Love's True Form

by Yosh-E-O

First published

After surviving the "Cave of Forbidden Love" and having a man-to-man talk with Shining Armor, Spike finally is compelled to wear "The Amulet of Love's True Form". But, at what cost?

After the events in "Celestia's Chosen", Spike has been through a lot. His biggest challenges being discovering why he feels as he does towards Rarity while trying to figure out how she really feels about him.

This story completes the story arc started in "Spike's Little Dragon". It puts all that has happened to this point together as Spike takes the plunge and dons the "Amulet of Love's True Form" so that he may finally be what he feels Rarity wants and needs him to be.

This spans six chapters, as there is much action, suspense, and drama as Spike and Rarity come to realize how much they truly mean to one another.

Chapter 1: Misguidance

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Twilight Sparkle had just become an Alicorn and was spending time with Princess Celestia in Canterlot to acclimate herself to her new form and responsibilities.

As Twilight went about her studies, Spike found himself growing lonelier-and-lonelier. The only time he got to spend time with Twilight was at night. Apart from the whole, "How was your day?" conversation, this time was typically spent writing letters and creating checklists for the purple Alicorn.

One night, Spike sat up in bed and looked at a picture of Rarity in which she had given him to remember her by while he and Twilight were away in Canterlot.

"Oh, Rarity," he sighed. "I miss you so much"

He got out of bed and began to pace about the bed chamber in which had been given to Twilight. He eventually made his way to one of the windows and looked out at the horizon.

"My dragon code says I should be here for Twilight," he said before looking at the picture again. "However, my heart says I should be with you."

Twilight was fast asleep in her bed. The amount of effort she was putting into understanding her new form and responsibilities made her fall into such deep rests that she had to get an alarm clock just to make sure she didn't sleep past the crack of dawn.

Spike looked out at the stars again and was quite surprised when he noticed what could only be Princess Luna making her way towards him.

"Thou art restless, little one," the moon princess stated as she flew up alongside the window. "Your dreams have told me much and we have come to aid thee in your quandary."

"My dreams?" asked Spike as he opened the window.

"We have seen you dream," she said. "We have seen the torment in which thou art suffers over the passion thou art feels towards the one known as Rarity."

Spike blushed.

"We mean to bring you no shame," she said. "We merely wish to assist thee in attaining peace of mind."

Spike looked towards the slumbering Twilight and back at Luna.

"I'm conflicted," he stated.

"This is quite apparent," replied Luna. "Would thou art please show us this amulet that thou has dreamt much about?"

Spike gasped.

"The, amulet?" he asked.

"Yes," stated Luna. "The one that would grant thee the ability to achieve love's true form."

Spike checked to make sure that Twilight was still asleep before using his magical powers to belch out the Amulet of Love's True Form.

"Ah!" stated Luna. "So it is this bauble in which has troubled thee so much as of late?"

"Yes," said Spike. "I've had it for some time and have kept it hidden away."

"And why is it that thou art has not used its magic to attain thy deepest desires?" asked Luna.

"Well," said Spike as he looked at the amulet. "I guess I've been just too afraid."

"Afraid of what?" asked Luna. "Rejection? Twilight? No longer being that which is what you believe yourself to be?"

Spike said nothing.

"It is thy destiny to use that amulet," she stated. "Only through it use will thou art truly attain the peace of mind thou art desires."

"But," said Spike as he looked to the Amulet of Love's True Form. "What about Twilight?"

"Dear Twilight will be fine for she is under our sister's care," stated Luna. "It is now time for thee to meet thy own destiny."

Spike looked deeply into the amulet. It's jewel starting to glow an eerie green as he did.

"Allow us to assist," stated Luna as she used her Alicorn magic to activate the artifact. "Now place it around thy neck and allow love's true form to become thee."

There was an ethereal, greenhaze around the amulet as Spike put the mystical item around his neck.

"What the?" he asked as he felt his body begin to tremble, twitch, and stretch. "What's going on!"

"Love's true form," stated Luna in a way that didn't quite sound like Luna.

"What's… Happening… to… meeeee…" groaned Spike as he his voice grew deeper-and-deeper and his body started to enlarge.

Luna laughed at the sight before suddenly bursting into a puff of green smoke.

