The beginning of the end.


First published

Wind Slash. A pegasus pony who has worked as an apple farmer in the town of Appleoosa for the past four years. What would happen if his boss told him he should become a pegasus again?

Wind Slash is a pegasus, but he works as an apple farmer in the town of Appleoosa. He doesn't mind, but his boss can't help but think that it's not right and tries to get him to fly again.

But there's a catch.

This is a prequel story for my bigger one. Its just to give my character more of a back story.

Will have two parts. Sequel should be more obvious by the end of this story.

Please comments and give feedback.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a calm and cool afternoon, and I was flying through the sky with little effort as the draft I was in was doing most of the work.

I couldn't help but feel at peace as the wind passed through my gold mane and the feathers of my black wings. I normally flew quite fast, so this was actually a nice change of pace for me.

I was on my way to Cloudsdale. My special somepony was staying in an apartment there for a few days and I had the intention of surprising her.

I made my way into the large cloud city and flew straight to the apartment complex where she said she would be staying.

I landed on the cloud ground, my hooves making a quiet 'poof' noise as they made contact with the cloud, before I walked past the gate and began to walk around to find apartment number 12.

I found it. It was obviously the 12th door in a numerical order, and it was right between door number 11 and 13. 'Duh.'

I walked up to door number 12, but stopped just outside of it. I then reached into the pocket of my Wonderbolt's jacket and pulled out a small box with a note that was wrapped around it. I removed the note and began to read.

To the mare who gave me a chance, This bracelet is a symbol, should you accept, of my devotion to you. You have always been there for me, ever since you found me at flight school. You have helped me in so many ways, that it would take a large pile of paper and a scribe, just to list them all. I would be honored if you would do me the favor of giving me your hoof in marriage.

(Cue restaurant band playing a romantic song.)

Will you marry me?

I read the note over and over until I had memorized it as best as I could. Felling that I had, I placed the note back into my pocket and carefully opened the small box.

Inside was a gold bracelet that had my cutie mark and hers upon it. It wasn't much, but she told me that she preferred things to not be overly complicated.

I closed the box and placed it back into my pocket. I then made my way to the door and opened it.

As I stepped in, I heard a sound that pushed me to the edge, one moment I will always remember.

A moan.

My eyes grew wide with concern. I then shook my head and made my way to the bedroom as quietly as I could. With each step, the moaning grew louder and louder.

I stood outside of the bedroom and, as carefully and quietly as I could, I opened the door. I felt my heart stop as many different emotions swelled inside me, but one emotion was prominent.


Inside of the bedroom, my special somepony was lying on the bed. I could tell it was her from the color of her coat. But that was not what got my attention. There was somepony who looked remarkably like my own brother on top of her, thrusting.

And by the sound of it, she was enjoying it.

My heart wrenched painfully, causing me to look away. I couldn't stomach what I was seeing.

I closed my eyes, letting a tear to run down my face before I turned and casually closed the door and began to walk out of the apartment.

As soon as the door clicked shut, there was a commotion inside of the room followed by the door opening again.

"Wind Slash, What are you doing here?" she asked.

I didn't answer, I just kept walking. She ran in front of me, trying to block me, but I just carefully pushed my way past and continued walking with my head lowered.

"Wind Slash, please. What's wrong?" she asked as she ran up beside me and placed a wing over my back. I just slapped her wing off with mine.

"I really did think you cared about me." I said as I continued to walk away. "But as usual, I was wrong."

"What do you mean? Wind please." she said as she ran in front of me again and hugged me.

I placed a hoof on her chest and pushed her off. "You better go. I think my brother is probably getting lonely." I said as I opened my wings and took off from the ground. I hovered and looked to her one last time.

She had tears in her eyes. "Please don't go, it wasn't what it looked like." she said as she grabbed my hind leg and sobbed.

I got my leg free and took off my Wonderbolt's jacket and passed it to her. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. Good bye." was the last thing I said before I turned and flew away.


I awoke with a snort. It had been 4 years since that night. The Wonderbolt's had been looking for me, but I had moved far out of their search area to this town called Appleossa.

The townponies of Appleossa knew who the Wonderbolt's were, but they had never had any contact with them. Here, I could be myself and not raise any suspicions.

"Howdy partner. Good ta see you're finally awake." Came the voice of Braeburn.

Braeburn is the only pony here that knows my story. I felt he deserved to know why he had to fix me up after I had crash landed in this towns apple fields while he was working.

I told him that My Ex-marefriend had cheated on me and I was flying for four days straight after. But while I was over this town, my wing cramped and I dropped like a rock straight into the apple fields.

He knows that I 'was' a Wonderbolt, and had agreed to not let others know. And not too long after, I had a job in this town harvesting apple trees.

"Now that ya had yer break, how about yer help me with these Apple trees." Braeburn said before he kicked a tree, causing the apples to fall and land in the baskets below.

I got up from resting against a tree and stretched my legs and wings. "*YAWN* Alright boss. Which field did you want me to harvest?" I asked.

"Well I'll take this side, I want ya ta just head over to the south side and work ya way north." he said. I nodded before, but before I took off, he called me. "Hold on Wind Slash, Ah need ta ask ya something. I'm catching a train tonight to ma cousin's, Applejack's and Big Mackintosh's farm in Ponyville, and ah think you should come along." he explained.

I thought about it for a moment. I didn't really want to go because I am not recognized here. In Ponyville, some Wonderbolt fan might notice me and then all heck would break loose.

"I can't Braeburn, I can't afford to go away. I need to keep my income as is." I said.

"If ya do come with, you will be working on ma cousin's farm, and I'm sure they would pay ya." he said.

"I don't know..." I said as I looked away into the distance.

"Look, I'll be honest with ya. Ah know ya still trying avoid them Wonderbolt's an all, but ah really do think ya need to go out and try to find a new living for yourself. Ah really do appreciate the help, but you're a pegasus. Ya shouldn't be doing the work of an earth pony." he said.

I glared at him. "What are you trying to say? Am I not good enough, just because I have wings?" I asked angrily.

"N-no. It's just that... well, look at them." he said. I raised an eyebrow at his request, but complied none the less.

I looked over my left shoulder as I slowly extended my left wing. Looking over it... well, I guess I can see where Braeburn was coming from.

I had been neglecting my wings ever since I crashed here. Even I can’t help but admit they looked bad. The muscles where thin and weak and what feathers were there were out of place or damaged.

"Ah don't mean to try an hurt ya feelings, but with wings like that, can ya even take off any more?" Braeburn asked.

"Pfft, of course I can." I boasted before I opened both my wings to their fullest. What I didn't expect was the strain I had felt when I did.

I shook off the weird feeling and gave my wings a good flap to take off, only to get up about 1 metre from the ground before falling back down on my stomach.

Braeburn trotted to me and helped me back up. "Ya see, this is what ah mean. Yer a pegasus, but yer wings can't allow ya ta stay in the air. And even if they could, they have become so thin that I'd be willin ta bet that ya wouldn't be able to stay up fer more than a second or two." he said.

"Alright fine, I admit that I am a disgrace of a pegasus, but I just don't have any desire to fly anymore." I said as I got to my hooves and dusted myself off.

"How can ya say that. Ya were born with these here wings, and yet ya act as if they don't even exist. Do ya even know what this is?" he asked as he pointed to my cutie mark.

My cutie mark was a pair of golden wings that had a silver sword between them. I had received it when I realized that I was, not only good with a sword, but had quite good agility in the air while fighting against my friends when we fought with sticks.

"That Braeburn, is a lie. It is supposed to be what I was good at in life, but as you just saw, I can't very well do that anymore." I said as I turned away.

"All the more reason ya should come ta Ponyville. I'm sure one of Applejack's friends could help ya get back inta shape." he said.

"No, I won't let any possible Wonderbolt fan near me. If I go to Ponyville, I will stay on the farm and work." I stated.

"Why?" he asked as I sat down.

"You know why Braeburn. I don't want to have to put up with the effort to listen to 'her' shit excuses and pleas for me to come back. She had her chance and she lost it by cheating on me with my brother. Oh, and if I ever see him again, I bet Celestia herself won't even know what will happen." I said angrily, and emphasizing the word 'her' heavily.

"Ah understand Wind Slash. If they do find ya, ah will do what ah can ta get them to leave ya alone, but ah still think that ya should take this here chance to get them wings back inta workin order, and stop living in the past." he said as he sat down next to me.

I sighed. I didn't really want to go, but Braeburn was right. 'I guess it would be nice to be able to fly again.' I thought to myself.

"Fine, you win, I'll go to Ponyville." I said. This caused him to smile at me greatly. Without looking to him, I got up and began to walk to the south side of the apple field.

'I hope nothing goes wrong.' I thought to myself.

I had been in the south side of the apple field for about 3 hours, kicking trees and picking up the apples that fell into the baskets before placing them into a cart that I had pulled here. I sat down beside the cart and took a break.

I looked over my shoulder and to my wings again.

"Why the hay did I let my wings get this bad?" I asked myself.

I moved them around, feeling the tightness in each muscle from just being held to my sides for the past 4 years. I stretched them out to their fullest and continued to move them around.

After a moment of just lifting them up and down over and over, I closed my eyes and concentrated on what I could remember from when I last used them. I eventually got the flapping motion right and slowly added more and more effort into lifting off.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and saw that my hooves were no longer on the ground. A huge smirk plastered itself on my face, but soon disappeared.

I was exhausted already.

I let myself down slowly from the few centimetres I lifted myself up and landed softly. I only managed to stay in the air for about a minute and a half, but I just beat Braeburn's 'Second or Two' limit, so I am happy about that.

I let my wings sag down to the ground. They had become so weak that the minute and a half I was in the air, I had felt like I had just cleared the entire apple orchard by myself in one day, but the strain was in my wings.

'That will be enough for today.' I told myself as I lifted my wings back off the ground and folded them back to my sides. A task that should have been easier than it was.

After I had caught my breath, I walked over to the cart and hooked it to myself before I started to pull it back to the apple orchard's barn back in Appleossa.

When I arrived I pulled the cart into the barn, and found Braeburn unloading his cart of apples.

"Welcome back partner, how'd ya do?" he asked before he lifted the last basket from his cart and took it over to where all of the other baskets where and looking to me. “Actually, don't answer. Ah can see by ya shaking wings that ya were concentrating on trying something else.”

I looked to my wings and saw them shaking. "Yeah, I tried to fly again. But I managed to stay up for a minute and a half." I said proudly.

"Only a minute and a half? From what ya told me, ya used to be able ta stay flying fer 4 days, and ya used to be able to pull all kinds of stunts and tricks while ya did." Braeburn said, causing my confidence to disappear and my head to droop.

"I know. I have lost basically all that I was." I said dejectedly.

"Hey now, cheer up partner. I reckon that ya can at least be half as good by the time we leave Ponyville. Speaking of which, ya gotta go home and get ready. The train leaves at 6, and we will be staying in Ponyville fer about two weeks." Braeburn said.

