The Anons of Equestria

by Bastinator

First published

Eight men are taken from their homes, each from a reality differing from the others. Seven veterans of Equestria, but one man is new to this land. He only has one wish: To go home.

Eight men are taken from their homes, each from a reality differing from the others. Seven veterans of Equestria, but one man is new to this land. He only has one wish: To go home.

This story follows the characters from: Anon in Equestria, Colonial Marine in Equestria , Psychopath in Equestria, Emissary Anon, Adventure Anon, Hero Anon, and Dead Anon.

Chapter 1: Clean Slate

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Your name is Anon and karma is bullshit. Of all the things you’ve done in your life, what caused this? Was it that you didn’t give change to that homeless guy on the way home from work? No, you went inside to buy some groceries and gave him at least a few bucks. Were you too disruptive in school? No, you did your work and shut your mouth like a good kid. Were you a douche that no one liked? No, you were close to those around you and had a large group of friends.

Then what? What could possibly have given cause for this? You were just sitting in your room when the light struck and you woke up here. That’s when you heard the shot. You knew what a gunshot sounded like; you’d fired your fathers 9mm at the range. But you’re not at the range. You’re in some forest, and by god that isn’t what you heard.


Sweat drips from your forehead as you hide behind a tree trunk, hand clenched to your chest, your heart about to explode. A shadow moves beyond your sight, the darkness covering him in a vague silhouette. You don’t know why you did it, but you followed him. Maybe it’s because he was another body. Maybe it was because you thought he knew what was going on.

Whatever the cause, you followed him as he traversed the trees and brush. Shouting comes from before you and the one you follow seems to be checking it out as well. He’s probably just as confused as you. At least you hope. If he had something to do with this…

”I said hold it! One more move and the next shot won’t be a warning.” You find a semi-large clearing, three men within the space, the rifleman shouldering his firearm. “Now how about you both sit the fuck down and tell me what I’m doing back in this piss pot?”

You find a trunk to hide behind that grants a decent view, the silent man disappearing from view. One of the men wipes his face with his jacket sleeve and raises his hands, “Look this is a big misunderstanding so hold off on the accusations.”

”Liar!” the second man yells, “You did this didn’t you! You want to fuck with me again, then fine, let’s do this big bro.”

The rifleman’s draw cuts him short, “Back off short stuff, let’s take things nice and easy.”

”I’m sorry sir. Please put the weapon down, I don’t what’s gotten into him.”

”Don’t do it! He’ll kill you the second he gets the chance.”

A deafening crack rings out and a blink of light leaves a fourth man in the grassy circle. His clothes are ragged and hair unkempt as if he hadn’t bathed in years. The question you’re asking isn’t who he is, more so, how the fuck did he get here? The man wakes up surprisingly calm, until he saw the others. ”Hoh shit!” he crawls away the rifleman closing in, “Please don’t hurt me.”

”Identify yourself civilian!”

”M-m-m- my nam- name’s Anon.”

He steps back, a look of curiosity on his face. ”So’s mine,” the second man says.

”Mine too,” another one says coming out of the brush, the one you’ve been following.

The rifleman shoulders his gun, “Same here.”

What in the holiest of hells is going on here? ”If it makes you feel any better my name’s Anonymous,” the guy in the leather jacket jokes.

”Shut up,” his little brother barks before looking to the newcomer, “So you’re both back to finish the job huh?”

He ignores him and looks to the rifleman, “It’s been a while since you’ve seen a human, am I right?”

He nods, “You too?”

He shakes his head in return, “I know those two, but this guy?” He points to the ragged one, “Never seen him.”

”I have a name!”

”Yeah, and it’s the same as every other guy here if I’m correct,” he replies.

”Except for me,” the guy in the jacket replies.

“Do what your brother said and shut up. I’m trying to figure this shit out.”

”That’s something I’d like to hear,” a sixth man comes out of the brush. He’s in what looks like leather armor, a sword sheathed on his hip.

The six of them stand in silence, the rifleman breaking it, “If there’s anyone else out there, come here now!”

You’re paralyzed in fear. You’ve got two men that were fighting, a guy with an assault rifle, someone who popped out of the air, this muscular man and a fucking swordsman. How the hell can you just walk over there? They wait and wait and wait… A stick smacks against your side, “Well what’re you waiting for kid?” Another thwack sends you into the circle, your attacker steadily walking behind you. ”That should be everyone. I made a quick round,” he says.

The rifleman brings you all together in a circle, keeping the fighters apart for now. ”Got a light?” he asks, the muscular one kneeling down to the ground, a fiery orb forming from his hand.

You step back in shock, the guy in the jacket chuckling, “New to Equestria are ya?”

“E-Equestria? Is that in Europe?”

”We can figure this out later,” the rifleman states. “Let’s get the pressing issue out of the way.”

“What the hell is going on?” you shout out, mostly ignored, save for the rifleman.

”No, what we’re going to call each other. As much as I’d like to say ‘Hey Anon, go help Anon and Anon,’ that’s fucking stupid.”

”So what do you suggest,” the swordsman asks.

”I think it’d be best to get to know each other a little bit. I know I haven’t seen another human in a while, so this is- refreshing.”

“Call dibs on Anon,” you give another outburst, always quick on the draw.

”Clever bastard,” one of them says under his breathe.

The big guy nods, “Tell us a little about yourself Anon.”

“There’s not much to say.” You stand up and give your little spiel. “I live in Texas, urban. I’m an area manager for a small networking corporation. Nothing much else to say.”

”So you are new to Equestria then?”

“I would say so, yes.”

”Fucking great, a newbie,” the guy in the jacket jokes.

”How about you go next then big, mouth,” the rifleman states.

He shrugs and stands as you sit, “Anonymous is my name, if my little brother hadn’t made that clear.”

”Piece of shit,” he mutters.

”Shut up. Go on Anonymous.”

”I’ve been here for one year today. I live in Ponyville and work various jobs. And I’m NOT a murderer. Thank you.” He sits down glaring at his brother.

His brother stands up, “Since those other names were taken, you can call me Mickey. He was an old friend of mine.”

”Alright Mickey, what do you do?”

“I helped lead the resistance against Mr. Tyrant over here. He killed Discord and used his power to control all of Equestria.”

”That’s a blatant lie!” Anonymous bursts out, “I made sure he was frozen in stone!’

“That’s not the story I heard. He’s a monster, and that guy,” he points to the big one, “He’s the one that killed me.”

”We’ll get to my turn in a bit Mickey, sit down.” He complies, anger full on his face.

The ragged looking one stands, “You can call me Flavus. I’m a- a citizen of Canterlot, not the most well off as you can tell.” He smells like death itself. ”I can tell you guys have some feud, please don’t drag me into it.”

“Nice to meet you Flavus.”

The rifleman picks himself up, “My name’s Anon- call me Duff, he too was an old friend. I’m a Colonial Marine stationed in Ponyville. I helped stave off the Xeno infestation.”

Anonymous speaks up, “You do know that Colonial Marines aren’t real. They’re fiction.”

”Do I look like fiction to you? Does my gun sound fake?”

”Point taken.”

”Good,” he continues, “I don’t know what’s going on, but as long as you don’t hurt my friends we’ll get along just fine.”

The swordsman is the next to stand, “Call me Flash, he was my best man at the wedding.”


“Thanks. I’m the Prince of Glaemar, but don’t let that fool you, I’m not some noble douchebag.” Good to know. “I helped Equestria in a war against some old cranky bitch. She and her changelings almost destroyed both and my wife’s home.”

The big guy looks flustered at the statement and gets up. “Call me Light. I’m an old hero of Equestria, dead and brought back to life here somehow.” He looks towards Flash, “And that ‘old cranky bitch’ just happens to be the girl I love.”

”You should pick better women,” he replies.

Light takes a step but Duff stops him, “Tsk tsk tsk, don’t let him get to you.”

Light closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, “Apologies. I took part in Mickey’s war, and I chose the wrong side. I slew him in cold blood, and for that no apology can fix.”

”Damn right.”

”But I know Anonymous for who he truly is, and before I came here I ended his life.”

Anonymous looks in awe, “Why does everyone hate me?”

”You know, you know. Thanks, my name’s Light.”

”I guess that just leaves me right?” the guy with the cane says, struggling to get up. “Mous is adequate I would think. I used to be an adventurer until Equestria showed me otherwise. Rockslide broke mostly every bone in my body, and my fellows broke the rest.”

“The hell did you do?”

“I was an asshole to say the least, but I’ve changed my ways. I live in Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie, that ball of fun.” He sighs, “I’ve been all across Equestria and beyond, but I don’t yearn for adventure anymore. I just want to see her again.”

”Now that we have that out of the way, any questions?” Duff asks. You raise your hand like a grade-schooler, “Yes?”

“Where in the holy hell of fuck tits am I?”

They all look to Duff to give the answer. ”Equestria. Welcome to Ponyland Anon.”

“I don’t even…”

Light wipes off his pants, “We’re all here, I don’t know if it was my doing or one of yours, but it doesn’t matter. We’re all stuck together.”

”So who’s world are we in? I mean, we’ve all been sucked from ours it looks like,” Anonymous says.

“Looking to rule this one too?” his brother beckons.

”For the last time, I’m not who you think I am.”

“Both of you shut up, god damn. I just want to get back home.”

The group begins to laugh together, “Home? Sorry to say it, Anon, but there’s no going back.”

“I don’t believe that.”

Flavus pats you on the back, “I hate pushing my beliefs onto others, but you’re just blatantly wrong.”

”What’s our first move? I don’t know this land well.” Light says.

Mous answers him, “We find Ponyville. I recognize this area and it’s the Everfree Forest. We can reach Ponyville by sunrise if we get a move on.”

“How are you taking this so easy? Do you understand what you’re saying? Ponyville? Equestria? Are you all insane?”

They look to one another, “I don’t think so.”

“You guys really are insane. You don’t live with fucking ponies.”

Mous shrugs, “We did.” You have to find a way back home. This is just fucking crazy. ”The faster you accept it, the easier it’ll be to take.”

“I can’t. I had a life.”

”And you think we didn’t?” Well- Damn it. “Let’s just go.”

The eight of you trek through the dense forest, the occasional howl startling you. Mous said the wolves won’t attack a group your size, but a manticore might. You don’t know what a manticore is and you’d rather not know. Duff’s arsenal makes you feel both safe and vulnerable.

If he were to go a little stir-crazy… you don’t want to be around him. In fact, you don’t want to be around any of them. The only guy who doesn’t look like he’ll slit your throat is Flavus and he reeks, but you can’t be picky these days. You’ll try and get to know him better. Maybe he wants to get home too.

You step out from the forest with the others looking down towards a town. ”I told you, here by sunrise.”

Flavus breathes a sigh of relief, “Thank Celestia, let’s hope I can borrow one of their showers.” At least he’s aware.


You step through the streets of Ponyville, a part of you hoping the whole ‘pony’ thing was a joke. How wrong you were.

They’re not very big, but damn there’s a lot of them, each with different colors and branded on their butt. The ponies stop and stare at your ragtag group of people. ”Just like old times am I right?” Anonymous jokes with Duff.

“Last time I came in shouting like a mad man, so this is a bit new for me.” A purple- unicorn. Fuck it, this is the norm here. Well the unicorn stops in front of your group.

Flash looks relieved, “I’ll take care of this guys. Twilight, it’s great to see you again.”

She takes a step back as he approaches, “Um, how do you know my name?”

He pauses, “It’s me Anon.”

”I’m sorry but I don’t know you.”

He slumps back over to the group in defeat, “She… but…”

”Anonymous was right,” Light says, “This land isn’t our own. Our homes are gone.” Your group erupts in whispers and fear. Mous excuses himself and shuffles off further into town past Twilight. Anonymous and Mickey shoot off as well, racing each other somewhere.

”Who are you all?” Duff’s surprisingly tranquil about all of this, more so than the others.

He extends his hand, “I apologize for our intrusion. My name is Duff.”

She meets him, “Duff, care to explain just why you’re… associates, are running amuck in Ponyville.”

”It’s a long story, you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

”Try me.”

”When’s the next train to Canterlot?” Flavus asks swiftly.

”It’s about to leave, but why-“ Flavus darts away before she can finish talking. Turns out he’s just as weird as the others.

Duff rubs his head, “Once again, apologies.” Light turns and walks away towards the exit of town.

“Where are you going?”

”I have to see her, just in case.” No no, why is everyone leaving?

“Duff you have to stop him.”

”I can’t do that Anon. He needs to see it for himself.”

Light disappears from view, Mous bringing Anonymous and Mickey back by the ear.

Flash sighs, “I need a drink.”

“I think we all do.”

Mous lets the two of them go, “If I see you both fighting again there will be hell to pay.”

”I won’t let him corrupt Dash again!”

”I’m not a villain, stop painting me as one!”

Twilight watches the two of them bicker, Duff putting on his best fake smile. ”Care to join us for a drink Twilight?”

She tries to make sense of your situation, but it’s clear that she’s coming up blank. ”Fine, but you’re going to tell me everything you know.”

”I give you my word as a soldier.”

She looks to the others, “Where’d you have in mind?”

”The Broken Record. If it’s still around.”

”It’s not open yet.”

He leads your group off, “I know where the spare key is.”


All of you slip through the back door and into the club. ”I used to work here as a bouncer before… well we’ll talk about it.” He grabs a couple drinks from the back and lays it out for you.

Anonymous takes a deep breath, “I was here yesterday. It was my anniversary.”

Mickey sits on the other side of the table away from him, “Sure it was.” The two of them are getting old fast.

“Flash, how’d you know this Twilight girl?”

“Remember when I said I got married?”

“You didn’t…”

”Love works in mysterious ways, and now it’s separated us.” Conflicting thoughts of sadness and disgust tear you apart. He’s heartbroken, but he married a horse. This is a fucked up place.

Mous pulls out a bottle and downs a pill. “What’re those for?”

“Painkillers. It helps me get through the day.”

“Does it help a broken heart?”

”Sorry, Flash, no such luck.”

He lets out a groan and finishes off his drink, “I’m going home.”

“What? Where?”

“Twilight has a good life here, the last thing she needs is me cluttering it up. Erreda’s my only home now.” He gets up, “I know what you’re going to say, but Duff is right. I need to see it for myself.”

Mous shakes his hand, “Farewell.” He leaves the bar, giving Twilight one last look before exiting.

“Shit.” That leaves only five of you. Mous sits in silence.

“So how’d Pinkie react?”

”You know Pinkie…” He sips his beer and returns to silence.

”I thought you’d be happier to see other people,” Anonymous says, “We’re the first ones in a while for you right?”

”Men are a plague, a disease, parasites. I’ve buried my hatchet long ago.”

“Do you have that little faith in your own kind?”

“I know that when the chips were down I turned into a creature of greed and death. It’s the instincts of all men to act on self-interest.”

Mickey replies, “Certainly sounds like a relative of mind.”

“You bring him up one more time and I’m liable to take his side.”

“Thank you Anon,” Anonymous grins, turning to a frown when he eyes his brother. Even though both Light and Mickey spoke of how evil this guy was, you don’t get that vibe from him. He’s a good guy, you can tell. Duff sets his bottle down and heads on over.

“How’d it go?” Mous asks.

“Twilight’s a mare of science. She took it better than I expected.”

“So what now?”

”What do you mean?” he asks in return.

“What’s our next step to getting home?”

Mickey moans, “Again with this guy.”

“There is no way home, accept it. You’re stuck here,” Mous says.

”I know this is hard on you, more so than us. We’ve dealt with this before, unlike you,” Duff tries to comfort you.

“Then, what do I do?”

“You start a new life here with us. At least you’ll be around friends.”

“You aren’t my friends. My friends were supportive of me, you dash my hopes the second you can.”

This hits them right where it hurts. “We don’t want you to put your effort into a cause with no chance to succeed,” Mickey says.

Anonymous tries next, “I wanted to run back home too, but this place- it grows on you.”

“It’s a chance to start over,” Mous finishes up, “To become better.”

“I don’t want to start over. I want to go home.”

Mous loses his temper, “Then join the club. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and man the fuck up.” He snorts and chugs his drink, “Entitled piece of shit…”

He does well to kill the mood, the front door of the club opening. “Who the hell broke into my club?”

A white unicorn donned with a pair of purple tinted sunglasses walks inside with two other ponies at her side. Duff freezes, “Shit. I forgot about that.” He turns around, “Well hello, I take it you’re the infamous Vinyl Scratch that I’ve heard so much about.”

Her cheeks turn scarlet, “Why yes, yes I am.”

“My name is Duff. I apologize for dropping in like this, but I couldn’t wait-”

“To help yourself to my booze?”

Oh god this is terrible. “You see-“ Twilight steps in before he can dig himself any further. “These ‘men’ have different customs where they come from, apologies.”

“That’s abundantly clear.” She explains how this was a misunderstanding and that she’s taking care of them as of now. Vinyl wasn’t happy in the slightest, even when Anonymous had the coin to pay her back.

Thankfully Twilight disarmed the situation before things could get ugly, and then Twilight mentioned how we were in need of work. ”Really? I could use some muscle like them around actually.”

Duff speaks up, “It just so happens that I used to be a bouncer.”

”We’ll just have to see what you can do.”

”Sounds like a date.”

Vinyl and Duff are left to talk and Twilight moves over to the four of you. ”So what do you four do?”

None of you want to be the first to speak. Thankfully Anonymous breaks the ice. ”I’m a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy, but I do have a pretty good knowledge of Equestrian history and magical theory.”

”Really? And where’d you learn that?”

He rubs his hands nervously, “Well, you taught me.”

She looks impressed. “And how about you,” she asks his brother.

“Fighter. I help deal with problems.” She’s not so impressed there.

“Name’s Mous ma’am. Ex-adventurer. Not so good at labor, as you can see, but I’ve got more than enough experience through my travels.” That too brings a smile to her face. He seems to be a steady medium between the two.

”And what about you?”

Oh shit it’s your turn. “Area coordinator for a networking company.”

”And that is?”

“I oversee operations in a selected area and make sure people don’t fuck things up.”

She turns her nose up at your language, “Not one of the tamer ones I see.”

“I was abducted from my home and thrown into a land of talking horses, why should I be tame?”

“Because this ‘talking horse’ is trying to help you.”

She’s right and you know it. “I didn’t meant it like that. This is a lot to take in.”

”We know that feel,” they say.

”Don’t worry about it. I’ll try and figure something out for you all.”

Duff comes back, “Well I got myself a place to stay and a job. Hooah. How about you guys?”

“Nothing yet,” Mous replies looking to Twilight hopefully.

She’s quick to respond, “There’s a small house on-“

Duff cuts her off, ”The edge of town that’s vacant. Am I right?”

“And you’re going to talk with Mayor Mare and let us stay there?”

She shakes her head with a smile, “I’m going to hate you aren’t I?”

Mous picks up his cane, “Want me to smack’em for you?”

“That’s quite alright.” These guys seem to know the drill.

“So are we gonna check it out?”


Duff heads off with Vinyl, but promises to meet up with us later. On the way you decide that Mous should be the head of the house. He’s got age, experience and can break up a fight if the brothers get into it. They weren’t too happy to be sharing living quarters to say the least. Mickey can’t stand to be around Anonymous, and Anonymous doesn’t want Mickey to keep pestering. Maybe in another life he did something wrong, but you see the good guy before you.

Twilight unlocks the door and tells you to make yourself at home. Not long after she left did they begin to fight, Mous having to lay down the cane. You don’t blame them for stopping, that thing fucking hurts. Your side still aches from the swift smacks he gave to you.

It’s agreed that Mous gets the main bedroom while the rest of you split up the other rooms upstairs. You and Anonymous decide to share a room while Mickey can get a room to himself. He tried to intimidate his brother with a show of force, but it seems he can’t perform magic that well. Anonymous said it has something to do with a guy called Discord, but you didn’t pay that much attention.

Still, Mickey’s strong physically, but you and Anonymous are enough to stay his hand. You lounge about the rest of the day with Anonymous and Mous, passing the time with some stories. Mickey was busy working out, but you know he’s probably just sleeping. Mous turns out to be a nice enough guy aside from the whole, men are evil thing. With Duff, Mous and the others, you might be able to last long enough to find a way back. You just need to find one.


Meanwhile in the north… You pant and heave as you open your eyes. Teleportation isn’t basic level magic, and you had to pour most of your will in order to pull it off. Thankfully it seems to have paid off. You drag yourself through the tunnel and into the darkness. Hooves cling to your body as they help you along… Your family helping you.

You’re plopped at her feet, her presence intoxicating. “It’s good to see you again.”

She wraps her hooves around your head, “It’s alright Anon. You’re home now.”

“I swear, I won’t leave you again.”

Your body tingles at her touch, “Oh yes, I know. I know…”

Chapter 2: Trained Slacker

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”Give yourself some credit Mous, that takes some skill.”

“I don’t know half of what you said, but it sounded awesome,” you cue in, Mous having finished his story.

“The hydra was just defending its territory, the ponies should’ve known that. I should’ve too.

“But it was causing destruction to the countryside.” It wasn’t his fault.

”Only where they impeded on its land. Its things like this that make me regret coming here.”

”If it wasn’t you, it would’ve been someone else.”

Mous wraps up his story and looks out the window, measuring the time till sundown. ”We’ve got about an hour, anyone want to get a bite to eat?”

“I only have human money,” you pull a few bills out of your pocket, basically useless now.

Anonymous rattles his coin purse, “Dinner’s on me boys.”

“We’re going to get along fine,” Mous stands up on his cane.

“Speaking of which, is he coming too?”

Anonymous leans on the railing and shouts, “Hey queer, you coming?”

”Fuck you.”

“I’d take that as a no.”

”You think?” Mous jokes.


Your entourage heads out on the town, the ponies still questioning your presence. Whatever. You have to tolerate them so they have to tolerate you. Fair’s fair. Your road leads you to a small restaurant, nothing fancy. The hostess is a bit startled when you walk through but she swiftly regains her composure. ”Welcome to the Prime Green. How can I help you?”

”Dinner for three, preferably a booth.” Picking up some menus she gestures you over to your dining area. Anonymous slides in one side and Mous on the other, leaving you a choice.

You’re about to slide in, “You sit over there if you know what’s good for you,” Mous warns.

You don’t need to be told twice and sit next to Anonymous. ”Have I told you that I hate you Mous?”

”Tell me about it later.”

A Pegasus comes over, “Hiya boys, what can I get for you?”

“What’re the odds that you serve burgers?” Mous and Anonymous give you the death glare. “What?”

The Pegasus eases the tension, “While we don’t serve most meats or poultry there are other alternatives that we provide.” They look genuinely surprised by the response. ”We have fresh fish, eggs, imported shellfish and other foods.”

“Can I order an omelet?”

”Yes sir.” Oh lordy. You place an order for a loaded omelet.

”I think I’ll have the same thing,” Anonymous says.

”Make that three orders in total,” Mous finishes.

”Alright, three loaded omelets and three fresh waters correct?”

“I think that’s just perfect.”

”Alright, I’ll get that right for ya dear.”

Anonymous punches your shoulder playfully, “Nice going. How’d you know they wouldn’t freak out?”

“I didn’t. I just figured that not only ponies would eat here.”

They think it over. “Damn. That’s a good point,” they laugh. You take dinner slow, even managing to enjoy yourself. They aren’t too bad. Anonymous shuts up quite abruptly and sit back in his seat.

“You alright?” He nods and finally breathes a few seconds later. “You sure man, it’s like you saw a ghost?”

”He just saw his little sweat heart isn’t that right?”

”Shut up Mous,” he says fanning his shirt.

”I know how you feel dude. It’s not easy just to let her walk.”

You look to the pony that passed, cyan, rainbow mane. You remember them talking about some ‘Dash.’ “What’s her name?”

”Rainbow Dash.”

You nod and turn your head, the Pegasus right by your side, “You called.” Shit that’s freaky. She laughs at you, “Didn’t scare you now did I? So why are you talking about me?”

Anonymous jumps in for you, “I was just saying how fast I heard you were.”

She stands tall, “Fastest in Equestria.”

He smiles, “Yeah.”

She sits next to Mous without invitation, “So what are you guys?”

”Human,” Mous says with obvious annoyance.

”Well, you ‘humans’ any good at racing?”

“I’m not bad myself. I did some track in high school,” you answer, at least one of your skills being relevant here.

”Me too,” Anonymous cuts in, “I run quite a bit actually.”

