> Silence > by Scripture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why was it so silent? Twilight Sparkle turned over onto her side, uncomfortable in her current position, when a sharp bolt of pain clamped upon her body, causing her to cry out in agony. The objects spiking themselves into her body didn’t make it easier on her too as she shifted to ease the pain within her. Through ragged breaths she held her eyes close, trying to fight the initial pain. With some struggle she was able to right herself onto her stomach, now able to look around her. The purple unicorn immediately shut them again, terrified of what she had seen in the mere glimpse her eyes viewed the world about her. With reluctance however, she knew that she had to endure this sight if she wanted to comprehend it. There were only ruins, debris, and books scattered about what she assumed was Ponyville. Like a warzone, everything seemed scarred, scorched, and blown to bits in certain places of the town. And like a warzone, there was unmistakable kind of object scattered about the desolated town… Pieces of torn apart ponies were blown across town like sticks underneath a night-time tree. Dried pools of blood stained the once silver-grey cobblestones of Ponyville’s roads and some of the Ponies were partially whole… A missing leg here, a head gone there. Mysterious slashings and cut out pieces of their bodies could be seen on most of the ponies, the meat underneath the skin ripped apart and plucked efficiently by the carrion birds. Some of the bodies were even partially skeletalized, the red-stained bones the only resemblance of blood and muscle they once had. Nearly all of the ponies were rotting away, some of their skin falling to warm nighttime, and a heavy stench clung to everything around the young unicorn, making her scrunch her nose in disgust only out of reflex. Everything else around her… Her mind couldn’t comprehend. It couldn’t handle it. Just what… what had happened here? Why was everyone… dead? Why had she woken up in the middle of Ponyville? So many questions filled the pony’s mind as she tried to soak up what she could, though nothing fit as she tried to rationally think about it. The pain was too real, the crawling insects too intricate, and the smell too pungent for it to be a dream. This was real, in some way or another. Twilight finally was able to pull herself together just enough for her to get up off of her stomach and try to stand. She found it surprisingly difficult to do this, not only because of the pain around her side, but because she had very little energy in her legs. Her whole body felt lighter, thinner, and taller as she used a nearby stone bench to keep herself upright. This… didn’t make sense at all! She had went to sleep one night, woken up here the next! And her body… it felt more grown, mostly due to the height and her added hair length which was disheveled and raggedy with leaves caught in it. Looking into a nearby puddle, she gasped as an image of a slightly baggy eyed unicorn with a larger horn and lovelier face greeted her. Twilight would have reeled back in shock if not for a sharp pain digging into her side again, making the purple unicorn grit her teeth. After another pain spasm, she looked around the area in search of something, anything, she could use to bandage herself up with. Finally, she found it, an old but white curtain, half strewn across a house and punctured with a few holes. With a glow of her horn, she ripped it off its rod and spiraled it around her injured area, gritting her teeth once again as it made contact, but finally relaxing after it had been bandaged tightly. Sighing in slight relief, she sat down on her haunches and cleared her mind for a second, trying to figure out what to do with herself now. This was obviously something much more than a usual prank or fight… something disastrous had happened here, and Twilight had woken up to find it, she predicted, years later. She tried to recall the last day she remembered but was hit by a giant mental pain, as if she wasn’t allowed to enter that part of her past yet. Grumbling a bit to herself in pain and annoyance, she looked sadly out upon each dead pony, whether massacred brutally or dead in some pose or style. “Everypony… why…” her own voice surprised her, more mature now and dry from lack of water. “Why did this happen… how could this happen…” Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a hissing sound resounded through the empty center of town. Twilight, fearing that it could have been what it was that killed everyone here, frantically looked around the area, trying to catch sight of whatever it was. A loud yell was heard as Twilight looked up towards one of the nearby roofs, shrieking in shock as a brown flappy skinned creature pounced upon the purple unicorn. A small tussle soon ensued between the two, but Twilight in her weakened state, resisted very little, especially after a well placed kick connected with Twilight’s new sore spot, making her cry out in anguish. The creature roared in triumph and pulled out a white unicorn’s horn that had been sharpened on two sides to become a sort of small blade. Twilight screamed in terror as the thing pinned itself on top of her, being only a bit smaller. It hissed menacingly and placed the weapon on Twilight’s throat, a dark smile emerging from its skin. “Finally… Finally I can end this misery!” The creature laughed hoarsely and took one its claws, folding back part of its head to its back. The purple unicorn gasped in wonderment at the sight before her. “S-Spike? Is that really you?” The young dragon’s claw under her chin spasmed for a second, like the name was a physical hit. Twilight knew the answer though. This was indeed Spike, the same dragon she had hatched many years ago, but now had a handmade knife in his hand, ready to kill the best friend he had ever had. Spike recoiled from Twilight’s shocked expression and soft yet frightened tone. His body had indeed grown larger than from before, becoming about the same height as he did when he had first matured, all those days ago. His