"You shall be the key to my conquest!" cried a pony who appeared quite tattered and torn. She had wings, but not like those of any Pegasus or Alicorn.

"Wa-wa-wait!" cried Spike as wings suddenly burst out from his back. He then let out a deafening roar as he leapt out through the window after the frightening pony who had masqueraded herself as Princess Luna.

Spike's roar was enough to startle Twilight from her slumber.

"Spike!" she cried as she leapt from her bed. Her number one assistant was gone.

"SPIKE!" she cried upon noticing how one of the large windows appeared as if it had been forced through.

"Princess!" cried a pair of guards as they burst into Twilight's chamber.

Twilight found the picture of Rarity that Spike kept with him lying near some broken pieces of the window. "Oh, no," she said as she looked out the window. The silhouette of a large dragon flying off in the direction of Ponyville could be seen just off to the horizon.

Chapter 2: Blinded by Lust

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It was the crack of dawn when the alarms sounded throughout Ponyville.

"Ooh!" cried Pinkie Pie as she dashed outside. "Where's the party?"

"RAWRITY!" bellowed a deep voice.

Panic stricken ponies were running and screaming in terror as a massive, purple and green dragon made its way into town.

"What's going on?" asked rainbow Dash as she landed beside Pinkie Pie.

"If I were to guess," stated Pinkie Pie. "That's Spike all grown up again and going about a lust driven rampage through the town in search of Rarity."

"Huh?" asked Rarity as she approached the group. "Is that horrible monster really my little Spikey-Wikey?"

"That's what I said!" STATED Pinkie Pie.

"I need a closer look," stated Rainbow Dash before taking off towards the approaching dragon.
It wasn't long before Rainbow Dash was face-to-face with the massive dragon. It did indeed look just as Spike did shortly after the incident that happened after his first birthday in Ponyville. The only difference now was that he had wings and a strange necklace around his neck.

"RAWRITY!" Spike cried as he thrashed about. "RAWRITY!"

"Spike?" asked Rainbow Dash upon flying to face him eye-to-eye.

"RAWRITY!" he boomed as his maw opened wide and released a massive gust of wind. The force of his bellow sending Rainbow Dash back a few feet.

"No way that's Spike," stated Rainbow Dash as she soon found herself dodging the dragon's, grasping claw. "This calls for a Sonic Rainboom!"
Rainbow Dash flew high into the sky and narrowed her eyes down upon the dragon that was just now taking his first steps into Ponyville.

"Oh, yeah!" she cried. "You're going down!"
Rainbow Dash began her decent towards the ground at sound breaking speed. It wasn't long before she had formed the sonic cone that would ignite into her trademark, Sonic Rainboom.
"Okay, ugly!" she exclaimed as she aligned herself with the dragon. "Time to taste my awesomness!"
Rainbow Dash pushed for that last burst of speed she needed and, with a mighty explosion, performed the Sonic Rainboom right alongside the terrorizing dragon's, left cheek.

"GWAR!" he cried as the force of the Sonic Rainboom sent him crashing down onto his right side. This, unfortunately, took out a few buildings. However, more unfortunately, it didn't keep him from quickly getting back up.

Still fueled by the Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash eyed up her target.

"Thirsty for more, huh?" she said. "How's about a little Buccaneer Blaze!"
The after effects of the Sonic Rainboom made it a snap for Rainbow Dash to swoop down and execute her awe aspiring move before the dragon could fully get to his feet.

"GRA-RAWR!" he cried as he was slammed with a move so epic that all he could see was a flash of light before feeling a massive pain to his snout.

The effects of the Sonic Rainboom had worn off. However, Rainbow Dash was still ready to do all she could to keep the approaching dragon from getting any deeper into the town.

"Yee-haw!" cried a familiar voice.

"Apple Jack?" asked rainbow Dash as she looked down to see her friend, along with Big Macintosh, approaching with ropes ready to do what was necessary to subdue the dragon.


"You got it!" replied Rainbow Dash as she eyed down her target.

"RAWRITY!" cried the dragon as he faced down Rainbow Dash. He then let out a massive burst of green fire towards the pesky Pegasus.

"Whoa!" cried Rainbow Dash as she barely avoided the massive fire blast.

The dragon's mouth began to foam with fire as he focused his full attention entirely on Rainbow Dash.