”How about you,” she asks Mous.

He holds up his cane, “Marathon runner over here.”

She giggles at him, “You’re too much. I might have to teach you who’s the fastest sometime.”

”I might just hold you to that Dash.” Anonymous says hanging at her every word.

She catches herself before she leaves, “I never got your names.”

“I’m Anon, the gentleman beside me is Anonymous, and that cheerful fellow is Mous.”

”Anon, Mous and Anonymous? You all brothers or something?”

Mous makes sure to get in first, “Thankfully no.”

She covers her mouth to stop from laughing, “Oh my. You really are something. If you’re not too busy swing by Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow morning. I could use some running partners.”

”We’ll see if we can,” Anonymous says playing cool.

”Don’t make me wait,” she replies moving back to her table.

You wait a few seconds before turning to Anonymous, “You hate running don’t you?”

”With a passion,” he responds, “But I love her more than I hate running.” The bill comes down and Anonymous does you all a solid. You all decide to head home, Anonymous bringing back half his omelet for his douchebag brother.

“We got some food for you Mickey!” He comes downstairs, thanking you and tearing into it. “Don’t thank me, thank your brother.”

He stops chewing and look to him, “What’d he do to it?”

“He didn’t eat it, for you.”

”Just eat your damn food,” Mous says as he ascends the stairs. It takes him a few seconds, but his hunger soon overcomes his suspicions. You all head to bed shortly afterwards and get a good night’s sleep.

You toss and turn in your sleep, images of home flashing over and over. They’re beckoning you, knowing you can’t possibly reach them. ”You want to go home don’t you?” Yes, more than anything. It’s what you yearn for. ”Then you know what you have to do.” You don’t know. How could you know? ”Your family misses you, go home.” A hand presses against you and you spring up.

It’s Anonymous the sneaky bastard, “About time, come on.”

You rub your drowsy eyes, the sun not even up yet. “What time is it?”

”About four ‘o clock. Let’s go.” He pushes you out of bed and makes you get dressed.

“Damn dude, at least let me get something to eat.”

”We’re going to Sweet ‘Apple’ Acres. Emphasis on the apple.”

“I figured.”

He tiptoes down the stairs though you don’t make such an effort. The door opposite of yours swings open and Mickey looks out, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Some race with Rainbow Dash.”

He furrows his brow and looks to Anonymous, “I’ll be down in a sec.”

When you get downstairs you find Anonymous glaring at you. “What?”

”Did it occur to you that I didn’t want him to go?”

“Why not? Oh…”

He shakes his head and sits on the couch until Mickey gets downstairs. ”Thanks for waiting, Anon. I don’t want him getting any ideas.”

“Whatever, let’s just go.”


You follow the dirt road out of Ponyville and head to some orchard type place. Anonymous takes the lead as it seems Mickey doesn’t know much about this place. You spot a large barn and house up ahead, an orange pony standing out front. ”Well I’ll be. Didn’t expect y’all to show up. Dash told me a little about ya.”

”Applejack,” Anonymous greets her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. This here’s Anon and Mickey.”

”Mickey? I thought his name was Mous?”

“There are five of us, Mous is still sleeping.”

”Well why didn’t you say so in the first place? Dash is ‘round back.”

Mickey stops his brother as we’re about to move on, “If you try anything…”

”Dash is my girl, but we’ll see who she likes more.” Oh boy, two brothers fighting over the same girl.

You find the Pegasus doing some stretches and she smiles as you approach. ”I half expected you to stay home. Nice to find some new partners.”

“You can thank Anonymous, he’s the one who dragged me out of bed.”

She nods to him, “Like the initiative. Who’s the friend?”

“Mickey, his brother.”

”He’s cute,” she says, Mickey eyeing his brother with a smile. ”You guys run the trail before? It can be quite the haul.”

Anonymous slips off his jacket and limbers up, “I can get used to it.”

You stretch your legs as Mickey chuckles, “Nothing a guy like me can’t handle.”

Dash rolls her eyes and looks to you, “You ready?”

“Yeah, just needed to stretch a little. Don’t want to hurt myself.”

”It’s good to know your limits,” Applejack says lining up with you… and you’re off.


The pace is set by Dash who fluctuates between fast and slow. You manage to match her step per step, Applejack and Mickey following close behind. Anonymous… well he tries his best to keep up. Admirable actually… Rainbow makes idle chat with you while you jog along. When you aren’t looking, it’s not that different than talking with another person.

She has hobbies and goes to work, she has a favorite team called the Wonderbolts. She’s real nice actually. Applejack and Mickey get to talking too, and Anonymous slips further and further away. When you turn around to check on him, he’s not there and you stop. “Where’d Anonymous go?”

”Took a break I reckon.”

Dash asks Mickey to go back for him, “He should’ve known better. He never was the athletic type like me.” She stares icily at him, but he stays stubborn.

“I’ll get him.” You jog back and find him hunched over, hands on his knees, wheezing.

”Oh- Hey- Anon. How’s- the run?”

“Fine, I came back to check on you. You good?”

”Just perfect,” he gasps, “Should’ve stayed- in shape.” You grab his arm and pull it over your shoulder, “Thanks man.”

“No problem, it’s what pals do right?” The three of them are waiting when you return, Mickey trying to get cozy with Dash. He’s obviously failing.

She looks to the two of you with a smile, “He doing alright?”

“Just got a bit winded.”

”I just need someone to give me that little push, thanks again.”

“Like I said, it’s what pals do.”


You swing back around and hit the barn, your stomach grumbling. Applejack excuses herself as she goes inside. Dash and the rest of you take turns freshening up, courtesy of AJ. She finishes cleaning up and sits next to you by the barn. ”Good little run today. Company’s always pleasant.”

“Speaking of, what do you think of them?”

She looks to the two brothers fighting over who gets the shower first. ”That Mickey one is cute, has the body to go with it, but he’s a conceited…”


”Sounds right.”

“And how about Anonymous?”

“He’s okay and obviously not athletic, but he’s a nice guy. I’d like to get to know him better actually.”

“You could always help him get in shape. I’m sure he wouldn’t protest.”

”Might just do that…”

Before you can get any further in conversation, Applejack hollers out, ”Soup’s on, everypony!” Dash takes you by the hand and drags you inside the house, the other two following. ”We don’t get much company so we pulled out all the stops,” AJ boasts. The bounty of food does more than impress. ”We’ve got pancakes with apple syrup and apple butter, roasted potatoes with apples, apple cider, apple stew and our famous apple pie.”

You’re surprised your jaw hasn’t fallen off. “This looks amazing, thanks Applejack.”

”Don’t mention it partner, we’re all friends here.” All hands and hooves reach towards the center and you look to each other. “Draw!”

Syrup’s flung and taters are tossed, pie’s cut and stew’s devoured. The food tornado came through and destroyed everything in sight. You pick up a sponge while the others are giggling and laughing away, making sure to tidy this place up. For a time, maybe for just a few seconds, Anonymous and Mickey stopped fighting and just had fun. It’s nice to see, and you found yourself not thinking how Applejack was able to make food being a pony, and more how Applejack earned all those medals on the wall.

Mickey joins you in your quest for cleanliness, “You got this side?”

“Could always use some help.”

”It’s been a long time since- well since I’ve had some fun.”

“Thank your brother. Neither of us would’ve been here without him.”

”Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Here we go… ”I know that you don’t believe me, but just… watch him will ya?”

“Do you even hear yourself? He’s your brother for fuck’s sakes.” You keep your voice down as to not interrupt the evening.

”You think I don’t know? He got me killed! My own brother!”

His voice carries over and you pull him over and whisper in his ear. “Keep your voice down, and if you expect me to believe that he,” you point to him, “Got you killed, you’re sorely mistaken.”

”That’s not-“ he quiets down, “Just keep an eye on him for me. If he doesn’t do anything fine, if he does…”

”If he does what?” AJ says standing next to you.

”Oh I uh-“

“If he doesn’t help out, we’re going to have to kick his ass.”

”Fighting words,” Anonymous jokes and joins you. AJ seems satisfied and walks away.

“Good save,” Mickey replies with thanks.


You finish your task and all head home, AJ kind enough to let you take some leftovers. Mous thanks you for the breakfast and you make idle chatter. He says that Twilight had stopped by earlier and told him to meet her at the Town Hall. She said it was important so you all make sure to get ready to go.

You stroll down the street, your band attracting attention like usual. Hope this doesn’t become a habit. As much as you like being the center of attention, you’d rather it not be from a mass of ponies. You find the large tower-like hall in the center of town and Mous knock on the door. He walks in, Twilight and a mature looking pony with a silverish-grey mane standing behind a desk. ”So you’re the ones that Twilight told me about, please come in. I’m Mayor Mare.” You sit down while she goes over her stack of papers. ”So you four are new to town is that correct?”

“Yes ma’am.”

”And where are you from originally?”

Mous saves you, “From out east in minotaur territory.”

”Interesting, I’ve heard some things about there. Any family?”

”No ma’am, but these two are brothers.”

She looks over her glasses, “Is that right? Ah, now I see the resemblance.”

“So what’s all this about?”

Twilight says she’s recording info for your citizenship in Ponyville. After she does that, then she can help you find a job. It’s only temporary Anon. Once you find a way back home this place’ll just be a memory. So you answer the questions and hope for the best.

She processes the information for what feels like hours before shoving four certificates before us. ”Sign at the bottom and you will officially live in Ponyville.” You sign your name at the bottom and slide it back, “Now we just need to put you all to work.”

Twilight calls Anonymous out and asks if he’d like to serve as her assistant seeing as that’s what he did in the past. He accepts, the lucky bastard, but… Why is this happening without the others? “Shouldn’t Duff be here?”

”He already got this taken care of yesterday.” Damn that dude’s fast. The mayor looks over to Mous, “You know, Twilight has the right idea. Would you care to help me out?”

Mous smiles, “I would be delighted to ma’am.” He sure knows how to charm a girl.

“So what about me and Mickey?”

The mayor looks to Mickey curiously, “I’m not sure exactly what positions we have available for someone with your… qualifications.”

”I can do anything that needs doing. If it requires muscle I’m there.”

She flips through her sheets, “We do have an opening for construction work out in-“

”I’ll take it.”

She eyes him carefully, “Alright, if that’s what you want. So that just leaves you.”

“I hope you saved the best for last.”

She takes her time, evaluating each one carefully, “Exactly what did you do back east Mr. Anon?”

“Area manager.”


“It’s- well it’s complicated.”

”I see,” she flips through the sheets once more.

“You do have a job for me right?”

She sets down her list, “I’m sorry Anon. There doesn’t seem to be any jobs available right now.”

You give her a blank stare. “You were able to give those three jobs right on the spot, but then just, NOPE, no more jobs?”

”That’s about right,” the mayor answers.

“Yeah, I’m calling bullshit.”

Mous barks, “Watch your mouth!”

Mickey has your back, “I’ve got to agree, this is crap.”

“So do you just expect me to lounge about all day? I’m not a mooch.”

”We have a royal welfare program that might-“

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I’m not doing that. If this is all you’re going to give me then I think we’re done here.” You stand up and walk out the door, scanning for someplace to go. You pick a direction and walk, your feet taking you back to a familiar building. No bits, damn. Well maybe the music won’t be bad.

The interior isn’t all that busy and the music is kept low. There’s plenty of booths that are open. ”Well well, Anon. Come ‘round to say hello?” Duff sits off at the bar, his sidearm attached firmly to his leg. He beckons you over and slips a Dos Equus in your hand. ”Have any problems yet?”

“I can name a few.” He chuckles and cracks his knuckles. You notice his shirt, a simple black but fine and new as well. ”Where’d you get the goods?”

He catches your drift, “First time I came around I had to get some new clothes, and it was a hassle let me tell ya. Thankfully I met a mare who fixed me up.”

“You’ll have to introduce me.”

He breathes deep his face having ‘no’ written all over it, “She’s a bit much. I wasn’t all that thrilled to see her again.”

“How bad can she be?”

”Don’t get me started. I was lucky enough to have remembered my measurements.”

“Still though, it’d give me something to do. Not like I have a job.”

”So that’s with that glum look. I’d love to set you up here, but my charm only goes so far.”

“Yeah I could tell. What’s her face sure seemed to like you.”

”Me and Vinyl were good friends back in the day. I just know what makes her tick.”

“She wouldn’t happen to be where you’re bunking is it?”

”Don’t get any smarmy ideas. Vinyl’s a nice lass, but that’s all she’ll be. Until I find a ring.” You choke on your beer, Duff laughing his ass off. He pats you on the back. “I’m just fucking with you. She is special to me though so don’t try to act sly.”

”Next time I want to score some ‘pony-tang’ I’ll be sure to check in with you.”

“There are some mares around here I think you’d like,” he says getting up.

“Don’t you dare!”

He plops back down with that smug grin on his face, “You are too easy to get riled up.” Damn he’s a dick, but he is funny, so you guess that makes it okay. If someone’s going to make you feel better, it’s him.

As things begin to pick up you join Duff in his rounds. He has to throw out a pony or two, but things stay calm for the most part. Well, as calm is it can be in a club with booze and loud ass music. He makes sure you stay nice and boozed, though you only drink two bottles. Duff looks to the entrance and tries to turn away, “Oh for fuck’s sake..”

“What’s the problem?”

“Duff! I didn’t know you worked here,” a high pitched squeal comes out of right field. You take a chance and look to the siren’s wail as a white unicorn comes along with a yellow Pegasus at her rear.

”Oh, hello Rarity.”

“So you’re Rarity,” you say emphasizing the ‘you’re.’

”I’m sorry, have we met?”

“No such luck,” you reply putting on your most gentlemanly act, “My name is Anon.”

”Hmm, a gentlecolt I see. My name is Miss Rarity, though you can just call me Rarity.”

Her companion tries to hide behind her but her pink mane gives her away. “And who’s your friend?”

Rarity steps out of the way, the Pegasus *eeping* and tries to hide behind her hair. Okay, even for a pony, she’s fucking adorable. ”This shy little thing is Fluttershy.”

One of her crystal blue eyes meets yours, “Umm… hi…” Her voice is so quiet you can barely hear her over the music.

“Nice to meet you two.”

Duff gives you a look of warning before conveniently spotting a troublemaker. He hurries off and leaves you alone with the two of them. Clever… ”Care to buy two mares a drink.”

“Wish I could, but I’d need money for that. Just got into town.”

”Oh you poor dear. I wish there was something I could do.”

“It’s alright. Things always work out in the end. I hope.”

”Drinks are on me tonight then, would you care to join us?”

“I’d be honored,” you nod graciously.

She looks to Fluttershy, “Grab him while you can.” Her cheeks flush red at the statement. You slide into a booth, Fluttershy plopped next to you by Rarity. You scooch inwards and give her more room. You manage to get a glimpse of a smile, the sight soothing you. Strange, no one’s been able to do that so easily. ”So Anon, how’s the love life?” Oh it’s going to be a long night.


Rarity is… not as bad as Duff made her out to be. Sure she’s got that hoity toity attitude, but she’s earned it. She’s boasted about her fame in the fashion industry, hell even her popularity in Ponyville. Fluttershy even spoke up to attest to that.

You’ve looked over bigger personality flaws in friends and she shouldn’t be any different. It might be premature to call her a friend, but she certainly has that friendly social quality about her. You don’t get to know Fluttershy that well, but you’d like to. She’s like the little sister you never had, always scared and needing her big brother to scare the monsters away. That’s a nice thought actually.

Before you know it the night comes to an end and you have to leave, shame. You thank Rarity once again for her generosity and give a quiet goodbye to Fluttershy. Today wasn’t the best day in the world, but it certainly wasn’t bad. Sure you’ll be stuck with tons of free time to mooch off the other productive members of your misfit band of brothers, but that also could give you more time to get to know the people here.

You’ll take a page out of Duff’s book and see Rarity about clothes, no matter how much that feels like copying. Maybe you’ll talk to Twilight too. Apologize for your behavior and see if she knows of any way to get you back home. She seems to understand this more than you do after all. But the moon is high and the crickets chirp. Real Shakespearean shit out here. You need to take a load off.


Meanwhile in Canterlot castle… You burst through the doors out of breath, hands still dripping. She’s where she usually is, standing by the window and staring at the moonlit sky. “I- I did it. I did as you asked.”

”Good,” she says with a purr, “And how did it feel?”

It pains you to admit it, you’d done so well to get away from all this. “Good.”

”Only good?” she turns around with her blue slit eyes upon you.

“No! It- it was-” you sigh, “amazing…”

She hums to herself, “I’m proud of you my little Anon.” She looks back out the window, her smoky violet mane swaying in the breeze. ”Get freshened up. I have another assignment for you.”


”Would you say no to me Anon? After all we’ve been through?”

She’s right. If she needs something done, you’re the man to do it. For her. “Name the target and he’s as good as dead.”

She smiles, “That’s what I like to hear.”

Chapter 3: Party Light

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¬More images swim through your mind. Not even in sleep can you find peace. It pisses you off to no end. All the teasing and pestering. Your own subconscious mind turns against you. ”You want to go home don’t you?

And with the damn questions. It’s one after another after another. ”Your friends aren’t who they seem.” It whispers these fallacies into your ear. All your paranoid thoughts are brought back to the surface. ”They want you to accept this place. Don’t.” That- sounds reasonable. ”There’s always a way back. Find it Anon.”


You sip at your coffee in the kitchen, your new pants a nice fit. She certainly does good work. Mickey comes bounding downstairs with his construction hat and tool belt. “Off to work?”

”No I just like wearing this stuff,” he jokes.

“Try not to get crushed under the supports.”

”Oh come on that was one time!” More sarcasm, though it does well to cut through his hard exterior. He leaves and once again you’re by yourself. Anonymous already left to run with Dash, you having to attend of course. Mickey couldn’t go all the time so he has you go for him. He thinks it’s because you respect his wishes. The truth? You’re lonely.

Mous and the mayor are working hand in hand now so he’s mostly at the town hall. Right now he’s probably going over blueprints for the new section they’re putting up. Everyone else is busy and doing there thing and here you are, chilling. Its feels kinda good actually. Nope, that’s not a good sign. Come on feet we’re talking a walk.

You head back into town, taking your allowance with you. You don’t usually accept charity, but the others were insistent. The markets are bustling as they usually are at this time. Everypony- oh damn did you just say that? Note to self, slap face when you get home. Everyone, that’s better, tries to get here early for the best produce and such.

Applejack is over there doing what she does best, anything apple related. ”Howdy partner, care for some breakfast?”

“Thanks but no thanks.”

”Shucks, your loss,” she makes a transaction with another customer, “What brings you out so early?”

“I think this trend of laziness is getting to me. I thought it felt good not to do anything today.”

”That’s some serious stuff,” she says holding in a laugh.

“It’s not funny. I have a problem.” Her cheeks expand and she has to hold her mouth shut. You scowl at her as another customer approaches. “You got a customer.”

He catches her eye and she’s back to professionalism in a glance, “Mornin’ there partner! Ah sell apples and apple accessories, what can I get for ya?” You decide to leave her be as she conducts business. You’ll just get in the way.

You bump into a pony by accident and their basket spills all over the ground. “Oh shoot, I’m sorry. Let me get that for you.” You kneel down to pick it up and finally get a look at her. “Fluttershy? I didn’t even see you there.”

”I-it’s okay,” she squeaks, “I wasn’t looking.” That’s just nonsense. You ran into her not the other way around.

“Don’t be like that. I should’ve been paying attention.” You gather the spilled items and place it in the bag. “Let me make it up to you and carry your basket. I won’t take no for an answer.”

“O-okay…” You stand together motionless for about a minute. Is she stuck? “So where we going?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was waiting for you.” You chuckle as she gets into gear.

”Produce Parlor, what can I get for you,” the attendant says in a drab tone.

”Umm, two heads of lettuce, I mean, if that’s okay…”

He rolls his eye, “Ten bits.”

Fluttershy reaches into her bag, but you stop her. “I don’t know much about money here, but I do know that that price is outrageous. What was it yesterday?”

”Two bits, but it ain’t yesterday it’s today.”

”It’s alright Anon, I can pay.”

Oh hell no, that’s bullshit. You flag down a customer you just saw leave. “Hello sir, how much did you pay for this lettuce.”

”A bit a head, per usual.”

You glare back at the attendant, “Prices fluctuate all the time.”

“Save it, you’re taking advantage of this ladies kindness and you know it. Two bits, that’s the deal.”

”Ten bits and you walk away before things get ugly.” This guy is fucking toast.

”Two bits,” a voice calls behind you, “and maybe I’ll open this can of whoop ass somewhere else.” Mous comes limping over in his cane, a fire in his eye. ”Who else happened to take advantage of this mare?” Silence.

The stall boy walks out from behind his post, “I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t just boss me-“ He gets in range and Mous thwacks him with his cane. ”Oww, what’s wrong with- *thwack* Gah! Fine! Take it for two bits!” He crawls back to his booth clutching to his new bruises.

You toss him three bits of your own purse. “Keep the change.”

You place them in Fluttershy’s basket and she whispers the words ‘Thank you.’

”I’ll ask again, anyone else take advantage of this mare?” Half a dozen shop keepers toss a pile of bits on their stands, not wanting to feel of wrath of his mighty walking stick. He collects each pile, making cold frightening eye contact with each of them before placing them back with Fluttershy. ”You two finish up and skedaddle, I’ll have to give these colts a stern talking to.”

She quickly finishes her shopping trip and you offer to walk her home, to which she accepts. She lives outside of Ponyville by the Everfree Forest where you appeared. Her cottage is filled to the brim with animals by what Mous has told you. ’Beware the smell’ he said.

The entire way there Fluttershy was filled with energy. She couldn’t stop talking about what just happened. Every scene was reenacted, you standing up for her, the argument, Mous giving it to him. You just smiled and walked along while she tired herself out. It’s only when she finally reaches the crescendo of her story that she realizes just how loud she was. She swiftly apologizes and walks silent the rest of the way home. You couldn’t muster the courage to tell her that her act was rather adorable.

When you reach the door she apologizes one more time and thanks you for your help. “Don’t mention it, here” you hand her the basket, “You’re going to want this.”

”Oh um, thanks.” An awkward silence ensues, Fluttershy fidgeting nervously.

“I- I guess I should be going. See you around Fluttershy.”

She waves shakily at you as you depart. Your time with her cut a small chunk out of your day at least. You really need to pick up a hobby. Been here for a week and a half and all you have to show for it is a house and some friends. Actually, that isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things. You stop and take a deep breath of that spring scent, the flowers give off the best scent this time of year. You almost don’t notice the bump against your rump, almost.

Out of fear you nearly jump out of your skin and look backwards, your offender cowering behind her mane. “Fluttershy? Thank god it’s just you. You almost gave me a heart attack.” She calms down with you, but why is she here at all? Why isn’t she back at her cottage? “Been following me for long?” you ask sarcastically.

”I just- well- I thought-“ she sighs, “Never mind…” She turns and walks away, the hint of sadness unmistakable. You’re about to turn when she stops abruptly, “Be assertive Fluttershy…” You didn’t hear her clearly. She rounds about and marches towards you. ”Anon, I’d like to invite you over to my cottage.”


”I won’t take no for an- Wait what?”

Her forceful show fades away at your answer and you can’t help but grin. “You don’t need to act tough to get me to come over.”

”So… you do?”

You smile and nod. “I’d love to.”


You open the door for her and instantly understand what Mous meant by the smell. It’s certainly bad, but you’ve had the unfortunate experience to witness a septic leak. This is nothing in comparison. She cleans up nice with all the animals that roam about, not a single piss-stained plank or dung pile in sight. The smell is the only part that permeates the atmosphere but you can get used to it. ”Can I get you something to drink? Tea or something if you want…”

“Water will be fine thank you.”

She flies over to the kitchen and gives you a chance to sit down. A white rabbit hops over by your leg and stares at you. You stare back. His eyes pierce the very essence of your being and wraps around your soul, entwining it with his fuzzy demeanor. The battle of wills engages for an eternity and when the ashes have settled only the two of you will remain. Oh come on, it’s a fucking rabbit.

He reaches his tiny paw up towards you and swings it a few times. You meet him with your finger, the rabbit gripping it and giving a hearty shake. He doesn’t have a collar or anything. You wonder what his name is. ”I see you met Angel,” she says reading your mind, “He’s a good friend.” The little guy certainly seems nice enough.

