> Cupcakes and Toothpaste > by JourneyCatMLP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Colgate's Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colgate trotted through the streets on her way home. Her friend Carrot Top had just given her a fresh new batch of her very best crops. Carrot Top knew how much Colgate preferred fresh food, since Colgate rarely ate sweets. Colgate had always seen sugary food as the worst enemy to teeth. Because of this, she simply could not understand why so many ponies ate so much junk food. It wasn't just bad for their teeth, she knew, it was bad for their health overall. Colgate always turned down sweet offers. She didn't mean to be picky, but she saw sugar as a hungry monster wanting to satisfy itself by feasting away at teeth. If Colgate were to lose her teeth to sugar, she would absolutely never, ever have it again in her entire life. The sun was glimmering in the cloudless sky. Rainbow Dash had really shown herself off today, Colgate thought with a smile. Ponies trotting along the road waved at Colgate. Some thanked her for her work at the dentist. Colgate wasn't going to rub it in, but she knew just how talented she was at her job. You show her a cavity, and she'll either have it filled or the tooth removed in just a minute. What Colgate wanted to learn about was working with braces and other orthodontic tools. "Hi!" Pinkie Pie greeted. Colgate's minty fresh mane went spiky and her irises shrunk. She jumped, sending the carrots in her saddlebags everywhere. Colgate shook herself up and looked at Pinkie Pie, standing in front of her with an enormous grin spreading literally from ear to ear. Colgate sighed; was the pink party pony going to offer her a cupcake? But Pinkie Pie knew very well that Colgate didn't like to eat pastries. Pinkie just kept standing there, beginning to worry Colgate. With an awkward, toothy smile, Colgate turned around to retrieve her escaped carrots. when she finished, Pinkie was still standing there, smiling all the while. "Uumm....hey, Pinkie Pie, sorry I was so quiet. It's just that you came out of nowhere, and you startled me, and I didn't know what to say," Colgate apologized nervously. "Is there something you want from me?" Pinkie giggled and her cotton candy mane bounced as she jumped with excitement. "I wanted to offer you a visit to Sugarcube Corner! I've always felt like you were missing out, what with you not wanting to try sweets and all," the pink Earth pony answered. Sugarcube Corner. The bakery's name didn't click with Colgate. She had seen many ponies enter and come back out with their muzzles covered in frosting and sprinkles. For Colgate's entire life spent in Ponyville, she had never set hoof in the bakery. Some ponies wondered why that was. As Colgate thought, Pinkie's mane deflated slightly. "Oh...I was hoping you would say 'yes'. Most ponies do. Oh well, you don't have to come," Pinkie said softly. Colgate's ears fell upon seeing a very saddened Pinkie Pie. She much preferred her good attitude. Just as Pinkie turned around to slowly trot away, Colgate hurried up to her side. "Hey, Pinkie, don't be like that. Look, I'll spend some time at Sugarcube Corner if you like," she told her. Instantly, Pinkie Pie's mane floofed back up. Pinkie leapt around in circles. "I knew you would say yes at some point!" she said happily. Colgate felt relieved with making Pinkie Pie fell better. After all, a dentist must be nice to not just their patients, but ponies in general. Together, both mares walked to the local bakery, the whole time Colgate wondering if she had just made the right choice. > In Sugar Cube Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie and Colgate continued along the road. Pinkie Pie had a lot to say, so much that she was speed-talking in order to fit it all in one little walk. Colgate's eye twitched as she tried to keep a smile, but instead it looked more like she would explode. When Pinkie finally finished, she panted, her mane ending up a bit ruffled. Colgate had to sigh with relief. Pinkie stared at Colgate, her eye whites huge and her irises tiny. Colgate gave the crazy pony her attention. "I should have told you before, but Applebloom is already at the bakery. She's going to help us bake cupcakes," the crazy pony informed. "'Us'?" Colgate responded. "Of course, silly! All three of us are going to bake! Why do you think I invited you?" "I thought you invited me just to sample sweets, like a taste test." "I surprised you, didn't I? I thought everypony loved surprises?" Colgate had to agree. She herself also adored fun shocks. Colgate and Pinkie Pie found Sugarcube Corner down the road. They entered to a scary sight. Blood was all over the walls, dripping and splattering