Refusing To Wither

by Tentacruel

First published

After years of work Wave finally manages to get a meeting with the Council of Magicians to redeem his family, and claim their rightful place in the council. But soon Wave learns that things may not go as they planned.

After years of work Wave finally manages to get a meeting with the Council of Magicians to redeem his family, and claim their rightful place in the council.
But soon Wave learns that things may not go as they planned.


This story has been pre-read by DVAN56!

This is my first story in this site, be gentle. Other than that I'm open to your constructive criticism.


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Swift footsteps echoed throughout the well-lit hallway, as the tall windows brought in the bright rays of the sun’s light. The man started to walk faster as he had no intention of wasting his or other peoples time. He was also being followed by a shorter man that kept asking questions non-stop, and he was starting to get annoying.

“Could you at least tell me your name, kind sir?” The short man spoke. His voice had a tone that reminded him of a rat.

‘’Wave,’’ he simply answered. ‘’

“That’s a … nice name. May I ask, where are you going sir?’’ The short man asked again.

That answer was simple. Wave stopped dead in his tracks and turned around for him to get a good look on his face. He locked eyes with the small man. “None of your business, Leech.” He answered, letting the last word sink into the man’s mind. Wave left the man standing there as he opened the doors and walked in as the two guards reached for the large doors handles.

There are some things in the world that are sacred and divine for a person. For some, it’s a weapon. For some it’s the ones they hold dear. For some they are words. The Grimrose family holds such a thing divine, their names. In a world of magic where words and names hold power, some refuse to reveal their true name, the Grimrose family was one of them.

The Grimrose family walks through the realm with multiple names. Their real name is given to them by the Archmage of the family. Not even the mother can know her child’s real name. It is believed that the true name of the person can be used in rituals and spells that may destroy one’s life. Every Grimrose knew to protect their name. The word ‘’Wave’’ was such a protection.

Wave was just a name he created. A mask he used to shield himself when he was a child. The same mask he now wore when he would walk into The Great Chamber.

Wave now stood before a simple mirror, in a not-so simple Council of Magicians. He had to go out there and show them what he really meant, what he wanted. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He needed a small boost of confidence, but sadly there was no one other than him that could provide that.

He looked into his own ice blue eyes from the mirror. He inspected his face, something he had not done for a long time. His face showed no sign of emotion. His hair still had dark grey patches alongside his usual black. Two large scars showed themselves through his freshly shaved face. One of them went through his right brow, just missing his eye. The other one was a lot bigger. It started at his left cheek, right above the lips. It went through his lips and passed his chin. The scar ended halfway through his neck. He could still feel the pain when he gazed upon the large scar.

He had thought of covering the scars with a simple spell, but he knew they would know if he used any magic. The thought of being taken away from the court after all he had done to get here made him cringe. He thought of all the people who helped him, all the time he spent, all the chances he wasted. He couldn’t let this one slip away. He looked into his own eyes one more time. They were full of confidence and determination. He left for his goal as he talked to himself in his head. He wouldn’t give up so easily.

Wave examined the hall as he sat down on a nearby bench, he had arrived earlier than he expected. It was a mood-killer after his rush and the mirror, but at least in the meantime he could take his time to relax and calm down.

The hall was large and richly decorated. The colors of crimson and gold flowed throughout the walls and the floor. The lighting was made with magical flames of gold. Although the sun was enough to lit the hall through the large windows, the flames gave the place a regal ambiance.

He looked around to spot the two guards standing by the gate staring at him. They probably wondered why he was here or why he was even allowed to be here.

Wave smirked beneath his hood. He could tell from the sounds of footsteps that the council would begin soon enough.

The overwhelming wall of noise became stronger as the gates that led to the hall opened. People with different colored robes began coming in the hall. Wave inspected them from his position. All the people gathered around were different. But they all had a common point.

They had power.

They had the power to change the empire. They had the power to influence the realm. They had the power to destroy and aid others. But he knew that none of the people were fully aware of what they could do. He was aware that they didn’t use all of their powers. They didn’t have any intention on do so. They were members of a council, yet they didn’t take much action. They were happy about how things went for them. They didn’t care about anybody else.

Suddenly, Wave was filled with disgust. He could read their personalities by how they moved, how they talked. They all had that arrogant way of speaking. They moved as if they were royalty, as if they were higher than the others.

Suddenly his vision was blocked by someone. He looked up from his position to see a young girl with mint-green hair that had white strands through it. “May I?” she gestured. Her robes were the same color as her hair. Wave simply nodded, letting the girl sit next to him.

The girl was different than the others. She didn’t have the same way of speaking or moving. Wave looked at her one more time out of curiosity just to see two amber eyes doing the same. Wave couldn’t help but chuckle. The girl moved her eyes away quickly.

Was she embarrassed?

Wave extended his hand to her. “The name is Wave. May I have yours m’lady?” Wave spoke to the young girl. Now that she was facing him Wave got a good look upon her face. She looked about twenty-five years old. Her face was beautiful, untouched by the darkness of this world. She looked pure.

“It’s Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings,” she answered as Wave gently kissed her hand. Wave saw the girl blush as he let go of her hand.

She was embarrassed.

Considering how young she is compared to the others, it was only normal that she wouldn’t be used to this kind of treatment. “Forgive my behavior if it makes you uncomfortable m’lady,” Wave said to the young girl.

Her answer came with a warm smile. “Oh! It’s not a problem,” the girl answered.

They sat in silence as the others around them slowly moved to the door of the court. Wave looked around as the mix of colors moved close to the doors. There were others with the same robes as the girl next to him.

“I must ask, what is your business here sir? It’s the first time I’ve seen robes with that colors,” Lyra asked.

Wave felt saddened. To know that no one knew the robes his family wore in the past. To know that no one remembered the people that walked among these halls. To know that the only thing everyone remembered was the man who made the family rise to the peak, just to drop them down. The only thing they remembered was a simple name, a name that was far from being forgotten. Sombra was the only thing they remembered. Sombra was the only thing they knew.

“That m’lady, is a matter that I can only reveal inside the council,” Wave answered as he got up and walked to the doors.

He clenched his fist as he held back an urge to yell. To yell and let them know what he and his family endured. To let them know that the Grimrose family wasn’t just Sombra.