> Raising dashie > by Anakastories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the beggining, age 4 months > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about eight at night. Princess Celestia was walking around her throne room when she heard a knock on the door . She opened the castile door, and looked around. Their was nothing. But then she looked down and saw a basket. She walked forward to the basket to see what was inside. When she arrived in front of the basket she moved her head closer to see what was inside. It was foal, a baby blue foal! The foal was a Pegasus with a rainbow mane. But she had a note attached to her. Celestia used her magic to pick up the note and read it. My name is Rainbow Dash. Please find me a good home. Celestia read the note and put it in the basket. " This will have to wait till morning. " Celestia mumbled to herself while picking up the basket with her magic and walking back inside the castle. When Celestia walked back inside the castle Luna was already inside waiting for her. " Where were you? " Luna asked " I heard a knock on the door and went outside. " Celetsia answered " What's in the basket? " " A foal " Celestia said as she used her magic to give the not to Luna. " Read this " Luna used her magic to take the note and began to read it. She looked up from the note and looked at her sister. " What are we going to do with it?" " In the morning we'll have the guards pass out fliers. " " What are we going to do with it in till then? " Celestia yawned "You will watch the baby till morning. After all you are the one who stays up at night. " " True. " Celestia used her magic to hand the basket over to Luna. Luna took the basket with her magic and Celestia went to her room to rest. Luna did not know what to do while the foal was sleeping. Was she to watch it while it slept or walk around the room in till it woke up? Luna decided to watch the foal while it slept so she knew when it woke up. Luna heard a yawn from the foal. Luna picked up the foal with her magic to bring her into her hooves. Luna saw that the foal had opened her eyes and was now awake. The foal looked around the room as if their was something there. Luna looked at the note on the note on the floor and read it again. " I'm not so sure that your name is really Rainbow dash." Luna mumbled to herself. Luna looked back at the foal who was now asleep. Luna used a spell that would tell her what the foal's age, name, gender, and what type the pony was. Luna listened to the words being read in her head about the foal. Age: four months, gender: mare, type: Pegasus. But their was one more thing she heard. Bearer of element of Loyalty. What? This could not be right it just could'nt be. Luna Could not believe what she had just herd. Was this really true was this foal the next Bearer of the element of Loyalty? Thinking about this made Luna fall asleep with the foal in her hooves. Celestia yawned as she walked out of her room to the throne room to check on Luna. Celestia gasped as she saw her younger sister sleeping in the middle of the throne room, with the foal in her hooves. " Luna?! " Celestia said in surprise. " Huh? What?! " Luna said in surprise. " Oh good morning sister. " Luna said as she yawned. " Have you been up all night? Oh that doesn't matter, how's the foal? " Celestia asked. " She's fine. Oh um big sister? " " Yes? " " Will you please cast the identity spell on this young foal? " " Sure, how come? " " Theirs something I want you to hear." Celestia cast the identity spell and listened very well. But she also heard what Luna had heard. " Luna do you know what this means? " Celestia asked " This foal is very special." " Dose that me-" Luna said to be cut off " Yes Luna, we will raise this foal as our little sister. " Luna smiled and hugged her older sister with the foal in her hooves. Luna let to of the hug and took a step back. " Sister, do you even know how to take care of a foal? And dose this mean that the fliers is off the hook? " Luna asked her sister " Yes Luna the fliers is off the hook. And Luna how else did you think I took care of you when mom rose the sun, and dad rose the moon. " " I guess that makes sense. " Luna said while putting a hoof to her chin and went into a long thought. " When are we going to get the stuff to take care of her? " Luna asked " Do you remember when I used to have the daycare a few years ago? " " Yes. " " I still have all the stuff from that. " " So were already prepared? " " Yes. I'll go get the supplies right now. Oh and Luna. " " Yes? " " Will you please take the foal to that extra room next ours? " " Sure. Should I ask the guards to give a letter to the home decorating shop to paint the walls a cyan? " " That would be wonderful if we could have the walls painted! " Luna wrote a note with her magic. She put the foal in the basket and went outside and asked a guard if he could give the home decorater pony her note. The guard accepted the request and ran off. Luna walked back