> the secrets of the north, shinings new hope. > by RC > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > intro. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The secret life of shining armor By RainchaserBrony edditid by Treble Nightingale It all started with a simple gig. Nothing too big, just me playing for some friends. But that’s when I discovered it. IT being that a pony with split personalities is not the best pony for leading a double life. Sometimes if I feel a beat, she comes out. She being an old friend who I’ve lived with since that fateful night. Who knew a simple bit of music could cause one stallion, to become a mare with the beats to match any top A-list player. My name is Shining Armor, and this is the story of my life as Vinyl Scratch. [ hr ] It was the 5th of January. We had been prepping for this night for weeks, and it was finally time for me to play for the big dogs. The crowd was ready for this night. I looked out and saw an old friend, Neon Lights was attending my very first gig. -Time to show them all what a mare with a pair of shades can do!- I thought as I was preparing to start. “TIME TO DROP THIS SCHIST!!!” I shouted as I started to play my first song: Vinyliscious. “D to the J to the P O N 3,No pony drop the bass like me, I’m Vinyliscious!” this was when I realized I was talking like a mare. I looked down my body and saw that it was that of a mare, and not just any mare, me as a mare. This was when I decided that I would keep playing the role of Vinyl Scratch. I am Shining Armor, and I will party till the day I die. I am Vinyl Scratch, and I will fight for what’s right. We are one and I am two. We live in me, but we are always here for you. You need a beat, Vinyl is here. You need some help, Shining will always be there. I will stand by you for what you need. Never doubt my strength and never fear what is always here. > and so...it begins. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 "Hey Honey? Have you seen my night dress?"Shouted Cadence while looking through her closet She doesn’t hear reply...Honey? Hon...Wait, its Friday. He’s at the club. Even on the eve of our honey moon he goes out to...party. “She sighs I really hope he’s not cheating on me. I best go find him. Oh there’s my night dress.' "ARE YALL REDY TO DROP THIS BASS?! CAUSE IT TIME TO KICKIT UP A NOTCH!!!!" yelled vinyl scratch as she was getting ready for her latest gig. She decided to start with something new; faster, harder, better, stronger. 'Well time for my last gig as a free stallion before the honey moon. Waite is that... No, it couldn’t be!' "Looks like we gota guest here tonight folks, princess cadence is here to party! Let’s give her a show she will never forget." Time passes "Well folks! That it for tonight! Starting tomorrow I’m going on a 3 week vacation with my some of my friends. My new album, scratch that schist, will be released in a week and a half. Till them my friends! GOODNIGHT CANTERLOT!"'I’d better book it home double time to get back in shining armor status soon.' "Well, I didn’t see shining at the club. That settles it. When he gets home he and I are having a long hard talk about loyalty. Hopefully he isn’t cheating on me." thought Cadence as she was walking home. "I wonder where vinyl will perform next. Maybe I could talk to Octavia. Oh well, one challenge at a time." she thought as she came home. When she walked in she noticed that there was a familiar pair of purple sunglasses where on her bed. Next to some headphones that looked eerily familiar. "Honey? Do we have guests?" she shouted. "No!" shouted a voice that was familiar to her yet more of a mares voice, rather than the rugged voice of her husband. "I was just training!" 'Shining' voice was coming from the exercise room. Cadence starts to walk their only to be met with an unusual sight. Vinyl scratch dispelling a disguise spell and becoming shining armor. "Shining? Is that you?" whispered Cadence as she saw the spectacle unfolding before her. "So, now you know where I go every Friday night, huh? Well, I was going to tell you during the honeymoon but I guess now is the best time, I am vinyl scratch. I’ve been vinyl scratch since I was 15. She was the result of a failed spell that I tried to use to make me better at magic. I’ve been DJ'n ever since. That a good 7 years to make a name for myself, and to think I have two great names made out for me, a name as a guard, and a name as a DJ." shining sighed after this revelation, "I’ve always been true to me but she is the one the crowds want to see." he laughs at his own joke. "Ok, let me get this straight, you are my husband Shining Armor and my music idol, Vinyl scratch?" shining nods "ok than. Who else knows." she inquired. "Only you Octavia and pinkie pie. I can only wonder how pinkie discovered my secret, but I’ve been her go to 'j for the past 3 years because of it. And Octie knows because I had to take her home after she tried to take a straight everfree at the club one night after her concert. That was hey to explain. But I managed. Still wish I had kept that bottle of 1980 cider. That