New Everything

by Gamel_Lightshow

First published

New years! Time for a letter to Princess Celestia!

The hardest part about New Years is figuring out what to do on it. Of course fireworks, hanging out with friends, and even going out to eat is all fun and dandy but most ponies don't express the new. Twilight Sparkle decides to write a letter to Princess Celestia about all the new things.
Also the squeal of Special Gift
Something new from me too

Everything is new

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Dear Princess Celestia,

The year has come and gone very fast hasn't it! It almost feels like yesterday you taught me how to focus my energy on a single thing instead of everything around me. Man I sure do miss those times of always ways having your approving eyes upon me. Applejack argues that you still do but who knows really. But reminiscing about the past isn't why I'm writing this letter. I'm writing so you can also think about everything new as well.

I realized that everpony is forgetting about celebrating about everything new. I went around town to get people thinking new and got some major results out of them. I also decided to write this to you with a new scrawl feather I got from Canterlot while visiting. I forgot what exotic animals they have in Canterlot ever since I left. I meant I've seen creatures I've only read about and purchased one of each kind! Of course I couldn't let them live in my house so I got Fluttershy to take care of them for me and keep them happy. She really is a nice pony and I'm starting to ramble again hehe...

Well, since I'm talking about Fluttershy I should say that I got her to take up a new hobby other than animals! To think she is quite the chess player is something else! I put her into the Canterlot chess competition today and she won with flying colors! Even Rainbow Dash was surprised by how she played. I couldn't beat her myself either which means she could have even beat you!

It was kind of hard to get her to actually play this game. She kept saying sorry after every move where she would take a piece and said she didn't want to hurt other ponies if she won. It took a long time but I finally convinced her that there would be no hard feelings between her and her opponents. I almost feel like trying to get her to make a new her but than I would be asking to much from my friends wouldn't I. Friends don't ask each other to change.

Along with Fluttershy's new hobby I've managed to get Rainbow Dash to settle off of being a trick mare. Sure her stunts are all fun and cool but now they're getting dull. I've told her to use her trick as a pick me up for ponies and also at special events. I mean I didn't tell her to out right stop! She can still practice and everything just not as much. I got her to take up writing so she can truly express her adventurous spirit. Though her first story was the best ummm well edited story it still has a good idea. She told me that she actually liked the idea of telling everypony her ideal adventure and writing books like Daring Do series. I let Spike stay there because I know that with those two together they'll come up with the most action packed book yet. Well, just as long as I edit first.

Speaking of Spike he's not so little anymore! I know its been a while since you last saw him but he's grown a lot since he first hatch! Also your advice worked about getting Spike out and helping me relieve some stress. I can honestly say it was enjoyable for both of us. But you don't read about that! Spike has taken on to new endeavors. Some soldiers came by and gave some demonstration of fighting tactics for everypony since the changelings seem to be on the move again. Spike told me that for his new thing that he was going to see about joining in the fighting. I tried to talk him out of it but it seems his heart is set on it.

I once thought of joining in on the fighting some years ago. I bet you remember that huh... You talked me out of it pretty good and I tried the same talk but I guess I still don't know everything you do. I gave him some bits and he's going to set off three days from now. I pray that you give him guidance once he starts.

Well back to what this letter is about. I'd rather not hang around sad things much. Applejack is going to try to get more outside of the family now. Granny Smith got on her about being alive long enough to see her great great grandchildren yesterday. Now Applejack comes over to the library a lot often to read up on dating tips book. She also practices fake dates with me and all the others though she's still not keen to the whole not working factor. Though I'm sure she'll get over it once she meets a nice stallion. Also don't worry I'll find my own one day I promise!

Oh yea Pinkie said that she would calm down with parties for every little things. I've gotten her to take up a more pratical thing. Well more like take up her own practical jokes store but she seems really happy selling prank items and giving advice for some of the best pranks. Of course she still works at Sugar Cube Corner whenever her shop is closed. She can never get enough of the sweets like a certain Princess I know hehe!

Speaking of Princess me and my friends have finally finished the castle and I have already moved into it. We cleared out a portion of the everfree forest to connect Ponyville to the Castle. So now I finally rule my own part of our glorious kingdom just like you! Oh how I wish you could see it though you've probably have without me even knowing huh. Applejack says you can see everything and beyond now so you've probably seen whats Rarity been up to.

She finally started her own line of boutiques in every town now. She got a big order one day and fulfilled them like nothing. Once she got them in she got more bits than anypony let alone one mare knows what to do with! She used almost all of it to finally fulfill her dream though she still makes dresses in little old Ponyville.

Well I shouldn't say little any more. Ponyville has gotten bigger since last time you visit. With the news of your old castle rebuilt and me taking abode inside of it everpony has come far and wide to be close to it! At first I found it a bit over whelming and I worried about the town but I went through it and they were glad about the extra ponies around. It was good for the business and great for the economy too! I felt as relieved as Fluttershy after one of Pinky's parties! I just couldn't believe how much everything can change with a few short days! But you would know a lot about that wouldn't you.

Once the town slowly started growing again I began my duties as Princess and let me say I don't know how Luna does it! Royals never change with their snootiness and when a good pony does come in its some stupid argument! I swear sometimes I believe this country and nothing but foals.... But I'm doing my best to put up with it. After all the kingdom of friendship shouldn't be mean to any pony no matter how much they deserve it.

Oh yea! Luna visits me often sense most of her company is Discord and everypony knows how a conversation with him can go. I swear I will figure out how Fluttershy deals with that guy one of these days. I wished I learned how you deal with him before you left.

You know... after you left us you sure left everypony in a shock. Me the most. Which really brings about the newness of me. I'm learning how to... accept. I know things never last forever and even goddess have to expire sometimes. I just don't know how to deal with this. I don't know what to do. I just miss you so much! I just want you back. You just left us without a word! How could you do that to us! I was a wreck you could have at least old us that you were (Unreadable crap--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maybe things could have been different. Maybe you did the right thing by not telling anypony. To leave like you did must have been nice. I've always read when ponies leave in their sleep they are at the best. They feel warm, comfortable, and at ease. It just makes the process all the more happier. Pinkie told me that's how she wants to leave too. I can't deny that that sounds more enjoyable than all the other options.

Luna told me that she misses you so much. She hated how she treated you all those years back and how she never got to say a good bye. I hated not saying good bye too but... I guess it doesn't really matter now. I need to accept that you're gone and that we must keep going.

I really should have know after you taught me how to control the moon and the sun that this was going to happen. Maybe if I had payed closer attention to your words I might have. No. Forget it. I'm still learning about acceptance for I know I will have to accept many things before my time comes. But I still wish you were here to guide me. To teach me how to accept thing like this. Well I guess its a lesson I have to learn on my own. Just like friendship. Well I guess this is it.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight sets down her letter on the grave stone of Princess Celestia who now resides under the earth and under an oak tree that she planted many years ago. The tree had a great view of Canterlot and Ponyville as well as some of the towns beyond. It was a beautiful spot indeed. The sun rises directly in front of this tree every morning and falls behind it every night. It was a perfect spot.

Off in the distance towards Ponyville fireworks go off signaling the night events. Twilight smiles and looks up towards the sky.

"The fireworks must look great from there."