"Bring it!" teased Rainbow Dash as she prepared herself to make a tornado. "You're not messing with the average Pegasus, you know."

The dragon was distracted, which allowed Apple Jack and Big Macintosh to position themselves in preparation to lasso and bring him down.

"Oof!" cried Rainbow Dash as something dark suddenly bumped into her. This threw her off balance and made her vulnerable to the dragon's attack.

"Ahh!" she screamed as she was enveloped in green fire. Within seconds, she was gone with nothing to show but a vapor trail that dissipated into the sky.

"RAINBOW DASH!" cried Apple Jack as she watched her friend get incinerated. This, of course, got the dragon's attention and he wasted little time in setting his sights on Apple Jack and Big Macintosh.

"YEOW!" screamed Apple Jack as she met the same fate as Rainbow Dash.

"NOPE!" cried Big Macintosh as he quickly was made the third victim of the dragon's flame.

"RAWRITY!" Spike cried triumphantly. As he did, three dark figures landed upon him. One turning into a perfect copy of Rainbow Dash, another taking the form of Apple Jack, and the last making itself appear like Big Macintosh.

"True love awaits!" cried the clone of Rainbow Dash. "Onward!"

"RAWRITY!" Spike cried as he made his way deeper into town. The Carousel Boutique clearly in his sights.

Chapter 3: Counter Strike

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Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were all gathered in the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

"This is indeed a dire situation," stated Celestia. "One in which must be handled immediately."

"Agreed," stated Luna. "Shall we all make haste to Ponyville?"

"No," stated Celestia. "This is a matter for both Twilight and myself."

"Why dost thou decline our assistance?" asked Luna.

"You are tired from keeping watch over Equestria all night," replied Celestia. "You are not your strongest and need your rest."

"Our strength will certainly hold and only add to the cause," persisted Luna.

"I am sorry, little sister," stated Celestia. "However, I must insist you take your leave and get some rest."

As this discussion was taking place, three streams of green gas made their way into the throne room.

"Huh?" asked Twilight as the streams gathered before Celestia and turned into balls of light. They then each exploded and made Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Big Macintosh appear in a heap before the princesses.

"Whoa!" cried Rainbow Dash. "What just happened?"

"What in the hay?" wondered Apple Jack. "Are we in Canterlot?"

"Eeyup," stated Big Macintosh.

"What…?" wondered Twilight. "How…?"

Rainbow Dash took to the air.

"We've got to get back to Ponyville!" she cried. "Some dragon is tearing down the town!"

"So he is already there?" asked Celestia.

Rainbow Dash was about to fly off. However, Apple Jack took hold of her tail and brought her flying back and to the ground.

"We must hurry," stated Celestia. "I shall teleport us to Ponyville."

We shall meet thee there!" proclaimed Luna as she burst into a blue light and disappeared.

"TWILIGHT!" cried Spike as he entered into the room. "TWILIGHT! WHAT'S GOING ON!"

Every pony was in shock upon seeing the young, purple dragon dashing into the throne room.

"Spike?" wondered Twilight.

"There's no time to lose!" exclaimed Spike. "A super ultra mega massive dragon is going to attack Ponyville!"

Princess Celestia seemed a bit curious of the situation. However, as Spike said, there was no time to lose.

"Gather close, every pony," she said while spreading her angelic wings.

Every pony did as Celestia commanded. They soon all saw a brilliant flash of white light before finding themselves standing in the very center of Ponyville.

"RAWRITY!" cried a terrifying voice that echoed throughout the town. "RAWRITY!"

"He's after Rarity!" cried Spike. "I must defend her!"

"Wait!" cried Twilight. However, Spike was well on his way to the Carousel Boutique by the time Twilight had finished her exclamation.

The sound of heavy footsteps grew closer until a giant, purple and green colored dragon with wings came into view.

"RAWRITY!" he cried. "RAWRITY!"

"Be gone, wretched beast!" cried Luna as she positioned herself to attack the dragon.

The dragon's mouth foamed with green fire as he stared down the Princess of the Night.

"Thou shall bring terror to this land no more!" stated Luna as she focused her ethereal power into her horn.

"RAWRITY!" the dragon cried while belching out a massive blast of green flame towards Luna.