would help this situation more than my explanation can. But having two famous people with one person is pretty cool, unless twilight finds out I had to learn illusions from Trixy for when I couldn’t make a gig because I had to go to the gig. “Shining replied as they went to their bed room. Shining put his glasses and 'phones in a draw of hammer space. So that’s where he keeps them so i wouldn’t find them. Cleaver. "Well then. That that. We continue this conversation in the morning." shining said to cadence. She just nods. "godnight honey." "Same to you, sweetie." > chapter 2 the enemy is near > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 The secret life of shining armor The next morning Shining woke up to the sounds of Octavia’s cello. As he was looking around thinking he was in a random hotel room he saw Cadence listening to Octavia as she was in the corner playing a simple yet hard felt tune. “Octie? What are you doing here?” asked Shining, as he got up and started towards the bathroom. “Oh hi, Shining. I invited Octavia to help me understand this whole issue with your second life. She’s been a real help.” Said Cadence as she and Octavia went towards the bathroom door. “Well it been easy to explain the basic overview of my secret but it’s time for the rest of the truth to come out. *sigh* I’ve learned how to use illusions to change how I looked with the help of a certain traveling road showmare, Trixy. She taught me how to disguise myself and it also helped that she knew a spell to put a ‘gate’ on how I change. If I hear a down beat I change from myself to the pony you know as Vinyl scratch in mindset. She is in control then. When I need to get in my guard mindset, I listen to my recording of a drill Sergeant.” He starts walking towards his ‘hammer space’ pocket and withdraws his headphones and glasses, “these are enchanted so that when I where them I sound like a mare. The ‘phones are so I can hear the beat and they are enchanted so that I appear to have a different cutie mark. The shield I usealy have is what everyone sees, except when I am at a gig or talking cash before or after it.” Shining started to put the glasses and ‘phones on. Everyone was startled when he t’ported away. “OH COME ON! Where did he go? He was supposed to explain his disposition to us.” Said an exasperated Cadence. “I’m pretty sure s/he went to get pay'd for the gig last night where you showed up and made him realize he had to go fast so he could tell you about the issue during your honey moon.” Octavia explained as they went to the kitchen. As Cadence started to make breakfast shining t’ported back from wherever he went. “Sorry for that. I got called by pinkie for a party tomorrow so I had to explain that I had to go on my honeymoon and that Neon light’s owed me a few favors. I told pinkie to get him for it and say that I told her to ask him to take over for me.” “Ok. Now than, where was I?” asked shining to noponie in particular. “Oh ya, now I remember. I was about to explain that that you are technically marred to both me and Vinyl. It complicated but when I’m her I am not me. But at the same time I am me. And when I am me I am not her but am her. Understand?” said shining as he got some apple juice and cereal. “no.” said both Cadence and Octavia. “*sigh* ok, it’s like this: Me and Vinyl scratch are two ponies with one body and mind. We think differently but know everything about ourselves. Think of it like one pony with two souls within his being, one mind, one body, two souls. Better?” shining said as he ate while Octavia table-faced and Cadence started to lose her scenes with what he had been saying.” I think so” said Cadence before she lost consciences and fell off her chair only to be caught by shining as he walked towards their room and set her on the bed while she tried to auto restart her bran from the knowledge overload she received from him. “So, Octie, do you still have that bottle of bourbon?” asked shining hopefully.”*sigh* yes, you want a glass don’t you? Don’t answer that. I already know the answer.” She said interrupting the immanent response from shining armor. “Here. But save me some this time ok?” she tossed him a half-full bottle of 1970 apple bourbon. “No promises!” shouted Vinyl as she ran with her glasses on and the illusion already in place. She ran and Octavia chased her with a vengeance. “GIVE ME BACK MY BOURBON, Scratch!!!!”She cashed her across town and in to a wall, but sadly the bourbon was almost all gone by that time. “NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!! MY bourbon!!” cried Octavia as she finished the last quarter ounce of bourbon, savoring the taste of her last bottle. She started to cry so Vinyl t’ported them to Octavia’s apartment and shining went out to a local shoppie he knew. “Welc’me to the happy hops shop. What can I do fer ya?” asked the owner o this particular shop, happy hops. “Hey hops, it me. I need that bottle I asked ya to save for me last time I was here. Of and if ya got any, could you give me a 1979 red? The bour’ is for her and the red if for my honeymoon.” Said