> Dragon's Reign > by Vladimir > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Mirrors and Ponies.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A boy at the age of 17 years of age, sits upon a broken brick wall looking over the scarred city he once called home. This boy however was not normal, his right hand was covered in scales, and spikes, signifying that he was no longer human. In the distance he can see flashed of light and the sound of soft explosions greet his ears. He wears a blackish grey trench coat, grey pants which had blood stains and tears in them, black steel toed boots and a blood red shirt. Upon his back is a sword and an assault rifle. His black hair was swept back by his gloved hand. "Damn it, if only there was a warning...maybe this place would still be around.." The boy said solemnly to himself. Thunderclouds raged up above, lighting flashing in the distance as well as pillars of deep black smoke raised towards the sky, ash laid everywhere. Behind him is the corpse corpse of a large scaly dragon, as well as a broken down helicopter on fire, the propellers missing and the pilots dead, the dragons wings were sliced and apart, it had bullet holes in it's thick scaly hide, long gashes on it's chest and muzzle. He sighed and looked down at his other hand, he had a mask of shame on his face, for his had a long patch of obsidian black scales traveling from he back of his hand and up his arm. A growl escaped his lips as he picked up a brick and threw it at another part of the broken building knocking down the other brick wall down, he sighed. As he began to rise a loud thunder clap sounded throughout the sky, and a shockwave sent debris and ash into the air, his coat flapped behind him as he lifted his draconic hand to cover his eyes, when he moved his hand, he saw a cloud rising in the sky, it was large and forming a mushroom. "So the decided to try that trick again huh? I would have thought after the American's tried that ad failed, the other countries would have failed. Must have been desperate." He said aloud to no one. He looked down at the street level and saw something peculiar, it looked somewhat like a mirror, but also wasn't. He had no idea how to describe it other than a mirror with strange looking people on the other side. Some of them had wins, though they were feathered, no scaly, and others had horns. Lightning flashed and a loud series of roars pierced his ears. Looking back behind him was a swarm of dragons of the normal five kinds (Fliers, Burrowers, Tankers, Fire starters and a Breeders) were heading towards the noise. His eyes widened when he saw a burrower launching itself out of the ground, the dragon that was killed behind hi, was the hive leader, and it was thought that when another dragon killed a hive leader, it's 'hive' would to go the new one, however, these dragon's looked rather hunger, and thanks to that big cloud in the distance, gave them knowledge of new prey. class burrow out from the ground. He stood and drew his rifle, aiming, he let loose a clip into a flier, but when he noticed that they all seemed to notice him, he ran towards the mirror. But as he got closer, he saw the strange people looking weirder as well as the eyes wide, either from him, or his situation. "Come on boy!" a man shouted at the him, he snarled back as a response. No one calls him boy, ever! He leapt at the mirror however once he reached it, the dragons chasing him also went for it as well, only a few managed to get in, a few of each kind, let alone the kid. They passed out from electricity and moving across dimensions, not that they knew that yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Equestria, Twilight Sparkle had been sitting in her study working on a theory on summoning life from other universe's, and seeing after peering into the realms with beings called 'Humans' and the fact that there were so many of them in multiple universes was outstanding! She decided to try and summon one with a new tom she had received from the princess after giving her the news. "Twilight are you sure that you should be doing this? Who knows what might come through!" spike cried out in a fit of terror fear. "Oh stop worrying Spike! Also, please go and gather everypony, even Princess Celestia, Luna and Discord, they might be needed to do this." Twilight said. Spike sighed and sent a letter tot e princesses as well as one to Discord explaining the situation. Spike then ran out of the Library heading all over town gathering their friends, when he returned he had Applejack and Rainbow Dash were tailing him, the two smirking at each other and talking about an iron pony rematch. Applejack wore a brown Stetson atop of her golden main, cowboy boots, deep blue denim jeans and a short sleeved T-shirt. Rainbow Dash on the other hand was wearing training sweats, sneakers and black tank top, her rainbow main going down a little bellow her shoulders between her cyan feathered wings. Soon bounced in Pinkie Pie, she wore a pink skirt, and light blue shirt while sporting yellow sneakers. Rarity came in next wearing a black dress that hugged her body (and ultimately showed off her slim figure), she bore a diamond necklace and crystal slippers on her hooves. Lastly, Fluttershy came in wearing a green long sleeved turtle neck shirt, and pale tanned pants as well as sandals. The seven friends waited for awhile waiting for the Princess's reply. An hour had passed and in a flash of light, there stood three beings, a woman with a flowing rainbow main, adorned with a long white horn and golden crown on her head, she wore a white regal dress, on her back she had large white feathered wings, and on her hooves were crystal shoes. She radiated a calmness throughout the room, she bore a motherly smile at the group. On her left was another woman, she had a flowing blue mane that depicted stars moving around in it, a crown placed on her head behind a long black horn. She wore a blue regal dress that hugged her figure, on her back she adorned large blue wings, on her hooves were what looked to be glass slippers. Next to her was a man, he was odd though, twice the size of Celestia, he wore a leather jacket, a brown undershirt, black jeans and on his feet were brown and green boots, one of his hands in his jacket pocket, on his back her had one bat one and one bird wing. On his head he bore a blue goat horn, and a tan elk antler, his eyes were red and yellow, and he adorned a fang on the right side of his mouth. "So miss Twilight Sparkle, any reason as to why you wish to bring a human here to Equestria even if they were to com here, what if they were to become our enemies, and not our allies?", Discord questioned. In truth he loved the idea of a new creature in Equestria, however after witnessing humans flying around and capable of destroying worlds, he had reason to be on guard. "Well Discord I won't be summoning a human from...THAT universe. But I have grown curious about a certain one, I remember getting a glimpse of a human universe were they were rare for some reason. And I wanted to ask one of the inhabitants about their culture." She stated. Discord nodded and leaned against the far wall. "Do you think that it'll like PARTIES!?", Pinkie chirped out happily an bubbly as usual. Twilight went to answer, but then offered a shrug. She had no idea what the human or other being would do in a situation of one of Pinkie's parties. She then looked at the tome once more, and casted the spell. "Okay everypony, lets see this universe!", she called out. A Mirror appeared in the room, all miles on their faces vanished when they saw the humans world. Death, ash, nothing was left but ruined buildings, and destroyed metal cars. Then a loud roar resonated from the mirror, Their point of view shifted towards the sky, a large dragon was attacking a helicopter, bullets spraying the creature, a boy holding a sword stabbed the dragon in the throat and shot at it's hide with an odd black bar with a handle and tube at he end. The Dragon roared in pain and anger, it's tail swung above the helicopter and slammed down onto the propeller's. The boy pulled the sword out of the creatures neck, and snarled as he shoved the blade through the bottom of it's head, through the top, the dragon stopped moving, he pulled the sword out, and got a pack from the wall of the copter. He jumped and pulled two cords, and a parachute opened up, he slowly glided down while the dragon and helicopter fell onto a building below, the pilots were killed on impact. When he landed the boy tossed he pack away, and sat on one of the broken walls, over looking the destroyed city. They watched as the boy sat on one of the broken walls. And chucked a brick. Then he looked up quickly from a thunder clap, the group saw what looked to be a mushroom cloud rising in the distance. Then the group soon heard a fit bellowing roars, the boy looked back and they saw a swarm of odd dragons, ranging from small to very large. The boy rose and shot at some of the serpents, but it had no effect, and once they saw him, he ran from the massive hoard of dragons. "Come on boy!", Discord shouted at the kid. The boy snarled, and it shook them all to the core, he bolted towards the mirror though in their point of view, to them. The kid leapt at the mirror but was followed by a few of he dragons. A crack of thunder sounded outside, the group hurried ad looked up to see massive storm clouds overhead, the winds were savage, rain poured down, lightning ad thunder flashed ad boomed. A portal opened and the boy fell through, falling down to earth, but what followed him scared them, he strange dragons were falling, all were unconscious, however, the strange dragons seemed to move closer tot he boy, curling their forelegs or wings around him and each other. Discord snapped his fingers and their descent slowed down tot a crawl, they touched the ground all of the dragons becoming closer tot he boy an each other, as if making a barrier against the ponies. Spike slowly moved towards the dragons, and did something very foolish, he poked one of the Wyverns(fliers) on the snout. It's yes flew open, revealing cold, yellow reptilian eyes. They focused on the young dragon, a low growl emanated from it and Spike shrieked loudly and hid behind Twilight. The shriek woke all of them up, and all were not happy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The boy woke up as soon as he heard the shriek, and looked around, he noticed that there were tones of dragons of all classes curled around him, all their heads directed towards a group of....humanoid equines of some sort, they had human features (though mainly the females), clothes, however they sported either wins, horns, both, or none. He looked at the dragons as they had huddled closer to him, ready to burn the group alive, he then grew confused as to why the apex predators were acting this way towards him though, and why weren't they ripping him to shreds? One of the Wyverns reared it's head back and let out a bellowing roar, fire spewed into the air, the boy knew that was a sign to leave it's nest, mate's, or prey alone, however the beings did not seem to get the hint. One of the Tanker's launched it's head at the group. "Stop...!", the boy called out, and to his surprise, it did, the other dragon's heads all turned towards him, as if waiting for another command. "Um...please do not hurt them!", much to his surprise(again), it nodded and let out a series of growls to the other dragons, who resounded by lowering their heads, but they were all still tensed. He slowly rose on shaky legs, the tail of a Fire starter class dragon wrapped itself around his waist and helped by lifting him up, he thanked the creature only for it to nod. He slowly walked around the dragons and stood before the group, his sword glinting in the light of the sun. "Hey, um, do you know where I am? Because I sure as hell don't have a bloody clue!", he said. Twilight nodded and stared at him, she noticed his eyes were off, one looked like theirs, while the other eye looked like one of a dragons. Twilight nodded her head in affirmation. "Yes, you are in the middle of Ponyville.". She stated matter-of-factly, and this confused the boy. He had never heard of such a town, but, then again he wasn't exactly in anywhere normal at the moment. Still, he had to question the name. "Pony-ville? what kind of name is that? You know what, never mind, I don't care.", the boy soon grumbled an asked what they were, who they were and who was the one that shrieked. "Well, I am a Unicorn, as is Rarity", she pointed at the woman with a purple curled up mane "Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are Pegasus", the then pointed at the women with the pink and rainbow manes, both had wings "while Applejack and Pinkie Pie are earth ponies!", she stated pointing at the cowpony, and pink ball of bounciness. "Next is Spike, my assistant/little brother! And he is a dragon!", she stated loudly, as I it was the most amazing thing in he world. The boy looked behind her and saw Spike, and laughed at Twilight. "T-That's a dragon!? Really!?", the boy howled in laughter. Spike growled slightly, to which the boy snarled back at Spike, shutting the young drake up. "Please, he is more like me than a true dragon...". He then huffed and spotted Celestia, Luna and Discord. "Who are they?", he asked. Celestia walked to the boy, and stuck out her hand. "Hello, I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, I am Alicorn. This is my sister, Princess Luna", she pointed at her younger sister. " And this is Discord, he is a Draconequus", she said pointing at the Draconequus who smirked. The boy shook Celestia's hand gently. "It is a pleasue to meet you, your majesties, and Discord. My name is Magic Wing, but you may call me Nova, Wing, or Magic for short but that's it." he stated firmly but with a grin. And then, he passed out in the arms of Celestia, the dragons rushing to towards him and the group, not with an ill intent, but out of a strange worry, for that was all he saw, before unconsciousness took hold of him, yet again. > Waking up and answers.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova awoke in a jolt, it was dark and the sun had gone down past the horizon. He scanned his surroundings and felt strangely warm. Lights flickered on and he could see that he was in a room filled with white and machines showing his vitals. He looked towards the door when h saw Celestia walk in. "Ah, I see you are awake, Nova" She said. Nova tensed up, he stared at her, flashbacks going through his mind, he began to thrash, not from anger or hate, but fear. "Calm down my dear boy, we will no hurt you..." Discord said from when he appeared behind Celestia, causing her to jump. He began to hyperventilate. Soft gentle hands were placed on his shoulders, he turned his head and saw Luna, she looked into his eyes and he felt fear leave him, in fact he calmed down completely. She smiled down at him, all he could do was blush and make an odd squeaking noise. "Well now, why dost thou blush?" Luna questioned. He was going to try and answer, until he heard the faint roar of a wyvern, he leapt from the bed grabbing Luna around the waist, he looked to his right and picked up his rifle and aimed it at the window, growling. A wyverns head showed itself out of the window, and all desire o fight left Nova, it had grown larger than normal and it's yellow eyes showing no malice as the others had. He placed the rifle onto his back, Luna still beside him a blush on her face. "W-why didst thou do that?" She questioned. "That...Is a Wyvern, a Flyer from what I will assume is my world." -Said wyvern snorted as if slightly offended- "And they are very dangerous...well, they should be." Nova walked up to the window and looked at the serpent. The wyvern looked back at him, then it's gaze went towards Luna, then back, it repeated this motion before it made a chattering noise with it's head away from them. Nova was going to look until he jumped from the collective growls from the other serpents, he looked at them all, Fire starters, Burrowers, Tankers, Wyverns, and Breeders. He stared at them all, ten for each class and he held Luna tither to himself instinctively. Celestia and Discord stayed quiet while watching. Luna looked at Nova with a raised eye brow and when he looked at her, he blushed a deep shade of red and let go. "I-I'm so sorry Princess Luna!" he stated. She blushed and waved her hand. "Tis okay fair stallion, we are not harmed." Internally she was happy to be held by a stallion after a thousand years of being stuck on the moon. "We art happy that thou is....protective over Us." Nova nodded his head, his blush going away. "Why didst thou grab us and hold us close though?" She questioned. "I uh....I am not exactly sure, I saw the wyvern and then you, so I thought of protecting you. But seeing as to how none of the serpents are attacking us...I guess I should let go?" he questioned at the end. Luna mulled it over, she enjoyed being held by this strange stallion and did not wish for him to stop doing so. "We are fine like this." She blushed when his grip tightened. Nova nodded, truth be told he found her rather attractive, and didn't want to let her go. Luna looked behind her and Nova and saw Celestia in Discord's arms, massive grins on their faces. She blushed even more and shook slightly. Nova looked at her, eyebrow raised and curious as to why she was shaking. "Is something e matter? Cold?" Luna shook her head rapidly and looked at a wall, avoiding his gaze. He shrugged it off in his mind , reasoning that she saw something that shook her up or something. He turned which startled Luna into looking at him. "Hm...? Something wrong Princess?" She shook her head looking up at him, she was a few inches shorter than him. "No, nothing is wrong, I am fine!" She all but exclaimed. Nova nodded his head, and turned to the two, he assumed they were a couple the way they were holding onto each other. Luna looked up at him while he wasn't looking, before looking away blushing. "So dear boy, what exactly are you? We haven't seen a human like you before." Discord questioned, he had gotten the feeling that he wasn't exactly a human and wanted to know if he was safe to be around. "I am not..." Nova said solemnly. "At least, not anymore...." Luna looked up at him, his tone of voice not boding with her for some reason. Why was she acting like this to him? She could only wonder so many questions with very few answers she had made herself. "What dost thou mean, you are no a human anymore?" Luna asked. They all were curious by this. She squeaked when she felt his grip around her tighten all of a sudden, his eyes narrowed at a wall. "Because I was used as a lab rat, to try and help combat the serpents. Humanity was desperate and very few were chosen for this." He sighed sadly, looking at the ground, his eyes stung with tears. "It did not help when most of them turned on the humans, they led the serpents around into...battle..." Realization hit him and looked out the window, the dragons(serpents) were doing nothing, but when they saw him the roared, almost like a cheer. He stopped and he just stared. "I...I killed their hive leader...I became the new one...the new alpha..." He sad quietly. Luna walked up to him and placed an arm on his shoulder, turning him to face her. "We are sorry to ask you his, but how were you changed, when we had looked at your test results, vitals, etc. it said you were capable of changing your body, much like were-ponies can." Nova nodded his head and sighed again. "After the first incident, we rebuild most of our old countries back up, it was nice, but our world had been scarred, most countries were not able to sustain life anymore, so there were very few countries left. America, The United Kingdom, Europe, and Canada. Those were all that was left. But then, the second incident happened, the first to go was Europe, they lasted for a while, but soon fell, then came America, Canada, and finally the United Kingdom, the place where the first incident occurred in 2002." He sat against a wall, holding his head in his hands. "They tried to bomb the serpents, which at fist worked, but soon more types started to show up from the dead countries and some from the oceans. But then they decided to make us lab rats, I was the youngest..." He stopped, he grit his teeth and shut his eyes tight, the three could see he was trying to hold tears back. Luna got n her knees beside him and gently rubbed his back, he looked up at her, his eyes filled with sorrow. "We are sorry for thine world. We will ask at a later date." Nova nodded his head, and looked down, only to blush when Luna hugged him tightly. He hugged her back feeling slightly better. The two stayed like that for a few minutes, each enjoying the company. However the silence was broken when the door opened quickly and with Twilight and her friends rushing in. Nova immediately stood up, grabbing Celestia, Discord and Luna putting himself between the three and the mane six. "Prince-...Why are you awake?" Twilight asked. Nova responded with a growl, his rifle in his hand with a finger on the trigger. Luna placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look back at her. She shook her head and looked at Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle, what is the matter?" Luna questioned, her voice show signs of annoyance for some reason. Twilight seemed to think something over, before her eyes lit up and looked at Nova. "I was hoping to conduct some experiments on him to-" she never got to finish, because Nova had grabbed her by her throat, and with excessive force slammed her into a nearby wall. "I WILL NOT BECOME AN EXPERIMENT AGAIN YOU LITTLE IECE OF-" Luna grabbed his arm, and shook her head. "Calm down Nova, she might have meant of a way to see what you are." He narrowed his eyes at Twilight, before releasing her, causing her to fall to the floor, coughing. Rainbow Dash got in his face, yelling at him. "What the hay is your problem you bucker!?" Nova snarled at her, causing her to shrink, then a wyverns head burst through the window, snapping it's jaws at Rainbow, scaring her away from him. It hissed at her and the other five. Nova patted it's head gently, calming it down. "It is alright, she was worried about her friend." It nodded and left the room. His attention was turned towards the cowering ponies. "I will not become an experiment again, and if you try anything to me..." He thrust his hand into the wall, causing it to crack, when he pulled I out however, it left a hole which cracked even more so. "I will only trust those who have given me theirs. And I can smell the six of yours fear. It was pathetic to say the least." Rainbow growled and balled her hand into a fist. Before she could do anything however, Nova had wrapped an arm around Luna's waist, neither of them seemed to notice nor minded it. Twilight looked at them before blushing. "Are you two an item now or something?" The two looked at each other and raised an eye brow. Before both blushed deep red. "No, we are no together" Luna stated. Nova nodded his head in agreement, however he felt oddly saddened by this, but shrugged it off. "Now then, why else were you coming here?" Twilight looked at Nova, she bit her lower lip and sighed. "That was the main reason besides coming to see it- err...him." She stated, Luna nodded and looked towards Celestia. They started to nod their heads every once in a while, Discord was randomly dancing on the ceiling listening to music on Nova's IPod. "Can I have that back?" Nova asked Discord. He nodded, but not before making a copy of it, and gave Nova the original one back. "Thanks..." Nova said. Discord nodded, and resumed his dancing, which made every head turn towards him. Nova simply stared at Discord, before shrugging and shaking his head. Somehow he got the feeling that this was going to be the new norm for him. Nova placed his head phones into his ears and put on some music. Discord and Nova began bobbing their heads, both listening to he same thing. The two hummed at the same moments, and the group could see similarities in them, both were more than one creature, they apparently had the same taste is music, and both seemed to be un-predictable. After an hour of doing this, Celstia and Luna became curious and asked to listen as well, the two nodded and the four ended up humming and bobbing their heads. Twilight and her friends stood there confused as to what was happening. The four soon stopped their silliness, and calmed down. "We enjoyed that song! But why were they talking about burning a city and world?" Luna questioned. The others grew curious. "I dunno to be honest, tough it does fit a lot with my world...well what was left of I that is." Nova stated, Discord, Celestia and Luna suddenly grew silent. Twilight and her friends gave the princess questioning glances, and she shook her head, telling them not t ask. A humming noise was heard coming from outside, Nova quickly grabbed Luna, Celstia, Discord and sweep kicked the main six all onto he ground, he raised his rifle. A small wyvern fluttered through the broken window, and landed in front of Nova, it chirped as he awkwardly looked around and put his arm out, it hopped and landed on his arm, before looking around like a parrot would. "*GASP!* What is that...that THING!?" Rarity exclaimed in surprise. The wyvern growled at her as it wrapped it's tail around Nova's and Luna's arms, locking the two together, blushing. "Was it something I said?" To everyone's surprise, it nodded, growling at her more, barring it's sharp teeth. "Um...I am sure she didn't mean anything bad by it, but I have a question..." The wyvern nodded it's head to Nova, as if giving him the 'go ahead'. "Why are Luna and I stuck together with your tail?" It looked at them, before knocking it's wing knuckles together. Nova blushed. "So...you think that she is my...mate?" It nodded in affirmation. He blushed more and looked at Luna, expecting to see her mad, but saw a twinkle in her eyes. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' he wondered. Luna saw him staring an blushed heavily. More awkward silence was in the air. The wyvern made a face-claw expression and shook it's head before chirping at the two getting their attention. "Dost thou claim me to be his mate?" Luna asked, The wyvern made a strange smile and nodded, she looked from the wyvern to Nova, and then back. "Why exactly?" It sniffed her then Nova and nodded. She blushed an understood, she had Nova's scent on her, which apparently meant she was now his? 'But that doesn't make any sense, unless these creatures were looking out for Nova, but if what he said was true, then he would be their...Hive leader, a king? No, a Prince? Maybe. So did they think I was his?' She got a nod from the serpent, which took her aback. 'I see, so you connect through the mind, I understand.' She then looked at Nova, she stared at him for a while, and decided what the hay? "Nov-" she was cut off. "Would you like to go out for uh...lunch sometime Luna?" Nova asked. Luna nodded her head and smiled, t which he smiled back. He was only in this world for a few hours and he already had a date, with a princess no less. But he kept smiling, and the wyvern released the two and flew out the window. The two stayed next to each other, that is until Discord walked up to Nova, and grinned. "So it looks like you are similar to me." Nova gave him a questioning look. "You can use magic, Chaotic magic! I can sense it in you. You know, I could always teach you to utilize it for good, or bad, either way I suppose." Nova soon adopted Discord grin and nodded his head. "Sure thing." Nova answered. Discord clapped his hands and his grin grew larger. "Excellent my dear boy." He looked at Celestia who smiled, he smiled right back at her before the two nuzzled. Nova and Luna blushed at the two, before looking back at the door, the others had left, having to get to bed. The two gave each other a hug, until Nova thought of something. "Where will I stay? Cause I don't think I can stay in this place..." Luna looked at Celestia with pleading eyes. Celestia giggled and nuzzled her little sister. "You will be coming with us back to Canterlot, though I get the feeling that your...'Hive' will be following you." He looked at the serpents to see them all rising, as if getting ready to follow, he nodded his head and turned to the three. "Right, well, lets get going then." The four of them left the hospital and went into what looked to be a mix between a helicopter and a chariot. Nova nodded his head and got in after Luna. The machine rose into the air, and headed towards the castle. The hoard of serpents following close behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Far beneath the Badlands, there stood a woman with long blue hair, her clothes were that of an eastern style, she bore a black crown, a large black horn coming from her head, bug like wings coming from her back, her eyes were green and slit, she made a devious smile. She looked off into the darkness, seeing multiple pairs of green and blue eyes, and the sound of buzzing could be heard. "My children...We will attack Canterlot soon, very soon. And when those little...ponies....fall, we will rule over Equestria!" The woman bellowed. Sounds of cheering was heard, and loud thumping as well. "FOR THE QUEEN! FOR THE QUEEN! FOR THE QUEEN!" Was what she heard from the darkness. She cackled and looked towards a map, on it, was the map of Equestria, an 'X' on the city of Canterlot, and Ponyvile. Soon she would have what she deserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The four made it to Canterlot safely. Celestia had ordered a guard to tae Nova to a guest room. And now he lay on his new bed, looking at the ceiling, waiting to be taken by sleep, only to look at his door to see Luna poke her head in. "What's wrong Luna? Could you not sleep?" He asked, some concern in hi voice. She smiled and shook her head, which caused him to give her a questioning look. "We are the princess of the night, we watch over all out subjects, however, I...did feel lonely." She admitted, blushing at the end. Nova nodded, he moved the covers down for her. "Here, you can stay here if you want, I'm assuming your royal duties are finished?" She nodded, and got into the the bed next to him. Soon he fell into slumber. Later on Luna too fell asleep, both had smiles on heir faces, enjoying each others company, for tomorrow was going to be interesting. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few weeks since I had arrived and during tis time I managed to meet all of the serpents, or 'dragons' as the natives called them. But I have also been learning more about magic, as well as becoming "Equestria's Knight and Defender". I have also been spending much time with Princess Luna, staying up with her at night to help her with some of her duties hen I wasn't dealing with the nobles and royals -save the princesses- breathing on my neck all the time. I had begun to feel things for Luna, and I assume she for me, we had bee sleeping together -not in that way!- ever since that fine night. On the next morning however when Celestia came looking or m to help find Luna, she found me being Luna's cuddle buddy, while I was holding her in a protective embrace. She had talked with us, even telling us to get together, we blushed but neither of us disagreeing with her either. I stirred awake when I heard a faint gasp for breath, looking to my right I saw a blushing princess Luna. I blushed as she was wearing a black nightgown and shorts. She noticed me staring at her and blushed more, before she squeaked in surprise when I wrapped my arms around her shoulders gently, pulling her into a tight embrace. She looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine as she inched her face closer to mine and mine to hers. I pressed my lips to hers, as we shared a brief kiss she placed her right hand on my cheek gently. We stayed like that for a few minutes before we separated and took a breath in. "W-Wow..." was all I could gasp out. She nodded in agreement, before her blush returned and fell onto her back. I moved to her side. She looked up at me with teary eyes. "Thou must...thou must see us as a whorse...we art sorry to have taken you-" I cu her off with a deep and passionate kiss, she was quick to reciprocate the kiss, as she ran her hands through my hair. "I don't think anything bad of you, I think you are beautiful. Nothing more or less." I placed a hand on her cheek gently looking deep into her eyes. "And don't ever think of yourself as a whore, or slut, alright?" She nodded her head softly, tears in her eyes. I held her close as he cried into my chest, though they were cries of joy. After a few minutes she looked up at me, a soft smile on her face. "No one has *sniff* said anything like that to us...Thank you" She sniffed out, she then pecked me on the lips gently, however I kissed her back, she blushed and smiled into the kiss. We kissed for a few moments before we both separated to breath yet again. "Don't worry, I think you are amazing and you rule over the night! I love the night, though you are far more beautiful than any day, or the brightest night." I blushed and looked away, sighing. "I'm sorry...we have yet to go on our...d-date, and I am already saying such things. I must be so very uncouth." I stated. Luna placed a hand on my cheek and made me face her. She smiled a happy smile and kissed me gently. "You are very sweet, however, would it be alright if I...never mind." She sighed sadly. "No please, tell me, what was it you were going to ask?" I stated the question, her blush returning with a vengeance. "Would thou...allow me to claim thee as mine? It is...tradition for a mare to claim a stallion that she...er...likes, even if they do not know much, since single stallions are harder to find in this new time...." She asked. I smiled at her, still blushing slightly before kissing her deeply once again, placing a hand on her side gently. We held the kiss with our eyes closed for a few minutes before separating. "Does that answer your question, MY princess?" I emphasized 'my' at the end. She blushed, smiled and nodded her head happily. She leaned against me sighing contently. "We are very happy, OUR stallion" She said, emphasizing 'our' which made me blush and smiled, enjoying the fact that I finally had a girlfriend -er...marefriend. She placed a hand on my chest gently, smiling up at me. "May I...give you the title of dating the princess of the night?" She giggled when I nodded my head, she got up on her knees and conjured a long sword, th blade was pitch black, the hilt a bright silver ad the hilt was a pearl white crescent moon, as she slipped it into it's sheath, she handed it to me, to which I accepted it. "Now you are out protector, our friend, and...our lover." She whispered the last part out, but to me it was clear as day. I placed the sword on my back, and saw that on the back of my left hand -human hand- was Luna's cutie mark. I gazed at it and smiled, when I looked up at her, she was blushing, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her gently. "I fully accept this, my princess of the night, my Luna." She blushed and kissed me back with a smile on her muzzle. I held her close as I lay back down on the bed, her head on my chest, she looked up at me, smiling happily that made me smile right back at her. "You are our stallion, and...I thank you for accepting me." She said. I simply rubbed her back between her wins gently, causing her to shiver slightly. "I am glad to be, my princess." I stated to her as she sighed contently and closed her eyes. After a few moments all I heard was her soft snores and I slowly drifted off to sleep holding her closely, my draconic arm wrapped tightly around her waist. We both had smiles of happiness on our faces, resting together. It must had been a few hours later, for the sun was positioned around noon, and was high in the sky. I yawned and stretched, looking down I saw Luna resting on my side, her chest pressed up against my arm, making me blush slightly. Soon she began to stir and awake as well. However, a light cough caused both of us to wake up quicker. I looked towards the door and saw Celestia standing there, a smile on her muzzle, her eyes twinkling slightly. "I see that you two are an item now, good, good. I was hoping you two would. However, you both need to get ready. My Cadance will be arriving soon an I would like to no have my sister and her stallion looking as if they had just gotten out of bed, even if that were true." She chuckled and walked out of the room, leaving me and Luna blushing. We soon changed our cloths, though it was hard to not look at Luna, it took all of my will power to stare strait ahead. We soon met with Celestia in the throne room, the lead Wyvern perched above Luna's -a midnight blue colored throne-, Celestia's -a sunlight yellow throne- and Discord's -a strange wooden throne with wooden elk antlers at the top- thrones, however I noticed a fourth throne, behind Luna's, it looked as if it were carved from obsidian, the right arm covered in rubies, while the left was covered in sapphires, the back was covered in the fallen scales of my dragons, the top had their discarded fangs, it looked amazing. Discord appeared next to me in a flash o light a smirk on his face as he elbowed my side slightly. "So you and Lulu eh? Nice, I wish you luck bro! Oh, before I forget I will begin your magic training soon." I nodded as I got into my throne, which I saw was placed beside Luna's, while Discord's was besides Celestia's. I looked around the throne room confused, until a pink alicorn mare with purple, pink, and yellow tail and mane, her eyes are pink, as is her fur, wings, and horn. She wears a tight purple dressed, on her shoulder is either a blue glass heart, or a blue crystal heart. By her side was a white furred stallion, his eyes were blue, as were his main and tail. On his shoulder was a purple shield, shinning slightly. He wears a blue t-shirt, black jeans and on his back is a sword, much like mine, but the guard has a crystal heart instead of a crescent moon, I looked at discord and saw he too has a sword, and the guard was an orange sun. "Hello Cadance, how was your trip from the Crystal Empire?" Celestia asked. Cadance smiled, but it felt off, as if it was just a façade and she was forcing herself to smile. "Fine aunty, ever since Twilight and her friends save it from that horrible King Sombra, things have been going well." She stated. I grew confused, there was an empire made of crystals? Interesting, I will need to go visit that place sometime. "I see, that is wonderful!" Celestia stated. Cadance looked at me, she seemed to b surprised, she also seemed t b upraised of all the dragons roaming around, though mainly staying by my side -if they were small enough to fit in the castle that is-. "Oh! I forgot to mention this, but there is a new...king correct?" She asked looking at me. "Y-yes princess Celestia." I stated, caught off guard when being called a 'king'. "And he is not only the protector of Equestria, but the also the mate of my sister, Princess Luna." She gestured to Luna, who was holding my draconic hand, she gave it a squeeze, smiling at me, I smiled back and gave a squeeze back to her. "Nova, this is my Captain of my Royal Day Guard; Shinning Armor, Twilight Sparkles older brother." She said. I nodded, somewhat surprised that the purple mare had a brother, but then again made sense why she had not mentioned him, he would not come up in a conversation well. