The Betrayed

by Thadius0

First published

Chrysalis has dealt with beligerent changelings the same way time and again: exile. Funny how all her little problems come back to bite her now.

Hi there, my name's Abel, I'm the new changeling on the block.
Been living in Ponyville for three years. Been here a year before Twilight and managed to make a name for myself as a darn good accountant that goes by the name of Balanced Books.
Even got along with each of the Bearers pretty well. Well enough that Twilight decided to invite me along for her brother's wedding.
Getting past that shield the first time wasn't fun. Figuring out the plot behind the wedding, also not fun.
Did I happen to mention that any and all changelings who are NOT a part of Chrysalis' Hive Mind have a VERY good reason to hate her? Me moreso than most?
Yeah, that was torture.
Now all I have to do is explain to the bucking princessess about my true nature and pray to, well, them, that I'll be allowed to return to my life as Books.
Wish me luck, my interrogator is here.
Cover art provided by jjamess10

Chapter the First - First person flashback

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Alright, let's start this then. My name is Abel, an-

Yes, I know the name doesn't fit. At least, it doesn't until you hear the story, both behind me and the name I chose.

Yes, chose. I was born with another, but that one fits even less now, and the name I go by in disguise only speaks about a part of my mind. Abel at least encompasses how I felt twenty-three years ago, and how I felt every time I encountered another one of my kind until about eight years ago.

You aren't going to let it go, are you? You really want to know why I go by Abel. Fine.
There's a legend in the land where I'm from, but I can't really recall all of it except a few key bits, and even then I'll have to simplify it for you. At the dawn of creation, two males, brothers, were enjoying the day. Then from on high, a voice spoke to them from the sky. It told them that it was their Creator, and to honor it, for it had given life to them.
Abel, the younger, lived a good life, and gave honor to their Creator in every waking moment.
Cain, the older, thought their Creator wanted blood sacrifice.

Yeah, you see how that story ends, don't you? And now you know why I go by Abel. Every time I met another of my kind, I felt betrayed.

I tried to steer the topic away from that! It's my version of warning you!

Fair enough. If I think something in my tale will turn your stomach, I'll...hmm. I'll tap on the table three times. Deal?

Good. Now where were we?

Oh, so we hadn't. Well then.
My name is Abel, and this is my tale.
Right, so my life on Equus began quite simply.
I hatched out of a pod in a Hive, like quite a few changelings.

Okay, fine. ONLY the Queen is allowed to 'lay' eggs. Other changelings either tend NOT to breed, or do so the pony way. The Queen can also choose to give birth the pony way, but why the hell would she, it'd just slow her down.

Yes, technically I was something the Queen was invested in. Albeit peripherally.
What was NOT standard procedure was immediately being assaulted by screaming. And then the Hive Mind kicked in.
An Albino!
I heard-didn't hear that, with my mind. At the time, I was young and afraid. I knew nothing about what was going on, so I unknowingly made a demand of the Hive Mind.
I wanted to know everything about what was going on, but it only heard me up to 'everything'.
Let's just say? I still experience pain when trying to pull things out of my archived copy of the Hive Mind.
Eons of history and knowledge just poured into my brain, and me without a way to carry it all! I quickly pictured a safe in my head to hold all the knowledge, and for the first time, I used magic.

Oh, okay, let's try it this way. You know how Pinkie Pie can summon her party cannon out of nowhere, and it disappears when she's done with it?

Yeah, I call that phenomenon 'cannonspace'. Only she has access to it, but she can do it all the time. And not just with cannons. Sometimes she's able to do it with herself as well.

Yeah, it hurts me too. Needless to say I try to spend as little time around that mare as possible, unless I need her for something. What with the Archive, I have enough headaches on-call as-is.
But back to the Archive! I like to liken my Archive to Pinkie's Cannonspace. It's there when I need it, and not when I don't. The only issue is, it nearly gives me a migraine every time I call on it.
At the time, though, I was still connected to the Hive Mind, so my Archive-in-the-making was giving me instinctive responses to the situation I found myself in.
It was advising me to run and get out of the Hive before I was killed.
And every changeling in the Hive was so consumed with shock and hate for my very existence that they neglected to disconnect me. So I had a map of the entire Hive in my head, and the instincts of changelings past started to move my young body. Granted, I didn't have much to work with, but every changeling is born to be able to at least move about.
I would need to do more than that, however.
I managed, somehow, to get to the entrance of the Hive and flee every changeling that was coming for me.
The screaming mob behind me probably helped motivate me. And really, there is no better exercise regimen than running for your life. You actually have an incentive to not stop, unlike when you exercise to keep fit or for fun or for training.
After I got outside the Hive, I could still feel, somehow, that the mob was coming. So I kept running. And kept running.
Eventually, I got so deep into the forest that I couldn't feel the mob anymore.
Or the Hive Mind.
All I had was my Archive.
For the first time since waking, I was alone, and I liked it that way.
I closed my eyes, and slept the night away, hoping that it was all a bad dream.
Of course, when I awoke the next day, I knew it wasn't a dream. The pre-perforated hoof was kind of a dead giveaway.
So I did the most logical thing one could do in my situation:
Looked for a body of water so I could look at my reflection, see what I looked like. Most sentient beings are at least mildly curious, and self-inspection is the fastest way to determine if you're injured as well.
It took me a little while of wandering through the forest before I found a pool of water large enough for my purposes. And that's when I got a good look at myself.
The first thing that came to mind was both that I was incredibly small, and that if I could close my eyes and hide what passes for hair among changelings, I could hide perfectly come wintertime. Even I don't like looking at my natural colors. Pink does not go with white.

Yes, but those are cosmetic changes. It's not a full-body change. Red's better, in my opinion.

Fine, I'll change back for a second, but afterwards I'm changing back to this. It just feels...wrong, to me, to wear my pink colors.

Ow...still smarts.

What? Oh, don't worry, I'll tell you about that part later. Where was I? Oh yeah, self-inspection.
My wings were what caught my eye next. I flexed them instinctively, and saw them flutter a bit. I resolved to access the Archive's memories on flight later, as I had just noticed the jagged horn on top of my head. I just kept finding new things to learn about, and I had all the Archive to play with.
Though I also realized that using it while out in the open would not be the brightest of ideas.
So I looked for a cave or a sufficiently large tree that I could use to seclude myself in so that I could access the Archive without being bothered.
After a few hours of searching, I found a cave in the side of a hill. I quickly scanned inside, found nothing living, and saw no signs of habitation, so I settled down and closed my eyes.
It was time to prod my Archive and see what I had gotten into, merely by being born.
And what I learned from it on that day? Pretty impressive. But I think we're about done for now, right? It's lunchtime for you, and afterwards, Miss Sparkle might want to sit in. So this fits in perfectly, because I want someone as organized and studious as she is to be here for what I'm about to say in the next bit. It's part of history from before ponies started writing things down, and frankly, I wouldn't deny her the chance to learn about it. Not even if you offered me all the magic in Canterlot.

No, not even then. Have you seen an angry Twilight? I have. She spontaneously combusted for a moment, before resigning herself to accepting something she couldn't understand. After she had spent all day trying to. Granted, that was Pinkie being Pinkie. Me actively denying her the chance to record something brand-new to ponykind? I wouldn't last ten seconds.

Wait, really? He still doesn't trust me? Argh...

No, it's complex. I understand his reason for hating changelings in general, what I don't understand is how many times I need to prove to him that I am not the same, that I can be trusted, that I should be trusted.

Which is why we're here in the first place. I'll make you a deal, you at least try to keep Shining in line, and I'll keep my own emotions in line as well as I can because I still respect Miss Sparkle.

Chapter the Second - Two new questioners

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Twilight Sparkle, Bearer of the Element of Magic, personal protegee to Princess Celestia, was confused.
She did not like the sensation.
Sitting in one of the interrogation rooms in the castle was the changeling she formerly knew as Balanced Books, though he also went by the name of Abel. And apparently he had other names besides.
All the other changelings had been angry to the point of violence and had to be sedated and moved away from Equestria so that nopony was at risk, but this one seemed...placid. Calm. Accepting of his fate.
It was like he was an entirely different species.
Then again, considering his coloration, that wasn't too far of a stretch.
He was even willing to answer questions about the Hive, though apparently he'd been exiled from there since birth.
Still, the report the interrogator had given her made mention to a very curious thing.
Not only did changelings have a hive-mind, but it could store information.
And somehow, he'd gotten a copy of everything in his first few moments alive, and it was a lot.
He even said it went back to before written history.
The thought was nearly overwhelming to the poor violet unicorn.
Just think of all that knowledge! If only he could find a way to share it with her.
She managed to gain control of herself by taking deep breaths.
Focus, Twilight. You can pick his brain later. He said you would want to be here for the next bit, so you need to act professionally and not let your curiosity get in the way.
Of course, when Shining heard that Twilight wanted to be present for some of the changeling's interrogation sessions, he had adamantly refused to allow her access at all.
Then she made the counteroffer of him coming in with her so that she wouldn't be at any risk.
Shining hemmed and hawed, but finally agreed.
She certainly hadn't threatened to call him Shiny in front of the entire Royal Guard to help him make up his mind.
Or reveal any embarrassing stories. A good mare would never do such a thing!
Then again, all is fair in love and the pursuit of knowledge, and to Twilight, this was both at once.
Not to suggest she loved the changeling, mind. But she did love to learn new things.
Lunch had just finished, and apparently nopony thought to bring Bal-, er, Abel, anything.
Then again, considering the normal changeling diet, it was understandable. Love wasn't something anypony would want to give away to the species that had just attacked the capital.
But then again, he hadn't exactly joined in, had he?...
Twilight could barely make up her mind about which questions she wanted to ask Abel first.
A good thing, too.
Abel knew exactly which information needed to get out first, and really would not tolerate any interruptions in his flow.
Not that the ponies would notice. He was good at this sort of thing.
He'd only been doing it for years, after all.
Now Shining, on the other hoof, knew which information he wanted. And he was just as stubborn as his sister about things like this.
The two would probably not get along well, especially considering one was the Captain of the Royal Guard who had failed in his primary duty of keeping all of Canterlot, and especially his wife, safe, due to the machinations of the Changelings.
And the other one was a changeling who'd been living in Ponyville for three years.
Oh yes, they'd get along great.
Like a house on fire.
“Miss Sparkle, so glad you could make it. And you brought your brother as well...”
Abel sighed and looked at the table in front of him while idly moving one of his chained-up legs.
“Regrettable, but I suppose precautions must be taken around the dangerous changeling that has done nothing but give you information and not even attempted to escape or attack anypony.”
Twilight flinched at that, as though she'd been struck, whereas Shining merely narrowed his eyes, taking note of one small detail that was missing.
“Where is your ring, prisoner?”
Abel smiled at that. “Oh, that old thing? I convinced the guards to take it off after I proved it was useless in restraining lil' ol' me. And if they had left it on, well, it'd just be on the floor by now. And yet, I remain sitting here. Though the chains do chafe a bit, I don't want to escape. Think about that, Captain, while I have a more stimulating conversation with your sister, if you'd be so kind.”
Shining merely gaped a few times, trying to take in the meaning behind everything the changeling had just said. Twilight, meanwhile, was brimming with questions, and this seemed like as good a place to start as any. “Useless in restraining you? But those rings work on changeling and pony alike to block their magic. How are they useless against you?”
Abel merely grinned. “They'd be more effective if my horn was my only means of channeling my magic through my body. I have a few abilities that don't require me to cast them out into the world. One such thing is my 'passive feeding' ability, where I take in energy from the world around me directly into my body. This gives me an internal reservoir of magic that I can use in short, small bursts through the ring. And all these rings operate on a frequency. Find the right one and overload it...”
“...And the ring falls off. You're right. They are useless against you. Unless we make one that constantly modifies its signal, and does so at unpredictable intervals.”
“Plan B, then, I change into an Earth Pony, ring falls off, magic is no longer blocked.”
Twilight and Shining merely stared, though Shining had finally found his voice. “When you say 'convinced'...”
“I meant I told them what I'm telling you, and they realized their current tactics were not designed to deal with one such as me, and the fact that they were still conscious was a sign that I meant no trouble. So they took the ring off and asked if there was anything they could do to make me more comfortable. Which is why I now have an open window.”
Shining's eyes briefly flicked over to the window, calculated that the changeling could not have made it to the window in his chains, and realized the story was probably true. It'd be easier to accept if he'd left the ring on, though.
“Passive feeding? Do you feed on something...other than love, then?”
Abel grinned so wide it made both of the unicorns slightly wary.
“Miss Twilight...that was...the right question.”
Now the two fidgeted, but Abel wasn't done.
“The long story made short is that Albino Changelings can feed on the very magic in the air. I can still sense your emotions, and there's no need to be that wary. Or that hate-filled.”
The two exchanged a glance, one that promised a Talk later, but Abel still wasn't done.
“Our transformations are also a bit more...involved than that of the 'normal' changelings, which is why transforming into anything but a unicorn would result in a ring falling off. However, there is a downside.”
The two were paying attention now, one for academia purposes, and another looking to exploit any weaknesses in his newfound foes.
“The other sort of changelings have had time, a long amount of time. They have a gland at the point where the brain attaches to the spine. Whenever they change, they get a shot of natural painkiller. I...don't have that good fortune. I am, in many ways, an evolutionary throwback of my kind. But frankly, I think Albinos would find it easier to live in modern-day pony society. Too bad I'm the only one that I know of.”
“So wait, if you feed on magic, then-”
“Neither you or your sister are in any danger, Captain. It's why I asked for a breeze. The very magic in the air? What better way to replenish it than to make sure I'm not entirely locked up in the castle? I can pick and choose what I feed on, and I have made a promise, the unbreakable kind. I will never feed on a pony, or anything vaguely pony-shaped.”
Twilight tilted her head to the side. “Unbreakable pr- PINKIE KNOWS?!”
Abel nodded. “Has ever since that Ursa incident. She wanted to check up on 'the only pony that can keep up with me and keep me all organized and stuff.' That day is still an amusing memory for her. Less so for me.”
“Bookie! Are you home? Nopony's seen you all day, and I normally see you in the bakery by now!”
Pinkie Pie had somehow bypassed all the magical and physical locks on the doors to Balanced Book's modest home. Being a part-time accountant was well and good, and paid decent bits, but he was always so careful about his home. Even when he wasn't here, he kept it locked! Nopony besides Bookie did that!
In fact, Pinkie couldn't remember throwing him a housewarming party...
Her train of thought was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a pony vomiting somewhere in the house.
Pinkie began following the sound, from the foyer to the living room, when Balanced Books spoke up. “Pinkie? Is that you?”
“Yupperooni! Are you sick, Bookie?”
“After a fash - urp – ion. It's just a stomach bug, it should pass by the end of the day.”
“Bugs in your stomach? That's silly. What you need is a hospital, Bookie! I'll carry you!”
By now, Pinkie had found the stairs to the basement. What an odd place for a bathroom, she thought.
And as she opened the door to the basement and heard Balanced Books cry out for her to not do what she was about to, she had a very different thought.
Namely, what a weird bathroom and pony! But where was Bookie?
It had taken a full hour for Abel to finish vomiting into the barrel he had 'acquired' overnight.
Hey, he paid for it. After a fashion.
If anypony was actually missing their rainwater barrel, they would have to see the bits he left.
Pinkie was seated in his dining room, looking at the weird pony across from her.
Thankfully, Abel remembered to close, lock, and cover his windows this time. From a distance, with magic.
It was bad enough Pinkie saw and would have to know. He didn't need a mass panic on his hooves.
“Pinkie, this'll go a lot easier if you let me explain first, and if you still have any questions, you can ask them afterwards. Also, if I ask you any questions, try to keep the answer as...small, as possible. Okay?”
Pinkie nodded.
“First, do you know what a changeling is?”
Pinkie shook her head, then tilted it to the side. “Is that what you are? Now I can stop calling you the weird-pony and call you the changeling instead! What's your name, changeling? And how do you know me? And why do you sound like Bookie?”
Abel sighed and facehooved. “Pinkie, I AM Balanced Books. Always have been. Changelings can hide this about them, but I was REALLY sick and needed to be in my natural form for it. Which is why I wasn't out and about today.”
“Oh, okay. So why were you sick, Bookie?”
Abel merely sighed, he wasn't in control of the conversation at all. That wouldn't stop him, though, from saying what needed to be said. He decided to ignore Pinkie's question. “Normally, changelings imponynate someone, or come up with an entirely new identity, and try to blend into pony society, so they can try to get their main food source.”
Pinkie for once did not interject.
“Normally, changelings eat love, Pinkie.”
Pinkie gasped.
“I'm not a normal changeling though, Pinkie.”
The gasp cut out in the middle, as Pinkie tried to figure out what to say. Eventually, she settled on a simple “You're not?”
“Nope! Albinos, or white changelings like me, can survive by drawing in the very magic in the air. It's...inefficient, though. It's something like...if a pony had gone weeks without drinking, but sipped the dew off the grass every morning. They could get by, but only for so long. Albinos can absorb the very magic out of living creatures, though, just by being close enough. And...Albinos have a bad history of sucking the magic out of ponies.”
Pinkie genuinely looked sad now. “Have...have you been draining the magic out of anypony?”
Abel shook his head. “I have a different solution. Once a week, I go out into the Everfree, and find the nearest mean monsters that I can, and I drain magic from them before they ever get to Ponyville. I never take enough to do permanent harm, but for the next few days, they're really woozy while they take in nearby magic to set themselves right.”
Pinkie nodded but still appeared thoughtful. “Why do you do it like that?”
Abel merely looked at Pinkie. “Because you all are my friends, Pinkie. And while I need to eat, same as anypony else, I also don't like that when I eat, I hurt something. I try to keep a stockpile so that I don't have to do as much when I do go, and I ration how much magic I use so that I can make it last as long as possible.”
Pinkie finally appeared satisfied, except for one final question. “So what were you doing down there?”
Abel groaned. “Those two idiots, Snips and Snails, woke up every single monster on their way to the Ursa cave. I was hiding in the treeline, trying to make sure that none of them had enough energy to stand, let alone come into Ponyville. Taking in that much magic at once is not good for me, so I had to get rid of it. But I didn't want to waste it...”
Pinkie made a face at the very thought. “Hey, none of that, now! I'm not actually going to eat what I threw up! That's not what this mouth is for! I don't even have to touch it to reabsorb that magic back into me, and I'm not going to let it go to waste. What I took in last night will probably last me a few months if I use it wisely.”
Pinkie grimaced before smiling. “Okey lokey. Let's exchange promises, Bookie. I'll promise not to tell anypony about this, and you'll promise to never feed on anypony.”
Abel merely grinned. “Cross my heart, hope to fly...”
“Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Pinkie finished, the both of them undertaking the motions of the sacred vow, narrowly missing poking their eyes.
“By the way, Pinkie, if you're sure we're alone, then feel free to call me Abel. It's my changeling name.”
“That's a silly name for a pony!”
Abel merely shrugged. “I'm not a pony, your argument is invalid.”
The two laughed for a good, long while at that.

Chapter the Third - Getting Parole

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Twilight was glancing over the transcript that the interrogator had passed to her, noticing there was a time period she may want to ask about, but she would need one crucial frame of reference first. “So...Abel. When did you arrive in Ponyville?”
Abel looked wistful at that. “Oh, I'd say three years ago. Don't know the exact day, but I do know that, for once, Pinkie didn't greet the new pony. No, that's an interesting story as well. It involves me stalking through the treeline, at least to start...”
Okay, this is interesting, there was no town of ponies here mentioned in the Archive. So either Chrysalis doesn't believe in keeping up-to-date on the ponies, or this is a recent development.
“What a thing to see, a changeling of unusual hue. Tell me now, should I trust you?”
Abel was snapped from his thoughts by the unusual rhyming. Turning, he saw what could only be called a zebra in a cloak, but the hood was down, and she was gripping a nearby staff like it was a deadly weapon. Then again, considering she just snuck up on me while my passives were going, she's not to be taken lightly...
“And I could say something similar to you, but to compare you to a pony would not even be close to as big an insult as the one you just proffered me, ma'am.”
The zebra winced at Abel's insult, and Abel caught a whiff of sympathy radiating from the zebra. So this emotion-sensing thing does work after all...just on ponies, though, it'd seem. Or pony-shaped life-forms.
“My apologies, then, for insults I did not intend. If you mean no harm, then my regrets I send.”
Abel blinked, only just now catching on to the zebra's mannerisms. “Okay, if you're going to attempt to rhyme every sentence with its precursor, then this is going to be an...interesting conversation.”
“My rhyming, does it bother you? It is merely something that I do. To amuse my friends, or confuse my foes, it does have its highs and lows.”
Abel waved a hoof at the zebra. “I didn't say that. It's actually the first conversation I've had in years. I can handle a little weirdness if it means talking with something that can talk back.”
The zebra smiled. “Well if you want, I can talk like this. Granted, I don't do so very often, but we probably have a lot of questions to ask of one another, and it'd be faster if I didn't rhyme. Normally, we zebras rhyme to any other nonzebra, save for...very close friends.”
Abel caught the hidden meaning behind her statement and winced. “Yeah, you can go back to rhyming once we get past this awkward question-and-answer bit. Hello, my name is Abel, I'm an Albino changeling.”
The zebra nodded. “I am Zecora the zebra, I live near this town and act as a...deterrent against ponies being fools and entering the forest.”
Abel shuddered. “Yeah, no kidding, that thing is massive and filled with horrors. I've lived there for the past twenty years. Frankly, I'm surprised I lived through it all. I want a nice, peaceful life now.”
Zecora nodded towards the town. “You could do worse to chose Ponyville, but you should probably change into some sort of pony disguise first. The ponies may have forgotten what a changeling is, but my people have not. Which is why, if I catch a whiff of ponies being drained of their love and left mindless...”
Abel held up a hoof. “Slow down there. Albinos are throwbacks, we're an entirely different branch of the tree. I'm pretty sure I don't eat emotions. I can still sense them, mind. I have a different diet.”
The zebra raised an eyebrow. “And that is?”
“Magic. As in, the very magic in all living things.”
Zecora let out something close to a growl, and Abel knew he would have to clarify.
“Yeah I mean I COULD go and suck the entire town dry of magic...or, I could do as I have been for the past twenty years, only do it in a way I know you'd approve of: discouraging the monsters from attacking this town. By sucking enough magic out of them to leave them woozy and disoriented.”
The zebra paused for a moment, before nodding. “So long as you adhere to that role, I see no problem...except the ponies will want to know why you leave town so often.”
Abel put a hoof to his chin. “Well, so long as I make it both infrequent enough to avoid suspicion, but frequent enough so that I don't have to worry about starving...and do it at night, so that none of them will see me leave...I think I can get by on once a week. Plus, so long as there are unicorns in town that don't know proper control, it'd help me get by.”
Seeing the zebra's eyes narrow, Abel clarified. “I wouldn't be sucking any magic out of them, just the excess they sling about levitating things. It'd fade away on its own, most likely, unless I put it to better use. Heck, since coming into Equestria proper, I haven't really been starving, ever. Celestia just sits in Canterlot for the most part, save for the rare excursion to the outlying towns. Her very presence just radiates power. All of Equestria is covered in the excess from when she raises the sun and moon!”
The zebra blinked a few times before shaking her head. “You never cease to amaze. First you prove peaceful, then you prove to be attuned with the magical plane. What wonders lie in that head of yours to make you this way?”
Abel's voice literally dripped with sarcasm. “Gee, I dunno. Does getting chased by an angry mob of your own kind merely because you were born an albino count? Cause I totally was, and they really wanted me dead. As for the being attuned to magic bit: albino, it's my food source.”
Zecora's eyes widened in shock, and – is that sympathy again? She feels for me? Damn. “I...I did not know...and I apologize for touching on a topic of that nature.”
Abel waved a hoof lazily in the air. “Not a big deal. You couldn't have known. Albinos...we're kinda seen as a threat to Chrysalis, along with a bad omen and a reminder to the way things once were. I have to take a disguise?”
The zebra nodded. “I go into the town once a month, to try and look for rare herbs for my potions. The townsfolk lock themselves inside for fear of me, because I look so different. I dread to think of what they will do if you go in looking like that.”
Abel whined. “But changing hurts. Oh well, if it's for the sake of blending in...”
Just as he was about to turn on a disguise, Zecora waved a hoof in front of his face. “Did I hear you correctly? Changing brings you pain?”
Abel nodded. “Normal changelings have a gland that gives them a shot of painkiller. I don't have that, so every change hurts. I might even curse.”
Zecora shook her head. “Come back with me to my hut. I have many a brew there, perhaps one can at least alleviate your pain.”
“And once there, she and I struck up a deal. I would come by once a month, the day after she shows herself in town, where she'd give me some painkiller potion, and I'd give her a jar of gel with magic infused in it. She said she could use it in her potions to give it an extra kick when needed, and believe me, I noticed in my next batch of painkiller, when she tried it.”
Twilight merely cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Gel?”
Abel blinked before replying in a deadpan voice. “The organic material I ingested all those years did have a purpose, Twilight.”
“But if you ate Oh my.”
Abel merely laughed as Twilight blushed a deep crimson through her fur. Turning to the brother, Abel decided to at least try to be civil. “And you, Shining Armor? Any more questions for the nefarious changeling who actively tried to keep Ponyville - and by extension, your sister - safe, on a regular basis?”
Shining thought for a bit. “If Chrysalis sees you as a threat, can you tell us why?”
Abel grinned that manic grin again. “Once again, a member of the Sparkle house asks the right question. It's because albinos don't feed off of love. We don't need her controlling us in order to function.”
Shining and Twilight gasped, but Abel wasn't done.
“Albinos are the free-thinkers, and dear Queen Chryssy is the tyrant. In fact, my mere presence inspired a good number of changelings to break free. Oh, they were always capable of doing that, but I inspired them. Spend too long away from Chryssy's Hive Mind, and your connection fades. Scouts go missing more often than most, and she doesn't realize it's 'cause she botched her spell up. And once they're disconnected, they begin thinking for themselves. Sometimes they go back, are re-integrated, and either forget about it all together, or have niggling doubts all their lives...or sometimes, they stay out, on purpose.”
Shining frowned. “That's not quite a complete answer, though...”
Abel laughed again. “Too true! I present a very real threat to Chryssy! Not only do I undermine her authority merely by living, but I've started my own Hive!”
The two unicorns gasped, before asking the same question, with slightly different intonations. “How?!
“Lemme show you!”
And Abel's horn lit up, covering a wall in light, as though he were a projector, and the wall was the screen. Immediately, a circle appeared, along with five symbols inside it. Twilight frowned, looking at it like a scholar. “That looks something like an ancient unicorn spellframe, but it's missing a good portion of the frame...”
“That's because it's a changeling spell. One of the last ones ever developed. It was really the last one they ever needed. Every other spell the changelings have, they stole from you. This one was written in symbols, with the intent behind each one held firmly in the caster's mind, along with the extra meaning spoken at the appropriate time.”
“Extra meaning?”
“Getting to it. This spell was meant to bring changelings of the same Hive together, no matter the obstacles that could or would stand between them. This is the spell of making a Hive Mind. Once the correct meanings were held in the mind of the ruling changeling, he would speak the word, the ideal that the Hive Mind would revolve around. He would speak 'Unity.'”
The two unicorns nodded, and the diagram shifted a little. Now there was a tiny, second circle in the middle.
“And when Chryssy learned how to make Hive Minds, she decided to bring them all together under her. Except she didn't speak of Unity, then, nor did she hold the right meanings in her mind. She only spoke of Domination, and she has it, and hungers for it. In her Hive Mind, she is master of all she surveys, but those that go far enough away for long enough are disconnected, and named exiles...”
The light shut off, and the two unicorns looked at the changeling, who waved a hoof at them. “I found enough exiled changelings in my time in Ponyville to make making a Hive Mind seem worthwhile, since the same ponies always going to the same clandestine meetings behind closed doors would seem suspicious after a while. But I spoke neither of Unity or Domination when making mine.”
There was a pause, and then Abel continued. “I spoke of both Friendship and Harmony.”
The unicorns' jaws dropped, and Abel shrugged. “Yeah, but they needed to learn it more than I did. Plus, we use it more for keeping tabs on each other. Every changeling connected has access to the Archive, and if they need extraction from the town they are in, we can bail one another out. If they need a new identity, other changelings can help pitch in ideas for form and cover story. And if we spot any errors in one another's behavior, then we help each other to correct them. They also help with going through the Archive and organizing it, it's a lot of work for any single mind.”
Shining finally managed to get out a question. “How...many?”
“In Equestria and in my Hive? Only about fifty. We keep tabs on other exiles, though, and there are about...I'd guess at least a hundred other exiles. That we know of. But if you want to know how many are in Canterlot right this moment? None, I sent them away when I got here. Meeting Chryssy scared me, and I didn't want any of them to run the risk of meeting her as well. But there are...yeah, my five finest are waiting outside the shield, because, again, I have a plan if this doesn't turn out well for my own extraction. Oh, and you can come out now, I've said all I need to say.”
The two siblings tilted their heads in confusion before the air behind Abel seemed to shimmer slightly. Like a curtain peeling away, the air itself slowly parted to reveal Princess Luna sitting behind Abel.
The two immediately bowed, and Luna waved them up. “Please, rise, friends.”
Twilight blurted the first thing that came to her mind. “But the interrogator pony I talked to!”
Luna smiled. “Was me in disguise. I am rather good at those.”
Abel nodded. “She even impressed me when she showed it off before she went for lunch and to fetch you.”
Luna looked shocked for a moment. “Truly? I impressed a species who is notorious for its ability to disguise itself?”
Abel looked in her general direction and turned his snarkiness up to maximum. “Well considering you have the power to make your transformations painless, then yes. I did ask for either my painkiller or Zecora, you know. How's that coming, by the way?”
Luna merely sighed. “Nopony can even get into your house, Abel. And we've tried. The unicorns say that the weakness in the spell is also its greatest strength, because the only way in is to ask your permission and be invited in.”
Abel smiled. “It's standing up to them? Hot diggidy, that crazy stallion wasn't joking, that's the most I could ask for in that security spell! Granted, it doesn't stand up to Pinkie, but I've yet to meet anything that can. Still doesn't explain the lack of one zebra, though. She doesn't live that far into the Everfree.”
Luna pulled a scroll out from...somewhere, and glanced at it. “She has said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that with one of the town's protectors in the custody of Canterlot, she cannot leave the town with no protection at all, merely to make some painkiller potion for you.”
Abel merely sighed. “Well, that sucks. Means if I ever get to go back, it'll hurt.”
Luna sighed as well. “There are a few more questions we have to ask of you first, Abel, before we can come to a decision on that.”
Abel nodded and relaxed. “Fire away.”
Luna pulled out a different scroll and glanced at it. “Hmm...most of these you did touch on...Ah, here's one. Will you ever become a threat to Equestria?”
Able rubbed his chin with a hoof. “Who can say? I can't read the future. Now if you're asking if I ever intend to hurt any of your subjects, or allow any in my Hive to do the same, then the answer is no. I've shown them that being friends and living a nice life amongst the ponies is the best way for them to get the positive emotions they need to survive, and I've also shown them how to passively feed off the positive emotions in the air, like I do with magic. Those that agree to enter my Hive must also agree to my ideals of Friendship and Harmony with ponykind.”
Luna nodded, then looked to the scroll again. “Will you share the names of the changelings with us?”
Abel didn't even hesitate. “Nope. Not happening. Oh yes, the masquerade has been broken, ponies are aware of us. But to betray them like would be like Celestia turning her back on Twilight. It would hurt me that badly.”
And shocked silence filled the room as three ponies tried to pick up their jaws from the floor. Luna got her voice back first. “You feel...Loyalty that strongly?”
“We've been in and out of each others heads constantly. We share a psuedo-magical-and-mental connection that space can't break. I've given them a copy of my Archive. We've been there to support each other when we need a metaphorical shoulder to cry on, or when one is in town, they help me deal with...everything. And now five of them are waiting on the edge of the shield in case they need to rescue me. You're bucking right we feel Loyalty that strongly.”
The other two were still shocked by the metaphor that Abel had used, but Luna nodded and turned back to her list. “And finally...will you ever become as powerful as Chrysalis?”
Abel grimaced. “Not gonna lie, that's possible. I don't want it, but the possibility is open to me.”
Twilight, her curiosity stoked, managed to croak out a simple “How?”
“Well, the spell matrix that creates a Hive Mind sets the caster as the leader or ruler over all others in the Hive. Even though in my Hive, all are equal, as befits the concepts I founded it on, the others do tend to either rib me with or purposely call me their Prince. Funny thing, there's a threshold. If my Hive doubles in size in one day, or we ever pass three hundred, then I begin the process of becoming like Chryssy. And they're all under pain of humiliation to never do that.”
“Well,” a powerful voice intoned, “I do hope the humiliations will at least be tasteful, and spread out over several days.”
All eyes turned to the door as Princess Celestia walked in. Shining bowed, while Luna and Twilight went up to hug and nuzzle the immortal sun raiser, sister, and teacher. Abel merely raised a hoof in greeting.
“I'm not sure if I should bow, but I'd like to, seeing as how I've been a citizen for three years. Granted, a citizen under an assumed identity, but a citizen nonetheless. Unless you're here to refund my taxes, cause I could totally get behind that idea.”
Celestia giggled once, briefly, before restraining it, and Abel smirked. “Buuuuut, seeing as how the dastardly changeling is a bit tied up at the moment, why don't you explain that last comment of yours. Because I could swear you just said something to the effect of, 'Abel, become an ageless ruler of a Hive whose concepts I agree with! Oh, and work for me, because otherwise I'll reduce you to ash with a thought.' Cause I know you wouldn't say or even imply something like that.”
Celestia let loose a few more giggles while every other pony looked at Abel in shock for his flippant attitude. “Oh my, you do cut to the core, don't you? And you're not entirely wrong. I do agree with your concepts for your Hive, and I find it admirable that you are so loyal to them. And yes, you would be reporting to me. But I wouldn't harm you. Or even force this on you. I would merely ask you to ask your Hive if they want this. For themselves and you.”
Abel sighed. “They want it, yes. I don't. And, y'know, now that you've said you want it, they're considering going out to the more amenable exiles and asking them to join all at once.”
Everypony's eyebrows raised while Twilight managed to blurt the question out first. “Your Hive Mind has been active all this time?”
Abel shrugged. “It's always there, I've just allowed them access to what I'm hearing and saying since you and Shining walked in. Basically, for the purposes of this conversation, consider me not the only one you're talking to.”
Celestia and Luna nodded briefly, understanding the sense behind the action. Shining wasn't exactly the most trusting of the changeling. Celestia decided to ask the critical question. “Why don't you want that power?”
Abel stared at her, blinking twice, before responding to the immortal sun ruler. “There are so many ways for me to answer that question, and the Hive is screaming for me to be well-mannered about it. I'll start with a few quotes on the topic.”
Abel's horn glowed with a red light, and words formed in the air.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
The best leaders are those that do not seek the position.
All other things being true, power corrupts the mind, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Annendum: With great power comes great responsibility, and absolute power confers absolute responsibility. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
The words faded, and the ponies looked at Abel, who merely hung his head. “Not to imply anything about you or Luna, even with that...incident. But I have always abhorred the thought of being in a similar position. And every day that I wake up still knowing that the thought of power and responsibility on that scale scare me to death is a day that I know that under my disguise, I am still me.”
And then the two rulers did something unexpected to everyone else in the room.
Celestia and Luna took up positions on either side of Abel, unlocked the chains binding him to the floor, and wrapped him up in a hug.
Faintly, Twilight could hear the words 'You have no idea' being said by her mentor.
The hug lasted long enough for Abel to get his wits about him and start trying to get the rulers to stop. “Okay, this is getting awkward, m'ladies. Had I known my views on power would get you both to hug me, I would've spoken my mind about it the moment I arrived in your presence.”
The two blinked, blushed slightly, and let Abel go, not bothering with the chains anymore. Abel looked at them both quizzically, and before Shining could protest, asked the question. “Letting me leave? What's the catch?”
Celestia and Luna nodded, and Celestia spoke first. “The stipulations to your release are simple. You will return to Ponyville as Balanced Books, and live your life as you always have. If you see fit, you may inform the rest of the Bearers as to your origins.”
“However,” Luna cut in, “By the end of the year, you are to begin the process of becoming a king to your Hive, and you must swear fealty to us, and inform us if there are any of Chrysalis' operatives within our lands. Should you ever decide to have a more permanent structure to your Hive, you are to tell us where it is, so we can mark it as some sort of forbidden ruin on our maps, to discourage ponies from finding it.”
Abel merely shook his head. “We prefer to have safe houses in the major pony cities, and no, not telling right now. The deal isn't concluded, and if I were to reveal them, then I'd have to have the agreement of the ones using it. But there is a reason I'm not concluding this deal right now.”
Abel stared right at Celestia, and she stared back, the both of them unblinking. “If I am to agree to become a king to my Hive, then you must swear, on your life and magic, that should dear old Queen Chrysalis ever come for me, no matter the circumstances, unless I tell you it's fine, then you will stand between her and me.”
Luna gasped while Twilight and Shining looked on, confused. Shining actually beat his sister to the question this time. “What does that mean, swearing on your life and magic?”
“I think I read about it in a history book, something about how unicorns made promises a long time ago...”
Celestia finally broke the staring contest by blinking rapidly. “She scares you that much?”
Luna interjected then. “Sister, no! To make an Unbreakable Vow puts you in a vulnerable position unlike any other!”
“Unbreakable vow? What are you asking her to do, Abel?”
Abel turned his head to Twilight. “A thing I pulled from the Archive. Unicorns, Alicorns, and Changelings alike can make Unbreakable Vows if they put their magic behind seven simple words. That they swear on their life and magic. It is literally a promise you cannot break, it's more accurately a Geas. You are compelled to fulfill your promise to the letter.”
Shining nearly growled. “You're asking the Princess to put herself in a position where you can-”
Celestia interrupted his rant with a raised hoof. Shining glared a while yet, but relaxed himself, slowly. Celestia stared at Abel, and as she opened her mouth, her horn was coated in a golden aura.
“I so swear on my life and magic that should the one known as Abel become a king to his Hive and swear fealty to me and Equestria as a whole, that I will protect him from the one known as Chrysalis. No matter the circumstance. Should she come to steal him away, I will secure him. Should she come to seduce him away, I will hide him. Should she come for his blood, I will raise my shield to defend him.”
There was a small explosion of light, and all the motes gathered around Abel, who grinned slightly. “Adding a clause that requires my own Vow, very nice. Very well then.”
Abel's horn lit up with a crimson glow, and he began to speak. “I, Abel, leader of my own Hive, do hereby swear that I will begin the process of becoming a king to it by year's end. I also swear that so long as I rule over my Hive, that I and it will be loyal to Equestria and its rulers, so long as they proffer us protection from Chrysalis. This I vow, on my life and magic. So be it.”
This time, the light faded, and the two nodded at each other. Celestia turned to Shining and nodded. “He is no longer a threat, Guard Captain. He literally can no longer be one.”
Abel merely smiled. “Not...quite. I could be, if I were devious, you know. And if there's one thing I am, it's devious. The letter of the agreement stated that I would start the process of becoming a king to my hive by year's end, and that so long as I ruled, I would swear loyalty to you. Technically not a king yet, and the process takes time, depending on if I resist it or not. So long as I'm not a king yet, I'm not exactly 'ruling' over my Hive, now am I?”
The full implications hit everypony in the room, and Abel merely laughed as he saw their shocked faces. “Like I'd do anything of that nature! Sheesh, you think the worst of me, merely because my mind works fast to find loopholes and avenues of escape from every situation. But this is a thing I want to do. Because the sooner I'm a king to my hive, the sooner Celestia has to protect me and mine from Chryssy. She technically doesn't have to do a darn thing until I am! Letter of the agreement, ponies!”
Twilight got her voice back first. “Then why did you-”
“Point that out?” The ponies in the room nodded as Abel continued. “'Cause you lot are terrible at thinking deviously. Changelings have practice, I moreso than most. I plot and plan for every situation, including impossible ones, or ones that are just plan...dark. And besides, it's not being paranoid if someone is out to get you. The only thing to elude my ability to plan is Pinkie, and we all know that mare's a special case.”
Celestia smiled. “Well then, while I technically don't have to, allow me to send a few guards with you to escort you to your home, to ensure that you are safe.”
Luna then frowned. “Though, we will need a good story as to why they are there...”
Abel grinned. “Easy, they're not there for me, they're there to escort Twilight home, who decided to look after Balanced Books, who was injured grievously in the changeling attack. He's spent all this time here recovering, and it took a specialized spell from Twilight to fix the last bit of damage. So long as she tries to make sure I'm comfortable in my home before going on to hers, the story will hold. And it's not even lying, really! Being blasted out of my disguise hurt like you wouldn't believe, and I have recovered my faith in ponies.”
Twilight merely asked, in a faint voice, “And the bit about the spell?”
Abel turned to her and replied in a voice just as quiet, “Your friendship with me, of course. I can feel it, even now. Despite all that's happened, because I've shown you that all along, it was always me, you still thought of me as a friend. And wasn't it a certain studious lavender unicorn that discovered that friendship is its own type of magic?”