to the floor. Colgate was about to run away in fright until a little yellow earth filly came out to see Pinkie. "Look, Pinkie Pie, while you were gone, ah thought ah would go ahead and finish the jelly doughnuts," Applebloom said. Colgate was relieved despite stepping in the occasional blood, really jelly, puddles on the floor. The doughnuts appeared to be tasty, actually. Colgate knows the Apple family for their apple pastries, but Applebloom here could work very well with strawberry jelly. "Wanna taste?" Pinkie asked, pushing the platter of doughnuts in Colgate's face. Colgate gulped, but since she was polite and did not want to hurt Pinkie's or Applebloom's feelings, she found herself stuck. She levitated a doughnut off the tray and took a bite. Colgate chewed cautiously, and as she did so, an explosion of sweetness filled her mouth unlike any other food she has tasted. Her eyes widened as her taste buds cheerfully lapped up the heavenly sweet taste. Pinkie cheered and whooped with joy upon seeing the look of satisfaction and thrill on Colgate's face. Colgate swallowed the jelly doughnut bits and hurriedly finished the rest of if. "I never expected myself to say this, but that was heavenly!" Colgate complimented. Applebloom blushed with pride. She had taken over to make the doughnuts while Pinkie had been gone. Without Pinkie knowing, she had added some special ingredients to the pastries, which Pinkie would not notice until she herself ate the doughnuts. "I knew you would love sweets, Colgate. You just never give them a chance, up until now, at least," Pinkie Pie told Colgate. Colgate was ready for more, and she let Pinkie Pie know. "Alrighty then! Let's bake!" Pinkie said as she placed a chef's hat on Colgate's head. > Baking Cupcakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, first off, we need flour!" Pinkie ordered. Colgate looked around. Applebloom cleaned up the jelly from the floor and walls while Colgate levitated a bag of flour from a nearby counter. Pinkie made sure to explain to Colgate that it was important to have all the ingredients before beginning to mix and bake. Each time Pinkie Pie called out another ingredient, Colgate would get it as quickly as possible. Both mares had agreed to make special peppermint flavored cupcakes so Colgate could still enjoy the cooling taste of mint she got from toothpaste when she ate them. Pinkie also explained mixing the dry ingredients first was the best idea. You add the wet ingredients after mixing the dry. Pinkie hummed the Smile Song as Colgate whisked together everything until the cupcake batter appeared smooth and thin. Pinkie told Colgate to boil water for the batter, and then added that it was normal for the batter to appear more like liquid. The job got done faster with Colgate being a unicorn. She eventually levitated a cupcake pan over to Pinkie with twenty holes. A new recipe in Sugar Cube Corner could only make twenty to see if it was any good. As the cupcakes baked, the smell of mint wafted through the entire bakery. Pinkie even opened some windows so ponies outside would also smell it. The sweet smell attracted ponies from all over. They stood outside, excited for what new recipe was brewing inside their favorite bakery in Equestria. Applebloom was in charge of making sure the cupcakes didn't burn in the oven. Every few minutes she would open the oven door and poke a wooden stick in a cupcake and checked to see if it came out clean. Pinkie Pie and Colgate made the icing. They used red food coloring and no food coloring in different bags of icing for a peppermint color. Twenty minutes later, the cupcakes were done. Colgate's stomach growled and she licked her lips. Pinkie carefully squeezed out the red and white icings onto each cupcake. For an added touch, Applebloom stuck some mint candies on each cupcake. "This looks like something everypony will really enjoy. Thanks for taking a chance and stopping by, Colgate." Pinkie Pie thanked. Colgate smiled as she bit a cupcake. She swallowed and wiped her muzzle with a napkin. "My pleasure, and I'm also glad I came in. I guess I was kind of a picky eater before," she said. "Ya know Colgate, clean teeth is important, but tryin' somethin' new is great, also," Applebloom said. Now Colgate understood. Everypony else highly enjoyed the peppermint cupcakes. Pinkie decided them a keeper. Twist heard, and she was more than happy to make some candy canes to produce the mint. Rainbow Dash even said them to better than cider. When Colgate went home, she invented a new flavor of toothpaste: mint cupcake. But then a terrible thing happened. Colgate's top front tooth began to hurt, so she went to the dentist even though she herself was a dentist. She ended up with a cavity.