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Shinning Armor. I have had the privilege of meeting your sister, she was he one who had saved me from being turned to ash and devoured by the serpents. No offence" I said directed towards the wyverns and a few breeders, they merely nodded their heads in understanding. I noticed that Shinning Armor simply nodded, his eyes narrowed at me slightly. I gripped the hilt of my lunar sword, the guard glowing as it shifted into a katana instead of a traditional long sword, Shinning grabbed the hilt of the sword at his side, we stared at each other before we both nodded our heads, soon shaking hands and smiling. "It's good to meet you, Twily has been telling me all about you, an what the world you came from was like. I'm sorry that it is...gone." I sighed and nodded my head, however I was far happier being here with Luna and the other Ponies, hell, I even liked o spend time with Discord, since we both became good friends after my first week here in this world. "It's fine, besides this world is filled with life, life worth protecting. Even if they weren't a pony I would till protect them if hey needed my help." I stated, Cadance seemed to perk up at that. "Would you even help the changelings with their desires?" She asked. "If they wanted to live in peace, yes, but if they wanted to take over Equestria, I would be forced to kill the ones who wanted war, versus the ones who wanted peace." I stated, sad that there were aces even in this world that wanted to conquer other countries and bring about war. I had been forced to stop Gryphin assassination attacks in northern Equestria near manehatten. "I see, well lets hope that if they want peace if we ever meet them." She stated. I nodded my head hoping that I wouldn't need to kill more, or have my dragons kill more life. She looked at Shinning and kissed him on the cheek gently before the two left the room to a different part of the castle, both seemed to have a twinkle in their eyes. After that odd encounter, Luna and I had left the throne room and headed to the Lunar Tower on the east wing o the castle. Once we were there however, Luna had jumped me as we had a make out session for a few minutes before we looked through the star charts. I had been more and more interested in astronomy, let alone the fact that I was wanting to impress Luna -not that it mattered now seeing as to how we were an item now- and wanted to become more than just a friend -again, not that it mattered now-. She had let me look around and look through h charts, books, even looking at the very few pieces of art that were painted back before Nightmare Moon came into being, an caused Luna to be sealed away in the moon for a thousand years. "Did you find what you were looking for love?" She questioned as I blushed at her new little pet-name for me. But I soon smiled and nodded my head, explaining that I was anting to learn more about her night, when the two of us would be up looking out over the kingdom when Celestia and Discord slept. "I see, well I am glad you wish to know more love, but why not just ask me?" he asked blushing. "Well I wanted to impress you...." I answered her, blushing even more. She 'awed' and gave me a soft kiss on the lips before nuzzling my neck gently. "That is so cute, but you don't need to impress me with vast knowledge of my night, just be yourself, that is all I need." She stated happily. I nodded blushing even more. We shared another brief kiss before heading back to the throne room, by then Luna had already raised the moon. Celestia an Discord had headed off tot their bed chamber to sleep, or, whatever they did when they were alone -I try to not think about it-. We sat seated in our thrones watching over Equestria. Soon we had grown tired and it was 3:20 a.m. in the morning. "Luna, when do you head to bed, lately I have been getting rather tired, if you don't mind me saying." She simply nodded sagely and smiled at me. "Do not worry love, we will soon head to our bed in a few hours, when Tia and Discord awake, then we shall rest all day long." I sighed in relief, happy to know that I will finally get some more sleep with a beautiful Luna in my arms. Tine passed by quickly, nopony ever entered night quart -thank god!- and Celestia and Discord had arrived at around 7:30 a.m. so that Luna and I could switch with them. The two of us headed to our bed chamber, we changed into our pajamas. Luna put on her nightgown and short shorts once again, while I was wearing a nightshirt, and pajama bottoms. I lay down first, then Luna lays on me, my arms lock themselves around her form as we both drifted off into the land of dreams and happiness. > Massages... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke from the sound of soft snores from Luna as she had her head on my chest and her arm locked around my form. Seriously, how is it that I can crush tanks and yet she can overpower me? Maybe it's her Alicorn genetics? Possibly. I squeaked out a grunt as I tried to move, which proved very ineffective. I tried to move my hand, but ended up rubbing her plot. 'oh I hope she doesn't get mad with me...' I thought to myself, but to my surprise I was met with Luna's amazingly soft lips, we shared a long deep kiss. "Good morning lover, is there a reason as to why you were groping my plot? Could you not wait for a little longer?" She all but purred at me. My face flushed deep red and I looked away shyly as she traced her pointer finger along my chest gently as she giggled softly. "S-sorry I was trying to get up to go get something, and I ended up touching your..er, butt." 'not that I mined doing that though' I said mentally. Luna pecked me on the cheek and bounced off her bed, it was really hard not to watch her, but I ended up failing. How did I know? Well she wiggled her rump at me when she looked over her shoulder at me and winked. Yeah, she is pretty awesome! I soon got off the bed and got dressed, we had decided that she would take the bathroom to change -though she would constantly tease me while in there- while I would change in the room. Soon after we had changed I ended up being dragged down the hall by Luna and her immense strength. As soon as we had entered the breakfast hall, we were greeting by Celestia and Discord making out, yeah it was kinda weird. Luna merely shrugged it off while I blushed rather hard. What was up with women here? They did NOT act shy at ALL. It was kinda hot to be honest. Luna sat at the table and I sat next to her, she was rather possessive over me, not that I minded much. After the two were finished with their make out session, the waiter had entered the room carrying eggs, bacon, and a few pieces of toast for me and Discord, but for Luna and Celestia, he carried two bowls of some strange looking scrambled eggs, toast and oatmeal. "So Nova, how are you doing this morning? I hope me and Celly didn't keep you two up last night." I flushed slightly, remembering Celstia screaming Discord's name in her 'Royal Canterlot Voice'. Luna had to chain me down to my throne until she explained what was happening. Luna sniggered as she patted my back gently. "We had been doing alright Discord, however you might want to keep the noise down, I had to tie Nova to his throne so he wouldn't barge your doors down." She laughed out. I could see Celestia blushing and looking at me apologetically. I smiled sheepishly back at her before Luna wrapped one of her arms round my shoulders and pulled me close to her, she was taller than me which forced me to lay my head on her shoulder, though I didn't exactly mind that. "Though Nova and I have yet to mate, wish we could do that soon though..." She whispered the last part into my ear seductively. I shuddered slightly, my body getting rather warm, but it felt good, kinda like being soaked with warm water and than after that a nice massage. "I see, so why not now? After all Lulu, I know how you can be sometimes." Discord stated with a devious grin plastered onto his face. I glared at him as I wrapped an arm around Luna's waist tightly. She gasped a little before packing me on the lips gently. "Possibly when he is ready, after all I do not want to pressure him into doing something like that yet." Discord nodded sagely and in understanding. He and Celestia soon left for the throne room, while Luna and I went somewhere private to...'chat'. So yeah we made out for a while before going to the throne room, and once we were there I was stunned when out of nowhere Princess Cadance was scowling at Celestia when she had her back to her. That did not look right at all, did she not like Tia? When she noticed me, she grew a large grin which startled me slightly, not knowing what to do, the sword Luna gave me, to which I have named it my 'Lunar Fang', and was ready to draw it quickly. "Nova! It's so good to see you, I was just wondering where you were!" She chirped out. I felt Luna's hand grip my arm tightly, signaling me to not flirt -to which I never did, but she seemed to be more defensive and possessive over me whenever Cadance was around-. "Why exactly were you wndering where I was?" I asked politely. She giggled and playfully batted a hand at me. "So I could know more about you silly!" I nodded slightly, and understood, however Luna kept crushing my arm, which caused me to whimper slightly in pain. "Is something wrong Nova? You're whimpering." Cadance asked with clear concern in her voice. I nodded silently, glancing at Luna quickly as she noticed my whimpering and had softened her grip, giving me an apologetic look. "I'm fine, just tired I guess" I lied to her. It always hurt to lie to smeo- er, somepony else. But I did so anyways. She nodded and asked me if I wanted to talk more about myself. I agreed but only if Luna could come too, Cadance nodded and left the room. Soon me and Luna left as well, but once we were in her room, I whimpered like a puppy as the bones in my arm fixed themselves and Luna kept apologizing, she was acting on her emotion, to which I told her it was fine. "But I want to make it up to you." She then got a mischievous grin on her face as she gently pinned me to her bed, I blushed as we began o kiss passionately. "I think I might know something that will cheer you up~" She cooed seductively into my ear causing me to shiver slightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I let out a moan as Luna was rubbing me gently, she than kissed me as she took her hands off my back. "So did you enjoy your massage?" She purred out. I nodded my head. God she knew how to work her hands so well! "Good, because now it is time for us to rest, we will need to stay awake for night court again. As much as it is boring to you, you need to help me with it." I nodded and was soon wrapped up in her arms, she held me close to her body as we both drifted off to sleep, a smile on my face, and a grin on Luna's. The rest of the night was filled with dream of happiness. > Parties and futures planned.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I rose up from the bed and looking around noticing that Luna was missing. Quickly I looked around the room, my heart rate was skyrocketing. Soon I decided to check the halls, but when I reached the door, I realized that I was in nothing but my boxers. After a light groan, I had gotten dressed in black jeans, a blue undershirt, white vest with Luna's cutie mark on the right breast of it. The sword appeared on my back, it was now a mix between an katana, as well as a broadsword as well. Moving out I headed out of the room, the two night guards saluted me. "Do you two know where Luna is?" I queried. They nodded their heads, eyes focused on me. "She had said she would be back in a few hours, but that was a few hours ago. We were questioning to awake you, in fear of you acting rashly. Sir." The first guard -who was named Night Shield- had explained to me. Night Shield and I had become good friends, let alone the fact that he had my back when we were on missions, one of the Breeder class serpent had been changed into a humanoid dragon -more humanoid that is, it was odd after a week seeing all of the dragons changing similar to the ponies and Spike, said breeder was named Sapphire, on account of her sapphire eyes and deep sapphire scales (not very creative)-. "Thanks Night. Is Saph okay? I haven't really seen her lately." I asked calmly. He nodded his head, though his eyes showed nervousness in them. "I'm not going to hurt you if you two are an item you know?" I stated. He breathed out a long sigh. "Thank you sir, and yes, I was wondering if I could be with her, though she had stated that well, I needed to ask you, so I was waiting for the right time to ask you. Sir." He stated with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I inclined my head to him, looking him strait in the eyes. "I say it's fine, however, since I see what she see's and feel what she's feels, if you hurt her. I. Will. Know." I growled out. He nodded his head. I smiled after a few minutes and patted his shoulder. "Just treat her right, alright? But remember that she is still a Breeder. Alright?" I said, to which he nodded his head. Understanding what hat had meant. "I will, don't worry. You have nothing to fear from me my friend. She will be safe, and I will make sure she is safe when not in the 'Dragon's Den'." He said with a small smile on his muzzle. I nodded my head at him in understanding. "Anyways, Princess Luna should be in the throne room, if not, then she must be away to Pony-ville for Nightmare Night." "Nightmare Night?" I queried, "What's that if you don't mind me asking?" "Well it's where ponies play games, wear costumes, get candy and enjoy the scary side of the world. It is also about Nightmare Moon, and how she came to be, for it was on this night a thousand years ago." He explained to me. I nodded my head. "It sounds like that 'Halloween' back in the 2000's before the first event." I claimed. "Well, that's where she should be, have a nice night sir." Night said to me. I nodded my head to him as I went towards the throne room. When I reached said room, I saw Celestia and Discord dressed in strange devil and angel outfits, however, Discord was the angel and Celestia was the devil. "If you are looking for Lulu, she is in Pony-ville. Have fun!" Discord stated before snapping his talons and in a flash of light, I was next to Fluttershy, who shrieked loudly. The group of friends and Luna quickly turned o her a saw me standing there with a confused look on my face. "There you are! Wait, how did you get here?" Luna asked. "Discord..." "Discord?" "Discord." I stated again, Luna nodded her head in understanding. She then hugged me tightly making the others gasp. Apparently no pony had told them about us yet. Weird. Luna looked at the others and blinked before blushing. "Right, I had forgotten to mention that...well, Nova is mine, and I am his, though he is mostly mine!" She exclaimed the last part squeezing my arm tightly again, but after I made a whimper, she loosened quickly and sent me an apologetic look my way. "Oh, wait a minute! Why are you two together? And when did this happen!?" Rainbow exclaimed. She was dressed up as 'Daring Doo' who was her favorite character from a book series. "Um, about a few months? It's October now right?" Rainbow nodded her head. "Then we had been together after my third week here, so since August." The others looked to Luna, who nodded her head in affirmation. "Well, alright. But I'm still watching you! Got that!?" Rainbow bellowed at me. I merely shrugged and stayed by Luna's side. "Yes Rainbow, I understand and sorry for not being a normal creature like you." I rolled my eyes at her. She seemed to be like Aj, both of them did not like me for what I was and from where I came from, I can't blame them either. "Alright. Come on girls, lets get going to that party!" The girls all cheered as they hoofed it towards a large building which looked like the town hall. Luna looked at me and smiled as her horn began to light up. "Wait Luna don't-" We appeared in the throne room startling Discord and Celestia. "-do that yet." I then looked around. "Never mind. Looks like we're here. Hey Tia do you think that the six of us could have a small party here?" I asked looking at Celestia. "Six? Who are the other two?" She asked. "Night Shield and Sapphire, I gave him the right to date her, seeing as to how I'm the Bull/Leviathan class off my hive." I stated. The others looked at me and then nodded. "Very well, I hall have them fetched her." Celestia stated with a smile. Night Shield and Sapphire entered the room after a few moments, and I could see that Sapphire's cloths were disheveled, where as Night Shields had claw marks on his back and arms. I smirked and patted Sapphire's back gently. "He treating you right?" She nodded her head. "Very right~" She purred out, a slight blush on her muzzle as she nuzzled Night affectionately. Night nuzzled her back an smiled up at her. "He's very affectionate to me~. Is Luna treating you right~?" She purred to me softly. I blushed slightly before shaking my head side to side. I knew if I lied to my hive, it would cause problems. Luna seemed to be annoyed at me until Sapphire explained. "I see, so you two have not mated yet~. Shame, such a young Bull would have been mated with very soon~." She purred out again. "Yes well, I don't really feel...right with it yet." She nodded in understanding. I remember when she was still apprehensive around male ponies and their apparently, 'delectable' scent. "But just know, if you need anything from me, I'll always be there for you, and the rest of my hive." I stated calmly with a hand clasped on her shoulder. She smiled slightly and nuzzled me gently. The younger serpents(dragons) saw me as a father, while the older generations saw me as a brother. "We all know this Nova~. Please take your time, but remember that we will always be here for you as well, you are our Bull, you are the one who names us, houses us, and even loves us. We will remain by your side, King Nova." She said normally and full of passion. It was when she talked like this, was when I could tell she was serious. "Thank you Sapphire, my child." I said as I held her close. To be honest Sapphire is so attached to me, much like a child would with their parent(s). She buried her muzzle into my chest as she held onto me tighter. "Thank you...father" She whispered softly, everyone heard her though. All eyes were on us, and if they had seen mine, they would had seen passion in them. She looked up at me with teary eyes and smiled softly. "Love you father". "Love you too my little hatchling." I said softly, my eyes burning with tears. The others 'awed' but it did not bother me nor Sapphire. She broke the hug and wiped her eyes sniffling softly, Night hugged her gently with an arm around her shoulders. "Alright, now that that's over, lets have a happy time everyone!" I exclaimed loudly. They all nodded and soon the party started. However, Discord decided to bring ALL of my hive, as well as the main six. This was going to be a looooong night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was around 5 in the morning when the mane six had left, and my hive -save for Sapphire and a few others- had gone back to the Dragon's Den. I was sitting in my throne with my eyes closed leaning back. Luna was next to me in her throne gently rubbing my left arm. I opened my left eye and looked at her, she looked up at me smiling softly. "You really are beautiful Luna. I am so lucky to be yours. I hope I'm worth the time though..." I said softly, after the first few hours of the party I had tripped Rarity by accident and Rainbow had punched me in the throat, didn't do much damage but it hurt like hell. She nodded softly and kissed me gently on the lips. "You are worth it Nova, let alone the fact that you are with me, mine, and I am yours. I hope I am worth the trouble as well." She stated, "You are, my Luna." I kissed her passionately, cupping her cheeks in my hands gently. When we parted we smiled at each other. "I love you Luna." "I love you too, Nova." She said back. We kissed again, softer, but still full of a fiery passion that was not going away anytime soon. We parted lips and looked into each others eyes, as we smiled lovingly. Soon Sapphire had approached us, however she had taken Luna aback when she hugged her tightly. "Thank you for watching out for him, hopefully I will be able to call you mom~" She purred softly to us, though it was mostly directed towards her. Which I knew, she had been asking me if she could call Luna mom now, but I had no idea how she'd feel about it, so I told her to wait a bit until things got better. "I see, why not call me that now? I do not mind it, though I do not deserve that title, at least, not yet." Luna answered, a blush on her muzzle as she smiled. "Then may us younglings call you mom? Or would you prefer 'mommy'?" Sapphire asked, tilting her head to the right. Luna blushed more. "I am fine with either one, I suppose." She answered. Sapphire grinned widely and hugged Luna tighter. Night smiled at the heartwarming scene before him. Celestia and Discord smiled at the three, as Discord held Celestia held her close to himself, his tail curled tightly around her waist and his arms around her shoulders. Celestia smiled up at him, then they kissed lovingly. "Yay! Oh I hope you become the queen!" Sapphire chirped happily. Luna and I flushed deeply, we were both thinking about marriage if and when we were ready. "I hope so as well, if that is fine Nova?" Luna asked me, a smile on her muzzle. I smiled back, my blush deepening. "Maybe Luna, but lets think about that at a later date alright Lu?" I asked. She nodded happily, kissing me deeply. We held the kiss for a few minutes before we parted. Sapphire had a large grin on her muzzle. "You two look like your ready though~" She purred out. We both blushed, but smiled at her. Suddenly the thought of being married to Luna seemed, good. It was for a brief moment, but, it felt right. However I knew that we needed to not rush things, take things slow. "Maybe soon my little hatchling, maybe soon." I cooed to her. She smiled and nodded, before looking at Night. The two left the room to go to another. I knew what hey were going to do, as much as I did not really like it, she was old enough to know what to do, let alone the fact that it is part of her race to do these kinds of things, however she is better off. Most Breeders were used, however lately they seem to be looking for mates, same with the others, but Sapphire has been the only one, well, except for me, that has been accepted by a pony. Luna and I decided to head back to our room to rest up for the rest of the night. When we go into the room, instead of the normal way we would change, something seemed o change in us. I was fine with changing in front of Luna, and I believe she with me. So I had gotten off my cloths -except for my bowers-, while Luna had replaced hers with a nice cyan nightgown, as well as a bright blue short shorts. I could not help but stare at her form. She had an hourglass figure, and she looked amazing! She placed a hand on her hip and looked at me with a slight smirk. "See something you like~?" She questioned me. I nodded my head, slightly drooling as she sashed her hips slightly as she made her way over to me. As she wrapped her arms around my neck, she whispered into my ear. "I am all yours, no pony else can have me~" She purred. I shivered slightly and purred. "You are such a minx." I stated as I kissed her lovingly. "But I love that about you." She giggled and nodded her head gently. "I'm glad~." She purred out once again. "We should get to bed, tomorrow will be a long day of dealing with ponies, alright?" I asked. She nodded and went to the bed and lay in it. Soon I joined her, ad we cuddled with each other, both of us drifting off to sleep. Today was a pretty good day, hopefully tomorrow will be just as good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up by the sound of Luna yawning, I smiled up at her as I placed my hands on her hips. She squeaked from the sudden contact, before playfully slapping my chest. "You startled me! But it's good to see you up." She stated. I nodded my head before yawning. We both had gotten out of bed and gotten dressed as well. When we had gotten to the throne room, I noticed that the guards were grinding their teeth in annoyance. 'What could they be so annoyed about?' I asked myself in my head. As we entered the room, I was greeted by a sight that flared my temper. There in front of Celestia and Discord, as a white stallion with a blond mane and tail, holding a leash to one of my daughters, a breeder, her name was; Flame. When Discord and Celestia saw me, they paled. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE!?!?" I bellowed in rage, the stallion glared at me. "My name is Prince Blueblood! And I found this whore-ish drake walking around the castle! I am asking Aunty Celestia to get rid of it!" He said with a snobbish tone. When I looked at Flame, she had tears in her eyes, she was one of the youngest breeders, around sixteen years of age, let alone she was also one of the few that were deemed, my 'children'. She and Sapphire were sisters, ad my two little girls. I snarled loudly, summoning my Lunar Fang, slicing the leash in half, and pointing he tip at Blueblood, my eyes completely slit, and my body slowly becoming scaly. "THAT IS MY OTHER DAUGHTER YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" I raged at Blueblood. He looked at me in fear. "Guards! Help me!" He shrieked like a little child, but all the guards knew to NEVER get in my way when I was mad, and I was PISSED. I stepped forward, swinging my sword to the side, cutting his shirt, and drawing very little blood. Blueblood growled at me and than smirked. He looked at Celestia. "Aunty, please get rid of this filth!" He ordered. One look at Celestia was all it took to make her sake her head rapidly. Even she knew that when something of mine was taken or harmed, not even she could stop me. "He is King Nova of Equestria, and the mate of Princess Luna. You will show him respect!" She bellowed. Blueblood looked at me, his eyes wide finally understanding how badly he fucked up. "Please forgive me!" He wailed like a winey little bitch. Luna stared at the scene, until Flame had hugged her tightly and cried into her dress. Luna's motherly instincts kicked in and held her. Flame clung to Luna crying hard, Luna rubbed her back gently trying to calm her down. "It's okay, your safe now little one." Luna cooed to Flame softly. After a few minutes, she was calmed down -not all the way, but mostly calm anyways- as he still sniffed. I glared at Celestia and Discord with pure anger, they cowered in slight fear. "Why did you two not stop this shit!?" I growled in furry. "We were going to, but the second we were going to tell Blueblood into letting her go, you came in and well, you know the rest." Celestia explained. I nodded my head, before sending a death glare at Blueblood. "I wish I could gut this little bitch, but unfortunately, I can't." I stated. But I growled out for everyone in the room to hear. "If anyone ever hurts my family, I will not ask questions. Understand?" "And just who is part of your f-family?" Blueblood asked, his vice trembling in fear. "Luna, my whole hive, Celestia, and Discord. They are my family, understand you little runt!?" I snarled at him. Night Shield had entered the room, after hearing my roaring he had become worried. "What is the matter?" He asked. I snarled loudly and more like a dragon, my teeth were overly sharp. "This little shit harmed Sapphire's little sister, let alone the fact she is another of my 'daughters'." My body was slowly reverting to normal, and I was growing calmer. "I see, shall I send him to he dungeons?" He asked, a scowl on his face and a growl in his voice. Night was just as protective over my hive as I was. I basically saw him as part of it -as did he rest of the dragons, they had liked him after they got to know him-. "I think he should, but, it is Tia's call, after all, this is her kingdom." I said, before placing my sword on my back and moving to Luna's and Flame's side. "Yes, he needs to be taught a lesson. I think he should be sent there Celestia, no pony ever harms the hive, nor our friends." Discord growled. It was funny, Discord had become part of the hive after my first week here in Equestria, so he was protective as ell, however he was still new to it. Celestia nodded her head and ordered for Blueblood to be sent to the dungeons and he had to stay there for a month, as punishment. I let myself calm down, before I held Luna and Flame close to myself. Strange thing was that Flame might have been sixteen, but in breeder's meant she was no older than six for other races. She wailed loudly into my chest, soaking my shirt. "There, there Flame, I'm right here, the bad pony won't hurt you anymore, alright?" I cooed to her softly. She calmed down and kept her muzzled in my chest, sniffing every once in a while. She held onto me tighter, trembling slightly. I rubbed her back gently, placing a hand on her chin, making her look up at me. Getting a better look at her face, I could see she had a few scrapes and cuts, signaling she must have ran when Blueblood went after her and fell. I growled softly inspecting her further, only to find a few more scrapes. Blueblood was lucky that I didn't decide hi fate, otherwise he would be dead, or worse, Sapphire would have gotten her claws on him, then he would have wished he was dead. "Father...why did he chase me...w-why was he so mean?" She asked with her innocent voice. I sighed and shook my head, eyes closed and sadness crept into me. "I am not sure, but he will not do that again. Ever. I can assure you that much. So please, smile and go play, I'll have a few guards near you if some other fool decides you are not meant to be here. Alright?" I said to her gently. She nodded her head softly before looking at Luna, a smile on her muzzle formed ever so slightly. "You're a good mother, mommy." She said before running off to play. Luna stood there blushing while I smiled at her. "She's right you know, you do make a good mother, Luna." I stated softly before kissing her cheek gently. She smiled back at me blushing. "Thank you love, I hope at some point in the future, I will be a good mother." I smiled at that. Sometime soon she will be, but there are still so many things that need to happen at the moment. Like not rushing our relationship. The day past with guards on edge incase one of my hive members was wandering throughout the castle. As night soon fell Luna and I took over so that Celestia and Discord could sleep. As the night went on, I noticed that Night and Sapphire were closer than usual, perhaps it was Night being possessive over Sapphire, though she seemed to enjoy it, as she was constantly purring at him. When the sun started to rise, Luna and I headed off to bed, the day before long and tiring, we cuddle together, until Flam snuck in. "C-could I sleep with you two tonight?" She asked softly. Luna and I agreed, and she crawled between us and fell asleep. The two of us smiling at each other before cuddling up with her between us, all three of us smiling as we slumbered. The rest of the day was filled with our soft snores, as we were together in dreamland. > Training... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few weeks after Blueblood had been put in the dungeons for hurting Flame. Her, Luna and Sapphire have actually gotten closer and the rest of the hive seems to love her presence quite a bit. Cadance is rarely seen, even if we did have that meet up, I still rarely see her even when I'd look for her. Shinning Armor has also been missing, I can only assume that Cadance is having her heat, and se has kidnapped 'pour' Shinning. Over this time however, Luna and I have also become closer than before, neither one of us leaves the other's side unless it is needed, or I have a mission. The older generation of the serpents have already deemed her the queen, we aren't eve married, let alone the fact we are still taking thins slow! But, I suppose that's fine, even if it's partly weird sometimes. The hive has also grown, the breeders that don't have mates have produced vast quantity of eggs of all kinds, there have even been a few of the ten, there are supposed to be only six types, but now we have ten, rather interesting though. On a different note, Discord has been teaching me magic that is apparently rather powerful chaos magic, capable of mimicking whatever I would see, even from other dimensions, however since I would be using my magic to absorb these attacks and defenses, they become much stronger and are converted into energy, not magical energy though, which made me confused for a while. I had also created my own abilities, let alone the fact that I am capable of growing wings, or even a tail now! It is pretty cool but can be annoying sometimes, however. Right now however, Luna and I are laying on a grassy hill sun bathing, enjoying each others company with our hands intertwined. "It's a lovely day, isn't it Nova?" Luna said to me softly. I nodded my headed with my eyes closed. She placed a hand on my cheek, turning my head towards her, I cracked an eye open just in time for her to kiss me. When we parted, she sighed happily. "I love doing this. It's so peaceful and quiet, much better than Canterlot with all of the noise." I nodded my head in understanding, I completely understood, even I have grown tired of the noise of the large capital city, however I could not always handle the quietness of Pony-ville, even if those seven are there, it's just far too quiet. "Yeah, but I know how we both can be when it's too quiet and peaceful. Remember last Saturday when it was so quiet, you had me make a ruckus in the castle, with Discord screaming "FREEDOM!!!" in blue and white face paint." I chuckled shaking my head from side to side. After my chuckle however, I was met with a passionate kiss from Luna, I was taken aback, but returned he kiss kindly. "And I loved it! It was so funny having Tia chase you two down and then having Flame and Sapphire join you both. I think Night Shield was also following you two, but still rather funny." She giggled. I nodded my head, remembering Celestia using her RCV asking what 'freedom' we were talking about. A few more hours passed until it was time to head back. Luna spread her wings, wile I brought mine out, even my tail. My wings were huge, they spanned about eight feet riddled with holes and ash grey in color. My tail however was around six feet long, the tip was like a boney spike. Spike and I sparred every once in a while, however when we would I would generally win, since I have combat training of many kinds, let alone equestrian combat training now. We took to the skies so fast it would have made Rainbow seem slow. As we sored through the air, we did a few tricks, barrel roles, figure eights, from time to time we would do front and back flips. When we had gotten back to the castle, we were met by Flame who pounced Luna hugging her tightly. Luna an Flame had made a very strong bond, much like Sapphire's and mine, Flame saw Luna as her actual mother, and Luna grew to love Flame like a daughter. Flame looked up at Luna and smiled happily. "Welcome home mommy!" She chirped. Luna smiled down at Flame and rubbed her back gently. "I'm home little one. How was your day?" She asked. Luna had gotten amused whenever Flame would talk about her day and how she would bug Discord (not that he minded), as well as relaxing with Celestia, learning more about her and Equestria. The two were always reliable when it came to the younglings of the hive. Flame's eyes lit up. "Today was amazing! I-" She then went on to tell Luna about how she and 'Uncle Discord' raided the kitchens, painted the throne room pink (I laughed so hard after hearing that...), and went into detail of when she and Celestia played something called 'ponopoly' or whatever. After she was done, Luna and her shared a hug before Flame ran off into the castle to go paint with Discord again. "She's a good foal." Luna said to me with a happy smile on her muzzle. I nodded in affirmation, Flame was a good little hatchling, she was gentle, caring, helpful, se would even help the cooks and maids with their work, even entertained the guards with funny faces. She was loved throughout the castle. Sapphire was liked as well. "I agree Lu, she is a good child." I responded back. The two of us headed inside the castle, when we had reached the throne room where we were greeted by a hilarious spectacle. Discord was in a frilly pink dress, while Celestia looked like a biker chick and in the middle of them was Flame, with the most innocent grin plastered onto her face. "Whoa, looks like we missed one hell of a party! So what happened?" I stated. "Not much, just Flame here decided to play dress up with us. Does this dress make my butt look big?" Discord said, and then questioned. Sometimes I have to wonder what goes through his mind. "No, but do these jeans make my plot look big?" Celestia asked. That was when I shut up. Her cloths were tight on her figure, which to be honest looked rather hot. When I looked at Luna, she was in the same style of biker chick cloths that were also tight on her figure. "Does my plot look big in these?" She asked, looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, and it looks hot! You look hot!" Discord and I said at the same time to our princesses. The two of them blushed and then giggled. "Why thank you Discord, perhaps there will be something fun for us to o later~" Celestia purred out at him. He grinned like an idiot -as usual-. "I believe I will keep these on, if my Nova likes them, then I shall wear them!" She whooped at the end. I wasn't complaining at all, she looked amazing in those ad she made it work great. She sashed over to me and kissed me deeply, I placed my hands on her hips while she wrapped her arms around my neck, our eyes closed we held the passionate kiss for a few minutes before parting "I do think you look amazing in those though." I told her as she playfully slapped my chest gently my hands still on her hips she nuzzled me, to which I nuzzled her back. I held her close to myself as she lay her head on my shoulder, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Soon we parted but held hands. I looked towards he thrones to see Flame had fallen asleep in Celestia's lap. Luna giggled and looked at her older sister. "It seems she has been tuckered out, as they say." She stated the obvious. We all nodded our heads. Sapphire walked into the room, she's wearing a tank top, black skinny jeans and boots. She smiled when she sees Flame zonked out. She moved to Celestia and picked up Flame, she then left the room with Night Shield. Discord looked at me and smirked. "So, how about we test how strong you are now?" Discord stated before vanishing with incredible speeds he moved to my side, he kicked me and sent me flying into a wall, cracking it. "Oh come now, surely you are joking. You are faster than this." He quipped. I got up from the floor dusting myself off before looking at him, a grin on my face. I moved lightning fast and was behind Discord, I punched him in the back knocking him over, until I appeared before him, my clawed hand bawled in a fist hitting him in the face sending him towards the far wall. Discord rose from the floor, smirking. "There we go! Now lets stop messing around!" He bellowed as he drew his sword, it was much like mine, however it was thinner, and the blade was pitch black. I drew mine as well, Discord's aura showed itself, it was deep red and bright white, his sword was soon covered in his aura in the shape of flames. I placed my sword so the tip was pointing downward, and stood my ground. Discord smirked more and flew at me. He swung his sword down and my hand was placed outstretched . The flames grew larger on Discord's sword, he began to push me back, his power rising more and more. I narrowed my eyes and swung my sword to the side in a sweeping motion, he then jumped back, my sword slamming into the ground shattering it and sending out a mini shockwave and tiles around the room. Discord looked at me, my eyes cold and calculating, he grinned widely before the flames grew larger, he swings his sword down wielding it with both hands and sent a red and white fiery beam at me. I placed a hand out catching it, the attack began to push me back. My eyes widened slightly before I raise my blade and jam it into the beam, the bam starts to become unstable and explodes in my face. Discord waits till the dust clears, which gives me time to send my own attack back at him. I raise my sword into the air, a midnight blue flame surrounds it. "Crescent Moon...." I state before swinging down, sending what looks like a large fiery crescent moon heading right towards him. Discord summons another red and white flame around his blade and swings upwards. "Solar Flare!" He calls out, sending the same beam of fire, however it takes on the same shape as my crescent moon. The two attacks clash, and explode on impact. Gust's of wind rage throughout the room, Celestia and Luna shield their eyes from how strong it was. "It would seem that you have grown stronger. Good, but for now, we should rest." He says calmly. I nod my head before sheathing my sword and collapse to my knees, the battle had drained me of a bit of power that will take time to regain. Luna moves to my side and helps me to my feet. "You did very well Nova, though I was surprised when you managed to catch Discord's 'Solar Flare'. Very seldom does anypony even last long from his punches and kicks, but you managed to match his power somewhat." She told me gently. I nodded my head as we excused ourselves, we headed towards our room for some R&R. When we had gotten to the room, Luna helped me change, well more like helped me get into my boxers and then into the bed. She soon got onto the bed, however she is wearing a tank top, an short shorts, she seemed to love wearing those whenever it's just the two of us. We cuddled together and drifted off to sleep, unaware of Cadance spying on us with an evil look in her eyes before vanishing into the shadows retreating to her room or wherever. These next few days were going to be weird. > The Wedding Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month had passed after my 'training' with Discord. He had been training me on how strong I was with the abilities of beings from other dimensions, even going as far as to use their technique's, we were forced to train in the Everfree Forest from how destructive it was becoming. But today is the day of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain of The Royal Guard; Shining Armor. I had a feeling of foreboding coursing throughout the air, as I kept sensing that there were multiple targets heading towards Canterlot. I had warned the guards and Celestia about this possible threat. She ordered Shinning to set up a force field to keep enemies out, but I decided to do better; I placed my highest Hive rankers from ten to zero. All from different classes. Number Ten was Boulder, a Tanker class that has been training with Discord and Shining -Discord personally trained them in certain styles from different dimensions- who wields a scabbard, on his face though, and he wears a sort of helmet that covers his left eye. Number Nine was Aqua, she wields a triton as well as wears a mask to cover her face -she was a burrower class-. Number Eight was oddly one I did not expect, one of the abnormal serpents, a Hydra; Glacier. Glacier wields a broad sword that lays across his lower back. Number Seven was a Wyvern Class, her name is; Aura. She wields claws that rest on her right hand, while she is fast, she can become faster when she releases her second et of wings. Number Six is Felicia, she used to be a Breeder however, once she had gained her own powers, she soon became dangerous and loved to fight, she acted so much like a cat, which she resembled even as a Breeder -no serpent is the same as the last in any class, some even resemble mammals, machines, et cetra- She wields a white katana. Number Five was is kind of weird, but he is powerful, I will not deny that. He was a Burrower class, he wields a scythe with a chain coming from the very bottom of the pole, his eyes are covered in with a visor -Burrowers can't see on account they don't have eyes to use-. Number Four is Sapphire's older sister, her name is Nightmare. She wields a crescent moon scythe while her attacks are deadly, she is probably the sixth to acquire more than two forms when she decides to go serious. Number Three is Abyss, he used to be an abnormal class type, now we count thirteen classes, Nightmare and Abyss are in these new classes. Nightmare being a bat-like serpent class, while Abyss was more like a sea serpent-shark class. He wields a Lance of sorts. Number two is Emerald. She is part of the thirteenth class, a Kraken class, he wields a double-bladed war axe. Number One is a Fire starter class, she wilds a spear while her skeletal piece is an armored left arm. Number Zero is Sapphire, she wields a Shield while. she was the first to 'evolve' as my hive calls it. They make me proud that they are my strongest warriors. After I had personally tested their strengths, six to zero proved to be a challenge for me and caused me to resorted to the battles ending in a draw. Each of them have their personal attacks and abilities, however they share some techniques as well, which I do not mind, they are essentially 'brothers and sisters'. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had arrived, Spike gawked at all of them, however he noted that Nightmare, Aura, Felicia, Emerald and aqua, he claimed them to be 'beautiful'. To which they are, however they ere still part of my hive and I did not exactly trust him yet with anyone from it. "Welcome to Canterlot, I hop you enjoy the wedding." I said to the seven of them. Rainbow Dash still seemed wary of me, as if she was expecting me to snap and kill everyone in Equestria. Had I wanted to, it would have already happened. "Enjoy the wedding my hoof..." Twilight grumbled as she began to move past me. I raised my arm, stopping her from going any further. "What the hay!? I was going to go yell at my brother!" She screeched at me. "I am sorry Miss Twilight, however I cannot permit you to pass until he gives the get go." I said calmly. She glared at me, she moved closer, closer, closer, staring at me as if I were going to let up. Did these pony guards actually that weak? "Miss Twilight what the fuck are you doing?" I asked calmly still. "I was hoping you would let me pass if I stared at you like this, the other guards do..." She explained to me with a slight blush. "Well I am not weak like hose guards, had I a reason, I would have pinned you to the ground for not following an order. But unfortunately I can not as I was told to have you wait her for Shinning to come and get you." I said to her calmly, she groaned loudly which annoyed me to no end as to how so many ponies and other beings can be so annoying. An hour passed until the silence was broken by a familiar voice. "Twily!!" Called out an innocent child's voice, as I turned to see who it belonged to, a large smile grew on my face. There standing in a adorable sundress was Flame, she was smiling and innocent smile. "There you are!! And I see you met daddy! Silly Daddy!!" She chirped out as she had randomly appeared on my shoulder, I was used to it, but apparently Twilight was not, or was it the fact that I was being called daddy? "Daddy!? Your a father!?" Twilight shrieked out. "Not my real one, but since he's the hive king, all of us younglings see him as daddy!" She exclaimed happily. I nodded my head with a loving smile. Twilight stared at me, but she smiled and patted my shoulder. "So how many 'younglings look up to you?" She asked with her smile ever present. "Around a hundred for all thirteen classes!" Flame cheered happily. Twilight's jaw dropped a stared at me. With the smile ever present, I shrugged my shoulders before heading inside after a guard told me that Shinning wanted to see Twilight. The three of us headed down a hall, however, it was filled with giggles and stories being swapped between Twilight and Flame. We soon met with Shinning Armor. Twilight and him had a fight, then Cadance entered and seemed like a real bitch this time. I had headed out with Flame tailing me and met with Luna. The three of us decided to take a nice nap until it was time for the wedding. Little did I know of the events that were happening to Twilight at the moment, otherwise I would have placed spies to guard her. The three of us napped in peace, all smiles on our faces. > The Wedding Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke I was greeted by the room door opening quickly, revealing Nightmare staring at me. I rose from my pillow waking Luna and Flame from their nap. "What is the matter Nightmare?" I asked her softly. Nightmare looked at me with a slight grin before she walked towards the bed. Her pace was slow but she was generally a slow walker, she was ranked number four after all. "Celestia sent me here to get you three, the hive has been acting up, as well as claiming that they are hearing voice's in the crystal caves, the 'Dragon Den'." She stated calmly. I nodded my head before getting up and dressed. "I will meet up with Celestia, as well as head towards the caves-" I was cut off by Nightmare, as she cleared her throat. "It is fine, Sapphire has taken Aura with her to check it out, they scanned the entire area and reported nothing. I am assuming that the few who made us wary of this, were seeing visions and are already making precautions if the need were to arise. However you need to go see Celestia, you are the king, remember?" She relayed to me. I nodded my head and summoned my sword to my side, it had changed, for some reason it alternates, it might still be looking for it's perfect form for me, no matter. "Very well. Luna, Flame, you two get dressed. We have to go see Celestia about something." I looked at Nightmare before smiling. "And tell the others that I would like to meet them." I stated before turning to leave. Nightmare stopped me however, with a wide eyed look. "All eleven of us, my king?" She asked, and as I nodded my head, her eyes widened more. "All of them. I am calling forth a meeting, one that must be discussed." And with that, I vanished from the room using a side step to appear in the throne room before Celestia and Discord. "You had need of me, Celestia?" I said looking up at her. She nodded her head before rising up from her throne. "It appears to me that your 'Elite Guard' is better than my guard, would you care to elaborate?" She questioned me. I grew curious as to how she had found out I said this. "Who relayed this information to you Celestia?" I queried. Celestia answered with a single name. "Twilight Sparkle." Of course she did, Twilight never kept things to herself. "I did say this, and you wish to know why?" I asked. She nodded her head in affirmation. Closing my eyes, I faced the window. "Because non of them will take a second chance. Even with an unarmed enemy, they would not fail to eliminate them, for they know that if they did, said enemy could hold a grudge, and go after all you, or they care about. That is why. Your guards are capable of dealing with...lesser forces, where as mine, minus my Elite, are capable of taking down armed forces, while my Elite can decimate and enemy army." I explained, my eyes had remain closed, but I could feel Celestia's energy level's fluctuate. She was annoyed by me, but also understood why. "I see, and they are capable of decimating my army?" She asked. I opened my eyes and looked her in the eyes. "I can decimate all of Canterlot within the hour by myself, if my entire hive were to attack, there would be nothing left." I explained. I could feel a hint of fear in Celestia, and pride from Discord. "Then it is a good thing that you are on our side, isn't it?" She said with a hint of pride in her voice. I smiled at her, before hugging her gently. "Of course, I would not hurt your ponies, since I am now part of your family, just as you are part of mine." I told her softly. Celestia smiled with teary eyes looking up at me. "Planning on marrying Luna are we?" I grinned and nodded my head, affirming her question, and thoughts. She squeed and hugged me tightly. "I hope it happens soon! She needs to be taken fully!" I hugged her tightly back, smiling happily, when I looked to Discord, he was grinning an giving meth thumbs up gesture. I gave the same gesture back, before Celestia and I separated the hug, she looked me over. "You would make an interesting first king of Equestria." She stated, making me blush. "I don't think I'll be that great..." I mumbled looking away. I then felt a chill run up my spine and unsheathed my sword. "Someone is coming, I do not know who it is yet though, they are a new presence here." I spoke in a hushed tone. Discord nodded his head confirming my thesis. Celestia regained her composure. The presence stopped a few meters away from the throne room doors, I could feel pony guards moving around, and then moving back twice as quickly. A guard in gold clad armor flew through the doors and rolled to the steps towards the thrones before finally stopping. A griffin walked into the room, she had purple feathers on the top of her head, she's wearing bronze clad armor, with leather pants and brown combat boots, on her bock is a Spartan-esk sword as well as Spartan shield. I moved to snap my fingers, until Rainbow Dash tackled me to the ground. "Don't you dare!" She yelled into my ear. I looked up at her slightly, before shoving her off of me and pointing my sword at her, she stared down my blade looking into my eyes. She froze when she saw my intent to kill, I could visibly see her turn pale, before I sheathed my blade. Looking at the griffin, I called out to her. "Why are you here Griffin? Was it not clear after your kind had failed their invasion last time to not fuck with my country?" I said to her. She looked directly at me, before kneeling to me. I looked down at her, as guards entered the room, I raised a hand signaling them to stop. "My name is Gilda, sir. And I was wanting to join your ranks, if I may." Rainbow stood shocked, her friend was asking me to join my army, what was wrong with her? "Why do you want to join his, and not the Equestrian Royal Army, Gilda?" She asked, disbelief in her eyes, as well as her voice. "Because pony armies are weak, pathetic. But his army, he only used eleven soldiers to decimate the griffin invasion army, an that only took a few hours before the griffins had retreated." Gilda said. This had surprised Rainbow apparently. Did she not get told these things, or was she that ignorant about it all? "May I join your ranks, King Nova?" She stayed kneeling, looking up at me, I stared into her eyes, before snapping my fingers. and Boulder entered the room. "Yes, however, you must prove yourself. Do you wish to join my army, or my Elite Guard? Be aware that the army is in the Crystal Caves along with my Hive. But the Elite Guard is stationed in a personal barracks here in the castle. Which will you choose?" I stated. Gilda looked me strait in the eye, and gave me an answer. "Your Elite Guard. Sir!" She yelled. I placed a finger on the center of her chest, and pushed magical power into her, she then gained the same knowledge as the others. She became Number Eleven. She screamed in pain as she began to tremble, as soon as I as done however, Boulder caught her and held her gently. Gilda looked up at him, and I could feel a bond forming. I smiled at the spectacle before looking at Rainbow Dash, she was scowling at me. I looed back at her, a plain look and walked past her, seating myself in my throne. Gilda got her baring's, and soon she had a new weapon on her side, she was now wielding a Spartan shield and spear. "You now can make a team as well as are capable of meeting with anyone. Dismissed." I stated, the two of them bowed and left the room. Looking at the others in the room, I nodded. "It would seem that the meeting will not be needed." The doors opened once more with Luna and Flame walking into the room. Flame smiled at me and ran up to me, but was stopped by Rainbow. Flame got scared and tears formed in her eyes. Luna picked up Flame, an took her to me. Flame held onto me tightly, glaring at Rainbow. "What's wrong with her!? I was trying to keep her away from this...this...Monster!" She yelled. "Because he's my daddy!" That made Rainbow recoil slightly before looking at me with disbelief. I nodded my head softly, looking down at Flame. "Well, he's not my biological daddy, but he's my daddy none the less!" She declared loudly, as if she was giving a speech. Rainbow looked at me with a scowl. "So what exactly do you do for her hm?" She questioned. I looked at Rainbow, before smiling, I could feel she was being protective over Flame, even without knowing her. "I make sue she is happy, safe, and loved, just like her all of her hundred other siblings. Would you like to spend the day with us?" I asked her with a smile on my face. Flame's eyes brightened and gasped, looking at Rainbow bouncing slightly. "Please please please please please please!!!!!" She chanted loudly, causing Luna, Celestia and Discord to chuckle or giggle. Rainbow sighed and gave in. "Fine! I will join you two-" "Three, Flame, Luna and I are always together." I explained to Rainbow. She nodded before leaving the room. "Shall we go to the wedding?" She asked. All heads nodding. We had gotten into our dress cloths, Celestia stood looking down at Shinning and Cadance. "I know pronounce you two hus-" She was cut off by the doors slamming open. "Stop! That's not Princess Cadance!" I head Twilight say. I heard her friends groan and mutter a 'Not again...'. The I saw a second Cadance. "She's a Changeling! They take the form of someone you love, and use you!" The 'real' Cadance explained. The 'fake Cadance soon changed form into a black, tall bug alicorn pony. " I see, so you managed to get out of the crystal caves, but how?" The fake Cadance said. I cleared my voice drawing her attention to me. "That would be my hive, they live there, and I was told ahead of time that something was going to happen in there, so I had a few of my guards stationed there. They had sent me information about bug-ponies. Now I know what they meant." I explained. Chrysalis -apparently the queen of the changelings- growled at me, before she froze. "Did you say 'Hive'?" She questioned. I nodded my head staring her down as he smiled slightly. "I see, so you understand why I am invading?" She asked. I nodded my head, I remember reading up about them and learned they feed off of love. "Then you will most likely kill is all-" I cut her off by raising a hand, and shaking my head. "No, I will outfight you nor your hive, however I have a proposition for you, and your Hive." I told her. She looked at me, eyeing me for trickery before nodding her head. I looked at Luna, who stared at me, she nodded her head slowly. I looked at her, and smiled softly. "You join my Hive." I explained. Chrysalis stared at me incredulously, before nodding her head gently. "Am I becoming your mate now as well?" She asked. I went to answer until Luna beat me to it. "Yes, however we will share, understand?" She said. I stood there with my mouth wide open, before Chrysalis kissed me softly, I kissed her back gently. Luna smiled and then joined in on the kiss. I was confused at what the fuck was happening, but I liked it! "Thank you for solving this without violence, but what about the wedding?" Celestia stated. Cadance sighed in relief when she saw Shinning Armor return to normal, he was disoriented until she explained the situation, he understood very quickly. However, an explosion sounded off in part of the castle. Griffins rushed into the room wielding spears and swords. I watched as they started killing ponies left and right. I snarled until Discord called out my name. "Nova! Take this! I made it for you as a present, sorry I'm a little late!" He yelled as he tossed me a large double-barreled pistol, the color was bright sky blue, the grip was midnight blue. A manic grin formed onto my face, and charged into battle, swinging my sword and shooting off rounds, it was going to be one hell of a party! ==================Preview of "The Wedding Part 3"================== Griffins were dying left and right, until catapult's were sending rocks of fire at the castle and the city of Canterlot. I growled watching as innocent ponies, and changeling loves were being ended before their time. I pulled out my new pistol, dubbed 'Shooting tar' shooting griffins left and right, fury in my eyes, my grin replaced with a scowl, and behind me, is an injure Flame, with Luna and Chrysalis trying to calm her down, healing her slowly. > The Wedding Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I shot the head off of a black feathered griffin, it's body slumped onto it's ally who was soon slaughtered by Aqua. My Elite Guard had managed to take out thirteen groups of enemies, Gilda was proving herself useful to us, grabbing a griffin I threw him towards Boulder, who cleaved the unlucky bastard in half. Sapphire was appearing and ten vanishing in the blink of an eye, decimating another group, however there were more than I had anticipated. "Destroy! Protect Equestria! Release!!" I saw thirteen pillars of light rise into he air, the fourteenth light soon rose with the rest, all of them different colors, however each showing their own power. Boulder was now wielding a cleaver, his body had grown bulkier, his tail more like a club. The others up to Felicia were the same, then the similarities ended. Felicia slashed at griffins with her claws, Nightmare wielded a double pointed green staff, Claw (Number Five) had multiple arms and tails, his tails acted like spears, while his four arms carried a scythe in each hand. Abyss's right hand was a lance itself, sending scolding hot water at the targets. Emerald was taller than the rest, she had tentacles flinging griffins around like they were nothing but dolls, while her axe had grown and serrated on each blade. Sapphire's shield was now like a boomerang, however it was spiked around the ridges, and number one, Flare, her spear would be thrown, an would explode on impact, however it was materialized back into her hand in a bright red light. Soon I saw Discord soaring through the air, his sword out, sending Solar Flares down onto the Griffins, I saw Shinning Amor with his Elite Guards killing enemy griffins if they had not given up already. Perhaps I was wrong about the Equestrian Royal Guard..." I said to myself in a whisper. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw griffin was making it's way towards Flame and Luna. I growled until it was suddenly cleaved in half by a changeling, it's eyes red. It looked at me and nodded before more changelings entered the fray. I could not be more happier. "I have a feeling you are happy?" I turned to see Chrysalis standing there, leaning against a wall with a smile on her face. Nodding my head, a grin grew onto my face. "Very happy." I was getting ready t leave, until she kissed me on the lips softly, looking into my eyes, I could see something, was it concern? "Be careful, I may be a new mate for you, but changelings become very attached to their mates. More so for the kings and queens." I nodded my head, before inclining it towards Luna and Flame. "Keep them safe alright? And I know you can, your power is pretty strong." I told her. She nodded. With that, I leapt into he air, my wings and tail formed, my sword drawn in my draconic hand, my new pistol on my human hand. Soaring into combat, Discord had shot off a black an red beam destroying building -thank goodness we had every pony in the castle- and decimating the griffins ranks. I landed in he battle field, sending shockwaves all over the ground, gust's of wind blew the griffins into the air, they stabilized however and decided to shoot bolts at me. Quicker than lightning I had shot all the bolts and crossbows to bits, the griffins stared at me with slack jaws, some were fleeing, only to be exterminated by Felicia when she shot out a blue beam from her hand. I swung my sword down, sending out a Crescent Moon, destroying a group of brawler griffins to their doom. Jumping into the air, I began to spin, a tornado began to form, but that was nothing, what I did next sent fear through the griffins, I slashed my sword in an arch motion, the tornado split into two, and were heading right for them. "Looks like you are getting stronger Nova. Good, lets hope we don't destroy Canterot though, like we did those fields all those weeks ago." Discord said from beside me. He and I had become the leaders of the power houses, his Elite Guard were members of the Hive -and still are, just a different sector of it- and had been changed. He turned to the left and then grinned like a maniac. "Oh this is fun! Shame those ponies and changelings died though..." He growled at the end. Even he was angered by the killings. An explosion sounded off behind us, a castle spire had collapsed. Discord and my eyes grew wide when we saw Chrysalis, Celestia, Luna and Flame being surrounded by griffins, the three diarchy had rings around their horns. The two of us broke the sound barrier, flying directly at the griffin enemies, but then, time seemed to stop for me, when I saw Flame trying to protect the others, and getting stabbed through the chest, just past her heart. Discord saw y look, and he flew faster, trying to get away. 'No...no...no...' I thought to myself. My speed increased, and my teeth grit. I shattered a second barrier just in time for the griffins to look up. Their smug grins turned into gapes of fear and despair. I ripped the head off of a griffin like it was paper, my pistol in it's holster, my sword sheathed. I stomped the head of a second griffin covering the floor in gore. The other griffins were paralyzed. They had had apparently never seen something like me, pissed off to no end. "You will...DIE..." I hissed out, the griffin holding Flame dropped her, as he threw the knife with her blood on it at me. I slapped the knife, sending it right back at the griffin, impaling it into his head. I appeared in front of the last two griffins, impaling my hands into their chests, I raised my head quickly, cutting the griffins in half from the chest up. Blood sprayed everywhere, covering me in it, not that I gave a damn. Looking at Flame, my hands trembled as I kneeled down, rubbing her cheek gently as she panted trying to stay awake. "Stay with m baby! You can do this! Just focus on me alright?" I told her. She nodded her head, staring at me, wile Chrysalis started to heal her. I could see her wounds healing and her breathing started to become calm. I rose to my feet, turning around and walking away. "where are you going, Nova?" Discord asked me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "I am ending this invasion." My tone serious and cold and even leveled. Discord nodded his head nervously, before heading over to Flame to try and help. Cadance soon arrived on the scene helping heal Flame. I spread my wings as my power began to rise, the wind kicked up, and all of my Elite Guards appeared behind me, holding Shinning Armor and his Elite who were holding Twilight and her friends. Rainbow saw Flame who was slowly being healed, and kneeled by her side. "What will you do Nova? Kill most of them or something?" Fluttershy squeaked out. I looked her strait in the eye as my true aura began to leak out, my eyes cold, they were slit like a dragons, their colors were black, yellow, and green, rings forming around the slit in a light purple slowly turning darker. "I'm going to decimate them, destroy them..." I told her, before side stepping into the middle of the battle field. I opened my mouth, a purple sphere in my mouth, and then I let out a destructive beam, going throughout their ranks. =================Luna's Perspective================ I stared at the battlefield, a purple beam of light moving about in a circle. I could see griffins trying to flee, only to be caught by a changeling and decapitated, or to see an enraged Sapphire and Nightmare literally tearing them in half. I held Flame's right hand, while Chrysalis held her left. Looking into Chrysalis's eyes, I could see she care deeply for Flame, Nova, and...me? Yes, she was caring abut me. I smiled at her, she smiled back. Flame's wound soon closed, and she lay there in our laps, fully healed. "Daddy is mad...he is mad that we were attacked." She said, looking up at us. Cadance rubbed Flame's cheek gently, and to her surprise, she nuzzled her hand gently back. "Aunty Cadance you look pretty." She complimented. Cadance smiled down at her, rubbing Flame's cheek gently. "Thank you Flame." She looked at Shinning Armor, who was holding a distraught Twilight. "What's wrong with Twilight, Shiny?" I heard Cadance asked. I then heard Shinning sigh sadly. "She thinks killing is wrong, but, it is necessary in a situation like this. She believes that everything can be solved with talking things out first. But she needs to understand that talking things out, can't always solve problems." He said softly, rubbing Twilights back gently. I sighed sadly nodding my head. I soon heard what sounded like a thunder clap. Looking up, I saw that he battle was over, and that Nova was before me, he was normal once again. I smiled up at him, and he smiled at me, as well as Flame and Chrysalis. The three of us hugged him tightly, happy to see he was alright, however, most of Canterlot was a smoking rubble, however, buildings can be rebuild, but lives could not. Sadly changeling and pony live were taken today, on such a grand momentous occasion. =============Nova's Perspective=================== After I ended the hug, I heard Celestia sigh sadly. "The wedding will need to be rescheduled until Canterlot and the castle have been rebuilt, I am sorry Cadance." Cadance nodded sadly. However, I soon clasped Cadance's shoulder gently. "I know were the two of you can marry." I waved a hand at a crystal wall, said wall parted reveling a secret passage way. "In my hive, we can hold it, seeing how it is essentially a secondary castle, however it will be strange for ponies and changelings to walk into it at first." I explained to everyone. Celestia looked at me incredulously. "There is a castle underneath Canterlot?" She asked. I smirked and nodded. "Oh yes, and it was tunneled into the crystals, possibly twice the size of this one, however there are no more crystals, except for the barriers and den's." I said loudly and calmly. Celestia nodded her head before gesturing me to lead the way. We walked down the crystal stairs for around roughly twenty minutes until we had reached he bottom and I heard everypony gasp, and awe. I stared at my castle in all it's glory, made out of the crystals it was born from, the cavern was around eighteen miles wide and twenty miles deep. "This is your castle!?" Chirped out Pinkie Pie. I nodded my head with a smirk. "It sure is, took a while to build, but as you can see, it's rather nice. I had it made to resemble Canterlot's castle, inside and out." I explained to the group. We made out way towards the castle, that would soon house the wedding, and if possibly, replace Canterlot's old one. Hours had passed as everything was being set up. Soon Shinning Armor and Princess Cadance were married, and the after party began. I danced with my mates, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Spike talking to Felicia, Nightmare and Emerald. Felicia and Emerald giggled at his jokes, while Nightmare smiled softly. I nodded my head before looking at my two wonderful mates in y arms. They are wearing dresses that hug their amazing figures. Chrysalis's mane was in an Asian styled bun, while Luna's was laying across her shoulders, slowly and gently moving in a non-existent breeze. Shinning and Cadance got into a carriage and left towards a Crystal summer home, and I smiled happily however, I had caught the bookie and blushed when Chrysalis and Luna giggled, each holding onto an arm kissing my cheeks gently. I held the two of them close. One everyone was in their respected rooms, I had taken the two of them to my room. It was Spartan in general, nothing much was in it, not that I needed much. Luna and Chrysalis had changed into rather sexy pajama's, while I stayed in my bower. We cuddled up against each other, sleep finally taking us. Little did we know that something big was coming, something that non of us were expecting. > Gettng ready... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months passed after the wedding as well as the mini invasion. The princesses had decided to send out their spies, however I beat them to it when I sent out Gilda, Boulder and Abyss to be my spies, and if need be, our enemies executioners. On a nice side note, Gilda and Boulder have become closer than what I though they would, however I did notice the looks they would give ach other, they were having the hot's for each other. Apparently in Griffin culture, when the male is far stronger than the female, it proves the male to be a great mate that is willing to protect what is theirs. Chrysalis has been an amazing ally, as well as mate -though we have not...uh...done that yet, but that's okay, Luna and I haven't either-. She has been helping m with duties with my hive, apparently her changelings and my serpents have become like a large family of sorts, both looking out for the other. Flame and Rainbow have been bonding, and she has been trusting me more and more since Flame was injured. Apparently when I flipped my lid, and decimated those lowly griffins -except Gilda, she's cool- Rainbow has been hanging around for Flame's sake, she had found out that all hatchlings or younglings were my ultimate weakness, which she respected. Luna has been accepted by most of Equestria now, which is good, no more of this 'Nightmare Moon' bullshit. However, I have seen glances of Luna's 'double' in the mirror from time to time. She looked H-O-T! Anyways, Sapphire and Night Shield have been doing great, however Night now knows to never piss Sapphire off, I'm betting after he saw how she tore those griffins to shreds with her bare hands after what they did to Flame, really scared him. Shinning Armor and Princess Cadance have been doing well too, however they say that the 'Crystal Empire's' castle is nothing compared to mine. I have never laughed so hard. Ever. So they had decided to make a copy of mine. Weird how mine is a crystalline copy of Canterlot Castle which is now nothing but rubble. Weird right? After that incident however, things had gotten quiet as usual. No invasions, no impending doom from some far off land or time had forgotten. Just quiet. And that scared me more than anything. Discord, too, seems to be scared by how quiet it has been. As I stand on the balcony of Canterlot's new Crystal Castle -my old one I suppose though it is still mine-, I feel someone's energy getting closer to me by a few meters. My body tenses up until I identify that it's Discord's. "Too quiet for you huh, Nova?" He asks me with a calm tone. I nod my head slightly, showing that I am listening. "Seems things like this don't bode well for us, does it? We fight for instinct where as other times we fight to protect and in some cases, we fight for fun. But with this...peace, it is rather frightening. Wouldn't you agree?" I nodded my head once again, my eyes glued to the starry night sky. He let a sigh escape his lips before looking at the sky himself. "It's weird but, when I was entering...that state, I could feel a second presence inside o me waking up. One of death and living for destruction. Could I be more than a Serpent?" I asked, looking up at Discord. He looked down at me, until his eyes narrowed when he looked back at the stars. "It could be from all of he abilities you have acquire, all of the magic and powers mixing together making something." He explained. I looked down until he continued. "Or, they could be helping wake something up, a part of you that not even you know about. You might have already been more than a human, and the 'Serpent' abilities was an added bonus." He said with a calm tone. "It might have to do with your parents, did you ever know them?" He questioned. I looked at the stars, sighing sadly. "I never knew them. I was orphaned or something like that. I had stayed in an orphanage until I was taken for the...testing." I explained. Unknown to me, Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis along with the man six and Spike were listing in on our 'private' conversation. "Whenever I would ask the Orphanage home Director about them, she would go pale and start telling me to drop it. When I would keep asking, she would order me to leave and go to my room. Even now I still wonder who they were, but I also must question why I was called a 'Demon' under certain children's breath..." I stated sadly. "Were there demons in your world?" Discord asked. He stared at me, while I thought for a while. "I'm not sure. I mean, if dragons are were, and are real in my world, what's to say that they weren't real too?" I said softly, not looking Discord in the eyes. Discord leaned against the railing before sighing. "There might have been. Even with my vast knowledge of this and other dimensions, I can not tell you what to expect. However this part of you that you felt, might be something you need to accept and overcome. It might be something that can help us with a war I can smell in the air. I know you have felt it too, the call of war is upon us. Those griffins were scouts, a large number of scouts, but scouts the same. However, it seems weird that they were killing, perhaps they were wanting to shake us up until the actual fight begins?" Discord stated rather calmly, which did manage to calm me down. I took comfort in his words for some reason. "If there is a war coming, than I will make sure to take the enemy forces down. But you are right. I have heard the call as well as smelt the stench of death on the horizon. This does not bode well at all with me." I explained. Discord nodded his head as we soon sat in silence until I noticed Pinkie Pie fall over from out behind the corner. "You can all come out now, Pinkie ruined your cover." I called out to the others. The group had left from behind the corner and stood before me. "Do you think that war will happen?" Asked the oh so timid Fluttershy. I let a sigh escape my lips before looking at the moon. I could lie to them, but if I did and war happened with them unprepared I would never live down the guilt. But if I told them the truth I would be scarring them, but preparing them as well. Crap...I just can't win can I? Damn it... "I believe so, unfortunately. But if there will be a war, something tells me it will be more than just Griffins. I can feel it." I told them. A pair of wing beats alerted me of a new presence. I turned to my left and saw a changeling scout, however he was beaten and half dead. "T-the griffins have...have gained a-allies..." It said while gasping. "T-they caught us an started killing. They almost got me too u-until I...I got away...but they banged me up pretty bad..." It said. "And what are their allies?" I asked gently, not wanting to make the pour changeling hurry with his words. "M-minotaur's...D-dragons...a-and..." He gasped a breath. I could tell he would not last much longer. He continued, but it startled me with what he said next. "S-s-serpent Hive...." I stood there stock still as the dying changeling slowly fell to he ground. I moved quickly and caught him, as I lay him on his back gently I could see he had a hole through his left breast plate o his armor, going through his back. "Did they resemble mine?" He nodded his head softly, gasping for air in pain. "Who was leading this new hive? Please tell me!" I begged. "H-he said...his name was...R-Richard..." As soon as he finished, I froze. Richard Rose, one of the first to become like me, he was also on of the most feared. His power was what tipped the tide in the Serpent's favor in taking over my old world. How did he get here!? "P-permission to rest...S-sir?" He asked me. I nodded my head slowly. "Permission granted soldier." I answered him, he smiled gently, his eyes filled with an odd sense of happiness. "T-thank you...S-sir..." His eyes gained a glazed far off look in them as he drew his final breath. I closed his eyes gently before rising to my feet and looked at everyone. "We need allies now!" I growled out. Discord was surprised by my hostility towards everyone. He gave me a questioning look. "Why are you so enraged right now? Who is Richard?" He asked a very good and very bad question there. I sighed than groaned loudly as I had not told many about everything as of yet. "Richard Rose, he was one of the first to become a hybrid like me, however, he soon became the first to turn on us, his hive had been the one to tip the scales out of humanities favor, and into the serpent's instead. Though seeing as to how I am one now, I should be thankful..." I explained. "He was someone you did not want to piss off, but since he is here, and has a hive as well as being an ally with the griffins, there is no doubt that he has heard of me and wants me to either join him, or get out of the way." I explained to the. Their eyes wide for a moment, before Discord began to laugh. "That's all? Really!? We have the power of multiple dimensions, magic strong enough to decimate armies, let alone the fact that we each of twelve Elite Guards capable of doing the same on their own, and then they have the powers we bestowed upon them as well. So to be honest, this 'Richard' person will lose." Discord stated confidently. Thinking this over, I soon saw what he was saying with better clarity. He was right, the two of us if we wanted to could take over the world, let alone the fact that we are making friends with the Zebra's, are allies with the Changelings, let alone having my hive with new classes/races growing all the time and counting. "That is true, perhaps we are capable of winning this war, once it comes out way. However, we will need to prepare the hive's, and the Royal Guard." I explained. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I grinned, thinking of how interesting this was going to be. Months passed, it had been a year since I had entered Equestria and established myself as a ruler. There had been word of small invades happening in Zebrica, as well as in the misty mountains where there are trolls, drakes and even a few unicorn wizards. I have been sending out more of my Hive Guard's to deal with these problems, as well as gaining more allies. So far we have gained the Diamond Dogs, the Zebra's, Drakes, Trolls, Unicorn Wizards, Bat Ponies, Scorpio's; just to name a few. The leaders of the tribes or mini countries have entered the fray of battle a few times with the Dragon's and Griffin's before. I watched over the training grounds as multiple races trained with each other, learning from each other. Discord had taken it upon himself to train Equestria's Royal Guard in our ways. My hive sits out on the training as to how they are as strong as Boulder is, if he was still as strong as he once was. He has become stronger, as well as became Gilda's mate. The two are happy with each other. "It seems that our mate is alone after all Luna~." I heard Chrysalis purr out, which sent shivers up my spine. Luna and Chrysalis rubbed their hands down my chest, before reaching- Hello! I let out a squeak, blushing soon. The two of them flanked me, their eyes lidded giving them a very sexy look. I nuzzled both of them before they dragged me off towards our room. "We are doing this~." Stated Luna. I was not going to complain, after so long of us pushing down our urges, the dams finally broke, all of us looking forward to what was about to happen. They tossed me onto the bed, disheveling the sheets from how rough I landed. "You will enjoy this lover~" Chrysalis purred to me, crawling up to me, Luna next to her, both of them moving at the same time. A low growl resonated from the back of my throat, however it wasn't a threat, it was in excitement. We made out before the two of them pinned me down, sultry smirking down at me. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Panting was heard throughout the room, the three of us had grown tired from our...activities. We had started at noon and I was now midnight and it.was.AWESOME! Luna ad Chrysalis lay their heads on my chest, panting still, but had smiles on their muzzles. "You certainly are active, we might need to be worried if this is always going t happen~." Purred Chrysalis from my right. I give her ear a gentle nibble causing her to moan with pleasure. "I didn't hear any complaining from either of you~." I purred to them. They both blushed before giggling. "No, no we did not." Luna stated, tracing a finger along m chest softly. "Though you weren't complaining either~." She said to me with bedroom eyes. I nodded my head, a smirk on my face as I rub their backs gently. "You certainly love us a lot, that is for sure." Chrysalis sighed happily before closing her eyes. Luna nodded her head and with a yawn, closed her eyes as well. I held them close, letting sleep take over me. But in the back of my mind, I could hear what sounded like echoing laughter. "Soon....soon we will be capable of protecting what is ours...Nova...". Was the last thing I heard after the laughing, before drifting to full slumber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A week had passed. Luna, Chrysalis and I have been having more of our...activities. The voice has been becoming more frequent however. And my powers and magic as well as my own abilities have been gaining more strength. I am now regarded as 'Equestria's First King'. As well as 'King of the Changelings'. Whenever Discord and I spar, he and I bot note that I am just as strong as him, that is, until he releases his true power, which forces me to release mine, then he trumps me like I'm a child. Luna, Celestia and Chrysalis have been talking with each other, I would sometimes here talk about marriage. Today I was to meet with Discord, but instead, I as met with someone different. Someone who made my blood freeze in my veins. Looking in front of me on the hill, stood Richard. He's wearing black combat boots, camouflage cargo-pants, a long sleeved camouflage shirt. At his side is a Spartan Sword, on his back is a Spartan Shield, however the edges are sharpened, meant to cut his foes in half. His left hand -much like my right hand- is draconic in nature, while his right eye -much like my left ye- is also draconic. "So you mush Nova. Some king, your just a kid!" He laughed towards the sky. I growled, my hand on my Shooting Star. Richard looks at me with a haughty grin on his face. "You really want to fight me kid? Do you know why I am here anyway?" He questions me. I stayed silent, not wanting to speak to him. He laughed once more. "Good kid, never talk to strangers. However the reason I am here, is because I want you to join me and together, we can rule this pitiful world with an iron fist." He held out his draconic left hand to me. "We can even get rid of those princesses." That's when I snapped. Pulling out my gun, in a swift movement I sent bullet past his head, causing him to flinch. "The fuck are you doing, you little shit!?" He raged at me. "You dare insult my mate and my best friends wife! I will kill you, you son of a bitch!!" I sent out another shot at him, he blocked it with his shield. Soon, we clashed with our swords, I snarled at him while her growled. Sparks flew and blood was spilt. Richard managed to cut my left arm off, he grinned a sported grin. "Looks like you lost an arm-" He stopped, staring at me as a new arm formed. As I tested my new hand, I picked up my pistol, holstering it. "What the fuck!? What are you!? No Serpent breed can do that!" I smirked before replaying. "I have twenty serpent classes in my hive and twenty Elite Guards, all like me. They have these aspects, and more. However, I am more than a simple Bull/Leviathan Class. I am my own class." I explained. Richard growled before he started to laugh whole heartedly. "Good, I was hoping you would be a challenge!" He stopped laughing, but his smirk still ever present. He rushed at me, until a black and red wave passed between us, causing him to jump back. When he looked at me, he saw that I was completely unharmed from the wave. "Looks like you are Richard. Not very strong are you?" Discord stated. He was standing in the air as he stared down at him. "You aren't that powerful, eve if you were to become similar to us, you would fail." He sneered at him. Discord sheathed his sword and then I sheathed mine. Richard nodded before smirking again. "I see, then I will have get stronger. Keh." Before he vanished in a side step move which surprised both of us at first, until we realized that I could do the same thing when I had first arrived to this world. When we had returned to the castle, everyone was on edge. "I met Richard. Good news, he isn't all that powerful. Bad news, he is going to get stronger." I told them. Luna and Chrysalis patted my shoulders gently, calming me down slowly. I smiled at the two of them. Everyone decided to head off to bed to rest. Looking outside I noticed that my fight with Richard lasted until nightfall. Luna, Chrysalis and I lay in our bed, cuddling with each other. I let out a sigh of happiness. "Good night, loves." "Good night, love" They responded back to me. The three of us began to drift off to slumber. The voice was quiet tonight, and I could feel something big was going to happen in the future. I will need to worry about it later, for now, sleep takes me, the three of us all have small smiles on our faces. > Nova's powers and Ovan's awakening.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dodged a black and red beam coming from my right, it managed to get my arm an part of my side while dodging. Discord's sword was already flowing with his black and red aura flames, ready to make another attack. I gripped the hilt of my blade tighter with my right hand, a deep purple aura spiraling into my hand in the guard until it erupted in black and green flams. We both raised our swords and swung down, sending two waves with turned into beams clashing against each other, Discord's was pushing mine back further, until mine seemed to grow and began to push his back before the two beams exploded. Discord's surprised look on his face was all I needed to see to understand that my powers were truly becoming a force to reckon with. Discord then did something I did not expect, he pointed a finger at me, and at the tip, his black and red aura began to form a sphere, moving in a lightning like motion going towards it. I wen to swing my blade down, but it was too late Discord had already fired his attack in a large devastating beam heading right towards me. I raised my sword with the flat pointed at the beam, using it like a shield over my left arm. The beam hit me and pushed me back into a wall of the crystal castle until Discord slashed at me with his sword, sending a second beam at me but less large and dense in power. Growling I moved my left hand out catching the beam and pushing me further into the wall, the crystal breaking under the intense pressure, soon both beams touched. My eyes widened as they began to destabilize, a bright white formed in front of me as hey exploded right in my face. =========Luna's PoV============= We watched as the two titans battled it out. We gasped when we saw Nova crash into a wall from the first beam, but when the second beam stuck him, we began to worry. Discord was not playing fair, though since they were training for a war, it made sense. But to use two destructive beams on one target while they struggle with the first one seems rather...how did Nova say it, 'Jerk-ish'? However, when a bright white light flashed before our eyes, and a loud explosion sounded off. A cloud of dust floated ad obscured our view of Nova. I could see Discord's eyes moving quickly, as if anticipating Nova's next move, however his eyes soon widened when the dust cloud vanished, and we gasped. There standing in a crater was a tall white figure, his hair was long and bleached white, his clothes seemed to be different than Nova's, he's wearing a white overcoat, large baggy white...pants? His shoes have been turned into saddles, his sword was all white and mainly a katana with a black moon with white stars circling around the hilt, his hands were ash white and his fingertips were black claws. He sported a long tail that slowly whipped about, on his back were six wings in total, however where there would be hooks or claws on the wings, there were strange sharp toothed heads without eyes. On his face was a white and black mask that resembled the demonic face of Nova, two horns coming from the sides of his head and pointing forwards. "Who are you..." I heard Discord say to this new entity. This being flung his hand back while the sword flew into his hand and as soon as it was there, it swung down, sending multiple shockwaves and thunderclaps resounded throughout the air, the wind picked up so harshly we all shielded our eyes, forced to squint. "I said, "Who are you?"." Discord repeated the question. But it didn't seem to register to this new being as it started to look round, as if looking for something. That is, until it's gaze was set upon Chrysalis and Me. The being went to step towards us, however it was stopped by one of Discord's beams which was easily swatted aside by the beings white hand. "Do you not understand me? I asked you a question." He growled out. The being looked at discord, before it let out a bellowing, deafening, wailing roar was made from the thing as it's mask opened up, making cracking noises as if it had not been used in a very long time. Then, something chilled us deeper to the core, even Discord seemed to be slightly terrified. It spoke. "It seems that I was drawn out. How lovely. I can finally fight! HA! Hahahahaha! Finally!!!!" It let out a shrill laughter after it spoke in a high pitched echoing voice before he vanished from view. Out of nowhere Discord was in the air above a tower of dirt. The creature appeared above him before kicking Discord back into he ground passing the sound barrier. He raised his sword, a white and purple aura spiraled into the blade, large white and purple flames erupted like a tower high above his head. Discord jumped out of the earth, only to freeze by the sight before him. We all gaped at the raw power this thing had at it's disposal. The creature's mask began to vanish in parts, revealing his face, it looked exactly like Nova's, however he has a manic smile on his face, his yellow and black eyes showing glee seeing Discord in slight pain before he let out another shrill laugh pass his lips before swinging his sword down, sending a large beam at Discord, who charged enough energy sending his own beam. Discord's beam stood nary a chance, as this creature's beam cleaved through Discord's slamming into him sending him into the ground before it exploded sending a large dome of white and purple miles into the sky, the gusts of wind knocking us over. Looking up at the creature, his manic smile soon became non-existent when he saw me and Chrysalis on he ground, covered in dirt. Why was he no longer smiling? What did we have to do with him? Before I could question anymore, he appeared directly in front of the two of us. "Why are you both on the ground? Our mates are too good to be here. You both should be someplace higher up.." He said to us, It shocked me from the compassion he held for us, the same compassion...Nova...did... "N-nova...?" I asked with a nervous tone. He looked at me, his eyes brightened slightly. ""Not quite. You see I am a part of him that also loves you both. You are Ours. And I am part of his true power. The power to protect, or my favorite...Destroy." He explained to us. But he seemed to be different, more importantly, if he wasn't Nova, who was he? "Then, who are you if you aren't Nova?" A grin formed on his face, before lifting Chrysalis and I from the dirt. "My name is; Instinct, though most call me, Lunar Fang." He said, which surprised us. Instinct, Lunar Fang? Was he Nova's sword? "No, I am not the sword. That was the name I chose. Instinct is my actual name though. But, you may call me Ovan. Backwards for Nova, get it?" He laughed again, until he stopped and raised a hand, catching Discord's flaming blade. Discord was covered in bruises, cuts and holes. His clothes were torn to shreds, his chest was exposed, however it was has a large gash on it, the wound bleeding profusely. Ovan looked at Discord before nodding his head in approval. "I like you Discord, your a good match, however it seems my time is up. Maybe next time we can battle again when you aren't holding back and then I can do the same." That statement took us all by surprise. Ovan was holding back? Yet he managed to injure Discord in such a way only from a few messily moves? However, Ovan began to change, turning back into Nova, as he gasped for breathe and fell to the ground. Discord soon joined Nova on the ground, both unconscious from their fight. We rushed them into the medical ward, where they were charged to be staying in there for most likely a week from magic deprivation. =========Nova's PoV========== I opened my eyes slowly, the light burning them slightly, I hissed in slight pain as I closed them quickly, wincing from the sudden movement. "Welcome back to the living there Nova. Your other half really did a number on me." I heard Discord say from next to me. Opening my eyes again, I looked to my right, seeing Discord laying in a bed, bandages all over her chest, arms and torso. "He was a challenge, capable of dealing massive damage, eve when holding back. I couldn't even touch him." He explained. I looked down at my hands, before noting at my fingertips were ash white claws. "What happened to me?" I questioned in shock and awe. Discord cleared his throat before speaking. "You're other half, Ovan took over when you had taken too much damage, you looked pretty badass except for the fact that he almost managed to kill me from his speed, power and energy attacks alone." Discord said to me, his voice grave and serious. Out of nowhere, flashbacks of the fight played through my mind and I understood what happened. The door opened revealing Luna, Chrysalis and Celestia, they looked worried about us, until they smiled, seeing that we were awake. We talked for hours until Discord and I were discharged from the ward. I yawned from being tired, somehow I felt even more tired from waking up from a week and a half nap. So Luna and Chrysais decided to bring me to our room to head to bed. As we cuddled with each other, I thanked the other part of me for allowing me to gain more power. As my eyes began to close, I could hear his faint chuckle and echoing voice calling to me. "Anytime Nova, anytime indeed." I then drifted off to sleep, unaware of the enemy forces growing stronger and deadly by the second. This battle was going to be long, and was going to be hard, but I- er we, had to win, for the fate of the world was resting in our hands. > The fight and the war begins... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I flew through the air with my six new wings, however instead of ash white, they are pitch black. Soaring through the skies, I broke the sound barrier sending a large ring of white and black while a second ring formed in the colors white and purple. My sword stayed in it's katana based form as it was gripped by my right hand. My pistol had also been changed. Instead of needing ammo, it was now infinite and capable of sending those beams of energy. Discord had told me after we were released that I needed to be careful, otherwise I might hurt somepony. My other half; Instinct has been talking to me, warning me about powers and abilities I have unlocked and how to claim them, even going so far as to drag me into the deepest part of my mind to fight with him, gaining more and more abilities. One such ability is to make him a separate being for s short period of time, a few weeks at the most before he is forced to return to me. Luna and Chrysalis have been very happy about this power, especially when it came to the bedroom. I aim downwards, spiraling sending jet trails through the air, as I come closer and closer to an enemy camp. I let out a low growl, un-holstering my new pistol, I send three shots of blue beams upon them, the explosions made large craters, the enemy griffins that had entered Equestria were gone, however I soon felt a power, coming right at me with incredible speed. I turn around quickly to spot a male serpent much like Boulder, however he is more animal like than human. He is wearing black clothes, with wooden sandals and white socks, his hair is long and black. His aura seeps out as he charges at me, forming into multiple pink petals of sorts. His eyes are gray and cold. is class is Wyvern. 'Interesting...so Richard has managed to gain some powers similar to mine? But this person is holding back their true power. I had better be careful, he seems to be stronger than most of me Elite Guard.' I tell myself in my mind. The serpent points a finger at me, white lightning begins to form and he shoots out a thin white beam at me. I raise my sword, however the beam goes strait through my right shoulder. Lightning arch's around my body making me scream in pain. The man vanishes before appearing above me giving me a pile driver to the top of my head, sending m strait into the ground making a large crater. The man stands there, his tail whips around while his eyes scan me and my crater before laughing. "So you're the oh so powerful 'King Nova', eh? Pathetic! How could Lord Richard retreat from you, huh!?" He states to me. As I get up, my shoulder heals before his eyes and the lightning becomes absorbed into my body. "Interesting, so that is how you were able to surprise Lord Richard eh? Interesting indeed." He stated under his breath. I raised my sword, green and black flams forming around it, before they begin to rise. The man stared at me, until I sent out a beam of black and green right at him. He brings a hand up, catching the beam before it hits him, however, he becomes surprised when I appear behind him, my gun pointed at his back. "You have lost...farewell..." I stated before I send a barrage of blue beams at him, the beams collided with him, exploding sending shockwaves though the air. I turn around ready to leave, until a sword impales my left shoulder, my eyes widen slightly until another sword impales my right side. "It seems you did not fully understand my power. When I pile drive you into the ground, I noticed that your power is strong, but not complete. Yet." He said from behind me. As I turned to look at him, I could see multiple pink glowing swords floating around him, the petals forming into the swords. The man looked at me, before smirking. "The name is; Petal." He said to me. I stared at him before the two swords exploded, making holes in my body. As I fell I could see Petal smirking, until my body healed itself, but I was still in pain. As I stabilized myself, Petal snarled and appeared before me, raising a sword above his head. I slashed my sword in an arch, cutting his forearm off, he hissed in pain, clutching his now stub of an arm. I kicked him in the stomach away from me a few feet before I sent a black and green beam at him. The beam slammed into him, exploding. When Petal left the fog of the explosion, his clothes were torn while his left leg was burned badly. "Damn...wish I had known you could do this. Oh well." He sighed as if this wasn't new to him. He went to draw his actual blade, until a man appeared from behind and grabbed his arm. Petal's eyes widened as he froze. The new man's eyes were cold and cruel. He's wearing all white clothes, he looks more like Sapphire than petal, which scared me to the core. At his side is a katana, and he bears a symbol of the Wyvern class. He looks at me, before vanishing and reappearing back in front of me. My left shoulder sliced open, my right leg gone, and my left arm sliced off. The new man stares at me before he tells me his name. "Remember my name and hope we will fight again. My name is; Aero." Aero said to me before he blasted me with a white and bright blue beam. My body began to go numb as darkness enclosed around me. I saw Aero and Petal leave in a flash of lightning and booming thunder. My eyes began to close slowly, I could faintly feel Discords and Ovan's energies move closer to me before I lost consciousness. ===========Instinct PoV============ I moved quickly as soon as I felt Nova's energy levels drop after a massive attack from an unknown enemy. Discord joined me and as we traveled passed the sound barrier, we could start to see the explosions. Then a new power entered the fray. It was a man who was cold and calculating. He moved so fast I had to use my energy to make out his movements. He side stepped behind Nova, slicing his left shoulder, his left leg and right arm were cut off, and then a beam hit Nova, it was a devastating attack. However when I reached Nova's falling body, he was are worse than before the beam. His body was burnt slightly, a hole going through his chest just passed his heart and he was bleeding out fast, his powers were being slow at the moment. I caught him before he hit the ground with Discord by my side. I looked at him, and growled. "We need to get him back to the castle now!" Discord nodded and with a snap of his fingers, we appeared in front of Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis. All three gasped. Luna and Chrysalis covering their mouths, tears in their eyes as they looked up Nova -who was me in a sense-. They had asked who harmed Nova. I told them what I had seen and felt, but I could not hear what they were talking about. The two of them sobbed hoping that he was going to be okay. I nodded my head, holding them both close to myself and they buried their muzzles into my chest, sobbing. I looked at Nova before sighing sadly. Even I had to give this new enemy credit, they were strong enough to cause this much damage in a few seconds. "He'll be okay you two. I can feel his powers re kicking into overdrive to heal him as quickly as possible, let alone the fact I am also healing him, so please, don't sob, smile knowing he will be just fine." I told them softly. The two nodded their heads as we watched Nova's body heal itself and reform his lost limbs, his sword and gun oddly weren't damaged, and were where they needed to be. 'Well at least this one has a sense of honor in them.' I thought to myself. After a few hours, Nova's body was healed, but he was still weak from his fight and I could tell it was going to take a while for him to get back up. A month had passed since Nova's battle with this new foe and I have been growing weaker. There have been no attacks on anyone as of yet. I hope Nova wakes up soon, we need him badly and I can't enter his body unless he is capable of allowing me in. The only reason I'm still alive is because Discord has been feeding me his energy and magic, making himself weaker. Sighing, I racked a hand through my spiked short white hair -I had gotten a haircut- while looking down at the ground. Luna and Chrysalis have been a wreck, crying themselves to sleep. I have also been training the hives for combat, Nova's and my Elite Guard now as strong as that fist bastard Nova had fought with, however, they might even be beyond that as well. Every once in a while, I would feel Nova's energy level spike so high, it seems he is getting some sort of training done. Which wouldn't surprise me none. Today marked a month as everything had happened. An explosion resonated from the Equestrian Royal Guard barracks, ponies fleeing or dead. I rushed towards the explosions, and I saw the first bastard Nova had fought, but his arm was healed. I growled and swung my sword, sending a white and purple beam, knocking the man over, his reformed arm fully gone from his shoulder. "You have some fucking nerve to come here, you piece of shit!" I snarled at the man, he looked at me before I punched him in the face. He flew back and into a wall. "You're quite powerful, too bad I was only here for Nova, not you; Ovan." He explained to me, I growled at him. How did you even know about me!?" I growled at him like a cornered animal. He laughed full heartedly before kneeing me in the stomach, He explained to me how they had been keeping tabs on Nova, and ever since I appeared, they have been keeping tabs on me as well. I growled but felt a sword cut through my side. I looked behind me and saw the second bastard Nova fought. He was quiet, but he was also quick. He quickly stabbed his hand through my chest next to my heart before pulling it out, my blood sprayed out onto the ground. I gasped for breath. The man raised his sword ad swung down onto my head. Until a beam of black and green separated us. As I looked up, my eyes widened. I could feel Luna, Celestia and Chrysalis gasp. There standing before me, is a new looing Nova. His hair long and black, his eyes are purple and white, black and yellow flames formed around his new katana and his power was at my own when I release. I could tell he had surpassed Discord's first two release forms. And then he spoke. "Hello...Petal, Aero." The two stare at Nova before he gets in a fighting stance, his pistol in his left hand, purple and white energy forming in the barrel. "Lets dance..." And with that, he rushed them. ===========Nova's PoV============ I awoke from the sound of an explosion, my power had been raised and my weapons once again changed. I stood and got dressed before heading to the fight, Arriving I saw Aero getting ready to cut off Ovan's head. I pointed a finger and shot a black and green beam separating them, however it changed to black an yellow before it vanished. I landed in front of Ovan, I could hear Luna, Celestia and Chrysalis gasp as I stood before Ovan. "Hello....Petal, Aero." The two stared at me before I got into a fighting stance. My energy began to seep out and forming black and yellow flames around my katana. My pistol in my left hand had purple and white energy forming into the barrel. I stared at them getting into a fighting stance, close to the ground. "Lets dance..." And with that, I rushed at them, my sword's flames becoming larger and he energy in my pistol growing larder. This was going to be a fun fight. > War and Wedding Plans.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stayed close to the ground as I rushed Aero and Petal. Petal sent that white beam at me. I cleaved the attack like one would use scissors to cut paper, raising my pistol I sent three beams at the two. Aero dodged, pulling Petal with him, the beams hit the ground they had been exploding crating crater. I sidestepped and appeared behind Petal, my pistol against his back. He jumped into the air the second I shot the beam. Petal growled in pain and as I looked back at him, I could see that the petals around his body were forming a new arm that he had lost. "Looks like Ovan isn't as powerful as we were led to believe." He stated, flexing his new hand. I holstered y pistol before making a stabbing motion at his head, he goes to dodge, but I arch my blade, going to the right, slicing his left side. He hisses in pain before drawing his own sword, this time Aero did not stop him. I side steeped behind him and stab my hand through his right shoulder, he growls in pain before going to take a swipe at me. I side step a few feet in front of him, the flames on my sword have returned in full force. "Look at you, stronger than you were before. Tch." He bit down onto his sword, before his eyes changed. "Well your going to lose!" He pulled the sword out of his mouth in a swift motion, the blade disappearing, his body growling taller, his tail extended, four wings on his back, two large horns on his head. I watch silently as he goes through his power up before I make any attacks. He roars at the sky, sending shockwaves through it. His petals have become larger like shields, his cloths are now all black body armor, and his class has changed, it's a mix between a Wyvern and a plant. He crouches low to the ground, before he vanishes. I move swiftly backward as he crashes his foot down to where I just was. I swing my sword at him, his petals act like a shield, thorny vines come out from under me and wrap around my legs and arms. "Ha! Looks like you won't be moving for a while!" He snarls out with a grin. He starts to punch my face, chest and stomach repeatedly. I take the hits, finding them to be weak, but he didn't know that...yet. After minutes pass, I finally decided to speak up. "Was that all?" I state in a calm tone, my 'wounds' healed instantly. I fluxed my energy, the vines are destroyed instantly, turning into ash. Petal's eyes go wide for a second, before he smirks. He raises a clawed hand the palm pointed directly at me, a bright sky blue sphere forms collecting more and more Energy. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Ovan is fighting with Aero. Ovan is torn up, but smiling with glee from a good fight. I look back at Petal who releases the sphere in a large beam of sky blue light heading right at me. I raise my sword, the tip pointing down as the beam hits me, in a swift motion I swing my blade up, cutting the beam in half while sending my own back at him. He barely dodges it, however I appear before him and cut deep into his shoulder. He yelps in pain before sidestepping a few meters away from me. "So you can take me like this huh? Tch. And here I thought"- a sadistic smile broke out on his face- "that I was going to deal with a weakling again!" He charges at me, another sphere forming in his hand. He never got the chance to use it however, for I swung my sword up, sending a wave of gold energy, severing his arm that has the sphere. His eyes go wide as he looks back at the sphere, it is the size of his head and explodes right next to him from how unstable it was. He is thrown to the right and slams into the ground then tumbles a few more meters away. I watched as he hit the wall of a castle, going through it. I then saw his arm reforming from his petals. I sidestepped to in front of him before kicking him upwards, he hits the ceiling and falls back onto his stomach. He rises after couching up some blood. I grab him by his throat before throwing him through a pair of doors leading to the throne room. "Crap...." I mutter under my breath. =======Chrysalis's PoV========== I had decided to go back into the throne room when the fight started. Luna and Celestia soon followed, Flame was with us, she had been happy that Nova was awake -as were we- but she was scared of the noises outside -not that we could blame her-. I sat on the steps holding the young girl who was clinging to me as if her life depended on it. There was a loud explosion just outside the throne room and crashing. Flame buried her muzzle deeper into my chest, I could feel tears staining my shirt. As she cried I rubbed her back gently. A person flew through the doors and crashed right in front of us, I was quick to move Flame and myself away from this guy. He groaned before the sound of bones popping was heard. "That's gonna hurt if I live through this. Why was I not told that he had gotten stronger than last time!?" The man growled out. Luna and Celestia drew their weapons. Celestia wields a claymore while Luna wields a scythe. I was quick to hide Flame s I could draw my own, jagged long sword, until Nova broke the doors down with what looked to be his...hand? Nova moved quickly, quicker than I had ever seen him move before, he punched the top of the mans head so his face was slammed into the hard floor before he stopped on the mans head. Nova then picked the man up with his hand and through him at a wall, cracking it. His sword became engulfed by new, golden flames that seemed to dominate the room and warm us up. The man got up t his feet, coughing up blood. He noticed us, and he appeared before the three of us. Celestia growled and swung her claymore downward, he dodged but the force she had swung it caused him to recoil. She had cracked the floor, the clacks went all the way across the room, breaking a far wall. Luna swung her scythe sending a sharp gust of wing that cut his armor and caused his blood to spray out. I took a fencing stance, and lunged forwards, a thin small beam was sent out, going through his right shoulder. He stared at us in surprise, but then smirked when he spotted Flame. Luna and I growled at him, the two of us no longer giving out warnings. No one, messes with our family. Ever. He went strait towards her, Nova noticed this too and followed, but was stopped by Celestia. "Watch. She won't be hurt at all." Celestia told him, Nova nodded his head, the golden flames dying out just as quickly as they had appeared. Luna and I kicked both of his sides in, he gasped in pain as his eyes went wide. Luna grabbed his left arm while I grabbed his right, and we pulled them. Hard. He let out a roar of pain as we dislocated his arms, before we both kicked him as hard as we could, right where it hurts! He kneeled down, gasping for breath and in pain. I sliced his arms off, while Luna destroyed his petals. He stared up at us, fear starting to show in his eyes. I grabbed his head with hand, barring my fangs, I snarled at him. "No one, goes after our baby. Ever!" I snarled into his face. After that, Luna raised her scythe, and swung it down onto his head, cutting it off. His body slumped onto the floor as his head flew through the air. However, his body turned into petals, and flew out the window, following the wind. Flame had ran up to us, and clung to us tightly, sobbing into our chests. We hugged and held her close to each other, rubbing her back gently. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turning around, I saw Nova's smiling face. "It's good to see you two again, you too Flame. And it is also good to know that you call us family." He said to me. Luna and I blushed before smiling back. We shared a kiss before Flame clung to Nova, happy to see he was fine. An explosion sounded from outside and Discord's and Ovan's bodies were flung into the room, hitting the thrones and crushing them slightly. I looked to see a second man, walking into the room. His body was covered in black fur, he has two large red wings, a long whip like tail, claws on each hand and foot. On his head are what appear to be elongated ears, while his eyes were deep green and yellow, full of despair. He looked at Nova, his gaze seemed to get colder. "You have caused us some problems. I will end this now." A neon green javelin forms in his hand, and rushes Nova. The golden flames formed once again, the two clashed weapons. Nova and the man silently glared at each other, before punching each other back, sending energy sparks everywhere. Nova silently stared, as did the man. The mans wings spread out as he appeared before Nova, punching Nova in the face. Nova flew back into the wall behind the destroyed thrones. The man shot out a silver beam at Nova while he was down, the explosion shook the whole room. Nova leaped from the smoke and kicked the man out of the room and outside. We followed and the true fight between them had began. =====Nova's PoV============ I kicked Aero from my family and outside. We both took tot he air, clashing creating shockwaves and sparks. Aero would nick me from time to time before I would cut him as well. I slashed the air downward sending a wave of golden energy at him, he swung his javelin sending out a silver wave, our attacks connected an exploded. The winds picked up as we clashed once more. Aero whipped his tail at me, knocking me out of the sky and into a house. The ponies in said house screamed like children, feeling their home. Aero fired another wave at me, I fired my own wave back at him. I heard a scream of agony and looking around I saw griffins and minotaur's fighting with changelings and ponies. I looked back at Aero as he flew down to me. I leaped into the air and did a spin kick, hitting him into a building, as he crashed and flopped from roof to roof, I followed him from the air, my golden flames on my sword, while his javelin was silver with silver flames on it. Aero finally stopped his flopping and jumped into the air, inly to have me kick him into the last house he hit. I sent a wave of golden energy at him, the attack hit it's mark and destroyed the house. The gust of wind knocked griffins, minotaur's, changelings and ponies over. Aero appeared before me, his left leg and right arm regrew and his javelin returned. Our weapons clashed against the other again, more sparks flying. I could see Boulder and Gilda dealing with the small attack along with the changelings and ponies. Boulder and Gilda worked together perfectly. "It seems we have not considered you and your allies to be this strong. But it changes nothing, you will fall. And we will rise, even if I die here today. Lord Richard will end you all...." Aero said to me. I shook my head from side to side. "He won't, you know why?" He looked at me with a questioning look before I answered him. "Because we have a reason to fight, to live and if need be, to die. Richard only cares about conquest, nothing more, nothing less. He will never change." I explained before he nodded his head and sent a silver wave at me. I was beginning to grow annoyed by this fight. I changed my form, my new wings were golden, while my shoulders had golden flame caller, my tail was long and whip like, however at the tip, it was spiked, my hands and feet turned into claws, my cloths changed slightly, forming an all white tail coat, pants and shirt. My eye colors grew darker -darker for purple- and brighter -brighter for white-. I raised a hand and swept the wave in half like it was nothing. I stared at Aero, who stared back. We looked a lot like each other, just different colors. He raised his javelin before he threw it at me, I knocked it aside with a wing at the direction of most of the griffins and minotaur's. It exploded in a large silver dome, the wind knocked everyone over, including us. We landed on two different buildings I got up, my eyes met with Aero's and e rushed each other. I punched his right cheek while he punched my left. His tail whipped around and mine did the same. We both impaled each other on the other's tail. I moved away from each other, out tails covered in the others blood. Our wounds healed and we rushed each other once again, except this time I kicked him in the side, sending into another building. I saw Sapphire moving all the civilians inside the castle out of the corner of my eye. Aero appeared before me and knocked me into the ground with his left wing. He approached me, but soon froze when I stabbed my hand, strait through his heart. His eyes widened as he looked down. My hand all the way to my wrist, had pierced his heart. I twisted my hand before pulling it out. Aero grasped his chest, and was ready to fall. Until a woman came, her power was stronger than Aero's. She picked him up over her shoulder, looking at me, she held a sort of pity, before vanishing. The griffins and minotaur's that were left, soon vanished with her. I looked upon Canterlot, to see it smoking an rubble once again. I sighed before flying back to the castle. When I landed, Discord and Ovan had came to and gaped at my new form. "Is that permanent?" Ovan asked. I nodded my head before he grinned. "Badass bro, badass." He complimented me. I nodded my head again until Luna and Chrysalis rushed us, Luna to Ovan and Chrysalis to me. We shared a passionate kiss before we were both dragged to separate rooms forcefully. I did not mid, the two of them must have been needing us and we were going to deliver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chrysalis and I were panting and sweating. She had a large smile on her muzzle as she kissed me with fever. "You certainly know how to please a woman, Nova~." She purred to me. I nodded my head before kissing her back, holding her close to my body. We lay naked under the covers and Chrysalis sighs happily, laying her head on my chest. "It's good to have you back Nova. We missed you greatly." She said to me softly. I nodded my head before smiling. "Well there is something we want to ask you girls." She gave me the continue look. I nuzzled her gently, kissing her neck softly causing her to gasp. "We were thinking about you know, if you two wanted to marry us?" I asked slowly. Chrysalis stares at me before she screams happily, hugging me tightly ad kissing my face repeatedly with fever. "Of course we will! Luna and I will marry you!" She then kissed me again. The door burst open wit Luna running in naked, Ovan being dragged behind her with a large grin on his face. "You too? We're getting married t Nova!?" Chrysalis nodded her head. Luna screamed happily pouncing me, as Ovan went back into my body to rest finally. We kissed passionately Luna and I. Chrysalis nuzzled us gently before the two of them got a gleam in their eyes. I gulped audibly as they jumped me. The rest f the night was full of fun and then sleep. All of us had smiles on our faces, we were finally going to become a true family. > The Date and an Up-Coming battle... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was walking through the hall of a castle with Spike by my side. He has been staying around here more and more mainly to see Felicia, Nightmare, Aqua to try and talk to them. "Do you think they would like me? I mean, I am a dragon one of our enemies. Do you think they'll hate me? Do you hate me?" He asked me while he was worried about meeting the three for a date. A date I do no like one bit. I let a groan escape my lips. "Do you want me to be honest with you dragon boy?" I asked. Spike nodded his head. "I don't think you should be seeing them, but I will allow it...for now." I explained to him. He gained a saddened look. "But, if you truly like, or even love them, don't let them go and forget all about Rarity. Understand? I don't want to have their hearts broken because of a petty crush, you got it fucker?" He growled the last part at him. He nodded his head, he had explained that Rarity and Twilight were already an item. He was heartbroken about it and since I was his only friend -though now we are friends- that is like him, I helped him out. "I understand; King Nova. I won't hurt them on purpose okay? Besides, they are more beautiful than Rarity could ever dream of being. Don't tell her I said that, she'd kill me." I chuckled at the end of that. I nodded my head before patting his shoulder. "Don't worry, if anything, I'll tell them what you said, maybe they'll reward you, eh?" I winked at him at the end. He blushed before gaining a hopeful look in his eyes. I nodded my head before ruffling his head spines. I had grown taller, I reached the bottom of Celestia's neck. I have walked into her a few times, my head going strait into her...boobs. Yeah, that had gotten awkward, but when it happened to me and Chryssi...well...fun stuff happened in parts of the castle we shouldn't have, though it didn't matter none, seeing how this is my castle. We entered the throne room where Chrysalis, Luna were waiting for me, Celestia and Discord were together as Nightmare, Aqua and Felicia were waiting for spike. Our mouths dropped. Luna is wearing a tight dark blue dress that goes down to her knees, on her hooves are the sapphire shoes I made for her. Her ethereal mane looks more amazing -even though it always looks amazing-. She's wearing black eye-liner that makes her cyan eyes pop out. Looking her up and down, her dress is hugging her body, showing her amazing figure. Chryssi is wearing a type of Asian style dress that hugs her very well proportioned body. Her chitin on her cheeks have a soft pink blush, while her amazing green mane is style into a bun with chop-sticks in it to keep her mane from falling. On her hooves are the emerald shoes I had made for her, much like Luna's sapphire ones. She's wearing a tan like eye-liner, making her green slit eye's pop out and look more amazing. Her dress ends down to her shoes showing her ankles slightly, while it's patter is of large orange and red ad yellow flowers. She looked fantastic! I then noticed what Celestia is wearing, and damn! She looked good! Celestia is wearing a short yellow dress with yellow topaz shoes Discord had made for her on her hooves. She is wearing a golden necklace and red eye-liner making her magenta eyes pop out. Her mane is styled like how Chryssi's is. She giggled when she saw Discord, Spike and I staring at the three of them. But when Spike saw the girls, I could have sword he became more of a man. Nightmare is wearing fishnet stalking's, a low-cut black tank top, a blood red skirt. Her black hair -yes hair, my hive has bee looking more an more like me in the human part- blue eye-liner making her green eyes pop. Aqua is wearing strange red stalking's, an orange mini-skirt, blue low-cut tank top. She has lavender eye-liner making her sea green eye's pop. Felicia is wearing blue jeans, black low-cut tank top. She's wearing green eye-liner making her bright sky blue eyes pop out. They all have red lipstick and white sandals on their feet. "Wow..." Was all Spike could say. The girls giggled at his loss of words before they walked over to him. He blushed when they each kissed his cheek gently, his tail stuck strait out, causing me to stifle a loud laugh. Felicia purred at him before rubbing his chin with a finger. "Thanks for the compliment Spiky~. You might get rewarded if your a good little drake~." She said to him. Spike could only nod his head, that hopeful gleam in his eye, however, the girls saw this and all of them purred, staying close to him, their tails coiling around his waist, while his coiled around the three of theirs. I looked strait into Spike's eyes, and passed his perverse thoughts I could see, I saw his heart now belonged to them. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Spike smiled like he won the lottery -I would be too if I had three hot chicks on me, but then again, I have a hot queen and princess of the night. So I think I'm ding pretty good-. "Alright people, lets head out for this date or whatever. So where are we going to anyways?" I said. Luna giggled and nudged me gently before speaking. "The place were we had our first date. That nice oriental restraint, you know, the place you basically funded to gain more stores everywhere in Equestria." She said. I smirked and nodded my head. We headed out, my wings draped over Luna and Chrysalis, keeping them close to myself. Spike was being nuzzled by the girls as they continued to purr at him. Discord's right arm was around Celestia's waist, keeping her close to himself. The two of them had been married since his turning from evil to good -though they were already married, they decided to redo their wedding vows, which I honestly found romantic-. When we arrived to the restraint, it was a tall red building with black tiled roof, and Asian dragons -oddly enough they got these statues after we had discovered the new class in my hive we dubbed 'Asian-Lung'. I nodded my head in approval before entering with the others. As soon as I entered I was met by changelings who immigrated here after the wedding fiasco, and they weren't black, but their chitin was ash white, which made them look like ghost's. The owners bowed to me before showing me to our table. Sitting there, they were conversing with each other about their weeks, days, or in hushed tones, nights. I sat down in between Chryssi and Luna, the two of them nuzzled me gently and I nuzzled them back. The girls nuzzled Spike gently as he blushed even further than before, but he had a smile on his muzzle. He nuzzled them all back gently before he was kissed on the lip by Aqua, rather deeply might I add. I let it go seeing as to how they were old enough to do what they wanted, but I was still a bit touchy when they kissed males, but I gave them and Spike to date each other just about an hour ago. A waitress came to our table, Spike, Nightmare, Aqua, Felicia, Discord and I had ordered chicken n rise wit chicken egg rolls, while Celestia, Luna and Chryssi had chosen to get shrimp and rice with sun-rolls. We talked for half an hour before the same waitress returned with our food. To which, we began to eat and it was delicious. After we ate, we headed back to the castle to 'rest' up. I saw Spike get dragged away by the girls, as I had assumed that they were going to do something like this, but I knew better than to get in the way of female serpents and their mates. Chryssi and Luna dragged me to our room, where the rest of the night was filled with fun and excitement for the wedding. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I rose from the bed while yawning and popping back. I looked around the room and found that Chrysalis and Luna had already headed to what I called the 'dinning room', even though it had a different name that escapes me at the moment. I got dressed and headed towards the dinning hall. I found the two front doors and pushing them open I saw that everyone was there, however Nightmare, Aqua and Felicia had VERY satisfied looks on their faces, wile Spike looked very proud of himself. I chuckled and sat between my two mates, they nuzzled me lovingly as I returned the nuzzle I noticed that Sapphire and Night Shield had joined u this morning instead of doing other things. It was quiet while we ate our breakfast while trying to keep our mares -or serpentess- off of us before things got heated. After breakfast I decided to head out to the barracks and watch the mix of guards train together. Watching my hive and the changeling hive train was interesting, while pony guard was not, it was boring and made me want to kick shinning's ass for not training them well enough, but then again, ponies are different than humans, serpents and changelings, so I guess I will let it slide. For now. "Something wrong Nova?" Chrysalis asked from beside me. I shook my head slightly before we shared a short, gentle passionate kiss. "No, I'm just curious as to how Celestia's guard are even well enough to be called guards. My hive of serpents and your hive of changelings are capable of beating most enemies they come across with merely three members from each hive and fraction of arts of the hives as well. While Celestia's Royal Guard isn't capable of doing shit until one of us orders them to. Chrysalis nodded her head softly before rubbing my shoulders gently, calming me down and causing me to purr softly and nuzzle her, she nuzzled m back lovingly before we kissed again. "I know how you feel. When I saw Canterlot in such ruin and noticed that there were Royal Guards missing, and the fact that only ten changelings and serpents had been killed, it did make me sad. But, they are ponies who haven't seen war in at least a few hundred years, possibly since the time of Nightmare Moon, but you, the serpents and my changelings have seen war, hell, your old world is destroyed because of it between the humans and serpents. " She said, trying to comfort me. It did work and it made sense. A race not known to death, war an destruction we have. "I suppose so." I said. She nodded her head softly. Luna ad Celestia soon joined us. The two of them noted that their Royal Guard, and Equestrian Guard were lacking in many aspects where the changelings and serpents were exceeding. "It appears that we need something to boost our guards up, huh Sister?" Celestia said to Luna who was busy nuzzling me lovingly with Chrysalis. I was blushing a bit too much for my liking. Celestia giggled and sighed, remembering when her ad Discord used to do this probably. "I could always have Boulder Gilda and Abyss train your guards for you. They are part of my Elite Guard after all." I told her. She nodded her head, accepting the proposition. She went back inside the castle to find Discord for something she needed done. The three of us headed back inside as well after watching the guards training. The rest of the day was filled with lounging around and having fun with everyone by playing pranks and games. Unaware of a raging storm forming above the misty mountains and heading our way. > The invasion and Secret's Revealed... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder boomed waking me up along with Luna and Chrysie. Lightning flashed passed the windows as the thunder boomed, the wind roared fiercely. Luna and Chrysie clung to me, probably not that scared, but startled. I wrapped y wings round them, keeping them close to myself as they shivered slightly. I watched as the rain down poured, a strange sense of happiness swelled in my heart. "Lovely weather we're having huh?" I asked he two before looking down at their wide eyes and gaping mouths. "What? I like this kind of weather." I said to them. They shook their heads before nuzzling my chest lovingly. "You're sooooo lucky that your hot and marrying us, otherwise we would have decked you. Hard." I stared at Chrysie for a few moments before nuzzling her lovingly back, then I nuzzled Luna lovingly back as well. Chrysie and Luna both smiled up at me. I smiled down at them, before a crash resounded from outside the door. I summoned three floating neon blue swords that circled us. The door moved slightly before Spike fell though the door, literally. "Nova! Nova we-!" He froze when he saw Luna and Chrysie naked in all their splendor, before shaking his head trying to get rid of his surprised look. "Anyways, we need to hurry out! Griffins have been spotted riding his storm and they have brought dragons!" He said to me. I nodded my head. He saluted me -yeah, he's a soldier, became part of my Elite Guard, which is why he isn't with Twilight and her friends, oh they were furious with me, though it was hilarious t see Pinkie Pie bouncing on the ceiling talking about some sort of story, crazy right?- before turning, but I stopped him. "Spike, have you chosen a weapon and a reason to fight yet? I don't want you to used your claws and fire up, you're going to need those things later than sooner, understand?" I asked him. He got a toothy grin exposing his now sharpened fangs he grabbed the hilt of a sword off his back, when he pointed e hilt down, a large blade formed out, similar to Boulder's release weapon. He then looked me in the eye. "My reason's to fight are my friends and the girls. I know you understand what I am talking about Nova. You fight for the same." Spike said to me. That cocky little...no, that's the wrong emotion. I was proud of this SOB. "I am now proud of you, you crazy SOB." I said to him. He smirked before wrapping his sword with the long cloth attached to the bottom of the hilt of the sword. He nodded his head before turning to leave. "Thanks sir- Nova. I'll be sure to protect them, even if they are stronger than me. I'll bet on it." And with that, he vanished side stepping to what I am assuming is the battle front. I sighed an got out of bed, getting dressed I could see that Luna and Chrysie were doing the same. I smiled at them, they smiled back. It always warmed my heart whenever they'd want to join me in the fights, made me even happier to know that I was going to marry them. "I want you two to stay back, don't be in the front, I won't because I am the...'secret weapon' of sorts, or so Discord calls Ovan and I." I explained to them. They nodded their heads with smiled, we then headed out to the front line just outside Canterlot with Pony Elite Guards, Changeling Elite Guards, Discord's Elite Guards, Ovan's Elite Guards and my own Elite Guards. I even saw Cadance and Shinning with their Crystal Pony Elite Guards. We the leaders stood in front of our guards, Luna to my left, Chrysie to my right. Ovan was next to Luna, Discord and Celestia stood together, Cadance and Shinning stood together, Spike and the rest of my Elite Guard were taking the lead of the others on account of all the fights they had -or sometimes hadn't- seen. I stared at the Griffins and Dragons flying through the clouds wearing silvery armor that absorbed the lightning, some of the dragons and griffins were on the ground. Then I saw Aero and that woman leading the two massive invasion armies, Aero brought the griffins, while the woman brought the dragons. I growled at the two, but stayed put. When the two leaders stood before us by a few meters, Aero stared at me with hate, while the woman looked at me as if she didn't want to fight, but that she wanted to stop and avoid it. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was tired of fighting, that she wanted to live in peace, but do to Richard, she was forced to do so. I offered my hand to her. "I know you don't want to fight, leave Richard and come with us, live in peace." She seemed to contemplate my offer, until Aero cut her off by speaking up. "Negative, she will not leave us, not while she knows that Richard will kill her, isn't that correct; Elisabeth?" Aero hissed out her name. She was far stronger than Aero was, I could feel it, but yet, she was afraid of him. I looked Elisabeth in the eye, as she did the same, I could see she was pleading to be free from Richard. I saw what looked to be whip marks on her shoulders, presumably going down her back, on her legs were the same whip marks. I held my hand out to her more. She nodded her head to me and when she took my hand, I pulled her to me just as Aero slashed his sword in the spot she was in. "Pity, she was one of the strongest of us. Looks like I will need to kill her." He stated as he appeared back with his now two armies. He pointed a finger at us. "Kill them all, spare no one, take no prisoners, just kill them." He said in a calm yet cold tone. The armies let out a massive battle cry before rushing at us. The flying army dived at us, wile the army on the ground charged, their weapons held up high. Ovan and I raised our hands, when we snapped them, they fell back to our sides. Our Elite Guards rushed out passed our sides, weapons drawn, and beams charging. They stopped in front of us in a strait line making a front, they raised their hands, fingers, or opened their mouths and shot forth large beams of different colors. Hundred of dragons perished for being too slow, the griffins however were fast and small. As more came closer to them, they switched to their swords and charged. The other Elite Guards soon followed suite when ordered. Aero flew right at Elisabeth, until Ovan punched him in the side of the head sending him into the ground. I spread my wings out as I took to the skies, Elisabeth following me. I summoned my sword and swung in a downward arch motion, sending a golden wave at the flying griffins. A few dragons got caught in my attack before they barraged me and Elisabeth with fireballs. I knocked the fireballs aside with my wings like they were nothing. Elisabeth knocked them aside with her hands. She fired off a black beam killing dragons and griffins alike. I was starting to like this one. She nodded to me before drawing a short katana-esk blade that she spun around her finger. A tornado like wave formed on her blade, but when se swung the back the side, she sent out a large black tornado that ripped apart the clouds and dragons and griffins, as well as part of the massive storm clouds. I whistled, it was bad ass. Elisabeth blushed from my whistle, as she turned to me, she blushed more seeing my smile and thumbs up gesture, she returned the gesture and smile, but her blush never faded. I then noticed Aero in his released state appeared behind her, his javelin raised above his head. I side stepped in front of him, blocking his attack with my sword, Elisabeth's eyes grew wide as I protected her from Aero. Aero silently glared at us, pointing a finger at my chest, he charged a neon green sphere, but never got to fire it. Ova had appeared behind him and swung his sword down, sending a silver wave at us. I grabbed Elisabeth and side stepped down to Luna and Chrysie with her still in my arms. Looking up I saw Aero and Ovan clashing once again. I looked down at Elisabeth who was blushing deep red. I set her down gently, before turning around however, Luna and Chrysie shared a look before taking Elisabeth to talk with her I'm assuming. Flying over the battle field I could see that Petal had returned and was fighting with Spike, I then noticed that Nightmare, Aqua and Felicia were injured pretty badly. I went to help, but then I saw Spike do something I had no idea he could. He released and he became a true dragon. Spike bellowed in rage as he gripped Petal by his smug face and slammed him into the ground before kicking him away. Petal bounced on and off the ground twenty times before rolling. Spike roared and charged a large purple sphere in his mouth, by the time Petal began to rise, Spike had already released the devastating beam, it took out hundreds of griffins and when it reached Petal, it met it's target. I could see Petal has severely injured. I nodded my head until Petal gained a smirk, he pulled what looked to be a whistle. He blew it, and it echoed all over the place. A few more beings appeared, all resembling Petal, but they were glowing neon pink. They were cones. I growled. Spike stood above the girls who were healing quickly. I flew down and landed beside the young drake who looked at me before grinning. "I'm keeping my promise Nova, I will always protect them." He said to me, still grinning. I smirked back to him before scowling at Petal and his clones. "I noticed, you did a good job, but this time, lets kill this piece of shit!" Spike nodded his head, as the two of us roared and charged. Petal and his clones let loose their own battle cry as they charged us. Spike ripped a clone in half, while I sidestep slashed a few at a time. In the sky I could see Aero had gone into a second form, while Ovan looked just like me, only silver instead of gold. I reached the real Petal, who recoiled at how fast I became. I knocked him into he ground with a wing before I jump heel-kicked him further into the ground, cracking it. He coughed up blood. Spike had impaled Petal's clones with his tail, his wings fanned out sending a gust of winded knocking the clones to the ground. The real Petal got out of the ground, he glared at me before slashing at me with a pink sword. I whipped him back with my spiked tail, it swayed back and forth, as I waited for the fool to attack me once again. He snarled and did. He lunged at me, as I raised a brow I whipped my tail onto his back, the force made him crash into the dirt. I grabbed his head, as he tried to cut me I cut the pink sword in half, the blade soon disappeared. I threw him onto the ground causing him to bounce into the air. As he fell back down, I kicked him towards Spike, who grabbed Petal by his legs with his right hand, while his left grabbed Petal's upper half. In a swift pulling motion, Petal was ripped in half and tossed in two different directions. "That was for hurting my mates, and this" -He raised a foot above Petal's head- "Is for pissing me off!" Spike snarled at he crushed Petal's head into the ground. The girls healed up and rushed to Spike, hugging him tightly, telling him how happy they were that he was okay. "I'm fine girls, really, I am!" He said with a smile. I fanned my wings ad took off into the sky, looking around I saw that there weren't any casualties -except for Petal and every single dragon and griffin we had killed-. Looking around more, I could see tat we were winning, but what really made me think were winning, was when I saw Ovan cut off Aero's arm like I was nothing and threw him at the ground, where he hit. Hard. I side stepped next to Ovan. "So, how is he doing against you?" I asked with a completely chill tone. Ovan laughed loudly before clapping me on the shoulder roughly. "He's nothing but piss and vinegar! seriously though, he is a pain in the ass, wanna trade?" He asked me. I nodded my head as I dove down at Aero. He rose to his feet and summoned a flaming neon green javelin, which he spins t black my side slashing move with my sword. My attack bounces off sending off sparks. I jump back, my wings tucked into my back, Aero jumps into the air and fires a black and dark green beam at me. I counter it with my own golden beam. The attacks clash and explode into each other. I un-holster my pistol and pull the trigger, a bright blue beam fires out, but Aero moves to he side, dodging it. I re-holster my gun as he is side stepping my attack, I grab his shoulder, he stares at me with eyes wide, as I slash downwards, cutting him from his left shoulder down to his right hip. He falls slowly to the ground. I stomp on his head, in my mouth a golden beam begins to form. "Do it..." He says to me calmly. I kindly fire the beam at him, creating a massive golden dome that destroys any enemies near me as well. Everyone gapes at the dome, it was large enough to be seen from the Misty Mountains, even from Pony-ville. =====Twiligt's PoV==================== I was sitting on my balcony with my friends, when we felt a massive tremor. We looked up and I could see a massive golden dome rising into the air. Large gusts of wind came barreling through our little town, a few buildings were destroyed, ponies were thrown into the air. I slammed my hands onto the table. "What the buck was that!?" Rainbow says before me. We then here a soft giggle resonate from Flame, who has a large smile on her little face, she points to the dome, still smiling. "Daddy took out an enemy just now. That's his new aura." She said as a smaller purple sphere formed a few meters from Nova's. "And that's Spike's, he's protecting my big sisters, his mates!" She chirps out. We stare at her before I growl. "HIS WHAT!?" As I turn to look at her, she was beginning to vanish with a giggle. I grabbed her hand and the two of us appeared at the battle field. I gasped, covering my mouth from the blood and bodies. I then saw Spike and three females sharing a kiss. My blood boiled, but when a griffin attacked one of the girls, Spike literally bit into it, and ripped it apart. My blood froze. I heard more gasps. I looked behind me and saw my friends staring at Spike and the griffin he just killed. The three females jumped him and nuzzled him, he nuzzled them back. I stomped over to him, a scowl on my face, but fear in my eyes. When Spike saw me however, h growled at me, making me freeze. Did he not want see me? "I'm not going back to that stupid library Twilight, you can't make me." My heart seemed to break. My little brother, who I took care of, was ordering me what was best for him. The females then glared at me, death in their eyes. "So you're the one who repressed him. The one who treated him like a slave. I should kill you right here and now!" Nightmare growled at me. Shiny came between us, he looked at Nightmare's glare and visibly shivered. "Is there a problem; General Nightmare?" He asked. Nightmare pointed from Spike to me. Shiny looked at me, an sighed sadly. "Sorry Twily but, I can't do anything to help you. Nova would kill me and then you for taking Spike from Nightmare, Felicia and Aqua." He said to me. "But I was only going to ask why he killed that griffin, and when he had gotten mates. I just miss him; you Spike! We never see each other, you're my little brother...." I sobbed out. I saw Spike's and the girls glares soften. Felicia placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Then why not stay in Canterlot, where you can see him daily. Just not at night, he has duties he must do for us." She winked at Spike who grinned like the idiot I know and loved. I nodded my head before my friends entered the conversation. We had decided on dates when an where we would meet with Spike, Nightmare, Felicia and Aqua at. There were no griffins around and Shiny had already left back to Cadance. The four of hem explained how they were and what they had been doing -evidently, the girls deiced to tell us what they did at night, much to Spike's dismay-, none of us could blush any harder. We had returned to where everyone else was. I saw Nova, holding Chrysalis and Luna close, while Ovan was busy sharpening his claws. I then saw a new girl hug Nova by his waist, the four shared a long hug. When Nova saw me and my friends, he looked annoyed. =======Nova's PoV=========================== I looked up from the hug between my three mates -apparently Luna and Chrysalis proposed that Elisabeth become my third mate, she accepted gladly- and spotted Spike and the girls, but soon grew annoyed when I saw Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I groaned softly, the three of them turned and did the same -except for Elisabeth, she was just confused-. The group had approached us right as Ovan returned to my body. We decided to chat. We moved up back to the castle, leaving behind bodies and smoldering craters behind us. Once back at the castle, my mates and I headed to my room, while Spike was being dragged away by Nightmare, Felicia and Aqua to theirs. The rest of the night was fun, but the morning was even better. The date passed and nothing bad happened. We were getting closer to the date of he marriage, which was in a few more months. It was October 25th now, so that meant that on December 25th, we will be wedded. The day was sent with games and talking. So far, nothing could ruin my mood what-so-ever. Little did I know that Richard was rallying his troops, and was setting his sites on Zebrica. > The Second Invasion and The Passing of a Friend.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elisabeth and I were laying against a tree in the shade. She is laying next to me, wearing a yellow floral sundress, while on her head is a crow that we had made for her. It's bright shinning silver with a large black diamond cut into the shape of a mini solar system, with her sword at her side. We are holding hands with our eyes closed. The two of us napping silently, enjoying the day. It's been a month since the invasion, since Elisabeth joined my herd. Her, Luna and Chrysie have been more active lately, which was fine, I find it attractive being jumped and being treated like the prey. Wing beats sound to my ears, as they grow closer, I hear a faint buzzing as well. Opening my eyes, I see Luna and Chrysie land before us, smiles on their muzzles. "Next month is the date. Oh I can't wait!" Chrysie whooped out. I nodded my head, I could see Luna was happy, and then I saw that Elisabeth was happy as well. During our time together, we decided to add her to it, which she accepted, but that was a few days ago. I held them close to myself, keeping them in my arms, nuzzling them. They giggled before nuzzling me back and beaming up at me. I purred down to them as I kissed them one at a time. We had learned that Elisabeth is a new class, a class that I find rather interesting. She's part of the Astral Class -which we have now-. Apparently she was the only one in Richard's army and the only one he'd ever get, so since she is with me -and marrying me- now, he will never get another chance. Looking at their figures -which they use to their advantage- are hourglass figures, although Elisabeth's hips are slightly wider than theirs, while Chrysies chest -boobies!- are larger than theirs, and Luna's waist is smaller then both of them, but don't get me wrong, none of them are 'too big', but 'just right'. I let go of them before a Pegasus guard landed a few feet away from us. "Lord Nova, there has been word that Richard has attacked the south of Zebrica. They are asking for help. You're orders?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Yes, send in the stealth team, make sure they are from the changeling and my hives. understood? I want the pony stealth sky division to cover them." I said to him. The Pegasus nodded his head and saluted. "Sir!" He took off to the sky before heading towards the barracks. I sighed sadly. Zebrica might be helpful, but their defenses are primitive, Richard could take them all out. 'Why hasn't he taken out our allies with weaker allies. What is he doing?' I asked Ovan. "It could be a distraction. But if it was, then we'd know. But what if he is trying to draw us out? if so, then he would die." Ovan said to me in his shrill echoing voice. I nodded my head, the girls seemed to catch on to who I was talking to. "But if that's true than..." I stopped, my eyes widened as a thought crossed my mind. "What if...What if he is trying to pull our forces out, along with us so he can pick us off one by one?" I asked to Ova and partially to the girls. "Then he'd succeed in destroying us. We need to recall the troops Nova. Now." I heard Discord saw from behind the tree. As he walked out, I could see he had changed and gained a massive power boost. Either that, or he is one person you don't want to fuck with! He is wearing a black leather jacket, biker boots, grey pants, as he sports a pair of awesome shades. He looks like he's ready to rip out someone's throat, and after seeing him do that too many times to count, I didn't want to tempt him. "Right, we need to stop those stealth teams!" I said in a worried tone. He placed a claw on my shoulder. "Already taken care of, same with the attack on Zebrica. I was the first to become notified of such anyways, so I went there myself. Only drones, no evolved or Richard. Which means he plans on heading here, when? I don't know, but here? Yes, this is the capitol of the world, the place where the princesses raise the sun and moon. But his main target seems to be you." Discord said to me. I nodded my head before the same Pegasus guard returned, a worried expression on his face. "Lord Nova...the Crystal Empire is...is...under attack by Richard and a team of evolved serpents." He said. We stared at him with wide eyes. We were quick to get going to the Crystal Empire and help Cadance and Shinning out. Hopefully we wont be too late. We got to a hanger that held helicopters, jets, even a few tanks. We got into the copters taking our Elite Guards. As we headed towards the Crystal Empire, we saw flashes of light before we saw Richard, killing Crystal Ponies. I jumped out, spreading my wings ad tackled him into the ground. I punched him in the face as hard as I could, I heard his nose break. He kicked me off of himself, but his form shimmered, into someone else. It was an evolved, one we deemed as the 'Chameleon Class'. He hissed, clawing at me, but I sliced him in half, his black blood spraying everywhere. I looked towards the castle and my eyes widened. The castle was falling apart and still burning. I growled before I was talked by a Petal clone. I stabbed my hand downward, literally cutting the bastard in half. I rushed towards the castle. As I got inside, I heard Cadance screaming for Shinning armor. I broke the doors down, to see Richard standing there, a sardonic grin on his lips. He was holding Shinning Armor by his throat. He looked right at me, before stabbing his sword through Shinning's chest, below his heart. I snarled and side stepped before him, my tail impaling his side so fast, and as I pulled my tail out, his blood sprayed everywhere. I punched him back, feet away into a crystal pillar, said pillar crashed down onto him. Rushing to Shinning's side, I saw he wasn't going to make it. His body was scarred and burnt, his left eye was cut, while both seemed to be going glassy. I kneeled down to him as I held his hand. "Hang in there Shining Armor! You'll get through this! You'll make it!" I yelled at him to try and keep him awake. "I...I can't Nova...p-please..." -he paused to cough up blood. He continued -"Please keep Cadance and T-Twily safe...d-don't let them get hurt..." He said to me in a weak voice. I stared down at him, my eyes were burning with tears. "I won't, because you will soldier! You hear me!? You'll get through this!!" I yelled at him. The castle began to crumble down on top of us. I saw that Cadence's left leg was broken. "Save her Nova....keep her close..." He said to me. I growled and used my tail to bring her over to me. "I am not leaving you here Shinning! You have a wife and a little sister to look after damn it!" I growled out. My voice slightly cracking. "You hear me? We'll make it through this!" My voice cracked completely. Cadance was sobbing into her husbands chest. Richard had pulled himself out from under the pillar. "Such a pathetic creature. Why do you care if he lives or dies!? We are gods compared to them!" He yelled to me. I growled. Standing I let Ovan out, as he took Shinning and Cadance away from the castle. I rushed Richard, grabbing his head ad then slamming it into my knee. I grabbed his head again before repeating the same motion for a few moments before I threw him at the thrones, destroying them. I grabbed a broken crystal throne shard as I went to plunge it into his heart. He moved to the side as he sweep kicked me onto my back. I wrapped my tail around his left ankle, and pulling him down I drove the shard into his side, causing him to yell in pain, as he kicked me away from him. I landed on my feet, I saw him rip the shard from his body, his blood flowed like a river before he healed. I fired a golden beam at him, smashing him into the far wall, the explosion destroyed the wall and most of the throne room. As the castle kept crumbling, we continued to clash, our swords creating shockwaves and sparks. I roared at him, before sending a torrent of gold flams that he lost his right arm to. He screamed as he flew through the roof o the castle, with me in hot pursuit. As we left the crumbling castle behind, we clashed in the air. He would fire an occasional white beam at me that I would dodge or cut in half. I grabbed his leg and threw him into the Crystal ground, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the rest of the Crystal guards and ponies were being taken away from the area, leaving the Crystal Empire. Richard burst through the ground as he charged me once more, we slashed at each other. I gabbed his sword and bringing him foreword, I threw him once again at the Crystal Heart, shattering it. The snow and winds entered the area in a cyclone fashion. We fought on. I swung my sword upward as I gave him a large gash going up from his left leg, all the way to his right shoulder, his blood sprayed upward and flowed out like a river. I kicked him away from me, but was stopped by multiple Petal clones. They grabbed Richard and vanished in a flash of Lightning. Dragons flew at me, raining fire down upon me. I roared loudly splitting the winds, my power raised passed what I knew and my body began to change. My body turned blood red and bone white. My teeth became fangs, I grew nine more tails, my wings had doubled my upper wings were blood red, while my lower were bone white. My eyes were the same bone white and blood red. My cloths became armor, much like Felicia when she goes into a released state. I had two large horns pointing forward, while a crown of horns pointed backwards, my sword had fused with me in it's release state, and on my chest, was a slowly spinning, mini universe. I pointed my head at the dragons, a bright red and white sphere forming, and then turned into a large beam when I fired it at them. I spared no one. I saw Richard and multiple of his evolved, staring down at me. I roared once again, flying right at him and his group. A male rushed at me, but I slashed my claws once, sending fire waves of red ad white energy, all creating giant pillars as soon as they hit five of the evolved. I fired another beam, just in time to hear Richard say something. "Let's go, we have failed the mission..." He stated, before they vanished from the area. I bellowed in rage, before heading back to Canterlot, my form retuning to normal. When I reached the castle, I saw everyone was crying. "No...No...No!" I got up to the stage, and my eyes burnt in tears, when I saw Shinning Armor's body, laying there, unmoving and not breathing. I saw Cadance sobbing loudly with Twilight. I wrapped my wings around both of them in a comforting motion. They clung to me as I held them closely. I comforted them as I had look of hatred in my heart, burning more and more, yearning to destroy Richard. Once and for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are gathered here today, to see our friend, our mentor, our sibling; Shinning Armor. May he walk with Faust, the mother." The priest said to everyone. Twilight and Cadance staying by close to each other, while Shinning's parents wept for the loss of their son. Discord and Ovan had their eyes closed ad heads down, showing their respect. I stepped to the podium, my eyes burning with tears, my throat tight from keeping myself from breaking down, right then and there. "Shinning Armor was...He was a great friend. And he will be missed by all those who hold him dear. We will make sure that his death, as well as the others who died in the invasion, can rest in peace. May they watch over us, in this world, as we live on and remember them, and live for them." I said, my voice cracking. I swallowed a lump in my throat, and bit back my tears, until Ovan placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Let it out, Nova. It's okay to cry, Shinning would have done the same for you." He said to me. I nodded, letting tears role down my face. I looked at Shinning's picture, it showed him smiling with all of us in it, smiling at the camera. I turned around, and left back inside the castle, with sadness inside my heart. Hours passed until the girls joined me, but when they found me, I was a wreck. They hugged me tightly, as I sobbed loudly, tears flowing down my face. Luna rubbed my back with Chrysie, while Elisabeth gently held my head, cooing to me softly. The rest of the night was filled with tears, and as we went to sleep, we shared he same dream. A dream that showed us flashbacks of our times with Shinning Armor, the good, and the bad. > Small Fight and Our Wedding... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I punched Discord through a wall, growing. I ran after him, my tail whipping about, and my sword at my side. Discord appeared behind me an pinned me down. "You lose, I win. What is that now? 100-400?" He asks. I sigh and nod my head. Ever since Shinning's death, I haven't been very stable. I have become clouded with rage and sadness. "You need to clear your mind, go and be with your girls, besides, in a few days it will be your wedding. So go and rest, we'll continue training later, alright?" He says. I nod my head and go o Elisabeth, Luna and Chrysie. I lay down with the, he three of the, sleeping in our bed. I kiss each other the, softly on their lips, before sleep takes me. I am shaken awake, as I open my eyes, I see Elisabeth looking down at me, smiling. I smile back at her, we share a passionate loving kiss. After he funeral, we had found out that I was the only Ethereal Male serpent class, the others are female -Elisabeth is one of them as well, and we are the strongest class so far on account that we can control solar systems and like Discord, reality-. I held her close as she nuzzled her face into the nape of my neck. We napped there with each other when Luna and Chrysie had left to go and eat and talk with the others. Hours passed as the two of us napped happily, before we were awoken by the door being thrown open, with a unicorn guard standing there in gold armor. A look of worry on his features. "Lord Nova! Lady Elisabeth! An attack has been made against the Castle! We need- AUGH!" He yelled in pain as a sword burst from his chest, the blade was pulled out and he fell to the ground. I jumped off the bed and brought my claws out, I made my fingers going strait an when I swung my hand from side to side, I cut a griffin in half. I swing my claws down and send golden flames that consume the griffins, the flames dissipate quickly. I turn around to see Elisabeth healing the guard, who thanks her. She smiles down at him and nods her head. When she is done, the three of us rush down the halls. As we reach the throne room, the doors are ajar, and as I go to draw my sword, a griffin flies out of the room, his head missing. Luna walks out holding her blood stained scythe, an evil look in her eyes. No wait, that's not Luna, but it looks like her. Her eyes are slit, her fur is midnight black like her scythe, her mane and tail look like a clump of floating stars, her body looks....wow. Her breasts are larger, her hips wider, her butt looks awesome! She turns and looks at me, she smiles, showing her sharp teeth. "Ah, so your Nova, good to meet you. I a Nightmare Moon. Luna's other half." Right after she says that, she cleaves a griffin in half without looking. "I look forward to the sex~." She purred to me before turning into a cloud of stars and zooms off, killing griffins by touching them. "Um...the fuck just happened?" I asked. Elisabeth and the guard look just as confused as I did. I sigh before heading into the throne room. And I instantly fell in love with Nightmare Moon. Because sitting there, was Flame, Rainbow, and their friends, unharmed. "I had a feeling you would love me too~" I heard her purr into my ear. I turned, grabbed her head and kissed her deeply, a bond was formed that moment, and she became mine. When we parted lips, she looked like she was about to fall to her knees. "So that's what love feels like...good." She said, as I held her and Elisabeth close in a tight hug. Chrysie, Celestia and Discord walked in next, but soon froze when they saw Nightmare. "What have you done with my sister!?" Celestia raged. Her sword was about to hit Nightmare, until I intervened. I grabbed her sword by the blade, catching it and everyone else, off guard. "This is Luna, but not. She is like Ovan. And she. Is. Mine." I growled out at Celestia, Chrysie was soon by my side, but kept getting kissed on the neck by Nightmare. Seriously, those two are going to drive me crazy, and they've been near each other for a few seconds! Celestia stared at me, then to Nightmare. "Is this true?" She asked. Nightmare nodded her head. "It is, I can even become my own being if I so choose." She said. Her eyes went wide by this. I stared at Nightmare, she stared back at me, then we shared a soft and gentle kiss. "I am starting to like this~" She purred to me. "I know right? He is so cute, but he tastes wonderful~" Chrysie said. I blushed, my eyes wide. "What do you mean?" I asked. Elisabeth and Chrysie winked at me, not telling me anything, which made my mind wander. I blushed even harder as Nightmare nipped my neck gently. "I'll try him sometime, but right now, we need to kill these rotten griffins!" She growled. We all nodded our heads, and heading outside, we rushed outside the castle, to find that the griffins were retreating. 'Oookay, that was...weird.' thought to myself. "I know, and I didn't even get to fight! The fuck is going on!?" I heard Ovan yell from the back of my mind. I sighed and wet back inside, however, I was tackled by Flame who clung to me, and cried in m chest. I patted her back gently. "There, there, I'm fine. There's no need to cry anymore. Okay?" I said to her. She nodded her had, still sniffling. I looked up at the girls and saw that Luna and Nightmare were their own person's. I blinked before they both shrugged. I sighed and got to my feet. The rest of the day was spent trying to calm down the citizens -who were oddly not harmed by this small attack, must have been an assassination attempt- and dealing with each other. It was a long day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was December 25th, Hearth's Warming, and the day of our marriage. I stood at the altar, waiting for my now four wives to come. The music started and the four of them walked up to me, all smiled on their faces. They were wearing different colored dressed. Luna is wearing a midnight blue dress, the bottom is splayed out, while the top hugs her waist and chest. Her sapphire shoes on her hooves once more. She looks beautiful. Chrysie is wearing a lime green and white dress. On her hooves are her emerald shoes. Her dress is tight and seductive, sowing off her figure. Her hair is in that Asian bun again. She too, looks beautiful. Elisabeth is wearing a sun yellow dress, her mini-universe on her chest in the form of a broach. On her hooves are yellow topaz shoes. Her hair is straitened, as it down to the middle of her back. She looked gorgeous. Nightmare, she is wearing a tight an seductive black dress, her cutie mark on her chest in the form of a broach, much like Luna's is. On her hooves are black diamond shoes that I made for her. She looks just as beautiful. As the four of them reach the altar, I see Discord give me a sly wink to me, causing me to smirk at him. "We are lucky bastards!" I hard Ovan yell in my head, before he appeared next to me. He is wearing an all black suite with a red rose, while I am wearing an all white suite with a blue rose. I nod my head to him, as he is my best man. Discord looks down at us, before laughing. "I'm just going to skip this crap, do you all want to marry each other?" We all say 'Yes!'. "Then put on the rings and kiss!" He says. Everyone in the room besides us who aren't used o his bluntness groan. I slip the rings on my wives. They all have diamond rings, but they are custom made. Chrysies is lime green, Luna's is dark blue, Elisabeth is sun yellow, while Nightmare's is midnight black. We share a long kiss as they slip on my ring. I look down and see that it is golden in color. I smile at them as they smile back. Then the party started. As we went into the carriage, saw Elisabeth holding the bouquet. She throws the bouquet into the air, and lands in Cadence's lap gently. She looks up at us, eyes wide and mouth agape. I look at the girls as they give sly winks to her, before we are taken away. I heard faintly Spike saying something. "You think this is great? Just wait until the bachelor party!" He says loudly. Nightmare, Aqua, Felicia, Twi, Flame and their friends laugh. I couldn't help but yell back at him. "Maybe at your wedding dragon breath!" And with that, me and my wives, vanished in a flash of light, going o our honeymoon. All of us unaware of a certain Zebra running towards Ponyville. All in all, it was a great day! > Richard's and My Final Battle Begins, but something worse Arrives... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a month since we had left, it was now the 25th of January. I had decided to take my mares to a different dimension -curtsey of Discord-. While there we had seen humans move like lightning, they called themselves 'Shinobi' which I found odd. But when I saw them move, I called them ninja's -which is what Shinobi are, and believe me when I say I laughed sooo hard-. We had learned some new tricks and moves, had tones of sex, helped with their missions, though it was funny, one month for Equestria is a year in another dimension, pretty cool huh? Anyways, we came back to the castle, h guards saluted until a Drake approached us. "You. Your Lord Nova? Show us your power! We need to know if you are as powerful as everyone says you are. Or, we will not help in the war." Lord Draco hissed at me. I growled before getting a thought and nodded. "Fine, but, be prepared to see forces that e have, that are your allies and not your enemies." I said to him with a loud hiss. We had reached the throne room and stood before Celestia, Discord, Celestia and a now Alicorn Twilight. Wait what? I stare at Twilight before blinking and shaking my head. I moved to my throne, as Chrysie and Luna moved to theirs, as we seated in our thrones, our powers had raised past what they were before and shook the room. The four ninja's stared at us as they saw out 'Chakra' rise past the roof and took on different shapes. Discord's energy looked like him, but more animalistic. His eyes were black with red dots in the middle, his tail coiled around the smaller him, his knuckles touched the ground, his hind legs bent, his wings fanned out. His eyes hold Chaos and War. On his back is a large knife like sword that is black and white. Celestia's energy looked exactly like her, but she had a sun behind her head. She was covered in golden armor that shined like the gates of heaven. Her mane was hot pink, on her back is a large axe. Her eyes hold Hatred. Luna's energy looked like a giant form of Nightmare Moon, but the colors were hers, she wears midnight blue armor, instead of a scythe, she has a War-Hammer on her back. Her hair is long and flowing while she has a moon behind her head. She had a cold stare. Her eyes hold acceptance. Cadence's looked like Celestia, but they were her colors instead of Celestia's. On her back is a Halberd. She wears hot pink armor. A large Crystal Heart behind her head. Her eyes show pain. Twilight's energy looks exactly like Cadence's but she had deep dark purple fur, her mane and tail are deep violet, each with one blood red strand going down. On her back is a large staff that bore a crystal at the top. She wears purple armor, her eyes hold friendship in them. Behind her head is a large lavender sis pointed star that shines brightly. Chrysies energy looks like a giant her, but she has serpents circling her as green flams are her man, her tail is longer and around every so often. She wears bright lime green armor. On her back is a spear and shield, the bottom of the spear's pole has emerald green flames raging upwards. Her eyes hold happiness in them. Nightmare's energy looks like her, but, she has ten tails, her claws, while she wears midnight pitch black armor. On her back is her scythe, but she has a second one that was white and silver, instead of black and gold. Her eyes hold smugness and furry in them. behind her head is a blood red moon that looks like a giant ringed eye. Ovan appears next and his energy forms into a large black creature. He has six wings, a long whip like tail with a club at the end, and a crown of horns. His eyes are monstrous and hold a sense of sadistic glee and destruction to them that is followed by a fanged sardonic grin. On his back is a large sword, the guard looks like black spiraling flames. He wears black armor with spikes on his shoulders. He grins down at everyone in the room, shaking them to the core. I show my energy as it forms into a larger version of Ovan's but instead of black cloths and armor, I have white, my shoulder spikes are larger and curled backwards. My two large horns pointed forward. A crown of stars and mini planets above my head. My tail is split into nine, the spikes at the end of them turn into hands, my wings triple adding six wings ad my neck is extended. My eyes hold nothing but Order and peace. Behind my head is a slowly turning mini-solar system that radiates a calming presence to it, everyone's eyes hold a sort of kindness to them now. "These are your allies Lord Draco. You have nothing to fear from us, unless you want us to become enemies" I say with my normal voice and my booming voice, shaking the whole castle as gusts of wind go around the room knocking those not used to me and my power fall over. Elisabeth smiles up at us, and we down to her. Twilight's friends gape up at us, fear creeps into their eyes. Lord Draco gapes at us as we stop showing our energies. "Forgive me, Lord Nova. I am not worthy to be in your presence." He begs and grovels to me. I give him a sad look. "You are a Lord as well. You were just concerned for your people. I would be two if me and my wives were missing on our honeymoon for a month. You have nothing to be worried about, my friend." I say to him. He smiled at me before rising back to his feet, but then gives me a questioning look. "Everyone else had a weapon, so where was yours?" He asks. I give him a smirk before my claws become covered in golden flames. "Right here, my actual sword is still here, but, I prefer using my claws now unless my blade is needed." I tell him. "Then where do you keep it?" He asks. "Right here." I say as I moved my hand to the side, the flames turn into a large knife like blade, much like Ovan's, but it's white and block instead of black and white. "This is my sword. It is called 'Slaying Moon'. And it is my real weapon." I explain. He nods his head before an explosion resounds from the far wall as griffins and a few Petal clones rush in. The guards start to battle them. Lord Draco jumps into the air and reigns fire down upon them, decimating them. I saw a man that looks like Aero appear next to me. "You seem stronger now. It also seems that you are the one who gravely injured Lord Richard and killed my brother." He states at his looks at me from the corner of her eye. "I am. I was protecting my home and Richard killed my friend, along with multiple other ponies. Aero too. And yes I know Elisabeth has as well, but, she had no choice in the matter." I said. The man nodded his head as he and I started o walk side by side, talking about the weather and our months like we were old friends, but we were only stalling, to see who would react first. I could sense his powers were locked away, much like own. I could hear explosions from the throne room as griffins and Petal clones screamed for their lives. "So, you were sent here to attack us. Richard is a fool for not coming here himself." I state. "And what makes you think he isn't?" The man says. Now that shuts me up. "He is here, waiting for you to arrive, he has the one named 'Flame' and is ready to kill her. But, I was sent to take you to him, as much as I would love to kill him myself, I can't. So I will let you do this, and after you do, we will either become allies, partial allies, or enemies who help each other out every once in a while." He states. "So allies? Very well. I accept these terms, but just remember that if you attack anyone here, your entire hive will pay the price. Understood?" I said. He nodded his head as we kept walking towards the castle's courtyard. "What's your name by the way?" I ask. "My name, is Moon. Full Moon. And I am rank 0 of Lord Richards Elite Guard." H states. I stare at him with wide eyes, before a smirk crosses my face. "Good to know." I say to him. As we enter the courtyard I see that Richard is holding a crying Flame by her neck. "So it seems you did bring him to me. Good, then I won't have to kill you Moon." He says with a growl. Moon growls from the back of his throat, before whispering to me. "I'm glad my sister has married you." And with that, he appears by Richard's side, leaving me stunned. 'Elisabeth's brother is Moon!? Whoa....' I think to myself, before glaring at Richard who has a robotic arm, holding his blade at Flame's throat. "Let her go now Richard! And we'll have our fight. Alright?" I say. He smirks before handing her to Moon, who whispers something in her ear that comforts her, but also makes her blush. "Now then, lets finish this!" He roars as he charges at me, his sword glinting in the sunlight. I ignite my claws with my golden flames, and the two of clash, for what seems to be the final time. I was so wrong. I had no idea of what Richard had brought into this world before coming for me, but THEY were FAR worse than him. > Richard's Death and The Olympians Awaken.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard and I clash, I use my claws as a blade, the flames grow on my claws as we push each other back and create a clear dome around us from the sheer power we are excreting. I move up into the air faster than he can, I let lose and become my energy form. I land and I tower over him. He smirks and releases his blade as well. He is the same height as me, but he has three heads, large golden wings, two clubbed tail. His scales are gold as he roars and fires beams at me. I change my wings into spines and they light up bright blue as I release a massive energy beam. The beams collide with each other creating an explosion, however, we jump out of the large cloud of smoke our bodies are humanoid except his two heads are on his shoulders, his scales are now armor and are ash grey, his eyes blood red, his tails conjoined into one, but at the tip they are split. He roars at me and charges. My body is like my larger animalistic one, but my scales are black as night, my spines are many and are blue at the bottom but become ash white, my eyes hold a fire that never ends, my tail long and sharp at he tip, but not a spike, I still have my crown floating above my head. I let lose my own roar as I charge at him. We clash, creating shockwaves all around us, the ground shatters ad cracks, the castle trembles and a spire crumbles down to the ground. He kicks me into the castle as I land in the throne room. Discord stares at me as I open my eyes, Richard enters the room next, our heads touching the 10 meter high ceiling. I swing my tail, he stumbles to the side as it slams into the side of his head. Richard passes through a wall and part of the castle crumbles onto him. I grab everyone in the room and break though a wall, as I reach the outside, I put them on the ground before I am tackled from the left by Richard. His horn digging into my side, causing me to roar in pain. We tumble into the castle, more of it crumbles onto us as we fight. I swing my tail and trip Richard, as he falls onto his face, I fire a blue beam at him, he rolls away quickly, the beam scorches the crystals as I move my head, the beam follows. As the beam gets loser to him, Richard fires his own beam at it, causing it to explode, the explosion nocks me back. He jumps and lands onto me, his knees digging into my chest causing me to cough out green blood. black flames form around my claws, I swipe at him and manage to leave fire gash's in his skeletal armored chest, he stumbles backwards as his black blood sprays out of him. I get to my feet and swing my claws in a downward motion, sending multiple black pillars of flame at Richard, they spear into him and explode, taking chunks out of his body. He roars in pain as his body regenerates the missing part. I roar at him before charging at him, I bite his shoulder and rip off a chunk of his flesh. He bellow in rage as he kicks be back. I tumble a 20 meters away before stopping. Richard floats into the air and flies at me, his wings kicking up rubble, he roars and his horn lights up and parts of the crumbling castle circle him. He flies at me, shards of the castle being sent at me and cutting at my body. I roar and send more black flames at him, as he sends white flames at me. My eyes widen as he summons floating white flaming spears, much like Aero's but on a much larger level. I roar and my spines begin to glow bright blue, he sends a spear at me as I fire a blue and black beam. The attacks collide and explode into each other, sucking air in, before sending large shockwaves out that destroy the section of Canterlot hat we are in. He sends more debris at me, cutting me up more. I roar again before sending a large torrent of black and blue flames, that turns into a wave that cleaves his right arm off. He roars in pain and rage before sending a spire into my chest, through my heart. My eyes widen as I stare up at Richard, his right arm reforms and he roars as he pulls the spire out and tosses it away. He stomps on my head and blasts me with a white and blood red beam, creating a large mushroom cloud, the shockwaves rocket across the ground. Then, my world goes black... =======Elisabeth's PoV=========================== I watch as Nova and Richard clash. Nova looks much like Spike does but without the wings and arrow tipped tail. His scales are black as night, his spines blue at the bottom but turn ash white at the top. His claws are white as are his teeth, his eyes are brown, but orange flames burn in them, never leaving, his iris is black and slit. He places us down but is then tackled by Richard, his horn goes into Nova's side. Nova roars so loudly in pain the glass shatters. Nova swings his claws, black flames form, knocking Richard back leaving five gashes in his chest. Nova and Richard continue t clash as Discord starts to talk. "We need to get away from here!" He yells over the massive amounts of wind. We all nod out heads until I see Nova roar in pain as Richard sends debris at him, cutting his left arm to bits. Nova sends a black wave that cleaves Richards right arm off, but he soon gets impaled by a crystal spire. Richard pulls the sire out and stomps on Nova's head, he then releases a white and blood red beam down on Nova, creating a huge mushroom cloud. The shockwaves and gusts of wind destroy most of Canterlot, but don't reach us thanks to Discord's barrier he just put up. As the smoke and dust clears, I gasp, tears form in my eyes. Laying there with his eyes closed, is Nova, he still has the hole in his chest, his left arm and both legs are gone, his crown has vanished. He's dead. "No! Nova! NOVA!!" I hear Luna scream out to him. He's dead. "NOVA...." Everyone's voices become distant. I stare at Nova's body, tears form in my eyes, time seems to stop. I watch a past scene play through my head. ---------Flashback--------------------------------------------- '"I promise to stay by your sides, girls. Nothing will ever keep me apart from you four." Nova says looking down at us. I smile up at him.' '"Not even death?" I ask him. He nods his head and kisses me gently.' '"Not even death." He tells me. I smile up at him, an the two of us kiss under the moonlight. "I will always be by your sides, no matter what. Even if Richard does manage to injure me to greatly, I'll come right back. Just for you four, and even the world." He continues.' '"I love you, Nova." I say to him, as we bask in the moonlight naked. He looks down at me, love in his eyes as he rubs my belly gently.' '"I love you too Elisabeth. All of you." He says to me, before we kiss, his hand on my belly.' -------End of Flashback----------------------------------------- I stare at Nova's body, remembering his words, thinking he lied to me, until, a massive spike of power surges through the air. "Looks like it's my turn to help." A voice resounds in the air above us. We all look up and see Nova's sword floating there, before it takes on the shape of a younger Nova, he, has a large black Alicorn wing, a large ash white dragon wing, his tail has a spike at the end, he has Discord's blue horn, but it is blood red, and a bright blue Alicorn horn on the top of his head. His left eye is green and yellow, slit much like a cats. His right eye is black and yellow, while on the right side of his upper jaw is a large fang. He is hearing a coat, black pants and blood red sneakers, around his neck he bears a silver necklace with a Yin-Yang emblem on it. "Who are you?" I hear Celestia ask. He looks towards her and gets sadistic grin on his face. "Slaying Moon at your service! And I am about to bring Lord Nova back. You should thank me, by the way, we WILL meet again after this." He says before a large orb of life energy forms in his hand which has been high above his head. The color changers from white to a luscious green and blue, clouds form, stars are sucks in as this sphere grows and grows. He side steps to Nova's body, the sphere complete, and it is giant. It looks like out world, but stars are circling it. "Lets save everyone now, Master." He states before driving the sphere into the hole in Nova's chest cavity. He appears next to me and watches, as do we all. We watch as the sphere of light grows and envelops his body it soon becomes a down and as the wind roars, we can distinctly hear a loud monstrous roar on the winds, the dome rises ad soon a blood red and bight blue pillar rises up, the dome turns that color as well and rings form around it. Richard watches and moves back, he is still in his release form, but he looks more like me but with his armor, tails, horn, etc. A aura seeps out from the dome as grass starts to grow. When the dome dissipates, standing there is Nova, but he looks different once again. His crown is back, his scales are now ash white like his skin was, and that is where everything changes, his eyes are purple with slits in them, around the clits are rings, his spines are black at the bottom and ash white still, his tail is longer his height is around ten feet. His claws are black as night as they shine in the sun, he still looks like spike. He looks at Richard and growls, blue smoke rising from the corners of his maw. "This is the end for you Richard! Now die!!!" He roars as he flies at Richard, who is caught off guard.... ======Nova's PoV before transformation================= "I failed...damn it!" I growl out. I am floating in darkness, nothing is around me at all. I had failed my family. "No, you still have a chance, young Nova." I hear a woman's voice say to me. I look up and see a white Alicorn with a red flowing mane and tail. She has amazing curves, her hips are perfectly wide, same with her chest, her face or muzzle in this case, looks amazing, her bright blue eyes shine, drawing me in. "You have yet to complete your task, my son." She says to me. "But...I'm not your son." I say. She giggles and nods her head. "Perhaps not your biological one, no, but I am your mother in law. I, am Mother Faust, mother of Celestia and Luna, I am the mother of the universe." She says to me. I gape at her, as I go to bow, she hugs me gently. "There is no need to bow to family, young Nova. And you have not failed yet, there is still time to save every pony." She explains to me. "But, what can I do? I haven't even awakened all of my powers yet, and there are more I have yet to acquire..." I say to her somberly. She shakes her head and smiles. "You will gain them all, in time, but it seems you are being called back. But before you go, let me give you a gift of may that you will receive." She says as my body starts to fade from her realm. She places her horn on my head, and transfers more abilities and powers that I had not unlocked before my battle with Richard. "What did you give me?" I ask curiously. She smiles down at me before hugging me softly. "You have the abilities to come here even when alive, in your dreams as well, you have also gained the powers of Discord, please use them well to protect my little ones." She says to me. "Now go, and protect our family...." she says as her voice becomes distant, a small smile forms on my lips, as I close my eyes, ready to return. 'I will...mother...' ======Nova's PoV after transformation=================== "This is the end for you Richard! Now die!!" I roar as I charge him. Richard looks too sunned to me as I punch him in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood, before I twist my fist, and while roaring I push forward all at the same time, I send him flying through the air. He spins in a circle before I appear above him and give him a double harmer onto his face, he goes strait into the ground as I kick off of the air and go past the sound barrier, he gets up to his feet, standing in his five mil wide crater, his claws ignite into white flames. I push past the second sound barrier and move faster towards him, I let my claws hang back as they glow blood red and bright blue blames, my spines shine the same colors as I charge my beam. I slam my fists down onto Richard's shoulders, as the flames erupt into ten pillars around us, I fire my beam, make a dome around us, he screams in pain as he vanishes from my eyesight. When the dome dissipates I see Richard laying on his back, most of his body is gone. His right arm, part of his upper half and his head only remain. He wheezes and gasps for breath, his eyes locked onto the sky, I can see happiness in hi eyes for once. "You...you freed me...from my...my servitude...be-before I die, I leave you with a warning...th-the Olympians are h-here...th-they slumber in the pit of fire...b-be ready for when they arrive..." He looks back at the sky after looking to me. A smile forms on his face, tears form in the corners of his eyes. "Maria...." Is all he says as his breath leaves him, as does the life in his eyes. I close his eyes, but his sword forms in my hand, a note attached to it. It reads: "To Lord Nova, If you are reading this note, then I have been freed and you have defeated me. I thank you, and let this sword serve you well, as it has me. This blade is called Maria, named after my late wife before the second incident, my reason to become a monster. I hope that all those hat have fallen from my blade find peace and happiness. Farewell Nova, son of Zeus. Sincerely, Richard Thompson." I place the letter into my pocket as I stand up to my feet, Richard's body turns to ash in the wind, the last piece of him to vanish, is his happy smile. I bow my head in respect, before I turn and side step back to the others in a boom of static. "Nova!" My wives yell out as they hug me tightly. I hug them back just as tightly, they look up at me, marveling at my new body. "You look amazing! But, what about your old body?" Chrysie asks. I look her in the eyes, and smile. "This one is it, my old body became this, and to be honest, I like it this way. Better than my old one, don't you think?" I ask. She nods her head as she nuzzles me gently, I nuzzle her gently back. Elisabeth has tears in her eyes. "Are you okay Beth?" I ask her. She nods and rubs her belly gently, I smile as everyone gasps. "Is the little one okay to?" I ask. She nods her head, but then speak up. "Nova, their twins." She says to me with a smile. I smile widely as I kneel and nuzzle her belly gently, she giggles and smiles down at me, as I smile up at her. "Bro, you look like Godzilla. Something up with that?" Discord asks. I smirk and pat his shoulder, smirking. "I remember seeing a serpent like this from a movie before the first incident, it too was called Godzilla. But, if that is what I am now, then...what will the others be?" I ask. "Others? What others?" Discord asks. I sigh sadly, and look down at Richard's sword. "The Olympians are here, along with my father." I say. "What's your fathers name, Nova?" Nightmare asks. I look at them before looking at the horizon. "He is the king of them. Zeus." I explain. They gain sad looks. "What do we do now?" I hear Twilight ask. I smirk and look at her, a smirk across my face, a fire burns in my eyes. "We wait." Is all I say before we look over at the mountain range, I can see a massive Volcano in the distance. And wit it, multiple powers and hive are awakening as well. Rain pours down on us as thunder booms through the sky. Now, we wait for them to strike, because now, we know what to expect. ========3rd Person View of the Olympians===================== A group of men and women lay, frozen in stone at the bottom of the volcano of. The lava ripples as a man rises, the stone cracks, and an eye opens. As the eye opens, shadows of large monsters can be seen behind him, they let loose roars and snarls. The true war, begins. > Epilogue and End of Book 1.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat in my new throne in the castle, behind me is Richard's sword. My black scales glinting in the sun. It had been a year since Richard's and my last battle, before I ascended past mortal bonds and ascended to god hood. Elisabeth or 'Beth' as we call her has given birth to twins, one boy and one girl. The girls name is Ruby. The boys name is Mars. The two of them are wonderful looking babies, they are always with Beth whenever I see her, they seem to like my new form just as much as I do. The Olympians are silent, Richard's hive has joined ours. Our enemies have been quiet, no attacks or invasions on us or our allies. Canterlot has been rebuilt, Discord and I have been called the first kings for this land. Cadance has been doing better, and seems to have gained a liking for me. She still holds Shinning close though, which we all do, he was my best friend, and my resolve to kill Richard. Celestia is pregnant with Discord's child, while Luna, Nightmare and Chrysie are trying. Spike and the girls have been trying as well, but no such luck as of yet. Moon has taken Flame as his mate, and she absolutely loves him! My hive has grown larger and large, we even gained new classes, Discord calls them the "Kaiju Class". My Elite Guard has tripled, most of the "Kaiju Class" is in it now. Life is good right now, peace is between the countries, but, I can tell that things are going to get heated up soon. I can feel the Olympians stirring right now, and their hives are being reported as seen. Looks like this is just the beginning of the, Dragon's Reign. > Chapter 1: New Allies.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk down the hall with Moon on left side while Ovan is on my right. We are headed towards the meeting room. The Olympians have awoken and have sent out their beasts, they have attacked our allies and have taken Zebrica. We enter the room and see all of our allies, they stop arguing when I sit myself down in my throne and look around the room. "Continue." Is all I say. "We need help! The Olympians have sent their beasts and have taken my country! We must act now! Lest they take another." King Zebrrix says, pain in his eyes, he, along with what is left of his people had arrived in Equestria a few weeks ago. They immigrated into Canterlot. I nod my head and sit back, placing my fingertips together. "I have gotten reports that these beasts look like giant sea serpents. I will send some of my Elite Guard to get rid of them, I will also have Discord look into this matter." I say, while I send a psychic message to Thunder, Lightning and Rose. I can feel them head out towards Zebrica while bringing a few grunts. "I will have a few other of my hive guards stationed in your borders, to alert us if anything happens to your kingdoms. The Misty Mountains already have some of Richard's Elite Guards stationed there to handle any kind of enemy, let alone the fact that they fallow Moon's orders and report to him or Elisabeth." I explain. The others nations leaders nod their heads as they head to their teleport pads that Discord had made back to their countries castles. "Sir, we must head back to the throne room, Lady Celestia has called a meeting with you both." Moon says to me. I nod my head, Ovan and I side step and appear in the throne room. "You called, Celestia?" Ovan asks. She nods her head and rubs her belly gently. "We need to get prepared for the Elements of Harmony's arrival." She says to us. I nod my head and turn on my heel in a 180 degrees and walk to my room where my wives were rest with Ruby and Mars. As I entered the room, I saw Elisabeth sleeping on the bed with Luna, while Chrysie and Nightmare are holding the two babies close, their eyes locked on a human woman. She turns and smiles at me. Her eyes are like pools of bright blue clear skies, her skin fair and smooth. Her luscious blonde hair lays softly down her back, she's wearing a white toga of sorts that hugs her well proportioned body. On her feet are Greek sandals, the straps go up her shins and end just below her knees. There, standing in front of me, is Hera. My mother. "How did you get here!?" I growl. She waves my growl off. "Can't a mother come see her child and grandchildren? After all, it has been a long time since the last time we saw each other, and I wanted to see how you were doing." She then looks me up and down, and nods her head. "I see you have changed as well, but you lack a human form, a pity, but you are still my son." She appears before me and hugs me tightly I stand still as a board. "I have missed you, Nova. More than you know." She says softly, but loud enough for us to hear her. "I...I'm not going to lie. I have missed you as well, mother, but....you are our enemy, sooner or later we will fight, as much as it pains me to say this, but, I have to win." I say looking up at her sadly. She nods her head, understanding, but, she take me by surprise by what she says. "I have left the Olympians, as have a few others. The beasts that attacked the Zebra's nation, was because of us hiding there. We are still weak from escaping. Your father has gone mad with power, and wants to see this world burn. I am here, along with those who have escaped his grasp, to help stop him, even if it hurts me, I don't want to see another world die from us." She says sadly. I nod my head and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I smile at her and look at my wives. "This is my mother, she is, or at least was, the queen of the Olympians. Her code name is Hera, the mother. She is fine to be around." I tell them. They relax just at Luna and Beth wake up and look at Hera. I smile at them, they smile back, Beth nuzzles Ruby and Mars, the two of them giggle happily. "It's good to see young faces having smiles nowadays. So what are their names?" She asks. "Ruby and Mars." Beth says. She gets to her feet and approaches Hera, a smile still present on her lips. "I can see where Nova gets his looks and kindness, but I am not sure where his strength comes from." She says. "That would be his father, he has always been strong, though now he has gone mad. It pains my heart to see the man I called my husband go mad and start trying to take over another world." Hera says sadly. Beth hugs her gently. "Well now you don't have to worry, your with us now and you can happier." She says. Hera sniffs and nods her head, gently rubbing Beth's head as well. I smile and sits on the bed, Ruby and Mars crawl onto my spines and smack me on the top of my head with their little fists. I look up at them and smirk. "You two definitely take after Nova." Hera says Ruby and Mars, the two of them babble and squeak as they pull on her hair, not that she minded, or noticed. We had to bite our tongues from laughing as she kept baby talking to them, but when they'd pull her hair, her head would jerk to the side and she would simply say 'Ow.' before she kept talking. Oh yeah, they loved her. An hour of this kept happening and it became boring, that is, until Twilight Sparkle burst through the door, her staff in hand, she see's Hera holding the twins and charges a lavender beam. "Stop that right now Twilight Sparkle!" I yell at her. "That is my mother and their grandmother, she has left the Olympian ranks and has joined us along with a few others. Lest you wish to be horribly beaten, put down thy weapon!" I roar at her in old Equish. Twilight recoils from how harsh I spoke to her. I calmed down and placed a claw on her shoulder. "Just try to not attack them please." I beg. She nods her head before apologizing to Hera. "It's fine dear, my husband tried to kill me for talking about peace, well, after he went mad." She explains. Twilight gives me a "The fuck?" look. I shrug, Cadance enters the room and jump hugs me, I blush as my face goes into her chest. "Hey Nova, how are you?" She asks. I shrug again. "Fine, though having boobs in your face wakes you up more." I say. She blushes but keeps smiling. "Sorry, but I was so excited to see you, and well..." She blushed more, I chuckled and patted her shoulder shoulder gently. "It's fine, I know how you have been getting ever since Mars's birth, your acting like Twilight is. Overly happy and protective of him and Ruby." I say. The two mentioned nod their heads and look embarrassed. "They could be connected to Mars, in a future sense. sense, maybe they become his wives?" Hera states. We stare at her, before we see Mars hop onto Cadence's chest and snuggle up to her neck. I smirk, while Ovan and I have an internal high five. "Seems right, he has become attached to them, and has even tried to mess with them from time to time." I say. Hera nods her head before looking out the window. "By the time this is all over, or near the end of it, Mars and Ruby will be old enough to know how life works." Hera states. I shake my head. "No, because we are going to end this war, as quickly as we can. I already know that the other Olympians that joined you are in the castle, but even then, there is my father and uncles." I say. "Uncle." Hera states, catching me by surprise. "One of your uncles has joined me, he has become a second husband over the years, as Zeus had been out for conquest." She states. I look up at her. "When did you all get to this world anyways?" I ask. Hera looks at me sadly. "It was when Richard had fought with us, when a dark portal opened and sucks us in, we had fallen asleep in that volcano, our beasts came with us too." She explains. I nod my head before a guard runs in. "Lord Nova! There is a man here to see you!" He says. I nod my head. "Let him in." I say. A man with sea green eyes peer at me, he wears a blue toga of sorts, Greek sandals and on his back is a Trident. Standing before us, is Poseidon, my uncle, and possible step father. "Hello, Nova, it is good to see you again, this time, on the good side." He states with a smile. I smirk back. 'We're so going to win this!' Ovan whoops from the back of my mind. I shake his hand, and we stare at each other, both of us have confident smiles on our faces. We are unaware of a pair of eyes, watching us, before it vanishes in a puff of black smoke, dark chuckling left behind it. > The War Begins.