form however had filled him accordingly instead of him growing out of proportion and to monstrous sizes like he once did. His jaw was set and more masculine now but his grimy scales and scarred body was covered over by a brown burlap bag, the same bag Twilight had mistaken for skin. The dragon took a step back now, retracting from the pony with an expression of horror, anger, and confusion. “How… how do you remember me? You shouldn’t remember me! You haven’t remembered anyone for the last 10 years!” Anger seemed to swell back into him and he pounced back upon the pony. Twilight yelped again but was truly shocked when Spike’s hands were shaking, tears streaming down his face which fell lightly upon her purple coating. “Why… why now… when I am so close to killing you… that you choose to be yourself again… I thought… I just thought it would be over… over if I killed that monster…” He sniffed a bit and relaxed his knife hand, letting his claws wrap around Twilight in an awkward hug, like the action was alien to him. Twilight, caught off guard by the situation, could only try to console her once small assistant. “It’s ok Spike… it’s ok…” She cooed at him, tapping his scaled back a bit. They pair didn’t move a bit, and Twilight felt especially awkward since she only had a recollection of a normal day before she had woken up. She let the dragon cry for a bit however, wondering what had truly happened to this place… -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Author's Note: Hello everybrony out there! This is me, again obviously! So, just wanted to put something a bit more serious and sinister down just to see how i do in that field instead... Hopefully well, haha! Well, like always, please critique and criticize all you want! :) > Chapter Two: Invitation To a Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A laugh. High-pitched and giggly, it sent echoes throughout the plaza around them. Spike’s body suddenly went rigid, his weeping stopped. Slowly he pushed himself away from Twilight and looked around, tensely holding the knife-horn in his hand. The unicorn however had gotten back up, a smile on her face as she recognized the slightly altered laugh. “Pinkie Pie? Spike, was that Pinkie Pie? She’s alive?” Twilight’s face started to fall a bit though as the sound of the laughter grew in volume, then in attitude. What had started in a high-pitch, joyous sound of bubbly attitude soon turned darker and twisted, the laugh mixed in with occasionally burst of screaming and crying. The purple pony’s ear’s fell down as the usually pleasant sound of her friend became increasingly more sinister and crazed. “What’s… what’s wrong with her? She doesn’t sound like Pinkie Pie…” Without asking or pause, Spike grabbed the unicorn’s hoof and started to pull her along behind him, being as quiet as he could possibly be, Twilight in tow. Twilight, picking up his ideas, followed him until they were both securely behind part of a torn down wall. Spike put a claw to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet, and peeked his head above the wall. The unicorn would have followed suit if Spike hadn’t pushed her head back down, shaking his head. Pinkie’s noises could be heard now, including a steady clomp, clomp as she bounced into the vicinity. With a hair raising cackle, Twilight could hear her stop jumping, presumably looking around. She wanted to raise her head to see Pinkie Pie, but Spike’s reactions to their friend seemed highly odd, even for Pinkie Pie. Soon, Twilight would understand her friends reactions to the pink mare. It was a short cackle, nothing more, but it soon was followed by a scream of terrible anguish. Twilight’s heart was ripped apart by the pitiful noise. Her voice was the same Pinkie too, although more mature sounding now and more ups in down in pitch. “Hehehehe! Spi~ike?! I heard you over here Spi~ike! I know we had our differences but please let me Spi~ike! It won’t take long to do it… I just want to make you smile is all!” The unicorn could hear the other mare sniff as if smiling was a pain in her heart. A short pause. Every air about her seemed to shift into a 180, her voice losing its bubbliness all together. “Spike. Come out here. NOW. I’m just gonna slit your throat and have some fun with your body afterwards. Set it up at my party, where you will ALWAYS smile… So come out… NOW!” Twilight paled and looked up at Spike, but he kept his guard where he was, which confused Twilight. Couldn’t Pinkie see him? Her thoughts couldn’t formulate anything in time however since Pinkie seemed to revert back to her first self, whimpering a bit in sadness. “Finnnnne… I’ll play with you some other time Spi~ike!” The clomping of her bounces soon echoed away into ruins. An uneasy silence spread out between the pair, Twilight in bewilderment and Spike to make sure the coast was clear. Without a word, Spike lifted his hand up repeatedly, indicating she could stand now. The confused unicorn did stand, but looked at Spike with wide, worried eyes. The dragon, finally looking at Twilight, couldn’t say anything and simply looked down, as if ashamed or… frightened? Twilight sighed and looked at Spike, sore, confused, and deeply worried. “Spike… I think it’s about time you told me whats happened around here… For starters, how did this all begin? What could have caused all this mayhem?” Spike sighed, as if regretting his next actions, and sat on the crumbled down wall. Twilight looked at him, cocking her head to the side and opened her mouth to say something when Spike looked directly into her eyes, an overwhelming sadness, hatred, and betrayal portrayed on his face. “It was you. You did this Twilight. It was all you.” -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Author's Note: DA-DA-DUNNNNNN! I didn't originally wanted this chapter to end like this but after much consideration i decided it would be more productive that she would know the truth early on as a sort of... 'guilt factor' idea. Anyways, you will get what i mean after this and hopefully, you stick around until the end! Please, as always, criticize, critique, etc! :)