You talk with her a little bit, mainly about what she does for a living, though you didn’t have to ask. She takes care of animals big and small and she sells anything that they produce that would go to waste otherwise. You’re surprised to find out how wealthy she actually is with all the ingredients and business she gets. She didn’t even brag about it like Rarity did. That doesn’t surprise you coming from her though.

That’s when she asked about back home. Now, you’re not sure why, but lying to her just felt… wrong. So you tell her the truth, about earth your family and friends. She takes it well but when she asks how you got here, it gets difficult. “I can’t give you an answer there as much as I’d like to know myself. I just kinda popped in here.”

“And what about your friends?”

“Before I say anything else you have to promise me you’ll keep it a secret.”


“If this gets out… I don’t know how ponies will react.”


“Can you promise me that you’ll keep it a secret?”

She nods, “Pinkie Promise.” That’s good enough for you. So you tell her. Everything.

She takes it all in, all the alternative universe jargon and scientific theory mumbo jumbo Twilight gave you, all of it. This was supposed to be a secret between the Anons and Twilight, but now she knows too. You feel regret for breaking that covenant, but also relief for talking to someone else about it. Someone who might understand how you felt. ”I’m sorry.” That’s all she says. And that’s all she needed to say.

“Thank you for listening, it’s good to get this off my chest.”

She does understand. She empathized with you, she could feel how you felt, that longing pain to return home. ”Why can’t Twilight send you back? She’s the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville.”

“Teleportation is a dangerous art she said. Something about getting sucked into the vacuum of space.”

”So there’s no way back?”

“No, but something brought me here. That thing can take me back.” She grows silent, your negativity killing the mood. “I’d have to find the thing first. I don’t even know where to look,” you say with a smile.

”I hope you find it Anon,” she replies, “You deserve to be happy.” You thank her and drink the last of your water. The sun begins its descent over the hills and only then do you realize how long you’d been talking. She notices too, “Will you look at the time, we’re late!”

You raise an eyebrow questionably. “Late for what?”

”Didn’t your friends tell you? Pinkie’s hosting a party for you all tonight.”

“I must’ve missed the memo.”

You walk into the kitchen with her and grab the fruit platter for her. ”This might not be their first party, but it’s yours.” You open the door for her and the two of you make your way to Sugarcube Corner.


You find the oversized pastry of a building soon enough. By the crippling music and silhouettes cast upon the dim street you’d say you missed the intro. The door opens for the two of you, Mous seemingly in a good mood. ”Nice of you to drop by Anon. Fluttershy, it’s a pleasure to see you could make it.” She takes the platter off your hands and leaves the two of you alone.

“Real nice thing they threw for us don’t you think?”

”Certainly, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Pinkie Pie,” he says counting down on his fingers.

“What’s with the hands?”

”Oh, just trying to give you fair warning.”

“Fair warning for what?”

”For this,” his last finger closes in.


Mous catches you as you stumble backwards from the startling bundle. ”Anon, this is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie this is Anon.”

”I know that silly, you already told me.”

He smiles, “That I did, that I did.”

“So I have you to thank for this wondrous occasion?”

”Don’t you love it?! It is simply spectacular! Mous and I went over the plans again and again to get it just right.”

“Is that so,” you say giving him a knowing look. “And what about work?”

”My recreational activities don’t interfere with my work, rest assured.”


”Hey Pinkie, why don’t you show Anon around. I don’t think he’s tried your cupcakes either.”

She gasps, taking in more air than a pony should be able to. ”We have GOT to fix that.” She drags you away from Mous who rests on a stool waving you goodbye. ”Here try this one first,” she says shoving it into your mouth before you can protest. Oh. Oh my. Calm down Little Anon it’s only a cupcake. You swallow as much as you can, the strawberry-chocolate filling richer than anything you’ve had before. But holy fuck it’s goooood. ”Sooo?” she asks hanging on to your breath.

“John 9:25. Whereas once I was blind, now I can see.”

”So you’re saying…”

You grab another one and toss it up in the air a few times before taking a bite. “They’re delicious.”

”Now to try the rest of them,” you stop her before she can shove something else in your mouth.

“Good things come to those who wait. Why don’t you keep Mous company? He’d really appreciate it.”

”Okie dokie lokie.” She hops on over and you can see him brighten as she approaches. What is up with these guys and mares? You take a slice of pie and find Anonymous, Mickey and Rainbow Dash in a three-way drinking contest. Fluttershy’s propped up nearby watching from the back and you move to join her.

“So who’s winning?”

”I’m not sure, they all look tired.”

“Yeah that’s called being hammered.”

Rainbow Dash sees you and hollers, “Betcha can’t beat me!”

“Do you mind?” you ask Fluttershy.

”Go ahead, it’s your party.”

You pull up a chair, Duff plopping a shot in front of you. “Not going to join us?”

”As much as I’d like to run you all under the table, I have a shift later tonight.” You down it without a hitch, congratulating his forward thinking. ”Someone has to be responsible here. I’m just taking some of that off of good ol’ Mous.” Two more shots down the hatch and Duff says his farewell, hugging Pinkie for the party.

”I tol ya he wush a smrt one,” Mickey grumbles trying to pick up his shot glass. Rainbow Dash laughs and pushes him slightly, the drunk bastard falling out of his chair, which in turn makes her laugh harder.

”HA! Servisiss ‘im right. Tryin ta beat mi,” Anonymous joins in.

You down more and more shots, images starting to blur together. “Hey Anonymiss? Hey. Hey. Hey. Aninimous hey.” You pick his head off the table, a line of drool escaping his mouth. Gross. Rainbow Dash isn’t far behind him and excuses herself only to trip on air and fall off the chair.

She looks to you before she blacks out, “Lucky I wint e z on ya.” The crowd applauds and you take a bow, careful not to tip over accidently. Don’t want to make a fool out of yourself.

When you try to find Fluttershy she vanishes into thin air leaving you scratching your head. You ask around, no one having seen her leave. She’s quiet so most people probably overlooked her. You find Twilight, the observant one of her group of friends. She says that Fluttershy went outside to catch some fresh air.

You find her outside sitting on a bench. You join her. “Beautiful night wouldn’t you say?”

”If you think so…”

“You can never truly appreciate the dark if you’ve never seen the light. Works vice versa too.” You close your eyes and let the nightly sounds conduct their symphony of peace. “When I was a boy my mother told me not to look into the sun, so I didn’t, but one day I took a glance, just one little glance.” You sigh and put your arm on the bench.

“The pain taught me just how cruel and beautiful life can be. I learned just how thin that line was.” You look to the moon and smile. “The night dims all around it, but in the end, the sun still shines through. Dang, this is some philosophical stuff right here.”

”But you said the night was beautiful, how can it be if it also dims all those around it.”

“Because it casts aside the material and shows the true beauty of things. The moon is my compass and it directs me to such sights.”

She smiles, “That’s nice.”

“I surprise even myself sometimes,” you chuckle. Your arm finds its way around her and you subconsciously pull her close. “It’s nice to share a night like this with a friend.” Her body’s like a miniature heater next to you. She rests her head against you and drifts off. This should be romantic, but… it just won’t work. She’s a mare, you’re a man. Maybe if things were different. Another time in another place.

“I guess we’d better get going then huh Fluttershy?” She doesn’t respond. “Fluttershy?” You look down, her chest rising and falling in slumber. The cuteness has been officially doubled. You lay her down on the bench and quickly run inside, saying your goodbyes and grabbing her empty platter. You ease her into your arms and cradle her like you would a small child. She nuzzles and retreats further into your arms as you move off to her cottage.


You open the door home, Angel waiting for you. He takes the platter and points you to her room upstairs while he runs off into the kitchen. He sure is a helpful fella, smart too.

You push open the door and set her down on the bed, Fluttershy sinking into the soft material. Gently, you pull her sheets over her until she’s nice and comfortable. With the light shining down on her she looks positively serene. With a smile you prepare to walk out and back home. “Anon?”

“Yeah Fluttershy.”

”Do… do you mind staying, just for the night?” This rubs you the wrong kind of way, even with the alcohol in your system. ”It’s just- I have trouble falling asleep, and… I feel better if you’re here.”

Anon you are such a sucker. “Sure,” you say sitting back down.

”The whole night?”

“The whole night.”

She takes a deep breath and looks up at you with moonlit eyes, and you’re not sure why, but you decided to do it.

“Hush little pony, don’t say a word. Anon’s gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mockingbird don't sing, Anon's gonna buy you a diamond ring.” She yawns and grins at you. “And if that diamond ring turns to brass, Anon’s gonna buy you a looking glass.”

“And if that looking glass gets broke, Anon's gonna buy you a billy-goat.” She closes her eyes and nuzzles into the pillow, holding it tight. “And if that billy-goat won't pull, Anon's gonna buy you a cart and bull.” Her breathing slows as she reaches a peaceful slumber. “And if that cart and bull falls down, you’ll be the sweetest little pony in town.”

You brush the hair over her hair, earning a full view of her adorable face. “Goodnight Fluttershy.”


Meanwhile at the eastern port… ”Sorry Flash, but I’ve never heard of any Erreda. How about you boys?” The tavern erupts with a chorus of ‘nopes.’

“Well, thanks for your time then.” Six taverns, four ports, no mention of Erreda. They’ve sailed these seas, they know what’s out there. Nothing. Both homes are gone, now all you have left is this one. At least you know Twilight’s safe. She’s in good hands with Duff. But she’ll never be yours again. It just won’t happen. Now that you have nothing left to live for, why do it?

”Excuse me sir, but are you Anon?”

You look up to the pony, hidden beneath his robe. “It’s Flash now.”

”Ah good,” a green burst of light hits you in the chest knocking you to the floor. His cowl glows as he prepares another blast, “I’d hate to kill the wrong man.”

You thought he felt familiar, that aura they give off is distinct. Changelings…

Chapter 4: To Be With Her

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Home is so far away, just another blip in the sky. Each one could be yours, but you’ll never know. How could you know? ”They want to keep you here.” Who doesn’t? You’re such a likeable guy. ”Your friends do not want to go home because they already are.” They grew to love this place, and you can see why.

This place is at peace, the ponies are kind, could use more meat though. ”Keep trying to find a way home Anon. Your friends know.” As good as an idea that sounds, fuck you subconscious. ”What?” When I find my way home I’ll make it, but my friends are innocent. So piss off.


Ponyville, Equestria. End of the first month. Things… well they’re good. Good. Ha, they’re better than that. It almost pains me how ignorant I used to be, how blind I seemed. While I haven’t gotten a job I’ve gained something better, friends. And I’m not talking about just Duff, Anonymous, Mickey and Mous. Rainbow Dash, AJ, Pinkie, all of them. And then there’s Fluttershy.

She’s one of a kind to be sure, but these feelings don’t work for me. She’s not even human, yet… I don’t know. But I do know is that she’s close, closer than any of the people I was with back on Earth. She’s just special I guess. End of Entry.


”Can you pass the gravy Anon?”

“Sure,” you say handing him the bowl. Anonymous pours it generously over his biscuit and roast potatoes. That jacket didn’t seem to fit him before, but now he’s definitely grown into it. He bulked up more so than you’d care to say since he got here. No doubt thanks to Dash. You’re not looking so bad yourself, though he spends more time with her than you.

Mickey doesn’t pester him as much anymore, but even you can feel the tension between the two of them. It’s not as intense as you remember which is a good sign. You finish off the last of your nachos, it’s brunch after all. ”Any big plans today? Duff asks sipping at his milk.

“Nope. Oh the joys of the unemployed.”

”Glad to see you’re losing that uptight attitude.” You shrug off the cloaked insult as the waitress comes over.

”So how was everything today gentlemen?”

”Fantastic like usual, Drop,” Mickey says.

”Glad to hear it,” she drops off the check and you manage to grab it first.

Mous smirks, “Finally pitching in are you?”

“I don’t spend my money on gifts for a certain pony all the time Mous.”

”You know damn well she needs those supplies,” he snaps, but you see right through his act.

“I’m sure you’re just looking for her to supply something for you.”

This catches him off-guard, “I never-“ He huffs in defeat, “Touche.”

”Speaking of certain ponies,” Anonymous changing the flow of conversation, “I’ve seen you with a certain yellow Pegasus lately.”

“Really? I thought you were so far up Rainbow’s flank all you could see was shit and ass.” Direct hit number two. One more and that’s a turkey. You fish out your bits, Anonymous’s face truly priceless. “And yes, I have been spending time with the nicest pony in Ponyville, thank you very much.”

”If you have no plans, then where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“Never said ‘no.’ I just didn’t have big plans.”

They gawk at your use of logic, “So where are you going?”

“I’m taking Fluttershy to the salon. She’s been busy lately so this is an opportunity for her to relax.” Duff makes a whipping noise and flicks his wrist, earning snickers from the others. “Make all the jokes you want, I still can’t hear you over there in the friend-zone.” You do a jig and moonwalk away as he sits there perplexed. Another one bites the dust.


You follow your memory back to the spa, Lotus working the counter. ”Ah Anon, it’s good to see you again.”

“Hello Lotus, just checking in to see if everything’s ready.”

”Of course, we’re just waiting for our esteemed guest.” You sigh in relief. You want this to be flawless, Fluttershy deserves as much. ”You spent quite a lot on this appointment. Are you sure you can afford it?”

“I’ll be scrapping the bottom of the barrel, but I’ve got it.”

She nods and hums to herself, “I’ll take your word on that.” The door chimes as the guest of honor walks in. Damn she’s worth it.

”Hi Anon,” she says quietly walking towards the counter.

“Fluttershy, you’re as beautiful as ever.”

She blushes, Lotus cutting in, “Let’s see if we can’t make you even better.”

“I don’t know that’ll be a good trick if you can pull it off.”

”Anon…” she squeaks in embarrassment, her cheeks a shade of scarlet unknown to the world.

You scratch behind her ear, Aloe opening the door. ”Fluttershy? If you’d follow me, we can begin.”

She fidgets around, “Could you- come with me maybe?” You look to Aloe to see if it’s alright and she nods.

“Sure, just don’t expect me to join. I still have a reputation to uphold.”

She grins, “You sound like Rainbow Dash.”

“Then she knows what she’s talking about.” You walk on through the doors and into the main area of the spa. You’ve only been here once and that was only for a few seconds. Aloe gave you the tour when you starting asking about what services they performed. She kept trying to suggest more human-esque services for you, but you made it abundantly clear that you were there for Fluttershy.

Aloe explained it four-odd times to you and you’re still certain she was talking out of her flank. You see the seaweed. You see the bath. You have no idea what the correlation between the two is. It must be magic. There doesn’t seem to be a logical reason. You win this day magical seaweed…

At least Fluttershy seems to be enjoying herself. After that is a trip to the steam room, and boy how fun that is. They seem to be used to it, but the humidity was killer. You were coughing more than a chain smoker on his sixth pack that hour. Fluttershy offered to opt out but you weren’t going to have a word of it. She deserved ever bit of the treatment and you’re going to make sure she gets it.

It’s done before you know it and they move on to the hooficure. It’s like a pedicure, which you know only by name, but with hooves. You watch in confusion as they do some-such thing. If only they had a pamphlet you could read that would help make sense of this. ”Alright that about wraps this up, now onto the massage.”

“I know what that is!” you cheer, immediately recognizing that you spoke aloud. The spa attendants giggle at your embarrassment, but try to stay professional nonetheless.

Fluttershy hops the table and rests her head as Aloe presses lightly on her back. Okay, that looks pretty damn nice. Fluttershy picks up on this rather quickly, “Do you want to join me?”

“As good as that sounds I only covered you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, take a seat and we can take care of you too. Free of charge.”

“If you insist,” you reply slipping out of your short-sleeved shirt and climbing atop the table thing.

”Lotus,” she calls out, “Care to give Mr. Anon a hoof?”

You see Lotus step out from the front and stroll up beside you. ”So he wanted a little something after all huh?”

”Just a standard massage.”

Fluttershy peeps, “He’s been kinda stressed lately.”

Lotus nods and rests her hoof on your back, “I get why.” You suppress your groan as her hoof grinds into your back just beside your spine. ”She wasn’t kidding, you’ve got knots for days.” Her hoof circles and presses deeper on your back, and by the sound of it Fluttershy’s enjoying it just as much.

“Well I’ve been- Ooh, planning this for a while.” She steps atop your back, your large back able to keep her up easily.

”Well just lay there and enjoy.”

You smile at Fluttershy and she returns with her own. “It’s hard not to.” You might have to come back for this…


”Alright so your total comes to about…” she slides a sheet before you. Your eyes pop at the balance, but you were expecting that. You pull out your bag of bits before Fluttershy finishes up and sees you. You feel about ten pounds lighter after the transaction and it leaves you with about… Five bits. Just after you’d given Mous shit for spending all his money on gifts. Welp, worth it.

The door eases open as Lotus counts your payment, Fluttershy stepping out. “Wow.” She’s… words don’t do her justice.

”You’re about four bits short.” Lotus drags you back to reality and you apologize for the miscount, handing over the remaining balance. One bit. Well thankfully there’s leftovers back home.

”You didn’t have to spend all that money on me,” Fluttershy protests shyly.

“It’s fine. I wanted to.”

”But you said how short you are on money, I could’ve-“

You put a hand on her neck calmly, silencing her. “I wanted to do something special for you so I saved up.”

”But, but-“

“Don’t worry about me Fluttershy. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”

She nudges you, “You don’t need to bring me to a spa to make me happy.”

“That doesn’t mean don’t bring her.“ Lotus adds like a good salesmare.

”I’m happy just to be with you Anon.”

You rub your head and cover your mouth as you stifle your laughter. “I wish you’d told me that before I blew away all my cash,” you joke. She leans into you as you walk out the spa, both relaxed and strapped for cash. At least you got a massage out of it.

”So what else are you doing today, you know, if you want to tell me?”

“I was thinking about heading up to Sweet Apple Acres, earn some of my cash back.”

”I- I could pay you.”

“I’m not going to take your money Fluttershy. It doesn’t feel right.”

”Okay…” She lowers her head a bit.

“Were you offering me a job?”

”There’s so many animals, I don’t have the time. I thought you might want to help.”

You look at her with suspicion. “I wouldn’t classify that as a job.”

”It’s okay…” You hush her by holding her tight.

“I’d be enjoying myself too much for it to be work.” There’s that smile you love.

Did you just say love? Yep you did. At least you used it in the right context. You stroll through Ponyville and then to Fluttershy’s cottage. She thanks you for the spa appointment. “It was my pleasure Fluttershy.” She sits there just looking at you, her wings twitching occasionally. “I probably should be heading home,” you turn before looking back to her, “My friend-“ A pressure hits your face with a warmth upon your lips.

It takes a second to register that Fluttershy is that much closer and standing upright. You blink plainly, your mind a pile of mush. She finally retracts herself from you and sees your stunned form. ”Oh fiddle. Please don’t hate me Anon it’s just... you’ve been so nice and… aww shoot.”

Did she- No. She’s so shy there’s no way. That’s crazy talk. You finally muster the will to look at her moist eyes dripping with sadness. ”I’m sorry,” she cries and reaches for the handle. You wrap your arms around her and return the favor, yours a bit more forceful. It’s her turn to be petrified, but she melts in your warm embrace. The two of you sit there, locked together, hearts fluttering. When you finally pull away you leave Fluttershy panting for air, “Wow.”

“You can say that again.” You regain your composure and rub the back of your neck.

”I thought… I thought you weren’t into mares.”

“So did I.” Damn, you’re starting to go soft.

She rubs her eyes, “So what now?”

“I wish I knew.”

”If you want to talk about it, I’ll be here.” You nod, you have to get some time alone.

“Sure uh, I’ll see you later Fluttershy.”

Your exit was awkward, but in no way a bad decision. This wasn’t just something that occurred and you can move past. This shit’s a big deal. You can’t just expect to kiss a pony and forget about it. Did the others feel this way when it happened to them? Were they scared? Angry? Sad? Fluttershy opened your mind to a whole new realm of thinking. Now it’s your job to explore it before making any brash decisions, and there’s one thing that helps you think clearly. Booze.


You find The Broken Record and slip inside while things are still slow. Duff’s taking the day off so you can’t mooch off him this time. Thankfully his marefriend Vinyl is working. She puts on a new record and joins you at the bar. ”What’s your poison?”

“A Hard Hinney if you don’t mind.”

”That’s some tough stuff, rough day?”

The barkeep pours you the shot and you take the acidic draft down your throat. “Let’s call it interesting.”

“Oh do tell,” she says leaning in. You tell her about the spa and how she enjoyed herself tremendously. ”She’s one lucky mare, Duff never took me there,” she says with a hint of jealousy.

“It costs an arm and a leg, let me tell ya.” You sling back two more. “And when I was walking Fluttershy back home… I don’t know how it happened.” You set down your glass and fight back against the booze seeping into you. “We… We kissed.”

”Awww shit!” someone says behind you. The marine’s grin’s as wide as the grand canyon.

“How long have you been listening in?”

”Long enough to know someone’s a bit of a hypocrite”

Vinyl gives him a flustered look, “I give you the night off and you still come into work?”

”I can’t stay away.” He sits next to you and orders his usual.

”I’ll leave you two alone now, get back to the guests,” Vinyl says as she heads towards the stage.

”So you weren’t all that serious about the whole ‘species’ thing huh?”

“It happened so fast, I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

”You better not have told her that!”

“Of course not. I didn’t want to destroy what we had, but… Is this normal? To feel this- happy, with a pony.”

”Anon, if you had asked me that question back when I was in training, you would’ve been on the first trip to the hospital.”

“Remind me never to meet you in the past.”

”But you’re damn lucky to have what you do. I wish I could connect with Vinyl the same way you do with Fluttershy.”

“But we’re not even the same species. This isn’t natural.”

“Love is blind. It sees not sex, nor race, nor species. For love is blind, and lovers too.”


”Nope, Duff.” He rests a hand on your shoulder, “If I were you, take it slow. The last thing you want to do is rush into this.”

“Doesn’t that ignore every instinct men have regarding relationships?”

”Yeah, for fleeting relationships. What you have is real, don’t forget that.”

“You’re right Duff. You’re always right.”

”Just whenever I feel like it,” he jokes, “Now get outta here, you’re cramping my style.”

“Gonna pull out all the stops?”

”Anon, I am the stops.”

You fail to stop yourself from laughing at the absurdity of his statement. “I’ll see you later dude, try not to wear yourself out.”


You hit the road and take a walk in the dark. You see Twilight’s house, her shadow cast off by the fireplace as she reads with her assistant Spike. Rarity’s boutique lies dormant save for her graceful whinnies of slumber. You overhear the dinging and clashing of pans within Sugarcube Corner, Mous and Pinkie up making some concoction. You spot Applejack with her brother and sister closing up shop, their ties close. Mickey and Anonymous chase after a cyan blip in the sky, their tension vanished into the night’s sky. They all have someone, somepony to be beside them.

You weren’t short of friends on earth, but they were just… there. It was as if they were just numbers, a cold fact in your life that never truly mattered. You look up from your feet and to the picket fence that runs across her house. She was different.

She isn’t just another thing that lies about; she’s a warm body amongst the icy tundra. Oh god you’re spouting metaphors. It comes with the mood you reckon. You start up to her house at a steady pace. She’s probably asleep, all the lights are out. You’ll just quickly knock and if she doesn’t answer you’ll head right on back. Damn it Anon you’re wasting your time. You tap on the door. You should’ve just went home and- Fluttershy looks to your through the open door, “Anon.”


You step through and hug the little Pegasus before you change your mind. You don’t care anymore. You love Fluttershy from the tips of her wings to the soles of her hooves. ”Please don’t leave again.”

You close your eyes and keep her close. “I wouldn’t dare.”


Meanwhile in Canterlot…

You hum blissfully as you stitch the wound closed ignoring his muffled screams. “The results are going to be just spectacular. I always wanted to witness the creation of life.” You tap his forehead with the hilt of your knife. “I’m sure you wouldn’t agree with me given your situation, but oh how fun it will be.”

He twists and turns in his chains but you’ve got him locked up nice and tight. “Parasprite eggs are rare, but oooh were they worth the effort. They tend to ignore the more bloody food groups, but I think they’ll develop a taste for it.”

”Anon, what are you doing down here?” Ooh so she’s decided to come down and visit you. How kind.

“Just showing some kindness to my guests. Do come and join us.”

