
by Multi Personas

First published

You've lived a peaceful two years in Equestria, but that all soon changes when the last thing you expected happens. You get reunited with an old girlfriend.

You've peacefully lived in Equestria for two years now. You've started dating the wonderful Derpy Hooves, you've made so many new friends, you've been happier there than you were in your old world, and you've decided to forget about your old world, save a few memories.

But how will you react when your old world doesn't want to forget about you? Specifically, an old girlfriend.
This is a sequel to my other story Bubbles. I suggest reading that first.
Tags will be subject to change.
With a big thanks to my editor F*cks Ungiven.

Chapter 1: A sunny Summer day.

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Chapter 1

You take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of probably the best summer day you've ever had. The weather was perfect, a few clouds in the bright blue sky, it was about 85 degrees out with a nice steady breeze blowing that made it feel about 80. Perfect weather for what you were wearing, a light blue, soft-as-all-hell, t-shirt, worn out bell bottom blue jeans, and slightly worn Converse high tops, everything having a couple splatters of purple on them. Your tail swished in the breeze and a smile made it's way to your face. It truly was one of the best days of your life.

You came to Equestria through means of which you have no clue about, almost two years ago. At first you were looking for any way to get back home, to the human world. Now though, you wouldn't trade your life for the world.

You shifted the paper bag that had two cans of paint in your arms and started to walk away from the hardware store you just purchased them from. As you walked, ponies of all colors greeted you and you greeted them back with as much enthusiasm as they gave you. You walked through the market district, passing Sugarcube Corner, however a certain pink, bubbly mare stopped you.

“Hey!” she called out in her bubble-gummy voice. Sugarcube Corner's front door was propped opened, most likely due to the great weather. The mare started to wave madly, beckoning you inside. With a smile you went in.

Sugarcube Corner was a candy themed bakery that had the best baked goods. It also served as your first home when you came to Equestria. One of the best bakers in all of Ponyville was beckoning you inside.

She had pink fur with a pink, bouncy mane. She was wearing a blue shirt underneath a yellow tank top, and a light blue tutu like skirt, and sneakers.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie,” you greet with a nod of your head and a smile.

“What are you up to today?” she asked, excitedly.

“Getting this paint back to the house, I’m painting the living room today,” you say, shifting the bag to your other arm.

“Ooh! Sounds like a lot of fun!” Pinkie said, her face in a permanent smile.

“Yeah, it can be,” you say.

“Oh! Would you like some muffins? We just got done with a fresh batch!” Pinkie said, tempting you. You resisted at first, but the amazing smell coming from the muffins soon changed your mind.

“Uh, alright,” you say, putting down your paint and taking out your bit bag. You take out a few golden coins and hand them to Pinkie who handed you a white paper bag. You're not sure how she does that, get something in the other room without actually moving, or how she knew how many muffins you wanted, but you didn't question her. Whenever you did you got a headache.

You put that bag into your other bag and pick it all up.

“Well I must be going now,” you say.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Pinkie exclaimed before reaching into her mane and pulling out a pink envelope. “I'm throwing a party for Twilight this weekend and she asked me to invite you! All you need to know is in there, see you later!” she said before bouncing away. You smile and shake your head at her antics. You put the envelope in your bag and walk out of the store and continue back on your way.

You walked past a white building with a large vinyl record hanging over the door. It was all dark inside with white sheets hanging all over the place. You worked here, but not for the moment as Vinyl decided that it was high time to add on to the place. Once everything is done, you will have your very own work station, instead of using the front counter like you use to. You couldn't wait.

You continued walking for a little while, not really paying attention and letting your feet carry you home, until you came upon voices shouting.

“Why the hell do I have to wear this crap?!” one raspy tomboyish voice yelled.

“Because, if you ever hope to catch the eye of a stallion suitable for you then you must wear proper clothing,” a more refined voice said, just as loud, but a lot more gentle.

You looked around and saw the Carousel Boutique. In a split second the front door burst open and a rainbow blur rushed out and headed for you. It came to a halt before it could run you down.

A mare with cyan blue fur, a head of messy rainbow mane, a pair of great cyan blue wings, wearing a light red track outfit, was floating in front of you.

“What's up Skittles?” you ask, holding out your fist. The mare bumped your fist back.

