> My Little Human > by XyroX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rainy night. Fluttershy was lying in her bed, but she couldn’t sleep. With every thunder she winced, not even Angel was able to calm her down. This storm was heavier than any other storm she had seen in her life. The pegasus trembled horrified as the next lightning drew though the sky and let it lighten up like it was day. “Oh, Angel, what is going on there? You must be terribly frightened, poor bunny!” Angel looked at her with a skeptical glaze. He raised an eyebrow, but he knew Fluttershy said this only to make herself believe she’d be the one who tried to comfort him, not the other way around. Suddenly, it seemed like the storm was gone from one second to the next. It was still raining and windy, but not far as heavy as just a moment ago. Fluttershy looked carefully around, holding her blanket up like a shield to defend herself from the weather, though she still lied in her bed. It was completely silent, but slowly a weird noise raised. It sounded like a whining foal, right in front of her door. “Oh, my, is there somepony out there? During this storm? Come on, Angel, we’ll take a look.” She slowly stood up and went to the front door, the whining grew louder and louder as she came nearer. She opened the door a crack and looked around. On the ground, right before her door on the small carpet was a tiny basket with a little white blanket in it. And something was under this blanket, it was… moving. Fluttershy opened the door wider and took a look into the basket. There was this tiny, pink creature, sucking on its thumb and somehow crying at the same time. It had blue eyes and not a single hair on its entire body. The blanket was a bit out of place and Fluttershy noticed it was wearing a diaper. Right after it spotted her above it, it stopped crying and watched her curious. Fluttershy was in shock, this little thing looked like a shaved ape! What in the hay was that? It was an infant, obviously, but that was about everything she could tell. What species is it? What gender? And where comes it from? “No matter what it is, I can’t just leave it out here in the cold. Come on, we’ll find you some warm place to stay the night.” She grabbed the basket and turned around, entering her house and heading right to the fireplace. After she started a little fire she placed the basket a few steps away from it, getting sure it wasn’t too hot in it and covered the strange creature with its blanket. Angel seemed to like this tiny thing right away, he jumped into the basket and cuddled himself next to it. Fluttershy looked at him, a bit confused, and smiled. Tomorrow she’ll ask Twilight if she knew what this could be, and where it belongs to. Somepony certainly was looking for it already! > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even before the sun rose Fluttershy was woken by a loud crying. She looked around terrified and slowly she remembered about the last night. Angel stood next to the basket and waved her to come and take a look, so she did. The little creature was still sucking on its thumb, but at least it stopped crying when it saw Fluttershy. “Good morning, ehm… you. I’m sure you’re hungry! What do you want to eat?” She took a few apples and carrots, but the little thing just looked at her with wide opened eyes. “Can you even understand me? And what are you supposed to eat? Oh, my dear, you’re a total mystery to me. What are you even? Are you a boy? Or a girl?” She raised the blanket and his diaper a bit and took a quick glance, immediately flushing as she realized what she actually just did. “Oh, I’m sorry! I just didn’t think about it! But you look like a boy, so what’s your name? Do you even have a name?” The boy still looked at her with wide, curious eyes. Fluttershy sighed. “Well, I think I’ll give you a name then. At least as long you’re with me, you’re Olu, is that alright for you?” He started smiling when he heard the name, evidence enough for Fluttershy that he liked it. She still didn’t know what he would eat, but she realized that he hadn’t even teethes, so apples and carrots were out of thought. What else? Maybe a soup? Or milk? Milk’s always good, who would reject a fresh glass of milk in the morning? Fluttershy let Angel take care of Olu for a moment and went outside to milk one of the cows behind her house. When she came back in, she filled it into the littlest glass she could find. “Here we go, Olu, I’ve got some great milk for you! Fresher than this one you can’t get it!” She offered him the glass, but he just looked at it without any further reactions. Maybe she had to feed him? Who knows if he’s able to hold the glass by now, she didn’t even know how old he was! So she carefully lifted him in her arms and held his little head a bit up, than she used her wing to grab the little glass and held it in front of his mouth. Olu immediately knew what to do, he opened his mouth and tried reaching the glass with it, and as Fluttershy started pouring the milk into it, he even lifted his tiny hands and grabbed the glass. After the glass was empty she carefully tapped on his back like she would do with a foal, and she instantly heard the reaction she was waiting for: Burp. Fluttershy giggled and lied Olu back into his bed. Suddenly, a terrible smell reached her nose. “Oh, my, what