"Two weeks!" I shouted. "I don't mean anything against your cousin's, but I can't be there for two weeks."

"Don't worry. Ya’ll be fine. Ya'll see." he said as he walked over to the harness of my cart and unhooked it from me. "Now get. And make sure ya pack well." he said as he pushed me out of the barn.

"Fine." I said as I began to walk in the direction of my small house.

"All Aboard!" shouted the conductor of the train. I hurried and got aboard before finding Braeburn lying on a bunk on one of the further train cars. I made my way to him and threw my saddlebags onto the bunk across from his.

"Ya sure did pack light." Braeburn said before he jumped down and looked through my saddlebags.

"I'm not a fashion designer Braeburn. I only ever take what I need to take." I said.

"Does that include this?" he asked as he pulled out a small section of my old Wonderbolt's outfit. I pushed him away and quickly shoved the section back into the saddlebag before closing it and looking around.

I was relieved to see that nopony else saw.

I ushered Braeburn over to me. "Ok yes, I'm taking it. But I don't need you to go around showing it to all of Equestria, especially when there are other ponies in this same car." I said to him in a whisper.

"Sorry. But why do you have it?" he asked in the same volume.

I sighed before climbing up onto my bunk and turning back to him. "I don't know. It just reminds me of who I once was." I said.

Braeburn gave me a confused look before shrugging his shoulders and making his way to his bunk.

"Well, it's a long ride. I'm gonna get some rest." he said as he lay down. I just nodded to him. "Night."

"See you in the morning." I said as I too rolled over.

I felt the train jerk forwards before I closed my eyes, and soon I was asleep.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"Wind Slash!"

I fell out of the bunk and landed on the floor of the train car with a *THUD* as Braeburn yelled to try and wake me. I lay there for a moment before I groaned and pushed myself to my hooves.

"Damn you. Couldn't you have just lightly shaken me awake?" I asked as I tried to escape the feeling of being tired.

"Ah tried, but ya just wouldn't stir. So I had to use another tactic." Braeburn said snickering, Causing me to huff. "Walk it off pardner. We're a few minutes from Ponyville."

I felt myself tense, but I soon remembered the events of yesterday. Braeburn had talked me into coming to Ponyville while he visited his cousins, and to try and get me to get my wings back into a better condition. I then remembered that the Wonderbolt's had a better chance at finding me in Ponyville.

I sub-consciously pressed my wings harder against my sides at that thought. I just hoped with all my being that I remained anonymous, I was in no condition to escape them, and I was really REALLY not ever going to be in a mood to listen to their pleas for me to come back.

I looked over to my wings and remembered their neglected condition. 'Maybe if I do get found, they won't want me to come back with wings like these... No they will force me to get back into shape.' I thought to myself.

I had mixed feeling about that thought.

I shook off the feeling as I was interrupted by my thinking form Braeburn as he called out to me.

"When did ya change ya mane colour?" Braeburn asked. I had brought along some smoky black mane dye and applied it to my mane and tail in the middle of the night.

"Last night while you were sleeping." I said as I looked my tail over. Braeburn rolled his eyes.

"Well anyway, we're almost there." He said as he turned and looked out the window to the town that was getting closer.

'Celestia? if you can hear me, please do anything you can to not make my time here in Ponyville stressful.' I said in my head sarcastically.

I turned and grabbed my saddlebags from the bunk and threw them onto my back before following Braeburn to the exit of the train.

The train stopped in Ponyville station and let off a hiss. The doors opened and both me and Braeburn stepped out onto the platform. I instinctively lowered my head, expecting something bad to happen.
"Will ya stop worrying." Braeburn said. I lifted my head up and looked around. "Ah said yer gona be fine."

"Sorry, just a reaction. I can't help it." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

Braeburn was right. All the ponies just walked past, not knowing who I once was. A few pegasi glanced at me, but just continued to do whatever they were doing.

"A reaction to what, having attention drawn to yerself because yer a pony whose acting strange and has a black coat who now has a smoky black mane and tail to add to the shady look?" he asked sarcastically.

"Ok, so it wasn't the best choice of colour. But I only had a few minutes to get it, and smoky black was the first colour I grabbed from the store yesterday afternoon. It's not like I had much of a choice there anyway." I said.

"I still don't think ya needed it." he said to himself, but just loud enough for me to hear.

"Look, lets just get to your cousin's already. That way, you can focus on whatever it is that you do on the rare occasion you three see each other, and I can get to work on being alone." I said grumpily.

Braeburn rolled his eyes before turning away from me and began to walk in the direction I presumed Sweet Apple Acre's was in. I trotted up beside him and fell in pace.

10 minutes later of walking in silence, we were walking along a dirt pathway that followed a fence line. On the other side of the fence was hundreds and hundreds of apple trees, so I thought it was safe to presume we were almost there.

We came up to a 'T' intersection of the pathway. Straight ahead led of to Celestia knows where, but to the right led into the fence through a square archway. we turned and followed the right side path

I looked up and saw a sign on the top. 'Sweet Apple Acre's' it read. I looked down the path ahead and spotted a farm house, and beyond that was a red barn.

"Come on partner, were almost there." Braeburn said as he continued to walk down the path.

As we were walking, I spotted a young filly. She had a yellow coat and a red mane and tail. She also had a big red bow in her mane. She spotted us coming up the path and a large grin grew upon her face.

'Braeburn!!!" the filly exclaimed happily before she sprinted at us as fast as she could.

When she reached Braeburn, she jumped straight into his chest, causing them both to fall back and laugh hysterically as they began to play wrestle.

I rolled me eyes and sat down a few metres away so I could wait without being in their was as they played in the dirt.

They continued to laugh and have fun for a few minutes, but soon stopped as they both needed to catch their breath.

"It's good ta see ya again Applebloom." Braeburn said as he scooped the filly up into a hug.

"You too, Braeburn. I haven't seen ya since that time ya came down fer that annual harvest to help out." the filly I presumed to be named Applebloom said with glee.

"That was some time ago. Anyway, is yer sister or brother around?" Braeburn asked.

"Nah, Big Mac is in town selling our apples, and Applejack said she needed to help Twilight with something." Applebloom explained before she looked to me. "Oh is this that pony ma sis said you'd be bringing?"

'Wait. If I'm expected, Braeburn must have been planing this for a while.' I thought to myself as I looked to Braeburn and frowned. He was giving me a nervous grin.

"I guess I am. I'm Wind Slash, and you must be Applebloom." I said as I looked back to her and smiled.

"Yes sir, I am. Boy, is Applejack in fer a surprise when she meets you." the filly said while giggling.

Both Braeburn and I raised and eyebrow. Applebloom saw our confused expressions and continued.

"She's gonna be surprised because she was goin on about how you are going to look like 'a big strong earth pony' from all the letters Braeburn sent us about you. But you ain't an earth pony, yer a pegasus." she explained.

I looked back to my wings. 'May as well be an earth pony with how useless these things have become.' I thought to myself as I remembered my test flights yesterday.

"But, ah guess that's why Braeburn said that you would be 'learning to fly again.' Ma brother and Applejack never could figure out how an earth pony was going to fly. But yer not an earth pony." Applebloom continued.

"Anyway, when do you think that yer siblings will be back?" Braeburn asked, trying to change the subject.

"Big mac shouldn't be too long, with how good business has been lately. And ah don't know about Applejack. If ya just come with me, I can take ya'll inside." Me and Braeburn nodded before she turned around and began to walk towards the farm house, with me and Braeburn in tow.

We arrived up to the front door of the house and Applebloom led us inside.

"Granny Smith, Cousin Braeburn is here!!!" Applebloom yelled into the house.

"What!?! Who now?" came an elderly voice from inside the kitchen.

"Ah said cousin Braeburn is here! He's stayin fer a few weeks, remember!?! Ah'm gonna show them to their room!"

"Ok then!" Ms Smith ended the shouting contest.

Applebloom led us up a set of stairs, We came to a halt outside of a door and Applebloom opened it up before she entered

"Me an Applejack set up this room fer you two to stay in while yer both here." Applebloom said while allowing Braeburn in to the room. I just stood in the doorway.

Inside the room was a bed on either side. Braeburn walked up to the bed on the right side of the room and dropped his saddle bags onto it. I finally walked in and placed my saddlebags on the left bed.

"Well, Ah'm gonna go back outside. Let me know if ya'll need anything." Applebloom said as she walked back outside.

I looked to Braeburn and saw him rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Let me guess: You have been planing for me to come along for a while now, but you were not expecting for her to let on that you called ahead to tell them I'm coming?" I asked sarcastically. "What else did you tell them about me?"

"Nothing. Just that ya are a hard working stallion that is only trying to make a living, and ah also said that yer coming along because ah think ya need a break from workin." Braeburn said nervously.

I approached him with and angry look. "You know that we're friends right?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded his head. "I am thankful for everything you have helped me with over the past four years. But if any complications arise, such as: The Wonderbolt's finding me, or crazed fan's going skit because they find out who I am, I am going to snap you." I warned, causing him to gulp.

"W-well, it's a good thing ah kept yer secret a... secret. After all this time, ah thought ya would have a little more faith." Braeburn countered.

I took a step back and looked away. He was right, I shouldn't have doubted his trust. He had helped me all this time, I shouldn't have just presumed that he would just go and make my life difficult.

"Sorry Braeburn, I shouldn't have doubted you." I apologized dejectedly.

He smiled before he put a hoof on my shoulder. "Ah understand partner, yer just distressed about yer identity." he said before he turned and made for the door.

"Where you going?" I asked. He stopped and looked to me.

"Ah'm gonna go and say hello ta Granny Smith, see how she's doing and all." he said before he continued out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

'So what do I do now?' I asked myself. I walked back to my saddlebags and opened them up. The first thing I saw was my old Wonderbolt flight suit. I pushed it to the side and reached further in for my book.

'Wing injury recovery.'

This book was all about pegasi wing recovery for if a pegasus's wing or wings got damaged from an accident. It explained and demonstrated the correct procedures of physiotherapy and stretches to get wings back into working order.

I had brought the book along in hopes that it could give me some pointers on getting my wings back to a better condition.

I opened the book and began to read.


I closed the book and got off the bed before looking back to my wings. I stretched them out and moved them around, making sure I still full movement in them. Satisfied that I could feel no restrictions, I folded my wings up and began to make my way back outside.

I stopped by the kitchen and saw Braeburn talking with an elderly mare who had a light green coat and a white mane and tail. She also had a pie as a cutie mark.

"Excuse me." I interrupted, causing both of them to stop talking and look to me. "I'm going to go outside for a bit and just have a look around."

Ms Smith walked up to me and began to look me over. "Yer sure don't look like a born apple farmer." she said.

"Well ma'am, I'm not. It's more of a part time job." I said as she noticed my wings. She pulled it out and looked it over.

"If ya have wings, that means yer a pegasus. But why would a pegasus be working on an apple farm?" she asked.