“Not much Wonder Colt,” she said. She started to call you that when you started to go to the gym to lose all that weight you gained over the winter. You stayed though and soon you two became friends. You aren't absolutely ripped, but you do have traces of abs, just they way you want it.

“Rainbow Dash!” the elegant voice called out again. Rainbow hung her head and you look around her to see a pure white mare with a long purple mane that had elegant curls in it, with a white horn sprouting from her forehead, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt with black heels, marching towards us. How she was able to walk in the grass with heels on is a mystery to you.

“Oh my gosh! Rarity!” Rainbow yelled. “Give me some space would you?”

“Not until we are done!” Rarity yelled back. When she caught up with Rainbow, she finally saw you. “Oh hello darling, how are you on this fine day?” she asked, her temper gone in a flash.

“I am well, how about yourself?” you asked, being polite.

“Mostly well. I would be better but somepony just has to be difficult,” she said, glaring at Rainbow who glared back.

“I told you Rarity, I’m not wearing that crap!”

Rarity let out a gasp. “How dare you insult my clothing with such uncouth language!”

“Um, yeah I’m going to go now,” you say, but they don't hear you as they have gotten in a heated argument. You just slowly backed away until you were back on track. You didn't have much left to go.

The rest of the walk was rather uneventful. Though you had no problems with that. Soon you came upon an apartment complex that had four apartments. Two on bottom and two on top. You make your way to the left bottom apartment. All the windows were open and you could hear music being played but you couldn't figure out which song was playing. You opened the door and you was suddenly assaulted with loud music. The first thing you see is a gray mare, with a blonde choppy mane, orange shorts (your orange shorts), a red t-shirt, sneakers, and a pair of beautiful gray wings. You couldn't see her face because she was turned around, not facing you. Though you didn't want to see her face at the moment, because the most graceful mare ever born was currently doing a very boodylicious dance in time with the music.

She doesn't notice you and she just keeps on dancing, giving you a show. You had no desire to stop her either. It was quite mesmerizing. She started to turn around, still swinging her hips, she had her eyes closed and a face of pure bliss. She cracked open her eyes which, when she saw you, shot open and she froze. You gazed into her beautiful yellow eyes that had a habit of going walleyed. Her face turned a bright shade of red and you had a smug look upon your face.

She slowly lifts a remote and presses a button, making the music stop, leaving the room filled with an awkward silence.

“S-so you're back,” she states.

“Yup,” you said with a shit-eating grin.

A pause.

“How much did you see?”

“Enough, my dearest Derpy. Enough,” you say, teasing her. You move past her and set your bag on the floor, next to two other cans of purple paint. You pick up the white bag that Pinkie had given you and turned back to Derpy. “Muffin?” you offer.

“Yes please,” Derpy said, her voice quiet, still flustered, and keeping her head down.

You chuckle and hand her a muffin, which she takes happily. You yourself take one and together you both munch on muffins. It only took you a few minutes to finish the muffins and when you were done you threw the wrapper away. You dug out the paint can and were about to pop the top off with a screw driver until you were interrupted by Derpy, crouching down next to you and licking the edge of your lip. You look at her with an eyebrow raised.

“What? You had a little bit left,” she said. You stand up and pull her up also, you put your hands on her waist and bring her close. You lean in and the two of you kiss. It's a simple kiss, lasting not nearly long enough that you would have liked. But you had a room to finish.

“Alright,” you say, “lets get this room finished.”

“Ok,” Derpy says. She turns the stereo back on but turns it to a different song. You take the can of paint you opened and head to a whole wall that needs to be painted. You had a wall and Derpy had a wall. You got to it.

You don't know why, but painting was a relaxing activity. Well, to you at least. It helped you keep from worrying and helped you think about your life. The good parts. For example, how you were going to get a raise once the shop opened back up. You aren't getting paid for the week that you are out for, but you have enough bits saved up that money wouldn't be a problem. That and the fact that everything was dirt cheap. It was a good feeling to be financially stable.

You and Derpy had been talking about getting a real house, but with no homes up for sale, there really isn't anything you could do but live in your small apartment. It's not that you didn't like your apartment, because you did. Very much so. It's just that you would have liked some more privacy and space. The kind that a house provides. But it wasn't like you had a lot of stuff, so the space thing didn't really mean anything.