She steps into the dim recesses of your chamber, her eyes open wide in the glow of your achievement. ”What in Celestia’s name…”

You try to wipe the blood off your nose, only getting more spread over your face. “Like it? I call them, Stages of Madness. First, they try to keep calm, but that never lasts long. Then you have anger, and I love ‘em feisty. But then-“


“Yes my shining star?”

”What are you doing to these people?”

You laugh maniacally. Just what aren’t you doing? “I’ve got an acid transfusion, slow roast, bug breeders, you name it. I don’t know how I stopped for so long.”

She stares at you for a time, “Look- I’ve got another task for you.” Your very soul bursts into joy at the idea. ”This one is serious, no funny business.”

“Oh Luna, I was looking forward to another guest. Who’s the target?”

“He’s a foreigner. He’s gained evidence of my connection to some of our allies and he needs to be eliminated. He’ll be here soon enough.”

“And why can’t your allies take care of him?”

“He’s not some pony, he’s a human like you, known as Flash.” What luck! To finally hunt your own once more.

“I can’t wait for the reunion.”

Chapter 5: Clusterbuck

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What is the definition of home? Is it where you were born? No, that’s just a place. A home is special. Is it where you live? Can’t be. When you had to sleep in a motel for a week that didn’t make it your home. Where is ‘home?’

You’ve been so convinced that it was Earth, in that little apartment you own. It served its purpose for the time, but on reflection? It was nothing more than a mass of cold walls and appliances. Then you came to Equestria.

Every fiber in your being tried to fight against it, but to no avail. Each day brings true joy, every breathe of air a miracle. You turn over to Fluttershy, it would a transgression to awaken her. She saved you in a sense, this little pony… You close your eyes and scoot closer drifting into a warm sleep.

There’s an awareness in your dream, one you hadn’t felt since the last one a week ago. This time when the images flash you no longer yearn for them. You’re already home, there’s no need to travel back to the old. ”Anon go home.” Jesus Christ, shut up. I am home you piece of shit subconscious. ”Your home is all that’s important. Nothing else is.” If I could slap you I would.

A wave of pain rocks you to the core. Your body takes shape within your mind. “Th- The hell!”

”I’m tired of your weakness. Your incompetence!” You can’t be angry at yourself, this is just wrong.

“What the hell are you?”

”I’m the truth. Now shut up and listen. This lovey dovey home you think you have is nothing more than a prison.”

“Yeah I’m gonna stop you right there. You can kindly kiss my ass.”

”You’re nothing an insolent child who dreams up fantasies of what he desires.”

“Look, my mind is made up. Equestria is my home. Ponyville is my home.”

”Your home is sucking out the very essence of what makes you human! Don’t you understand that!?” His anger instills fear. ”These ponies with all their love and tolerance bullshit? It’s designed to make you nothing more than a docile slave in their world.”

“I had no idea one could be so fucking wrong.” You clutch your ribs as they cut into your flesh.

”You think they care about you? They don’t! They wanted you to be silent so they can enjoy their fantasy. You think the mane 6 just warmed up to you? Ha!” His words cut deep. ”They used you like a common whore, not even having the decency to tip.”

“They’re my friends. They wouldn’t do this to me.”

”Oh really? You think it’s just the mane 6? I said your friends, those others who discovered you in that forest.”

“Now I know you’re lying. They tried to…”

The voice laughs, “Comfort you? Yes, what better way to keep you relaxed than having others of your kind reassure you.”

“That’s impossible…”

”Don’t you find it funny how they never once took the possibility of leaving seriously? They brushed it off as nonsense.”

“They said they tried…”

”Did they? Think hard about this, did they?” You… you don’t remember… ”Whenever you brought it up you were immediately shot down. Great friends huh? Or how about when you went to find a job? They had one for the others, but mysteriously none for you.”

“That was weird, but not a sign of some conspiracy.”

”They wanted you to relax, they wanted you to cool down. Isn’t that how you met Miss Fluttershy in the first place?” It is. You went to The Broken Record just after that, and you met her then. ”They gave you pocket money to buy you off and it worked. It’s all lies.” You had this all figured out, but what’s now… It doesn’t make sense. ”Your home, your friends, your love, everything. It’s all to keep you under control.”

“They lied to me…?”

”Yeeesss. They did, and they will continue to do so.”

“You’ve been trying to help me this whole time? Every time I slept you tried to show me the truth.”

”A thank you would be nice.”

They manipulated you. They took advantage of your kindness and turned it against you. “How do I get home? You know how, I can feel it.”

”I needed you to trust me. Would you have believed me before?”

“No, but I do now.”

”Then listen and listen well… Seven barriers exist in this place that bind you here. You must destroy them.”

“How do I find them?”

The voice chuckles, “You already know them. You know their names because they told you so. Go ahead…” Seven barriers. Seven obstacles. Seven Anons.

“Duff… Flash… Anonymous… Mickey…” you can’t bear to speak any further.

”Now you understand. The only way to return home is to end each of their pitiful lives.” That’s impossible. You can’t fight them. ”I understand that you’re not the sharpest crayon in the box, far from it, but you don’t need to fight them directly.”

“Then what should I do?”

”Use their fears against them. Use their hatred. Do what you humans do best… lie.”


”Yes, do what they did to you. Give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“I can’t do that. I’m not a good liar.”

”Do not worry Anon. I will be there when you need me, just let me do the talking.”

“Why are you helping me? Who are you?”

”I hate to see innocents taken advantage of, and as to who I am? Let’s just call me a worried resident of this world of mine.” A string of light cuts through the curtains awakening you.

You sit up, Fluttershy still asleep. ‘Head to the Ponyville markets, you’ll find them there,’ his voice whispers directly into your ear. You silently comply and head out without a second wasted.

“Are you in my head?”

‘I am everywhere Anon. Just focus on what lies ahead.’

“Yeah, why am I going to the market?”

‘Mickey and Anonymous are there. Their feud is strong. When you invoke their rage, the others will follow.’

“And what should I do when I see them?”

‘Meet with Mickey and let me do the talking.’

The local shopkeeps wish you good morning. You debate ignoring them but his voice protests. ‘Do not cause suspicion. Besides, it’d be rude to ignore them.’ You wave with a forced smile, ‘Good boy. Now find Mickey.’

You weave through the crowd in your quest. They smile at you, each a veil of their deception. How could you have been so blind as to trust them? ‘You had no choice. They forced it upon you.’ You ball your hand into a fist, ‘Now now Anon, ease up.’ He wrestles control of your hand and eases up your muscles.

“Howdy Anon,” you recognize Applejack call over.

“Applejack,” you reply scanning the fields.

She observes you curiously, “You alright there partner? You look kinda cold.”

“Warm as an apple pie.”

Her laughter is strained, “You sure? Where’s Fluttershy? I thought you two were staying at her house.”

“Change of plans. I needed to meet with Mickey.”

”Ah, they just moved on.”

*Where to Miss Applejack?* The fuck are you doing? ‘Helping you out.’

”They said they were heading back home. Don’t know for how long.”

Your body moves on his command, kissing her hoof. *Much appreciated dear.*

She blushes hard and you regain control after he sets out in the right direction. “I swear if you do that again…”

‘If you want my help then you must accept my methods. Unless… you changed your mind.’

“No!” you shout earning a few inquiring glances. You hurry off as their conversation takes a turn for the worse. “I’m tired of lies. I just want the truth. I want my home.”

‘Then do as I say.’


You ease the door open and slip inside your house. “Anyone home?”

”I’m in the kitchen!” Mickey calls.

‘Ask him where the others are.’

“Where’s Anonymous and Dash?”

He finishes plating his sandwich and takes a bite, “Upstairs taking a shower.”

You feel him seep back through you, ‘Allow me.’

*Doesn’t that anger you? To know they’re there together?*

”I used to be angry, but… You were right you know. I was wrong about him.”

*Mickey you see-*

”I couldn’t get it out of my head. All I saw was the monster, but he’s been innocent. A product of another world.”

*This is what I-*

He interrupts him again, “Thanks to you, I can get to know my brother again, as he was. So-“

*You were right.*

Mickey freezes, his face plain, “What?”

*Anonymous has been putting on an act this whole time. I came to you first.*

”That’s impossible. I mean we…”

*He’s been lying to us. He lied to you. You fell for it.*

Mickey rests his sandwich upon the table, a raw power taking hold of him. His arms twitch ever so slightly, “So that’s how it is big brother…” This is wrong. Even if he did lie to you, no one deserves this.

*So what are you going to do about it?*

You force your will back into your body, but are immediately shot back. ‘Tsk tsk Anon. It’s unkind to mess with your ally.’ You’re no ally of mine! I can’t let you do this to him. ‘Do? It’s already been done.’

Anonymous thumps down the stairs, “Hey Anon. I thought you’d be out today?”

*Change of plans I’m afraid Mr. Anonymous.*

“What’s with the formality? You sound like-“

He looks at you, almost analyzing you. “Anon, what’s the color of green?”


“That doesn’t even make sense.”

You chuckle against your will, leaning against the wall, *What fun is there in making sense?*

His expression turns sour,”Mickey, don’t let Anon leave.’

”Oh, why shouldn’t I? Why should I listen to you anymore?”

‘Oh what fools these mortals be.’ You bastard!

”He told me about you, he told me the truth.”

“Mickey, please you have to believe me. That THING isn’t Anon.”

*Don’t trust him Mickey, he’s as mad as he was before.*

Rainbow Dash peeks her head from the upper floor, “What’s with the yelling?”

Anonymous whirls around, “Dash get out of here, now!” Mickey’s breath is erratic as you feel his power increase.

Damn you! What are you doing to him?! ‘Just giving him a little boost, like old times.’ Mickey smashes the island with his fist and breaks it in two with ease. Dash takes off upstairs and Anonymous makes a break for the door.

*Don’t let him go Mr. Mickey.*

Anonymous reaches for the handle as an unholy hand grabs hold of him and throws him back. Mickey leaps over the bar and grabs his brother by the shirt. ”I should’ve finished you when I had the chance.” Anonymous yelps as his own kin begins to beat him down, again and again.

*I love a family feud. Makes for great entertainment.*

”Oh really?” Mous says from beside you.

You hit the floor, a throbbing pain in your head. *Mickey! Lend me your aid!*

Mous kicks you in the stomach, “Seems I got here just in time for the party.” Mickey releases his hold on his brother and charges Mous.

‘Oh this is going to be good.’ Just when he’s about to impact Mous sidesteps with his cane planted, the latter causing Mickey to face plant into the wooden floor.

*And you’re out!* you laugh painfully.

Let me go! ‘Not a chance.’

You get up, Anonymous and Mickey out cold. *I wonder how Pinkie’s doing? She must miss you Mr. Mous.*

Mous keeps his cool, “More than you know.”

*I’m curious, how much would you like to return home again, back to your Pinkie Pie?*

”About this much,” he says swinging his cane.


“I must admit, that was unexpected.” The blackness of your mind grants no peace from your unwelcome guest. “Still, you served your purpose well Anon. I admit that I thought this energy would’ve been wasted.” You keep silent, not wishing to converse with your puppeteer. “Anon, are you there? Aaaanoooon?” Your body seizes up in pain, “There you are!”

“Please… leave me alone.”

“Oh don’t tell me this is about the whole, lied to make your friend become a rampaging juggernaut again thing. is it?”

“That whole seven barrier thing was bullshit, wasn’t it? How could I have fallen for that?”

“I must admit, I am rather experienced in such deception. I’ve had many years of experience.”

“You’re going to be here forever aren’t you? Always whispering in my ear trying to turn me against them?”

“An eternity isn’t all that long if you think about it.”

“Just tell me then, who are you? Give me a name to put to the voice.”

“I can give you more than that.” A click rings out and something walks out from the shadows. His figure is distorted, an amalgamation of others. His toothy grin is pleasant in comparison to the offsetting gaze of his pale yellow eyes and piercing pupils within. He reaches out with his lions paw, “Discord. Pleasure to meet you.”

“What the fuck are you?” you reel backwards.

”Ugh, why does everyone ask that?”

“You’re a monster.”

“No Anon. I’m a Draconequus.”

“Thanks for the clarification freak.”

He rubs his eyes, “Oh why must I have chosen such a dull soul.”

“If you’re so tired of me then leave. I’ll throw a going away party.”

“Nice try Anon, but that’s no fun. Besides, where else will I find a mind as weak as yours?” Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him make you angry. “Why? Doesn’t it feel good to let it all out? To give in? I can make you like the others you know...”

“The only power I want is to toss you out of my head.”

“Such a shame.” You grip your head in a rush of pain. Discord laughs openly at your agony, “Oh go cry somewhere else. Stop being such a- ugh… He topples over and twists about in spasms. “Wh- What are you doing to me?!”

“What am I doing!?” you groan and tighten your hold.

Discord crawls over to you and presses his talon in the flesh of your calf. “How are you doing this?” He squeezes, the pain negligible compared to the aching in your brain. It’s as though a thousand scorpions are spitting venom within your mind. Your brain swells and hemorrhages against your skull. Discord climbs atop you and grips your neck, “Tell me!”

As swift and tight as his hold came, it loosened. “Discord?” The pain vanishes and you look around for the creepy fuck. Only the vast nothingness remains with you in the center. He’s gone. At last.


Your eyes sizzle under the dazzling light as you begin to stir. A hoof caresses your arm, a kind and gentle voice whispering your name. You can barely make out Fluttershy through the fog of your vision. “It’s going to be alright,” she purrs lightly and looks away, “Right?” Twilight’s voice is easily recognized, the answer calming her.

Duff watches over you with his pistol at the ready. “How could this have happened,” he asks quietly.

Twilight shines a light in your eye once more, “Discord has many tools. Deception and trickery being his favorite.”

A new voice calls over them, “We had no idea he had escaped. It seems he’s grown even cleverer after all these years.” The mysterious mare moves into sight with her mane of various colors. ”It is with great sorrow that young Anon had the misfortune to be his target.”

“Who are you,” you croak.

Her smile is warm and inviting, “My name is Celestia. It is good to meet you.”

“Celestia? That’s a nice name…”

You start to drift back into sleep, but a cyan hoof slaps you in the face, “Wake up!”

”Dash!” Mous commands “Calm yourself. He’s not the enemy here.” The results work, whether you agree with her methods is trivial, and you start to sit up finding yourself in Twilight’s house. Dash’s eyes lay red and her fur damp. She wipes her face and walks back to… Anonymous.

He’s laying down on a bed similar to yours, Rarity and the others keeping an eye on him. Dash sits beside him and cradles his hand, his skull purple and bloodied. “What happened?”

Mous takes his place beside you, “After the fight, I brought you here to Twilight. When I came back to get the others… Mickey was awake.” You can only imagine what he did while you were gone. ”I tried to catch him, but I’m not as fast as I used to be. He escaped and Anonymous hasn’t changed in his condition.”

Duff covers his mouth, “I should’ve been there. I could’ve done something.”

”You could’ve! Where were you?!” Dash berates him in distress.

Celestia snaps in response, “Rainbow Dash, quiet! This wasn’t his fault.”

Mous continues to explain, “Before he left, I heard Anonymous bubbling something about a Discord character. I told Twilight and she called in the princess.”

“Princess? Celestia?”

She nods, “You have much to learn about us. When Twilight wrote to me of Discord’s name I checked his prison, finding a replica in its place. I don’t know how long he’s been active.”

“I do.” You heard his call the first night you were here. “He’s been here since we arrived.”

”Whatever brought you here must’ve caused enough chaos to free him from his prison. It’s the only explanation,” Twilight says.

Celestia eyes her curiously, “What do you mean ‘Whatever brought’ them here?”

“I- I haven’t told you everything about them. I didn’t want to worry you.”

Celestia keeps her calm, “My student, it is imperative that you tell me the truth.”

“It’s the only way,” you answer, the other Anons voicing their acceptance.

”Alright, but keep an open mind,” she says to the others who were listening, “It may be difficult to take in.” The others look distressed at this warning, but they finally nod. ”It began a little over a month ago, when they first woke up in Equestria…”

You shiver as she tells them everything she knows about you and your history. They listen and wait, soaking up everything she lays before them. It’s troubling just how bad things have gotten, and to think you had this all figured out.

By the end of it their eyes are the size of footballs, yet Celestia is remarkably serene in her reaction. ”So you four are just half of your group?” Celestia asks.

“Yes. Mickey fled and the others already split.”

“Then we must find the others. Discord won’t just try to manipulate one, he’ll work through the others as well. Where did they go?”

Mous answers, “I remember seeing Flavus chase after a train that day, but I don’t know where.”

“Canterlot if I’m correct.”

“Ahh yes,” Celestia replies, “I have met this human. He seemed nice enough.”

Duff clarifies, “He’s just a civilian like Anon. The poor bastard was scared half to death on our first meeting.”

“Luna’s been keeping him safe and will continue to do so. What of the other two?”

“Flash and Light,” you reply, finding the strength to sit up, “Flash left us and didn’t say where, and Light…”

Mous answers, “He went to find Chrysalis, princess.”

”That is most unfortunate.”

Rainbow looks down at Anonymous, “So he… He lost me once…” Pinkie too, watches Mous with new perspective.

“They all lost their homes. Some of us couldn’t bear to see them go,” you say. Twilight nods, completely oblivious of the man who had lost her.

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy peeps.

”We need to remain calm,” Celestia concludes, “Discord’s plans have been disrupted thanks to Twilight and myself, but he’s still out there.”

Duff checks his mag and slams it home in his Pulse Rifle. ”I say we find Discord and nuke his shit from orbit,” he looks to the others, “It’s the only way to be sure.”

“Something we agree on, how about you Mous?”

“I’m not a fighter anymore, but I sure as hell am not gonna sit back and watch him tear up my home.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Duff steps forward, “I know I’m not the most experienced here, Celestia has that mantle.”

”Much appreciated,” she replies.

”But I’ve protected Ponyville in the past and I will do so today. I will die to protect my friends. I will die to keep them safe,” he says mournfully watching Anonymous’ body.

Applejack tips her hat to him and speaks, “I ain’t exactly hankering for a fight, but tarnation, Duff’s right here.”

Pinkie nudges next to Mous, “That meanie isn’t going to hurt my friends either.” The others speak their pieces, only leaving Celestia.

She closes her eyes and gives a slow accepting yes. “We need to find the others before Discord can get to them. I shall return to Canterlot. Come when you’re ready.” Anonymous will not be allowed to suffer for Discord’s entertainment.

You swing out of bed, resting a hand on Anonymous’s shoulder, “Then let’s get moving.”


Meanwhile in Canterlot…

“Next train to Ponyville departs in fifteen minutes.”

You bide your time and exit the train under the stealth of the night. Each stop has brought problems upon you and you can’t risk getting into a fight here. Celestia needs to know just how far gone her sister is.

You control your breathing as a group of unwitting guards pass. There’s no way to tell if they’re changelings or not without getting caught, and you’re not too fond of that idea. You bolt into a nearby alley and clutch onto your satchel. A quick check shows that no one’s following you, but you can’t be certain. Changelings always seem to pop up- ”Nice night, huh Flash?”

You twirl around and peer into the darkness. “Who goes there? Identify yourself!”

“I always loved the night you know. So peaceful, so pure. Everyone’s either sleeping or up to no good. You don’t look to be sleeping.”

“Flavus? Is that you?”

From the shadows he steps out, the moonlight on his face, “I hoped you’d recognize me. I hate introductions, they get so tedious after so long.” He’s off. There’s something amiss. “I know why you’re here. That evidence in your satchel is rather damning to someone I care about.”

“Flavus please. I don’t want to hurt you.”

His laughter echoes across the deathly city, “Hurt me? I think you should be more concerned about how I’m going to hurt you.” He reveals a dagger in his hand as he gets closer. You blink, and a fierce sensation hits your belly, Flavus inches from your face. ”Tell me Flash, are you familiar with the work of Xiang Yu?”

Chapter 6: Bustercluck

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You follow Duff through the door and into his chambers. This is the first time you’ve ever actually been in Vinyl’s and his house before. You like the more modern feel, but you’re not here to discuss architectural beauty. Mous follows close behind you both and Duff turns to you. ”I am bestowing on you a great responsibility. Do you both understand that?”

“More than you know Duff.”

Mous acknowledges him as well, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

“Uncle Ben. Spiderman.”

”Mous. Ponyville.” He replies in good spirits. They both like to do that it would seem.

Duff just rolls his eyes and kneels down to a chest, fishing a key out of his pocket and undoing the padlock that binds it. The lock clicks open and he opens the compartment. He pulls out a shotgun and checks the magazine, grabbing a couple extra ones just in case. ”Can anyone tell me what this is?”

“It’s a shotgun.”

”No shit Sherlock,” Mous sneers humorously.

Duff answers his own question, “This is the ZX-76 shotgun, standard issue in the Corps. It’s a double-barrel pump-action contraption of death.” He strips the mag and hands it to Mous, “You look like you can handle this puppy.” Mous rests his cane and aims down the sights. ”It’s got a 12 round magazine with enough firepower to blast away any fool daring enough to get close.”

“Got any experience with that sort of gun?”

Mous nods, “My family owned some land off in the middle of nowhere and they taught me how to play skeet.”

”Good to hear you’ll put that to good use.”

You eye the flamethrower longingly. Pyromania here you come. Duff sees you eyeing his prize, “Don’t get your hopes up. This puppy is staying with me.”

“But there’s nothing else in there.” He unclips his sidearm and presents it to you. “He gets a bloody shotgun and I get some pistol?”

”Well if you don’t want it…” he pulls it away slowly.

“Hey hey! Fine, point taken.” You accept the pistol and check the magazine.

”You’ve got 18 shots before you need to reload along with two firing modes, single shot and burst fire.” Now this is definitely familiar to you. Feels like your back at the range.

”Think you can handle it?” Mous asks snidely.

“Probably better than you could.”

”Oh really? Is that a challenge?”

Duff stomps his foot to get your attention, “This isn’t a game!” His voice carries and you hear hooves shuffling nearby.

Vinyl peeks her head in, “Is everything alright down here?”

”Nothing, just… we’ll take about it later okay?”

She sighs, “Just keep it down, I’m really tired.”

”Alright…” he waits until she leaves, “Now you’ve done it.”

“Domestic troubles?”

“Domestic troubles?” Mous repeats, a knowing grin stuck on his face.

”Vinyl works a lot so she tries to get as much sleep as she can. That’s why I don’t bring you guys over more often.”

“Whipped much?”

“Give Duff a break, you’d treat Fluttershy the same way.” He’s got your number there. There’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do for her.

”Back to the point,” Duff speaks up, “These aren’t toys. I’m giving these to you because I trust you.”

“And you just trust me a little less is that it?”

He searches for the words, even looking to Mous for help before answering, “You’d be right.” You were hoping for a different answer. You holster your pistol.

“Understandable. I hope I can put this whole Discord thing behind me in time.”

”So do we.”


Mous has some plans to finish up with Twilight and Mayor Mare. When you all leave their going to have to prepare for the worst. Duff is attending a rally at the Market District in hopes of calming the townsfolk of the rumors. What happened to Anonymous was big news, and with Mickey still at large there’s no way he, or anyone else, is still safe.

Who knows what’s going through his mind right now after what Discord said. If he believes that Anonymous has turned, he might believe the whole town has as well. He’ll be in hiding, or worse, waiting for the chance to finish the job. You move on to the hospital where Anonymous is being cared for. Last time you checked he was unresponsive. You push open the doors and approach the front desk.

Nurse Redheart, one of the ponies who helped take Anonymous, is currently behind the desk. She looks up at you knowing exactly why you’re here. “How’s he doing?”

She gets out of her chair, “Not good.” She takes you down the hall, “We don’t have many cases like his, and even then, they were all with our own kind.”

“Can’t you treat him?”

”It’s not that simple.” She leads you inside the elevator and to the next floor. ”Anonymous isn’t a pony. We have no idea how your kind works, even with the information Twilight has managed to retrieve.”

“His condition isn’t foreign, there has to be something you can do.”

The elevator dings and the doors spread open. ”We’re trying everything we can, it’s just not enough.”

“Well have you tried shock therapy or something like that?”

”We can’t take that type of risk. There’s no telling how much damage we might bring upon him.”

“How about magic? Magic is overpowered bullshit, but that might help.”

”That’s the first thing we tried Mr. Anon. We couldn’t make any connection with his brain, it’s just… dead.”

“Don’t say that. He’s not dead, just unresponsive.”

”In my field of work Anon, in his situation, he’s braindead.”

“Why don’t you just fix the physical parts of him?”