Chapter the Fourth - Train rides and revelations

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Abel sighed briefly. “Still, though, changing back will hurt...unless...”
Twilight took note as Abel's eyes landed on her and shifted slightly. True, the princesses had pardoned him for all the things he...well, admittedly, he hadn't done any of them besides be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, Chrysalis had done nothing good for Changelings as a whole by attempting to take over. So a slight bit of suspicion on her part would be forgivable, right?
“Twilight, could you hit me with a minor, full-body, near-depleted illusion?”
Twilight was flummoxed for a moment. She had been expecting any number of requests, but a favor wasn't one of them. Her eyes narrowed as she recalled that Abel fed on magic itself. “Why?”
“I want to see how a unicorn does it, so that maybe I can attempt something similar. I'm pretty good at mixing unicorn and changeling magic styles. And before you ask, later; I'll have all the time to show you once we're home in Ponyville.”
Twilight nodded once before hitting Abel with an illusion spell designed to turn him pink all over. Abel's colors flashed that way for a few seconds, and he held a hoof up to his chin. “Hmm, interesting. Yes, I think I can do this.”
A crimson aura coated Abel's horn, and then another layered on top of it. “Okay...that...should do...oh this will sound so cheesy, and none of you will get it...”
Abel took a few more deep breaths, and prepared to unleash his chimeric spell. “CHANGE...FORM!”
A red flash lit up the room for a moment, before the albino changeling disappeared. In his place sat the gray unicorn with a crimson mane that Twilight knew as Balanced Books. After a few seconds, Abel's eyes faded from his changeling ones into the blue of Books', and the cutie mark of an open ledger appeared on his flank. The eyes focused on his horn for a moment, and it lit up with the signature red aura. Abe - Books nodded once, satisfied, and turned to the room as a whole.
“This isn't a true change, it's more of a hybrid of unicorn and changeling illusion spells. It'll be good enough to last me until I get home and get some painkiller into my system, I haven't had any for a week. Normally I have a sip each morning...Oh yeah, sidetracked. It'll last as long as nobody thinks to poke me for a while, tactile illusions take a lot to maintain, and I didn't want to use up that much power in making a temporary guise in lieu of my more permanent one.”
The ponies in the room nodded, and Twilight and Shining moved to the door, motioning between them to indicate that Books should fall in line. Abel nodded, stood up, and made his way to the space before turning back to the princesses. “Remind me to introduce you to chess one day, it'll allow you to pass coded messages way easier. Plus its a fun strategy game, and you two should really try it against each other. Though if the kingdom falls into ruin because you two keep trying to outmatch each other instead of focusing on your duties, you don't get to blame me.”
And with that, the unlikely trio left two flabbergasted princesses.
“So, Abel, how many monsters have you killed by draining their magic?”
Books sighed. “Okay, first, we're in public, Shining, so call me Books. Second, I never take enough to kill. Enough to incapacitate, enough to leave them if they had spent all night drinking some of the Apple family's special cider.”
Twilight laughed. “Are you sure they wouldn't prefer to wake up dead, then? I remember one night that I tried some, it gave me a massive headache the next day. I could barely focus my magic until it went away.”
Books laughed. “Oy, I recall that day. You nearly brained me when I came in to check out a book on flight.”
Twilight blanched, and Books continued. “You were all, 'WHY does a UNICORN need a book on FLYING at THIS HOUR!' and I was all 'Twilight, it's noon-thirty!'”
And despite himself, Shining laughed as Twilight blushed a little at the story. Shining turned to Books and nodded a bit. “Okay, so why did you need a book on flight?”
Books shrugged, and a buzzing noise was heard as he used his changeling wings under the illusion. “Can't really blame me, can you? I didn't get to fly much while in Ponyville, and sifting through the Archive hurts. Plus, some of my Hive wanted to know how to mimic Pegasus flight better. I'd say it worked, seeing as how Cloudsdale has a few of mine and a few exiled ones in wonderful positions.”
Twilight saw the sense behind the story, while Shining frowned. “Which positions?”
Books glared at him for a moment before deciding to respond in as vague a manner as possible. “Let's just say that there's a reason Dash hasn't had to file a complaint with the weather factory and leave it at that. In fact, those changelings work together so well, I'm surprised they weren't the ones to come get me. Highly coordinated, they are.”
Shining seemed shocked. A changeling, using his subordinates to do good for the realm? Next to Nightmare Moon and Discord returning, this was...well, okay, it wasn't near the top of the list of unbelievable things to happen in his life, but it was up there.
Twilight decided to fill the silence with another question. “So, what about the changelings that lived in Canterlot?”
Books shrugged again. “Once the shield came down, they ran. Heck, most of them were ready to long before I arrived on the train and passed through the shield, I just confirmed what it was supposed to do for them. They had packed up in paranoia, and all the ones not a part of my Hive fled at the first chance they got. My Hive wanted to stick around, but I wouldn't risk them for anything. Besides which, they were hardly in the best spot to help. Assuming they can sneak back under cover of night, the exiled ones and mine will be back soon enough, and it'll be business as normal. They'll probably help out around the city with rebuilding efforts in an attempt to gain some extra gratitude and friendship from you all.”
“I'll want to see the safe house they use once they're back,” Shining interjected.
There was a moment where nobody said anything, and they all just walked in silence. Twilight glanced over at Books, noticing that he was looking ahead, not focusing on anything. He's probably in communication with the Hive, she realized, and then thought of something else. He also said he wouldn't give them up for anything...
A few minutes passed, before Books spoke up. “Okay, Guard-Captain, we have a deal for you, no negotiation, take-it-or-leave-it, and you most certainly won't like all of it.”
Shining said nothing, though Twilight noticed his jaw clench.
“Rule one, you will not expose them.”
There was a sharp intake of breath from Shining.
“Rule two, you will make no moves on the safe house, ever, in any way, shape, or form. As far as others are concerned, it's just a normal house that we'll be inspecting one day for any structural damage from the attack.”
Shining's jaw was firmly set now.
“And the final rule is that they will return, under cover of night, in two days time, from the west side. You will arrange for patrols to be light, not gone, but light, so that they can all sneak past and into the safe house. Take it or leave it. Do all of that, and I can show you the safe house, show you what goes on in there. It'll make a handy thing to know if you need to get a message to me quickly. And if you think of trying anything while we're there, need I remind you, Celestia and Luna pardoned me and mine. Considering I'm going to be a loyal regent to them, I think that outranks prince.”
And now the silence was uncomfortable as the three of them made their way to the castle gates. If Twilight knew her brother, he'd be wrestling with all sorts of emotions and confusion regarding the deal. She wasn't sure if he'd take it, but Twilight knew that if she were proffered such a deal, she'd probably take it, no questions asked.
Finally the three made their way outside the castle, and Twilight and Books turned around to look at Shining, whose face was finally calm. “I will...think about the deal, Books. I suppose you'll have your answer in two days, either way. I just hope that whatever choice I make is the right one.”
Books nodded and looked at Shining with a little scrutiny. “Funny, I was about to say the same thing. Just keep in mind, I could have done nothing, I could have fled, but instead I stuck around. Prove that you're willing to trust us, and we'll be willing to trust you in turn. A little, anyways.”
“A little?”
Books laughed. “They get their paranoia from being exiled and me, what did you think would happen?”
The three laughed softly as Books and Twilight walked away, heading for the train depot.
Books had been looking out the window of the train for only five minutes, watching the scenery go by, when he was interrupted. Suspicion, fear, hostility, anger, and a big heaping of paranoia. At least Twi's willing to trust, and thank whatever deities there are for Pinkie being Pinkie...
Sure enough, the door to his compartment opened, and the six entered, all of them staring at him. Pinkie and Twilight at least looked calm, whereas Fluttershy was attempting to hide in the back. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack were near the front and looked furious, and Rarity was shocked.
Books looked at them, then looked back out the window. “Really, Twi? I can't have this train ride and explain things from the comfort of my own home? I mean, don't get me wrong, if she hadn't told you four, I would've called you all over one day and done it then. Oh, and I release you from your promise in regards to the ponies in this room, Pinkie.”
AJ, Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy looked confused, while Pinkie sighed, and Twilight looked sheepish. Books didn't even need to turn around to tell what the situation was. “Really, Twi? You didn't tell them that Pinkie knew? Next thing you know, you'll be forgetting Spike. Oh wait!”
A short bark of laughter came from Pinkie before Twilight stuffed a hoof in her mouth. “He's asleep, AaaaaBooks. Should I call you Books?”
“While I'd prefer it, it seems like everyone in the room knows, so I think we can stop pretending. Abel's fine.”
“Can it, you imposter! What did you do-” Dash started, flying up in front of Abel. Abel took the initiative and finished her question for her.
“With the real Balanced Books?” The rest of the ponies looked stunned that he knew the question before it'd even been asked, but Dash just nodded. “Never was one. Made up the identity to blend in three years ago. Almost everything regarding my past was a fantastic lie, but my interactions with you lot, the whole 'being a sarcastic, meticulous planner, with an eye for detail, and capable of adapting for when something goes wrong,' that was all me. Funny how well I shone through, even through the disguise.”
“Funny. Yeah, that's exactly what ah call it when an imposter manages to live in Ponyville fer three years. Why'd yah even come to Ponyville, anyways?”
Abel raised one of his hooves to his chin and mock-pondered the answer to AJ's question. “My word, you're right. I could have gone back to that living Tartarus that is the Everfree, the place that I had been living for twenty years! Why would I ever want to not fight for my life and live a nice, peaceful one in Ponyville?”
Pinkie giggled, she found sarcasm remarkably funny once she'd gotten a better understanding of it. “You're laying it on a little thick there, Abel. I don't think they're ready for that much sarcasm.”
Abel shrugged. “Yeah, well, being insensitive about what I am and ignoring that they really already know a lot about who I am brings out the worst in me real fast. Do any of you have a legitimate question that probably won't earn you a sarcastic response?”
While the others were still a little shocked, Twilight had managed to think of a question quickly enough. “Could you tell us about last week, from your perspective? I want to know how you knew, and what you did while we were off trying to get the Elements that got Chrysalis so mad.”
Abel grinned. “You're not wrong that I did something, but I really didn't have to do much of anything. My very existence makes her angry, remember. But what I did was a doozy, I'll tell you that much.”
“Oooh, a doozy, that sounds like a good story!”
Abel laughed. “Well let's see...I remember not feeling too suspicious until we hit the shield on the way in...”
Abel sighed and relaxed his head, looking out at the scenery. It'd be nicer if I could actually go out and walk, but that'd take waaaay too long. I'm getting stir-crazy in here! I wish some-
And then the wall of pink approaching caught his eye. His curiosity piqued, Abel reached out and 'felt' the shield with his magic. Protection from threats, reveals threats, shows things for what they really a- oh shit. Oh no no no NO!
Abel braced himself as best he could, sucking in all ambient magical energy and holding on to his transformation. If that thing can tear off my disguise, then I'll be busted for sure! I'd better hope I can weaken it and ride it out!
And then the train went through the shield. As his room went through it, Abel noticed the shield deform slightly, and noticed that while his disguise flickered, it didn't fade, and the pain from holding on to it was less than he'd expected. Ow...sonuva...
Abel took a few deep breaths and decided to try to contact the Hive members in Canterlot. -Canterlot! It is I, Abel! Come in, all Canterlot changelings!-
It took a moment, but the all-responsing-at-the-same-time thing they'd decided to do never ceased to unnerve him. -Yes, Prince? What is it?-
Abel groaned and decided to inform them anyways. -As I'm sure you've all noticed, there's a shield around the city, why, I don't know.-
-The princesses got word of an imminent threat, the Guard-Captain was tasked with protecting the city.- One of them pitched in.
Abel nodded. -In any case, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Do not go THROUGH it. It is meant to reveal threats as well as protect against them, and will show you for what you really are. Elevate the alert status to Orange, get all non-Hive members ready for evac as well. Should anything happen, I want all of you away from ground zero ASAP. I only JUST managed to get past it, and that was thanks to my skills and tenacity. Should nothing happen, then we'll ju-
“Bookie! We're here!”
Abel was shaken from his Hive communication by Pinkie sticking her head in and informing him that the train had stopped. Abel shook his head a few times and looked at Pinkie with only a hint of a glare. “I have warned you about that, Pinkie.”
Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “What did you need to tell them, Bookie?”
Abel sighed and began walking off the train. “It was about the shield we just went through, I'm not pleased with it or what it means at all, Pinkie. Somepony thinks the city is under enough threat to warrant a shield that removes disguises.”
Pinkie let out a low whistle as she followed. “Yeah, I wouldn't want to be one right now. They're probably all jumpy bugs, huh?”
Abel chuckled. “You say that like they weren't already. Part of it's my doing, I'll admit, but the rest came from being exiled. I can hardly be blamed for nurturing their paranoia today, it looks like it might pay off!”
Pinkie laughed. “What's that you always tell me? It's not being paranoid if they are out to get you?”
Abel laughed with her before gathering himself. “To be fair, I usually say that when you pop out of nowhere to say hello and nearly give me a heart attack.”
Pinkie shrugged before responding. “So anyway, Twilight noticed you were missing once we got inside and told me to come get you and ooo there they are now!”
Abel noticed and gave Twilight a wave. “Sorry, was busy thinking. So many things in this head of mine, it's a wonder it's not as filthy as your library. At least that has a little dragon to help keep it clean.”
Twilight let out a low chuckle before pointing at a nearby unicorn stallion. “Balanced Books, this is Shining Armor, my BBBFF. And also the Captain of the Royal Guard.”
Abel nodded towards the unicorn, noticing the faint traces of changeling magic on him. “So, you're the one responsible for that shield? Fine piece of work, though it gave me a fierce scare on the way in.” One day? Probably no more...
Shining nodded. “And you're the one that's managed to help keep everything Twilight isn't responsible for in order. And you're, what, an accountant?”
Abel chuckled. “Yeah, Balanced Books, though my mark isn't technically about just keeping money in line. I can see, instantly, when things are wrong, and how best to put it together. Numbers are just easier, try it with a dress of Rarity's sometime, all while she's saying 'Oh, that doesn't look anything like what I had pictured, darling' in your ear.” -Canterlot, has anyone been feeding on the Guard-Captain that we know of?-
Rarity blushed a bit. “I did say I would trust your judgment, but I do occasionally like to know what you're doing.”
Abel nodded towards Rarity. “Anyways, I heard something about some sort of wedding coming up?”
At this, Shining Armor brightened up a bit. “Ah, yes, between me and-”
“Announcing Princess Mi Amore Candenza!”
Just as the Hive responded with a -No, Prince-, Abel felt weak in his knees. For coming through the archway was no pink alicorn of love.
It was none other than the tyrant Queen Chrysalis.
“So wait, you knew right away?”
Abel nodded to Twilight. “She has her own...presence that other changelings can sense. She did unite all the old Hive Minds under her, and has a connection to her Hive Mind that none can say they match. Oh, there are things that changelings can do to hide themselves from other changelings, but she wasn't doing any of them. And the way I reacted probably keyed her in to my nature, or a bit of it anyways, even though I like to try to hide as much about me as possible.”
It was Fluttershy who spoke up next. “B-But if you knew, t-t-then why didn't you...”
“Tell anyone, anyone at all?” A chorus of nods from everyone but Pinkie. “Simple. Exposing her would have exposed me as well, and at that time I was still hopeful that me and mine could get out of the way without needing to do that. Of course, I immediately told the Canterlot changelings to get ready to leave, instantly, should the shield ever come down, because Chrysalis is more of a threat to them than the Princesses' suspicions. Also, if she replaced Cadence...”
“Then the real Cadence was around somewhere, and you hoped to find her and put yourself in a nice light for everypony else to see that you weren't the enemy?”
Abel shook his head. “Partial credit, Twi. I noticed how you reacted right off as well. If you were half the studious mare I knew you could be, you'd find a way to expose Chrysalis, at least, that's what I was thinking at the time. And if you were so set on exposing her, then she'd try to do away with you. And since Chrysalis had begun feeding off your brother no longer than a day ago, then she had only taken her place recently. I can also sort of sense how old a disguise is, though past a month gets hazy. The two times were nearly identical. Meaning she'd replaced Cadence only a day or so ago...”
Twilight nodded, catching on to the train of thought. “And so the real Cadence had to be somewhere nearby. Partially because she wouldn't be able to leave because of the shield, but also because, knowing her, she'd want to gloat about her victory to the one captive audience she had. Yet she couldn't be seen leaving, so she had to have her near...”
Abel finally nodded. “But you will recall my warning that I hissed into your ear once she turned around, right?”
Twi rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “Yeah, 'I don't think we should be alone with her. I don't think anypony should, but especially us. She scares me.' I sorta messed that one up, huh?”
Abel shook his head. “You did pretty well, all things considered. I don't believe anyone but Pinkie knows about what she did when she cornered me...”
Abel sighed, looking around the room he'd been assigned. Because we can't have stallions and mares sleeping in the same room, the scandal! Let's also completely ignore the fact that I'm their friend and wouldn't even so much as touch them as that would imply disrespect of the highest degree. Along with the fact that I'm absolutely swamped in paperwork. Chryssy's just doing this to keep me busy, keep me-
Abel's eyes widened as his train of thought coincided with the sounds of hooves in the hallway and that presence filling his mind.!
“Well hello there, exile. Never thought I'd see the day when one would just ride into Canterlot through that shield with the mares that silly stallion invited.”
Abel slowly turned to look at Chrysalis in Cadence's skin, feeling unnerved that just here was the being that was the cause of half his paranoia.
“Okay, let's get one thing straight, Your Highness,” Abel spat, filling those two words with as much venom as he could. “I managed to get through because I saw it coming and I was in another train car. It's what I call a little bit of luck, and I seemed to have a near-inexhaustible supply. Then again, considering that I met you here, I'd say it ran out a while ago.”
The faux Cadence laughed. “Oh, I wouldn't say that. After all, I could always...reconnect you.”
Abel waved a hoof in her direction. “More bad luck. I've been an exile for a while now, what makes you think I want you in my life? I've actually built one and I get friendship from the townsfolk on a regular basis. Keeps me fed and healthy. Plus, do that, and who's to say I wouldn't scream all the time you were doing it, due to how painful the procedure is?”
Chrysalis frowned, furrowing her brow in concentration. “But it is a painless proce- oh.” And here her brow flattened, while her eyebrows raised. “Oh you are a crafty one. You would expose me to prevent coming back into the fold?”
Able shrugged. “Hey, all I have to do is scream and I guarantee a few of my friends will run in, looking to find the threat and remove it. And if it turns out to be you...”
The sentence trailed off there, promising everything between the two parties. Finally, Chrysalis spoke.
“This only makes me want your skills even more, you know. Clearly you planned for this day.”
Abel turned back to his mountain of work. “Not planned for this day, planned for days like this day, in almost every conceivable variation. This is one of the worst, I'll admit, but there are at least three happy endings in which you get exposed and I get off in such a way that I can continue to live my life for a while. Plus, I know you failed to account for one factor.”
Chrysalis frowned a bit, pursing her lips, trying to come up with something she'd missed. Anything. Anything at all to avoid asking the exile in front of her. It took a few moments, but she admitted defeat with a simple “What?”
“Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn. She's the student of Celestia, and she's very good at what she does. Currently, what she's doing is looking for a way to unmask you, though she doesn't know it yet. She just knows there's something off about you, seeing as how you're imitating none of her favorite foalsitter's mannerisms.”
Chrysalis sucked in a huge breath of air. “This plan will not be undone by the work of one silly unicorn.” She looked over Abel, still sitting at his desk, doing as much work as he could. “Perhaps we can make an arrangement?”
As Abel said nothing, he internally seethed. That she would think that I would betray them so easily! His anger flared, but his being a changeling helped, as Chrysalis picked up on none of it. She merely continued. “If you can...convince that unicorn to drop her investigation, then I will reward you with whatever you want.”
And now you want to buy me. Not having any of this anymore. “Perhaps you didn't hear me. That is Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia, also known as the sun diarch? Nothing gets past her if she can help it. I bring up dropping the topic when I've already told her nopony should be alone with you, it'll only make her think I've been gotten to, too. Quite simply, my dear sweet tyrant, one of us is going home after being exposed. Maybe both.”
There was silence in the room as the two changelings tried to outmaneuver the other in this battle of words. “You could attempt to imitate her...”
Abel laughed, a short, barking laugh. “Okay, first of all. Yes, I could, I've been her friend for two years. But secondly, that's the thing, isn't it? With these lasting relationships and lives us exiles try to build. I do that, I betray her trust and the trust of those other mares I rode in with, and that's not something I could live with. I think the guilt would kill me. Third, while I could be anypony, I much prefer to be a stallion, thankyouverymuch. And fourth, Celestia, along with all those other mares, would notice so much as one tiny slip-up. Believe me. They're bosom friends. Not doing it. Not even considering doing it. And with that, I think you've run out of tactics, your highness. Now if you'll leave me be, I have work to do.”
Chrysalis cast a final look at the pile and the disguised changeling in front of her. “Indeed, you do. Perhaps not enough work. After all, everything must be perfect for this wedding, and who's to say that all of it is, even though you've signed off on it? I might need to make some changes and run them by you again...”
Abel swung a hoof out behind him. “There's the door, your majesty, I'd offer to escort you to it, but I'd be tempted to kick your flank on the way out. And make good on your threat, and I'll practice my fire magic on every form that 'mysteriously' finds its way into this pile. The sooner we leave each other alone, the happier I'll be.”
“She seriously tried to buy your loyalty to her? Did she have no real idea who you were?”
Abel laughed. “I don't think she did! Otherwise she'd smear me all over the room! Oh, she would have been exposed instantly then. I'm not sure if that would have been worth dying for, though.”
The other mares looked confused as Twilight, Abel, and Pinkie mock-pondered the ramifications of an exposed Chrysalis at that point in the proceedings. Finally, Dash spoke up. “Why is Chrysalis trying to buy Abel's loyalty such a bad idea on her part?”
Able let the illusion drop for a moment, shocking the other mares, both with its sudden disappearance, and the fact that he was an albino changeling. “Albinos are sorta seen as throwbacks. We don't eat the same, we don't think the same. The few things that are the same are that we can fly, use magic, and can become anypony. In fact, albinos are so hated, I was run out of the Hive on my first day alive. I disconnected from the Hive Mind shortly thereafter. If she seriously thought she could have bought my loyalty, then it means the few spells I tend to keep up that disguises all of my nature, even to other changelings, was working overtime to fool her.”
Twilight nodded. “So, after that scene I made...”
Abel nodded at her. “I tracked her spellwork, it was more unicorn than most, easy enough. I found it going to the caverns beneath the city, looked for an old map, which took a while, and found an entrance to the caverns near the gardens. It was only a matter of minutes before I stumbled across you and Cadence by the drained flower fillies. Nice way of handling that, by the way.”
Twilight chuckled a bit. “And then you led me and Cadence back to the altar, and told me and the girls...”
“Girls, go get your elements. We'll need them.”
Celestia lay on the ground, groaning. Twilight spoke up first. “But they're in a vault that only the Princess can open!”
Abel would have smacked her upside the head if not for the fact that he was concentrating right now. -Ponyville, to my basement! I need the stored magic there channeled to me through the Hive Mind!- Shaking his head, Abel responded simply with, “There is more than one Princess, you know. Get Luna, get to the vault, and get back. I'll stick around.”
As the rest of the girls left, Pinkie turned around, her hair noticeably less bouncy. “What will you do, Bookie?”
Abel merely flared his horn crimson and smiled. “I'm gonna give good ol' Chryssy here the royal treatment.”
Pinkie nodded, satisfied that Abel had a plan. As the door closed, Abel started laughing manically. This confused Cadence and Chrysalis, to say the least. “Why are you laughing, Books?”
Abel stopped for a moment and stared at Cadence. “Because now I know how it felt to be her a minute ago. In a few minutes, I'm going to be the most dangerous thing in this room.”
As Chrysalis began charging her horn, Abel's eyes focused on it and he tutted. “Can't be having that out of you, it'd set me back immensely! Have a curse of my own design, Chryssy!”
And with that, Abel shot a sphere of crimson magic at the changeling queen while muttering the word Oroborus to himself. The sphere impacted Chrysalis' horn, wrapped around it, flashed a few times, and vanished, leaving the other conscious ponies in the room wondering what the purpose of that spell was. Before either could speak up, Abel intervened.
“Can't be having any spells out of you while I charge mine, it'd disrupt my concentration, and I'm going to need as much of it as possible for this spell. So I put a curse on your horn, well, I call it a curse. Multi-layered spell that feeds of your energy doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, you know!”
As Chrysalis screamed and tried to blast the spell off, Abel only chuckled. “It won't be that easy, dear! The first layer of the spell feeds on your energy to keep itself alive. The second layer breaks apart any spells you cast into its component magic, and the third layer siphons off any excess and sends it to me to use instead! It took me a while to work out how to meld them all properly, but with practice, it became the go-to spell for dominating magic competitions!”
The changeling queen glared at the upstart that sat before her. “You're not getting out of this, you know. Not as you are.”
Cadence looked confused while Abel merely sighed. “That is a probability, sadly. The best plan is that the girls succeed and I get to cast my next spell on you.”
Cadence interjected at this point. “And...if they fail? If the changelings prove to be too much?”
Abel blinked once and turned to her. “Well, if they've been hurt at all, then Chryssy here just forfeit her life.” -Canterlot, evac, now! No arguing! Get out of here! The black queen has shown herself! The shield has fallen, this is your best chance! Might be your only chance!-
“How can you talk about killing her so casually? I mean, yes, she's a terribly evil being, but we have punishments that aren't death...”
Abel sighed as the confirmations rolled in. “Because I don't care who or what you are. If you hurt my friends, then the gates of Tarturus would not be protection enough from me. I will hunt you down, find you, and end you.”
Chrysalis seemed amused while Cadence blanched a bit. “You really hold them dear, don't you?”
Abel grinned while the power from the five Ponyville changelings started pouring in. He'd shown them how to properly handle his food source a while ago, and only recently had they learned how to transfer it via the Hive Mind. “Ma'am, I hold them more dear than my own life. I hope every day that I never have to choose...but I think, today, I might have to. I only hope that, in the end, I or somepony else can look back and say that this was the right choice.”
Cadence nodded. “So, if they fail, and she hasn't harmed them, but merely captured them?”
Abel looked over at Chrysalis while he began framing the complex curse in his mind. “Then, knowing her, she'll bring them here to gloat...And that's when we go to the backup plan.” Abel looked back at Cadence and grinned. “You know, I like you. You're one of the few to ask if I have a backup plan. Everypony else just assumes that things fall my way.”
Cadence returned the grin. “Why thank you. And what is the backup plan?”
Abel lost his grin and looked over at Shining Armor. “You. But if it comes to that, then I accept my fate.”
“And then of course, you girls came in, I freed you from your bonds, and just as Cadence got it into her head that in order to break the hold of the queen, giving Shining a bit more love would be the best idea, my spell had finished charging.”
“What did that fancy spell do anyway, partner?”
Abel looked over at the city on the mountainside that was retreating into the distance. “Well, in essence...I knew Chrysalis would be evicted from the city by the end of the day, one way or another. So I built my spell around that concept. In plain language, I think it went like this...”
Abel cleared his throat and spoke in a moderately deeper voice. “Should you ever leave Canterlot, you and all your Hive and those connected to your Hive Mind shall be banished from this city forevermore.
Abel shrugged as the rest looked on in shock. “It's more like a Geas, she and hers literally cannot break the letter of what I have spoken of. It's bound to her life and her Hive Mind.”
Rarity managed to sputter out a somewhat coherent sentence. “B-b-but that's high-level unicorn magic, making such things! H-h-how on earth did you manage to do it?!”
Abel looked at Twilight for a moment, inclining his head to her other friends. She shook her head, and Abel facehooved. “Really. Did you tell them anything besides, 'Hey girls, guess what, Balanced Books is really a changeling and in the next car over'? Sheeeeesh...”
Twilight chuckled and looked away, while Pinkie nodded her head. “That's almost exactly how it went, Abel! So how did you do it, curse the mean ol' queen?”
Abel thought for a moment before deciding to roll with it. “Okay, so Chryssy has her Hive Mind, which is how she can be so powerful. She can shift around which changelings are fed, or if she needs power, she can just draw it from them. I, being an exiled changeling, am not subservient to her...but I found the spell to make Hive Minds.”
Abel looked back at the girls before saying this next bit. “And when the changelings of Ponyville insisted that I be the one to cast it, that put me in a similar position.”
Overriding the gasps, Abel plowed on. “The old Hives before Chryssy had concepts that they founded their Hive Minds on, most commonly Unity. Chryssy founded and united all the Hive Minds under her, under the concept of Dominion. Not so with me.”
“Well then, what's yer concept, partner?”
Abel grinned at the girls. “When I spoke of my Hive Mind, holding all the right meanings in mind, filling myself with stored power...I spoke of the aspects of Friendship, along with Harmony, that we may live among ponies.”
The girls were stunned for a second, before Dash spoke up. “Us?”
Abel nodded. “You all were my inspiration. And changelings can live on any positive emotion, and friendship is just another kind of caring. These concepts infused my Hive Mind, which slowly changed the changelings themselves. They've been doing really well about the whole 'living with ponies' thing, all of them have original identities. Sometimes they start thinking along normal changeling lines, but I'm there to sort them out. Oh, but that's not the best part.”
“Well then, darling, what is?”
Abel looked out the window, deciding that catching their reflection in the glass would be good enough. “Well, when I told Luna that the spell has a threshold, a point at which I'll start becoming a proper king to my hive, Celestia sorta overheard, and insisted that I do it. And swear loyalty to her, in exchange for protection from Chryssy.”
Five dropped jaws. Priceless. He wished he had a camera. Pinkie recovered first this time. “Does that mean you're a prince? Prince Abel?”
Abel sighed. “Technically, you're not far off the mark, Pinkster. Though that's also the name for the transition period.”

Chapter the Fifth - Best pet ever

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All of a sudden, there was a sharp yip sound from just outside the compartment, followed by a bit of scratching. Abel turned to the door, a confused expression on his face as he re-donned his illusion. Sliding open the door revealed what looked to be an ordinary russet-red fox with white 'socks' on his legs that ended in black paws. Said fox immediately jumped at Abel and started licking his face.
“Ferrix!” Abel exclaimed. “Oh man, are you a sight for sore eyes!”
The fox replied by continuing the oral assault for a few minutes, before backing off and letting off a sharp yip at his friend.
“Oh c'mere you little troublemaker.”
Abel swept the fox up in a hug, and the fox replied by whining sharply. Abel broke the hug and looked the fox in the eyes.
“How'd you get here, anyways?”
The fox let off a yip, followed by a few circular motions with one of his paws.
“Oh really? I didn't know you knew that! But...going all that way...that's dangerous, even for you, isn't it? Why would you do it?”
The fox replied by keeping a level stare. If foxes could have 'no, duh' expressions, this one was making it to the best of his ability.
“For me? Aw, c'mon, you know I have backup plans within backup plans. I woulda been fine!”
The fox kept staring.
“Okay, there WAS a chance of terrible things happening. But it was Chryssy herself! That is by definition the worst possible thing! None of my supplies, all of the advantage to her. I don't know why you're complaining, I did quite well, under the circumstances.”
The fox tilted his head, and let off another yip.
“Oh yeah, you can see through this pretty easy, can't you? Yeah, I haven't had any painkiller for the past...week? So yeah, temporary illusion so that I can get back home without the ponies mobbing me.”
The fox let off a short, rasping bark that could almost be confused with a laugh.
“Hey! Just because you'll be able to do better one day is no cause to mock my efforts at illusion! I'll have you know nopony and noling can do what I do with the two styles of magic!”
The fox, somehow, shrugged, and looked behind Abel to the six confused mares behind the albino changeling. Abel caught his gaze and turned to look at the mares, and that's when it happened.
The fox was suddenly consumed in a blaze of blue-white fire, before it dissipated, leaving behind the same fox, except with three additional tails.
Abel looked at the multi-tailed fox, back at the mares, back at the fox, then back at the mares, before sighing and facehooving. “Why couldn't I explain later?”
Abel removed the hoof from his face and said in a deadpan voice, “Mares, might I introduce you to Ferrix, my kitsune companion. Ferrix, you've met the six before, I really would rather not introduce them to you again.”
The other seven beings in the compartment stared at each other before Dash spoke up. “Kitsune? What's a kitsune?”
Twilight answered automatically. “A kitsune is also known as a fox spirit, one that lives for an incredibly long time. As they age and learn more truths about the world, they grow in power, represented by them gaining additional tails. However, the danger is that not all kitsunes use their power for the good of Equestria, and some turn to more dangerous pastimes than mere mischief to keep themselves amused over their incredibly long lives.”
Abel nodded at Twilight before picking up the tale. “I met Ferrix not long after I settled into Ponyville. I actually met him...wasn't it near your place, Fluttershy?”
Fluttershy nodded. “I always thought he was a very nice and unusual fox...and when you came by asking to adopt an animal, I always wondered where you went off to...”
Abel laughed. “Well, you all remember that I eat magic, right?” The others, besides Twilight and Pinkie, shook their heads. Abel frowned. “Oh, well, I eat magic. I can eat any magic at all, but thanks to a promise to the Pinkster here,” Pinkie waved, “I don't suck any magic out of ponies. I never would anyways, but that's besides the point. Because I eat magic, I've also grown sensitive to magic. So imagine my surprise when I go to Fluttershy's looking for a pet, and there's this small beacon of magic just beckoning me to investigate...”
Okay, according to the directions from the Pink Wonder, the home of the animal caretaker of Ponyville is at the end of this...path...?
Abel looked at the small home in front of him, trying to phrase an adequate response in his mind. It looks like a cross between a Dwarf Fortress Elf-home and the homes the Hobbits had in Lord of the Rings...
Abel then shook his head, chuckling. Living in Ponyville is causing me to use far more of my old memories than the Everfree ever did, I'll give it that much...
Abel walked up to the door and knocked twice, sharply. The door was answered, but nopony was there. Looking around carefully, Abel finally directed his gaze downwards to see a small, fluffy, and very angry bunny. Careful, mate, Monty Python taught you about rabbits...
Summoning his best polite voice, Abel decided to act as though the rabbit were intelligent. After all, it wasn't as though he had anything to disprove that theory. “Okay, I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing you're not the caretaker. After all, I was told she was a pony.”
The bunny nodded once, sharply. Intelligent theory gains credence, proceed with politeness. “Well then, is she currently home?”
The bunny nodded again, letting up on the harsh gaze by an iota. It wasn't much, but Abel took it as a good sign. “Would she be available to talk with me? I wish to discuss the possibility of me adopting an animal as a pet, it is rather lonely in my home all by myself.”
The bunny looked at Abel as though he were expecting a trick of some sort, before finally nodding, and then motioning to the ground. The message couldn't be clearer. Yeah, fine, I'll get her, but you stay right there. And then the bunny made the classic 'I'm watching you' gesture.
The door was shut, and the tones of quiet conversation, muffled by the sounds of the house, filtered out. But Abel was more curious about the sudden sharp sensation of magic unlike any he'd encountered before. Interesting...I wonder if the caretaker is a unicorn? Would explain the magic...
The door opened again, and this time, a yellow, pink-maned pegasus pony was at the door. Abel briefly noticed her marking of three pink butterflies before he turned back to her face. “Hello there, my name is Balanced Books. I was told by one Pinkie Pie that this was the home of the animal caretaker of Ponyville, was she right?”
The pegasus nodded, letting out a soft eep. Abel smiled. “Fantastic! You see, I have a small home in Ponyville, and while I have finally gotten everything just so, living alone is rather dull. I don't suppose you would happen to have an animal looking for a good home that I could adopt as a pet to fill the void my home has?”
The pegasus brightened considerably. “Oh my, yes! I have so many animal friends that would love to be adopted by good ponies!” Suddenly taking note of her 'outburst,' she let out another eep, and blushed, trying to hide in the mane that fell over her face.
Abel merely smiled. “Why, then, this works out perfectly, miss...”
Abel barely caught the soft 'Fluttershy' that the pony squeaked out. Abel continued. “Miss Fluttershy. Might I say, the name, while apt, doesn't mean you should be shy of me. I can understand that meeting new ponies is an experience not everypony is up for. Though if you wish, after we conclude our business here, I will be back in Ponyville, living as the local accountant and, well, general organizer, and you won't have to deal with me again.”
Fluttershy shook her head. “N-no, that's fine. I...I don't mind meeting nice ponies, it's just...”
Abel knew what was coming. “It's just that, let me guess, after some sort of traumatic experience, you can't work up the courage to introduce yourself, and don't meet many ponies, or get to know them as a result. Ergo, everypony is a mystery to you, and you deal with it in the simplest manner: by not dealing with it at all.”
Fluttershy's eyes widened. “How did you-”
Abel chuckled. “Know? My dear, my mark isn't just in accounting. When I see things that are out of place, broken, or wrong, I'm compelled to fix them, because I see how to put them right, sort of like a second sight overlaying my original one, with all the steps that should be taken. It's just, numbers are easier to work with. Ponies are a different matter, but I think I've got the diagnosing down. Except for Pinkie Pie. That mare is another story.”
Fluttershy nodded. “S-She tried to throw a party for me once...I don't think it ended well. Oh, but you came here for a pet. I'll go get everyone that wants a home organized, and then I'll bring you around...”
Fluttershy, well, fluttered off to one portion of her home, trying to gather up all the animals that wanted to live with another pony. Abel, meanwhile, had finally pinned down the mysterious magic that he'd been sensing, and it seemed to be coming from just within the Everfree. Looking around and noticing the lack of attention on him, Abel decided to follow the mysterious signal he'd been picking up.
Not two minutes later, Abel found himself looking at a fox. This is the source of the-
And then Abel blinked, which caused him to briefly see what his normal eyes could not: that the fox was magically hiding an additional tail. One word popped into his mind instantly as he looked over the fox with new eyes. Kitsune.
“Well then. I believe you are something I'm interested in.”
The fox growled at the pony before it, and let out a sharp yip. Instantly, Abel's disguise was torn from him, revealing his true form, painlessly. Abel blinked. “Yeah, definitely interested in you. You just painlessly removed my disguise. It normally twinges when I do it. Plus, unless I miss my guess, you're a very young kitsune, and Fluttershy'd start asking questions as to why you don't age like a normal fox sooner or later.”
The fox stopped growling, but didn't get out of its battle-ready pose. Abel continued. “I'm not a normal pony, or as you've picked up, I'm not a pony at all. However, believe me when I say this, please. I swear on my life and magic that I mean no harm to the ponies of this town.”
Since Abel did not channel any magic as he said the phrase, there was no flash of light to signify that the Vow had been made, because it hadn't. However, the sentiment was there. The fox got out of his battle-ready stance, instead tilting his head.
And then Abel heard the voice in his head. It sounded rough, as though whoever were using it didn't quite speak Equestrian, but the intent was unmistakable.
You would so readily make an Unbreakable Vow...I begin to think you are not a changeling at heart.
Abel merely chuckled. “Oh buddy, you have no idea. That is such a long story...even if I weren't an Albino and had to feed on the emotions of the ponies, I'd make the same promise, just as readily.”
The fox nodded. Somehow, I know. Very well. Why did you seek me out?
“I'm an Albino, I feed off of magic, and this leaves me sensitive to it. When I came looking for a pet from Fluttershy, I sensed you nearby. So here we are.”
Indeed. Feeding off of magic?
“Such as the magic in all living the monsters in the Everfree, which is my preferred food source. Keeps the ponies safe, keeps me fed, teaches the monsters a bit of respect regarding Ponyville, everyone wins.”
The fox let out a short bark. Except the monsters, but who cares?
Abel laughed as well. “Exactly! So...”
The fox tilted his head. So you came seeking a pet?
Abel smiled. “But I'd rather leave with a new foxy friend. Assuming he'd have me and tell me his name.”
The fox almost grinned. Perhaps...I am Ferrix. Let us be off to your house, and I will judge then.
Abel smiled and began walking down the path back to Ponyville. “So, Ferrix, tell me, what'd you do to get your second tail?”
That is also a long story...
“Well,” Abel continued, “Long story short, I think he's attuned to Loyalty and Self-Sacrifice. He got his second tail when he scared off some timberwolves from Fluttershy's home one night, at great risk to himself. And you all saw him get his fourth tail right now, that was him earning it from teleporting as much as he could, as quick as he could, once he overheard the Ponyville changelings talking about how I'd been captured. He can only do it in short, quick bursts, and went through the forest and wore himself out several times...just to make sure I was alright.”
Abel rubbed a hoof on Ferrix's head, and the fox let out a low growl, his variation of a purr. The other ponies were looking at the fox with a mix of curiosity and wonder. Though Dash was looking at him with more than a bit of scrutiny.
“Hey, Twi, how powerful are these fox spirits supposed to be, anyways? And what all can they do?”
Before Twilight could speak up, Abel took over. “I heard of a story, once, about a land, long ago, in another place and time. Evil creatures had taken over, and were making the lives of those who lived there miserable. The land itself cried out in pain from the tyranny, and thus, a champion was called forth. She was known as Amateratsu, or Ammy for short, the solar wolf.”
The ponies looked at Abel with curiosity, and Abel smiled, knowing that none had heard this story. “She was a bit like Celestia, I'll admit. Kind and loving to all who lived. Except for the evil masterminds behind it all and their minions. Those that she caught, she dealt with. Harshly. It is said that she was as beautiful and white as the driven snow, as graceful and nimble as the breeze itself...and as harsh as the sun when evil entered her sight.”
Abel sighed, recalling the story he was telling, and wishing he could, just once, play that game again, if only to refresh his memory about the tale. “Halfway through her journey, she had to deal with a nine-tailed kitsune, the most powerful sort. This kitsune had an artifact that amplified her power even further, granting her enough strength to do things that were barely accepted, much less understood. She made an island hideout that, at night, vanished from its spot in the ocean to another, randomly chosen, spot. When Ammy overcame that hurdle, she had to deal with a maze of traps, and win several races, and deal with monsters who had weak spots no bigger than one of your hooves. All to reach the top of the hideout, and the kitsune thereon.”
Abel grinned, knowing this next part would resonate with the girls. “And when she did, all she saw was the moon...painted red. With the image of a kitsune painted in an even deeper shade on it.”
Six gasps echoed in the compartment, and Twilight spoke up first. “She hid herself in the moon?!”
Abel shook his head. “No, it was even more ingenious. Ammy looked to the stars for guidance, and saw a constellation that was not whole. So she moved a few stars into position, only then realizing that the constellation was the kitsune herself. She had hidden herself in the stars.”
Dropped jaws greeted this revelation, and Abel couldn't help but smirk. “Once the kistune was revealed, she went and talked about her plan. How every night, after this one, she would gain power because of her mark upon the moon. How once Ammy was dealt with, none would be able to find, much less stop, her now. And how she would take great pleasure in sloooooowly killing Ammy to find out the secret to her power, in order to add it to her own. That way, she would gain power during the day as well, and none could ever oppose her.”
Applejack gulped. “What did Ammy do then, partner?”
Abel remembered the fight in the game, and improvised in his tale. “Luckily, Ammy had gained power over lightning, and there was a storm at sea. Every so often, she would use her strength to cause lightning to shock the kitsune, thus disrupting her hold over the artifact. Though...once the hold was disrupted, and the artifact destroyed, it took the kitsune's extra tails with it.”
Ferrix whined, he knew how this story ended, and he never liked it. “And thus, with most of her power stripped from her, Ammy cast old One-Eye, the Evil Kitsune, down from her position of power, sending her to Tarturus. And with its leader gone, the hideout dissolved into nothing more than sweet-smelling cherry blossoms, and the ocean they fought on to this day still carries a hint of cherry on the spray, if you stop and look for it.”
Abel looked at Dash and finished his rendition of the tale with an explanation. “I didn't cover all of the things One-Eye did to trick and try and trap Ammy in that tale, but believe me when I say that One-Eye could shapeshift, cast illusions, and even stand toe-to-toe with Ammy until Ammy realized what she had to do. Kitsunes are naturally talented at shapeshifting, illusion, and deceiving others. They're like the ultimate pranksters. You will never find a more tricky foe or a more worthy friend than a kitsune. I won't say when raised right, but when they have the proper social interaction with others, they are just nice fox spirits that live their lives only occasionally pranking others. And at worst...”
“You get One-Eye from that tale of yours,” Twilight finished. “I was going to say something along the lines of Discord is how bad they can be, but you sort of took the words out of my mouth.”
Abel laughed. “Funny you should mention the old coot. The day he turned Ponyville upside down is the day when Ferrix here earned his third tail.”
“Okay, Ferrix, I'm pretty sure that while we're good, we're not this good.”
Indeed, this landscape seems to be more chaos than control.
Abel smiled. “Are you picking up on some terms from my memories?”
Ferrix let out a small snort. I can hardly help myself, you made them sound so enticing, and you gave me permission to look.
Around them, Ponyville, well, it didn't burn, but that probably would have been better. It was as though Sense and Reason had taken holidays, leaving behind only Madness and Chaos.
The few bastions of sanity were those places that had been magically reinforced, but Abel could already feel the magic waning.
Fortunately, Abel was super-paranoid and had his home warded up to the shingles, and then had the wards warded to keep the hum of power the wards gave off hidden from anypony's senses.
Point being, Abel's home was probably not going anywhere. Even in this madness.
As Abel and Ferrix walked up to the front door, there was a sudden sense of wrongness in the air behind him. And then there was a voice. A voice that Abel only heard in the darkest corners of his nightmares. The voice of those that did not suffer from insanity, but enjoyed every second of it.
“My word, someone is quite well-guarded! You know, warding your house to prevent everything from an ant infestation to the end of the world either speaks of paranoia or someone who believes that everything will go wrong.”
Abel slowly turned around to see, well, a creature is the only way to describe it. A goat head, a dragon body, mismatched limbs and horns...
But the eyes. It was the eyes that drew his attention. Gold and scarlet, and every so often, the colors spiraled around one another.
Managing to keep his fear under control was something he didn't have much practice in, but Abel was proud to say his voice did not falter that day. “Ferrix, get inside. Reinforce the wards. Do not invite anyone in.”
Ferrix didn't need telling twice, and after the kitsune had bolted, the creature in front of Abel raised an eyebrow. As in, raised it right off his forehead. “Oh, a kitsune. You know, it's been a while since I went on a pranking spree with one of them...Maybe once I'm done, I can see about finding one.”
And then the creature looked at Abel through a pair of sunglasses it had conjured from nowhere. “Oh, wait, you're a white one. Bleh, they were always so noble. 'Oh, please hide us, so our legacy can live on! Chrysalis has gone mad and blamed us for every small thing that went wrong! She's executing us!' And then I go and hide their coloration, and not a word of thanks. Then again, I maaaay have accidentally given Chryssy the idea to look for the spells that she wanted where they actually were, sooooo...”
Abel shook off the confusion and decided to roll with the information at another time. “Well, then I suppose you'd understand why I chose to be called Abel after all.”
At this, the creature's eyes widened. “Oh my! And suddenly, Equestria got iiiiiiinteresting! My dear boy, you'll have to tell me all about it!”
The creature looked at the modicum of lawn that had managed to not be part of the ever-shifting madness around Abel and frowned. “Well, that is, once you take down those dreadful wards. They're interfering with my chaos, and we can't have that if we're going to be civil with one another.”
Abel raised an eyebrow. “Your chaos? You're the one responsible for all of that?”
The creature grinned madly, and Abel noticed it was missing a fang on one side. “ But of course! Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony! At your service!”
And suddenly, Abel's blood ran cold.
Spirit of chaos and disharmony?
Six of the girls he'd met and befriended were the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.
No prizes being awarded as for how he was to be combated.
And while he seemed mad, he also seemed to know how to make a semblance of a plan.
Which means he'd deal with the Elements. And their Bearers, so they could never be brought to bear against him.
And there was really only one surefire way to make sure that nobody could rise up against you.
Which means...
Which means...
And then Abel's blood ignited in a fiery rage.
“At my service, you say?”
Abel's voice had lost all emotion. Sane beings would have run, had they seen the hodgepodge of emotions that his face displayed a moment before. Discord, however, was not sane, or had not paid attention, or both, and waggled a talon at Abel before replying. “More or less. If you have any requests, I'm willing to listen.”
Abel smiled. It wasn't a kind smile. It wasn't a smile of the mad. It was the smile of a pony who thinks he has nothing left to lose and has cornered the one responsible.
“Oh goody. Then I have a request.”
Discord raised his other eyebrow. “Really? I'm running out of ideas, so I'd welcome some input. All the ponies do is scream about wanting it to stop.”
Abel's face lost all expression. “Die.”
Discord looked baffled for a second. “I'm sorry, care to re-”
He was cut off by a blast of crimson-colored magic catching him square in the chest, flinging him down the street, and into another building, which crumpled like a house of cards.
Abel walked down the street, the very picture of rage. Those ponies that had time to spare noticed that he almost seemed to be glowing crimson. Abel was, in fact, pulling all the ambient magic he could out of the air and into himself. He wanted to be powerful. He was angry. No, furious. No, even that word wasn't enough anymore. He was so mad, he was focused beyond focused and had wrapped around to calm again, and then back into angry. And he didn't care who knew anymore, though he wasn't stupid, as his disguise was still functional.
For all he knew, six of his friends were dead, and the one in front of him had done the deed.
Discord poked his head above the wreckage and took note of the glowing pony approaching him. And immediately, Discord realized that something was wrong. It took him a moment to actually pin down what the one in front of him could be mad about, but he picked up on it pretty quickly.
“Hold on! You think I killed those mares? Killing isn't my style! I have not and will not physically harm anypony!”
The words spit out in response almost were said with enough venom that Abel could have been mistaken for a cobra.
“Swear, on your life and magic then. If you wish to keep your head.”
Discord gulped and raised his lion's paw. If that was what it took, so be it. He didn't want to end his fun prematurely, and while the Elements were the only things that could beat him, there were ways to make him feel pain that he would rather never experience. So long as he didn't put any magic behind the words... “I swear on my life and magic that I did not and will not harm the Bearers or any other pony physically.”
The words reached Abel, and the glow lessened, though his stare remained as intense as it ever was. “Doesn't take a genius to figure out that you did something, though, Discord. And I have a creed regarding my friends.”
Discord grinned slightly. “Somehow I doubt this is going to involve jumping off of buildings and long flowing white outfits.”
Abel chuckled for a moment, before returning to his stare. “You know, if not for what you are, I could actually get along with you. No, my creed is this. If you harm the ones I hold dear, then the gates of Tartarus would not be enough to stop my wrath. I will find you and end you. And you delivered yourself to me. Says something about this situation we find ourselves in, doesn't it?”
Discord got up and cracked his spine, realigning all of the vertebra that had been knocked out of place. “Indeed. Well, you got a cheap shot in on me. I think its only fair that I return the favor.”
Abel's eyes widened, and he reactivated his ambient magic draining. It wasn't in time for him to put up a shield, but he needn't have worried.
While Discord let off a magical blast, the key word there was that it involved magic. Oh, magic of the spirit of chaos and disharmony, but it was still magic.
And Abel sucked the power behind the blast right out of the attack, and into himself.
Instantly, he felt wrong. As though he'd just eaten something that was so off, it should have been alive. As though Pinkie had just said she thought an occasion didn't require a party. It felt as though all the wrongness in the world had just coalesced in his gut, where the magic behind the attack Discord had loosed at him now resided.
Abel realized two things in that instant.
First, he could absorb the magic of Discord. This means he had an effective defense against the spirit.
And the second was that absorbing the magic really freakin' hurt.
Discord's eyes widened as he too realized what happened, and then Abel looked at Discord in a new light.
Discord was the spirit of chaos and disharmony.
Magic fueled his very being.
Discord was not technically a pony.
And while the magic just felt wrong, it was better than him having it.
Abel's creepy smile was back, as he realized his defense was also a weapon.
“My word, Discord. I had no idea essence of chaos tasted so...invigorating.”
Abel took a step, and Discord unconsciously stepped back.
“In fact, I may have to get some more.”
The two kept their distance equal, but not for a lack of trying on Abel's part.
“And just look at this. A being literally made and powered by chaotic magic, right in front of me. One I have no qualms about...harming. At all.”
Step, step.
“Now now, Abel, let's not do anything hasty!”
Abel grinned.
“Oh, who said anything about being hasty? I plan to take my time about this. Really draw it out. Make sure you get to experience every last second, just like I will. I'm sure you'll find it as...enjoyable as I hope it will be.”
And with that, Discord, the millennial-old spirit of chaos and disharmony, one who had recently ensured that he would never again be encased in stone, made a tactical decision.
A decision to scream in terror and flee like a little girl.
This white changeling had found a way to feed off of his magic, and that was the first legitimate threat he'd felt to his being in eons.
But then again, and here Discord smiled at the thought, he wasn't all changeling, now was he?
“And how did Ferrix gain a tail from that?”
Abel smiled. “Simple, he nearly poured his all into those wards, keeping the house safe. And then, even when he was as tired as that, he helped me find a way to safely store the magic I'd absorbed from Discord on that day. Once he'd taken a break for himself and I thanked him for going above and beyond what I'd expected, fwoosh, three tails.”
Twilight looked at Abel in a new light. “While we were on our way back from Canterlot, you stood up to Discord? And made him run?”
Abel waved a hoof around. “Eh, I put it more around when you were getting back together from the effects of Discord's spellwork.”
“And what was that about storing the magic you'd sucked out of Discord's attack?”
Abel frowned. “I had to get that stuff out of me. It was nine shades of wrong for me to be ingesting. Problem was, my usual methods weren't working on that stuff. And then Ferrix here comes up with the idea that expecting the same rules that applied to me storing all my other sources of magic would apply to storing the magic of chaos was a silly notion. So I took what I knew, flipped it on its head, and eventually found how to store chaos magic. I...might show you. Maybe.”
Twilight's face lit up in comprehension. “So the stories of a pony who just went mad the day Discord attacked...”
Abel laughed. “Probably sprung up because I actually struck back at him, and was so mad everypony else didn't intervene. It's also why you couldn't find that pony, once Discord fled, I couldn't find him for all the chaos already being caused. And when the harmony wave hit me, it restored my senses. I realized you girls were alright, so I went in my home, calmed down, and worked on a way to store everything I'd taken in that day. The stuff from the harmony wave was compliant, the ambient energy was...interesting. I had to filter out the tiny bits of chaos in it, and take it in, along with the stuff from Discord, and store it specially. And then, it was business as usual.”