"Take this!" countered Luna as she unleashed her ethereal might towards the dragon's attack.

"Sister!" cried Celestia as she watched the dragon fire and her sister's magic press against each other for dominance.

"What?" wondered Luna as three, dark flashes appeared before her eyes. This caused her to lose her focus. It wasn't long before she was engulfed in the dragon's flame.

"NOOOO!" she cried as she was incinerated out of existence.

"SISTER!" cried Celestia as she took flight.

A sudden flash of blue light appeared beside Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Big Macintosh.

"SISTER!" cried Luna. "We must make haste to the Carousel Boutique! There we shalt make a fortified stand against this monster!"

Celestia barely dodged being hit by the dragon's claw when she heard her sister calling out to her.
"Sister!" she exclaimed with joy. "You're alive!"

"Indeed," replied Luna "But we must make haste if we are to make a fortified stand against this monster."

"Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight. "Can you, Apple Jack, and Big Macintosh lure the dragon to Rarity's?"

"You betcha'," stated Apple Jack.

"Eeyup!" replied Big Macintosh.

"Leave it to me," said Rainbow Dash as she took to the sky.

"Make sure it doesn't damage anymore of the town!" stated Twilight.

"I just hope y'all have a mighty fine plan to bring down this dragon," stated Apple Jack as she and Big Macintosh went about their mission with Rainbow Dash.

"Shall we?" asked Celestia as she faced Twilight and Luna. She then raised her wings and, in a flash of white light, teleported the group to Rarity's, Carousel Boutique.

Chapter 4: Revelations

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As Spike ran towards the Carousel Boutique, he came across Pinkie Pie and Rarity who were awaiting Rainbow Dash's return to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Rarity!" cried Spike. "I'm so happy I found you!"

"Spike?" wondered Rarity.

"RAWRITY!" cried the dragon as it made its way deeper into Ponyville.

"No time to explain!" stated Spike. "Every pony is gathering over at the Carousel Boutique to put an end to this terrible monster!"

"The Carousel Boutique?" gasped Rarity. "Why there?"

Spike took hold of Rarity's mane and yanked her onward.

"Ow!" she cried. "Let go of me at once!"

Spike ignored her pleas as he effortlessly hauled Rarity along until she just gave in and started to let him lead her.

Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"Okay!" she cried before bounding after Rarity and Spike.

Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all arrived in front of the Carousel Boutique just as Luna, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle had begun to strategize a plan in which would banish the dragon from Ponyville.

"Spike!" cried Twilight. "I see you found Rarity and Pinkie Pie."

"Sure did!" he stated proudly.

"It's probably best you get inside, Spike," said Twilight. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"What about Rarity?" asked Spike.

"What about-" Rarity began to say as Spike pulled again on her mane.

"I've promised to keep her safe and that is just what I'm going to do!"

"Okay," said twilight. "You and Rarity take cover in the boutique while Luna, Celestia, and I handle the dragon."

"Got it!" exclaimed Spike as he hauled Rarity past the group and into the Carousel Boutique.

"RAWRITY!" cried the dragon as it made its way down the street that lead to the boutique.

"I HOPE YOU HAVE A PLAN!" exclaimed Rainbow dash as she found herself dodging torrent-after-torrent of fire breath.

"We shall assist!" cried Luna as she took to the air.

"Sister!" cried Celestia.

The dragon's attention was quickly pointed straight at Luna and he wasted no time in blanketing her in a torrent of green fire breath.

"NO!" cried Celestia. "NOT AGAIN! "
Celestia waited for her sister to teleport back in as she did earlier. However, this time, she did not.

"NO!" she shouted while spreading her wings and gathering her magic. "I SHALL AVENGE YOU SISTER!"

"Wait!" cried Twilight.

"The time for waiting is over!" insisted Celestia as she began to glow an angelic white. "This ends now!"

"Princess!" Twilight shouted.

"Take that!" growled Rainbow Dash as she managed to give a hearty buck to the dragon's face.

"RAWRITY!" he cried as he whipped his tail up, snared Rainbow Dash, and flung her fiercely to the ground.

"Eeeyah!" cried Rainbow Dash as she hit the ground and eventually came to a bouncing stop near Twilight.
Rainbow Dash growled as she picked herself out of the dirt and faced down the purple and green menace.