"Braeburn saved my life once, so I figured I owed him and have worked on his farm ever since." I explained.

She looked back to Braeburn and smiled. "Well, that was mighty kind of him." she said. She began to talk to Braeburn again, something about what they would all be doing while he was here.

I turned around and exited the kitchen and made my way back outside, breathing in the fresh air as I did.

As I opened my eyes, I spotted a Big red Stallion pulling and empty cart along the dirt path that we took to get here before. From what Braeburn has told me, I would presume that this was Big Macintosh.

He spotted me before he unhitched the cart from himself and made his way over to me.

When he got to me, he stood right in front of me. He was taller up close, and a heck more intimidating.

"Can ah help ya partner?" he asked in his deep southern drawl.

"H-Hi, I'm Wind Slash. I-I came here with Braeburn." I said nervously. I was relieved however when he relaxed and smiled.

"Ah reckon ya must be that stallion that he mentioned he was going to bring along." he said and I nodded. "Where is he?"

"He's inside talking with Ms Smith." I said, causing him to facehoof.

"Just call her Granny. She dosen't like to be called Ms." Big Macintosh said as he walked past me and into the house.

I shook my head and continued my walk into the apple fields. If I was going to learn how to fly again, I was going to do it in a secluded area.

I walked for about 15 minutes and came across an open field that was about 50 metres in diameter, surrounded by apple trees. Why this space was here was beyond me, but it would do just fine.

I opened my wings again and began to stretch them out. I knew that I needed to stretch before a workout, so thats just what I did.

When I was content that my wings had been stretched enough, I dropped them to the ground and began to do wingup's.









I collapsed to the ground. I had been doing wing ups for about half an hour. I would do ten, take a 5 minute break, then do another ten.

But buy the time I had completed this 3rd set of reps, I felt exhausted and my wings felt like they were burning.

'10.' I thought to myself shamefully. ' I used to be able to do 100 before I had to take a break. This is just degrading.'

I kept my wings moving, even on my breaks. I did not want them to seize or I would not be able to continue for the rest of the day.

After another 5 minutes passed, I looked around to double check that I was still alone. When I saw nopony in sight, I began to flap my wings in an attempt to lift off the ground.

I felt my hooves lift off the grass and smiled. Now I just had to hold this hover for as long as I could. I managed to stay up for about 3 minutes before I had to touch back down.

I was actually quite proud of my achievement. Any other pegasus would think that my flight duration was shocking, but I had managed to double what I was capable of in one session.

The therapy book said something about muscle memory, so I guessed that it was right. Because My wings were considered the best for a short time at one stage, getting them back to at least half of their performance level should be a sinch.

I used to have a wing power of 26. If I remember correctly, the minimum wing power requirement to get into the Wonderbolt's was about 15, then they would train you until you had about 20. I pushed myself further though to see how far I could get, but that was before I went into exile.

And after 4 years, my wings had severely degraded in condition. I was going to take a guess and say I had a wing power of 1 or less combined with a really bad endurance level.

I knew that was shameful, but I was still smiling at my achievement. If I could keep up this training pace, I should be back to at least 15 in no time.

"There yer are. Ah've been looking all over fer ya." I turned and saw Braeburn standing on the edge of to opening.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I asked, still kind of confused that he even did manage to find me all the way out here.

"Ah went looking fer ya ta let ya know that lunch will be ready soon. And ah'm gonna say that ya look like ya could use a good meal from how sweaty ya are." he said.

"Yeah, I have been working on getting my wings better like you wanted." I admitted.

"Well, don't work ya self to hard, or ya might just collapse out here. Anyway, lets get back to the house and get some food." he said as he turned and began to make his way back. I quickly trotted up beside him.

"Anything happen while I was out here?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Applejack has come back, and Big Mac and Granny Smith keep going on about how yer a pegasus." I facehoofed as he told me this. "And now Applejack really wants ta meet ya. Oh, I should also mention that her friends have come over as well."

"Whoopie." I said sarcastically. "I'm more concerned that everypony seems to think that it's shocking news that I'm not an earth pony." I said with a groan.

"As ah told ya back in Appleoosa, It's not right fer a pegasus to be actin like an earth pony. Ah'm sure they will find it fine once they see yer just as good at helping around the farm as any earth pony." he said.

We exited the apple fields and began to walk towards a table that had been set up under a gazebo. I spotted Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom, an orange earth pony mare wearing a brown stetson hat who I presumed was Applejack, 4 other mares that I did not recognize along with 2 other fillies that I also did not recognize.

"Ah found him! He was in the open space in the southern field!" Braeburn called out.

"How'd ya manage ta get lost all the way out there?" Applejack asked while intercepting us and looking to me.

"I wasn't lost, I was just needing a space to work out a bit." I answered.

"Well alright. Just so long as ya don't go and hurt ya self out there. Come on Ya'll, the pies are getting cold." she said as she turned and made her way back to the table with me and Braeburn following.

When we got to the table, we all sat down and began to dig in to whatever was placed in front of us.

I never knew that there were so many apple foods.

Lunch was great. Applejack had introduced me to her friends. Their names were: Fluttershy, Pinky Pie, Rarity and finally, Twilight Sparkle.

I learned that Fluttershy was an animal care taker, Rarity was a dress maker, Pinky Pie was... was something else, but what got me most was that Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia's own prized student.

I however managed to get away somehow with calling myself 'The new Guy.' and they bought it, albiet with a few laughs.

As I was almost finished, I heard what sounded like an explosion. I whipped my head around and saw what looked like a rainbow coloured ring spreading out over the land.There was also a rainbow trail that was shooting directly at our location.

I closed my eyes, expecting whatever it was to crash into our location and cause some sort of detonation.

But that never happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt my heart twist a little.

Standing a few metres away from the table was probably the most breathtaking thing I have seen.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A pegasus mare with a cyan coat and had a rainbow coloured mane and tail.

I don't know what it was was about her, but her appearance alone made me forget about all of my problems.

"Sorry I'm late. Somepony failed to reschedule my day off today, so I had to quickly work and get here as fast as I could." She said.

"Rainbow Dash! Glad you could make it." Applejack said happily.

'Rainbow Dash? Where have I heard that before?' I asked myself. I have heard it before, but where?

She spotted me and walked over to me and held out a hoof for me to shake. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria and future Wonderbolt."

All those happy feeling I said I felt when I saw her, they disappeared faster than I could think.

Although panic flooded my thoughts, I managed as best as I could not to show it. I'm just glad Braeburn realized I would be distressed and helped me out.

"Well, are ya two gonna just stand there, or are we gonna have to continue ta eat without ya?" he asked.

This caused Dash to shake her head before she went and sat down at the table and began to eat.

"U-Uh, excuse me. I need to go and find something." I said without even looking back before I began to walk away at a slightly quickened pace.

I made my way back inside and very quickly scurried up the stairs before making my way into our room that we had been given. I sat on the bed and tried to calm myself.

'It's ok Wind Slash. She didn't recognize you, so you're fine. 'I remember her now. She was that mare that had been trying to get onto the team for years. Oh no, what if she notices who I am?'

I was about to continue my mental panic, but stopped when I heard the door open. I looked and saw Braeburn stepping into the room with a worried look.

"Ya think she knows who ya are don't ya?" he asked as she sat on his own bed.

"How could she not know who Wind Slash is? She is the Wonderbolt's top fan, even when I was still on the team she was. She didn't notice me 'this time', but what if next time..." I began to say, but was cut off.

"Ah told ya back in Appleoosa that ah would let nothing happen to ya. If she goes and tries to tell all of Equestria, I will stand in their way to get to ya." Braeburn said defensively.

"Thanks, but it's not that simple." I said, causing him to tilt his head in confusion. "I know that I was one of the best. The officials of the team will not allow me to just simply leave without a good reason, of which they would think mine is not. If they find me, I doubt even Celestia would know what would happen."

"S-So, what should we do?" he asked.

"Keep quiet, listen carefully and keep an eye open. If they catch wind of me, I'm going to have to skip town and disappear again." I said.

"But what about yer place in Appleoosa?" he asked.

"It may take some time, but I will go back there. I like it there. It's quiet and I get to have privacy." I said.

Braeburn smiled. "Good ta know that ah will get ta see ya again." he said.

"Of course." I said as I held out a hoof for him to bump. He did and we both got up and made for the door.

But before we exited the room, Braeburn whispered one last thing to me. "If them Wonderbolt's are so rich and powerful, and really do have that contract, then why don't they have a unicorn do a trace spell to easily be able ta find a runaway?"

"I saw in the paper a few months back that they do now, courtesy of me." I said proudly. "It's bad, but I kind of like being an inconvenience."

Braeburn opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off.

"Are ya'll alright in here?" came the voice of Applejack. She pushed the door open and saw Braeburn stand not to far from the door and me beside him.

"Yeah, we're fine, I just needed to grab my medication from my saddlebags and we were just about to come back down." I said smiling.

"Ya sick or something?" she asked.

"Nah, just recovering from a wing injury." I lied in response.

"Why are ya a pegasus anyway?"

"Uh, I was born as one?" I said with a chuckle.

"No, I meant, why are ya a pegasus, and working on an apple farm out where there aren't many pegasus ta been seen?" she corrected.

I felt my humour leave me. "Am I not allowed to be?" I countered.

"Ok, sorry. Lets just move on shall we?" she asked, holding out her hoof.


We both exchanged a hoofshake before we all made our way back outside.

"Alright everypony, I have ta get back ta work. Need ta catch up on the harvest because I had ta take time off ta go ta Canterlot. Braeburn, I want ya ta help out Big Mac." Applejack announced out loud before she turned to me. "New guy, yer with me. I want ta see how good you really are at Apple Buckin'."

I nodded in acknowledgement. Braeburn and Big Mac made for the barn while Applejack and I headed out towards the west field.

What Applejacks friends were going to do, I had no idea.

We walked for a minute or two before Applejack stopped by a tree.

"Alright new guy, I want ya to show me what ya can do on this here tree." Applejack ordered.

I shrugged before I walked up to the tree. I gazed at it for a moment before turning around and giving the tree a solid buck.


I turned back around and saw all of the apples had fallen and were now resting on the ground. Applejack looked stunned.

"How was that?" I asked with a smug little grin.

"Astounding, Not even Rainbow Dash could knock the apples outa this tree, and she's the most athletic pegasus ah know." Applejack said, still quite shocked at my achievement.

"Well, I have been doing this for 4 years. It's not hard once you learn the proper technique." I said in a mater-o-factly.

"Well, now that ah now ya can do the job, how long can ya do it for?" she asked.

"On Braeburn's farm, I used to work for 8 hours a day with a 25 minute lunch break." I explained.

"Ya know, ah think ya just might be worth havin' around." she said with a smirk. "Braeburn asked me ta pay you fer ya efforts, and I think I just might beable ta do that."

"Thank you, it would be much appreciated."

"But thats only if ya do the work. When Braeburn and Big Mac get here with the baskets, I want ya ta go to the fence line over there and work ya way back towards the barn, buckin' every tree on the way." she said.