”Because we don’t know his physiology!” she snaps. ”I- I’m sorry. I can’t stand bringing bad news to anypony.” She brings you to a door, “There’s already a visitor inside so be wary. She’s depressed.”

“Thank you Miss Redheart.” She turns tail and walks off back down the hall.

You push the door open with care, his heart rate monitor beeping rhythmically. Anonymous lays flat on the bed, eyes closed. They tried their best to wash off the blood, but there’s no hiding the bruises. X-rays have been planted on a nearby wall, showing major damage to his ribs and a crack in his skull. ”He’s so peaceful now. Just lying there… I spent so much time moving that I didn’t slow down to notice.” Dash sticks close to him holding his hand. ”He put up with everything I did… the jokes, the jabs, me… You can hear the sadness in her voice.

“And he’d go through it all over again just to be with you.”

”I left him back there. When he told me to run, I didn’t look back.”

“It’s not your fault.”

”I know. It’s your fault.” You bow your head in shame, unwilling to debate her. You knew that you allowed it to happen. You let him warp your mind. ”But I forgive you.”


”Your body is to blame, not your mind. I see that now. Discord’s trickery knows no bounds.”

“I let him in in the first place. If I had fought harder-“

“He would’ve done much much worse.”

You sit opposite of her bed and look down on Anonymous. “I can’t believe I let this happen… “He was my friend. One of the closest ones I had here, and I just… let it happen.” You shield your eyes from her in an attempt to hide your pain. “After all we went through I just threw it away.”

”He knows you didn’t mean it.”

“And what if I did? What if deep down, a part of me wanted this to happen? That part doesn’t care.”

”We all hold that type of feeling. That anger that burns inside us. We just have to stay strong.”

“I couldn’t even do that. I listened when I should’ve drove it down.” Your eyes water as you grab onto Anonymous’ hand. “I’m sorry,” you sob. “I’m so sorry…” His sheets dampen as you rest your head, holding him tight. You cry for the first time in years. You cry for your friend…

A seething hate bubbles to the surface. “And I swear, upon all that I am and will ever be, I will take vengeance on that son a bitch.” You’re not even sure if he can hear you, but you’re damn well going to make sure you say it. “Discord will pay for all the destruction he’s caused you, us.” Without him, you’d be coasting free of the chains that bind you. “I’ll do my damndest to keep our friends safe. No harm shall fall upon them, you have my word on that.”

You bow your head in silence. You have nothing more to say. There’s nothing else you can say. Everything you had, you laid out on the line. ”That was something.”

“Yep, that’s the truth.”

”I’m sure Anonymous would’ve been proud to hear you say that.”

“He’d be prouder to see me put an end to that bastard’s life.”

”I think he’d like to be the one who does it.”

“Don’t we all?”

”I know that-“

“That was a rhetorical question.”

”You could’ve just said that.”

“I just did.” It pains you to laugh, but in the darkest times one should always carry a light. Laughter’s your way of making it through this.

Shouting draws your attention to the hallway. You can hear them as they pass through. ”He’s lost a lot of blood. We need to get him stabilized and stop the bleeding NOW!”

“What the hell’s going on out there?” Dash follows as you open the door as a cart is rolled down the hall, the doctors bickering at one another. “I’m going to check it out.”

”I think I’ll go with you.” You follow the direction they went, dollops of blood from the cart guiding you. ”What do you think happened?”

“I don’t know. Maybe someone traveled into the forest and got attacked?”

“Nah, they wouldn’t be coming back if that was the case.” You find the operating room and look in through the built-in window screen.

”What do you see?”

“No, that can’t be him.” He’s supposed to be far away from here.

”Who is it?” You push open the door and the doctors practically scream for you to leave. You shove any that try to stop you and rush over to him.

“By god, what happened to you? I need a knife.” The other doctors are dumbstruck by your show of force. “Knife! NOW!”

”B… oot…” You look down at him, blood coating his chest and face. You reach into his boot and retrieve a knife, cutting off and peeling his layered armor, revealing his torso. You grab a clean rag and press down on his wounds while the others watch. “If you’re not going to help then get out!” That seems to put them in gear.

They help by applying pressure on his chest. “Check his throat! Make sure it’s clear.” They sound that it’s clear, which puts you in a better position. “Keep applying pressure and don’t you dare let go.” They link him up to the hospital equipment and do as instructed. “Where’s the doc? We need some magic up in here?”

”He’s on his way.”

“You better hope so,” you reply keeping up the pressure. Rainbow peers in from the outside as he continues to work. “Dash, go get the others and hurry!” She’s gone in a second and you look down into his eyes. “You stay awake! I’m not losing you too Flash.”


The monitor beeps slowly, a sign of good fortune. Doctor Stable came just in time. Flash was one spell away from the embrace of death. The doctor commended you for your initiative and asked for you to wait outside.

You spilled your guts out in the bathroom after that. He was so close to the edge… You might’ve lost him. To think that they do this for a living is mind boggling. You had his life in your hands, it was too much. You shiver and hold your arms tight. The sound of footsteps hit your ears as the others arrive and make a dart for his room.

”Good god. What happened to him?” Mous mumbles.

”Anon, you have an explanation?” Duff sounds off.

“He looked into my soul, my fucking soul…”

The sweetest voice whispers in your ear that it’s going to be okay as she sits next to you. ”Everything’s fine,” she assures you.

Duff kneels in front of you, “Just tell us what you know.”

“Dash and I were with Anonymous when I heard shouting. I went to see what was up and felt drawn to it. When I looked through the window I saw Flash looking back at me.” You try to toss aside the images of his torn flesh but they are burned into your mind.

”What did he look like? Can you tell what happened?”

“They…” Fluttershy holds your hand, “It looked like knife wounds, dozens of them. Some shallow others deep. It was as if they were torturing him.” And that was Flash, the warrior prince. They managed to do this to him, imagine what they would do to you…

”Is that all you know?”

You nod. There’s nothing else you can think of. “I tried my best.”

”And you did good Anon. Don’t sell yourself short.”

The doctor opens the door while reading his clipboard. Mous casually walks over to him, “Excuse me doctor, but what can you tell me about happened to Flash?”

“He suffered from multiple stab wounds to his torso and belly. Closer inspection showed the knife didn’t simply pierce, but also twisted and carved inside him. Someone had a grudge.”

Duff cues in, “What else can you tell?”

”By the age of the wounds I’d say they were about a day old, it’s a miracle he lasted as long as he did. With that in mind, I’d say he was off in Canterlot when he was attacked.”

“Canterlot? Then why’s he here?”

”I’m no detective, but when our boys were called to the train station by that friend of yours I assumed-“

“Friend? Who?”

”That other guy like you. Last time I checked he was down in the lobby.”

You look to Duff who seems to be thinking the same thing as you. “Doc, Flash doesn’t receive any visitors besides us here understand?”

”Is something wrong?” he asks, unknowing of Mickey’s corruption.

Mous whips the shotgun off his back and slams a mag home, “Nothing at all.”

“Fluttershy, get Twilight for me.” She goes off as you take hold of your sidearm. The three of you head down the hall back to Anonymous’ room. Mickey’s target isn’t going to be Flash.

The door hangs open ever so slightly and Duff raises his hand to silence you all. He points to you and then the door to which you acknowledge with a nod. You take position just outside the door and take a deep breath. ”Go.”

You kick open the door and charge in gun at the ready. “Hold it right there Mickey!”

He stands up slowly with his hands in the air. Duff steps in next to you, “Back away from your brother before things get nasty.”

”Things are quite nasty already.” He spins and thrusts his hands to the side in a second. A gust sweeps you and Duff off your feet and into the wall. As you try to stand back up Mickey pins you down with sorcery. “You minions of Anonymous will not stop me. I will not allow him to destroy my home again.”

“And kill your brother in the process?” Mous says stepping inside, “I don’t think so.”

“Mous take him now.”

He doesn’t. ”You’re a strong one Mickey, I can tell. Discord did this to you, you know.”

“And I accept it. He helped me before and he’ll help me again.”

“This isn’t your past! He’s not the same.”

“Anon is right, whoever you used to know, they’re not the same. They don’t share your experiences.”

“You’re wrong. Anonymous is the same, and even if it means his death, I will not allow him to hurt my home again.”

Mous lowers his shotgun, using it as a makeshift cane and walking over to him. ”I can’t let you do that.”

Mickey furrows his brow in anger, “Then you leave me no choice.” He swipes his hand across, infused with magical energy, but Mous just keeps walking, ever so slowly. ”W-what? Why aren’t you-“

”Performance troubles? Pretty young for something like that.” Mickey attempts to throw him again, only managing to entertain Mous. ”You’re angry, I get that. I’ve poked at you too hard. Boo hoo.” Mickey couldn’t take it anymore. He came barreling forward fist first. Mous just grins and at the last moment chucks the barrel of his shotgun up between Mickey’s legs.

He groans, the damage to his man parts must be catastrophic, and slumps to the floor. ”God- *cough* damn you.”

”You fight with chaos in your heart and that is why you will fail, and when it comes to your inability to toss me like a ragdoll?” He shrugs and brings the butt of hit shotgun down on his head. ”I’m immune to magic bitch.” You and Duff scramble to your feet, “About time you two stop lying down on the job.”

“That was awesome.”

Mous gives another shrug, “Meh, four out of ten.”

Duff shakes Mous’s hand, “Nice job handling him.”

”It’s just what I do.”

“I hope you can do the same to Discord. If we couldn’t handle Mickey-“

Duff rests his hand on your shoulder, “Don’t lose heart. We can and will defeat him.” His resolve bolsters your confidence. With the two of them on your side, there’s no force in Equestria that can you down.

You lift Mickey up, making sure not to damage his already bloody head. “What’re we going to do with this guy?”

Duff takes hold of him, “I’m going to keep him under guard until he wakes up.”

“I think it’d be best for you stay here then Mous, keep him company.”

“Roger that.”

You and Duff help Mickey out of the room. As you leave Twilight approaches you. ”I came as fast as I could. Is that-“

“It is indeed. Mickey tried to finish off his brother, but thankfully we got to him in time.”

”That’s good to hear. Why’d you call me then?”

“Mickey won’t listen to reason, so we need a magical edge to stir him from whatever stupor he’s in.”

Duff continues for you, “I’d heard you used a memory spell to help fight Discord’s influence before. Can you do it again?” She says she can, but she doesn’t know how much it’ll work on a human. You have faith in her, if anyone can do it, she can. Twilight takes hold of Mickey for you and they go off into another room.

You walk back into Flash’s room, Doctor Stable unlocking the door for you. ”Everything under control?”

“As much as we can make it. How’s he doing?”

”Well he’s stable, which is an improvement. I was able to close up most of the wounds, but he’s lost a lot of blood.” Flash is pale, but at least he’s not colored in his own blood. ”It’ll take a few weeks to recover and even then he needs to be held. We don’t know how much interior damage he’s taken.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Besides pray for a swift recovery? I suppose we could perform a blood transfusion, but there’s no telling whether his body will accept it or not.”

“Turns out I have a use after all,” you chuckle, “Guess who has two thumbs and is O-? This guy.”

”Thank Celestia. Please take a seat and we can begin as soon as possible.”


You wake up beside Flash with a sense of fatigue. Your blood is slowly siphoned from the tube in your arm, the crimson fluid flowing up into the bag. ”Finally awake?”

“Sorry if draining my life is a bit tiring.”

”Watching your life slip away certainly isn’t fun.” Flash’s eyes are barely open and he can’t muster up much strength in his arms. ”Thanks for the boost, you’re a life savor.”

“Just doing what’s best for a pal.” He groans as he manages to sit up. He checks his stomach and arms for lacerations, finding himself clean. “The doc fixed you up pretty good.”

”I’ll have to thank him.”

Nurse Redheart comes in as you’re getting out of bed, “Nice to see you two awake. We were worried.” She helps extract the tube from your arm with a tinge of pain causing you to wince, you never did like needles or tubes. It all felt too mechanical and unnatural. Another nurse comes in carrying two platters of food.

“You’re not actually going to serve us that hospital crap are you?”

Redheart gives you a sly grin, “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” You smell a hint of garlic along with what you think might be butter. ”Us ponies tend not to eat such things, but Fluttershy did say that you have a certain... appetite.”

You peek under one of them and your stomach growls, “What is it Anon?” Flash asks. You take both the platters and thank them as they leave, “Seriously what’d they bring?”

“Meat’s back on the menu boy!”


You finish off the last of your manticore steak, a dangerous though fulfilling prize. Even though most ponies dislike the act of watching someone eating meat, they don’t mind if you keep it behind closed doors. You’re unsure how they managed to acquire such a prize, but you’re not looking a gift pony in the mouth.

Of course you help Flash eat his; you’re not some kind of monster who’d have him watch you enjoy such pleasantries. He belches and soon apologizes which makes you want to laugh, still prim and proper. Mous crutches inside with his shotgun, “It’s good to see you up Flash.”

”You as well. Mous right? My apologies, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you.”

”None taken,” Mous replies sitting on the edge of the bed, “But let’s do away with the pleasantries.”

Flash nods weakly, “I assume you’ve come to question why I’m here, and under such conditions.”

“You wouldn’t be wrong.”

“After I lost hope in discovery of my homeland, I was confronted by someone. A changeling.” He sighs and rubs his chest, “He attacked me, but wasn’t prepared for a real fight. He knew about us, and made sure to know my name before striking.”

“He was looking for you in particular.”

”Yes. I assumed it was all in the past, but I was wrong. I don’t know why, but they began targeting me. I needed to know why they attacked so I began digging.” He looks to the ground, “I found evidence linking the changeling attacks to a source in Canterlot, high ranking by the looks of it.”

”And why didn’t you come back to us? We could’ve helped,” Mous replies.

“I didn’t want to risk getting you all in harms way. I headed off to Canterlot, and it took a bit longer than I’d like. Hiding from changelings isn’t an easy task.” That’s when he grows pale, “When I finally arrived in Canterlot, something was wrong. I felt in my gut, and there my feelings were proven.”

“You were attacked.”

“It wasn’t long after I’d arrived either. I had barely begun my way through the city when he found me.”

”Who found you,” Mous asks.

Flash sighs and closes his eyes, “Flavus.”

“Flavus? You mean that other guy? That’s impossible, he was scared stiff when he found us.”

Mous asks him to continue. “He was… evil. I don’t know how to describe it, I didn’t even see him coming he was so fast. He struck me in the gut before I could react.”

The door creaks open and Duff walks in, “Sounds like he had something to hide.”

“I tried to fight him, but I wasn’t a match. He was faster, smarter… He knew my actions before I even took them. He’s a monster.”

“But you got on the train and got back here.”

“I managed to kick him off of me before he could finish me off and scrambled back on the train.” He shivers, “I would’ve been dead if Mickey hadn’t found me.”

Mous holds onto Flash’s leg and looks into his eyes, “Who was the official in Canterlot?”

”I- I can’t. I still won’t believe it.”

“If they’re in Canterlot then Celestia’s in trouble. We can’t let anything happen to her.”

Mous softens his tone, “We need that name. Please.”

He gulps, “Luna… The informant is Princess Luna. I don’t have the proof anymore…”

“It’s alright, we have your testimony. Mous?”

His expression is unchanging, “Duff, find Twilight and send a letter to the Princess. We’re heading to Canterlot.”

Mickey walks in with Twilight at his rear, “Count me in.”

”And don’t even think the others are going to sit by and watch you run the show,” Twilight grins.

You stand up and crack your back, the loss of blood not dampening your spirit. “Then what’re we waiting for? Let’s go.”


Back in Canterlot…

You kneel before Luna, “And just how did he escape?”

“He didn’t.”

She looks at you with interest, “Is that so?”

“I allowed him to leave.”

Her eyes glow bright blue, “Are you stupid or just incompetent?”

You stand up and shrug. “I don’t think we’re that similar.”

Your comment sends her into a rage, “How dare you speak to me like that! Kneel!”

“I don’t think so.” She prepares to strike you, but you’re already holding your knife to her throat. “You see, I figured you were taking advantage of my… skills, a while back. I kept silent to entertain you, but now I think you’ve outlived your usefulness to me.” You throw her to the floor, her royal guards advancing in on you.

You twirl on your tippy-toes, your knife dripping as they fall to your feet. ”You can’t- I’m your Luna.”

“I’m not going to kill you, rest assured. I have one last use for you.” She cowers as you close the gap between you. You taste your knife. Coppery.

”Just… what do you want?”

“I wanted a challenge, and you’re obviously not up to that. So tell me, who’re you working for?”

She goes wide-eyed, “I can’t tell you that. He’ll kill me.”

You slide your knife along her neck. “There are fates worse than death you know, you’ve seen my work.”

She shivers at the memory, “Discord. Please don’t kill me…” Now that is more than a challenge. You’re certainly unequipped to handle him. You’re best weapon is deception, and he must already know of your alignment.

You know better than to strike right for the top stage, it takes buildup. Luckily, the next step should be on their train here now. “Gather your guards and allies, Luna. Let’s put on a show.”

Chapter 7: The B-Team

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You file into the train, kissing Fluttershy goodbye. She’s staying behind with Rarity to take care of Flash and Anonymous for you all. Everyone else is heading with you to Canterlot to confront Luna. ”Promise to keep him safe, Pinkie.”

”Pinkie Promise,” she giggles, her careless joy welcoming. You could all use some of her happiness right now.

The train roars to life and the doors close, Fluttershy putting her hoof to the glass.You do the same, “Stay safe.”

“I will.”

The train pulls away and Fluttershy’s image fades out of view. ”You really care for her don’t you?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“More than the world, but I can’t just let that down.” You find your seat and plop down, Pinkie sitting across from you.

She looks out the window and back to you, “Are we there yet?” This is going to be a fun trip.

“No, we’re not.”

You rest your head on the cushioned seat and try to relax, “How ‘bout now?”

“No, we’re not.” Another silence. “No, we’re not.”

”But I didn’t say anything,” she pouts.

“You were thinking it.”

She giggles and bops you on the nose, “Well haha Mr. Smarty Pants.”

“Don’t bring Twilight’s doll into this.” You steal a glance at Twilight who’s trying her best to ignore your comment. And she thought you wouldn’t notice that doll. Anon sees all.

You rest your head against the glass as you’d done back on earth whenever on a trip. Your mind wanders as the terrain flashes by. At least before Pinkie drags you back to reality. ”Watcha thinking about?”

“Nothing Pinkie.”

”Nothing? How can you think of nothing? I tried to think of nothing once, but then I thinked of everything.”

“Thinked? I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.”

”Don’t even get me started,” Twilight adds from the other side.

“Anyways…” you look back to the window.

”So how are things with Fluttershy going?”

You pull your gaze away from the landscape once again with slight irritation. The same way a monkey flinging dung at you is slightly irritating. “They’re going fine.”

”Did ya take her out somewhere special?”

“Yes, the Spa. She told you this.”

”How long have you been going out for?” She just never stops with the questions.

“About a month, give or take a few days.”

”Got any plans for your anniversary?”

“Actually, I do.”

She gazes with interest, “I’m listening.”

“I was thinking about taking her up to Neighagra Falls.”

She gasps, swallowing in more air than humanly possible, “That is just so romantic.” You didn’t think it was all that great of an idea. It’s nice to see you were wrong.

She continues to bombard you with questions regarding your relationship and its very tiring. Twilight and Applejack try to help you out a little, but even they cannot calm the storm that is the Pinkie Pie. And that’s when things get weird. She asks the one question that crosses all the lines. ”So have you guys done it yet?” NOPE! You stand up and walk to the other end of the cart and sit down, “So have ya?”

“Jesus H Christ, do you just pop out of nowhere?

Everyone answers in unison, “Yes.”

”So what’s the answer?”

“That is a very private question that I do not believe is appropriate enough to deserve an answer.”


“I’m not telling.”

”Oh come on! Just a hint.”

“How do you hint a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question?”

”I dunno.” That was helpful.

“Can we just drop it?”

”Alright, but I’m watching you Mr. Cocoa.” Who the fuck is that? You know what, don’t even bother brain. It’s not worth it.

Duff catches your attention with a motion of his hand. ”So have you?”

You stare at him, your rage a fire pit of roasted rattlesnakes and marshmallows. “If my anger could be concentrated in a single mass I would become a black hole that sucks everything around in an act of destruction unknown to mankind.”

”Is that a yes?”

“Fuck you Duff.”


After what feels like hours they finally put an end to the endless questions. Duff, being the most experienced strategist, calls a group huddle. ”Alright gang, if Luna’s going to put up a fight we’re all going to have to pitch in and concentrate our efforts. We stick in twos in case she tries anything funky. I’m taking Dash under my belt.”

He points to Applejack, “You and Mous are together. Twilight, you and Mickey are together.” He finally gets to you, “And I’m sorry, but you and Pinkie are together.”

Pinkie does a jig and sits down, “You’re going to answer my question sooner or later.”

“Or never.”

”That too.”

”In any case, let’s be sure to stick together and-“ *Rumble, rumble* You all hold onto whatever you can as a shockwave courses through the train.

”What in Tartarus was that?” Twilight asks.

You spot Canterlot in the distance, a smoking pillar rising from the city. “Holy shit, Canterlot got smashed by something powerful.”

Mickey closes his eyes, “I can’t sense any spike in Chaos. Discord couldn’t have done it.”

”Helping out for once I see,” Rainbow stabs him with scorn. Mickey quiets down and avoids eye contact.

Applejack speaks up, “Well we ain’t just waltzing in there now.”

”Alright, new plan,” Duff takes command again, “Same teams, we move up through the city section by section.”

“That’ll take too long. If Canterlot’s under attack we need to get to the Princess as fast as possible.”

”Solid point Anon. We get to the city as fast as possible, helping who we’re able to along the way. Fair enough?”

“Works for me.”

Duff looks to Twilight, “Alright Twi, what’s the fastest way to the castle?”

She thinks for a minute, “The city’s central market.”

”What about the back alleys or walls?” Mickey asks. “I made great time going that way.”

”It’d be hard to get us all through either of those places with a group of our size, even if we split.”

“So how do we go about this?”

”We’ll have to see when we get there. There’s no telling how much damage has been done to the structures.”

”Let’s get to the Markets and we’ll see what we can do from there.”

You watch as you get closer and closer to Canterlot. The fire spreads throughout the city, but there’s no sign of an exterior threat. Duff concludes that this is most likely an inside job, and by the way it’s spreading, they aren’t done yet. You keep your hand on your pistol. Your palms grow greasy and an uncomfortable heat seizes you.

Just think of Fluttershy, think of her smiling face as you return home. You’ll sit out by the river with her and watch the clouds. She’ll scoot closer and nuzzle your neck as her heart throbs against you. Together you’ll your eyes and fall asleep as one. It’ll be nice, but you have to fight for it first.

The train slows to a halt, the lot of you fidgeting nervously. Duff whips the flame thrower off his back and hands it to Mickey, “Don’t make me regret putting this in your hands.”

”You won’t.”

Duff hands out his ammo for the three of you and takes hold of the door handle. ”When I open these doors, get to cover. Am I clear?”

”Yes sir.”

He smiles, “Hooah.” The door’s pulled open, “GO GO GO!”

You charge into the city, or rather what’s left. You’re temporarily stunned as the fires rage through the debris ridden streets. Whole buildings are just gone, nothing but a few stones to commemorate their existence. Pinkie pulls you down to cover with the others.

You grab hold of your gun and hold it firmly, Duff peeking over the debris. ”Let’s keep this clean. Hold your fire unless they’re a confirmed hostile.”

“And how do we know when they’re confirmed?”

”They’ll try to kill you.”

“Oh… ok…”

”Let’s go, and try to keep low to avoid the smoke. The last thing we want is your coughing to give away our position.” Duff heads up first with his Pulse Rifle at the ready. You vault over the wreckage and get behind a wall, the others moving up. Your group moves up through the desolate street, screaming echoing from further up. You swallow hard and keep your gun up.

Duff holds his fist up to his side and you all freeze. He presses his finger to his lips and holsters his rifle. He draws an exotic looking knife from his leg and crouches forwards. You quietly follow to get a peek at what he’s doing. You turn the corner as Duff sneaks up behind some black insect thing. He grabs him by the mouth and slits his throat in a single fluid motion.

Note to self, don’t piss off Duff.

He gives a come hither motion with the back of his hand and you crouch beside him. ”When I give the order to freeze, you do so. Am I understood?”

“Yes sir.”

”I understand the curiosity, but do you know who killed the cat?”