Twilight was at a loss as Celestia, aglow with the power she had harnessed from the sun, was waiting for the right opportunity to unleash her full fury upon the dragon who had put an end to her sister.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HURT ANY PONY ELSE!" she proclaimed while effortlessly dodging a series of swipes, tail whips, and bursts of flame.

"RAWRITY" boomed the dragon as he eyed up the Carousel Boutique. "RAWRITY!"

"SONIC…" shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew at full force towards the dragon's face. "RAINBOOM!"

"GRAH!" the dragon cried as the full, spectrum force of the Sonic Rainboom caused his head to cock fiercely to the side. Unfortunately, this also caused him to stumble and made Apple Jack and Big Macintosh have to run for their lives so that they didn't find themselves smashed beneath the dragon's, massive feet.

"Twilight!" called Rarity as she and Spike returned to her side.

"Rarity?" wondered Twilight. "I thought you were taking refuge with Spike?"

"We're friends," stated Rarity. "And friends stand together!"

"That's right!" added Spike as he put his arm around Rarity. "We're all in this together!"

The dragon stopped and his face turned red with what could best be described as rage upon seeing Spike and Rarity standing so closely together.

"RAWRITY!" he boomed so loudly that it sent every pony flying or stumbling backwards.

"Nice try!" stated Spike firmly. "But our love will end your mindless rampage once-and-for-all!"

The dragon roared as he tilted his head back and outstretched his wings. His mouth was now foaming with an even brighter shade of green flame as he eyed up Spike and Rarity who were defiantly facing him down.

Seeing her opportunity, Celestia unleashed the full force of her magic against the dragon. The blinding light it gave off made it so no pony could see what was happening. However, when the light subsided, the dragon was clearly on its knees and gasping for breath.

"Oh, yeah!" cheered Rainbow Dash as she blazed past the dragon and unleashed her Buccaneer Blaze right against its left cheek. Once the explosion cleared, he was lying in defeat upon the ground.

"Rawrity…" he moaned as he found himself unable to bring himself back to his feet.

"This is it, Twilight!" cried Celestia. "Let us combine our powers together and banish this dragon from Equestria once-and-for-all!"

Just then, Princess Luna appeared in a flash of blue light.

"Sister?" Celestia said.

"I can't allow you to banish this dragon," replied Luna as she fired a magical attack towards Celestia and Twilight.

"What?" wondered Twilight.

Green fire enveloped Luna in which soon gave way to showing that Luna wasn't really Luna. Rather, she was Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, in disguise.

"You!" exclaimed Celestia.

"You act surprised," replied Chrysalis. "Do you really think being sent beyond Equestria's borders would really keep us from coming back better and stronger than ever?"

Every pony was awe struck upon seeing the vile queen stand guard over the defeated dragon.

"His lust has given me strength beyond that in which even Shining Armor had given me prior to my banishment." She said. "And, so long as he is driven by lust, I will have an infinite source of energy in which to tap from and conquer this country in the name of the Changelings!"
The Changeling Queen used her magic to enchant and attract both Rarity and Spike to her side.

"Now," she said with a smile. "Where were we?"

"Yeowch!" cried Rainbow dash as she was zapped out of the sky and brought to the ground.

"Ah!" screamed Apple Jack as she was blasted and sent flying into Rarity's flower garden.

"Oof!" moaned Big Macintosh as he was sent through the front door of the Carousel Boutique. "Nope."

It was now down to Celestia and Twilight.

"Oh, how I've waited for this for so long," stated Chrysalis as she gathered all the lust in which the dragon was giving off.

"Not this time!" proclaimed Celestia. "It's a one way trip to the sun for you!"

Spike and Rarity stood almost lifeless alongside Chrysalis as she focused her mystical energy.

"I'm with you, Princess," stated Twilight. "I owe her for what she did to Cadence and for taking advantage of my brother."

There was a slight pause as Chrysalis faced down twilight and Celestia. They then released their respective, mystical energies.

"Eep!" cried Fluttershy as she suddenly flew in.

"Oh, my!" she cried with fright. "It's… her."

Seeing as Chrysalis' magical force was starting to win against Celestia and Twilight, Fluttrshy knew what she had to do.

"Oh, no!" she cried while dashing to intercept Chrysalis.

