Sunset Shimmer and the Magic of Christmas

by Astral Sketch

First published

While Sunset Shimmer is home alone on Christmas Eve she is visited by Santa Claus who teaches her the meaning of Christmas.

Months after being defeated by Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer has changed her life for the better. Since then she has done what she could to atone for all the wrongs she's done. Even though she has made new friends it is on Christmas Eve while everyone celebrates the holiday Sunset Shimmer chooses to remain home instead. That is until she is visited by a certain legendary figure to teach her the meaning of Christmas.

(This is my first Christmas special, I also want to thank Shadow Bolt for the help on the story. Also there are a couple sad scenes but for some reason the site won't let me add a sad tab to it.)

Twas the Night Before Christmas

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It is the holiday season all over Equestria and everypony is happily waiting as Hearth Warming Eve draws closer. But somewhere else, in another world, a different yet very familiar holiday draws near. This celebration is called Christmas by the inhabitants of this other world and in a town just outside a major city, they like many towns and cities all over this other world are preparing for a night of festivities. It is late morning and all over town the people are active, many of them putting the final touches of their holiday decorations while others shopped for last minute items such as gifts or food for the feasts that will be had. There are even some who are out caroling in the streets as the snow lightly falls over them. Trees decorated with lights can be seen everywhere and reefs were hanging on the doors of homes and businesses.

One such place that is being decorated is the local community center, the people inside were all volunteers and they were hard at work trying to finish before evening for today is Christmas Eve. Among the volunteers inside the building were a group of teenage girls working together, one of whom is the one in charge of decorations. Her name was Pinkie Pie and she stood at the top of a ladder putting up streamers and below her was Rarity passing up more decorations while Rainbow Dash held the ladder in place. Not far from them was Applejack who along with her brother are placing boxes of apple cider on a nearby table while Fluttershy was helping another group decorate the large tree inside.

"Well that about does it," said Applejack as she placed the last box of cider down, "Hey Fluttershy, ya need any help decorating the tree?"

"Oh no Applejack, we're just about done," she replied.

"How about you girls? Need any help?" Applejack said to the rest of her friends
"No we're good Applejack!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Even without a party canon we're still making good time!" said Pinkie Pie from the top of the ladder.

"Why don't you check on Sunset Shimmer? she might need some help," Rarity replied.

"Alright," said Applejack.

As Applejack walked away from her friends she took a look at the progress they made inside the main hall. Everything was coming along nicely, most of the main hall was decorated for tonight's event. Tonight was the yearly community Christmas party in which the town not only collected donations of money or gifts for the needy but it's also where many children can come to meet Santa Claus. As one of the town's biggest holiday events Pinkie Pie was lucky to finally organize it this year and when she asked her friends for help they gladly accepted. Walking along Applejack could now see Sunset Shimmer just a few yards away. She was standing at the top of a ladder hanging up lights on the wall. Below her was Snips holding the light cable while Snails held the ladder.

"Will you hold the ladder still!" shouted Sunset Shimmer as she felt the ladder wobble.

"Sorry!" said Snails as he tried to have a tighter hold.

"Here let me help ya there," said Applejack as she grabbed on to the ladder.

"Thanks a lot Applejack," said Sunset Shimmer.

"No problem," Applejack replied, "I got this, how about the two of you go and see if Pinkie Pie need anything else done."

"O.K." said both Snips and Snails.

Now that the two of them had left, Applejack was left alone with Sunset Shimmer who was climbing down the ladder so that Applejack could move it.

"So Shimmer, ya told us a lot about that other world that you and Twilight are from," said Applejack as Sunset Shimmer climbed back up with more lights on hand, "and the girls have mentioned that ya said something about a holiday that goes on over there, what was it again? Hearths Warming? So I was just wondering what was it like?"

"What was it like?" asked Sunset as she hung up another light, "Well to be honest it's not really that much different from your Christmas. Everyone or everypony that is, have large feasts, they sing songs and spend time with friends and family. Although it's not as commercialized as Christmas is."

"Yes well... anyways do ya miss it?" Applejack asked.

"Not really," Sunset answered, "Truth is I haven't celebrated it in years, even when I was back in Equestria I mostly just spent my time studying like I usually did."