I nodded.





I have been bucking trees for about 2 hours now. I would buck the tree and Big Macintosh would pick up the baskets and put them into the cart he was pulling along.

Big Mac was with me because Applejack said she wanted to catch up with Braeburn. I tried to start up a conversation with Big Mac, but it seems that he only wanted to give me short responses of a yes or no nature.

'Strange, he was talking to me this morning.' I thought to myself as I continued to work.

I continued for about another 15 minutes, but stopped when Big Mac finally said something that was just 'eyup'.

"Alright partner, take a small break." he told me.

I could have kept going, but I didn't really want to mess with him.

I sat up against the last tree I bucked and closed my eyes. I wasn't even tired, so I didn't have to worry about falling asleep.

I can't fall asleep during the day anyway. My brain just wont let me.

I sat there for a minute, but my ear began to twitch as I heard what sounded like somepony trying to sneak up on me via air. The light sound of flapping wings could be heard behind me.

I rolled me eyes and got up. I walked around the tree and saw Rainbow Dash looking at me frozen as I had caught her red hoofed.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a bored expression.

"U-Uh... Hi." she said while waving a hoof at me, trying to not look guilty.

I just continued to look at her with my bored look.

"I-I just came out here to see what you were doing." she said, but I could tell she was hiding something.

"I'm on a break from working. Happy?"

Her nervousness disappeared. "Who are you? I swear I have seen you before." she said.

I felt my heart stop. 'Shit, she's on to me. I have to find a way to throw her off.' "I doubt that." I said.

"But..." she began, but I cut her off.

"Look, I have to get back to work." I said as I got back up and made my way over to the cart and pulled out some empty baskets with my mouth.

I carried the baskets to the closest tree that still apple on it and placed some of the baskets around the base of the tree.

When I was satisfied with the placements of the baskets, I bucked the tree, causing all of the apples to fall free and land in the baskets.

"Hey, you have wings!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

'Ok, now this is getting to sound like a broken record.' I thought to myself as I sighed.

"You know, the amount of times I have been told that today alone, anypony would think I wasn't aware." I said sarcastically before I picked up my empty baskets and moved to another tree.

"But why are you harvesting apples, and not doing... a pegasus related job?" Dash asked as she followed me.

"I have my reasons, lets just leave it at that. Now can you please leave me alone about it?" I asked.

I should had told her to leave me alone entirely. As I continued to work, she followed me. Not saying anything, just staring at me. And it slowly got to me.

After about 5 minutes of her just watching me, I snapped.

"Seriously, can you stop looking at me and go annoy somepony else!!!" I shouted, causing both her and Big Macintosh to jump and step back from me.

"What's your deal dude?" Dash asked.

"My deal? You! You may like to be looked at, but I don't.You have been staring at me for the past five minutes, and I do not like being stared at!" I continued to rant.

I looked to Big Mackintosh.

"I'm sorry Big Mac, but I need a few minutes to myself." I said with a huff as I began to walk away.

I made for the house and went inside and up to the room Braeburn and I had been given. When I got inside, I closed the door behind me and locked it before I began to pace back and forth around the room.

"Calm down Wind Slash." I told myself as I continued to pace. "Anger will only lead to you screw up, and you cant afford to do that." I stopped pacing and sat down in the middle of the floor.

I spent the next half hour just sitting there with my eyes closed, just trying to calm myself down. Fortunately, it was working for me.

I heard a knock on the door followed by a voice I was not happy to hear.

"Hello, are you in here?... Look, if you are, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." came the voice of Dash.

I just continued to sit there with a frown on my face.

I heard the doorknob move, but stop when it hit the lock. "I know you're in there. Can you please just open the door so I can say sorry to your face." she pleaded.

I sighed before I got up and made my way over to the door and unlocked it. I opened the door and saw Dash on the other side, looking at me with a sheepish grin, but she quickly looked away.

She took a moment to collect herself before she looked to me and began to speak.

"I-I'm sorry. I should not have been trying to pry into your private life. If you'll forgive me, perhaps we could be friends?" she said hopeful before looking to the ground.

I thought about her offer for a minute. Each second that passed, her head lowered more and more.

"Alright Dash, I'll forgive you this time." I said, causing her to look up to me and smile. "But that does not mean we're best buds now."

Her large grin disappeared, but a small smirk still remained. That small grin disappeared as she realized something.

I walked back into the room picked up my book of wing recovery and continued to read. Dash noticed the title of the book and a look of concern grew over her face.

Ignoring her, I placed the book down and stretched out my right wing before resting it down against my side as if in the down flap position and began to massage it myself with my forehooves. It was difficult, but I was able to twist my body enough to do so.

"Here, let me help." Dash offered as she made her way over, but I stopper her.

"No. I can do it myself." I said as I began to continue to massaging my wing.

But Dash was not going to back down so easily.

She walked over and pushed me onto my stomach. I was about to protest, but she beat me to it.

"Just keep quiet and let me help. I know what to do because I have done it before." she informed as she stretched out my wing and began to massage it. I closed my eyes as I felt the tension beginning to ease away.

"So, what happened for you to have to do this before?" I asked.

"I'm pushing myself to become a Wonderbolt. I have been trying to get onto their team for years, but every now and then, I make a mistake and end up hurting myself." she admitted.

I was that calm and relaxed by her hoof work that I began to slip.

"They're not that great." I said.

"And how would you know?" she asked in a slightly offended tone.

"Well, I did leave them because I got stabbed in the back."

'SHIT!' I shouted in my head and my eyes shot open aas I realized what I just said.

I felt Dash freeze for a second before she pulled away and moved back. I got as fast as I could and looked to her. She was sitting a few metres away, looking like she was trying to decipher what I had let slip in her head.

"Dash, listen to me." I said. I was about to continue, but she cut me off.

"Y-You're a... a... Wonderbolt?" she asked.

"NO! I mean I was, but that's..." I tried to defend, only to realize she was looking to the left with a wide eye expression.

I looked to where she was looking and spotted a small section of my old flight suit was hanging out of my saddle bags.

Dash jumped up and shot over to my saddle bags and tugged on the patch of flight suit with her teeth, causing the rest to simply fall out. She froze again when she saw the full suit on the ground in front of her. What I did not expect was the old photo to fall out of it.

I remembered that the photo was of me and my ex kissing. We had just told all of Equestria that we were together when that photo was taken.

I began to back away, knowing that if she ran off, I would have to as well.

Dash looked to me and back to the photo multiple times each time more intently.

"You're Wind Slash, the missing Wonderbolt." she said to herself quietly.

"No." I growled dangerously. "I gave up the right to be a Wonderbolt the day my Ex slept with my brother." I corrected her.

Dash recoiled. She opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.

"Don't you dare use those names! I hate them both, and I could not care less about them!" I warned, causing Dash to jump.

"But they're looking for you. They have been for the past 4 years. Don't you care?" Dash tried to protest.

"Listen to me very carefully Rainbow Dash. You now know my greatest secret. IF, they manage to find me, I will do everything within my power to do what I can to prevent you from ever becoming a Wonderbolt. Am I understood?" I asked in the most intimidating way I could, causing her to look hurt.

"But why?" she asked.

"As I said, I do not care for those back stabbers. All I want is to be left alone and in peace." I said as my expression softened a bit.

Suddenly, Dash's posture straightened and an evil grin formed on her face.

"Alright Wind Slash, I'll make you a deal." she said, causing me to tense up. "If you help me train to become a Wonderbolt, I will keep your secret to myself." she offered.

I knew that was going to be it, but I was still shocked anyway.

"Gee, talk about blackmail." I complained as I took a breath. "Why would you want me to do that anyway?" I asked.

"Well, you used to help train the recruits if I remember correctly. If I can get you to train me, they will let me in for sure once thy see how good I will be." she said.

I could see by her facial expression that she was picturing the scenario in her head. My head did the same thing, but made my Ex look past Dash and straight at me.

I shuddered at the thought of facing her again.

Seeing no other option at peace, I sighed and agreed.

"Alright Dash, I'll help you." I said with defeat.

She held out a hoof.

"Shake on it. I don't want you to double cross me." she said.

I sighed and grasped her hoof and gave one shake before releasing it.

"YES!" she shouted out loud.

I felt like this was going to be the beginning of the end for me.


*SIGH* "Why me?"

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"So, when do we start training?" the all eager Dash asked with hope.

"Tomorrow." I responded shortly, causing her to loose her enthusiasm and slump her shoulders.

I turned sat back down and began to massage my left wing, not doing it properly because I was grumpy with the sudden turn of events that have thrown my one peaceful life out the window.

"Uh, I don't mean to intrude but..." Dash began, but I cut her off.

"Then don't!" I exclaimed and continued with my wing.

"I was just going to ask: How did that happen? You once had the best wings in all of the land. But now they look like they never get used." she said.

*SIGH* "They don't. Ever since I ran from The Wonderbolt's, I have had them tightly folded at my sides. Ever since that night, I just never had the motivation to actually use them." I explained.

"But, then why are you caring for them now?" she asked.

"Because I can!!!" I shouted at her, causing her to scurry back again.

Dash looked to me with both shock, concern and hurt mixed into a single expression. I noticed this, but I didn't care.

"And don't worry about me. I will help you with your stupid training in time for the next backstabber entrance exam." I said with as much venom in my voice as I could. She looked extremely hurt.

A moment passed of her watching me. I was still just trying to massage my wing, but I was too frustrated to do it properly my self.

Seeing my struggle, Dash walked back over and tried to help me out again, probably to try and make me feel better. But I moved away as she did.

"Just go away and come back tomorrow!" I fended her off as I got up and walked over to the window.

I heard Dash sigh before I could hear the clopping of her hooves as she left the room. I rested my head on the open window and watched as Applebloom played around with her two friends.

'Great, just great. Not even famous any more and I'm still getting blackmailed by a nutjob of a fan.' I groaned in my head as I sat and thought about what happened.

I couldn't help but think badly about the rainbow coloured mare for putting me in this position. I could picture in my mind, me calling her every abusive and hurtful word in existence, and feeling good about it in thee process.

I sat like that for a few hours, But I was interrupted from my angry thoughts as I heard somepony else walk into the room. I looked over my shoulder and saw Braeburn, standing in the doorway.

He looked like he had been doing a lot of hard work, but he also looked concerned.

"Slash! Applejack, Big Mac and I have been lookin all over for ya. Big Mac said that ya got really angry and stormed off. Are ya..." he continued, but stopped as I turned back around and rested my head back on the window.

He looked to my bed and saw my old flight suit sitting on the ground. He also spotted something even he has never seen before.

The photo.

He picked it up and sighed as he gazed upon it. "I'ma take a guess and say that Dash knows who you are now?" He asked.

"Worse, she's already blackmailed me into training her in hopes to make her better." I said dejectedly.

"But how ya gonna do that? Ya can barely fly yerself as is." Braeburn said as he thought to himself.