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poseidon was running fast, his trident in his hands as he impaled a griffin that was part of the invasion. I stabbed my sword through a griffins chest, lighting him on fire I charge up the Volcano, Ovan is ripping beings apart with his claws, a deep scowl on his face. And just above us, is the enemy base, the place where Zeus holds my son and Cadence.... =======12 hours earlier========================================== I shook Poseidon's hand with a smile, he smiles back. Hera hugs him gently as he gives her a peck on the nose. I smile and feel a kiss on my cheek. I turn and see Chrysie smiling lovingly. "You certainly have an interesting family. Perhaps we should add them to the list of family we now have?" She asks, a brow quirked. I shrug and nuzzle her gently, I stand back up and head to the throne room, my wives and my mother and uncle to lay with Mars and Ruby while Cadence and Twilight follow me. I look up at Discord, Ovan and smirk. Twilight sits in her throne next to Cadence, while Twilight's friends enter the room, they freeze when they see me, it had been an entire year since my transformation, and they weren't around, I suppose it would make sense for them to freeze. "Who the buck are you?" Rainbow asks. I smirk before laughing. "A friend, don't worry, it's still me Nova, but I ascended you could say." I state. I sit down in my throne and keep smirking, Ovan high fives me, I high five him back. The five of them blink for nodding their heads. Rarity kisses Twilight gently, oh yeah, the two of them are an item, weird, how did I forget that? No matter. I shake my head after that little moment, I look down at them, my eyes cold and calm. The doors burst open as Moon is holding Flame, she looks shaken about something. "What is wrong, Flame?" I ask. She gives me a scared look, while Moon has a sad look -for once-. I feel a power approach and the wall is blown apart. "Oh come on, that shit's brand new!" I yell out. Clapping is heard as I see a man with a scythe on his back, he resembles Poseidon, but instead of blue, he wears all black. "How good to see you again, Nova." He says. I growl and rise from my throne. "Wish I could say the same, Hades." I spat back at him. Hades gets a large toothy grin. "So you managed to become like us, but you are forced to be without a human form. Shame, you would have been a wonderful ruler. But that is not why I am here." He hisses. I growl louder as guards rush him, only to be sliced to bits, Ares walks in, wearing red battle armor, a large sword he lays on his shoulder. "We came here for the boy. Now give him here, now." He sneers. I growl before my power rises to it's fullest extent. Hades and Ares scowl, their knees are bent rather low. "Seems you have gone passed the normal boundaries. Could you be a god?" Ares asks. I appear behind him, his arm flies off in a torrent of blood. "I am far more than that now. I am Kaiju, I. Am. A. TITAN!" I roar out as I throw Ares out of the castle, my tail whips around and sends Hades out as well. I dematerialize and rematerialize behind them, I grab their heads and throw them into the ground. I roar loudly. Ovan appears next to me, his titan form slightly different, his scales are blacker than mine, he has red streaks on his body that look like fire, steam flows from his body, his eyes are bright orange, as are his spines, his tail is rounded. We stare down at the two, Ares's arm reforms, he gains a sadistic grin on his face, as does Hades. The two snap their fingers as two large beasts appear, one looks likes me, but it metal, another looks like a monster plant. The beasts attack Canterlot, I go to stop them, but Hades appears in front of me, Ares appears before Ovan. I snarl and my claws ignite in blue and red flames, while Ovan's claws erupt in red and blue flames. Ares charges at Ovan, the two of them clash, both having sadistic smiles on their faces. Ovan kicks Ares into a building, before a chain is wrapped and his neck and he is pulled into the same building. The building explodes as the two fly into the air, their smiles never leaving their faces as they continue to clash. Ovan kicks Ares in the stomach, his toe claws also ablaze, the a wave of energy erupts into Ares's form, knocking him farther into the air, Ovan pushes himself off of the air and follows, leaving behind four rings as he travels to Mach 4, he grabs Ares's head and throws him farther upward in the sky, high above the normal flying limit. I dodge as Hades scythe is being spun at me, I ignite my toe claws ablaze ad kick, sends a massive wave of energy at him. I appear behind him, just as he goes to block, I wrap my arms over his and keep him stationary, his eyes widen from my move and h struggles to get away. I crush his arms as I kick him right into the wave, a massive explosion resounds through the air, shockwaves crack the ground, the castle trembles. I dodge a skeletal spear as Hades rockets out of the explosion, we clash once more. We parry each other's attacks, sparks flying about, gusts of wind sending ripples through the air and dark clouds form, lightning cracks as thunder booms. The ground trembles when we land, an earthquake shakes the whole area, all of Canterlot trembles. I snarl and knee Hades in the face, sending him back into the air, he grabs onto nothing, yet manages to kick up dust. Discord arrives to the scene and rockets to help Ovan, and to cheat -which would help us a lot at the moment...-. Poseidon knees Hades in the back and pins him to the ground, his trident goes through his shoulder, he looks up at me. "You need to save your strength for your father. He will be a true fight for you, Hades is powerful, but, compared to Zeus, he is nothing. You need to not fight so recklessly, and do what Ovan does he realizes that a massive power up so close to these beings will cause problems, let me take him far up into the air, and deal with him myself." He says. I nod my head as I power down, the clouds dissipate and the ground ceases to shake. "Thank you uncle, I feel so foolish for doing something so reckless. I should have thought it through..." I say dejectedly. "It's okay Nova, we all have our moments, but right now you need to get back to the castle, griffins, dragons and Minotaur's are invading it." My eyes widen as I fly back towards the castle. ==========Celestia's PoV===================================== I watch Nova and Ovan fly out, and the clash between rages outside. I watch from the hole in the wall that Ovan and he red man are fighting, before out of nowhere, Ovan sends the man far into the atmosphere, he soon follows, faster than the speed of sound, they called it Mach 4, I think. I watch as the two vanish from sight, just as a massive explosion lights up the sky, I see that Nova and Hades are fighting with each other, but as their battle goes on, I can feel Nova's power really begin to rise. What most don't know is he likes to test his opponents out, if they pose a threat, he lets out a massive power that signifies he should not be messed with, but this kind of power is insane! "Such raw power, but if he continues this any longer, he will tear this whole area apart." I hear Poseidon say, I turn and see him standing there, I remember meeting him, he was polite and kind, goofy even. But seeing him like this was startling, even to me. "I am going to go stop him, and send him back here. I will take care of Hades." He says as he rockets to the two fighting, I watch as Poseidon double knee drops Hades into the ground, Nova and him talk. Down below my eyes widen as I see the griffins, dragons and Minotaur's attacking the castle and slaughtering the innocence, in the distance those two giant beasts are attacking Canterlot, thankfully Hera is dealing with them along with Moon. Luna, Chrysalis, Beth, Nightmare are locked away far beneath the castle with Ruby and Mars. I teleport down to them, I see Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are there, Flame is here too. I conjure a mirror of sorts to watch what happens. We see Spike is in his released state killing other dragons, while Nightmare, Aqua and Felicia are taking on griffins, Abyss is leading the rest of the hive's, he roars and Sapphire along with Night Shield zoom out with the pony and Zebra armies.... ============Sapphire PoV=================================== "GO GO GO!!!!" I yell at the Pegasus ponies as we dive down to assist our teams, I go into my released form and fire a red beam at a few griffins, Nighty is wielding dual pistols and is blowing the heads off of Minotaur's and griffins. The Zebra's are using these blow dart things and these laser assault rifles that Nova and Discord had created and given to all of us and our allies. I land and claw griffins apart while Nighty keeps firing rounds, we are back to back as we fire our attacks at the enemies, all round us is the sounds of war. I fire off more red beams and get a few nicks, while Nighty is missing part of his left ear, he has a cut going over his right eye, a gash on his side. If we make it through this I am soooooooo giving him so much love, he fucking deserves it! "DIE!!!!" Nighty and I yell at the griffins/Minotaur's. We glance at each other, grins on our faces as we keep fighting. I send out blue spheres that go into the enemies, and then they explode, creating craters and destroying the bodies, and if there is another enemy near by, they become infected and also explode, then the process repeats itself. I growl as I see Gilda and Boulder are pinned down, Gilda is missing a wing, while Boulder an eye, they both have holes in their arms and legs. I go to help them until Aura comes in and kills the group of Minotaur's and griffins around them with a gust of wind, she then vanishes and appears in a different area. I growl as more and more of us are killed. "How could they get this strong!?" Nighty yells. "I don't know, but, if we make it through this, just know you'll be pleasured for life." I say to him as I rip a griffins head off. "Well then." He says before taking out a Gatling Gun. "Looks like we need to make it through this now!" He says with a sadistically gleeful voice. My body quivers and grows hot. "Hell yeah! Now lets finish these fuckers off so we can go fuck!" I roar in happiness. I bring out my own Gatling Gun and the two of us fly into the air and join the air teams and blast at the enemy army. I see more enemies coming in from the under the ground, I growl and fire upon them, but a beam clips my right wing, I fall to the ground, the gun breaks and I lose my release state, I cry out in pain as a griffin stabs my chest with a spear, a smirk on his face. I whimper out a growl before crying out again. The griffin prepares to kill him, until a Scorpio arrives and rips the griffin in half. I look over to my left and see on the horizon, that our allies have arrived. I smile up at the Scorpio, one I knew very well. King Scorpious, he helps me to my feet ad hugs me gently. We go way back, but now we are close friends, even if I can sense his love for me, I hope Nighty approves of me getting laid by this dude. "You must go and rest, Night Shield is waiting for you at the barracks under ground. I will see you again later." He states before rushing into battle, his army follows, Drakes fly down and reign fire upon the griffins and Minotaur's. I hobble down into an intricate tunnel system and reach the medical barracks. There I see Nighty walk into a lone tent, my wounds heal as my body heats up. "Looks like we're gonna have some fun~" I purr to myself softly, to which I enter the tent. He turns and looks at me, covered in bandages. "Hey, how are you- " I cut him off with a deep passionate kiss. I pin him gently to the bed, he smirks up at me as I begin to heal his wounds, I kiss him tenderly before he brings the covers over us.... ========King Scorpious PoV=========================== I rush a griffin and rip them apart, my army taking out most of the Minotaur's as the Drakes and Dragons clash. Leo's help us as do the Diamond Dogs. I turn and go inside the castle, I slice and dice a few grounded griffins to pieces. I hiss as I stab my stinger into a dragon's hide, it yelps in pain before dissolves from my acidic poison. "Look at you, beeeeeing all strong now, eh? Sssssscorpioussss?" I see a large snake hisses. He was my friend once, but now he is my enemy and king of the snakes. Basilisk. Her wields a strange sword and charges me. Looks like I'm going to be busy now. Damn it, and I was hoping to finally confess my love to Sapphire, oh well, maybe if I live through this war I will. We clash and as we stare into each others eyes, I can tell this definitely won't be easy... =============Nova's PoV============================================= I arrive to the castle to see our allies are helping us. I rush into the castle and over King Scorpious. As I head to the bunker under the castle, I feel a massive power, and I move faster. As I reach it, the doors are blown off. I run inside and see Zeus holding my son, the girls are pined down by chains. "Ah" Zeus says to me. "How kind of you to join us, Nova. I was just here to pick up my grandson, and now, I leave." Is all he says to me before vanishing. I try to rush at him before he does, but he goes too quickly. I growl before taking the chains off of them. I help everyone up and notice that Cadence is nowhere to be seen. "Where's Cadence?" I ask. Their eyes widen as they look around, then it dawns on them. "He must have taken her..." Twilight mumbles. I growl louder and punch a wall. Hades comes crashing down and lands in front of me, I snarl and grab him. "WHERE DOES ZEUS CALL HOME!?" I roar in his face. Ovan appears beside me, as does Poseidon, he grabs Hades from my grasp and tosses him aside, my eyes widen as I watch Hades slowly turn t ash. "Poseidon, where is the Volcano at!?" I yell. He looks at me strangely. "Why?" He asks, I snarl loudly before tears roll down my cheeks. "Zeus has taken my son and Cadence..." I then go into detail as to what happened. He nods his head as he takes us to the bottom of the Volcano. We are greeted by hoards of Griffins, Dragon's and Minotaur's. I hold Slaying Moon in my hand as I charge forward, rage in my eyes, Poseidon and Ovan follow suite. ========Present time================================================= We are hallway up the Volcano, and keep climbing and killing. My rage just grows and grows as I hear Mars crying out for me, as I hear Cadence scream in pain. The final fight is about to begin, and I am going to kill that man, once and for all. > Ovan and Discord VS. Ares.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sent Ares far above the sky, we floating in the atmosphere as we had a glare off. I had a sadistically gleeful smile on my lips, watching as his blood dripped down before his wound heal instantly. I ignite my feet and fists, my smile goes from sadistic to sardonic and twisted. I can see him shiver in anticipation, but his smile remains. I side step behind him and kick out a blue and red beam that destroys part of his body, his eyes are wide when he looks back at me. "Sucks to be you right now. Generally who ever takes a hit like that, they die too quickly. But we both know you won't di from that, that was a weak move, unless you aren't as strong as you Olympians say." I say. I put a hand behind my ear, all I hear is a soft groan. "What's that? No comeback? No attack? Tch...looks like I chose poorly again." I state before kicking a second beam at him. The beam comes at him, but he does something I never expected, he absorbs it, and his missing part of his body reforms, he smirks at me and I gain a gleeful wicked sadistic smile. My tail swishes around in the air and it ignites as well. "Looks like you were wrong, maybe his time you won't- " I whip my tail and send out multiple waves of power at him, his eyes widen and swings his sword, trying to cut the waves, but they multiple and keep coming at him. "Damn it..." He mutters before the waves stop and start to circle him, thy turn into blue and red floating glowing arrows, he looks around just as he arrow close on him, they impale into him, he yells in pain, then they explode. "My, I can still feel is energy, perhaps he isn't as weak as I though..." I say to myself. The smoke clears and standing there is a bloodied Ares. I smile at him before appearing before him, I knee him in the stomach, but he catches me, my eyes widen as he swings his sword down onto my shoulder. He smirks as his cuts me and then punches me away in the muzzles, I am thrown back before I side step back before him, my smile still on my lips as my body heals instantly. "You managed to cut me. Your the first to do so ever since Aero and that Petal, but that was before my ascension. Prepare yourself, because I am going to enjoy killing you." I laugh at the end. "Don't kill him yet, I want to have some fun with him too. Besides, we all know he is strong." Discord says as he appears next to me. I look at him and smirk, before looking back at Ares. "Sure, but make your hits count, we ARE the rulers of Equestria, remember?" I say. He nods his head while summoning a sword, it looks much like my own one, the curved upward black and white cleaver. "Looks like your serious, maybe I should too, shame, I was wanting to play with him!!" I laugh the last part out before my entire body ignites into blue and red flames. We fly at Ares who places his hand in the flat of the sword and then uses it as a shield. "Fools..." Is all he says before a massive red beam flies at us. Discord swings his sword down and sends out a white and blue beam, the beams explode into each other, I burst from the smoke and claw at his side, as I pass him, his enter side is missing. "D-damn it...." He mutters before Discord appears before him and slashes don at him, gashing his chest, his blood sprays from his non-existent side and the gash in his chest. "You invaded the wrong world, dog." Discord growls at Ares. I appear behind Ares as Discord and I charge large beams and hen fire both at him. I hear him scream out in pain and fall from the smoke. I side step beneath him and kick him upward, his legs are gone and his right arm is torn to shreds. He holds his sword in his left hand. Discord fires another beam that goes to connect wit Ares, until he absorbs it and his body heals completely. "Fools. You'll never be able to beat me!!" He roars and releases his weapon. His armor becomes large as des his body, on his shoulders are large red spikes, his blade is thinner and both sides are serrated while his sandals are now boots, a cape of sorts flaps in the wing, on his face is a visor that hides his face from view, in his left hand in a shield as it glints in the light, a massive red skeleton rib cage along with a left arm floats around him like extra armor. His power has quadrupled. "YOU SEE!? YOU CAN'T WIN!!" He roars out. "Yeah, yeah. Just do your flashy shit and if it's flashy enough, ten we'll say you win after you die, if I isn't, then you die, either way, you die. Now then, come sparky! Join me in he butt kicking of this prick!" I say the last part to Discord. He smirks before releasing his sword and his form changes as well. His blade is thin and black, the guard looks the skull of a dragon, the blade is serrated on the cutting side. His clothes are completely black like mine, as he has a tail to his shirt that reminds me of a torn up tail coat. His shoes are spiked biker boots, he has a pitch black visor over his eyes as he smirks, I can see that he has some gold in his teeth, no wait, some of his teeth ARE gold. Damn, Discord be packing! "If there is anything left of him for you, you mean, Whitey." He says as he clashes wit Ares, pushing him back. Ares's eyes widen as Discord bypasses the skeletal structure, Discord then spin kicks him in the face, knocking him farther back. I smirk and join in the fight. Discord and I kick and slash at Ares, who would sometimes nick us and cut us. I laugh as he tries to fore a beam at me, but Discord elbow drops onto his arm, shattering it, the beam implodes on itself and takes his arm with it. He roars in pain before I stab my left claw into his chest, smirking up at him, a twisted look comes into my eye. "Would you look at that? I just impaled you on my hand, do you know what comes next?" I ask him rhetorically. His eyes widen, which I see as I rip the visor off, I look him dead in the eye, before licking my lips an the flames roar before going into the hand that is in his chest. "You're lucks run outa!" I laughed before firing a massive beam that comes from his backside, his coughs up blood as I increase the power, the beam grows and grows until he is screaming out in pain, I see his body slowly being to crumble. "Mind if I join?" Discord asks. I shake my head, still smiling. Discord puts a hand next to mine, an fires off his own beam. Ares's body is pushed back and keeps going upwards. We see Ares fly passed the atmosphere and into space. "He's not dead you know, he'll be back for sure, and he'll be pissed" Discord says. I look at him and raise a brow. "Your point? Ah whatever, we'll kill him next time." I state before a large explosion sounds beneath us. We side step just above the castle and see Hera and moon fighting the beats. Discord and I grin to each other before we go to join them. This was going to be fun~! ======Next chapter preview==================================================== Moon and I fly towards the beasts. One is like a giant plant, but has the head of a croc, a red core that glows along with fanged vines. The second beast looks like a more crap version of what Nova is. We fly towards the two, I take the plant while Moon takes the crap. I summon my staff ad fly directly at the plant. This was gonna hurt... > Hera and Moon VS. Two Beasts.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We flew through the air towards the two large beasts, Hera took the large plant while I took on this week monster, it looks like an over-sized Iguana. I draw my sword and slash the tail tip off, as it roars in pain, it's orange yes flash green and spews green fie at me. I side step away from it a few meters, my cloths slightly singed. "Damn...I was hoping that I wouldn't need to release my sword. I hope they forgive me..." I mutter to myself as my body gets surrounded by black flames, my shoes turn into Olympian sandals, my clothes become robes, two large black wings show themselves as a scythe forms in my hand, my body becomes larger and my eyes are dull grey, my hair long and black, my hands are black claws as I spin my scythe, I look down at the beast, a scowl on my face. "You have called forth my form and first release state. Only a few have done this, and you will be one of them. You should be proud, to fight with me, Hyperion." I state as I raise a blade made from the literal elements, seasons and stars form in my right hand as my scythe sits in my left hand, I stare it down, but it takes me by surprise as it turns into a humanoid version, it is a female. "It's good to see you, Lord Hyperion." The woman says to me, my eyes widen as she smiles o at me, but screams out in pain, a collar around her neck. Tears go down her cheeks before her eyes become orange again and she roars in a mix of pain and rage. Her body ignites into bright green flames, she stares up at me, her eyes show she doesn't wish to fight, but she has no choice in the matter. "I will free you, and help Nova kill Zeus. I promise this to you, Phoebe." I say under my breath, before I charge at her, she appears behind me, her claws swing down and ten waves of green energy fly at me. I swing my sword to the side and I send out what looks like a stream of a supernova, the attacks clash and creates a large mushroom cloud, this sector of Canterlot is now a smoldering crater. I watch as she soars towards me, her fists slam into my chest, sending me flying into the atmosphere, I break the sound barrier, I cough up blood as she appears behind me and swings her claws down, they tear open my back, I cry out in pain, I sin and knock her away wit my wings. The tips of my wings are sharpened to the point where they draw some blood from her. She hisses in pain before firing a green beam at me. I use my left wing as a shield, the beam collides with me, but I fan my left wing out, swatting the beam away. I stare at her as she raises a hand above her head, part of he earth beneath us flies up and begins to forms a sphere, she wails and wooded dragons fly out at me, a stone golem rushes me, a hydra made of water also forms as she rides on t main head. "It seems Zeus cares not for this world. Very well, but I do, and if I must, I will go into my primal form." I say. I spin my scythe in front of me, the dragons crumble to dust, I swing my sword down, the golem is cleaved in two, I then feel a large amount of pain course through my side. Looking down I see a clone of herself, she has her teeth deep into my side, coughing, I ram the butt of the hilt into it's head, the clone turns into dirt before reforming behind me, the real her is in front of me. "Damn it...Looks like I have no choice." I say as my sword and scythe glow in a bright white light. "Release." Is all I say as my body grows, and grows into a giant of wind, lava, earth, stars, water and plants. look down at tem, the clone vanishes, as Phoebe turns into her human form, she then goes into her Titan form, she has the symbol of the moon on her chest, she resembles Nova, but instead of normal spines, she has ten nine tails as she resembles a large monster fox of sorts, except her eyes show the moon with black slits in them. I punch at her, but one of her tails wraps around it, and throws me aside. I land on the air, the sky below has become dark with large clouds, I bellow before multiple beams fire off from all over my body, she roars and the beams are destroyed from the mere sound. I take a step back before punching forward and fire a red bullet of energy at her the size of my fist. Her eyes narrow, she raises a claw and fires a massive orange beam that slams into me, the bullet hits her, but does nothing. I brave the beam and swat it aside like one would a gnat. I stare at her before charging at her, she rushes at me with far greater speed, she bites into my left arm, I slam my right fist onto her head, she lets go before I grab her by her throat and throw her down past the clouds and back onto the earth.... =====with Hera=================== I move forward and have a staff in hand, I see Moon take the woman into the air. I swing my staff down and send a torrent of wind that pushes the beast back. It bellows in rage, it's eyes are orange in color, I see a collar around it's neck. I aim or it, but a tendril with teeth snaps at me, I jump back before using the wind to cut the head off. I fly backwards as more vines fly after me, I keep sending wind to get rid of them as I keep dodging. "Damn, this will be hard to deal with." I state. The beast roars before burrowing into the ground, I fly higher into the air, black clouds block the sky, looks like Moon and the woman are fighting. I look down just as vines burst from the ground and fly up at me, their jaws snapping. I spin my staff, the vines bounce off before more spout up from behind me. "Shit!" I curse as a vine bites into my left leg and drags me onto the ground, creating a small crater. I cough as the beast burst from the ground, but then turns into a woman wearing Olympian clothing which are green, she has sad eyes. "I am sorry Hera. But I am being controlled by this collar, please, free me." She asks. I gape at her, standing before me is Gaia, Mother Earth. She cries out in pain as the whole ground cracks and trembles, a green pillar of light forms around her as her body grows an grows, she looks like a giant beautiful woman that wields a scepter in one hand, while she wields a double bladed war-axe. She stares down at me as her power pushes my legs into the ground. I look up at her and smile sadly. "I will free you, Gaia, and help you live here on this world." I say. She simply stares, but her eyes show gratitude. She raises a foot and gets prepared to stomp on me, until a large fox falls onto her and the two collapse. I blink before my eyes go wide as I see Hyperion standing there once the clouds vanish. He is in his second form, but something is different, my eyes grow wider when I see Moon's eyes there, then it hits me. Moon IS Hyperion. I watch as his body glows and becomes smaller, when the light vanishes he is smaller, but his wings are holy white, he has a long whip like tail, his claws are bone white, his eyes are yellow and green. He appears before me and helps me out of the ground. "Hold your ground Hera. We need to free them, and they are getting ready to become like me." He says. I nod my head, but fear grasps my heart. 'If Hyperion is here, than that means something big is about to go down, when did Richard even meet this titan!?' I question myself as I enter my final form. My sandals have become actual shoes, my clothes now different, I am wearing black skin tight pants, a white shirt with a yellow cape flapping in the wind, my hair swirls around in an ethereal wind, my staff is split into two parts, one is a spear, while the other is a shield. Gaia becomes shorter and she looks more beautiful than any other woman I have met. Her hair is lush green, her eyes are sparkling blue, her skin is fair, her clothes now a like mine, as she wears sandals still. Her scepter and axe are both brown and gold. The fox looks like...Phoebe. Great, just great. Anyways, she looks just as beautiful, her tails whip about, her clothes are rags, her claws glinting in the sunlight. Their collars electrocute them once again. They both scream in pain before rushing us. Phoebe clashes with Hyperion, while Gaia and I clash with each other. Gaia spins and her axe is held out, as she spins the earth moves with her, as those vines sprout from the ground to hold me still. I jump backwards and fire a white beam that hits her in the chest. She steps back, stunned slightly before shrugging it off, the collar slightly cracked. I smirk as I spin y spear around, lightning cracks around me as I charge at her. She stomps on the ground, causing stone spikes to fly at me, I bloc them with my shield, I point my spear at the collar, but she swats me away with her scepter, the shield cracks, as I land on my back, I groan before rolling to the side, her axe cuts into the earth where I was, creating a small crater, the gust of wind knocks me back. I land on my feet and side step behind her, I jab at the collar, onto to have my spear bounce off. I growl as I jab at it again, the collar cracks more, but Gaia spin kicks me into Hyperion, who has managed to rip off Phoebe's collar. She looks at us wit a smile, before looking at Gaia and getting into a fighting stance. I get back to my feet as Hyperion cracks his neck. He readies his claws and the two of them charge in flashes of lightning, Gaia does the same as they clash in the sky, shockwaves resound through the air, the ground quakes as they three fight. I move like them and punch Gaia in the face, as Hyperion and Phoebe grab her collar and prepare to rip it in half, until those damned vines sprout again and drag them down and slam them both onto the ground. Gaia and I clash, my shield is cracked more as is her axe. I kick her in the stomach and send her upward, I go to follow until she appears next to me, she grabs my head and throws me into the ground. I cough up blood as she elbow drops onto my stomach, I gasp for breath, only to get stomped further into the ground. I groan as I get up, Hyperion and Phoebe tackle her into the air away from me, I look to my left and see that vined beast torn to shreds. I cough more before joining them in the fight. I arrive to find that Gaia is being held by her arms, suspended in the air. I am quick to grab her collar, and with all of my strength, rip it off of her, the collar shatters into a million pieces and becomes dust. Gaia's eyes return to normal, she looks up at me and smiles. =====Hyperion's PoV in Attacks============================== Phoebe and I clash, sparks go everywhere. I am punched in the gut and fly into a wall of the crater. I get out of the wall, only to be pushed father in by an orange beam, I groan before side stepping behind Phoebe, who spin kicks me into the ground from the air. I appear behind her and punch her in the back, she yelps and flies into a wall of the crater. She goes to get out, but I fire a massive black beam that pushes her farther and farther into the ground. She bursts from the ground from under me, and uppercuts me into the air, but she then grabs my tail and pulls me back down, where she punches me in the face, she repeats this motion for a few minutes before spinning me around like one would a lasso. She lets me go and I crash into the wall -again-. She opens her mouth and fires a blood red beam that I counter with a sickly green beam, the two attacks collide into each other and explode. I appear next to her and grab her collar, I have grown tired of this senseless fight, and I want to finish this now, and with a hard pull, the collar is torn off. Hera then crashes into me, I see Phoebe get into a fighting stance, as do I, and the two of us move lightning fast at Gaia. The three of us fly into the sky and fight. Gaia cuts me, but me and Phoebe tear her cloths apart, she winces from the attacks, but soon drives us back. I spin kick her in the chest, knocking her into Phoebe's red beam. Gaia cries out in pain before we are dragged onto the ground by massive vines. I growl and pull on the vines, the large green plant beast rises and sends it's vines at us. Phoebe dodges before clawing up the face of the beast, while I point a claw at it's core. I stay calm as I fire a black and green beam, the attack collides with the core of the beast, causing it to roar in pain, bad move. Phoebe goes into it's mouth and holds it open, she opens her own mouth and fires a blood red beam into it mouth, the beam comes out from the top of it's head, killing it instantly. The beast lets loose a low growl like whimper, before it falls to the ground. I stab my hand into it's core, and fire off another beam that comes out of it's back. The body starts to decay, as we fly up to fight Gaia. Phoebe grabs her axe and crushes it, while I snap her scepter in half. Gaia punches me in the chest, breaking a few ribs, before they mend themselves. I growl and break her right arm, while Phoebe breaks her left, we hold her there are Hera appears. She grabs Gaia's collar and pulls with all of her strength, the collar shatters into a million pieces. "Looks like we're late. Oh well." I hear. I look behind me and see Discord and Ovan, standing there as if nothing has happened. "Shame. And here I was thinking that I could beat them too. Tch, whatever, we should head to Nova, he is attacking the Volcano." Ovan says calmly. "Why?" Hera asks. Ovan gets a scarily serious look on his face. "Because Zeus has taken Cadence and Mars. And he needs help, but I might as well go ad help him, you all arrive when the signal is given. Go it?" He states. We nod our heads. "Good. Sayonara." He states before vanishing to Nova's side. "This just keeps getting better and better." I state. "Moon, when were you going to tell us you were a Titan?" Her asks me. I smirk and tap on my nose. "Never." I state before heading back to the castle, however I stop and see Poseidon is fighting with Hades, and he is winning. I nod my head before going to see Flame. > Poseidon VS. Hades and Revelations are made.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look at my brother who glares at me. After Nova had left, I felt Zeus arrive and then vanish. I stare Hades down as he stares back at me. He raises his scythe and points it at me. His power rises and a helmet forms around his head, his face is covered by a grate, but fires burn behind it. His body grows large and towers over me, his scythe turns into two double hooks that glow bright neon purple that connect to his waistline by chains. His shirt turns into spikes that surround his arms, his pants are pitch black, his sandals are now spiked boots. He laughs and echoing laugh, his voice mimic's it. "You think you can beat me!? I am Hades!" He roars out. He swings the hooks at me by the chains. I spin my trident an block his attacks. "And I am Poseidon." I say, a large gash forms on his shoulder and down his right arm. He yells in pain, his wound not healing. I pick up one of his spikes and spin it around in my left hand, my trident in my right. "And it seems you are weaker than I thought. Pity. I was planning on treating you like Zeus, but it looks like you are still not as strong as he is." I state. He swings the hooks at me again. I use the spike from his arm to deflect them, my eyes hold boredom. "If you plan on attack like that, than I'll just keep deflecting." I say. He growls before he stops, he plunges the claws into the ground. I feel the ground shift from under me, and a hook flies up and cuts my left shoulder, jumping back, I throw the spike at him. Hades back hands it, his wound is now healed. My shoulder heals as well, but I notice that the ground around him has black hooks slithering about. I point my trident at him and fire a sea blue beam, the hooks absorb them, before they all fire the same back, but twice as larger. I swat the beams away with the trident before appearing above him, I swing down and send a large sea blue wave of energy at him. He chuckles as the waves is absorbed and fired back. I kick the wave apart, his mimicking my attacks make them look larger, but they are far weaker than the real things. I spin my trident and a tornado of water forms around him. His hooks try to absorb it, but end up being destroyed and torn to shreds. I land behind him and slash upwards, just as Hyperion flies past me. I shoulder roll to the right as he brings a hook down, but misses me. I slash downward and cut his arm off. I grab his hook and use it myself. The hook turns sea blue and was I spin it above my head, I watch it change form, the two hooks form into three, resembling a trident. I swing the hook trident and it cuts into his chest. He growls in pain, as he swings his other hook at me, I block it with my trident and twirl it, the hooks shatter as I rip the hook trident from his chest, his blood sprays everywhere. I turn an begin to walk away, until my arm is blasted right off by a purple beam. I turn and look back at Hades. His body heals itself, he laughs and we appear in a castle, the exits have fire blocking them. I then cough up blood when his hand comes from my side, and swings tot he side, slicing y side open, my blood sprays on the wall as I kneel down onto a knee and cough up more blood. I look over my shoulder and see Hades behind me, black hooks sprouting from his back arms, floors, walls and ceiling. "It seems to me that, you have forgotten just how powerful I can become after taking a serious beating, brother." He hisses the last part out. I cough more and cover my mouth with my hand, as my arm reforms and my side heals. He kicks me onto my back and stomps on my still healing side. I cry out in pain, before coughing up more blood. He laughs loudly. "Pathetic, it seems you truly have forgotten! I am Hades! I am the lord of eternal pain!!" He yells out, before kicking me into a wall of fire, I cry out in pain again as my arm that is reforming burns off. I wheeze out a few breathes, before glaring up at Hades. It seems that he has gotten stronger, he hasn't even released his second form yet, and he has caused me this much damage, this is not good at all. I growl through grit teeth in pain, my arm reforms quickly, and my side heals. I flick out my trident hook and swing it at him, it flaws the mask, but that's it. He laughs at me again, before the claws sprouting from the floor wrap around my legs, my eyes widen as his purple glowing claw pierces my chest, my blood sprays all over him. "How pathetic! You thought you could actually win against me? Ha! Such naiveté. " He says down to me. I spit blood at him, it hits his mask by the grate. He growls as he grabs my head, before slamming his knee into my face. I cough more blood, my vision moving in and out of focus. 