in the name of Celestia is this? Where does that smell come from? Is it your- yep, your diaper, great. Angel, dear, could you please go upstairs and look for some diapers? I’m pretty sure we have some left from the baby dragon last month. I hope they’ll fit…” Angel came back a few moments later and Fluttershy started changing Olu’s diaper. It was a bit challenging since she never saw a creature like him before and didn’t know how it was done properly, but after a few minutes she was satisfied with the result. “Alright, now I think it’s time to visit Twilight. I’m so curious about what you actually are!” Olu looked at her and giggled, happy about her excitement. She lied him back into his basket, covered him with his blanket and went out. During her way to Twilight she tried to stay away from any other pony, so nopony would see Olu, they could be frightened by him or they could be too curious and bomb Fluttershy with questions, and she didn’t like any attention if it could be avoided. She knocked on Twilight’s door, and the alicorn opened up immediately. “Hey, Fluttershy, how’s it going?” “Uhm, hi, Twilight, I’m fine. Can I come in? I have something really important to talk about.” “Sure, come in.” The ponies went inside and Twilight closed the door behind her. “So, what’s it about?” “Remember the storm last night? This extremely horrifying storm that scared everypony?” “Erm, yes, I’m sure we were all as scared as you because of this storm… Though there isn’t any scientific reason to be scared of rain and wind. But I get your point, the storm.” “In the middle of the storm it suddenly seemed to tail off, remember? And then, when it was quite, I heard a strange noise in my front yard, and I just had to look what was going on there, it sounded like a little filly whining, all alone in this weather!” “And of course you couldn’t let any creature alone in this storm, could you?” “Right, so I took a look, and I found… this little guy.” Fluttershy placed the basket in front of Twilight. The alicorn watched her curious while she carefully took away the blanket and revealed the tiny body underneath. “May I introduce you to Olu? He lay inside this basket right in front of my door, and I couldn’t let him out there in the cold!” Twilight gasped and shrank back, but her curiosity forced her to slowly come back to the basket and look inside it. “Fluttershy, what is this? It looks like a monkey, just more… naked.” “I have absolutely no idea, but just look how cute he is! I must take care of him, somepony must have left him behind, and he needs somepony to look after him!” “Remember the last time you found something cutsy-wutsy and wanted to take care of it? Yes, I’m talking about the parasprites. Are you sure you want to take this risk again?” “Don’t be silly, Twilight, just look at him! He’s an infant, what damage could he cause? I’m sure Olu would never ever harm anypony! Isn’t that right, Olu?” She bend over the basket and squeezed his cheek, making him laugh. “I’m not sure about this, Fluttershy… we should inform the princess about your little friend .And you should let me make a few investigates, this way we could find out more about him, and you can get sure he is healthy. Alright?” “Maybe you’re right… but don’t hurt him! I don’t want to see any scalpel, syringe or something like this during your check up!” Twilight sighed and started rummaging in one of her drawers. She pulled out a few things and Spike started cleaning out a table to make room for the investigation. The alicorn started her work, her dragon assisting her. Fluttershy just stood there and watched them horrified, but Twilight ignored her and focused on her work. “So, Fluttershy, it seems like Olu is totally healthy, but I’m afraid that’s everything I can say about him so far. I don’t have the equipment and he’s too small to make a real check up, so I think we have to wait until he grew up a bit before we continue with my research. But for now, I hope you’re soothed that he’s all right. No cold, no flu, not even a little scratch anywhere. Whoever left him at your house took care well for him. Did you figure out by now anything about him?” “Not exactly, but it seems he likes milk. And he needs a diaper. Oh, and I think he somehow… understands me. I know, every creature in Equestria understand me, but it’s like he really knows what I’m talking about, like when you’re talking to a little filly! When I first chose his name he started smiling, telling me that he likes his name. Do you think he can hear us right now? Will he maybe even be able to talk some day?” “I don’t know, but it seems he is very intelligent. I don’t want to make you any hopes that may not come true, but I can see a huge potential in him. The time will tell. Now, I have to write the princess about Olu. I’m sure she’ll want to see him, so please stay at home for the day, and get sure that nopony sees him, all right? We don’t want to cause any trouble unnecessary. Spike, take a pen!” “I actually had in mind to stay at home anyway. Angel will look for the other animals for today, so I’ll be with Olu all the time.” Twilight didn’t seem to listen to her, she was too busy with her latter for Princess Celestia. Fluttershy sighed and left the house, heading her way to her own one. Like on the way to Twilight she stayed away from anypony, making sure nopony