"Pest!" cried Chrysalis as she put up a green-tinted shield to keep Fluttershy out as she continued her assault. "Dispose of her."

Rarity used her magic to take hold of Fluttershy and tossed her in front of the downed dragon.

"You're finished!" proclaimed Chrysalis as she continued to press back the mystical force of Twilight and Celestia.

"Now stop, right, there!" cried a voice from the Carousel Boutique.

Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack were surprised to see Rarity stomping out of the Carousel Boutique. Her eyes almost burning with anger as she approached the scene of the battle.

"HOW, DARE, YOU!" growled Rarity as she began to summon more mystical energy than she had ever mustered before.

"I'LL NOT FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" she boomed as her massing of mystical power caused her mane and tail to flow in an ethereal wind that was basked in light blue. "IT, IS, ON!"

Chapter 5: No Mercy!

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Twilight and Celestia looked towards the Rarity who was standing alongside Chrysalis and to the one that had just emerged from the Carousel Boutique.

“Not this again,” stated Celestia.

“Oh,” said Twilight with a grin. “I’ve been studying diligently in preparation for when Queen Swiss Cheese and her army of clones might try another hostile takeover of Equestria.”

“Confident, are we?” cackled Chrysalis. “So long as my amulet is around your pet dragon’s neck, I shall have infinite power from which to feed!”

“What?” asked Twilight with a gasp.

“You heard me,” stated Chrysalis. “You see, tricking that whelp assistant of yours was too easy. And now, he is my slave to do with as I so please. As a matter of fact, you may even want to think twice before attacking me. For, if you do, I may very well just happen to accidentally sap every last ounce of love out of his precious, little heart!”

“You fiend!” cried Twilight.

“You monster!” shouted Rarity. “You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my precious, Spikey-Wikey!”

Chrysalis laughed.

“You only have yourself to blame,” she cackled. “It is his love for you in which has given me such strength.”

“This has gone on long enough!” cried Celestia. “What do you want?”

Chrysalis grew a sinister grin that ran from ear-to-ear as she narrowed her eyes.

“You know what?” she said. “I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time with such pointless negotiations when I can just take what I want right now!”

The giant, winged dragon roared in agony as his body glowed with an intense shade of green. He then lost his wings as he started to shrink back down to his normal size as Chrysalis gathered all the love in Spike’s heart and absorbed it into her tattered body.

“SPIKE!” cried Twilight.

Queen Chrysalis let out a hearty guffaw as she raised her front hooves and began to radiate with a green, ethereal light.

“This is it!” she stated. “The age of the changelings has begun!”

The queen of the changelings stomped her dark hoof upon the ground.


Dark figures quickly began to flood the streets as each began taking the form of any pony they possibly could.

“This is what we’ve been waiting for, princess,” stated Twilight.

Focusing her magic, Twilight cast a spell in which sent a wave of purple light outward that quickly enveloped all of Ponyville.

Chrysalis gasped as she watched all her changelings return to their true forms.

“What have you done?” she growled.

“A spell I’ve been working on ever since you nearly ruined my brother’s wedding,” replied Twilight. “It’s called The Spell of Unmasking.”

“No matter!” Chrysalis scoffed. “The upper-hoof is still mine and we have you all outnumbered!”

Following the lead of their queen, the changelings pressed onward to what they knew was certain victory.

The changeling army had surrounded Twilight, Rarity, and Celestia and were preparing to make their final strike against the trio.

“Together to the end,” stated Celestia.

“Oh,” said Twilight. “I actually have them all right where I want them.”

As the changelings dove in to finish off the princesses, Twilight concentrated her mystical powers into yet another, massive spell.

“Be, GONE!” she cried as light-purple colored beams fired from her horn at a most rapid pace. With each shot she fired, a changeling was hit, turned it to vapor, and sent wisping off towards the Everfree Forest.

“Ungh…” groaned Twilight as she focused on keeping the spell going off as much as possible without accidentally hitting one of her pony friends.

Celestia watched in awe as the changeling army diminished from thousands, to hundreds, to just Chrysalis herself.

“Ah!” yelped Twilight as she had completely depleted her mystical energies and fell to the ground.

“I’m sorry, princess,” she said as she passed out from exhaustion.