'D-damn...I need to go into my released form before he kills me....' I think to myself. I then smirk as I remember how to without talking. My power rises as ocean water forms around me in a whirlpool, the hooks shatter, Hades pulls his back from my chest and backs away quickly. I bellow in rage and power. When the whirlpool fades, my form has changed. I have a crown on my head, my trident hook now trident claws over my right hand, while the trident in my left hand looks like it is made out of coral, on my back is six tentacles and with three claws at the end, between the tentacles is a sharks dorsal fin, my tail is that of an eel's. My eyes are black like a sharks, while my cloths are now coral armor. I look at Hades, my speed had tripled and I move faster than he can see, I kick him in the back and send him flying into a fire wall, he roars in pain, but when I stab my claws into his side, and rip them out by swinging my arm to the side, he bellows in pain. He spins and tries to kick me, but I slice his leg off with my trident, he cries out in pain as I stab my claws into his chest and twist, his body twitches as he looks up at the ceiling, the castle vanishes and I go back to my normal form. I place the trident hook onto my belt, before Hades returns back to normal. I grab him by his throat and appear next to Nova. Nova is distraught and is ponding the wall. When he sees Hades, he grabs him and yells for him to tell him where Zeus's base is. I place a hand on his shoulder, and shake my head. We watch as Hades body turns into golden dust and flows away on the wind. I ask him what's wrong, and he explains that Zeus had arrived, he took Cadence and Mars. I nod my had and bring him and Ovan with me. We appear at the bottom of the Volcano, and we rush up it. Nova has his sword out, and is killing griffins left and right. Ovan is killing Minotaur's while I kill the dragons. We run up the Volcano's side, going around cliffs and bends, as we reach the middle, I notice that there are more enemies, I hear Nova growl as he kills a griffin. As we near the top, I can hear Cadence crying out in pain, while Mars is crying out for Nova and for Cadence. I get a sense of what is about to go down. When Nova and Zeus fight, only one of them will walk away, that is, if this world doesn't become a wasteland. I growl as we reach the top and peer in, I snarl as I see Zeus whipping Cadence. "Yell for me, make Mars snap! Do it! NOW!!" He roars down at her, he whips her harder, I can see tears in her eyes, she cries out in more pain and pants heavily. I look at Mars, and see his eyes start to turn, he growls as he tries to get free, but something isn't right, he looks older, he looks like the same age as Flame. Did Zeus really try to accelerate his growth? It looks like it worked, but he might have just fucked up so hard in his long life. He whips Cadence again. "Scream his name! Now!!" He snarls. Looking closer, I see that Cadence is naked, and she is bleeding heavily. "Bastard..." I mutter under my breath. Nova and Ovan are about ready to jump in and kill Zeus, but I hold them back. If they were to attack now, he'd kill her and probably Mars. No, I needed to have them calmed down, but how? They are unable to do much. But then, I hear Cadence finally break, and scream out a name. "MARS!!!" She screams out. We all watch as Mars stays still, his eyes turn fiery orange, he gains purple-ish blue scales, he gains black and white crystal spines, while on his shoulders are two large crystal spikes, on his forehead is a crystal crest, the tip of his tail is spiked with five crystals, while his muzzle is longer and more crocodile shaped, he looks like Nova besides those few differences, however, something else happens to him. The shadows circle him, he roars and breaks from his cage. He rushes at Zeus, and impales a claw through his shoulder. Zeus smirks before clamping a collar onto his neck, said collar turns to ash. Zeus's eyes widen as Mars rips his claw out of his shoulder. Zeus's wound heals, and he snarls. He goes to kill Cadence, but Mars stop him, he rips Zeus's arm clean off, and kicks him into the far wall, he stays close to Cadence, who is now free and is sobbing in pain. Mars coils a tail around her hips and pulls her in close, he gently kisses her, I can see her eyes widen, but she kisses back, red energy seeps from Mars's spines and goes into Cadence, her wounds close instantly. I blink as she kisses him deeper, and he kisses back, after they separate, I can see a bond has formed between them, but I can also see, that Mars is older, not through experiments, but from that cell he was in. I had made that cell, where you age quicker and normally, for the captive, it means they live a life as long as they want, but once hey leave the cell, that time spent catches up with them. Right now, Mars is 18 years old, Nova looks like he is ready to rip Zeus apart. Zeus walks out of the wall, and growls. "Useless child. I should have taken the girl and killed you instead." He growls out. Nova roars and punches Zeus onto his face. "SHUT UP OLD MAN!!!" He rages. I see Ovan elbow drop onto Zeus's back, Zeus yelps in pain, before Nova stomps on his head, driving his face deeper into the ground. I appear next to Mars and Cadence. "We need to get you two away from here it's not safe." I say. Mars looks at me, before he smiles, Cadence smiles at me as well, her hips still have Mars's tail coiled around them. Oh boy, these two are going to be joined by the hip no doubt. Oh well, not much I can do to stop them now. "Lets- " I'm cut off from a massive explosion, I turn and see the three of them, clashing in the sky above the Volcano. The final fight has begun, and it looks like Zeus is going to lose. =====Next Chapter========================= "So you think you can bat me, eh Scorpious? How foolish. And hear I am, dirtying my sword with your blood. Tch, perhaps fighting you truly was a waist of time, then again, at least after I kill you, I can kill your crush and her mate." Basilisk says to me. My left claw is gone, my right arm is on the other side of the room, I am panting heavily as my chest has a gash through it. "I won't let you...even if I were to die, I'll die protecting them and this world!" I roar at him before charging forward. I am sent back flying into the far wall, I cough up green blood as I slump against it. He raises his sword. "This is where you die, Scorpious, farewell!" He yells before swinging down, I close my eyes and grit my teeth, waiting for the final blow, but then a heavenly voice calls out. "He won't be dying anytime soon!" I open my eyes and see Sapphire and Shield standing there, completely healed, the two of them have a new glow about them. Basilisk hisses, his left arm is shot off by a blue beam. "That's no way to talk to a lady, now then, DIE!!" She yells before the two of them clash, my vision begins to fade, the last thing I see before passing out, it Sapphire and Basilisk just a few feet apart, and then darkness. > Scorpious and Sapphire VS. Basilisk.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stare down Basilisk, his sword drawn while I have my claws, in my hands I dual sword, and we have a stare off. He is twice the size of my, and if he wanted to hard enough, literally eat me, but, I have my tail and stinger, my claws are razor sharp and hard as iron. My shell alone is strong enough to take dragons fire. My body resembles a changeling except I have two scorpion claws/pincers protruding from my back, my tail is a scorpions, but instead of one stinger, I have three. My eyes are pink with red ad white slits, my two fangs -much like Chrysalis's- are pitch black as well. "So Scorpious, you truly believe you can win? How foolish, you know that beings under my rank are weak! That goes for you as well!" He hisses before charging me, I make an 'X' with my swords and block his, he growls before smirking, his tail whips across my face, and sends me back into a wall. I hiss in pain, a small cut on my cheek. I glare at him before he appears before me, he raises his sword into the air and swings down. I shoulder roll left, a part of the crystal floor gets smashed and looks like a war-hammer landed there. "Crap, if I keep fighting like this, I'll die for sure." I say under my breath. A rush of pain forms on my back as I spin kick Basilisk away, I can see that he managed to cut me. My eyes widened and I jump into the air and start spinning faster and faster, I can her my claws cutting the wind as I throw myself at him and my right claw hits him, but it only causes him a small cut instead of a gash or slice. "It seems you have grown weaker since the last time we met, Scorpious." He hisses before I am thrown to the ground, my green blood comes from my nose, and as I go to stand back up, he kicks me in the side, sending me into a wall hard. He swings his sword and stones snakes fly through the air at me. I cut he snakes apart, we rush each other, our blades send sparks as they clash. We keep attacking and parrying the other, he even parry's my stingers, but, I persist. He growls as his body has a few cuts on it. I stab my tail at him, he dodges his head to the left, I then cut into his left shoulder, he hisses in pain. I push him back and I jump onto a wall before pushing myself off of it, I spin in a circle as a mini tornado surrounds me, he hisses and swings his sword down, I block his attack, but my right pincer is stabbed into his side. I smirk as I start to push into him, that is, until my whole left pincer arm is ripped off. I cry out in pain. He kicks me in the chest before using his hand, and in a chopping motion forces me into the floor, crystals fly everywhere. I couch when he elbow drops onto my chest and breaks a few ribs. I stab my tail at him, he appears in the ceiling above me, he spits out green goo, I roll away, and when I look back, it's acidic in nature. "It seems you truly are weaker. Shame." He says from behind me. I spin and my left pincer cuts his cheek, he hisses and bites at me, I block his fangs with my swords. He kicks at my side, but my pincer block it like a shield. He growls and appears above me again, he spits more acidic goo at me again but it hits a pillar. Said pillar starts to collapse on ME and I swing my swords up, cutting the crystal into four pieces. I spin and by luck I kick Basilisk in the chest before knocking him back. I growl and follow him, and stab a sword into his side, he roars in pain before his tail whips me away. I hit the ground and cough, he goes to stab me in the chest, I bring the 'X' back while blocking, he growls louder as he tries to push me down harder, but then my tail goes through his wounded shoulder. He roars and I pull them out. He grabs me by my throat and raises me into the air. I swing my right arm in a sideways arch, but then, it is sliced off and flies to the other side of the room, my second blade imbeds itself into the far wall above my dismembered arm. "foolishness Scorpious. How can you protect others, when you can't protect yourself!!" He roars. He throws me in the air, but as I come down, he sends a gash across my chest. My green blood sprays out onto the crystal floor, I fall onto my back. I cough up blood, and look up at him. "Damn it..." I mutter before I cough up more blood. "So you think you can beat me, eh Scorpious? How foolish. And hear I am, dirtying my sword with your blood. Tch, perhaps fighting you truly was a waist of time, then again, at least after I kill you, I can kill your crush and her mate." Basilisk says to me. My left claw is gone, my right arm is on the other side of the room, I am panting heavily as my chest has a gash through it. "I won't let you...even if I were to die, I'll die protecting them and this world!" I roar at him before charging forward. I am sent back flying into the far wall, I cough up green blood as I slump against it. He raises his sword. "This is where you die, Scorpious, farewell!" He yells before swinging down, I close my eyes and grit my teeth, waiting for the final blow, but then a heavenly voice calls out. "He won't be dying anytime soon!" I open my eyes and see Sapphire and Shield standing there, completely healed, the two of them have a new glow about them. Basilisk hisses, his left arm is shot off by a blue beam. "That's no way to talk to a lady, now then, DIE!!" She yells before the two of them clash, my vision begins to fade, the last thing I see before passing out, it Sapphire and Basilisk just a few feet apart, and then darkness. =====Sapphire's PoV=========================================== Nighty and I rush to the castle after I showed him just how much I loved him. He stayed behind me -that pervert~- and we go past enemy targets, however the hives are winning, the griffins and dragons and Minotaur's are dwindling, most of them had retreated back to their own borders. We go through the front doors and find Scorpious about to get killed. Nighty and I had a talk, I explained about what I go from him, and he had asked me if he had a mate, I told him no and then he said to make a herd with him, I grew confused from that, I had asked if that's what father did with Luna and the others and he nodded. I asked him if he was going to be okay with that, he said he was and the fact he had protected us was a good reason to give him a chance. "This is where you die, Scorpious, farewell!" He yells as he is about to kill him, but then I growl. "He won't be dying anytime soon!" I yell. Scorpious opens his eyes and sees me fire a blue beam that takes off the snakes left arm The snake hisses at me in both rage and pain. "That's no way to talk to a lady, now then, DIE!!" I yell before I charge at him, we start our clash as Nighty heads to Scorpious' side. We get a few feet apart before I holster my guns and draw my sword, I block his and push him into the ground with my super strength. I see his eyes widen. "What are you?" He hisses. I glare down at him, before pointing a hand in his face, his eyes widen more as he seems a purple sphere start to form, I whisper in his ear. "I am part of Nova's Elite Guard, I am number 0, I am the sapphire serpent, I. Am. SAPPHIRE!!!" I yell down at him, I see some fear in his eyes. I go to fire the beam down at him, but he side steps all the way across the room from me, or so he thinks. I appear behind him and fire the beam. He grabs part of the broken pillar and uses it as a shield, it protects him. He whips his tail at me, I grab it and pull him to me, I grab his head and slam him into the ground. I go to stab him in the head, he moves last second, his arm has reformed. "You certainly are as strong as they say you are. But you won't win!" He yells before running at me. I pop my neck from left to right before smirking. "I'm not even taking you seriously, but if you want, I can!!" I yell as my sword glows, my body also begins to glow as well. My cloths change into a low cut blue dress that shows my cleavage, I can feel Nighty get 'happy' by this form. My eyes turn sapphire blue and hot pink, my hair whips about in an ethereal wind much like Luna's ad Celestia's do. I have two large fan like wings form, the fans go down to the tip of my tail, my skin becomes harder than diamonds. I stand there with bright blue claws. I look at Basilisk, he stares at me, my body is leaner, my chest larger my hips wider, I smirk and lick my lips before appearing before him, ripping his arm is ripped off once again, he swings his sword down, but it bounces right off of my shoulder. I giggle before swiping at him, his chest gains five gashes in it. I summon a flowing sapphire mace, I swing it at him, he is sent through a wall. I giggle more, a smile graces my red lips as I point a hand at Scorpious, I blast a white beam at him, it connects with his chest and his body heals, but his limbs down grow back. I walk over to him and bite his neck gently, I had bitten my tongue to get my blood on my fangs, I then let my blood go into his body. I see his missing limbs grow back, his eyes opens slowly and as he looks up at me, I kiss him gently. "No one hurts my mates, Scorpious, welcome to the herd." I say as I tap on his nose with a claw gently. A blush spreads over his face. He points to himself and then to me ad Nighty, I nod my head with a smirk, I lick my lips once again and nip at his chinline. "You are going to be hanging around here more with me~" I purr into his ear just as the snake returns. I look over my shoulder at him, I grab Scorpious' second sword from the wall and spin around. "Your as deadly as you are beautiful, but you will die- " He is cut off as his left shoulder cracks, as does the rest of his body. "Looks like my poison has taken affect, later, Basilisk." I hear Scorpious say. Basilisk growls, but then gets a calm look, his body cracking and turning to dust slowly. "It was fun, before all this. But you are still weak, Scorpious." He says as he looks at me, a smile graces hi features. "I might have been the bad guy, but please take care of him for me, would yah?" He states. I blink, confused as to why the enemy is smiling and asking me to take care of his enemy, but I nod my head just the same. "I will." I say to him, he closes his eyes and looks up, opening them at the sky. He has a smile on his lips as his body becomes dust, as only his face remains, I can see his eyes closed, his face at piece, ad his resolve has been solved. And with that, Basilisk, is no more.... =====Basilisk's Last Thoughts==================================== I smile at hearing her 'I will'. I had promised Scorpious' mother, before she died that I would push and make him a stronger leader. I had promised his last wife before she passed that I would help him love again and I promised myself that on our final fight, he would win. I have kept those promises. I helped him meet Sapphire by pushing him against me, I helped him become a good leader by helping him become a king and he beat me in this fight. 'I kept my promises....and I now accept my fate with open arms, now I will finally be at peace, knowing Scorpious will be in good hands. Farewell, brother.....' I think to myself before I fade away, and go towards a white light.... =====Scorpious' PoV================================================= I watch as Basilisk vanish into the wind. I look up at Sapphire who is still in her released form. She looks down at me and quirks a brow. "I know I look good, but do I look that good?" She asks. Night and I nod our heads with mouths wide open. "Good, the I won't be getting out of this form, I like it just as much as you two do, now then~ Lets get back to the fight." She says. I nod my head, and the three of us head outside, ready to get this war done. =====Next Chapter Preview========================================== I punch Zeus in the back of the head, he face plants onto the ground, cracking it. I stomp on his head next. Poseidon arrives and goes to get Mars and Cadence away from here, but is stopped when Zeus, Ovan and I go into our final states, and we battle in the air. My final fight with Zeus, has begun. > Final Fight Part 1.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reached the top of the Volcano. I look in and see Zeus is whipping Cadence while Mars looks older, something is not right here. I growl and hear Cadence scream in pain, tears roll down her cheeks. Looking closer I see she is naked, her hot pink fur is stained with her blood. I go to help, but am stopped by Poseidon. He shakes his head sadly. "He'll kill them both if we rush in there now. We need to wait for the right moment, then, we can strike." He says to me. I growl and nod. "Scream his name now!" He roars in her face. Cadence cries out in more pain, her binds tighten around her wrists and ankles, Zeus whips her with a thorn whip spiked with electricity. "Scream is name!! Get him mad!!NOW!!!" Zeus bellows again. Cadence's face is stained with tear streaks, her back and wings are covered with blood. And she finally breaks. "MAAAAAARS!!!!" She screams as loud as she can. Her voice carries past us and travels farther an farther. I growl, but then Mars stops moving. His body starts o change, he looks a lot like me but his scales are blue-ish purple, his underbelly is blood red. Blue, white and black crystal spines form and go down to his tail. The tip of his tail has five crystals, on his shoulders are large crystal spikes, on the top of his head is a bright yellow crystal crest, his eyes fiery orange with black slits, his muzzle is slightly longer and narrower than mine, sort of like a crocodile's, darkness and crystals circle around him, his cage shatters as I stabs a hand into Zeus's shoulder. Zeus smirks and places a collar on him. My eyes widen and I go to stop him, but freeze when said collar turns to ash, Zeus's eyes widen, but then yelps in pain as Mars twists his hand and pulls it out, he grabs him by his head and throws him into the far wall. He frees Cadence and kisses her, orange lightning energy of sorts, circles around his shoulder crystals and flows into Cadence, her wounds heal, and the two of them deepen the kiss. I feel a sense of pain go through my chest, my baby son was now 18, but no real magic was placed on him, but, the cage he burst from, it had an time spell on it, he grew up alone and must have trained himself to fight. Truth be told, I was happy for him in a way, but also sad that I didn't get to raise him myself. Zeus bursts from the wall and growls at Mars and Cadence. "I should have killed you and taken the girl instead!!" He roars are Mars, he rushes him, and is about to hit him with a thunderbolt. I snarl and appear above him. "SHUT UP OLD MAN!!!" I roar as I punch the back of his head. He face plants onto the ground, cracking it. Ovan double knee drops onto his back, making Zeus cough out golden blood, he goes to look up at me, but I stomp onto his head, his whole head goes back into the ground. I hold Slaying Moon in my right hand and I stab it into his right shoulder, he roars in pain, the ground beneath us cracks as he then rises quickly. His eyes are yellow and a lighting blade forms around his straightened hand. He swipes at me but I block it with Slaying Moon, blue smoke rising from the corners of my mouth. His eyes narrow as lighting curls up from the corners of his. My blade ignites in bright blue fire, a sword forms in his other hand, bright yellow lightning with fie ignite on it. We swing and our swords clash. Sparks and embers fly around us. Ovan's blade ignites in pink flames, he slashes Zeus's back, cutting it open, his golden blood sprays out. Zeus roars in pain as I then push him back, away from us. He roars at us, the ground trembles as he charges at us, Ovan and I raise our swords and swing down, sending blue and pink waves of energy fly at him. He swings his blade upwards, the two waves are destroyed as he keeps charging at us. I nod my head t Ovan, who nods back and grins, a manic look in his eyes as he releases his blade. He looks the same, except now he has two large spines that form into wings, he looks at Zeus and flies at him, while I float into the air and follow. Zeus's form changes, and he looks quite terrifying. He is covered with gold scales, his eyes are gold with black slits, his teeth are now fangs. He has two large golden fan like wings, two golden tails, while his neck is long, probably a few inches or so. His cloths becomes armor, his feet now clawed, his hands sparking with lightning. His claws are blood red, while on his head is a crown of horns. We fly into the air above he Volcano and clash. The shockwaves send the winds scattering, the entire sky lights up with light. =====Mars PoV================================ I stood there, my tail coiled around Cadence's hips, she blushes but smiles softly at me. I smile back before looking back up at my fathers and Zeus clash. I tighten my grip around her hips and pull her closer to myself, she leans on me, her wounds might have healed, but the fatigue is still ever present. Poseidon arrives. "We need to get you both away from here. The three of them are going to get serious and I'd rather not go up against either of them. Besides, Beth is worried about you both, and Ruby has been crying non-stop." He says to us. I nod my head and look to Cadence who stays by my side, ever since that kiss we bonded, but we are friends, even if I have had a crush on her since I started to age. I spent 10 years of my life training to help her get free, that stupid chamber took most of my life away, but it also might have helped speed it up in ways I will soon find out. Cadence nods her head, I hold her gently and close to myself, I place a hand on Poseidon's shoulder, and we side step before my family. Mother stares at me and Cadence, she looks to Poseidon, and he nods sadly. Tears form in her eyes. "My baby boy...what happened to you?" She asks. I sigh and retell everyone the story. I explain how I spent my life in that strange little dimension, I trained and slept, seeing Cadence in my dreams, but when I trained I was trying to get stronger, to protect her, to keep her safe for as long as I could. I explain when I managed to gain this form, how I had to do battle with shadows that turned into clones of Zeus, myself, Ovan and father. They listen as I tell them that I gained the ability to control and create crystals, but that this isn't my only form, just a permanent one, similar to fathers. "That is quite the tale. I am sorry that you were subjugated to that kind of torture. I fear that we can not age you back, it would cause too much damage to your mind and body." Celestia says sadly. I nod my head, knowing that I was stuck this way. I look to mother, who hugs me tightly, I hug her back. "It's fine, I understand a lot of different things now. Besides training my body and honing my abilities and forms, I also trained my mind. I learned so much about this worlds history. I even looked through these video logs that showed the past. I saw Nightmare take over Luna and then become free, I saw father fight this 'Richard' and win. I saw Discord get cured by the elements, I even saw a few of the times Luna and Chrysalis were with father. Really wished I didn't see that, it was....interesting." I say. The two in question blush furiously. I chuckle sheepishly before Cadence places a hand on my shoulder, I look down at her. "I saw Shinning Armor pass, I am sorry for your loss, Cadence." She sighs sadly and nods her head. "I will always miss him, and I will always love him. But I know that if I were to mourn and not move on with my life, he would be mad with me, he would want me to continue and smile more. But it gets so hard..." She whimpers out, tears start going down her cheeks. I take a thumb and wipe a tear away. "You don't have to do it alone. We're here for you, I, am here for you. You'll never not have a shoulder to cry on." I tell her softly. She looks up at me, I feel our bond strengthen. I look up slightly as she hugs me tightly. In he corner of the room, I see Shinning Armor, standing there being transparent. He smiles at me and nods his head, he turns and starts to walk. The others notice him as well. Cadence calls out to him. He turns and gives her a smile, he places a hand on her cheek gently, she nuzzles it softly, she looks up at him, he inclines his head towards me, a smirk forms. Cadence blushes before giving him a sad look. "Are you okay with this?" She asks. Shinning laughs and nods his head, his smirk ever present. He looks at me and smiles. 'Take care of her...' He says to me through my mind. I nod my head. "I will, she is in safe claws." I tell him. He smiles before placing a hand onto his chest, he then holds out a sword to me, it has his Cutie Mark as the guard. I take the sword and bow my head to him. 'Take this, it used to be mine, it is my gift to you. You are going to become her shield, her armor, her lover. If you ever have need of me, I will be there. You won't need to be doing the fighting alone, besides, then I can keep an eye on her and warn you if she is in trouble.' He tells me, but also everyone else. I nod my head and smile, Cadence is blushing furiously, but still in tears. "I'll make sure to protect her, and if possible, bring you back. Even if me and her become mates and marry, she is still important to you, to us." I say to him. He nodshis head and smirks, his spirit goes into the sword. I lace the sword into the purple sheath, I tie it to my side before I look at Cadence, she looks up at me, I grabs her shoulders and kiss her, she kisses me back, and we part after minutes later. We head outside, as a large gust of wing knocks us around, I look up at the blackened skies, and every so often there would be a flash of light.... ======Nova's PoV================================ We clashed about. Ovan fired a white beam at Zeus, who fired his own lightning beam. I slash my sword downward and send out a blue beam with a spiral around it that shines white. The attack collides with Zeus and he roars in pain. I look at Ovan who looks back at me, we both nod our heads before we charge at Zeus, who charges back down at us, he snarls and opens his maw, lighting shoots out and hits Ovan out of the sky, I dodge and keep charging, my sword vanishes as my body goes into a release state, I have the same spine wings. I grab Zeus's hands as he grabs mine, a shockwave goes through the air, the blue smoke still rising from the corners of my mouth. He growls and narrows his eyes. I then knee him in the stomach, he coughs before I slam my elbow onto the top of his head, sending him down below the clouds. I chase after him, the clouds part and vanish as Zeus passes down by them, he lands onto the outside of the Volcano, said Volcano erupts. Ovan is flying towards Equestria, to try and prevent it from being destroyed. I turn and look at Zeus as he rises to his feet, he fires a lightning beam at me, I spin o the side, dodging it, I then whip my tail down and send a massive wave of blue energy at him. Our attacks collide and implode into each other. I open my mouth, the air and magical energy from the planet spirals into my mouth as I fire a massive blue beam down at him, it pushes him down deeper into the ground, part of the Volcano's side explodes as magma spews out, rocks and ash fly into the air. I fly down and punch him in the stomach, he coughs up golden blood and groans. I place a hand onto his chest, as the air and magical energies swirl into a sphere in the palm of my hand, I slam it into his chest, we become encased in a large blue and white dome that takes out half of the Volcano. I fly out of the smoke and rise above in the air. I look around, anticipating Zeus's movements, getting ready to black whatever he was going to hit me with. What came out of the smoke, I did not expect. A large three headed gold scaled dragon, around 215 meters tall, it roared, but it also sounded like a laugh. I growl and my body ignites into pure blue and white flames that soon turn fire red, my eyes growing darker and darker. . . . TO BE CONTINUED! > Final Fight Part 2 and The End.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stare up at this massive beast, my body ignites into massive blue fire pillar that can bee seen from the dragon mountains all the wall back to Canterlot. I let loose a massive roar and my pillar of flame grows till it is twice the size Zeus is. ======Hyperion PoV=========================== I stand with everyone, Flame by my side. We see a massive pillar of light rise into the sky, a roar is heard upon the winds. Nova's fight with Zeus has truly began. Ovan stands next to us, he had arrived an hour before and carved a mope into the earth, the lava is still moving towards the sea. I watch as Mars holds Cadence tightly, his tail flicks about, as if he is anticipating something. What does he know that we do not? Hm...strange. I look back at the pillar and watch it dissipated. I feel a massive surge of pure power get sucked towards where a figure stands. =======Nova's PoV============================== I float there, my form slightly different, my scales are mid purple, my underbelly is bright yellow, my chest has a white pearl in it. My shoulders have large bone yellow spikes coming up, my spines are the same color, my eyes are blue white my tail tip is like an extra set of immobile claws, where a blue sphere floats between them. I roar and that alone destroys all the clouds above us, the smoke and ash in he air are pushed away. I stare at Zeus, he moves away slowly, seeming to have second thoughts about our fight. My claws ignite into flames and I slash at the air twice, bone yellow streaks go through the air. Zeus roars and fires three beams, the beams clash against th streaks, however are not strong enough to stop them. I watch as Zeus gets hit by all of them and the explosion causes a crater at where the Volcano was, now it is a lava pit the size of Canterlot in a whole. I watch as Zeus flies into the air and fires more beams at me, I whip my tail and the blue sphere fires out a thin beam that cuts the beams in half, making them explode in his face. He roars once again, but in frustration, he then appears behind me, his monstrous form about as tall as me now, I claw at him, but his tails coil around my arm and fling me at Canterlot, I rocket into the ground just in front of the castle, Canterlot trembles and the castle's spires collapse -again-. "You thought you could take me on!? I am Zeus! I AM A GOD!!!!" He roars in three voices, but then his outer heads turn into arms, and he stares down at me, his eyes are cold. His hands -which were heads- have lightning flash in them, they look like pistols and he points them at me. "DIE!!!" He roars as he fires lightning bolts down at me. I raise a hand and magical energy forms into a barrier around me, the bolts bounce off and go right back to him. I look up at him as the bolts fuse with his body as they cause him to grow larger and fiercer. My tail whips about like a cats does. I narrow my eyes when he appears before me, he claws at me, but I grab his wrists and in a swift movement I shatter them, he bellows in pain before kneeing me in the stomach, knocking me back away from him. I growl and open my mouth, particles and buildings around us disintegrate, their particles form with my beam that is growing. His eyes widen as I keep charging it, but he then shoots me with a bolt, the sphere collapses and implodes onto itself, I stumble back, the recoil damage causes my body to freeze up. Zeus appears before me and puts the barrel to my forehead, a manic grin on his face. "You will die- " Mars punches him in the head away from me, his crystals sparking with energy, I see Shinning appear next to him, his form has changed however, he is see through. I watch as Shining salutes me before going back into Mars's sword. Mars snarls and he breaths in, his eyes glow, as do his shoulder crystal's. When Zeus gets back up, he is hit by red beam with red and yellow lightning circling around it, his arm is missing when Mars finishes his attack. "Zeus! You will fall this day!" He roars out. Zeus reforms his arm and fires another bolt, but it gets sucked into Mars's crystals, his eyes flash again, as red lighting that slams into Zeus's shoulder. He is sent flying back into the ground. Mars jumps and spins, his tail whips and crystals fly and imbed themselves into Zeus's arms and legs. He cries out in pain, beams of lightning firing from his mouth. Mars lads beside me, he helps me to my feet, we turn back to Zeus. "Lets end this fucker, once and for al! Alright father?" He says to me. I smirk and nod my head, we both breath in, spheres forming, flames forming on out claws, my tail sphere glowing while his tail crystals glow in a deep black. We side step to him, picking him up, we fly to the lava pit, crystals forming onto his body, keeping his legs and arms locked in place. "DAMN YOU TWO!!! DAMN IT!! DAMN IT!! DAMN IT!!!!!" Zeus roars in anger, we drop him above the pit, he yells as he falls, however, his tails coil around my leg and brings me down with him, I look up at him and smile before nodding my head, I look back down at him and as we get about a few feet, I fire he beam, his eyes widen as the beam collides with him, I look up and watch Mars, with tears going down his muzzle, fires his beam down, it hits Zeus, but the crystals spread to me, I then realize that they will keep us in them for a while, but I will return. I always do. I look up at Mars who is hovering above the closing lava pit, the crystals covering it. "I'm proud of you Mars, I always will." I tell him. "But, your going to leave us, and you won't come back..." He whimpers to me. I smile and shake my head. "Your wrong, these crystals will hold me for a while, but not forever. I will return, I always will and do. Tell your mothers and sister that I love...them...." I say before the crystals cover both me and the lava pit. I watch was Mars's form grows fainter and fainter, my smile still on my face, and then, I close my eyes for a long slumber, happy that I could have stopped this war, hopefully that when I wake up, it'll be a world of peace.... =======Mars's PoV===================================== I watch as the beam flies into the air, I feel fathers power rise and then just stop. I can't feel his power anymore. I watch as shockwaves form high in the sky, as attacks are traded, until father and Zeus crash in front of us. I put up a crystal barrier around the others, Ovan is staying with my mothers. I see father and Zeus trade blows, until I notice that father is being recoiled by a bolt of lightning. I see Zeus put the barrel of his left gun to fathers head. I teleport next to Zeus, I punch him in the side of the head and know him away. I charge a sphere and fire a red beam with orange lightning circling the beam. As Zeus gets up, the back collides with him and takes off his right arm. "You will fall this day, Zeus!!" I roar out. Zeus's arm reforms and fires another bolt, but it comes at me, I smirk as the bolt gets absorbed into my shoulder crystals, a red bolt of lighting hits him in the left shoulder, knocking him into the ground. I jump and spin, crystals from my tail and imbed themselves into his arms and legs. I help my father to his feet. "Lets end this fucker, once and for all! Alright father?" I ask. He smirks and nods his head, we both turn and breath in particles, a blue sphere forms in fathers muzzle, while a red and red and orange sphere forms in mine. He grab him and pick him up, my crystals spread all over his legs and arms. We side step above the Volcano, we drop him after his temper tantrum, however, Zeus's tails coil around fathers leg and pulls him down as well. "NNOOOOOO!!!!!!!! FATHER!!" I scream as I go to dive down to him, but he looks up at me, and smiles and then nods his head. Tears go roll down my cheeks, as the two of them keep falling, I nod my head back, he smiles more, before he fires his beam at Zeus, the explosion sends Zeus into the lava, as crystals spread all over fathers, he lands in the lava pit, I fire my beam, it turns an icy blue with white lightning circling it, it hits the side of the pit, and crystal start to cover it. I hover above father, he smiles up at me. "I'm so proud of you, Mars, I always will." He states, I see tears brimming in his eyes, but he doesn't seem to notice. "But, your going to leave us, and you won't come back...." I whimper out. I see him shake his head with a smile. "Your wrong." He says to me. "These crystals will only hold me for a while, I'll return at some point, I always will, and do. Tell your mothers and sister that I will always love...them...." He says to me before the crystals cover his body and the pit. I see his form start to sink down deeper and deeper. I pound on the crystals and cry out. I wail up at the sky, lightning flashes and thunder booms. I sob as I slump over, I feel everyone appear behind me. Cadence walks over and hugs me gently, I hug her tightly and keep sobbing. Luna, Chrysalis, Nightmare and mother sob, Ruby starts to wail as Discord bows his head, his eyes closed as a single tear roll down his face. Hyperion/Moon is holding a sobbing Flame. Sapphire cries as Scorpious and Night Shield hug her comfortingly. Celestia cries softly, Discord wraps his arms around her, his face in her mane. "I'm sorry for what has happened...Mars." Cadence says softly. Ovan takes a step forward, his form still here. "How are you still here, Ovan?" Mother Luna asks. Ovan smirks, tears in his eyes as he looks down at the pit. "He isn't dead, and he isn't gone forever. He is just slumbering away down there. His power being restored. He will return at some point in the future, no doubt in my mind during a time of crisis. But" -he looks at all of us, smiling- " he will always be here, as I am him and he is me. While he lives, so do I. So be happy knowing that we are alive and mostly well, be happy that he will come back again." Ovan states. That's right...Ovan is my father as well. It makes sense. "Then we are married to you as well, Ovan. Our husband. And when the time comes, Nova will come back t us, even if it is during a time of crisis, he will come back. But, we must move on as well, mourn now, than do so later." Mother Chrysalis says softly. We nod our heads and we head back to Canterlot, our home. As we return, we see that the war has been won. The enemy sides have either fled or have been destroyed. Now is the time to rebuild, now is the time to live. And we will do so, and when the time comes, father will return, but for now, we must smile and welcome he future, and accept the past. Because that is what my father taught me. =====Epilogue====================== It has been six months since our fight with Zeus, the war, and the sealing of my father. Ovan has been doing well, Ruby just turned two a few weeks ago. She seems happier, my mothers still cry every once in a while, but Ovan cheers them back up again. Canterlot has been rebuilt and so has the castle. We have a massive memorial for all those who died in the war. I sit next to Cadence, we have been together for these six months, Celestia's babies had arrive, they were twin girls. Life has been hard, but also better. Cadence and I are getting ready to head back to the Crystal Empire, I heard that it was being rebuilt with my crystals, I have the Crystal Heart here next to me, next to it, is a family portrait, I smile down at it, tears form as I smile down, my tears hit the picture as I cover my muzzle with a claw. "He'll be back Mars, don't worry. Now, come to bed please, it's 1:00 a.m." She says to me as she kisses my snout gently and lovingly. I nod my head, and the two of us head to our room, away from my study, unaware that my fathers picture self, winks before returning to normal. Maybe next time. THE END