inside to pick up the foal and took her to her new room. > her best Christmas, age 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Christmas Eve and the three sisters were sitting in front of a fire place that was in a room big enough for a bunk bed and a giant toy chest . This is were Luna and Celestia would go when they wanted to be alone before Rainbow entered their lives. The fire place was on and three stockings were hung up above the fire pit. The first stocking said Celestia and was yellow and had her cutie mark on it. The third stocking said Luna and was a dark blue and had her cutie mark on it. The one in the middle said Dashie and was a cyan stocking and had a little ball on it that was the color of her mane and tail. Luna and Celestia sat on cushions in front of the fire place while the little foal was giggling and running around them in circles. " Come here you! " Luna said. Luna grabbed Rainbow and held her. Rainbow was now laughing hard as if she were in a game of tag with Luna, and she had lost. Rainbow dash was squirming and laughing in Luna's hooves. Celestia stood up " I'm going to get some hot chocolate, would you like some? " " Sure! Oh and remember Dash needs hers to be microwaved for three to five seconds so she wont burn her self. " " Ok three hot chocolate coming up! " Celestia said as she smiled. Celestia began to open the door with her magic when she was cut off by a voice " Don't forget to get Rainbow extra marshmallows! " " I wont " Celestia replied as she chuckled and left the room " Are you exited Dash?! I know I am tomorrow is Christmas! " Luna said while lifting Rainbow into the air and nuzzling her. " Woonie! " Luna opened her eyes and focused on the foal. She then smiled. Luna started hugging her sister tightly. " You said my name! You said my name! " This had gotten Dash even more exited so she then started to laugh again. Celestia had walked into the room when Luna was in the middle of shouting in excitement. " What's going on? Did I miss something?" Celestia asked while holding a try with three cups on it with her magic. " Dashie said her first word! " " That's impossible she couldn't have. " Celestia said while smiling. Even though she did not believe her sister she was still exited that the holidays were finally here and nothing could ruin her perfect day. " Woonie! " The cyan Pegasus shouted again while giggling. " Your right she did say her first word! Now who would like some hot chocolate? " " I do! " " Woonie! " " Better take that as a yes. " ------------- An hour later it was all ready nine and Dashie was sound asleep on Luna's back. The two sisters stopped when they arrived in front of the three sisters room. " Would you like to tuck her in tonight? " Celestia asked her younger sister with a smile. " Sure! " Luna said then immanently went into Dash's room. " Night Luna." Celestia whispered. " Night Tia. " Luna said while care fully placing the blankets on Dash. When Luna was done tucking in Rainbow she went to her room. She laid on the bed and fell asleep, dreaming of the next day. ------------ Luna's eyes fled open as she quickly galloped into Rainbows room. Rainbow dash was already awake and was standing on her blankets waiting to be taken out of her crib. Dashie was smiling happy to see her older sister. Luna quickly grabbed the back on Rainbows neck and quickly galloped to the room were Dash had fallen asleep the night before. She opened the door and saw Celestia standing by the tree looking at all the presents under the tree. " Just in time. " Celestia said with a grin. Luna put dash to the ground and saw her little sis gallop to the presents happily. " We'll each pick out a present and open them at the same time. " Celestia explained. Celestia then got a present that had Dash's name on it and grabbed a present that had her name on it. " Aren't you going to pick a gift? " Celestia asked Luna was smiling and looking at Dash trying to tear the wrapping paper on her own. " No I'm not going to open any of my presents in till Dash has opened all of hers. " Luna did not care about the gifts and candy's waiting for her to open. She wanted to make sure that her little sisters first Christmas with them would be her best Christmas ever. > her new friends, age 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia and Luna were chatting in the throne room. Rainbow galloped to them as fast as she could. When Celestia and Luna heard the little gallops they stopped talking and looked at Rainbow. " Is there some thing wrong Rainbow? " Luna asked. " Wes vewy impowtant. " Rainbow replied " I'm bowd ". " Maybe- " Celestia said with a chuckle. " You should make some friends " " Fwends? Fwends!? I dont need no fwends. " Rainbow said folding her hooves and stitting down to her sisters. " Then its settled! " Celestia said. She wrote a letter and used a spell to make four others like it. Then she sent it out. Almost about a minute after she sent them she got replies. Celestia mumbled the