“You did well, Twilight,” stated Celestia. “Now it’s my turn.”

“Ooh!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she bounced out of the Carousel Boutique. “Where’d all the meanie-faced, toothy things go?”

“You have your friend, Twilight, to thank for that,” stated Celestia.

“Wow!” replied Pinkie Pie. “The way they disappeared reminded me a whole lot of that time I made too many mees and Twilight made us all watch paint dry and then she’d zap the ones that couldn’t be patient with this spell she learned to banish them all back to the Mirror Pool my mom told me about that was out in the Everfree Forest.”

Celestia couldn’t keep up with Pinkie’s pace of speech, but she did get the idea of how something they did before was what was aiding in their effots now.

“Pinkie Pie?” asked Celestia. “Could you keep watch over Princess Twilight while I rid Equestria of this menace once-and-for-all?”

“Okie-Dokie-Lokie!” replied Pinkie Pie as she gave a salute.

Celestia was just about to engage Chrysalis in combat when Rarity ran straight towards the Queen of the Changelings.


Chapter 6: The Power of Love

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“Rah!” cried Rarity as she dove towards Chrysalis horn first. Her entire body aglow in a blue, ethereal mist.

“You fool!” stated Chrysalis as she surrounded herself in a transparent, green orb.

Rarity’s horn pressed through Chrysalis’ shield.

“GRAH!” she cried as she seemed to only grow in mystical strength. Each passing second making her glow brighter-and-brighter.

“What?” wondered Chrysalis as her shield began to crack. “This can’t be!”

Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Big Macintosh joined Celestia and Pinkie Pie as all watched in awe at what was happening.

“Rarity?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I’ve never seen her like this,” stated Apple Jack.

“Nope,” added Big Macintosh.

Chrysalis tried to fortify her shield, but Rarity’s strength was too strong and it soon shattered into a million pieces.

“Err!” snarled Rarity as she aimed her horn down to attack the unprotected Chrysalis.

Chrysalis was in a bind and Rarity wasn’t giving her time to do much else but dodge.

“YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” stated Rarity as she continued her assault against Chrysalis.

“Enough of this!” stated Chrysalis as she took to the air and prepared to retaliate against Rarity.

Rarity dodged an attack spell by the queen that burned a small hole in the ground.

“How, dare, you!” she cried.

“I think you’d look good in my special necklace.” stated Chrysalis as she fabricated a copy of the amulet that was still around Spike’s neck. “His love along with yours will surely give me more than enough power to send all your pony friends off to oblivion!”

Rarity gasped as the amulet was directed straight at her.

“Ah!” she screamed while barely dodging the cursed object’s attempt to attach itself upon her.

Chrysalis cackled as Rarity found it harder-and-harder to dodge having the horrid amulet fasten itself around her.

“Your heart is as good as mine!” she proclaimed.

A mystical, blue blast fired suddenly from the sky and shattered the amulet just as it was about to cling itself upon Rarity.

“What?” wondered Chrysalis.

The next thing the Queen of the Changelings felt was a strong, magical attack slam down upon her back. This caused her wings to give and she quickly fell crashing to the ground.

“Thou hath gone too far!” Luna stated firmly.

Chrysalis growled upon seeing the Princess of the Night return.

“Sister!” cheered Celestia. “You’re okay!”

Luna landed herself beside Celestia.

“We were banished by this creature. However, she did not count on us knowing the way out of where she did exile us.”

“Let’s end this!” stated Rainbow Dash as she flew towards Chrysalis and bucked her just as she was returning to her feet.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” added Apple Jack as she fiercely bucked into Chrysalis’ other side.

Big Macintosh ran behind the teetering, changeling queen and bucked her backside with all he had in him.

“Timber!” he cried as Chrysalis fell to the ground with all of her hooves splayed outward.

“Ha!” cried Pinkie Pie as she took out her party cannon and fired it at Chrysalis.

The Queen of the Changelings had been thoroughly beaten and layed helplessly on the ground with cake on her face and streamers covering her tattered body.

“Shall we, sister?” asked Celestia.

“Lets,” replied Luna.

The two princesses stood closely together, gathered all the mystical energy they could, and released it out in a ray that shined like a rainbow.

“NO!” cried Chrysalis upon being struck by the shot. Her body then began to glow an intense white before it took the shape of a rainbow and burst off into space.

