The Pony Scrolls

by Whiskey Drops

First published

What happenes when Lowell buys a gaming system and a four player game, stuff will ensue and adventures to be had!

Lowell, Applejack, Lighting Storm and Rainbow Dash have a weekend of gaming fun, The Celestial Scrolls Skyhoof.
Will the hero's band together and fight evil, or just mill around making random buck ups. This is a parody of gaming of two games The Elder Scrolls Online and Skyrim mashed together.

A Fine Start

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~~~~~~A Fine Start~~~~~

Lowell was ducked behind their T.V in the living room plugging in some wires for the gaming system he bought just recently with a game that is up to four players, The Celestial Scrolls Skyhoof.

“ tha point of sugarcube?” Applejack asked looked at the case tilting her stetson back some.

“Well, Its four players and I invited Lighting and Rainbow to come and play with us! Beside It will be fun, I'm awesome at games!” Lowell proudly said with a grin as Applejack smirked a bit.

“If ya say so sugarcube.” Applejack said as she sat on the sofa.

The timing was perfect foals were gone for the weekend the four could have a fun weekend of Co-op on the game, there was a knock at the door as Lowell went to answer it. Lighting Storm, and Rainbow Dash stood at the door.

“Ya guys ready for gaming night?”Lowell asked with a large grin.

“Heck yeah!” RD answered as she chuckled and smiled grinned determinedly .

“I never really played video games as a kid.”Lightning muttered as she kind of just shrugged.

Lowell closed the door behind them and looked at Lighting.

“Me gosh well that's changing tonight! We are gonna play The Celestial Scrolls Skyhoof!" Lowell said with a smirk.

Applejack was just looking at the controller weirdly as if it was an alien object.

“Aww that game is awesome!” Rainbow said as she turned to him.

“And I thought Skate 3 was difficult....Buck this is going to be a living hell.” Lighting mimbled as her eyes went all derpy for a second as she prodded the controller.

“Don't worry, I'm sure me and Rainbow can look out fer ya!” Lowell assured as he sat beside Applejack.

“Ya'll better...Ah don't know the first thing about games.” Applejack grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"How will we know what we are yet? Like, who's going to be an archer or a knight or a guard or whatever." Rainbow asked as she and Lightning sat down, and turned to Lowell.

"Easy, just level your hero in that way! I'm gonna be an assassin!"Lowell said with a smile as he turned on the gaming system and started up the game.