The work lasted a couple more hours and by then everything was ready for the party. The main hall was fully decorated with a complete tree, classic red, green and white lights and streamers. Most of the morning volunteers had already left leaving only a small group of friends still inside.

"WOW! Everything looks GREAT!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"With all the work we put into it I know it's going to be a great party ," said Rarity.

"Speaking of parties, you girls all set for our own Christmas Eve party tonight?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You bet, Eeyup, Yes, Of course," They all answered.

"Huh? Where's Sunset Shimmer? She's coming to the party isn't she?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I don't know she didn't say," said Rarity.

"HEY SNIPS, SNAILS! Do you know if Sunset Shimmer is coming to our party tonight?" said Rainbow Dash.

"No... she said she... wasn't," said Snips as he and Snails were both tangled up in some left over streamers and light cables.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Yeah... she said she wasn't... interested!" said Snails as he freed himself from the entanglement.

"But this is the first Christmas Eve party we've had together in a long time? Not only that it's her first one too, did she say why? said Pinkie Pie.

"Don't worry about it Pinkie," said Applejack, "She knows that she's welcomed to join us and ya never know she might change her mind."

"Maybe," said Pinkie Pie sadly, "but still..."

Sunset Shimmer had just left the Community center and was walking along the sidewalk. It was still snowing outside and to keep warm she had put on her red winter coat and some wool gloves. As she continued walking she could see other people outside. Many were carrying boxes or bags while others were just admiring the holiday scenery. She even saw a few kids playing in the snow just like the fillies and colts back in Equestria. Thinking of her home world, it had been months since Twilight followed her into this world and stopped her from using the Element of Magic she stole to take over all of Equestria. Since then she had been doing whatever she could to make amends to all the people she had wronged. Especially Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity even though Twilight had left her in their care she still couldn't believe how willing they were to forgive and befriend her. Especally since she not only was the one who broke up their friendship in the first place but she also tried to kill them.

Then before she knew it she had walked up to a man in a Santa Claus costume ringing a bell who was collecting donations. Sunset reached inside her pocket for whatever money or change she might have on her only to find a few quarters. She placed the change into the bucket and went on her way. Having decided not to celebrate Christmas, Sunset Shimmer had signed up for extra hours at her part-time job which was where she was headed. She had gotten the afternoon shift at one of the retail stores which still allowed her to go help Pinkie Pie and the others at the community center this morning. When she arrived she took off her coat and gloves and after putting on her name tag she went straight to work.

It was hours later when the store closed which was early with today being Christmas Eve. As Sunset was making her way home she felt her cell phone buzzing and when she looked at it she saw that she had gotten a text.

Pinkie: Hey sunset, everything is doing great @ da Community Center.
Don't 4get about da party afterwards, Hope u changed ur mind.
Either way Merry Xmas :)

Sunset had remembered that the Community Christmas party had already started awhile ago but what got her attention was the message about the other party. She remembered being invited by them but after a few days thinking about it she chose not to go. But after reading that text she actually considered going, but after a long pause she sighed and texted back.

That's O.K. Thanks anyways, tell the others Merry Xmas.

After sending the text she then continued on her way and after a little while later she was home. Sunset Shimmer had been living inside this house shortly after coming into this world. Before then she hid inside the school but after a few close calls she had decided to find a new place to stay. So after mastering the use of the internet at the school's library she was able to find this place which was a student housing facility. Then with the help of some forged documents, a good cover story and an overly trusting landlord Sunset had gotten a new place to call home. Using her own key, Sunset Shimmer went inside and with the heater on she took off her coat and continued into the kitchen. She was alone tonight all of the other students were either out with friends or family even the landlord would be gone till tomorrow. Fortunately she convinced the landlord that she would be alright alone for the night. Then after reheating some left over pizza she sat at the lounge and turned on the T.V. As Sunset ate her meal the only thing on the T.V was some holiday special and when she had finished she looked at the clock and saw that it was almost nine o'clock.

The Community Party should be over by now she thought.