Chapter the Sixth - History lesson

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It was a week later, and Abel had finally managed to get the pain from transformations back down to a dull twinge. Overall, his life hadn't changed much. Go out and about, help local businesses with their accounting needs, help with a bit of paperwork over at City Hall...
The only real difference is that Rarity and Twilight hadn't called him over to help with the organizing like they normally would, and Abel knew why.
Of course, he had told them all to research a spell that would deaden their sense of smell before he would show them everything about himself, and to arrange for a day off for all of them at the same time. When asked why, he replied, “I would rather do it all at once, and in front of you all at once. I also know that my basement is no bed of roses, but it's a part of what I am.”
Abel rolled out of bed and nudged Ferrix with a hoof. “C'mon, boy. Time to get up. Got another busy day today.”
Ferrix cracked an eye open. Perhaps you do. I am but a fox. I need do nothing.
Abel grinned. “Except that somehow, Rainbow Dash figured out who's been placing those fake clouds in her sky. And is looking to exact vengeance.”
Ferrix looked at Abel with both eyes. You didn't.
Abel put a hoof to his chest. “Me, tell her anything willingly? Perish the thought. I merely overheard her muttering to herself about tricky foxes. Guess she figured it out from that 'skilled at illusions' comment I made.”
That was a week ago.
Abel shrugged. “She's also had weather duties to catch up on. Guess she had a free moment and puzzled it out herself.”
Ferrix shuddered. I've seen what that mare can do on a pranking spree. I have no desire to be on the wrong end of one.
Abel laughed. “Too late for that. I'll mail your remains to your relatives. Assuming I can find enough.”
And then there was a knocking at the door.
Both Abel and Ferrix's head rotated to where the front door was. “I wasn't expecting anyone, were you?”
Indeed not. Perhaps you should go look. Yours is the only home with a lock and a warding system to rival most of Canterlot. Those poor ponies must be so confused that they can't just walk in.
Abel walked downstairs through his bland house to the front door and eyed it warily. Putting his head to the door so that his left ear pressed up against it, he called out, “Who is it?”
“Us who, Twilight?”
“Us six who know, Balanced!”
Abel sighed, put on his disguise, and opened the door, noticing the six mares on his front lawn. “Hello, girls. And have you come up with a spell to deaden your sense of smell for later?”
Twilight nodded. “It took me a few days, but I found a simple charm for deadening smells, but it was meant to be used only on oneself. So after a bit of experimenting, I managed to make a spell that could be used on anypony, and we tested it at Sugar Cube Corner. We couldn't smell a thing, which means it works.”
Abel looked at Twilight a little more carefully. “ much sleep have you gotten lately, Twilight?”
Twilight looked around sheepishly. “Well, I didn't have a whole lot, but then Pinkie said something about you being here today even if I slept away all the exhaustion, so...”
Abel looked at Pinkie Pie. “Wait, you were the voice of reason?”
Pinkie huffed and crossed her forelegs. “Why is everypony always surprised by that?”
Abel looked in the direction of Canterlot. “Okay, I'm fairly sure you being the voice of reason is a sign of the apocalypse, closely followed by Discord getting loose. I'll have to set an alarm spell around his statue, soon.”
The other mares laughed, and Abel grinned, going over to Pinkie and hugging her. “Aw, you know I jest, Pinkster.”
Pinkie finally laughed and hugged Abel back. “Yeah, but your sarcasm sometimes hurts.”
Abel nodded and turned to Twilight. “But seriously, if she was a voice of reason, how bad were you?”
It was Applejack who intervened this time. “Worse than me after that whole applebuck season nonsense.”
Abel let out a low whistle. “That bad. Geeze. Okay, well, you all look rested, so...”
Abel stepped back into his house, held the door open, and mock-bowed to the mares. “Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.”
The mares grimaced at that, but entered nonetheless. “Seriously creepy, Balanced”
Abel grinned and shut the door behind the mares, motioning to his living room, where an armchair and several cushions waited. “Well, Dash, it serves two purposes. I'm not sure if you noticed the faint hum of magic in the air...”
Twilight and Rarity nodded, and Abel continued. “But that's from the massive amounts of wards I have on this place to keep it safe, sound, standing, etc. It keeps everyone and everything out unless I explicitly invite it in. That phrase is a sort of skeleton key, allowing anything in until I close the door.”
Twilight nodded absently, and said the first thing that came to mind. “And the second reason?”
Abel grinned, hopping into his chair, while the mares settled themselves on the cushions. “Well, like Dash said, it's creepy. Anypony that hears it tends to not want to come in, and I'm a stallion that likes to keep to himself. And you all know why, so let's dispense with the whole dance.”
With a small burst of magic, the window blinds throughout the house were drawn, and with another, Abel's disguise was peeled back, leaving the white changeling sitting in the chair. Ferrix wandered in and positioned himself at the right side of the chair, and Abel nodded to the mares. “Alright, we're all comfy...hang on a tick.”
Abel looked to the fireplace and ignited it with another burst, leaving the room soaking in the warmth. Abel turned back to his guests and nodded. “Okay, we're all comfy, and now we'll be warm. I recently restocked the kitchen, and I'm assuming you all ate before you came over anyways. So I just have to worry about lunch and dinner for you lot, which I think I can manage. And Twilight has a spell for deadening smells, which will be useful, as we'll end this little Question and Answer segment, however long it is, with a tour of my basement. So.”
Abel looked to Twilight and grinned.
“Do your worst.”
Twilight grinned back.
Three hours. Three bloody hours! Three hours of nonstop questions!
Thankfully he'd opened up with a simple request. One that put a halt on him transforming into anypony else, especially anypony present. Because, as he'd explained, it still hurt.
The only reason Twilight hadn't monopolized the entire thing is because Abel had insisted that the others also get a chance to ask their questions. As he'd put it, “I think you've got more questions than they do, and they might ask some of the same ones you want to. This way, they get their curiosity satiated as well. Plus, they might ask a question you might not have thought of.”
Of course, the thought that she'd missed a question to ask had put her into a miniature fit as she triple checked her lists. Which gave everyone else time to ask their questions.
But now it was lunchtime, and after that, it would be Twilight's turn.
Abel knew exactly which question she'd ask, sooner or later, and so he began to prepare himself.
Soon enough, the mares wandered back into the living room, and Abel nodded at them.
Twilight sat on her hindquarters, looked at one of her lists, and looked at Abel.
Abel cleared his throat, and Twilight grinned.
“So, about this history from before written history that you have access to...”
Abel sighed. “Right. Okay, our story begins loooooong ago.”
And instantly, Pinkie managed to pass out popcorn to the other mares. Abel blinked a few times in surprise, but accepted it as Pinkie being Pinkie, and continued his rendition.
“This is, like, dawn of known time stuff, okay? Once, there were only changelings. And they were all white, like myself. They drew magic out of the air, and sustained themselves. And one day, they realized that drawing magic from living things helped sustain them more than just ambient magic. So after a few false starts, they realized that being the shepherds of the land, promoting good growth and peace, would leave them with more living things to draw off of. And as long as they were careful, they would have no need to draw all the magic out of a living thing to feed themselves. And for a time, things were good. A Hive in an area was a sign that the area was being taken care of.”
The mares nodded, so far it made sense.
“It started to change, though. Black changelings were being born, and none had any knowledge of how to take care of them. They did not eat the same as the white ones. None knew what they fed on.”
Abel looked to the floor, and softly whispered, “It took...over a hundred little changelings dying from starvation...before anyone worked out how to feed them.”
The mares were silent. Abel didn't blame them.
“Eventually, the spell was complete. With the right spell cast, one of the white changelings could focus energy through themselves, into a matrix designed to convert it to emotional energy, and exhale it, thus giving the black changelings their food. Changelings can't feed on other changelings, its a natural defense mechanism. Our bodies keep our energy on lockdown 24/7. But with this spell, white changelings could exhale exactly what the black ones needed. And so things worked, for a time.”
Abel looked at Twilight and softly asked a question. “But then, something changed. What do you suppose it was?”
Twilight thought for a moment, before her eyes widened. “Ponies.”
Abel nodded. “The changelings met the ponies. Their first two meetings went well. They met the Earth Ponies, who could promote growth and were strong, and the Pegasi, who could manipulate weather. These things would help the changelings greatly in their whole 'being the shepherds of the land' bit that they were invested in. And then the changelings met the Unicorns.”
Abel looked to the fire, gathering his thoughts. “And that's when they threw that creed straight to Tarturus. They met a race of ponies that could consciously manipulate the magical field. That were so magical, they were like wildfires in pony form, and they were the moths.”
Abel looked back to the mares. “There are two events from that time in the Archive. The First Incursion, as it is called, was a complete success by changeling standards. All the white changelings rallied an army together. They found a small unicorn village, raided it, and carried off all the townsfolk. To drain them over a period of several days.”
Abel looked back to the fire. “They had, unfortunately, left a small pegasus survivor, and his story got back to the Princesses. Of bug-like ponies as white as a cloud descending on the town and taking all the unicorns away. They followed the flight pattern of the swarm, and found a pile of desiccated corpses. All of them unicorns, all of them drained dry of their magic.”
Abel looked back to the mares. “There was no second incursion. When they found out what the changelings had done to their subjects, the Princesses were furious. They located the swarm, and destroyed it. Utterly.”
Abel sighed and looked to the floor. “And that upset the balance back at the Hives. With so many white changelings gone, the ratio of white to black went from three to one to one to one. Thus leading to the second major event.”
Abel looked at the fire, his expression now one of rage. “Chrysalis. She had been born at this time, and had found the spell to make Hive Minds. She tinkered with it, experimenting, learning how it could be altered. And she cast it, improperly, and tying herself to it as well. She did not hold the right meanings in mind, merely the ones she wanted. However, at the time, it worked. She united what was left under her. And then she blamed the wrath of the Princesses on the white changelings.”
Abel was slightly shaking now. “In a way, she was right. A little. But she cast us out. She called us filthy albinos, and that she and hers alone would be worthy of leading the changelings into a bold new future where they did not bow to ponies. She authorized the hunting and killing of white changelings, and in their desperation, a final band of survivors went to the one being that might be able to hide them. They plead their case, begged for mercy.”
Abel smiled grimly. “And Discord agreed. He hid their coloration, but not their genetics. So they mingled back into the Hives. Managed to hide themselves. But every so often, an Albino would crop up. There hadn't been one for a few hundred years before me, so it was looking likely that Chrysalis had finally found all the traces of the white changelings and snuffed them out. But somewhere along the line, she missed me.”
Abel turned back to the mares. “And the entire history of Albino Changelings in a nutshell.”
The mares were silent for a moment, until Applejack spoke up. “That ol' coot Discord hid the white changelings by changing their colors?”
Abel nodded at her. “Keep in mind, this was WAY back. He was something like...a tiny wisp compared to his form today. He still enjoyed chaos, true. And the disharmony between the two types of changelings fed him, which is why he was both loathe to aid, but felt like he owed it to the changelings to do something. He wouldn't get as bad as he is until after a few more major disharmonius events.”
The mares were silent a moment longer, and the only sound was that of Twilight's quill making notes. Finally, she looked up from her parchment and directed her tear-filled eyes towards Abel. “Albinos have had it that bad?”
Abel chuckled. “You act like I'm every albino ever. I'm fine. I got over it.”
Abel looked towards the fire and muttered the word 'eventually' to himself, before looking back at the mares. “So! Who wants to see my basement, where I keep all my freaky changeling stuff?”
Six hooves shot into the air, and Abel smiled.
“Right, well, get that spell up, Twilight, and let's get this over with.”
Abel hopped out of his chair and went over to the stairs, followed by the six mares. Ferrix had decided to take a nap, and Twilight's horn was glowing slightly. Abel opened a door in the side of the staircase, revealing the downward stairs, and a crimson mist wafted out. Had any present actually possessed an olfactory sense, they would have gagged.
“Abel, are you okay? I didn't include you in my spell, I figured you had a means to protect yourself...”
Abel merely tapped his snout. “Changeling. I just shifted it away for a moment. Even with what little sense I have in my natural form, I don't like the smell of this place. I have to get rid of it for a minute and slowly bring it back so that I get acclimated to it. That is, if I intend to spend any real length of time down here.”
The staircase was fairly long and not long after, the mares noticed that it was less of a staircase and more of a tunnel cut into the earth. Pinkie chipped in her opinion then. “Abel, this is a lot bigger than when I saw your basement that one time...”
At this, the tunnel swerved slightly and opened up into a massive cave. Abel grinned at the stunned expressions on the faces of his six companions. “Well Pinks, I maaaaay have done a bit of digging, along with the other changelings in town, to find a nice sized cave to hold all of this in. After all, feeding every week tends to build up a stockpile...”
The center of the cave was dominated by a huge pillar of crystal that seemed to glow a slight crimson color, and built right up next to the walls were deep red bins, filled with a pink gelatin substance. There had to be twenty on the ground, with a few jutting out from the wall. Three tunnel openings in the walls intrigued the girls, but Abel had decided to put on his best showpony impersonation, thus distracting them for a moment.
“Welcome to my underground lair! The crystal is my device for sorting out the miscellaneous magic that I may have absorbed throughout the day. It also really helps after a feeding day. The bins contain gel that has been infused with raw magic, and every bin is a different 'flavor'. I'm a bit picky about my food touching. The bins themselves are made with a different type of gel that was treated and hardened so that they could hold the gel without any side effects. Had to abandon barrels after a bit, they kept corroding after a month, and spending that much money on barrels would get suspicious.”
Abel gestured to the leftmost tunnel entrance. “That's where I store things I'm still experimenting with, along with my notes. It's a bit disorganized in there. I mean, I can find everything, but other changelings tend to get lost in there. And they have the Hive Mind helping them.”
Abel pointed at the rightmost tunnel. “That's where I'm storing any mementos or freaky artifacts I create or stumble across. Like my stolen Chaos Magic.” Noting the glint in Twilight's eye, Abel hurried to add, “But it's also protected by quite a few wards that only I can actually get past, so it's pretty safe.”
And gesturing towards the final tunnel entrance, Abel explained its purpose. “And that one connects to the safehouse for changelings here in Ponyville, in case one or the other needs fast transportation. We're actually trying to hook up all the safehouses with a tunnel system, but it'll take time. Changelings are good at tunneling, but we have to get it right. Otherwise, well, who knows what we'll find underground?”
The mares slowly went from one bin to another, finding that the only thing that differed between them was the slight hue each one gave off, and then slowly separated. Pinkie was absolutely enthralled with the crystal, as it occasionally had a different color of magic pass through it. Rarity was looking at the laboratory with distaste, noticing that nothing seemed to have any sort of proper place. Twilight hovered outside the tunnel to the storage room, and the others mostly huddled together.
Abel wandered over to the laboratory, rummaged for a bit, and emerged holding a glass flask with pink gelatin inside it. “Time for an experiment, I'm bored.”
The mares immediately focused on Abel as he placed the flask in front of one of the bins. His horn lit up crimson, the bin also glowed, and then slowly the glow in the bin faded.
However, the flask began to glow brightly, flaring up higher and higher, until finally the bin was no longer glowing, and the flask resembled a miniature star. Abel was panting slightly, and glanced at the flask. Immediately, the glass turned black, and Abel smiled.
“Well, looks like my backup plan is a success. Now I just have to replicate it...”
Twilight came over and prodded the now-black flask with a hoof. “What did you do?”
Abel grinned. “I just transferred all the magic out of that bin, and into this flask. Considering that bin was close to a one-to-one ratio, I'm pretty sure I stumbled upon the best sort of gelatin known to changeling kind.”
Twilight now regarded the flask with a modicum of fear. “How...can you store that much magic in one spot? What is that stuff made of?”
Abel shrugged. “I'm not privy to all the internal processes that go on in my body. That would require someone to have, I dunno, cared. I do know that gelatin was the product of a careful amount of Zap Apple Jam and Sweet Apple Cider, plus a few fresh baked goods from Sugarcube Corner. And I mean fresh. The love and care that you mares put into those things, along with the latent magic of the jam, really helped with the process. I figured it might make a better gel. I never knew it would be this good, I honestly expected another explosion.”
Abel grinned. “When you attempt to pass the one-to-one ratio, the gel gets unstable if it can't hold it. It sort of starts to melt, become runny, and could react at any time. Uncontrolled explosions of magical power are no picnic. It could be harmless, such as splattering us all. Or it could be very harmful and instead of just looking like a star...Granted, that's only happened once, but we learned never to do that again.”
As the mares processed what Abel had said, he walked over to a few bins and muttered to himself. Twilight noticed him nodding a few times while making vague gestures with his hooves, before he finally stopped in front of a few bins.
Abel decided to look over his shoulder at the still stunned mares, and grinned. “And now for my next trick.”
And with that, Abel called on the stored power he'd situated himself in front of, channeling it into a minor version of the Hive Mind spell, and channeling that through the already active Hive Mind. Abel laid out a clear path for where he wanted the energies of the spell to go, and released them. The spell darted down the tunnel to the safehouse, and Abel panted a bit, worn from his exertions ever-so-slightly. “Ten down, ninety to go.”
Abel stood near the crystal spire and placed a hoof on it, sighing slightly. “Oh, this is gonna huuuuurt...”
And then Abel began to pull power from all the bins in the room. Streams of crimson power lanced directly into him from all sides, and a circle of deep red fire formed around Abel, warding the mares back. Abel opened his eyes, showing that they were brimming with power, much like the rest of him. And then the spell began to form.
The energy shifted from red to infrared, so as to hide the true extent of the spell from the visible light spectrum. Those who could see heat would have seen a lance of energy reach into the heavens, followed by pulses of power creating 'arms' all over Equestria. Each one reached to a major population center before falling back to the ground and branching out to all of Abel's changelings. Fourty-five changelings were filled with the energy to add two changelings each to the hive, and each one picked their targets carefully.
Soon enough, Abel's numbers had jumped from fifty to a hundred and fifty.
And all throughout the casting, Abel had been screaming.
Twilight was the first to Abel's side, being experienced in matters such as overworking the body through highly complex or powerful casting.
And in seconds, both of them were unconscious.
Abel awoke, hissing in pain. Overworking himself had left him a sharp migraine.
Working out the feedback from the hundred new minds in the Hive Mind hadn't been easy, but he'd done it. Eventually.
Of course, shoving the responsibility for integrating them properly onto the ones that brought them in was an inelegant solution, but it worked.
That, and he really wanted to be conscious again.
The first thing he noticed was a blur of orange and cyan in his vision.
The second thing he noticed was that he was on his own bed.
He quickly worked out that he'd passed out, and the girls had dragged him back upstairs.
Abel attempted to move, and the orange blur was at his side in seconds. “Hold on there. We need some answers.”
Abel groaned and blinked, his vision slowly coming back into focus. “Didn't we do that?”
“Yeah, well, that was BEFORE you cast a crazy-huge spell and both you and Twi fell unconscious afterwards!”
Abel jerked his head towards Rainbow Dash and stared at her. “Where is she, and how long has she been out.”
Both mares present caught on that it wasn't a question, more of a statement. Applejack spoke up first. “She was in Ponyville General, and last I heard, she's been out as long as you have, a few hours.”
Rainbow Dash, to this day, was astounded by the speed at which Abel moved. Though she wouldn't admit it to him, the fact that he put his disguise on and was out the door, running to Ponyville General in no time at all after he'd been told the news, nearly put Dash to shame.
Then again, she thought to herself, he's got magic.
Twilight Sparkle had been brought in by some of her friends, claiming that she'd gotten too close to a big spell done by another unicorn, and it probably affected her.
She'd been berthed in room 121, hooked up to the appropriate vital monitoring equipment, had half a dozen tests run on her, and the doctors were able to determine that except for a lower amount of brain activity than normal, she was perfectly healthy.
What perplexed the doctors was that they could come up with no singular situation or combination of situations that could merely cause a lower rate of brain activity, and yet still have her be non-responsive to the world around her.
Fluttershy and Rarity were waiting in the hall. Pinkie had somehow vanished between the lobby and the room.
And then Balanced Books passed through at nearly the speed of sound.
When the dust settled, the pegasus and the unicorn exchanged a look, and then peered inside Twilight's room, to see Books standing over Twilight with his horn aglow and his eyes screwed shut.
Both were about to speak up, probably something about how the one that caused it would not be the best one to try and treat this mystery condition, when the door was slammed shut in a burst of magic.
A bubble-like wall then covered the door, and what happened next, they couldn't say.
“Welcome to the Hive Mind, Twilight.”
A bleak landscape, barren and gray in every direction, surrounded the lavender unicorn. The ground was cracked and dry, with no visible vegetation, living or dead, in any direction. The sky was black and somehow cloudy. She glanced around madly, her horn charged. “Who said that?!”
“Oh, nobody much. Just the one who MADE IT!”
Abel was suddenly there in front of her in his changeling form. Twilight yelped and lost the charge in her horn, landing on her rump. “Abel? But...”
“Baby steps, Twi. What's the last thing you remember?”
The impressive voice emanated from Abel's form, though he didn't open his mouth. Twilight answered automatically. “Running up to you after you cast that massive spell. I could sense the flow of magic, the buildup. I knew that you'd overworked yourself, so I wanted to make sure you were okay after a spell like that. Next thing I know, I'm...well, wherever here is.”
Abel nodded. “Had you waited one more second. Just one more. We would not be in this position. The energies of the spell had not fully dissipated, which is why I was next to my crystal when I cast. I purposely called more power than I needed to get the job done to me, so as to be sure the job got done. I was next to the crystal so the surplus power would be re-sorted back into the appropriate bins. But when you ran up to me...”
Twilight filled in the gaps automatically. “I absorbed some of the energy, and it 'remembered' what spell it had been used to cast, and cast it on me! Okay, so how do we fix this?”
Abel shook his head. “We can't.”
Twilight blinked. “What.”
“This spell was never meant to be undone. I never thought I'd have to! And it was certainly never meant to bring a pony into the Hive Mind! But what's done is done. I CAN help you overcome a few small things, make sure that you're not at risk here...”
Before Twilight could ask what the risks were, there were suddenly rings and rings of crimson energy surrounding her. They flashed a few times in unison, and faded. Abel nodded, and Twilight was puzzled. “And that was?”
“Passive mental blocks. You can't just stumble in anymore, or accidentally think your way in. It'll also stop you from wandering in in your dreams. In fact, the only way you CAN get here now is to focus on coming here in some sort of meditative state. Figured that was our best choice. It'll help you stop hearing the hundred and fifty other voices that could speak up in your head. You're lucky, y'know. The rest of the changelings are either getting acclimated or helping the new ones get acclimated. Once I heard you'd been out of it since the casting, I had a good idea what went wrong.”
Twilight's head was spinning slightly. “So...we're good? The situation is handled?”
Abel shrugged. “For now. I suspect later you and I will be meeting each other in here. For the Archive if nothing else. But right now, you need to wake up.”
“And how do I do that?”
Abel grinned and pounced on her, drawing back a hoof, his mouth suddenly filled with far more teeth, and his hooves jagged and sharp. “WAKE UP!”
Twilight screamed.
In fact, Twilight awoke screaming as Ab- er, 'Balanced Books' pulled back from her bed.
The spell on the door came down, and Rarity and Fluttershy raced in. The fact that their friend was awake took third place, right behind the fact that their friend was screaming, and the fact that the one in front of her had likely caused the scenario.
Before any action could be taken against him, Balanced Books had erected a shield between himself and the mares. Raising a hoof to the two intruders, Books looked at Twilight as she ran out of breath. “Y'done?”
Twilight gulped down air and nodded before replying. “Don't...don't do that again. That was the scariest thing...”
Books shrugged his shoulders. “Eh. Needed you awake. Now. I suggest we gather the rest of your friends and head to a secure location so that I can explain just what happened here to those that need to and want to know.”

Chapter the Seventh - Giving a griffon grief

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Balanced Books had been present, peripherally, for when Celestia was angry at Chrysalis.
Even that anger paled in comparison to the sheer, unbridled fury he felt being directed at his being right now as the girls and Celestia stared at him in the library's lobby.
“You. Will. Explain. Abel.”
Books sighed and dropped the disguise. “Okay, first, take solace in the fact that your student is NOT harmed, will not be harmed, and in fact may have gained access to a valuable store of information that not all the books of Canterlot could ever grant her. Assuming she can ever open the Archive without suffering a headache.”
While everyone else was stunned, either with the sincerity with which Abel spoke, the fact that he even dared to talk back to Celestia, or the idea of knowledge that not even Canterlot had (guess who was stunned by what), Abel continued. “And second, the full explanation is a bit...involved. I can give you the condensed version, if that would do?”
Celestia nodded and waved a hoof at Abel, granting him consent to continue. Abel sighed and looked at a far wall for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. After a moment he spoke up again.
“'Begin at the beginning, and when you reach the ending, stop.' A wise sentiment, I think. Very well. A week ago I told the Bearers that I would answer any and all questions they had, so long as your student or Rarity researched a spell to deaden their olfactory sense beforehoof. We had a small question and answer session, the fruits of which I think your student still has.”
Twilight absently pulled out a sheaf of parchments and passed them over to Celestia, who glanced at them before teleporting them somewhere. Her study, probably. “And then?”
Abel nodded and continued after Celestia's prompting. “Then I showed them my 'basement,' also known as my changeling vault. This is why they needed the spell, because that place stinks like you would not believe.”
Abel sighed again and looked to the ceiling. “And after that, I increased the numbers in my Hive, and things went to Tartarus.”
Abel locked eyes with Celestia before continuing, daring to risk the solar mare's fiery gaze. “I am not as talented in the manipulation of energies through a Hive Mind. It is only recently that I have gotten used to having one, much less being in charge. The other changelings of my Hive have more experience than I ever will, so they at least can move energies around through it, which is how I managed to be so powerful during the wedding. I can draw energies out of it and move energy into it, but actually casting spells through it eludes me. I use the Hive Mind as more of a...aiming mechanism.”
Abel waved a hoof around while looking for an appropriate metaphor. “The changelings of the Hive Mind burn like flames admist a wasteland while I look through it. I have never had a problem with raw power, considering what I am. It's control that I need practice in. If I had more control, I might be able to use the Hive Mind as a...conduit, rather than a guideline. What I did today was cast a massive spell, using the real-world locations of the changelings that I needed by gathering them from the Hive Mind. It was a tremendously involved spell, and if you could see heat signatures, you'd see it was Equestria-spanning. But I don't take chances when it comes to spells like this.”
Abel looked at Twilight Sparkle directly. “I pulled as much power as I could, rather than the power that I needed, and your student rushed at me while the energies were dissipating. So the dissipating energies 'remembered' the last spell they'd been formed into, and cast it on her. She technically has access to the Hive Mind.”
Abel sighed. “She rushed me because she was concerned for my well-being, because I over-worked myself. And she could tell, because I was screaming all the while. The first thing I did once I awoke and heard she was unconscious ever since the casting was realize what had happened. And then I rushed to her side to protect her from my creation.”
Celestia tilted her head. “How so?”
Abel put a hoof to his head. “Passive mental blocks to keep her from accidentally wandering in, stop others from talking to her, and make sure her dreams are free of its influence. As is, she can only get in by meditating reaaaaaaaaal hard and focusing on the very idea of the Hive Mind before she can access it. Maybe I'll lower the communication one later.”
Celestia nodded. “Those seem like a wise precaution, but even so...”
Abel sighed and looked at the floor. “Even so, should anything happen to her as a result of this, I take all the blame, as I already blame myself. I know you're angry with me. I'm angry at myself as well.”
And Abel was again surprised, because draping over his back was one of Celestia's wings. He looked up, shocked to see that the mare of the sun had decided to comfort rather than destroy him.
“I'm not angry at you, Abel.”
Abel snorted. “Anymore. For a moment, it felt like you were about to banish me to the sun because you thought I'd besmirched your faithful student's honor.”
Twilight gaped at Abel like a fish for a few moments before blushing and turning away, trying to form a proper response. Celestia's face fell for a few moments, as she realized how angry she must have seemed. The reactions of the others were mixed, ranging from lewd chuckling to astonished sputtering.
Celestia picked up the thread of conversation again. “I was concerned for Twilight's safety, yes. But then I recalled your promise, and I realized that not only did you not willingly harm her, you would not. Still, she should be disconnected.”
Abel shook his head. “My spell isn't like Chryssy's. You can't just up and disconnect from my Hive Mind. And Hive Mind spells have no counterspell, we never needed one. The only way to disconnect from it is for both parties to want to disconnect.”
Abel looked over at Twilight and grinned. “And as long as the very thought of her getting at the Archive is in her head, I don't think she'll want to.”
Once again, Twilight was left sputtering and trying to form a coherent response as she was talked about, not to. A wan smile edged onto Celestia's face.
“You do have a point, Abel. If I know my student, the idea of knowledge on that level is something she would not turn down. Can I make a suggestion for your future studies, then?”
Abel nodded, and Celestia turned to look at Twilight. “You, my student, should, with all the care I take with the sun, begin exploring this connection, and see if you can use it.”
Celestia turned back to Abel. “And you, my erstwhile ally, should learn proper control. So that something like this does not happen again by accident.”
Abel's grin turned slightly maniacal. “Why my dear Princess! It almost sounds like you're suggesting I do it on purpose next time! And are you sure you want me to learn true control? I shudder to think about all that I could accomplish if I manage to.”
Celestia's smile didn't fade as she replied. “If you truly take your lessons in control seriously, then I predict that we'll meet less often under similar circumstances.”
Abel nodded. “Personally, and no offense meant, but I really hope that such a time is long in coming.”
A few days after that meeting, Abel got a most welcome message.
Gilda was coming back to Ponyville.
Abel grinned manically again.
Judging by the speed at which she'd spoken to one of his agents, Gilda wanted to get her business with him over and done with as soon as possible.
And judging by the speed at which she'd departed from his fellow changeling, she'd be here, oh, in a few minutes.
Planning things out really did work out to his advantage sometimes.
Now if only 'here' wasn't so crowded.
Then again, it was the Ponyville market. Near the middle of the day, even.
Such things were going to happen.
Still, Books sat on his bench and waited.
Not for very long, though, as the cry of a griffon keened overhead, and ponies quickly got out of the way.
Natural reflex and all. Made getting a landing spot very easy for the griffon.
Gilda kicked up a small cloud of dust and folded her wings, looking around.
Probably for me, but if she thinks I'll just waltz out in any changeling form, she's more of a moron than I thought. Especially if she starts calling me out...
“Hey, griffon! What're you doing back here?”
A trio of the local 'tough guys' picked themselves up and waltzed over to Gilda. The pegasus was of an orange hue with a red mane, the unicorn was a deep blue with a lime mane, and the earth pony of the bunch was of a yellow coloration with a violet mane.
And all three of them, Abel did not like. Instantly. He didn't even bother looking at their marks, he knew that if he had any more details to identify them with, he'd never stop looking for them, to make this lesson really stick.
Still, he'd done the same to Gilda, once. And that was when he was...less controlled. Ponies were hardly griffons.
Books stretched, jumped down from the bench, and walked over to Gilda's side. “Gentlestallions, a word. I'm not sure you know who I am...”
The unicorn interrupted. “You're the one that Sparkle girl dragged along, cause she thought another hoof at the wedding would be a good idea, especially since your talent is in accounting.”
Books smiled the same sort of smile that a particularly cruel person would use. “Aaaand that's where you're wrong. It's not just accounting, but my talent is useful there. I see systems, places where order is broken, and I also see how to fix it. It works best with numbers, true. But yes, I'm that pony. Do you know all the details of what I did at the invasion, gentlestallions?”
Now he had the undivided attention of the stallions and Gilda. “What could a pansy like you do?”
Books turned to the earth pony and let his smile grow a notch. “Oh, it's simple enough, really. I just placed a Geas upon the bug queen, to make sure she could never return to Canterlot. You know, it wasn't like it was any high-end, over-the-top magic or anything. I just needed to hold my own against her for a few minutes, and it worked.”
Everyone's jaw dropped at that revelation, and Books pressed on. “I've never had any problems with my ability to call forth a massive amount of power. It's controlling it that's been my issue. And I've tried, so hard. But then miss Sparkle gave me a book. A One on pony anatomy.”
Books dropped his voice into a sinister whisper. “Did you know the sheer amount of nerves there are in a pegasus' wings? Why, it's almost like anything that happens to the wings is agony to the one possessing them. But they all gather at one point in the back, and if something were to happen to that one bundle, like an errant blast of magic...”
The pegasus, who'd been silent all this time, snapped his wings to his side in fear and looked at Books with eyes widened by the same emotion. Books turned so that he was only looking at the earth pony out of the corner of his vision, and continued. “And earth ponies, my word, the amount of muscle and bone density they possess. It's impressive, really...unless their legs happen to get nicked in just one spot, behind the first joint. Then it becomes, well, rather red...”
The trio were backing up now, slowly. Books advanced on the unicorn and finished his spiel. “But by far, the connection unicorns share with their horns is the most interesting. And while I do have a spell that could stop a unicorn's spellcasting, I could always use another one. One that exploits that little connection you have. Perhaps a little...snip, to kill the nerves, is called for. It'll be an interesting experiment...”
Books grinned at the trio, who were now paralyzed with fear. “Indeed, I will have to experiment on quite a few ponies. Thank you for stepping forward, gentlestallions.”
And then Books leaned forward and spoke in a deeper voice. “This is the part where you run away.
And run they did. Screaming, all the way out of the market. Books laughed long and hard, and Gilda was flabbergasted. “ just threatened your own kind with violence. You stood up for me. Why would you do that?”
Books cast a glance over at Gilda. “Yes, almost makes you think I'm not quite a pony, doesn't it? That was also a rather draining experience, I think I'll need to rest up. Oh, but where are my manners? Balanced Books. Who are you?”
Gilda was smart enough to put two and two together. Books' actions, along with his words, made him stand out in her mind. She instantly knew who he was.
He was the one she came to meet.
“I...I'm Gilda.”
And he was also the one that'd bucking scared the Tartarus out of her on her way out, last time.
Books nodded at her. “Well, I'm off to my place. See you around.”
Gilda followed. “I think we need to have words.”
Books talked at her over his shoulder. “Oh, really? Care to come to my place, then? I'll try not to nap on 'ya while we talk.”
Gilda gulped and recalled the last time the two had spent time alone together...
“Hello, griffon.”
Gilda came to, realizing she couldn't move. Closely following that was the fact that she couldn't see. And then she tried to open her beak, and realized she couldn't do that either.
“I think it's time we had a chat, you and I.”
And then Gilda wished she couldn't see again, as a pair of red, slitted eyes opened in front of her.
“See, I'm a defender of this town. Of these ponies. Of their way of life.”
Gilda took note of the moisture around her entire body, and realized she'd been confined via clouds.
“And you came in today and threatened that about them.”
The eyes moved, Gilda could hear sharp clicking noises. Who or whatever that had captured her was circling her. Her subconscious was telling her to be afraid while her brain was working overtime on trying to figure out what was going on.
“Every so often, the town needs someone like me. A monster in pony skin to blend in and keep the populace safe.”
The binding on her beak was gone, removed with a swift motion that she couldn't quite see. But now Gilda knew the name of what had captured her.
There was a sharp laugh. “I should have known your kind would keep tales of mine alive. So tell me, you airborn feline, what do your stories tell of the white changelings, the Albinos?”
Gilda gulped. “Wardens of the land, protectors of the rest, and then there was some sort of schism or battle, and white changelings became near non-existent.”
“And what we feed on?”
Gilda tried to shake her head. “We always thought it was the same as the rest of them.”
“Then you were wrong. We feed on magic itself. All changelings do, they just go about getting it differently. The black ones need to absorb it out of living things feeling positive emotions. Whereas the white ones...”
Gilda felt a sudden drain. It was like someone had filled her entire being with ice colder than it had any right to be. Like someone had told her she could never really feel again, but she would still be alive.
“Us white ones, we can feed on the very magic in the air. Or in another being. Like yourself. And might I say, Griffon is a very...interesting taste. One that I can see several uses for.”
And then she was suffused with warmth again.
“However, I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash wouldn't like me killing you. So I'm giving you a choice. And you WILL listen.”
Gilda wisely kept her beak shut.
“You will leave Ponyville. You will spend a year out living your life. And you will LEARN to manage your Luna-damned ANGER around ponies!”
There was silence for a moment as the changeling took a deep breath. “After a year, you will check in, either here, or with one of my Hive. They're spread out amongst the various towns of this land, and if you live in one of them, then my fellow changelings will keep tabs on you and keep me informed. If you want to come back to Ponyville or come in early, then I will know. And if you fail to check in at all over the course of a year, then I will find you.”
A crimson glow suffused Gilda's vision, and she knew that it would have to have been some sort of spell to help the changeling find her.
“You will have to apologize to the ponies here who you have wronged, before I will end this punishment. And the apologies will have to be sincere, and the ponies will have to accept them.”
Gilda finally worked her tongue again. “And if I refuse, or manage to hide for a year?”
The eyes were in front of her again. “I will find you. And I will devour all the magic inside you. Including the magic that keeps you alive. You will die a very agonizing death. Your choice.”
Balanced Books led Gilda to his unassuming house, and opened the door. “C'mon in, Gilda.”
Exhibiting a fair bit of fear, it took Gilda a few seconds of deep breathing before she could work up the nerves to follow the changeling. And once she was in, Gilda took note of the dreary interior and noticed how normal it looked.
Oddly enough, the normal-looking interior did not reassure her in the least.
Books' horn flared once, and all the windows were covered, and the door slammed shut behind Gilda with an audible 'click'. With a flash of red, Books dropped his guise and revealed his changeling form to Gilda.
“Right, so, you think you're ready. I was willing to let you have another year cause you at least checked in with one of mine.”
Gilda nodded slowly. “Being on the receiving end of a very effective threat does that to ya.”
Abel laughed. “Oh, please. I wouldn't have actually hurt you. I just needed to give you a reason to come back that was stronger than your reasons to stay away.”
Gilda stood still for a moment, working her jaw back and forth, trying to come to terms with what Abel had said. Finally, she managed to get out a few words. “You're good at this.”
Abel nodded. “Manipulation is the name of the game, and I've done quite a bit of it in my life. Not nearly enough, though. I mean, the Princesses can still out-maneuver me. And the nobles in Canterlot could probably give me a workout. And...okay, I've just realized that outside the ponies here, I haven't actually manipulated too many ponies.”
Gilda stifled a laugh before replying. “Still, you scared me into coming back. Counts for something. Now, let's get this over with.”
Abel nodded, and redonned his disguise. “Okay, plan is, we hit SugarCube Corner, you make up with Pinkie. We go to Fluttershy's and you make up with her then. Afterwards, we can wander around until we find Dash or vice-versa.”
Gilda tilted her head to the right. “Uh, are you sure that we should go for Dash last?”
Books laughed as he opened the door again. “Oh, trust me. While she may be the fastest Pegasus around, she's rather slow to notice things. I wouldn't be surprised if she's napping right now.”
Gilda laughed as well as the duo were exiting the house. “Yeah, that sounds like Dash. She managed to do all the work quickly in Flight School just so she could get extra naps in. She is such a filly.”
Books grinned as the two walked down the road towards the center of Ponyville. “You'll have to share some of these stories with me sometime, you know. I've run out of things to torment her with.”
“Oh that's easy. This one time, at Flight School-”
Gilda's tale was adbruptly cut off by the chiming bell of SugarCube Corner. She'd been unaware that the two had been making good time towards her first trial. Mostly because her mind had been focusing on distracting the magic-eating horror she'd been walking with.
“Welcome to SugarCube Cor-”
Pinkie's head had poked out from the back before her eyes focused on Gilda and narrowed. Her mane started straightening on its own, and Pinkie cast her eyes over to Books. “Bookie, would you care to tell me why you're hanging around such a grumpy griffon?”
Books nodded once. “She's here to apologize, Pinks.”
Pinkie blinked a few times before she found her voice again. “Apologize? Her?”
Books pointed a hoof at Gilda and nodded again. “Yup. She's been working on anger management ever since she left, and she's here to apologize for her misconduct.”
Gilda gulped and took a few steps forward, stopping when Pinkie glared at her. Breathing deeply a few times, and reminding herself that she could do this and needed to do this, along with the fact that Books was actually an Albino who would likely NOT be pleased if she failed, Gilda finally found the words she needed to say.
“Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry.”
There was silence, and Gilda rushed to fill it.
“There are no words that can...excuse my behavior, but I can explain it. I was just so...anxious to be with Dash again, that I failed to look at how my actions would be seen by you. And then the whole being a jerk thing...I needed to blow off some steam. I shouldn't have done it in the town, though. I should never have hurt ponies at all, but I hurt you, and I hurt Dash. And for that, I'm sorry.”
Silence reigned for a minute more, before Gilda sighed and turned towards the door. “I'll be going no-”
“You're forgiven.”
Once again, there was silence, but mostly this was because Pinkie had launched herself over the counter and hugged Gilda so tightly that she couldn't breathe very well.
Books giggled a bit and poked Pinkie. “Pinks, she needs air.”
Pinkie blinked a few times, then nodded and let Gilda loose. Gilda immediately gasped, gulping down air for her lungs. Finally, she coughed a few times and looked at Pinkie. “You're serious about that?”
Pinkie's head could be mistaken for a jackhammer due to how fast she nodded. “Yuppers! You were serious about your apology, and holding a grudge is bad when the other pon- er, person, is sorry for what they did. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry too. I should have checked the party supplies after I put them out. I knew what sort of prankster Dash was. I just didn't think she'd hit everything at YOUR party.”
Gilda nodded a few times, surprised that Pinkie of all ponies was making sense. Books, meanwhile, was softly chuckling at the scene before him. “Remember, Gilda, timeframe. We need to get to Flutter's before Dash finds us.”
Pinkie gave Gilda another hug, one not quite as bone-crushing, and backed off afterwards. “Why are you avoiding Dashie?”
The duo hung out near the door as Books answered. “Well, it's not that we're avoiding her. It's more...putting off the apology that'll hurt most to do until the end.”
And before Pinkie could get another word in, the two were gone on their way to Fluttershy's place near the edge of the Everfree.
“See, that didn't turn out too badly. Yeah, it was tense for a moment, but it ended well.”
Gilda nodded a few times. “Yeah, and it didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.”
Books laughed. “I dunno, Pinks has a chokehold to rival most snakes.”
Gilda barked out a short laugh, before shaking her head. “Not what I meant...”
Books nodded a few times. “Yeah, but remember what I said after you told me indirectly about your difficulties overcoming your pride.”
“'Pride can be a worthwhile part of yourself, but if it's in the way of you becoming better, then suck it up and deal. Ways that prevent you from becoming a better person should be discarded.' Yeah, I remember that. And it's working so far. But if today doesn't work...I might relapse...”
Books nodded. “I know too well about that, believe me. But even if it doesn't go well today, the point will remain that you tried. And that'll stick in their minds more than anything.”
The twosome had arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and Books knocked twice. Once again, he was greeted by not a pony, but a bunny. Angel looked at Books, then at Gilda, and then back at Books, while making several angry-sounding noises and paw motions at the griffon. Clearly, he recognizes her.
Books held up a hoof at Angel. “Dude. Chill.”
The rabbit fell silent, but continued to glare at the two. Books plowed on. “She's learned some anger management, and she's here to apologize.”
The bunny's glare turned to one of shock.
“Yeah, I know, who'd 'a thought, right? Can you let us in and get Flutters for us?”
The bunny, still stunned, stepped aside, allowing changeling and griffon alike entrance into Fluttershy's hut. Books gently guided Gilda to the living room, and then looked in the kitchen. “Tea? Flutters has a wicked blend, I think Zecora taught her a few things.”
“Maybe later. I don't think I could stomach it just yet.”
Books nodded, but went in anyways. “I'll make some extra, and if you change your mind, it'll be there for you. And if not, more for me.”
Gilda laughed, weakly, and then the sound of hooves on wood made itself known. Flutters must be coming down...
Books put the kettle on, and walked back into the living room. Fluttershy had locked up on the staircase where she'd caught sight of Gilda. Both of them were staring at each other. One in fear, one in uncertainty. Books decided to break the silence.
“Fluttershy, Gilda is here because she wanted to apologize to you.”
Fluttershy squeaked a bit, before asking, very faintly, “Really?”
Fortunately, one had finely-tuned ears, and another had been her friend for some time. “Really. She's learned how to manage her anger. Gilda?”
Gilda nodded a bit and took a deep breath. “Fluttershy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done a lot of things that day, but what I did to you was probably the worst. Nothing can...excuse my behavior. Nothing can explain it. What I did was wrong, whatever reasons I had for it. I'm just glad...I didn't physically hurt you. And if you choose to not forgive me, then I understand.”
The silence dragged on for a few more moments, and then the kettle whistled. “Pardon me.”
Books quickly turned the kettle off and poured out three cups worth of hot water, adding the teabags carefully. Putting the cups on a tray, and keeping the tray level, Books levitated the tea out to the living room and placed it on the table. Fluttershy, following slowly, sat opposite Gilda and took a cup in her hooves.
“Why...did you do it, Gilda?”
Gilda sighed and moved a cup closer to her with her talons. “I was...angry. I just wanted to hang out with Dash again, since it'd been so long since I'd seen her last. And Pinkie...wasn't getting the hint. I needed to blow some steam off, and I figured acting like a jerk was the fastest way to do it.”
Gilda chuckled a bit. “Guess that blew up, huh?”
Books nodded sagely and moved the last cup of tea towards himself. “I heard something once that probably fits your day here, Gilda. 'We all of us wear a mask in public. It is only when we are alone that we take it off and reveal who we are underneath.' Personally, I disagree. I liken us all more to crystals, where you cannot see every facet at once. You were showing a different facet of yourself that day, one you hoped Dash would never know about. Pinkie may have shown it off to Dash, but methinks the fault does lie with you for having that facet and acting on it in the first place.”
Gilda, surprisingly, nodded. “Yeah, you got me there. But I'm trying to be better now...and that starts by me making up for my mistakes, accepting that they are MY mistakes, and moving past my past.”
Gilda then took a sip of her tea, and her eyes bulged. “You were NOT kidding! What's in this?!”

Chapter the Eighth - Check yo'self before...

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“Okay, so, we haven't run into Dash yet. We should probably fix that...if we knew where she was.”
Books and Gilda were on the road from Fluttershy's place. The timid mare had even walked out the front door and seen them on their way with a small smile and wave.
“She's probably napping, still. That, or practicing her moves. In which case, I don't think you can keep up your disguise and find her.”
Books nodded. “Fair enough. She likes to nap over Sweet Apple Acres eight times out of ten. We should probably go see AJ...actually, we should have added that onto our route plan to begin with.”
Gilda cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Why?”
Books sighed. “That old mare you frightened and that apple you stole?”
Gilda gulped. “Oh. Well, uh...yeah, I remember that.”
Books nodded. “Both can be apologized for at the Acres.”
Gilda looked at Books with a small frown. “You're really serious about this, aren't you? This whole, me making amends with the whole town thing. Why?”
Books looked off to the distance. “Well, I'd really appreciate it if you weren't looked at with hostility every time you came around town. And I also really care about these ponies. Plus, if it all goes well, I might even offer you a small business proposal.”
Gilda was confused, to say the least. “What sort of proposal?”
Books grinned and looked up at Gilda. “See, ponies don't exactly go to the griffon lands all that often. And I can only imagine what'd happen if one of mine were exposed there.”
Gilda shuddered. “Yeah, not anything good.”
Books nodded. “But you...”
Gilda gasped in realization. “So you don't have any griffon contacts. So I'm just a means to an end. You don't actually care.”
Books shook his head violently. “Gods, no. I do actually care, both about the town and your standing with it. Whether or not you take my proposal is secondary to whether or not you'd be run out every time you wanted to visit Dash! Frankly if you don't take me up on my plan, it's not that big a deal. Helping you out is my primary goal, for now.”
The duo continued to walk in silence until the Acres came into view. Gilda whistled softly. “Now a lot of apple trees.”
Books nodded. “Yeah, and AJ and her brother Big Mac take care of all of them.”
Gilda looked at the trees incredulously. “Two ponies, taking care of that many trees?”
Books shrugged. “I don't ask how. All I know is they do it somehow.”
The farmhouse slowly came into view, with AJ sitting under one of the nearby trees, her hat covering her face. Books nodded and wandered over to the orange mare. “Howdy there, partner. Gotta question for ya.”
AJ tilted her hat back and looked up at Books. “Oh, howdy there, Numbers. What can ah do ya-”
And then she noticed the griffon. She was silent for a moment, as various degrees of anger played over her face. “Numbers, what is that darn griffon doin' here?”
Gilda looked away in shame while Books chuckled. “Settle down there, cowpony. She's done a lot since she left, and she's here to apologize, both to you, and to Dash. She's already made up with every other pony she's wronged.”
AJ nodded and looked thoughtful. “Well, while ya are a bit of a snake-”
Books grinned. “When I need to be.”
AJ continued. “-I kin tell she's at least a little sorry fer what she did. Tell ya what. Dash is over behind the barn, recoverin' from our little hoof-wrastle. Y'all go get her ready fer this griffon, while she and I have words.”
Books tilted an imaginary hat and nodded at the cowpony. “Much obliged, miss.”
Books tuned out the conversation playing out behind him as he wandered behind the barn, finding a panting and wincing Rainbow Dash near a table. “Oh, hey there Books. How's it hangin'?”
Books shrugged. “Eh, it's alright. We're nearing completion of a few connecting tunnels, we're making a few interesting spells work, oh, and your old friend Gilda is back.”
Dash seized up and looked at Books. “Run that last one by me again?”
“Gilda's learned some anger management, came back, and apologized to the Pinkster, Flutters, and is even now apologizing to AJ. The only one left is you.”
Dash opened and closed her mouth a few times before she managed to make actual words come out. “Gilda?”
“Thinks this town is full of lame-o dweebs Gilda?”
“That's the one.”
“Learned how not to blow up at every little thing?”
“And actually apologized to every other pony?”
“Sure 'nough.”
“And wants to apologize to me?”
“Yeah, but to be fair, I think you should apologize to her as well.”
“What do I have to apologize for?!”
Just then, Gilda rounded the barn and looked at Dash. Both of them seized up, locked eyes, and didn't so much as twitch. Books knew a potential problem when he saw one, and sighed.
Thinking quickly, Books coughed to get their attention. The two stared at him, and Books pointed at Gilda. “You should apologize first, be the bigger griffon.”
Books then pointed at Dash. “And you should apologize afterwards, because you KNOW that doing all those pranks at the party was not awesome, especially while laughing at her the whole time.”
Books looked between the two of them and nodded. “I don't care how you two go about it after that, but once you're both done acting half your ages, lemme know.”
Books nodded once and walked off, leaving the two former best friends to sort out their differences. Gilda called out to him before he was entirely gone. “You can't just ditch me like this!”
“Not my issue anymore! I'll be at the Corner when you two are done!”
The two fliers eyed each other warily.
“So you just left her there, Bookie?”
Books nodded and took a bite of his cupcake. Delicious, as always. “I figured Gilda had enough guidance for one day. Plus, Dash is loyal to her friends, and Gilda once was one of her friends. There's probably enough leftover loyalty from that to let Gilda at least make her case before Dash becomes irrational.”
Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm...Does this mean I get to throw another party?”
They were answered by the sound of the door crashing open, and the aforementioned pegasus and griffon landing inside SugarCube Corner in a tangled, panting heap. Rainbow Dash spoke up first.
“ wasn't...rusty...”
“Yeah...but...who won?”
Pinkie and Books exchanged a look, and Pinkie pulled a camera out from behind the counter. A bright flash reminded the two on the floor what position they were in, and they immediately screeched in embarrassment. Pinkie pulled the photo from the camera, and Books came over to look at it.
“Nahbad, Pinks. Think I could get a copy?”
To be fair, Books thought as he and Pinkie Pie were chased through Ponyville by an enraged griffon and pegasus, this is totally worth it.
Princess Celestia, mover of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria, was displeased with two of her subjects.
The subjects in question had been apprehended in a border town selling strange magical trinkets, ones that they could not explain the exact inner workings of.
Oh, they could explain what their wares were meant to do, but not how they did it. And every pony admitted that they seemed to run on 'some weird sort of green flame magic.'
Instantly, Celestia thought that the trinkets were of changeling make. And seeing as how her new ally had said nothing regarding this, she believed the two to have had contact with the other main changeling Hive.
Princess Celestia walked to the dungeons, towards the cell that was supposed to contain the two unicorns who had...strayed.
Only to find it empty, with a single piece of parchment inside.
And on it was written these words:
Your chambers are lovely this time of year.
Flim and Flam were ever so slightly terrified that their business partner had broken them out of the dungeon in Canterlot Castle.
They were even more terrified that he'd managed to escort them to Princess Celestia's rooms without being stopped, even by the guards.
When pressed for how he'd managed this, he merely held a hoof up to his snout, winked, and said 'trade secret.'
And now he was enjoying some tea.
Granted, they could be enjoying it too. He'd made four cups.
However, they were far too worried about what they thought Celestia might do to them.
So it was quite understandable that when the doors were coated in a golden aura and slammed open that they would squeak and attempt to make themselves appear to be smaller by curling up in fright.
Books, meanwhile, merely sipped at his tea and raised an eyebrow at the princess.
“Princess, wonderful of you to join us. Tea?”
Princess Celestia looked at Books, looked at the brothers, looked back at Books, looked behind her at the guards, sighed, and looked back at Books.
“So, how badly infiltrated are we?”
Books merely pointed a hoof at the brothers sitting opposite him, as though that would be answer enough.
Celestia sighed again. “Fair point. So what they were up to was something you were connected to, then.”
Books nodded and set his teacup down. “I don't have too many who can do a good 'mad inventor' act, so I needed somepony who could sell what we come up with, to draw attention away from ourselves. Do you have any idea how much adoration there is for somepony who comes up with a new device that actually makes your life easier? And there are so many ideas bouncing around in this noggin of mine, and I have so many who are willing to at least try, and some have even learned to ask the most crucial question.”
Celestia thought for a moment, and then smiled. “Let me guess. The question is not, why did you make this, but rather, why not?”
Books cracked a grin. “Exactly! We push the boundaries constantly, figuring out what does and does not work. We question ALL assumptions until proven, we accept NOTHING as fact until we prove it! Last count, we had half a dozen working devices, some of which is what you caught these two with, and we were working on a dozen more.”
Celestia merely shook her head. “Those instant communication devices were ingenious, I will admit, and I don't have to look far to see where you got the inspiration for them. But I really can't see the point behind the magical firestarter. Or the dowsing rod.”
Books grinned. “The firestarter is useful for ponies besides unicorns who are camping and need a source of flame that won't falter, ever. Plus, we're working on a different version, that blends the two concepts. A dragonfire lighter. Matched pairs, so that you can send messages between them. That's one of the more tricky ones. And the dowsing rod actually works to find water, useful in the badlands or anywhere where dying of thirst is a real concern. Plus, our first foray into divination spells provided us with all the experience necessary to make more complex devices.”
Celestia merely sighed and turned her attention to the unicorn brothers. “I suppose, in light of your business partner here, all the charges I was going to press against you have been dropped.”
Flim spoke up then. “But we overheard one of the guards on our way in.”
Flam continued with the thread. “He said we'd been charged with 'consorting with changelings.'”
The two looked at each other, and then at Books.
“Are you...”
“Brother, I think he's...”
Books grinned and peeled his disguise away. The unicorn brothers shrieked and huddled together.
“Your majesty! A changeling!”
“We had no idea, honest!”
Abel smiled. “Boys, calm down. She already knew. I always was a changeling, and you were always working for me. I could recite what happened when I cornered you after that Cider Season nonsense, if you'd like...”
The duo shook their heads. “Perfectly all right. We believe you.”
“But if you don't mind, we may need a while before we can work for you again. Like a week.”
“Or a month.”
“Or the rest of our lives.”
Able frowned at them. “And I can give AJ the schematics to your Squeezy-6000, and tell her that I can make her her own version for all her family. And we can engineer such devices for who or what ever we want. That is the letter of our agreement, is it not? You keep working, and I keep sitting on the plans?”
The two unicorns gulped, and Abel continued. “I mean, yeah, I can understand. You need a break, a vacation. You've worked pretty hard to show me that you are genuinely sorry for running the racket that you did. But let me make one thing perfectly clear to you two.”
Abel leaned over the small table that separated the three of them and lowered his voice. “I am Prince Abel, leader of the exiled changelings. I have eyes and ears throughout all Equestria. There is nowhere you can go that my Hive will not know about. It's how I knew you were in Canterlot's dungeon, how we got here without being stopped, and how I tracked your movements all this time. I may be sworn to fealty to Celestia and Luna and Equestria, but you had better not try to break our agreement.”
And suddenly Abel was all smiles again. “Now, I think you two have worn out your welcome and the princess's patience, so if you don't mind...”
Flim and Flam bolted from the room so fast, Abel could swear they left behind clouds of dust vaguely shaped like them in their seats. Celestia and Abel shared a quiet laugh, before the princess turned to the changeling. “Is that the only reason you came all the way up here?”
Abel hesitated for a moment, before nodding. “They're a useful asset, and I kinda needed them out of the dungeon for them to be useful. That, and your tea is delicious. Still not as good as Flutter's, though.”
Celestia caught the hesitation, but played along for a moment, taking a sip out of one of the prepared cups. “Indeed. And the reports I'm getting from the border towns has nothing to do with this visit, I'm sure.”
Abel hissed for a moment before catching himself. “What reports?”
Celestia merely sighed. “Don't play coy with me. What was it you said just now? 'I have eyes and ears all throughout Equestria'? You knew about this before I did, I'll wager.”
Abel groaned and sat back in his seat. “Okay, fine, yes. I knew. I knew a week ago. But we're investigating as well. As near as we can tell, what she's doing should be impossible. She shouldn't have nearly as much as she seems to. But all the signs are there that this is actually happening. It's...confusing us. But we have worked out a pattern, so far.”
Celestia nodded. “As have we. And you know where she's going.”
Abel groaned again and put his face in his forehooves. “Rather, where she's coming. I know what she'll be after. We know when she'll get there. And we're working on a plan to stop her.”
Celestia cocked her head to one side. “Working on? Shouldn't you have a few ready? Isn't that how you typically operate?”
Abel merely laughed. “Normally, I'd agree. But the impossibility of this whole's throwing all of them for a loop and all my plans out the window. I only hope we can come up with something...”
The two were silent for a moment before Celestia spoke up again.
“By the way, Luna has yet to win a game of chess against me. And she's tried fifty times.”
Abel laughed at that. “I thought I said 'DON'T play it all the time against each other'!”
A few nights later, Abel was wearing a set of saddlebags and standing near the border of the Whitetail Woods, looking back into the sleepy town of Ponyville. All the town was abed, save for those few who knew where the latest party where Vinyl was playing was located. Abel sighed once more, then looked at the ground in front of his hooves.
To anyone else, it would merely appear as though two lines had been cut into the earth, placed very close to each other. To Abel, he was looking at one part of his plan to keep Ponyville safe.
The pattern had held, the black queen was coming here, with an impossible swarm.
Abel had spent the last few days and nights feeding and cutting these lines around all of Ponyville, with separate sets for Fluttershy's home and Sweet Apple Acre's farmhouse.
It'd taken him a bit longer to coordinate the power supply, but once activated, the wards would draw on his magical reserves that he'd left behind.
Two circles each. The inner one would make sure that nothing could get out of the town, or house, while the outer one would make sure nothing could get in.
Either circle on their own was good for a particular type of containment, but both had their weaknesses. If something from outside were to breach the circle meant to contain something in it, the ward would fail instantly. And vice versa for the one meant to keep outside forces out; if something from inside crossed it, the ward would shatter. Abel wanted to be sure of both the town's safety, and their non-interference with what was about to occur.
It was high time he took a stand and confronted his past, rather than continue to run from it.
With a quick flicker of thought, the sets of wards activated.
Ponyville was on lockdown, and would remain as such until this matter was settled.
And worst come to worst, the wards could hold for an entire day until the supply was exhausted.
Abel turned and walked into the Whitetail woods, his saddlebags letting out a soft clink noise as the flasks inside shifted.
-Chambermaid, if you'd pass a message on to the Princess?-
A moment, and then, -What is it, my Prince?-
-Black Queen threatens White King, Check.-

Chapter the Ninth - wreck yo'self.