names of the mothers and fathers that had agreed to the play date. " Tia whats dat fo? Dash asked " You'll see. " Luna said ---------------------------------- -11:00- Luna was sitting on the throne with Dash in her lap blind follded. " Whats the supwise wunie? Whats the supwise? " Rainbow asked while looked left and right with the cloth on her eyes. " You'll see when its time. " Luna said with a chuckle. Celestia walked in the room with five foals on her back. She put them down in frount of her and she put a hoof up to her mouth and quitly said shhhhh. Luna un blind follded Rainbow and her eyes were closed. " You can look now Dash. " Luna said and Dash's eyes opended. " I thwut i swaid i didm't want no fwends! " Rainbow said while crossing her hooves and makeing a pouty face. " " Now its time for you to make some. ' Celestia said with a smile " We'll leave you foals to have some time alone. " Celestia said while her and Luna " Have fun! " She said before closing the door. Rainbow looked at the foals below her. " My dawing yow related to woyty! " The white unicorn said to Rainbow. " Yea swo. " Rainbow said " Thats hwge! " She said " Yow so wucky. " " Fine iwl make fwends. " Dash mumbled to herself and trotted down from the throne and in frount of the other foals. " Im Wainbow dash. " Ranbow said floating and putting a hoof up to her chest. " Im Warity. " The white unicorn said " Im Twiwight Spawkle. " The purple unicorn said " Ah'm Awpplejack " The Orange earth pony said " Iwm Pinky Pwe! " The pink earth pony said " And im Fwuttershy " The yellow pegasus said droping her ears down. " Dwo you have awny bwooks we could wead? " Twilight asked " Pfffftttt. Bwooks Swooks, weading is fow eggheads. " Dash replied. Twilight lowerd her eyebrows and looked away. " Fwine i have swome bwoks in my woom just fowwo me. " Rainbow then galloped away and tword her room. The other girls shruged and followed her to play. ------------------------ -7:00- " Rainbow the other foals have to go home their mommys are here> " Celestia said walking into Rainbows open door. " Awww cwome own cant thwey stay? " She asked " No Rainbow, They have bottles to drink to. " Celestia replied " Okaw. " She replied. The seven of them got on Celestias back and she walked outside to meet the other parents. " Did she have fun did she make new friend? " asked Raindust " Wes mommy i dwid. " Fluttershy said. " Oh good. " She said nuzzling Fluttershy then looked up to Celestia " We've been dieing for her to make new friends but shes just to shy. " " Thats okay. Now shes got some. Celestia said The other foals went to their parents and Celestia took Rainbow in for bedtime. Celestia put Dash in her crib. " So did you have a good time? " She asked. Rainbow nodded and Celestia put Rainbows blanket on her. " Should i invite them over agien? " She asked. Rainbow nodded agien and Celestia handed her her bottle. " Good night sweetie. " She said and kissed Rainbows forhead and closed the door to do some bill ordering. Rainbow continued to succle her Bottle while thinking about the wonderful day she had with her new friends. > Its only a nightmare, age 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good night my little filly." Luna said tucking Dashie in. "Night Lunie." Rainbow said. "Have sweet dreams." Luna said before closing the door. Rainbow held her Wonderbolts doll close to her and quickly fell asleep. Rainbow was happily gliding along. She stop suddenly to see a path. Hmm i wonder were this goes. She thoght to herself. She trotted along the path before encountering a forest. "Maybe if i go ill get something sweet." She said to herself before entering the forest. Rainbow slowly walked down the path looking around her spooky setting. Of corse she was scared. Who knows what coukd be lurking behind the shadows. Rainbow suddenly heard hoof steps behind her. Rainbow started to walk faster, Her pace getting quicker by the second. She then herd the hooves steps get louder and louder. This made Rainbow run. Going faster and faster and faster, Rainbow looked behind her not paying attention to the turn of the path and kept running strait. Rainbow eventuly ran intil she stoped and looked down. "Uh oh." She said before plummeting down. "HELLLP!" Rainbow yelled plummiting down the waterfall unable to fly out. Rainbow eventuly landed in a river and paddeld herself on the shore. She couldnt rest for long, for she heard the hoovesteps agien. Rainbow sprinted intill she hit a dead end. There was no other way out. The pony got closer and was able to reconize it. It was the Headless horse! From the story Luna told her earlier that day! Rainbow leaned agients the giant moutain.Right when the headless horse was about to get her it dissapered. Wait......What?! It dissapered clearly this was impossible...... enless something in the dream was real. Suddenly a light landed next to her and the light faded. It was her sister! Princess Luna! "Dashie are you alright?" She asked "Lunie how did