"She knows that I don't need to be able to fly myself, she just wants me to give her advice on how I used to help train the recruits from when I was a Wonderbolt. And in return, she said she will keep my identity to herself." I explained.

"She cant do that! Yer a living, breathing pony, and ya are entitled to some rights!" Braeburn exclaimed.

"Look, just let it go. I will handle it." I said.


"No. If she wants blackmail me, I'm going to make her work for what she wants." I said as a thought hit me.

'She wants me to train her, I am going to train her. But it will be the most gruellingly difficult training she will ever undergo. And if she doesn't quit, then she will deserve to be a Wonderbolt.' I told myself.

"Alright Pardner, just be sure ta let me know if this sort of thing happens again, or if ya need help." Braeburn said as he turned for the door.

I walked over to where Dash had just left my old flight suit and picked it back up and put it back into my saddlebags, along with the photo.

I looked back out the window and saw it had actually started to become dark. I pulled out my pouch of bits from my saddle bags and held it under my wing. I then made my way back outside.

As I did, I spotted Braeburn, Big Mac and Applejack finishing up the harvesting for the day. They were pulling carts of apples into the barn. Twilight was there too, but she looked like she was going to get ready to leave.

I walked over to see if they needed an extra hoof. "Hey, do you need help?" I asked.

"Nah, but we are going to need your help again after the weekend." Applejack said.

"Ok. Well, I'm going to go into town and stop by a bar for a drink." I said.

"Just don't be home back too late." Applejack said. I nodded to acknowledge her.

"I'll walk you to town." Twilight said. With that, we began our walk down the dirt path that led to Ponyville.

After a few minutes, I decided to strike up a conversation with Twilight.

"So, Twilight. How did Princess Celestia's student wind up all the way from Canterlot?" I asked.

"Oh, she sent me here to study the magic of friendship just under 5 years ago. But she truly sent me here to discover the Element's of Harmony with my friends so we could..."

"Release Princess Luna from Nightmare moon." I said, cutting her off.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I have a lot of free time in Appleoosa, reading the news paper is just one of my hobbies I do to fill that time." I said with a smirk.

I lied.

I was still apart of the Wonderbolt's at that time, and we were supposed to be helping the royal guard search for Princess Celestia once she was declared missing. About 2 weeks after that incident was when I had my heart broken and ran from the team.

"So, how is Princess Luna then?" I asked.

"She came to Ponyville last nightmare night, and it seemed as if she was having a hard time fitting it, but my friends and I managed to help her." Twilight explained.

"Well, good for her." I said.

"So, What's your story, What led a pegasus to become an apple bucker?" she asked.

I sighed. "I mean you no disrespect Twilight, but I would appreciate it if we did not go there." I said as I looked down.

"S-Sorry." she said as she looked down as well.

"It's ok." I said.

We continued the rest of our trip talking about all the things Twilight has done with her friends over the years. I find it cool how they managed to take down a giant group of changelings before they got captured.

But before we knew it, we had arrived in front of Twilight's library.

"Well, this is my stop. I'll see you another time?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be in town for about 2 weeks so... until then, good night." I said with a smile.

"Good night... *giggle* New guy." she said, laughing a bit.

I rolled my eyes as Twilight went inside her home and closed the door behind herself, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

'Now, to find that bar.' I said to myself as I began to look around my surrounding area. It had gotten pretty dark, so all I had to do was look for a building that had its lights on and lots of ponies in it.

I walked around of a bit, but found nothing. I didn't know if I was just missing it, or if I had actually lost it. I could not find anywhere that looked remotely similar to a pub, bar, club or even a just a liquor store.

I let out a sigh of defeat as I began to make my way back to the Apple resident's farm. When I hit the dirt road that led back to the farm, I stopped.

I looked back to my wings and shrugged. I put my bit pouch in my mouth before I opened my wings and took off from the ground. I hovered for a moment before adjusting my wings downward thrust and began to fly forward.

I continued down the path, but this time in the air. I wasn't even going that fast simply because I was just enjoying the wind in my feathers again.

I had to admit, after all those years on the ground, it felt good to be up in the air again. Even if it was only about 10 metres off the ground. I was enjoying myself so much that I failed to hear the sound of another pair of wings behind me.


"Agh!" I shouted as my wings cramped up before I fell back down to the ground and landed with a thud. "Ow."

"Dude, are you alright?" I looked up and saw Rainbow Dash hovering above me. I frowned and got back up to my hooves before continuing to walk along the dirt path. "Hey, wait up." Dash said as she landed and walked beside me.

"Isn't there somepony else you can go and annoy, or are you just here to blackmail me again?" I asked in a grumpy tone with my head low.

"*Sigh* Look, I'm..." she began, but I cut her off.

"No! Don't say you're sorry when you're not. Just buck off and come find me tomorrow!" I shouted before I galloped ahead.

Dash didn't chase me. She just stood there and lowered her head. I could have sworn I also head a sob come from her.

As I continued to gallop, my anger overtook me and I spread my wings and quickly shot up into the sky.

"FFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!" I shouted as loudly as I could as I flew as fast as my wings could take me.

I could feel the unbelievable amount of strain and pain my under-used wings were giving off, but I pushed through and continued to fly as fast as I could.

But soon, my wings were unable to take any more and began to cramp, so I landed somewhere in the trees of the Apple family's farm and sat down, breathing heavily through my nose.

I felt my blood rush to my head, but I ignored it as my thoughts swirled around the menace with the rainbow mane.

'Just who does she think she is, to blackmail me then try and suck up to get my good graces?' I asked myself angrily in my head.

I sat there for about an hour, just thinking. This kind of behaviour is normally bad for me though, so I thought better of it.

I got up and began to slowly stumble my way back to the Apple's house. I didn't even know if I was going in the right direction, and quite frankly, I didn't care at the moment.

I kept walking for a while, but I was cut off from my thought when I heard the sound of voices in the distance.

Following the sound, I crept in that particular direction until I came across some sort of weird machine.

"Hurry Flam, we must load as many apples as we can before morning." said a voice.

"Calm down Flim. Morning is not for another 10 hours. We have time." said another voice

I walked around the machine and saw two taller unicorn stallion levitating apples of the Apple family trees and loading them into barrels.

'They're stealing Applejack's and Big Mac's produce!' I shouted to myself in my head. 'I need to stop this now.'

"Hey! What do you two think you're doing!?" I shouted out, causing both unicorns to fumble their magic and look to me with alarmed looks on their faces. That when I got a good look at them, as they backed into the moonlight.

They both had a very light olive colour coats and had red manes with white stripes. One had a cutie mark of an apple with a slice missing. The other unicorn's cutie mark looked like the missing slice for the first unicorn's cutie mark.

"Who said that!?!" one of them called out, causing me to raise my eyebrow in confusion.

'They can't see me?' I asked myself before looking around. Thats when I noticed that I was standing in the shadow of a tree, and combined with my black coat, mane and tail, I was basically invisible to them. But I was still able to see myself almost perfect.

I rolled my eyes before stepping out of the shadow and glaring at the unicorn twins.

"I think you two better leave now." I warned dangerously while trying to look as menacing as I could.

But they just began to laugh, which made my left eye begin to twitch.

"Hey, Don't you two laugh at my friend! He could take you both down!" I looked up and Dash landed beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Dash in the same tone as I did to the two the unicorns.

"Trying to help you, Duh." she whispered back.

"What do you two pegasi think you can do to us unicorns?" asked one of the twins, causing Dash to whip her head back in their direction.

The same unicorn charged up his magic and shot a bolt at Dash, it hit the ground in front of her and knocked her back into a tree.

"Hey, What the fuck!" I shouted. I was still angry with Dash, but that was cheap and uncalled for.

I galloped over to Dash and looked her over. She had been knocked unconscious when her head hit the tree, but aside from, she looked ok.

I turned back around and glared at the two unicorns again before a thought came to my mind.

"And just what do you think you smirking at." asked the other unicorn.

I continued to smirk as I took a few sidesteps to my right, and sunk back into the dark cover of the tree shadows.

"Hey, Come back here!" they both shouted in unison as they ran to where they saw me enter the shadow, only to find I was no longer in that spot.

I was moving around the darkness as quickly but as quietly as I could, out maneuvering and confusing them as much as I could.

I picked up a stick in my right forehoof and tossed it into another part of the darkness. It hit a tree and both of the unicorns spun in the direction of the disturbance before firing magic bolts at the tree.

I couldn't help but smile.

As both of their magic bolts hit the tree, I shot over and grabbed one of the two, covering his mouth with my forehoof and dragged him back into the darkness.

I pulled him to his weird machine, and figuring I had pulled him far enough away, I punched him the head, knocking him out instantly before leaning him up against the machine.

"Flam? Where did you go?" asked the unicorn that shot the magic bolt at Dash.

I walked up behind him as quietly as I could. I got right behind him before speaking.

"Payback." I said quietly.

"Huh?" the unicorn began as he spun around, but he didn't have enough time to react as I reared up and did a backwards roundhouse kick.

Straight into his cheek.

He flew back and collided with the tree that I had thrown the stick at before.

I walked up to him and saw that he too had been knocked unconscious. I grabbed him dragged him over to his brother and leaned him up against him.

I walked back over to Dash and lifted her unconscious form onto my back before I began to continue to walk in the direction of the Apple's house.

I trudged along with Dash on my back for about 15 minutes before making it back to the house.

I walked up to the door and gave it three knocks with my hoof. A few seconds later, it was opened by none other than little Applebloom.

"Hello Wind Slash. Where have..." she began, but stopped when she noticed Dash on my back. "What happened to Rainbow!" she shouted out.

A moment later, I was able to hear the sound of multiple pairs of hooves galloping to the door.

"What in tarnation happened!?!" Applejack shouted at me as she began to look over the body that was resting on my back.

"She's ok. She's just unconscious from when a unicorn shot a spell at her and knocked her into a tree." I explained.

"Say what? A unicorn?" she asked as she looked up to me.

"A pair actually. A pair with some sort of machine. They were in your orchid, stealing your produce." I said.

Applejack went wide eyed before having an outburst.

"Big Mac, them Flim Flam brothers are back and stealing our apples!" Applejack shouted.

Both Big Mac and Applejack ran out the door and I called out to them.

"They're in your west field!!!" I called out to them. I watched them head in that direction before disappearing into the trees.

I turned and walked inside before carrying Dash up the stairs and into Braeburn's and my room. I walked over to my bed and placed Dash onto it before tucking her in.

I walked back to the door and took one last glance at her before shutting the door. But I turned around to see Braeburn was right in my face.

"Woah! Dude, personal space." I said as I backed away a few steps.

"So now where are ya going to sleep?" Braeburn asked.

"I don't know." I said as I walked past him and back down stairs before sitting on the couch in the living room. Applebloom sat beside me.

"So, what exactly happened ta Rainbow?" Applebloom asked.

I began to explain what happened up until I got back to the house.