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After ten minutes of wandering through the Whitetail Woods, Abel had finally found the grove he'd been looking for.
It was an accident, really, that had led to this grove being unique amongst them all. Oh, on the outside, it looked normal enough.
But get a unicorn close enough, and they would tell you that it felt...disconnected. Wrong. As though Equus itself was detached from this spot of earth.
This grove was why Abel didn't feed from the ambient energy of the forests too often, and when he did, he made sure that he fed from a spot he hadn't visited previously.
Who'da thought my little mistake would turn out to be so useful?
As Abel passed into the grove, he felt the slight tingle that signified that he'd passed some kind of magical boundary. He shuddered and shook himself a little, as though suddenly drenched, before recalling why he was here. Walking to the center of the grove, Abel began cutting the lines he'd need for this particular spell.
He'd only just managed to get the base down before he was interrupted by a very familiar voice in his head. -Abel? Abel, where are you? There's some sort of magical barrier around town, and I can't identify the type of magic powering it. It was massive enough to jolt me awake when it was set up, there's some serious power running through this construct. I was hoping you'd know more about it or could take a look.-
Abel sighed and began working on the symbols and runes he'd need. -Yes, Twi, I know what the barrier around town is. No need to worry. It'll be gone by tomorrow at the latest, but hopefully, the reason behind it needing to be there will be gone by tonight.-
-Abel, what are you talking about? Did...Did you put it up?-
-Yes.- Damn, that was meant to be an Omega symbol. Better redo it...
Abel flinched slightly at the shrill tone. -Let me put it to you simply, Twi. She's coming. She's coming for either you or me, but she'll get me, and I'm going to settle this darn conflict, one way or another.-
-She? You mean--
-Black Queen threatens White King, Check.-
And with that, Abel cut the mental connection, blocking himself from his own Hive Mind for the duration. No distractions. No diversions. This. Ends.
Not five minutes after Abel had finished inscribing and filling his pattern with the gel he'd brought along, he sensed a presence.
He sensed her. Her and her swarm.
Abel sighed and faced the nearby Queen. "Come out already, I've been waiting for gods only know how long, I want to get the talking over with."
Slowly, Chrysalis made herself known. Nearby, Abel sensed at least a hundred other changelings, all connected to her. Less than we thought, but still enough to cause trouble...of course! Illusion, misdirection! She made us think she had a swarm an order of magnitude larger! Why did I not see it?! She neared the grove, but did not actually come into it, prodding the boundary with one of her hooves. "You've done something to this grove, haven't you?"
Abel shrugged. "It's disconnected. Happened on it, nurtured it, take your pick."
Chrysalis nodded. "Such a rare anomaly. But why did you choose to be here?"
Abel looked at the grove around him and sighed wistfully. "It was the first mistake I made when I came to Ponyville, this grove. And then I kept coming here, using this place as a testing grounds for any spell I was unsure of. Because it's disconnected, if I made a mistake, it wouldn't get too out of hoof. I would just need to leave the grove, sometimes quickly, and wait for the smoke to stop."
Abel suddenly focused and snapped his eyes back to Chrysalis. "How did you find me?"
Chrysalis grinned. "The magical signature from your curses were...unique. You blended changeling with unicorn magics near perfectly. Once I found your signature, it was a simple enough matter to trace it. Then, once I realized you were near this quaint little town, I decided to send a contingent to it as well. Soon, this little life you've built will fall around you. The fact that those mares live there is a nice plus as well. I'll be able to get revenge on that little unicorn that undid all my hard work."
Abel looked down at himself. "Oh." Casting a quick observational spell, he saw that an equal amount of changelings had gathered at the town, and were battering at the shield there.
And then he shot a malicious grin at Chrysalis. "Big mistake. You see, us exiled changelings? We've banded together. We've formed a Hive Mind. I knew you were coming weeks ago. The town is protected, I made sure of it."
Chrysalis snorted. "A likely story. The knowledge of the Hive Mind spell is forbidden to all other changelings."
Abel's grin kept growing. "I was exiled at birth. I used magic, unwittingly, at birth. I stole a copy of your entire Hive Mind at birth. I've had twenty-three years to go through the damn thing. Spells were the first thing I touched on, and something we've been playing with for a while now. Yeah, we have a Hive Mind."
Chrysalis tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Exiled at birth...but there are no offenses that would warrant such a thing..."
And then Abel peeled his disguise off himself, revealing his Albino form to the tyrant Queen.
Instantly, she hissed and screamed. "FILTHY ALBINO!"
All the rest of her swarm hissed with her and made themselves known, hovering between Abel and the night sky. The last flickers of his spell that let him see the town showed that the extra contingent had halted their attack and were coming towards him.
Abel just chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, hate it up. But ask yourself one question, your highness. What happened to your back-up plan that you started all those years ago?"
Chrysalis blinked a few times as the pieces started falling into place. "No..."
Abel chuckled and ignited the gelatin in his pattern. The red flames started to spring up in the five-pointed star and the symbols Abel had cut into the earth. "That little changeling you had hatched so you could mold it into a perfect vessel, in case you fell in battle? What happened to your heir apparent, Chrysalis?"
"No no can't be..."
The crimson flames reached about a foot and a half in height, even though Abel was drawing as much magic as he could stand to hold from them. At this rate...oh, this'll hurt. This'll hurt massively...I can't just leave them burning, though. With this much power behind them, the flames could escape the glade, and then we'd have a magical forest fire to deal with as well. And I'm the only one nearby who can reasonably handle this...
"Why did you never scan your own blood, Chrysalis?!"
Abel slammed a hoof into the ground, causing cracks to appear in the earth. "BELIEVE IT! YOU DID!"
The tips of the flames started to lean in towards Abel as they stopped growing. Running a few calculations through his head, Abel realized just how over-prepared he was. "Oh, but don't worry. I can settle this, right here. Right now."
The power slowly started to stream in, and Abel winced, feeling the pain starting to build. Must focus, chant the mantra, keep the power on a leash, envision the pattern, hold the meanings in mind...
"It's quite simple, really. Parents can disown their children. So I'll do the same, but in reverse. You were never a mother to me. You were never there, and you hated me for merely being who and what I am. Though that's not to say I never did the same to you. But now that we're meeting again, and you know enough about me, I can finally say this.
Chrysalis, I disown you. I cut all ties with you. To me, you are now merely my sworn foe. The only reason I am not attempting to strike you down now is because I have a different idea as to what I should do to you."
Chrysalis snorted. "Like I'm afraid of you. Once I destroy you, that pesky curse will end. It's the only reason I'm here. I want back into Canterlot, and your curse is preventing it. I can't even get near without feeling ill."
Abel shook his head as the rest of him started to shake in pain. "Sorry, but no. I'm not doing anything to prevent you. I already did it. One of those curses I cast on you was a Geas. You'll never be able to go back."
Chrysalis shrieked louder than any mortal should be able to do, before gasping and looking at Abel with fury in her eyes. "I will end you."
Her swarm moved closer, and Abel fired a few bolts at them with nary a thought. They must be kept back, and I can only use so much to defend myself... Fortunately, the swarm, and Chrysalis by extension, realized that Abel would have to be taken by surprise, so they stopped their frontal assault, and merely started to circle him. And the other half of her swarm nears even now, I'm not certain I'll be able to stand up to all of them for too long...
Abel laughed. "Y'know, I once thought along similar lines. About what I would do if you and I ever met, and I had the power to do as I would. And for a long time, I entertained myself with thoughts of your slow demise. But when I came to this little village, all my revenge desires just...melted away. And then we met again, and it rekindled that little fire in my heart. But I finally came across the answer that satisfied me."
I chitin is cracking...and there's still so much to take in!
"NOTHING will satisfy me, you arrogant little upstart! I will take you apart, piece by piece, relish in your screams, then put you back together, just so I can do it again!"
Abel shook his head. "Then clearly, the lesson I have to teach you is well-needed. It is a simple one, really, but far-reaching, and powerful."
Chrysalis looked at the diagram and realized that the flames, which had seemed to be extremely magical, had died down to about a half-foot of height from their previous foot-and-a-half. She put two and two together and realized that Abel had been taking all that magic into himself, and her subconscious was screaming at her, telling her to run. The swarm moved off her subconscious, starting to peel away, pull back.
It was far too late, however. Abel's spell was ready. He reached out with a forehoof, and all the magic stored in his body rushed to his outstretched hoof, making it glow red.
"Here you are, Chryssy dearest, a present from Prince Abel, leader of the exiled. A simple little spell, but one you'll remember for a long, long time. Compos."
A flash of red lighting connected the two, going from Abel's hoof and connecting with Chrysalis' horn. Chrysalis started screaming near instantly, writhing on the ground in agony. Though no wounds appeared on her, she kept grasping at parts of herself that ached with pain.
Her swarm all fell to the ground as though dead, the occasional twitch the only sign they were not. She's sharing the effects, transmitting them...oh, never before have I been gladder to not be a part of her Hive Mind... Somehow, Chrysalis managed to gasp out words through her screams. "What...did to...meeeee?!"
Abel pulled the rest of the power into himself and looked at the queen with sadness in his eyes as the crimson flames died. "I stole the idea from a book I once read. It's quite simple. The spell will make you feel all the pain you directly or indirectly inflicted on anyone. It will make you understand, understand why I hate you. Understand why the ponies can't stand you. Understand why I am ashamed to be part of such a fallen race."
Oh yeah, that's internal bleeding, and excessive thaumaturgic poisoning. I'll be lucky to be breathing when I'm done. Sheesh, I think I'm hemorrhaging through the chitin!
" will...return...home...Eject."
The second spell reached into Chrysalis' mind and compelled her to move, through the pain. It put the idea into her head that she should return home, that there she would be safe, that there the pain would and could end. From there it infected her Hive Mind, compelling her swarm to follow her, and like puppets on strings, they all danced to Abel's tune. Over the course of a few minutes, the surrounding woods emptied of Chrysalis' soldiers. At least...that spell...won't wear off...until they get there...
Abel, however, had overestimated the amount of power he would need for that first spell, and vastly overestimated the amount he would need for the second, because he'd prepared to compel even more drones at once; namely, all the changelings Chrysalis made him think she had. He also had nowhere to store all his excess magical power. As such, it was tearing him apart internally, and all the pain made it difficult to focus. And without proper focus, he couldn't cast any spells to use all the power up...
As he fell to the ground, he restored his connection to the Hive Mind on a whim. -The Queen and her swarm have been dealt with. I'll...take the shields...down now...-
Abel directed a flicker of thought towards the shields at Ponyville, and just before darkness claimed him, felt the shields fall.
The last thing he heard was Twilight screaming his name in the Hive Mind.

Chapter the Tenth - Medical Science

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Twilight paced in the library's lobby, running over all her options.
After the shield around Ponyville had come down, she'd sent Rainbow Dash on a scouting mission to try and find Abel.
The rainbow pegasus had yet to return, and it had been half an hour, meaning either Abel had hidden himself really well, or...
No, she didn't want to think about that.
And she didn't want to sit here in the library doing nothing, either!
But without knowing where Abel was, there wasn't much she could do to help him...
And then the idea hit her.
Focusing, Twilight calmed her nerves, and took several deep breaths. Focus on the very idea of the Hive Mind. Focus on the ideals. Focus on Friendship and Harmony. Focus...
Opening her eyes, Twilight found herself in that same bleak landscape as before. Looking down at herself, she saw several crimson rings hovering around her body. Touching them in turn gave her the idea as to which passive mental block they represented. Eventually, she found the one that cut off her from the rest of the members of the Hive Mind, save Abel. If I break this one...
With a quick twist, the ring of red energy shattered and fell apart.
Suddenly, Twilight's mind heard a rush of voices.
-We can send two of ours to Ponyville to aid in the search efforts--
-Perhaps if we modified the divining spells and attuned them to ourselves--
-The magical residue from the shields indicate they fed off his basement reserves--
-The Tyrant and her drones are continuing their forced-march towards the Badlands--
And then suddenly, the voices hushed, and Twilight felt the eyes on her. In the distance, she could see the forms of changelings approaching on the horizon. She took the opportunity to make her case.
"I'm Twilight Sparkle, friend to Abel, and...accidental member of this Hive Mind."
None responded, though they did keep coming.
"When I felt the shield go up, I tried to contact Abel about it, and all he told me was the same message he told you, I assume. Black Queen threatens White King, Check."
The changelings had gathered around her, forming a circle six feet wide around her. And still none of them spoke.
"I took this to mean the obvious, that Chrysalis-"
And instantly there was noise.
Twilight flattened her ears and put her hooves on her head, recoiling from all of them speaking at once.
Once she recovered, she raised her head up again and coughed.
"Yes, well, that she was coming to Ponyville, that Abel wanted no interference, and, probably most important, that he had a plan."
Twilight sighed and hung her head.
"But we can't find him. If you have any information about spots outside of Ponyville that he frequented, I could ask Rainbow Dash to search there."
A single voice spoke then. -He and I met once, in the Whitetail Woods, in a grove that was...disconnected. It was there he added me to the Hive Mind in its infancy, and it was there I went from merely his first ally to a friend.-
Twilight singled out the changeling that had spoken up and turned to him. "Where is it?"
-West-south-west of Ponyville proper...-
An image wavered into view, one of the Whitetail Woods. A cheesy trail appeared, leading to a grove not that far in. An oversized red X marked a grove in particular, and Twilight nodded.
"If I ask you to guide me as I search, would you?"
There was a pause. A rather lengthy pause.
Then, finally:
-Yes. If it means saving him. Letting him die would be a poor way to repay eight years of loyalty.-
Twilight nodded, filing away who this particular changeling was, before disconnecting herself.
I can ask his friend about Abel later, right now, I have to find him!
The Bearers had finally made it to Whitetail Woods, noticing that in the distance, they could see the still jerkily-moving changelings. "You're sure they're not a threat, Twi?"
Twilight nodded. "The other members of Abel's Hive say that they're getting bursts of information from him still. One was about Chrysalis and a few other changelings acting as puppets and walking away from him."
The other mares blinked. "Come again, sugarcube?"
Twilight rolled her eyes. "They never said the bursts were coherent. Anyways, one of them pointed out a grove in here we could search. They can guide us to it."
The band of mares walked silently through the woods, Twilight occasionally making minor corrections to her path as the Hive Mind dictated. Within fifteen minutes, the mares had found the disconnected clearing.
What they saw within it caused them to run in immediately.
Abel lay upon the ground, broken, bloody, the very picture of defeat. His chitin was cracked so badly, it was a miracle any of it was still connected. Blood seeped out of the cracks slowly, staining the grass red and forming a small pool underneath him. What passed for a mane and tail among changelings had reverted from the red he normally kept it at to a light pink, what Twilight assumed were his normal colors. His pink wings were so tattered, they resembled stubs, and they could barely see his chest moving with his breathing.
Twilight reached a hoof out to him, but before it connected, she retracted it, feeling the raw power emanating from him. He over-prepared, and now he can't focus it out of himself...
The girls gasped in unison as they saw a new split form on Abel's back and heard the sickly cracking noises of his chitin breaking. Twilight explained it automatically. "He took in so much power, but didn't use it all, and now it's tearing him apart from the inside out. If we can't get all that magic out of him, then no amount of healing magic in the world will help..."
A plan started to form in her mind. "Girls, we need to get him back to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash, that's your job."
Pulling a bolt of cloth from Rarity's saddlebags, Twilight fashioned a crude sling and put it near Abel. "If you and Fluttershy could gently move him into the air, please?"
The two pegasi hastened to comply, and within seconds, the changeling was airborne. The sling moved under him, and the pegasi gently put Abel back down. Tying a knot and nodding, Twilight pointed at Rainbow Dash. "You need to get him back to the library, and put him in the basement."
Twilight shook her head at her friends' outburst. "Do you honestly think he'd be able to go to the hospital looking like that?"
"Eh, you might have a point there, egghead."
"Plus, none of us can get into his house anyways."
Dash nodded, put the sling on, and took to the air. "A little bit of weight, sure, but I think I can handle it."
Just as she was about to leave, Twilight interrupted the pegasus. "Remember Dash, he's wounded. So try not to jostle him too much?"
Dash rolled her eyes. "Fiiiine. For the wounded, sure."
Twilight turned to Applejack and Pinkie. "I'm going to have to ask you to make sure nopony besides us or those we're escorting get into the library tonight, especially the basement."
The two earth ponies nodded. It made sense to them.
Wait, scratch that. It made sense to Applejack.
Twilight looked at Rarity. "We're probably going to need a lot of bandages before the night is through."
Rarity put a hoof to her chest. "Of course, darling. I'll endeavor to make the best!"
And finally Twilight looked at Fluttershy. "I won't ask you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. But we could probably use your help in caring for injured animals, if I can't get any doctors that can be trusted over to take a look at him."
Fluttershy, to the surprise of all present, merely nodded her head. "If Abel needs me, then I'll help. I may not know much about changelings, but that doesn't mean I won't try."
And thus, the remaining mares were on their way to Ponyville.
"I'm sorry, but what did you say you needed, Miss Sparkle?"
Twilight sighed. I was afraid of this. "Any and all doctors who are capable of treating severe magical poisoning, especially in unconscious victims. Are there any here at this time?"
The receptionist frowned. "At this hour, only doctor Feelgood is available, but he does have that experience. Why?"
"I need him to come with me to see a patient."
The nurse shook her head. "He is the only on-call doctor at this time, he can't just leave."
Twilight groaned. "It is quite literally a matter of life and death. The patient cannot be moved, which is why I need him."
The receptionist sighed. "Listen, I can pass the information on to him, and he can choose to act on it when his break comes up in half an hour. In the meantime, try to make your patient as comfortable as possible. Where should I say he should go, if he accepts?"
"The library, I'll be there."
Fourty-five minutes later, Twilight Sparkle had managed to calm the good doctor.
Granted, he'd only spent the first few minutes in shock. And the next few throwing various sharp objects at Abel's body.
Then he spent a few babbling about needing to tell the guard about the changeling in the basement and how he hoped nopony was in danger, and how did he know Twilight was really Twilight...
With a few well-placed demonstrations that her magical aura had not changed, that she was not crazy, and that the changeling in the basement was, in fact, seriously hurt, the doctor returned to his examination. Twilight decided to join him.
"Yes, well, *ahem*, moving past my initial reaction. Subject-"
"Abel," Twilight interjected.
The doctor blinked and turned to her. "I beg your pardon?"
Twilight pointed a hoof at the changeling. "He has a name. It's Abel."
The doctor blinked a few times before nodding. "Right, right. Abel appears to be suffering from one of the worst cases of thaumaturgic poisoning I've ever seen. The amount of power he is containing within his body is literally tearing him apart in an effort to be used."
Just then, a hairline crack appeared on Abel's right foreleg, connecting two others.
The doctor continued his explanation as though nothing were wrong. "In cases like these, magical healing would be one of the worst things to do. It'd be putting more wood into a fire we're trying to extinguish. The magic within him has to be drained out in some form or another. The problem is that he can't concentrate for all the pain, so he can't cast any spells to use it up. And I'm not sure if our backup methods of dealing with this problem could apply here..."
Twilight recalled the day when Abel had answered questions and panicked slightly. "He once told me that changelings can't feed on other changelings, that their bodies keep their energy on lockdown all the time as a defense mechanism. Could it be that which is making this case so much worse?"
The doctor blinked and turned back to Abel, eyes filled with wonder. "Yes...a body that keeps its energy locked up within it, as opposed to a pony, who would slowly bleed all the power off...yes, that would make this case worse. He can't let it bleed off, so the magic wants to be used, but it can't, because of all the pain...yes, it's a vicious cycle. One that ends rather violently for your friend here, I'm afraid."
Twilight blinked a few times. "How bad, doctor?"
The doctor sighed. "Put it this way: it's probably going to tear him apart into tiny little pieces."
Doctor Feelgood ascended from the basement, nodded at the gathered mares, and attempted to leave.
His attempts were thwarted by a sudden wall of pink.
Bouncing off it and landing on his haunches, Feelgood rubbed his nose and looked up at Pinkie Pie, who looked back down with a very stern look.
"You gotta Pinkie Promise, mister, to tell nopony about what you saw down there."
Feelgood gulped and looked around, trying to find some way out of this. Pinkie's promises were notorious for being unbreakable, and she knew when you were trying. Somehow.
Noticing that the others had blocked all other avenues of escape, the stallion sighed and raised a hoof. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my e-OW!"
Feelgood grumbled a bit at having forgotten about that part of the promise.
"You promise what?"
And then sighed as he finished his promise. "That I will tell nopony else anything about your friend Abel or what he really is."
With that, Pinkie got out of the way, and the good doctor went back on his way to the hospital.
Just as the door closed behind him, the basement door opened again, and Twilight came in with her head hung low. The others noticed immediately.
"What's wrong, sugarcube?"
Twilight looked up and focused on Applejack. "The doctor said that if Abel can't get the magic out of himself..."
"What? What'd he say, egghead?"
"That Abel will most likely..."
Fluttershy came up and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulders. "It's that bad?"
Twilight shook her head. "Worse. He can't focus it out of himself, and it won't bleed off naturally, so it's tearing him apart. And it'll probably...kill him."
The others gasped.
And now the other mares gulped. "Isn't there anything we can do, darling?"
Twilight shook her head, but as she did, her eyes caught on one particular book. Supernaturals. And then she had a small idea.
"Wait...that...could work! Rainbow Dash!"
The pegasus was in front of her in moments, throwing up a mock salute.
"Get to Zecora's, tell her that Abel is suffering from severe magic poisoning, and anything she has to help hold him together would be most appreciated!"
"On it!"
The rainbow contrail was all that was left as the mare zoomed out of the library. Then Twilight sighed. "Well that's one half down. But how to get him to focus the magic out?"
"If I may make a small suggestion, darling?"
Twilight nodded, vaguely paying attention while looking at some of her other books.
"The problem is that Abel must focus the magic out of himself, correct?"
"Yes, but he's in too much pain to do so."
"What about his Hive Mind and that connection you have?"
Twilight turned to Rarity, the wheels visibly turning in her head. "What...about it?"
"Well, couldn't you use that to try and talk him into casting some spells to bleed off the excess? You said they were getting bursts of information from him, so if he can talk to them..."
"...Then they could talk back! And if I can somehow get him to cast, then we can save him! Rarity, you're a genius!"
Twilight was down in the basement in an instant, focusing again.
-You return.-
"Yes, I have Abel, he's in the basement of the library."
-We will take him.-
Before the connection could be severed, Twilight managed to get out one word. "WAIT!"
They did.
"It's not as simple as that. There's two problems with your plan."
"First, his disguise has failed. Meaning you would be carrying a changeling that actually looks like one through the streets of Ponyville. Go ahead, tell me you can do that without there being a panic."
-...And the other problem?-
Twilight sighed. "He's suffering from a severe case of thaumaturgic poisoning."
-How bad?-
"It'll likely tear him apart."
Nothing but silence as the changelings contemplated the meaning of her words.
"If you're getting bursts of information from him, though, then he can not only send, but receive. He could be talked to, convinced to cast some sort of spell to bleed the excess off. We could help him if he could bring the reserves he has down."
-...He stopped sending ten minutes ago.-
Twilight paled. " no no...there has to be something we can do. Something. Anything."
-There is one thing.-
Twilight jumped, willing to grasp at any straw. "What?!"
-One of us would have to enter his mind and redirect his magic from within him to within here. Then we could cast the spell that would convert the raw magic into emotional energy, and draw it into ourselves.-
"Then why haven't you done this already?!"
-Though we may all be of the same Hive, he does not consider us friends. We have a connection, true, but not a deep enough one to be able to penetrate into his mind. Perhaps if we massed our strength, we could maybe get through to him. You, on the other hoof, do possess a strong bond. You could enter his mind, with ease.-
Twilight gulped. "You're asking me to violate his mind to save his body. I don't think anypony could make this choice..."
-Then let us phrase it differently, as he would. Either you enter his mind to save him, or you watch him die.-
Twilight took a deep breath, and made her choice.

Chapter the Eleventh - Mind over matter

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All around her, the world was darkness.
Twilight could see nothing, but felt the wind whipping through her fur. It felt like she was falling at a rapid pace.
This continued for what seemed like an eternity.
And then, there was light.
A far-off speck of light that grew, rapidly.
Then Twilight felt the heat.
That's a star, a sun! she realized.
She briefly got a glimpse of something beneath her before the sensations of falling stopped, abruptly. And all around her was an unfamiliar landscape.
Buildings of stone and glass and metal reached into the black void that was the sky. Sidewalks and paths of black stone formed a grid throughout this place. Each one looked different, but all of them on par with Canterlot Castle in terms of height. And despite there being no sun in the sky, nor moon, no stars, the landscape was lit up perfectly.
If that were all, Twilight could have dealt with it, but she could feel the presence of Abel's massive reserves of magic. It had taken the form of the star she'd seen earlier, and was somewhere down here, in this place, on the surface. The damage it's doing...
And then she heard a voice.
"Oh. Well, that's interesting."
Twilight turned around to see...
The changeling, which looked like a healthier version of Abel, waved a hoof at her. "After a fashion. I'm more of a subroutine, a mental failsafe that he put into place when he made the Hive Mind."
Twilight looked around her, at the buildings that stretched into the heavens, before turning back to the changeling. "What is this place? Why is it in Abel's mind?"
The changeling waved a hoof around. "It is a highly structured city, born of Abel's memories. What it is in actuality is simple: We're straddling the line between conscious and subconscious, between voluntary control and involuntary bodily functions. All of this is Abel."
"What are you meant to do?"
"In the event of a total shutdown or mental intrusion, I am to safeguard a significant portion of his memories and see to it that some of them are sealed, even from him, before any other sees them."
Twilight paled. "Why would he want his memories sealed?"
The changeling was about to answer, before a tremor shook the world, and the sound of something collapsing filled the air. "Nevermind. We don't have time for that. Do you have a name?"
"Call me...Data. Why are you in this mind, Twilight Sparkle?"
Twilight pointed a hoof towards where all the heat and light was situated, where she could feel the pressure of Abel's magical reserves on this place. "I'm here to help deal with that. Is there any way left for that magic to be channeled out of him?"
Data pointed in the opposite direction. "He has a few outlets left. They're the buildings that are dark inside. If you can pull streams of it towards yourself and direct it into those buildings, that should help. The one that would help the most, the outlet to the Hive Mind...I can't recall what it looks like anymore."
Twilight nodded. "So, run in that general direction, look for a building without lights on, and direct magic into it, hoping it's the outlet to the Hive Mind. Anything else?"
Data pointed at a small, wooden home that was very weirdly proportioned, as though it were meant more for a minotaur rather than a pony. "That is the one building you are forbidden to enter."
Twilight nodded. Probably the memories Data is meant to safeguard. "Got it."
She didn't know how much time had passed before she found the first building.
All she noticed was that it was dark inside, so Twilight stopped and gathered her thoughts. Focus. Feel his power. Draw it towards you. Direct it. Push it into this part of him.
A stream of gold raced towards Twilight from down the path, but before it connected, it veered off and into the building. It lit up, slowly, but after a moment, the entire building was ablaze with light. Twilight cut the connection, and then she heard a voice.
That wasn't it, but I know it's close, Miss Sparkle! That helped a bit, but not enough! Keep looking!
The sound of Data's voice spurred her on.
It was a short time before she found what could be termed a building in the making.
Only the first floor had been laid, but the scaffolding indicated that more had been planned.
Nonetheless, it was dark, so Twilight figured she could use it.
Focus. Feel. Draw. Direct. Push.
This time, the energy that shot towards her was more like a river, and as it connected, the building...grew.
Twilight got vague flashes, impressions, of Abel, wasn't quite him. Something was off, something was different in every image.
The building finished itself and the lights within were ablaze, and then she heard another voice.
That wasn't it either, and I don't think he'll be pleased about what you did there...The reserves are lower again, but not low enough...
Twilight took off again.
When she came across the wooden house again, Twilight threw up her hooves in frustration.
And then she looked at the house again, and realized that it, too, was dark inside.
Does he not believe in keeping his memories active?
Twilight moved to put power into the house, before a voice cut her off.
"I wouldn't, Miss Sparkle."
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Data sitting there.
"I have done my duty. You have failed in yours."
An icy terror gripped her.! I can't have failed! I never fail!
"If you attempt to restore those memories, I will be forced to stop-"
Data didn't get to finish, as a blast of golden magic, directed by Twilight, restrained and silenced him.
I will show you, Abel! I do not fail!
And it was only then that she saw the nearby building that was dark inside, with a small green flame symbol painted on the front.
Directing the magic to what she hoped was the link to the Hive Mind, Twilight pushed the power into it.
Only this time, the lights inside didn't light up. Rather, on the roof of the building, an antenna lit up, and a beam of gold shot into the void above, vanishing into the darkness.
After what seemed like an eternity, the sensation she got from the miniature sun being on ground level nearly completely vanished. Deciding that she could use it for a new purpose now, Twilight ceased feeding magic into the link, and instead directed the power to the small house.
With a small burst, the house was restored in a shower of golden sparkles.
Twilight then directed the magic to heal all that was broken, and she could feel it working to restore all that was lost.
Well, that was draining. I suppose if I go into that building, I'll return to the Hive Mind...
Twilight's gaze wandered over to the small house, then looked around as though she were afraid.
I suppose...a small peek won't hurt.
Twilight carefully opened the door and looked inside. Despite everything being oddly proportioned, one thought ran through her head.
This looks like his home in Ponyville...
Heading to the stairs and finding a basement door in the same place as before, Twilight opened it, noticing there was no smell. Following the eerily similar tunnel down, she wondered what she would find.
When she reached the bottom and looked into the cave, she was confused by the two things located down here.
A mask...but that face isn't a pony's, and it doesn't look like it was meant to go on a pony. It looks like an oval...
And...why a red quill?
The moment she reached out to touch the quill, the world around her erupted with two words.
Twilight yanked her head back, realizing that she was in her proper body again. Not in the Hive Mind, not in Abel's mind.
It took her a moment to recognize the one in front of her as Abel.
He was...different. Different was a good word for it.
The first thing she noticed was the fact that he was larger. In fact, she would put him on the same size as Chrysalis.
The second thing she picked up on was the fact that his wings were...missing. For some reason.
And then she saw what passed for a tail and mane were still pink, but looked far more...full.
That was when she noticed his eyes were open and staring at and into her.
"What the buck did you do to me?!"
Twilight cringed a bit before replying.
"I tried to get your magic out of your mind and into the Hive Mind so that you could be saved. I, heh, missed...a few times..."
Abel looked askance for a moment and muttered a bit. "Like those damn nurses not being able to find my veins..."
His gaze snapped back to Twilight. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"
Twilight looked at Abel, who, while still having cracks going throughout his body, seemed to be a lot better if he could yell at her. "I'm going to go with saving your life. Is that right?"
Abel groaned and tried to get comfortable. "On one of those attempts that you 'missed', you directed energy into my wings. Not that big a deal. But on the second, you accelerated the ascension process."
Twilight blinked a few times, rapidly. "So..."
Abel sighed and looked to her. "While the ascension process is ongoing, the one undergoing it is allowed to make small changes to their base body. This allows for slight variances between rulers, and most used it for cosmetic purposes. I was going to use it to make red-on-white my default color scheme and to give myself a similar gland that the black changelings have. Afterwards, I would use whatever time was left to increase my capacity to store magic. Now I only have a short time before this form becomes my default one. I would say less than an hour."
Twilight paled. "I...turned you into a-"
Abel cut in. "I have an hour yet. Just...go tell whoever is up there that I'm fine. All the worry and dread is getting to me. But I'd like to keep this hidden for now."
Twilight nodded numbly and made her way upstairs. Rarity and Fluttershy were drinking tea, while Pinkie and Applejack were slowly making their way through a tray of cupcakes. Just as she was about to ask where Rainbow Dash was, the door burst open, and the pegasus and zebra she'd gone to find walked in.
"Ten minutes flat. I told you I could do it!"
"Indeed, your prowess is true, my friend of sky blue. But the reason we are here the most is not because of your boast."
Zecora looked to Twilight as she ascended the basement stairs. "Ah, down there is our changeling friend? Tell me, how long until he meets his end?"
Twilight shook her head. "None, he's...recovered. He's still cracked and injured something awful, but the excess magic has been vented from him. If you have anything that could help him..."
"Indeed, in my satchel I have a salve, it is meant to fix bones broken in halves. While on a changeling such a medicine is untested, such a fact will not say that me it bested."
While the mares were attempting to decipher Zecora's rhymes, she'd already begun the trip downstairs. Recalling Abel's new form, Twilight began to speak out. "Zecora, wa-"
It was too late, the zebra had entered the basement. There was silence for a moment, then a muffled scream and a thump. Twilight moved to the basement door and poked her head in. "Zecora, you okay?"
"Nothing to fear, Twilight dear. While I did take fright, I am now used to this sight."
It was a few more minutes until the zebra walked back up. "Allow the salve to rest on his chitin overnight, and no longer will he look like he lost the world's largest fight."
Twilight nodded and motioned to the door. "Well then, he said that the worry we were giving off was getting to him, and it is rather late. I think we should get to bed. You can all come back tomorrow."
With that, Twilight was alone in the library again, and headed up to her bed.

Chapter the Twelfth - More intense questioning

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The next morning brought a slight surprise to Twilight Sparkle as she came down for her coffee.
Abel, in all his changeling king glory, was sitting at the table drinking a cup of aforementioned liquid.
What passed for a mane and tail were red again, but his wings were still missing, for some reason. And all the cracks were gone, but faint lines, like scars, crisscrossed his chitin.
Abel's eyes flicked over to Twilight as she descended, and with one hoof, he motioned towards the kitchen.
"Spike's working on some more, along with breakfast for you. I think I might've scared him a bit."
Twilight slowly worked her way over and sat at the table, keeping an eye on Abel's back all the while. After a few minutes, Abel noticed the staring and coughed, causing Twilight to jump. "What?"
"Ummmm," the lavender unicorn eloquently stated, then pointed a hoof at his back. "Where did your wings...go, exactly?"
Abel sighed, and suddenly, streams of red light shot out from his back, taking the vague shape of wings that moved in an unfelt breeze. "They're more magic than physical now. If I want to use them again, I'll have to put effort into it."
Twilight looked askance for a moment, recalling that it was her fault that had happened. "I'm sor-"
Abel held a hoof up to her mouth, then turned her head to look at him. "Don't. Don't even go there. Under the circumstances, you did the best you could. Frankly, if I could choose anyone to go poking around in my head, I would choose you all over again."
Twilight blushed a bit, and that was when Spike came out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee for Twilight. The dragon eyed the changeling king warily as he placed the food down in front of Twilight, who began attacking it with gusto.
The two males exchanged glares. "So," Spike started.
"So," Abel rejoined.
"You're a changeling."
"But not a black one."
"So...what's different about you from them?"
"Mostly, I feed on magic. But I also HATE Chrysalis."
Spike blinked a few times. "Really."
"Yup. All the ones she's cast out? Mine. We all hate her."
Spike looked around nervously. "How many..."
Abel chuckled. "Not sayin'. That'd be part of giving it away."
Spike nodded slowly. "But...there are some in Ponyville, then."
Abel tilted his head to the side. "Technically, the only place we don't have a permanent presence yet is Appleloosa, but I have a few agents on their way even now to finalize the safe house there. Every other city? We've got a presence in."
Spike blinked a few times. "And I've heard that changelings have some sort of hive mind."
Able nodded. "One of the 'perks' of kingdom is that now, I can never turn it off. It'll always be in the back of my mind, providing live commentary and feedback on my every action."
Spike's eyes widened. "What other perks are there?"
Abel grinned. "First, I've finally ditched my pink color scheme. Second, I've given myself a gland that'll make changing forms a lot less painful. It'll take a few days before it fully kicks in, though. And third, I have a greater capacity to store magic, along with increased sensitivity to it as well. Everything else is obvious, though it will take me flippin' forever to get used to being so large, I can tell."
Of course, Spike had latched on to the first perk and chuckled. "Pink? So you looked girly, then?"
Abel merely nodded and grimaced. "I hated that color..."
Twilight had been taking notes off to one side while finishing off her pancakes. Abel and Spike glanced at her, and she took notice, rubbing a napkin along her muzzle. "Eheheh...pardon me."
The two males chuckled at her expense, while she started to drink her coffee. "Abel, I have a few questions about some of the things I saw in your head..."
Abel's head and whole body rotated to face Twilight so fast, it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash. "Proceed."
"Well, when I was in your head, the landscape seemed...odd. Odd's a good word for it. There was a part of you that said it was a highly ordered city born of your memories."
Abel groaned and slumped forward a little, but Twilight pressed on. "And I may...have incapacitated that part of you and taken a peek at some of your memories..."
Abel's head shot up and focused on her. "You're the reason that my memory failsafe failed?"
Twilight merely nodded, and Abel groaned again, letting his head hang loose for a moment. "Note to self, fix that..."
Twilight decided to continue in her questioning. "And I saw two weird objects in your memories."
Abel once again raised his head and looked intently at Twilight. "Describe them."
"The first was a weird sort of mask. Oval shaped, it didn't look like a pony, nor did it look like it was meant for a pony. The second was a red quill."
And at that, Abel hissed. His whole face contorted for a moment into a mask of rage. "You saw that vile thing?!"
Twilight moved back a few feet. "What was so bad about that quill?"
Abel sighed and looked off into space. "So you'll want to know about those objects. And you won't stop pestering me about them."
Twilight shook her head slowly, and Abel sighed before being consumed by a burst of red flame, leaving Balanced Books in his place.
"I'm only doing this once. Get the Bearers, tell the Princesses. That grove you found me in? I'll do this, there, in one hour."
Books was on his way out before Twilight could speak up. "Where are you going?"
-I'm going to see a doctor about a box.-
Books knocked three times on the door to the mailmare's house.
He'd never had reason to come here before.
Then again, he'd never had to explain himself before.
And if he were going to do so, he'd want the only other trans-dimensional entity he knew about to stand by his side for courage.
A moment passed, before Derpy opened the door. "Oh, hi there Books!"
Books nodded. "Morning, Derpy. Is Time Turner in?"
Derpy nodded. "You here to see him?"
"If he doesn't mind."
Books made his way into Derpy's house and sat down in the living room. It was a minute or so before the brown earth stallion made his way into the room. "Ah, Balanced Books! Derpy's told me about you. How you helped quite a bit with the post office's financials. I must say, good show!"
Books motioned to the couch across from him, and the stallion sat. "Hello, Doctor."
The pony across from Books froze for a second before making a quizzical expression. "Doctor? No, no doctors here."
Books sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll say three other things. And if you don't react, if you aren't curious at all, then I'll be on my way, and we'll pretend this never happened. But if I detect so much as a flicker of curiosity from you, then you lose, and will have to hear me out and join me for a little session I have planned later today."
The pony said nothing, and Books took that as his cue. "Okay, first. EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
Surprisingly, Books did a very good impression of a Dalek, and he saw the pony across from him flinch slightly.
Books nodded. "Second. Hostile elements will be deleted!"
The pony across from him put a hoof to his chin at Book's impression of a cyberman.
"And finally. Don't blink. They are fast, faster than you would believe. Don't turn your back on them, don't look away, and don't blink!"
And finally the pony across from Books jumped to his hooves. "I said that! How can you know about something I said?! What are you?!"
Books grinned. "I'm much like you, I'd suspect. Someone who slipped between. You probably did so physically, and I'm not sure where on your timeline you are compared to what I know about your timeline. But me, the way I got here was simpler."
"How can you know about my timeline?"
Books waved a hoof around. "Your world and mine were close enough that the very concept and idea of your timeline became, well, popular. Popular enough for a show."
The Doctor chuckled. "But how did you know that I was, well, me?"
Books grinned again. "Well, the accent, the mark, the way you said certain things, over the years they all helped me piece it together. But really, it was two very different things. The first was your eyes as you walked into this room. I looked in and I saw all the pain and regret and sorrow and fire behind them. You've done so much, changed so often, yet your eyes are still the window to your soul, and it terrifies me."
The Doctor slowly nodded. "And the second?"
Books grinned and dropped the disguise, revealing his changeling form. "Boo."
The Doctor didn't react, merely looked at the changeling across from him. "Interesting. So you sensed my emotions?"
Abel, disheartened, changed back and nodded. "More often than not, you're carrying around this...weight of sadness and regret. The only time a pony is even close to being as sad as you are in this town is before they meet Pinkie."
The Doctor chuckled a bit. "Yes, well, I admit defeat to your little game, so why did you come here?"
Books grinned. "From one traveler to another...Twilight stumbled across some of my memories. And now she wants to know."
The Doctor paled a bit. "And you came here because..."
Books waved a hoof about. "I was hoping for moral support. I was going to reveal most of my history to them in the Whitetail woods. There's a grove I...accidentally disconnected in there. It's a useful spot."
The Doctor nodded slowly. "Yes, well, I'm not sure I can-"
"Plus I was going to explain the nature of the Multiverse there. Along with the Aetherial Veil, the Flux, the Branches, the whole shebang. Frankly, I only know enough to get in trouble."
"Yes, well, typically, most don't even get that modicum of knowledge. And I only know about the science aspects of it."
"Does that mean you're out?"
"Oh goodness no." The Doctor grinned. "Watching Twilight Sparkle try to wrap her head around the concept of infinity? That alone will be worth the trip."
It was an hour later, and the Bearers had arrived in the grove again. Abel was sitting there, looking at something in a wooden box that sat at his hooves. He looked up sharply in their direction, noticed it was them, and nodded once. "Hello girls, I don't suppose Twilight told you anything in particular..."
The other mares shook their heads, and Twilight chuckled weakly. Dash interjected then. "Nah, she didn't say much. But clearly, part of your treatment was becoming cooler."
Abel looked down at himself, and then back up. "A forced ascension is 'cool' to you?"
Dash nodded. "Yeah! I mean, you look kinda like Queen whats-her-name. At least, in terms of size. But the fact that you're on our side turns it from slightly scary to cool."
Abel chuckled. "Well, I'll keep that in mind. Anyways...This is a more...intense interrogation. Twilight saw a few things in my head, and I'm here to explain them. We're still waiting on three guests, though."
Twilight tilted her head to the side. Two could be explained, the Princesses...but three?
"Hang on! Nearly there!"
A brown earth pony stallion came out of the underbrush, panting slightly. "You just had to choose this spot, didn't you? The old girl can't lock on to these coordinates, not when they're disconnected. It's like it isn't even part of Equus anymore."
Abel waved a hoof at the stallion. "Girls, meet the Doctor."
"The Doctor?" Twilight questioned.
Abel nodded.
"Doctor...who, sugarcube?"
"Exactly," The Doctor said.
Before anyone else could interject, there was the sound of massive wingbeats, and Princess Celestia, closely followed by Princess Luna, landed in the clearing as well. "This had better be important, Abel. Day court had quite a few things scheduled, and-"
What Abel did next shut Celestia up faster than can be believed.
With a small burst of magic, Abel opened the box in front of him, reached in with a hoof, and withdrew the same blood red quill that Twilight had seen in his memories.
The princesses regarded it with both fear and hatred, whereas The Doctor regarded it with wonder.
And then Abel described it.
"Girls, meet The Quill. It is my savior...and my murderer."

Chapter the Thirteenth - The Multiverse and You

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Princess Celestia looked down at the crimson quill in front of her with an expression of utmost hatred. Not even Discord had gotten this look.
Princess Luna seemed torn between glaring at the quill and running away.
The Doctor was staring at it with an expression that most foals show on Hearths Warming.
The Bearers were looking between everyone else there, confused as to what was going on.
Abel just sighed and looked down at the quill.
"Abel, just what is that thing?"
Abel glanced up at Twilight before returning to stare at the quill, trying to phrase the answer properly.
"Put simply, Twilight, this quill is the most dangerous thing in reality."
All of the Bearers looked stunned at that statement, clearly trying to comprehend how such a small, innocent little thing like that could possibly be that dangerous.
"In the right hooves, this thing can rewrite reality itself. If it's possible, the quill can make it happen."
And now the Bearers were edging away slightly from Abel. Abel nodded at them.
"I don't blame you. But I think the Princesses know more about it than we do."
The princesses jolted a bit, realizing that they had been staring, and cleared their throats. Celestia began the tale.
"In the era of Discord, when all hope seemed lost, Luna and I realized that, as alicorns, everything about us was highly magical. So we each took one of our old flight feathers and merged them together to make a writing implement that we hoped would help. Unknown to us at the time, a bit of Discord's chaos magic snuck in, and altered the device. We merely wanted something that would guide us, but instead we created something that could...control. Even us."
Luna picked up the tale then. "We did write that we would soon find in our wanderings the means to halt Discord's reign of terror. The next thing either of us did recall was coming to our senses after having found the Elements of Harmony. With dream-diving and mind magics, we did recover the memories of the time between, and were shocked at our actions whilst we were under the influence of that wretched quill."
"And so," Celestia concluded, "we opened a portal to Nowhere, and tossed the quill inside, hoping to never see it again. Though, every now and again, it did show up again, it was met with the same treatment. And now it has returned again."
Abel shook his head. "Tossing it into the Void solves nothing. Unmaking it solves everything, but allow me to guess. Because of the chaos within it, I would have better luck not turning to stone in a staring contest with a cockatrice than you two would in unmaking this thing."
The two sisters slowly nodded, and Abel sighed. "I knew following Pinkie to a curio shop just to take a break from the wedding was a bad idea..."
Twilight spoke up then. "You said something about it being your savior...and murderer. Could you...?"
Abel turned to her and nodded. "Gimmie a moment here...gotta phrase it right...Okay. So, what do you know about the Multiverse, Twilight?"
Twilight answered instantly. "The Multiverse Theory states that there are an infinite amount of alternate universes parallel to our own."
Abel nodded. "Now, let me demonstrate what's right about that, and what's wrong."
A rock about the size of Abel's head floated into the glade. "Picture this rock as your entire universe. Everything you can see, everything you can't. Your entire world, bound within a bubble of space-time."
Twilight and the Doctor nodded, and Abel continued. "Now, looking at it from outside, each 'root' world is surrounded by a fine haze. I call it the Flux."
A small cloud of dirt hovered around the stone, partially obscuring it from view. "Further out from that, we have the alternative universes as compared to the root world. These, I call the Branches."
Pebbles, no larger than Abel's eyes, came out and hovered just beyond the dirt. "Anytime anything happens, on any scale, there's always another way things could have happened. When it's something small, like, say, flipping a bit, then that offshoot of the main world becomes a part of the Flux. If it does nothing to distinguish itself from the main root world, then after a while, it'll get...reabsorbed back into the main reality, as though it never were. When it's something large, like, say..."
Abel pointed a hoof at Luna. "Let's say that the Elements failed, possibly because Twilight failed to actually make friends. That would create an alternate reality in which you ruled Equestria in eternal darkness, forever."
All the girls gasped just thinking about it, and Abel continued. "That would be what we term a branch world. It's different enough that it'll never be reabsorbed back into the main reality, ever."
Abel sighed, and looked down to the quill again. "The problem is, there are an infinite amount of root worlds. But even in infinity, there is a split. A divide."
Abel looked up at Celestia, and his gaze hardened. "Half of infinity has magic. The quill is less harmful there. But the other half does not."
As the Bearers tried to wrap their minds around the idea that there were worlds out there without magic, Celestia looked sorrowful. "You mean to say..."
Abel shook his head. "I don't mean to say anything, I merely say it. When the quill lands in a reality without magic, and it is used, it feeds off that user's very life force. It eats their vitality."
Celestia looked at the quill and muttered to herself, while Luna placed a wing over her sister's back. The Bearers looked at the quill with trepidation. "Numbers, are you sayin' that that thing there..."
Abel nodded. "I came from another world, and this quill was also there. I am its latest, and if I have anything to say about it, last victim. When it became clear it would kill me, I wrote my life away, willingly, and the quill and I It protected me on the way, acted as a guideline, and now I protect you from it."
Everyone present, save for the Doctor, blinked at that. "Come again?"
Abel sighed. "I was a dabbling writer of twenty-five. I saw this quill when I was walking down the path home one day, and thought to myself, why not? I picked it up and used it to sketch out ideas for my stories."
Abel looked down at the quill and grimaced. "I didn't know that half an infinity away, the quill was seeking out and influencing worlds that eerily matched up with my stories to make them happen the way I was sketching them to happen. Or that it was feeding off my life. If I had, I would have never made that pro-to-con chart about having a main character die to influence the story. I especially would never have written that he should die in big bold letters underneath it. The next thing I knew, I blacked out."
Abel looked up to the sky wistfully. "When I came to, I checked myself into a hospital, and got the bad news. Cancer, spread through my body. Most of it was benign, but there was a small tumor in my brain that kept growing and was inoperable. They gave me a month to live."
Abel carefully put the quill back in the wooden box he'd taken it from and stared at it. "I looked it up when I got home. Cancer can just spring up like that, but it matched up with none of the types we knew about. I could only conclude that the last action I had taken had led to it somehow. That the quill was...eating something inside of me every time I used it, and using the cancer to do it. That, perhaps, indeed, there was a connection there. One that I could use."
Abel looked at each of the Bearers in turn, then returned to glare at the box. "I wrote with it again, and that was my last memory of my old world. 'If I am to die, so be it. My only wish is that I get to live again, in another world. One without the corruption of this world, without its influence or machinations. One more innocent.'"
Abel smiled at them. "Did you know that around every world is an Aetherial Veil? It's a barrier formed of all the rules and laws that bind and hold your universe together. It's porous, perforated with tiny holes not big enough for even the smallest particles, but they're more than large enough for thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Nothing physical gets through. But a mind and soul? That's not physical at all, is it?"
Celestia gasped then. "So, the changeling who was to be born in your place..."
Abel waved a hoof. "No, when Chrysalis laid the egg for this body, she did it so that she could have one just as cunning and ruthless as her. My mind and soul entered it before the body could develop one of its own, and, perhaps, influenced its development. I killed nothing, took over nothing, took the place of nothing. It and I were always one and the same. Thankfully, I was still recovering from my trip through the Void Eternal, and only 'came to' right before I was ready to hatch. I do not recall, nor do I want to remember my time in the pod."
Dash pointed a hoof at the Doctor. "So why's he here, again?"
The Doctor grinned. "Oh, because if he flubbed explaining things, I could provide backup. I must say though, you did a fine job there. The only thing you failed to touch on was the reason for the Veils."
Abel nodded. "The reason behind them is simple. The Veils protect every world from anything physical getting through. So far the only exception to it is this quill, which seems to stock up enough energy to come back, time and again. But there are other things that lurk in the Void Eternal. Beings older and outside any and every universe, whose motives are unclear. Just looking at them or listening to them could drive you mad."
Rainbow Dash nodded. "So, Pinkie and Twilight would be safe then, got it."
That got two indignant cries of 'hey' from the aforementioned mares, while everypony else chuckled. Celestia looked at the box at Abel's hooves. "What do you intend to do now, Abel?"
Abel sighed. "Simple. I will safeguard this quill. I at least can be trusted to not use it, for I am content with my lot and did not desire all that I have. Until such a time that we find a way to unmake this wretched thing, it will be secured in my vault. Until then, I will do as I have always done. Survive."
"Why do you keep calling it that?"
Abel looked to Dash, then back to the quill, still contained in the box. "It has slain more unwitting users than you would believe. Those that do not know the price of absolute power pay the ultimate one, and the ones that realize they actually have power are even fewer. In the hooves of the weak-willed and weak-minded, this quill could give them what they want. Absolute power without absolute responsibility, but absolute repayment. It's a shortcut with a steep price to pay. And I loathe it."
Abel got up and began to leave the grove, noticing the Doctor following him. The changeling king stopped The Doctor with a hoof, and with a wicked glint in his eyes, spoke up to Twilight. "You know, Twilight, the good Doctor has science beyond your wildest dreams. In fact, he can even traverse all of time and space. And he can't very well get away from you here without his modus transportation."
And with that, Abel tuned out the screams behind him as he made his way back to Ponyville.