Over your two years that you have been in Ponyville you have met just about everypony and befriended them all. Some, like Vinyl and Octavia, you know better than others, unlike Aloe and Lotus, but you are friendly to them all every chance you get. It was a pretty big jump from being human to pony. Attitude wise that is. As a human, you would have never waved and greeted anypony out on the streets, even if you knew them a little. But as a pony, it is almost required. And to be honest, it does make you feel better about yourself. With Derpy's help, you have become more and more pony-like. Even picking up their vernacular.

You finish painting your wall and step back, eying it over. You couldn't fine anything wrong with it.

“There, I’m done,” you say as you drop your paintbrush on the plastic tarp that has been laid down so the carpet didn't get painted by accident. You look back and admire your work.

“And now I'm done too!” Derpy exclaimed. “Er. Um, I think I messed up. Bad.”

“Nah I’m sure it's-” your words are frozen in your throat and you look at the mess Derpy made.

“I messed up pretty bad, huh?” she asked, her ears laying flat against her head.

“Yup,” you say, wrapping your arms around her waist and resting your head onto of her head. Your eyes never leaving the mess Derpy made. It was quite the mess too. “You messed up so good.”

What was before you was nothing short of a masterpiece. It displayed Poseidon, God of the sea, emerging from the waters with sea creatures surrounding him. The coloring was phenomenal, making use of every color imaginable, the 3D effect was so realistic, as if you were actually there, and Poseidon himself looked as if he was staring directly into your soul. In all it was in complete meaning of the word; awesome.

“How did you do that with the color of purple?” you asked. You felt Derpy shrug her shoulders. “I assume you got his image from my phone?” you asked. He was your favorite Greek god and had a few pictures of him on your phone. Derpy nodded her head. “I think we should keep it.”

“Really?” Derpy asked.

“Yeah, I like it,” you say. You're not sure how she was able to do that, but after two years of living with Derpy you have gotten use to her doing the impossible.

“We should probably get out of the house now to let the paint dry. Right?” Derpy asked. She was new to the whole painting-your-living-room thing.

“Yes, now we let it dry,” you say. “But first, I gotta pee.”

“Oh lovely,” Derpy said sarcastically.

You let out a chuckle and let Derpy go, and head to the bathroom. You step in and close the door, you also take a look at your reflection. Your red fur is as soft as ever, your blonde mane is actually pretty long, half way down your back, and soft indigo eye. You crack a smile out of nostalgia. Then you take a piss. Even after two years you still pissed rainbows. You had asked Twilight about that and she said that it shouldn't be harmful.

You washed your hands and stepped out.

“About time,” Derpy said, eating another muffin.

“Oh hush, you ready?” you ask.

“Yeah sure, where are we going?” Derpy asked as she jumped up and followed you out the door. You take Derpy's hand and shrug.

“How about the park?” you suggest.

Derpy nods and the two of your take off.

Chapter 2: Poor Vinyl

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Chapter 2

You and Derpy walked through Ponyville, straight through the market district, to get to the park. There were tons of ponies out that day and Derpy knew them all being one of the local mailmares. You however, didn't. Some, yes, but not all. Nevertheless, they each gave you a wave, smile, and a friendly “Good afternoon” and you returned each and every one of them. Even the occasional elderly ponies gave you both a wink when they saw your hands intertwined. You had heard some talk going around about how much the towns people like that Derpy finally has someone good to take care of her. That made you feel proud, in the way that you are good for Derpy. Then again, if you weren't good to Derpy, Crunch, her over-muscled father, would ground you to dust.

Speaking of Derpy's beast of a father, you saw him and his wife, Paint, walking out of Sugarcube Corner.

“Mom! Dad!” Derpy calls out to them. Out of instinct you tried to drop Derpy's hand, but she held onto yours. You've been around Derpy's family long enough that Crunch no longer glares at you, but you still feel a tab bit uneasy.

The two of them looked around at the sound of Derpy's voice, and Paint got a big smile at the sight of the two of you. Crunch's face remained a blankness that was eternal. Nonetheless, they walked towards the two of you. You steeled yourself for the heavy glances of Crunch.

“Hey you two,” Paint said in a cheerful voice and a big smile. Crunch said nothing.

“Hey mom,” Derpy said with her own big smile.

“Hi Paint, Crunch,” you said, nodding to them both. Paint giggled at the awkwardness of it all.