”No, I did. Scratching at my door one too many times,” he jokes, “Let’s move up.” You follow Duff side by side, “That was a Changeling by the way. Surprising how all the big baddies are black and have odd colored blood.”

“I’m sure fighting Xenos is a bit easier than these guys.”

”Xenos can’t turn into one of your friends, these guys can.”

“But still…” A group of ponies darts down the street towards your group, two more bug things at their tail. Duff fires off a shot connecting with one of their heads. You take aim and fire. It hits the changeling’s wing and he crashes down into the dirt.

Dash and the others calm down the fleeing group of ponies and directs them indoors. Duff walks over to the wounded changeling and curb stomps him, “You missed.”

“Just barely.”

You regroup with Twilight who’s flagging you both down. ”This is it, just about forty yards north and we’ll hit the courtyard.”

”Alright, how’s it look?”

”Not great,” Twilight says, “But enough for us to work with.”

”Then let’s get to it,” Duff says anxious to see this mission through.

”Duff I want you on the rooftops. My team will go around and secure the exit, while Anon and Mous head through either side of the courtyard.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Duff stands up, “You heard the lady, we have our orders now move out.” He holsters his rifle and begins to climb, Dash helping him reach the top.

Mickey and Twilight head left down the alleyway, leaving the main road to Mous’s team and yours. “Ready to kick some flank?”

”Just make sure Pinkie’s safe okay?”

”He will.” They share a hug and you proceed into the yard.

You hide behind an overturned cart with the others and peek over. ”Watcha see Anon?” Applejack asks quietly.

“I see more Changelings and some ponies in weird armor.”

”Are they fighting?” asks Mous.

“No but…” you see another pony in golden armor charge into the field before getting overwhelmed by the two forces. “They’re definitely not our allies.”

Pinkie joins you too, “OH! Those are the-“ You pull Pinkie down before they see her. ”Night… guard…” she whispers. You take another look and see a half dozen guards and bugs coming your way. They step over the corpses of their fellows, eyes fixated on you.

“Fuck. Fuck. Alright, when I give the signal head along the western side.” This is a terrible idea. But you weren’t born with an abundance of brains.

You take a few breathes and roll to the side behind a nearby pillar. The changelings begin to chatter in their tongue and you take the opportunity to let off a few rounds. The first hits a changeling right in the head and you quickly fire at their peers. You get another changeling in the torso before he and his friends can get into cover. “Roll out!”

The rest of their group acknowledges your position and begin shooting of bolts of energy towards your position. You fire off a few more rounds, but are ultimately pinned down by their bombardment. A shattering boom comes from your left and three of the attackers are covered in some yellow substance.

”Dangit, I accidently filled it with cheese, let’s try again.” Pinkie fires another blast off of her cannon, and you can’t help but wonder where the hell she pulled that out of.

You keep moving further up the east wall. As you’re switching sides you notice a Night Guard charging towards the cart Pinkie’s entrenched in. “Get out of there!” You move to take him down, but another hail of lightning bolts keeps you effectively pinned. A shot rings out from above and the guard plummets to the ground.

You look up through the smoke, and see Dash landing next to Duff, his barrel smoking. You give him a salute and crawl back over to Pinkie amidst the rubble. She lets loose one more blast, knocking a changeling into unconsciousness with a concentrated confetti attack. It does double damage if the target is a big meanie apparently.

You pull her with you along the archway. Two more guards block off the path and you’re forced to get into cover. A few potshots do little do slow them down and one manages to throw your cover away leaving you open. As he lunges you quickly switch it to burst fire and lay six rounds into his chest. He collapses atop you lifeless and you quickly finish off his companion.

A fierce explosion rocks the building in front of you and forces you to stay back. Further up, a changeling is fortified and charging another blast. You spot a pillar up ahead and sprint towards it, an explosion meeting you. Everything turns white and the next thing you know you’re on your back and you can’t feel your legs. You look down, your legs still intact, but the explosion knocked a lot out of you. Pulse Rifle fire rains down from above, the changeling shielded by one of his comrades. Pinkie… Where’s Pinkie?

The changeling’s horn grows a glimmering green as he finishes it up, a pink ninja popping out behind him. She gives him a swift chop to the neck and pointblank cannons another. They both go down and the next thing you know she’s helping you to your feet. “You’re fast like a freak you know that.”


“No time to celebrate. Mous and Applejack look like they’re getting hit hard.” Duff picks off another two, but they just keep coming. “What do you say we lend them a hoof?”

She smiles, “Okie Dokie Lokie.” You swap mags and strip the old one before looking to Pinkie. She nods and the two of you head out to give them a taste of your own medicine.

You break through one of the fruit stands and tackle the guard. Two squeezes of the triggers and not even his armor can protect him from death. A changeling brings his hooves atop your ribs and you sweep your legs, giving him a taste of gun barrel. “Pinkie! Covering fire!” She slides beside you and begins firing into the crowd. Mous steps out of cover as a foolish guard advances and fills him with lead. “How many of these guys are there?”

”Too many.”

The main force is fortified in a fountain in the center of the marketplace. Dash makes a sweep surveying the field and gives Duff the information. ”GRENADE OUT!” you hear him shout.

”What’s a-” You cover her as another explosion pierces the air of the courtyard. Water and debris fall atop your back as you shield Pinkie. The fountain’s effectively demolished along with those who hide inside it. A changeling struggles to escape and you end him with one motion.

Pinkie’s still in shock from the explosion and you hoist her over your shoulder. You sprint to where Mous is holding out and call out so he doesn’t accidently blow you away. Mous steps out and fires both barrels beside you. You get behind cover as Mous nudges the corpse he just made.

You set Pinkie down, Mous quickly checking on her. “She’s fine. The explosion shook her up pretty good though.”

He holds her with care, “We’ll make it through this don’t you worry.”

”That there was awesome!” Applejack cheers still in awe over Duff’s work. Movement catches your eye behind Applejack.

“AJ behind!”

She raises her rear and bucks, her attacker falling to the floor with a beautiful snap. ”Like bucking apples back home.”

“Apple trees don’t buck back.”


”If you two are done we should get moving before reinforcements show up.”

“Agreed.” The two of you reload and Applejack carries Pinkie. Both changelings and the night guards take their loses and start pulling out… Right into the cone of flame. The smell of burnt flesh permeates the air as they scramble away from the scorching flames…. Right into the hail of bullets. There’s just no winning for the bad guys.

You finish off one last guard with a bullet to the head before filling up your current mag. “About time you two got here.”

”Sorry,” Twilight apologizes, “We ran into some trouble ourselves.”

”Better late than never,” Dash says coming in for a swift landing. Duff hits the ground in a cloud of dust, his gun at the ready.

”Did you miss me?”

“How did we get so far without you?”

”Meh, I was just up there anyways. I have that aura of victory.”

“Yeah I’m sure. Nice aim by the way.”

He nods. “Thank the corps,” he looks to the castle, “Let’s get up there. There’s no time to waste.”

A member of the night guard shouts towards the castle, “They’re here! Send all rein- hguhg” You lower your gun and roll behind one of the many bushes in the garden. Hooves approach your location and you look to Duff for your order. Duff gives you the signal and you take ‘em.

Bashing the first one over the head the second guard pummels your face and gets you on your back. Dash tackles him and AJ finishes him off with a stern kick to the head. “Teamwork at its finest right here.”

You push open the castle doors and check your corners. “Clear here.”

The others file in behind you and Twilight gives the room a onceover, “Alright, let’s find the Princess before Luna can get her.”

“Flavus too. We can’t let either of them get away.”

Duff kicks open the door as a luminescent blue shines off his face. ”What in Celestia’s name…” You push through the door and towards the light, an alicorn as black as the darkest night and with a mane of the stars conjuring some sort of spell. The target? Celestia and a single unicorn in armor. The unicorn seems to be holding up a protective barrier with Celestia’s assistance, but it’s waning.

”Shining Armor! Princess!” Twilight cries out. Luna looks towards your group and ceases her spell.

”At last you’ve arrived. You have to get me out of here. He’s out of-“ A swish sounds out and the alicorn drops to the floor, a dart sticking out of her neck.

“It’s about time you showed up. I was afraid the prince would’ve passed on his trip, but fate has proven otherwise.” The man hits the floor without so much as a sound. He stands up, the full length of his coat flowing down. ”I missed you all so much.”

You’re about to take aim when he interrupts, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’re an alright shot I’ll admit, but not good enough to hit me.”

“You don’t know that.”

”Oh but I do. I overlooked your whole battle in the markets, shame about the fountain. I really liked it.”

Duff is about as flustered as you, “Look Flavus, I don’t know what’s happened to you, but there are bigger problems out there. We can’t be fighting-“

“Ah yes, Discord am I correct? Shame that. He’s reached a level that even I cannot defeat, at least not alone.”

”His power’s already corrupted us,” Mickey says in sorrow, “I know what it feels like.”

Flavus raises his brow, “So you think- Oh my lord. You think Discord did this to me? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re looking at me in my purest form. Nothing more than a mindless psychopath, you could say. You’d be wrong, but…”

“I don’t care what you are. We can’t let you harm Celestia.”

He chuckles, “Take Celestia, I have no quarrel with her. It is you, who should be concerned.”

“We’ll see about that.” He grins as you raise your gun. You fire three rounds at him, his coat falling to the floor ridden with holes.

”As I said, you’re good, just not great.” Where the hell did he- “Behind you.” A swift kick to the back of your head and he’s once again vanished into the shadows. Mous shouts for him to reveal himself, earning a chilling laugh in return.

You get up as Twilight and Applejack fall down, two more darts sticking out of their necks. “What did you do to them!?”

”Nothing compared to what I’ll do to you.” You roll out of the way as his knee smacks into the floor where your back used to be. He grins, “That’s the spirit.”

Mickey jabs at Flavus who easily dodges every attack, even getting in a playful smack or two. Duff tries to aim, but can’t get a shot without risking to hit Mickey. ”You’re hesitation will be your downfall against Discord.” Flavus kicks Mickey away and into Duff, leaving only Mous left standing. ”Ah, the old adventurer. Tell me, what odds do you think you have against me.”

Celestia and her guard watch in horror as Flavus approaches him. ”I think you loathe the idea of being used. You want our help, even if it means having to put up with… lesser beings, you might say. Am I wrong?”

Flavus is taken aback, “I must say that you’re quite the artifact. Not many know of my methods.”

”What can I say? I used to have the mind of a monster myself.”

Flavus nods cheerfully, “You never did answer my question though.”

A pink dot moves in the background as Mous gives him an answer, “This much. Anon?”

You fire a burst at Flavus who dodges the attack, but is placed in an awkward position. Mous smacks his head with the barrel of his gun and sends him rolling back before he gets to a knee. On cue, Pinkie gives him a shot of her party cannon and forces him to dodge once again, which gives Mickey more than enough time to focus his magic and hold Flavus down.

When Flavus overcomes the bonds of his restraints he stares back at the barrels of three guns, each trained on his head. ”Where Discord and his changeling allies fear you, I do not.” He throws his arm up, knocking away each of your barrels and pounds his fist into your chest.

You’re thrown backwards as he quickly disarms Duff and Mous and sends a knife into Mickey’s gut. He stand there triumphant, staring down at those he’s defeated, each of your friends unconscious. He’ll- he’ll kill you all… Not on your watch. “What hope do you have against Discord, when you lack the conviction to even fir- *Bang*

Your hands shake as smoke rises from your pistol. Flavus looks at you quizzically and then to the hole in his shoulder. He flinches as he dips his finger inside and licks off the blood. ”Hmm, could use a bit more flavoring,” he looks to you and marches forwards. You squeeze the trigger again- *click*

“Oh… Fuck me.”

”I didn’t expect this from you, you know.” You flinch as he shoots his hands towards you. But the attack never comes. And when you open your eyes his hand stayed extended towards you. He grabs hold of your hand and pulls you up when you refuse to meet him. ”There’s a fire in your eyes. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to stop Discord, even if it means killing a potential ally?”


His smile is disheartening, “Then we are more alike than I thought. Come Anon, let us help the others. We’re going to need them if we’re to strike our next target.”


”But of course, the changeling’s hive.”


Meanwhile off in the Hive…

Discord scratches his chin in anger, his connection with Anon severed, and his forces in Canterlot all but destroyed. “Even as the lord of chaos, I do not appreciate it when others bring it to my own plans.”

Chrysalis looks down upon her captive, the muscled being working out. “You worry too much my lord. Nightmare Moon was destined to fail, you told me this yourself.”

“Yes, but not so soon. This strength they’ve gathered has consequences. I will not be cast in stone once more.”

“And you won’t. Our tool is more than enough to handle all of them.”

“He cannot overcome their will. With the mane 6 at their side I’m not sure he can withstand them.”

She smiles and waves to the man down below, “When the time comes and they assault these walls, Light will strike back from the darkness.”

Chapter 8: Some R&R

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You hoist the last of the debris out of the castle gates where the guards haul it away. This game of Flavus’s was costly, and proved just how unequipped Equestria is for what’s to come. Fluttershy comes in for a hug which you readily accept, the yellow Pegasus anxious to see you well. ”Don’t you ever leave again.”

”Now now,” Rarity chants as she avoids the damaged parts of the street, “You know very well Anon is a busy man. He can’t help it if he has to leave.”

“Thanks Rarity. I’ll do what has to be done, but I’ll be extra careful if that makes you feel better.”

She answers with another hug, Rarity steering clear of the working guards. ”And just where do I go to get out of these drab conditions?”

“The castle, we’ve done our best to clean it up so it should be purty enough for you.” You lead both of them inside.

Twilight talks to you as you reach the doors, “Good to see you two, can you go help Pinkie? She’s with Mous, just down the hall.” They comply and you’re left alone with Twilight, “I don’t like this.”

“Nobody likes war, that’s just how it works.”

”No not that,” she says leading you off into the throne room. ”I don’t like this Flavus character. He’s just…”

“A monster.”

”To put it simply, yes. He has his own agenda, we don’t need him.”

“Agenda or not, we can’t risk Discord taking over him like he did me. Flavus could’ve killed us before, but he didn’t.”

“Because we serve a purpose. When we outlive that, then what?”

You shrug, not having an answer. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”


You bow to the princess and her royal guardsman, Shining Armor, you heard he’s called. ”Things go well in our repairs my faithful student?”

“Yes princess, we’ve doubled our efforts and Canterlot should be good as new by the end of the month.”

“That’s my sister for you.” Oh yeah, and surfer dude is also Twilight’s brother. Of all the people…

“Out of curiosity Princess, what’s befallen Luna?”

“My sister has been quarantined. It appears as though she resorted to her former persona out of fear, and in time she’ll revert back to normal.”

“That’s good, we’re going to need all the help we can get if we’re going to assault the hive.”

Celestia’s face darkens, “About that…”

“You’re not going to do it.”

She sighs, “I’m afraid not.”

You rub your face irritably. You needed her help. “Do the others know?” Celestia shakes her head. Of course, you’d be the calmest about this so it’s only logical that they inform you first. Still, something would be better than nothing.

Shining Armor clears his throat, “Princess, I’m sure I could spare a few guards to help.”

She gives him one look and he goes silent, “I cannot risk anymore of my subject’s lives in this foolish attack.” Foolish? She couldn’t have just said that.

“I’m no expert on changelings or any other Equestrian affairs but Mous is, and he’s told me all about them. While we sit idly by, Chrysalis gathers strength. How can you allow this?”

”We wish to act, but we simply cannot.”

You look to Twilight for help, but are only met with a downward gaze. “Fine then.” You perform a quick bow and hurry off, Twilight trying to follow.

Duff spots you from down the hall and you give him the signal to round up everyp0ny. ”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you directly afterwards, but I needed to think of a way to tell you.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s not like you’re the princess or anything.”

“I still believe in the cause. We need to free your last friend and stop Chrysalis as soon as possible.”

“Then tell her that,” you pause, “Tell her what *you* think.”

”She’s already made up her mind…” she looks around, “Where are you even going?”

“To find Flavus.”

”Flavus’s room is the other way. Why are we-“

“You think that he’s in his room under heavy guard, but you’d be wrong. Flavus isn’t going to be there.”

”Still. Why would he be this way?”

“I don’t know, I’m just blindly walking around at this point.” You reckon he’d be somewhere quiet and alone, likely a place of intellect. Twilight says the closest place would be the royal archives, but they’re locked up tight. But you’re sure he’s not going to be stopped by a simple lock. He’s put too many points into lockpicking.

You discover the archives, the door cracked open. You grin to Twilight in victory. “Do me a favor and tell the others while I fetch Mr. Psycho in here.”

”What do you want me to say?”

“Tell them, that we’re on our own for this one, and that we’re moving out at our earliest convenience.” You only hope that they take it well.

”I’ll get right on that.”

You step inside the archives, the air stale and cold, but a warm humming comes from deeper within. If you had any bits left you’d wager that it was Flavus.

You walk between the towers of dust and parchment, a large hourglass running in the center of the room. The humming grows louder. You brush the dust off the shelf. You can understand how he’d feel drawn to a place like this, it has a certain quality about it. ”Do silence your feet, we are within a library of sorts are we not?” You find Flavus sitting at the base of a bookshelf, book in hand.

“Would archives really count as a library?”

“Why of course. Do sit with me. I don’t bite, much.” You sit across from him, “I much prefer using the blade anyways, biting is so primal and the blood gets all over your face.” He senses your concern, “You have nothing to fear from me. Only our enemies.”

“How’s the shoulder?”

”The what? Oh yes, that scratch you gave me. It’s nothing.”

“Scratch? I blew a hole in your shoulder.”

”Scratch, hole, same thing.”

“But you’re better?”

“Most definitely. I wouldn’t have made it this far if I couldn’t handle a simple wound.”

“And just how far have you gotten if you don’t mind me asking?”

”The curious one. I only ever get asked questions in the midst of my fun, you are an oddity among them.” He closes his book and sets it to the side, “I have extensive experience in my field of work. I do not like to boast, it is a petty activity for the uncivilized.” The mindboggling irony of that statement is almost too much to handle.

“Do you remember when you asked Mous what he thought our odds were against you?”

“Yes I remember that quite fondly. A wise mind he has, his past is one of conquerors and selfish intent. His rise from darkness is most intriguing.”

“Anyways, what do you think our chances are against Discord?”

“As a whole, our chances aren’t good, but not abysmal either. If Discord’s plan had succeeded then we would’ve already lost.”

“And what plan is that?”

“Divide and conquer. He wishes for us to kill each other off and with good reason. Individually we present little threat to him, but together we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

“At least you all are. You each have skills and experience in this sort of thing. I’m just a nobody.”

“I do wonder your role in this game of his, but do not lose heart. A strong will can overcome the fiercest of obstacles.”

“Still , a little strength helps.”

He tips his head and opens his book, “Indeed. Now is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Just wanted to see if you were ready.”

“When you leave I will follow. Shame that Celestia will not be joining us.”

“When did you-“

He looks up with a smile, “One thing you will learn about me is that I’m everywhere.”

“I don’t know whether to feel safe or not?”

“One is never safe in the company of man.” Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence but you’ll roll with it. He doesn’t appear shocked at the situation nor even worried. Whether it’s a chemical imbalance or not is something you’ll leave to wiser men. The silver lining is that he himself is on your side. At least this wasn’t a completely wasted trip.

He thanks you for stopping by and you find them in the dining room. All you had to do was follow the yelling. ”…and you fucking know it. How are we supposed to-“ You walk inside and Duff looks to you, “Did you have any idea this was going to happen?”

“I only just found out.”

”And it’s bullshit right? I’m not crazy here or anything.”

“Of the highest kind.”

”Thank you Anon.”

Twilight gains the floor, “I’m not disagreeing with you, but that’s the reason.”

”Does she realize that by sparing the lives of hundreds she’s dooming those of thousands?”

”That is her reason…”

“Duff give her a break. She’s on our side.”

”Is she? From the looks of it she seems against our plan.”

Mous expresses his concern in silence. You grip your sidearm on your leg. “Duff, I think you need to calm down a little.”

He sees what you’re doing, “If you think you can draw that thing faster than me, then go ahead.”

“You’ve been emotionally compromised. You’re a soldier, remember that.”

The anger in his face begins to fade and his breathing slows, “You’re right. I apologize Twilight. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” You take your hand off the gun seeing the situation die down.

“We all need to cool down, not just him. We’ll head out tomorrow, but for today, take some time to relax.”

“Sounds good to me partner.” You all head your separate ways, Fluttershy locking her hoof around your arm.

”I’m sorry about the bad news.”

“Let’s not talk about this stuff okay? Let’s take this time to find some peace.”

”Okay Anon.” You take a seat with Fluttershy in your lap.

“So how’re things back home?”

”Quiet. Nothing much happens anymore.”

“How about Flash and Anonymous? Any change?”

”Anonymous is still…” She doesn’t need to say it, “and Flash was begging for us to take him along.”

“I’m sure he wanted some payback. The doc’s taking care of them then?”

”They’re very good.” You didn’t need the convincing, but you’ll take it just the same. Funny. The first thing out of your mouth when you have time off is the very thing you need to forget about. ”Let me show you something, you know… if you want…”

“Lead the way Fluttershy.”

She pulls lightly on your hand outside the castle and into the Canterlot gardens. ”This place is so beautiful this time of year don’t you think?” You pluck a flower from below and breathe in the heavenly scent. You tuck it behind her ear, the sky blue of the petals bringing out her eyes.

“And I know somep0ny who puts it to shame.” She blushes and turns her head away. You calmly hold her chin up to face you, your thumb softly rubbing her cheek. “Even after this long you still try to hide the most beautiful thing in Equestria from me.”

She coos at your touch and retracts her head slightly, “I’m not that pretty…”

“I never said pretty. I said beautiful.” The scarlet of her cheeks must be visible from miles away.

”So you did…”

“Tell me then,” you ask, “Why do you hide yourself from me?”

She stops to smell the roses, “Maybe… it’s because, deep down, I’m afraid.”

“Afraid? Of what?”

She follows the trail of a trio of butterflies, “That you’ll turn me away.”

“I could never do that to you,” you implore following her.

You find her sitting on her haunches, butterfly sitting atop her nose. Her smile could brighten the world, “I know.”

You fear that the tiny insects will fly away upon your approach but they don’t. Fluttershy can calm any creature, even from one such as yourself. ”Hold out your hand.” You take your open palm and place it before you. She takes the butterfly on her nose to her hoof and then guides it your hand. It hops onto your wrist and you can almost feel the tiny creature grin at you. You hold her hoof, “I think he likes you.”

“What’s not to like,” you boast in sarcasm. His two pals fly on by and he joins them off into the foliage.

“I guess that,” she jokes.

“Can’t all be winners.”

You walk with Fluttershy through the garden, stopping to smell every flower, stopping to greet every critter. Your parents would’ve liked this place, well, at least your mom would. Your dad would probably smack you and ask if you were queer. Welp, that’s dad for you.

As the sun begins to set Fluttershy grabs your hand forcefully and pulls you along. “Whoa what’s gotten into you?”

”It’s a surprise.”

“You know I don’t like surprises.”

”You’ll like this one. I promise.” Alright, you’ll go along with this. She’s always had good intentions before.

She glides over a large bush and into one of the secluded sections of the garden. ”Come on, it’s just a little further in.”

“I don’t think we’re allowed to go in there.”

”And since when have you cared about the rules?”

“Since I’m in walking distance to the dungeons.”

She rests her head atop of bush and smiles, “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

You look around for any patrolling guards. “Fine, but if they ask, you were the seductress here.” She squees as you step through the greenery and follow her. The foliage dies down rather abruptly until you find yourself in a clear patch of grass. Fluttershy pats the ground beside her and you lay down next to her.

The trees part before you and beyond lies the rolling hills below. The orange hue of the sun shines across the land, distributing its beauty to all in its light. ”I found this place at the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago. I didn’t have the company to enjoy it at the time.”

“I’m glad I can share it with you now.” She touches her hoof to your hand. ”I love you Anon.”

You grab hold of her hoof and roll to your side with a grin. “I love you more.”

She huffs humorously, “I love you most.” You stroke her hair with your free hand.

“Touché.” You press your lips against hers and melt away.

She wraps her hooves around you and snuggles closer as you bask in the sun. You do the same and the warmth of her body soon presses against yours. She rolls atop you until she’s lying down on your chest, lips locked with yours. She pulls away reluctantly to catch her breath. You rub her wings tenderly causing her to shiver in response.\ “Is this alright?”