Deciding to turn in early, Sunset turned off the T.V and after some cleaning up she went up stairs to her room which was near the stair case. Once she was inside she changed into a long sleeve shirt and some shorts, then she climbed into bed and after wrapping herself with a blanket she reached out for the lamp and turned it off. As she laid there she could not help but think of the others having their party and how she could be there right now. Sunset tried to push those thoughts away and to go to sleep but she couldn't. But after laying there for a little while she felt that she needed a drink of water. So as Sunset Shimmer got out of bed she slipped on a pair of bunny slippers, which were a gift from Pinkie Pie, and as she reached for the door she thought she heard the sound of bells ringing. She cautiously opened the door and when she did she could hear more bells ringing along with the sound of wind swooshing around down stairs.

Did someone leave a window open? she thought.

This was not possible since she had checked all the windows earlier. And that's when she heard some coughing coming from down the stairs. Now startled Sunset looked around her room for something to defend herself with, then she grabbed the slug hammer that she kept.

Wait, why do I still have this? Oh never mind she thought.

Now with a weapon in hand Sunset walked out of her room and slowly went downstairs. then as she reached the bottom of the stairs she leaned against the wall and took a peak into the lounge which was the source of the noises.

*cough* cough* "Darn soot," said a masculine voice.

Sunset Shimmer did not recognize that voice with anyone who lived here confirming that it was indeed an intruder. Gripping her weapon even tighter Sunset slowly started to move towards the intruder whose back was turned. Whoever this was he was tall and his frame was kind of thick, what was strange was that he was wearing a red suit and hat which had white trimmings. Apparently this burglar was dressed as Santa Claus but for some reason he was dusting what looked like soot off himself. Sunset Shimmer slowly crept up to the burglar and as she got closer she raised the slug hammer ready to strike.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't swing that," said the burglar without turning.

Believing she lost the upper hand Sunset instinctively swung the hammer but just as it was about to hit the intruder he suddenly disappeared in a swirl of wind and the sound of ringing bell followed.

"W-WHAT!?" yelled Sunset Shimmer as she struck nothing but air.

Sunset quickly regained her balance all the while trying to figure out what just happened.

"He just disappeared!?" she panicked, "how did he-"

"Hmm, not very festive in here is it?" said a voice behind her.

Sunset then quickly turned around and found that the same red dressed intruder was standing a few steps away from her.

"I know just the thing!" said the stranger.

Then with a wave of his gloved hand the wind began to swirl and when it stopped, the whole lounge had changed. Christmas decorations had magically appeared everywhere there was even a fully decorated tree at the corner of the room.

"Ah much better, don't you think?" asked the stranger.

Sunset Shimmer said nothing as she stood there with her eyes and mouth wide open as she tried to comprehend what she had just witnessed. Then she noticed that the slug hammer she was holding was gone and in her hands was a giant candy cane which she then dropped.

"Sunset Shimmer?" asked the stranger with a hint of concern.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!? WHO ARE YOU!?" shouted Sunset.

"Seriously? You don't know? I mean I think the red suit kind of gives it away," the stranger relied.

"I must be dreaming!" said Sunset, "that's it!, this is a dream, it's got to be!, how else could OUCH!"

Sunset was rubbing her head then she noticed that the stranger was standing right in front of her. She also noticed that this Stranger's beard and eyebrows were white and thick.

"Nope, this is not a dream," he said holding a single strand of Sunset's hair between his fingers.

"But if this isn't a dream," said Sunset, "than you must be... Santa Claus?"

"Yes that's one of my names," he said with a nod.

"And you can teleport?" Sunset said.

"Yes I can, from house to house as you plainly saw," Claus said.

"I thought you used Reindeer to travel," Sunset replied.

"Just for long distance travel," Claus answered.

"But how is that possible? Your just a story, you can't be real," Sunset said.

"Says the unicorn pony from an alternate universe," Santa replied.

Sunset took a moment to let all this sink in before she finally spoke.

"O.K. fair point," she said, "But wait! How did you know I'm not from this world? And how is it you can use magic? I'm a magical prodigy, why can't I do it and you can?"

"Oh I've known since the first day you arrived, that is I sensed it anyways" he answered, "That and the fact that your name came up twice in my list, seriously do you have any idea how confusing it was to sort out your deeds from the Sunset Shimmer of this world? Then again, her deeds aren't as severe as yours."