'Sweet Celestia I wish I had a drink.'

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I awoke to the sound of a rooster making that same call that they all seem to make as soon as they can see the sun. The annoying cock-a-doodle-do. that seems to always make me jump.

I got off the couch and made my way to the window. I could see the blasted creature on top of the barn. What I would do just to throw something at it, but I knew I would get in trouble if I did.

'Wait a minute... Why was I asleep on the couch?' I asked myself before last nights event came back to me.

I remembered that Dash got hurt and I gave her my bed that Applejack gave me to sleep in. After, I came down stairs a explained to everypony the events of what had happened and why Dash was unconscious.

"Oh yeah." I said to myself quietly.

I walked out the front door and breathed in some fresh air. I wasn't really a morning pony, but I still think that his is nice every now and then. I began to think about what I was going to do today, but that was soon disrupted by a noise behind me.

I heard the sound of a small set of hooves coming up behind me. I turned and saw Applebloom coming up to me.

"Howdy mister. How are ya this mornin'?" she asked as she got to me.

"I fine Applebloom. Just thinking about today." I said as I began to stretch my legs, wings, back and neck. I knew that Applejack gave me the weekend off, but I just knew that Rainbow Dash would be in my face about training her the moment she woke up.

I would have planned her training routine by now, but I needed to find out what she was capable of first, so that is what I would be doing again.

But thinking of Dash's training made me think of something else.

'Why did she try to help me last night against those unicorns?' I asked in my head. 'After all of the bad attitude I kept showing to her, she still tried to help me as if I was her friend.'

I shook those thoughts from my head as I sat down, I would find out the answers to those questions in time.

I sat there for a few minutes. Applebloom had left to go and do something, leaving me to my thoughts again in the process.

'Why did Dash try and help?' I asked myself again. I couldn't help but think that there must have been a reason for it besides her still trying to get on my good side, I could just feel it.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I felt a hoof on my shoulder, making me jump. I turned around and saw that the hoof belonged to Braeburn.

"You ok pardner?" he asked as he dropped his hoof back off my shoulder and back to the ground.

I let out a sigh. "I'm just thinking to myself." I said before looking back out into the fields.

"About?" he pressed.

"Nothing. Just some stupid thoughts." I said with shallow laugh, brushing him off.

"O...K... Anyway, Ma cousins and I are gonna have some food, you want some?" Braeburn asked, gesturing back into the house with his forehoof.

"Yeah sure." I said as I turned and walked back inside. Braeburn followed me in and made for the kitchen. Applejack and Granny Smith were both in there cutting up apples.

"Wind Slash, How are ya this morning?" Applejack asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked her.

"Ah'm alright. Ma friend Rarity talked me inta goin' to the spa with her, so ah should be able ta get tome of this tension out of ma shoulders." she said. "But enough about that. Can I get ya ta go up and wake up Rainbow Dash?"

I nodded my head before turning and beginning to make my way back to the room. I walked up the stair and stopped outside of the door to the room. I pushed the door open and spotted Dash, still asleep on the bed I placed her on.

She was lying on her back, wings splayed out, her head hanging off the side of the bed and she was snoring.

I chuckled a bit before making my way into the room and beside the bed.

"Hey Dash." I said as I gave her a poke in the chest with my forehoof. She stirred a bit, but failed to wake up. Rolling my eyes I tried again, but with a little more force behind the poke.

"Hu, what?" she mumble as she opened her eyes, but her eyes widened before shrinking again and her face turning slightly red.

"Up, now." I said as I took a few steps back before turning to exit the room, but I stopped in the door as Dash began to speak.

"What the hay. Its only 6:00 A.M." Dash groaned before rolling onto her stomach and covering herself with the bed sheets.

"Yeah well, if you want to be a Wonderbolt, you're going to have to get up early. Last I checked, they get up at 5 every morning and got bed at midnight most nights." I explained. "But anyway, Applejack told me to wake you up. So, get up already."

"Hey Wind, about training me..." she began, but I rolled me eyes and just left the room before she could continue. Even if she did try to help me against the two unicorns last night, she still blackmailed me, and I was not just going to forgive her for that so easily.

I made my way down stairs and back outside. As I stood on the front porch, I looked up into the sky to get an idea of what the weather was going to be like for the day and if I could guess, I would say that it was going to be a clear day.

"Wind Slash, where ya going?" I heard Applejack call out from inside.

"I'm just going for a short flight, to stretch my wings and wake up a bit more." I said before opening my wings.

"Alright, just don't be too long. Breakfast is gonna be ready soon." she said before I began to fly low back to my hidden spot that I found in the orchid. When I arrived there, I landed and sat down.

'Alright then. If Dash wants me to train her, I am going to have to find out what she is capable of first. I plan to push her to be her best, but I can't start her too difficult or she will end up hurting herself.' I thought to myself as I remembered back when I used to train myself before I was a Wonderbolt. I shuddered at that thought.

I stood back up after a few more minutes of thought and opened my wings. I lifted up off of the ground and just began to fly around the skys above the opening in the apple orchid. I was not interested in trying to fly fast, I was just flying around casually in an attempt to get my stamina back up before I try to do anything else.

I was amazed at how much progress I was making already. I had just started yesterday, and I was already capable of staying up for more than triple the time length than I could when I started.

If anything, it was kind of confusing. I understand that my wings were once one of the best pair anypony could have ever asked for, but they had diminished to a extremely poor state. What I didn't understand was how they were recovering at such an accelerated rate.

The book I brought with me did say that wing recovery is faster than working to that strength level the first time, but the rate my wings were recovering was astounding.

I continued to fly around about 17 minutes before I had to land again. I landed lightly back onto the grass that adorned the ground in the open space and sat down, breathing more laboured than usual.

I smiled to myself at this achievement, but that smile soon faded when I heard a flapping noise near by.

"Wind!? Where are you!?" I heard Dash call out as she searched the fields for me. I rolled my eyes and just continued to sit where I was as I tried to catch my breath.

I heard a *poof* noise behind me. I turned and saw that Dash had landed and was walking up to me.

"What do you want now Dash?" I asked with a sigh.

"Applejack asked me to come and find you. She says that breakfast is ready." Dash said as she sat beside me. I turned my head the other way. "Why are you all the way out here?"

"Am I not allowed to be?" I asked sarcastically with a hint of anger in my voice.

"*Sigh* Look, I sorry Wind. If you hate me so much, I don't want you to train me." she said, causing me look to her with a raised eyebrow.

"What? Just going to give up? To call it quits?" I accused.

"Its not that. I just wanted your help, and I thought that it also might be a cool way to get to know you. But if you are just going to hate me, I will just train myself. What I am trying to say is: Can you please just stop being angry at me all the time. I want us to be friends like we were going to be before I found out your secret. But even if you still want nothing to do with me... " Dash explained.

"No Dash, you're right. Its just that I had to put up with a lot of blackmail back when I was on the team, and it always made me angry. I was only angry with the fact that you did just that, I was not angry at you, just your choice. And for that, I feel as if I must also say that I am sorry." I said, with my head low.

"Wait, just like that? I know I would not have forgiven whoever blackmailed me. What makes you think differently?" she asked in confusion.

"I did think badly of you before, but after you tried to stick up for me last night, something told me that you wanted more that to just use me for what I know." I explained truthfully before looking at her with a glare. "But I am still angry that you did blackmail me."

Dash smiled weakly to me. "I'm sorry too. So how about we try again? Friend's?" she asked while sticking her hoof out. I grasped it with my own and shook it.


I let her hoof go and set mine back to the ground.

"So, I guess we should head back to AJ's." Dash said as she got up and began to walk back in the direction of Applejack's house. But I had to ask something.

"Hold on a second Dash." I said, causing her to stop and turn to face me. "I want you to fly up and show me what you can do with those wings of yours." I said with a determined look on my face.

"Why would... Wait, are you still going to train me?" she asked as she began to grow a smile on her face.

"Do friends help each other out?" I countered with a smirk.

Her grin only seemed to widen before she shot off the ground and began to pull stunts and tricks in the sky.

As she soared around, I had already spotted why she was having so much trouble at getting into the Wonderbolt's. The same reason at why anypony had trouble at getting onto the team.

Suddenly, Dash shot up further into the sky. She kept going up further and further until I could only just see her. My eyes widened in shock as she then began to fly down as fast as she could.

"Dash! Stop!" I shouted out, but my shout fell on deaf ears as she continued to shoot downwards. My fear of her killing herself soon turned to confusion as I saw a cone form around her

'Is she...' I began to think to myself, but was cut off from my thoughts as she exploded through the sound barrier, sending a rainbow shock wave outwards from where she breached the barrier. She then continued to fly down, although she left a shining rainbow trail in her wake.

She curved up from the ground and formed a rainbow outline of her cutie mark overhead before slowing right down and landing gracefully beside me with a grin on her face.

"T-that was-s..." I stuttered, unble to finish my sentence.

... Aweme, I know." she said with a cocky attitude. I shook my head and recovered from my shock.
"While you are very skilled Dash..." I began, causing her to loose her composure and look at me with sadness. "... I have already spotted why you never made it onto the Wonderbolt's. If I had to guess, I would say that you could stand a chance at making it in currently, BUT only if you go about it the right way." I said.

Dash did a double take. "What do you mean the right way?" she asked in confusion.

"Again Dash, I think that you could make it if you trained a little more. But the reason most pegasi don't make the team is because of the way they show off what they are capable of. You see, the Wonderbolt trainers don't look for stunts like you just performed. If you want to be a Wonderbolt, the best advice I can give is for you to show off the three factors of master flying. From what I saw, you have speed, that is a given. But you failed to show off any agility and endurance." I explained.

"Wait, so they don't care about stunts?" Dash asked.

"Not really, no. They look for the three factors which are Speed, Agility AND Endurance. A pony that wishes to try out must show these to successfully make it. And by what you just showed me, I only saw speed." I said.

"So that is why I never made it?" Dash asked herself.

"What is your Agility and Endurance like?" I asked. She just looked to me. "Ok, try this. Try and fly through those trees as fast as you can without hitting a single one. Fly through and grab Braeburn's hat before returning to me here. I will be hovering so I know that you wont cheat." I said as I opened my wings and began to fly up. "When you are ready Dash!" I called down to her.

She turned around and bent her front legs and raised her rear before shooting into the tree line as quick as she could.

But almost as soon as she made it in, I heard her shout out in pain as she flew into a tree, causing me to facehoof.

"Are you alright Dash!?!" I called down. But I got no response As I heard her try and get back up before trying again.

I hovered for about 14 minutes before she finally returned back to the opening. But to my confusion, she did not even have the item I requested of her.

"Alright fine, I am not as good at agility as I am at speed." she said dejectedly. I dropped down beside her and began to pull all of the sticks and leaves out of her mane and chuckle to myself as she just sat there and sulked angrily.

"Ok Dash, lets just forget agility for now and come back to it later. What is your endurance like?" I asked as I pulled the last stick free of her mane.