“Well, what are you two doing? Weren’t you two painting today?” Paint asked.

“We got finished, now we're letting the paint dry and the apartment air out,” you say. “We were going to go to the park for a little bit.”

“Oh well it's defiantly a good day to do that,” Paint said. Then after a realization she gasped and turned to Crunch with enthusiasm, making him raise his eyebrows in alarm. “It's been forever since the last time we took a walk in the park, lets go!” It looked like Crunch was thinking it through before giving a grunt of confirmation. “Yay!” Paint squeed. “Lets go!” she said, running off towards the park, leaving the rest of us in the dust.

“Er, mom! Wait for us!” Derpy said, running after her mother. You and Crunch cast a glance at each other and in unison you both rolled your eyes and shrugged before taking off after them.
~<('.'<) (>'.')> <('.'^) (^'.')>~

“Isn't this fun?” Paint said, looking at the scenery as we walked past. She and Crunch were holding hands and walking next to you and Derpy. There were plenty of ponies out and about in the park. It would be a shame if ponies wasted their time indoors.

“Yup!” Derpy proclaimed, she went from just holding your hand to hanging off your arm. This made Crunch give even more cautious glances your way. You swore that both Paint and Derpy were in on some scheme to make Crunch cautious of you.

“It's really nice, you don't get any days like this from where I'm from,” you say. Of course the place where you are from is the human world. You often times compare Equestria with Earth.

Crunch offered a grunt.

“Say mom,” Derpy asked, “where's Dinky? I haven't seen her all day and she usually comes by at least once a day to say hi.”

“Oh she's off with the crusaders today,” Paint said, still admiring the trees.

“Uh oh,” you muttered. If she were with the crusaders then it would be only so long until they got in trouble. At least the crusaders by themselves always got in trouble. Who knows, maybe Dinky will be able to keep them out of trouble.

“Oh they're not that bad,” Derpy said but even she had some uncertainty in her voice. You went back to surveying the scenery. It really was beautiful, the leaves on the trees were a rich green, the ponies around were very friendly, and it was just plain nice out. All that changed when you heard your cell phone go off. You quickly dig into your pocket and fish around for your cell phone. The name 'Vinyl' pops up on the caller ID.

“Hello?” you ask, thumbing the answer button.

“Yo what's up?” Vinyl asked.

“Just enjoying this day at the park,” you say, still walking. Everybody grew quiet.

“Well, I hate to ask of this but I’m in a jam.”

“What type of jam?”


“What did you do this time?”

“I may have accidentally dissed the whole classical music genre.”

“And you need me to clean up after you, right?”


You let out a groan. “Do I have to?”

“If you want your music back you do.”

“Dammit Vinyl,” how dare she hold your music ransom. “I'll be there in a few I guess.” You press the end call button and shove your phone back in your pocket.

“What's wrong?” Derpy asked.

“Vinyl needs my help,” you say, pinching the bridge of your nose.

“Oh, well then you better go help her,” Paint said.

“Thanks, and sorry I couldn't stay longer with you guys,” you say.

“Oh don't worry about it, now run along,” Paint said, shooing you away.

“Alright, talk to you later,” you said and both you and Derpy left them. You two cut across the park field and Derpy went back to just holding your hand.

When the two of you went back to the roads of Ponyville you took a left in the direction of the housing districts. You didn't exactly rush to get there, in fact you took your sweet time. Eventually you came across the street that Vinyl lives on and find her half way down the road laying down in the grass.

Vinyl Scratch was a pure white mare with a wild electric blue mane and a horn spouting from her forehead. She was wearing a black tank top that you were sure was made for males (you're not sure whats with the females wearing males clothing), and light blue baggy shorts and gray and purple shoes. She had headphones on and her purple shades on. Upon closer inspection you could see that they were your headphones. You had let Vinyl borrow your music again when her computer got a bad virus and she had to wipe everything.

You walked up to Vinyl and she didn't acknowledged your presence so you nudged her in the side. She let out a loud giggle and squirmed away from your foot.

“Hey!” she yelled and jumped up but her anger faded when she saw that it was only you. “Oh, hey,” she said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. She pulled your headphones to her neck and you could hear what sounded like Avenge Sevenfold.

“Hey, so is she in the house?” you ask.