"So you really do know everything I've done?" Sunset asked with a hint of guilt.

"Haven't you heard the song?" Claus asked, "I know when you are sleeping, I know when you’re awake, I know when you've been bad or good and WOW I just realized how creepy that sounds... Anyways as for magic, you already know that magic works differently in this world, after all you’re not a unicorn so no unicorn magic. As for me, my magic for example is limited but it’s during this time of year when it’s at its strongest, which brings me here."

"What do you mean? And why are you here anyways?" Sunset asked.

"That's what I'm asking you, Why are you here?" Claus countered.

"I live here!" She snapped.

"That's not what I meant," Santa said with a raised palm, "What I mean was why are you here now? As we speak your friends are having a wonderful time celebrating Christmas Eve and yet you are here alone in your P.J's why?"

"I... I'm just not interested in celebrating it that's all," said Sunset Shimmer defensively, "besides I'm not a Christian."

"Yeah well what about those gifts you already sent to your friends and besides the last time I checked wishing for peace on earth and good will isn't exclusive to Christians, and that's not what this is about," He replied.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.

"I want to show you something," He said.

Then suddenly the air started to swirl around the two and the ringing of bells could be heard.

"WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU-" Sunset panicked.

The swirling wind had ended just as it had started and when Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes she found that they were no longer in the lounge. Instead they were inside the community center and it was crowded with many people. But Sunset had then realized that she was in public and she was still in her sleep wear.

"Don't worry all this already happed," Claus said as dusted off more soot, "No one can see or hear us and why am I covered in soot there's no chimney here."

As soon as he said that someone walked right through Sunset Shimmer from behind.

"See like a hologram," Claus said amusedly.

"Seriously? You're doing A Christmas Carol? Not very original are you?" Sunset said.

"O.K. I know its clichéd but it gets my point across," Claus replied.

"Which is?" Sunset asked.

"You're a smart girl you tell me," he said.

With a sigh Sunset Shimmer looked around the main hall and saw all the people inside. They were enjoying themselves as they talked to one another. She even saw the evening volunteers dressed as Christmas elves walking around with boxes in their hands which many of the people here were placing money in. Sunset was then surprised when she recognized two of the volunteers in costume, it was Rarity and Fluttershy. Even Rainbow Dash was in costume although she looked the most self conscious about it.

"Oh come on," Claus said.

Sunset Shimmer quickly looked around to see what he was talking about and saw a crowd of children with around a man dressed as Santa Claus.

"Seriously I'm not that fat," Claus complained, "I mean sure the coat makes me look a little more thicker but I've lost weight."

Sunset Shimmer ignored his statement and continued to watch and saw two volunteers with the other Santa. She then realized that the two who were none other than Pinkie pie and Applejack and they were helping pass out presents to the children. As she saw the joy on Pinkie Pie's face and the faces of the children Sunset was able to hear Rarity and Fluttershy talking.

"Can you believe all the gifts that were donated? Not one of those children are going to leave here empty handed and to think that most of them were all from the same donor," said Rarity.

"I know, whoever it was is such a nice person," said Fluttershy.

Curious about this anonymous donor Sunset Shimmer turned her head towards Claus in which he winked back at her.

"I still don't get why I have to wear this cheesy costume," said Rainbow Dash as she walked up to them.

"Come now Rainbow Dash where's your holiday spirit?" Rarity replied, "After all we said we'd do it to help Pinkie Pie and just look at her smile and how she's making all those children smile as well."

"Yeah they are pretty happy," Rainbow Dash admitted.

"All right I get the point," Sunset Shimmer said.

"Do you now?" Claus asked.

"Yes, since we're at a charity event the point is about helping the needy," Sunset answered.

"True, but that's not all of it," Claus said.

"Then what else is there?" Sunset said confusedly.

Suddenly the two were no longer at the Community Party and instead they were inside a large house. It was obvious that whoever lived here had lots of money and as Sunset Shimmer realized they were in the living room she saw that they were not alone. Sitting just a couple yards away on the couch was Diamond Tiara who was alone with a new tablet in her hands while a pile of opened gifts just a few feet away.

"Remember no one here can see us," Claus said.