shining as he removed his glasses and happy started to reach under the counter. “Here ya go my friend. And we don’t got a 1979 red but we got a 1970 red, that ok?” asked hops as he bagged the bourbon and wine. “Sure, same as last time?”Asked shining. “Yes” sad hopes as he opened the register. “Ok, here ya go.” Said shining as he gave hops the usual 10 bits for the well aged liquor. “Thanks.” Said shining as he t’ported to Octavia’s apartment and left her the bourbon. “Hey Cadence, I got us something special for the honeymoon. Wakie, wakie, time to leave.” Said shining as he tried to awaken his sleeping lover before they left for the honeymoon in the bahamanes. “*sigh* Cadence, twily want to play.” Said shining she he jumped away from his sleeping wife as she jumped up and started to look for her favorite filly. “Shining! That’s not funny!” she said when she realized twilight wasn’t there. “I know. But I tried 17 different ways to wake you up. None worked. So I tried to wake you like I did when we were younger.” He was still stifling laughter at how fast his wife woke up and fixed her mane, if I may quote Rainbow Dash: 10. seconds. Flat. “Anyway, we need to leave now, because our train to the bahamanes is leavening in 3 minutes and it’s a crowded place so I don’t want to risk a t’port there, if I did it could end up with one of us having a extra person in our little group.” Said Shining to his wife as he grabbed their bags in his magic and started to the station. Cadence lifted the small one that Shining packed his phones and shades in and started after him in a full sprint, they barely made it to the station in time. As they boarded their train a shadow entered the last car while watching them. Et alors... ça commence. > chapter 3. double agents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 The secret life of shining armor As shining and Cadance were waiting for their train cart to arrive at the dock, Cadance was telling shining about her favorite memories as a foal, most of which involved her old foal-sitting job. “…and he fell of the swing somehow but his thick skull helped with his lack of damages. I’m still wondering how he did it. He was straped in a child safety swing and he fell off. Eh, I guess we may never know.” Said Cadance “so what was your favorite foal-hood memory?” “Well, that would have to be when twilight got stuck up a tree for nightmare night when she was 2. I still don’t know how she did it. But it took 3 royal guards 4 bystanders and 6 fire ponies to get her down.” Shining laughed “ha, it was pretty funny, seeing as she was dressed as daring do. Even then she managed to collect at least 5 times the candy I did.” ‘Still mad that she was a lot more efficient than me as a freaking FILLY!’ *knock* there was a knock at the door to their private car. “I wonder who it is?” said Cadance as she started for the door. Shining stopped her “I'll get it. You sit towards the back of the car.” Shining opened the door to see one of Lunas elite three night guards, Shadow chaser, a unicorn who’s left fore leg was made of pure shadow. “Hello sir, the princess asked us to be your guard for your honeymoon, Dragon is going to guard you from behind, I’ll be guarding your room and using a spell to check your food for poison, and RC will be above you till the night when he and dragon will go to bed.” Shade said”oh and if you need anything for one of your sets just call RC. He is a master of bass mixes to shake all tem wubs.” She left the room with a dumbfounded Cadance and shining. “How did she…?” began Cadance, as she began to regain her wits about what just happened. “I just don’t know. My only guess is that she and the guard have been using the shadows to listen to us.” Shining was still puzzled as he responded. Suddenly from the shadows behind him he heard a voice, “I apologize for listening in but I can’t control what I hear from the shadows. My name is Rain chaser, please call me RC and if ya need a swift rescue or escape just call me. I’ll take you from there and defend you from the hive and from the hoard. Oh and vinyl, wanna do a surprise beat for some traveling music?” said RC. “Let's do it. Time for this trip to get bassed.” Said vinyl after shining changed. “Let's get started!” ”got it boss!”Said RC as he started the beat [youtube=www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKNAT-1hQNE‎] “Excuse me passengers, the train will be reaching the dock in approximately 5 minutes. Pleas locate your cargo and be ready to depart from the train” said the train conductor through the speaker. “Time to wrap this up then, ready?