spotted Olu inside the basket. She had a few problems, especially with dodging this one mint green unicorn. Lyra Heartstrings. One of the most curious ponies in existing, always a little hyperactive and clingy if she finds something that intrigues her, but actually that description fits to almost everything. She somehow spotted Fluttershy and the basket, and that was reason enough for her to wake the desire of wanting to know what’s inside it, but Fluttershy was able to get rid of her, thanks to her wings. She was never the fastest flyer, but this one time she was grateful for it, a fast pegasus like Rainbow Dash would have shook the basket too much and could endanger Olu, but with Fluttershy’s slow and soft flaps there wasn’t any danger for her little friend. After she shook off Lyra she arrived at home. She locked the door, shut the curtains and placed the basket again in her living room, not too far away from the fireplace to make sure Olu wouldn’t freeze. “Oh Angel, what have I gotten myself into with this little guy? But I couldn’t just have let him out there. Yes, it was the right thing to take care of him. Maybe Twilight finds out more about him and we can find him someone of his species. But even if we don’t, I will offer him the best home he could ask for! Imagine he will call me ‘Mom’ one day!” Fluttershy had the biggest grin on her face. Yes, she was Olu’s mom, and he was her little son. She softly stroke his cheek and he grabbed her hoof and started playing with it. She smiled even wider when he tried to stuck it into his mouth. It was time for him to take a nap, so Fluttershy covered him and kissed him on his forehead, then she dimmed the light a bit. When she looked back into the basket, Olu was fallen asleep already. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy used the time to make her house a bit more baby-fitting. She placed everything that could hurt Olu on the higher shelves, covered the edges of the table and everything else with rounded pieces of wood and upholstered them, she installed a little fence in front of the stairs, and so on. When she was done with this she actually wanted to have a quick rest, but Olu had other plans. He woke up and started crying, so Fluttershy rushed by his side instantly. “Olu, what’s wrong? Are you hungry again?” She took a bottle she had found during her rearranging and filled it with milk. With the bottle it was much easier to feed him, and it even had two little handles for him to grab. After he finished, she tapped his back like last time, and like last time he let out a little burp. Olu giggled and tried reaching her nose with his tiny hands. “Hey, you want to play? I’m sure we have some toys for you! Angel, could you please take a look in the box over there?” The bunny came back after a few seconds, bringing a rattle and handing it to Olu. The boy watched it curious, then he started shaking it and was totally excited when he heard the rattling sound. “I think it’s time to get you a real bed, not just this basket. Angel, could you go to Applejack and ask her to come here? I’m sure she’ll be able to built a bed for little Olu. I could just buy a crib, but… I don’t want to cause a stir. This one situation with Lyra was enough for me. We have to keep this down, at least until the princess shows up.” Angel nodded quick and ran out. Fluttershy was just about to continue playing with Olu when she heard somepony knocking on her door. “Fluttershy, it’s me, Twilight! Open the door!” The pegasus turned around and did as the alicorn said, then locking the door behind her friend. “Listen, I reported to Princess Celestia, and she will come here any moment. Did anypony see him till now, besides of you and me?” “No, but I’m not sure if it’s good that the princess is coming right now, I just sent Angel to Applejack to bring her here, I need somepony to make a crib for Olu, he can’t just lie in this basket all the time.” “That’s no problem, AJ won’t tell anypony, I’m sure about that. Actually, I had in mind to tell our friends anyway, as the Elements of Harmony we’re the best role models for him, I’m sure.” Fluttershy didn’t like this idea. Maybe it was a bit selfish, but she felt like Olu’s mother and she didn’t want anypony to take away this role from her. As usual, she didn’t say a word about her worries. “So, when is the princess going to come? I should clean up a bit before she arrives…” “That’s not necessary, Fluttershy.” All out of sudden the Princess of the Day stood in the middle of the room, smiling at Fluttershy. “Oh, Princess! I-, I’m sorry for the mess, and I’m overwhelmed of meeting you again!” She bowed as deep as she could, almost touching the bottom with her nose. “You don’t have to bow every time we meet, young pegasus.” The princess laughed friendly and made Fluttershy raise her head. “I think we’ve met often enough to omit these formalities. I see you already made your house baby-proofed, that’s good. So where is your little friend? I already heard a lot about Olu!” Fluttershy led the alicorns into the living room where Olu was sitting on the carpet with the rattle half inside his mouth. When he saw the tall alicorn enter, he pulled out the rattle and tried crawling towards her with big, curious eyes. “This is Olu. I found him during the storm last night, but I’m sure Twilight already told you. I have no idea where he came from, he just lay in front of my door when I opened it.” “I’ve never seen a creature like him before, that’s really interesting. I thought I’d know every living being in Equestria, but obviously I was wrong. Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened since you found him.” Fluttershy started telling her everything, and the princess listened attentive. She threw in a question a few times, but most of the time she just remained silent. After Fluttershy finished, Celestia nodded and smiled at Olu. “I’m sure you’re the right person to take care of him. You’ve proven your selfless commitment many times, and this time it’s even more important than ever before that you’re just yourself, helping this little boy and introducing Equestria to him. But that will have to wait until he grew up a bit. If you need anything, just go to Twilight and she’ll send a letter to me. I’ll make sure you get everything you need to give Olu a good home, though I’m sure you’re already able to do so.” “Actually, I could really need a few things. A bed for example. I sent Angel to Applejack to bring her here, I thought she could build one for me, and I’m sure she’ll make a beautiful one, but I don’t want to stop her from doing something important on the farm, so I’d be happy if you could instruct a carpenter to build one. And I need proper diapers, I only have some for baby dragons, and… well, they have a hole one the back, that’s not really what I’m looking for. Olu doesn’t have a tail, you see, so this hole isn’t necessary.” “No problem, I’ll take care of this. You’ll have the diapers by this evening, and the bed should be done by tomorrow, I’ll make sure that this is the next thing my royal carpenters will build. Anything else? Money to buy food, a nanny?” “Oh, princess, you’re too friendly, but I can’t take your money. Everything I need to feed him is here, by now he actually just drinks milk, and once he grew some proper teethes I will make him a nice salad, some apples or maybe a pie, and I have enough for everyone here. Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want to make any circumstances. A nanny isn’t needed, too, as I don’t want to leave Olu alone anyway, and I have Angel to help me with any errands while I’m here.” “You don’t have to do this alone, Flutters. The princess and I will do whatever is necessary to support you.” “That’s right. If you need anything, just let me know and I’ll take care of it.” “I’m really thankful for your help, but I think for the moment I have everything I need. If I have any troubles, I’ll contact you, your highness.” “Alright then. I’ll get now back to Canterlot. I wish you the best luck, Fluttershy and Olu!” Celestia’s horn began to glow and she disappeared. “I’ll go now, too. I’m sure you can take care of Olu better than anypony else, and maybe we should postpone the meeting with the other elements until he is older.” Twilight left the house and Fluttershy was alone with her son again. She started playing with him, and she was happier than ever before. Olu wasn’t the first infant she raised, but somehow this time it was different. She could feel that he was special, not just because he was the first one of his species anypony had ever seen, but also because he actually acted like a pony, making Fluttershy feel like she was his real mother. There were so many commonalities between him and a little filly that made their relationship feel like a real family. Just when Olu seemed to get tired and Fluttershy lied him back into a provisional bed she made for him with hay, a pillowcase, a cushion, a new, clean blanket and the biggest box she could find, she heard somepony knocking on the door. “Hello? Flutters, are ya here? It’s me, Applejack! Angel came and wanted me to take a visit, so here I am!” The pegasus opened the door and answered quite, so she won’t wake up Olu. “Hi, Applejack. Could you please be a bit more quite? Someone is sleeping back there. Yes, I sent Angel to take you here, please, come in.” The pony entered the house and Fluttershy closed the door behind her without a sound. “Listen, I’ve picked up a little infant-” “Again? Seriously, you should stop raising every baby you can get your hooves on, Flutters. I’m seriously worried you’ll overwork some day.” “Thanks, but I can’t just let a little, helpless creature be alone in this big world. You know I have to help them! So anyway, I actually wanted to ask you if you could built a little crib for him, but that has been settled in the meantime. I’m sorry I wasted your time.” “That’s no problem, you know I’m always glad if I can help somepony! But since I’m here anyway, would you let me take a look at your newest friend?” “Actually, he’s sleeping, and I really don’t want to wake him up, so…” “That’s alright, I’ll be the slightest pony ever!” Applejack grinned expectantly, and Fluttershy sighed. Why had every pony in this town to be so curious about everything? “Fine, but you must promise me to never talk to anypony about what you’re about to see!” Applejack grinned even wider. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” “Alright… but be really quite, ok?” She slowly led Applejack into her living room and over to the table on which Olu’s bed was placed. The earth pony glazed inside it and backed up immediately, she was totally confused. “Fluttershy! What is this? I’ve never seen something like it before!” “Please don’t call him an it. His name is Olu, and to be honest I have no idea what exactly he is, neither have Twilight or Princess Celestia. I think he’s some kind of new species. And just look how cute he is, sucking on his tiny thumb!” “Are you sure you want to keep your.. Olu? I don’t have to remind you of last time you-” “Yes, I know, the parasprites, Twilight said that, too. But be honest, what harm could a little infant cause? He can’t even eat without my help! There is no way I’ll stop taking care for him.” Applejack looked at Fluttershy and knew immediately that she would do everything to protect her little foundling. The pegasus was the calmest and nicest pony in Equestria, but if someone tried hurting an animal, or even a baby in this case, she could turn into the worst nightmare to guard her protégé. “Just… be careful, alright? If you need any help, I’ll be there for you.” “I know, and I can’t thank you enough for being the friend you are. But now I really have to ask you to go, I’m sorry, but Olu needs his sleep, and I could take a little nap, too. It all was a bit stressful since he appeared.” “Good idea, you really look a bit exhausted, and I have some work to do on the farm. I’ll catch you up later, you have to tell me everything about your new friend!” “I will. See you later!” Fluttershy placed a big pile of hay right next to the table on which Olu was still sleeping and lied down, the box always in range. Angel popped in through the window and jumped right into the box, curling up next to Olu. The pegasus sighed and fell asleep almost the same second. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first time for days Fluttershy was able to sleep for a quite long time. When she woke up she was totally refreshed and looked inside the little box next to her. Olu was still sleeping, Angel right by his side. Fluttershy smiled and decided not to wake them up, instead she went into her garden to feed her other animal friends. She was just in the chicken coop when she heard somepony on the door, so she went around the house to take a look. It was a very tall stallion, wearing a suite with the royal emblem on it. In front of him he levitated a large crate in his magical grip. “Um, hello? Can I help you?” “Yes, are you Fluttershy? I have a delivery for a Miss Fluttershy here, coming from the Princess herself.” “Yes, I’m Fluttershy. Do I have to sign something?” “No, it’s alright. I also have this letter for you, Miss. Have a nice day!” The stallion handed her the letter, put down the box and left. Fluttershy broke the royal seal, opened the letter and started reading. ‘My dear Fluttershy, Here are the diapers you requested, I hope they’ll fit. The bed should be done tomorrow, I’ll send it to you the minute my carpenters finish. Also, I have commissioned some of my guards to ask around for anypony who could have more information about Olu, but don’t worry, none of them knows your name, so you won’t be bothered. I hope we can find out more about him this way, and maybe even find his real family. If you have any questions, just send me a letter back. I wish you the best for your further time with Olu. Princess Celestia’ It wasn’t the type of letter she expected from a princess. She thought, if the princess would send her a letter, it would be full of intimidating expressions and very formally. But instead, it was like a letter somepony would write to a friend. Fluttershy was nervous about this, she, a personal friend of the princess? How is a pony supposed to act in this case? She didn’t want to get into the spotlight somehow. On the other hoof, she didn’t expect that to happen, after all the princess didn’t want anypony to know about Olu, so she wouldn’t make Fluttershy show up somewhere anypony could find out about him. Whatever was going to happen, she was glad she finally had the diapers for Olu, so she lifted the crate onto her back and went back into her house. She entered the living room and saw that Olu was awake, he sat in his box with Angel and played with the bunny. “Aww, Angel, isn’t that cute? He really likes you!” The bunny looked at her, a bit annoyed, but he wouldn’t try to make Olu stop. After all, Angel knew that he had a big responsibility, too, and he didn’t want to disappoint his best friend. Olu grabbed his long ears and was totally excited about the fact how fleecy they were, and when the little boy started laughing with his pure voice, Angels lineaments became softer and he smiled. “Alright Olu, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but it’s time for you to eat something, I’m sure you’re hungry. Heeere comes the choo choo train!” Fluttershy made the noise of a little train and began feeding Olu. After he finished, she made him burp like always, then she sat him back on the carpet and gave him the rattle, it was his favorite toy already. But before she could join his playing she heard a knock on the door. She sighed, why had these disturbances always have to happen at this moment? She stood up and walked to the door to open it. In front of her stood a lime green unicorn with a lyre as cutie mark and an excite sparkling in her eyes, almost crazy. “Hey, Lyra. I’m sorry, but I actually don’t have a lot of time right now-” “I know, Flutters. And I know what you’re hiding from me. Don’t think I couldn’t find a human if I hear about one in Equestria!” “A what? Human? What’s that?” “Don’t be silly. I know about your little friend. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you or him, just let me inside and I’ll explain everything to you.” The pegasus hesitated for a moment, but she knew Lyra good enough to know she wouldn’t ever harm any creature, pony or not. So she opened the door completely and led the unicorn into the kitchen where she couldn’t see Olu. “First of all, you have to tell me everything about him. I promise I won’t talk to anypony about it, and then I’ll tell you everything I know about his kind.” Fluttershy still wasn’t sure if she should trust Lyra about this, but she slowly got curious and wanted to know more. “There isn’t much to tell. I found him during the storm the other day, and of course I had to take care of him. Due to this, I named him Olu, so please don’t call him an ‘it’ or something like that. He likes to drink milk, and he likes playing with his rattle, but that’s actually everything I know about him. Now it‘s your turn.” She decided to not mention the princess and that even she didn’t know what Olu was. “Well, that’s not much, but I’m sure you’ll find out much more once he grew up. Olu is a human, he’s part of a species nopony believes exists. But I knew they do, I knew it since I first took a look into this ancient book I found in the Everfree Forest! Nopony believed me, not even Bon Bon… But I was right all the time! Back to topic; He’s a human, and I think he isn’t older than a few weeks. It’s amazing how fast he grows here in Equestria, I mean if he’s really already able to play with this rattle on his own and even sit straight, that’s just unbelievable! Far as I know, human babies aren’t able to hold up their head for a quite long time, and it’ll take years for them to learn to walk, but maybe Olu will master that much faster. I’m sure that’s the magical influence of Equestria.” “So aren’t these humans from Equestria?” “No, no, they rule an entirely other world, a world without any magic. However he landed here, the source of this must be somewhere in Equestria.” She stopped for a moment, looking like she was sunk deep in her thoughts. Just for a second, then she continued talking with pure excitement in her eyes. “No matter how he ended up here, he’s real, he’s a real human! Maybe there will come more of them? I really hope so, so I can finally show everypony that I was right all along! But for now, nopony must know about him, otherwise you could get in deep trouble. There are groups out there that don’t like changes, especially drastic ones like this.” “So you think, we’re in danger?” “Not yet, not as long as you don’t talk to anypony about him. At least nopony you can trust out and out.” “O-kay… but what’s more about these humans? Are they dangerous? Are they intelligent?” “You sound like Twilight right now, I never knew you’d be this curious!” she laughed. “But to answer your questions: Yes, humans are very intelligent, they are social beings just like us ponies. Actually they have a lot in common with us. They live in houses, they can speak, I’m sure you can even teach him our language, and just like ponies there are good and bad humans. But with you as his foster-mother, I’m sure Olu will be just as kind as you are. Now to the physical parts: According to my studies, he will be tall, very tall, once he is mature. Humans walk on two legs and use their hands as multipurpose tools. They can do almost everything with them, grabbing things and use utensils discovering the world around them like Olu surely already started to do, and they use their hands as a part of communication, too. Especially on the emotional side, hands are very important for them. For example, a couple usually holds each others hands, a mother holds the hand of the younger children and so on.” “So you say, they’re actually like ponies in another body?” “Almost, yes. Humans don’t have wings or magic. They don’t need it, so they don’t care. All they’ve got is imagination, that’s why they have new inventions everywhere! I’d give everything to take a look into their world… all the technology they must have! The possibility to hold a comb with hands!” Lyra continued this rapture a few minutes, making Fluttershy feel more and more uncomfortable. Was this unicorn really dreaming about being a human? “Listen, Lyra, it’s really nice of you to tell me all this, but… I really don’t want to offend you, but I want to be a bit with Olu now, I’m sure I shouldn’t let him alone for too long. Is this alright to you?” “Of course, I know how much he needs you in this state of development. If you want I can catch you up later again, and we’ll finish our conversation.” “That would be great!” “Alright then, see you later!” The unicorn left without any more words, confusing Fluttershy even more. She just forced her to go somehow, and Lyra didn’t seem to care. Maybe she’s too busy with her daydreaming, or maybe it’s really because of Olu’s need of his ‘mother’. No matter what it was, Fluttershy was glad she had Lyra out of the house, though she felt terrible for that. To distract her from making self-accusations she went to the living room where Olu still sat on the carpet and couldn’t stop shaking his rattle, Angel by his side.