"Are we still in the past?" Sunset asked.

"Actually this is tomorrow, Christmas Day," he answered.

"Wait what does this have to do with helping the needy?" Sunset asked, "I've seen this girl around at school and I know for a fact that she's rich."

"If you look at her you will see that despite the gifts she received that girls is still not completely happy. There is a reason for this-"

"And here we are at another Christmas," said another voice.

Both Santa and Sunset Shimmer looked to see who it was that had just spoke. The one in question was a strange looking being who wore a white robe and whose head appeared to glow and there was someone else right beside him a woman. Sunset Shimmer instantly looked back at Diamond Tiara and then back at the older woman and saw a striking resemblances. Just then the entity noticed both Santa Claus and Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh Claus, fancy meeting you here," said the strange being as he then looked as Sunset, "And I see you're helping another one."

"Ah yes this here is Sunset Shimmer, Sunset this is the ghost of Christmas Past," said Claus, “I take it that this here is that girl's future self?”

"Yes it is," he answered, as the Future Diamond Tiara just stood there unsure what was going on.

"Listen we're not going to stay long you don't mind us sticking around do you?" Claus asked.

"No go ahead," said the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Then from there they all watch as the scene continued to play out. The young Diamond Tiara was still on the couch when her cell phone began to ring. She then put the tablet down to answer her cell and saw that it was her friend Silver Spoon on the caller ID.

"Hey Spoon... no I'm fine just home alone... Yeah my dad's working again. I know its lame and no I'm fine really... I'm already so used to it so it's no big deal... besides I can't wait to show you what I got for Christmas... alright seeing you later."

After hanging up her cell phone Diamond Tiara set it down and just sat there. Then as she sighed she raised her feet onto the couch and wrapped her arms around her knees sitting on the couch alone.

“I’m fine," she said to herself, "So what if he's not home for Christmas? Even if he was here he'd just be crammed in his office on the phone with his clients anyways.”

Diamond Tiara sat in silence with a sad look on her face.

“Why do I care? I'm perfectly fine,” she said as tears were starting to form from under her eyes, “I.. I wish Mom was still around.”

But then suddenly she heard the front door being unlocked and as it opened and a man walked right in. When the girl looked to see who it was, she was surprised to see that it was none other but her father.

"Daddy? What are you doing home? Aren't you suppose to be at the office today?" said Diamond Tiara.

"I was honey, but then I realized that I should have been here so I gave everyone the day off and so here I am," said Filthy Rich.

Then with a huge smile on her face she ran to her father and hugged him tight to which he then returned, tears of sadness were replaced with tears of joy. Just then Sunset Shimmer felt a tap on her shoulder and when she turned she saw that is was Santa nudging his head telling her that it was time to leave. As the future Diamond Tiara and the Ghost of Christmas Past continued to watch, Sunset Shimmer looked at the future Diamond Tiara and saw her crying as the ghost comforted her. Santa and Sunset disappeared and were outside. Sunset Shimmer was surprised that despite the snow that was outside and her lack of covering that she didn't feel cold at all.

"You see this was going to be the third year in a row that that girl's father was going to miss Christmas," He said as if reading her mind, "But this time, instead of working on Christmas he figured out where he was suppose to be. Diamond Tiara may not admit it but have her father there brought her more joy than anything she has gotten this Christmas."
"But what does this have to do with helping the needy?" Sunset asked.

"Everyone needs something Sunset Shimmer," Claus answered, "Whether its food, shelter, clothing, money... or family. Christmas is about fulfilling those needs by giving and being together."

The area around them changed again and where now at a different house. They were standing in a dining room and around a large table sat a family. Sunset Shimmer knew instantly who they were, It was the Apple family and they were having Christmas dinner. Applejack sat between her sister Apple bloom and Big Mac and Granny Smith sat at the end of the table. There were more family members at the table also, Applejack's Aunt and Uncle Orange were there so was their cousin Braeburn and even their cousins Sunflower and Babs Seed was at the table and they were all enjoying each other's company.

"You already know this but, Applejack and her cousins Sunflower and Babs Seed didn't exactly see eye to eye with one another," said Claus, "And yet here they are making piece and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner together."

"Yes, but their related so they have to get along on Christmas," Sunset said.