*RC nods*DROP THISS SHIST!!!!!” wub wub wub wub wub wuwuwuwuwb! Said and played Vinyl. As the train reached the station and they were about to depart shining decided to say something to his wife.”I think RC is a changling.” > summonce of the past part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 By Rainchaserbrony “What?” said Shining Armor. He was dumbstruck at his wives accusation of one of his underlings. “He’s served under me since he joined the guard. He and his sister are a little odd but they fought the changelings just the same as any of the others. There brother may be despised by everyone in the guard but I trust them truly.” “Well then. Let’s just check him for illusion magic. It’s an easy enough spell.” Said cadence, Shining’s wife and princess of love. “You just ask him to talk and ill cast the spell.” “Fine. Let’s check him for illusion magic. But if he’s not using any you need to apologies.” Said shining with a true and well set face. “And if he is a changeling ill buy you a new dress.” They headed towards their hotel to set up for RC’s test. It was an elegant room and shining called RC to his room for the meeting. He asked shade to be ready outside the door in case of danger. “RC, can you come here for a minute?” said Shining as Cadence fid in the corner. Shining still had his doubts but to put cadences fears to rest he was willing to persevere. “What you need boss?” Asked RC “RC, I was thinking about how I got where I am now and remembered that day we went to check out the basilisk in appeloosa you remember that day? It is the one that pretty much set the way for my future. And it all thanks to you.” As shining was talking cadence had started to charge her spell. When she released it what happened next shocked them? “RC what is wrong with your wings?” said Cadence and Shining simultaneously. “shnit.” Said RC as he tried to conceal his no longer bat wings. Where they once were stood a pair of rugged torn up ‘shadow’ wings. In a flash of green they where gone and his regular wings where back. “well, now that you’ve seen my real wings I guess that I should tell you a bit more about my family history. Cadence you where close about me being a changeling, but not completely. I am what’s called a ‘shadow Pegasus’. I have wings made of shadow so that’s how I’m one. My sister and brother each have a leg that is made of shadow. It gives s minor reaches in to the magical plane, except shade who is a unicorn so she has magic, just more than the average unicorn.” When me and my siblings where about 2 years old a dragon attacked our town where our father Sombra led. It was a place for ponies that were disliked by the people of equestrian. I and shade managed to escape to the badlands where our mother was originally from. She was part changeling. We thought that we were the last survivors of the town when we went back and saw it was devastated by fire and a dragon sleeping in the middle of it all.” Apparently though dragon managed to escape to his grandfather steel skull’s cave. When he went back he saw a pony in a cart coming, that pony was ‘the great and powerful’ trixy. She was dragon’s cousin on his mother’s side. She, like dragon where both draconian. After me and shade left the hive 3 years ago, it was starting to fall in to shambles. And now after being reunited to our brother after 8 years of being separate we had our family back. Except for our mothers and father. And now 3 years after me and shade left the hive they come and attack the city to get food. Luckily charsl found a pony who didn’t want the hive to be hit with genocide since only charsl and the few banished changelings where left. She also didn’t want some ponies she was close to to have that mark on their souls.” Luckily now that there is a new queen with a new hive we will have some new ponies to teach.” Needless to say, cadence and shining where speechless. They felt that while RC’s speech wich brought both dragon and shade in to the room might have been a lie it was still well put and heart felt. “well than, my turn to speak of the past” said shade… > secrets of the past part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is shadow chaser. My brothers and I are the defenders of Princess Luna and celestia. We chose to take the mission to guard you. We also enlisted an old friend of ours to help should anything to big for the three of us to take with our special abilities. As you may see my cutie mark is a shadow of a star. Well that’s because I use magic of the darkness, not dark magic like I can tell you are thinking cadence, but using darkness like a weapon and armor. The friend I mentioned is a Pegasus whose name is not mentioned to any living soul outside of the “family”. We are a part of said family. She is always wearing a black, red, and white overcoat, a pair of white and black leggings, cloth boots, and an ax sheath on her left side. She always has her hood down over her eyes and half mask on the lower part of her face. Classic uniform for missions within the family. If you need any of us to help, make a cross of black crystal, drop one drop of blood on it, and burn the crystal. We will be there within an hour. We are here to aid you in defeating a past ruler from your next home. The room went quiet after shade said this. The first to speak was rain “so you ask our brother to come and aid us in this battle. Nice touch, one second.” Rain walks in to the shadow and disappears. A few minutes later he returns with another Pegasus. He says, “This is our sister. Dragon you don’t know her. Sister, may they speak with us of our topic? And dragon is already enlisted due to family being enlisted when you are enlisted.” “Only if they decide to join our cause. If they do join they can aid us within our cause and begin an outpost within the elder land.” The Pegasus said. ‘She sounds like twilight,’ Thought shining ‘just a bit lower pitch.’ “I’ll join if it means to protect the ones I love and my family.” Said cadence to shining surprise. “And I’ll join for the same cause” said shining. Dragon just nods. “Welcome than brother and sister, to the dark brotherhood guild.” She than removed her hood and mask revealing a Pegasus mare with ice blue coat, a silver and blue mane, and a pair of eyes that are blood red. “Tomorrow you’ll get your knives, your uniform, and your cross bows. And your first contracts to help the people.” “One question, what are contracts. And what is the dark guild?” asks dragon. Be patent brother your questions I will answer in time..." > da du dun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 By RC “As my brother said we are not your everyday ponies. We are the ones that are hated. My brother rain is a master of music flight and illusions, dragon is a master of fire magic and his immense strength, I am a master of magic and tactic.” Shade started while her brothers conversed in the background about whether or not to ask for a pardon of peace for their old village. Shining was wondering something, if they were royal guards than they knew of the changeling threat and still fought their for there liege, “so are you for or against us in our quest to bring peace to our fair country?” they responded “As one we wish for our kind to live with ponies as though they are brothers and sister rather that the make of nightmares we are thought of as.” This response calmed shining’s concerns but raised some for cadence, “what do you mean ‘the make of nightmares’? Don’t the ponies of equestrian think of you as if you are just a different breed of pony?” sighing dragon responded in his gruff voice “No. they think we were made by nightmare moon to destroy their peace and kill them in their sleep. No we only want to live in peace and have a place to return to without fear of destruction of our kind.” His eyes glazed over and he began to mumble to himself. “This is our life, a life of deception and secrets. No one can know of our reality and no one can know of our secrets.” Shining than became DJ pon3 again and she said “So you have the most Rad capabilitys and abilitys yet ya hid’em from the stallion. Yall got the goods to take out the competition yet yalls hidin em fer fear of yer life. Ya got 2 royals on yer side and the princesses know most all and are kind. We will stand by you for everything and defend you with the need to live.” She went back to shining and he said “vinyl’s right. Well stand by you no matter what. We are your friends we don’t have an opinion of you. Well always side with you and we will always keep you with our thoughts.” As shining said this dragon, shade, and RC came to realize something: they had friends and hope to live with a new family. Then out of nowhere a cloud of smoke appeared before cadence and a scroll fell out of it. Cadence picked it up and began to read. “Uh oh” she said as shining came up beside her. “What” he asked. The next words out of cadences mouth shocked the total of the group there. “The crystal empire is back with its tyrant king.” said cadence. > the youngst of four... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 By RC “WHAT?!” shouted three of the four in the room, two from shock one from fear. RC was just happy that it was not such a terrible thing that had occurred. “So casacun is back.” Said shade, as they paced “wondered when his sorry face would show up.” “Wait, casacun? I thought that the tyrant kings name was Sombra?” said shining. RC shade and DC all just face hoofed and sighed. “What? That what the history books say” “No the tyrant king is casacun, Sombra’s brother. And our uncle. Since Sombra is our father and all we each have some of his abilities. Shad is a master of shadow magic, RC can summon entities from shadow and use minor magical abilities, and I am capable of creating spires of dark matter.” Said DC while RC shadow traveled away. “Where did RC go?” asked Cadence. “He just went to get a somepony dear to us. A sibling who is too young to join the guard, and the best fighter of our family: ice chaser, the frozen heart.” She would probably be at her artice house right now working on her ice typed magic. And since the crystal Kingdome is in the frozen north it leads me to believe that she already knows and that she will be here in a couple of –hello- seconds.” Said DC when ice and RC came back in to the room. “So, RC already explained your mission, I am an alie to them and their family. And since we are here now I am capable of aiding in the defense of the crystal empire. And since they destroyed my crystal spring I need access to the gardens so that I may gather supplies for the potions I use on my golems ‘souls’. And besides casacun still owed dad those dark fire gems, and as the