The Magic A Dream Can Destroy

by MajorFrostwing

First published

The Finale to The Magic of A Dream Story. Lance has begun the final battle with the master of nightmares. The battle results in tragedy and destruction and the ultimate sacrifice.

Lance begins the frontal assault on The Master of Nightmares King Sombra. When Luna is turned into Nightmare Moon What will he do to save her will he make the ultimate sacrifice to stop her and King Sombra now anything could happen.

Author note: This is the final installment of The Magic of A Dream I hope I make the finale really good that you will all love it criticism is needed.

The Grand Nightmare pt. 2

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The Magic A Dream Can Destroy
The Grad Nightmare Pt. 2

By: Major Frostwing

Lance and Luna were standing outside of Baltimare watching the looming cloud of nightmares roll ever closer Luna was nervous but Lance placed his hoof on hers smiling. "It will be ok my love we will be fine." Lance said smiling gently to her but in reality he was nervous as well. He refused to show his fear in front of the one he loved all it would do is solidify the fear in them both which could be fatal against this enemy.

The shadow stopped before Lance and Luna they both stood resolute then the large shadow solidified into The Lord of Fear King Sombra he stared down Lance and Luna. Luna recoiled which King Sombra noticed he walked up to her placing a hoof on her chin looking at her before smacking her aside Lance reacted instantly tackling the fallen king but he disappeared in a mist of darkness he appeared leaving the shadow surrounding Lance.

"King Sombra Lord of Fear and Nightmares my name is Lance Nightmare your worst enemy." The dark cloud was absorbed into Lance only a small splotch of black appeared on his pure coat. "That fear was weak try harder otherwise I will just have to absorb you into myself and deal with you like all the other nightmares." Lance said smiling Sombra didn't flinch at this he could tell Lance was tired and could barely maintain himself he walked up to Lance tapping his horn with his hoof.

"This should keep you busy till I am done you weak fool." The King said as Lance stood there tears streaming down his cheeks the darkness creeping up his fur encasing him in a dark crystalline structure. Luna was already in Lance's dream trying to snap him out of it the darkness stopped moving it receded even quicker than before the crystals drained of their energy shattered.

"Tell you once shame on you, Tell you twice you're just stupid." Lance said shaking his head. "Give me a challenge you bucking idiot. Before I just end all of this." Lance said mocking him a hoof slammed into his face throwing him back. "Ok maybe that will work." Lance said slowly getting up only to be hit back down. "Now you really piss me off." Lance said hitting him back with a blast of magical energy.

"You fool you dare attack a king you will perish for that insolence." King Sombra boomed towards Lance.

"Yea I always had a thing against King's too much power to run their own home." Lance said standing up on his hind legs. "And last time I checked you were defeated by a bunch of mares!" Lance yelled at him which only enraged King Sombra. "Awww did I hit a sore nerve come on I'm right here Mr. Fallen King." Lance yelled arms stretched out. King Sombra charged Lance impaling him with his horn but Lance disappeared in a puff of smoke. "OH COME ON TRY HARDER DAMN YOU!" An army of Lances yelled. "TRY HARDER! DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER AND MAKE YOU!" They boomed in time that smile the one that could make even the insane flinch.

"ENOUGH!" Sombra yelled as a blade formed from the shadows slashing through most of the clones until it slashed across the real Lance. "Enough of these trick time to show you true magic." The shadows grabbed Luna encasing her in darkness Lance limped over to her slamming her hooves onto the shadows they burned him. He could only think the pain she is going through. Something snapped in Lance at this revelation.

"Let her go..." Lance whispered King Sombra felt the air crackle with magic. "Let her go." Lance ordered as he turned around to him his coat pitch black forming a dark shroud around him. "LET MY WIFE GO!" Lance yelled as the shroud solidified around him his body forming armor. "I am Lance NIGHTMARE!" He yelled as he looked over at Luna's prison then back at Sombra. "I am The protector of Nightmares." Lance said as he walked towards Sombra he took a step back. "I WILL SHOW YOU TRUE NIGHTMARES A HELL YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!" Lance charged Sombra to be charged back at he stopped when Lance formed a sword out of shadows they clashed in an explosion of darkness.


Luna was trapped she tried her hardest to escape only to be burned by the dark magic it was infecting her She was scared. "LANCE HELP ME I DON'T WANT TO BECOME HER AGAIN!" She yelled hoping that Lance could hear her but The magic was infecting her very soul it solidified around her changing her... The cocoon of darkness shifted as it expanded a tear formed the darkness poured out Lance shuddered feeling the pain the true nightmare appear. He looked back to see Luna flying off towards Canterlot but she was no longer Luna she was Nightmare Moon once again.

"I WILL COVER THIS LAND IN ETERNAL NIGHT!" She cackled as she flew away towards Canterlot. Lance looked at Sombra darkness in his soul began to surface.