"Oh really?" Santa asked.

The scene disappeared and again they were outside, there was snow everywhere and like before Sunset Shimmer didn't feel cold, but this time they were somewhere that didn't look like it was part of town. Then from a distance they saw lights and heard singing. As they got closer they could hear the singing more clearly, It sounded like there were many people singing and it turned out to be Christmas carols and Sunset then realized that some of the people weren't singing in English. Sunset was finally able to see who they were and they were many and just by looking at their uniforms she knew that they were soldiers. But what was most striking was that from the different uniforms, it looked like they were from separate armies.

"This is Europe 1914 during World War 1," said Claus, "What we are seeing here are English, German, and even a few French soldiers together celebrating Christmas. Just days ago they were enemies killing one another in one of the most violent wars in modern history and now here they are in No Man's Land, singing together, telling stories, they'll even eat and play soccer with each other. Here is not the only place this is happening, keep in mind that these were not official truces and at the time many nationalists condemned these fraternizations. But what I see is the spirit of Christmas at its finest because it is in this time of year when we are all citizens of the same world and not of different countries. You asked me how is it that I can use magic, it is because my power comes from the human spirit that comes from bringing joy to one another, expressing our feelings truthfully to those we care about, giving to those in need, showing kindness to all and devoting yourself to a common good, sounds familiar right?"

"You're talking about the Elements of Harmony," Sunset Shimmer replied.

"Speaking of which I want to show you one more thing," said Claus.

The area had changed again but this time wherever they were, it was surrounded by mist and in the distance stars could be seen all around the two. Then with a wave of his hand a white square appeared in from of Sunset Shimmer and as she looked into it she saw a scene forming inside. It was large room like a library that looked like that was carved from inside a tree and Sunset was surprised at who were inside. It was Twilight and all of her friends as ponies, she couldn't believe it but she was looking into her world. It was like looking through a window into Equestria. As Sunset watch she saw the mane six celebrating Hearths Warming Eve and they were having the time of their lives as they danced, having cake, pies, and drinking punch.

"That could be you right now Sunset Shimmer, so I ask you again why aren't you there? And don't tell me it's because you're not interested you can lie to your friends, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me," Claus said with a stern look.

Sunset was still looking at the window watching Twilight and her friends smiling, laughing then she turned away from the window towards Claus but didn't say anything. Then as Santa looked into her eyes his face softened as tears were beginning to form her eyes.

"I see," he said, "It's because you don't think you deserve it. All this time despite everything that has happed and all that you've done since then to make amends and yet you’re still punishing yourself. You really believe that you don't deserve to be happy this Christmas."

Sunset Shimmer was silent still, and then suddenly she felt herself being embraced. As Claus held her he could fell her quivering as she wrapped her arms around him also. Then with his hand he held up Sunset Shimmer's head and looked into her eyes.

"Listen to me Sunset Shimmer, not only have I seen all the bad you've done, I've also seen all the good since. I know that in your heart you have changed and that you are not the same person or pony you were just a few months ago. Yes some have not forgiven you yet but your friends have and they also want you enjoy Christmas too. And as just some random guy once put it, the past is behind us, the future unknown and all we have is the moment to call home. Your friends want you there with them and you want to be there too. So let go of this notion that you don't belong, that you don't deserve to be there because everyone deserves to have a Merry Christmas."

"O... ok, Santa," said Sunset Shimmer with a smile as she wiped her eyes with her hand.

"Well it looks like my work here is done," said Claus, "Oh another thing, since you're not originally from this world you may or may not remember any of this when you get back."

"Wa- WAIT! THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THIS THEN!!?" shouted Sunset Shimmer.

"Calm down, I'm just saying that humans usually don't remember my visits," Claus explained, "But for you it might be different since you're not originally from this world. But don't worry because even if you forget this in your head, you will remember it in your heart, for that is where the spirit of Christmas lies. And one more thing before I send you back home... Merry Christmas Sunset Shimmer."

"Merry Christmas Santa," Sunset Shimmer replied.

Then in a swirl of wind and ringing bells Sunset Shimmer found herself back home alone and all the decorations that Santa Claus made appear with his magic were still there. It was then that Sunset realized that she still remembered everything she had just experienced.