"I don't know. I had never really thought about it." she said as she put a hoof to her chin in thought.

"Ok then. For your next test, and this will be difficult by the way, I want you to fly to Canterlot and get me a newspaper." Her jaw dropped in shock as I said that. "Unless you cant do it."

"N-No, I can do it in like 10 second flat." Dash said with false determination.

"Thats good, because the Wonderbolt's can do it in about a minute flat. But remember Dash, its not a race. I am going to give you half an hour to do it."I said before turning and making my way for Applejack's house. "cya later Dash."

I walked away and made my way back. When I got there, I was greeted by Applebloom.

"Hiya Wind Slash. Applejack was beginning ta think that Rainbow Dash and yerself had gone and gotten lost. But... Wait, where is Rainbow?" she asked as she trotted up beside me.

"She went to go and get something, so she will be gone for a while and be back later." I said knowing that Dash most likely would not be able to complete the task I gave her.

I admit, it was pretty harsh, but I could not think of another way of testing endurance at the time.

"Well come on then, breakfast's ready." Appplebloom said before sprinting off inside the house. I followed her and found everpony already at the table eating. I sat down and began to eat as well.

And now all I had to do was wait for Dash to return.


I looked to the clock that sat upon the wall. I have been sitting in the one spot for about 1 hour, and Dash still had not come back.

And I was actually beginning to worry a bit.

"Hey, Braeburn!" I called out.

"What is it pardner?" he asked as he entered the room.

"Do you want to come for a walk with me?" I asked and he looked to me in confusion. " I sent Dash on a test and she has not yet come back. I am starting to thing something has happened." I said.

"What kind of test?" he asked as he came up beside me.

"It was an endurance test. I sent her to Canterlot and back, but she is taking a long time to do it." I explained. Braeburn just shook his head and sighed.

I got up and made for the door, only for it to be thrown open by a very tired and rather angry looking Rainbow Dash.

"Uh... Never mind Braeburn." I said before walking up to Dash and helping her back inside.

I led Dash to the couch and sat her down before flying off into the kitchen and bringing her a glass of water. She would sure as heck need it. I offered her the glass and she snatched it from my hoof and greedily began to drink the water it possesed within it. As she was drinking, she used her other hoof to pass me a...

"Seriously? You made it all the way to Canterlot and got me a newspaper?" I asked.

"Isn't that what you wanted me to do?" she asked.

"Well, I honestly didn't think that you would make it." I said truthfully. "But you have proved me wrong, thats for sure."

"I had to stop for breaks. now I know why you said it was not a race." she said dejectedly.

"*Sigh* Let me guess, you tried to do it as fast as you could, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She just nodded. "Well, at least you have determination. That will come in handy."

Dash laughed dryly, as if she was beginning to have doubts in her own abilities, which told me that she was having second thoughts.

"Hey, Dash. Don't worry about it. I admit that I should not have given you such a difficult challenge to start with. All we need to do is work on it and you should be fine... No, better than fine. The best." I said as I placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"I don't know Wind. Am I really cut out for being a Wonderbolt?" she asked.

"Dash, listen to me very carefully. I have seen what you can do, and I have to say that your chances of getting in are more than probable. To tell you the truth, you are already so much better than I was when I got onto the team. With my help, you can touch up that little bit that you need and I am sure that you will be better than the best." I said as encouragingly as I could.

"You really think so?" she asked as she looked up to me, a flick of her lip that threatened to turn into a smile at any moment.

I closed my eyes and nodded. What happened next made me freeze in shock.

I opened my eyes and found Dash latching onto me with her forehooves in a tight, warm, fuzzy... 'Stop that Wind Slash! Its just a damn hug!' I shouted at myself.

"Uh... D-Dash?" I asked in confusion.

"That you Wind. Many ponies keep telling me that I would never make it onto the Wonderbolt's, that I shouldn't even try." Dash sobbed into my shoulder.

I looked around and found that we were alone in the room. 'Good thing too. Dash here has a strong personality, and she probably would not like to be seen like this.' I thought to myself.

"Its ok Dash. With Celestia as my witness, I promise that you WILL make it, and then you can show those losers who's boss." I said as I began to return the embrace. She snuggled her head into my chest and let out a sigh.

'Remember Wind Slash, this is a friend help friend situation, nothing more.' I told myself as feeling I had not felt in a long time began to re-surface.

But with those feelings came bad memories.

"Are you aright Wind?" I came back to reality to see Dash was looking at me with a concerned look.

"Yeah sure. Why?" I asked.

"You have tears in your eyes." she said, causing me to let go of her and pull away before rubbing my eyes with a forehoof.

"I'm fine." I tried to counter, but I could see she was not so easily fooled.

"Don't do this Wind. You helped me, so let me help you." she said as she tried to come close to me again, but I just backed away further.

"Thanks Dash, but I just need some time to figure out my thoughts." I said as I looked away and got up. "I will continue to train you later today." I said as I began to walk away.I needed some time to think, and to do that, I needed to be alone.

I walked around the farm aimlessly, just walking as I tried to clear my head from thoughts that I barely understood.

I considered Dash to be my friend, but sometimes friendships could grow to further heights. My head told me that, it time, and if I worked on it, Dash and I could become more. But every time I thought about the possibility of it, my heart wrenched in agony as my mind flooded of that night I was cheated on by my ex.

'I can't do it. If Dash and I are friends, we cannot go any further than that. I have to friend zone Dash, even if she will end up wanting to be more.' I told myself sadly. I was not going to take a risk of having past experiences repeat themselves. I didn't think I could go through that pain again.

'And besides, maybe I wont have to go through the trouble. Maybe she won't want our friendship to go any further than just friends.' I told myself. I felt a bit relieved as I did.

With that thought, in my head, I made my way back to the opening where I keep going to train. 'Maybe training myself will help me think about something else.'

I made it to the opening and instantly began to stretch my wings. I forgot to do this earlier, but it doesn't really matter now.

I stretched my wings as much as I could before lifting off the ground and hovering. I was rushing myself, but thats because my mind was plagued by memories of my past.

Memories of, happiness, of greatness, romance, passion... And pain. So much pain and hurt. If I was to say something about myself, it would be that I am damaged emotionally.

'What did I do wrong?' I asked myself. 'There must have been a reason why she felt that I was not good enough. That my own brother was a suitable replacement.'

I began to fly faster, not even aware of myself doing so.

'How would he have even told me? "Hey Wind Slash, guess what? Your marefriend thinks your pathetic and now I'm banging her. HAHAHA." I should have seen it coming I guess. Everypony always said that he was faster, more skilled, smarter and even better looking! Even my marefriend that I had been with for 6 years!' I shouted in my head as I continued my mental struggle.

My wings were burning as I flew faster and faster, but that did not stop me. I could feel anger flooding my veins and making me see red.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH YOU PIECE OF SHIT SOARIN!!!" I shouted as loud as I could before blasting through the sound barrier myself much like Dash had earlier.

But it did not last.

Almost straight after I broke through the sound barrier, my wings cramped so hard that the felt like they simultaneously combusted into rageing infernos. I then began to plummet back to the ground, my eyesight going darker as I did.

The last thing I saw was a rainbow blur shooting straight at me. My vision went black and I passed out, not expecting to survive.

'I'm sorry.'

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the soft lips that were once touching mine give one last soft kiss before slowly pulling away. My eyes were greeted by an alluring pair of brow eyes that were staring straight into mine, practically radiating emotion from them.

"That was amazing Wind. We really need to do that more often." said the owner of those beautiful eyes that were so close to mine.

"Yeah babe, it was good wasn't it?" I asked as I thought over the events that happened just beforehand as I lay down on my back while my marefriend snuggled up beside me while resting her head on my chest. We lay there for about 20 minutes, just enjoying the aftermath of our make out session, but that soon came to an end as my love sat up.

"This sucks you know. I wish I didn't have to go to Cloudsdale for this show. I just want to stay here with you." she said as she began to stoke my chest with a forehoof.

"Yeah well, Soarin will need your help with the show. You know what he's like with legal part of being a Wonderbolt." I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah but, It's just that you are not going to be there with me. Solo performances always make me nervous and most of the time, you are there to help me calm down." she said with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Hey," I said as I gently moved her head to face me with a forehoof. "I can guarantee that you will do fine, even without me. Thats why you are who you are. You made it as a Wonderbolt without me, so I am sure that you don't need me when you are Captain." I said as encouragingly as I could.

"I know. Its just that..." *KNOCK* *KNOCK* "... Oh for peat sake!" My marefriend exclaimed in frustration.

"Don't worry, I'll get it" I said as I got up, laughing a bit at her frustration. I made my out of our bedroom, down the stairs and to the front door.


"Calm down! I'm coming!" I called out to the impatient pony that was on the other side of the front door. When I opened the door, I was greeted by my brother Soarin.

"Oh, hey bro. What happening?" he asked as he made his way past me and into the living room.

"Hi... So, why are you here?" I asked as I slowly closed the door and turned to face him.

"Come on little bro. You know that I have a show in Canterlot tomorrow night and that the Captain and I are needed there by tonight." he said as he sat on the couch and began to look around.

"Yeah, but why are you here?" I asked again, emphasizing on the word 'here'.

"What, am I not allowed to come and visit?" he asked, but I just continued to look at him with a bored expression. "Alright fine! We are going together." he admitted.

Something began to nag at the back of my mind, but I ignored it and shook my head before I made my way upstairs.

"Hey beautiful. Your annoying flying partner is down stairs, waiting for you." I said as I stuck my head back into our bedroom.

"Sigh, I guess I should get going then." my marefriend said as she got up and picked up her saddlebags before throwing them onto her back. She walked up to me and gave me a kiss, a kiss that I returned in full before parting again. "Wish me luck Wind." I placed my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes lovingly.

"Good luck... Spitfire. I love you."


My senses slowly returned to me as I returned back into the land of consciousness, tears filling my eyes as memories of the past came back to me. That dream was the day before my love had to leave for Cloudsdale before... I shook my head to try and clear my thought of these memories, but I was unsuccessful. My mind went back to that night where I found her with my brother.

"Why? Why would they just turn their backs to me like that? What did I do wrong?" I asked myself out loud as I began to break down into an emotional wreck. Last time I was in that state was about three years ago. It was hearts and hooves day, and seeing all of the couples together forced my mind to remember all that I used to do with the one I used to love, and all the fun we used to have together.

So there I was, reverting back to a emotionally weak pony as my mind flooded with sorrow and pain again. I curled up into a ball as best as I could and just let my emotions out, not caring if anypony could hear me. I had lost the only things in my life that were good to me, and I was really hurt about it, So I just began to cry. I kept crying for a few minutes, but I was brought out of my sad state when I felt a hoof brush through my mane.

I opened my eyes and looked around with blurry vision. I blinked a few times to clear my sight before seeing Dash sitting beside me with a sorrowful smile on me face. I sat up onto my haunches, but as soon as I did, Dash wrapped her forehooves around me and pulled me into her chest. She hugged me for a moment, but to her confusion and dismay, I pushed her off of me gently and smiled to her.