you-" Luna coverd Rainbows mouth with her hoof. "I am the one who moneters everyponies dreams keeping them safe." "So you came here to rescue me?" "Yes." "Does that mean the Headless horse is still real?" Rainbow asked Luna. "No little filly, it is not real. For it was only a nightmare." Luna then started flying upwards. "Night mares are not real!" Rainbow woke up in the morning. She turned at the window across the room from her, seeing it was morning. Rainbow thought about the words Luna had said in her dream. Night mares are not real.... > The star bow, age 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow and Luna were in the feilds outside of Canterlot watching the sun set. "Lunie the sun set is buitiful." Rainbow said while laying next to her sister. "It is quite a show." Luna said "But star gazing is a better show." With that, Luna's horn started to glow and the moon slowly rose. "Woah!" Rainbow said sitting up. "Thats so cool!" Rainbow exclamed. Luna nodded,"I just love to do this everyday. Its my favorite part of the day." Rainbow then took a second to stop and think."Lunie, were are the stars?" She asked "Oh, I almost forgot!" Luna said Luna's horn lit up and slowly little speckles of lights appered on the sky one by one. "How is that?" Luna asked turning her head to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash's ears were down and her mouth was left wide open. "Wow. That was amazing!" She said jumping up and down. Luna smiled, after all the night was good for star gazing. "Hmm" Luna put her hoof up to her chin. "Ah ha!" Said yelled. "Dashie, how would you like a gift?" Rainbow nodded her head up and down fastly and said "Yea i love gifts!" "Then your going to like this." Lunas horn lit up and a pink glowing substance appered in frount of her. The pink substance suddenly made tiny specals of light. The Pink suddenly turned into a bow with stars on it. "So, you like?" "I dont like it i love it!" Dashie said as Luna levatated the bow on her right ear. "Rainbow remember, this is a good luck charm it will keep you safe. And even if were not together im always with you." > The dream, age 4 1/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nighttime, Rainbow could see the stars. She was walking through what looked like an old castle, but one she hadn't seen before. She looked around at her strange surroundings and occasionally up as she trotted through the long hall. Rainbows ears lowered, she was starting to get scared of were she was. It was so dark, so gloomy, so.....old. "LULU" She shouted, no response. "TIA" Still no response. She eventually walked into a giant room with tons of books. Rainbow smiled and said "Must be a place were all the nerds play." She giggled and started to look around. Eventually she came across a bookshelf, as she continued trotting through the room she turned her eyes to quickly look at the shelf but continued trotting. Then she stopped and went back to that bookshelf. There was a book there, but it wasn't dusty like the others. From what she could see it had clouds on it and was a bright baby blue. Rainbow put her hoof on the book and tried pulling it out, but instead she lost grip of the book and she flung back and hit the back of a chair. She shook her head to get rid of the dizzy ness and looked at the bookshelf with a puzzled look. Suddenly the shelf started moving and it lead to a tunnel, Rainbow got up and went through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel she saw what looked like a throne room. But something caught her eye it was-"TIA!!!!" She shouted as she was now galloping to her older sister. When she reached her sisters side, she leaned in for a hug but the Tia disappered. "were did you go?" Rainbow said slowly starting to sit down, looking around as her ears slowly started going down. Suddenly she heard a snicker and her ears perked. Rainbow got up and said "Who's there?" As she slowly turned to look at were she heard the noise come from. "Silly little Celestia, you just think that your better then every pony. Your always going about showing how there is no pony who is so superior then you, and you make them ALL adore you and your precious light while you make them hate ME and make then sleep through my gorgeous NIGHT." Rainbow reconasided this voice, it was Lulu! Rainbow smiled "Luna!" "Well Celestia. There con only be one princesses in equestrian, and that princesses.... SHALL BE ME!!!!!!!" Luna yelled as she was engulfed by a ball of shadows. Rainbows ears went down and her eyes glisten at watching the sight. "LUNA NO!!!!!!!!!!" Rainbow screamed Rainbow woke up with sweat all over her forehead and she was panting. Luna quickly ran into the room "Dashie?" She said with a worried expression on her face. "Luna i had a nightmare." rainbow said as she started crying. Luna came towards her and hugged her. "I know Dashie, I know." Luna said but was still thinking about what she had saw in Dashes dream. Was she really going to take over Celestia?