Chapter the Fourteenth - To the north

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"So Princess Celestia gave you an assignment."
"To go to the frozen north where the Crystal Empire is."
"Where your brother and sister-in-law, who have no love for changelings, already are."
"And you want me to come with you."
Books just stared at Twilight from inside his house. The lavender mare and her friends were on his lawn, wondering what the purpose behind the statements were.
Books stood still for a few moments, then, not breaking his gaze, stepped back a few paces, and began shutting the door.
Books sighed and opened the door again. "Twilight, no. Changelings and cold don't get on very well. It tends to induce hibernation."
Twilight tilted her head to the side. "Is that why you're not very active in winter?"
Books nodded. "It's a survival adaptation. If we get too cold, we enter suspended animation. Too long like that, and we can't be rescued. One season is easy enough. Longer's pushing it."
Twilight sighed. "Getting you there isn't going to be easy, is it?"
Books shook his head. "We have a few small spells for keeping warm, but nothing ready for such extreme temperatures. Though...Y'know what? Come back in an hour. I'll have an answer for you then."
In Celestia's day court, a sudden interruption came in the form of one of her guards leaning in to whisper to her.
"White King to White Queen."
Celestia nodded. "Day court will adjourn for one hour."
The nobles whined, but Celestia and the guard moved to her private chambers. With a quick flare of magic, Celestia secured the room and looked to the guard, whose eyes flared and turned turquoise. "What does Abel want?"
"Your student is intending to take our King to the north with her."
Celestia nodded. "It may have been dropped as a subtle hint from me."
The changeling guard frowned. "Changelings and cold do not get along, and we have no spell ready for the temperatures of the north. He believed you may have a solution."
Celestia put a hoof to her chin and pondered. "Similar to how he asked to see how a unicorn would do an illusion spell, he wishes to see how I would keep somepony warm for an extended period of time, so that he could emulate it, correct?"
The guard nodded and shifted back into his changeling form. "When you think of one, cross horns with me, and let the knowledge of the spell fill your mind."
Celestia lowered her head, carefully crossing her horn with the changeling in front of her. A golden glow lit up her horn, and when it reached the changeling's horn, his lit up green. After a moment, both glows ceased, and the changeling nodded. "He appreciates the spell, and says that he can work with it."
Books sighed at the scenery outside the train. As time went on, the landscape had gotten bleaker, and the temperatures had dropped. Fluttershy had noticed the melancholy expression on his face, and her nature kicked in. "Um, if it isn't too much to ask, what's bothering you, Books?"
Books looked at her through the reflection in the window and sighed again. "I hate the cold. Don't get me wrong, I love winter. It's beautiful, wonderful, artistic. The fresh snow...Here on Equus, you don't have a fraction of the pollution my old world did, so the snow stays prettier longer. I just never got along with cold, even before I was a changeling."
Fluttershy nodded. "I think I understand. A lot of my animal friends sleep through winter too. It's lonely all by myself."
Books smiled, glad she could empathize. "Some saw winter as a season of death, of ending. I personally saw it as the world resting from the rest of the year's craziness. I just always preferred to watch it happen from inside my home with a cup of cocoa, a roaring fire, and a nice, big, thick blanket."
Fluttershy smiled at that. "Oh, that does sound nice."
And then she looked down, scuffing the floor with a hoof. "Um, what do you usually do in winter?"
Books turned and looked intently at the door. "I know you're there, Twi. Stop skulking behind the door and get in. I'll still answer, you don't need to use a proxy."
Twilight came in, rubbing a hoof behind her head. "Eheheh. Magic sense, right."
Books sighed and rolled his eyes. "You could just ask, y'know. I may value my privacy, but information about changelings is something I think I can part with."
Twilight nodded and pulled a scroll out from somewhere, along with a quill. "So, what do you and yours do in winter, then?"
Books shrugged. "A good majority of us hibernate. When I was on my lonesome, I did as well. But nowadays, each safehouse needs to have at least one active member through the winter, to safeguard the bodies of the hibernating ones. And I don't get to hibernate. I have to stay awake in case of emergencies."
Twilight nodded and made notes on the topic as Books continued. "Though, don't get me wrong. Just because we hibernate, doesn't mean we're completely inactive. Our bodies may shut down for the winter, but our minds...well, we have an entire Archive to sort out yet. We've managed to get to Chryssy's long reign, but there's still so much that has yet to be properly gone through. Even though we'd rather not..."
Twilight tilted her head to the side in confusion, and Books filled her in. "When Chrysalis took over the old Hive Minds, she sort of stuck them together in one large amalgamation, said 'that's good enough, I'll take over from here,' and bound herself to her creation. That's what I stole, the amalgamated knowledge of my people, and we've been trying to unravel and sort it all out properly. I could traverse it when it was just me, but you'd better believe it hurt. With more changelings, we can go through it faster and actually organize it. I'll be surprised if we get anywhere near done in the next few decades."
There was silence for a few moments, until Dash burst in. "So how much of an alien are you?"
Everyone groaned and facehooved.
"Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves!"
Books walked out behind Rarity, taking note of Spike carrying all her things. The boy is smitten...
"Didn't say a word."
That was, of course, right before Spike slipped and dropped Rarity's things, causing one to pop open. A few scarves got free and began to blow away in the wind. Books sighed, took a hold of them in his magic, closed it up again, and levitated them back to Spike.
"Here you go, buddy."
"Heh, thanks Books."
"Shining Armor!"
Books took note of the reunion happening a few feet away and nodded. They are really happy to see each oth-GAH this increased emotional sensitivity I wish I could stooooop!
"Twily, you made it!"
Then Shining Armor looked around, though his gaze did linger on Books. "We'd better get moving. There are things around here we really don't want to run into after dark."
"What kinds of things?"
Shining looked back and glared at Books. "Let's just say, the empire isn't the only thing that returned."
And then Books felt it. Dark magics. Hatred. Massive. Powerful.
Books walked up to Shining and nodded. "Hello again, Guard-Captain. I do wish we stopped meeting under circumstances such as this."
Shining nodded once, stiffly. "As do I, changeling."
Twilight interjected then. "Books, how's that spell working out for you?"
"Doing fine, Twilight! I stored enough magic for at least a few hours worth of it!"
The group began to move into the tundra then. "Spell?"
Books responded to Shining. "When Celestia was informed that changelings and the cold don't get on well, she taught me how she'd keep somepony warm. I managed to modify it and make it work with changeling ways of spellcasting. Now you won't have a frozen statue where I would be."
Shining nodded. "And...She doesn't have such a spell?"
Books shook his head. "I'll tell you later, but no. So what's going on up here?"
Shining raised his voice so that the others could hear him as well. "Something keeps trying to get in! We think it's the unicorn king who originally cursed the place!"
"But Princess Celestia said I was being sent up here to find a way to protect the empire! If King Sombra can't get in, it must already be protected."
Maybe not well enough...wait, is that him? Oh goodness.
Moaning echoed around them, sending them all into a searching frenzy. "It's one of the things, isn't it?!"
"We have to get to the Crystal Empire! Now!"
Books turned in the direction of the disturbance and saw a massive cloud of black smoke appear behind them. Red, slitted eyes with a green sclera that trailed purple smoke opened in the cloud. Shining pulled Spike along, and the entire herd ran for their lives.
When a blue bubble was visible in front of them, Books realized they were missing Shining. The changeling king turned around to see the unicorn staring down the smoke cloud.
There was no thought behind his actions. Books reached out with his magic, grabbed a hold of Shining, and flung him towards the bubble, taking charge to take Shining's place. Books shed his disguise and ignored Shining's screams of likely profanity as the smoke cloud turned its attention to him.
Only now realizing how completely outclassed he was by this thing in front of him, Abel did the one thing that came to mind.
He charged his horn and smirked at the cloud. "Come at me, brah."
And next, all was darkness.
"Is everypony okay?"
Twilight looked around at her friends, noticing her brother was missing. "Shining! Where's-"
A scream cut her off then, as Shining Armor landed nearby. "That blasted changeling..."
Twilight looked back at the shield. "Books is still out there?"
Shining shakily got to his hooves. "I was trying to buy you all time to get here safely, but he decided launching me into the empire was a better use of resources."
Twilight glared at her brother. "If he's still out there, then we should try to save him, from the cold if nothing else!"
Shining shook his head. "Sombra was powerful even when he wasn't shadow. If he's got a hold of your friend, then we'll have to wait for-"
And that was when they heard the screaming.
You...are an interesting one. Your fears are unique...your hatred, targeted...
Abel spun around in the darkness, realizing he was in a shared mindspace. The voice of Sombra echoed around him, causing him no end of confusion. Nonetheless, he responded to the shadow. "I am Abel, King of the Exiles! The knowledge of my kind is at my command! You will not best me, shade!"
Bold words...but words are all you have. Tell me, why do you not even fear death?
"I have traveled beyond and between, without and within! I have died before, it holds no fear o'er me! And after a lifetime here of being in various kinds of pain, fear of pain is gone as well!"
A traveler? Interesting. Breaking you will be involved...
Abel felt the tendrils of darkness grip him.
Listen to me, maggot, and listen well. I cannot enter there. But YOU can.
He felt his mouth being forced open, felt...something slip down his throat.
You will carry a part of me, you will break eventually, and you will deliver to me the city. Then I may grant you the mercy of death.
Then something touched his horn, and all was pain.
But you will not remember this.
The next thing he knew, he was staring up into the face of a familiar lavender unicorn.

Chapter the Fifteenth - Ask not what your empire can do for you...

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"Abel, are you okay?"
Abel mentally took stock. Physically, yes. Mentally? I must be too far away. I can't hear the Hive Mind as anything but a whisper anymore. Distance may not break the bond, but it certainly strains it... I feel drained, too. What did that shade do to me?
And then Abel took note of the fact that the scenery around him was something other than eternal tundra. "Where am I?"
Abel looked to Pinkie's voice and agreed with her exclamation. "Oh. So. Crystal Empire. Got it."
The changeling king got to his hooves and wobbled a bit. "Ouch. Must've taken more outta me than I thought."
Twilight looked at Abel with concern. "Are you sure you'll be fine?"
Abel nodded. "I'm still not really used to being so...tall. Plus that shade packed a punch. I...yeah. Formshifting's just been declared a luxury for me."
Twilight nodded and looked back at the empire in the distance. "C'mon girls, we should go see Cadence."
She is more concerned about passing her mentor's trials than your condition. Is that the mark of a good friend?
"Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!"
Abel sighed and rolled his eyes. Rarity hadn't stopped gushing ever since they'd gotten into town proper.
"This! And that! And those! There are no words!"
Applejack clearly had had enough for one lifetime. "Focus, Rarity. We're here to help Twilight. Not admire the scenery."
Rainbow Dash wasn't impressed. "Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me."
Abel had seen the wink she gave him, though, and smirked before hiding it. "Yeah, I can recall at least five other castles that were more impressive than this, and they were made of rocks."
Rarity seemed to snap. "Another old castle? Have you two lost your minds?! Look at the magnificent-"
And Abel and Dash couldn't hold it in any longer. "Oh, the look on your face! I wish I had a camera!"
Turning to Applejack, the three engaged in a few hoofbumps and proceeded inside the castle.
"What was that about five other castles?"
Abel sighed. "Not now Twi. Horrible evil shade?"
Twilight sighed. "Why do you have to be this way about your past world?"
Abel growled slightly. "Past world. It wasn't nice."
Fortunately at that point, the small herd of ponies had reached the throne room, where Cadence was situated. The first thing to run through Abel's mind was For an Alicorn, her magic feels awfully drained.
And then Twilight and Cadence did their traditional greeting.
All other thoughts were replaced with D'aaaaaaw.
"One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance."
"To be fair," Abel interjected, "You're not responsible for your own wedding being crashed like that."
Cadence turned to Abel and her eyes widened. "My word, you've grown up."
Abel sighed. "Not willingly. And if you're about to ask why I'm not disguised, I need to conserve my strength for the trip back. Sombra did a number on me. Like he seems to be doing to you."
Twilight looked at her old foalsitter a little more intently then. "Are you okay?"
Shining interjected then. "Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I can help her, but only for so long. Alicorns are in a whole other class by themselves, after all."
Cadence took a few deep breaths. "It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine."
Shining Armor merely shook his head. "She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen. "
Twilight nodded. "That's why we're here."
Applejack pitched in with a simple, "Why we're all here."
The others merely made sounds of agreement. Abel spoke up then. " you have a plan? Please tell me you have a plan."
Shining shook his head. "With Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies."
Rarity couldn't help but laugh. "Crystal Ponies?! Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!"
It was a few moments before she composed herself. "Um, ahem. Please continue."
"We have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadance's magic."
The ponies thought for a moment, and Abel sent out tendrils into the city. No emotions. Nothing. If there are ponies there...I don't want to imagine the pain they've gone through to not be able to feel anymore...
Twilight suddenly spoke up. "A research paper!"
"Huh?" was the general consensus to her interjection. But the unicorn plowed on.
"That must be part of my test – to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you! This is gonna be great! I love research papers!"
Rainbow Dash clearly had never been one for studying. "Yeah, who doesn't?"
Pinkie decided to take the question seriously. "Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess! Is it Spike? Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?"
The siblings shared a look at the pink mare's antics, before Twilight spoke up to reassure her brother. "Don't worry, big brother. I am really good at this sort of thing."
She treats it like an assignment. That mare knows nothing of pain or suffering. Not like you do.
Not a one of them feels anything. Whatever Sombra did to them, he did it well.
Abel'd given up on questioning any of them after the second one produced the same results as the first. A reply of "Sorry, I don't remember anything. I don't want to remember."
There's latent magic there. Buried. Hidden. I couldn't get at it without feeding on them, though...
Rainbow Dash zoomed overhead, pulled a U-turn, and landed in front of Abel. "Hey tall stuff, AJ heard about a library, so Twi's dragging us over there. She figures there might be a book there we can use."
Abel nodded. "Lead the way, Dash."
As he turned to follow, though, he convulsed for a moment and let out a cry. Arrrgh! Something in my chest! What...was that?!
Dash turned around, a worried look on her face. "Whoa. What's wrong?"
Abel took a deep breath, and then another. "I...I think...Ow. Sombra did something to me. I'm gonna need time to figure out what. Just...point the way. I'll catch up."
Dash shook her head. "Uh-uh. If you're not feeling good, and that jerk cloud is the cause, then you need to get to Twilight."
Dash looked at the holes in Abel's legs quizzically. "Those're to make you weigh less for when you want to fly, right?"
Abel nodded with a look of confusion on his face. "Yes. I don't think I weigh much more than any other pon-"
He never got to finish that word, because Dash had scooped him up in her hooves and was on her way to the library. They entered to find Twilight throwing up her hooves at the librarian. "Fine, we'll find it ourse- oh, Dash, Abel. Do I...want to know?"
Abel groused and made sure all his legs were steady once Dash had put him on the ground again. "Dash is being overprotective because of a little spasm. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."
Dash rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and when you bring tall, dark, and smoky into the mix, I'm sure it is. Twilight, could you hit him with a spell, see what's wrong?"
Abel shot a glare at the pegasus and sighed. "Fine. If it'll shut you up, then Twi, do it."
Twilight's horn lit up, and Abel was bathed in the glow from her horn. "Huh. Okay, one moment." The light intensified, and Abel felt a modicum of his strength return. "You had a bit of dark magic clinging to you. You should be fine now." Twilight smiled at them. "Ready to help us find a book?"
They heal you so they can use you. They keep you around because you are of use. That is the only reason, and you know it.
Abel had wandered back to the very back of the library. For some reason, I feel...drawn he-WHAT THE BUCK?!
Sitting under a display case were two examples of changeling chitin. On the right was the armor plates from a typical black changeling.
Whereas on the left was the armor from a white changeling.
The case had a small plaque on it.
Recovered from the northern mines, believed to be at least a thousand years creature, two colors. No live specimens found yet, expedition still ongoing...So. That old rumor was at least partially true.
There was a Hive up here. And they did stay behind, even in the face of the oncoming cold.
I'm pretty sure they couldn't have survived this long, though.
Abel looked around the nearby books, hoping at least one of them would have information about the display. Sadly, after a few hours of searching, he saw nothing.
It was only when he heard a strange horn sound that Abel realized he'd been gone from the girls for a while. Wandering out of the library, he saw Twilight giving a speech about the Crystal Faire.
It was the ponies reaction to the mention of the Crystal Heart that interested Abel, though.
Their latent magic! It's-!
And with a flash, the ponies coats were no longer as muted as they had been.
Way to go, Twi! They're feeling again!
He did notice Rainbow Dash running off, and suddenly realized that something could very well be amiss. The librarian trotted by, and Abel noticed her coat had been restored. "Pardon me, miss, what did you say to that pegasus that got her all riled up?"
"Oh, only that I was surprised that they'd found the Crystal Heart. Sombra said he'd hidden it away where we'd never find it, after all, and I do hope it is still strong after all these years."
Abel blinked. "Huh. She gets here in one day, organizes a Faire, and finds an ancient relic to help protect an entire empire. That's Twilight Sparkle for you."
She forgot you as soon as you were out of sight. She doesn't actually care about you. None of them do.
And that was when he saw the shield come down. Twisting his head around, Abel caught sight of Sombra on the horizon.
The very sight of the cloud gave Abel a headache.
What happened next concerned him, though.
As Sombra moved in, the shield slowly came up again. Sombra saw this, and rushed to break in.
The shield, however, was faster, but only just. It caught Sombra's horn on the way in, and sliced it clean off.
If any part of him remains inside-!
Running to the horizon, Abel came across the same clearing he and the girls had entered the empire in, only there was a new addition.
The sliced-off tip of Sombra's horn.
Just looking at it gave Abel a migraine.
And then it dissolved into a pool of green and purple magic, then reformed into a dark crystal.
None of them noticed. None of them care! They sit behind while you put yourself on the line!
Abel shook his head and put a hoof to the crystal. "Not on my watch."
Well...crud. That's...actually, that's exactly what I expected. Dark magics. We've never dealt with this. And they're under his command...which means...
Abel looked back to the empire. "The empire is under attack. I have to warn them."
Abel had just arrived at the balcony where Shining and Cadence were seated. Oh man Cadence, you do NOT look or feel up to snuff.
Shining took notice, naturally. "What is it, Abel?"
Abel panted a few times. "Lemme...catch my...breath here."
After a few seconds, Abel stood up straight. "Sombra's got a presence on this side of the barrier. A dark crystal, born of his sheared-off horn from his latest attempt. I don't know how to deal with such magic, so by now..."
The ponies looked off to the horizon. Sure enough, they could see a small collection of dark crystals. But they were growing, reaching out to others to corrupt them.
"Can't you just drain whatever is powering them?"
Abel shook his head. "Just looking at it gives me a headache. Trying to take it in? I can't predict that ending well at all."
Abel looked to Cadence then and noticed her horn still glowing. "Wait. Didn't Twilight find the Crystal Heart? Why are you still-"
Shining shook his head. "Twily made a replica, not knowing there was a page missing in the tome. She wasn't aware there was a relic. But she's working on it. I have faith in my sister."
She leaves behind her magic-sensing bloodhound while searching for a powerful magic relic. She must have no confidence in you at all.
Abel looked back at the horizon. "Anything I can do?"
Shining nodded. "Monitor the crystals and the faire. I think her friends are already on that, but you never know. More hooves might be a good thing."
Abel had managed to get to the base of one of the staircases before the headaches became too much.
You are ageless. You will be alone in the end. Why do you bother with friends?
You have knowledge. You have power. Why do you not take a throne worthy of yourself?
They will never look past your exterior. You are alone in this world.
Abel lay there, clutching his head in his hooves. "Shut up. Go away. You're wrong."
They will leave you.
They will always see you as a monster.
Why do you pretend? Why do you continue to wear that mask?
"No. I have friends. They care about me."
Not even your own kind love you.
Everyone will use you until you break.
Unless you stand up for yourself.
"It's...not like that...anymore..."
The wave of love from the crystal heart washed over the empire, banishing all of Sombra's influence.
Except for the sliver hidden inside of Abel.
Abel stood up and walked, shakily, out from beneath the palace. His wings extended from his back, and the changeling king was breathing deeply.
Give in and you will become a king to more than your pathetic exiles. You would be someone of worth. You would be loved, for all time!
...girls...forgive me...
Abel's chitin dulled to grey, and his wings turned from red to black. His eyes started to resemble Sombra's, and what passed for a mane and tail blackened as well. Twilight had come down and noticed Abel's color change and asked, in a trembling voice, "Abel, ar-are you okay?"
The transformed king turned his head to Twilight Sparkle and growled at her. "There Abel...only...CAIN!"

Chapter the Sixteenth - ...ask what you can do for an Empire.

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Terror gripped Twilight's heart then. She knew somewhere in the back of her head the name Cain, but she couldn't place it.
Nonetheless, the fact that Abel's eyes had become akin to Sombra's didn't give her any hope whatsoever.
"What did you do to Abel? How are you still here?"
The transformed king turned to her and laughed.
"I merely showed him the truths of his existence. It took a while to find the buttons to push, but oh, how I enjoyed his protests. And I am still here because I had such a strong hold over him. True, your blasted Heart gave him strength for a moment. But it was far too late. I had been stealing away his magic, and closed him off to the voices of his pesky Hive Mind. He is mine."
The changeling looked to the Heart and hissed. "Still, it keeps him awake. I will be able to stand up to that wretched thing soon enough..."
The king looked around at the gathered ponies and grinned a very malicious grin. "Oh, the knowledge in his head. The ideas and concepts! His species before coming to Equus, oh they were advanced! The things I could do with this body! Like this!"
The changeling reared back and slammed his forehooves into the ground, creating an arch of dark crystals behind him twice as tall as himself. Looking back at it and nodding, the transformed changeling looked to the crystal ponies and smiled again.
"And now, for my first trick. Using the denizens of this Empire to power my Gate!"
There was the noise of suction, and all the crystal ponies started to collapse, one by one. From each, a stream of glittering magic made its way towards the archway behind the king.
The six were not idle. Not by choice, anyways.
They were restrained by flashing red auras, not a one of them could move, no matter how hard they tried.
"His Oroborus curse is most fascinating. Feeding off the energy of the pony in question to keep itself working. Its only problem is range, it will not work half a world away. But it will keep you six under control."
There was a flash behind the king as the archway behind him filled in with shadow, and he nodded. Just then, Cadence and Shining Armor came down, their horns aglow. The king merely laughed.
"Oh, please, spare me. You couldn't touch me, Cadence. You're still too weak from keeping out Sombra all this time. And your precious Heart can't be used that often in succession. True, it annoys me, and it could purge me, but it needs at least a day, especially considering what I've done to the crystal ponies just now!"
Shining growled and lowered his head, aiming his horn at the grey changeling. "Surrender, Abel, and I'll make sure to remove Sombra as painlessly as I think I should."
With that, Cain jumped backwards through the archway he made. The darkness rippled once, then settled. The auras around the six vanished, and Dash nearly jumped in after Cain before being restrained by Twilight's magic.
"Twi! Lemme...go!"
Twilight merely shook her head and wandered up to the construct. "We don't have any idea where this thing goes, or if it's even safe for ponies besides him. The best thing to do is write a letter to the princess and try to help the ponies here until we know where he is."
Dear Princess Celestia,
Thanks to the efforts of everypony, especially Spike, the Crystal Empire is safe again, and Sombra is defeated.
However, not all is good news.
It would appear that a fragment of Sombra's dark power got inside Abel and changed him. His coloration is different now, and he's calling himself Cain. I know I've heard this name before, I just can't recall where.
Cain's already made his strength known. He managed to restrain us with something he calls an Oroborus curse, which feeds off your own strength to power itself. He also made a sort of crystal archway that connects the Empire to somewhere else, draining the crystal ponies to power it. I can't determine where it leads because of all the dark magic he used. Don't worry, the crystal ponies are all fine. Woozy, but fine.
It would appear he has at least partial access to Abel's memories, and full control of his natural abilities.
From what he let slip, the Crystal Heart would seem to be a weakness of his. But considering what he did to the ponies here, along with the fact that it can't be used in rapid succession...
I await your advice on how to deal with the situation.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia looked over to her sister, whose eyes were wide with fear. "Luna, do you know that name?"
Luna nodded once and swallowed, trying to get her vocal chords to work. " was the story Abel told us...Abel was the name of the younger brother who was betrayed...Cain was the betrayer."
Celestia's eyes widened in comprehension. "Let us hope he does not live up to the name in full."
The solar diarch waved a wing at the door. "Go, safeguard the Elements. We may need them. I will have to respond to Twilight's letter. I have an idea."
My most faithful student,
This is most distressing news. However, there is hope, as your letter told me.
If he fears the Heart, if he's fled the Empire, it is for a good reason.
Sombra was aligned to hatred, so it seems only logical that Cain was born of hate, or at the very least, fear.
The light and love the Heart gives off must be something even he cannot stand against.
And while the Heart cannot be used so soon, at the very least, we know how to fight him.
If you can, try to determine where the archway leads.
If you can't, then return to Canterlot, quickly. Luna is guarding the Elements for now, but if Cain has access to Abel's memories, that will be the first place he'll strike.
Your mentor,
Princess Celestia
The Doctor had just gotten home from running his clock shop as 'Time Turner' when he realized something was wrong.
Namely, the door was ajar.
He may have lived in a very trusting town, but nopony just leaves their door open, him included.
Realizing he was probably walking into a trap, The Doctor pushed on the door a little more, wincing at the creaking sound.
I probably should have gotten those hinges oiled-
And then he was gripped in a red aura and yanked into his home, the door slamming shut behind him.
Staring into a visage with red-and-green eyes and fangs, The Doctor realized who this was.
"Bala- no, wait, they called you something else at that clearing...Abel! Abel, what are you doing, and why have your eyes changed?"
There was a faint hiss from the entity in front of him, and The Doctor took this moment to run his eyes over the rest of the changeling. Gray? Black? I know he's a changeling, but something like this...
" your screwdriver, Doctor?"
The Doctor gulped. "Why do you want it, Abel?"
Suddenly The Doctor was slammed against a wall, and a hoof from the changeling king impacted right next to his head. Looking over his shoulder gave The Doctor all the information he needed. He's been looking for it for at least a few minutes, he tore this place apart!
"Do not test me! Where is it?!"
The Doctor merely shook his head. "You know, I'm getting the impression you're not Abel. Despite his stunt at the grove, he and I were at least cordial with each other. Who are you, and why do you want my screwdriver?"
And then the changeling king grinned. "Bravo, Herr Doctor. You figured it out. I am Cain. And the reason behind me wanting your screwdriver is simple enough, but I shan't tell you."
Cain leaned in close and whispered. "I have access to some of his memories, and your screwdriver would really help. It's how I know that you can regenerate only so many times, depending on where you are in your timeline. How many regenerations do you have, Doctor? Would you like to find out?"
And for the first time since he came to Ponyville, The Doctor felt true fear.
Luna was standing guard in front of the vault of the Elements when she heard a commotion.
She got into her battle-stance and stared at the doors, waiting for whatever was out there to try its luck in here.
She was therefor pleasantly surprised when the doors were not burst open, but instead opened softly by a red aura.
"Ah, good, so she IS in there. Which means this place must be of import. Very well, off you get."
The sounds of hooves running into the distance was secondary to the sight before her.
The transformed changeling king walked up to Luna, grinning all the while.
"Hello there, Luna. I'm here for the Elements, if you don't mind."
Luna shook her head and charged her horn. "Release our loyal vassal, wretched shade, lest ye feel the might of the moon!"
And at that, Cain laughed. "Oh bravo, points to Twilight for sending you a letter about me. But if you think you can stop me, I merely have one word to say to that. Oroborus!"
The globe of red shot from Cain's horn, impacted...something in front of Luna, bounced to the ceiling, and disappeared. Cain was flummoxed for a moment, but that moment was enough for Luna to shoot a lightning bolt at his hooves. "The next shall not miss. Return our vassal or suffer!"
Cain brought a hoof to his chin in thought. "A reflective barrier. No magic not your own can get past. Interesting."
And then, with a pop, the barrier fell. Cain grinned. "Did you forget what I AM? Ororborus!"
Another globe shot at Luna, who had just recovered from the shock. She managed to dodge the curse, barely. Charging up her horn again, the two prepared to engage in a fight, before Cain whipped his head around. "So, she's coming as well..."
Thus, he was off-guard when Luna struck him with her second bolt. Cain yelped and put a hoof to the burned spot. "Ow! That hurt!"
His eyes glowed more intensely. "I don't LIKE being hurt!"
Luna was gripped in a red aura and slammed into the ceiling. Then into several pillars. Then through the stained glass. And then, finally, the floor. She gasped several times, before noticing the form standing above her. "End"
"Oh Luna. I shan't slay you. I shan't even feed off you. Who knows what would happen to the world if I did? Somepony needs to raise the moon, after all. No, I'm going to give you a gift. It's a spell I just slapped together, but I want to test it on somepony before I really need it. Oculous!"
And with that, Luna began to scream and cry, even as Cain raised The Doctor's sonic screwdriver to the Element's vault. She didn't stop, not even when he raised it to his own horn after, or when he opened the vault and took the case.
She couldn't stop.
She was looking into the Void Eternal, and It was staring back into her.
Not until Celestia came along shortly thereafter to undo the effects of the spell could she stop crying or screaming.
But the memories would stay with her forever.
A fitting place to do this. They were used here, twice, on Luna. And now I will find a way to destroy them, or at least counter them, here. Without the Elements of Harmony, Equestria will be defenseless against me.
Cain sat down and stared at the jewelry before him, studying it with all his senses.
A bright flash, accompanied by a popping noise, lit up Ponyville Square. The Bearers, along with Spike, suddenly appeared. Surprised by their surroundings, the group looked around. "Why would he come to Ponyville?"
Twilight sighed. "That's assuming he did, Spike. The magic holding the archway together changed when I hit them with the same spell I hit the doorway with."
Just then, a scream came from the mailmare's house. Derpy then flew by, carrying Time Turner to the hospital. He was bleeding from so many cuts on his body, it was a wonder the girls could identify him.
There was silence for a moment. "I think he was here."
Just then, Spike burped up a letter. Grabbing it, Twilight read it out loud.
"To my most faithful student, Cain has come here and dueled with Luna, eventually besting her. I know not what magics he used, but she was screaming so loud it is a miracle the entire city did not hear it. He has taken the Elements, but worry not. Ever since Discord stole them, I had a tracking spell placed on them. Right now, they, and most likely he, are in the Everfree, in the Castle of the Two Sisters. Twilight, I cannot stress this enough, but since love and light seem to be his weakness, that must be your method of weakening him. Yours truly, Princess Celestia."
Twilight nodded, rolled the letter up, and turned to her friends. "Let's go, girls."

Chapter the Seventeenth - And the truth shall set ye free...

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Suddenly, the girls heard a small sound.
A small, familiar sound.
A sharp yap.
The Bearers turned to see a familiar fox bounding down the road, one with three additional tails.
Before any of them could name the fox, they heard the voice in their heads.
"Ferrix? Are you okay?"
The fox sat in front of Twilight and shook his head. I bring word from the changelings, who bring word from Celestia and their own Hive Mind.
Suddenly he had the attention of the mares.
They did come up with one plan right after she sent you that letter. One singular plan. One you will have to implement Twilight, but they're being...vague about it. Probably not on purpose.
The mares groaned. "What did they come up with, Ferrix?"
You will have to focus, and make him understand. That's literally all they're telling me.
The mares sighed. "Any good news?"
Why yes. Since Abel was super-paranoid and coded all his wards to work with him and him alone, Cain doesn't have access to his house. Or his vault. Or his stockpiles. Or the Hive Mind. Which, all in all, is a good thing, since The Quill is stored there somewhere in his basement. Plus, I talked to one of his contacts regarding evil spirits. Would any of you happen to have brought back a crystal from the Empire?
The mares exchanged a look before focusing on Rarity, who merely chuckled. "Well I may have borrowed one or two..."
Backups, even better. You can't just force the spirit out with the Elements. It'll hop bodies. If you can get it out of Abel, he'll be able to seal it up in a crystal. Though it really depends on the condition you leave him in...
The girls nodded and turned back to be on their way to the Castle of the Two Sisters.
You wretched, vile constructs! Bow to my whim!
Cain glared at the Elements, clearly trying to stare them to death.
It wasn't working.
The changeling king raised a hoof and made to smash one of them, but the moment his hoof touched the Element, he felt a flash of memory and howled in pain.
"Howdy there, partner! Ain't never seen you 'round these parts. You new in town?"
"Yeah...I'm sort of a drifter. I get hired for one season, then have to move on."
"That right there sounds like a tough life. What's so special about a blank book cutie mark, anyhow?"
"Oh, it's actually a ledger. I'm an accountant. I'm real good with numbers."
"That so? Mah brother Big Mac's been itching to do somthin' like that 'round the farm. Says it'd help a lot more. Think you could teach 'im?"
"I think I could, miss...Oh, I beg your pardon, I'm Balanced Books."
"Well pleased to meetcha Books! Mah name's Applejack, but none of that fancy 'miss' stuff, y'hear?"
"Oh, issat so, AJ?"
"Darn tootin', Numbers!"
Applejack felt a pang, suddenly. As though someone had struck some sort of funny bone deep inside. "Twilight, did any of your books mention any sort of side effects to the ponies what bear an element if somethin' were to happen to the element in question?"
Twilight hummed. "Well, they are strange artifacts that nopony really understands. And since we exemplify them, and they're almost a part of us...then I'd have to say that you might very well feel something if your element were being manipulated. Why?"
"Nuthin' much. Just felt...nostalgic."
No! I am in control! ME!
Cain moved to destroy a different one, and again, a flash of memory.
"Miss, I was hoping to talk to you about something."
"Well, recently I have found myself to be caring for...quite a carnivore as a pet. And while I really would prefer not to ask..."
" Well, I can tell you or your pet where and what they shouldn't be eating. Would you prefer to let it hunt, or..."
"I think I really would prefer to let him hunt, yes."
"C-Can you bring him by? I'd rather he not hurt any of my friends, and he should know that..."
"Miss Fluttershy, you have got to be the most caring pony I have ever met."
"Oh, if you say so..."
"I'm serious. You don't like the idea of anything getting hurt, pony or not. If it's an animal, it's a friend to you, and you hate seeing your friends hurt."
"'re right. Thank you, mister Books."
"Please. Call me Balanced, or Books. No mister, makes me feel old."
"Oh...okay, Books."
Fluttershy paused for a moment, feeling warmth fill her. It felt like she'd just managed to patch up a particularly ornery animal, and said animal had smiled at her. ""
"What, Flutters?"
"Oh, it's not much. At least, I don't think so..."
There MUST be a weakness in these artifacts! There MUST! There ALWAYS IS!
Cain made to strike the balloon necklace, and again, he got a flash of Abel's emotion-filled memory.
"So hey are you new in town you must be because I know everypony in Ponyville and I don't know you so you must be new in town! And I'm friends with everypony in Ponyville as well, which means I wanna be your friend! So hi there, super duper new best friend! My name's Pikamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie! What's yours?"
"...Okay, if I understood that correctly, you're Pinkie, you want to be my friend, and you know everypony."
"...And that smile never stops, does it?"
"Neither does your energy, I'd wager. How much coffee have you had?"
"None, the Cakes said something about the end of the world if I have any. But hey! What's your name?"
"...Why do you need to know, Pinkie?"
"Well I can't very well throw you a super duper 'Welcome to Ponyville' party if I don't know your name, silly."
"...That is an excellent point. But I'm new, Pinkie. I need a place to live before you can throw me a party."
"*GAAAAAAAAAASP* YOU'RE RIGHT! We'd better get you to the Mayor's right away!"
"...Balanced Books."
"My name. Balanced Books. Since you're being so helpful."
"Well thanks, Bookie! And don't worry, I'd do the same for anypony!"
Pinkie giggled suddenly, causing her friends to look at her strangely. "Oh, that's an old one. Girls, we're gonna be just fine!"
Twitchy tail, itchy back, ear flop? Last time that happened was with Nightmare Moon!
How...can they...resist? How can...HE resist?!
Cain slumped a little, barely having the energy to stand properly. He moved a hoof to rest atop the necklace of Generosity, but a flash interrupted his next thought process.
"Take your time, no rush!"
"Oh, hello there! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique!"
"Yes, hi, I read on the help wanted sign at the town hall that you were looking for someone to do your financial records?"
"Oh yes, you're responding to my advertisement! Well I do admit that my talent lies in the art of fashion, and I am a stickler for details, but I wouldn't know where to begin with this."
"Wow. No kidding. You seem to have saved everything. At least it's all dated. It'll make sorting it out easier..."
"Darling, what are you looking at? Oh, this? It's a work in progress. What do you-"
"Are you. Out. Of your. Bucking. Mind?!"
"Such language!"
"MONOCHROME? What is this, the dark ages of photography? Add some color, add some spice! And this pattern, gag me! And all these frills! The buttons! The lace! Good gods, it's like everything decent about fashion died and gave rise to this thing!"
"...You...know fashion?"
"Not hardly, m'dear, but I am in possession of a functioning brainstem. And I have a quote that fits this situation. 'I may not know art, but I know what I like.' And this...thing? No stallion would look at it twice! I'm afraid if they looked at it once when it was done, they might try to tear their eyes out!"
"Yes well...I am being commissioned to make it like that..."
"Then clearly your client has no sense of taste!"
"...You know what? You're right. I'll redo it."
"Really? I didn't mean to cause you that much of a fuss..."
"No no, you opened my eyes, dear. Besides which, you've just given me some inspiration for a dress that would suit my client perfectly! Oh! I just realized I didn't get your name."
"Balanced Books, m'lady."
Rarity gasped suddenly, causing her friends to pause. "Oh my. It feels like somepony just tugged on my heartstrings."
The girls exchanged a look. "We should hurry. Cain must be trying to do something to the elements."
I can...sense them...coming closer...must keep...trying...
Cain was nearly flat on the ground, the Elements scattered around him. His hoof moved from Generosity to Loyalty, and another flash of memory seared his brain.
"Yeah, no kidding."
"Oh, heh, sorry 'bout that. Hey, are you new here?"
"Yeah, why'd you ask?"
"'Cause usually ponies know to run when I scream that."
"Yeah, owch, good point. Okay, so what were you up to?"
"Oh, I was trying out a new trick to impress the Wonderbolts."
"M'kay, and what went wrong?"
"I tried to pull up to fast, ended up pulling a wing muscle."
"Yeah, that sounds painful. Hmm. Starting from higher up might help..."
"Nah, this trick is all about pulling up at the last second."
"Then I suggest you learn to swim and practice over a lake to at least somewhat cushion your landings."
"Hey! Are you saying I crash?"
"I don't know where I could have gotten that impression from. Let me ask this crater in the road."
"One time!"
"One for one in my book is still a 100% crash rating."
"Oh that is it. We're racing."
"Might I have the honor of your name first?"
"Rainbow Dash, and don't you forget it, bub!"
"Balanced Books."
"I didn't ask!"
"Yeah, well, you'll need to know it for when I beat you. That way you can at least curse it!"
"Oooooh! Here to Sweet Apple Acres. First one there wins. Threetwoonego!"
Dash felt a rush flow through her, as though she'd just finished a particularly difficult trick.
"C'mon girls, the castle's just ahead!"
Destroy...the binding...agent...they all...fall...apart...
Cain lay down, looking directly at the element of Magic, before reaching a hoof out and lightly tapping it. He didn't even have the energy to scream anymore as the memory played.
"Hello? Are you the town accountant?"
"Just a moment!"
"Because the mayor said-"
"I'm reorganizing the financials for an entire town in a effort to afford the Summer Sun Celebration, along with the typical party that gets thrown with it by a certain mare."
"My word...this is advanced spellwork..."
"Yeah, took me a while to pin down all the parts of it. Layering the spells one after another really helps. It's a nearly sentient, autocorrecting system now."
"...You will teach me how you did this later."
"Sorry. Unique. Related directly to my mark."
"Oh, where are my manners. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and my special talent IS magic."
"Oh, you're right, apologies. I'm Balanced Books, I'm the local accountant, the mayor hired me for the duration."
"She said you might want this."
"Are you...okay?"
"I'm...fine. But now I have to reorganize. Especially since the crown is paying for everything."
"I don't understand. Isn't that a good thing?"
"But my system! My lovely system! It's ruined now!"
"Well...I could use a spell like that for my studies, help me find books easier."
"...Y'know, Twilight, I think we're gonna get on just fine."
The mares arrived at the castle of the sisters to see Cain lying on the floor, taking deep breaths, the Elements around him, none the worse for their time with the transformed changeling. "Aw, c'mon. We bust our flanks getting here, and he's already beaten?"
Twilight restrained her friends again, shaking her head. "Don't get near him. We don't know what he's capable of. But I think I understand the clue now."
Tuning out her friends, Twilight focused again.
The Hive Mind came very quick this time.
-You found him?-
Yes, and now I need to know. How can I make him understand?
There was a pause. A seemingly lengthy pause. And then a spellframe appeared in her mind.
-This is how you do it. Hold this image in mind. Think of what you wish for him to understand. Then, say Compos, and he will be forced to understand whatever it is you desired.-
Twilight cut the connection and looked at the fallen king before her.
Strangely, he was still talking.
"They don't care about a monster...and even if they did, you'd outlive will be alone again and again...You're nothing more than a pet to the royal have no spine..."
Twilight knew then what she would have to do.
She charged up her horn, thought of the meaning she wanted, held the spellframe and meaning in mind, and let Cain have it.
Please, Abel, understand our pain...and come back to us.
"Hey Numbers, you look kinda down. What's eatin' ya?"
"It's nothing, AJ..."
"Horseapples. Somethin' has you in a bind, and you're gonna tell me what."
"I have a small group of friends in town who've been pressuring me to make a decision to do something I really don't want to."
"What, git a marefriend?"
"I'm just pullin' yer leg. But what is so bad about this here thing they want you to do?"
"They want me to cast a particular spell. And if it works, it'll change...well, everything. And I don't want to."
"Then don't. Simple as that."
"Yeah, but their arguments about me casting it have only gotten more persuasive over time. I've been putting it off for months now, and I'm even starting to agree with some of their reasons."
"...You're scared about the changes, ain't ya?"
"Heh. Am I that easy to read?"
"Listen, sugarcube. Everything changes. That's jus' part o' life. What makes us the ponies we are is how we deal with it."
"Honest advice from our resident applebucker. Thanks, AJ."
"Aw, ya know me. I calls 'em as I sees 'em."
"Oh, hello there Books. I didn't expect to meet you here."
"I never expected to meet you anywhere outside of your cottage! Guessing this is something like a weekly supply run for you, then?"
"Aw, I'm sorry, Flutters. I didn't mean to tease. Guess I'll be going..."
"No, you can stay...if that's alright that is."
"Well then I'll accompany you on your journey, then. It only seems fair."
"If you want to..."
" something troubling you, Books?"
"...Yeah...just a bit..."
" you want to talk about it?"
"...I...can try...Flutters, what do you know about bees?"
"Oh, they're very hard working insects. Bees make delicious honey."
"And about how much freedom would you say the queen has?"
"Oh...she has to stay in the hive, to keep the bees supplied with more bees."
"I figured..."
"But if you think about it...she has so many friends in her hive. She knows every bee, and has so many children."
"...Heh. Guess you're right. Thanks, Flutters."
"Well hey there Pinks. How're you?"
"I'm fine, but you're not!"
"Really? How can you tell?"
"Normally you have at least a small smile on your face, even as you look around! Something must have really got you down today, Bookie."
"Yeah...I have a few friends who want me to try an experimental communication spell, one that'd let us talk to each other in our heads."
"Ooooh, like psychic ponies! Try it on me, on me!"
"Sorry Pinks, but there are some requirements to have it cast on you, and you don't meet them."
"The problem is that if I cast it, then everything...will change for me. Forever."
"Well...they're your friends, right?"
"And if you cast this spell, and it works, then they'll be happy, right?
"Then as a friend, you should do it! Friends like to make their friends happy, no matter the things that stand in their way!"
"...Thanks for the advice, Pinks."
"Darling, something seems to have you disturbed."
"Yeah, I'm getting that a lot lately. I'm also trying to hide it, but I'm clearly failing."
"Well you're doing fine, but your spellwork today is less than enthusiastic. Your emotions are effecting your control something fierce. Do tell."
"Well, remember that thing I saw you making?"
"I thought we agreed to never speak of it again, darling."
"Yeah, well, I'm being pressured into making a similar decision. One I don't want to."
"Oh dear. Well, can't you change it? Put it off?"
"I've been trying to. It involves casting a particular spell. Changing it too much could result in unintended consequences. And the few bits I do have control over...aren't enough. It'll still end up forcing something on me that I don't want."
"You mean like I keep forcing you to take my gifts and stop attempting to repay me for them?"
"I do try. Now what do you have control over in this spell you don't want to cast?"
"Mostly tone and inflection. I have to cast it just so, but when I do, the things I set into it will seep into the spell, altering it slightly, but never enough."
"Darling, you're wrong! Tone and inflection are highly important!"
"Let me show you! *ahem* Darling, how wonderful to see you! Do come in."
"Okay, as compared to?"
"*Ahem* Darling, how wonderful to see you. Do come in."
"Ack! Rarity! Unfair!"
"How is that unfair, darling?"
"You had my hopes up!"
"Okay grumpy, spill."
"Wha- Dash?"
"You've been moping around, looking at the ground, and not even Pinkie's been capable of cheering you up. It really irks me that you can't even lift your head to admire my handiwork, so spill it already. What's got you all worked up?"
"How did you-?"
"Duh, head weather pony? I can't help but notice when I'm in the air all the time."
"Fine. Riddle me this, head weather pony. If you were assigned to make a wicked storm at Sweet Apple Acres while AJ needed to buck a whole lot of apples one day, what would you do?"
"I...I...I'd warn her! Yeah! I'd tell her about the change in schedule ahead of time so that she could buck the apples sooner or later, and she wouldn't be working in the storm!"
"Good answer."
"What's that got to do with this?"
"I'm in a double-bind, Dash. I'm being torn between doing something because of what I am, and holding true to who I am."
"Ooooh, like that question. And you can't do both? Be true to who you are while doing whatever it is you should be doing?"
"I'm also afraid."
"Pfft, fear is for wimps. Look at me, never afraid of anything!"
"...You wouldn't."
"Miss Claustra-"
"ALRIGHT ALREADY! Okay yeah, I have a little bit of fear. But I deal with it. I deal with it by being me and never letting it get me down!"
"...Thanks, Dash. I think I might be able to answer that question on my own eventually."
"You better, and no more moping!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"And if you add this spell thread here, then the system starts comparing similar values."
"This is just GENIUS! HOW did we never THINK of this BEFORE?!"
"Easy there, Sparkle!"
"Eheheh. Sorry. But you have to admit, it is an impressive spell you came up with, Books."
"...Okay, something is bothering you."
"Yes, you haven't completed the spell, and you're just staring at that paper. What is it?"
"...How important would you say tone and inflection are in spell-weaving?"
"Oh, it can mean everything! In fact, the spell to start a small campfire, an illusionary fire spell, and a spell that sends out jets of fire are quite similar, save for a few bits here and there! So tone and inflection can mean the difference between-"
"Between the spell I'm being asked to cast, and the spell that I want to cast."
"...That's what's getting to you? Someponies are trying to make you cast a spell you don't want to?"
"Well. It was. But now I have a plan. Thanks, Sparkle. We'll finish this later."
"You have decided then?"
"You will cast the spell?"
"You will unite us?"
"You will be our Prince?"
"...Yes. But it will not be as the Hives of old. It will not be a hive of merely Unity. I will change the ideals. We will live under different ones."
"...Your terms are acceptable."
"Begin the chanting."
"And I do decree thusly, that this Hive Mind shall be formed under the concepts of Harmony. Of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty. Of the very Magic that is Friendship itself. This I declare!"
"We so agree."
I made a promise.
I brought them together.
We've been through thick and thin.
I believed in Friendship and Harmony then.
I still do.
I made a bloody promise...
With a roar, Cain's body surged upwards.
But the color had changed again.
No longer was the chitin grey. It had brightened back to white.
No longer were the mane, tail, or wings black. They had turned back to red.
The eyes, once similar to Sombra's, returned to their normal selves. The green had faded from the sclera, and no longer did they trail purple smoke.
But they were focused on something. Something that was...congealing, for lack of a better term, in front of him.
It resembled a pool of ink, rippling in the air, hovering in front of the returned king.
With a ripping sound, Rarity's saddlebags flew over to the changeling, and a six-sided crystal hovered between the darkness and the changeling.
The crystal was thrust into the darkness, and the two...merged. Within a few moments, the crystal had absorbed all the blackness.
And then those familiar eyes opened, just within it.
With a roar, the changeling king conjured up six golden circles, each one bearing one of the girls' marks on them. They shrunk down to the size of the crystal, tightened, and flashed, binding the spirit within the crystal.
The crystal fell to the floor, and the changeling turned to the mares.
"Thank you..."
And then, exhausted from his ordeal, Abel hit the ground, dead asleep.

