. "Why wouldn't I?" I take notice that I squealed and I smiled sheepishly for it, blushing nervously. She didn't seem to mind, however.

"Its all too fine, Script." Cadance smiled, rubbing my head affectionately. "Then, I take it, you know the story of the Builder, the Fighter, and the Medic, correct?" I knew the title from anywhere. It happened to be one of the myths that came first, one of the myths detailing the creation of villages before Fractured's fall. It was all too common folklore.

"Of course, its well known in these parts. Some older ponies claim it to be accurate!" Cadance nodded with a smile, pointing to the projection next. My eyes widen.

"I'm so sorry, Script Spell, " Cadance said with a sorrowful note. "Eventually, the past is doomed to repeat itself, and that is why I brought you here." The projection couldn't be accurate, it just has to be fake. Princess Scootaloo and..and that monster can't be..I cried out. They couldn't have known eachother for that long, right?

The Defender: Part 1

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Scootaloo trotted away. She wanted to get away; somewhere, anywhere was preferred. If it was away from the camp, it was a place she would desire. She huffed, her breaths becoming ridged with every brisk step she took. Her wings fluttered a bit, gracing the edge of her sword just out of habit.

Rainbow Dash wouldn't like it if she stayed outside the walls of Wall Thorny Vine. But who was she to tell her what to do anymore? Rainbow Dash was not the leader; she knew so herself. They hadn't given anyone a position as of late, she discovered. She simply proclaimed it as such, much like any other title she might have gotten before the world turned to shit. Under normal circumstance, the filly wouldn't have bothered getting heated. It was granted due to the current state of the world. Cliche, at worst if she dared to consider everything. She hadn't considered everything. It wasn't worth it. A long time ago, she probably would have been elated at the prospect of seeing Rainbow Dash in such a position, even. She sighed softly, kicking the ground once she stopped.

Everything had to change, though. She had to change entirely. She shook her head as she took in her surroundings. With a small start, she felt herself moving towards no where in particular. She didn't recognize the surroundings, but who had anymore. The forest had regained its territory by now, any reminder of the past seemed just that, a distant memory. With a pause, her hoof met with a pillar with a small thud. Her eyes blink to shut away the tears that gathered at the ends.

She remembered now. How dare she forget such a place? She resided in the town nearly half her life; so many memories were hidden within each building. Despite the green hues that surrounded the buildings, it was evident where she was. She met her friends, she gained her mark-it was her home. She belonged here at one point. When did she decide that would change? She stared all around her once more, her eyes barely processing the sight before realizing the exact location.

This was the spot where it all begin. She wasn't far from the Crystal Castle; she could see its shattered body in the distance. Though, shattered might have been the wrong word. Its purple walls were far from pristine like when it was first resurrected from the earth. It wasn't much of anything anymore. It was funny- the only creation from it to look pristine happened to be Her cutie mark. Would Fractured allow that? She shook the vague idea from her mind as she trotted inside without much prompt. It was almost instinctual by now. Her wings fluttered aimlessly at her sides, a smile threatening to tug on her lips.

In the end, the castle still had an aroma that welcomed even the worst of ponies. If her younger self bothered to care for this place now...She flinched before watching the center. Memories flooded her vision, each better than the last. She played in the library prior to its destruction. Her friends would practice anything under Celestia's light to gain their place.

She simply had to follow the the stairs to the map once more. She twitched her nose, dust and cobwebs flooding her vision. With a light brush, the light flung on without warning. She swung her tail as she bounced to the center. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy...She trembled, touching the dusty seats and the map itself. Their cutie marks marked within the chairs as a constant reminder of what they are. Her smile faltered as she brushed Rainbow Dash's seat. Her tail sweeping up any dust trails that it had before she plopped down.

Their cutie marks marked within the chairs were a reminder of what they were. Her nose twitched for a second as if trying to suppress the wave of tears that would suddenly engulf her vision. She only received a muffled cry in response.

But that was before the fall. Twilight wasn't with them anymore. She wouldn't ever see Twilight do her normal obsessive shelving or note taking anymore. She hadn't seen her practice magic in such a long time. Despite Twilight's reputation with failing certain types of magic, she would have killed to have just about anything tested on her. If it were to show she was alive, she would have gladly accepted the offer.

That wasn't reasonable, though. That wasn't possible, either. Scootaloo didn't know exactly where Twilight is; her body hasn't shown up anywhere. During the Fall of Ponyville, she was nowhere to be found. None of those she obtained had her mark and none of the survivors knew her whereabouts as well. Well, except for Pinkie Pie, she wasn't making much sense. At the time, maybe a spark of hope would have ignited in her at the thought. Pinkie Pie's ramblings were a pleasant thought, if she bothered to put effort into listening more. She hadn't in that aspect, either.

That was pointless, wasteful in every scenario, at any rate. What time could be spent gathering and hiding shouldn't be spent dozing off, waiting for a happier solution to a problem to waltz into her sight or translating information from a now long crazed mare. What couldn't happen to Pinkie was a double bladed sword that left many with pity if they gazed upon her form. Pinkie Pie, in all aspects, was a mare that was crafted with time. A mare that was defeated by hope. That was impractical and suicidal; Pinkie Pie proved it. If anything, it would be foolish to suggest it by now if one ignored her completely. A shiver ran down her spine as tears began their work. She sniffled softly.

Rainbow Dash snuffed the hope permanently. She, if she truly wanted to dwell on the past events that brought her to the room in question, had destroyed this longing hope, too. She buried her head into her hooves. Her eyes shutting for a split second. Apple Bloom already learned because of her.

She didn't want to see her face anymore. If Scootaloo was anything these days, coward would be synonymous with her name. With a small sigh, her mind drifted off. The brief form of a pony falling- clinging to the ends of boat tugged at her sight. Limbs struggling as they clawed their way forward into the boat despite the odds. She swallowed hard as the boat swayed at the time. Dash's mane flinging in her face, clinging onto her. She didn't see her face.

The result was a different story entirely. She pressed herself closer to the seat.

She twitched, a small creak sensed. She hadn't moved an inch to check if it were from them. The faint clanks of the crystal floor being stepped on made her heart pound faster with each clank. She shivered a bit, moving only slightly as the clanking drew nearer.

It almost seemed fit to die there, she supposed. With every ability she had, acting quickly in a situation wasn't a perk she possessed. Rationality wasn't a trait she had possessed at the moment. Her breath hitched as the clanks drew to an end.

"Scootaloo?" A soft voice released her breath only for it to suddenly disappear as her throat dried once she bothered to glance up.