”Yes…” she coos, her limbs losing strength beneath her. She collapses to your chest, but you don’t let up and continue your massage. She takes a deep breathe and slowly breathes out, your work reaching its crescendo.

“Did I do good?”

She pecks you on the lips, “You did more than good.” Damn right you did. She works her way back up straddling your hips.

She rubs your chest, softly, tenderly. Her hums entrance your mind as you drift further and further away. Everything’s perfect, the time, the place, the mare. Fluttershy nibbles at your neck. You love it when she does that.

‘How sweet.’ You shoot up and push Fluttershy back. No no no no no no.

”What’s wrong?” You wait… and wait… Nothing. ”Anon?”

“I- I’m sorry. I just can’t do this right now.”

She climbs off of you, still holding tight on your arm, “Something’s on your mind isn’t there?” More like someone in it.

“Yeah, this whole thing- it just kills the mood. I’m sorry.”

She snuggles closer, “Don’t be. Let’s wait until we’re both ready.” You put your arm under her as the sun disappears over the hills.

“Thank you.”

She looks to you, “For what?”

You can almost feel him asking you the same question. “For understanding. For being there for me.” You press your head against hers. “For being you.”


You throw back the sheets making sure not to wake Fluttershy. You don’t need to concern her with your problems. The halls lay vacant save for the occasional guard. They salute you as pass, you returning with a simple nod. You find your way outside into the courtyard. He stares back down at you, his stone eyes upon you. “Why? Why don’t you just leave me alone?” You pace back and forth before his immortal visage. “What do you have to say for yourself you grizzly piece of abominable shit?” You’re met with more silence. “Don’t have anything to say for yourself? That’s what I thought!”

A chill runs up your spine. ”Well I do have one or two things to say if you don’t mind.” The blood in your veins freeze, every molecule of your being wanting to scream. ”What? Has the paper lion met the hurricane?”

He steps off his throne of stone, the statue reappearing with a snap of his fingers. ”Wonderful workmanship if I do say so. A tad bland for my tastes, but a masterful replica all the same.” From the throes of terror your conscience mind strikes through. You reach for your gun and fire at Discord. He knew it was coming. He grabbed your arm with his claws before you could even pull the trigger. ”Now that isn’t very nice of you. Let’s just drop that shall we?”

As his claws tear into your flesh you’re forced to comply, your pistol hitting the grass. ”There we go. Isn’t that better?” You spit on his hideous face. He throws you to the floor and wipes it off. ”Oh I’d forgotten how lively you could be.”

You attempt to crawl away but a force compels you to lie still. “It’s been a while hasn’t it? I can remember the good old days as if it were yesterday?”

“We didn’t have any good old days,” you say rolling to your stomach.

“Always the buzz kill aren’t you? How dull,” he turns away and you take your chance. You grab your gun and fire. *squirt*

A weak jet of water runs out the barrel, Discord withholding his laughter as best he can. When he sees your face he can’t stop himself. His laughter overtakes the sky and runs over Canterlot. “You- you should see the- the look on your face. Priceless!” He catches his breath and wipes a tear from his eye. You’re hopelessly outmatched for something like him. You’re an ant beneath Discord’s magnifying glass. He is god and you are less than filth in comparison. “Don’t start using metaphors now, once you start you’ll never stop.”

All you can do is wait. Wait and pray someone can come to help you. “A touching sentiment, but foolish wouldn’t you say? Do you think I haven’t made sure we’re tucked away out of sight and sound?”

“I think you’re getting bold. Something like you doesn’t do that unless they’re desperate.” His hard eyes speak volumes. Discord is supposed to be smooth and easy-going, but not now.

”You should be wary of how you speak ‘ant.’ It might get you burned one day.”

“You don’t scare me Discord. No matter what you do to me, my friends will do worse to you.”

”You needn’t worry, I’m not here to kill you or torture you. I came to give you a choice.”

“I refuse.”

He carries on, “You can convince your friends to go home, give up this little quest of theirs. That decision will work best for you.”

“Or what? You’re going to make my life a living hell?”

“That is the third option.”

Three options? Might as well ask. “And just what’s the second option?”

Your hand tightens around the pistol, “You force them to quit.”

“Go to hell!”

”Am I asking too much? I think not.” His head moves inches away from yours, his eyes locked on you. ”You are a blight. A disease upon Equestria. Wherever you go, chaos follows. I’m an advocate for chaos, but yours breeds death and dismay.” You try to look away but your body’s frozen stiff. ”Equestria has been at peace for generations, save for the occasional situation like me. You come into our world, my world, and bring about such evil.”

It’s all bullshit Anon. Remember that. ”Bullshit? I’ve seen the minds of your peers save for the cripple. They’re riff with what I speak. Tell me, how is your version of Equestria running?” He interrupts you, “We’re at war. Your friends fight one another leaving them bloody. How many have you killed since you came here?”

You see the faces of the ones you’ve slain. It was necessary though, you had to. ”If you and your kind hadn’t arrived I’d still be encased in stone, and a lot of innocent lives would’ve been spared.”

“You don’t care. This is all some ploy to turn me against my friends.”

“No Anon. I’m manipulative and devious, but I am not a cold hearted monster as they say. After I’m dead by your hand then what? You go back to peace? No, you spoil in such times. You will always find another victim.” You’re better than him Anon. Remember that. “My victims change for the worse, yes, but they still live. I bring in a third option opposed to their death.”

He sighs, “Unfortunately, you are not as lucky as they. You can go leave, but that’s merely a band-aid for the virus that you are. I can finish you off, but I would be as much of a monster as you.”

“Or I can end it myself, ensuring that we can’t harm Equestria anymore…”

”I wish I had better news, but alas…” You keep silent and bide your time. Just a little longer… “Longer? What are you waiting for?” Keep him out. A few more minutes. He grabs you by the jaw, “Stall all you wish, you must make a choice. So choose!”

His eyes widen as a zip catches his ear, a tiny wooden dart sticking out of his neck. He pulls the dart out and falls backwards in a stupor. “Clever. I’ll make note of him in the future.” As he begins to collapse he snaps his fingers and disappears in a burst of light.

Your savior leaps from the balcony and into the bushes. He dusts himself off and walks over to you, offering you a hand. You gladly take it and get to your feet, stowing your pistol by your side. “Interesting conversation I must say. Still, can’t disagree with all of it.”

“He’s wrong about us. We have the capacity for good and that’s more than he’ll ever have. You look to his statue and sigh. Your demise and salvation was inches away from you. “Thanks by the way. If you hadn’t been there-“

He holds up his hand to interrupt, “Don’t worry about it.” He smiles, “Like I said, I’m everywhere.”

“Makes me feel better.”


Back in the Changeling Hive…

Discord appears out of nowhere much to your surprise. “How’d it go?”

He conjures a glass of milk and downs it, his strength restoring. ”Could’ve gone better.”

“I see… I shall prepare for their arrival.”

“They won’t be easy to handle. Keep your eyes on the one called Flavus.”

“I’ll do my best to finish them off for you, for Chrysalis.” He leans against the wall, his body tense with frustration. He and Chrysalis have given you so much, you’ll die before letting anything happen to them. It pains you to see him like this. “Want to play hop-scotch?”

He grins, “Without a doubt, Light.”

Chapter 9: Bad Tidings

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You help Mous with his bags, his leg getting the better of him. “So how long will it take to reach the Changeling Hive?”

”I’d say a few days if we travel by foot,” Mickey responds.

Rarity hefts three large suitcases to the floor and catches her breath, “I think I speak for everyone when I say we should take a break.”

Fluttershy gives her one long look, “We haven’t even left the castle yet.”

”That’s besides the point darling.”

“How about you leave some of that stuff behind? You’ve got more than all of us combined.” It still boggles your mind how one pony can have more stuff than the mane six and the five of you. “Applejack, show her exactly how much she needs.” Applejack practically has to take out a hacksaw just to open up the swollen bags. And when she does they explode.

Clothes rain from the sky along with stuff you vaguely recognize in your mother’s bathroom. “Twist my nipples and call me Sally, seriously? What in your mind made you think you needed all this?”

”Uh Anon?”

“Yeah AJ.”

”That was only the first bag.”

“Sufferin’ succotash. You know what? Fuck it. Take half a bag Rarity, we’ll leave the rest with the guards.”

”The guards? Out of the question. Who knows what manner of ‘things’ they’ll do with my precious garments.”

“Oh yeah I forgot that all guards are cross-dressing lady boys. My bad.”

”Shining Armor’s captain of the guard,” Twilight points out.

“There you go Rarity, a shining example.”

”I hate you, you know that?” Twilight sneers jokingly.

Duff snaps his fingers for your attention, “If you’re all done now, let’s get a move on.” AJ and Pinkie finish packing up Rarity’s bag, Fluttershy consoling her so she doesn’t break down in tears.

“You don’t mind giving us some calm weather on the way do you Dash?”

”Not a problem.” All eleven of you stand at the gate, ready to leave the safety of the city and enter the unknown.

“Duff, I think you have the floor. Orders?”

”I know most of you haven’t been prepared for something like this, but the time has come for us to see it through. If any of you are having doubts then head home.” No one budges. ”That’s what I like to see. Saddle up ladies, we’re moving out.”

You make sure your bag’s nice and snug and pull Fluttershy next to you. She isn’t leaving your side this trip. No one’s leaving at all.


Twilight clears the path for your group in the thick of the forest. “Hey Mous, I’m a tad curious about something.”


You can’t get what Discord said out of your head. “I know you never liked to talk about it, but what were you like back in your world.”

Pinkie shoots you a glare, “You should know better than to ask that.”

“So you told Pinkie but not us?”

“He told me too,” Twilight murmurs from the front.

Oh that’s bullshit. Mous is unfazed by the question, “It’s alright. There’s no reason I shouldn’t tell him, but let’s wait until we make camp okay?”

“Sounds good to me.” You want to hear what he has to say, and all the delays don’t make that desire lessen any. The journey is quick to become a bore. It’s not tiring, mind you, but there’s nothing to occupy your time besides walking. And having to bear Rarity’s constant whining is driving you up the wall so to speak. My hooves this. My back that. Look at my mane.

She wasn’t this bad when you first met her, but she just let it all out now. You try and play a game of I Spy, but nopony knew what that was. Right off the back you’re out of ideas. All you can do is keep your eyes forward and mind clear.

The sun sets soon enough and you make camp at the forest’s edge. You help gather wood for a fire while the others get to work on making the camp ‘Rarity Approved.’ Celestia help them.

You set down your donation in the center and Twilight casts a quick immolation spell to get the fire going. The others hold their hooves to the fire and you sit back on your bedroll. ”Still want to hear that story?”

“If you don’t mind.”

”I do, but that’s alright,” Mous sits down next to you. ”Where should I start?”

“The beginning isn’t exactly a bad place.”

”Smart ass,” he kids, “Well I’d say I was just like you. Young, brash, just wanting to go home. I tried my damndest to find my way, but I didn’t have any luck.” He really was just like you. ”So when I found out I couldn’t get home. I don’t know, something inside me changed. I became… cruel, selfish, a total prick. It was horrible.”

“I can only imagine.”

”I’ve done things I’m not proud of. The very people who I protected would fear worse from me. I took advantage of their fear. I remember thinking how weak and puny these creatures were. They were inferior to my magnificence. But all that changed when I found Ponyville.” He smiles as he looks to the mane six, huddled together by the fire, keeping each other warm. ”They saved me, both my body and soul. I owe them everything.”

“What changed you though? I can’t imagine you just woke up different.”

“I had an accident. Rockslide on my way to slay a dragon. I got hit after saving your girlfriend.” Fluttershy laughs with the others. Likely some joke Dash spewed out. “She dragged me back to the hospital and her friends took care of me until I was up and at it. I won’t let anything bad befall them.”

“But in the end you changed for the better.”

“I was lucky. I was placed in a situation where I was forced to change, to adapt. If not for that rock slide I would’ve been the same bastard today that I was all that time ago.” We breed chaos, just like he said. It’s in our nature. ”Good talk. See you in the morning,” he says hefting to his feet and back to his own bed.

“Night…” you murmur under your breath.

”Don’t let him get to you,” Flavus says putting a hand on your shoulder, “He’s just trying to twist your thoughts.”

“Whatever he tried is working. I just… I can’t wrap my head around this one.”

“Try not to seek the understanding of a madman lest you fall into madness yourself.”

“But that’s the problem. I do understand what he’s saying, and it conflicts with what I believe.”

“Cognitive Dissonance at its finest.”

“What if he is right Flavus? What then?”

“You’re going to have to make a choice. Our lives? Or his? It’s up to you.”

“Do the others…”

“No. I haven’t spoken to them about it. They wouldn’t believe me even if I did.”

“Thanks for that.”

“If you ever need another crazy to talk to, I’m always here.”

“I appreciate the thought.”

“Well I try,” he turns away, “Oh yeah, you might want to entertain our guest in the next minute or two.”


“Not really a guest, but an old friend for you.” With that he disappears into the shadows of the night. A rustling stirs to your left and you draw your weapon towards the perpetrator.

”Whoa! Hold on!”


“Can you put down the gun?”

“Of course, sorry ‘bout that.” You ask him what he’s doing here. He should be back in the hospital not foraging with the likes of you.

“When I heard you all were heading up north to the changeling hive… Well I had to come along.”

“Fluttershy said as much. You need to rest, not fight.”

“I’ve rested long enough,” he approaches and sits beside you, “I want to help.”

“You’re weak- No offense. Flavus took a lot out of you.”

“And I’m back with interest. Did you run a stake through his heart for me?”

“Not exactly.” Flavus taps him on the back of the head with his knife before disappearing once more.


This attracts the rest of the group’s attention. ”Flash what are you-“

”Why the hell isn’t he dead!?”

“We need him.”

”Like hell we do. We don’t need some psycho in our midst who’ll slit our throats the first chance he gets.”

“He had his chance, just like I told Twilight. He knows better.”

His eyes divert to her in the light of the flame. He visibly calms when he sees her. “And what after?”

“Like I told Twilight, we’ll cross that bridge soon enough.”

“Just don’t burn it while I’m atop it,” Flavus’s voice echoes in the night’s sky.

Flash whispers in your ear, “We can’t trust him.”

‘I heard that,” Flavus booms once more.

“You can’t. I can. If you don’t want him here, then leave. Everyone else sees the necessity of his presence isn’t that right?” The others nod. “Suck it up, or go home. What’s it going to be?”

He rubs his newly made armor, his old wounds still fresh in his mind, “If he tries anything-“

“I’ll put a bullet in him myself. At least try.”

He sighs and tosses his bag to the floor, “I’ll play ball. You’re lucky my hatred for the changelings outweigh my own for Flavus.”

“You’re lucky he didn’t kill you in the forest.” He looks around in search of him, but finds nothing. “Now go and talk with the others. Twilight could use some more company.”

”Will do,” he says moving next to Twilight. You sit back and watch as the others do their thing. They talk. They laugh. They do their best to make the most of the situation. And you just sit, nothing more.

You’re out of touch with them. Your mission has taken the whole of your mind and there’s no room for them in it. Maybe it’s just stress. Maybe you need to distance yourself in case something goes wrong. Or maybe you’re just over-thinking things. Its probably a combination of all those.

Regardless, there’s not much you can do. When this is over you can reforge your friendships, but now you have at mission to complete. You slide into your bedroll and sleep.


”Here we are, the hive,” Flash says recognizing the area.

”A mountain? Sorry partner, but you’re off your rocker,” AJ comments.

“It’s not the mountain, it’s under the mountain.”

Twilight gazes down one of the holes that litter the floor. Flash is quick to pull her back, “Don’t want you falling in. It ain’t pretty. I know from experience.”

“Then what’s the plan?”

“There’s a main entrance somewhere, but I can’t remember exactly where.”

Flavus and Mickey both raise their hands like a couple of children. “Flavus?”

“I know there is one west of here. Chrysalis took me to the surface that way. It’s a long haul, but will take us straight to the heart of the hive.”

“Sounds like a good place to start, Mickey?”

“A little east is another passage. It’s closer to the holding area so Light will likely be held there.” Damn. Those are both sound options.

“What do you guys think?”

Duff and Mous say we should follow Mickey’s course and get to Light. The mane six and Flash say we should follow Flavus’s course. They reason that Chrysalis has Light under her spell and the only way to free him would be to stop her. “We need to find Light for sure, everything else is secondary. Let’s head east.”

Flash stands his ground, “I’m going west.”

“Don’t start with me.”

“Chrysalis is the heart of the problem here. Strike the heart, not the arm.” Flavus agrees with him, but will follow you.

“Fine then, Twilight and Rainbow Dash go with him.” Flash nods and the three of them take off to the western passage. This isn’t going very well and you haven’t even entered the hive yet.

The rest of you head east, Mickey scouting up ahead. You come across the tunnel he spoke of. The walls arch above you comfortably allowing you to stand. Doesn’t exactly strike you as hidden. Duff whips out his motion tracker and flips it on, the soft blips a nice sign. ”Alright, let’s form up. Humans up front, ponies at the rear.” He activates shoulder-mounted flashlight and readies his pulse rifle. Eyes peeled Anon.

You begin your steady descent into the hive. The metallic hum from the tracker eases down the passage. ”Reminds me of the Xeno hive.”

“Can’t imagine how scared stiff you were.”

“Oh you could try.” *bleep* Duff aims his light deeper into the cave while he checks his tracker. “Twenty-nine meters and- Gone.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Neither do I.” Further down the track you find the source of the blip, a dislodged rock. ”I guess we found out the cause.” You inspect the ceiling and walls. They’re rough but well carved with no visible indents.

“My question is who put it here.”

“What do you mean?”

You point out the walls. They’re too fine. This rock couldn’t have just fallen from nowhere. “Someone knew we detected them and tried to cover their tracks.”

“My voice didn’t carry that far. The only way they’d know is if-“

“We’re being watched.” Rarity shivers and Fluttershy begins to whimper. You console her while the others discuss the situation. “We’re going to get through this. You just wait and see.” This helps a bit, and that’s enough for her. “AJ, you’ve fought changelings before right? What do you make of this?”

“Couldn’t tell ya. I reckon they’re waiting for us to hit the right spot before pouncing.”

”It’s like a surprise party, but it’s not a very nice one.”

Duff’s tracker goes off again, “Twenty-five meters, behind.” He shines his light back up catching a glimpse of the creature hiding out of range. Rarity squeals in terror and books it down one of the passages. You’ll admit they’ve got you spooked, but not that much. “I’ll get her.” You follow her trail into one of the adjacent passages and find her huddled in the fetal position. “Come on Rarity let’s get back to the others.”

”No. They’re watching them. They’ll watch me too.”

“So you run off in the middle of nowhere without protection?”

Her eyes dart about in the looming darkness, “Can’t see me here.”

“They don’t use lights Rarity. I’m pretty sure that means they can see in the dark.”

”Not watching me now.” You open your mouth to speak when a subtle vibration runs through your feet. It intensifies into a full on rumbling.

“Look what you did!” you yell over the quaking earth. You hoist the mare over your shoulder and sprint back to the others. You spot the light up ahead, but it’s too late. The rocks begin to shift.

You step back from the collapsing rock, covering your mouth from the upheaval of dust. You cough, a few grains of sediment finding your esophagus. ”ANON!” Mous shouts through the cave-in.

“We’re good! *cough* Just a little dust.” Rarity is freaking out at this point, her hooves flailing every which way. “At least I’m alright.”

”GET US OUT OF HERE!” She leaps from your shoulder towards the rocks and attempts to throw them off. She gets to the first one and even with magic she isn’t able to lift it. Her tears keep flowing as she begs for someone to help. You draw your gun and aim down the black passage.

“How long before you can break through?”

”Too long, we’ll be sitting ducks.”

Changeling shuffle in the shadows down the tunnel, their bodies cloaked in darkness. You can’t see a damn thing without Duff’s flashlight. “Whatever you’re going to do then hurry up? I’ve got some company.”

Their steps hasten on the other side, “Same over here.” You can hear their harsh breathing, the hot air closing in. You fire, the orange flash of the shot reflecting off their hard eyes.

“Eat lead!” You lay a few more shots into them, your hand guided by memory. They keep getting closer. Pulse Rifle fire comes from the other side.

”We can’t get you out! Find a way around and meet up with us!” Damn it. You fire again, a changeling squealing in pain as you puncture his lungs. You sit back on the rock pile and nudge Rarity who’s still sprawled out on the stone.

“Come on Rarity let’s get a move on,” you whisper hurriedly, putting a temporary hold on your fire.

”They’re going to get me.”

You’ve had just about enough of her shit. “Rarity, get your flank up and MOVE!” You grab her by the scruff of her neck and hurl her on your shoulder. You fire your last two shots down the tunnel and charge past the changelings. The tunnel curves naturally and you just keep running. When their hisses become mute, you run. When the signs of battle pass, you run. It’s only when your chest seizes in pain do you finally stop.

You can’t see anything in this light, and you’d rather not wait to find some sneaking up your ass. Rarity’s not making anymore noise and you’re not sure if that’s good or bad. “You ok Rare?”

She sniffles, “Are they gone?”

“I think so. It’s good to hear you’re still fine.”

”They- I’m sorry I broke down back there.”

“Don’t sweat it.” You reach out and place your hand on the wall. “I can’t see shit down here.”

”Maybe I can help.” Her horns begins to glow and then intensifies to the point where a good chunk of the area is visible. Where the hell was that before? Nope, calm down Anon. She was in shock, don’t bring it up.


Rarity’s eyes lock onto you and her body begins to quiver, “A-a-anon.” You didn’t even hear it coming.

His fangs dive into the flesh of your shoulder with one clean stroke and he begins to ride you like a bull. You buck and try and throw him about, his teeth driving deeper and deeper into you. Finally you slam your back against the wall and he starts to relent. But you don’t wait. You slam again, his body aching. Again. Again. His teeth retract from your shoulder and he slides down your blood-drenched backside.

You grab your heart with your left hand and attempt to move your right arm. Just a little- Nope! You bear the pain by gritting your teeth and lean against the wall, Rarity helping you. ”I’m so sorry, when I saw him-“

“Don’t start. I forgive you.” You swap hands and try and get back up. “We need to find the others, but I won’t be able to fight that easy with my arm like this.”

She offers to heal it, but she’s just a seamstress, not a doctor, so you respectfully decline. Your shoulder burns but you’re forced to endure it. Rarity takes the lead with you covering her. You’d hoped to have found them relatively quickly, but fate had other plans.

You moved from one tunnel network to another. Every time you find a changeling you wasted at least half a clip just trying to get them down. Fuck your left hand. At least you’re able to see again. You exit the last passage, finding yourself in a dining room of some sort. The table’s plain and bare, but that’s not what catches your attention. Shotgun blasts are. You take off, heading towards the battle. When you turn the corner to an elongated passageway, cells on either side, you find Mous and the others. Fighting Light.

Light takes the blast pointblank, his shield neutralizing the threat. He snatches the gun out of his hand and sweeps his legs with it. Pinkie comes to his aid before being knocked out by a powerful kick to the head. But that’s when he makes his big mistake. He hits Fluttershy. You charge inwards with Rarity behind you, the battlefield lit with an eerie green. Nobody hurts Fluttershy.

You shoot at Light while his back is turned but miss. He ducks down to avoid your spray and finally looks to you. ”So they riled even you. I do not revel in this, but I will not let you hurt her.” Flavus comes in from behind, his hand caught before he could strike. Light hurls Flavus over his shoulder by the arm and hits him square in the cranium. ”I expected more of a fight to be honest.”

He tears a boulder clean off the wall and Duff takes the mass to his person. You don’t stop charging. Even with the odds so high in his favor, you won’t let him harm your friends. You hit him the same time as Applejack, though you can tell he let you. He grabs AJ by the mane and throws her into the wall, knocking her out cold. Rarity tries to help, but he flicks her horn in just the right place and she’s out too. So then his eyes turn to you.

Your eyes bulge as his fist connects with your stomach, the incredible force causing your stomach to lurch. He eases your head up after you finish releasing your lunch. ”I never asked for hostility. When they arrived I merely asked for them to leave. I’ve seen enough conflict in my day.”

You attempt to aim, but he holds you down with an unknown force. He takes a look at your weapon, “A gift from Duff? I saw how Mous had the same. Now I just wait for Mickey to strike.” He waves his hand, a mountain of rock collapsing from the ceiling, a lone incinerator sliding out from the mass.” ”I’m not a fan of waiting.” Everyone’s down and out, even Flavus, the one who had you all at his whim.