"Hey Dash, whats up?" I asked as I tried to brush of her concern. She tilted her head and gave me a scolding look, but I ignored it and looked away before climbing out of the bed I was in that seemed to be in... a... cloud? "Hey Dash, where am I?"

"You're in my house." she stated, causing me to look at her with my head tilted. "I live in a cloud house that floats above Ponyville. I brought you here after I caught you falling out of the sky yesterday. Now, are you ok?" she asked as she placed a hoof on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked trying to avoid the truth. But I could see in Dash's eyes that she wasn't buying it. I decided to look away before her expression broke me and proceeded to get up from the cloud bed I was on.

"Seriously Wind. Yesterday you broke the sound barrier while shouting out against Soarin's name before..." Dash began, but I cut her off.

"Don't say his name!" I snapped, causing her to take a step back. I shook my head before talking again. "Sorry Dash. I didn't mean to snap like that. But really do not wish to hear that name again for a long, long time." I said as I smiled apologetically to Dash.

Dash did not say anything back, instead she just turned her head.

"Look Dashie, I'm just not ready to talk about my brother or my Ex. Don't worry about me, I have gone the past 4 years without breaking, so I will be fine. Trust me." I said quietly as I placed a hoof on Dash's shoulder.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt like I found you just before. I only just got you as a friend, and I don't want you to go again." she said sadly.

I smiled and pulled her into a hug while closing my eyes. She brought her head up and rested it on my shoulder. I smiled to myself as I hugged her. It was nice to be able to be this close to another after 4 years. We hugged for a few minute before slowly parting from each others embrace.

When I opened my eyes, I almost had a heart attack as Spitfire was in the place that Dash should have been in before slowly fading away back into the cyan fur and rainbow mane that should have been. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized that Spitfire was not really there with me, but it was only my stupid brain reminding me to what I was used to last time I felt the soft touch of another in my hooves.

Dash however did notice my somewhat freaked out expression and looked to me with a concerned look again.

"Whenever you are ready to talk Wind, I will be there for you." Dash said as she moved beside me and leaned against me. I felt my face go a bit red, but I ignored it.

"Thanks Dash." I said as I wrapped a forehoof around her and pulled her closer. "It feels good to know that I have more than one friend."

Dash let out a content sigh as she snuggled her head into my neck. I had to concentrate just to not make the situation awkward for us both.

After about 2 minutes of Dash with her head buried into my neck, we had both managed to lay back on Dash's bed and were just relaxing, talking about Dash's feats and just enjoying each others company in general.

I was lying on my back and Dash was snuggled right up under my left wing which was draped around her. I smiled, but then was soon hit with a thought. 'How the hay did I manage to get into this position?' I asked myself as Dash let out a rather cute yawn.

Dash carefully draped her forehoof over my chest and lazily closed her eyes. A moment later, I could hear soft snores coming from her as she had fallen into a peaceful slumber.

'Oh no.'

I cursed myself repeatedly as I tried to think of a way to get up without disturbing Dash, but every time I thought of a possible solution, I remembered that Dash was still lying on my wing, and there was no way I could move it without moving Dash first.

I let out a sigh as I gave up on try to move before I turned my gaze to the sleeping mare that was holding me tight. I had to admit, she did look quite cute as...

'No wind! She is a friend and I made a promise to myself that I would not let our friendship grow further than that.' I warned myself in my head as I forced my gaze away.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. I was unable to do anything else, so maybe sleep would just be all I can do.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I slowly awoke again, but to the feeling of somepony softly playing with my mane. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a big pair of purple eyes. Dash was smiling as she brushed my mane out of my face.

"Hey Dash, What are you doing?" I asked as she continued to play with my mane.

"Why did you dye your mane black? It would look so much better with your natural colour." Dash said.

"I was afraid somepony would recognize me with my natural mane colour, so I dyed it before I came to Ponyville." I explained while trying to sink my into the pillow. Dash just smiled at my nervousness before getting up.

"Come on Wind. You have been in bed all day, and its almost time of dinner." Dash said. I was about to protest, but my stomach rumbled loudly.

"Alright fine." I said as I too pushed myself up from Dash's super soft cloud bed and to my hooves. "What are we going to do for dinner?"

"W-well, I don't really cook. So I guess that I only really offer you some apples... or carrots..." Dash said trailing off and looking away.

I smiled while shaking my head. "Alright Dash, I'll make you a deal. Come with me to the Apple's farm and I'll get my Bit pouch. Once we have that, I'll take you out to dinner." I offered.

Dash looked to me with an excited grin before nodding her head.

We both made our way outside of Dash's cloud house and spread our wings to begin our flight to Applejack's farm. The flight itself was short, and I was soon standing outside of the front door of the Apple's home.

I knocked on the door thrice and waited. I heard what sounded like hoofsteps making their way to the door. The door opened to reveal a very confused looking Applebloom.

"WIND SLASH!!!" She exclaimed loudly before leaping out at me and tackling me to the ground.

"Hey Applebloom." I said as I ruffled her mane a bit. she soon got off me while Braeburn and Applejack appeared in the doorway.

"Now just where in tha hay heve ya been all day!?" Braeburn asked in a angry and somewhat concerned tone.

"I'm sorry boss, but I had a little accident yesterday and ended up hurting my wings. Dash here not only saved me, but she helped me recover. To thank her for her efforts, I am taking her to dinner." I explained.

Both Braeburn and Applejack pulled their heads back in confusion.

"So, ya are only here ta get ya Bit's before ya'll going back into town?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, and I am also sorry about not giving you a heads up earlier. I didn't mean to make you both worry." I said as I placed a forehoof over my chest.

"Ah, don't sweat it pardner." Applejack said before turning and going back inside, soon followed by Braeburn.

I followed them inside as well, but I went upstairs and into the guest room to fetch my money. But instead of grabbing just my Bit pouch, I got lazy and just picked up my saddlebags. I walked back outside and saw Dash waiting for me.

"You ready Dash?" I asked, but I only got a rapid nod in response. We both took off and flew in the direction of Poyville and landed just outside of the town.

"So, where are we going?" Dash asked as we began to walk into the town.

"I don't know. I was hopeing that you could name a place. I'm still not familiar with this town yet." I said.

"Yeah, I don't really know restaurant, but I think there is a place in that direction." Dash said while pointing a hoof to her right.

"Alright, lets go."

We soon arrived outside of the building that Dash was talking about. 'The Prancing Pony?' I asked myself in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders and we both entered the restaurant.

We walked up to the counter and waited for somepony to serve us. I took a glance into the seating area, and saw that the place had hardly any ponies inside.

"Hello, can I help you?" I turned my attention back to the counter and saw a waiter there.

"Uh, yes please. A table for two." I asked.

"Sure, follow me."

Dash and I followed the waiter into the seating area and ended up being seated at the table nearest to the salad bar. I set my saddlebags beside my chair and sat down.

"Can I take your order?" the waiter asked. I looked over the menu for a moment before answering.

"Can I please have a Blt sandwich with an apple pie for desert?" I asked.

"Anything to drink sir?"

"Just a pitcher of water and a glass thanks." I said as I concluded my order.

The waiter turned to Dash and asked for her order. I did not hear what she asked for because I began to look around the restaurant in confusion.

Dash and I were the only customers here. I turned back to Dash, and she look just as confused as I did.

"Why is this place so empty?" Dash asked, not me, but to herself quietly. We both shook of our feelings of confusion and looked to each other.

"So, Dash. How is it that you became an Element of Harmony?" I asked, causing Dash to almost choke.

"How do you know?" she asked in a slight worried tone.

"Twilight told me that her and her friends, meaning you, saved Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon." I said.

Dash spent the next minute or two going over the events that led her to become the Element of Loyalty. She even described what happened when they first used the Element's. She seemed quite proud of herself and her friends.

"Then the giant rainbow coloured beam shot down at Nightmare Moon and began to circle her rapidly before a giant white light engulfed the room. When we were able to see again, Nightmare Moon was no more, but Princess Luna was there instead." Dash explained.

"Sounds like powerful magic to come from and artifact." I said with a hoof on my chin. I was not thinking, I was just enjoying Dash's company.

The waiter came back into the seating area of the restaurant, levitating a tray beside his head. He walked up to our table and placed our respective meals in front of us. Dash had gotten some sort of soup, but I didn't question it.

"Thank you." I said as the waiter bowed his head and backed away. I picked up my sandwich and took a bite.

"Sweet Celestia this is good." I said as I began to eat the rest of the sandwich rapidly. When I finished my sandwich, my eyes snapped onto the apple pie.

"Hey, just like..." Dash began, but stopped when I looked at her. "...l-like AJ makes. Y-yeah." she finished nervously.

I knew what she was going to say originally. Soarin had always been known for liking apple pies.

After dinner was done, Dash and I spent the next few hours conversing. Just talking about our lives and relating to each other. Aside from Dash's bloated ego, she was actually a very relateable mare.

"I am sorry you two, but we need to close up now." Dash and I were brought out of our conversation about flight patterns and tactics by the same waiter that had served us. I looked at the clock on the wall behind the counter and my eyes widened greatly.

It was 10:00 P.M. so Dash and I had been talking for about 4 hours straight.

"Uh, sorry." I apologized as I pulled my Bit pouch from my saddlebags. "How much do I owe you?"

"Your total comes to 10 Bits." the waiter informed. I pulled out 20 nd passed them to him. "Thank you sir."

I nodded before Dash and I turned to leave. We left the restaurant and took flight back to Dash's house. It was only right that I fly her home after all. We landed outside of Dash's house and she walked inside.

"Well Dash, I guess I'll see you next time." I said as I turned and began to walk away.

"Wait! Don't you want to come in?" She pleaded.

"I'm sorry Dash, But I have to go back and help Applejack on the farm tomorrow. So I really need my sleep." I said.

"But... you can sleep here. I will even come with you tomorrow and also help out." I thought about her offer for a moment. I guess that there is no harm in waking up early and flying back to the farm in the morning.

"Alright Dash, but we have to get up early." I warned before facing her again and entering her house again.

Dash closed the door behind me and we walked back to the bedroom, but I was them hit with a thought.

"So, Dash. Where should I sleep?" I asked. But instead of getting a response, Dash gestured to her room. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Come on already." Dash said as she walked into her room and jumped up onto her bed. I felt a weird tingle go down my spine, but I ignored it and entered the room and walked up to the bed.

Dash patted the space beside her. I gulped and dropped my saddlebags before slowly sliding into the bed next to her. Before I was even able to get comfortable however, Dash had managed to get herself pretty much into the same position as earlier, but this time, she had her head resting on my chest along with the forehoof.

"Good night Wind." she said sleepily before letting out another cute yawn and closing her eyes. Within moment, I was able to hear her soft snores again.

"Good night Dashie." I said quietly before closing my own eyes and drifting off to sleep.