Chapter the Eighteenth - Restorations, Reparations, Recuperations, Revelations

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Stop the beeping...I hate beeping...
This is why I don't have an alarm clock...stop trying to get me up...
-Sire, you're in the hospital.-
Oh, that's good. Wait. Why don't I-?
Abel's eye fluttered open and took note of his surroundings. Along with the fact that his disguise wasn't active.
It took him a moment, but the thought managed to fully process.
Despite his shock at being in the hospital in such a state, Abel knew that if he just yanked out any of the devices on him that he would bring down the full wrath of the institution. Instead, he calmly reached over and tapped the devices off with his hoof.
Just as the last one was switched off and Abel started in on removing as many things from his body as possible, Doctor Feelgood and Twilight walked in. And that was when he froze up, right up until the doctor started speaking.
"Abel? Relax. I knew already."
Abel let out a sigh and resumed his work. "So I'm going out on a limb here, but Twilight finally managed to knock me out and dragged me here for a full battery of medical tests, mostly to figure out everything she could about a changeling's physiology."
At this, Twilight's jaw dropped and Doctor Feelgood started laughing. "Well, I suppose, in a sense, that's right. If we look at it from your point of view, that is."
Abel nodded to the stallion. "So, how would you look at it? Do tell."
The doctor pulled out a clipboard. "Well, as your friends tell us, you were infected with dark magics. This brought forth an alternate personality, it called itself Cain. And Cain did...quite a few things."
Abel sighed. "Damn possessive dark spirits...I already had enough...what're the damages?"
Twilight had recovered a bit and pulled out a newspaper from one of her saddlebags.


Luna goes loopy, locks self in tower.

Abel snatched the paper out of Twilight's grip and began reading it rapidly. " Oh, he used...oh damn. Oh man, Shining must hate me...aaaand he steals my ideas and unveils them in a dark manner. Just. Wretchedly. Perfect."
Abel then looked to Twilight. "Aaaand how did you stop him?"
Twilight responded with a single word. "Compos."
And Abel froze again. "You used that spell? The one I designed specifically for Chrysalis?"
Twilight nodded. "I had to make you understand the pain you were putting us all through. It brought you out of your transformed state, and you imprisoned the dark spirit in a crystal."
Abel nodded. "And where is it now?"
Twilight reached into her saddlebag with a hoof and drew out the crystal in question, which caused Abel to hiss. "Why did you bring it here?"
"It reacts badly to magic. I thought you might know why, that's sort of your forte."
Abel nodded and closed his eyes for a second, then rapidly opening them. "Oh, wow. He is pissed. And those bonds are top-notch as well. Every bit of magic that touches those bonds feeds them. I don't think he's getting out anytime in this eternity."
Abel slowly got to his hooves, and gently took the crystal from Twilight. Staring right at it, he began to speak. "Well hello in there. I'm not going to deny anything you said, because yes, those thoughts are a part of me. But what makes me, me, is how I deal with it when I'm not under the influence of terribly corruptive magics. That in mind, I'm going to find a way to make your imprisonment redefine the term poetic justice."
Abel carefully handed the crystal back to Twilight and nodded at her. "Right. I've got a lot to do today, and not a lot of time to do it in. First stop, my place, then, the square. Oh, Twilight. I would appreciate you accompanying me today."
Twilight cocked her head to one side. "I...guess I could. But what will you be doing?"
Abel's grin was dangerously wide. "The better question is, what won't I be doing?"
"I told you this was a bad idea."
"Which is why I wanted you with me today!"
Abel had neglected to put on his disguise. On purpose.
Twilight couldn't fathom why.
Abel walked into his house, motioning with a hoof for Twilight to stay where she was.
The townsfolk, who had run at the first sight of the changeling, were now coming out of the alleys and the doors, curious as to why Twilight was spending any amount of time around the creature.
After a few minutes, a crowd had gathered on the front lawn. And that was when Abel walked out the front door and took notice of the herd of ponies. "Um. I come in peace?"
Silence. Then, from in back, a retort. "Yeah, right. You're a changeling!"
Abel nodded. "True enough. I'm also different."
"Different how?"
"My colors mean I don't eat love."
"Then what do you eat?"
Abel shrugged. "Magic."
Silence again. "Isn't there magic in...everything?"
Abel nodded. "And yet, you're all still standing. Ponder that for a moment, I have a square to get to."
And as the changeling king made his way to the Ponyville Square, the entourage only grew and kept peppering him with questions. Finally finding the spot he was looking for, Abel turned around and addressed the mob that had gathered.
There was silence again, and Abel continued. "Yes, I am a changeling. Yes, I have a disguise. Yes, said disguise is Balanced Books. No, there never was a 'real' Balanced Books, it was a disguise I came up with three years ago to blend in. Yes, I'm as large as Chrysalis, and for a very good reason. She's a tyrant to her own kind. I'm a changeling king to all those she's exiled. I have operatives throughout Equestria, and I have sworn loyalty to Celestia, Luna, and Equestria itself. I had an...episode, recently, where I was infected with dark magic, and fell from the good path. I have a busy day today, I have to make up for what I've done."
Spotting Mayor Mare in the crowd, Abel pointed at her and motioned for her to come forward. "My dear, if it pleases you and the town, could you schedule a Question and Answer Town Meeting for, oh...two days from now?"
The mayor nodded, gulping once, before asking a question of her own. "Why did you choose to walk around like this?"
"Because I'm tired of hiding."
Turning to the patch of air Abel had situated himself in front of, Abel talked to Twilight out of the corner of his mouth. "Every door has a key. If you know where to look, like at the other end of a gateway, then when you insert the key and turn it..."
With a flash of red, the air began to ripple, and Abel walked through it, vanishing instantly. Twilight, noticing that this seemed all too familiar, chased after him.
Once she had vanished as well, there was a bright flash, and the rippling stopped.
Abel didn't know what to expect when he managed to walk through the Gate. What he thought might happen would be that he would be arrested, or faced down by an angry Shining Armor.
Neither of those things happened. Instead, the streets were empty. Looking around, Abel could sense near nothing.
After a moment, Twilight appeared at his side, shaking her head. "You are something else when it comes to strange magics."
Abel nodded absently. "Well, in lieu of a clue as to where the crystal ponies are, I'm going up to see Cadence. I can sorta feel her power up in the throne room."
As Abel walked off, Twilight followed. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Abel. I mean, this is sort of where you started your little...episode. You should probably have waited longer to come back."
Abel shook his head. "The Gateway is here. I can re-tune it to go to other places once we're done, but I needed to be here to do it. Besides, I think this is the most important of my stops."
Just then, the two had entered the throne room. Cadence was sitting on it, while Shining was nowhere to be found. Upon sighting the changeling, her eyes narrowed. "Abel. Or is it Cain? You seemed to have a conflict when we last talked."
In response, Abel reached into Twilight's saddlebags and pulled out the crystal again, Holding it in one hoof, he bowed low and presented it to Cadence. "I advise you to not use magic on this, Princess. Doing so will result in nothing more than the bonds on the prison being strengthened."
Cadence slowly came forward and prodded the crystal with a hoof. "Is that...?"
"The essence of Cain, bound with seals formed of Harmony. I figured him being next to something and somepony he hates would be the best form of prison one could ask for. Will you take this burden up? Will you be Cain's jailor?"
Cadence was silent for a long while. Finally, she nodded. "I accept. And...I forgive you."
Abel looked up at Cadence and opened his mouth to speak, but Cadence cut him off. "The fact that you came here yourself to do this and didn't send any of your underlings to do it speaks volumes. And you weren't exactly yourself when this happened. Therefor your crimes...are pardoned."
Abel could only nod at her. "I will do my best to prove myself worthy of your forgiveness, your majesty."
Cadence smiled. "Well, you can start by keeping your minions out."
Abel shook his head. "Not the brightest of ideas. Part of my deal with Celestia is that I inform her of any of Chryssy's operatives in her lands. If we've no presence here, then how can we detect any of hers should she ever come here?"
Cadence smiled again, this time with a mischevious glint in her eyes. "Oh, but aren't you and yours the only ones with a warming spell?"
And this time Abel smiled. "'If a thing is done once, then it is only a matter of time before it is done again.' It's only a matter of time before Chryssy becomes aware that the Empire's returned. The fact that love and light keep it safe, along with the fact that you two are in charge? I'm not sure if she'll try to resist, or come on all the harder."
Cadence frowned. "You...have a point. We'll talk about this in depth later."
Abel looked askance for a moment. "Am I to assume that your husband has taken over guarding the crystal ponies?"
Cadence pulled out a map. "You would be correct. He is watching over"
Abel took note of the position and was off. "I'm off to see a pony about some ponies."
The moment he entered the warehouse, Abel was assaulted by Shining Armor.
Draining the magic from the attack, Abel looked over to see him and idly flicked a shield up. "Shiny. Wonderful to see you. Don't mind my new chitin, I figured white was back in season and got rid of that garish grey. I don't know what I was thinking, it's far too dark for my tastes."
The sarcasm seemed to get through to Shining Armor, who was flummoxed for a moment as to why Abel was still standing. Abel's eyes flickered over to the rows upon rows of cots containing nearly comatose crystal ponies. Behind him, Abel heard the facehoof and Shining muttering 'Right, albino, feeds off magic...'
Abel turned his gaze back to Shining. "Y'done trying to kill me? Cause if not, I gave your wife the crystal containing Cain. You could go shout at it for a while. I'm sure he'd be appreciative."
Shining looked at Abel with an eye of scrutiny. "No more dark magic infecting your brain?"
Abel walked over to a cot with a crystal pony on it. "Nope. What's the matter here?"
"Suffering from magic drain. Cain took enough to put them in a coma, but not enough to kill. If they had just one spark more, they could reco-"
And then Abel exploded.
Well, exploded is a rough term.
But he did blast out a wave of raw, pure magic from his very being as a 'pulse' that swept through every pony, the warehouse, and a good few blocks besides.
He instantly felt weakened and fell to his knees.
Meanwhile, the crystal ponies had absorbed some of the magic and began to stir.
Abel nodded and began to leave, but before he could, Shining Armor stopped him with a hoof. "What did you just do?"
"Reversed my feeding ability. I'm surprised it worked so well."
"I could probably strike you down now."
"Yeah, probably. But you won't."
Shining looked at Abel critically. "Why? Why would you help fix this?"
Abel had an answer prepared. "Because even though it wasn't 'me' that did this. If one has the means and materials to make a wrong right again, then one is doing wrong by not making right."
Abel walked slowly back towards the Gate, where Twilight and a small crowd of crystal ponies were waiting. The moment the crystal ponies clapped eyes on him, they all screamed and ran away. Abel sighed and walked up to the crystal that made up the gate and touched his horn to it. "Let's see. it. I'll re-tune it again later, right now, I need to get to Luna. Can you wait here, Twi?"
Twilight nodded and then asked, "Why do you need to see Luna?"
Abel turned his eye to Twilight. "Because the Hive Mind knows, Twi. They all know what I did. They were unwilling backseat viewers to my actions. They just wanted confirmation that they now got, that I am myself again, before they would tell me a damn thing. The spell I used on Luna is unforgivable, and I can save her from that madness."
And before Twilight could stop him, Abel stepped through the Gate.
Luna. Luna, look at me.
No...I can't...I can't look at anything anymore...all I see is darkness...all I see is madness...
Suddenly, in Luna's dreams, instead of the darkness, there was a beacon of light. It slowly resolved to take on the form of-
"YOU! Have you no shame? Even in my dreams I cannot flee from you!"
Luna, LOOK. White. Not grey. I'm not Cain, I'm Abel. Cain is gone. Sealed up in a crystal, and given to Cadence to watch over.
Luna examined the changeling before her, realizing he was right.
"So why did you come?"
Because I can help.
Luna scoffed and looked away. "None can help. What thine darker half did to me...I shall never forget it."
I CAN help, Luna.
Luna turned back and eyed Abel. "How."
Take my hoof.
Luna slowly walked forward and stopped right in front of Abel. "That is all? No tricks?"
Abel held his hoof out. None.
Luna touched it with hers, and held it there.
A few moments stretched on, and nothing seemed to change. "What is this mea-"
Out of the corner of her eye, Luna saw a change in the darkness. A shift. A thinning.
As she turned to look at it, Luna realized that almost all the darkness behind her was gone. Instead, it had faded to show a scene.
Ponyville, during Nightmare Night. That night when she had been accepted for who she was.
Luna took it all in, and realized that the darkness wasn't just disappearing. It was going somewhere.
She turned to look at Abel again, who had a sad smile on his face.
"Are you taking..."
Yes. All of its touch on you. The very memory of looking into it. I'm taking it from you, because you don't deserve that fate.
"But...taking it on yourself...Even you, I cannot condone-"
It is DONE, Luna. And really, it doesn't matter that much that I've done this. What's a little more madness to one that's traveled between, eh?
"But you were-!"
I lied, Luna. Oh yes, it protected me from being their pawns. But even without eyes, one can stare into the Void Eternal, and have it stare back into you. It's why I needed to recuperate while I was just being reborn in this world. Enjoy this dream, Luna. By the time you awaken, I will be long gone.
The Doctor had a most unusual guest at a most unusual hour.
Derpy had long gone home, and visiting hours had ended a while back.
This, of course, did not stop Abel.
He sat there, staring at the brown earth stallion he'd almost ended.
Said stallion was sleeping off the extreme blood loss. And the few broken ribs.
Fortunately, none of that was fatal.
Apparently, at some point, Cain had just ripped off The Doctor's saddlebags, and when he looked around, noticed the screwdriver poking out of them.
It was highly likely he didn't think it would be that easy.
Said screwdriver was now resting on the nightstand near The Doctor.
Abel cleared his throat a few times.
"I don't know if you can hear me. I'd like to think that at least some of this will get through to you. Then again, I also know that if you were awake, I wouldn't be able to look you in the eye. I also know you'd probably have some choice words for me. And quite frankly, I'd deserve them.
Right, getting sidetracked. The world was never really in any danger. Cain overthought everything, and underestimated the Elements. I'm not sure he even had a plan for after the Elements. And now he's sealed in a crystal and in the care of Cadence, so that's a job well done then.
Luna suffered at his hooves as well. But then again, I know how to deal with the sort of madness he inflicted on her. And I also went around unmasked in town today. I don't think I'll make a habit of it. Fear was never an emotion I liked to feel.
There...there are no words that express how sorry I am for all this. Yes, I was under the influence of dark magics. But...I can't help but think that I should have done something, not let the situation turn out the way it did.
I'm returning your screwdriver. I could have had a load of fun with it, but frankly, I don't think I'm responsible enough.
Get...get better soon, Doctor."
As Abel walked up to his house, an unpleasant 'surprise' waited for him.
Namely, Princess Celestia and a full platoon of guards.
Abel, ignoring everypony there, walked up to the door and unlocked it. The guards tried to stop him, but he pushed them and their weapons away from his path with magic.
Celestia was clearly baffled that somepony could just brush her off, and cleared her throat.
Abel looked out at them all from inside his house, and locked gazes with Celestia.
"Abel, you're under arrest."
Abel snorted once. "Took you long enough."

Chapter the Ninteenth - The airing of grievances

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Celestia blinked, expressing a rare moment of shock. "You...planned for this?"
Abel snorted again and shook his head. "I wanted this. I wanted your attention, I wanted you out of the castle. You and I have issues with each other, though we keep them hidden. Come in, Celestia, and we can air them. Or, if you prefer, you can stay out there and hold me under house arrest for the rest of eternity."
With that, Abel walked back into his house. The guard turned from the door, to the princess, and back to the door. One of them dared to ask. "Princess, would you like us to-"
Celestia cut him off. "Abel may have done many a thing. We may have come here to arrest him. But we've already tried breaching his security once. He's also a planner, a schemer. I have to believe he means what he says. He wanted to talk to me, and this was the most direct method to get me to do so. Therefor, I shall. Wait here, my guards. I shall return."
And with that, the solar diarch walked into the lair of the changeling king.
Celestia merely sighed and shook her head. "What am I going to do with you, Abel?"
Abel paused and lowered his cup back to the table. "Well, normally I would say 'nothing, I hope'. But this isn't a normal situation, is it? I was corrupted, and I've been made aware of my actions. Every last one of them."
"So Cain?"
"Sealed within a crystal, bound by bonds forged of the lingering Harmony in your old castle. Any magic used on it strengthens said bonds."
"The Crystal Ponies?"
"Reversed my feeding ability, gave them a jolt. They'll recover, some quicker than others, depending on how close to me they were."
"That construct?"
"Remind me to teach you the re-tuning spell. Then you can teach it to Cadence. Anyway, Twi purified it."
"The Elements?"
"Recovered by Twi. Probably. Neglected to ask."
"That stallion that was hospitalized?"
"Returned his stolen property. Gave him my well-wishes. Least I could do."
And finally Abel sighed. "Yeah. Not gonna lie. I was developing that spell for extreme scenarios in which somepony with your sort of strength came at me. Cain managed to piece together the last few bits of the puzzle, and used it on her. And frankly, I'd rather burn the knowledge of that spell from my brain with a branding iron, but I know it now. I at least have a countermeasure, and helped her. She should be fine when she would next awake."
Abel looked at Celestia and sighed again. "But that's not the reason Cain was born. Oh, we can all point the hoof at Sombra. Him and his dark magics. But it had to have an anchor, a seed, a thing to latch onto, something in me to grow from. And if you look at me, Celestia, it's about as obvious as the horn on your face."
Celestia sighed as well. "You are afraid of being alone, even though you have so many friends. This sort of thing is ir-"
Abel slammed a hoof down on the table. "NO! Don't you DARE say my fear is irrational! I'm AGELESS now, dammit! Every pony, every changeling I know, will die, and time will pass me by! So long as I keep myself fed, I will not age at all! And YOU of all ponies should know what sort of fear I'm facing!"
Celestia was for once silent, and Abel continued, but now he was staring at the table. "Oh, but my agelessness comes at a price, unlike yours. Should I ever designate an Heir Apparent within my Hive, then once he has finished ascending, I will feel all my years come at me. I can still die, Celestia. And that's not counting just raw damage. I can still be killed, Celestia."
Abel looked up to Celestia, his eyes brimming with tears. "Tell me. Tell me why. Tell me why I don't just let that happen when the time comes. Why I should bother living on, when I know my heart will always be rent asunder. Tell me why you're so interested in the health and well being of what has to be just a bucking plaything to you!"
Abel slouched forward, the tears flowing freely and staining the wooden floor. Celestia walked over and laid a wing over the weeping king, waiting for the blatant crying to stop. Once Abel had calmed down a notch, Celestia began to speak.
"Few know this, but there is a monument atop the mountain on which Canterlot resides. It is made of simple stone, but enchanted to never wear away. And on that stone, I have engraved all the names of the ones that I hold dear who have passed. Every year, the day after the Summer Sun Celebration, I fly up there, and I read every name. I recall all the times they and I had. The good, and the less than spectacular. Every. Last. One."
Abel looked up at the solar mare, and she continued her statement. "And in this way, they live on, in my memories. That is all that one can ask for: to be remembered."
Abel sniffed once, and then began talking again. "I...the only one that knows about the entirety of my past life is Ferrix. I let him look once.'s a bit of my life, and maybe now you'll understand what Cain came from.
When I was born, my mother decided she didn't want to give up her freewheeling lifestyle, and left me with my father. And then left herself. My father was an upstanding businessman, and he did his best to raise me right. Try growing up when everyone else teases you for not having a mother, it tends to cut to the core real quick. Children can be vicious monsters.
Nonetheless, I absorbed the knowledge and ideas my dad threw at me, at least, until he realized I was turning into a proper little copy of him. Then he gave me the last real lesson he ever would: Gave me a computer and unrestricted internet access and a phrase. 'You've got to stand for something, son, and nobody else should make up your mind for you. Only you can decide what you stand for, but you shouldn't be uninformed when you make up your mind.'
I absorbed information, learned what I could about what I wanted to. I went to college for accounting, wanting to show father that I could be useful in his line of work. I went away for one week on a vacation...
And I come back to find he's died in the middle of it.
So yeah, that was when my worldview broke. I hired a lawyer to sort out the estate so that his company kept going, I got a tidy sum and could live comfortably, and I would only need to be minimally involved. And then I developed a fear of being abandoned, of getting close to anyone because then they would cut my heart out.
I took to writing to dull the pain. It helped, sometimes, to write with passion in what I was doing. Helped my emotions through my stories. And then the day came when I found The Quill. And we know how this story goes."
Celestia eyed the king beside her, sighing softly. "You need help. Mental help. You need to open up to ponies, to have good relationships with them. Only then will the things that spawned that spirit ever truly go away. I'm not saying you need to put your past behind you, but you need to accept that it is the past, it is a part of you, and while it can affect your actions, you shouldn't let it define you."
Abel nodded absently. "I'm not sure if there are many ponies who would know how to deal with this sort of problem, though."
Celestia chuckled. "I think I know of one. She knows exactly what you're going through, save for the parents bit, and is willing to listen whenever you need a shoulder to cry on. And she's sitting right next to you."
Abel sighed. "Celestia, you've done so much for me already. I don't want to shove my problems onto your table."
And then Celestia prodded him with a hoof. "I just told you to let me help, didn't I?"
The small crowd that had gathered outside of Abel's house couldn't help but whisper to one another about what they thought was going on inside the changeling's home. Much of the speculation was clean, hinting that the changeling had only acted out to get Celestia's attention because he wanted to talk.
Some of it was a bit dark, the horrors of the invasion still fresh in their minds, speculating that perhaps the changeling was seeking to replace Celestia.
And then there was the teenaged colts and mares, who could come up with all sorts of applications for a changeling, and wondering if their ruler was...partaking in said applications.
It did surprise them when the door opened and Celestia walked out, closely followed by the changeling.
"The charges against Abel have been dropped," she said, much to the crowds' shock.
"In return, he has agreed that he requires mental help, and will come to Canterlot for weekly sessions, until I deem him functional again."
Abel nodded at Celestia and spoke up as well. "My lifestyle, my has left me over-paranoid about everything. And that is not how a healthy pony lives. True, I'm a changeling, and you could argue this is healthy for me. But me and mine...our Hive was founded on the ideals of Harmony, of Friendship, so that we could live amongst ponies. And I don't know about you all, but I'm pretty sure there's not an Element of Paranoia."
This earned him a few chuckles, even from Celestia, who then retook control. "Fair enough. And Abel has promised to share what magical discoveries he can with us, such as the one that led to the Crystal Gateway."
Abel shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, it was just a basic understanding of the structure of the universe, along with making a tunnel to connect two points in space-time, and anchoring it to the planet. Not a big deal. Wait until the day comes when we can get a whole network of 'em up, then you'll be impressed."
Celestia nodded. "Well, I think my business here is concluded. Twilight, if you will accompany me back to Canterlot?"
Twilight gulped, realizing now she would learn if she passed her test or not.
Abel sighed as he looked around his vault. "So much for secrecy. At least I still have a few."
"What troubles you, master?"
Abel turned and glared at one of his artifacts, even though it was out of sight. "Nocturnus Requiem, I told you NOT to call me that."
"Sorry, ma- Abel. I'm getting better, honest."
Abel nodded. "Yeah, but every so often you relapse. And to answer your question, I went around unmasked today."
"That seems like a horrible idea. And that's coming from me."
"Yes, well, you also have a brother, after a sense."
"...Say what."
"I went up to the Crystal Empire recently and Sombra infected me with his dark magic. Thus bringing forth an...alternate personality. Cain, it called itself. Born of my fears, it went on a slight spree across Equestria. I've spent the day making right by those he wronged, but I got Celestia's attention, and she and I have agreed on something. That I need mental help."
"I could have told you that, Abel. I mean, granted, you did make a wonderful rehabilitation cell for me."
A dark blue mist came from within the cave, forming vaguely into the shape of a pony. Slitted cyan eyes opened on it, and it flashed a wicked grin towards Abel.
"But only a madpony would have even thought to try and redeem the Nightmare."
Abel grinned back at the spirit. "I'm not a pony, your argument is invalid."

Chapter the Twentieth - More pink than you can shake a stick at

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The town meeting had gone well enough, save for the dreaded question that Abel answered as forcefully as he could.
"No. I will NOT reveal them, I will NOT make them reveal themselves. Even the newest addition to my Hive had been living here amongst ponies for at least a year, and none of you are drained or replaced. If THEY decide to reveal themselves to you, that is THEIR business, NOT MINE. Even Celestia understands this. The bonds of loyalty we share with each other are nearly as strong as my vow to serve Equestria. Do not ask me this again."
It was a few more days before Abel got most welcome news.
-The tunnel between Canterlot and Ponyville is nearly done!-
Abel decided to supervise while humming a tune.
A decision he quickly regretted.
All around him, the changelings started to hum as well.
-M'lord, what is this tune?-
"It's from a game I played once. I thought it would be appro...pri...ate...."
Abel's voice trailed off as he realized that the changelings around him were still humming.
And then they started to sing as well. this? I...cannot stop!-
Abel whirled around, stunned. "The magic of Harmony throughout the land sometimes causes ponies to burst into song...I...Oh goodness, I started a song, and now..."
-It's infecting the Hive Mind!-
-Save us!-
-Someling stop the music!-
Abel wracked his brain. "Vinyl! I'll go see Vinyl! She's bound to know about this! Failing that, she'll be able to sell us all earplugs!"
Balanced Books stood inside Vinyl's home, staring at her while he tried to wrap his mind around the answer she had just given him.
"There is no way to stop it?"
Vinyl shook her head. "Nope. And from what you've told me, most of them haven't experienced a moment like that before. It's gonna get worse before it gets better."
Books groaned and fell to the floor. "It's already worse. I can't stop hearing them. And the song is wildly addictive. It's what I term an earworm song: once it gets in your head, it does not let go. And I used to like it so much!"
Vinyl merely chuckled. "Big bad changeling king, brought low by music. Guess we know a weakness of yours now."
Books looked up and glared at her. "You coulda just asked Twi. She's compiling a list. Cold, Chaos Magic, Dark Magic, my own crippling paranoia..."
Vinyl laughed a little louder then. "True enough. Well, I can teach you a spell that should dampen out other noises. If enough of them stop singing, the Harmony moment should end."
Books bolted back to his hooves and nodded fervently at the DJ. "Please, please, please!"
Vinyl's horn glowed, then the glow faded, and she smirked at the pony across from her. "One condition."
Books groaned.
"Y'gotta teach me that song later."
Books groaned louder.
Books was walking past the diner when he saw Twilight focusing intently on an apple, Spike nearby.
Realizing scaring Twilight would be a bad idea, Books sidled up to Spike. "Practice session?"
Spike jumped a little, but recovered and nodded. "Yeah. Transfiguration. Apple to orange. She's already done a bird and a frog. Pinkie keeps interrupting."
Just then, Pinkie bounded by, chirping out the word 'Fun!'
"Y'mean like that?"
And then another Pinkie bounded by, saying the same word.
Spike looked up at Books and frowned. "Your changelings aren't very competent, are they? There's only one Pinkie. Thank Celestia."
Books frowned and shook his head. "They're currently all singing their brains out, because I made the mistake of singing a popular song. I was on my way to teach them an earplug spell."
Spike's eyes widened in shock. "If it's not you, then..."
Books looked around at the third Pinkie of the moment. "I think...we have a problem..."
Books had managed to barricade himself in his house.
It wasn't easy.
One Pinkie could somehow get in if he left the tiniest gap in his wards.
The amount that was outside? They demanded constant vigilance.
One stray thought could end up allowing the Pinkie horde access.
He'd rather not imagine what could happen if a Pinkie got into his vault.
Then there was a thundering of hooves outside, and the constant screams of 'Fun' faded away.
Books carefully peeked out the front door of his home to find that the horde of pink had been herded away.
The changeling sighed and went down to the mines, eager to teach the earplug spell to his Hive and get the constant singing in his head over with.
"So. This is a test?"
Spike nodded.
"To see which one is real?"
"Pinkie used the Mirror Pool and ended up creating clones of herself. We're trying to figure out which one is which by giving them a test only Pinkie could pass."
Books looked from the wall to the Pinkies. "Well. I guess that explains it."
"Explains what?"
Books waved at the mass gathered before him. "There's only one beacon of actual emotion in there. The rest is just a flux of...well, let me leave it at unusual magic."
Spike looked back up at Books. "Dude! You could solve this right now! Which one is Pinkie?"
Books shook his head. "Can't focus. That magic is really weird. Throws off even my senses. I'm gonna hafta study this Mirror Pool. When we find the real Pinkie, that is."
Spike sighed. "Yeah, I guess."
And then Books got an unwelcome call.
-M'lord, Cadence requests your presence here.-
Books' eyes widened before he tapped Spike on the shoulder. "Hey, bro, I'm out. Something just came up."
-You KNOW I promised to NEVER do that to ANY of you for ANY REASON!-
-She wants you here, m'lord. She knows you can.-
-This is exactly what She was RAISING ME FOR! I REFUSE!-
-...M'lord, she says if you do not, then she will escort us into the tundra.-
-That manipulative, cold-hearted, two-timing, scheming...-
Cadence looked with shock at the changeling in front of her. Its eyes had changed from teal to the familiar red, slitted ones of Abel.
It was also glaring at her.
Shining moved to position himself between Cadence and the changeling, and Cadence moved to say something, but the changeling cut her off.
"Cadence, you glorified Cupid. I had made a vow to my Hive that I would not do this. This...this is what Chrysalis was raising me for. So that if she died, I would be taken over by her mind, so that she could live on. Or rather, that was her plan. I kinda ruined it. Nonetheless, all that trust you and I had? All that wonderful belief I had in you, that you could forgive? GONE. You made me do this. And I loathe you for it."
"Now you listen here, you stuck-up bug. I don't know what Celestia sees in y-"
Cadence cut her husband off with two words.
"I'm sorry."
Silence reigned in the throne room of the Crystal Empire, and then Cadence continued.
"I'm sorry I made you break your promise. I'm sorry I made you do the thing she was planning to do to you. I'm sorry that I did this. But I needed to know that you could, and I needed to know why you didn't. I am sorry, Abel. But the safety of my subjects comes first, and I needed to reassure them that you do have morals, that there are lines you won't cross, and that most importantly, that there is no chance you could fall back into darkness."
The changeling snorted once. "No. You're not sorry. You really aren't. You haven't had to make a promise that means more to you than anything, and then have to break it. You're not sorry for doing this at all, because you don't know how this feels to me. And as for the whole my mental state bit? Celestia's working on that. She and I have agreed that I need therapy, and that she can provide. So again. Don't tell me you're sorry, because you're not. You're just sorry you got caught. Don't call for me again, at least not for a week. I'm mad at you, Cadence, and you can't change that right now."
And with that, the changeling blinked, and the eyes faded back to teal. Before either of the two rulers in front of them could speak up, it did.
"You know, I agree with him. You really are a bitch sometimes."
And with that, the changeling put on a crystal pony disguise and walked out, leaving two stunned ponies in the throne room.
Books and Twilight stared at the hole that Pinkie had led them to. "This is where the Mirror Pool is?"
Twilight moved to levitate a boulder over the entrance, but Books put a hoof up to stop her. "Let me help. I stocked up a bit before coming here."
Books took the boulder from Twi's control and plugged the hole, then screwed up his eyes in concentration. "This will be interesting...Aetherius...Auxilium!"
The boulder flashed red a few times, and Books sighed. Twilight looked over at him. "What was that meant to do?"
Books grinned. "It's sorta similar to my wards on my home, only waaaay toned down. If you're not on the list, then this boulder will just be a boulder to you. Whereas if you are..."
Books walked up to the boulder and swiped a hoof through it, demonstrating the effect of his spell. Twi clapped her front hooves together. "Amazing! But...why?"
Books grinned. "Magical mirror water that can produce clones with the right rhyme? Why wouldn't you want to study that?"
Twi's eyes grew and looked at the boulder. "Am I on the list?"
Books nodded. "Two eggheads are better than one."

Chapter the Twenty-first - The Vault

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Balanced Books stood in the entryway of his home with a shocked expression on his face.
Completely understandable, considering that Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were on his lawn.
Even more understandable considering what they had just asked.
"Come again?"
"I would appreciate it if you would show us around your Vault, Abel."
Books groaned and rolled his eyes. "And WHY do you need to see it now?"
"Because if you have anything stored in there that could be a danger to Equestria, I need to know."
Books looked off into the distance for a moment, tapping the ground with one of his hooves. Finally shaking his head, he fixed his gaze on each of the mares in turn.
"Fine. I can show you around. But let me make this perfectly clear. There is one artifact in there that I know you will react to. One that I know will cause a scene. If ANY of you are incapable of controlling yourselves and react excessively to it, I will escort you from my home immediately and never invite you back in. Do you understand?"
The three mares seemed taken aback for a moment, but then each of them nodded.
"Very well. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, please come in."
Abel looked at the cave entrance before him, glaring slightly. Motioning to the mares to wait a moment, Abel charged his horn and swung it at the opening. A curtain of red shimmered into existence, covering the opening.
"Security protocol Gamma, password seven, five, three, two."
Biometrics confirmed. Welcome, Abel and guests.
The curtain peeled back, and Abel walked into the cave, closely followed by the three mares.
Abel sighed. "Might as well get this over with. Nocturnus Requiem, come forth!"
"Mmmm...morning Abel...oh, and who is this? How very...interesting."
"Nocturnus, this is the acid test. If they can't stand you, then they don't get to see the rest of the Vault."
"Isn't that cruel to at least one of them? I mean, after all..."
The dark blue mist seeped out from deeper in the cave and formed into the rough shape of a pony. The slitted cyan eyes opened on it again, and it smiled a wicked smile.
"One of them is my better half, and the others fought against me."
And the mares were stunned speechless. Abel rushed to fill in the gap.
"Yes, this is the same spirit that once possessed Luna. However, I've been putting her through rehab for the last two years. She's gotten better, and even requested a new name. The Nightmare really doesn't fit anymore, so I named her Nocturnus Requiem."
Celestia recovered. "You...took the Nightmare?"
Abel nodded. "Wasn't easy."
Twilight croaked out a question. "Rehabilitation?"
"Also not easy."
And finally Luna found her voice again. "Why? How?"
Abel grinned. "And therein lies a tale. The day after the fight against Nightmare Moon, I went out to the Castle of the Two Sisters..."
Huh. Interesting. All this armor seems to be slightly mag- did it just move?
Abel was in the room where Nightmare Moon had been turned back to Luna. It amazed him how some ponies could just forget things. Like the armor she had been wearing, which was now scattered around the room.
I must be seeing th- nope! It definitely moved! Okay...plan...
Carefully moving one piece at a time, Abel put the armor plates in the main hallway of the royal castle. Plan...plan...plan...okay, I'll need a ponyquinn and sapphire from Rarity, along with two large chunks of quartz. Maybe she can tell me where those are as well.
The night had fallen, and Books had dragged the ponyquinn out to the castle. Making sure nobody was around, Books peeled off his disguise and his saddlebags, then situated the ponyquinn in the middle of the hall. Taking note that the armor pieces had, in fact, moved closer together, Abel nodded to himself, and put the back and chest armor on it.
And that was freaky. It was like all the other pieces rotated to follow it...
Placing the helmet on the ponyquinn next, Abel wasn't the least surprised when the hoof coverings flew from their corners and attached themselves as well.
"Foolish pony! You have placed the armor of the Nightmare upon yourself! You will be mine for all et- this isn't a pony."
Abel cracked a grin. "Well hello there Nightmare, I have a proposition for you." Charging his horn, Abel began to carefully sculpt the sapphire into a miniature alicorn.
"Is this your doing? Release me!"
Abel mock-pondered the question as he continued the sculpting. "Hmmm...let a dark spirit take over my body and gain absolutely nothing in exchange. Lemme think about that..."
"Oh, is it gain you desire? My powers are vast. I can enhance your attributes tenfold!"
Abel sighed and shook his head as he put the sapphire alicorn down. "I doubt that."
He'd only just begun working on the quartz when the voice of the spirit interrupted. "Oh, do not doubt yourself. No matter the pony, the Nightmare is capable. Why, I could enhance even an Earth Pony's strength. Such a pony could buck entire buildings down!"
Abel nodded absently. One side down... "You don't say. What about a Pegasus?"
"Fast? They'd be faster than before! I could even help them channel their weather manipulation magic to do all sorts of highly unbelievable things!"
Both sides down, begin infusing spells into quartz... "And I suppose one wouldn't even have to ask what you would be able to do for a unicorn."
"Their magic would be neigh unstoppable! Anypony can benefit! All you would have to do is release me!"
Aaaaand done. Time to make the offer. "That's all well and good. But I have a counter-proposal. Well. More like a barrage of information to dump on you."
"Let me hear it, insect."
Abel grinned at that. "Oh you do not know how correct you are. But I digress. You're stuck on a ponyquinn. You're going nowhere. Eventually the magics binding you to this realm will dissipate. Either because the armor will rust, or due to the passage of time. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna are in Canterlot, spreading propaganda about how it was all YOUR fault that Luna was corrupted. They're even making a foal's tale version. In short, you're bucked. You're royally bucked. But I can offer escape."
"...I'm listening."
"I'm skilled in the manipulation of spirits and magical energies. I can unbind your focus from that armor to this gemstone I just carved and enchanted. Granted, I'd still take the armor back with me. But you, m'dear. I can help you. There will be rules. Stipulations. But I can get you out of this castle. You have until sunrise to answer me."
Abel pointed his horn at the ceiling of the cave, and small red lights ignited in a pattern, casting an unearthly glow onto the pedestals below. Abel led the mares to one in particular, upon which rested the Nightmare's prison.
It was a simple enough looking thing. Two chunks of quartz that were both flat on one side, said flat sides facing each other. Upon the bottom rested the sapphire alicorn figurine. Abel tapped the bottom chunk of quartz, and a diagram briefly lit up. A circle surrounding the figurine, with six highly familiar marks placed equidistant from each other on it.
"The prison," Abel explained, "Is slightly physical, in that it is bound to the quartz here. However, it's mostly magical. I gathered up what lingering essence of Harmony I thought the quartz could stand, a little from each element, and made it the bars of her prison. Every day I test her on something different. The more she exemplifies that particular Element, the more freedom she has. When the day comes that not even all the bars can keep her here, then she is no longer the Nightmare, but truly Nocturnus Requiem."
"I have to admit, it works. And I've mostly dropped my grudge against him for it."
Abel smiled and touched his horn to the top piece of quartz. "I think today, I'll test you on Honesty."
"More for your benefit than mine, I assure you. I've mostly mastered that lesson."
With a shunk, a pillar protruded from the bottom piece of quartz and struck the top, the mark of an apple on it glowing orange and bathing the sapphire alicorn in its light.
Abel turned to the gathered mares. "Now, on with the tour!"
Abel stopped in front of a podium that had a ruby resting atop it. "Ah, I remember this one. This was my first foray into enchanting gemstones."
Twilight moved forward to inspect it, but was stopped by Abel's hoof. "I wouldn't. I can get close cause my energy is kept on lockdown, but you..."
Abel motion to a circle on the floor that gave the podium three feet of space in every direction. "Getting closer than that is liable to be unpleasant."
"Abel, what is this gem meant to do?"
Abel grinned, moved closer, and picked it up. "I tried to imbue a changeling's feeding ability into a gem, to try and see if there were a better way for changelings to gain the magical energy they needed. I accidentally imbued my feeding ability into it, so this gem devours nearby magic."
At this, the eyes of the princesses widened. "But since there is magic in everything, especially us..."
Abel nodded and put the ruby back on the podium. "Yeah. Kind of a failure, that one. We didn't have any way to regulate the amount it took in. That's why it's down here. Not taking something that dangerous to the outside world. We're working on it."
Twilight pointed to a necklace a few minutes later. "What's that one do?"
Abel pulled it up and smiled. "Ah, this one. This was our prototype communication device for ponies. Didn't work. It allows you to communicate with others, yes..."
Abel slipped it over Twilight's neck, and her eyes widened. "Oh, Princess Celestia, it's actually safe."
Celestia blinked once. "What."
"Yes, it's actually a safe device. And Princess Luna, I'm sure he wouldn't have that spirit around if he didn't trust it."
"Indeed not, Miss Sparkle."
Luna blinked. "But Twilight, we did not-"
Abel held up a hoof. "Nope, neither of you actually said anything. But to Twilight here, she heard your thoughts as clear as day. This is a necklace of mind-reading. Once again, we kinda didn't have a good way to make a filter. Taking this out into a populated area would wreck the mind of the pony wearing it."
Abel carefully lifted the necklace off of Twilight, and she blinked a few times and rubbed her head with a hoof. "Well. That was strange."
"That bracelet seems to exude magic, Abel."
Abel nodded and lifted it off its particular podium. "Failed stealth device. Meant to be a bracelet that would cause other ponies to not notice you. But when it gets put on..."
The bracelet shot across the space between them and fastened itself across Celestia's foreleg.
Instantly, there was chaos in the world.
For a few precious moments, nopony could even remember that there was a Princess Celestia.
Complete. And utter. Madness.
Abel swore he heard somepony scream 'The horror!'
After counting to ten, Abel pulled the bracelet off of Celestia's foreleg, and the world slowly righted itself again.
Celestia shook her head a few times. "What...was that?"
Abel ginned slightly. "When you wear the notice-me-not bracelet, nopony notices you. When you wear this one, nopony remembers you. We mistranslated one of the words. For those ten seconds, none of your ponies remembered you existed, Celestia."
Celestia's eyes widened as she tracked the bracelet back to its podium. "Abel, never use that against us ever again."
Abel's grin increased. "But then how could I prank you?"
"Prithee, what is the point of that cloth sack?"
Abel glanced at it. "Early model bag of holding. We've gotten better about them, and there's only a few kinks left to work out. That one, however, is staying here."
Luna tilted her head to the side. "If it works, then what is the problem with it."
Abel looked at her, then back at it. "The last time it was used, tentacles came out."
"And here we have the creme de la creme. My stolen Chaos Magic."
All the gathered ponies looked at the red orb with wonder. They could feel the raw strength contained in it.
Twilight looked at Abel. "Spill, now. How'd you do it?"
Abel grinned. "The interior was made of the worst sort of gel known to me, and the exterior was made of the best, then hardened. I filled two halves of the orb with the gel, fused it together, and imbued it with the Chaos Magic. It vaporized, was contained, and made a perfect lattice. But even that wasn't enough, no."
Abel ran a hoof along the sphere and sighed wistfully. "I had to lay a spell into the lattice. One to keep the magic contained. It was quite simple. I asked it to calculate an irrational number. I asked it to calculate the precise value of Pi."
"Well that doesn't seem so-"
"In binary strawberry pie."
All the mares blinked, even Nocturnus showed up to blink. "What."
Abel shrugged. "It wasn't going to do anything ordered, you know. I'm not sure it'll ever start. Much less finish."
Abel clapped his forehooves together. "And with that, I think you've seen most of the Vault. Any questions?"
Twilight raised a hoof, and Abel pointed at her. "Yes, the studious unicorn in front."
Twilight pointed at Nocturnus. "Why did you save her? Why did you think she could be redeemed?"
Abel mock-pondered and put a hoof to his chin. "Hmm, ask the magic-eating monster why he saved a dark spirit. Good question. Well, mostly I figured that if I could blend in, live a normal life, then why couldn't she? And frankly, I'm not sure she'll ever fully be redeemed."
"You have such faith in me, Abel."
"Hey! You've learned Honesty, Loyalty, and Kindness, but I've yet to see a lick of true Laughter or Generosity from you, missy!"
Nocturnus sighed. "I AM trying, you know."
Twilight coughed. "Yes, well, I suppose the next question is...what would you do, if she were redeemed?"
Abel shrugged. "At that point in time, she's a free spirit. Doesn't bother me any what she'd choose to do."
Celestia looked around. "There are more podiums here that we did not touch on, Abel."
Abel nodded. "Most of these are variations on one item or another, each one a failure in one aspect or another. Each one with an important lesson behind them, and dangerous enough to warrant their incarceration here."
Luna made a quiet note of something then. "That Quill is not here, we noticed..."
Abel looked at her and nodded once, jerkily. "I know where it is. It is safe. It will not be touched. None besides me can touch it, such are the wards on it. Do not ask for it again."
Celestia cast a gaze to both Luna and Twilight before nodding. "Then I think we're done here for the time being. If you will escort us back up?"
Abel nodded. "But of course, m'ladies!"

Chapter the Twenty-Second - Lessons

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"Twilight, I could really use your help with something."
Balanced Books was standing in the library, looking at the lavender unicorn in question, who merely raised an eyebrow.
Books nodded. "I'm...sorta self-taught in magic. I mean, with the Archive as a thing, I know changeling ways of spellcasting. And I've done some experimentation to determine where my strengths lie. My problem lies at the intersection of 'I never learned unicorn ways of spellcasting' and 'I'm horribly deficient in these attributes.'"
Twilight tilted her head to the side. "That's an...interesting description. So, I'm guessing part of it is, you'll be wanting to borrow books on magic?"
Books nodded. -Come in.- "That's half of it. The other half..."
Three unicorn mares walked in the library. One was blue with a violet mane and a cutie mark of a fire, the next was orange with a yellow mane with a cutie mark of a lightning bolt, and the final one was red with a green mane and a cutie mark of a snowflake.
All three of them had green eyes, Abel's subtle clue to Twilight, and anyone else who knew what to look for, that these three were changelings.
It had been a small concession he'd made with the townsfolk. Granted, a lot of ponies had green eyes, and previously existing disguises did not have to change to include said color. But frankly, he had to give them something to get them off his back.
So he'd agreed to the green eyes.
Or rather, what he said was, "If I give them some distinguishing characteristic, will you all get off my back about it?! What the Tartarus would you want, anyways? Tri-colored manes? Bright neon coats? Or maybe matching eyes?"
Since none of them had actually stated a preference, Abel took matters into his own hooves.
Only those who needed to know and knew what to look for would be able to tell, anyways. And that was assuming that he made his changelings outside Ponyville do it.
Twilight's eyes widened as she clapped eyes on the unicorns. They went from the eyes to the marks, and then back to the eyes, before landing on Books once again. "Really? No elemental affinity? At all?"
Books nodded once. "I'm good at layered spells, I can really think outside the box with Enchantments and Active spells. Mentally, I'm a bit unsound."
"As that whole Cain episode proved."
Books winced once. "Yes. Which also brings up Dark and Chaos as things I just cannot mess with. I'm decent with Physical, Transfiguration, and Divination, only a bit more than the average unicorn in those aspects. Necromancy, I refuse to touch. Harmony magics I can fiddle with. I haven't had much chance to mess around with Soul magics, but I am dynamite at Space and Time magics."
Twilight nodded along. "As your Gateway proved."
Books nodded and pointed back to the changelings in disguise. "But I have absolutely no affinity for elemental spells whatsoever. Which is where these three come in."
Twilight looked back at the changelings. "Well...I suppose I could teach them the basics..."
Books nodded. "And while you do that, I'm gonna read up on how unicorns do these things."
Books had managed to make a good bit of progress on the tome full of Mental magics, when his stomach growled at him. Stupid survival adaptation forcing me to get hungry while I'm changed...
"Hey Twi, I'm gonna grab a bite to eat at the corner, d'you mind if I borrow this tome?"
"Not a problem, just bring it back how you found it!"
Books made his way through the streets, nodding at the passerby. Gah. That twinge of fear. I loathe it...but at least there's calm acceptance making its way into the populace...
"Mister Books!"
The ting of the bell at Sugarcube corner had barely faded when Books was assaulted by a trio of cute.
Sweet gods above protect me from this trial, for lo, the CMC have set their sights on me once again...
Born down by the crusaders, Books had no option but to fall. "Girls. Seriously, what have I told you?"
"But we couldn't just not thank you for what you did!"
"Yeah, it was so cool!"
"Applejack done told me all about it! Right after you revealed yourself an' all. Said the cat was outta the bag, or somesuch."
"And then she told us, and I asked Rarity about it! Said she wouldn't go into detail, that such things were unladylike."
"And I asked Rainbow Dash about it, and she told us aaaaaall about it!"
Books struggled to his feet after he pushed the fillies off him. "Seriously? That was weeks ago! You gotta stop doing this to me! What will the rest of mine think if I keep getting overpowered by your cuteness?"
Scootaloo buzzed her wings. "That you're silly for having such a silly weakness?"
Books groaned. "Y'know, I could have one of mine transform into a filly and give you a taste of your own pouty-face one day. See how you like it."
The three exchanged looks as Books made his way up to the counter. Instantly, Pinkie was there. "Heya Books, the usual?"
Books shook his head. "Nah, I'm feeling...nostalgic. Can you make me a mint-and-chocolate milkshake? Heavy on the chocolate?"
Pinkie nodded. "Absolutely!" that...yeah, that's sadness alright. Those three seem to have had a rough day. "Hey Pinks, d'you think you could make three more?"
Pinkie looked over Books' shoulder at the CMC and nodded. "I getcha. They'll be out in just a minute."
"So girls," Books began as he turned back around, "What happened today?"
The CMC exchanged looks, Applebloom and Scootaloo in particular, before Applebloom spoke up. "Uh, nuthin' much. My cousin's here to visit for the upcomin' festival, though."
Books sighed. "Girls. Please don't lie to me. I know something happened."
At this, their eyes widened, and Scootaloo spoke up first. "How do you kn-"
And then the three of them facehooved after he changed his eyes, then changed them back again. "You three do seem to forget that whenever I call you out on anything, don't you?"
"Well, you act so much like an ordinary pony, we just forget sometimes."
"Here you are, Bookie!"
Books reached out with his magic and grabbed the milkshake. only good memory of home... "So this cousin of yours. Got a name?"
"Babs Seed."
Books nodded. "Aaaaand what has she been doing to get you all down?"
Once again, Scootaloo and Applebloom seemed to stare at each other, before Sweetie spoke up. "Promise to keep it to yourself?"
Books nodded. "My word as my witness. Now spill."
"Weeeeell...she's been bullying us."
Books nodded absently. "Got some experience with that."
"How could you? I mean aren't you...well...not from around here? How could you know what it's like to be bullied for being a blank flank?"
Books leveled a gaze at them all. "Oh. I don't know what it's like to be bullied for not having something. Not having something that everypony else has or gets. Girls, you could not be more wrong. And to make sure that I don't answer with a hot head, I'm going now before you ask your sisters and role models what certain words mean that I would really like to use."
Books tossed some bits on the counter, and the pink wonder came out with the milkshakes for the fillies and set them on a table.
As he left, Books caught sight of three more fillies on their way in. Diamond and Silver I already know. This one must be Babs, and they're all a bundle of malice...Ooooh...and insecurity...
"Hey Twi, think I'm done with this book on mental magics. I'll have to try some of it out later."
"What a coincidence, I finished training your three students here in the various elemental magics that I could think of."
Books nodded at them all in the library's lobby. "Okay you three, separate routes, back to the safehouse. Tomorrow I'll stick you with Dash, she'll get us all the flight training we need. For now, once you get there, distribute Twi's lessons."
As the three changelings took off and dispersed, Books leaned in to Twi and whispered. "Met the crusaders. Apparently, there's a small family reunion going on, Babs Seed is here."
Twilight nodded. "Yes, Applejack said something about her coming to take part in the upcoming festival."
Books chuckled then. "That book said something about how you would have to overcome your worst fears to have true mastery over yourself."
Twi tilted her head to one side. "That is a typical training method, but why-"
"Right now, all I can think of is Babs becoming a Crusader, and then spreading the doctrine far and wide. Creating a nation filled with Cutie Mark Crusaders."
Twilight chuckled nervously, her eyes visibly shrinking to pinpoints. "I'm...not sure Equestria could take that many Crusaders..."
The next day, Books was trying to get Dash's attention.
"Dash." She zoomed on to a cloud, bucking it out of existence.
"Dash!" She pushed another one into place across town.
"DASH!" She faltered for a moment before taking notice of who was screaming for her.
"What? I'm right here."
Books sighed as he motioned for Dash to come down. As she did, she took note of the three pegasi mares standing behind him. The first one was white with a two-toned blue and yellow mane and a simple raincloud cutie mark. The second was grey with bright yellow mane and a lightning bolt as her cutie mark, and the third was dark blue with a black mane and a wing as her cutie mark.
Once again, the three shared the green eyes.
Dash looked at the mares, taking note of the eyes, and looked back to Books. "So..."
Books sighed. "A while back, I borrowed a book on Pegasus flight from Twilight."
"Pfft, that is how you'd do it. Normal pegasi don't need books! We have flight camp!"
Books nodded. "I mean, it's not like I've ever used my wings for anything. So I got to thinking, who better than the best flyer out of Cloudsdale to teach mine about the finer points of Pegasus flying, especially stunt flying?"
Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out. "Nopony, and don't you forget it! But the question is..."
Dash walked to Books and poked him in the chest with a hoof. "Can they keep up?"
Books smiled at her. "That's for them to know, and you to find out."
Dash smirked at him. "Oh really? I bet I find out in the first ten minutes if they can keep up or not!"
Books laughed. "Okay, you do that, I-"
-M'lord, Cadence has re-tuned the Gateway to focus on Ponyville. She requests you here at your convenience.-
Books' eyes widened. "I apparently have a thing to do. Be back later, Dash. And try to make sure they can at least walk."
"No promises!"
"But he was so hostile last time! I don't know why you'd want him back."
"Shining, honey, he and I have some bad blood between us. We need to settle it before it becomes an all-out feud."
From in front of the two, the Gateway rippled once, twice, and then Balanced Books came walking out. Glaring at them both, he nodded briefly. "I'm assuming I am to walk around in this form?"
Cadence nodded once. "If you don't mind. Walk with me?"
Books hesitated for a moment. Then, he stood next to her. "I can do that."
There was silence for a few minutes. "Abel, can I ever apologize for what I made you do?"
Books just shook his head. "You made me take away another changeling's sense of self. For those few minutes, that changeling ceased to be. I made a promise, thankfully not an unbreakable one, that I would never do that to my own Hive members. If she ever forgives you, then I can consider it."
There was silence for a few more minutes. "We're beginning to pick up mining. Your changelings are showing great interest in the crystals. As is the rest of Equestria, thanks to the Gate."
Books nodded. "Crystals are great for spellcasting. I'm pretty sure that the only way to make a Gate is to use crystals."
"What would you do with the crystals?"
"Truthfully?" Books paused for a moment. "Research. See what spells react the best. I also have a few personal projects that would probably react well with crystals. We'd also probably set up a few private Gates."
Cadence nodded, and Books only now realized they'd come full circle. "If you can talk to your Hive, see if you can find the one that I forced you to wrong, I will attempt to apologize to her in whatever manner I can."
Books nodded, the hint of a small smile tugging at his mouth. "I can ask, that's all I can say."
-Oh, Perfect Facet?-
-Yes, m'lord?-
-Drag this out. I want her humiliated until she physically cannot take any more.-
-The pranking is allowed to begin in earnest!-
Abel sat in his lab, smiling at the crystal his operatives had gotten to him.
When he said he'd wanted at least one for his own personal use, they'd managed to get him one.
Too bad it wasn't going to remain whole long.
Charging up a spell into his horn, Abel charged the crystal with a light dose of magic.
And then he crushed it into many small chunks.
And then crushed those chunks.
And kept crushing until he had a small pile of crystal dust in front of him.
Sweeping it all together, Abel reached into a desk and pulled out a small jar labeled 'Toadstool spores'.
Carefully placing the magically charged crystal dust in with the spores, Abel focused a new spell onto the jar.
One that would combine both traits.
One that would produce, hopefully, crystal toadstools.
Granted, that would be unorthodox.
But, and here Abel's eyes flicked to a parchment, normal ones hadn't quite worked, had they?
Even when they all grew in the perfect circle formation, it hadn't worked.
Perhaps magically charging the toadstools would help him get their attention.
There was a flash, and Abel waited a moment before opening the jar.
Satisfied that the insides were now magical and glowing an eerie glow, Abel nodded to himself and resolved to try it out when he next went to the disconnected clearing.
If a ring of crystal toadstools that were magically charged didn't get the attention of the Fae, nothing would.