"A true nightmare can kill that's what I am going to do to you Sombra I'm going to kill you and save my wife no matter what." Lance said as the shadows encased Sombra tightening around him draining him into nothing. "I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER FOREVER SOMBRA A PUNISHMENT WORSE THAN DEATH I WILL ABSORB YOU!" He Bellowed as the shadow was absorbed into Lance when the process was finished Lance fell to the ground the corruption was suffocating But it subsided after a few minutes he needed to get to Canterlot to Stop Luna.

The Grand Nightmare pt. 3 Nightmares End

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The Magic A Dream Can Destroy
The Grand Nightmare pt. 3 Nightmares End

By: Major Frostwing.

Lance ran as fast as he could after Nightmare Moon trying to catch up to her. "LUNA STOP THIS COME DOWN TO ME!" Lance yelled to only have dark energy thrown at him he dodged but barely. "PLEASE LUNA!" He continued to yell tears streaming down his cheeks he wanted his Luna back not this nightmare of a being.

"I am not Luna I am Nightmare moon REMEMBER THAT I AM NO LONGER WEAK!" She bellowed as a bolt of darkness finally landed on Lance Making one of his arms explode painfully. Lance fell to the ground bleeding from his missing arm he looked at it in shock but he knew he had to continue to move the shadows formed a new arm it burned but he didn't care he had a job to do.

"LUNA!" He yelled he sighed knowing what he had to do. "NIGHTMARE MOON YOU PATHETIC FOOL!" Lance yelled Nightmare moon stopped glaring at him angrily. "YOU HEARD ME!" He bellowed in pain. He saw her horn glow and another ball of dark energy fire towards him he raised his shadow hoof it formed a shield it caught the ball absorbing it causing more corruption in him but he couldn't hold back even against her. "Lance you know what has to happen." He said to himself. He charged towards where she flew launching shot after shot of black magic towards her none connected as Nightmare moon dodged.

"Try harder fool." She yelled launching a new spell a spike formed and launched through Lance he coughed up crimson but knew this was it no turning back. He glanced to his right to see All of them Celestia The Elements of Harmony even the royal guard running to help with the fight. "Now I can destroy them all." She said turning towards them a legion of spikes appeared and launched towards all of them.

"Only one shot at this it was fun while it lasted." Lance said casting a spell an army of him appeared in front of all of them including the original the spikes slammed into all of them killing each clone then it hit Lance again shattering his horn he fell to the ground in pain blood pouring from his head. "LUNA ENOUGH OF THIS PLEASE!" He pleaded with her when another spike flew towards him he tried to cast a spell with no avail. The spike cut into his side. "I guess this is the end... I c..." Lance looked up to see Nightmare moon in front of him he stared at her crying.

"Pathetic." Was the only word she said as she smacked him aside he rolled to a stop. Not moving didn't even seem as if he was breathing. Twilight and the others ran to his side to see the extent of his injuries he wasn't dead but was on the verge of it. "Now Celestia lets end this." She said with venom in her voice She took a step forward but stopped when a shadow grabbed her leg. She looked over to see Lance slowly standing up blood pouring out from his wounds he looked up glaring.

"I want my Luna back... The one I loved... The one who showed me that fear was just a thing... To be defeated." Lance said walking then slowly began to trot towards her as fast as he could he tackled her to the ground. "I'm going to rip you away from Luna even if IT KILLS ME!" He yelled as his horn flared then shadows around him grabbed Nightmare moon and glowed.

"RELEASE ME MORTAL!" She yelled as the shadows turned white Lance Leaned down kissing her gently.

"I'm sorry I can't be there on our wedding day Luna I'm so sorry." Lance said as there was a flash of white engulfing the area around them Lance was frozen in a statue smiling like a child he looked so happy beside the statue was Luna crying at what had just happened. Lance sacrificed himself to rescue Luna and save Equestria all that could be heard for the rest of the night was the tears and sobs of Luna over her lost love.


Days later a funeral was held in Lance's honor for saving Equestria.

"I loved him. We understood each other. We let nothing stop us even when I was turned evil he risked everything to turn me back ultimately sacrificing himself to do so." Luna paused to wipe the tears forming away. "He was a true hero plagued to suffer with the nightmares of others but he still smiled so sweetly and let nothing bother him from his work." Luna finished with one last statement. "I loved him for he didn't judge people by their appearance, Dreams, or race... He treated us equally even though we didn't do the same to him." She said as she walked away from Lance's statue hundreds of ponies were in audience for the speech Celestia walked up to the statue.

"As of last night today will go down in history as a day of honoring our fallen friend and savior Lance Nightmare for he made the ultimate sacrifice that others would not have been able to make even though he knew what he was going to do he did it to protect all of us remember this day as not a day of sadness. But as a day of honor." She said as she smiled. "The Winter Festival ball shall now be known as The Nightmare Ball is memory of Lance Nightmare." She said smiling but it took everything she had not to break down and cry as well.

The funeral ended shortly after The mane six stood in front of the statue along with Luna. "Why did he smile?" Twilight asked confused.