Celestia and Luna fell against each other. Both exhausted from the ordeal.

“We did it, sister,” stated Celestia.

“Even without the Elements,” said Luna. “Our family bond proved enough to exile the villain to the furthest reaches of the cosmos.”

As the dust settled from Chrysalis’ banishment, Fluttershy could be seen crying over Spike’s motionless body.

“SPIKEY-WIKEY!” cried Rarity as she rushed to Spike’s side.

“Oh, Rarity,” sniffled Fluttershy. “He won’t wake up. I don’t know what to do.”

Every pony gathered around the motionless Spike. Even Twilight, who had just woke up and was groggily making her way towards her assistant.

“Oh, no,” she gasped. “Spike!”

“I’m afraid,” said Celestia somberly. “There is nothing we can do.”

“What do you mean?” stated Rarity as her eyes swelled with tears. “There’s always something that can be done!”

Luna lowered her head.

“The magic the fiend used on thy friend is such that no pony can undo.”

“I refuse to believe that!” cried Rarity as she bent before Spike’s body and used her magic to shatter the amulet that was around his neck.

“Spike!” she shouted while nudging the purple dragon. “You have to wake up! Wake up for me!”

Nothing happened.

“Oh,” sniffled Fluttershy. “I can’t bear to see poor Spike this way.”

“He was a great guy,” stated Rainbow Dash as she fought back her tears.

Pinkie Pie’s hair lost its poof and dropped evenly down.

“This is horrible,” she stated.

“Spike…” said Twilight as she moved forward and nuzzled him. She then broke out into tears.

“He was a dragon like no other,” stated Celestia.

“We shalt give him a sendoff worthy of royalty,” said Luna.

Apple Jack removed her hat and lowered her head.

Big Macintosh shook his head and joined his sister in lowering his head in respect.


Spike’s body began to glow with a blue light.

“If I wasn’t so focused on myself and worried about appearances I would’ve told you sooner, but, I, did, ent!”

Rarity’s tears fell steadily upon Spike’s body. Each one making the light that was surrounding him grow more.

“Come back to me, Spike!” she cried. “I need you! I love you! I’ll be there for you! I don’t care what any pony says! I love you!”

Every pony, except Rarity, was in awe at what they were hearing and seeing.

Spike let out a light moan as his eyes began to flitter open.

“Rare…” he mumbled. “Rarity?”

“Oh!” she cried. “I miss him so much that now I’m hearing his voice! I can’t stand it! Oh, Spy-eye-ike!”

The wings that were once upon Spike’s back reappeared as he rose to a sitting position.

“Spike!” called Twilight. “You’re okay!”

“Okay…” gasped Rarity. Her eyes were still quite full of tears, but there was no mistaking the green-eyed, purple, smiling face staring towards her.

“SPIKEY-WIKEY!” she cheered while wrapping her hooves firmly around him and gissing all over his face. “Oh, Spikey-Pooh! You’re okay!”

“Wha…” said Spike as he began to blush. “Rarity?”

“Oh, Spike!” she stated. “I love you so, so much!”

Spike closed his eyes and nuzzled against Rarity.

“I love you, too, Rarity,” he said.

Every pony wanted to speak on how miraculous a recovery Spike had made. However, it just didn’t seem appropriate to interrupt such a special moment between himself and Rarity.

Rarity used her magic to levitate Spike onto her back.

“Come, Spike,” she said. “We have much to talk about in private.”

“Such as?” he asked with a blush.

“Those ravishing wings you have for starters,” stated Rarity.

“I have wings?” asked Spike upon realizing he now did have a pair of feathery wings upon his back.

“Why, yes,” said Rarity with a giggle as she trotted into the Carousel Boutique. “And I’m going to give them, and you, a once over makeover you’ll never forget!”

Every pony watched as Rarity shut the door to the Carousel Boutique, pulled down the windows, and closed the curtains.

“Looks like we may have another wedding,” stated Celestia.

“And this time,” added Pinkie Pie as her mane and tail returned to their happy, poofy appearance. “There won’t be any invites for the meanie-faced, party poopers!”

Every pony laughed before going about their business as Rarity and Spike shared in what would be the first of many wonderful things their bond would bring to Ponyville, and beyond.