Chapter the Twenty-Third - A quick Canterlot trip

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Balanced Books sighed as he got off the train. Sheesh. How long has it been since I've been here?
-Nearly a month, sire, unless we count that incident with Cain and your quick visit to Luna's chambers. Then it's only been about a week.-
Books groaned and rolled his eyes. Hypothetical! When will you all learn?
-Apologies, sire.-
Books began to make his way through Canterlot, taking note that none of the ponies seemed to fear him. Interesting. Did the news never make it here as to who or what I am?
-Indeed not, sire. We managed to squash it outside of Ponyville and the Crystal Empire. All the other settlements have heard rumors, but none have any concrete evidence or descriptions.-
Books sighed. Well at least I'll be able to walk the streets freely. Do we have a team standing by in my basement?
-Ready for when you begin, sire, should we be needed.-
Books took note of the small crowd gathering as he neared the palace. "Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry. Oh, I beg your pardon."
"-that even the darkest of shadows, once dispelled, can reveal new things. It has taken us some time to gather the requite crystals, making sure they were of both suitable size and shape, but finally, we here in Canterlot shall soon be able to replicate the Crystal Gateway that the Crystal Empire has! Travel between here and elsewhere shall no longer be an arduous affair!"
Books finally managed to make his way through the crowd of nobles to see Celestia and Luna standing in front of a pile of crystals. Nodding to himself, Books made his way forward towards them. There was a small series of gasps from the nobles when they realized a commoner would dare to have the audacity to approach the Princesses, and a slight ripple when they realized the guard wasn't stopping him.
Walking close and bowing, Books made his statement that he was sure the nobles would latch on to. "Princess Luna, wonderful to see you again. I do hope ponies are enjoying your night more. Princess Celestia, a pleasure to answer your summons, I will do all I can to aid in the creation and binding of this Gateway."
The princesses nodded and motioned for him to stand up. "This is Balanced Books, an accountant from Ponyville," Celestia said to the crowd. "He is capable of understanding systems in a fashion no other pony can say they match. When word of the Gate reached him, he mentioned, in passing, but where my student could hear, that it was highly likely he too could do such a feat. I have called him here to prove his claims."
Books nodded to the princesses and turned back to the nobles. "This is highly advanced magic. Were it not for my affinity in the manipulation of systems, I am uncertain I would even know how to begin, and I am thankful for these crystals. If we lacked them, then any Gateway we attempted would not be permanent, and in fact, we could suffer more than we gained by trying to make one. Due to the fact that if I am distracted, unmentionable things could happen, I must ask for your silence while I prepare, until such a time that I say that the Gateway is finished."
Silence reigned over the courtyard, and Books turned back to the Princesses. "If you would? I am no fan of doing this, and if you know how to make it as well, then perhaps I shall not be needed as often?"
The Princesses nodded, and the trio made their way to the pile of crystals. "Step one, form an archway from the crystals that can accommodate anypony, even the princesses, with room to spare, and fuse them together."
As Balanced Books said this, all the crystals sprang to life and hovered in midair. Then, two of them struck the ground about six feet apart. And then another two struck the previous crystals, sticking to them with a sharp click noise.
On an on it went until an archway about ten feet high was formed. Finally, the keystone crystal snapped in, the entire arch flashed red once, and then Books went up to one side of it and lowered his horn. Seeing this, the sisters moved to the other side. "Step two, and this is important, do not stand IN the arch at ALL, especially for the following steps: begin charging the crystal arch with as much magic as it can comfortably hold."
The horns of all three began to glow, Abel's red only coming to about halfway up his side before it met the gold and azure of Celestia's and Luna's magic. Once the three met, they merged, and the archway began to glow white instead. Books groaned and wiped his forehead off with a hoof.
"Step three, the tricky one. Envision a tunnel leading through the fabric of reality, and anchor it to the inside of the archway. It's actually a lot more complex than that, but I'll not be giving away all my secrets today."
A quiet chuckle worked its way through the ranks of the gathered nobles, and the glow on Celestia and Luna's horns dimmed considerably. Abel strained for a few moments before the archway filled with a shimmering mist.
"Step four, anchor the other end. There is actually one more step, the 'sealing' of it, but so long as you don't do step five, then you can continue to do step four over and over. I call this 'retuning' the Gateway. Until a Gateway has been tuned once, it should not be entered. Today, for demonstration purposes, I shall anchor the other end in the Crystal Empire."
The mist slowly congealed into a fine film of fluid that hung in the archway, shimmering in the sunlight. Books nodded and killed the glow to his horn, backing up a few paces. The princesses did the same, looking at Books expectantly. Books sighed and shook his head.
"Until I go through and come back, we cannot say that the Gateway is secure. I shall return shortly."
Books stepped into the Gateway and vanished.
One minute passed. A few ponies coughed.
One stretched into five. Some of the nobles drew out their watches and shifted around nervously.
Just as the ten minute marker was reached, somepony spoke up. "He is coming back, right?"
And that was when Books came out of the gateway, smiling wildly, and munching on a crystalized ear of corn. "It works perfectly. The Gateway is sound."
A cheer rose from the crowd of gathered nobles, and Celestia leaned in to whisper in Books' ear. "What were you up to?"
Books grinned and winked. "Spoilers."
Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire...
Cadence had just finished hearing her subject's troubles and was headed to her office when she noticed the door was slightly ajar. Thinking it slightly odd, and taking every precaution, Cadence slowly swept the interior of the room with her magic. Finding no magical signatures or anypony within the room, Cadence peeked in and opened the door a little wider.
And that was when the bucket of black dye fell on her.
Across the palace, Shining was bolted into action upon hearing his wife scream loud enough to vibrate the very structure of the palace.
He ran from his office in a hurry, eager to protect Cadence from whatever threat she may be facing.
And that was when the bucket of red dye, enchanted for a seek-and-destroy mission, found its mark.
Books was pondering having lunch at one of the Canterlot restaurants when he felt somepony come down the street.
Somepony who seemed to exhude an aura of arrogance.
Turning his head to the left, Balanced Books caught sight of a blonde-haired white unicorn stallion with sky blue eyes and a compass rose cutie mark coming towards him. Two other unicorn mares were hanging on to his every word, but Books only had eyes for Blueblood.
He recalled a promise he once made to Rarity when she had returned from the Gala.
Oh. Buck. Yes. I've been waiting a year for this. At least. Someling in Ponyville, tell Rarity 'The white king shall make good on his vow.'
Books rotated his ears to catch the conversation Blueblood was having with the two mares. Surprise surprise, it was all about him.
"-So I asked auntie why I couldn't try to make this new Gate thing, and she said it required a specific level of magic, one not commonly found in unicorns! That's when I pointed out I am no common unicorn, I am her nephew. Well, she said she knew, but she still wanted to send for a specialist, one who'd been studying the first one of those devices. Personally I'm not going to trust or use it. I mean, really, from what I hear, it was originally formed out of dark magics! Plus I doubt that commoner pony could have done even halfway a decent job. It probably wouldn't be on right now if it weren't for auntie Celestia."
Books smiled and walked along behind Blueblood, picking his words carefully. I want to irritate to the point where he throws the first blow...must contain my own anger and identity...
"To be fair, though," and here Books noticed that the ears of all three unicorns turned towards him as they trotted by, "I would LOVE to see you do any better when you get possessed by the shade of a millennium-old evil unicorn king. One that was aligned to Hatred, and knew how to best strike at your fears."
Blueblood stopped and stared at the commoner that had dared address him. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"Oh where ARE my manners? Balanced Books, accountant for Ponyville, and the one that put up that Gateway you're disparaging."
Blueblood scoffed. "Yes, well, I am PRINCE Blueblood, and I have no time for you or your petty ideas of self worth. That thing's probably waiting for you to clear the minimum blast radius before it fails anyways."
Books smiled. "I find that funny, your highness, seeing as how nopony seems to be able to find a big enough room for you and your ego, and every last one of your failed relationships have a minimum safe blast distance of the Crystal Empire."
Blueblood spluttered and turned red. "How DARE you! Do you mean to belittle my worth?"
Books couldn't stop his grin from growing. "Oh dear me no! That would imply you had any!"
Blueblood kept making sounds with his tongue, but none of them were words for a moment. Once he got himself under control, he managed to scream out a sentence. "I am PRINCE BLUEBLOOD, you ARROGANT COMMONER, and you will BOW TO ME and BEG for FORGIVENESS!"
Books managed to drop his voice an octave for his reply. "I bow to two ponies. Seeing as how you have meat flapping about between your hind legs, I doubt you're either one of them."
That did it for the prince. The sound of a sharp thwack resonated through the streets of Canterlot.
Blueblood had just struck Books across the face. Books held it there for a moment, to let it really sink in what the pompus prince had done.
According to an old set of rules regarding honor and a noble's conduct that Books had found in the Ponyville library, when any noble of any standing, especially one related to royalty, struck another pony across the face, it was an initiator. The beginning of a very old tradition.
Blueblood had just challenged Balanced Books to a duel.
Books slowly rotated his head back to face Blueblood, his smile never wavering. "I accept. And seeing as how you initiated, by right, I am allowed to choose the time and place."
Books charged up his horn. "I choose here. Now."
With that, Books shot a charge of magic at the prince, flinging him into the building across the street. While everypony present tracked the prince's trajectory, Books conjured up a simple illusion to hide himself.
The prince fell back into the street, a dazed look on his face. Shaking his head to clear the dizziness from it, Blueblood looked around for the pony he just now realized he'd challenged to a duel. Finding nothing, Blueblood realized the pony in question was hiding, getting a better position to strike.
It's what he would do, after all.
So he began charging up a simple spell that would remove illusions in a small area.
That was when he felt the buck to the ribs.
Flying sideways about two feet, Blueblood barely managed to catch himself before he landed. Twirling around, he rapidly shot a bolt of magic at where he last was, hoping to catch the pony in question.
Nothing happened for a moment, and then he was bucked in the ribs again.
Sprawling in the middle of the street, Blueblood gasped a few times before attempting to get up.
That was when there was a sudden pressure on his back and he was forced down to the ground, hard.
Feeling another horn cross with his, Blueblood looked up to see Balanced Books slowly shimmer into view.
"Yield, Blueblood, and you will have what remains of your dignity."
Blueblood struggled for a bit. "I will NOT!"
Books leaned in closer and whispered in Blueblood's ear. "I may not be good at elemental spells. But I can at least conjure up a small spark of electricity. Not good for much, save for close-combat scenarios. I have been meaning to find out what would happen if it happened to a unicorn, though. Care to place a bet on how much dignity you'd have then?"
Blueblood blanched for a moment, and then the sound of massive wingbeats was heard. Books didn't even look aside. "Celestia, Luna, how wonderful of you to join us. Just teaching your nephew here a lesson. Forgive me for not bowing."
Realizing that his audience had only grown, Blueblood made another effort to get up.
And then all was pain for a moment.
And then darkness.
"So, what forfeit do you desire, Books?"
Books put a hoof to his chin, thinking for a moment. Then, his eyes opened wide and a malicious smile crossed his face. Motioning for Celestia to come in closer, he whispered in her ear his plan.
To her credit, Celestia did not laugh or grin. It was close, though. At the end, she nodded.
"Just what my nephew needs to teach him a modicum of respect to other beings, I would think."
Blueblood awoke in an unfamiliar room.
Where was his bed?
Where were his wonderful clothes?
Where was his view?
And then he saw the note dangling in front of him.
Dear Blueblood,
If you're reading this, and Celestia went along with my plan, then welcome to the Royal Guard Barracks! You will be forced through the standard guard training program, and the instructors have been told to expect great things from you! You are, after all, no common pony, you are the nephew of Princess Celestia!
You will not be allowed to drop out, though, and failure to pass any part of your training will mean you get to go through the whole thing again.
Once you've graduated, I've requested that Celestia assign you to bodyguard duty for a very important personage.
Till we meet again,
Balanced Books
Listening faintly, one could almost make out the screams from Canterlot. The screams of a unicorn who was just pressed into service so he can learn the meaning of the words humility and respect.
Abel sighed and relaxed in his home, sipping a cup of tea with Rarity.
"You did all that to him, dear?"
Abel smiled.
"Oh, the worst is yet to come. I'm expecting a royal bodyguard, in time..."
And the two laughed long and hard together.

Chapter the Twenty-Fourth - Timing was never Celestia's strong suit

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"You want me to what."
Abel sat up from the couch Celestia had insisted he lay down on for his first psych appointment. His expression was one of disbelief as Celestia repeated her previous statement.
"I want you to go around without even a modicum of the power you normally do. Acting like everything can go wrong and preparing for it by over-preparing for everyday situations is no way to combat paranoia. Attempting to live like a normal pony is the only way anypony can ease back into a normal life. Therefor, I want you to channel most of your power into your Hive, give them a jolt for a few days, and keep only what you'd need to survive and blend in for one week, until we meet again. At most, you can keep four bins worth. And no feeding in the Everfree, either. If you do these things, I will know. I'll ask your agent, and I have a lie-detecting spell."
Abel blinked once.
Then again.
And finally threw up his hooves. "Y'know, if the Hive didn't agree with you, I'd have told you to take your demand and stuff it where your sun doesn't shine. But for them, sure. I'll try."
That had been six days ago.
Books...wasn't doing too hot.
Living amongst ponies as a magic-devouring monster meant that every day was an exercise in self-control.
The hunger pangs had started on the third day.
By the fifth, he had to resist the urge to grab Pinkie and cocoon her like any other changeling would when she somehow appeared in his house (again) to check up on him and make sure he was doing alright.
But today.
Today was especially difficult.
An old face had rolled back into town.
One with an especially powerful amulet around her neck.
One that pulsed with dark magic.
Dark magic powerful enough to change her own magic's color.
An enhancer...most interesting...
Books sat in the nearby crowd and observed the interactions between Trixie and Twilight.
He wanted to speak up. He wanted to tell Trixie how wrong she was.
Hunger and fear kept him silent. Fear mainly because he saw something finally get the better of Pinkie.
The magnitude of spells she was casting and the variety also served to make him stop and think.
She was just talented in illusion, last time...illusion and stage tricks...
A growl from his stomach cut off his train of thought, and he turned a baleful eye towards his midsection.
Twilight being banished from Ponyville caught his attention again.
And then the dome crashed down.
Am I to starve, then? After all, my promise to Pinkie...
And then Books' eyes widened.
I...only promised not to eat the magic out of ponies...those tests, that spell...yeeeeeees...
Books had never run home so fast in his life.
He had a spell to cast.
-Lord Abel, this does not seem wise...-
-The princess will know, she'll find out!-
-Please, m'lord, give us more time! We can find a way!-
-Don't do this!-
Abel heard none of them clearly.
The only thing that mattered was the formula in front of him, his scattered notes, and his ever-gnawing hunger.
It seems only logical. Black changeling are an offshoot of the white version, and the white ones researched a spell to be able to feed them. If I apply similar concepts from this spell to my own feeding ability, I should be able to change it, to focus on emotions, like the black ones! I'll be able to feed without breaking the letter of my promises!
Abel didn't even hesitate.
There was a red flash from his lab, and silence for a few minutes.
Were anypony near Books' home, they would have heard maniacal laughter faintly coming from it.
Vinyl Scratch walked into the home she and Octavia shared.
Nopony came to the club tonight.
Hay, she didn't even want to be there. Not with this Great and Annoying Trixie character that rolled into town.
Still, a job was a job, and bits were bits.
Vinyl frowned, looking around the house. It looked like the same sort of mess it had been when she left it this afternoon.
Normally 'Tavi cleaned up at least a little.
Then she noticed the trail that led upstairs.
Realizing that she was probably walking into the plot of every horror book ever, Vinyl charged her horn and walked up, noticing that the debris had been intermingled with a sort of pink gel.
When she got to the hall that led to the bedrooms, Vinyl paused for a second.
That' awfully big piece. And it looks like it hit the wall at a preeeetty fast clip...
Noticing that the trail led into Octy's room and was now almost entirely gel, Vinyl carefully pushed the door open.
What she saw stunned her for a second.
Sitting in one corner of the room was a huge mass of the gel. And in the middle of it, barely visible, was a pony.
The color of the coat was all she needed to identify the pony inside.
As she rushed over to the cocoon, Vinyl's brain started to piece together what was going on as she began looking for a way to get her friend out.
This seemed remarkably similar to changeling cocoons, where they suck emotion out of a pony for as long as they lasted.
But that was silly. This was all the wrong color for a changeling cocoon, and their king, Abel, was supposed to keep them on a tight leash.
The hissing noise behind her was all the warning she got as her darkest fears were confirmed.
"Hello there, DJ. I have a requesssssssssst."
Abel's snapped!
And then there was darkness as something wet and sticky impacted the back of her head.
The girls (and Spike) had just finished coming up with a plan to deal with Trixie when there was a sharp coughing noise from the entrance to the library.
Turning, they saw a violet earth pony stallion with a red mane and a single stalk of wheat as a cutie mark standing in the entrance.
The green eyes clued them in.
"Huh? What's one of Books' doing here? Come to think of it, where is he?"
The pony motioned towards a table, and the group sat.
"Let me introduce myself. Abel named me Adam, after another legend he knows of, I suspect. I was his first real ally eight years ago. I was the first exile he encountered, and together we worked out a system to keep both of us fed. When we first met, he was speaking in an old changeling dialect. Probably because he only had the Archive for company all those years ago. Frankly, it was hard for me to understand him, but eventually he got the hang of talking modern Equestrian."
Rarity giggled. "I've caught him speaking in a few other tongues sometimes, I suppose one of them was this one."
Adam shook his head. "Highly unlikely, he'd need to be in his normal form for proper vowel formation. When we parted five years later, it was for a simple reason: He'd gotten tired of the forest, and wanted to put my lessons to the test. And I never forgot what he taught me as well, especially about our kind's history. A few phrases stuck with me though. The first was simple enough. 'You've got to stand for something, and you can't be ignorant when you do.'"
Applejack nodded. "Sounds like a right good idea to live by."
"The second was something he muttered in his sleep. When he slept, that is. 'We are all of us fallen creatures.' When I confronted him about it, he merely smiled and said 'Just because we are fallen, does not mean that we cannot stand for something pure and good.'
I say this to you now so that you can understand that even when he was extolling virtue to me, there was one thing he valued more. His own survival."
Fluttershy spoke up, barely. " even though he's all nice on the outside...on the inside..."
Adam pointed a hoof at her and nodded. "Exactly. And like his mother failed to scan her own blood, he too never did something for himself that he did for all of us. Switching over from a near-feral state in Her Hive to his civilized version is hard. Sometimes, a changeling snaps. But Abel or one of his was always there. Always ready to help us get back together, put our minds back on the civilized set. The problem is hunger. Doing things his way is civilized and better, but those of us fresh from Her are used to either constant feeding from prisoners, or semi-constant feeding from their loved ones."
Pinkie muttered a bit while making hoof gestures, and Adam blinked at her antics.
"Well...yes. Whatever. Look, his method makes sure that we're all taken care of, and we survive, and once we're fully adapted to it, we even thrive. But the adaptation period is more than a little tense. Our bodies make us think we're starving because they aren't used to such regulated meals."
Dash yawned. "Look, what's the point of all-"
"Abel snapped."
And instantly Adam had their undivided attention.
"Under the order of Celestia, Abel cut his intake and reserves drastically, basically putting himself on his own plan. He could have managed...if he were not a king. Royals have a higher consumption rate, they have more to maintain. But the hunger got to him, and in his hunger, he's stopped listening. Oh, he can always hear, but he isn't paying us any attention. And now we fear. Because the last bit of coherent thought we got from him were of him trying a spell to alter his own feeding ability, so that instead of magic, he'd feed on emotions, like us. We think he succeeded, and may even now be doing that which She does."
"You mean...sticking ponies in cocoons and draining their emotions?"
Adam nodded, and they all gulped.
"Okay, step one, get Fluttershy out of the barrier so she can get word to Twilight. Step two, find Abel."
Adam shook his head at Dash. "We already know where he is. The issue is, he's not moving, and the house most certainly isn't his."
"Where is he, then?"
Yeeeees. I don't know why I didn't do this before! I'm breaking no promises here!
Abel ran a hoof over the cocoons almost like one would caress a foal. Sleep, little ponies. I'll bring no harm to you.
Then from downstairs, there was a crash.
Abel turned to the noise before a cyan blur rocketed up to his face.
Rainbow Dash and Abel stared each other for a few moments. Their gaze drifted over to the cocoons, then back to each other.
"Y'know, I would ask what was going on here, but I kinda already knew."
Abel nodded. "I would say, it's not what it looks like, but really, it is."
The two kept staring at each other.
"So. Snapped?"
Abel scoffed. "As if. Doing things this way? Breaking no words, no promises! And I'll let 'em go, once my hunger is sated. They're not even in pain!"
Dash shook her head. "C'mon, you're smarter than that. You've been living off a constant supply for a while now, haven't you? The way your buddy Adam told us, you're always gonna think you're hungry until you stop and adjust. Keep feeding off those two, they'll die in there."
Abel blanched and turned back to the cocoons. "No. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that to any pony."
Dash pointed at the cocoons. "Looks like you are."
"Just...just another minute, please..."
And that was when Dash slapped Abel across the face.
"Wake the buck UP, Abel! You're acting just like Chrysalis!"
The words cut deeper than she knew.
Abel's eyes widened for a moment, then rolled back in his head as he fainted dead away.
When he came to, Abel found he couldn't move.
The sound of him shifting around got the attention of the mouthless Pinkie Pie, who clicked on the light, revealing that he was in Twilight's laboratory/basement.
Abel looked around before his vision was dominated by Pinkie's disapproving glare.
And then he sighed. "Pinkie, I promised not to feed off of the magic in anypony. What I did was alter my feeding ability to be the same as all the other changelings. Technically, I broke no promise."
The glare did not lessen.
"Hay, I was hungry. And even if I did break a promise, I believe walking around unmasked would relieve you of your obligation to hold your promise!"
Pinkie put a hoof to her chin, looking thoughtful for a moment, before blinking a few times, shaking her head, and returning to glaring at Abel.
Abel sighed. "Okay, I admit it. What I did...was wrong. Unbelievably wrong. I was thinking like Her for a moment. I was just so hungry! I tried to resist and ration out my magic, Pinks! But I...I lost track of time while feeding two days ago, and ran out at dinnertime. Assuming this is still the same day, that is."
Pinkie nodded a few times, and this time the glare went away. Abel ran his eyes over the potions. "Think Twilight has a sleep aid? Until she gets back, I don't wanna be awake."
Pinkie pulled out a brown flask from her mane and gestured for Abel to open up. Abel rolled his tongue out, and Pinkie dropped a few drops of the vile-tasting concoction onto it. Making a face, Abel swallowed, and nodded at Pinkie.
"Hey Pinks...whatever you say...I'll do make up fer...thiiiiiiis."
And then Abel was asleep, snoring slightly.
Abel came to some time later to a light shaking sensation. Looking up, he saw Twilight casting a concerned gaze over him. "Is there a reason why you're down here?"
Abel nodded. "I sorta...snapped. I was being forced by Celestia to alter my own feeding schedule so that my constant paranoia would have less fueling it. Problem is, neither one of us did our math right. But I think...yeah. I've...adjusted. At least a little bit. Now I just have to set up a new schedule and stick to it."
Twilight nodded and undid the restraints binding Abel to the table. Abel groaned and stretched, popping more than a few joints. "How long was I out?"
Twilight giggled. "A day, from what our friends tell me. Princess Celestia's here with the delegates from Saddle Arabia, and I have to go put on a show for them."
Abel flashed and was replaced with Balanced Books. "Yeah, I should probably go see her too. Let her know her plan worked."
Books sat next to Celestia, watching Twilight manipulate the animals gently with her magic. "She has gotten really good, you must be proud."
Celestia nodded, and merely said, "Yes, I am indeed, but I already was. Every pony that lives a good life is one that I am proud of."
Books grinned. "Well then, you will be happy to know that, like mine, I, too, have adjusted. And frankly...I already feel better."
Celestia cast an eye towards Books and let a hint of a smile grace her mouth. "Really? Was this before or after the incident involving two mares and an experimental spell?"
Books blanched for a moment, then looked towards Twilight and sighed. "Should known...and after. And I'm not proud of it."
Celestia shook her head. "I made it a point to bring one of yours with me so that if you needed to, you could contact me. She kept me up to date on what was going on. She nearly cried when you stopped listening."
Books looked up to Celestia, who smiled at him. "They all care, Books. They really do. You've made it your goal to lay out a better life plan in front of them and be there for them when they need you. Did you think they would be entirely apathetic when you needed them?"
Books looked back towards the animals and blinked a few times. Celestia leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Stop thinking of day-to-day survival. Stop thinking of keeping up your mask in public. Stop worrying. And start living. Then you'll find yourself looking at a happier, healthier pony in the mirror."
Books nodded a few times, and then looked up to Celestia. "That's some good advice, and I have...some mixed news as well."
Celestia tilted her head to the side in curiosity. "Oh?"
Books sighed and looked at the ground. "I...there's no counterspell. I can't revert it fully, mainly because it was an experiment I put together while I was mad with hunger. I've...restored a portion of my original feeding ability, though. And maybe, with time and exercise, it'll be as strong as it ever was. But...I think for a while, if I want actual nutrition..."
Celestia shook her head. "Not tonight. Tonight, I think your restriction has lasted long enough. Go on."
Books nodded and walked into the forest, lost in thought and barely dodging trees.
Zecora was about to go to bed when she heard the knocking at her door.
Thinking she knew who this could be, she prepared herself by grabbing her staff and taking a deep breath.
Flinging it open, she was therefor surprised when not a pony greeted her, but Abel.
"Zecora, I know it's here. I sense it."
Zecora shook her head. "Power such as that is dark and dangerous. If you put it on, you would cause such a ruckus. And I know you and your need, but from that amulet, you should not feed."
Abel shook his head as well. "That thing has so many potential applications, if we can but study it. And rest assured, me and mine do not trek in dark magics. Heck, I can't even touch it."
"While your words are wise, I sense they are soft lies. Tell me now and tell me true, what interest is the amulet to you?"
Abel growled. "I have a similar artifact locked away beneath my home in a vault. With the right application, somepony could rewrite reality itself. It is locked away, and I am the warden. Absolute power without absolute responsibility offends me. I would lock it away where nopony else could find it, Zecora."
Zecora's eyes widened. "Such power under your lock and key, what of the security?"
Abel grinned. "Ward spells, keyed to me and me alone. Things too dangerous for the outside world sit in there and are quietly preserved. This amulet would be one such thing. Please, Zecora, let me and mine study it. Let us keep it out of pony hooves."
Zecora let the thought wander through her head a few times. "Down there, it would stay, ne'er again to see the light of day? Never to be worn by any pony, and the world would be in absolute safety?"
Abel shrugged. "Parts of that, yeah. I'd keep it down there forever, none of mine would even be allowed to study it without me present, we'd definitely never put it on, and we might even manage to decode some sort of amplifier spell without the whole corruption bit. World safety though, I can't promise."
Zecora smiled. "Though you have your way with words and phrase, the truth in what you say should never stray. Very well, for a moment I shall blink, after you make a promise of pink."
Abel sighed. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, that amulet shall remain in my Vault, unworn, until such time as we find out how to destroy it, once we're done studying it."
Zecora nodded and looked away, and just as Abel picked up the case containing the Amulet, he got a message.
-Sire! News from the north! We found them!-

Chapter the Twenty-Fifth - Dealings

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Books ran to Ponyville's square. -Perfect Facet, retune the gate! Get me there, NOW!-
-Doing so without Cadence here would be an off--
-There are no words to accurately express how much I do not care, I need to be there!-
A pause. Then, -Done, sire.-
Books activated the corresponding key spell, the air in front of him shimmered, and he took a giant step forward.
Which was then interrupted by a head-on collision with a wall of pink, to the tune of "WAAAAAAAAAAIT!"
Pinkie and Books stumbled through the portal and vanished.
Books and Pinkie staggered through the Empire gate, shaking their heads to clear them of dizziness. After a few moments, Books glared at Pinkie. "And why did you feel like ambushing me on my way to the Empire was so important?"
"Well, why do you need to be here, silly?"
"Some of mine found something up here, I came by to confirm it."
"Well, you owe me for breaking a promise!"
"Will you accept time in the Crystal Empire as payment?"
Pinkie pondered for a few moments. "'ll do for now. You'll still owe me, but not as badly. I think one good prank on you by me and Dashie will be good enough afterwards."
Books pointed himself north and nodded at Pinkie. "I have to go check on mine now, have fun Pinkie."
Books pressed on, north of the Empire, far beyond the shield. The cold would have gotten to him, but he'd stocked up on his quick run through the Empire.
He'd explain later, if Cadence brought it up, as to why there was a disturbance in the city revolving around a sudden absence of magic in some homes.
He had remembered not to touch the Heart, though. Or the ponies.
-How did we find them?-
-We were following a particularly rich vein of crystals, and then we broke into a tunnel. We thought it was a natural formation, until we found...well, them.-
-Keep back, y'hear? No telling what traps or wards they put into place.-
It was another half hour before Books had reached the mineshaft in question. The workers were milling about, but Books paid them no mind and went up to his disguised agent. "How long ago were the tunnels exposed?"
"Two hours, sir. In that time there has been zero activity that we can detect."
Books nodded and looked at the opening in the earth. "There is no possibility that they're alive. But I will tread first, in case their wards or traps are. Even with my damaged ability, I should still be able to sense traps of a magical nature."
The changeling in disguise nodded, and Books entered the mine.
Well. Guess that answers my question as to why they would stay...
Crystals. Crystals everywhere.
The entire Hive that had been uncovered was 80% made of crystals of various shades and sizes. Pink, blue, large, small. They only thing they had in common was they were all crystal, and they were all of very high quality.
Abel reached out with his senses, and found ancient traces of magic lingering in the crystals.
Faint...but it was there, once. This place, was power. Their must have been something in its glory days...
When Abel had found the first white changeling in the tunnels, he was overjoyed for a moment.
Followed quickly by shock and sadness, before a calm acceptance covered his features.
It had been entirely encased in ice. And when he probed it with his magic, there was no response. Nothing.
It had entered hibernation ages ago, and never woke up. Not even to stop the ice from growing on it.
Its mind was gone.
Abel kept tracing the feel of magic through the Hive, noticing a few patterns here and there, before he stopped.
In the beginning, they were called on, drained, in small circular patterns. As though the inhabitants were still feeding off them...Maybe, with the Crystal Empire disappearing, whatever they usually fed on to charge the crystals went as well? And then they couldn't fight the cold as well...
But now I'm noticing a different's as though someling stood in one spot and...called all the magic to him...but where...and why?
Abel would get his answer soon enough.
In front of an otherwise nondescript pair of doors, another changeling king lay, covered in ice, like his subjects.
Abel walked up and put a hoof to the ice sculpture.
Rest well, mine ancient relation.
Thinking to confirm what he'd been sensing, Abel reached out and was only slightly shocked as the pattern did not end here.
This king...drew the magic to himself...but not here? Then, behind him?...
Abel opened the door and saw a small white changeling curled up atop some sort of bed, the sheen of ice covering it as well.
Abel reached out once more and gasped.
Now I understand! When all seemed lost...when it was you and her, and all the power in your Hive to save either one of chose her! A stronger stasis spell I've never seen! Her mind, it's still there!
She could be saved!
Books and the changeling workers in disguise rushed back into town to meet a slightly irate Cadence and Shining Armor.
Upon seeing his cargo, however, the two rulers gasped.
"Books, is that a-"
Books shook his head. "No time! Now that we've brought her here, we need to work, and work fast! Do you think you could repair her body?"
Cadence and Shining Armor shook their heads as well. "The extent of the damage she must have suffered..."
Books stamped a hoof. "Plan B! Retune the gate! Get us to Canterlot Castle, medical wing! She needs to be treated for, well, everything imaginable before she thaws out completely, otherwise who knows what complications could arise!"
It wasn't quite Royal Canterlot levels of volume, but the fury behind Books' shout, and the temporary flickering of his eyes to his normal ones clearly got Cadence's attention. Mainly, by stunning her into doing what he'd asked.
Without another word, the pink alicorn turned to the Gateway and retuned it, and Books' workers, towing the white changeling, hopped into the portal. Books stopped for a moment and turned to Cadence.
"Thank you."
And with that, Books vanished as well.
Books had managed to get treatment for the white changeling he'd brought in.
It wasn't easy. First he'd had to explain that she was physically older than could be believed, and was not aligned with Chrysalis. Then he had to explain she'd been part of a Hive found up north, in the cold. That every other changeling had entered hibernation and never woken up.
That the king had chosen to cast a stasis spell on her with all the power he could muster. That if her body were healed, once she was thawed, there was a good chance she'd actually live again.
Doing so was an exercise in some of the more advanced magical healing techniques Books had ever seen. Since her body was just shut down. not dead or decaying, it was a simple matter of reactivating the right systems in the right sequence. Lungs and heart had obviously been first, one right after the other.
Afterwards, they melted the ice off her to let her breathe, and they checked every system. Physically, she was fine. Now, all she had to do was choose to wake up.
Books only left her bedside to go gather magic. Either for his own sustenance, or hers.
While it was tremendously boring, she would need to wake up to a friendly face.
Books didn't even want to imagine what she would do if she didn't.
Of course, that had been two days ago. The fact that he hadn't seen either one of th-
"Hello, Books."
Scratch that, Celestia decided to poke her head in.
"Hello, Celestia. I'd bow, but I'm a bit preoccupied."
Celestia looked from the changeling in the bed to the one besides the bed, and back again. "Who is she? I thought you were the last Albino left."
Books sighed. "She's from...before. There was always a rumor floating around in the Archive that one of the old Hives stayed in the north, even in the face of the cold. They claimed they would find a spell to stay warm and defeat that e'er present enemy of ours. They failed. And in the last moments that their king had conscious, he had to make a choice. Between himself, and this one, and he had all the power of his Hive to work with.
He chose her. And I will not let it go to waste."
Celestia nodded and put a hoof to her chin. "But why do you care so much? You have hardly left the castle these past few days. In fact, my niece tells me you just about ran, taking all the magic you could grab on the way, to the place where you found her."
Books still didn't turn to look at her. "That Hive was from before Chryssy. Think of all the potential for discovery there. Why would I not rush? I wasn't even planning on finding a survivor. In my minds eye, they were all dead and dust long ago. But if I can save her, then I will move Heaven and Earth to do it."
Celestia merely asked that one leading question. "Why?"
Books turned to look at her slowly, locking eyes with the solar mare. "Because I can see her future. Without me, it will be worse than my past. She has nothing, now, save her life. And she may not even have that, if she chooses not to wake up. I can help. So why don't I? It's the sort of thing a changeling king does, after all. Helps his subjects...and his relatives."
Books turned back to the changeling in the bed and put a hoof on her foreleg. And just then, the beeping picked up.
Books and Celestia looked to the heart monitor, then back to the changeling. "Is she?"
Books nodded. "I think she is. You might want to leave..."
"Because she's not going to see you as a pony. She's going to see you as a huge, delicious snack, and we know what'd happen to the world if she succeeded!"
"Just let me talk to her, get her acquainted with a new set of morals. Make sure she doesn't do too much in her first minutes awake. You should just get out before she sees you!"
Celestia rapidly exited, and just in time, as well.
Just as the door softly closed with a clicking noise, the changeling on the bed woke up and clapped eyes on Books. Books peeled away his disguise, and the changeling on the bed blinked.
"Yǫu̧.̀.͠.̵a͘re n̕ot͝ ͘f́at͏her.̷ ͠ Who͏ are͜ y̵ou?̨"
An ancient dialect that he wasn't really familiar with, but Abel made the effort to respond in kind.
"M҉y ͢na҉m̶e҉ i̵s̀ A̶̶̢b̶̕e͜l̨̀. ҉ Much͢ ͠t͏i҉m̕e͞ ́has̛ pa̵ss̨eḑ ҉sin̢ce ̨y͘o̵ùr ̧Hi͡ve̛ wás i͞n t́h͟i̧s ̶wo̶r͟ĺd͡.̨"
"I̸ s͡ee.͞ W̴hat ́has c̨h҉an̶ge̵d?͞ ͘Gi̷vę ̢me͢ a brie͞f̴ ovér͜v͠iew.͞"
"F͡or o̧ne, ͝th͝e ̛po̧n̡ies ru̶le͜.́ ̛For ͏a̷noth͘e͏r͢, w̶e ͞arè t̀he ́l̡a̷s̸t̀ whit̢e one̕s.͠ And ̀f̧in̡al͠l̛y, i͜t̵ ̸is̶ con͝s̨i̡dér͟ed̶ u͢nf̶òrgi̡vab̵lȩ to҉ t̡akę ̡ma̵g̡íc̕ ͜fr͜o͠m ̀a̶noth͠er̛ s̵ap̛įent be̛in͟g.͞"
At the first two statements, the little changeling's eyes widened. "Tr͟ųly? ̛O҉ur n͢úmbe͘rs͞ ̸are s͢o f҉ew̨?̶ ̷A̸l̶l͝ t̸ha̕t i̢s͡ le͏ft̀ o̕f̷ ̡o͜uŕ ̷l͝eg̶acy͢ ͢a͘re ̨th͟e b̢l̶ac̸k̨ ͏one͢s͏?͘"
"Y̵es,͏ ̷an͞d̛ ̵t͜h̀èy͡ ar̷e r҉ul̢ed͜ bý a t͜y̕ra̕nt ͏quee͜n,͠ w̵h͏o g̕o̷e̡s by̨ ͝the͜ ̷nam̵e Ć̴̡͘h͝҉̶͠͞r̛̕͠͝͡y̷̶̶̧͟ś̷̡̛͠a̶̛ĺ̸i̡̨̕͡s̵͟͠͡."
The white changeling looked askance, possibly contemplating the situation she found herself in. "Wíĺl̶.̡.̧.y͢o͞u ̛g̶u͜ard͟ ̸m̕e?͝ I ͘ha͏ve.͞..̴much͡ tơ.̢..̡get ̴u̕se̛d̕ t͟o̸͡ ́wòuld ͏s̡e̷e̛m͢...͡"
"Cąn yo͜u ̸te̛l̡l͞ ̀me ͘y̡our ̧nam̡e͠?͞"
"I͏ w͢as..̧.̸n͡o, ͡a͜m ̶kn̕ow̸n ̢as̀ S͏͢w̶̶͡͞i҉̴͞f̸́͟t́ẃ̷̛͢i͘͘͠n̵͡͝ḑ͜͝."
"S͏͢w̶̶͡͞i҉̴͞f̸́͟t́ẃ̷̛͢i͘͘͠n̵͡͝ḑ͜͝, I s̸hall ͟d̨ơ all ̴i̕n m̵y ͘po̕wer҉ ̧t̴o ̸ķe̢ep ̨yo͟u fr̀o͠m h̀ar͜m̴ an͢d̸ ̶to ̧ḩe͏l̶ṕ a̛cc͘lim҉a̴t̢e҉ ̴yo͟ư to̡ th͡is͢ ͘wo҉r͝l̛d͏ and̀ ti͡m͝e.̷"
Swiftwind nodded. "My l͘i̛fe is͝ ̶i͞ń ̀yo͠ur hoo͘ves.̸"
"A̸n̨ḑ I ͞wil͘l̸ t͢áke good ̡ca̷re ͘o̸f̴ i̵t.͢" Turning back to the door, Abel stopped talking in insect-like clicking noises and spoke normally. "Celestia, please enter."
The solar mare entered the room again, and Swiftwind let out a noise of shock. "T̀h͡e p̀owe͝r t͞hi͡s ̷one ̛co͞m̧mąn͝ds̷!́ ̕ ̀W̡h͡y͘ d҉o̴ you͟ ͝not-"
Abel turned back to her. "N͠O! ͘ ́N͢EVER!̸ Sh́e͏ ̵com͠ma̷n̶d̡s th͠e ̀ve̸ry ͏S͘UN ITS͜ELF̷!̛ T͏o fee̡d̕ ̕f͞r̸o҉m҉ ͟any pony̡ ̡i̶s ̷unf̷o͞r͏gi̴vab̶le, ͝but from her͡ ́o͢r̵ ̕hȩr si͝ste͡r,̢ ̕c̴o̧uld̷ ̴be̷ ͡ca̴ta̷s̨trơp̛h͜ìc!"
Celestia tilted her head to the side. "I...think I caught a few words. Mind translating for me, Abel?"
Abel merely waved a hoof at her. "Sw̷e̸ar to m͞e̴, ͡m͢a͢ke th͠e Vow, th̴a҉t̸ y͘ou͏ w̴il͜l NE̛V̶ER ͠FE҉ȨD͢ ON A̕ ṔONY!"
Swiftwind gulped, but channeled magic into her horn. "I ͜swea͡r͘ ̶on͞ my ̡life ąn͘d̨ mag̡ic th͘a͡t͏ so ͠long ̸as t҉he on͜e ́k̛nòw̶n ͜a̷s A̴͜b̕͠e͞҉҉̧͝l͟͝͡ p͠r̀ote͟ct͞s͡ an͠d ̵g̵uide̶s̀ m͟e̛ that͝ I͡ ͘will ne̕ver f̢eȩd o҉n͟ a pony."
Motes of pink exploded from the albino on the bed and hovered around Abel, who charged his own horn. "I ́swe͘a҉r ̷ǫǹ ͝m̨y ͟li͝f̴e ͘and m͠agi̛c t̕h̨at s҉o͜ ͟lon͞g͏ ͏as͞ ̛the ̢ǫne͟ ͘k̕no͝wn҉ ҉as̷ S͘͜w͡͡͏͝i̡͜͞f̵̷̀͘͝t̢̧͡͞w̢͟҉̧i̶̛̕͝n̶̛͝͝d d͜o͏es ͞not͟ ͟fee̴d̶ ͡oǹ a͢ p͠ony, ͏tha͡t ̢I͜ ͢sha͠ļl ͡ṕr̛o͢tec͢t a̡nd̨ ̧g͏u͞íd̕e h̀ęr."
The motes faded, and Abel nodded, then turned back to Celestia. "Just had to make sure she wouldn't try feeding on any ponies. Swiftwind here needs protection and guidance, and I will provide. She's coming back to Ponyville with me."
Celestia nodded. "When she can speak modern Equestrian and knows and respects our laws, then perhaps we can have another conversation."
Balanced Books was walking to Sugarcube Corner with Swiftwind in tow. Under his guidance, she'd adopted the disguise of a silver pegasus mare with a two-toned yellow mane. Her cutie mark in this form was of an unrolled scroll, with several lines of text on it.
Unlike other disguises in use in Ponyville, her eyes were not green, but rather, pink. She rather liked them, and it had taken quite a bit for Books to get her to change away the slitted version for a normal one.
"Why we go here again?"
Books sighed. It was going to be hard to teach proper grammar to her. At least she understood, even if she couldn't speak quickly or make her point known.
"One of my friends is here, and it's best we get this over with now. Remember, when I or anyone else call for Silver Tongue, we're calling for you. We're going to play you off as shy for a little bit until you get used to speaking, so if you absolutely must, talk into my ear or at a very low volume."
Silver Tongue shook her head. "Know cover. Want know why meet friend."
Books sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're technically a new pony in town. She has ways of knowing when there are new ponies in town, and she does not ever stop trying to be their friends. Best to meet her now and get on with the day."
Silver sighed as well. "Fine. After, you catch me up."
Books nodded. "Here goes..."
The soft ting of the bell in SugarCube Corner was the herald to the storm of pink that was Pinkie Pie.
"Oh hey there Books I-"
Then Pinkie noticed Silver standing behind Books and gasped.
Just as she was about to run off, Books restrained her with magic and put a hoof to her mouth.
"Pinkie. This is Silver Tongue. Yes, she's new here. However, she's very shy and doesn't speak Equestrian very well. If you could...delay the party until she can talk fluently, everypony would appreciate it."
Books carefully lowered Pinkie to the ground, removed his hoof, and cut off his magic. Pinkie sat on her haunches and gave a mock salute. "Understood, sir!"
And then from a sitting position, Pinkie somehow bounced over to Silver and gave her a good once-over. Pinkie let out a few choice "hmm" and "I see" noises, before she proclaimed "AH-HA!"
Pinkie pointed a hoof at Books, before leaning in and whispering to him. "She's a changeling! And your marefr-"
Books cut her off with another hoof. "Half right. You get to guess which half. C'mon, Silver, I think you've had enough of Pinkie for one day."
Silver nodded. "Yes. Goodbye, pink one."
Books walked out to the disconnected clearing with his jar on his back and a few other supplies in his saddlebags.
It'd taken hours to convince Silver that she could sleep upstairs and nothing would happen.
Finally, though, he'd snuck out.
Carefully opening the jar of crystal toadstool spores, Books took a hold of it with his hooves and spilled a fine stream of them on the ground in a circle pattern.
Magic reacted with the spores something fierce.
Closing the jar and putting it a safe distance away, Books walked back to the circle he'd spread and sent a small jolt through it.
Thousands of spores grew, but in the end, only about twenty actually managed to make it to full size, and they still held that ring shape.
Nodding to himself, Books ran another charge through the grown crystal toadstools, and awed silently as they began to glow, in nearly every color of the spectrum.
Carefully cutting a containment circle around the toadstool one, Books ran a charge into it and grinned for all of a moment, before he sat on his haunches and sighed. How did that chant go?
"Fae, clamo ad te, fae, clamo ad te, fae, clamo ad te..."
He was interrupted by a flash of light and a high, mocking voice.
"Well, it's been a long, long time since any of us has set foot in this world..."
Books smiled as he looked at the figure before him.
"Well hello there. I'm glad you're here. I'd like to negotiate a trade with you..."