"Thanks Santa," she said to herself with a sigh of relief.

Sunset Shimmer then remembered about the party her friends were throwing and when she looked at the clock she was amazed that it no time had passed since she and Santa had left. She then hurried back up the stairs to her room and quickly she changed out of her sleep wear and in minutes was dressed for the party. As soon as Sunset had her coat and boots on, she exited the house and after locking the door she was off to be with her friends. Sunset remembered that her friends were having the party at Sugercube Corner and after about twenty minutes she had arrived at the door. She could hear the party going on inside and for a moment she hesitated, then she knocked on the door. No one answered so she knocked again but this time she heard the door unlock and then it opened.

"I'm so sorry but Sugercube Corner is closed for a private... Sunset Shimmer?" said Fluttershy who had opened the door.

"Hi Fluttershy," said Sunset Shimmer, "Can I come in?"

"Of course you can," Fluttershy replied.

Futtershy then stepped aside to allow Sunset and as she entered Sunset saw everyone inside. See saw all five of her friends and to her surprise she even saw Snips, Snails and even Flash Sentry was there.

"Hey Fluttershy who was at the..." said Pinkie Pie.

"Hi Pinkie," Sunset awkwardly said.

"SUNSET SHIMMER!" shouted Pinkie Pie with joy as she tackled her sending both of them on the floor.

Everyone was surprised at what they had just seen while Sunset Shimmer was on her back and could feel Pinkie Pie's weight as she sat on her stomach.

"Am glad you changed your mind!" Pinkie said.

"Pin... kie can you get off me?" Sunset said.

"OH... sorry," said Pinkie which she quickly got up and helped Sunset back up.

As Sunset took Pinkie's hand she was surprised to see Flash Sentry had also came over to help her up.

"You Ok?" he asked as Sunset got back to her feet.

For a moment the two of them looked into each others eyes and for a brief instance Sunset felt something strange yet familiar inside her. Sunset then notice a slight change on Flash Sentry's face just before the two quickly let go of each others hand and avoided eye contact but she couldn't help wondering if whether or not he felt it too.

"Yeah... Thanks," Sunset awkwardly replied.

"That's good... I'm- I think I'm going to get some more punch" He said before he walked away.

"I thought you weren't coming?" asked Rainbow.

"What changed your mind?" asked Applejack.

Sunset was silent, she didn't know how to answer that and just before she could say anything.

"Let me guess!" blurted Pinkie Pie, "You went to bed but you couldn't sleep cause you were thinking of us but then you heard a strange noise and when you went down to investigate you saw a stranger who turned out to be Santa Claus and you couldn't believe he was real and then he took you to see a series of heartwarming Christmas scenes from different time periods so that he can teach you about the meaning of Christmas and after a touching moment self realization you discovered how much you really want to be here and now your here!" *Squee*

Sunset Shimmer was without words as Pinkie Pie recounted everything that she had been through tonight.

"Wait, Santa Claus is real?" Rainbow Dash whispered to Rarity who shrugged.

Sunset Shimmer expression slowly changed from shock to a smile and then she started laughing.

"Sorry, *sigh* I'm just glad I came." Sunset said.

"And so are we, AM I RIGHT?!" said Pinkie.

With everyone agreeing the party continued and as Sunset Shimmer was talking to her friends she thought she saw something or someone outside the window from the corner of her eye. But when she turned to look there was nothing.

"What are you looking at?" Rarity asked.

"Oh... nothing," Sunset replied.

As Sunset Shimmer and her friends celebrated Christmas Eve, outside on the roof cross Sugercube Corner stood a figure watching from above.

"See you have nothing to worry about, she's be fine she just needed the right push," said Claus.

"I know your right, Thank you for helping her," said a voice.

"No problem I'm happy to help after all that's what I do, now if you'll excuse I got a busy night ahead of me," he replied as he turned to a floating screen.

"I hope I didn't take too much of your time."

"Don't you worry about that," said Claus, "after all time and spaces are no problem to me."

"Very well then, oh and Mr. Claus, Merry Christmas."

"And a Merry Hearths Warming to you... Princess Celestia."

Merry Christmas to all