> A Different Sunset > by Evowizard25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: The test It was just another ordinary sunset in Equestria. The ponies were busy making the best of the couple hours of sunlight remaining. They bustled about, going home, or stopping to get a drink after a hard day’s work. The youth were ready to hit the town and spend the night partying. The monsters of the world were beginning to stir. Bloodthirsty beasts pawed the ground, searching for a meal. Heretics planned and schemed from the shadows, waiting for their chance to destroy the natural order. And you bet your bottom dollar, some big, bad daemon/sorcerer was planning to try and take over Equestria. Just the standard routine of the day.... “I can’t do it!” The tallest tower of the castle shook from the force of the shout. ....For the most part. Inside this tower, sat the immortal ruler and sun deity, Princess Celestia. Her white fur glistened in the light of the candles that were set on her desk. Her large wings ruffled about on her backside, several of her feathers were bent and askew. The large white alicorn was sitting at her desk, which she normally did during this time of the day. Usually, it would have neat stacks of paperwork about; the last files of the day to be done before she started the night court. But not now. Now, the files were scattered about the room, the many books that lined her own personal library had fallen out of their shelves, her paintings were slanted and crooked. But Celestia didn’t care about any of that. She didn’t care about the taxes that needed to be filed away; the reports that needed to be addressed; the laws that needed to be put into action. Nothing mattered. Nothing was worth caring about. Celestia put her face into her forehooves. “I just can’t.” It was that time of the day again. She had to lower the sun and raise the moon. Oh how she despised touching her sister’s sacred realm. She wasn’t its shepherd. She wasn’t its avatar. She was its older sister and controlling it made her sick. A part of her thought after a nearly a thousand years she would get used to it. Celestia tried and tried again to look on the bright side. She wanted to forget the past and move on. But she couldn’t. She could never move on. Her sister’s twisted visage was forever ingrained in her memory. Her insane laughter echoed in her ears. And whenever she did touch the moon and tried to move it, she could always feel that daemon lash out. “This isn’t fair.” Celestia finally removed her face from her hooves. A few tears leaked out and stained her cheeks. Celestia looked out her window. “Why? Why did this have to happen to me? To her?” Her old mind played out the events of the past, trying and failing to come to some different conclusion. Yet, none came to her mind. Each and every choice led to the exact same end. “I failed you….I failed everyone I ever cared about.” Celestia looked down at her desk. Her horn glowed a bright yellow as she used it to open one of her drawers. Inside lay an assortment of little objects.  She picked up each one with her magic. A small, sacred golden orb, meant to keep evil away. The globe had a large engraving of her cutie mark. It had been given to her by her head priestess, Kind Heart. “You always were a worrywart, Kind Heart.” ‘I think I may have to pay her a visit soon. The old mare is on her last legs.’ A small snort of amusement escaped her. She gently placed it onto the desk. The next item was a gold necklace, infused with rectangular diamonds. It was a gift from the beautiful griffon Queen Wanda. “And who says the griffons have no taste?” The third was a blood-red crystal. Celestia’s face contorted into a look of agitation. “You gave me a lot of trouble, you know that?” The chaotic whispers that resounded inside the object stormed about. She was glad that chaos daemon was forever trapped within. He had caused too much pain. “Ah, there you are.” Celestia’s mood brightened when she beheld the last item. In her magical grasp was but a simple colt revolver. It had been given to her by its inventor a couple decades ago, Samuel Colt. “I was looking for you.” The gun itself in no way looked extraordinary. Yes, it had some fancy engravings and the quote ‘I will fear no evil’ in Latin. {A quote taken from one of her own scriptures.} But nothing that would suggest the power it held. For this gun could kill anything…Though she didn’t know if that included gods. “When was the last time you were used, little one?” She asked. “Well, your time has come. I mean to test your capabilities.” She raised the holy weapon, took aim,…and fired at a space near the door. She saw a figure shimmer into existence as it dodged the bullet. “Really Celestia? Again?” A serene voice echoed in her room, trailed by a small sigh. The figure himself was rather tall, though not as tall as Celestia herself. This deer was as slender and lithe as any other of his kind. He wore form fitting, sleek armor that covered his body including a helmet that obscured his face, leaving only his large antlers exposed. A white staff was held in one of his forehooves. It was simple enough, except for the glowing, ornate, blue jewel at the end. “How many times must you do that? You could have killed me.” Celestia just smiled. “Could have, my dear friend, but I didn’t. You can see the future, remember.” “Yes,” the deer grumbled. “But that doesn’t excuse this insane game of yours. I just thank Isha you didn’t sick that blasted bird of yours on me.” Celestia laughed in response. She used her magic to put all the items, including the gun, back into the drawer, closing it swiftly. “It is nice to see you again, Farseer Anrain. How have you been since we last met?” “Fine enough, I suppose.” “That is good to hear. Would you like me to get you some tea?” The deer shook his head. “This is not the time for tea.” There was no room for pleasantries in his tone, Celestia noted. “Oh?” Celestia tilted her head to the side and gave him a curious gaze. “Then what time is this? Not the time for peace, since you are armed and ready for war.” She eyed the curved sword at the deer’s side. “It is the time of destiny.” He said with urgency. Celestia sighed. “Isn’t it always? Why can it never be the time of cake?” She then gave him a small smile. “Then tell me, Farseer. What vision plagued you enough to visit me? Is it the griffons?” Again, the deer shook his head. “This has nothing to do with those bird brains.” Celestia gave him a scolding glare. “Really now, Anrain. Bird brains? I thought you were above such petty insults.” “I’ll be above such petty insults the moment the griffons give up their bloodlust.” The farseer snorted. “And that’s not likely to happen any time soon; with or without your interference.” “Then, if it’s not the griffons,” Celestia inquired, “who is it?” “The one.” Farseer Anrain said, cryptically. “The one?” Celestia looked confused. She turned to one of her book cases, letting her horn light up in a golden hue as she worked her magic. The book case shifted, moving to the side to reveal alphabetic rows of file compartments. The word ‘Emergencies’ was displayed above in golden letters. “It’s in the T’s.” “But you said ‘One’.” Farseer Anrain shook his head. “I said ‘The One’.” “Very well then.” The T compartment glowed yellow as it was pulled out.  A scroll was levitated out from its holding place and over to Celestia. Opening it, she peered down the list. With a startled gasp, she looked over at the deer. “You don’t mean….” “No, not that one.” “Oh,” Celestia looked further down. Her magic flittered over the document…Before it disappeared altogether. The scroll hit the desk, but she didn’t pay attention. Her face was contorted in utter disbelief. ‘This…This can’t be.’ She turned to Anrain, who only nodded. “It’s true.” Celestia could only think of one thing to say. “Where?” _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mother Kind Heart’s Orphanage “Children! It’s time to get ready.” A cheery mare called out. “We have families to meet.” As always, the children jumped out of their small beds and rushed out of the room as fast as their little hooves could take them. Gleeful smiles adorned their faces as they left the room empty. Well, empty save one yellow filly. The yellow filly simply ‘humphed’ and went back to reading. She faced away from the doorway, not paying any attention to the fleeing ponies. Her bed was nearly covered with books of several sizes and subjects, ranging from beginner to advanced. Quite a few of them were still open from where she had left off in the previous hours. “Sunset?” The same mare from earlier spoke up. “Don’t you want to meet anypony?” Seeing Sunset shake her head, the older mare pressed on. “I’m sure some lovely couple will find you absolutely delightful.” “No they won’t.” Sunset growled. “I’m six years old. Nopony’s liked me enough to adopt me in those six years. Nopony will.” “Sunset, that’s not true.” The mare went over, moved some books carefully to the side, and sat down. “Once they get to know you, they’ll love you.” “Lies!” Sunset barked, looking up at her caretaker. She was a peach colored, brown maned Pegasus with a few strands of her mane graying out. She was wearing a dark pink suit over her body so her cutie mark was obscured, but the little filly knew it was a heart with the image of a young pony inside.   “Sunset Shimmer,” The mare known as Tender Care reprimanded, “don’t raise your voice like that.” Sunset simply snorted and went back to reading, hoping the mare would leave her alone. Instead, Tender Care just sat there beside Sunset, not saying a word. This wasn’t anything new, Tender Care would often come and try to comfort her. Sunset appreciated it, even loved her for it, but she didn’t like getting her hopes built up. ‘Why doesn’t she leave?’ “What’cha reading?” The elder mare asked. “Goldihooves and the Three Bears.” Sunset answered. Yes it was a kiddy story. Most of the time she’d avoid them, ‘cause she was a big pony. But, she just wanted to read something new and this had caught her attention. “Sounds interesting.” Tender Care smiled down at her. “Mind telling me what’s happening?” Sunset simply nodded. “Goldihooves is just finishing up eating the bears porridge.” “That was very nice of the bears to give her that.” “But they didn’t. She broke in and ate it when they were gone.” “Well that wasn’t very nice of her, was it Sunset?” Sunset shook her head. “No it wasn’t.” “And why is that?” “Because stealing is wrong.” Tender Care nuzzled her head. “Very good.” “Especially ‘cause it was the baby bear’s porridge.” Sunset explained. “He needs his food to get big and strong. His mama and papa…” Sunset frowned and stopped where she was. Tender Care noticed her stopping. “Sunset dear, it’ll be okay.” She used wing to drape over Sunset and scoot her to her side. But Sunset wasn’t having any of that. She used her magic to lift the wing off her, to which she inwardly smiled. She was better than any pony her age in magic. “I don’t want your comfort. I just want to be alone.” “Sunset, nopony should be alone.” “I AM!” Again, she shouted at her. “And I like it that way. I don’t have to put up with some stupid ponies telling me what to do. I don’t have to listen to their rules or eat their stupid food. I am a loner pony and it’ll stay that way.” “That’s not true Sunset. Once they see the real you…” “THEY’LL ABANDON ME! JUST LIKE MY REAL PARENTS!” Tears were starting to fall down her cheeks. “Oh, Sunset,” Tender Care moved to brush the away tears. However, Sunset just pushed her off the bed with her magic. Tender Care was able to get her wings going and touch down. “Just leave me be.” Sunset told her, keeping her eyes on the book. Tender Care sighed. She wanted to hug her and tell her everything was alright. Yet, she knew better. Sunset was an abnormally gifted unicorn. With those gifts, came terrible consequences. She was lucky Sunset was getting her bearings, else she’d have to deal with the explosive energies of her younger years. Still, an emotional magi was not something she could deal with on her own. So, she started to leave the room. “If you need anything, just come get me okay?” When Sunset didn’t answer her, she sighed. When Sunset was sure her caretaker was gone, she wiped away her tears. She hated crying. ‘Big ponies don’t cry. The heroes in stories don’t do it, so I won’t either.’ She wasn’t weak like the damsels in distress. She was strong. She was talented. ‘I’ll show them what I’m capable of. When I get big, I’ll be the best unicorn mage ever! I’ll be all powerful and a ruler to boot!’ Sunset read on into the story. She stopped when she saw a picture of the bears together. “Mama…Papa…” She touched the image. “Why does a bear have something I don’t?” “Sunset!” Tender Care called, poking her head into the room. “You have a very important visitor.” Sunset looked over her shoulder at her. “Visitor? Me?” While this wasn’t the first time they had an important visitor, being in the middle of Canterlot, nopony had ever wanted to see her. Tender Care’s smile brightened up at that. She nodded. “Yes, and she really does want to see you. Can she come in?” Sunset Shimmer frowned. ‘It’s probably one of those important ponies that think it’d be nice to have a trophy kid.’ She thought to herself. But in the end, she relented with a sigh. ‘Might as well.’ She nodded. “Great.” Tender Care looked her shoulder. “Your Majesty, she’d be delighted to see you.” “I’m glad to hear that.” A new voice chimed in. It was the most beautiful, calming, motherly voice she’d ever heard. And with it, came someone she’d never thought she’d see up close. “Princess Celestia!” Sunset cried out in shock. “That is who I am.” Celestia smiled at her. She couldn’t believe it. The Princess of Equestria was here to see her. “Uh…Uh…uh…” She couldn’t properly think of anything to say. Just being in her presence was awe inspiring. Celestia had an aura of great power…but it was tempered in such a motherly glow. “I think you broke her, Princess.” Tender Care smirked. Celestia chuckled. “That happens more often than I would like.” The Princess walked over to her bed. “Are you always this cluttered?” She motioned to the books strewn about. Sunset simply nodded, feeling ashamed for causing this mess. “Do not fret, my little pony.” Celestia said. “I myself have created quite the mess during my studies.” Sunset’s jaw dropped upon hearing that. ‘Princess Celestia creating messes? That can’t be.’ “It’s true.” Celestia told her, scanning her selection of books. “My, my, my, some of these books are quite advanced for a filly your age. Aren’t they too tough for you?” Sunset shook her head. “Nuh-uh. I’m a smart pony.” “Of course you are….Would you mind if I join you on the bed?” “But…” Sunset’s remark about the books was cut short as Celestia neatly put the books in small piles next to the bed. She then gently laid herself down beside the filly. The unfortunate bed gave squeaks of protest. “There. All neat and tidy.” She looked down at Sunset noticing her tears. She frowned. “Why are you upset, little one?” “No reason, Your Majesty.” Celestia didn’t say anything. She just looked at the picture of the bears that Sunset was touching. Her face became downcast, before she brightened up. “I remember when this story was first printed. Did you know that it used to feature an old mare instead of a filly?” Sunset shook her head. “No, Your Majesty. I didn’t.” She didn’t understand why they would do something like that. She chalked it up to grownups thinking little fillies were mean. ‘We are not mean...At least, I’m not.’ “Sunset…Do you know why I am here?” “No, Your Majesty.” “Just call me Celestia, dear. There is no need for formalities.” Sunset didn’t know what to think of that. All her life, she’d been told to call the nobility that. But the Princess told her that she didn’t need to do it, so she wasn’t going to. “Okay….Celestia.” “Good.” Celestia smiled. “Well, the reason I came here was because of how special you are.” Sunset’s eyes widened. Yes, she knew she was special, but to be noticed by the Princess... That was something she’d never thought of. “Really?” Celestia nodded. “Yes. And I wish to take you back with me to the castle.” ‘The castle?’ Sunset couldn’t believe that…She couldn’t believe a lot of what was happening. It almost sounded like the Princess wanted to adopt her. Hope flooded her and her face was split in an open grin. Her eyes twinkled with delight.‘Please, please, please. I want to be a princess too.’ “But first, you must pass a test.” Sunset’s face fell. She knew it was too good to be true. A test by the Princess was going to be hard. “Do not fret, little one. It is not a hard test. Not for you.” Sunset nodded and moved her book to the side, after closing it. Just then, a golden flash lit the room for a second, momentarily blinding Sunset.  When the light faded she was surprised to see a large light purple egg, with darker spots. “What is it?” Sunset asked. “A dragon egg.” Celestia answered. At the word ‘dragon’, Sunset started to worry. She’d heard a lot about dragons and none of it was good.‘Oh sweet Celestia, I’m going to be eaten by a dragon. No, no, no...’  “Have no fear, my little pony. It is just an egg.” Celestia assured her, nuzzling her mane. “But what does it have to do with my test?” “This is your test.” Celestia told her. Upon seeing Sunset tilt her head and looking at her quizzingly, she slightly nudged the egg closer to to the filly. “You are going to hatch it.” Sunset’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “Hatch…a dragon? But it’s going to eat us.” “No he won’t.” Celestia shook her head. “I won’t let him.” Sunset just stared at the egg, before looking at the Princess. “How am I going to hatch it?” “Just concentrate. Let your magic flow into the egg.” Sunset nodded before she returned her attention to her test. She scrunched up her face as her horn started to light up. A teal hue covered her horn and soon the egg. Slowly but steadily, she poured her magic into the egg. For a moment, nothing happened…That is before she heard the first crack. “That is enough, Sunset. You can stop now.” Sunset did as she asked, her magic faded away. Celestia shifted and scooted the egg into her embrace. “Come out, my little drake.” She cooed. “I want to see you.” She whispered tiny little encouragements as the egg broke apart. Finally, the pieces gave way, leaving a small purple, green spiked dragon. The great Princess Celestia nuzzled the creature. “I have waited so long to hold you.” She used her wing to pull Sunset into her happy embrace. “Princess…” Sunset inquired. “Does this mean I pass?” Celestia just laughed, hugging the two close. It was just another ordinary sunset in Equestria. And Celestia wouldn’t have it any other way. > Part 1: The Raid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: The Raid 18 years later An old, abandoned factory outside Manehattan Chaos and Harmony are like yin and yang. They are the complete opposites, but one can’t survive without the other.  They flow and twist around one another in an intricate dance. That doesn’t stop them from butting heads, though. Like today for example. Field Marshal Shining Armor walked along the sides of the old building, being careful to not cause a ruckus. It was early morning, so the low light played in his favor. He was donned in his full body, purple marked, golden armor with purple markings, indicating his superior rank and a pronounced galea adorned atop his head. A sword rested on his side, preparing him for whatever may come. Fifteen soldiers followed close behind: nine swordsponies, four pikescolts, and two musketeers. Muskets weren’t terribly reliable weapons, but they did the job they were made for. The swordsponies and pikescolts wore full-body golden armor with their standard galea. The Musketeers wore a golden, stylized cloth uniform and a tri-cornered hat. Though this gave them less protection, it allowed them to be light and swift, which they needed to be, since it took a while to reload each shot. They carried two pouches, one on each side, bulging with ammunition. Not that long ago, there had been reports of ponies going missing. At first it was left in the hooves of the local law enforcement. Gangs were known to dabble in a little kidnapping now and again, so the royal guard weren’t needed. It was only after authorities found a couple of chaos cultist cackling as they painted the walls of an inn with the blood of a slain mare did the truth get out. Of course, something like this wouldn’t usually warrant Shining’s involvement. There were plenty of other capable officers and Inquisitors. Hay, he knew that the Sisters of Vengeance would love to crack some heretic’s skull. But the cultists, in their insane ramblings, had mentioned something. Something extremely awful. Shining Armor turned to his troops. “Be careful. Reports indicate they have a blood magi with them.” He saw a couple of them shudder. With good reason.   Blood magi were powerful chaos sorcerers. Those ponies were nothing but skin and bones, only being kept alive by their wicked warp magic. As their name implied, they had to have blood to use their magic. Since they had none of their own, they were long robes, with several empty gems. Each one housed enough blood for a few spells. They would drain ponies dry, refilling their crystals, or trying an incantation on the spot with the resource. ‘Damned chaos nutjobs.’ He thought. ‘This world would be a lot better if they didn’t exist at all.’ The early morning air was sweet, but carried a hint of death. A hint he and his soldiers caught. They knew that some of them wouldn’t be coming back, but they had to do this. Death in the name of Celestia brought no higher honor. His small force quickly made it to the back door, positioning themselves on each side. Shining took a spot on the right, nearest the door. On the door was the eight pointed star of chaos. Each arrow was a different color, looking like a rainbow. He would have thought that this was a trap, but he knew better. Chaos cultists were stupid. Shining Armor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed a cool head if they were going to do this right. He released his breath and looked over at the stallion on the other side. He nodded. The soldier nodded back. Shining used his magic to push the door away and quickly rushed in, his troops not far behind. He sent a ball of light up into the air, illuminating the place. “IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA, YOU WILL….” His shouting stopped the moment he looked around. Bodies lied everywhere. While this was a normal sight when dealing with cultists of chaos, something was different. It was the cultists’ bodies they were seeing strewn about. “Captain, did the cultists go off the deep end and kill each other?” One of the soldiers asked. Shining shook his head. “If they did, the bodies wouldn’t be intact. And there would be blood and guts strewn everywhere.” Which was the exact opposite of this scene. Yes, there was tons of graffiti on the walls and floors. Even the cultists were painted all over and wore several pieces of differing clothing. Yet, the bodies were intact, if not broken. Several had their necks snapped and a few had a gaping hole in their chest. The wounds weren’t bleeding, so Shining assumed it was done by magic. Magic attacks tend to cauterize the wound as soon as they struck, unless the spell was designed otherwise. “Be on the lookout for any unicorns.” Shining told his troops. “Yes, sir.” They answered back. Before they could go any further, the sound of somepony crying echoed from their right. Thinking it to be somepony taken hostage, Shining quickly poured a little more magic into the sphere of light above him. The light grew stronger, revealing more of the room. There, several hooves away, was a crying Earth pony mare. She was slouched over, staring down at a fallen cultist. Shining Armor wanted to go comfort her, but he stopped himself. He saw the tattered clothes and paint splashed over her body. ‘Looks like whoever went through here missed one.’ Shining Armor looked back at his troops. They stood at attention, save for the musketeers who kept their muskets trained on the cultist, using their legs to keep balance.  “Orders, sir?” “Stand down. We need information on whoever slaughtered these cultists.” “So we can throw them a party, sir?” One of the soldiers joked. Shining glared at the mare, before heading on over to the cultist. “You’re dead. Why are you dead? Speak friend. We have so much chaos to do.” The mare rambled on between her heartwrenching sobs. “Ma’am?” Shining stopped a few hooves away from her. Just enough time to draw his sword if she attacked. The cultist looked back at him. She first looked confused, but then she brightened up. “A friend!” She shouted, alive with glee. She stood up and faced him. “A new friend is here. Chaos always has friends, ‘cause chaos is fun. Isn’t chaos fun?” Her smile nearly split her face. Shining Armor had to stop himself from just beheading the heretic. ‘Don’t kill her. I need information.’ “Do you know what happened here?” Instantly, she became downtrodden. “Mean shadow pony. Mean shadow pony hurt friends. Mean shadow pony no want friends.” She perked up, smiling madly. “But mean shadow pony no hurt me. And now I have new friends to play with. We can go dancing, painting…OOH! Let’s go stabbing. I like stabbing. Most ponies don’t like stabbing, but its fun I tell you.” Shining ignored her ramblings. ‘Mean shadow pony? What the hay could that mean?’ Of course, his inner monologue were cut short. For a shadowy magical tendril wrapped around the mare’s throat and hoisted her away, causing her to yelp in shock. Shining Armor and his soldiers looked over to see the mare struggling in mid-air within the tendril’s grasp. There, standing on a metal catwalk suspended above, was a black cloaked pony. A squarish, dark blue snout could be seen through the hood. “Tut tut, I’m getting sloppy.” The pony, apparently a stallion, said to himself. “I missed one.” “Unhoof her!” Shining Armor shouted. He needed her alive. She was the only one who knew what happened here….And he would be lying if he said he didn’t care for her safety. Watching her looking so scared, struggling in the air, wasn’t easy. “I’ll get to you in a moment.” The mysterious stallion coolly remarked. “I have a soul to collect.” “No!” The mare grew frantic, crying her eyes out. “Mean shadow pony came back. He take friends. Please don’t take me too. I have new friends to do chaos with. I want to have fun. Please let me have fun. PLEASE!...” A sickening snap split the air and the mare went limp. Shining was utterly shocked by what just happened. A part of him wanted to thank the shadow pony, but now…’That mare didn’t deserve that.’ He clenched his jaws. Her pitiful pleas rang in his ears. Just as much as that sickening snap. Out from the mare’s mouth came a small purple flame. “There we go.” The stallion seemed quite pleased with himself, as the flame floated into an outstretched hoof. “I won’t be needing this anymore.” He threw the mare’s body away like it was a piece of garbage. “This soul shall make an excellent tribute to her majesty.” He smiled at the flame. “In Celestia’s name, you will stand down and submit yourself to us!” Shining shouted up to him. The thought of ordering one of the musketeers to take this new pony down crossed his mind. But again, he knew he needed this pony alive. “Oh, I don’t think I will.” The flame in his hoof disappeared. “I have things to do. Very important things.” “You have committed several instances of murder.” Shining stated. “While they may have been heretics, the act of taking one’s soul is a sin. You must stand down or we will bring you down.” The stallion laughed. “I am so scared of the false Princess’s lackeys. I might pee myself in a moment.” His barking laughter filled the room. One of the musketeers took aim and fire. A loud bang and large amount of smoke followed suite. The bullet just clanked off a magical barrier that surrounded the pony. The stallion frowned. “Well that was rude.” “That was a warning shot.” The stallion soldier shouted at him. He cocked the hammer back and took out a paper cartridge from one of the pouches on his sides. “The next one will pierce that shield of yours.” “I am trembling.” The stallion smirked. “But enough pleasantries. I have something important to say.” “You can save it for the interrogations.” Shining Armor countered. “I’m sure the Inquisition will love to hear what you have on your mind.” “I’m sure they do.” The stallion nodded. “But back to my message. Tell them that the real ruler of Equestria is returning.” And with that said, he took out a dagger and threw it down at them. Shining, having been trained most of his life, already knew it wouldn’t hit him. So he didn’t flinch when it stabbed the ground in front of his hooves. Instead, he quickly fired off a blast of his magic at the intruder, who vanished in a whiff of smoke, leaving nothing but insane cackling in his wake. Shining Armor beat the ground with a hoof, growling in frustration. “That bastard!” He shouted. “Sir…You might want to see the dagger.” One of the troops, a mare, spoke up. Shining followed her advice. What he saw surprised him. At the end of the dagger sat a black flag with a blotch of purple and a crescent moon in the center. ________________________________________________________________________________ Later that day, inside the throne room Celestia levitated the knife with her magic, looking at it keenly. “And that’s what happened?” Shining Armor, still wearing his armor, was kneeling several hooves away from her. “Yes, your majesty.” Celestia leaned backward into her throne. She closed her eyes and sighed. Her mind wandered about the room to the three other figures residing there. The first was the pony before her, Field Marshal Shining Armor. Born of a wealthy noble family, Shining Armor had everything he ever wanted. He could have easily ended up like so many of the other noble brats. He was naturally talented and had charming looks. Yet, instead he joined the guard and pushed himself harder than most ponies had ever done in all of history. Which was why he was the youngest Field Marshal she had ever appointed. His magic surpassed most. Not surprising really, Celestia noted. His ancestor, Starswirl the Bearded, was the first in a long line of powerful magi that the family produced. Not to mention his lovely manners. All in all, she could see why her niece had the hots for him. To her right, in a more plain but still intricate throne, sat High Inquisitor Fervent. He was the leading member of Celestia’s organization, the Celestial Holy Inquisition, or CHI to put it shortly.  He was a middle aged, brown unicorn stallion with a darker brown mane, which was mostly covered by his broad, golden hat. He himself wore a sophisticated gold attire. Fervent, like all Inquisitors, was extremely loyal to her…Actually, more so than others. Celestia knew of several instance he nearly executed ponies for talking ill of her and her regime. Though, in most those instances, he was overreacting. It was a problem of his that Celestia hadn’t been able to dissuade. His cutie mark, which was hidden underneath his clothing, was the sun with a open book inside. The last member, sitting in a multi-colored throne, was Chief. He was a blonde, orange maned Earth pony, a few decades older than Fervent, given the amount of gray hairs on him. Chief was the leader of the loyalist chaos faction. Of course, many ponies hated the idea of working with chaos, but Celestia deemed it necessary. For the most part, they were harmless. Chief and his ilk were fun loving, pranksters. Yes, they stirred up quite a bit of trouble, but it was nothing she couldn’t manage, and she was delighted that some ponies could break out of the set norm. Faust knew that she was tired of it sometimes. Said leader was splayed out on the throne, legs set over the arm and back to the other. He was currently paying more attention to the spinning top on his hoof than the conversation. His cutie mark was a normal, red kazoo. Princess Celestia opened her eyes. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Field Marshal. You may leave.” Shining Armor quickly stood at attention and saluted. Celestia returned his salute and then dismissed it, allowing the stallion to depart. Once he was gone, Fervent spoke up. “You don’t really believe this tale, do you, Princess?” Before she could respond, Chief spoke up. “Why shouldn’t she? The Field Marshal wouldn’t lie about something like this.” Fervent scoffed. “But seriously. A Warlock? There haven’t been any servants of Nightmare in Equestria for over nine hundred years. We wiped them out.” “Apparently I didn’t do a good job of it.” Celestia’s tone was somber. She didn’t like to think of those times of bloodshed. She told herself that it was necessary, but her long life held so much regret. “No, Your Majesty.” Fervent quickly spoke up. “You would never make such a mistake.” “We all make mistakes.” Celestia told him. If there was one thing she found most annoying about her worshippers, it was the fact they put her on such a high pedestal. “Even gods.” “Mistakes make life interesting, your majesty.” Chief was currently balancing the spinning top on the tip of his snout. “Can’t live without ‘em.” “But our majesty doesn’t make mistakes.” Fervent hissed. “The Inquisition would have surely weeded out any workings of the shadow realm. This was most likely the work of some vigilante, or another chaos magi.” Chief stopped his trick to look straight at him, the top falling into his seat. “This was not the work of chaos. I would know. I sent some of my best experts over there and they made sure of it.” Celestia buried her face in his hooves. ‘Again?’ The Inquisition and the chaos loyalists always butted heads, in and out of court. After thousands of years, it still wore on her. Fervent sneered. “Be it as it may, there is still the issue of this rogue set of cultists. How do we know that the lot of you aren’t planning something? How do we know this isn’t just some twisted game of yours to take down our goddess?” Chief gasped. “How dare you accuse us of pulling something like this! We would never betray Celestia. Obviously these individuals were just snorting some warp dust. That gets ponies a little loopy.” “A little loopy?!!” Fervent snarled. “Thirty innocent ponies were found dead, slain in some wicked daemon summoning attempt. Ponies don’t just do that because they’re a ‘little loopy’.” “GENTLECOLTS!” Celestia rarely used the Royal Canterlot Voice, but now was a good time to do so. They were getting off topic, and what’s worse, they were flat out ignoring her presence. ‘The ponies I surround myself with.’ “Stop this at once.” “He started it!” They both shouted, pointing their hooves at each other. “I don’t care who started it,” Celestia glared at them both. “I want you to finish it.” The two crossed their forehooves and pouted. “Now, apologize….Don’t make me punish you.” Celestia’s tone was that of a mother scolding a misbehaving child. “Fine!” They threw their hooves up in agitation. “I’m sorry.” “Now,” Celestia smiled warmly at them. “Isn’t that better?” She was met only with silence. ‘Children. Ponies can be such children, even in their adult years.’ “Let us return to the situation at hoof.” She turned her attention to the High Inquisitor. “What do you suggest we do?” Celestia already knew what she wanted to be done, but she liked hearing other opinions. “I would suggest a thorough investigation into the Manehattan branch of the cultists of chaos.” Fervent stated. “We would need to do a background check on any and all ponies who worship Discord.” The Inquisitors face showed disgust with uttering the name. “Searching through their homes and workplaces may lead to some results. As well as some interrogations of the leaders of the city’s branch.” “That’s unreasonable.” Chief was nearly foaming in rage. “You can’t just barge into their homes and livelihoods. Their citizens of this country like everypony else.” “Need I remind you that some of them went on a murder spree just a few days ago?” Fervent narrowed his eyes. “Warp dust I tell you!” “SILENCE!” Celestia barked. “You are getting off track again. Inquisitor, you are allowed to go through with this-” Before Chief could respond, she put in. “-But you must work with Lord Chief and his associates at all times.” Fervent’s face scrunched up as if he had just took a whiff of something truly putrid. “Agreed.” He relented. Celestia knew he wouldn’t disobey an order from her. “Good.” Celestia sighed with relief. “But what of this shadow magic?” Fervent asked. “I already have things set in motion, High Inquisitor.” Celestia told him. “You need not worry. Now, off with you two.” She watched the two leave their seats, muttering curses against one another. “And remember, friendship is magic.” “Yeah, yeah.” Chief shot back. Fervent looked like he was about to kill him for speaking to her like that. “FRIENDSHIP! IS! MAGIC!” Celestia barked, causing the two to quickly huddle together and smile back at her. “Good.” With that, she used her magic to teleport herself back into her private study. The white alicorn walked over to a stand that had an open book. She stopped and looked at the picture on the page. Her face wore resolution. “I will right this wrong, my sister. And I know just the ponies to do it.” Just then, a note appeared above her head. She quickly caught it with her magic. “A letter from Sunset?” She opened it up and sped through it. She smiled. “You’re smarter than I could ever imagine, my dear.” Quickly, she summoned two pre-done scrolls. “Destinies are to be fulfilled this night.” The scrolls vanished. “I just hope I don’t regret this.”   > Part 2: Sunset's discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: Sunset's discovery red=Sunset singing _________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside the Canterlot library Books were blessed objects. That’s what Miss Archives believed. She was an elderly unicorn mare, with a white mane and a dull yellow coat. She wore a plain light-pink shirt, with a pocket on its right side. Her cutie mark was a filled bookcase. Yes, she believed they blessed objects. Why shouldn’t she though? They contained every ounce of knowledge that was available to all of ponykind. Everything you ever needed was right there on a printed page. That’s why she cherished her job as a librarian. She was the keeper of secrets, the holder of knowledge, and the queen of this place. All those seeking wisdom and guidance came to her. She even got her cutie mark working here. Yes, Miss Archives loved books as well as she loved her library. So, when she saw her beloved library in shambles, she was rightfully miffed. Books were strewn about, measuring tools littered the landscape, piles of ash stood like little mountains on the floor, and there were even scorch marks on her beloved bookcases. Miss Archive’s left eye twitched. ‘Is she at it again?’She thought to herself. “No, no, no, no, no, no. Please please, Yes…ARGH!” a feminine voice shouted. ‘Yep, that’s her.’ Miss Archives sighed. ‘There’s no misplacing that agitation.’ Preparing herself for what was about to happen, she walked forth, following the frantic cries of the mare, until she found her smack dab in the middle of the building, inside a large, empty circle…Or at least, it should have been empty. It was far worse than what she had seen in the aisles coming over here. Now, there were piles and piles of books and materials everywhere. They were either in stacks, or simply thrown into a puddle of knowledge. Paper was tossed this way and that, torn and heavily written upon. All in all, it looked like a tornado had been let loose inside her library. “UGH! Why must my calculations prove this? WHY?!!!” ‘This is far worse than a tornado.’ She told herself. In the middle of the mess, Miss Archives saw the perpetrator of this vile act against her sacred temple. Princess Sunset Shimmer, the adopted daughter of Celestia. The yellow mare frequented her library…Much to Miss Archives chagrin. Sunset had the annoying habit of creating a monstrous mess whenever she got ‘in the zone’ as the young ponies said these days. Whenever she had approached her about it, the young mare would just shrug her off. With her being Celestia’s daughter, Miss Archives wasn’t going to push her luck. So she stopped trying.   Sunset looked haggard. Her manes was a mess, her face looked crazed, and the bags under her eyes were a clear indication of sleep deprivation. She was currently running/teleporting this way and that, levitating books off of the shelves, and either leaving them open or throwing them around. One moment she was on top of a ladder leaning against a half empty bookcase and then the next, ‘poof’ sitting beside a table. A new book in her grasp. She picked up a protractor in her magic, placed it on a piece of paper depicting the planets, picked up a pencil as well with her magic, and started tracing along the sides of the measuring tool. “Come on. Be wrong….” She stopped tracing. “YES!” she cheered before looking at the book again. Her eyes widened. “I was off by a few inches.” She retraced…..Her magic faded, letting the utensils fall onto the desk. Her breathing became even more frantic than it had been a mere moment ago. “Oh my beloved mother, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right!” “Miss Shimmer, I would appreciate it if you would tell me what is the matter?” Sunset held her head in her hooves, as she stared at the paper. “Oh please, oh why Why must I be right? Curse my brain that figure this out Oh why, oh why, oh why?" Sunset ran to another table not far away, swiftly peering over her notes. Miss Archives moved closer, hoping to get her attention. “Sunset, what are you right about?” "I'm right, she'll be here, Causing so much fear Taking over ponydom The noble, the soldier, and the bum. Oh why, oh why, oh why?" “Sunset Shimmer, calm yourself.” Miss Archives went to touch her, to try and shake some sense into the frantic mare, but Sunset teleported away, re-appearing in front of a nearby suit of armor. Sunset formed a light blue sword with her magic and glared at the piece. "I wish I could stand and fight, But the dangers are too great." She sighed and dispelled the sword. "Against a god, with all my might, I'll fail and seal our fate." “Against a god?” Miss Archives arched an eyebrow. “Whatever is she talking about?” While it was true that the world had several gods, most stayed out of the mortal realm. While the others were near untouchable do to their powers. Challenging one of them was suicide. "But I have to try something, Any little thing." Sunset picked up several books in her magic and scanned the open pages. "I must have missed a clue, That I must find before she's due. Oh why, oh why, oh why?" Miss Archives cleared her throat, which oddly was able to get Sunset’s attention. The books fell to the ground as Sunset released her magic. Archives looked at the display disapprovingly.  Books were meant to be treated with respect, not…this. The familiar urge to throw Sunset Shimmer out of her library resurfaced but was thrust back down. She wouldn’t risk upsetting royalty. “Mind telling me what this is all about?” “What?” Sunset tilted her head in confusion. “I’m studying. Can’t you tell, or is your mind finally catching up with your body?” Miss Archives’ left eye twitched. ‘No. Don’t say anything. She’s a princess, remember. A princess.’ “No, I meant what you were talking about earlier.” “Oh that,” Sunset looked away, sheepishly. “I was just studying.” “About?” “Stuff.” “Stuff?” Sunset grit her teeth. “Stuff. Leave it at that.” “And how long have you been studying…stuff?” “Not long enough,” Sunset huffed. Her shoulders slacked and her head started to droop. Her eyelids sagged, trying to close. “When was the last time you got some sleep?” Miss Archives looked at her, rather concerned. Sunset Shimmer looked at her incredulously, as though she had grown a second head. “Sleep?” Her eyes narrowed. “Sleep is for the weak.” Miss Archives sighed. “I thought you’d say that.” She knew Sunset was in no condition for rationality, having seen her in this state many time before. She remembered it happening to herself in her younger years. Thankfully, she knew how to deal with sleep deprivation. Her horn lit up. Three baseball sized, silvery globes, connected in a circle formation by a ring of light, swirled in the air above Sunset. The ring then quickly passed over her, before disappearing. Now, instead of a raggedy, sleep deprived Sunset, the mare seemed calm, relaxed, and actually well groomed. Sunset closed her eyes and exhaled. “Better?” Miss Archives asked. Sunset nodded. “Better.” “Good.” Miss Archives sat on her haunches. “Then tell me, what this is all about?” “Tch, no way,” Sunset scoffed. “You wouldn’t believe me if I did.” Miss Archives snorted before picking up a few papers with her magic. She quickly glanced at them, quirking an eyebrow. She looked back at the young mare before her. “You do know Nightmare Moon is just a little foal’s tale, right?” “Pfft, says you.” Sunset glared at her, plucking the papers away, and quickly incinerating them. The ash fell to the ground, causing Miss Archives to groan. ‘Great. More mess.’  Sunset seemed to have chosen to ignore her agitation. She put a hoof to her chest. “I on the other hoof think it’s something that needs to be addressed. Besides, most fairy tales are based on real facts.” “Yes, but the facts degenerate over time,” Miss Archives pointed out. “Surely you must realize that you’re stressing yourself over nothing.” Sunset Shimmer sent her a scathing look. “I am not stressing myself over nothing. I’m stressed because a daemon princess is on her way, and nopony’s doing anything about it.” She lifted a pair of simple brown saddlebags onto her back and stuffed it with books, utensils, and paper. “I suggest you find somewhere to hide until this whole thing blows over.” “I’ll think I’ll stay here.” Miss Archives rolled her eyes. Sunset shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She then trotted away. Miss Archives shook her head. “There is something seriously wrong with that mare.” She turned her head back to the giant mess and sighed. “This is going to take a while.” __________________________________________________________________________________ Sunset Shimmer was glad to be outside again. Not that she hated being inside all day- far from it. She spent most of her time either inside the library, home, or a nice room with her mother. No, it was just nice to be away from Miss Archives. ‘Stuffy old mare,’ she thought, derisively. ‘She needs to learn to keep her snout out of other pony’s business.’ She was tempted to just fire the mare, but her mom had told her otherwise. ‘That’s abusing your power, she says. You shouldn’t just fire ponies because you don’t like them, she says.’ She snorted.‘Yeah well, she doesn’t know Miss Archives like I do.’ Sunset kept up a fast trot as she followed the pathway home. She still had time to warn her mother, so she didn’t need to rush. Instead, she let her mind wander back to her discovery. ‘I’m sure mother already has a few plans laid out for this scenario. Everything will be alright…Still, a daemon princess of Darkness is nothing to take lightly.’ “Sunset,” a gleeful, feminine voice said to her. “It’s so nice to see you.” Sunset finally realized who she had nearly bumped into and groaned. Standing before her was Shining Armor and his marefriend, Princess Cadance, her cousin. ‘Oh great, if it isn’t soldier boy and miss goody two shoes. Just my luck.’ Now, to be fair, she didn’t hate Cadance. To the contrary, she was rather close with her…in a manner of speaking. It didn’t help that she found Cadance’s ever constant upbeat attitude annoying. ‘Seriously, nothing gets her down. What would it take to get her upset, an invasion on her wedding day?’ And Sunset would be lying if she didn’t say that she was jealous. Cadance was adored by everyone in the kingdom; some argued that she was more beloved then Celestia. Of course, you wouldn’t dare say that near the ears of an Inquisitor. As well as the fact that Cadance was ascended, a living saint. She was a full blown alicorn and her mother was the one to do it. Needless to say, Sunset had pestered her mother to do the same thing to her. As with most of her requests, her mother had told her ‘when you’re ready’. Sunset didn’t know when that was, but it wasn’t soon enough for her liking. Shining Armor…She really didn’t have much to say about him. He was just another bland guard in her opinion…Even if she found him rather cute. She would never say that aloud, however. The two mares embraced in a neck hug. “It’s nice to see you, too.” Sunset said. Even though she was jealous of her, they were still family. The two separated. “I see that you’re coming back from the library.” “Yeah, what of it?” “Nothing. I was just wondering if you’d like to come with us. We’re heading over to Canterlot’s stadium to listen to a performance played by none other than Octavia Melody.” Sunset pondered over the going for a few seconds. Octavia Melody was a prestigious mare and had earned Sunset’s respect, as she was one of the few artists who could create music up to her standards. ‘I would appreciate a moment to relax.’ She told herself. Yet, in the end, she knew she couldn’t afford to waste much time. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got more important things to do.”She flipped her mane mane, pointing her nose in the air in a haughty manner. Cadance frowned in confusion. “Like what?” “Oh, just trying to save Equestria from the threat of destruction.” Shining Armor chuckled. “If being in the guard has taught me anything, it’s that Equestria is always threatened with destruction. I don’t think one little outing is going to doom us all.” Sunset snorted. “Says you,” She trotted past them. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to write my mother a letter.” ______________________________________________________________________________ Cadance watched Sunset leave, with a concerned gaze. Shining Armor took notice. “Dear, is something the matter?” Cadance’s ear splayed back. “I’m just concerned for her.” “She’s a tough mare,” Shining said. “She can take care of herself.” “That’s just it,” Cadance explained. “Sunset is so adamant on doing things herself that she pushes nearly everypony away. I mean, she doesn’t have a single friend.” “What about you?” Shining asked. “You’re her friend.” Cadance sighed. She knew that wasn’t really true. Whenever Sunset and her got together, Sunset would always let her mind wander and tended to be rather selfish. They didn’t get into spats, but Sunset made it clear that they weren’t the ‘best of friends’. No matter how hard Cadance tried, her cousin just wouldn’t even attempt at making a single friend. She talked with Celestia about this, but even she hadn't found any luck in that regard. “Calling me her ‘friend’ would be pushing it. No matter how much I want it to be.” Shining frowned. “Hey, don’t let this get you down,” he nuzzled her. “I’m sure she’ll turn around eventually.” Cadance smiled at him, giving him a playful nuzzle. Shining could always make her feel happy. Shining stepped forward and held his hoof out to her.  “Come on. We have a concert to attend.” __________________________________________________________________________ Sunset thrust the doors open with her magic. “SPIKE!” she hollered. “Get your scaly hide over here. We have a coup to thwart!” She went over and placed her knapsack on a table and took a look around. The rather large building was filled to the brim with cases of books, just to her liking. The place was neat and clean, a trademark of her little brother. ‘There’s no place like home.’ “Spike, did you hear me?” she called out again. “I told you to get your scaly hide over here….” Nothing. She grit her teeth. “STOP IGNORING ME!” She happened to turn her head around to look at the doors, where a note was pinned with a yellow tack. She walked over and peered at the note. Dear big sis, Since I knew you would most likely stay at the library for a while, and that you had already refused to go, I’ve decided to spirit myself over to Moondancer’s birthday party. I know that this’ll make you mad, but I couldn’t stand the thought of standing her up. I did promise to attend and it would break her heart if I broke that promise. Sincerely, Your ever lovable little brother, Spike P.s. I’ve prepared a salad for you. It’s inside the fridge. I used only the freshest ingredients and some ranch sauce, just like you love it.   If looks could set something ablaze, Sunset’s glare would have burnt the paper to crisps. Luckily for her, she had magic. The paper turned to ash in a blaze of blue fire, which only lasted a second. “How dare he! He knows what’s at stake.” Righteous fury filled her as she ran outside. “That miserable excuse of an overgrown lizard is going to pay.” ________________________________________________________________________________ It didn’t take her long to find Moondancer’s place. It was a nice, cozy home on the outskirts of Canterlot. The house, while not as big as Sunset’s own, was still larger than a more rural living. It was simple and plain. ‘Like Moondancer.’ She thought, as she pushed her way past the doors. The inside was decorated in Moondancer’s colors. White, red, and purple streamers were hung around the place, a few balloons here and there, and a nice upbeat music filled the air. There were a few dozen ponies in total, mostly talking or having a snack. But she didn’t care about them. No, she cared about the large purple, green spiked drake surrounded by a small group of mares off near the snack table. Spike had grown in the eighteen years since he was hatched. Currently, he was as tall as a large stallion when on fours, such as Blueblood or Fancypants. And like them, he liked to be dapper. He was wearing a dark green suit, with a white shirt underneath. Even though Spike more commonly walked on all fours, both because he was raised by quadrupeds and it was easier, he still wore a pair of white gloves over his front claws. His back claws were set inside nice, black shoes. His current companions were the same lot he usually attracted: young, pretty mares. It was no secret that the young drake had a way with ladies. He was one of the most lusted over bachelors in Equestria for a reason. His sophisticated attitude and demeanor, as well as his manner, helped sweep many a mare off of their hooves. “And that is how I bested the Prench ambassador without lifting a claw,” the drake finished telling his tale. “Needless to say, he’s still a bit miffed.” The mares giggled. He then looked over to find his big sister giving him ‘the death glare’. He smiled and turned to the other mares. “I’m sorry my lovely ladies, but I must depart.” The mare’s let out disappointed sounds. “Must you go so soon?” Moondancer spoke up. She was a nice looking unicorn mare; white with a mostly red mane which had some purple streaks to it. Her cutie mark was an eclipsed moon with three stars below it. She was a bit meek and soft spoken, but she had a good heart. “The party’s barely begun.” Spike frowned. “I’m sorry, Moondancer.” He picked up one of her hooves in his gloved hand. “But my big sister is in need of my assistance. She’s hopeless without me, I’m afraid.” ‘WHAT?!!’ Sunset was visibly fuming. Her face was red with rage and she pawed the ground, looking ready to charge and spear him on her horn. ‘Keep calm. He’s your little brother. They do this kind of thing.’ Moondancer giggled, causing Sunset’s anger to flare even more. “I know. You’re such a talented dragon. Just promise to be back soon, okay.” Spike kissed her hoof, to which she blushed. “I’ll try.” He sent her his award winning smile, which sent the unicorn’s heart a flutter. He gently let go of her hoof and started off towards Sunset. “I see you got my note.” “I see you have a death wish.” Spike just laughed. “You have anger issues.” He tapped her nose, causing her to scrunch up. He turned over to look at the mares one last time. “Au revoir, my lovely ladies. Until next time.” He brought his claw to his mouth and blew them a kiss. The mares sighed, blushed, and a couple of them fainted. Sunset Shimmer just rolled her eyes at their antics. ‘Really? Going gaga over something like that. Well, you’ll never see me doing that for any stallion.’ “Come on, little bro. We’ve got important business to attend to.” She marched out of the house. Spike just sighed and followed her. Back at their house As they entered their home, Spike finally spoke up. “So, what’s it this time?” Sunset sent him a glare, over her shoulder. She turned around to face him. “Well if you weren’t so busy chasing tails, you’d know.” Spike gasped and put a clawed hand to his chest. “Chasing tails? Sunset, I am hurt. You make me sound as though I’m an uncouth barbarian. I would never ‘chase’ a mare’s ‘tail’.” He smiled. “I prefer having a nice chat here and there, admiring the beauty of the opposite sex. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Sunset snorted. “Yeah, yeah.” She shook her head in agitation. ‘Sometimes he can be so frustrating.’ “Just drop it and focus here. Equestria is in danger.” “Isn’t it always?” He actually looked confused by her statement. “Even bigger danger than before.” “Oh,” Spike rubbed his chin. “Sounds serious.” “Of course it is,” Sunset’s horn lit up and a magical diagram formed in the air near them. Sunset then picked up a ruler in her hoof and marched over to it. “For Nightmare Moon is returning.” “Nightmare Moon?” Spike raised a claw from the ground, questionably. “Isn’t she just an old ponies tale?” Sunset grit her teeth in annoyance. “No, she isn’t and I have proof.” Sunset then magically brought over a book. “Isn’t that a children’s book?” “Yes, how very observant of you.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “I’m sure I can find some dog treats to reward your deduction.”  Spike just gave her a deadpan stare. “Now.” She turned it to a specific page. As she read off the facts, the scenes played out on the image board behind her. “The book states that Celestia used to have a sister.” She pointed to a picture of a pink maned Celestia and a smaller blue alicorn showed up. “Most versions usually skip over her name and since it wasn’t important, I didn’t care to search for it. “But it states that she grew jealous of her big sister because of how the ponies played and frolicked during the day, while they slept through the night. Obviously, she mustn't have been the smartest of ponies. I mean, ponies aren’t nocturnal. “Anyways, apparently she refused the lower the moon, wishing the night to last forever. Again, not the smartest move as our planet would freeze over and we’d die. And in doing so, she renamed herself Nightmare Moon.” She paused and looked at the screen. The blue alicorn turned into the dark lady herself. “This could be interpreted two ways. Either A, she was possessed by an incredibly powerful daemon, or B, she just changed her appearance to suit her new outlook. Going by records and what little I’ve been able to find about that particular era, the second option seems more viable. "In a last resort, Mom,” She quickly caught her mistake. “I mean, Celestia, brought forth Equestria’s greatest weapons.” Seven different orbs appeared on the screen. “The Elements of Harmony. With their power, she was able to banish her sister, sending her hurdling into her precious moon.” She honestly thought that was so awesome of her mother to be able to do that. “But if that’s true,” Spike spoke up, “how is Nightmare Moon able to escape before or at all?” “That’s just the thing Spike,” Sunset pointed out, “she couldn’t. She didn’t have enough power to escape on her own…until now.” The screen showed eight planet, the moon, and the sun. “Every thousand years, the planets align perfectly with both our planet and the moon.” The items did just that. “The event is said to cause strange phenomenon and increase the power of magic users exponentially if they know how to tap into it.” “And you believe Nightmare Moon is going to use this power boost to break free of her prison.” “Exactly.” Sunset called off the image board and threw away the ruler. Spike looked at her, rather annoyed by her doing that. He always had to clean up after his big sis. “And that’s why I need you to take this letter-” She levitated a scroll from out of a nearby bag to Spike. He grabbed it. “-And send it to mom. She’ll know what to do.” “Why couldn’t you just give it to her yourself? “She’s in a meeting, doofus. Now send the letter.” “And if she says you’re being paranoid?” “I’M NOT PARANOID!” she roared at him. “SHE’S COMING! NOW BLAST THAT LETTER, OR I”LL BLAST YOUR HEAD!” She was getting real tired of ponies brushing off her concerns. Spike just rolled his eyes and breathed fire on the scroll. A magical wisp went flying away. “There, happy?” Sunset sighed. “Yes, yes I am.” “So,” Spike spoke up after a few seconds of silence. “Can I go back to Moondancer’s party?” Sunset answered him with a glare. Before she could respond verbally, Spike burped up a letter. She smiled brightly. “Read her response, little bro.” Spike put on of his hands up to his throat and rubbed it as he cleared it. “My dearest daughter, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely.” Sunset beamed with pride at the praise. “But you must simply stop reading those dusty old books.” Sunset’s mouth dropped and her gaze froze up in shock. “What?” > Part 2.5: Almost there > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2.5: Almost there “ALL ABOARD!” The conductor’s shout echoed over the loud train whistles. “NEXT STOP: PONYVILLE!” As usual, Canterlot’s train station was packed full of ponies bustling about. Canterlot was the capital of the country, so it wasn’t surprising to Sunset. Many ponies came here for either tourism or a place to strike it rich/win the attention of Princess Celestia. Still, as was custom, there were several heavily armored stallions positioned in large intervals. Unlike the regular soldier of Equestrian Guard- the EG- these stallions were all rather large and muscular; a regular pony stood at about a little over four hooves, while they stood over seven. Their armor was thicker than any other branch of the EG. It also had several enchantments, making them nearly impervious. From head to hooves, the armor left nothing exposed. A large, longsword was sheathed on their sides. They were Celestia’s finest- the Knights. Nopony was more devoted to Celestia than them, save the Inquisition. The civilians, for obvious reasons, gave them a wide berth. Some would ponder why Celestia would delegate her Knights, her strongest, best equipped soldiers, to guard duty. The answer to this was simple: this was Canterlot, the holy city. No one would dare attack Celestia’s place of rest while the Knights kept watch. If any enemy were to come forth from the train, they would die then and there by the hooves or swords of sacred soldiers. Given all their enchantments, both in their armor and their own bodies, Knights could live for hundreds of years. With all that time to accumulate battle techniques, they were among, if not the, most feared soldiers in the world. Sunset Shimmer personally wished they were her bodyguards. Not because she needed their help- she was the strongest unicorn in all of Equestria. No, she wanted them because of the image they projected. Only the finest soldiers in the land were worthy to escort her in public. Instead, she got the usual grunts of the army…and Shining Armor. ‘Same thing really,’ she thought as she and her escorts made their way to the train. The crowds parted, leaving her group alone for they respected the Guard well enough to let them through. That and they didn’t want to incur Sunset’s notorious wrath. Currently Princess Sunset and Prince Spike were surrounded on all sides by soldiers of the Equestrian Guard. Each one of them was hoof picked by Shining Armor himself. Now and again, Spike would wave or send a wink to some pretty mare. Sunset, as usual, had to resist the urge to buck him. “Don’t worry Princess,” one of the soldiers spoke up. “We’ll get you there in no time.” Sunset Shimmer groaned. ‘Why did Shining have to pick him? WHY?’ You see, the soldier that spoke up was none other than Private First Class Flash Sentry. He was an orange Pegasus with a blue mane and a notorious reputation as a womanizer. He was new to the guard, only passing boot camp a few months ago. Ever since then, he’s done everything in his power to ‘smooth talk’ her. Sunset always had to resist the urge to set him ablaze with her magic…which she had once, but he didn’t seem to get the message. Mother had given her a three hour scolding that night. ‘It was still worth it.’ “Private, how many times must I tell you,” Shining Armor spoke up. “The Princess is only to be spoken to if she asks you a question or wishes you to speak.” “Yes, sir,” Flash responded. ‘Okay, Shining just won some brownie points.’ Sunset made a mental note to thank him…someday. ..maybe. “Ugh, why do we need to take the train?” Sunset griped. “Flying there would have been so much faster.” “Her royal majesty decreed it an ‘unsafe’ mode of transport at the present time, my lady,” Shining Armor answered. “Why? Because a few ponies go missing in Manehattan? Big whoop.” “Sunset.” Spike glared at her. “Don’t talk like that. Those are our citizens and they deserve our sympathy.” “I’ll let you know when I find some ‘sympathy’ to give, my dear little brother,” Sunset shot back. “THE END IS NIGH!” some stallion screamed. “The end nigh! She who is darkness incarnate is coming! Doom is upon us!” Sunset’s ears perked and swiveled over to the source of the voice. ‘She who is darkness incarnate? Could he mean what I think he meant?’ “HALT!” she hollered. As ordered, the stallions stopped and Shining Armor turned around. “Sunset, is something the matter?” Sunset just nodded and turned her head toward the ramblings. She started to walk forth, pushing the guards aside with her magic. “Your Majesty, what are you doing?” Shining yelled at her. She ignored him, like she normally did to oh so many ponies. Instead, she kept going, shoving everypony out of her way. That is, until she saw him. He was tatty in appearance; his white fur was unkept as was his mane. He wore a few loose rags that barely covered his body. “The end is nigh! She who will swallow our souls in darkness is returning! Don’t take my words for granted!” “Peasant, you say that ‘she who is darkness incarnate’ is returning,” Sunset asked. The stallion stopped his rambling and looked at her. “Is this true?” She already knew it was true, she just needed to ask. Being the only one to actually believe in Nightmare Moon's return was frustrating. “Yes.” He bowed before her. “Yes, Your Majesty. It is true.” He got up and approached her, stopping right in front of Sunset. “She is coming. I have seen it.” Sunset could see how frantic the stallion appeared. Given his appearance, she’d guess he hadn’t slept in days and barely eaten. Her instincts were telling her to leave this flea-ridden filth, but she wanted him to talk. ‘Sometimes, information comes from the strangest places.’ She’d learned that quite a few times during her stay in Canterlot castle. “You must hurry, Princess.” The pony reached a hoof out to her, imploringly. “You must find the secret to defeating her. YOU MUST!” This perked her interest. “The secret? What is the secret to defeating Nightmare Moon?” “The seven,” he ranted. “The seven will defeat her. Find the seven, Your Majesty.” ‘Is he referring to the Elements of Harmony?’ she pondered. ‘But they’re lost artifacts.’ “How do I find the seven?” “Your Majesty.” Shining Armor had finally caught up to her. “He is a lunatic. He doesn’t even know what he is saying.” “I know, Your Majesty!” He yelled. “I know the place!” “And that is?” Sunset asked. The stallion’s face scrunched up in concentration and a hint of pain. “I remember…I remember…The place where it began, the six dwell spick and span. The seventh lay dormant, waiting for its friends, to make the seven whole and make amends.” Sunset just stared at him for a second. ‘Friends?’ She then turned to Shining. “Maybe you’re right, Armor. He is a loony.” She started to walk away. “NO!” the pony screamed. “You have to make the seven whole. MAKE THEM WHOLE!” ‘I can’t believe I wasted my time on that creep,’ she thought as she was once again surrounded by guards. “What was that all about?” Spike asked. “Nothing, little bro.” Sunset snorted. “Just a raving lunatic ranting about the end of the world.” Spike stared at her for a few seconds longer, before shrugging. “Your majesty,” Shining said, bowing his head. “We’re here.” “Finally.” Sunset moved past the guards. “What took you guys so long to get me here?” Shining and Spike just rolled their eyes. Sunset took note about how this train was about twice the size of regular trains, like the Friendship Express. ‘Worst. Name. Ever.’ The doors were over eleven feet high and had almost the same width. The armor was extremely thick, so Sunset assumed that this was probably a troop transport designed to house Knights. ‘At least I get something cool to ride in.’ “Just being cautious, Your Majesty.” Flash Sentry spoke up, repelling Sunset’s annoyed gaze with his ‘charming smile’. “We wouldn’t want something to happen to you.” Shining cleared his throat, getting Flash’s attention. “No, Private.” He sent his soldier a small glare, to which Flash gulped in fright. “We wouldn’t.” “My apologies, sir,” Flash said, standing at attention. “I was just trying to lighten Princes Sunset Shimmer’s mood.” “Private, you’ll soon learn something about the fair Princess,” Shining stated. “Nothing can lighten her mood.” “That’s not true,” Sunset growled. “It is.” Spike stated. Sunset sent him a withering glare. He just chuckled. “Now, enough pleasantries,” Shining looked at his troops. “Return to base. We have some practice drills to go over.” The soldiers saluted and turned to leave. However, after saluting, Flash decided to stay behind. “Sir, permission to accompany Sunset on her trip to Ponyville.” Sunset started to sweat nervously. She knew that she and Armor didn’t always get along and it would be like him to assign this creep to her. ‘Please don’t, Shining. I’ll be your….decent acquaintance if you do.’ “Private, do you want to run the lap a thousand times today?” Shining asked. “Or how about three thousand squats? ‘Course, I don’t think that’s appropriate for somepony in your situation.” He winked at Sunset. ‘You know, at times like this I envy Cadance.’ Sunset could feel her cheeks heat up. “My situation, sir?” Flash seemed honestly confused. ‘Oh great, the numbskull is losing the ‘spot the obvious’ again.’ “Just go back to the training grounds, Private.” Shining ordered, clearly irritated by his subordinates’ behavior. Flash Sentry saluted him. “Yes, sir.” Before he could do anything however, a giant frog landed on top of him. “Hello everypony,” An excitable mare’s voice rang out. “What are you up to this fine, chaotic day?” Everypony in the crowd took one look at the mare and then ran for their lives. She was a purple, unicorn mare with a dark purple mane that had a pink strip inside. She was several years younger than Sunset, about Spike’s age. She wore a dark purple cloak and a pointy tipped, cone helmet. Her cutie mark, which was underneath the cloak, was the mark of chaos with a purple star inside, little white stars were placed on the outside between each arrow. “Why does everypony keep doing that? Are they allergic to frogs?” “No, they’re allergic to you.” Sunset quipped. The purple mare turned her head to gaze at her, looking confused. On her right cheek was Celestia’s cutie mark branded to her skin. The mare was a chaos sorcerer, so it was only protocol to do so. All chaos sorcerers are branded with Celestia’s mark so as to keep daemons from possessing them when they use the ‘warp’ and to keep their sanity intact. What sanity they still had was debatable. “Me?” She lifted on of her forelegs and sniffed her armpit. “But I used that chaotic smell spray. I should smell lovely, not allergy.” Sunset Shimmer groaned. ‘First Sentry doofus, that crazy hobo, and now…her.’ The mare in front of her was none other than Twilight Sparkle, apprentice to Nonsense’ one of the leading members of the cult of Discord. That was why the ponies ran from her. She didn’t have the best reputation in Equestria, as she was possibly one of the strongest, if not the strongest, chaos sorcerers to date, for nothing. She was also a notorious prankster. {That and ponies are just generally unnerved by chaos cultists.} Twilight teleported in front of her. The strange mare then started to sniff her body. Sunset reeled back, obviously uncomfortable with what she was doing. Spike saw this and decided to come to her aid. “Miss Twilight,” he gently pushed her away, getting in front of the mare. “Would you please not do that?” “I was just checking.” Twilight whined. She looked around Spike to see Sunset. “You smell awfully orderly today Sunset. A little chaos could help.” Her mad smile nearly split her face. “Wanna hang out a little bit?” Sunset blanched at the idea. “Hang out?...No, no, no. I have an important task, given to me from my mother. I can’t hang out.” ‘Nor will I ever hang out with you, you crazed warp addict.’ Twilight’s smile deflated. “Twily, I think she needs to get going.” Shining spoke up. Sunset couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the display. ‘Twily has got to be the stupidest nickname ever.’ Twilight brightened up immediately. “BBBFF!” She screeched. She tackled him to the ground and gave him a bonecrushing hug. She then let go and started bouncing around him. “Shining’s here. Shining’s here. Shining’s here.” Shining just chuckled. “It’s good to see you too, Twily.” She stopped in front of him and gave him a stern gaze. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in three days, BBBFF.” She looked down at the ground, sadly. “Did I do something wrong?” “I’ve just been really busy, Twily.” Shining stated. “To busy for your LSBFF?” Twilight pouted. Shining just took her in his hold and gave her a noogie. The mare squealed in delight. “Never.” “Awww,” Spike cooed. “Isn’t that sweet?” Sunset snorted. “As if. All this nonsense is making me sick.” “You’re just jealous of their relationship.” “No I’m not,” Sunset poked his side with a hoof. “I have a wonderful relationship with you.” Spike gave her a ‘really?’ stare. “You set me on fire constantly.” “You’re a dragon. You’re fireproof.” “You throw me out of tall buildings, aircrafts, or anything with a long drop.” “Hey, I teleport you back to me before you hit the ground.” Spike just sighed. “I’m just saying. Maybe we should do some brother-sister stuff after all this is over.” “I’ll think about it.” ‘Maybe, little bro. I have some serious studies to power through.’ Just then, their musings was interrupted by a loud ‘ribbit’ and groan. “Did Froggy land on somepony important?” She looked at her frog mount with concern. “No.” They three answered. A mad grin split Twilight’s face. “Okay.” “Twily, why are you here?” Shining asked, as he let her go. “You aren’t up to any of your funny business, are you?” He gave her a hard stare. Twilight just smiled devilishly. Off in the distance, somepony could be heard yelling ‘My cabbages’. “Maybe.” Shining groaned and facehooved. “Twily.” He started, warningly. “But I didn’t come here to prank anypony.” Sunset snorted. “Yeah right.” “I just came by to pick up my coltfriend.” Twilight answered. The three others stiffened. “Coltfriend?” ‘Why aren’t I running yet?’ She thought to herself. Before she could run, somepony opened the door. An Equestrian Guard was thrown out and smacked into Spike, sending them both tumbling. A loud voice boomed out. “I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!” “COLT-CUDDLER HAD IT COMING!” Another voice chimed in. “Bloody’s home again!” Twilight cheered. She reared up on her hind legs and started bouncing from one leg to the other, all the while clapping her now free front hooves. And with that, ‘Bloody’ stepped out of the train. Sunset knew who he was. She’d met him on several occasions. ‘Sword swinging, block head.’ His name was Bloodletter, Captain of the Blood Knights. The Blood Knights were a group of chaos oriented knights, focused solely on close combat. They lived to spill blood in the name of Celestia and chaos. He was over nine feet tall, towering even over the Knights at the station. The massive Earth pony’s thick dark red armor covered most of his body, except quite a bit of his face. His fur was blood red, as well as his eyes. Two metallic bull horns sprouted forth on his helmet and spikes ran down the armor’s middle, similar to a dragon’s. He was currently snarling. “Why hasn’t blood been spilled to honor my return? I demand blood for my victory.” “BLOODY!” Twilight latched herself to him. Because of his size, her forelegs could barely make it half way around his neck. “I missed, missed, missed you.” Bloodletter chuckled. “And I missed you, my little skewer.” Twilight giggled and used her magic to float in front of his face. A halo of warp energy surrounded her. They gave each other a little eskimo kiss. “I missed you more.” “I don’t doubt it.” Bloodletter sent her a warm smile. Sunset noted that Twilight was the only one he ever gave that smile to. Shining cleared his throat to get their attention. Twilight landed on the ground and dispelled her magic. “I take it your raid upon the eastern Diamond Dog burrows was a success?” Bloodletter grinned savagely. “Yes, I spilled much blood in Celestia’s name and took many a skull for my collection. I nearly had the Chieftan’s skull for my own,” He snarled and looked back into the compartment. “But somepony STOLE MY KILL!” “CHEAT ARSE MOTHERBUCKER WAS TOO BUCKING SLOW!” Another large Knight, Earth Pony stallion came out of the train. He was small for a Knight, barely making it to six feet in height. His yellow and red armor covered his body, but left most of his head exposed. Both his shoulder and hind pauldrons had a frowny face on it. Sunset was dreading the next few moments even more. ‘If there’s anything worse than a Blood Knight, it’s an Angry Knight.’ She thought. Angry Knights took to their name well. Their motto ‘Always angry, all the time’ was lived to the max. They swore and yelled everything they said and their tempers were nearly unmatchable. The only person they truly respected and showed curtsey too was her mother. Though, her mother actually found the Angry Knights’ antics quite hilarious. “I saw him first, you bloodless coward.” Bloodletter growled, whirling around to stare down at the other stallion. “TOO BUCKING SLOW, GRANDPA!” The Angry Knight shouted back. “SPINELESS DOG!” “FEATHERING CUNT-NUGGET!” “BOYS!” Twilight got in the middle of them. “No fighting….each other. We’re all friends here.” “THAT”S WHAT YOU BUCKING SAY, WHORE BISCUIT!” The Angry Knight quipped. Bloodletter snarled. “THAT”S MY MAREFRIEND YOU’RE TALKING TOO!” “I COULD FEATHERING TELL! SHE”S AS MUCH A PUSSY AS YOU!” “Could you make this quick,” Sunset asked. “I have places to be and blood is quite hard to get out of my coat.” “WHO’S THIS BITCH?!!” The Angry Knight asked. Both Shining and Spike snarled, while Sunset narrowed her eyes. “She is Princess Sunset Shimmer and you will address her as such.” Shining spoke up. “NO SHIT, SHERKLOCK!” The Angry Knight smirked. “I SEE YOU DIDN”T GET YOUR FEATHERING JOB FOR NOTHING!” Shining Armor looked like he was about to retort, before Sunset stepped in. “I can handle myself, Field Marshal.” ‘About time I did too. These shenanigans are getting on my nerves.’ “Knight, bow down to me.” The Knight grit his teeth, but did as she asked. She knew that the Knight wouldn’t disobey a direct order from her. They respected her mother too much.  She walked over and bent her face down to his. “Now, I’m going to ignore what you just called me this time. But if you so much as throw another insult my way, I swear I will burn you to a crisp.” Her glare could pierce diamonds and the Angry Knight could have sworn he saw blue fire inside them. “Are we understood?” The Knight nodded. “Good.” She turned to her brother. “Let’s go.” The Angry Knight got up and laughed. “WELL BUCK ME SIDEWAYS! THAT”S MY KIND OF PRINCESS!” He started off. “LATER PUSSY!” He shot at Bloodletter. The Blood Knight snarled in his direction. “SPIKE!” A mare called out. “Who is it this time?” Sunset groaned, rubbing her forehead with her forehooves. “Moondancer,” Spike joyfully called out. Sunset let out a loud groan. ‘That’s it. I’m getting on the train.’ She thought, as she trotted inside the large compartment. It didn’t take long for Moondancer to get to Spike. “It is good to see you again.” “I came as soon as I heard that you were leaving.” Moondancer replied. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of you departing Canterlot without me saying goodbye.” “Ah Moondancer,” Spike put a hand over his heart. “Your intentions move me. I was quite heart-broken myself when I learned of this, but I have to go.” “Then take this,” Moondancer levitated a hoofkerchief to him. “As a token to remember me by.” Spike gingerly took the item. “I shall cherish this forever more, my darling mare.” Moondancer blushed. “Just don’t forget me, okay?” Spike picked up one of her forelegs in a hand. “Never.” He gave it a kiss. “SPIKE!” Sunset yelled at him. She was tired of all this ‘meeting’ nonsense. She just hoped she didn’t have to go through with this kind of thing in Ponyville. “GET ON THE TRAIN!” “I’m busy.” Spike called back. Sunset stuck her head out of the train and glared at him. “Don’t you ‘I’m busy’ me. I said to get your scaly behind onto this train right now.” Spike sighed. “I must depart, Moondancer,” he started forth. “But I shall return.” The doors closed behind him. “I’ll be waiting.” Moondancer replied, blushing. __________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, in Ponyville’s Town Hall Lady Justice stood outside her mother’s office, shaking in her hooves. Her right foreleg was held to her chest, holding a recently opened scroll. ‘Everything’s going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay.’ She kept telling herself. But she knew otherwise. This wasn’t just some monster from the Everfree Forest. No, this was much worse. Lady Justice was a regular Earth pony mare. She was light green with an orange and light orange striped mane. Her cutie mark was a gavel, signifying her talent at enforcing the law. Finally, she got the nerve to open the door and walked inside. Her mother, Mayor Mare, was an Earth pony mare, like her. She was tan with a white mane, which was currently disheveled. She was currently arguing with someone on the phone. “I don’t care if you’re short hoofed at the moment,” Mayor Mare growled through the phone. “I can’t spare anypony at the moment…Why? My town was picked to host the thousandth ‘Summer Sun Celebration’, that’s why? I need everypony here to make sure it goes off without a hitch.” “Uh, mother…” “If you’re law enforcement were competent at their jobs, none of this would be happening.” The mayor snapped. “But noooo, you wanted to cut corners to build that monument. How’s that working out for you?...Set back? I’m not surprised.” “Mother, if you could please…” Mayor Mare reeled back and then sighed. “Look…I’m sorry for getting onto you. We’re both stressed out right now…Yes, I know your wife was one of the missing ponies. I pray to Celestia that she’s found spick and span….Tell you what. How about you come visit Ponyville this summer, as a vacation of sorts….” Mayor Mare smiled. “I’ll make sure you’ll have a great time. Bye.” She hung up the phone and her head hit the table.   “Uh, mom…” “What is it, Justice?” Her mother mumbled, keeping her face on the desk. “We’ve received an urgent message. “From whom?” “Princess Celestia herself.” That got her mother’s attention. Her head sprang up and she looked as alert as ever. “The Princess Celestia?” Her daughter nodded. She motioned for her to come closer. “Well, let me see it.” Lady Justice quickly let her have it. “I should warn you,” she started. “It’s not the best news.” “What ever could you mean, dear.” Mayor mare opened the letter. “Princess Celestia has no reason to…” Her eyes went wide when she read the contents. She looked up at Lady Justice. “She’s sending her?” Justice nodded. “Yes, mom. She’s sending her daughter to watch over the proceedings.” Both of them were silent. They knew of Sunset Shimmer’s temper. It was legendary and nopony wanted to get on her bad side. “Well…” Her mother started, looking extremely nervous. “This day just keeps getting better and better.” > Part 3: Arriving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3: Arriving “My dear Sunset,” Spike read aloud from the letter as the train sped to its destination. “There is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I’m sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location: Ponyville.” Sunset groaned, peering out the window. The beautiful Equestrian landscape strolled past her as the train raced on. It wasn’t enough that her little brother was reading the letter to her again. No, he seemed to be enjoying it. ‘And who names a town ‘Ponyville’? Is Equestria just filled with morons who can’t come up with clever titles?’ “And I have a more essential task for you to complete.” Spike’s smile grew. “Make some friends.” “That’s the stupidest task I’ve ever heard of.” She sat up and looked at him. “Oh come on! Would it kill you to make one friend?” “I don’t need any friends. I have you and mom. That’s all I need.” She turned back to gazing out the window. ‘That’s all I’ll ever need.’ “No it isn’t. You need friends, Sunset. I can’t always be there to help you or steer you back into the world of the sane during your ‘moments’.” Sunset blushed in embarrassment and glared at him. “I don’t have ‘moments’. I just get a little stressed here and there. It happens to everypony.” “Does everypony have such awe inspiring powers…or pyromaniac tendencies?” “I AM NOT A PYROMANIAC!” Sunset’s horn was ablaze with blue fire magic. Her eyes shone dangerously. Spike sighed. “Just try. Please, Sunset.” Spike gave her an imploring look. Sunset silently cursed herself for looking back at him at that exact moment. She was a sucker for her little brother when he did things like this.  “For mother’s sake, try to be more friendly.” “Fine,” Sunset droned out. Spike smiled at her response. “I’ll make friends…tomorrow.” Spike face-palmed hard and groaned. “Hey, Nightmare Moon’s coming tonight. I don’t have the time to waste on ‘friendship’.” Sunset made air quotes with her hooves on the last word. “You are insufferable.” “Pfft, says you,” Sunset countered. She smirked and let out a small snicker. “I’m just being truthful.” Spike lifted the scroll up so Sunset could see it clearly. “Do I have to read this to you again?”  Sunset Shimmer answered in her own sort of way. The scroll went up in blue flames for a couple of seconds before it petered out, the remaining ash fell to the ground.  Spike didn’t flinch when the flames touched his fingers. He was a dragon after all and Sunset wouldn’t hurt him…much. Spike let out a deep sigh. “I guess that’s a no….pyromaniac.” Sunset then shot a ball of blue fire at his head. The flames just flickered over his scales, not harming him in the slightest.Spike threw back his head and let loose a loud, hearty laugh.  “SHUT UP!” Sunset yelled, stomping a hoof in frustration. __________________________________________________________________________________ Ponyville Ponyville was a simple town about a day’s journey from the Holy City {Canterlot}. It was small and rural-backwards compared to many of the larger settlements that were strewn around the country. The citizens didn’t care about that though. They liked how things were and preferred to keep it that way. Which wasn’t surprising as Ponyville was established by Earth Ponies. They were a very stubborn race at heart. The small town was known for many things: the home of Sweet Apple Acres, Zap Apples, etc. It was peaceful and always upbeat. But one of the things that kept many visitors away was its located right next to the Everfree Forest. The Everfree followed none of the known pony laws: the weather managed itself, the animals took care of their own needs, and all sorts of deadly creatures and plants roamed the dreaded woods. That sounds rather crazy, doesn’t it? Now, most ponies wouldn’t ever consider setting up next to such a death trap. But the first settlers were Earth Ponies. Their race was the hardiest of the pony races. They never backed down when the land itself turned against them. So they stayed, and over a hundred years later, the town, still stood strong as ever. Though the occasional monster will still find its way out of its domain. On this particular day, Ponyville was safe and calm. A regular day in the lives of the faithful citizens. The ponies bustled about in the markets, gathering supplies and such, while the sun shone in the sky and birds chirped happily. It was the perfect time for a musical number… What? You didn’t know? It is a scientific fact, proven by several leading pony scientists, that ponies, as a species, have the innate urge to burst into song. Scientists have argued back and forth as to why it is so. Sometimes in song no less. Some claim it was a way to strengthen the bonds of the ancient herds. Others say it was to attract mates.  Some even pointed to the funny bone as a means to explain it. To this day, no conclusive answer has been found…And the ponies of Equestria couldn’t give a flying feather about it. Sitting at a table on the outside of a café were two Earth ponies: a mare and stallion. The mare was pink with a light green mane with a cutie mark of three daisies. Her name was, in fact, Daisy. The stallion sitting opposite her had a yellow coat with a light blue mane. His cutie mark was two bunches of green grapes. The stallion’s name was Sir Colten Vines III. The two were lost in each other’s eyes with the outside world all but forgotten. ”Ponyville is dreamy.” The waiter, a tan stallion with a dark blue mane and small moustache, smiled at the couple as he went about his business. He had a small moustache and his cutie mark was a silver platter on a pedestal. His name was Horte Cuisine. ”Ponyville’s unique." On another table at the café sat two elegantly dressed unicorns. One was a striking white mare with a stylized purple mane framed her face well. Her cutie mark, which was obscured by a light blue dress with a few sapphires lining the collar, was three diamonds. Her name was Rarity. The smaller filly sitting beside her was also white, but had a two tone mane; pink one side, purple the other. She was currently wearing a simple white dress with a large purple bow in her mane. Her grumpy face portrayed how happy she was in the outfit. "Ponyville’s got style that’s neat and chic.” The townsfolk started up. "Oh nothing could dampen our joyful mood today. Except for the important pony coming here this way. HEY!” A fearful tone hit the ponies. "Have you heard About Princess Sunset Shimmer? Have you heard About her horrible temper?” Roseluck, a pretty cream colored mare with a red and pink mane with a cutie mark of a single rose. She sat behind her little rose stand, talking with one of her customers. “Although perfection we do so strive, We may not make it out alive." The rest of the townsfolk chipped in. “With Princess Sunset Shimmer!” A pair of passing musketeers glared at the populace, causing them to shrink away. Roseluck looked to her customer, fear etched on her face. “But please do not repeat.” The townsfolk started singing once more. “She’s unpleasant, Despicable, Blood thirsty. Somepony avoided at all cost, Or it’s your loss. If she’s angry, We’ll all be history." Granny Smith, Ponyville’s oldest member, was currently talking with the carrot’s salespony, Carrot Top. “They say that dear sweet Celestia Can tame that mare’s spite." The townsfolk picked up where she left off. “Let’s hope that she comes to aid us soon.” As usual, the ponies of Ponyville devolved back into small talk. Rumors started to fly about the oncoming royals. Filthy Rich, the richest stallion in town, had stopped by a couple of the officials of Ponyville. "They say that her brother’s a dragon, I swear." Berry Punch, the owner of the local tavern and the town drunk, piped up. “They say that she’s got the temperament, Of a bear." Lily, a long time friend of Daisy and Roseluck, was shaking in fright next to Colgate, the local dentist. That dragon’s going to kill us,“ Just set us all aflame.” Colgate shook her head. "That’s nothing on that sis of his, She’s a real nasty dame." Not that far away, an Earth pony mare was standing on her back legs while she leaned back against the side of a building. Her forelegs held a newspaper showcasing the missing ponies in Manehattan. The mare folded the newspaper and smirked, her blue eyes shining with mischief. She was a light brown mare with a blond mane. Her cutie mark was an apple cobbler, which fit her name Apple Cobbler perfectly. Weird how pony names do that occasionally. She rolled up the newspaper and looked at the sleeping stallion beside her. He was Caramel, the clumsiest stallion in town and also her brother. She bonked him on the head with her makeshift club. “Hey,” Caramel grumbled. “Ah was nappin’.” “Ah know ya were,” Apple Cobbler gave him a glare. “That’s why ah hit ya. This ain’t the time for nappin’, bro.” “Why?” ”The Princess, She’s comin’ Ta Ponyville. It’s Princess Sunset Shimmer that’ll be your bride." Caramel blushed at the idea. "You and ah bro Will do this. Have no fear. We’ll get that Rarity gal to dress ya up an’ teach ya what ta say," Apple Cobbler held out the paper, which had a picture of Sunset Shimmer on it. Caramel took it hesitantly. He gaze at the picture with a mixture of fear and interest.  ”Ask her out to the café. Imagine the riches when her heart ya do sway, Who else could spend ‘em well but you an’ me. We’ll be rich." Caramel, caught up in the moment, smiled brightly. “We’ll be rich.” “We’ll be out.” “We’ll be out." The two chimed together, heading over to the carousel. “And Equestria will have somethin’ ta talk about.” The townsfolk started one last time. “Have you heard About Princess Sunset Shimmer? Have you heard About her horrible temper?” Gossip flew through the air. Tellings of evil dragon and enchantresses were rampant. “HEY!” Some of the villagers mimed setting something on fire. “HEY!” Others mimed a dragon rampaging about. “HEY! Have you heard About Princess Sunset Shimmer? Have you heard? Ponies, what do you suppose?" The town all agreed. “Some horrible fantasy.” Apple Cobbler put a foreleg around her brother and gave a sweeping motion. "The biggest weddin’ in history!” "Princess Sunset Shimmer! Happy or mad?” Roseluck shrugged. “Who knows.” _________________________________________________________________________________ Mayor Mare looked at her pocket watch as she and her daughter waited at the now deserted train station. “Well, I’m glad they got that over with. The Princess is almost due to arrive.” “I thought it had a nice tune,” Lady Justice piped in. “I’m sure we can try and come up with some happier lyrics in the future. Might make for an interesting tidbit for the tourists.” Mayor Mare nodded, continuing to look at the watch. ‘The others are cutting it close. I hope they know what’ll happen if we screw this up.’ “Mom.” Lady Justice sent her mother a concerned gaze. She nudged the older mare’s shoulder. “Try to loosen up a bit. Worrying isn’t doing you any good.” “Worrying is exactly why I’m still mayor of this town.” Mayor Mare looked away from her watch for the first time in an hour. “I want this to be perfect. Princess Sunset Shimmer isn’t a mare I’d like to tick off.” “And it will. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?” “INCOMING!” a voice called out, causing both mare’s to instinctively duck. A large grey blur sped right on past and smacked into a trashcan, which spilled its contents all over the ground. “Oops, my bad,” the grey blur, turning out to be a blond maned Pegasus mare, spoke up. “Ugh.” Mayor Mare face-hooved. “Just who I need,” she said with heavy sarcasm. Ditzy Doo was honestly the last pony she wanted anywhere near the Princess….with the exception of Caramel, who somehow found a way to be even clumsier. “Are you alright, Miss Doo?” Lady Justice asked. “Yeah.” Ditzy Doo nodded, looking at the duo with her derped eyes. She was currently wearing the overall blue uniform of the postal ponies with a bag of letters at her side. Her cutie mark, hidden under her clothes, was some bubbles.  ‘Why, I’ll never understand.’ Mayor Mare thought to herself. Cutie marks were something of an enigma. Ditzy looked at the mess. “I’ll clean this up right quick.” She pushed the can back up and started picking up the loose litter. “Yes, do that.” Mayor Mare rubbed her head, trying to get rid of the small migraine that was working itself up. “Let me help.” Lady Justice walked over to the mess and grabbed a small pile of cans. “Thanks.” Ditzy sent her a smile. “No problem.” “Yes, no problem,” Mayor Mare mimed. She hoped that the klutzy mare would leave soon. Not that she hated her….okay maybe a little, but that was only because of the amount of damage she had wrought. Cleaning up after her was a nightmare. As she finished putting the last bits of garbage away, Ditzy spoke up. “I am so sorry about this. I was trying to be careful, but Lightning Dust…” “Was practicing again?” Lady Justice finished the thought. Ditzy nodded. “Oh great.” Mayor Mare’s migraine seemed to be getting worse. Lightning Dust was the head of the town’s weather ponies. As such, she had quite a bit of power in town and could get away with a lot of things without any repercussions. Thankfully, she didn’t abuse this power…except for personal training of course. ‘Blast that mare. I told her to knock it off with her insane antics.’ “Mom,” Lady Justice said, “don’t worry. I’ll try and talk some sense into her.” ‘Key word is ‘try’.’ Mayor Mare remarked inwardly. “Where is Inquisitor Time Turner and that apprentice of his? They should have been here thirty minutes ago.” “Right here,” a stallion called out. Mayor Mare turned her head to look at the two ponies approaching. Both of them were wearing ornate, golden clothes with broad hats. The stallion, Time Turner, was trotting erect and with determination, his brown fur was trimmed and proper. He was the local Inquisitor, not to mention a leading member of the local Time Charger populations. The mare hopping beside him with glee was the exact opposite. She was his anxious apprentice, Lyra Heartstrings. The green mare had an abundant supply of joy, something she loved to share to everypony’s annoyance.  “You’re late.” Mayor Mare glared at him. “A Time Charger is never late, Mayor Mare.” Time Turner smirked. “Nor are they early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.” “Yeah,” Lyra stopped bouncing and nodded enthusiastically. “What he said.” Mayor Mare sighed. An argument would get her nowhere. “Just try and work with me here, Time Turner. I want this day to go swimmingly.” Time Turner nodded. “And it will, Celestia willing.” “Time Turner?” Ditzy spoke up. Time Turner, who hadn’t noticed the gray pegasus yet, yelped in surprise. “Ditzy?” Ditzy flew over Mayor Mare and hovered in front of the stallion. “It’s so good to see you again. I wanted to apologize for the package mix up a couple days ago.” Time Turner had a slight blush present on his cheeks. “Th-there’s no need to apologize. No harm done.” “Oh, there was harm done all right.” Lyra pitched in. “My lord was furious. He had been looking forward to having that new radio for such a long time. You should have heard what he…” The rest of his words were muffled by Time Turner’s hoof to her mouth. He laughed nervously. “What she means to say is that I have no ill towards you. We all make mistakes.” Ditzy smiled brightly. “Okay then.” She started to fly away. “See you later.” “Yeah,” Time Turner stared on after her, with a dreamy expression. “See you later.” Mayor Mare rolled her eyes and then cleared her throat, getting back his attention. “Now, you know where to take the Princess?” “Yes,” Time Turner tapped his noggin. “I memorized everything. And don't worry. A Time Charger never forgets.” "It thought that was elephants." Lyra said. "Well, they weren't always so clever." Time Turner stomped his hoof in agitation. “Anyways.” Mayor Mare gave them a small glare, shutting them up. The train’s whistle blew as it came into the station. “Then let us make her feel welcome. Our jobs are on the line.” Everypony else gulped, afraid of what was about to come off the train. > Part 4: Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 4: Ponyville That quiet moment before the storm is always the most agonizing. The whole world seems to slow down to a snail’s crawl. Mayor Mare was vaguely aware of everything around her as though she was savoring her last moments alive. ‘Which I probably am.’ She could feel every single drop of sweat that flowed down her coat. The quiet, reserved breaths she and her associates took. {Although she noted Lyra’s breathing was much more frantic.} The gentle breeze swept over her, cooling her down a smidge. ‘I thought I told the pegasi to stop all breezes today. Leave it to Lightning Dust to mess that up.’ The train seemed to take forever to stop and the horn blared into her ears. She winced slightly at the sound, not quite used to it. After it came to a complete stop…nothing seemed to happen. Just silence that was killing her. ‘Just come out already' she hollered mentally. She wanted this over as soon as possible. She wanted her nice, comfy bed and peace after all this madness. Finally, the door on the side of the train opened. The four ponies waited anxiously until the royal passengers stepped out. The first passenger could not be mistaken for anypony else: Princess Sunset Shimmer.   All unicorns carry a layer of aura around them. The strength of the aura wavers from unicorn to unicorn depending on their strength, health, and magical prowess. A ponies aura, if strong enough, can be overbearing and manipulative, even causing others pain. As such, unicorns had developed a way to hide their aura. It was useful for stealth missions, fooling opponents into thinking you’re weaker than you really are, and modesty. The fair Princess did no such thing. Mayor Mare had to take a step back from the massive aura that came off of Sunset Shimmer. If she did not know better, she might have mistaken this yellow mare for Celestia in disguise. A part of her even believed the rumor that Shimmer was the blood daughter of their goddess. Of course, it was just a silly rumor that Celestia proved incorrect, but still it was an easy mistake. Sunset certainly had many of Celestia’s attributes. Her aura seemed to shine like the sun itself and radiated such great power, enough to shred the whole station to pieces with a mere thought and nary any effort. Mayor Mare would be lying if she didn’t say that this was the scariest moment of her life, standing before the young princess. Princess Sunset Shimmer smirked upon seeing their reactions. Mayor Mare knew right then and there that her new guest was going to make the next twenty-four hours a living Tartarus. ‘Why couldn’t it have been a pompous noble? I could deal with that, but this? Did I do something horrible in a previous life that branded me with this travesty to come?’ “Sunset,” a male voiced called out from inside. “Conceal your aura.” Out from the train stepped none other the Prince Spike. Honestly, Mayor Mare was surprised with his appearance. A part of her expected that he’d look like a blood-thirsty beast straight from her worst nightmares. Of course, that may be just Equestria’s stance on dragons affecting her. It wasn’t as if she had heard terrible stories about the Prince. On the contrary, she had heard nothing but nice things about him. ‘Equestria’s greatest bachelor indeed.’ She thought as she eyed the drake up and down. He was actually very handsome, with his scaly features and exquisite suit. Why, if fate had been different, she would have jumped him the moment he stepped off the train. Mayor Mare spared a glance over to her daughter, who was staring at Spike with much interest. She let loose a little smile. ‘I remember that look. Her father was indeed a handsome stallion back then. He still is.’ Still, even with the good rep the drake had, Ponyville was only a small town. Rumors spread like wildfire, and nopony really knew much if anything about the Prince from way out here. She was thankful Prince Spike was wearing gloves over his claws. She was sure she’d be a little jumpy if she had seen them on display. ‘Hopefully his teeth won’t do the trick.’ Spike stopped beside his sister and glared at her. “You know mother disapproves of you showing off like that.” Sunset snorted. Her aura receded, allowing the four to take some comfort. “Pfft, I can show off my magic if I want to. It’s mine to do as I wish. Besides, I just wanted to make a good first impression.” Spike raised a clawed hand and mimed her mouth. “I just wanted to make a good first impression.” The Prince said, in a rather mocking feminine voice. Sunset glared daggers at him. Mayor Mare was taken aback by this behavior. ‘Surely our God Princess would have raised them better than this.’ Spike stepped a little further. “Sorry about that. My sister is a flasher.” A blush seemed to appear on both Sunset and Lyra’s faces. Mayore Mare was puzzled for a second, before she remembered the term ‘Flasher’ was some kind of bad word between unicorns. “You…You idiot!” Sunset stomped a hoof in rage. “I was just…” “Showing off,” Spike cut her off, giving her a demeaning gaze. Sunset looked away from him. “Do I have to give you another pep talk about this, or should I pass on the torch to mother?” “Okay, fine,” Sunset conceded. “I’ll stop showing off while we’re here. Happy?” Spike gave her a small smile, which turned into an apologetic one when he faced the others. “Now that that’s out of the way, I think we can proceed with our goal. Don’t you think, dear sister?” “Yeah, yeah,” Sunset grumbled. ‘Well, this is certainly not what I was expecting,’ Mayor Mare admitted to herself. ‘Still, the Prince seems to be able to keep his sister in line. That’ll come in hoofy.’ The mayor cleared her throat. “It fills my heart with pride to be able to welcome the children of the sun goddess to our quaint town. I’m sure you’ll love your stay here in fair Ponyville.” “I’m sure we will,” Prince Spike bowed his head. “I highly doubt it.” Sunset muttered. “As you are new to Ponyville-” Mayor Mare gestured to the Inquisitors “-I believe you will be needing guides to help you find your way. We wouldn’t want you getting lost, now would we?” “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Sunset stated, looking keenly at her raised hoof. “I can find my own way around town.” The four Ponyvillians looked at her in confusion. “Excuse me, My Princess,” Time Turner spoke up. “But shouldn’t we be the ones to escort you? I mean no offense, but if something were to happen…” “If you are at all competent in performing your duties, Ponyville should be safe enough,” Sunset shot at him, sending him a disdainful gaze. “Unless you’re telling me otherwise, to which I would have to take away your title and banish you from my kingdom.” “Mom’s kingdom,” Spike pointed out. “Whatever.” Princess Sunset shot him a glare. Mayor Mare noticed that she tended to do that a lot. “Anyways, we don’t any guides, do we, brother?” Prince Spike gave out a sad sigh and nodded. “Indeed we don’t.” From his from pocket, he pulled out what appeared to be a round, flat crystal. "An info disk?" Time Turner looked at it curiously. "I haven't seen one of these in a long time." He tapped his chin. "Or near future." He shook his head. "Gah, it's best not to think about it." "An info disk?" Lady Justice asked, eyeing the strange device. "What's that?” Lady Justice looked up from the device to peer at the Inquisitor. "Basically a piece of magic turned solid," Time Turner explained. "It's hollow on it's own, but it allows the user to put any bit of information inside, whether photos, music, etc. Brilliant really. Simple brilliant." He turned to look at the royals. "So I take it that you won't be needing us." Sunset smirked. "Very observant of you, Inquisitor Time Turner." Sunset used her magic to take the info disk and place it in front of herself. With another flick of her horn, the info disk lit up. Instantly, a three dimensional hologram of Time Turner appeared. A similar glow to the disk appeared in Sunset's eyes and she could feel the information stream into her brain. "Or should I call you 'The Doctor?" Time Turner frowned. "Inquisitor Time Turner is fine." Sunset shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." She turned off the info disk and handed it back to her brother. "So you see, we have everything we need already. A guide would only slow us down." Time Turner bowed his head. “As you wish, Your Highnesses. But the Inquisition will still be monitoring your route in case of problems.” “I would expect nothing less from the Inquisition.” Sunset walked passed them without sparing a single glance. Prince Spike sighed and walked after her. “I apologize for her behavior. She’s a stubborn pony, but she’ll lighten up when the festivities start.” ‘I hope so.’ Mayor Mare thought to herself. “Well,” Lady Justice spoke up, when the two royals were far enough away. “Princess Sunset’s a jerk.” “The biggest jerk I’ve ever seen,” Lyra added. “Lyra.” Time Turner glared at her. “Speaking ill of the Princess is heresy.” “You didn’t say anything when the townsfolk sang about her,” Lyra pointed out. “That’s different,” Time Turner grumbled. “No one can stop a musical number. No one.” _________________________________________________________________________ “Sunset, what was with you back there?” The fair princess snorted in agitation. She knew where he was going with this. “Listen little bro, I don’t need anypony getting in my way. I want them to give me space so I can get back to saving the world. Besides, I wasn’t showing off my full power, just a smidgen. I didn’t want to mess them up.” “But that doesn’t mean you have to push ponies away.” Spike gave her a look of pity. She didn’t need pity. She was the bucking Princess of Equestria, for her mother’s sake. “If you keep this up, you’ll die alone.” “Are you implying that you’d leave me?” Sunset growled. Anger built its way up and was ready to burst forth. “That mom would leave me?” Spike’s eyes widened. “No, we would never…” “THEN I”LL NEVER DIE ALONE!” She roared. She didn’t care about the looks she was getting, or the fact some of the ponies were running and hiding. Instead, she focused on her little brother. She placed her snout against his. “You got that?” He nodded. “Good.” The princess tore her gaze away from him and started off. “Let’s get this over with.” She heard her brother sigh. He did that a lot. She didn’t know why. ‘Probably because I don’t see his viewpoint.’  Her ears drooped as she noticed the defeated look on his face. She hated yelling at him. “I’m sorry,” Sunset nuzzled his side. Spike snorted and nuzzled her back. “Don’t be. I’ve learned to live with your outbursts.” “I don’t have outbursts.” Spike chuckled, earning her ire. “Sure you don’t.” A moment of silnce past between them. “So, who shall we see first?” “Pick one,” Sunset waved a hoof nonchalantly. Spike took out the info disk and ran his claw over it. No sooner than it turned on, a light green pegasi sped right over them. The speed at which she was going nearly knocked Spike and Sunset over with the wind current it made. The disk let out a small ‘bleep’. “I believe that would be our first contact.” Sunset said. Sunset grumbled as she used her magic to fix up her messed up mane. “Name and occupation?” “I believe that would be...” Spike read off the disk. “Lightning Dust, head of Ponyville’s weather team.” Sunset spared a glance up to the clear, sunny sky. “At least she knows how to hit clouds.” The two walked on after the weather pony. Luckily for them, they didn’t need to go far. Lightning Dust, a light green Pegasus mare, sat atop a small cloud. Her cutie mark was a white lightning bolt with three yellow stars beneath. “What’s my time, Cloudchaser?” she asked, peering down at the mare below her. Said Cloudchaser, a purple pegasus mare with a crazy light blue and white mane, looked down at a stopwatch she was holding in her hoof. “Ten point one seconds.” “WHAT?!!” Lightning Dust screeched. “That can’t be right.” She reached down and ripped the stopwatch from the other’s grasp. “Hey,” Cloudchaser said in surprise. Lightning Dust ignored her and focused on the watch. She then crossed her front hooves and grit her teeth. “This is horse-manure. I’ve done this five times today and still the same. I've flown way faster than this. Why do I suck today of all days?” “Maybe you’re tired,” Cloudchaser offered. “We’ve all been working awfully hard for the Summer Sun Celebration coming up.” “But I should at least be able to clear the skies in ten second flat, Cloudchaser,” Lightning Dust grumbled. "Princess Celestia is coming and I need to show her how awesome I really am." “Excuse me,” Sunset cut into the conversation. The two pegasi turned their heads to look at her. “I take it you’re Lightning Dust.” Lightning let a cocky smile spread across her face. “The one and only.” She fluttered onto the ground in front of them. “So who are…” She noticed Spike and her eyes nearly bulged out of her sockets. “Whoa! Who’s the cool looking dude?” “Spike,” he answered with his trademark grin. “Prince Spike.” “And that would make you Princess Sunset Shimmer,” Lightning stated. Sunset nodded, thankful she had some hint of intelligence. “Well, it’s cool to finally meet some royalty.” She peered over at Cloudchaser. “Yo Chaser, why don’t you come over and say hi.” Cloudchaser did so, but unlike Dust, she looked rather sheepish about it. “Uh, hi.” “Hi,” Sunset said back, without any enthusiasm. “So Lightning Dust, I see that you’ve been slacking off.” Lightning Dust’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Slacking off? My team cleared the skies the first thing this morning.” “Yet I see a cloud here before me,” Sunset pointed to Dust’s previous sitting spot. “I was just using it to relax,” Lightning stated. “It’s not going to hurt anypony if I keep one cloud.” “Get rid of it,” Sunset told her. “This celebration needs to be perfect, do you understand?” Spike laid a hand on her shoulder. “Sunset, I think you should lay off her. A cloud isn’t going to kill anypony and mother wouldn’t care in the slightest about it. So you shouldn’t either.” Sunset shot him a glare. “Be that as it may, fine job.” Spike’s grip tightened a bit. “And I’m sorry for being grouchy.” Lightning Dust just chuckled. “No harm done. Everypony’s on edge with the coming celebration so I understand. You’re not the first to get on my case today.” She elbowed Cloudchaser’s side. “Lil’ Chaser here got on my case when I caught her in a tornado.” Cloudchaser frowned. “That wasn’t funny, Dust. I nearly threw up my breakfast.” Lightning Dust laughed. “But you should have seen yourself. You were-" Lightning pulled a wheezy face. Cloudchaser blushed in embarrassment, causing Lightning to laugh again. "So anyways, I hear you’re an awesome unicorn.” “That I am,” Sunset beamed with pride. ‘Looks like someone acknowledges my power.’ “Well, I’m an awesome Pegasus,” Lightning put a hoof to her chest. “So what’d you say? Wanna hang out later?” Sunset pulled a face of surprise. “Hang out?” “Yeah.” Lightning nodded. “I mean, we’d probably be the most awesome pair of mares in all of Equestria.” “Errrr, no,” Sunset shook her head rapidly. “I have more important things to attend to today. Sorry.” ‘Not sorry.’ “No biggy.” Lightning Dust shrugged. Both she and Cloudchaser started to lift themselves up. “We can always hang out after the celebration.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” Sunset started off. “Well, well, well,” Spike started a few second later. “Looks like someone just made a friend.” “Spike,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “She is not my friend and if mother is merciful, I will never see that mare again.” “Hey, let’s not be hostile. She just wanted to hang out.” “I do not ‘hang out’. I study and have little moments with you and mom. That’s enough in my books.” “Could you stop it with the books,” Spike groaned. “You spend more time with them then anything. A part of me thinks you’re having an affair.” “Did I ever tell you that you’re humor stinks?” “Yes.” “Then I’ll tell you again. You suck at comedy.” Spike just rolled his eyes and ran his finger over the disk again. The information flashed before him. “Next up is the confectionary artist setting up the buffet: Pizzelle.” “What kind of name is Pizzelle?” _____________________________________________________________________________________ Pizzelle lived like pretty much everypony else in town. A small, two-story sized house. Sunset wondered for a moment if pony engineers liked stacking similar houses together. ‘And I thought Canterlot’s houses could be bland.’ Spike knocked on the door. “Is anypony home?” No sooner than he asked, the door swung open. “Of course, sweetie,” answered the mare. She was a white Pegasus with a dirty blond mane that was tied in a bun. Her cutie mark was three cookies with one bitten into. Her light green eyes went wide in shock when she saw the dragon before her. “Well…” “Do not fear, madam,” Spike raised a clawed hand to stop her. “I mean you no harm.” The mare giggled. “Of course you don’t. You’re Prince Spike. Oh I’ve heard so much about you. Is it true your dragonfire can transport messages?” Spike nodded. “Then that means Ditzy owes me three bits.” “Can we get back on track,” Sunset spoke up, gaining the mare’s attention. “We’re looking for Pizzelle. Are you her?” “I wouldn’t be anypony else,” Pizzelle giggled. “But look at me, standing in the doorway. How rude am I? Very rude. Please come in.” The mare moved aside, allowing the two royals access to her home. Sunset wasn’t at all impressed by the modest dwelling. Pizzelle was a peasant after all. “We won’t be staying long. We’re just here to check if you’ve finished or not.” “Oh I’m never finished baking.” Pizzelle smirked. “I’m a lean, mean, baking machine. Why I’ve been doing it for years, ever since I was a little filly. Why, my family has been bakers for generations. Did you know we even have a few royal bakers in our bloodline? My great-great-great grandfather baked a pie so great that Princess Celestia couldn't help but stuff her face with the stuff.” The pegasus giggled. "Could you imagine that?" 'I've seen it.' Sunset knew all about her mother's sweet tooth. “Fascinating.” Sunset gave her a deadpan gaze. “But let me rephrase myself: have you made enough food for everypony?” Pizzelle nodded. “Of course I have. I’m not the type of mare to let everypony down. That’s more Caramel’s thing, but he doesn’t mean to. The poor dears a tad forgetful and that overbearing sister of his doesn’t do him any good I tell you.” “Yes,” Spike spoke up. “But let’s get back on track here. What kind of confectionaries have you prepared?” “Mostly treats such as cookies and whatnot,” Pizzelle stated. “I’ve made some more healthy choices to go along, just in case anypony wants to watch their weight. Like Berry Punch. Why, the poor dears been trying to cut down a couple sizes. I know she doesn’t say it, but I believe she’s got an eye on Mr. Breezie. Nice stallion, but a bit of loud mouth if you ask me.” ‘Does this mare know when to shut up?’ “And will everything be set up accordingly for the festivities?” She asked. “Of course they will,” Pizzelle said. “My friends Love Tap and Ditzy Doo are helping me set up the table. You won’t find a pair of more lovable mares if you tried. It's not surprising though, seeing as they’re mothers and what not. And what cute children they have. I've thought of having a child of my own, but haven't met him yet. The other girls still take me out to places and such. I even remember our trip to Los Pegasus..." The pegasus's eyes twinkled. "Say, would you mind stopping by for one of our little get togethers?” “Stopping by?” Sunset’s look of confusion caused Spike to smirk. Pizzelle nodded. “Why yes. You seem a little stressed. There’s nothing more relaxing than spending time with good friends.” ‘Friends.’ Sunset’s left eye twitched a couple times. “Sorry, but…” “OH MY GOODNESS!” Pizzelle cried out, covering her mouth. “I almost forgot. Here I am talking away and I haven’t offered you a snack or anything.” “That’s not….” “Well, we would like to sample your wares ma’am,” Spike spoke up, licking his lips. Sunset groaned. Spike wouldn’t leave this home without stuffing himself. He may have been a gentledrake, but he was a lover of food first. “Then you’re in luck.” Pizzelle gave a triumphant smile. “I’ve finished baking some fresh loaves of bread.” ________________________________________________________________________________ “Mmmm,” Spike let out a heavenly moan, while he chewed upon another loaf of bread. He was currently walking on his hind legs, something her rarely did, so he could carry an arm load of bread loafs. He swallowed. “You want some?” “No, thank you,” Sunset said. “I already had my fill.” “Suit yourself.” Spike then lobbed another loaf of bread into his mouth. “So, who’s next?” Spike hmm’d happily as he looked at the disk. “Well, well, well. It looks like I’m going to enjoy this next visit.” “Don’t tell me,” Sunset said with a roll of her eyes. “she’s cute.” “More than cute, my dear sister.” Spike’s eyes shown with mirth. “Much more.” “Could you at least tell me her name.” “Miss Rarity Belle,” Spike stated. “Owner of Carousel Boutique and resident fashion expert.” Sunset groaned. If there was one type of pony she despised just by principle, it was fashionistas. Everything about them was fake and they were so full of themselves, believing in their superiority. ‘She probably has injections and false eyelashes,'Sunset mused to herself. “Now are you going to be civil, Sunset?” “I don’t know. Are you going to keep it in your pants, Spike?” Spike didn’t answer her. Instead, he focused on eating the last of the bread rolls. Sunset chuckled. ‘Score one for me.’ It didn’t take them long to find Carousel Boutique. Honestly, she wouldn’t have needed the info disk to find it. The building itself screamed ‘boutique’, what with it’s intricate designs and colors. Not to mention the two, burly diamond dogs guarding it…. ‘Wait.’ “Spike, why are there diamond dogs here?” Sunset looked up at her little brother. “I don’t know.” Spike growled, as the two neared the building. It was no secret that diamond dogs weren’t a welcome race in Equestria. They more often than not fought and enslaved ponies during their gem hunts. Dragons and diamond dogs were even worse foes, going to far as to say it was in their genetic code to be enemies. The two diamond dogs, one stationed on each side of the door, were wearing grayish armor on their upper bodies. A large helmet seemed to cover their eyes, but that didn’t make them any less dangerous. Diamond dogs had superb hearing and smell senses. Still, they were able to see underneath their headwear. A long spear was held in their paw. The two beasts looked as if they were challenging anyone to come near them. ‘If they try something, I’ll just set them on fire,' Sunset told herself. She knew that the diamond dogs weren’t much of a threat to her or her brother, what with her magical prowess and his strength they could take them with ease. That didn’t stop her from hesitantly eyeing the diamond dogs’ fearsome paws.   Once they made it to the boutique’s doors, the dogs crossed their spears. “Stop. You’z not go furtha.” One of them spoke. ‘If you call this hogwash they spew speech.’ “Oh yes,” Sunset glared at him. “I go further. I need to see this miss Rarity. It is urgent.” “Who’z you?” one of them asked. “Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike,” Sunset answered. “We’z ‘erd nuffin about’z you’z comin’.” “You should have,” Sunset snorted in derision. “Now stand down. We need to get inside.” “Not goin’ ta ‘appen, ponie,” the diamond dogs growled. “Miss Rarity aint seein’ anybody today.” He leaned downwards so his face was in hers. Being this close to him almost made her throw-up. She had heard about the stench of diamond dogs, but they were only putting it mildly.  ‘Has he ever heard about taking a shower?....Probably not. It’s too complicated for him.’  “So scram.” The Diamond Dog nearly shouted at her. “Make me,” Sunset responded. Her horn lit up as she prepared to send the dogs flying out of town….while being set on fire. Of course, she never got a chance to because of the door opening. _______________________________________________________ A few minutes earlier, inside Carousel Boutique Rarity took a sip out of her teacup. “So you want me to help you ‘fancify’ Caramel so that he may ‘woo’ Princess Sunset Shimmer?” “Basically yeah.” Apple Cobbler nodded. The two of them were sitting opposite one another on expensive purple ‘fainting’ couches, imported from Prance you might add. Her brother, Caramel, was currently downstairs on the main floor, while the mares discussed matters upstairs. Rarity had found it odd, but then again, this was Apple Cobbler she was dealing with. “And pray tell,” Rarity said, quirkeing an eyebrow, “has he ever encountered her before? Has he shown interesting in pursuing our beloved princess?” “Errr...” Apple Cobbler rubbed the back of her neck. “Well, not until recently. Ah’ve been nudgin’ him to get out more and he sorta…fell for her…Happened spontaneously.” Rarity rolled her eyes. ‘Yes, spontaneously.’ She knew why Apple Cobbler was pushing her brother to do so. “Really, Apple Cobbler, I grow tired of your ‘get rich’ schemes.” “This is not a get rich scheme,” Apple Cobbler shot back, glaring at her. “This is about true love.” “There is nothing ‘true’ about this.” Rarity scowled. If there was one thing she cared about, it was true love…next was fashion of course. “You are pushing your brother into something far and above his status and I shall not be part of it.” Apple Cobbler growled angrily and stood up from the couch. “Status? What does status have to do with love? Ah’ve seen the way he looks at her, how he feels….” Rarity laughed. “How he feels? Dear, Cobbler, if that were true, he would have come to me personally. Not you.” She sent Apple Cobbler a harsh glare. “I know you. I know how much you lust after any sort of coinage or power you can get your grubby little hooves on. Do not take me for a fool, Apple Cobbler. I’m not exactly the type of mare you want to mess with.” Apple Cobbler gasped and put a hoof to her chest. “Why ah never. Ah do not ‘lust’ after money and power. Ah just want the best for mah family.” “Your family is content with what they have, unlike you. So please, explain to me how you are looking out for your own. And please don’t lie, Miss Cobbler, you are a horrible liar.” Rarity tapped her chin. “Seems that trait runs in the family.” Apple Cobbler’s scowl deepened and she looked away. Her hooves fiddled on the ground. ‘She’s coming up with another lie.’ Rarity decided to look outside the window for a moment. She was glad she chose the seat next to it. It gave her a sort of calming feeling to look at Ponyville. The quaint little town of hers was simply marvelous in the day time. She peered down at her two guard dogs. ‘I do so hope they haven’t….Is that the royals?’ It was. Rarity’s eyes nearly took up her whole face as they widened in shock. There, both Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike, were butting heads {literally} with her guards. “WAHAHAHA!” Rarity let out a cry of surprise and fear. “COCO!” It didn’t take long before her assistant, a sweet young mare by the name of Coco Pommel, came into the room. “Yes, miss Rarity?” Rarity turned to look at Coco. She was an off-white earth pony with two-tone blue mane and tail. She wore a white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie and a tri-shade hair clip in the back of her mane. Her cutie mark was a lavender floppy hat with a scarlet feather. Despite being an Earth pony, she was quite nimble with her hooves. She was a massive help to Rarity and she needed her help now more than ever. “Would you kindly go and get the door. Our very livelihoods are at stake.” Coco’s eyes widened and she nodded. “At once, Miss Rarity.” And with that, she raced out of the room. __________________________________________________________________ Sunset was a tad surprised to see a petite earth pony mare answer the door, instead of miss Rarity herself. ‘Probably too lazy to get off her expensive couch to do anything.’ “Can I help you?” The mare’s voice was gentle and sweet. Sunset didn’t like that. Not one bit. “Yes, where is Rarity? I need to speak with her about the celebration.” “She’s in the middle of something at the moment,” the mare told her. “But I can help you in the meantime.” “That would indeed be kind of you, miss…” Spike trailed off, hoping for her to answer. The mare gave him a sweet smile. “Coco Pommel.” “Miss Pommel.” Spike bowed. “It is an honor. Pray tell, may we enter the abode?” “Why yes, you may,” Coco looked at both guards. “Umm, could you guys please stand down. I don’t want to impose, but you’re being mean to royalty.” “’Kay,” one of the diamond dogs said as they took their original positions. “Come on in.” Coco opened the door wider for the two. “Thank you,” Spike said, as the two entered.  Sunset had to admit, she was liking Rarity’s style. ‘Pompous and full of herself, but she’s got class. I’ll give her that.’ She then spied a yellow earth pony stallion who was currently looking at her. She’d seen that look, but only in horror films. She couldn’t help but quirk her eyebrow. “Is there something wrong?” Before the stallion could think of anything, a voice rang out. “CARAMEL! GET YOUR SORRY HIDE UP HERE!” “Gottagobye,” The stallion quickly said, before speeding on upstairs. “How odd,” Sunset uttered. “I’m sorry about that,” Coco spoke up. “Miss Rarity’s client isn’t the nicest of ponies.” “She has my sympathy,” Spike said. “And if you could, tell her I know her pain.” He took a glance at Sunset. Sunset, seeing it, sent him a fierce glare. “Spike, do you want me to throw you through the wall?” Coco gasped. “Please don’t. I don’t think he meant anything bad by his remark.” “Miss Pommel,” Spike addressed her. “My sister likes to joke in such a manner. No harm shall come to me…or the wall for that matter.” “Who said I was joking?” Sunset pouted. “Anyways,” Spike said, trying to steer the conversation back on track. “Are the decorations for the celebration in place?” Coco nodded. “Yes. Everything was finished yesterday and I was able to do some last minute tweaking this morning.” “I take it your Rarity’s apprentice then.” Sunset said, to which Coco nodded enthusiastically. ‘An earth pony dress maker? Now that I got to see.’ Sunset chuckled, thinking of all the ways Coco would mess that up. Spike sent her a small glare. “It is good to hear such a fine young mare takes such an interest in the craft of fashion.” He placed a clawed hand on his chest. “I myself am an art connoisseur, so I shall not lie when I support you and your master’s decisions while working on the town.” ‘You haven’t even seen the decorations.’ Sunset wanted to point out, but it was useless. Coco was already turning her head away in an attempt to hide her blush. ‘Darn it Spike. I told you to keep it in your pants.’ “Yes, thank you for that.” Sunset said, starting for the door. “Umm...” Coco looked confused. “Don’t you want to see the decorations?” “I don’t need to,” Sunset put in. “They are finished with. Tonight is the celebration so there is no real time to change them.” While that was kind of true, it could still be done if she worked them overtime. But Sunset had a world to save and ribbons and bows weren’t worth giving a passing glance today. “I can look at them tonight.” “And then you’ll tell miss Rarity your opinion?” Coco asked. “No,” Sunset was not going to compliment some backwater fashionista. “I’ll be too busy.” “Oh,” Coco’s face fell, before she perked up. “Then how about you tell me tomorrow over a spot of tea? Miss Rarity will be busy then, but I can relay your thoughts. If that’s okay with you.” She shied away a little. Sunset grit her teeth. “I’ll think on it.” ‘Not.’ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Near Ponyville’s hospital “What is with these ponies and being so…” “Friendly?” Spike offered. He was back to walking on his four legs. It hadn’t taken him that long to finish the loaves of bread. “Yeah,” Sunset grumbled. “I don’t have the time to…” “Make some friends?” Spike finished her thought. “Mom’s personal order.” “Yeah.” Sunset nodded. “That.” Spike sighed. “It’s a small town, Sunset. The ponies here all know each other and have a strong bond because of it. They just want you to feel welcome and happy. That’s what friends do.” “If having friends mean I have to spend any more time with these losers,” Sunset said, “Then I am one hundred percent sure I can live without it. And stop sighing. It’s annoying.” “I can’t help it.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re a pain in the neck to deal with.” “I’m going to ignore that remark.” Sunset knocked the door this time. “Open the door, or I’ll burn it down.” “Sunset.” Spike glared at her. “This is a hospital.” “I can pay back the damages,” Sunset scoffed. “I’m not a princess for nothing, you know.” Spike gave her a look a complete and utter agitation. Of course, before the conversation could continue, the door opened to reveal a white earth pony mare with light pink hair that was done in a bun with a nurse cap on top.  ‘She kind of looks like Pizzelle…Eh, a lot of ponies look similar.’ Sunset noted to herself. “Can I help you?” The nurse asked. “You would be Nurse Redheart,” Spike said. “Correct?” “I am.” Nurse Redheart smiled and bowed. “How may I help you, Your Majesties?” Sunset smiled at the display. “We need to talk about your services in the upcoming festival.” “Oh.” Redheart looked a tad bit surprised. “Please come in.” The two royals, like the other times, headed inside. “Can I get you anything?” “No.” Sunset shot her brother a look as if to say ‘you already stuffed your face’. “We’re good.” “Good,” Redheart said. “I wouldn’t want our royals to starve themselves. That simply isn’t healthy.” “That goes without saying.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Sorry,” Redheart said. “I’ve traveled around Equestria and beyond and quite a few celebrities have shown clear signs of starvation. I could see their ribcage.” She shook her head. “Dreadful. Simply dreadful.” “I know,” Spike piped in. “They think that it makes them attractive, but it doesn’t. I prefer a mare with a supple, voluptuous form. Like yours, Miss Redheart.” Nurse Redheart blushed. “I am in no way voluptuous or supple.” “You could have fooled me,” Spike chuckled, causing her to blush more. Sunset roughly elbowed him and whispered into his ear. “Cut the flirting.” “Alright, alright,” Spike conceded. “Now, Miss Redheart…” “You can call me Nurse Redheart,” she said. “Or just Redheart. Whichever you prefer.” “Redheart,” Spike started. “You are in charge of the local health and security forces correct?” “I am in charge of the hospital and it’s staff,” Redheart nodded. “But I only work in conjunction with the honored guardsponies of our Holy Majesty.” “Do not be modest, my dear nurse.” Spike sent her a charming smiled. “You are a leading member of the Order Hospitaller. That is a great honor.” “Yes it is.” “If it’s so great,” Sunset started, “then why aren’t you off at the border where the fighting goes on, instead of hiding in this backwater town.” Nurse Redheart sent her a glare. “Because this ‘backwater town’ is on the edge of the Everfree Forest. I wouldn’t for the life of me abandon loyal Equestrians when they are so close to danger.” Sunset eyed her for a moment. She had to concede to her point and was actually impressed with her decision. That was saying something. ‘The mare’s got guts. I like that.’ She offered a bowed head. “Forgive me for speaking out of line.” Spike looked a tad surprised at her apology, but she didn’t think much of it. Redheart was a medic and to be truthful, she had seen many during her younger years. A few lollipops and treats along the way and she learned to like nurses….Still didn’t mean she couldn’t be herself and push her weight around. Nurse Redheart let out a relieved smile. “Apology accepted. Now, shall we make this quick? I have some important research to get back to.” “Research?” The two royals said together. Nurse Redheart beamed with pride. “I’m trying to rework the genetic code of the Holu to make it more durable.” “The what?” Sunset asked. “The Holu is an extremely rare plant,” Nurse Redheart explained. “It was only discovered a decade ago and has the medical world clamoring for it.” “Why?” “Because the juice of the Holu has been proven to cure any and all pathogens,” she explained. When she saw the looks of confusion, she sighed. “Basically, it’s a cure-all for all diseases and poisons.” “What?” They said. “Yes!” Nurse Redheart was practically giddy. “Isn’t it wonderful? The Holu extract actually purifies the receiver’s body, fixing and curing any and all damages incurred by foreign elements.” “That is incredible,” Spike said in awe. “But, why haven’t we heard of this before?” Nurse Redheart gave out a tired, sad sigh. “Because the Holu is so rare and we can only extract so much juice from it, unless we want to kill the plant. And since it takes decades for it to mature enough for the juice to be potent- and we have age spells to check that- we can’t take that risk. We’ve tried planting more, but it will only grow in its natural habitat. I myself only have one vial of the substance. “But-” she beamed with pride “-I’m working on that. You see, I am a master of genetics. I even created a whole new strain of dogs during my college years.” “Wonderful.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “More mutts.” ‘I hate dogs.’ Nurse Redheart ignored her. “I’ve been trying to combine the genes of the Holu with some more versatile plants, such as weeds or grasses. So far, no results, but science has proven time and time again that you just need to keep trying. I could show you after the celebration is over. Perhaps we could hang out and talk over tea. I’ll try and not bore you with my ‘nerdage’.” She giggled. Sunset groaned. ‘More friendship? Gag me with a spoon.’ Sunset was tired with these offers….as well as with Nurse Redheart’s science talk. ‘She talks more than Pizzelle…that’s not a good thing.’“Just say if you’re ready for the celebration or not.” “I’m ready.” “Good.” Sunset started for the door, hoping to get out of being roped into another science talk. “Come on, bro. We have one more pony to meet.”   Spike bowed his head as he left. “It was an honor to meet you, Nurse Redheart.” Redheart bowed her head in turn. “And it was an honor to meet you, Prince Spike.” ________________________________________________________________________________ Sweet Apple Acres “Why did the musician have to live on a farm?” Sunset complained. She had been impressed by the famed Apples farm. It was certainly big, but that was also a problem. “WHY? Don’t they know what the filth does to my coat? I spent two hours prepping my image this morning.” Spike rolled his eyes at his sister’s antics. “Sunset, a little dirt isn’t going to kill….as well as some friendship.” “Shut up about the friendship thing.” Sunset Shimmer shot him an annoyed expression. “You’ve been on my case all day.” “And I’ll stay on your case until you make a friend.” “Which is never going to happen.” Spike sighed and the two continued on in silence, until they nearly were run over by two fillies. Luckily Spike took the hit and was sent to the ground. “Ah’m so'ry, mister,” a small yellow earth pony filly said. She had a red mane and wore a big red bow. Sunset had to admit, she was pretty cute. “We didn’t mean t'run ya on over.” “Yeah,” the other earth pony filly said. She was pink with darker pink and white striped mane. “We were just hiding.” “Oh I don’t think he minds being run over by cute little fillies like you.” Sunset shot him a sly grin, to which he glared back. He got up and dusted himself off. “And who are you two?” “Ah’m Apple Bloom,” the yellow filly stated. She pointed at the other filly. “An' this here is mah best friend, Diamond Tiara; the richest filly in Ponyville.” “Oh stop it,” Diamond Tiara chuckled. “They don’t need to know that.” She turned to the royals. “And who are you two?” “Princess Sunset Shimmer and Prince Spike,” Sunset stated. “PRINCESS?!!” Diamond Tiara yelled and quickly bowed. “I’m so sorry for being disrespectful. Please don’t banish us for assaulting your brother.” “They wouldn't banish us.” Apple Bloom looked at them with a tinge of fear. “Ya'll wouldn't, would ya?” “Of course not,” Spike spoke up. “You’re just playing. There’s nothing wrong with that.” The two fillies sighed in relief. “Close one,” they said in unison and giggled. “Apple Bloom,” a deep masculine voice called out. Sunset, despite of herself, couldn’t help but find the voice charming. “Diamond Tiara. Come out now. We still have some work t'do.” The fillies gasped and hid in a bush nearby. Sunset and Spike looked at each other questionably and shook their heads in mirth. ‘Kids will be kids.’ Just then, a large red earth pony stallion with an orange mane came out of the foliage. Sunset couldn’t believe what she saw. He was so muscular and tall. ‘I wonder what his muscles feel like.’ She knew he was a hick, that was obvious from his green apple cutie mark…Which she totally wasn’t staring at for longer than she should. The wind blew his mane to the side and Sunset could have sworn it made him even more attractive. “Sunset,” Spike spoke up with mirth in his voice. “You’re drooling.” Sunset Shimmer noticed that her mouth was indeed open and quickly close it, wiping away the excess drool. She could tell there was a blush on her cheeks from how warm they were. “I’m hungry, that’s all.” “Hungry for some apples, I see,” Spike chuckled. Sunset prepared to bombard him with her magic, when the hick talked to her. “Could ya mind explainin’ t'me why there's a dragon on my family’s property?” The stallion asked. “He’s my brother,” Sunset said, finding her voice. Her eyes were on the ground, not willing to look at the hick before her. ‘Filthy commoner.’ “Then y’all the royals ah heard were comin’ to town,” he said. She nodded. He leant out a hoof. “The name’s Macintosh. ‘Course, most folks call me Big Mac.” Sunset unwillingly took the hoof and was pleasantly shocked by what she felt. Little bolts of electricity worked their way up her body. She was glad he was being gentle with her shake. “Nice to meet you.” Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion at the display. “Nice to meet you too.” He shook Mac’s hoof next. “Yer here to see Fiddlesticks, aren’t y'all?” Big Mac said. Sunset nodded, still unwilling to look at him. ‘What the hay is wrong with me? Why is he making me so meek. Stupid hick and his…’making me feel weird ways’.’ “Then come on,” Big Mac started off. “She’s on over at the barn practicin'…Hey, did y'all happen t'see two fillies?” “Yes.” The siblings started following him. “Little Apple Bloom thought it be a great time t'play hide an’ seek,” Big Mac shook his head. “She an' her friend had t'pick now of all times t'run off like that. She knows she has some more chores to do ‘fore days out.” “We could help look for them,” Spike offered. Sunset shook her head rapidly. ‘The less I spend around that hick, the better.’ “Much obliged,” Big Mac said, causing Sunset to groan in agitation. Unintentionally, she happened to catch glimpses of his behind. She was behind him, she reasoned. It happened. “Sunset,” Spike asked. There was enough distance between them and Big Mac for them to talk without him listening. “Yes?” “Why are you as red as a tomato?” “Sh-shut up.” ___________________________________________________________________________ The three soon found themselves in front of a typical red barn. You know, the type you’d always find on a farm. ‘No surprises so far.’ Soft, muffled musical notes seemed to be escaping the barn. Big Mac chuckled. “Seems she’s still practicin’. Don’t know why. She’s the best darn fiddler this here side of Equestria.” “My mom will be the judge of that, hick,” Sunset snorted. ‘Yeah, show that hick who’s boss…That incredibly masculine hick.’ Big Mac rolled his eyes and opened the door. The scene before them was…fierce. Fiddlesticks was a light yellow earth pony mare with a blue mane and a blue treble clef cutie mark. She wore a light green shirt, with two orange sashes: one on her abdomen and one on her neck. A white cowpony hat sat upon her head. The mare was currently prancing around the barn on her hind legs. In her front legs, she was playing a country tune faster than any other musician the princess had ever seen. “YEE-HA!” Fiddlesticks cried out in joy. Sunset had to admit, she had skills. ‘Still a backwards hick.’ “Cos’, you've got visitors,” Big Mac spoke up over the musical notes. “Visitors?” Fiddlesticks stopped her playing and gave them a toothy grin. “Why didn’t ya say so?” “Ah thought ah did,” Big Mac grumbled. Fiddlesticks set her violin down next to a bale of hay and walked over to them. Quickly, and without asking, she took Sunset’s hoof in her own and gave it a mighty fast shake. “Howdy-doo an' welcome t'Sweet Apple Acres; home of the best apples in all Equestria.” She let go, but Sunset was still shaking from the hoof-shake. “The name’s Fiddlesticks. How can ah help ya’ll?” ‘What are they feeding this family?’ Sunset lamented as she still shook all over. Spike grab the tip of Sunset’s horn between his fingers, which stopped  her shaking…somehow. “We came to see if you were ready for the celebration. You see, we were went by our mother, Celestia, to oversee the preparations.” Fiddlesticks gasped. “So ya’ll the royals ah’ve heard about?” They nodded. “Well cover me in pickles an' throw me t'the rattlesnakes, it’s nice to meet ya.” ‘Cover in what and throw her to what?’ Both Spike and Sunset sent questioning stares at Big Mac. He shook his head, as if to say ‘don’t question it’. “Well…” Sunset started. “It has been…interesting to meet you.” “Interestin'?” Fiddlesticks chuckled. “Can’t say that ah is. Ah’m just a small town mare with the best darn family ya could have.” ‘Debatable.’ Sunset thought, but didn’t want to have an argument on who had the better relatives…Spoiler alert, she did. “Anyhow, I saw you playing. It was…acceptable.” Spike sighed in relief at her statement. “Well that’s a mighty nice thin' for ya to say,” Fiddlesticks smiled brightly. “That piece back there was just a li'l somethin’ to warm me up for the celebration. Don’t you worry a li'l hidely hair on yer mane, Princess. This here piece ah’m workin’ on is goin’ t'blow yer ma’s mind.” ‘Yeah, make her blow her top at how ‘country’ it is.’ Sunset grumbled inwardly. “That’s good to hear.” Sunset tapped her hoof in agitation. She was getting tired of meeting new ponies when she should be preparing for Nightmare Moon’s return. ‘Stupid assignment.’  “Well, I think that’s all we need to know.” “That’s it?” Fiddlesticks looked rather confused. “Ya don’t wanna hear one of my songs?” “I think I heard enough,” Sunset said. “Then howsabout ah play ya’ll a song o' two after the celebration,” Fiddlesticks chimed. “Ah could even learn ya t'square dance.” She chuckled. “Ah bet they don’t learn that up there in fancy shmancy Canterlot.” “No, they don’t.” ‘And for good reason.’ “Then what’ya say,” Fiddlesticks asked, getting a tad too close for Sunset’s comfort. They were almost touching snouts.   ‘Personal space. Personal space.’  “Wanna hang out? Huh, huh, huh?” Fiddlesticks asked. Sunset glared at her. “I’ll think about it.” Fiddlesticks seemed pleased with the answer and back away. Sunset quickly turned to leave. 'The sooner I get away from her, the better.' “Come on, bro. We’re done here.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ As the two royals left, Big Macintosh couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in their direction. "Was it just me, or did they come off as mighty strange?" "'Course they were strange 'cos," Fiddlesticks picked up her fiddle and prepared to play. "They're city folk." Big Macintosh decided to roll with his cousin's idea. 'City folk are mighty strange....And rude. 'Course they weren't rude or anythin' but were mighty odd. 'Specially that Princess. Why was she so red? Was she from up North or something? “Oh cos’,” Fiddlesticks called over to Big Mac, breaking him out of his thoughts. He turned his head back to her. “What?” Fiddlesticks pointed her bow over to a nearby hay bale, before she started on a slower country tune. Something you’d dance with your sweetheart to. Big Mac smirked and headed over to the bale. “Gotcha,” he stated, putting his head over the side. The two fillies squealed in surprised. “Big brother/Big Mac.” Fiddlesticks let out a loud, mirthful laugh at their expense. “Ah thought ah told ya to finish yer chores,” Big Mac started. “But we did them already.” Apple Bloom crossed her front hooves. “Yeah, mister Macintosh,” Diamond Tiara said. “We did. Honest.” “Then why is the pig-sty still a mess?” “Cha, because pigs are dirty animals of course,” Diamond Tiara answered. “No.” Big Mac shook his head. “It’s ‘cuz ya skipped out on cleanin’ out the sty for a game of hide an’ hoof it seek. ” “We weren’t hidin’,” Apple Bloom said. “Then why was ah seekin’?” Big Mac raised an eyebrow. The two fillies were silent for a moment, brooding over their defeat by the hooves of Macintosh. “Fine, We’ll clean the pigs…again.” Diamond Tiara relented. Big Mac chuckled. “Ya’ll say it like it’s a bad thin'.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Spike.” “Yeah sis?” “Press it.” The two royals were currently standing in front of a strange looking building. It was thrice the height of any of the other buildings and four times as wide. Unlike the other building in town, which were made of wood, this one was made of cold, hard steel. Sunset doubted a canon could pierce the thick looking walls. ‘A good blast of my magic could though.’ The sign on the top read ‘Aperture Science Inc.’. Sunset had heard about the company before, but that just made her feel even more uncomfortable. ‘Bunch of nutjobs if you ask me.’ There were rumors that the corporation had a high death risk for the employees. Given how many scientists she’d seen with metallic or magical artificial limbs and body parts, she was inclined to agree. Currently, standing at the door, the two were perplexed. The door had no handle. Honestly, they could barely make out the door, except for the indenture and outline. The only thing they could definitely make out was a big red button that said ‘push’. The two most certainly didn’t want to try it, since big red buttons were always bad news. “Look Spike. You’re a dragon. Whatever happens to you, you’ll pull through, no sweat.” “Oh, just because I’m a dragon means I can’t be hurt?” Sunset pouted. “Would you really like to see me in pain?” Spike just looked at her for a moment, before sighing in defeat. “Only for you.” Sunset sent him a beaming smile and nuzzled his cheek. “Thanks, little bro.” Hesitantly, and sparing Sunset a few glances here and there to get a ‘vote’ of confidence, he extended his hand out and pushed the button. The response was immediate. Spike lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. Electricity sparked about his body. Unluckily for Spike, while he was immune to fire based attacks, electric attacks were super effective. Sunset just watched in awed surprise as her brother fell to the ground, in a pained heap. “Oww…” He let out in in a pained groan. No sooner than he let out the groan, the door slid open. There, standing before them, was a light brown mare with a pale tan mane. Her cutie mark was a wrench. She looked at Spike with worry. “Are ye a'right?” “Yeah,” Spike gave out little groans of pain as he stood up. Luckily for him, the little episode didn’t damage his clothing. “I’ll live.” He brushed off the dirt from his suit. “Ah'm ever so sorry aboot that. Ah meant to fix that infernal thin' this mornin', but the celebration's 'n' my own creation have got me so busy,” Quickfix tapped the wall near the button. “The wiring must have shorted oot.” “Well, get to fixing it,” Sunset glared at her, giving her brother a concerned gaze every few seconds. Sunset could tell as of now that she wasn’t going to like this mare.‘Her stupid northern accent doesn’t help either.’ “That doorbell nearly killed my brother.” “I’m fine really,” Spike spoke up. “Again,” Quickfix said, bowing her head in shame. “Sorry about that. It won’t happen again. ” “It better not,” Sunset warned her. Quickfix gulped nervously. “How about we start over. My name’s Quickfix Aperture. If tis goosed, ah can fix it. How can ah help ye?” “We’re here to see you about the upcoming celebration,” Spike told her. “You’re in charge of setting up the automatic defense system, am I correct?” “Ye sure are.” Quickfix looked him up and down. “Ye know, yer much cuter than ah thought ye’d be.” “I get that a lot.” Spike sent her a charming smile, causing her to blush. Sunset shoved herself against him. “Talk now, flirt later.” “Later?” Spike’s eyes shone with mirth. “Never!” Both Spike and Quickfix were tad off put by this. Sunset rolled her eyes. “So, can we conclude this meeting?” “Not ‘til ah show ye some good ol’ Aperture hospitality.” Quickfix moved to the side. “C’mon in.” Sunset spared a glance around the mechanic’s house. It was nothing special, save for some blueprints and tools strew about on the tables. ‘My mom, she’s a total slob.’ “Sorry the house is a bit o’ a mess.” Quickfix used her magic to clear up some of the rubble near the few chairs in the room. “I’m currently workin’ on somethin’ very important.” “Very important?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. She and Spike took their seats on some regular, wooden chairs. They were lucky that the little things were big and strong enough to support Spike’s weight. “More important than the Summer Sun Celebration? The celebration is sacred to the ponies of Equestria. If your defense mechanisms aren’t put up…” “Put ‘em up this mornin’,” Quickfix waved a hoof as though to get rid of the question. “Didn’t want anythin’ distractin’ me from my creation. Besides, magical turrets, or MTs, aren’t hard to put up. Ah even put up a few in my own home without any fuss.” With a flick of her magic, two holes, one on each side of the door, opened up and revealed two domes. The domes quickly ejected a gun barrel and pointed it at the duo. All that in less than a second. Spike and Sunset jerked back, but were too stunned by the sudden appearance of the weapons to move another muscle. “Yeah,” Sunset’s eyes never left the turrets. “We see.” Quickfix flashed her magic again and the turrets disappeared back into the wall. “So,” Spike spoke up. The two of them shook out of their stupor.  “What was so important that you forgot to fix your doorbell?” He rubbed his shocked appendage slightly. “An automobile.” Quickfix’s smile was bright and beaming. She was noticeably excited with talking about her invention. “It’s goin’ to revolutionize Equestria’s transportation industry. No longer will we have to walk everywhere or take the train. All ye’ll need is yer automobile and yer walkin’ days are over.” The mare put a hoof to her chin. “Though that doesn’t mean ye need to use it everywhere.  A little travelin’ on hoof never hurt anypony.” “Fascinating,” Sunset inwardly groaned. ‘This is just as boring as Redheart’s explanation of Holu.’ Sunset stood up from her chair. “I think that’s all we need to know. We’ll be going now.” “Bit ye just got ‘ere?” Quickfix’s ears fell backwards against her head, showing that she was a bit upset. “Yeah, so?” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. ‘Do ponies around here like hogging other’s free time?’ “Ah kind o' wanted ta show ye around the place.” Quickfix leaned her head towards to inner parts of the house. “Ah have a few inventions that ah think might interest ye.” “I’m not interested,” Sunset stated. “Oh.” Quickfix looked a bit off-put, but brightened up. “Well, how about after the celebration’s over? We could hang out then.” “What?” Sunset was getting real tired with all these invitations to hang out. “Yeah,” Quickfix said. “We could stop by the local café ‘n’ have ourselves a friendly blether over mechanics. Ah know ye might not know much about it, but ah could explain the inner workin’s ‘n’ such. It’s not that hard really.” “I’ll think about it.” Sunset said through gritted teeth. She stomped her way on outside. “Take care then,” Quickfix waved them off. > Part 5: The Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh.” Sunset cocked her head side to side to get out the kinks. She could hear a little ‘pop’ and she felt better because of it. The past few hours had heaped a lot of stress on her. ‘I am so going to the spa after this whole thing is through.’ “Finally that’s all over. I thought it would go on forever.” “And it will Sunset,” Spike attempted to perform a spooky voice. He reared on his hind legs, pulled a ‘scary face’, and wiggled his fingers about. “You will spend eternity meeting several strangers until you learn the magic of friendship. Woooo~” Sunset looked at him with faux fear. “Oh no. Whatever shall I do?”  She put a hoof to her forehead. “You cannot escape your fate, Sunset Shimmer. For I Spike, the evil overlord of…fate, have come to ensure your torment.” Spike gave his best attempt at an evil laugh. Sunset put her hooves to her cheeks. “The horror. The horror.” The two immediately burst into laughter. “Seriously Spike, I’m winded. Did mom tell you where we’re staying tonight?” Spike’s mirth vanished and he returned to walking on his four legs. “Yes.” Sunset waited a few seconds. “And….” Spike’s sigh was slow and deep. “The library.” Sunset stopped in her tracks as she heard that beloved word. “A library,” Spike nodded. “I get to stay at the town’s library?” “Yes.” Sunset squealed. “Why didn’t you say sooner?” “You burnt the note.” Sunset jabbed her hoof into his side. “Only after you read it to me several times.” “I was reading the essentials,” Spike turned his head away from his sister. “You had to meet up with the other ponies.” “No. I should have been allowed to go to the library and think up a way on how to stop Nightmare Moon. Or did you forget about that?” “No, I didn’t forget about that.” “Then why…” Spike cut her off. “Because, and I’ll say it again, you need to make friends. That’s the whole reason mom sent you here.” “No, she sent me here to coordinate the Summer Sun Celebration. Nothing else.” Spike put a hand over his face and sighed. “Okay, I’m done trying to help you. Just go…read or something.” “Gladly,” Sunset smirked. ‘Glad you’re seeing it my way, little bro.’ With that, she took the info disk from his pocket with her magic and sped off. Ponies did their best to make way for the princess, even going so far as to jump aside when she nearly ran them over. “Okay, where is the library?” She asked the disk. With a flick of her horn, the disk turned on. The information streamed into her irises and she smiled. “Oh-hoho, this is going to be interesting.” And with that, she found the library in no time. Her eyes glimmered in preparation as she beheld the construct. “It’s…beautiful.” She had never seen anything like it…It was a library made out of a tree. ‘Bucking brilliant!’ The irony was just so…delicious. She let a tear fall from her face as she perceived the beauteous construct. She looked over the living curves of the building. Perfection. That’s what it was: perfect. Made from both magical and natural means, this was a very rare building. Most likely some druids were needed to ensure its creation and druids weren’t exactly common in Equestria. “Don’t run off on me like that,” Spike huffed as he finally reached her. “Spike,” Sunset was finally able to get herself out of her stupor. “Have you beheld something so magnificent?” “Yes, but she’s in Canterlot at the moment.” “No,” Sunset pointed at the library. “That.” Spike stared at the building, incredulously. “That?” Sunset nodded. “What’s so special about it? It’s just some inconsequential library.” Sunset stared at him as if he’d gone mad. “Just some inconsequential library? Just some inconsequential library?” “Yeah.” Spike peered around, feeling a tad uncomfortable being around her at the moment. “How dare you say such a thing? This isn’t some cold, lifeless library.” She teleported over to the tree, and placed her forelegs upon the bark to caress it reverently.‘Such lovely bark.’ “This library is a tree!” She pressed her cheek to it and let loose a few more tears. “A tree.” “Yeah,” Spike couldn’t help but give a cautionary glance around, as if he had no idea how to handle this. “Um…Sunset, could you please stop…molesting the library tree?” “I’m not molesting it.” Sunset backed off, glaring at her brother.‘Seriously, can’t a girl cry over a dream come true.’ “I’m making it feel welcome.” “Yes, but…why? I mean, you’ve never shown this much respect to the Canterlot libraries." “Because the Canterlot libraries weren’t trees, Spike. The energies of the universe didn’t flow with each breath of life the tree took, didn’t give the feel of mother nature surrounding and protecting you,” She place a hoof onto the bark. “And they most certainly didn’t make you snicker when your remember books are made out of trees and the idea of having a tree inside a tree is humorous." “Yes, trees inside of trees.” Spike rolled his eyes. “How funny.” Sunset lit her horn up and scanned the tree. “The spells that went into making this tree are simply marvelous,” she said, letting her hooves roam the bark. She could feel the very life force course beneath the wood. “There are several spells woven so perfectly together; water repellent spells, fire retardant spells, oooh there are even bug repellent spells in here too,” she giggled childishly. “Oh, it must have taken at least a dozen druids and sorcerers to interweave all these enchantments together. It’s impressive…” Her magic delved a little deeper. “Oh, OH! They were even able to interweave the spells into its very DNA. Why, I’m sure the tree can grow actual rooms.” Just then, interrupting her euphoric experience, the window opened up. Out popped Lightning Dust. “NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRD!” She then closed back up the window. Sunset’s mouth fell open as she failed to process what just occurred. Spike was the only one of the two to speak at the moment. “I love this town.” Sunset was absolutely livid. ‘Somepony’s in my library? Somepony’s in my library!’ “How dare she enter my library!” Flames flicked forth from her horn. “I do believe it’s a public library.” “Not anymore,” Sunset growled and stomped her way over to the front door. ‘I am going to toss that mare so hard that mom’s going to have to create another legend about the second mare in the moon.’ She gripped the door’s handle and threw it open. “Lightning, get out of my…” A flick of her magic and the lights turned on. “SURPRISE!” came the loud reply of what sounded like the whole town. “AHHH!” Sunset cried in alarm and stumbled back into her brother. Spike chuckled as helped her back into a firm standing position. Fiddlesticks giggled as she trotted up to her. “Ah take it y’all were surprised.” “Oh yeah.” Spike nodded, grinning deviously down at her. “We were surprised alright.” Fiddlesticks hoof pumped. “Alright! Score one for Fiddlesticks.”  “Fiddlesticks,” Sunset seethed through grit teeth. “What is the meaning of this? Why are there so many ponies doing in my house?” “Simple,” Fiddlesticks said. “This here is y’all’s welcomin’ party. Ah throw everypony, and dragon,” she quickly added in for Spike, “one when they come ta town. Don’t want anypony thinkin’ we’re unfriendly or anythin’ like that.” ‘But you do come off as annoying.’ “Be that as it may, I want you all out of my house. Now.” “But the party’s just started.” Fiddlesticks put a hoof around her shoulder and walked her further into the library. “Y’all won’t ever experience anythin’ quite like a Ponyville party. We’ve got games, punch, and even yer own musician.” Fiddlesticks sped off and returned, all in less than second, with her fiddle and played a little merry tune. “Ya don’t want to miss it.” “Oh yes I do.” Sunset started off for the stairs. Spike, to her discomfort, pulled Sunset’s tail back, dragging the rest of her with it. Sunset landed on her rump and glared at her brother, blushing in embarrassment of him pulling her tail. “Oh no you don’t. You’re going to socialize if it kills you,” Spike said. ‘And it will,’ Sunset thought angrily. Fiddlesticks just laughed at their antics. “Y’all are stranger than a bee in a bear costume. Ah like that.” “Of course you do,” Sunset grumbled. “Ah can tell we’re goin’ ta be closer than two peas in a pod.” Fiddlesticks grinned.  ‘Keep telling yourself that.’ “Have fun with your new ‘friend’, Sis,” Spike started to walk off, moving through the party to a pair of flower marked mares. “I’m going to enjoy the local culture.” ‘SPIKE! Don’t leave me.’ She wanted to yell out, but she knew he wouldn’t even if she did. She was stuck, in the middle of this library, with Fiddlesticks and tons of other backwater ponies. ‘Worst. Day. Ever.’ “Come on Sunset.” Fiddlesticks headbutted her behind and moved her along. “Ya don’t wanna miss out on yer own party, now do ya?” “As if I had a choice,” Sunset said, but she knew Fiddlesticks neither heard nor cared. Finally, Fiddlesticks stopped pushing Sunset. The young princess found herself staring at a dartboard and standing next to two familiar ponies; Nurse Redheart and Quickfix. “Well,” Quickfix said with a smile, “if it isn’t Sunset Shimmer. Ah was hopin’ ah'd see ye 'ere.” “Yes,” Nurse Redheart chimed in. “It is lovely to see you again. I hope your stay here has been pleasant.” ‘About as pleasant as shoving nails down my throat.’ “It was….survivable.” Quickfix laughed. “Tis good to see our royalty has a sense o' humor.” She slapped Sunset hard on the back knocking her forward a bit. The princess was actually surprised by Quickfix’s strength. Unicorns weren’t exactly the most muscular of the pony races, but the mechanic had quite a mean hoof. “So how about a game o' darts, Yer Highness?” “No thanks.” Sunset shook her head. “I have some very important…princess things I have to do.” “I’m sure a little break won’t hurt anything,” Nurse Redheart piped in. “Celestia knows I need them every now and again. It’ll surely do you some good to loosen up.” Quickfix nodded. “She speaks the truth.” “But I don’t have any darts,” Sunset inwardly smiled at her excuse. ‘HA! I got out of that pretty easy.’ “Have mine,” Nurse Redheart offered her hoof, carrying three darts. ‘DOH!’ Through gritted teeth, Sunset picked them up with her magic. She knew that the two would keep pestering her if she didn’t accept them. ‘I’ll just throw the darts, go upstairs, and that’s it.’ She told herself. “Thank you.” Nurse Redheart, seemingly oblivious or uncaring about her frustration, sent her a beaming smile. “You’re welcome, deary.” “Ah’ll go first,” Quickfix held her darts up with her magic and plucked one up with her hoof. She squinted at the dartboard, sticking out her tongue slightly as she concentrated. And then, with a simple thrust of her hoof, she hit the inner circle, just missing dead center. Quickfix smirked and then as quick as a whip, threw the other two darts. The darts formed a sort of triangle within the inner circle. “Beat that.” Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t have time for this stupid game.’ But she played along anyway. Anything to get these ponies off her back. She plucked one of the darts and threw it. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately in her case, she hit the wire holding up the board, causing it to fall to the ground. “Oops.” “No worries,” Nurse Redheart went over to pick it up. “Accidents happen.” “Yeah,” Sunset took a step back. “Thanks for the game, but I really need to get back to my duties.” “Princess, this is a celebration,” Quickfix butted in, cutting her off from her escape. “Yer supposed to party, loosen up a bit. C’mon, it won’t hurt ye, ah swear.” Before Sunset could tell her off, Fiddlesticks appeared next to them. “So, is the mare of the hour havin’ a swell time?” “It’s been…tolerable,” Sunset didn’t want to say anything to really upset the mare…yet. She was saving that for the moment she got to leave this backwater town. Upsetting her now would just lead to a massive headache for the next several hours. “Tolerable eh,” Fiddlesticks hummed in thought, as she tapped her hoof. Then, a look of gleeful realization appeared on her face. “Ah know what’ll make you smile.” She grabbed Sunset’s hoof and pulled her along. “A nice conversation,” Fiddlesticks waved her hoof at Coco Pommel and Pizzelle, who were having a little chat. Well, it was more like Pizzelle doing the talking and Coco just listening. “Ah know that sound mighty borin’, but Pizzelle’s the best talker in the whole town. She’ll bring a smile out of ya.” ‘She didn’t before. She won’t do it now.’ Pizzelle and Coco both noticed Fiddlesticks leading the princess over. “Princess Sunset.” Pizzelle walked over to her and offered her a glass of punch. “Punch?” Sunset reeled back in disgust. ‘Who knows what these yolks put in their drinks.’ “No thank you.” “It’s great to see you again, princess.” Pizzelle drank the glass she offered in one go. “I was really hoping we’d meet again. I was just telling Coco here what a charming pair you and your brother were. So polite, so distant and refined, I couldn’t help but feel a tad jealous.” ‘As you should be.’ “I was trained by the best tutors in Equestria. Of course I’m more refined the usual pony on the street.” “Of course you were, your highness.” Pizzelle nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything else. What I wouldn’t give to live a day in your shoes. What about you, Coco? Ever want to be a princess?” Coco shook her head. “I like where I am now.” Pizzelle giggled and wrapped a wing around the mare. “Such a modest pony, she is. Why, I remember the day she came to Ponyville. She was shaking harder than a leaf in a thunderstorm. It took Rarity a whole week to get her to open up to other ponies. Strange really, considering her mother is captain of the Mimus Brigade.” Sunset raised an eyebrow, staring at the timid mare questionably. The Mimus Brigade was Equestria’s mounted soldiers; each one mounted upon an armored Gallimimus. The creatures weren’t native to Equestria, but they had been imported several centuries ago, as they made excellent mounts. The captain, a tough mare by the name of Upper Crust, was a fighter no doubt about it. Sunset had met her personally a few times and unnerved her by the steel in her eyes. The fact that this…earth pony mare was her daughter boggled her mind. ‘I guess anypony can have a dud.’ “Interesting.” Pizzelle nodded exuberantly. “Oh yes, she was the talk of the town. I just couldn’t wait to meet her and I am glad that I did. She is just a sweetheart.” Coco was blushing from the attention the older mare threw her way. “Pizzelle, you don’t have to go on about me. I'm nopony special. I’m sure the princess is bored out of her mind.” ‘Like you wouldn’t believe.’ “She has a point,” Sunset spoke up. “I have things to do and hearing you prattling on about Coco here is just keeping me from my duties.” Pizzelle frowned. “Well…if that’s how you feel. I’m sorry for taking any of your time.” Sunset nodded. “Thank you.” She headed for the stairs. "Leavin' so soon?" Fiddlesticks looked awfully confused and a tad bit sad. "As I said before," Sunset said from over her shoulder, "I have important princessy stuff to do. I don't have time to party." "Oh," Fiddlesticks' ears went down and she bowed her head slightly. "Well, how about tomorrow?" "Tomorrow's fine," Sunset knew she would be gone tomorrow, but lying now would get the annoying hick out of her mane. Fiddlesticks brightened up immediately upon hearing that. "Ah'm glad ta hear it. Don't you worry, Princess. It'll be a party ta remember." Sunset chuckled. 'Yeah, remember.' She joked to herself. As she started up the stairs, she noticed a certain light green Pegasus was coming down. The moment Lightning Dust’s eyes fell upon her, the pegasus almost burst into a laughing fit. Instead, she kept her lips pursed, with the occasional giggle or snort escaping. The two met in the middle. “So…no hard feelings?” Lightning offered her a hoof. Sunset peered at the hoof and then back at her. With her mind made up, Sunset did what she felt was the best choice. She lit up her horn. Lightning’s eyes widened in shock and she felt herself be encased in magic. The Pegasus was then thrown behind Sunset and straight into Spike, who had been talking to Roseluck and Daisy. The two ended up in a heap, knocking down a few books from the shelves. Lightning Dust finally let loose her laughter. “Oh, she mad.” Spike just groaned. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Upstairs Spike was not looking forward to confronting his big sister at the moment. She was agitated and meant that her already short fuse was cut even shorter. He would have to tread lightly. ‘Oh just face it, Spike. She’s going to toss you out the window.’ Bracing himself for just that, he stepped into the bedroom. “Sunset, are you alright?” He saw Sunset sitting atop the bed, peering down at a book. “I’m fine, Spike.” She looked, in all honestly, pretty grumpy…Which wasn’t unusual, but Spike didn’t like that look. He preferred seeing his sister smile, like any other brother would. “No you’re not. You just threw that mare, Lightning Dust, straight at me.” “Sorry.” Spike could tell she wasn’t at all sorry about doing that. "Was it because she called you a nerd?” “I’M NOT A NERD!” Sunset gave him one of her trademark fiery glares. Spike held up a hand defensively. If he could sweat, he knew that he’d surely be doing that now. “I know you’re not a nerd.” “Good, else I’d chuck you out the window.” ‘Knew it.’ “But don’t you want to go down and party a little bit? I’m sure you can have at least some fun.” “No.” She turned the page. “I have more important things to do than ‘have fun’. Like saving the world.” Spike sighed. “Suit yourself.” He started for the exit. Normally he’d try a bit harder, but tonight he felt like he should give her some space….That and he didn’t want to ruin his suit by being tossed out into the street. “Don’t worry, Spike,” Sunset chimed. “We’ll have a little fun later; just the two of us once the party's over. I mean, Fiddlesticks can’t keep it up forever.” > Part 6: A Celebration Interrupted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “SEVEN HOURS,” Sunset screeched. She clutched a pillow over her head with her hooves in a desperate attempt to block out the noises downstairs. It was all for not. The whoops and hollers resounded about and the country notes invaded her sense. “They’ve been partying for seven hours! Who does that? Oh yeah, country hicks.” Sunset had spent the first couple of hours trying over and over again to find something to stop Nightmare Moon’s return. She looked through books about stopping daemon incursions and all that like but not a one that could help her in this scenario. ‘Of course, how does a mortal stop a god?’ That was a plaguing question that irritated her like nothing before…Only to be surpassed by the sounds of the party below. “SHUT UP! I’M TRYING TO THINK!” She shouted again to no avail. After all her research, she had come to the conclusion that she had no means as of the moment to stop Nightmare Moon. The only being she knew who could stand a chance was her mother. ‘I’m sure mom has a plan up her non-existent sleeve. I mean, she’s lived for thousands of years. Surely she has something to fall back on in case of a crisis like this.’ That thought had helped assuage some of her fears, but they didn’t go away. Nope, instead they were buried beneath her utter annoyance. The last few hours had held nothing but headache for the young mare. ‘Don’t those imbeciles know I’m trying to save their lives? No of course not, because they think Nightmare Moon is just a folktale or something.’ She really wanted to just go down there and throw all of those backwater ponies out the door, but that wasn’t the best option for two reasons. One: That would garner the hate of the townsfolk and make the rest of her stay here a living Tartarus. Two: Her mother would find out and she’d never hear the end of it. Thinking of her mother again, her mood turned melancholy. ‘Oh yeah, I almost forgot.’ The day’s events, and Nightmare Moon’s return, had made her forget what today should have been. Every afternoon before the Summer Sun’s Celebration, she and her mother would hang out and do all sorts of things. Spike would politely decline, mostly because he didn’t want to partake in anything too ‘feminine’. Sunset couldn’t help but snort in amusement. She knew he was just using the afternoon to sweep some mare off her hooves. ‘We were supposed to go to Canterlot’s waterpark.’ She sniffled. Her ears splayed back against her skull and for a moment she forgot about the ruckus. ‘Ugh, I know I need to save the world but I really should have remembered that. It would have certainly been far more productive than the day I’ve been having…At least I have this tree library. Once Nightmare Moon is defeated, I don’t know how, probably mom kicking her flank, I’ll let her know she owes me big time.’ Interrupting her musings, a noise could be heard as someone entered the room. Her aggressive attitude returned with a vengeance. “If that’s you, Fiddlesticks, I swear I’ll tear out your eyeballs, set them aflame and stuff them down your throat.” “Then I’m glad I’m not Fiddlesticks,” Spike answered. Sunset took the pillow off her head and turned to look at her brother. “Spike,” she asked as she raised an eyebrow, “why do you have a lampshade on your head?” Indeed, a lampshade currently hid most of the upper part of his head, coming to rest on his snout. He tilted it upwards as to get a better look at her. “Why, I wanted to try my hand at lampshade humor.” Sunset face-hooved hard. The poor joke almost hurt her. “I…shut up.” Spike chuckled, to which she set the lampshade ablaze. Within a couple of seconds, the lampshade was no more. Spike huffed and he brushed off the ash. “Sunset, the celebrations about to begin.” “So, the party’s over?” “No.” “Buck you to Tartarus.” She pulled the pillow back over her head. Spike laughed. “But mom’s coming. I’m sure she’ll want to hear about Nightmare Moon’s return personally.” That got her attention. The pillow was thrown to the side and she jumped off the bed. “Of course she will. And with all this evidence—” She levitated several scrolls and threw them at Spike. He stood on his hind legs as the scrolls stacked their way up high in his arms. “—She’ll have no other choice than to believe me.” She marched her way out the door. “Come along, Spike. We have a world to save.” “With saviors like us,” Spike grumbled as he tried to follow her, “who needs conquerors?” _____________________________________________________________________________ Inside Canterlot Castle Celestia calmly looked her image over as she stood in front of her large, personal mirror. The image she saw wasn’t one she was happy to see again. The armor she wore was draconic in nature. The golden scale-like armor glistened in the candlelights that lit her room. Blood red spikes ran along her spine. The tail pierce of the armor was a living metal substance that simulated a tail, which was rather long. It balanced in the air behind her, twitching with her agitation. She could actually feel the armor as though it was her own flesh and blood. ‘You’ve got to give my dragon kin their due. They know how to craft.’ The helmet slid across her face, leaving most of it uncovered save for her cheeks and a narrow strip between her eyes. Her large purple eyes scanned her visage. She was all suited up and ready for war. “I…I never wanted this.” “We rarely get to choose the course of history,” came the voice of Anrain, as he entered the room. “Even clairvoyance can only go so far.” Celestia didn’t turn around to face him. “This is really happening, isn’t it?” The sun goddess was in a state of denial. She knew it was so, but she refused to believe the present events. ‘Please tell me that we’re wrong. Please Anrain, please.’ “I’m afraid it is,” Anrain’s answer did nothing but make her heart sink further than it already was. “I’m sure you have everything in place?” Celestia nodded. “You know, you’re risking the lives of several ponies, including your own children. Do you really believe she can pull this off?” “I do with all my heart,” Celestia replied sternly. It was one thing to doubt her, but to doubt her daughter…She would not stand for that. “Sunset has been trained in several areas of magic. She can take care of herself. You should have more trust in my judgment, Farseer. I trusted yours when you put the lives of my ponies in harm’s way.” Anrain looked away with a downcast expression. “Well…Yes, yes I did,” he sighed. “But what of the Elements? Can she use them?” Celestia smiled and turned around to look at him. “You underestimate the power of friendship, Anrain. She will make it, I have no doubt.” “But what if she fails?” He held up a hoof when a scowl started to form on her perfect face. “There is always a chance of failure, even with the best of plans. I want to know what you will do if you happen to fail.” Celestia’s scowl turned into a simple frown. She knew what she had to do…It just wasn’t something she wanted. “I will do what I must to protect my ponies,” She lit her horn, materializing a large, golden sword. The broad sword had in of itself immense power, enough to level entire armies. It had served her well in the past, spilling the blood of many a foe…In time, she would need it again. “Whatever that entails.” Anrain bowed his head. “You shall have the support of the Deer. The True Enemy will not claim this world, not as long as we draw breath.” Celestia gave him a kind hearted smile. “I know.” Anrain was, and always will be, a dear friend to her. She was thankful that his role as a farseer extended his life. She didn’t know what she would have done without him during the last thousand years. ‘I'd probably have gone mad…Well, more mad than at first.’ Pushing back sour memories, Princess Celestia, goddess of the sun and ruler of Equestria, readied herself for what was about to unfold. ___________________________________________________________________________ Sometime later, inside the Town Hall “Whoa,” Fiddlesticks balked at the size of the list of scrolls in Spike’s arms. It was nearly twice his size. “That’s a lot of scrolls.” “Thank you, captain obvious.” Sunset rolled her eyes. She had to admit, Rarity did a decent job of decorating the town hall for the celebration. ‘Still, Canterlot designers have done way better than this.’ She remarked to herself. “Do ya’ll really need all of them?” Fiddlesticks turned her gaze away from the pile to Sunset. Sunset nodded. “Of course I do. I have…an important thing I want to discuss with my mother. These scrolls will help me make my point.” Fiddlesticks scratched her head. “Still seems unnecessary ta me. I’m sure a smart city mare like yerself could memorize all this in no time at all.” Sunset beamed at the praise. “Why thank you, Fiddlesticks. But I don’t have the time. One mistake could jeopardize everything.” Fiddlesticks nodded, as if she understood. Sunset stood with everypony else, waiting for her mother’s arrival. Once the festivities started, she’d drag her aside and explain Nightmare Moon’s return. ‘I know tonight’s the night, but I sincerely doubt Nightmare Moon will be powerful enough to escape, not for at least twenty four hours. That’ll be plenty enough time to form some type of plan.’ “Aren’t you supposed to be playing my mother’s intro music?” she asked Fiddlesticks. Fiddlesticks gasped in realization and sped off…only to appear on a nearby balcony in less than a second with her fiddle at the ready. “How does she do that?” Sunset asked more to herself than someone else. “I don’t know,” Spike spoke up. “I can’t see anything but scrolls.” Sunset just rolled her eyes. Fiddlesticks began playing a little triumphant country tune. The young princess found it…acceptable. At least, for a hick. A spotlight came down and highlighted Mayor Mare. Time Turner was standing beside her, watching the audience like a hawk. “Mares and Stallions, chaos and harmony, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration.” Everyone started cheering. “To celebrate the coming of the longest day of the year, please put your hooves together for Ponyville’s own chaos priestess, Vinyl Scratch.” The ponies started cheering again as the door burst open and in came two rather strange mares. Loud, new age music seemed to play on their arrival, most likely due to the unicorn's magic. The first was a bright pink with a purple and white striped mane. Her cutie mark was a ball and a screw. Her eyes were the strangest thing about her, as they literally just purple swirls. A little helicopter hat spun on her head, seemingly allowing her to fly around in the air.  ‘Oh great, an earth pony with chaos magic. This is going to be fun.’ Sunset groaned inwardly. The second was a white unicorn with a blue highlighted mane. Her musical note cutie mark was was pronounced against her red robe that rode her flanks well. The stares of several stallions confirmed it's effectiveness; not to mention the sultry way she moved about. It wasn't extremely pronounced, but it was there. The robes covered her chest and she had the eight pointed star halo behind her head. The usual 'sun' mark marred her right cheek. Diamond Tiara was riding on her back, giggling. She trotted over to Ditzy Doo and stopped in front of her. “Time to hop off.” Diamond jumped off the mare’s back and took her place near Dinky Doo and Apple Bloom. “Knock ‘em dead, sis.” Screwball landed next to Ditzy and offered her a smile, which was returned. Vinyl chuckled. “I’ll try.” She clapped her hooves together and vanished in a bright white flash. The strange mare quickly appeared on stage. “Hello, Ponyville. You ready for tomorrow?” A loud cheer was her answer. “I’m just going to make this quick, ‘cause speeches are boring. Don’t want you to daze off. I’ll let the sun priestess do the honors.” “I heard that,” came another voice as she entered the building. It was none other than local Sun Priestess, Bon Bon. She was wearing the golden silk robes befitting her status and had a sun halo like disk behind her head. A necklace with Celestia’s cutie mark rested around her neck. Lyra was trailing behind her, dogging her hoofsteps. The unicorn mare was moving rapidly about, looking for any signs of danger. She sent little glares at anypony they passed, as if to say ‘back off’. It worked, as the ponies gave the duo a wide birth. Vinyl smirked. “You were supposed to. So anyways, who here likes the night?” Nopony raised their hooves. “Who here loves the day?” Everypony started clapping their hooves together and hollering their adoration. “You hear that, Sunnybutt? Shine that sun of yours over our heads. We’re ready to have some fun, aren’t we ponies?” A cheer resounded around as the little segment was over. Sunset harrumphed. “That was the best she could do?” Vinyl disappeared and reappeared next to her. Sunset didn’t flinch. She was used to the antics of chaos. “Honestly, I pulled that out of my behind at the last minute. I was too busy having fun with my little sister.” She ruffled Diamond’s mane. “Stop it,” Diamond huffed and pushed her hoof away. “I just got this fixed.” She went to try and straighten it. Vinyl giggled. “She spends way too much time at Miss Rarity’s, if you ask me.” “Well done, Vinyl Scratch,” Mayor Mare applauded. “And now, give a warm welcome to Priestess Bon Bon.” Another round of cheering resounded as the priestess and her escort took to stage. Bon Bon turned to the audience and offered them a kind hearted smile. “My fellow Equestrians, let us offer up our prayers.” Bon Bon kneeled down and bowed her head. The audience, Sunset included, followed suit. She wasn’t really going to pray, she didn’t need to as her mother was the goddess, but she did it out of a sign of respect. “O Celestia, hear my cry: Guide me through the blackest nights Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked Make me to rest in your light. My Princess, judge me whole: Find me well within Your grace Touch me with fire that I be cleansed Tell me I have sung to Your approval O Celestia, see me kneel: For I walk only where You would bid me Stand only in places You have blessed Sing only the words You place in my throat Lord Princess, hear my cry: Seat me by Your side in death Make me one within Your glory And let the world once more see Your favor For You are the fire at the heart of the world And comfort is only Yours to give. Amen.” “Amen.” The audience answered. As everyone stood up, the sound of someone clapping could be heard. “A riveting prayer, if I say so.” The male voice said. Everyone looked over to a black cloaked unicorn stallion. His dark blue fur was evident under the cloak. “It’s a shame that it’s for a false goddess.” Time Turner strode forth to the edge of the stage and pointed at the stallion. “Who are you to address our goddess in such a way?” “My, my, my.” the stallion shook his head. “How times have changed you, Doctor. I never took you for a religious type.” Time Turner’s eyes widened. “Impossible, you’re…” “Dead.” The stallion moved his hood from over his head. A black mane spilled over his features. Slitted eyes, similar to snakes, caught Sunset's attention.  'Either he's a hybrid or...we're bucked.' “It’s so good to see you remember. What has it been, over nine hundred years?” Time Turner’s teeth were gritted. “Over three hundred for me.” “Ah yes, time charger and all that.” the stallion started to walk to the stage. “And my condolences for your loss. The death of your oh so beautiful wife must weigh heavily on your soul. You were always a little too slow.” The Inquisitor shook with rage. “SIEZE HIM!” Time Turner yelled. Two armored stallions rushed him. The stallion just smirked and lit his horn. Two long, sharp, black tendrils shot forth and easily pierced the golden armored chests. The stallion chuckled as he lifted the lifeless bodies upwards and within an instant, two purple flames flew out of their mouth. The stallion pulled an orb from out of his cloak and the flames flowed into it. “Thank you. Our lordess will be hungry when she returns.” And with another flick of his magic, the bodies were sent flying into the crowd. Ponies screamed as they tried to avoid the dead soldiers. Sunset watched the whole thing in a mixture of awe and disgust. Awe in the form of the stallion’s magic. She had never seen such or felt such magic before and that intrigued her. Once they had apprehended this heretic, she was going to get him to explain its inner workings. Disgust was in the form of how he referenced her mother. ‘False goddess? Oh, he is definitely going down.’ “Hey,” Sunset stepped forth. “Who do you think you are, barging in here like this?” The stallion’s smile grew. “I’m glad you asked,” The stallion magicked himself up onto an empty platform overlooking the entire audience. “I am Apostle and I am a messenger sent from our one and true goddess.” “HA!” Lyra laughed. “One and true goddess? As if.” The stallion sent her a chilling glare, but Lyra ignored him, instead continuing to chuckle. “Laugh while you can, you sun loving fools.  She will come and she will make you regret your choice of faith.” Sunset noticed at that moment that the moon shimmered and the image of the mare in the moon vanished. “Well, that can’t be good.” Her knees started to shake, as she resisted the urge to bolt. Apostle’s grin returned. “And without further delay, I present to you the true ruler of Equestria.” The temperature of the room dropped to near chilling levels, causing the ponies to huddle against each other for warmth, if they weren’t doing so already out of fear. The lights flickered as a large shadow formed near Apostle. Quickly, the shadow formed a sort of shape, changing into a dark blue piece of the sky. Little white sparkles, similar to stars, blinked here and there in the form. Dark blue, barbed tendrils flittered in, out, and about the large formless shadow. And in the middle, a sort of head could be seen; The head of a large, black unicorn.The daemon's presence sent shivers down everypony's spine. Dark thoughts and powers flittered around the air, invading the minds of the citizens. The ponies were stilled in shock and awe as they beheld the dark being. Sunset gulped. ‘Oh mother preserve me, she’s here.’ Sunset wondered why she wasn’t in her full form, but then realized that Nightmare Moon might not have had the time to get enough energy for that. ‘Like I thought she didn’t have enough energy to escape.’ She reminded herself. The shadow mare glanced over the audience. A wicked grin was plastered on her face. One of the tendrils moved in front of her and pointed down. “KNEEL!” Fiddlesticks sighed. “Oh mah gosh, she’s foreign. Ah got this.” She cleared her throat. “Hello, Kneel,” she moved her hoof downwards, like the tendril. “Nice ta meet ya. Mah name’s Fiddlesticks.” And with that, she shot her hoof forward in friendship. > Part 7: The Nightmare is here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Sunset’s life, she would witness many instances of sheer stupidity.  Fiddlesticks’ outburst was among her top five. Not a sound could be heard echoing in the room. Everypony was too busing gaping at Fiddlesticks to do anything. Even Nightmare Moon, the terrible goddess of the night, was at loss for words. Fiddlesticks slowly, but surely, felt the silence. Her genuine smile turned forced as her eyes swept over everypony. “Um…Is shakin’ hooves offensive in your country?” Sunset face-hooved. ‘You stupid hick. You’ve just pissed off Nightmare Moon.’ Surprisingly, and with breaking the silence, Nightmare Moon let out a laugh. It wasn’t a joyous one either, as it sent chills over their previous chills down their back and shook their very cores. It was sinister and vile, befitting the mare. Her large fangs didn’t help the ponies either. “It is good to see the art of jesters has not passed away in a thousand years. Thank you for the laugh.” Fiddlesticks bowed her head. “No problem, miss…” Fiddlesticks left it hanging, unsure of what to call her. Nightmare Moon frowned at this.  “Don’t you know who I am?” ‘Blast it, Fiddlesticks. Now you’ve done it.’ Sunset thought, wanting nothing more than to strangle the country mare. “No,” Fiddlesticks scratched her head. “Wait!...Nah, nothin’. Ya kind of look like a Nightmare Night prop.” Nightmare Moon snarled. “Prop?!! I am no prop!” She scanned the audience. She quickly flew over to Fiddlesticks, glaring into the mare’s face. The country mare took a step back in fear. “Did you not recall the legends?” She turned her gaze over to Coco, who was shivering harder than a leaf in a whirlwind. She lifted the mare’s chin to stare into her eyes. “Did you not see the signs in my beauteous sky?” “Ya mean horoscopes?” Fiddlesticks asked. “’Cause ah don’t listen ta those thin’s.  A bunch of hooey is all they are.” “Fiddlesticks,” Sunset spoke up, hoping to stop the mare before she did something to tick off the daemon princess even more. “Shut up.” “What?” Fiddlesticks lightly shrugged. “Ah’m just sayin’.” “Apostle.” Nightmare Moon went to her servant’s side. “Did you not introduce me to my subjects?” “Yes, Your Highness,” he bowed his head. “Then explain to me why they appear ignorant of my name.” Nightmare Moon sent him a withering gaze. “Tell me why they are not kneeling before my might.” “Because they have forgotten,” Apostle answered. “They have forgotten the majesty of the night and instead hide in their precious light.” The dark goddess snorted in derision. “So nothing has changed in the thousand years I’ve been gone.” She turned again to look at the group. “Do not worry, my little ponies. I will show you the wonders of the night. As I, Nightmare Moon, shall grant you the blessing of eternal darkness.” The Ponyvillian’s were were locked in fear. Even Sunset’s mind was overcome with fear. She was facing a goddess after all, with nary any real plan on hoof. ‘Think on the fly,’ was a phrase used commonly by the cult of chaos. She never considered it an option really, seeing as it never really worked out for the cultists…at least, in her opinion. “Only a foul heretic would want such a blessing,” Inquisitor Time Turner seethed. Bon Bon was currently offering up a small prayer to Celestia. The priestess clutched the sun amulet close to her mouth as she spoke. What she was saying, Sunset couldn’t hear. She just knew that it was ticking Nightmare Moon, and her cultist, off. “Who are you to deny me? Am I not royal enough for you?” Nightmare Moon growled. “And stop praying!” She shouted at Bon Bon. Her voice cracking the air like lightning. “I do not need a headache.” Vinyl chuckled. “You sound like my sister.” “Hey!” Diamond shouted. “Oh, you know it’s true,” Vinyl smirked at her little sister. “Silence, chaos spawn,” Nightmare Moon seethed, getting into her face. “When I am through with this world, I shall cleanse it of your filthy taint.” “As long as you take a breath mint,” Vinyl waved a hoof in front of her snout. “’Cause you really smell.” Nightmare Moon didn’t answer her with words. Instead, she grabbed her by the throat with a tendril and lifted her into the air. “I will not be talked to by a commoner, especially one of Discord’s ilk.” Vinyl gasped for air as the tendril tightened. Little electric pulses of dark magic flowed about her skin, shocking the mare. The chaos priestess could not cry out in agony, her windpipe being slowly crushed. Only small whimpers and gasps escaped. Not to let something like this go unchallenged, Lightning Dust flew over and smacked into Nightmare’s head. Or at least she would have, if Apostle hadn’t erected a shield around his mistress. Lightning Dust went tumbling to the ground. She was resilient though and quickly got back up. “Let her go.” Nightmare Moon smirked. “Gladly.” With a firm jerk of her tendril, she sent Vinyl Scratch flying. Nurse Redheart caught her before she hit the ground, standing firm as she absorbed the impact and put Vinyl back onto her hooves. “Thanks,” Vinyl said, gasping for air. The unicorn was also wincing in pain as the last vestiges of Nightmare's spell pounded her senses. Redheart nodded ‘you’re welcome’, before checking her over for any serious harm. “Do you ponies think it’s funny to treat me in such a manner?” Nightmare Moon scowled. “Do you think I delight in seeing mere mortals laugh off my presence? DO YOU?!!” Her demand shook the building and all of its inhabitants. Sunset briefly wondered why everypony hadn’t started running yet, but quickly surmised to them still suffering from shock. ‘It’s not every day an insane goddess shows up.’ Time Turner and his aide hadn’t made any moves either. Sunset knew it was for the same reason she didn’t. She noticed the Inquisitors and Priestess slowly making their way over to her. Apostle was keeping an eye on them and everypony else, just in case they tried something. “As a maiter o' fact ah do.” Quickfix moved forward until she stepped out in front of the crowd. Her gaze was one of pure and utter hatred. Sunset noted yet another one of her top twenty stupidest decisions. “I remember that accent anywhere.” Nightmare Moon glowered at her. “You’re from the North, aren’t you?” “'N' proud o' it,” Quickfix said. Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. “Of course you are.” She sighed. “Between the Time Charger and the Northerner, I apparently lost my touch at genocide. No matter. That can be fixed post haste.” “Ah don’t think so,” Quickfix smirked. Sunset wondered what the mare’s game was. ‘Suicide perhaps?’ “And why is that?” Nightmare Moon seemed to be one step away from laughing in mirth. “Because, this!” Quickfix’s horn lit up and immediately, several turrets popped out of the walls and aimed at the dark goddess.  “Eat lasers, moon bitch!” Another flick of her horn and the guns fired….streamers. The engineer’s jaw dropped. “Whit?” “My, my, my,” Nightmare Moon said with an amused smirk. She clapped two of her tendrils together. “I must thank you, Northerner. That was truly an impressive display and a most warm welcome. Your ancestors must be so proud.” Quickfix tried to say something, but all she did was flap her lips a few times in silence.  Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I do so hope you ponies enjoyed your little outbursts, for they shall be your last." Her tendrils poised themselves, ready to strike. "Your souls shall do nicely as appetizers." Just then, the doors burst open. In ran an Earth pony Guardspony. His golden armor and white fur coat was stained with large splotches of blood. His helmet was oddly absent and, had Sunset been in any other situation, she would have berated the lowly soldier for forgetting it. His breathing was frantic and his face was more so. “Your Majesty! The town’s being overrun by damned…” Sunset had to give the soldier credit for not passing out on the spot, but he nearly came close. He was frozen in place as he beheld Nightmare Moon. “Please continue,” Nightmare Moon grinned, showing off her large dagger like teeth. “My town is being overrun by damnable what?” “Celestia preserve me,” the soldier muttered. Nightmare Moon’s grin vanished with a snarl. “Apostle.” “Yes, my goddess.” With that, Apostle sent out a beam of magic that would have killed the unlucky guardspony…if not for Sunset’s quick reflexes. She wasn’t much of a noblemare, risking her own neck out for others, but here…she just followed her instinct. A rather stupid instinct, but an instinct none the less. The two beams collided and cancelled each other out. Sunset was lucky neither were rather powerful. If Apostle had sent a more potent spell, it most assuredly would have sent everypony flying. With the spell blocked, Apostle quirked an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t take standing up for others to be your forte, Princess.” ‘Well….I’m bucked.’ Sunset, of course, shot him a glare. She had to at least save face, even if she was about to die. “I’m a princess. It’s what I’m supposed to do.” “Princess?” Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “My sister dares to elevate a commoner to our status? I thought her mad before, but she has proved me wrong.” “I am no commoner,” Sunset snarled. If she was going to die, she was going to at least go down fighting. “I am Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter, heir to the Kingdom of Equestria. You will submit to my authority, daemon.” Yeah…She knew that wasn’t going to happen, but it was kind of the standard procedure with dealing with enemies…She doubted she could get step two done: slaying them. Nightmare Moon gave her a deadpan look. Sunset would be lying if she didn’t acknowledge that she was a little jealous of it. ‘Mine’s prettier though.’  “Pardon if I interrupt,” Spike spoke up finally. She was wondering when he would do something. Unfortunately, he was still carrying the scrolls, obstructing his view of them and vice versa. “But sis, and correct me if I’m wrong, has the manure hit the fan?” “No,” Sunset corrected. “The manure clogged the fan, set on fire, and was crushed by a falling meteorite.” “Oh,” Spike dropped his scrolls, finally revealing himself. “Then I best do something then.” Nightmare Moon instantly reared back and hissed. “Dragon!” Her tendrils readied themselves to strike, acting as a snake would before the bite. Spike’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. “Tactical retreat?” Sunset nodded. “Tactical retreat,” and with that, Spike picked her up in her arms and ran. The rest of the ponies followed suit. Apostle took a shot at them, but Spike was a little too quick. Sunset noted that the other ponies were lucky he was aiming for her brother’s head. When Nightmare Moon made to lunge, Time Turner calmly said, “I don’t think so.” With that, he pulled out a small device, commonly known by the Time Chargers as a sonic screwdriver, and pointed it at the turrets. With a small ‘whirring’ sound, the turrets came back to life and actually started firing at Nightmare Moon. She cried out in pain and anger. The turrets didn’t seem to be hurting her, but she was certainly ticked off. Using her tendrils, she shot out several of them at once, effectively crushing all the turrets harassing her. And without further ado, she turned into a misty cloud and shot out the open window. Apostle hissed in rage, glaring at the Inquisitor. “This isn’t over, Doctor,” and with that, he disappeared in a black mist and flew off after his master. “It’s Time Turner,” the Inquisitor responded.   _________________________________________________________ ‘Bad day. Bad day. BAD DAY!’ Sunset hollered inside her skull, as her brother carried her to safety. Every few seconds, she would silently curse herself for stepping forward. ‘Why did I have to save the guardspony? WHY?!!’At least their trip back to the library, a supposed safe place to camp out for a while, would be comfortable. She had to admit, she liked the feeling of being held in her brother’s big, strong arms. The sounds of armor and swords clanking against one another and the occasional musket ‘bang’ filled the air. Screams of pain and violence sought their way to her ears. She clutched her hooves to cover them, trying to block it all out. She was tough, but actually hearing the death cries of her fellow ponies was too much for her.‘This isn’t happening.’ She tried to fool herself, without avail. “Don’t worry,” Spike tried to alleviate her fear. “We’re almost there.” He was right. Only a few seconds later, Spike had pushed open the door, laid her down, and closed it behind him. He sighed. “We’re safe.” “Safe?” Sunset stared at him incredulously. “How in all the world are we safe? Nightmare feathering Moon is back, Spike. Her army is attacking the town, Mom’s not here, and I don’t have any plan to stop this. We’re not safe.” “Equestria’s faced worse.” “But not us," Sunset pointed out. "We're not soldiers. We haven’t faced any of the horrors. What are we supposed to do?” Sunset started hyperventilating “I’m going to die…I’m going to die in a backwater town in the middle of nowhere.” Spike quickly leaned down and softly grabbed her shoulders. “You’re not going to die.” “Of course not,” Sunset reasoned. Her mind travelling to dark places. “They’re going to keep me alive for some insane ritual. Probably to bind me to some daemon.” “Sunset, stop this.” “Why?” Sunset looked him in the eye. “Why should I stop? Mom isn’t here for us. We’re by ourselves and heavily outmatched.” She lowered her head and uttered something she never thought she’d ever say. “We’re done for.” “I didn’t take you for a chicken.” The duo turned to turned to look at Lightning Dust, who was currently munching on a daisy sandwich. The mare gulped down a mouthful  before speaking again. “I guess I was wrong.” “I am no chicken,” Sunset rounded on her. Lightning didn’t even flinch when Sunset was a mere hoof away, giving her a deathly glare. She just continued eating. “And what right do you have to be trespassing in my library.” “The right to survive,” Redheart piped up as she, Quickfix, Fiddlesticks, Pizzelle, and Coco walked out of the kitchen. “I think that gave us every right to seek shelter here.” “Pfft, says you,” Sunset growled. ‘This is my library. MINE!’ “As a princess, it’s within my right to have your flanks thrown out of here, pronto.” “Whoa there, sis.” Spike put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Instantly, a little of her stress went away. Her brother had a way of keeping her calm…ish. “Let’s not get too hasty here.” “Fine,” Sunset grumbled. “I’m sorry for coming here,” Coco spoke up. “I was just so scared and I thought…it would be safe here.” "And it is safe here, honeydoll.” Pizzelle gave the timid mare a comforting smile. “She’s just stressed out by all this. We all have our ways of handling stress. Why, I bake when I’m stressed.” Finishing up her sandwich, Lightning spoke up again. “So, any ideas?” she asked her. “But…” Sunset tried to speak, but was interrupted. “You’re the princess here,” Lightning said. “You’ve got to have read and studied about stuff like this, or at least have some idea on how to beat Nightmare Moon.” “She’s git a point,” Quickfix chimed in. Sunset sighed. “The Elements of Harmony. They’re the only thing that could defeat her, at least to my knowledge. The seven Elements—Loyalty, Truth, Joy, Benevolence, Selflessness, and Inspiration—were the weapons that sealed her away for a thousand years.” “What of the seventh?” Redheart asked. Sunset shook her head. “I have no idea what it is, but it said to be summoned when the other six are brought together. But I have no idea where they are.” “In the old ruins of the castle,” Pizzelle spoke up. “It’s deep inside the Everfree Forest.” Everyone looked at her. “What? I read it in the recent ‘Ponyville: A tourist’s guide’.” Fiddlesticks quirked an eyebrow. “Funny. That warn’t in last years edition. Ah check it out every year t’see what they say about the farm.” ‘Well that is strange.’ Sunset thought, but pushed it aside. “It doesn’t matter. Do you still have the book?” Fiddlesticks took off her hat and out a book. “Right here.” Sunset looked at her curiously. “You had it…in your hat?” “Eyup.” Fiddlesticks nodded. “If you had it now,” Sunset said. “Then why didn’t you know about the Elements?” “’Cause I didn’t have any time ta read it,” Fiddlesticks answered.  “Ah was too busy practicin’.” The young princess quickly took the book with her magic and leafed through the pages. “AH HA!” She yelled triumphantly. She put a hoof to the page, pointing to her destination. “A map!” She closed it up. “I wish to personally thank you all for the assistance. Now I must be off…” “Oh no.” Lighting Dust shook her head. “You’re not going alone.” “I won’t be going alone.” Sunset gestured to her brother. “I have Spike.” Spike gave them a dashing look, which caused the other mares to blush. “Do not worry yourselves. I can most certainly handle the monsters of Everfree.” “Ah highly doubt that,” Quickfix told him. “Yeah.” Fiddlesticks nodded. “There are critters twice ya’lls size living in them woods. Some of ‘em with teeth the size of mah head.” She gestured the length. “I think we can take them,” Sunset snorted. “I mean, they aren’t Nightmare Moon. I doubt she even knows anything about their location.” “’N’ ‘cause ye said that, “the universe is aff ta make it so.” Quickfix smirked. “She’s got a point.” Fiddlesticks nodded in agreement. “Happens in far too many stories for my liking,” Pizzelle said. “Which gives me my rematch.” Lightning stood on her back hooves and punched her front ones out, like a boxer. “I’ll make that daemon regret showing her face in Equestria.” Sunset chuckled. “You really think you can just punch her into submission?” Lighting shrugged. “It’s worth another shot.” “So it’s settled then,” Redheart said. “We’re going with you.” “But…” “No buts.” Redheart gave her a stern gaze, which made her shut up. “You need a medic on your team and I’m the mare for the job.” “I’ll be the tank,” Lighting smirked. “You’ll need moral support,” Coco chimed. Pizzelle put an arm around the younger mare. “And I’ll be the moral support’s moral support…While adding my own moral support to said moral support….This is a bit more complicated than I meant it to be.” “Somepony’s got ta keep ya’lls spirit up,” Fiddlesticks stood up and pulled her fiddle from behind her back. ‘How does she do that?’ “A little country music will pass the time.” “A quick thinker is whit ye’ll need,” Quickfix stepped forward. “Luckily fer ye, ah’m the quickest.” Spike gave her a sly smile, to which she returned a glare. “Looks like you’ve been outvoted.” “Why are you supporting this?” Sunset shot at him. “Because we’ll need all the help we can get,” Spike told her. “The local militia have their hooves full with the traitors. We’re on our own.” Inquisitor Time Turner kicked open the door. The stallion looked haggard and was currently carrying a small, golden revolver in his right hoof and a red power sword in his left. The sword glowed a soft red, as the magic flowed about it. Sunset wondered how he got them, since revolvers weren’t exactly common yet, and power swords were only given to those who’ve fought valiantly for the kingdom, but he was a Time Charger. They tended to get the gear they wanted. “My princess,” He rushed over to her. “Are you injured?” Sunset shook her head. “Have you seen Ditzy?” “I saw her making her way home with her daughters,” Pizzelle answered him. Time Turner sighed in relief. “Her home is away from the fight. She’ll be safe there.” He turned back to the door. “Now come along. If we hurry, we might be able to make our way to the train station before they are able to cut off the route.” “You think they’ll be able to do that?” Sunset asked. “Even with our soldiers….” “This is a planned out assault,” Time Turner told her. “They would have taken into account our defenses and perimeters. The forces of darkness aren’t stupid, so they’ll attack our line of supply and reinforcements. Now, we must hurry before they do so.” “I’m not going with you,” Sunset answered him. “I’m going to the Everfree Forest. I have to stop Nightmare Moon.” Time Turner looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “Have you gone mad?” “No,” Sunset said. “I know now how to stop her. I need to go, Inquisitor.” “But your majesty…” Time Turner started. “I order you to stay and defend this town.” Sunset usually felt rather good when ordering ponies around. Right now, she didn’t have it in her to savor the feeling. “Save as many lives as you can and buy me time.” Time Turner grit his teeth. Words of disapproval danced on the edge of his tongue, but he eventually sighed and bowed. “As you wish, Your Majesty.” Without another word, he ran out of the building. “Don’t you think we might have needed him?” Redheart piped up. “Pfft, says you,” Sunset said, as she started out the door. “I can handle myself. The question is: can you?” Lightning walked alongside her. “No, the question is: can you keep up with my awesomeness?” “Only if you can keep up with mine.” Sunset shot her a ‘try me’ look. Lightning narrowed her eyes. “Oh, it is on.” __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outside the Everfree Forest “So let me get this straight,” the earth pony guardsmare said, looking over the group. She was currently sitting on top of a dead Nightmare cultist. Her armor was dented and a couple pieces had been sheared off. Trickles of blood seeped from shallow, open wounds. She was also currently chowing down on a loaf of bread. With another swallow, she tilted her spear over to the forest. “You want to go into the Everfree Forest, the exact place Nightmare Moon is right now, because you believe the Elements of Harmony are there waiting for you to activate them? Did I get that right?” “Yes,” Sunset stated. She glanced at the forest once more. The Everfree Forest was a placed to be feared as it was one of the deadliest place on the planet. Few dared travel inside and fewer still made it back out alive. In it dwelled monstrous creatures from far and wide, seeking some poor, unfortunate soul to make a snack of. She could see why such heinous creatures just love the place. The ancient trees, both dark and mysterious, seemed to emit a horrid sense of foreboding. The darkness that filled every inch of the forest was most likely hiding some kind of horror. The way the self-conscious breeze rocked the limbs almost made it appear as if the forest was shooing her away.‘Pfft, as if.’ “That sounds like the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard,” the mare said, before shrugging. “But hey, I’m not a princess. I’m just a guardspony doing her job.” Just then, they heard the sound of a soft gurgle. “What was that?” Coco asked, since she couldn’t see through her blindfold. The group had decided to spare Coco the deathly sight before them. It wasn’t extremely horrible, just several dead ponies strewn about, but she was a delicate soul. ‘Way too delicate for this world.’ Sunset thought. “Nothing dear,” Redheart said quickly “Yeah.” Pizzelle nodded enthusiastically. “They’re just…doing some plumbing. Yeah, plumbing.” Sunset face-hooved. 'Really? That's the best you can come up with?' The guardspony just laughed. “Interesting friends you’ve got here.” Sunset groaned. ‘They’re not my friends. They're my meat shields.’ Before she could say such, the guardspony got up from her position. The mare moved a little aways and stood over a fallen Nightmare soldier. Sunset could see, even with all its injuries, the soldier of nightmare had a little life still. The plunging of a spear into chest extinguished that last spark of life. “And done. Thanks for telling me.” “No problem,” Coco smiled sweetly. “I’m sure being a plumber isn’t an easy job and I’m glad I was able to help.” The guardspony raised an eyebrow. “Look missy, I’m not a plumber. I’m a…” “Look at the time,” Pizzelle interrupted. She pushed her head against Coco’s hindquarters, moving her along. “We best be going. Nightmare Moon won’t stop herself.” “Maybe if we’re lucky,” Sunset said, as they ventured into one of the deadliest places on the planet. "Take care now," the guardspony called after them. _______________________________________________________________________________ Deep within the Everfree Forest, inside the castle of the two sisters In the past, the denizens of the forest feared nothing but each other. They roamed as they pleased, ate as they please, and died as they pleased. Nothing would keep them from following this pattern and nothing ever did. “RAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRR!” Except tonight. No tonight, the creatures of the Everfree steered clear of the old, decrepit ruins that once housed some of the mightiest beings in the land. The monstrous beings could sense the massive dark aura that threatened to consume them. The castle itself had been untouched for a thousand years. Nature had been eating away at the structure, giving the once grey stones a ‘green’ coloration. The cobblestones were cracking and showing their age. The smell of rot and ruin made it simply unbearable. Nightmare Moon seethed as she took in the sight. “My castle,” she roared. “My castle has been reduced to such a decrepit ruin.” Her anger shook the foundation, shaking up a millennia of dust and loosing several blocks from the walls. “It can be rebuilt, Your Majesty,” Apostle told her. Nightmare Moon was thankful she had a minion like him. His power and intellect had gotten her this far. She’d have to reward him when she took up her rightful place as ruler. Nightmare Moon sighed. “Yes it can…And it will be far grander than it was before. It shall outshine the greatest monuments known to ponykind.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” Before Nightmare Moon could say anything more, she felt her whole life essence become strained. It started pulling on itself, trying to drag her back to her lunar presence. Her face scrunched up in pain, as she concentrated all her might against it. 'Infernal curse.' Apostle saw this and quickly whipped out a purple soul sphere. Speaking in the tongue of darkness, the souls, looking like a living purple wisp of smoke, traveled out of the sphere and around Nightmare Moon. Taking in a huge breath, she breathed in the collective life force around her. Instantly, she felt the strain lessen to a comfortable extent. She would have sighed with relief if not for something within the essence. Growling, she turned her gaze over to Apostle. “Do I sense the taint of chaos in these souls?” Apostle bowed his head apologetically. “It was all I could find on such short notice, Your Majesty. I would have been able to secure more, but the blood magi put up a fierce fight before he escaped.” “So, there are still rogue chaos factions about?” Nightmare Moon scoffed when Apostle nodded. “Typical. My sister is too soft hearted. Do not worry, my little pony. When I am princess, I shall wipe out the infernal scum of Discord.” “And that shall be a day of true wonder, Your Majesty.” Nightmare Moon smiled. “Why thank you, Apostle.” She patted him on the head with one of her tendrils. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.” The two kept walking a little ways, passing a couple of rooms (same rot, same stones, nothing special) until they came across what Nightmare Moon was looking for. In the middle of one of the largest rooms in the castle—with a complete lack of a rooftop allowing the glory of the night sky to pour in—stood a giant, gray spire. The spire reached over the tops of the rooftops, looking as if to touch the sky. Four jagged, black supports were on the device, one on each side. The pillar would pulse black every now and again, as black magic was pumped through it. A loud ‘hum’ could be heard with every pulse. “We’ve been able to cloak it’s presence with some artifacts we found hidden in some of the secret passageways. With them, we’ve been able to work undeterred.” Nightmare Moon smiled down at her second in command. “Brilliant as always, my little pony.” She was rather growing fond of this minion…Not fond enough where she wouldn’t kill him, but just enough not to send him to his certain death. Just then, one of her soldiers came rushing into the room. “Your Majesty, we have intruders.” “What?” Nightmare Moon seethed. Her plan wasn’t ready yet. She still had too much to do before she was ready to confront her sister. ‘I can’t fight her like this. She’ll kill me without breaking a sweat.’ “How is this possible? I told you to make sure nopony escaped the town.” "We…” Before the guard could continue, he found himself hoisted tail first into the air. Using the tendril, she brought him face to face with herself. Feeling the terror emanate off of the soldier brought her some satisfaction, but she was too angry to fully enjoy it. “Tell me,” Nightmare Moon said, baring her teeth, “how many made it through?” “Seven civies and a dragon,” And with that, the guard was flung to the ground…hard. Luckily for him, his armor prevented any real serious damage. But Nightmare Moon didn’t care. She was too far gone in her rage to care. “DRAGON!” Her thunderous voice shook the heavens. 'Infernal scum.' “A dragon made it through our lines? I told you specifically to end that wretch’s life.” “He is a young dragon, Your Majesty,” Apostle spoke up. “He holds no true threat.” “He is a dragon,” Nightmare Moon seethed. “His very existence is an affront to me. I despise their accursed race, even more so than the ilk of Discord. I HATE DRAGONS!” Apostle bowed his head. “Then permit me the honor of slaying him. Seeing his demise, surely the ponies will run back to the safety of their homes…For however long they remain safe.” “No,” Nightmare Moon tapped her chin with one of her tendrils. Simply killing the dragon wouldn’t be satisfying nor a suitable punishment for its existence. No, she had to think of something better. Something grander.'But what?'Sparing a glance at the spire in the middle of the room, she listened to the loud ‘humming’. She puzzled and puzzled until her puzzler was sore. And then Nightmare Moon thought up something she hadn’t before. Her demented smile nearly split her face as she got an idea. And awful idea. Nightmare Moon got a wonderful, awful idea. “My machine needs a sacrifice. “A dragons’ soul shall suffice. “Bring him here unharmed and intact. “His soul shall help me seal this pact.” Apostle bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty, it shall be done. “There is no place from me they can run.” Nightmare Moon waved a tentacle, to shoo him away. “Then be gone, my subject, get out of my sight. “Or else, I shall make you feel my might.” With not another word, Apostle departed, turning into a shadowy mist as he left the room. Nightmare Moon’s smile fell a little bit. “Since when did my speech devolve into rhyme?” She shrugged, or at least she would have if she had a body. “I’ll think on it some other time.” She turned back to the spire and grinned wickedly. ‘Soon my sister, I shall have my vengeance.’ > Part 8: Confrontation in the Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Why,’ was the question Sunset kept asking herself. Her mind worked overtime to answer the question—or  rather ‘questions’ as she noted. Why were the Elements of Harmony were in the Everfree Forest? Surely her mother wouldn’t be so careless as to just leave the most sacred of holy weapons unguarded in the middle of nowhere. ‘I know she isn’t stupid enough to think nopony would look there. A contingent of soldiers could easily make it to the ruins with no…okay, some problems.’ Okay, she answered her first question. The Everfree Forest one of the top ten deadliest places in the entire world. Pretty much everything that dwelled inside was capable of killing, maiming, or just making your life a living Tartarus. ‘So it’s a good place to keep something secret after all…I just wish she picked a much…nicer location.’ She also asked herself how she wound up in this living death-trap with these losers. None of them were ponies she’d want to hang out with, especially in a trip like this. Lightning Dust was currently flapping her wings, keeping herself a small ways from the ground. Sunset was always curious as to why pegasi preferred to fly instead of walk to most places. Lightning’s aura was bright and exuded confidence. She was a fast flier and could possibly pack a mean punch, and Sunset knew she was just itching for another chance to face Nightmare Moon. ‘And it’ll go about as well as last time…if she’s lucky.’ Nurse Redheart was fixing the straps for her saddle bags. The nurse had a pleasant, kind aura that brought comfort and warmth. Of all the ponies present, Sunset was kind of glad she came. A medic would come in hoofy in this deadly forest. She wasn’t somepony Sunset would want to hang out with, but at least she was tolerable. The others were pretty much just lollygagging. Quickfix and Fiddlesticks were both chatting about…something. She didn’t want to listen in on the battle of the accents, nor did she want to focus on their so…upbeat auras. Pizzelle was sticking close to Coco. The young fashionista was shaking in her hooves so bad that Sunset would swear that she was trying to free herself from her skin. While Pizzelle’s aura was as upbeat as the other two, it was tinged by concern and sadness…She didn’t know where the sadness was coming from, but it was most likely born from her concern for Coco. Whereas Coco’s aura was just so pathetic and scared that Sunset didn’t want to focus on it for too long. ‘Why is she even here?’ Looking around at the horrid forest, Sunset was quickly reminded why she spent her time thinking about the ponies around her. The aura of the Everfree Forest wasn’t something one should focus on, as it was known to drive ponies insane or paralyze them with fear, sometimes both. The forest felt like it was keeping Sunset boxed in and trying to choke the very breath from her lungs. The humid air made her feel uncomfortable as sweat clotted her fur. Sunset couldn’t help but watch the shadows of the forest. She knew that each and every one of them was hiding some horror waiting to make her its late night snack. Only the light of the moon seemed to keep them at bay. ‘For now.’ Now, Sunset wasn’t an easily scared pony; far from it. She had seen more horror films and read more slasher books than most ponies alive. None of it bothered her…until now. ‘Oh my mother, this was a bad idea. This was a bad idea.’ Sunset’s breathing was hectic as she fervently watched everything around her. Her ears swiveled this way and that, twitching with every sound. Of course, she wasn’t scared. She was just being precautious. ‘An ounce of precaution is better than a pound of cure,’ an old saying preached, one Sunset would follow to the letter. And if things do go south, I have several body shields/distractions with me.’ That thought gave her a confidence boost…which lasted all of five seconds thanks to a blood curdling roar. The very sound pierced their souls, and caused everyone to flinch, including Spike, who took the time to look away from the map. “What was that?” Sunset lit up her horn on the off chance that the creature was nearby. “A dingonek,” Nurse Redheart said. “And by the sound of it, he’s laying claim to a kill.” At the name of the creature, Sunset tensed up. “A dingonek? In these woods?” When Nurse Redheart nodded, Sunset couldn’t help but press herself against Spike. ‘For his protection of course.’ “A dingowhat?” Quickfix spoke up. “A dingonek,” Redheart explained. “It’s one of the many large carnivores that inhabit the Everfree. It spends most of its time around rivers and large bodies of water. As long as we don’t linger about bodies of water, we’ll be fine.” “Pfft,” Lightning Dust scoffed. “Sounds lame. I mean, dingonek? That’s got to be the stupidest name for a monster. Who’s going to take it seriously when they’re too busy laughing their cutie marks off?” ‘Seriously?’ Sunset thought. ‘She doesn’t know one of the more deadly local animals? Hay, I’m…nervous about the possibility of meeting the creature.’ “Lightning Dust.” Redheart quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t I go over this during our studies?” “I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t paying attention,” Lightning said. Redheart put a hoof to her forehead and sighed. “Okay, let me put it this way:did you know a manticore used to prowl these woods?” Pizzelle shuddered. “Don’t remind me. That thing would spook the living daylights out of me on my evening jogs years back. That’s why I moved it to the early morning.” “What’s a manticore got to do with this ding…whatever?” Lightning asked. “It has everything to do with the dingonek,” Nurse Redheart explained. “It ate the manticore.” A deathly silence fell upon the group. Sunset herself couldn’t believe it. Manticores were vicious predators that could hold their own against even the strongest of ponies. ‘Well, normal ponies that is.’ Listing all the types of lethal pony organizations would take too long and didn’t matter. If a dingonek could kill and eat a manticore, it would have no difficulty killing a pony. “Me and my colleague Mane Goodall were gathering data on the Everfree Forest and how the local winter affects the foliage,” Nurse Redheart gazed inquisitively at the local flora as they walked. “When we heard the unmistakable sounds of a predatory clash. We went to investigate.” “You went to investigate?” Sunset asked in disbelief. “Isn’t that…completely stupid?” Redheart rolled her eyes. “I assure you that I am a professional. I wouldn’t wander blindly into danger.” “Whatever floats your boat,” Sunset snorted. “Up north, we send our youths out to rammy,” Quickfix stopped herself, obviously realizing she was using a foreign term. “er I mean, fight manticores 'n' sic a' th' time. Builds character.” The other characters just stared at her for a moment, as she tapped her hoof in thought. ‘It’s official. Northerners are psychopaths.’ “Ne'er heard o' a dingonek afore,” Quickfix admitted. “That’s because dingoneks prefer tropical environments,” Nurse Redheart elaborated. “Whoo-wee,” Fiddlesticks spoke up. “Up north sounds tougher then pickin’ alligator teeth in a storm.” “Ye dinnae know the half o’ it,” Quickfix chuckled. Sunset rolled her eyes. “Okay girls, back on track here. We’re dealing with the return of a mad god bent on world destruction. Traveling down memory lane isn’t going to do us any good.” “Especially not dear Coco.” Pizzelle was at the young mare’s side. One of her wings was draped over Coco’s body, which held her close to Pizzelle. She nuzzled the top of the frightened mare’s head. “Don’t be afraid. It’s not going to hurt you.” “But it killed a manticore,” Coco Pommel pointed out. “A poor, innocent manticore.” Sunset couldn’t help but belt out a hearty laugh. “A poor, innocent manticore? Lady, you need to get out more.” Everyone else in the party sent her seething glares. Spike nudged her shoulder. “Sunset, could you at least attempt to be civil?” Sunset rolled her eyes. “She called a manticore, one of the fiercest members of the family Felidae, poor and innocent. I’m not going to let that by without mocking it.” Coco sniffed. “My family owns a pet manticore,” she said wistfully. “He’s called Manny. He’s just the sweetest thing you could meet. Thinking about the dead manticore just makes me think of him and…” Pizzelle put her head on top of younger mare’s own. “Shhh, it’s okay.” “We’re all going to die here,” Coco said through her shivers and sobs. Tears started to cascade down her face. “I’m never going to see my mom, Rarity, or even Manny again.” Sunset cringed. ‘Wow. I made her cry…I’m a douchebag.’ Normally Sunset Shimmer wouldn’t call herself something like that. This wasn’t the first time she’d made fun of someone. Yet, she hadn’t reduced someone to tears. Granted, it was inadvertent and due to extraordinary circumstances, but the point still remained. "Nopony's dying on my watch," Lightning spoke up. "Don't worry, Coco. We'll protect you." “Ya darn tootin we’ll protect ya.” Fiddlesticks nodded. “And we’re going to see our families again.” Redheart had backtracked to Coco’s side. “I can assure you of that.” Coco sniffed once more, rubbing out the tears that had started to fall. “Really?” Redheart nodded, giving her a heartwarming smile. “Really,” she added with a nuzzle. “Let us not forget the gallant dragon within our midst.” Spike turned to look at the others. With a simple smile, he sent the mare’s quivering. Well, all except Pizzelle, who was chuckling at the younger mares. Sunset facehooved. “Spike, down boy.” Spike chuckled and continued leading the group. “I wasn’t doing anything.” “Sure you weren’t,” Sunset snorted, humorously. Another round of silence befell the group…of course, Pizzelle was the first to break it. “Does anypony know how we’re going to activate the Elements?” “Pfft, easy.” Lightning smirked, flying a little ways off the ground. She put a hoof to her chest and boasted, “The moment the elements get a load of me, they’ll work in no time flat. I mean, how could they not want to work for somepony so awesome?” “That’s not how magic works,” Sunset couldn’t help but say it mockingly. ‘Idiot.’ “Pfft, says you,” Lightning Dust scoffed. “Hey,” Sunset rounded on her. “That’s my line.” “Pfft.” Lightning sent her a challenging gaze. “Says you.” Sunset growled and lit up her horn. Pawing the ground, she readied herself to charge at the Pegasus. ‘Okay, fundamentally this is stupid, but I’m a unicorn, not an Earth pony. I have magic.’ Before the tension could spill over, Spike stepped in between them. “Quit it. Fighting amongst ourselves over something so trivial isn’t going to help anypony.” “He’s right.” Redheart nodded in agreement. “Nightmare Moon is our main priority. The more time we squabble, the more time she has to prepare for her war and the more ponies die.” Both Sunset and Lightning looked away. Sunset really only cared about her own family, but she didn’t want others to die. She wasn’t heartless after all. “Geez,” both mares said simultaneously. “When you put it like that…” “Ya’ll sound like a couple of jerks?” Fiddlesticks offered. The two headstrong mares reluctantly agree.  The other ponies broke into chuckle fits, causing Sunset and Lightning to blush in embarrassment. ‘If we weren’t in mortal danger,’ Sunset thought, gritting her teeth. ‘I’d set their manes on fire and throw them against a tree. I’m sure a few broken bones and third degree burns would teach them not to…’ She stopped her ill thoughts when Spike flicked her horn. “OW!” Sunset rubbed her magical appendage. It should be noted that unicorn horns were rather sensitive. It was why it is incredibly rude, except out of intimate lovers, to touch a unicorn’s horn. Spike had no such qualm, much to her annoyance. “What was that for?” “You were thinking about something violent.” Spike sent her a disapproving gaze. “And/or fire.” “….Maybe,” Sunset let out an annoyed sigh. Her brother knew her well. ‘Too well.’ “I’m just stressed is all. I mean, we’re going to face Nightmare Moon, lord of darkness and all things evil. That isn’t something you want to come across, let alone fight.” Spike put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry so much. We’ve faced hardships and pulled through them before. Hay, that’s Equestria for you. The world keeps throwing threat after threat at us, yet we still march on, slicing and lucking our way to a new tomorrow. This little adventure of ours is no different.” “But the deadliest thing we’ve ever faced was that pompous cat a few years back.” Spike shivered. “I still have nightmares….But that’s not important. What’s important is that we’re going to make it of this alive and well.” “But..” Spike silenced her by putting a finger to her lips. “Sunset, whatever happens, I’ll protect you.” Sunset could see the sincerity and determination in his eyes and couldn’t help but smile. ‘You’re awesome, little bro.’ “But can you protect yourself?” A sinister male voice interrupted them. Spike and Sunset barely had enough time to turn their heads, before dark beam of magic smacked into Spike’s side. The dragon was sent flying into a nearby tree, a few yards away from the group. The sinister voice chuckled and stepped into the light. Sunset glared at the stallion, who was none other than Apostle. “The answer is no.” “You’ll pay for that!” Sunset lit up her horn, reading a spell. “I don’t think I will.” Apostle smirked. Sunset tilted her horn to point directly at him. “You asked for it.” She Released a blast that should have sent him spiraling through the air, and was horrifyingly surprised to see him use his own magic to deflect it. “Wha…what?” ‘But he shouldn’t have been able to do that.’ “You have great power, Princess,” Apostle said shaking his head. “But you lack finesse and the will to kill. If you had really wanted to, you could have shattered me into a million pieces.” “I’m considering it,” Sunset said through her clenched jaw. Apostle laughed. “I’m sure of it.” His mirth ended the moment he blocked another spell. Sunset and he looked over at Quickfix who had a look that could kill. Apostle scowled. “Stay out of this northerner, if you know what’s good for you.” “Ah know whit's good fur me,” Quickfix answered, pawing the ground in anger. “Kicking yer tail a' the way back ta Tartarus.” Apostle rolled his eyes. “Sadly you won’t have that chance. ACOLYTES!”   Out from the shadows emerged several cloaked ponies. The newcomers converged on Spike, who was still composing himself from the previous attack. “Spike!” Sunset called out to him. “Ah got ‘em.” Fiddlesticks was the first to run to his aide, but was stopped dead in her tracks when a translucent purple wall appeared to corral the group and separate them from Spike. The country mare ran right into the wall with a comical ‘smack’. Dizzily, she stumbled back to the group. “Did somepony git the number on the wall that hit me?” Nurse Redheart quickly rushed over and steadied the country mare before she fell over. “Easy there.” Before anything else could be done, the acolytes shot black smoky tendrils of magic around Spike, pinning him to the ground. The warlocks in training laughed in victory as they lorded over the scaly beast. One of them got too close however, and since they forgot to tie his mouth shot, Spike spewed forth a stream of fire. The acolyte screamed in pain and flailed around, trying to put out the fire that tormented him. None of the other acolytes so much as moved a muscle to help their distressed compatriot. Apostle sighed from outside the magic wall. “You can’t find good acolytes these days.” He quickly fired a spell that pierced the chest of the wailing cultist. Falling to the ground, the sound and smells of cooking flesh still permeated the air. Using another spell to tie Spike’s mouth shut, he turned his attentions back to the group. “Now you may take your leave.” “Take our leave?” Sunset shouted. “Take our leave?! I will do no such thing!” Apostle sighed once more. “Please, don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Leave if you value your lives.” “You’re insane if you think we’d just abandon Equestria to its fate,” Redheart spoke up. “And let Spike fall into your horrid hooves.” “Insane?” Apostle was obviously bristled by the comment. “Am I insane for embracing the true ruler of this pathetic world? Am I insane for following her to a better tomorrow, where ponies are the rightful rulers of this world? No, I am not. I want to live in a world where we no longer fear the dark. Where ponies can frolic in the moonlight and not worry about griffons, humans,” he spared a hateful glance over at Spike. “dragons and whatever beast that comes our way. I want an age of prosperity that will last forever. I will fight for this future and I shall do everything I must to ensure peace and prosperity is secured.” “But how will we survive in the dark?” Redheart countered. “Everything will eventually die and freeze over. You’re dooming us to a slow death.” Apostle sent her a deathly grin. “That is where you’re wrong. Our goddess shall keep us alive and well when this world is cleansed of those…lesser races.” “That’s genocide!” Redheart said with indignation. “That’s justice!” Apostle roared back. “I’m tired of watching our kind die left and right. Even if I have to kill and soil my soul with the blood of the innocent, I will do everything to save us. You may think me a monster, but future generations will vindicate me.” “I think you may need to see a shrink,” Sunset joked. “Cause you’re obviously messed up in the head.” Apostle snarled. “This is your last warning. If you value your souls, leave now.” “Not before we get what we came for.” Sunset glanced over at her little brother. “And Spike too.” Spike rolled his eyes and huffed in agitation, continuing to struggle in his magical bonds. The acolytes were straining themselves to keep him secured, sweating profusely and shaking. Dragons were naturally resistant to magic so it was taking a lot of effort to keep him bound with it. “Then you leave me with no choice,” Apostle’s horn lit up and the walls instantly grew as black as night. Sunset tried casting a spell to break them apart, but it did absolutely nothing. ‘Horseapples, I don’t know how to deal with black magic.’ She mentally berated herself for skipping over such books. Before she could think of something to get them out, black fire raced from the wall and cut the group up. The ponies skittered away from the flames. The magical fire held no heat, but they knew it would sear them on contact. The flames then shot high up into the air, surpassing the very trees themselves. The world became dark as the light of the stars and moon were blotted out. Sunset could feel something happening, but she couldn’t say or do anything to stop it. She was paralyzed by fear. Her mind grew fuzzy and everything became blank. > Part 9: Selfless Acts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike groaned in pain as he groggily returned to the land of consciousness. Sparks of residue magic flicked across his scales, doing nothing else but irritate him. He wasn’t a stranger to being mishandled with the stuff, black magic aside. Sunset used him often to…relieve her stress, so to speak. ‘If only it was Sunset,’ He thought grudgingly….His eyes flew open at the thought. Boundless waves of worry washed over him. He remembered walking into the forest, seeing his sister scared out of her wits, the cultists wrapping him up in their magic, and his sister…. “SUNSET!” he cried out, hoping to hear his sister’s voice. Nopony answered. He’d be sweating in worry if he could sweat at all. He had to get to her; she was in danger. As he tried to jerk upwards, he quickly found himself indisposed as none of his limbs could move. ‘Why can’t I…’ He looked over at his arms and legs and found them encased in dark gray, metal gauntlets, keeping him still on top of a metal slab hovering a ways off the ground. Spike snorted. “Obviously they haven’t dealt with an earth dragon before.” He smirked. Earth dragons were renowned for their strength and durability. Spike was sure that his captors hadn’t taken that into account. Spike grunted in effort, putting every ounce of his strength to the test as he tried to jerk his limbs off the slab… with no results. After a couple of minutes he fell back to the slab, panting in exhaustion. “I…don’t understand.” “If you’ve lived as long as I have,” an eerily familiar, yet still terrifying voice said to him. “You’d quickly learn not to underestimate the strength of dragons.” The voice added extra venom to the word ‘dragon’. When Spike opened his mouth to spew forth fire, the voice cut him off. “And I wouldn’t if I were you. It’d be pointless, seeing as there is a bubble of flame retardant spells cast around you.” Spike growled. Even though he was immune to magic, his body could still sense it. She was telling the truth. “Show yourself, coward. I won’t talk to somepony afraid to show their face.” “My, my, my.” You could hear the contempt ooze from her voice. “Aren’t you the brave one?” Spike prepared himself to face off against some nightmare cultist. His eyes widened in panic as the true mysterious being came into view. “Ni…Nightmare Moon.” The incorporeal being grinned devilishly. “In the spirit.” Spike’s mouth hung open and his eyes wide with shock. His mind reeled from the weight of situation crashing down on him. ‘Okay, let me recap. I’ve been captured by Nightmare Moon and fastened to a metal slab with no way out. This could go two ways….And seeing as I highly doubt Moon’s a tsundere, this isn’t going to be the pleasurable one.’ “Do you know why you’re here?” Nightmare Moon asked. Spike attempted to shrug, but that proved fruitless. “Honestly, I’m surprised I’m still alive. You made it pretty clear you hate dragons back at the town hall.” “Yes…Yes I do hate your kind and that’s why I spared you.” Spike was silent for a moment. “Because you want to make up for your misguided hate?” The dragon sent her one of his most charming smiles. A little glimmer of hope sparked in his eyes. “NO!” The daemon princess roared in his face. Her cheeks, or at least the ghostly image of her cheeks, were tinted a little red. “NOTHING LIKE THAT!” Taking a moment to calm herself, Nightmare Moon scowled. “I kept you alive as to play the final part in my summoning. You see, I’m not all here.” ‘No. Really?’ Spike thought and knew better than to say out loud. “At the height of the planetary alignment, the realm of darkness will converge with this plain and I shall once again walk this earth. My armies of daemons and followers will tear apart the world you know and replace it with something…beautiful.” The mare of the moon sighed in bliss. “I will once and for all time take my rightful place as ruler of this world.” “And you need me for…” “Nothing more than a welcome gift.” Nightmare Moon sent him a predatory grin. “Travelling between realms of reality is a tiring affair. I shall need my strength when I eventually face my sister.” She traced a tendril over Spike’s cheek. Spike didn’t move a muscle. The dragon just let his eyes follow the black tendril as it slid across his scales. He gulped, noticing the barked edge it possessed. “The soul of a dragon shall make for a wonderful first meal…Don’t you agree?” Nightmare Moon asked. Before Spike could respond, or even think of a response, another figure appeared in a cloud of darkness beside the metal slab. The figure, turning out to be Apostle, bowed his head. “Your Majesty.” “What news do you bring me?” Nightmare Moon inquired. “The locals are offering far more resistance than was anticipated,” Apostle explained. “Then double your efforts and slaughter the lot.” Nightmare Moon peered over at Spike. “And leave me be. I’m busy…playing with my new toy.” ‘For once in my life, I don’t like where this is going,’ Spike thought. “Our soldiers can’t push their advantage currently without support, Your Majesty,” Apostle said. “Then send the Shadowbolts,” Nightmare Moon said with a tired groan. “They’ve been cooped up for too long. I’m sure a good massacre will get their blood going and show my other subjects how it’s done.” “Your Majesty’s ideas are brilliant,” Apostle said devoutly. Nightmare Moon beamed with pride. “They are, aren’t they? Yes…Now release the Shadowbolts and be quick of it.” “It shall be done.” “And what about the peasant interlopers?” Nightmare asked. Spike’s ears swiveled closer to the duo, hoping to catch any information he could. “They are scattered and far from our location,” Apostle said. “They are none of our concern anymore.” “Be that as it may,” Nightmare’s gaze once again returned to Spike. “I wish to know why they went into the Everfree Forest in the first place. Surely they had some goal in mind….Keep tabs on them. I want to know they’re progress…or lack thereof.”   “As you wish,” and with no further ado, Apostle teleported away. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “You best hope your compatriots are smart enough to leave this wretched forest. Else, I might have some fun with them.” She tossed her ethereal head back and cackled. Spike, having had enough of this daemon, sent out a deep growl. “If you so much as touch one hair in my sister’s mane, I’ll tear you apart.” Nightmare Moon went silent. She didn't move for what felt like an eternity. Finally, she looked at him with an astonished gaze. “You’re Sunset’s brother?” Spike nodded. “Celestia adopted you?” Spike nodded once more. “My sister made it where I have to call a dragon my kin?” Even though she was only a spirit, the color seemed to drain from her face. Spike nodded again, giving out the hint of a smile. ‘Oh this is rich.’ “Excuse me…I need a moment.” The Mare of the Moon took off for the exit. She stopped to look at the three female soldier guarding the doorway. Each one of them was wearing fearsome, spiked black armor and carrying a spear. “Keep an eye on him.” Spike was left in silence…. “THAT CRAZY MOTHERBUCKER MOCKS ME! I”LL KILL HER TO DEATH!” The goddess’s voice shook the entire ruin. “You can’t do that, Your Majesty,” another voice called out to her. “I”LL BUCKING DO WHAT I WANT, GRANDMA CURSE IT! I"M NIGHTMARE BUCKING MOON! I DON"T HAVE THE MOON ON MY BUTT FOR NOTHING!” Spike sighed. ‘This is going to be a long night.’ He peered his head up to the doorway and cast his gaze upon the female guards. He raised an eyebrow. 'Maybe it won't be as bad as it could be.' __________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Hello,” Coco Pommel weakly called out. “Is anypony out there?” The frightened mare had woken up not long ago. Alone and scared out of her wits, she couldn’t stop shaking with every small step she took. Her eyes darted frantically about, searching for one of her friends. “Pizzelle, Lightning, Redheart,” she started to call out. Her voice was barely above a whisper. “P-p-please, anypony, just answer me.” Coco was on the brink of shedding tears. Here she was, cast away from her loved ones and doomed to wander aimlessly in the big, bad woods of the Everfree Forest. ‘I’m never going to see them again: my mom, my friends, not even Sunset Shimmer.’ Sniffing, she rubbed her eyes in an attempt to stop her tears from coming. “I don’t want to die alone,” Coco muttered to herself. The forest offered her no reconciliation. No remorse. It just was and that scared her more than anything. She could not read the thoughts of the spirit of the forest. It loomed over her, judging whether to spare her or to play with her and drag out her demise. Her mind was on high alert, scanning every shadow, every niche of the forest for danger. It was easy for her, since her species was a herbivorous one. Ponies had always been forced to watch their backs in the likely case of a hungry predator nearby. Coco was more used to this feeling then others due to her shy nature. For the most part, it was unwarranted. She lived up in Canterlot for most of her youth before moving to Ponyville. Not once in all that time had she come into danger…But now danger had found her and she was not prepared. Hearing a resounding ‘crack’, made her nearly jump out of her skin. She didn’t though, but she did jump impressively high. “St-st-stay back. I’m warning you,” she pitifully called out. “I-I know miss Rarity. She’s a tough pony an-and my friends will be here soon. So please leave me alone.” The rustling didn’t stop; it just grew louder and closer. All the while, Coco’s shaking got worse and worse. As the noise grew, so did her imagination. ‘Oh no, it’s the dingonek coming to get me…Or its Timber wolves…Or the dreaded queen of the Everfree…PLEASE DON’T LET IT BE THE QUEEN!’ Her panicked voice rang inside her skull. She hunkered down close to the ground and covered her face. Finally the noise stopped. It took her a few seconds, but Coco was able to stop herself from shaking. Her ears pivoted around, searching for the noise again. ‘Is it gone?’ Slowly uncovering her eyes at the thought, she scanned the area. Noting no monsters had popped out of the bushes to eat her, she let out the breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “It’s nothing, Coco. Just your nerves getting the better of you…again.” Of course, the universe is a jerk. The next thing Coco knew was something bursting from out from the trees and bearing its teeth at her. She had little time to think and reacted the best way she knew how. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She ran away, screaming at the top of her lungs. If Coco had stayed longer and paid more attention, she would have known that the ‘beast’ was none other than a white rabbit. Said rabbit was now rolling on the ground in silent laughter. _____________________________________________________________________________ Not so far away, the soldiers of darkness were at play. “Pathetic!” And they weren’t happy with their toys. “Find me something with a substantial soul,” a young, unicorn stallion said, using his magic to throw away a now lifeless squirrel. The last of the creatures soul still swirled around his horn in a purple haze. He was an acolyte of nightmare who had only recently passed into adulthood. His grey coat and purple mane was mostly hidden by the black cloak that his kind wore. “Our dark goddess will not be fed table scraps.” Another of the three Earth pony, nightmare soldiers spoke up. “But all the larger animals have been scared off. None dare approach anywhere near our sacred temple.” The voice carried a harder, elderly tint to it. “Then expand your sweep.” The acolyte pointed at them accusingly. “The false sun goddess is coming and we must prepare. I will not let sun touched fools defeat us so easily.” “Mere animal souls won’t appease our goddess,” the soldier barked back. “This search is useless.” “Not as useless as you.” The acolyte’s glare pierced the soldier to his very core. “I say expand the search or I shall use you to summon a daemon in our hour of need.” His smile grew bloodthirsty. “What a noble sacrifice that’ll be.” “Just because you’re a warlock, doesn’t mean you can threaten me like that.” The soldier barked at him. His hoof neared the hilt of his sword. “I’ve been killing loyalists since before you were ever conceived. I could easily kill you, little worm.” The acolyte took a step forward, preparing to unleash a spell. Before a fight could break out, they heard a loud shriek. “What the hay was that?” The acolyte jumped backwards, scanning the area around himself. The older soldier chuckled. “Nothing, little worm. Sounds like one of them young mares stumbled upon one of the many horrors of the Everfree. Good riddance.” “I still don’t see why we couldn’t have used them as sacrifices,” the acolyte complained.   The soldier snorted. “You acolytes and your soul magic.” The nightmare soldier pulled out his sword. “All I need is this. It does its job just fine enough without your fancy-shmancy powers.” Before the argument could continue, the lot of them heard a faint rustling in some nearby bushes. Raising an eyebrow, the acolyte stated “It seems we have some company…Bring it here.” _______________________________________________________________________________ “That was too close,” Coco patted a hoof over her heart to try and stop the constant beating. She walked ever onward, hoping to find some sort of lead out of the forest, or her friends. “I hope I lost…whatever that was.” ‘I just hope that’s the last thing I bump into.’ Fate isn’t going to be kind to our little Coco in that regard. The sound of a pained scream reached her ears, causing her to jump into a nearby bush with a frightened squeal. ‘Please don’t find me. Please don’t find me.’ “Grab a hold of him, you foals!” A young stallion’s voice rang out. “Huh?” Coco let out, curiously. She at once thought that the evil warlock had found her, but the voice was different. It was still harsh and vile, but younger. The owner of said voice sounded around her own age, but it carried such a deathly tone that she wondered if it was a griffon or some other non-pony. The voice wasn’t far off. In fact, it sounded like it was only a short distance away. Now normally, Coco would have stayed hidden, out of fear of discovery, but her curiosity got the better of her. ‘They…They could be nice ponies. Just because they sound mean, doesn’t mean they are.’ Crawling forth, she opened up a little opening in the bush to see what was going on. Instantly, she regretted it. There, in the middle of a small clearing, was a small group of shadow cultists. There were only four out there, but that was four too many for the weak mare. Three of them were normal, earth ponies soldiers, clad in black, twisted armor. ‘Miss Rarity must be having a fit over these horrendous designs.’ The fourth was by far the scariest. He was clad in nothing but a black robe with Nightmare Moon’s cutie mark on the rump. ‘Tacky.’ Yet, the unicorn was the most dangerous, what with his crazed eyes and massive grin. Coco’s breath caught at how close they were. If the warlock had looked closely enough, just turning his head to the right, he’d see her. What was making him smile was the creature the group had found. It was an odd creature, to say the least. It was a biped with grayish, brown leathery skin. Its pointed ears were droopy and its short tail didn’t seem to have a purpose other than rudimentary balance. Its face looked flat and it had a horrendous overbite. It wore a dirty, red overcoat and a light blue collar anointed with a silver jewel. Overall, the fashionista side of Coco thought it a grotesque creature. She briefly wondered if this creature was a human, but she remembered humans didn’t have tails in the tales she had heard. “Well, look what we’ve found,” the acolyte warlock stated. “A grundle. What luck.” Said grundle was whimpering. He—Coco noted that it was male—cowered before the soldier of night. “P-p-please don’t hurt grundle. Grundle no hurt anyone, swear.” The cultists laughed. Coco couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor thing. She knew what grundles were. Miss Rarity often complained about them, saying that they were ‘uncouth barbarians’. They often raided her mines. Diamond Dogs and their ilk were mortal enemies and Rarity had the same mindset. That was her clan and she wasn’t one to let something mess with her things. “You think we’re just going to let you go because you asked?” The acolyte sneered. “Your kind must be dumber than I thought. It almost makes me think your soul worthless, but no matter. A soul’s a soul.” “But grundle need soul.” The grundle hugged itself in a vain attempt at hiding its soul. “You don’t even know what a soul is,” the acolyte pointed out. “A soul…” “Little worm,” an older sounding soldier spoke up. “Just kill him and be done with it. I’m sick of hearing this thing talk.” The acolyte rolled his eyes. “There is no fun allowed anywhere near you, is there?” The older soldier just snorted. “At least let me keep a memento.” The unicorn plucked the collar from around the grundle’s neck. “NO!” The grundle lurched forth, but was stopped by a strike to the head by one of the soldiers. “Stay still, if you know what’s good for you.” The acolyte looked the collar over, staring intently at the jewel. “I say, this is an exquisite jewel. No doubt stolen from the local mine.” When the grundle just whimpered in response, the acolyte snorted. In a flash of magic, the jewel and collar went up in a black smoke. “I’ll think I’ll keep it for later.” “Are we going to kill it or not?” The older soldier spoke up. “Well, let’s just get this done. Apostle is expecting us back for the glorious return of our dark goddess in the flesh.” The unicorn pointed his horn at the grundle. “No,” the grundle bawled and pleaded. “Don’t kill grundle. Let grundle go.” The unicorn ignored him and lit up his horn. Now, Coco didn’t need to do anything. The cultists were too busy with the grundle to pay attention to anything else, so she could just sneak off or lay still until they moved on. She could have done either of those things and looked after her own hide. Nobody would fault her for it. The next moment would be something Coco would remember through the ages. Something sparked within her: a hidden fire that lit her very soul, and had she been given a mirror at that moment, she would have noticed a star-lit twinkle in her eyes. She knew what she had to do. Coco, the meek earth pony mare who cowered before a rabbit… …Jumped out of the bush and head-butted the side of the acolyte, sending him flying. Now she may have been weak, but only weak by earth pony standards. Her race was incredibly strong and sturdy, giving her just enough strength to body check an evil doer into a tree. She was just lucky he was a unicorn. An earth pony of his size wouldn’t have been thrown like that and she’d have a massive headache right about now. “Get on,” she told the grundle. The grundle hopped on without a single second thought and in an instant, Coco was off. “GET HER!” She heard the acolyte scream. She picked up her pace. Being an earth pony gave her immense endurance and speed, but that also gave the soldiers the advantage as they were larger and stronger than her. She just hoped their armor would slow them down enough to let her escape. ‘Oh please, Celestia, help me. Please help me,’ she shouted internally. The chase went on for a couple of minutes, allowing Coco to get farther and farther away from her pursuers, until she came across a large river. “Oh no,” She pranced in place, swiveling her head around. There wasn’t anywhere to cross the river and going back wasn’t an option. The soldiers would out run to her and catch her before long. “Oh no, oh no, oh no. This is the end!” “Grundle don’t like this,” the grundle spoke up. “Grundle scared.” Coco turned her head around to look at him. “Don’t talk like that,” she told him, in an attempt to calm them both down. “We’ll make it.” ‘I hope.’ “No you won’t.” She froze in place when she heard the sound of the soldier from before. Turning around completely, she saw the soldiers exit the forest several feet apart. “You gave us a lot of trouble, back there. But I’ll let it slide.” The older soldier chuckled. “Body-checking that little worm got a laugh out of me. So this is how it’ll play out. You give us the grundle and I’ll let you go. It’s a good deal.” Most ponies would have taken that deal. There wasn’t any love between her race and the grundles, especially given the grundles harsh, idiotic, and thievish nature. It was a great deal. “No.” Coco shook her head and lowered herself so that the grundle could get off, she put herself in front of him. “If y-you want him, you’ll have to g-go through me first.” “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” The soldier unsheathed his sword. “A little thing like you wouldn’t stand a chance.” She knew he was right, but she didn’t care. Looking back, she spoke to the grundle. “Run. I’ll hold them off.” The grundle nodded. “Why are you protecting that thing?” The soldier shouted. “It’s not even a pony.” Giving him her best glare, she spoke “Because that makes me the bigger mare. I look out for others, unlike some.” Normally she wouldn’t be so brash, but right now, it was life or death. She wasn’t going to let someone die on her watch, even if she got hurt. The soldier shook his head sadly. “It’s a shame. You’re a real pretty mare…maybe I’ll have some fun with you before the end.” The way he said that last part sent shivers of despair down his spine. Coco didn’t want to think about what he wanted to do with her. She stood her ground though, ready for what was to come next. Be it death or foe. “Why, hello little ponies. Funny seeing you here in the Everfree.” Or a giant, moustached, purple river serpent. “I thought you bunch hated the forest?” The giant serpent asked. His voice was as flamboyant as his neat, poofy orange mane and moustache. Coco’s body shook in fear as she saw how large he was. She had heard tales of the dangers of serpents. The soldiers went into a tight, defensive formation with their weapons drawn. “Leave now, serpent, or in the name of Nightmare Moon, I will cut your hide into pieces and wear it as a coat.” The serpent’s eyes widened in surprise and he put a hand to his chest. “Why, I never. I thought you ponies were more civilized than that.” “Shut it, monster.” The soldier spat at him. “Leave us. We have business with the mare here.” Coco whimpered and shrunk back. Her earlier courage was gone now, taken by the surprise visit of the serpent. ‘I’m going to die. I’m going to die.’ “It doesn’t seem like she wants to be in your company.” The serpent narrowed his eyes. “Oh, she does.” The soldier chuckled darkly. “She just doesn’t know it yet.” The serpent snorted and crossed his arms. “Oh, that just makes me all the more suspicious.” “You don’t need to be suspicious. This is pony business and you…non-ponies have no place in it.” The soldier shook his sword in irritation. “I am a gentleserpent,” the serpent spoke up, with a soft growl. “A lady is in trouble and I won’t just sit back and let you have her.” “Then die!” The soldiers ran at him, but they didn’t last long. The serpent brought its tail out of the water and with a simple swing, sent them flying deep into the forest. “Good riddance.” The serpent peered down at her. He still spooked her and by how the grundle was hiding behind her and shaking, he was scared too. “Are you all right, my dear?” “Yes,” she said meekly, wishing she could hide. The serpent sighed in relief. “Good…May I ask why you’re in the Everfree Forest? This place isn’t somewhere a lady of your caliber should dwell.” “I’m looking for my friends,” she told him. She thought for a second that she shouldn’t have said that, but he had saved her life. He was obviously trustworthy enough. “I got separated from them on our way to the Castle of the Two Sisters.” The serpent rubbed his chin in thought. “Say, why don’t I take you there? If you were going to the castle in the first place, then there is no better place to look.” Giving him an astonished look, she spoke “You’d help me?” “I told you, I’m a gentleserpent. Helping a lady in her time of need is in the job description.” He chuckled. “Thank you.” The serpent leaned down, letting them hope aboard his scaly hide. “Next stop, the Castle of the Two Sisters.” And with that, the serpent was off. Coco couldn’t help but smile. ‘Thank you, Celestia.’ But her good mood soured a bit when she noticed the dour expression on the grundle’s face. “What’s wrong?” “Grundle loose favorite collar,” the grundle sniffed and rubbed his eyes. “Grundle love collar.” Frowning, Coco peered at her own collar and touched it with her hoof. ‘Should I?’ The collar wasn’t something she could just give away. It was something special, something precious….but the grundle was so heart-broken. She couldn’t stand seeing him like this. She took it off and put it over the grundle’s head. “Here.” she fastened it nicely around his neck. “That’s better.” “You give grundle collar?” The grundle looked at her incredulously. “But collar important.” “Oh, it’s just a silly old thing.” Coco swiped her hoof in front of her, smiling pleasantly at him. ________________________________________________________________________ *Three years before, in Rarity’s shop* “I do believe you need something,” Rarity peered at her. Coco was in a daze. The young mare couldn’t believe her luck in being chosen to be Miss Rarity’s apprentice. Rarity was one of the leading fashionistas in the country. Rarity gave a short gasp. “Idea!” Using her magic, she snipped and span several clothes together. Not a moment too soon, a collar, similar in color to her cutie mark appeared. “This will look lovely on you.” She held it in her magic in front of her. “Go ahead, try it on.” Coco’s mouth went ajar. “You…made me something?” Rarity nodded. “Of course, darling. You are my new apprentice.” ‘Miss Rarity made something for me!’ Taking the collar in her hold, she gently put it on, afraid it might break. Once she put it on, Rarity put a mirror in front of her. “You look smashing.” Miss Rarity was right. Coco looked great in the collar, which seemed to be absolutely perfect for her…She wasn’t used to getting gifts from other ponies except her parents. She couldn’t help but start to cry. “Coco?” Rarity spoke up. “Are you all right?” Coco responded by hugging Rarity for dear life. “Thank you…Thank you so much.” Rarity was surprised by the gesture, but she gladly returned the hug. “You’re welcome, dearie.” “I’ll treasure it always,” Coco muttered, meaning it with all her heart. “Always.” > Part 10: A Benevolent Deed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Where are those fools?” the young Warlock acolyte known as Shade grumbled. The stallion was pacing inside the small clearing, hesitant to go into the forest alone. ‘I’m not scared. I’m being cautious,’ he told himself. It had been several moments since he had sent his soldiers to nab that nasty mare who had body checked him. Off they went, leaving him behind to think of all the ways he was going to sacrifice her to his goddess. ‘I could just tear her soul out of her body. A mercy kill really. But she did knock the breath out of me…Nah, no mercy for her.’ He had grinned savagely. But he was all alone now. His tail flicked back and forth constantly, a tell-tell sign of an equine’s agitation. Not to mention his twitching ears. ‘Don’t they know it’s their job to guard me? It’s in their bloody title even: Shadow Guardsponies. You can’t possibly buck that up.’ He was looking forward to killing each and every one of them when they returned. “When I get my hooves on them, I’m going to make them wish they were never born.” To be truthful—though only himself—he admitted he was tad bit scared. The Everfree Forest wasn’t a place to be caught all alone. The creatures that inhabited these woods could make even a Warlock take pause. His eyes shifted about, readying his magic just in case. ‘These beasts know better than to tangle with the dark.’ He was bolstered by that thought. Shade straightened his posture and started to strut about. “I’m not scared of you, forest. I can take on whatever beast you throw at me and please do. Nightmare Moon needs a little nourishment.” A soft rustle came from a nearby bush. Shade spun around and blasted the bush with dark magic. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” he shouted with all his might. The sound of the wind brushed up against a few branches. “DIE!” Another blast halved a tree. Shade huffed. He had used too much magic in that last blast. A small ache struck his head. ‘Calm yourself. Fear isn’t something a warlock should show.’ He was better than fear. He was its wielder and master. None would dare oppose him, not without a death wish. A little twig snapped. He jumped a little ways into the air. “Who dares sneak up on me, Warlock Shade?” He tried to sound as intimidating as he could. It wasn’t saying much, since he was just barely into adulthood and his voice trembled. He aimed his horn at the foliage; the magical glow surrounding it gave him a little more light in the area. “Come out and I’ll end you swiftly.” The rustling stopped. A harsh tension filled the air before Shade let out a breath of relief. “Nothing. I’m working myself up over nothing.” He turned away from the forest edge. “Damned, guardsponies. Damned mare.” In the next instant the silence was broken by something bursting from the woodworks. With a quick snap of its jaws, the beast bit into his haunches faster than he could react. Shade let out a miserable cry of pain as the beast yanked and tugged. The pain was too great for him to properly think of a plan, which gave the beast enough time to try and finish him. Its claws raked his legs, tearing away pieces of flesh then it swung its head to the side, sending him careening into a tree. Yelping in pain, Shade could only gather the energy to sit up. He was bleeding profusely, but glad that the sudden attack hadn’t put him in a shocked state. He’d be as good then. ‘Should have been more careful.’ With his back to the tree, he got a look at the beast. ‘What the hay is that thing?’ he thought. It was around twenty feet long and stood on two legs. It was large enough to look a pony in the eyes. Its muscles were compact and ripped, making it easy for the creature to have thrown the light unicorn. In his own opinion, the creature looked like a cross between a bird and a lizard and had some sort of thin plumage on its green and yellow body. The beast let out a low growl, hungry for its prey. Its forepaws twitched, looking to tear into his skin. ‘By Nightmare Moon’s mane, look at those teeth!’ Shade though, as he watched the serrated fangs glisten with saliva. Its long snout was wet with his blood. The beast was poised and ready to strike. ‘No. I’m not ready to die.’ Shade collected as much magic as he could in his frantic state into his horn. The creature lunged. With faster reflexes than he thought he had, Shade created a translucent, purple force-field around himself while subconsciously raising his fore-hooves. The creature bounced off it, stepping back several steps. It shook its head to clear its senses and then roared. Shade panicked and sent another surge into the bubble. He could feel the strain already taking a toll on his body. It was strange really; he thought he had more energy than this. When the creature attacked again, this time purple arcs of magic electrocuted the creature. It screamed in pain as it jumped back, arcs of the magic still circulating around it. Shaking its body in a vain attempt at getting rid of the magic, it let out a pained and angered roar. Shade could see it in the beast’s eyes that it had a grudge against the unicorn. Shade gulped. ‘Lucky me.’ The creature ran back into the woods, letting out shrieks of agony. Shade knew it wouldn’t kill the creature, though not for a lack of trying. Although, the next couple of hours were going to be a living Tartarus for it. He let out a pained sigh. ‘At least I have that.’ _____________________________________________________________________________________ “Oh, what luck,” Redheart exclaimed joyfully. She was hunched over a clutch of strange, blue flowers. sing some tweezers, she carefully plucked the petals from the flowers and put them into an empty jar. “Lightning, come over here.” The nurse inclined her head to the small patch. Lightning groaned. It hadn’t taken the pair long to find each other after awakening alone in the forest. Lightning’s speed made travel a breeze. In all honesty, she wished she found one of the other mares. It wasn’t that she hated Redheart. Far from it actually, they were practically family. It’s just that Redheart was an egghead, in Lightning Dust’s opinion. She liked to take her time and look at the world, while Lightning would just speed right through it. ‘Why does she have to act so lame anyways?’ “What is it?” Lightning walked over to Redheart’s side. “Poison Joke,” Redheart practically squealed. “What?” Lightning Dust jumped back in an instant, then hovered up above the ground just to be sure. “Why did you want to show me that? That stuff messes with ponies.” “Yes, but it’s so fascinating.” Redheart put the jar and tweezers away and used her tail to pull out a notebook from one of her saddlebags. Lightning was still a bit awed how earth ponies can manipulate their tails so easily. Granted, she could do that with her wings, but using your tail seemed kind of cool. Redheart fished out a pen and quickly started scribbling down into the book. “You never see Poison Joke so far into the woods. It can’t handle the thick foliage that covers the canopy,” Redheart explained, to which Lightning rolled her eyes. The pegasus knew she was in for a lecture. “Poison Joke is more often found on the edge of forests, in small open fields. It needs a stable amount of sunlight to survive. Even though, like the Everfree Forest itself, it is inherently tainted by chaos, hence why it has no scientific name, it still behaves like a normal plant. To think that creatures of chaos live such orderly lives, in a matter of speaking, is fascinating. Don’t you agree?” Lightning didn’t. Once Redheart had started her science tirade, she had tuned her out. Given how often it happened, it wasn’t any surprise. ‘Poison Joke? Really? We’re battling the forces of darkness and she wants to look at Poison Joke? Gah, uncool. I could be kicking Nightmare Moon’s butt right now.’ Redheart looked up over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes. “Are you listening?” “Wah?” Lightning shook her head to clear up her thoughts. “Yeah, you were talking about the Poison Joke. Fascinating.” “You don’t sound fascinated.” “I’m sorry, I’m a little preoccupied with FINDING THE ELEMENTS!” Lightning threw up her fore-hooves in anger as she shouted. Redheart’s face flushed in embarrassment and her ears fell back. “Oh yeah…sorry.” Lightning face-hooved and landed. “Seriously, you need to stop being all sciency, at least for tonight. We have a daemon princess to pummel.” “Yeah, I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.” “Stopping your science stuff, or beating up Nightmare Moon?” “Both.” Redheart put the notebook back into her saddlebag. Lightning Dust sighed. She wasn’t in the mood to argue with her friend. Right now, there was villain to smack. ‘She’ll be running with her tail between her legs when I’m through with her. Nopony, not even Nightmare Moon, messes with Lightning Dust and gets away with it.’ “So, are we going or what?” “Right after I take a few more samples.” Redheart reached a hoof into her saddlebag, rummaging through her things. Lightning groaned and started to walk off. “We don’t have time for this. The townsponies are counting on us, or did you forget about them.” Redheart glowered at her. “I didn’t forget. I just thought…” “There you go.” Lightning shot an accusing hoof at her. “Thinking instead of acting. We should be storming the old castle, not collecting flowers.” Redheart held up a hoof to stop her tirade. “One: We don’t know where the old castle is?” Lightning scoffed. “We’ll find it…eventually.” “Two: I’m not collecting flowers, I’m collecting some insurance.” Lightning raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?” ‘Is she just making that up to save face?’ Redheart nodded and lowered her hoof. “You do know the side-effects of Poison Joke, right?” “Yeah, it plays pranks on you,” Lightning said. “But that takes hours. We don’t have hours.” “Ah, you underestimate science.” Redheart smirked. Lightning really wanted to wipe that smirk off her smug face, but she was interrupted by a scream. “What the hay was that?” “Sounded like somepony’s in trouble.” Redheart, without saying another word, took off after the sound. “Wait for me!” Lightning shouted and took after her. Soon enough, they heard something roar. It was beastial and sounded like it was in pain. Lightning momentarily thought about running ‘away’ from the noise, but quickly quelled that thought. ‘I’m not a chicken.’ It didn’t take the pair long to come to a small clearing. A strange, purple light filled the area. There was something unnatural about it, causing the two mares to shiver in fear. Looking to the source, they found something surprising. ____________________________________________________________________ ‘The poor dear,’ Redheart thought. A Warlock, a young stallion by the look of it, lay with his back to a tree. He was panting profusely with his fore-hooves outstretched. His horn glowed brightly, creating the magical shield that surrounded him. She noticed it flickering, making the shield recede every now and again. Redheart gasped when she saw the wound on his thigh. The robe he had been wearing had been ripped to shreds in that region. His cutie mark was covered by horrid serrations. Upon seeing them, the Warlock’s eyes widened. His shield fell as well as his fore-hooves. “D-don’t come closer,” he squeaked out. “I’ll…kill you if you do.” Redheart wasn’t fooled by his false bravado. The stallion—really he was barely a stallion—was shivering in both pain and fear. She guessed his age at fifteen at the most. “Pfft,” Lightning spoke up. “I’d like to see you try.” “I-I-mean it,” the Warlock said before his breathing started getting a little more hectic. ‘Oh, this looks bad,’ Redheart thought. The wound looked fresh, and he’d already lost a lot of blood. She needed to treat him soon or he’d get infected. She took a few steps forward. “Whoa there!” Lightning cut her off from the stallion. “What are you doing?” “I’m helping him.” Redheart sent her a small glare. “What else would I would do?” “I don’t know, maybe leave him to die. He is one of the ponies who want to kills us, remember?” “Yes, I remember,” Redheart said. Lightning was right. This stallion was a cultist of Nightmare Moon. His compatriots were destroying the town and killing her friends. They all deserved death. ‘Nopony would blame us for just walking away. Hay, I think this stallion would prefer that.’ She thought about it…and then discarded the idea. The mare could feel something inside her spark. She knew what she had to do. She walked around Lightning Dust. “Didn’t you hear me? He’s the enemy,” Lightning shouted. “He’s still a pony,” Redheart shot at her, walking beside the stallion. He stared at her in fear, his horn trying and failing to come to life. “He deserves a chance.” “Ugh,” Lightning groaned. “Alright, but if your bleeding heart gets us killed, I’m so not hanging out with you in the afterlife.” Redheart giggled. “Fair enough.” She then addressed the stallion. “Now, what did this to you?” “W-why do you want to know?” The stallion asked. “Why do you want to help me?” “Didn’t I just explain that?” Redheart raised an eyebrow. “You’re a pony in pain and I’m a nurse. It’s my duty to help…besides, I couldn’t live with myself if I just left you here to die.” “That’s what I would’ve done,” the stallion said. “That’s what any of the followers of Nightmare Moon would have done. The strong survive, the weak perish.” Redheart snorted. “I say that’s a lot of poppycock.” ‘Sounds like something the night goddess would do.’ “B-b-but, our goddess said so,” the stallion weakly tried to defend himself. “Her word is law.” “So, you want to die because you’re weak?” Redheart asked. What the stallion did next surprised her. He started crying. “I-I don’t want to die.” Redheart sighed. She’d dealt with young ponies on the front lines before. Warfare wasn’t something the mind—especially a ponies—could handle well. They’d freak out, make mistakes, and get themselves killed. So, she put a reassuring hoof on his head and started stroking. “It’s all right,” she cooed. “It’ll be okay. You aren’t going to die.” “But that beast,” the stallion spoke up. “It’ll come back.” “What did it look like?” Redheart asked. “I-it was some sort of lizard-bird,” the stallion said. “It was yellow and green and stood on two legs.” Redheart’s eyes went wider than she thought they could. ‘Did he see…’ “Herrerasuarus.” “What?” Lightning asked. “Herrerasuarus ischigualastensis,” Redheart explained. “Meaning: Herrera’s lizard from the Ischigualasto Formation. It was named after the expedition’s leaders’ donkey wife who uncovered the first fossils. We can thank Discord for bringing it back.” “Donkeys and long names aside,” Lightning said. “What does that have to do with anything?” “It has everything to do with this,” Redheart said. “Herrerasaurus is an ambush hunter with a nasty bite. Its saliva is more potent than a komodo dragons’, ensuring death within the hour.” The stallion’s eyes grew wide in terror. “H-hour?” “In your state...” Redheart tapped her chin. “I’d give you less than thirty minutes due to several variables: age, size, energy consumption…” “Uh, Redheart,” Lightning interrupted her.” “Yes?” Lightning pointed to the stallion. “You’re scaring him.” Redheart glanced to the Warlock. He was holding himself, shaking in fright. “Oh dear, I overdid it, didn’t I?” “You always overdo it,” Lightning said. “Your bedside manners suck.” Redheart huffed in annoyance. “I have wonderful bedside manners. This just isn’t the time to use them.” Lightning rolled her eyes. “Sure it isn’t.” Redheart let out a ‘humph’. “At the very least, I came prepared.” She fished out a vial from her saddlebag. ‘I knew this would come in hoofy.’ Lightning’s eyes grew in surprise. “Is that…” Redheart nodded. “My extract of Holu. I brought along the vial in-case we needed it. Looks like I was right in doing so.” “But didn’t you say how valuable it was? You might not get any more.” “A life’s in danger,” Redheart un-popped the top. “Nopony’s going to die on my watch.” “But he’s the enemy,” Lightning tried once more to talk her out of this. “He should pay for his sins.”  “We’re all sinners in a way,” Redheart retorted, staring down her friend. “Some are just more open with them.” She hoofed over the vial to the Warlock. “Drink up. This’ll make you feel better.” The Warlock was hesitant at first, but took it anyways. With a quick gulp, he down the small amount of liquid with ease. Within seconds, the stallion’s breath eased up and Redheart marveled at how the wounds seemed to be closing. “Fascinating,” Redheart quickly took out her notepad and started scribbling the results. ‘Holu extract seems to be nearly instantaneous in its effects, confirming earlier reports. Still, seeing it with my own eyes is baffling.’ “I’m,” the Warlock paused to look at himself. His injuries were gone, like they never were there in the first place. “I’m not dying. I’m not dying.” He tried to jump up in joy, but quickly stumbled. Redheart stopped his fall and let him lean on her side. “You’re still too weak from your injury. That and the effects of the Holu take their toll. I’m sure you’ll be on your hooves by morning.” “Thank you,” the Warlock said. “I can’t help but wonder how I can repay your kindness.” Redheart gave him a joyful grin. “Don’t think anything of it. Helping ponies is my special talent. By the way, I didn’t get your name.” “Shade,” the Warlock answered. “And yours?” “Redheart,” she then gestured to her friend. “And this is Lightning Dust.” “’Sup?” Lightning said, giving him a measured glare. “So,” Shade said. “What now?” “We’re off to the old castle in the woods,” Redheart said. “Yeah,” Lightning nodded. “I’ve got a score to settle with Nightmare Moon and that jerk of hers.” “And let me guess,” Shade cut in. “You're lost.” “You hit the hammer on the nail,” Redheart said. “I think I can help you,” Shade said. “And how can we trust you?” Lightning narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Look, you mares saved my life,” Shade said. “It’s the least I can do…Besides, Apostle would just kill me if he learned what you did. Accepting help from the enemy isn’t something he tolerates.” “Point taken,” Redheart said. ‘What kind of cruel stallion would do such a thing?’ “Now, let us be off.” > Part 11: Inspiring Words > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quickfix’s body ached and groaned in pain as she started to regain consciousness. The pain wasn’t the worst she’d felt in her life. She’d received worse living up north, fighting all kinds of monsters and battling the weather itself. There was a reason the ponies of the north were the toughest around. While the pain didn’t bother her, the heat and humidity did. The hot and steamy forest was Tartarus to Quickfix. She was a pony of the frozen tundra. Yes, she moved down south a couple years ago and should’ve already gotten used to the climate, but there was a reason she stayed indoors most of the time. Besides working on her inventions, of course. She was thankful for her newest invention the ‘indoor temperature controller’ or ITC. It worked wonders. The ground beneath her was strange. It wasn’t the earthy feel of the Everfree Forest floor, but instead the cold metallic floor that reminded her of home. It was dented and rusty, giving her an uncomfortable place to lay. A short distance away, she could hear the unmistakable sound of someone hitting metal. It was frantic and she swore she could hear some mumbling going on with it. ‘Doesn’t sound promising.’ All in all, she hated her surroundings, and she hadn’t even laid an eye on it yet. So, Quickfix drearily opened her eyes to view the area around herself, hoping it was better than it felt. She was wrong. ‘Damn it,’ Quickfix though. ‘Ah shouldn't raise mah hopes like that.’ Quickfix found herself stuck inside some large, rusted, bird cage. Obviously, somepony didn’t want her getting away. Quickfix smirked. What they didn’t realize was that this cage was nothing compared to her magic. ‘A lil’ magical push against these bars 'n' ah will be out in a jiffy.’ Her magical prowess was superb by northern standards. Yes, it wasn’t flashy or anything, but strength was all that mattered up north. She was just lucky to have developed some brain too. Quickfix closed her eyes and focused on the bars. What should have been a simple trick accomplished with nary a thought, turned into a grueling headache. She cringed. ‘What the…’ Her magic was dissipating, refusing to come to life. ‘Kind o' like mah automobile.’ Feeling up against her horn, she found some sort of ring was clasped around it. She sighed. “Just mah luck.” “Hey guys,” a feminine, high pitched voice yelled out. “She’s up.” The moment she heard the voices, she felt agitated beyond belief. ‘It just had ta be them, didn’t it?’ Turning her head around, Quickfix’s apprehension was right on the money. The owner of the voice was a scraggly goblin. She looked like your average goblin: green, black haired, large pointed ears, and small. Her tattered clothes reminded her of an engineer. It didn’t surprise her any, since goblins were a race of tinkers. Still, the goblin was shaking in fear, wielding a wrench like it was some sort of sword. Quickfix didn’t know why. They had her in captivity and even disabled her magic. ‘Clever, goblins.’ She thought to herself. Her past dealings with the creatures had never been good. Actually, very few ponies could count goblins as friends. There was a brooding hatred between the races, and it didn’t help that goblins were incredibly greedy and selfish by nature. “Well, well, well,” a more masculine voice spoke up. Quickfix had to admit, the voice did sound much better than a typical goblin. When she looked at the owner, she found him to be generally good looking, for a goblin anyhow. His face was unmarked by obtrusions or boils, his nose was shorter and rounder than a typical goblin male. His ears were sleek and his clothes looked like that of a noble. He was young, around her age with sleek black hair. “What have we here?” “A pony,” the female goblin answered. The goblin boy scowled at her. “Of course she’s a pony,” he groaned and rubbed his temples. “The crew I hired…Ugh.” The goblins looked tired and haggard. Even the rich boy goblin’s good clothes was blotched with dust and a black substance that she wasn’t familiar with. ‘Smells awful.’ She scrunched up her nose at it. “What?” The goblin shot her. He had caught sight of her scrunch. “I’m not in my best condition at the moment.” “Uh-huh.” Quickfix rolled her eyes. The goblin boy snorted in agitation. “Think what you want, it won’t get you out of that cage.” He smirked and folded his arms. “That anti-magic collar is top of line stuff hailing from my homeland. I don’t think I need to remind you of the sheer brilliance of goblin tech. There’s no way you can take it off without our help. Face it, you’re stuck.” As the goblin was talking, Quickfix noticed he was only referring to her. She raised an eyebrow. ‘How come he isn’t talking ta mah friends? Hold yer horses a moment...’ Her eyes widened and she looked around herself. “Where are mah friends?” The goblin boy raised an eyebrow. “Friends? You’re the only pony we found.” The goblin girl shivered. “Thank goodness for that. I don’t think we could deal with more of those shadow ponies.” “Shadow ponies….” A frightened, quivering voice spoke up. Quickfix looked over to see another goblin hunkered at the base of a tree. He was sitting down with his legs held close to his chest. His eyes were wide open in horror. “They’ll get us. They’ll get us all.” The first goblin boy sighed. “He’s been like that since you lot attacked us.” Quickfix scowled. “Now hold on a minute. Ah aint one of those night nutjobs. Ah’m a northerner an’ proud of it.” The goblin boy shrugged. “Can’t take that chance, I’m afraid. But…” He rubbed his chin. “I have heard of you lot. Maybe you are telling the truth. The only ponies with that accent of yours are from up north so...” Quickfix brightened up. ‘Maybe they’ll let me go.’ The goblin shook his head, dispelling her hope. “Too risky, but anyways, let me introduce myself. I’m Xed Gonk, owner of Gonk Industries. These are Nes—” He gestured to the female. “Nurt—” He then gestured to the whimpering goblin a little ways from us. “And the two behind you are Kur and Mgut.” Quickfix turned herself around and was blown away at the sight before her very eyes. Oh, it wasn’t the goblin boy, Kur, hammering away at the machine, or Mgut laying in the grass bored out of his mind. No, it was the machine that received her fullest attention. The vehicle was anything but sleek and form fitting. It was boxy and a crude, but effective design. A large four winged rotor was on top of it. It looked like it had plenty of space, more than enough to fit herself and the goblins inside…of course, that was just optimal conditions. It still was small enough to traverse the forest with some set of ease. Quickfix tipped her head to the side in curiosity. She was a mare of the machine and this thing before her was practically singing ‘find out how I work’. “What's that??” Her voice was filled with awe. Xed cocked an eyebrow and looked at the machine. “That? It’s just a helicopter. Nothing special really.” “He-li-copter?” The word felt foreign to her lips, but she loved it. Quickfix thought it tasted like a sweet wine freshly poured from the cup. She wanted more than just a mere taste. ‘Ah want it all.’ Xed nodded. “Yep, it’s a goblin flying machine. It’s an old model, a couple of decades old. Back when they were first invented. Honestly, I’m surprised it hadn’t broken down before.” “Shut your yapper!” Kur whirled around. The older goblin had a small, pointed, black beard with a scar on his right cheek. “She was working fine until you brought us to this chaos addled place.” “How was I supposed to know our contacts were killed?” Xed shot back. “I’m not a psychic.”  “Well,” Kur growled. “Maybe you should've thought about that. I mean, this is the EVERFREE FOREST!” “Guys,” Nes spoke up. “Stop it.” “Oh, let them fight,” Mgut nonchalantly said. “They’ve been doing it for hours. I think they need to get it out of their system.” “I’ve been listening to them argue for three hours straight,” Nes huffed. “I don’t want to do it for the next three.” “Quit your whining.” Xed scowled. “I’m not whining,” Nes shot at him. “I’m complaining. There’s a difference.” Quickfix blocked out the argument, focusing all her attention on the ‘helicopter’. ‘Ah’ve never seen somethin’ so beautiful afore in mah life.’ She was literally drinking in its charms, even with the obvious damages it had taken from the crash and the Nightmare cultists. She was just glad they didn’t stick around to finish it off. Would’ve been a waste of such a beauty. Still, she couldn’t just sit there and observe the thing all day. Equestria needed her. Her friends needed her. She wasn’t going to let them down now. “Are ye guys going ta let me go or what?” Quickfix spoke up, getting the goblins attention. “Ah’m kind o’ tryin’ ta save the world.” Mgut barked out a laugh. “Yeah, and we can fix this thing.” “Yes we can,” Kur shouted. “How?” Mgut sat up and looked at him. “Face it. We’re stuck here and there’s nothing we can do about it.” “Die,” Nurt babbled out, rocking back and forth. “We’re all going to die.” “I’m sorry,” Xed said. “But we can’t take any chances. I know you might be innocent, but we’ve been through a lot in the last few hours. I think we need some time to think.” “Ah don’t have time,” Quickfix barked with fury. She wasn’t one of them no good, murdering, piles of wasted space. She was a proud pony of the north. “Mah friends are in danger. Ah have ta help them.” Xed just snorted and shook his head. “How come ye lot don’t just fix it up yerselves?” Quickfix asked. Goblins were natural tinkerers. It should’ve been a no brainer for them. All the goblins sighed, though Kur just growled. “We can’t.” Nes spoke up, rubbing her arm shyly. “We don’t know how to.” “Yer goblins,” Quickfix said, looking on at them in confusion. “It should come as naturally ta ye as putting one leg in front of another.” “What’s the point?” Mgut spoke up, sighing. “We’re lousy goblins. We couldn’t even screw in a light bulb, let alone come up with a way to fix this thing.” Kur shot him a nasty glare. “You know it’s true, Kur.” Kur dismally sighed. “I know…I just wish I could do something about this. I don’t want to die here in this forest in the middle of nowhere.” The other goblins solemnly nodded. “I’m sorry, miss….” Xed paused. “Quickfix,” she answered. “Miss Quickfix,” Xed said. “But we just can’t fix it. Nothing comes to mind.” Quickfix frowned, pondering to herself. ‘Goblins that can’t work machinery? Somethin’ isn’t right aboot that.’ She saw there downcast faces and sour attitudes. It broke her heart a little to seem them like this, unable to work any machinery. ‘That is... THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!’ She swore she felt something spark inside her. Then, an idea struck her like a freight train. “Why don’t ah help ye?” “What?” Xed looked flabbergasted. “Ah said,” Quickfix chuckled. “Why don’t ah help ye? Celestia knows, ye need it.” Xed rubbed his chin, humming in thought. Kur just scoffed. “Help? From a pony? They couldn’t tell a bolt from a screw.” Quickfix scowled, a deep growl resounding in her throat. She was a mare of the machines. To be disregarded like that was…to say infuriating would be putting it mildly. “Say that again?” Kur, wisely, started to sweat in fear and backed up. Nes laughed. “I like her.” Xed chuckled. “We might as well try it. Gods know, we can’t do it.” Quickfix scoffed and threw a hoof out to wipe away the idea. “Yer goblins. It’s in yer blood.” Xed rubbed the back of his head. “Not ours, I’m afraid.” Quickfix stomped the metal floor beneath her. “Stop talkin’ like that. Ye can do this.” Xed shook his head. “I’m sorry, miss, but…” “NO!” Quickfix shouted. “Anybody with a lick o’ sense can be an engineer. Ye just got ta believe in yerselves.” She motioned to the forest around herself. “Do ye honestly want to stay ‘ere?” “No.” The goblins shuffled about, nervously. “Do ye not want ta go back home?” “No.” The goblins started to add a little anger behind their words. Quickfix smiled. ‘Good.’ “Do ye want ta never see yer loved ones again?” “NO!” They shouted. “Then let me oot.” Xed went over to the lock with the key in hand. With a simple click, the door was left open. “There you go.” “Uh-hem,” Quickfix pointed to the collar around her horn. “Sorry,” Xed blushed in embarrassment. Quickfix paid it no mind and kneeled down so he could get better access to it. With a soft click and hiss, the collar was off. “There. That should do it. Now…How about fixing our helicopter?” Quickfix rubbed her sensitive horn, trying to get feeling back into it. “Ahh, much better. Now, let’s get to work.” Nes raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to do it by yourself?” Quickfix chuckled as she strolled over to the new machine. “Do it mahself, they say? Ah didn’t take ye fur jokers.” “I wasn’t joking.” Nes pointed out. Quickfix sighed. “Ah know.” She had to think up a way to get them to help. She knew that it wouldn’t be easy for her to work on this unknown machine alone in any short period of time. She could, but Nightmare Moon had to be stopped now, rather than later. Which was a shame; she really wanted to spend time with this ‘helicopter’. Stopping before it, Quickfix put her hoof on the machine. “Easy lassie, you’re going ta be all right.” She rubbed gently over the metal surface, enjoying the sensation it brought. “Ah’m going ta fix ye up, right ‘n’ proper.” Closing her eyes, she silently prayed to three gods in respective order: Celestia to give her strength and power; Athena to help inspire the goblins and to figure out the trials ahead; and finally—and most importantly to her—she prayed to the machine god, Deus Mechanicus, to help her figure out the secrets of this helicopter. Equestrians usually just prayed to Celestia for all things, mostly just to honor her. Celestia may be the goddess of the sun, as well as having immense magic and wisdom, but she wasn’t the lord of all things. She had help. The goblins were silently observing her. “What’s she doing?” Kur asked. “Praying,” Xed said. Kur snorted. “A fat lot of good that’ll do. I never understood why every other species has to pray. Why can’t they be like us goblins and do something more productive, like you know, fixing our stuff.” Xed glared at him. “Kur, shut your face, or I’ll give you a scar for your left side.” The two goblins butted heads, causing Quickfix, who had just finished her prayers, to sigh. “Stop fightin’. We need ta work together on this.” Mgut snorted. “We couldn’t work together on a sandwich, let alone this.” He sighed. “Just fix it and be done with it.” Quickfix scowled, but didn’t say anything. ‘Gettin’ on their ill side won’t help me none.’ She calmed her breathing and closed her eyes. Focusing on her magic, it seeped into the machine before her, scouring every nook and cranny to give her mind a mental picture of its workings. She was fascinated. Of course, she didn’t know what half of it was, but that didn’t matter. ‘What’s that black stuff?’ She made a mental note to ask about the stuff in the machine’s tank later. Now wasn’t the time. No, she had to get these lazy goblins off their butts. ‘But how…’ Her thoughts stopped when she looked at Nurt still whimpering and rocking back and forth. A twinge of sympathy went through. Celestia knows, she’d be like that if she were unable to fix something. Walking over to the goblin, she nudged his side. Nurt slowly turned his head to her and she smiled. “Hey, think ye can do somethin’ fur me?” Using her magic, she summoned a floating blue square, with the schematics of the ruined ‘helicopter’. “Ah’m havin’ trouble with this thing ‘ere ‘n’ ah thought ah could use yer opinion.” “My opinion?” Nurt asked and she nodded. “Why? We’re just going to die anyways. There’s no point.” Quickfix frowned. “Now, don’t be talkin’ like that. There’s always a point ta be found. Ye just got ta look.” With her snout, she nudged the goblin to stand and led him back to the helicopter. Using her magic to lift some of the tools scattered around, she gave a wrench to Nurt. Nurt looked nervously to the wrench and then back at her. She gave him an appreciative smile. “Go on, ye can do it. Ye just got ta believe in yerself” Mgut rolled his eyes. “Hogwash.” Kur nodded. “I’m with the lazy bum here. Believing in ourselves isn’t going to fix a damn thing.” Quickfix rolled her eyes. ‘’N’ ye goblins wonder why yer stuck on some islands.’ She looked down at Nurt, who was still shaking. Putting a comforting hoof on his shoulder, she spoke, “Relax. It’s gonna be all right. Just think o’ somethin’ ‘n’ do it.” She held up the schematics. “The problem is just waitin’ fur ye ta solve it.” Nurt nodded and looked at the schematic. “Just waiting for me to solve?” “Just use yer noggin and imagine,” Quickfix said. Her master’s words coming back to her. “Yer’ll be a master in no time.” Nurt, to her great pleasure, started to actually try and work. He was such a nervous pile of babble when she first saw him, so she was worried he’d just stay like that. Turned out, he just needed someone to believe in him. ‘Ah’ve heard this story before,’ she thought with some humor. The helicopter thankfully wasn’t too badly damaged. Well, that was what she had gathered from her scanning spell. So, she had Nurt tighten up a few loose screws and such. He was really lanky, even for a goblin. She doubted he could do some of the harder stuff. Nes and Xed were quick to join, helping out where they could. Quickfix spent most of her time trying to get the three of them to come up with ways to fix the machine, even make it better. They were quick learners, which wasn’t surprising since they were goblins. She would lend a few thoughts and ideas, but she wanted them to do it. It didn’t take long for Kur to strut forward. “That isn’t how you fix up a helicopter.” He grabbed a few tools and pushed past them. “Let me show you.” He walked into the machine…and quickly walked back out. “Ummm, a little help?” Quickfix and the others chuckled. She lifted several items with her magic. “On it.” Mgut snorted in agitation. “You aren’t going to be able to fix this thing. This is all for not.” Quickfix narrowed her eyes at him. “’N’ what’s got ye so miffed? Don’t ye want ta get outta ‘ere?” “None of you know the first thing about helicopters,” Mgut pointed out. “Pfft.” Quickfix waved an arm. “That’s what yer noggin is fur. Thinkin’ up ideas.” Mgut crossed his arms. “Well this noggin is fresh out of them.” Quickfix rolled her eyes. “Yeah, ah could tell.” Mgut glared at her. “Are you calling me stupid.” “Nah, ye called yerself that.” Quickfix smirked. “Well…” Mgut growled and looked over the machine. “The tail’s too long.” “What?” Quickfix was a bit taken aback by his comeback. “Mah tail is perfect.” “No,” Mgut shook his head. “The helicopter’s tail. It need to be shortened….maybe smoothed out and some of the excess metal cut away…” “’N’ we could use it ta patch up some o’ the holes!” Quickfix’s grin grew. “Mgut, yer a genius.” Mgut smirked and preened. “Took you long enough…” He then frowned. “Wait, I just had an idea?” Quickfix nodded enthusiastically. “Blimey.” Mgut put a hand to his forehead. “This is a first…I like it.” “Good.” Quickfix hoofed over a blowtorch. “Now, let’s get ta fixin’.” ___________________________________________________________________________________ Unbeknownst to them, a wispy dark cloud of magic spied upon them. Its owner puzzled over the scene before it. “Most curious,” Nightmare Moon said. She had rarely dealt with goblins before, opting to let her sister deal with the loathsome creatures. They were stingy, kept to themselves, and had such irritating voices. But now, they were willing to help this mare…This northerner! Yes, it was to save their hides, but they were honestly getting along…and in such a short time period. Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth. ‘Ponies are so quick to befriend others. Where was my friendship? Did I not deserve their love? Did the thousands of foul beasts and traitors I slew to protect them mean nothing?’ She let her anger fuel her magic, pulsing outwards and hover over her servants. She didn’t need their love or friendship. Not anymore. Now, she just wanted their loyalty…or their souls. ‘Either which would be okay with me.’ “Should I send out a party to slay them, Your Majesty?” Apostle spoke up.  Nightmare Moon shook her head. “They are no threat to me.” She spread her tentacles out wide, emphasizing her size. “We must focus our efforts where we are needed. I am needed here and you should be quelling the Ponyville insurrectionists, like you should have done hours ago.” Apostle bowed his head. “My apologies. The soldiers aren’t up to your proper standards. That is my fault, but rest assured, Ponyville will fall before your might.” “As will all of this world.” Nightmare Moon grinned. “And every world like it…I do so hope Starswirl’s mirrors are still working. An existential trip would do wonders to celebrate my conquest.” “Perhaps a trip to a sauna world, Your Majesty.” Apostle looked at her with a grin. “I’m sure you deserve some relaxation, after dealing with your ignorant sister.” Nightmare Moon smiled and patted his head. “A splendid idea.” “Of course,” Apostle said. “I still think we should eliminate the goblins. Their ‘he-li-copter’ could prove to be irksome.” Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Think nothing of it. No doubt it will blow up in their faces like every other goblin invention.” “Still…” Apostle’s eyes narrowed at the image. “Focus on your task at hoof,” Nightmare Moon said with a glower. She would not have somepony question her judgement. If she said something was so, it was so. ‘Do not make me hurt you, Apostle. I…I don’t want to do that.’ “Ponyville must fall immediately.” “And what of Celestia’s daughter?” “I shall task one of your students with ridding us of her,” Nightmare Moon said. Yes, while she didn’t think much of the goblins, letting someone like Sunset roam free would be stupid on her part. She had sensed Sunset’s aura and it was huge. ‘Not ‘god’ huge of course.’ She could see why Celestia had adopted her. Nightmare would have done the same, ensuring such a pony would never stand against her. Nightmare Moon wasn’t at full strength yet. A trained unicorn—if unbelievable strong on par with Starswirl himself could theoretically kill her. She needed to be rid of Sunset now, or at least stall her until she could regain her body of flesh and blood. “Trust me, Apostle,” Nightmare grinned. “This night shall be just perfect.” > Part 12: Feel the Joy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiddlesticks couldn’t help but ponder how she got into this mess. Here she was walking through the Everfree Forest with Pizzelle, carrying Celestia’s oldest daughter on her back. In all honesty, she’d never once considered going into the forest, for both obvious and personal reasons. ‘Ah didn’t think ah’d ever hate/fear someplace so much.’ The two mares had found each other within minutes of their awakening. Fiddlesticks guessed that Apostle had just randomly thrown them about the Everfree Forest. She made sure to remember to buck him extra hard for that. Thankfully, the two of them found Sunset in short order. The mare was unconscious. Fiddlesticks had checked for any injuries, any signs that she had been knocked about. She and Pizzelle were grateful that wasn’t the case. So, Fiddlesticks had taken it upon herself to carry their friend. Pizzelle had insisted, but Fiddlesticks wouldn’t hear of it. She was an earth pony after all, so the unicorn’s weight didn’t affect her. “Do you think she’s okay?” Pizzelle asked, looking over at Sunset, who was strung over Fiddlesticks’ back. “Yeah,” Fiddlesticks said. “She’s fine. Just a lil’ winded is all. Ah’m sure she’ll be as right as rain in no time.” Fiddlesticks paused for a couple of seconds. “Do we have any idea where we’re goin’?” “Well...” Pizzelle hummed. “I remember distinctly that the castle is this way.” Fiddlesticks raised an eyebrow. “And how are ya so sure of that?” “I happen to be very good at directions,” Pizzelle answered. “Like the time ya got lost in that maze up in Canterlot?” Fiddlesticks smirked. While she wasn’t a mare to cruelly jab at somepony, she knew Pizzelle could take it. Judging by Pizzelle’s light grumbling and blush on her cheeks, Fiddlestick’s jibe worked perfectly. She chuckled. “Don’t fret none. Ah’m sure ya will get us ta the castle lickety split.” “I just hope our friends made it okay,” Pizzelle said. “The Everfree Forest isn’t exactly the safest of places.” Fiddlesticks scoffed. “Of course, they’re okay. Them Everfree critters have nothin’ on us ponies. They’ll be as fine as apples in the rain.” _____________________________________________________________________________________ Unbeknownst to either of them, a pair of eyes watched with great intent. The unseen warlock cackled. “Apples in the rain? Oh my dear pony, you’ll soon find yourself smashed by the storm.” A thousand and one ways he could end their lives swam through his mind. ‘I could behead them and wear their skulls as trophies. Nah, I’d be ripping off that retched skaven, Headtaker. How about flaying them and making their skin into a coat? Too chaos-y. Oooh, shredding their souls from within as they scream in full on agony.’ He licked his lips. ‘That sounds delightful.’ He gauged the trio before striking. Their only real defense was unicorn. He had heard about Princess Sunset’s powers. And while he was a wielder of Nightmare Moon’s power and surely a foe not to be trifled with, he didn’t want to face her in fair combat. Facing an opponent head on was not how Warlocks conducted themselves. They attacked from the shadows, striking at any weakness. Of course, he knew he could win against her. He was a chosen wielder of his goddess’s magic; no sun touched fool could best him. As he readied a quick teleport spell, he sensed something—something terrible. Fear etched up his spine and his first instinct was to vanish. Instead, a wicked idea sprouted inside his head. ‘Yes, they will kill them for me. Oh, I am a clever warlock.’ But he still had to lure them to his target. Luckily, he knew just the bait. Letting loose a tiny sliver of his goddess’s essence (which all warlock contain to boost their power) he sent it flying to its target. Neither of the other ponies noticed the black fog substance travel inside Sunset’s mouth. The warlock grinned. ‘Have ‘pleasant’ dreams, wretch.’ __________________________________________________________________________________ Sunset blissfully sighed. She and her little brother were just snuggled up next to each other, reading a book like they always did. She wouldn’t admit it aloud, but she loved the way her little brother’s scales felt against her fur. Leaning up against him, she felt safe and content. Unlike what some would have you believe, dragons were warm blooded. So cuddling up to him kept her warm through cold nights. It was a bit disconcerting for her, having to look up to Spike. She missed the days when she was the ‘big’ sibling. Now…she didn’t hate it, but it kind of irked her. She’d been able to play ‘keep away’ with nary a spell. All she had to do was hold what he wanted, usually a gem, over his head with her hooves. It was a cute game and she didn’t torture him like that for long. He’d get what he wanted in the end, of course. That’s what sisters do. At least, she thought so. She didn’t know that many other ‘sisters,’ and mom told her to stop it. Sunset shook her head slightly, to clear it up and bring it back to the present. She had an awesome book to read. She started to grow a little excited as the action scene went on. The heroine was fighting back a greater daemon bent on plunging the surrounding lands into a neverending world. ‘You know, typical daemon stuff.’ Sunset couldn’t help but swish her tail back in forth as she got pumped up. The storytelling was phenomenal and she desperately wanted to read the heroine’s victory. She heard Spike chuckle. “Somepony’s excited.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Of course I am. I can’t get enough of this story.” “This would be the, what, third time this month you’ve read it,” Spike pointed out. “’The Fiery Road’ is a classic, Spike,” Sunset clarified. She put a hoof to her chest and stuck her nose up in the air, snootily. “You can’t beat the classics.” Spike snorted. “Yeah, yeah.” Sunset couldn’t help but giggle at her little brother and lean further into him. Which seemed to make matters worse, because he just vanished. “What?” She looked around the room, searching for her brother. “Spike, what the hay are you doing playing hide and seek?” She lit up her horn, looking for a sign of some sort of teleport or something. Nothing, that’s all she found. She started to hyperventilate as the room grew darker. The candles that kept the room alight blew out and the darkness crawled towards her. “Spike!” She desperately cried out. “Spike, where are you?” “Sunset!” Turning her head, Sunset took in a horrid sight. The shadows were clawing and practically swallowing her draconic brother. His arm was outstretched towards her, his face pleading for her to save him. Sunset just stared at him. Oh, she wanted to do something, to jump up and rescue him. But her body wouldn’t move. It was paralyzed and her mind blank, overcome with fear and uncertainty. “SAVE ME!” Spike cried out as the last of him vanished. “SPIKE!” Sunset cried out, breaking out of her stupor. Running over to the place he vanished, she nearly collided with the sneering face of Nightmare Moon. “Awww,” Nightmare Moon cooed. “Do you miss your brother? It looks like you do, but why? You didn’t lift a hoof to save him. You just stood and watched.” “Your goons got in my way.” Sunset glared at her, trying not to think of her words. “I can still save him.” Nightmare Moon scoffed. “My ‘minions’ are not what they used to be. If you had really desired your brother’s safety, you’d have it.” She chuckled. “Will is strength and you lack it. At least, in this area. Oh, the things I will do to him…” “DON’T TOUCH HIM!” Sunset used her horn to fire at the daemon princess, but it did nothing but momentarily disperse her. “Face it,” Nightmare Moon cackled, reappearing a little to the left. “You failed him. You let him die.” “SHUT UP!” Sunset fired again and received the same result. Nightmare Moon appeared to her right. “You’re the reason he came to Ponyville.” “BE QUIET!” Sunset fired off another blast, holding back the water culminating in her eyes. “You’re the reason he went into the forest.” “SILENCE!” Again, she fired. This time, Nightmare Moon got up in her face. “You’re the reason he’s dead,” she said in a sinister whisper. Sunset didn’t speak, instead pure, unadulterated rage rose through her. Letting out a guttural roar, loosing several tears, Sunset let her magic go wild. It arched around her like lightning bolts until finally it was let loose in a fiery explosion. _______________________________________________________________________________ “Whoa!” Fiddlesticks staggered as Sunset started to struggle on her back. “What the hay?” Sunset answered with an anguished cry that nearly broke the heart of the two mares. She flailed and kicked, screaming, “Spike!” over and over again. “Princess Sunset!” Pizzelle tried to get through to the crazed mare. “Calm down. You’re all right.” “Ah think she’s just havin’ a nightmare.” A swift kick to her ribs made Fiddlesticks cringe. “A really bad one.” Fiddlesticks wasn’t a stranger to this kind of behavior. For as long as she could remember, Apple Bloom sometimes woke up screaming in the dead of night. Fiddlesticks had been able to comfort the filly back into the land of slumber with a smile on the filly’s face. Fiddlesticks smiled thinking of her little cousin. She always did like making others happy, especially her family. ‘Guess ah’ll have ta work mah magic with Sunset here.’ “Then shouldn’t we wake her up?” “On it.” Without another word, Fiddlesticks shoved Sunset off of her back. Now, she didn’t mean to be rude or anything like that, she just wanted to wake up her friend. That and her struggling was starting to uncomfortable. “You could have been a bit more gentle.” Pizzelle shot her a glare as she took to Sunset’s side. Fiddlesticks shrugged. “Ah’m not the gentlest of ponies.” Sunset groaned as she awoke. Her eyes fluttered open and the two ponies gasped at what they saw. Her eyes were tinted purple, green, and red. She had been cursed with dark magic. Fiddlesticks knew a little about dark curses, and knew they usually only had one way of removal. But no way in Tartarus was she going to kill Sunset. She wasn’t a murderer. ‘There has ta be a way of curin’ her.’ “Spike,” Sunset’s voice sounded pathetic. She looked around, tears falling freely from her eyes. “Where’s Spike?” ‘All right, ah just got to calmly explain ta her that….’ “Spike’s gone, sweetie,” Pizzelle said. Sunset started to bawl worse than Fiddlesticks did when her beloved fiddle was broken. “Spike! Spike! Come back to me, Spike!” Fiddlesticks face-hooved. “Dang-nabbit, Pizzelle. Now look what ya’ve done.” “What I’ve done?” Pizzelle shot at her. “I didn’t do anything.” “No,” Fiddlesticks said. “Ya just said the one thing that ya aren’t supposed ta say right off the bat with her.” “How was I supposed to know?” “Ah don’t know,” Fiddlesticks said with a sarcastic bite. “Some common sense?” Pizzelle growled and narrowed her eyes. Fiddlesticks sighed and rubbed her head. “Look, let’s not get into a tussle over this. Our friend’s in danger. Ah don’t think she’d want us ta argue.” Pizzelle sighed. “You’re right, but how are we going to cure her? We don’t know any holy magic.” Fiddlesticks stroked her chin, deep in thought. She’d faced sad ponies before. It was pretty much her second talent to make ponies smile. This was just a different form of sadness. ‘Celestia knows ah can whoop this in the butt harder than a beaver makin’ its den.’ Instantly, several different fun ideas popped into her head that she was darn gone sure would work. Unfortunately, the next thing she heard a ghostly wail.  Her eyes went wider than the width of a melon. “Oh, buck me…” “What was that?” Pizzelle looked around the forest’s edge for the source of the noise. “Ghouls.” Fiddlesticks cringed when even more wails came about. “A whole lot of ghouls.” “I’m going to assume ghoul’s aren’t friendly.” Pizzelle started to sweat in fear. She was frantically stroking Sunset’s mane in a poor attempt at calming her. “Ya got that right.” Fiddlesticks looked around for any signs of the nasty varmints. “Granny Smith has told her fair share of stories about these critters…Or un-critters if ya want ta be technical like.” “What do they look like?” “Kind of like that.” Fiddlesticks pointed over to where the monsters stood. The things moved out of the forest and into the moonlight, highlighting the decay and rot they festered. Ragged pieces of clothing hung off some of them. The horrid stench of rotting flesh smacked its way into their nostrils. Fiddlesticks had to will herself from upchucking. A cloud of mist travelled around their legs and wafted into the air. While Fiddlesticks had never met a ghoul before, she’d heard enough about them. They were attracted to the feelings of sorrow and fear, scaring the daylights out of ponies so that they can feed on the emotions. They were mostly harmless...at a distance. But if they could, they wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to feed on living flesh. Fiddlesticks knew they were surrounded, and with only one Pegasus on their team and Sunset out of commission, she’d have to come up with something to stop them. Being honest with herself, things weren’t looking that good. Ghouls weren’t great fighters, so she knew that she could take them, but her friends would be left open to attack. That and Sunset may not have long, what with being infected with dark magic ‘Celestia only knows how bad it’s gonna get.’ Still, there was one sure fire way that she could beat them—one sure fire way to cure Sunset. She felt something spark inside her and the perfect idea sprung forth. Narrowing her eyes she stepped forward. “What are you doing?” Pizzelle called out. “We have to get out of here.” “How?” Fiddlesticks stood up on her hind legs. “In case yer wonderin’, we’re stuck in a mighty fine pickle. Ya can’t fly us both out an’ ah doubt little miss sunshine is gonna give ya a ‘safe’ trip.” Speaking of which, the closer the ghouls got, the louder Sunset became. The ghouls were feeding off her anguish, making the poor mare even more delirious. Fiddlesticks had to act fast, or Sunset would be lost to them. “So, what are you going to do?” “What ah do best.” Fiddlesticks pulled off her hat and reached into it. As always, she found her trusty fiddle inside and pulled it out. Quickly setting them up and putting her trusty hat back on her head, she shot the monsters a challenging glare. “Ya’ll ghouls best prefer yerselves. This is gonna be intense.” “I don’t think playing will soothe these beasts,” Pizzelle spoke up. Fiddlesticks snorted. “Ya’ll best listen. Granny Smith told me exactly how ta fight these varmints.” “What did she tell you?” Fiddlesticks smirked and started to play. It was no secret that Fiddlesticks liked to play. No, she loved to play. Music was a part of her—it made her who she was. She loved to play as much as she loved to throw shindigs and make other ponies smile. This was her life. Taking her bow across the fiddle made her heart soar. Hearing the notes hit the air, she was in heaven. _____________________________________________________________________________ Pizzelle rolled her eyes as Fiddlesticks started to play. ‘How is this going to help anypony?’ Fiddlesticks had always been an eccentric mare, occasionally playing pranks or throwing random parties and the occasional solo/town musical. Pizzelle had grown used to them, even liked them, but now wasn’t the time to enjoy one. No, now was the time to worry about the ghouls tearing her apart. Sunset, however, held more interest in the country mare. She stopped wailing the moment the music hit the air. She turned her head to look at Fiddlesticks. Pizzelle was surprised by it. ‘Maybe Fiddlesticks is on to something.’ “Yee-haw,” Fiddlesticks exuberantly exclaimed, beginning her song. “Laugh ‘em away, laugh ‘em away. “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Fiddlesticks started to prance around to the tune, letting herself cut loose. “Granny Smith said laugh ‘em away. “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Fiddlesticks got in Sunset’s personal space and pulled a few funny faces. “Dumb, dumb, dumb, are these ghouls, “Don’t let ‘em make ya fools.” She quickly twirled over to Pizzelle’s side and gave her rump a small kick. Pizzelle yelped and stood up. “Get off yer rumps and dosey doe, “Come on everypony, we can best this foe.” Pizzelle glared at her. “Did you have to do that?” Fiddlesticks immediately stopped playing for a beat and gave her a serious look. “Yes.” Sunset put a hoof to her mouth to stifle a laugh. Pizzelle and Fiddlesticks looked at her, with Fiddlesticks grinning like a Cheshire cat. Fiddlesticks immediately started to play, almost vanishing in an instant. Pizzelle, and pretty much anypony who knew the fiddling mare, never could guess how she was able to do the stuff she did. ‘She’s Fiddlesticks, don’t question it.’ “Laugh ‘em away, laugh ‘em away, “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Fiddlesticks appeared next to each of the ghouls. For some reason, they flinched every time she laughed. “Together we can laugh ‘em away, “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” This time, when she twirled around four ghouls, they started to wither and step backwards. Pizzelle’s eyes widened in shock and her mouth fell open. ‘She’s driving them back.’ To Pizzelle’s surprise, Sunset was starting to smile and bob her body to the tune. Even her tail was swishing in rhythm. Pizzelle couldn’t help but feel overjoyed herself. Within the span of a blink of the eye, Fiddlesticks was by Pizzelle’s side. The farm mare bumped their rumps together. “Move yer tails and have some fun, “Together we can get this done.” Fiddlesticks bent down to Sunset’s level. “Don’t give despair another glance, “Come on and give joy a chance.” Dancing around them, Fiddlesticks called, “Come on, it’s yer turn.” “Laugh ‘em away, laugh ‘em away.” Fiddlesticks pointed her bow at Pizzelle, stopping the music. Pizzelle was caught a little surprised by the turn of events. She quickly looked around at the ghouls. They looked weaker and some had fled. Yet, now with the song stopped, some of them tried to get closer. Steeling her resolve, Pizzelle chimed: “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Immediately, a couple of the ghouls burst into dust and the others rushed backwards. Fiddlesticks laughed and started to play again. “With a smile, we’ll laugh ‘em away.” Fiddlesticks pointed her bow to Sunset. “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Fiddlesticks once again started off, dancing around the fidgety ghouls. They tried in vain to make a swipe at her, but she just danced around them with ease. With each strum of her fiddle and the combined laughs of the three mares, the ghouls just kept getting weaker and weaker. “Nasty varmints try to attack, “Just raise yer voice right on back.” Fiddlesticks harshly laughed right in the face of one ghoul, who promptly burst into dust.   “That’s how Granny told me so, “Now we have best this foe.” Fiddlesticks stomped and finished her song, striking a dramatic pose. With the last cord, the ghouls either vanished or ran for it. Sunset and Pizzelle were both laughing still. Pizzelle couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed this hard. ___________________________________________________________________________ Fiddlesticks grinned to herself. ‘Another job well done.’ Her friends’ laughter was like its own music to her ears. Her eyes focused on Sunset, who was laughing incredibly hard. Within seconds, a black vapor escaped her mouth, dissipating in the air. Sunset’s eyes returned to normal and she stopped laughing. Instead, she groaned in discomfort and gripped her head. “What the hay happened?,,,,Did somepony place a curse on me, ‘cause I feel like they did.” “Yes indeedy, sweetheart,” Pizzelle chimed, nuzzling the groaning mare. “I’m just glad you laughed it out of your system.” “I can’t believe that worked,” Sunset said. “Ya best believe it.” Fiddlesticks put her fiddle back into her head for safe-keeping. “How did she…?” Sunset started. Pizzelle put a wing on Sunset’s shoulder and sighed. “It’s best not to question Fiddlesticks on things.” Sunset unsteadily rose to her hooves. “Careful.” Pizzelle kept her wing on Sunset’s other side to stabilize her. “Yeah, we don’t want ya ta hurt yerself.” Fiddlesticks trotted over to the pair. Sunset looked at the farm mare uneasily for a few seconds. “Thank you,” she croaked out. Fiddlesticks smiled. “Yer welcome.” She went in to hug Sunset and Pizzelle did the same. Sunset squirmed under the hugging assault, looking quite uncomfortable. “Okay…I think this is enough.” The moment was broken by a nearby clopping noise and a sharp laugh. It sounded unnatural and somewhat masculine and made the girls pause. “I say, good show.” “What?” the three mares said in unison. They looked over to see a stallion ghoul standing a short distance away from them. Unlike the others, he was mostly intact, with pale skin that flaked off in some areas. His gentlepony clothes were in tatters and he was missing an eye, while wearing a monocle in front of said missing body part. A large top hat sat on his head. The ponies reasoned he may have been handsome once. He still kind of was, but only if you looked past the whole ‘dead and rotting thing’. “I said, good show.” “Ya can talk?” Fiddlesticks was confused. ‘Granny never mentioned anythin’ about talkin’ ghouls.’ “Yes I can,” the ghoulish stallion said. His accent reminded her of somepony from Trottingham. He frowned and tipped his top hat. “I’d like to apologize for my compatriots and I. The longer we spirits linger here, the more it degrades us into nothing more than mindless beasts…I’d be truthful when I said I too had nearly given into my hunger. For that, I am deeply ashamed.” “Now don’t be beatin’ yerself up,” Fiddlestick said, while walking right up to him. “No,” Sunset added. “Please do.” Pizzelle glared at her. “What? Am I supposed to feel sympathy for a dead guy who tried to kill me? Before you say anything, the answer is no.” “Again,” the ghoul said, “I apologize. This forest eats away at you.” He then smiled when he looked at Fiddlesticks. “But I must thank you personally. You gave me back my mind and…I don’t remember the last time I was happy. Your music is really something?” Fiddlesticks blushed and tipped her hat to cover her face. “Thank ya kindly.” “If I may ask,” the ghoul stated, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. “What are you fine ladies doing in the Everfree Forest? This place is far too dangerous for ponies such as yourselves.” “I think we can handle ourselves quite fine.” Sunset pointed her snout up, snootily. “Thank you very much.” The ghoul bowed his head. “I apologize if I offended you.” “No offense taken,” Fiddlesticks spoke up. “Just to put this lost soul at ease,” the ghoul started. “I’d like to accompany you on your journey. I don’t think I could un-live with myself if something were to happen to the pony that made me smile.” Fiddlesticks blushed harder. “Now yer makin’ me blush. ‘Course you can.” Unbeknownst to the ghoul and Fiddlesticks, Sunset whispered into Pizzelle’s ear. “Is Fiddlesticks into necrophilia?” Sunset was promptly given a hard slap to the back of her head. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The grand warlock sorcerer couldn’t believe what just happened. Before his very eyes, the ghouls he had tricked into attacking the group were disintegrated. It wasn’t by any magic or show of force. It was by something so foreign and alien to him. ‘Laughter? They laughed the ghouls away? How…HOW?!’ He howled inside his mind. It frustrated him to no end. His plan was perfect. There was no way they could fight off that many ghouls. Even trained and battle ready soldiers had trouble with the undead. But those mares….They were something else. ‘Yes, they must know some foreign magic or maybe her fiddle is enchanted. Yes, it has to be. They can’t best my plans with just happiness.’ He paced in circles. He had to come up with a plan to kill the mares now or else face the wrath of Apostle, or worse, his goddess. Any cultist of Nightmare Moon could tell you that you didn’t want to get on her bad side. ‘What to do? What to do?’ The warlock stopped. He grinned savagely as an idea popped into his mind. “Yes, this is perfect.” He had one sure fire way to boost his power: consuming the piece of his goddess within. While all warlocks house a piece of Nightmare Moon, they were essentially kept separate from the soul. Consuming it interwove it within the warlocks soul, making them more powerful. The drawback was that it made Warlocks susceptible to being possessed by shadow daemons. ‘I can handle it though,’ he thought to himself. ‘Nightmare Moon will reward me greatly for bringing the head of her sister’s daughter.’ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, back at the old castle Nightmare Moon fumed as she watched Sunset Shimmer and group defeat the ghouls and waltz ever so closer to the old castle. “How? How did they survive? Laughter? WHAT?!” ‘Laughter is for the weak. Happiness only befitting the strong and victorious. What right did they have to laugh at what should have been their final moments?’ But that wasn’t what really started to eat away at her. She kept wondering to herself why the mares thought rushing straight to her would be the best option. Nightmare Moon wasn’t a pushover, depowered or not. She’d slaughter them with ease. No, they had a plan. They had something hidden inside their skulls, waiting to use. ‘What is it? What do they know that I don’t?’ She just had to wait until….Her anger swept past her and she grinned. “Oh, but I do have a way of knowing. That little dragon may have some use.” Quickly, she rushed into the holding chamber, expecting to find Spike whimpering and begging to be released. What she found made her pause. ‘What? The? Hay?’ Inside the chamber, the female guards that she had left inside had taken off their armor and gotten onto the metal slab with Spike. Two of them were pressed up against his side, nuzzling him with earnest, while the third laid on top of the dragon. The dragon’s shirt had been hastily un-buttoned and lay open, revealing the Spike’s well-muscled chest. Judging by the sound of it, the mare on top was making out fiercely with the accursed creature. Pulling back to catch some air, the mare sighed. “You certainly are talented with that tongue of yours, dragon.” Spike chuckled. “I’d say the same to you, beautiful.” Shaking in rage, Nightmare Moon roared. The three mares quickly jumped off of him and performed a perfect stand at attention and salute. Nightmare didn’t care about that. “What were you doing to my prisoner?” The mares gulped. “We were…interrogating him.” They answered. “Interrogating?” Nightmare Moon raised a wispy eyebrow. “It seemed like you were getting ready to mate him.” “It was all part of the plan, Your Majesty,” one of the mares spoke up. “Yeah,” another chimed. “We’d never soil ourselves with dragon filth.” Nightmare Moon honestly didn’t care about their excuses. Normally, she’d have killed them right then and there, but she had something more important to accomplish. “Leave us…and get your armor back on.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” The three mares rushed with blinding speed to grab their armor and leave. Nightmare Moon sent her baleful gaze onto Spike. “I hope you enjoyed yourself, for that’ll be the last moment of bliss you’ll ever experience.” “That wouldn’t be so bad,” Spike sighed, licking his lips to clean up the mare's saliva. “But I sincerely doubt that.” “Why?” "Two reasons," Spike started. "One, I know you were a little jealous of those other mares right now." He sent her a charming smile, causing her to blush. "Shut your mouth, dragon," Nightmare Moon briefly looked away. She hated feeling like this. So...warm. Ech, she preferred the bitter cold. “Second, I think you already know my big sister is coming here to kick your arse.” “It is not she who will be kicking my behind,” Nightmare Moon growled. “I shall be doing the kicking…and stabbing.” “You know, you don’t have to do this. You can just give up. I’m sure my mother can forgi….” His next words died in his mouth as one of Nightmare Moon’s tendrils pierced the metal slab right beside his head. “SHE NEEDS TO FORGIVE ME?!!!” Her being rustled as her anger took over. ‘Insolent whelp, does he know nothing?’ “I NEED NOT HER FORGIVENESS! ONLY HER HEAD!” “But she’s your sister,” Spike argued. “SHE”S NOTHING TO ME!” Nightmare Moon shouted. “SHE IS A FALSE GODDESS AND I WILL BE DOING THE WORLD A FAVOR IN KILLING HER!” “But she loves you.” "LIES!" More tendrils pierced the metal around the dragon and Nightmare Moon brought herself close to him. Each one of them pulsed with dark energy, overflowing with hate. “Love is for the weak.” A tendril hovered over the dragon’s heart. “Tell me what she’s planning.” Spike glared at her and snorted. “Never. I’d rather die than betray my family.” “Foolish dragon,” Nightmare chuckled. “You think family is something to die for? It is but a crux, something to hold you back. Now, tell me.” “No.” Nightmare Moon grinned savagely. “As you wish.” The tendril travelled from his heart all the way to between his legs. She reveled in the panicked expression that lit the dragon’s face. ‘Males are so easy to scare.’ “Tell me what I want and you get to die with it still attached.” Spike quivered in fear. “I-I-I’ll never tell you.” Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. ‘He’s stronger than I thought.’ “Why must you hide it from me? She will fail no matter what she tries. I’ve scanned her and she holds nothing of value. The only thing she could possibly….” Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened. “No….” She rushed out of the room, leaving her captive by himself. ‘My sister can’t possibly make them work. She can’t.’ Ending up in another, much larger room in the castle, Nightmare Moon glanced at the orbs set on pedestals: the Elements of Harmony. They were inert, dead. They couldn’t possibly work for mortals. She had nothing to fear. Yet, terror struck her. She remembered the Elements well. How they ate at her, tore her physical body to pieces and banished her spirit to a thousand year exile on the moon. ‘Not again…NOT EVER AGAIN!’ She started to hyperventilate. The pain…THE PAIN! It was coming back to her. She started to shake her head, trying to get it out. Just being near the dead Elements was torture. They ripped her to shreds, piece by piece, slamming guilt and sorrow onto her. The banishment was horrible in of itself, with only her daemon followers as company. “No, no, no, no….GUARDS!” She hollered. Immediately, several of her guardsponies came running in. “STAY HERE AND GUARD THESE!” “But Your Majesty,” one of the guards spoke up. “That would leave the outside under…” His sentence was cut short as a tendril pierced his chest, drained him of his soul, and threw his body to the side. “GUARD THEM!” Without another word, they rushed to surround themselves around the inert Elements. ‘You won’t get them, sister. NEVER! I am here to stay. As she left the room, the pain of long ago still lingered, tearing away at her. > Part 13: The Truth of the Matter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset gritted her teeth in frustration. It had been scant minutes since Fiddlesticks miraculous musical save, but it felt like an eternity for her. ‘Honestly, I’m still surprised laughing defeated the ghouls. I know they react negatively to positive emotion, but come on.’ Of course, she stopped herself from thinking too hard about it. Laughing did save her life. So, technically, she owed Fiddlesticks one for this. ‘That’s not a comforting thought.’ Sunset wasn’t used to owing others. Actually, she wasn’t used to help at all. Yeah, she got help from her mother and brother. That was a given, but complete strangers? No universe, she did not like help. Just knowing that she was helpless and at the mercy of some spiritual essence was its own can of worms. The term ‘violated’ sprung to her mind. Not to mention that her magic reserve was somewhat depleted. It wasn’t to a dangerous level, but she needed to watch herself for at least the next hour or so. She cast a glance over to Fiddlesticks, who was trotting alongside her. The country mare was humming a small tune, exactly like the one she played earlier. Sunset couldn’t help but ponder her mindset. She pretty much laughed away several ghouls which was, at least to her knowledge, unheard of. Usually, ponies either slew or ran away from ghouls. ‘What is your secret, country bumpkin?’   Her head was pounding, still upset from the shadowy intrusion. ‘That’s not the only reason its pounding.’ “And then I told her ‘Mayor, you’ve got to stop dying your mane’,” Pizzelle told their ghoul companion. He was walking right alongside her, listening to her with rapt attention. No doubt he was hungrily eating up any tidbit he could get his hooves on about the world since his death. “Her mane is such a lovely shade of pink, but she’s so ashamed of it. Oh, she never says it, but she is. She thinks it makes her look goofy and ‘off’, but that’s just poppycock. I didn’t tell you, but she wasn’t always like that. She was such a lively mare back in the day. The talk of Canterlot, she was. Stallions from all around were at her beck and call.” She giggled. ‘Shut up, shut up, shut up!’ Sunset screamed inside her skull. Pizzelle hadn’t been able to shut her trap at all since the earlier incident. Sunset couldn’t help but lament on how she wished she was still knocked out. “Ah know PIzzelle can be a bit of a yapper,” Fiddlesticks spoke up. “But she aint that bad, once ya get to know her.” “I know enough about her to last a lifetime,” Sunset rolled her eyes. Fiddlesticks chuckled. “Nah, ya know just about everyone else as far she’s talkin’. She doesn’t talk a lot ‘bout herself. She aint the boastin’ type…Most of the time.” “I don’t care about who’s she’s talking about,” Sunset folded her ears back, in an attempt to block out the infernal mare’s voice. “I just want her to stop.” Fiddlesticks laughter grew louder. “Get her to stop? Lordess, ya don’t know a lick about Pizzelle, do ya?” “Yes,” Sunset gave her a deadpan stare. “Yes I do.” “CANTERLOT?!!” Pizzelle exclaimed, causing Sunset and Fiddlesticks to jump up into the air fright. “You lived in the holy city?” “Jeez,” Sunset spoke up, putting a hoof in her ear to try and get some feeling back. “Could you be any louder? I mean, it’s not like we’re in a forest filled to the brim with monsters and heretics. Please, scream some more. I’m sure the beings in the forest next to this one didn’t hear you.” “Wow,” Fiddlesticks said. “Layin’ it on thick, aint ya?” Sunset just glared at her in response. Pizzelle put a hoof to her mouth and blushed in embarrassment. “Oooh, sorry about that. I get carried away sometimes when I talk to new ponies.” “And old ones,” Fiddlesticks put in. The two chuckled, to which Sunset rolled her eyes with a soft smile. Sunset couldn’t help but feel a little cozy inside, being around the group. Maybe it was because they saved her, but it felt more than that. She couldn’t put her hoof on it. ‘I’ll check out the library when this thing is done. Maybe I’ll find the answer in a book.’ “To answer your question,” the ghoul said. “I did live in the holy city, but that was many years ago.” “Why’d ya come this way south?” Fiddlesticks asked. “Business,” the ghoul stated. “I worked for the fruit families of our beloved nation and there were reports of a remarkable apple that looked to be of rainbows and magic. Naturally, I thought it a great opportunity…Until it resulted in my death of course.” “So yer talkin’ about Zap Apples?” Fiddlesticks stated. “Zap Apples?” The ghoul raised its one good eyebrow. “Is that what they’re called?” “Right you are, sugar,” Pizzelle said. “Our little town of Ponyville wouldn’t be anything without Zap Apples. Why, we’d be nothing more than a few shacks scattered in the landscape if it wasn’t for our local hero; Granny Smith. Did you know she took on a whole pack of Timberwolves and won? I certainly can’t believe it. It’s not like it’s unprecedented. Our royal guard can certainly handle their own, bless their hearts. A filly to do so? Well, unheard of.” “She just banged on some pots,” Fiddlesticks butted in. “Timberwolves aren’t fans of loud noises…for some reason.” “Well, it’s actually a simple reason,” Sunset put her own two bits into the conversation. Sure, she wasn’t their friend, but she was getting bored. Besides, showing off a little intellect would surely impress them. “Timberwolves are creatures mostly comprised of pieces of wood held together by a unique assortment of magic: chaos, druid, soul. This combination is not found anywhere else in the world and makes them incredibly hard to put out, since they can just reform themselves. However, the mixture isn’t a stable one, so loud noises and vibrations can shake them loose and dispel the magic keeping the timberwolves alive.” “Whoo-wee,” Fiddlesticks remarked. “That’s one fancy explanation.” “Yes it was,” the ghoul looked at her curiously. Well, as curiously as a corpse could. “Did you attend Canterlot University? You seem to be cut from the same class as I.” “You’re right on the money, sugar,” Pizzelle put a motherly wing over Sunset, to the younger mare’s surprise. “Her mother spared no expense with her education. Why, I heard Princess Celestia invested nearly twice as much money into the university after Sunset arrived. Visited whenever she could. Our sun goddess is just the sweetest mother you ever heard of and that’s a fact.” The ghoul’s eye widened. “You’re the daughter of Celestia? The Celestia?” “There’s a lot you need to catch up on,” Sunset remarked. “Yes,” a mysterious, stallion voiced spoke up. “Like your imminent demise, for instance.” Fiddlesticks tapped her chin. “Nah, nothin’ like that. Aint got any 'imminent demise'. Ya might want to check with Granny Smith 'bout that.” “Wow,” the voice said after a short pause. “How did a dolt like you actually best my curse?” “With some country twang,” Fiddlesticks puffed out her chest in pride. “With a lot of heart,” Pizzelle spoke up. “I don’t know about you, but Miss Cheerilee, she’s the local school teacher by the way, a real sweetheart. Anyways, that’s how she beats her problems. Well, they’re more school related problems…and the occasional stalker, but that comes down to earth pony muscle rather than love….” “SHUT UP!” The warlock stallion teleported in front of them. He was younger than Apostle, somewhere in his early twenties with a similar color palette. Warlocks didn’t really differentiate much in the regard. “I’ve had enough of your blathering nonsense, you blithering moron.” “Well,” Pizzelle put a hoof to her chest and gave him a stare of indignation. “Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I know I can be a bit mean spirited here and there, but usually I just bake the stress away…Have you tried baking? Me and my friends find it a great way to relieve stress.” “No,” the warlock growled. “I haven’t tried baking. I won’t try baking, because it’s stupid.” “Because it’s stupid?” Sunset scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “Great comeback.” “Why you…” the warlock’s scowl deepened. “Kindly get out of our way,” Sunset motioned a sweeping move with a hoof. “We don’t want this to get ugly, now do we?” The warlock smirked. “Oh, but I do. I want this to get real ugly.” “Wait, how ugly are we talking about?” Sunset asked, with a quirk of her eyebrow. ‘This is going to be good.’ “Because it’s pretty ugly now that you’re here.” “Oooh,” Fiddlesticks motioned a hoof for her to bump. “Good one.” Sunset hesitated for a moment. She still wasn’t used to being around others for such a long while, so a hoofbump was foreign to her. Still, she wasn’t going to leave Fiddlesticks wanting. Sunset gave her a reluctant hoof-bump. “You think you’re something, don’t you?” The warlock nearly roared, stomping his hoof in anger. “You think just because you’re the daughter of a false goddess, that you can best a servant of the true goddess? HA!” Sunset rolled her eyes. ‘If he wants a fight, I’ll give him a fight.’ With just a quick check of his aura, she found him wanting in the power department. He was barely above average. “Then show me what you’ve got.” The warlock’s scowl quickly turned into a satisfied grin. “I shall and it will be the last ‘show’ you’ll ever see.” His horn lit up with dark magic. Sunset prepared herself with a quick defensive spell. She gauged his level, so she knew he wouldn’t be able to throw spells that quick in succession. She just needed him to throw a spell at her, so she could block it and quickly get a shot in of her own. She’d have him down in a heartbeat. She turned back to the others. “Don’t worry. This’ll only take a minute.” “Uh,” Pizzelle held up a hoof, questionably. “I may not be an expert on magic and I should know I’ve talked to some. Let me tell you, Professor Magic Pulse is a killer on the dance floor.” She started to fan herself. “And his wingspan…” “What she’s tryin’ to say,” Fiddlesticks butted in, blushing like mad. “Is ya best look behind ya.” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “Okay, but I don’t see….” The warlock’s magic was doing something she didn’t expect. It arched around him, causing what looked like a considerable amount of pain, judging from his face. His form seemed to pulse and within seconds his muscles started growing. Sunset could sense his power level rise. ‘But that’s impossible. Even if he had magic enhanced crystals, I should have been able to detect them.’ Some magical crystals were known to enhance unicorn magic. They weren’t that common and were extremely hard to craft. Still, they each give off a small tinge of magic, making them detectable with magical scanners. It was a policy set up in the event of cheating during shows and events. Here, there was no indication of where his extra power was coming from. It just came out of nowhere and that honestly frightened her. ‘Maybe ticking off a warlock wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had.’ When his magic was finished, the warlock stood a few feet higher. His muscles bulged outwards, like you’d see on a professional weight lifter. “Think you can best me now?” His voice was much deeper now, with an underlying sense of wrongness to it. Sunset gulped. “Yeah,” she did everything in her power to keep the tremble out of her voice. She wasn’t going to appear weak before a heretic. “We’ll see,” the warlock, without another word, struck with a mighty bolt of magic. Sunset stood her ground, relying on her shield spell to save her. Unfortunately, she had only formed a weak shield, since she didn’t take into account her foes’ recent power upgrade. So while her shield held up well enough to save her, it blew her off her hooves, ceasing the spell. The next instant, the warlock teleported himself right dab in the middle of the group. He quickly used his magic to blast them apart, sending them flying this way and that. Sunset yelped in pain as her ribs impacted against the bark of an incredibly sturdy tree. Falling to the ground, she lamented ‘That’s going to hurt in the morning.’ Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation on her tail. It took her only a second to register what it was. ‘This is going to hurt even more.’ The warlock used his magic to pick her up by the tail. Laughing, he span her around knocking her head right into the tree. It happened too quick for Sunset, so she wasn’t able to counter it. Now that she was dazed, magic wasn’t going to save her right now. “FEEL THE POWER OF THE NI….” The warlock was cut off when a rope wrapped around his upper body, pulling him off his hooves to the ground. The magic around Sunset’s tail cut out, letting her fall to the ground. The warlock raised his head to send Fiddlesticks, who gripped the rope firmly in her teeth, a baleful stare. “You dare!” With a surge of his horn, the rope untangled itself from around him. Fiddlestick’s eyes widened as the warlock used his magic to tie her up with her own rope. He pulled her over to himself and put a hoof on her side. The warlock smirked. “Now you see what happens to those that…” Using her magic, Sunset grabbed hold of the buffoon and threw him across the forest floor. While she would have liked to pummel him further, she still had to clear her head. So she needed to free Fiddlesticks first. She was the only other mare of the group that Sunset knew could fight. ‘Or at least distract him long enough for me to work up enough magic.’ Running to Fiddlesticks side, she undid the rope. “I didn’t know you were into this stuff, Fiddlesticks.” Fiddlesticks rolled her eyes. “Oh, ha, ha, Sunset. Ya are just a riot, ya know that?” Sunset smirked. “I know.” The duo turned to face the warlock who was dead set on charging them with his horn lit. He sent several blasts of dark magic at them, to which they dodged. Sunset had to teleport in order to avoid being pierced by his horn. She wasn’t able to get far, for her head started to hurt like never before. Gripping her head in her forehooves, she vainly tried to will away the pain. The warlock chuckled. “The essence of our dark goddess tends to have that effect on ponies. I assure you, the pain won’t last long.” With nary a delay, he sent a bolt of dark magic her way. Sunset was in too much pain to do anything but silently lament to herself. ‘So, this is how I go, huh?’ Thankfully, the universe was on her side, or in this case, a certain ghoul. He valiantly jumped over and pushed her to the side, clearing the both of them from the blast. They tumbled for a short while, before they stopped with the ghoul on top of her. Standing up, he gazed down at her in concern. “Pardon the obvious question, but are you alright?” Sunset grunted and nodded. The pain had lessened enough for her to get her bearings. The ghoul sighed. “Thank the goddess.” “Don’t thank her yet,” the warlock created two dark matter swords that hovered next to him. With a roar of anger, he charged….and was promptly bucked in the shin by Fiddlesticks, sending him flying. Even with his extra muscle, it was no match against the natural talents of the earth kin. _____________________________________________________________________________ Fiddlesticks snorted. “Ya forgot about me.” The warlock growled dangerously, trying to lean off his bruised leg. “How could I forget a wretch like you?” Two trees glowed with magic as the warlock uplifted them from their roots. “NIGHTMARE MOON ETERNAL!” He charged, swinging the large trees forward. Fiddlesticks rolled to the right, dodging a downward strike from a tree trunk. She stopped herself just in time to avoid the other tree smashing down beside her. She was running on pure instinct right now, with a flare of Apple practices to boot. While the trees were uprooted, she could still sense them and their pain. Gritting her teeth, she knew she was going to put extra ‘oomph’ into her next strike. ‘No good varmint deserves it.’ The warlock ran down the middle of the trees, hoping to spear her on his horn. Fiddlesticks smirked and pulled herself closer to the ground, readying herself for a high jump. Just as the warlock got close, she leapt into the air. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl for her. Fiddlesticks didn’t know how she could do it. She just could and that was all that mattered to her. She pulled off her hat and pulled out her trusty lasso. With a quick flick of her wrist and a keen eye, she sent the lasso flying. Before the warlock could even register her jump, she had it fastened around his neck. Fiddlesticks landed on her back legs. Her front hooves clung to the rope and pulled it up and over herself. The warlock’s eyes widened as he was pulled into the air. Fiddlesticks planned to have him come smashing into the ground, so she could land some blows against him. Sadly, the warlock was smarter than that. He teleported, or winked if you prefer, out of the rope. In the next second, he appeared slightly above the tree on her right. Using both his magic and new found strength, he came crashing down, splitting it in two. Using both halves, he tried to smash her again. Fiddlesticks was a nimble mare, even by Apple standards. She somersaulted backwards, avoiding the strikes which broke the other fallen tree. She nearly made it to the ground, when one of the tree trunks smashed into her, sending her crashing into the forest. Her world went dark as she felt her head smash into a tree. Before she passed out, she swore she heard a yelp of some kind. _________________________________________________________________________ The warlock grinned savagely. “Now that is what I’m talking about.” Pizzelle couldn’t help but stare on in horror. It certainly didn’t look good for them. Fiddlesticks was out cold and Sunset was in too much pain to do anything. Their ghoul friend was standing protectively over her. ‘Come on,’ she thought to herself. ‘I’ve got to do something.’ The warlock walked over to where Fiddlesticks had flown into. “Wench, if you can hear me, hiding won’t save you. I shall tear your….” The warlock screeched in pain as a rock came colliding with this horn. The trunks he was carrying fell to the ground as his magic ceased. The warlock looked around for the source of his pain. He didn’t have to look for long. Pizzelle smirked, holding up another rock at the ready. “You,” the warlock said with much loathing. “Sugar, of course it’s me,” Pizzelle said. “Who else would I be? A changeling? I don’t think I have the skills to be one, though I hear…” Pizzelle ducked her head just in time. The fiery shadow-bolt sailed just over her and struck somewhere in the forest with a load boom. The warlock’s horn grew ever brighter. “No more words out of you.” Pizzelle gulped, glancing at the rock in her hoof. ‘I think I took one bite too big this time.’ Before the warlock struck, however, a deep guttural roar shook through them. The duo turned their heads to see the owner of said voice emerge from the forest. They stared at it incredulously. It stood several times their height, nearing the size of an Ursa Minor. Its hellish red fur seemed as though it was on fire. It’s curved, black horns looked ready to pierce any hide and its hooves ready to stomp out any remaining life. It was a Great Red Bull. They were highly aggressive animals, attacking with nary any provocation. Your very presence is viewed as a challenge to their might. Very few ponies have faced them and lived to tell the tale, thanks to how hard they are to kill. “Hmmm,” the warlock looked over at her. “Have fun with that.” He then winked out of existence. ‘I know I should have expected that, but still….’ Anymore thoughts were drowned out by the bull’s roar. The daemonic beast charged. Pizzelle thanked Celestia that she was a pegasus. With a quick flap of her wings, she narrowly missed colliding with the bull. Still, she found something odd about it. ‘Why wasn’t I burned?’ Now it wasn’t a bad thing, but it was something to note. Great Red Bulls are being of fire. The very air around them burns, causing pain to any creature by just being near them. This bull wasn’t giving off the slightest bit of heat. That wasn’t all. The whole beast seemed off to her. She didn’t know why, but it felt like it just wasn’t there. ‘Maybe I’m just imagining things.’ Turning around, the bull gave out another roar and charged. Again, Pizzelle narrowly missed being struck. The trees above wouldn’t let her climb any higher than she was now, which gave the bull the advantage in this fight. Something was off about the bull and Pizzelle could feel it. She swore she’d seen something like this before, but couldn’t place her hoof on it. Of course, when the bull turned around, she looked into its eyes. And that’s when she felt it. A spark. _________________________________________________________________________________ Sunset couldn’t believe it. A freakin’ Great Red Bull just came out of the woodworks. ‘What the hay is that thing doing here? They’re supposed to be extinct in this area.’ Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. While bulls such as this were a credible threat, she had more then enough magic to best it, but now….She couldn’t even perform the simplest spell with her head feeling like it was going to explode. So, she just had to trust that Pizzelle could take care of the beast….. “We’re going to die,” Sunset lamented. “Aren’t we?” “Not all of us,” the ghoul stated. “Yeah, you can’t exactly kill something that’s already dead.” The ghoul gave her an annoyed gaze, before turning his one eye back to Pizzelle. Sunset was actually surprised by Pizzelle’s agility. The mare certainly wasn’t the most fit pegasus, with some pudge to her figure. Yet, she was easily, or at least without much effort, side-flying the beast. She was impressed. But then Pizzelle did something she didn’t expect. Something that made her question the pegasus’s sanity. She froze up. Now, Sunset knew some ponies would freeze up in the face of danger. They got so scared they couldn’t move a muscle. Pizzelle didn’t freeze up when confronted with the bull. She didn’t freeze up with the warlock, yet now she chose to stop? ‘Does she have a death wish?’ The bull started to prep itself to take another pass at Pizzelle. It rutted the ground with one of its hooves and lowered its horns. “PIZZELLE!” Sunset yelled. “GET OUT OF THERE!” “No,” Pizzelle answered. “What?” Sunset cried in surprise. “Are you insane? It’s going to kill you.” “Just trust me on this,” Pizzelle answered with fortitude. “I know what I’m doing. I’ll be fine.” Sunset wanted to teleport the mare out of harms’ way. Pizzelle wasn’t a bad mare and Sunset couldn’t help but admit that she liked her. Not a ton, but enough to be friendly acquaintances. That’s saying a lot, coming from her. Yet, something told her that Pizzelle was telling the honest truth. That things would work out. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Sunset asked, to which she received a nod. Sunset snorted. “Fine, but it’s your funeral.” Pizzelle hovered not far above the ground, staring at the beast head on. Sunset bit on one of her hooves in anxiety. ‘This is going to be hard to watch.’ The bull charged. Sunset held her breath. Pizzelle showed no fear as the monstrosity came ever nearer….and then passed right through her. Sunset’s eyes went wide in surprise. “What?” Pizzelle set herself down and turned to the bull. The creature seemed to shimmer for a few seconds, looking like it was made of water, before it just vanished. Pizzelle turned to her and smiled. “Sugar, you okay?” Sunset just dumbly nodded, too confused to offer a response. “But…bull….gone.” “Yes, bull gone,” the ghoul rolled his eye. “Good for us, I say.” “But it just disappeared,” Sunset gestured to where the bull used to be. “Red Bulls just don’t disappear.” “You’re right,” Pizzelle nodded. “He didn’t disappear, because he was never there. Neat trick, if you ask me.” “What?” Sunset stared at her, incredulously. “It’s an illusion,” Pizzelle said. “I once worked with the Great and Powerful Presto when I was a young mare. Let me tell you, those were the days. I travelled all over Equestria, seeing sights and ponies I’d never seen before….” “Wait,” Sunset cut her off. “You know the Great and Powerful Presto? The greatest show magician of all time?” That wasn’t an exaggeration. Presto was indeed talented, rivaling some of the greatest sorcerers in Equestria’s history. Combine that with his ingenuity and he could have been a feared general. Yet, he instead chose the life of entertainment, making others smile and delighting the population. Sunset didn’t understand why he would, though. Stage performances were a waste of time in her opinion. Still, that didn’t mean she didn’t look up to the stallion. Pizzelle nodded. “Oh yes, we grew up together in Manehattan. He always had a dream of performing and our other friend, Orange Sherbert, delightful mare that pony. She’s always thinking of others. More often than not, her home would be filled to the brim with homeless ponies seeking a meal and a roof over their heads. It can be a bit strenuous for her at times, but she’s always pulled through and she just has the most adorable little filly. Anyways, given her wealth Orange helped fund Presto’s initial romp around Equestria. Naturally, I couldn’t help but tag along.” “And how does that explain about your knowledge of illusion magic?” Sunset asked, even though she guessed the answer already. “He taught me them,” Pizzelle said. “We never keep any secrets from each other, so he came clean with how his acts work. Unlike some of the more barbarous magicians, Presto never actually uses live animals in his acts. It’s too much hassle and the poor things tend to get hurt. So instead he just makes illusions and whatnot to make the audience think the beast’s there.” “But…how?” Sunset asked. “Even with proper training, only unicorns can see through illusions.” Which is true. Had she been in a better state, she’s have seen the fake almost instantaneously. Pizzelle shrugged. “I have a knack of seeing the truth of things. Presto called it a gift. I don’t really think much of it, really. I’m just a humble baker.” ‘A humble baker that can see through magical illusions.’ Sunset was a little suspicious of this, but quickly casted it aside. It wasn’t worth her time and Pizzelle did save her hide. “Now, let’s go find our friend,” Pizzelle trotted off with the ghoul following close behind. “You know, I never did get your name.” “It’s been so long since I’ve use it,” the ghoul said. “I’ve forgotten. Never cared to remember. Just call me Ghoul. Fits really.” Sunset snorted and followed. It honestly didn’t take them long to find Fiddlesticks. The poor mare laid unconscious on the forest floor, a noticeable dent in the tree behind her. ‘Impressive,’ Sunset admitted. The trees of the Everfree were incredibly strong and thick. Fiddlesticks’ skull must have been incredibly thick to leave a dent like that. She laughed a little internally. Pizzelle walked over and lowered her head to Fiddlesticks’ neck. Laying her lower jaw down, she closed her eyes for a few seconds. Letting out a breath she’d been holding, she raised herself and looked to the others. “She’s alright.” Sunset let out a sigh of relief. “Thank my mother,” she quickly collected herself. She wasn’t going to get overly attached to some mare she just met…even though she did worry about her. “Not that I was worried or anything.” Sunset stuck her nose up into the air. “I’m sure that this country bumpkin has been through worse.” Pizzelle shook her head and chuckled. “As you say, sugar….But let’s say hi to our little guest first.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Guest?” Pizzelle didn’t utter a word as she walked past her. Sunset didn’t know if she was relieved or concerned about her sudden silence. What was stranger is that Pizzelle was trotting over to a rock about the size of her head….that was slowly inching away. “Little one,” Pizzelle said softly. “Don’t be shy. You can drop the act now.” Before Sunset could openly voice her concern for Pizzelle’s sanity, the rock disappeared. Instead, in its place was a golden fox. No ordinary fox, mind you. It was a little larger, around the size of a young filly or colt and its body seemed more proportionate to that of a child itself. Its big eyes seemed red and puffy as if it had been crying hard. Its fur was matted and dirty, with some scratches here and there. He was so cute! Sunset had to stop herself from gushing over him. It wouldn’t be right, especially seeing that this was no ordinary fox: it was a kitsune. He was trembling, looking up at them with wide, fearful eyes. “P-p-please don’t hurt me.” Pizzelle shushed him. “We’re not going to hurt you, sugar,” she tried to walk closer, but the young kitsune stumbled backwards until he bumped into a tree. “St-stay back,” the kitsune stuttered. “I’m warning you.” Pizzelle frowned. “There’s no reason to be scared. We aren’t going to hurt you.” The kitsune shook his head. “That’s what the other ponies said.” He was sniffling, holding back another batch of tears. Sunset let her eyes wander. Something was missing. “Hey kid, where are your parents?” And just like that, the kitsune started bawling his hardest. Pizzelle quickly scooped him up into a comforting hug. He struggled weakly against her embrace, before finally submitting. “Shhh, calm down. We’re here. We’ll find your parents.” “Th-they’re dead,” the kitsune cried out. “The bad ponies killed them.” Now Sunset couldn’t help but feel lower than dirt. Her ears fell flat against her skull. ‘Oh that’s just great, Sunset. Bring up his dead parents. Really helpful.’ Pizzelle started nuzzling the young kitsune, stroking his back. A soft and pleasant hum escaped her, soothing the child. The lullaby she softly hummed was a common tune to put kids asleep in Equestria. Soon, after a moment, his crying turned into mere sniffles. “Why?” The young kitsune asked, managing to say that through his sobs. Pizzelle was silent for a moment. “Because the world isn’t fair.” “Ugh,” Fiddlesticks groaned, standing back on her hooves. “What happened?...Is that cryin’ ah hear?” Sunset nodded. “We found a young kitsune?” Fiddlesticks just stared at her. “A what now?” Sunset tilted her head to the child in Pizzelle’s arms. Fiddlesticks frowned. “What’s wrong with him?” “Nightmare cultists killed his parents,” Sunset explained, not hiding the ire in her voice. Fiddlesticks snorted angrily and pawed at the ground. “That just aint right.” She trotted over to the pair. “Hey, there lil’ one,” she sweetly cooed. The kitsune looked up at her. Without warning, Fiddlesticks pulled a funny face. The kitsune looked at her for a couple of seconds, before he started to giggle. Fiddlesticks smiled and hopped to her front legs. She pointed a forehoof to him. “That’s the spirit.” “Say,” Pizzelle said softly. “What’s your name?” “Aki Hikaru,” the kitsune sniffled. “That’s a lovely name, Hikaru,” Pizzelle nuzzled him deeper into her chest. “So…” Sunset started after a moment of silence. “What now?” “We take him with us of course,” Pizzelle gently bit the scruff of his neck and placed him on his back. “Ya darn tootin’ we will,” Fiddlesticks put her forehooves on her hips and nodded. Ghoul piped in. “It’d be poor sport to leave him on his own.” Sunset sighed. ‘Well, leaving him on his own would be pretty much death for the little guy. I’m not that heartless.’ “Fine, but keep an eye on him. We don’t need any more distractions. We’re on a tight schedule.” Fiddlesticks scoffed. “Tight schedule, mah flank. Aint no harm in a lil’ fun on the way.” She pulled out her trusty fiddle from her hat, which Sunset was still curious as to how it worked, and started to play a happy tune. As the group marched on, Fiddlesticks skipped around the child, playing and making faces. Hikaru chuckled as Pizzelle’s wings made for a nice, warm blanket. Sunset just couldn’t help but wonder who else would make it into their band of misfits. ‘What’s next? A river serpent?’ > Part 14: Loyalty Tested > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was still in the Everfree Forest. Not a sound echoed about. Not even the birds were singing, or the crickets chirping. The forest’s predators were long gone, leaving not the tiniest piece of destruction in their wake. Nor were there any signs of the insidious followers of Nightmare Moon. The forest was at peace. “Ugh,” Lightning Dust groaned in boredom. And peace was something Lightning Dust hated. She was a mare of action. It ran in her very veins. She came from a long line of dare-devils and she was no exception. On the contrary, her grandfather called her the most reckless mare this family had ever produced. He couldn’t have been prouder. Still, that didn’t help her now. There wasn’t anyone to fight, they were stuck out in the middle of nowhere, and she had to walk near a heretic. ‘A scrawny heretic.’ “Are we there yet?” Lightning asked. “For the last time, no, but we’re getting close,” Redheart said, with a bit of an edge to her voice. “That’s what you said five minutes ago,” Lightning moaned. Redheart sighed. “Lightning, the castle of the two sisters is ‘deep’ within the Everfree Forest. Let me emphasize; Deep! It will take us a while to get to it.” Lightning snorted in agitation. “Well can’t we just find a shortcut?” “Can I kill her?” Shade asked. The stallion was able to walk on his own now, thankfully. Of course, he still clung to Redheart both for assurance and just in case his newfound strength failed him. The others could still see him tremble slightly with each step. “Can I please, please kill her?” “No,” Redheart said. “You can’t. Killing won’t solve your problems.” “Yes it will,” Shade said in a whiny tone. “It’ll make her shut up.” “Hey,” Lightning scowled. “You have no right to say that. We could have left your sorry hide back there to die, but we didn’t. So a little talking won’t hurt you.” “But you’re so annoying,” Shade put a hoof to his ear and rubbed it. “My ears feel like they’re going to bleed if I have to hear one more complaint from you.” “I am not annoying,” Lightning snarled, readying herself to deliver a swift punch. ‘He deserves it!’ “Stop it,” Redheart butted in. “Both of you. You’re acting like foals.” “No we’re not,” both Lightning and Shade said in unison, before glaring at one another. For the past while, the two had been butting heads left and right over the smallest things. Redheart groaned. “Please, this night is already as bad as it can get. Don’t make it anymore insufferable.” “Fine,” the other two chimed. Lightning still didn’t trust Shade one ounce. He was a filthy heretic and she still thought he was better off dead. She couldn’t do anything about it though. Redheart was sticking up for him and she wasn’t a murderer. That didn’t stop her from complaining about the situation. At least it gave her something to do. “Are you sure you know we’re going in the right direction?” Lightning asked Redheart. Redheart nodded. “For the most part, yes.” “For the most part?” Lightning piped up. “Why does that not fill me with confidence?” “I never deal in absolutes,” Redheart huffed. “You should know that about me.” ‘Oh do I ever,’ Lightning thought. Of the small group, Lightning had known Redheart the longest. Her parents had moved from Cloudsdale to get away from all the internal strife going on in the city. Of course, given how little they had, both of them had to get jobs, leaving little Lightning all by herself. Naturally, they need to hire a babysitter. Low and behold, Lightning met Redheart, a teen earth pony mare training to be a nurse. They hit it off pretty well, though Redheart was a little too strict for Lightning’s tastes. So it wasn’t unusual for them to butt heads now and again. Suddenly, she got an idea. A brilliant idea. Lightning Dust got an awfully brilliant idea. She looked up to the sky, or where it would be if the tree branches weren’t covering it. Just seeing herself enclosed within the forest made her fidget her wings in agitation. A Pegasus was a born flyer, not a walker. “Well,” Lightning pointed to the roof of the forest. “How about I take a look from the sky? Surely I could see something.” “The tree branches are too thick,” Redheart explained. “You wouldn’t be able to get past them.” Lightning just chuckled. “Oh, please. You seriously think tree branches can stop me? They can’t handle my awesomeness.” “Lightning,” Redheart gave the energetic Pegasus her best ‘deadpan’ stare. “Nature will not bend to your awesomeness. We’ve been over this time and time again.” Lightning inspected her hoof as if it was far more interesting. “Yeah, yeah. Science beats awesomeness.” She smirked. “Like that’s stopped me before.” Redheart rolled her eyes. “Do I have to give you another lecture?” Lightning Dust blanched, glancing at the earth pony in horror. “You wouldn’t?” “But you always loved my lectures as a child,” Redheart pointed out. “Yeah, when you talked about cool stuff,” Lightning pointed out, backing away from her once babysitter. “And even then you made them sound so boring.” Redheart gasped dramatically, putting a hoof to her chest. “Boring? My lectures?” She stuck her nose up in the air. “Why, I never.” Lightning just rolled her eyes, not impressed. ‘She’s just messing with me.’ “Hold on now,” Shade cut in with a wicked grin. “Let’s not be too hasty. I think we could all appreciate a good lecture.” His eyes shone with mirth. “Really?” Redheart’s own shone with mirth as well, but had the inkling of something far more dreadful. Lightning gulped, knowing what was to come. ‘Oh Celestia on high, please have mercy on this soul. I promise I won’t skip another work day again…Okay, maybe not as many, but everypony’s got to take baby steps.’ Unfortunately, Celestia was a bit too busy at the moment. So Lightning watched in stunned horror as Redheart fished a notebook from her saddlebags. “Now,” Redheart leafed through the pages. “I think we can start on the peculiar foliage that makes up the Everfree Forest….” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Lightning did the first thing that came to mind. She decided to screw it all and give her own idea a shot. ‘Beats listening to this.’ With a mighty flap of her wings, she took off, heading upwards. ______________________________________________________________________ *Redheart* Redheart sighed as she watched Lightning shoot up into the treetops. She watched the branches part for the Pegasus, knowing full well this wasn’t going to work out. At least, not without some injuries. ‘Darn it, Lightning. Why won’t you ever listen to me?’ “Wow,” Shade whistled. “She’s not much of a thinker, is she?” “Well, yes and no,” Redheart said. “She was a splendid learner when she was younger. That is to say, when I could get her to sit still for more than a minute. It’s just…Ever since her older sister joined the Sisters of Vengeance, she’s been a lot harder on herself.” Shade blanched. “Sisters of Vengeance?” Redheart nodded in answer. “I threatened the little sister of one of those fanatics?” Redheart glared at him. “They are not fanatics. They are just….more open with the faith.” Shade scoffed. “Yeah, too open if you ask me.” Redheart wasn’t going to continue this line of questioning. She was technically a Sister of Vengeance herself, but that was only a technicality since she was a member of the Order Hospitaller. They weren’t as indoctrinated as the rest of the organization. Redheart was glad about that. While she fully respected the Sisters, she didn’t find their mindsets all that welcoming. They were too quick to jump into the fray, to end somepony’s life if they even showed the slightest hint of treachery. She didn’t need to be a genius to see that they were a headache to any commanding general during wartime. “Say,” Shade broke the silence that had fallen in between them. “Are your lectures really that boring?” Redheart shot him a look of indignity. “Of course not. Why would you even think of such a thing? My lectures are factual, to the point, and leave ponies wanting more.” Shade whirled his head back in panic. “I didn’t mean to imply that they are bad. I just asked a question.” Nurse Redheart was silent for a moment, studying him. Finally, she chuckled as she watched him sweat in fear. It wasn’t because she enjoyed seeing his fright, far from it. It was just the ludicrous-y of this whole thing catching up to her. Here she was, in the middle of the Everfree Forest, chasing after a supposed fairy tale monster, with one of her retched minions. “Are you alright?” Shade looked unsettled. “I don’t think I said anything that funny.” “No,” Redheart’s laughter died down. “It’s just all this…It’s a bit much for one pony to take in.” Shade nodded. Before he could say anything, the two of them heard a loud ‘crack’ from beneath. The duo slowly tilted their heads down. Their faces turned into ones of panic when the saw the ground around them starting to crack. Looking back up, they both gulped. “I don’t suppose you can use your magic now,” Redheart asked with a sliver of hope. Shade shook his head. “No….We’re screwed, aren’t we?” With a loud crunch, the earth started to give way. “What did you think?” Redheart managed to say before she fell into the pit below. ____________________________________________________________________________ *meanwhile, with Lightning Dust* Not many creatures would pierce the veil of the forest. Not from above, for fear of death. Not from below, for few survived to do so. Lightning Dust held no fear…Except for boring lectures. So, she sped through the canopy. By the time she reached the top, however, she had doubts about her plan. The Pegasus mare was tired and sore. Her body was covered in twigs, leaves, and bruises. She groaned as her body berated her for her actions. With one last heave, she forced herself fully onto the top of the forest. Falling on her back, she was thankful the branches were stable enough to hold her weight.  She laid there, trying to catch her breath. “Ha…I…did it,” she said in between pants. She shot her hoof up into the air. “Lightning Dust: one. Everfree Forest: zero.” ‘I showed you, Redheart. My awesomeness defies logic,’ Lightning thought, with a wide grin on her face. Sitting up, she put a hoof on her brow to get a more narrowed view of the surrounding area. She looked forwards. “Nothing over there.” To her right. “Zilch.” To her left. “No evil doers over there either.” And finally, right behind her. “Probably nothing but…WHOA!” She shouted. Right behind her was a giant spire. Not any normal spire, this one was black and pulsing with a purple energy that just felt …wrong, if Lightning had to put a word to it. So startled by her find, she fell backwards harshly. Unfortunately, she fell right on the exact spot she just climbed out of, making it so she fell to through the canopy. She screamed in fright. Her trip down was just as unpleasant as her climb up. Her body tumbled, breaking branches and scratching her body up. She was sure that she’d be a wreck come tomorrow morning. Thankfully, sparing her from any serious harm, vines wrapped around her body as she fell through them. She came to a stop just short from meeting the ground and let out a sigh of relief. To which the universe decided to screw her over and break the vines. With a loud ‘oof’ her behind hit the forest floor. Grumbling, she brushed aside the vines. “See Redheart,” Lightning smirked despite what had just happened. “I knew I could do it. You were right. We’re going in the right….” When she took a step forward, she fell. She mentally cursed herself for not looking where she was going. She was a Pegasus pony however, so with a quick flap of her wings, she stopped herself mid-fall. “What the….” She looked around the lit cavern, or more appropriately, lit tunnel. It was beautifully carved with torches that flicked around. It seemed ancient. It felt ancient…’What? Am I feeling ‘ancient’ now?’ Did I become one of those relic collectors or something? I am not one of those nerds.’ “Guys,” Lightning shouted. “Come check this out.” “I do believe they already have,” an feminine, elegant, pompous voice answered. Turning around to confront the owner of the voice, Lightning nearly fell out of the sky in shock. Right in front of her was a huge beast. It looked like a lion, but it had a human head. She was quite large, having a paw that could easily grasp a pony’s body within. She was laying on her belly in a relaxed manner. A black color with pulsing purple tubes was clamped around her neck. The creatures’ face studied hers.  “Are you going to scream?” The creature asked. Lightning Shook her head in answer. “Good. I’d hate to sully my eardrums.” “What are you?” Lightning squeaked out. The creature raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know?” She asked. “I am a sphinx. A noble beast from lands far away.” “And why are you in a tunnel underneath the Everfree Forest?” “I was tasked to guard these tunnels from intruders,” the sphinx sighed. “Celestia forgive me, I have failed.” “Failed?” Lightning quirked an eyebrow. “Wait a minute, did you see my friends?” The sphinx nodded. “Oh yes, I have. My current-” she rubbed her collar. “-employer has them.” “Then show me,” Lightning got in her face without a trace of fear within her. The sphinx blinked in curiosity. “You care about them, don’t you?” “Duh, they’re my friends. I just told you that. So stop stalling and lead the way.” “I cannot. I am to guard this tunnel. The only way you can pass me is to drink from this chalice,” the sphinx gestured to where a garden fountain filled with a strange purple liquid stood. A chalice stood in the middle of the liquid. “That’s it,” Lightning landed in front of it. “That’s not so hard.” She reached out to grab it. “It’s poison.” Lightning’s hoof stopped. She turned her head to look at the sphinx. “Poison?” The sphinx nodded. “The only way to get into the tunnel is to drink that. A cultist of nightmare would have no problem as the poison would not affect one who worships the dark lady. You are not, so it will kill you. Painfully, I might add.” “Can’t you do something about this?” “No. I wish I could. You think I like this? Do you think I want to betray Celestia? No, but this blasted collar won’t allow me to help. I’m doing everything in my power to not try and kill you right now.” Lightning gulped. “Keep doing that. I’ll…” Her face scrunched up in thought. “Think of something.” ‘Should I drink this? I could just fly away and beat Nightmare Moon up. I’m sure she’ll free them after I whoop her flank, but how can I be sure they’ll be alive then? The heretics could be doing all sorts of nasty things to them. Can I really just abandon them for my own safety?’ Suddenly, she felt something. Like something ‘sparked’ within her. Without further questioning, she roughly took the chalice in her hoof and scooped up some of the poison. Drinking the stuff, Lightning found it tasted as terrible as poison ought to taste. She threw the chalice to the floor and tried to stop herself from heaving. “I’m impressed,” the sphinx smiled. “Most wouldn’t have done that.” “Well,” Lightning smirked. “I’m not ‘most’. I’m Lightning Dust. The most awesome Pegasus to ever live.” “Whom ever lived, eh? Shall I write that on your tombstone?” “Hardy, har, har,” Lightning made a move to the tunnels. “Say, what was your name?” “Arkarkhentkats,” the sphinx laid her head down to rest. “I’ll just call you Arky,” Lightning shouted back as she went deeper into the tunnel. “You do that,” the sphinx’s voice was just barely heard. ___________________________________________________________________ *somewhere deeper inside the tunnels* “She drank it?” A massive unicorn warlock growled. He stood watching over a crystal ball that showed the young Pegasus mare drinking the poison. “Why is she drinking it?” “Because she’s stronger then you give her credit for,” the nurse spoke up. The warlock, known as Back Stabber, groaned in frustration. He wasn’t having the best day, or night in this case. First his spell doesn’t work on the goddess’s daughter. Then he fails to kill the trio and now somepony had found his retreat. ‘And that blasted sphinx didn’t do its job,’ the warlock though with contempt, looking at the small purple crystal held gently in his hoof. He smiled deviously as he thought of which torments he would subject it to in order to teach it a lesson. He had been lucky when the two fell into the catacombs. The fall had knocked them out, so capturing them was no chore. Locking them in magic proof black cages, he smirked. Only he could open them. “It does not matter,” Back Stabber turned around to look at the two he had caught. “She will die soon.” “Not with her attitude,” the traitor warlock spoke up. Back Stabber snarled. “Silence, traitor. I’ll deal with you in a little bit.” He turned back to the crystal ball that stood on a fancy pedestal. “I have some work to do.” _____________________________________________________________________________ *Lightning* Lightning had never pushed herself this hard before.as she raced through the tunnel. Her wings sped on faster and faster, turning corners with ease. She smirked. ‘Poison, smoison. I can get my friends, beat Nightmare Moon, and find the antidote myself.’ Suddenly, her wings cramped up on her. Squealing in surprise, Lightning fell to the floor. She had been moving quite fast, so she skidded across the ground until she hit a wall. She quickly wondered how many more injuries she would suffer that night. She hoped it wouldn’t be that many, but she was used to getting hurt. Her many training routines usually ended up with her stopping because of injuries or tiring herself out. She looked back at her wings. They were cramped up and she couldn’t flap them. ‘Great. Just great.’ What’s worse was the pain that started to pop up. It started as a dull pain in her wings, but slowly and surely it spread to the rest of her body. Grunting through the pain, Lightning knew that the poison was starting to take hold. She had to find her friends and quickly. Standing back up, she trotted through the catacombs with her goal burned into her mind. “You don’t have to do this,” a sinister voice rang across the walls. “Whose there?” Lightning snarled. “Show yourself.” “Just a friend,” the voice answered. “Well ‘friend’, do you mind leaving me alone? I’m kind of in the middle of saving my friend butts.” “I see that, but why?” “Why, what?” “Why would you want to?” That made Lightning stop for a few seconds, taken aback by the remark. “Why wouldn’t I save them? Their my friends. I’d never abandon them.” “Surely, you must value your own life. Don’t throw it away here.” Lightning ignored the voice and marched on. “You could be great. Imagine it, my friend. You, the captain of the Wonderbolts….” Lightning’s mind started to wonder. It was her dream to join the Wonderbolts; Equestria’s best fliers. Nothing would make her happier. “I can make that dream a reality,” the voice whispered its seductive thoughts. “I can give you what you wish.” “Uh-huh,” Lightning’s ears perked up, before she grit her teeth. The pain started to get worse. “The pain will only get worse, I’m afraid,” the voice cooed in mock sympathy. “But don’t worry, I have the antidote.” “And what’s the price?” “Your loyalty,” the voice answered. “Embrace the darkness, my friend. It is the only way to save yourself.” Saving herself did seem like a good idea. She didn’t answer right away, though. The pain wracked her body and sent her into a fit. She started hacking and coughing, until a large gob of blood passed her throat and smacked onto the floor. ‘That’s not good.’ “You don’t have much time left,” the voice said in a hurried tone. “Choose quickly. Fame and your life, or your so called friends.” Lightning was silent for a moment. Her eyes were tightly closed as she fought off the pain. Her legs kept pushing on. “I want to be a Wonderbolt.” “Yes, yes you do.” “I want to live.” “Of course,” the voice was giddy. “But I want my friends more,” Lightning roared, pushing herself to go faster. The pain tripled and it took everything she had not to give in to it. She kept thinking of all the times with Redheart, of Cloudchaser. Pretty much anypony she ever called a friend, or family. They gave her courage and a will to go on. “YOU FOOL!” The voice hollered in rage. “You could be the greatest flier in all of the world. Ponies would envy you everywhere. Why throw that away?” “Because I’d never abandon my friends,” Lightning said with determination. “I’d never abandon my nation to serve the likes of you, heretic.” “Your loyalty will be your downfall,” the voice growled. “Oh yeah?” Lightning smirked as she whirled around the corner. It seemed luck was on her side tonight, for she had stumbled into the room with her friends and the warlock. The warlock’s eyes widened. “But…How?” “My friends give me strength,” Lightning boasted, before another tremor hit her. The warlock smirked as he watched her cough up blood. “The poison is slower than I imagined, but no matter. You shall still die…It’s not too late.” He approached her. “I can save you. I can give you a life.” He gingerly tilted her face up to meet his. “Just let them go.” “Don’t do it,” Redheart yelled from within her cage. “He’s trying to trick you.” Lightning couldn’t hear her. The pain had blocked out anything but the stallion in front of her. The shaking got worse and worse. She wanted it to stop. It would be so easy to say yes. “I want….” “Yes?” The warlock looked at her expectantly. “I want,” Lightning glared up at him. “You to go buck yourself.” With a quick jab under his chin, she stunned him long enough to run over to her friends. With desperation, she tried to open the jail doors with force. Rubbing his jaw, the warlock growled. “You fool. Only I can open those cages.” He sent a bolt of shadow magic to slay her. Dodging, while gritting her teeth in a pained snarl, she landed next to the other cage. The warlock tried to blast her again, he missed. Unfortunately, the magic bolts were the key to unlocking the doors. For they opened up soon afterwards. His jaw dropped. Lightning laughed. “Not so smart, are you?” Giving her a look that could kill a lesser pony, the warlock took a step closer. “How dare you defy me? I offered you a chance for greatness.” “Yeah,” Lightning glared at him, falling to her side as the pain got so bad she couldn’t stand. “But I’d never abandon my friends to a creep like you.” “Bah,” the warlock scoffed. “Friendship. Such a disgusting concept. I, Back Stabber, the greatest warlock of our generation, shall see to its destruction.” Lighting up his horn, he puffed out his chest in confidence. “Prepare to die.” “I don’t think so,” Shade smirked and sent out a weak blast of magic. He fell on his haunches and rubbed his forehead. Obviously, he was still a little weak from earlier. The blast didn’t hit Back Stabber. Instead, there was a loud crash. Back Stabber laughed. “You missed.” “Did I?” Shade raised an eyebrow. Looking behind him, the warlock found his crystal ball and trinket both destroyed. “What have you done?” “Set me free,” a familiar feminine voice spoke up. Back Stabber was in too much shock to do anything as the sphinx’s large mouth bit down. Shaking her head like a dog, with his midsection in her teeth, she slipped her head back and swallowed him whole. “Yeah,” Lightning grunted out. “I didn’t need to see that.” “Me either,” Shade grimaced. “Oh, quit being such foals,” Redheart chuckled. “Thank you for releasing me,” Arkarkhentkats smiled. Her collar fell away from her body. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to do that.” “I can guess,” Lightning coughed up even more blood. Redheart was instantly at her side, checking her over. “Lightning stay with me. We’re going to get you out of this. Right Shade?” “Errr,” Shade looked concerned. “Right…How are we going to do that?” “With this,” the sphinx held out a large yellow vial. “The antidote to the poison.” “There’s an antidote?” Lightning said. “Of course there is,” Arkarkhentkats chuckled. “You don’t seriously think I didn’t have a few tricks up my paws, did you?” Redheart moved with a speed of a mare possessed. She grabbed the vial, tipped Lightning’s head back, and poured it down her throat. Thankfully, she hadn’t done that immediately so Lightning was being drowned by it. Instantly, Lightning’s body felt relieved as the poison left her system. “There,” Redheart smiled. “All better.” Getting back on her hooves, Lightning chuckled. “I wonder. How many times are elixirs going to save our hides?” “Hopefully, none,” Redheart chuckled herself. “We’re going to make it.” “Yes, we will,” Arkarkhentkats nodded. “I’m coming with you.” “Alright,” Lightning hoof-pumped. “Look out, night creeps. Team Lightning is coming.” Everyone else was silent. “What?” “Yeah, we’re going to have to work on the name,” Redheart shook her head in dismay. > Part 15: The Group Reunites > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria was the land of oddities. Every nook and cranny was filled with something new and strange. Most were harmless, while some would go so far as to feast on your immortal soul. Sunset Shimmer, the adopted daughter of Celestia, just so happened to be in one of the strangest places of Equestria right at this moment. Now, being stranded there wasn’t a major deal in it of itself, but the circumstances around that stranding annoyed her to say the least. Her present company were, and she quoted to herself; a young kitsune, a ghoul, a baker, and a farmer. ‘Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke,’ Sunset thought to herself. Being honest with herself, she knew she’d hate every single one of them not a few hours ago. Now however…she didn’t. She couldn’t explain it really, but she had grown to like them. Which was odd. The only creatures she spent time with were her little brother and mother, when she wasn’t busy. Thinking about Spike again, her ears fell flat against her head. ‘Don’t worry, Spike. Your big sister is coming to save you.’ “Thinkin’ of yer kin?” Fiddlesticks asked. “How’d you know?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. Since she met the farm mare, Fiddlesticks had done nothing but surprise her. If she wasn’t pulling things out of her hat, she was singing songs or doing things no pony could/should ever be able to do. Honestly, Sunset had to wonder if she was secretly a chaos sorcerer or something like that. It’d be the only sane explanation she could think of. “’Cause ah know that look well enough,” Fiddlesticks answered with a sigh. “Ah’ve got a big family, Sunset. Not a night goes by that ah don’t think of ‘em and pray that they’re safe.” She looked steely into Sunset’s eyes. “Ah promise ya this. We’ll find Spike, alive, and we’re bringin’ him home.” Sunset didn’t say anything. She just stared at the farmer for a few seconds longer before turning away. ‘Why are they so gung-ho about helping me? I’ve been nothing but a jerk to them since we’ve met. Is it just because I’m Celestia’s daughter, or…maybe it’s something different.’ “Oh you are just going to love Ponyville,” Pizzelle rambled on to the young kitsune on her back. “Ponyville is the most welcoming, nicest town you’ll ever find in this big world. I should know. I’ve been to many of them in my travels. And don’t worry about being alone. I know several families that would love to have you in town. You’ll have tons of friends in no time, like Dinky Hooves. Oh just cute incarnate that little filly. As bubbly as her mother, bless her heart. Maybe Button Mash too, if we can get him away from his video games. Why if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was just a little clone of his mother with how he’s obsessed with those things. Don’t tell his mother I said that. She’d kill me.” “Sounds like a lovely town, this Ponyville,” Ghoul spoke up. “It is,” Pizzelle nodded. “It really is.” “I’ve never had friends before,” Aki Hikaru said. “What’s it like?” “Never had friends before?” Fiddlesticks gasped and rushed over to stand beside him. “That’s awful. Ya’ve been missin’ out, little fella. Havin’ friends is the best thing in the world.” “She’s right,” Pizzelle nodded. “Why I…” “Pizzelle,” Fiddlesticks patted her on the head. “Ah don’t think we need another long winded speech about some of yer friends.” Pizzelle blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away from time to time. Force of habit.” “Yeah,” Fiddlesticks snorted in amusement. “A habit ya forced yerself.” “Oh shush you,” Pizzelle bumped Fiddlestick’s shoulder with a hoof in a vain attempt to push her away. “I just like to talk. The same could be said of you and parties.” “True enough,” Fiddlesticks fiddled with her hat, making she it was on straight. She winked at the little kitsune. "Don't worry about a thing. You'll have friend faster than a rattle snake can squirm." Hikaru smiled. "Thank you." "Think nothin' of it," Fiddlesticks ruffled his head fur with a hoof. She turned to look at Sunset. “What about ya? What do you like to do?” “What?” Sunset was taken aback by the question. “Well, ya know some stuff about us,” Fiddlesticks stated. “But we don’t know a lot about ya, other than hear say.” “Really?” Sunset asked. “You really want to get to know me?” Fiddlesticks nodded. ‘No one’s ever just wanted to get to know ‘me’,’ Sunset thought to herself. ‘They just want to know about my mother or how to pick up Spike.’ Sunset couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling inside. A really nice feeling that made her smile. “There’s not a lot….” With a loud thud, a figure landed in front of them. “BOO!” “AHHHH!” The lot of them cried in fear, jumping backwards. Giving themselves a second to recover, the figure fell on her back, laughing up a storm. “You should have seen your faces. Priceless. Just priceless.” Getting a good look at the figure, they saw it was none other than Lightning Dust. Sunset growled angrily and stomped up to her. “I could have killed you, you know.” “Pfft,” Lightning scoffed, her laughs dying away. “As if. I’m too quick for your magic to work. You’d be at my mercy, pinned to the ground in no time.” “Bow chicka bow wow,” Fiddlesticks piped up. Everyone glared at her, especially Sunset and Lightning. The duo were blushing up a storm. “What?” Filddlesticks chuckled. “Ah had to. They were asking for it. Besides, they’d make a cute couple.” “Just shut up…” The two mares in question stomped over to her angrily. Fiddlesticks chuckled nervously, sweat dropping. “That’s enough,” Redheart trotted out of the forest…With a Warlock and Sphinx in hoof. “Uhhhh…” Sunset started, completely taken aback by the sight. “I could ask you the same,” Redheart tilted her head to the other groups’ companions. “Right,” Sunset sighed. ‘Well, at least there wasn’t a sea serpent.’ “Redheart!” Pizzelle cried and rushed over to give her a hug. “It’s so good to see you. We were so worried something had happened…” She looked over the Warlock and Sphinx. “And something did happen. You just have to tell me all about it.” “Maybe later,” Redheart inclined her head. “We have a world to save, do we not?” “Yes,” the sphinx spoke up. “Let us be off, but not to quickly now. My last meal isn’t being that agreeable with me.” Sunset couldn’t help but wonder why Lightning, Redheart, and the Warlock all cringed at the ‘meal’ remark. ‘What? Do sphinx dietary habits creep you out or something?’ _____________________________________________________________________________ Sunset couldn’t help but groan. ‘Really? Just really?’ Right in front of them was a large, raging river. Now, normally this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but with her magic so depleted….’Maybe I can teleport myself over. Surely, I can find another way for the others to cross…or finish Nightmare Moon off myself.’ “How’re we goin’ to cross?” Fiddlesticks spoke what everyone was thinking. “Hello,” Lightning Dust gestured to her wings. “I can just fly us over.” “Really?” The sphinx, who Sunset had learned was named Arkarkhentkats, spoke up. “You can fly me over to the other side?” “Oh,” Lightning deflated. “I guess not.” She tapped her chin. “You could just swim on over.” “Sphinx’s and water do not mix,” Akarkentkats growled. Which was true. Being part feline, sphinx’s hated being wet. They preferred dry, hot areas to live in, like deserts. Being made to live in the Everfree Forest must have been torture to her. Sunset couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for her. ‘That’s new.’ She wasn’t used to this ‘sorry’ thing. Before anyone could say anything else about their predicament, a loud whirring sound struck everyone’s eardrums. The lot of them looked up and what they saw clear the forest canopy was one of the strangest machines they had ever seen. It was long, long enough to house a few ponies. The metal compartment reminded her of the layout of a blimps cargo hold. Blades that swerved faster than one can blink, kept the thing aloft. “The hay is that thing?” Lightning shouted. “I have no idea,” Sunset gulped, unsure of how to respond to the new, possible threat. “But be ready for anything. This could be one of Nightmare’s tricks.” The group huddled together, forming a makeshift battle formation. Well, makeshift was being kind, since most of them weren’t really battle hardened at all and lacked coordination, but it was at least an attempt. Of course, the strange machine didn’t come any further. Instead, it lowered itself to the bank, a short distance away from them. The blades and the noise died down until it was gone completely.  They all tensed. They expected something to happen: it to attack them, or soldiers of Nightmare rushing out. What they didn’t expect was to see Quickfix and a bunch of goblins to come rushing out. ‘Great,’ Sunset thought. ‘Goblins. As if I didn’t need another problem.’ “Whoo-wee,” Quickfix cheered. “Now that is what ah'm talking aboot.” “Quickfix?” The four mares said out loud in confusion. Turning to look at them, Quickfix face broke out into a grin. “Fancy meetin’ ye 'ere.” Before she could say another word, she was bowled over by Fiddlesticks. The farm mare had wrapped her up in a bone crushing hug. “Oh,” Fiddlesticks cried. “Ah’m so happy to see ya made it. Ah thought somethin’ mighty terrible happened and then ah’d have to play at yer funeral….” She hopped away and sat on the ground with a hoof on her chin. She was contemplating something. “But now ah don’t have to do that, or at least not yet. Can’t tell sometimes, in these parts.” She hopped back up. “But that don’t matter, ‘cause yer okay and we’re okay. This calls fer a celebration.” Taking off her hat, a firework somehow fired out from it and blew up spectacularly in the sky. Quickfix’s face, after tracing the firework, turned into a deepfrown. “'Twas ye wha broke mah newfanglt contraptions, wasn't it?” Fiddlesticks’ smile grew nervous. “Err…maybe.” Acting quickly, Fiddlesticks jumped to the side to avoid a bolt of magic. “Nopony touches mah babies,” Quickfix growled. Fiddlesticks hung her head down in shame. “Sorry about that. Ah thought it’d make people laugh, is all.” “Well….” Quickfix snorted and walked over to Fiddlesticks. Wrapping her up in a hug, she smiled. “It made me chuckle…I’m sorry fur trying ta blaw ye up with mah magic.” “And ah’m sorry ah touched yer stuff without askin’,” Fiddlesticks hugged her back. “I missed you so much,” the two wailed. Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “Are they always like that?” Redheart nodded. “Fiddlesticks and Quickfix have been friends for a long time. They were both outsiders when they first came to Ponyville, so they gravitated to one another. It’s just that Quickfix is…a bit overprotective of her work.” “A bit?” Sunset threw a hoof to some destroyed trees. “She tried to blow Fiddlesticks to smitherings.” Lightning snorted in amusement. “Puh-lease. You can’t hit Fiddlesticks. Trust me, I’ve tried getting a lucky little thunderbolt to ‘accidently’ strike her. She always seems to know when it’s coming and dodges.” “Didn’t help her in her fight,” Sunset muttered. Fiddlesticks had put up a great fight against the warlock, but even she didn’t see that other tree coming. ‘Seems Fiddlesticks has some limits with what she can get away with.’ “That is so adorable,” a male feminine voice spoke up beside her. “Alright it is kind of….” Sunset turned her head to see a large, flamboyant looking, river serpent. He even sported a moustache and hair style that did remind her of Lightning Dust.   “Hello,” he said in a friendly manner. “SON OF A…” Sunset screeched, jumping backwards. “A river serpent. REALLY?!!” ‘Buck you universe.’ “Hi Sunset,” Coco Pommel waved from atop the river serpent. What appeared to be a grundle, wearing her neck garment, stood beside her. “COCO!” Pizzelle flew up and hugged her. “I am so glad you’re okay.” “Ummm,” Coco’s shyness kicked in. “I’m happy you’re okay, too.” “Well,” the warlock, known as Shade, spoke up. “This has been an interesting reunion.” “I’ll say,” Sunset grumbled. “Now are we going to get going or what? Equestria’s not going to save itself.” “She’s right,” Lightning took to the air. “Come on, everypony…” She glanced at some of the others. She smiled apologetically. “I mean, everyone. We’ve got a goddess’s butt to kick.” “Do we have to kick her butt?” Coco spoke up. “I’m sure we could just talk to her….” “Oh yeah,” Sunset spoke up in a condescending tone. “Talking to her will fix everything. Why didn’t my mom think of that a thousand years ago? It would have saved us so much trouble.” Coco’s ears splayed back and she looked away in shame. Pizzelle and everyone else glared at Sunset. Sunset cringed. “That came out ‘jerkish’ didn’t it?” “Yes.” Everyone answered. “Right,” Sunset then called up to Coco. “Sorry about that, Coco. I’m just stressed is all.” “That’s okay,” Coco looked back her. “Sometimes my mom will yell at me when she’s stressed. She doesn’t mean to be angry, but….” Pizzelle rubbed her wing across Coco’s back. “Don’t think of that, honeybun. Just sit back and relax.” Seeing Coco quiver a bit, Sunset couldn’t help but feel like the biggest jerk alive. A stab of guilt struck her soul. ‘I promise, I’ll make it up to her later.’ Of course, without another moment, the universe seemed to want to enact ‘karma’. Sunset’s head exploded in pain. Gritting her teeth, grunts escaped her lips. She fell to the ground, unable to help herself from spasming. “Sunset!” Redheart went to her side. “What happened?” “A warlock cursed her,” Pizzelle spoke up. “Nasty thing it was. She was weeping like a babe. It was so sad. I just hope that no good scoundrel got what was coming to him.” “Probably did,” Lightning couldn’t help but glance at the sphinx. Shade walked up to Sunset. “Oh yes, definitely a curse.” “Can you do something about it?” Redheart asked. “Yes, but….” Shade started to blush. “I need to twine my aura with hers in order to clear it up.” “Ye what!” Quickfix gasped out, blushing a deep red. “What’s all this about?” Lightning asked. “He just want to…whatever it is he wants to do.” “Well…” Quickfix was hesitant to explain. “Twining ones aura with another is…a rather intimate gesture between unicorns,” Shade explained for her. Redheart rolled her eyes. “I’m a nurse. I’ve done some rather ‘intimate’ things with ponies in the line of duty….” “Oooh,” Fiddlesticks and Quickfix cooed in childish glee. Redheart groaned. “So whatever it is, just do it. Nopony should endure this.” Shade gulped. “I’ll try my best.” The warlock laid down before Sunset and took in a few deep breaths. He cleared his mind and lit his horn. His forehead met hers and their horns scrapped against one another. The two auras of the unicorns, with Sunset’s horn coming to life, twirled in the air above them. They both started to pant and everyone else couldn’t help but feel a bit dirty watching it. Of course, they also couldn’t help but notice a dark edge to Sunset’s aura. It was the curse, still clinging on, however small. Curses weren’t exactly easy things to get rid of and if you do, they often leave residues and damage in their wake. Shade’s aura seemed to grab hold of the black sliver and yank it away. Within seconds, the sliver disappeared. Pulling back, Shade was out of breath. “There…easy.” Sunset herself looked at Shade, a deep blush on her face. The two got up and didn’t say anything…until Sunset smacked him across the face. “I deserved that,” Shade muttered, holding hoof to his bruised cheek. “You deserve a lot of things,” Sunset glared at him through her blush. She wanted nothing more than to blow his head off. Never in her life had she twined her aura with another and this vermin was her first? ‘I need a shower. A deep, thorough shower.’ “Now, now,” Steven Magnet used his hands to push them apart. “Let’s not get hasty here. We’re all friends here.” ‘Couldn’t be farther from the truth,’ Sunset thought silently to herself. “Are we going to sit here and watch unicorn sex, or are we going to actually do something?” Lightning spoke up. “THAT WASN”T SEX!” Sunset roared. “Looked like it,” Lightning smirked. “What? Did he not do it for you? Do you play for the other team?” Sunset yanked the Pegasus to her, causing Lightning to yelp in surprise. It felt good to be able to use her magic again. “Not another word, do you hear me. We never speak of this again.” “Fine,” Lightning rolled her eyes. “I don’t see the big deal, anyways. It was just a fancy light show.” “Yes, just a fancy light show,” Sunset snorted and let go of Lightning. Twining was much more than that. Unicorns basically wrapped a part of their souls around one another’s. It was a sign of affection and warmth. Only performed between family and lovers. It was a special thing to unicorns that the other races couldn’t understand. “Let’s just get going, okay?” “I think that’s for the best,” Redheart said, trotting along. “The river will lead us straight to the castle. That is correct, Mister Magnet?” Steven nodded. “Of course. I’ve been there several times in my life. The ruins are simply marvelous. It’s sad how bad of a state they’re in, honestly. I’m surprised they’re even standing.” “Oh that’s because of the magic that was used to make it,” Pizzelle chimed. “My friend Presto once brought me over to them and he went into great detail about how they worked. Now, I may not look it, but I am a huge nerd. I couldn’t help but gobble up everything….” “Pizzelle,” Redheart glared at her. “You’re on another tangent.” Pizzelle blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry.” The group took off without another word…. ”Hey, do ya guys want to hear how ah took out a ton of ghouls?” Fiddlesticks killed the silence. There was silence for a few moments. “Sure.” Everyone said. > Part 16: Well....We're here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “….And that’s how ah best them rotten ghouls,” Fiddlesticks chimed, finishing her tale. The group was still currently making their way through the forest. She shot Ghoul an apologetic look. “No offense.” “None taken,” Ghoul shrugged. He really didn’t care if she insulted the more degraded ghouls. They were better off dead anyways. “That was awesome,” Lightning chimed. “Not as awesome as my story, but still pretty awesome.” “Besting ghouls with song was ingenious,” Redheart praised. She was currently writing the info down. Not with her hooves actually. No, she had the clipboard on her back and was using her tail to hold a pen to write everything down. Given how pegasi could use their wings and unicorns their magic, it was at least something that earth pony tails were so versatile. As well, this let her easily write and walk unimpeded. It also helped that Redheart had trained herself to be able to write fluently without looking at the paper. “The complexities and rhythms must have taken months to hone.” “More like years,” Fiddlesticks beamed. “Never thought ah’d use my skills against ghouls though. Mighty strange now that ah think it over.” “Fiddlesticks,” Quickfix spoke up. “Yer strange. Aint no reason to go questionin’ stuff, especially yer own.” Fiddlesticks chuckled and slapped her friend on the shoulder. “Yer right about that.” All the while, as the others talked and talked around her, Sunset was silent. She listened, soaking in every word, every detail that each pony had gone through. Her mind was in overload. There was just too much to process in such a short time. She wondered to herself why she hadn’t gone insane, given everything that had happened. She stole a glance at the others and gave a small smile. ‘I can think of a few reasons.’ Yet, something troubled her. There was something that each of the others had in common, not counting how each had somehow secured a companion. ‘They mentioned a spark. Something just came to them before each and every one of them made their decision. What does it mean? I’ve heard of it as a metaphor, but to have them all feel the same way? No, there’s something going on here…but what?’ Sunset wasn’t a mare who believed in coincidences. There was something fishy about the whole thing, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. It irritated her to no end. She always knew the answer to everything. Why now? Why did the one time that she was stumped have to take place on the most important night in recent Equestrian history? ‘Just my luck, I suppose.’ Luck? If she had to say anything, her luck had always been great. Ever since Celestia had adopted her, she had been living the dream. Yes, there had been some hiccups here and there, but she had pulled through. She had her family and that’s all that mattered…. ‘Perhaps that’s what friends are,’ Sunset thought to herself. ‘A family of sorts. If that’s so….’ She steeled herself. ‘I am not losing any more of my family.’ “Sunset?” Redheart asked from Sunset’s side, causing the unicorn to turn her head. “Is everything alright? You’ve been silent for quite some time.” “Yeah,” Fiddlesticks chirped. She was walking backwards with her face near Sunset’s own. “Why the long face?” Everyone groaned. “Oh come on! Somepony had to make that joke eventually. Might as well get it done now.” “I think we could have lived our lives without hearing it,” Sunset said. “We wouldn’t be missing anything, I assure you.” Still, Sunset wasn’t going to admit that she thought it was a little funny. “Ah see a smile,” Fiddlesticks smirked. “Ya liked it, didn’t ya.” Sunset reluctantly nodded her head, causing Fiddlesticks to cheer. She jumped into the air, spinning like a wheel overhead, and came to land beside Quickfix. She quickly turned to face where everyone else was going and hive hooved Quickfix. “Wow,” Hikaru looked at Fiddlesticks in awe. “You’re awesome, miss Fiddlesticks.” Fiddlesticks blushed and chuckled nervously. “Ah wouldn’t say awesome…” “Not when you have me around,” Lightning finished, laughing at Fiddlestick’s sour gaze. “Ah, I was just pulling your tail.” FIddesticks smiled. “Ah know,” she turned her attention back to Sunset. “But seriously, what’s the matter?” Sunset sighed. “I’m just a little overwhelmed is all.” She found it odd, telling the others the clean truth. She never before had admitted that a situation was too much for her. ‘And never will I again.’ Redheart put a hoof onto her shoulder. “We all are. This is something none of us thought we’d live through, but we must persevere. Equestria has faced perils time and time again. We will not falter and we will not yield. The sun shall rise again.” “Hear hear,” Pizzelle cheered. “Lovely speech, Redheart. Why, it reminds me of those rousing speeches of Silver Tongue….” Before she could go on, Coco spoke up. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I think Redheart’s speech is nicer….and Silver Tongue is a bit of a jerk…I mean, not a big jerk. I don’t want to seem rude, but he isn’t all that nice on a personal level.” “They hardly are,” Sunset admitted. “I wasn’t exactly the nicest mare when I came here.” “True,” Quickfix nodded.  “But don’t ye worry none. When tomorrow comes an’ ye go back to being all tight snatch, we’ll know deep inside, ye aint so bad.” “Gee,” Sunset frowned. “Thanks.” Before said conversation could continue, Steven Magnet, the groups’ sea serpent, spoke up. “I hate to interrupt your lovely conversation, but we’re almost there. I dare not move any closer, lest those brutes see me.” “So,” Redheart spoke up as everyone stopped in their tracks. “What’s the plan?” “I’ll tell you the plan,” Lightning landed in front of the group. “We’re going to go in there and bust some heads.” “That’s a terrible plan,” Ghoul stated. “It’ll get you killed.” “Why are you complaining?” Lightning retorted. “You’re already dead. You could talk an arrow to the knee and keep walking.” “I may be undead,” Ghoul rolled his good eye. “But I am no fool. I’d be diced to pieces in seconds.” “Did you just call me a fool?” Lightning pushed her face into his, glaring at him. Ghoul glared back. “No, I’m just trying to part some advice.” “Uh guys,” Shade spoke up. “I think we should save the anger for our enemy. Not that I don’t enjoy the thought of seeing you two beat each other senseless, but I think we’ll need everyone at tip-top shape.” Redheart nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.” “Fine,” Lightning huffed, backing away from Ghoul. “We’ll make a plan first and then kick their butts.” Everyone looked to Sunset. “What?” She asked. “You’re the daughter of Princess Celestia, sweetie.” Pizzelle said. “Surely, in all your years of advanced education, they taught you basic battle strategy. My cousin’s former roommate would go on and on about everything he had learned in Canterlot.” “I….” Sunset paused, unsure of what to say or do now. She wasn’t a shy mare. Living as the daughter of a literal goddess and the ruler of a nation meant that Sunset had to ‘mingle’ quite often. Not to mention a ton of meetings and public speeches. Yet, standing before these individuals, who had braved the horrors of the Everfree with her, she…didn’t know what to do. ‘Except one thing,’ Sunset reminded herself. She huffed. “I just want to thank you all for helping me this far, but from here on out, I’m on my own.” “WHAT?!!!” Everyone else cried. “I can take on Nightmare,” Sunset said, puffing out her chest in pride. “She isn’t at her full strength, so I can get by her to the Elements. Need I remind you that my fire magic is best in the whole of Equiss. I’ve got this.” “Oh no you don’t,” Lightning snarled. “We’re coming with you.” “She’s right,” Shade said. “I want to redeem myself and sitting out on the sidelines is a poor way to do it.” “But it’s dangerous,” Sunset pointed out, hoping they wouldn’t follow. ‘Why do I care?’ “We’re Equestrians,” Redheart smirked. “We’re always in danger.” “Grundle asks why you stay here?” The Grundle spoke up. “Danger is bad.” “Because we’re stubborn,” Redheart answered, before turning to Sunset. “And that’s why we’re following you in there.” “Ya darn tootin,” Fiddlesticks said. “Ye can count on us,” Quickfix nodded. “If she’s going,” Xed the goblin spoke up and gestured to his crew. “We’re going. We haven’t paid off our debt to her after all.” The other goblins murmured in agreement. “I’d never let a lady waltz into danger alone,” Steven proclaimed, putting a hand to his chest. Arkarkentkats the sphinx snorted. “While I find the taste of shadow cultists revolting, I suppose I could help a little more. Besides, I need a little adventure after a thousand years of nothing.” “I’ll help,” Coco squeaked out. “Grundle go too,” the grundle spoke up. “I think we’ve had our say,” Shade spoke up for the rest of them. “You’re not going in there alone. Not this time.” Sunset was stunned. “You…but I can….ugh,” she shook her head. “If you want to get killed, follow me than.” She paused for a moment, racking her brain for any ideas. “I think I do have one plan….” _____________________________________________________________________________ *inside the castle* Nightmare Moon paced before Spike. Her ire had been drawn, but so had her fear. Of course, that fear only went to fuel her ever growing anger. ‘They can’t be here for the elements. They don’t work. They’re innert. THEY CANNOT DEFEAT ME!’ “Troubled?” Spike spoke up. “Perhaps you’re reconsidering your station in life?” Nightmare groaned. Ever since she had gotten a hold of this dragon, he had done nothing but talk. Of course, that’s all he could really do, but still. She loved to hear the sound of her voice, but to meet another who did the same thing was intolerable. She swore to herself, if that drake wasn’t her ‘sister’s’ child, she would have killed him long ago. She need him alive, however. How else was she to torment Celestia than by killing her only son? “Perhaps you are reconsidering yours,” Nightmare rounded on him. Her tendrils shifted, aiming to pierce the dragon’s hide. "I would have though my dear sister would have taught you to know when to keep your tongue still." "She did," Spike answered. "But she also taught me to treat others as they treat me. Now let me tell you something, this 'treatment' of yours is downright cruel. Forgoing burning you alive, working my tongue is my only defense." He smirked. "But perhaps you would like to try it. I could easily do the trick and work my way up..." Nightmare Moon shook her head, trying to get rid of the images of the dragon. "Silence dragon!" Before she could strike, Apostle came trotting into the room. “Your Majesty, I have excellent news.” “It’d better be,” Nightmare uncoiled her tendrils and rounded on her prized servant. “Ponyville has fallen,” Apostle grinned. “And thanks to my knowhow, Celestia lays within our grasp.” “What?” Nightmare couldn’t believe what he was saying. ‘A mortal captured a god?’ “You’re lying,” Spike seethed. Apostle chuckled. “I never lie,” with that said, his horn lit up. Over his head shot a little beam of energy which opened up to reveal a square viewpoint of Ponyville. Rather, a destroyed Ponyville. Several townsponies and loyalist soldiers were chained and kept on guard. The middle however, caught everyone’s attentions. Celestia lay within some sort of beam of white energy that speared the sky. She was unconscious and it seemed that the energy was keeping her that way. Her body twitched and groaned, showing the pain she was going through. “Is..is this true?” Nightmare asked. “Yes, my goddess.” Apostle nodded. “I do believe our new toys have been quite useful. While my execution was not entirely without flaw, I believe the results make up for….” He never finished his sentence. Why? Well, Nightmare Moon, the evil goddess of the dark, picked up Apostle with her tendrils and kissed him squarely on the lips. Apostle was surprised by her actions and turned beat red. Pulling back from the kiss, Nightmare grinned. “My Apostle, you do not know how happy to hear that. I am ecstatic. Simply euphoric.” Apostle was still. His face burned brightly with the massive blush he was sporting. “Do you see now, dragon?” Nightmare giddily pointed to the picture created by Apostle. “This is what happens when you oppose me. This is what happens when you try to take what is rightfully mine!” “I see only a tyrant,” Spike shot at her. “Let her go.” “No,” Nightmare glowered at him. “I will never, EVER, LET HER GO!” Nightmare roared. “Not after everything. She wills stay and I will rule. This is my destiny.” “There is no such thing as destiny,” Spike shot at her. “Perhaps,” Nightmare chuckled. “Or perhaps you’re still too young to understand. Sadly, you won’t live long enough to do so.” She turned to leave, racing for her more private chambers. “Tat-ta for now, lizard.” Nightmare Moon couldn’t be happier. She had the Elements of Harmony in her grasp; her sister imprisoned; and now a working hoofhold into Equestria. She stopped to check on the spire. Its purple pulsing torrents of magic were getting stronger. “Nothing’s going to stop me now.” > Part 17: Okay, New Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guarding the abandoned ruins and sight of the greatest battle on earth out in the middle of monster infested woods sounded interesting. Any soldier worth his caliber would love a station here, given its danger and thus a good chance of recognition. It was even going to be the place of the rebirth of Nightmare Moon. All of that made it favorable to the soldiers of nightmare. It wasn’t. It was extremely dull and uneventful. The animals had steered clear of the ruins and the cultists. It was either because they had killed the most dangerous of them, or they just knew better.  Honestly, the guards posted outside felt their time was wasted. For Tartarus sake, most of them had been pulled inside to watch the Elements of Harmony. Only five of them were left standing guard of the entrance. Not exactly the most ideal number, but they didn’t have anything to fear. The loyalists had no idea that they were here and the only ones who knew Nightmare Moon was coming lay within the smoldering ruins of Ponyville. “So…” One of them, a unicorn stallion, spoke up. “Did you hear about Celestia?” Another, a pegasus mare, laughed. “That bitch? I heard she went down in one shot. I can’t believe we were afraid of her in the first place. I could have taken her down with one arrow years ago.” “This isn’t over yet,” an older Earth stallion soldier of nightmare grunted. “Until our eternal goddess arrives, we have to be on our guard.” “For what?” the mare scoffed. “A bunch of civies? I could take them with both my forelegs tied behind my back.” “Underestimate your opponent and you’ll invite death,” the older stallion scowled through his helmet. “Oh I’m shaking in my armor,” the mare and the other soldiers laughed. “I mean, what are they going to do? Sick some monster on us?” The universe apparently heard her taunt, for at that moment, a large purple and rather flamboyant looking serpent rose his head from the river. The soldiers held fast their weapons, but they were too stunned to move. The creature’s cheeks were bulging. It, most likely a he, pointed it’s snout at them. Instead of fire, which their armor could at least hold off until they were able to escape, came a torrent of water. The next thing they knew, they were blown straight into the wall behind them. Darkness clouded their vision as they passed out. _______________________________________________________________________________ “Alright,” Sunset Shimmer smirked from across the chasm. Thankfully, Steven was long enough to peer over the side no problem and deal with the soldiers. ‘Strange. I thought there would have been more guards.’ She noticed a ton of tents and supplies littering the front side of the ruins. There would be more soldiers about for sure. She was just thankful that she could just magic away the clouds of vapor that obstructed their vision. Otherwise, one of them could have walked over the edge. Not a real problem, seeing as a number of them could fly or use magic. “That’s stage one,” she continued. “Now onto the next act.” Lightning Dust huffed. “I could have taken those chumps.” “Yeah,” Sunset started to point out. “But one of them could have escaped and warn the others. We’d be up to our neck in cultists.” “That doesn’t sound so bad,” Lightning shot her a cocky grin. “Trust me,” Shade spoke up solemnly. “It is. Nightmare Moon has enough cultists in there to drown us all in armor. Not to mention a few tricks here and there that could even give our Sphinx friend trouble.” “Pfft,” Lightning flew up a ways to be leveled with the sphinx’s head. “Arky over here could mop the floor with whatever trick they have. Isn’t that right, Arky?” Arkarkhentkats sighed. “My name is not….Forget it. I, unfortunately, have to agree with the filthy cultist.” “Not filthy,” Shade grumbled. Arkarkhentkats ignored him. “We have no idea what sort of traps and creatures they have at their disposal. We could be walking to our deaths.” “Aren’t we already?” Sunset ruefully smiled. “Besides, we have Shade here. He’ll know a thing or two about the castle’s layout.” “Nope,” Shade shook his head. “I only know that Nightmare Moon filled the castle to the brim with guards. I never went inside and no one was very forthcoming about the interior layout…Not that I really cared anyways. I was too focused on…other things.” He looked away from everyone else in shame. “Hey,” Redheart nudged him. “Let’s not think of the past. We already forgave you.” “Yeah,” Quickfix piped up. “It’s not like ye killed a friend or somethin’. Ye gots a clean slate, pretty much.” “True,” Shade said. “It was just a few animals.” “Poor animals,” Coco muttered more to herself. “Focus,” Sunset cut everyone off. “We need to move onto the next part of our plan. They’ll be a ton of guards behind that door.” She gestured to the two magically hardened, steel doors. “We’ll throw them open and I’ll cast a flash bomb. It’ll disorient them long enough for us to finish them off.” “So outstanding,” Pizzelle chimed. “Why it reminds me of…” “Focus,” Sunset got right up in her face and glared at her, causing Pizzelle to chuckle nervously. She moved back to look at everyone else. ‘So…this is it? The final moment before everything goes to Tartarus….Can’t say that these would be the ones I’d spend it with.’ She turned to the two non-combatants: Grundle and Hikaru. “Now, you two are going to stay here with Steven, okay?” Hikaru shook his head. “Nuh-uh, I want to stay with you.” He quickly hugged Pizzelle’s leg. “I can go too. I can help. My illusion magic scared away that big baddie earlier. I can do it again.” Pizzelle sighed and stroked his head. “Sweetie, you might be useful, but you’re still a child. We don’t want you to get hurt.” “But they already hurt me,” Hikaru buried his face into her fur as he whimpered. “They killed my parents. I want to hurt them. I want them to pay.” “And they will,” Pizzelle nuzzled him. “We’ll make sure of that, but we can’t do that and worry about you at the same time. You have to be strong for me and stay out of harm’s way.” “But….but if I don’t go, they could hurt you,” Hikaru pulled back to look her in the eyes. “Squirt, don’t you worry.” Lightning smirked, standing over him. “Nopony’s going to lay a hoof on her. Not with me around.” She ruffled his head fur with a hoof. “I’ll whoop those guys into next week. That’s a promise.” “See?” Pizzelle smiled. “I’ll be safe and sound, sweetie.” “Okay,” Hikaru said. He walked over to Steven with Grundle. “Don’t be so glum,” Steven smiled down at the young kitsune. “Everything’s going to work out.” He turned to the others and bowed. “You have my word that I will protect them.” The other’s nodded. “Shouldn’t ya stay too?” Fiddlesticks asked Ghoul. “Yer breakin’ apart. Ah don’t think ya would last long inside.” Ghoul shook his head. “No, I can’t manage.” Fiddlesticks frowned. “But they’ll tear ya apart.” “I will not leave you unguarded,” Ghoul picked up one of her hooves lovingly and she blushed. “You saved me. You brought me back to the world of sanity. I will be forever in your debt, but I can never repay it if I just sit idly by while you throw yourself in harm’s way. No. I’m going to defend you, both body and soul. I promise you that.” “’Kay,” Fiddlesticks looked away shyly. ‘Necrophilia,’ Sunset felt a little sick just thinking about it. “This is it,” Sunset said with determination fitting with her princess stature. “This is what we’ve been fighting for all night. Behind these doors lies the keys to Nightmare Moon’s defeat…but also, Nightmare Moon herself. I wouldn’t blame you if you….” “Just shoot yer spell a’ready,” Quickfix quickly cut her off. Everyone else was sending her annoyed gazes. Well, except for Coco, who was shaking too much in fright to do so. “Right,” with a sigh, she turned to the large doors. Sunset took in a deep breath and let it out. “Let’s do this. Quickfix, Shade, would you do the honor?” “It would be my pleasure,” Shade smirked as his horn lit up. “Same ‘ere,” Quickfix’s horn lit up as well. Instantly, both of the doors were a glow in their hues. They made sure it didn’t seep through the edges and cracks so as to not alert the ones inside of their coming assault. “Pretty magic,” Grundle spoke up as he watched the two, now three unicorns, light up their horns. Sunset concentrated enough energy for an advanced flash bomb. A minor one could work, but she didn’t know if any of them had protective gear or spells that shielded their eyes. She had to make sure that they were all blind when they barged in, or someone of in this group could be hurt or worse. ‘I still don’t know why I care, but I do.’ With a nod, the others took their positions. Sunset’s horn lit up with her fiery magic. She honestly just wanted to burn everyone inside the room, but she had to save her energy. While she may have regained her strength after her run-in with a warlock, she wasn’t up to full strength. Instead, she wanted to save as much energy as she could. There was no telling when she’d need it and Nightmare Moon was still at large. “Do it,” Sunset muttered just loud enough for the others to hear. The other unicorns’ horns pulsed and the door was flung open. Sunset launched her spell. Immediately the inner room was filled with bright lights. The group charged with abandon, yelling or roaring. The goblins fired their pistols, the unicorns fired spells, and the others sprung about aiming to smash into something. It would have been really intimidating and crippling to any guards stationed there. If there were any guards stationed there. Everyone just stared dumbly at the rather empty room. “Well,” Xed, the leader of the goblins, frowned. He lowered his pistol. “That was disappointing.” Kur spat on the ground in anger. “You’re telling me. Three shots, Xed. I used three shots. Do you know how much it costs to make goblin powder in this country? It’s damnably expensive is what it is.” “Quite your complaining,” Xed shot at his subordinate. “I’m just raising a point,” Kur glared at him. “Now, now,” Redheart got in between them. “We’re here to fight Nightmare Moon. Not each other.” “Wouldn’t be much of a fight,” Kur chuckled. Xed just grumbled angrily and walked to the rest of his gang. “So….” Fiddlesticks started. “Where is everypony? Did they vamoose?” “No,” Sunset gritted her teeth as she buried herself in her thoughts. “They’ve got to be here. This is the only place Nightmare Moon could conceal herself from my mother’s forces. How else do you think they could have amassed the force to attack Ponyville?” She shook her head. “She’s here….It’s just, she didn’t post any guards here. Why?” It seemed rather stupid and careless of Nightmare Moon. She didn’t strike Sunset as a stupid and careless mare. Not when she had been planning her revenge for a thousand years. ‘She has to have a trick in her fur.’ “Duh,” Lightning pointed out. “Obviously she sent them all to guard the elements. Those are the only things that can stop her. She’s not going to take any chances.” “Really?” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. While it did make sense, it still seemed so stupid. Lightning nodded. “Yeah, Zalvago did it in ‘Daring Do and the Tablet of Harmony’. The guy got so caught up in his own fear that he pretty much let Daring Do waltz through his fortress unmolested. It was pretty hilarious.” “I loved that scene,” Sunset beamed. She was an avid fan of adventure. A. K. Yearling had to be her all time favorite author. ‘The Tablet of Harmony’ may not have been the greatest, it was a bit over the top in her opinion, but it was a fun read. Sometimes its over the top antics were quite hilarious. “The author captured the detail so well. It was almost like she was there herself.” “Yeah,” Lightning said. The two mares were bubbly talking beside each other, to the amusement/confusing of the others. “And Daring was like ‘Hey Zalvago, thanks for keeping the Tablet warm for me’.” “And Zalvago was like ‘OH NO! How could this have happened?’,” Sunset mimicked. The duo started laughing.   Arkarkhentkats leant down to Redheart’s level and whispered in her ear, “She reads?” Redheart nodded. “Adventure mostly. It was the only way I could get that filly to learn to read at all.” “Still surprising though,” Shade said aloud. “That girl doesn’t exactly seem like the brightest bulb of the bunch.” The goblins broke out into laughter. “HEY!” Lightning soared over to Shade and butted her head up against him. She glared at him, face to face. “What did you just call me?” “He called you dumb, sweetie.” Pizzelle spoke up, giving Shade a disapproving stare. “That was certainly uncalled for, mister warlock. Lightning was kind enough to help you in your time of need. The least you could do is keep such comments to yourself. Why, I haven’t seen such disregard of a hero since I saw this one soldier actually punch her captain when he had to grab her flank to pull her out of an arrow’s path.” She hmphed. “Though, I do hear that they did get together later. Oh, how delightful~” “Yeah,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Can we please get back on track? We don’t have all night you know.” “Well, technically we do,” Fiddlesticks pointed out, receiving a glare from Sunset. “What? It’s true.” Sunset sighed. “Well, now we just have to figure out where that is.” “It’s kind of around the middle, but more to the back of the castle,” Xed spoke up. “You can’t miss it.” Everyone stared at him. “What?” “And you didn’t share this with us before because….?” Sunset asked. “You didn’t ask,” Xed shrugged. “How were you able to….” Sunset started. “We flew over it,” Nes, the female goblin, cut her off. “That’s why they shot us down. Thankfully, it was more of a glancing blow. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if they hit the fuel tank.” She shivered. “It’s in a large, open courtyard,” Xed explained. “There’s plenty of room to maneuver, both on the ground and in the air. From its size, I’d say she could easily fill over a dozens of soldiers in there with no problem. A hundred or so tops.” Sunset sighed. “Wonderful. A hundred verses less than twenty.” “Well, they’re just nameless mooks,” Fiddlesticks piped up. “We’re the heroes. When has that ever been bad odds? Hay, it’s usually worse than that.” “Yeah,” Sunset snapped. “But that’s in books, not real life. Sure, a highly trained soldier could take on several his number, but we aren’t soldiers.” “No,” Lightning smirked. “But we’re awesome. We’ll pound those tincans red and blue.” She mocked a few punches in the air. “We need to think this through,” Sunset warned her. “We’re not just going up against a hundred Nightmare Cultists. Nightmare Moon herself will be there. She might not be at full strength now, but she’s still capable of killing every single one of us.” “Pfft,” Lightning snorted. “I can take her easy. She’s a washed up, daemon princess.” “Lightning,” Sunset glared at her. “Get with the picture. She’s a creature who gave my mother, Princess Celestia, a run for her money. If she can hold her own against her, I think she’s something we should at least be wary of.” “Fine,” Lightning sighed. “We’ll do it your way.” “Good to see you’re finally seeing reason,” Sunset smirked. Lightning just gave her a death glare. “Now, we’re going to have to split up.” “Split up?” Redheart asked, looking concerned. “But that’s a terrible decision. It’ll make us more vulnerable if they find us.” “Not to mention that we just got back together,” Fiddlesticks put in. Quickfix snorted. “Ah agree with Sunset. We need to hit her from all sides. If we just go runnin’ in, they’ll swarm us. Ah can take a number of ‘em, but that still leaves a whole lot of armor between us and the Elements.” “That and we can move faster in small groups,” Sunset put in. She was surprised at Quickfix. She didn’t take her for a battle strategist, but she was from the North. Ponies up there had to fight every single day just to survive. ‘It shouldn’t be too surprising, since Equestria is always at war, but it still feels odd. I mean, at least everyone else gets a respite. Northerners never get that.’ She made a mental note to see if she could do something about it. She doubted she could, since her mother surely had tried before. Celestia wouldn’t let her subjects suffer. “Anyone disagree?”   Everyone was still. Well, except for Coco who raised a hoof. “Yes Coco,” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “Ummm, I was wondering,” Coco gulped. “Well, it was more of a suggestion. I don’t want to mess up your plans or anything….Actually, no.” She squeaked in both fright and embarrassment and pulled back a ways. Pizzelle sighed. “Honey doll, just let us hear it. No one’s going to bite your head off.” “Intentionally,” Arkarkhentkats smirked, causing Coco to shriek in fright and hide behind Redheart. Pizzelle glared at the Sphinx. “It was a joke.” “A very bad one,” Redheart glared at her as well. Her gaze softened as she looked to Coco. “Now, what were you going to say?” “Well….” Coco shivered in fright, keeping low to the ground. She looked like she was trying to make herself as small as possible. “I was wondering if…maybe, we could try talking to them. I mean, we talked to Shade and he’s nice.” “The enemy deserves no quarter,” Quickfix snarled. “She dies. End of story.” “Easy there, Quickfix.” Fiddlesticks tried to calm her friend. “Don’t get yer vines all tied up.” “Nah, ah won’t,” Quickfix snorted. “Ah’m just gonna tie her vines up instead. Show her that she shouldn’t have messed with the north.” “We will,” Sunset turned her gaze to Coco. “I’m sorry, but there can’t be any negotiations. Nightmare Moon wants us all dead. It’s that simple.” “But…” Coco started. “I don’t want anyone to die.” Redheart sighed. “Death is a part of life. We can’t avoid it. We just have to make sure that the blood shed is kept to a minimum. That’s the best we can do.” Coco whimpered, but said nothing else. “You don’t have to come,” Pizzelle nuzzled Coco. “You can go outside and stay with the others.” “I want to come,” Coco said. “I…You’re my friend and…well, the rest of you are nice. I know I’m a coward, but….” She took in a deep breath and tried to put on a strong face. It didn’t work exactly, given who she was. “I’m not going to leave you guys.” “That’s the spirit,” Lightning hoof-pumped. “Let’s go kick some tail.” “Alright,” Sunset said. “Quickfix, take the goblins and get that flying machine going. I want you to provide air support in the battle. Lightning, go with them. The more we have in the air, the better.” They nodded and trotted/walked outside. “Coco, Redheart,  Arkarkhentkats, and Pizzelle. Take the left corridors. Fiddlesticks, Ghoul, and Shade will come with me on the right. Let’s go people.” The group finally divided up once more. They were ready as ever to finish this fight. ___________________________________________________________________________ “You have lost track of them!” Nightmare Moon roared. Apostle wasn’t phased by his mistresses’ anger. She was rightfully sore. That and he was used to her outbursts. He had been a Warlock all the way back in the Equestrian Civil War, a thousand years ago. Her fury had shook the heavens. This was a pale imitation of her true anger. ‘It’s a wonder how I escaped those bursts of rage unscathed.’ “We have,” he answered. “But we are sure they are within reach of the castle.” “How,” Nightmare muttered to herself. “How is this possible? The Everfree Forest should have killed them. My soldiers should have killed them?” Her killer glare turned back to him. “Why didn’t they?” “You will have to forgive me,” Apostle sighed. “Most of them were common street urchins. I had to make due with what I could get. Though, I was able to get a couple mercenaries and ex-soldiers, but not in any substantial number. As for how they could have slipped through the forest. It’s quite simple, Your Highness. It’s vast. Not even I can keep up with them and…” He frowned. “Its aura disrupts magic. Oh, I can still use it, but scrying spells, such as the one we originally set up, become useless rather quickly. It’s why we weren’t able to keep such good tabs on the group.” “Excuses,” Nightmare snorted. “I should kill you for this failure, but you did bring me those Kitsune souls.” She licked her lips. “They are so succulent, like a fine wine. Perhaps I could keep some of them alive.” She shook her head. “That’s for tomorrow. Today is more important. Those ponies don’t matter anymore, nor the Elements. The time is almost here for my rebirth. With Celestia imprisoned, there is no one alive who can possibly stop me.” “Of course, Your Highness.” Apostle bowed. “Your reign shall be eternal. It’s beauty shall be seen till the end of days.” “There will be no end of days,” Nightmare snorted. “I will keep this world turning forever!” She barked out in laughter, filling the entire area with its maddening mirth. Apostle couldn’t help but be drowned in the beautiful chime. His goddess’s laugh was perfection. Everything about her was perfection. Yes, the other cultists seemed nervous around Nightmare Moon, but that was natural. They were weak willed fools, pawns to be used. A pawn is always nervous, because they never know when they’re time was up. He was no pawn. He was the ‘Queen’ of the checkboard. He would do anything to keep his goddess safe and a smile upon her face. She gave him everything and he would do his best to ensure her victory. ‘Even if I must give up my life.’ The days of the Shining Sun were over. The age of the Glimmering Moon had just begun. > Part: 18: Let's Rumble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon had never been so excited before. In all her years, this had to be her happiest moment and to top it all off, her nagging, attention grabbing, beast of a sister wasn’t here to spoil it for her. She was practically bobbing up and down in glee. A never ending mirthful smile was kept on her face. There wasn’t anything that could soil her mood. “Someone seems happy,” Spike spoke up. “What, did a tree fall on a puppy?” Besides him. Nightmare frowned. ‘It’s at times like these that I wonder why I keep prisoners alive for so long…oh yeah. I love to see them lose all hope before I devour their soul. It’s so funny and delectable that way.’ She would take great pleasure in doing the same with this wretch. “Do you believe yourself to be a jester?” She turned towards the dragon. “Sometimes,” Spike chuckled. “I am….” Nightmare quickly wrapped a tendril around his snout, closing it. “Not another word. I will not have your filthy tongue spoiling my glory. I swear to you, dragon. I will rid this world of your ilk and I shall laugh. I will laugh for eons about the demise of you insipid reptiles.” Spike glared at her and tried to say something. It came out as just harsh mumbles. Nightmare chuckled and released him. “Come on, smile. It’s not everyday you gaze upon the dawn of a new age.” “You know, it’s kind of ironic you call it ‘dawn’ when it’s just everlasting night. Doesn’t that imply the night’s going to end?” “It was figurative,” Nightmare growled. “I would think a dragon, who thrived in my sister’s bossum, would know the difference. Of course, once again my sister’s intelligence disappoints me.” When Spike returned the growl, she giggled. “Oh, you are so easy to ire. I’ll almost miss having you around when this is over….” She slid a tendril around his neck and tightened. Spike gagged and wheezed as he fought for breath. “Almost.” Nightmare Moon released him. “This bores me. One can only choke a dragon so many times. I will be back shortly. In the meantime, why don’t you ponder what I’m going to do to your family? I was thinking flaying them, but I’m up for suggestions.” “Here’s one,” Spike spat. “Go to Tartarus.” “Been there, done that,” Nightmare chuckled. “Well, ta-ta for now.” She then floated out of the room, giving the dragon one last mocking wink. As she made her way to the Elements, she gazed upon her troops. They marched in unison, polished weapons and armor, stood at ease. Each and every one of them, saluted her as she passed. She would have preferred them to grovel, but time was at the essence. Nightmare couldn’t afford them groveling now. ‘That would wait for later.’ Now, all they had to do was fight. Fight not for themselves, or for Equestria, but for her. That made her smile. Ponies that were willing to fight and even die for her. Such things were only the stuff of fairy tales when she was a child. Now they were a reality. She was going to become supreme ruler of this world. Her belly would fill daily with the souls of thousands…So Nightmare gave out a squeal of delight that no doubt would have made most snickering or awwwing if they saw it…and didn’t know a thing about her and why she was doing it. Nightmare Moon was so happy! She just imagined a world of never-ending darkness. Where everyone did as she asked and…treated her with respect. ‘I’m the one they should adore. I’m the prettiest, most powerful god that has ever lived. Why could they not see that? No matter, they’ll pay. They will all pay.’ She glanced at a vacant spot over the old throne. ‘That would make for an excellent spot for Tia’s head.’ “My lady,” Apostle’s voice jostled her out of her reverie. “I wish to speak with you for a moment.” “Whatever you wish to say can wait,” Nightmare brushed his thoughts aside. “I am in no mood to deal with any strife. I am content as is…unless you wish to tell me something splendid. Has my dear ‘sister’ perished? I had wished to torture her for the next thousand years before I severed her head. Oh well.” “Your Highness, that infernal mare still lives. Barely, but she still draws breath.” “And there you go souring my mood. I told you not to come to me with any news.” “No you didn’t, Your Highness.” Apostle gave his goddess his best deadpan stare. “But that does not matter. I wished to discuss something with you.” “Then speak and be done with it,” Nightmare snorted. “I am a busy goddess.” “I don’t think we should resurrect you just yet.” Nightmare stared at him for the longest time. “What?” “Your Highness, forgive my ill sounding words. I wish more than any other to once again look upon the beauty of your true form. However, I feel as if we should be wary. When the planets first align, no doubt the power will be unstable. We have no way of knowing what it will do to you.” Nightmare scowled, her voice filled with poison. “You think a little unstable magic will conquer me? Me, Nightmare Moon, the slayer of the mighty Flamespyre and his clan of the supposed greatest dragons of his age. The mare who single hoofedly best Chrysalis, the queen of the retched changelings. It was I who led the army and destroyed New Gallopfrey. It was I who stormed the streets of Canterlot and bled my sister dry. I can handle anything the world has to throw at me. I had thought you knew better, Apostle.” “I do. It’s just….” Apostle’s voice wavered. “It’s just….” He looked up at her with teary eyes. “I can’t lose you again, Your Highness. The pain of one loss was hard. The pain of another would destroy me. You made me what I am this day. You gave me purpose. Without you, I am nothing. Please, let us wait. There are none that can stand up to us. We can…” “SILENCE!” Nightmare’s Royal Canterlot Voice shook the entire castle. “Do you think you have the authority to tell me what to do? That I should listen to a sniveling coward?” “No…” Apostle bowed his head. “Exactly,” Nightmare cooled her anger and gently lifted his face with a tendril to gaze upon it. “I am touched by your concern, my dear little pony. You have always been my favored and that will not change. You must remember that I am still a goddess and above your comprehension.” “Of course, My Liege.” Apostle nodded as her tendril floated away. “I am sorry I have brought my lowly troubles to your attention.” He bowed. “Forgive me.” “No, I should be thankful. If only the rest of our kind would actually take the time to think of the night with such reverence, perhaps we would not need to spill there blood.” Nightmare sighed. “But that is how it has to be.” “And we shall spill the blood of those sun touched fools,” Apostle grinned. “They will know the glory of the night.” “Yes they will, my little apprentice,” Nightmare chuckled. “Yes they will.” Nightmare gazed down at her favored warrior. ‘After all these years, I still remember how I found him. He was such a cute little colt.’ “Now, my little pony, how about we check upon our machine. Perhaps we may have missed something.” Apostle brightened up instantly. “Of course, Your Highness. The calibrations and settings need to be maintained. They are stable, but it is the conductors and the power source themselves that worry me. With a little tweaking, and a soul or two, I think we can perfect it before your resurrection. I even have a few schematics ready for your approval.” Nightmare laughed. “What would I ever do without you?” “Survive and thrive, Your Highness.” Apostle grinned. “Like you always have, but chagrinned with far too many incompetent servants.” He conjured up a few papers. “Now, I was thinking about your new castle. Obviously, we must have one to match your grandeur. Canterlot simply does not hold up when one thinks about it. No, you deserve far better and I have a few designs in mind.” Nightmare nuzzled him. “And I would love to hear it. You have grown up so well, Apostle. I hardly recognize the same colt who had broken into my own personal chamber to steal my jewelry.” Apostle beamed. “There are no spells I can’t bypass, Your Highness.” _______________________________________________________________ “How the hay does that thing stay in the air?” Lightning couldn’t help but call out to her friend as she flew beside the strange contraption. As all pegasi, she saw anything else in the air as competition. Pegasi loved to be the masters of the air and nothing could challenge them. ‘And nothing ever will.’ Lightning gloated. Quickfix smiled. Her horn was lit in a hue of magic. “It flies on pure ingenuity…and this thing they call oil. Honestly, it just looks like black crud to me.” “Well it all seems like crud to me,” Lightning snorted, sneering at the machine. It just felt wrong to her. It was a hunk of metal and it was flying no problem. “I mean, it isn’t even flying. It’s faking it.” “How the hay do ya fake flyin’?” Quickfix growled, shaking her fist. “Ya can’t, ah tells ya. This machine is the real deal, bird brain.” “Well I say it isn’t, pin head.” Lightning shot back. Pin head was just as derogative a name to a unicorn as bird brain was too a Pegasus. “Why ah outa….” Quickfix snorted and made a step towards the Pegasus…before she was pulled back from the edge by some of the goblins. “Thanks…kind of got stupid there fer a moment.” “Yeah…” Lightning sighed and scratched the back of her head nervously. ‘Oh yeah, be a jerk and nearly cause one of your friends to fall to their deaths…I so would have caught her, but still.’ “Sorry about the pin head comment.” “And sorry fer callin’ ya a bird brain,” Quickfix chuckled. “We really are sprung up too tight, aren’t we?” “Yeah,” Lightning smirked. “But don’t you worry. We’re going to unwind some serious butt whooping on those cultists soon enough. They’ll be crying home to their mommies in no time.” “Eh,” Quickfix shrugged. “Ah’d prefer a good ol’ fashioned kill and be done with it kind of approach, but that’s just me.” “You really hate them, don’t you?” Quickfix returned Lightning’s question with a deadpan gaze. “Ah’m from the north. We don’t buck around, especially with their kind.” “Well, have you actually killed someone before?” Lightning had to ask. “Errrr…” Quickfix shuffled about nervously. “No. Ah’ve killed a few critters tryin’ to eat me, but nothin’ sapient.” “Well,” Nes, the goblin girl, spoke up. “Thank the stars that’s so. I think it’d be awkward if we were traveling with a stone cold killer.” “Don’t be so relieved yet,” Kur fiddled with his pistols. “The night’s still young and this little goblin has a bone to pick.” He checked the sights. “Someone’s dying tonight and it isn’t going to be me.” “You know,” Mgut spoke up from the pilot’s seat. “I don’t see why we need any of that. This baby’s got enough rockets to blast all of those wretches to kingdom come.” “Hopefully, we won’t need to use a lot of it,” Xed answered. “Oh, but I do hope so,” Lightning called to him. “Let’s throw the best ‘Sumter’s Day’ ever.” “Sumter?” Nurt spoke up questioningly. “He was a commander of one of Equestria’s south eastern brigades,” Quickfix explained. “About six hundred years ago, a large force of Diamond Dogs tried to invade Equestria. We are a tough country, but we weren’t ready fer war right there. We’d have won, but they’d be able to sack some major towns and cities in the area. Sumter’s fort was the only thin’ in between us an’ them. So, the Dogs bombarded it fer a straight week. There was nothin’ but shells flyin’ and explosions. After, the Dogs thought they’d won, so the stupid mutts marched on…That is until Sumter popped back up with his troops an’ gave ‘em Tartarus.” She chuckled. “So, in honor of him, an’ savin’ our butts, we made a holiday in his name. It aint a universal one, mostly just celebrated down in southern parts of the nation.” “Well, I think it’s an awesome holiday.” Lightning quipped. “My parents would always take me to see the fireworks over Sumter’s memorial. It’s fantastic.” “Ah’ve heard,” Quickfix nodded. “Maybe ah’ll go this year an’ see it fer myself.” “You can count us in,” Xed added. “As touching as this is,” Mgut cut in. “I’ve been meaning to ask something….Why is this helicopter so quiet?” Quickfix tapped her lit horn. “Ah’m cuttin’ it out so we don’t tip ‘em off that we’re comin’. That and a weak deflector shield. Once the battle gets a goin’, ah’ll cut it off and focus on the shield.” “Wait,” Lightning put her hooves up. “You know shield spells? Aren’t those incredibly tricky to perform?” “Ah’m an engineer,” Quickfix smirked. “Tricky stuff is my business.” Before anything else could be said, the group found themselves at the edge of a large, roofless room. Inside were dozens upon dozens of Nightmare soldiers, not to mention…. “The Elements of Harmony!” Lightning burst out, pointing at them. The cultists turned their heads to them. “Intruders!” Some of them yelled. Quickfix and the goblins glared at Lightning, who smiled sheepishly. “Yeah…my bad.” Lightning said. “Alright,” Quickfix’s magic surged and the loud rumbling of the helicopter returned. Black bolts of magic and arrows smacked into the shield. She grit her teeth as she fought off the small surges of pain in her horn and kept the barrier from breaking. Lightning had to dodge the old fashioned way and swerved and fluttered about the projectiles. “Okay, do you guys have a plan?” “Yeah,” Mgut pulled the helicopter away from the edge and Lightning followed. That gave them a small breather, but then that reprieve was tarnished when several enemy pegasi flew up after them. “You want to play? We’ll play.” To Lightning’s surprise, several of the metal tubes around the helicopter shot forward like rockets. The pegasi were confused for a second by the machine and the rockets, before said rockets exploded. There’s a thing you should know about goblin explosives. They are extremely volatile and quite large. Some of them were hit directly by shrapnel, or blown apart in the fiery blast, while others were scorched and fell to the ground. The nightmare pegasi screamed in confusion and the group split up. Lightning had to admit to herself that that was pretty cool. She smirked as she noticed some of a small group try to divebomb her. “My turn.” With a mighty flap, Lightning shot right through the group, scattering them with a large gust of wind. She dive-bombed one, smacking into his back sending him to the ground and then bucked one that came up behind her.  With a perfect looped de loop, she came up and punched another Pegasus mare with a uppercut. “Oh, I am so owning you guys.” _____________________________________________________________________________ Nurse Redheart, leading member of the Orders Hospitaller in Ponyville, had never before been so determined to whip up a concoction before. She had thanked Celestia’s holy sun that she was clever enough to take some of the Poison Joke with her. So here she was, sitting atop a sphinx’s back, crushing the plant leaves with a wooden ladle. She had drowned out Pizzelle’s long winded speeches long ago. While she had nothing against them, and no stranger to long speeches herself, she had to focus. The concoction had to be perfect if this plan of hers was going to work. “I do beg your pardon,” Arkarkhentkats piped up. “But what are you doing on my back?” “Possibly?” Redheart answered as she finished stirring. She quickly put the ladle into a plastic bag and then into her bags. “Victory.” “Oh….” Arkarkhentkats rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that explains everything.” “I very much don’t appreciate you taking that tone with Redheart,” Pizzelle spoke up. “She has done nothing but be courteous to you, not to mention everypony else in Ponyville. You couldn’t find a nicer nurse, even if you tried. I should know.” “Why, thank you.” Redheart blushed under the praise. ‘I’m sure she could. I’m nothing special.’ “It’s true,” Coco added. “You’re really nice and supportive. I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t fixed my leg that one time.” She shivered at the thought. Redheart frowned, but said nothing. She just continued on with her work, but she remembered exactly what Coco had referred to. Her mother, Upper Crust, had come to town. She was a very vigorous, military mare. So, she tried to get Coco fit. During one of Coco’s exercises, she broke her leg pretty badly. Redheart would say it was mangled. She had wanted to speak out against Upper, but that mare was one of Equestria’s leading Field Marshals. There was nothing she could do. Past experiences aside, she poured the last of the liquid ingredients together, closed the lids, and shook them. To her glee, they all turned dark blue. “And wa-la, it’s done.” “Great,” Pizzelle smiled, before her face turned puzzled. “What is?” “Oh you’ll see,” Redheart smirked. Just then, they all came to a stop. They could clearly hear the sounds of armor cantering around and the grunts and mutters of ponies right around the corner. “Arkarkhentkats,” Redheart spoke up in a whisper. The sphinx lowered her body, so that she could get off. “How well can you blow?” “My race can cause great sandstorms with nary a single breath,” Arkarkhentkats answered. “Why do you ask?” “When I throw these bottles, I want you to blow the fumes.” Redheart explained. “These are potent Poison Joke gas bombs. The army uses them occasionally for non-violent raids on riots and such. They’ll be on the ground, laughing in no time…or punching each other’s daylights out. Which ever come really.” “Sounds good to me,” Arkarkhentkats smirked. “Just tell me when you’re ready.” Redheart took a minute to breath and calm her nerves. “Alright…NOW!” She jumped around the corner and threw the jars right at the cultists’ hooves. A haze of dark blue rose up from the ruin. Arkarkhentkats came up from behind and with one breath, sent the fumes out through the entire room. The warriors coughed and wheezed as the fog brushed over them…Then they started laughing. Some of them feel to the floor, others started shouting about creatures, or even kicking one another. ‘Well, this is going smoothly,’ Redheart smirked. ‘Now we just need to get to the Elements. I can hopefully get Arkarkhentkats to blow away the fog. I’d have to wait a moment, however, so the fog can have time to dissipate enough for that. It’s a good thing I carry some Poison Joke antidote just in case. I do so hope the others are doing well.’ > Part 19: An Almost Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You know what? I get it.” Sunset growled as she trotted through the old castle of the two sisters with her compatriots in hoof. Fire leaked out of her horn as she charged up a spell. Her fury caused the two stallions in the group to keep their distance behind her. “I really do. I mean, all these random corridors serve a purpose right? Confusing the enemy. Very intelligent…BUT WHY THE BUCK DO MOST OF THEM LEAD TO DEAD ENDS?!!” “That’s not true,” Fiddlesticks said as the group rounded another corner. Said corner lead to about a few yards worth of hallway and then a dead end. “Okay, maybe it is.” “Nine,” Sunset piped up. She grit her teeth, letting out a little snarl. Ever since she and her group had split off to find their way around, they had encountered nothing but mislead after mislead. ‘Is the universe against me or something? What the hay did I do to deserve this?’ She put a hoof to her ear and leaned over to Fiddlesticks. “Do I hear ten?” “Okay,” Shade groaned. “We get it. You’re agitated.” “I’m way past agitated,” Sunset reeled on him. Shade gulped and took a step back. “I have had a long night. A really long night. I’ve had way too much put on my plate as is and low and behold, I find even more annoyances thrown my way. If you want to point out the obvious, then let me do as well. Can’t you bucking use your shadow magic and find us a way out? Surely your leader had some way of coordinating his forces.” Shade shook his head. “No, he kept that to himself. Something about trust issues and how we were all incompetents.” He sighed and lowered his head. “He was right in that regard.” Fiddlesticks popped up beside him and put a hoof around his neck. “Now don’t go all gloom on us, Shade. Ya’ve been a big help so far.” “I don’t know you all that well,” Ghoul spoke up. “But I like the cut of your jib. So good chap, do as the mare says and turn that frown upside down.” Fiddlesticks pouted. “Ah was about to say that.” Ghoul took off his hat, put it to his heart, and bowed. “My apologies.” Fiddlesticks giggled. “No harm done.” “Fiddlesticks, you can bang your ghoulfriend later,” Sunset rubbed her forehead. The remark caused Fiddlesticks to blush and sputter in protest as well as Ghoul. “Shut up and listen. We have to find the elements soon and when I mean soon, I mean NOW!” She roared the last word in their faces. “Ya don’t need to shout,”  Fiddlesticks stuck a hoof into her ear to clear it. “Whoo-wee, ya’ve got a better roar than a matnicore…hey, that rhymed.” ‘Better roar than a manticore?’ Sunset bristled at that comment, but said nothing. ‘The bumpkin probably thinks it’s a compliment.’ “Nah, manticores have prettier roars,” Shade snickered…and then ducked from a blazing bolt of fire magic. “Say that again,” Sunset hissed through her teeth. Her eyes were almost literally boring into his very being. “Just trying to get a chuckle out of your most beautiful voice,” Shade’s voice was shaken. Sunset snorted. “Nice try, but false flattery won’t get you anywhere. Any last words?” “…Cadance is best princess.” Sunset seethed. “Wrong answer.” Her mind was filled with nothing but fire. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Ghoul pulled Sunset back. “Let’s not get hasty here.” “Why?” Sunset pushed Ghoul away and pointed her horn at the shivering warlock. “I like to be hasty every once and a while. Gets my blood flowing.” “Burning him alive isn’t going to get your brother back,” Ghoul sternly said. Shade nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, what he said.” Sunset glared at the warlock for a moment, before sighing. “Yeah…it’d make me feel better though.” She chuckled when Shade blanched. “Just kidding. I’m just agitated, okay. I tend to…burn things when I’m like this. Spike is usually here to help me out of it.” “Well….” Shade said hesitantly. “Can you not burn me?” “If you’d stop being an idiot,” Sunset snorted, pawing the ground in anger. “Then maybe.” “By any chance,” Ghoul spoke up. “Have either of you seen Fiddlesticks?” “Please don’t tell me she wandered off,” Sunset pleaded with the gods above for that to be untrue. ‘Or maybe true….gosh darnit, I’m being too morbid with her.’ Sunset sighed. ‘I really have got to stop thinking like that.’ “Ummm….” Ghoul started nervously. “So, would you rather I don’t speak?”  Sunset simply face-hooved in answer. She then walked off. “Best princess my firm flank. That mare couldn’t work a fire spell to save her life and who relies on love magic? I mean, seriously.” “I say,” Ghoul spoke up once she was out of ear shot. “Why do you antagonize her so?” Shade shrugged. “It’s fun. I like getting under other ponies’ skin.” “Well, I would curtail that habit,” Ghoul trotted off after Sunset. “Lest you have no skin of your own.” “She wouldn’t do that….” Shade gulped and rushed after him. “Would she?.....You know, her flank isn’t that firm looking….” The two noticed Sunset stop, her ears swiveling backwards to their direction. “….Oh shi…” ________________________________________________________________________________ Spike had so far this night faced many scale shaking threats: Nightmare Moon’s return, being torn away from his sister, being chained up and his ‘malehood’ threatened. That was all good and terrifying, but none of that held a candle to what he had to endure now. All those threats had shaken him, but his resolve had always been as firm and strong as a mountain. He had been trained by the best of the best in every field, whether it was in the art of offense or defense, diplomacy, or general etiquette. He was prepared for anything. ‘Anything but this. Oh mother in the sky, anything but this.’ He whined inward.   What tortured him to no end was something that no one should ever endure: Terrible, off key, singing. Most creatures would find it grating, but Spike had been born and raised by ponies. They were the greatest, most musically inclined species on the planet. Singing was their lifeblood and the better you were at it, the higher your station. In a way, Spike compared it to the nature of song birds. It was rare to find a pony who couldn’t sing. It was just his luck he found two. “Swankie swoodle piped a can, running through a store~” One of the Nightmare soldiers sang. The two soldiers had taken off their helmets, since they thought they were safe in here. “No, no, no,” the other shook his head. “It’s ‘Rankie Poodle bit the dust, fading into the night~” “Ugh, seriously? That’s not even remotely close to the actual song.” “Oh like you’re one to talk. Who puts swankie into a song?” “A lot of ponies.” “Yeah, name one.” “Umm…..” The first one scratched his chin. “Twilight Sparkle?” “Twilight Sparkle puts a lot of things in her song….Actually; everything into her songs….That’s why kids aren’t allowed to listen to them.” “I didn’t think anyone was allowed to listen to them.” They laughed and shared a high hoof. Spike growled and wanted nothing more than to rip their heads off. His limbs fought once more with their casing, bearing no fruit for his efforts. Oh, the terrible singing was one thing, but besmirching a mare’s name in his presence? ‘Oh you just stepped over the line.’ While it was true that Twilight’s songs could get out of hoof really fast, and usually ended up with someone getting pranked in one way, shape, or form, it wasn’t that bad. She had a nice voice and her timing was impeccable. She knew exactly what to sing to get ponies to laugh….or feel violated. She switched constantly for the giggles. “Twilight Sparkle hit the bricks, zany ever after~” The soldiers sang, laughing it up. “Stupid chaos sorcerers ought to die much faster~” “That aint how it goes, ya numb skulls.” Fiddlesticks said. ‘Wait, what?’ Low and behold, Fiddlesticks had popped up next to the two cultists of Nightmare. Literally, she just popped out of nowhere. He would have honestly though she had teleported if she were a unicorn, or even a sanctioned chaos sorcerer. ‘Must have snuck up on us when we weren’t looking.’ Spike was going to go with that explanation and stick to it. Far be it for him to suspect someone of playing with forces most foul. He wasn’t an Inquisitor, even if he had trained with one for a time. "How did you get in here?" One of the soldiers asked. "Oh just followed by Fiddle-sense," Fiddlesticks scratched her ear. "It was itchin' up a storm, sayin' someone was messin' up a good song." “Oh yeah,” one of the cultists spoke up. “How does it go then?” “Glad ya ask,” Fiddlesticks smirked. She stood up on her hind legs, pulled her fiddle from…somewhere, and started up the song. “Fairy Weather went to town~” She started in her country twang, tapping a hind hoof to the beat. “Fairy Weather Julie~ Slapped a traitor in the face and then drank his smoothie~” She twirled around the pair as she sang. “Fairy Weather keep it up~” She smashed her elbow one of their faces as she struck a triumphant note. “Fairy Weather Julie~” She twirled, smashing her tail into the other one’s side, sending him sprawling. Earth Ponies had incredible versatility in their tails, not just for manipulating things, but for powerful strikes. “Beat those baddies into the ground~ Oh, don’t you sweat it, Julie~” Fiddlesticks finished and started laughing. “Oh, this is funner than a rodeo in a thunderstorm.” She turned her head to Spike. “Oh, there ya are. We’ve been lookin’ all over for ya. Best get ya out of those darn cuffs now.” She trotted over to him. “You can’t open them,” Spike sighed. “Nightmare Moon enchanted these locks herself. There is no feasible way out.” Fiddlesticks touched a button underneath the table, releasing the confines. “Okay, one feasible way out.” “A real easy one,” Fiddlesticks huffed. “Ya could’ve done it yerself with that long tail of yers.” “Well, you see….” Spike frowned. While he had no idea there was a button there, he couldn’t help but wonder why Nightmare Moon would put such a thing so close to his tail ‘Maybe she was just so confident that I’d be too afraid to try? Maybe this slab was meant for griffins and other bipeds…Who know.’ Suddenly, the two of them heard screaming coming from the hallway. Stepping into a battle position, with Fiddlesticks putting her fiddle in her hat of all places, the two kept close to one another. They were ready for anything. Such ‘anything’ was a scared out of his wits warlock who burst into the room. “I’m sorry! Your flanks are firm! Really, firm!” Spike raised an eyebrow. ‘What the hay is he talking about?’ His answer came with the next pony: his sister. Sunset’s horn was ablaze. Embers scattered everywhere as she gave the warlock her best death glare. “And how the buck do you know that?!!! You seemed confident in your remark earlier.” “I wasn’t thinking,” the warlock screamed, hiding behind Fiddlesticks. Spike thought about taking care of him himself, but he thought the warlock was better off in his sister’s hooves. “I just wanted to rile you. You have such nice flanks! HONEST!” He pleaded. “If I didn’t know any better,” Spike glared at the cultist. “I’d think you were checking out my sister.” “Now don’t ya be gettin’ on Shade’s case, Spike.” Fiddlesticks chided him as she kept Shade safely behind her. “He’s had a rough day…er, night.” “Shade?” Spike raised an eyebrow and turned to his sister. She had canceled her magic and was staring at Spike in astonishment. “You’re alive.” Spike simply nodded. The pair could feel  and see tears coming to the eyes and the next thing they knew, they were in each other’s arms. Sunset nuzzled him and he returned the gesture. “What took you so long?” “I’m sorry,” Sunset nuzzled him in desperation as though she feared he’d disappear. “I got side-tracked: cultists, monsters, idiots. The usual.” Spike chuckled through his tears of joy. He pulled back and took out a hoofkerchief to clear away her tears. “Sounds like you’ve had quite an adventure.” “You could say that.” Fiddlesticks ‘awwed’ at the cute scene. Then, she knocked one of the cultists out with a hoof to the face when he tried to stand up. Nopony was going to interrupt a heartfelt reunion on her watch. _______________________________________________________________________________ “Hmmm,” Nightmare Moon stroked her chin with a tendril as she surveyed the newest blueprints for Canterlot. “I was thinking we should make it far more deadly, at least in appearance. We need to keep up the appearance of strength and fear. I want my enemies to run in fright from even the sight of the great city of Canterlot.” Apostle bowed his head. The two of them were in one of the old war rooms. “Of course. Though, I doubt we really need to change anything. No being would be foolish to try and attack a city that you dwelled in. Well, unless they had a death wish.” Nightmare Moon smiled. “True, but still. We need to paint the entirety of Canterlot in black and dark blue. Those are much better colors…and add some spikes to those towers. I want them to actually pierce the skies above.” “Of course, Your Highness.” Apostle’s grin couldn’t get any bigger. He was living the dream and there was nothing that could get in his way. A sound caught their ears and they turned to the doorway. A soldier of theirs was laughing up a storm as he tried to walk over to them. His knees buckled and he seemed out of breath, but still he laughed. Apostle glared at the recruit. “Stop laughing. Do you dare laugh at our goddess’s presence?” The cultist seemed to make an attempt to cease his laughing, but failed miserably. He even turned to Nightmare herself and tried to stifle his humorous outbursts. Nothing worked. Apostle growled and lit up his horn. As well, he pointed his staff at the cultist. The staff magnified his power thricefold. He picked up the stallion with ease and shook him. “I said, stop laughing.” The stallion wouldn’t comply, so Apostle tilted his head so far back that the air cracked with the soldier’s neck. Apostle brought the now dead minion over to him. The soul already flying into Nightmare’s mouth as a quick snack. The warlock took a sniff and reeled back. “Poison Joke?” He stomped the ground in anger. “There’s somepony in the castle.” Nightmare Moon’s eyes bulged in terror. “No…” Her voice quivered and her tendrils flailed about in panic. “The Elements. They’re after the Elements.” With that, the two raced off into the hallways. _______________________________________________________________________________ After their heartfelt reunion, Sunset and the rest of them headed off to find the Elements. Of course, this was after explaining to Spike why they had a ghoul, who named himself ‘Ghoul’, and a warlock in their presence. The draconic prince wasn’t pleased by this, but he kept his mouth shut. It was kind of amusing to see the warlock get under Sunset’s skin and vice-versa. The group was in luck as it didn’t take them long to find what they were looking for. The down side was that it was full of Nightmare Moon’s soldiers. The upside was that they were too busy laughing. “Why are they laughin’?” Fiddlesticks asked out loud. “Did they hear a funny joke? Ah, dang it. Ah love jokes, especially that one with the snake and wombat goin’ on a….” “Now’s not the time for jokes,” Sunset hissed back at her. “We have to figure a way through the mob….Wait, is that Poison Joke? Did someone actually whip up a PJB?” PJB: Poison Joke Bomb. 'Of course, that should be obvious.' “Don’t ya mean ‘PB and J’?” Fiddlesticks rubbed her stomach. “Which reminds me. Ah really need to go get a bite to eat.” “We’ll snack later,” Sunset rolled her eyes, only to see Fiddlesticks pull out a sandwich from her hat. The mare ate it in one go. “Ya want one?” “Actually….” Spike started, licking his lips. “No,” Sunset barked. “No sandwich until we defeat the ultimate evil.” “Ya can’t defeat the ultimate evil on an empty stomach,” Fiddlesticks huffed. “Taint right.” “She has a point,” Shade nodded. “If I’m about to risk my life and die, I’d rather do it on a full stomach.” Sunset ground her teeth together. “Okay then, you can eat up and stay here. You’d just get in my way with your sandwiches.” “How would a sandwich get in your way?” Shade asked. “You obviously haven’t seen Sunset in the kitchen,” Spike smirked, not even flinching as Sunset blasted his head with a fireball. “She is the worst cook ever. She can’t even make cereal right.” “I can so,” Sunset snarled. “Just because I lit it on fire a few times, doesn’t mean I can’t just pour myself something to eat.” “Maybe ya need to get fireproof cereal,” Fiddlesticks piped up. “I can't, because they don’t sell ‘fireproof’ cereal,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “The cost alone would….Okay, why the buck am I having this conversation?” “Because yer hungry,” Fiddlesticks held out an apple. “Here, if ya don’t want a sandwich, have an apple. Their good for ya.” ‘It’s come to this. Discussing food and their health attributes during the apocalypse…I’ve heard of stranger things, but not very many stupider.’ Sunset huffed and stuffed the apple into her mouth. She quickly cast a spell around herself, creating a sort of ‘shield’ around herself. It was a simple spell, designed to keep out poisonous fumes. It was first created to fight poisonous diseases that popped up during the days before Equestria, but saw more widespread use in more recent years, with the emergence of gas style attacks. She had seen some of the afflicted and it wasn’t pretty. Sunset easily trotted through the sea of cultists and smiled as she stood beneath the Elements of Harmony. “Finally,” she muttered in relief. All the grief, the sorrow, her compatriots, all of that was worth it now. As her horn sparked into life once more, she heard a monstrous shout: “NOOOOO!” Instantly, the world around her started to grow hazy. Sunset’s gasped in shock as the Elements swirled in a dark cortex and knew Nightmare Moon was trying to snatch them away. “Oh no you don’t.” Sunset, without thinking, jumped into said vortex. Before she disappeared, she couldn’t help but hear the anguished cries of her compatriots calling out for her, before everything was black. > Part 20: The Elements of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset groaned as she shakily stood up. “That was a really rough teleport.” She inwardly scolded herself for not casting a shield spell of some kind. She may not be all that well proficient in shield magic, since she was more into offensive spells, but it would have been better for her. Being thrown onto cold, stone tiles isn’t exactly the best thing for a unicorn’s fragile body. An Earth pony could have taken it, no problem. However, that clearly wasn’t the case for her. ‘Thank the gods for that.’ Getting back to her senses, she looked down at herself. Besides some minor bruises, she was relatively fine. ‘The Elements have to be around here somewhere.’ Her horn lit up faintly as she prepared a number of spells in her mind. Somepony had teleported the Elements away and said somepony was more than likely to fight for them. She had to be on her guard. Sunset heard a faint ‘humming’ sound behind her. It was pulsing like a heartbeat. A very sick, unnatural heartbeat. Looking up over herself, she gasped. Right before her was a giant spire that looked like it pierced the skies. Purple magical ley-lines crisscrossed it like pussy veins. It felt completely wrong and Sunset had to stop herself from throwing up/and or screaming in fright at the sight and sense of it. “Breath taking, isn’t it?” Nightmare Moon’s voice rung out from behind her. Acting quickly, Sunset swiveled around and pointed her horn at her foe. The ghostly mare hovered over the Elements of Harmony like a mother over her eggs. Though in this case, Nightmare didn’t love said eggs… ‘I have to come up with better parrallels.’ She was on the other side of the room and her tentacles swirled protectively over the stone orbs. Each of them looked like a coiled snake ready to strike. Nightmare Moon herself wore a cocky grin as if she’d already won. “What you see before you is my gateway,” Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Soon the planets will align and my machine will use their energy to rip a hole between this world and the realm of darkness. My armies will come pouring out like the plagues of old and I, Nightmare Moon, will once again walk this earth in flesh and blood.” She scowled and looked down at herself. “No longer shall I be nothing more than a spirit. This is the night of my rebirth. It would be wise to join me.” “Join you?” Sunset scoffed. “Don’t start that shtick. Do you really think I would give up now? That I would ever work for the mare that wanted my mother dead? Who wants to plunge the world into eternal darkness?” She stomped the ground, magical energies spun around her. “The very mare who stole my baby brother from me? No, I’m not going to listen to your cliché ‘join the evil side’ speech. Nor will I listen to your ‘we’re not so different’ or ‘I can give you whatever you want’ rants. Nope, I’m just going to skip all that and get to kicking your butt straight to the moon. Sound fair?” Nightmare Moon merely blinked in both confusion and anger. “You dare cast me aside? You dare call me cliché?” “I do,” Sunset quickly thought up a few spells. She couldn’t use any of the powerful ones at the moment, or risk destroying the Elements of Harmony. That and she wanted to goad Nightmare to leave them alone. She just needed a sec to get a spark going. “Then let us see how ‘cliché’ I am, shall we?” Nightmare growled, her tendrils raised up into the air. “When I kill you, be comforted with the knowledge that your name will be remembered for all time. The name of the fool who dared stand up to her true goddess.” “Celestia is the one and only god of Equestria,” Sunset snorted in anger. “Do not say her name in my presence!” Nightmare Moon moved forward. “She is not worthy to rule you ponies. Only I have that right. Only I can build Equestria to its heights. She holds it back! I am doing the world a favor by killing her.” Sunset didn’t say anything. Instead, she let a firebolt speak for her. Nightmare ducked and threw two tendrils her way, eager to pierce the young unicorn’s hide. Sunset teleported and struck again with another firebolt. This time, it made contact with the ghostly image. Nightmare screeched in pain and anger, but there wasn’t any obvious damage done. ‘She’s still a goddess. I don’t have anything to kill her, but in her current state, I can knock her out. I just need to hit her hard and enough times to do so…this is going to take a while.’ Sunset ducked and rolled out of the way of even more tendrils of death. She huffed. “Is this the best you can do?” Nightmare answered with a screech of anger and charged. Her tendrils flailing about, slashing at every angle. Thankfully, Sunset was a unicorn. She was quick and nimble enough to dodge the strikes. She tried teleporting behind Nightmare and make a run for the Elements, but Nightmare quickly coiled a tendril around her leg and threw her across the floor. Sunset teleported, or ‘winked’, back onto her feet before she could keep skidding about. She was ever so thankful she was a high tier unicorn. If she wasn’t, teleportation, or ‘winking’ as some may call it, would have been impossible or at the very least, take up a lot of her energy. Sunset still had plenty to spare. “Pfft, that’s it, isn’t it? Just thrashing those tendrils around, hoping to hit me. I expected better from a supposed goddess of the night. Goes to show how much of a hack you really are.” Nightmare’s roar shook the entire palace. Sunset was caught off guard by its voracity and paid for it when Nightmare came upon her and smacked a tendril into the side of her head. This time she was too disoriented to stop her tumble across the floor. Still, she jumped back to her hooves and threw up a yellow shield around herself to block out the next strikes. Again, she wasn’t all that great at defensive spells, so this wasn’t a good, long term strategy, especially when her attacker was a goddess. So, she winked once more and fired a firebolt. Nightmare cried out once more when it struck. “GUARDS!” Nightmare Moon yelled at the top of her lungs. Instantly, several soldiers of Nightmare ran into the room. She was sure all of them had been in the large, open room, but Nightmare had obviously kept some other guards close to her. ‘She’s smarter than I thought.’  Some would have called Nightmare Moon a coward right now. Sunset knew better. Nightmare couldn’t use much magic right now, relying on her tendrils to do her dirty work. Against a foe that could teleport so effectively, she would have a hard time hitting her. As the guards took their places around the room, Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Do you accept defeat now?” “Pfft, as if.” Sunset smirked and teleported once more. _______________________________________________________________________________ Apostle scowled as he approached his now laughing soldiers. He hated them all with such a fiery passion, but he needed the morons. Yes, they were under the effects of a PJB, but that was no real excuse in his own opinion. He wanted to blaze his way through them, but he had bigger issues to deal with right now. Raising his staff into the air, he focused his magic into a spell. His staff amplified the spell’s power and instantly the cloud and effects of the bomb lifted from the cultists, who staggered upwards. “IDIOTS! This is shameful behavior. You are her majesty’s soldiers. You are supposed to be her shining examples of bravery and aggression. Instead, I find you loafing around.” “But…” one of the cultists spoke up. “SILENCE!” Apostle’s voice thundered about. “I don’t want to hear another word from any of you. Just kill these heathens and be done with it. We’re on a tight schedule.” “HA!” The laugh was barely audible against the loud ‘whirring’ sound he heard. “That’s what ye think. Ah, on the other hoof, think ye don’t have much ‘cept dyin’ on that fancy schedule of yers.” Apostle looked up and saw to his great displeasure a goblin flight machine. Oh how he hated goblins. They were filthy, money grubbing, vermin. He so awaited the day his mistress sent him to exterminate those pests. Future genocides aside, he could hear a Northern inflection in the speakers’, a mare, voice. 'After the goblins, we must take care of these pesky Northerners.' “Death fears the path I tread. Yours on the other hoof,” he smirked and raised his staff. With a single bolt of dark energy, he cut through whatever measly shield it had and destroyed the machine’s ‘tail’. To his glee, it went down in the Everfree, spinning out of control, until it crashed and blew up in a fiery explosion. Unfortunately, the occupants had jumped out and landed on…A sphinx’s back. ‘I knew I should have killed that beast,’ Apostle scowled. “My helicopter!” One of the goblins shrieked in terror. From the looks of him, Apostle guessed he was the leader. Goblin bosses usually wore fancier outfits as a way to show off their wealth. The little creature then scowled and pointed a little gun at him. “You’ll pay for that!” He fired. Apostle didn’t even move an inch. The bullets just bounced off his magical shield and he smirked. “If that’s it, I think we can conclude this little distraction. I have the remains of a pesky unicorn to clean upstairs. Her Highness can be quite…messy during her meals.” “If you so much as touch Sunset, I’ll…” Spike growled and took a menacing step forward. “You’ll what?” Apostle shot back. “Kill me? Of course you will, you’re a dragon. That’s all your kind thinks about; killing.” “That’s not…” Spike started, but Apostle cut him off. “Did your false goddess blind you to the truth? Did she raise you a fool? Hundreds, thousands, millions of our kind have been burned by your fires, shredded by your teeth and claws. Entire graveyards are filled to the brim with the victims of dragons. Face it, you’re a monster.” “A monster?” Spike snorted. “You have no right to brand another such a title. You call yourself a protector, a guardian, but you’re nothing more than a genocidal tyrant led by an even bigger one. If anyone is the monster, it’s you. You’ve drained the souls of good, honest ponies and fed them to a depraved goddess. You’ve slaughtered babes in their cribs. What right do you have to take their lives?” “What right?” Apostle tilted his head back and laughed. “What right?!! I fight for a brighter future, filled….” “Uh, sire?” One of the soldiers interrupted. “Not now,” Apostle’s ears twitched in annoyance. “I’m busy having a moral discussion with this beast.” “But sire….” The soldier was cut off when Apostle blasted apart her head. “I WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED!” Apostle raged. ‘If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s being interrupted…besides someone disrespecting our goddess.’  He looked back to Spike and found the mares weren’t anywhere to be seen. “What?!! Where did those ponies go?” “That’s what she was about to tell you,” another soldier hesitantly said. “They’re getting away.” Apostle snorted. “No matter. We’ll kill them after we kill these creatures. I mean, what can seven mares do….Seven?” Something clicked in his mind. ‘The Elements of Harmony need bearers. Seven mares…Seven Elements….SWEET NIGHTMARE’S SUCCULENT TITS!’ “Kill them! I’ll handle those mares.” He turned and ran…only to come face to face with a giant, red bull. Apostle yelped in fright and jumped backwards. Just as he landed, he felt something smash into him. Lying on the floor, he turned just in time to see Spike ready to slash him open. Having only a split second to act, he brought up his staff to block the blow. The dragon’s claws easily broke his staff, but gave him time to teleport away. Once broken, the staff’s magic burst outwards, launching Spike across the room. Apostle didn’t think about the drake, nor the mares. No, he was solely focused on something else. “MY STAFF!” While he was immensely powerful, the staff gave him power far and above any unicorn alive. That’s why ponies used such weapons. They could be engraved with symbols and made conduits to focus and amplify spells of any sort. That wasn’t it. That staff had been personally given to him by Nightmare Moon…well, Luna really, but they were one and the same pony. It had been blessed with dark magic straight from her own essence. Apostle cherished it more than anything and now it was broken. Apostle prided himself on his ability to stay collected in any given situation. With all the idiots and ill twists of fate around him, he needed that in order to stay sane through the centuries. Now he could only see red. He turned his gaze over to Spike and the others who were putting up a surprisingly good fight against his forces. His lips peeled back into a snarl. He was going to kill that dragon if it was the last thing he did. _________________________________________________________________________________ Sunset could be very creative with spells when she wanted to be. Usually, she preferred simple, effective spells, mostly fire related, to solve her problems. They were nice, but she loved to show off her skills now and again. ‘I mean, who wouldn’t if they were me? I’m probably the most powerful unicorn since Starswirl the Bearded.’ Not that she liked to brag about it…okay, she did. Sunset was going to put her creativity to the test. So, when she teleported, she simultaneously prepared two other spells. The first, an invisibility spell in conjuncture to her teleport, and the second was an illusion spell. Once she ‘winked’ behind a group of cultists, she used the illusion spell to create a show of light and cast an image of herself over one of them. Just as she expected, her copy was cut down instantly. The cultists gasped when the mirage lifted and revealed one of their own. Sunset did it again and the same thing happened. She grinned. They weren’t that smart, or they feared Nightmare Moon too much to just stand there and do nothing. Starting to up the ante, she cast the illusion spell multiple times. While she was no great illusionist, only really being able to create duplicates of herself, this proved to be foal’s play. Several Sunset’s appeared everywhere. While the cultists were stunned into stupor, Nightmare Moon had grown fed up and started cutting down some of them. Not surprisingly, her soldiers were thrown into a frenzy as they tried to avoid her strikes. With that going on, Sunset quickly ‘winked’ between the Elements. ‘Here goes nothing.’ She lowered her horn and started to channel magic into the stone orbs. She grit her teeth as she poured more and more of herself into the effort. Unfortunately, she couldn’t feel anything in them yet. ‘Odd, I should at least feel something.’ “GET OUT!” Nightmare Moon screamed and the cultists that were still breathing ran as fast as they could out of the room. She quickly turned her attention to the elements and her eyes widened. Sunset cursed inwardly. While she was still invisible, her magic could still be seen over the stone orbs. ‘Just one second more…..’ “NOOOOOOO!” Nightmare Moon quickly struck. A tendril pounded into the ground in front of Sunset and released a surge of dark magic. Sunset screamed in shock and pain as she was blasted away from the Elements. She smashed into the wall. Groaning, she turned her head to see the Elements…smashed to pieces. “No.” Nightmare Moon was shocked as well at their destruction. That is, until she started laughing. “They’re gone. They’re gone. HAHAHAHA!” She was filled with elation. Her laughter was the stuff of nightmares and insanity. She turned her gaze to Sunset. “You failed.” ‘This….this can’t be happening. It can’t.’ Everything she had been working toward, everything she had been fighting for, it was all crashing before her eyes. The same mare who had taken her brother away had destroyed the Elements. Her mouth opened and closed, but she couldn’t get any words out. “Speechless?” Nightmare chuckled. “Pity. I wanted to hear some sort of outcry or last passage of defiance. You’re too much like your mother, but that can be fixed. Once I kill her and that insipid brother of yours, I’m sure your sweet cries of anguish and hatred will fill my ears for years to come.” Something in Sunset snapped. “BURN!” Jumping to her hooves, she fired a strong firebolt. Nightmare Moon screeched in pain and surprise as the magical attack hit her. Sunset ‘winked’ again. “BURN!” She did it again. “BURN!” Nightmare Moon retaliated and the two raced around the room. Sunset kept up her attacks and Nightmare lashed out in anger. She missed, only scouring glancing blows. Sunset didn’t let small gashes and clumps of lost mane get in her way. She was going to bring this mare down. Given the way Nightmare Moon was destroying columns and tearing up the ground, she was sure that the whole castle was going to go with her. However, her new sense of bravado was short lived. The dark spire surged with magic. A sickly, purple light flashed brightly at its base before it fired into the sky. Sunset glanced up to see it hit the moon and to her horror, a beam of energy returned to the spire. When it reached its base, the energy exploded outwards, nearly knocking her off her hooves. She stood her ground, however barely. She huffed in exhaustion, mentally berating herself for using so much magic in such a short time. Nightmare Moon however was differently affected. Her form dissolved into a shapeless, black cloud of the night sky. For a moment, Sunset thought she was finally dead. That hope dissolved when the cloud struck the ground and dissipated. Nightmare Moon was no longer a spirit. Sunset was looking at her bare bones. Nightmare Moon, even just her skeleton, was massive. Easily towering over her, the dark goddess could easily look her mother in the eye. Her huge wings were batlike and had a spike coming out of the middle. Her mouth was full of razor sharp fangs you’d more likely see on a predator than an equine. Somehow, the skull smiled. Sunset got over her shock and fired again. It struck, but Nightmare Moon didn’t scream anymore. Instead, she huffed in annoyance. She did buckle, but nothing more. The skeleton charged. She was faster than she should have been, with Sunset only barely able to jump out of the way. She had spent so much energy trying to burn the dark goddess that she didn’t have much left to teleport anymore. When Nightmare Moon tried to charge again, Sunset shot a bolt into the ground. Instantly, several large, thorny vines rushed out of the floor and ensnared Nightmare. Nightmare Moon struggled for a moment, causing Sunset to chuckle. “Had enough?” Sunset taunted. Nightmare Moon didn’t answer. Instead, she cut through the vines with her bony wings, strong hooves, and dagger like teeth. In no time at all, she was free. The skull’s smile grew ever wider. Her mouth looked big and strong enough to smash anything that found its way into her jaws. That included Sunset’s head. “Well…you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” Sunset remarked, gulping in fear. The skeletal goddess gave a rattling roar as she charged. Sunset barely had any time to dodge as Nightmare tried to bite into her flesh with her over-sized fangs. Nightmare Moon kept at it, slashing at Sunset with her fangs over sharp hooves. Sunset was only able to teleport a split send before Nightmare's clawed wings came crashing down, piercing the floor beneath her. Sunset chuckled as she saw the skeleton struggle to free herself. "Stuck are we?" The dark spire surged once more and Nightmare Moon was once again hit by the dark magic. This time, a layer of purple ooze settled around her. It slimed its way over her bones and turned to red muscles. Sunset had to fight the urge to throw up just looking at it. The now muscular Nightmare Moon pulled out her wings with nary any effort. She turned, roared and charged once more. Her movements were even more powerful and the whole castle shook with each of her steps. Sunset jumped out of the way, but Nightmare Moon lifted her meaty wing. A magical gust of wind slammed into Sunset, causing her to smash into a pillar, breaking it in half. Nightmare Moon roared in victory like an animal would over a kill. Sunset tried to stand up. Her body was sore and weak, protesting any movement whatsoever. She defied the pain and pushed through it. “I…have to beat you. I….will beat you.” Nightmare Moon didn’t say anything. She merely cocked her head to the side, like a bird, studying her. Her predatory, reptilian eyes eyed her like a fresh corpse. She licked her meaty lips. She beat her wings and a gush of wind strong enough to break stone rushed towards Sunset. Sunset conjured up a shield and braced herself as the attack rolled off of it. With a series of quick time spells, she conjured the vines to attack her. Nightmare Moon easily beat them back with a combination of wind and slashing. Sunset used this opportunity to pool as much magic as she could gather into herself and fired a stream of fire so big and powerful, it encompassed Nightmare Moon, tore through the wall and blasted into the night sky. It did nothing more than irritate the dark goddess. She slammed her hooves down, causing the ground to shake and Sunset to lose her balance. Again, she teleported out of the way of Nightmare trampling her to death. 'She's too strong. I have to think of something else. I can't keep doing this' Again, the dark spire surged, and again a purple ooze fought its way up her features. This time, Nightmare Moon grew fur and everything else. The dark goddess looked herself over in absolute glee. “Yes…YES!” She flew up into the air. The dark spire was continuously pouring energy into the sky. The moon was completely covered in darkness and looked more like a giant portal. Millions of dark forms surged behind the portal, eyes red with bloodlust. Roars of monstrosities never seen on this world in hundreds of years rung out. “I LIVE AGAIN!” Her laughter filled the sky. With every beat of her wings, Nightmare Moon caused mini whirlwinds. Trees bent, walls tumbled, and Sunset could barely keep herself from following their example. Before Sunset was a real, true goddess. She had never known true fear before. It tore whatever sense of power she had into ribbons. ‘I can’t lose. She needs to be beaten. I…have to do it. I can do…No I can’t.’ She had lost. There was no way she could take her on now. “DO YOU NOT SEE, CHILD OF THE SUN?” Nightmare Moon’s voice rang out over the cacophony of wind. “MY CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT WILL SOON COME FORTH TO LAY WASTE TO THIS PATHETIC WORLD! WE WILL CONSUME EVERYTHING YOU EVER LOVED! ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS HAVE BEEN DONE IN VAIN! MY NIGHT SHALL LAST FOREVER!” Her laughter smashed the air. Sunset lowered her head in defeat. “I….You….” She didn’t know what to say. It felt strange, losing. She’d never lost to anyone before and now she lost the most important fight of her life. “FACE IT!” Nightmare Moon landed and winds died down. “You lost, Sunset Shimmer. You’re all alone.” “DON’T WORRY, SUNSET!” Fiddlesticks’ voice rang out from the corridors. “WE’RE COMIN’!” “SAVE US SOME ACTION, WILL YA?!!” Lightning shouted. Before either of the two occupants could react, something in Sunset sparked. She could idly remember that insane stallion, for some reason. 'The place where it began, the six dwell spick and span. The seventh lay dormant, waiting for its friends, to make the seven whole and make amends.'“I’m not alone. My friends are here with me.” “Friends?” Nightmare Moon laughed. “Friendship is an illusion. There are no such things as friends.” She picked Sunset up by the throat with her magic. “There are just users and the used.” Sunset struggled to breath. Her magic tried to fight Nightmare’s hold, but it couldn’t hold a candle to the dark goddess’s power. She felt so small, but the spark didn’t die down. It just grew. “You’re wrong.” “I’m never wrong,” Nightmare Moon bore her fangs in anger. “I beat you. I beat my sister. I won!” “You didn’t win,” Sunset gasped for air. “Because you forgot something very important.” “What’s that?” “Sometimes, you can’t win on your own.” Sunset turned her gaze as best she could to the others. They gasped upon seeing her suspended in the air. “Let her down,” Lightning took an aggressive stance. “Or what?” Nightmare Moon mockingly tittered. “You’ll buck my face in?” “Don’t tempt me,” Lightning snorted. Nightmare Moon just laughed. “You really think these ‘friends’ of yours will help you best me? I saw your magic, while impressive, could not hold a candle to a gods’ own. Your friends are below you. They are weak and pathetic.” “We’re right here, ye know.” Quickfix growled in anger. Her horn was pointed directly at Nightmare. “I know,” Nightmare Moon hurled Sunset at them. Thankfully, they caught her. “Now, any last words before you all die?” “…Ya stink.” Fiddlesticks cupped her hooves over her mouth to amplify the comment. Nightmare Moon frowned. “You’re the first to go.” She fired her horn and Fiddlesticks was consumed by black fire. “NOO!” The rest of them cried out in anguish. Only for the fire to fade away, revealing several little crystals floating around a perfectly fine Fiddlesticks. Said mare blinked in confusion. “Well, that happened.” Nightmare Moon’s face was frozen in shock. “What…How?” Sunset didn’t know at first, but somehow, everything flooded into her. Memories, feelings, intentions, all that and more came to her mind and she knew exactly what happened. “Fiddlesticks, who drove away ghouls and the dark magic within me with only her musical heart, is the Element of Joy.” “Well, don’t that beat all.” Fiddlesticks chuckled. “She’s an Element?” The rest of the ponies said. Nightmare Moon’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks. “This…can’t be. You’re mortals. You can’t wield the Elements!” Sunset ignored her. “Lightning Dust, who drove through the pain and temptation to save her friends, is the Element of Loyalty.” Lightning was surrounded by a string of jewels and energy herself. “Aw yeah, now we’re talking.” “Stop it!” Nightmare Moon stomped the ground in anger. “I command you to stop this at once!” “Redheart,” Sunset looked to the nurse. “who healed an enemy combatant and kept him safe through the Everfree Forest, is the Element of Benevolence.” The magic surrounded Redheart. “I just did what I felt was right.” “I won’t let this happen,” Nightmare Moon lowered her horn to fire….and nothing came out. “No….you can’t have tapped into the Elements! You can’t! STOP BLOCKING MY MAGIC!” “Coco Pommel,” Sunset smiled at the demure Earth Pony who looked scared out of her wits. “You put your life on the line to save a creature you didn’t know and gave him something precious of yours to ease his troubles. You are the Element of Selflessness.”   “Well…he looked better in the scarf then me,” Coco smiled sheepishly. “I am Nightmare Moon!” Nightmare paced in front of them, seething in both fear and anger. “I conquered the dragon hoards of the east. I slew the daemon lords of chaos where they stood. You will fear me! You will stop!” She charged, only to be thrown back by a shield of pure energy. She screamed in pain as she was thrown about, harmonic magic dancing across her skin. Sunset continued. “Quickfix, who mustered the goblins in their depression, is the Element of Inspiration.” “Wasn’t that hard,” Quickfix shrugged. “My lady,” Apostle limped into the room. He was covered in scratches and deep gashes from head to hooves. “The dragon is proving a worthy opponent. If you could….” His eyes were cast on the mares. “No….Not again!” He rushed them…only to face the same fate as his master. “Pizzelle,” Sunset was feeling stronger by the minute. “Who saw through the illusions and found the young kitsune underneath. You are the Element of Truth.” “I didn’t do anything any ol’ pony could do,” Pizzelle started. “I mean….” “No,” Lightning groaned. “No stories. Please!” “You only have six,” Nightmare Moon was back on her hooves and she looked like a madmare. Her grin was murderous and off-kilter. “You need seven. You lost! I won! You’re pathetic ‘friendship’ failed!” “You’re wrong again,” Sunset turned on her with a scowl. A power and warmth unlike she had ever felt before filled her completely. “It hasn’t failed, because the seventh Element is right here.” Instantly, she too was surrounded by a heartwarming glow. A large star full of energy hovered above her head. “No,” Nightmare Moon shook her head. “You can’t! I’m your goddess! You have no right to wield the Elements of Harmony.” Sunset shook her head in response. “You still don’t get it. We have every right, because we have something you don’t.” Sunset turned to the others. “I know when I first met you all, I was a complete jerk.” “Yep,” the others resounded. “A complete jerk,” Redheart chimed. “Biggest jerk ah ever saw,” Fiddlesticks nodded. “…Thank you for being so honest,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Yer welcome,” Quickfix chuckled as did the others. Sunset couldn’t help but follow suite. “Yeah, I was the biggest jerk around. Still am, but….maybe the biggest jerk can still have friends. I don’t know you all that well, and some of you still annoy me, but that’s what friends do, don’t they?” She turned back to Nightmare Moon. “Friends stick together and that’s why we won.” “I WON!” Nightmare roared. She stomped the ground like an overgrown filly. “I BEAT YOU! I WON! I WON! I CAN’T LOSE!” "Wake up! You lost this one!” Sunset shouted back at her. “We have the strongest magic on our side. The magic of friendship!” Instantly, beams of energy shot out of each shield, coming together at the star. The star grew and grew until it burst, forming a beam of rainbows. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Nightmare screamed in utter denial as the rainbow struck her. It shoot her across the room and into the spire. The rainbow grew, circling the spire in seconds until it came to the portal. The energy burst when it came into contact with it, resembling in a way to a Sonic Rainboom. Nightmare Moon’s screams filled the air as the energy grew to a crescendo. Then, it all stopped. Sunset felt so great, yet, so drained. She smiled as her world turned to black. > Part 21: The End of the Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything felt so much…lighter now. Sunset didn’t know how else to put it. It was as though all the negativity and pain she had ever felt had left her. She felt at peace with the world. She felt happy. She felt like she was on top of the world. Never before had she felt this happy…. ‘Am I dead? I mean, come on. I can’t be this happy. I’m a grump!....Well, at least I took Nightmare Moon out with me. I’m sure the afterlife will be pleasant.’ “Sunset?” Fiddlestick’s voice reached her ears. “Are ya alright?” ‘….Well, the afterlife sucks big time.’ And just like that, she felt a gush of cold water slam into her face. Sputtering and thrashing about, Sunset jumped to her hooves. She looked over to see Lightning Dust smirking at her. A small piece of cloud was held in her hooves. “Not funny.” “Maybe,” Lightning snorted in amusement. “But it got you up, didn’t it? I could have just done…” She tapped the cloud and instantly, a small bolt of lightning zapped Sunset. It felt like getting zapped with a toy buzzer. A little pain aside, something else happened. All of her fur and mane puffed out. Sunset Shimmer looked like a giant fluff ball, or an oversized Fluff, which were small, fluffy ponies that lived on islands far north. They were quite competitive with the goblins when it came to engineering. Lightning burst into laughter. “Ooops.” “Ooops?” Sunset snarled. “I’ll show you oops.” “Oh no,” Lightning snickered. “The ball of fluff is going to get me. What are you going to do? Snuggle me to death?” “How about being burned alive?” Sunset cast a spell on herself to get her fur back to normal and readied another one to scorch Lightning. “Pass,” Lightning flicked Sunset’s horn. Sunset yelped in slight annoyance and mild pain. Having one’s horn flicked was uncomfortable and it often cancels out spells. It’s a technique unicorn instructors use on their students when they get ahead of themselves in class. Outside of that, it’s extremely rude. Of course, this wasn’t surprising since it was coming from Lightning. Rubbing her horn, Sunset glared at the Pegasus. “Why you….” “Now, now,” Redheart got in between them. “Let’s not dissolve into violence.” “Wasn’t violence the reason we were able to make it this far?” Quickfix pointed out. “Not helping,” Redheart glared at her. “Come on now,” Pizzelle spoke up cheerfully. “Let’s not get all sore over a little joke. That isn’t healthy. We beat Nightmare Moon. I think that’s a good enough reason for a celebration.” “We did?” Sunset blinked in confusion, before her everything came back to her. “We’re….The Elements?” “Of course we are,” Pizzelle chuckled and looked down at the golden necklace around her neck. For some reason, it had her cutie mark. “Why else would we have these?” Sunset noticed a little weight on top of her head. Reaching her hoof upwards, she touched what could only be a tiara. It wasn’t that hard to guess. She’d dealt with tiaras for most of her life. “I’m….” “A hero!” Fiddlesticks hugged her with both her forelegs, lifting her up off the ground. Sunset gasped as the Earth pony’s grip tightened. “Can’t….breathe…..” “Settle down, Fiddlesticks.” Redheart chuckled at the country mare’s antics. Fiddlesticks let her down gently and pulled back. She blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry. Sometimes ah don’t know my own strength.” Sunset didn’t say anything as she caught her breath. Instead, she looked around at the group. Surprisingly, everypony was still alive and, for some reason, had necklaces that matched their cutie marks. ‘They get necklaces and I get the tiara. Nice to know the Elements know a princess when they see one.’ She felt a little pride. She had the Element of Magic, the lost element. She was the one that brought them together. ‘Mother is so going to be proud of me….’ As she thought of her good fortunes, she couldn’t help but stop herself from going too far. Usually, she’d be patting herself on the back without a second thought of anypony else. Now….She took another glance around. They were chatting it up and giggling….She kind of wanted to join. “Was this place so immaculate when we got here?” Redheart asked as she peered around herself. Blinking in confusion, Sunset did the same. She gasped. The whole place seemed to be good as new. The white, marble floors shone as though they were just waxed. The walls stood firm against the wilderness outside. There wasn’t a speck of dirt or blood anywhere. “What happened?” “Maybe the Elements fixed up the place?” Lightning offered. “It was kind of a dump.” Sunset wanted to tell her that was stupid, but couldn’t. Before, the castle felt old and wrong. It was like it was dying, tainted by the horrors of the past. Now….it was like it was reborn. It was beautiful, easily being able to fit dozens and dozens of ponies. Obviously, this was sort of ballroom, with all the chandeliers and wonderfully detailed artwork.  There was even a large fountain in the middle of the room. It was sky blue with water gushing out of the horns of two statues: one of her mother and a noticeably smaller alicorn. Sunset couldn’t place it right then and there, but the second one seemed familiar. ‘It’s almost like we’re forgetting somepony.’ "I’m just glad this is all over,” Coco sighed in relief. She moved closer to the fountain. “Miss Rarity would love this place. It’s so pretty and calm and…..” Suddenly, something burst out of the fountain. Coco screamed. “KILL IT WITH FIRE!” Coco rushed over and cowered behind Sunset. Said something was none other than….a really wet, blue alicorn. She was gasping for air, clinging to the side of the large fountain. She was small, easily the size of a young teenager. Her hair was a much lighter shade of blue, in contrast to her coat. Her eyes, while the same color as Nightmare Moon’s, were normal. She seemed utterly exhausted….or just out of breath since she was underwater for a while. The alicorn turned her gaze to them and she snarled. “You…haven’t….won….yet.” She seethed. “I still take breath.” “Nightmare Moon,” Sunset snorted, aiming her horn at the mare. “I would say it’s a pleasure to see you again, but let’s not kid ourselves here.” “Wait a sec,” Lightning Dust put up a hoof and made a ‘rewind’ motion with it. “Let’s take a step back. That’s Nightmare Moon?” She gestured at said pony. “Yep,” Sunset nodded. “And we used the Elements of Harmony on her?” “Yep.” “….So she’s a little mare now?” “Yep.” “SHE’S SO ADORABLE!” Pizzelle squealed. To everypony’s surprise, she flew over and scooped the now small alicorn out of the fountain. “Oh, I could just eat you up.” She snuggled her up in the air. “Unhoof me, you simpleton!” Nightmare Moon struggled vainly to get out of Pizzelle’s hold. “I am the night!” “Not now you aren’t,” Pizzelle chided as she snuggled the wet goddess. She giggled. “Now you’re just a cute, little pony.” “APOSTLE!” Nightmare Moon screamed. “Get this wench off of me! APOSTLE!” “Ugh….” Apostle groaned as she stood up. The other mares turned around to see him clearly. His eyes were normal looking now and he didn’t have the killer aura he did before. “Your Majesty?...” His eyes widened. “YOUR MAJESTY!!!” “Apostle!” Nightmare Moon glared down at her pupil, which didn’t look at all intimidating. “Cease this mare’s snuggling. NOW!” “Right,” Apostle nodded and then pointed his horn at Pizzelle. He closed his eyes in concentration, but nothing came out. “What? My magic’s been drained!” He glared at the other Elemental bearers. “Fix this, or I shall kill you where you stand.” Quickfix laughed. “Ah’d like to see you try, but ah don’t like curbstomp fights. Way too short.” “Too short?” Apostle snorted and took an aggressive stance. “I assure you that your suffering will be anything but short.” “And what are you going to do about it?” Sunset smirked, shaking her head condescendingly. “Stomp your hooves? Taunt us?” “…….Maybe,” Apostle looked around sheepishly. “APOSTLE!” Nightmare Moon screamed at the top of her small lungs. She waggled her legs about, trying to gain her freedom. Sunset had to admit that it was rather adorable. “She’s so cute I’m going to die,” Pizzelle giggled. “Oh I can’t wait to show you to my friends.” She paused to look at the others. “I mean, my other friends. Not that my new friends aren’t important, mind you…Anyways, they’ll just eat you up. Yes they will. Yes they will.” “How dare you talk to me like an infant,” Nightmare Moon scowled. Her efforts to escape Pizzelle’s iron grip were futile. “I will devour your soul and torment your loved ones for an eternity.” “Awww,” Pizzelle squealed. “She’s threatening my eternal soul. That’s so cute~” “APOSTLE!” “Right,” Apostle turned to glare at Pizzelle. He raised his hoof and pointed at her dramatically. “Unhoof her now, or I shall throw a rock at you!” Everyone paused and just looked at him. “A very big rock!” “From where?” Sunset asked. “We’re in the middle of a castle.” “The forest outside of course,” Apostle smirked. “So your plan is to go outside into monster infested forest, without any powers, grab a big rock, bring it back inside, throw it at Pizzelle, all while dodging us and not hitting your goddess?” Sunset gave him her best ‘really?’ face. “Errrr,” Apostle worked his jaw, his ears and tail twitching in agitation. “If I need to…But I won’t, you know why?” He grinned deviously. “I have your mother. If you want her alive, you’ll do as I…..” Just then, a bright light filled the room. A motherly warmth fell over everyone present, but it also carried such fiery passion that any foe would certainly cower before it. Such as Apostle, who had jumped back in fright. Everypony else had shielded their eyes, until it vanished. Standing at the entrance of the large, ballroom was none other than Celestia herself. She was wearing her thick, draconic armor that shined elegantly in the surrounding light. In her magical grasp was ‘Night Slayer’, a large, broadsword engulfed in holy flame. “MOM!” Sunset rushed over to her. “Sunset,” Celestia cried out as well. The two embraced swiftly, with Celestia having to avoid hurting her daughter with her jagged armor, or flames. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” “Pfft, as if some goddess could kill me,” Sunset sniffed. Tears were falling out her eyes and she noticed the same went for her mother. “Sunset!” Spike’s voice rang out. The drake ran into the room on all fours, looking ready to tear into whatever lay inside. Once he got inside, he gasped. “Mom?” Celestia just nodded. Spike didn’t say anything. Instead, he just rushed forward and hugged them both. “I thought you were….” “A goner?” Celestia chuckled through her happy sobs. “For a second, so did I.” “How?” Apostle seethed. “How did you escape my trap? It was perfect! No god could break free.” “You don’t live as long as I without picking up a few tricks,” Celestia smirked. She broke free from her children’s grasps and turned to Apostle. “Now, what to do with you.” Apostle gulped, but kept an aggressive stance. “I will not fall to a false goddess.” “Apostle,” Nightmare Moon called to him. “Now is not the time to fight. Now is the time for flight.” “Isn’t that what you’re already doing, little sister?” Celestia chuckled. Nightmare Moon growled. “I will not take any lip from you! I am Nightmare Moon, commander of the legions of the damned. Leaders of those who have no name. Devourer of souls. All that and more am I. You are nothing but a fraud. A charlatan. I…..” Whatever she was going to say was cut off when she was ‘winked’ out of Pizzelle’s grasp into Celestia’s. Pizzelle pouted and landed. “Luna…..” Celestia fell to her knees, clutching the smaller alicorn like her life depended on it. Her face was stained with tears. “Luna….It is you.” ‘Luna?...Oh right, the prophesy and all that,’ Sunset felt a little silly for forgetting about that. “WHY MUST YOU CUDDLE ME?!!!” Nightmare Moon, or Luna now, squirmed in her hold. “I AM A GODDESS OF UNIMAGINED MIGHT! FEAR MY POWERS!” Celestia laughed, nuzzling her. “Now, now, fear can come later…..I just want to hold you....Just like old times.” Her tears fell upon Luna’s head. She gazed around the room. “Do you remember when we built these halls?” “Yes,” Luna seethed. She never relented in her struggle, only getting more and more angry. “You made it so white. WHITE! I hate that color. I hate you! Let me go!” “You don’t mean that,” Celestia said as if she was begging Luna to take it back. “YES!” Luna slammed her hooves into Celestia’s armor plated chest as hard as she could. It didn’t do anything obviously. Tears were falling down the younger alicorn's cheeks in almost the same intensity as her sister. “I hate you. With every part of my being I hate you. I want you dead. I want your carcass splayed about before my throne. You hold me back. You ruin everything! Let me have my night! LET ME HAVE IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!” Luna started blubbering, breaking down into tears. “My night is eternal. The sun dies. Everything dies.” “No,” Celestia pleaded. “No more death. No more suffering. Please Luna, listen to me.” “Silence,” Luna put her hooves over her ears. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.” “Luna…please,” Celestia whimpered, sounding so scared that it stunned everyone. “I love you. Come back to me.” “LIES!” Luna thrashed about. “Lies. Lies. Lies. All of your words lies. There is no love. Love is weakness. I’m not weak. I’m strong….I’M STRONGER THAN YOU! LET ME GO!” She tried to stab her elder sister with her horn, but it was futile against the thick armor. “I will kill you. I will!” “Luna,” Celestia pulled back and looked her in the eyes. “Stop this right now. This isn’t you.” “You never knew me,” Luna shot at her. “You lie! The sun lies! DIE!” She pointed her horn at her head and tried to use any sort of spell. Nothing worked. “Work, shoot, kill….Why won’t you just die?” “I’m on it, Your Majesty.” Apostle tried to bodyslam. “My shoulder,” he cried out, clutching it. He turned to his other side. “Alright….Ow, my other shoulder.” “Apostle, you are useless!” Luna berated her student. “No,” Apostle shook his head, limping. “I’ve got this, Your Majesty. She will bend to our superior….” A golden aura flittered around his head. “Sleep magic…Curse you.” He fell down and broke into loud snores. “You dare use magic on my subjects?” Luna seethed. “Only I can do that. They are mine!” “Luna….” Celestia started. Luna cut her off. “Stop calling me that. My name is Nightmare Moon. Luna was weak. Luna listened to your lies. Luna sat in your shadow! No more!” She growled. “If you’re going to kill me, do it and get it over with.” “I said no more killing,” Celestia snarled. “This night has seen enough needless bloodshed. It ends now. This war ends today.” “It will never end. I will never stop fighting you,” Luna sobbed. “I am the night! I….” Celestia’s golden aura flittered around her head. “I…am….ruler.” She fell into a deep slumber. Celestia kissed her cheek, rubbing her head alongside hers. “I’m…sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Sunset quietly trotted beside her. “Mom….” Her tone was questioning, asking if she was alright. She lightly nuzzled under her muzzle. Celestia looked over to her and Sunset was taken aback by how devastated she looked. Still, her mother smiled. “I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” Using her magic, she brought both Apostle and Luna onto her back. “What’s going to happen to them?” Sunset couldn’t help but think of a few, proper punishments. ‘Being banished to the sun sounds nice.’ “They will be taken to Canterlot,” Celestia explained. “There, they will stay within our deepest dungeons until I can help her….” She seemed fine while saying it, but her eyes made it seem like she was broken. “I think….I think I need to retire for the day. A little break will do me good, but I believe a celebration is in order. My ponies are in dire need of something to smile about.” Fiddlesticks smiled and bowed her head. “Leave it to me, Princess.” _______________________________________________________________________________ “YEE-HAW!” Fiddlesticks danced amongst the crowds, playing her fiddle as fast as she could. Everyone was cheering, dancing, or eating. It was probably the biggest celebration Ponyville had ever had. It deserved it. It had survived Nightmare Moon. The citizens were obviously happy it was over. Yes they had lost loved ones, but in Equestria, a death was honored and the pony celebrated. They would be remembered, but they wouldn’t show remorse. The fallen wouldn’t have wanted that. Well, unless said fallen were huge jerks. The ponies all celebrated their own ways. Fiddlesticks danced and sang, making sure that everyone had a smile on their faces. Ghoul was watching her, sometimes aiding in a song or two. Lightning was showing off to a large group of fillies and colts and even some adults as well, telling them about her adventure. Pizzelle did the same, but without all the flying, strutting, or combat moves. That and she was keeping Hikaru sheltered on her back, with her wings protectively over him. Other mares couldn’t help but coo over the little guy. Spike was surrounded by a swarm of mares. Grundle and the goblins, were all chatting away, or rather, the goblins were trying to explain some stuff to them and some of the mechanic ponies. The sphinx was letting some of the other fillies and colts play on her back, the adults watching her intently. Redheart and Quickfix were both bobbing for apples and Coco…. Was trying to hide behind Sunset. Sunset sighed. “Coco, come on. Stop being a coward. They aren’t going to hurt you.” “I know,” Coco said sheepishly. Her ears were tucked backwards and her tail curled around one of her hindlegs. “But…I just don’t feel comfortable around so many ponies.” Sunset honestly didn’t know what to say right now. She was still new to the whole friendship thing, especially with such a cowardly pony such as Coco. However, she didn’t have to. “Coco!” Rarity raced over and hugged the younger mare. “I was so worried about you, darling. I thought for a few minutes here and there I would never see you again. That would have been THE! WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!” She blubbered, crying rather over dramatically. “I’m fine, Miss Rarity.” Coco blushed in embarrassment. “No, no, no, no,” Rarity shook her head furiously. “You went through so much. I promise to never let you out of my sight again.” She looked over at Sunset. “Thank you, Princess. Thank you for looking out for her. I would have simply died if something happened to dear little Coco.” “No problem,” Sunset nodded. She wasn’t going to add that she hadn’t been with Coco that much, nor the one that saved her. Of course, now that she thought about it, she kind of did. She was the one who activated the Elements after all. ‘Okay, that was a team effort, but she did need my help.’ “Although, if there’s anyone you should be thanking, it’d be Steven Magnet.” She nodded over to the River Serpent. Steven was keeping to the large intersections and such where he could easily fit. The ponies, while at first distrustful, had warmed up to him and his over the top ways quite quickly. He was talking up a storm with a mare named Carrot Top. While he stuck to rivers, he could leave the water occasionally. It was awkward and uncomfortable for him, but it was still possible. Rarity nodded. “I shall, don’t you worry. I will have my dogs build a statue in his honor. DOGS!” Automatically, two dogs were at her sides. Diamond Dogs could be quite quick when they wanted to be. “I want you to go get Rover. I have a job for you all.” “Yes, Mistress Rarity.” They bowed their heads and dug. Quick as lightning they were gone. Rarity used her magic to cover up the holes neatly. She then trotted over to Steven and Carrot Top with Coco in hoof. Sunset sighed, a bit happy to be alone….that was until Shade bumped into her. “Watch it.” “Excuse me, Princess.” Shade sneered. He wasn’t wearing any formal gear, or had any of Nightmare moon’s aura to him anymore. He seemed like a normal unicorn. “….Do you want to burn quickly, or piece by piece.” Shade gulped. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” Before she could get ahead of herself there, Sunset was cut off by her mother. “Who do we have here?” Celestia smiled kindly at Shade, stopping at Sunset’s side. She wasn’t wearing her armor, just her regular regalia. She placed a motherly wing around Sunset. “Shade, was it?” Shade shivered in fear. “Y-yes, Princess.” He bowed lowly. “There is no reason to fear me,” Celestia said, her motherly tone stilling Shade’s fear instantly. “From what I hear, you helped my daughter survive this night. For that, I am forever grateful.” “I am honored to have been helpful,” Shade smiled nervously. “And please, do not bow,” Celestia bowed herself. “It is I who should be bowing to you. You saved Equestria.” Shade and Sunset were both shocked. Celestia, bowing to a heretic? Well, a former one, but still. Celestia frowned. "And merged your aura with my daughters. Shall I ask why?" Both the unicorns blushed, sputtering nonsense. Celestia just laughed. "I think that's a story for later. We have more important matters at hoof than my daughter's love life." "MOM!" Sunset screeched, blushing harder then she had ever before. Shade looked like he was going to die from fear alone. Celestia just laughed again. “As I said, that's for later." She patted Sunset's head with a wing. "Now, I think it is time to honor those who fought this day. Sunset, Shade, can you gather the others?” The two nodded. “Good, I have a few announcements.” She walked over to a large intersection. The crowds peeled away for her, bowing as low as they could. Other ponies cheered and sent her praises. She smiled at them like she would her own children. Stopping at the middle of intersection, she opened her mouth. “My little ponies,” Celestia said, her voice carrying over the whole town. “Today is a day of celebration. The forces of Nightmare moon are no more.” Everyone erupted into cheers, silencing the moment she raised a hoof. “Yes, be joyous. We must honor those who gave their lives to make this so. They didn’t die in vain. Let our hearts be with them and our spirits as light as the air.” “TO THE GLORIOUS DEAD!” The crowd cheered. “But we should also honor the living. The ponies and assorted races that stood defiantly against the dark foe. They held their ground, they spilled the blood of dozens of heretics, they are something to be admired. Ponyville Guard, I am honored to know that there are such like you in my nation.” “WE FIGHT FOR YOU!” The guard thundered. “PRAISE THE SUN!” “No,” Celestia shook her head. “Praise the guard. Praise Ponyville. Without you brave souls, there would be no Ponyville. When Equestria needed you most, you faced the challenge head on.” She bowed. “I am eternally in your debt.” Ponyville bowed back. “WE ARE HONORED TO SERVE!” Celestia stood and so did her ponies. “You are not the only ones who fought today. Know the ones responsible for taking down the dreaded Nightmare Moon.” She gestured over the group coming over to her. Ponies threw flowers petals over them, a sign of life and love. They cheered, they stomped their hooves in approval. As the group came to stop before her, she gazed over all of them. She walked over to Shade. “For your services to the crown, you shall be forgiven of your sins and given a place in Ponyville’s guard. They have need for talented battle unicorns such as yourself.” Shade nodded. “Sounds wonderful, Your Majesty.” Celestia walked over to Steven Magnet and looked up at him. “For your chivalry, Steven Magnet, I hereby give you noble status. You will be welcome with opened hooves wherever you go.” “I am humbled by your generosity,” Steven bowed. “Aki Hikaru,” Celestia smiled down at the little kitsune, even giggling when he waved at her. She returned the gesture. “Hi~” Hikaru said. “I really like your mane, miss goddess.” “Thank you. I like it too,” Celestia said. “You distracted Apostle long enough for my son to attack him. It was your efforts that aided us in our time of need. For that, you will awarded knighthood.” She tapped each shoulder with her horn. “I expect great things from you, young one.” Celestia stopped before the goblins, giving them a wary eye. They did the same, tensing up. Goblins and Equestria never had good relations, especially when it came to Celestia. She didn’t hate them, but they did to her. It’s only natural to feel that way when she burned down your capital city centuries ago, single hoofedly one might add. “I….” “Let’s just be clear here,” Xed Gonk was the only one smiling. “The past’s the past. The name’s Xed Gonk, owner of Gonk Industries.” He stretched out a little hand. Celestia smiled back at him and shook it delicately with her much large hoof. “Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.” They let go of the hand/hoofshake. “I am thankful to see some goblins willing to look forward instead of behind them.” “What can I say,” Xed shrugged. “I’m a strange goblin.” Celestia nodded. “True and your services shall be rewarded. Any and all damages that you have received to your equipment shall be paid and fixed immediately, with extra bonuses for each and every one of you.” “You hear that,” Xed smirked. “We’re going home rich as dukes.” The others cheered. “Arkarkhentkats,” Celestia smiled as she made her way to the sphinx. “It has been ages, my old friend.” Arkarkhentkats nodded in response. “It has.” “I am sorry for not visiting you more often,” Celestia frowned. “If I had….” “You could not have known what would have happened,” Arkarkhentkats interrupted her. “I am your loyal servant. I do what I’m ordered and I know the risks.” Celestia smiled and nodded. Coming to stop before Ghoul, she frowned. “My dear little pony….” “It’s alright,” Ghoul chuckled. “I’ve gotten used to it.” Celestia shook her head. “No, we must fix this.” “Fix it?” Fiddlesticks asked, appearing by his side. “But I thought you couldn’t bring back the dead.” “That is because the retrieval of a soul is outside my powers,” Celestia explained. “The god of Death, Grim, would not allow it. However, we are fortunate our friend her still has his and a body to boot. We should be thankful he did for bonding a soul to another body has…its own hazards. It may take some time, but I think we can safely say that you will be breathing once more.” “YES!” Fiddlesticks hugged Ghoul tightly, who just laughed. “Thank you, Princess.” Ghoul smiled up at her. “No, thank you.” Celestia looked at the Element bearers and her son. “Thank all of you. You wielded the Elements of Harmony, a feat thought impossible by even myself. You gave me back my sister. Equestria shall always be within your debt more than most. You are the true heroes today.” The crowd erupted in cheers.   Celestia stopped before her daughter. “Come Sunset, we have a lot waiting for us in Canterlot.” Sunset didn’t say anything, instead she frowned. She wanted to go home. She wanted to forget this day ever happened, but as she looked around her, at the ponies she had fought with tonight, she couldn’t bring herself to go. The other Element bearers were gazing back at her, wondering what her decision was going to be. “Mom…I don’t want to go to Canterlot.” “Why?” Celestia tilted her head in curiosity. Sunset still found it odd how winged creatures would be so birdlike from time to time. “I….I want to stay. My friends….” Celestia’s smile nearly broke her face. She hugged her daughter so tightly to her chest. “My daughter finally made some friends. Oh I’m so proud of you. Of course you can stay, but I want you to keep me posted on your progress.” “My progress?” Sunset pulled back to look her mother in the face. ‘What the hay is she talking about?’ “You are the Element of magic,” Celestia said. “Do you know what that means?” “That I’m good at magic?” Celestia threw her head back and laughed. “Yes and no. The Element of Magic doesn’t just mean ‘magic’ in the way of spells. It also means the bonding force of magic. It is the force that binds us all together. The ‘magic’ is what makes you strong. Yes, you are the Element of Magic, but that also means that you represent it’s fundamental quality: Friendship.” “So I’m really the Element of Friendship?” When her mother nodded, Sunset scuffed the ground. “I got gypped.” Celestia chuckled. “How about we just keep calling it the Element of Magic for present moment?” Sunset nodded. “Good, but now comes your most important task. I want you to stay in Ponyville and study the magic of friendship. I expect letters with your findings.” “Sounds easy enough,” Sunset chuckled. “A little cheesy when you think about it, but easy enough.” “Friendship is never easy, but you’ll find out about that soon enough.” Celestia smiled. “Now, let’s party.” _________________________________________________________________________ Nearby there stood a large armored caravan. Within each carriage, the remaining Nightmare cultist were chained up inside, awaiting their fate. In the largest one, guarded by four Knights and two Bearers of Flame, was none other than the dark goddess herself: Luna. She was chained tightly to the ground, her wings bound, and an anti-magic collar around her horn. She growled and strained against her bindings. “You think you can hold me forever? I will escape. I will feast upon the souls of millions. I am Nightmare Moon, the bane of the light.” She seethed and shouted with all her might. Even with all of her boasts and shouts, secretly she knew she was trapped. They couldn’t hold her forever, but they could for a while. She couldn’t stand for that. A goddess should not be imprisoned. ‘My sister has no shame. Her evil will be undone.’ Still, even in her current predicament, she had hope. She was not a fool. Fate would roll in her face. ‘Besides, a master never reveals her tricks. They are fools to believe they have best my forces. FOOLS!’ Luna could hear the party outside and her anger burned anew. “Celebrate all you want. Soon, I shall return to my rightful place as your leader, your master, your princess. You will all bow before me and beg me for forgiveness before the end. I shall give it for I am merciful. You will have forgiveness in death. Isn’t that merciful? Isn’t that just, you sun touched foals?!! I shall give you mercy. I am Nightmare Moon, your savior. Let me save you, my little ponies. Let me save you.” Her laughter resounded across her metal cage.