Chapter the Twenty-Sixth - In-Depth Analysis

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It had been a little while since Books saved Swiftwind.
Aaah, Swiftwind. Every time he thought back to the hospital...
Books was...well, to put it bluntly...
Books was peeved.
And to think, this time, it's my own fault.
Only once he'd recounted the experience of saving Swiftwind to Ferrix did he realize the enormity of his error.
He was now bound to her. Totally and completely.
Oh, sure, the Vow could technically be broken.
At the cost of their lives.
Neither one were willing to risk it.
Books decided that today would be the day he'd get some answers about his own internals.
So, naturally, he decided that a few other test subjects were needed.
"So, we are seeing Twilight Sparkle, because she, among all the ponies here, has the equipment needed to do a comprehensive scan of our internals?"
Books nodded absently at Silver Tongue's question. "Yeah, don't let the bi-monthly near-breakdowns I've told you about fool you. When Twi's is presented with a simple problem, she usually finds three simple answers, and works on a complex one so that the problem stops fer good."
Adam, in his simple Earth Pony guise of Golden Stalk, chuckled as well. "Though, let's be fair. She hasn't been present for one. The retelling can't hold all the terror of the actual event."
Books mock-cringed. "Oy, we don't talk about the event!"
The two males laughed as Silver Tongue looked between them. "Is this what you call an inside joke?"
Books stopped and nodded again. "In a sense. I think Ponyville's cursed. Something exciting tends to happen more often than not, at least, e'er since the Elements found their Bearers. Stick around and you'll pick up a few stories."
Silver looked around carefully as though expecting danger to pop out of any alleyway, and Books decided to sneak a compliment in. "On another note, you've made great progress with modern forms of speaking. Just gotta get you used to nicknames, slang, verbal tics, shortening of words, contractions...but hey, you've made great progress on the vocabulary front!"
Silver leveled a glare at Books. "I am not slow. Just unused to this new society."
Books waved a hoof at Silver. "Never claimed you were. Anyways, we're here."
Books knocked on the door to the library, and Spike opened it. "Oh, hey A-"
Books shoved a hoof over Spike's mouth and shook his head slowly. Spike's eyes widened, and he nodded. Books lowered the hoof, and Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Heh, sorry Books. Forgot. Anyway. These two your friends?"
Books looked back at the two behind him, then returned to looking at the dragon. "After a fashion. Twi in? We've got questions we think she could answer."
Spike shook his head. "She's with the others, Rainbow Dash said something about the Wonderbolts Academy, and everypony else went to her place."
Books nodded. "She's comin' back, though, right?"
Spike nodded. "Yeah. You could wait around if you want."
Books, Silver, and Golden walked in and sat at one of the tables. "Spike, think you could find me a more advanced Mind Magic tome? I was thinking of putting up more mental defenses."
Spike went to a shelf and pulled out a rather hefty-looking book. "Mind over Grey Matter. Not a bad title."
Settling in for a wait, Books began to read in relative silence.
"Sire, in all sincerity, please go buck yourself."
Abel merely chuckled at Adam's remark.
Twilight had finally returned home to see the three changelings in disguise sitting in the library.
When she was informed they were here for medical testing, the grin on her face could nearly compare with the sun for how well it lit up the room.
This had led directly to the basement, where all three had shed their disguises.
Abel had suggested they start with the more common type of changeling first.
Which had led to Adam being strapped into a chair that eerily reminded him of Dr. Frankenstein.
Or would it be Flankenstein here?
A small army of sensors were attached to Adam's body. One to a foreleg, at least half-a-dozen EEG's on his head, an EKG on his chest, and...
Well, Abel was lost, but he had every confidence in Twi's medical capability.
Of course, he had drawn the line at her trying to get a blood sample on her own.
That was highly painful if you didn't do it right. Namely, at a joint, where there was a natural thinness to the chitin.
Even then, Adam had winced. Abel wasn't surprised to see that the blood in the syringe was green.
Of course, Twi was all for causing Adam pain, seeing as how Adam had forgotten to soften his chitin so that she could get readings for a few minutes.
Though Abel did have to admit, seeing her bank of machines spitting out error after error and seeing her hair become slowly more manic did have an unusually entertaining quality to it. Right up until Adam was reminded of the 'event'.
Afterwards, as the machines began taking in all the data they could obtain, Twi cast a spell from one of her advanced medical spellbooks. It reminded Abel of an MRI.
"Fascinating. It would appear that changelings share many characteristics with ponies, while being unique in so many other ways."
Abel grinned. "Strike that, reverse it. We were here first, after all."
Twilight turned to Abel, glared, opened her mouth, raised a hoof, paused, closed her mouth, and rubbed her chin with her hoof. "I'd forgotten about that history lesson until now. I'm just so used to-"
Abel cut her off. "We can discuss relative histories later. Medical results, please."
Twilight grinned. "Did you know you have exo- AND endo-skeletons?"
Abel raised a hoof and looked at it. "No, I had no idea."
Twilight forced out a laugh and continued. "It would also seem that you have a very...unique digestive tract. One that allows for organic food to be consumed, as well as love."
Abel turned to a specimen collection jar and hocked a chunk of gelatin into it. "Really? Fascinating."
Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. "Are you going to undercut all my discoveries by demonstrating that you already knew?"
Abel grinned. "Nah, that's about all I knew, really. I'm just messin' with ya, Twi. I'd do it less, but you make it so easy!"
Abel swore he saw Twilight's right eye twitch. Fortunately, the bank of machines chose that moment to ding and start printing out results.
This caused the mare to zip over to the paper in question and begin reading it in earnest. Several times she muttered 'fascinating' or 'I see' while nodding to herself. Eventually, she turned back to the changelings and saw them all staring at her.
"Care to share, Twi?"
Twilight blushed for a moment and began to read off the results.
"Well, for one, the heart rate of a changeling at rest appears to be about 80 beats a minute. There's also an interesting section of the brain that tends to be sporadically active, causing various spikes of various waves of activity, most notably Delta and Theta waves."
"Gonna blame the Hive Mind on that one."
Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "It makes the most sense. If I test myself, we might get similar readings... One of the more obvious differences is that changelings do not generate their own source of internal magic."
Abel looked intrigued. "We kinda figured that one, what with needing to feed off of those that do. mean we're entirely cut off?"
Twilight turned to a bookshelf and used her magic to pull out and unfold a diagram of a pony body. Pointing to a set of glands, the unicorn entered lecturer mode. "Ponies have these glands, aetherial converters, which provide us with our internal stores of magic. They also take in the ambient magic of the land and convert it into energy we can use. Changelings...seem to lack this. And all life needs magic to live, so..."
Abel nodded. "So we took to feeding off of those that have magic to survive."
Twilight put the chart back and nodded. "Now, if you'd known, and managed to give yourself a set of those glands..."
Abel grinned. "Oooooh. Possibilities. Adam, store that info. Next ruler we have, needs to do this."
And they all felt the ecstatic glee that filled the Hive Mind at this particular revelation.
Continuing on, Twilight looked at the list of results. "Blood pressure is about 110/68. Lungs and respiratory rate appear nominal. What is utterly fascinating is the chitin and its capabilities. When in 'armor' state, no readings can be observed, and I suspect puncturing it is very hard. When 'relaxed,' readings can be taken, and is in fact quite soft."
"And yet," Abel quipped, "We can't feed off him. So whatever is keeping his energy on lockdown, it ain't the chitin."
Twi rubbed her hooves together. "We should figure that out one day...Internal temperature is...oh my. 80?"
Abel let loose a low chuckle. "We don't have quite as good a temperature regulation system, Twi. Hibernation an' all. We tend to avoid extremes if we can. 'lest, we did, before we had a warming spell."
Twilight nodded and pulled out the vial of blood from...wherever she'd stored it, and inserted it into another machine. It began to whir, getting steadily louder, until finally it cut out and wound down far quicker than it wound up. Then there was a few noises, of extremely delicate machinery moving, and another sheet of paper began printing out from near where the blood had been inserted. Twilight took a look at it and started muttering. " no no...that's just...not possible..."
Twilight cast a glance at Abel before uttering a single question. "Have any changelings ever successfully bred with ponies?"
And that was the moment in which the Hive Mind stopped for one second, in total, absolute shock.
Abel carefully compiled his information before replying to the mare.
"As far as I know, our...history has prevented us from doing as such. With recent developments, I.E. this Hive Mind...I can tell you right now none of mine ever tried, believing the offspring of a pony-changeling union, if we even could, would be a dead giveaway. Why do you ask?"
With a level voice, Twilight responded. "Because, you have an eerily similar number of genes to ponies. It's highly likely that you could. You're just missing one set."
Every changeling blinked rapidly for a few moments before Abel put a hoof to his head. "Ow. Ow. Ow. STOPPIT."
Abel then glared at Twilight. "Gee, thanks Twi. Now you've inspired those that want foals to go have slash make them with their partners and reveal themselves. I'm going to have a migraine for weeks, and the fallout will be massive."
Before Twilight could speak up regarding this development, Adam decided to make his discomfort known. "Can I get up now? All these devices are staaaarting to irk me."
Twilight turned to him and nodded, and in a flash of green, all the attached monitoring devices separated themselves from the changeling. Adam got up and stretched, then assumed his normal Earth Pony guise and nodded to Abel. "Right, I'll be off, then. Take care, sire."
As Golden Stalk made his way up, Swiftwind made her way to the chair. "This will not hurt?"
Abel sighed. "Taking the blood for analysis will hurt, a little. Everything else shouldn't. As long as you remember to soften your chitin for her, that is."
Before Swiftwind could complain, Abel had already pricked her and taken a sample of her blood. This did of course earn him a glare, but Abel passed the sample over to Twilight anyways. She nodded and put it in the machine before enveloping the myriad sensors in her purple aura and attaching them to the white changeling sitting in the examination chair. Just as the last sensor was placed, the centrifuge started to die down. The two sets of data began printing at nearly the same moment, and Abel took both of them in his magic while Twilight scanned Swiftwing in hers.
"Fascinating...the main difference between the two is the lack of the painkiller gland. Every other minor difference can be attributed to a differing of gender...for the moment."
Abel wafted Twi's results in front of her, and the eager mare pounced, reading them all and nodding slowly. "Yes...that makes sense. Most of these results are similar, if not outright alike. But the DNA analysis is most interesting. It appears to have the same number of genes as the last. What we could really use, though, is-"
Abel held up a hoof. "We are NOT knocking up the only albino female, nor am I getting any of my Hive pregnant, just for your experiments, Twilight. And that goes double for pony-kind and changelings interacting for the time being!"
Twilight had the decency to blush as Abel continued. "IF, and this is a big IF, IF I or Swiftwind here choose to propagate the line of white changelings, it will be because we've found someone we love deeply. Not for science, not for one-night stands, not out of a sense of obligation. We'd do it because we want to, not because we have to."
There was a beat. And then, from the examination chair, Swiftwind spoke up.
"You would make an excellent sire to my young, my lord. Shall we get started now?"
In one of Canterlot's towers, sitting in her room, Celestia was enjoying a day away from court.
What? She scheduled them every so often.
She was just about to bite into a delicious-looking masterpiece of a cake, the creator had named it 'Death by Chocolate.'
Frankly, Celestia doubted that.
The fork with the cake on it hovered closer.
And then a sonic disturbance rocked the tower.
One that went to a very specific tune, knocked Celestia's concentration off, and caused the cake and fork to fall to the floor.
If one listened, one could just about make out the tune coming from Ponyville. One that sounded remarkably similar to a certain changeling king.

Chapter the Twenty-Seventh - Playing Catch-up

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It had been a few days.
Abel and Swiftwind were officially still not on speaking terms.
Needless to say, it had quite a bit to do with her sudden...proposition.
The rest of it revolved around the fact that the customs from gods know how long ago were that straightforward, which of course led to the proposition in the first place.
Twilight was attempting to console the female changeling in the library.
"But I do not understand. Most male changelings would jump at the chance to continue their line!"
Twilight blushed a bit. "Well, yes, but that was then. This is now. And nowadays, most mares do not just walk up to a stallion and say 'Give me your babies.' It's rather lewd."
Swiftwind tilted her head and blinked. "It is considered socially insensitive to demand children from males? He did not inform me of this."
From the doorway there was the sound of soft barking. Turning, the two saw a familiar fox sitting in the entryway. Possibly because he had hoped that you would seek companionship with someone other than him?
Swiftwind and Ferrix had a...working relationship.
Hey, that feeding accident was a total accident, and nobody could prove otherwise.
Swiftwind sighed and rolled her eyes. "This could all be avoided if he would simply place me within his Hive Mind..."
Yeah, well, I think with that comment, you killed your chances for a little while. He probably wants you as far away from his brain as possible.
Twilight pulled a book off a shelf and began perusing through it. "'Relationships: Is yours healthy?' Hmm...Swiftwind, can you answer a few questions for me?"
Swiftwind turned back to the unicorn and nodded, which was Twilight's cue to read from the book. "Question one: What do you find attractive in Abel?"
Swiftwind didn't hesitate. "His form is most regal, none of the Hive Kings of old had such a body. His abilities are impressive, it is almost as though he never accepts the word 'no' in regards to what he, or any of his Hive, can do."
After a brief pause, Twilight prompted her with another question. "That's it?"
Swiftwind looked away and quietly said "He saved my life," to which the unicorn nodded. Turning a few pages, she read silently before looking up and breaking some bad news to her.
"It's a crush."
Swiftwind blinked a few times. "And that term in this context means?"
"You listed his physical attributes first, which means you're attracted to him superficially. Then you listed the things he can do, along with the things he has done. Not once did you touch on what he is like as an individual. He is more than what he looks like, what he's done. There's a po- er, changeling under that exterior that, granted, could probably do with some companionship. But if you don't even try to get to know him for who he is rather than what he is, then he'll probably end up just breaking your heart. By accident, no less. Leaving you feeling crushed."
Swiftwind blinked a few more times as she rapidly processed the information. "My goodness. Times have changed. You can analyze this about me with only a few questions. You are most impressive, Twilight Sparkle."
Twilight shook her head. "Well, we didn't even get into the section on 'how many sacrifices do you make for you relationship' or 'what do you most dislike about your significant other' or even the section on 'how many arguments do you get into.' I think we should go-"
Swiftwind held up a hoof to the unicorn in a signal for her to stop, which, miraculously, she did. "Twilight Sparkle, much has been revealed to me about how I see King Abel. And I do believe we have only scratched the surface on how societal interactions are now expected to go. Would you happen to have any tomes which we could go over? Together?"
Twilight tilted her head. "Together?"
Swiftwind grinned. "I wish to apologize to him, and you seem to be well-versed enough to teach me what is different and what is expected these days. I believe with your expertise, we can hammer out an apology in a few hours, after we're done hammering out what I should change about my approach."
The unicorn could only recall a hooffull of times she had grinned anywhere near this much.
Ferrix sighed, catching their attention. I'm out. Oh, and good luck on the perfect apology. You're going to need it.
Ferrix had decided to take a rest over near Sweet Apple Acres.
It had absolutely nothing to do with his tendency to prank ponies.
None whatsoever!
And even if it did, he most certainly did not have a favored target in a certain rainbow-maned pegasus he was hoping to catch.
The sheer amount of preparatory work he was witness to shocked him for a moment.
The Apple family is up to something. But wh-
And that was as far as he got before he felt the rumbling.
Ferrix ran into the nearby bushes and observed the simply massive amount of ponies come from over the nearby hills. Some even came out of the sky!
If I didn't know better, I'd say...
"Howdy, y'all! And welcome to the Apple Family Reunion!"
Ferrix grinned. A family of Earth Ponies, getting together for a reunion. I could have fun with this...
Twilight pulled down a fifth reference book as the changeling sighed and looked at her notes. "I just cannot comprehend how one is supposed to find their intended mate-"
"Special somepony," Twilight interrupted.
Swiftwind rolled her eyes at the statement. "Only applicable when I'm imitating a pony, Twilight Sparkle."
"Tru- did you just use a contraction?"
Swiftwind blinked a few times and grinned. "Guess I'm getting used to this modern way of speaking. And now I can see the use of them! Combing two words into one that still conveys two meanings! How useful! I'll have to apply this elsewhere..."
Swiftwind looked down at her heaps of notes and gasped. "Like to here! What if we combined all the tips and notes and schedules into one, vastly shorter schedule? One that would still manage to do all the things of the rest?"
Twilight blinked a few times and grinned as well. "An efficient idea! Let's begin!"
Ferrix grinned as he observed Applejack's antics. I won't have to do anything. Her plan is so complex, it was doomed from the start...
Then the kitsune frowned. I...I don't get to do anything! All this delightful pranking material, and it'll all come undone without me so much as lifting a paw!
The fox sighed and lay on his stomach, observing the antics of the gathered family. In particular, his eyes fell on two fillies. Apple Bloom and Babs Seed. Aren't they...yes, they're part of that Crusader club that leaves explosions, fire, and tears in their wake. Somehow. Even though only one of them is a unicorn.
As the race started, Ferrix got a wicked idea in his head. Carefully blinking along to make up for his lack of endurance training, eventually the kitsune found the spot where the fillies ran out of steam, and wove a small Suggestion spell.
Fun's not fun when it's forced...
The spell, nearly invisible, wafted through the air towards the tired girls, and Ferrix grinned.
This was a failing in Kitsunes everywhere.
When presented with a potential avalanche, every single one would get behind it and trigger it. And laugh as it came crashing down just short of their friends. Every single time.
Not coincidentally, their favorite phrase was 'you should see the looks on your faces!'
His work here done, Ferrix turned tail and began heading back to the library.
Perhaps he'd even be able to stop those crazy mares.
"So it's considered impolite to ask for that before two dates have passed at least, and I should include a grace period of three days at least between them-"
"Yes, but pushing him towards that is something you should never do. Leading him towards it, however, is another matter-"
"Precisely, which is why after the second date, I start dropping more hints, start brushing up on more innuendo-"
"And if it takes him longer than a week to get your hints, you take him out on another date-"
"And then after that one, the failsafe plan kicks in with one phrase!"
The changeling and the unicorn shared a glance and a grin.
What is?
The two looked back towards the door to see Ferrix walking in.
Swiftwing started. "I've become more familiar with modern courtship rituals. Such as dating, and merely even getting to know one another better. Twilight here helped me greatly in understanding why my more...blunt approach was not acceptable."
Ferrix sat and cocked his head at her. That's great...but I'm not the one you should be apologizing t- did you just use a contraction? And only Twilight's first name?
Swiftwind jerked back a bit. "I...I did! I'm getting used to this modern way of talking faster than I thought!"
Ferrix looked over at the schedule the two had put together. With a small burst of blue flames, it was hovering in front of the fox, who was eying it critically.
Then, he let out a sigh and floated in back to the table, none the worse for wear. "What WAS that?"
Foxfire. Basically my raw magic, useful for levitation. And that plan of yours is impressive, ambitious, and doomed to fail.
The two blinked rapidly before Twilight spoke up in a sickly sweet voice. "Care to tell me whyyyyyy?"
Simple. I've been in Abel's head. No matter how you try to court him, he'll know. And he will not approve.
Swiftwind looked down at the floor then. "Is...there nothing that can be done?"
Well, you could start with the first step.
Abel was in a pleased mood.
The negotiations with the Fae had gone well.
Half-a-dozen modified siphon-stones for the relative Multiverse co-ordinates to...there.
Oh, he had no illusions that he was dealing with anything but an Unseelie court member. Probably just a lesser noble, though.
Which is why he'd tamper-proofed the stones to prevent Them from reverse-engineering his creations.
And, seeing as how the Fae and Their realm were made of magic, what'd he just handed them could be termed 'weapons of significant destruction.'
Still, next time he'd go with both the formula for the stones. As well as a device to shield oneself from the effects.
Depending on who answered, he'd have a great amount of leverage to get what he wanted next time.
Still, he had a whole new device to build.
Plans to make.
Theories to test.
A door to answer.
Crystals to-
Who would come here at this hour?
Donning his disguise, Books carefully opened the door, and was not surprised to see Silver Tongue on the doorstep. Disappointed, perhaps, but not surprised. The surprise came after she asked her single question.
"Why won't you love me?"
He had to think real hard about that question before he could offer a response. He couldn't just tell her the whole truth. And, naturally, some of it wasn't applicable anymore anyways.
It was in about his sixth month in town when he realized that he really could find himself attracted to ponies. It was only natural, considering he was walking around in a town full of ponies that didn't wear a stitch of clothing.
Changelings were another matter; Chrysalis had done a good job on hers.
Even though they were his now, they still had some of that old stigma beaten into them. None of his Hive could answer him with a truthful 'yes' when asked if they could ever find him attractive.
She, however, was from before all that. And she could clearly find him attractive, so...
Really, his only excuses now were the fact that they didn't know each other at all, and his project.
Sitting off to one side, Books noticed Ferrix being his smug self.
And that cinched it for him.
Books leaned forward and whispered to her.
"It's not that I won't. Or can't. It's that I have a massively dangerous project to undertake, and I'd like to put that behind me before engaging in a serious relationship."
Noticing both sets of eyes widen, Books continued. "But if you've learned what you did wrong. If you're sorry about your approach then and promise to be better..."
Noticing Silver's head nod rapidly, Books smiled. "Then we can try. Nothing serious until after my project, but we can try."

Chapter the Twenty-Eighth - Slow day

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Balanced Books looked out his front door at the pony standing there.
Lyra Heartstrings, local harp player, was on his lawn, with a pamphlet.
Said pamphlet had an image of a pony and a changeling silhouette bumping hooves, with the letters PETC above it.
Books looked from the pamphlet to the unicorn, and back again.
Lyra nodded. "We at PETC, or Ponies for the Ethical Treatment of Changelings, strive to promote understanding between pony and changeling-kind. We believe that with enough compassion on both sides, ponies and changelings can come toget-"
Books held up a hoof to cut her off. "Did you...forget who I am?"
Lyra blinked a few times and chuckled before glancing aside. "Heh...whoops. I was just going door-to-door, you know. Forgot this was your place...or who you were, for a moment there. Mainly because I've been doing this all day."
Books nodded. "Believe me, I've been there. And my Hive was founded on the very principles of Friendship and Harmony. So...really, it's not mine you have to worry about."
Lyra nodded and made to leave. "Yeah, in retrospect, not the brightest idea, trying to recruit the changeling king..."
"Who said anything about that?"
Lyra paused and looked back over her shoulder. "What are you talking about?"
Books grinned. "I'm quite aware that me and mine are not looked upon favorably by all ponies. If you could keep me in the loop, I could make it worth your while."
Lyra turned around and the glance on her face changed from puzzled to interested. "Really? Would you consent to answering questions and dispelling or confirming some of the rumors and myths we have?"
Books sighed and rolled his eyes. "I thought I already did...but I can do it again, if I must."
Lyra pumped a hoof. "Yes! Okay, I'll come back with some questions day after tomorrow, it'll let us meet and come up with some! Oh, just thought of something. They may want me to make sure your answers are honest, and I know a truth spell. Is that okay with you?"
Books sighed again. "Yes, it'll be fine. Now if you'll pardon me."
Books walked out his house towards the library.
Upon arriving, Books was met with nobody.
Not even Spike.
Twi's pet owl was asleep at this time, meaning nobody was around to help him find the book he wanted.
"Twilight, y'here?"
Books looked around on the ground floor before going upstairs, noticing Twilight reading intently, a stack of books next to her.
"Oh. Okay. Hey, Twi, you know where Spike is? I'm looking for a book..."
Twilight's noncommittal grunt was the only answer he got.
"M'kay. You're lost to the outside world, and Spike's not here. Plus your owl isn't up..."
Books sighed.
"Dammit, I'm never learning how to teleport."
Books trudged outside, head hung low. He perked up considerably when he noticed Spike coming by in the distance.
"Oh hey Sp-"
Who brushed right past him, muttering something about a dragon code. A few moments later, he came back out.
"Hey Spi-"
And was gone again, leaving Books standing next to the door, utterly perplexed.
"Well. That happened."
Books sighed for what felt like one too many times and walked back home, before he perked up considerably.
Tonight, he and Swiftwind were going to hunt.
"Shh, that's a cockatrice."
"I'm unfamiliar with that species..."
"Just don't look it in the eyes, it turns anything that does to stone. Watch what I do."
Abel slowly inched himself forward with his eyes closed. Reaching out with his senses, he 'felt' when the cockatrice turned towards him and the malice spike. Must be trying to gaze at me...
Abel pointed a hoof at the cockatrice and smiled. "Doesn't work when I don't look at you, does it?"
The cockatrice had the good grace to look surprised before it fell to the ground, exhausted from the magical drain suddenly exerted on it.
Swiftwind slowly came forward and stared at the crumpled cockatrice. "Such an amazing weapon. So powerful. And yet, so useless when you know how it works and can defend against it."
Abel chuckled. "That's the definition of progress, y'know. Some poor shmuck finds a way to make arrows and spears stop hurting him, so the other shmucks try to copy him, while he comes up with a hammer that smashes through armor. Vicious circle, ponies don't have much inclination to practice it."
Swiftwind smiled a wicked smile. "But then again, we're not ponies."
Abel chuckled. "Indeed not."
Turning his head and casting out metaphorical fishing lines, Abel ended up pointing in one direction. "C'mon, I think there's a manticore or two that way. If we get lucky, we might find some timberwolves."
They had, in fact, gotten lucky.
An entire pack of timberwolves had shown up.
I don't know what had them riled up, but note to self, Swiftwind is damn good at draining!
Seeing half the pack fall had given Abel a healthy amount of respect for her.
And really, they weren't actually alive. They were just bits of magic that had bonded with some wood and thought it was a wolf.
'Killing' them was perfectly alright in his book.
Very few had survived.
He'd hoped nopony ran into them.
They were awfully close to the Acres when that happened...
Books was wandering through town, wondering if Twilight was responsive now, when he'd been unceremoniously yanked through a door.
Looking around, Books found himself in the one place he'd not expected to see, especially considering his recent transgressions.
The inside of the TARDIS.
Standing next to him was The Doctor, looking a bit worse for wear, but mostly on his hooves again.
The glare was unmistakeable though.
"Drop the disguise."
Books sighed and did so, and The Doctor nodded.
"You're yourself again?"
Abel waved a hoof. "More or less. I mean, don't get me wrong, the possessing spirit, Cain, he's exorcized. Sealed in a crystal, given to the city that runs on and the princess that symbolizes love. He's never getting out in this eternity."
The Doctor nodded, and Abel continued. "However, everything he said to me? All those little doubts and fears? Yeah, he had to have something to latch on to, something to grow off of. Celestia and I are working on my issues, to make sure nothing like this ever happens again."
The Doctor nodded once more and went up to a terminal. Looking back, he grinned slightly. "Go on, say it. Everyone does."
Abel blinked, then put a hoof to his chin as though thinking for a moment. Walking to the back and looking down one hallway, he smiled and glanced at the pony behind the metaphorical wheel.
"I can see forever! Hey, is that my own behind?"
The Doctor blinked a few times before grinning, catching on to Abel's joke. "Well, that's certainly new. And what insights does looking at your own behind give you?"
Abel looked down the hallway and made a grimace. "That I should really lay off the sweets, especially those cake recipes I'm slipping Pinkie."
Abel looked back at The Doctor and walked a bit closer, noticing the unconscious flinch the pony made as he approached. Abel sighed and sat on his haunches, catching the attention of The Doctor. "Look, I don't know how much you heard while you were out..."
The Doctor merely held up his screwdriver, and Abel nodded. "Right, actions, words, one's louder, got it. But seriously, I want us to be good again. I want to at least have a working relationship with you, Doctor."
The Doctor glanced at Abel and went back to the console. "Why? Why should I bother? First you toss me to the horror known as Twilight Sparkle trying to get information from your brain, and then you become Cain. I'm afraid next time you'll merge with the Nightmare and try to take over, just to seize my TARDIS under some obscure law."
Abel raised a hoof to his chin. "Not a BAD plan...except I'm putting her through rehab, it'd kinda be counter-productive for her to fall into old haunts."
The Doctor blinked a few times. "Wait, really? YOU'RE the reason I can't find her essence throughout Equestria after that night? And what's this about rehab?"
Abel waved his hoof about. "Not important. Listen, I've been going at this from the magical angle, and it should work, but I wanted your opinion on this project of mine."
The Doctor raised an eyebrow, and Abel grinned. "What would you say are the major obstacles to creating a stable tunnel across the Multiverse?"
The Doctor actually dropped his screwdriver in shock as he realized the full extent of what Abel would be planning.
Trixie came to, and for a moment, had trouble realizing she had.
It was just as dark, after all. It didn't seem to matter if her eyes were open or closed.
And then she heard a voice and realized she was in fact awake.
"Trixie, comma, The Great And Powerful. Actual name, Beatrix Lulamoon. Pony subtype, unicorn. Gender, female. Age, twenty-five. Coat, blue. Mane, two-tone, first tone, sky blue, second tone, even lighter blue. Eyes, violet. Cutie mark, wand and moon, represents talent for stage magic. Went to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. Was forced out when instructors realized Trixie was all play and little work, instead attended Canterlot's Unicorn Academy, that school the noble's started just to spite Celestia."
The was the sound of parchment hitting something, and then Trixie saw the eyes.
Those red, slitted eyes.
She'd heard stories, naturally, of what went on in Ponyville.
And while she was one of those things, she wasn't the worst thing.
She was looking at one of them right now.
"I'm gonna be honest with you now, Trixie. I don't blame you for your last episode."
Trixie was stunned for a moment.
"I recently had an...episode, where I was corrupted by dark magic. It made me realize something."
Trixie finally managed to work her jaw and vocal cords enough to choke out a single word.
"That we all, every single one, have a seed of darkness in our hearts, buried deep down. Most of us would never act on it. But when something keeps pushing it forward. Keeps reminding us of it. And then offers to take away the pain. We'd be willing to pay any price."
Trixie looked away for a moment and sighed, while the voice continued.
"We both overcame our darkness. But mine was forced on me. You CHOSE to put the amulet on."
Trixie looked back into the eyes and gulped.
"Normally, this would be where I threaten you, but I have an alternative planned."
Again, that single word was all she could manage to get out. "What?"
She could hear the smile. "Simple enough. Two of mine have volunteered to be your new 'assistants.' And we have quite the repertoire of tricks you could use. So long as you spin it right, there's no end to the amount of shows you could put on, each one more amusing than the last. The only catch, if you can call it that, is that mine will be monitoring you and soaking in the adoration the crowds will be giving you."
Trixie finally managed to get her mouth to work with more complex questions. "Why would you bother?"
There was silence for a moment. And then the answer came.
"Because every pony deserves a chance to be happy again."

Chapter the Twenty-Ninth - Keep Calm and be a Changeling

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Balanced Books walked into his living room with his tea tray in his magical grasp. "Tea?" he proffered to Lyra, who waved a hoof at him.
"No thanks. I'm good. Had lunch before coming over."
Books nodded and set the tray down, pouring a cup for himself. He went to take a sip before Lyra interrupted him.
"So. I was thinking we should do two interviews, one for your, uh, normal life, and one for your other form."
Carefully sipping at the tea, Books nodded and set it down. "Makes sense. Will your truth spell take that into account?"
Lyra put a hoof to her chin in thought. "It...might. So long as you don't break character, we should be fine."
Books took another sip and added a bit of honey to his tea. "Well then. Please begin."
Lyra pulled out a pad of paper and her pencil from her saddlebags. "Alright, give me a second..."
A golden flash lit up the room for a brief moment, and Lyra nodded. "The truth field should be working. So please, give your name and occupation for the record...and testing purposes."
"Balanced Books, local freelance accountant. Half the time, I work with the Mayor, just to make sure the town's on track. The other half, I use with either small businesses, or with ponies who just want to have a greater understanding of how to manage their finances."
Lyra nodded as the pencil wrote down everything Books said. Books got a curious look on his face then. "Hey, does this work both ways? Like, if I ask you a question, will you have to answer it truthfully?"
"Yes," Lyra automatically answered, "It's a truth field, not a single-target spell."
Both sets of eyes widened at that, and Books grinned.
"While I am awfully tempted to make this an information exchange game, let's stick with why you came here. For now, at least."
Lyra nodded and pulled out a sheet of parchment, glancing at it before asking her next question. "When did you come to Ponyville?"
"Three years ago."
"How old are you?"
"Twenty-three, coming up on twenty-four."
"What do you do in your spare time?"
"Hang out with the Bearers, mess around with Ferrix."
"Kitsune companion."
"Mischievous fox spirit."
"Oh. That all?"
"Well I also mess around with magic, inventing new spells and ways to combine them to make my job easier, but I've hit a wall for now. Twi and I are working on it."
"Any mares in your life?"
"One, but you wouldn't know her."
Lyra nodded and pulled out a separate notebook. "And if you would transform back, please?"
In a flash, Books was gone, leaving Abel sitting at the table, gently sipping his tea. "Hmm. Maybe I should get Fluttershy to tell me her secret..."
"Please state your full name and rank for the record."
Able sighed and straightened a touch. "King Abel, Leader of the Exiled, the Betrayed."
"First myth: Do you have any ties or affiliations with Chrysalis?"
Abel made a face. "Only in one sense. The reason I'm a separate king as compared to her is because I hate her. I even fought her during her little incursion, and have sworn my loyalty, and that of my Hive's, to Celestia and Equestria as a whole."
"What did that mean, one sense? How are-"
"She's my mother."
There was silence in the room for a moment as panic started to creep onto Lyra's face. Abel held up a hoof and sighed.
"She's only my mother in the sense that she's responsible for my existence in the first place. I left shortly after I hatched. She had no influence in how I turned out."
Lyra sighed then. "I know, it's just, even with the truth field, hearing something like that..."
"Kinda rattling, isn't it?"
Lyra nodded and looked back at the parchment, before glancing back at Abel with a raised eyebrow. "Hatched?"
Abel looked up for a moment and coughed. "Changelings can choose to either give birth the normal pony way, or lay 'eggs' and hatch their young that way. In Chryssy's Hive, though, only she's allowed to lay, the rest give birth the normal way. When they do at all."
Lyra giggled for a bit before she turned back to her parchment. "Okay. Does your color scheme mean anything in particular?"
"Yes, albinos, or white changelings, feed off of magic itself. And while there is magic in all living things, I've taken a vow to not feed on a pony."
"But then that episode..."
Abel sighed. "Yeah...not one of my finer moments. Celestia and I are working on my rampant paranoia. One of her suggestions for treating it was to go around without a full supply of magic all the time, and to cut down on the reserves as well. I got...hungry. Very hungry. Hungry enough for me to damage my own ability to feed on magic, in order to switch it around to feed on emotions like black changelings. I thought that would be a clever way around my given word. Not only was it not, but I'm pretty sure the damage won't ever fully heal with anything except time."
Lyra was silent for a moment. "So, do you feed on emotion now, or..."
Abel looked up and shook his head. "Technically, I'd get more, eh, call it nutrition, from feeding off of positive emotions, than I would with magic. I still can feed off of magic. It's...more like snack food. Not as filling anymore. I'm working on it though."
"How long have you been a king?"
"Just about...month and a half? Something like that. Though, technically, I've been in a position of leadership to all the exiled changelings for longer than that. Kept calling me their prince..."
"How powerful are you?"
Abel blinked a few times. "Well. Interesting question. If I stock up on magic to the point where it starts to ache, then I can make a Gateway. Singular. One. I'll be drained afterwards, though, and need to feed."
Now it was Lyra's turn to blink. "That's been you all this time?"
Abel nodded. "What, did you think there was some other Balanced Books out there? Never was. Made up the identity to blend in. Ponyville is one of the few places where my double-life is known."
Lyra nodded slowly. "Makes...sense."
She then glanced back at her parchment. "What about poison?"
Abel tilted his head in confusion. "What about it?"
"Do changelings have any poison glands?"
Able laughed at that. "Hardly! We're similar to ponies in many respects. That includes the lack of a poison gland. Granted, we do have a secretion, our gel, that can do different things depending on what went into it and if we run a magical current through it or not. In order for that to be even remotely poisonous, though, we'd have to somehow survive eating poison ourselves!"
Abel sobered up a bit. "Though I will grant you that Chryssy did research quite a few knockout spells. Might seem like poison to the uninformed."
"And then there's this thought that you can turn other ponies into changelings..."
Abel held up a hoof and looked at her with an expression that defined fury. "No. I cannot. She looked into it. She failed. I can not and would not do that to any pony."
Lyra knew then that looking into the matter would not end well for her, and quickly moved on to another topic. "And then we have this...well, every pony that knows you swears you have some sort of hive mind thing going on..."
Abel chuckled. "Yup! Think of it like a crowd of ponies that can talk to each other no matter where they are, and replace 'ponies' with 'changeling' and you have a good idea of it. It's what we use it for, what it was meant to be used for."
"Since Chrysalis is a Queen, does she have her own hive mind?"
Abel nodded. "Hers is...different. And unpleasant. It's mostly her tool to make sure her changelings fall in line."
Lyra once again sensed the hostility behind Abel's voice and decided to cut the interview. "Well, it's been interesting Baaaaal- er, Abel, but I should get these answers back to the others."
Abel nodded towards the door. "Take care, Lyra."
It wasn't long before Books felt the blast of Harmony magic.
What confused him was the lack of any world-ending events going on to require the Elements.
Shrugging, Books decided to gather up what lingering bits of it he could find for later use.
It always did have the most interesting effects.
About then, he realized his path had led him near the library, and realized he still never checked out that book on teleportation.
Walking in netted him with the sight of a frantic Twilight and Spike.
He only vaguely noticed the tiara on Twilight's head. What was more concerning were the myriad spellbooks she was flipping through.
"So. Wild guess. You're busy."
Twilight nodded. "We're looking for a book Discord didn't get to."
Books blinked and actually dropped his disguise. "Discord. He's free?"
Twilight looked over at Abel and nodded. "Princess Celestia asked us to release him and for Fluttershy to reform him. I'm looking for a reforming spell in one of my spellbooks as a back-up plan, but it looks like Discord got them all."
Abel blinked a few more times before grinning. "Thank you for telling me where he is, I'll get right on this."
Twilight shook her head and produced a scroll for Abel. "She also gave me this to give to you in case you said that."
Abel unfurled it and read.
My erstwhile ally,
Please, do not interfere. I have every faith in Fluttershy's ability to reform Discord, and from what I've been told, your last meeting with him was less than cordial. If you meddle, it might change the outcome.
Yours truly,
Princess Celestia.
Abel sighed. "Fine. Can you pass a message on, if this all works out?"
Twilight looked incredulous, but nodded. "If Discord actually ends up being reformed, then, and no sooner, tell him that I'd like to have a friendly chat with him. And tell him to knock."
Abel was just sitting down with his dinner when the knocks came.
Grinning slightly, he walked to the front door and knocked twice, quickly, before opening it and seeing Discord on the other side.
"Oh, you're actually here. And I am impressed with your new look. When did this happen?"
"'bout six weeks ago, give or take. C'mon in, Discord."
Discord narrowed his eyes at the air in front of him. "Oh, so that's how they work. Clever."
Abel nodded and stood to one side to allow the draconequus access. "Keeps me safe from anyone I don't know."
Discord moved in and sat at one of the other places at Abel's table. Abel took a bite of his dinner and looked up to Discord.
"I don't blame you, you know. You merely showed her the tool. It was up to her to use it properly, and she never did."
Discord nodded slightly. "True, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't know she might do exactly what she did."
Abel sighed and moved his plate to one side. "Look, you know who and, more importantly, what I am underneath. That's something I only let one other being know. Frankly, I don't care how you know. Right now, all I care about is you not telling any pony the whole truth. I plan to tell them myself one day just how weird I really am and once was."
Discord smiled. "Only if I get to bring the popcorn, there is no way I'm missing out on that."
Abel grinned. "Deal enough, and I have another one for you."
Discord raised an eyebrow. "Go on..."
Abel looked askance for a moment. "Well, after that day...I never did just let go of the stuff I took from that attack. Or the stuff in the air. All that Chaos Magic is just sitting in my basement."
Discord's eyes widened. "Really? That's slightly unsafe, but seeing as how you've managed a year without any major Chaos-related events, besides moi being released today, I suppose you found a way to store it."
Abel nodded and turned back to Discord. "And quite frankly I am done sitting on the time bomb, thank you. I'll give it back on a condition."
Discord snapped his fingers and summoned a chocolate milk of glass. "Name it."
"You help me with my doorway project, your magic is uniquely suited to the occasion."
The glass shards pelting the room and the look on Discord's face were worth it, in Abel's opinion.
"Why would you trust me with something like that? I'm the Lord of Chaos!"
Abel merely shook his head. "I've made it somewhat of a hobby to help reform ponies - and others - who lose their way. Turn them into something resembling decent people. I even have the Nightmare, for gods sake! If I can reform her, I have every faith that Fluttershy worked a number on you. Especially seeing as my message was only to be delivered if Twilight believed you to be reformed."
Discord blinked a few times before grinning.
"Mah boy, I believe this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
Abel grinned as well. "Y'see, this is why I said we could get along. I can make cheesy references, and you'll get them!"
And unbelievably, the two laughed together long into the night.

Chapter the Thirtieth - Fruition

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Abel was in his basement, more specifically, his workroom, when he was informed that someone was at the door.
Grumbling to himself and putting on his disguise, Books answered it with a scowl on his face.
Spike cringed back a bit, the measuring cup in his tail's grasp noticeably shaking.
"Eh...I can come back if you're busy?"
Books sighed. "No, no. Come in, Spike."
The two made their way to the living room while Books put the kettle on for some soothing tea.
He really needed it, all things considered.
Walking back into the living room yielded a curious dragon looking around for...something.
"So, what was that all about?"
Books sighed, dropped the disguise, and rubbed his forehead with a hoof.
"Appleloosa. They're being...belligerent. Somehow they've got a contraption or a device that sees through our disguises, and they're blocking us from putting up a permanent safehouse. I sent Swiftwind to help, seeing as how she's better at shock and awe, considering she can actually manipulate electricity."
Spike whistled. "That's impressive...wait, can you not, then?"
Abel waved a hoof around in a so-so gesture. "Yeah, but it doesn't bother me. I'm better in some things than she is, but she seems to...understand the elements better than I ever will. We compliment each other."
Spike grinned, and Abel felt his amusement. "Sounds like somepony has a crush."
Abel growled at that. "I do not-"
Just then the kettle whistled, and Abel went to answer it, pouring himself a cup of soothing mint tea and bringing it back to the living room, where a grinning Spike was leaning back.
"So you were talking about your crush?"
Abel growled again. "No, I do not have a crush on her. I appreciate her talents, yes. And looks have never been important to me, especially considering the whole changeling thing. What I do look for is intelligence. And I have to test her, constantly, to see how she reacts to any given situation. It's not looking promising so far, but she's getting better."
Abel shuddered a bit as he recalled Swiftwind opening the prototype bag of holding 'just to see what would happen.' It'd taken him hours to clean up after...
Abel then looked at the measuring cup in Spike's grasp and noticed it was full of jewels. "So...why are you here, Spike? I assume you're gathering the gems for something."
Spike jolted a bit before nodding. "Yeah, all the girls are going up to the Crystal Empire for the Equestria Games. They can't take their pets, so I'm looking after them while they're away. The gems are just a bonus."
Abel eyed him critically. "Did it occur to you how my previous visits to the Empire have ended? Or that I might not be going?"
Spike tilted his head to one side. "What'd you do?"
Abel held up a hoof. "Let's review. First trip, everypony in Equestria knows how that turned out. My latest trip involved saving Swiftwind. My technical second trip involved me cursing out Cadence. And the trip after that involved me dyeing Cadence and Shining Armor's coats some very interesting colors. Plus, let's not mention that Perfect Facet somehow got a hold of some polka-dotted paint, Pinkie's flying device, thirty feet of bungee cord, and a basket of rotten eggs, and put them all to good use."
Spike was sniggering a bit. "That was you?"
Abel shook his head. "Nah. Technically it was under my orders. Anyways, you're actually offering your services at a good time."
Spike grinned and moved the measuring cup closer. "Oh?"
"Yeah, see, I'm going on a trip, but not to the Empire. I have no idea how long I'll be gone. But someone needs to keep an eye on Ferrix. Currently he's out fetching Discord for me. You agree to look after the bugger, I'll pay you one diamond now, and more gems for every time he gets away and causes trouble you have to clean up after, plus an additional gem for every additional week."
Abel could swear he heard the 'Cha-CHING' as Spike's eyes lit up at the promise of more jewels. "Wait, but do you have enough? I'm pretty sure that he can rival Dash for pranks."
Abel grinned. "I'm head of a Hive, Spike. A Hive that recently managed to connect all our other safehouses in a wonderful pattern. Once we get one set up in Appleloosa, we'll work on it too. We have gems, and besides enchanting a few here and there, I think bribing dragons is a good use as well."
Discord's signature knock interrupted any rebuttal the young dragon would give, and Abel answered the door. "Discord, c'mon in, you're the last contestant we needed."
Discord smiled as he and Ferrix walked in, fanfare playing from nowhere. "Oooh, and what prize do I earn today?"
"We'll get into that in a bit. Ferrix, can you go fetch a diamond from the vault for me?"
Ferrix yapped and vanished, while the young dragon and draconequus eyed each other. Smiling, Discord slowly raised his paw and put two fingers together, enjoying Spike's panicked expression all the while.
"Dissy, no. We kinda need him to remain whole and untraumatized today. Plus I think he's also got a busy week ahead of him."
Discord pouted and lowered his paw. "Oh, you're no fun at all."
Abel rolled his eyes. "Oh please. I'm the one that gave you the idea to turn Rarity's bed into a mixture of chocolate and graham crackers."
Discord smiled at the memory and wiped a tear from his eye. "Ah, yes. Do you think she got it?"
"Only when the chocolate started melting, and the 'bed' collapsed."
And at that, the two laughed loudly, while Spike looked on in a mixture of confusion and rage. "That...was you two?"
Abel caught his breath and held a hoof up to the dragon. "Yeah, but at least we planned it for a day when she had no major clients coming in. Plus the bed got put back afterwards. And it gave her an excuse to go to the spa again!"
Discord barked out a short laugh. "Oh please. She doesn't need an excuse!"
Abel nodded, and Ferrix returned with a diamond held in his jaws. It was quickly placed in Spike's cup, and Ferrix was placed next to Spike. "There you go my young drake, one diamond, and one kitsune to watch over while I'm on my trip. Take care!"
And with that, Discord snapped his fingers, sending the two directly to the library in a flash. Abel glanced over at the Spirit of Chaos and rolled his eyes. "Impatient much, Q?"
Discord chuckled. "Well, you called me here for a reason, and I think it's time you tell me what it is."
Abel nodded, walking over to his basement door. "Put simply, methinks it's time all my old bargains started paying out."
Discord notably halted for a moment at that. "You mean...? Today? Right now? You're doing it?"
Abel nodded and turned the corner into his cave, angling himself towards his workroom. "Yup. Got my supplies packed up and everything."
Walking in revealed only a desk, a set of saddlebags, and a crystal archway that resembled a Gateway, but was not.
For one, it was filled in with a door that had a seam running down the middle, also made of crystal.
Two, it had two small crystals attached, one to a side.
And finally, where normal gateways didn't have much of a glow to them, this one glowed red.
"Took up a lot of magic to make this thing. Attuning it is gonna be a biiiitch..."
Abel sighed and put his horn to the device, calling up from memory the co-ordinates the Fae had given him.
He wasn't stupid, he'd scryed them beforehand as well. They were correct, down to a T.
However, looking across half of infinity, and making a bridge across it, two very different things. Very strenuous. Very intensive.
Calling on what the Doctor had told him let him mitigate the strain a bit, but only a bit.
It still felt something like swimming through Jell-o. That was also on fire.
It was only to be expected, really. Especially since not only was he trying to make a pathway across infinity, but to one specific point in space-time in the universe he was going to.
He had to hold where he wanted to go, where he was, and the pathway there in his mind.
It took quite a bit of Abel's remaining stores, but he'd finally done it.
The connection was there, made, tenuous, feeling like it could snap at any moment. Time to call up the protection.
"Fae, I call upon our bargain. Protect this pathway that I make. Stabilize it. Shield me and it from what lurks Without."
There, he could sense it. Forces beyond his ken, gathering around the pathway, which felt like a thin line cast out into an ever-shifting ocean.
"I ask of thee, is it done?"
A slight reverberation across the entire thread, as though it had been a violin string being plucked.
"I ask again, is it done?"
Another vibration, it was a miracle the thread hadn't snapped.
"One final time, is it done?"
And the entire path felt as though it had previously been an uninsulated wire and was now being given a very thick rubber coating by a myriad of workers.
Abel nodded and turned to Discord. "If you could put some sort of Notice-Me-Not charm on it for everyone but me on both ends, along with a way for me to toggle it, I'll consider our bargain concluded."
Discord nodded and snapped his fingers. Nothing seemed changed, but that was, hopefully, a good thing.
"The safe word is bananas if you want to take it down. Now, does this go where I think it does, m'boy?"
Abel grinned. "Where do you think it goes, Dissy?"
Discord's grin widened. "Oh happy day! What'll you bring me?"
Abel cocked his head to the side. "Whaddya want?"
Discord lifted a claw to his chin. "How about a cheeseburger?"
Abel nodded. "I can probably do that."
Abel turned his gaze to the crystals on the gateway. "Now to make sure I can open it on the other end, a key phrase. Dissy, turn off your ears for a moment, if you'd be so kind."
Discord promptly reached up and pulled his ears off his head. "Go ahead!"
Closing his eyes and charging his horn, Abel imbued both crystals with a spell designed to seek out and open the pathway of the gate they were currently attached to, then gave it a verbal cue that would activate them.
Of course, he'd have to speak said phrase first. Or rather, sing it.
"I once was lost, but now I'm found, I once was blind, but now I see.
I'll live this life until this life won't let me live here anymore,
Then I will walk, yes, I will walk with patience, through that open door,
I have no fears, angels follow me wherever I may go,
I'll live this life until this life won't let me live here anymore."
The crystals glowed as the information was recorded before dimming slightly. Abel motioned towards his ears as a signal that Discord could put his back on. The spirit merely snapped, and he was capable of hearing once more. "So. Secrecy maintained, nobody will find your project on either side, you have your way back, along with a backup, and it's all secure as well."
Abel nodded and opened his saddlebags, revealing a plethora of charged crystals within. In fact, the bag almost seemed bigger on the inside...
Discord looked in before the two new additions were plucked off the gate and tucked away within. "You've been hanging around that Doctor pony, haven't you?"
Abel smiled. "Well I won't admit the idea was entirely original, but I needed SOME way to bring food along. Besides, he's an Earth Pony, how could he have done this?"
Discord nodded a bit. "Fair enough. Any last-minute requests before you test this crazy device?"
Abel tilted his head as he went over his mental checklist. "Only that if I'm gone for a while that you tell nobody. Not even Celestia, Luna, Cadence, or Twilight. The first three because they at least have some form of royal power, and the last because you KNOW she'd try to follow, meaning the other Bearers would too. Which isn't something that's good for the country."
Discord nodded in understanding. Abel turned back to the gateway and took a few steps.
The gateway reacted by sliding open slowly, revealing a wonderful twisting tunnel that was illuminated sporadically by bursts of color.
Abel took a few deep breaths to psych himself up. "I'm comin' home...I'm comin' home..."
Stepping forward, Abel vanished from Equestria altogether.
Outside a suburban home in the midwest of the USA, a rectangle of red light appeared in the backyard.
It stayed for a moment before an insect-like pony form was deposited on the ground roughly, closely followed by a set of saddlebags.
Then it vanished, leaving the form behind to grumble to itself.
"Ow. Note to self. Trans-dimensional travel sucks."
The form slowly picked itself up, blinking at the sight before it.
"My...home. It's been so long. And yet for it, no time at all."
The form turned around and used a perforated hoof to draw a line in the lawn behind it, ripping up some grass and leaving behind a line of dirt.
"Now that I have a landmark..."
The form turned back to the house and smiled to itself.
"Welcome home, John Steele. Welcome home."