"Because of his final words... "I'm sorry I can't be there on our wedding day." Is what he said even as he was about to die he was sorry he had to make me sad he smiled so he knew not to be sad for his sacrifice but to be happy that we are all alive." Luna said with a smile. "I wish I could see him once more." Luna said as she walked away calmly smiling knowing the one she loved was still with her in spirit even if it is just her dreams.

Epilogue: The Last Night... The New Life.

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The Magic A Dream Can Destroy
Epilogue: The Last Night... The New Life

By: Major Frostwing

It has been 500 years since the death of Lance and Luna has yet to find anyone to fill the hole he left in her heart. She still wore the ring he got her as a necklace. "My Love soon we will be together." Luna whispered as she looked out at the setting sun she looked over to see her protege raising the moon it was almost time only one more day then they will be together at last. "Good work Night I see that the spell has gone off without incident." She said walking up to him.

"Yes Princess I am still sad to see my master leave tomorrow but you trust me with the power over night but why did you choose to train me?" Night asked concerned for the reasoning behind her hasty choice in him.

"I'm just selfish I guess." She said smiling. "I just want to see him again we never got married after all." Luna felt the tears stream down her cheeks at the memory of Lance. "He was one of a kind Lance could take away a nightmare and live with the burden it carried like it was his own curse." She looked down. "Did I ever tell you his final words to me on that night?" She asked wiping away the tears.

"No Princess what did he say?" He asked concerned for her.

"I'm sorry I can't be there on our wedding day Luna I'm so sorry." She said calmly. "The night he proposed to me was the night he died. To destroy Nightmare Moon forever the living nightmare had to be absorbed and destroyed in order to do so he knew he had to die." Luna sighed looking at the moon such sadness for 500 years took it's toll on her heart. "Tomorrow I will get to be with him once again you understand correct."

"We all have lost loved ones Princess but you lost so much more than him you lost so much more." He said with a smile. "I will do you proud master." He said walking out of the room to let Luna say goodbye to her last night alive.

Luna took flight flying towards a very old statue. She touched down near the statue of Lance she smiled as she walked towards it. "Hello my love." She greeted laying down in front of the statue that same smile on it's face that spoke "I will see you again one day." She felt a tear well up as she thought back on all the time they spent together. She did miss him, every day was like an eternal hell without him the only thing that kept her going was the single thought that she would one day... See him again. She sat out there as her night slowly came to an end.

Luna's horn hummed to life as she began the final spell she saw her self beginning to fade. "I hope you didn't have to wait for long my love." She whispered smiling she finally was allowed to die and see him once again. A single tear streamed down her cheek as she disappeared completely.


Luna awoke in a bright white room she was confused as she began to walk around the room only finding a single door. She pushed against it to find a familiar face just beyond the door. "Luna... I'm sorry that I had to die like that." He said extending his hoof to her. "And leave you alone for all those years." He smiled sweetly to her. "Maybe we can be reborn one day and live the life we wanted." Luna extended her hoof to him.

"I would love that Lance." She walked up nuzzling against him she let out tears of joy at finally being reunited to him. "I love you Lance." She whispered with a content smile.

"I love you to Luna." Lance said crying as well. "Just promise me one thing Luna." Lance took a step back from her motioning for her to follow.

"And what is that Lance?" She questioned following him smiling.

"Promise me when we are reborn no matter how many times it happens we will always find each other." He said as he stepped through a new door into a peaceful landscape. "And we will always love each other no matter what happens."

Luna stared at the landscape smiling. "I promise Lance we will never be apart again." She stood next to Lance seeing the beauty in this afterlife with him. "So long as we still exist we shall never be apart." Lance nodded in agreement.

"Good now we can be reborn and find each other again." She nodded as they walked through the area slowly fading to be reborn as somepony new.

"I guess even nightmares can have a beautiful end."


Black Rose sat in her shop looking over the flowers she had been growing with a content smile on her face. She was a black unicorn mare with a light purple mane. Her eyes were a dark blue almost like the night sky. The bell ringed signaling as a stallion entered the shop he was a blue pegasus with a dark purple mane that seemed to be slightly long. Black Rose looked over the stallion as he looked up his eyes were a deep red. His eyes seemed to open wide as if he recognized the mare in front of him.

"Have I met you before?" He asked as he walked towards the counter she shook her head no. Yet she felt like she knew him as well.

"I'm sorry my name is Black Rose and welcome to my shop. How may I help you?" She asked smiling to him.

"My name is Midnight... it is a pleasure to meet you Luna." He caught what he just said and shook his head. "Sorry I don't know where that came from." He said placing his hoof to his forehead. She giggled happily as if nothing was wrong.

"It is quite alright Lance." She caught herself at the mistake as well. "I guess we both are having an off day." she said smiling to him sweetly. Midnight smiled with her as he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know if you will say yes but would you like to go get some dinner?" He asked her she thought it over nodding.

"I think I would enjoy that Mr. Midnight." She said with a gentle blush gracing her cheeks.

They both turned leaving the shop going towards a nearby restaurant Prince Night was examining both of them from a distance with a content smile. "I hope you enjoy your new life Princess." He turned away from his mirror to go and raise the moon just as his brother lowered the sun.

The Beginning...