"Ah'll...just be a knight or somethin..." Applejack muttered as she watched the screen.

~~~~~ Game starts~~~~

The game starts as the world loaded around them with them sitting in the back of a cart being pulled, Lowell was sitting there with an eye patch over his left eye, wearing something that only had a leather strap that went over his torso and some sort of furred pants. Applejack had some leather Armour suit minus the helmet. Lightning was wearing some sort of dark green hooded outfit and Rainbow Dash was wearing chain armour from her chest down.

“Sweeeet. “Lowell said as he looked at the others who were inspecting their selves.

Lowell why ain't ya wearnin a shirt?” Applejack asked as she looked at him.

“Two reasons Jackie one Imma sexy pegasi! And well my class is a very light so I can't wear heavy things like you.” Lowell answered with a grin as Applejack only rolled her eyes,

The cart slowly made its way along an old dirt path slowly to a village.

“Lighting, your an archer...Oh this is going to be hilarious..” Rainbow said as she snickered.

“Well at least I'm not a walking piece of metal..” Lighting retorted with a smirk as Rainbow grumbled.

Lowell and Applejack climbed off of the cart as he pulled out his to daggers twirling them.

“Aww yea!” Lowell said with a grin as Applejack only looked around at the village which seemed to pay them no mind.


Lighting placed and arrow in her bow and accidentally shot it at a random villager.

“Oops!” Lighting said as she winced at her actions.

“Oh Celestia guards help!!” The pony cried with the arrow sticking of their arm.

“Why'd you do that...?!”Rainbow said as she just looked at Lighting and blinked


Lowell smirked as he placed bowl over a pony's head as they ignored it.

“Uh..Lowell won't that annoy them?” Applejack asked as she tilted her head.

“Nah, that's one of the things love of this game!” Lowell said as he chuckled while Applejack watched the pony do nothing about the bowl.


“This is so much easier in the game...”Rainbow chuckled lightly and started to pickpocket some of the villagers.

LS just rolled her eyes as there was a guard standing behind Lighting with its weapon drawn.

"You there!" The guard shouted as Lighting jumped turning towards the guard.


“Alright Jackie, the ponies in this game only react to some if a fight breaks out they run....if a dragon attacks they run, if ya steal something the guards attack or pursue ya.” Lowell explained as Applejack looked at Lowell.

“Well, looks like those two are gettin in some trouble already.” Applejack groaned as she looked over at the other to pegasi.


“Uh.. Yes sir...?” Lighting asked as she looked up at him.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and moves Linighting aside.

“I got this...”Rainbow said as she turned to the guard and punched him in between the eyes.

“RUNNN!” Rainbow shouted


“Oh boy....well atleast they will only be after them...not us.....OH HEY LOOKIE .” Lowell exclaimed as he walked over to a chicken.

“Its a chicken suragcube.....we got them on the farm....”Applejack muttered as she watched her husband.


Three more guards come from a building giving chase to the two pegasi.

Rainbow grabbed Lighting, and, Aj and, Lowell and dragged them on into an ally as the guard ran by.

“Thank Celestia there A.I is pathetic...” Rainbow muttered as she relaxed/

“Well, I expected them to find us....” Lowell muttered as he was petting the chicken.

“Now why in the hay are ya'll gettin trouble Ah barely know how to move around!”Applejack spat out as she scrunched her nose some.

“You think you have at it bad! I already killed an innocent person not even 5 minutes into the game!” Lighting said seeming a bit worried as she looked over at Applejack.

“Guys! This chicken just laid an egg!” Lowell said rather excitedly as he grinned holding up the egg.

Applejack only rolled her eyes and grumbled a bit.

“Put the chicken down and find out what our first quest is would you?” Rainbow asked as she just looked at him.

“Fiiiine!” Lowell said as he puffed his cheeks as he pulled out his map.


AJ followed after the chicken as it left the alleyway only to be snatched up by a timber wolf that ran by.

“What tartnation!?” Applejack yelled being dragged off by the wolf.

“I got this guys!”Lighting said as she ran in front of the timber wolf and shot an arrow into one of it's eyes, making it howl in pain and drop Applejack.

“Yes! Score: 1 LS 0 timberwolf! Woo!” Lighting exclaimed as she threw her arms up.


“Well, we are in Muddy Hooves which is an earth pony town...and well our first quest is the one right here......across the map into the main city of the unicorns....Regal Castle's.”Lowell muttered pointing on the map.


“Thanks a bunch fer that sugarcube!”Applejack said as she slowly got up.

“You okay Applejack?” Lightning asked as she walked over.


“I thought across the map was Clipped Wings...Lemme see that.” Rainbow muttered asshe took the map and facepalmed.

“You had the map upside, featherbrain...” Rainbow scowled as he puffed his cheeks and stuck his tongue out at her.


“Ah'm fine ah think.......not sure how to tell...”Applejack muttered as she looked around some.

“I think I have to hold down A... “Lighting said as she somehow took out a medical kit and bandaged Applejack's arm.

“Okay then.. Seems your arm was injured ... I think..” Lighting said as she tilted her head some.


“I'll slap you.” Rainbow growled rolled her eyes and glared.

“Fine ya keep the map!......” Lowell muttered as he looked at the egg he still had.


“Well thank ya kindly sugarcube.” Applejack cheerfully said as she smiled at Lighting.

“No problem!” Lighting said as she smiled in return and took the arrow out of the knocked out Timberwolf.

“Fine I will!” Rainbow yelled as she snatched the map and stuck her tongue out at him.

Lowell only grinned deviously as he tossed the egg at the mare.


“Seems life like...” Applejack muttered as she tilted her head as she looked over at some fillies playing.


“Do you wanna half to buy new hidden blades?” Rainbow chided as her wings flared up warningly.


“Graphics and such... I don't play videos games so don't ask me...” Lightning answered as she shrugged.


“Ya can't take them from my inventory though?” Lowell said as he tilted his head some.


“Ah'm still gettin use to this..”Applejack said as she took a step forward.


“I know a moved where I could break them, you want to see it?” Rainbow muttered grinned evilly as she grabbed his wrists.


Lighting went to take a step but tumbled over and fell on her stomach and groaned.


“........ We can't duel yet though...we ain't passed level 5.....”Lowell said becoming a bit worried.


“The hay?” Applejack said as she walked up to a barrel which was half way sticking out of the ground .

“Uh... I won't ask...” Lighting said as she just got up and walked over.


“That's in the prequel to this game, in this one we can duel anytime!” Rainbow said as her devious grin grew as she squeezed his wrists.

“Buuuuuck...........come on dun break 'em they are my only weapons Rainbow!” Lowell whined as he wiggled a bit in her grasp.


Applejack touched the barrel as it just launched straight up into the air.

“What the hay!” Lighting exclaimed leaped behind Applejack who was looking straight up.


“At least you HAVE a weapon.” Rainbow muttered as she rolled her eyes and dropped his wrists.

“Well I can--” The barrel landed on top of him as he stood there with the barrel over him.


“Where did it go?” Applejack asked still looking straight up.

“What did you do?!” Lighting yelled as she looked at Applejack crazily.


“This game man..” Rainbow muttered as she held back her laughter as she rolled the barrel off of him.


“Ah don't know!” Applejack answered seeming bewildered.


“Mannn...buck glitches... “ Lowell groaned as he laid there.


“WITCH!!” Lighting exclaimed as she lightly slapped Applejack's arm.

“Ah ain't no witch! Ah'm a knight!” Applejack answered as she glared at Lighting.

“How do you know?! The game never told us! I don't even know what RD is!” Lighting said hysterically waving her arms around.

“What in Celestia's name are ya goin on about?” Applejack asked as she backed away some.

“I... I don't even know anymore...” Lighting mumbled as she stood there with her eye twitching.

Applejack scratched the back of her head some watching the mare.

~~~~ Game Paused~~~~~