“Let's get this over with,” you say with a heavy sigh. You let go of Derpy's hand and you walk up the stairs of the porch while she stays with Vinyl. You walked up to the door and knocked on it a few times.

“Go away, Vinyl,” a voice said from behind it.

“It's not Vinyl,” you call through the door. It's silent for a few seconds then you could hear the unlocking of bolts on the door. The door sprung open and a grey arm shot out and grabbed you but the scruff of your shirt and pulls you in. “Whoa!”

“Did Vinyl send you in?” a grey mare with a black mane in a light blue bath robe asked viciously.

“Yes,” you answer honestly. You don't like making Octavia angry. Octavia was scary when she got mad.

“Ugh,” Octavia grunted, facepalming. She walked away in a huff to the kitchen where she sat down at the table. On the table was an empty wine glass with a little bit of remaining wine in it. Not even enough for a drop. Octavia let her head hit the table with a solid thunk! A few seconds pass. “Owww.”

Being the good friend you are, you walk up to the table and take a seat.

“What's wrong?” you ask. Octavia's head shoots up.

“What's the matter with classical music?” she suddenly asks you.

“Huh?” you ask dumbly.

“Classical music. What's wrong with it?” she asked again, staring at you intently.

“Uh, nothing,” you say. It was true, you found nothing wrong with a little classical music.

“Huh,” Octavia said, staring off into space. “I guess Vinyl's just being an ass then.”

“When is she not?” you ask. It was in a purely joking manner as you and Octavia, even Vinyl, joke about it.

“True,” Octavia said, picking up the wine glass and bringing it to her lips, but when she took a drink nothing made it's way to her mouth and she was sorely disappointed. “Damn, I need more wine.”

“No, what you need to do is not be mad at Vinyl.”

“Oh I’m not,” Octavia said, standing up and getting a bottle of wine from the fridge. “Would you like a glass?” she asked, turning around to face you.

“No I’m fine, but if you're still mad at Vinyl, then why does she still think you're mad?”

“Simple,” Octavia said, taking a sip of wine. “I would rather not deal with her tonight. So she will be sleeping someplace else tonight.”

“And that place is my place, right?” you asked in a deadpanned tone.

“It could be, I personally don't care. She just needs to learn a lesson,” Octavia said, walking out of the kitchen. You follow close on her heels. She points to a duffel bag on a chair in the living room. “There is a change of cloths, her toothbrush and some things to keep her entertained,” she turned away and started to walk up the stairs. “Have fun!”

You groan and roll your eyes. This wasn't the first time this has happened either. With another groan you pick up the bag and exit out the door. Vinyl and Derpy were laying in the grass and when Vinyl heard the door close she sprang up and rushed to you.

“So? How did it go?” she asked.

“You're staying with us tonight,” you say as you toss her duffel bag to her in which she catches.

“Oh, well dammit,” she cursed under her breath.

“It's only for tonight. You go back tomorrow,” you say as you start to walk down the road. Before you got too far you felt your pants vibrate and you fish out your phone. 'Octavia' pops up on the caller ID and the text read 'Oh! And do please remind her to brush her teeth. Thanks!' You look up at the window on the second floor just in time to see Octavia smile and turn around. You roll your eyes and groan again. But when you feel a familiar weight on your arm you feel better.

“Oh cheer up, we can get ice cream, ok?” Derpy said, kissing your cheek to make you feel even better. It worked, but didn't put a smile on your face like it would normally do.

“Yeah ok,” you said letting out a sigh.

“Did someone say ice cream?” Vinyl asked with a hopeful smile.

“I'm not paying for yours Vinyl,” you said, Vinyl's face went from a smile to a pout. “I'm sure Octavia put some pits in one of those pockets.”

You heard a zip and rummaging around in the bag until you heard “Fuck yeah! Ice cream money!” from Vinyl. You let out a short chuckle and continued on your way. It wasn't far to the ice cream stand, it was actually just a few buildings down from Vinyl's electronics store. You got plain vanilla while both Derpy and Vinyl got hay. You never got the appeal of hay flavored foods except for hayfries. With enough ketchup that is.

Author's Note

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This story shall be put on a temporary hiatus as i have lost interest in writing it. It will not be cancelled, but i will put it down untill at least my other stories i am working on are completed. Sorry.