heir to those gems I intend to get them.” Ice then sighed and summoned a bipedal being of ice that looked like a hairless monkey and said “Adam, go and prep the defense posistions and be ready to attack the tyrant king if he should ever begin to attack before we get to the Kingdome.” The golem ‘Adam’ left via a block of ice. The ice than melted. “… What just happened?” asked cadence and shining at the same time. As ice went in to an in-depth discussion of the potions and enchantments in her golem defenders the rest of her family started to discuss how to arrive at their new home. While they were leaving their hotel to catch the train to the crystal empire (previously the frozen north) a young black carapace foal stood in the shadows before the building. “Soon, very soon shall I meet them, and now I know where they are going. Helene.” Said the young changling. > yetties? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 By RC When our heroes reached the frozen north they saw many ice golems each looked like either those so called ‘humans’ ice talked about. Many looked like they were earth human and the other half had wings, she called these ‘valkires’ they seemed to be Pegasus humans. When they arrived at the gate there were two large boulders of ice on either side of the entrance, with these ice was already prepared. “Awaken and protect my family and friends. Come forth halumica.” Said ice in the frozen tongue, after she finished the two boulders moved in to the shape of alicorn guardians that easily towered over Clestia and Luna. “Who are these fool who awaken the frozen guard” asked the slightly smaller alicorn. “Tis I my guards the frozen queen and I ask thee to guard the Kingdome of crystal from the tyrant casacun and uncle of mine kin” said ice while her travelers cloak changed in to a staff of ice and a cloak of snow. As she spoke the golems stopped there prepping for the attack and during this point bowed towards ice. “What did you say?” asked shining while RC and dragon got reconnected with the golems. Cadence was just shocked. “I told them you are friends and that we must prepare for the attack of the shadowed tyrant.” She paused, “I gota go, something came up, I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.” With that she walked off to the frozen north past the empire and disappeared. “Oh well, now that let’s get to work on the defenses and calling in some friends. I know just who can help.” As shining said this, the golems started to construct a wall of ice chains and pillars around the empire and summoned some fallen to aid in the attack. ‘Fallen’ are from the dawn of time, created by celestia to guard from the sky when Edam and Ave left the garden against the wishes of celestia and Luna they fell and became being of the elements to guard the beings of equis. They can be summoned to aid someone who is in need of help, but should they be damaged to the point where there core is visible they return to the sky. “I asked some fallen to aid us in our defense of the crystal kingdom in exchange for crystal bodies.” Shining stated as the fallen, they looked like bipedal beings that had an extra arm from there back and armor that is about 30 cm thick. As they prepare to battle they create some very special armor for their friends and themselves. RC summoned some shadow armor, dragon made armor of fire, and shade just created bone armor. Ice was already set but they didn’t know about that. As they created their armor they also created their weapons: RC had a kasurigama, dragon had his war hammer, and shade had her double bladed bone scythe. Ice had hers hidden from even her siblings. “I’m back. Oh, did you see those yetis over the rise? They are not frendlies'. Cadence, think you can put up a barrier? Pon3, can you distract the locals? And RC, Dragon, Shade, time to fight off the yetis till celesta brings in the element bearers.” As she said this she became covered in a cloak that seemed to gather the aura of death in to being around her, she also gained a pair of swords that appeared to be made out of the sun and moon themselves. “Let's go kick some yetis arse, golems stay back and kill any yetis that come to close.” They left as cadence summoned a barrier over the city and DJ pon3 started an impromptu concert in the empires square. “Hope you still got your skills ice, cause I know that your tactic has changed quite a bit since we where kids.” Said RC as they began to fight using the alphacentrun tequneque. “Got that right. I’m using a tequnique I call the deaths scythe, ‘they fall like wheat before scythe’.” Said Ice. “well at least keep some for us!” said dragon as he and shade started using their tag team tequneque called ‘Shi no futago no kaze’ “Want to keep score? Loser has to buy the rest all the drinks they want. I got 27 already.” Shouted shade “better catch-up, I got 50.” Said ice. “Slackers, got 60” shouted RC. “Wow I’d better catch-up! Only got 40!” > update anouncement!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am placing my story up for adoption. If you want to make it better adopt it from me.