“You have to stop this,” you croak with your diminishing strength.

“I don’t want to fight, but you forced my hand. Go, take them back to Ponyville and leave me in peace.” He walks away, back turned.

“You know I can’t do that.”

”I was afraid you’d say that,” he looks over his shoulder, “Last chance.” You hold up your chest, fighting the aching pain that runs throughout your body. ”So be it.” He grabs a dangling stalactite and marches towards you.

You know what’s coming and you understand just how futile it would be to fight him. You holster your pistol and close your eyes, your teeth clench when he grabs your bloody shoulder. ”I never asked for this. It just…”

His hold on your shoulder lightens, the thud of the stalactite striking the stone floor fills the room. When you look at him, he’s not staring at you, instead he’s looking behind you. ”Sorry we’re late. We had to bag a queen.”

You recognize Flash’s voice and two accompanying sets of hooves. ”No…” Light moves you to the side, gently even. You watch him approach Twilight’s team, Twilight and Rainbow Dash blocking his way to Flash.

That doesn’t stop him however; he pushes them off with no effort, Flash drawing his sword. Flash stabs at him, met by a swift chop to the throat. He goes down and Light retrieves the body hauled behind them. He strokes her neck, muttering something under his breath. You get closer, ignoring Twilight’s silent warnings. ”Why? Why you? Not again, please god not again.” You look at the two of them, Light holding a large changeling, her body still.

He looks to the ceiling, “Was I not enough?! Why did you have to take her away from me?!” He buries his head in her neck, his sobs the sole noise in the silent chamber.

“She was working with Discord you know. He’s back and trying to-“

”Who cares about Discord! I lost… I lost the only thing that had kept me going…”

“Light, I know this must be hard for you, and I wish I could say I understood how you feel but I don’t. We need your help. The only reason we came after you is because Discord had come after us.”

He pulls the changeling close to him, “I don’t care anymore. I only ever wanted to be with her.”

“Discord’s the reason she’s dead. Discord forced our hand.”

”No,” he whispers, “It was yours.”mYou place a hand on his shoulder, “Finish it.”

“What? You can’t be-“

”I said finish it,” he says looking up at you.

He can’t be serious. How could he say that? “I’m not going to do that.” He grabs your hand and locks it on your gun, pulling it to meet him.

”I’ve seen what happens to suicides in Tartarus. Please…”

“I can’t shoot a grieving man.”

”Then shoot an angry one.” He hits you in the gut and throws you backwards, Twilight and Dash coming to your aid. He takes them out swiftly, his attacks aimed to subdue. ”Come on, do it! Come on come on. I’m right here! Kill me!” You scramble to your feet as he approaches, once again grabbing the stalactite. ”Fine, if you’re not going to kill me, then I’ll just have to kill-“ *bang*

He falls to his knee and grips his chest. His hand grows red and he smiles at the sight, “Part of me thought you wouldn’t do it.” Your drop your gun and run over to him as he falls on his back. His face isn’t marked with pain, but rather with relief. You can’t let him die. You were scared, he was rushing you.

You put pressure on his wound and he smiles back at you, “It’s a bit late for that I’m afraid.”

“I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to.”

”Shh, it’s alright. Everything’s going to be fine.” His finger twitches, the light in his eyes beginning to fade, “Thank you Anon.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe, “I’m coming Chrysalis.” Silence overtakes the hive, Light lying before you. You stand up and begin to wake the others.

Today was a bad day.

Chapter 10: All Things Must End

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You sit at the bar, a mug in hand and head on arm, drowning your sorrows away. It wasn’t your fault. At least that’s what you try to tell yourself. All the logic and reasoning in the world can’t sway what you feel deep down. Humans are emotional creatures and you’re no different.

It was a split second decision. He would’ve done the same thing in your shoes. But you can’t know that for sure. You can never know how things could’ve turned out. You lift your head enough to pour more alcohol into your gullet. Only if your parents could see you now, a weeping drunk, a murdering drunk. You can almost hear them nagging in your ear. Anon, how could you? Anon, didn’t I raise you better? Anon Anon Anon… ”Anon?”

The feminine tune draws you out of your delusion and towards Rainbow Dash. “Oh, hi Dash.”

”How’re you doing, not like I have to ask,” she says plopping next to you.

“I could use a drink,” you sigh, finishing off the rest of your cup.

Dash orders some water, “I think you’ve had enough to drink already.”

“You can never drink too much.”

”Well I can’t, but you can.” Oho, she’s a clever one. You slouch and bury your face into the hair of your arm. With all this liquor pumping through your veins you could just pass out right here. Oh that would feel so good. Just drift away from here and into your own little world… ”It’s not your fault.”

“Don’t start, please. I’m not shifting blame; I pulled the trigger that stole his life.” You wipe your dampening eyes, cutting off what’s to come. “I’m not a killer RD. I’m just a guy trying to make his way in life.”

Light falls to his knees and to his back. “But you know the worst part is? When I sat next to his dying body, I saw the life leaving his body.” You can see his body go limp. You shudder. “And I liked it.”

This catches her attention, “Don’t say that.”

“How can I fight nature? It’s a primal lust that transcends every lesson and morale implanted within me. I’m…”

”You’re better than that. We all know you are, so don’t say things like this.”

You chuckle and peek your eyes over to Dash. “I’m lucky to have such good friends.”

Dash rubs a hoof on your back, “What would you do without us?”

“I don’t know to be honest.”

”That question was rhetorical.” You nod, but still… there’s an answer to that question and you’re afraid of it.

“What time is it?”

“A bit early for the hard stuff.” The bartended silently nods. You give him a knowing look and push away your mug.


“That’s the spirit, now let’s leave this place in the gust.”

“Don’t you mean dust?”

“I know what I said.” You roll your eyes and follow her out the door.

She helps keep you steady as you head out the tavern and towards the castle. “Why is it so bright?”

“The sun’s up.”

“It wasn’t when I got here.”

“This is what happens when you spend all your time at the bar.” Meh. She has a point, sort of. You shield your eyes from the blistering source and hurry through the courtyard and into the castle.

“The dark… thank Jesus.” A ‘humph’ sounds to your right, an alicorn, deep blue with a mane of stars walking down the hall. She steals a glance at you but keeps on her way, a contingent of guards stepping behind. “The hell was that?” you ask with her out of sight.

“Luna. She’s uhh, an interesting one. You know her as Nightmare Moon.”

“Ain’t that a thing.”

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” She leads the way to a washroom and practically bucks you inside.

“Could’ve just asked nicely.” You quickly wash up and it’s only then do you realize exactly how much you reek of booze. The stench could melt the foundation right off a building. That’s a funny thought. Oh yeah, bathing…

You towel yourself off and get dressed, kinda ruining the point of the bath. Whatever. You step outside, “Took your sweet time did you?”

“Oops, looks like I missed a spot.” She grabs you before you escape back inside.

“So,” you yawn, “Am I missing something important?”

”Why do you ask?”

“I mean, it better be important to pull me away from those enticing bottles of paradise.”

”It’s just…” she searches for the words, “We all left that place feeling depressed, but you left… different. You have us worried. Did you mean what you said back there?”


“About Light.” You fake a smile and shake your head.

“That was the booze talking.”

She wipes her head and deeply exhales, “Phew, you had me worried.”

“Just give the alcohol some time to wear off and I’ll be fine.” The lies are spewing out of you like word vomit. No amount of booze would make you think that. You hold open the door for her, several voices calling your name. “Miss me much?”

AJ spits on her hoof and shakes your hand, “Nice to see you up and at it.”

“The feelings mutual,” you reply wiping the saliva off on her neck. You say hi to the others, Fluttershy tugging at your side.

”Are you alright?”

“As good as I can be.”

She gives you a knowing look, “Truly?”

“I’ve been better.” She nestles into you arm and hugs you tenderly, managing to lift your spirits. “Just got a whole lot better.” You kiss the top of her head and brush your cheek against her hair. Finally, a truth.

The day drags on while you get caught up with the others. Things have been slow, no sign of Discord or his work. It’s as if you broke his will. But having him in your head taught you otherwise. Still, he’s not actively fucking your life which is good news. For now you can relax, not like you weren’t doing that before. Now you get to learn to do it sober. You can’t wait…


You take your time and stay focused, eyes locked on target. This is your last chance, there’s no going back. You flick your wrist, the world gone quiet. ”Four.”


”Language,” Fluttershy peeps up.

“Sorry, but seriously. FOUR?!” You move your wagon up four spaces.

Twilight has a gleam in her eye, “Los Pegasus. That’ll be 4300 bits.” You look at your paltry sum, a good 2k short. All lands mortgaged, no one willing to buy them.

“I hate this game so much.”

”Don’t be such a spoil sport,” AJ retorts behind her mountain of cash.

“How did you even get that much dosh?”

”We got a lot of time in the winter.” Fucking farmhands.

You take your leave from the rest, at least you weren’t the first to go out. Still, the only reason Fluttershy lost first was because she bailed you out not once, not twice, but four times. Your ego would’ve been a smoking pile of ashes if not for your sheer will to persevere.

Fluttershy tags along, making sure to remind you exactly where your quarters were. The time you spent there has been minimal since you’d gotten back. Back-alleys and bars have left you with a misplaced sense of home. Fluttershy manages to cut through all of that. You’re not sure how you’ve been able to neglect her so, and even more unsure about why she stuck with you through it. You know that you wouldn’t have. “So how’ve you been? I never really asked.”

”Better now that you’re here.”

“And before?”

”It’s in the past.” The past. Were it so easy to cast it aside. She did though, and if she could so can you. You lie down on your bed and stare at the cold stone ceiling. “Dash told me what you said before…” Your heart skips a beat and you gulp, “So did you mean it?”

You open your mouth, but still your tongue. No more lies. “I meant what I said, yes.”

”Would you do it again?”

That’s a new one; no one’s asked you that yet. “I guess not.”

”You guess?”

“Just guess.”

She joins you by the bedside and looks dead at you, “Promise me you won’t.”

“How long have we known each other Fluttershy?” She starts counting up in her head, but you cut her off. “Long enough to know that I’m not going to make a promise I can’t keep.”

“Lie to me then, just say you won’t.”

You fall back on the bed. “I’m sorry.”

Her hooves hit the floor as she gets up, defeat heavy in her voice, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Just guess.” The door clicks shut as she leaves and you sit up. You had to be a dick. How hard is it to lie, if only to make her feel better. Fucking hell Anon, what’s wrong with you? Do you make it a habit to ruin everything in your life? You catch your head in your hands and rub your eyes before looking at the floor, dollops of water leading to the door. “Oh Fluttershy…” You leap to the door and look around for her, finding nothing but empty halls. Just drive a stake through your heart and finish it.

You slam the door shut and yell through clenched teeth. This isn’t a drunken rage, this is true rage. You kick over your nightstand, the vase shattering upon impact. You begin demolishing your room and by the time you’re done you’ve vented the majority of your anger. Just most of it though. A knock sounds at the door, “Everything alright in there?” a guard asks.

“Just dandy.”

”Try and keep it down then.”

“Yes sir.” Fucking cunt. You cast your eyes to the ground and rub your head in an attempt to bring some peace. Of course, nothing is ever so simple. At least you’re trying, that’s something you guess. You look at yourself in the mirror, the last piece of the room you haven’t demolished. A stranger stares back at you, his eyes cold and unforgiving. But beyond the cold exterior you see an old friend.

You raise your fist to strike the reflection, but stop yourself. What would that solve? This is who you are now, and you’re going to have to live with it. You yearn for the past, back on earth where everything was so simple. Go to work, hang with friends, enjoy the easy life. But no, this is what you have to look forward to. The light’s dimmed where only a glimmer of hope remains. You fall back on your bed and close your eyes.

You dream of rowing a boat amidst an everlasting ocean. Just you and the world, alone. You cease your rowing as the wind begins to pick up and raise the sail. The piece of cloth is put to the limit by the torturous winds. It tears and shreds to pieces as the waves begin to pound your vessel. Amidst the shrieking winds and thunderous waves you’re lost. You’re knocked off by another wave, your arms sapped of strength as you drift deeper into the ocean. Your chest burns in agony as you hold your breath, it won’t be long. Just accept it. You open your lungs to the torrent of liquid and shut your eyes. ‘It’s so easy to give in.’ You shoot up, body covered in sweat and heart pounding.

He’s here.

A scream pierces the castle from outside as you stand up. You look out the window and into the courtyard, fires ablaze amongst the foliage and guards frantically moving to and fro. An explosive blast erupts from the center of them, and from the smoke Discord emerges, his infamous smile missing. That is until he sees you.

A guard charges him only to be crushed under his mighty tail. He pushes the corpse away and returns his gaze to you and raises his hand. Your eyes go wide as you realize what he’s about to do. You bolt away from the window, the force of the explosion throwing you across the room.

You groan and stand back up, your ears deaf and pounding. ”If it isn’t the trigger man himself. I hope you’re happy about all this.” His talons grip your throat and pin you against the wall. “I was going to make things different this time around you know. Living in stone has taught me patience, but noooo. You have to ruin everything.” He catches the air as it enters your throat and ceases the flow. “Light was innocent, all he wanted was to be with Chrysalis and I gave him that. Don’t you understand? I could’ve made things better here.”

You flail your legs in an attempt to kick him, but he’s too far away. ”But I’m done playing around. If I can’t have Equestria, neither can you.” The door bursts open and a rain of gunfire and spectral blasts shoot from outside.

Discord snarls and teleports away as Luna comes to your side, “Art though of good health?”


“She means ‘Are you ok?’” Flavus asks extending his hand.

Duff pushes him to the side, “He’s a big boy now, he can take care of himself.” He pulls you up and shoves his pistol in your hands, “You’re going to need this again.”

“I’m fine, thanks for asking Luna.”

She sticks her nose up at your thanks, “Twas merely assessing your condition.”

Flavus pats her neck, “That’s her way of saying your welcome.” You don’t doubt it.

“What are we going to do?”

Duff aims down the sights of his pulse rifle, “Twilight’s getting the elements of harmony, in the meantime though, we kill Discord.”

“It’s not that simple.”

”Nothing ever is,” he replies.

The others are waiting outside, a few guards among us. “We’re all that’s left?”

“All those that haven’t fled,” Mickey answers. This doesn’t even faze you anymore. You move down the hall with the others at your back.

“Let’s kill this bastard.”

“We only need to distract him,” Mous persuades you, “When the elements are ready Discord will return to his imprisonment.”

“A temporary solution at best.”

“I have no sympathy for the creature, but it’s his nature, he doesn’t deserve to die.”

“We’ll see about that.” You turn the corner and a brief smack later you’re flying through the air again. How does he do that? “Oh shi-“ You scramble up as Discord begins to assault your team.

Flavus tackles Duff, saving him from the oncoming fireball. You stand up and take aim, your bullet turning to silly putty by the time it reaches him. He cackles maniacally and swallows Mickey’s torrent of flame like it were cotton candy. ”Delicious.”

Mickey screams and tackles him, drawing on his rage to increase his strength. The two crash through the wall and down to the earth below. You peek through the hole, neither of them in sight. “Come on,” you shout to the others, “They couldn’t have gone far.” Flash picks up the discarded Incinerator and joins you with Mous.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” Mous jokes. You land in the bushes, Flash and Mous falling soon after.

“The rest of you guys head around the main entrance!” You don’t wait for a response and move to the garden. Fire burns brightly through this once beautiful place, the critters long abandoning their home. This place was special to her and Discord destroyed it. He’s going to pay.

You push through the blaze, your ears guiding you to the sounds of battle. As you emerge Mickey comes flying into a nearby bush, the flames engulfing him. He comes out, face red with rage and body covered in flame. He huffs, the fire disappearing, “About time you got here.” Discord crosses his arms and looks at you four.

“Let’s complain about it later.”

You charge him head on, strategy escaping you. He catches you with his foot and slams you into the dirt. ”Pathetic.” You fire again, your bullets as useless as before. He forces the air from your lungs as he steps over you, Flash drawing his sword and circling him. The others do the same, Mous resorting back to his cane and Mickey cracking his knuckles.

They come in on all sides, Discord merely sighing and deflecting their attacks. His tail sweeps the ground and sends Mous to the floor clutching his knee. Flash’s sword is stolen from his grasp and kicked away. Mickey lands a punch to his side, but Discord backhands him into the dirt. “Truly disappointing.”

Discord perks up, spinning around and lobbing the sword like a javelin. Your chest aches as you turn to his target. Duff is on his knees, his armor split open from the fighting and the sword piercing his chest. Light fell the same way, the same gleam in his eye. “No. NOOOO!”

Discord chuckles and steps on you again, “You’re lucky I didn’t choose you. Still, shame to know a source of chaos has been extinguished.” A shimmer of light catches your eye, six ponies beginning to rise in the air.


”Yes Anon?”

“Learn some humility this time.”

“What do you-“ A crack echoes across the sky as a rainbow shoots toward the god of chaos. He stares it down unnerved, the stream catching his body, his limbs morphing to stone. He sighs and taps his stone foot, the stone crumbling away.

“That- That’s impossible.”

The rainbow disappears and Discord brushes off the dust, “I am surprised it got that far. Must’ve been Duff, the fool.” He waves his hand and tosses the mane 6 to and fro. Duff’s body lies lifeless on the floor, Flavus kneeling next to him. Mickey picks himself up and attacks Discord in desperation.

This can’t be happening, not after all you’ve been through. Your mind wanders as you stare into the sky. Discord could’ve done this from the beginning, but he didn’t. He could’ve slew you in your sleep and turn your corpse into silly putty, but he didn’t.

It was never personal for him, but you blocked him every step of the way. It’s always been you. You and your friends. A stream runs smooth until a rock is placed in its way. Rainbow Dash pulls you away from the ensuing battle, the rest of the mane 6 nearby. They’re fatigued, it seems the elements take a lot out of them. You tell them they need to try again, just once more.

“What’s your plan?” Twilight asks.

“Just be ready to go and whatever you do, don’t watch.” Fluttershy looks to you with concern. You sit next to her. “Hi Fluttershy. How’re you holding up?”

“What’re you going to do?”

You swallow the lump in your throat. “I know the last time we spoke we didn’t leave on the best of terms, and I’m sorry for that. We’ve had our share of good with the bad. What I wouldn’t give to be there now…”

“Please think about this Anon.”

You smile, she always was a perceptive one. “Remember the good times ya hear? I want all of you to remember the good.”

Fluttershy’s eyes begin to water, “Please don’t do this…” You embrace the shivering mare, you have to appear strong for her, now more than ever.

“Just remember, I love you Fluttershy,” you let her go and find your way back to the others. You’re going to finish this.

Flash is coordinating with the others as you approach, “Good timing Anon, Mickey can’t hold him off much longer.” You look at Duff, his eyes empty.

“What’s the plan?”

He looks over his shoulder to Discord, “We need to overwhelm him. He’s strong, but he’s only one against many.” You look over everyone, tuning him out. This is going to hurt you a lot more than them.

“So what do you think?” Mous asks. You snap back to attention, your hand gripping your pistol.

“I think we’re out of time.”

Mickey rolls to your feet, Discord cackling behind him, “Let’s hurry this up. I have chaos to spread.” So do you.

You raise your weapon to Mous, hand shaking from anxiety. “Forgive me.” *bang*

He falls to the floor, cane lying atop him. Flash tries to stop you… but you stop him first. It needs to be done. Discord watches as you dispatch your friends, Mickey unable to defend himself. Now all that’s left is- The cold steel presses against your throat, “So this was your choice after all.”

“You heard him. You would’ve done the same.”

He smiles, “So I would. So I would.”

He lowers the blade, sparing you from his wrath, “You know what happens next don’t you?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

He turns his back to you and gets on his knees, “I’ll see you there.” The crack of the muzzle ends him and leaves you alone.

Discord claps his hands as you lower your gun, “Well done Anon. Truly spectacular work.”

“We’re all monsters, all of us.”

“But you accepted the label, and that is noteworthy in my opinion.” He eases up your chin and looks at you, “I knew you were something else the second I entered that noggin of yours.” Talk all you want you freak. Monologue your life away.

“Then it’s over for me.”

”Maybe not. I find myself enthralled by your actions. How can I discard my most valuable tool?” His claw scraps the back of your neck, “You can serve me yet.” A niggling sensation builds at the back of your mind, his influence creeping within. It’s time.

The air chills as the elements activate once more. “I’d rather rot in Tartarus.” You raise your hand to your head as the light closes in. The metal rod presses against your skull, the rainbow circling the two of you. He reels back to escape, but he won’t win this time. Visions of the past flicker through your mind, years passing in seconds. No regrets. You close your eyes.

And squeeze.

Chapter 11: Epilogue

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Neighagra Falls, Equestria.

You place down the oar, the falls raging in the distance. “This place is beautiful isn’t it?”

”It certainly is.” Rainbow Dash looks back to the shore, Fluttershy gazing into the waters.

“He always wanted to bring her here. I brought it up back before…” You wince as you touch your skull, the beating you took still fresh. You should’ve been there for them. You should’ve been stronger.

Almost as if she was reading your mind Rainbow Dash leans against you, “There was nothing you could’ve done to save them.”

“I just- I shouldn’t have been spared when the rest of them fell.”

“Before the end, Anon… did what he did. He told us to remember the good. I think he meant that for you as well.”

“How can I just forget the rest of those memories?”

Dash takes your hand by the hoof, “By making new ones.”

You smile and lean your head against hers. “I guess that wouldn’t be so bad either.”

She gives a light laugh and snuggles closer to you. ”Do you think we should head back?”

“A few more minutes wouldn’t hurt.”

“I agree Anonymous.”


Meanwhile in Tartarus…

You look back up to the prison, Frostbite they called it. Was a bit warm for your tastes personally. Still, you could’ve gotten used to it. ”Get a move on,” the guard says smacking your back.

The pony before you picks up the pace, pulling you by the blackened chains that bind you together. They cut into your wrists, drawing your thickened blood from the wounds. It smells delicious, but you were warned of that. You follow the line over the heated rock to your destination. Your new home of misery. Meh.

The warmth intensifies as you near the crater, fire blazing from below. Some of the prisoners protest and beg for mercy, the guards beating them into submission. A large dog patrols the marching prisoners, his teeth bore. Probably would’ve been cute if not for the whole devouring souls part. It is part of his job though, so you can’t blame Cerberus for that.

The metal gate swings open, accepting the new arrivals… you. As you step onto the machination, the chains dissolve harmlessly. You look back to the wastes of Tartarus and reach your hand out to it, a translucent barrier blocking you. You pull back, no sense in wasting your time, though others seem to enjoy throwing themselves at it. You merely shake your head at their desperation. They should’ve thought about their actions first.

“Anon,” a guard states from outside, “Last minute visitors.” The ponies armored shell glistens in the infernos light.

“Well? Show them here.” He grunts, but you have no more fucks to give anymore. You spot them closing in on you and you give a sliver of a smile. “So how’d you guys get an audience?”

Light shrugs, “I know the guy who runs this place.”

“Couldn’t lessen my sentence?”

“No such luck, rules are rules.”

You sigh and search for the words to lessen the burden on your shoulders. “Look, I want to apologize.”

Mous shakes his head, “No need for apologies. We- understand now. It was a difficult decision to make.”

“I should’ve told you first.”

“Well yeah. Give a guy a fighting chance at least,” Mickey tries to joke.

Flash rolls his eyes to the joke, “What did you think would happen? We’d take it lying down? No, you made the right decision.”

“I know you’re trying to make me feel better but-“

Duff raises his hand, “It took courage to make that sacrifice. I wish I had that back in the day.”

“I call that stupidity,” Flavus retorts, “But I don’t disagree with you.” You smile for real this time, the gang’s getting along.

The guard approaches, “Times up Anon.”

You nod. “It was nice to see you all one last time and put this to rest.”

Duff whispers to you, “We’ll find a way to get you out of there.”

“Don’t bother. I make a decision and I live with the consequences.” The gears of the elevator grind and screech as it begins its steady descent.

”Godspeed Anon,” they reply together. You stand tall and give a salute in return. The surface recedes from view and you loosen up. The prisoners resort to the fetal position, muttering to themselves.

You crack your knuckles. “So who wants to be my bitch for eternity?”

Today was an eternal damnation kind of day. And you don’t mind.